Air force qualifying test practice

Area 51

2008.01.25 04:23 Area 51

The United States Air Force facility commonly known as Area 51 is a highly classified remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base, located within the Nevada Test and Training Range.

2012.01.20 16:09 AirMech

The unofficial sub-reddit dedicated to the Action-RTS game AirMech.

2013.10.08 03:40 Braxton10 Edwards AFB

Edwards Air Force Base is approximately 64 miles north of Los Angeles, conveniently located at at the center of the aerospace testing universe. It is the home of the 412th Test Wing and is the Air Force Materiel Command center of excellence for conducting and supporting research and developmental flight test and evaluation of aerospace systems from concept to combat.

2024.06.09 13:22 Fancy_Drive_5064 A few questions I had about the show

So I watched the show, and loved it, but I was left with a few questions. I'm guessing that either it's a plothole, it's yet to explained or I just forgot/didn't figure it out, so here goes nothing:
1- If the Shati can use the sophon to make people see a count down and make them commit suicide when the countdown ends why not just do that to everyone so that there's no opposition?
2- From what I understand the Shati only started to view humanity as an enemy when Mike Evens told them about lying, but then later on they say they sent the sophon from the start to disrupt all the colliders on earth and they also have it force scientists to stop working or commit suicide, so did they never see humanity as an ally or is there something im not getting? And if they never saw humanity as an ally why do all the stuff they did with Evans?
3- Why did the tests at the Chinese military base kill birds?
4- Why did the Shati's signal come from Jupiter?
5- Why did the Santi have to wait for someone to respond? With their level of technology couldn't they just go to any habitable planet? It not like humans necessarily have the same needed conditions on Earth the Santi need to survive.
6- Was it just me or was the whole nano cutter plan on the ship absolutely stupid? It's definitely a amazingly done scene but like wouldn't they be worried about the hard drive being sliced, burnt or damaged by the water? And what if the it wasn't a hard drive? What if it was a book that Evans wrote in? Idk maybe I just don't get it. Cool scene regardless.
7- why didn't the Santi do the camera manipulation trick they did for Tatiana on everyone and everything? Like Evans and the ship?
8- Do they explain how Tatiana get super strength or is it just alien technology?
9- Who's Edith March? She was shown at the end of the cemetery scene with Tatiana and Clarence.
Alright I think that's it. Thanks to everyone in advance for an clarification and please just say spoiler if the question is gonna be explained later.
submitted by Fancy_Drive_5064 to 3BodyProblemTVShow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:21 jsylv95 You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

When I did practice tests or sections, I NEVER left a question unanswered even if it’s a complete guess. But yesterday I was stuck between two choices at the end of my LR section and to my dismay, the time ended before I could answer. I guess my tip here so no one ends up like me is that if you’re ever in that position, just choose one answer while the clock runs out so you at least have a chance. I’ve been kinda beating myself up about this because I know for a fact I got that one wrong, and I’m upset that I didn’t even get the chance at having it right.
submitted by jsylv95 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 zero4all Brief introduction

