How to get rich fast

How To Get There (Philippines)

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2023.04.02 14:25 lordwow HowToGetRichNetflix

Discussion of the show How to Get Rich on Netflix. This is a fan group and is not run or managed by Netflix or Ramit Sethi. Launching April 18th on Netflix, Ramit Sethi charts a path to financial health in this series based on his best seller "I Will Teach You To Be Rich."

2016.12.22 23:47 jessestone09 How To Make Money Fast Ideas

How to make money fast ideas that you can use starting today! Need to make quick cash? Need a work from home business idea? Than this subreddit is the place to find them all! Just remember there is no such thing as free money, and beware those that tell you otherwise.

2024.06.10 02:52 Terrible_Anywhere203 AITAH? PLEASE HELP

I (24F) have been with my husband (28M) for a total of 5 years and married for 2. My ongoing issue with my husband is that he is very lazy and very much one sided, and doesn’t seem to have any interest in doing things with our family. It hasn’t always been like this until he started asking to go out more with his friends around our one year mark, no big deal, go be with your friends and have fun, no issue. Well fast forward we now have 2 children and I find myself spending most of our days alone with just us and it is depressing. I have had many conversations with him about this and how idc if he hangs out with his friends but I would like to be invited or have at least 1 day out the weekend to do something with our family. Well it caused a big argument and now “ I am needy”. Mind you I work, pay half of ALL bills, cook dinner every other night (because we usually have enough for leftovers because I work every other night), clean, and am the sole caretaker for our children most of the time unless I ask multiple times for him to get off the couch and off his phone to spend time with us. He doesn’t read the kids books with me at night,he doesn’t play outside with us, no pool time, no baseball or trampoline, NOTHING, he doesn’t have a single interest in anything I try to plan or date nights I offer to pay for. I have tried so many times over the years to converse about how we can compromise on different activities we both like to no avail. We also don’t have the best sex life, he is very vanilla and I am very much not. I try to spice things up and just get shut down or ignored, it has made me not even want to try to engage in sex anymore which makes me feel like even more shit but he doesn’t seem to mind not having sex. I am so young and I feel like I am living with a room mate, I don’t want to go straight to divorce because I love my husband but I have tried to suggest marriage counseling and he turned this down. I got upset this last weekend because he left to go out with friends again and I had to take my kids to the park alone yet again and I asked him what I could do to be a better spouse or what I could do to make him more interested in me and he says he is content, I’m tired of feeling like I am single and a single parent when in fact I am not. I don’t know what to do. If communication and effort to try and better things isn’t working then what will? Men from your perspective what could I do? He hasn’t always been like this, like I said this happened about a year and a half into our relationship and I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet but I am so defeated.. sincerely a woman who just wants her marriage to work.
submitted by Terrible_Anywhere203 to u/Terrible_Anywhere203 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:50 ChewyBaxx I (M24) asked if she (F23) can wait until I graduate. Where do you think I went wrong?

We separated two months ago already, but I want to know your thoughts on this. Quite a long read ahead, sorry.
My first time courting the opposite sex properly. Didn't have the courage to date before not until she came into the picture. She was my type, and we were kinda LDR (same state, but two towns away). We made it work by meeting once or twice a month, chat every day, and video/audio call. What was challenging was that I had to find my way around my parents because they wouldn't allow me to date yet since I am still schooling (very strict parents, huhu).
Last October, she asked me what we were and was looking for a label already. I've known her since February of last year, and it felt kinda fast for me that she was asking a label months earlier than I anticipated. I wasn't so sure what to make of it. So, I asked her if she could wait for me a year or two until I graduated. Like I'd give her what she wanted, a label in the relationship, after I graduated. We were both 2nd year college students back then. She said, "Why would she be in the waiting game?" We went back and forth about the issue, then stayed silent.
The issue resurfaced last March 2024 because I was getting desperate already. I know I could not have done anything because of my parents, but all I wanted from her was to be faithful and patient in the relationship
After many arguments in between, she had another guy last we spoke back in April 2024. She wanted to stay as friends because she 'valued' me and wanted us to be happy for each other. I realized then how she treated me was so sh*t to the point I was losing myself in the process. It seemed she had narcissistic traits and, legit, has many red flags. The oblivious one is when she told me she had 'manipulative instances' (ik, i was blind). So, I did the obvious thing to cut off communications.
I learned a lot from my first relationship, and every now and then, I'd still think of what she said if I only gave her what she wanted, a label in the relationship. I know how she treated me was sh*t, but it still bothers me what she said until now.
Do you think what I also wanted was wrong for the relationship? I mean, it's not like we wouldn't have to interact if we both waited. Of course, we would have to secretly date, but that is not the case anymore. I want to know your thoughts about my situation.
I thank you for taking the time to read, understand, and possibly help me find an answer to my dilemma.
submitted by ChewyBaxx to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:50 SqueakScholar WIBTA if I don’t go to my cousin’s wedding?

I (25F) have been avoiding my cousin’s (27F) attempts to invite me to her wedding.
We haven’t talked since 2020. Growing up, I never liked her but since she’s family and I get along with her immediate family we’ve always been friendly with each other. She used to ask me to hangout, we’d like/comment on socials, etc. I’ve always thought of her as a narcissist who’s incapable of interesting convos. I hung out with her brothers a lot more than her and since they’re my favorite cousins she was unavoidable.
In 2020, her long term bf/BD had many issues with her that I won’t get into. But, I was on his side as he had evidence to backup all his claims and knowing her, everything was believable. It got to the point where eventually her BD received full custody of their kid. In an argument with her, he said he had “people in her family who would back him up”. Due to covid, no one was hanging out irl and we aren’t close enough to message often. She messaged me (and all our other cousins unbeknownst to me) and asked if I’d been in contact with her BD. I said yes and she didn’t respond. At the time, I didn’t know they had that particular argument. Turns out I was the only cousin who’d been in contact (other than my older sister but my sister and cousin already had a falling out and went no contact a year prior). Later, I realized I was blocked on everything. That wasn’t an issue for me since I’ve never liked her anyway.
Fast forward to 2024, still blocked and no contact. She moved away so I never see her. I’m still close with her brothers. Their sister and I being no contact is basically a taboo subject that no one brings up.
In Feb, her brother (22M) asked me if I was going to her wedding in August. I was unaware she was getting married. He insisted I go but I said I wasn’t comfortable showing up uninvited. In May, he asked again and said his sister apparently told him she wanted me there. I said I was still uncomfortable going if I’m not personally invited especially considering our fallout and I was still blocked on everything. I said she should invite me herself if she truly wants me to go. Tbh I just said that because I didn’t think she would actually want me there enough to reach out. A week later she sent me a friend request on FB. I’ve ignored it for the past week. Now, I have a message request from her. I didn’t open it yet.
It sounds rude but idc to have her back in my life. We don’t align in any way whether it’s interests or morals. Ig it wouldn’t be the worst if we became civil and only saw each other at family gatherings. But, her wedding’s 6 hours away and idc enough to spend my time, energy, and money going when we haven’t spoken in years and I don’t really like her.
WIBTA if I don’t go to my cousin’s wedding? And I’ve been stressing on how to tell her no once I decide to respond bc I hate confrontation.
submitted by SqueakScholar to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:50 Impressive-Rub-4882 [Echoes of Fate] - Chapter 03

