Illinois public aid eye doctors

Most suffering is abuse/inequality. Let's end the violence, harmful labels, & hardcore drug-pushing.

2012.06.10 05:58 nosleeptilwearefree Most suffering is abuse/inequality. Let's end the violence, harmful labels, & hardcore drug-pushing.

The MH industry fails to recognize abuse & inequality as the primary causes of suffering. They label, disbelieve, and blame survivors on a mass scale. They act like drugs are the only option. Some people claim to feel better by taking mind-affecting drugs but drugs aren’t the only option.

2024.06.09 16:26 king98j Subconscious desires for self injury in depression?

If actions are motivated by subconscious desires then this poses a massive public health crisis for the depressive.
Depression is one of the most common disabilities in the world. It can be marked as symptoms of self injury along with low self worth and, in severe cases, a feeling of no longer wanting to be here.
Since much of our public health and prevention is focused on education, telling the public that X is bad for health and should be avoided, the depressive, with a deep desire for the destruction of onesleves may find that as an advertisement for such a product.
The government of a nation perhaps sometimes invests money into education programs to educate school children and also produce advertisements for adults which reinforces the idea that an activity is unhealthy (such as gambling or smoking) but if a significant minitory of the population have depression perhaps this cause them unconsciously to involve themselves with that activity to bring about damages to themselves.
In my view, this provokes two major conundrums:
1) if we spend money telling someone not to do something because it's harmful but they are unconsciously driven towards self harm then it's advertising the product and not having the desired effects of prevention.
2) depression could be missed by doctors for not presenting enough symptomology, for instance patient didn't engage in any self injury behaviour but was addicted to gambling (whereas that could be the self injury behaviour as everyone is well aware that gambling "is a mugs game" and poses all sort of danger and stigmatisation).
submitted by king98j to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:26 Logical-Phrase-9753 Finally free after 5 days

Hello. I'm new here. I guess I'm just looking for a little support because I only recently started getting migraines (3 years now). So originally I thought I was getting debilitating sinus infections because of the pressure around my eye and part of my face. 90% of the time, it's the left side of my face. So I went to an ear, nose, and throat doctor who figured out I have polyps and inflammation in both sinuses and scar tissue blocking most of the drainage avenues. But when I told her I was also sensitive to light and medication doesn't seem to help, she referred me to a neurologist. Unfortunately, the neuro clinic has ZERO openings for new patients. I'm on a waiting list for an appointment waiting list essentially. I have tried prescription steroid nose drops, the zyrtec, benadryl, motrin, Tylenol, Sudafed, I could go on and on but nothing helps. My ENT doc said it could be sinus plus neurological. Has anyone received that recommendation before? Today was going to be day 6 of this migraine but thank God, I awoke without pain. The first 3 days, it was on my left side and then moved to my right where it stayed until this morning. I had to call out of work for 2 days and I missed out on alot of activities with my son. About 6 months ago, I was prescribed Imitrex by a doctor at patient first. It kind of worked (it lessened my symptoms) but the next day was awful. I had horrible anxiety and heart rhythm issues. Side note: Since my cardiac ablation 15 years ago, I've had minimal heart issues but still deal with occasional skips, jumps, and irregularities.
My migraines always last at least 2 days. Sometimes 5. And they come a couple times a month. Does anyone have any advice on how to combat these devastating instances? Does anyone deal with sinus issues and migraines together?
Thank you so much for your help.
submitted by Logical-Phrase-9753 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:23 Golden_Pineapple07 A little (kinda funny?) drabble I did about Akari (in her vigilante persona) and Aizawa

I loved writing this I may include it in my story ( at some point
I stretched my hands out in front of me and then over the top of my head before dramatically sighing.
‘My joints ache.’ I thought as I watched Eraserhead tie up the criminal we had just caught. His face was screwed up as he grunted something under his breath.
“Hey Eraserhead, why the sour look?” I asked, leaning against the metal pole.
“I looked up the hero name Saviour last night.” I tensed, backing away slightly.
“And you found my oh so brilliant reports? What jealous?” I mocked with a smirk as I began to plan out the quickest escape route. I watched as Eraserhead collected his scarf in his hands.
I already knew what was coming.
“Your reports were nonexistent, you're operating without a hero licence.” And there it was.
I dodged the incoming attack, running up the stairs as I flipped out my grappling hook. It attached to the metal bar a few floors up and tugged me up there.
“Come on Eraser, just leave it be!” I exclaimed as he chased after me. My feet connected with the landing and I ran out the fire escape door. The cold wind greeted me as I looked down at the city below me.
“Just give yourself up, you have nowhere to run.” He said.
“You should know I don't have a fear of heights by now!” I said, launching my grappling hook at the next building over. Then, without hesitation, I jumped off, swinging to the next building. The landing was a bit tricky however I managed it with only a few scratches.
Eraserhead, being the well seasoned pro that I was not, was already stood in front of me.
I eyed the edge of a ladder.
“Don't move!”
I did the opposite, jumping down the building and grabbing a hold of the ladder. Once I had my feet in place, I removed one of my hands and deployed the grappling hook. The second it connected with the next building, I jumped off, letting it carry me over.
I repeated the motion with the next building, landing in a roll before pushing myself up and rushing down the stairs to the alleyway below.
Even when I was on the ground I didn't allow my legs or grappling hook to rest. Although I couldn't hear him, I knew Eraserhead was close, so I continued running through the labyrinth.
‘Maybe I can change into some new clothes…’ I thought, rushing around a corner and jumping yet another wall. And there it was, heaven in disguise, a public restroom.
I looped around the back, running around the alleyway again just to increase my chances of actually losing him before I ducked there, taking off my spandex.
Thankfully, I had the foresight to wear my civilian clothing beneath however I hadn't had the foresight to ensure it was actually warm or to bring a backpack.
I folded up the suit, ditching it and the grappling hook up in some cabinet.
‘I'll come back for it later.’ I thought before looking out of the small window.
‘Good he's not there.’ I thought, opening the window and climbing out.
It was a big fall between the window sill and the garbage skit but it was either that or walking out the door, which Eraserhead would've noticed the building had already.
I sighed, grabbing ahold of the window sill and dangling off.
‘Maybe I can swing to that—’
My grip slipped.
“Oh shit—”
And then I fell.
submitted by Golden_Pineapple07 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:23 Hungry_Listen5070 WarioWare: Move It! Is a under appreciated party game

