Example business plan medical sales interview


2014.07.02 01:16 maq0r Visas

Subreddit for help with visas. **Before posting, read the posting rules** -- specifically, about cross-posting (not allowed, whether formally or informally) and information to be provided. Posts violating the rules will be automatically removed. Any information presented here IS NOT legal advice. Reddit is not a substitute for a real lawyer.

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2024.05.15 11:33 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Adam seeking Eve

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
Age gap is not mandatory. Don't be put off contacting me if you are closer to my age.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to be a virgin.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings, or have undergone any kind of surgery that affects your reproductive organs (reassignment, colpocleisis, FGM, tubal ligation, etc). I am not a doctor, so I don't know every situation that could require surgery. If you've had to undergo surgery or medication because of circumstances beyond your control, please let me know; I'm willing to hear your side of things.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to defer to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to Christianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:23 AdQueasy4367 How to Create a Dropshipping Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

The dropshipping business model has become a popular way for aspiring entrepreneurs to start an e-commerce store without the hassle of inventory management. If you’re looking to launch your own dropshipping business, this guide will walk you through the essential steps to get started. For more info you can visit halla-systems.kr website.

1. Research and Choose a Niche

The first step in creating a dropshipping business is to identify a niche. A niche is a specific segment of the market that you will target with your products. Choosing the right niche is crucial for your success.

2. Conduct Market Research

Once you’ve selected a niche, conduct thorough market research to validate your choice. Understand your target audience, their needs, and preferences. Look for opportunities to offer unique value through your products.

3. Find Reliable Suppliers

Your suppliers are critical to your dropshipping business's success. They provide the products and handle the fulfillment process, so it’s important to choose them wisely.

4. Build Your Online Store

Creating a professional and user-friendly online store is essential. Choose an e-commerce platform that suits your needs and budget.

5. Set Up Payment Processing

To start accepting payments, set up a payment gateway. Choose a reliable and secure option to ensure smooth transactions.

6. Develop a Marketing Strategy

A strong marketing strategy is vital for driving traffic to your store and converting visitors into customers.

7. Optimize for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps your store rank higher in search engine results, driving organic traffic to your website.

8. Set Up Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service is key to building trust and loyalty with your customers.

9. Launch Your Store

Once everything is set up, it’s time to launch your store. Announce your launch on social media, through email, and with promotional offers to attract initial customers.

10. Monitor and Optimize

After launching, continuously monitor your store’s performance and look for ways to improve.


Starting a dropshipping business involves careful planning and execution. By following these steps—choosing a niche, conducting market research, finding reliable suppliers, building an online store, setting up payment processing, developing a marketing strategy, optimizing for SEO, setting up customer service, launching your store, and continuously monitoring and optimizing—you can create a successful dropshipping business. With dedication and effort, you can thrive in the competitive world of e-commerce.
submitted by AdQueasy4367 to business_charm [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:07 Simran_Rajput Quick & Easy: Dubai Tourist Visa Processing Time

Quick & Easy: Dubai Tourist Visa Processing Time

Dubai, with its breathtaking skyscrapers, luxurious shopping malls, and vibrant culture, has become a dream destination for travelers worldwide. Whether you're planning a leisurely holiday or a business trip, obtaining a tourist visa is the first step towards exploring the wonders of this mesmerizing city. Understanding the processing time for a Dubai tourist visa is essential for efficient trip planning.

Different Types of Dubai Tourist Visas

When it comes to visiting Dubai, there are primarily two types of tourist visas:

Short-term Tourist Visa

Ideal for travelers planning a short stay in Dubai, this visa typically allows for a duration of 30 days and can be extended for an additional fee.

Long-term Tourist Visa

For those looking to explore Dubai for a more extended period, the long-term tourist visa provides a stay duration of 90 days, with the option for extension.

Processing Time for Dubai Tourist Visas

The processing time for a Dubai tourist visa can vary based on several factors.

Factors Affecting Processing Time

  • Type of Visa: Short-term visas generally have a quicker processing time compared to long-term visas.
  • Application Volume: During peak travel seasons, such as holidays or special events, processing times may be longer due to increased demand.
  • Completeness of Documentation: Providing all necessary documents accurately can expedite the processing time.
  • Nationality: Processing times may vary based on the applicant's nationality and the diplomatic relations between their country and the UAE.

Average Processing Time

On average, the processing time for a Dubai tourist visa ranges from 3 to 5 working days. However, this timeframe may vary depending on the factors mentioned above.

Expedited Visa Processing Options

To cater to travelers with urgent travel plans, Dubai offers expedited visa processing options.

Premium Processing Service

Travelers can opt for premium processing services offered by authorized visa agencies or directly through the UAE's government portals for faster visa approval. This service usually incurs an additional fee but ensures quicker processing times, often within 1 to 2 working days.

Urgent Visa Processing

In cases of emergency travel, such as medical emergencies or unforeseen business obligations, applicants can request urgent visa processing. While this option is available, it is subject to approval by the immigration authorities and may incur extra charges.

Tips to Expedite Visa Processing

While the standard processing time for a Dubai tourist visa is reasonable, certain steps can help expedite the process further.

Complete Documentation

Ensuring all required documents are provided accurately and in the specified format can prevent delays in processing.

Opt for Premium Services

Investing in premium processing services can significantly reduce the waiting time for visa approval, making it an ideal option for travelers with tight schedules.

Apply Early

Applying for a tourist visa well in advance of your planned travel dates allows ample time for processing and minimizes the risk of last-minute delays.

Common Delays and Solutions

Despite efforts to expedite visa processing, certain issues may cause delays.

Document Verification Issues

Incomplete or inaccurate documentation can lead to delays. Double-checking all documents before submission can mitigate this risk.

Background Checks

In some cases, additional background checks may be required, prolonging the processing time. Cooperating fully with the authorities can help expedite this process.

Technical Glitches

Occasional technical issues with the online application portals may cause delays. Patience and regular follow-ups can help resolve such issues promptly.


Obtaining a Dubai tourist visa is a straightforward process, with standard processing times ranging from 3 to 5 working days. However, travelers with urgent travel plans can opt for expedited processing services to ensure a quick turnaround. By adhering to documentation requirements, exploring premium processing options, and applying early, travelers can streamline the visa application process and embark on their Dubai adventure with ease.


How long does it take to process a Dubai tourist visa?

The processing time for a Dubai tourist visa typically ranges from 3 to 5 working days, depending on various factors such as visa type, application volume, and completeness of documentation.

Can I expedite the processing of my Dubai tourist visa?

Yes, travelers can opt for premium processing services or request urgent visa processing for faster approval, usually within 1 to 2 working days, albeit at an additional cost.

What documents are required for a Dubai tourist visa?

Required documents may include a valid passport, completed visa application form, passport-sized photographs, travel itinerary, proof of accommodation, and financial statements, among others.

Are there any additional fees for expedited visa processing?

Yes, expedited visa processing services typically incur additional fees, which vary depending on the chosen service provider and the urgency of the request.

Can I track the status of my Dubai tourist visa application online?

Yes, applicants can track the status of their Dubai tourist visa application online through the UAE's official visa application portals, providing transparency and peace of mind throughout the process.
submitted by Simran_Rajput to u/Simran_Rajput [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:53 OmegaSeikiMobility 5 Important Tips for Choosing the Right Electric Auto Company in Delhi

5 Important Tips for Choosing the Right Electric Auto Company in Delhi
Table of Content 1. Review the Company’s Reputation 1.1. Importance of Reputation 1.2. How to Check Reputation 1.3Questions to Ask 2. Check Product Quality and Variety 2.1. Importance of Quality 2.2 How to Assess Quality 2.3 Variety of Products 2.4 Considerations for Variety 2.5 Questions to Ask 3. Consider the Company’s Experience and Expertise 3.1. Importance of Experience 3.2. Evaluating Experience 3.3. Company’s Innovations 3.4. Technological Advancements 3.5. Questions to Ask 4. Analyze After-Sales Service and Support 4.1. Importance of After-Sales Service 4.2. Evaluating After-Sales Service 4.3. Maintenance and Repairs 4.4. Considerations for Maintenance 4.5. Questions to Ask 5. Check Cost and Financing Options 5.1. Importance of Cost 5.2. Comparing Costs 5.3. Financing Options 5.4. Financing Considerations 5.5. Questions to Ask 6. Conclusion
Choosing the best electric auto company in Delhi can be hard. This is particularly true with the increasing number of options. Making a good decision requires considering many factors. This will help you pick a company that meets your needs and provides good products. Here are five tips to help you choose the right electric auto company in Delhi

1. Review the Company’s Reputation

Importance of Reputation
When picking an electric auto company, the business's reputation is important. A company’s reputation can show a lot. It can tell us about the quality of their products and customer service.
How to Check Reputation
  • Look for customer reviews online. Check websites like Google, Facebook, and dedicated platforms for vehicles.
  • Testimonials: Read testimonials on the company’s website to understand customer satisfaction.
  • Industry Awards: Find out if the company has won any honors or recognitions in the industry.
Questions to Ask
  • Does the company have positive reviews and testimonials?
  • Has the company received any awards or recognitions for their products?

2. Check Product Quality and Variety

Importance of Quality
The quality of the electric vehicles is key. It ensures safety, reliability, and extended use. High-quality materials and construction can reduce maintenance costs and improve performance.
How to Assess Quality
  • Materials: Investigate the materials used in the construction of the vehicles.
  • Manufacturing Standards: Make sure the company follows industry-standard manufacturing processes.
  • Certifications: Look for certifications from accepted industry organizations.
Variety of Products
A company offering a wide range of products can better meet different customer needs.
Considerations for Variety
  • Different Models: Check if the company offers different models. They should include e-rickshaws, electric trucks, and electric autos.
  • Options for customizing. See if the company provides methods to customize the vehicle to your needs.
Questions to Ask
  • What materials do they use in constructing their vehicles?
  • What certifications do their products have?
  • Do they offer a variety of models and customization options?

3. Consider the Company’s Experience and Expertise

Importance of Experience
Experience in the industry is often associated with better product knowledge and customer service.
Evaluating Experience
  • Years in Business: Look at how long the company has been in operation.
  • Expertise of Staff: Consider the expertise and qualifications of the company’s staff.
Company’s Innovations
A company that invests in creativity and technology is likely to make better electric cars. They will advance and work.
Technological Advancements
  • Research and Development: Check if the company has a dedicated R&D team.
  • Innovative Features: Look for unique features that set their vehicles apart from competitors.
Questions to Ask
  • How long has the company been in the electric auto industry?
  • What are the qualifications and expertise of their staff?
  • What innovative features do their products offer?

4. Analyze After-Sales Service and Support

Importance of After-Sales Service
Reliable after-sales service makes sure that any issues you experience post-purchase are addressed.
Evaluating After-Sales Service
  • Service Centers: Check the availability and location of service centers.
  • Warranty: Understand the warranty terms and what they cover.
  • Customer Support: Check the responsiveness and helpfulness of their customer support team.
Maintenance and Repairs
Regular maintenance is important for the durability of electric vehicles.
Considerations for Maintenance
  • Scheduled Maintenance: Look at the company’s maintenance schedules and services.
  • Availability of Spare Parts: Verify the availability of spare parts.
Questions to Ask
  • How extensive is their network of service centers?
  • What are the warranty terms and conditions?
  • How responsive is their customer support team?

