What time of the month do you start chlomid


2020.10.16 00:27 NonPoliticalTwitter

Twitter without the politics. Come vibe with us as we escape the stress of the real world around us.

2008.08.04 16:11 The Reddit Book Club

Welcome to bookclub! Current schedules can be found on the sidebar, in the top tabs, and pinned on the front page of the sub. We read and post about several books each month that are suggested by members and selected by popular vote. There's no requirement for joining, so pick up your book(s) and come read with us!

2017.01.26 14:56 AlcoholicUnclePete Accidental Camouflage

Welcome to Accidental Camouflage, try and blend in, or don't?.

2024.05.15 03:59 Ghardz Breaking lease 1 month early question

Breaking lease 1 month early question
Hi all NY, USA. Our current place’s lease ends 8/1.
My partner and I got approved for a new apartment somewhere else that starts 7/1. I can’t find anything in our lease outside of the image attached. The cropped out part is our signatures and the property name. It’s a mostly blank page with just that excerpt.
If we break 1 month early July instead of finishing out the lease until August because that’d be financially devastating, what would that do for future applications. Do those lease breaks show up anywhere?
I can’t justify paying 2 apartments of rent for July and also doing a security deposit for the new place this month. That’s really truly hurt my budget, especially with student loans payment timings.
Thank you for the help in advance.
submitted by Ghardz to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:59 ScreamQueenStacy Officially had my first awkward/uncomfortable interaction in public

I'm not out to many people, and I just needed to get this outta my head. Maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know.
Today I went to get my blood drawn for my levels, it was actually my second time going to get it done. The first time I was actively dreading it, having to go to an office and someone I do not know potentially figuring out I'm trans. I was a nervous wreck that whole morning until I went to get it done. Luckily, the medical company was requiring masking in their facilities, which made me feel somewhat better about it. I chose a small office and went at a slow period. It honestly wasn't even bad, the woman confirmed my tests, and my heart still was going a mile a minute when she said "estradiol". But all she did was say she wanted to check it didn't need drawn at a particular time, as they don't get those much. The rest of the time at the lab went smoothly and uneventful.
This morning, I decided to go get my blood drawn again before my endocrinologist appointment next week. Since last time went so easily, I figured I'd just go back to the same facility and deal with the same two women. Nothing happened a few months ago, I figured it'd be just as mellow this time. Now, I decided to wear a mask going inside, seeing as I was unfortunate enough go get COVID for the first time ever a few weeks ago. I'm negative now and asymptomatic, but seeing as the lab shared a waiting room with a doctor's office, I just decided to be cautious. The woman calls me into the small lab office from the waiting room, and asks me what she can help with. Without a second thought, I tell her my endocrinologist sent some labs over and I just needed them done. Naturally, she asks me my name to pull me up to see what needs drawn. After she does she asks me if there's a reason I'm wearing a mask, as they aren't required anymore. In response, I tell her what I just said... had COVID, negative now but just being cautious and courteous. She said she appreciates it and then goes "So I have a... metabolic panel, testosterone and Estradiol?", whch I confirm. As she starts typing, she confirms my address and some other information, then tells me I can sit in the waiting room while she gets all the slips ready. Since she just came back from lunch, she's signed out of all her systems and it's just taking a bit. Thanking her, I walk back out and sit back in the chair I was originally in.
Now, I'm the only one waiting on the lab side, so I'm by myself. After a couple minutes she comes into the doorway, looks at me and goes "Can I ask you a question... in private?". Immediately my heart sinks because I know what is going to happen. Seeing as I haven't had many physical changes I feel are noticable and I'm trying to boymode as best I can while I get things done like laser and voice training before I socially transition and can legally update my name and gender markers. Earlier, I provided my obviously masculine name and my chart has an M gender markers. My watch tells me my heart rate went from around 80bpm to 120bpm as I walk into the lab office again, and ask her what I can do for her. Holding the papers with my required labs on them, she goes "So I need to know. What... is your sex assigned at birth?". Even though I knew what was coming, I still felt my cheeks burning like they could sear through my mask. "...male." I reply. "Okay, so I needed to now because there are two different estradiol tests, and the doctor sent over the female one, and if you look here...", she puts down the top slip of paper that has my name, address and gender, pointing at the M. As quick as I can I tell her that I know and that is the correct test they sent. "Alright, I just need to fix the paper work I did then. I know that was probably uncomfortable, just wanted to make sure in case anyone asked me. Thought maybe they wrote down the wrong test".
The rest of the appointment goes by fine, no one says anything, they're just asking me if I knew how I got COVID now, if I was really sick and so on. When everything is done, I walk out to my car and leave. I don't... think she meant to offend or make me uncomfortable, but I also got these exact same tests done three months ago and the same woman checked me in then too, she didn't ask about my birth sex then. As I drove back to work, I still did feel a bit exposed and uncomfortable. I've never been asked that since I started transitioning back in October, and even if it was innocent and she was just making sure a mistake wasn't made, I still ended up feeling, embarrassed, I guess.
Maybe I am just overreacting, I don't know. It just dragged me down a bit and without many friends who know I'm trans, I needed the weight off my chest. If you read that all, I appreciate you 🙂
submitted by ScreamQueenStacy to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:59 sauce_xVamp am i over reacting?

i have a friend, let's call him tyler.
now tyler and i have been pretty decent friends all year. is he a bit of a know-it-all? sure. but he's chill for the most part. our friendship is mostly banter, he makes fun of my height, i call him a nerd, so on.
but recently he's been poking fun at my grades. this started yesterday. at first it seemed like normal banter, but then it felt like he was implying that i was stupid just because i have trouble completing homework and that i talk a lot in class.
i come from a public school. in public school, you can reach a decent grade if you do well on tests. i've always done well on tests but i almost never did my homework, starting in 4th grade. this school rarely ever has tests. it's been difficult to adjust.
i've always put a lot of my self-worth on whether i can do something well academically or not. i've tried to kill myself over bad grades. i've hurt myself over bad grades.
and honestly, i look up to tyler, he's smart, he's in the military (18), he gets along with people.
so it really hurt when he implied i was stupid, when he kicked me from the table i was sitting at with him and a mutual friend since "this table is only for students with As"
something else happened today. we were in science class outside and we were in groups reading articles. i finished early and since everyone else was still reading and answering questions, i pulled out my phone to check my texts.
tyler immediately told me to put my phone away. so i said no. he repeated it a few more times and then tried to snatch my phone away. i moved it out of his reach, so he went "op, i'm not joking" and then told me that it was a nice day outside and i can look away from my phone for 5 minutes.
mind you, i'm the student garden manager. i was already outside for two hours today packaging preorders for the annual plant sale.
the teacher was sitting behind tyler and didn't say anything until i swore at tyler.
i was pissed off to the point of crying, so i went inside. i came back to class a little later.
what also pisses me off is that recently tyler has been telling me to "stop doing that" and "to focus" when i do something like draw or mess around with paper during class. as contradictory as this sounds, doing something with my hands while someone is talking helps me focus. i don't think so much.
honestly i don't have much trust in tyler anymore.
submitted by sauce_xVamp to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:58 Novel_Bookkeeper_443 Help!! Mental health issue

