Maternity leave poem

i lik the bred

2017.03.23 18:51 Hasnep i lik the bred

Poems based on this one about a cow licking bread by Poem_for_your_sprog: my name is Cow, and wen its nite, or wen the moon is shiyning brite, and all the men haf gon to bed - i stay up late. i lik the bred.

2012.07.08 16:06 regmaster Shitty Men's Rights

A subreddit where men can protect and defend their shitty rights.

2017.01.24 21:52 UNoahGuy Support Ameya Pawar for governor of Illinois!

Help us elect Chicago City Alderman Ameya Pawar for Illinois Governor in 2018!

2024.05.16 16:18 IG24Z WHY

I relied on my mom as a kid. I always thought I could trust her, but she had unaddressed mental health issues that caused her a lot of pain. She didn't seem interested in getting help and instead turned to drugs and unhealthy relationships. When my sister and I were born, she isolated us from others. My mom hid her inner struggles and pretended to be perfect, but I knew deep down there were cracks in her facade.
I noticed people in my life trying to help my sister and me. However, any efforts were ultimately rejected or twisted by my mom. As her early-onset dementia progressed, her mask began to slip. Her unaddressed desires took control, manifesting as manic episodes. When my sister left to get married at 25, I was alone. It was a difficult decision, but understandable. Over the next four years, my mom's mental state deteriorated significantly. Her manic episodes became severe, escalating from yelling and screaming to pushing and even physical attacks.
One day, I reached my breaking point. I confided in my counselor, and CPS became involved. My mom, with her deteriorating mental state, saw it as a betrayal. In her mind, anyone who wasn't with her was against her. I became the enemy for exposing the truth. To silence me, she locked me in a hotel room for a week with no food or way out. The fear and confusion were overwhelming during those seven days.
The question haunted me: "Why is she doing this to me?" After seven days of fear and confusion in the hotel, I was finally released. But the nightmare wasn't over. My mom fabricated a story that I was suicidal and had me committed to a hospital, supposedly to disprove any accusations I might make. For four grueling months, I was shuttled in and out of these facilities. Thankfully, my sanity prevailed – they couldn't keep me there. However, my mom's twisted narrative persisted. Every time I tried to prove my side of the story, it felt like a losing battle.
Despite being innocent of the accusations, I held onto the hope of forgiveness and reconciliation. After all, she was my mom, and I had no other family. But her actions only worsened. The lies became more elaborate and malicious, all attempts to deflect blame for her own mistakes. Deep down, I yearned for a functional relationship, but her manipulative behavior reached a new low. This latest betrayal made me question my very existence. It was a horrible realization: the person I was trying to connect with was determined to paint me as the villain.
The situation escalated to the point where I found myself homeless for two weeks in the cold. Wracked with confusion, I kept asking myself, "Why? Why me?" Despite my efforts to do the right thing, everything felt broken. Eventually, I returned home, desperate for any semblance of maternal connection. My mom's sudden shift to a seemingly caring demeanor felt fake, but I clung to it, yearning for the bond I never had. Yet, the dysfunction persisted. On December 31st, 2023, she brought home a dying Chihuahua for Christmas. Despite being forbidden from interacting with the dog, I ended up cleaning and taking care of it all night. It was a bizarre situation – she was neglecting a dying animal while briefly showing me a kindness that felt hollow. This incident, two days after a birthday with no acknowledgment, was the final straw. When she asked if I wanted anything, I simply requested cake. Her response, "You don't deserve a keep contacting CPS," confirmed my suspicions. Disillusioned and frustrated, I retreated to my room to regain composure.
Terror surged through me as I heard her screams erupt like thunder. My heart pounded in my chest. Recognizing the signs of another manic episode, I retreated to my room, fearing another attack. She bellowed for my phone, but I clutched it tightly, my only lifeline if things escalated. The yelling intensified into a terrifying storm. With a sickening crash, she barreled into my door, shattering the already weakened frame – a physical manifestation of our fractured relationship. Screws littered the floor as she loomed closer, threats spewing from her lips. Her intent was clear: to take my phone and silence me.
: Exhausted from enduring abuse, I refused to relinquish my phone. When she lunged, attempting a bite on my shoulder, I stood firm. No more questions, just the will to take control. Frustrated, she retreated. The assault left me shaken, but resolute. With no lock due to prior incidents, I braced myself against the broken door. Ten agonizing minutes crawled by as she relentlessly pushed against it, the screws groaning in protest. Finally, the weakened frame gave way, snapping against her leg. A torrent of screams and curses erupted from the other side.
She descended into further chaos, hurling insults and comparing me to my dad, the source of our family's pain. But I was done. Looking her in the eye, I said, "I'm sorry you're hurting, you hurt yourself You hurt me. I don't feel safe, and I need to leave." With that, I grabbed my belongings and fled. Reaching my sister, I explained the situation and tearfully said goodbye to friends, fearing my mom's manipulations. My sister urged me to call the police, but I worried about their response to a mental health crisis. Determined to get help, I decided to call my best friend, possibly for the last time. I recounted the ordeal, expressing my gratitude for his friendship despite past mistakes.
Sirens wailed in the distance, then abruptly stopped. Officers emerged and questioned me. Reliving the night's events, I desperately hoped for help. However, to my utter confusion, they asked me to put down my belongings and handcuffed me. My rights were recited again, but betrayal and confusion clouded my understanding. Weren't they there to help? Instead, I found myself committed to another hospital for a month, forced to spend a lonely New Year's Day within its sterile walls.
Fueled by a burning desire to prove my innocence, I tirelessly pleaded my case. It felt surreal – I, the victim, was treated with suspicion. The worst part? The complete lack of control. Yet, I fought for what was right. The haunting question, "Why?" echoed in my head. Finally, my sister intervened, offering a safe haven. But my mom, consumed by her animosity, refused. Despite the fear, returning home seemed like the only option. It was a return to a broken reality – the same issues, different day. My resolve to escape solidified. I focused on getting emancipated, a job, anything that granted me independence. This defiance enraged her; she craved control, but I was done. The following two weeks were a tense stand-off...
My mom's manipulative tactics escalated. She made false police reports and withheld essential documents like my Social Security card to control me. Even simple requests for my Chromebook charger for schoolwork turned into arguments. Finally, during one episode, she stole the charger and called the police with fabricated stories. This time, the officer recognized her erratic behavior and my truthful testimony. I spent a brief stay in the hospital where they finally believed me. Released into my mom's care, I braced for another fight. Shockingly, she drove me to a police station, claiming I attacked her. But with the officer and my sister on speakerphone, the truth prevailed. They recognized her deteriorating mental state. The agonizing car ride became a desperate plea – why was she hurting herself and our family? Exhausted but resolute, I ended up at a friend's house for the night, then entered foster care the next day. Finding a welcoming home felt like a cruel twist of fate. Witnessing a healthy family dynamic at the ice rink only amplified my pain. My sister's husband arrived, offering a lifeline – a chance to escape the cycle of abuse. The decision was mine: get in the car or stay. As I walked to my friend's house, a healthy family dinner unfolded before me, a stark contrast to my reality. Finally, I confided in them about my situation. With their support and a secret code from my sister, I embarked on a daring escape. Two long, desert hours under the stars, navigating unfamiliar territory, led me to the school – my only beacon of hope. Exhausted and cold, I stumbled upon my brother-in-law, car just as he was about to leave. His familiar voice offered escape – "Get in if you want to change your life." With trembling hands, I climbed in, ready to embrace a new beginning
Reiners response
Despite enduring unimaginable abuse, I never relinquished hope. The kindness of strangers became my lifeline, reminding me that humanity persists even in the darkest of times. Through every hardship, I held onto the belief that doing the right thing matters. This journey has been a testament to the power of letting go, even when it means letting go of family. It's a painful truth, but sometimes letting go is the bravest and healthiest choice we can make to move forward. Witnessing firsthand the destructive power of abuse, trauma, and mental illness, I came to a difficult realization. As much as I hated her actions, I knew they stemmed from her illness. Hate breeds only hate, and I refused to become the monster she was battling within. The past can't define you. It's a heavy weight, but you don't have to carry it forever. All you can do is keep moving forward, one step at a time. Be the person you want to be, the person others see the potential in you to be. The future holds possibilities you can't even imagine yet. Embrace the journey, and never lose sight of the strength and hope you've discovered within yourself.
submitted by IG24Z to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:17 adulting4kids Obscure Literary Devices Writing Prompts Challenge

