Auto number rows with vba in excel

Microsoft Excel Help & Support with your Formula, Macro, and VBA problems A Reddit Community

2009.03.12 00:04 YusufReis Microsoft Excel Help & Support with your Formula, Macro, and VBA problems A Reddit Community

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2020.05.04 22:52 Paljor VISI_CAD

This is a place where people can discuss and help each other with the VISI CAD software or programming it. Feel free to share projects, discuss features, or ask questions.

2009.12.29 18:47 TemtNosce Fix It

fixit has temporarily gone dark to protest the proposed changes to Reddit's API access policies. **Be Excellent To Each Other.**

2024.05.15 17:16 Lenaea Slow GI movement since the beginning of time.

Greetings -
I am 43F, 5'9" 157 lbs, caucastion, large-ish bone structure. Current meds (taken the same ones for a number of years): adderall, bupropion, vestura. My problem pre-dates these medicines.
I have had slow GI movement since childhood. It bothers me because I often feel uncomfortable and bloated. Sometimes it's hard to pass anything. Hoping for some direction on speeding up GI movement, possibly for recommendations on books on the topic. I do not want prescription meds.
The issues with slow GI movement compounded when I gained quite a bit of weight as I crept towards my 40s. I decided to do something about my weight and size, so I embarked on a relatively rigid diet, vitamin/supplement, and exercise program. I lost over 90 pounds (yay). Even though I made great strides in decreasing my size and improving my general health, I still have slow GI movement! I am at a loss. If I want things to "move" I have to take exceptionally large amounts of magnesium. I'm talking between 1250-2000 mg in a day. Even in amounts that high I do not get diarrhea. I have never taken laxatives or stool softeners on a regular basis.
Yes, I have seen doctors about this. The doctors I see give me confused looks and don't have many answers for me because I eat right, exercise, drink lots of water, my weight and BMI are good, and my labs are excellent.
I just want to poop like a normal person and not feel bloated. :(
Here is a summary of my lifestyle:
Here are the supplements I can confirm I have taken for approximately the last three years, their amounts per day, and their purpose:
astaxanthin12 mgheart and skin health resveratrol180 mgcholesterol quercetin1000 mg antioxidant / inflammation turmeric curcumin500 mginflammation evening primrose1000 mginflammation niacin1000 mgcholesterol vitamin D310000 iubone health, immune function super Kvariousblood/bone health nmn1000 mgcellular repair women's probiotic 40 million digestion
The only thing I know I'm allergic to is Ashwagandha, an herb in many women's multivitamin supplements. Found that one out the hard way.
My labs are excellent - every measure is within range.
I welcome your thoughts.
submitted by Lenaea to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:12 No-Physics7479 Integrated Circuits (ICs) for Memory

Integrated circuits (ICs) specifically designed for memory function store data in binary format. This data can include programs, data, settings, and more. Memory ICs can be classified into two main types:
Memory Cell
The memory cell is the basic unit of memory in integrated circuits, responsible for storing information in the form of bits (0 or 1). Each memory cell is composed of the following main components:
Operation of Memory Cells
The operation of a memory cell depends on the type of storage structure used. Here is a description of how a bistable memory cell using MOSFETs operates:
Storing Data:
Reading Data:
Writing Data:
Significance and Purpose of Memory Cells
Memory cells play a crucial role in integrated circuits, enabling the storage of information essential for circuit operation. Common types of memory that utilize memory cells include:
In addition, memory cells are also used in applications such as:
In summary, memory cells are essential components of integrated circuits, playing a vital role in storing information and supporting the operation of various electronic devices.
Address Decoder Circuit
An address decoder circuit is a crucial component in integrated circuits (ICs) responsible for converting binary code into control signals to activate the corresponding functional blocks within the IC. With the help of an address decoder circuit, ICs can perform complex functions such as accessing memory, performing calculations, communicating with peripheral devices, and much more.
Components and Operation of Each Component
  1. Comparator Array:
  1. Logic Circuit:
  1. Buffer:
Overall Operation
  1. The address decoder circuit receives an input binary code.
  2. Each bit of the input binary code is compared to the corresponding address value in the comparator array.
  3. The comparison results from the comparators are fed into the logic circuit for processing.
  4. The logic circuit combines the comparison results and generates the appropriate control signals for the functional blocks.
  5. The buffer amplifies and stabilizes the control signals before sending them to the functional blocks.
  6. The functional blocks receive the control signals and perform their corresponding functions.
Significance and Purpose
Address decoder circuits play a critical role in controlling the operation of integrated circuits. Because of them, ICs can perform numerous complex functions accurately and efficiently. Some specific applications of address decoder circuits include:
How it works:
An address decoder circuit works by receiving an input binary code and converting it into control signals for the corresponding functional blocks within the IC. The input binary code can represent a memory address, a register location, or any other information needed to identify the functional block that needs to be activated.
Significance and Purpose:
Address decoder circuits play a vital role in controlling the operation of integrated circuits. With the help of address decoder circuits, ICs can perform complex functions like memory access, calculations, peripheral device communication, and much more.
Buffers in Integrated Circuits (ICs)
A buffer is an electronic circuit that amplifies an input signal without altering its waveform or amplitude. In other words, a buffer strengthens a weak signal so that it can be used by other circuits, while also isolating the signal from noise and loads.
Buffers are typically constructed using transistors arranged in a voltage or current amplification configuration. These transistors are connected together in a specific structure to create the function of amplifying the input signal.
Buffers operate based on the principle of amplifying the input signal. The input signal is applied to a first transistor, and then amplified through subsequent transistors until it reaches the desired voltage or current level. This amplification process occurs without changing the waveform or amplitude of the input signal.
Based on their primary function, buffers are classified into two types:
Buffers are widely used in electronic circuits, especially in integrated circuits (ICs). Some common applications include:
Read/Write Control Circuit in Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Detailed Structure
  1. Address Decoder:
  1. Chip Select:
  1. Read/Write Controller:
  1. Data Buffer:
Detailed Operation
  1. Access Request:
  1. Address Decoding:
  1. Chip Select:
  1. Access Validation:
  1. Read/Write Control:
  1. Data Access:
  1. Data Buffer:
  1. Data Transfer:
Advanced Example of Read/Write Control Circuit Operation in an IC
  1. Reading Data from Memory:
2. Writing Data to a Register:
· The microcontroller sends register address 0xABC and a write signal (WR) along with data 0x5F to the system bus.
· The address decoder of the microcontroller IC decodes address 0xABC into the specific register select signal.
· The chip select checks the "chip select" signal and other control signals to ensure valid access.
· The read/write controller generates a WR signal and transmits data 0x5F to the selected register.
Many Sources
submitted by No-Physics7479 to BblackHhorse02 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:04 RamaLeuu So far my timeline in Universe mode

