Bulletin board for lent

Apex Brutes

2014.09.24 13:34 FearsomeForehand Apex Brutes

A bulletin board for Apex Brutes COC clan

2011.09.21 02:30 Serenikill Enjoy Your Burrito

A place to chat about the ID10T podcast (formerly the Nerdist Podcast) hosted by Chris Hardwick. Welcome one and all.

2010.11.17 18:50 Got parts?

A RideIt community bulletin board for parts swaps, gear sales, and bartering for motorcycle riding related farkles and paraphernalia.

2024.05.15 04:30 AutoModerator [May 15, 2024] - Weekly lost, found, or need a new home thread

Use this post to share any budgies that are lost, found, or need a new home!

Some rules:
  1. Only share information you feel comfortable sharing. Example: rather than giving out your full address, maybe only say something like, "I'm in the Tampa Bay Area" instead. If someone is interested in knowing more, they can always DM you and you can choose whether or not you want to share any more information.
  2. If you're meeting someone in real life, follow the "Craigslist rule" of meeting in a well-trafficked, public place.
  3. No fees/charges! This is not meant to be an advertising platform to sell your budgies. Content that advertises budgies for sale will be removed.
  4. This subreddit does not, in any way, offer warrantees or guarantees of budgie health. A budgie's health status is something that you and the other party should determine with an avian vet, and payment of that avian vet's services is something that you and the other party should decide beforehand.
  5. We encourage you to share pictures! Just make sure they are accurate to the situation and don't break the rules in the sidebar.
Remember: this subreddit is just one of many possible places to make a budgie connection. Also consider FaceBook, Craigslist, Nextdoor, other online communities, as well as real-life bulletin boards in public places. See all the previous weekly posts (that have content) by clicking here.
submitted by AutoModerator to petbudgies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:45 misscreativegal86 Talk About Supplements & Get Paid $150!

Are you an enthusiast of health and wellness, If you're currently using supplements or are considering using them, we'd like to hear from you!
This will be an online bulletin board discussion that will take place the week of May 20th. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to log in to a secure website two times each day, at your convenience for each of three days. During your first visit, you’ll answer questions posted by a moderator. On your second visit, you’ll respond to follow-up questions and interact with your fellow participants. You should plan to spend about 30-45 minutes each day.
If you are selected to participate, you will receive $150.00 as an electronic gift card which will be sent 7-14 business days.
submitted by misscreativegal86 to PaidStudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:15 apocalypsegrl Not a nightmare but not happy either

This dream was like watching a movie.
My dad and his (girlfriend/wife/whoever) run this tattoo parlor but it's this futuristic laser tattoo gun. People keep coming into the shop but no one will commit to a tattoo.
During this, my dad and his wife are having a discussion about him going back to some place he hadn't been in 11 years. She was mad because he hadn't been there in 11 years and now he was going without her. ("You haven't been there in 11 years and now you're going without me?") She also mentioned my dad finding a guy named Tom Landry somewhere in the vicinity of where they were but I don't remember what that was about.
Cut to her doing a ritual but I didn't see the full thing. The only thing I remember is her molding meat into a circular tray by a fire like she was making a meat bundt cake.
Later she goes back to the tattoo parlor and I guess some time had passed because there is a huge green foil heart on the wall but on a bulletin board were the words SAVE ME in those cut out letters teachers use for their class. She smirks then turns and leaves and my dream ends.
Not a nightmare but disturbing to me.
submitted by apocalypsegrl to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:12 Sad_Grape_7223 Sad my group completely hated an NPC and not sure how to navigate them back to the story

Mostly just need to vent.
So my table has one large mission as the main arc, but currently focused on an integral smaller mission within the larger mission. Main mission cannot be completed without this second one.
My table got a bit derailed tonight when a PC forgot about the mini mission (despite that being the whole previous hour….a bio break and short rest for for the in game characters made them whoosh forget that & they showed up at our next location super aggro and demanding my npc lead them to character needed for the main mission.
I tried to get them back on track, mentioning that that character wasn’t there. Why were they at this building (hint hint) and one poor PC tried to speak up but no one was listening.
I knew my npc had a hook to make him instant friends with a PC, so when they finally asked about a character involved with the mini mission I started my 3 sentence paragraph to give needed information. I wasn’t 6 words into my statement & this PC interrupted me and shoved my npc and yelled at him for being sexist (he was calling the 3rd character a rude teachers pet, which is probably the nicest adjectives you could use for this character) I pivoted and tried to have my npc mention the reason they were there and this 3rd character being involved…nope a 2nd pc PICKS UP MY NPC AND STARTED THREATENING THEM IN THEIR OWN HOME
I had to stop the table and remind them everyone was a good aligned character. They just walked into someone’s home, were welcomed nicely, the npc introduced themselves but they didn’t introduce themselves, they started demanding stuff and the got rightful defensive and now he’s being attacked….well my 2 PCs said I made a very unlikable npc and said they wouldn’t change anything.
Okay. Who am I to show horn them into a path. They then guns blazing go into the room with the actual bad guy…no planning or plan…per my module she’s to instantly cast fireball. I stopped the session before she cast anything. I ran the damage and the two PCs closest if they didn’t pass their saving throw would be on death saves…..I don’t want to do that, but I am mad they are being so aggressive.
This is only session 2 and they weren’t this aggressive the first session. Our previous campaign I wasn’t the DM and this group was really murder hobo-y but everyone was on board (it was Shrahd) and the setting more lent itself to that. But even then our DM then would complain we didn’t ask questions or talk to NPCs or try anything other than hit first and go oops we needed that person later.
Frustratingly the main aggro PC is our former DM.
I have talked to him already. He apologized. And promised to let me finish speaking when characters are talking. Especially when it’s obvious I’m reading something prepared (probably important if I wrote it down)…but his advice was to have us “reset” back to when they came inside, but I don’t want to do that.
As sorta frustrated as I am, that’s part of dnd. Having your characters go their path. I’m just not sure how to get them back on track. I want to punish them for going so fast into this, but I know if attack them with this 3rd character then they’ll attack back and probably not hold back and leave the campaign if their character died start of session 3. (I’ve invested $300 into this module and really want to see atleast some of it through) I did metagame warn them that they’re level 3 and they need to start thinking about that before they go attacking everyone they meet. (The npc they shoved and nearly fought was a level 13 wizard…they weren’t going to win that fight).
Guess I’m also frustrated that I’m the only female in the group and they attributed alot of negative female connotations to the one sentence my npc said (called him catty, b**chy, rude, annoying, petty) when they knew the person they were meeting was a part of a known evil organization. But no how dare my nice, welcoming npc not like the evil organization character….when I asked that in the session debrief I was told it was “how I presented him” with my one sentence…I think next time I would stop them and say “let me finish what he was saying before you take that action” but I’m not sure that would have changed anything.
Just sad that I don’t think this group is the right group for this campaign and I’m so invested in the story.
submitted by Sad_Grape_7223 to DungeonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:13 ZMaicZ Questions on how I got hacked

I am an OG player since 2014 and I have been doing fine until around 2019 (iirc) when suddenly my world is ruined. My stuffs in backpack is still there including Dls and items. I don't give any access to anyone. My password and GrowID is still the same. I saw bulletin board and there is someone posted "I had fun with your world XD".
I know this is from before the 2 step verification era but you still need to guess my password or hack my email to access my account. I didn't change my password until recently (with additional protection provided of course) and it has been fine. I'm so confused whether my account is safe or not.
Note : I don't post this to ask for help. I'm just confused and scared, that's all.
submitted by ZMaicZ to growtopia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:12 TaranMatharu The web of clues in From