  1. Epistrophe:
    Prompt: Write a short poem or paragraph about something you love, repeating a key word at the end of each line to emphasize your feelings.
  2. Anadiplosis:
    Prompt: Start a story with the words "Hope leads to dreams," then continue using anadiplosis to create a chain of positive outcomes and possibilities.
  3. Aposiopesis:
    Prompt: Begin a dialogue between two characters discussing a secret. Use aposiopesis to create suspense and leave the secret unrevealed.
  4. Epizeuxis:
    Prompt: Express your excitement about a favorite activity or hobby by writing a sentence that uses epizeuxis to highlight the joy it brings.
  5. Chiasmus:
    Prompt: Create a sentence that mirrors itself, balancing two contrasting ideas. For example, "Reading books is enjoyable; enjoyable is reading books."
  6. Enjambment:
    Prompt: Write a short poem about a journey or adventure, using enjambment to convey the sense of movement and continuous exploration.
  7. Paraprosdokian:
    Prompt: Craft a sentence that starts with a seemingly normal statement and ends with a surprising twist or contradiction, adding a touch of humor to your writing.
  8. Anaphora:
    Prompt: Share your feelings about a favorite place, activity, or person by starting each sentence with "I love," using anaphora to highlight the aspects that bring you joy.
  9. Hendiadys:
    Prompt: Describe a memorable experience or event using hendiadys to express the various emotions and details that made it special.
  10. Litotes:
    Prompt: Write a paragraph about a challenging task or problem you are facing using litotes to explain the circumstances.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:13 adulting4kids Obscure Literary Devices for Sixth Grade Students

Lesson Plan: Exploring Exciting Language Tricks
I. Introduction A. What Are Special Language Tricks? B. Why Do Authors Use Them? C. Today's Fun Journey: Discovering Language Magic!
II. Epistrophe: Echoing Words for Effect A. Definition: Repeating Words at the End B. Example: "Friends, friends, friends, we will always be friends." C. Activity: Find Repetition in a Short Poem Together
III. Anadiplosis: Building Word Bridges A. Definition: Repeating the Last Word at the Beginning B. Example: "Hope leads to dreams; dreams lead to possibilities." C. Activity: Build Your Own Sentences with a Word Bridge
IV. Aposiopesis: The Suspenseful Pause A. Definition: Leaving a Sentence Unfinished B. Example: "I was so excited, but then—" C. Activity: Create Your Own Suspenseful Dialogues
V. Epizeuxis: The Power of Repeat Power A. Definition: Repeating a Word for Emphasis B. Example: "Never, never, give up!" C. Activity: Boost Your Message with Repeat Power
VI. Chiasmus: Mirror, Mirror on the Sentence A. Definition: Flipping Words to Create Balance B. Example: "Reading books is enjoyable; enjoyable is reading books." C. Activity: Make a Balanced Sentence Mirror
VII. Enjambment: Words Skipping Happily Along A. Definition: Sentences Skipping Over Lines B. Example: "I skipped down the road,\nLaughing all the way." C. Activity: Create a Skip-and-Jump Poem
VIII. Paraprosdokian: The Sentence Surprise A. Definition: Ending a Sentence with a Twist B. Example: "I wanted a pet, so I got a fish, but now it barks!" C. Activity: Surprise Your Friends with Funny Sentences
IX. Anaphora: Friends, Friends Everywhere A. Definition: Repeating Words at the Beginning B. Example: "I love playing; I love learning; I love laughing." C. Activity: Share What You Love with Anaphora
X. Hendiadys: Two Words, Double Fun A. Definition: Using Two Words for One Idea B. Example: "Jump and dance, not sit and watch." C. Activity: Mix and Match Words for Fun Expressions
XI. Litotes: Saying More with Less A. Definition: Making a Situation Sound Less B. Example: "The homework wasn't too tricky." C. Activity: Describe Your Day with a Touch of Modesty
XII. Conclusion: Language Magic Recap A. Fun Recap of Our Language Tricks B. Exciting Homework: Pick Your Favorite Trick and Use It in a Short Story or Poem!
This toned-down lesson plan aims to introduce sixth-grade students to literary devices in a playful and engaging manner, encouraging them to experiment with language tricks in their own creative expressions.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:08 fitzisthename What is your training department responsible for?

