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2020.12.15 13:56 LoansPayDayOnline Personal Loans/Cash Advance/Payday Loans/Borrow Money/Business & Finance/Credit Score/United States

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2009.11.11 01:54 uriel The Go Programming Language

Ask questions and post articles about the Go programming language and related tools, events etc.

2012.10.04 16:31 zubrin The Simpsons Tapped Out

This is a community for discussing items related to The Simpsons: Tapped Out mobile game.

2024.06.09 22:34 Happy_Advantage_ Has anyone tried micro-dosing up or down?

M56, SW251, CW 192, SD 1-24, CD 7.5mg Since having to switch to plan c I have noticed that my vial has more volume with a little extra above my monthly dose. So I thought I might want to try using that extra for those lingering weeks at the end of my dose titration when the days leading up to shot day start getting a bit more food noise. And OMG does it work! After a food noisy end of the week, I added just a .1 ml to my shot and I have been strong this whole week and broke through a stall. Has anyone else experimented with this or had a similar experience?
submitted by Happy_Advantage_ to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:34 Jord720 AITAH for saying to my partner I think that as I bring in the majority of the money she should cover more of our homelife duties?

This has been a slight undertone over the last few years of me (30M) and my partner's (31f) relationship, but has really come to the forefront in the last 6 months or so.
For the last 5 years i've earned significantly more than my partner, most of the time 2x in salary with big bonuses that have paid for alot of our big purchases. My partner now works 4 three-quarter length days a week, and we've had 2 kids over the last 3 years and she has had 6-9 month breaks off work with them each.
She works a very strong job in data with a good salary and career prospects, and no doubt because she's had time off my career has gone futher. Combined with the fact that i've had a couple of big bonus due to selling a company, i've paid for all bills, spending money, mortgages, holidays for us both for the last 4-5 years, and her salary goes basically to cover nursery fees.
We are actually very even in terms of childcare, i get up in the night when our baby wakes and she gets up in the morning while i lie in, responsibilities around the house, and giving each other breaks, i think it's pretty fair, she does pick up the burden of organising the family. However we both know our house isn't kept well (We dont hoover, tidy, clean as much as we should).
Recently we've been arguing more about keeping the house tidier asking each other to do jobs, or do more. And if there is a stressful moment related to organisation (a good example is our wedding which I'm paying $40k for, she get's stressed about organising stuff and then has a go at me for not getting through my list quick enough).
The arguments usually end in tears, where i've said well i pay for everything, i think the burden of extra organization should fall on her given that fact. We're at a bit of an impasse, and usually i'll just give in and move on with things, but i want to know first, AITAH for expecting my partner to shoulder more of our home life responsibility as I bring more to the relationship financially?
submitted by Jord720 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 prodbfsg17 Just bought a house. Can I get out of it?

I (31F) just bought a house last month with my BF. Since signing the mortgage etc. a few things have come to light and I’ve realised how unhappy I am and how much I don’t trust him. How do I get out of this house/mortgage situation? We each paid equal deposit amounts and split the mortgage 50/50. Based in NI (UK)
submitted by prodbfsg17 to Mortgageadviceuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 ThrowRA-pickypickle My husband (35M) habitually overspends and lies to me (34F) about it. How do we idiot-proof our finances?

We’ve always kept our money separate. Maybe that was a mistake, but I couldnt see a way to combine finances that didn’t lead to some combination of resentment and financial ruin. Shockingly, we’ve ended up there anyway.
TLDR: he spends recklessly, feels guilty about his spending and then lies about it, I end up bailing him out because I don’t know what else to do.
The longer version: He was in debt when we got together, and I suggested that I take on the bulk of our bills and house payments while he focused on digging himself free of that. After about six years I had paid off 2/3rds of our house by working a well-paying job that I absolutely loathed (I was constantly being harassed by my male coworkers - it was…a bad situation) while he had mostly cleared his personal debt.
His clearing of the debt coincided with him getting a significant raise at work. I suggested, and he agreed, that maybe it was a good time for him to step up and take over some of the bill payments while I looked for a job that wouldn’t kill me.
That was almost four years ago. I now have a reasonably paying job that I love. During this time I never really stepped back from the bills like we’d said, because he never really stepped up. I could afford it if I was careful with spending, it wasn’t a huge deal, I just kind of assumed he’d start contributing more when he got his shit together. If that sounds insanely passive of me…yeah. I know. I had my head in the sand. I’m in therapy.
Anyway. Last year I found out that my husband had fallen behind on a bunch of payments because unbeknownst to me when he’d cleared his debt he had just…dug himself right back into it, lying all the way.
So…what the fuck do I DO here? My husband is a kind, loving, wonderful man, and last month he bought $200 headphones when he couldn’t afford groceries. So I paid for everything we needed until his next payday, and discovered that I really, really don’t want to keep doing this. We’ve talked about me just having full financial control over all the money, but…neither of us is sure he wouldn’t just get a secret credit card. I’ve told him I won’t keep bailing him out, but am I supposed to cook nice food for myself and make him eat rice and beans? Do I just watch the man I love gluing his shoes back together because he can’t afford new ones when I absolutely CAN afford new ones?
Spoiler: I bought him new shoes.
I really need some advice here.
submitted by ThrowRA-pickypickle to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:28 Narrow_Yesterday_245 AITA for being hurt that my "Ride or Die" didn't tell me about her elopement and considering not going to the wedding reception?

I (28F) and my "Ride or Die" Tina (fake names, you because the rules and such) (28F) has(d) been engaged to her now fiance (now husband 30? M) Santiago for a year or two. Santiago and I have a history (we went on a handful of dates and also went to 3rd base once but because I wouldn't diggity and Tina would he chose Tina over me, and that's cool as this was 4 tears ago and I am in a loving relationship with the man of my dreams) and he DOES NOT LIKE ME. Tina and Santiago had been together for maybe 9 months and took a break, which drove Tina and I closer (we became friends because Santiago streamed video games during Rona and we were his moderators.)
I was disappointed when they got back together and we had a little tiff but we made up and it made us closer (though we don't talk everyday since she has a really stressful job and is a dog mom of 3 fur babies and we both just lead busy lifes.)
I know that I won't be in the wedding due to Santiago and my's history, but she said I can go to the wedding. I am totally fine with that!
They went to a well known place that is known for elopements a few weeks ago for a trip. They posted a few pics of their time and that was cool, nothing sus. I noticed on Snapchat a few weeks ago that Tina had posted a photo of something marriage related, which I was sus was a marriage license. For context, in my state, you have to be married within 30 days of the issued license or you have to repay the fee (it varies from state to state in the USA) I recently had become unemployed and had just started my job so I just didn't think too much of it.
Jump to June 9th and I got to thinking about it again and I decided to text Tina about it since my life is now less chaotic and I am back on my feet. Tina processed to tell me that they did get married when they went on vacation! While I am overall happy for her (since it's not my place to object as they have so many issues that they are still working through) she proceeded to tell me that they told their friends and family in person before making their post about it (on June 9th.)
I left her a a FaceTime message with words of encouragement, congratulations, and wondering how her dad took the news (as her and I are both Daddy's Girls when it comes to our dad's so I was very worried about her dad) and inquired about a reception. She said that it was going to be planned in October 2024 (when her wedding was supposed to be) and that as the time gets closer she will post more about it. I let her know again that I was happy for her and that my BF (30 David) would be honored and privileged to go.
Would I be the A-Hole if I decided to skip her reception due to this?
If I do go, I will of course be on my best behavior. This is her big day and I am not going to be THAT A-hole that ruins it.
I am more than happy to accept any judgement, comments, and advice on this situation.
Stay Petty fellow Petty Potatoes!!
submitted by Narrow_Yesterday_245 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:24 lavendertea3 Just trying to figure out….

I haven’t researched a lot about OCD but I’ve watched a few videos and know some basics. I also don’t want to self diagnose. I will try to make this as short as possible!
I grew up in a terrible environment. Super dirty and the house was literally falling apart. Bad parents. I try not to let my past get to me.
Anytime I have a day off or I have the time, I clean the entire house. Not just a simple cleaning, it has to be everything. If I clean the counters, it turns into cleaning the entire surrounding area! If I do not clean, I’m in a bad mood. Especially on the days that I plan to clean the whole house, if I am not able to do that, I’m the meanest person ever.
I also have to take a shower everyday. I know that doing this is not good for me, so I don’t allow myself to take multiple showers. If I could, I would take one in the morning and one at night.
Also, if something is not new, it’s dirty to me. Depending on the condition! If it’s semi dirty and I clean it, it’s okay. But if it’s super dirty and in poor condition and I clean it, it’s automatically gross to me. And I won’t touch or use the item and will most likely throw it away. For example, I just moved into my new apartment two months ago. My shower mats are starting to get kind of grimy. But to someone else, they would be brand new. Every time I clean the house, they have to be vacuumed with a hand vacuum.
Also I notice the bottom of the wall is not as nice as it looked when we first moved in so I think that I may not have looked at the apartment close enough and I need to move out. Because cleaning it will not help, because I knew it was dirty before.
I don’t like odd numbers. Only even numbers.
I can’t drink chocolate milk because I think it’s been exposed to bathroom air and chocolate milk doesn’t belong in a bathroom. Or should it even be around a bathroom.
Also found that box of spoons and I never brought those, so I am guessing they are from the last owner, which leads me to believe that the apartment wasn’t cleaned properly prior to move in. I’m not showing underneath and in between the stove because I will literally freak out.
Is this a type of ocd or am I just picky. There more but my phone is laggy
submitted by lavendertea3 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:23 alfredoandanxiety Birth control