When solving a mystery, one has to make some assumptions if one wishes to go beyond a surface level solve attempt of From's mystery. Which effectively means, one must pick an answer to a clue one is fairly certain of, and use that as one might use a jigsaw piece to solve the next clue that connects to it.
For any interested, I share my opinion on what the key strands of clue clusters and the twisted threads therein that I believe need to be woven together into a narrative to form an origin story for Fromland and solve the show.
1. The first strand is historical figures from North American history (and the end of the War of the Roses), falling roughly on the dates on Tabitha's dream sequence. Some historical figures are given far more clues than others, suggesting they might later become characters on the show. In particular Caroline Dye's hoodoo magic, and Alma Hayes the strongwoman.
There are six threads in there as not every timeline will be explored in the series - the main ones are 1930s, 1880s, 1860s, 1770s, 1670s, and 1498.
1498 is by far the most prevalent and perhaps the easiest to start with. Most are from England and to a lesser extent, Italy/Venice, Scotland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, France, Burgundy, China, Iran, Iceland, Greenland/Newfoundland. It's also the best one to solve first, as the historical figures in the 1498 origin story are the archetypes that the historical figures in the other timelines mimic.
For example, I'm absolutely certain one is Richard Amerike - Sheriff of Bristol. There is a lawman/sheriff in every timeline - Boyd is the sheriff now.
Each new historical figure discovered in any timeline is a great puzzle piece. If you find out Emmett Kelly, the Hobo Clown is in the 1930s timeline, you can search for other "clowns" and discover Triboulet, the court jester in the 1498 origin story.
2. The second strand is the sequence of events in the origin story specifically. These clues are far more vague, and easier to explain what I mean by example.
Let's look at Kelly's head spiked to a tree with Boyd yanking it out instead of using the gun. The reasoning was: Kristi did not want Kelly to see or experience the gun, when Kelly is currently blind and the gun is a far better "experience" than the yanking. I contend this is quite a pointed clue that he's recreating a scene in the original timeline. In my opinion, a botched execution by a crossbow at a time where there were no guns to use.
There are threads within this strand. Two are practically strands of their own, with witch trial and torture methods and christmas / lent traditions from the countries of the various historical figures being the most prevalent. The traditions bit is a lot easier if you solve the origin story characters first, since you can then surmise which countries the traditions to look out for might come from.
3. The third strand is the mythology of the show. Ultimately, if one assumes North East Canada is where it all begins, you might make the leap it relates to the mythology related to that area. This has two main threads, the bogeyman, and the fairies. What I came to find were, there were clues pointing to practically every kind of bogeyman and fairy legend in that region. I was wondering if these were red herrings, or maybe it was all of them at once? It took me a long time to figure out what we're being asked to do here - but I figure there are 7 bogeymen and 4 fairy types the monsters and entity are mimicking, and a type of bogeyman and fairy that they really are.
4. Apotropaic magic - specific to the cunning folk of England. Witch's bottles and ladders, that sort of thing.
5. Medieval board and card games, as well as a few other adult medieval games, like stoolball. Main thread here is French tarot cards, but not their witchy meanings and connection to fortune telling, just the playing cards and what they look like. Other substantial threads involve Game of Goose and Pachisi.
submitted by TaranMatharu to FromTVShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:57 KonosubaChristmasWiz Dr Bailey and how shes grown over the last 20 years.

I’ve been re-watching episodes where Dr Bailey started out as a mousey intern, full of shyness, and severely lacking confidence, and became the powerhouse that she evolved into when she initially taught each of the original five.
Bailey loved each of the original five as her own children, that’s why she gets so frustrated when Meredith puts herself in these kind of situations. It’s a mother’s frustration, a mother’s love.
Lets examine Bailey over the entire series run.
I mentioned Meredith’s trial as an example yesterday, and i re-watched it closely and revised my opinion.
She knew as far back as season 3 that Meredith was a pain in her side. Remember the panties on the bulletin board?
Remember her being protective of Meredith and laying into McDreamy when he caught them in a parked car?
She also knew that Meredith had the makings of an excellent surgeon. She knew that Meredith had to go through the refiners fire.
Heres a transcript of her speech.
Dr. Bailey: 'Ever since I first met Meredith Grey I knew she was going to be a thorn in my side. You're worried about her breaking rules? Well, that's not gonna stop. She's been doing that since day one.
And, yes, she broke a law to save a life. So she deserved to lose her job. She deserves to pick up trash. No one should be questioning her license.
She's too good at what she does. And she's worked too hard to get to where she is. And with all that she has survived, it hasn't made her hard. It hasn't made her mean or cold. It hasn't made her not care.
It's made her better. It's made her better than anyone in this room. Well, except me. I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey, chief of surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, and I approve this message.'
—————— my reasoning of Dr. Bailey at the hearing————
Bailey doesn’t try to lessen what Meredith has done. She doesn’t try to get her off the hook. She explains why Meredith is such a good surgeon and states that everything she’s been through has made her an even better doctor.
Meredith may make some interesting choices, and some of them may drive Dr. Bailey up the walls, just like children often do. But given their relationship, Dr. Bailey hated Meredith’s actions, but not Meredith herself.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone you loved and cared about did something you hated and didnt approve of? Did you hate them for it or did you hate *what they did* but not themselves?
You can hate what someone does without hating the person themselves. That is what I believe Bailey has done. In the beginning of the series, she was billed as a not-see (not typing it out)
This was Dr Bailey’s first speech to the interns in S1E1
"I have five rules, memorize them,” she told the interns. “Rule number don't bother sucking up, I already hate you, that's not gonna change, trauma protocol…nurses will page you, you will answer every page at a run. A run, that’s rule number two.”
“Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours. You’re interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain,” she continued.
“You run labs, write orders, work every second until you drop and don’t complain. On-call rooms, Attendings hog them, sleep when you can where you can, which brings me to rule number three if I’m sleeping, don’t wake me unless your patient is actually dying."
“Rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there, then not only would you have killed someone, you would have woke me for no good reason, we clear?”
She was responsible for turning out excellent surgeons.
You dont go easy on them and expect them to thrive and survive. You go hard on them. But you want them to succeed.
Otherwise you are just wasting your time, your resources, and the lives of the patients that they lost.
In the current season, Dr Bailey is back, doing what she did in the beginning, but this time she has 20 years experience.
We’ve seen Miranda go soft on people during the series and we’ve seen that doesn't turn out very well. Remember what BCB is an acronym for? What surgeons need is tough love. What surgeons need is someone to inspire them.
Bailey may be straightforward, tough, and full of wit and wisdom. Without a doubt, she is a really good physician and an independent one at that. However that independence has cost her personal relationships such as Ben.
She hated that Ben became a firefighter and is how in a very perilous environment day after day, but she doesn’t hate the guy.
If anything, Miranda has become more compassionate and more open hearted…not hateful
Not too long ago, Miranda started a women’s clinic at the hospital and as a result of her hard work in the face of adversity from the pro-lifers, she wins the esteemed Catherine Fox Award.
How can you do something like that while spreading hate throughout the hospital? You cant.
Edited to clean up some of the grammar on 5/14
submitted by KonosubaChristmasWiz to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:24 TaranMatharu The web of clues in From

When solving a mystery, one has to make some assumptions if one wishes to go beyond a surface level solve attempt of From's mystery. Which effectively means, one must pick an answer to a clue one is fairly certain of, and use that as one might use a jigsaw piece to solve the next clue that connects to it.
For any interested, I share my opinion on what the key strands of clue clusters and the twisted threads therein that I believe need to be woven together into a narrative to form an origin story for Fromland and solve the show.
1. The first strand is historical figures from North American history (and the end of the War of the Roses), falling roughly on the dates on Tabitha's dream sequence. Some historical figures are given far more clues than others, suggesting they might later become characters on the show. In particular Caroline Dye's hoodoo magic, and Alma Hayes the strongwoman.
There are six threads in there as not every timeline will be explored in the series - the main ones are 1930s, 1880s, 1860s, 1770s, 1670s, and 1498.
1498 is by far the most prevalent and perhaps the easiest to start with. Most are from England and to a lesser extent, Italy/Venice, Scotland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, France, Burgundy, China, Iran, Iceland, Greenland/Newfoundland. It's also the best one to solve first, as the historical figures in the 1498 origin story are the archetypes that the historical figures in the other timelines mimic.
For example, I'm absolutely certain one is Richard Amerike - Sheriff of Bristol. There is a lawman/sheriff in every timeline - Boyd is the sheriff now.
Each new historical figure discovered in any timeline is a great puzzle piece. If you find out Emmett Kelly, the Hobo Clown is in the 1930s timeline, you can search for other "clowns" and discover Triboulet, the court jester in the 1498 origin story.
2. The second strand is the sequence of events in the origin story specifically. These clues are far more vague, and easier to explain what I mean by example.
Let's look at Kelly's head spiked to a tree with Boyd yanking it out instead of using the gun. The reasoning was: Kristi did not want Kelly to see or experience the gun, when Kelly is currently blind and the gun is a far better "experience" than the yanking. I contend this is quite a pointed clue that he's recreating a scene in the original timeline. In my opinion, a botched execution by a crossbow at a time where there were no guns to use.
There are threads within this strand. Two are practically strands of their own, with witch trial and torture methods and christmas / lent traditions from the countries of the various historical figures being the most prevalent. The traditions bit is a lot easier if you solve the origin story characters first, since you can then surmise which countries the traditions to look out for might come from.
3. The third strand is the mythology of the show. Ultimately, if one assumes North East Canada is where it all begins, you might make the leap it relates to the mythology related to that area. This has two main threads, the bogeyman, and the fairies. What I came to find were, there were clues pointing to practically every kind of bogeyman and fairy legend in that region. I was wondering if these were red herrings, or maybe it was all of them at once? It took me a long time to figure out what we're being asked to do here - but I figure there are 7 bogeymen and 4 fairy types the monsters and entity are mimicking, and a type of bogeyman and fairy that they really are.
4. Apotropaic magic - specific to the cunning folk of England. Witch's bottles and ladders, that sort of thing.
5. Medieval board and card games, as well as a few other adult medieval games, like stoolball. Main thread here is French tarot cards, but not their witchy meanings and connection to fortune telling, just the playing cards and what they look like. Other substantial threads involve Game of Goose and Pachisi.
submitted by TaranMatharu to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:09 MoneyFaithlessness71 Target the Question bulletin board