I am a Training Manager for a family of companies (3 companies total) and have 2 Training Coordinators who report to me.
Currently we are handling: - Communication with new hires prior to day one on what to expect - Assisting with onboarding paperwork - Completing Part 2 of their I-9 forms - Facilitating orientation - Facilitating classroom training for the first 1-2 weeks for all departments - Designing & updating all training content - Creating & maintaining a knowledge base - Working with managers to schedule shadow sessions, their meet and greets, and the hand-off process - Coaching trainees if they have issues with attendance, professionalism, and/or performance during the training period - Maintaining a training tracking database (in Excel) - Manually tracking new hire retention %s & other training stats - Other side projects like videos if asked
The problem is that my company is continuing to grow and adding a bunch of supervisor roles (which I see as a red flag). My training coordinators spend 40 hours a week facilitating training (something I was doing before they were hired 6 months ago because of my maternity leave that just ended) and are rarely able to help with any training content development. We usually find out about process changes in the middle of a training class when someone randomly says, “we don’t do it that way anymore.”
We have one HR Manager who is newer to the company and she reports to our CFO. I report to our COO. My boss (COO) does not have clear expectations for my team. He just wants training to happen and not hear complaints from other managers.
I’m nervous because we have a CRM change happening later this year. I’ve gone through those with other companies and it’s always a hot mess.
I don’t know how to advocate for my team or what I should be asking for. Additional bodies? A LMS? More stuff to be pushed onto HR’s plate? Any insight would be helpful!
Also sorry if there are formatting issues as I’m posting this on mobile.
submitted by fitzisthename to humanresources [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:55 mummyoftwoboys Another pay question! Sorry

Hi, I’m due 4 weeks of back pay from January where my sick lines weren’t processed. My manager told me that she refused the faster payment because of the 30% tax and it’s supposed to be going on this pay but there’s no mention of it on my wage slip. Does it go through separately? Also, I’m on maternity leave and have been for 3 months now. My payslip says I’m getting more in company maternity pay this month than the last two pays. Any ideas why? Thank you if you got this far!
submitted by mummyoftwoboys to asda [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:54 Radiant_University FMLA Maternity Leave Question, summer birth

I'm due August 28 and our first day back to school is September 3. I won't go past my due date without an elective induction due to my age.
My district is unionized but doesn't have a specific maternity leave policy written in the contract, which is bothersome. Basically what is offered is between 6 to 8 weeks (depending on method of delivery) leave paid from my sick days, so this counts, basically as a medical leave. If I take more, I can take the remaining weeks, only up to 12 total, unpaid per FMLA and keep my health insurance by paying the premiums up front for that time.
My leave starts on my delivery date, so the district is effectively screwing me out of a week or two of paid leave once the school year begins, just because I delivered in the summer. Granted, I'm paid for the summer, but still, it's making me angry.
Is there a way to work FMLA/medical leave better in my favor here? If the answer is no, so be it. Anyone else have summer or late summer babies? What did you do to maximize your leave?
Also, NYS if that matters. Teachers don't fall under the state's paid family leave at all.
submitted by Radiant_University to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:42 mouthofxenu Primarch Names and Etymologies; Part 1 (I-II)

I am blown away by how much this sub and interest in a female-centric version of Warhammer 40k has become in the last week or so. You’re all amazing!
A few months ago, I had some ideas for a noblebright version of 40k where the primarchs and Emperor were female. The inspiration was cnmbwjx’s incredible art, which I am pleased to see has inspired many of you as well. I considered creating feminine versions of the primarchs’ names and came up with a list. I figure this might be a good time to share it along with my thought process behind them.
Before we begin, this is in no way an attempt to derail anyone’s canon. I have seen several names on this sub that I think are better than what I came up with. I also think there is something to be said for using the original primarchs’ names if that is your preference. Girls don’t have to have “girl names” after all~
Feel free to use these or not. I just wanted to share because I think my thoughts on the origins of the original names and ways to play with them could help others to come up with their own takes on these characters.
This is going to be a very large info dump, so I’m going to divide this thread into multiple threads released daily (hopefully). Some of the names require lengthy discussions (brace yourselves for Konrad Curze) while others require relatively little. I will go through the list according to the numbered order of the primarchs. I think about two primarchs per day will work.
My goal was to come up with satisfying names that stay true to the original names and their meanings / inspirations as possible. Where that was not possible or seemed to produce an unsatisfactory result, I afforded myself more creative liberties to try and capture the themes of the character and the sound of the original name.
I preserved alliteration with the all but one of the original names. I left surnames unchanged.
The majority of my posts will be an analysis of the original primarch names and an explanation of my reasoning for my feminine twist on them. It is my hope these explanations will assist others in their creative processes.
I have also included my suggested pronunciations for the names I think have unclear pronunciations. I did not use IPA phonetic notation because I do not think it is accessible for a casual reader since it requires using a reference list for the symbols. I instead use approximations of English syllables. Please let me know if any are unclear.
Several of these explanations may be straightforward to English-speakers and those familiar with 40k lore, but I think a detailed explanation is more inclusive. I have a feeling this sub will introduce many people to 40k that wouldn’t otherwise get into the official setting, so I want to help make your lore journeys easier.
Finally, I relied on Wiktionary and Wikipedia in researching the etymologies here. I am aware these are not ideals sources, but they’re the best I can do because of my work life. I would appreciate any corrections and supporting evidence. I certainly discovered some issues in my initial research going back through this list.
I: Lioness El’Jonson (Lion El’Jonson):
A lioness is a female lion, so I felt compelled to stick to that. However, Lion El’Jonson is one of the cleverer primarch names.
It’s a reference to Lionel Johnson, a nineteenth-century English poet who was both a devout Catholic and a gay man. Lionel was at war with his own identity, which led him to write the poem “The Dark Angel.” The poem is an expression of forbidden desire and the torment of keeping secrets while trying to stay loyal to a higher power that you believe will condemn you if it found out who you really are. Sounds just like the Dark Angels space marine chapter with their secret shame over something that wasn’t their fault.
While Lioness loses this literary reference, I do feel that valor and fierceness are much more a part of Lion’s character than the secretiveness of his chapter. Therefore, I stuck with referencing the animal, which is synonymous with themes of ferocity and bravery.
A mind without purpose will wander in dark places
Feel free to leave a comment on these submissions and this project generally. I look forward to sharing more with you next time~
submitted by mouthofxenu to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:28 Heeeeeellooo Indeterminate rollover and maternity leave