Alright guys has anyone noticed any significant difference with being on a specific bc while on spiro? I was on Junel fe for several years only having occasionally bad breakouts or cysts. It randomly stopped helping me and I have had the worst breakouts of my life the last two months. All hormonal acne. Terrible cysts and whiteheads all over but hardcore on chin and jaw with a few forehead cysts This leading me to get prescribed spiro. Im only on week 2 and im on 50mg. My doctor also told me to try switching my bc to tri-sprintec to see if my body would react better to a different bc so I just started that yesterday as well. I wanted to see anyone else’s experiences or if anyone had a similar experience where their birth control was helping their acne and suddenly just stopped
submitted by alfredoandanxiety to Spironolactone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:23 Inevitable-Pepper657 The Yak State of the Union

Let me preface this post by saying this; we’re all spending time reading a subreddit about a show that’s two most reoccurring topics are farts and boobs. We take it far more seriously than we should. I am now going to proceed to continue doing just that, but at least we acknowledged it. My goal of this is to compartmentalize any common ongoing concerns with The Yak, and bring forth any helpful analysis or suggestions. It will become immediately clear that I have perhaps watched far too much of this show, for far too long now. It’s not an obsession, it just takes up a very large portion of my brain. So, let me dust off my keyboard, in order to psychoanalyze and deeply critique the people on this show, who consistently bring me great joy completely free of charge.
We might as well get the most frequently posted about subject out of the way first. In order to be an everyday personality on a successful daily talk show, you ordinarily are required to possess at least three of the following six qualities.
Alternatively, you can also just be physically attractive.
Mook is none of these things. Zero. This is the simple and true reason why he is receiving flack for being on the show every day. Every other member that sits in The Yak studio checks off their respective boxes.
If you go back and watch some of the earliest shows that took place in the old Chicago office, Mook was an integral part of them. The crew was still figuring things out, and with a smaller cast for various reasons, he sort of naturally filled in. The thing is, he wasn’t a bad fit at all. In fact he was a good one, but unfortunately this didn’t last long. He went from a quality NBA sixth man, to benchwarmer, to over the past few weeks, if not months, playing like he belongs in the Baloncesto Superior Nacional (Puerto Rican basketball league). People have said he has become a scapegoat, just as Owen and a young Sas were as well. In reality, none of them have been scapegoats, they all at one point or another have just been the weakest link on the show, and received hate for it, that’s as complicated as it is. Owen was nothing more than overwhelmingly negative most of the time, providing good one liners in between vape hits. In the end, he left of his own volition, and the show improved. Sas was almost a decade younger than Mook is now, and had a lot of room to grow. With time, he did. Retrospectively, Sas also always had the talent, he just needed to get his shit kicked in a bit by the world to harness it. Mook isn’t negative, he’s in fact quite a positive guy, and has already gotten his shit kicked in plenty. What I’m saying is his problems are not the same problems as anyone else previously on the show, he is in a boat of his own.
These are not just the thoughts of the obviously autistic and schizophrenic man typing this though, but of the general Yak fanbase. The comment sections of those aforementioned early shows loved Mook, almost unanimously; they were overwhelmingly positive. Going back and reading them is quite a shock, only having read the comment sections of late. Commenters back then were calling for him to be a regular in droves, and so he became one; now these same people are calling for his head. I am somewhat guilty of never giving Mook his flowers so to speak back then, so I will do so now for anyone who might not remember his best moments: Rap video cameo, Perth trip, gay hands, Mintzy prank calls, the Fella Friday debacle, and he had more as well in just a short time. It has just dawned on me that it is 3AM, and I am writing a manifesto in which gay hands is a point of emphasis. Anyways, Mook by all accounts had a good run, albeit a bit brief. So, what changed?
Allow me to fully don my parasocial glasses, and introduce the primary theory I have. Two things: he’s always been an avid comment reader, in addition to nothing more than him simply running out of shit to talk about. Mook has brought up the comment section himself on a number of occasions, and he’s probably always read them since he’s been on the show. They built him up, and then tore him back down. Any confidence the comments gave him, has been torn to shreds by the same device. The other reason he probably felt comfortable early on is because he had these key moments on the show that were genuinely funny, the only problem is that they were entirely built around stories about himself. He really struggles to make jokes about others, which is a massive portion of what makes The Yak great; everyone can rag on everyone. And when it comes to self-deprecation, the concept is a fine line between recalling embarrassing or out of place situations, and refraining from saying shit that should only rattle around inside one’s brain. He’s resorted to the latter as of late now that he’s run out of the former material, and with him not being a particularly good conversationalist, there’s really nothing he can fall back on. I can’t speak on his stand-up comedy as I have not seen it, but if it’s any good it just hasn’t been translated to The Yak. While he’s not immune to having funny comments, his success rate with jokes is incredibly low.
This is absolutely no slight on him though, as almost all of us would be in the same position, given we are also not qualified to be on the show. We’d run out of shit to talk about in a week, if we had anything original or interesting to say at all. In a way this makes a lot of sense; Mook is not all that different from most of us, about a year ago he was a full time accountant. I don’t know how many accountants out there could successfully fill a spot on this show, but there can’t be many of them. We’ve devolved to his only highlights in the past few months being him essentially bullied about his relationship with a woman, and him injuring himself on a bicycle.
There is one final test I can offer up as a means of understanding this predicament if you don’t already. Truly imagine each member of the show performing in an improv comedy group; if you’ve done this, they should’ve, all in their own unique ways, provided for a good laugh, except one of them. Mook would plainly, be downright painful to watch. More than likely he'd freeze up, and if he delivered anything that wasn’t a bit about cum, it’d be an anomaly. That’s not good.
This is all to say, I think Mook has a place on The Yak. As does Danny Conrad, White Sox Dave, Max, or whomever the flavor of the month is that fans are heaping praise on. These guys are all great in doses, when they have something to talk about, and can also adequately fill in, when necessary, but when it comes to hosting a daily show, you have to be a special sort of talent to make that work. The only reoccurring guests on the show who come close to being on this level, are Feits, Guilio, and Bader. I’m not even going to get into the weeds regarding Mintzy, only time will tell how that develops, or doesn’t. I trust the crew to decide who belongs in a permanent fashion, but I just hope they really evaluate Mook’s role and give him the break that it frankly seems he needs, even if it’s a tough decision. Whatever they decide to do, I’m sure it will work out in the long run as it always does; have some faith folks. For the record, as an avid listener of ANUS as well, I think he fits his role as a producer just fine on there (he’d be a horrendous producer on any respectable podcast).
People have been coming at Kate’s neck for a while, so I’d like to address that. That is, right after I talk about the kind of person she is, being sure to mention the fact that she has a broken back, just went through a miserable pregnancy, and still showed up for more workdays in the last year than plenty of her co-workers. Never mind the fact that she’s an absolute badass and true patriot, but nobody tell her that. If you don’t find Kate funny, you’re an idiot, but that’s fine, humor is subjective. And yes, she needs to spend at least half as much time on TikTok as she does, but if you’ve read to this point, you need to at least double the amount of time you spend outside. She’s clearly beloved by everyone on the show, as she should be. Kyle would take a bullet for her; Nick wouldn’t, but that’s only because the gunman wouldn’t be able to hit his rickets riddled legs. It should be entirely obvious to any regular viewer of the show at this point, that Kate doesn’t help just host the show, but she also doubles as a producer. Not in the typical podcast producer sense, but more in the spirit of a TV producer. A lot of the great premeditated ideas and bits on the show are of her creation, and even those that aren’t, she leads the coordination behind the scenes. Nobody puts more effort and love into the show than her, except for the first 120 seconds of it, given her forgetfulness to be there for those. She would be sorely missed if she wasn’t a member of the show, and I just hope people who don’t already think this can learn to appreciate her, despite her quest to have a seemingly never-ending list of flaws; that’s a hobby if you ask me, Cate. In all seriousness, she had a bit of a funk throughout the past three seasons of the show we’re calling one season, for as many reasons as one could have, but she’s fully back in her groove now.
People have also been whining about T.J. for one reason or another. If you don’t realize how important he is to the show, you have not been watching long enough. The Yak was not nearly the same prior to his arrival, despite the cast not changing in any significant way. He’s got the fastest sticks in the (Mid)west, and while we might not all appreciate his humor, he absolutely knows how to get the most out of the show. He’s the perfect cameraman and real-time editor for the job, and he’s proven this many times over. E.g. Francis big head, Rone green face, any patented Brandon mid-bite zoom in. Given the complete technological ineptitude of most Barstool producers, it’s frankly a minor miracle we have been stuck with him. Ultimately, he knows what the guys find funny, and what the audience does as well. Has his ego inflated since dropping more than a hundred pounds in weight? No shit it has, that’s how that works, good for him. And yes, he is chronically online. He averages three sentences per stream, I can take him saying something mildly annoying every now and then; any other expectation would be absurd for a behind the camera personality, or anyone for that matter.
Big Cat
Get off your damn phone. Him constantly being on his phone and ruining the flow of conversation was long a pet peeve of mine before he brought it up himself a couple of weeks ago. His solution of giving his phone to Cheah (which worked, by the way) lasting all of one show, is hilarious. It only rubs salt in the wound when he pretends to not just be scrolling Twitter and reading the YouTube chat, saying he’s promoting the show instead. Even if that is the reason a small percentage of the time, I could not think of a less trivial task for him to do whilst on air; truly, any of the many, many employees working under him, who are otherwise not doing anything, could do it for him. Nevertheless, him constantly being on it does indeed derail discussions when he tunes back in, and they have to be rehashed because he wasn’t listening. It’s overall just rude behavior, and inconsiderate to his actual friends sitting right beside him, as well as the audience. I’m sure this in particular irks me more than most, but it really is just such an easy thing to get better at that would improve the show.
Nick, Kyle, Brandon, and Titus are all our perfect little angels and will certainly steer clear of any criticism or malice brought forth by anyone, for any reason whatsoever, for the foreseeable future.
Additionally, I petition for The Yak to host a weekly Ronesh Hashana and Sash Wednesday session, naturally observed every Wednesday. Again, there is a reason why you and I could not be on the show, what the fuck was that. Just have them Zoom in for the second half of a show once a week, it would be great to have those boys on and just yakking it up far more often. I would even be willing to compromise, by tapping into Sas’s Xbox Live party while he’s in a COD lobby, if that is what we must do to accommodate his busy work schedule. And I’m sure Brandon would be relieved to move down to at least second in RSMPE (Racial Slurs Muttered Per Episode). The King of New York simply can’t grace the Chicago plebeians with his presence and just go up and leave; we must have our fix. Of course, we must also have Rone involved to stir the pot, or as the Yiddish say, טאָפּ.
Though it may not seem it, I am truly not here to judge the character of anyone on The Yak. It is just an internet show after all, and I don’t dislike any of them, far from it. In all my years of watching, I have never posted on here before, nor commented on a Yak video, nor in the chat. I’m only writing this now because I am overly passionate about the show, and the people on it. The show seems to be going through a period of growth right now, or at least it is reaching a new audience, and during this time I want to see it at its best. Does anything about the show truly need to change? No, it doesn’t. We watch it every day for good reasons. Though it is inevitable that we will always find something to whine about; there are too many moving parts and people involved with it on a daily basis for us not to. And in fairness, it does have its issues like anything else, so if some minor ones could be addressed, everyone might be a little happier. And yet, if it remains exactly the same, that's actually a pretty desirable outcome; I already fucking love this show.
If they want to keep Mook on, then fine, let it be. At the very least, we can try and not drown the dude in hate, maybe he’ll somehow get his mojo back. Hell, while we’re at it, let Kate start her stories about something that nobody saw, that turned out to be about something that wasn’t true, that somehow ends with her being made fun of for having sexual relations with a high school mascot. Let them continue to rib T.J. and diabetic Brandon for their massive collective weight loss of going from two diabetic Brandon’s to two diabetic Brandon’s. Let Big Cat continue to cosplay as a hometown Chicagoan from Massachusetts who went to school in Wisconsin. Let Cheah continue to grill Sas on hypotheticals about his mother’s brassiere. Let Nick speak only about the opening paragraphs of Wikipedia pages. Let Rone manspread the width of four Zah’s. Let Kyle harp on Ecuadorian thickies. Let them continue to bring up Titus’s massive monster of a cock; we’re not happy about it, but we’ll allow it. Let’s just enjoy The Yak.
submitted by Inevitable-Pepper657 to itstheyak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:22 Working-Spirit-3721 Monkey D luffy DD U DONT WANT TO MISS

