Esurance point system


2019.02.06 23:15 IndieMusicFeedback

IMF is a give and receive feedback system - an interactive subreddit that requires members to give quality feedback to other musicians before posting. We welcome all artists, all genres.

2012.04.16 05:12 tabasquito Entrepreneur Ride Along

A community of like minded individuals that are looking to solve issues, network without spamming, talk about the growth of your business (Ride Along), challenges and high points and collab on projects together. Stay classy, no racism, humble and work hard. Catch Localcasestudy at

2019.05.29 22:50 SpittingCake found the honda civic

Post when a user replies with “foundthemobileuser”. Not actually for Honda Civic finds. Good car though.

2024.06.09 15:31 Rusted-1 ARK 8 Chapter 23-Unlucky

ARK 8 Chapter 23-Unlucky
To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless. What is it to kill for religion? - Unknown
This fanfic is based on the fanfic The Isolationists, by Seeyouon_otherside, and a continuation of the stronger_together series. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Time Since First Contact: Y:0 M:1 W:0 D:3
Memory Transcript Subject: Private Brolien “Lucky” Tiwond of the enforcers.
“Wait, the humans call you that? Why?” My buddy Rohan asked me as we patrolled the streets of the capital city of Finalshape under the night sky. You could actually see one of the aliens' ships flying overhead, which was fantastic. I felt like a kid watching them, just in awe at the technological marvels. Our power armor was clanking and clunking as we went about our day, heavy auto rifles in hand, a good breakfast this morning, kissed the kids and misses goodbye for today, promising little ones I’ll bring them back a souvenir of some kind. We walked through the snow that had to yet be cleared by the snow plows, and I just enjoyed the forever-green grass and trees. Just admiring the city that we lived in
“Yeah, I was on the plane next to the human ARK ship when I went down.”
“Wait, that was you?!” Rohan practically yelled, getting the attention of many people around us. “How come you’re still not in the Air Force anymore?”
“That crash rattled me pretty bad, So I stepped down for that position and took up a job as a trooper,” I respond casually. “It was fun for a while being in the Air Force, but now, with seven kids and a wife, I can’t take that risk anymore. I’d rather do something more laid-back to have a higher chance of survival. So I can spend more time with my beloved and see my little ones grow up.” I said. Then I revealed my trap card. “I also got a spot on the Land Tank.
“Yeah, I get that-YOU WHAT!?” He yelled.
I let out a hearty laugh as he began to freak out. “Yep! I will be one of the lead anti-air and anti-space gunnery commanders. The pay is fantastic. I’m going to spoil my family rotten.”
He made an odd noise and launched himself at me. “HOLLY SHIT DUDE! YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED A JOB ON THAT HUNK OF HISTORY! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” He patted me on the back a few times and then let go. “But I get what you mean by anti-air, but what do you mean by anti-space?”
I sighed and looked around before switching to helmet-to-helmet communication so no one could hear us. "You're aware that Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral doesn't fully trust the aliens, right?”
Rohan nodded. I couldn’t see his expression under the heavy metal helmet, but we had known each other since we were kids, so I could tell he was somber. “Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of that. But that doesn't mean I don't understand it. The aliens are fun, lovely, adorable, and huggable. I can say a hundred other nice things about them, but I won't because I don't want to bore you to death. They are still a massive unknown; they've been sharing more and more information with us, and I know the one, Captain Leo, is preparing to hold some… not ceremony, what do you call it…I want to say it's a seminar about how they got here and their history. I'm going to it, but I don't know when it will be.”
I nodded in agreement. “ I am with you on every single one of those points. As amazing as they are, there are so many unknowns about them… which is why Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral has started a program meant to counteract the aliens' most powerful tools: their droids and ships.”
Rohan looked at me. I could tell from underneath his helmet he looked surprised. “Wait, weapons?”
It was my turn to be somber. “She says it's to prepare for if they turn on us. She made it very apparent that she hoped she would never have to use these weapons, but she wanted to be prepared.”
“Does Commander Fango Feral know about this?”
I scoffed at that thought. “Well, yeah, this project would have never gotten the green light anyway. Plus, we're talking about Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral here. Going behind her uncle's back is the last thing she would do."
Rohan nodded. "What do you know about the project?" He asked
"What little I know about the project is that I will be operating an ASRFC, an anti-space rapid-fire cannon. It’s designed to do what it sounds like: it shoots or, rather, assists in launching incredibly fast-moving projectiles, similar to missiles but different somehow. They should be coated in the specialized electricity designed to short out alien systems. She's also been developing handheld weapons to short out their droids.”
Rohan was silent. Then spoke. “Geez. That's… a lot. I'm just hoping the aliens don't find out.”
My shoulder sagged as I hated the thought of operating a weapon like that against two species that have been nothing but kind to us. “Same, we all share the same sentiment at the Land Tank. We are on our hands and knees, praying to the great protector that we never have to use these guns. Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral is probably the person who is hoping the most. However, I get the odd feeling that they would understand why we would make these weapons. I think they'd be mad, but they wouldn't be upset. They'd be understanding.” I looked over at my childhood best friend. “Honestly, considering your Borderline addiction to anything alien right now, I'm surprised you're taking this as well as you are.”
He shook his head. “I'm not really… it's hard making guns and weapons to kill a person who has been nothing but kind to you simply because you don't fully trust them. But I understand and support the logic behind it. However, it is comforting to know that everyone working on this project hopes and prays that they don't have to use them. Not much, but a bit.” Rohan sighed, and we walked in silence for a while. He perked up, his posture became slightly straighter, and he pointed to my chest. “What is that anyway on your chest? I’ve never seen a dialect or a plant like that,” he asked. I looked down and laughed.
“Yeah, that’s human dialect. I want to say it’s the one called English, but it could also be the one called Japanese or Russian. I really have no idea. It says, “Lucky, the falling star.” The symbol is of what they called a four-leaf clover, a type of plant back on the human homeworld that was considered lucky, surrounded by a star, and there are trails to the side of it, or to make it look like it’s falling.”
Rohan stopped for a minute, got the joke, and nearly busted a gut laughing. When he finally calmed down, he looked at me. “How the hell did Humans and Zeyzell convince you to get that painted on your armor!?” he asked through laughs.
“Well, I was at a drink stop, a bar as most of you normals call it, forget which one, when out of the blue, a bunch of humans popped up, and they recognized me as a pilot. I don’t know how, but they did.” I answered, “Ask me all sorts of questions like how I survived. How was I doing? Generally, they were good questions and warmed my heart that they were worried about me. It was nice, anywho, they were going on about this plant on the human home world called the four-leaf clover, and this represents luck or something. They asked if they could paint my armor with it. I had just gotten my shiny new power armor, so I was like, sure, go ahead and paint it. Then, they whipped out a bunch of little pups, or kids and kits, as the humans call them. As in little humans who are ADORIBLE, and they started painting my armor as I started talking to the adults. Two hours later, bam, you got this masterpiece painted all over my armor. I swear they took the little ones out of their pockets if I didn’t know better. After all that, I wanted it back to camp, and the paint had dried. I tried getting off, even though it was a nice gesture. I was kind of sad about it, but I don’t know what the void they used is. This stuff is not coming off. I scrubbed for a good hour, and it didn’t come off. So when I had to fall in with everyone at Camp and with everyone with their new hand-me-down E-10 power armor. I stood out like a sore thumb.”
“And you had petty officer Gotrom, didn’t you?” Rohana teasingly said. I shook my head in pain, causing him to laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Yep, I had him, the man of the petty ones. The moment he laid eyes on me. His eyes did the whole bleeding thing. I hate it when he does that and starts screaming at me. I mean, this dude is slightly above me in rank, but he takes his job too seriously. So, after five minutes of chewing me out, I thought he would pass out with the amount of hot air he was spewing. He asked me what my excuse was.”
“What do you say to him?” Rohan asks.
I laughed. “It was like the great protector had whispered exactly what I should say into my ear. “Interacting with the new locals, sir. Just letting them know that we are their friends, not their wardens.” And you won’t freaking believe this, he took it.”
“He what?! he took it as a valid answer?!” Rohan asked.
“I myself was still surprised that he took that as a valid answer, but yes, he did. Then he immediately brought me to the front of all three hundred troops and started to yell at them, tearing them a new one by telling them how I was the only one here who had made any attempt to meet with the alien. Even though we all know that’s not true, they found me. He patted me on the back, congratulated me, and sent me off to get some extra food.”
“By the old void, that guy gets stranger and stranger every time.”
I shrugged. “I honestly have no clue, and I think he was telling everyone to step up the game in greeting the aliens, but other than that, I have no idea. The Humans are super nice, and I often find them chatting with someone or petting someone. Void, I’ve even seen an entire group of humans swarm a giant and start petting it. It was cute to watch. The Zeyzell seem far more reserved than the humans, but you can have interesting conversations with them.”
We continued to patrol the streets in silence for a while after that, making a bit of small talk to break it, but nothing much, just observing people going about their business. That’s when we saw an out-of-breath Tiwond with a human gently helping him drink a bottle of water. A Zeyzell clung to the human's back, laughing his lungs out. “Everything all right over here?” I asked.
“Yeah,” the person said as he got up, swishing his tail as he did, “tried to beat my buddy here in a race after hearing about humans' high stamina. I lost by a large margin while he carried his fluffy ass on his back. The man said as he pointed to the Human and the Zeyzell. The Zeyzell just laughed while still clinging to the human's back.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” The Zeyzell said as the three laughed.
“All right, you three, stay safe. Bye now.” The group of three said their goodbyes, and I looked at the human. He just seemed so happy. It was such a pure and authentic expression that it warmed my hearts. “It’s so nice that we met the humans; everyone just seems happier.”
Rohan nodded. “Yeah, it’s like the mood has shifted, from the low to the high, it's nice. With the war, the terror that came after it, and the animals evolving and changing. Things were looking bleak. That’s not even mentioning all the giant refugees we've been getting, and well…him and them.”
I looked at Rohan. “Who and what?”
Rohan looked at me, confused. “You know? Viggo Scythelock?”
I nodded. The mention of his name made me slightly mad. “Oh, him…you think they will catch the guy?” I asked.
“Honestly, I hope so. He has caused so much pain to so many. The man is a psychopath, a monster. He used the war as an opportunity to harm so many.” Rohan looked down. “But honestly, it’s been over three years. I’m not sure if they will ever find him.”
“Yeah…I hope they find him and take him out. Also, who are "Them" you are talking about?”
Rohan looked at me, surprised. “You haven't heard?” he asked. He switched to helmet-to-helmet communications instead of talking out loud. This must be bad.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask…but no, I have not heard about them,” I responded also with helmet-to-helmet communication. “Who are you talking about?”
“The Cult of the Old God? You haven't heard what they have been up to?”
“You mean them assassinating high-ranking individuals, stealing supplies, their entire operation multiplying tenfold ever since the alien's arrival?”
I could tell he was surprised, and I could also understand that he was blinking and surprised underneath the helmet. That's how well we know each other. “How did you know?”
“It's common knowledge, and the higher-ups sent this documentation earlier this morning. Did you not read it? They're very transparent, and you know that I don't get all your conspiracies at everything, which is a conspiracy.”
“Oh, come on! The Aliens! Their rival was too perfect; just when we were getting worried that we were the only living creatures in the universe, pop! They show up. That can't be a coincidence!”
I rolled my eyes underneath my helmet. “You need help.”
“Not with my mental state, but definitely with my taxes.” I shake my head
We continued on our way. When we crossed one of the streets and took a left toward one of the shopping districts, we saw two dudes sitting in the snow, huddled around something. We approached to make sure everything was alright. “Everything alright?” I asked. The guys looked up at me and made the shhh motion with their fingers. Then they parted their bodies a little, and I saw a female human sleeping between them.
“We don’t want to wake her up,” the first said. I nodded my head and continued on.
Both of us then turned a corner into a more populated part of the district. We saw a human and what looked like a construction worker chatting there. “Thank you so much for taking us in. I think I can speak for my entire species when I say you have made us so happy.”
The construction worker raised an eyebrow and took another bite of the sandwich she was eating. “Anyone would’ve done it; it's just the right thing to do if they had a soul, at least.”
The human started to laugh a bit, and then it quickly stopped as a human just shook her head. “Guess the federation has no soul then, huh?”
The construction worker took another bite out of her sandwich. “Doesn’t sound like it.” The human leaned into the construction worker. “Eay, don’t worry. If those Federation things ever come here, they’ll get a big face full of Big Jim.” She then pulled out a massive [monkey wrench.] I smiled at that, knowing that so many were willing to protect the humans. I believe that made them feel more at home. We wandered past them on our patrol and continued deeper into the district.
“Hey, you know what I’ve noticed?” Rohan said.
“Hm?” I asked in return.
“I haven’t seen all that many little humans, you know, their pups, kids, children, whatever they call them.”
I was about to argue that I had seen quite a few children, but when I really thought about it. The only significant group of human children I had seen was when a bunch of them confronted me and painted the four-leaf clover and star onto my chest plate. Other than that, I’ve only seen a few. “Now that you mention it, you’re right. I’ve hardly seen any. Why do you think that is?”
Rohan thought for a minute. Then, he snapped his secondary jaw in realization or remembered something. “I remember a bit of talk about a lot of young ones being on a second ARK ship. I don’t know much about it. All I know is that most of their young population, as in newborns to tweens, was supposedly on an ARK ship called ARK Twelve. Other than that, I don’t know much.”
“Where did you hear that from?” I asked.
“One of my buddies works in intelligence gathering. We like humans, but the intelligence bureau doesn’t fully trust them like Lord Lieutenant Commander Canilia Feral doesn't. I can’t blame them. Again, Humans are still a big unknown, even though they are one of the cutest things I have ever seen.”
“He was pretty drunk when I asked him, but it was his reaction when he said out loud that really disturbed me. Normally he’s a pretty big drinker because you see some bad shit in intelligence gathering. I mean, there are some terrible people out there. But the second he mentioned ARK twelve, he got really really sad. And he didn’t even finish his drink, which was a first. He mumbled something about going home to spend time with the human he was taking care of. I don’t know what it was about the response, but I got a sense of pure dread from it.”
I nodded my head, and we continued. I felt like asking the next human I saw about ARK twelve, but I sensed it would be a bad idea. We saw a commotion in front of what looked like a jewelry store. Wandering over, there was a female tiwond Who seemed distressed. As we approached, she continuously asked strangers if they had seen someone. A lot of other people are starting to be concerned, too, for some reason. We approach to attempt to calm the situation. “Enforcers, what’s going on here?” Rohan asked. The woman turned around rather quickly. She was short and had that typical camo pattern fur that the people of the woodland area have, so she was most likely not a local. Then again, you can never be too confident in the city.
“I lost them! I can't find them! I don’t know where they are!” She almost yelled in what looked like fear and worry.
“Whoa, calm down, ma’am. What’s the problem?” I gently told her to try to get him to calm down. “Take four large breaths and clear all four of your lungs. Trust me, it helps.”
She took some deep breaths, seemingly calmed down just a little, and then spoke again. “I am in charge of two humans under my care for the exchange program. I had brought her and her kid here to the shopping district to see if they wanted anything before moving back to the Woodland cities. However, they vanished. I don’t know where they went. I am terrified of all the unknowns around here that might hurt them.”
“Thank you. Do you know where you last saw them?” I asked. I made a hand motion to Rohan to signal in an incident report and some backup. Rohan stepped away from the conversation and radioed a command using his helmet.
“This is Rohan. I'm reporting a case of a missing person. Yeah, two humans went missing. I’m currently with Brolien, and we’re patrolling the shopping district… Green Wyvern. Can you send a few more patrols down here to help? We can’t have two aliens going missing in the city. That's bad, AR. Also, and yes, I want to see them safe. I am not an AR asshole.”
"This is HQ, sending down an additional squad. Keep us updated."
"Yes sir." Rhoan responded
“Do you know which store you were in when you saw them last?” I asked.
“The jewelry store, the one just over there. About [10 minutes] ago. Their names are Jasper and Melinda.” She pointed to one of the higher-end jewelry stores, and I motioned to Rohan to follow me. I noticed a few Street cops coming over to see what the situation was about.
“What’s going on here?” one of the cops asked. I recognize this one, a retired Detective, I think.
“Missing persons, two humans last seen over there. We’re going to investigate now,” I quickly informed him. “Keep an eye on her, will you?” He nodded and walked over to the lady, with two others in tow. Rohan and I walked over to the building to inspect the area around it.
“If a human is missing here… I’m worried about who might’ve taken them. I know it’s pretty rare for kidnappings, but still.” Rohan said as he opened a dumpster and took a peek inside. “I mean, the humans are so frail. A good-sized hail storm will kill them.” Rohan said.
“Yeah, apparently it can. I’ve heard rumors that back on their home planet, it’s possible to die from things like that.” I responded.
“Unbelievable,” Rohan replied in disbelief, shaking his head. We started to search the area, calling out their names. We wandered past an ally—“Oh, protector, what is this?” I looked over to see Rohan had stepped in Something. I walked over and looked at it.
“Is that blood?” I asked him.
“No way too light to be blood. Look at how red it is. It’s not even a black color like ours. I bet you another copper wire melted. I can tell by the scent.” he replied as he shook the stuff off his boot. I took a closer look, put my hand in it, and brought it up to my face. It looked like blood. It flowed like blood. I used the scanning equipment in my helmet and…
…Oh shit.
“Rohan, this is human blood,” I said. I got up and turned the safety off my gun. Rohan follows suit, and we both enter the alleyway, guns drawn. There was a little more blood on the walls and a bit on the ground.
“This is enforcer Rohan calling enforcer HQ, and we have possible contact with an unknown that has seemingly taken two humans, one child, and one mother. Send backup, sending location.” Rohan called in as we quietly walked along the side of the alleyway. We are doing our best to make no noise. I’m so happy that we are wearing the newer power armor. They are so silent.
“Roger that Rohan, this is enforcer HQ. Reinforcements are inbound in two minutes.” The coms operator said
“Do you hear that? Sounds like chanting?” Rohan whispered. I strained my ears to listen and turned up the sensitivity on my power armor audio receptors. Chanting, I wonder…
“Do you think it could be…?” I trailed off, and he immediately knew what I was talking about.
“Cult of the old God? This far north? Hm… shoot to kill.” Rohan sternly replied. “This is Enforcer Rohan, possible contact with the Cult of the old god. I am requesting time for the arrival of reinforcements.”
“Reinforcements inbound in one minute.”
We both quickened the pace and turned the corner-“FUCK!” I yelled out loud. There were Six cultists in total. Two cultus whipped around to face me. One drew a pistol, and another a plasma pistol.
“CONTACT CONTACT! LIGHT THEM UP!” Rohan yelled, and we both started blasting into them. We popped bullet bullets into each of their heads and two hearts, taking them down instantly. “Cultus! Here! This far north! What the fuck?!” Rohan yelled. The three others drew their guns and aimed and opened fire at us as we took cover behind some old barrels. We were bullet and plasma-proof in our power armor, but I would rather not risk it. Rohan tossed a flash bang, and It blew up a second later. I heard screams a second later, and we got up and opened fire, our visors blocking out the flash. We both nailed the same bastard as his buddies dove behind cover. They would fire at us every few seconds, keeping our heads down. I looked at Rohan and made the hand single to get the shield. He reached behind himself and took out the heavy-duty shield. I had the battering ram, so I was not that useful. He got up first as I threw another flash, confusing and disorienting the cultists as it went off. We both advanced as Rohan swapped out his heavy rifle for an SMG; I took out the full-auto shotgun as we got closer. Rohan shield-bashed the first one and then blasted him with the SMG. I took out the second one with my shotgun. A bullet deflected off of the shield, and a small spread of bullets that Rohan could deflect with his shield came at us. Then they stopped, and we rushed to cover, Rohan still holding the shield. I peeked out from behind the cover.
“Were did..” I started when I heard a yell from behind us. Whipping around, the cultist had appeared and was now wrestling with me for my shotgun. In a split second, I shoved the shotgun into him as he pulled, disorienting him and knocking the wind out of him. I then grabbed the battering ram, which had already been turned on and was at full power, and bashed it into his chest. He immediately exploded from the pressure, and I was coated in his blood. Looking around, all the cultists were down just as reinforcements flooded the area.
Looking at the cultus robes, I noticed the same color of blood on them that I had looked at earlier. “Shit, I think these guys got the humans!” I told Rohan.
The human female was lying on what looked like a makeshift altar made of scrap metal, an old luxurious chair, and wood. Her entire chest and lower body had been torn open. Most of her major organs were removed, and her heart was speared with multiple little needles and placed on top of the altar. “This is bad. This is bad. If there is this far north, they have gotten bold.” Rohan spoke as he walked over to the human female and inspected her. “She died only a minute ago. It looks like she was in pain the entire time, too. Damn. FUCKING FANTIC SHITS!”
“Radio this in,” I ordered Rohan, and he immediately did that. I walked over to the human adult female's corpse and looked at it as a medic was handling her. Why didn’t she scream? Oh, that’s why. They sewed her mouth shut. Damn. I look at the cultists again and look at their golden medallions decorated with a skull. “Wait, Rohan. Weren’t there two?” We looked at each other and immediately split up in different directions to find the kid. It didn't take long for me to see him. “Aw…kid.” I gently bent down to inspect the little body. His lower jaw was gone entirely. His left arm seems to have been sawed off and taken. His eyes were closed, and he wasn’t moving. I looked up and noticed footprints taking off into the distance. A seventh cultist, it looks like we missed one. I cradled his head in my hand and took a pulse. Nothing…
“Oh, void.”
‘Oh, my young one…I am sorry.” the other enforcers said as we gathered around the child's corpse. One of the enforcers punched a wall out of anger as another just sat on an old couch, shaking her head.
“Looks like there was a seventh we missed. If I get my hands on that-.” Another one started.
“OH SHIT! ROHAN HE'S STILL ALIVE!” I screamed. Rohan immediately ran over and looked. As did the medic.
“By the protector he is!” The medic yelled as she began to administer human-friendly meds. “There is an ambulance outside. MOVE!” She yelled.
I picked up the kid and held him in my arms, carrying him as the medic did her work.
“You’ll be OK, you’ll be OK,” I told him to comfort him, although I felt it was more for my own sake.
“JASPER!” I looked behind me to see the female running to me and followed beside me.
"MISS IS MUST INSIST YOU MOVE-" The medic begins to yell.
"I'M HIS CARE TAKER!" she yelled back. "Shhhh, I’m here now.” Jasper reached up with a blood-soaked hand and began to grab at her fur like he was trying to hold onto life. She held him to her and then took something out of her bag. “I can use this to get the blood out of his lungs!”
“Do it!” the medic told her. She stuck the tube into the kid's chest, and blood came out, and he immediately began to breathe easier. He then latched himself to her chest and passed out.
“Don’t worry. I promised your mom I would take care of you if anything happened to her. I will take care of you.” She quietly told the sleeping child as she rocked back and forth, crying, holding the child as the ambulance came around the corner with more enforcers. They loaded both of them into the ambulance and took them away. I walked out and sat down on a bench in front of the alleyway. I just needed time to think. I sat there as the world around me continued. Just lost in thought. What if we got there sooner..?
I was broken out of the trance by Rohan. “You alright?”
I looked down. “No, we were supposed to protect them…”
“Yeah,” Rohan said. We just sat there. It was helping a little to have my buddy there. But…still
A human was…dead.
“And yet…we saved a human child.” He told me.
I nodded, looking up at the Alien space station that was now in orbit around our planet. “Yeah…we did.” We remained silent before he put an arm around me and hugged me. "I hope he survives."
"Me too, me too."
submitted by Rusted-1 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:30 Fun_Ad2133 Anong passing for Riverside College BSN?