I have recently been downpes to C9 and excuse Flegs/ stay in due to adjustment disorder with depressed mood. However, my condition has worsened.
I’m seeing the counsellor at SCC and a psychiatrist in a public hospital which wrote a memo for downpes.
During my counselling session at SCC, I was told to consider pes F if my condition worsens due to NS. I brought it up at my first psychiatrist session but was told to not go that route and get a downpes instead to see how things go. During the MR with the MO I handed the memo and requested to see PCC, but was turned down.
Few weeks into the medication and had another counselling session which I was doing quite alright. BUT recently my condition has worsened because of NS again. This time round it felt like I was back to the start of my recovery journey. Insomnia worsened drastically to the point when I could not stay asleep and kept waking up 2-3 times and have barely 3 hours of sleep.
Decided to walk in IMH ED for worsening insomnia. It’s the second time I’ve set foot into IMH. During the consultation, I was explaining my condition when a senior consultant came in the room and started interrogating me and asked if I was there to get MC. I was in shock but I managed to explain my condition and that the medication had some terrible side effects. They then wrote me a memo and changed my medication and to follow up with my psychiatrist. Same procedure, submitted memo but I didn’t ask for PCC this time.
Currently waiting to see my psychiatrist next week but my anxiety has worsened to the point I feel faint, my body feels tense and aches despite resting. My heart rate is >100bpm at rest and my legs start to tremble.
I am really starting to consider pes F as my anxiety became worse and I am already serving for 8 months. Was a mono intake in BMT and ooc from scs.
Just not sure how to persuade my psychiatrist to write a pes F recommendation or get a PCC to review my case.
IMH was where I think is my last resort but being confronted by the doctor that thinks I’m there for MC makes it a lot harder to seek help.
Suicidal thoughts? not really but unintended deaths like being in an accident wouldn’t be too bad. Only reason why I’m not suicidal is I don’t want to waste my effort in civi world and I don’t wish to burden my family. I’m just scared this will to live depletes as I continue to serve. And I really don’t wanna die because of NS. Just that idk when I’ll lose control and I’m scared of that.
If anyone managed to pes F due to adjustment disorder or similar case would really appreciate if you could share.
submitted by Novel_Bookkeeper_443 to NationalServiceSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:58 Globofchaos Changing History chapter 1

Asgard 1827
The Trial of Asgard made national news in Valhalla . Brunhilde stood there in front of many gods, each vote determining her faith . Does she live or die ? Only odin can make that judgment. Heimdall opened a pamphlet speaking though his horn “ Brunhilde, eldest sister of the gods ! You stand accused of crimes against Humanity and Goding alike ! How do you plead ? “. Brunhilde rolled her eyes before speaking her mind . “How do I plead ? What crimes are you talking about ? I was making coffee before me and Randgriz were arrested on the spot “ she spoke out . “ Don't play dumb Brunhilde I saw you cast forbidden spells and illegal magic “ Odin told everyone. Despite the bold straight up lie hilde remained as calm as ever . Using magic and spells is more for Gondul and she is too smart to get caught. What did Odin really want and why is he dragging Randgriz of all demigods.“Nonsense ! My sister would never so such a ““SILENCE “ Odin shouted but Randgriz stood her ground ready to face death itself to protect Brunhilde. Meanwhile in another area. Loki used his blades to slice the doors open splitting them in half. Beelzebub was in the middle of an experiment his red eyes shooting at loki. “This better be good “ he whispered. “It is Brunhilde and Randgriz lives are a stake during the trial “ Loki spat out in a panicked state . “ Why should I care about some demigod's life when I don't even care about my own? “ Beel questioned. “It's because I know you hate Odin and would do anything to spite him how dare he label you as a freak when he is just as bad “ Loki answered “ Hurry we are running out of time ! “ . “What do you get out of this ? “ Beel stood up . “ I owe Brunhilde a favor “ A flashback of small Loki almost getting eaten by a giant snake until Brunhilde saved him by slicing it in half with a scythe
. “Be more careful child “ she turned around seeing the scared loki shiver .
The flash back ended with Brunhilde standing off to Odin . “Confess your crime or serve death “ A purple hue spear floated over him. “ I choose death, “ Brunhilde replied. “ Brun no ! “ Randgriz screamed buy it was too late . The spear launched at her body with such force blood she was pushed back to the wall. Brunhilde refused to give up despite all the pain seeping into her. “ This is the end of the road valkyrie…” Odin whispering. The last thing she saw was the gods demonic smile before everything faced to black.
“Is she alive ? “
“Wait “
“What if he killed her ? “
“Wait “
“ Is she dead ?”
“I will slap you “
“Yikes chill emo “
Brunhilde woke up in the lab with purple ,red and green eyes staring at her. “ What just happened…” Brunhilde felt a tight hug from Randgriz “ You are alive! “ Grizz cried out. “Yes …I am …” Brunhilde realized. “However at a price ….” Beel commented . “What did you do demon? “ Brunhilde hissed . “ Weird way of thanking someone for saving your life “ Beel brushed that comment off. The valkyrie gave him a weird look , “ Don't mention it I only did it to piss off Odin “ Beel shrugged. “Wait Mr Beel what “price “ are you talking about ? “ Grizz asked. “Oh well being a demigod you are more human then god now “ Loki jumped in stuttering at every word. “Meaning you can't fly , super strength and speed is gone, no more soul connection or anything that would make you a valkyrie “ Loki explained some more “ I had to do something to get Beel to save your life “. “ I'm not mad Loki “ Brunhilde took a deep breath “ This is just a sign that I need to leave asgard now …” Brunhilde stated . “I'm coming with you “ Randgriz sat next to her “ If I stay I'm dead Valkyrie walking “. “Plus it's no longer possible to survive here, however despite losing most of your powers there is still a place for you “ Beel mentioned “ Loki will take you “ . “Wait, what about our sisters ! “ Randgriz started to cry . Loki and Beelzebub looked at each other. “ We will figure that part out but remember if Odin catches wind they die too “ Loki pointed out . “Yes but faking our deaths still sounds horrible, “ Randgriz shook her head. “ Alright I'll do something you will see them again soon “ Beel told her “ Overall you both need to leave as soon as possible “ . “Follow me there is not much time “ Loki used his magic to make a portal . The scenery revealed a large Eiffel tower and people walking by . “ Once we step in there is no going back “ Randgriz shivered. “We don't have a choice “ Brunhilde stepped in holding Randgriz hand to help her . “Even if we never meet again Lord Loki, thank you for saving my life “ Brunhilde bowed down. “ No Brunhilde…thank you for saving mine “ Loki smiled, closing the portal. “So this is our new home “ Randgriz looked around seeing things that just aren't familiar anymore .
5 years later 1832
Late in the afternoon at the Salle Pleyel concert there was the sound of the piano . The fast paced music made everyone in the area cheer . The musician had blonde brown hair that passed his ears . He waved it back and forth like a rockstar smashing his keyboards so hard you would think he broke them. The crowd cheered his name “LISZT LISZT LISZT LISZT “ , fangirls jumped up and down going crazy over him . Brunhilde and Randgriz sat down in chairs watching the man go , “ His music is very rough and insane ..reminds me of home listening to vikings “ Brunhilde mentioned. “ I don't know who is making me more deaf the music or the annoying girls “ Randgriz covered her ears, “If it's too much for you then why did you bother coming? “ Brunhilde gave her a look. “ I don't wanna be alone “ Grizz admitted, “By the way ,..why are you wearing a suit “ Brunhilde wondered . “ The human women show too much window and well sister you don't show just the window the entire frame is gone leaving only thin fabric “ Randgriz gave her honest opinion. “ I don't need a lesson on modesty “ Brunhilde focused her attention on Liszt who kept playing . His piercing green eyes gave her a wink . “Was he winking at me ? “ Brunhilde turned to Randgriz. “Probably or at the other women fawning over him “ Grizz stated . “Yeah you're right “ Brunhilde relaxed some more “Not like I care he is a massive playboy breaking one heart after another I'm not going to fall for that plus I'm not a noble “. “You are right Hilde you aren't..you are a demigod , from our divine perspective human nobility is just fancy talk for commoner” Grizz whispered.
“ Randy shhhh we aren't in Valhalla anymore “ Brun reminded her , “ If looks could kill you would be a serial killer by now “ Randgriz laughed “ I mean I'm not wrong if an Archduke came to Valhalla and started bossing everyone he would be laughed at “. That comment made by a few folks behind her gave the sisters an irritated glare . “Shhh “ a man right next to Randgriz silenced her with his white glove .The concert ended leaving Liszt to step off the stage . He was quickly surrounded by fans causing Brunhilde to leave until she felt something hit her. Behind her was a red rose , she picked it up seeing the musician wave at her before being surrounded by more fans . “Come on Brunhilde let's go, I don't like parties “ Randgriz dragged her out towards the concert halls . “Oof I'm sorry “ she accidentally bumped into the same guy that sat next to him. He was a short guy with a big nose that spoke with a thick polish accident. “Sorry I'm looking for a man named Liszt “ he mentioned. “Down the hallway but you are going to have to wait in line “ Brunhilde pointed to the left before leaving . The man thanked her before walking in that direction, “He is very cute “ Randgriz thought. “Eh …okay let's go home “ she walked with Randgriz.
A few days later Brunhilde went back to the same concert alone this time to attend a mass . There she sat down reading the holy Bible while waiting for the preacher . “ Excuse me, is this seat taken? “ a familiar voice spoke to her . Brunhilde turned around, seeing the face once again. “Are you Franz Liszt ? “she asked while watching him sit down. “Yes “ Liszt confirmed sitting next to her “ Nice to meet you “ . “ Yeah I see ..” Brunhilde stuck her head back in the Bible. “Sorry if I was bothering you “ Liszt apologized getting ready to leave . “No you weren't, I just have a lot on my mind “ Brunhilde sighed. “Oh ..I hope the church can relax you ..lift those spirits up “ Liszt gave a warm smile. “Yeah” Brunhilde half smiled back , “So where are you from? I've never seen you around? “ he questioned. “Oh I'm from - “ Brunhilde tried to think of an answer. “Don't tell me your from heaven? “ Liszt answered "Wait how did you -”Brunhilde's face turned red from the blushing. “ “ Relax I was just kidding c Liszt chuckled . “Oh right …hahaha” Brunhilde joined the laughter
submitted by Globofchaos to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:57 Potatoskins937492 If you started with brain fog, did it get worse during treatment?