Good afternoon anybody, somebody, nobody, & everybody
all evidence DM ME
My name is Jain Kunwar
I am a retail trader for 3.5 years.
I am not an ape, I am not an institutional investor, I am not a hedge fund.
Nor do I have any clients.
I do not provide personalised investment advice for fees or commissions or tax purposes.
I'm just an individual investor who did my own research like Detective Columbo/Pikachu.
I come from a broken family, I have been to prison, I have been homeless even at 15 for many years.
I am not a good person, but I am seeking salvation from God.
I been doing Heroin since the age of 13, sober 8 years since the day I pleaded out to God in Merton station London at 1 am asking God to save me.
Which I believe in myself he did because shortly…….
Soon after, I went prison by confessing all my crimes and the judge let me run it concurrently for being honest that I need help and I had no foundation and healed a bit moving forwards in life.
I was born on May 10th, 1994, in Nepal Butwal. Home of the Gurkhas
I came to England 2002 November & have lived here since.
I class my self as Asian British A9
I have been repenting for my sins happily, paying off my debts and learning to be a good human being for I was a sinner till I met Jesus in Church of England.
My one and only father Jesus.
I have been following and invested in Game stop for a long time.
I started educating myself about the stock market since then.
I have been buying shares of GameStop Since 2021 But since 2021 June been incurring losses through market manipulation techniques I.E.
I had been denied withdrawals/ buying or selling options, leveraging options from Capital.NLY

Which incurred me 6 Grand losses on June 2021 and God knows how much/many other investors BIG or small in all exchanges that this effected.
I also have evidence of numerous times the trading app has halted its trade for more then 30 minutes to an hour in a single day! But for these I have videos more then images
I am happy to hand it over if you tell me where to send it.
They kept ignoring me until a month ago in May the 10th 2024 will touch base here later(miracle)
I have what’s app records of me trying to make complaints throughout the years with no redemption or straight answers.
I once spoke to an employee male & female one said, “We are experiencing some technical difficulties” this was about 1-2 years ago.
The Craziest thing was the ticker was moving in other exchanges just not in the one I was trading from.
Once it didn’t even open for 1.5 hours when it was open everywhere else
It finally opened at 10:49 how I know? I experienced this.
Under the FCA regulations all registered Trading Companies have a duty to protect investors from glitches and “technical difficulties”
Which They failed to do so for me I speak for myself and only what I have experienced.
The company even has glitched my leveraging system of 5-1 which was the setting since joining the company.
where, even if you pick 5-1 you only receive 2-1.
I have evidence of this as well & it’s not the first time either.
I know this has been done 100x of times if you take a Deeper Dive in the company’s own trading platform.
You won’t be able to find in other exchanges as other exchanges are working well so you cannot see the reason as its all “inter- linked”.
“Inter-linked “exchanges one falls apart whilst others are moving causing direct market manipulation.
Quoting blade runner “inter-linked”

Since then, I have been sent death threats anonymously.
Which also I can prove It was sent by him by connecting some dots with you
I met the owner in Wembley stadium in Corporate Box I was invited by Mr Stephen O
He contacted me and invited me to his corporate box on 8/6/24 I went there to find clarity as hackers have been going through my phones and social media with death threats.
Currently he is getting his hackers to find out where my siblings are and such as those are the type of questions I am getting in my social media platforms.
I call it phsing, smishing and vhising all 3 were used on my network.
Using carefully relaying questions in segment to build a definitive answer by narrowing down the wrong answers.
Like how it asks me what horoscope I am, Questions like use your initials to create a Japanese name.
Narrowing down an answer what every analytical mind would do.
I have been going through this since May 10th after he contacted me.
I have said my name is J to every one of these questions should be in my social media history.
Notice how it says JJ DEAD MAN COVER
Notice how I met the Owner at 8/6/24 1 pm corporate box …there are plenty cameras there.
I like to be clear here I do not know this person or have his number for him to be coming to my social media as people “whom I know”.
I believe it was the vhising technique of his goons on hire you can see my history for the past month in call history I been getting scam calls left right and centre.
I will also give a copy of screen recording on request.
Then I went home and put a video of his trading app chart not moving like other exchanges for example having a 1-minute ticker symbol does not move for 30 minutes in graph line on my social media suddenly,
I see a people “whom you might know” soon after I posted the video.
I only went to the corporate box because he told me he has over 300 people retail traders coming which I was the only retail there apart from 5 millionaires 4 of which I believe they own the company only speculation whom others are currently.
But I felt an eerily vibe So I did not eat their food or take their hospitality which was probably funded by investors like me getting robbed blind because he thought no one would notice.
I also met a man there I spoke to him he told me His trading account was transferred to their platform.
The clue is there which accounts have been moved without consent or choice?
He will plan to bring all in one to have more control and doing this also erases all traces of manipulation in the trading platform it moved from a very sly way to delete history.
Should not affect me though I joined ticker symbol. NLY as my first and only trading app.
I have lost all history of my trade’s funds and even portfolios deleted without notice of consent why is he observing my account and why is he deleting everything without my consent? He knows he did me wrong that’s why because he uses to manipulate the market into his interest.
I can identify all 4 of them even though I only spoke to Mr S.O over the phone and only know their name.
I ended up being the only retail trader there, A poor man in a Billionaires Club
So out of place
I just can’t figure out why, Can you?
The ticker symbol has to be moving according to the time even if the price does not fluctuate the time has to keep moving like kinetic energy.
It has to be moving unless halted which can be only 35 minutes per day but I have counted over 1 hour gone in some days

I have been through mental trauma with hackers trying to hypnotize me with flashing lights and other spiral colour techniques mind you.
I am an epileptic which I grew out of when I was 15 which is highly reactive to epileptic people.
Miracle indeed, as many don't, certainly not after adult hood.

Also, they have tried to ask me questions to figure out whom I am on my social media,
I got closer to their crimes and my truth and they wanted to know what I know or make me join them as per the invitation I believe bribing me to survive another few years maybe?
Hope you Enjoyed the Corporate box Kenny it was from the money you stole from me!
Steal from the poor how dare you?
pushing pornographic and other Hypno/flashing light techniques to my social media platforms
also using racial harassment by calling me Paki Psycho
At least get the country right! Originally from Nepal BITCH Gurkhas Salute!
We both know whom we are now S.O
Which over the past 3 years have also caused me to lose everything…..
money, love, joy, sanity & dreams.
I have been Robbed constantly from these techniques they use also the withdrawal rejection from 10000 to even 100 this was very recently too. Have some images to reference this too.
I log almost everything I do.
That’s just how I found healing/clarity by writing it down.
I spoke to a person named Emma who told me to withdraw,
I have to show all my cards even the bank card “HSBC” which was bankrupt and stopped without consent.
Jokes on them I still had it Q.Q ahahaaha even after I showed them it didn’t work.
Until 3 days later after I lost 65% of my investment.
I like to point out, I mentioned to HSBC many times I am currently struggling and am willing to pay in an instalment plan.
What I can because I did not want my account to close ever as it would effect my credit score most indefinitely.
Also, the weirdest request was they asked me to show them a picture of the different Barclays Cards I have with the same account number.
saying it must be the same card but it’s the same account number same card basically so why?
I replied, I put the money from my apple pay send it back to my apple pay card he said please send us an email of all your cards indirectly refusing to let me withdraw whilst I am in profit.