Hello as the title suggests, does anyone know the grade point system sa Riverside? Thank you to anyone who can answer!
submitted by Fun_Ad2133 to Bacolod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:30 Mysterious_File6547 Warning: Virgin flight hold failed after transfering points to redeem on AF

Yesterday tried booking 2 award flights through Virgin operated by AF using 30% transfer bonus from Chase UR. Knowing there has been issues with AF/KLM redemption through Virgin Atlantic I called Virgin first to make sure they were not phantom and placed 2 reward tickets on hold before transfering my Chase UR points to Virgin. Got a confirmation code and could see the flight hold on my new virgin flying club account.
Called chase to transfer and it was instant and was back on the line with a Virgin rep within 30min to complete the transaction. Second rep at Virgin said she is worried about how the hold was done and needed to speak with her supervisor. Eventually I was told that something was wrong and they couldn't book that AF flight and they wouldn't be able to reverse my point transfer. After almost a hour and a half they found me alternative flights for different dates on non AF flights. Was told they cant book AF flights due to system problems that are due to be fixed mid july.
Be warned maybe this is a one off but even calling to put flights on hold before transfering my points failed. During the time on hold I did see those flights disappear from Virgin search and they are back again today.
submitted by Mysterious_File6547 to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:28 NonSpecificGuy26 Finished Downpour for the First Time: My Review