Hello all,
I become eligible for indeterminate status in the month of March, 2025 and I have my contract till then. I will be going on Maternity leave by Nov, 2024. Will I be granted indeterminate if I come back from my leave early and be at work during my eligibility? Is there a provision to take parental leave with a gap in between? I work for IRCC and they no longer do automatic rollovers to indeterminate status
My manager said that he can only extend my contract or I have to join back by March 2025.
Please share your experience if you had to go through the same.
submitted by Heeeeeellooo to CanadaPublicServants [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:12 Educational_Fun281 FET timeline

I had my first ER back in late March and PGT-A results in April. My doc is on maternity leave so I waited a few more weeks to regroup with a different doc in early May. Had my last period in early May as well. The clinic is getting the authorization from the insurance and I’m currently on birth control. But they won’t tell me the estimated time for FET😓 The new doc told me it might be in July, might be later… she just doesn’t know. Is this normal? How long did you wait to do FET? I feel the side effects from birth control and wish I could get rid of it ASAP. Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Educational_Fun281 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:10 humbabaganoush Ghosted by uni over maternity discrimination case

I’m a mid-career researcher, on a permanent contract, and UCU member.
When I returned from maternity leave last year, I was never given a work load plan or assignments, effectively left to my own devices. I published and applied to grants, but this was entirely self directed. It seemed fine and colleagues thought I was so lucky to not be overloaded with work. But I felt it was totally untethered/unstructured. Then my manager (who is a high ranking senior manager) started referring to me as a lower grade researcher than I was, saying I had no connection to my department, and saying I couldn’t return to teaching a course that was offered to me before going on mat leave. ((This is in the context of a uni threatening mass redundancies due to their precious financial situation.))
So all this seemed fishy and I lodged a grievance to request clarification on my role post-maternity leave and demand a work load plan. The investigators were my managers peers and they obviously found no fault with his management despite finding that my job had in fact changed after maternity leave, thus violating my right to return to the same job. Their recommendation, however, was to say they would graciously keep me on for another 18 months and then, they couldn’t protect me from redundancy. I have a permanent position and this felt like a retaliatory threat of dismissal. And although my job supposedly changed, I don’t have a new contract, new job description, or new work load plan that clarifies these supposed changes to my job. I’m effectively being kept in limbo with no management.
I appealed the result on the grounds that it was a retaliatory threat to an admitted maternity leave violation and that I still didn’t have a workload plan or job clarity. This was 3 months ago!! They have yet to acknowledge or begin investigating my appeal. I’ve written to HR on multiple occasions for an update and am totally ignored. This is with my union rep involved too.
Any advice on how to get this moving? Or what to do? I’m feeling pretty worthless and disrespected at this point.
submitted by humbabaganoush to AskAcademiaUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:07 fearwanheda92 “Review” in progress. Will I get EI?

Got locked out of my CRA account last night, got an email saying they removed my email. Called IPS this morning and had to fax in IDs and proof of addresses. I mentioned I’m on maternity leave and does that mean I won’t get my EI and CCB payment? The women on the phone just said anything government funded is frozen until my ID is verified - could take a few hours could take 4 months. I did previously file a complaint about my tax wait time, as I’ve been waiting over 2 months for my refund, and she mentioned it is an urgent case.
I also asked about why this was happening. She said she didn’t know, it was assigned to a review agent. I have to wait for the agent to call me. I asked when they’ll do that, she didn’t know. Seems to be a common theme.
Anyone been here before? Did your payments get frozen? I can’t live for 4 months on nothing with a brand new baby…my savings will be destroyed.
submitted by fearwanheda92 to canadarevenueagency [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:54 AnyTie4192 Alone at night

My husband has only helped at night 1-2 times. Immediately after baby was born he basically passed out on the couch. The nurse had to shake him to get him up. The second night in the hospital he didn’t stay because he wanted to be fully rested to be able to drive us home safely.
-The first night he helped was literally the first night we brought baby home from hospital. I thought that we would work in shifts or at least be together supporting each other. First night was awful as I couldn’t get baby to eat I was panicked, crying, and hyperventilating. I go into the bedroom to wake him up and he comes into the nursery and just falls asleep on the bed. So I continue to try to feed the baby alone.
-Last night was the second night. Baby previously has been an amazing sleeper. Feed them, dry diaper, swaddle, and rock to sleep boom they’re out. However not the case last night. They wanted to be held the ENTIRE night. If you put them down they’d start crying. I was finally able to put them down in the bassinet and he starts snoring like a freight train. (For reference baby bassinet is next to our bed still) so I jerk the covers a bit to get him to shift or just stop snoring so it doesn’t wake baby up and so I can sleep…… Apparently by doing that the sheets whacked him in the face and he got mad and started yelling which woke the baby up. So I asked him to give baby a bottle so I could get sleep. He asked for help getting the swaddle off then got upset because the nursery lights were too dim and wanted more help all the while he was yelling at me being loud and there was no sleeping. He put baby down after feeding and swaddled them back up. Saying they’re asleep now. Which surprise surprise they were not because he has no idea how to be quiet ever. I get back up to take care of baby and just sleep when I can in the nursery.
-He is helpful during the day & is a loving husband and father. Seeing them together in the day makes my heart so happy and full. It is just like he turns into someone else at night. -I feel so alone and exhausted. He originally wanted me to pump so I he would have the ability to feed baby too. However that has become the #1 reason in his mind at least why he does not need to help me at night. “Well you have to get up anyways to pump”. I just want to cry. I have the ability to feed my baby and we are working on breastfeeding more so I can get some sanity back but because we started out with a bottle I don’t feel as though baby is getting enough when they are on the breast and I just give baby a bottle so I know they are eating.
-The other thing is I had 10 days of maternity leave and he has 3 months. We both mostly work from home and so he does rely on me a lot during the day for help. I just feel as though I am failing at everything. I am starting to have more thoughts that maybe things would be better if I wasn’t here.
submitted by AnyTie4192 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:04 Lost-Maintenance6287 Any other pregnant RNs?

