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Sad Cats

2009.01.07 20:24 Sad Cats

Welcome to /sadcats/, where you can get your fix of cats that are sad. Guaranteed to make you cry on every visit. Join the Discord here:

2011.07.15 00:03 Cat Advice and Support

There are no dumb questions, except the ones asking for medical advice which is prohibited. Read the rules and the FAQ first.

2013.08.26 00:02 Startled Cats

Funny gifs and vids of startled cats.

2024.06.10 01:13 Pristine_Tough_7135 I feel like I'm losing my mind

I'm desperate for approval, reassurance, comfort, and it's insane how much I hope for this post to receive attention. You don't have to read every paragraph, obviously, bc there's a lot to unpack. I am a 17 year old girl who is currently lonely and wishing she wasn't even alive because there's no reason for me to be.
Talking about friendships: I've never had any friends at school, and all my online friendships ended in the worst way possible, because I'm a bad friend who stops texting first as soon as she senses a slight shift in the other person's "tone" when they text me. When they change, I don't know how to act, so our conversations start getting dry and it gives me so much anxiety I end up ghosting them. Right now, I only had two people to hang out with, but they got tired of me rejecting their invitations to go out because I was either sleepy or needed to study. Now they don't ask me to go out with them anymore. And my classmates are just not an option
Academically, I'm a walking failure. I failed my first year of high school, I say I like studying foreign languages (because it's the only thing I was good at as a kid) but the only foreign language I've learn properly is English, and I'm not really making any progress in the other two languages I study. I'm awkward in class, I constantly get bad grades in maths because its the subject that made me fail my first year, and next year I'm gonna be forced to study new scientific subjects that are obviously going to ruin me. I can't do basic math, I don't understand anything of it - when my mom talks to my teachers she says "oh, I wanna get her tested for dyscalculia" but it's always a lie because she does NOT want me to be dyscalculic. She'd be so embarassed, she'll never allow me ro get tested for it.
When it comes to the relationship I have with my parents and the overall environment in my house, I hate it. I hate my mom. She hasn't done a single good thing for me, she only ruined my childhood and my self-esteem. She used to blame me for not having friends when I was IN THIRD GRADE. On my seventeenth birthday, she told me I'm not normal and that I've had "issues" since I was a child - all because I POLITELY said I didn't really want to go out with her after lunch. She's rude to me when I ask things, then she laughs it off when I get offended - there was a time in summer 2 years ago that I'll never forget, because she'd call me ableist slurs (I'm not disabled, its just a way to insult me) over every small thing; like asking her for help to fund something she told me to look for, because I couldn't find it. My dad has been defending me until recently. He's not evil about it, but it feels like he is constantly mocking me, using everything I (jokingly) say against me. I joke about how I hate my classmates, he says "you obviously don't have friends because you hate everyone". I joke about how I feel disgusting because I haven't washed my hair in a while, he gives me a lecture about self-care when he's never spoken up with me about such things before, not to mention he doesn't even shower. It's like everyone is against me. It's like no one loves me in that household except for my cat. Even my grandma annoys the fuck out of me, she literally told my mom that my physique looks bad. The fact that this is the longest paragraph really says a lot.
Honestly, I also feel like I should mention that I have unhealthy coping mechanisms because I'm a maladaptive daydreamer with anxiety. Now that it's summer, my parents leave me home alone more often, so I get up from the couch and start pacing around the room with music playing on my phone, and I daydream about fictional characters. It's embarassing and pathetic, but it's the only way I can escape reality. My anxiety is getting worse lately because, again, it's summer. School is over. I'm left alone with my thoughts at night and none of them are positive. But no one, NO ONE is there to help me. When that one person (who has always been better than me) needs help because they're depressed, everyone runs to comfort her. But me? I have to deal with it on my own because NO ONE TAKES ME SERIOUSLY. If they do, I just tell them to ignore the issue, because they always get so dramatic and desperate - as if it's sooo weird that I have feelings and problems. In the end, I always act like everything's fine. I tell them it's fine even if I don't have the strength to shower, to take care of my hair, and I don't have the motivation to do anything. I don't want to go out, I don't want to talk to people. I also currently hate my body and I feel guilty everytime I eat.
It's not fine. I want to live like the teen I am. I want friends, I want a lover, I want to have fun instead of rotting in my bed all day. But I literally have nothing to look forward to, and it scares me so much. At night I overthink so much I feel like my brain wants to explode, and I literally get the urge to bury my face in the pillow because I get so overwhelmed and restless, like I'm constantly on the edge. I hate it so much, I'm so scared
submitted by Pristine_Tough_7135 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:11 geminibeybi 27 [F4M] HELLO, LF MY SS!

Hi! šŸ™‚
I'm getting older in a week's time and I was planning to treat myself on my special day, I usually spend it with my family over dinner or have salubong with my friends but I guess I wanted to do something different this year by finding my "significant stranger."
I think its the right time to throw myself back on the dating scene again 'cause I miss the feeling of being kilig, being inlove and being loved back in return. However, I am not rushing anything just yet but I'm open to get to know new people and hopefully you are too! We're not getting any younger so we need to make a move.
So with that being said, here's what I'm looking for: * open to dating, single af, never been married, do not have kids, and not entertaining someone atm * 26-32 years of age * normal to medium built * please be taller than me, minimum of 5'7 and up * doesn't smoke * someone who is mentally and emotionally mature * financially capable (I'm okay with splitting the bill)
Fun facts about me: * They say I am cute daw and look young for my age plus I have a cute voice (you be the judge) * I am a fur ate of my 2 cat babies * I play ML * I am a resident foodie * I don't drink coffee but I love going to coffee shops with good ambiance and great food * They can say I am fun to be with and full of positive and good energy
If you've reached this far, what would be a good first date for you? I'm open to try new things as long as its fun. I'd prefer going out in the morning or in the afternoon that day because evening is dedicated for the fam already. It's a long weekend and hopefully you don't have any plans and you're willing to spend that day with me (first time maging holiday non beke nemen)
This invitation is purely sfw and if this post piques your interest, I am one message away!
Ending this post with, see you soon my significant stranger! Y'all take care today and happy monday āœØ
submitted by geminibeybi to PhR4Dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:09 loverrory after 7+ years of pregnant/kitten rearing , iā€™ve had my first attack (a precautionary story )

iā€™ve been fostering general cats for 8 years and fostering pregnant mommas/litters for 7, EVERY cat in the past 7 years was loving towards me, adapting me as a pseudoparent to their babies, and sometimes insisted birthing right on my lap, gesturing for comfort and love during the birthing process. a very enriching experience for me and the moms. i officially had my first aggressive mom cat 2 days ago. 3 days ago i picked up a new mom with 4 already birthed beautiful kittens and everything seemed fine at first, she was cautious but accepting pets, love and handling of her kittens to ensure health and weighing. i gave her plentiful food, water and bedding to ensure comfort and milk production. the day after i picked her and her litter up i went in her room for a regular check and some human engagement, i sat on the bed in the room and she started hissing and growling , i started to get off the bed to leave the room as i could tell she was stressed , and when i lowered my leg to head to the door she started attacking. i couldnā€™t make a b-line for the door due to her attacking and had to be a bit more strategic, it took me about 20 seconds to actually escape her attacks, i eventually got out the door with multiple scratches and bite wounds. luckily my friend was doing a phone interview in my bedroom (next to the room the mom and kittens were in) and the interview had ended around when the attack started, while i was in shock and trying to not freak out she helped me clean the blood and dress the injuries. two days later(now) i have scabbing wounds and a swollen foot, itā€™s difficult to walk due to the full foot healing, but iā€™ll be fine in a couple weeks :-) . side note: the mom and litter were transferred back to the organization the morning after the attack, they are no longer in my care and trusted to another foster. āš ļøVVVVV this post is just a warning to foster parents that may experience territorial moms or moms showing ANY form of aggression. DONT push it if a mom is showing any form of stress or aggression, even if you think itā€™s a non threatening action you are doing. moms that show any territorial actions towards you, you should back off , and if they get alarmingly aggressive, have them go back to your organization and placed in a home that is more equipped for that type of behavior. thank you for reading <3
submitted by loverrory to FosterAnimals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:08 wleches Seeking advice on how to handle a friend who my dead best friend did not like