I have a bulletin board that I purchased in 2002 to provide word problem practice. You would post a story situation and each day of the week would have a different question about that same story.
It’s so old that the stories were on transparencies - I have EVERYTHING ELSE but I can’t find the transparencies for the 2002 6th grade edition.
I know chances are slim, but is there anyone who has the story problems - especially in digital format? All of the questions are useless without the stories and I’m panicking a bit. I’ve reached out to the company and they have nothing they can send me prior to 2016. I’ve googled and come up empty. You’re my last hope!
submitted by MoneyFaithlessness71 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:01 Kostn21 Help Me Found The Cartoon

(I immediately apologize for my poor English;) A long time ago, so long ago that I remember only a few moments, I watched an episode of some cartoon. I really ask you to help me find any mentions, hints or suggestions about what kind of cartoon it was. That's all I remember.: 1. The plot of the series was that one of the main characters wrote something on paper about the villagers (I don't remember exactly what kind of place it was, maybe it wasn't a village) and attached it to a tree (or to a bulletin board). After that, he becomes ashamed of what he wrote, and he denies that he wrote it. Most likely, the moral was that you can't lie, or something like that. 2. There was a biologist character (as if it was a woman). That's all. I hope for help in the search
submitted by Kostn21 to HelpMeFindThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:58 Kostn21 Help Me Find It

(I immediately apologize for my poor English;) A long time ago, so long ago that I remember only a few moments, I watched an episode of some cartoon. I really ask you to help me find any mentions, hints or suggestions about what kind of cartoon it was. That's all I remember.: 1. The plot of the series was that one of the main characters wrote something on paper about the villagers (I don't remember exactly what kind of place it was, maybe it wasn't a village) and attached it to a tree (or to a bulletin board). After that, he becomes ashamed of what he wrote, and he denies that he wrote it. Most likely, the moral was that you can't lie, or something like that. 2. There was a biologist character (as if it was a woman). That's all. I hope for help in the search
submitted by Kostn21 to HelpFoundIt [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:07 dirtythirty1278 Need to try something else...

Ok, here it goes. I am looking for some real advice - first lets get some facts together:
  1. Company - This past spring I started a lawn mowing service. it is fully licensed in the state, county, and is insured. I kept that name vague though so it can be re-used for different things if needed **** Property Solutions.
  2. Assets - 14ft enclosed trailer with ramp, 52 inch scag v-ride II, 30 inch scag-30 (lol), stihl km-94 with weed eater and stick edger attachments, stihl BTR 600 blower. Various other tools from running a homestead as well: chainsaws, pruners, hand tools, etc.
  3. Vehicle - 2006 Ford F-150 with 8ft bed. 140k miles; making... noises. Only care that me and my wife have (had a kia, it died).
  4. Jobs - I had a full time job before starting this, but the commute was over an hour and i decided to go full force into this. Due to a need i have stayed on with them part time and they bend around my mowing or landscaping schedule - but this is my last week with them. My wife is a school teacher - 2 weeks left and then she will be joining me doing this business venture. She gets paid through the summer (until august 10th).
So far this summer - it hasn't been going good. I have been doing what everyone says, posting in all the Facebook groups, running ads, advertising on all local bulletin boards, etc. Door hangers, flyers - I keep going and doing it. So far this summer i have been able to make $900 - gross. yeah. it is big in the red. I am just not sure what to do anymore. Keep going and just hope it finally clicks? --- or is there something else I should pivot into? I am open for any suggestions. I am in south eastern TN if that helps. Coming up here i will be at a excess of manpower and a lack of work to do. So i guess one of the questions should be diversification? What are some things that i could get into with lower costs while i keep building the lawn mowing? Also, i need to diversify for the winter months.
I hope this didnt just sound like me rambling - i am just under a lot of stress.
submitted by dirtythirty1278 to sweatystartup [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:59 Half-BloodPrincesss Completed Community Center journal page!! (very minor 1.6 spoilers)

submitted by Half-BloodPrincesss to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:24 TheLotStore How to Find Affordable Lots to Rent in Your Area

How to Find Affordable Lots to Rent in Your Area
How to Find Affordable Lots to Rent in Your Area
As the expenses of subsistence continue to surge, locating economical housing choices has grown progressively difficult for numerous individuals and families. Apart from traditional housing selections such as apartments and residences, some people are pivoting towards renting parcels as a more budget-friendly option. Whether you are seeking to lease a parcel for your movable residence, RV, minuscule abode, or merely for storage intents, there exist several tactics you can employ to find budget-friendly plots in your vicinity. In this article, we will delve into how to spot reasonable parcels to lease in your vicinity, comprising pointers on where to scout, what to ponder, and how to haggle the finest feasible agreement.1. Cyber ListingsOne of the simplest ways to pinpoint budget-friendly plots to lease in your vicinity is by perusing cyber listings. Websites such as Craigslist, Zillow, and Trulia frequently feature listings for unoccupied plots available for lease. You can utilize filters to refine your search founded on location, cost, and other inclinations. Moreover, there exist websites explicitly devoted to outlining unoccupied plots for lease, such as LotNetwork.com and LoopNet.When perusing cyber listings, make certain to meticulously peruse the descriptions and scrutinize any images provided. Pay attention to crucial particulars such as the extent of the plot, any limitations or regulations, and the monthly rental cost. Reach out to the landlord or property holder straight through the listing to inquire about availability and to plan a viewing if needed.2. Local Realty AgentsAnother choice for spotting budget-friendly plots to lease in your vicinity is to collaborate with a local realty agent. Realty agents frequently possess access to listings that may not be publicly accessible online. They can aid you in finding plots that meet your criteria and budget, and they can also assist with the lease application process and discussions.To unearth a realty agent in your vicinity, you can scout online or inquire for recommendations from companions, family, or colleagues. Once you have located an agent, communicate candidly about your necessities and budget to ensure they can locate the apt plot for you.3. Classified AdvertisementsIn addition to cyber listings, local classified advertisements are a prime resource for spotting budget-friendly plots to lease in your vicinity. Peruse your local newspaper, community bulletin boards, and online classified websites for listings of available plots. Some landlords may prefer to advertise through print media or community boards rather than cyber listings, making it pivotal to explore all conceivable channels.When replying to classified ads, be primed to furnish information about yourself and your leasing necessities. Make certain to pose questions about the plot, such as whether utilities are encompassed, any limitations on usage, and the duration of the lease agreement.4. Traverse Your VicinityIf you are encountering hurdles in spotting budget-friendly plots through cyber listings or classified advertisements, contemplate wandering around your vicinity to seek potential leasing prospects. Several landlords may opt not to advertise their plots online or in print, favoring to lease through word of mouth or by erecting a sign on the property itself.While traversing, keep an eye out for "For Lease" signs on unoccupied plots or properties. Catalog the location, contact information, and any other pertinent details. You can thereafter reach out to the landlord directly to inquire about leasing the plot.5. Network with Local ProprietorsNetworking with local proprietors in your vicinity can also be a valuable means to spot budget-friendly plots to lease. Engage with neighbors, acquaintances, or colleagues who may be knowledgeable of someone seeking to lease out a plot on their property. They can supply referrals or endorsements, and may even be able to introduce you to a prospective landlord.Networking can aid you in uncovering concealed treasures that may not be publicly advertised. It can also furnish you with the opportunity to forge a personal bond with the landlord, which can be advantageous during discussions.6. Check with Local Administrative AgenciesSome local administrative agencies may possess listings of available plots for lease, particularly for mobile residences or RVs. Reach out to your city or county housing department, planning department, or zoning office to inquire about leasing prospects in your vicinity. They may possess information on precise areas where plot leases are authorized and can offer guidance on locating a suitable plot for your necessities.Be certain to inquire about any ordinances or constraints that may apply to leasing a plot in your vicinity. Some municipalities have zoning laws that confine where mobile residences or RVs can be parked, or may have requisites for utilities and parking.7. Contemplate Joint RentalsIf you are grappling with finding budget-friendly plots to lease in your vicinity solo, ponder joining forces with others to lease a larger plot and split the costs. This can be an economical solution for leasing a plot for an RV, minuscule abode, or alternative intent. Hunt for roommate websites, social media groups, or community bulletin boards where you can connect with others who are also seeking budget-friendly plot leases.When mulling over a joint leasing arrangement, ensure to lay down lucid guidelines and agreements with your co-leasers to avert potential conflicts down the line. Delve into crucial details such as rent payments, utility expenses, and maintenance obligations.8. Negotiate the LeaseOnce you have unearthed a prospective plot to lease in your vicinity, it's imperative to negotiate the lease to guarantee you are securing the finest feasible deal. Kick off by researching market rates for plot leases in your vicinity to have a benchmark for comparison. Mull over factors such as location, size, amenities, and any additional expenses such as utilities or maintenance.When haggling with the landlord, be prepared to table a rational offer grounded on your research and budget. Solicit any discounts or perks that may be obtainable, such as a diminished monthly rent or an extended lease term. Be amenable to compromise and exhibit flexibility in your negotiations to arrive at a mutually advantageous agreement.9. Ponder Long-Term LeasesIf you are seeking a more budget-friendly choice for leasing a plot, contemplate long-term lease agreements. Landlords may be more inclined to proffer discounted rates for tenants who are willing to commit to an elongated lease term, such as six months or one year. Long-term leases can furnish stability and security for both parties and may culminate in cost savings over time.Prior to penning a long-term lease agreement, meticulously scrutinize the terms and conditions to ensure they align with your necessities and expectations. Pose queries about rent escalations, maintenance responsibilities, and any other pivotal details that may impact your stay.10. Be Receptive to Diverse OptionsWhile scouting for budget-friendly plots to lease in your vicinity, be open to exploring diverse options and locales. Weigh renting a plot in a neighboring municipality or suburb, where rental rates may be more economical than in urban regions. Seek out plots that may necessitate some upkeep or enhancements, as landlords may be willing to haggle lower rents in exchange for your aid.Furthermore, contemplate alternative living arrangements such as minuscule abodes, mobile residences, or RVs, which can offer a more budget-friendly and adaptive housing option. These alternative residential types may unveil new prospects for finding budget-friendly plot leases in your vicinity.To conclude, discovering budget-friendly plots to lease in your vicinity necessitates a blend of research, networking, and negotiation. By employing cyber listings, collaborating with realty agents, examining classified ads, traversing your vicinity, engaging with local homeowners, and exploring administrative agencies, you can unearth concealed leasing prospects that may not be extensively advertised. Mull over joint rentals, negotiate the lease, and be open to diverse options to pinpoint the finest possible plot lease for your necessities and budget. With persistence and ingenuity, you can clinch an economical plot lease and savor a snug living space in your vicinity.
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2024.05.13 14:02 AutoModerator Weekly Discussion and Media Megathread :: May 13, 2024

