Chest ache sore throat

Reddit, what's wrong with me?

2009.02.14 09:10 Reddit, what's wrong with me?

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2024.06.09 21:49 allthedarkspaces it crawls

Like all haunted house stories, this took place right after I moved in. Cliché, right? My wife and I saved up enough money from our rental to finally put down on a house of our own. So we moved in and everything seemed first.
It wasn’t until later that I realized there were warning signs. The seller seemed really anxious to close, and we were offered a much cheaper price than we expected for the space we got. While there was a moment of doubt, we brushed it off as some weird circumstance that ended in a great deal for us.
How could we possibly pass that up?
The strange occurrences were small at first. I would be up late watching TV and swore I heard something. I’d pause the show and make out what sounded like dragging noises. After investigating, I wouldn’t find anything. Even stranger was that no matter where I walked in the house, the noise always sounded the same distance away. When I focused on it, I noticed the particular noise was rhythmic.
Tap, tap...sliiiiiiide.
It was like that every single time. My wife never heard it, it was only me. None of us believe in ghosts, mind you. But as I said before it was a small thing, so I brushed it off.
One night, I woke up in a startle. I listened intently but could hear nothing. I decided to grab a late night snack from the kitchen since I was awake anyway.
Halfway down the hall, I heard something. This time, it sounded like dirt being sifted und. I knelt down and swore that the sound was louder. Before I knew it, I had my ear pressed to the hardwood floor, listening intently.
Schht, schht.....sccchhhhhhh...
I jumped up from the floor. It was that same pattern of noises, but this time it sounded like someone in the dirt. Trying to ignore the chills washing over me, I took a step towards the kitchen when…
…something grabbed my ankle.
I fell forward, almost busting my chin on the floor.
“What the...”
Flipping over, I turned to face my assailant, but there was no one behind me. I brushed it off and chalked it up to poor balance from a sleep-hangover. My wife got a good chuckle out of that one.
After that, the house began to feel.....heavier. It was this weight over me that would come and go. This was accompanied by feeling cold no matter how much we turned up the heat, and this was the middle of the sumer. Even stranger, the cold seemed to only be in certain spots, particularly on the floor itself. I liked to walk around barefoot no matter what time of year it was, but it was even too cold for me.
Another night, I woke up again. My ears stood at attention, but couldn’t hear any evidence of what woke me up. I got up just like before, except I never made it to the kitchen.
I only made if halfway down our hall before I suddenly felt a horrible pain in my right leg. I had to limp to keep moving, then my other leg was wracked with a wave of pain. It was so bad I found myself face down on the ground, writhing in agony.
Then I heard it again…that awful succession of noises.
Tap, tap....sliiiiiide.
The sliding sound was coming from the hardwood floor this time, not from underneath. And the sound was getting closer and closer until...
I watched in horror as a hand came around the corner in front of me. It was soon joined by another, and they tugged at the floor. My heart hammered in my chest as a person slowly came into view.
It was a woman with long black hair, her disheveled clothing smeared with dirt and hanging off in shreds. Her mouth was crudely stitched shut. She looked up at me with empty, lost eyes and I instantly felt a lifetime of pain and misery. It took my breath away, and I had to focus on my breathing to keep myself from fainting.
Tap, tap....sliiiiiide.
That awful sound repeated as she grabbed the floor and pulled herself towards me. I was in a terrified trance, eyes locked with her as she slowly closed the distance. I could now see that she dragged herself because her legs were horribly mangled. A low moan emanated from her throat, sending ice through my veins.
Her very presence seemed to drain me, and I couldn’t move no matter how hard I tried. She made this awful gurgling sound as she got within arm’s reach. In seconds, her face was right up to mine. I tried to scream, but couldn’t make any sound.
Then...I woke up.
“AAAAHHhhh!” I shouted as I sprang up in bed.
My wife tried to console me, but it did very little. I’d never had a dream that felt so real before. Shaking, I walked out into the hallway where I had collapsed in my dream. I put a hand on the floor, expecting it to be freezing cold as usual.
But it was warm...
“Honey?” I felt the soft hand of my wife touch my shoulder.
“What’s going on? You look white as a sheet.”
“I’m okay...I just...”
On the floor in front me, I noticed the faint trace of fingernail marks.
“Was that there before?” My wife inquired.
“I’m...I’m not sure.”
“Let’s go back to bed. We’ll talk more about it tomorrow.”
I tried to hold back my stubborn expression, but she still saw it.
“C’mon, you need to rest.”
With an exasperated exhale, I went back to bed with the strange occurrence replaying incessantly in my brain.
In the morning, I told my wife about all the strange experiences. To my shock she actually believed me.
“What do you want to do, then?” She asked.
“Well...I have a theory I want to check out.”
“Theory of what?”
“Well, let’s just say that ghosts exist, and there are certain reasons why they haunt certain places. If that is true then...I think there could be a body in our crawlspace.”
“What, are you crazy?”
“I know how it sounds, but what would it hurt to look?”
“You really think there’s something down there?”
“More someone, but I’m not sure to be honest. Hopefully I can get a confirmation either way it goes.”
That afternoon, I found myself standing at the door to our crawlspace. It felt ridiculous, but so many details pointed to it. The sounds and cold spots were all related to the floor. The ghastly woman’s clothes were smeared with dirt. It was obscure, but it was all I had to go on.
I had to pry the door open with a crowbar, but I managed after a minute or two. A wave of unnatural cold air blasted me, so strong that I had to throw on a coat just to stop from shivering so badly.
I clicked on my flashlight, illuminating the eerie underbelly of our home. The dirt sifted under my feet as I crouch-walked around. After hearing it, it only confirmed what I thought I heard from under the floor.
Expecting to see more, I was almost disappointed that the crawlspace was completely bare. Not believing it entirely, I shined my light around more. The back part of the crawlspace led to concrete and it was there that I noticed one section of the wall looked different than the rest.