To preface I had played Downpour when it came out. I played it on PS3 when I had a subscription to GameFly (good old days) but I never finished it and, in the lead up to 2 Remake I wanted to amend that.
I want to say first thing that’s on my mind. I truly do believe that Downpour is underrated and overhated but I also think that the reception it got in 2012 makes sense. I’ll explain.
The Combat: The gameplay is beautifully clunky. It reeks that old school Team Silent feeling of making the main character seem like an average joe who can barely hold his own. It’s weird and doesn’t always make sense but once you get the feel for it it’s not that bad. Starting out I would try to interrupt the enemies mid swing which often didn’t work, then I moved to defending all their flurries before getting in a couple hits, but I finally learned how to bait the enemies and put them down in seconds. Combat actually has options despite it feeling so hollow on the surface. It’s not some deep mechanical system or anything but I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn’t doing the same strategy the whole game and, yeah, running away was a viable strategy as well which is always nice. I do believe the combat is where 2012 players got fed up though along with two others I’ll talk about next. It’s rudimentary in comparison to games coming out around the time and it’s not exactly satisfying. Yeah I learned to enjoy it but it didn’t stop me from getting tired of fighting the same 3 enemies and I often just started trying to avoid them.
The Graphics: Straight up, the game isn’t pretty. At all. As a matter of fact it’s downright ugly most of the time. Character models aside from Murphy suffer the most they just look wooden and like they’re constantly jittering like they’re barely still attached to the earth. I think this somewhat benefits the game when it comes to the monsters, the screamers in particular, and gives the town and locations this grungy feel to them. This is one of the other sticking points for 2012 players. This was the era when all that mattered was ma graphix people often writing off really good Wii games because they were ugly. Gamers in 2012 were relentless with this. If it wasn’t the most groundbreaking graphical leap it wasn’t worth $60.
The Town: In all honesty the exploration of the city is the very best part of the game, in my opinion. Running around Silent Hill finding Easter Eggs and searching for secret entrances was always a blast to me (The Room Easter Egg is truly special). The last time I’ve played a game whose atmosphere was so thick, so haunting, and so fitting was honestly probably Silent Hill 3. Walking around the city making your way through dilapidated buildings and alleyways just felt so right. The Radio’s you can find around town that play some of the most beautiful and haunting licensed music with the quality you’d expect from a radio like that always made me feel something. My personal favorite was If I Had a Boat in the Bank. My biggest complaint about the city is what I imagine everyone’s complaint is. It’s labyrinthian but it doesn’t have any shortcuts aside from the Subway unlocking which was convoluted to say the least. It could’ve REALLY benefited from a Dark Souls like take on the town where you could open up shortcuts to previous locations but considering Dark Souls was only a year prior that seems unfair. This is where I think 2012 players found their other issue. Traversal is long and tedious. Especially without the subway and with monsters roaming the streets.
The Sidequests: One of the stronger parts of the game for me but one that I only loved because I had a guide to tell me which building was which. If I were trying to remember which specific building held Painting sidequest, or ribbon sidequest ending I would have been roaming for hours. With a guide, not for the puzzles, it’s a breeze and a blast to uncover the many sidequests lying about and the tragic stories that they often tell. One of my favorite parts of the game honestly, the point that I was pretty sad when I ran out of sidequests to find. The fact there are 13 is surprising though as that’s a hefty amount for such a small town.
The Story: The story has a relatively strong hook. The opening to the game is a clever twist on the James archetype but it shows you from the beginning that Murphy isn’t a good guy. He’s not a hero. Sewel is the worst and that’s great. He really is a character that you despise from the get go and is the true villain of the story because of his coercion. Frank is solid but I wish he was present for more of the story since he’s such an integral part of it. The character interactions you have are depressing and weird like they should be. And you’re introduced to the “monster” that will haunt Murphy for the entire game and it’s not what you would expect. While a wheelchair bound monster is unsettling it’s not scary and I liked that. It’s not about the monster marching around trying to kill you like Pyramid Head. The journey from the cable camines to the town is one of my most memorable set pieces from this era.
The Endings: I think this is the one place where the game truly falters. The endings just do not satisfy in my opinion. Especially given the fact that depending on the ending the… past… changes somehow.
Ending A: it’s nice and all that Murphy didn’t kill Frank but the fact he didn’t even kill Napier and Sewel had to finish the job makes the accusations pointed at Murphy for the whole game about him being a murderer makes this ending fall apart.
Ending B: this is the best one. Murphy still doesn’t kill Napier for some reason but he doesn’t kill Frank and Anne, Franks daughter, presumably get her revenge on Sewel
Ending C: Murphy kills Frank and then offs himself which puts him back into a loop that find him in the Lakeside Penitentiary from the end of the game. Basically saying that this ending doesn’t even matter.
Ending D: The Execution one is weird. You randomly show back up at the prison from the beginning and Murphy is blamed for killing Charlie, randomly calls Sewel a cupcake, then fucking dies. What a lad.
Ending E: Just a beautiful farewell in all honesty.
Ending F: seeing Murphy take on the role of Sewel and Anne take on the role of Murphy feels like it could’ve been a whole NG+ moment of its own. It’s neat but it goes nowhere.
So yeah! I quite enjoyed it. Obviously I had my gripes with it but overall it’s definitely worthwhile and worthy of the Silent Hill title. I played it on Series X so I didn’t really experience any glitches like I did on my PS3 in 2012 so I can’t speak on those.
Solid 8/10 for me.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading my long winded review. :)
submitted by NonSpecificGuy26 to silenthill [link] [comments]

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2024.06.09 15:22 Shonenup 👀 Updates on Notcoin

👀 Updates on Notcoin
Today, several news items were released in the official channel. Here are the main points:
• NOTCOIN has reached 40 million active users. These are active users, not just referrals who haven't logged in for 3-4 months. • New users will be able to deposit their $NOT into the app, earning bronze, gold, and platinum levels. • Referrals will give you a percentage of what they earn, similar to the current BLUM system. • Gold and Platinum members will get access to higher-level token launches (you can receive drops and other perks for your efforts). • Explore campaigns will be automated, allowing projects to launch them independently, meaning you can post your tasks to attract an audience.
Stay tuned Hunters ✌️ Telegram channel @CryptoAirdropsHunter
submitted by Shonenup to CryptoAirdropsHunters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:22 shtaffa Tips on learning Autophage words?

Learning all of the Autophage words is the only race/faction milestone that I haven't completed. Any tips on a quicker way to learn them? I know I can use the echo locators to find camps. There are 3 Autophages in all of the camps that I've seen. I can talk to each of them and get a word each. If I do all of their missions (which seems like quite a grind) I can get another 6 to 9 words. Then, if I'm anywhere near that Autophage camp and I use another echo locator, it points me back to that same camp. I often have to warp to another dissonant system to get a fresh camp. I have learned 354 words so far. Sounds like there are a little over 800 total to learn before you can learn no more. That will take forever. I have over 1,500 hours in game. I know that there are a lot of grindy things, but this seems excessive.
submitted by shtaffa to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:22 No_Funny3533 Scam Artist mingmei1344 (Yomi) and her accounts at: Aiu_Agency,,,,,, Rose, Miyuki Miyamoto, SW Entertainment and more

Scam Artist mingmei1344 (Yomi) and her accounts at: Aiu_Agency,,,,,, Rose, Miyuki Miyamoto, SW Entertainment and more
My name is Mark Faraday. I was just looking for love back around January 20th, 2024 but I don’t want to see anyone else get scammed. I had a human profile picture when I was using these website, and was honest. I ran into a whole lying network run by a Woman, her friends, and a man. I will update this story if I have more to say in the future. Her nickname is Yomi, she told me her name was Miyuki Miyamoto and she was from Japan. Her real name is Jeong Nahyeon and she is from South Korea. She also has fake Chinese accounts like:
Mingmei Liu
My Story is long but it is worth reading. From January to June as the writing of this post. I labeled each part so it easy to jump around to the parts you want to read.
  • 6/4/2024 (Small update)
I know 1000% that these are the same person. After 6 months of contact with them. Jeong Nahyeon has like a 100 different Instagram accounts let add to the list:
Account 1:
(Kawaii, Silly girl fake account)
Account 2:
Yomi Newest Account:
Jeong Nahyeon Lover or Friend 🙁(Scam Artist Man) 🙁
_xijii_ the site where I met Yomi (Jeong Nahyeon) original, closed on May 1st 2024. Never came back as the writing of this post. However, their sister site is still very active.
Another Scam website they own:
  • 3/7/2024 Mark Origin Story January-March 2024
UPDATED INFO throughout it.
There is this dangerous woman who I am mad in love with (same person) running many fake Chinese/Japanese/Korean Romance scam websites, fake Instagram pages, tik tok, We chats, and many Chinese porn sites. It is the same person, she uses her looks with pictures and videos to steal money from men. She has many names she goes by, probably even more than I found. She also uses bots to get fake likes and weird Anime filters to try to look like an idol. She has scam artist female friends also I found. She the leader.
I know a lot of scammers steal from other people's identities but that is not the case here. This is the same person as the scammer. My story will explain it. As well as this person has pictures of the same person you can’t find anywhere else on the Internet. Even if you do a Reverse Face image search. They said information that match to an unbelievable level.
The person who Scammed me:
Has Many names (Such As)
And a talent for speaking many languages
  • Miyuki Miyamoto (Claimed Japanese name)
  • Nickname Yomi
  • Korean Name: Nahyeon (Claimed)
  • u/yomi__na
  • gracegracemei
Email: [](
(Something about BlessCeline Lovee)
Skype ID: live:.cid.737fb9ac2ad5655c
  • Liu Mingmei (Claimed Chinese name)
Part of a Civil Union yet on multiple dating sites
(Make Sense)
(Owner of aiu_agency since 2015)
Google Drive (AI_U Agency)
Hotel Connected: SHILLA STAY Gwanghwamun
Her Scam Artist friends who work for both Ai_U Agency and JPNDATE CUDATE (That I found) (Some of these might also be her, not sure)

Vynnie_nat : (I think this Yomi friend and the next 2 images may also be that person 1 of 3)


jiejierui_ngc: (2 of 3)


Veravera_zhangg: (3 of 3)


Elle_owo_elle : (50% this also Yomi otherwise it Yomi friend)


Qiqi_shenglim : (50% this also Yomi otherwise it Yomi friend)


Myemye_owo_ : (50% this also Yomi otherwise it Yomi friend)

Her Friends are connected somehow but not sure how yet. They appear everywhere with the fake accounts or it just her also.