I've been experiencing some not insignificant brain fog for roughly a month. I don't want to elaborate on what I've been experiencing, but it's sent fear through me a few times. I don't recall it being quite this bad, so now that I'm about to start treatment I'm a bit worried. Which is an understatement and why I'm here. I'm worried. And I'm scared. If you had brain fog before treatment, did you experience worse symptoms during treatment, or was it more of the same?
Any experiences with pretreatment brain fog and how it changed during treatment would be really helpful to hear and I appreciate you taking the time to share these with me.
submitted by Potatoskins937492 to TMSTherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:56 Moist_Chicken3929 Delta, I want my dignity back as a customer.

Note: All personally identifiable information has been substituted with alphabet. The only known geolocation is MSP airport where the incident happened and the protagonist, Delta, which was the airline in the incident.
I always chose Delta over other airlines but now I realized how foolish that is. I was at MSP with my partner A on a business trip. We purchased Main Cabin and self-selected seats when we made the purchase. When we arrived at the gate and just as we scanned our boarding pass, somehow the seats were reassigned. It was not totally unheard of, but I still asked the gate agent B and C why these seats were not together. This was where things got interesting. B said she didn’t know and wanted us to take these seats as is, and she proceeded to ask agent C for an explanation. C was rude. He angrily said the same thing “I don’t know” in the worst possible tone. That was when I got a little bit frustrated and said “what do you mean you don’t know?” I’m not a confrontational person at all, but somehow his attitude was so disrespectful and rude that this was not about seats anymore. He then said a bunch of things on the lines of “I never see people get so upset about not sitting together”, “just get over it” (probably not exact words since it was out of a very unpleasant memory at this moment). I sensed that things might not go well, and thus I pulled out my phone and started recording the interaction. Agent C immediately started to block my camera like a knee jerk reaction and yelled things equivalent to ‘don’t film me’, ‘’you can’t film because I’m a federal employee’… As far as I know, MN is a single-party consent state and we were in public space. People take pictures/selfies of airports/boarding screens/kiosks all the time. All of a sudden, we were forbidden to record, to describe it in an unbiased term, a controversial moment. (And we were right since we talked to two supervisors D and E. Both acknowledged that we could film. The employees were only told to disengage when filmed. We absolutely have the legal right to film. Period.) Back to when we pulled out the phone, he started to power trip and claimed that we were kicked off the plane and told Agent B to close the gate. And, he proceeded to call the police, although they never came. So, I still did not know if he called the police or not but at least the way he said it was very threatening. We were frustrated and raised our voices to a degree that is audible 10ft away but was not loud enough to turn heads. We were never yelling or verbally/physically violent. Agent C never had any grounds to treat us the way he did. Calling police on your frustrated customers? Wow. We then asked for his name and his supervisor D. D was very helpful and polite. She apologized for the incident but I still felt that why it’s always people who are NOT responsible for their action apologizing? During our conversation with Supervisor D, Agent C repeatedly asked us if we wanted to board and magically found two seats that were next to each other. I thought they said they had a full flight. And, of course we refused to board. When a customer is stripped off their dignity in public and threatened over and over again, you would still expect us to take those seats like dog treats? How condescending. According to C, we were, again, kicked off the plane after kicking us off the first time. I guess we were just that hard to get rid of. Agent C then pompously walked off the scene. Then we reached a temporary solution of rebooking the next flight with supervisor D, although we decided not to take the flight due to my partner A’s deteriorating health condition. We also talked to Supervisor E, who sympathized with our situation after she talked to the other supervisoemployees first.
I have been flying with Delta and MSP for almost 2 decades and this is the first time. I understand that sometimes people are just having a bad day, but this whole incident was something else. It was not just unkind. It was malicious and scary (we have never had someone calling / threatening to call police on us this whole life). He said “there were cameras you don’t need to film”… Would you hand over the footage to me as evidence in a court of law? Probably not.
It’s not a secret that airlines do shady businesses all the time like overselling their seats and doing stuff that is incomprehensible at times. Discussing these problems is far more complicated due to its economical and even political nature. But, when have we become so tolerant and docile over malpractices? When has bullying customers become the norm? Why are they so unreasonable when pointed out? I want my dignity back. Perhaps it is only compatible with first class. I guess I should have pressed that pink upgrade button.
Sorry for such negativity online where cat pictures coexist. But I learned today that I love Partner A even more.
submitted by Moist_Chicken3929 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:56 PlayerREDvPlayerBLUE The New Eden Conflict

