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2011.07.01 17:57 avsa Ask Science Fiction

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2008.03.23 20:30 Short Stories

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2009.11.25 03:28 Rational Fiction

A place for discussion of rational fiction.

2024.06.09 12:56 yellowarmy79 44 [M4F] UK/Europe. Looking to make new friends and maybe find a little romance

Hi. Posted around a few months ago and had some interesting conversations and thought I'd post again on here.
I'm a cheerful, loyal guy who enjoys good conversation and making new friends all across the world.
I would describe myself as an introvert, a bit shy and a bit of a geek at times especially when it comes to my hobbies. I like a night in but I also like to go out and socialise with friends and family and meet new people. I have a balance of extroverted qualities but I need time to recharge on occasions after socialising.
In my free time, my main passions are watching football and attending games. I watch my local non league side on a regular basis and follow a Premiership side (Won't reveal who on here but feel free to ask). Would love to hear from you if you're into football.
I also enjoy reading. I'm starting to read more fiction but love books about travel, history, geography, football.
I also enjoy writing and do that as a freelance activity. I like history and visiting museums, Films and TV and music and going to concerts. I'm mainly into 90s Indie/Rock but love most rock music and classic bands from the 60s/70s. Would love any recommendations about new bands to listen to or new TV shows to watch.
Travel is another love of mine and I enjoy a city break for a few days when ever I can across Europe. I have visited Oslo, Vienna, Florence, Warsaw and Belgrade in recent months. Just returned from a visit to Sweden and thoroughly recommend anybody to visit there. I'm also into learning languages and have been learning some Polish, Italian and Swedish in recent months.
I'm 5ft 10, short hair. I have a slight dad bod but I exercise regularly to keep my weight down.
Looking for new friends and certainly open to romance if there's a connection there. I'm not a fan of dating apps and prefer a more slow burning thing, getting to know each other through conversation and building up a relationship/connection.
Similar interests would be amazing but if anything on my post resonates with you feel free to send me a message. It would be great to hear from you.
Have a great day.
submitted by yellowarmy79 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:54 SignificantAd7087 Compact kitchen design, cant figure distribution from infinite freezer, thoughts?

Compact kitchen design, cant figure distribution from infinite freezer, thoughts?
Hello everyone who sees this post. I am in the midst of moving my main base on a luxury colony. Trying to currently figure out a design for a compact and simple kitchen with infinite freezer, however cant figure the distribution of resources from the freezer storage itself. I want to have both a juicer and an expresso machine, which in total require 4 different resources (mushroom, pincha peppernut, meal lice and bristle berry).
The design I have come up with the current screenshot, fridge 1 is for the main food that dupes will eat, set to 1 or 2 kg of food, fridge 2, 3 and 4 will supply the required things for the expresso machine and juicer however cant figure out how or where to place another one to get the supply of the final ingredient.
Where you can see the chute is the freezer itself, below that is a second freezer with a sweeper to supply all 3 ingredients to fridges, I am sacking 1 of the ingredients (with fridge 2 as it will not be deep frozen) but it should not matter anyway. The below freezer is divided by the min amount of liquid at the ladder making a liquid lock and the liquid below is cooled the same as the main freezer to keep the stuff there deep frozen
Any ideas or alternatives how I can automate the supply to the juicer and expresso machine instead of the current build or how I can add or redesign the current one to fit another ingredient? I tried searching for this but couldnt find much info, I wanted to supply the expresso machine and juicer automated but there is no way to send a signal only when the machines require supply so I decided to leave the dupes do it since they are close to the current kitchen but still require 1 more ingredient. Was thinking with smart storage, but entire system becomes extremely complicated since it requires 4 separate resources
In the actual base I have more space below the second freezer and behind it, but not to the right, or above, I can squeeze more space behind the kitchen itself
this can be cooled with aquatuner or thermo regulator, the sweeper needs to reach the bottom of the fridge to supply it
submitted by SignificantAd7087 to Oxygennotincluded [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:53 ThrowRACuteMangoPie My [F26] partner [M36] doesn’t want to move in officially together, though I live at his place. Anyone have been in such situation?

