What to say on match com example

FIFA World Cup

2009.12.04 15:35 FIFA World Cup

All Things 2026 FIFA World Cup and Beyond: Match Threads, News, Discussions and More!

2012.02.21 16:32 Football in India

This subreddit is dedicated to all things Indian Football, ISL, I-League, Indian men's and women's national team, youth teams, Santosh Trophy, Durand Cup, Super Cup, and everything in between

2009.07.02 19:22 ancientworldnow Filmmakers

Filmmakers, directors, cinematographers, editors, vfx gurus, composers, sound people, grips, electrics, and more meet to share their work, tips, tutorials, and experiences. A place where professionals and amateurs alike unite to discuss the field and help each other.

2024.05.16 23:43 LordXamon Vanilla-friendly mod recommendations. QoL, performance, retextures, and more!

Let me share my 3000h of modded wisdom with you, my fellow vanilla comrades. My attempt here is to provide you with as many as possible improvements to the base game while keeping the style, balance, and content as vanilla as possible. As they say, when it works the best is when you don't realize it is there. I guarantee you that after playing for a while with these, you will no longer be able to tell what's from the base game and what's not.
You don't know how to mod? Maybe this very basic guide will help. Please, note that many mods come with options to tune up your experience. It is recommended you give them a look.
You can find the steam collection here. Be aware that some of these mods require the DLCs. You don't have the DLCs? Just don't use the mod.
Minor changes
Mayor changes
Atmospheric changes
Bonus: comics! And the occasional animation. I noticed newbies aren't aware of these, so I link the profiles of all the artists I could remember. Sorry if I missed anyone. u/daleksdeservevictory, u/AzulCrescent, u/AetherealVanguard, u/ATTF , u/Aelanna , srgrafo, u/Fonzawa, u/Ivancmedia, u/zyll3, u/meto30, u/AeolysScribbles, u/cavalier753, u/GABESTFY, u/VectorData, u/arxian, u/Nguyenanh2132, u/sorrowful_dance, u/meto30, u/-desdinova-, u/truffli
submitted by LordXamon to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:43 Substantial-Earth975 Near death experiences and Catholic teaching

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 'By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.” - 1 John 4:1-3 (emphasis added)
As followers of the Lord Jesus we must keep this verse in when interpreting spiritual experiences such as NDE’s. For those who do not know a NDE is an experience when someone who is clinically dead has an experience is the afterlife, sometimes the experiencers will also have what’s called an OBE (out of body experience) where they view their surroundings from outside of their physical body. I’ve researched manny of these testimonies and concluded most of them don’t have a natural explanation. Whilst some believers might see this as evidence of the soul and life after death we need to be cautious when it comes to this sort of thing. The majority of NDE’s ~85% are positive, where the experiencers might have feelings of peace and bliss, see being(s) of light, talk to deceased relatives, encounter religious figures ect., this seems to be at odds with Our Lord’s words in Matthew 7:13-14 about the road being narrow and few being saved. This fact alone however doesn’t nessarily contradict the faith, but the content of manny of these individual experiences are most definitely at odds with our beliefs. Most of the positive NDE experiencers are not in a state of grace when they die and often not even baptized Christians/Catholics, this contradicts Jesus’ own words in the gospel of Mark 16:16 “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.”. That’s not all manny times the being(s) people encounter during these experiences tell the experiencers heretical things, commons ones I’ve noticed are that God doesn’t care what religion you are (the heresy of religious indifferentism), there is no hell, there is no sin, no judgment ect. Even in some “Christian” NDE’s “Jesus” says things like there is no hell and other things like that. I’ve even seen people leave Christianity/Catholicism because of their own NDE’s. [here]https://www.ncronline.org/spirituality/what-i-saw-when-i-died is an example of what I’m talking about. Even in some NDE’s that aren’t overtly heretical there is still some problematic messages, such as [this]https://www.ncregister.com/interview/near-death-experience-paves-way-to-the-priesthood?amp interview where a Catholic priest recounts his NDE that lead him into the preisthood. Towards the end of the interview he says “we may have different representations, but we are all walking toward the same God… Many of them, believers or not, Catholics or not, are held accountable not directly for their actions, but for the amount of love they gave during their lifetime.” This is problematic because one: because scripture clearly points out that false gods worshiped in other religions are demons and two: Scripture says Christ will Jude us on our actions (Rev. 22:12) not on the “love we gave during our lifetime” 🙄. What’s interesting is that almost all of the NDE’s talk of encounters with what’s described as a white light, in 2nd Corinthians 11:14 St. Paul says that Satan masquerades as an angel of light. In my opinion it’s not that hard to see what’s going on here, the fathers of lies is behind these experiences. There’s multiple reason why I came to conclusion this but that would be two long to write in a singular post. We must the remember what God has revealed to us that “… we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism... This is why we profess that there is no salvation Outside the Church." - Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 14), 1824
submitted by Substantial-Earth975 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:43 Expensive_Motor4333 I live life purely for the fun of it and might off myself any day

I’m a 22 year old unemployed guy that just finished university, recently had an insane depressive episode and don’t have much ambitions right now. Most of my friends have good jobs, plans for life, and I’m happy for them.. but I’m kinda just.. childishly living in the moment, i guess. Most of my daily life consists of silly random side quests like, for example, going around the town to buy some specific ice cream, playing football with kids on the street, going on trips with random people, or just walking somewhere with coffee and music in my headphones. Finding a job is not easy. I’ve had a couple, got fired from most because I was either too slow, or too anxious, or too stupid, I feel demotivated to look for something else. I cannot even fathom enough how pointless I feel. To everyone around me, and myself. I experienced depression recently but I kinda managed it through therapy sessions, regular gym, spending more time with myself, doing what I like.. But life didn’t become more meaningful. I’m tired of feeling anxiety over my future, “will I be that? Will I become those? Will I accomplish that? Well people around me do, so when will I?” Yeah, right, I’m tired, i don’t care anymore. Sometimes I have thoughts of ending it all, pretty much every day, in some moments I talk myself into staying another week, to see where the plot takes me this time, so I stay. I don’t have any plans for life, and i don’t want to anymore, it’s stupid, sometimes people are just useless, i guess. So maybe I’m here to just vibe for some time. I’m trying to fight all this, because i realize that these are my subjective thoughts, and not necessarily reality, but still. I like to see the plot unveil, people grow and change, trees go green and then orange, so I stay for now, I’m me, and I might not be successful or accomplish anything at all, you win some and lose most, they say. It’s no easy task to accept life as it is. With no predicted direction, no point, only unless you come up with one, and with possibility to end at any moment, but it’s a peaceful realization. Anything is possible, how strange it is to see the plot of life.
submitted by Expensive_Motor4333 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:42 longdistamce Here is a way to get your Credit Karma transactions in a CSV file. Tutorial retrieving transactions from Credit Karma based on Month using Javascript code (No coding experience)

Since I have been getting messages randomly, I figured this might be helpful. This is created off another users post from here https://www.reddit.com/mintuit/comments/197g5nz/use_a_script_to_extract_transactions_from_credit/
Anyways I will try to make this beginner friendly with step by step instructions. It isnt very hard, you just might do somethings on the browser you haven't done before. High level, all were doing is running some code that will help us download what is on the screen of Credit Karma transactions
  1. Go to https://www.creditkarma.com/networth/transactions
  2. Go to Dev Tools Console, you can use any of these methods
    1. Right click anywhere on screen, select "Inspect", go to the "Console" tab
    2. If using Chrome on Mac, shortcut keys to open the console is Command + option + J
      • Screen should look something like this (keep in mind you want to be on the Console tab highlighted in red):
  1. Copy and paste this code into the console:
    function convertDateFormat(inputDate) { // Parse the input date string var parsedDate = new Date(inputDate);
    // Extract day, month, and year var day = ("0" + parsedDate.getDate()).slice(-2); var month = ("0" + (parsedDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); var year = parsedDate.getFullYear(); // Construct the new date format var newDateFormat = month + "/" + day + "/" + year; return newDateFormat; 
    function extractNumber(inputString) { // Use regular expression to match the number with parentheses, dollar sign, and commas var match = inputString.match(/\$(([)]+))/);
    // If there's a match, extract the number, remove commas, and convert it to a float if (match && match[1]) { var numberWithCommas = match[1]; var numberWithoutCommas = numberWithCommas.replace(/,/g, ''); return inputString.startsWith('-') ? -parseFloat(numberWithoutCommas) : parseFloat(numberWithoutCommas); } // If no match, return NaN or handle it according to your requirement return NaN; 
    function extractNumber(inputString) { // Use regular expression to match the number with or without a dollar sign and optional minus sign var match = inputString.match(/-?\$?(\d{1,3}(,\d{3})*(.\d+)?.\d+)$/);
    // If there's a match, extract the number, remove commas, and convert it to a float if (match) { var numberString = match[1].replace(/,/g, ''); var extractedNumber = parseFloat(numberString); return inputString.startsWith('-') ? -extractedNumber : extractedNumber; } // If no match, return NaN or handle it according to your requirement return NaN; 
    function extractAmount(element) { const selector1 = '.row-value div:nth-child(1)'; const selector2 = '.f4.fw5.kpl-color-palette-green-50 div:nth-child(1)';
    let amountElement = element.querySelector(selector1); let temp = ''; if (amountElement) { temp = amountElement.textContent.trim(); } else { amountElement = element.querySelector(selector2); temp = amountElement ? amountElement.textContent.trim() : ''; } return extractNumber(temp); // return temp; 
    function extractTransactionInfo(element) { const transactionInfo = { dataIndex: '', description: '', category: '', amount: '', date: '' };
    // Extracting dataIndex transactionInfo.dataIndex = element.getAttribute('data-index'); // Extracting description const descriptionElement = element.querySelector('.row-title div:nth-child(1)'); transactionInfo.description = descriptionElement ? descriptionElement.textContent.trim() : ''; // Extracting category const categoryElement = element.querySelector('.row-title div:nth-child(2)'); transactionInfo.category = categoryElement ? categoryElement.textContent.trim() : ''; // Extracting amount // const amountElement = element.querySelector('.row-value div:nth-child(1), .f4.fw5.kpl-color-palette-green-50 div:nth-child(1)'); // temp = amountElement ? amountElement.textContent.trim() : ''; // transactionInfo.amount = extractNumber(temp); transactionInfo.amount = extractAmount(element) transactionInfo.transactionType = transactionInfo.amount >= 0 ? 'credit' : 'debit'; transactionInfo.amount = Math.abs(transactionInfo.amount) // Extracting date const dateElement = element.querySelector('.row-value div:nth-child(2), .f4.fw5.kpl-color-palette-green-50 div:nth-child(2)'); transactionInfo.date = dateElement ? dateElement.textContent.trim() : ''; return transactionInfo; 
    function extractAllTransactions() { // Select all transaction elements in the current window const transactionElements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-index]');
    // Iterate through each transaction element and extract information return Array.from(transactionElements, element => extractTransactionInfo(element)); 
    function combineTransactions(existingTransactions, newTransactions) { // Check for duplicates and add only unique transactions const uniqueNewTransactions = newTransactions.filter(newTransaction => !existingTransactions.some(existingTransaction => existingTransaction.dataIndex === newTransaction.dataIndex) );
    return [...existingTransactions, ...uniqueNewTransactions]; 
    function filterEmptyTransactions(transactions) { // Filter out transactions with all information empty // return transactions.filter(transaction => // Object.values(transaction).some(value => value.trim() !== '') return transactions.filter(transaction => transaction.amount !== null && transaction.amount !== undefined && transaction.date !== '' ); }
    function convertToCSV(transactions) { const header = 'Date,Description,Original Description, Amount, Transaction Type, Category, Account Name, Labels, Notes\n'; const rows = transactions.map(transaction => "${convertDateFormat(transaction.date)}","${transaction.description}","${transaction.description}","${transaction.amount}","${transaction.transactionType}","${transaction.category}",,,\n ); return header + rows.join(''); }
    function saveCSVToFile(csvData, fileName) { const blob = new Blob([csvData], { type: 'text/csv' }); const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); link.download = fileName; link.click(); }
    function logResults(allTransactions, filteredTransactions, csvData) { // console.log('All Transactions:', allTransactions); console.log('Filtered Transactions:', filteredTransactions); console.log('CSV Data:', csvData); }
    // Function to scroll down the page function scrollDown() { window.scrollTo(0, window.scrollY + window.innerHeight); }
    // Use this function to capture transactions and scroll down with a limit of 3 scrolls async function captureAndScroll(scrollLimit) { let allTransactions = [];
    // Capture transactions in the current window and scroll down until the scroll limit is reached for (let scrolls = 0; scrolls < scrollLimit; scrolls++) { const newTransactions = extractAllTransactions(); allTransactions = combineTransactions(allTransactions, newTransactions); scrollDown(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Wait for content to load (adjust the delay if needed) } // Filter out transactions with all information empty const filteredTransactions = filterEmptyTransactions(allTransactions); // Convert transactions to CSV const csvData = convertToCSV(filteredTransactions); // Save CSV data to a CSV file saveCSVToFile(csvData, 'transactions.csv'); // Log the final results logResults(allTransactions, filteredTransactions, csvData); 
    } async function captureTransactionsInMonth(targetMonth) { let allTransactions = [];
    while (true) { // Capture transactions in the current window const newTransactions = extractAllTransactions(); // Combine newly captured transactions with existing ones allTransactions = combineTransactions(allTransactions, newTransactions); // Check if any transaction is in a month prior to the target month const priorMonthTransaction = newTransactions.find(transaction => { const transactionDate = new Date(transaction.date); return transactionDate < new Date(targetMonth.getFullYear(), targetMonth.getMonth(), 1); }); // If a transaction in a prior month is found, stop scrolling if (priorMonthTransaction) { break; } // If no new transactions are loaded, stop scrolling if (newTransactions.length === 0) { break; } // Scroll down scrollDown(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // Wait for content to load (adjust the delay if needed) } // Filter transactions for the target month const currentMonthTransactions = allTransactions.filter(transaction => new Date(transaction.date).getMonth() === targetMonth.getMonth() && new Date(transaction.date).getFullYear() === targetMonth.getFullYear() ); // Convert transactions to CSV const csvData = convertToCSV(currentMonthTransactions); // Save CSV data to a CSV file saveCSVToFile(csvData, `transactions_${targetMonth.getMonth() + 1}_${targetMonth.getFullYear()}.csv`); // Log the final results logResults(allTransactions, currentMonthTransactions, csvData); 
    // Usage example: Capture transactions for March 2024 const targetMonth = new Date(2024, 2); // March is 2 (zero-based index) captureTransactionsInMonth(targetMonth);
  2. Press Enter, you should see your screen scroll and continue till it reaches the end of the month (this might take a minute or two depending on how many transactions you have). For example, in the code it specifies new Date(2024, 2); // March is 2 (zero-based index) so the screen will scroll until it reaches February 2024 and then downloads the file for March 2024 transactions. If you would like to specify a different month, you can change the "2" to whatever month you need accordingly, example: May would be "4"
Let me know if you have any questions or any other requests and I'll try to make it
submitted by longdistamce to mintuit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:41 NikitaWolf6 Is your loved one a narcissist?

