Facebook quotes about god

The Dennis

2016.12.29 19:15 hero0fwar The Dennis


2015.05.15 06:45 arvins Sadhguru

This is the official subreddit of Sadhguru, a Yogi, mystic and visionary. It is Sadhguru’s endeavor to raise human consciousness through individual transformation. In keeping with that, this portal is open to any topic that can inspire people to look within and help them unlock their full potential.

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2024.06.09 19:47 Cyber_Ghost_1997 FWI: A religious revival occurs in Palestine, creating a "Palestinian civil war" of sorts.

This posts builds on my previous post about Hamas being attacked by ISIS (and takes cues from a comment made on said post).
So, imagine that everything I mentioned in my previous post still transpires-ISIS attacks Hamas, goes on a mass murdekidnapping spree and executes some of their Palestinian hostages as a show of force against Hamas, demanding that they abandon their "destroy Israel" mission and instead convert to their literalist interpretation of the Quran that commands all Muslims to conquer all nations through violence.
But then a series of events occur that radically alter the Israel-Hamas War for the region of Palestine, namely the following:
* A Christian revival occurs in Palestine (Think of it as America's Great Awakening, albeit happening in Palestine), leading to the creation of various Christian militia movements within the region, akin to Christian militias in Iraq and Syria.
* A Palestinian convert to Christianity, through his charisma and persuasive rhetoric, exposes the truth to the Palestinian people: "Israel isn't going anywhere and we need to live with it. We need to create a viable and safe Palestinian state and stop the perpetual and generational victimhood" (To quote the commenter from my "ISIS vs. Hamas" post). He specifically claims that ISIS' attack on Hamas as a warning from God to Palestine itself, claiming that "God is judging Palestine for its sins of generational antagonism towards Israel", that Palestine is not occupied by foreign Zionist invaders, but by hateful members of its own citizens who have been subjected to indoctrination by God's enemies (referring to Hamas here). He finishes by saying that that Palestine must heed the warning from God in order to truly be free "from the river to the sea" and that Hamas is the logical result of "trying to play God."
* URNWA is abolished after a series of shocking findings that, contrary to Israel's repeated denials, confirm that many in URNWA are indeed Hamas members (This hinges on the assumption that my hypothetical Palestinian charismatic leader manages to successfully convince the people that Israel is here to stay).
* Emboldened both by the revival and the rhetoric from said charismatic Palestinian Christian leader, a civil war begins in Palestine, with Christian militia fighters pitted against loyalists of Hamas. It is described by Western news media as “a 21st century crusade.”
How does the international community on both the pro-Israel and pro-Palestine sides of the conflict react to this sudden turn of events? How does Hamas react? How does Benjamin Netanyahu react?
submitted by Cyber_Ghost_1997 to FutureWhatIf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 jolt_duma Talking to my past crush after so many years, is it worth it?

I'm not a type of person to write their thoughts out quickly because it fades out anyway but here, I'm gonna try my very best to express myself.
So, a quick background... We met back when we were in middle school. We had a mutual understanding but things were kinda awkward back then. I wish I could've done something mature about it like an adult does but yeah, experience is the best teacher right? One evening, I finally grabbed the chance to ask her and she said yes. But, I don't know what got to me to say to her that I don't want this to go on no more. I remember I looked at her and her reaction still haunts me till this day. I was shocked that that got out of my mouth too. God, why am I like this? I hate that I did that and I repeatedly regretted that moment each time I remember it. While we walked outside the school, we didn't bother to approach each other to talk it out or to resolve what happened. As time flies after what happened, we got distant with each other.
This happened recently, like in the past week or two, in Facebook. I usually haven't got that many notifications even one like in a daily basis, my account has like a year-round drought season. So, when I got one, I usually get very excited. One night, she, my past crush, poked my profile and I got shocked because she isn't the type to do that stuff, at least imo. That's my perception of her. Of course, I poked back. And, she poked back again. And again. And again. Until I hesitated. What if she is just drunk that night or something else? Yesterday, I was the one who poked back first. She reciprocated again. Should I just text her already? I feel like I need to know her more now that we're both graduating in college and mature enough to talk about anything. I need help.
Honestly, I don't have any person to talk to with this matter beside my family, and my one close friend. I just want to know other people's view/opinion on this.
submitted by jolt_duma to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 FreedomNinja1776 A Gentile led church separate from Israel was never intended

Israel was separated out from the nations (gentiles).

The nation of Israel began with Abraham, who himself was a gentile. His father was even an idol maker. Abraham was given a promise from God that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Circumcision was a physical sign that Abraham had gone from gentile to something else, a Hebrew. Hebrew was the first term used to describe this separation. The promise was inherited by Abraham's son Issac (not Ishmael), then Isaac's son Jacob (not Esau). With Jacob the term identifying the promise changed to Israel, and from them on all the descendants we're automatically included in the promise.

The Exodus

Abraham was also told that his descendants would be enslaved for 400 years but that God would also rescue them for a purpose.
Then the LORD said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions. As for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age. And they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.” Genesis 15:13-16 ESV
God was going to use Israel to drive out the wicked people of the land.
Fast forward to the book of Exodus and you have the enslavement of Israel and many other nations of people by the Egyptians. YHWH, the God of Israel, sends the plagues on Egypt as a judgement against their many gods and to show the world his power and authority. When Israel left Egypt there was a mixed multitude of people that went up out of Egypt with Israel.
And the people of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. A mixed multitude also went up with them, and very much livestock, both flocks and herds. Exodus 12:37-38 ESV
These people didn't just run off. They stayed and worshiped YHWH alongside the physical descendants of Jacob! They had been there and witnessed the power of God. Word traveled and many nations (goyim) were terrified of the Israelites because of their God who does these amazing things.
Now Israel was led by Moses to Mount Sinai. There were Goyim that stood at the mountain and shouted their allegiance the same as the Israelites did!
So Moses came and called the elders of the PEOPLE and set before them all these words that the LORD had commanded him. All the PEOPLE answered together and said, "All that the LORD has spoken we will do." And Moses reported the words of the people to the LORD. Exodus 19:7-8 ESV
The elders of the PEOPLE, not just Israel. ALL the people who choose to follow the God of Israel were there and dedicated themselves WITH Israel. They stayed with Israel the 40 years in the wilderness. They were no longer goyim, they no longer identified with their national God's, they no longer identified with their country, the had become Israelites. "Your God will be my God, and your people will be my people"

The Covenant Renewal Entering The Land

After the 40 years in the wilderness Israel is about to enter into the promised land, so they have a covenant renewal ceremony with the new generation. The covenant renewal in Deuteronomy 29 specifically includes gentiles again and goes as far as calling them "his people". "His people" has always been those who follow YHWH in obedience. That's what determines who is an Israelite.
Therefore keep the words of this covenant and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do. "You are standing today, all of you, before the LORD your God: the heads of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, all the men of Israel, your little ones, your wives, and the sojourner who is in your camp, from the one who chops your wood to the one who draws your water, so that you may enter into the sworn covenant of the LORD your God, which the LORD your God is making with you today, that he may establish you today as HIS PEOPLE, and that he may be YOUR GOD, as he promised you, and as he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. It is not with you alone that I am making this sworn covenant, but with whoever is standing here with us today before the LORD our God, and with whoever is not here with us today. Deuteronomy 29:9-15 ESV
Does God have a separate law, something different for gentiles versus his people Israel? No.
Every native Israelite shall do these things in this way, in offering a food offering, with a pleasing aroma to the LORD. And if a stranger is sojourning with you, or anyone is living permanently among you, and he wishes to offer a food offering, with a pleasing aroma to the LORD, he shall do as you do. For the assembly, there shall be one statute for you and for the stranger who sojourns with you, a statute forever throughout your generations. You and the sojourner shall be alike before the LORD. One law and one rule shall be for you and for the stranger who sojourns with you.” Numbers 15:13-16 ESV
So you can see here that the plan from the beginning is INTEGRATION. One people united by a common law to worship the God of their nation. That nation is Israel.