We have been together for 6 months. We knew each other from the same social circle and went on a few non-official dates. But since the first date when it was clear what was happening, we became a couple. We do many things at this point, that couples that have been together for a while do (living together, making plans for the evenings assuming if it's free in the calendar we want to spend it together, met his parents). We both rent our own flats, but it happened that we spent most of the time at his place.
For the past three months, I have been at my apartment for around seven days in total, mostly just to move things to his place. We literally live together. He loves having me around. We are a great team, no issues at all with chores around the house, as we naturally share them. We both are doing good financially and have our separate hobbies as well.
In three months my rent expires and I asked what he thinks about living together. He didn’t expect that and told he is not ready. He liked the idea of me renting my flat for one more year. I asked if I should find something else for maybe half a year, or prolong my current flat for one more year (landlord agreed just to a fixed one year), but he told I should decide myself.
The reasons are: it’s bad when the discussion starts because the lease expires and it’s a matter of convenience, he had a bad experience (was married before) and maybe he is older, Tldr: he is not comfortable.
I feel slightly worried, that I am living here, but it’s not my home at the end of the day and like it’s a long-term girlfriend trial. Besides that, paying quite a lot for my own place that serves as a storage and doesn’t feel like home anymore, feels uncomfortable. I know I can spend more time there, but not that I want, plus it’s annoying to move things around the places. As it is me who moved to his place and was naturally expecting the next step as things are going great, I now feel like the relationship is going backwards for me.
TLDR: Together for 6 months. My partner likes that we live together unofficially, we were naturally doing for the last 3 months, but he doesn’t want to move in officially together for one more year. I feel sad about this.
Should I be worried there are other reasons for that? Should I force myself to take a step back and live at my place and just see each other several days a week instead to get rid of this weird feeling? Has anyone had a similar situation?
submitted by ThrowRACuteMangoPie to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 TheRationalSoul Il commercialista dice che non posso scaricare queste fatture...

Il commercialista dice che non posso scaricare queste fatture...
Buongiorno, scrivo per conto di un mio parente stretto che ha acquistato per la prima volta nel 2023 un ammontare di circa 9 mila euro di prodotti da Amazon business (prodotti che servivano all'azienda ed è in regime ordinario)
Le fatture rilasciate sono come quelle che vedete in figura.
Io ovviamente non ne capisco tanto ma lo vedevo abbastanza disperato di aver regalato 9k allo stato italiano (giustamente).
Il commercialista dice che siccome non sono nel cassetto fiscale non c'è nulla che si possa fare... Avete qualche idea o è stato ingenuo ad ordinare da Amazon business pensando si potesse detrarre?
submitted by TheRationalSoul to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 Desperate-Strategy10 I'm so lonely in my marriage. (No Advice Wanted)

