Objectives for resumes in medical billing coding

So many numbers, so little time

2012.07.30 01:04 So many numbers, so little time

Many physicians, mid-level providers, practice managers, administrators, billers and front desk staff members have questions about coding. Today's demand for certified professional coders (CPCs) is growing as many jobs in the coding and billing field now require certification. Health care professionals involved in coding, compliance, billing, administration and reimbursement aspects of medicine should be certified as part of a compliance program.

2020.01.21 17:50 KSidG The developersIndia Community

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2008.03.13 22:18 /r/medicine: a subreddit for medical professionals

medicine is a virtual lounge for physicians and other medical professionals from around the world to talk about the latest advances, controversies, ask questions of each other, have a laugh, or share a difficult moment. This is a highly moderated subreddit. Please read the rules carefully before posting or commenting.

2024.05.16 19:22 ITeeVee Should I just wait for my job to call back?

Long story short, I applied to an rehab center for dogs where we watch and take care of dogs who are left for the day. I dropped my resume in person and immediately got a call (well the next day or two) and they were really interested in my previous experience at an animal shelter and also my tailored objective (also cause I sent my resume right before they made an indeed post and mine was in person). I went in for an “interview” last Friday which was more of them showing me around the whole place and stuff. Then they said they’d get back to me in a week cause other people applied too.
It’s almost been a week, which means I might not actually get the job. But I am being pressured and told to go there in person and FOLLOW-UP with them so they can see I care which I personally think is a waste of time and more likely to drop my chances if I had any. Maybe I am wrong? So I’m asking the question here.
submitted by ITeeVee to GetEmployed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:19 Odd-Studio-9861 Cannot switch framebuffers

I am trying to implement multi pass rendering using the OpenTK bindings for OpenGL. My approach is to render to a intermediate framebuffer and then using use that result to render the second pass. So far I have been following this tutorial on framebuffers. I have run into some issues while following the tutorial:
This is my code to render to the screen with one shader, which works fine:
GL.ClearColor(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); _texture.Use(TextureUnit.Texture0); _shader1.Use(); GL.BindVertexArray(_vertexArrayObject); GL.DrawElements(PrimitiveType.Triangles, _indices.Length, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, 0); 
My approach to implement a second rendering pass following the tutorial:
// Pass 1 GL.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, _framebuffer.Handle); GL.ClearColor(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); _texture.Use(TextureUnit.Texture0); _shader1.Use(); GL.BindVertexArray(_vertexArrayObject); GL.DrawElements(PrimitiveType.Triangles, _indices.Length, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, 0); // Pass 2 GL.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, 0); GL.ClearColor(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); _framebuffer.IntermediateTexture.Use(TextureUnit.Texture0); _shader2.Use(); GL.BindVertexArray(_vertexArrayObject); GL.DrawElements(PrimitiveType.Triangles, _indices.Length, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, 0); 
The above code results in a blackscreen. Testing the everything individually yields the expected results. When I change the FramebufferTarget parameter of the firstGL.BindFramebuffer call to FramebufferTarget.ReadFramebuffer I get the output with ONLY the first shader applied. Anything else results again in a blackscreen. Why does this happen, what is my mistake here? If anything, shouldn't one expect the output in the above scenario be the combination of both shader passes? I am using shaders 'NoRed' and 'NoGreen', which when tested individually do what expected, so I think I am not misinterpreting the output. I don't often write community posts, and this might be a really stupid question, but even so I would really appreciate an answer.
submitted by Odd-Studio-9861 to opengl [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:14 hindenboat Link Multiple CSV Files

I am working on a project where I need to save a number of different graphs with related metadata (I'm using MetaGraphsNext).
Currently I am saving the graph data using two csv files, MyGraph.nodes.csv, and MyGraph.edges.csv. I like this method becasue it provides good readability of the saved data, and it is easy to implement with DataFrames and CSV. Additionally I like the DataFrames format, becasue I do not use the Graph object, at every point in my code. For instance when loading the instances, I just need the data. I do not actually create a MetaGraph object, I just load the edge data into matrixes.
My issue is that I now have multiple files that I need to deal with. I would like a method that allows me to combine these into one file, and maybe provide some sort of additional meta data. Additionally, I need to use these graphs to create a problem instance that contains two graphs and an additional linking table. I would also like to be able to treat this as a single file.
I have come up with the following ideas but I don't really like any of them
  1. Store everything as separate csv files and just deal with it. I have been using folders for the instance.
  2. Combine all of the files into a JSON file. (I have implemented basically fully, but I don't really like it. I have to convert everything into Dicts, save as a JSON and do the reverse to read. I have also created a bunch of new structs to store the data. IDK why, but I don't like it)
  3. Skip the CSV files and use an existing graph file format. MGFormat and DOTFormat are supported with MetaGraphNext. This is ok but they are not very readable and it does not solve the instance problem.
  4. Create a .zip file of the data. I could create all the files, and them zip them into a collection. Additionally I could add a JSON file with some metadata. I like this except for have to make the temporary files and I don't need them to be zipped.
  5. Use SML from this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWjhuXBrBfg), but there is no julia support.
  6. Use .xlsx files with multiple tables
I guess what I am looking for is some advice on what to do and what options are better than the others or if there is something that I totally missed.
submitted by hindenboat to Julia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:14 Original-One-6954 Does this sound like ADD or anxiety/avoidance?

I do have a diagnosis of ADD, Auditory processing disorder, & seasonal depression. I am currently on Wellbutrin and Adderall.. Apologies in advance for spilling all of my concerns out and making this post so long..
I get very over stimulated by people and require a lot of alone time. If I can go to work and come right home, lay in bed and be left mostly alone, I am okay for the most part. This is a life I can manage. Any disruptions to my routine or last minute plans that I didn’t have time to mentally prepare for are usually stressful and draining. I need to know who is going to be there, how many people, how long will I be there, what do I wear, do I bring anything, is my phone charged, etc. etc. I always like to drive independently so that I can leave whenever I want.
Outside of my family, all of my friends & boyfriend are people I met in college when I was a bit more social.. I have not met and maintained any new friendships in the 5 years since graduation. I usually avoid being around people I am not completely comfortable with and when I do interact with acquaintances I tend to become kind of monotone and my sense of humor disappears but I can’t help it.
I hate confrontation to the point that I will shut down and distance myself from the person entirely. I will think about a confrontation endlessly for days afterward. I do get defensive in the moment it’s happening but I do try to avoid confrontation as a whole. I am always going out of my way not to inconvenience people to the point it’s caused some problems. I definitely go out of my way not to be noticed by strangers. Avoiding confrontation has served me well in certain situations because I have filtered through the people in my life and only kept the genuinely good ones and have a solid friend group. I also am very emotionally aware because I am constantly observing how my behavior makes others feel. However there are circumstances where I cannot avoid it. I am good at maintaining professional and diffusing angry customers at work but I do stress about it and maybe even cry later on.. If I have to talk to my boss one on one, even just to ask her if I can leave 15 minutes early, my heart starts racing, my mouth gets so dry and I feel like I can’t formulate sentences properly. My adrenaline causes my memory of the interaction to be fuzzy. The thought of having to make it through multiple interviews has prevented me from advancing in my career. I also get this way with my doctors too but I don’t know why..
Going back to how I need a schedule to maintain my mental health.. big changes are very hard for me motivation wise and stress wise. I am always thinking about how many steps are involved to achieve the end goal and I get so overwhelmed that I need to stop thinking about it entirely before even starting. I also worry about every potential out come of the change and need to anticipate/prepare for it.. Right now I would like to have a new job and also my boyfriend has been pushing for us to live together. I have been stuck on the stage of browsing for online options and haven’t gotten any further because it’s too much to handle. So.. I have just stayed where I am at for way longer than I should, people around me are progressing in life and i’m not.
Today I found a job online i’m actually interested in but started thinking about making a cover letter and resume and got overwhelmed. Thinking about interviewing put me into a panic so I didn’t apply yet. I spent 3 years working up the courage to go to the dentist, finally went 2 months ago and found out I needed a root canal but still have not scheduled that appointment due to anxiety.. Last week I made an appointment with my PCP for today to discuss anxiety but I pushed it to next week due to anxiety about going. I am worried about not being able to remember and properly say what I want to say… Also my brain bounces back and forth between “you’re find you don’t need help” and “there is something wrong with you” and who knows which mood i’ll be in on the day of my appointment.. I have always been this way, sometimes I have a good year or something and sometimes I have a bad phase where it’s worse.. I really have a hard time knowing what’s normal/my personality (due to ADD) and if I might actually have a problem with anxiety that could be helped with medication.. I think I need therapy but it’s so expensive and hard to get into around here.
submitted by Original-One-6954 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:10 Chonkin_GuineaPig Is it legal to open up a RedBubble store while on disability? Desperate for answers.