To help streamline and make the subreddit main page more concise and more efficient for finding updates, news, and more complete discussion posts, we kindly request users to please post their questions, speculations, theories, findings, thoughts, or observations in this thread.
Because many new users migrate here from Facebook groups and bulletin board forums, please understand that a new thread doesn't need to be made for every thought. Thoughts and opinions can all be made under one mega-thread such as this.
We understand this might seem cumbersome initially, however, we tend to receive quite a huge amount of redundant and repetitive posts, questions, theories and speculation posts
In addition, we also request that all users who are sharing media-related content (YouTube videos, Tiktok, Instagram, Vlogs, Podcasts, amateur videos etc.) not made by a local or major news outlet to post that form of media in the Weekly Discussion threads. Major news media content can be posted as its own thread. Therefore, as requested, all true crime videos, social media videos/images, Tiktoks, Reels, Shorts etc. should made here.
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This Weekly and Media Discussion is for informational and civil dialogue regarding Calebe Harris so please stay on topic and refrain from treating others with targeting, harassment, shame, condescension and/or arrogance. Many people are just learning about Caleb's disappearance so please be patient as they get caught up to speed. As always, it is fine to speculate in this thread, but it is not fine to persecute.
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submitted by AutoModerator to CalebHarris [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:20 X_dankutsav Everything about the 75% criteria.

Everything about the 75% criteria.

For JEE:



  1. top 20%ile require more than 75% in cbse currently.
  2. [74.8 AND BELOW - not qualified.] [75.00 AND ABOVE - qualified.]
  3. JEE- only 75% average in 5 subjects.
  4. BITS: 75% average in PCM (3 subjects). and more than or equal to 60% in each of P, C and M.
submitted by X_dankutsav to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:13 ColdInMinnesooota FYI: b0t / pr firm / campaign activity has increased recently

Just an fyi, there's a 50-50 chance you are talking to a bot right now - I've noticed a lot of this activity recently, and especially on this sub.
How do I know?
Look at what gets upvoted and downvoted - these have changed drastically recently (like on Israel related ones - on this sub - anything for the protests gets massively downvoted, this - on reddit? no way)
-Why do your comments stay at -2 or -4? because they're hidden by the default view. they do this to create an environment that most normies won't question and/or look further into.
-Do they not actually respond to your points / miss nuance / context? they're probably in a different country using auto translation software. people abroad can't tell the difference between an ICE car and a car ice sculpture, for example.
Also look at the commenters, what they say and their profiles. a lot don't look real.
And these are just the accounts that they don't do a good job at making their profiles look legit, because there's no point. (since they are throwaways)
My point being don't waste your life replying to many of these people, they probably are just interns / bots anyways.
edit: Here's a great example on this vary thread.
God with a soft g has the top rates comment, and is lying about the prior convo -
I was replying to a question of why xudoxis was spam posting at all on a different thread - they were posting multiple stories on the exact same topic in this thread - another commenter was calling them out on it - upon which I replied, given their spam posting of the same story on this subreddit multiple times - that they were a bot.
see the bot-ness? of course you do.
then God with a soft g replies with only my response on this thread, not to the comment I was replying to in the prior one -
my guess: both xudoxis and god with a soft g aren't legitimate. one was spamming stories, the other defending that spammer (and also young acct) by lying about the convo.
this is pr plain and simple - they lie all the time.
Here's a link from a supposed testament of how this works:
"My niece was a political science major at a reputable university in California. Part of her program is a coop portion where they join a campaign for a semester. This happens twice during the four year undergrad program. If you’re not familiar with how co-op works the school places you. You don’t have a choice. If all goes well you get some good experience, something to put on your resume, you make connections that can help you after you graduate and if you’re lucky you get hired on as a paid staffer.
In 2016 she was on the Kamala Harris senate campaign for Barbara Boxer’s seat. Then she was on David Baladao’s congressional campaign in 2018.
After graduating she was hired on to the Kamala Harris presidential campaign in January of 2019. This is where she went from student/volunteer to a paid position and the job changed a lot. So instead of door knocking, putting up posters, applauding during campaign speeches and running errands she was helping organize the field team and the cyber team. The field team is pretty straight forward so let’s focus on the cyber team.
Their job was to see what was hot and how can the campaign get in front of whatever issue or whatever was happening at the time. Did a candidate in another campaign put his foot in his mouth? Is there a controversy that is early in the news cycle? Is something being talked about online that makes our candidate look bad? Kamala getting political favors from people she dated and keeping an innocent man in prison were the ones I remember off hand. This is all normal stuff. Other than planting staffers at rallies to ask questions because the rubes never seemed to ask the right questions for Kamala’s already prepared answers there isn’t a lot of juicy gossip on these campaigns. But the cyber team had another role which is why I’m making this post now.
The cyber team and most of the staffers were expected to participate in forums, bulletin boards, social media chat spaces, all platforms including reddit. They were expected to have multiple accounts and maintain characters while engaging with other users. She used pre-maid accounts that were at least three years old. They would push-pull ideas to see what worked and what fell flat. The same person would have nice, mean, old, young, female, male, gay etc personas. Each with a bio. If one of them left the campaign someone else would take it over. This is all over and above the bot accounts. The cyber team were real people with multiple fake accounts testing talking points and seeing what the push back would be so the candidate would be prepared when the campaign couldn’t protect her from real people. The main work was done in a cubicle farm by a dedicated team but regular staffers were required to do it as well. The K-hive cyber team and the BootieJudge cyber teams hated each other and took pleasure in exposing their rival’s accounts.
That person you are having an argument with online may just be a shill from someone’s campaign. It may also be Russian, Israeli, Chinese and surprisingly Turkish agents. Election interference is real but it isn’t hacking voting machines but instead two idiots arguing online with one of those idiots being paid to do it. So the next time you encounter someone in sub, any sub just understand when they start spouting talking points they may not be a real person.
Age of the account won’t help you. Banning normally doesn’t help much because the can just hop-on with another account. It’s only going to get worse as the election heats up. God help us all."
Ever notice how blocking only gets a response from another different account? believe it or not most real people dont' do this - you just argued with a bot / pr shill / campaign.
submitted by ColdInMinnesooota to centrist [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:37 YOLO_Divergence Empty Voting and Over Voting: A Potential Explanation for GameStop’s 52-Week Low around Record Date and current Price Movements

Empty Voting and Over Voting: A Potential Explanation for GameStop’s 52-Week Low around Record Date and current Price Movements


Hey everyone, first of all: I am no financial advisor, and this is absolutely not financial advice in any form.
I always thought I would have more time for my first DD, but in the light of current events I needed to quickly share some things with you that deserve more eyes.
While discussing the recent price action with someone (thanks to u/[REDACTED]), we recognized one thing regarding the record date, which seems to be connected to phantom shares and therefore FTDs. But to be clear, I am by far no expert on voting matters. So please feel free to peer-review and discuss!