So, I sent them by email which I should have on my email “for reference”.
He also mentioned he will be my account manager and watch my account after the first time he called me because I am a “premium” account.
I still am a premium account with minimum 5-1 leveraging glitched to 2-1 with only 400 pounds left in my account and still watches where and when as my judgement has been good when to buy.
Buy low sell high! Or just hold but I couldn’t do any of these.
I believe it took him this long for many years the issue was my real name and my social media are not the same people.
As I do not have a social media account anywhere with my real name.

He started taking control of my account and portfolios since the day he contacted me on 2024 May 5-15 around the same time I started losing again drastically.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide you how much money I had made in profits or losses because “My account manager of a premium account less then 50 grand had deleted all my portfolios and trade history to clear his name”.
My account portfolio was called Bullish-CFD
Glory CFD and 3 gbps cfds I ended up with one named GBP usd
How the name changed I do not know
I suspect he closed my shared and opened it in a different portfolio causing 8888 amc share sale in my account 1112 GME shares.
As these most of these shares were bought months ago which I believe he has to pay for borrowing he doesn’t have to pay if it was new trades, I suspect this happened here.
Why else would I not the Portfolio I had designated names on.
This can also explain why my trade history has been wiped.
I did not do this I did not consent this nor was I notified.
Let me make this clear I do not have any controls or jurisdiction to wipe my history of trades if you could compare with other users to see if they have been wiped out and why it has been wiped out as its detrimental for Securities Agency to have correct data of everything that is going on with trading exchanges.
Which makes me believe more in the investment of AMC & GME.
I also believe Mr S.O prior to 2 years ago before all these new rules started coming, he was using his trading account to artificially increase profits by making a profit/gain.
I.E you open a position in a stock that is about to split in the market or going through one.
Let’s say its 2 5-1 reverse split now its 10 he made 8 decimal gains instead of changing the shares according to the split.
This crime trick he used to manipulate the market ended when sundial went for a share split reverse.
I came to realise this when I ventured in a demo account, and it worked but I didn’t do it with real money as that is not the right way.
I am trying to be good doing it the right way.

I have worked physically demanding jobs for many years working 6 days -7 days per week doing 55-65 hours per week, killed my joy in life and even went without food to invest in this company as I believe in the Company board, company outlook and company fundamentals all 3 checks out as a great investment to my eyes a hat trick to a quad trick now.
Putting money in it almost every month in the past 3-4 years.
My journey ends here with my Losses from market manipulation but I will reveal the truth!!!
They have robbed us again and again even the government has been robbed.
just for their benefit ruined many people’s lives all over the world.
Especially now that the company managed to be stable and grow profits.
But the issue here is not my losses it’s the market manipulation.
the company is doing all they can to not close their losing trade which is the
THE BOX everyone is talking about, but no one is knowing about somebody may know though.
Maybe investigate their wives’ accounts and you might find it on a marginal line red line in this account.
The blonde lady. Wearing navy blue jeans. Bingo!
Mr Stephen O has tried bribing me in social media sending women over my home to seduce me but my dog did her job right! And sensed the intentions I know this because I had a media pushed through my social media saying do you want me to send you two women to seduce me in hiding his criminal behaviours but this is not about me
He has robbed millions of people .

I have evidence of this as well to turn it in his favour as I believe he is short on GameStop which is a direct Conflict of interest “the reasons why I am been having these trading technical issues “
Trying to turn you into a gambler not investor! By taking away the withdraw, buy or sell!!!
You see,
The universe spoke to me, and I am becoming the voice for everybody who are being robbed by this man.
Call it a sign, a cohencidence or just dumb luck!
I am not a messiah though I just uncovered the truth!
2 weeks before my birthday on May 10th,, a stray kitten gave birth to 4 kittens and left only one behind. The squeeze began on my Birthday no fucking way!!!!!!!!
I/we have since, been taking care of her.
Meet My Newborn Kitten.

At 2 weeks old.

I also have a conspiracy theory on this as an attempt to harm my kitten.
To destroy me and make me stop trading.
I have frozen the medication Dr Elliot not a regular vet from that practice.
Well not the ones we see anyways 2 out 3 times.
My kitten was very ill shortly after taking the medication was also recommended to euthanised my kitten.
If you see her now you won’t believe why they would ever recommend this.
Of course, I argued and took control of the situation and saved her.
When I am back on my feet, I am going to a professional to check it out completely.
I like to remind you I already have a dog in this house for that cat to dare to come in my yard and give birth its like it was meant to be here cats? get it?
She is about 2.2 times her size now! Growing strong !!! just like GAMESTOP
In Jesus name can I get AMEN!
b4 I continue...
I currently work as a civil engineer and am on the quest to turn my life around in my Pursuit of Happiness.
Thank heavens as I do not even hold a GCSE another miracle!
That I have this job.
I am a troubled child, but I still have dreams... of making it in life.
Which is providing my future wife and kids with everything I did not receive,
love, attention, guidance and more importantly a home they can sleep comfortably knowing they will have a place to sleep again tomorrow.
But I do not blame anyone as it was a first time for everyone being a father... a mother...even me a son just as guilty.
But I want you to keep reading this story… as it is very important if you have lost in the stock market as there are many other stocks that are missing in chart it was probably getting diluted for someone’s benefit to maybe stabilise their losing trading account.
I get the desperation that’s how I felt scrounging, borrowing money when I felt like I was about to be margin called totally human reaction.
The way he gained the money to stabilise it was totally criminal though.
I feel like he is digging himself a bigger and bigger hole and that hole is up some skunks arse hole by now.
I also like to point out Mr S.O has notified me that capital is a British company, but I have seen it being registered in the state of
This is the Final frontier.

My judgement was clouded by addiction made me do bad things...
I apologise to everyone I caused harm/inconvenience in the past and now.
I really am.
From the bottom of my heart.
my actions were clouded by addiction it took me more than a decade to defeat my heroin addiction.
At this sober state, now If you ask me anything; I’ll tell you even if it gets me in trouble
without a second thought.
I like to point out through out my columbo detective move I came across various information some even I should not know.
All I’m seeking is justice and peace right now and I hope someone can help me get this as I have proof for most of these speculations.
But I believe Mr S.O has been sending his hackers to feed numbers into my head by keep pushing it into my feed.
Because of this I purposely lost all my trades as I will not participate in insider trading sent by Mr S.O to convict me to silence.
Realising I was being watched by numerous people.
I went into a state of hallucinations, insanity.
It was hard but I crawled back out of the hackers infiltrating my device to corrupt my mind and decisions.
I suffer with anxiety and depression already too and have been suffering further since Mr S.O has called me.
I just didn’t know this before he called me, and all the pieces started to connect.

As this type of speculations and claims are only for the wealthy and privileged.
I know I am neither.
I am a very poor man with no land no inheritance no support.
Everything I earn is from these hands that push tools and this mind that tries to learn investing.
At my day job I give my 110% physically
at home
I work my mind 110% to try being an experienced smart investotrader as I know once I have knowledge and skill, I can make money easily after.
Currently, I am sharpening my day trading skills to further increase my knowledge from investor to a trader.
I earning ends meet living pay-check to pay-check and I will continue doing so to save earn invest and one day have a place, which my future family can call our home proudly safely.
But I still see the deep value in a growing company as the more room for growth the more gains the investment will make.
I learnt this from reading and following great investors of this decade I.E DFV videos of GameStop 3 years ago.
I especially like the one where we roll the 8 ball and just find a random ticker and analyse it you never know what dumb luck can bring you.
A school dropout like me to GameStop and I have learnt more things than I did in my lifetime.
You can learn anything in YouTube now amazing really we should use technology to assist us not work for us I strongly believe not use it for our own personal gain just because you have coders.
If you look through their trading app they chart doesn’t even revert the history into split prices SUPER MANIPULATION.

1 I love the stock/I believe in the stock.
2 the company has board members who doesn’t even get salary.
For this they have my trust of my investment and that they will do everything in their knowledge and power to make this company successful as toys brings “JOY” even to adults.

