Different ways to jerkifferent ways to j


2022.09.29 08:07 MorbidWaysToDie

RIP to all the victims... www.youtube.com/@morbidwaystodie

2012.07.25 15:56 gregkrazed online work from home

Yet another way to make money part-time from home for enthusiastic entrepreneurs ready to start living

2022.02.16 00:05 DumbWaysToDieIRL

Welcome! Got a clip of someone doing something not the wisest and was in hindsight dangerous but wouldn't have been deadly at the moment? share it down below :P (we do not endorse death videos, all videos must be in good fun and jokes)

2024.06.09 17:35 jsimait1 Virox Zombies: Shadows of Contagion

In the heart of Rochester, a mysterious super mutant gene known as The Catalyst began to spread like wildfire. This gene unlocked latent powers within ordinary humans, transforming them into super mutants with extraordinary abilities. As The Catalyst gene continued to proliferate in Rochester, a similar phenomenon was unfolding on the West Coast, in California.

Chapter 1: The Outbreak

In a state-of-the-art laboratory nestled in the hills of California, scientists were on the verge of a groundbreaking discovery. They were experimenting with a deadly virus known as the Virox Plague, attempting to harness its properties to create a cure for all diseases. However, something went terribly wrong. The Virox Plague mutated and escaped containment, spreading rapidly and causing a catastrophic outbreak.
Those infected with the Virox Plague underwent horrifying transformations. They became super mutants, but with a ghastly twist—they developed an insatiable hunger and an immunity to all diseases. These transformed humans, now referred to as Virox Zombies, could consume anything to satisfy their ravenous appetites. The Virox Plague had created a new breed of super mutants who were more monster than human.

Chapter 2: The Containment

The government acted swiftly to contain the outbreak. In a secluded neighborhood on the outskirts of Los Angeles, a massive warehouse complex known as Containment Unit 42 was converted into a holding facility for the Virox Zombies. This high-security facility was designed to ensure that none of the infected could escape. Massive steel doors were locked from the outside, and the perimeter was secured with electric fences and armed guards.
Inside Containment Unit 42, the Virox Zombies roamed aimlessly, their hunger never truly sated. Among them was a young girl named Zara. Unlike the other infected, Zara retained a spark of intelligence and self-awareness. She was smarter and more cunning than her fellow zombies, and she refused to succumb completely to the mindless hunger that consumed them.

Chapter 3: Zara's Resolve

Zara stood out from the others not only because of her intellect but also because of her attire. The government mandated that all Virox Zombies wear the same drab, government-issued jackets. Yet, Zara managed to maintain a sense of individuality, pairing her jacket with a variety of outfits she found within the warehouse. To her, these clothes were a reminder of her humanity, a semblance of normalcy in an otherwise chaotic existence.
Zara often found herself at odds with the other zombies. When they fed, it was a savage, frenzied affair, resembling a pack of ravenous wolves. But Zara held back, her mind constantly seeking a way out, a way to be understood and perhaps even cured.

Chapter 4: The Escape Plan

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Zara's intelligence and curiosity grew stronger. She began to explore the boundaries of Containment Unit 42, studying the routines of the guards and the weaknesses in the security systems. She believed that there was more to her condition than the mindless hunger and the monstrous appearance. Deep down, she felt that she and the other Virox Zombies were still human, deserving of understanding and compassion.
One evening, Zara overheard a conversation between two scientists who were conducting routine checks inside the facility. They spoke of a potential antidote, a serum that might reverse the effects of the Virox Plague. Zara knew that this was her chance. If she could find the serum, she could prove that the Virox Zombies were more than just mindless creatures.

Chapter 5: The Breakout

Zara spent the next few weeks meticulously planning her escape. She observed the guard shifts, memorized the security codes, and identified the least monitored sections of the facility. She shared her plan with a small group of fellow Virox Zombies who still retained fragments of their former selves. Together, they formed a pact to break free and find the antidote.
One stormy night, Zara and her group made their move. Using their combined strength and Zara's cunning, they managed to breach the security systems and overpower the guards. As the alarms blared and chaos erupted, Zara led her group through the maze-like corridors of Containment Unit 42, heading towards the lab where the antidote was kept.