This post offers a glimpse into my zero-point energy journey and discoveries made along the way, providing an oversimplified version of the complexities involved. While it presents fragments of scientific theories, it's essential to recognize that the exploration of ZPE delves into intricate realms beyond this brief exposition. The discoveries recounted here are simplified snapshots of a broader landscape, with ongoing debates challenging conventional scientific paradigms. It's important to note that the explanations of current scientific theories are merely facets of a larger understanding. No harm or offense is intended by these simplified explanations; rather, they serve as stepping stones for further exploration and discussion, urging readers to approach the subject with an open mind and a willingness to delve deeper into its complexities.
Here we go..
Modern science struggles to pinpoint the location of consciousness within our brains. Ancient teachings on non-local consciousness and purported psychic abilities, including remote viewing and channeling (among many others), hint at a radical departure: our consciousness may not originate from our brains at all. Instead, it suggests that our brains are mere vessels shaped by consciousness. Acting as interpreters of frequencies, our senses offer glimpses of a reality crafted by consciousness through our brains. This perspective reconceives consciousness as the fundamental essence of existence, expressed through frequencies and vibrations. Nikola Tesla's iconic words, 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,' resonate profoundly with this notion. Tesla's belief in the existence of ether, the elemental substance from which all matter emerges, aligns with the idea that consciousness and ether could be intertwined. Within this framework, our brains are not generators of consciousness; rather, consciousness shapes the brain and everything perceived through it. This realization heralds a seismic shift in our understanding of reality.
Modern science explains that particles arise from fluctuations, transitioning between probability waves and tangible forms - particles are essentially manifestations of waves. This understanding, rooted in wave-particle duality, asserts that everything, including particles, fundamentally exists as waves. This interpretation resonates with my comprehension of how the universe operates.
The necessity of quoting more Tesla isn't essential here, as the concept of consciousness or ether inherently encompasses energy, frequency, and vibration. Reflecting on our understanding of electricity as an energy form, it's plausible that our comprehension of the electromagnetic field is incomplete. The propagation of electricity outside wires, within the electromagnetic field, hints at a deeper connection to consciousness or ether. Given that consciousness embodies frequencies and vibrations, it's logical to consider the ether's vibrational nature as the medium for electromagnetic wave propagation. This suggests that the traditional electromagnetic field may not be requisite for electricity transmission, as it likely traverses through the ether, as Tesla proposed.
After delving into multiple physics theories in pursuit of uncovering a unifying Theory of Everything, I stumbled upon vortex math. Subsequently, immersing myself extensively in its principles, I found Marko Rodin's insights particularly compelling. His elucidation of how the universe seemingly adheres to vortex patterns in energy flow resonated deeply with my quest for understanding the fundamental fabric of reality. Nature never operates in straight lines, and energy exhibits its own curvature, as indicated by vortex math. While vortex math elegantly elucidates the physical reality circuit (1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5) and its corresponding ether side (3, 6, 9), attempting to construct a device using base-10 math alongside vortex math presents a challenge. Something seems amiss and requires further investigation. This is where music enters the picture. Music, with its frequencies and harmonies, offers valuable insights.
It appears that the universe is divided into 12 equal intervals, akin to the structure of music. The 12 notes of the chromatic scale form an octave. Without delving into the intricacies of octaves and harmonies here, but understanding this concept reveals the significance of employing base-12 math in subjects like this. Both Tesla and Rodin were onto something with their emphasis on 3, 6, and 9 within the context of base-10 math. However, constructing a device based solely on this knowledge could lead to an imbalance between the ether and physical realms, resulting in energy leakage. Utilizing base-12 math, on the other hand, would align the formula perfectly and achieve harmonious equilibrium between the ether and physical aspects. The key to unlocking this balance lies in incorporating the numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Contemplating these insights led me to consider the manifestation of energy/matter. Is it conceivable to engineer a device that manipulates ether in a manner that generates elevated waves in the ether, commonly known as standing waves?
A brief study of wave dynamics and interference revealed that longitudinal waves interacting or interfering with each other produce standing waves. Understanding that wires or conductive materials serve as "waveguides" for waves propagating in ether (or consciousness), it becomes feasible to construct a device capable of modulating the ether to generate desired standing waves upon it.
So, I resolved to challenge my own and others' beliefs regarding this concept and began constructing the device myself. The idea was to utilize waveguides or commonly known conductive materials arranged in a manner that encourages wave interference within the ether. Adjacent to these waveguides, there would be conductive material positioned to effectively "collect" these standing waves.