(First Chapter)
Chapter 03
Unlikely Friendship
Unsurprisingly, Finn was already facing the first challenge of his new life in the form of a large, detailed map of the academy and its facilities. Not even 10 minutes after entering the academy's reception and heading down a random corridor, Finn was officially lost. With a bit of luck and mindless wandering, he, fortunately, or unfortunately, came across the map he was currently staring at with a frown in a random empty room.
His hands darted from left to right as he tried to understand even the slightest detail of the map, why was learning to read a normal map not on the list of priorities in school? He could make sense of a digital map, yet he was stumped by the map that could have easily been hundreds of years old! The design was clearly primitive in design and not intended for someone born in this day and age, why would the academy leave such a useless map strung up on a wall!? Finn’s brows furrowed at the thought. Maybe he was right, but he still needed to figure out how to get to the dormitory, was shouting internally at something so pointless going to help him here? The minutes passed by and Finn had made no progress in understanding the map, he was honestly about to give up and start walking mindlessly through the academy once again, until he was startled by a curious voice from behind.
“Excuse me!” the voice said from behind.
Startled by the sudden intrusion from behind, Finn physically jolted and spun around at what seemed like an impossible speed. As he spun around Finn’s eyes met the eyes of the person who had snuck up on him.
Pretty, Finn couldn’t help but think to himself. He was more than justified with that thought as the young girl who stood before him was nothing short of a natural beauty. The short-in-height girl’s medium-length auburn hair flowed down almost majestically to her shoulders and seemed to shine under the dim light, and her bright blue eyes reflected the image before them as though they were a mirror. She was dressed in normal attire, short white shorts followed by a long, peach cardigan. Finn couldn’t help but stare almost creepily at the girl, because compared to the girls from his hometown she was a top-tier model.
The young girl raised her hand and placed it on her neck, “Uhm… Sorry to startle you like that, I just thought you looked a little bit lost,” she suddenly said as she pointed toward the map.
Finn suddenly snapped back to reality, and nodded sheepishly after realizing what she said, “Yeah… I’m trying to figure out how to get to the dormitories, but can’t quite figure out the path,” he explained.
“I see!” she nodded assertively, “I can help you with that!” she announced.
Finn’s eyes opened wide upon the sudden revelation, “Really!? I’ve been stuck here so long-” he began, before adding, “I mean… cough, only a couple minutes,” he said, his tone changing to a more confident sound.
She giggled, “I sure can,” she paused as she reached out with her hand, “I’m Lyla, nice to meet you.”
Finn smiled as he reached out to grab her hand, “I’m Finn, nice to meet you.”
The unlikely duo began trekking through the academy, with Lyla leading the way while making small talk between each other, meandering left and right, down several corridors, and past several academy facilities. Fortunately, the academy was moderately quiet and empty because classes were still not due to start for another 2 days—Finn had decided it’d be best to come 2 days earlier to settle in. So they only passed by a couple of students along the way. The duo eventually entered a large, separate building and then into a long, empty corridor where they continued chatting.
“So you’re not even from the capital?” Lyla asked.
“Mhm. I’m from Velrid, quite a long way away from here,” he explained.
“Velrid? So you’re basically a country bumpkin,” she giggled to herself.
Finn shrugged in response, he can't really argue with that since it's mostly true.
“Even so, how did you manage to get into this school? 99% of the students are from the capital and or major families. You must be pretty amazing considering you were able to get in coming from Velrid,” she said, her joking tone changing to a more serious one.
“I wouldn’t say that. I guess I just worked harder than others,” he tried to brush off her statement.
“Maybe, but even with hard work you still need plenty of talent to be accepted here,” she shrugged, “Anyways,” she suddenly stopped and paused, “This should be your room,” she said, pointing to the door right next to them with a grin.
“Huh?” Finn looked at her, dumbfounded, “Oh!” he gasped, after coming to a realization, “I see, that was quicker than I expected,” he said.
“Well, that’s because I took one of my amazing shortcuts!” she said as she almost physically patted herself on the back.
“Of course. I will need to take note of your ‘amazing shortcut’,” he said, his voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm.
“Huh! It really is amazing! Did you not see how fast we got here?” she replied with a pout.
She's weird, but also funny, I like her, Finn thought to himself with a smile. “Sure. Anyways, thank you for leading the way, I’m not sure I ever would have found my way here without your help,” Finn said, thanking her sincerely.
“No problem. I didn’t have much to do anyway, classes don’t start just yet as you know,” she brushed it off before adding, “Ah! We should exchange contact details just in case you get lost or need help again.”
“What? I’m not that bad I swear,” he joked, “But sure, ‘just in case’ I get lost, exchanging details could save me,” he said with a shrug.
They reached out with their arms and touched each other's watches against each other gently, followed by a light “ding” sound, confirming they had exchanged details. Shortly after, they said their goodbyes, and Lyla left back the way they came. Finn smiled as he watched her move further away down the long corridor. She was quite energetic, but hey, I basically made a new friend already, right? He thought to himself excitedly. That was a surprisingly eventful encounter, maybe it was a good thing he got lost. He was surprised they got along so well, her excitable and energetic personality was almost the opposite of Finn’s, but hey, friends a friend.
Finn shook his head with a smile as he turned around and faced his door, only to be shocked to see there wasn’t a door handle, and neither was there a keyhole.
“Huh?” Finn audibly gasped.
Finn suddenly remembered back to earlier in the day, when the clerk at the gate had said his identification card was the key to his dorm room. He nodded in understanding, reached into his warm pocket, and pulled out his small identification card. He held the small, weighty card in his hand as he looked at it with intrigue, just how was this a key? He questioned to himself. He spun the card around in his hand, only to find nothing that could help on the back. He thought for a moment before raising his shoulders, maybe if I just touch the key against the door it will magically open? He chuckled at the thought.
He shuffled the card towards his fingertips and slowly reached towards the freshly painted, brown door. The moment the card came into contact with the door, Finn felt a light amount of mana get absorbed from the card and sucked into the door, disturbing his senses. Shortly after followed a sudden burst of dim, white light, that forced Finn to squint his eyes to keep them open, and just after the sounds of gears twisting and turning filled his ears, eventually followed by a light-clicking sound only for the door to suddenly swing wide open, without being touched or influenced in any way by Finn. Finn stood outside the open room, dumbfounded. His eyes were open in awe and his jaw was almost at the floor. What on earth just happened? He questioned to himself. A few seconds passed as he stood still, shocked by the door opening itself at just the touch of the identification card. Until he finally shook his head. He steeled his resolve, then confirmed that he was to study that door one day, something that cool couldn’t be left alone, it needed to be studied. Taking one final deep breath, he finally stepped forward. This was his new home, his new home for the foreseeable future.
Finn’s eyes lay upon the barebone room in all its glory, and he couldn’t help but smile. Sure it was basic, bare, and somewhat small, but he felt it was perfect. He could make it feel as homely as his room back at home with a bit of decoration and renovation. The room was square, with the nearest right corner to the entrance cut off for the on-sweet bathroom. In the back right of the room lay a small single bed, with simple white sheets and a thin duvet set. Right next to the bed was an old wooden drawer set with a small glass lamp illuminating the room resting on top. Just above the drawers was a small window overlooking the almost endless, luscious garden surrounding the academy. As he looked out the window into the seemingly infinite garden, he saw that the sun was now nowhere to be seen, as the dark of the night had enveloped the surroundings. Opposite his new bed lay a medium-sized closet, perfect for storing his limited amount of clothes.
Saying to himself that he would unpack everything tomorrow, Finn let his suitcase lean against his bed as his exhausted body sank into the soft mattress. Finn smiled as he breathed a deep breath of relief, the fresh smell of the newly renovated room, filling his nostrils. He wasn’t a big fan of the smell of fresh paint, but he honestly didn’t care right now. All he wanted to do was rest. Finn slipped off his shoes without sitting up and pulled the duvet over to cover himself. Closing his eyes, he reflected upon the long journey and the big step forward toward his dream that he had taken today. He was happy and proud of himself. The anxiety he had once felt during the morning was almost nowhere to be seen as he pushed it down to the depths of his mind, Finn truly felt like nothing could stop him now. Twisting onto his side he let his mind wander, and let the warmth and softness of his new pillows overtake him, pulling him into a deep, well-deserved slumber.
Finn’s unruly slumber was eventually disturbed in the early morning by the sounds of his stomach growling angrily. As it turns out, due to how busy he was the day before, he hadn’t had time to eat anything. Awakening with a muffled groan, Finn forced himself out of bed and over to the bathroom he had yet to check out. He wouldn’t normally get out of bed this fast, but he felt that if he didn’t eat anything soon, his stomach might start eating him from the inside out. Washing himself up quickly with the basic sundries provided by the academy, Finn dressed himself in similar attire to the day prior and headed toward the door. Opening the door with just a simple touch of his identification card, he stepped out into the corridor and watched the door close behind him autonomously with awe. Definitely going to learn how that works, Finn affirmed to himself once more. Racking his brain quickly on how to get to the cafeteria he nodded, thankfully Lyla’s “amazing shortcut” had taken them past the cafeteria yesterday.
As he took in the details of his surroundings and tried to push down the still lingering sense of anxiety he felt, he found himself pleasantly surprised to see the active flow of students funneling out from their rooms. Even a day before classes officially started, it seemed the academy was filled with plenty of life and activity. The morning sunlight shone through the tall windows that lined the walls and illuminated the path toward the exit of the dormitory building. Taking a deep breath, Finn let the energy of the cheery students around him invigorate his tired, anxious demeanor and began to follow the flow of students, through the long corridor, through the twists and turns, and out through the exit.
Immediately the fresh air of the summer day entered his nostrils as the warm, summer sun gently warmed the exterior of his skin. Finn breathed several deep breaths, before he began to walk through the lively academy grounds, his curiosity being piqued by the interesting mixture of classical and modern architecture of the buildings and facilities he passed, giving the academy a feeling of timeless charm. As he walked, the sounds of chatter continued to fill his eardrums, along with the sounds of people working busily inside the many different facilities he passed. He couldn’t help but notice the diverse variety of students that he passed. Magyo was home to a majority of the populous, allowing people of different nationalities and ethnicities to blend and thrive together. Despite their differences, there was a sense of camaraderie between them, a shared journey toward knowledge, growth, and power. Finn nodded in understanding and pride as he walked among them, who could have thought someone like Finn could find himself in a place like this?
He continued down the path, past the many unique facilities and buildings until he finally arrived at the cafeteria that sat near the heart of the academy. As Finn entered the cafeteria, after meandering his way through the tide of students arriving and leaving, a mouth-watering aroma wafted into his nostrils. As he took in the sight of the cafeteria, his jaw couldn’t help but open wide at just the sight. The cafeteria was a long, very tall, rectangular shape, with multiple different levels and stories seemingly floating above with hovering platforms bringing students up and down effortlessly. There were dozens of benches and seats on each floor, easily capable of occupying thousands of students. Finn’s eyes danced from left to right, up and down in awe with his jaw wide agape.
Everything in this academy is simply insane! He excitedly thought to himself. Something like this simply didn’t exist anywhere else in the world, Magyo was simply incredible. Finn eventually snapped back to reality and headed over to an empty bench. As he took a seat, he was immediately startled by the sudden intrusion of a translucent screen popping up in front of him. Before he could get annoyed he realized that the screen was actually the menu, and was how you ordered your food. Finn’s eyes lit up like fireworks at the revelation, this was even cooler than the floating floors and platforms!
He took his time in deciding what he would order for breakfast, before eventually deciding upon a popular dish he had been wanting to try for almost his entire life from the city in the north, Nordiff. It was a mixture of meat, vegetables, spices, and seasoning only found in the north. Somehow, it tasted so much better than anything he had ever tried, and he devoured it in less than 2 minutes.
Finn sighed a breath of relief, his stomach had finally stopped rumbling! That’s definitely going to be my go-to choice for my time here, he chuckled cheekily to himself. He let his food go down for a couple of minutes before finally leaving the cafeteria. Sure, he could stay there all day and try different foods and drinks, but he had other much more important things he wanted to do today. Mainly, check out the famous academy library! The Magyo Magic Academy was famous for many things, but one of the main reasons was its simply unparalleled library. The library held more knowledge and history than a single person could ever even begin to comprehend, and not only that, it held countless spells and detailed descriptions of magical appliances and weapons! He could study and learn of anything there, within his access level of course.
After asking a nearby smart-looking student for directions to the library, which he offered happily, Finn made his way toward the library. He took his time on the way, taking in all the details he had missed all around the academy, such as important landmarks or facilities he would almost definitely need in the future, before he eventually, after a long, relaxing sight-seeing walk arrived outside the library. Finn had to take a double take at the library building, he simply couldn’t comprehend how this shabby, wooden shack was the famed Magyo Magic Academy library.
“Hah,” he scoffed, “That boy must have played a trick on me, right?” he questioned with a dumbfounded expression.
He shook his head and was about to leave with a dismissive gesture before he caught a glance at a small wooden sign hanging above the dwarf-sized door labeling that it was in fact, the famous library that he had heard many magical things about. Finn’s face had a look of doubt as he stared at the shabby wooden shack once more, before finally shrugging and walking towards the door. If it really was the library, there must be some kind of magic at play, right?
What is there to lose? May as well check it out, he thought to himself.
submitted by Impressive-Rub-4882 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:48 Exciting-Gas-6014 Please Chance Me! – Ivies + HYPSM - Pre med/law (ill explain, no i'm not undecisive)