I got this game back when it released in November as a big fan of the series and I remember enjoying it fondly although I did find the single player mode relatively short. Then, due to the heavy release schedule around that time with both Super Mario RPG and Super Mario Bros. Wonder as well as it being a busy period the game unfortunately fell to the wayside potentially becoming a forgotten relic.
However, on a whim, I was catching up with some mates to enjoy some homemade sangria and snacks when I was flicking through games to bring to the games night and thought, “maybe they’d like it? It’s a bit out there though…”
I turned the game on and I handed a controller to an unsure mate as two others looked on incredibly unimpressed by the presentation. “That’s what it’s going for, it’s a bootleg kinda vibe” I told them, which I was met with eye-rolls.
Then we started playing…
Not too long after it clicked for them. The eye-rolls and unimpressed looks turned into laughing from us being put into awkward situations. The brevity of the micro games, the wacky presentation, the fun and outrageous body movements caused the room to combust with laughter and tears.
The game knows its audience. Multiplayer has some simple but easy to understand modes; a board game in which you have to reach the goal whilst winning microgames to score points which can be taken from you for no reason. There’s another where a doctor will prescribe you to do something bizarre like groan like a zombie whilst competing the microgame. It’s the type of game where the energy you put into it is multiplied tenfold in return as your friends are attempting to one up, or out crazy, or simply beat you at the game.
It doesn’t take itself too seriously and this levity is exactly what the industry needs at the moment. Less “experiences” and more “games” like Warioware which unabashedly hopes for the player to surrender their seriousness in the pursuit of an honest and raucous good time.
We will certainly add this to the Mario Party’s, Karts and Smash Bros. “Game Night” rotation.
TLDR: A game which I thought would be a one and done has now become a constant in our party rotation
submitted by Hungry_Listen5070 to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:23 YoungandnotImportant Yesterday I went to a museum and found an exposed electronic panel covered in radium paint. The curator was extremely intrigued, and took the matter very seriously.

Recently I have fallen into taking my GMC-600 to museums of various types. I tend to find more unique items at museums than in antique shops, and it always sparks up an interesting conversation with whatever worker is there that day, as they are usually just as passionate about the history of a piece as me, if not more so.
I went to a museum that housed some mid 20th century electronic equipment, and asked the volunteer if it was okay if I scanned around a bit. I always tend to ask to make sure they're comfortable with it. Most people don't understand how common radioactivity is, and the last thing I want is to make someone uncomfortable by probing around their building without permission.
To my surprise they already had a list of several radioactive items in their collection, mostly small radium dials. Most people I talk to are only aware of the existence of radium, and many museums are not aware that they actually have these things in their collection until I let them know.
I asked if I could take a look around the museum, and then come back to see if the list of items found with my meter matched up with their list, sort of as a scavenger hunt. Looking around I found several interesting dials that I had heard of, but had never seen in person.
However, eventually I got to an electronic panel, and was confused at why my meter was hitting off at several thousand CPM. This panel was made in the 1940s, but was nothing but knobs and metal indented labels explaining what each of the knobs did. Not a dial in sight. I actually scanned back and forth to make sure that none of the pieces next to it were hot, but it appeared that only the one of the bunch was the one in question.
I brought out my UV flashlight to see if there was anything that could light up, only to have half the panel turn up bright green when lit up. No glass dials covering it, no plexiglass display, completely exposed and easily reachable by a child if they decided to start playing around with the displays.
A significant portion of the paint appeared to have been scratched and/or flaked off, but thankfully I saw no obvious dust on the floor of the display. Somewhere that dust is still around, probably on the floor of a storage warehouse somewhere.
I went over to the front desk and asked them if they were aware of the panel. They said no, they were only aware of the dials in a separate display. I brought them over to the panel and their eyes went wide when the meter started clicking off like mad.
"Let me grab the curator."
The curator came out and as I explained what I had found and showed them the glowing paint and ticking GM counter. Their demeanor switched to that of an archaeologist who just found an unknowable evil in a tomb in a B movie: Both extremely interested and fascinated but also mildly horrified that something had been right under their nose for this long.
I already knew that this museum was well funded and as a result probably had a safety specialist to deal with any issues that may come about. They said that they periodically checked the radium dials, and were also aware of lead paint on a few pieces, and had someone come out to check the integrity of both to make sure that it wouldn't cause any problems. They ensured me that they would have their specialist out as soon as possible to discuss what would be next for the display, most likely a piece of temporary glass immediately while they figure out something long term. Cue thirty minutes of discussing the other pieces in the museum once the matter was discussed. I gave them a few NRC and EPA links for more information on radium dials and left. I'll be headed back to the museum soon to see what they put up for safety.
I make this post for a few reasons.
1: Museums are an underrated means of looking for hot items. Antique shops may offer a greater quantity to search among, but in my experience museums have had more rare items, and the payoff of finding something unique is ten times better than any more common item in an antique shop, such as fiestaware.
2: Supporting your local museum. Chances are you have something fascinating right near you without knowing it. Whether its a one room display at the local government office, or the entire Smithsonian, you probably have a really interesting museum near you. Do a quick google search and find out what's up.
3: The value of heading out with a survey meter for fun. Most often, it's a unique means of interacting with history. Occasionally, it may help improve the safety of others. Whether it was tomorrow or thirty years from now, some kid on a school field trip may have gotten rowdy and decided to start playing with knobs and buttons, possibly inadvertantly getting some radium dust on their hands. Who knows how long it might have been before the piece's status as radioactive was found had someone with a survey meter not shown up?
I encourage all of you to head out to your local museum with your meters. Not only are you supporting an important local institution, but you may find something important, who knows?
And before anyone asks, no, I will not say where the museum is, what it's called, or even what kind of electronic panel the piece was. Giving away pretty much any of that information would allow for the museum to be found. The last thing they need is some local finding this, sending it to the city news station and having a headline come out that says "Hundreds exposed to previously unknown radioactive material for years at local museum". Most people don't understand the basics of radiation safety, much less radium paint, and the last thing I want is some horrible publicity coming out for a museum who genuinely had no idea what they had.
submitted by YoungandnotImportant to Radiation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:22 Golden_Pineapple07 A little (kinda funny?) drabble I did about Akari (in her vigilante persona) and Aizawa

I loved writing this I may include it in my story ( at some point
I stretched my hands out in front of me and then over the top of my head before dramatically sighing.
‘My joints ache.’ I thought as I watched Eraserhead tie up the criminal we had just caught. His face was screwed up as he grunted something under his breath.
“Hey Eraserhead, why the sour look?” I asked, leaning against the metal pole.
“I looked up the hero name Saviour last night.” I tensed, backing away slightly.
“And you found my oh so brilliant reports? What jealous?” I mocked with a smirk as I began to plan out the quickest escape route. I watched as Eraserhead collected his scarf in his hands.
I already knew what was coming.
“Your reports were nonexistent, you're operating without a hero licence.” And there it was.
I dodged the incoming attack, running up the stairs as I flipped out my grappling hook. It attached to the metal bar a few floors up and tugged me up there.
“Come on Eraser, just leave it be!” I exclaimed as he chased after me. My feet connected with the landing and I ran out the fire escape door. The cold wind greeted me as I looked down at the city below me.
“Just give yourself up, you have nowhere to run.” He said.
“You should know I don't have a fear of heights by now!” I said, launching my grappling hook at the next building over. Then, without hesitation, I jumped off, swinging to the next building. The landing was a bit tricky however I managed it with only a few scratches.
Eraserhead, being the well seasoned pro that I was not, was already stood in front of me.
I eyed the edge of a ladder.
“Don't move!”
I did the opposite, jumping down the building and grabbing a hold of the ladder. Once I had my feet in place, I removed one of my hands and deployed the grappling hook. The second it connected with the next building, I jumped off, letting it carry me over.
I repeated the motion with the next building, landing in a roll before pushing myself up and rushing down the stairs to the alleyway below.
Even when I was on the ground I didn't allow my legs or grappling hook to rest. Although I couldn't hear him, I knew Eraserhead was close, so I continued running through the labyrinth.
‘Maybe I can change into some new clothes…’ I thought, rushing around a corner and jumping yet another wall. And there it was, heaven in disguise, a public restroom.
I looped around the back, running around the alleyway again just to increase my chances of actually losing him before I ducked there, taking off my spandex.
Thankfully, I had the foresight to wear my civilian clothing beneath however I hadn't had the foresight to ensure it was actually warm or to bring a backpack.
I folded up the suit, ditching it and the grappling hook up in some cabinet.
‘I'll come back for it later.’ I thought before looking out of the small window.
‘Good he's not there.’ I thought, opening the window and climbing out.
It was a big fall between the window sill and the garbage skit but it was either that or walking out the door, which Eraserhead would've noticed the building had already.
I sighed, grabbing ahold of the window sill and dangling off.
‘Maybe I can swing to that—’
My grip slipped.
“Oh shit—”
And then I fell.
submitted by Golden_Pineapple07 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:18 No_Transition7509 Looking for instagram username suggestions.