I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant with my first working in an EP/cath lab. Long story short, I discovered my department sucks for a ton of reasons, but most importantly I’ve had to pull teeth to get basic safety measures in place. After asking for weeks for a fetal radiation badge, I reached out to the radiation safety officer of my hospital to find out they never even ordered me a badge. I was nearly done with my first trimester before I was properly being monitored. There’s been several other situations where I feel like I’ve been unsupported by my team. Plus, the lead is starting to become very heavy on my belly/chronic back pain and I still have soooo much longer to go lol.
I’m thinking about going back to ICU part time (which I was avoiding initially in order to reduce stress). I’m worried about doing this in the middle of my pregnancy but I feel so stuck.
How did you manage nursing (specifically bedside) while pregnant? If you were in this situation, what would you do? Did you work up until delivery? How about after maternity leave? Do you think 12 hour shifts are manageable with a newborn?
submitted by Lost-Maintenance6287 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:20 shaneka69 NUMEROLOGY OF MONDAY

Monday is the first day of the work week that many people dread. Not all people dread it, but some. Let's take a look into the Numerology of Monday to decode the energy and what it can be used for to work with it and not against it.
M - this is the 13th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 4. The energy of 1 is action and the energy of 3 is connecting with others through collaboration. This puts a focus on responsibilities and for most people, it's a work or school day which connects with this. Although it is about being responsible, it's still the energy of 4 which is mellow and controlled energy. O - this is the 15th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 6 which is about using your creativity constructively to take care of the tasks or duties you need to take care of. 6 is the number of beauty, duty, and routine. N - 14th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 5. This is about using your energy to be responsible and making space for enjoyment while doing so. 14 is a karmic number, but not when used correctly. As a karmic number, 14 is about someone who ditched their responsibilities and now have to deal with some challeneges(5). Proper use of this energy is using it for creative purposes. D - 4th letter vibrating at the purest energy of 4 which is about calmness, caution, and security. A - vibrating at 1 as the first letter of the alphabet, this is about action and energy. Y - The 25th letter of the alphabet vibrating at the energy of 7, but through cooperation with others(2) and compassion for others(2) and with the use of creativity (5) or even humor(5). Big lover energy as 5 can point to romance and 2 can point to soulmates.
Monday full numerology comes down to 8 and 8 can represent long and drawn out processes, wait times, and pressure. The dreadful energy can be moreso due to this 8 energy. People can work with this energy by being patient as 8 points to tedious tasks. With this insight, you can now simply start expected a little time in between things and pacing yourself. It can seem like a long day or your duties may be plentiful.
This is a day best utilized in a constructive (8) way with the use of wisdom and calculation(7). The 7 is the soul urge influence of Monday based on the vowels. 2 vowels A and O which equals 7. Being calculating and seeking depth will allow you to master the energy of Monday. Use this day to get the most done with your projects or workloads.
monday happy monday cyber monday deals monday night football tonight blue monday what happened to monday easter monday happy monday images monday after easter monday app monday after the masters monday affirmations monday april 8 2024 monday april 8th monday a holiday monday again monday again meme monday asl are banks open on easter monday almost monday are shops open easter monday a monday in copenhagen at monday morning a monday morning prayer a monday prayer a monday quote a bad monday simulator about easter monday monday blues monday blessings images monday blessings gif monday board monday blessings quotes monday body monday blessings and prayers monday born monday blues meme best cyber monday deals black monday blue monday 2024 bad monday simulator blue monday depressing day brighter monday black monday nfl blue monday new order bank holiday monday monday crm monday conditioner monday coffee meme monday clipart monday careers monday cat monday coffee monday crm pricing come monday cyber monday deals 2023 come monday lyrics come monday jimmy buffett chris stapleton monday night football canton first monday cast of what happened to monday cheap monday cyber monday walmart monday dinner ideas monday date monday dinner specials monday dinner specials near me monday day monday desktop app monday deals monday dad jokes monday dev deal monday reviews diet starts monday deal monday dunkin free coffee monday do we have school on monday dear finch monday weekly lottery dear dwarka monday weekly lottery deal monday legit download dinner ideas for monday monday eclipse monday etymology monday encouragement monday events near me monday events monday evening blessings monday evening monday emoji monday eclipse 2024 monday en español easter monday holiday easter monday 2024 easter monday 2023 espn monday night football easter monday holiday ontario easter monday public holiday easter monday bank holiday easter monday opening hours easter monday shops open monday food specials near me monday forecast monday funny memes monday funny monday food deals near me monday february 19 2024 monday funny quotes monday february 19 monday football schedule first monday canton funny monday quotes football monday funny monday meme football monday night federal holiday monday football scores monday night f mondays full movie what happened to monday monday gif monday gif funny monday girl monday greetings monday good morning monday good morning images monday gif work monday gin monday good morning blessings monday gantt chart good morning monday good morning monday images good morning happy monday good morning monday blessings good morning monday gif good morning monday funny good morning monday quotes good morning happy monday images good morning happy monday gif green monday monday holiday monday hair care monday holidays 2024 monday hair shampoo monday happy hour near me monday happy hour monday holy rosary monday hair care reviews monday hashtags happy monday gif happy monday meme how to watch monday night football happy monday quotes holy rosary monday holy monday happy monday good morning holiday on monday monday inspirational quotes monday images monday inspiration monday in japanese monday in asl monday is a holiday monday in italian monday images and quotes monday in korean is monday a holiday is easter monday a holiday is monday a public holiday it's monday meme is monday night football on tonight images of happy monday it's monday quotes is easter monday it's a manic monday it's monday good morning monday jokes monday january 15th monday jokes for kids monday january 15 2024 monday jazz monday jobs monday january 29 2024 monday january 22 2024 monday january 29 monday japanese jimmy buffett come monday just another manic monday johannus monday jobless monday jokes about monday jawan monday collection jobs monday through friday jira vs monday jungkook monday tuesday january blue monday monday kids eat free monday karaoke near me monday karaoke monday kanji monday kanban monday knowledge base monday kid jokes khooni monday kids eat free monday kenny monday kids eat free monday near me khooni monday horror story korn ferry monday qualifier kith monday program kfc monday special kohl's cyber monday karol bagh monday market monday left me broken cat monday login monday lottery monday lunch specials near me monday left me broken cat gif monday lunch specials monday leave in conditioner monday logo monday left me broken gif lazy monday long list fixture today monday lotto monday lyrics to monday monday last monday lyrics to come monday laptop deals cyber monday logo monday lotto result monday lyrics manic monday monday meme monday motivation monday motivation quotes monday morning quotes monday mandala monday morning meme monday monday lyrics manic monday motivational monday quotes motivation monday morning monday meme monday meaning of easter monday monday monday gif morning monday quotes monday happy monday monday night football this monday monday night brewing monday night football score monday night raw results monday night football schedule monday night raw tonight monday night tv monday night raw tickets nfl monday night football new order blue monday nfl black monday nintendo switch cyber monday new moon on monday next