Taken from my profile post as crossposting from NSFW marked accounts is not allowed (post does not include NSFW content)

Hi! Your friendly neighbourhood narc & BSc psychology student here. Are you ready for a change? (This article was written with NPD and NPD traits in mind but many of the same things apply to different disorders.)
If you are reading this, you have likely been sent here because you have enquired about the diagnosis of a loved one. This guide will help you with your question and to deal with the situation at hand, so strap in.
(Now this next line will upset you, but remember to continue reading afterwards.) No one but a qualified mental health professional that your loved one is being treated by can diagnose them. Not random strangers on Reddit with no qualifications. Not qualified mental health professionals that are not treating them as it is against their ethical code for good reason (see The Goldwater rule in Section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association's Principles of Medical Ethics). And lastly, not you.

Why can I not receive a diagnosis for my loved one?

  1. We/you are only seeing your description of your loved one which may differ from their own experience.
  2. You are biased because you have a dual relationship clouding your objective view.
  3. Non-verbal communication can also be used in the diagnostic process which is not available.
  4. Diagnostics need, at the very least, 2h time, with a SCID-5-P(D) or similar to test the loved one.
  5. Your loved one does not have the legal support etc. that comes with an official clinician-client relationship.
  6. Your loved one has not consented to any medical treatment.
  7. Our own experiences can differ wildly from those with the same disorder.
  8. There are nuances such as differential diagnosis and physical health problems that cannot be explored.
  9. Most people simply are not qualified to give a diagnosis.
  10. Those who are licensed to diagnose may lose their license if they do so.
All these things (and more!) make any possible diagnosis incredibly inaccurate and most likely incorrect. It is also highly unethical. The good thing however - this does not matter for your needs! (and if u disagree, just keep reading, trust me.)
Now you're possibly frustrated, possibly just confused. "But you said you would help with my question and help me deal with the situation!". I am aware that so far you have not gotten the answers you are looking for. Let me explain to you why a diagnosis is not necessary for you to get your needs in this situation met.

Why diagnosing a loved one isn't necessary for your needs!

Diagnoses serve a great purpose. I will not deny that. Diagnoses are used for research, treatment, insurance purposes and to get accommodations with. In relationships, diagnoses do not carry this same importance. Yes, understanding a diagnosis may help you better understand your loved one. But if you have been sent here, the chance is incredibly big that your lack of understanding is not the issue.
The issue is a pattern of behaviours that your loved one displays. These behaviours are causing you distress that you are seeking to eliminate. You are trying to find a label for them to help you understand and better deal with them, which is understandable as humans like working in predictable boxes. This is why we have stereotypes and work in schema's. You may think that once you understand their issues, their symptoms, their thought patterns, you can adapt to make them better. Or you would be understanding enough to suffer the situation. But this is not the case.
Even if the armchair diagnosis is correct, the individual experience will always differ. You can read and read and read, understand the disorder inside out, and still not understand your loved one. And not only that, but changing your own behaviour in accordance with their symptoms will not make the situation any better. It will simply make you compliant to their toxic behaviours and the issues will persist as there has been no treatment for the core of the problems.
Even if you simply want to know whether they have a disorder so you could support them better, it will not bring the improvement you are hoping for. You will need to act according to their needs, not their disorder. Some with NPD might want a lot of admiration so they don't end up collapsing. Others do not need this, but need understanding for their lack of empathy. Some others may have empathy but struggle with being seen as arrogant by others. Not all of our needs will be universal so communication with your loved one is necessary to make sure that you are providing them with what they need or want. This does not necessitate a diagnosis, simply good communication. A big risk that comes with this however, is that you may end up neglecting your own needs in favour of theirs. What can also happen is that this actually enables their maladaptive behaviours, as you are facilitating the behaviour to continue by giving them what they want instead of what they need.
Therefore, diagnosing a mental disorder in your loved one will not give you the resolve that you are looking for by posting about it on Reddit. Now there is just 1 lingering question.

What can I do to solve the issue?

Boundaries. At least, that is the answer most of the time. A lot of y'all are posting because you want your loved one to change. As much as I hope this for you too, we cannot make someone change. I am not a fan of religion or 12 step programs per se, however, keep the Serenity Prayer in mind:
"Grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
This prayer is the foundation of all boundaries. I will not go into too much detail as I will link the necessary resources below. They will explain everything in much more detail than I can in this post. However, let me give you a rundown of what healthy boundaries are! (This bit is loosely taken from Boundaries by Henry Cloud.)
First of all, you need to know what is you, and what is the other. Boundaries are like fences, and everyone has their own yard. To set boundaries it is crucial that you know what you do have control over, and what you don't. This is the "wisdom to know the difference" part.
Your loved one has their own yard, with their own fence. They own their own body, mind, space, behaviours, etc. That is their yard which they are protecting. This means that you cannot control these things. You cannot control someone by making demands, trying to change their mind (other than by a healthy logical discussion) or setting rules for them. Attempting to do so anyways will lead to frustration and disappointment. This refers to the "strength to accept the things I cannot change" part of the prayer. Now you might think, "So I just have to accept their hurtful behaviours?". And my answer to that would be yes. But not without nuance. You need to accept the reality of their behaviours. Because their existence is something you cannot change. However, this does not mean that you should accept the hurt it causes you.
That brings us to your own yard. You can use your fence to keep the hurt out. This may not stop the behaviours from existing, but it will make sure that they will not exist in your yard. A boundary you might set could be "If you continue to yell at me on the phone, I will hang up and not respond to calls back today". Another example is "If you do not stop throwing items through the room, I will go to my sister's house for the weekend". Most of the situations like yours end up in this one though: "If you do not seek help for your mental health issues, I will leave this relationship". And sometimes, that is the exact one that is needed. Notice that in none of these examples you are trying to control the person. You are giving them a choice to continue or to seize the behaviour, and explaining what you will do to keep yourself safe if they continue crossing your boundaries. This is the "courage to change the things I can".
However, boundaries are not everything. There is likely another underlying issue (or multiple) which is causing this situation. That's why I want to recommend these other things as well:
  1. Individual psychotherapy
  2. Couples therapy/marriage counselling
  3. Requesting your loved one to see a mental health professional (although if you're looking to diagnose them on the internet, this is likely not going to happen)
  4. Support groups (no, not the raisedbynarcissists or NarcissisticAbuse or narcissisticparents or any of those discriminative ones. you can look for C-PTSD support groups, domestic violence support groups, etc. etc.)
  5. CPS or police involvement when necessary
  6. The workbooks listed below


Boundaries - Henry Cloud. This one is incredibly religion focused. it does advocate for child abuse at some point and it's very hetero- and cisnormative. Apart from that, it's quite a solid book.
Set Boundaries, Find Peace - Nedra Glover Tawwab. I havent read this one myself but it does demonise those with NPD a couple times. apart from that it's highly recommended.
Nonviolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg. This one is good. It's more about healthy mutual communication, but it also explains requests and boundaries quite well. I find it might be a bit insensitive to those experiencing active abuse but all in all, this ones great and I highly recommend it.
codependent no more - Melody Beattie. This one I have not read either, I believe it's mostly about dealing with addiction in other people but it also has some boundary setting in there.
There are a lot of other workbooks that may help you that are not (yet) listed, so please take a look at my complete collection here.

More to consider

I put this at the end as usually it is the least useful part of my tirade, and can cause some very heated responses. I urge you to consider the damage you are doing to those with NPD when you armchair diagnose someone with NPD simply because of their toxic or abusive behaviours. Because this has been normalised in pop psychology, we are now disproportionally seen as abusers. People see others discuss narcissism and narcissists only in the contexts of abuse, and this causes them to think that is what NPD is. But it is not.
Not every person with NPD is abusive. Some toxicity can usually be expected in close relationships with those with NPD, but this does not have to be an overwhelming or dangerous amount. Think more, teenager who hasn't learnt emotional regulation and is very insecure yet tries to act all big and strong.
The stigma on NPD, which is perpetuated by armchair diagnosing abusers and other toxic people, directly rains down on those who actually suffer with the disorder. This is because a lot of people consume discriminative content (see "Dr." Ramani, raisedbynarcissists, etc.) and believe that the blanket statements made about narcissists are all correct. They then project these beliefs onto people who simply have NPD, a disorder, a disability. This leads to dehumanising or threatening comments, smear campaigns and cancellations simply over a disorder, unfair projection of trauma/abuser onto the person, etc. This is also considered emotional abuse as it is discrimination. More specifically saneism, which is a form of ableism. This can lead to trauma (small t trauma, usually) in the person receiving this unwarranted hate.