5. Check Cost and Financing Options

Importance of Cost
The cost of electric vehicles can vary between companies. It’s important to confirm that you’re getting value for your money.
Comparing Costs
  • Initial Costs: Compare the initial purchase price of vehicles.
  • Long-Term Costs: Consider long-term costs such as maintenance, battery replacement, and energy use.
Financing Options
Flexible financing options can make purchasing an electric vehicle more affordable.
Financing Considerations
  • Payment Plans: Look for companies offering installment plans or financing options.
  • Government Incentives: Check if the company helps get government incentives for electric vehicles.
Questions to Ask
  • What is the initial cost of the vehicles?
  • What are the long-term costs associated with their vehicles?
  • What financing options are available?
Choosing the right electric auto company in Delhi requires careful thought. You must consider the company’s reputation and product quality. You should also consider their experience, after-sales service, and cost. Ask the right questions and check these factors. Then, you can decide with good information. Your choice should meet your needs and confirm a reliable, high-quality electric vehicle. You might be looking for an e-rickshaw, an electric auto, or an electric truck. Researching and comparing options will help you find the best company for your needs.
Follow these essential tips. Then, you can choose an electric auto company in Delhi. They will give you a high-quality vehicle and excellent service. This will make your switch to electric transportation smooth and beneficial.
submitted by OmegaSeikiMobility to u/OmegaSeikiMobility [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:53 AdQueasy4367 Boosting Your Dropshipping Business: Strategies for Success

The dropshipping business model, where entrepreneurs sell products without holding inventory, has revolutionized e-commerce. Despite its potential, competition is fierce. To stay ahead, you need strategies that enhance efficiency and drive growth. Here are some essential tips to make your dropshipping business more effective.

1. Choose the Right Suppliers

The foundation of a successful dropshipping business lies in your suppliers. Reliable suppliers ensure product quality, timely delivery, and effective communication. Research extensively and consider using supplier directories like AliExpress, Oberlo, or SaleHoo. Look for suppliers with positive reviews, transparent policies, and a track record of reliability. Regularly review their performance and maintain open communication channels. Also you can use arabesco-sideral.pt program, to make your business more efficiency and beat competitors in your niche.

2. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

Your website is your storefront. Ensure it's user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for conversions. Use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. Implement a clean and intuitive navigation structure. Utilize SEO strategies to improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Tools like Google Analytics can help you track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

3. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching and engaging your target audience. Develop a strong social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Share engaging content, including product promotions, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes looks at your business. Use targeted advertising to reach potential customers based on their interests and behaviors. Engage with your audience through comments, messages, and interactive posts to build a loyal community.

4. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to nurture relationships with your customers. Build an email list by offering incentives like discounts or exclusive content. Send regular newsletters featuring new products, special offers, and valuable content related to your niche. Personalize your emails to make them more relevant to your subscribers. Automated email campaigns can help you recover abandoned carts, welcome new subscribers, and re-engage inactive customers.

5. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can set you apart from your competitors. Provide multiple channels for customer support, such as email, live chat, and social media. Respond promptly and professionally to inquiries and resolve issues quickly. Use tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk to manage customer interactions efficiently. Positive customer experiences lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

6. Monitor and Analyze Your Performance

Regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand your business’s health and identify areas for improvement. Monitor metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, and customer acquisition costs. Use analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior and sales trends. Data-driven decisions can help you optimize your marketing strategies and improve your overall business performance.

7. Streamline Order Fulfillment

Efficient order fulfillment is crucial for customer satisfaction. Automate as much of the process as possible to reduce errors and save time. Use inventory management software to keep track of stock levels and avoid overselling. Ensure your suppliers are reliable and capable of handling increased order volumes during peak times. Clear communication with suppliers can help prevent delays and ensure timely deliveries.

8. Expand Your Product Range Wisely

Diversifying your product range can attract more customers and increase sales. However, be strategic about the products you add. Conduct market research to identify trends and customer preferences. Focus on products that complement your existing offerings and appeal to your target audience. Avoid spreading yourself too thin by maintaining a manageable inventory that doesn’t compromise quality or customer satisfaction.

9. Invest in Branding

Strong branding helps you stand out in a crowded market. Develop a unique brand identity that reflects your business’s values and resonates with your target audience. Consistent branding across your website, social media, and marketing materials builds trust and recognition. Invest in professional logo design, engaging content, and quality packaging to enhance your brand image.

10. Stay Informed and Adapt

The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving. Stay informed about industry trends, new technologies, and changes in consumer behavior. Join industry forums, attend webinars, and read relevant blogs and publications. Be ready to adapt your strategies to meet changing market conditions and customer expectations.
In conclusion, making your dropshipping business more effective involves a combination of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and excellent customer service. By focusing on these key areas, you can enhance your competitiveness, drive growth, and achieve long-term success in the dynamic world of e-commerce.
The dropshipping business model, where entrepreneurs sell products without holding inventory, has revolutionized e-commerce. Despite its potential, competition is fierce. To stay ahead, you need strategies that enhance efficiency and drive growth. Here are some essential tips to make your dropshipping business more effective.

1. Choose the Right Suppliers

The foundation of a successful dropshipping business lies in your suppliers. Reliable suppliers ensure product quality, timely delivery, and effective communication. Research extensively and consider using supplier directories like AliExpress, Oberlo, or SaleHoo. Look for suppliers with positive reviews, transparent policies, and a track record of reliability. Regularly review their performance and maintain open communication channels.

2. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

Your website is your storefront. Ensure it's user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for conversions. Use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. Implement a clean and intuitive navigation structure. Utilize SEO strategies to improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Tools like Google Analytics can help you track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

3. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching and engaging your target audience. Develop a strong social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Share engaging content, including product promotions, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes looks at your business. Use targeted advertising to reach potential customers based on their interests and behaviors. Engage with your audience through comments, messages, and interactive posts to build a loyal community.

4. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to nurture relationships with your customers. Build an email list by offering incentives like discounts or exclusive content. Send regular newsletters featuring new products, special offers, and valuable content related to your niche. Personalize your emails to make them more relevant to your subscribers. Automated email campaigns can help you recover abandoned carts, welcome new subscribers, and re-engage inactive customers.

5. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can set you apart from your competitors. Provide multiple channels for customer support, such as email, live chat, and social media. Respond promptly and professionally to inquiries and resolve issues quickly. Use tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk to manage customer interactions efficiently. Positive customer experiences lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

6. Monitor and Analyze Your Performance

Regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand your business’s health and identify areas for improvement. Monitor metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, and customer acquisition costs. Use analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior and sales trends. Data-driven decisions can help you optimize your marketing strategies and improve your overall business performance.

7. Streamline Order Fulfillment

Efficient order fulfillment is crucial for customer satisfaction. Automate as much of the process as possible to reduce errors and save time. Use inventory management software to keep track of stock levels and avoid overselling. Ensure your suppliers are reliable and capable of handling increased order volumes during peak times. Clear communication with suppliers can help prevent delays and ensure timely deliveries.

8. Expand Your Product Range Wisely

Diversifying your product range can attract more customers and increase sales. However, be strategic about the products you add. Conduct market research to identify trends and customer preferences. Focus on products that complement your existing offerings and appeal to your target audience. Avoid spreading yourself too thin by maintaining a manageable inventory that doesn’t compromise quality or customer satisfaction.

9. Invest in Branding

Strong branding helps you stand out in a crowded market. Develop a unique brand identity that reflects your business’s values and resonates with your target audience. Consistent branding across your website, social media, and marketing materials builds trust and recognition. Invest in professional logo design, engaging content, and quality packaging to enhance your brand image.

10. Stay Informed and Adapt

The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving. Stay informed about industry trends, new technologies, and changes in consumer behavior. Join industry forums, attend webinars, and read relevant blogs and publications. Be ready to adapt your strategies to meet changing market conditions and customer expectations.
In conclusion, making your dropshipping business more effective involves a combination of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and excellent customer service. By focusing on these key areas, you can enhance your competitiveness, drive growth, and achieve long-term success in the dynamic world of e-commerce.
submitted by AdQueasy4367 to business_charm [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:45 SoilFit2396 [For hire] Shopify Development Expert

I am a Shopify development expert with extensive experience in building and optimizing online stores. Over the past few years, I have created and customized numerous Shopify stores for clients across various industries. My goal is to help businesses establish a strong online presence and drive sales through expertly crafted e-commerce solutions.

My Approach

I understand that a successful online store goes beyond just looking good. It's about providing a seamless shopping experience that converts visitors into loyal customers. Here's how I achieve that:
  1. Customized Store Development: I tailor each Shopify store to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you need a brand-new store or a redesign of an existing one, I ensure it aligns with your brand identity and business goals.
  2. Responsive Design: Your store will be fully responsive, ensuring a smooth shopping experience on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
  3. Optimized User Experience: I focus on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for customers to find what they're looking for and complete their purchases.
  4. Advanced Functionality: Need specific features like custom product pages, advanced filtering options, or seamless integration with third-party apps? I've got you covered.
  5. SEO & Speed Optimization: I optimize your store for search engines and ensure fast loading times, improving your visibility and user experience.

Why Choose Me?

Examples of My Work

Let's Work Together

If you're looking to create or improve your Shopify store, I'm here to help. Contact me today to discuss your project and see how I can contribute to your success.
Get in touch: Contact Me (Portfolio)
Looking forward to working with you!
submitted by SoilFit2396 to SFBayJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:34 johnchristeen Advancing Efficiency: In-Depth Trimethoprime Production Cost Analysis Report Unveiled

In a bid to illuminate the intricate nuances of Trimethoprime production costs, a comprehensive report has been unveiled, providing an insightful analysis into the production process, procurement resources, and market dynamics. This exhaustive report aims to empower businesses with valuable insights for strategic decision-making and operational optimization.
Request For Sample: https://www.procurementresource.com/production-cost-report-store/trimethoprim/request-sample

Procurement Resource Assessment of Trimethoprime Production Process

The report meticulously evaluates the procurement resources essential for the Trimethoprime production process. Through a detailed assessment, it identifies key inputs, suppliers, and their respective contributions, enabling stakeholders to streamline procurement strategies and enhance supply chain efficiency.

Product Definition

Trimethoprime, a vital antibiotic, plays a pivotal role in combating bacterial infections. The report elucidates the product's characteristics, applications, and market significance, providing a comprehensive understanding of its role in the pharmaceutical landscape.

Market Drivers

In an ever-evolving pharmaceutical industry, understanding market drivers is paramount. The report delves into the factors propelling the demand for Trimethoprime, including rising prevalence of bacterial infections, increasing healthcare expenditure, and advancements in medical research. By elucidating these drivers, businesses can capitalize on emerging opportunities and navigate market challenges adeptly.

Raw Materials Requirements

A critical aspect of production cost analysis is the evaluation of raw materials requirements. The report meticulously delineates the raw materials essential for Trimethoprime production, their sourcing channels, and pricing dynamics. This comprehensive insight empowers businesses to optimize raw material procurement strategies and mitigate cost escalations.

Costs and Key Process Information

Through an in-depth analysis of production costs and key process information, the report unveils critical insights into cost structures, manufacturing processes, and efficiency benchmarks. By identifying cost-saving opportunities and operational bottlenecks, stakeholders can drive efficiency improvements and enhance profitability.