This led me to create a device comprising copper plates shaped correctly for waveguides, with induction plates situated nearby. To my lack of surprise, transmitting the appropriate longitudinal wave to this device resulted in a significant surplus of electricity being generated on the induction plates. Initial experiments yielded highly promising results. Adding a load to the plates and measuring the produced power indicated that with only 5W of input power, I was able to generate multiple kW impulses on the induction plates. Remarkably compact, the device is not much larger than a basketball and weighs only about 1.5kg, making it incredibly portable and versatile. Its size belies its capabilities, as it can easily serve as a power source for a house, electric car, or any other electric application. Furthermore, its construction is remarkably simple, requiring no complex electronic components or expensive materials, and it can be assembled at home using basic tools.
One significant observation is that the surplus electricity manifests as impulses rather than continuous power. Thus far, I've had to externally introduce the input pulse to the device from an external power source, resulting in infrequent impulses in the previous development version. However, I've devised a method to configure the device so that it generates the input pulse autonomously, enabling it to operate continuously as a self-sustaining generator. Though the term "generator" may not be entirely accurate, as it simply manifests energy from the ether. Functioning akin to all motors and generators, it operates as a self-feeding and self-running system.
Like an internal combustion engine, which relies on fuel, a spark plug, and a piston/camshaft to convert energy, this device operates with the ether as its fuel source, the input pulse acting as the spark plug, and the waveguides and inducing plates functioning as the piston and camshaft. This device complies with physical laws, as it harnesses energy from the ether, an external and seemingly unlimited energy source. Thus, it does not violate thermodynamic laws, as it operates as an open system rather than a closed one. Its only requirement for operation is an initial kickstart, akin to most motors. Once kickstarted, it runs autonomously, devoid of any moving parts, and can be constructed by most individuals themselves.
This device represents my interpretation of true zero-point energy—a concept that holds immense promise as a virtually unlimited and sustainable source of free energy. Zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy or ground state energy, is the energy that remains in a system even at its lowest possible energy state. Harnessing this energy could revolutionize the way we power our world, offering a clean, abundant, and renewable source of energy for all.
You might wonder why I'm sharing this without providing video proof of my device. The reason is simple: I intend for this device to be open source, marking the first step toward making this technology accessible to everyone. I have no intention of patenting it under any circumstances. All the necessary information to build this device will be freely available for anyone to use. This post marks the inaugural stride towards a society where energy is not merely a commodity but a birthright, as essential as the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Through this research journey, I've been awakened to the profound essence of our reality and the boundless possibilities it entails. The revelation that energy can be effortlessly harnessed from the ether unveils a paradigm-shifting vista of potentialities. If such a feat is within our grasp, then the manipulation of gravity and the manifestation of matter are no longer relegated to the realm of science fiction but become tantalizingly attainable aspirations. Given their strong connection to the ether, both gravity and matter offer avenues for exploration, suggesting that neutralizing gravitational forces becomes as achievable as manifesting energy.
Stay tuned, for this is just the beginning of a voyage into a future where the boundaries of possibility are limited only by our imagination. Future posts will reveal more detailed information about the device and the power output, along with videos of the device in operation.
submitted by zero4all to zero4all [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:18 Important_Figure9811 [For Hire] I develop App-like experiences for WooCommerce and Shopify Seeing Is Believing (demo in post)

I have programmed an “API-based frontend for WooCommerce (and soon Shopify) - Arasaka.
What it does is, by using the API of your WooCommerce shop, it will import your product catalogue to a centralised server which then serves the frontend of your webshop in an incredible, absolutely INCREDIBLE way.
It does not replace anything of your shop, it’s a template which is fully decoupled from your Wordpress installation, allowing it to use technologies which simply are not feasible within WooCommerce (and, Shopify).


What I am after

I am seeking shops who wish to be Beta testers of Arasaka.
The price you will pay is a heavy discount; $500 setup fee (lowered from $1,500 for Beta) and $250/month (lowered from $500/month).
In this Beta, I will be directly available to you so I can quickly resolve any issues which pop up. I expect the Beta to last ~4 weeks of the shop being live.
The discount is permanent - you will always pay the Beta price.


Arasaka Demo - Seeing is believing, isn’t it?

It is preferable to view the Arasaka demo on your mobile phone, as this is where the INCREDIBLE nature of Arasaka is truly visible:
Arasaka Demo


Add me on Discord so we can chat




Arasaka: A plug-and-play eCommerce frontend

Via using APIs, Arasaka connects to any eCommerce platform or Point-Of-Sale system to offer an INCREDIBLE shopping experience.
It doesn’t modify the existing admin setup, it doesn’t even require plugin installations.
Through the API of WooCommerce and Shopify, the Arasaka server synchronises the product lists to generate its frontend.
Arasaka also handles the payment, allowing for a smooth checkout experience that is wholly unachievable in WooCommerce and Shopify. Upon order placement, Arasaka sends the information to the admin system so that plugins and exports function without issues.
In short,
Arasaka gives any webshop an instant, highly performant, and very pleasing to use frontend.


View the Arasaka demo here:
View this demo on your mobile to truly see and feel what makes Arasaka so incredibly unique.
Note: Arasaka is in Beta, and so bugs may be found.