In The New Testament


Does the new testament say anything different? Lets look at what Jesus said and how he responded in Matt 15 concerning a gentile woman.
And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon." But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, "Send her away, for she is crying out after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But she came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, help me." And he answered, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Then Jesus answered her, "O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire." And her daughter was healed instantly. Matthew 15:21-28 ESV
Here Jesus was NOT going to help this woman UNTIL she proved and qualified her faith, that her faith was in Jesus as her MASTER. In that instance she showed her allegiance and it was to Jesus whom she recognized as the Son of David, the King of Israel.

What about Acts 15?

In acts 15 most people point here to say that the gentiles were only given 4 laws to follow, which would completely be inconsistent with our pattern here. Lets look at what James had to say there.
After they finished speaking, James replied, "Brothers, listen to me. Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name. And with this the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written, "'After this I will return, and I will rebuild the tent of David that has fallen; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will restore it, that the remnant of mankind may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord, who makes these things known from of old.' Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God, but should write to them to abstain from the things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood. For from ancient generations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, for he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues." Acts 15:13-21 ESV
James expected the Gentile people to CONTINUE in their faith journey by learning Moses in the synagogues. Now saying "Moses" is a colloquial way to say the Torah. James' message is one of INTEGRATION, not separation. James expected these people to join with the Israelite people to worship with them at synagogue!

But what about Paul?

Paul is no different. Paul also has Romans 11 saying the gentiles are grafted into the tree of Israel, but more powerful and plain is his words in Ephesians 2.
Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called "the uncircumcision" by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands-- remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are FELLOW CITIZENS with the saints and members of the household of God, Ephesians 2:11-19 ESV
Paul says here that if you put our faith in Jesus as your messiah then you become FELLOW CITIZENS in Israel! It can't get any more plain than this!
So, in conclusion, both old and new testaments agree that if any gentile person wishes to worship the Creator God presented in the bible, who's personal proper name is YHWH, then Gentiles are to DENY any of their former pagan worship practices and JOIN with Israel to worship God in the way that He has instructed in His Law. That's the purpose of Israel, to be a nation of HIS people. Read Jeremiah 31 where the "New Covenant" is outlined and quoted from in Hebrews 8. Who is the covenant made with? Are gentiles included? Not at all. Why? Because to join in this covenant you have to leave behind your gentileness in favor of becoming an Israelite!
submitted by FreedomNinja1776 to FollowJesusObeyTorah [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:01 Sudden-Craft-3161 Am I starting my Villain era if I don’t want to be involved in my bf brothers wedding

Hey guys so i think I’m in my villain era atp, I F(23) am together with my bf M(23) we have been together for 4 years, 2 years long distance 2 years living with each other. This whole story starts with me moving over to where he lives and moving away from my family to be closer to his school I ofc was fine with moving buuuutttt here’s the thing his family is 1hour away from us. Now some backstory I don’t really like his fam, literally only 3 people I actually like is his grandparents and youngest brother, his mom says comments that make me uncomfy and his dad doesn’t actually know me. Yes my bf defends me, and yes he wants me to like them but I just have a lot of stuff to deal with my own fam and right now I don’t need a second one atm. The reason why I say this is bc atm my parents are getting a divorce and currently my sisters are just bugging (I’m the youngest out of 3) so I’m always the one who always comes in last kind of tired of that. Sooo come back to 6/8/2024 let’s set the seem your at a BBQ with your bf other half of his fam you have never meet (so me having my mellow juice/and sky 💨 if you know what I mean) mad me less nervous and more chill so saying hi to everyone sitting down and just trying to chill not wanting to speak that much (bf mom reads a text) “oh no I’m nervous your brothers girlfriends mom just texted me saying when we FaceTime you for an event don’t say anything yet” (his brother is in Florida with his gf and her fam) so I start thinking automatically oh no something big is gonna happen (while his mom is freaking TF out) skip to the part where I text my bf sounds like a proposal is gonna happen (where texting each other because we’re still at the table with them) then replies “I know” I’m now getting mad because I’ve been wanting to get married and not a week passed by where we went to Tiffany’s (just saying this I wanted to go in there he did not say hey let’s go in there) so we check out rings cheap ones as in 1550 tbh I don’t consider this to be cheap I was actually looking for one under 600 (that’s my type of cheap) now I’ve sent him even second hand rings on Facebook market place. Now your probably thinking to yourself “well why do you want to get married now your so young” first the reason why he was my first everything second he has told me before he definitely sees me in his future third it’s because we both know that we want each other in our future (he is not a fuck boy or a cheater he’s just the second oldest and was always looked over because no one cares too much wat the second oldest does) but back to the topic so I responded to his txt with I’m gonna kill you he then tells me “it’s not me” (we’re still texting) and I said no I’m gonna kill you if it is a proposal. Your probs saying “wow this bitch sounds like a brat” and I will respond if wanting to be proposed to first instead of second then yes I am a brat. the reason why I say that is because my bf has had a great childhood and great career opportunities where he could be making some good money and he’s living independently in our own apartment. Literally his shit is together, while his brother who is proposing to his GF of 7 years where both his bro and GF is living in his fams house with paying a little amount of rent, also with debt in his name, and her being able to stay at home doing nothing she does not drive everyone has to drive her everywhere, she also is the type of girl where she’s timid shy and everyone wants to give her shit bc she is like tht (p.s she has had a stroke to where in her right eye the peripheral vision she is blind that’s why everyone has to drive her) just to tell you I understand that but just stating a fact right now I have epilepsy and I still drive my own car pay my bills and pay half the rent with my bf, so don’t judge me if I’m hating, telling you this is my villain era starting lol. But back to it, the FaceTime happens they all go into the garage I was eating brisket with mash potatoes and I’m drinking my mellow juice/sky 💨 so I’m like hey I’m not gonna join I’m hungry. They come out of the garage and they said he proposed, when I say I was feeling emotions god has never invented I swear my mellow juice turned into anger juice while my sky 💨 became cry/sadness 💨, I could not believe it was a combo in street fighter where my brain said nope. My bf then asks me am I ok in a text while me having mash in my mouth just trying not to cry. I respond telling him I told you I’m gonna kill you he then responds with “they have been together longer” I look at him spoiling his sky 💨 too. I walked to the bathroom cried a little then went to my bf car to puff the magic dragon to not cry when I go back inside my bf comes out and asks me if I’m fine i didn’t respond and walked back in with me just erasing my mind and chilling still a lil sad but just trying not to focus on it. His cousins start saying congrats for his bro and he says well we are gonna be the second thinking that made me happier. When we got home I apologized for being unreasonable and I apologized because I did say some mean things too. But when we talked and I apologized I told him I don’t want to know anything about the wedding, I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to go to any family outings nothing until the wedding happens. He asked me why and I told him I’m the youngest out of my family I had all my sisters marriages thrown in my face why do I want someone else’s wedding thrown in my face when they literally have nothing to pay it with. Me and my bf do have our probs and Ik a marriage or wedding won’t fix it, but honestly we’re gonna have problems even after that it’s life, both my parents are sickly too and I’m the youngest and not married yet and I do want my father to be there before anything happens. So please tell me has my villain era started.
Hey Charlotte love your channel!!!
submitted by Sudden-Craft-3161 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:32 ASecularBuddhist “If you want to support kids, quit telling them that they’re worthless for how God created them and encouraging them to kill themselves.”

Jesus taught love and acceptance, and not hate and division. Jesus never said a single word about homosexuality. Moses did. Paul did. Jesus didn’t.
Some Colorado Christians are piggybacking off of the Westborough Baptist Church’s slogan, “God hates f@&s,” with their new (and not improved) slogan, “God hates flags.” Hate is not a Christian value, and these negative messages have a sometimes tragic impact on LGBTQ youth.
The source of this quote is posted in the comments below.
submitted by ASecularBuddhist to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:00 vahedemirjian Which supposed quote from Adolf Hitler is your favorite?

