Wrist warmers crochet pattern

The Privateer Chapter 168: Connor Protocol

2024.06.10 02:17 DestroyatronMk8 The Privateer Chapter 168: Connor Protocol

First Previous
It would have taken four hours to reach the East Gate flying through the void, but the jumpdrive got them there in just over a minute. It took another minute to speak with the Enterprise and get docking clearance, and a third minute to land inside the Federation flagship. Three minutes. Yvian spent the time watching Federation ships pour into the sector.
The humans were pulling out all the stops. Cruisers and Destroyers swarmed into the sector, forming the core of strike wings ten thousand strong. Frigates acted as escorts, and carriers launched wave after wave of lethal Gladiator class fighters. Klusters were still appearing here and there, but the human ships left them for the Peacekeeper Queens to deal with, too focused on organizing their invasion to bother with stragglers. Three minutes, and over a thousand strike wings were already making their way towards Aldara. A similar number of human ships were spreading out from the other three Gates, eager to scour the Klaath from their home system.
The Random Encounter set down in one of the Enterprise's smaller docking bays. Yvian noticed it was the only bay that was empty. A trio of gladiators floated nearby, no doubt evicted to make room for Mims' ship. The moment the Encounter set down, Mims repressurized the ship. Then he stood and walked briskly off the bridge.
Yvian and the rest of the crew followed. She thought they'd go straight to the cargo bay, but the Captain had them stop at the armory first. He handed out BR24 Plasma Rifles and Nanoblade Katanas without a word. Then they all marched down to the bay.
Mims activated the door control. The cargo bay door raised. The ramp lowered. The Enterprise's docking bay came into view. A large door leading into the flagship had just finished opening, and a frightening number of armored humans were flooding into the docking bay, weapons drawn. Yvian put a hand on her rifle, but stopped short of drawing it. Captain Mims walked casually up to the ramp, looking down at the other humans with his hands clasped behind his back.
The humans took up positions all around the Encounter. Yvian tried to count them all, but gave up and estimated there were about a hundred of them. After nearly a minute of running around with their guns out, the soldiers formed up in neat lines, rifles held diagonally across their chests. They formed a corridor between the Encounter and the docking bay door.
Three more figures entered the bay. A tall man, a short man, and a woman of medium height. Like the other soldiers, these three wore white armor, and the visors of their helmets were gold. Like the other soldiers, these three were armed with plasma rifles, blaster pistols, and swords that looked an awful lot like the one Mims had given to Yvian. Unlike the other soldiers, these three kept their weapons in their sheaths.
The three came to the bottom of the Encounter's ramp. They stopped. The tall man in the middle spoke with a booming voice. "Permission to board, Mims?" It was the High Commander.
"You know you don't need an escort," Mims boomed back. "If we were planning to kill you we wouldn't have docked at all."
"They're not here for me," General Young explained. "They're here to keep any wayward personnel from getting wild ideas. Aldara remembers, Mims."
"Yeah. I guess it does." Yvian could hear the Captain's grimace. "Permission granted."
High Commander Young turned to the man on his left. The man's body went rigid as he snapped a salute. General Young stood straight and stiff as he returned it. The man stepped away. General Young and the woman on his right both took out their rifles, handing them over to a pair of soldiers. They did the same with their swords. General Young looked up at Mims. "Mind if we keep our sidearms?"
Mims called back, "Doesn't matter."
The General gave a gracious nod and climbed the ramp. The woman followed, staying to his right and half a step behind. Mims went back to the control panel as they boarded. The Encounter's ramp retracted. The cargo bay door sealed shut.
The High Commander removed his helmet. He looked much as Yvian remembered. His skin was a deep, dark brown. His head was shaved and smooth and shiny. He had the complexion of a young man, but his eyes were grim and his expression could have been carved from stone. Yvian was sure he was old. As old as the Captain, if not older. Most likely he'd undergone rejuvenation in an Oluken med-pod just like Mims.
The woman took her helmet off as well. Blonde hair and sharp cheekbones. Eyes that reminded Yvian of green grass on a summer day. Expressive lips set in a serious expression. And curves Yvian was trying hard not to notice. Yvian remembered this woman. "Hamilton?"
The woman blinked, then smiled. "I'm surprised you remember."
A grin forced its way past Yvian's desire to appear professional. "How could I forget?"
Mims ignored the exchange, turning to the High Commander. "Before anything else, I need to hear you say it again."
"Say what again?" The High Commander asked.
"That you had nothing to do with it."
General Young frowned, but nodded. "Neither I nor any of my people set off the device that called the Klaath. I didn't know we had such a thing at the time."