Hi there! I've had trouble finding feedback on my current application so I'd very much appreciate it if you could take a look and give me an idea of what my target schools/reach schools are. Thank you!
Demographics: Male, UK, Rich Private School, Immigrant, speak 4 languages (Arabic, Spanish, French, English)
Intended major(s): Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology (would like to go on to law school and become a health/patent lawyer)
SAT: 1580
Class rank: no class rank
UW/W GPA (IB): 41/45 Predicted rn
Coursework: Higher Level (HL) Biology (7), HL Chemistry (6), HL Math AI (6), Standard Level (SL) Economics (6), SL English (6), SL Spanish Ab Initio (7)
International Medicine and Disease Olympiad Silver Medal
Prestigious essay competition global finalist (top 75 out of thousands of competitors)
Another essay competition silver medal.
National Spanish Exam Level 01: Perfect Score (Gold Medal)
  1. Head of HOSA club at school
  2. Logistics head of one of Canada's largest student led conferences (1000+ students attended)
  3. Science Club Head at school
  4. On science council at school
  5. Published research paper in peer reviewed journal (not highschool one, real one)
  6. Summer internship at local hospital for research under a professor.
  7. Muslim Student Association Leader
  8. Started a CPR education nonprofit organization that implements CPR training after hours at schools.
  9. I have some more extracurriculars, but they're a bit more of the similar activities.
Courses outside of school:
Have taken 10+ online courses on various medical topics, all from Harvard Edx or alternative programs. Did well on all.
Letters of Rec:
Generally positive I'd say, I'd have no exact idea however how well I did in this category.
Unfinalised list of US Colleges I intend to apply to:
John Hopkins
Not confirmed which I'm ED'ing to, but either most likely either HYPSM/Brown/Columbia.
Please leave a comment and let me know what unis you think are plausible for me to get into from your experience.
submitted by Exciting-Gas-6014 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:47 Minimum-Coast-9838 Brokenhearted

TW: emotional abuse/DV
I left a decades long marriage to a man 2 years ago, and after only 3 months fell madly in love with a woman I truly believed was my partner for life. It was fast but I’d emotionally and physically disconnected from my ex long before I left. We’ve been attached at the hip ever since but have had a pretty tumultuous relationship. A few months ago I realized that our fights weren’t just fights, they were emotionally abusive. My self esteem had become so whittled down I was more depressed than I’ve ever been in my life. When I started calling her out for her behavior, our fights intensified. Last month she started threatening to have me kicked out of our shared home even though I’m the only one who pays rent. A few weeks back she actually called the sheriffs and tried to get them to remove me from the home (they wouldn’t) and even contacted our landlord. I ended up having to file for an order of protection, and when the judge granted it they added a no contact order. I spent three weeks hoping it would be a wake up call for her and she’d have finally sought help and be ready to reconcile, even though I knew better. She showed up to court last week aggressive, making threats, and lying about me, making efforts that were clearly just to hurt me. Needless to say, the order was finalized. I’m a wreck. I’ve been gaslit so hard, I don’t know how to trust myself anymore. I feel like my first lesbian relationship which I thought was a dream, was all an illusion. I know it will get easier with time, but right now I’m having such a hard time imagining having to start dating again in my late 40s and finding someone I can have that kind of connection with. It’s so hard not to want to try to heal things with my abusive ex, but even if I thought it was okay for me, I don’t think she’ll ever be able to forgive me for filing the order, because she can’t own how she pushed me to it. I’ve never felt this kind of pain.
submitted by Minimum-Coast-9838 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:47 letsmediealoneonmars My father develloped heart problems in the last few years because of his anger issues.