I (31f) have been with my husband for 5+ years now. (37m). I had just gotten out of a miserable, abusive relationship a year before I met him, and in the beginning, I had no idea if it was a good relationship at all. At the time, I just wanted to be with someone who wouldn't hit me or scream at me. I wanted my young son to have a normal family, and this guy had two happy, healthy boys if his own, a car, an apartment...the bare minimum maybe, but he just seemed so stable and safe.
He had undiagnosed Bipolar disorder at the time, but I helped him find a doctor, get on the right meds, and by the end of year one he was emotionally stable and things felt almost perfect. We worked so fucking hard the first three years to build ourselves to be better people; we both went into the relationship broken and afraid, but you'd never know it looking at us today. Our children love each other, they're well-adjusted all things considered, I regularly tell people that this is the happiest I've ever been. And it's true.
But the relationship isn't perfect; they never are, of course. We both work at the same place right now, and I take pride in doing a good job and trying to learn and improve myself regularly. He is terribly burnt out, though. He goes in and does the bare minimum, then tells people how indispensable he is; they could never fire him, the whole store would fall apart in days. He does work a shift that is difficult to replace, and in the beginning he was absolutely irreplaceable, but he's let his work slide for a while now. My co-workers don't understand our relationship, but I laugh and say they don't know him like I do. They don't know what we've been through.
At home, I do 99.9% of the childcare. Every middle of the night wakeup, every meal (his included), all the shopping and laundry and cleaning. He got me a puppy recently despite being to them, just because he knew how happy it would make me. I adore this little fellow, but it's a ton of work caring for him. We have a soon to be three year old son, and I think his dad has changed his diaper just a handful of times. Every now and then he plays with him for a bit, but he's usually "too tired" or simply doesn't want to.
He plays a dinosaur game Ark. His friends play too, so he talks to them through his headset and tunes the real world out, from the time he gets home from work until bedtime. He gets off work at 11 am, for context. The kids and I try to interact with him sometimes, but he'll usually ignore us, sometimes get annoyed that we want to spend time with him. We're gradually learning it's easier not to bother him.
I read stories about happy families with equal workloads and parents invested in each other and their children and I wonder where I went wrong. I could never leave him; I can't afford to live on my own, and I don't want to break up my boys from the family they've grown to love. I've had to do that once to my oldest son, and we're still carefully managing the psychological damage that entire situation did.
I always wanted to be a mother, and a wife. I wanted to care for my family, work to support us, everything I'm doing now...but I wanted a partner, too. Someone who gets excited to see me, who helps me with our children, helps maintain our home, listens when I need to talk. I worked so hard to make him into that person in my mind, and to make myself a person worthy of such a good partner, but I can't change who my husband is.
I'm worried what it's teaching my sons; I don't want them to put any other people through what I'm going through. I try to teach them to be helpful, grateful, attentive, but what they observe in their day to day lives flies directly in the face of what I try to encourage. Their dad has no interest in parenting, or cleaning, or supporting a family beyond monetarily.
He tells anyone who will listen that he's the greatest dad ever, much better than his dad who abandoned him as a baby then strung him along throughout his childhood. He is better than that, I'll give him credit there. He tells people what an excellent partner he is, and they assure him I'm lucky to have a husband as devoted as he. If my coworkers ask, I have nothing but wonderful things to say about him - he buys very thoughtful gifts, for example. He loves giving gifts to people and he really is great at it. But every relevant holiday, I just ask him to get me a card and write something nice, something I can look back at on hard days, or in the future when he's gone. I've recently just asked him to pick one with a prewritten message he thinks I'll like, and I'd accept that just as happily. But he doesn't like to write, doesn't know how to express himself that way, doesn't want to read through a bunch of cards...I don't know. I guess since it's not important to him, it's not important enough for me.
I ask him to do simple things at home while I'm at work - take out the trash (his and only responsibility), play with the baby, check on my 11 year old periodically, make sure everybody is fed. More often than not, these things do not get done. I try to make plans for the whole family to go out and do things, make memories, bond...but he's got stuff to do in his game, he's tired from working so hard to support us (this shouldn't matter, but I actually work more hours than he does nowadays), the stuff I suggest sounds boring to him.
I just wish he could see it from my point of view. I love him dearly. I would do anything for him. I simply want similar in return. I want to be loved and appreciated, I want a partner who cares about our home and family the way I do, I don't want to feel like I'm a burden ever time I ask him a question or try to tell a story or point out something cute the puppy/baby/boys are doing.
I feel like I'm just alone in my relationship. I've talked to him about it dozens of times, tried different approaches...none of it seems to help. He writes me off as emotional (I'll be fine tomorrow, just sleep it off) or spending too much time fantasizing about perfect relationships that don't actually exist. He thinks my standards are unrealistic, and I'm ungrateful because he provides for us. Even when I started working more hours than him and making more money than he does, he kept with that idea that he's the main breadwinner and I'm the one who runs the day to day stuff.
I just wish things had turned out differently. I wish this wasn't my life, or that of our children. I put in so much time and effort maintaining healthy relationships with the boys so they'll come and see me after they grow up, but he assures me it's unnecessary and they'll come just because they love him so much. I'm not so sure. They feel lonely and angry and hurt, and a lot of that is on him.
We're about to celebrate Father's Day. I bought him nice gifts, I've written a lovely card, I'll take him to his favorite restaurant and he'll have everything a dad could want. I do want him to feel special and appreciated. He'll probably still spend most of the day on his game, or phone, or watching movies way too grown up for our children at a deafening volume so nobody can bother him. Maybe I'll take the boys to the park then, we'll see what my schedule looks like...
I don't know that I want anything from this. Maybe just recognition that this is hard, or commiseration if someone's going through this. I don't expect it to magically improve, but if anyone has any comforting words or even just takes the time to read this, it would mean the world to me. I'm feeling so run down and sad. I just want to get it off my chest, I suppose.
Thank you for reading if you did. I hope your life is filled with love, and that you never have to feel like an inconvenience in your own home. I hope we all find peace someday, maybe just in working to be the best we can and trying to put a little good out into the world. That's all I try to do, at least. Maybe one day I'll find the joy I wish for others. I hope so, I'm tired.
submitted by Desperate-Strategy10 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 clairsair What do you see that makes you miss your parent(s) most?