Arasaka is meant to convert - It is meant to SELL

Arasaka has 15 years of what I’ve learned in building high-conversion webshops.
Every lesson I have learned has been put into practice, and the only reason I have been able to do this is - the decoupling of the frontend from the backend.
From loading time to a laser focus on the mobile experience, Arasaka has 15 years of lessons on high conversion rate optimisation as its core.


800ms loading time

Speed is the single most important thing in any webshop. Amazon reported that a 100-millisecond delay in page load time could lead to a 1% loss in sales.
The average WooCommerce shop takes anywhere from 3 to 5 seconds to load a page.
Roughly speaking,
If a shop takes 3 seconds to load, Arasaka will instantly lead to a 22% increase in sales.
From a loading time of 5 seconds, Arasaka’s increase would be 42%.
And that’s without considering all other ways Arasaka increases sales.
View Arasaka’s speed test here:
Website Speed Test Pingdom Tools


App-like user experience

Arasaka performs extremely well on mobile, as the technology of it is simply better than “woocomerce themes” and while a shop will certainly see increased desktop sales; it is on mobile phones in which the biggest improvements will be seen.
Arasaka isn’t “responsive”, Arasaka is mobile-native.
Using Vue.js with Typescript, Arasaka leverages recent advances in mobile technology to offer a shopping experience that simply cannot be replicated with a WooCommerce/Shopify theme.
View Arasaka’s demo on your phone, and you will see for yourself how incredible of an experience **it is on a mobile device: Arasaka Demo.


Live-chat included

I used an open source chat platform, Chatwoot, to give all shops within Arasaka a live chat which customers can use.
Having a live chat on a shop has been shown to drastically increase sales. Which is common sense, isn’t it? If customers are able to ask questions and receive answers, they will be far more likely to make a purchase.
Chatwoot has apps for iOS and Android, which allows the webshop owner to instantly receive sales queries, instantly.
Read more of Chatwoot here:


Add me on Discord so we can chat

submitted by Important_Figure9811 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:17 CanadianSneakerNut Hot Finds - June 9, 2024

If you see something I still need to post, please post it below.

ASICS Gel-NYC Cream Steel Grey

Nike Air Force 1 Low SP Triple Black Perforated

Jordan 6 Retro Reverse Oreo

Nike Zoom Vomero 5 Electric Green Black\

Nike Zoom Vomero 5 Photo Blue

Jordan 1 Low SE Chlorophyll

Jordan Spizike Low Obsidian

New Balance 9060 New Spruce

New Balance 9060 Olivine

Nike SB Dunk Low Hyper Royal Malachite

Nike SB Dunk Low Classic Green

adidas Samba Humanrace Glory Red

adidas Samba Humanrace Bold Gold

adidas Samba Humanrace Navy Aluminum

adidas Samba Humanrace Cloud White

adidas Samba Humanrace Core Black

ASICS UB6-S GT-2160 Kiko Kostadinov Arctic Blue Carbon

ASICS UB6-S GT-2160 Kiko Kostadinov Mantle Green Grape

Follow us on Instagram for more sneaker raffle and release information

submitted by CanadianSneakerNut to CanadianSneakerNut [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:16 desd960 Why is the calculated t-statistic different from the provided t-statistic for the slope?

Why is the calculated t-statistic different from the provided t-statistic for the slope? submitted by desd960 to CFA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:16 fart_cheese_1 Hai koi takkar mein??????

Hai koi takkar mein??????
Mujhe pehle se pta tha mai qualify nhi hone vala fir bhi dekh ke gand ft gyi khair drop ka padhna shuru kr diya h prayas 2025 pr bhai mere saath problem ye ho rhi h maine late join kra tha batch (financial conditon) aur bhai mai pichle 2 saal se bohot thoda padha tha toh adat nhi h abb mushkil se khisak khisak ke 3 class krta hun pehle ke ch (kinematics , moleconcept and redox , maths mein basic maths, aur quadratic equations ) chuta hua h vo ch pure nhi h toh test bhi nhi diya abb tk toh bhai bta do ki mai long time tk concentrate kaise krun i really want to study pr thode time ke baad dimaag mein hi nhi ghusta kuch abhi sochke gand ft rhi h agle saal aisa result naa ajaye pls bta do bhai ye padhte hue neend kaise bhagaye aur concentrate kaise kre pls pls pls
submitted by fart_cheese_1 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:15 Sweaty-Taste608 Maintenance Items

I have a 2015 2.5 base Forester with about 130k miles on it. I’ve been doing some maintenance on it, replacing consumables as well as some preventative items. Is there anything else I’ve missed. So far I have done: Front and rear pads/rotors, brake fluid; coolant drain and fill; cvt fluid drain and fill; air filters; Pcv clean/replace vacuum hose; clean MAF sensor; front and rear Diff fluid; serpentine belt, replaced idler pulley and tensioner. My spark plugs still have about 15k miles on them (I changed them late initially), so I’ll get to those next summer. The battery is testing well. I replaced the wipers. I replaced one parking brake and need to get to the other one. That’s all I got.
submitted by Sweaty-Taste608 to SubaruForester [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:13 Low_Stick5471 Comparison between Peugeot 207 and Peugeot 206 type 5