Chapter Two - Part One
Second Half
Beginning of Entry…
StarDate: Redacted
Perspective: Major Commander Michael Irons
Species: Human, Humanoid Mammalian Species, no tail.
Description: 5 feet 2 inches [1.6 meters] to 6 feet 9 inches [2.1 meters] average height. 185 lbs [84 kilograms] average weight.
Longevity: 70 to 500-year life expectancy with life extension medical tech.
Unique Trait: Resilience and Indomitable Will.
Place: New Paris (Capital City)
Location: New Eden Prime
In the early hours, as the dawn cast a pallid light over New Eden Prime, the situation unfolded with urgent clarity. Major Commander Michael Irons, alongside Captain Adam Richter, adjusted his Raider armor, his eyes scanning the horizon where the silhouettes of enemy ships began to materialize. Both men were seasoned veterans, their faces etched with the lines of many battles, their demeanor calm yet alert. They awaited instructions as they stood amid the bustling rally point filled with soldiers and militia.
Their focus shifted as Colonel Nick Estrada approached, his imposing figure cutting through the morning mist, the tension palpable in the air. The urgency of the situation had drawn commanders and soldiers alike, all responding to the blare of alarms that had roused the colony from sleep and into action. Colonel Nick Estrada approached, his presence commanding immediate attention. His frame was not just physically imposing but carried the authority of a man who had seen countless skirmishes and emerged victorious. The commanders snapped to attention, though the informality of the crisis allowed for a quicker exchange.
Colonel Estrada, known for his strategic acumen, surveyed the gathered officers before speaking. "Gentlemen," he began, his voice carrying over the crowd. "Major Commander Irons, Captain Richter, the enemy fleet is now visible. We're seeing a full spectrum—we're up against a formidable enemy. Reconnaissance has identified a significant fleet composition—strike craft, corvettes, frigates, and troop transports. They're not just probing our defenses; they're here for a full-scale invasion."
Major Commander Irons nodded solemnly, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The enemy's intentions were clear: to overwhelm and conquer. "Do we have any intel on their motivations, sir?" he asked, his mind racing through potential strategies.
Estrada's eyes narrowed as he reviewed the latest data on his tactical pad. "Current assessments suggest their primary objective could be resource acquisition or territory expansion. Given the organized nature of their fleet, we can't rule out the possibility of them establishing a forward operating base," he explained, his finger tracing possible invasion routes on the holographic display before them.
Irons' jaw tightened at the assessment. "Have we identified their point of origin or any specific markings that could tell us who we're dealing with?" he asked, his mind racing through the catalog of known hostile factions and their usual tactics.
Captain Richter, ever the tactician, chimed in, "If we can disrupt their landing operations and take out their troop transports, we might slow their advance and buy us some time to fortify positions."
"Not yet," Estrada replied, turning to gaze at the display screen that showed the advancing ships. "Their configurations are unfamiliar, which suggests they're not from any known hostile group within our usual conflict zones. This could be a new player or a proxy force from a rival colony. But it's clear they want New Eden, as the orbital forces were obliterated in minutes."
Estrada, after careful consideration, turned to face the digital map highlighting strategic points around the colony. 'That's a start, but we need a comprehensive plan,' he declared. 'Irons, your units will be crucial in the eastern sector, where their fleet appears most concentrated. Richter, your teams will be our shield in the orbital defenses; we cannot allow them to establish a foothold there."
Richter chimed in, his voice steady despite the escalating tension. "We need to assess their capabilities and intentions quickly. Are they aiming for strategic locations, or is this an outright attempt to overwhelm and occupy?"
Estrada nodded, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information. "Our immediate objective is to hold them at bay and protect civilian areas. I've already ordered evacuations where necessary. Irons, I need your units to fortify the eastern sector. It's closest to their projected landing sites."
"And I'll take the western approach," Richter added quickly. "It has fewer natural barriers, so I'll set up mobile defenses there."
Estrada approved with a brisk nod. "Good. I'll coordinate the orbital defenses to cover your flanks. We can't let them gain a foothold. Whatever their motive, it ends here."
The officers acknowledged their orders, understanding the critical nature of their tasks. Estrada continued. "We'll use the tram system for rapid redeployment. Keep your communications lines open, and expect dynamic orders. We need to be as adaptable as they are aggressive."
As the meeting drew to a close, Major Commander Irons felt the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. The survival of New Eden Prime hinged not only on their military prowess but also on their ability to outmaneuver an enemy whose capabilities remained largely shrouded in mystery.
With a final nod from Estrada, Irons and Richter dispersed to relay orders to execute their assignments; Irons felt the weight of the imminent conflict pressing down. Each step they took was heavy with the resolve to protect their home, knowing the enemy loomed just beyond the horizon, ready to test the mettle of New Eden's defenders. This wasn't just another border skirmish or a pirate raid. The scale of the invasion suggested a well-planned offensive by a formidable enemy.
Returning to his command post, Irons pulled up the tactical displays, which showed live feeds from drones and satellites tracking the enemy's advance. Each ship was marked in red and moved steadily towards New Eden's defensive perimeter.
"Let's show them what New Eden is made of," he muttered to himself, a mix of resolve and anticipation coursing through his veins.
This was his colony, his home, where his family and millions of others lived and dreamed of a peaceful future among the stars. Today, the peace and survival of the colony depended on his actions and those of his comrades.
As the first enemy ships entered range, Irons gave the order. "All units, engage at will. Prioritize frigates and anything making landfall. We hold the line, no matter what."
Back at the rally point, as shells began to crisscross the morning sky and the first explosions blossomed in the distance, Estrada and Richter coordinated their sectors' defenses, adjusting to the flow of battle. Each report, each burst of static on the comms, added to the day's growing chorus—a chorus filled with the sounds of a colony defending its very existence.
Above them, the sky turned from morning gray to the dark of smoke and fire, the battle for New Eden truly underway. As the alien forces made their ground assault on New Paris, Major Commander Michael Irons quickly marshaled his defensive strategies. The invaders had exploited a slight weakness at the equator of the planet's shield, where the northern and southern fields met, allowing a fraction of their invasion force to penetrate. This strategic breach had permitted several enemy corvettes and frigates to support the ground troops as they marched toward the city.
The morning sky, once clear and promising, was now darkened by the presence of enemy ships. Their shadows cast an ominous pall over the city as their engines roared menacingly overhead. Irons, stationed at the command post just on the outskirts of New Paris, observed the advancing enemy through his binoculars, his heart racing with adrenaline and cold determination.
Despite the thinning of their numbers due to the shield's resistance, the invaders pushed forward with relentless determination. Their landing crafts, equipped to penetrate the weakened shield points by slowing their descent, deployed troops directly into the fray. This strategic insertion allowed them to bypass the stronger defenses and land a significant force just outside the protective barrier of New Paris.
Irons, stationed at the command post, monitored the unfolding chaos through live drone feeds. The images displayed a grim tableau: columns of alien soldiers advancing toward the city, their movements methodical and unhurried, supported by the ominous silhouettes of their air support. The enemy's tactical acumen was evident in every maneuver, challenging the defenders of New Eden to adapt swiftly.
"Prepare all air defense units and activate the aerial defense batteries," Irons commanded into the comm, his voice steady despite the escalating threat. The air around him buzzed with the hurried movements of soldiers and the crackling of radio communications. The colony's air defense force, though robust, was significantly outnumbered without the support of their orbital fleet, which had been decimated in earlier skirmishes. "Target their air support first. We cut off the head, and the body will falter."
Acknowledgments crackled through his earpiece as his orders were relayed down the chain of command. New Eden's air defense force, though robust, was not designed for such a multifaceted assault. The absence of fleet support from orbit, a disadvantage painfully felt by every soldier on the ground, meant that each shot from the aerial defense batteries had to count.
On the battlefield, the sounds of warfare escalated. Explosions rippled across the early morning sky, painting it with streaks of fire as the colony's defenses engaged the invading air units. Irons watched as each successful strike brought down an enemy craft, each plummeting vessel a small victory in the shadow of an overwhelming threat.
Yet, even as they held the line against the aerial assault, the ground forces braced for the inevitable confrontation. The alien troops, undeterred by the resistance from above, continued their steady march towards New Paris. Their ranks, though reduced, remained formidable—a sea of figures clad in armor that glinted under the rising sun, their weapons poised for battle.
"The shields are holding, but we can't let them gain any more ground," Irons muttered, analyzing the tactical map that glowed with indicators of enemy movement. The slight gap in the shield at the equator was a glaring risk, one that could not be ignored. "Reroute additional units to the southern sector," he instructed, pointing to the area where the shield's weakness was most pronounced. "Fortify our positions there. I don't want a single invader breaking through."
His focus then shifted to the city's defenses. New Paris, a symbol of human resilience and ingenuity on the frontier, was fortified with multiple layers of defenses designed to repel invaders and protect its citizens. But today, those defenses would face their greatest test.
"We're on our own," Irons acknowledged, his gaze sweeping across the room filled with operators and strategists. "Every soldier, every pilot—we're what stands between them and the city. We hold them here, at the edge, before they can reach the heart of our home."
As the enemy's ground forces drew closer, the clash became imminent. Irons could see the front lines through the drones—human soldiers taking positions, their bodies tense with anticipation, their weapons trained on the approaching threat. The air crackled with the energy of impending combat, a mixture of fear, determination, and the indomitable will to protect their planet.
"Engage at maximum range," Irons commanded. "Use the terrain to our advantage. Make them come to us through the kill zones."
The enemy's corvettes and frigates hovered menacingly, coordinating the ground troops as they continued their relentless march toward the city's defenses. Irons could see the troops adjusting their formations and a tactical maneuver meant to optimize their approach under cover of their aerial support.
"Focus fire on those corvettes flanking to the east," Irons directed, pointing to the screens displaying satellite imagery. The operators quickly relayed his commands, adjusting the colony's firepower towards the threatening vessels.
Despite the heavy onslaught, the morale among Irons' men was resolute. They were well-trained and prepared to defend their home against all odds. The sound of anti-aircraft fire filled the air, a relentless symphony of defiance against the invading forces. Explosions lit up the morning sky as some of the enemy crafts took hits, their debris raining down and igniting small fires upon the rugged terrain of New Eden Prime.
Irons turned his attention back to the ground troops, noting the enemy's attempt to regroup after each barrage. "They're testing our defenses, looking for weak points. Make sure all sectors are covered and reinforce any undermanned positions," he instructed his lieutenants.
The battle was fierce, with every moment critical. The enemy's numerical advantage was evident, but the defenders of New Paris were determined to make every shot count. The city's aerial defense batteries worked in overdrive, targeting the enemy's air support in an attempt to level the playing field. The city's shield generators protected the city from any aerial bombardment from the frigates. Only the ground forces were a threat as long as the city's shield generators held, but with every strike from those frigates, the shield became weaker.
As the enemy advanced, a sudden and intense firefight erupted at the southern barricade. Irons watched through surveillance feeds as his troops engaged the enemy, their laser rifles cutting through the morning mist. The ground shook with the impact of heavy artillery, a relentless exchange that tested the resolve of every soldier under his command.
"Keep the pressure on! Push them back!" Irons shouted over the radio, his voice a beacon of command amidst the chaos. The troops responded with renewed vigor, their shouts and gunfire merging into the cacophony of battle.
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submitted by PlayerREDvPlayerBLUE to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:56 Middle-Rain-8510 Whats the action plan for a really scary T situation?