Me and my buddy tried to do some kind of a multi superstar mode, we cooked a new show, and i would only fight matches that involved my chosen superstar(A custom CAW) and my buddy took Bobby Lashley as his guy
So far the story:
(At this point automatic rivalries are on)
First week we are jobless, none of us get booked,
Second week Bobby gets matched with Akira tozawa(ARIGATOOOOOOOOO), Wins, i get booked against another CAW i created, my guy is a lightweight technician and the other guy is a massive highflyer, he superplexes me off the top rope and the ring breaks, we pop as we thought this was only possible by two massive guys
Third week Bobby gets matched with Tozawa again, wins again i am jobless again.
Fourth week im tag matched with the same guy, the Ringbreaker, that broke the ring with my feather spine, against Andrew Tate(Dont ask) and Demon Finn Balor, we win
at this point a ple is coming ahead, and we still have no champs, so we set up a match with Bobby going for NWO championship and me going after IC championship, Bobby wins (At this point we are playing by 'if we have a 1v1 match we both play but the guy controls his character and i control the other guy, but if its a tag team we team up) The IC championship is going up, and im put against the Ringbreaker, I have move thief payback and i didnt see that he has brass knuckles payback, i get DQ, noone gets the belt
Week after PLE, Bobby is again matched with Tozawa. We finally turn off auto rivalries, i am injured(i guess i hit those knuckles too hard) (AUTO RIVALRIES ARE OFF)
I set up a rivalry between Bobby and another CAW which ill name 'Gosha', and they start duking it out, first week after the rivalry is set up its instantly a championship match,and i tried to be Montez ford as the manager, however the legend ai just sweeps the floor with Bobby and takes the belt
(ON THE SIDESTORIES) Umaga and CM Punk(CAW) is going against Kane and trick williams, Kane has the goddamn Undertaker and Paul Bearer as his managers(Neither taker not Paul are in the show) Money in the bank is won by AI Lebron James(yes) Somewhy he has his mitb target set as the undisputed belt(My exhibition mode mitb target) even though we dont have the belt on the show, so i set it his target as the NWO championship (keep in mind this is the same night when the mitb ladder was happening, and we still have a main event that is Lashley against Gosha for the belt as a rivalry match(literally same match from last week), so we set it up and the main event changes to some sort of announce cash in match but Lebron James only comes up in the middle of the match.
Bobby and Gosha duke it out, it comes to the back and forth minigame, and before we could end it and the spamming punches minigame begins, Bobby Lashleys music hits(??) with the announcers shouting 'Could this be???'
A minute we finish the minigame Lebron(AI) finally shows up, and whoever created this Lebron thought its a good idea to give him a bunch of flip moves, the guy is like 2.5meters, jesus christ. Bobby somehow pulls trough and claims the belt (He pinned Gosha and Lebron just went out of the ring, breaking news, Lebron forgot about cancelling the pin)
Next week its Bobby against Gosha again for the belt, same rivalry actions, and i notice The Ringbreaker having a 1v1 against Umaga, apparently it was supposed to be a 2v2 match but rivalry actions changed it up and i didnt even understand i wasnt going to be there. At this point, the rivalry actions are reallly messing it all up, Bobby has a match with managers, you put on a rivalry action, the managers are gone, you put in the managers manually, the rivalry actions are gone, Bobby retains, i dont get a fight this week, we manually end the rivalry since it didnt end after PLE (We also manually set up a tag team championship on a random 6 man tornado tag, since no other championships are being fought on)
So far the the brand looks like this
Bobby Lashley: NWO heavyweight champion, ~1 week Andrew tate and Demon Finn Balor - WWE tag team champions(The new fancy ones from community) ~<1 week UpUpDownDown championship - vacant IC championship - vacant
so far the rivalry actions are quite clunky, but we had a great time aside from Bobby having to fight Tozawa for 3 weeks in a row and Undashing Cody Rhodes somewhy having 3 matches in one day(man the guy is really working) Any tips on how we could make this campaign better?
submitted by RamaLeuu to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:56 rzamfir How do I make Angular Virtual Scroll work with an arrary populatad via an API in Angular 16?

I have been working on an SPA with Angular 16, TypeScript and The Movie Database (TMDB).
I am attempting to make an "infinite scroll" feature on one of the components with Angular Virtual Scroll.
For this purpose, I have imported the ScrollingModule and added it to the imports array in app\app.module.ts.
In app\services\movie-service.service.ts I have:
import { environment } from '../../environments/environment'; import { Injectable } from '@angulacore'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { HttpClient } from '@angulacommon/http'; import { MovieResponse, Movie } from '../models/Movie'; import { GenreResponse } from '../models/Genre'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class MovieService { constructor(private http: HttpClient) { } public getAllMovieGenres(): Observable { return this.http.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/genre/movie/list?api_key=${environment.apiKey}`); } public getMoviesByGenre(id: Number): Observable { return this.http.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/discovemovie?api_key=${environment.apiKey}&with_genres=${id}`); } } 
In the MoviesByGenre component I have:
export class MoviesByGenre { constructor( private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, private movieService: MovieService ) { } public genreName: string undefined = ''; public movieResponse!: MovieResponse; public movies: Movie[] undefined = []; public genreResponse!: GenreResponse; public genres: Genre[] undefined = []; public getMoviesByGenre(): void { // Get genre id (from URL parameter) const genre_id = Number(this.activatedRoute.snapshot.paramMap.get('id')); // Get genre name from genres array this.movieService.getAllMovieGenres().subscribe((response) => { this.genreResponse = response; this.genres = this.genreResponse.genres; if (this.genres && this.genres.length) { let currentGenre = this.genres.find(genre => === genre_id); if (currentGenre) { this.genreName = ''; this.movieService.defaultTitle = this.genreName; } } }); // Get movies by genre id this.movieService.getMoviesByGenre(genre_id).subscribe((response) => { this.movieResponse = response; this.movies = this.movieResponse.results; }) } ngOnInit() { this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe((params: Params) => { const id = params?.['id']; this.getMoviesByGenre(); }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.movieService.defaultTitle = ''; } } 
In the component's template:
As can be seen above, I do not have all the items in the movies arary available from the start.
Further more, the initial 20 movies that would be displayed in the absence of are not displayed at all.
What am I doing wrong?
submitted by rzamfir to Angular2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:54 Stiles-Micaiah Setting Up HDR Support on Linux (Plasma 6)

I’m creating this post to assist newcomers in setting up HDR support on Linux using Plasma 6. I’ve encountered partial and use-case answers, and the wiki isn’t exactly coherent. Hopefully, this guide will help someone (or preferably many people) get HDR working without spending hours on Google, Bing, and Copilot searches. Also, I used Copilot to make this more legible after typing it out. So, if bits of it sound like AI, it’s just rephrasing something I said.
  1. Check Display Settings:
    • Go to Settings > Display & Monitor and look for an HDR option. If it’s there, skip to step 5.
    • If no HDR option appears, proceed to the following fixes.
  2. Ensure You’re Using Wayland:
    • Wayland supports HDR, while Xorg (X11) does not.
    • Check your current graphics platform under Settings > About This System > Graphics Platform.
    • To switch to Wayland:
      • Go to Settings > Colors and Themes > Login Screen (SDDM) > Behavior (top right).
      • Set Auto Login to use Wayland.
      • Restart your system. (There might be alternative methods; feel free to comment if you know one!)
  3. Driver Caution:
    • Switching to Wayland may break your drivers.
    • If so, run the following commands and restart: sudo mhwd --remove pci video-nvidia && sudo mhwd -i pci video-nvidia
  4. Enable HDR:
    • Now that you’re using Wayland with fresh drivers, the HDR option should appear. Refer to step 1.
    • Change settings one at a time or it may not apply correctly (e.g., 1080p > apply > 120Hz > apply > HDR on > apply). KDE can be quirky like that.
  5. Install Gamescope:
    • To get Steam games running in HDR, you’ll need Gamescope.
    • Install Gamescope with the following command: sudo pacman -Syu && sudo pacman -S gamescope
    • Enable Steam integration: gamescope -e -- steam
  6. Steam Launch Options:
    • Add launch options for the game you want HDR in.
    • For 1080p@120Hz, the launch option might look like: gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -r 120 --hdr-enabled -- %command%
      • gamescope specifies the use of Gamescope.
      • The custom resolution and refresh rate are necessary (there’s a reason, but I forgot!).
      • Ensure HDR is enabled in the launch options; otherwise, it won’t work.
  7. Testing HDR:
    • After completing the steps above, HDR should work in your game.
    • Keep in mind that the Steam UI will probably be very glitchy at this point. Patience and deep breaths are essential.
    • I tested it with Horizon Forbidden West, and it worked phenomenally once I was in the game.
  8. Returning to X11 for Compatibility and Comfort:
    • Repeat Step 2, choosing X11 instead of Wayland.
    • Remove launch options.
    • Voilà, we’re back to square one!
TL; DR: Dude it's an instruction set, go back and read 💀
submitted by Stiles-Micaiah to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:53 thaaatguy [NM] Spyderco Manix 2 s90v LW - 160 @ $1