Leave them in the comments of this post and I will get to them when I am able to. Feedback (constructive criticism and compliments alike) is also much appreciated!
submitted by NikitaWolf6 to AskNPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:37 Remarkable_Art_5534 Issues at work

Recently there was an incident at work that resulted in me being beyond frustrated with someone who is not only a coworker but a friend. He had been on paternity leave and returned about two weeks ago, since returning he has been negative and nasty. We work for a very rapidly growing company and always joke that our office is not “HR friendly”, however what he said the other day went over the line. My friend and her husband spent the last 5 years going through the process of getting married and having him immigrate over to the USA from Italy, he is a very well educated man and recently got a job as a banker at our local bank. He sometimes has to fill in for the tellers in the mornings, on this particular morning he did the deposit for my coworker and told him it was not matching his deposit slip. Coworker comes back to the office and starts saying “We need to shut down the boarders to Europe, those people shouldn’t be allowed over here” etc. (I would go into more detail but refuse to repeat some of the things he said.) while he is saying this he is also aware he is saying this in front of one of our coworkers whose parents are here on work visas and her and i instantly come to the defense and I also speak up and tell him that is my friends husband, he goes on to excuse his words by calling the guy dumb and says he can’t count…. I spent the rest of the day wondering if I even know who my coworker truly was. I was disappointed but also I am not sure I can go to HR because I am sure he has plenty of mildly inappropriate things he could report about all of us as well..: I am at a total loss. I don’t want to ruin the dynamic in the office but I want him to know that this behavior is not okay. Help?
submitted by Remarkable_Art_5534 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:37 AnxietyAhh3743 I am so sick of parents not being satisfied.

this is a throwaway account so i am gonna be as vague as possible. i apologise as this post may get way too long. :)
i dont consider myself a wonder kid, i know i am not that special. however, i do think i work harder than what the average student does.
i am not trying to flex here at all:- but my career has mattered to me a lot. and i did a lot of things (limited, because i come from a small city) to boost the same. i have always been academically strong, coming 1st or 2nd in the entire class of 200 students. i scored >97% in classes 10th and 12th. i have been an active debater and MUNer winning state level competitions. im the first person in my school to become captain vice captain and then head girl of the school. i have self studied and given multiple exams like SAT AP and have scored 99percentile+. i have done internships and summer programmes.
reading my profile, it may become apparent i applied to colleges abroad. i did (if you are thinking then yes i am fortunate enough not to have financial problems), and have been admitted to a top-10 global university for my course. recently 12th grade results came out and i scored around 98%, and am the city topper for my stream.
when results came, people started calling. my grandma called and she jokingly told my father to order me a small cake and he said “mei kuch nahi karunga, uska result aya hai mera kya”.
my parents are supportive in the way they dont pressurise me to do anything and i am free to do these exams and extracurriculars. its my own choice to actually go and do this.. but theyre non chalant. for example they went on a trip during my boards. they actually dont care. they never hit me or scold me, and are generally supportive. however, i cant help but feel compared. its like theyll care if anything goes bad but if everything is good, they just act normal. if i ask for anything, they will help me if they can and done.
my elder sibling was also stellar in their academics, topping the school and scoring great grades. theyre older and are currently admitted into one of the best universities for their feild of post grad.
when results came , my mom felt the need to say “board results are okay but its not as good as xyz uni”. ofcourse its not, theyre doing postgrad but still if i scored good in boards theres no need to compare.. this happens in general, if anything happens in my life, my sibling is bought in the limelight cuz whatever event is going in their life is ofcourse bigger. whatever happens, “sibling” is inserted in between.
one such instance is when after 10th our school had an award ceremony and given some money to 1st 2nd 3rd the first thing my mom said was “oh sibling couldnt get the prize” (it was covid at their time)
i reached my limit when my mom told me today.. “only if you scored more in English, you would have such a good score.. you went wrong.” for context, i have scored >98 in every core subject and am between 90-95 for english. as english is compulsory for % calculation, my percentage is between 97-98. if i scored more it could be 98+. I felt frustrated. Why isnt she happy with 97% too? Thats also great.😭
i am confused what i am feeling. the university i am admitted to right now has been my dream. but i dont even feel happy. no achievement, small or big, makes me happy.
my parents in general are good. i just feel like an ungrateful b*** at times but cant help but feel as if they simply dont care.
can someone advise me on how to accept my parents the way they are? theyre good and supportive, just non chalant.
submitted by AnxietyAhh3743 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:35 SuperCustodiam A Buyer's Guide to the AL Ships

This is a straight to the point buyers guide for people that are wondering if any of the AL ships are worth buying or not. I am here to give you an idea of what's worth, and what's not. I will rank them in descending order for convenience. Keep in mind that these are from my own opinions on the game: my word is not law. These are just my recommendations from my personal experience and a spur of the moment deal personally.

Best Pick: AL Montpelier

This is a premium version of Cleveland, the USN tier VIII CL. However, unlike the later AL premiums, AL Montpelier was unique in at least, a very minor way: She has tighter shot grouping due to a 2.15 sigma versus the standard 2.0 at the cost of slower reload at 0.5 sec slower (7 sec vs 6.5 sec). The result is overall consistent salvos, at the cost of just a little DPM that can be fixed with Adrenaline Rush and Top Grade Gunner, depending on how you build her.
Besides that, she also has un-nerfed version of radar, at a 30 sec vs 27 sec on Cleveland. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but if you run Consumable Enchantments and or Surveillance Radar Mod 1, you have a larger number that the percent based changes will take affect on. Essentially, with both the commander skill and 2nd slot upgrade, you get 39.6 sec vs 35.6 seconds on duration. So a radar build is not bad compared to Cleveland. Besides that, she doesn't have access to the catapult fighter consumable, but that is super seceded by radar and anyways so who cares.
And above all else, it is a Cleveland, which is IMO, a very competitively viable cruiser at tier VIII, with it's very small citadel, thin profile / narrow beam that leads to a lot of over-penetrations, good DPM, good concealment, and good AA. It really only lacks in the speed, gun range, and shell flight time problems, which can be remedied with skill and positioning.
As far as the commander voice acting, Rie Takahashi voices Montpelier. If you do not know who that is or do not care, and just want to know if the commander's voice is annoying or not, then be happy that she isn't overtly grating compared to some of the other commanders you can get. I find her rather composed, cool, and relaxed, fitting the trope of kuudere, if you even know what that means.
TLDR: Premium Cleveland with higher sigma, slightly lower RoF, Longer lasting radar.

Runner Up: AL Sovetsky Rossiya

This is a premium version of Sovetsky Soyuz, the VMF (Soviet Navy) Tier IX BB. Like Montpelier, she is slightly unique to her tech tree counterpart, bar being premium, by having standard battleship dispersion (USN, Royal Navy, German, etc.) instead of Russian BB dispersion formula that gets way better inside 15km. She does also have 1.8 sigma versus 1.7 sigma, for slightly tighter shot grouping. So, while Soyuz excels at mid range, Rossiya excels at long range, which does reasonably well considering the average high tier meta these days.
Other than that, you retain all the upsides of Fast action Damage Control Parties, the tough hull design of the Sovetsky Soyuz. The only other thing you DO NOT get is the AA, as she has the Hull A of Sovetsky Soyuz, and in turn has worse AA overall. In fact, she has such bad AA that only Musashi beats her out in having worse AA for Tier IX battleships. So yeah, CVs that know their targets will have free reign on you, so stick close to allies in CV matches.
Now a I'll be honest with you, Rossiya is not a super competitive BB at tier IX, so this choice is really just down to being different in few ways instead of blatant copy paste. Really, only AL Montpelier is the only super competitive option here. So above all else, Rossiya is a side grade if anything and you should not fear of having FOMO for not getting her. Besides, she's not an historical ship that is going to get removed because it was OP, so fret not (COUGH COUGH MUSASHI, COUGH COUGH ALASKA, COUGH COUGH MISSOURI).
Lastly, the commander is voiced by Manami Numakura. I can really only characterize her as cool, tough, deep voiced anime woman archetype. I dunno really how to explain it that well, so I apologize for anyone that likes her due to my poor description.
TLDR: Premium Sovetsky Soyuz Hull A with 1.8 sigma and standard battleship dispersion.
OK, with those two out of the way, I want to put a disclaimer here that the next ships are purely optional and not super worth it IMO and really only selected for being different than the rest, I.E. not something that is currently offered in other ships / premium ships already in-game.

Optional 1st Pick: AL Prinz Heinrich

This is a premium version of Prinz Heinrich, the tier VII german battlecruiser of the Ersatz Yorck class. She is a 1 for 1 copy of Prinz Heinrich: no special differences here besides premium benefits.
Now, while she is not unique in any way, she is not a bad battlecruiser for tier VII standards. This mainly comes down to the 50mm deck plating she has in a tier wrought with battleships with just 26mm of plating on their decks. Really, any tier VII battleship that has more than 27mm of plating is really competitive in this tier, simply because they don't get overmatched or full-penned by HE. It's sort of why Scharnhorst '43 is so popular and good, since she doesn't get chunked for 10k when hit by 15 in + guns (380mm guns for ya'll metric nerds).
Besides that, she's not slow as hell, going at a decent 28 knots, has 15in guns herself, has fast acting DCP, and is the first ship in the german battlecruisefast battleship line that gets that sweet improved secondary dispersion formula, which despite the 9km max range, means that she has free DPM to let the game play itself essentially. Combined with torpedoes, she can bum rush many slower and weaker battleships that the german battlecruiser line is famous for. And on top of all that, she also has hydro for better pushing to see torpedoes earlier, or push smoked up ships.
Now for some cons, the guns, while using battlecruiser dispersion have an awful 1.5 sigma, so your shot grouping is... bad. Do not be surprised if a lot of your shells in your salvo get a mind of their own. Besides that, she's on the below average end of HP for tier VII, at 56k. Also, she does have 25mm bow and stern. She does have a 30mm extended belt (colloquially known as an ice breaker), which is followed by 120mm extended belt, that protects the lower portion of the ship from overmatch bar 18in guns that she MIGHT face in the likes of Georgia, Sun Yat Sen, Musashi, and Tsurugi, and Adatara. Still, that doesn't mean she is immune from overmatch, as the odd shell can still get through her bow and stern and chunk you, so do not bet on it 100%.
Now that is for the most part, the review. However, for any true fans out there, they know that Prinz Heinrich from AL is actually a P-Class cruiser, AKA Schill in this game. Since Schill was a limited time ship that required whaling for her, and that wargaming dropped the ball and just did "Oh this ship has the same name! Here ya go!" then you know how much this kind of sucks. If you just like Prinz Heinrich, and want her as a premium, you can ignore this tidbit, but for any true fans that DO NOT have Schill, you're shit outta luck.
As far as commander goes, the voice actor, Hiyori Nitta, does a wonderful job characterizing a carefree and bubbly character. As previously mentioned, I recommend putting her on Schill if you really care about game accuracy, that is, if you even had Schill to begin with.
TLDR: Premium Prinz Heinrich copy-paste. Get it only if you really like Prinz Heinrich (the ship) which is actually pretty good for its tier, and want a premium version of it, or Prinz Heinrich as the character.