Empty voting means that someone votes with borrowed shares, while over voting is caused by voting on loaned out shares or phantom shares. Both are connected to (naked) shorting (and therefore FTDs) as well as borrow fees.
I present a hypothesis on how a market maker could have flooded the market with phantom shares in advance of the record date so that institutions could buy them up and vote with them. Since most of them likely use the same clearing broker as most executing brokers of household investors, this could distort votes in favor of institutions.
This hypothesis is encouraged by…
  • Price action: GME reached its 52-week low around the record date. Since then, the price sharply increased.
  • FTDs: There were higher FTDs than usual between the end of March and mid-April (the second half of April has not yet been published).
  • Borrow Fees: Borrow fees decreased until the record date, after which they started to sharply increase again.


“There is no one share, one vote” – Dr. Susanne Trimbath [Cf. [1], p. 102]
One share should equal one vote in an annual general meeting (AGM) or extraordinary general meeting (EGM), right? Well, may I introduce you to empty voting and over voting?
Empty voting refers to borrowing stock before the record date to vote these borrowed shares at the upcoming AGM or EGM [Cf. [2], p. 16]. This results in the borrower obtaining voting rights without the economic interest of a shareholder [Cf. [3], p. 58].
Over voting means that the proxy solicitor receives more votes from some (clearing-) brokers than they are entitled to vote [Cf. [4], p. 1]. When could this happen?
  • Your broker loans out your shares, while still enabling you to vote with all of them. Unless other customers of the same broker don’t vote their shares in return to even out your (over-)votes, over-voting occurs [Cf. [4], p. 1 et seq.].
For the "wrinkle brains" among us: Technically we are talking about the clearing broker (e.g. Apex Clearing) of your executing broker (e.g. Robinghood), as this entity holds the shares in “street name” at the Depository Trust Company (DTC) [Cf. [5], p. 118]. The DTC on the other hand is the record owner through its nominee, “Cede & Co.” [Cf. [3], p. 24]. This is also why “shares” is the technically incorrect term since you only have entitlements against your executing broker, who has entitlements against the clearing broker, who has entitlements against the DTC [Cf. [6], p. 49]. Moreover, in many cases, there are no individual shares loaned out, but instead, some shares from a fungible bulk (“omnibus account”), causing loans not to be attributed to specific clients [Cf. [1], p. 98].
  • You have a Failure-to-Receive (FTR) as the receiving end of a Failure-to-Deliver (FTD) in your brokerage account. Since the original share/entitlement (which could be another FTR!) has not been delivered yet, you and the current owner simultaneously claim ownership of the same share/entitlement [Cf. [7], p. 12]. This means you both could in fact vote on the same (real) share, as your broker won’t show you that you only have a phantom share [Cf. [8], p. 6]. Maybe the (executing) broker itself doesn’t even know what exactly is in your account since these shares are held in a fungible bulk with the clearing broker [Cf. [1], p. 97 et seq.].
For the wrinkle brains among us: Technically an FTR not only represents a marker for later delivery, but an entitlement to an entitlement, as you wouldn’t own real shares anyway. In this case, you shouldn’t have any voting rights, but with the issues presented, nobody can make this sure [Cf. [9], p. 345 et seqq.].

Let’s look at an example: 100 investors bought 1 “share” each through their executing broker (EB). The EB holds these 100 “shares” with its clearing broker (CB) in a fungible bulk. But only 60 of them got delivered, leaving 40 FTRs. So how do you attribute these to specific clients? Yeah, that’s a problem!
Phantom shares can not be attributed to an individual client


When talking about known occurrences of over votings at AGMs, we have to look a few years back, as today such instances would likely not be made public.
Most recently, in 2018, the Securities Transfer Association (STA) conducted a study on over votings. Out of 183 shareholder meetings, over votings occurred in 134 instances. By the way: GameStop’s transfer agent Computershare is an STA member [Cf. [10], p. 3].
Excerpt from the STA [Cf. [10]]
This is an update to their 2005 study, where the STA found instances of (attempted) over voting in 341 out of 341 corporate contests [Cf. [11], p. 1].
Excerpt from the STA [Cf. [11]]
Around the same time, Bank of America (BofA) seems to have received 130 % of votes, as outlined by Dr. Susanne Trimbath [Cf. [12], p. 237]. Keep in mind that these are just the votes that showed up for the meeting and BofA is not some OTC-traded small-cap company.
I couldn’t find more sources on the BofA case, so if anyone here knows some further literature on it or some other cases of over voting that went public, please share them!


As explained, we are unlikely to see over votings become public nowadays. The reason is the usage of so-called “reconciliation techniques”:
  • With a Pre-Reconciliation approach, your broker will not let you vote on shares that are not entitled to vote. If 69 out of your 420 shares are lent out, you can only vote your remaining 351 shares [Cf. [4], p. 2].
  • With Post-Reconciliation on the other hand, you are invited to vote all your shares before your broker ultimately adjusts them. Such adjustments could consist of throwing away votes from lent-out shares, normalizing based relative voting results, and more [Cf. [4], p. 2; [1], p. 100].
Let’s make an example: Your broker has 10 clients who hold 200 shares of GME each, resulting in 2000 shares of GME absolute. When all shares of 5 clients are lent out, in a pre-reconciliation approach 5 people get to vote 200 shares each, while the other 5 have no vote at all. In the case of post-reconciliation, the broker is likely to look at the results (like 1500 votes (75 %) for and 500 votes (25 %) against a proposal). The clients cast in 2000 votes, but as the broker only has 1000 shares left because of lending, 750 votes (75 % of 1000 shares) and 250 votes (25 % of 1000 shares) are reported to the proxy solicitor.
It seems like one proxy solicitor alone, Broadridge, tossed out 7 billion votes in 2022, as reported by themselves [Cf. [13], p. 1 et seqq.]. For more details on such matters, I recommend this interview with Dr. Susanne Trimbath: https://www.reddit.com/Superstonk/comments/16ngbel/dr_susanne_trimbath_broadridge_proxy_service/


Empty voting and over voting can go hand in hand:
  • Naked shorting (risk of over voting) should have an impact on borrow fees, as the demand for borrowable shares (risk of empty voting) changes. Because empirical studies so far only analyzed the impacts of FTDs on liquidity, price, spread, and volatility, we don’t have scientific evidence and thus this remains a hypothesis [Cf. [14], p. 493 et seqq.; [15], p. 15 et seqq.; [16], p. 1265 et seqq.].
  • A change in borrow fees (risk of empty voting) on the other hand seems to have an impact on FTDs (risk of over voting), with higher fees going along with higher FTDs [Cf. [17], p. 11 et seqq.; [18], p. 25 et seqq.].
Moreover, higher FTDs should go along with higher borrowing activities within the clearing and settlement system at DTCC. Such borrowing happens through securities financing transactions (SFTs), which explicitly aim to avoid naked shorts and FTDs [Cf. [19], p. 4]. This in itself could be a whole series of DD (and there are some great posts about it), which I may write at some point. But for now, just keep in mind that there can be lending transactions to hide naked shorts/FTDs.
This is where it gets tricky. We now know that both, empty voting and over voting can skew voting results. And we know that their causes, borrowing transactions and (naked) shorting influence each other.
So how could this theoretically play out?
  1. The market maker creates phantom shares before record date
  2. Some institutions buy these shares and vote with them
  3. As they might share a clearing broker with the executing brokers of household investors, the relative proportion of votes foagainst changes [Cf. [3], p. 29]
  4. After voting, the market maker buys some phantom shares back to avoid too large changes in risk
Let’s look at two scenarios: In the first one, there are only 200 real shares without any phantom shares. Both executing brokers receive a 60 % participation. This results in 120 votes “against”.
Scenario 1 (only real shares)
The second scenario shows that the clearing broker has 200 real shares and 200 phantom shares. The executing brokers receive 60 % participation, the institution votes with 100 %. This results in 80 votes “against” and 120 votes “for”.
Scenario 2 (real shares + phantom shares)
Do you see how 120 votes “against” turned into 80 votes? This is caused by shares held in fungible bulks and applied proportional post-reconciliation.