I thought about investing my time into emulating games on a Steamdeck as I have absolutely nothing to do with myself in a small rural town with little to no internet. All there is to do around is shop at DG/Walmart and eat out at fast food joints. At least with the Steamdeck, I could run a bunch of old ROMs that don't require internet.
I've gotten bored with my 2022 Samsung tablet as all the apps tend to be non-functional due to ads and subscription paywall unless I dig my way through bootleg sites to download a specific APK. Half my favorite games are incompatible with newer technology. I deliberately asked for an older model from 2019 since they're better made, but my parents said no.
I've tried to run a PC emulator on my tablet, but just about everything on the app store is complete garbage these days. The Switch library mostly consists of overpriced garbage and my console dies within 45 minutes to an hour on full charge even if I manually shut it down every time.
I understand the need for being grateful, but all these consoles/tablets/etc. add up and everyone else being hoarders is just too much for me. I get that the Steamdeck is not a fix-all, but it would keep down the overall clutter for the most part and emulating old ROMs would finally give my brain something to look forward to.
I've tried explaining to my family what the Steamdeck was and how I was gonna use it, and their response is that I can't just expect handouts all the time and I need to get out there and work. I have no issue applying for Walmart to pay for it at all if it weren't for my ongoing health issues.
I cannot apply for a position at any workplace because of my health concerns that involves the consistent dropping of items or bumping into and knocking over objects. I've also been experiencing things like undiagnosed heart/vascular that would make it difficult to work a part time job without falling and getting hurt. My guardians don't want me going to the doctor and there's nothing I can do about it.
As for the Steamdeck, I was mostly gonna leave it docked to the TV or prop it up against the table with a stand and use a Bluetooth controller with it while at group therapy. I'm mostly into getting one so I can emulate older games with updates for newer software as well as access to the regular Steam library.
I've tried setting boundaries during Christmas/birthdays nearly a dozen times over and absolutely nobody is willing to work with me at all. The only way I can buy anything for myself (regardless of what it is) would be to sell my own artwork online.
I was gonna close down the shop immediately after paying for the Steamdeck and open it back up around Christmas/birthdays so I can buy myself the stuff I've already had in mind for ages since everyone thinks it's selfish to ask for cash or gift cards.
I would have to use direct printing services like RedBubble and Society6 because conditions at the facility are less than ideal and I don't want to get dirt in any of the packages or have someone else steal them. Plus there's no way to ship anything out on my own since they only have a PO box.
People online say that making any kind of side money at ALL is illegal even if I were to do regular commissions or sell pieces at an art gallery, but I can't really tell at this point. I'm just tired of relying on people who hand me all this cheap junk from DG that I don't need and can't get rid of right after I beg and plead for them to stop.
The amount of money that the place I'm staying owes us would be enough to cover a basic one, but they're probably not going to give us our allowance back until I'm long gone. Some residents have already started getting their money and it looks like backpay is practically out of the question.
I'm sad about not being able to get one because I really wanted something to do over the summer since I can't afford to go to leave the building. I guess I could save $60 a month and end up getting one in about a year, but the only issue with that is not knowing if I'm even gonna get my monthly allowance back at all.
There's nothing that really prevents residents from going into each other's rooms and stealing each other's monthly allowance either since it's all in dollar bills, so having it sent directly to a debit card would make it more secure. I can't trust my parents to take all those dollar bills to the bank either because they'll just spend it on themselves.
I've been wanting to move to a safer area for a long time, but I can't live on my own with the way I am and social workers have been trying to put me on a waitlist for a medical waiver that could take up to a decade or more (that's if I even qualify at all).
Any suggestions?
submitted by Chonkin_GuineaPig to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:09 bakedtakis 2.5 years and finally a diagnosis.

In 2016 I had weird UTI symptoms and went to a urologist. First visit they diagnosed me with Ureaplasma and treated me. Voila. In 2022 I started having same weird symptoms and went to Two urologists (in a different state). I put Ureaplasma on both intake paperworks. I thought it was something they would have tested for. They told me IC, or I’m just a person who has chronic UTI’s, or edimetriosis or yada yada yada. After looking at this subreddit I realized it should be tested with a swab and realized I have never been swabbed thus never tested. I even asked my urologist if they tested me for it and he said “the bacteria? sure that would have shown up.” I looked in my medical records and there was no test that included it. I (finally fed up) printed off the test code and went to my Primary Care Physician and said I need you to run this test. She didn’t know what it was and had to look up how to collect the sample as well as how to treat with antibiotics. Positive test result. Torn between relief and excitement for answers and absolute rage at my urologists. 2.5 years. Over a dozen overnight episodes of constant pain. What the fuck.
submitted by bakedtakis to Ureaplasma [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:08 Slow-Plenty-6974 Feeling very disappointed right now.

Hi everyone. I didnt know where else to talk about this so I’m just putting this here. I discovered this coffee shop position last week and I was really excited about it. I was layed off last December from a job without notice over text and Ive had to door-dash to pay my bills in the meantime. So I was really excited to see this job, it pays 15 an hour plus tips, and I have pretty relevant experience. I told my friend about this position not thinking anything of it, and she told me she was interested in the position as well.
A few days later I wanted to contact the owner of the company, I told my friend I was going to, and she went and did the same thing. We both received emails back for our resumes and when we would be available for an interview. My friend received a response after sending her resume (also note shes never had a job before). I got nothing. I sent a follow up email and once again, nothing.
My friend also sent a follow up email confirming her availability and she received a response instantly. Today is the last day of interviews and she interviewed and I did not. The place starts training next week so I am pretty sure I didnt get the position. Im just very discouraged because I thought I went above and beyond to get this job and I just didnt.
Im not upset with my friend, I know I probably shouldve just kept the position to myself. Im just trying to move on and find another place but its hard because my friend keeps updating me about the position. Im happy for her but Im just trying to not think about it. Im just gonna let myself feel whatever Im gonna feel about it, Im just bummed. 15 an hour couldve really helped me because I have bills and stuff and I really liked that I would be training with people that all were beginners.
submitted by Slow-Plenty-6974 to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 TemporaryMomentary Mom won’t understand disability just because she has it too

I (20) was born with EDS. Hyper flexible variety. My mother (45) has it, my sisters (16 & 21) have it, we’ve all got it. We agreed mine is the worst of all of us and I can get diagnosed first so the rest of the family will have family history. I literally use a wheelchair for it when I’m out of the house.
The problem is that my mom is also obsessive about cleanliness (and I’m allowed to call it as I see it because I have diagnosed obsessive compulsive disorder) and I’ve tried my hardest to explain to her why sometimes I need to focus on things other than cleaning so I can get things done in my adult life (work, education, hobbies if I’m lucky) but she blows up at me for not cleaning an entire room in a single night.
I understand that part of this stems from her refusal to take care of her own health first. She’ll complain about back pain all day, huff about it when I say I can’t pick something up for her because my back hurts too, and then still spend time hunched over arranging things in the kitchen. I would be fine with that, because it’s her body and her life, if she didn’t make it my problem.
I accept when I ask her to grab me something while she’s bent over and she refuses on account of her pain, so why isn’t “I slipped a disc in my back barely a month ago and when I bend down it feels like it’s going to happen again” a valid excuse for me? Why are there double standards?
When I first got my wheelchair for surgery she doted on me and insisted on pushing me everywhere. Now that I use it for my EDS suddenly it’s too bulky and annoying, I roll myself too slowly, I don’t even need it. Then she gets mad at me for being stiff and sore and immobile the next day. It makes me feel like I’m crazy.
Right now I’m having a particularly busy period in my education and I’ve dropped all my hobbies to focus on writing for it, everything hurts even on medication, and she’s still sending me increasingly pissed off messages about how I didn’t clean up enough for her like a cleaning-based bill collector. I asked her to give me something more specific to work with than just general “everything is dirty and you need to clean” and she just sent me a rant again.
What the hell am I supposed to do? She’s the one who gets worried about money when I say I’m not sure if I can stay in school because of my health. I don’t know if she’s narcissistic clinically speaking, I know that can come up as an issue sometimes. I don’t care if it’s NPD or all of the other mental and physical health problems she won’t address that make her treat me like this but I’m stressed and pissed off regardless.
submitted by TemporaryMomentary to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:56 SPEDTeacherRecruiter Amergis Education Staffing - Hiring Special Education Teachers 2024-25 School year! $2k+ per week!