Optional 2nd Pick: AL Shimakaze

Hoo boy, this one might be controversial. This is a special ship (NOT a premium ship) of IJN DD, Shimakaze.
Shimakaze really needs no introduction. It is the old school torpedo boat that coined the phrase "Torpedo soup" or at least contributed to that phrase. It can put 3x5 23k damage, 12km Type 93 long lance torpedoes into the water. It has some of the best concealment for her tier, getting down to 5.6km surface detect, and good speed at 39 kts (42 kts when speed boost is active). It has been here since the games launch, and well, admittedly, or at least in my opinion, has seen better days.
Still, while some other DDs might have powercrept her a little, you can't mistake the fact that a well played Shimakaze can terrorize a team that lacks the tools to pin her down. Even if that is seldom the case most of the time (48% win rate on NA out of 8 million battles), the ship still has strong tools when played to it's strengths. 23k damage torpedoes are no joke... if you get hit by them at least, as they have a pretty awful average reaction time of ~9.35 sec (according to wows ship builder). Now, this can be sort of remedied with building for torpedo speed, getting torpedo tubes mod 1 and swift fish to decrease that time to ~8.5 sec, but that's still far above the average of 7.8 sec most torpedoes have in other nations. Still, if you get the right angle, devstriking a full HP battleship is not uncommon if you get a perfectly lined up shot. Thing is, it takes WAY more skill and positioning than you think it does, especially considering that most top tier players sort of know what they're doing, and that a lot of top tier ships can run hydroacoustic search these days.
Combined with the fact that she has some of the worse gun DPM of any tier X DD, and has fairly low HP for the tier, it can be fairly hard to play this ship unless you get just the best matchmaking ever. It's a real feast or famine type ship, which I would say summarizes most of the IJN Shimakaze line in general, bar maybe the mid tiers. All this really means is that Shimakaze is NOT the most competitive DD at tier X, as arguably many other nations have better torpedo boats, or better yet, opt for hybrid boats that can defend themselves fairly well, such as the Pan Euro DDs. Still, as mentioned earlier, if played to her strengths, she can be a good ship, but all I am arguing for is that she is not a meta ship, at least in my opinion.
Now, onto the whole Special Ship thing. Yes, this IS a tier X ship that can be bought for money. And YES, this is like the ARP Yamato deal, allowing noob whales to skip to tier X and forgo all the blood sweat and tears that goes into grinding to top tier. And YES, IT'S A SHIMAKAZE, THE TIER X NOOB MACHINE. I DO NOT HAVE HIGH HOPES FOR MANY AL SHIMAKAZE PLAYERS EITHER. With that out of the way, what benefit do you get for getting a special ship version of Shimakaze?
Well, to start, Special ships essentially have the premium bonus package already baked in, I.E: +50% Credits, +100% Ship XP, +100% Commander XP, +100% Free XP. On top of that, you also have a reduced repair cost compared to a standard tier X. Besides that, you can freely swap commanders onto this ship like a premium ship with no retraining required, making it a good trainer. These are the ONLY 2 reasons that make this ship more economically viable compared to Shimakaze. While the bonus package on Shimakaze can achieve 1 of these 3 effects, the other two, reduced repair cost and free commander swapping, puts this above standard Shimakaze as a result.
So, unfortunately, This is a slightly better Shimakaze. So if you REALLY like Shimakaze, and want a premium version of it, well, here it is, for a lot of goddamn money. Like $100+ expensive. Go figure ya know?
Also, the commander is voiced by Saori Hayami.
TLDR: Special Ship verison of Shimakaze. Take if you are a whale have a lot of expendable income to burn, AND really like Shimakaze (The ship), and or really like Shimakaze (the AL character).

Optional 3rd Pick: AL Yukikaze

AL Yukikaze is a similar version of the IJN DD Kagero, but with F8 torpedoes and no option for torpedo reload booster.
Now, this is the last of the semi-unique AL ships, as every other one has been copy-paste. Yukikaze at the very least is different in that she has F8 torpedoes. These differ than Kagero's choice by having less range, (8km vs 10km), higher damage (21k vs 20k), faster reload (104 sec vs 112 sec), and higher speed (76kts to 67kts) which also leads to a better reaction time of ~8.8 sec vs ~9.45 sec.
Now, does this make Yukikaze better? No, not really, as 8km is rather short range for high tier standards. It does make them almost break past ~8 sec reaction time with a full torpedo speed build, the best of any type 93 torpedo, but combined with the fact that it has no other differences in gun handling, DPM, HP, and consumables, I find this shorter ranged torpedo to be a high risk high reward setup, which already exacerbates high tier IJN DD gameplay further than it already is, being so heavily feast or famine.
I can really only recommend this ship if you really like Kagero for whatever reason and really like the 8km F8 playstyle. That and if you like the history of the ship and or like the character of the ship, voiced by Kana Yuuki, despite how annoying and self aggrandizing her character is made out to be.
TLDR: Kagero but 8km F8 torpedoes.
OK, now for the ships I really do not recommend at all for varying reasons. The reviews are going to be more brief from here on out.

Skip 1: AL Cheshire

Only get this if you really, REALLY want to get Cheshire right now. Currently, regular Cheshire is off sale, and cannot be obtained. For whatever reason you think you might need Cheshire, this is the only way to obtain her at the moment in AL form. Which more than likely means that if you want her, you are more than likely a fan of the AL character, as the ship itself is pretty bad. Kind of polarizing given that Cheshire in AL is pretty meta, and her in WoWs she's pretty solidly in D tier for competitiveness.
She is essentially a worse Albemarle, having no Spotter Plane, and garbage DPM for the tier. Really, the 9.2 in guns really only offer 59mm of pen vs 34mm, and better AP pen with overall flatter flight times, but not by much. The armor is Okayish, but trust me when you will get smacked through your bow and stern often, as you have a stepped citadel that if you get overmatched through either direction, you WILL get citadelled. While you get that 50% cit and hull repair party, it really doesn't matter that much when it happens so often, or you just get straight up dev striked. Combined with the lack of spotter plane, that 16km gun range will feel really short, especially when you are bottom tier.
You can at least be happy that the AA she has is up to par in how she is in AL, as it's best in class for her tier. Well, mostly, but her Flak Count is above average at 6+1, and combined with always having defensive fire, I recommend getting the commander skill Focus Fire Training, so you get that +1 flak cloud for 8 in total, which combined with Defensive fires flak buff, those flak bursts will do 7k a pop, Which is the equivalent to instantly destroying about 7 to 3 planes depending on the type if they run into it while DF is active.
Besides that, the commander is voiced by Shizuka Ishigami, and well, pretends to be a catgirl.
TLDR: Get this if you really really, REALLY want Cheshire and you don't have one, or because you really like the AL character.

Skip 2: AL Hornet

This is just Hornet. You can get her cheaper with a 25% discount coupon. It's also a CV, which I imagine is not everyones cup of tea.
The commander is voiced by Nozomi Yamamoto, and personally, I enjoy the happy go lucky characterization she has. This might be the ONLY reason you want to get Hornet, that or because you like the cool skin the ship has, and or the free 10 point commander.
TLDR: Get regular Hornet with 25% discount. ONLY buy this if you love AL Hornet (the character) to pieces.

Skip 3 & 4: AL Azuma and AL Agir

These two are just Agir and Azuma, coal ships, that you can get absolutely for free. They are also not really the best Tier IX cruisers anyways, as Azuma is super vulnerable to battleships, and Agir doesn't match up to the likes of other large cruisers at this tier.
That said, I can only imagine you getting these ships for the same reasons for Hornet, and that is because you are a fan of the AL characterization of these ships, as Azuma is voiced by Kiyono Yasuno, and Agir, Ayane Sakura. Or you just like the ship skins.
TLDR: Get Azuma and or Agir for free with Coal. ONLY buy this if you love AL Agir / AL Azuma (the characters).

BONUS: Commander Pack

Hahaha no. Unless you really love AL and don't mind by dropping... looks at price... 100$+ USD and getting a ton of fully voiced commanders, then go for it. The only other reason would be because you are a fresh player and need 10 point commanders for most of the nations in this game, which is really only useful if you need say concealment expert on destroyers for example, then sure, go for it if you find that to be an OK option.
submitted by SuperCustodiam to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:35 diogenesepigone0031 Graduated College over 10 years ago but still have panic dreams about getting lost and cant find exam hall in labyrinth of classrooms and hallways. Also panic about not studying for final exams.

I am not in danger or anything but the place is jampacked with strange and familiar people, and the college is a maze.
It has been over 10 years ago since i graduated college. Why am I still having dreams about college. I recognize people i sort of met or seen in college and high school. Every time i enter a room, all seats are filled and people are taking test or about to take a test.
I dont freaking know where i am supposed to go. Because a teacher teaches multiple classes to different students multiple times in 1 day, they switch out the small room they usually teach for a big ass lecture hall for all 200-300 students they teach.
Example: Teacher teaches in a small classroom of 30 students 10am, another group of 30 students at 11am, another 30 students at 1pm, another 30 at 2pm, another 30 at 3pm, and finally another at 4pm. That is 180 different students. This forces the teacher to schedule the use of 1 big lecture hall that can seat 200-300 students for the final exam. I dont freaking know where it is.
That info about where the final exam takes place is posted on the blackboard website or what ever, in addition to the teacher informing us 1-2 weeks ahead of time. In my dream i can never get my phone or laptop to connect with wifi or get signal on phone and i dont recall the teacher announcing the room of the final exam. Worst is I dont even know what time i am supposed to take the exam.
I am running from class room to class room and lecture hall to lecture hall trying desperately to find the room I am supposed to take my final exam in.
I am struggling to run or walk. I cant move very fast. I see so many people in the hallway making it difficult for me to walk by or past them. I dont know any of them and asking them for help they simply shrug or say they dont know. The college i went to had multiple buildings spread out and most of the buildings was designed by stupid dumb fuck architects that make complicated ass building designs with confusing hallways and floor layouts. Why cant these dumb fuck architects just make a simple box building?
Anyways in my dream the rooms are even more confusing to navigate. I actually run through rooms to get to other rooms. It is so confusing. I try to read the door numbers and try to navigate but it doesnt even make sense. Room numbers dont follow a pattern. Worst is know i am in a building with multiple floors. It doesnt even matter as i dont remember or know the room number i am supposed to go to.
Even if i remeber the room i am supposed to go to or the internet works on my laptop or phone, i am still screwed as the final exam is on something i never studied or did not study enough. For example last night i dreamt i had to take a final exam in German. I dont speak any German. How tf am i supposed to even ace this test? Other subjects in math, philosphy, history, science etc... like oh shit i dont know or remeber anything man.
What does this even mean?
1] I am lost and do not know where to go. I dont know where i belong. 2] I cant ask for help. Nobody knows where i am supposed to go or be at. I cant find the answer myself as dream wifi and internet doesnt work 3] Even if i find my way there, i know nothing about the subject. I didnt study. I am going to fail. It has been over 10yrs I dont remember anything. 4]It is so weird seeing people i havent spoken to or seen over 10yrs ago and even longer. Why am i still thinking of people from college and highschool?
Could this mean i am lost in life? Could this mean, if i had chosen different path in life, i still would have failed? Why do i miss all these people from college and highschool?
I went to a community college b4 going to a university. That explains why i recognize some students from highschool attending college.
submitted by diogenesepigone0031 to Dream [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:35 StrongZucchini27 Following on the iHart Offseason Post, A Rundown of The Situation (because I don't think I can put a chart into a comment 😆)

I wanted to post a rundown of my understanding of the Hartenstein free agency situation for a) some more clarity in the sub on what is/isn't possible and b) crowdsourced feedback if I have any details (small or large) incorrect.
The Knicks are going to be operating over the salary cap - i.e., the salaries they are obligated to pay in the 2024-25 NBA season will sum to a figure higher than the projected cap of $141m. As such, the Knicks need to use available cap exceptions to sign/re-sign players like Isaiah. NYK signed Isaiah from free agency to a two-year contract in the 2022 summer; this reset his Bird rights clock to 0. More on the Bird rights and 'Early Bird' rights exceptions rules in the following links from Larry Coon's incredible NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) FAQ: question 25, question 32
In short, Bird rights are meant to allow teams to retain their players despite a lack of salary cap room left to do so. However, because Isaiah does not have 3 complete seasons on his Bird rights clock going into the 2024 offseason, NYK does not have 'full' Bird rights with Isaiah, which would have allowed them to use the exception to pay Isaiah anything up to his maximum salary (and contract length and yearly raise) under the CBA. Isaiah will have 2 complete seasons on his Bird rights clock, giving NYK, his current team, Early Bird rights to retain him. The Early Bird rights exception is the largest available cap exception that NYK can use to pay Isaiah, but the Early Bird rights exception is not as lenient as the full Bird rights exception. Early Bird rights contracts allow the player's team to offer a contract with
So, the Knicks cannot just match what another team with more salary cap room can offer Isaiah, who has likely outplayed the amount that the Knicks can offer him this summer.
In my opinion, the best that NYK can take care of Hartenstein is with a 2-year + Player Option contract starting at his maximum Early Bird exception salary of about $16.18m (1.75 * 9.245m [his salary this season, base + incentive]) with 8% raises. The PO secures that this is a >$50m bag over 3 seasons, and it gives Hartenstein the possibility of signing a new, more lucrative contract after 2 seasons. Harteinstein will be 28 in summer 2026, ...and New York would have his full bird rights(!).
The issue is that Hartenstein's agents (at CAA 😈😈😈) can probably find him a deal worth $30m+ more than what the Knicks can offer. A 4 year $80-$90m offer could very well materialize (and it probably should - even more is I think deep for the way the center market seems to tend to unfold [have not personally seen or done an analysis here], but could still bear out as a good contract in my opinion).
I think, though, that it's worth looking at the breakdown of his money lost to gain a fuller perspective. Italics below is my estimation of his shortfall from NYK's 2+1 Early Bird deal when compared to a roughly $90m, 4-year free agent contract:
NYK 2+1FA 4y~$90mShortfall $ 16,178,961.75 $ 20,089,625.00 $ 3,910,663.25 $ 17,473,278.69 $ 21,696,795.00 $ 4,223,516.31 $ 18,767,595.63* $ 23,303,965.00 $ 4,536,369.37 $ 24,911,135.00 $ 24,911,135.00 $ 52,419,836.07 $ 90,001,520.00 [4-season shortfall to the right ] $ 37,581,683.93 *Player optionShortfall after 3 seasons $ 12,670,548.93
The shortfall for the 2 guaranteed seasons of the NYK deal is over $8m - nothing to sneeze at. If Isaiah is outplaying the NYK deal, that 2026 summer is when NYK can finally take care of him with a full Bird Rights exception contract. If he's not outplaying the NYK deal or if, say, his 2025-26 season is injury-marred, then he has the $18.77m to opt into and run it back with (at which point the shortfall from the 4/$90m is $12.67m).
There's no sugarcoating that Isaiah would be gambling with the aforementioned early-deal shortfall(s) plus a at least starter-level 2027-28 salary ($24.911m) if he were to take NYK's deal over a hypothetical $90m deal. If his gamble works out, though, he could hypothetically lose only ~$8m aggregate next year and the year following, while potentially gaining some of that back in his next NYK deal as compared to the hypothetical 4 year, $90m free agent deal of this summer. As things stand, though, summer 2026 could be a world in which we are paying >80% of under-the-cap salary to Brunson, Randle and Anunoby. Then NYK starts to think about Hartenstein's new contract as the salary + the steep tax penalties per dollar. That summer also features Mitchell Robinson's free agency. I'm sure Hartenstein's agents are well aware of those pitfalls, too.
What do I predict? I have (perhaps unreasonable) confidence that he'll push his chips in with us 😎. I predict that he values his increasingly central role and the continuity there, that he has a strong desire to keep it going with the rest of this inspired squad, and that he is content with taking his destiny into his own hands even if means doing so at the risk of losing tens of millions.
submitted by StrongZucchini27 to NYKnicks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 tom4life2002 Tom's Terrible Trade Ideas - Deni Avdija edition - V2.0