Mims kept his gaze focused on the man. "Kilroy?"
"The meatbag is not lying," said the machine.
The High Commander glanced at the Peacekeeper unit. His eyes widened, then narrowed.
"Fair enough. Second question." Mims kept his eyes on the General. "When did we get our hands on that tech? Was it at Aldara?" His tone was businesslike, but there was an intensity he couldn't keep off his face. "The first time?"
General Young held the Captain's gaze for a pregnant moment. Then he shook his head. "I don't know."
The Captain went deathly quiet. "You don't know."
"I don't know." The High Commander spoke firmly. "And if I can't find out, no one can." He folded his arms. "There's no record of when that technology was invented. I know it's ours. We found another device. But someone went through a lot of trouble to make sure we'd never find out where it came from."
Mims composed himself. "I see."
"No you don't," said the General. "I tried to find some people to ask about it. People that might know what kind of science was being done in Aldara when it all went down. Do you know what I found? A trail of bodies." A hint of fury flashed across his face. "Three research stations, all at Aldara, with no record of what they were studying. And every single person that was on those stations died. All of them. All within five years of the incident." His jaw clenched. "That tells me something all by itself, but there's no records and no proof. We'll never know for sure."
Mims stared at the man a moment longer, then nodded slowly. He turned to Kilroy. "Where are we at with Klaath?"
"The Vrrl Starfang Empire is defending Tendril Sector," said the Peacekeeper. "This unit calculates they will be sufficient. This unit calculates the meatbags will be sufficient in this sector, as well. Peacekeeper Unit Admiral Ender Zhukov states it is unable to calculate the outcome in New Pixa Sector. Peacekeeper Unit Admiral Ender Zhukov also states there is nothing this ship can do to affect that outcome at this time."
"New Pixa's under attack?" asked the General.
"We think they're after the Queens," Mims explained. He tilted his head slightly, coming to a decision. "You want a beer?"
General Young blinked. "You have beer?"
Everyone moved to the kitchen. Mims dug some beers out of the fridge. He handed one to Lissa and one to General Young, keeping the third for himself. Yvian followed his fine example, grabbing a bottle for herself and one for the General's Assistant. Hamilton opened her mouth to protest, then closed it, frowning at the beer in her hand.
"It's alright Hamilton," the High Commander told her. "Soldiers don't drink on duty, but we're not soldiers right now. We're diplomats, and diplomats drink." He twisted the cap off of his bottle. "You can consider it an order if it makes you feel better."
"Yes sir." Hamilton popped her beer open and took a sip. She gave the bottle a considering look, and then took a much longer swig.
"That's good beer," said the High Commander.
"The most popular drink in the Technocracy," Yvian said proudly.
"Haven't had one in a while," the General confided. "I got the entire human race crammed ass to elbow in every station we could move, and we're missing about two planets worth of food production. We can't afford to spend resources on luxuries like booze."
Yvian eyed the two of them. Had the High Commander lost weight? She couldn't tell. He'd been a mass of muscle when she met the man, and he still was. She started to size up Hamilton, but quickly changed her mind. She was dangerously close to ogling the woman as it was.
Still, if they couldn't get beer, it was likely the humans had been forced to eat whatever could be grown in bulk on the quick. Crunch, they might have been living on protein paste. Yvian's taste buds cried out in sympathy. The thought of that poor, beautiful woman suffering like that...
"Mims?" Yvian asked. "Is there any way we could make breakfast?"
The Captain's eyes flicked from Yvian to Hamilton and back. He looked down at his wrist console. "Might as well. It's technically morning, I guess." He stood, heading for the fridge.
"You want some help?" General Young offered.
"Sure," said Mims. "You can dice the potatoes."
"I suppose I'll eat as well," Scarrend rumbled. He went to the corner of the kitchen, where his personal larder had been set up. He pulled out a leg.
"Uh, Scarrend?" Lissa spoke up. "Maybe you should have fish for breakfast."
"Hmm?" The Vrrl rumbled. Then he caught her look. He put the leg back and pulled out a salmon.
"Was that a human leg?" Hamilton asked. She looked concerned.
"Yes," said Scarrend.
"Don't worry," Yvian reassured her. "It's Mims' leg. We cloned it."
"It turns out the Vrrl don't eat people just for fun," Lissa explained. "If they go too long without eating sapient flesh they'll lose their minds. Go feral." She grimaced. "It's not pretty, and it's not reversible."
"What?" Hamilton's frown deepened. "How does that work? Some kind of enzyme deficiency?"
"It's psychosomatic," Lissa told her, "but it's hardwired into their DNA. Just like their worship of the Varma."
"That," the High Commander stopped cutting potatoes as he spoke, "is deeply fucked up."
"We are as the gods have made us," Scarrend said simply.