Long story! TW: death
TLDR: In 2021 my mom died, then in 2023, my closest friend died. Between then, I fell in love with my closest high school friend, it didn't work out. Now my high school best friend wants me to be the maid of honor to her wedding but my deceased best friend hated her because of how she treated me. She hid a relationship from me the year before. Looking for perspective/advice on how to best move forward.
So I'm a 27 yr old female, currently wrapping up my degree, all while recently coming out of the top 2 tragic events of my life. In late 2020, my Mother got diagnosed with terminal illness. I took off grad school and went home to be her primary caretaker. These were the most profound 6 months of my life. Her and I always got along, but she raised me to be independent, I left home at 18. This time brought us together closer than I thought possible, and for that I'm forever grateful.
My Dad cheated on her during the last months of her life. I still haven't fully forgiven my father for abandoning us during that time. He was completely absent, emotionally and physically. Never in my life did i have so much stress on my shoulders, but knowing that I was able to provide her the environment to pass in peace means everything to me. As crazy as it was, it has also made me more grateful than ever for my close friends since my family is dysfunctional.
During that time I basically lost contact with everyone except my closest friends. My high school best friend, Liz, was one of them. We always kept in touch throughout the years. Looking back, it was always me who was reaching out, always me who was going to visit her place, and I didn't mind the amount of one sided effort because she was always glad to see me and we always enjoy our time together. Liz lost her sister when we were 16. So, during the time I was taking care of my mom, she offered me some pieces of advice that I took to heart immensely. Her words are what kept me together during some of the toughest moments of that time, and although I had always looked up to her, since those moments I value her deeply. She's also one of the only friends I have who even met my mom.
I made a great friend in my first year of grad school, Ali. We clicked as besties immediately. He had lost his father early on in graduate school, and so when I lost my mother, he one of the few people I felt really understood me. Before and after I came back to graduate school, he was my anchor.ll
Over dinner with Ali in spring of 2022, I said I think I'm in love with Liz, and it wasn't the first time I'd had those thoughts over the years. Ali gave me practical advice: asking if I'm sure, what I'm going to do about it if anything, telling me I plan as if I'm expecting her to say no, and I totally agreed. I told him I wasn't even sure if I was making it all up in my head or not. Liz and I saw each other about once a year since high school, and maybe I was overhyping our perceived chemistry.
I ended up going home for a cousin's wedding and stayed at Liz's apartmemt for most of it. Liz has pretty much always been in back to back relationships since high school. It'd been a few months since Ali and I started talking about my feelings towards her. I told him everything about her, and by the end of the summer I had also told all my local friends, who supported me throughout all this.
Prior to that week, in a previous conversation, Liz said she wanted to end her then current relationship soon. But during that week, I just wanted to get my head straight so I just focused on having fun. I felt more sure of my feelings for her after our time together. At one point we talked about what we're looking for in long term partners, and I even felt like I fit the bill of what she was describing. On the last day before going to back to grad school though, she called me drunk and told me she wanted to confess something. I felt my heart stop, but then she said she wanted to marry her other best friend/roommate, Emily, in some years. I asked her for more info, but she just said she's drunk and hung up.
Emily and Liz had grown up together but Emily had moved out the area during high school and that's when I originally met Liz. Point being, I only know Emily through Liz. They had been living together since college, Emily also came out later in life, and I guess I thought that if something were to happen between them it would have already happened as they've been single under the same roof before. I also felt like me and Liz had a type of chemistry in our interactions that I never saw between her and Emily. After that week, I go back and tell Ali about the phone conversation. He tells me that it sounds like one of those "if we're both single by x age let's get married" type deals. After all, Liz was still dating someone else still, so I really just put it in the back of my mind.
Come Fall of 2023, around October, Liz and her previous partner split up. I asked Emily if her and Liz were getting married after all. Emily said that she didnt know if any that was serious, but, that if anything happens, that I'd be "the first to know".
We're all into cosplay. It's a hobby I got into through Liz. There is one convention that happens around valentines day every year. Liz asked me if I would go with her & her friend group, and I knew right away I wanted to use the oppertunity to confess to her. I figured until she tells me otherwise, I have a shot.
For context, anytime I would call Liz between the previous summer until I confessed, I would make an effort to pask her if she was interested in anyone else, even asking if she had lingering feelings for any exes from time to time. She never indicated even the slightest interest towards anyone (other than the drunk call). I have a side hustle in astrology, so a month or two after Liz's initial break up I told on our mutual friends I'd give them a free reading if they told me anything they know about Liz's love life. They said they didn't know anything, but that she always speaks highly of me, and rooted me on when I told her I'm confessing to Liz. I also told another one of our mutual friends, who spends more time with Liz, and they also cheered me on when I informed them of my intentions.
I took this confession very seriously. I thought my chances were looking good when not even a minute after new years, she called me. We went on about how much we mean to each other & how long we've known each other. Unfortunately, she forgot all about my birthday less thab 3 weeks later and that crushed me. It was really embarassing for me, becuase I always make sure to remember her birthday and have been sending her cards and gifts for years.
I started worrying that I had been putting this all in my head. In the weeks leading up to the convention, I asked her straight up what was going on: if her and Emily are dating. She told me "it's complicated" and said it's easier to talk about it person. I knew at that moment that my odds of her liking me were not good. She wouldn't tell me any more about it. I decided I was going through with the confession anyways, just for my own closure. I had been gearing up to this all year.
I made her a personalized valentines day gift box. I put things I knew she'd like in it, and 2 necklaces. One was one of those "besties" necklaces that comes in 2 peices for if she rejected me, and the other was a nice one with the first letter of her name on it. I had picked out a really beautiful card I thought she'd like when I visited Japan earlier that year, a country she wants to visit someday, and I wrote a heartfelt note telling her I love her, and we should talk about it. The convention happens the weekend after valentines day. I was going to fly in on thr 15th. I wanted to get the package to her on the holiday and then talk with her the next day, ideally.
Well... the weekend was really something. Her and Emily recently moved to a new apartment building so my package was left at the bottom of the stairs in the complex. The 1st night, I quietly snuck downstairs and moved the package into the apartment. The next day she sees it, and she yells "Hey Emily! OP got us something for valentines day!" I panicked and told her "its really just for you, you shouldn't open it now'". She took my panicking as me being bashful, insisted that its fine, her and Emily sat down in the living room to open it. I immediately took the card from her and threw it into her room, telling her not to read it.
Emily was visibly upset. She was apologizing for not getting Liz anything for valentines day. Liz loved everything I got her, which was sweet, and I think the bff necklace made the gift pass as nothing too suspicious in the moment. Emily kept saying how she needed to get Liz something now, and I just started texting my friend Ali figuring out what to do. He told me to talk to Emily one on one and find out what's up. So Emily and I go to run an errand together, and while at the car wash, I ask her if they are dating. She pauses and says "I don't know, I hope so" to which I almost screamed in frustration. I asked what she meant but did not get any more of a clear answer.
During the weekend, one of Liz's closest exes & I ended up talking. I asked them if they knew if anything was going on between Liz and Emily. They told me "no way" and laughed. When I told them that I wanted to confess to Liz, they said that they see me bring out the best in her, and that they're rooting for me. Liz, Emily & I shared a bed, with Liz in the middle. I usually hug my cat or a pillow at night and reflexively woke up having my hand on her waist. She teased me for it in the morning and I felt terrible/think I pushed a boundary too far.
We get back to Liz & Emily's apartment on Sunday. Liz finally reads the letter I wrote her while Emily is out and we have a talk. Liz tells me that she's sorry, that her and Emily are dating, but thanked me while apologizing. I was hurt and sort of pissed off by the whole thing because I dont understand what was so hard about telling me that over text weeks ago. I went outside to walk it off, Ali was the first person I called and cried to. It was a long night. The next day Liz had to work, so Emily took me to the airport. Emily seemed oblivious to my feelings for Liz she actually thanked me for being such a good friend and bringing them (Liz & Emily) together. I guess all my meddling got them to make it official. I told her I'm happy for them and said our goodbyes.
I had a lot of pent up emotions towards Liz following the trip. I typed out a timeline of events into a Google doc, because my confession clearly caught her off guard but I wanted her to know how much thought I had put into it.