My mom died from liver cirrhosis back in December, and toward the last stage of Liver Disease it can cause dementia like symptoms. She was diagnosed in 2018 when I had just finished my associates degree, and throughout the process it felt like I lost her a few different times, but there was always underlying hope up until her last hospital visit back in October when things really took a decline. She was 45 when she passed and 20 when she had me. As her only daughter and having a young mom, we felt so close at times, more like sisters most of the time.
Our biggest way of bonding was watching shows and movies, which I didn’t even realize until she was gone. We watching anything from trashy reality shows like all the Real Houswives, Below Deck, Jerseylicious (the first one she ever showed me) to 80’s and 90’s classics like Heathers, Dirty Dancing, Cry Baby, too many to count.
Around the holidays, she would always force us to watch Wizard of Oz on thanksgiving eve, and every year she would threaten to never do it again because my dad, brother and I did nothing but make fun of it. It was on every year though besides the one year dad put on The Wiz instead (she hated every adaption of the wizard of Oz). My mom died a week before Christmas, the last movie I got to watch with her before she went non verbal was Love Actually the morning before I had to go back home from thanksgiving break. I still remember the first time she showed me Love Actually, I was only 10 (probably too young) and I’ve watched it every year since, I have no idea how or if I’ll watch it this year or any of our other favorites like White Christmas.
While I’m lucky enough to be engaged to someone who loves movies and pop culture all around as much as her and I did, no one can ever replace the memories I shared with her. I’ll always remember her visiting me every other weekend when I moved an hour away and binging housewives all weekend and getting fresh pretzels and pickles from the farmers market down the road from me. Or the 2 week hospital visit back in 2019 when I stayed with her all through the week besides work (I would shower at the gym) and we binged Project Runway the entire time.
Even when I was 3 hours away at school, she would recommend movies for my roommates and I to watch. I remember watching Steel Magnolias my first semester all by myself and crying so hard, not only because of the movie but because it made me miss my mom so much.
My mom also lost her mom when she was 25, and she spoke often about how she didn’t want us to be sad or cry when she died, and to my surprise that has been the case for the most part. We weren’t religious growing up, but I do like to believe she’s now with her own mom and dad again and even our childhood pets, and I will meet her again someday. But every time I see any sort of reference to the 80’s or even see drag queens (she LOVED RuPaul’s drag race) I can’t help but to get a little teary. I haven’t been able to watch real housewives since then, the last time we watched it together she was at the hospital for the last time, we got two episodes into Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and I see that every time I login to my Peacock account.
I miss her wit, charm, and humor, I miss being able to say my parents, and I miss my built in bestie.
TL;DR I get so sad when I even see glimpses of 80’s/90’s movies, Real Housewives, and Drag queens because it makes me miss my mom so much it physically hurts at times.
submitted by clairsair to ChildrenofDeadParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 No-Lab-860 Advice for potential SFF build.

Hello guys.
I am wondering if the following part list can be fitted with a small form factor case + micro/mini ATX mobo and a smaller PSU.
I have put the GPU and CPU in there (CPU will come with stock wraith cooling fan). I did not chose PSU yet as I do not know whether a smaller case can accommodate this cpu and gpu combo.
I have only built full towers before but since I do not have a physical way of measuring these parts I was hoping that there are more experienced users among you who can tell at a glance whether this is a good or a bad idea.
My goal is to hook this up to a 4k TV instead of a monitor, which is why I went for that particular gpu.
Planned usage is mainly programming with some casual entertainment (movies/games that need to be at 4k 60fps at least). I also do ocassinal 3D dev stuff which is why I wanted a modern gpu.
If SFF does not seem feasible then I am open to suggestions, as long as it is smaller than a full ATX tower.
Thanks in advance to those who took their time to read this post.
submitted by No-Lab-860 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:49 Competitive_Air9189 I cannot work with her. Please help.