Tonight I'll test to see how fast I can get it go !
submitted by letsmediealoneonmars to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:45 sameed_a how does mindfulness improve relationships?

Just had the most enlightening reconciliation with my partner and I just can't help but share it here. We've been on the outs for a while, arguing about the pettiest things and I found myself at my wit's end. But instead of investing in a Hollywood style breakup, I figured I'd try this thing I'd been reading about - mindfulness.
The first step was to detach myself from the turbulence of the situation and just observe. I tried to dissolve my ego, my anger, my need to be "right" in our fights, and just see things as they were. It was damn difficult, I won't lie.
It was like trying to stay calm on a roller coaster ride - your instinct is to scream and clench your fists but you must stay grounded. And when I looked at our relationship through this lens, I saw that our arguments were not because we didn't love each other, but because we both wanted to be heard and understood.
Have you ever heard of Hanlon's Razor? It's a mental model that says, "never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity or in this case misunderstanding". Yeah, I learned that on Reddit too. laughs
Anyway, instead of ruminating on how "evil" my partner was, I used this model. Most of our fights were not because of malice but because of a lack of communication. So, I sat down with my partner, and I listened. Not just "uh-huh, ok" listening, but really, truly listening. I gave them the space to say everything they wanted to say and tried to understand their perspective. And then, I shared my own feelings, ensuring they understood mine.
Fast forward a week later, our relationship has improved significantly. We still have disagreements, of course, but they no longer escalate into full-blown wars anymore. Instead, we look at it as an opportunity to understand each other better. Mindfulness has helped me become more patient, understanding, and most of all, a better listener.
P.S. Lol, before you get too carried away, I use mental models in my everyday life, not just for my lovelife. And yeah, Hanlon's Razor is not just useful to tolerate your partner's annoying habits but also to deal with idiots on the road or that coworker who just doesn’t seem to get it. And oh, this is a hypothetical story only, I'm still trying to figure out how to be better myself, but hey, it's good to dream, right?
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:44 Pinedaso39 Would it be too crazy to have a proper training mode?

It doesn't need to be a super complex training mode like fighting games but come on, 3 years later we are still training in skirmish against AI? 3 years later we have to restart the whole map again and again to practice a specific part of the build order that we are not getting done right.
Is it too much to ask for a "quick restart" button not to loose 5-10 seconds to restart de map
Is it too much to ask for a proper training mode rather than a mod that doesn't even allow to test things like "archers doing quite"?
Is it too much to be able to set an specific situation to practice it over and over instead of having to start from 00:00? Bro I just want to practice the feudal into castle age with ottomans, why do we have to start the practice from scratch every single time?
Come on I want to test random things like "Can I destroy a tower with 15 villagers"?
Honestly I don't things is a super demanding option for players and it would huuugely improve our quality of life in the game, not even talking about how this could allow pro players to practice tech.
Anyway, just practicing a fast imperial build order of ottomans and getting a bit desperated on the way
submitted by Pinedaso39 to aoe4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:44 AlarmFar2607 Any thoughts on how the debunked Johnny/haechan scandal will affect NCT dream/127?

Won't rehash the rumours that floated around earlier this week.
It was subsequently firmly denied by SM but given how far it spread (k****boo"s) multiple posts and even South Korean national news I worry that this may still have an effect on NCT in the future.
As we know scandal spreads fast but rebuttals do not get column inches and I fear with it being a "he said, she said", a lot of Kpop fans have gone away believing there is no smoke without fire. The size of the group and the current climate against male idols since the BBC documentary about burning sun also does not help the "frat boys" reputation this scandal seems to have falsely cemented in casual fans's minds.
What effect does anyone think this will have on NCT in the future. The group is somewhat in decline in terms of casual interest anyway given their age, but I fear that with NCT dream particularly given the family friendly cute reputation they have - this scandal will have more impact on them than NCT127 who never gave off those vibes and who has a larger western fanbase who is less likely to care one way or the other about those rumours.
submitted by AlarmFar2607 to NCT [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:44 CutEmbarrassed6848 The Dog (Story 1