She told me she'd call me to talk things over more, but then I didn't hear from her for an entire week. No text or anything. When I reached out, she told me she had simply forgot. I was hurt, but I appreciated the honesty. All that came out of this conversation was that we both value our friendship above all else. I told her I'd need time to get over this. She said she understood, but she then said that she was mad at me for "invading her privacy" by asking our mutual friends about her love life. I told her I find it weirder that she didnt tell anyone in her life about her feelings/relationship with Emily. I think it's normal to talk to your friends about personal things like that, she thinks otherwise. Talking with Ali and all my other friends after, they all told me they think she was crazy for not telling me or anyone else about their relationship. I told them I'm definitely taking a step back from our friendship. I was upset that she didnt feel like sharing any thoughts on of her situation with Emily to me over the past year. I probably called her once a month and check in with her, so I felt blindsided overall.
Fast forward to the end of the summer in 2023. One of Liz's exes, the one I spoke to during the convention, and I start casually flirting back and forth for a few weeks. This is Liz's ex from 2017, from over 4 relationships ago, for context. This is not a recent ex, and they're still good friends with each other so I didn't see a problem with it.
My sister was getting married over the summer. I had originally asked Liz to by my plus one before I confessed to her. She agreed, but I formally invited her and Emily to come since Liz does mean a lot to me and I wanted her there after it all.
When I looked out at the crowd during the wedding I didn't see them there. They showed up late, missed the ceremony, and when I walked them back to their car at the end of the night her ex's name came up organically in conversation. I told her I find them attractive, and I asked her for insight on them.
Liz flipped out. She said we wouldn't be a good match, but wouldn't elaborate why, and even Emily was joining in saying it's a bad idea without further reasoning. I just let it go, but I ended up staying with them later in the week for 2 nights. One night 1, Emily informed me that her and Liz were going to take a shower together and they did. I dont know why she felt the need to announce it to me, but I just took a long walk to ignore it. I dont know any couple that does that when having company over. The next day I asked Liz about her ex again, and told her it's nothing serious but wanted to know why she wouldnt tell me anything. Again, Liz was dodgy, she still seemed mad about the whole thing and said she didn't want to talk about it.
Here's where things take a turn. I get a phone call from her about a week later. She says that i was being "inconsiderate" of "her feelings" by talking to her ex, that I should know how bad that looks, and espeically considering "where I started" the year I "should know better". I was pissed off, becuase I don't think she considered my feelings at all that year. I something slong the lines of "What? You mean when I confessed to you 6 months ago? What do you want me to do! I've been dating around all summer, I've been trying to move on, and your ex knows that, so no one is left in the dark here. We're just casually talking it's not that serious." She called me back some days later, apparently after talking to her Dad she realized she was being jealous, and apologized. I said its alright, and I didn't ask for any clarification on what she meant. But by the end of it, she said that I really am her closest friend. She also said she wants to do better about opening up about her life.
Fast forward to December 3rd 2023. Ali dies, my whole world is flipped upside down... again. He was the closest friend I had.
All of my close friends were reaching out to offer me their condolences and support. I hear nothing from Liz all month. I was very hurt, because she definitely heard the news, liking a post I made about it. But she never reached out. I figured she must be going through her own thing, and tried not to think about it too hard. Well around the 19th she called me and we started catching up like normal. Key word: normal. She didn't indicate that anything big was happening in her life, at all (spoilers: there was!). When I brought up Ali passing, she apologized for not reaching out sooner and admitted that she forgot to, but meant to. I told he it's fine, I understand. Honestly though, that hurt. We talk for a grand total of 10 minutes. I asked her what's new, how things are going, how Emily is doing, all the usual. She says everything is buisness as usual.
Now 3 days later I get a text from her. She sent me a zoomed in picture of a ring in a box. No context, no follow up text, her hand/face is not in the photo, it looks like a Google stock image for all I, or anyone I've shown the photo to, can tell. It was the middle of the day and I just assumed she didn't mean to send it to me. Well around 5pm I open up Twitter and I see Emily posting that they're ENGAGED! I felt my heart drop. I didn't know what to think. Why wouldn't she bring this up when we talked 3 days ago? Why didn't she call today? Why was I finding out through social media?
I texted her congratulations, and threw in a 'why didn't you tell me!' She said she was waiting "for me to reply to the pic" that she sent. She then texts me "You're the maid of honor, just so you know". I was hurt beyond words. Espeically as her 'best friend', I don't understand why she wouldn't have said something to me earlier. I still had lingering feelings for her, but I support their relationship and want her to be happy in all.
However, I couldn't believe she would think that I would be OK with any of this. Considering that less than a year ago she didn't even know if she was dating her fiancƩ. I can't imagine proposing to someone without consulting my best friend. If any other friend told me they're getting engaged to someone they only dated for ~10 months at our age I'd be concerned. I get that they have lived together for a while, but romantic relationships are a whole different world in my view. My friends were even more pissed on my behalf, asking me if I even want to go to the wedding, or keep being her friend, considering the way she's been treating me.
I told her I wanted to call and talk about detials. She said she would call me the next day, but she never did. So I end up calling her a few days later on Christmas eve. After initial congrats, I started grilling her on why she wouldn't say anything to me as nicely as I could.
She said it's not her fault, that it was a spontaneous, spur of the moment decision. I told her you don't just a ring from nowhere. She said she was walking in the mall and saw this gorgeous ring on sale and just had to get it. She proposed to Emily while they were making dinner. I honestly felt mad on Emily's behalf, because if I knew my fiance got a ring on sale and proposed to me without much thought, I would be upset. She said that she was going to wait, but then decided it'd be better to ask before Emily went home for the holiday. I told her I needed to have a serious word with her, because none of this was OK with me.
I said that while I want to support her and be there on her wedding day, I can't believe she'd ask me (or tell me, really) to be the maid of honor considering I confessed my undying love for her less than a year ago. She said it's because I'm her best friend and that just pissed me off more. I told her that considering she didn't give me an inch of thought regarding Ali's death, forgot my birthday,, and didn't tell me she was going to propose, on what grounds are we best friends? I said I can't be the maid of honor, at least not right now, I told her I need a break away from all this. This sucked to hear right before the holiday. She said she understands and "not to worry" about it. I laughed and told her I'm still not 100% over her how, could she say something like that? But I told her it'll be fine.
She slowly got more upset as she realized how shitty of a friend she's been. Liz said she didn't think about it, she doesn't know why she didn't reach out to me sooner, that she's sorry for not telling me things and that she's so sorry.
When I asked her when they were looking to get married, she also said that they're not getting married for another 3 to 4 years. That hurt me badly too, because if that's true then why the hell did she have to propose now? I just felt like this was just a very raw wound to get carelessly re opened by my 'best friend', and to know that she has never been considerate enough to ever think about me made it that much worse.
It's been 6 months since. She called me on my birthday this year, with Emily on the phone too, and told me how she threw out the valentines day box I initially gave her. I don't think I expected her to keep it, but I don't know why she'd tell me this. They both said happy birthday and I got off the phone as quick as possible.
Since then it's been silent. I'm looking for advice on how to move forward from here. I'm not really sure where to put her in my life. She called me her best friend but has no regard for me, and although I miss her badly I'm starting to think that I have to let this friendship go. Her birthday is coming up soon, I usually call her but I don't know what I'd say to her right now. Since Ali passed I've been struggling to connect with people, and I'm lonlier than I ever thought possible. I could use a best friend again, but I think she'll hurt me again. Ali hated her after hearing about how she showered with Emily when I stayed over, and said I should forget about her until she apologizes/changes. I'm struggling to find peace on everything.
Do I even go to this eventual wedding? Her parents love me and know me well. Her Mom joked about us getting married when we were younger & says things like 'You're the favorite' when I'm talking to them. I'm scared they'll ask me why I'm not the maid of honor if I go. I doubt she's told them anything. I don't even know what she's told Emily. There is no date set yet, so I'm really just fretting and thinking in circles. Thank you to anyone who bothered to read the whole thing. It's taken me months just to be able to coherently journal it all out, lol. Saving up money for therapy.
submitted by wleches to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:06 katvalisa Help us name our tortie girlā¤ļø