Looking for an exhaustive and personalized report that could significantly substantiate your business

In today's fiercely competitive pharmaceutical landscape, having access to comprehensive and personalized insights is imperative for sustaining competitive advantage. Our report goes beyond conventional analyses, offering tailored recommendations and actionable insights customized to meet your business needs. Whether you're a pharmaceutical manufacturer, distributor, or investor, this report equips you with the strategic intelligence needed to thrive in a dynamic market environment.
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2024.05.15 10:34 Banancake Ghosts in the Avalanche 15 - A Nature of Predators FanFic

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Chapter 15: For What You’ve Tamed
“We’ve come a long way, Vikri. Let’s finish your story,” Rayner said as he sat down in the same chair, crossing his legs in the same way.; small consistencies that made the task of talking about my past seem a little more routine. “I understand you lost someone important to you that day.”
I shifted slightly where I sat. “Yeah,” I answered coarsely. I grabbed at the poncho hanging over my shoulders. I remembered what it felt like in my dreams. Radiant warmth always seemed to emanate from it. Not necessarily the poncho itself, but Tenga’s memory. I realized that as long as I had those, then he was still here in a way. I’d much rather have him here than his memory though.
Rayner nodded. “I know what that’s like,” he said in a near whisper.
I shook my head. “It’s not just that I lost him. I…I failed,” I rasped. “I could’ve saved him. Maybe if I’d gone back I could’ve gotten the equipment before the fire did. I was too afraid.”
Rayner nodded slowly. “And now you feel responsible.”
I remained silent as I clutched my tail on the couch beside me. Rayner already knew the answer. He pursed his lips. “Yeah…I know exactly how that feels.”
I looked up at him. For the first time, his eyes weren’t on me, but on the adjacent wall as he seemed to ponder something. “You think about all the things you could have done differently. Things that are so obvious in hindsight,” he sighed and adjusted his glasses. “If only it were that clear in the moment.” He looked up at me, clasping his hands together. “So walk me through what happened.”
I could still vividly remember the moment Tenga got shot. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. So quickly in fact, that it even took Tenga a moment to realize there was a hole in his torso. Minutes of continuous tension shattered with a hail of gunfire lasting less than a second. The echoes continued to howl through the mountains long after the bodies met the snow. My friend was fatally wounded, the snow around him dyed bright red with his blood. And I had to leave him.
The entire time I was in the belly of the federation destroyer with danger lurking around every corner, all I wanted to do was to get this done as quickly as possible and get back to him. I was enraged that they’d done this to him and to billions just like him.
“Tenga was all I thought about the entire time,” I croaked. “And I…I was willing to kill everyone onboard to get back to him, even if there was no way I ever could. I… did things I could never have imagined myself doing even just days ago. I tore a chunk out of my leg just to be able to get to the Krakotl pinning me down with a crowbar.” I inhaled deeply, staring down at my reflection in the water, recalling my bloodshot eyes in the reflection of the ship's monitor. The grimly colorful bloodstains in my fur from several different species.
Rayner nodded. “It was a desperate situation. Many don’t see themselves doing things like that until they’re put in a situation where it's necessary. A situation where it's do or die. No one can fault you for that, especially not with all that depended on you.”
“I guess I just…It’s just worrying knowing that there’s a part of me capable of that.”
The doctor tapped his pen on his notepad as he seemed to think for a moment. “Do you worry that you may have violent outbursts?”
I scoffed. “Well, the events of a few days ago provided good grounds for worry.”
Rayner nodded. “Aggression is common for PTSD victims. It can be difficult to manage intense emotions when your mind is already dealing with so much.
I shook my head. “That’s not the person I want to be.”
Rayner nodded. “I know Vikri. That’s why it's so crucial for you to talk about this stuff. The less all of this weighs on you, the better you’ll be able to control those emotions when they arise.”
He finished writing on his notepad before taking off his glasses and leaning forward slightly. “So what happened to Tenga?”
The question made my heart sink. My mind went quiet. The second hand of time sounded like the footsteps of a giant marching toward…something. My body seemed to go cold and numb. “He died…” I croaked, staring down at the table. That was the first time I’d admitted that to myself verbally in such a direct way. “And I tried so hard,” I choked, tears now streaming down my face. “I did everything in my power to save him. I even put Querek’s life in danger.”
I felt the heat. I could feel cold water dripping from my paws as the burning ship melted the frost accumulating in my fur. I remembered the terrifying hopelessness that gripped me as I gripped Querek and pushed him into the snow. He tried to sacrifice himself for Tenga. What if I had let him? Would it have even worked? Could Tenga accept that?
I recalled the story to Rayner, battling to keep my composure. “I…I watched him die,” I choked. “And I was furious. Reese had to pull me off of him. I wanted to do…something, anything, but…he told them not to bring him back. I think he…” I winced at the thought of him considering this. “I think he’d rather have died sacrificing himself over…going rabid.”
Silence perforated the room for what felt like several long minutes. Rayner sat with his legs crossed, his hand propped up against his mouth. He seemed to become lost in thought for a moment before speaking. “I know how that guilt feels,” he admitted quietly.
I looked at him, somewhat surprised. “You do?”
Rayner nodded, rubbing his hands together. “My son,” he said plainly, taking a long pause before he continued. “He and Jesse were very close as kids. Practically brothers.” He tapped on his clipboard with his pen. “I was…not so available in those days. I was a very different man than I am now. I was still in school. I was always busy, always stressed. I hadn't even considered becoming a therapist. I was deadset on becoming a neurosurgeon.” He scoffed at himself, his head gently shaking back and forth as his gaze grew distant. His delivery lacked that matter-of-fact candor I was so used to by now. He was much quieter; less animated. His eye contact was sporadic and he never stopped fidgeting with his pen. Everything about him seemed suddenly mired in an emotion that was difficult to read. That was when I saw everything we'd done over the past few days for what it really was. Rayner wasn't invincible. He never claimed to be. He was hurt; I could hear it in his voice. He wasn't a person reaching down into the mud and yanking me out by the nape of the neck. He was man covered in mud himself. He wasn't an untouchable hero. Merely a guide.
He continued as that realization struck me. “I loved him as much as a father could. But I was so busy that…well I wasn't there as much as I'd like to have been. That put a big strain on our relationship.” He removed his glasses and wiped the lenses a few times before he continued. “One night we got into an argument. He’d just gotten his license. He had an old beat-up car I'd bought him for his birthday,” he chuffed. “A teen’s first car is always…eccentric. Thought it was a great deal at the time.” He sighed and nodded slightly before continuing. “He left the house enraged, speeding down the road. After a few miles, he lost control, swerved off the road, and hit a tree head-on. The airbag never deployed. The car crumpled like a soda can.”
I stared at him, speechless as he concluded in a near-whisper. “He was declared dead at the scene.”
The room felt hollow for a few long seconds. I searched for a reply but couldn't fathom the right words to say. Fortunately, Rayner didn't stay silent for long. “Like you, I blamed myself for a long…long time.” He sighed. “And it nearly destroyed me.”
I stared at the floor, fidgeting with my tail. “How did you…overcome that?”
“Well it didn't happen overnight,” he replied, flashing a brief smile. “It takes time but, at some point, you have to carry on living. You have to continue loving.” His eyes creased slightly as he looked down at his own hands. “You have to keep loving,” he repeated in a low whisper.
Loud silence claimed the room again as his words sank in. He was right. It was either accept what happened or live like this forever. Looking at it that pragmatically, the choice seemed easy. Emotions are never so logical though. It wasn’t as if he relieved himself of that burden either, it was obvious he still carried it. It just…didn’t weigh as much now. Not because it got lighter, but because he got stronger. I eased into speaking again. “I…I'm sorry. About your son.”
Rayner nodded. “I'm sorry about your friend.”
We both stewed in silence for a minute before Rayner spoke up. “We’ll send you home today.”
“You…really think I’m ready?”
Rayner nodded slowly. “I think so. The medication seems to be working, you haven’t had any breakdowns since you’ve been here. You’ve gotten much better at discussing these things. I think you’re equipped to face this now.”
“...I’m afraid,” I croaked.
“Of what?” Rayner asked, leaning forward
“Of…seeing Lucky again. I'm doubting whether I even should. I was never prepared to be her master. I’m just a danger to her.”
“Vikri,” Rayner exhaled and leaned forward. “You made a mistake. We all do. But you have a responsibility to her. You should at least see her and face that mistake, or you’ll never have closure. What you decide after that is your choice, but I don’t think it’ll be as bad as you think.”
“I hope so,” I sighed.
Rayner clicked his pen and set his notepad aside. “We’ve made you some medication to take home, same stuff you've been taking. The plan is to keep lowering the dosage until you’re sleeping without it. We’ve made you some sheets with all the daily doses on them and when to take each one. It’s enough to last you two weeks, then once they’re out, you’ll come back here for another session, then if you need it, we’ll get you more and keep weaning you off them.”
He leaned forward, emphasizing his next words. “And I cannot recommend enough that you go to Jesse’s support group in between our meetings. Those will help you tremendously, I’m sure of it.”
I nodded. “I have his number. I’ll…I’ll give it a shot.”
“You won't regret it,” Rayner assured me. “Jesse was in the same chair as you not too long ago for similar reasons. He has knowledge from first-hand experience. I can vouch for him, he’s a great guy.” He inhaled. “Well, is there anything else Vikri? We won’t be seeing each other again for a while, so if there’s anything else, now’s the time to talk about it.”
I thought for a second. We’d covered almost everything. I’d never discussed those days in so much detail. It felt like being submerged in icy water. It was miserable at first, but over time it became easier, even comfortable. I’d relived so much pain over the last three days, but here at the end of the whole story, It felt less like a nightmare, and more like reality. “No, I don’t think so,” I finally replied.
“Then I’ll clear you to go home. Andrea is here, she’ll give you a ride, I’m sure. Here.” He reached over and handed me a small business card. “That has all my contact information on it. I’m usually here in my office until late at night, so feel free to call if you need anything. If the sedative gives you any issues at all, any side effects, make sure to call and let me know. We followed the recipe to a tee, but it’s wise to be cautious.”
A familiar silence flooded the room as Rayner and I seemed to, for the first time, have nothing left to say. Finally, the doctor spoke. “See you in two weeks, Vikri.”
Golden strands of light danced between the digits of my paw as I moved it in front of the brilliant summer sun. An intense beacon of warmth floating in a sky as blue as Earth’s oceans. The rumble of Andy’s car occupied the air as we cruised down the highway. Vivri was sound asleep in the backseat. The gentle white noise and vibration seemed to knock her out cold. I watched the sunrays dance as I waved my paw in front of me, before turning it around. Several spots on my paw still had obvious scars. I even still had burn scars from the electrical systems aboard the crumbling Cardinal.
I curled my paw closed into a fist and rested my head against it, watching the lush, green mountains pass by in the distance. After three days I was set loose into the world once again, hopefully better armed than I was before. Even after all the weight I doffed from my shoulders in Rayner’s office, a crushing mass still rested on my chest. Lucky.
The weight only became heavier as the car slowed, and rounded a corner into the parking lot of a large animal hospital. Andy gently brought the car to a stop in a parking space in front of the entrance. Occasionally people would walk in and out with their pets, many of which were dogs on leashes.
Vivri stirred awake after we stopped. “Oh…We’re here,” she muttered nervously. “There’s…a lot more animals here than I was expecting.”
Andy chuckled. “It’s an animal hospital girl, there’s gonna be all kinds of critters here.”
I turned around to face her. “You don’t have to go in there. You and Andy can wait here.”
Andy scoffed. “You might wanna tell Rayner they screwed up those meds, ‘cause you’re delusional if you think I’m letting you go in there by yourself.”
“Well I don’t want her to be alone out here,” I argued.
“I’ll go in, just…stay close, please?” Vivri interjected.
I looked back at her, ears tilted. She was dead serious. I sighed and shook my head. “This is gonna be a disaster,” I groaned.
Andy opened her door. “I’ll wait with her in the lobby, you go talk to the vets. It’ll be fine.”
I looked back at Vivri one last time as Andy stepped out. “Alright, just stay away from the cats.” I opened my door and began stepping out into the summer air.
“Small felines. They're demons with mind control,” I replied just before closing the door.
Vivri scrambled out of the car and followed right on my heels. “Well don’t just leave me!” she squeaked.
I laughed. “I’m kidding. Well, mostly.”
Walking into the building, I realized that Lucky had been in a very similar place as me over the past three days. The lobby felt eerily similar to the one at the medical center. Everything went silent as Vivri and I walked in. Immediately I could feel dozens of eyes on us. Vivri hid close behind me as Andy gestured for me to follow her to the desk.
I doubted any of the humans there meant any harm, but dozens of binocular eyes snapping onto her in an instant had Vivri more unsettled than she already was. It didn’t help that several dogs were either on leashes or in carriers in the lobby, which were no doubt just as curious. I grabbed Viv’s paw. “They don't see many Venlil,” I whispered. “Just ignore them.”
I approached the desk with Vivri still hiding behind me. “E-excuse me?” I stuttered. The woman at the desk looked up, clearly caught off guard by two venlil standing before her. “O-oh! Excuse me, you must be Lucky’s owner, right?”
“Yeah. Vikri.” I could feel Vivri shivering behind me.
“I’ll let Doctor Gavin know you’re here.”
“Thanks,” I muttered before turning to Vivri. “Are you sure about this?” I whispered.
“Of course! It’s just for a few minutes, right?” Her body language gave an entirely different answer. She seemed like she might faint at any moment.
I looked up at Andy. “Keep her close, would you?”
Andy wrapped her arms over Viv’s shoulders. “Of course. I’ll keep little Vivi safe from all the big, bad puppy dogs and mean kitties,” she said in baby speak, twisting her side to side. She giggled. “We’ll be fine.” Her tone suddenly shifted as she locked eyes with me. “Will you?”
I stood there in silence for a moment. This entire time my heart felt unbearably heavy. Standing there, I felt nauseous. So much so that I made it a point to know exactly where the bathroom was when I walked in. The weight on my chest made breathing a laborious task. I heaved in a deep breath. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in there but…I have to do this. For both of us.”
Andy exhaled and nodded, seemingly just as nervous for me. Right on cue, the door at the back of the room opened with a heavy click. “Vikri?” a male voice called out. An older gentleman in burgundy scrubs surveyed the room. It didn’t take long for him to find me. He nodded toward me as he adjusted his glasses. “Right this way, please.”
“We’ll be right here,” Andy whispered, her hands still resting around Viv’s shoulders, who agreed with a tail flick.
I nodded and walked toward the man, leaving the cozy waiting room behind, and entering a long, sterile hallway. The doctor’s shoes clicked against the tile as he walked just in front of me. The weight bearing down on my chest only got heavier with each step. After a few agonizing seconds, the man finally spoke up as he stopped outside a door. “I’m Doctor Gavin,” he said breathily, extending a hand. “I performed Lucky’s surgery.”
I took his hand with my paw, which he could no doubt tell was trembling by this point. “Vikri,” I choked. “S-so…How is she?”
“She’s good,” Gavin answered in a higher pitch. “She’s recovering remarkably fast. Really lived up to her name.” He opened the door and stepped through into a kennel area as he continued. “The bullet hit one of her ribs and shattered. A couple of fragments pierced her lung, one of them was just inches from her heart. There’re still a few very small ones lodged in her tissue, but we’d be doing more harm than good by trying to remove them. They shouldn’t cause any issues and come out on their own after some time, but we’ll keep track of them with x-rays.”
As he spoke we passed by kennels, some empty, some with dogs that barked or jumped up on the cage as we passed. I scoured each one for Lucky, my dread building with each one we passed. Suddenly, the doctor stopped in front of me. He inhaled deeply. “I should mention…Given the…circumstances of how she got these injuries, me and some staff will stay with you just in case she becomes aggressive. That’s not to say that I think she will,” he added hastily, “she’s been great with everyone here but…you know, just to be safe.”
“I get it,” I breathed. It made sense. If Lucky attacked me, it would be far more deadly than it would be for a human. And I was confident even a human wouldn’t last long against a half-wolf her size. Fittingly, a group of four humans were gathered at the end of the hallway, catchers in hand.
Time seemed to slow as I approached the pen. The staff members all looked over at me with the same anxious expression. I felt like a prisoner walking toward my judgment, and that perhaps it was me that belonged behind these cages. I swallowed and took a long, slow breath as Gavin opened the gate. He walked in ahead of me. “Hey there big girl,” he said in a chipper tone. I heard the familiar thumping of Lucky’s tail against the floor. Gavin chuckled to himself as the remaining four staff calmly and quietly filed into the pen. Once they were all inside, the final human leaned around the corner, looked me in the eyes for a long second, and nodded once.
A new reality awaited around that corner. My sentence was about to be read. It felt so cripplingly helpless; wanting so desperately to finally be reunited with my best friend, yet trembling at the thought of rounding a corner to run face-first into the consequences of my actions. I steeled myself one last time. I nodded back at the catcher and took slow, deliberate steps toward him. I finally rounded the corner, and for the first time since the incident, I saw Lucky.
She lay on a large, fabric bed, with food and water bowls close by. Her right front leg was bound in a cast, tied up close to her body. A large patch of fur had been shaved away around her chest and halfway up her neck. She seemed thinner than I remembered. It reminded me of the scared, hungry pup I’d met so long ago.
Her eyes tracked onto mine instantly, and I felt an ache that defied all imagination. The same gaze that would send almost any other Venlil scrambling down the hallway instead gripped some inner part of me in a cold, numb stasis. I couldn’t move. Part of me wanted to run to her and spill out how sorry I was. Another wanted to curl up on the floor right there and sob, returning to that familiar numbness that seemed akin to the ancient enemy of life itself. The cold. That bitterness that pierced through fur, through flesh, through bones, and any ideal held by the naive child that sat next to Tenga’s corpse that day. It ran through until there was nothing left.
Then, I felt a warmth as if someone had draped a blanket over me. I gripped my poncho around my shoulders, grabbing it tightly. I made a quiet promise to myself there and then. Not a promise to my sister, or my parents, or Andrea. Me. I wouldn’t lie down in the cold. Never again. One more hill.
“Hey Lucky,” I said, my voice coarse and breaking every syllable.
The silence was abruptly broken as Lucky, though seemingly frail, shot to her feet. Everyone in the room shifted, prepared for the worst. I didn’t dare move, but I could feel my heart pounding in my legs, my body preparing to bolt. The staff watched her carefully, their grip slightly tightened around their polls. Lucky made no sounds, only stared at me, her nostrils flaring as she gathered my scent. Her right front leg was useless, immobilized against her body. She shifted her footing to steady herself. Then I saw something that replaced fear with tears. She was shaking like a leaf, never taking her eyes off me. She could care less about the others. She was scared. Of me.
I felt myself fall off a ledge in a sensation I’d become all too familiar with over the last few weeks. Tears streamed down my face, my breath hitching as I brought my paws up to my face. I fell to my knees, the presence of the staff had become irrelevant. “I’m…I’m sorry,” I exhaled between gasps. “I’m so sorry.”
So there it was. My new reality. It wasn’t what I’d hoped for, but it was what I expected. I didn’t know what I’d do then, and I didn’t know now. Could I go on without Lucky? She was the one fortress in the turbulent seas of my broken mind. She was the one I could always count on. The one that I knew would always be there, no matter what. Now I was convinced she was terrified of me.
I sat there a shattered mess for a long moment, tumbling off that cliff and reaching out for anything to catch myself, but found nothing but jagged stones. I felt a hand on my shoulder, Doctor Gavin attempting to comfort me, I assumed. Until I felt something touch my knee. I looked up, thrown out of the spiral abruptly. Lucky was now just in front of me, licking my leg. I froze, confused. She gently laid down, careful of her bandaged leg as she rested her head on my leg, looking up at me. That was the same leg she’d broken months ago. Finally, I got it. “I hurt you, and you still loved me.”
A wave of relief rushed through me and I looked down at her, eyes glossy with tears. I bent down and rested my head against hers. I laughed, though it sounded more like a sob. For the first time in days, I felt whole again.
Lucky still loved me.
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2024.05.15 10:30 isaac_kelvin How to Build a Website on Hostinger: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Hostinger is a popular web hosting provider known for its affordability, intuitive interface, and robust features. Whether you're starting a personal blog, an online portfolio, a small business website, or an e-commerce store, Hostinger offers the tools to get you online quickly and easily.
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2024.05.15 10:27 Strawbbs_smoothie Planning a consultation and i need tips please :)