Amergis is hiring travel Special Education Teachers for the 24-25 school year. Our office is located in San Luis Obispo CA, but we staff for school districts from Soledad down to Thousand Oaks. We have over 20+ Special Education Teacher openings for this up coming school year. If you are looking for a new contract, new change of scenery, we have a well-paying 39 week contract for you! We accept new graduates! To be paid our travel stipends (Housing and Meals) your taxable address must be over 50 miles from the school districts address. We offer weekly paid and great benefits. Below are the details for this position. We look forward working with you!
Job Title: Special Education Teacher (Mild/Mod & Mod Severe Credentials)
Location: Central Coast CA (Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa Barbara, Thousand Oaks) We are contracted with over 32 school districts in the cities listed.
Position Type: 39-week school year contract. Starting in August 2024- June 2025
Salary: Travel pay over $2000+ (depending on site) per week! Paid Weekly.
Hours: 37.5 hours per week
Are you a passionate and dedicated Special Education Teacher with credentials in both Mild/Mod and Mod Severe settings? Do you thrive in an environment where you can make a real difference in the lives of students with diverse learning needs? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you!
How to Apply:
If you are interested in joining our team as a Special Education Teacher, please submit your resume and cover letter through to [adgreene@amergis.com](mailto:adgreene@amergis.com). We will be conducting interviews for the 2024-25 school year.
Do not miss this opportunity to join a dynamic team of educators and make a difference in the lives of students with special needs! Apply today!
If you have, any questions I would love chat more about our opportunities we have available. Hope you have a fantastic day,
submitted by SPEDTeacherRecruiter to specialed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:53 dontatme939393 No current flare up for skin condition but have C & P next week, should I be worried?

Basically as the title say, I don’t have a current flare up but have plenty of documentation of treatment including while in service. I’m worried because I probably have objectively healthy looking skin but when I get an outbreak or flare up it’s not good at all. I’ve had Alopecia, maybe psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. Most doctors don’t know what it is so we try different medications. I submitted all this but I’m worried cause I don’t have a flare up and I only have pictures of my alopecia. Would the examiner understand and base the exam off evidence provided? Thanks and if you have personal experience similar for skin conditions please share
submitted by dontatme939393 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:52 Feeling_Ad_8136 AITB for not taking extra hours?

Now, this just happened, I don't feel like the asshole. But my fiance is adamant he is right. I work as a receptionist, from 6am to 2pm. The workload is not horrible and it's pretty chill most of the time. I have a friend, she asked me to stay with her til 8pm, she would pay me. I would have stayed no problem if it was just it, but I had promised my mother I would visit her (she is recovering from a surgery) and she asked me to take some medication to her. I was trying to reach my fiance so he would take for me and I would go the day after, but he slept in and his cellphone was discharged. So I got worried and went home. Besides, there is a bit of a situation between this friend and a coworker. But my financial situation is very bad, we have a lot of bills that are late, including our rent, and my fiance smokes a lot. He was out of cigarettes. When I got home, he got very angry with me. He said I didn't prioritized him, we needed the money, it was important to accept, if it was him he would have stayed for me... We had a huge fight. Today we discussed a little bit more, so I asked my boss for him to pay me a part of salary in advance. He was very nice and gave me a little part. So we are good for now. He is still a little bit upset with me. So, am I the asshole?
submitted by Feeling_Ad_8136 to AmItheButtface [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:50 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

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Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
Savage Lands
Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
sim city 4
Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
Sky Break
Slain: Back from Hell
Slinger VR
Smart Factory Tycoon
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
sonic all stars transformed collection
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
Soul Searching
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:49 missmyalee How do you know if your ADHD medication is working?

TLDR: I am 3 weeks into strattera. I’m still having a hard time with remembering, starting, and finishing difficult or boring tasks. For those taking medication and it is working for you, what should I expect realistically as far as executive functioning improving?
I’m exactly 3 weeks into 10mg of atomoxetine (strattera). (Note that I’m pretty sensitive to medication. I’m also taking 150mg of Wellbutrin, a very low dose. Anything higher made my emotions go crazy.)
So far I’ve seen a difference in the amount of noise in my head, I can stop myself from fixating on things too long, I’m a bit better at remembering objects when leaving the house and people (like texting back). I’m better at staying in the moment when interacting with people (not distracted) and I can stop myself from interrupting all the time. I’m also better at stopping myself from using food as a dopamine hit.
However I’m still having a difficult time remembering, starting and continuing tasks that are more difficult or boring. Think doom piles, clutter, dust and grime, reading a book, cleaning my car that hasn’t been cleaned for 3 years, etc.
My brain just nopes out part way through. Or I can’t get myself to start. Like there’s a wall in my head blocking me.
For those taking medication and it is working for you, what should I expect realistically as far as executive functioning improving? I don’t know what “normal” is. My mom has ADHD too so I haven’t been modeled what is “typical.” I know no one LIKES doing hard or boring things, but how hard is it supposed to be to get things done?
I have a psychiatrist appointment next week and I want to give her an accurate assessment of how the medication has been working for me so far. Because, in my personal opinion, it’s only half working.
submitted by missmyalee to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:48 missmyalee How do you know if your medication is working?

TLDR: I am 3 weeks into strattera. I’m still having a hard time with remembering, starting, and finishing difficult or boring tasks. For those taking medication and it is working for you, what should I expect realistically as far as executive functioning improving?
I’m exactly 3 weeks into 10mg of atomoxetine (strattera). (Note that I’m pretty sensitive to medication. I’m also taking 150mg of Wellbutrin, a very low dose. Anything higher made my emotions go crazy.)
So far I’ve seen a difference in the amount of noise in my head, I can stop myself from fixating on things too long, I’m a bit better at remembering objects when leaving the house and people (like texting back). I’m better at staying in the moment when interacting with people (not distracted) and I can stop myself from interrupting all the time. I’m also better at stopping myself from using food as a dopamine hit.
However I’m still having a difficult time remembering, starting and continuing tasks that are more difficult or boring. Think doom piles, clutter, dust and grime, reading a book, cleaning my car that hasn’t been cleaned for 3 years, etc.
My brain just nopes out part way through. Or I can’t get myself to start. Like there’s a wall in my head blocking me.
For those taking medication and it is working for you, what should I expect realistically as far as executive functioning improving? I don’t know what “normal” is. My mom has ADHD too so I haven’t been modeled what is “typical.” I know no one LIKES doing hard or boring things, but how hard is it supposed to be to get things done?
I have a psychiatrist appointment next week and I want to give her an accurate assessment of how the medication has been working for me so far. Because, in my personal opinion, it’s only half working.
submitted by missmyalee to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:45 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
Arcade Spirits
Arena Renovation
Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
Attack of the Earthlings
Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
Battle Academy 2: Eastern Front
Battle vs Chess
Bionic Commando: Rearmed
BioShock Infinite
Bizango Blast
BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition
Blacksad: Under the Skin
Blitzkrieg Anthology
Blood Bowl 2
Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced
Borderlands handsome collection
Bots Are Stupid
Bot Vice
Breakout: Recharged
Brunch Club
Broken Age
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Bunker Punks
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
Clunky Hero
Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
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Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
Doughlings Arcade
Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
Hiveswap Friendsim
Hitman Absolution
Holiday Bonus GOLD
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Homebrew - Patent Unknown
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
Hyperdrive Massacre
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
Jewel Match Atlantis Solitaire - Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
Just Ignore Them
Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
Killing Floor 2
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Kitaria Fables
Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mad Max
Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
Medieval Kingdom Wars
Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
Meow Express
Metal Unit
Metro last light redux
Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
Savage Lands
Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
sim city 4
Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
Sky Break
Slain: Back from Hell
Slinger VR
Smart Factory Tycoon
Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe Edition
sonic all stars transformed collection
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
Soul Searching
Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
star trek bridge crew
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
tekken 7
Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:44 marcoxnt93 [H] A lot games [W] Offers