Hands quivering, I pushed against the section of concrete and felt it shift under the pressure. It continued to wobble around in place the more I pushed. Holding my flashlight between my teeth, I had to use both hands to pry the piece away from the wall. To my astonishment, it pulled away very easily. It was no coincidence that the section of wall fit the hole exactly, like a puzzle piece.
After leaning the piece of concrete against the wall, I found that the concrete was covering a door with a padlock.
There’s no way anything good is behind this...
Minutes later, I returned to the mysterious door with a pair of bolt cutters. I debated whether or not I’d go in. There was no reason I shouldn’t satisfy my curiosity, because if there wasn’t anything then great, but if there was something terrible, I’d simply have to deal with it. Either way, I had to know.
I clipped the metal bar off the lock and it thudded softly to the dirt floor. Taking in a deep breath, I dared to aim my beam down the opening. The crawlspace extended much further into the house, and I had a good guess where it led. I now had to crawl on my hands and knees as a knot of dread formed in my stomach.
“You always tell people not to do this in movies, why are you doing this now??!” I chastised myself.
I knew all too well how stupid this was but the part of my brain that can’t look away from a car wreck pushed me to carry along regardless.
It was difficult to navigate with the flashlight and crawl. A mild claustrophobia settled in that pushed me along with a sense of urgency. The temperature couldn’t have been any more than a meatlocker. My hands shook despite my thick jacket. Eventually, I came to a dead end.
Is this all?
I stopped for a moment and checked around with my light some more, hoping a more thorough search would bear some fruit. Yet, there was nothing.
Sighing in frustration, I decided that perhaps I was losing my mind and was just having really vivid dreams after all. How could I have been so stupid?
I made it halfway across the hidden area when I felt my legs suddenly give out. They weren’t tired or sore before this. It was as if they stopped working of their own volition. I attempted to cry out, but my mouth felt as if some force held it closed.
Just like a stitched mouth...
One of the few things I could move was my neck and I turned to the side to see...
…a tuft of a blanket?
Due to the narrow space, I must have missed it. I slowly reached for it with all the internal alarms in my body going off at once. Ignoring the warning, I pulled the cloth back to reveal a skeletal hand.
In this moment of revulsion, something turned on my motor skills again as I regained control of my legs, crawling out of there as quickly as I could muster. Heaving, I stumbled out of the crawlspace and instantly felt the rise in temperature. I sat on the porch and stayed there as I called the police and explained the situation.
It turns out that one of the previous owners of the home was a major suspect in the disappearance of a young lady fifteen years ago. There wasn’t enough evidence to conduct a home search so they were never able to find the body. And what they found was something I wish I had never known.
From examining the body, they found that her captor had broken both of her legs so she couldn’t escape and sewn her mouth shut to keep her from screaming. It was hard to tell how long she’d been locked down there before she died, but they hypothesized it was a month or two. The cause of death was unclear. This was clearly enough to pursue the former owner.
When they picked him up, the guy tried to play the ignorance card, pretending as if he didn’t know what house they were referring to. This of course made it even more suspicious.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything concrete enough to tie him to her death...until they searched his current home. Blueprints of the home showed that the crawlspace was supposed to end ten feet where the concrete wall was. No contractors were hired to do any work on the home, so someone had personally busted it up and created the door going further in. The last part of it was the padlock on the door.
When the police searched the man’s home, they found a shoebox full of seemingly innocent keepsakes. Among the keepsakes were some heirlooms, pictures of close family members, and a key. As suspected, the key matched the padlock to the crawlspace door. It was apparently enough to make him crack. It wasn’t long before he confessed to the kidnapping and murder, albeit without a hint of remorse. Turns out the bastard kept the key as a sick trophy.
They even questioned him about other possible victims since this was a trait commonly shared by serial killers. He denied it, but the police couldn’t feel any truth from it. If anything they knew that they solved one case, put a guilty man behind bars, and put a family at peace. Justice was served and he was locked away for the rest of his miserable life. Poetic justice, if you ask me. The poor girl’s parents buried her remains on a family plot.
After all this, we had serious doubts about staying in the home. Knowing something this egregious happened in our home was almost unbearable. I can’t tell you how much we cried when we heard the story of what happened to that poor girl. We were on the brink of selling the house for about a week, but one night changed all that.
I woke up from a dream, one so vivid yet it somehow escaped my thoughts like a fistful of sand. There was a strange feeling in my gut as if something was going to happen.
It was neither good nor bad, just....strange.
After drinking a small glass of milk, I meandered down the hall and stopped in my tracks. A woman stood in front of me, half-transparent with a bluish luminescence. I felt as if I knew her, although I didn’t recognize her appearance at all. She smiled, and I instantly knew who she was. Compared to her previous horrific manifestation, the woman was almost unrecognizable.
Never speaking, she motioned to her legs and I saw that they were in perfect condition. In a mild state of shock, I managed to form a smile. She beamed even wider and ran her fingers across her lips, pointing out her lack of stitches. A blanket of warmth wrapped around me, and I couldn’t resist the salty tears that streamed down my face.
Right before she waved goodbye, a voice spoke within my mind.
"It’s over now. Thank you..."
She faded away, and for the first time since we moved into that house, all hints of the oppressive energy dissipated. That was the last time I ever saw her.
It’s been 30 years now, and we’re still in that house to this day...
May she continue to rest in peace...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:44 Impressive_Match_125 My ears!!