Hello! I am planning on getting a consultation with a top surgeon near me soon and am super excited!! i seem to be lucky in the aspect that my state (U.S. based for extra context) takes insurance and had an anti-trans insurance law reversed last year, so i will likely have a very small bill for my surgery.
I have been looking into top surgery and wanting it since my fem puberty started around 9-12 years ago, and especially after I started T in late 2021 since it really kicked off the innate need to have my boobs gone. I have a basic understanding of what goes on, for example:
i know there are multiple types of surgeries, and the type you are able to get depends on chest size, and the amount of tissue you have. i know that some people opt for no nipples, but it’s common for people to keep them and have them stitched back on.
I know you shouldn’t smoke around a month leading up to the surgery, and some people are advised to stop taking testosterone, although i have seen debates on whether it’s necessary since cisgender men who undergo surgery don’t have to go on T blockers beforehand, and despite it being recommended- i notice that it’s usually up to the person getting top surgery whether or not to stop hormones.
i know that some people are given drains after the surgery, but some surgeons in specific states or countries utilize a type of incision/technique that helps with leaving little to no fluid buildup so drains aren’t needed. I know that lifting your arms up and moving around a lot is generally not a good idea since you risk ripping something, being in pain, popping stitches, etc.
i know that nipple grafts can fail, and sometimes people need revisions if they aren’t happy with results.
I feel like with baseline information about the surgery, i am pretty solid with understanding what happens and what will go down, but i do have an inkling i’m missing some more vital parts or bits of information here and there. i don’t know much about what TO do after surgery, i more so know what not to do so anything regarding how to make recovery safe and comfortable would be helpful :)
I would really appreciate if there is anything i’m missing or seem to have been misinformed about, along with any general tips, or ideas about what i should expect.
also if anyone has any resources on top surgery that seem like i would benefit from considering what i already know would be helpful! i am autistic and have some trauma regarding medical settings, so any and all little bits of information no matter how insignificant it seems would help put me at ease. i like to know everything and anything i can about a medical situation or important life experience like this so i don’t get overwhelmed and scared.
thank you :,)
submitted by Strawbbs_smoothie to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:26 Affectionate_Fox_944 Incompetent Hiring Managers and Stupid Interview Practices