7 Wonders: Magical Mystery Tour
7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven
9 Years of Shadows
12 is Better Than 6
911 Operator
A Blind Legend
Aarklash: Legacy
Acorn Assault: Rodent Revolution
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Agent in Depth
age of wonders 3
Agents of Mayhem
Alien Spidy
AI War 2
A Juggler's Tale
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Almost There: The Platformer
Alter Army"
Akka Arrh
American Fugitive
A Musical Story
Ancestors Legacy
Ancient Enemy
An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aragami 2
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Armada 2526 Gold Edition
Arma X
Arx Fatalis
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
Ascension to the Throne
Ashina: The Red Witch
Atari Vault
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Axiom Verge
Back 4 Blood - Only for good offers
Band of Defenders"
Banners of Ruin
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman: Arkham Origins
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Blood Bowl 2
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Borderlands handsome collection
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Bot Vice
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Brunch Club
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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
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Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Call of Juarez
Carmageddon max damage
Cats and the Other Lives
Caverns of Mars: Recharged
Caveman World: Mountains of Unga Boonga
Centipede: Recharged
Chambers of Devious Design
Chess Ultra
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded
Children of Morta
Chaos on Deponia
Circuit Breakers
City Siege: Faction Island
Close to the Sun
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Colt Canyon
Constructor Classic 1997
Conglomerate 451
Cookie Cutter
Cook Serve Delicious
Cook Serve Delicious! 3?!
Corridor Z
Cosmic Express
Craft Keep VR
Crazy Belts
Creeping Terror
Creepy Tale
Crown Champion: Legends of the Arena
CTU: Counter Terrorism Unit
Cubicle Quest
Cursed Sight
Cybarian: The Time Travelling Warrior
Darkest Dungeon
Dark Strokes The Legend of the Snow Kingdom Collectors Edition
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage
Danger Scavenger
Day of Infamy
Dead Age
Dead Age 2
Dead by daylight
Dead End Job
Deadlight: Director's Cut
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Space 3 Origin key
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Degrees of Separation
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Devil Daggers
Devil's Hunt
DIG - Deep In Galaxies
Dimension Drifter
Dirt Rally 2.0 - Only for good offers
dirt 5 - Only for good offers
Divide By Sheep
DmC Devil May Cry
Doodle Derby
DOOM (1993)
Dorke and Ymp
Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh
Double Dragon IV
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Doughlings Invasion
Draw Slasher
DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms
Driftland: The Magic Revival
Drink More Glurp
Dub Dash
Duke Nukem Forever
Dungeons 3
Dust to the End
DV: Rings of Saturn
Eagle Island
Elven Legacy Collection
Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape Dead Island
Escape Game Fort Boyard
Escape from Naraka
Eternal Edge +
Eternity: The Last Unicorn
Etherlords I & II
Eventide 3: Legacy of Legends
eXperience 112
f1 2019 Anniversary - ONLY FOR VERY GOOD OFFERS
Family Mysteries 3: Criminal Mindset
Family Mysteries: Poisonous Promises
Fantasy Blacksmith
Farming World
Farm Frenzy: Refreshed
Final Doom
Flashing Lights Police Fire EMS
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator
Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China - Deluxe Edition
Fractured Minds
Freaking Meatbags
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard
Frick, Inc.
For the People
Formula Carr Racing
Funk of Titans
Furious Angels
Fury Unleashed
Game Dev Studio
Gas Station Simulator
Generation Zero
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Ghost Files 2: Memory of a Crime
Ghost Files: The Face of Guilt
Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart
God’s Trigger
Go Home Dinosaurs
Going Under
Golden Light
Golf Gang
Goodbye Deponia
Grand Mountain Adventure: Wonderlands
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Grid Ultimate Edition
Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan
Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
GRIP: Combat Racing
GRIP: Combat Racing - Cygon Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Nyvoss Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Terra Garage Kit
GRIP: Combat Racing - Vintek Garage Kit
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son
GTA VICE CITY - only for very good offers
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hack 'n' Slash
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Hauma - A Detective Noir Story
Hero of the Kingdom
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 1
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Heroes of Hellas 3: Athens
Heroes of Hellas Origins: Part One
Hidden Memory - Neko's Life
Hidden Object 6in1 bundle
Hidden Object Bundle 5 in 1
Hidden Shapes - Trick or Cats
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Hitman Absolution
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Homebrew - Patent Unknown
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Home Sweet Home EP2
Horizon Shift
Hospital Tycoon
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Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
I am not a Monster: First Contact
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
In Between
Inside My Radio
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Into the Pit
In Other Waters
Iron Commando - Koutetsu no Senshi
Iron Danger
Iron Lung
Iron Marines
Island Tribe
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery
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Jewel Match Solitaire 2 Collector's Edition
Jewel Match Solitaire L'Amour
Jewel Match Solitaire Winterscapes
Just Cause 3
Just Die Already
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Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim
Kao the Kangaroo (2000 re-release)
Kerbal Space Program
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Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
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Kingdom Rush
King Oddball
Knight's Retreat
Koala Kids
Konung 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Landlord's Super
Laser Disco Defenders
Last Oasis
Last Word
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West
Legend of Keepers: Career of a Dungeon Manager
Lego Marvel 2 Deluxe
Looking for Aliens
Lost Words: Beyond the Page
Lovecraft's Untold Stories + OST + Artbook
Lords and Villeins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Luxor 3
Machinika Museum
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
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Mad Tracks
Magenta Horizon
Magrunner: Dark Pulse
Mask of the Rose
Mass Effect 2
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons
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Men of War: Assault Squad - Game of the Year Edition
Men of War: Red Tide
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Metro Redux Bundle
Micro Machines World Series
Middle-earth : Shadow of Mordor Goty
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi
Midnight Protocol
Mini Ninjas
Mini Thief
Minute of Islands
MirrorMoon EP
Mob Rule Classic
Modern Tales: Age of Invention
Moon Hunters
Moss Destruction
MotoGP 15
Mortal Kombat XL
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
Mount & blade
Mr. Run and Jump
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
My Big Sister
Nadia Was Here
Nigate Tale
Neon Chrome
Neurodeck : Psychological Deckbuilder
NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Noir Chronicles: City of Crime
Noitu Love 2: Devolution
Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition
Northern Tale
Non-Stop Raiders
Now You See - A Hand Painted Horror Adventure
OlliOlli World
Old School Musical
Omen Exitio: Plague
Orbital Bullet
Orbital Racer
Oriental Empires
Orn the tiny forest sprite
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength
Outcast - Second Contact
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Out of Space
Overlord: Ultimate Evil Collection
Pang Adventures
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Paper Beast - Folded Edition
Paper Fire Rookie
Paper Planet
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Persian Nights 2: The Moonlight Veil
Pathfinder Wrath
Paw Patrol: On A Roll!
Paw Paw Paw
Peachleaf Pirates
Persian Nights: Sands of Wonders
pillars of eternity
Pill Baby
Pirate Pop Plus
Pizza Express
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle
Planet TD
Plebby Quest: The Crusades
Planet Zoo
Police Stories
Post Master
portal knights
Post Void
Prehistoric Tales
Primal Carnage: Extinction
pro cycling manager 2019
Project Chemistry
Professor Lupo: Ocean
Prophecy I - The Viking Child
Quantum Replica
Quake 2
Quake Live
Raining Blobs
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan
Railway Empire
Radio Commander
Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Rebel Inc
Recon Control
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
Regency Solitaire
Regular Human Basketball
Regions of Ruin
Remnants of Naezith
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Resort Boss: Golf
Return to Mysterious Island
Richard & Alice
Rise of Insanity
Rising Dusk
River City Girls
River City Melee Mach
Road to Guangdong
Roads of Rome 3
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
Rym 9000
S.W.I.N.E. HD Remaster
Safety First!
Satellite Reign
Satellite Rush
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Save Jesus
Say No! More
Scheming Through The Zombie Apocalypse: The Beginning
Sea Horizon
Serial Cleaner
Sentience: The Android's Tale
SEARCH PARTY: Director's Cut
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Severed Steel
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows: Awakening
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shutter 2
Shred! 2 - ft Sam Pilgrim
Sid Meier Civilization V
Sid Meier Civilization VI
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
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Sir Whoopass™: Immortal Death
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Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Sonic Forces
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sorry, James
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Space Robinson: Hardcore Roguelike Actio
Sparkle 2
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection
Spirit Hunter: NG
Spirit of the Isand
Spooky Bonus
Spring Bonus
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Star Wars Knights of the old Republic 2
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Star Wolves
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State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition - only for good offers
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Steel Rats
Stick it to The Man!
Stick Fight: The Game
Stirring Abyss
Strikey Sisters
Stronghold Crusader 2
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Styx: Master of Shadows
Sudden Strike 4
Suffer The Night
Summer in Mara
Superhot VR
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Super Mutant Alien Assault
Super Panda Adventures
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
Super Star Path
Survivalist: Invisible Strain
Switchball HD
Sword of the Necromancer
Syberia 3
Syberia 3
System Shock Enhanced Edition
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
Team Sonic Racing
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Telefrag VR
Tesla Force
Teslagrad Remastered
Testament of Sherlock Holmes
The Adventure Pals
The Amazing American Circus
The Assembly
The Big Con
The Black Heart
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters
The Crow's Eye
The Darkside Detective
The Deed
The Deed II
The Deed: Dynasty
The Dungeon Beneath
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dream
The Escapists
The Fan
The Final Station
The Flame in the Flood
The Horror Of Salazar House
The Inner World
The Invisible Hand
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Long Dark: Survival Edition
The Lost Crown
The Long Reach
The Knight Witch
The Metronomicon - The Deluxe Edition
The Myth Seekers 2: The Sunken City
The Myth Seekers: The Legacy of Vulcan
The Next Penelope
The Oil Blue: Steam Legacy Edition
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
The Smurfs - Mission Vileaf
The Spectrum Retreat
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia
The Town of Light
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead – Season 1
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Wild Eight
The Whispered World Special Edition
They Always Run
They Bleed Pixels
Think of the Children
This War of Mine
Through the Woods
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tilt Brush
Time on Frog Island
Time Loader
Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma
Tiny Tales: Heart of the Forest
tiny & Tall: Gleipnir
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division Uplay + Survival dlc
Total War: MEDIEVAL II Definitive Edition
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Tower of Time
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul
Toybox Turbos
Toy Tinker Simulator
Tracks - The Train Set Game
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trine 2: Complete Story
Trine 3
Trine 4
Tropico 4
Tyrant's Blessing
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Zombie Defense
Undead Horde
Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer's Legacy
Unto The End
Vambrace: Cold Soul
Vampire of the Sands
Vampire Survivors
Vanishing Realms
Velocity Ultra
Viking Saga New World
Viking Saga The Cursed Ring
Voidship: The Long Journey
walking dead the new frontier
War Solution - Casual Math Game
war tech fighters
Wasteland 2: Director s Cut - Classic Edition
Wayout 2: Hex
Wayward Souls
We Are Alright
When In Rome
White Night
White Noise 2
Witch it
Without Within 3
World Keepers Last Resort
World Ship Simulator
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Revolution
Worms Rumble
Wounded - The Beginning
Verdant Skies
XBlaze Code: Embryo
X-Com 2
X-Com Chimera Squad
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack
Xpand Rally
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yesterday Origins"
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Yoku's Island Express
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Zarya-1: Mystery on the Moon
Zombie Derby 2
Zombie Night Terror
submitted by marcoxnt93 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 UpAcreek62 READ this before you accept!