Chapter 6: The Antidote

The journey to the lab was fraught with danger. Zara and her group faced numerous obstacles, including heavily armed guards and automated defense systems. But their determination and Zara's leadership kept them focused. Finally, they reached the lab, where they found the serum that could potentially cure them.
With the antidote in hand, Zara and her group made their way to the exit. The facility was on high alert, and escape seemed nearly impossible. Yet, Zara's belief in their cause fueled their resolve. In a final, desperate push, they fought their way through the remaining guards and burst out of Containment Unit 42 into the cold, dark night.


Zara and her group fled into the wilderness, carrying the hope of a cure with them. They knew that their journey was far from over. The world outside was filled with fear and misunderstanding about the Virox Zombies. But Zara was determined to find a way to reverse the effects of the Virox Plague and prove that even in the darkest of times, humanity could prevail.
As they disappeared into the night, the story of Zara and the Catalyst Chronicles began to spread. They were no longer just monsters; they were survivors, fighting for a second chance at life and redemption. And in the end, they hoped to show the world that even a super mutant could retain their humanity.
submitted by jsimait1 to MarvelFanStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:35 ZiaWatcher is there a way to get the game on IOS

I really want to play this game on the go, but so far i only see it’s on pc, mac, and android? is there an ios release out there somewhere?
submitted by ZiaWatcher to OurLifeFanPage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 Kyssara_Snowheart Am I the A-hole for leaving work at my clock out time instead of staying to help lessen it for the next day?

Hi Charlotte! Been following you for a few years now and I love what you do!
For context, I posted this in a different subreddit but I wanted to share it here and get some opinions.
So, I (now 30, formemerly 29 when i posted this) female, work in the health industry. Not going to specify which one for obvious reasons. I've been working in this branch for little over a year (now two), and I am tired of it. I decided to leave at my clock out time rather than staying late to help because it is so not worth it. We are, more times than none understaffed and slammed because of that. My "yearly" raise? Was only .58 cents.
If that's not a slap on the face, IDK what is.
I digress, I left because overtime is not worth it in my eyes anymore. Besides, there were 3 other workers there when I left, so I'm pretty sure they can handle it. If not, well then, I and whoever is at work tomorrow will deal with it. I'm not about to stress myself over what wasn't done today. So, would I be the A-hole for leaving work instead of helping out?
Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm part-time, yet I work 30+ hours. And there's no way I'm working full time. It isn't worth it. I barely have any time for myself or others as it is, and the supposed benefits? I asked some coworkers, and they said, "What benefits?"
submitted by Kyssara_Snowheart to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 MrShrugz Ex Husband Deception/Custody

(I am current husband, stepfather) Wife’s ex husband agreed to move with us, four hours away. Verbally, and via text in multiple instances. We called to make sure he was still onboard every step of the way: before we listed our home for sale, before we put an offer on a new house, before we accepted the offer on our house, before we signed for the new house. Now that we’ve moved, he’s filed for a motion to modify the parenting agreement that has been in place for over ten years, because he decided not to move. He states that for the stability of the boy, he should stay there with him and go continue school there. However, he will not say whether or not he will move after this coming school year because his girlfriend of 2-3 months applied for residency in several other places.
We all understand that during the school year 50/50 is impossible, however, in the motion to modify he is wanting us to only have him one weekend a month. So, are we fucked because we moved away? Will a judge take into consideration the deception that took place? Our biggest goal is to ensure that the child is a not a victim, and the biggest loser in all of this. Wife and I have been married 10 years and have a child together, who absolutely adores him. Ex has a 3 month girlfriend and no other children. Only mentioning to see if any of that is a factor.
Yes, I am aware that I have no legal rights to him. This, legally, is between my wife and her ex. I am posting here for my wife.
submitted by MrShrugz to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 Mysterious-Essay-448 Two strangers’ chance encounter in a snowy place, not revealing their name to one another.