Spots@$Price: 160@$1
Total Price: $160
Make and Model: Spyderco S90V Manix LW
Timestamp and Pics:
Price Justification: these are getting hard to find. Only comps we can find are 300 days to 1 year+ old on swap. Range is anywhere from 150-185. This one had been sharpened, but comes with deep carry clip.
Escrow: for u/jay3011
Description: Spyderco Manix LW - Cutlery Shoppe exclusive with satin S90V blade, pinned orange FRCP handles, and black deep carry clip (stock clip included). Centered, solid lock up, and drop shut action. This one has been sharpened and seen light use, but is still in excellent condition (as always see pic/vid). Comes with box, doc, etc.
International shipping: N

PayPal Info:

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 72
Number of unpaid users: 2
Number of unpaid slots: 13
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
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submitted by thaaatguy to KnifeRaffle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:44 ApollosTwin Aseir Custom GHK-Cu Peptide Skincare Scam

Aseir Custom GHK-Cu Peptide Skincare Scam
Tl; dr: It’s a scam, don’t waste your money. Also makes me wonder if Jay Campbell is a 🤡 and I haven’t done enough homework on the foundations of the peptide research community. My products were overpriced, late, and have blue dye (blue tint lingers for <1hr after thin application), and customer service might just be an auto-response email.
I ordered on April 27 and was charged. Got a confirmation email including an order number and context that a shipping label had been created. On April 28, I cancelled my subscription (recurring, monthly shipments) since I wanted to see how the product performed first. Admittedly, I originally wanted the Neel product, but their website has been sold old.
Come May 7, I haven’t heard anything, so I email Customer Support asking for the status since I had already been charged. I got an auto-response “We received your message! Our agents will be in touch in the next 24 hours” and never got a follow up email or call. The next day, though, I got a new order # with a new “you just purchased from us and we’re creating a shipping label!” without context for the delay. I write back, sketched out by everything (including the suspiciously glowing website with zero product reviews or references outside of the Aseir website), telling them to cancel my order. This stuff is too pricey for this sloppy of Customer Service, at minimum (I’ll later add that this stuff is too expensive to include blue dye as well). Same canned “We received your message and will respond in 24hrs!” reply from Aseir.
On May 14, I receive an email from UPS that my Aseir shipment is en route! This email includes mention that my order is a part of a monthly subscription… I reply to the email, inserting Aseir’s customer support email, recapping all of the sloppy customer service and operations to date, reminding them that I cancelled my subscription, that I cancelled my order, and I’d now like a refund and for them to delete my data under my CCPA rights. Same canned “We received your message” response.
I eventually received the products and secretly hoped their Customer Support was just shit. Maybe they’re just a bunch of talented chemists with a lot of integrity and poor business skills… No such luck — the product has blue dye. Granted, this is just a biased assertion, but if the product was a quality GHK-Cu peptide topical, would they really need to dye it? A blue tint lingers on parts my skin hours after application…
I took a chance because I’d seen Jay Campbell’s name refenced frequently in the Reddit pep community, saw his site and some of his research on specific peptides, and bought the Skin Rejuvination package since I hadn't sren any negative reviews on here elsewhere. Another mistake on my part — I hadn't seen any reviews for this stuff outside of the Aseir Custom website which I found after Googling "GHK-Cu peptide serum"
Hoping this post saves some other sucker from repeating my mistakes, and that their customer support robot sees this and issues my refund.
submitted by ApollosTwin to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:43 ApollosTwin Aseir Custom GHK-Cu Skincare Scam ⚠️👎

Aseir Custom GHK-Cu Skincare Scam ⚠️👎
Tl; dr: It’s a scam, don’t waste your money. Also makes me wonder if Jay Campbell is a 🤡 and I haven’t done enough homework on the foundations of the peptide research community. My products were overpriced, late, and have blue dye (blue tint lingers for <1hr after thin application), and customer service might just be an auto-response email.
I ordered on April 27 and was charged. Got a confirmation email including an order number and context that a shipping label had been created. On April 28, I cancelled my subscription (recurring, monthly shipments) since I wanted to see how the product performed first. Admittedly, I originally wanted the Neel product, but their website has been sold old.
Come May 7, I haven’t heard anything, so I email Customer Support asking for the status since I had already been charged. I got an auto-response “We received your message! Our agents will be in touch in the next 24 hours” and never got a follow up email or call. The next day, though, I got a new order # with a new “you just purchased from us and we’re creating a shipping label!” without context for the delay. I write back, sketched out by everything (including the suspiciously glowing website with zero product reviews or references outside of the Aseir website), telling them to cancel my order. This stuff is too pricey for this sloppy of Customer Service, at minimum (I’ll later add that this stuff is too expensive to include blue dye as well). Same canned “We received your message and will respond in 24hrs!” reply from Aseir.
On May 14, I receive an email from UPS that my Aseir shipment is en route! This email includes mention that my order is a part of a monthly subscription… I reply to the email, inserting Aseir’s customer support email, recapping all of the sloppy customer service and operations to date, reminding them that I cancelled my subscription, that I cancelled my order, and I’d now like a refund and for them to delete my data under my CCPA rights. Same canned “We received your message” response.
I eventually received the products and secretly hoped their Customer Support was just shit. Maybe they’re just a bunch of talented chemists with a lot of integrity and poor business skills… No such luck — the product has blue dye. Granted, this is just a biased assertion, but if the product was a quality GHK-Cu peptide topical, would they really need to dye it? A blue tint lingers on parts my skin hours after application…
I took a chance because I’d seen Jay Campbell’s name refenced frequently in the Reddit pep community, saw his site and some of his research on specific peptides, and bought the Skin Rejuvination package since I hadn't sren any negative reviews on here elsewhere. Another mistake on my part — I hadn't seen any reviews for this stuff outside of the Aseir Custom website which I found after Googling "GHK-Cu peptide serum"
Hoping this post saves some other sucker from repeating my mistakes, and that their customer support robot sees this and issues my refund.
submitted by ApollosTwin to Skincare_Addiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:34 darxder MySQL DB in Excel for lookup operations not working (in some instances)

I have recently migrated an Excel database to MySQL and am having some issues when using a formula like VLOOKUP when my lookup value is ONLY a number but works when the lookup value contains both numbers and letters (which occurs often).
For context, this is (part of) my SQL file, which is then loaded into Excel via OCDB and imported into a table with PowerQuery.
TEXT datatypes in the .csv are enclosed by single quotes (apostrophe), with each line separated by a comma.
And then in a separate sheet, I use VLOOKUP to get the corresponding description of a part number:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C25,masterlist,3,FALSE), "") 12345
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C26,masterlist,3,FALSE), "") A12345
The first VLOOKUP corresponding to C25 returns #N/A, while the next VLOOKUP corresponding to C26 returns the correct description. Through some testing, I've found it only occurs for part numbers that contain ONLY numbers.
The workarounds I've tried do work but on the Excel side, meaning I'll have to modify the data or formulas in Excel, rather than maybe importing the data from MySQL in a different manner.
  1. =VLOOKUP(TRIM(C25),TRIM(masterlist),3,FALSE) was one solution that worked, but it would mean that I'd have to modify the VLOOKUP formula on every sheet.
  2. "Modify" the 'masterlist' table in Excel by clicking on the textbox of a FINISHED_PN and then just hitting enter without making any changes. Then, the formula I use works but is reset when refreshing the connection.
  3. Adding a data validation list of the FINISHED_PN column to the cells in other sheets (my current solution)
Is there a better solution to making this external database work how I want with Excel? ie. no additional changes other than import the table and go. I have full access to both the MySQL database and Excel, so I'm open to anything.
I'd appreciate any help!
submitted by darxder to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:34 moviesandbasketball Starship Troopers - The Battle of Klendathu is one of the most harrowing war sequences ever filmed