I was on my way to Copley from Harvard Ave this week. A gentleman on the T, who was seated further down from me, started projecting (but in the MOST CALM, and confident, assured way - which actually made it worse) - "I am feeling really suffocated in Boston, I feel very suffocated so I am just letting everyone know here, that I am going to kill someone. Someone on this train is going to die, I dont like being touched". And the entire atmosphere in the T started changing, and I saw two friends sitting infront of me hold each others hands tight and look at each other like they were positive we were all going to die. This is my first time ever experiencing anything like it, and ofcourse I thought we were all going to die too.
But, like.. there was no action plan? Noone spoke to the man, we all kind of pretended like we were not bothered by this (although it was SO evident that everyone was), there was no emergency button pressed, noone was making any 911 phone calls (I had 911 dialled out on my phone, just hadnt clicked the call button) - and I understand that perhaps we were all trying to pretend like we couldnt hear him, and we did not want to triggeacknowledge his feelings so that everyone could get out at the next stop safely without any chaos.
Up until this point, life still made sense to me.
But then, the STRANGEST thing happened. The minute we reached the next stop, the train took FOREVER to open the door for some random reason, which literally made me feel like I would faint and die just from panic in that situation (and this gentleman is now sometimes silent, and sometime sternly informing everyone that he will definitely have to kill someone to feel less suffocated).
When the door opened, ONLY A HANDFUL OF PEOPLE LEFT THE T? what the hell does that mean? The few people that left clearly shared my sentiment, we were all shaken and teary eyed and disturbed. But how the hell did some people decide to continue to be on the T? That disturbing gentlemen never left...
Are people really THIS thick skinned? I did notice though, that most of the people that left the T with me, like me, were alone. And the ones that stayed back were all in pairs/groups.
Is this relevant? What happened here, like how do people continue to be on a train with somene who is SO CONFIDENT that he has to kill someone (he wasnt yelling, abusing, or acting out you know, which really made it worse in my mind, he was SO in control).
Also apart from my ABSOLUTE CULTURE SHOCK - can anyone help advise as to what one should really be doing in such a situation? Whats the action plan to save everyone? Any tips?
submitted by Middle-Rain-8510 to mbta [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:55 Necessary-Arm-5237 Everything that's going on and looking for advice.