Help us name our tortie girlā¤ļø
Hey all! We would love your help in breaking this three-way name tie. Check out the options and reasons behind the names we're thinking below šŸ‘‡šŸ½ and vote on your favorite in the comments! We'd love everyone's input :)
  • Chai: makes sense for her color and would be a cute duo name with our other cat Moka! They could be Moka (coffee) and Chai (tea).
  • Maki: short for Macchiato and another fun coffee related name duo with our other cat. They would be Moka and Maki!
  • Kachi: play on words for caramel chocolate chip given her colors ('Ka' - caramel and 'Chi' - chip).
submitted by katvalisa to TortieCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 Crazy-catmeowmy Cannot remain in state of wish fulfilled, what is the easiest way to do so?

Hi, I have been trying to manifest my SP(husband), for background context - we have been separated for more than a year now but we met recently to try to resolve things, however it didnā€™t go well and he ended up telling me, itā€™s either him or our cats. He is used to be a huge cat lover but now I donā€™t know why heā€™s suddenly concerned about them being a huge financial burden.(his parents may have something to do with that but since I am the one creating, I canā€™t blame them). I know the last time we spoke too, he said he does love me but canā€™t change his decision. I am miserable since last couple of days. After meeting him, I was working on myself and doing affirmations and scripting and SATS and itā€™s all plummeting now. I canā€™t seem to do SATS, I start great and then I start making a whole big story. Thatā€™s not the state of wish fulfilled, I feel. Any advice or suggestions on how I can hold on to it? I am also trying meditation now. Before sleeping and mornings for 10 mins each. So far, itā€™s been ok but my anxiety takes over. I feel exhausted and wonder why Iā€™m trying too much especially since itā€™s been more than a year, isnā€™t it better to give up and end things. Then thereā€™s another part that doesnā€™t like giving up.
Sorry, for the lengthy rant. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
submitted by Crazy-catmeowmy to NevilleGoddard2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 Agitated_Grand6939 Neutered cat always bite on the neck of another cat

I am seeking advice on my two cats. We have two neutered cats, one is female age 7 and the other is male age 6. They both came from shelters separately and we don't have too much background on them.
The male cat have been peeing around the house and also biting on the neck of the female. The peeing behavior started right when he came and the biting came a little later. They are both neutered so we know it's a dominance issue and not sexual. We have 3 litter boxes and two separate feeding stations all in different locations of the house. We also set up feliway pheromones in the house. We took the cat to the vet and the vet prescribed us with prozac (fluoxetine) because the situation has gone to that he would pee multiple times around the house each day and also bite the other cat whenever she made any movement. We also put up a camera to see if there are any particular situations that would cause the behavior but haven't noticed anything.
We are 3 months into the medication and honestly we aren't getting the results that we are hoping for. The vet says we should we seeing full effect of the medication at 4-8 weeks. The vet suggested that we should stop the medication because it just hasn't worked. The biting has actually gotten more aggressive and frequent with the medication and he pulls on the other cat even harder when she tries to move away. It is breaking her skin (we found large scabs) and he always pulls off a lot of fur.
We also tried to make sure that they have enough resources and they get around 30 mins of play time each day with toys and lasers with us. We also give the cats a treat whenever they are close to eachother for positive reinforcement but the cat would just ignore the treat and go for her neck anyway. We don't intervene when the biting behavior occurs because our vet says we shouldn't.
I just want to see if anyone have had any experience or have any suggestions that we should try. It's just very frustrating to see the situation like this and it is definitely putting both cats in distress. We've tried basically everything we can find and think of and we really want to make the situation work. Thank you guys for any help and sorry for the long post!
submitted by Agitated_Grand6939 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:53 Spidooi Walked cat in harness. Now he won't stop screaming

Unnecessary long text below with my cats whole life story so
TLDR: Starded taking my once outside cat who is now indoor cat on walks with a harness. It used to work well. Now he wont stop screaming at the door cause he wants to go out. I'm not getting any sleep and I don't know what to do. Seeking advice.
I have a male cat, named Leo, that will turn 18 years old later this year. I've had him since he was born when I was 9. The first three years of his life he was an indoor cat. Then our family moved to a big house on the countryside that was surrounded by forest and fields with only one small road to and from the house, our closest neighbors lived 100 meters away and we live in the middle of Sweden so there are predators in our forests but it's not common that they pray on house cats. So basically as safe of a place for a cat to be when it comes to outdoor living.
I moved away from home maybe 7 years ago and I didn't bring Leo even though it hurt so much to leave my baby but I never thought he would cope with being an indoor cat. But during the first two years Leo was super restless and would be a menace to everyone. Screaming constantly for everyone's affection and attention but when the rest of my family tried to give it to him he didn't want it.
Since we had basically been attached to each other for his whole life up to that point and we really were inseparable and best friends, he just REALLY missed his mom.
And every time I came back home I just needed to stand on our porch and call for him 3-4 times, wait 2-15 minutes(depending on how far away he was) and I could see him running down the road towards me and straight to my arms.
So I eventually took him with me to me and my boyfriends apartment about two years after I moved out but originally he was only supposed to "visit" us for a short while until he basically was tired of not being able to go outside anymore .
A few months before that I took his brother from the same litter home to us cause he had gotten sick, he was never much for the outdoor life anyway and we had the best chance of treating him if he stayed with us. Leo loved his brother so this was no issue.
The thing was, Leo never got tired of being an indoor cat and was super happy as long as he was able to be with me every day. And since he has basically been my best friend since I was 9 we can both read each other insanely well and I could tell he really was soo happy again(i know i sound like a crazy cat Lady but it's true).
His brother sadly passed a few months later(got a wonderful life though). Leo was alone for a few months after that while we grieved his brother but the thought was to adopt an older female cat cause he needed a playmate, we wanted to give an older cat a forever home and since Leo has been neutered since he was about three years old(I know it's late but my mom didn't know better) he isn't behaving like an intact male... But he was definitely was "the king" of our old house and he can still be a bit territorial and doesn't accept other males trying to one up him.
But then we fostered two kittens(siblings) that were in a very bad situation and that ended with a "foster fail" which means we kept them both. One male and one female.
Leo put on the dad role right away and was the sweetest ever to them, and has been since even though he is now super sweet with the female and play rough with the male and won't hesitate to put him in his place if he needs to but it has never gotten violent. Mostly just a slap and some stern looks.
So it has all just worked out soo well for him. He is soon 18 but he is healthy, still plays like a kitten and gets all the love and attention he wants from me and my boyfriend. So he really couldn't have been happier.
Then I decided I wanted to try to harness train him to be able to take him on walks to give him a bit more freedom.
We have a big balcony that I've cat-proofed with nets and all that but I still wanted him to have more. And I know he loves going on walks with me cause we did that all the time when I lived at my mom's house. But that was without a harness, just taking walks together in the woods and he followed like a dog.
I started harness training him last summer and took him on longer and longer walks then and the walks went super well! He stood by the door once or twice, meowing a bit to ask if we could go out but it was nothing excessive.
Since he is old, a bit on the thin side and doesn't grow a very thick coat anymore, I want take him on walks 7-8 months of the year cause it's just too cold during the Swedish fall, winter and most of spring.
So we just started the walks again. We went on walks one day on the weekend two weeks ago, and then again two times last weekend.
And now he has started howling at the door almost 24/7 because he wants to go on walks.
The one thing I expected him to do when he first moved to the apartment but he didn't. And the one thing I have been the most afraid of cause It really makes me feel awful and I don't want to put him through all this stress and I'm scared I won't be able to have him live with me.
So now I don't know what to do. I haven't gone on walks with him since last weekend cause I'm scared it's going to get worse. But I also really want to take him on walks because he enjoys it so much.
It would have been one thing if I knew I could take him out whenever. But because of the weather in my country, because I work a lot and because I really don't want to take him out some times during the weeks/year since there is a lot of people around here and a lot of them don't know how to act some times and I'd be afraid he would freak out and get out of the harness some way if I take him out when it's a lot of noise or movements.. So It I'm not sure if I can make the walks a consistent thing.
I MIGHT be able to take him out once a day with some exceptions during 4-6 months of the year but then he would probably hate his life the rest of the time.
So if anyone has any advice at all on what to do to make this work please comment or message me.
I got to sleep 2-4 hours, waking up 4-10 times during those hours multiple times last week cause he is just howling. And when he is not at the door he gets up in my face and paws at me when im sleeping.
submitted by Spidooi to felinebehavior [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:52 Spidooi Walked cat in harness. Now he won't stop screaming