I will post pictures in the comments. I do have a doctors appt for tomorrow, but am curious if anyone could tell me what this could potentially be?? I am a 29 year old female with no prior ear issues since I was in elementary school. I am not sure if this would be useful or not but prior medical history - anemic, eczema, mild allergies during the spring/summer, I had surgery in February to remove my teeth after severe hyperemesis gravidarum both pregnancies which ruined them beyond repair and periodontal disease. I had my 2nd son 8 months ago. I currently wear a denture. No prior drug abuse and I take 50mg Zoloft daily. Both of my son's and my husband are symptom free and feel like their normal self. I woke up this morning with the following sudden symptoms: severe chills (no fever), a swollen lymphnode/tenderness on the left side of neck, a sore throat, and fullness of head and my ears. I was periodically sneezing the last couple of days but other than that, nothing. My throat looks red and irritated (I do not have tonsils). I decided to check the inside of my ears with my ear camera and discovered this!! There is a rock hard bump on the inside of my right ear canal that has blood and yellow on it. both of the insides of my ear canals have a white layer on them with yellowish wax? They look swollen/irritated and feel full. I also noticed there is a black hair on my right ear drum. They have never looked like this before in the past when Ive used my ear camera. Any opinions or possible leads on what it could be would be appreciated!!
submitted by Impressive_Match_125 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:32 Erviaon2553 I got tased and now my hips feels insanely tight.