I kept putting more and more invested in this company, but the stock is being manipulated so it doesn’t work everyone will lose as how the conflict-of-interest person wants it he has survived until now because of this but there were no major leads of this I believe.
[Again, I am here to speak about GameStop and the TRUTH]()
I still see GameStop as a great investment.
The company survived Covid 19, also is profitable and stable currently.
With all the current market price fluctuations
Also the price has not dropped below 40! pre split price.
which further strengthens my speculation,
I currently own only 18 shares of GameStop I did have over a thousand.
But the company owners of; ticker symbol NLY.
Have done everything they can to make me lose a winning investment.
They took my buy button my sell button and even stopped trading for more than 30 mins and hid it from none trading eyes in the bigger picture.
He also took my shares and diluted it I have incurred about 61 grand losses from my history of trading because of these market manipulation techniques over the past 3-4 years.
I as an investor a client of capital trading app was not treated fairly.
1 Even when I have raised complaints numerous time over the past 3-4 years was shrugged off because I am just well a NOBODY.
I call it a poor man's privileges.
2 Under FCA regulations Glitches or technical failures that cause financial harm to customers is a breach of this rule.
3 I am formally writing a complaint here and raising awareness with evidence of market manipulation!
would like support regarding the Law side of things and what i can recover from being ridiculed and robbed.
Using my food & leisure money to invest in this company.
I sacrificed my Joy for this investment with my hard earned money by working 50-60 hours a week labour 52 weeks per year non stop you can check my work rota records sometimes even 70 per week in physically demanding jobs.
1He has sent me Death threats today of what I am revealing now since meeting him in Wembley Stadium 8/6/26 (have a image of sending me death threats after meeting him today using paid hackers)
1 3/half weeks ago he called me to say I am in a premium account there are 300 of you and I would like to invite you to meet him today
which was really weird why is he putting my account on premium and saying He is going to look after it I am retail trader I have barely any money in account!
and deleted all my portfolio and trade history everything wiped clean!
+I suspect this was getting rid of evidence as I am right at the heart of the Griffin
I know why he took ownership from me without my consent and sold it without me knowing by derivatives and decreased the market value for his personal benefits.
Because he is already manipulating using this trading platform to control the prices elsewhere.
I have evidence of this you can only see it just DM me
if you look at the charts in their trading platform you can see it yourself to say it’s not photo shop.
no one else can notice it if you are not using the same app!!
2 Mr Stephen and his goons have been manipulating the stock since gamestop! 2021
+prior to 2 years ago his app would increase profits even from a split share!
I came across this information on 2022 You should recheck all files that are linked to him and splitting shares tickers as he has robbed them blind too.
I was the only retail investor, there alongside his corporate buddies which I am happy to identify and stand as witness.
I felt safe though as I don't even Fear the Darkest Night as I always walked by faith and believed in God has a purpose for me too..
A nobody like me maybe could be somebody one day!

(all hail great DFV) got to pay your respects !
I learnt trading since 2021
“Once there was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker every week.
After several weeks of purchasing butter from the farmer the baker decided to weigh it. To insure it was indeed a full pound.
When he weighed it, he discovered the butter felt short of a pound which enraged him and made him feel cheated and decided to take the farmer to court.
The judge asked the farmer what his method is of weighing the butter.
the farmer replied “your honour, I am poor I do not own any exact measuring tool.
How ever I do have a Scale.
The judge then inquired if the farmer uses the scale to measure the butter the farmer explained.
“Your honour I have been buying a 1 pound of loaf from the baker Long before he began purchasing butter from me,
When ever he brings the bread, I place it on the scale and measure out the same weight to give him in return.
So, if the baker is not receiving a pound of butter he is also not delivering a pound of bread as promised.
The moral you get what you give if you try to cheat others of what they promised them.
You will be cheated in return.

submitted by Working-Spirit-3721 to u/Working-Spirit-3721 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:21 joex1987 5 months of discrimination

I have experienced harassment, discrimination, and retaliation from a company based in Florida. Despite multiple attempts to address these issues with HR and management over the past five months, the harassment, discrimination, and retaliation have persisted, severely impacting my mental health and well-being.
In January 2024, I first raised concerns with HR about the treatment I was receiving from a supervisor and other employees. I disclosed my severe depression, anxiety, and susceptibility to severe headaches and migraines, which have been exacerbated by the hostile work environment. Despite these disclosures, my complaints were not taken seriously, and no meaningful action was taken to address the harassment and discrimination.
The situation escalated when my supervisor and other employees began retaliating against me for speaking out against the mistreatment. My supervisor mocked my mental health struggles by spraying himself with cologne and laughing in my face, creating obstacles to interfere with my job duties, and recruiting others to join in the harassment. This behavior violated the company's fragrance-free policy and contravened the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), given my documented diagnoses of severe depression, anxiety, and severe headaches/migraines.
On May 21, 2024, I reported these actions to HR again, only to be told that there was no proof or evidence to support my claims. Feeling unsupported and facing ongoing mistreatment, I made the difficult decision to leave the workplace due to the unrelenting unfair treatment and harassment.
I have meticulously documented the dates, names, and titles of the management and HR personnel I have spoken to regarding these issues. Several employees have witnessed the mistreatment and can attest to the retaliation I faced after reporting the supervisor's actions.
The hostile work environment created by the supervisor and other employees caused me significant emotional distress, leading to missed work hours and financial losses due to the violation of my rights and the need to seek medical and mental health assistance. While there were no direct threats made against me, the supervisor's encouragement of others to retaliate has created a toxic and unsafe work environment.
I've trying contacting the EEOC and waiting for a response back. Any recommendations?
submitted by joex1987 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:21 biggerthanyouneed Ownership of an idea, threat of being sued

I've tired to research this, but there's a few things that I think might be important but I don't know the legal terms.
I work at a failing startup. We probably have 2 - 3 months of funding left. I built out a brand new product last year that could have saved the day, but they dragged their feet on it and missed the market. I've come up with a new idea, but have told them that I want it to be a separate business, I've come up with the idea outside work hours and I want a fair share (there are 5 people in the company that bring value to it including me so I want 20% or 1/5th). I feel this is overly generous from me because the CEO really doesn't bring much value (he's one of the 5) and I'll certainly be doing the lion's share of the work.
The CEO has told me that I can have 6% and no more. He's also told me that his company owns the idea and if I try to do it solo he'll sue me.
He's a rich business guy that has connections and has ran businesses for decades. I feel like my idea is my own and its also pretty obviously where the industry is going as well (so it's not revolutionary, more just looking ahead to the end game). My contract that's things about IP and non-disclosures etc., but nothing specific about an idea.
Can he sue me? Can he win? He has orders of magnitude more money than me and I've heard he can be a real d**k about things, I have 2 kids and a mortgage. I feel what he's saying is wrong, but I also don't want to ruin my kids futures by becoming destitute.
submitted by biggerthanyouneed to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:20 FunEngineer732 Pay off investment property? Going through layoff.

Hello! I am wondering if someone has experience enough to answer a question I have right now.
Like much of the tech sector, I'm going through a layoff right now.
I have other passive sources of income (rental income, t-bills, dividends) that I believe I can live off of without touching savings while I'm looking for my next job.
To help increase cashflow to accomplish this, I'd like to pay off my investment property (single condo) but I want to be sure I'm making the right decision.
The mortgage is 5.5%. If I pay it off, then I can double my cashflow from the property (I currently net monthly around 600 after expenses but will net around 1200 after I pay it off) but I will lose the mortgage interest deduction (120 a month, currently--at least when gainfully employed).
If, instead of paying off the mortgage, I invested the payoff amount into my combination of index funds (total U.S., total International, a bit of total U.S. bond), I would probably get on average about 6.5 or 7% nominally. But if I use it to pay off the mortgage and double my cashflow the return will be higher than that, and, as long as tenants are paying, I will get that return more consistently and predictably.
I have cash and other liquid assets as well so the spending the payoff amount shouldn't put me in a tight spot.
Am I missing something?
Thank you for your help!
submitted by FunEngineer732 to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:19 joex1987 Recommendations for discrimination offices and advice

I have experienced harassment, discrimination, and retaliation from a company based in Florida. Despite multiple attempts to address these issues with HR and management over the past five months, the harassment, discrimination, and retaliation have persisted, severely impacting my mental health and well-being.
In January 2024, I first raised concerns with HR about the treatment I was receiving from a supervisor and other employees. I disclosed my severe depression, anxiety, and susceptibility to severe headaches and migraines, which have been exacerbated by the hostile work environment. Despite these disclosures, my complaints were not taken seriously, and no meaningful action was taken to address the harassment and discrimination.
The situation escalated when my supervisor and other employees began retaliating against me for speaking out against the mistreatment. My supervisor mocked my mental health struggles by spraying himself with cologne and laughing in my face, creating obstacles to interfere with my job duties, and recruiting others to join in the harassment. This behavior violated the company's fragrance-free policy and contravened the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), given my documented diagnoses of severe depression, anxiety, and severe headaches/migraines.
On May 21, 2024, I reported these actions to HR again, only to be told that there was no proof or evidence to support my claims. Feeling unsupported and facing ongoing mistreatment, I made the difficult decision to leave the workplace due to the unrelenting unfair treatment and harassment.
I have meticulously documented the dates, names, and titles of the management and HR personnel I have spoken to regarding these issues. Several employees have witnessed the mistreatment and can attest to the retaliation I faced after reporting the supervisor's actions.
The hostile work environment created by the supervisor and other employees caused me significant emotional distress, leading to missed work hours and financial losses due to the violation of my rights and the need to seek medical and mental health assistance. While there were no direct threats made against me, the supervisor's encouragement of others to retaliate has created a toxic and unsafe work environment.
submitted by joex1987 to FloridaLawyersAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:19 Alternative_Abies772 To be or not to be

I dont know why I started this community, or how i will manage it. Is it to find like-minded women, lifelong friendships, a personal diary maybe?,I don't know. I look forward to seeing where it will lead me in 3 months.
I'm going into monk mode for personal very common reasons.
I grant this evening day 0 of 30
submitted by Alternative_Abies772 to Womensselfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:18 One-Classic7118 Let’s assume Karen is guilty (for the dramatic effect of this post)