Okay settle in folks because this is a very weird one and I need your advice. A couple of years ago, I got into a relationship with a man with kids who had 50/50 custody. I had no kids at the time. I met them shortly into the relationship (his wishes, not my idea but admittedly thought it was good to see if it could even work. Why invest years with someone if the kids don’t like you?) and anyways we formed a pretty good bond. Everything was going along great! I took on a “motherly” role (more like a fun aunt) with his kids, mainly the younger one, and shared in cooking duties, cleaning, sometimes dropping them off to school etc. I spent a couple of nights there per week but didn’t officially move in as we value our own space.
A couple of months into this arrangement, my partner finds out that his ex aka the mother of his children, works at my workplace in head office (I work for a very large organisation). I didn’t know her, we hadn’t met before as we didn’t have any crossover and she began working there during Covid. I have been at my workplace for 10 years. She’s not problematic and we laughed it off when we finally met as a funny coincidence. What are the chances?! I wanted to keep it to ourselves as I don’t like my private info being out there; unfortunately she confided in a colleague of mine but in a very “oh what a coincidence!” kind of way, making light of the situation. I wasn’t happy about it but once she said it, the words couldn’t be taken back so there was nothing I could do.
Now…. Fast forward to 2023. I accidentally fell pregnant with my first baby and well, it’s been nothing short of a nightmare. I had my baby and my now ex-partner basically did not help me take care of our child. He very much favours his first two children and resents me and our baby for his life being difficult, having no time to himself anymore with 3 kids etc. He never altered his non-formal custody agreement that he has with her to accommodate the newest family member and I was left many nights caring for the baby without any support. She was aware that I was having a baby and was very congratulatory etc as she has moved on herself. But doesn’t seem to care whether sick kids are coming around an unvaccinated newborn or make it somewhat easier for me to get some more support. She didn’t even allow me a week without the kids to recover from my c-section. It has been an absolute shit show of a relationship and the worst time for me as a new mum.
This is where things get really tough.
I’m due back at work next year and due to “budget cuts”, I am now expected to work closely with this woman, a woman who not only shares the same man as the father of her kids which is weird enough but actually gets the invested father version! He is not invested with our child and it’s now been a few weeks since he even saw him. He doesn’t contribute to his expenses, he doesn’t buy nappies or milk or allow me time to myself to even get to a yoga class or shop without the baby. I am doing 100% of the parenting and am completely resentful of this fact. Yes, I love being a mum but this is not what I signed up for, especially as I had put so much effort into his children.
But all this aside…. I have to now work with this woman and I know I won’t be able to. It will trigger me up the wazoo. I have adhd and am a pretty sensitive and emotional being. If I spoke to my workplace about it, can I refuse to work alongside her? Or will they just tell me to get another job? What do I do? Please help & thank you for reading.
submitted by Competitive_Air9189 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 InflatableGull Toyota RAV 4 terza serie usato

Buongiorno a tutti. Come da titolo per motivi di spostamenti nel week end (casa campagna e lavori e uso per viaggi una volta l’anno) sto cercando un Toyota Rav 4 usato terza serie. l’idea dovrebbe essere massimo 100.000 km massimo 10.000 €.
Non sono assolutamente esperto di macchine ma seguo consigli per robustezza ed affidabilità della macchina in questione. Cosa dovrei tenere in considerazione come cose principali?
Concessionaria o privato, Diesel o benzina, Rapporto km prezzo, Cose principali per evitare fregature.
Grazie a chi mi vorrà rispondere.
submitted by InflatableGull to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 Charbax Needed: Pro Creator Handle with backup recording SSD or 2nd MicroSD slot + Headphone jack

Hi! I love the Pocket 3 but 2 things make me very nervous and it already made me lose high quality audio from a whole day's filming (due to broken lavalier mic, which I only found out at the end of the day as I was finally reviewing the footage! I had to resort to using backup built-in Pocket 3 backup sound recording, or boosting volume from the second lavalier..):
  1. I want backup recording (All my cameras have to have 2 SD card slots!)
  2. I want to always monitor audio recording using headphones throughout all my recordings, to check that volume is ok, noise is managed, and to check that microphones are working fine..
So if DJI (or someone else) could release a new "Pro Creator Handle" that fixes those two things, it would make me much more confident about using Pocket 3 for Professional work!
I am thinking this handle could be small like the (useless) tripod handle:
but so all it does it to add a second MicroSD card slot for backup recording, and a headphone jack for audio monitoring.
It can support plugging in the Battery handle below it too, not impeding in the Battery Handles functionality below in any way..
Surely, DJI can then upgrade the firmware to support this Pro Handle smoothly for backup recording to its second MicroSD card slot (or evt to a pro handle that might come with 512GB or 1TB SSD, which might be useful for faster transfeediting on computer later, where the main MicroSD card is thus the backup storage) as well as smoothly using the headphone jack to do audio monitoring..
If you can further think of any other functions that could be on that Pro Creator Handle, perhaps basic volume+mute controls for the 2 wireless microphones could be nice to have too, to easily click to mute/unmute any of the 2 wireless microphones, as well as to turn down/up the volume using a wheel thing. Perhaps also to enable/disable noise cancelling mode on mic1 or mic2.. perhaps also to check that each mic has backup recording turned on too and evt activating backup recording start/stop from that handle too. But these "further functions" I just listed here, not at all crucial just could be fun to have more controls over the wireless microphones in that way too. Which is suitable since audio monitoring headphones would be related to that too.
How much would you pay for that Pro Creator Handle? $49? $69? $99? To me it would be crucial to have, it's the difference between being able to consider using the Pocket 3 for professional jobs and to really not feel comfortable using it professionally..
I did post this feature request on X a few weeks ago, DJI Support auto-responded saying they'd consider it, I don't know if they really will consider it. Thanks for your help telling me if this makes sense! And perhaps to help bring this idea to DJI to make sure they make it happen if USB Type-C backup powebandwidth+audio monitoring feature is possible!
At the same time, the firmware update might make it possible to record or backup record to any other Type-C storage/SSD/whatever you connect, and also to monitor audio using any Type-C to 3.5mm headphone adapter or using even a Type-C headphones right there..
submitted by Charbax to osmopocket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:45 Eastern_Cat8254 My anxiety is spiralling