Lissa engaged Hamilton in small talk while the men cooked. Yvian joined in where she could, but she'd never been good at talking to new people. Especially pretty ones. Mims and the General worked in companionable silence, aside from a single exchange.
"I didn't know you cooked," the General had remarked.
"Someone has to," Mims had replied. "The girls baked me a cake once. I thought they were trying to kill me."
"That was one time," Lissa had protested.
Breakfast was simple but plentiful. Bacon and eggs. Pancakes and fried potatoes. Yvian and Lissa got more beer. The humans drank orange juice or milk. By unspoken agreement, conversation was abandoned as everyone ate. Yvian had thought the Captain cooked more than they needed, but after General Young and Hamilton each helped themselves to a third plateful she wondered if he'd made enough.
"Oh my god," Hamilton leaned back after swallowing one last bit of pancake. "I forgot how good it can be to eat real food."
"That was a real kindness," the High Commander agreed. He smiled at the pixens. "Good to see you girls haven't changed."
"It's good to see you, Bart," said Lissa. She smiled back.
Mims offered more beer. Hamilton declined, but the General accepted. Lissa took one, too. The Captain sat down, frowned, then got up to get another bottle for himself. "Alright. I guess we should get down to business."
"I guess we should," General Young agreed. "It's been a hell of a year, hasn't it?"
"I've had worse," said the Captain. "But not many."
"Tell me about it." The High Commander grimaced. "I thought last year was bad, what with the Vore and the Xill, but last year's got nothing on this. Most of the government got assassinated, half our stations got shot up, and then humanity's greatest enemies all formed a coalition and came after us." He swigged his beer. "Now my whole fucking species is hiding out with a bunch of pacifist squid people."
"Yeah, how are the Taa'Oor?" Lissa took a drink of her own. "I don't know much about them."
"They're sweethearts," said the General. "Weird, but sweet. Kinda hard to talk to, though. They communicate by changing the color of splotches on their bodies, and each one uses different patterns. It's like you have to learn a new language for each individual, and it's played hell with our translators."
"The Taa'Oor have been very helpful," Hamilton added. "They seem really happy to be dealing with us instead of the Oluken."
"I don't blame them," said Lissa.
"I should probably feel bad for dragging them into this," General Young admitted, "but we didn't have much of a choice. Between the Vrrl and those goddamned Klaath Queenships we can't win a straight up fight." He gestured with his bottle. "How the hell did you find a way to control those things, anyway? The Klaath fuse their ships to their nervous systems. I didn't think anyone else could use them."
"Xill technology," Lissa told him. "An artificial nervous system linked to a Peacekeeper unit."
The General grunted. "Anyway, moving to Wet Sector took us from certain defeat to a stalemate. We don't got the forces to take New Pixa, but you can't get to us, either. You try and we'll just cut the Gate. The Taa'Oor won't even mind." He shrugged a shoulder. "They'd rather live simple on their homeworld, anyway."
"Stalemate might be a bit optimistic," Mims told him. "You've lost both your planets, and you've got more people then you've got space for, let alone food. You can't keep hiding much longer."
"We can," the High Commander disagreed, "but I don't want to. This war's cost us too many people already. I don't want starvation to add to the toll."
"Surrender then," Mims suggested. "Take the ceasefire. We didn't want a war in the first place."
"This unit did," Kilroy objected.
"And the Empire as well," said Scarrend. "But we're willing to consider your surrender. If we kill you all now, there will be no humans to hunt later."
The General gave Scarrend a considering look. "Are you able to speak for the Vrrl?" he asked. "Negotiate on their behalf?"
"No," said Scarrend. "A negotiation will require all three Warmasters, and the proposal will have to be approved by the Emperor."
"Damn." The High Commander took another drink. "I was hoping we could get this done today."
"We can still lay the groundwork," said Lissa. "You've got our initial proposal."
"A proposal we can't accept," said the General. "We already lost Dorado to the Vore. I can't give up another planet."
"You've already given up your planets," Scarrend pointed out. "The ceasefire would let you get one of them back."
"Can't do it," General Young repeated.
"We know you don't really expect us to give up Aldara," Hamilton cut in. "You're starting high so we'll have to bargain you back down."
"No," said Scarrend. "We're telling you the price of survival."
"Uh... Scarrend?" Yvian interrupted. "Hamilton's right. We weren't going to take Aldara."
"Yvian!" Lissa snapped at her.
"What?" Yvian met her sister's outraged eyes. "That's what you said, isn't it?"
"Yeah." Lissa let out an exasperated breath. "But you're not supposed to tell them that."
"It doesn't matter," Mims decided. "We can't do peace talks until the Warmasters are available, anyway." He leaned forward. "We've got something more important to talk about."
The High Commander eyed the Captain, then set his beer down. He gave a single, grave nod. "Reba."