TLDR; Hiring manager passes up incredible candidate for being too incredible. Companies are terrible at training people to select talent.
I'm a relatively successful professional in a medical industry. I don't manage people, but my role is at the same level as a middle manager. I have interviewed countless candidates for roles and have helped develop four people internally into better roles. I met a woman in a bar about a year ago. We got to talking, and she expressed that, due to autoimmune-related health issues (she's now considered disabled), her career had been put on hold to accommodate for a diagnosis that was long in coming and six related surgeries. She has a Master's degree in a scientific/health field. She has a great personality and outlook, she's well spoken, and her resume is strong overall. (She had jobs and volunteered prior to her health issues, and she's been employed at a hospital ever since.) I've been helping her look for jobs and prep for interviews since we met. She's languishing in her current role, she can't get full time hours, and she's drastically underpaid. She's had some trouble finding roles that would be a good fit, however, and she's applied to over 20 jobs with no callbacks.
A position came open at my company, and I referred her. It's entry-level, but it matches her experience level for our specific industry. It would be a 30% raise for her annually, and she's excited to enter the industry and learn. She prepared by reading studies related to our tech and did a bunch of research about the company. She also prepped with me extensively.
The hiring manager and her team consistently brought up issues they had with her resume before she was even phone screened. Some of them were not even legal to discuss. Ridiculous questions came up about her "taking a step down" (this isn't a step down for her), "clearly wanting to escape a bad manager" (nope), "would be bored" (she's enthralled with our tech), etc. I professionally addressed each one. When the gap in her resume (due to surgeries/recoveries) came up, I suggested they ask her to talk about that when they interview her. I suggested if there were too many concerns, that they should not waste her time and get her hopes up. I also suggested approaches to keeping her engaged and retaining her for a long period if that was their main concern.
They put her through three rounds of interviews, including one on-site, four-hour set of meetings on her day off. The hiring manager and team repeatedly discussed how well she did in comparison to other candidates, none of whom knew anything about our business when they interviewed. The rest of the hiring team repeatedly talked about how impressed they were with her.
The hiring manager told me today she's not being selected because the risk of her "getting bored" and leaving before three to five years is too high. They've concluded she's "too overqualified," despite all of the discussions over weeks of this process.
I'm so embarrassed. They are at least referring her for another position, but I hesitate to put her through it all again; I'm worried the outcome will be similar.
submitted by Affectionate_Fox_944 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:25 Legitimate_Class180 Kris Jenner's Journey to Health and Wellness

Kris Jenner's Journey to Health and Wellness
Kris Jenner, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, is not only known for her role as a mother and manager to her famous family but also for her journey towards health and wellness. From her early struggles to her transformation and advocacy for a healthier lifestyle, Jenner's story is both inspiring and influential.

I. Introduction

Kris Jenner's name is synonymous with success and influence in the realm of entertainment. As the matriarch of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, she has navigated the complexities of fame while also focusing on her health and well-being.

II. Kris Jenner's Health Journey

A. Early Life and Career Struggles
Jenner's journey to health wasn't always smooth sailing. Like many, she faced challenges early in her life and career, juggling the demands of motherhood and managing her family's businesses. The stress and pressure took a toll on her physical and mental health.
B. Challenges Faced
Over the years, Jenner battled various health issues, including anxiety and exhaustion. The demanding nature of her career and personal life often left her feeling overwhelmed and drained. However, instead of succumbing to these challenges, she decided to take control of her health and make positive changes.
C. Transformation and Wellness
Jenner's commitment to her well-being led to a remarkable transformation. Through dedication and perseverance, she embraced a healthier lifestyle, prioritizing exercise, proper nutrition, and mindfulness practices. Her journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience and self-care.

III. Kris Jenner's Fitness Routine

A. Exercise Regimen
Exercise plays a crucial role in Jenner's health routine. She incorporates a variety of workouts into her schedule, including strength training, cardio, and yoga. Regular physical activity not only helps her stay fit but also boosts her energy levels and mood.
B. Diet and Nutrition
In addition to exercise, Jenner pays close attention to her diet and nutrition. She focuses on eating whole, nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. By fueling her body with nourishing meals, she supports her overall health and well-being.
C. Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness is another key component of Jenner's wellness routine. She practices meditation and mindfulness techniques to reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and cultivate inner peace. These practices enable her to stay grounded and centered amidst life's challenges.
IV. Health Challenges and Overcoming Them
A. Stress Management
Stress management is essential for Jenner's overall health and well-being. She prioritizes self-care activities, such as relaxation techniques, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones, to keep stress at bay and maintain balance in her life.
B. Health Conditions
Like many, Jenner has faced health conditions that require ongoing management and attention. However, she doesn't let these challenges define her. Instead, she seeks proper medical care and adopts proactive strategies to optimize her health and quality of life.
C. Seeking Professional Help
Jenner understands the importance of seeking professional help when needed. Whether it's consulting with healthcare providers, therapists, or wellness experts, she prioritizes her health and isn't afraid to ask for support when necessary.

V. Advocacy and Inspiration

A. Sharing Personal Experiences
Jenner's openness about her health journey has inspired countless individuals facing similar struggles. By sharing her experiences and vulnerabilities, she fosters a sense of connection and solidarity within her community.
B. Promoting Wellness
As an advocate for health and wellness, Jenner uses her platform to promote positive lifestyle choices and encourage others to prioritize their well-being. Whether through social media, interviews, or her own experiences, she continues to spread messages of empowerment and self-care.
C. Positive Influence on Others
Jenner's commitment to health and wellness extends beyond herself. She actively supports and uplifts those around her, serving as a role model for resilience, perseverance, and personal growth. Her influence reaches far and wide, inspiring others to embrace their own journeys to wellness.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, Kris Jenner's journey to health and wellness is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and self-care. Through her personal experiences and advocacy efforts, she continues to inspire others to prioritize their well-being and live their best lives.
submitted by Legitimate_Class180 to u/Legitimate_Class180 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 Relevant-Wasabi5218 Bakit ba ang unfair ng mundo?

Grabe, heartbreak after heartbreak after heartbreak, di ko na alam kung ano need ko gawin para lang makaalis sa cycle na to. Akala ko last year by August magiging okay na, I was hopeful na I can do anything and I was happy kahit sobrang busy ko pero wala, parang sinampal ako ni universe.
For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m in rock bottom. September and October, I learned something sa work and I was really heartbroken. Lahat ng efforts ko, process improvements, and projects parang tinake lang and hindi na-credit sakin. Gusto ko magresign pero I can’t kasi wala ako mahanap na work outside so no choice ako and I decided na I’ll do my work nalang within my job description, wala na initiatives and di na maging proactive.
January, nag maternity leave yung boss ko and wala akong choice but to step up. May new system pa na i-implement sa work so need ko maging active sa meetings and in testing the system. I was also able to think of an automation para maka-save ng hours pero di ginamit. Ako na din gumagawa ng monthly stats of our team na di ko naman work. Nilet go ko muna yung isang process to focus sa team pero parang kasalanan ko din. Eto yung time na may week from Monday to Sunday iyak lang ako ng iyak pero I was really grateful sa ka-date ko that time since di nya ko iniwan.
February, eto na yung biggest heartbreak ko sa love. First time ko ma fall nang todo pero binalikan niya yung ex. After this incident, di ko alam kung san ako magsisimula ulit kasi nasanay ako sakanya. Wala lang pala lahat ng reassurances and plans nya na sinasabi sakin. Pero, dito ko na appreciate yung friends ko kasi sobra efforts nila.
March to April, self healing. Triny ko talaga yung best ko to distract myself and to focus. I reflected din and sabi ko focus ko talaga is career muna. As a martyr, kahit madami na ko nalalaman sa work, nakapag create pa ko ng automation for the team. May nalaman pa ulit ako na info na sobrang na unfair-an ako sa management. Another heartbreak nanaman kasi ang daming false promises sakin pero hanggang ngayon wala pa din.
May, I saw an email regarding internal job opening and eto na talaga yung nakita ko na last hope sa current company ko. I applied pero 2 weeks pa bago ma approve nung leader ko yung application. After naman ma approve, nakapag interview ako with hiring manager then na endorse din kinabukasan for final interview. Sabi 3 daw kami strong candidates and ako lang ata yung internal candidate pero last Thursday, I checked the requisition (may access ako hehe since part ng work ko) and may for offer na sa isang external candidate. Wala pa yung comms na rejected ako pero alam ko na di ako yung napili.
Di ko na alam kasi parang nothing is going right in my life. Ang hirap pala magpigil ng iyak pag nasa labas ka and mag isa haha. Sobrang sama ko ba to the point na eto na yung karma ko? Ano ba nagawa ko na mali? Sabi ko nga since I’m in rock bottom yung only way ko lang is to go up. Pero bakit parang nagpapatong patong lahat? Bakit parang ang swerte nung ibang tao tapos ako need ko paghirapan?
Ngayon, yung mindset ko, expect disappointments so you’ll never be disappointed. Pero nagugulat nalang ako may mas ibababa pa pala yung situation ko. I hope tables will turn naman, sana universe ako naman this time. Pagod na ko eh.
submitted by Relevant-Wasabi5218 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:08 TschangyeulBasquiat Toughest year of my life so far: facing my mom's late stage cancer, figuring out my dad, ending my longest relationship, moving across the world, and starting a business overseas