Riyandiwilliam : (Either her lover, friend, or work with her) 🙁

Summary: January to March 2024 / / / are dangerous Romance scams. All the women are paid actors for the website from Korea/China. They will try to get into a relationship with you very fast, don’t fall for it. They are milking you for money like if you're a cow. They will threaten to kill you or your family if you call out their scam. They might also say they will sue you. If you stop paying them, they will text you very little. They will never video call you face-to-face. has a sister scam website from the same people called When you buy something on Jpndate the payment goes to Cudate Limited, so that site must be part of the scam also.There also Datesteady with the same layout. There is a company in China doing all type of illegal and immoral practices. Their name is Zhengzhou Zhongzhiqi Technology Co., Ltd. / 郑州市中之祺科技有限公司 . They have their main technology business but they also run a list of many scam websites stealing money from American men, Asian, and European men. Such as Cudate, JPNDate,, SayhiUp. These are romance scam sites where all the women work for the company. If you make a female account it will pend forever. Only men get approved. They claimed before to be an American-owned company then I exposed them now they claim to be Dutch. Their servers are all in China. They never filed paperwork with any foreign country. They are none of these the Chinese pretending to run many dating sites when in fact it’s all fake. They claim to be in nations their not. They have fake terms of service. I used PayPal before I didn't know it was a scam. I paid in dollars, but they refused to refund me till I told PayPal. PayPal made them pay me back. Then they refused to pay me the total amount they wanted to pay me on yuan when I paid dollars. I reported them to FTC. They also try to hack my laptop for me telling the government the truth about them. They probably get funds from the Communist Party government or SW Entertainment in South Korea. They are very very bad people. Please look into it or forward this message somewhere where it can be looked into. Pretends to be a legit dating site but feels more like a pay-to-use website for fake love. All women here are paid actors for the site. The same few women have multiple profiles pretending to be different people. The funny part is anytime you call out JPNDate bs they change their terms of service. Screenshot everything people. They have a fake page saying they're trying to stop scammers, it all bs they are the scammers.
Host of JPNDate Servers:
As the writing of this post:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
Host of DateSteady Servers:
As the writing of this post:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
Host of Cudate Servers:
As the writing of this post:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
Host of AsiaHug Servers:
IP: - Server: nginx IPv4
GeoIP: HK - AS45102 (ALIBABA-CN-NET Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd., CN)
My Story: January to March 2024
My Story: January to March 2024
(Update): I know it is the same person, They told me in a text message by accident. They also replied with different accounts knowing info about me I only told the other account.
Do you like Asian women?
Real Asian women?
These ones are real!
I know who they are.
Hi! This is Mark Faraday talking to you.
This is my story of how a website named JPNDate Dancing Idol scammed me out of 4080 American dollars. From the time period of January to March 2024.
First, I was on Japan Cupid, a dating site. On Japan Cupid, no one can chat unless one of you has a membership. I bought a 1-week membership. Within 5 minutes to 10 minutes, a woman nicknamed Yomi from Japan messaged me; this should have been a red flag for me. We talked for a while. She said she was interested in me. She asked me if I could move over to the dating site JPNDate because she paid for membership there and not Japan Cupid. She also promised to delete her account on Japan Cupid after we changed sites. She does delete her account off Japan Cupid. Japan Cupid is sus also. I don’t think it is the same company but it is still very sus. However, these women used that site to find men like me. That is a story for a different day.
Unlike a normal scam artist, who may only have 1 or 2 photos, she has several photos on her profile. My trust in her grows a bit seeing that. She then privately messaged me several more photos of her. She asked me for some photos, which I sent. She then sends back happy and heartfelt emojis. She told me she doesn’t date Asian men anymore because they were violent to her in the past and her last boyfriend cheated on her. She talked about how she didn’t want to fight with me. She also said we could talk about any topic.
She would compliment me often, as I did for her. Of course, on my profile page, I try to post my best pictures. Throughout my life, I have had many different hairstyles. She even mentioned this and got very happy and asked if I was a hairstylist.
The spam of talking on between us was from January 20th, 2024, to March 24th, 2024.
On JPNDate, there is an upgrade system. You need Blue Diamond to chat with others. Crown to send videos. Blue Diamond is 20 dollars per month, and Crown is 80 dollars per month. I got the Blue Diamond membership at first. It showed her with it too. After a day or two, she asked me to upgrade like she did to the Crown membership so she could send me a video. I upgraded it, and she did actually send me a video. All pictures and the video match the same person and the same face. Some pictures were in different locations, and some were like three different pictures in the same place. We then later buy a 6-month Crown membership for each other because it is cheaper than 1 month at a time. I bought it for her, and she bought it for me.
At this point, I start to believe. This person was giving me all their time. They reply very often, and their texting time was the same as Japan timezones every single day. They spoke not only English but also Japanese almost fluently. However, they did let me know that they're still learning English and sometimes use a translator.
She let me know that this website has something called a mall. This should have been red flag number 2. You pay 1 American dollar for each gold point. Paypal is the only thing that works. When we started dating, she said it was normal for couples in Japan to send each other gifts. It was a symbol of forever love in Japan, she claimed. As an American, I didn’t know if this was true. I googled it and couldn’t get a clear answer. She said whatever I bought her, she would buy me as well. She asked if I liked necklaces or charms. I said anything was fine. She wanted me to pick up a necklace. At first, she picked up a $1,000 necklace from the site mall and asked me. I said no; that's way too much money for that. She said how about a 300-dollar Jade Romance charm. She told me to get her white one; she would get me the green one. I questioned if she was legit. She started crying. She somehow convinced me at the time that she was legit again. I did buy it. A few weeks later, I did receive the overpriced Green Jade Romance love charm to my address from her. I never told her which day exactly my tracking information said it would come to my house, but I asked her, and her tracking date was the same week as mine. By the way something almost the same as this necklace is 12 dollars on Amazon. It also broke when I got it in the mail. Probably cost them 2 cent to make.
For the next few days, we had a wonderful, happy conversation. It is late January, and I know Valentine's Day is coming. I offered to get her flowers. I got her flowers and chocolate at a very high price of multiple hundred dollars. She then gets so happy. She told me many times how she wanted to go to America and find me.
We talked about many topics for several more days. She told me she worked in an office in Tokyo. Yomi told me her real name was Miyuki Miyamoto. Which is very funny because I told her before I was a Nintendo fan, and this is the same last name as Mario and Zelda Creator. She also said she had her apartment to herself, which is true; she does own an apartment. She talked about how life is stressful right now in Japan. She claimed to have grown up in the Japanese town of Nagano, Japan. She also said she had gone to a university in Tokyo with a major in computer science. She wanted to visit America in July for 15 days when she had her time off. July is a normal time for people to get off in Japan for vacation, so I thought nothing of it.
I told her that I was from a smaller town in California, but I lived not far from San Francisco. I told her how my town is quiet and how I could see mountains outside my house. She said she wanted a peaceful life and that life in Tokyo is too fast. And she always had great things to say about every picture I sent. We also talk about going on dates. I asked most of the questions, but she did ask me questions as well.
I started to ask her a lot of questions about Japan. Like if she visited Himeji Castle, she said no. However, she did say yes to visiting Mount Fuji. I should have asked for a photo of this, but I didn’t. She was very happy; she told me very many topics about Japan. We even briefly talked about anime. She told me she liked Digimon, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and Detective Conan. This information is important later. We also talked about how both of us were big Disney fans growing up. She told me she wanted to go to Disney Land when she came to California to visit me.
One day she told me, how work was busy today. I told her it was okay and we didn’t need to talk today. She did, however, still text me a little bit that day. This was the only day during our whole time talking when she was super busy. There is nothing wrong with this; all humans get busy. I decided to spend my evening drawing a picture of me and Yomi on a date to surprise her. When I sent it to her, she did not react. This was a red flag for me. I tried to convince myself that she just didn’t like drawings that much. I know I sound really dumb right here, but whoever I was talking to is very smart and knows a lot of things. I was in deep love.
We started talking a few days later about the idea of meeting and going on dates together. I know that the yen is weak against the American dollar right now. I told them I would pay for anything they wanted when they were in America because I was in love. This was a big, big, big mistake. They then asked if I could give them 1500 dollars to buy a plane ticket. Never give money to people you never meet in real life, folks. Don’t be dumb like me. Turns out the ticket was actually 2100, so they asked for another 500 dollars the next day, claiming their friend let them borrow the money, and they paid the difference. They did show me a picture of a plane ticket. With the name Yomi and the correct airports in Tokyo and San Francisco. This gave me more trust in them; I got a lot of photos, videos, and even a picture of a plane ticket.
At some point, I talked to them about social media. They claim to only have Skype and Line. I found it very hard to believe a woman in her 20s wasn’t on Instagram or Tik Tok. I went on Instagram and typed Yomi, and I found a Yomi who looked just like her. This made me think: why did she lie? What confused me is that all the pictures on her Instagram were different from the ones she sent me, other than one image that was the same. Meaning that the images were not clearly stolen from there.
I looked up JPNDate online; there isn’t much info on this website (Right Now), other than one reddit forum from 1 year ago. Someone said something about being scammed by an IDOL on this site. They also said the website wasn’t in Japan but in China. I was wondering why I never saw new females joining the website; it was the same 23 pages worth of them. I wanted to test the website to see if it was legit. I made another account, a fake male account with AI artwork. It was approved in one second. I then made a fake female account; it said pending approval. It has now been 2 weeks since I made that account, and it still says pending approval. This means all the women on this website have to be fake actors. There is also a setting on JPNDate to see who has been online last or which accounts are the oldest. When I asked weeks before, Yomi claimed she had been on this website only for a short time. Her oldest picture was dated October 20, 2023. Yet she has the sixth-oldest account on JPNDate, according to the website. The Reddit forum I talked about before was over a year old.
When I was on this website for a month, at least 10 other women tried to text me. There was this one profile of a woman from Taiwan, age 20. She texted me three times in one month. When I joined, her age was listed as 20, and at some point, she changed her age to 25 on her profile. I ignored all these women. This proves again that all these women are fake. I do know these are women based on how they type, but they are not truthful like they act like they are. As I write this, I just realized this is Yomi's friend or sister; it matches the other Yomi account's sister tag. They are part of the same dance agency Aiu_Agency on Instagram from SW Entertainment in South Korea.
I knew this website wasn’t telling the truth. I found the JPNDate IP address and tracked it to a server in Hong Kong, China, hosted by Alibaba cloud servers. Reddit was right; the website is Chinese. However, Yomi is Korean which I learned later. I took pictures of the website code just in case. I asked Yomi if she knew Alibaba.
Then she asked if I’m going to China—a very strange follow-up question.
At this point, I was confused. Who is Yomi? I couldn’t find anything about Miyuki Miyamoto, only Yomi. On Yomi’s Instagram, she speaks Korean, not Japanese. I started to think there are no Japanese women on this website like they claim to be. She does speak Japanese, though.
I started using more than 10 different software programs to track who Yomi was since she kept asking me for money. I found like 1000 pictures of an idol, WeChat model, singer, dancer, person on endless Chinese dating sites, and a valiant professional gamer part of the AI’U agency for over 8 years. I found two other Instagram accounts with Yomi's face. Another account in Chinese with an idol name other than Yomi also had a Facebook page. The Chinese account has a post about her going to Australia in early 2024, where she is typing in English words. It was a fake trip. I also found an account where she speaks only Korean on Instagram. I also found a tik-tok where someone dances and looks 100% the same as Yomi, to whom I’m talking. The part that is crazy is that none of the images are 100% the same, but the person is the same in all of them.
This shocked me; I follow all the accounts. I saw the stories daily to see who this person was. Her Yomi account is just her normal pictures and atm company or something. Her Korean account is about traveling to Singapore, Spain, and South Korea. She also posts a lot about Disney toys here. When I talked to the scammer about Disney, I had no idea about this.
At this point, I knew that many men had been scammed out of money for fake love, not just me. These women are real women. However, there are actors pretending to be in love. They will crush your heart and call you names after a few weeks if you don’t buy their stuff. It has to be from JPNdate Mall only, nowhere else. JPNdate Mall prices are crazy high. I am not sure if the point of the website is just for money or if it is actually for women to study English or what. Chinese women, pretending to be Japanese (most of them), that have connections to Korean music, dancing, and gaming on professional teams. Man, what a hell of a story this is. This sounds like a Hollywood movie, but it's real, or at least partly. At this point, everything I say seems to be true based on what I know. They are connected deeply with SW Entertainment.
Yomi told me early on that she had one older sister and one younger brother. It seems like she is actually a twin, and she is the younger sister. Or it’s her friend she calls a sister from the dance Aiu Agency. Yomi claims to be 25, but I think she is closer to 27 or 28 based on finding a listing of her work in 2015 at Twitch Gaming. You have to be 18 or older to work at Twitch gaming, unless your parents sign things. Unless this job is fake, I don’t know.
When I showed the pictures I found to Yomi on JPNdate, she played the victim card on me. Saying she thinks I’m a liar and she wants to break up. Then she gave me her Skype account to try to prove it was legit, and all the other images and accounts were stolen and fake. Her Skype name is Rose, with a One Piece picture. She sent me many voice clips, crying, trying to convince me that she was real. I put them in software, and the voice was 30% human, 70% AI. Clearly, a woman is changing her Chinese or Korean voice to sound Japanese. A PC gamer would know how to do this; they do it all the time to troll. Yomi told me she didn’t play video games anymore, but I found a picture that wasn’t that old of a woman who looked the same as her; she had a Nintendo Switch with a white OLED in it. Btw it’s a known fact that Yomi uses software to cheat in the Pc FPS games. We talk for a few more weeks on Skype.
I can’t let Yomi, her sister, whoever the man is (I think her lover), and her idol dance friends scam men for their time and money. Yomi Chiense's name is Vera Yuanxin (维拉). Her twin sister goes by veravera_zhangg.
Yomi “deleted her profile” when I exposed her. But One Yomi is still there with no pictures. Two they clearly have other accounts with people who look like she just changed hairstyle, talking and trying to scam other men.
Remember when I said the anime part was important? On Yomi's Korean account, she has a friend with whom she talks about Digimon. She gave him a Disney toy. She told me she wanted to cosplay a fox; his profile is a fox. There is just so much proof that these are the same people.
Later someone hit me up on Reddit from the Phillippines and told me how the same person Yomi scammed them. How for months Yomi promise them so many things. Then when they said it came to going on the plane to visit him they said they were sick or dying or something.
Yomi also made a fake Instagram pretending to be Joe Biden and sent me a friend invite. I messaged and it was so funny how bad it was on their part. I said “Yomi are you trolling me?” then they deleted their account. This was on April 6th, 2024. Yomi tries so hard but use a lot of cheap things that are clearly fake like ai artwork, bots for like at ai_u agency, and fake profiles where she comments herself and attacks anyone who calls her out fairly.
After exposing Jpndate they Ip ban my address lol. Then on social media joke about attacking me.
If you call out their BS they threaten your family and yourself. Just stay away from all these sites if you're going to date online use well-known legit sites. I contacted Paypal and me and had many emails back and forth. They pretended to do an investigation on Yomi real identity and said she was really Miyuki Miyamoto. It was so bullshit. I told them I would sue them if they were lying, The site no longer exists. The scam does, however.
What happened After JPNDATE? April-June 2024
In April many fake Instagram accounts started following me each day. They are romance scams I never got them like this before. I didn’t fall for any of them. All or most were likely Yomi and her friends. Paypal did get me 4000 of 4080 dollars back but it took 6 weeks and multiple emails. JPNDate tells me they will be closing soon after PayPal went after them hard.
Like I said I just wanted to find love. I made some stupid decisions along the way. However, I want to find out the truth and make sure other men don’t get scammed by them. I keep messaging Yomi's skype during this period, they never block me. They unfriended me but I could still send messages I wasn’t blocked. They even responded 2 times out of the 50 times I did this in the multiple-week span.
I contacted the Aiu_Agency on Instagram (It is the same people as JPNDate) they pretended to be different people. I told them about Jpndate. They called me a hero, they said they loved me, and they thanked me for sending them all the pictures that Yomi sent me on Jpndate and Skype. They follow me on Instagram for 2 days. Then they unfollowed me randomly for no reason. They said their agency would do a police report and kill the scammer. I knew this was so bullshit. I told them how the scammers were making new profiles of them on Japan Cupid. Which is true. The leader Mingmei1344 (Which is Yomi Chinese account) claimed I was the scammer setting them up. She plays the victim card on me. I showed her all the messages and how I got the pictures, I didn’t steal anything. She told me her and her friends are okay if I hacked them, because I’m from the CIA. I am not from the CIA. It was a joke I made a few days before when she pretended to be a mob boss in Korea. I told her I am not a hacker. Right after that she and her friends all ban me other then Mingmei1344 account. Mingmei1344 Message me 1 more day, then block me.
However, Mingmei1344 and the Aiu_Agency keep posting things on topics I told them days or weeks before. I checked their old post they never talked about any of this before that. I told these to Yomi on JPNDate and skype not Mingmei1344 again proving it is the same person. They look the same as well. Like the blue feather concept in love mythology, Gundams, Nintendo, Persona, and many many other topics. Yomi claimed to not know anything about videogames before I talked about it with her. I think this is partly a lie.
This confuses me so I make fake Instagram accounts to message Mingmei1344 and Aiu_agency. She replies to my messages and Mingmei1344 even does a ask me a question thing on Instagram and replies to all of them. She clearly knows these accounts are from me Mark however she replies anyway. The replies were nice and positive things. Then later she bans them all again.
Often Aiu-Agency Women (Yomi and her friends, Mostly Yomi) pretend to go to countries they are not actually in the picture, it’s all greenscreen effects. They also use Ai for Music covers Artwork. For music covers they pretend to sell millions of copies of but there is nowhere to buy such a music cover CD they claim to sell. Their music covers are claimed to be from popular songs kpop songs. I looked, at least not right now such CDs aren’t real. Of course, the songs are real but not their covers. Yomi is most of the women in the pictures but not all. They will post Ai cover artwork, multiple pictures of them using the greenscreen effect, then put a high-quality image of a famous Korean male singer. They never took these pictures of these Korean male singers. They download them and edit them. They pretend to perform with them but it is all fake. Mingmei1344 started always putting her with all the famous Mark’s in Korea. Only her not her staff with Mark’s. I think it’s a reference to me. She didn’t do this before meeting me I looked at her old post. Again Mingmei1344 is Yomi who is Jeong Nahyeon, who pretends to be Miyuki Miyamoto.
She still references me sometimes in other ways and I send them messages to see what will happen next. One time I wrote about loving her to see what she would say. I do love Yomi, however I don’t want anyone to get scammed. I told her we could travel across the world together. She wrote in her next post on Aiu_agency on Instagram she liked this future with her future husband. It was a direct reply to what I asked the day before.
I joined DateSteady after being contacted by a woman on Japan cupid. She is very interested in me and Yomi so I tell her everything.
submitted by No_Funny3533 to Romance_Scamer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:21 reklatzz T4 gems