Salut à tous, My goal in this post is to share my raw TAPIF experience from this year now that I’m home and have reflected. I will be listing challenges that I and others faced (I’ll be discussing the cons rather than the pros).
For reference, I’m American and was placed in primary in the Académie d’Orléans-Tours. I had already worked 8-5 in a school the previous year so I came in with a fair amount of savings and work experience working in language schools.
• You might have to act as the sole English teacher of your school(s). This includes creating curriculum sometimes from scratch with little to no guidance. The term “assistant” can be very misleading. At the primary level it is unfortunately common that you will be leading 30+ students per class while the teacher uses this time for a coffee break. Some might think you are an intervenant(e) and not an assistant(e) who takes over the whole classroom even though they have worked with assistants in the past. Even your principals might not know your role (or care). It’s your responsibility to advocate for yourself in order not to be taken advantage of and break the cycle so the next assistant doesn’t have to go through this.
• You might have a housing crisis. I arrived and spent nearly $2000 to stay in an airbnb for a month. I didn’t have a French guarantor and with the low tapif salary it is virtually impossible to find an apt through an agency. They will reject you. I did the online guarantor called “VISALE” and they granted me a max rent of 380€ a month. I applied to live with two French roommates “en coloc” but couldn’t be accepted as the rent was 450€ and VISALE granted me 380. I eventually was so desperate to have a permanent address (for bureaucratic stuff) that I found an apt on leboncoin with an independent landlord who didn’t need me to supply any guarantor. The rent only had water included and was 820€ a month (the entirety of our monthly salary). I had to, without any help, order and install the wifi and tv box and set up an electricity account through EDF. BEWARE if you didn’t know- electricity/heating in France is extremely expensive. I ended up having to keep my heat around 15 C (59 F) in order to not have the bill exceed 100€ per month during the cold months (I.e. the duration of our assistantships). When I moved out 2 weeks ago, the landlord blew up on me saying everything was “dégueulasse” or disgustingly filthy- which surprise it wasn’t- it’s a typical tactic to take money out of your initial deposit (dépôt de garantie), which he plans on doing. You will be vulnerable as a foreigner in this position. I would recommend NOT renting an apt by yourself unless it’s last resort as it was for me.
• The nature of the program can be VERY isolating. As others have emphasized, this is NOT any way similar to a study abroad. No one is keeping tabs on you or making sure you are adjusting well. Depending on your schools and schedule, you might not be able to form close relationships with your colleagues either. You MUST be okay with spending time by yourself in a foreign country. Many people end up leaving at Christmas because of these difficulties, usually citing they have a “family situation” to tend to back at home. I encourage you, if single, to try to befriend or date French nationals, as it will provide extra support and protection to you as a foreigner living in France.
• Mental Health- just to expand on my point above, you will need decent mental health to complete this program. If you are on medication it’s best to see if you can ween off before coming to France as certain meds are hard to find or impossible for doctors to prescribe. For example, adderall, for ADHD, is virtually impossible to have prescribed in Europe.
• Seasonal Depression- Unless you are from the Pacific Northwest in the US, you are more than likely going to experience some seasonal depression as the majority of France becomes very gloomy during the months of the assistantship. If you are from California, Florida, or anywhere in the south or southwest, you will more than likely miss seeing the sun more than once every two weeks. In my region, it wasn’t uncommon for it to rain several times a week with no glimpse of the sun. Of course, if you are placed in the Côte d’Azur or DOM TOMs this will not apply to you.
• Incompetent Prof Refs/Conseillère Pédagogique–your person of contact who will meet with at the beginning of the program may very well be misinformed and useless. I was told by people at my rectorat that I wouldn’t receive my carte vitale (health insurance) as it’s only for French nationals. When I tried to explain that we are all entitled to health insurance with this job they became hostile towards me. Again ADVOCATE for yourself!!! I learned more from the WhatsApp chat and Facebook group than I ever did asking my schools or local rectorat for help. I would have literally NEVER received my carte vitale if I had listened to my “superiors” in this program. They told me incorrect things several times.
Thank you for reading this far! These are some of the realities I and others encountered. I plan on making a list of pros as well if anyone would be interested. (:
submitted by UpAcreek62 to tapif [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:36 Odd_Following_Secret Reduced/muffled? hearing in right ear