I’m looking for this movie about a chance encounter between a man and a woman.
The setting is a snowy place, and I think there’s even a scene where both of them are lying on the snow (making snow angels maybe?).
The plot revolves around them doing things together, but never revealing their names to one another. They agreed to only reveal their names in case they happen to meet again in the future. I think it was the girl’s idea.
So by the end of the movie they parted ways, and the ending shows the man in his car, sort of regretting things ending that way. But then on the radio there’s this announcer who is reading letters/dedication, and he recognized that what the announcer is reading is from the girl she met, dedicated to him. Then when they’re about to reveal her name, the film cuts off to the credits roll.
I might be wrong about the announcer bit though. Some parts of my memory tells me that it’s actually the woman who’s speaking on the radio.
submitted by Mysterious-Essay-448 to whatsthemoviecalled [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:34 Hitlers_my_waifu I think I’m falling too deep in this rabbit hole…

I may overthink all of this, but having wanted to become a femboy for years, yet progress being so slow I might never have my ideal body until I’m too old to look & feel cute, I think that takes a very unhealthy toll on my mental health.
I have nobody in real life to talk to openly about this, as I feel like my manly looking self would sound ridiculous wanting to become a femboy in front of anyone, due to me looking like a rectangular piece of shit.
My skin is horrible and hyper sensitive so shaving it makes it ugly, irritated and all red overall, with hairs still visible despite being smooth and all. My face is simply unsaveable, with the structure of it as well as the hairs problem becoming unbearable to maintain, also slows my progress down. And I have no idea how to apply makeup at all, I refuse to follow any YouTube tutorial as I feel like it better suits other skins and faces than mine. I’m losing weight yet still looking like I lost none which irritates me.
Despite all of this, my mind keeps wanting to look feminine, even though it knows that no one would accept it irl, as i’m pretty sure they are way too used to my manly fucking self. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it
submitted by Hitlers_my_waifu to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 y2knole Electric pressure washer - any suggestions or am i on the right track?

Ive screwed with a free pressure washer that ive had over a decade and am just over replacing/rebuilding carburetors. so thinking electric would be a simpler plan long term...
Im looking at this one: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Greenworks-Pro-2700-PSI-2-3-GPM-Cold-Water-Electric-Pressure-Washe1000990966
2700psi is mid tier but the 2.3gpm stands out amongst comparably priced stuff.
Is there a better option that i am missing?
This will need to turn a 15" surface cleaner (my old gas one at same psi/gpm did fine) to clean my driveway and pool deck. also for keeping our composite deck clean (pressure washing seems to be the only way to REALLY clean the new deck) so...
Any recomendations?
submitted by y2knole to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 Ace201613 Review: The Blade Itself (First Law Trilogy), by Joe Abercrombie

All things come to an end. But some only lie still, forgotten
This book is fantastic. I've been wanting to say that since I finished it a few days ago. There are books that you see mentioned all the time and to some extent you think "i'm sure its good, but there's probably some exaggeration in there as well". You expect to be let down and try not to get your hopes up too high. Because there's nothing worse than having high expectations and being let down. Well, The Blade Itself is a case where high expectations are well earned. The start was a bit slow for me. Random guy gets attacked in the woods by some monsters, then falls off a cliff. I was wondering "Ok. Where are we going with this? Is he the protagonist or just a walking dead guy meant to show the tone of the story?" But from that introduction this grows into a truly epic tale set in kind of a harsh world in which you'll see a growing war, magical powers returning, and different political players seeking to take advantage wherever they can. If I had to throw three important words out to describe this book it would be Action, Characters, Intrigue.
This isn't some power fantasy where the protagonist is getting into fights every chapter and steamrolling all of his opponents. But when he, or anyone else, gets into a fight it's a real, no holds barred, tip of the nose, bloody fight. Political/social intrigue is just as important, if not more so, because this is a case where the plot focuses heavily on the actual politics involved in running different organizations and gradually building toward, what seems like it'll be, a new world war. And at the heart of everything it's the point of view characters that bring it all together and make you want to keep reading. Kudos to the author for actually making them all distinct. There are a few similarities between some of them, but this isn't a story in which you'll be confused when switching from one to the other.