Unnecessary long text below with my cats whole life story so
TLDR: Starded taking my once outside cat who is now indoor cat on walks with a harness. It used to work well. Now he wont stop screaming at the door cause he wants to go out. I'm not getting any sleep and I don't know what to do. Seeking advice.
I have a male cat, named Leo, that will turn 18 years old later this year. I've had him since he was born when I was 9. The first three years of his life he was an indoor cat. Then our family moved to a big house on the countryside that was surrounded by forest and fields with only one small road to and from the house, our closest neighbors lived 100 meters away and we live in the middle of Sweden so there are predators in our forests but it's not common that they pray on house cats. So basically as safe of a place for a cat to be when it comes to outdoor living.
I moved away from home maybe 7 years ago and I didn't bring Leo even though it hurt so much to leave my baby but I never thought he would cope with being an indoor cat. But during the first two years Leo was super restless and would be a menace to everyone. Screaming constantly for everyone's affection and attention but when the rest of my family tried to give it to him he didn't want it.
Since we had basically been attached to each other for his whole life up to that point and we really were inseparable and best friends, he just REALLY missed his mom.
And every time I came back home I just needed to stand on our porch and call for him 3-4 times, wait 2-15 minutes(depending on how far away he was) and I could see him running down the road towards me and straight to my arms.
So I eventually took him with me to me and my boyfriends apartment about two years after I moved out but originally he was only supposed to "visit" us for a short while until he basically was tired of not being able to go outside anymore .
A few months before that I took his brother from the same litter home to us cause he had gotten sick, he was never much for the outdoor life anyway and we had the best chance of treating him if he stayed with us. Leo loved his brother so this was no issue.
The thing was, Leo never got tired of being an indoor cat and was super happy as long as he was able to be with me every day. And since he has basically been my best friend since I was 9 we can both read each other insanely well and I could tell he really was soo happy again(i know i sound like a crazy cat Lady but it's true).
His brother sadly passed a few months later(got a wonderful life though). Leo was alone for a few months after that while we grieved his brother but the thought was to adopt an older female cat cause he needed a playmate, we wanted to give an older cat a forever home and since Leo has been neutered since he was about three years old(I know it's late but my mom didn't know better) he isn't behaving like an intact male... But he was definitely was "the king" of our old house and he can still be a bit territorial and doesn't accept other males trying to one up him.
But then we fostered two kittens(siblings) that were in a very bad situation and that ended with a "foster fail" which means we kept them both. One male and one female.
Leo put on the dad role right away and was the sweetest ever to them, and has been since even though he is now super sweet with the female and play rough with the male and won't hesitate to put him in his place if he needs to but it has never gotten violent. Mostly just a slap and some stern looks.
So it has all just worked out soo well for him. He is soon 18 but he is healthy, still plays like a kitten and gets all the love and attention he wants from me and my boyfriend. So he really couldn't have been happier.
Then I decided I wanted to try to harness train him to be able to take him on walks to give him a bit more freedom.
We have a big balcony that I've cat-proofed with nets and all that but I still wanted him to have more. And I know he loves going on walks with me cause we did that all the time when I lived at my mom's house. But that was without a harness, just taking walks together in the woods and he followed like a dog.
I started harness training him last summer and took him on longer and longer walks then and the walks went super well! He stood by the door once or twice, meowing a bit to ask if we could go out but it was nothing excessive.
Since he is old, a bit on the thin side and doesn't grow a very thick coat anymore, I want take him on walks 7-8 months of the year cause it's just too cold during the Swedish fall, winter and most of spring.
So we just started the walks again. We went on walks one day on the weekend two weeks ago, and then again two times last weekend.
And now he has started howling at the door almost 24/7 because he wants to go on walks.
The one thing I expected him to do when he first moved to the apartment but he didn't. And the one thing I have been the most afraid of cause It really makes me feel awful and I don't want to put him through all this stress and I'm scared I won't be able to have him live with me.
So now I don't know what to do. I haven't gone on walks with him since last weekend cause I'm scared it's going to get worse. But I also really want to take him on walks because he enjoys it so much.
It would have been one thing if I knew I could take him out whenever. But because of the weather in my country, because I work a lot and because I really don't want to take him out some times during the weeks/year since there is a lot of people around here and a lot of them don't know how to act some times and I'd be afraid he would freak out and get out of the harness some way if I take him out when it's a lot of noise or movements.. So It I'm not sure if I can make the walks a consistent thing.
I MIGHT be able to take him out once a day with some exceptions during 4-6 months of the year but then he would probably hate his life the rest of the time.
So if anyone has any advice at all on what to do to make this work please comment or message me.
I got to sleep 2-4 hours, waking up 4-10 times during those hours multiple times last week cause he is just howling. And when he is not at the door he gets up in my face and paws at me when im sleeping.
submitted by Spidooi to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:51 Spidooi Walked cat in harness. Now he won't stop screaming

Unnecessary long text below with my cats whole life story so
TLDR: Starded taking my once outside cat who is now indoor cat on walks with a harness. It used to work well. Now he wont stop screaming at the door cause he wants to go out. I'm not getting any sleep and I don't know what to do. Seeking advice.
I have a male cat, named Leo, that will turn 18 years old later this year. I've had him since he was born when I was 9. The first three years of his life he was an indoor cat. Then our family moved to a big house on the countryside that was surrounded by forest and fields with only one small road to and from the house, our closest neighbors lived 100 meters away and we live in the middle of Sweden so there are predators in our forests but it's not common that they pray on house cats. So basically as safe of a place for a cat to be when it comes to outdoor living.
I moved away from home maybe 7 years ago and I didn't bring Leo even though it hurt so much to leave my baby but I never thought he would cope with being an indoor cat. But during the first two years Leo was super restless and would be a menace to everyone. Screaming constantly for everyone's affection and attention but when the rest of my family tried to give it to him he didn't want it.
Since we had basically been attached to each other for his whole life up to that point and we really were inseparable and best friends, he just REALLY missed his mom.
And every time I came back home I just needed to stand on our porch and call for him 3-4 times, wait 2-15 minutes(depending on how far away he was) and I could see him running down the road towards me and straight to my arms.
So I eventually took him with me to me and my boyfriends apartment about two years after I moved out but originally he was only supposed to "visit" us for a short while until he basically was tired of not being able to go outside anymore .
A few months before that I took his brother from the same litter home to us cause he had gotten sick, he was never much for the outdoor life anyway and we had the best chance of treating him if he stayed with us. Leo loved his brother so this was no issue.
The thing was, Leo never got tired of being an indoor cat and was super happy as long as he was able to be with me every day. And since he has basically been my best friend since I was 9 we can both read each other insanely well and I could tell he really was soo happy again(i know i sound like a crazy cat Lady but it's true).
His brother sadly passed a few months later(got a wonderful life though). Leo was alone for a few months after that while we grieved his brother but the thought was to adopt an older female cat cause he needed a playmate, we wanted to give an older cat a forever home and since Leo has been neutered since he was about three years old(I know it's late but my mom didn't know better) he isn't behaving like an intact male... But he was definitely was "the king" of our old house and he can still be a bit territorial and doesn't accept other males trying to one up him.
But then we fostered two kittens(siblings) that were in a very bad situation and that ended with a "foster fail" which means we kept them both. One male and one female.
Leo put on the dad role right away and was the sweetest ever to them, and has been since even though he is now super sweet with the female and play rough with the male and won't hesitate to put him in his place if he needs to but it has never gotten violent. Mostly just a slap and some stern looks.
So it has all just worked out soo well for him. He is soon 18 but he is healthy, still plays like a kitten and gets all the love and attention he wants from me and my boyfriend. So he really couldn't have been happier.
Then I decided I wanted to try to harness train him to be able to take him on walks to give him a bit more freedom.
We have a big balcony that I've cat-proofed with nets and all that but I still wanted him to have more. And I know he loves going on walks with me cause we did that all the time when I lived at my mom's house. But that was without a harness, just taking walks together in the woods and he followed like a dog.
I started harness training him last summer and took him on longer and longer walks then and the walks went super well! He stood by the door once or twice, meowing a bit to ask if we could go out but it was nothing excessive.
Since he is old, a bit on the thin side and doesn't grow a very thick coat anymore, I want take him on walks 7-8 months of the year cause it's just too cold during the Swedish fall, winter and most of spring.
So we just started the walks again. We went on walks one day on the weekend two weeks ago, and then again two times last weekend.
And now he has started howling at the door almost 24/7 because he wants to go on walks.
The one thing I expected him to do when he first moved to the apartment but he didn't. And the one thing I have been the most afraid of cause It really makes me feel awful and I don't want to put him through all this stress and I'm scared I won't be able to have him live with me.
So now I don't know what to do. I haven't gone on walks with him since last weekend cause I'm scared it's going to get worse. But I also really want to take him on walks because he enjoys it so much.
It would have been one thing if I knew I could take him out whenever. But because of the weather in my country, because I work a lot and because I really don't want to take him out some times during the weeks/year since there is a lot of people around here and a lot of them don't know how to act some times and I'd be afraid he would freak out and get out of the harness some way if I take him out when it's a lot of noise or movements.. So It I'm not sure if I can make the walks a consistent thing.
I MIGHT be able to take him out once a day with some exceptions during 4-6 months of the year but then he would probably hate his life the rest of the time.
So if anyone has any advice at all on what to do to make this work please comment or message me.
I got to sleep 2-4 hours, waking up 4-10 times during those hours multiple times last week cause he is just howling. And when he is not at the door he gets up in my face and paws at me when im sleeping.
submitted by Spidooi to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:50 Floorbound Help Needed with Cat-Care Game