Reduced hearing in one ear, is it just ear wax or something else?
Age: 24 Male
No medications or substances
About a week ago I started waking up each morning with like, reduced hearing in my right ear. Like if my left ear is on the pillow and my right ear exposed to the air, I can't hear the TV playing downstairs but if I have my right ear on the pillow and left ear exposed, I can hear the TV downstairs. I've been using an ear wax peroxide and water flushing bulb each morning which helps and then I can hear a little bit better with the right ear, but it's still not as loud as hearing with my left ear. It's better enough to let me function and hear stuff, but it just doesn't feel like it's at 100%>
It sorta feels like I have to always pop my right ear but it never fully "pops" if that makes sense.
Usually this comes and goes after a week or so a couple times a year so I never paid it much mind, but it seems more stubborn this time.
If I have to see a doctor about this and have them at least look at my ear and flush it out, how do I like, actually do that? I havent been to a doctor since I was a teenager and I don't "have" a doctor to just like go to.
And additionally, because the American healthcare system is a healthcare system of all time, how much money will I have to have for the inevitable bill as an estimate? Money's really tight and I already have to save for my wisdom teeth removal in July which is still several hundred dollars after dental insurance, so an expensive bill for what turns out to just be flushing my ear out would hurt a lot.
I guess on the other side, what if it's something more serious?
For other information, it also seems like this ear has some "flakes" or like really dry skin behind the ear lobe against my head, while the left ear doesn't have that. Idk if that's important or not.
submitted by Odd_Following_Secret to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:21 lukibunny Can someone Explain HSA to me?

I literally just discovered this is a thing. I read that I should contribute to it and invest the money on some EFT. Recommendation seems to be that I keep my medical bill receipts and pay the money out of pocket and if I later need money i can take out from the HSA and use the receipts cause they don't expire. I don't seem to need to file any claims, just keep the receipts in case i get audited? The account seem to function kind of like a traditional IRA? where you can get pretax benefits and take out for medical bills or after 65 take out like a traditional IRA?
Has what i collected sound correct?
I also see that some HSA seem to be linked to employers and health plan?? and they have to file claims? I'm a little confused?
I can open a HSA with fidelity, is that the way to go? or do you have to open one with your employer?
submitted by lukibunny to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:20 Egg_and_Lemon Freeside textures missing in New Vegas.

Freeside textures missing in New Vegas.
Hello folks! Does anyone know how to solve this problem with the missing texures? I also get this message when i start the game.
I have installed exactly all the mods as the Begin Again tutorial explains.