monday nfl games monday new order blue monday lyrics nifty prediction for monday nla monday special results monday of holy week monday oklahoma weather monday off monday origin monday office memes monday organizer monday outlook integration monday obituaries monday on bravo on monday morning on monday in spanish open easter monday on monday lyrics ontario easter monday holiday on monday night on monday is there school on monday is holiday on easter monday on easter monday are shops open monday powerball numbers monday project management monday prayer monday pricing monday positive quotes monday powerball monday pizza specials near me monday prayer images monday prayers and blessings powerball monday positive monday quotes powerball monday winners public holiday monday ps5 cyber monday powerball numbers for monday positive monday memes poem monday's child post office open easter monday prayer for monday monday quotes monday quotes for work monday q info monday quote of the day monday qualifier monday quotes funny monday quotes images monday quarterback monday quotes for work funny monday quotes for kids quotes about monday quincy monday quotes for monday motivation quotes for monday morning quotes for monday work quotes on monday blues quotes about monday funny quotes for easter monday quotes for holy monday quotes happy monday monday rosary monday rosary mysteries monday restaurant specials near me monday rain monday rosary prayer monday raw results monday reviews rosary monday rick monday regal mystery movie monday rahu kalam monday rosary monday mystery rahukalam on monday results of monday night raw reviews on monday shampoo restaurant monday specials result for monday special monday shampoo monday shampoo and conditioner monday shampoo review monday specials near me monday stock monday spanish monday specials monday songs sunday monday set for life results monday stream monday night football shampoo monday sunday monday tablet sunday monday tuesday sunday monday in hindi sunday monday tuesday wednesday sunday monday table sunday monday spelling monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday monday through friday jobs monday thursday monday through friday jobs near me monday through friday monday to friday jobs monday tv shows monday tuesday monday thru friday jobs monday through thursday jobs tawawa on monday tonight monday night football the rosary monday this monday holiday the weather for monday the black monday the best cyber monday deals the poem monday's child the monday left me broken cat the monday shampoo monday uplifting quotes monday ugh monday updates monday urban dictionary monday ugh meme monday uv index monday ugh gif monday ui monday undo monday unscramble ulta cyber monday uniform monday holiday act ugg cyber monday sale ugg cyber monday usps open easter monday united airlines cyber monday us holiday monday until monday meaning us easter monday holiday uk easter monday monday vibes monday vibes meme monday vs trello monday vs asana monday vs clickup monday vs notion monday vs jira monday volume shampoo review monday vibes quotes virtual rosary monday vision monday verizon cyber monday deals victory monday valspar monday qualifier 2023 valspar monday qualifier 2024 vans cyber monday vuori cyber monday victoria secret cyber monday valero texas open monday qualifier monday weather monday work meme monday work motivation monday work management monday work quotes monday weather forecast monday workout quotes monday work gif monday wing specials monday workout who plays monday night football tonight what holiday is monday what is easter monday weather monday what is blue monday what is black monday when is blue monday 2024 when is monday night raw what's the score of monday night football monday xander monday xfinity race monday xero integration monday x lotto results monday x files cast monday x files reddit monday x lotto draw time monday x asana xigaza monday mp3 download xigaza monday xbox cyber monday deals x lotto results monday x files monday xbox series s cyber monday xauusd prediction for monday xfinity race monday xduppy monday mp3 download xauusd market open time monday monday youtube monday yoga monday youtube rosary monday yay monday yoga quotes monday yoga near me monday yay gif monday yuck meme monday yoga classes near me youtube rosary monday yo sushi blue monday yeti cyber monday cyber monday youtube jimmy buffett come monday youtube holy rosary monday youtube manic monday young living cyber monday 2023 youtube monday night football monday zero alcohol gin monday zero alcohol whiskey monday zoom background monday zapier monday zero alcohol mezcal monday zoo hours monday zumba monday zero proof monday zendesk integration zara cyber monday zippy's monday specials zero build mix up monday zoho vs monday zumba monday zumiez cyber monday zara monday to friday collection zoro vs miss monday zara monday perfume zak monday monday 02/19 monday 01/15 monday 00.00 utc monday 04/08 monday 03/25 monday 04 march 2024 monday 01 april 2024 monday 08 january 2024 monday 01 april monday 05 february 2024 007soccerpicks monday 04 monday 0 00 utc monday 9/10/01 monday night football was 9/11/01 a monday 2 00 gmt monday steelers 20-0 monday night 10/09/23 monday night football 8 00 gmt monday monday 19th monday 19 monday 12 monday 19 february 2024 monday 15 minute rosary monday 19th february monday 15th january 2024 monday 15 monday 1/15/24 monday 18th 15 minute rosary monday 1987 black monday 1st monday canton 16 monday fast 16 monday fast rules 1st monday of sawan 2023 1929 black monday 16 monday fast rules in hindi 1/1/24 monday night football 1st monday in may monday 2024 monday 25th march 2024 monday 2/19 monday 25th monday 2/26 monday 2/19 holiday monday 26 monday 22 january 2024 monday 25 march 2024 2024 calendar monday start 2023 monday night football schedule 2023 cyber monday deals 2024 monday holidays 2023 monday night football 2023 monday night football song 2023 monday holidays 2024 easter monday 2 mondays from now 2024 monday night football monday 3/25 monday 3/25 holiday monday 3/11 monday 3/18 monday 3/4 holiday monday 3/4/2024 monday 3/11/24 monday 3/4/24 monday 3pm est monday 3/11 holiday 3m open monday qualifier 2023 3rd monday trade days 3m monday qualifier 2023 3rd monday in january 3 days from monday 33 monday drive tallebudgera 3575 monday terrace 30 days from monday 3 business days from monday 3rd monday in february monday 4th march 2024 monday 4/8 monday 4/1 monday 4/8 eclipse monday 4th monday 4/1 holiday monday 4/1/24 monday 4/1/2024 monday 40 48 hours from monday 40k meta monday 49ers monday night football 49ers monday night football 2023 49ers victory monday 45 days from monday 4th monday trade days 4 weeks from monday 48 hours from monday 9 am 4 corners monday night monday 5 6 monday 5th monday 5 february 2024 monday 5/27 monday 5th february 2024 monday 50 cent wings monday 5th feb 2024 monday 5 mysteries monday 5th march $5 movie monday near me $5 movie monday 55 inch tv cyber monday 5 mysteries of the rosary monday 5 days from monday 5 business days from monday 5 live monday night club $5 sushi monday 50 inch tv cyber monday 5 dollar monday raley's monday 6th may monday 6th monday 6th may bank holiday monday 6pm kst to est monday 6am pt monday 6 pm ist to est monday 617 tuesday 729 answer monday 6pm cet monday 6-0 toastmasters monday 6th may 2024 6 weeks from monday 65 inch tv cyber monday 60 days from monday 6 months from monday 6pm friday to 8am monday 6/45 lotto result monday 6 months hey monday 64 monday drive tallebudgera 6/45 monday result 6/55 lotto result monday monday 7am ist to est monday 7 pm ist to est monday 7pm gmt monday 7th october 2024 monday 7pm est to ist monday 7pm pst to ist monday 72 hours later monday 7 day 72 hours from monday 75 inch tv cyber monday 75 days from monday 7 days after monday 7 days from monday 72 hours from monday 11am 72 hours from monday 7am 72 hours from monday 8am 72 hours from monday 9pm 70 inch tv cyber monday monday 8th april 2024 monday 8th monday 8 april 2024 monday 8th april monday 8pm ist to est monday 8th weather monday 8th eclipse monday 8th january 2024 monday 80s song 8 weeks from monday 8tv schedule monday 8am monday she's yours 85 inch tv cyber monday 800 first monday lane 8-5 monday through friday jobs 808 state blue monday 8 hours monday to friday 8am monday pst to philippine time 8 am monday est to ist monday 911 monday 9am ist to pst monday 9am est to ist monday 9 am ist to est monday 9pm ist to est monday 9pm ist to pst monday 90 day fiance monday 9am est to philippine time monday 911 actor monday 9 am pst to ist 9/11 museum free monday 9 minutes on monday 90 days from monday 90 day fiance monday night 911 monday 9-5 monday to friday jobs 9/11 monday night football 9-5 monday to friday jobs near me 9-5 monday to friday how many hours
submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:13 SouthBreakfast803 How much mortgage is reasonable?