This past year has been a crazy ride, and I need somewhere to let it out.
On this day last year, I(27M) received a FaceTime call from my parents. They're based in Asia while my brother (25M) and I work / go to school in the US - so we have a set time for weekly catchups over the phone. But this time it was weird that they didn't just call. It was the first time in years since they video call me.
Mom(55F) and dad(57M) showed up on my phone screen, but mom didn't have any hair. They told me that she had been diagnosed with late stage cervical cancer a few weeks back and that she had immediately started chemo. My parents got their annual checkup just a few months back, but she was unlucky. The cancer had developed quickly in an area hard to detect, so it was found at a late stage. But fortunately she was receiving the best treatment available, and her company was helping our family with medical expenses. I cried after hanging up. I never thought I'd have to think about my mom's mortality this early. It felt like I was caught in some nasty prank, and I didn't know what to do. At least on screen my mom seemed lively and optimistic with the situation at the time.
I quickly decided it was best I fly over to Asia and help out my parents. Luckily I had recently quit my full time job to start my own business, so I wasn't tied to a company or a geographic location. My brother was starting a program at his dream grad school later that summer, and I was happy to help him focus on it. Instead he would immediately head to my parent's and stay with them until I wrapped up my life in the US and moved over. I had my last hoorah with my friends, gave away my furniture, and packed up my suitcase. I had been living with my girlfriend at the time, and carving myself out of the apartment was more painful than I ever expected. Saying goodbye sucked, especially when I didn't know when I was coming back.
Fast forward a few weeks, I moved into my parent's house. The next few months would be a blur of numerous trips to the hospital, a life in a different country. We were getting into the groove of things, and chemo actually started chipping away at my mom's tumor. But spending large chunks of each week at the hospital, working on my business at night(my work requires me to match US time zones), and having no social life in the country started taking toll on me. I barely knew anyone in the city and I'd have days and weeks not physically speaking at all. My mental and physical health deteriorated, and eventually after much thought I decided to break up with my girlfriend of four years. I just didn't think I was being a good partner with all that was happening in my life, and I had no clue when all this would end - especially given the time difference and distance. It was rough ending things with the most serious girlfriend I ever had, but I had to focus on my family and she understood.
I soon realized that my mom's cancer wasn't the only thing I had to face. I had to figure out my complicated relationship with my dad. I wouldn't call him a bad guy. He has good intentions but he's a troubled man haunted by his job and childhood tragedies(death of siblings, relationship with family, his parents stopping him from pursuing his dreams, etc) Since I was young he struggled with communicating his thoughts / emotions and abusing alcohol. He was never really present in my upbringing, as he sunk away to his room after work to watch TV without helping around the house much. Yes there were moments where he drove us to school a few weeks and took us fishing a couple times, but those gestures faded away by the time my brother and I were 10. When drunk, he broke things around the house regularly, and at his worst he physically assaulted me when I was a teenager. We never really had a legitimate conversation since (he never really talked unless he was drunk), and my mom acted as a sort of a shield / translator between us throughout the years. But he did work and provide for the family for decades, and I should not forget that. Now that I'm older I do see why he was so upset and aggressive back then. I'm finding myself slowly forgiving him over the years. But it also can't be an excuse for what he did and I still find myself deeply affected by his actions.
My dad's aloofness continued into December 2023. In some ways it felt like he was denying to accept the gravity of the situation. He continued drinking heavily and depending on my ill mom for housework / meals. I was upset because it seemed like my mom was still carrying most of the burden even with cancer and he was doing the bare minimum to help our family. I was tired and depressed. I uprooted my whole life, and for months I haven't been able to make much progress in my personal, professional, and social lives. But he wasn't contributing much for our family. I guess he thought improvements in my mom's health would continue and she'd recover soon.
Around new year, chemo stopped making progress, and my mom's condition began worsening week by week. Some of her organs started having issues, bringing debilitating pain. The doctors tried different treatments, radiotherapy, etc, but the situation kept on heading south. Her stays at the hospital grew longer, and she started cry more often. At times her pain would be so terrible that she'd scream into my arms saying that she doesn't want to continue living anymore. Every day I can still hear her cries and it's messing with me. I hate losing someone strong / kind like her inch by inch. After seeing my mom's state worsen, my dad started turning around and investing more time / attention to our family. He cut down most of his drinking and began spending most of his free time with her. I think he finally started realizing that he could actually lose his wife. I do appreciate him stepping up, and he and I started cooperating on nursing mom and getting through house chores. Sometimes I feel guilty for this, but I'm still having difficulty trusting him 100% given all we've been through. It's still tough to spend 1:1 time with him.
Fast forward to now, the situation hasn't improved much and my mom hasn't been home in months. Even phone calls and texts are difficult for her now. The doctors are planning on trying one more treatment, but if it doesn't work we'll likely have to begin preparing for the worst. I saw on reddit that old photos help cancer patients a lot, so I went through our family album to show digital copies to my mom. I can't remember the last time I cried that much. Thankfully, my brother is now in town on vacation for the next few weeks, and he's been very helpful. We're grateful that he had a successful first year at grad school, and him returning has been a breath of fresh air for our family. Seeing my brother has been helping my mom a lot as well. I'm sure my brother is feeling his own shock and guilt with all that's happening to our family. I hope he's able to find strength within himself.
But I need to face the fact that my mom started taking morphine and that the doctors began discussing hospice. My parents and I took the past few weeks to organize my mom's finances, taxes, and legal work. It's still surreal that I had to go through my mom's stuff. She has been strong / stoic throughout this whole process, but I can't imagine what pain / thoughts she's dealing with when my dad or I'm not around. I can't imagine what it's like to even begin thinking about the end. A miracle could happen, but nothing is guaranteed. Sometimes keep on hoping and hoping gets really tough, especially if things keep on getting worse. All I can do is just take each day as it is and keep moving forward.
I took a pause on work in the last few months to focus on helping my family and recovering my health. I'm slowly but surely spending up my savings though, and I feel like I'm being left behind professionally and socially. I'm finding myself depressed not being able to make progress with my life and career. I have no friends and I can't remember the last time I took a legitimate break. I can't help but wonder how my business will work out, whether I can become social again, and what my future will look like. But it's been so difficult to plan anything because any day / week my mom's situation can shift drastically. And at times I feel guilty thinking about myself when my mom is suffering this much. I'm trying really hard to keep a routine with exercise and work so I can keep myself healthy to continue helping my parents. It's been a challenging fight to keep all these things balanced.
But I also can't deny that I've seen a lot of beauty in life as well in the past year. So many friends and family helped us out, and I sat down with my mom with deep conversations on life. I've also changed / grew tremendously, and my perspective on life / death matured a lot. I learned the importance of mental / physical health. This dark period in my life also could be the beginning of a relationship with my dad. I don't do social media but so many friends remembered our family and reached out proactively. Thank you everyone. All of the other problems I had in life seem so small / solvable now, after all I've gone through. Imagine how easy those obstacles will feel once all this is over!
I have no idea how all of this will resolve, but I just hope my mom doesn't go through much pain. Sometimes I just want to drop everything and give up but I want to help my mom as much as I can until the end. She always tried her best to give my brother and me the best possible life. A few weeks ago, she told me that she has no regrets because she gave us all her love over the past 20 to 30 years, a feat that other moms might take 50 to 60 years to accomplish. She really did her best and she was the greatest mom I could ever have.
I'm curious what kind of person I'll become after the dust settles. Daydreaming about what's to come after these tough times keep me going. The rest of the year probably won't be pretty though, especially if my mom's health worsens. In whatever way this situation resolves towards, I won't disappoint her. I hope I can stay strong throughout and I'll keep giving life my best.
And I hope this past year does stay the toughest year of my life lol
submitted by TschangyeulBasquiat to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:05 Low-Cycle5322 How to Choose Efficient and Affordable SEO Services

How to Choose Efficient and Affordable SEO Services
Nowadays, it seems like more and more people are looking for inexpensive SEO solutions. Nearly all of these businesses, from small startups to large multinational enterprises, depend on SEO to develop and engage with customers online. It is undoubtedly true that large corporations are likely to invest a lot of money on their SEO techniques; after all, they are what drive visitors to their websites and uphold their positive online reputations.
And SEO for a massage parlor is also critical to make the website more appealing to search engine algorithms if you want it to get better. Of course, not every firm knows how to use SEO, and many small businesses believe they cannot afford to hire an expert. You can find SEO services that are both efficient and reasonably priced to receive the assistance you require.
Experienced Companies with Plans
When searching for reasonably-priced digital marketing for a massage parlor, including SEO services, you should look for seasoned businesses with a proven track record and good standing in the market. You’ll discover that several organizations with expertise and track records provide business clients with very cost-effective plans. The majority of services will offer a variety of plans at prices that will accommodate almost any marketing budget. Spend some time researching companies, comparing price ranges, and then talking with them about your needs and spending plan to see which option works best.
Up-to-Date Services
There are many different companies and agencies out there that will advertise loudly that they provide the lowest prices and services in the industry right now. Many firms that feel they can’t afford SEO in the first place are immediately drawn to this offer. The issue is that many businesses that offer you inexpensive services will first give you subpar services. Effective marketing ideas for massage therapists include SEO techniques that do away with unproductive techniques for your company or those that are out of date. You should establish a distinction between paying the cheapest possible price for subpar labor and paying a reasonable fee for effective, high-quality services.
Go by Word of Mouth Instead of a Google Search
Why not base your choice on how well a search engine optimization company performs? For their clients to waste time on their own websites, the top search engine optimization specialists are too busy enhancing websites.
The top businesses often have a large number of loyal clients who have recommended the same service to other people that are among the best digital marketing ideas that will give your parlor a boost. For example, only businesses in need of new customers will attempt to rank for best SEO company in a particular place. This also holds true for other keywords, like “best SEO tools” and “best SEO services.”
Checkout Their Backlinks
Recall that backlinks are essential to the SEO process. These are the links to your websites that are published on different outside websites. The backlinks must be of a high caliber. One must comprehend the website’s reputation in order to assess the quality of these services. You need to provide quality content for your website in order to obtain backlinks. This group of backlinks tends to increase website traffic and its ranking. When picking an SEO firm, there are a number of factors that must be taken into account, and one of those factors is backlinks.
Do They Provide Daily Reports?
Reputable SEO companies provide monthly work updates and progress reports to the companies that have given them projects. This one is a significant aspect of digital marketing services for spa and massage. You may monitor how the SEO company is assisting in the expansion of your website or business through daily or monthly reports. You tend to receive a higher quantity of benefits when you are completely knowledgeable of how the business operates. Making SEO reports can be done in a number of ways. You must be aware of the project’s name, URL, and launch date. Always research the keyword rankings of both you and your rivals. You must review reports on website traffic and backlinks.
Take into account other factors also. You must find out from the SEO company what format they adhere to while creating reports. Inform the SEO company if there is anything in particular you would want to see in the report.
Do They Have a Designed Strategy?
A good strategy will enable you to carry out the entire process more effectively. Additionally, clients would be attentive and knowledgeable about the working process as a whole. The goals and aims of your business must be very clear. The web developer would benefit from having both short- and long-term goals. Professional SEO services would incorporate a quantitative analysis and clarity-maintaining strategy. For a company’s digital expansion, a predetermined percentage range might be established.
Do They Offer Social Media Marketing?
Online marketing includes autonomous social media techniques. But they are increasingly important components of SEO. There are certain websites that offer a significant platform for the exchange of goods, services, and information. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube are the most popular ones. These are the best methods for promoting a business.
On the contrary, they frequently serve as the SEO equivalent of your website’s shadow. Google and the majority of other search engines often favor social networking websites. Your websites may occasionally not appear in the top spots. Your social network profile could still succeed in attaining the top slot, though. In such a situation, a lot of people visit your website through your social media profile.
The Takeaway
Affordable SEO services are not just a pipe dream; they are a reality that can offer compelling and expert solutions for your online business requirements. A beginner’s guide to online marketing for a massage parlor includes choosing the right SEO company that can provide the best SEO strategies. This is ideal for what your company needs to do in order to stand out in the online world.
Choose firms with extensive experience in search engine optimization and online reputation management when looking for affordable SEO services. An experienced business will be able to offer solutions in the areas of social media marketing optimization and marketing, website development and maintenance, as well as content creation. Additionally, it’s a smart idea to search for recognized businesses that might include case studies in their previous assignments.
submitted by Low-Cycle5322 to u/Low-Cycle5322 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:00 x647 Teepublic artist payment processing has begun - [ May 15, 2024 ]

4. Payment terms
  • 4.3 We will pay your earnings in accordance with the payment method you select on your account—currently either PayPal or Payoneer. Payments will be processed on the 15th day of the month, for sales made during the previous calendar month. For example, earnings for sales made during the month of February will be paid out on March 15th.
  • 4.4 If the 15th of the month falls on a weekend or national holiday, payments will be processed on the nearest business day.
  • 4.5 If your selected payment method is Payoneer, we will set a payment amount threshold of $20 USD in order to properly process the payment. Where the payment amount does not exceed the applicable threshold, TeePublic may elect to postpone your payment until the next monthly payment day when the threshold is exceeded.
  • 4.6 It is your responsibility to ensure TeePublic has current details of your postal address and bank account details. TeePublic will not be liable for any loss suffered by you if you provide us with incorrect details in relation to the payment method. If we are unable to pay you because you have given us incorrect details or your details are out of date, we will hold your earnings for up to twelve (12) months from the payment date. If you have not notified TeePublic of any amendment to the payment method details in that time your proceeds will be forfeited to TeePublic or donated to a charity of our choice.
If you have any issues with payment, please contact community@teepublic.com
Related Articles:
submitted by x647 to teepublic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:00 AutoModerator CHAT Community Thread - Wed May 15