Hello all. I’m a 24 year old male who is in law enforcement. Earlier this week I was moving a filing cabinet. It was an awkward lift and i felt the outside of my hip pop and it was followed by some tightness but overall went away quickly. I run a lot and exercise alot because of my upcoming academy. Friday I was tased in the back which causes all of your muscles to tighten and incapacitate your nervous system for 5 seconds. Felt fine after (would not recommend).
That night i was so tired i fell asleep on the couch. Bad choice but was exhausted. woke up the next day sore but fine, then middle of the day I was walking around and the outside of my right hip became extremely tight and achy. Ibuprofen didn’t seem to help. Woke up today and didn’t seem to improve. This worried me as I NEED to keep up my physical training. It aches when i’m sitting, it hurts when my girlfriend hugs me, it hurt a lot to bend especially side to side. but doing sit ups and walking doesn’t seem to bother it. Haven’t tried running yet. Any suggestions on how to mend this quickly? should i be avoiding exercise? Thanks guys im clueless on this stuff
submitted by Erviaon2553 to flexibility [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:31 Key_Flatworm4895 i hate being bad at the game

ik that sounds like a really stupid thing to say, “just play and get better” yes i know. i have nearly 500 hours but i still feel like i’m terrible. the main thing isn’t that i’m a sore loser or don’t know what im doing in the game, i just don’t like how i get treated when i mess up.
i’ve been loving this new d&d chapter and having a lot of fun with it. i was just playing as vecna and i only got one hook. that’s fine, my mistake ofc. i just hate how the survivors treated me. constant clicks, teabags or other taunts. they continued the ‘harassment’ (for lack of a better term) in the egc.
i find it really embarrassing to feel like i’m finally getting good just to get thrashed and basically laughed at for it. i really love dbd, im always friendly and always try to have fun. im not sweaty, i dont rage at anyone, tunnel, camp or do anything to provoke that reaction.
it’s like i’m getting good and i feel great. i’m either getting consistent 3-4k games as killer or getting some really good loops or escapes as survivor and then out of nowhere i’m suddenly really bad again and feel embarrassed for even opening the game.
i don’t know why i feel this way and i don’t want to, i just want to have fun and play my favourite game yet it seems so difficult to just enjoy it when i get ‘bullied’ for messing up.
this was a bit of a rant, idk what it turned into. ig i just wanted to get it off my chest and feel somewhat heard.
TL;DR - i love dbd but i feel embarrassed to even touch the game when i’m ’bullied’ for my mistakes
submitted by Key_Flatworm4895 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 incoherentshrieking WOAAAHHHH WE’RE HALFWAY THERE

WOAAAHHHH WE’RE HALFWAY THERE submitted by incoherentshrieking to writers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Spraait Tonsillectomy experience - day 14

So, my (30M) tonsillectomy experience.
Always had a bit of an issue with throat infections and viruses getting stuck in the crypts giving me fevers and pain. Spoke with my GP, decided on referral for a tonsillectomy. When I showed up at the ENT they did a quick scope through my nose to look at the tonsils and pretty much after 2 minutes decided that they needed to go.
Day 0 (27.05.2024)
Surgery scheduled for 09:00, got in at about 10:40. Quick talk with anesthetician, gave me a few pills including OxyContin. They put me under, woke up about 2 hrs later in recovery relatively annoyed that they interrupted my good sleep. Feeling okay, a bit of pain, got a lot of water and a few ice creams.
14:30 I messaged my dad saying I was getting ready to go. The nurses helped me out but i ended up throwing up in a bag in the reception area. Back up to recovery. I just kept getting woozy every single time they tried to move me. Another attempt at leaving (in a wheelchair this time) resulted in another episode of vomiting. Spoke with the surgeon and decision was made to keep me overnight to allow the OxyContin to disappear from my system. OxyNorm was perfectly fine.
I got scripts for painkillers (paracetamol and OxyNorm), inflammation reducing medication and nausea reducing medication.
Day 1
Woke up feeling a bit better, still pain, but completely manageable. Dad picked me up at about 09:00, went straight home and into bed.
Day 2 - Day 6
Still a bit of pain, mostly at night and when waking up since my throat was getting quite dry after sleeping. Most nights I ended up taking a OxyNorm and drinking water to soften my throat and the scabs. My throat was gradually getting itchy and looked like the apocalypse. Ended up eating mostly soups, noodles, broth, smoothies etc.
Day 7
By this day I could start eating a bit more solid food, so had spaghetti.
Yawned early in the day, and could feel the tightness in the back of my throat. Apparently I yawned a bit too big, so I started bleeding a small bit. It stopped after a few mins which was according to the documents I got from the doctor (if it stops within 5 mins you are OK). I was a bit scared, so decided to go to lie down. I could feel myself bleeding more when I laid down. Long story short I called the emergency services, they told me to ice my neck and eat ice chips until the ambulance arrived. Very calm throughout the entire thing. Arrived at the hospital, they anesthetized my throat and then cauterized 6-7 spots along the wound where the tonsils had been on the left side of my throat. Total blood loss was approx 0.7L, but I never felt woozy or close to passing out. I did swallow a lot more blood than I thought, so if you experience the same thing, call early rather than later. Had to spend the night at the hospital for observation, and also had to wait for food since the doc ordered me to fast until they were sure they didnt have to put me under and operate to control any further bleeding.
Day 8 - Day 14
Very little pain, have now stopped using painkillers and OxyNorm alltogether. The hospital extended my sick leave with an additional week since the cauterization is essentially a surgical procedure, so will be relaxing and healing until the 18th of June. The left side of my throat which was cauterized is still quite sore and stiff, preventing me from yawning fully. The right side is mostly fine.
I'm expecting the pain to go away quite soon and for my throat to return to normal. My sense of taste is still very strange, a lot of sweets taste really bitter and most food will taste quite metallic as soon as I swallow. Going to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow. I've been reading a bit, and this is apparently not that uncommon?
Any questions/queries, do reply below or DM :-)
submitted by Spraait to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:50 ectobabble apology letter to my eight year old self