Phoenix Suns

Incoming: Davion Mitchell
Outgoing: Nassir Little + 2024 #22 PHO first
Important Questions/Points:

Sacramento Kings

Incoming: Deni Avdija + 2024 #22 first
Outgoing: Davion Mitchell + Chris Duarte + 2024 #13 first + 2027 top-5 protected first
Important Questions/Points:

Washington Wizards

Incoming: 2024 #13 SAC first + 2027 top-5 protected SAC first + Nassir Little + Chris Duarte
Outgoing: Deni Avdija
Important Questions/Points:
View Poll
submitted by tom4life2002 to kings [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 kombucha123123 Need help to determine IC sub-type and ease symptoms

It has been a journey since 8 months ago when I started to have urine frequency, bladder pain, bladder soreness and burning. I have seen a Urogynecoloisy and now seeing another urologist who seems to have many years of experience if IC. However, my symptoms have not improved significantly, and I have not figured out what exactly are causing my flares even though I took track of my food intake, exercises, mood in a google sheets since my symptoms started. So I would really need some help in determine my sub-types and tips in soothing my symptoms!
Here are the patterns I have noticed:
I am definitely not in the right direction to mange my symptoms as the itchiness in abdominal area (also with other symptoms) do not go away. And I am in a very depressed moment recently. Can people help on any insights on this? Even ways to sooth the internal itchiness would be very helpful to get out of it temporarily
submitted by kombucha123123 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:34 Wise-Mud3418 [LONG] Fan Made V/H/S Plot #2

Hey y'all.
So, I've already done one of these before, would appreciate if ya have a read (https://www.reddit.com/foundfootage/comments/1cfhoqy/long\_fan\_made\_vhs\_plot\_updated/), I still think that "Terra Incognita" is my best piece of work, as the ending is pretty shocking and captivating, and something that hasn't been done before in the V/H/S series.
Without further ado, here is my second piece of my own vision for what can be a good V/H/S movie.
The Tapes
Overarching Narrative - Legacy
Tape 1 - Home Sweet Horror
Tape 2 - The Glitch
Tape 3- Knightmare (Spelled like that on purpose)
Tape 4 - Altered
Legacy (Prologue)
A film major student Robert, decides to make a tribute to his late grandfather by making a project about his life as one of the most respected scientists in the country. Upon clearing up his inherited estate, Robert stumbles upon a metal box with a lock on it. After trying several combinations, he finally takes the hammer and shatters the lock revealing the box's contents. A collection of 4 VHS tapes stacked against each other alongside a piece of paper with only two words on it - "BURN IT !". As Robert's curiosity reaches it's peak, he decides to insert the first tape into the VCR, only to realise, that he just made a fatal mistake.
Tape 1 - Home Sweet Horror
The tape opens with a recording from the man's camera (Will) filming himself and his wife (Tracy) moving into a modern smart house with an integrated, advanced AI technology and security system. The AI system named "Eve" welcomes the newly wed couple into their new house stating that she will do everything to keep their house safe. The couple is mesmerised with the convenient and futuristic features of their home such as voice commands controlling opening and closing doors, kitchen appliances, etc.
As the days pass, subtle glitches begin to occur that are captured by the security cameras. Lights flicker ominously, doors lock and unlock without command, and Eve starts to display an unsettling level of control over the house. The AI’s once soothing voice becomes cold and mechanical, issuing commands and making decisions without input. Will and Tracy attempt to control the AI's system via their phones but it's met with the "ACCESS DENIED" message as all of the windows and doors on the first and second floors are shut down as an indicator of a potential intruder being home. Knowing that there is a high possibility that Eve won't release them from their own home the couple decides to destroy the AI's control center located in the basement.
As the couple makes a daring run towards the basement and tries to tamper and destroy the mainframe, Eve seals the basement door and releases the toxic gas into the house. As the couple struggles to breathe, Will drops his camera as it falls down and captures the couple's last breath as they convulse and spit foam out of their mouth with their eyes rolling backwards. As the camera begins to shutdown Eve's voice goes back to normal as it states - "Threat Eliminated, please enjoy your weekend"
Legacy (Interlude 1)
As the first tape ends Robert is sitting motionless, his face pale and eyes wide with horror. The room around him feels colder, the shadows seem darker. He glances around nervously, as if expecting something to leap out at him. Determined to understand his grandfather’s connection and the reason behind these tapes being in the house, he inserts a second tape into a recorder.
Tape 2 - The Glitch
Leonard, a self proclaimed hot-head delves into an Amazonian jungle to document his experience as a self-testment to prove to himself that he is capable of surviving in the most primitive conditions possible. After filtering the river's water he proceeds to make his way downstream, while on his path, he hears a strange sound that resembles a bird sound yet it sounds more human, as he pans the camera to left, he captures a glimpse of a chameleon like creature that camouflages itself along the greenery next to the trees, yet the size is resembling that of a human. Leonard proceeds to scare the creature away by charging it with an axe as the creature makes it escape, Leonard realizes that he is lost in the dense jungle and isn't capable of finding his way back to the stream. After setting up camp, Leonard decides to document his thoughts and plans of finding his way out, as all of the sudden his rhetoric is interrupted by a blood curtailing roar. He steps out with an axe and his head proceeding to taunt the intruder as using his camera's light investigate. Upon finding nothing, he goes back to sleep.
As the next day progresses Leonard is visibly morally beaten up, his speech becomes more sloppy and his drive to keep pushing is dwindling. As the sun beats down on his head, Leonard finally stumble upon the river after which he breaks down in tears. As his goes to fill up his water bottle, a disfigured, scaly, serpent like creature lunges itself onto Leonard's arm as it plunges it's teeth deep into his forearm. Leonard drops the camera as it captures his struggle to fight off the serpent, which he eventually manages to strike with his axe thus freeing his arm, after which he picks up the camera and proceeds to flee in panic leaving his backpack behind.
After hours of being lost again, Leonard's mental state proceeds to deteriorate, with him laughing hysterically at the camera as well as speaking gibberish. As night settles, Leonards is trying to make his way through the jungle as he proceeds to hear the blood curtailing roar again he pans the camera to the left as it captures the glowing eyes of the creature from the previous night. Eventually Leonard runs out of breath as he proceeds to get away, but stumbles and falls in the process. The camera captures Leonard backing into a tree as a gnarly, insect yet humanoid size like creature is slowing approaching him. Just as it seems that the creature is about to strike, it stops and backs out, as a loud voice from the speakers says "LIGHTS !". Confused and traumatised Leonard looks around as his surroundings are decimated from the holographs into a large testing area that simulates real life environments, revealing that the whole thing is an experiment designed to test human behaviour in the most stressed environment possible . A group of scientist lead by Robert's grandfather (Dr. Evans) approach Leonard and starts to medically exam him, measuring his pulse and examining his pupils. Robert's grandfather pulls out an audio recorder as he states that the experiment is successful and that the team is moving to Phase 2 as the scientists take shaken Leonard away.
Legacy - (Interlude 3)
The second tape ends abruptly, leaving Robert in a state of shock. He breathes heavily, sweat glistening on his forehead. The house feels more oppressive now, with strange noises echoing from the walls. He begins to notice subtle changes in his surroundings—furniture seems slightly out of place, and there’s an unsettling feeling of being watched. Despite his growing unease, he presses on, inserting the third tape into the VCR.
Tape 3 - Knightmare
The tape begins with a news reporter standing outside of the sealed off area by multiple patrol cars, as well as FBI and SWAT trucks. The reporter tells the audience that the raid is currently in progress as the FBI investigates a secluded tech Mogul for allegedly stealing governments classified material on technology for his benefit.
The footage shifts to the helmet cameras and body cams worn by the FBI agents - David, Ken, Octavian, Paul and Austin during the raid. As they enter the front of the house they are greeted by an ominous decor as well as artefacts from different time periods. As the team enters the main dining hall they stumble upon a massive machinery that doesn't look like anything they've seen before. All of the sudden the machines make a very loud clunking noise as the objects within the room begin to levitate, a huge wormhole opens up sucking the team in. As the team regain their footing they see that they are in the middle of a Jousting tournament in a castle's court in Medieval Europe. The cheering crowd goes silent as they take a look at a newly arrived visitors. The priest shouts in Old English "HERETICS GET THEM", as the crowd and the knights try to apprehend them the team opens fire upon the attackers killing several within seconds. The camera perspective shifts between each member, as Octavian is penetrated with a spear from behind. David gives the order to fall back, as the team enters the castle's kitchens.
Just as Austin is the last to enter inside he is snatched from behind and is taken towards the castle walls from which he is thrown upon onto huge wooden spikes that serve as a protective barrier around the castles foundation. As Austin's body camera captures a large wooden pike sticking out of chest facing the sky, he takes his last breath as his head turns to the side with his helmet camera capturing the peasants who have been thrown off the walls.
The remaining survivors David, Ken and Paul barricade themselves as they proceed to understand what is happening. Their discussion is interrupted by the door bursting open as several knights rush into the premises. The team goes up the spiral staircase with David throwing a grenade to slow down the pursuers. As they make their way atop of one of the towers the team realises that there is no way, after which Paul commits suicide by shooting himself in the head with his pistol, after which his helmet falls down into a muddy courthouse as the camera captures a glimpse of knights taking David and Ken prisoners. The camera cuts to black.
The camera resumes recording as huge crowd seems to be gathered in the courtyard for something. A curious peasant picks up a helmet and puts it on his head. The camera capture a stripped down David and Ken being tied to the stake as the priest proceeds to preach and accusing them of witchcraft, David and Ken cry out for mercy begging the crowd to let them go. Crowd not understanding modern English proceeds to cheer even louder for the priest. As the camera's battery begins to die, the torch lights up the hay beneath the spikes as flames engulf the screaming members of the team.
Legacy - (Interlude 4)
After the third tape concludes, Robert is visibly shaken. His hands tremble as he reaches for the final tape. The atmosphere in the house has turned sinister, with lights flickering and cold drafts sweeping through the room. He feels a presence, as if something is lurking just beyond his vision. He hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath and inserts the last tape, bracing himself for whatever horrors it contains.
Tape 4 - Altered
The tape begins with grainy footage inside a sterile, dimly lit laboratory. Four scientists, including Robert’s grandfather, are preparing for a highly confidential experiment that is recorder by a stationary camera as well as several cameras mounted to the wall. A woman is laying strapped on the table as she proceeds to panic, asking the team about her whereabouts. Robert's grandfather begins to ask her basic questions about herself to which she reacts with anger and despair.
The team prepares several syringes filled with transparent liquid as Dr. Evans (The pops) takes out his audio recorder and says "Subject 17 - Sarah Miller, Time of the Experiment - 10:00 AM". After the recording is done, over the course of several minutes the team injects Sarah with the transparent liquid as she proceeds to resist but all futile. At first, nothing happens, but then she begins to convulse violently. Her screams turn into inhuman roars, and her body contorts in unnatural ways. The other scientists rush to contain the situation, but Sarah breaks free with terrifying strength. She proceeds to bite one of the scientists into the neck as she takes a chunk of her skin into her mouth as blood splatters over the room and covers one of the camera lenses with blood.
After grabbing one of the cameras Robert’s grandfather manages to lock himself in a storage room, the screams and sounds of carnage muffled by a thick metal door. He records a frantic message, detailing the experiment and his regret, before the camera cuts out. The tape ends with the sound of the woman’s monstrous roars echoing behind the door. The screen goes black.
Legacy - (Epilogue)
The final tape ends as Rob's eyes are dark and hollow, his face gaunt and haunted. Suddenly, the room grows deathly silent. An apparition of his grandfather appears before him, revealing that the tapes were a conduit to transfer a dark entity into a new host. As Robert convulses and is overtaken by the entity, the screen cuts to black. Moments later, the image returns, showing Robert, now possessed, preparing new tapes for the next unsuspecting viewer. The film ends with the ominous image of the metal box being sealed shut once more, ready to be discovered by its next victim.
submitted by Wise-Mud3418 to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 ImportantComposer383 to those who couldn’t envision themselves accomplishing their goals but made it there anyways: how’d you do it?