The main question here is do I keep mortgage the same level or increase borrowing to get our forever home.
We are looking to move soon and can stay at our current housing budget and find something livable but I could see us wanting to move again in 5 to 7 years, incurring moving fees again. If we increase budget by 200k we can get what would be more like a forever home. Downsides being stamp duty tax is very large and the increased borrowing.
Situation: Husband 38 earns 165k base salary with variable bonus between 0 and c.50%. Company contributes 16.5k pension. Husband contributes 43.5k to max annual pension tax free allowance.
Wife 34, out of work on maternity leave but due to go back as contractor in 6 months can earn around 100k.
Debt: No debt Mortgage is 480k outstanding on fixed rate of 1.2% until Dec 26 at which point outstanding balance will be 430k.
House: On the market currently and will go for 790 to 810.
Savings: 250k in ISA 150k in GIA 300k pension pot combined.
Each year we max ISA contributions for both of us.
Budget: We don’t do budgets because we live frugally and basically then buy what we want as we don’t spend money on expensive cars, holidays and going out. Saving and stability is our priority as we both got burnt in GFC and can’t let that happen again.
Mortgage payment currently is 2500 which is easily affordable for us. To get our forever home we would have to increase borrowing and dump most of our GIA savings into the house. Mortgage payment would end up around 3700 and debt between 600 and 700.
We are very comfortable at the moment with retirement plans and standard of living. We don’t want to be house poor, but also don’t want to undersell ourselves. We see lots of others borrowing for longer and also using the pension 25% tax free lump sum to pay off their mortgage later. It makes us uncomfortable to do that but equally we would get to live in a nicer town and property for 20+ years.
submitted by SouthBreakfast803 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:02 EastDifficulty882 Parental Leave Pay Question

Hi everyone 😊
Im currently pregrant due on September I applied for an early maternity leave around Feb and been helping my husband’s business. Since he is a sole trader, does it still count as a family business so I can claim PPL? I wasn't getting paid therefore can't provide payslip but I am gaining financial benefit as he is paying all the bills in the house including my personal bills (phone).
I also started my small business (crafts) registered as sole trader after I stopped working on Feb. but not yet making income not sure as well if it will be counted as work.
Please share some info. Thank you! 🫶🏻
submitted by EastDifficulty882 to Centrelink [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:57 GoldenGiirl_x Housing Connect Income

Greetings Guys, So i been manifesting this apartment that’s two blocks from my house! I have never been called for a apartment on Housing Connect for 12 years! I just had a baby 3 weeks ago, I was asked to submit documents for that building. I was so happy! Problem was my income was off by a couple hundreds but my boss is cool and filed out the paper for me saying i would get a raise in July. I submitted the documents in March and just received an follow up email saying I was being considered and was asked for paystubs & bank statements for April. I went on maternity leave in March and had my baby in April. I will be returning back to work in July. I do not wanna loose my chances on this apartment. I don’t want them to know i had another baby yet until I at least get sign or speak to someone. I now have 3 kids and don’t think i will fit the requirements for the apartment if they found out Can i possibly get my March paystubs edited for April?
submitted by GoldenGiirl_x to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:55 GoldenGiirl_x PAY STUB EDITTED

Greetings Guys, So i been manifesting this apartment that’s two blocks from my house! I have never been called for a apartment on Housing Connect for 12 years! I just had a baby 3 weeks ago, I was asked to submit documents for that building. I was so happy! Problem was my income was off by a couple hundreds but my boss is cool and filed out the paper for me saying i would get a raise in July. I submitted the documents in March and just received an follow up email saying I was being considered and was asked for paystubs & bank statements for April. I went on maternity leave in March and had my baby in April. I will be returning back to work in July. I do not wanna loose my chances on this apartment. I don’t want them to know i had another baby yet until I at least get sign or speak to someone. I now have 3 kids and don’t think i will fit the requirements for the apartment if they found out Can i possibly get my March paystubs edited for April?
submitted by GoldenGiirl_x to ApartmentHacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:38 somewhenimpossible Anxiety Moms?