My first name is Nasaiah and my middle name is Abiezer and as original as I thought my name was, unfortunately that’s taken and cannot use it. I’m working on making a public instagram account that has an aesthetic focus (meaning has a color theme, outfits with professional photography, pictures of places I’ve been, etc).
I would like something that does not have numbers, looks pleasing to the eye, and preferably not long (~7 characters?)
submitted by No_Transition7509 to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:11 Oscar_BLM27 Know your enemy comrades!

Know your enemy comrades! submitted by Oscar_BLM27 to Anarchy4Everyone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 Glittering-Tiger-130 Should I become a doctor or a lawyer?

Hey guys. I really either want to be a lawyer or a doctor. I got a 1210 on my PSAT 10. 690 English and 520 Math. I am good at public speaking and get 7/8 (I do IB lol) in school for my grades. I am head of student government and love to read but I also love learning about the human body. I am thinking about if law big law and or corporate law and if medicine neurosurgery or cardiovascular surgery. What do you guys think I should do?
submitted by Glittering-Tiger-130 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 DevoteeOfCittaDharma An 86-year-old grandma woke up after 20 days in a coma (苏醒)

Today, to save all sentient beings, I will learn from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva to spread Dharma. I will convince sentient beings to practice Buddhism using my experiences. May Guan Yin Bodhisattva bless me and help me turn my propagation into merits and virtues. I hope my propagation can form positive connections with all sentient beings, transform the right ones extensively, and awaken more beings. I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Hello everyone! I am a Dharma practitioner Jinglian from Jiangsu Province, China. Now I’d like to share with you: My husband hit an 86-year-old grandmother on the road, causing her to fall. Guan Yin Bodhisattva mercifully blessed and protected the grandmother so she regained consciousness after 20 days in a coma. She was discharged 30 days later.
My husband's birthday is in January. In November 2019, 3 months later he would be 59 years old. On November 1, 2019, I dreamed that the portrait of Guan Yin Bodhisattva on the Buddhist altar was missing. However, it did not draw my attention to it at that time.
On November 4, 2019, after 5:00 pm, my husband was riding his electric bicycle and accidentally hit a grandmother who was walking on the road. He fell a heel, helmet fell in half, but his body was not seriously hurt, just a bit of skin on the face. The grandmother lay on the ground unconscious, with her mouth and nose bleeding. The situation was very critical. He immediately called the police and sent the grandmother to the County People's Hospital for emergency care.
Hospital examination report discovered that the grandmother's brain had become a mass like bean curd, paste, and had a hematoma. The doctor said: “The 86-year-old grandmother, because of her age, cannot undergo surgery;the grandmother may not wake up, and even if she wakes up, she will enter vegetable state (post-coma unresponsiveness).” He was scared and called me to tell me that the grandmother's situation was very dangerous. When I heard the news, I didn't panic because I knew Guan Yin Bodhisattva would bless me! I reassured my frightened husband not to worry too much. Bodhisattva would bless and wake up the old grandmother. My husband said, "Is it possible?" I said, "What is impossible?" Many cancer patients have been cured by practicing the 3 golden Buddhist practices. Why can't we? If we sincerely pray to Bodhisattva, we can definitely do it".
I had been practicing Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door for >2 years by then. As a devotee of the greatly compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I had witnessed too many miracles. In response to this, I made 3 vows to the Bodhisattva after offering incense:
  1. Gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I have been a vegetarian for more than two years, and I will insist on being a vegetarian for life and not killing beings;
  2. Recite Xiao Zai Ji Xiang Shen Zhou and Cundi Dharani times 108 times respectively per day to my husband for a month, praying to Bodhisattva to help my husband resolve his grievances;
  3. Recite the Great Compassion Mantra 49 times a day to the grandmother for one month, praying Bodhisattva to bless her to wake up and recover soon.
The next day, I knelt in front of the Buddhist altar and made 2 additional vows:
  1. Repay my husband's karmic creditors 21 Little Houses;
  2. Repay my home's karmic creditors 21 Little Houses.
On November 9, fellow Buddhist practitioners who knew about my family's situation came to my house to help me set up a new Buddhist altar for Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door (before that, I only had a Guan Yin Bodhisattva portrait on Buddhist altar). I was really touched by the selfless dedication of the practitioners who are not my relatives but superior to relatives, and I was very grateful! I knelt down in front of the Bodhisattva and made the following vows:
  1. Be a vegetarian for the rest of my life;
  2. Observe the five precepts;
  3. Live an ascetic life;
  4. Devote myself to one Buddhist practice, and never quit.
During this period, whenever my husband and I visited the grandmother, I held her hand and talked to her. Although she didn't seem responsive at that time, I firmly believed that with Bodhisattva's blessing, she would wake up! Just as I chanted the Great Compassion Mantra for her, although she couldn't speak, I saw tears flowing from the corners of her eyes! This made me even more convinced that I must recite the sutra for her. I must do my best to make her wake up and reunite with her children as soon as possible!
Within a few days, the grandmother could move her hands. I understood in my heart that it was Bodhisattva's compassion that saved her.
After a few more days, the grandmother's eyes opened and she smiled at me. When the nurse saw that, the nurse said, "We give her an IV every day, but today she opened her eyes and smiled at you first. I can't believe that an 86-year-old person can recover so well in such a short time. This would not be possible without your sincerity and compassion!"
If one’s thoughts are sincere, the Buddha has a response. As long as we firmly have faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva will surely bless us sentient beings.
On the 20th day of the grandmother's hospital admission, a miracle happened: she woke up! I was so moved that I couldn't stop tears from flowing down my face. It was so amazing. I was full of Dharma joy. I was so grateful for Bodhisattva's compassion, who answered every request and saved the grandmother and our family.
On the 30th day of her hospital admission, she was discharged! The caregiver saw the change in her and exclaimed it was awesome. At such an old age and with such serious injuries, she woke up and was discharged from the hospital in 1 month. This is a miracle! Without Bodhisattva's compassionate rescue, the grandmother would have had a different outcome that none of us wanted.
On November 30, the grandmother's son negotiated with my husband to deal with the aftermath. As I recited 2 sets of Guan Yin Citta Emergency Code during the negotiations, I prayed that Bodhisattva would bless and allow the problem to be resolved smoothly and successfully. There was no unpleasantness between the two parties during the negotiation process. In the end, both parties reached a consensus and my family paid the other party ¥91,000 in CYN. Compassionate Bodhisattva turned a big problem into a small one. Once again, I was moved to tears.