A few years ago, I saw a 2013 Facebook post by Cuban American baseball star J.D. Martinez justifying his defense of the right to bear arms by bringing up a quote allegedly uttered by Hitler, "To conquer a nation, you must first disarm its citizens." Martinez remembered that Fidel Castro took away his parents' right to bear arms, but I bashed this post by him as a slap in the face to Holocaust survivors and the families of Holocaust victims.
The reported instance where Hitler told Wehrmacht commanders in August 1939 at his retreat in Obersalzberg “Who, after all, speaks today about the annihilation of the Armenians?” has been called into question by some researchers who note that this sentence does not appear in other accounts of Hitler's August 1939 speech at Obersalzberg. Although Hitler didn't personally trust Armenians, the Nazis nevertheless saw them as the only people in the Caucasus who could be considered Aryan. In addition, a group of Armenians who opposed Soviet control over Armenia sided with Nazi Germany in 1942 and formed the Armenian Legion in hopes of freeing Armenia from Soviet rule. Therefore, it is arguable whether Hitler was knowledgeable about the Armenian Genocide because the Ottoman Turks who orchestrated the Armenian Genocide were blamed by 1930s pro-Nazi publications in Iran for the perceived backwardness of Iran after the rise of Islam (those publications extolled the glories of pre-Islamic Iranian civilization), and the Ottoman Empire was on Germany's side in World War I.
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submitted by vahedemirjian to dictators [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:39 Click4-2019 Viewpoint, God doesn’t love everyone… opinions?

I attended a Catholic group yesterday, there was a lawyer who seemed very knowledgable on the bible… he knew it so well that he could quote sections of it like a lawbook.
And when we was asked about our Christian journey; he talked about how he found God and how once he got into the Bible it was very engaging to him and he felt like he needed more more more as he read through it.
Then he went onto say that one of the hardest truths that he had to come to terms with, was that God doesn’t love everyone.
Then he quoted these from the bible which I’ve just found myself online,
Malachi 1:2-3 declares,
“‘I have loved you,’” says the LORD. But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ ‘Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ the LORD says. ‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.’”
Malachi 1:3 is quoted in Romans 9:10-13,
“Not only that, but Rebekah’s children had one and the same father, our father Isaac. Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls—she was told, ‘The older will serve the younger.’ Just as it is written: ‘Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.’”
Bringing forth the point that in this, God didn’t love both of them, then he went on to state how Jesus selectively chose who he would help or save… helping / saving some people but not others. Reinforcing his belief that God doesn’t love everyone.
So, controversially, I just wanted to ask for other people’s opinions on this?
And anybody who has a better understanding, why doesn’t god love everyone, what makes some people worthy of his love and not others?
Is it because those whom God doesn’t love haven’t sought redemption and his love? Follow what God wants for them but instead turning their back? Or is it just a fact of how things are that before we are even born some souls are loved and others aren’t?
Something he also brought to note was that, we mustn’t do things alone and should ask God to do it For us or help us with it… as those whom God loves, God will provide for… have to say that this is something I’ve personally found myself…. Whenever I’ve been in a tough spot financially… an opportunity to find or raise money presents itself at right the moment… also no matter how tough things have been… I always find my way through it, and when I’ve failed it’s been for a reason and I still come out on top… however I know from seeing others around me and in the world this isn’t true of everyone, God just doesn’t appear to help them in same way Jesus didn’t help everyone.
So what are everyone’s opinions on this?
submitted by Click4-2019 to CatholicPhilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:27 Yurii_S_Kh Venerable Bede, the Church Historian

Venerable Bede, the Church Historian
Saint Bede was a church historian who recorded the history of Christianity in England up to his own time. He was probably born around 673 in Northumbria. We do not know exactly where he was born, but it is likely that it was somewhere near Jarrow.
When he was seven, Bede was sent to Saint Benedict Biscop (January 12) at the monastery of Saint Peter at Wearmouth to be educated and raised. Then he was sent to the new monastery of Saint Paul founded at Jarrow in 682, where he remained until his death. There he was guided by the abbot Saint Ceolfrith (September 25), who succeeded Saint Benedict in 690, ruling both Wearmouth and Jarrow.
There is an incident in the anonymous Life of Ceolfrith which may refer to the young Bede. A plague swept through Ceolfrith’s monastery in 686, taking most of the monks who sang in the choir for the church services. Only the abbot and a young boy raised and educated by him remained. This young boy “is now a priest of the same monastery and commends the abbot’s admirable deeds both verbally and in writing to all who desire to learn them.”
Grieved by this catastrophe, Ceolfrith decided that they should sing the Psalms without antiphons, except at Matins and Vespers. After a week of this, he went back to chanting the antiphons in their proper place. With the help of the boy and the surviving monks, the services were performed with difficulty until other monks could be brought in and trained to sing.
Saint Bede was ordained as a deacon when he was nineteen, and to the holy priesthood at the age of thirty by Saint John of Beverley (May 7), the holy Bishop of Hexham (687), and later (705) of York. Bede had a great love for the church services, and believed that since the angels were present with the monks during the services, that he should also be there. “What if they do not find me among the brethren when they assemble? Will they not say, ‘Where is Bede?’
Bede began as a pupil of Saint Benedict Biscop, who had been a monk of the famous monastery at Lerins, and had founded monasteries himself. Saint Benedict had brought many books with him to England from Lerins and from other European monasteries. This library enabled Bede to write his own books, which include biblical commentary, ecclesiastical history, and hagiography.
Bede was not an objective historian. He is squarely on the Roman side in the debate with Celtic Christianity, for example. He was, however, fair and thorough. His books, derived from “ancient documents, from the traditions of our ancestors, and from my own personal knowledge” (Book V, 24) give us great insight into the religious and secular life of early Britain. To read Saint Bede is to enter a world shaped by spiritual traditions very similar to those cherished by Orthodox Christians. These saints engage in the same heroic asceticism shown by saints in the East, and their holiness fills us with love and admiration. Christians were expected to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, and there was a forty day Nativity Fast (Book IV, 30).
Saint Bede became ill in 735. For about two weeks before Pascha, he was weak and had trouble breathing, but experienced little pain. He remained cheerful and gave daily lessons to his students, then spent the rest of the day singing Psalms and giving thanks to God. He would often quote the words of Saint Ambrose, “I have not lived in such a way that I am ashamed to live among you, and I do not fear to die, for God is gracious” (Paulinus, Life of Saint Ambrose, Ch. 45).
In addition to giving daily lessons and chanting the Psalms, Saint Bede was also working on an Anglo-Saxon translation of the Gospel of Saint John, and also a book of extracts from the writings of Saint Isidore of Seville (April 4). On the Tuesday before the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, the saint’s breathing became more labored, and his feet began to swell. “Learn quickly,” he told those who were taking dictation from him, “for I do not know how long I can continue. The Lord may call me in a short while.”
After a sleepless night, Saint Bede continued his dictation on Wednesday morning. At the Third Hour, there was a procession with the relics of the saints in the monastery, and the brethren went to attend this service, leaving a monk named Wilbert with Bede. The monk reminded him that there remained one more chapter to be written in the book which he was dictating. Wilbert was reluctant to disturb the dying Bede, however. Saint Bede said, “It is no trouble. Take your pen and write quickly.”
At the Ninth Hour, Bede paused and told Wilbert that he had some items in his chest, such as pepper, incense, and linen. He asked the monk to bring the priests of the monastery so that he could distribute these items to them. When they arrived, he spoke to each of them in turn, requesting them to pray for him and to remember him in the services. Then he said, “The time of my departure is at hand, and my soul longs to see Christ my King in His beauty.”
That evening, Wilbert said to him, “Dear Master, there is one sentence left unfinished.”
Bede said, “Very well, write it down.”
Then the young monk said, “It is finished now.”
Saint Bede replied, “You have spoken truly, it is well finished.” Then he asked Wilbert to raise his head so that he could see the church where he used to pray. After chanting, “Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit” to its ending, Saint Bede fell asleep in the Lord Whom he had loved.
Although Saint Bede reposed on May 25, the eve of the Ascension, he is commemorated on the 27th, since the Feast of Saint Augustine of Canterbury is appointed for the 26th. His body was first buried in the south porch of the monastery church, then later transferred to a place near the altar. Today his holy relics lie in Durham Cathedral, in the Galilee chapel. Saint Bede is the only Englishman mentioned by Dante in the DIVINE COMEDY (Paradiso).
The Orthodox Church in America
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:26 Nimyron Summary of major faction quests (Sophons)