Peugeot 206 and Peugeot 207, two popular French hatchbacks, have been on the streets of Iran for years and have found their own fans. Both cars have their own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing between them can be challenging for buyers. In this article, we will compare these two cars in various fields including design, technical, features, safety and driving experience to help you make a more suitable choice.
Appearance: Peugeot 207 with a modern and sportier design than 206 attracts the attention of young people more. Elongated headlights, sharp body lines and sporty rims give the 207 a bold look. On the other hand, 206 with its simple and classic design is more popular with people with traditional taste.
Interior space: Despite the dimensions of the 207 being almost the same as the 206, the cabin is more spacious and ergonomic. The seats in the 207 are more comfortable and there is more head and legroom for rear passengers.
Engine: Peugeot 207 is available in Iran with two 1.6 liter TU5 and 1.6 liter THP engines. The 150 hp THP engine gives the 207 a more agile and sporty performance. The 206 Type 5 also uses the 1.6-liter TU5 engine, which is weaker than the THP engine in the 207.
Fuel consumption: Peugeot 207 generally has a lower and more efficient fuel consumption than the 206 type 5.
Amenities: Compared to the 206 Type 5, the Peugeot 207 has more amenities such as a touch screen, sunroof, automatic air conditioning, cruise control, Bluetooth, etc.
Safety features: Both cars have basic safety features such as ABS brakes, driver and front passenger airbags. However, the 207 is also equipped with features such as ESP and side airbags in full option versions.
Driving experience:
Driving: Peugeot 207 has better handling and steering than 206 Type 5. Also, the 207's ride is smoother and quieter. 206 Type 5 is more agile in city driving and performs well in traffic due to precise steering.
Quality: The quality of assembly and parts in Peugeot 207 is generally better than 206 type 5.
Base price: Peugeot 207 has a higher price than 206 type 5 due to more and newer options.
If you are looking for a modern, sporty hatchback, with high comfort and safety, excellent handling and steering, and a pleasant driving experience, buying the Peugeot 207 in installments will be a better choice for you.
But if you are looking for a lower-cost hatchback with low fuel consumption, agile handling and simplicity and low consumption, buying Peugeot 206 Type 5 in installments can be a more economical option for you.
Here's a rundown of the key points for choosing between the two cars:
If you are looking for a modern and sporty look, choose the 207.
If you are looking for a more spacious and ergonomic cabin, choose the 207.
If you are looking for a more powerful and fuel efficient engine, choose the 207.
If you are looking for more comfort and safety, choose 207.
If you are looking for better handling and maneuverability, choose the 207.
If you're looking for higher build quality, go for the 207.
If you are looking for a lower price, choose the 206 Type 5.
If you are looking for lower maintenance cost, choose 206 Type 5.
If you are looking for agile handling in city driving, choose 206 Type 5.
If you are looking for simplicity and low consumption, choose 206 type 5.
It is recommended to test drive before buying any of these cars to make sure it suits your taste and needs.
submitted by Low_Stick5471 to u/Low_Stick5471 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:11 mossyboy4 Solidarity post -- Sunday Check in, it's raining here ☔🌧️

Yep, still carrying the cross. Had a few rough days. Wheels falling off, sometimes the weight of cross just hits you, full force. Makes your knees buckle, makes you falter a bit. Slide around in the mud. Grace slips, and you think, I'm not to keen on this cross, not too keen at all!! But, man it's a blessing to get out of that headspace, and get back to the workmen like status quo of things. Turn up, carry the cross, be good to my loved ones, eat, sleep, shit, rinse, repeat. We all get wobbly. But we can correct and rebalance.
Meditation is a lifesaver. We need stillness in the mind, the less thoughts the better. Calmness helps. We need some distance from the body. I'm not just the body, I'm bigger than that. I'm life itself looking through my body, that's a big difference.
When we meditate our awareness increases, our sense of space changes, our body gets encompassed in a greater awareness, that's bigger than our conventionally daily perception of the body. Our sense of subjectivity encompasses the body, it doesn't precede from it, and this subtle or pronounced shift, is really helpful, it lightens the load. Lightens the cross.
We're not our small frail self, well, we are, laughs, but we get a taste of the big self, and that offers hope. If this body falls, I live on, what defines me, this powerful life force of awareness, well, it ain't going down with the body. I don't know the limits of that thing, life, but it's more powerful than death, I think it's the logos, God, he's up to something, he's making things awesome, for when you and I are released from our burden.
I trust in the life force of life, it's not a hateful thing, it wants good for me. The Father loved Christ, and he gave him the cross to bring his spirit to salvation. And Christ is archetypal! Men spat and murdered Christ, but God turned it all to good. Awesome! And Christ said, God loves all of us equally, so he's going to do the same for us, turn evil to good. This great evil of the cross, God puts it to good use. I love God for that. I've had great suffering and joy in this life, but despite this speed bump thinks are on a trajectory upwards. The cross is a test of faith. I want my faith and love to have integrity. To withstand evil and hatred. Despite this cross I helped my very ill father with his cross, and that's worth something to me. Love to you. Keep carrying your cross.
My own arm achieved salvation for me. (Isaiah 63:5)
submitted by mossyboy4 to myocarditis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:07 AmonGAMES Having a issue to Install Linux on a HP Mini

Hello people, I have an HP Mini 311 1000 which is very old The Specs of the laptop are.
So, I was trying to install Lubuntu 24.04 LTS on this laptop, I flashed the OS in my USB by using rufus with the NTFS file system and tested it in my other laptop which is newer and it worked perfectly.
Then I tried to install it in the HP Mini, I didn't change any BIOS settings, I clicked F9 and selected The USB and booted it.
When it boots it does show this menu :
Then with high hopes I clicked The First Option and then boom it shows a blinking cursor forever I think I didn't kept it like that.
So please provide a soltution it will reaally help me.
submitted by AmonGAMES to linux4noobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 PlasmicSteve 10 Bad Typography Habits that Scream Amateur (Medium article)
A short, helpful article with visuals. Not written by me.
If your website is filled with center-aligned text, understand that it's generally a bad practice to do that in most cases and project descriptions are one of those cases. There's a reason the author of the article made it his #1 bad typography habit.
Center-aligned text is generally wrong because it's harder to read, as the reader's eye has to find a new starting point for each line. Because of this, it's considered to be a bad practice, so professional designers trained in typography avoid center-aligning text – except, as someone recently pointed out here on the sub, for some special cases like wedding invitations and wine bottles, as their teacher told them.
If your portfolio descriptions are center-aligned, anyone reviewing it who's trained in typography – which will be most people – is likely to see that as a lack of training in typography or a lack of following any training the designer has had. So if you want a better chance of getting hired for a design role, left-align your project descriptions.
The other two critical issues I see violated on portfolios submitted here on this sub are Line Length and Justification.
The maximum recommended line length, and this is not just for portfolios but for any project you create, print or digital, is 75 characters per line. Once you go beyond that, the viewer struggles to read the full text and will often skim or skip paragraphs completely.
Justification is when each line of text is forced to end at the same point on the right. I don't see many portfolios themselves using justification (probably because it's not a default), I do see it done in many projects, and done poorly.
Justification can work well, but it works best with longer blocks of text, and I often see it used on very narrow text columns in 3- and 4-column layouts on LetteA4 sized pages intended for print. And in addition to justifying wider columns of text, the settings that I see used most often only add space between each word, not each character, which gives amateurish results. Again, likely the default setting being used without question.
There's nothing wrong with having a ragged right block of text (this is the term for an irregular right margin), and in many, probably most instances, it's preferred.
Also, to be clear, there's no such thing as Left Justification and Right Justification. It's Left Aligned, Right Aligned, Center Aligned, and Justified. The terms are often used incorrectly, but Justified means it's described to mean above.
What I often see is people following the defaults of whichever program or platform they're using and not questioning those defaults, which in my view is a bigger concern than any of the specific issues mentioned above. As designers, we're responsible for every element we put into our work so there's no justification (lame joke) for including elements that weren't given consideration.
Don't include images in your design without thinking about how they might be color adjusted, or cropped, or rotated, or modified in any other way to improve the results in whichever context they're being used.
Don't place a logo on a background that doesn't give good contrast without thinking about how you can modify the logo and/or the background to improve results. Maybe the background needs an overlay to make it slightly darker, or lighter, or less saturated. Maybe the logo should be all white, or all black, or all some other color, or it should get a subtle drop shadow or outer glow. Try different things and see which works best.
And don't just dump text into a program without looking at it objectively and considering how it can be modified to improve results – typeface, leading, tracking, alignment, margins, etc. If you don't know any of those terms, you should be looking them up immediately.
Typography is the core of graphic design – you can create a functional design with only type – and because of this, the use of typography in design is viewed more critically than any other element. If you follow best practices, you'll be in better shape to get hired for a design job, to get freelance clients, and to generally be viewed as a professional.
submitted by PlasmicSteve to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 FlyByTieDye Another way of looking at the written part of the chunin exams, i.e. why Ten Ten didn't fail