In this traffic accident, Bodhisattva not only saved the grandmother's life, but also saved my husband‘s spiritual life. Previously, he was against studying Buddhism and reciting Buddhist scriptures. Through this incident, he changed his original attitude. In addition to listening to Master Lu's enlightenment and lectures on Buddhism in Plain Terms, he recites the holy name of the Bodhisattva. I know this is all due to Bodhisattva's compassionate blessing! The only way I could afford the Bodhisattva is to cultivate well and keep cultivating!
Four years have passed and the grandmother is still alive today. Every time I passed by her house, I saw clothes drying and lights on, and I was deeply touched. If I hadn't encountered such an excellent Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, if it weren't for the compassionate help of fellow practitioners, how sad the grandmother's family would be if something happened to her. My husband and I would have suffered for the rest of our lives. The fates of our two families would not be as peaceful as now. I am infinitely grateful to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for saving our two families.
Now that we have listened to the rarely heard Dharma teachings, we must cherish this affinity with the Buddha. The only way to change our destiny is to practise Buddhism and recite Buddhist scriptures. The terrible fate in the past will become good after studying Buddhism, and the good fate in the past will become better after studying Buddhism. If one person practices Buddhism, the whole family will be blessed!
I vow: I will not forget the salvation of Bodhisattva and the teachings of Master Lu, study Buddhism well, practice Buddhism truly and practically, do more merits and virtues, awaken more sentient beings, respect my teacher and his teachings, devote myself to one Buddhist practice, and never quit! Introduce such good Dharma to more sentient beings, so that more sentient beings can benefit from studying Buddhism and be free from suffering and gain happiness! Only then will we be worthy of the Bodhisattva's kindness! Buddha's powers are unlimited, and only those who believe in Buddha will be saved! I am grateful to all the boundless compassionate fellow practitioners who have introduced me to Buddhism and helped me learn Buddhism. This has allowed me to encounter such a wonderful Dharma Door. I hope that all sentient beings who read or hear what I have shared will not hesitate to take up Buddhist scriptures and learn to recite them!
My deepest gratitude to Namo Sakyamuni Buddha!
My deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
My deepest gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time!
My deepest gratitude to the Dharma protectors!
My deepest gratitude to the selfless and beloved Master Jun Hong Lu!
If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the truth in the presentation, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors, and Master Jun Hong Lu. I’d also like to seek forgiveness from my fellow Buddhist practitioners.
I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Buddhist Practitioner: Zhu, Gratitude and Namaste!
Received: 2020-01-11
Posted: 2023-03-27
Translator: Frank
Statement by translator
1 Story was translated by meaning, not word by word. If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the true meaning of the Chinese version, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu.
2 Author Zhu was interviewed by Frank during translation for the detailed information.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would forward this presentation to all sentient beings you know, sick or healthy. You will accumulate immeasurable merits and virtues. Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda!
Would you like to change your destiny?
We will show you how to do the Five Golden Buddhist Practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door: (1) making vows, (2) reciting Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras), (3) performing life liberation, (4) reading Buddhism in Plain Terms, and (5) repenting. You will personally witness how you and your family can achieve physical and mental stability, relief from illness and grievances, wisdom growth, academic progress, career advancement, and family happiness through Dharma. It’s free of charge.
Buddhist practitioner: Lily
Email: [](
WeChat: HanJing20210820
  1. 感恩观世音菩萨,我已经吃全素两年多了,一定会坚持终身吃全素,不杀生;
  2. 给我先生每天念《消灾吉祥神咒》和《解结咒》各108遍,念一个月,求菩萨妈妈帮我先生化解怨结;
  3. 给老奶奶每天念49遍《大悲咒》,念一个月,求菩萨妈妈保佑老奶奶能早日醒过来康复。
1. 给我先生的要经者,烧送21张小房子;
2. 给我家房子的要经者,烧送21张小房子。
  1. 终生吃全素;
  2. 守五戒;
  3. 清修;
  4. 一门精进,永不退转!
2020-01-11 收到
2023-03-27 发布
Disclaimer of Liability:
The contents of the presentation and answers, including text, images, and other information obtained from Dharma practitioners, are provided strictly for reference purposes. Due to the unique nature of individual karma, results similar to those experienced by the authors may not be replicated. The experiences and advice shared should not be construed as medical advice or a diagnosis.
In the event of an emergency, it is crucial to promptly contact your doctor or emergency services by dialing 911. Relying on any information found in the answers is done solely at your own risk. The translator and answerer bear no responsibility for the consequences. By using or misusing the contents, you accept liability for any personal injury, including death. It is imperative to exercise caution and seek professional medical guidance for health-related concerns.
submitted by DevoteeOfCittaDharma to CittaPureLand [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 Glittering-Tiger-130 Should I become a doctor or a lawyer?

Hey guys. I really either want to be a lawyer or a doctor. I got a 1210 on my PSAT 10. 690 English and 520 Math. I am good at public speaking and get 7/8 (I do IB lol) in school for my grades. I am head of student government and love to read but I also love learning about the human body. I am thinking about if law big law and or corporate law and if medicine neurosurgery or cardiovascular surgery. What do you guys think I should do?
submitted by Glittering-Tiger-130 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 Wurm42 Any tips for coping during an ear infection? (Phonak BTEs)

I have moderate sensorineural hearing loss, with my high frequency hearing being considerably worse in my right ear. Normally I wear Phonak Audeo Marvel BTE hearing aids (HAs), one in each ear. My HAs are almost five years old, so my app is myPhonak version (Android)
I've got an ear infection in my left ear. It's bad, I've got a sinus infection too. Doctor's orders are no hearing aid in the left ear until I've finished the course of antibiotics, which is five more days.
The problem is, just wearing my right ear Phonak, I've discovered that I'm not getting the high frequency sounds in my right ear-- I think the hearing aids were flippping those sounds to my left ear, which has better high frequency hearing (or at least it did...I hope I don't have any permanent damage from this).
Does anybody have suggestions on how to use the Phonak Android app to compensate for this problem? It doesn't want to do anything unless both hearing aids are active.
Thank you!
submitted by Wurm42 to HearingAids [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 Glittering-Tiger-130 Should I be a doctor or a lawyer?

Hey guys. I really either want to be a lawyer or a doctor. I got a 1210 on my PSAT 10. 690 English and 520 Math. I am good at public speaking and get 7/8 (I do IB lol) in school for my grades. I am head of student government and love to read but I also love learning about the human body. I am thinking about if law big law and or corporate law and if medicine neurosurgery or cardiovascular surgery. What do you guys think I should do?
submitted by Glittering-Tiger-130 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 Glittering-Tiger-130 Should I be a doctor or a lawyer?