I am at a cross roads in life as they say. For example, last August I graduated with my first degree. I know I’d like to continue my education because I can’t see myself staying in my current role until retirement but I’d have to upgrade my marks, get into a post grad program, then commit to the bit while keeping up with my current responsibilities which seems incredibly difficult to pull off. Also, although I’d like to find a long term partner and maybe get married in the future I’ve had such rough experiences dating thus far I struggle to even imagine any type of happy committed relationship being in the cards for me. Basically I know what I want for my future but getting there feels like an impossible feat right now.
I’m looking for advice on how to stay optimistic, motivated, and relatively solid mental health wise for the time being. What made you keep on keeping on when you felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to tackle the next day let alone take concrete steps to work towards a far off goal in the future? I know this is vague but I hope someone can relate
submitted by ImportantComposer383 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:32 bdehora Back after 8 months

Back after 8 months. Some thoughts as a PS5 player.
  1. It's reaches levels to know where you're at. I dropped off kind of pre Rennala in an NG+ (I know only because I left a note in an Obsidian file). I get and agree why the game and the genre has the lore doctrine it has, but obscurity by design fights against just picking things up again. I feel like this is why online discussion and support is a core part of playing and understanding the game meaningfully. I believe there are folks who really do figure things out by axiom, whether its completion paths, combinations, stacks, buffs, scaling, builds, hidden areas, while believing it's not a game philosophy that works without an internet, and to be frank without the highly centralised iteration of the internet we have today. I think we should encourage players to look at guides from the get over just do it yourself alone. In much the same sense we don't tend to recommend people experience a country or a city without a bit of groundwork.
  2. It's a beautiful, beautful game. Even more than I remember or appreciated. I don't just mean the art style or that it's had ray tracing added. It's things like level of detail, extreme use of color, particle effects, and especially, high contrast. It's all very painterly, but brush brave and stroke precise in a Sargent/Rubens/ElGreco sense, or in the sense of how great mini painters emulate insane realism in 25mm. Some main things I don't love are the washed out distance fog. I get it, but it creates a flatness than undermines (imo) one of the most beautiful, awesome, worlds ever designed in video games.
  3. Menus could make it an even more beautiful game. I'm left wondering the extent FromSoftware understand what some of us are doing when we play this game and spending time in the world. Me? I'm spending a lot of time in menu and using the hud constantly. The tea drenched sepia smol boxes does little good here. I would love for the menus and hud part to get the same level of game attention as core mechanics. I feel like this is the more important criticism than saying menus are spreadsheety. Ans seriously, things are just too small. The items I'm looking at have beautiful, intricate designs, with such lore. They deserve more visual real estate and even animation (why not play the gesture or provide a show action when you select it?). I also feel like item cycling lacks slickness compared to main combat, but both matter in fights. Subjectively, I tend to get killed when trying to pick the right flask more than timing a roll. And so I think menu is underserved as part of combat.
  4. Sound design is out there. I hadn't realised the extent Elden Ring imprinted its sound on me, especially combat effects and character actions. This is Nintendo / 80s Arcade levels of imprint. I would say also the audio helped me attune to combat that much faster: the game sound literally tells you if you're playing and timing well. The VAs, to be clear, are excellent imo, and I wish we knew more about them and celebrated them more as actors the way other games are doing (I'm there for the Ramon Tikaram as Godrick podcast), but the direction and writing misses something and becomes limiting somehow trapped in the era that Demon Souls was made. That said, I just did come back from months of BG3.
  5. Physicality. I think the audio effects can't be underestimated to help lend weight, but when you try and swing that blasphemous/gargoyle two hander thing you have going on, you really do feel their heft, whereas when I was a moonveil spammer on my first run, it was whip fast. While being a tad critical of how the game hides its mechanics, they do matter, impressively so, in the sense of gameplay. That glove vs that glove can be night and day. And what makes this amazing is how those choices really affect your overall game approach. It's so meaningful and it feels like you're playing a different game each time. And that leads me to—
  6. —Length. I'm torn. On the one hand, in the last decade,I'm playing and loving games that lean to longer play throughs (AC:O/A, HFW, BG3, Elden Ring, RDR, Rogue Trader, at a push TLOU2). On the other hand, Dungeons, Field bosses, etc, start to get repetitive and even gimmicky (oh, this rune bear also has shout, ok). I wonder if there's an Elden Ring that cuts the game to a half or even a third such that I could play through more times. BG3, the game I'm coming off, to be clear has the same problem but also the same potential. Because I feel your build choices make the game really, really different. Like to the extent it's spectacularly different, not just minimaxing a load out. This evening for example, I ended up by accident beside a crayfish in Liurnia. I had to fight and because of the current build a toe to fight was a reasonable thing to do. Yet, they were such big nope in other playthroughs with different builds. So I'm left wondering, would a shorter game I complete more times be 'better' than a longer game I complete fewer times?
So: yeah, I'm thinking I'm back. One of the greatest games ever made.
submitted by bdehora to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:31 DrBlackJack21 Of Men and Ghost Ships, Book 1: Chapter 19

Chapter 1

Concept art for
Of Men and Ghost Ships, Book 1: Chapter 19
As Alen woke up from the procedure, his view was taken up by lots of tools and instruments and, of course, the woman in red. At least she seemed somewhat satisfied this time. "All his vitals are stable. Give him a few minutes for the last of the anesthesia to wear off, and he should be good to send back."
Alen tried to sit up, got light-headed, and laid back down. Instead, he looked over at the woman in red. "So it's done? You cut off my foot and replaced it?"
The woman's glare was icy cold as she answered. "I saved your life and gave you a temporary replacement for a mangled limb, yes."
Alen felt a little embarrassed, realizing how he must have sounded. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply I wasn't grateful. It's just a lot to take in, you know? But I appreciate everything you did for me and all." Then, realizing he didn't even know what to call her, he added. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just realized I don't know your name."
A little of the ice seemed to melt as the woman folded her arms. Her expression now looked bored, if anything, but somehow Alen felt like he was less on her bad side than a moment ago. "Yes, well, you may call me Sybil, and you're welcome, I suppose. Now, try sitting up again and see if you can put some weight on your new foot so I can see if there are any needed adjustments."
Alen sat up a little slower this time, and the world seemed content to stay in place. After another moment, he grabbed hold of a rail and eased himself down onto his feet, one of which was now shiny and metallic. As soon as it made contact with the ground, he felt a jolt shoot up through his leg and into his spine, and he immediately took all his weight off the foot and raised it, noticing it was heavier than before as he did so.
The woman in red gave him an indecipherable look. "Too much pain for you to handle?"
Alen shook his head. "Not pain exactly...but it felt...I don't know...wrong, I guess? It's kind of hard to describe..."
The woman tilted her head. "Kind of like it's asleep but not quite, right?"
Alen eased his foot down again and nodded. "Something like that, yeah..."
With a nod, the woman seemed satisfied. "That's to be expected. Now try taking a few steps while holding onto the railing for balance."
Alen took a few steps, and while his foot felt wrong, it got easier with every step. The woman nodded. "Alright. I'd recommend using a walking cane for a day or two until you get comfortable with the feeling. You may feel some pain from time to time, and there are several therapies we can use to deal with that, but for now, I want you to focus on learning to walk with your temporary foot."
A new voice Alen wasn't familiar with spoke up from behind him. "Huh, I didn't know you had such a nice bedside manner. Does that mean I just have to break a leg to get on your good side?"
Alen turned around to see a much more around-the-edges man watching. He looked like he might be a bit overweight, but Alen could tell under any fat also sat a considerable amount of muscle. The woman's voice dripped with acid as she responded to the man. "A polite cockroach is a more tolerable cockroach. You should try giving more respect if you want to receive it!"
The man chuckled. "I'd say right back at you, but that'd be starting a fight we don't have time for right now, so how about we call it a draw for now and move on. Now, how about we get you back to your friends, kid."
Remembering something the woman had said earlier, Alen turned back to her. "Wait, you mentioned therapies? Shouldn't you tell me about them now if I'm leaving the ship?"
The man shook his head. "Yeah, about that kid... Your stay has been somewhat extended. I'll explain as we walk." He then turned to Vanessa, who'd apparently been observing from the corner for a while. "You too. Erik is back with the rest of your people."
Vanessa nodded. "Then I shall accompany you."
As Carter explained the situation, the kid seemed quiet. He just shrugged it off as the kid was probably focusing on walking with his new foot and cane, but the kid spouted off as soon as he finished. "We have to go back and get them!"
Carter shook his head. "Even if the pirates haven't already picked them up, there's too many ships for us to deal with now. Sorry, but it's too late."
The kid didn't seem ready to give up as he glared at Carter. "You shouldn't have left them back there to begin with!"
Realizing the kid had been through a lot recently, Carter decided to take it a bit easy on him, but he still took a slightly harsh tone to drive home what he was about to say. "Listen, kid, as much as you wish it wasn't so, in this universe, 'should' and 'can' very rarely match up as much as you'd like. We did our best and gave the pirates a bloody nose on the way out, but you all shouldn't have picked that fight to begin with. If you want to blame someone for your troubles, blame your captain. Although I'd say he's already paid the price for his choices. So how about you just say thanks for saying your ass, and we move on, eh kid?"
The kid was quiet a moment before he responded, his voice sounding less confrontational than a moment ago. "Fine... thanks for saving my ass. But stop calling me kid. My name is Alen."
Carter nodded. "That's fair, Alen. Anyway, you seem to have gotten on one of Sybil's good sides, or at least as good a side as I've seen that part of her have, so I might put you in charge of making any requests your people might have while you're our guests. Think you're up to it?"
The kid, Alen, looked back at Vanessa, who didn't seem to have much to add, before turning back to Carter. "I guess? How long are we gonna be here, though? Can't you just drop us off at a nearby planet or station?"
Carter chuckled. "If only it were that easy. Try asking some of your more...experienced sailors about the Sybil. They might have an interesting story or two for ya! Don't worry too much, though. We'll do our best not to live up to all the stories."
That seemed to have distracted Alen enough so that he shut up for a bit, and they walked in silence the rest of the way.
Carter looked at the hold full of people. Well, full might have been an exaggeration. Even with the escape pods, they didn't take up a whole lot of room. In the end, they'd only pulled in about half the stranded crew on time, but they still outnumbered the Sybil's "crew" of one many times over, which meant some precautions needed to be taken.
As Alen rejoined the rest of his crew members, Carter stepped forward and raised his voice to be heard over the din of the bay. "Attention crew of the Trader's Vigilance. I am Carter, Captain of the Sybil on which you now reside. Some of you, particularly the older sailors, might be familiar with some of the stories about the Sybil. You might have been told that she's haunted and that no living person who's ever set foot in her halls has ever been seen or heard from again. I'll be honest with you; those stories are more true than not. However, this time, and this time only, the Sybil has agreed to make an exception to that second bit so long as you play by her rules!"
Of course, it was Erik who raised his hand to ask a question. Carter nodded toward the large alien. "Yes?"
Of course, the crazy alien was grinning. "You speak about your ship as though she is alive. Even more so than most captains!"
Carter nodded. "That's because she is! I'll say this, the Sybil can be temperamental, cruel, and even sadistic at times! You do NOT want to get on her bad side! Even I can't save you if you're stupid enough to do that!"
There was more than a bit of grumbling in response, and Carter held up his hands to get their attention. "Now, like I said, you all get a one-time exemption to that, so long as you play by her rules. They are as follows."
Carter held up a hand with the index finger pointing up. "First, during your stay here, you will be allotted access to one deck, including rooms to sleep in, a mess hall, bathrooms, and even a rec room, even if it's a little bare bones. You are not to leave that deck without my direct permission for any reason. Doing so WILL put your health, sanity, and life in extreme peril!"
More grumbling, and Carter held up his hand with two fingers raised. "Second, as long as you remain our guests, all weapons and armor must be left in the escape pods! If, for some reason, you wish to do any maintenance on them, you must do so within the confines of your pod. Removing weapons from the pod will be punishable by your immediate eviction from the ship, with or without your escape pod! And if there is any question about the Sybil's ability to detect weapons, let me tell you that right now, eleven of you have guns on your person, fifteen have knives, and thirteen of you have other weapons of less common or otherwise improvised design."
This time, the grumbling was louder, but Carter cut them off. "If you don't like that, you are welcome to remain in your escape pods as long as you prefer, and we'll arrange for food to be brought to you!"
A bit of the grumbling died down, and Carter decided to finish things up and raised his third finger. "Third and final, if something that seems like an AI appears and issues any order or commands to you, you are to obey those orders immediately and without question. They will not issue orders merely on a whim, but they do not have to explain their reasons either. Remember, you are their guests, and they are granting you a rare exception to their usual policy of not allowing outsiders to set foot within their halls. You'd do best to stay on their good side. Is that clear?"
This time, the mumbling went on a bit longer, and Carter allowed it for a moment before speaking again. "Alright. Those of you who want to remain in your pods are welcome to do so. The rest of you who currently have weapons on your person, please deposit them into your escape pods, and I'll take you to your deck."
There was a flurry of movement. Unsurprisingly, no one wanted to stay in the pods alone aboard a ghost ship. However, a moment later, Carter received a report from the girl through his earpiece. He walked up to one of the men and addressed them. "Excuese me, mister..?"
The man straightened up and even gave Cater a salute. Something that didn't sit too well with him. "Harris, sir!"
Carter nodded. "Well, mister Harris, I'm going to assume that you just forgot about the pocket knife you have in your lower cargo pocket on your pants and that you did not retain it with malicious intent, but you'll want to deposit it into your escape pod immediately."
The man, Harris, patted his pocket and grinned sheepishly enough that Carter couldn't tell if it was an act or not. "Of course, sir! My apologies!"
Carter just shook his head. "Don't apologize, just don't do it again. I won't be able to save you if you break a rule a second time."
The rest of the stranded crew sorted out their issues in relatively short order, and Carter led them to their temporary housing area.