So the whole point of redoing the engraving systems and such was to make swapping between specs easy.
Why wouldn't they take the time to change gems to accommodate this? Gems are probably the worst part of swapping builds.
Like say for supports, I'm pretty sure they intend for supports to swap to dps build for solo raids.. sure there's the buff that makes you do more dps when branded.. but it's still going to be faster in a dps build. Classes like support and some others completely change all their gems in the other build.. that's pretty garbage.
Unless they did change it to accommodate this and just didn't talk about it. Or did I just miss it?
submitted by reklatzz to lostarkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:20 Brief-Copy9267 Smooth ZATCA Phase 2 E-Invoicing Compliance: Success in Saudi's Beauty & Wellness Industry

In the fast-paced Beauty and Wellness market of Saudi Arabia, one company has excelled in adapting to regulatory changes and digital transformation. Based in Riyadh and operating over 200 stores across Riyadh, Jeddah, El Qassim, Yanbu, and Al Khobar, our client has set a benchmark in the health and beauty care, pharmacies, distribution, retail, and lifestyle sectors. With a workforce of over 5,000, they faced the significant challenge of integrating Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) Phase 2 e-invoicing into their operations.

Overcoming Challenges: From Complexity to Compliance

Our client used a dual-application system: an in-house Point of Sale (POS) system for front-office tasks and SAP S/4HANA for back-office functions. SAP PI/PO served as an Enterprise Service Bus to integrate the POS system with SAP and facilitate integration between SAP and external entities like shops and vendors. Being in Wave 3, they faced a strict deadline for ZATCA Phase 2 integration, needing to ensure compliance for nearly 5 million B2C and B2B invoices annually.
Key Challenges:

The Solution: Accqrate's Innovative Approach

Our journey began with demonstrating direct SAP to ZATCA integration using Accqrate's middleware. Although initially inclined towards direct SAP to ZATCA integration, the client ultimately chose Accqrate's solution due to its cost-effectiveness and efficiency.
Options Provided:
  1. Direct SAP integration with ZATCA via PI/PO, bypassing middleware.
  2. SAP integration with ZATCA through Accqrate's middleware.
The client evaluated and found Accqrate's SAP E-invoicing package to be significantly more cost-effective, at just 1/100th the cost of the direct integration option.
Proof of Concept:
Accqrate offered a free proof of concept with the ZATCA Sandbox to prove the ease of integration. This risk-free demonstration convinced the client, and within a week, we showcased the integration by connecting with the client's SAP Sandbox.
Our Approach:

Value Proposition: Beyond Compliance to Transformation

The implementation of Accqrate's solution revolutionized the client's e-invoicing capabilities, ensuring compliance and delivering significant operational improvements.
Key Benefits:

Conclusion: Setting a New Standard in E-Invoicing

This case study demonstrates how innovative solutions can address complex regulatory requirements while enhancing operational efficiency. Our client's successful integration of ZATCA e-invoicing Phase 2 sets a benchmark for the Beauty and Wellness Care industry in Saudi Arabia, showcasing the potential of digital transformation to drive business growth and compliance.

Beautyworld Saudi Arabia

We extend our congratulations to the organizers of Beautyworld Saudi Arabia, the largest international fair for the beauty and wellness industry, for their successful 2024 edition. With over 350 exhibitors from more than 35 countries, the event provided a platform for industry leaders to connect, learn, and grow.
For businesses in the beauty and wellness industry facing ZATCA Phase 2 integration challenges, our story highlights the power of embracing technology with the right partner. Discover how our ZATCA-approved e-invoicing solution can streamline your operations and ensure seamless compliance. Join us in transforming your e-invoicing processes and elevating your business to new heights of efficiency and regulatory alignment in Saudi Arabia.
submitted by Brief-Copy9267 to einvoicing_KSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:16 Sin-God Sanguinarch Explaner & Discussion

Hi there! For the jump relevant to this post, click here. It IS a Troyverse Ascension so this is a very powerful type of creature and by coming to this jump you become one. This is an experiment with a new type of discussion post where I talk about big beasties from various settings you can become, and the fun you can have as whatever type of creature you can become.
Have a fun future announcement: I have plans for a jump to a generic world that is secretly in the process of becoming conquered by a Sanguinarch. In my head this jump would include origins for civilians, the resistance, collaborators, and a full origin for a Sanguinarch-spawned vampire. This is a WHOLLY original idea and is very far down the docket of jumps I want to create, but it is one I want to make before the end of the year. So if you like this post, you may like whatever I end up creating at some point in the future whenever I get around to making the jump I just mentioned.

Sanguinarch Basics

Sanguinarchs are one of the five types of Troyverse ascendants alongside Archdemons, Cosmic Gods, Dragon Lords, & Transynths. Three of the four types of beings I mentioned have jumps, all of which have been created by me and are reflections of the original source CYOAs that have been jump-ified and given some QOL things that are relevant to jumpers specifically. Ascendants are beings that tap into the fundamental rules of reality in some way. Archdemons use sins, Cosmic Gods use D&D/Pathfinder style domains, Dragon Lords use draconic fonts of power, and Transynths use technology and science. Sanguinarchs use... Well, Sanguinarchs use Essence.
So at their core Sanguinarchs are supreme undead & necromancers. They are vampires that can feed on entire planets, solar systems, galaxies, and even universes at the very height of somewhat possible attainable power for their kind, becoming cosmopotences (an in-universe term for beings capable of affecting entire universes). Sanguinarchs are also notoriously flexible tricksters with a very nasty grab bag of possible tricks.
The first level of a Sanguinarch's bag of tricks are their foci; a theme around which a sanguinarch focuses themselves granting themselves a particular set of abilities and skills. There are three foci, but any Sanguinarch can take more than one foci, though such sanguinarchs are the rarest members of their kind. The three foci are cultured, dominating, and savage.
The cultured focus is for sanguinarchs who value intelligence, reasoning, non-violence, and diplomacy. It grants any sanguinarch who takes it enhanced charisma, intelligence, persuasiveness, and the ability to conduct rituals which can enact any kind of magic other than magic that transforms bodies or morphs minds on massive scales in hours, scales which would normally take even entire planets of archmages years of constant collaboration to pull off. Sanguinarchs with this focus have enhanced magic when it comes to the body and mind but only magic enhanced to the scale that a normal archmage could realistically have, which is not nothing but it pales in comparison to the rest of their magical kit.
Dominating focused sanguinarchs value control over all things and have the ability to enslave people within a few miles of them, but if they have the right major sanguine power then they can dominate everyone in a galaxy around them. These servitors are 100% loyal to you and would do anything you command. They also passively generate essence for you, giving you oath based essence (unless you've shunned the oath source) which is the only way that mind controlling someone can generate oath based essence, as normally such a font stems from oaths that are willingly sworn rather than ones that stem from supernatural influence.
The final focus is the savage focus. This is a purely physical focus and it is tremendously powerful, boosting your speed to galactic scale and giving you unbelievable power and endurance.
The foci can also be mixed and matched, in the sense that buying one does not lock you out of the other two.
Going to the next facet of the sanguinarch's toolkit, let's talk about essence. Essence is a substance that sanguinarchs can absorb and make use of, which is generated by all sorts of connections (this term is being used in a conceptual, esoteric sense here); interactions which result in blood being drawn, the devouring of one's soul, consensual sex between adults, oaths that are willingly sworn ("willingly" here does include oaths sworn under duress but not under the influence of supernatural powers), and a sanguinarch's own dominion (Remember this word, we'll circle back to it). Essence is a substance that is generated by ALL instances of the things I mentioned, blood, souls, pleasure, and oaths, but only a sanguinarch can absorb and use the substance. Sanguinarchs naturally absorb any essence created by their own actions, and can maximize the five sources that generate essence up above, which allows them to passively absorb the essence generated by their personalized types of vampiric spawn (another thing we'll get too later in this post) in the cases of blood, souls, and pleasure (provided the type of vampire in question feeds on it), and then if oaths are sworn to your vampires, and in the case of maximizing the dominion source of essence you make it easier to add places to your dominion rather than increasing how much essence the dominion feeds you.
Essence can be spent in one of three ways; it can empower an active ability (such as a spell you're about to cast), it can buff a passive trait (such as boosting your durability), and finally it can emulate a one-off instance of any kind of effect you want. This last ability takes some explaining, but a sanguinarch can spend their essence (which is a resource that once spent is gone, though it is incredibly easy to gain more) to emulate any kind of power on virtually any scale, with more impressive powers on larger scales costing fortunes in essence. A sanguinarch with this ability can do virtually anything provided they are ready to spend the right amount of essence. This ability makes sanguinarchs extremely unpredictable and dangerous. Essence MUST be spent to use this ability, even if emulating an ability you've already emulated in the past.
Now let's talk about the more direct powers & the potent servants of sanguinarchs; vampires.