*** Comments mentioning anything related to treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures in this thread will be removed via our OFF TOPIC rule. Consider if you were taking a break from treatment because you were exhausted and sad - treatment (yes anything related to it) goes in treatment **\*
Coping with infertility is complex, and it is our imperative to create places where we can honor the distinctly unique needs created by infertility. Sit beside us and share what’s on your mind and going on in your life. This is a great place to get to know your fellow members outside the gravity of treatment. Discussion here includes, but is not limited to:

Example of the difference between the Treatment and Chat Thread:
Comments for the Treatment Thread
Comments for the Chat Thread
A few notes:
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
Last reminder - this is the CHAT thread. Not the place to discuss anything focused on treatment, TTC, or family building measures.
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:46 gerald1 Example of dialogue recorded in a warehouse while it is raining

Hey there sound recordists,
I've got a shoot coming up in a warehouse/factory and it looks like it will be raining on the day.
I want to test out some noise reduction before the shoot so I can let the client know what is possible in post.
I was wondering if anyone has some examples of interview/dialogue recorded in a warehouse while it is raining on the metal roof? All the machines will be turned off so really the rain is my main issue.
The plan is to boom with an NTG3 but I'm guessing I'll be relying on the cos11d due to the reverb and rain.
If anyone has any tips for this situation I'm all ears, and if you've got any audio I could play with I'd be super appreciative!
submitted by gerald1 to LocationSound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:41 Blabla24242 Am I screwing up in dating? I am worried

I (36f) am on the dating apps and consider myself pretty ”normal”. I have a good job with a good income, people think that I am a nice person and I get to hear that I am pretty.
This example that happened now: I have texted one guy on a dating app in two weeks. We sent one message each everyday. The plan was to meet up the passed sunday. He was on vacation in another country so I was waiting for him to come home….
On friday I asked if we could speak on phone on saturday before we meet (it makes me feel safer to talk ro the guy on the phone before the date). He suggested we talk at 2 pm and I sade I was busy then and suggested 11 am which he agreed on.
Saturday comes and one hour before our scheduled phone call he tells me he feels sick and can’t speak on the phone nor meet me tomorrow. Meanwhile the wheather is beautiful and I can see by the distance that he is not home and that the distance keep changing during the day. I text him that it is ok and that I hope he feels better, but that I want us to pause the texting until we speak on phone or meet IRL. He gets annoyed by this. I explaine I have an experience from the past of texting much with guys without it leding to a date or meeting the guy and there were no chemistry. He says he understands. Past forward three days and he have delete me without a word…..
This is pretty much the story of my life most of the time on the dating apps. The texting goes well but they don’t want to meet me. Can you please help me? Am I doing anything wrong? I feel like I’m the option to this guys and that they seem to get other offers. I feels so sad now and worried I am doing something wrong…..
On my bio it says I’m only looking for something serious and that I want children in the feauture. Am I scarying guys away or do I seem boring because of this? This particular guy was 41 years.
Please no mean comments, I am already feeling down
submitted by Blabla24242 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:41 LizzyBeeBaby I cut off my family but i miss them and dont know if i should reconcile

TW: brief mentions of depression, suicidal ideation, and attempted suicide
When I (28F) was growing up, I was the golden child of the family. I didn't know it back then. Up until I was in high school I had a younger sister and an older half sister I only saw a few times a year. It wasn't like I never got in trouble or got yelled at, in fact I have a very vivid and hurtful memory where I was called a liar by my parents when I was being 100% truthful (they just didn't want to hear it and wanted someone to be mad at I guess), and then I was told to just "suck it up and get over it". But compared to my younger sister, who was compared to me in every way, I always had the perfect grades, perfect attitude, perfect behavior, etc. Our parents, especially our mother, who was the main parent taking care of us during the week, pretty much pitted us against each other constantly. My little sister was being told she needed to be more like me, and I was told my sister was a bad kid. I would try to help her stay out of trouble as a kid and would get mad when she didn't listen to me because i didnt understand she was just being herself and didn't need to be exactly like me. Up until college, I didn't understand that my sister didn't need to change, she needed her parents to love her as she was and help her instead of trying to mold her into some ideal of perfection. We were picked apart constantly about every little thing we did, and I was expected to always somehow know everything even if I'd never learned it before. My house was full of constant yelling due to the extremely high expectations and my mother's terrible temper, and it became a very stressful place to be starting when i was around 10. We went through a lot of financial hardships as well since I was very young, so I dont want to dismiss how hard things were for my parents and how much they went through. But I have always been hyper aware of how much it costs for me to exist as my mom stressed so many times over the years that she couldn't afford to buy even a new shirt because she had to buy stuff for us, as if that was at all our fault.
When i was in high school, my baby brother was born. He pretty much instantly became the new golden child, not only because he was the youngest and the only boy, but because it became clear at a very young age how intelligent he is. I was a straight A honors kid and he was blowing me out of the water since he learned to read. I didn't mind at all because 1) I was going to be going to college in a couple years, and 2) with our age difference, he was as much my son as my brother, and I took on a very loving parental role with him of my own volition. I also saw the promise in him and I wanted him to live a happy life. My little sister and him are very close to this day, at least to my knowledge. During this time they were still coming down really hard on my little sister, treating her as well as they always had - meaning they still yelled at her constantly and were overly critical of her and everything she even thought about doing. They talked about sending her to military school more than once, and pretty much resigned themselves to the idea my sister would never be able to live on her own before she even got to high school, let alone graduated.
Flash forward to when I was in college, I started coming home and noticing things about how my parents treated my sister, and for the first time I saw it for how terrible it was for her. The distance and time I spent away from the house helped my little sister and I completely change our relationship by my second or third year. What really solidified it was a series of events that happened my junior and senior years of college.
My sister moved to our town with her husband with their 2 very young boys, and we soon found out she was pregnant with twins. That is kind of where it all began to fall apart. Time showed not only that her husband is a massive pos, but also potentially abusive, although we never got concrete proof. As my sister's pregnancy progressed and they struggled to get on their feet, my parents started watching my nephews for hours at a time, sometimes the whole day. And if my parents had to babysit out of nowhere and put their lives on hold, me and my younger siblings were expected to do the same. No toys, no books, no games - nothing. Essentially, the entire house was expected to babysit in a way that i have been told wasn't normal. Even my little brother was expected to take on this role in caring for kids who were only a couple years younger than him. I spent my entire childhood taking care of my little sister and then my baby brother, and I hated seeing how they were doing the same to him when me and my little sister were at the age where it shouldve been left up to us. I started really butting heads with my parents as the situation progressed because they started yelling at my baby brother when the boys would even bump their heads even though it wasnt his fault. He never mistreated them, hit them, pushed them , or anything, so my parents justified it by saying he wasn't being a "good uncle" by "letting them" bump their heads on the tv stand, for example. He was expected to let them play with all of his toys, and my mom tried letting the boys use things that were very important to my brother, which would've ended up with the boys taking those things home. Saying it that way makes it sound a lot more mild that it was, but I'm trying to save time and not give out too many personal details. I guess you could say in short, my parents began expecting my elementary school age brother to give up his time, his space, his toys, his gifts - anything that meant anything to him, to help care for children when he was still a child not much older than them. I ended up giving my baby brother my room to not only keep his stuff in, but to sleep in.
In the end, my sister had the twins and then moved back to her home state about 6 months later. We think her no good husband lied to her about us and she cut contact with all of us, and we haven't heard from her since. In our house, the damage was done. I had long conversations with my little sister when our parents weren't around about how she needed to get out because of how they were treating her, and how I would eventually graduate and move to a city where I could find a job. But neither of us wanted to leave our little brother in that house because we were worried how they would treat him when we both left. Our parents had already proven they would throw any of us to the side at any second, even their golden child baby boy, and blame even him for anything that went wrong. Our parents have a history of spilling all our business at any holiday meal and badmouthing any little mistake. They would talk shit about us in front of us and shame us in front of family our entire lives, and if my sister and i weren't there to take the brunt of it, how long until they turned on my baby brother. Would they even wait until he wasn't "perfect" anymore?
Throughout all of this, I was struggling a lot in college, and starting around junior year i became very depressed and suicidal, which resulted in a major attempt in my 5th year of college, which to this day i don't like talking about. Before that, however, I went to my mom about feeling depressed and told her i thought i needed to talk to someone. She brushed me off. I was dumb enough to think that maybe she thought i was exaggerating, so i tried a second time to ask her for help about a year later, and she brushed me off again. Part of me blames her almost entirely for my attempts, because i came to her before any of them because i knew thats where it was headed if i didnt get help. All she had to do was make a couple phone calls to find me someone to talk to and she couldn't even do that for me. I was a scared girl who needed her mom's help because i didnt know who to turn to, and she turned her back on me. After my final attempt, I pulled myself up and got help, but my financial aid ran out and I was unable to return to school and finish my degree, so I went back to my parents house and was absolutely miserable for the next 6 months. I felt like a failure, like I wasn't "perfect" like i was supposed to be. I felt suffocated every single day and like the only ones who wanted me there were my siblings. One day I tried a little experiment and sat in the living room with my mom for the entire day and she didn't say one single word to me, didnt even acknowledge my existence. Ever since the stuff with my nephews happened, I had doubled my efforts to protect my siblings and take the brunt of my mom's anger, so I pushed back a lot when they tried to get onto my siblings for ridiculous things. I ended up ghosting my friends for 3 months because I was so depressed, and it really scared them. It was then I knew i had to get out of that house or it would kill me, so I moved into my grandparents' house a town over.
Things at my grandparents' house started okay, and i was even able to confide in them what had been going on at my parents' house, which in the end turned out to be a big mistake. I got a job working overnight at a retail store and met the guy who is now my boyfriend of 3 years. Unfortunately, the longer i spent at my grandparents' house the more i saw where my mom got it from, and they ended up treating me just as bad as what was going on at my parents' house. The only difference was that my sister wasn't there so i was taking the brunt of all of it. When things started getting tough for them after my grandpa retired, instead of sitting down with me like an adult and asking if it would contribute financially, my grandpa cornered me in the car when he was driving me back from work and guilted money out of me with a sob story. And guilted me at the dinner table the second time when they needed more money. One time i walked in the house after work and before i had even taken my shoes off or put my purse down to get my wallet out, he blocked the door to my room with his hand out like a loan shark to give him the money. I payed for all my own expenses, took short showers and kept as many lights off as i could, and told them not to buy me anything, even food. And in the end, even though they guilted me for money, then more money, and promised they wouldnt kick me out, they sold the house out from under me when they knew i was still trying to save for an apartment with what little money i had left a month. I ended up having to live with my best friend and her husband or i wouldve been homeless. I still helped them move even when they f-ed me over. And even after all that, I still went to holidays and visited my parents from time to time.
The last time i saw my grandparents they ran into me and my best friend in a store. My grandpa saw me first (he and my grandma were in different parts of the store), and starting yelling at me for pretty much cutting them off since i hadn't been to see them for months, and then when he started realizing he looked like the bad guy tried to make the reason i stopped talking to them about politics (i live in a conservative area) as if that would justify it. When my friend and i were trying to grab one last thing before we left because i was humiliated and trying not to cry, my grandma cornered me at the deli counter, had me pinned between the counter and a cart so i couldn't leave, and started yelling at me too. I was so broken back then, but i tried to tell both of them i would talk to them but not in the store. They just wanted to scream so we left. I haven't spoken to them since and have no plans to.
Eventually i moved 2 hours away back to the city i had went to college in. During that time, my grandparents drove the 3 hours to try to find where i lived, and then called trying to get me to come downstairs. I was asleep for work at the time but it made me feel so uncomfortable that they would do that. And after living there a year and my bf and i commuting to visit each other every other week, it came to the point where if i wanted our relationship to continue i had to move back. This is not something he ever brought up to me, this was a decision I came to on my own. So two years ago I moved back to the area I grew up in. We live an hour away from my hometown and 30 minutes away from the town i met my boyfriend in. And although he has family in both areas that we visit, I haven't seen or really talked to my parents or siblings since i initially moved out of the area.
A year ago, after a year of silence from me and from my parents, I dropped a box off at my parents' house when they weren't home with souvenirs i got them on vacation when i first moved back, short letters to each of them about the gifts, and a long video letter on a flash drive explaining everything I felt because i knew i couldn't go on without being honest and i knew if i tried to have a conversation in person, they wouldn't listen to me. I told them i wanted to keep them in my life but i couldn't ignore everything that had happened and the ways they treated me and my younger siblings. I told them i had no interest in continuing a relationship with my grandparents and that anything they have told them probably wasnt true. I sent them scans of my diaries as "proof" that i wasn't lying because that's the kind of house i grew up in - if you couldnt prove it, it didnt happen. I laid myself completely bare so that i could heal, knowing the whole time they may never want to speak to me again. I gave them pictures of me and my boyfriend and my new phone number anyway. The only thing i didn't give them was my address because we live on his family's land and his family, knowing a bit about my family and also about my grandparents essentially stalking me, don't want anyone from my family nosing around on the property. I don't want that either so i agreed not to give it out. The people in my life who knew about the box and the letter turned video letter were supportive of the idea given all i had been through, and I thought dropping it off would be the end of things.
Since then, I have healed from everything that has happened. I'm still angry and sad and i feel like I'm grieving every day, but I'm not the spineless, scared girl i used to be. My boyfriend has helped me become a better person in so many ways. But i still miss my family, especially my dad. I feel like he didnt deserve what i've done for reasons i cant go into, because the reality is he depends a lot on what my mom tells him because he works, and he trusts her deeply. I feel like in some regards he depended too much on her word, although he isnt completely innocent. There's obviously a lot more to my story that what I have here or else I'd be writing an autobiography, but just know if this all sounds like it isn't a big deal, I have so many stories and so much more detail that isn't safe to give out here.
The reality is my parents and i pushed each other away until we all became strangers long before everything blew up. I felt like a stranger from the time i left for college. I was made to feel like if i wasn't at home, i was a second thought, and a lot of very serious issues happened while i was away that i didnt find out about until i came home. My last year of college i was physically starving and could only afford to eat one meal a day if that. When i had left for school at the beginning of that school year my mother made it clear i had to figure it all out myself because they had no money to give me, but then i came home for Christmas and everyone but me had all new electronics. I cried asking for money to buy my uniform to start my campus job but they bought all new computers and tablets. And that stung.
Last Christmas, my parents and siblings messaged me. It was the first time I had heard from them since before i dropped off the box. It was just a Merry Christmas, but it absolutely shocked me. And then they all messaged again on my birthday. Same thing, just little pleasantries, but it makes me feel like maybe that door isn't closed. However, I have absolutely no idea if we can move forward, if they want to, or even if its a good idea to try. I have struggled a lot since college about whether or not all of this and everything I wasn't able to share here is or is not a big deal. I've had people close to me listen to my whole story and call it emotional neglect and abuse, but I just don't know. I feel crazy most of the time, and I'm afraid I'm exaggerating or making it up for attention or something, which also doesn't make sense. I struggle a lot in my day to day. I am ruled by the emotions of those around me and i cower like a kicked puppy when people around me are upset, even if its not my fault. I get ashamed when i make a mistake or i'm not "perfect", and if my feelings are valid I have no idea if it would be a good idea to get back in touch. But i think about if/when my boyfriend and i get married, and how i have no family to sit on my side. It sometimes feels like it's my fault because i wasn't strong enough to just shut up and deal with it anymore. At this point I dont know what is the right answer, what's going to finally give me peace. For now, I just keep moving forward trying to build a better life with my boyfriend and hope all the pieces will fall into place later.
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2024.05.15 09:35 Tanvirs007 Alternatives to Hotmart for Selling Online Courses and Products in 2024