Hey guys. I really either want to be a lawyer or a doctor. I got a 1210 on my PSAT 10. 690 English and 520 Math. I am good at public speaking and get 7/8 (I do IB lol) in school for my grades. I am head of student government and love to read but I also love learning about the human body. I am thinking about if law big law and or corporate law and if medicine neurosurgery or cardiovascular surgery. What do you guys think I should do?
submitted by Glittering-Tiger-130 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:03 dr-sameer-sekhar Best Ways to make your skin look younger

There are several preferences for a younger look, your preference for self-confidence, the best appearance, and a radiant glow forever with healthy well-being. With a smoother skin texture, reduced wrinkles, and fine lines, you can look out of your best with the best practices of your skincare and the ways that you can simply follow to enhance your skin health and appearance. We can never change the process of aging but with natural ways, we can make ourselves look younger than we actually are. Obtaining a younger look will be a combination of a healthy lifestyle and the best skincare routine. “So here are the 10 ways to make your skin look younger:”
Hydration plays a key role in maintaining a younger-looking skin. Drinking plenty of water is best known to provide elasticity to the skin making it more youthful and attractive. Staying hydrated can help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines also it controls the excess oil production from the skin. Drinking more water also flushes out all the excessive toxins from the body making the skin even more brighter.
Balanced Diet:
A balanced diet is also a must for younger-looking skin. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants protect your skin from damage caused by the free radicles, and also foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids) can best help to keep the skin moisturized. Vitamin C and Vitamin E foods repair the skin to give it younger-looking skin. Protein food can help in collagen production. Whole grains give a youthful appearance to the skin. Zinc-containing foods are also best helpful to maintain a young-looking skin. Avoid sugary and processed foods that make the skin appear older than you are. You can make a few smoothies and healthy juices for healthy and glowing skin. Orange and Banana smoothie is rich in nutrients and Vitamin C which is known to be the best drink for youthful skin.
Cleansing removes the dirt and impurities accumulated on the skin surface due to long-term exposure to outdoor activities. So do cleanse well with a cleanser that suits your skin for a younger look. Skin irritation can lead to aging so do cleanse well and remove all the irritants from the skin surface for a younger appearance.
The sun's harmful UV rays also play a key role in the premature aging of the skin due to its tan appearance. Use a sunscreen that is above SPF 50 for better protection from harmful sun rays that can prevent the deterioration of skin texture and prevent you from having an aged look.
Vitamin C Serum:
Vitamin C serum is best known to help skin look for a young look due to its antioxidant nature that is well known for its nature in protecting from harmful pollutants and also promotes collagen production giving a smoother and brighter appearance of the skin. Do use it with sunscreen for good results and a youthful appearance.
Staying physically active through regular exercise can also reduce premature aging, it promotes blood circulation and cell-regeneration which is vital for youthful skin. It enhances the skin texture by improving collagen production, and detoxification of the body for healthy clearer skin. Exercise also balances the hormones and it stimulates the lymphatic system which plays a vital role in eliminating toxins from the body and giving a younger look. Exercises such as strength training, jogging, cycling, and swimming should be incorporated into your daily routine for healthy and glowing skin.
Smoking and Drinking:
Try to avoid smoking and drinking as it can lead to wrinkles and aging signs, uneven skin tone, due to the reduced blood flow to the skin making it aged. Also, alcohol is a diuretic that increases the urine sensation making the body dehydrated and leading to unhealthy skin complexion. Alcohol consumption increases inflammation, and puffy eyes causing acne and eczema.
Proper Sleep:
A proper sleep schedule undisturbed for up to 8 hours is essential for healthy and youthful skin. Because the body repairs and regenerates the cells of the skin while you sleep, it reduces inflammation and also the dark circles. A proper sleep schedule also helps to reduce stress and increases collagen production for a youthful appearance.
Including stress reduction activities in your daily routine such as meditation and yoga is known to provide a youthful glow because stress reduces inflammation, Stress accelerates the process of premature aging and the problem of wrinkles, and fine lines due to poor sleep quality. So manage your stress levels for healthy and youthful skin.
Skin- Friendly Products:
Use the products that are suitable for your skin type because the products that are not suitable for your skin may have adverse effects leaving the skin with problems such as acne, pigmentation, and pimples which will give the skin a younger appearance. So include products that suit you best in your skincare routine. Do visit a dermatologist who can help you find the right products and also advise you with the best tips for younger-looking skin.
submitted by dr-sameer-sekhar to u/dr-sameer-sekhar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:57 Odd_craving Do courts sometimes impose harsh sentences and civil settlements with the idea of going back and adjusting them down when the heat is off?

To the untrained eye, it seems that, often, a jury will convict, and the court hands down a harsh sentence. Then a year or two later, that sentence will get reworked downward. This may sound a bit conspiratorial, but I wonder if this is done in order to initially give the public peace of mind - then alter the sentence later - when there's very little public scrutiny.
Reduction of civil jury awards also appears to happen after the cameras are shut off. Both civil and criminal outcomes seem to exist on two levels; the initial sentence/award, and then the 12th-hour reduction.
submitted by Odd_craving to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:56 mywaggle Understanding Heat Stroke in Puppies: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Heatstroke is a serious threat to dogs of all ages, but puppies are especially vulnerable due to their developing body temperature regulation and heightened risk of organ damage. Let's dive into the symptoms, causes, and treatment of heatstroke in puppies, along with some valuable prevention tips. We can ensure our little furry companions stay safe and healthy by staying informed and taking the right precautions.

Understanding Heat Stroke in Puppies

When a dog's temperature rises too high, it can cause heatstroke, a severe form of hyperthermia. Unlike heat exhaustion, where the body struggles to cool down, heatstroke occurs when the body's temperature regulation fails. Due to their smaller size and less effective heat dissipation, Puppies are particularly vulnerable, especially in prolonged heat exposure.

Defining Heatstroke in the Context of Puppies

In short, heatstroke is a dangerous increase in body temperature, typically over 104 degrees Fahrenheit, caused by exposure to hot temperatures or environments. Puppies are especially at risk due to their smaller size, underdeveloped temperature regulation, and higher chance of organ failure. Unlike older dogs, puppies may have difficulty cooling themselves, emphasizing the need for quick action to avoid serious health issues.

How Puppies Are Susceptible to Heatstroke

Puppies are more prone to heatstroke than adult dogs because their temperature regulation systems are not fully developed. They have trouble cooling down efficiently when exposed to heat for long periods, putting them at risk even with slight temperature increases. Certain factors, like breeds with shorter muzzles, can make cooling down even more challenging for puppies. Pet owners must take extra care to prevent heatstroke in puppies, which can lead to organ damage and other serious health issues.

Identifying Symptoms of Heatstroke in Puppies

Recognizing heat stroke symptoms in puppies is crucial for prompt intervention and treatment. These signs can include physical changes and altered behavior. Being attentive to these signals allows pet owners to quickly cool down their puppies and seek veterinary assistance if necessary. Let's delve into these signs to ensure timely care for our furry friends.

Heatstroke Symptoms in Puppies

Look for heavy panting, lethargy, reddened gums, a rapid heart rate, weakness, or collapse in puppies—these are serious symptoms of heatstroke that require immediate attention. Recognizing these signs promptly can help prevent complications. Keep your furry friend cool and vigilant to ensure their well-being and safety during hot weather.