In case you want to do some RP custom faction or whatever, Here's a small (well somewhat small) summary of the faction quests. We're starting with sophons. I might do the other ones later but if you want you can go into Public/Localization/english and you'll find the content of the quests in the file with "Quest" in the name, or in the "DLC2/3/4" files and the vaulters one for DLC factions.
submitted by Nimyron to EndlessSpace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 kallmesammy A teacher tried to harass me on social media and I feel pretty good about how I handled it

FYI: He doesn’t teach me now, he used to work at the secondary school I went to, I haven’t seen him for about 4/5 years.
Recently, I changed my name and pfp on Facebook (I still have fb to message some people and for uni, so thought that I might as well change it). And soon after, the teacher commented "wtf?" which I promptly deleted. The following day he had another comment and after I deleted that one, he commented again about my deleting (which I deleted).
I thought to myself I didn’t have to entertain this, but I didn’t want to keep checking for his comments, so I messaged him, saying that I have nothing to discuss with him and definitely not publicly, but that I’m glad that the time he spent writing mean comments to me, he wasn’t annoying someone that would take his harassment to heart.
He then spewed some transphobic bullshit, after which I quoted LOtR to him, because he loves Tolkien, the quote of course went over his head and I blocked him.
As someone with social anxiety, I feel I handled this pretty well. But next time, I’ll prolly block the person straight away.
submitted by kallmesammy to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:00 Starrylake I look up my therapist online sometimes, is this inappropriate?

I sometimes Google search my therapist. It gives me comfort in weird ways.
I don't look at her Twitter and I haven't searched for her on Facebook. But I have seen things they come up on Google including:
*A newspaper article she wrote
*Her research paper
*A post by her university about an event and there's a picture of her and some other students who are thanked for volunteering
*a couple of prezi presentations that come up from her uni days
*the newsletter for her hospital department, which is online and has her in a couple of work event pictures
I feel guilty, because I look at her pictures a lot (these ones, not anything in her social media).
And I wonder if that person with the same last name is her sister.
And i wonder if she likes her work team.
I feel guilty for having these thoughts. I know she's quite private. I've told her I've looked her up a long time ago. Though at the time I hadn't seen the prezi and newsletter. She was in fact curious as to what I found. I think the newspaper article has in fact been removed. Because they had asked her to give a personal fact in the bio there (she told me that and that it was good for her to know what's out there). She was definitely glad I didn't look at her Twitter because it's old. But I also told her, I think, that I wouldn't look at her social media. I was tempted to check if she had liked the uni post and I almost did. But I stopped myself because I don't really want to know if we have mutuals. We are almost the same age. She's a year younger. She thinks we don't have mutual tbh. Thank God I don't know her, because she's great and I wouldn't be able to work with her then.
I will let her know soon about my recent searches. But I'm also wondering how creepy and stalkery this makes me.
submitted by Starrylake to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 saypanbranding Saypan’s Custom Vinyl Wall Graphics: The Pinnacle of Quality in Pune

In the vibrant and bustling city of Pune, where aesthetics and functionality go hand in hand, Saypan stands out as the premier provider of vinyl wall graphics. Known for our innovative designs and impeccable service, we help transform ordinary walls into captivating visual experiences. Whether you're a business looking to enhance your brand presence or a homeowner aiming to add a unique touch to your living space, our vinyl wall graphics are the perfect solution.

Why Choose Vinyl Wall Graphics?

Vinyl wall graphics have revolutionized the way we approach interior design. They offer a flexible, cost-effective, and highly customizable option for those seeking to add visual interest to their walls. Here are some reasons why vinyl wall graphics have become increasingly popular:
Innovative Branding & Packaging by Saypan - Learn More @ https://saypan.in/our-services/

Saypan: Pune’s Top Vinyl Wall Graphics Service Provider

At Saypan, we pride ourselves on being the leading provider of vinyl wall graphics in Pune. Our commitment to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition. Here’s why you should choose Saypan for your vinyl wall graphics needs:
Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the industry, our team at Saypan has honed their skills to deliver top-notch vinyl wall graphics. We understand the nuances of design, material selection, and installation, ensuring that every project we undertake meets the highest standards.
Comprehensive Design Services
We believe that great design is the cornerstone of any successful project. That’s why we offer comprehensive design services that cater to your unique needs. Whether you have a specific idea in mind or need help conceptualizing your vision, our team of talented designers is here to assist you.
High-Quality Materials
At Saypan, we only use high-quality materials to create our vinyl wall graphics. This ensures that our products are not only visually stunning but also durable and long-lasting. Our commitment to quality means that you can trust us to deliver graphics that will stand the test of time.
Customized Solutions
Every space is unique, and we believe that your vinyl wall graphics should reflect that. We offer customized solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements. From color and design to size and shape, we work closely with you to create graphics that are truly one-of-a-kind.
Professional Installation
Proper installation is crucial to the success of your vinyl wall graphics project. Our team of skilled installers ensures that your graphics are applied seamlessly, with no bubbles or imperfections. We take care of every detail, so you can enjoy a flawless finish.
Competitive Pricing
We understand that budget is an important consideration for our clients. That’s why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional value for your investment.

Applications of Vinyl Wall Graphics

Vinyl wall graphics are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications. Here are some popular ways to use vinyl wall graphics to enhance your space:

Corporate Branding

For businesses, vinyl wall graphics offer an excellent way to reinforce your brand identity. Whether you’re looking to display your logo, mission statement, or key values, vinyl graphics can help create a cohesive and professional look for your office.

Retail Spaces

In retail environments, visual appeal is key to attracting and retaining customers. Vinyl wall graphics can be used to create eye-catching displays, highlight promotions, and enhance the overall shopping experience.

Home Decor

Vinyl wall graphics are a great way to add personality to your home. From elegant patterns and inspirational quotes to custom murals, the possibilities are endless. They are also perfect for kids’ rooms, allowing you to create fun and imaginative spaces that can easily be updated as your child grows.

Public Spaces

Vinyl wall graphics can be used in public spaces to create engaging and informative displays. Whether it’s a museum, hospital, or community center, vinyl graphics can help communicate important messages and enhance the overall atmosphere.

Event Decor

Vinyl wall graphics are an excellent choice for event decor. They can be used to create custom backdrops, signage, and more, making them a versatile and cost-effective solution for any event.

The Process: From Concept to Completion

At Saypan, we strive to make the process of creating and installing vinyl wall graphics as smooth and stress-free as possible. Here’s a step-by-step look at how we bring your vision to life:


The first step is a consultation to understand your needs and goals. We discuss your vision, budget, and timeline, and provide you with expert advice on the best solutions for your space.


Next, our design team gets to work creating a custom design that meets your specifications. We use advanced design software to create detailed mock-ups, allowing you to see exactly how your vinyl wall graphics will look.


Once the design is finalized, we move on to production. Our state-of-the-art equipment ensures that your graphics are printed with precision and clarity. We use high-quality vinyl materials to ensure a durable and vibrant finish.


Finally, our professional installation team ensures that your vinyl wall graphics are applied perfectly. We take care of every detail, from surface preparation to final inspection, to ensure a flawless result.

Why Saypan is the Best Choice for Vinyl Wall Graphics in Pune

When it comes to vinyl wall graphics, Saypan is the name you can trust. Here’s what sets us apart from the competition:

Customer-Centric Approach

At Saypan, our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We take the time to understand your needs and work closely with you to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the final result.

Innovative Solutions

We are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to enhance our products and services. Our team is constantly exploring new materials, techniques, and trends to bring you the best in vinyl wall graphics.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is our top priority at Saypan. From design and production to installation and customer service, we are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our business.

Experienced Team

Our team of designers, installers, and customer service professionals are experts in their field. With years of experience and a passion for what they do, you can trust us to deliver outstanding results.

Local Expertise

As a local business, we have a deep understanding of the Pune market and the unique needs of our clients. We are proud to be a part of the Pune community and are committed to serving our customers with integrity and excellence.