With more and more direct registration, the relative portion of real shares to phantom shares per clearing broker becomes larger. The need to reconcile voting results thus becomes more urgent, making the votes at brokerages more vulnerable to the presented issues.
The next scenario shows that 100 real shares got transferred to the transfer agent, leaving the clearing broker with 100 real shares and 200 phantom shares. The executing brokers receive 60 % participation, the institution votes with 100 % of its shares. This results in 12 votes “against” and 77 votes “for”.
Scenario 3 (real shares + phantom shares + DRS)
You can see the following effects:
  • More DRS = phantom shares become less effective in distorting the votes (77 votes “for” in scenario 3 vs. 120 votes “for” in scenario 2)
  • Higher participation (regarding both, household investors and institutions) = proportion between “for” and “against” votes is less likely to become significantly distorted to one side


Let us take a look at GameStop. We hypothesize that there should be an increase in (naked) shorts in advance of the record date. Our indicators could be the price action, FTDs, as well as changes in borrow fees. Please keep in mind that these are only indicators and no evidence. The charts depicted are also pure explanatory analyses without any statistical testing.
The record date for GameStop’s annual meeting was April 19, 2024 [Cf. [20], p. 1]

  • The price reached its 52-week low within two weeks around the record date. As this date may not be known in advance, institutions could have made sure not to miss it by reaching the $10 a few days before.
  • Note that the chart does not display the full 52 weeks.
Source: TradingView
  • FTDs were higher from the end of March to mid-April (the second half of April not yet published), coinciding with the sharper decline in price.
Source: SEC
Borrow Fee
  • Borrow fees as depicted here are volume-weighted average fees per day. I calculated them by looking at the volume of each reduction in borrowable shares and the corresponding borrowing fee.
Source: ChartExchange


“Those investors who may sometimes borrow stock just to get votes in a proxy contest, may have different interests in an election’s outcome than a company’s long-term shareholders” – Carl Hagberg [Cf. [1], p. 100]
Why should institutions want to influence the vote? Proposal number 4 is striking in this context. Its first goal is to “(1) assess how well-suited individual director nominees are for GameStop in light of its long-term business strategy and risks, including the overall mix of director attributes and skills” [Cf. [20], p. 41].
This sounds strange. What if some board member is deemed unsuited? Well, this is up for speculation. The only thing sure in this context is that the voting results will be really interesting.


“Most of the time you don’t get overvotes because so many shareholders don’t vote” – Paul Schulman [Cf. [1], p. 103]
Voting is important. It belongs to the rights (and in my opinion also to the obligations) of investors to do so. But this is not financial advice.
Regarding limitations, this DD did not touch the topic of differences within shares held in street name. Here we could have e.g. Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners (NOBO), whose voting process would mirror the one for DRS holders (Cf. [10], p. 4).
Also not included are votes from ETFs and phantom ETFs. This subject in itself would deserve a whole DD series as it has its own line of academic papers.
Last but not least, this DD turned out more theoretical and hypothetic. In order to further explore the topic, statistical testing would be necessary.


[1] Drummond, Bob: Corporate Voting Charade, in: Bloomberg Markets, No. 4 (2006), p. 96 – 104
[2] Securities Finance Times: Empty voting: back in the spotlight?, in: Securities Finance Times, Issue 306 (2022), p. 16 – 20
[3] Donald, David C.: The Rise and Effects of the Indirect Holding System: How Corporate America Ceded its Shareholders to Intermediaries, Working Paper, Frankfurt: University of Frankfurt, 2007
[4] Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP: Proxy Vote Processing Issues: Over- Voting and Empty Voting, Chicago (IL) et al.: Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, 2013
[5] Waters, Maxine, Green, Alexander N.: Game Stopped: How the Meme Stock Market Event Exposed Troubling Business Practices, Inadequate Risk Management, and the Need for Legislative and Regulatory Reform, Washington (DC): U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, 2022
[6] Culp, Christopher L., Heaton, John B.: The Economics of Naked Short Selling, in: Regulation, Vol. 31 (2008), No. 1, p. 46 – 51
[7] Trimbath, Susanne: Trade Settlement Failures in U.S. Bond Markets, Version 2, in: STP Working Paper Series, No. 2007/01 (2008), p. 1 – 37
[8] Finnerty, John D.: Short Selling, Death Spiral Convertibles, and the Profitability of Stock Manipulation, Working Paper, New York City (NY): Fordham University Graduate School of Business, 2005
[9] Putninš, Tālis J.: Naked short sales and fails-to-deliver: An overview of clearing and settlement procedures for stock trades in the USA, in: Journal of Securities Operations & Custody, Vol. 2 (2009/2010), No. 4, p. 340 – 350
[10] STA: Re: File Number 4-725, https://www.sec.gov/comments/4-725/4725-6501331-199628.pdf (12-03-2019)
[11] STA: Street Proxy Tabulation Results: Over-Voting Still Pervasive, in: STA Newsletter, Issue 4 (2005), p. 1 – 4
[12] Trimbath, Susanne: Naked, Short and Greedy – Wall Street’s Failure to Deliver, London: Spiramus, 2020
[13] Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.: 2022 Proxy Season Key Stats and Performance Ratings, https://www.broadridge.com/\_assets/pdf/broadridge-proxy-season-stats-2022.pdf (n.d.)
[14] Fotak, Veljko, Raman, Vikas, Yadav, Pradeep K.: Fails-to-deliver, short selling, and market quality, in: Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 114 (2014), Issue 3, p. 493 – 516
[15] Breeze, Stephen, Cox, Justin, Griffith, Todd: Settling Down: T+2 Settlement Cycle and Liquidity, in: The Center for Growth and Opportunity Working Paper 2020.003 (2020), p. 1 – 21
[16] Baig, Ahmed, Breeze, Stephen, Cox, Justin, Griffith, Todd: Settling down: T+2 settlement cycle and liquidity, in: European Financial Management, Vol. 28 (2022), Issue 5, p. 1260 – 1282
[17] Boni, Leslie: Strategic delivery failures in U.S. equity markets, in: Journal of Financial Markets, Vol. 9 (2006), Issue 1, p. 1 – 26
[18] Stratmann, Thomas, Welborn, John W.: Informed Short Selling, Fails-to-Deliver, and Abnormal Returns, in: George Mason University Department of Economics Research Paper Series, No. 14-30 (2016), p. 1 – 61
[19] SEC: Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Establish the Securities Financing Transaction Clearing Service and Make Other Changes (Release No. 34-94694, File No. SR-NSCC-2022-003) from 04-12-2022
[20] GameStop Corp.: 2024 Proxy Statement, https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/1bb27488-56b6-4ec7-a863-b15cb7ea797f (04-30-2024)
submitted by YOLO_Divergence to householdinvestors [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:22 --serotonin-- Community Bulletin Boards in Midtown and the surrounding areas?

Hey, I'm looking for places to post flyers. Does anyone know of any community bulletin boards? So far I've only found one outside of Seasons Market.
edited running list in case anyone else is looking:
Laundromat near Bronx Bar
Bulletin Board next to Bronx Bar
submitted by --serotonin-- to Detroit [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:41 Hallumir I gave away gift cards to get people to leave Shoppers and No Frills

I bought a variety of $25 gift cards with my own hard-earned money and printed out posters, half of which I strategically taped to streetlights, and the others I took with me to give to the recipients.
I started at Shoppers and successfully got one person to walk away with a Rexall gift card. He said he "had heard about the boycott but didn't know that Shoppers was part of it". He took a poster as well. This guy was awesome.
Soon, a manager came out and asked what I was doing. I told him honestly, "We're doing a boycott. We're giving out gift cards for people to leave." He said that I "am welcome to do that on the sidewalk, but need permission from management to do it in front of the store". It didn't seem like anyone was walking to Shoppers, so I left to test the waters at No Frills. I wish I had asked him some questions, but I was nervous.
The management never came outside to tell me to leave the front of No Frills for a long time, but no one was willing to take a gift care there. One guy tried to make an argument out of it: "Have you seen the prices at Sobeys (the only other grocer in town)? I don't think so, buddy". It was going to start storming, so I left.
The majority of people going into Shoppers and No Frills were generally unaware about the boycott. Some asked about it, and only one person took a poster, still going inside. I put up one remaining poster on the apartment lobby bulletin board and took one to my suite. I'm thinking about donating the remaining gift cards. I was not a fan of trying to sell people on this boycott and being rejected 99% of the time.
submitted by Hallumir to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:46 Formal_Barnacle304 Never take the bullet train to HeiAn