For context, I’ve seen about every wamilitary movie under the sun. This is not a joke post.
I watched Starship Troopers last night for the first time in at least 15 years, and part of its success in holding up as a really really good satire is its depiction of the brutality of war.
Paul Verhoeven’s direction is excellent in building this fascist-propagandist world up to the point where by the time the soldiers are sent to Klendathu to kill some bugs, we the viewers are fully expecting them to kick some ass. But what Verhoeven does especially well in this sequence is showcase the FEAR and horror of the reality these soldiers have not yet been faced with. Everyone, from the starfleet to the ground soldiers have been misled to believe this will be an easy fight, but the bugs are far bigger in numbers and intelligence than anyone ever expected - leading to an absolutely horrifying bloodblath.
The sequence in question begins with a grandiose “Ride-of-the-Valkyrie’s” type action where these soldiers we’ve gotten to know since bootcamp are finally being sent off to war, and the viewer can absolutely feel this nervousness and sense of anxiety as the ships make their way down to the planet. Once on the planet, suddenly characters we know and were expecting to be larger parts of the story are being picked off in brutal fashion. That’s war. No one is a main character. Everything leading up to this moment makes this sudden carnage so shocking and almost heartbreaking, as we see the fear of these young soldiers as they realize they’re dead-meat.
This whole sequence is very effective to me, and even if this is a pseudo-comedy satire about giant bugs, I find it to be one of the most effective battle sequences I’ve ever seen.
What are ya’lls thoughts on this sequence, or in Starship Troopers in general? I find it to be an excellent film
submitted by moviesandbasketball to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:28 AdventurousSeeker192 3 Small-cap Gold Juniors to Take Notice of $ELEM $GLDR $SOMA

(The information on the three gold companies in this report is not definitive. Instead, this information will drive you to do more due diligence and make an investment decision.)
A different way to invest in gold is to look for great properties. If you bundle the three companies/properties in this piece, you could own three great properties collectively for under CDN2.00 a share.
GOLDEN RAPTURE MINING (GLDR: CSE) is a collection of premier Ontario mining properties in the Rainy River region that have done enough work to unveil potential, below but left a significant amount of gold with great g/t numbers. As of this morning, some numbers will indeed up its profile. Considering the stock has been listed for about two weeks, these results are excellent. Forgive the length of the table, but given the quality of the results, investors must get the whole picture.
First, the newest, being listed in the last month, is Golden Rapture Gold. The Company intends to reactivate past mines in the Rainy River area of Ontario. The property is so new that management has only walked about 5% of it, but the numbers are already impressive over its two projects. The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits. These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Mr. Richard Rivet, CEO of Golden Rapture, commented: “I am incredibly pleased that we have just made some essential and rapid steps toward identifying additional high-grade drill-ready targets. We were pleasantly surprised to discover many high-grade quartz veins on the surface, with the majority of them carrying gold. Unlike many exploration companies, we are not just chasing the typical geophysical anomaly but also many vast high-grade gold structures identified on the surface that can be drilled at any time.
The Company holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Phillips Township Gold Property, Rainy River District, NW Ontario. The land package totals 225 claim cells for approximately ten thousand acres located close to 4 mineral deposits.
These assets include the New Gold Rainy River Mine (+8 million Oz.), the Cameron Lake Deposit (1.8 million Oz.), the Agnico Eagle-Hammond Reef deposit (3.3 million Oz.), the Tartisan Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Deposit, and many others. Mature local infrastructure, workforce, heavy-duty equipment, hospitals, major highway systems, and local services are nearby.
Ryan Yanch CIM, a director of GLDR, states***, ‘One extremely important fact is that GLDR’s drilling cost is an industry-leading CDN140 a meter. It is not unusual for other gold comp[anbies to spend CDN200-400 or more a meter. One major contributor to this is that one significant cost is the location of the drilling company. 17 km away from the properties significantly lowers the capital cost and allows a more robust drilling program”.***
Given the uniqueness and exceptional quality of GLDR’s properties, there could be excellent investor support. Gold is rallying, and the prospect of further rises may portend in the shadow of interest rate cuts.
Previous work on the properties quickly removes the ubiquitous ‘drill’ on the property or other tropes. These are serious businessmen and women with decades of mining and entrepreneurial experience.
In the world of junior mining IPOs, there is a feeling that the stars must align to profit. Au contraire***. The keys to investing success are the right properties, management, and, in this case, a rallying gold price.***
Numero Deux
Element79 Gold Corp (the “Company”) (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) is a fascinating gold company and the second in our gold triumvirate located primarily in Peru through its flagship Lucero, Peru, property.
(Full Disclosure: James Tworek, CEO of Element79, is an adviser to the GLDR Board. Your humble scribe owns a small position in each Company.)
The past-producing Lucero Mine (“Lucero”) is one of the highest-grade underground mines in Peru’s history, with grades averaging 19.0g/t Au Equivalent (“Au Eq”) (14.0 g/t gold and 373 g/t silver).
In its past 5 years of production, ending in 2005, it produced an average of 40,000oz+/yr.
Assays from March 2023 yielded 21-ore-grade and high-yield up to 11.7 ounces per ton of gold and 247 ounces per ton of silver from underground workings, further validating the potential for a significant high-grade future operation.
Consolidating its focus in this region and its impressive geology, ELEM acquired the Roxana Vein and surrounding 1200ha property, Lucero del Sur 28, via auction held on May 17, 2023. The property is located strategically just east of the high-grade Lucero gold-silver project.
Instead of going into much history, let’s look at the Press release ELEM put out on April 23. New assays were released, and CEO James Tworek stated, “The data obtained is not just promising; it’s the cornerstone upon which our future endeavours will be built,” said James Tworek, CEO of Element 79. “These recent results, coupled with historical data, represent the bedrock upon which we are advancing our Lucero project.”
Corporate Presentation.
From the PR: A total of 97 samples were sent for assays, 56 of which returned greater than 0.1 g/t gold (up to 8.55 g/t gold and 523 g/t silver. Several samples also were rich in base metals (up to 23.7% lead and 9.9% zinc), all of which underscores the richness of our project, further supporting the Company’s belief a robust resource base can be delineated. (Actual assay numbers are shown in the PR)
James C Tworek further states, “Element79 Gold has transformed from an asset amalgamator and seller to a near-term production story, responding to Peru’s government push for formalizing artisanal mining operations. We at Element79 Gold are thrilled to share our unwavering dedication to bringing our Lucero gold project in Peru into production. This past-producing, high-grade gold and silver mine holds immense potential to revitalize our Company and foster economic growth and prosperity in the region. “
The other ELEM property brings us back to North America. Nevada, to be precise. Reason to pay attention?
Maverick Springs is adjacent to the Carlin Trend. For the uninitiated, the area contains several of the largest gold mines on Earth. The area includes a number of the largest gold mines on Earth. Maverick Springs is a blind deposit comprising a 30-120 metre thick, flat-lying zone centred on an anticlinal structure with oxidation pervasive to 120 metres and intermittent to 270 metres. (5)
West Whistler property is in the same area as Maverick, closer to the Battle Mountain Trend, alongside Carlin: Near several gold deposits, including the Cortez Mine, North America’s third largest gold mine with 2021 gold production of 828,000 ounces.
Finally, the Clover Property, 16 km west of the massive Hecla Mine in the Northern Nevada Rift. The property sits at the top and centre of the Carlin and Battle Mountain Trends.
Nevada Gold’s active Turquoise Ridge Mine, the third largest gold mine in the United States with 537,000 ounces of gold production reported in 2020, as well as the Twin Creeks open pit mines and the dormant Pinson and Getchell mines.
Element 79 has drilling programs announced for the 2023/24 years and a more vigorous program for 2024/25.
As ( an aside, the gold price—and silver—have softened after particularly gold had a decent run. The first two in our group have slid a bit but seem to be holding in nicely.
If one follows gold forecasts, the pundits call for USD 2500-3000 over the next few years. The strategy is simple: A move to USD 3,000 represents a 50% appreciation. However, that also comes with physical and liquidity issues should you want to sell.
And the Gold price?
On December 30, 2022, gold closed the year at $1,819.70 per ounce. Flash forward to one year later, and gold closed 2023 at $2,062.40. That’s a gain of 13.3% in a single year.
With gold pushing to new record highs, it’s a fascinating time for gold investors.
Predicting the future of gold prices is never easy, but to offer some insights into what 2024 might hold, we’ve (compiled an array of gold price forecasts, outlooks, and predictions from renowned banks, industry experts, and financial analysts.
Let’s take a look.
Numero Three
Off we go to South America. This time, Columbia with SOMA Gold. (TSXV: SOMA) (WKN: A2P4DU) (OTC: SMAGF) (the “Company” or “Soma“) recently announced that gold production for Q1 2024 was 7,335 AuEq ounces, an increase of 8% over the same period in 2023.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
The Company owns two adjacent mining properties in Antioquia, Colombia, with a combined milling capacity of 675 tpd. (Permitted for 1,400 tpd). The El Bagre Mill is currently operating and producing. Internally generated funds are being used to finance a regional exploration program.
Soma is further ahead than our previous companies, which doesn’t make it better; it is just a different stage of development.
Corporate Presentation, 2023 results, Tech Report.
Cardero Mine
As mentioned, these three companies are similar in that they have what appear to be skookum properties. They are also all great gold proxies, and they all trade for under CDN1.00. Cheekily, I may have said that investors can own all three companies for under CDN 2.00 a share.
While I like the companies, I would buy them for their land positions. All have land that isn’t some dust pit but has either historical or proven assays. And most are near large producers. Element79; Nevada.Carlin Trend? Seriously?
submitted by AdventurousSeeker192 to PennyStocksWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:25 theuddy Kumori CLI Engine: Automate Image Generation with InstantID, HuggingFace, and Stable Diffusion – Featuring Gender Detection, Pose Estimation, and Detailed Logs for Focused Outputs, all via Python-based command line.