Hi all. I'm a bi male who had two recent encounters with two other males. One was three weeks ago and the last one was 12 days ago. I am an absolute idiot. I was the insertive partner in both occasions. Of the first encounter I don't know their HIV status and of the last encounter they said they were HIV negative and on PrEP. I know the likelihood is still small in spite of my needlessly stupid risky behaviour (0.04-0.2% of contracting HIV with a HIV-positive partner if you are the top), but I can't stop shaking the idea of having HIV.
I started developing symptoms 4 days after the last encounter, which was a zit on my chest. I started spiralling thinking it is HIV, so I booked a an appointment for a HIV RNA test (14 days after first encounter, 6 days after last encounter) and it came back negative.
However, I started developing a mildly sore throat, a mild headache, got two more zits on my chest/nose and experience itchiness over my arm, legs and chest (no rash). I have no fever (37.0 with an ear thermometer). My roommates caught a cold and have sore throats as well. The zits could be acne and I notice the itchiness mainly acting up when I stress about it.
I booked a new appointment for an HIV RNA test two weeks after my last encounter, but I have such a hard time dealing with the anxiety of maybe having HIV. I also booked an appointment to test after 30 days with a combination test.
I just can't stop spiralling into the anxiety. I vow to never do stupid unsafe shit like this ever again. Especially around the stigma of having it and having to take a daily pill.
submitted by Eastern_Cat8254 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:43 Educational-Bad24 Advice for pursuing a career in management

Hi everyone, I need some candid advice on a subject which I really can’t find anyone to discuss with so I thought I’d lay it out here.
I’m working as a surgical reg but at eventually I would like to work in a management position. It doesn’t necessarily need to be in the NHS or even in the UK.
My thinking was to take my surgical career at least until up to FRCS and then sort of edge towards the management side of things but the way things are going here I’ve started to wonder whether it might be better idea to make some moves sooner rather than later. For context I do have some good QI/ management experience which I did find quite rewarding. I have really started to think that part of the problem why we as doctors are suffering so much is because the management side of things has been outsourced to people with no clinical background.
I haven’t been able to get into a surgical training post which was disappointing but I’m also now questioning the worth of jumping through all those hoops if my true ambitions lie somewhere else. I definitely want to maintain some degree of surgical practice but I don’t want that to be my main thing.
My question is - what kind of options should I be looking at or whether there is even anything out there for someone like myself? And if so, should I be shifting towards that side early?
Any advice/ suggestions would be appreciated.
submitted by Educational-Bad24 to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:41 summer1nUrAnus [30/F] Looking for a virtual companion of sorts

Hi. Gonna try and make an effort in expressing my thoughts somewhat clearly as that is not my forte, bear with me please. I've been doing this online chat thing for a bit now, that's my comfort spot to escape life and I've had some great experiences. However there's a few things regarding some of those interactions and more so my expectations of people I've grown to really dislike, and that I would like to tweak. The main thing being seeking some form of emotional attachment with someone - while still keeping some distance as that's the extent of what I'm comfortable (key word) with, and after I've had my fix all of a sudden deciding it's too much, or not enough before exiting the chat. Basically never being satisfied with what I'm getting, even when it comes to be exactly what I'm looking for and kind of masking it under the veil of "always seeking novelty" which is bs. Not counting the chats where there's simply no chemistry, don't think you can create that from nothing but that's just my opinion. Either way I spend more time in my own head than necessary and am awkward af with communication, as apparent by this so that's where you come in. Not saying I'll be using you for my own benefit, only partly as I am looking to practice being more consistent and conscious of/less focused on those insecurities of mine. Insecurities such as not be entertaining enough, not curious enough, not genuine enough etc. Which is one big cliché I know but it genuinely has been an idea I've struggled with recently. Not being present and spontaneous enough to enjoy some good old offensive jokes and dish em out like I used to. Quarter-life crisis maybe Idk. Anyway, I know I'm gonna cringe once this is posted, already am. But if you're still with me and feel like adopting a recluse pocket rat who talks nonsense but hopefully can charge her batteries with your help and be a little more than that, hit me up. I can't describe myself for shit so if you want to figure out what you're getting in terms of personality, I'd say best option is just chat me up, see if we vibe and later on hop on that d(scord). I also like voice notes here and there and/or evening calls whenever possible. Keeping in mind I'm in Europe. Open to most types of people around my age and up but high energy or uptight, overzealous folks I can't keep up with. Deadbeats on the other end are more my vibe. And girls, please, if any of this appeals to you don't hesitate to reach out. Been missing some feminine energy as well lately.
submitted by summer1nUrAnus to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:41 spacepirate1605 Kuch milega?