Conclusion: Transform Your Space with Saypan’s Vinyl Wall Graphics

Vinyl wall graphics are a powerful tool for transforming your space and making a lasting impression. Whether you’re looking to enhance your brand, create a unique home decor, or add visual interest to a public space, Saypan is here to help. As Pune’s top vinyl wall graphics service provider, we offer the expertise, creativity, and quality you need to bring your vision to life.
Contact Saypan today to learn more about our vinyl wall graphics services and how we can help you transform your space. With our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, you can trust us to deliver results that exceed your expectations.
Contact us
Phone : +91 96657 20007,​ +91 87672 11111​
Email : info@saypan.in
Website: https://saypan.in/
Follow us :
submitted by saypanbranding to u/saypanbranding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:34 No-Singer6718 This is what a fan shared thought it was kind of interesting

This is what a fan shared thought it was kind of interesting
•—I gathered all the proofs I can find. THRILLER ALBUM SOLD OVER 115M WORLDWIDE in OVERALL SALES NOT 66M as what Wikipedia says.
Wikipedia says Thriller only sold 66M worldwide and says that those who says 120M is an unreliable source. Says by Wikipedia that is accessible to everyone and can edit the contents even by an 8 year old kid.
In 2006 World Music Awards it states that Thriller has 104 Million sales worldwide announced by Beyoncé.
Beyoncé : "Thriller is the biggest selling album of all time with over 104 million records sold worldwide."
Following by Michael Jackson's speech : Michael Jackson : "—and God has answered my prayers. 25 years later, Thriller became the biggest selling album of all time with a hundred amd four million sold. I thank God and you for the success. "
Followed by Craig Glenday from Guinness Book of World Records who presents Michael Jackson the Diamond award and the record as" The world's most famous human being ", then congratulated Michael for Thriller and proceeds to the video /montage from Guinness World Records and in the video it was stated that : " Thriller sold over 104M worldwide SO FAR"
Quoting the word "SO FAR" means it was the success achieved by Thriller at that time (2006)
(Craig Glenday is Guinness World Records' editor in chief til date!)
Even the ESTATE confirms it sold 110M! In 2012, Bad25th anniversary Documentary was released from MJJ ESTATE and Sony Entertainment, it was widely talked about the thriller album (of course even though it's about the bad album's anniversary, Thriller's success will always be talked about especially Quincy was there.)
Again The MJJ ESTATE and Sony Entertainment both confirms this information that Thriller sold 110M .
The RIAA or Recording Industry Association of America confirms in 2015 that MJ sold over 1 Billion records then mentioned Thriller album with 110M records sold.
IN 2017 UPDATE FROM CHARTMASTERS Thriller has 116M overall sales in category. In pure sales it sold 66M so to summarize everything. Thriller's updated OVERALL SALES is 116M as of 2017's update.
Those who confirmed Thriller had sold 110M : 1. Guinness World Records 2. MJJ ESTATE 3. SONY ENTERTAINMENT 4. BILLBOARD 5. CHARTMASTERS 6. RIAA
100 best selling albums of all time overall sales from Chartmasters official link : https://chartmasters.org/2017/10/best-selling-artists-albums-and-singles-of-all-time/11/
Link for World Music Awards 2006 https://youtu.be/WviiygVo3Oc
submitted by No-Singer6718 to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 LogicalOccasion2021 I NEED HELP

Hi, My name is Lisa. I was involved in a car crash back in September of 2022, which totalled my Tahoe and left me with some serious injuries, that I still suffer from til this day. I was traveling South on highway 17, had just passed Hog Heaven Restaurant. It's a 45 mph speed limit through there so I always set my cruise control, which probably saved my life. I was traveling in the left lane, there were two cars ahead of me. Something told me to get over in the right lane, "that little voice", so I checked my blindspot and was going to get into the right lane. The two vehicles were a good ways up ahead but I just had a weird feeling. As soon as I checked my blind spot and seen it was clear, I put my signal light on and the small SUV had hit their brakes so hard they'd came to almost a complete stop because the car ahead of them suddenly, I guess saw that little cut through road that doesn't have a safe lane to get over in, it's just a small cut through in the median and it's right past the 60 mph sign. The little car that made a suddenly ILLEGAL U-TURN, hadn't use any signal light!!! I saw them swoop on in that cut through road to go back north!! I was so shocked but I knew I could get over, so I used my brakes and sterred right to get over so I wouldn't hit that car that was in front of me that had to suddenly stop so they wouldn't hit that car!! I almost got over and in control but the back end of my Tahoe fishtailed and when my right back tire made contact with the grass it jerked me backwards into a spin and over in the ditch and flipped over!! People stopped but I was so disoriented and scared because they were trying to get me out because they said gas was leaking and could catch on fire!! I told them I'd just filled up at Walmart station and I've always been terrified of burning up in a fire!! A guy pulled me through the windshield. I was bye myself and scared, the trooper on duty that day never came because he was actually called to another reck. The paperwork said that he'd actually gotten there 4 hours later because there was 3 or 4 recks that day!! I'm grateful to be alive but this is going to be on my insurance for a while. I live on a fixed income and it's very expensive each month now. If there is anyone who remembers this accident, anyone who saw what happened, please let me know, I was driving a green Chevrolet Tahoe.The officer had first reported my car stolen and the driver fled the scene of the accident in which days later when I discovered the report, I had to go through extreme circumstances to get that straightened out with them and my insurance company. The trooper must not have even checked with 911 or anything because EMS came and took me to Grand Stand Regional. When I got there to the emergency room, they were so nervous and upset because they were expecting a medivac to come and bring patients from another car crash! They were trying to put the dye in my IV so they could tell if I had internal injuries. The dye ran down my arm onto the floor! Another nurse came and tried again, actually stuck me several times. Anyway they finally got it in and they said I had nothing broken. But later , a year later, My primary doctor ordered an MRI and discovered that I had , had broken ribs. So I've really been through a lot!! If there's anyone that knows anything at all about this please contact me. My name is Lisa Childers Powell on Facebook, please send me a message or hopefully I can remember to check back on this page, I suffered a severe head concussion and still suffering memory loss even after all of this time. I wished some of those people would've talked to me and given me their names or contact information. Especially the car that was ahead of me, I was so scared that I could've killed or hurt them badly. Thank God they were safe and although I've been hurt seriously, I am still alive and Trying to piece my life back together ❤️ Thank You
submitted by LogicalOccasion2021 to LisaP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:25 Madeofstardust24 Follow up avoiding the narc mom

Hey guys, I had posted here yesterday about how to say no to a family gathering my mom decided to arrange out of the blue. I am not on good terms with her, am waiting for some explanation of her poor behavior or something. I decided after she disrespected me last time I would no longer be seeking contact with her.
I finally mustered the courage to tell the group chat, “sorry guys I won’t be able to make it for this one, but will see you at blanks birthday soon. Have a good day!”
Now she’s calling me, messaged me on Facebook to call her back later, proceeded to face time my sister in law (I was here with them) mentioned how I didn’t answer her call and I must still be mad at her or something. Thank god my sister in law is so great at navigating the weirdness. She played it so cool giving my mom no feedback, love that. So my main issue right now is I do not wish to call my mom back. The last time we were on the phone together is what started my NC, from her screaming at me. Like lady you don’t deserve a phone call from me, because what, you don’t like my declining of the invitation- it’s all about her- she planned this- blah blah screw you today mom.
submitted by Madeofstardust24 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:02 tofusenpai01 The current state of the Islamic word

When I talk about the Islamic world im talking mainly, about the main Arab/Islamic land and the North African region wish historically knows to help each other during tough times and the good times and every Muslims on this sub knows one or two historical examples.
However, im not here to talk about the history because I'm not a historian, second this is not the subject of this post, but I still need to give a historical context for what I'm about to discuss, first we can all agree that the birth of Mohamed be peace upon him change not only the fate of Arabs but also the entire world.