Sanguinarch's Active Abilities & Vampiric Spawn

There are two types of active powers that are uniquely part of a sanguinarch's power set; major sanguine powers, and also Dominion perks.
Major Sanguine powers are powers that require no essence and are extremely simple for the vampire-like monsters to use. There are about 17 of these abilities and each of them is worth understanding. More details on each of these abilities can be found in the jump or in the source document.
Empowerment boosts your effectiveness with essence. Shadowblank makes you stunningly difficult to detect and if you are willing to spend the essence can be used on your dominion, but when used on your dominion it is somewhat more detectable than you since if someone enters the dominion they can see it. Darkness allows you and your forces to get stronger in darkness and in places attuned to darkness. Eclipse lets you shroud a place in darkness. Phylacktery is your respawn mechanic. Monstrous Command lets you command animals and monsters of all kinds. Mindlink is stunningly powerful telepathic communication. Hypnosis is a brutally powerful form of mind control dependent on making eye contact with someone but if you hit them with it you can give almost any sort of command that you can imagine so long as it's not permanent and you can stack commands on somebody. Puppetmaster lets you seize control of all sorts of moving things and people, moving them in ways that are pleasing to you, almost like straight up telekinesis. Spectral Form gives you conditional intangibility (intangible to things like enemy strikes but tangible when you want to punch someone or otherwise interact with something), and Regeneration lets you recover from virtually sort of damage instantly, unless said damage is inflicted by a being wildly stronger than you.
Trueshifting is pretty incredible shapeshifting, power emulation, and cloning. Mirrorwalk is, for all intents and purposes, instant teleportation from any one mirror to any other mirror, at least in the local multiverse. Mass Telekinesis is ridiculously powerful telekinetic abilities able to hold even quintillions of different things in space at once, even if each individual thing has the same mass of mountains. Enthrall lets you turn people into thralls, immortal, devoted supernatural servants. all of whom are enhanced sources of essence in every way, their blood, souls, and pleasure giving you more essence, as well as their oaths generating more essence over time. Absorption lets you absorb skills, knowledge, and abilities from those you get essence from, be it you targeting a teacher, or your spawn targeting a local king, and by opting to gain a bit less essence then you'd otherwise gain you can instead just copy this stuff rather than taking it from the people you target with this power. Dark brides are special types of servants you can create that are wholly bonded to you, either creating someone from nothing or turning a living person into a dark bride so long as they consent to it. Dark brides can do whatever you can as a sanguinarch but each dark bride costs more than the last with the first being free.
Let's talk about dominions. A sanguinarch's dominion is not just territory that is under their control, but a patch of space that has been so thoroughly conquered by them that the land itself recognizes their control and lordship. This happens when a significant amount of essence has been gathered and absorbed by a single sanguinarch in one continuous area (how much essence is required depends in part on the size of the space in question), which eventually renders the space vulnerable to powerful dark rituals which the sanguinarch and their homies can perform over the course of several days. When these rituals are completed the patch of space becomes a part of their dominion, and a sanguinarch's dominion feeds them essence every second, with bigger dominion's feeding them more essence. A dominion is permanently under the influence of a sanguinarch who claims it, and in the Troyverse there are plenty of places that can be under the thumb of other sanguinarch since other sanguinarchs exist but once you jump OUT of the Troyverse... Well, there's a LOT of space in all but the smallest-setting-wise jumps for you to turn into your turf. There are a total of nine perks that specifically affect a sanguinarch's dominion, bolstering it in various ways. Let's talk about them!
Sentinals are a type of guardian that, if the perk is purchased, are generated by the dominion itself (and created by it whenever you add space to your dominion, or with the right perk, whenever it sufficiently expands) and have ultra-human (planet-level) physiques as well as some vampire-like abilities. These guardians protect your dominion but cannot leave it, and if they are somehow destroyed (and it'd take a being on par with or beyond Superman to do this so it IS possible but in a lot of settings it's not especially likely) your dominion will resurrect them over the course of a few days unless you spend some essence to rebuild them. They are also completely immune to mind control or being puppeted, and are aware of everything in your dominion.
Many dominion perks are handy because they make your dominion more suitable to your minions and you in some way and pliant climate is one such perk. PC begins with a one time effect that makes a new patch of dominion more hospitable to your minions, altering reality to do something like destroying radiation that might destroy sufficiently weak lifeforms or creating landmasses for your servants to walk on, and after that effect has occurred you can personally warp reality to alter the climate in your dominion even weaponizing weather against invaders or other enemies.
Labyrinth is a perk that enhances your dominion's natural and default resistance to enemy reality warping (to such an extent that universe-scale reality warpers would struggle to use reality warping in your space), and also causes the local geography to warp and twist in reality-defying ways that make it virtually impossible for non-ascendants to escape without your permission.
Shroud is a perk that nullifies any default weaknesses you or your spawn may have to traditional anti-vampire stuff (sanguinarchs do not have such weaknesses by default though a drawback can give you some) such as sunlight, garlic, silver, or fire, so long as you or your spawn are in your dominion. If you opted to allow your spawn to be weak to stuff, particularly sunlight, this can be an incredibly handy perk to have and can give even the most disloyal vampires powerful reasons to aid you in expanding your dominion.
Obedient architecture lets you turn raw materials into grand structures instantly, so long as the required reality warping occurs in your dominion.
Gluttonous enhances how much essence you get when you are in your dominion, but this particular perk is a bit odd. The way this perk works is by enhancing ALL feeding you do on essence so long as you are in the confines of your dominion. Very importantly this enhances the potency of the dominion's passive essence production, but also bolsters every other source of essence, and can be very powerful if you strive to maximize essence production. This can also blend very powerfully with another ability we'll mention in a second.
Shadow Paths is a perk that ties together all patches of dominion in a jump (for jumper-sanguinarchs, this limitation doesn't exist for pure CYOA sanguinarchs). What this means is that your servants and those you give permission too can step into one patch of dominion and immediately enter another patch located elsewhere, even if doing so entails them stepping somewhere in North Carolina and suddenly appearing in Alaska, or on the moon. This is one of the best forms of teleportation in the Troyverse that is able to be used by ascendants, but requires the powerful setup needed to turn a place into a patch of dominion in the first place, as opposed to requiring the advanced technology other ascendants can use to swiftly and stealthy teleport en-masse. One handy aspect of this power is that it is only accessible to those you permit and only if they are loyal to you; if a vampire you converted into a vampire is somehow under enemy control they cannot use these paths at all. This is a neat defensive measure that prevents this ability from being used against you. The paths automatically appear whenever you add a patch to your dominion, connecting any and all such spaces.
Power Suppression is a very handy ability that shuts down enemy/non-allied powers so long as they are in your dominion, which if fused with something like labyrinth can be incredibly devastating. How strong this perk is depends on how much you invest in it, but frankly even the first tier makes entire settings (even ones with powered beings) unable to use their powers against your will, as a LOT of settings do not have any beings that are planet-scale.
Eminent Domain is a stunningly powerful perk that enhances your dominion in every respect. Firstly it makes it so that any abilities you use remotely do not suffer any diminishment (all ascendants are capable of using their ascendant abilities at incredible ranges so long as the area they are using their powers in are sufficiently under their influence in some way, but normally such abilities suffer some level of weakened effectiveness due to distance). This also radically bolsters your awareness of what occurs in your dominion, granting you pseudo-omniscience within the strict confines of your dominion. Lastly, and most importantly, this stunningly powerful perk allows your patches of dominion to expand themselves!
Normally a patch of dominion is static in the sense that it does not expand sans external intervention (Basically a patch of dominion's size and dimensions are determined at the moment a place is converted and normally stays that way forever). With ED this is changed and instead patches of dominion slowly expand with how quickly they expand being determined by whether or not you maximized the dominion essence source (and a requirement that feedings occur in the patch of dominion in question). Think of it this way; it's easier for a sanguinarch who has patches of dominions in banks where vampire bankers get people to swear oaths via bank loans to watch their patches expand than a sanguinarch whose patches are in barren deserts to watch their patches expand. That's not to say it can't be done, the desert-owning sanguinarch can turn serial killers into vampires, have them take their victims to the dominion patches and feed on them in there, but that IS more complex than the setup for the banking sanguinarch I also mentioned.
Fully understanding and maximizing the power of the dominion is difficult but it's worth it. A sanguinarch with a few perks is an impressively powerful lord of any space they turn into their dominions, and a sanguinarch with ED can slowly and cautiously watch their dominion expand without having to do the rituals. It's dope.
Now let's talk about vampric spawn! I'm not gonna go over every facet of this, as there's a lot of individual options that'd need to be discussed. but vampiric spawn are a SPECIFIC type of vampire created by a sanguinarch. A sanguinarch can turn anyone in the same planet into a vampire spawn, and even gods are not immune to this transformation, neither are animals, demons, or any supernatural beings unless they are on par with an ascendant themselves. It's also stunningly difficult to resist this transformation, so someone can do something like catch Superman off guard and turn him into one of your spawn.
There are a number of reasons why sanguinarchs want vampiric spawn, but for a lot of sanguinarchs vampiric spawn will be best viewed as a way to speed up one's ability to gather essence. When deciding your builds you have three options when it comes to all five sources of essence; you can "shun" them, you can leave them unaltered, or you can maximize them. "Shunning" a source means you never get essence from it (but this does not make them useless, as dominions can get still benefit from dominion perks AND turning an area into a dominion can stop other sanguinarchs from doing so, though this would only be useful in Troyverse jumps), leaving it alone means you can get essence from instances of the source caused by you and you alone, and maximizing the source means that any actions that are relevant to the source that your spawn cause (that in the case of blood, pleasure, and souls they can FEED on) generates essence for you (which is relevant both for the purposes of the absorption sanguine major power and for the purposes of eventually creating new patches of dominion). This means that vampiric spawn are more than handy servants, they can be vital expanders of your empire.
A sanguinarch can customize vampiric spawn they create in a number of ways by purchasing options in the vampiric spawn customization section of the jump doc. If a sanguinarch went bonkers on this section their maxed out vampires would be fucking stacked with modifiers like enhanced beauty, an ability to grow stronger from feeding (and it being a carving rather than a necessity), fanatical loyalty to you, the ability to mesmerize people, fly, turn into mist, and shapeshift, as well as physiques that are 100 times the peak for their species. These vampires would be tremendously powerful servants, and could make for incredible followers.

Sanguinarch Thoughts & Musings

Now that we've spent a beat discussing the facets of sanguinarch stuff that will persist across jumps, let's talk a bit about thoughts & musings related to sanguinarchs!
Sanguinarchs are hands down the best territory-type ascendants. Their ability to conquer a place so thoroughly that they turn it into their dominion is fucking wild given what dominion perks can do to a place, and a properly stealthy sanguinarch can do it before people even realize that something fucky is going on. Even in modern police states sanguinarchs with the right builds can be masters of subtlety and stealth, or can just blitz a place so fast that no one has a chance to resist (this is especially true for dominating sanguinarchs).
I really like the versatility and flexibility of sanguinarchs, as the emulate function of essence and stuff like shadowblank and mindlink are so fantastically potent that they are just nightmarishly powerful in the right hands.
A sanguinarch that opts to not be watered down and instead has the full functionality of a CYOA sanguinarch rather than my suggested edits to make the power of a sanguinarch more approachable can enter a setting and turn everyone in their home world into a vampire in an instant, or can dominate entire communities in a second, In some respects this is just beyond what other ascendants can do (though all ascendants can buy greater megapowers which can allow other ascendants to emulate a sanguinarch with the right focus). Manifold ascendants that are sanguinarchs AND other things can instantly create cults to themselves and, assuming they are an archdemon, dragon lord, or cosmic god, immediately begin to gain power from the worship power source.
As a stealth-type jumper person I really really like the potency of a sanguinarch's many abilities that either revolve around stealth or allow for it, with powers like eclipse and shadowblank being perennial favorites of mine. I also love that there are powers that revolve around knowing more than others and hiding in the dark, giving boosts to your other powers if you are just smarter than your foes or if you are a sneaky sneak. One fascinating aspect of the darkness power is how it can synergize with absorption, since you can drain knowledge from foes with strikes, which makes your other abilities stronger against them.
Here are some fun ideas for interesting targets to turn into vampiric spawn or otherwise use in a story with a jumper sanguinarch.
A serial killer who will now eagerly dedicate their kills to you, and who is happy to target anyone you wish to see killed.
A cop who needs to find the people who kidnapped her brother. Now armed with vampiric powers she will investigate her brother's kidnapping with brutal efficiency.
A priest having a crisis of faith whose mind is exceptionally loud one night when you are scanning nearby minds. Now he worships you rather than whatever god he once believed in.
A high school queen bee who is afraid of the future or growing old and is eagerly willing to cavort with dark forces once she realizes they are real and willing to help her, for a price. This one can be really fun if you turn her friend into a vampiric spawn and dangle the prospect in front of her but instead use some of your abilities to do stuff like enhance her but not give her the immortality she craves.
A promising athlete who was critically injured and is desperate to recover and rebuild their career.
A politician who craves more and more power, and is happy to make dark deals.
A terminally ill child with parents who are desperate to see them get better, and who will pay any price if it means their child has a miracle. And to keep paying for their child's continued health.
Sanguinarchs CAN be brutal overlords who conquer places with force, and that can be a lot of fun given how incredibly powerful the savage focus is (and how much scarier it can be with stuff like spectral form and regeneration). Sanguinarchs can also be shadowy deal makers who have fun putting things in place and watching how they move once they are positioned in front of each other.
There are some very inventive ways for a sanguinarch to get essence. One of my favorites is to create vampires that are, for all intents and purposes, succubi and have them run brothels where they sell themselves at incredibly low prices and have them feast on horny peeps. Another way I really like is to create charisma based vampires and turn banks into dens for my vampirism, or turn places like lending agencies into hives of my vampires.
Certain places are also very likely to be targeted by me whenever I create sanguinarchs (be they CYOA or jump sanguinarchs); hospitals and prisons. My sanguinarchs are invariably predatory assholes and they recognize how desperate people can be after a difficult doctor's visit, and they also see prisons as places that are incredibly easy to turn into patches of their dominion, whether it's turning desperate and scared prisoners into vampires or giving prison guards and staff the power to more easily and safely corral the prisoners.