Kuch milega?
General male non ews Jee mains rank 27400
submitted by spacepirate1605 to JEEAdv24dailyupdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:39 spacepirate1605 Kuch milega?

Kuch milega?
General male non ews Jee mains rank 27400
submitted by spacepirate1605 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:37 Chrissant_ Hard time believing in God

Note: I'm going to be writing this at approx. 3 am MST. So I wont read responses until I wake up, so expect me to reply either 12pm or later
Now this has been on my mind for a while now. As there are some things that have happened to me and my family that is either lottery winner luck, or divine intervention to make sure they are alive and well to birth and raise me. But the latter seems more likely.
But then there are definitely some concerning questions I raise about his existence.
For starters, the idea that you send yourself to hell by not believing in him, and that it's a choice or something you wanted prior.
First off, if someone believed in hell, why would they want to go? They're fed these ideas of hell being this horrible place that lasts forever for their entire lives since consciousness and all of a sudden it's their choice and that they wanted to go when they died?
Second off, how is it a choice to believe, and how can other things like homosexuality be a choice either? From what I know, there aren't any credible cases of conversion therapy that actually show it as possible. And how could belief, a strictly immutable characteristic be a choice? Why would God create someone that goes directly against his image? I believe that Jesus was a real entity and a very kind hearted person who believed what he was saying, but I can still have trouble believing that he was the son of God. (If you think belief is a choice, take a political opinion, and 'choose' to believe the exact opposite, you can't. Its either there to stay, or it naturally develops/withers away over time and exposure to new content, without your say)
Why would God give creation to those he knows will grow up to not believe? Why would he create anyone at all knowing they go to hell anyway?
I understand the all fair (even though making a belief a requirement despite no choice in it, and hereditary homosexuality aren't fair at all) and all just part, but how in any way is that all loving? And I too understand and incorporated the 'chose the decrease of power for humanity's free will' bit too, but that wouldn't answer my questions, as its just a coverup that makes no sense for trying to convince me.
That brings me onto another thing, if belief is a choice, and Christ is the only way, why would anyone need convincing to begin with? Can't they just choose to believe?
Now here's some other things I can't really get. The beginning of Genesis.
God created the heavens and the earth. Created the tree of life and knowledge. Divided the day and night and created Adam, Adam then named all of Gods other creations. God took his rib and created Eve. Awesome.
Now here's the things I don't get.
  1. God then created the serpent as a test, what for? Free will wasn't a thing. That's why Adam and Eve never realized they were naked until eating the apple.. from the tree of.. well.. knowledge. And how/why would they even fall for the serpents tricks if free will wasn't a thing? The bible even says that by eating the apple they have damned his creation forever, im assuming by implying free will. Now you can say biting the apple was the creation of evil and sin. If so, why would God create something that leads to bad? Why would God help in the creation of Sin by creating the thing that helps create sin?
  2. Why would all of humanity be damned from the apple? Why not just Adam and Eve? God has the power to do that obviously, and he loves us.
  3. This just came up as I finished writing 2, but why would God send Jesus down to rise Adam and Eve and all of the others from hell? Why Adam and Eve? They're literally the reasons for everything bad.
Now those are some of the things I can think of right now, but in certain circumstances I can definitely think of a few others.
Now please don't tell me to repent, because what good will that do? Why would God listen the prayers of a non-believer? And how would repenting help anyway if I don't believe in it?
I don't mean to be hostile, I just get a little worked up regarding this topic and a lot of sense of unjust or unfairness from God is usually boiled down to the responses of "how can you question God?" or "God is good lol" when it doesn't answer any skepticism and possibly rejects someone from converting to Christ.
Well this was my little rant for now. If I have any other thoughts or updates, I might put it down in an edit. Either way, if you read my hogwash, thank you lol. I hope you all have a good night.
submitted by Chrissant_ to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:36 spacepirate1605 Kuch milega??