"A ceasefire won't mean shit," said Mims, "as long as she's running the Federation."
"There isn't a Federation," the General told him. "Not anymore. It died two months ago, when some asshole overthrew the government in a Military coup."
"There was no choice, sir," Hamilton reassured him. "The selection process was compromised."
"All the candidates were in Reba's pocket," the General explained.
"And you're not," Mims guessed.
"If you heard the orders President Boyd tried to give..." He shook his head. "Doesn't matter. It's done." He picked his beer back up. "The worst part wasn't the war, you know. Wasn't even that we're losing. The worst part was finding out humanity's been manipulated by a goddamned computer program for six hundred years. A program," he added, "that doesn't care about keeping us alive anymore."
"Does that mean you kicked her out?" Yvian asked.
"We did a lot more than that," said the High Commander. "Pulling everyone to Wet Sector wasn't just a way to keep you from conquering us sector by sector. Reba was in control of the Nexus. I had to get everyone in one place, where we could communicate without Nodes. And I needed to get my hands on every ship, station, and computer capable of holding a Synthetic Intelligence."
"The Connor Protocol," Mims breathed. "You actually did it?"
"What's the Connor Protocol?" asked Lissa.
"A failsafe invented after the Singularity War," General Young explained. "A plan. You already know we don't allow remote controlled anything. Even our beam towers are manned. But there's all kinds of shit an SI can do without direct control, and they can download themselves into anything with enough processing power. If an SI like Reba infiltrates the Nexus, there's only one thing we can do."
"Shut down the Nexus completely," Hamilton elaborated, "and scour every single computer one by one."
"Then we had to search our planets for hidden servers along with every asteroid we could get to," the General continued. "That's what my people were doing on Terra Nova when you showed up." He grimaced. "I thought we got her until she set off those Klaath beacons."
"You couldn't have got her anyway," Yvian told him. "She's in Xill space, trying to take them over."
The General stared at Yvian, then swore. "If she takes over the Xill we're all fucked."
"We know," said Mims. "Exodus is trying to stop her."
"Never thought I'd see the day I rooted for Exodus the Genocide." The High Commander shook his head. "Does he think he can do it?"
"No," Mims admitted. "I think he's just buying time."
The General swore again.
"Do you have a plan?" Hamilton asked. "In case she comes after you with the Xill?"
"We're working on it," said Mims.
"So no, then," the General's rigid posture slumped. For just a moment, he looked very, very tired. "I need a vacation."
"It will be alright, sir," said Hamilton. "We'll find a way."
"Of course we will." The General pulled himself back together. "I'm just a little tired is all." He drained the last of his beer. "I'm a Military man. I never signed up to run a country or..." He gestured with the empty bottle. "all of this."
"Welcome to my world," said Mims.
The High Commander grunted.
"So..." Yvian frowned. A thought that had been niggling her for most of the conversation finally climbed to the surface. "I guess this means you're not getting Blingy."
"Blingy?" The General raised an eyebrow.
"The Lucendian ship we gave to the Xill," Lissa explained. "After Myrsa defected, we assumed you'd use her to get it."
"We figured Reba would hand you the ship," Mims added. "We didn't know you started the Connor Protocol."
"I don't think Reba's gonna be handing us much of anything," said the General. His brows furrowed. "Why'd you want us to get our hands on a Lucendian ship?"
"So we could take it from you," said Kilroy.
General Young grunted. "Figures."
"Wait." Hamilton frowned. "If you thought... Why take her back?"
Mims glanced sharply at the General's Assistant. "What?"
"Why take her back?" Hamilton repeated. "Why recapture Myrsa if you thought she's doing what you wanted?"
"We didn't," said Mims.
"Someone did," the High Commander told him. "Someone who doesn't show up on sensors. Someone who slaughtered their way to Station Control in under a minute." He fixed a grim eye on Kilroy. "It was Peacekeeper work. I'm sure of it."
"Negative," said Kilroy. "All Peacekeeper units are accounted for. No Peacekeeper units have entered Wet Sector."
"No one else could have done it," the General insisted. "We were sure it was you."
"Negative," the Peacekeeper denied again.
"It wasn't us." Mims agreed.
"Then who?" The General asked. "Because it wasn't anybody human."
The Captain's eyes narrowed. Then they went wide. "When did this happen?"
"About an hour after the Klaath showed up," said the General.
"Kilroy." Mims stood, pulling out his helmet. "How long would it take to get us to Hub 14? "
"Six hours," said the Peacekeeper unit, "forty seven minutes."
"Sorry, General." Mims donned his helmet. "But we're gonna have to cut this short."
"It's a set up." The High Commander stood. "Isn't it?"
"Don't know yet," said the Captain. "But better safe than sorry."
submitted by DestroyatronMk8 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:14 Impressivetarte Things I’m over😭