Hi all!
We are a game development company making a game that will help teach about cat care (Desexing, Microchipping, and other issues around cat welfare). We're hoping it will be a free to play mobile game that will educate about good care practices.
We would love any vets to please feedback on our script - particularly the bad choices that led to bad endings. Our survey is here, with some links to the proposed scripts
the game prototype is here:
Thanks all!
submitted by Floorbound to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:49 Spidooi Walked cat in harness. Now he won't stop screaming

Unnecessary long text below with my cats whole life story so
TLDR: Starded taking my once outside cat who is now indoor cat on walks with a harness. It used to work well. Now he wont stop screaming at the door cause he wants to go out. I'm not getting any sleep and I don't know what to do. Seeking advice.
I have a male cat, named Leo, that will turn 18 years old later this year. I've had him since he was born when I was 9. The first three years of his life he was an indoor cat. Then our family moved to a big house on the countryside that was surrounded by forest and fields with only one small road to and from the house, our closest neighbors lived 100 meters away and we live in the middle of Sweden so there are predators in our forests but it's not common that they pray on house cats. So basically as safe of a place for a cat to be when it comes to outdoor living.
I moved away from home maybe 7 years ago and I didn't bring Leo even though it hurt so much to leave my baby but I never thought he would cope with being an indoor cat. But during the first two years Leo was super restless and would be a menace to everyone. Screaming constantly for everyone's affection and attention but when the rest of my family tried to give it to him he didn't want it.
Since we had basically been attached to each other for his whole life up to that point and we really were inseparable and best friends, he just REALLY missed his mom.
And every time I came back home I just needed to stand on our porch and call for him 3-4 times, wait 2-15 minutes(depending on how far away he was) and I could see him running down the road towards me and straight to my arms.
So I eventually took him with me to me and my boyfriends apartment about two years after I moved out but originally he was only supposed to "visit" us for a short while until he basically was tired of not being able to go outside anymore .
A few months before that I took his brother from the same litter home to us cause he had gotten sick, he was never much for the outdoor life anyway and we had the best chance of treating him if he stayed with us. Leo loved his brother so this was no issue.
The thing was, Leo never got tired of being an indoor cat and was super happy as long as he was able to be with me every day. And since he has basically been my best friend since I was 9 we can both read each other insanely well and I could tell he really was soo happy again(i know i sound like a crazy cat Lady but it's true).
His brother sadly passed a few months later(got a wonderful life though). Leo was alone for a few months after that while we grieved his brother but the thought was to adopt an older female cat cause he needed a playmate, we wanted to give an older cat a forever home and since Leo has been neutered since he was about three years old(I know it's late but my mom didn't know better) he isn't behaving like an intact male... But he was definitely was "the king" of our old house and he can still be a bit territorial and doesn't accept other males trying to one up him.
But then we fostered two kittens(siblings) that were in a very bad situation and that ended with a "foster fail" which means we kept them both. One male and one female.
Leo put on the dad role right away and was the sweetest ever to them, and has been since even though he is now super sweet with the female and play rough with the male and won't hesitate to put him in his place if he needs to but it has never gotten violent. Mostly just a slap and some stern looks.
So it has all just worked out soo well for him. He is soon 18 but he is healthy, still plays like a kitten and gets all the love and attention he wants from me and my boyfriend. So he really couldn't have been happier.
Then I decided I wanted to try to harness train him to be able to take him on walks to give him a bit more freedom.
We have a big balcony that I've cat-proofed with nets and all that but I still wanted him to have more. And I know he loves going on walks with me cause we did that all the time when I lived at my mom's house. But that was without a harness, just taking walks together in the woods and he followed like a dog.
I started harness training him last summer and took him on longer and longer walks then and the walks went super well! He stood by the door once or twice, meowing a bit to ask if we could go out but it was nothing excessive.
Since he is old, a bit on the thin side and doesn't grow a very thick coat anymore, I want take him on walks 7-8 months of the year cause it's just too cold during the Swedish fall, winter and most of spring.
So we just started the walks again. We went on walks one day on the weekend two weeks ago, and then again two times last weekend.
And now he has started howling at the door almost 24/7 because he wants to go on walks.
The one thing I expected him to do when he first moved to the apartment but he didn't. And the one thing I have been the most afraid of cause It really makes me feel awful and I don't want to put him through all this stress and I'm scared I won't be able to have him live with me.
So now I don't know what to do. I haven't gone on walks with him since last weekend cause I'm scared it's going to get worse. But I also really want to take him on walks because he enjoys it so much.
It would have been one thing if I knew I could take him out whenever. But because of the weather in my country, because I work a lot and because I really don't want to take him out some times during the weeks/year since there is a lot of people around here and a lot of them don't know how to act some times and I'd be afraid he would freak out and get out of the harness some way if I take him out when it's a lot of noise or movements.. So It I'm not sure if I can make the walks a consistent thing.
I MIGHT be able to take him out once a day with some exceptions during 4-6 months of the year but then he would probably hate his life the rest of the time.
So if anyone has any advice at all on what to do to make this work please comment or message me.
I got to sleep 2-4 hours, waking up 4-10 times during those hours multiple times last week cause he is just howling. And when he is not at the door he gets up in my face and paws at me when im sleeping.
submitted by Spidooi to Catownerhacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:48 Spidooi Walked cat in harness. Now he won't stop screaming

Unnecessary long text below with my cats whole life story so
TLDR: Starded taking my once outside cat who is now indoor cat on walks with a harness. It used to work well. Now he wont stop screaming at the door cause he wants to go out. I'm not getting any sleep and I don't know what to do. Seeking advice.
I have a male cat, named Leo, that will turn 18 years old later this year. I've had him since he was born when I was 9. The first three years of his life he was an indoor cat. Then our family moved to a big house on the countryside that was surrounded by forest and fields with only one small road to and from the house, our closest neighbors lived 100 meters away and we live in the middle of Sweden so there are predators in our forests but it's not common that they pray on house cats. So basically as safe of a place for a cat to be when it comes to outdoor living.
I moved away from home maybe 7 years ago and I didn't bring Leo even though it hurt so much to leave my baby but I never thought he would cope with being an indoor cat. But during the first two years Leo was super restless and would be a menace to everyone. Screaming constantly for everyone's affection and attention but when the rest of my family tried to give it to him he didn't want it.
Since we had basically been attached to each other for his whole life up to that point and we really were inseparable and best friends, he just REALLY missed his mom.
And every time I came back home I just needed to stand on our porch and call for him 3-4 times, wait 2-15 minutes(depending on how far away he was) and I could see him running down the road towards me and straight to my arms.
So I eventually took him with me to me and my boyfriends apartment about two years after I moved out but originally he was only supposed to "visit" us for a short while until he basically was tired of not being able to go outside anymore .
A few months before that I took his brother from the same litter home to us cause he had gotten sick, he was never much for the outdoor life anyway and we had the best chance of treating him if he stayed with us. Leo loved his brother so this was no issue.
The thing was, Leo never got tired of being an indoor cat and was super happy as long as he was able to be with me every day. And since he has basically been my best friend since I was 9 we can both read each other insanely well and I could tell he really was soo happy again(i know i sound like a crazy cat Lady but it's true).
His brother sadly passed a few months later(got a wonderful life though). Leo was alone for a few months after that while we grieved his brother but the thought was to adopt an older female cat cause he needed a playmate, we wanted to give an older cat a forever home and since Leo has been neutered since he was about three years old(I know it's late but my mom didn't know better) he isn't behaving like an intact male... But he was definitely was "the king" of our old house and he can still be a bit territorial and doesn't accept other males trying to one up him.
But then we fostered two kittens(siblings) that were in a very bad situation and that ended with a "foster fail" which means we kept them both. One male and one female.
Leo put on the dad role right away and was the sweetest ever to them, and has been since even though he is now super sweet with the female and play rough with the male and won't hesitate to put him in his place if he needs to but it has never gotten violent. Mostly just a slap and some stern looks.
So it has all just worked out soo well for him. He is soon 18 but he is healthy, still plays like a kitten and gets all the love and attention he wants from me and my boyfriend. So he really couldn't have been happier.
Then I decided I wanted to try to harness train him to be able to take him on walks to give him a bit more freedom.
We have a big balcony that I've cat-proofed with nets and all that but I still wanted him to have more. And I know he loves going on walks with me cause we did that all the time when I lived at my mom's house. But that was without a harness, just taking walks together in the woods and he followed like a dog.
I started harness training him last summer and took him on longer and longer walks then and the walks went super well! He stood by the door once or twice, meowing a bit to ask if we could go out but it was nothing excessive.
Since he is old, a bit on the thin side and doesn't grow a very thick coat anymore, I want take him on walks 7-8 months of the year cause it's just too cold during the Swedish fall, winter and most of spring.
So we just started the walks again. We went on walks one day on the weekend two weeks ago, and then again two times last weekend.
And now he has started howling at the door almost 24/7 because he wants to go on walks.
The one thing I expected him to do when he first moved to the apartment but he didn't. And the one thing I have been the most afraid of cause It really makes me feel awful and I don't want to put him through all this stress and I'm scared I won't be able to have him live with me.
So now I don't know what to do. I haven't gone on walks with him since last weekend cause I'm scared it's going to get worse. But I also really want to take him on walks because he enjoys it so much.
It would have been one thing if I knew I could take him out whenever. But because of the weather in my country, because I work a lot and because I really don't want to take him out some times during the weeks/year since there is a lot of people around here and a lot of them don't know how to act some times and I'd be afraid he would freak out and get out of the harness some way if I take him out when it's a lot of noise or movements.. So It I'm not sure if I can make the walks a consistent thing.
I MIGHT be able to take him out once a day with some exceptions during 4-6 months of the year but then he would probably hate his life the rest of the time.
So if anyone has any advice at all on what to do to make this work please comment or message me.
I got to sleep 2-4 hours, waking up 4-10 times during those hours multiple times last week cause he is just howling. And when he is not at the door he gets up in my face and paws at me when im sleeping.
submitted by Spidooi to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:47 nomorerix 30[M4F] Minneapolis, Minnesota - Asian American looking for someone to go on adventures with