Just a note on this rq, I've never really done this before and im not exactly the most creative person so don't expect a absolute masterpiece like Into the pit from me, the Fazbear frights books are written mainly by Scott Cawthon, I hope you enjoy the story, also please leave any critism in the comments so maybe I can learn more after this and make better stories for you to enjoy, thanks for reading this, so now lets start the story, enjoy.
Also main character physical and mental descriptions:
John: H:5,10 , W:198 lbs, Eye color: Brown, Hair color: Brown, Personality: John is a sweet goofy kind of guy who likes to spend time with his son Chris in his free time
Sandra: H:5,7, W:167 lbs, Eye color: brown, Hair color: Blonde, Personality: Sandra is a sweet yet shy lady to people she doesn't know, she loves watching the show "The Immortal and the Restless."
Chris: H: 4,11, W:98 lbs, eye color: brown, hair color: Dirty Blonde, Personality: Chris is a very kind child and will always help people in need, if they deserve it, He hated his dog "Donny" and tried to avoid him at all cost.
The Dog: A 6,2 gorey, slimy ,gooey deceased dog that hides inside a dog animatronic and uses it as a suit. The dog is physically strong, Clever, and fast, he can also break down and reconnect body parts due to his gooey state, more info will be revealed in the story on what happened to the dog.
The story starts in the summer of 1992 at 8:57 pm with our main character named John laying in bed, griefing over his recent dogs death, now this dogs name was Donny and John has had him ever since he was 15 (John is 30 now), his wife Sandra comes in and comforts him, "Im very sorry about the passing honey", said Sandra, "Its alright, im fine" Jeff mumbled. Sandra looked at Jeff with a sad look and after 10 seconds of awkward silence they hear their 6 year old downstairs crying. Both worried they go down and see their son on the floor with his knee bleeding, they ask what happened and Chris claims while riding his skateboard in the house he fell off, Chris knew he wasn't good at skateboarding and was starting to regret this, however Chris then remembers his birthday is tomorrow and hops up like he isn't injured at all and says, "Where are we going for my birthday tomorrow Mommy and Daddy?", "Uhm....It's a Suprise!" John said, "How about we go to bed to find out tomorrow?" Sandra said. Both Sandra and John led Chris to bed and tucked him in, after that John and Sandra go to the bedroom (No sus intended!). "We gotta figure out where we are going for his birthday tomorrow", said Jeff. "Well what about freddys? thats a good one to go to for a birthday party." said Sandra. "Oh yeah, We'll go there tomorrow and I'll start a reservation for a birthday party and invite everyone. John made a reservation online, invited family members, and after that, John went to bed.
Meanwhile in hell: The Dog Donny, was burning, running through the flames, His skin melting, his eyes being filled with smoke and stinging/burning, the dog is suffering in hell (What did the good boy do!?!?!?) The Dog eventually finds his way at the portal to hell, however it is being guarded by Garmr, the wolf/dog that guards the gates/portal to hell, however the dog and Garmr get along great since well, their both dogs, and The Dog makes its way out of hell and was in the basement of a Freddy Fazbears Pizza???.... (Freddys basement is a portal to hell confirmed!!11!), The Dog then makes it way inside the pizzeria and sees the animatronics, The Dog walked down the hall into parts and service. The Dog found a scrapped dog animatronic that was brown and big, had shiny white teeth, green eyes, a dog collar, and pants and a belt. and did exactly what you're probably thinking right now, The Dog reshaped his body to fit inside the dog animatronic and replaced the animatronics teeth with his yellow, sharp, slimy, organic, dirty teeth. The Dogs eyes replaced the animatronics, and the eyes were bloodshot and had white dots. The dog then makes its way to his old home through a forest, gathering dirt and leaves to stick on his gooey skin, The Dog eventually arrives at 545 gigglehimmle Ln, Hurricane, Utah. The Dog climbs to the roof and is staring at Chris through his window, The Dog feels a feeling of excitement and proceeds to scratch the window and makes a distorted LOUD barking sound you'd hear from a Skinwalker. Chris is woken by this and looks at his window, Chris's heart dropped in fear. (If The Dog had a tail it would be wagging right now). Chris obviously runs to his parents room and screams and jumps on their bed, "MOMMY, DADDY THERES A DEMON AT MY WINDOW, COME LOOK, COME LOOK!", Both John and Sandra think he had a bad dream however decide to check anyways, John and Sandra make their way into Chris's room and see nothing at his window, "It was probably a nightma-" There was a bang on the roof as if someone was stepping on it. There was dead silence till 5 seconds later. "Ill go check on that.." John said. John grabbed a metal baseball bat and goes outside. John gets a ladder from the garage and goes on the roof. The Dog sees John and feels even more excitement, then proceeds to sprint at John and Leap onto him, This makes John stumble back and fall off the roof. John breaks his right leg and very badly injures his left leg and right arm, His entire back is bruised and bleeding from landing on rocks, thankfully his head hit a bush. Sandra was looking out the window when all this happened and saw this. "Oh my lord..Chris was right", she went into the garage and grabbed an axe, she went outside and saw The Dog on top of John licking him, The Dog was very happy and Sandra was very scared, she sneaks behind the dog and hits him in his side with the axe, this makes the dog very mad and confused, The Dog retreats to the backyard thinking Sandra was dominant. Sandra helped John up, "Are you ok!?" Sandra asked, "No..we need to call the cops and ambulance!", Sandra helped John inside and John sat on the couch, his white shirt covered in blood on the back and John held his broken leg, Groaning in pain. Chris was very scared from this and gets even more scared after hearing the glass behind him shatter in the kitchen, Chris looked behind him and saw The Dog, trying to fit in, Sandra ran into the kitchen and lifted a chair, and hit the dog with it, making the dog fall and retreat. Sandra then called the cops and ambulance on the Housephone. Meanwhile Chri and Sandra made a plan, "So chis, go to your room and wait for when It tries to get inside, Hit the dog and make it so its staying still on the window frame and ill come on the roof and slice him with the axe! scream "Pickle" when this happens ok?", Said Sandra, "Ok, got it" Chris said. Chris then went to his room hesitating about this idea. The Dog was stalking him from a tree outside his window, the dog leaped onto the roof and shattered the window with his fist, Chris took immediate action and grabbed a metal softball bat and started hitting The Dog with it, The Dog was struggling to stay on the roof and chris screamed "Pickle!" Sandra had the ladder ready and ran to the dog, slicing him in his middle from the side, disconnecting his lower body from his upper body, the lower body immediatley fell down and the upper body was motionless and slowly fell down, Chris and Sandra then picked the Corpse up and brought it inside where they took it to the dump , "Whatever it is it smells like shit" Said Sandra, "Yeah smells like shit" Said Chris, "CHRIS!, DONT SAY THAT" Said Sandra, "Sorry, Mommy" Said Chris. Sandra and Chris then drove to the dump to drop the corpse off, and the ambulence and police arrived when they were gone, taking John to the hospital.
Meanwhile the next day on Chris's birthday:
Chris was having the time of his life, however, was still a bit shaky from the incident that happened the night before. Suddenly on a tv in the party room, The news says a spare suit at a local Freddy Fazbears Pizza was stolen, police looked at security footge and claim to see a dog-like creature roaming the building. and when they show security footage the whole room was shocked (😮😮) That was when Chris got the idea of the thing that showed up last night was the familys dead dog, however Chris kept this idea to himself, knowing it would damage His dad even more.
Thats it. This is the first story and each story will be short, This was my first time ever doing something like this so PLEASE, please be respectful, im only 13 (Almost 14) writing this and even I admit I dont think this is all that great however everybody starts somewhere.
submitted by CutEmbarrassed6848 to Fanmade_frights [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:42 CupPrestigious7706 Worried that my grades are too poor for a career change.

19 year old here. Just finished an extra year in further maths at my university to boost my grades, as I only got 1 A level l.
I was seriously struggling in college and didn’t receive the support I needed due to my teachers leaving & the fact that my college had that concrete issue that many schools had and part of it had to be rebuilt during term time.
anyways I’m now proceeding onto a biology degree as I’m interested in biomedical sciences. At first I wanted to be a microbiologist, but the hourly rate is literally only £5 more than what I earn in fast food. Which is such a joke as I would have accrued £75k in student loans. Due to me needing the extra years to reeducate myself at uni, student finance have also told me that I have to pick a course and stick to it otherwise they’ll remove my funding completely. fun.
This basically led to me realising that this government has seriously failed my generation, and that I need to come out with a well paying career otherwise the student loans ( & a medical loan I now have because the NHS wait time was too long for an operation I needed!!) will mean I’ll struggle financially for a long time. I’ve decided that ideally, I would like to become an orthodontist.
However I didn’t not do well enough in school to be able to pursue any form of undergraduate education in dentistry. Are there any post grad programs that you can do in the UK for this? If not then can you go abroad for it?
Would really love some advice as I’m pretty clueless rn about how to potentially progress into a field that I really want to get into.
submitted by CupPrestigious7706 to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:42 Silent-Rush3465 Yall lied to me😒

Everybody on Reddit said “just wait, Kenya will get better” and that is not true, she in fact got worse, but I think the reason yall think she gets better is because nene got real worse too. I still love her more than Kenya. And I try to emphasize with Kenya, we both were abandoned by our parents, idk if her dad abandoned her, but both my parents dipped, and we were both raised by our grandmother, we both love dogs, I see a lot of similarities background wise and I want to be able to empathize with her but I can’t. She treats people so horribly. And if I who was malnourished, abandoned, bullied, SAed, and almost took my own life as a kid, can love and care and treat people with decency, she can too. I understand everyone reacts definitely to their childhood trauma, I can get real numb real fast, idk if anyone has seen vampire diaries, but you know how they flip that switch, yeah I can do that😂i just stop caring, but I just don’t get how she can act like this to the people she “loves”. She’s so malicious and calculating. I really can’t wrap my brain around it. Maybe because I’ve been in therapy since I was 5, I’m 23 now, I have more of an understanding about treating people how you want to be treated, although I feel like I learned that in kindergarten🤔
submitted by Silent-Rush3465 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:40 Beneficial-Injury603 First steps-A vent post.