Behavioral Changes Indicative of Heatstroke in Puppies

Are you noticing agitation or confusion in your puppy? Keep an eye out for signs of disorientation or excessive restlessness. Any uncharacteristic behaviors could be a red flag for distress, as heatstroke may influence your puppy's usual actions. Stay vigilant for any unusual antics—they might be your pup's way of communicating discomfort.

Causes Leading to Heatstroke in Puppies

Puppies can experience heat stroke due to various causes, including environmental factors and puppy-specific vulnerabilities. High outside temperatures, lack of shade, and excessive physical activity can lead to heat exhaustion. Puppies, especially older or bigger breeds, with poor blood flow regulation are at a higher risk. Pet owners must monitor their dog's temperature and keep them cool in hot weather to prevent organ failure.

Environmental Factors Causing Heatstroke

Closed cars can become extremely hot quickly in the summer, putting puppies at risk. Do not leave your dog alone in parked cars to avoid heatstroke.
High humidity can hinder the body's ability to cool down effectively, leading to a higher chance of heat-related problems. Provide your puppy with a cool, shady area to prevent overheating and support their health.
Please be watchful and set up a safe, cool space for your pet to stay healthy.

Treatment for Heatstroke in Puppies

Quick action is vital when dealing with heatstroke. Begin by moving your pup to a cooler area and offering water to drink. Carefully wet their body with cold water and fan them gently. Avoid using ice-cold water to prevent shock. Seek immediate veterinary attention to assess their condition and provide necessary treatment.

Medical Treatments for Heatstroke in Puppies

When puppies experience heatstroke, veterinarians provide essential care. Administering fluids helps manage symptoms effectively, and medications tailored for puppies aid in their recovery process. In some cases, hospitalization becomes necessary after a heatstroke incident. Oxygen therapy plays a crucial role in helping puppies recover comfortably. Veterinary hospitals specialize in offering the best care for puppies dealing with heatstroke, ensuring a smooth recuperation journey.

Recovery and Management Post-Heatstroke

After a puppy recovers from heatstroke, focusing on post-care is vital. This means monitoring their progress closely and creating a comfortable environment for recovery. Post-heatstroke care includes keeping the puppy hydrated, cool, and stress-free. Long-term management might involve adjusting the puppy's routine to avoid future episodes. Pet owners should watch for complications and consult a veterinarian for the best chance of survival and healthy recovery.

Post-Heat Stroke Care for Puppies

Keeping a close eye on their progress post-incident is essential.
Ensuring the puppy stays well-hydrated and comfortable is key.
Paying special attention to their diet and exercise regimen is crucial in their recuperation.
Collaborating with your vet for a tailored recovery plan is pivotal for effective post-heatstroke care.

Long-term Management of Puppies Post-Heatstroke

Regular vet visits are vital after a puppy’s heat stroke.
Manage your pet’s heat exposure carefully.
Construct healthy routines post-incident.
Seek vet advice on long-term care.

Preventing Heat Stroke in Puppies: Tips and Advice

Staying proactive is vital to keeping your puppy safe from heatstroke. Watch out for signs of overheating, like panting or lethargy, and take preventive measures. Provide shade and cool water, avoid intense exercise during the hottest times, and never leave your puppy in a parked car. Regular grooming and good ventilation can also help regulate your puppy's body temperature. If you suspect heatstroke, seek immediate veterinary care. By staying informed and proactive, you can ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your furry friend.

Temperature Alerts: Keeping Pets Safe in All Climates

A pet temperature monitor is essential for hot and cold conditions, offering alerts for temperature changes. This ensures pet safety by allowing immediate adjustments, keeping pets comfortable and safe regardless of weather extremes.

Final Thoughts

In the heartwarming world of furry friends, understanding heatstroke in puppies is crucial for their well-being. Recognizing heat stroke symptoms in puppies early, from physical signs to behavioral changes, can save a life. Precaution and prevention, such as adjusting environments and monitoring playtime, are key to ensuring our adorable companions stay safe and happy. Remember, a watchful eye and quick action matter most in keeping our playful pals cool, healthy, and tail-wagging with joy!
By sharing this information and raising awareness, we can help our beloved puppies enjoy their summer days safely without the risk of heatstroke. Keep your furry friends hydrated, cool, and loved; they will continue to bring joy and companionship to your life for years to come.
4oHeatstroke is a serious threat to dogs of all ages, but puppies are especially vulnerable due to their developing body temperature regulation and heightened risk of organ damage. Let's dive into the symptoms, causes, and treatment of heatstroke in puppies, along with some valuable prevention tips. We can ensure our little furry companions stay safe and healthy by staying informed and taking the right precautions.

Understanding Heat Stroke in Puppies

When a dog's temperature rises too high, it can cause heatstroke, a severe form of hyperthermia. Unlike heat exhaustion, where the body struggles to cool down, heatstroke occurs when the body's temperature regulation fails. Due to their smaller size and less effective heat dissipation, Puppies are particularly vulnerable, especially in prolonged heat exposure.

Defining Heatstroke in the Context of Puppies

In short, heatstroke is a dangerous increase in body temperature, typically over 104 degrees Fahrenheit, caused by exposure to hot temperatures or environments. Puppies are especially at risk due to their smaller size, underdeveloped temperature regulation, and higher chance of organ failure. Unlike older dogs, puppies may have difficulty cooling themselves, emphasizing the need for quick action to avoid serious health issues.

How Puppies Are Susceptible to Heatstroke

Puppies are more prone to heatstroke than adult dogs because their temperature regulation systems are not fully developed. They have trouble cooling down efficiently when exposed to heat for long periods, putting them at risk even with slight temperature increases. Certain factors, like breeds with shorter muzzles, can make cooling down even more challenging for puppies. Pet owners must take extra care to prevent heatstroke in puppies, which can lead to organ damage and other serious health issues.

Identifying Symptoms of Heatstroke in Puppies

Recognizing heat stroke symptoms in puppies is crucial for prompt intervention and treatment. These signs can include physical changes and altered behavior. Being attentive to these signals allows pet owners to quickly cool down their puppies and seek veterinary assistance if necessary. Let's delve into these signs to ensure timely care for our furry friends.

Heatstroke Symptoms in Puppies

Look for heavy panting, lethargy, reddened gums, a rapid heart rate, weakness, or collapse in puppies—these are serious symptoms of heatstroke that require immediate attention. Recognizing these signs promptly can help prevent complications. Keep your furry friend cool and vigilant to ensure their well-being and safety during hot weather.

Behavioral Changes Indicative of Heatstroke in Puppies

Are you noticing agitation or confusion in your puppy? Keep an eye out for signs of disorientation or excessive restlessness. Any uncharacteristic behaviors could be a red flag for distress, as heatstroke may influence your puppy's usual actions. Stay vigilant for any unusual antics—they might be your pup's way of communicating discomfort.

Causes Leading to Heatstroke in Puppies

Puppies can experience heat stroke due to various causes, including environmental factors and puppy-specific vulnerabilities. High outside temperatures, lack of shade, and excessive physical activity can lead to heat exhaustion. Puppies, especially older or bigger breeds, with poor blood flow regulation are at a higher risk. Pet owners must monitor their dog's temperature and keep them cool in hot weather to prevent organ failure.