Mohamed be peace upon him was born in 632AD, and if you google you will get Saudia Meccah as if he have anything in common with current demented royal family in Saudia, who trying to claim him as a Saudian when Mohamed be peace upon himself wouldn’t want anything to do with those criminals who present pretty Mutch what he hate during his live they are the same type of people who fight his message and conspire against him and kill his followers.
Mohamed be peace upon him message wasn’t just Islam and a bunch of rituals people do in holidays Its was also a political movement as his main message was no one worthy of worship but god and god is the only one you should be afraid off, this is message that inspire people to fight back against their oppressor and not accept to be trailed lesser than everyone else, this idea look simple at first glance but it's have a big influence on people in that time it's not different from the famous quote of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Who said “how you can enslave people when their moms give them birth free” wish inspire France to revolt against the royal family in France In 1789, same way Mohamed and Muslims did against their Arabs oppressor in Makkah.

After Mohamed be peace upon him death his message continues to spread one of the people who accept his message is North Africans Amazigh who also continue to spread his message through the African continent, Amazigh didn’t accept Islam because Arabs were cool, they accept his message because it was genuine and united people of all kinds all skins and all ethnicity To no accept oppression.

Moving forward to the Ottoman Empire decay in 1900 wish the British took their chance to end ottoman dominance and took over the Arab land, bunch of ambitious family’s like al-saud took their chance conspire with the British to create a dynasty for themselves others who already exist like the Bano-Hachem In Jordan make deals to keep what they have and there dynasty going, this situation basically spread through the north African region.
Today Muslims rulers' leaders doing whatever they can to secure themselves to stay in power by allying themselves either with USA or RUSSIA and the worst part they will plunge their country in chaos to stay look at Bachar for example and what he done to Syria.
Muslim leaders love the national anthem food anything different to keep Muslims disconnected From each other as its give them a chance to control their people they claim every personality from the past this one was Moroccan, this one was Saudi this one was Tunisian and so on feeding this narrative to Muslims that they shouldn’t care about each other look for example Gazans dying few meters away and life continue normally in Egypt.*

The angle wish is Muslims leaders will operate from to further their interest is very disgusting, and if you are an ally of the USA then Iran Russia is your enemies and your propaganda is simple find few Syrian journalist and use Syrian people suffering to make Iran and Russia as the most evil nation ever exist but if you are in trouble make deal later with them and invite a bloody murder back to your country cause you are not up to the game in the first place looking at you Salmanco, Arabs leaders will also use the divide between Shia and Sunni to make there people hate Iran and there militants and the consequences of such a message don't matter to them , what matter is there agenda against Iran.
And of course if you are an allied of Russia and Iran then USA and the west is your enemies you represent yourself as a hero to your people a man who stand against imperialism and with those who are oppressed and the first one to defend Palestine, and if any other Muslim leader hate you use Palestine normalization card against him as if you are any better , and take some footage to show them to your people make yourself look good.

Today the entire Islamic world don’t have any direction, there is no plan or future we truly live in one the darkest time of Islamic nations history younger generation are either Muslims extremist or liberals morons who embrace west culture of degeneracy, Muslims rulers are feeding and growing the divide up further today morons fighting on social media in Tariq Ibon Ziad was Arab or an Amazigh as if the origin of person who die centuries ago should matter its only create Sens of degenerate empty pride for people who love the Muslims story hour as its make them feel good about themselves, the other think Muslims leaders constantly glazing USA as if the American culture machine constant brain watching wasn’t enough for them, just because its USA we shouldn't fight backs or just have a little bit of pride and faith and ourselves as Muslims to defend protect our owns.

I want to finish this with a little bit of hope and optimism, we are currently at bottom of the ocean so we only can go up from now, but its up for Muslims to accept and embrace Mohamed message to not be afraid of anyone but god in order for them to stand not only for themselves but for those who need us Sudanese Gazans Syrians, I truly hope one day we can control our destiny again and for Islam and Mohamad message to be a a way of life and death again.
submitted by tofusenpai01 to arabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:53 History_Geek123 Et tu Brute? Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

11:18 PM, December 24th, 1952, Mayflower Hotel
Did Phil not do enough? Was locking up the fat old man and that crazy Cuban not enough to please the Blackshirts? Did the stress finally reach him? How could I have known that this would be the future that I would create? I can’t hide anymore, I must confront the monster I unleashed. I need to find a radio station…

12:00 AM, December 25th, 1952, WTOP Studios
“Mr. Lindbergh, I’ll count you down from 10 seconds until we are live, then the light will turn red and you will be able to speak. Remember, you only have five minutes. Good luck sir.”

10,9,8… How did it come to this? 7,6,5… Where did it all go wrong? 4,3,2… Why has God made my cross so heavy? 1…

“Good evening America, I wish I could wish you all a Merry Christmas, however certain events that have transpired in the last two hours have cast a shadow over our holiday season. One of the events I am referring to is the tragic shooting of President La Follette, who I pray is able to recover. The other event is the Vice President’s ongoing attempt to seize power and freeze the system. I know that this must come as a shock to many, but I abhor the rising tide of violence we have seen in this nation. For too long have I hid away, afraid to confront the demons I unleashed. Now, I must attempt to put things right, both with God and my fellow man.
When I assumed the office of President fifteen years ago, I could not have imagined what the fascist movement would turn into. Once a vessel for the strengthening of American government and society, a noble patriotic endeavor, it has become corrupted by ego and evil. I have seen the science I worshiped, and the aircraft I loved, destroying the civilization I expected them to serve. In the same way, fascism is now being used to destroy the America it is meant to serve. Musmanno, Tolbert, and the rest of the Blackshirts do not represent the best of us, no, they represent the worst of us, the basest and lowest of human emotions. They have shown that we Americans are a primitive people, that we seem to have little respect for the law or the rights of others.
Never was fascism supposed to lead to the destruction of those elements of American society that make us what we are. Never was there supposed to be thuggery and intimidation. For fascism to truly come about, it must come as the will of the people. Did I obstruct the counting of the votes when I lost to ABH? Did I refuse to concede the election? Did I attempt to call on misguided cultists to march on the Capitol? No, I accepted that the people, albeit narrowly, rejected my mandate, and so I left with my honor intact. This was the same course I urged my dear friend Phil to take, a course which I know the Vice President was not in favor of.
God made life simple. It is man who complicates it. The Lord has shown us the way to live our lives in peace and brotherhood, yet we choose to disobey, and by our disobedience, death and destruction continues to come into the world. When I saw the horrors of nuclear war, the newfound capacity that modern man has found to destroy their brothers and the Earth, I finally broke down and dedicated my life to the Lord. I am proud to name the Reverend Billy Graham as one of my closest friends. However, other friends, older friends, have been killed or nearly killed due to the monsters I have unleashed. Will lies dead because of an assassination carried out in the name of the ideology I brought to the fore of America’s consciousness, and Phil, our President, remains in critical condition because, in the end, despite all else he may have done during the last eight years, he was going to do the right thing and concede the election. The ghosts of the past haunt my mind, regret makes my soul shake and shiver, just as America’s soul cries out in despair as the daggers of partisanship are plunged deep inside it. Yet I remember, ‘for Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.’
I have thought it strange that we talk least about the things we think about most. Such has been the case for me over the last eight years, however I cannot allow my most pervasive thoughts to go unspoken anymore. When the Blackshirts called for violence and let their inner beasts out at the ’48 Farmer-Labor convention, I hid away in my home, a coward. I could have said something then but chose not to. When the Blackshirts intimidated the opposition in the lead up to this now contested election, I once again chose to not confront the ugliness I helped create. This time I will stand up, and if I, in doing so, must rejoin the friends that I have lost amongst the ruins of my dreams, then let it be done. The Bible says, ‘Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.’ My sins are many, my virtues fewer, but when I meet the Maker, he will say to me ‘Well done, good and faithful servant,’ because in the end I finally stood up to evil. To all who hear me now, do not let our nation fall into the hands of thugs and madmen, do not let our nation’s spirit be torn asunder. ‘The Lord tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.’ Have we forgotten the lessons that the Communist Revolution taught us? That violence is not the answer to political dissatisfaction. I implore the American people to not let this nation get ripped apart yet again because of the destructive words and actions of a wild few. I close with this quote from the late William Jennings Bryan: ‘These revolutionaries live and die by the creed of “might makes right,” but I present to you another creed, a creed that I hope you all will remember and retell to everyone you meet as we stand against these revolutionaries; Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.’”