The market for online courses and digital products is booming, expected to reach $185.20 billion by 2024. Hotmart is a popular platform in this space, but it has some drawbacks that make users look for alternatives. Let's explore the top 5 Hotmart alternatives for 2024.

What is Hotmart?

Hotmart is a platform that helps you create, organize, and sell online courses and digital products. It provides tools for creating your own website and mobile app, pricing your products, and branding them.

Pros of Hotmart

Cons of Hotmart

Why Look for Alternatives?

Benefits of Alternatives

Exploring alternatives can offer better features, more affordable pricing, and specific tools tailored to different needs.

Top 5 Hotmart Alternatives

1. EzyCourse

What is EzyCourse?
EzyCourse is an all-in-one platform with budget-friendly pricing. It offers 20 revenue streams, including courses, memberships, and physical products. It also includes a customizable site builder and a branded mobile app.

2. LearnWorlds

What is LearnWorlds?
LearnWorlds is ideal for educators and small businesses. It offers a website builder, mobile app builder (paid add-on), and integrations with email marketing platforms.

3. Kajabi

What is Kajabi?
Kajabi helps create, market, and sell digital content. It offers tools for courses, communities, memberships, and podcasts.

4. Thinkific

What is Thinkific?
Thinkific allows you to create and sell online courses with customizable templates and marketing tools. It offers a white-labeled mobile app and various content types like quizzes and webinars.

5. Podia

What is Podia?
Podia offers a platform for online courses, memberships, and digital products with a focus on simplicity and affordability.

Choosing the Right Platform

Consider your budget, the features you need, and your target audience's preferences. Try out free trials to see which platform works best for you.
In conclusion, while Hotmart is a strong contender in the online course market, these alternatives—EzyCourse, LearnWorlds, Kajabi, Thinkific, and Podia—offer diverse features and pricing options that might better suit your needs. Explore these platforms to find the one that aligns with your goals. Happy selling!
submitted by Tanvirs007 to EzyCourse [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:24 kaam_24 Hire Candidates in Gurgaon

Gurgaon, now known as Gurugram, has emerged as a thriving hub for businesses across various industries, from technology and finance to manufacturing and retail. With its proximity to the national capital, excellent infrastructure, and vibrant business ecosystem, Gurgaon offers a wealth of opportunities for companies seeking to expand their teams. However, amidst this bustling environment, hiring the right candidates can be a daunting task. Fortunately, platforms like Kaam24 are revolutionizing the hiring process, making it easier for employers to connect with top talent in Gurgaon. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how Kaam24 simplifies the hiring process and provides valuable insights for employers looking to hire candidates in Gurgaon.

Addressing the Employment Market in Gurgaon:

Understanding the characteristics of Gurgaon's job market is essential before moving further with the hiring process. Gurgaon, one of the major financial and technological centers of India, attracts a wide range of talent from around the United States. Numerous global corporations, startups, and SMEs call the town home, offering a vast array of employment opportunities across multiple industries. Gurgaon's job market is known for its diversity and competitiveness, with opportunities ranging from IT specialists and engineers to sales executives and customer service agents.

Making Use of the Hiring Platform at Kaam24

One of the top recruiting platforms in Gurgaon and worldwide is Kaam24, which specializes in matching businesses with qualified candidates.With its user-friendly interface and advanced search capabilities, Kaam24 streamlines the hiring process, saving employers time and resources. Here's how employers can leverage Kaam24's platform to hire candidates in Gurgaon effectively:
  1. Job Posting: Employers can create job postings on Kaam24's platform, specifying the job title, requirements, responsibilities, and other relevant details. These postings are then visible to job seekers in Gurgaon who match the criteria, ensuring that employers reach a targeted audience of qualified candidates.
  2. Candidate Search: Kaam24 offers powerful search features that allow employers to filter candidates based on various criteria, such as skills, experience, location, and salary expectations. Employers can browse through candidate profiles, view resumes, and shortlist potential candidates for further evaluation.
  3. Applicant Tracking: Kaam24's applicant tracking system enables employers to manage the entire recruitment process efficiently. From reviewing applications and scheduling interviews to communicating with candidates and making hiring decisions, employers can track each stage of the hiring process seamlessly.
  4. Customized Solutions: Kaam24 understands that every hiring need is unique, which is why it offers customized solutions tailored to each employer's requirements. Whether it's hiring for entry-level positions, mid-level management roles, or executive positions, Kaam24 provides flexible solutions to meet diverse hiring needs.

Navigating the Hiring Process with Kaam24:

Now that we've explored the features and capabilities of Kaam24's hiring platform, let's delve into the step-by-step process of hiring candidates in Gurgaon using Kaam24:
Step 1: Define Your Hiring Needs: Before you begin the hiring process, clearly define the roles and positions you're looking to fill. Identify the specific skills, qualifications, and experience required for each role to ensure that you attract the right candidates.
Step 2: Create Compelling Job Postings: Craft engaging and informative job postings that highlight the unique aspects of your company and the opportunities available. Clearly outline the job responsibilities, qualifications, and benefits to attract the attention of potential candidates.
Step 3: Post Jobs on Kaam24: Once you've created your job postings, post them on Kaam24's platform to reach a targeted audience of job seekers in Gurgaon. Take advantage of Kaam24's advanced search features to ensure that your job postings are seen by relevant candidates.
Step 4: Review Applications and Shortlist Candidates: As applications start coming in, review them carefully to identify candidates who meet your criteria. Utilize Kaam24's applicant tracking system to manage and organize applications efficiently, making it easier to shortlist candidates for further evaluation.
Step 5: Conduct Interviews: Schedule interviews with shortlisted candidates to assess their skills, experience, and fit for the role. Kaam24's platform allows you to communicate with candidates seamlessly and coordinate interview schedules with ease.
Step 6: Make Hiring Decisions: After conducting interviews and evaluating candidates, make hiring decisions based on their qualifications, experience, and fit for the role. Communicate your decisions to candidates promptly and extend job offers to selected candidates.
Step 7: Onboarding and Integration: Once candidates accept your job offers, facilitate their onboarding process smoothly to ensure a seamless transition into their new roles. Provide them with the necessary training, resources, and support to help them integrate into your organization effectively.


Hiring candidates in Gurgaon can be a complex and challenging process, but with the right tools and resources, employers can streamline the process and connect with top talent effectively. Kaam24's hiring platform offers a comprehensive suite of features and solutions designed to simplify the hiring process and empower employers to make informed hiring decisions. By leveraging Kaam24's platform, employers can navigate the Gurgaon job market with confidence, attract qualified candidates, and build high-performing teams that drive success and growth.
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