Environmental Factors Causing Heatstroke

Closed cars can become extremely hot quickly in the summer, putting puppies at risk. Do not leave your dog alone in parked cars to avoid heatstroke.
High humidity can hinder the body's ability to cool down effectively, leading to a higher chance of heat-related problems. Provide your puppy with a cool, shady area to prevent overheating and support their health.
Please be watchful and set up a safe, cool space for your pet to stay healthy.

Treatment for Heatstroke in Puppies

Quick action is vital when dealing with heatstroke. Begin by moving your pup to a cooler area and offering water to drink. Carefully wet their body with cold water and fan them gently. Avoid using ice-cold water to prevent shock. Seek immediate veterinary attention to assess their condition and provide necessary treatment.

Medical Treatments for Heatstroke in Puppies

When puppies experience heatstroke, veterinarians provide essential care. Administering fluids helps manage symptoms effectively, and medications tailored for puppies aid in their recovery process. In some cases, hospitalization becomes necessary after a heatstroke incident. Oxygen therapy plays a crucial role in helping puppies recover comfortably. Veterinary hospitals specialize in offering the best care for puppies dealing with heatstroke, ensuring a smooth recuperation journey.

Recovery and Management Post-Heatstroke

After a puppy recovers from heatstroke, focusing on post-care is vital. This means monitoring their progress closely and creating a comfortable environment for recovery. Post-heatstroke care includes keeping the puppy hydrated, cool, and stress-free. Long-term management might involve adjusting the puppy's routine to avoid future episodes. Pet owners should watch for complications and consult a veterinarian for the best chance of survival and a healthy recovery.

Post-Heat Stroke Care for Puppies

Keeping a close eye on their progress post-incident is essential.
Ensuring the puppy stays well-hydrated and comfortable is key.
Paying special attention to their diet and exercise regimen is crucial in recuperation.
Collaborating with your vet for a tailored recovery plan is pivotal for effective post-heatstroke care.

Long-term Management of Puppies Post-Heatstroke

Regular vet visits are vital after a puppy’s heat stroke.
Manage your pet’s heat exposure carefully.
Construct healthy routines post-incident.
Seek vet advice on long-term care.

Preventing Heat Stroke in Puppies: Tips and Advice

Staying proactive is vital to keeping your puppy safe from heatstroke. Watch out for signs of overheating, like panting or lethargy, and take preventive measures. Provide shade and cool water, avoid intense exercise during the hottest times, and never leave your puppy in a parked car. Regular grooming and good ventilation can also help regulate your puppy's body temperature. If you suspect heatstroke, seek immediate veterinary care. By staying informed and proactive, you can ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your furry friend.

Temperature Alerts: Keeping Pets Safe in All Climates

A pet temperature monitor is essential for hot and cold conditions, offering alerts for temperature changes. This ensures pet safety by allowing immediate adjustments, keeping pets comfortable and safe regardless of weather extremes.

Final Thoughts

In the heartwarming world of furry friends, understanding heatstroke in puppies is crucial for their well-being. Recognizing heat stroke symptoms in puppies early, from physical signs to behavioral changes, can save a life. Precaution and prevention, such as adjusting environments and monitoring playtime, are key to ensuring our adorable companions stay safe and happy. Remember, a watchful eye and quick action matter most in keeping our playful pals cool, healthy, and tail-wagging with joy!
By sharing this information and raising awareness, we can help our beloved puppies enjoy their summer days safely without the risk of heatstroke. Keep your furry friends hydrated, cool, and loved; they will continue to bring joy and companionship to your life for years to come.
submitted by mywaggle to u/mywaggle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:55 MaichenM In the year of our lord 2024, MaichenM kept writing his book

The moment I typed the first word, there was the screech of tires and a four car collision took place outside my house. This was only the beginning.
By the time I had reached the third paragraph, the wind had picked up. Flashes of lightning sent blinding pulses of white energy into the room, immediately followed by earthshaking thunder. Sheets of unnatural rain pounded on the window with so much force that a spiderweb of cracks soon split apart the glass.
There was the thumping of footsteps across the hall. My office door flew open. My beautiful, big-tittied wife entered, her sizable breasts bouncing as she ran.
"What are you doing!?" asked the breasty woman.
"I," I spoke with a terrible confidence I did not truly feel. "Am writing my novel."
"Oh..." she fell to her knees, her eyes glazing over with awestruck tears. Clearly unable to know whether to feel terror or ecstasy. "Oh, god above. he's doing it. This matters. This matters so much to everyone, and everyone, everywhere should care."
It was true. Of all the great, epic, and catastrophic events of human history, my writing of a novel ranked highly. Some would say that I was not allowed to do this. Others would worship me as the next great American fantasy author--no, as a god. Surely, if I posted about it on writing, my post would quickly become the most controversial of the day, with millions of upvotes and downvotes, and armies of writers on either side arguing in the comments.
But no, this time. This one time, I would follow the meditative and near-unattainable advice offered by that bastion of wisdom on that website totally worth everyone's time: I would just write.
But of course, I was just a man, and I still had a man's fear. As my wife touched her breasts to the ground, and then her head, and prayed in latin for hope, I began to hear my horde of new followers chanting my name outside, hoping that my book would bring them mercy rather than destruction. But, in the truth, the butterfly effect of each cataclysmic burst of chaos emanating from each typed word was too great for me to have any control. I could only write on in my own awestruck adderall and cocaine-fueled determination as the rich became poor and the poor became rich, as the oceans rose and fell, as the planets aligned and the dreadful twilight of an eclipse gave birth to gods and monsters.
Only after I finished my weekly 50-100 words, over the course of four hours, did I stop, sweating. I immediately made this post. For all I have done, I am sorry. For all who would thank me, I have not done it for you. I am, above all, a writer. I have only one thing to ask. I beg you on my knees, please, aid the conscience of a humbled man of god-like power that he fears and does not understand:
Am I allowed to keep writing? Is this okay?
submitted by MaichenM to writingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:54 Inner-Entrance7148 Healing process?