Kumori CLI Engine: Automate Image Generation with InstantID, HuggingFace, and Stable Diffusion – Featuring Gender Detection, Pose Estimation, and Detailed Logs for Focused Outputs, all via Python-based command line.
Hi everyone! 🎨 Everyone has their own preferences around using models. I prefer the "set it and forget it" model and letting the process run, then evaluating and refining afterwards. With that being said, I hadn't found a clean way to remove the manual (Gradio interface) way to process large sets of images, so figured I'd try on my own...
What is Kumori CLI Engine?
Kumori CLI Engine leverages the InstantID [\] and Huggingface diffusers via Stable Diffusion to generate images in 100% python command line interface.
Why build Kumori CLI Engine?
Verbose console updates: Big fan of stats/showing what is happening. Again, nothing really had the level of detail I had in mind around settings/values in the way I'd wanted them. When you run this, you'll see a ton of print logs telling you what's happening all along the path around decisions, findings, time calculations, etc so you don't feel like you won't know what's going on. Transparency is/was how I learned it, then built it in.
Gender Detection: Having to manually tell the bot what it was looking at seemed redundant. Using facial landmarks, tries to automatically detect the gender from the input image and applies the appropriate prompt from CONFIGS.PY. Pose Estimation: Tries to align the most likely aligned pose from your set of poses, with the idea that I was seeing better results when the person being aligned, fit more closely to the image of the person in the pose --It detects the pose of the person in the image to better align the generated image, providing more consistent and coherent results.
Image cleanup/padding: Some images just drop in a lot of the GUI interfaces if it can't find a face. Padding/zooming out and trying again has worked well. I found a lot of the images couldn't find faces in the landmark detections, so added a way to pad (and re-process) if it couldn't find the face on the first run. Also using Pillow to enhance/clean up image after generation.
Automated CSV generation results: Doubling down on stats, this saves them cleanly and in a format you can use later (CSV) to give more value to your images. Logs the details of each image generation process to a CSV file, making it easy to track and analyze the outputs, to better fine-tune as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" --so what you think looks good can be tailored based on the settings that work best for your eyes. ++ a summarization script that, when you cull your images you didn't like, it'll tell you what settings and models your eyes liked best, so you can further fine tune to your preferences.
Randomization Options: I don't know what I don't know. Most tools I use today make me "hunt and peck" to find a setting I like. This offers the ability to randomly select styles, models, and poses, providing varied and diverse output images, again based on your preferences --while it runs, it'll try some of the mostly likely settings that have worked, but feel free to hard-set or change them to fit your hoped outcome. Customizable Parameters: Fine-tune settings like identitynet strength, adapter strength, number of inference steps, and guidance scale right from the configuration file again to help align to your own personal preference of outputs.
Full Github repo:
On Windows you only need this batch file and it'll install all for you:
On non-Windows or if you like to see how the process works, the file will walk you through manual install:
To modify/start using your own images, the incoming_images/ and poses/ folders are the main things to change to set your preferred images; it will crawl subfolders also within the incoming_images/ folder if you want to separate your image sets.
I figured I'd share in case anyone else prefers this hands-off automated approach to image generation, or if you have a slower GPU, waiting for an image to render can take some time (I have a RTX3060). Letting it run all night and coming back to a few hundred images that I can cull/clean to then run the summarization script to tell me what models/settings I liked the best has worked well so far.
I feel like there's a new thing coming out weekly (daily?) in the space lately, and would just put the ol' line in the sand to share at this point --I have a handful of future-things set to kick around, but wanted to get something out as I've been working on it for a while now, and been pretty happy with the results.
Thanks for checking it out, all the code/walkthrough/instructions to use can be found in the Github:
submitted by theuddy to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:24 thomas_kresge Create a condensed (no blank cells) list from a larger table, sometimes extracting two entries from one cell

I'm trying to automate the creation of some lists based on data entered in a separate table. Looking at the attached image, we have a table with some cue numbers, instruments, and a number corresponding to how many parts the instrument has on the cue (in this case, either 0, 1, or 2, but the values could be higher).
Underneath this table is a summarized list of which instrument has a part on which cue. The extra kicker though is that if something has more than one part, I'd like that listed as well. Is this possible? I essentially want to know if there's a way to automatically and dynamically create the list shown on the bottom (B29:E43) using the table on top (A1:E25).
Edit: here's a link to the spreadsheet itself
submitted by thomas_kresge to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:19 Clear_Ad_3383 Refund on refurbished phone

My girlfriend recently bought a refurbished iPhone off a reputable online phone selling shop called backmarket. Upon receiving the phone she found it did not work as intended and had major problems with camera. She sent it back and eventually they sent a 2nd phone free of charge. Upon receiving the 2nd phone the phone completely broke and was unable to make any calls or use data, along with this the battery on the device deteriorated incredibly quickly. This time she said she wanted a refund. She spoke through email to someone who appeared to be a middleman between her and the seller. The middleman said she could ask for ANOTHER phone or send the iPhone back to the seller where it would be up to him if she got a refund or not (What?). She decided she just wanted a complete refund. We sent the phone back and today we received this email.
“I hope this message finds you in excellent health and high spirits. I regret to inform you that the seller has received your device, but they have informed us that it does not match the device they originally sent you. The product they dispatched to you after replacement, had IMEl *********** , whereas the product they received from you is identified as a DEMO unit and only contains a serial number. Please see the attached photo for reference. Could you kindly verify if there has been any confusion on your end and ensure that the correct device is sent to the seller?”
It appears that they’re trying to scam her. She spent a lot of money on this phone and I was wondering if there is anything I can do or say to try and help get her her money back
submitted by Clear_Ad_3383 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:09 PhantumJak Toggle 3+ "Details!" windows in Chat Frame

Toggle 3+
As many who use the AddOn "Details!" are aware, we can only embed 2 Details windows into a chat tab, often leaving us with pretty large windows and wasting a lot of space to show more info.
I have a solution! It is not a "true" embed, but it is effectively the same.
Step 1. Organize your desired Details windows over top of your main chat window (it might be hard to see what you're doing with all the text in the background, so temporarily switch to a blank tab) - for the most seamless effect, try to keep all Details windows within the bound of the chat area.
Step 2. Open the Details menu, go to the "Auto Run Code" section > Initialization... At the bottom, paste in the following line without quotation: "Details:ShutDownAllInstances();"
This will immediately set the Details windows to an inactive state.
Step 3. Create the following Macro (I named it "Toggle Details"):
/run local c=ChatFrame1Tab local d=Details local f=ChatFrame1 local g=GeneralDockManager if g then if g:IsShown() then c:Click() g:Hide() f:Hide() d:ToggleWindows() else d:ShutDownAllInstances() g:Show() c:Click() f:Show() end end
Step 4. Hopefully you have an unused hotbar, because we need to use a standalone one with only ONE button. Place this near your chat frame as desired.
Step 5. Place your macro onto the standalone hotbar - you now have a toggle button for details that will automatically take the place of your chat window! Press it again to change back to your chat window.
This solution is the same number of clicks (1) as-if using the "chat embed" feature from Details, except now you can toggle more than 2 windows!! :)
Pictures attached showing the toggle working.
P.S. This post was removed over in WowUI but no explanation was given, so I'm posting it here instead.
Toggled off and/or default state after a loading screen/login.
Toggled on. Press again to revert!
submitted by PhantumJak to wowaddons [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 ILoveSongOfJustice Ideas for Exotic Reworks