I’m so fucking over the VIP umbrella🙄it’s beyond overused at this point and doesn’t even fit the theme majority of the time. It’s like the outfits can be completely off theme and terrible but they throw the umbrella in and automatically get 1st, 2nd or 3rd. I hate the fuzzy leg warmer things with a passion. They are very rarely necessary for any thing what so ever and I cannot stand looking at them😭😭 we all have a hatred for the fuzzy hat so I won’t even speak on that. The Prada headband😒it’s just so ugly like I get it’s supposed to be a thick chunky headband but I just can’t stand it. And finally I’m soooo sick of seeing the same thing over and over like for emotions everyone does a character from inside out. Or Hollywood everyone does Marilyn Monroe. Or for lost at sea everyone does Ariel. I’m just sick of seeing it. And LAST but not least I HATE the “funny joke” votes of picking terrible outfits that are just random things and patterns tossed on to get votes or the people who vote 5 stars on the naked people who just join. End of rant 💗😭all in all I love this game but it does get a bit annoying.
submitted by Impressivetarte to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:06 crochetknitpatterns Home Decor Crochet Patterns Part 140/51

Home Decor Crochet Patterns Part 140/51 submitted by crochetknitpatterns to crochetknitpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:56 crochetknitpatterns New Woman’s Crochet Patterns Part 154/35

New Woman’s Crochet Patterns Part 154/35 submitted by crochetknitpatterns to crochetknitpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 squiggly-line- It's crazy what difference 1mm does

It's crazy what difference 1mm does
I posted a picture (first one) on craftycommerce and got plenty of helpful advice. I tried my best to apply each piece of advice given to me but I'd say the biggest difference is just sizing down one crochet hook size from 9mm to 8mm.
the face still looks a bit off to me but im gonna be happy with what I have until I get bigger safety eyes and pink chenille yarn lol.
I'm just shocked at how much smaller the plush turned out despite using thr exact same pattern. (I didn't have enough yarn for the heart tho lol) I'm just grad to see that I'm not having as many holes in my work and they eyes don't look wildly disproportionate. Any feedback will be appreciated! there is obviously room for growth lol.
submitted by squiggly-line- to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:43 crochetknitpatterns Home Decor Crochet Patterns Part 133/51

Home Decor Crochet Patterns Part 133/51 submitted by crochetknitpatterns to crochetknitpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:39 ArtisenalMoistening Looking for advice on which stripe pattern: 3 wide stripes or multiple narrow stripes?

Looking for advice on which stripe pattern: 3 wide stripes or multiple narrow stripes?
I'm making a crochet top to go over a jumpsuit I'm sewing to wear to my first Pride at the end of the month. I can decide if I should just to 3 wide stripes so it matches the pan flag, or multiple narrower stitches. Photoshopped samples attached with the custom Chucks I bought and the picture from the jumpsuit pattern that I adjusted the stripe colors on. TIA for any advice! ETA: Also included a picture of the yarn I ordered!
This is the pattern for the top, and this is the pattern for the jumpsuit if anyone sews and also wants to make it :)
submitted by ArtisenalMoistening to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:13 QueenofthaNorth In love with 2am in Lafayette! Looking for a sweet summer option

I’m fairly new to indie perfumes but I’ve sampled from a handful of houses and Sorce is my favorite so far. Specifically 2am in Lafayette! I adore how sweet it is with deeper notes underneath. When I wear it, I can’t stop sniffing my wrists. I just cannot get enough. Unfortunately, as much as I love it, it doesn’t suit the warmer weather. I would love something equally sweet but fruity. Like how sweet my babies fingers smell with the sugar from watermelon or pineapple. I’m not tied to any particular scent, but looking for that addictive sweetness. If you have recommendations, please share! TYSM
submitted by QueenofthaNorth to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:57 xXwu Why do my granny squares always look sloppy and weird?