Growing up there always is this fantasy of who I was going to become and where I was going to go. My mind ran wild with seemingly endless ideas. Any hurdles, no matter how big, were disregarded. I didn’t know my limits because I was told to have none. The world was full of magic and beaming with opportunities because I had to believe it was.
I was determined to make my birth worth the pain it caused my family to raise me.
With all the hurdles in front of me, I never saw the ones inside. Those little inconveniences, the little voices in my mind and minor delusions chipping away at my sanity… I disregarded them, but they built up over time, all collected in a box that was starting to overflow in my mind.
The world kept getting darker. It was my own mind that was eating itself alive. Years and years of dragging along to the tune of ‘just survive’ and the dreams that I had, that the little girl had, were thrown away. It wasn’t because they were given up on, it was because they were unachievable to a mind whose greatest victory was surviving another day.
Out of all the hurdles, we never considered the ones inside. I think back to a time long ago, before our mind slipped away for the first time, and wonder where I would be if there was help back then. If proper help was given, could that little girl have gotten what she had hoped for? If it wasn’t the demons from my past, it was a biologically sick mind hellbent on terrorizing itself.
I grieve for that little girl. The one I promised her dreams would come true. She grew up thinking that all that pain made her special, that she could transform it into art and connection with others. No matter the pain, she kept her whimsy.
Now I have to face her and tell her that the pain only made us grow weak and tired. The whimsy she had was beaten and mocked out of me and the hope she had went away with every new medication and hospital visit. When something finally went right, I didn’t have the energy to enjoy it.
She had begun to disgust me. With every new misfortune I destroyed more and more of her - and I didn’t know why. I threw her things out because ‘it would never happen’. I burned her work because ‘no one liked it, it was garbage’. I cut ties with her friends because ‘alone is safer’.
One day, I gripped my chest, there was an empty, cold ache, and I somehow knew that the little girl had died. Fear overcame me and I realized I was destroying the one part of me that made life worth living.
I face her again. I buy her favorite chocolate. I put on a show she liked. I put her art up on the walls. I cry and beg her to come back. I tell her that just because I was weak, it didn’t mean she had to go. I’m sorry her life was put on hold for so many years, that I grew to despise her for the hope she had, but I’ll hold the pain for her. I just want her to fill that empty cavity in my chest again.
(not beta read or anything, just words.)
submitted by ectobabble to arttocope [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:47 Icy-Wallaby8021 Underactive thyroid

Hi guys , pretty new to this underactive thyroid thing. But the past few weeks I've had like this feeling there's something in my throat. I went to the GP and they prescribed me lansoprazole but it doesn't feel any better. They did check my thyroid and for lumps and they didn't feel anything. Now they called it silent reflux. Is it quite common to have this ? Do i go back or will they just prescribe me more lansoprazole or something similar. Or is this not linked at all. It's not sore or hurting me , it's more annoying than anything. And although I do try to stop clearing my throat (gp said stop) its really hard and sometimes I do panic as it feels like I can't swallow, although that could be because I'm panicking.
Thank you
submitted by Icy-Wallaby8021 to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:46 Icy-Wallaby8021 Underactive thyroid issue