I'm from a relatively small town on the border of Myanmar and China. Lush green mountains surround us on all sides and most people have lived their whole life here. I always saw it as a peaceful farming town, one of thousands like it all over China.
Nothing really special about it looking from the outside in but those who lived here long enough hear whispers of a ghost town.
It doesn't exist on any map, and goes by many names, Hei Shi, Gui Dong, and of course Hei An. Legends say its a town full of cannibals that pick off anyone who gets too close, some say its just an endless field of graves that never lets you leave, and others say its home to the gates to Hell.
They could all be real or all could be fake. Very few people are willing to talk about it but I know one thing.
Hei An exists.
A few years ago I started a job working with the newly built railway station. We have one high speed rail that connects us to the rest of the country and it only has a few stops a day. My job is just making sure people don't wander off where they aren’t supposed to go but one day I was asked to work the night shift next week.
The person who worked the night shift before recently retired and they haven't found anyone to replace him yet. Probably due to not looking if i'm honest. We aren't a large city but people still need work, and this job is pretty cushy.
At the time, I had no reservations about taking up the night shift as it's basically playing your phone and making sure no one breaks in or so I thought.
I arrived for my normal shift around 8 in the morning. It was pretty empty minus a handful of people. A teller who sold the tickets, a younger female coworker who works the metal detector. Lets call her Sandy, and a few passengers waiting on the last train. Some of them seemed familiar but I can't say I know them.
"Hey Sandy, anyone give you any trouble?" I asked half joking
"Same old same old."
"How many chickens did they try to snuck aboard today?"
"Too many," she said, putting her hands to her temples.
For those who aren't familiar with the railway system, certain things aren't allowed to be carried on to the train. Some obvious stuff like knives, explosives, chemicals, and live animals. Though people tend to overlook the live animal part.
To be honest the chickens are probably less troublesome than most children..But rules are rules.
The first thirty minutes of my shift were uneventful till I saw this scruffy guy with a thin leather jacket and a small travel suitcase approach the security desk.
I didn't see him when I walked in and before I could see what he wanted, he swerved and went to the center of the station.
He stared up at the list of departures. A large electronic board over the entrance to the platform where people can see to check for updates. He stood there for several minutes, eyes never looking away from the board.
"Can I help you sir ?" I asked him.
no response.
I stood there a moment before waving my hand in front of his face.
He didn't react.
It was like he was in a trance. I wasn't sure what to do, if this was some kinda stroke or a mentally ill individual?
I put my hand on his shoulder.
Then he started screaming. His face beet red as I stepped back.
"Sir? Sir?! Calm down!".
He didn't even look at me as he tried to rip out one of the chairs bolted to the ground. His screams were incoherent and his movements frantic.
I looked over at Sandy who was on the phone with the police.
"Sir! Sir! Calm down so I can help you."
His blood red eyes looked at made, and he whispered one word
"Hei An"
before bolting and jumping the turnstile out onto the train platform.
"Sir?!" I went out to follow him but he vanished. He wasn't on the tracks, we only had two of them. No train had arrived, it's possible he ran off into the mountains that surrounded the station but he would have to run faster than the train for me not to see where he went.
"Is he gone?" Sandy asked me as I came in.
"I don't see him anywhere"
Sandy went back to talking to the police, and basically what they said was that due to the attack on the Kunming station a few years ago, they advised us to evacuate do to the possibility of a planted bomb and abandoned luggage.
We did just that.
For three days no trains stopped by our local station. They did a sweep of the building, the nearby tracks, woods, and found nothing. The luggage left behind, from what I heard, was just clothes and other normal things.
That kinda makes sense as it was able to get through the scanner but I also wouldn't be surprised if some details were left out. He was definitely mentally unsound, and I even told the state police that.
One weird thing that got me suspicious is when I mentioned he said HeiAn they turned to look at each other like they heard that before. I might be looking at things too deeply, one case in a billion and it just happened here. A not mentally sound individual spooked even more out of his mind by a local ghost story.
Nothing I needed to worry about. Nothing I get paid to worry about.
Things went on as normal and eventually I was scheduled for the night shift.
When I say no one was there, I mean no one. The front door wasn't locked and all the lights were on. The list of departures was empty so it was made since no one was waiting but at least someone who works here can stay so I can come and lock up. Hesh. The younger generation.
I locked up and made my rounds, patrolled around the platform and nothing. It all looked pretty normal lit only by flashlight on a cold windy night. Deep down I felt a sense of uncertainty, maybe even a hint of dread.
Toughing it out and quickly returning inside to see that it was just as empty as before.
A few hours passed and I started to feel at ease. I was just being silly, even if that guy came back. He Is just a man and I'm behind a locked door with a direct line to the police.
I chuckled at myself, I'm a grown man. I can handle myself.
As I told myself those very words the lights flickered. I was in near total darkness for just seconds but the ease I once felt washed away.
When the lights came back on I noticed an arrangement of flowers at the security desk. I walked a few steps forward and swore I heard for a brief moment the echoing laughter of children behind me.
No one was there.
The flowers were still sitting on the desk with a message attached. The message was in Mandarin for obvious reasons, but it was basically a love note addressed to someone I will call Lisa. I don't know any Lisa, and nobody who works here has that name.
The lights flickered three times before turning off completely. My flashlight refuses to turn on leaving me with only the dim moonlight coming through station windows.
Dead silence till a familiar click sounds. The bulletin board of departures and arrivals came back to life with only one city listed in bright red
The board began to glitch and the words darted across the screen and broke apart. I just stared at it clutching the bouquet in my hands.
The sliding doors to the platform opened by themselves as a distorted voice came over the PA. I couldn't really understand what it said but I heard it. The sounds of the train pulling into the station.
I wasn't sure if I was just losing my mind or stuck in a nightmare I can't wake up from.
The front door slammed open and through the murky darkness I saw several shadowy figures by the door. They poured in one by one like they were waiting in line.
I stood frozen as I watched them shuffle by as if they were undisturbed by my presence. They looked like rotting corpses up close with tattered clothes and blank white eyes.
Almost didn't notice the hand on my shoulder.
I didn't look back. His grip tighten and a deep voice said
"Ticket, sir. Where's your ticket?"
I turned to face him. He looked almost normal, a young man in an old train station uniform. His skin was a pale white and his eyes unblinking as he waited for my response.
"I...I don't have a ticket"
His smile stared to waver as he asked "You don't have a ticket?"
"Yeah, I just work here..."
His eyes filled with rage as the skin around his eyes, once smooth, had dozens of crows feet and wrinkles.
"WHY ARE YOU EVER HERE?!" His voice boomed throughout the station.
"I..I work..."
He cut me off "Security!".
From over the door but one, giant jet black dogs with bloodshot eyes came out and snarled. A blood red liquid dripping from their mouths.
"We don't like dead weight here," the man said.
Before I could say anything he whistled and the hounds went loose trembling the walking corpses in their way.
I booked for the only exit. The train platform with the black as night bullet train. It has red stained windows and went on forever in both directions. The doors were open but I ran down the platform hoping to lose these hounds in the mountains.
One hound stood between me and the end of the platform staring me down as the rest ran closer and closer from behind me.
"Train now leaving for..." followed by a ding sound as the door to my right started to close.
I throw my hand in the door to hold it open just enough to squeeze my fat self through without being ripped to shreds. The door quickly slid on the hound's mouth.
The whispering sound it made almost made me feel sorry for it as it fell off from the train.
The train car was filled with empty seats and It was indistinguishable from a normal one. Except, the door leading to the car had a cartoonishly large lock and chain wrapped around it.
"Clearly not going that way" I murmured to myself.
Luckily, the.door to the previous car was wide open.
Peering my head through only to see nothing but another empty car but the door on the opposite side was open.
Slowly walking down the aisle like tip toeing over egg shells. I expected the worse but I found nothing.
one idea managed to creep into my mind.
"Is it endless?"
No... No. I couldn't panic if I start to panic, everything will get worse.
I took a seat as I clutched the bouquet in my hands.
One deep breath, two deep breaths, and three deep breaths as I listened to the shuffling of the train.
I pulled out my cell phone but it wouldn't turn on, neither would my radio. Panic creeped on the edges of my mind but I pushed it back.
Someone must be controlling the train. I couldn't decide if finding the person was suicide or not considering what happened at the station but waiting for whatever happens at HeiAn didn't sound much better.
I tried to get up from my seat but something was pulling at my arm.
the train was engulfed in darkness as a hand came over my mouth.
Struggling was no use as I felt like a fly trapped in a web. A whispering murmur played in my ear.
I stopped and saw red glowing eyes from the window. one pair of eyes quickly became two, four, and then dozens in every window.
"Don't look at them" I heard in a whispering voice.