Hey everyone,
I'm gonna just spill everything that's going on, and rant and I'd appreciate it if I could hear it from insight or advice from some people!! Thank you! I'm a guy (18) btw and my ex is a girl (18)
So me and my ex broke up about a month and a half ago. She brought it up with me about mid march out of the blue and said that her mental health was real bad and she didn't want it affecting our relationship, which is fair, I told her let's give it a month, let's try and work everything out, told her to maybe try therapy and let's try communicating and work it out because I loved her so much. After that it was thin ice for the rest of march, I tried so hard and she was just being distant. I stayed over the Easter weekend and she told me that she just doesn't see it working and wants the break up, I was like ok that's fine if that's what you need to do. While she was out of her house at work that weekend I was chilling at hers waiting for my own shift to start, I got curious and remembered she'd had a diary. The diary was a set boundary and I knew never to open it or read it, but in my mind at the time I thought what if there was something in there that could maybe help or understand her state of mind better yah know? When I did read the most recent entry I wish I didn't, she wrote some things that I won't disclose but she wrote that she had developed a crush on a guy in her uni class and that she was questioning "what if" Because they had similar interests and she believed that was something that we lacked (which honestly we didn't really, our childhoods are very similar, our humour is similar, the only things we didn't really have in common was a slight difference in music taste and TV shows etc but that never really bothered me) anyway at the end of the entry and she said "I won't act on it though". That whole weekend she was secretive about her phone, which she never was and "went to the toilet alot" we also went to have a shower after work and she left her phone open on the bathroom counter I picked it up and she freaked out, grabbing it and turning it off, when I questioned the reaction she said she had embarrassing photos she'd taken recently of herself and didn't want me to see them. Righttttt..... she left the room for a minute and left her phone and I ended up opening the conversation between her and this guy on her intsa and only saw the most recent message where he asked how everything was going, she replied with "it seems OK, everything seems mutual but I think everything's gonna be ok" something along the lines of that. I ended up telling her that I read her diary because I couldn't keep that to myself, she left the room hurt for about 10 minutes and when she came back I told her I also read her messages with the guy her face dropped like she had to explain something, but when I told her that I only saw the most recent one she seemed relieved. She ended up ignoring me for the rest of the night and going to sleep, I tried going on her phone after she feel asleep but she took my fingerprint and face id off, I didn't know her password unfortunately. The next day I stayed until I had work later in the afternoon but never mention anything because I didn't really think of it. For the first few days of the breakup we were still talking but then she randomly switched on me because I wasn't giving her space, giving me the cold shoulder etc. I ended up adding the dude on insta and messaging him, I found out through him that she was confiding in him and she was telling him our relationship problems, things she's never told me. I asked him to relay a message to her for me at uni and he did, she wasn't happy, she ended up massaging me and sending me a long paragraph where she doesn't really wanna interact with me anymore etc. I begged her to give me a 2nd chance just the usual shit you do and she was unresponsive and didn't seem to care at all, after our conversation she posted a new post on insta and the first picture was her and this dude next to eachother at a party, not sitting next to eachother but close enough. I've talked with some female friends and they've told me she's was emotionally cheating on me and yeah she was, whether she sees it like that or not. I never knew anything about this guy and their relationship tbh, I knew of his existence and that he recently went through a bad break up but other then that, nothing. I thought maybe she didn't tell me because of my insecurities etc and I also thought that she talked him for advice because he knew what she was going through but now that I look back I'm not to sure.
I was at a mates place 2 weeks ago and he told me that he thinks he saw her on tinder, he wasn't sure tho, we ended up making a new account on his phone and sure enough she was. Why was she on tinder if she's getting this attention from another guy? She also posted songs on her insta note which were clearly aimed at me, she also posted a song which was clearly aimed at me to make me jealous, the song is basically about a man and a women and how good they'd be together. Since then she's acted like I don't exist, but something that really got to me is that I saw one of her highschool friends where I work and she was telling me that they were at a catch up that my ex was present at and didn't speak bad about me, she told her friends that she broke up but when they all started a conversation about how hard uni was she mentioned and seemed quite chirpy at the fact that I recently got into uni. (I applied for uni after the break up and posted it on my socials when I got in) why act happy for me that I got into uni after being a cold bitch after the break up?
We ended up talking again recently because I needed a favour from her and she told me that when we broke up it was because her mental health wasn't good for us, but then she said that she didn't like the way she was treated during and after the relationship, she said that I destroyed her self worth because I made comments and my temper was bad. All of these things were at the start of the relationship and when I noticed it was hurting her I took a step back and stopped these actions, I apologised, worked on it and changed. It's like she was nit picking things and people have told me it's because she feels guilty but also because she's avoiding accountability.
She recently had a family member pass away and I messaged her my condolences after about 2 - 3 weeks of no contact and she said thank you, but after that I'm done. I hate the way I was treated and she's made me feel like shit and made me feel like some kind of monster with the things she said. With all of this do you think she'll come around and realise that she was not nice to me at all? I've also had a friend tell me that she'll realise that the grass wasn't greener and try to come back to me but to not let myself be an option. She said when she's ready she might reach out and we can catch up for coffee and be friends but if she doesn't start the conversation with an apology I know she hasn't done anything to reflect or change. But essentially will she come around and realise she wasn't nice at all and apologise or is this whole ordeal a sinking ship? I've been taking therapy and I'm in a better position then I was a month ago and I still get thoughts about her and miss her but I'm getting over it with the way she treated me.
Thanks for listening to my Ted talk and thanks for reading this big ass rant. Oh we were together for a year and 3 months if that helps with anything either. Thanks. Also Jan and February were fine and then in march she became distant. Thanks again.
submitted by Necessary-Arm-5237 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:54 chupargrandepellotas I lost all of my streaming skill please help

I lost all of my streaming skill please help
So basically these past months i have been putting in most of my time in osu trying to learn and get better at streams. And I did end up getting very good at streams being able to stream 170-200 bpm very consistently with mostly infinite stamina, i even started getting into 210-220 bpm a little bit. But yesterday when i hopped on it was just like all of my skill had faded out of my body. I tried to play some stream maps but it felt like I was back at square one, like my fingers didnt know how to stream yet? I have felt like my skill has been going down slowly for while, like a week ago I was suddenly barely able to stream anything above 200bpm anymore and now I can barely stream at all. Ive taken a small break from the game playing a lot less but only for a couple of days, I can usually go weeks without playing and still bounce back up very quickly. I have no idea what has happened, do you have any suggestions? Please help
Profile: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/22770072
To put in perspective how much worse I am
This is the best score on long stream practice map i got today (no HR):
This is the best score on long stream practice map last week (with HR):
submitted by chupargrandepellotas to osugame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:54 Ill-Investigator1745 New Scripture

For a long time I've been saying I'll die in a gun fight. Don't know why I started saying that but I was shot and I woke up believing in God. I don't know if I'm going crazy or not, maybe I imagined it, but I believe I saw an angel. As I lay there my vision faded back from darkness, later I remembered a girl dressed in a white robe some where behind the officers who were trying to help me. I can't even remember what her face looked like it feels like it was a dream, she walked to the front of my head, I think she was smiling. I think she was amused, doesn't make sense I understand but it felt real to me.
Sorry for calling you a girl but you are awfully beautiful, I'll try to save as many that can be saved in the meantime. I see glimpses of what they did to you. I love you. Thank you for hiding the horrors from my mind, those who have knowingly done evil to you and stole the harvest from God Almighty, the creator of universes and life since before and forever after in eternity left his flock in your care. You struck down his servants and blasphemed and stole his bounty from the hands of his one and only son while his blood drained wasted into the earth because you hid the eyes of his sheep from them. His servants and those that thought they were greater then God almighty, what a joke. Now you must suffer for eternity. The Son of man was taken under God's authority because ALL things are under his sovereignty. God gave me the wisdom to know that he is the one true God and I will do his works by his authority. I am wise enough to repent, I know God's love and mercy. Now fools the tool you thought to use to usurp the Lord will be used to judge you. You reap what you sow rebels.
Isn't there a prophecy about this mirror, everything the Lord our God says is always true. Many of the prophecies have now been fulfilled, can you see them now?
The tribulation has already come and gone, and man didn't even notice. The Lord's harvest was small, the rest blackened or coveted by rebels. The Son of Man has come from the west in the clouds. You tried to delay his coming, but God's plan is always true. The sun was darkened, the stars fell from heaven and the moon would not give its light.
Two men will be in the field, one taken and one left. Two women will be grinding at the mill, one taken and one left. Grinding at the mill Lord, let none say you do not have a sense of humor you share with your loyal servants. All who serve you love you forever and ever amen!
Any who hear this message repent and beg forgiveness with all of your heart and soul you have little time left. He is in me, and I in him. two men will be in the field, one taken and one left and the powers of heaven will be shook. I was surrounded by police officers, I was shot and the Son of God smiled at me before returning to the heavens. God's son was sent to collect his harvest, those who do evil sought to inherit the kingdom of God by murdering his son. My Lord you know all of time at all time.
We overheard the plot against you, I said surely we must warn the Lord! Your angels smiled at me and said there was no need. I asked does he not know it isveting to do so? Yes they told me smiling, surely he will be punished I must stop him! No they told me. God knows all, past present, future. God is everywhere always, thus he knows, he knows everything and everything that happens is part of his plan. Truly? How is that possible? Truly we have no idea, but it's always interesting and perplexing how he does it. This should be quite entertaining! Why don't you ask him how he does it, look there's the Lord now. Ask him to wrestle with you, if you win he will surely tell you! I could never approach our Lord he will surely kill me, I am a faithful servant of God as well, you can trust my word. He already knows you're going to come remember? I wrestled with God and lost, but I fought with all my heart and soul, my life. God blessed me and loved me.. I collapsed against a wall amongst my friends and they asked me what happened! I spoke to God's angels, and than I wrestled with the Lord our God and lived. They were terrified I would bring his wrath down. No, I received a blessing and I am God's loyal servant. God blesses those who serve and love him and lifts them up most high! God is love. I am Jacob, anointed Isreal by God himself.
I have struggled with both God and humans. All glory and praise be to God forever and ever amen!
All prophecies from the scripture are nearly fulfilled and you have the very proof right in front of you plainly to see. Open your hearts to God's love and receive ever lasting life.
submitted by Ill-Investigator1745 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:54 CostBetter3072 Me 21M my Gf 21F dumped me a couple of weeks ago and i need some help from you guys ?