It’s 4 am and I’ve been awake for an hour.
TLDR: anxiety is ruining my life. Complex pregnancy, working, 6yo at home, helpful husband. I want to quit everything - next OB appointment is May 30. Do I wait that long to seek help?
27w pregnant, and the last 2 weeks I’ve had such bad anxiety that I can barely function during those moments when it hits. This pregnancy has been fraught with medical issues - I recently failed the GD test so I’ve got to redo it Friday morning. Baby is fine, I’m a train wreck.
I have multiple doctors appointments and specialists to see 2h away, so I’m now on “unpaid” sick leave each time I have an appointment, which is about once a week. Sometimes the appointments take all day (2h drive, apt at 11, oops they’re 3 hrs behind, hour long scan/evaluation/doctor visit, 2h home). If my husband didn’t drive me I’d be dead on the highway from falling asleep at the wheel.
I’m already on reduced work hours and have been granted WFH 3 days a week when my job is supposed to be in office full time. I have to go into the office tomorrow and I don’t want to. Sitting in my office for 6h wipes me out - at home I put my feet up and take lying down breaks. I had to leave a meeting to cry for no reason when a coworker saw me on the virtual meet and private messaged to ask if I was ok.
My next OB appointment is May 30, where I finally meet the person actually delivering the baby (OB#2). I saw OB#1 two weeks ago and everything has fallen apart since then mentally. My GP is in another city and hasn’t seen me since 18w. My appointments are all scans and specialists. I told the most recent one two days ago I was struggling - she said call my GP, her area of expertise was the baby and everything is good there, she didn’t feel right prescribing things to me.
I don’t want to go to work. I don’t want to live in this town where everything is so far away. I don’t want to get out of bed. I’m scared I’m going to lose my job if I give in to any of this and I need it to qualify for paid maternity leave.
What should I do? Im leaning towards suck it up for two weeks then go in for my first meeting with OB#2 and beg to be written off work.
submitted by somewhenimpossible to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:33 toothyproblems Timing FMLA with leaving position

Not positive this is technically contract law so apologies if not, I know nothing about this stuff!
I am on faculty at a major academic medical center. I recently accepted a job offer at another one in another state but negotiated a much later start date (around 14 months). My current employer knows I have an offer (it was leaked to them) but not that I have accepted nor the terms. I am eligible for 12 weeks of FMLA and 12 weeks paid maternity/parental leave (concurrently). I am hoping to get pregnant and take FMLA in this year, then come back for 1-2 months of work before I move to my new job.
I am planning to tell my job the date I am leaving for my new institution but obviously not the potential FMLA plan. However, I am worried that once I announce that I am taking FMLA (if this all works out), they will figure out that I won’t be doing much work once FMLA runs out timing wise, and will decide to terminate me before my FMLA starts.
Am I doing anything wrong here, or am I entitled to the FMLA and paid leave even if I and my work know I will be leaving 1-2 months after I take leave? Would they be able to terminate me before I take FMLA in this situation? They are a big reputable university.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by toothyproblems to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:38 Zestyclose_Sort8374 How would you decide whether or not to visit your grandma in the hospital if you know she doesn’t like you?

This is somewhat of an update to my previous post because you guys gave really helpful advice there.
My mom is a bad person and my grandma is basically the same. I recently found out how my grandma really feels about me (I’m a gold digging, emotional and mean lazy woman having kids so I don’t have to work again.. meanwhile in reality I’m a professional engineer on a long maternity leave). She’s in the hospital after a stroke (ongoing heart issues for over a decade so not surprising, she doesn’t take care of her health at all) and I wasn’t going to visit her. She’s not nice, she doesn’t like me but pretends she does. I pretty much removed myself from my family’s toxic soup and wasn’t planning to visit her despite my mom and stepdad’s attempts to guilt me, but my sister contacted me and said everyone in the family is visiting her, she’d love to see me, she’s probably never going home, etc.
The woman had a stroke and is going to a rehab where she will stay for an expected 1 week and then she should be discharged to go home. Not like she’s not on life support, so I don’t know how seriously to take this information. My sister asked if I knew what was going on with my grandma, I said yes- she had a stroke, and she proceeded to tell me ‘well sort of, but actually (insert dramatized retelling of events in the worst way possible). I offered to my sister that I’d go visit this week or weekend with her (I’m not going alone because I need a buffer between my grandma and I and I don’t want to make my husband use his limited time off to come with me) but my sister is ‘watching’ her daughter (yes her own child) and doesn’t want to take her bc it’s a hassle, and on the weekend she’s going with my mom who I haven’t spoken to in months and really don’t want to start now.
I’m pregnant. I have a toddler. I’m tired. I don’t know what to do about this- my inclination is to visit for an hour so I can have peace of mind. But then there’s the wake and funeral where my family will be, it seems ongoing. I don’t know what to do about any of it. My husband asked if the pressure of my family’s opinion wasn’t there, would I go? The answer is a hard no. I have his family who I love and loves me, I have friends who are truly friends. My family is not that.
I’m wondering if any of you have been here before, what advice you would have? I’m scared of having regrets and also opening myself up to more distress. Thank you 🥲
submitted by Zestyclose_Sort8374 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:24 amac275 Didn’t have PII for the last year what next?

I cancelled my union membership when I went on maternity leave as it was too expensive. I’ve been back for maybe just over a year but honestly only just realised I haven’t had PII because I didn’t rejoin the union. I was just renewing rego for the year and realised. What will be the consequences? Edit: I should add that I have now renewed
submitted by amac275 to NursingAU [link] [comments]