Hi there! I'm a 30-year-old, 5"5 Asian-American living in the Twin Cities, looking for someone to share everyday adventures with. I've been in the area for a few years, but still exploring the area.
I'm seeking a low-key, no-pressure friendship with someone who enjoys simple things like grabbing boba or trying new restaurants (let's split the bill!). You must be employed or actively seeking employment. Not currently looking for serious relationships or marriage.
About me:
Here are some things we can do together!
Let's get to know each other! Tell me about you and what you liked about my post. To prove you read this far, please fully answer the following below (otherwise I won't respond).
I will also be in #France #Paris later this summer if you're there too!
Hope to hear from you.
submitted by nomorerix to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:44 Tasty-Performance275 whatā€™s your ear ache taylor song??

hey guys! whatā€™s the taylor song that makes you want to rip your ears off?? mine would probably have to be:
submitted by Tasty-Performance275 to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:42 Spidooi Walked cat in harness. Now he won't stop screaming

Unnecessary long text below with my cats whole life story so
TLDR: Starded taking my once outside cat who is now indoor cat on walks with a harness. It used to work well. Now he wont stop screaming at the door cause he wants to go out. I'm not getting any sleep and I don't know what to do. Seeking advice.
I have a male cat, named Leo, that will turn 18 years old later this year. I've had him since he was born when I was 9. The first three years of his life he was an indoor cat. Then our family moved to a big house on the countryside that was surrounded by forest and fields with only one small road to and from the house, our closest neighbors lived 100 meters away and we live in the middle of Sweden so there are predators in our forests but it's not common that they pray on house cats. So basically as safe of a place for a cat to be when it comes to outdoor living.
I moved away from home maybe 7 years ago and I didn't bring Leo even though it hurt so much to leave my baby but I never thought he would cope with being an indoor cat. But during the first two years Leo was super restless and would be a menace to everyone. Screaming constantly for everyone's affection and attention but when the rest of my family tried to give it to him he didn't want it.
Since we had basically been attached to each other for his whole life up to that point and we really were inseparable and best friends, he just REALLY missed his mom.
And every time I came back home I just needed to stand on our porch and call for him 3-4 times, wait 2-15 minutes(depending on how far away he was) and I could see him running down the road towards me and straight to my arms.
So I eventually took him with me to me and my boyfriends apartment about two years after I moved out but originally he was only supposed to "visit" us for a short while until he basically was tired of not being able to go outside anymore .
A few months before that I took his brother from the same litter home to us cause he had gotten sick, he was never much for the outdoor life anyway and we had the best chance of treating him if he stayed with us. Leo loved his brother so this was no issue.
The thing was, Leo never got tired of being an indoor cat and was super happy as long as he was able to be with me every day. And since he has basically been my best friend since I was 9 we can both read each other insanely well and I could tell he really was soo happy again(i know i sound like a crazy cat Lady but it's true).
His brother sadly passed a few months later(got a wonderful life though). Leo was alone for a few months after that while we grieved his brother but the thought was to adopt an older female cat cause he needed a playmate, we wanted to give an older cat a forever home and since Leo has been neutered since he was about three years old(I know it's late but my mom didn't know better) he isn't behaving like an intact male... But he was definitely was "the king" of our old house and he can still be a bit territorial and doesn't accept other males trying to one up him.
But then we fostered two kittens(siblings) that were in a very bad situation and that ended with a "foster fail" which means we kept them both. One male and one female.
Leo put on the dad role right away and was the sweetest ever to them, and has been since even though he is now super sweet with the female and play rough with the male and won't hesitate to put him in his place if he needs to but it has never gotten violent. Mostly just a slap and some stern looks.
So it has all just worked out soo well for him. He is soon 18 but he is healthy, still plays like a kitten and gets all the love and attention he wants from me and my boyfriend. So he really couldn't have been happier.
Then I decided I wanted to try to harness train him to be able to take him on walks to give him a bit more freedom.
We have a big balcony that I've cat-proofed with nets and all that but I still wanted him to have more. And I know he loves going on walks with me cause we did that all the time when I lived at my mom's house. But that was without a harness, just taking walks together in the woods and he followed like a dog.
I started harness training him last summer and took him on longer and longer walks then and the walks went super well! He stood by the door once or twice, meowing a bit to ask if we could go out but it was nothing excessive.
Since he is old, a bit on the thin side and doesn't grow a very thick coat anymore, I want take him on walks 7-8 months of the year cause it's just too cold during the Swedish fall, winter and most of spring.
So we just started the walks again. We went on walks one day on the weekend two weeks ago, and then again two times last weekend.
And now he has started howling at the door almost 24/7 because he wants to go on walks.
The one thing I expected him to do when he first moved to the apartment but he didn't. And the one thing I have been the most afraid of cause It really makes me feel awful and I don't want to put him through all this stress and I'm scared I won't be able to have him live with me.
So now I don't know what to do. I haven't gone on walks with him since last weekend cause I'm scared it's going to get worse. But I also really want to take him on walks because he enjoys it so much.
It would have been one thing if I knew I could take him out whenever. But because of the weather in my country, because I work a lot and because I really don't want to take him out some times during the weeks/year since there is a lot of people around here and a lot of them don't know how to act some times and I'd be afraid he would freak out and get out of the harness some way if I take him out when it's a lot of noise or movements.. So It I'm not sure if I can make the walks a consistent thing.
I MIGHT be able to take him out once a day with some exceptions during 4-6 months of the year but then he would probably hate his life the rest of the time.
So if anyone has any advice at all on what to do to make this work please comment or message me.
I got to sleep 2-4 hours, waking up 4-10 times during those hours multiple times last week cause he is just howling. And when he is not at the door he gets up in my face and paws at me when im sleeping.
submitted by Spidooi to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:40 Optimal_Jeweler4524 How to make it into a sleeve?