So I've noticed a lot of people when discussing the written test in the chunin exams will make some incorrect assumptions about what that test is actually testing. I think a lot of that has to do with taking what a lot of characters say at face value, forgetting that some characters can be deceptive, and not mean what they say (e.g. Ibiki and the other proctors), or else be naive or incorrect (e.g. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura). So, I wanted to take some time to read into the test further to come to a new perspective on it, and maybe explain how some students (like Ten Ten) managed to pass, despite having really obvious cheating techniques.
Ok, so let's look at the test from the perspective of the test takers: they sit down to take a test, thinking they have to pass it (which is their first incorrect assumption), then realise they are absolutely out of their depth. But, they still notice some people making progress on the test (e.g. the two planted chunin ninja, maybe some other rare cases like Sakura, or ninja older than immediate Academy grads), and the idea of cheating has already been planted in their minds by Ibiki's rules. But with the idea that they have 10 points, and lose two points when they are caught cheating, and fail if they reach 0, many assume (like Sasuke) that the point is to cheat without getting caught. I've noticed, many fans take on this perspective too, and so find it ridiculous how Ten Ten, Kiba, etc. were never caught, despite that mirror contraptions and dogs barking would be obvious to anyone in the room. But I think it's because even someone like Sasuke has an incomplete perspective (i.e. this is still an incorrect assumption about the test), and so we should look at the test from a different perspective.
Now, let's look at it from the perspective of Ibiki and the proctors. They have engineered a situation where the exam entrants will have to cheat. Despite the rules implying that the students would be punished for cheating, they've actually designed a scenario to force or encourage students to cheat and thus display their ninjutsu techniques, which the examiners are looking out for. Not only that, the examiners know who the students will be cheating off (there were only 2 plants with all the knowledge), so the proctors would know where to look for cheating. Also, as this YouTuber pointed out, given that most of the applicants are from the leaf village, and the proctors themselves are also from the leaf village, they'd know exactly what cheating methods to look out for, for more than half of the entrants (i.e. watch for if that Uchiha kids eyes glow red, or the two Hyuga kids eyes start wrinkling, watch out for bugs because that Aburame kid is taking the test this year, etc.) Just like in the bell test though, there's nothing really a genin could think of that an elite level Jonin couldn't already be prepared for, so I'd say it's not about using techniques the exam proctors are unaware of, it's using the techniques you do have well enough for this constructed situation of information retrieval (and transfer).
So, that is this new perspective I am proposing. The idea wasn't actually to use Ninjutsu and not get caught, it was actually a display ninjutsu (the proctors actually wanted to see you using ninjutsu), but you had to do so competently (there's also a component of team work to it, but I'll get to that later). Let's take it back a few steps, how does one become a genin? To learn one or two basic ninjutsu (shadow clone or transformation jutsu), and perform so on test day. And how does one become eligible to enter the chunin exam? To be a genin (obviously) but also complete at least 8 missions. Now, the missions that Academy grads can take on can be quite low level (capture the Daimyo's wife's cat, to baby sit for the council of elder's, to dig up sweet potatoes, etc.) so obviously they don't just want to graduate someone who has only ever caught cats and dug up yams, you wouldn't even need the Academy level Ninjutsu to do so. I guess it could be assumed that a diligent enough ninja, with enough time and missions, could learn new jutsu in that time, and in my read, the "written" part of the exam is to select for the students who have trained and learned more than the Academy level techniques, or really select out the students who have been dragging their feet, not learning new techniques and not progressing past Academy level.
So looking at it this way, the chunin exams have several levels of filtration, so that only the competent ninjas make it through. For the first example, Kotetsu and Izumo were filtering out ninja who weren't even competent in detecting genjutsu from even applying to the exams. Next, Ibiki's test heavily leans towards filtering students with good ninjutsu techniques (and team work), and both the Forrest of Death and combat rounds half the number of entrants with each round, and heavily leans towards combat, taijutsu and survivial. Now, the reason why I say the exam proctors actually wanted to see ninjutsu is because, if it was really about not cheating, they could have lowered the threshold for not getting caught (e.g. three chances, or immediate failure for cheating), or else they wouldn't have allowed e.g. Kankuro to take a puppet in, Kiba to take a dog in, etc. They actually wanted to see the genin's use these techniques to their disposal, but to do so competently.
Let's go back to the example of an Academy grad that has learned no other ninjutsu. They not only have to pass the exam, but ensure their team mates do, all without losing 10 points. Another way of phrasing that is thay they have to complete the exam (gather information and pass it to their team mates) within 5 moves. Surely, if they do use both a shadow clone, and a transformation jutsu like they learned at the Academy, they could disguise the clone to look like a proctor (just like Kankuro's puppet did) to gather test information, but that would be 2 moves instead of Kankuro's one move. But then, to make sure your whole team passes, you'd have to do so twice again to send that information you found to each team member (i.e. another 4 moves, which would be a fail). Kankuro's puppets were detected by Ibiki, sure, but he wasn't failed, as he used fewer moves to both gather test information and pass it to Temari than this hypothetical Academy grad example. Also, as I've said, the proctors know the techniques of the famous clans of Konoha. They know the Yamanaka clan's mind transfer jutsu, they know about the Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan bug and dog rearing, they know the Uchiha and Hyuga clan dojutsus, and they want to make sure those select students have been diligent enough to learn those family techniques to pass.
So, knowing that the Byakugan, the Sharingan, ninja hounds or chakra beetles exist, the proctors know enough students will be able to complete all 10 questions on their own, but that's where the caveat comes in that if any student fails individually, their whole team fails. Techniques that only advantage yourself (Sharingan, Byakugan) mean nothing if you can't also advance your team (which is where Ino, Ten Ten and Kankuro, despite being obvious/getting caught, were actually in the right and got a pass). So just like the bell tests, they're not just looking for students who can advance themselves individually, but also those who can use techniques to advance their whole team (and again, it was the Konoha ninja that arranged these teams, they know what techniques these teams should use to pass together, they just want to make sure the students realise that on their own too.) So Neji's Byakugan allows him to pass on his own, but does nothing to advance his team. Neji does initially have a lot of the same self-serving arrogance of Sasuke, but Ten Ten looks out for Rock Lee (who would be heavily disadvantaged for not knowing any ninjutsu). And as ridiculous as her mirrors are, with them she is able to obtain an entire test's worth of information and transfer it to Rock Lee all in one move, which is why she didn't fail (and note: I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with Ten Ten, or even Kishimoto's efforts here. I do find her ridiculous mirror contraption funny, but I can also find reason why Kishimoto could show us something as ridiculous as this, yet still pass Ten Ten to the next round). That's why she wasn't failed, because she was able to show the examiners how she can use her techniques with ninja tools effectively to both gather and transfer information. Same as Ino, the Yamanaka clan mind transfer jutsu is well known in Konoha, and the hand signs are obvious, but within only 3 moves, she was able to gather a full test worth of information, and transfer it to both Shikamaru and Choji. Team Kurenei at least each had the means to pass individually (Hinata's Byakugan, Kiba's Akamaru and Shino's beetles), and they also had trust in each other to do so.
Yet this test really was to show us how unprepared team 7 truly was. By some fluke, Sakura knew enough to pass the test on her own, and Sasuke could pass with the Sharingan, but neither had any techniques or the team work necessary to pass this information to Naruto, like Ten Ten, Ino or Kankuro had for Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Choji and Temari. In fact, they were both essentially just gambling on the chance that Naruto wouldn't screw it up for them, which is not good team work at all. The last test question Ibiki posed was specifically designed to weed out teams that had no trust in each other (and I guess Naruto had enough trust in Sakura and Sasuke to pass, even if they didn't have trust in him. He was also confident enough to make the first move in his team before Sakura quit on his behalf). At this point in part 1, Kishimoto was still stressing the importance of team work. I.e. in the bell test, despite Sasuke's competence in Ninjutsu, he couldn't pass without trusting his other team mates (hence the following "lunch test"). In the Land of Waves, he started to trust Naruto's abilities with e.g. the Windmill Shuriken technique, but we also see he doesn't really trust Sakura either, even saying she is as bad as/worse than Naruto. It takes the Forrest of Death arc for him to forcibly rely on Sakura before he starts trusting her.
So getting back to the written part of the Chunin exams, it wasn't about completing the test, it wasn't even really about not getting caught, it was about displaying competency in more advanced level Ninjutsu, and also showing effective team work/trust in your team, which is why it was an effective test for team 7 at this part of the series. They had enough technical knowledge at this part of the series (or at least Sasuke and Sakura did), but they still were failing at team work. And so easily could have failed the whole test.
Tl:dr - the point of the written exam wasn't to "not get caught using ninjutsu/cheating" as Sasuke assumes, it was actually a display of using the right type of ninjutsu and team work (something Sasuke had a blind spot for) in as few moves as possible. Ten Ten was obvious, but passed because of this distinction, being able to pass herself and Lee on the test with her techniques. Yet Team 7, despite Sasuke and Sakura being discrete in their methods, almost failed because Naruto didn't have the sufficient ninjutsu on his own, and neither of his team mates had the sufficient ninjutsu or team work to transfer their answers to Naruto.
submitted by FlyByTieDye to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 Background-Bank-7965 How did you tell your godparents you want I to leave the ile?