Hi guys , pretty new to this underactive thyroid thing. But the past few weeks I've had like this feeling there's something in my throat. I went to the GP and they prescribed me lansoprazole but it doesn't feel any better. They did check my thyroid and for lumps and they didn't feel anything. Now they called it silent reflux. Is it quite common to have this ? Do i go back or will they just prescribe me more lansoprazole or something similar. Or is this not linked at all. It's not sore or hurting me , it's more annoying than anything. And although I do try to stop clearing my throat (gp said stop) its really hard and sometimes I do panic as it feels like I can't swallow, although that could be because I'm panicking.
Thank you.
submitted by Icy-Wallaby8021 to thyroid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:38 Glad-Steak-6177 Inflamed Throat, Mouth, and more

Very red back of throat, leading to white film.
Painful to eat and swallow, very dimished appetite, have lost 30 pounds.
Presenting with a full body rash, both present for over three months now.
Thrush on the tongue has been treated, but comes back. Large cuts and sores on the tongue as well.
The top left of the picture shows red blood- that was from being rubbed (gently) with a q tip.
Have seen 3 doctors so far who are stumped. Basic bloodwork is healthy. Seeing immunologist in two days, have gotten off allergy meds in prep for that.
submitted by Glad-Steak-6177 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 Glad-Steak-6177 Inflamed throat and mouth.

Very red back of throat, leading to white film.
Painful to eat and swallow, very dimished appetite, have lost 30 pounds.
Presenting with a full body rash, both present for over three months now.
Thrush on the tongue has been treated, but comes back. Large cuts and sores on the tongue as well.
The top left of the picture shows red blood- that was from being rubbed (gently) with a q tip.
Have seen 3 doctors so far who are stumped. Basic bloodwork is healthy. Seeing immunologist in two days, have gotten off allergy meds in prep for that.
submitted by Glad-Steak-6177 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:27 rural_ghuleh Could this be COVID related? Severe symptoms

Long story short, I had an unnecessary cerebral angiogram (I trusted the doctors..) 2 weeks after I got COVID for the first time. I thought I was over COVID. Right after the angiogram I started having left ear pain and now almost 3 months later the symptoms are only getting worse. It all sounds like a CSF leak to me, but a cerebral angiogram uses a catheter that stays in your could it even come close to puncturing the dura? I'm praying it's ANYTHING else than a CSF leak. I saw some posts on here of people with long COVID symptoms...could it be long COVID?
These are my symptoms:
left ear pain, pressure fullness - pain all around neck, vascular and muscle - recurring black spot in left peripheral vision -wet feeling in left ear - ringing tinnitus - bubbling/pop noise in head and both ears all day -neck bubbling/cracking sounds - base of skull is sore - laying on back causes pain on skull base - pressure in head on top and both sides - mild throat pain in left side - muscle spasms all over body CONSTANTLY - Pressure and pain in head when bending over - double vision - base back of neck pain - occasionally pain in left eye - brain burning feeling - ears popping - right top of foot and hand tingling and numbness -Right arm heavy and tingly, on and off
submitted by rural_ghuleh to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:25 Bumbling_Hierophant Help for a DE Nanite run

I have an ungodly amount of hours in this game but I haven't really played since before Astral Planes came out but with the new DLC I decided to come back for an extermination run.
Oh my god, what the hell happened? I'm in my third lost save and at this point I don't know what to do so here's a summary:
First run: Easy diagnostic, I didn't snowball hard enough and was wiped off the map in the 2350s by an Overwhelming Federation covering a third of the map that took issue with my existence (Got the Eternal Throne, yay!).
Second run: A lot of early game conquest that stabilised at around 20 worlds, sore up my borders, created a lot of torpvettes fleets for ease of reinforcement. At around the same date as before I was mixing my own business w the Science Crisis and another federation I barely held off before came back for a second round. My mistake, having kinda ignored Astral Rifts so I didn't snag the wormhole to the center of the Galaxy and promptly got a 100k fleet shoved down my throat.
Third run: Same start as the second but rushing all the Astral Rifts I find to look down access to those fleets, was gearing up to take out the Raiders I'd expanded around but before I could create enough fleets, the Khan appears and, since I'm playing a genocidal empire with no option fo surrender, got deleted from the map a third time.
All of this was in Capitan difficulty (my usual) and this point I'm extremely close to leaving the game again cause I feel completely lost. Any advice?
submitted by Bumbling_Hierophant to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:21 KrystleOfQuartz so much medication!