Kuch milega??
Jee mains rank 27400 General non ews male.
submitted by spacepirate1605 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 Informal_Comedian546 Uk/England Disability acceptance in employment tribunal England/uk

Hi all, im in employment tribunal atm, litigant in person and desperately looking for advice. When I started my job i told them i was dyslexic, and a year later i had some training through dwp. Maybe two years later I realised that something else was very wrong, i was extremely emotional and couldn't take any criticism. I was diagnosed with autism in December 2022 after nearly 5years with the company and Im also on the waiting list for adhd.( 4years on the waiting list) I originally only thought it was adhd, and i told my employer as soon as i had any idea of all my conditions, i told my managers and also messaged hr with updates and copies of doctors letters etc. I wad forced to resign March 2023 because my manager didn't understand my conditions. In the employment tribunal ther main defence is that I don't have a disability. They are now excepting my autism diagnosis, but only from the date of diagnosis and not from when id told them of my self diagnosis or from when the doctors put me on the waiting list. They are not excepting adhd, as I didn't include it because I thought I had to have a formal diagnosis 🤦🏼‍♀️ For it to be accepted, now knowing i should have included it, but i don't think i can now add it. So there saying that many of the incidents happened before i was autistic. Also that my new manager was unaware of my autism. I had accommodations in place but there weren't followed and I kept telling hr this and i was told to stick with it and it was all in my head re being told off. What will the judge say? Is this as clear cut as I feel it should be? Should the judge call another ph? Will the judge look at this with all the evidence I have (emails etc) and say i was disabled and they knew? You don't just become autistic. And id informed them of everything, im totally open and honest, I didn't hide anything. Thanks for reading xx
submitted by Informal_Comedian546 to EmploymentLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 spacepirate1605 Kuch milega?

Kuch milega?
Jee mains rank 27400 General male non ews
submitted by spacepirate1605 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:33 sumitjha2001 Non-Technical MNC Job Offer: Take or Keep Preparing?

Hi everyone, I wanted to share that I've received another job offer for around 4 LPA. In this, the first month is an internship, followed by a full-time position. It's with an MNC, and the role mainly involves working with documents - Excel, PowerPoint, Word, PDF, etc. There's no coding or database work involved. I've been looking for technical jobs like associate software engineer or Java SE related roles, but this one seems to be entirely non-technical. Should I take this job, considering it's in an MNC and offers full-time employment with regular office hours, or should I keep preparing for technical roles?
submitted by sumitjha2001 to gurgaon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:29 happyhorseshoecrab CEO seems to be planning for soft redundancies - is this legal?

I work in a digital marketing agency, one of 12 employees. The company is struggling due mainly to senior leaderships inability to adapt to the market.
We had a town hall meeting where we were told:
The company is struggling, and the agency is going in a new direction. This will include restructuring, role changes, and a lot of discomfort while we evolve.
“If any of you are hearing this and don’t want a part in it, or you don’t believe in our new direction, I want you to tell me and make plans to leave. This will ensure we are all on the same page, and ultimately, save the jobs of others”
“If you want to leave, that’s fine. We will do what we can to help you find a new career and soften the blow”
He then went on to say that they are introducing PIPs (personal improvement plans) for certain enployees, and this will be clarified next week.
To me, this sounds like the people who have their necks on the chopping block have two options:
What recourse do we have as employees? We all go above and beyond for our roles, the business is struggling because of industry wide issues. From my understanding, the first option would be considered “voluntary redundancy”, right? Meaning we’d be entitled to some money to cushion the blow?
None of us have any idea who may be in the firing lines.
submitted by happyhorseshoecrab to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:29 Ok-Educator-6729 Noise and Temperature Issues with i7-13700KF 3.4 GHz.

I recently upgraded my PC, and this is the current setup:
The main issue I'm noticing is that the processor temperature fluctuates between 70 and 80 degrees Celsius while gaming. I'm not sure if these temperatures are normal. I previously had an older i7 that barely heated up, so I don't have much experience with more powerful processors. However, the primary issue is the noise. The PC gets very noisy, especially when the processor is under heavy load. When I start gaming, there is a strange vibrating noise. I've checked all the fans, loose cables, and everything seems fine. I suspect it might be the liquid cooling system. I tried running the liquid cooling fans at maximum speed, and there was no noise. But it seems that when the processor is under high performance, something accelerates in response, causing the noise. Could it be the cooling pump? Any other ideas on what it could be?
submitted by Ok-Educator-6729 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