Going on year two crowned, and I'm noticing some unethical practices in my ile. I have been asked to crown people because my godparent cannot due to a sign that's been pulled...but told I'm a surrogate godparent only she is the true godparent yet required to fulfill the obligation of a godparent after, I get no monetary gain which is fine this has happened 3 times. I am forced to be a certain way with the god children and in return they do not like me and the relationships are strained. I am told to keep receiving saints and pay for them yet never taught what to do with them. I am seeing unethical practices when it comes to pricing some people being charged hundreds more while others are not. I got into this religion because of its beauty and all it encompasses, I crowned because I wanted to learn to work with the saints but am told the work has to go through my god parents saints still. I feel like I received my saints for nothing because I don't know how to work them and have asked many times to be taught and have even offered to pay in the form of a one on one class for my god parents time. I want to leave my ile and find god parents that are interested in teaching there for children to carry on the religion and have some better ethical practices. How did you tell your god parents you would like to move on?
submitted by Background-Bank-7965 to Santeria [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:05 Ordinary_Life4748 What am I doing wrong?

I'm so confused. It's been months now since I've been practicing GRE. I've been subscribed to Gregmat's prepswift plan since February. It's not like I've not been practicing or anything I really have. Though my lack of commitment to stick to the 2 month plan so I switched to the 1 month plan a few weeks ago. I've been going through it very subdly. I work a full-time job as well so that also acts as a factor for me.
However, here's the main thing. The first mock I took was the Manhattan Prep Test 1. I scored 153 in both quant and verbal. I was pretty happy since it was my first mock and I hadn't even completed the entire content then. But then, after a few weeks I took the ETS Powerprep. Supposidly I was expecting to do better but it was crazy bad. I scored in the 140-145 ranges in both quant and verbal. I was disheartened. I realized I sucked in arithmetic and algebra so I gave a week to revise arithmetic and I now I think I'm decent at it. I'm able to do good in the Big Book Questions.
But yesterday.... I took the Gregmat's practice test 1. And I sucked. I got a 151 quant and 145 verbal. I don't get it. But however!!! Mindd you I haven't STILL HAVENT COMPLETED THE PREPSWIFT CONTENT AND RC CONTENT. From today, I've began following the Reading Comprehension sessions in the 1 month plan. However, idk why I'm just so fearful to go with the data analytics in the quant. That's the only remaining topic to go through now and I can totally start revising and practicing. I was planning to take the test mid-july to apply for grad school for spring 2025. Now I'm thinking to slightly postpone it to early August.
I don't understand what am I doing wrong.
submitted by Ordinary_Life4748 to GRE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:03 xJaysGamesx Sinking Guppy

Sinking Guppy
Anyone know what might be up with my male guppy?
He's been chilling at the bottom for a few days, still eating and occasionally swimming but doesn't seem right. I've moved him into a seperate tank be some of the fish were nipping his fins.
I've tested my parameters and everything seems fine, ammonia is fine also. The tank has an air stone and doesn't have any gravel so I can monitor food properly. Any ideas?
submitted by xJaysGamesx to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:03 ScopedFlipFlop Is Narrow AI sufficient for the Singularity?

On our journey towards the AGI future, I've been wondering something.
I recently saw a narrow AI created to create and test different (unique, and not thought of by humans) shapes for shock-absorption.
Suppose a similar model was created, with the goal to generate improvement to processors. As each improvement is discovered, the processing speed of the model can be improved (subject to the actual effort going into replacing each processor). This enables faster more significant jumps in processor speed - equivalent to AGI's intelligence explosion.
Now, assuming this happens alongside our LLM technology, LLMs could be scaled up so quickly that we soon reach superintelligence anyway.
So rather than AGI -> ASI -> singularity, you could go ANI (processor) -> AGI -> ASI -> singularity.
With today's technology, this does not seem impossible.
Perhaps it would not work in practice, due to the complexity of processors. What does everyone think?
submitted by ScopedFlipFlop to singularity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 majorsreekumar Anyone want these? Unused.

Anyone want these? Unused.
Will speed post.
submitted by majorsreekumar to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:59 IncontinentMind Hitler was an incompetent war leader.

Let's ignore the genocide, that we hopefully all agree is bad.
Hitler seemed to be a reasonable competent peace time leader of Germany with is non genocide based policies.
however as a wartime leader he absolutely shit the bed.
he'd agreed to carve up the east of Europe with the soviets making a mutually beneficial although ideological at odd, NAP.
while at war with other powers across about 1/4 of the world and post surprise prison loving the French, they fucked everything up.
the only reason the British expeditionary force was allowed to escape was because the land forces were given orders to stop so the SS/party member heavy air force could get the credit. bad weather, and the British get all the skilled professional troops out.
so the Brits keep the massive asset of skilled body's to train the new forces and giving the British a MASSIVE moral boost that I personally believe is the main reason the UK didn't white peace out the Germans.
so we fucked that up, what do we do next?
oh I know, let's attack our western neighbours with whom we have significantly better relations than our enemies do. and while we're making bad choices let's just assume we can finish up before it gets cold and not make any contingency for our equipment and troops to function if it does take longer.
declaration of war on the USA was dumb but I can understand it, you've made a formal pact and you're honouring that pact.
IF the Nazis had pushed in and killed as many as needed then captured as many of the BEF as possible. they could have probably used those captured troops to put a functional end to the war. They'd have achieved all of the parties original goals, the "living room" the German people "needed".
they probably could have continued the evils.
if youre some moron who says "hitler did nothing wrong" because you hate Jews, the disabled, gypsy, or gays; you're just wrong. even if for some reason you love eugenics and hate whomever, he did a shitload wrong. he was a useless war leader and surrounded himself with glory hungry incompetent leaders who exemplified the "good players don't always make good coaches" trope.
im tired of dealing with the "Hitler did nothing wrong" lot. the moral argument dosnt work so im layout out how much he fucked up that wasn't moral but strategically.
submitted by IncontinentMind to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:59 KyluAce OnePlus 12 vs Pixel 8 Pro