I have been struggling a while now in my profession (Registered Nurse), for a lot of different reasons. The first reason started with the employer I spent most of my career at, I worked my way very quickly up the leadership chain where.
I was put in so many uncomfortable situations where I was asked to change time records for patients, cut corners, be in two places at once. etc. I couldn't bring myself to drink the Kool-Aid so I parted ways and considered leaving the field altogether- primarily after a major incident took place, for which there was no accountability or repercussions- at this point I began loosing sleep. I do want to point out I did report to CMS on a lot of these things, I used our ethics line as well. We did get surveyed, no findings, I'll never be able to express how angry this makes me.
I have always wanted to do my own thing, but I could never sell myself on any ONE idea. I've done a lot of research on a few different start up ideas. I have an insane interest in tech and would love to get into informatics, but its the end I can't make peace with. I don't want to work for anyone anymore, I don't need to be rich, I want to keep the lights on and feel ok about the work I'm doing.
New ideas that I've been wanting to get into are things with fellow veterans, maybe find some way to provide additional access to healthcare, contract with the VA or something? I would love to find a way to establish something that GENUINELY audits healthcare organizations. I just want to help people, work with nice people and punch my own clock and not feel so defeated and angry all of the time.
Anyway, I saw this post going one way and it doesn't even feel like it belongs here so I do apologize for wasting anyone's time.
submitted by Beneficial-Injury603 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:38 sunflowerorbital Being embarrassed by a specific situation that happened to me as a kid

I’m adding this tag just in case but I literally have no idea how to categorize what happened to me.
I’m gonna explain this with the best of my ability but the memory is kinda hazy…. I have a friend who I’ve been best friends with since we were 8ish. Her family kinda took me in as one of their own and I’d travel a lot with them in the summer. One summer when I was I think 12ish we went and visited her stepmoms family that lived in a different state I’d say 3 hours away. This wasn’t the first time I’d went there with them in fact we all were pretty close and I’d call her grandfather who lived there “pop”. This time was no different than the rest we stayed at her grandparents house where we stayed all the other times. But this time I met her uncle who I’d never seen before. He had a daughter who was very young and seemed like a good guy. Fast forward a few days of us being there… my friend and I came out of the guest bedroom to get a snack after playing. And her whole family was standing in the kitchen. Both of her parents, her grandparents, and her uncle were all there looking like they were up to something. We walked over to where they were to grab a snack when her uncle grabbed me and pinned me to the floor. obviously confused what was going on kinda just chuckled and tried getting up but he pinned me back to the floor. I stayed there that time cause my response to being scared is usually freeze. He then grabbed my friend but she put up more of a fight but this dude is a big guy and he won. We were both so confused but everyone was laughing. Her uncle reached into the fridge and grabbed spicy mustard. Yes you read that right SPICY MUSTARD! And sprayed it down our underwear while keeping us pinned on the floor. I felt so icky afterwards but still remained on the floor while everyone was laughing when I heard her grandmother say “yay you’re apart of the family now” LIKE THIS IS SOME KINDA HAZING OR SOME SHIT! I ended up leaving that outfit there after we left. Looking at it made me feel so icky and embarrassed. I also had like really bad yeast infections for like 2 years after that but was to embarrassed to tell my mom what I thought caused it. My friend and I never really told anyone about that and don’t really bring it up even 10 years later. Still feel weird and embarrassed about the whole thing but I still think about how it felt to be pinned down and my underwear touched while not knowing what was going on and just listening to all these adults I trusted laughing at me.
submitted by sunflowerorbital to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:36 Hopelessisnotenough Being bored spirals to doing nothing for hours and becoming severely depressed and angry at everything in life.

I have adhd. My life must constantly be filled with distractions of my thoughts or else I become like this. It usually happens on Saturday and Sundays when I have no work, no friends to hang out with.
I start off bored. I try to pick up a hobby. Writing, drawing, reading, gaming, working out, nothing works. I become unable to do them and my focus and interest of them begin to fade. Until I am stuck doom scrolling. Then i stop doom scrolling and I am completely out of distraction. And I feel this overwhelming feeling of depression, hopelessness, shame of myself. Only negative thoughts devour me. Regret of my actions, self esteem issues, a pointless life, feelings like that. I have a complete meltdown. Any small movement or inconvenience makes things worse, even a fly on the wall sens me into rage. Nothing gets me out of it at this point.
I have to then get ready for bed and then the next day starts and it slowly fades as I get busy for the week again. Then it returns whenever I am alone and bored. And the cycle continues.
I feel miserable every weekend because of this. I am at a loss of what to do. I can’t just keep ignoring it, or distracting myself even harder. There’s always going to be a point in life where everyone is just bored.
I should also point out that I live in a rural area and I cannot go for walks out here, its too scary for me. Our nearby towns most popular thing to do for young adults is the library and a fast food joint. I’ve tried driving to town and finding something to do, but I just end up sitting in my car for three hours in a parking lot.
It feels like torture. If there’s anything that people can suggest, or help guide me in the right direction on how to fix this, I would appreciate it.
submitted by Hopelessisnotenough to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:36 Ok-Country-1550 I create a side-campaign for my D&D group and i'd love some feedback (First time DM)