After seeing the new exotic previews, I felt that bungie might need a set of ideas for actually designing exotic armors, or even just to buff a bunch of the older ones.
You'll never guess which class I main.
First up is Titans
Mask of the Quiet One - Dreaded Visage: Being critically wounded creates an improved Overshield(50 hp in PvP/150 hp in PvE). Defeating combatants feeds into your Overshield and regenerates it. While Bastion is equipped, defeating enemies with Void damage refunds your Class ability(10% per kill).
Khepri's Horn - Solar Rampart: Grants two Melee Charges. Ignition kills grant additional Super energy(5% more), and kills with your Consecration refund full melee energy.
Helm of Saint-14 - Starless Night: You and your allies can shoot through your Ward of Dawn.
Cadmus Ridge Lancecap - Lancer's Vigil: While using a Stasis subclass and behind your rally barricade, rapid precision hits and combatant final blows with a Stasis weapon creates a Diamond Lance near you. Diamond Lance does significantly increased damage against majors and bosses(200% damage increase).
No Backup Plans - Force Multiplier: Shotguns deal increased damage(5% PvP/20% PvE) while this exotic is equipped. Kills with shotguns grant stacking damage resistance(10%/20% per kill in PvE), stacking up to 3 times for 15 seconds. While at max stacks, combatants will be less accurate when targeting you(similar to the Always on Time Sparrow). Finishers while you have Armor Charge grant ammo to your Shotgun(5% reserves per charge).
Actium War Rig Auto-Loading Sink: Steadily reloads a portion of your equipped Auto Rifle's or Machine Gun's magazine from reserves. Rapid combatant kills(3) refund Machine Gun ammunition(10% of magazine) and grant Auto Rifles increased damage(20%) for 10 seconds. Auto Rifles and Machine Guns stun Overload Champions.
Mk. 44 Stand Asides Seriously, Watch Out: Increases Sprint Speed. Sprinting regenerates health(equivalent to the speed of 70 Recovery). Sprinting while Amplified rapidly regenerates health(equivalent to Restoration 2x) and creates an aura of Arc static around you(around 10 meters). Enemies within this static are Blinded for 8 seconds.
Next is Hunters
Wormhusk Crown Burning Souls: Dodging grants Restoration 1x for 5 seconds. Kills against Scorched, Jolted or Blinded, Weakened, Slowed or Frozen, or Unraveled targets grant significantly increased Class Ability regeneration(200% PvP / 400% PvE) for 3 seconds.
Blight Ranger Voltaic Flow: Amplified grants damage resistance(10% PvP / 20% PvE). Speedbooster lingers for the remaining duration of Amplified. Additionally while Amplified, periodically restores a small amount of health and shields.
Sealed Ahamkara's Grasps Nightmare Fuel: Your Melee becomes a release of raw energy which inflicts a debuff according to your equipped subclass(Scorch/Blind/Weaken/Unravel/Slow) and overpenetrates targets. Gain a second melee charge. Kills with this melee ability refund melee energy. (Think of this like the Hunter's version of Flechette Storm)
Khepri's Sting Touch of Venom: Gain increased sprint speed and jump height while Invisible. Additionally while invisible, enemies become finishable for you at 50% health. Finisher final blows spawn a smoke bomb at your feet, which grants Invisibility to you and nearby allies.
Gwisin Vest Roving Assassin: Finisher Final blows decrease the cooldown of your Super(grants 10% Super energy per finisher). Spectral Blades Light Attack damage against Champions, Bosses, Mini-Bosses, and Tormentors increased drastically(500% increase), kills with Spectral Blades extends the duration of Spectral Blades, and entering Stealth does not consume additional Super Energy.
Raiju's Harness Mobius Conduit: Hold your Super button to activate a Super Amplified. While Amplified in this way you deal significantly increased Arc Damage(75% increase damage from all sources) and gain increased damage resistance(75%), for the duration instead of using your Arc Staff.
Bombardiers Parting Gift: Activating your Dodge ability grants a specific effect depending on your equipped subclass. Arc spawns a Web Mine(see the Arach-No modifier) which blinds enemies after it detonates. Solar spawns an improved Swarm Grenade(spawns ~30 seekers). Void spawns an improved Smoke Bomb(spreads Suppression cloud across 10 meters). Stasis spawns an improved Duskfield(think Renewal Grasps radius). Strand spawns 4 Threadlings, which unravel targets.
Last but certainly not least is Warlocks
Skull of Dire Ahamkara Actual Granduer: Void Grenade kills decrease the cooldown of your Super(2.5%-5% on kill). Nova Bomb kills grant Super energy(10% per kill up to 50%). Vortex Nova Bomb has increased duration(+7 seconds) and deals increased damage against Bosses(25%). Cataclysmic Nova Bomb spawns additional seekers on detonation, and deals increased damage to Champions, Mini-Bosses and Tormentors(40%).
Apotheosis Veil Insatiable: Casting your Super grants nearby allies 500% Melee and Grenade ability energy for 10 seconds. When nearby allies cast their Supers, you gain this benefit. Casting your super automatically generates 3 large Orbs of Light at your feet.
Getaway Artist Dynamic Duo: Convert your Arc Grenade into a Sentient Arc Soul and become Amplified. Your Arc Soul duration is tied to Amplified. Additionally, while Amplified the number of Arc Souls you can have active increases to 3. Additionally, your Arc Souls Blind combatants.
Nothing Manacles Scatter Charge: Gain an additional Scatter Grenade charge. Your Scatter Grenades deal significantly increased damage to Champions, Bosses, Mini-Bosses, and Tormentors(400%), and have more seekers.
Vesper of Radius Planetary Torrent: Your rift blinds enemies in a large radius surrounding it(14 meters PvE / 7 meters in PvP). While standing in your rift, successive arc damage Jolts targets. While your Super is full, Rifts you create last for 1 minute.
Sanguine Alchemy Blood Magic: Hold to drain some of your own health over time in order to overcharge your grenade, melee, rift or super(Drains 20% health per 1 seconds). The damage or duration of the ability increases depending on how much health of yours is drained(20% health drain = 25% more damage, up to 100% increased damage - or double damage). Kills with overcharged abilities restores you to full health.
Geomag Stabilizers Close Enough: Converts your Chaos Reach into a single, shortened blast which deals its maximum damage over 2 seconds. Deal drastically increased Arc damage to enemies within 10 meters of you(80%).
submitted by ILoveSongOfJustice to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 TheLotStore 0 Jefferson St, Helena, AR 72342

0 Jefferson St, Helena, AR 72342
0 Jefferson St, Helena, AR 72342
Parcel of land on Jefferson Street in Helena. Ready for your new home or hold as an excellent future investment!
Debit/Credit Cards Accepted No Closing Costs Cash Price: $1,250 Finance with $200 Down and 12 Payments of $110 Per Month
Property Address: 0 Jefferson St, Helena, AR 72342 (Map location is approximate) County: Phillips Assessor Parcel Number: 704-01660-000 Legal Description: East 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 40, Coolidge and Casteel Zoning: Residential Annual Property Taxes: $12.00
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information:
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:54 LongLiveNeechi People need to understand Londoners that are fans on teams outside London.