I posted something similar in another group but curious your thoughts on this here as well:
Let’s just assume Karen did. Let’s assume we have a crystal ball and she backed into officer Okeefe. Let’s run through just how LUCKY she’d have to be in order to get away with this.
How lucky that the judge has personal ties to the Alberts. How lucky that the lead investigator has personal ties to the Albert’s. How lucky that the ring camera next door didn’t catch anything. How lucky that there is missing library footage. How lucky that there is missing sally port footage. How lucky that Colin slipped and hurt his knuckles. How lucky that the Alberts sold their home of generations. How lucky that the police didn’t investigate 34 Fairview. How lucky that Brian Albert didn’t come outside and see what’s going on. How lucky that Brian Albert and Brian Higgins both discarded their phones the day before they were be forced to turn in. How lucky that Brian Albert butt dialed Higgins at 2:22am and Higgins answered with his butt. How lucky that Jenn McCabe googled “hos long to die in cold” on a safari page that opened around 2:27am and the best celebrite software in the world cant distinguish the exact time. How lucky Jenn McCabe butt dialed officer Okeefe 7 times and left zero voicemails during the exact time he was believed to be rendered incapacitated. How lucky that the investigation was a disgrace and evidence wasn’t found for days and even weeks after the incident. How lucky that officer Okeefe had injuries that potentially resembled that caused by a dog. How lucky that the Alberts just happened to get rid of their family dog or 7 years months after this incident. How lucky that the prosecution brought forth inverted sally port footage and forgot to mention it. How lucky that the time stamps have jumps in them. How lucky the footage only shows the undamaged side of the vehicle. How lucky that none of the witnesses noticed John when leaving and could’ve gotten officers on the scene quicker and even potentially while he was still alive. How lucky that trooper proctor got assigned this case after his shift ended. How lucky that officer bukake completely forgot to mention that the sally port video was a mirror image and lied about first reporting this an assault. How lucky the officer Okeefe injuries don’t look like that of an automobile accident. How lucky that the tail light shattered in a way that is uncommon.
I could go on and on and on. People can’t fathom a group of people could cover this up and get away with it… my rebuttal is they aren’t getting away with it. It’s so obvious something is very wrong here.
Believing that Karen did this and just got THISSSSS LUCKYYYYY makes you a conspiracy theorist in my opinion.
submitted by One-Classic7118 to justiceforKarenRead [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:17 strawberryjam1954 Question about the place I’m renting?

Very long story kind of short… my small family & I moved from a tiny 2 bdr home to a larger 4 bedroom. My aunt & uncle had a home just sitting in the country with 70 acres adjoined. The home itself was in pretty rough shape, more so than we could just physically see the first few times we looked around before deciding to move. An oral agreement was made for cheaper rent in exchange for kind of “fixing up” the home.. Since living here almost 9 months we have made significant renovations to this home. (Painting, ripping up carpet, taking off 8-9 layers of wall paper and redoing the walls with dry wall. Replacing the entire kitchen floor, the list goes on.) There is an absolute mouse infestation. I’m talking we are even seeing multiple during the day…. Who is responsible for getting this under control? Mouse traps aren’t working. Mold- the bathroom ceiling and door are covered and no matter how much wiping I do it’s RIGHT BACK! Which in turn makes me think both of my kiddos are sick from possibly mold. (Weird watery eyes sometimes, chronic diarrhea for WEEKS that we’ve been to the dr a few times for, and a weird dry cough). anyways, this has been working out ok until we had a small get together with family and a neighbor. We were chewed up and down from them for allowing people over here knowing said uncle has vehicles parked every where on the property. Old vehicles, new ish vehicles just parked in the yard scattered everywhere not being drove. Have been there awhile. Not only is this very frustrating to mow around but now they are causing issues for the entire property not being mowed around everything. When I tell you all there are rows of vehicles, and vehicles just scattered everywhere, I mean that. As well as other small random items that belong to them. There is also a single wide trailer blocking my entire drive that was supposed to be moved “early spring” therefore it is still taking up any kind of parking. With all of this being said, my 3.5 year old has gotten hurt twice now. There are multiple weird concrete slabs leading out the back door that are uneven with no railing. Which caused him to lose balance even though I did have his hand, and fractured his ankle. This has finally healed for the most part, and it happens again on the front stairs again no railing or grab bar of any sort.
After all of the ranting (just because I’m mad) is there any recourse here for suing?
Literally since we’ve moved here we’ve had to also replace multiple things such as (their stove, both my husband & I’s iPhone chargers, our dryer,& 2 plug in fans… someone explain this to me because each item seems “burnt” if that makes sense. Is this a coincidence or is something electrical going on? At this point there is so much going on here I’d love to call it quits and move. Unfortunately buying a home right this second wouldn’t be financially smart for us. Should we find another place to rent? Stop fixing up this place & continue paying the reduced rent? Consult with our lawyer about any recourse?
submitted by strawberryjam1954 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:15 Avoke619 Advice for an absolute beginner in the digital marketing/agency space?

I have wanted to start my own service based agency for quite some time, and I have serious confidence issues when I’m starting something new - let alone get paid for it.
So I took up a Google Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Specialization on Coursera [7 course series], and it’s almost finished. It taught me a whole lot of how Digital Marketing works, but I still feel a lack of real world expertise such as running ads, hiring contractors, agency operations etc. For context my background is in filmmaking (directing and shooting videos, films, music videos etc)
No finger pointing here but I’ve gone through some “$MM@ Gurus” online - they start with some mindset fluff, tell you how and why the agency model works, then straight up tell you to find clients - but wtf am I supposed to do once I do get a lead? How do I deliver a service worthy of MRR? It just feels like a disingenuous way to start and frankly disrespectful to actual agency owners.
I feel like no matter how much I look up how to run a digital marketing agency, there’s a big empty void - an elephant in the room waiting to be addressed. What are some potential paths for me to follow?
Some that came to my mind, feel free to add your own:
I am also in a very terrible financial situation right now. My bank balance+wallet collectively have $22 - some personal/family problems came up and I'm left in a very bad spot. So I'm thinking I just try getting a job, learn on my own on the side, and save up - although I wouldn't be saving up anything with local jobs here, they would pay around $100-$250 per month. I'm a 27m and the pressure to earn and be financially stable quickly is increasing exponentially by the day.
Super confused. Because I am aware if I start earning online (in USD or whatever), it would be significantly more anyways, I just don't know how to go about it.
P.S. I might get super downvoted for even thinking this, but I also thought of doing a local job, saving up, and getting into one of these online "how to run your agency" programs. Thought it would be a fast-paced get-you-up-to-speed kinda deal.
submitted by Avoke619 to agency [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:11 FuckYouMuffinTops unsure how to get ourselves caught up --early 40s, but just starting career, 3 kids, high cost of living, no savings to speak of... advice appreciated

Would love some practical advice on how to get ourselves to adulting levels of personal financial management coming late to the game is a long backstory: married (41, husband 43). I was self-employed for 13 years until I went back to school 5 years ago, he has been self-employed for the last 10 years.
We have three kids: ages 15 (shared custody with no child support) in public high school entering 10th grade, age 8 in private school entering 2nd grade has learning disabilities and will need additional support indefinitely and 2.5 in preschool full time, will probably have similar challenges to his older sibling. Our youngest two are adopted from foster care and we receive a monthly non-taxable stipend from the county (total of about $2,800 combined) to support them, 100% of which currently goes to daycare/tuition.
We rented for 17 years in a rent controlled apartment and because our expenses were low and we weren't extravagant spenders, had decent savings but never put much toward retirement or invested it due to distrust with and being unclear on how to even get into the whole thing. We used some of our savings for me to go to graduate school, but I was also lucky and received a ton of scholarships so when I graduated 2 years ago, we had replenished our savings and I had only $20k in student loan debt which we had taken out at the beginning of the pandemic being unsure what would happen with my husband's work, and then held onto while the interest was frozen.
Because of the littlest kid, who was a surprise addition to our family (long story, he's the biological sibling of our middle kid), we realized we couldn't continue to remain in our small 2 bedroom apartment with 3 kids and we couldn't leave our current area due to the shared custody situation of our oldest kid. We are in the SF bay area so our housing expenses are astronomical, when looking at market rate rent, we realized it probably made more sense to buy though we didn't have the down payment to buy on our own so we bought a house last year with the support of my parents. It totally wiped out every last penny of our savings to do this, including $10k from our 401k, and we had to use the $20k student loan we'd been holding onto because house buying is always more expensive than they initially tell you it will be. We own approximately 40% of the house and my parents own 60%. We pay 100% of all property taxes, maintenance, etc.
I am now in health care. I completed a one year fellowship following graduation which was low paying but made me more desirable for future jobs and completed that 8 months ago. For the last 7 months I've been in a new job and I am now making $212K per year, our benefits are completely employer paid. Our two youngest children are covered until adulthood by state health insurance. My husband grosses about $110k per year with his small business, filing schedule C, it hasn't seemed to make sense in prior years to make him an S-corp or LLC because of the additional expenses and payroll needs but maybe it's time? We are aggressively paying off my student loan over 12 months before the subsidized interest runs out (based on my income of the previous year, we have $0 monthly payments and interest is subsidized so we are accruing no interest on the loan currently but it will start to amass in October, by which time the loan should be paid off). We try to be liberal in deductions at tax time , we get professional tax advice and file our taxes with a CPA. We have no credit card debt. We own one car outright but it is starting to die a slow death, we lease another car and write it off under my husband's business. We needed a larger car that would fit two car seats and a growing teen so unfortunately ended up with a much larger car and car payment than I'd normally be comfortable with, currently paying $648 a month, lease ends at end of 2026. Mortgage is about $4,200 per month, property taxes are about $17k per year (I know).
The short version is I knew becoming cash poor with the home purchase was risky but I had assumed the loss of our savings would be temporary and we would rebuild over time once I was working a decently paying job but, 15 months after buying our home, we still have basically no savings. While I am thrilled we haven't gone into debt, I am horrified we have only $15k in a 401k. I assumed my new job would be our ticket out of this awkward spot but it also put us in a higher tax bracket and currently I am bringing home only about 60% of my income. We maxed out dependent and health FSAs when I enrolled in benefits but didn't feel like we had the bandwidth to start maxing out retirement given we are living check to check as it is. Obviously the already high cost of living here doesn't help, neither does it that every day things are getting more and more expensive and we have a lot of growing bodies we're caring for. I have been told time and time again that, in the SF Bay Area, property seems to only appreciate long term and our home is a savings of its own kind if held onto long enough but it does not feel like much comfort. Eventually we hope interest rates will go down and we can refinance and get a lower monthly housing payment but I'm not basing all my future plans on that hope alone.
I feel pretty overwhelmed by how hard I've worked for the last many years to get us to this spot only to find it is still not enough. I don't want to use it as an excuse to continue putting off planning for the future. It seems like our best plan is to figure out how to max out retirement though, I'll be honest, I'm just not sure how to do that and still pay our bills, though once the student loan is paid off that can be redirected to that endeavor. Our middle kid needs to stay in private school because of her learning differences, we have at least 2 more years of preschool for our youngest and hopefully he can do public school but no guarantee there. I keep very careful track of our spending and, other than eating out less, there are not really any places we can reduce our spending appreciably.
I'm just not sure what else to do. What else would you advise? Where should we start? Would super appreciate if you could refrain from "you SHOULD have done X" like, we know, we get it, but there's nothing I can do about what we didn't do in the past, only what I can do starting now. So forward thinking suggestions would be very appreciated. Please let me know if there's anything I forgot to mention that might help, or I can clarify. Thanks in advance.
submitted by FuckYouMuffinTops to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 Housecuba1234 REFERRALS ADVICE