Looking to hear some experiences… I’m 8 weeks pregnant and I’m working with a reproductive immunologist for repeat miscarriages.. I have Hashimotos and some other inflammatory issues..
I’ve been on prednisone for months as apart of my conception cycle prep. I’m also on plaquenil, lovenox, low dose aspirin, metformin, PIO injections, progesterone suppositories, estradiol, Tirosint… I mean at this point you name it, I’m on it:
My asthma has been nonexistent for a year or so, until now: I feel like someone is sitting on my chest daily. I can’t even lay down or recline a chair, my lungs feel tingly and achy. Almost like a heart palpitation but I know it’s my lungs. My back is so sore too! I do know during pregnancy the hormones can cause shortness of breath, and clearly it’s exacerbating my asthma.
I am waiting for my doctor to get back to me on inhaler usage, but what can I do in the meantime? My albuterol inhaler did nothing for me. My pulse ox is good, blood pressure is low/normal.
I cannot even sleep at night I’m sitting straight up trying to get air! I honestly could cry writing this because I’ve never felt this way before. And my meds cannot be tweaked or lowered because they need to be where they are for the pregnancy.
Any insight or tips?
submitted by KrystleOfQuartz to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Ambitious-Room4900 Recovery after ablation

My ablation was on June 5. Most of my soreness has went away. The incision spots in my legs are actually almost healed surprisingly. They did not bother me whatsoever. The pain in my throat is getting better. The tightness in my chest when I take a deep breath is also getting better however, I’m very tiredand I’m still having visual disturbances. What was your recovery like after your ablation? I had a terrible headache yesterday and I never ever get headaches.
submitted by Ambitious-Room4900 to AFIB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:00 Grape_Fruit109 Huge plaque like substance at the back of my throat and tongue after giving oral sex

Hi everyone,
So a few weeks ago I gave my boyfriend oral for the first time and then after that I gave it three more times. I started to notice my throat feeling scratchy and somewhat sore after the first time, but I brushed it off and figured that it was probably just irritation. Now it’s been a few weeks and we have broken up. My throat is still feeling scratchy and when I looked down my throat with my phone flashlight today, I noticed a huge white plaque like substance at the very back of my tongue and throat. It’s huge and it’s making me feel like I can’t swallow. It’s like someone is pressing their fingers on the front of my throat.
So my question is what the hell is this? Did he give me an std or something else? He said he was a virgin and that the last time he had oral was years ago. I’m freaking out. I made an appointment with my doctor, but I don’t get seen until Thursday. Does anyone know what this could be? Should I try to bump my appointment up if possible?
Help :(
submitted by Grape_Fruit109 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:51 Ok-Chart5079 Sore throat

Wasn't it just this a.m. that G had such a horrible sore throat and couldn't talk? These girls (they are NOT women) 🙄
submitted by Ok-Chart5079 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:50 Suspicious_Earth_931 I just want the pain to stop

I've got some issues with my stomach. The first attack I had was in 2020/21. It feels like I'm having a heart attack. I don't really have a feeling of heartburn, the first attack was more of a dull ache in my chest. It lasted a few hours. I would have these attack very randomly and pretty far in between. I couldn't really figure out what foods were causing it. It didn't really even seem connected to eating even. But they were not that common so I didn't give it too much thought
Since last year they have progressively gotten worse. What was maybe once a month has turned into 2-3 times a week, lasting HOURS. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I have noticed if it's greasy foods, it makes it worse. Now it doesn't matter what I eat or drink. Even drinking a glass of tea will cause an attack and I'm MISERABLE.
I made a good dinner last Sunday and it has been KILLING me since. The pain is so bad I literally feel like I'm dying. I have an appointment Tuesday with a Dr but I don't know if I'm going to make it. It's been a week with hardly any sleep, barely eating/drinking. The pain starts in my stomach, upper stomach and spreads to my chest, where my heart is and it's sharp pains that are non fucking stop. Pain and n my back, chest and under my ribs. I want to die if it doesn't stop.
I have tried so many things. But nothing helps once it starts. I can't make myself puke either. I feel like I'm dying.
Has anyone else ever felt this kind of pain??? I have also lost almost 20 lbs since last year.
submitted by Suspicious_Earth_931 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:48 YoungReaganite24 Is it possible I might have contracted?