"0000","-","BEGIN AGAIN V2.4.1_separator"
"0001","-","PUT TALE OF TWO WASTELANDS MOD HERE_separator"
"0002","+","[NoDelete] TTW 3.3.2a"
"0007","+","Climate Control NVSE"
"0008","+","Console Paste Support"
"0009","+","SUP NVSE"
"0010","+","JIP LN NVSE Plugin"
"0011","+","JIP LN Unnofficial Update"
"0012","+","JIP LN Settings INI"
"0013","+","yGTM - Gameplay Tweaks and Madness"
"0014","+","FNV Mod Limit Fix"
"0015","+","JohnnyGuitar NVSE"
"0016","+","kNVSE Animation Plugin"
"0017","+","NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix"
"0018","+","ROOGNVSE Plugin"
"0019","+","ShowOff NVSE Plugin"
"0020","+","ShowOff NVSE Plugin INI"
"0021","+","UIO - User Interface Organizer"
"0022","+","MCM & Bugfix 2"
"0023","+","lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes"
"0024","+","lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes INI"
"0025","+","lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations"
"0027","+","OneTweak but Really Updated"
"0028","+","Controller Support NVSE"
"0029","+","Yvile's Crash Logger"
"0031","+","BUGFIXES & QOL_separator"
"0032","+","Fog-based Object Culling"
"0033","+","Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE"
"0034","+","LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE"
"0035","+","Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE"
"0036","+","Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE"
"0037","+","JIP Localized Damage Fix"
"0038","+","zlib Updated - NVSE"
"0039","+","Auto-Save Manager"
"0040","+","Fire Queue Fix - ESPless"
"0041","+","VATS Lag Fix"
"0042","+","Depth of Field Fix - NVSE"
"0043","+","Muzzle Flash Light Fix - NVSE"
"0044","+","Exterior Emittance Fix - NVSE"
"0045","+","Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix"
"0046","+","No More Muzzle Flash Lights"
"0047","+","High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix"
"0048","+","Combat Lag Fix (NVSE)"
"0049","+","Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE"
"0050","+","TTW - Wasteland Supplements Essential Caravan Merchants"
"0051","+","MFC Grenade Texture Fix"
"0052","+","Elijah Voice Audio Files Fix"
"0053","+","TTW NVG Brightness Increase"
"0054","+","Tweaks for TTW"
"0055","+","Prime Fisting - Power Fist Glove Fixes"
"0056","+","TTW 32 Pistol Projectile Clipping Fix"
"0057","+","Stop Barking At Me. TTW"
"0058","+","Locale Fix NVSE"
"0059","+","ActorCause Save Bloat Fix"
"0060","+","Fixed Repconn Entrance"
"0061","+","Laser Pistol 3rd Person Latch animation fix"
"0062","+","Better Caravan"
"0063","+","Mojave Outpost Fence Fix"
"0064","+","Hardcore Instant Death Fix ESP-less"
"0065","+","McCarran Field Sign Lit All Night"
"0066","+","Dead Money - Sierra Madre Vending Machine Glowing Codes"
"0067","+","skinned mesh improvement mod"
"0068","+","USER INTERFACE_separator"
"0069","+","MAPMO - Main and Pause Menus Overhaul"
"0070","+","FOV Slider"
"0071","+","Dynamic Depth-Of-Field - ESPless"
"0072","+","Basic Console Autocomplete"
"0073","+","Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)"
"0074","+","Vanilla UI Plus - Max Carry Weight Patch"
"0075","+","Contextual HUD"
"0076","+","Clean Vanilla Hud"
"0077","+","Contextual HUD - Clean Vanilla HUD Patch"
"0078","+","Vanilla Fonts Revisited"
"0079","+","The HUD Editor"
"0080","+","Sleep Wait Hardcore Needs"
"0081","+","Compass Side Fade"
"0082","+","Vault Boy Paper Doll"
"0083","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin"
"0084","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v4"
"0085","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v4 Addon"
"0086","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Items"
"0087","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Weapons"
"0088","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Apparel"
"0089","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - DLC's Items"
"0090","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Reputation"
"0091","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Extension"
"0092","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Vault Girl Extension"
"0093","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Addendumb"
"0094","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Dynamicon"
"0095","+","Show Water Source H2O - ESPless"
"0096","+","Map Marker Icons"
"0097","+","Pop-Up Message Icons"
"0098","+","Consistent Loading Screens for TTW"
"0099","+","TTW Missing Load Screens"
"0100","+","High Resolution Screens"
"0101","+","High Res Local Maps"
"0102","+","Begin Again Main Menu"
"0103","+","Sneak Vignette - ESPless"
"0105","+","I Know I Installed SawyerBatty"
"0106","+","Improved Console (NVSE)"
"0107","+","JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless"
"0108","+","yUI - User Ynterface"
"0109","+","ySI - Sorting Ycons"
"0110","+","Character Preset Menu"
"0111","+","Character Preset Menu - Preset Collection"
"0112","+","Character Preset Menu - My Personal Presets"
"0113","+","Fallout 3 Style loading wheel for Tale of Two Wastelands"
"0114","+","WASD Menu Controls"
"0115","+","Menu Search"
"0116","+","SKELETON & ANIMATION_separator"
"0117","+","Diagonal movement"
"0118","+","Different PipBoy Animations"
"0119","+","1st Person Sliding Fix"
"0120","+","3rd Person Animation Fixpack"
"0121","+","360 Movement"
"0122","+","3rd Person Animation Fixpack - 360 patch"
"0123","+","Smooth True Iron Sights Camera"
"0124","+","B42 Weapon Inertia"
"0125","+","B42 Loot"
"0126","+","B42 True Leaning"
"0127","+","B42 Inject"
"0128","+","B42 Dropmag and One in the chamber"
"0129","+","B42 Dropmag TTW Patches"
"0130","+","NVCS Vanilla Weights"
"0131","+","Auto Activate Invisible Doors"
"0132","+","Anniversary Anim Pack"
"0133","+","Animated Workbench - ESPless"
"0134","+","Iron Sights Aligned"
"0135","+","Anniversary Anim Pack - WMIM TTW Patch"
"0136","+","Melee VATS Animation Restoration"
"0137","+","NPC & CREATURES_separator"
"0138","+","Vanilla Hair - No Shine"
"0140","+","Windows To The Soul - Full Vanilla Eye Retexture"
"0141","+","Unladylike Hair Tweak"
"0142","+","NV Securitrons Lip Sync"
"0143","+","Hit - Happy Beeping - ED-E Has Personality"
"0144","+","New Vegas Plastic Surgeons"
"0145","+","TTW Casual Point Lookout"
"0146","+","TTW NPC Overhaul"
"0147","+","TTW NPC Overhaul Patches"
"0148","+","TTW - Church of Atom Members Look Irradiated (ESPLESS)"
"0149","+","Unique Think Tank Members - Espless"
"0150","+","OWB Brain Bots Lip Sync Animation"
"0151","+","Vault 34 Ghouls Have Vault Suits - espless"
"0152","+","Casino Crowds"
"0153","+","Strip Gamblers"
"0154","-","WEAPONS & ARMOR_separator"
"0155","-","PipBoy 3000 HD Retexture"
"0156","-","No PipBoy in Power Armor"
"0157","-","Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI"
"0158","-","Pipboy 2000 Mk VI Begin Again Integration"
"0159","+","Better Wanda TTW"
"0160","+","Clothes HD"
"0161","+","Veronica Outfit Replacer"
"0162","+","Veronika Outfit Retexture"
"0163","+","TTW Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit - Progress Effects"
"0164","+","The Gruntening - 2k Combat Armor Retextures TTW Patch"
"0165","+","Atompunk Leather Armor - HD Retexture"
"0166","+","Atompunk Vault Suits"
"0167","+","HR Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit"
"0168","+","PM's HD Legion Overhaul - 2K"
"0169","+","PM's HD Ranger Outfits - 2K"
"0170","+","Slightly less crusty LMG re-texture"
"0171","+","Weapon Retexture from EVE"
"0172","+","WTH - Weapon Textures from Heaven 2k"
"0173","+","TTW's Hunting Rifle and .32 Rifle Textures"
"0174","+","Heaviin's Desperado Cowboyhat Retextured"
"0175","+","Power Armor Visual Enhancement (PAVE)"
"0176","+","PipBoyOn Node Fixes PAVE"
"0177","+","PAVE'd TTTW"
"0178","+","Natural Duster Coats"
"0179","+","R91 and Friends"
"0180","+","DKS and Friends"
"0181","+","C.A.R and OUR Friends"
"0182","+","PipBoyOn Node Fixes"
"0183","+","Stealth Suit Canon Retextures"
"0184","+","TTW - Unique Fort Armor"
"0185","+","Unique Fort Armor Begin Again Consistency Patch"
"0187","+","SawyerBatty TTW"
"0188","+","PerkSawyer - A JSawyer Addon"
"0189","+","PerkSawyer - TTW and SawyerBatty Patch"
"0190","+","SawyerBatty TTW PA Rebalanced"
"0191","+","Friends With Benefits Perk Pack"
"0192","+","Terminals Lock UP"
"0193","+","Harder Barter Faster Stronger"
"0194","+","Progressive Hardcore Needs"
"0195","+","Progressive Sneak Attack Damage"
"0196","+","Charisma Affects Reputation"
"0197","+","TTW Charisma Affects Reputation - Reputations Patch"
"0198","+","Simple Headshots"
"0199","+","Dismemberment Tweaks"
"0200","+","NPCs Sprint kNVSE - ESPless"
"0201","+","SWEEP - Sweet Weapon Enhancement and Expansion Package"
"0202","+","SWEEP - Big Guns Reversion Patch"
"0203","+","SPARE - Sweet Part and Ammo Rebalance and Expansion"
"0204","+","Vanilla SWEEP Patch - TTW Version"
"0205","+","New Blood"
"0206","+","Real Recoil"
"0207","+","Real Recoil Re-Calculated"
"0208","+","B42 Melee Bash"
"0209","+","Skill Book Rebalance for TTW"
"0210","+","(Benny Humbles You) and Steals Your Stuff"
"0211","+","Food Effect Tweaks - Custom Food Healing"
"0212","+","TTW Cooking Revolution"
"0213","+","Infirmary Overhaul TTW Port"
"0214","+","RAD - Radiation (is) Actually Dangerous - Overhaul"
"0215","+","Charisma Tweaks (NVSE)"
"0216","+","Player Dialogue Improvements"
"0217","+","TTW Reputations"
"0218","+","TTW New Vegas Speech Checks"
"0219","+","Tale of Bi Wastelands TTW"
"0220","+","Tale of Bi Wastelands TTW Patches for TTW Reputations and TTW New Vegas Speech Checks"
"0221","+","JAM - Just Assorted Mods"
"0222","+","JAM or Just Sprint animation replacers"
"0223","+","TTW 3.3 Lone Courier's Dialogue"
"0224","+","Simple Fast VATS"
"0225","+","Full Mags"
"0226","+","Nail Gun Semi Auto Rework"
"0227","+","Casino Exchange All"
"0228","+","Bad Touch NVSE"
"0229","+","Bad Touch NVSE - Extended"
"0230","+","Little TTW Tweaks"
"0231","+","TTW - Trait Menu Change"
"0232","+","TTW - Start Option Remover"
"0233","+","Weapon Requirements System"
"0234","+","Spacewalk Gravity - TTW Mini-Mod"
"0235","+","Universal Water Bottling - Fill Empty Bottles"
"0236","+","Every Bottle for Universal Water Bottling"
"0237","+","Useful Megaton Water Purifier (TTW)"
"0238","+","Hardcore Perk Every Level"
"0239","+","Remove Faction Armor Paint TTW"
"0240","+","Better Hacking"
"0241","+","No Stealthboy In Power Armor"
"0242","+","Fire Resistant Power Armor"
"0243","+","Cookable Grenades"
"0244","+","Disarm The Trap"
"0245","-","WORLDSPACE EDITS_separator"
"0246","+","Mojave Backdrop Overhaul"
"0247","+","Misc Content Restoration"
"0248","+","OSM - Open Strip Monorail"
"0249","+","Enhanced Landscapes for NVLO"
"0250","+","New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re-Remastered"
"0251","+","Strip Wall Billboards"
"0252","+","Simple Open Strip"
"0253","+","Strip Of Serendipity"
"0254","+","Strip Lighting Overhaul"
"0255","+","Realistically Trashed Water"
"0256","+","Hidden Valley Overhauled"
"0257","+","Root 'n Loot TTW"
"0258","+","Sierra Madre Suite Windows"
"0259","+","Sierra Madre Grand Entrance"
"0260","+","Sierra Madre Grand Entrance - Gate Fix"
"0261","+","Simple Open Freeside"
"0262","+","Simple Open Freeside - TTW 3.3.2 Patch"
"0263","+","Simple Freeside Overhaul"
"0264","+","Camp McCarran Animated Monorail"
"0265","+","Windows of the Mojave"
"0266","+","Lively Street Vendor"
"0267","+","Ultra-Luxe Fountain Expanded"
"0268","+","Welcome to New Vegas Sniper"
"0269","+","The High Road - Building Density"
"0270","+","TTW Intro Street Bus and Trailer Ruins"
"0271","+","Better Strip View"
"0272","+","Lucky 38 Exterior Remastered"
"0273","+","Lucky 38 Exterior Remastered - Better Strip View Patch"
"0274","+","Michael Angelo's Workshop Windows Restored"
"0275","+","Better Brotherhood"
"0276","+","WORLDSPACE MESHES & TEXTURES_separator"
"0277","+","Meshes and Collision - Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-TEN)"
"0278","+","Items Transformed - Enhanced Meshes (ITEM)"
"0279","+","Begin Again Worldspace Merge"
"0280","+","Landscape Texture Improvements"
"0281","+","Subtle Sandstorms"
"0282","+","Tops Window Bug Fix And Enhancement"
"0283","+","Fixed REPCONN HQ Building"
"0284","+","Ashens Animations Merged"
"0285","+","Real Campfires - Base Object Swapper"
"0286","+","Better Courtyards"
"0287","+","Millenia's Environment Map Shader Fix"
"0288","+","Wasted Pines"
"0289","+","QUESTS & ADVENTURES_separator"
"0290","+","Delay DLC Redux"
"0291","+","TTW - Mothership Zeta Rewards"
"0292","+","Rendezvous at Union (TTW)"
"0293","+","Wild Card - Open the Lucky 38"
"0294","+","FPGE - Rebuild Vegas"
"0295","+","FPGE Patch Collection"
"0296","+","Functional Post Game Ending"
"0297","+","Open HQ TTW"
"0298","+","SOUNDS & MUSIC_separator"
"0299","-","Begin Again - Menu Music Replacer"
"0300","+","Some UI Sounds (SUS) - Vanilla Blend"
"0301","+","Immersive Pickup Sounds Patched"
"0302","+","Power Armor Footstep Sound - Clean and Easy (NV and TTW)"
"0303","+","WEATHER & LIGHTING_separator"
"0304","+","Dusty Distance Redone"
"0305","+","Improved Lighting Shaders"
"0306","+","Baked Lighting for Queen Palm Trees"
"0307","+","Climate Control NVSE - Longer Weather Transitions"
"0308","+","TTW - Megaton Lighting Overhaul"
"0309","+","Desert Natural Weathers TTW"
"0310","+","Properly Illuminated Strip Courtyards - PISC"
"0311","+","Minor Mojave Lighting Additions"
"0312","+","Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks (FNV and TTW)"
"0313","+","Cloud Upgrade NVSE"
"0314","+","Interior Rain"
"0315","+","3D Rain"
"0316","+","Climate Control - Rain"
"0318","+","High Resolution Bloom NVSE"
"0319","+","LOD RESOURCES_separator"
"0320","+","Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix LOD GEN Plugin"
"0321","+","Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix"
"0322","+","Freeside Landscape LOD"
"0323","+","Improved LOD Noise Texture"
"0324","+","More LODs Additions and fixes"
"0325","+","LOD additions and improvements"
"0326","+","TCM's LOD Overhaul"
"0327","+","Gomorrah Visible Window LOD Improvement"
"0328","+","Different LOD mods little tweaks and additions"
"0329","+","Consistent Gomorrah Color"
"0330","+","NMC LOD Patch"
"0331","+","FNV Poco LOD Texture Patch"
"0332","+","TTW Key Bridge LOD Enhanced - For NMC"
"0333","+","TTW LOD Overhaul"
"0334","+","Wasted Quarry"
"0335","+","Corn LOD"
"0336","+","Dust Bowl - Animated LOD for Dust Storms (ESPless)"
"0337","+","Sprayed and Neutered - Animated LOD for Hoover Dam Jets (ESPless)"
"0338","+","Joshua Tree LOD Fixed and Enhanced"
"0339","+","Bad MothaYucca"
"0340","+","Smoke on the Desert - Animated LOD for Nipton (ESPless)"
"0341","+","LODIFY - Level of detail improvement for your Fallout (TTW And NV Lods)"
"0342","+","LATE LOADERS_separator"
"0343","+","Consistent Pip-boy Icons Patches"
"0344","+","TTW Goodies"
"0345","+","Begin Again Configs"
"0346","+","Begin Again Object LOD"
"0347","+","Begin Again Terrain LOD"
"0348","+","Begin Again Conflict Resolution Patch"
"0349","+","OPTIONAL MODS_separator"
"0350","-","Tale of Two Wastelands Quick Start"
"0352","-","DXVK HDR Version"
"0353","+","Soft-Lock Aim-Assist"
"0354","-","ULTRAWIDE OPTIONALS_separator"
"0355","-","Begin Again Ultrawide Configs"
"0356","-","Ultrawide 21 9 Sniper Scopes"
submitted by Egg_and_Lemon to wabbajack [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:18 Playful-Airport-7230 Cybersecurity for startups: where to start?