I honestly just really like sanguinarchs. They have such fun and varied power sets, and can dramatically expand their toolkits with stuff like Absorption and the emulate function of their ability to manipulate essence. Sanguinarchs and Transynths are the oddest of the ascendants, but I have such fun with both of their power sets and it can be so rad to see what sort of mischief a sanguinarch jumper can get up too while turning a place into a part of their dominion.
I hope this overview helps you think more keenly about sanguinarchs and their eerie meshes of abilities. If you've ever run a sanguinarch jumper, or have plans to do so I'd love to hear all about them!
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:15 smartybrome Unlock Your Learning Potential with These Free Udemy Courses! 09 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 09 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
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submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:15 smartybrome Unlock Your Learning Potential with These Free Udemy Courses! 09 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 09 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
And many more! Remember, coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE. – CLICK HERE to start learning now!
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:14 smiley17111711 I disagree with the argument that the frame of reference of a light ray is "meaningless"

Lately, I've seen a lot of people making the argument that one cannot assign a valid frame of reference to the path of a ray of light. It is often claimed that it is "meaningless". I want to explain why I disagree with this idea. But if I am wrong, I would like to know where my mistake is.
The first argument I often encounter is that proposing such a frame contradicts a postulate that was accepted implicitly, when speaking of any frame of reference, namely Einstein's postulate that c is the same for all observers. They argue that in such a frame, by definition, the speed of light would be zero. And so it would contradict the postulate we've already accepted.
There are a number of problems with that argument. The first is the logical error. We are free to begin our examination without Einstein's postulate. This is a subtlety that is neglected. Most sets of postulates work this way. For example, in Euclid's Geometry, there are alternative postulates that are usually taught to modern students, instead of his own. But you can start with either set and arrive at the other. It is no different in this case. We can begin by considering such a frame and then consider what would imply, and we might later introduce Einstein's postulate, or we might arrive at it from our approach, or we might have no need for it. That is just the rules of logic, alone- we have said nothing yet about the physics of it.
The second problem is that this argument is misleading- it is speaking of something different than what is actually proposed. The speed of light, per se, is different than the relative velocity of the frame proposed. The speed of light is just a scalar magnitude. The second is a particular vector assigned to a coordinate axis. And so there is no contradiction in proposing that one of these is one number, and the other is something else. They are two different things.
Third, the argument pretends that the proposed frame is coincident with all light in all directions, in all places. That is obviously not what is proposed. Indeed, there could be no such frame. It is only proposed to be coincident with one ray.
If we try to more specify more precisely what we mean, it is fairly obvious that the common sense meaning of such a frame is a frame that is coincident with a particular crest or a particular trough of the radiation, in one direction. In other words, a frame in which the dynamic field of the radiation would appear to be a static electric field that varied in space.
Those who argue that in such a frame the speed of light would be zero are not correct. The speed of light would be c in such a frame. But because the field would be a static field in such a frame, there would be no light to observe.
But if we consider any other path of light, of any other light ray, then of course, it would appear as a dynamic field, and it would still appear to propagate at c, consistent with Einstein's postulate, even in the frame we proposed. Proceeding in that fashion, we notice that we actually stopped short of introducing Einstein's postulate. There was no need. But when we do introduce it, we see that it will pose no contradiction at all.
To see this fact even better, consider the frame which is just a tiny bit slower than the light. My opponents make no objection to such a frame. In such a frame, the same light appears as a dynamic field, but one that changes very slowly. Redshifted, in other words.
But that redshift does not imply that the speed of light is any slower in such a frame. It merely means that the wavelength is longer. Changes in the field still propagate at the same speed.
So when we consider the frame that is truly coincident with the light, there is no abrupt transition from an acceptable frame of reference to an impossible frame. Rather, it is a smooth transition from a rapidly varying dynamic field to a field that is varying so slowly it is a static field. In both cases, the speed of light is still c. But the wavelength differs, as it should.
This is the part where the second argument gets dragged out. My opponents argue that they have a certain well established ratio that they apply, when they transform from one frame to another. They argue that this ratio would be mathematically undefined if they attempted to apply it between the frame of the light source and this proposed frame coincident with the light ray.
This argument is perhaps a little bit stronger, but it is still very weak. First, it assumes that when human math fails to describe nature, that nature must therefore be confined to the realms that human math can describe. That is obviously untrue. Human math fails all the time, and yet nature persists, all the same. Either she is waiting for our math to catch up with her cleverness, or there is some other tool that must be applied, or possibly, there is no tool that could ever describe her completely. All of those are possibilities. And there are countless other examples in which our math encounters a stumbling block that is no hindrance to nature.
Second, the argument makes a basic misunderstanding about undefined functions and how they are dealt with mathematically. Not every undefined value is unmanageable. As an obvious example from geometry, consider the circle. The circle has a tangent line at every point. But if you attempt to define a tangent function in Cartesian coordinates, you will inevitable encounter a place where the function is mathematically undefined. But does that imply that a vertical line is undefined? Of course not. It's defined as a vertical line. The problem of the undefined tangent function did not exist for ancient geometers, because they did not define a coordinate plane. And even if one insists on using a coordinate plane, one can easily change it to avoid the undefined values at certain place, by changing coordinates and leaving them undefined at others. So an undefined ratio, alone, is not enough reason to conclude that the frame we have proposed is "meaningless", any more than the undefined values of the tangent function would be reason to conclude that a vertical line is "meaningless".
Often, my opponents point out the well established fact that the limit of a function as it approaches a value is not necessarily the value of the function at that value. This is another distraction. It is true that a math major who went around saying that the limit was equal to the value would flunk out of math class. But it has very little to do with the physics problem.
Mostly because there are also functions in which the limit actually does equal the value of the function at that point, and in fact, this is one such example. That is, if we interpret gamma as infinity in our example, we obtain the correct results. Frequencies don't merely approach zero- they really are zero. Wavelengths don't merely approach infinity- they really are infinite. And the clock at the light source does not merely get slower- the pendulum actually stops swinging, for an observer in this frame. That is, the limit is also the value.
To see this more convincingly, consider a frame that is just slightly faster than the light. This will probably provoke my opponents even more. But if you like, consider the frame of the real particles in water around a nuclear reactor, in which the speed of particles can sometimes exceed the speed of the radiant light. In truth, there is no need for that contrivance, but if it assuages your objection, feel free to consider it.
What an observer in such a frame would see would be just like the observation in the frame that was just a little slower than the light- the light would be strongly redshifted. But the order of it would be reversed. In other words, if the light was from a movie projector, the movie would appear to run backwards.
Considering such a frame, it is obvious that there is a smooth transition here, from the frame just slightly slower than the light, to the frame just slightly faster than the light. Just as there is a smooth transition from a tangent line on the top of the circle to a tangent line on the bottom of the circle. At no point does the tangent line cease to exist. The same thing happens to frequencies and wavelengths in these frames we are considering. Frequencies would transition smoothly from a positive value, to zero, to a negative value, with no discontinuity. The only problem arises when we insist on using certain functions that have undefined values. But simply sticking with the geometry of it, no such problem arises.
Last, there is the error that is made when my opponents insist that they must be able to transform between coordinate systems. There is no fundamental law of physics that says you have to be able to do that. And even if one insists on being able to do so, it doesn't tell us which one do the two frames is the one to throw out, and which one to keep.
For me, this is the strongest argument against my opponent's view. Even if they insist that all frames must be reconcilable with a transformation (untrue) and that the proposed frame is irreconcilable with that of the light source (also untrue), they will still have to admit that nothing gives them any reason why one of those frames is superior to the other. They are merely assuming they couldn't possibly toss out the frame of the light source. But that's not justified. They could just as easily insist they couldn't toss out the frame of the light. If you begin with the perspective of the light, you arrive at a reciprocal transform that is also undefined for the frame of the light source. But that doesn't make either of them meaningless, for the reasons already given.
I expect some hate for saying this. But if I am wrong, I need to hear it.
submitted by smiley17111711 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:14 Scared-Gift8980 Planna Home App - Gift cards for completing home improvement tasks

Planna is an app where you get rewarded for making your home a better place.
You gain points for completing tasks which you can then redeem for gift cards.
The tasks also help you to live better by: improving your wellbeing, increasing the value of your house & increasing how sustainable your home is.
Some of the tasks are:
Once you sign up with a referral link you’ll receive 50 bonus points, you can then go to the discover tab and add all of the tasks to your plan, this allows you to complete the tasks & gain more points!
For context I have completed 102/166 available tasks and I’ve now reached 1,900 points!
Some examples of how many points you need to redeem gift cards:
The gift cards are often selling out but they are regularly topped back up again
Sign up to the Planna app & receive 50 bonus points to get started, my referral code is: emilyshouse in case it asks for one during the sign up process.
submitted by Scared-Gift8980 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:10 John_Swift1 How I passed my SHRM-CP (without the Learning System)

As I was studying for the SHRM-CP exam, I came across several posts on here that were useful in helping me along the process, so I thought I would share some information on how I passed for future test takers. Please note that I did NOT purchase the SHRM Learning System. I studied by myself using free online resources and a few books I bought off Amazon. Prep/Study Time
I studied for about 4–5 weeks. On weekdays I studied between 1–3 hours per day, on the weekends I would do 4–6 hours per day, and during the last 7–10 days, I studied about 4–6 hours per day. Of course, I took a few nights off here and there as well. Keep in mind that you may need to study more or less given your work experience (I have a Master’s in I/O Psych and about 2 years of relevant work experience). To be honest, I wish I had started studying 2–3 weeks earlier. I would recommend giving yourself at least 1.5–2 months to prepare for this exam.
1) SHRM BoCK — This is a free PDF that you can download off the SHRM website. I used this resource to guide my overall learning. I dissected the entire document and made flashcards on Quizlet for everything I did not know. In particular, I focused on the “key concepts” for each section and made sure I knew the definition of each term. There is also a glossary of terms and definitions at the end of the document, so I added all those terms into Quizlet as well. The glossary does not have every definition you will need to know, but it’s a good start. For the terms I could not find a definition for, I would either
A) Google it
B) see how the SHRM website defines it,
C) use one of my other resources to find a definition
D) go to Youtube to learn more.
2) SHRM-CP Exam by certexamdb Test Prep: You can find in here
I explored a few different practice exams, but this was by far the most useful. You cannot use this as your only resource, but it is a great start.
3) PHSPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide by Anne Bogardus: You can actually find a PDF of this online for free. At some point throughout the study process (usually after a practice exam), you will likely realize that you need to go into more depth with certain concepts. This is where this study guide comes in. I didn’t read it word for word, but I spent a few hours skimming through it, went through some of the practice questions at the end of each chapter, and read in detail certain sections that I was weak on. This resource is very detailed but not too complicated which is great. I would highly recommend allocating 1–2 study days just for going through this resource. Keep in mind that it will provide you with more detail than you need, but you can just focus on the concepts that are relevant to the SHRM-CP.
4) SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Practice Exams (All in One) by Kelly and Simon-Walters. About 10 days before my exam, I came across this resource which consisted of 500 questions that were broken down into each of the sections outlined in the SHRM BoCK. When I took the practice exam in the certexamdb Test Prep I scored terribly on the situational judgment questions. This book is GREAT for preparing you for those questions. Just keep in mind two things when using this resource:
It will consist of some questions with terms or concepts that you did not come across in any of the other resources — you can just ignore those (it’s extra information that you do not necessarily need), (2) the quick answer key has some inaccuracies (ignore it) but the answer key with detailed explanations is correct so make sure you use that when scoring yourself. Make sure you answer both the SHRM-CP and the SHRM-SCP questions (they are both relevant). This really helps with the situational judgment questions, but also with knowing how some of the terms and definitions apply in a real setting. When focusing on these questions, I realized that I had memorized some definitions, but I still didn’t know how to apply those concepts. This book helps with that.
5) Quizlet Flashcards created by other people — A lot of people have created quizlet sets (even from the Learning System) that they have uploaded. Those are free, so make sure you use them! Also, some people have even created practice sets for exam questions (which I think are from the learning system as well), so make sure you review those as well! Basic Study Tips: Unfortunately, without the Learning System, there is no single resource that you can use to prepare for this exam. Therefore, make sure you use a few resources just to make sure you get exposed to most of the material that will be on the exam. As you go through each resource, keep revising your flashcards and adding new ones. Make sure you periodically review flashcards as you go rather than waiting to cram everything in a week before the exam. When you go through practice questions, you will soon realize that you often need to know more than just the definition… you need to know when and how something applies as well. For example, you need to know what FMLA is, but you also need to know what the eligibility criteria is, when it is applicable, etc… I had one massive set of flashcards (about 500), and then I also had smaller sets of flashcards for some sections (e.g., a set for HR Laws, another set for Finance/Accounting terms). I would memorize using the smaller sets, but then I went through the giant set I had created a few days before my exam to make sure I knew everything. Do a ton of practice questions and understand why you got certain questions wrong.
6) SHRM LMS Books
Here’s a quick overview of the step-by-step process I took to study and prepare:
  1. Go through SHRM-BoCK and create flashcards
  2. Go through and memorize SHRM Learning System Flashcards (You can find these on Quizlet and search “SHRM Learning System”)
  3. Take certexamdb Test Prep Practice Exam, review, and identify weak areas.
  4. Go through the Bogardus PHSPHR book and focus on weak areas (fill in flashcards)
  5. Memorize the newly created flashcards for weak areas, flag ones that you continually get wrong or confused with.
  6. YouTube hazy concepts and terms to gain a richer understanding, use Khan Academy when applicable.
  7. Retake certexamdb Practice Exam
  8. Go through questions in the book by Kelly and Simon-Walters
  9. Identify weak areas, read through explanations, create and memorize flash cards as needed
  10. A few days before my exam, focus on my large stack of flashcards, go through other people’s flashcard sets, and go through practice exams on Quizlet.
Exam Experience and Takeaways
I finished the exam in a little over three hours. You get no breaks, but you can always take them as needed. Time is likely not going to be an issue. Here are some takeaways that I had about the exam: — There were surprisingly few questions on US Employment Laws & Regulations and Labor Unions. I spent a lot on these sections when studying, but there were not many questions at all on these topics. — The test questions were different than any of the practice exams I had taken (however you should be fine as long as you know the material) — The situational judgment questions can be exhausting with having to read 2–3 paragraphs for each 2–3 questions. — Make sure you carefully read the question. For example, you are often asked “what is the first step you would take” or “what strategy would you use.” These can be tricky, but they can also easily reveal the right answer. — No matter how hard you study, you will encounter a few questions where you come across terms that you’re unfamiliar with and you will have to guess blindly. Just try to eliminate what you do know is wrong and take your best guess. Don’t stress too much about it. — Use the highlight, strike through, and flagging options during the exam. It helps a lot. — Often, the correct answers for the situational judgment questions have something to do with (1) getting leadership buy-in, (2) having HR be a strategic partner, (3) making sure the action is aligned with the org’s mission and vision (4) HR being proactive, (5) doing a needs assessment of some sort, (6) having HR be some sort of facilitator.
submitted by John_Swift1 to HumanResourcesExam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:10 ACES-OVER-8s PC Upgrading Advice (anything appreciated)