So, a week ago today I came back from a 10 day vacation with my long distance girlfriend. We hadn't seen each other or had sex in about 4 months, so naturally we were going at it quite a lot, all unprotected (she uses NuvaRing). My GF has genital HSV-1, but she was infected almost 3 years ago and she takes viral suppression drugs whenever we're going to be together. She hasn't had any outbreaks besides her first one.
My only symptoms right now are an occasional, very slight but noticeable burning sensation during and after urination, and an occasional very slight itching of the urethra near the head of my penis, which I can only relieve by squeezing just below the head of my dick. Occasionally, some watery discharge that looks and feels like precum. I also had a random sore throat starting the day before I left to go home, which lasted for 3 or 4 days, but it wasn't scratchy or painful except for when swallowing, and my lymph nodes weren't swollen.
It's worth mentioning that I tested positive for chlamydia once a long time ago, in December 2020. I did the whole treatment regimen and tested again 9-10 days later, came back negative. Given my previous experience with chlamydia and the slight chance of exposure, I'm feeling a tad paranoid. What could be causing this? Possible non-STI bacterial infection from all the unprotected sex? Not always urinating after ejaculations? Using lubricant that's 3 years old? Non-specific urethritis from oral sex? My GF and I have been each other's only sexual partners for at least 11-12 months.
submitted by YoungReaganite24 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:47 Realistic_Award2894 Cervical and Foraminal Stenosis

Hey everyone. Just wanted to see if anyone has had similar symptoms to me. I am hoping to be eligible for endoscopic posterior cervical surgery and am awaiting appointments with surgeons.
My MRI results are:Cervical cord is normal in size and intensity. Intervertebral disc heights are maintained.
C2-3: No spinal canal or foraminal narrowing
C3-4: No spinal canal or foraminal narrowing
C4-5: No spinal canal or foraminal narrowing
C5-6: Small to moderate right paracentral and subarticular disc osteophyte complex results in mild spinal canal narrowing. Unconvertebral osteophytes result in moderate right and mild left foraminal narrowing
.C6-7: No spinal canal narrowing. Unconvertebral osteophytes result in mild right foraminal narrowing. No left foraminal narrowing.
C7-T1: No spinal canal or foraminal narrowing
I have bilateral pain that is mainly aches and spasms down shoulder blades, trapezius, chest, posterioside/front shoulder, bicep, serratus anterior, armpits, elbows, forearms, and into all fingers (mainly in middle 3 fingers though). Pain is similar on both sides of body. My research shows that C6 nerve root shares a lot of anatomy with c5 and c7 and can differ from person to person.
I have had some zingers in my neck (scalene area) but don't have a lot of neck pain in general. It's definitely progressed over the last 5 months as we originally treated it as a shoulder injury in physio and chiro. I don't really have muscle weakness but lots of pain/twitches. I have gone numb in the forearms in ring/pinky fingers at night a couples times when sleeping on the ground or with arms on body but no numbness other than that. My flare ups generally happen when I used my arms too much or carry things that are too heavy. A couple occasions at night I have felt like someone was cutting into both shoulders right on the nerve (10/10 pain for sure).
I am on Pregabalin which takes the edge off but doesn't get rid of pain completely. I am looking in the USA and Germany for opinions as it takes forever to get in with someone in British Columbia, Canada.
Has anyone had similar experiences??? Just wondering if all of my symptoms sound like they make sense. I have attached some pictures of my MRI for your viewing. Much appreciated.
submitted by Realistic_Award2894 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:39 looser1234567 Was D outed?

I just watched a clip on Yt of G trying to get sympathy for a sore throat and her husband said D had a bad reaction to KLONOPIN not CLONODINE and then G repeated it that it was KLONOPIN, so what was it? KLONOPIN or CLONODINE cause D didn’t want to show her bottles and she called the medicine by 6 different names.
submitted by looser1234567 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:37 Long_Lab_8462 3 month post surgery sore throat???

Has anyone who is fully healed been sick and had a sore throat since? I had a head cold and my sore throat was so different from what it was before. When I had a sore throat previously it would be mildly uncomfortable and my tonsils were very large. Of course now that I don’t have my tonsils there is no uncomfortable “unable to breathe“ feeling but my sore throat almost feels like cat scratches??? very scratchy and before surgery i wouldn’t ever really use cough drops, i was able to just deal with it but if I have a sore throat now, I have to eat cough drops like it’s nobody’s business and they barely help ! Curious to see if anyone else has this issue !!!
submitted by Long_Lab_8462 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]