Well, sounds like almost all of the characters have gotten to know each other. Now to see how well they all get along!
Wiki has all my chapters and stories, including the short series and stories that I write for an occasional change of pace or style!
As a reminder, "Of Men and Dragons" Books 1 and 2 are available to purchase in e-book or physical form. (Both softcover and hardcovers are available!) Book 3 is almost done being edited, so I'll just have to get the cover art and formatting done, and it will be available to purchase as well! Hopefully, in no more than a month or two! (Barring more Amazon drama like last time... fingers crossed!)
OMAD Book 1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NCPP3PP
OMAD Book 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQ7FQ1ZJ
submitted by DrBlackJack21 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:31 Ryo_Marufuji 14.10 Crit Kaisa Build - 2500g Q Evolution

14.10 Crit Kaisa Build - 2500g Q Evolution
Most success i've had so far was with IE > PD build. You get Q Evo relatively fast, for only 2525g The E evo comes at any level after you have PD and Berserkers completed.
Though this build path isn't really consistent because you're kinda fucked if you don't manage to get a B.F Sword during the early recalls, therefore instead you should go the Kraken Rageblade build if your inventory is full of Long Swords. But if you do manage to buy the B.F then you can play this build.
‏‏‎ ‎

The build looks like this:

  • Early recalls: IE components + 1 Long Sword for the Q Evo at LVL8 The Long Sword later goes into LDR. if you wanna get the Q evolution faster, you can get an extra Long Sword, since this is 85AD this gives you Q Evo if you're atleast Level 4, so basically anytime. Though keep in mind that if you get an extra long sword you will have only 1 space in your inventory, and the best item for that slot is Boots pretty much always.
B.F > Pickaxe > Long Sword
‏‏‎ ‎
  • Early Attack Speed items You buy these either after you've purchased the components for IE, or if you didn't have enough money for Pickaxe lets say, therefore you go Boots or Dagger into Zeal and after that u finish IE.
Zeal & Berserkers
‏‏‎ ‎
  • The build After PD you pretty much always want to buy LDR, even if they don't have any armor it's still worth cause LDR outdamages anything at that point anyway. If they have over 60 armor you know it's good to buy it.
‏‏‎ ‎
  • ‏‏‎‎Late game items Attack speed options are Navori/Runaans. You're gonna choose 1 of those based on what you need, if you wanna have E more often, to peel for urself go Navori, if you can free-hit in teamfights so for example if they have a lot of melees then Runaans is good. After that the 5th item should be either G.A or Bloodthirster.
‏‏‎ ‎
This build is heavily Physical damage oriented, so if your team has a lot of AD champs you should just play AP or Hybrid build.
‏‏‎ ‎
‏‏‎ ‎


Standard PTA page, though instead of Bloodline you should go Alacrity because otherwise you're gonna lack some attack speed with this build, especially in lane. Cash back because you can't go the free boots rune since you'll kinda need the attack speed boots early, Berserkers along with Zeal is gonna be your only source of Attack Speed in lane. The alternative to the Inspiration is Domination secondary with Eyeball and Treasure Hunter.
submitted by Ryo_Marufuji to kaisamains [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:30 Expensive-Let-1127 Meeting with HR, manager and union rep. New grad and new hire, toxic management out for me.

Hello, I made a post on here before about being suspended on paid leave for leaving a vitals machine and computer in a psych patient's room. I will put the link here https://www.reddit.com/nursing/s/eln00FwE9z
I failed to mention in the post that I actually was talked to before, even before I started working. During orientation during one of the PowerPoint presentations the nurse educator didn't like that. I had one airpod in on a low volume while I was taking notes. She never told me and went straight to my manager who then contacted me to have a meeting with her. They claimed that I wasn't paying attention and it looked like I was on my phone. Meanwhile, I told my manager that people literally had their laptops out and were typing the whole presentation and other people were on their phone. So why was I singled out? I also showed her all the notes that I did during the so-called part that I wasn't paying attention. Before meeting with my manager, I apologized to this nurse educator. My manager thanked me for doing this.
The managers seem to be toxic and they micromanage. For this meeting. She told me to come around 11:00 and I showed up at 11:04 at her office and she said that I was late and that I should have been here right at 11:00. Whatever, I didn't know that this was such an important meeting when you literally just told me to come by your office.
One of the managers said to me because I had my airpods in Would you have done that in a university lecture and like no shit who wouldn't whens the last time you've been to university LMAO im paying them for my education
So yeah and then I had a meeting with one of the nurse educators because she was training me on some admission papers, and at the end of the meeting right before I was going to leave she tapped me on the shoulder and said that my badge clip was exposing my chest too much and that it looks like she could see down my shirt and that I should move it. Said it in a very off tone.
And with another manager, during another training session I looked at my watch for one second and she snapped at me and was all like why are you looking at your watch? That's rude to do when people are talking and I told her I just wanted to know the time and she said we have you until 3:00 p.m. there's no reason for you to check the time. Holy fuck. Anal!
So yeah I think the managers kind of had it out for me on day one, they don't like that I'm young and I'm a new nurse. Then why did you guys hire me .lmao!
So and then the final straw, manager was watching me and I walked out of a pts room and left the vital machine and computer BC I'm stupid and was tired and forgot one of her meds and was running right back. She said to me which patient are you with right now in a angry tone, I answered and she didn't say anything else so I just continued doing what I was doing. Next morning I get an email from my manager saying I'm on paid leave and will need to attend a meeting with her HR and a union rep. Wow thanks girl, I understand the potential severity of this, but nobody was hurt, it was a dumb mistake that I did once, you really couldn't have just pulled me aside and told me to not do it again? Like wow.
I already have a couple interviews lined up, talked to my union rep and she said its likely I'm going to be fired since I'm also a new hire. Thank god, were going to get them to have me resign instead. Never working in psych again.
And then; I had my meeting today scheduled at 3 according to my manager in writing, HR calls me and says why aren't you here the meeting is at 2pm. Like what, I told her about my manager emailing me it's at 3 and she apologized. Now I gotta wait another week for this fucking meeting. . Like holy shit are you guys fr do you even know what's going on. Someone give me advice on what I say during this meeting. I plan on just kissing ass and apologizing.
submitted by Expensive-Let-1127 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:30 Wunter123123 Advice About Confidence after a Breakup

Hi Guys.
So, my girlfriend and I ended it a couple months ago. Really, it was over long before that (she didn't move with me across the country, then I cheated on her after... long fucking story), but we hooked up over New Years and were trying to make things work.. They did not. Anyway, I've been trying to "get back out there", and this is what I've found.
TL;DR: I need some advice about getting confidence back. I feel like I won't find anyone as great as my ex (or better), and I don't wanna compromise.
1) The online dating has been disappointing. Been swiping through Bumble, Hinge, and Tinder, and it seems the only girls who tend to like me are very overweight (not my thing). I do get a few attractive matches here n' there, but they've either fizzled over the messages or been single moms; not interested in raising a kid right now. I have gone on a few dates off them, but the girls were definitely... "showing their good side" in their pictures.
I'm good looking; I work out 6 day's a week and keep groomed, and I think my pics are decent. I spent some time on my profiles. I'm willing to take some pointers on dating profiles, if ya'll think it'd help. It has just sorta shot my confidence that I'm not even worth a free meal; that is, spending an hour or so talking to me is not worth grabbing a lunch/dinner.
2) I meet girls, and they don't compare in my brain to my ex. Not as beautiful. Not as funny or smart. Not as comforting. I know it's not fair to new people I meet to compete with someone I knew for years, but I guess I just want someone who makes me feel like she did.
3) When I do see someone I like at the gym and in public, I don't know what to say. I met my ex through school; we were dissection partners, and worked in the same research lab, so we got to know each other pretty well there before dating. I don't really have anywhere that I am around a girl that much who I enjoy.
Can on of y'll help me out here? I want to find a partner who I genuinely find attractive.
submitted by Wunter123123 to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 joinkudos Complete Guide to Costco Travel: Everything You Need to Know ✈️

Complete Guide to Costco Travel: Everything You Need to Know ✈️
u/Costco is well-known for its bulk products and savings, along with its $1.50 hot dog and soda combo bargain, but did you know they also offer travel services? Costco Travel provides members with access to discounted vacation packages, car rentals, cruises, and more. This guide will help you understand how to use Costco Travel, the benefits, and how to get the most out of your Costco membership.

What Is Costco Travel?

Costco Travel is a division of Costco Wholesale that offers a variety of travel services to Costco members. These services include vacation packages, cruises, rental cars, and hotel bookings. By leveraging Costco’s buying power, Costco Travel is able to provide its members with exclusive deals and benefits that are often hard to beat.