12:05 AM, White House
“Turn the damn radio off!”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
Sigh, “Et tu, Brute?”
submitted by History_Geek123 to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:50 Direct-Caterpillar77 My boyfriend [32M] of 8 months tried to surprise me [30F] with a pet octopus. I freaked out at him, now he's not speaking to me

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/NopetopusTA
My boyfriend [32M] of 8 months tried to surprise me [30F] with a pet octopus. I freaked out at him, now he's not speaking to me.
Originally posted to relationships
Original Post - rareddit Jan 10, 2018
I [30F] used to be a marine biologist who worked in an aquarium. But it's a very mentally, physically, and emotionally taxing job, and I burnt out after about five years. I work an office job now, which I like a lot better in about a million different ways. I sometimes miss taking care of the animals, but it was not worth all the other bullshit that came with it.
Cephalopods were my favorite animals to take care of, octopuses in particular.
My boyfriend [32F, dating for 8 months] was out of town visiting family for Christmas/New Years, but he came back on Thursday. We met that night at my apartment to exchange Christmas presents.
My present was big. When I unwrapped it, I was shocked. It was a fish tank. 50 gallons, apparently. Along with a couple hang-on-back filters, a heater, a light to go on top, two bags of sea salt, and some kitschy tank decorations. And that's it.
Then my boyfriend exclaimed, “Surprise! I got you an octopus!" I asked him what he meant, and he explained to me that he bought me an octopus as a Christmas present, and it was being express shipped overnight to my apartment!
As soon as he told me, I started to panic. I literally stood there going like, "I -- I -- I --" like I was a fucking cartoon character. My boyfriend then said something like, "We better hurry up and put this tank together!" like it's a TV stand from IKEA and he ordered me a new flatscreen or something.
I just started rambling. I don't have any RO water, there's no protein skimmer, these filters aren't big enough, I don't have space for a tank this big, where are we going to mix fifty gallons of saltwater, the tank isn't cycled!! The tank isn't cycled!! That octopus is going to die once we put it in this tank!
I told him that he needs to cancel the order. He needs to call whoever he bought that octopus from and cancel it. My boyfriend said that he can't, he got confirmation that they already shipped it out.
At this point, I was starting to get hysterical. Someone needs to be at my place to pick up the package, it'll freeze outside if the delivery guy just leaves it by my front door! I don't have any food to feed the octopus! THE TANK ISN'T CYCLED!
My boyfriend was trying to calm me down, and I kept yelling at him, "What are we going to do? What are we going to do when it gets here?" And he said something like, "I dunno, I thought you'd be able to figure it out?"
I had to really dig deep inside myself to find that part of me that would keep me level headed in similar scary, time-sensitive situations from back in my aquarium days. My boyfriend just stood there awkwardly while I wracked my brain.
I suddenly realized I could take it to our local aquarium where I used to volunteer, way back when I was first trying be an aquarist. Most everyone I volunteered for was gone, but I still knew two people who worked there.
Neither phone number I still had in my cellphone for those two people worked anymore, but I was still friends with them on Facebook, so I PM'd both of them and prayed. My boyfriend was still standing around awkwardly, and I told him that if he wanted to leave, he could. So he did.
Fortunately, one of the aquarists I used to volunteer for (he’s the curator now!) responded within about an hour, and I explained the whole situation to him and asked if they could take the octopus. He said he wasn't sure, but to bring the octopus to the aquarium tomorrow after it shows up anyway. Worst case scenario, we might be able to move it into a new bag with clean water, throw in some new hand warmers, and overnight it back to where it came from.
I called into work and explained the whole situation to my boss and why I needed to stay home the next day, and because I am so very lucky, she was understandable and let me take Friday off.
Anyway! Long story short, the octopus showed up in the afternoon. I raced to the aquarium, met up with the other aquarist I used to volunteer for (the curator was in a meeting) and thank God, he said they had some space in quarantine for an octopus. So we open up the shipping box and pull out a bag with this...this utterly fucking adorable little octopus. He was probably only a foot long arm tip to arm tip, he was all white with big eyes (probably because the poor thing was scared out of his mind). Not gonna lie, for a second there I was like, “...maybe I could get that tank up and running and then come back to get him” -- but that is not realistically feasible for me right now.
Then we passed him off to the quarantine team, and I apologized a bunch, and said thank you a bunch, and then went home and took a serious nap because I did not sleep well the night before.
So all this went down on Friday. It is now Tuesday. I have not heard from my boyfriend since Friday afternoon, when I texted him what I had done. He just texted back, “OK, that’s good to hear.” On Saturday, I tried calling him a couple times, but my phone calls just went straight to voicemail. I texted him again, this time apologizing for freaking out and yelling at him, but also adding that hey, you get why I was kinda justified in doing so, right? (Whiiiiich maybe wasn’t the best way to apologize :/) I don’t feel like I overreacted (or did I?) and I wasn’t necessarily mad about getting the octopus as a gift, just...scared? If we didn’t get it out of the water it was shipped in and into a cycled tank, it would die in a couple hours and that was a huge reason I left aquarium work. I couldn’t handle when animals would die. It would fuck me up for days...I guess in some ways, it’s still kind of fucking me up, a little bit.
So what do I do now?
tl;dr: Boyfriend tried to surprise me with a pet octopus! Which I immediately turned over to proper caretakers because I am in no position to take care of one! And now my boyfriend isn't talking to me. I don't know what to do here?
EDIT: OMG this exploded. I gotta go to bed, y'all, but thanks for all the great advice and the, uh, gold, apparently? I probably won't have much time to respond to comments tomorrow, but I'll definitely be back with an update!
On being scared where the BF ordered a live octopus from
I see where you're coming from, but there are actually a lot of reputable online fish sellers that I wouldn't hesitate to buy animals from. Lots of different aquariums buy their fish online and get them shipped overnight. Honestly, that's the only way you're going to get an animal like a clownfish in your tank unless you live in Indonesia or something.
But yeah...boyfriend did not buy the octopus from a reputable online merchant. When I saw the shipping label and the name of the business he bought it from, I almost started panicking again. But they did an OK job with it -- he was in a big bag with lots of water, hand warmers, and the water was only a little murky, which is typical for an octopus (since he probably inked at one point during his travels).
When I got home, I literally typed in "buy an octopus online" and this business was one of the first results. So I'm definitely feeling you on the "half-assed" bit.
OOP on if the BF listens
I mean, I feel like he listens to me! I realize I didn't talk much about our relationship, but I don't feel like there are any red flags or things I'm being willfully ignorant about (because that is a pattern with me, a pattern that I spent a lot of time in therapy trying to break, so...I hope I broke it!)
The thing is, I really love surprises, and he has successfully surprised me a number of times in our relationship. But they were smaller, more manageable surprises! Like he's shown up at my job with a dozen roses, and one time, he said he was taking me to a burger joint and ended up taking me to a fancy restaurant -- surprises like that! Not a fucking octopus!
Did the boyfriend buy any equipment the octopus would need
He actually didn't buy anything the octopus would need. He bought zilch. Those hang-on-back were for like...ten gallon sized tanks, not a fifty gallon, and you can't stick two of those on one tank and say that's good enough filtration. Also, no protein skimmer which is a MUST for cephalopods, because that's what cleans up the water if they ink. Also octopuses need a place to hide, a kitschy Spongebob Squarepants pineapple tank decoration isn't going to cut it. EDIT: Also! I just noticed there's no lid for this tank, so it could have easily crawled out! Jesus Christ, this thing is a death trap for an octopus!
It's just...he's usually so thoughtful and smart and it's just -- I'm so baffled! He just randomly bought a bunch of fish tank related crap! Who does that?! (besides my boyfriend, apparently!)
I want to do this! I want to tell him all this! But he isn't answering any of my texts or phone calls. Do I just wait for him to respond or do I keep bugging him?
"you can buy 'instant ocean' premixed and cycled seawater and immediately put live animals into it ( after you match the temperature to prevent shock). This stuff is damn expensive IF you can find it and its what that TV show uses where they dump everything in on the same day. I really dislike that show for making it look so easy. People don't factor in the cashflow and experience those professional tank builders have."
OK, real quick, I gotta correct you on this. Instant Ocean gets you salt water that's about as close to the ocean as possible salinity wise, but it's just salt and calcium and important trace elements, it does nothing to cycle a tank. When a tank is cycled, that means there is a bunch of bacteria that lives in your tank that eats the waste the animals produce. If that bacteria isn't in your tank when you put your animals in, they'll die within a day (unless they're a super hearty fish, like a carp or something). I also know this from personal experience: Instant Ocean does not cycle a tank. Man I wish it did! That's all we used at ALL the aquariums I worked at, and we always had to cycle a tank properly before we could put animals in.
As near as I can tell, those shows like Tanked are NOT doing anything right, watching those shows gets me so mad, because I'm like 99% sure they're doing stuff like using tap water instead of RO/DI, and since they build that shit in a day, it's definitely NOT cycled and they say shit like, "Oh, that shark keeps swimming in circles because sharks love to swim in circles!" and it's like NO THEY DON'T THAT IS NOT HOW A HEALTHY SHARK BEHAVES and I'm gonna get off my soap box now, getting off my soap box...
"Maybe you can set up some time for him to volunteer at the aquarium?"
I'm pretty sure nobody at that aquarium is gonna let me boyfriend volunteer there, since they all probably have been told why there's a random octopus in quarantine now, haha
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofNoUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:56 Burning_Lotus2021 What relevant things have modern prophets ever prophesized?