Why do my granny squares always look sloppy and weird?
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Been crocheting for a year now and have made things far more advanced than a granny square with no problem but for some reason, granny squares have always given me trouble. I've tried many different yarns, so I don't think that's the issue.
Pattern I've been following: ch1 between clusters, ch3 for corners, but I've also tried no ch between clusters and ch2 for corners, as well as different varieties of all classic granny square patterns - all look just as sloppy.
What am I doing wrong? Inconsistent tension maybe?
submitted by xXwu to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:47 Prim_Artbox Kokopelli protective bell - how do you like it?

Wanted to try a new macrame bracelet. While looking for a pretty Kokopelli, I found this impressive lucky bell → unfortunately too big for the wrist. Bracelets were a thing of the past for now... but as we all know, you grow with your tasks. By the time the macrame pattern matched the bell, it was too big for a keychain. Now it accompanies me on every trip as a rearview mirror pendant. 
submitted by Prim_Artbox to macrame [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:28 Awdr3y Pattern help!

Hi, I have a pattern I just bought and I am struggling because I think there may be a language barrier and I don’t think I can get a response from the pattern writer (I did reach out any way).
Basically it is a filet pattern, and you start with a long chain, then attach with a slip stitch to make a circle, then go back over the whole thing with a row of single crochet. My first question is, no where in the pattern does it say to chain and turn, but from my understanding that is something that normally is a good idea with working in the round in crochet. So should I just continue in a straight line or chain and turn? It then says after this to slip the row together.
My other question is that it’s working in double crochet + 1 chain. And the design is shown by using 2 double crochet instead of the 1dc + 1c. My problem is that it doesn’t say or imply anywhere that the double crochet + 1c means I skip a stitch but in the finished photos it looks like that’s what’s done. I did the whole first row and it isn’t even half way across so im assuming that’s the case? I am just wondering if these things are implied or if it could be a language thing. The first couple of times I implied what a pattern meant I was very wrong so I usually like to just stick to exactly what the pattern says but it’s looking like this one might be an exception.
Would love any help or advice with this! I am not a beginner at crochet but I do knit more now, but this is my first time doing a filet. Thanks!
submitted by Awdr3y to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:47 Nnobods Crochet blouse pattern

Crochet blouse pattern
Does anybody have a pattern similar to this (no hexagon pls)
submitted by Nnobods to crochetpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:45 alyssakenobi What should I make with my Caron Cotton Ripple Cake? (More details in caption)

What should I make with my Caron Cotton Ripple Cake? (More details in caption)
I posted in crochethelp and didn’t get many responses so I think this sub is more fitting. I’ve never worked with cotton before, only acrylic and a bamboo/rayon blend. I wanted to make something summery but I’m not sure what will work with the weight and color changes. I added some photos as ideas but I want to know what you guys have made or suggest making with this yarn! Also I have looked on Ravelry for projects that used this yarn and it was kind of a dead end. I’m 21 and I live in a hot climate so I’m trying to find things that aren’t just shawls and baby blankets 🫣🥴 I’m more than okay with paying for a pattern too
submitted by alyssakenobi to crochetpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:44 Friendly_Estimate_17 Right