I had a stripe on my thumbnail, have had it my whole life. I have a lot of freckles and moles so I’ve always been told to keep an eye on things because I’m at a higher risk for melanoma.
I was told about 10 years ago that the stripe on my nail was nothing to worry about UNLESS it got bigger, they measured it and sent me on my way.
A few months ago my husband, who I never told anything about the nail stripe to bc it wasn’t necessary, mentioned it was bigger. So I went right to my dermatologist for testing.
Short story long, I had to get my thumbnail removed so they could biopsy it and test. My doctor just said to keep bandages dry and I could remove the bandages after 3 days and no swimming for two weeks.
My question here for anyone that has had something similar done. Now that it’s been the allotted time and I’m removing the bandaging, can I go back to washing my hands as normal and showering without a bag/plastic wrap on my hand? I can’t call the surgeon today bc it’s Sunday and they’re closed.
submitted by Inner-Entrance7148 to Melanoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:50 Motor-Visit4926 Taking AB ENGLISG LANGUAGE STUDIES here

Hello! I am currently taking BA English language studies, is it possible to land an intership sa field ng Public Relations (PR)? I am also planning to work in this field din once I graduated college. I saw the internship posting kasi doon sa isang company na ina-eye ko and nabasa ko na required na related sa public relations services yung mga degree na preferred nila huhu so idk if mag qualify ako ;;)
submitted by Motor-Visit4926 to studentsph [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:45 jmtyranny Feeling Frogy ; Savage Lands Tribbits

Feeling Frogy ; Savage Lands Tribbits
Adapted From- Tribbitites- Marvel Database;
I love alternate reality stories. I love them as their own stories more than when they are used as additional settings to put main continuity characters in. What If Elseworlds and the Exiles had such fun stories. All thriller and no filler. The setting premise, characters, and plot were most often compressed to a single issue, with any other getting only a few issues at the most. Marvel Multiverse allows narrators to deviate from established continuity and set their games within their own Marvel reality. Using any of the one-off alternate realities from these publications would be a fun springboard into game night.
This submission is not derived from a published alternate Marvel Earth but is inspired by this iteration process. I wanted to build primitive frog people, so I went digging for a close approximation of an amphibious species already in publication and thought of ways to twist it into what I wanted to make.

Savage Land Tribbits Nation M518

The surviving descendants of a species nearly eradicated by the Kree Empire, the Tribbits settled in the warm, humid conditions of the Savage Lands. Within a generation, most of their technology had fallen into disrepair; the few surviving pieces are cherished relics used by Tribbit shamans.
Origin Alien: Tribbit
Occupations Outsider


The Slaying of Tribbit

About 400 years ago, The Tribbit were a refugee people building a new home from the remains of an abandoned Kree outpost; they were discovered by an accuser retinue that summarily destroyed the outpost. The remnant of the Tribbit were scattered to the stars.
Several dozen survivors had loaded onto a ramshackle transport that was hurtled toward Earth’s South Pole. Navigational controls were largely disabled, preventing the refugees from landing the craft safely. Instead, the craft plowed into a clearing in the Savage Lands.

Becoming Part of The (Savage) Land

The Tribbits quickly established a territorial holding in the Savage Land. forming hunting parties to forage food for a new Tribbit community at the crash site. Initially wielding a technological advantage over the ecosystem, the refugees were unable to maintain their equipment, and after 25 years had passed, they found themselves at the same relative technology level as the rest of the inhabitants of the savage lands (Stone to Bronze Age)

Soothing Goodberry

In their exploration of their new home, the Savage Land Tribbits have discovered a previously unknown fruit with remarkable medicinal properties. This fruit has proven to be incredibly effective at treating radiation exposure, even completely suppressing the effects of Gamma radiation.


A Rare Find

A handful of clandestine organizations are aware of the existence of Goodberry. Each likely only possesses 1-3 berries they have acquired through Savage Land Contacts that have no idea where the berries came from.

Medical Advancement

Medical researchers have been fascinated by the unusual efficacy of goodberry. The implications of being able to more aggressively incorporate radiation safely into treatments would make goodberry an essential component in some experimental treatments.

Gamma Suppression

Goodberry’s potency against radiation extends to an ability to suppress the effects of gamma exposure. This includes power suppression in Gamma mutates. Goodbrerry temporarily removes Gamma Mutate powers appropriate to the dose applied.

Savage Land Tribbits

Tribbit Hunter Character 2

Origin: Alien: Tribbit; Occupation: Outsider
The Savage Lands' lush ecosystem allows most inhabitants to survive and thrive independently of agriculture; they tend to be well-fed through hunting and foraging. Tribbit communities are economically driven by their hunting parties.


Abilities Defense Noncombat Damage
Melee 1 11 1 3
Agility 3 13 5 4
Resilience 1 11 1
Vigilence 3 13 3
Ego 1 11 1 2
Logic 1 11 1 2
Health 30;
Focus 90


Run 4; Climb 4; Swim 2; Jump 4


Alien Heritage, Amphibious, Extreme Appearance, Obligation: Clan, Poor, Signature Weapon: Bow


Connections: Outsiders, Free Running, Fresh Eyes, Signature Attack (Bow), Small, Sneaky, Stranger



Accuracy 2, Evasion, Heightened Senses

Spider Powers

Jump 1, Wallcrawling

Ranged Weapons

Snap Shooting, Sniping


Since the Tribbits are part of the Savage Land ecosystem. Players may encounter Tribbit hunting parties while exploring and could trade with them for goods or information. They may also be able to assist the Tribbits with tasks or quests, or simply learn more about their culture and way of life.
Since the Tribbits are territorial, players might have to negotiate access to Tribbit lands or could find themselves in conflict with Tribbit hunters if they appear to be a threat. The Tribbits' unique knowledge of the Savage Land, including their discovery of the Goodberry, could also make them valuable allies or sources of information for players.

Plot Hooks

The Goodberry Hunt

A powerful organization has learned of Goodberry and its properties and wants to secure a large supply. They hire the player characters to venture into the Savage Land, locate the Tribbits, and negotiate or steal a cache of the valuable fruit. This could lead to conflict with the Tribbits, other interested parties, or the dangers of the Savage Land itself.

Tribal Conflict

Two or more Tribbit clans are at war, either over territory, resources, or cultural differences. The players could be drawn into the conflict, forced to choose sides or mediate a peace. This could involve navigating Tribbit politics, understanding their motivations, and potentially engaging in combat or other challenges.

Lost Technology

The Tribbits possess remnants of their advanced technology, now revered as sacred artifacts. One or more of these artifacts could be lost, stolen, or malfunctioning, and the players are asked to help recover or repair them. This could involve exploring ancient Tribbit ruins, deciphering their technology, and overcoming environmental hazards or hostile creatures.

Cultural Exchange

A group of outsiders, such as explorers, scientists, or missionaries, seeks to make contact with the Tribbits and learn about their culture. The players could act as guides, intermediaries, or protectors, helping to bridge the gap between the two groups and navigate the complexities of cross-cultural communication. This could lead to opportunities for trade, diplomacy, or conflict, depending on the goals and attitudes of the parties involved.
submitted by jmtyranny to MarvelMultiverseRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 New_Cricket_1856 doing yag surgery with having glaucoma?

helloo, I recently came on here to talk about my experience after my iridotomy and how it felt way more cloudy after couple weeks after surgery. Although my glaucoma specialist said everything checks out (which I trust bc my peripheral vision could def be worse), im starting to think it has more to deal with my uveitis lol.
I had a cataract removed back when I was a teenager and I had really no issues after but after reading, I realized that my uveitis doctor has questioned me multiple times about cloudy vision and whether I wanted to get corrected or not. (I am starting to think the iridotomy triggered more scar tissue, leading to PCO or Posterior capsule opacification aka even more cloudy vision).
I have always said no bc I used to always have a small focal point in my eye to make out things easily but now it’s gone, it’s just blobs. It’s actually the most difficult thing to get used to. I keep reading about YAG surgery but not very good things. Anyone with glaucoma had this done or done anything else to treat this with glaucoma?
(I’m seeing my doctor that manages my inflammation in a couple of days to see if my hunch is even correct)
submitted by New_Cricket_1856 to Glaucoma [link] [comments]