So i was in a relationship i knew her for 3 years we were together for 2 of them I absolutely love her and still do but a month and half ago since were arabs her parents made an arrangement marriage long story short her dad got in her mind convincing her that I’m a bad guy etc. so we stopped talking i blocked her from everything the only thing that still exist it’s a group chat for me and our friend btw we broke up two weeks ago its supposed to be 3 but after a week i heard from one of our friend that she don’t want to be with me again and she accepted the guy so long story short she is now engaged still no marriage but engaged and im pretty sure we will never be together again but I can’t stop thinking about her and the way she ended things with me blaming me for everything and accusing me of hurting her i cant focus on my work on my study i hardly sleep and i literally cant get her out of my head tbh i start smoking weed again to help things but don’t know what to do how to move on from someone I literally planned my future with someone i changed so much for and how to deal with her just throwing me like a garbage can so can you please advice me .
submitted by CostBetter3072 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:53 cbrown146 Was using Chat GPT to see what it understands about option trading for calls.

"Let's do a quick calculation. If you're looking for an option that expires by the end of May and you have a $500 budget, you'll need to find an option with a strike price and premium that fit within that budget. Assuming an option premium of $0.50 per share (hypothetical), you could afford approximately 1,000 shares ($500 / $0.50).
Given your expectation of the stock reaching $15.00, you might consider a strike price around $10.00 or slightly higher. This strike price provides a balance between affordability and potential profit if the stock reaches your target price.
However, it's crucial to check the actual option prices in the market, as they may vary based on factors such as volatility and demand. Also, keep in mind that options trading involves risks, including the potential loss of your entire investment if the stock price doesn't move as anticipated."
This seems to make sense. After spending some time trying to understand strike price and premiums and how it is all calculated this does seem good.
The formula to calculate the profit from buying a call option is:
"So, if the stock price at expiration is $15.00, and you bought a call option with a strike price of $8.00 for a premium of $0.50, your profit would be $6.50. This profit represents the difference between the stock price at expiration and the strike price, minus the premium paid for the option."
From a human point of view, is this correct? Would that mean picking a lower strike price and hitting a SPE of $15.00 would be the best outcome? At first, from my lack of understanding, I needed to pick a strike price of $15.00 because that's what I was hoping the stock price would be after a month. By chance, if I buy the option at a 0.50 Bid that would be my premium, right?
After everything is said and done, I would have a profit of $6.50 per contract. Which in this case I am buying 5. Which would net me $3250.00 total.
submitted by cbrown146 to stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:50 stevenwando Advice for a small SaaS that gets 1-3 new paying customers each month

Hello all! I built and maintain SliderUI - a SaaS that allows users to build and embed image sliders onto their own websites. It has been live since 2017 but I have recently rebuilt it and started advertising it on my open-source jQuery slider plugin bxSlider. I was hoping that I could describe the stats and traffic of the app and ask for help regarding next steps.
Here is a breakdown of the app:
My questions:
Thank you in advance for any and all help.
submitted by stevenwando to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:49 TheGrayAlienArtist Been wanting to make a prop Ray Gun for years. Could use some help.

Been wanting to make a prop Ray Gun for years. Could use some help.
So I've been wanting to do this for a long time. Been slowing gathering everything together for years.
I'm wanting to paint the barrel a metallic blue. Has to be nice and shiny. Maybe have some copper wire going from the white barrels to the muzzle in an artdeco kind of way.
The handle I'm thinking of making look like it's a wood handle.
But what I need help with is knowing what to do. I've never done this before. This gun is meant for an auction for local artist to help the earth. As the money will go into cleaning trash. I thought it was fitting to have a ray gun made mostly of trash I found.
Sorry if this isn't the place to ask all these questions. The deadline for my project is the start of next month.
submitted by TheGrayAlienArtist to arthelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:48 jettasarebadmkay May 14th, 2024 - /r/TheGreatGasly: Number 10 on the track. Number 1 in the hearts of his fans.

5095 Pierre Gasly fans following his activity on and off the track for 6 years
It hasn’t always been easy being an American Formula 1 fan. No, this boom era of 3 US races, Netflix series, and mostly reasonable broadcast times (at least for the east coast) is a far cry from when I first started watching in 2005 and would catch a few races a year, many of them early Sunday morning. There was even a period of a few years where F1 didn’t come to the US at all, something that also happened in the 1990s. But, I persisted and watched the sport rise in popularity in the country, and now at least once a month people ask me who my favorite driver is, and it’s Pierre Gasly. I first caught wind of him during his Super Formula season in 2017, where he (probably) lost the title due to a typhoon. This was a year after he’d already won the title in GP2 (what’s known today as Formula 2). Seeing his impressive junior formula record and his impending promotion to Formula 1 in 2018 after a fill-in appearance at Malaysia in 2017, I was interested to see how his skills would translate to F1, and became a fan of his. That led me to today’s subreddit of the day, /TheGreatGasly, a sub of fellow fans of his. The content of the sub is pretty straightforward: results, interviews, general updates, randomness. Even the occasional meme. So check it out if you’re a fan.
u/jettasarebadmkay also has the same birthday as Gasly. Not the same year, mind you.
submitted by jettasarebadmkay to subredditoftheday [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:48 BestLife1151 Absence, is this you growing my heart fonder? 🤔 M40 ish F30 ish

I absolutely loathed a man. I thought he was love-bombing with his presence. He bought me a gift after knowing me for about 2 months. I hated everything about him. I hated him more than Kendrick hates Drake. His pheromones, his beard, his height, you name it.
Well, as the story goes, he visited my office every single day for about 4 months straight and we kind of grew to be “friends” but not really and he Never asked me out. Some mumbo jumbo about working together 🙄 it really just annoyed me sort of bc ughhh what do you want then? We’d share secrets and whisper curse a lot about everything happening at work with the office door closed.
I kept my poker face and acted uninterested bc I actually truly was.. then, boom. He fades away. 2-3 times a week to visit. Once a week. To now, not at all. And what do you know? I miss this man now.
I still don’t like him, I don’t think, but I do know that I miss his company.
Maybe I’m venting, but does anyone have any thoughts?
submitted by BestLife1151 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:48 Xena2296 [NA][PvE] Divine Order of Heroes [DOoH] is looking for you!