Hi guys, I’m an insurance agent since almost 1 year ago and wanna share my history.
I came from Cuba 2 years ago, On August 2023 I joined an insurance company by accident, I wanted to become a realtor but I needed a job to get by so I joined an insurance company where I became pretty successful. I’m here in Miami, South Florida and here there are this big Hispanic Insurance Companies where they basically just sell auto insurance (I.e: Univista Insurance) and basically you just need to answer the phone, find the most basic and cheapest policy for your Latino client and convince the client to buy it, In my company I got to the top 3 within 3 months in sales (About 125000 in monthly premium) and I also got my 220 and 215 license within 3 months which also surprised everyone.
After only 6 months in that company and in the industry I decided I wanted to open my own agency, there was plenty of franchises opportunities but I WANTED my own brand and name so I just registered an LLC and started looking for appointments (At that time I asked for advice here and everyone told me to not do it, I did it anyway because I’m stubborn). Long story short ( I only got 1 appointment) at the time I considered a cluster or something like that like Renaissance but they didn’t have the markets I needed ( non standard auto insurance companies in Florida) and also I only had experience in Auto Insurance so I ended working independently but with only 1 appointment for like 2 months until I decided that I needed to get another job because I wasn’t making enough (Bills in Miami are not gonna wait for you).
My own company was a great experience (I GREW UP as an agent) having to get so many documents, account etc on my own was good and I still have it (I make around 500 dollars a month and I close 1-2 new clients a month but at this point is more like a hobby.
So I got a new job, this time in an American independent agency where they don’t serve the Latino community, they help the American community (Which is more literate about insurance and only buy quality) so I had to remove from my head the concept of selling the cheapest and instead I learned to sell the best VALUE to the clients. At this company I also learned about the other personal lines since I only knew auto insurance, now I know auto, homeowners, flood, boat etc but I find myself 95% of the time working on HO, the main difference between this company and the first one where I worked is that in the first one they didn’t pay commissions (only salary and like 0.00004 of the commission) but they DID provide all the clients, in the current one (I get 40% of the commission and a higher salary) but they don’t provide any kind of leads, clients or anything so I gurantee my salary since I’m quoting Homeowners all the time for the agency but if I want to make commission I need to find clients.
Of, if you have read until here thank you and you are finally in context about my experience as an insurance agent so I have a question?
I really need to make commissions doing homeowners and I wanna know what kind of group of people should I target in the community so I can get referrals ( the realtors, the mortgage lenders, the title insurance companies?) I don’t know and that’s what I need to know, at what point of buying a home does the clients need the insurance and who is responsible for helping the buyers sending the referral to a company and also what’s the compensation I should give to this person for every client I get from them? Please, I hope you can help me with this since I NEED to make commissions ASAP. I am also a registered real estate agent so in case that helps let me know.
Thanks community. Help me liking this post (I really need the k**ma)
*Also sorry if there is any mistake in the text, it’s so long that I don’t wanna correct it now and I also don’t want to use chat gpt to fix it since I think chat gpt takes the emotion off the text.
submitted by Housecuba1234 to InsuranceAgent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 Individual_Track4333 (Sugar Defender Reviews) A Dangerous Alert from an Honest Analytical Customer

Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement marketed as a natural way to help manage blood sugar levels. It’s become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking alternatives to traditional medications. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Key Takeaways:
What is Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement marketed as a natural way to help manage blood sugar levels. It’s made with a blend of herbs and other natural ingredients, including:
According to the manufacturer, Sugar Defender works by:
Sugar Defender Reviews: What Do Users Say?
User reviews of Sugar Defender are mixed. Some users report positive results, while others experience no noticeable change or even negative side effects.
Positive reviews:
Negative reviews:
Examples of real user reviews:
It’s important to note that user reviews are subjective and can be influenced by a variety of factors. It’s also important to remember that individual results may vary.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Is Sugar Defender Effective?
The scientific evidence to support the claims made about Sugar Defender is limited. Most studies on the supplement are small and funded by the company, raising concerns about bias.
One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine investigated the effects of Sugar Defender on blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. The study found that the supplement was effective in reducing fasting blood sugar levels. However, the study was small, and more research is needed to confirm these findings.
Another study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology investigated the effects of gymnema sylvestre, one of the ingredients in Sugar Defender, on blood sugar levels. The study found that gymnema sylvestre was effective in reducing blood sugar levels in both animals and humans. However, more research is needed to determine the optimal dosage and duration of treatment.
It’s important to note that the FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements as strictly as medications. This means that Sugar Defender hasn’t undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
What Are the Potential Side Effects of Sugar Defender?
The potential side effects of Sugar Defender are not fully known. However, some users report experiencing side effects such as:
If you experience any side effects, it’s important to stop taking Sugar Defender and consult with your doctor.
Is Sugar Defender Safe?
The safety of Sugar Defender is not fully established. The FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements as strictly as medications, so the safety of these products is not always guaranteed.
It’s important to consult with your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, including Sugar Defender. Your doctor can advise on potential benefits, risks, and interactions with your existing medications.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Sugar Defender Complaints
While there are many positive reviews about Sugar Defender, there are also several complaints. Some of the most common complaints include:
Lack of Scientific Evidence
One of the biggest complaints about Sugar Defender is the lack of scientific evidence to support its claims. While the manufacturer claims that the supplement can help manage blood sugar levels, there are only a few small studies that support this claim. These studies are often funded by the company, raising concerns about bias.
To learn more about evidence-based information on blood sugar management, consult the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is a leading source of information on diabetes and other digestive and kidney diseases.
Ineffective for Some People
Many users report that Sugar Defender does not work for them. They may see no change in their blood sugar levels or even experience an increase in their blood sugar levels after taking the supplement.
It’s important to note that individual results may vary and there is no guarantee that Sugar Defender will be effective for everyone.
Potential Side Effects
As with any supplement, Sugar Defender can cause side effects in some people. Some of the most common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. These side effects can be mild or severe and may vary depending on the individual.
If you experience any side effects, it’s important to stop taking Sugar Defender and consult with your doctor.
High Cost
Sugar Defender can be expensive, particularly when compared to other diabetes medications. Some people find the cost to be prohibitive, especially if they are not sure if the supplement will be effective for them.
Marketing Claims
Some users complain about the marketing claims made about Sugar Defender. The manufacturer claims that the supplement is a natural way to manage blood sugar levels and that it can help people with diabetes. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support these claims.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides information on how to identify and avoid deceptive marketing practices. They also have a complaint process for reporting false or misleading claims.
Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website
Is Sugar Defender Worth It?
Whether or not Sugar Defender is worth it is a personal decision that depends on a variety of factors. If you are considering taking Sugar Defender, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks.
Here are some questions to consider:
If you are looking for natural ways to manage your blood sugar levels, talk to your doctor about your options. They can help you make the best decision for your individual needs.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is Sugar Defender a cure for diabetes?
No. Sugar Defender is not a cure for diabetes. It’s a dietary supplement that is marketed as a way to help manage blood sugar levels. However, it’s important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. If you have diabetes, it’s essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations for managing your condition.
2. Does Sugar Defender interact with other medications?
It’s possible that Sugar Defender could interact with other medications you are taking. It’s important to talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking before taking Sugar Defender.
3. How long does it take to see results from Sugar Defender?
Individual results may vary, and there is no guaranteed timeline for seeing results from Sugar Defender. Some people may see a difference in their blood sugar levels within a few weeks, while others may not see results for several months.
4. Is Sugar Defender safe for everyone?
The safety of Sugar Defender is not fully established. It’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, including Sugar Defender. They can advise on potential benefits, risks, and interactions with your existing medications.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

5. Where can I buy Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender can be purchased online and at some health food stores. However, it’s important to purchase it from a reputable source to ensure you are getting a genuine product.
6. What are the alternatives to Sugar Defender?
There are many other options for managing blood sugar levels, including:
It’s important to talk to your doctor about the best options for managing your blood sugar levels.
7. Is Sugar Defender covered by insurance?
Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement and is not typically covered by insurance.
Remember, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or supplement regimen, especially if you have any health concerns.
submitted by Individual_Track4333 to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 Individual_Track4333 Sugar Defender Reviews An In Depth Analysis

Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement marketed as a natural way to help manage blood sugar levels. It’s become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking alternatives to traditional medications. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Key Takeaways:
What is Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement marketed as a natural way to help manage blood sugar levels. It’s made with a blend of herbs and other natural ingredients, including:
According to the manufacturer, Sugar Defender works by:
Sugar Defender Reviews: What Do Users Say?
User reviews of Sugar Defender are mixed. Some users report positive results, while others experience no noticeable change or even negative side effects.
Positive reviews:
Negative reviews:
Examples of real user reviews:
It’s important to note that user reviews are subjective and can be influenced by a variety of factors. It’s also important to remember that individual results may vary.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Is Sugar Defender Effective?
The scientific evidence to support the claims made about Sugar Defender is limited. Most studies on the supplement are small and funded by the company, raising concerns about bias.
One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine investigated the effects of Sugar Defender on blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. The study found that the supplement was effective in reducing fasting blood sugar levels. However, the study was small, and more research is needed to confirm these findings.
Another study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology investigated the effects of gymnema sylvestre, one of the ingredients in Sugar Defender, on blood sugar levels. The study found that gymnema sylvestre was effective in reducing blood sugar levels in both animals and humans. However, more research is needed to determine the optimal dosage and duration of treatment.
It’s important to note that the FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements as strictly as medications. This means that Sugar Defender hasn’t undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
What Are the Potential Side Effects of Sugar Defender?
The potential side effects of Sugar Defender are not fully known. However, some users report experiencing side effects such as:
If you experience any side effects, it’s important to stop taking Sugar Defender and consult with your doctor.
Is Sugar Defender Safe?
The safety of Sugar Defender is not fully established. The FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements as strictly as medications, so the safety of these products is not always guaranteed.
It’s important to consult with your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, including Sugar Defender. Your doctor can advise on potential benefits, risks, and interactions with your existing medications.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Sugar Defender Complaints
While there are many positive reviews about Sugar Defender, there are also several complaints. Some of the most common complaints include:
Lack of Scientific Evidence
One of the biggest complaints about Sugar Defender is the lack of scientific evidence to support its claims. While the manufacturer claims that the supplement can help manage blood sugar levels, there are only a few small studies that support this claim. These studies are often funded by the company, raising concerns about bias.
To learn more about evidence-based information on blood sugar management, consult the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is a leading source of information on diabetes and other digestive and kidney diseases.
Ineffective for Some People
Many users report that Sugar Defender does not work for them. They may see no change in their blood sugar levels or even experience an increase in their blood sugar levels after taking the supplement.
It’s important to note that individual results may vary and there is no guarantee that Sugar Defender will be effective for everyone.
Potential Side Effects
As with any supplement, Sugar Defender can cause side effects in some people. Some of the most common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. These side effects can be mild or severe and may vary depending on the individual.
If you experience any side effects, it’s important to stop taking Sugar Defender and consult with your doctor.
High Cost
Sugar Defender can be expensive, particularly when compared to other diabetes medications. Some people find the cost to be prohibitive, especially if they are not sure if the supplement will be effective for them.
Marketing Claims
Some users complain about the marketing claims made about Sugar Defender. The manufacturer claims that the supplement is a natural way to manage blood sugar levels and that it can help people with diabetes. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support these claims.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides information on how to identify and avoid deceptive marketing practices. They also have a complaint process for reporting false or misleading claims.
Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website
Is Sugar Defender Worth It?
Whether or not Sugar Defender is worth it is a personal decision that depends on a variety of factors. If you are considering taking Sugar Defender, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks.
Here are some questions to consider:
If you are looking for natural ways to manage your blood sugar levels, talk to your doctor about your options. They can help you make the best decision for your individual needs.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is Sugar Defender a cure for diabetes?
No. Sugar Defender is not a cure for diabetes. It’s a dietary supplement that is marketed as a way to help manage blood sugar levels. However, it’s important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. If you have diabetes, it’s essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations for managing your condition.
2. Does Sugar Defender interact with other medications?
It’s possible that Sugar Defender could interact with other medications you are taking. It’s important to talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking before taking Sugar Defender.
3. How long does it take to see results from Sugar Defender?
Individual results may vary, and there is no guaranteed timeline for seeing results from Sugar Defender. Some people may see a difference in their blood sugar levels within a few weeks, while others may not see results for several months.
4. Is Sugar Defender safe for everyone?
The safety of Sugar Defender is not fully established. It’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, including Sugar Defender. They can advise on potential benefits, risks, and interactions with your existing medications.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

5. Where can I buy Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender can be purchased online and at some health food stores. However, it’s important to purchase it from a reputable source to ensure you are getting a genuine product.
6. What are the alternatives to Sugar Defender?
There are many other options for managing blood sugar levels, including:
It’s important to talk to your doctor about the best options for managing your blood sugar levels.
7. Is Sugar Defender covered by insurance?
Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement and is not typically covered by insurance.
Remember, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or supplement regimen, especially if you have any health concerns.
submitted by Individual_Track4333 to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 Individual_Track4333 Sugar Defender Reviews and Complaints: What You Need to Know

Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement marketed as a natural way to help manage blood sugar levels. It’s become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking alternatives to traditional medications. But is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Key Takeaways:
What is Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement marketed as a natural way to help manage blood sugar levels. It’s made with a blend of herbs and other natural ingredients, including:
According to the manufacturer, Sugar Defender works by:
Sugar Defender Reviews: What Do Users Say?
User reviews of Sugar Defender are mixed. Some users report positive results, while others experience no noticeable change or even negative side effects.
Positive reviews:
Negative reviews:
Examples of real user reviews:
It’s important to note that user reviews are subjective and can be influenced by a variety of factors. It’s also important to remember that individual results may vary.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Is Sugar Defender Effective?
The scientific evidence to support the claims made about Sugar Defender is limited. Most studies on the supplement are small and funded by the company, raising concerns about bias.
One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine investigated the effects of Sugar Defender on blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. The study found that the supplement was effective in reducing fasting blood sugar levels. However, the study was small, and more research is needed to confirm these findings.
Another study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology investigated the effects of gymnema sylvestre, one of the ingredients in Sugar Defender, on blood sugar levels. The study found that gymnema sylvestre was effective in reducing blood sugar levels in both animals and humans. However, more research is needed to determine the optimal dosage and duration of treatment.
It’s important to note that the FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements as strictly as medications. This means that Sugar Defender hasn’t undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
What Are the Potential Side Effects of Sugar Defender?
The potential side effects of Sugar Defender are not fully known. However, some users report experiencing side effects such as:
If you experience any side effects, it’s important to stop taking Sugar Defender and consult with your doctor.
Is Sugar Defender Safe?
The safety of Sugar Defender is not fully established. The FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements as strictly as medications, so the safety of these products is not always guaranteed.
It’s important to consult with your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, including Sugar Defender. Your doctor can advise on potential benefits, risks, and interactions with your existing medications.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

Sugar Defender Complaints
While there are many positive reviews about Sugar Defender, there are also several complaints. Some of the most common complaints include:
Lack of Scientific Evidence
One of the biggest complaints about Sugar Defender is the lack of scientific evidence to support its claims. While the manufacturer claims that the supplement can help manage blood sugar levels, there are only a few small studies that support this claim. These studies are often funded by the company, raising concerns about bias.
To learn more about evidence-based information on blood sugar management, consult the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is a leading source of information on diabetes and other digestive and kidney diseases.
Ineffective for Some People
Many users report that Sugar Defender does not work for them. They may see no change in their blood sugar levels or even experience an increase in their blood sugar levels after taking the supplement.
It’s important to note that individual results may vary and there is no guarantee that Sugar Defender will be effective for everyone.
Potential Side Effects
As with any supplement, Sugar Defender can cause side effects in some people. Some of the most common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. These side effects can be mild or severe and may vary depending on the individual.
If you experience any side effects, it’s important to stop taking Sugar Defender and consult with your doctor.
High Cost
Sugar Defender can be expensive, particularly when compared to other diabetes medications. Some people find the cost to be prohibitive, especially if they are not sure if the supplement will be effective for them.
Marketing Claims
Some users complain about the marketing claims made about Sugar Defender. The manufacturer claims that the supplement is a natural way to manage blood sugar levels and that it can help people with diabetes. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support these claims.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides information on how to identify and avoid deceptive marketing practices. They also have a complaint process for reporting false or misleading claims.
Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website
Is Sugar Defender Worth It?
Whether or not Sugar Defender is worth it is a personal decision that depends on a variety of factors. If you are considering taking Sugar Defender, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential risks.
Here are some questions to consider:
If you are looking for natural ways to manage your blood sugar levels, talk to your doctor about your options. They can help you make the best decision for your individual needs.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is Sugar Defender a cure for diabetes?
No. Sugar Defender is not a cure for diabetes. It’s a dietary supplement that is marketed as a way to help manage blood sugar levels. However, it’s important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. If you have diabetes, it’s essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations for managing your condition.
2. Does Sugar Defender interact with other medications?
It’s possible that Sugar Defender could interact with other medications you are taking. It’s important to talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking before taking Sugar Defender.
3. How long does it take to see results from Sugar Defender?
Individual results may vary, and there is no guaranteed timeline for seeing results from Sugar Defender. Some people may see a difference in their blood sugar levels within a few weeks, while others may not see results for several months.
4. Is Sugar Defender safe for everyone?
The safety of Sugar Defender is not fully established. It’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, including Sugar Defender. They can advise on potential benefits, risks, and interactions with your existing medications.

Click To Order Sugar Defender From Its Official Website

5. Where can I buy Sugar Defender?
Sugar Defender can be purchased online and at some health food stores. However, it’s important to purchase it from a reputable source to ensure you are getting a genuine product.
6. What are the alternatives to Sugar Defender?
There are many other options for managing blood sugar levels, including:
It’s important to talk to your doctor about the best options for managing your blood sugar levels.
7. Is Sugar Defender covered by insurance?
Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement and is not typically covered by insurance.
Remember, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or supplement regimen, especially if you have any health concerns.
submitted by Individual_Track4333 to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]