How to make it into a sleeve?
This is my first tattoo I got a couple weeks ago and I looooove it. Itā€™s my cat Iā€™ve had for 14years. The guy that did it charged $650 and it took him around 4 hours. People tell me this is insane for time and price so Iā€™m wanting to get a whole sleeve by him!
Iā€™m not sure what to do to make it into a sleeve though. I have 3 other cats that I very much love, but would that be a weird idea to add them on? I donā€™t want to rush it, but I canā€™t think of how to continue it. I figure my artist would have good ideas too so Iā€™ll probably ask him?
submitted by Optimal_Jeweler4524 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:37 waterworld91 This comment is great . She might get blocked

This comment is great . She might get blocked submitted by waterworld91 to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:37 Filming_Fairy 26m From SoCal Looking For A Busy Buddy

Hallo halloooooo. Been trudging though my days lately and would love to have someone to chat with and get to know. Little tidbits of me here and there that we can get through. First off I got a little spicy brain. Not in the "lets get it on way", more of the, getting some help for it type of way lol but it hey, builds character and makes me funny so I want to say a win is a win.
Hobby wise, I'm definitely a little copy cat here and there. I've dabbled in crocheting, plants are still alive somehow, and I tried guitar but my little baby hands didn't agree with me. Right now its photography, just don't expect much lol I use it to get myself out the house which is a good excuse. Other than that, we love being active in this house. Or at least when I'm feeling it. You name it, I'm trying it. Big one is just going out to drive. Nights are always best, especially with people in the car. I'll gladly be the driver for a party bus with the right vibes. Don't get me started at night trips to the beaches, heavenly.
I'm not much of an athlete but I've been raised around a lot of sports, so just keeping my body moving is a blast. Right now its just been either pickleball or the gym, but looking to add biking or hiking to that list soon for the summer.
Lastly for home when I'm not feeling like going out, video and board games rule me. Not to be a fucking basic boy but I got no preference on the genre, I don't discriminate to a good time. Lately co-op, horror, and strategy games have been my little flavors of the month in May but I'm always open to more. I think thats about it but I'm sure we can deep dive later in chats, happy to hear from yall :)
submitted by Filming_Fairy to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:37 Spidooi Walked cat in harness. Now he won't stop screaming

Unnecessary long text below with my cats whole life story so
TLDR: Starded taking my once outside cat who is now indoor cat on walks with a harness. It used to work well. Now he wont stop screaming at the door cause he wants to go out. I'm not getting any sleep and I don't know what to do. Seeking advice.
I have a male cat, named Leo, that will turn 18 years old later this year. I've had him since he was born when I was 9. The first three years of his life he was an indoor cat. Then our family moved to a big house on the countryside that was surrounded by forest and fields with only one small road to and from the house, our closest neighbors lived 100 meters away and we live in the middle of Sweden so there are predators in our forests but it's not common that they pray on house cats. So basically as safe of a place for a cat to be when it comes to outdoor living.
I moved away from home maybe 7 years ago and I didn't bring Leo even though it hurt so much to leave my baby but I never thought he would cope with being an indoor cat. But during the first two years Leo was super restless and would be a menace to everyone. Screaming constantly for everyone's affection and attention but when the rest of my family tried to give it to him he didn't want it.
Since we had basically been attached to each other for his whole life up to that point and we really were inseparable and best friends, he just REALLY missed his mom.
And every time I came back home I just needed to stand on our porch and call for him 3-4 times, wait 2-15 minutes(depending on how far away he was) and I could see him running down the road towards me and straight to my arms.
So I eventually took him with me to me and my boyfriends apartment about two years after I moved out but originally he was only supposed to "visit" us for a short while until he basically was tired of not being able to go outside anymore .
A few months before that I took his brother from the same litter home to us cause he had gotten sick, he was never much for the outdoor life anyway and we had the best chance of treating him if he stayed with us. Leo loved his brother so this was no issue.
The thing was, Leo never got tired of being an indoor cat and was super happy as long as he was able to be with me every day. And since he has basically been my best friend since I was 9 we can both read each other insanely well and I could tell he really was soo happy again(i know i sound like a crazy cat Lady but it's true).
His brother sadly passed a few months later(got a wonderful life though). Leo was alone for a few months after that while we grieved his brother but the thought was to adopt an older female cat cause he needed a playmate, we wanted to give an older cat a forever home and since Leo has been neutered since he was about three years old(I know it's late but my mom didn't know better) he isn't behaving like an intact male... But he was definitely was "the king" of our old house and he can still be a bit territorial and doesn't accept other males trying to one up him.
But then we fostered two kittens(siblings) that were in a very bad situation and that ended with a "foster fail" which means we kept them both. One male and one female.
Leo put on the dad role right away and was the sweetest ever to them, and has been since even though he is now super sweet with the female and play rough with the male and won't hesitate to put him in his place if he needs to but it has never gotten violent. Mostly just a slap and some stern looks.
So it has all just worked out soo well for him. He is soon 18 but he is healthy, still plays like a kitten and gets all the love and attention he wants from me and my boyfriend. So he really couldn't have been happier.
Then I decided I wanted to try to harness train him to be able to take him on walks to give him a bit more freedom.
We have a big balcony that I've cat-proofed with nets and all that but I still wanted him to have more. And I know he loves going on walks with me cause we did that all the time when I lived at my mom's house. But that was without a harness, just taking walks together in the woods and he followed like a dog.
I started harness training him last summer and took him on longer and longer walks then and the walks went super well! He stood by the door once or twice, meowing a bit to ask if we could go out but it was nothing excessive.
Since he is old, a bit on the thin side and doesn't grow a very thick coat anymore, I want take him on walks 7-8 months of the year cause it's just too cold during the Swedish fall, winter and most of spring.
So we just started the walks again. We went on walks one day on the weekend two weeks ago, and then again two times last weekend.
And now he has started howling at the door almost 24/7 because he wants to go on walks.
The one thing I expected him to do when he first moved to the apartment but he didn't. And the one thing I have been the most afraid of cause It really makes me feel awful and I don't want to put him through all this stress and I'm scared I won't be able to have him live with me.
So now I don't know what to do. I haven't gone on walks with him since last weekend cause I'm scared it's going to get worse. But I also really want to take him on walks because he enjoys it so much.
It would have been one thing if I knew I could take him out whenever. But because of the weather in my country, because I work a lot and because I really don't want to take him out some times during the weeks/year since there is a lot of people around here and a lot of them don't know how to act some times and I'd be afraid he would freak out and get out of the harness some way if I take him out when it's a lot of noise or movements.. So It I'm not sure if I can make the walks a consistent thing.
I MIGHT be able to take him out once a day with some exceptions during 4-6 months of the year but then he would probably hate his life the rest of the time.
So if anyone has any advice at all on what to do to make this work please comment or message me.
I got to sleep 2-4 hours, waking up 4-10 times during those hours multiple times last week cause he is just howling. And when he is not at the door he gets up in my face and paws at me when im sleeping.
submitted by Spidooi to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:35 Reasonable-Win-6028 How to stop cat from climbing on the computer tower?

I have a blind cat, he already knows the layout of the house. However he keeps checking every vertical surface with his paws standing on two legs, hoping to find more places he didn't know about. One of those places is on top of my computer, which is on the floor. There's nothing he can climb onto from there but he doesn't know that and he keeps going back. We keep shushing him off when he wants to climb onto the computer tower, but nothing keeps him off. He gets startled when we make a loud "no" when he tries to climb but within a minute he's back to try again. I could try making a cardboard barrier on top of the computer (if he can't feel a horizontal surface with the paws if he stands on two legs he thinks there's nothing there), but that would be problematic with the cooling system. Is there a smell cats don't like? If it's possible to make him dislike the smell of the computer to keep him away it would be great. I appreciate any kind of advice! EDIT: He doesn't do it for attention or wanting to be part of what we're doing, we're sitting far from the computer when we're using it (2m or so). He also has multiple elevated surfaces he's allowed to climb onto, 2 small tables, a big sofa, a nighttable and all just in the living room.
submitted by Reasonable-Win-6028 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:34 Witty_Lime5125 My cat is scared of her cat tree

This honestly sounds ridiculousā€¦ but looking for advice on how to get my cat to overcome her fear of her cat tree.
This is a new thing that just started a few days ago. She used to love this cat tree because itā€™s super tall and has a lot of platforms for laying near a window/sunbathing. However, I recently bought her a new food bowl for her dry food. It looks the same in structure as her old one- except itā€™s shaped/painted like a mushroom lol. I just wanted another so I could rotate. Her dry food bowl is always kept on one of the platforms in this cat tree, as it keeps our dogs from eating it.
She free feeds her dry food, so when I went to refill it after switching them I noticed it was untouched. I didnā€™t even consider she might be afraid of the bowls? So I picked her up to show her the dry food and she FLEW out of my arms and scratched up my stomachšŸ™ƒ
Now she refuses to even go near the cat tree/food bowl where this incident occurred. I have since switched back to her old bowl, but she still acts fearful of the cat tree. I brought this new mushroom bowl with food downstairs for her to eat because I was scared sheā€™d go on a hunger strike. And she actually will eat out of the mushroom bowl now. BUT she still wonā€™t go near her cat tree?? I know sheā€™s just associating that incident with her cat tree, but Iā€™m so unsure what to do.
How do I get her to overcome this? Sheā€™s always been really skiddish, so I shouldā€™ve figured sheā€™d be afraid of a new bowl. I didnā€™t really think sheā€™d notice because of how similar it is to her old bowl.
Iā€™m not forcing her to get on it because I know that would make it worse. Iā€™ve given her churuā€™s on the floor near the tree but thatā€™s as close as sheā€™ll get.. I know this is a stupid concern but any ideas??
submitted by Witty_Lime5125 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]