Hi there, thank you for reading this and glad to join the ranks of DM! I created a short one-shot with part of my group, when lots of us wanted to play, buy DMs and most members were busy. After that, they loved it so much that, today, almost a month after the initial session, i've finished a 3rd, this one introducing out main DM (that honestly wanted to play, for once. the other DM only fills in when the main one is missing).
I'd love, if you have the patience to read this full way, to give me some sort of feedback. I've obviously asked their opinions, but, as i do to my DMs, i only mention things when they are VERY wrong. Most of the time, nothing big comes up, so feedback is positive (if we particularly liked an encounter or npc). I'd like someone else(reddit hivemind)'s opinion.
As a background, this is my 3rd session as a DM, and the one i was most unprepared as far as homework is concerned. I didn't know where or what they wanted to do, so i simply had a concrete set of things that could happen and go from there.
I'll give you the setting below, but i just want to mention, as i told my group, this is just for fun and just to do crazy stuff (that wouldn't destabilize, say, an entire continent. so i often ask them what they would be interested in further, to the point in which, one of the players tried communing to their god so much, i gave them a normally useless/flavor item, but they can use it to hold concentration on a 2nd spell. Anyway, i'm rambling. Just know i bend the rules for story and flavor, but keep encounters within 5e rules.
Right, the setting. Some of this will be covered as spoilers, if you want to figure things out along with the players.
Players start in the official WotC universe, it doesn't really matter if it's Forgotten Realms or not, they are taken from there to Island thought a unnatural encounter (A dark storm cloud that came chasing them from the back of the ship. In one case, initial players tried to flee from it. Another group, due to the background of the player, was a naval battle (not played mechanically, just being caught in the storm during the battle)
Any new players can be brought to the Island, and it fits the plot. They start by meeting part of the crew in a tavern, on any city or island with a dock. Players are either new recruits to this "pirate" crew, or simply ask for safe passage, not as crewmen. Crew (names can be in the comment if you want): Captain, 1st Mate, and 6 more crewmates; two v close ones that are the "muscle", and another 4. There are more that can be added, but this is at the start. After their first meeting, i did a small fight with another pirate crew, for my initial players, while for the others, they just wanted to catch up the rest, so we got them to the island as fast as possible. I even allowed them to keep good equipment stored under deck, to not be lost.
They wake up on the beach, shipwrecked. Once on the island, there were a number of checks players had available, depending on what they were interested in: Location/Time -> Noon, sun is at the apex Themselves/ex. Medicine check -> No wounds, maybe missing 5hp at most, but they find a Silver necklace, with a large, blank, circle form in the middle. When they put it on: >! They have a series of visions of a figure, facial traits and voice shifting wild for a moment, before becoming limited to 1,2 or 3 different entities, sharing/fighting for control to speak and be heard over the others.!<Depending on your player's background, you can give them a selection of deities across all pantheons (haven't made a decision on Primeval ones), which the player can make a choice on, even evil ones, if they really want to. Once they agree to a god, their holy symbol will be engraved in the silver necklace they put on. Checking the boat -> Immediately obvious, this is not the ship they were sailing on. The damage to it was different (one was struck by lightning in the middle of the deck, the other should have had cannon holes after the skirmish) Both of them are visibly not the ships they were on at first. I game them a different name for both the ships they traveled on and the ships they woke up on, so in total, 4 different names.
Surroundings -> Immediate vicinity - the other players, Captain, 1st mate, the 6 from the tavern and, if needed, other npcs if pcs want to bring someone else with them, or if they wanted to world build with more cremates. i was thinking for the potential of this small campaign i have and it can easily add more characters. I actually should create the base versions at least before it gets repetitive. you'll understand later
Surroundings -> What is next to us - 3 hours away, on the coastline, another shipwreck. For those players that weren't satisfied with just this, and turned around, they would see, approximatelly the same distance from the first one they saw, another, 3rd shipwreck, counting for your own as well Surrondings -> In-land - A eeriely well define change in the flora. You start off at the beach, at 100-150yr you start so see a few palm trees spread here and there, which eventually, another 100-150yr deeper, turn into a dense jungle-biom. For players with flying, they can also see the jungle has an end, at which there is an elevated plateau above even above the trees (jungle ~200-300yr, plateau another 150~), at the center of which they see a thin volcano, perfectly aligned with the sun. first spoiler, players can hear no fauna. No birds or other animals, anywhere on the island. This is generally where players realize this the first time. Second spoiler, it so happened this is the first time the first group checked the sky again and noticed the Sun was still at the apex, as if it was mid-day. Yes, i've made 15h day with only noon, and a 5 second sunset, before the atmosphere is taken over by an early night, the light from the sun beginning to leave the sky
Once the party figure out they are no longer in Kansas, those that haven't had the choice made, are told they should think about putting on the necklace Doing a headcount, only 1/3 of the crew that sailed off is present. 1/3 is missing with no trace, 1/3 could be attributed to some weird tracks This third of the crew can be either nameless or it can be used to take out any character the DM wants. What players see, there are dips in the sand, then tracks, then nothing. So, someone was there, got up, took a number of steps, then disappeared from their spot. This will be somewhat explained later
Now, from here, i really liked a system the guys from Dimension 20 did. Sure, hate me if you want :)). Basically, once they all wake up, they have certain checks they need to make. At first, daily, later on, weekly. These include: Two Survival checks, one for Food one for Shelter. There is a Crew Maintenance check as well. All three of these are mandatory on each track. What the player chooses to do for these is totally up to them. For Food, the first players salvaged tens of rations, so they just needed to subtract the consumption, while the 2nd group didn't consider it and had to forage when i asked them what they're going to eat today (they have ways of finding food, but i wanted to make rations relevant, stranded island and all). As for Shelter, they first cleared out the boat, to sleep inside, then they started building some cover outside the ship, as well as some barricades, so they can't be approached from 180 degrees. I've counted these as valid for those checks.
Aside from the 3 mandatory ones, they can also choose to do Self Improvement (ex, training into a new proficiency, wizard learning new spells etc), Exploration (figure out the terrain, it's how they found the 2 other ships mentioned above) Relations (if they want to get on better terms with the entire or part of the crew, or even have 1 on 1 time with people. I awarded this with either unlocking some piece of info they didn't realize initially, or give them advantage when asking the crew to agree with them with a persuasion roll. made it meaningful for the player. We have 3 more: The Mystery track (spending time here would have me guide them towards a place or a piece of info they haven't yet encountered or uncovered; basically "Help, what do i do now" option. After this is the Commune track, which everyone must participate in during a full moon. If they don't they will miss out, Doing this at least once is a milestone for levelup oh yes, we use milestones, so they can go through levels faster in a shorter time. it just makes sense for me in this campaign, then the Rest track (to get rid of Stress. What is stress ? if you fail any check you try to make, in this set of tracks i've listed, you can take a Stress token, up to 5, to reroll that check. Each Stress token taken something away, ex, Losing proficiency with a tool, a weapon or a skill, having one of your pieces need repair after excessive use, and requiring them to not only relive the stress, but also fix the this they almost broke. Basically, stress is a temporary hinderance they can get rid of by resting.
Players have time for 3 of these checks during the day and 1 after sun-down, if they want to do something optional. Also, another thing about the checks, they start off easy, at 5 or 10 DC for a success (the threshold went up as they leveled up), to which you add 5 more to the DC for each other check they do on the track. For example, a player could spend one day: 1st, Foraging or Fishing, with a DC of 5 (This covered the mandatory Fool track), 2nd he cooks it at DC 10 (this is the Crew Maintenance), 3rd he wants to spend the time with a friend in the crew, for a DC 20 charisma check. He fails, takes a Stress, then rerolls and succeeds. Lastly, he spends the early night watching the sea and trying to relax. That would mean a 25DC in order to relax, which can be number of things, but the only time someone had to do a rest, they rolled a Con ability check and passed it, so they lost the stress.
I'll end off with a cryptic i've left the players with, and well as what i actually planned to be going on. Thank you so much if you've read this far, let me know if you have questions or anything you can tell me, i appreciate you xo
Message, with forbidden knowledge, which players are not privy to yet: "Welcome, adventurers, to ($&#@*%) Island. Keep your senses sharp, as during the ($#@%^&%), your prowess and determination will be tested. When you are ready, make your way to the center of (^$#%$^#) Volcano and determine whom amongst you is worthy of being the new (&$#*$#@) of your God."
>! Welcome, adventurers, to FINAL Island. Keep your senses sharp, as during the BATTLEROYALE your prowess and determination will be tested. When you are ready, make your way to the center of ARENA Volcano and determine whom amongst you is worthy of being the new AVATAR of your God. !<
TBH, i tried to railroad them a bit where needed. Seeing they don't say the words, i've had pieces unlocked from their chosen god. In short, it is a competition in which Gods must participate, choose their champions and help them win the event. This will of course give the players riches beyond imagining, a wish spells, maybe 2 wish spells, who knows!? For those that didn't want to make a decision and not want to either, i told my players "You can refuse each and every deity you want, but that means another one will talk to you. That's where the Captain plays a role. At the start, i've asked the players to start as non-magic users, but being able to multiclass once they reach the island. They find out a bit later that there are no Warlocks in the crewmate.. it doesn't even cross their mind. until they realize, their captain is a Warlock. The only thing he did is he refused every single God. So, if a players wants to play Warlock, i told them they would have to speak and refuse every god i can see listed in the pantheon. And yes, there is something at the end of the line. !<
I don't know if i've missed anything big so far. It's already a long post and the story if really convoluted as is. If you'd like to ask about it, feel free, i'd love to talk about it more. Cheers evveryone!
submitted by Ok-Country-1550 to DungeonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:35 Choppa4KT1313 Helicopter Parenting Ruined A Generation Of Kids

I wish we talked more about Helicopter Parenting and the negative effects of it, it’s really set lots of kids behind in life. They create dependent, soft adults that don’t know how to fend for themselves. Like, todays teens seem to be the ones who are much less likely to cook, and are much less teenage like and less rebellious than they were (lower rates of alcohol, substance use, sex, partying), and I’m not saying it’s a good thing, but when most teens aren’t rebelling against their parents anymore, you know somethings up. Helicopter Parenting has become a poison on the suburban communities, and what is the result? Teenagers and young adults who don’t play outside, play on their phones all day, afraid of mistakes, don’t know how to cook or clean, afraid of any form of conflict, and rely on mommy and daddy. Back in the day, there was a thing called latchkey kids, and these kids learned how to fend for themselves. They were cooking, cleaning, and being responsible. We need to bring them back, it’s no wonder why the Boomers and Gen X got ahead in the economy, while the Millennials and Gen Z are struggling, because no one taught them economics, they never had to teach themselves, and they weren’t encouraged to get rich, or be happy, or to take risks. They were encouraged to be safe. For the past 10-15 years, safety has been the main focus point of society, childhood used to be about playing outside, and being creative, and kids used to be injuries a lot more, now most teenagers haven’t even broken a bone and they go to the hospital if they have a cough. “Playing it safe” is the biggest myth, and the most dangerous lie, that has been implanted in the current generation. Taking risks is a net positive, and it helps build up resilience and confidence, which is what this generation lacks. And no I’m not some boomer complaining about the young, I’m 16, and I am a member of the coddled generation myself, but we need to do something about this epidemic, we need to wake up before it’s too late. No wonder why so many college students live off noodles, microwave food and fast food, because they weren’t taught the basic life skills to cook, Gen Z is already behind in many ways, we need to save Gen Alpha, because I can already see them getting sheltered even more, especially after COVID. In a Darwinian viewpoint, this generation is cooked, if it came down to survivial, this generation would be eaten alive.
submitted by Choppa4KT1313 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:34 Unrealistic_Rat AITA for confronting my friend after she cut me from her wedding