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, I stand before you to discuss one of the most pressing issues of our time: global warming. The science is clear, the evidence is overwhelming, and the need for action is urgent. Global warming, primarily driven by human activities, poses a significant threat to our planet, our way of life, and future generations.
Understanding Global Warming
Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth’s average surface temperature due to human activities, especially the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to a “greenhouse effect” that warms the planet. Since the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of these gases has risen dramatically, largely due to burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.
The Impact on Our Planet
The effects of global warming are already visible and widespread. Polar ice caps and glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, contributing to rising sea levels that threaten coastal communities. Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, heatwaves, droughts, and heavy rainfall, are becoming more frequent and severe. These changes not only endanger human lives and infrastructure but also disrupt ecosystems, leading to loss of biodiversity and putting countless species at risk of extinction.
Our oceans, which absorb a significant portion of the carbon dioxide and heat, are becoming warmer and more acidic. This has devastating consequences for marine life, particularly coral reefs, which are dying off at unprecedented rates. The loss of coral reefs, often referred to as the “rainforests of the sea,” jeopardizes the countless marine species that depend on them, as well as the livelihoods of millions of people who rely on fishing and tourism.
The Human Cost
Global warming is not just an environmental issue; it is a human issue. It exacerbates social inequalities, hitting the most vulnerable populations the hardest. Communities in low-lying areas, small island nations, and those dependent on agriculture are facing existential threats. Crop yields are declining due to changing weather patterns, threatening food security and leading to higher prices and malnutrition.
Health impacts are also severe. The spread of diseases, heat-related illnesses, and respiratory problems linked to air pollution are all on the rise. As temperatures soar, the elderly, children, and those with preexisting health conditions are particularly at risk.
The Path Forward
Despite the daunting challenges, there is hope. We have the knowledge, the technology, and the capacity to address global warming, but it requires immediate and concerted action at every level – from individuals to governments, businesses, and international organizations.
  1. Transition to Renewable Energy
First and foremost, we must transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Investing in clean energy not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also creates jobs and stimulates economic growth. Policies that incentivize renewable energy adoption, improve energy efficiency, and support research and development are crucial.
  1. Protect and Restore Ecosystems
We must also protect and restore our natural ecosystems, which play a critical role in regulating the climate. Forests, wetlands, and oceans act as carbon sinks, absorbing more carbon dioxide than they emit. Reforestation, afforestation, and sustainable land management practices can help mitigate climate change while preserving biodiversity.
  1. Promote Sustainable Practices
Promoting sustainable practices in agriculture, industry, and daily life is essential. This includes reducing waste, conserving water, and adopting sustainable farming methods that enhance soil health and reduce emissions. Consumers can contribute by making informed choices, supporting eco-friendly products, and reducing their carbon footprint through lifestyle changes.
  1. Strengthen Global Cooperation
Global warming is a global problem that requires a global solution. International cooperation and agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, are vital to ensuring that all countries commit to reducing emissions and sharing technology and resources. Wealthier nations must support developing countries in their efforts to transition to sustainable practices and adapt to climate impacts.
In conclusion, global warming is a defining challenge of our time, but it is one that we can overcome with collective action and determination. Each of us has a role to play in this fight. By making conscious choices, advocating for policy changes, and supporting sustainable initiatives, we can create a better, healthier, and more resilient world for ourselves and future generations. Let us rise to the challenge and take decisive action to combat global warming before it is too late.
Thank you.
submitted by Friendly_Estimate_17 to speech [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:12 AsladegettingOlder For one of my greats

For one of my greats
About 4 years ago, I began crocheting blankets for each of my great grandchildren, something to last for remembering. I've had the absolute pleasure of doing beautiful patterns from all over the Internet. Now, down to the youngest, the request I received, Spiderman, please, left me without a pattern that spoke to me. I'm no artist or designer, but I thought I might construct a blanket.
Patterns I purchased: Staggered Brick Blanket by TheCrochetBlog, available on Ravelry, for the proper spacing; Spider cross stitch graph by Happinesst, available on Etsy, for the spider crawling up that brick wall; Spiderman Pillow cross stitch graph by Jellys Krochet, available on Etsy, for Spidey's face.
I used I Love This Yarn acrylic and a size H hook, all in single crochet, except the border (barely shows in my pic), which is fpdc, bphdc in a subdued ripple.
I really like my finished blanket, and by his grin, so does my little great.
submitted by AsladegettingOlder to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:10 O-Castitatis-Lilium Join As You Go SC Boarder Possible?

Join As You Go SC Boarder Possible?
So I had an idea for the way I wanted to join some squares together, and I had been advised against it, and after thinking about it, it was rightfully so. Now I'm trying to figure out how to add a SC boarder around some squares while connecting them all, but it's a little different than just being able to do this in a strip.
The pattern I have, has solid, non-granny square squares that surround a larger piece. I plan to do the join in blue, as it would contrast nicely with the other colors on the blanket, but I'm wondering if it's even possible to do a join as you go like this. I did a join as you go before, but like I said, it was all in one long string of squares that you eventually worked together to form a blanket. I'm just wondering if anyone has done what I'm trying to do, and if not, can someone recommend a nice join that lays flat on unboardered squares?
EDIT!: I managed to find a picture of the pattern I had purchased, I figured I would add it just to give you a better idea of what I have. Now, I didn't do it in the C2C format, as I REALLY struggled with it, and it actually took me a year to accept defeat with it as this is the first technique in crochet that I have ever struggled with, aside from the math of course lol. So I did this in a simple DC,SC rows back and forth.
submitted by O-Castitatis-Lilium to Brochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:58 Vissuto Best Waterproof Ultralight Packable Poncho For a Short Woman?