I’m trying to upgrade my PC a little, it plays most games with pretty high graphics with 80-100fps, I think my weak point is my processor but I am not sure if I can upgrade it without upgrading my motherboard. I will put all of the info below and my possible processor upgrade at the bottom. Thank you!
Motherboard: H110-PLUS ASUS Intel H110 Chipset 2x DIMM 4x SATA 6GB/s System Board (Motherboard) Socket LGA 1151
Processor: I7-7700
GPU: MSI GTX 1080 Gaming X 8GB
RAM: 2x16gb @3600 (DDR4)
Power supply: Corsair CX Series 750 Watt 80+ Bronze Certified
I was looking into getting an I7-14700k cpu, I think since it’s an I7 it will still work with this motherboard but I’m not really sure how to check. Any thoughts would be appreciated, if you think the motherboard is needing to get replaced let me know, also my graphics card is getting old but I haven’t seen it struggling too much yet except for very intense gaming.
Also as a side note.. it won’t turn off.. I haven’t been able to fix that but 3 seconds after it fully shuts off, it turns back on unless I hit the kill switch. I was thinking about just wiping all memory and starting clean.
submitted by ACES-OVER-8s to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:09 Kev-3483 Found my place

I’m sick of the two party system. I don’t want Trump or Biden again. I don’t think we need to be supplying other countries with weaponry to kill the other side with. I think our government has so many moving parts, departments, back door crap going on, nothing is getting done, and we continually descend into a bottomless pit.
Today I changed my voter designation to Libertarian.
I didn’t do so because it is an alternative, I did so because I align with the core values that Chase Oliver listed in an article I read. I did some research, and this is the place for me.
I can’t advocate for the two main candidates. They are both dangerous to me as a citizen of this country. And I won’t endorse or vote for their antics, their rhetoric, their inaction, their selfish pursuits.
I know I won’t be accepted in some circles, I’ll be told I’m “wasting my vote” or “you voted for who won” - I know this - I found a place, a party, a set of values I have myself. This is what feels right to me, and I no longer allow myself to be limited to the lesser of two evils. I’ve reached a point where I cannot discern which is more evil. Like the movie “Wargames”, the best choice is not to play.
So I embark on a new journey, helping move away from a two party system that continues to fail us all. I know I am not going to agree with everyone here and they may not agree with me. But I assure you, I will be honest and own what I say, and I will respect everyone’s right to have and say what they want.
Sorry this may be TL;DR - I welcome those interested to share their knowledge and resources with me so I can learn more about this party I’ve aligned with - the one that speaks and makes the most sense to me.
submitted by Kev-3483 to LibertarianPartyUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:07 Ok-Imagination9384 One of my favorite parts of Euphoria

I know people are tired of discussing the beef (which I don’t really understand. If Drake won, him and his fans would be insufferable for the rest of the year. See Meek mill 2015) but I haven’t seen much on this and wanted to get your thoughts.
What Would Pluto Do:
“Bunch of sedatives, hypnotics in my system, okay Life is goin' just how I predicted, okay Droppin' two Cialis in her liquid, okay I ain't got a strap, I gotta risk it, okay Baby girl, Adonis need a sister, okay And my baby mama out the picture, okay Think I'm 'Luminati 'cause I'm rich, well okay”
Yeah, I'm out the way, yeah, I'm low, okay Yeah, the island right here's remote, okay I ain't thinkin' about no reaper, Nigga, I'm reapin' what I sow, okay Got a Benjamin and a Jackson all in my house, like I'm Joe, okay Hellcat, made his homeboys and them types sell they soul, okay Everybody wanna be demon 'til they get chipped by a throwaway.
It doesn’t seem like Kendrick to repeat “Okay” at the end of all his bars for that long. But when you factor in that Drake does that in What Would Pluto Do, it seems like it is all a build up to “Everybody wanna be Demun, ‘til they get chipped, by a throwaway”
Demun - Future middle name
Everybody wanna be Demon - What Would Pluto Do.
Til they get chipped, by a throwaway - Throwaway is a song by future. Also Drake wants to be Future but wouldn’t have let Kendrick have a Like That verse on his song, in fear of getting “chipped” on his own song.
Adding in the reaper, HELLcat, Sell the soul, Demon scheme makes this even crazier and is more complex than anything Drake said the whole battle.
Just my two cents, let me know if you think I’m reaching.
Before you say “somebody already said this” please be prepared to give me an example of someone relating Euphoria to What Would Pluto Do, which is the main point of this post, and I’ll delete.
submitted by Ok-Imagination9384 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:05 Gloomy-Problem-2700 New to blink, looking for tips

I was looking to upgrade our old camera system we had (Kasa 2 outdoor, 3 indoor). Amazon had a special that I missed for the blink 4 pack. And then Costco also had a bundle which came with more. I price watched and they both came down. So I went with the better option. I got them all online and up, I plan to use the module with a usb. -I already noticed that a few cameras I had to remove batteries twice to get back online. -the thumbnails don’t refresh unless I request refresh. -I want the clips to go longer than 5 seconds, should I disable end clip early option? -I will invest in the WiFi mesh. (I’ve been poking around others posts) -is the subscription worth it vs the USB cards? I don’t care about the red dot notifications but it would annoy me not being able to delete multiple videos at a time. I mostly like to keep the videos of something funny unexpectedly happening.
Any tips or feedback is welcome! And TIA.
Kasa was goodish. Our cameras were old and the batteries were old and died quickly. They never really recorded anything. I don’t think it supported the motion detection like blink offers. I am thrilled to have wireless option for indoors so we can move as necessary, especially when traveling to keep an eye on the furry ones. I also can finally put a camera in front instead of using one indoors pointing outdoors. So I’m really hoping this all works how I wanted. I’m hoping it’s my WiFi issues like I’m seeing a lot of others mentioning..? I’m a little disappointed that there is no alarm feature for you wanted to warn someone to leave or that they’re being watched other than unmuting yourself. But that’s still ok. I did order the siding mounting brackets. But I may use the ones they came with since I like the design better.
submitted by Gloomy-Problem-2700 to blinkcameras [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:02 Smooth-Housing1979 Aitah?

(Before I began. Lot of comments say negative stuff, i want to say no stories are mine, they are sent to me and i post. I forget to say that. I wont be saying that on every story, it is in my biography, thank you, please be positive this is not my story, thank you)
AITAH for celebrating pride with a woman when I am a gay man?
I M32 have been dating my boyfriend Chris M30 for seven years, we both live together in a loft apartment with a cat named Bobby and a new addition to our family, our dog, Bella.
Every pride Chris and I like to go to the festival then go clubbing after. I've never been a fan of the festival or the clubbing as its never been the type for me.
I've gotten a lot of mean stuff said to me about not wanting to participate. Saying how I should appreciate I get to have pride and to be there for mu community. Chris really takes it seriously, even putting up lgbt flags in our home, pride stickers on our car and such. He treats it like its Christmas but for the month. I dont mind it as much as I know it makes him happy.
This year Chris wanted to take a different approach to Pride. After meeting some new friends Danny, Sam and Kabir, he was really influenced by them. The three of them are in what you'd call a poly relationship where the three of them date each other. I have nothing against that I'm just not interested in it to the point I wouldn't like to be in a poly relationship. Chris however has been so Influenced by them he's brought it up to me a couple times. I wouldn't even call myself jealous, I'd just see it as cheating.
Chris said for the club that we both act single and have fun. We've been with each other in each other's company for so long that I understand he wants to branch out and have fun, I just don't understand why he needs to act single for it.
Chris and I are planning on getting married in the future. There hasn't been any proposals yet- but it's been seven years now and we'd like to continue. So I understand that he wants to have some freedom before but I still dont get it completely.
I agreed on his idea to act single, knowing I'd probably just hang out with some friends for the night. Boy how things changed.
At the club, Chris wasn't the man I was with, he was like another person. Chris is like a very feminine man, wears only women clothes, makeup, heels, the whole show. Tonight, he wore skinny jeans and a white tee. It was a shock to the system, nevertheless I shrugged it off.
I can't lie when I say it was heartbreaking seeing him flirt with other men, Kissing them, was too much. I decided to get some fresh air and head to the smoking area. There were a couple people smoking cigarettes and a few just standing around. That's when I started talking to this girl, she was a bit taller than me, which was cool as there's not many girls who are taller.
Her name was Jennifer but she insisted I call her Jenny. She showed me all her tattoos, the ones she did herself and the ones she got professionally done. I guess I could already tell but still, they were pretty dope.
As some time went on, she bought me a drink and asked if I was single. I was about to reply no when I had seen Chris with a man on his lap and another Kissing blow his chin. I replied yes, as did she. I had no intention of getting on Chris's level if that's what you'd think. Chris wanted this. I ended up making out with the girl, even going back to her place that night. After being with a man for so long it was a complete other feeling which I had forgotten.
I gave Chris a text before sleeping that night just to tell him I'd be home in the early morning. Which turned out to be wrong. I guess I was expecting Jenny to be already gone in the morning, yet i could smell the bacon and eggs in the kitchen. We had some breakfast then headed off to the town to get a smoothie.
After some time we said our goodbyes and I headed home. Chris wasn't awake yet when I had gotten in, must of had a lot to drink last night. I hurried into the kitchen and began to make some breakfast for him and our two pets.
When Chris woke up, I could tell he was having a hangover yet he stumbled into the kitchen with an angry look. He asked where I had been. Who I had gone with and all that. I simply replied that I went back to a woman's house. He seemed shocked and out of reality. I fixed him a cup of coffee, two sugars and no mixing- just as he likes it. He didn't even take a sip before he threw the cup at me, smashing it into peices.
"Thats your expensive turtle spotted mug Chris" I whispered as I began to pick up the peices. I've never seem him this angry. I quoted him on his ask for us to act single last night. He started to calm down after some time but was super angry that it was a woman. I guess he never knew I was bisexual, he seen it as a threat that I could leave him for a woman.
submitted by Smooth-Housing1979 to AITAH [link] [comments]