First time posting, sorry for any grammar and spelling errors. Advice is always appreciated. Hello to Vincey and The Click if you read this.
A bit of backstory
I (23 F) have this friend, Ann (23 F) that I've known since freshman year of high school. After graduating, we lost contact for a year due to moving cities before reconnecting again at a job. We agreed to move in together and few months later, her boyfriend (now fiancé) moved in as well because his needed a place. Since both our names were on the lease, they needed my approval for the landlord to allow it, and even though I hadn't met him, I agreed. I even helped him find a new job.
Fast-forward a year later and the boyfriend got a promotion in a different city, the original plan was for me to move with them because, again, rent is high and I had nowhere else to go. Well, right as we were applying for rental houses, Ann changed the agreement at last minute stating that they would only let me stay with them for a year before I'd have to move out after I asked how the lease was going to go. I wasn't planning on living with them forever, but with the short time frame I wouldn't be able to save up enough to get my own place in a city I've never been to with an even higher cost of living. He was not aware of this change until I texted them in our group chat about declining to move because of the short time span. I was upset at the sudden change of plans, only because this was three months before our lease was up, but I found a different apartment with the help of a friend's family who would lease me one of their properties to me to keep me off the streets.
This whole time, they were planning their wedding and asked if I would be a bridesmaid. Of course, I agreed. I had known Ann for almost eight years and was becoming decent friends with the future groom. After I moved, Ann made a Facebook post about the wedding date being changed to this November instead of next year. Feeling confused, I messaged her about it so I could go buy a bridesmaid dress. Ann just says she isn't doing a bridal party anymore, but I would still be invited. Two weeks ago, Ann posted, once again, on Facebook and announced that invites were sent out and that we'd get them by the end of that week. That only fifty people could be invited and there was no reason for someone not to be invited besides not having the space.
I still haven't gotten the invite she had said I would get. I understand that it's her wedding, but both her and her now fiancé expressed that they wanted me there, they wanted me to be A PART of the wedding, but now I'm not even invited to attend. I just feel used. I did so much for them, only for her to change plans that affected my living situation and not invite me to her wedding after previously being a bridesmaid. I sent a message expressing how I felt hurt and why I did, but she never responded and our mutuals started scolding me for it.
So, AITA for confronting my friend after she cut me from her wedding?
submitted by Unrealistic_Rat to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:34 providepicks97 POTD 10/06 Provide Picks (Public Holiday Special)

POTD 10/06 Provide Picks (Public Holiday Special)
Record: 20-6
Net Units: +25.32 Units
ROI: 60%
Event: Parramatta Eels vs Canterbury Bulldogs
Time: 4:00 PM AEST 10/06
Bookie: BET365
Play: Anytime Tryscorer, Maika Sivo
Odds: $1.75
Units: 2 Units
Analysis: It might be Monday but it’s a public holiday and the grind doesn’t stop. We get a Kings Birthday Monday special here between two teams from the shithole part of Sydney (trust me). Eels have had a dreadful start to the year going 3 and 8 but to be fair, they were completely decimated by injury losing their starting fullback and halfback, their two highest paid and biggest impact players. We saw Gutho and Moses back in the Eels spine last week vs Cronulla and they put an absolute show on, especially Moses he looks like he has a fire lit under him, he looks fast and explosive and realistically he is playing for a call up to the NSW Origin team today. Bulldogs have really turned a corner this year and it all comes off the back of their defence, they’re actually the #1 defensive team in the competition so far this year only conceding 31 tries. Main issue here is that 61% or 19/31 of those tries are down their right side through Kiraz and Crichton, which is strange because Crichton is one of the best defensive centres you’ll see. Regardless, teams have had consistent success down that side and that’s where I want to target today. Simonsson is out for the Eels and looks like they have switched big Maika Sivo over to that left side with Blaize Talagi as his centre, if you’ve been here for a while you know I love Talagi and think he’s super talented so I am curious to see how these two go, I think it’ll be good even though I think Talagi is probably a better fullback. Regardless, really hard to ignore the form that Sivo is currently in. He has scored 11 tries in 7 starts this year, and only not scored in one game this year vs Broncos. In those 7 starts, he’s scored multiple tries in all but 2 games - super impressive. He’s an absolute tank when he attacks the line and with a matchup on Kiraz who is a decently physical player, I do like his chances to cross the line today. Probably slightly lower odds for a tryscorer than I would usually like to play but the books have set the total at 45 points which means they’re expecting 7 or 8 tries and I find it hard to believe that with that amount of tries, Sivo wouldn’t cross the line. Gets a solid matchup on a historically weak defensive edge, in ridiculous try scoring form, personally I would’ve conservatively priced this at 60-65% probability so happy to indulge here for 2 Units!
Been on a serious run here. 9-1 in last 10. Don't usually have plays on a Monday but we have a public holiday here in Australia and we have matches, so if there's value best believe you'll be getting it! I do run a premium service - no pressure to signup ever of course, I will always give these out for free but if you're interested, want a cool community of avid sportsbettors who are knowledgeable and not degenerate and want to know more, check out
Tracking Spreadsheet:
submitted by providepicks97 to u/providepicks97 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:33 Any_Yard49 help

i’m a new bartender who’s trying to get through undergrad. i’ve worked as a bartender at this local neighborhood place in a rich area for about a month and i make jack shit (well under minimum wage in a cheap state).
is it worth staying and learning how to bartend? i want to go to law school and i was thinking i could either learn now or wait 3 years for a license.
submitted by Any_Yard49 to bartenders [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:31 Julia_hulia24 Oh sh*t

Had my first oh shit moment today. I’m 9 days post MD and things have been going very well. No pain meds, not even Tylenol after a week. So far I’ve only had some back soreness and incision site tightness. I’ve been walking 1.5 miles since a few days post op. Fast forward to today.
I finish up my last walk of the day, grab an ice pack and get ready to lay on the couch. I sit down (without bending of course) and I’m getting ready to log roll to lay down. I sat on one of the many blankets that cover my couch as that’s where I spend a lot of my time during the day. I reach my left hand behind me (without twisting) and I try to pull the blanket out from under my bottom. I’m sitting on it more than I realized so it’s taking a little more effort than I thought it would. I continue to try and pull a little more, and then I feel it. Something right under my incision. (Like under the skin) and then immediate (albeit minor) nerve pain. Which I haven’t experienced thus far-I know my time is coming where symptoms are going to come back due to the nerve decompressing and healing but I don’t believe I’ve gotten to that point yet. I continued to lay down and now I’m scared to get up. I’ve been so careful thus far, I’ll be absolutely distraught if I’ve messed something up.
I guess I’m just looking for words of encouragement/well wishes. I know anxiety is a huge factor post MD with fear of returning symptoms and of course re-herniating. How soon would I be able to tell physically if I did f something up? Ughhhhhh so nervous. That’s all, I guess.
submitted by Julia_hulia24 to Microdiscectomy [link] [comments]