I did not read EVERY conference talk while I was still in the cult, but I cannot remember any prophets ever having said anything that would justify him being called a prophet.
I remember Nelson was applauded for installing the 2 hour program a couple of months before covid, because he had the foresight or divine inspiration or whatever that studying yourself at home would become more important in the next months........ yeah so if he really knew a global pandemic was coming THAT was the ONLY thing he could come up with?! Also, didn't he say about the Pandemic "Little did I know...." so proving he didn't know it was coming....
I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think my dad once said something that implied the things god would tell the prophets during their meetings were soooooooooooo sacred and important, that our minds would not be able to fully comprehend them, so the prophets wouldn't tell these things to us.
Well then, what's the point of getting messages that we cannot comprehend anyway...... *eyeroll
Edit: or let me rephrase it- how do TBMs justify people like RMN being prophets? What would they say if I asked them for quotes or how would a TBM justify a prophet being called a prophet?
submitted by Burning_Lotus2021 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:51 isuckateverything4 Please help me help her.

I started dating my girlfriend 16F about 2 and a half months ago. We have moved really fast and I’ve fallen pretty hard. We talk about how much we want this to last and how deeply we’re in love all the time. I really wanna marry this girl I’ve said it to her face. Rn I’m 16M and ik it’s really early but I’ve been in quite a lot of talking stages (17) and I know I have found the person for me. As of recently I noticed some cuts on her forearm in a picture she sent me. I immediately knew that it was self harm. I really didn’t want to believe it so I asked her how her wrist was. She said that she cut herself on a curtain rail. (a really weak and stupid excuse) I still didn’t want to believe it. So I asked if she was okay. I made her promise. She promised. I still didn’t believe her so I made her promise and I’m quoting, I made her promise that she did not do that to herself. She said and I quote” I cannot promise that”. It tore me apart and I really didn’t know what to do. The emotions I was feeling were out of hell. I honestly can’t describe how angry I was. I told her that I needed to cool off and to think. Later that evening I messaged her again and I told her that I was feeling less angry and more upset. This was so unexpected and I never thought that she would do something like this. She told me about it and how she has been doing it. And the thing that really makes my gut churn and makes me want to throw up, makes me want to cry, makes me want to bawl my eyes out. Is the fact that she says she enjoys it, she really really enjoys it, she likes the way the scars look and she likes the way they feel. She likes the pain more than anything and she is so addicted to the it. Talking about it is making my voice shake, making my hands shake. We went through a little bit of a talking process and eventually I made her give me the blades she was using. She was using the blades from a sharpener. I got two of them. I got home and decided I needed to do something with them. Very early on when I was about 12 or 13 I experimented with cutting. I didn’t enjoy it and I didn’t find any help from them. So I haven’t done it in many years. So I don’t understand what the addiction is, I don’t understand why someone would enjoy doing something like that. So I decided to experiment again. There are currently six small cuts on my leg and two on my upper forearm. I can really see how addictive the pain is now, that it is an itch that you can’t scratch any other way. I did this not only to help me understand how she was feeling and how I can help her but also to give her a bit of a reality check to make her understand how I felt about her doing this to herself. She also got mad at me and was also really sad. I was terrified for days afterwards because I thought she was going to do it again. Her parents got divorced at a very young age and her life has been hell. She was taught to bottle up her emotions and to care about what everyone else thinks. Stall to this day her mom tells her how to behave what to do and what not to do in public because it might hurt her mother’s image. I’m really really scared. Like terrified. I don’t know how to help her, I understand the addiction and I understand how it feels, but I don’t understand how to help her, I have done a lot of research on ways I can help, but they all give me the generic speak to a trusted adult response. Because of her situation with her mom I’m scared to tell her, but I feel like it is the only way that we can work through this. I make her tell me every time she is feeling like cutting and I made her promise to try her best not to. As far as I know she has been clean for about a week. I am really proud of her but I still feel like a relapse is imminent. I’m asking for advice on how I can help her get through this. How I can help her not to relapse. How I can help her to be more confident in herself. Ways that she can get rid of those emotions. Ways that won’t hurt her like the cutting does. But the thing that I need help with most is how do I stop her from enjoying it. How do I make her hate cutting. I have nightmares about her smiling and cutting her arms open. Getting home from school grabbing blades and slicing her arm open with a smile. It really really terrifies me. Any help would be much appreciated. And I feel terrible about what I did to myself. Don’t worry about me, I know that sounds very niche but it is true. I despise cutting with my entire being and I made a promise to her, myself and God that I will not do that again. For any reason. All I want is help to help her.
submitted by isuckateverything4 to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:59 hotsexygirl04 how do i know if catholicism is right for me?

i posted this in Christianity and someone recommended i asked it here, so i'm just copy and pasting lol
hi everyone.
i've been raised Protestant, but as i've been trying to get closer to God, i feel myself drawn more and more to Catholicism. i don't know why, but whenever i read quotes from saints, or read articles about Catholicism, i feel closer to God. my grandmother was Catholic, but unfortunately she has passed away, so I can't talk to her about it.
i don't know if Catholicism is right for me though. how can i tell? are there any resources anyone can recommend to me that i can learn more about Catholicism? i've read that others recommend reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church? i plan on looking into that. does anyone have any podcasts, preferably by women and extra preferably like, not Republican lol 😍
submitted by hotsexygirl04 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:47 PrimeR321 They did so much damage to my body... What's Happening?

They keep threatening me over my neural interface. They say a bunch of things followed with "That was bullshit" I'm not sure what they want anymore. I offered to do whatever they wanted years back just so they won't hurt my family, and they rejected the offer and that was a long time ago. They said to me, when I said that I would say whatever they wanted me to, just as long as they dont hurt my family, (and I quote), "No, that isn't good enough, you have to do it the Facebook way".. As they demanded that I post something lude of myself on Facebook, which I didnt have an account on. They tried hard to force me to make an account under threat of death and rape, of me and my Ex girlfriend at the time, they were demanding that I make an account and post something lude for an excuse to have me arrested for anything..
It's mostly death threats and lies that I am hearing now. They keep saying that nobody will know something?? I've been pretty transparent with what they are doing to me and the people that I care about in my life.
They did so much damage to my body today, that I don't know if I will ever recover. My neck and back feel like they are disintegrating, from whatever they have done to me all day, month, years. They say that they will never stop and that their lies/deceptions will go unknown by the others.
I'm not sure what else to do about this. I guess the lesson is just "sit there and die silently and remotely" or they will smear you after they kill you, and make you look like things you weren't. I suppose that means that the average person goes along with it and even believes the story that they spin after you're gone..
My life has been stolen from me and they will never give me back what I'm rightfully owed. Be them remaining there, or not.
Sincerely, -Robert C.
submitted by PrimeR321 to Interfaced [link] [comments]