It's a sorry fact that the man who strikes first usually strikes last
In my opinion, this story is kind of a giant subversion on classic fantasy tropes. I'd say the "main" protagonist is Logen Ninefingers, a viscious northman with a bloody past who seems to be trying to change for the better. But that past keeps coming back to bite him as he associates with old enemies and, more importantly, comes into contact with the mage Bayaz who wants to use Logen for unknown reasons. And that's one major subversion right there. Bayaz and Logen come into contact because Bayaz sent his apprentice to find Logen. Bayaz didn't do it himself. Bayaz and Logen aren't old friends. Bayaz didn't know Logen's father (Or if he did it isn't mentioned here). Bayaz knows of Logen, needs him for something, and sends someone to fetch him. He does the same with another protagonist from a different region of the world named Ferro Maljinn. In fact, the group of companions that has formed by the story's end were all gathered by Bayaz, mostly through him sending his proxies to find them. And he clearly has some mystical quest planned for them all, but this isn't a story about destiny or fate leading a group together. It's not about friends reuniting or one man gradually gathering a group of trusted friends who he saves on his way. It's all the manipulations of Bayaz setting these characters up to follow him, as if he's moving chess pieces on a board. And its brilliant.
Bayaz himself is not the stereotypical wise wizard. Instead you have this solidly built, bald, arrogant man who will set a group of men on fire, be physically taxed by it, and keep going on his merry way. He's not providing words of wisdom, he's speaking in riddles and keeping his cards close to the chest. He looks down his nose at his apprentice constantly and clearly believes he knows what's best for everyone. In turn you have Logen who is trying to be better, but constantly struggling to do so and by the story's end he completely loses it to what could be called a more bloodthirsty alter ego (The Bloody Nine) who proceeds to kill the enemies before him like a maniac. Ferro, who in another story might be a noble freedom fighter after having escaped slavery, is in some ways just as harsh as Logen, seeking to cause as much harm as possible to the people she despises (And notably being pretty damn racist as well lol). None of these characters, and there are more I haven't mentioned, are who you'd expect them to be in a classical fantasy novel, but it's handled so damn well and I love it.

Points of View

Why do I do this? Why?
Apart from Logen and Ferro there are 4 other point of view characters.
Collem West, an aging soldier from a poor background
Dogman, a northman who was in a group with Logen right as things went to shit at the story's start
Sand dan Glokta, former soldier, current cripple and member of the King's Inquisition
Jezal dan Luthar, nobleman and aspiring swordsman who is too lazy for his own good
I'll say that Ferro absolutely gets the least amount of focus, probably followed by the Dogman right after. Collem and Jezal are actual friends at the story's start, so even when you're following one of them the other will often appear as well. Glokta will pop up in their segments too, and vice versa, since all 3 of them are located in the same city. Overall, i'd say this is an excellent example of handling different points of view properly. It isn't just because the characters have major differences between them, it's about how the writing divides page time between all of them. Furthermore, there's an overarching story that all of their narratives play into even though individually they aren't aware of this. It's fun to see something like Jezal reacting to Bayaz, wondering why the Mage seems so interested in him, and right afterward you have Glokta looking into Bayaz to see if he is who he says he is. Things like that not only kept me interested, it built my interest in the story as it went on because I wanted to see which characters would end up interacting by the story's end.


Mercy, the man was like a child. A six and a half food child with a face like a butchers block
All of the characters are great and could have carried a story on their own, but i'd like to take a moment and say Logen was my favorite. There's something so tragic about this guy who has clearly lived a bloody life, references it often in almost everything he says or does, who does seem like he wants to change, but clearly can't change. A really interesting segment was when he first arrived in Adua, the nation's capitol. Having always lived in a completely different land that has a suitably different climate and landscape he reacts as you'd expect him to. He panics. He is lost in a crowd, finds it to be stifling hot, doesn't understand the way people react to him or how they treat one another. I'd say he was on the verge of passing out from a panic attack to be honest. He is a foreigner in a strange land and he reacts as such. It's a generally small moment in the entire book, but it's one of my favorites because it shows a level of thought that you don't see from every author. That's how a character like Logen should be reacting, but more often than not things like this aren't even touched upon. And when he's trapped by enemies at the end with no hope of escape, wounded and covered in blood, he finally loses it. The beast inside himself that he hid away the entire time finally comes out and you can see why his enemies who know him tried to get rid of him. You can see why he does want to move beyond that and why he is adamant that the world probably would have been better off without him. I'm repeating myself, but it's all done so well and I love it.