I have read a bunch of threads and peoples opinions about why they do not tend to understand the London mindset. London is an extremely diverse place with people from all over the world, with football being football, you will see people that support Liverpool and Man United etc in London, even though they have never been to Liverpool or Manchester but support the team for whatever reason. This could be due to a number of reasons such as a family member supported them so they copied them; they were the best team at the time they started watching football; Their favourite player played for them when they were younger etc.
The real difference between these fans and all other fans is that they will have rivalries with other London clubs rather than their traditional rivals for example a Manchester United fan will not care about Man City winning the league for the 4th time (even though it would break United's record of winning three titles in a row) as long as Arsenal do not win the title. They would see Man City winning the title as a lesser of two evils. This might be jarring to fans that are from the area of their clubs but this is the way it is.
submitted by LongLiveNeechi to PremierLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:52 Rachel_Rugelach Names Frequency for Females in Chabad Engagement Records

This is the companion topic to my topic "Names Frequency for Males in Chabad Engagement Records"
I've compiled these top 100 female first names from the marriage engagement announcements for 2,663 couples in the Chabad community, covering a period from the year 2014 to the present day (May 15, 2024). Names are listed in order of frequency, from highest to lowest. Where more than one name shared the same frequency number, I have arranged those alphabetically.
As with my topic for the male first names, the methodology is the same. I have not combined nicknames and diminutives, such as Goldie with Golda or Chanale with Chana, or spelling variations such as Shaina/Shayna/Sheina. Instead, I have recorded the names of individuals exactly as they appeared in the public engagement announcements with the understanding that these are the designated names that these individuals regularly use for self-identification. These names are presented here in descending order of frequency.
Numbers in parentheses that follow each name represent the total number of times the name appeared within the engagement announcements. Additionally, the first five names on the list below also include the percentage of the name represented in the total names compiled.
For some first names on the list, I have additionally shown their appearance as combination names. For reasons of privacy, I have not shown combination names with less than a total of three occurrences.
I present this list with a quote from the first verse and first chapter of Shemot (Exodus):
"And these are the names..." ואלה שמות
  1. Chaya (213 / 7.99%): This includes 60 occurrences of Chaya Mushka, and 3 occurrences of Chaya Sara.
  2. Chana (120 / 4.50%): This includes 4 occurrences of Chana Leah.
  3. Mushky (83 / 3.11%)
  4. Devorah (69 / 2.59%): This includes 47 occurrences of Devorah Leah
  5. Leah (57 / 2.14%)
  6. Rochel (56): This includes 5 occurrences of Rochel Leah.
  7. Mushka (55)
  8. Sara (55): This includes 3 occurrences of Sara Leah.
  9. Chani (51)
  10. Rivka (50)
  11. Esther (48)
  12. Shaina (48)
  13. Sarah (47)
  14. Nechama (41): This includes 4 occurrences of Nechama Dina.
  15. Miriam (40)
  16. Rivky (40)
  17. Chanie (34)
  18. Mushkie (34)
  19. Menucha (27): This includes 4 occurrences of Menucha Rochel.
  20. Sheina (24)
  21. Rivkah (19): This includes 3 occurrences of Rivkah Leah.
  22. Mussie (18)
  23. Shterna (18): This includes 6 occurrences of Shterna Sara.
  24. Gitty (17)
  25. Goldie (17)
  26. Hindy (17)
  27. Rachel (17)
  28. Bassie (16)
  29. Miri (16)
  30. Shira (16)
  31. Chanale (15)
  32. Chayale (14)
  33. Malky (14)
  34. Shternie (14)
  35. Bracha (13): This includes 3 occurrences of Bracha Leah.
  36. Chava (13)
  37. Devora (13): This includes 4 occurrences of Devora Lea and 3 occurrences of Devora Leah.
  38. Dina (13)
  39. Shoshana (13)
  40. Adina (12)
  41. Esti (12)
  42. Yehudis (12)
  43. Faigy (11)
  44. Fruma (11)
  45. Naomi (11)
  46. Shayna (11)
  47. Batya (10)
  48. Malka (10)
  49. Mussi (10)
  50. Tova (10)
  51. Baila (9)
  52. Elisheva (9)
  53. Estee (9)
  54. Esty (9)
  55. Moussia (9)
  56. Mushki (9)
  57. Mussia (9)
  58. Shifra (9)
  59. Shterny (9)
  60. Tzippy (9)
  61. Etty (7)
  62. Mimi (7)
  63. Raizel (7)
  64. Raizy (7)
  65. Sarale (7)
  66. Sterna (7)
  67. Yael (7)
  68. Yocheved (7)
  69. Aliza (6)
  70. Brocha (6)
  71. Chavi (6)
  72. Ita (6)
  73. Mirel (6)
  74. Perel (6)
  75. Rochi (6)
  76. Shaindy (6)
  77. Tamar (6)
  78. Aviva (5)
  79. Batsheva (5)
  80. Chany (5)
  81. Chavie (5)
  82. Dassi (5)
  83. Devorie (5)
  84. Fraida (5)
  85. Liba (5)
  86. Libby (5)
  87. Malkie (5)
  88. Michal (5)
  89. Mina (5)
  90. Racheli (5)
  91. Rivkie (5)
  92. Rochie (5)
  93. Shevi (5)
  94. Shevy (5)
  95. Simi (5)
  96. Tzivia (5)
  97. Zelda (5)
  98. Ariella (4)
  99. Bassy (4)
  100. Bayla (4)
A note on the combination names:
The overwhelming popularity of the combination name Chaya Mushka (in addition to all the various forms of the names Chaya and Mushka to be found within the Chabad community) merits special mention due to this having been the name of the Rebbetzin (the wife of Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson). Throughout her lifetime, Chaya Mushka Schneerson was a much-beloved model of kindness to others. When she died in 1988, people in the Chabad community started naming their daughters after her, and thus began the rise of her name to become the most popularly given name to newborn daughters in the community. An excellent article written by Sara Esther Crispe and titled "Chaya'le, Mushka, Mussie... The Impact of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka" can be found on the Chabad website at this link:
The combination name Chaya Mushka is so popular in the Chabad community that, if I were to include combination names as well as just first names in my listing, the combination name of Chaya Mushka would come in as #4 on the names list. The only other combination name that comes close to Chaya Mushka in number of occurrences is Devorah Leah with 47 occurrences. Separating all the Devorah Leahs from just the single name Devorah leaves Devorah on its own with only 22 occurrences, which would drop Devorah from the top 5.
  1. Chaya (156 / 5.85%)
  2. Chana (116 / 4.35%)
  3. Mushky (83 / 3.11%)
  4. Chaya Mushka (60 / 2.25%)
  5. Leah (57 / 2.14%)
Note that those top names above, in addition to Chaya Mushka (with 60 occurrences), include Chaya (213) and Mushky (83) separately. Further down on the list in frequency of usage are the names Mushkie (34), Mussie (18), Chayale (14), Mussi (10), Moussia (9), Mushki (9), and Mussia (9).
I've limited my list here to just the top 100 first names, but there are still many more variations of the Rebbetzin's name to be found in the engagement announcements, such as: Chaia, Chaiki, Chaikie, Chaiky, Chayala, Chayaleh, Chayie, Chaykee, Haya, Mouchki, Moussi, Moussie, Muka, Muki, Mushkee, Musia, Musia, Mussy, Musy, and Musya. This is because the name Chaya Mushka is so prevalent in the Chabad community that many girls who were named after the Rebbetzin tended to use diminutives, nicknames, and variant spellings of the name in order to individualize themselves from all the other Chaya Mushkas in their schoolroom.
Other popular name combinations appearing in my listing above also come from the names of notable, honored women in Chabad, such as Nechama Dina (Chaya Mushka's mother), Shterna Sara (Chaya Mushka's grandmother and the mother of Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth spiritual leader in the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement), Devorah Leah or Devora Lea/Leah (daughter of Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad).
And, finally, an explanation for the vast popularity of the name Chana (appearing directly after Chaya in the top 100 listing) is most likely due to the fact that Chana was the name of the Rebbe's beloved mother.
(Sending a shout-out to u/hsm3, u/Ok_Ambassador9091, u/joyoftechs, u/sunlitleaf, u/chabadgirl770, u/elizabeth-cooper, u/offthegridyid, u/Blue_foot, u/yodatsracist, u/bezalelle, u/shinytwistybouncy, and u/Delicious_Slide_6883 on account of their interest expressed on my previous postings on names.)

submitted by Rachel_Rugelach to Judaism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:46 ThrowRABrocxli Am I right to feel suspicious of my(25f) partners (24f) reconnection with an old friend?