The windows started to flex with their high pitch shrieks and wails. Sounds that left a scar on my conscience. Sometimes when I close my eyes I still see their piercing red eyes and their shrieks echoing in my head.
When it finally stopped I didn't notice. I heard nothing but them and saw nothing but total darkness clamping around me. Felt like death, maybe even worse than that.
"When did the lights come on?" I asked over a mumbling murmur.
A hand grabbed mine, firmly squeezing. "They are gone now."
"Gone" I repeated as the world around me started to lose its haze.
Sitting in the sit right next to mine was a woman in her early 20s. Incredibly pale, and almost paper thin.
"What were those things?"
Her eyes drifted down from my face to my chest.
"Those are lovely flowers," she said.
"Thanks, but what the hell are those, The HellHounds?"
She looked back up at my face "HellHounds?"
"HellHounds, like demon dogs, dogs from Hell..."
she nodded but her eyes fell back down to the flowers. "Where did you get such lovely flowers?"
"They aren't mine."I said while giving her the bouquet with the card.
She started reading silently to herself. I got to stretch my legs and peer down the empty corridor. Nothing but seemingly endless trains cars.
Looking back at the woman from before I saw that she was crying.
"Are you all.." she sprung up out of her sit and ducked under my arm running down the corridor. She said something through the tears that I didn't hear.
"..Wait" I called out, chasing the only somewhat sane person who knew anything about this place. No matter how fast I ran, the distance between us only lengthened. a few feet away quickly became dozens till she was outta my view completely. Almost like she dropped under the horizon all at once. I ran and ran but never caught up exhausting myself till I sat on a new row of sits.
Panting, and completely out of breath. "the only person that seemed... to know anything about anything gone into the wind"
The train cars disappeared off into the horizon. It was pitch black outside and I couldn't see even a couple of inches in front of my face like I was swallowed into a void.
Those train cars are truly endless, my watch is stuck at 2:13 AM so, I don't know how many hours I walked. I might as well just stand in place. Dehydration would probably kill me in 2 or 3 days if this goes on. I would rather take my chances jumping from a 400 kph train than to die like that. Quick and painless, though my mom always said I was stubborn and that quality of ours kept me going.
All the train car lights started to flicker as the train slowed to complete halt. Taking my chances I tried to pull open the train door but it didn't budge. I was so focused on opening the door that I didn't realize the lights were.off till a pair of red glowing eyes peered back at me.
A loud frenzy of screeches followed as hundreds of red eyes peered through the window. I was too afraid to breathe, let alone move.
The sound of cracking glass echoed from behind me.
They burst through flooding into the room and I never ran faster.
I felt their breath on my neck and their claws at my heels. Never looked back a single time but saw thousands trying to break the windows I ran past. And then my worst fear. A dead end.
"What, how?" It's like the end of a train car just appeared in front of me.
They were at every window and quickly swarming down the passage.
No escape.
I turned around.
These things, I saw them but I can't really describe them. My eyes didn't understand what they were looking at.
Readying my fists as a blinding light lit up the entirety of the train car. I couldn't see anything but I heard them wrath in pain with the clattering of their feet scurrying off.
When my eyes readjusted it was as if they vanished into thin air. All the broken windows were good as new, and no broken glass. The only proof they were here at all was a nasty gnash on my arm. Must have gotten me when I wasn't looking, but at least it wasn't my throat.
I wandered.forward till a hand gripped my shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
When I saw the women.from before I had a mix of spiraling relief,and anger
"Your arm?" she asked
She banadged me up as we sat together in silence. I had a million questions but I couldn't ask them, I guess it was the shock.of what I just went through.
"All done"
I pulled my arm back examining the bandages.
"You're really good at this," I told her.
”I should be, I'm a nurse"
"A train nurse?"
"Certified and everything" she replied, not hearing my dumb question.
I looked at her, really looked at her. Flowers clutched in her hands and not a speck of dirt or wrinkle on her clothes. She looked like she had just left home and got on the train just a few moments ago.
"How long have you been on this train?"
She looked back at me as if she was lost in thought. A few seconds passed before she leaned back and sat forward.
"Do you have a working phone or anything?"
She didn't answer.
"Hey, I just realized I don't know your name. Mine is Tobey. You?"
Her face lit up as she looked at me. "My name is Lisa"
"Well, Lisa...Something about this train isn't right, Lisa. I think we better find a way off but I need your help to do that."
"Okay", she says as the scent of flowers hit my nose.
"Lisa? Like the name on the card?"
"Yeah my boyfriend sent this to me, I guess he really does care. Thank you for delivering them, I was so...Like lost before."
"umm..Yeah no problem. Now we need..."
A familiar ringing sound echoed throughout the room.
"Next stop: Hei An"
At this point I forgot this train ever had an original destination at all. Wasn't sure to stay on the train or risk getting off into what could possibly be Hell on Earth.
Lisa's face was one of muted dread. "Should we hide?"
Hide? I thought. The only place I could think to hide is under the seats and no way am I fitting in 6 inches of space in the most obvious spot ever.
I refrained myself from any sarcastic retort as the train speed indicator began to descend.
I ducked behind the row of seats in front of me and Lisa soon crouched beside me. I almost told her maybe she should hide.behind a different row but having another person next to me give me comfort. Probably a false comfort.
The speed of the train dropped and dropped till leveling off at 70 kmh. Everything was silent, even the rustling of the train was barely a whisper. My heart didn't dare beat too loudly.
The silence was soon broken by a slapping sound from the train cars ahead of ours. I couldn't quite place it till Lisa said "Is that footsteps?"
They became louder and louder.till they were almost deafening then it just stopped.
A voice boomed from the front of the car.
"Tobey, it's your stop."
"How did he know my name?" I thought I tried to peek between the seats.
"Tobey, Tobey, Tobey... It's your time to go." smacking the top of a seat with a baton. "You've been marked, and they're waiting."
What's he talking about? Whatever, it was. I bet I rather not find out and with him checking every aisle we did the only thing we could.
Lisa was the first to burst into a full sprint right behind me. I heard him grumble but I couldn't make any of it out.
We ran and I kept checking behind but he wasn't chasing. Distance just gave comfort. A false comfort.
Lisa screamed and my head snapped back to look ahead. He was standing in the doorway in front of us.
"You can't run away"
The slamming of the door behind us cemented that fact.
"Who are you?" I asked.
He took a few menacing steps forward "The conductor, and my job is too remove the vermin like you"
A few moments of silence "Then talk us home, no way we are going to HeiAn."
His covered his eyes before slamming his heavy baton into the seat several times
"You can't go back!"
He took a few steps forward and he swung at us just missing my head.
Before I knew it his hand gripped around my wrist dragging me closer to the open door. No matter how I struggled he didn't slow down.
Lisa sprung up and kicked him in the back of his knee causing him to let go of both himself and his baton while falling out of the train car.
Lisa extended a hand while another hand gripped around the door frame. Without a second to spare, I bashed the conductor’s head in with his own baton dropping him out of the quickly closing door. He ran alongside the train pounding on the door but it was futile and then he was gone.
Not knowing what to do next and exhausted I took a seat and looked over at Lisa. Her exhausted face lost quickly to my blurring vision.
Everything went dark.
The chirping of birds stirred me awake and my eyes opened to the blue cloud patchy skies.
“Where am I?” I said as I stood up. I was alone and a few dozen feet from the tracks surrounded by empty fields.
With the warmth of sunlight on my skin “I made it back.”
Editor’s note:
I did some research and found out that there was a body found on the tracks on the opposite side of the country. A woman clutching a bouquet of flowers, her name was Lisa Chen.
The article was dated 2021.
I don’t know what to make of this. I couldn’t find any other article and my head has been hurting all day since I got home.
If you can share anything you find about her, I appreciate it and thank you all for hearing me out. I've been feeling tired all day, it's probably nothing but I’m gonna go to the doctor’s tomorrow.
submitted by Formal_Barnacle304 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:34 CriticalMemory Help us Archiveteam, you're our only hope!

Hey folks, thanks for reading. Thanks to the folks at datahoarder who sent us here.
Several of my friends and I have been trying without a lot of success to mirror a PHPBB that's about to get shut down. So far, we've either gathered too much data, or too little using HTTRack. Our last run had nearly 700GB for ~70k posts on the bulletin board (including full pages of the store associated with the site), while our first attempts only captured the top level links. We know this is a lack of knowledge on our part, but we're running out of time to experiment to dial this in. We've reached out to the company who is running the PHPBB to try to get them to work with us, and are still hopeful we can do that, but for the moment self-servicing seems like our only option.
It's important to us to save this because it's a lot of historical and useful information for an RPG we play (called Dungeon Crawl Classics). The company is migrating to discord for all of it's discussions, but for someone who just wants to go read on topics, that's not so helpful. The site itself is https://goodman-games.com/forum/
We're stuck. Can anyone help us out or give us some pointers? Hell, I'm even willing to put money towards this to get an expert to help, but because I don't know exactly what to ask for know that could go sideways pretty easily.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by CriticalMemory to Archiveteam [link] [comments]