Hello everyone, I’ve been using the Pixel 8 Pro (P8P) for about half a year and the OnePlus 12 (OP12) for about a month. I thought it would be a good time to compare these two phones. As an Android Developer with 10 years of experience, I consider myself a demanding user who uses the phone for a variety of purposes including normal usage, fun, and work.
To start with, I purchased the Pixel 8 Pro 12/256 version for 1159€ from the Google Store, which included the Google Pixel Watch 2 as a pre-order bonus. The OnePlus 12 (16/512 version) was bought from TradingShenzhen for approximately 670€. Currently, the Pixel 8 Pro can be purchased for around 850€.
Let’s talk about the packaging. The Pixel 8 Pro comes only with a USB-C cable, which in my opinion, is of really poor quality. I’ve had connection issues with these cables from Google from time to time. On the other hand, the OnePlus 12 comes with a 100W charger, a USB-C cable, and a classic case. Considering the package and price, the OnePlus 12 is a clear winner for me.
Moving on to the battery and charging. The Pixel 8 Pro has a 5000mAh battery while the OnePlus 12 has a 5400mAh capacity. But that’s just raw data that anyone can Google. In practice, I find the Pixel 8 Pro’s battery to be quite disappointing. Despite numerous optimizations, I was only able to achieve around 5 hours of screen-on time (SOT) (with lower resolution, disabled 5G, location and other permissions disabled for most apps, and battery optimizations). On the other hand, achieving 7 hours of SOT on the OnePlus 12 is quite normal without any optimizations. I use both phones with lower resolution and higher refresh rate. The Pixel 8 Pro can be charged at a maximum speed of 30W, but we need a special charger for that (the same is true for the OnePlus, but they provide the charger). I tried charging the Pixel with a bunch of chargers that I have at home, and the maximum speed that I reached was 20W, which is quite poor. The combination of poor battery life and slow charging speed is really annoying. In this case, the OnePlus 12 with its 100W charging speed is the clear winner.
Let’s discuss the screen. The Pixel 8 Pro has a flat 1344x2992 6.70" screen and the OnePlus 12 has a curved 1440x3168 6.82" screen. Both are really great screens. The OnePlus 12 has slightly higher brightness and resolution. However, the main differences for me are that the Pixel’s screen is flat and the OnePlus’s is curved, and the screen color options (Google gives us 2 options and OnePlus gives us 3 options and an additional manual adjust option). The OnePlus 12 is my first phone with a curved screen and I often feel insecure about it. I’ve stopped placing the phone screen down because I’m worried about it. Also, when I look at the screen from a specific angle on the curved side, it looks strange (different colors). But for normal usage, it’s okay, and gestures may be easier. If we are looking at specifications, the OP12 is the winner (higher brightness, higher resolution, and curved screens are more expensive), but for me, both of them are at a really high level.
Performance / Heating When it comes to efficiency and temperature management, the OnePlus 12, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, completely outclasses the Google Tensor 3 in the Pixel. The Pixel tends to heat up during normal usage on mobile data (LTE), and even more so during gaming, leading to a noticeable drop in performance. On the other hand, the OnePlus 12 only gets slightly warm when unplugged from its 100W charger, and it’s still cooler than the Pixel charging at 20W. Comparing the OnePlus 12’s performance with the Pixel 8 Pro feels like comparing this year’s flagship with a mid-range phone from 2020-2022. The OnePlus 12 is the clear winner here.
Connectivity Connectivity might seem like an odd category, but it’s quite important to me. I have the Chinese version of the OnePlus 12 (without eSIM), and I must say, I was initially worried about network coverage. However, it’s noticeably better than the Google Pixel. Even when testing my Wi-Fi range, the results were shocking. I connected both phones to the same Wi-Fi network and moved to the farthest corner of my home. At this point, the OnePlus still had full range (4/4), while the Pixel was down to half (2/4). Running several speed tests, the OnePlus consistently achieved about 120 Mbps, while the Pixel only managed 20 Mbps - that’s a five-fold difference! The OnePlus also outperforms the Pixel in terms of mobile data coverage.
Camera I’m not a professional photographer. Like most people, I use my phone’s camera to share photos on social media or send them to friends and family. As we know, apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Messenger tend to degrade photo quality, and in 2024, most flagship phones have good cameras whose potential we don’t fully utilize. However, I did notice some differences between the two phone cameras. Both phones have quite good cameras, not the best on the market, but still very good. Pixel photos have more subdued colors, while OnePlus photos are brighter . Both companies should work on video stabilization. The Pixel has a slight issue with maintaining focus on one thing, making other elements a bit blurry. I like both cameras, and it’s hard to choose a better one - they’re different for sure. If you’re interested, I can take some photos and upload them for comparison (we can do a blind test).
System The primary reason I opted for a Pixel was its operating system. I was quite frustrated with certain aspects of Android that didn’t function well, and I had heard that Pixels are akin to iPhones in the world of Android. Although I’ve never owned an iPhone, I found little difference between Pixels and other brands. The same issues persist, such as missing notifications (a significant problem, I believe, with the Pixel 8 Pro), and apps being killed in the background. In my view, the main distinction between Pixels and other brands is the absence of certain features. Brands like OnePlus, Xiaomi, and Samsung have their own software packed with useful features like Samsung Dex, app cloning, floating windows, etc. Thus, when the system/software behaves similarly but offers less, the choice is clear.
Additional Annoyances on Pixel:
Additional Annoyances on OnePlus:
In Summary In my opinion, the OnePlus 12 significantly outshines Pixel 8 Pro, When compared to the OnePlus, the Pixel appears to be a mid-range phone from 2022, albeit with a commendable camera. The OnePlus 12 triumphs over the Pixel in numerous categories, including:
Pixel fight back only in the following areas:
submitted by KyluAce to OnePlus12 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 OrdinaryProgrammer71 141 flight training and Family

Good afternoon gents, I’ve searched quite a bit and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for. I’m currently Active Duty Air Force but getting out next year. I just received my A&P license and got a job lined up with a regional airline doing some wrenching. However my real passion is flying. I want to use my post 9/11 GI bill for 141 flight training but I also have a wife and newborn that needs me as well. My question is, is it possible to go to school, work a full or even part time job and still be able to provide for my family? I understand I get E-5 BAH which will help a lot and need my PPL first (already in work). I just want to see other people’s experiences or takes on it.
For the what it’s worth, I’m in Anchorage AK and was looking at UAA’s Professional Pilot degree plan and already have my Associates in Aviation Maintenance Technology.
If this doesn’t sound feasible, how did you guys with families and jobs get to your Commercial/ATP?
submitted by OrdinaryProgrammer71 to flying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:50 72Pantagruel Freezing partially backed sourdough.

Freezing partially backed sourdough.
Recipe: (ratio's are weight for weight) 10% Rye in whole wheat (breadmix) For 2 loaves, -20 g Salt -580 g room temperature water -200 g starter (100% hydration, same as bread mix) -850 g bread mix
Mix: the water and the starter shortly, add the breadmix and mix until you get a 'shaggy' mass. Put the salt on top. Leave to fermentalize for approx 45 min. Stretch and fold in the 4 'corners', rest for 30 min. Repeat another 3 to 4 times, the forth depends on the dough development. Optional, test for window pane.
Divide, pre-form, rest 15 min on counter. Final shape (batard in my case) and into banneton. Overnight cold retard.
Preheat oven and pizza stone. Bake 35 min on stone, 240°C, heat from bottom, continue bake 240°C with circulating air for a nice brown and crispy crust. If you are not partial to the browning/Maillard taste, continue bake for 45 min with bottom heat (blond/golden thinner crust).
With that out of the way, my question.
Has any of you 'par-baked' their sourdough, frozen it and do the final baking stint (be it frozen or thawn)?
I'll refrain from a TLTR, but I may have a business use along the way warranting this option.
I haven't tried just yet, but was thinking trial and error testing.
First run I'll par-bake 30 and 35 min, freeze. Preheat oven 240°C, bake for 15 min.
Second run, freeze post overnight retard. Preheat oven 240°C, bake for 45 min.
3rd is TBD.
So if anyone is willing to share their experience, please do. Thanks!
submitted by 72Pantagruel to Sourdough [link] [comments]