Hi guys,
I was asking myself this question today (Cybersecurity for startups: where to start?) because I am working in a startup that scaled quite a bit (20ish employees today) and I see that the lack of cybersecurity measures taken at the beginning is propagating the more we grow and it becomes harder and harder to implement new measure.
For example, we are working with medical data so we should handle them really carrefuly, but they are not just stored in Azure, people have downloaded them on their computer, they are on external hard drive (not encrypted), on local servers, etc... Our computers don't have an administrator so we can do whatever we want with it. I was able at home to work on my personal computer with the code from Gitlab and download the data from Azure (I know I should not do that, but nothing stops me to do it sadly and my home network is far more secure than my company's network).
So my question, which is an open debate I would say, is what you should do when you are starting a business from a cybersecurity point of view considering the follow points:
I know that I am quite vague, I just would like any type or answer, vague or not to create a good idea of what a startup could do.
Thank you very much in advance for your help!
submitted by Playful-Airport-7230 to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:18 CrazyQuixoticTheorem Please help me declutter my Research Experience and Projects from a Great Wall of Text

Hello Everyone,
It is me again, the soon-to-graduate, cynical Don Quixote. I am facing a dilemma regarding my Great Wall of Text at the bottom of my resume. I think I have two options:
The first option is to completely summarize every research initiative and project. The upside is that I get to include all the cool things I have done. The downside is that important technical details will get lost.
The second option, which I am considering the most, is to cut the last two (maybe three) projects at the bottom of the page: the Heart Disease Prediction Model (HDPM) and the Stroke Research (SR).
The upside of cutting HDPM is that I already use sophisticated techniques in my Diabetes Research, Algo Visual Research, and Airline Delay Models. The downside is that HDPM has the best logistic classifier model, and the other logistic model from the Airline Delay Models sucks.
For SR, the upside is that besides Conditional Entropy, I didn't do much besides some pretty graphs and EDA because the medical data was terrible, stinky shit (could certainly revisit the problem and do more). However, the downside is that I had to use all my data cleaning tricks to partially turn stinky shit into less stinky shit to make something, highlighting my data cleaning skills (I would have to expand more on what I did).
I could also get rid of the other projects:
(Coolest project IMO, potentially "monetizable") The Stigler diet linear optimization project is unique in the way I extract web data, clean it, and perform a crazy data merge using NLP with a completely different dataset, and finish the project with linear optimization solution. I learned and got to practice the most skills in Data Analytics/Science skills on this project.
(Prettiest research/project, very technical) Algorithmic Visual Research is a big LaTex paper with really pretty graphs and is aesthetically pleasing while showcasing unique stats/math skills. After a few months our team got the highest score!
(Most technical) Diabetes Research & Modeling is another a big LaTex paper with the ugliest math formulas you can have nightmares of, all while performing some good data cleaning along with data imputation. I am actually fond of the research because after working on it for several months, our team achieved the highest score in class on our research.
(Only true working neural network) Vehicle Image Classification was a hell of a project because it is so computationally hard and expensive to train an image classifier. Our team finally found a model that balanced accuracy and computational efficiency to be used with the equivalent of a broke man's supercomputer to train an already pretrained model. The Multilayer Perceptron from the Airline Delay/Cancellation Models, which I built from scratch, was technically cool but just okay in performance.
(Built multiple models from scratch, very technical) The Airline Delay/Cancellation Models is a LaTeX paper that took months to finish, where I show how to build some ML/Stats models from scratch, with lots of math (and python), to solve a classification problem. Though the models didn't perform well, our team got a high score, likely because other projects were simpler despite taking months to complete.
Also, any additional advice regarding my resume is more than welcome!!!
submitted by CrazyQuixoticTheorem to resumes [link] [comments]