I don't really know whether I should be turning to reddit for advice or not but here I am.
My (25F) partner, Jamie (24F), have been together for just over a year now. She's recently reconnected with an old friend, Don (35M).
I don't consider myself a very jealous person. I can feel jealous on occasion, and I think that's natural. Up until recently I've never really felt off or jealous of any if my partners friendships. I like her friends and will invite them out, etc, if my partner is coming out with me and my friends. Usually, she does the same.
Don is different. I am not "allowed" to hang out with Don or even talk to Don unless Jamie is around. Don had my number due to a medical emergency, and when he text me due to something unrelated I was told under no uncertain terms that I was not allowed to reply. That he had my number for one reason and one reason only. It was then I fount out that Don is apparently the reason Jamie's last long term relationship fell apart.
Which, in my mind was fair enough and made enough sense to me. I wouldn't make things worse or go behind her back to contact him or anything. I was just happy for her because she seemed happy about reconnecting with an old friend.
However, all I feel now is upset and frustrated at the situation. It's now at the point where, despite the fact we've recently moved in together, I see her far less than I did when we lived separately. If she is home, Don's usually there.
Don is always there. If she's not working, she's hanging out with Don. If she's not with Don, they're texting and calling right up until like 3am. If she's ever doing anything now, it's almost always with him.
When she needs help with things, I offer to help yet the response is almost always 'Don's already agreed to it'. This has been getting to me the most, she's asking Don before she even mentions these things to me.
The one that hurt the most was when she was telling me about an incident that had really upset her, and she told me she had called Don about it first.
I'm her partner, why is she going to him first?
Now she's been getting upset because we never seem to spend time together, which bothers me because I'm actually working less at the moment and have been asking her to do things but whenever it gets to the day to go out, or spend time together suddenly Don's asked her to do something. I get home from work and she's out, she doesn't get back until after midnight.
She's adamant that he's just a friend and she would never "see him like that". Yet, something just isn't sitting right with me. I don't see her often enough to know whether she sees him like that or not.
It's been three days in a row now that she's said we'll spend the evening after I finish work together and watch a film and have a nice dinner.
I've only seen her when she's woken me up coming back in at 1am, and seen her asleep as I leave for work.
I just don't know what to do about the situation.
I really love Jamie. I don't know whether I'm just suddenly being jealous and looking too far into this, or whether it is a realissue.
Am I right to feel this way? Or is my unease unwarranted?
TLDR; my partner reconnected with an old friend, who she's admitted was the reason her last long term relationship ended, and now I never see her and feel more like a room mate than her partner.
submitted by ThrowRABrocxli to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:42 masa8910 Masonese 101: To the Café. What can I get you?

You've become increasingly familiar with aspects of Masonese grammar, including verbs and numbers, times and dates. Now, let's begin to engage with day-to-day Masonese that you would need, beginning with a trip to the café. We'll introduce some vocab, go over how to ask questions, and watch Nyo order something from the coffee shop.
U buaem malaesh valothi veg hiepsi sul legina demasiebaski, ktheragra navi og tond, msao og kalishet. Thua, alo kain naba veg masiebaski devestra ath u ve nin, kaiagra veg voye or ejulyet. O sas syrin esos vaiva, prajo hūa nepaish tsema, og vat Nyo sa paishe sitra po emagar sul juli.
(Comment below if you'd like any more vocab!)
So, how do we ask questions in Masonese?
Tsoy, ts'o paish tsema hūa da masiebaski?
To ask a question in Masonese, we do not change the structure of a sentence at all. All we do is add the participle tsem, regularly shortened to ts', to the start of the sentence:
Simply put, create a normally sentence and then add the participle, that is all. Here's some question words to help you out, of course they normally go right at the end of the sentence:
Let's see Nyo order from the café:
Meritus Nyo
Tsem thūa ag pthare?
Katam, ts'a per akun u dūa?
Le poposo, ts'a per akun juli denan-ansa?
Bovo, prae ts'sev vaksa
Pa sev vaksa, me veg her aidē
Nag saki. Ts'u sun tsitra lej?
Pa, ts'a per akun epanem veg evryas por jath?
Mnos mon, io ts'u ve shof mesk?
Mon ia, aidē
Dithi. Ia ājan maesos pien
Server Nyo
Who is next?
Hello, what can I get you?
If possible, can I get a warm black coffee?
Of course, definitely without milk?
Yes without milk, but with sugar please
Not a moment. Do you want anything else?
Yes, can I get the bread with the cherries on top?
Just one, or how many would you like?
One of them, please
Excellent. That costs 5m
Vetım Vö Adonavë Valah Mbaq
submitted by masa8910 to u/masa8910 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:35 pa5tacat MF's New Core and Alternative Items: A Comprehensive Chart

This isn't perfect, but I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what a core Press the Attack build on MF will look like in most games. This is a flexible build, so you can still choose any item if certain prerequisites are met.

Core Build

Name Role Notes Build Order
The Bloodthirster Defensive, Offensive(Trading), Utility, Movement Speed(strut), MF ❤️'s the Damage Profile The shield helps maintain your "W" strut passive. Core item. Great with enchanter supports. 1-2
The Collector Core, MF ❤️'s the Damage Profile AD++, Lethality++, Crit+. Excellent all-around choice. 1-2
Infinity Edge Core, Damage Stick, MF ❤️'s the Damage Profile AD+++, Crit+, Crit Damage++. Typically the 2nd or 3rd choice after The Collector. 2-3, 5
Lord Dominik's Regards / Mortal Reminder Core, Damage, Anti-ArmoAnti-Heal AD++, Pen+++, Crit%. Opt for Mortal Reminder against heal-heavy champions (Vlad, Lillia, or Darius...). 3-4
Yun Tal Wildarrows Surprise Bleed, Core AD++, AD passive++, CRIT++. Stacking bleed passive amplifies damage significantly after acquiring substantial AD. 4-5, or never
Berzerker -> sell for Yoomus / upgrade for Zephyr Core (End Game), Attack Speed Transition to Zephyr at end game, if ur rich just sell boots and get and get Yoummus 2-3 -> 6

Alternative Items (Situational)

Name Role Notes Build Order
Edge of Night Anti-Squishy, Defensive HP + Spell Shield. Acts like a permanent Morgana spell shield. 3-5 or never
Yommu's Ghostblade / Opportunity Anti-Squishy, Lane Dominance, Defensive More damage with Opportunity; better utility with Ghostblade. 1 or never
Serpent's Fang Anti-Shield Essential against champs like Riven or teams with multiple shields. -
BORK Anti-Tank, On-Hit Crucial against teams with 2-3 tanks; synergizes with other on-hit items. -
Essence Reaver Damage, Sustain, Crit Used to give CDR, now helps with mana. Fun for builds, but not the top recommendation. -
GA Defensive, Endgame Purchase, Good Against Assassins Can be sold and repurchased as needed based on passive cooldown. 4-5 or never
Kraken Slayer AD, AS, Damage Passive, ant-tank Low Health Damage Passive. Losing the crit isn't ideal, but shines in specific game scenarios. on-hit passive can be good vs tanks that you can auto attack while staying safe 1,2 or never
Immortal Shieldbow AD, Crit, Defensive Shield Passive, Anti-Assassins. More AD and crit, less lifesteal. Alternative to Yun Tal Wild Arrows/Essence ReaveKraken Slayer. 3-4 or never

Other Mentions

Name Role Notes Build Order
Manamune / Muramana Offensive, Sustain AD++, great with Comet for early-game E poke strategy. Best when synergizing with a poke support against non-healing/shield opponents. Still great, but not as important anymore due to Blue Buff being a free passive after 20 minutes. 1, 2, 3
Mercurial Scimitar Defensive High AD, excellent against pesky mages like Kassadin. 3, 4, 5
Thanks and hope this chart is helpful.
submitted by pa5tacat to MissFortuneMains [link] [comments]