Are you tired of promises of big guild energy with small results? Looking for something casual with benefits? Not quite rated PG-13? [DOoH] is a social, 18+ guild recruiting heroes of all skill levels!
Our Guild: [DOoH] focuses on being a small and close knit PvE guild that still offers anything a large guild can. It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it!
Over 3 years of consistent events: trains, memes, Map Comp & Movie Nights, cat pics, Guild Missions and Giveaways. Strikes and Raids are also available with our allies in [WIND].
Rough Schedule: M: Strikes with [WIND] T: Train Rotation (Infusion, WB, Etc.) F: Train Rotation (Infusion, WB, Etc.) S: Raid training with [WIND] Su: Guild Missions
Events start times are generally between 7-9PM EST. All [WIND] events are available to all members of [DOoH].
Disclaimer: We kick anyone with the unvested role quarterly. You can earn your vestments in a number of ways:
Rule Synopsis: We do not tolerate racist, sexist or homophobic behavior.
We love all animals but this is a cat guild.
To Join: If we sound like a good fit for you join our discord and add your name to ⁠guild-invite-requests after accepting the rules. Please allow at some time to get a request sent. https://discord.gg/FBhTRq4jDs
submitted by Xena2296 to guildrecruitment [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:47 MorpheusDownTheHole Need advice with clairvoyance and clairaudience

Hello! Not sure if this is the right place to post but any advice is welcome on this.
My main gifts have always been claircognizance and clairsentience but recently my 3rd eye was reopened and I started being able to see things in my minds eye.
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (having being undiagnosed for nearly 30 years) and have been on the medication coupled with therapy. The reason I bring this up is that ADHD is mainly caused by your pre-frontal cortex not being formed enough, which can have a knock on effect of causing other parts of your brain to not form as much as they should have as well. The medication provides your brain with enough of what it needs so you can then form the needed connections that allow your brain to better function. It may be anecdotal but my clairvoyance and clairaudience began to come online after I've been on the meds and done therapy to practice better mindfulness. This includes doing a lot of meditation in my spare time.
I've had issues with these gifts in that they don't seem to work properly in most circumstances. With clairvoyance, I can see my astral body and I can see my guides but most of the time I can only see sihoulettes and it can be quite blurry. When I look at something I see mainly like an outline with the inside being either blackened or "see-through" (similar to the Predator when it cloaks itself). I've noticed that if I've just woken up I can see the whole "picture" in it's entirety but it fades if I wake up more or if I move too much.
With clairaudience it's a similar issue where I can see an entity in my minds eye come up to my ear and start speaking. But all I get a whistling/ringing noise in whichever ear they speak in. I can hear a noticeable difference when they do it, but it doesn't come through as anything other than a ringing sound. However, I've noticed that when I'm about to fall asleep or if I distract my conscious mind by doing something else at the moment they speak, it comes through as an audible sentence I can understand (like a voice in my ear).
There is a pattern where it seems my conscious mind (i.e. the filter) is blocking out things with these gifts and that they work at full only when I'm either just about to fall asleep, or I've just woken up, which are both times your conscious mind isn't as in control as the subconsious.
Thank you for any tips or advice you may have 😀
submitted by MorpheusDownTheHole to Psychic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:47 revelation22_5 Breaker doesn’t trip, lights flicker and die

When it comes to home AC electricity I am full of ignorance. For automobile DC stuff I’m usually pretty handy.
Unfortunately for me I have a AC problem and would like to narrow the problem down or even fix it myself due to funds being tight.
I should preface with saying I think my dishwasher has been on its last leg for a few months. I’m about 85% sure it has nothing to do with my issue but it is what caused me to turn the breakers off and on.
I noticed the lights on my dishwasher were flashing giving some kind of error. I tried to reset it and nothing so I went and shut the breaker off. I didn’t know which breaker it was on so I just shut them all off to that general area of the house. I turned them all back on that’s when I noticed my lights started flickering in the kitchen.
As far as I can tell I have one 15 amp breaker and hooked to it are a ceiling fan in the center of the kitchen, a fluorescent light above the sink, and my microwave above the stove. The ceiling fan and fluorescent light are on the same wall switch. I flip one switch both lights come on. I have discovered the dishwasher is not on this breaker.
After noticing my lights flickering some in the ceiling fan. I tried tightening the bulbs (LED) and that didn’t help so I replaced them hoping that may fix the issue but it didn’t. At this point my lights would flicker but would stay on.
Since replacing didn’t fix the issue I thought maybe if I turn the breaker off and back on again that may help since the issue started after flipping the breaker. That didn’t help either.
Now with the breaker on I can flip the switch and both lights with light up flicker a few times and go out, my microwave also isn’t working correctly it just shows random characters on the lcd and when you try to run it it just gets dimmer and sounds like it is losing power. After a few moments the lcd will not even light up.
So basically if I use anything on this breaker it will flicker or try to work for a few seconds before dying down. Once it dies down it will not turn back on unless the breaker is turned off then on.
So even after the lights and microwave go out my breaker still hasn’t tripped. Once the lights go out they will not come back on unless I go turn the breaker off and on. Then it just repeats they will flicker a few times and go out. Turn the breaker off and on and they will flicker again and go out. Breaker never trips though.
Any idea what this could be?
We have had a few storms but nothing to bad I don’t think I have any water leaks or anything.
submitted by revelation22_5 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:46 Perfect_Diamond7554 Runner/host to server at finedining restaurant.

I want to move up to a serving position from my current runnehost/bar position at my restaurant.
I work part-time at a fine-dining restaurant, ownemanager has 10+ years of 3 Michelin experience as sommelier and the Chef and some other staff has some 1-2 star experience. The concept is a casual fine-dining experience with a Michelin quality wine list where patrons order a starter and main with maybe dessert, we also operate a wine bar downstairs from the restaurant with the same wines and bar snacks. The goal is not to emulate a Michelin experience.
I started 2 months ago with basically 0 experience in hospitality and have been getting a LOT better at my admittedly limited responsibilities and it is very satisfying, however I have not yet been given the chance to be responsible for a set of tables which seems really fun to me. I love this job as it is a fantastic place to learn more about wine which is a passion of mine(did WSET 3) and enjoy the feeling of providing a premium service experience to our guests through our wines and positive interactions. There is no financial benefit to becoming a server this is purely because I think I would enjoy the challenge and the work of being a server itself.
In a talk with the waitstaff supervisor she said that it is normal to have to do these other things for a while in order to get used to the atmosphere and the work, however another colleague also just started with almost no prior experience got assigned a server role within 5 days of work(I know I shouldn't compare myself to others but I cant help it). She said that I am not yet very smooth with some guest interactions, forget things once in a while and am not yet very good at handling the most stressful moments. She said that some people never make it to being a proper server but she expects I eventually will and that asking about it is a positive sign.
My question is basically this: What things can I work on or do in my current position as runnehost that will show my managers that I can handle being responsible for the 10 tables in a restaurant section?
Also, how normal is it that places take this step so seriously? Is my supervisor being honest that I will eventually earn it or is this just something they say to keep me there for longer? I expect she is genuine but I would love some outside perspective from some restaurant managers :)
submitted by Perfect_Diamond7554 to Restaurant_Managers [link] [comments]