I like to to travel around on foot with a small backpack and I'd like to find a lightweight, durable, reliable and low-maintenance poncho that is fast-drying to keep in the bottom of my pack. Something like my old standard issue army wet weather poncho but that one kept a musty odor all the time no matter how long you let it dry out for between uses. I'm hoping to keep the cost under $40 and the lighter the weight the better. Thank you for your ideas. I travel to the beach to hunt for rocks and beach glass. I sometimes travel between towns via public transportation and sometimes even go international and use the train between countries, so weight is critical. Years ago I bought a really great Resenthel poncho in Germany in a black and white houndstooth pattern. Unfortunately I stored it in my car door and over the span of about 10 years' time the waterproof liner coating eroded. It had a great hood with a drawstring and the whole thing folded up into a square pocket which was sewn into the front of the poncho and served as a functional pocket when worn. It was so great. When stored in the pocket, the zipped pocket had a lanyard to carry it on your wrist. Has anyone seen anything like this? I paid $30 euro for it I think.
submitted by Vissuto to BuyItForLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:57 stes28 What am I doing wromg

What am I doing wromg
Im pretty new at crochet, Im trying to do this coaster with the magic circle with half double crochet (us). Im using cotton yarn weight 4 (medium) and a 5mm crochet hook. My project is unfinished but why does it look so different from the video that I am following ? There's holes in mine where I increase...
Is it just because Im less experience or there's another reason? Not the first time Im working in rounds and usually its more similar to the pattern that I am following.
Advices please, thanks ✨️
submitted by stes28 to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:47 HappyToBeWTheBooks Can anyone help with this granny square problem?

Can anyone help with this granny square problem?
Hello, can anyone help me? The green and blue is the sample picture from the pattern book, and the gold and gray square is mine. The circled p The green and blue is the sample picture from the pattern book, and the gold and gray square is mine. art is where you join with a slip stitch and then do a chain three for the first double crochet. Is there any way to make it look neater? I’m not sure why they have this joining in the middle of the row instead of at the corner. Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by HappyToBeWTheBooks to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:41 SamHoneycrochet Will it T-Rex??

Will it T-Rex??
I have some old, thrifted yarn that I decided to make into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. There are spots that are thinner than others, so my stitches aren't as tight/even I as I usually do...but, so far so good! 🦖🤞 Pattern: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1097426255/t-rex-crochet-pattern-advanced-skill
submitted by SamHoneycrochet to Amigurumi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:00 gingeandthetwins What next?

What next?
Finished my first ever crochet piece. Literally never crocheted before, signed up to an online course to make this, and I did it! So proud. Now I have zero idea where to go? Where do I find patterns? How do I decide what to make?! Do I need different hooks? So many questions!
submitted by gingeandthetwins to Brochet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:55 aristopoieo My first cable sweater!

My first cable sweater!
:) about a month ago i decided to bite the bullet and buy some high quality wool yarn. I've been thinking about the trip to Ireland I've gone on in 2019 and i had the idea to make an aran inspired sweater. I've made quite a lot of crochet sweaters but this is only the second knit garment I've ever made. I learnt how to knit the 3 strand braid with d yt tutorial and then it was a lot of trial and error and even more of "taking the whole thing apart" until i settled for this braid pattern for the front. It's a regular alternation of 3 strand braid cables and 2 strand braid cables. The same 3 strand braid goes down the arms and then the back is just plain old stockinette because MY GOD did these fucking cable make me rip my hair out at some point... For some reason i just couldn't get the number of stitches right (i definetely didn't help that i was just making stuff up as i went...). It's taken a while but I'm really happy with this and I'd say it doesn't look too bad for someone who's still pretty much a beginner! Except maybe for the sleeves which turned out comically long
Some details: All of this was knit flat except for the cuffs (i ended up crocheting them because I don't know how to do cinched in knit ribbing lmao). I needed 800 grams of Hobbii's Wool power big and i have ~ 60 grams left (i used the yarn in colour OAT 030; keep in mind that the photos on Hobbii are much more yellow than the actual yarn itself) Needle size was 8 mms
submitted by aristopoieo to knitting [link] [comments]