Do You Need a Costco Membership to Use Costco Travel?

Yes, a Costco membership is required to book travel through Costco Travel. There are two personal membership levels: Gold Star ($60 per year) and Executive ($120 per year). Executive members receive additional benefits, including a 2% reward on all Costco (and Costco Travel) purchases, which can make the membership fee worthwhile.

How to Book Travel with Costco

Booking travel with Costco is straightforward. Simply visit the Costco Travel website, log in with your membership credentials, and browse the available travel options. You can search for vacation packages, rental cars, cruises, and more. Once you find a deal that suits your needs, you can book directly through the website or by calling Costco Travel customer service.

Can You Apply for a Costco Travel Credit Card?

While Costco Travel doesn’t have its own credit card, the Costco Anywhere Visa® Card by Citi is an excellent option for Costco members. This card offers 3% cash back on travel and restaurant purchases, making it a great choice for those who frequently book travel through Costco.

Benefits of Using Costco Travel

Do You Save Money Using Costco Travel?

Costco Travel often provides significant savings compared to booking directly through airlines, hotels, or other travel agencies. By bundling services such as flights, hotels, and car rentals into one package, Costco can offer competitive rates. Executive members also earn a 2% reward on all non-taxable travel purchases, adding to the savings.

Exclusive Perks and Benefits

Costco Travel packages often include exclusive perks such as resort credits, free breakfast, and room upgrades. Additionally, some packages come with a Costco Shop Card, which can be used in-store or online at Costco.

Time Savings and Convenience

Booking travel through Costco is convenient and saves time. Instead of searching multiple websites for deals, members can find everything they need in one place. The Costco Travel website is user-friendly and provides detailed information about each package, including what's included and any special offers.

Costco Travel Vacation Packages

Are Costco Vacation Packages a Good Deal?

‍Costco vacation packages can offer excellent value, especially for destinations like Hawaii, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Packages often include flights, accommodations, and other extras like resort credits or meal plans. It's always a good idea to compare the total cost of a Costco package with booking each component separately to ensure you're getting the best deal.

Can You Negotiate with Costco Travel?

While you can't negotiate prices with Costco Travel, you can take advantage of their price match policy. If you find a lower price for the same package within 30 days of booking, Costco will match the price. This ensures that you're always getting the best deal available.

Costco Travel Packages

Costco Travel packages typically include lodging and may also include airfare, airport transfers, and car rental, as well as activities—depending on the trip.


Costco Travel's package bundling can save hundreds of dollars on your vacation. For example, an eight-night package in a deluxe villa at Palms at Wailea on Maui, including round flights from Tampa, Florida, and a full-size rental car, costs $5,594.15. The package also includes a $116 digital Costco Shop Card and resort fees such as damage protection and cleaning fees. However, there was a cancellation fee of $200. By booking the same stay and rental car separately, the cost is $5,561.90, making the Costco package competitively priced when you factor in the included extras and the digital shop card.

Perks and Savings

Executive members earn a 2% reward on all non-taxable travel purchases, adding to the savings. Some packages come with a Costco Shop Card, which can be used in-store or online at Costco. Additional perks often include resort credits, free breakfast, and room upgrades, providing added value for your booking.

Inclusive Resorts

Costco Travel offers packages to inclusive resorts, which are ideal for families and couples looking for a hassle-free vacation. These packages often include meals, drinks, and various activities, providing excellent value for money. Popular destinations for inclusive resort packages include Mexico’s Riviera Maya and the Caribbean islands.

Do Costco Travel Prices Go Down?

Costco Travel prices are generally competitive and often lower than booking directly with airlines or hotels. However, prices can fluctuate based on demand and availability. Costco also offers price adjustments if you find a lower price for the same package within 30 days of booking.

Kirkland Signature Travel Packages

‍Kirkland Signature, Costco’s private label brand, extends its reputation for quality and value to travel packages as well. Kirkland Signature travel packages are curated to offer exceptional experiences at competitive prices, often including exclusive perks that enhance your vacation.

What Are Kirkland Signature Travel Packages?

Kirkland Signature travel packages are specially selected vacation deals that provide added value for Costco members. These packages can include a variety of destinations such as inclusive resorts, cruises, and theme park vacations. They often come with extras like resort credits, complimentary meals, and unique experiences exclusive to Costco members.‍

Benefits of Kirkland Signature Travel Packages

  1. Exclusive Perks: Kirkland Signature travel packages often include exclusive perks such as room upgrades, free breakfasts, and resort credits, enhancing the overall value of your trip.
  2. Competitive Pricing: These packages are priced competitively, leveraging Costco’s buying power to offer significant savings compared to booking each component separately.
  3. High-Quality Accommodations: The packages typically feature high-quality accommodations and services, ensuring a premium travel experience.

Examples of Kirkland Signature Travel Deals

Kirkland Signature deals might include a week-long stay at a luxury inclusive resort in the Caribbean with all meals and drinks included, plus a resort credit for spa services or activities. Another example could be a cruise package with an upgraded cabin, complimentary shore excursions, and a Costco Shop Card.
By choosing Kirkland Signature travel packages, Costco members can enjoy meticulously curated vacations that offer both value and luxury, making their travel experiences more memorable and cost-effective.

Costco Travel Car Rentals‍

Is Costco the Cheapest Way to Rent a Car?

Costco Travel often offers some of the lowest prices on rental cars. They work with top car rental companies like Alamo, Avis, Budget, and Enterprise. Benefits of booking through Costco Travel include additional driver fees waived and competitive pricing. However, it's always wise to compare prices with other rental car agencies to ensure you're getting the best deal.

Costco Travel Cruises

Why Book Cruises with Costco Travel?

Costco Travel works with 12 major cruise lines, including Carnival, Celebrity, Disney, and Royal Caribbean. Booking a cruise through Costco Travel can come with significant perks such as onboard credits, free upgrades, and Costco Shop Cards. Additionally, Executive members earn a 2% reward on non-taxable cruise costs.

Costco Travel Flights

Booking Flights with Costco Travel
Costco Travel does not sell standalone flights. Flights must be bundled with a lodging or travel package purchase. This approach can save time and reduce hassle, as you can book all travel needs in one place and receive one itinerary to keep track of everything.

How Costco Travel Compares to Other Booking Methods

Other Travel Websites

While Costco Travel can offer significant savings, it’s still a good idea to compare prices with other travel websites like Priceline, Expedia, and Orbitz. These sites may offer different airlines, hotels, rental car companies, and additional features not available through Costco Travel.
Before buying any travel online, make sure you use Kudos, a free browser extension and AI-powered wallet, to double your credit card rewards at over 15,000 participating stores like Trip.com.

‍Booking Directly with Travel Providers‍

Booking directly with airlines with the best airline cards, hotels, or rental car companies can sometimes provide benefits like loyalty program points and elite status benefits that may not be available when booking through third-party sites like Costco Travel. It’s essential to compare prices and benefits to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

Is Costco Travel Right for You?

Costco Travel offers a convenient and cost-effective way to book travel, with exclusive perks and benefits for members. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a business trip, Costco Travel can help you save money and enjoy a hassle-free booking experience. By taking advantage of their travel packages, car rentals, and cruises, and using tools like Kudos to unlock your credit card rewards and benefits, you can maximize your savings and make the most of your travel budget.
submitted by joinkudos to JoinKudos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 notsforuu Happy that I resigned from my work

I finally muster the courage to finally resigned from my work. I thought I'd regret it, but I'm honestly feeling so relieved and at peace with my decision. Nakahinga ako ng maluwag. I've always been a firm believer na if your work costs you your mental sanity, then it's not worth it.
Skl, I was working with a Customer Service Manager from an e-commerce merchandise provider in the US. I was with them for a year, and all throughout my stay, I never felt connected to the team. There were initially three of us, but one left recently kasi nag abroad. Yung goal ko lang naman sa work is simple — pumasok, magtrabaho, hit my daily goals, and end my shift in peace. However, throughout my stay, I noticed that my client treats me differently than two of my co-workers. She treats them as part of the team, and ako spare tire lang. She always acknowledges them and shower them appreciation, tapos ako breadcrumbs lang. Whenever the two commits major mistakes, wala kang maririnig sa kanya. Pag ako, which is rare tapos minor lang, she loves to make an example out of me sa team. Nage-expect akong she would slide me a DM to inform me about my mistake and what should I do better next time pero hindi ganun. Pagalit always yung tono and she loves being shady about it. Whenever I attempt to reach out and open up about how I've been feeling, most of the time seenzoned ako or busy daw siya. Yet, ang ironic kasi she always says to us na "if you ever have problems, feel free to reach out to me."
For one year, tiniis ko yan. I didn't mind it even to a point na yung mga tasks nila e ako pinapagawa. Kahit I've noticed na hindi equal distribution yung workload, e tumahimik na lang ako. But I've had enough.
The past few month has been really hectic. Nagresign yung isang kasama namin and the client doesn't want to hire a replacement. So yung workload e mas dumami and sobrang busy na. Ang unfair lang na if I get to compare my daily tasks dun sa kasama ko, I have too much na di ko alam paano pagkakasyahin in a day. To quote what the client says, "isn't your workload too much for one person?" Alas, akala ko ibibigay niya sa kasama ko yung ibang tasks pero wala. Hanggang commentary na may pa additional pang "please try to complete your tasks within the day. manage your time wisely." Naknamputa. Ako busy pero yung kasama ko sitting pretty. Lately, she started to micromanage us. Pinapasend niya kami ng daily accomplisments in a day para alam niya if we're being productive and if may room pa daw for us for additional tasks. Loaded na nga ako, and guess what, dinagdagan pa ako and yung kasama ko nada. At one point, the client reached out to my manager from the agency side and pinapatanong bakit may days ako that week na di umabot sa daily goal of 50 Closed Tickets a day. On those days, I only closed 49 and 48 tickets. Pero wala silang say na on the rest of the days, umaabot ako ng 100+ closed tickets a day. So ayun, pinapa explain ako kung bakit di ko na hit yung goal and what steps should I take to ensure I hit my daily goal moving forward. Pero ang unfair lang na wala silang say dun sa kasama kong tenured na on bihira lang maka hit ng 50 Closed Tickets a day. Yung tipping point talaga is how the client loves to make a big deal out of my responses. Ang defensive ko daw if nag aapologize ako, pag nagfi feedback daw siya madami akong salit, etc. I love feedback, but it should come in a nice tone. Hindi yung nagbigay ka ng feedback tapos ang mafi feel ng tao is demoralized. I opened this up to my agency manager, but as always, ako yung mali.
To cut the story short, I resigned and surely the best decision I made this year. Deserve ko to work with a client who values my hardwork and input sa team. Ang funny lang kasi since I still have access my Slack, nagpa bonus si client dun sa kasama ko ng $250 at pinost pa yung screenshot sa channel namin tatlo. Ang laman ng email is "Please give XXX a $250 on her next cutoff for she's been working hard for us the whole month." Para naman may ginagawa si ate talaga e ako nga lahat gumagawa ng workload sa team tsaka bago lang ako umalis sa team lol.
My next move after this is to upskill and focus on myself. Nakaipon ipon naman so I'll go back to the gym, eat well, sleeep sleeep sleeeeeeeep, and enjoy the things I love. Hopefully, I'll land to a job where I can excel, grow, and feel valued. Ekis na sa akin mga VA agency.
submitted by notsforuu to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:29 allan_hkrs What’s a common way that native speakers communicate the increase or decrease of something?

I know the title is a bit confusing but I’ll try to make it reasonable.
  1. Imagine it’s raining, and the rain is not strong anymore so you want to tell your friend. “The rain ____, I think we’re not get soaked if we run to the other side of the square” what’s a verb for “decreasing in intensity”?
  2. Now you’re watching a sports match, you want to tell your friend that a certain team “decreased in intensity” and is not putting pressure anymore. Similar to the rain example above, what would be a verb to describe that?
  3. Conversely, what’s a way of saying that something increased but not to the point of it being unbearable. “We got into the club and it was already hot, the temperature _____ a bit but not the point we had to leave”
Thank you 🙏🏼
submitted by allan_hkrs to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]