The blade itself incites to deeds of violence
I'm willing to say that if the next 2 books in this trilogy are written as well as this one i'd place the series on my list of favorites. There's so much i'm not mentioned, but I was very impressed and it was a pleasure to read. Sometimes when reading a book can feel like a chore, because you're not really enjoying it but you want to finish it. This is a case where I became a kid again, staying up later and later to read one more chapter, my mind constantly turning over the events of the book to wonder what would happen next. I was lost in this story and it was actually fun to read. Very violent, bloody, and sure to have a bittersweet ending when all is said and done (I have the feeling that both Logen and Collem will probably die), but absolutely fun. I suggest it to anyone who enjoys stories like Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire or books with multiple POV characters for you to follow.
submitted by Ace201613 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 zachbrownies Pictomancer was so much better in Heavensward

I know everyone seems excited about Dawntrail's rework of the job, but to me it just represents how dumbed down the job has become.
The four creature muse skills have completely lost their character - they used to have special effects attached to them, now they're literally all just "deals damage", and they always come in the exact same order when you used to be able to pick and choose what order to draw based on what you needed. Were the effects great? No, but it was neat trying to take advantage of the Wings giving you a 10-second sprint or the Pom Cure that came with drawing the pom. The fangs used to also have an interrupt on them, which, yes, wasn't used that often, but when you could find a way to fit the Fangs Motif into your rotation at the time the boss needed an interrupt, it felt really satisfying!
And the weapon motif now has just the hammer?! Yes, the boxing glove wasn't used very much because the hammer was almost always better, but there were some scenarios where you could find a cool use for it, just like with Selene compared to Eos, but they removed that too. It just feels lame that you have a whole weapon canvas but it's literally just the same weapon every time now.
And don't get me started on the rigidity of the burst window - Just like what they're doing to BLM with the forced casting of six Fire IVs, now you have to use five stacks of "Hyperfantasia", which basically dictates that your burst must contain the exact 5 (6 with the rainbow drip) spells every time, as opposed to before where you a) had flexibility with what you put in your burst if you wanted to use the hammer or boxing glove or paint a muse and b) like BLM, is more punishing because if you miss one of them, now you're screwed and don't even get the rainbow drip.
To me, this iteration of the job just represents how simplified everything in the game has become, and I don't get why people seem so happy with it.
submitted by zachbrownies to ShitpostXIV [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 blazenook Yellowing & Staining - White Dress Shirts

Hey guys, I hope you are all doing well. I have been dealing with a very annoying issue of my white dress shirts yellowing around the back of the collar / neck and the pits. I am assuming it is from sweat and skin oils but I am hoping there is a way to combat this other than wearing an undershirt. Any cleaning tips, ways to prevent this?
Thanks again!
submitted by blazenook to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 becyrjm Idaho tourism near YNP

I’m headed to YNP this weekend and had plans to check Idaho off my travel list by driving through the Diggs/Victor area on our way to GTNP, but plans will likely have to change now due to the road collapse. I haven’t heard news as to an alternative route yet and am planning to ask a ranger when we arrive.
Regardless, we’d still like to sneak Idaho in. Are there any fun, interesting & kid friendly (11 yr old) stops in Idaho near the West gate (we’re staying in West Yellowstone)? TIA!
submitted by becyrjm to yellowstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 revis1985 Help Me Find A Space For My Studio Business

Hiya London,
I want to start a studio space business and I'm fairly new to the London space, only been here two years, out of which most were studies.
I'm a filmmaker at a base and it would be lovely to find a monthly hire where I can do my own shoots with up and coming creatives and rent the space out the rest of the days.
I love meeting new people and I'm quite organised so it seems like a good way forward in my career and filmmaking career.
Does anyone know where I should start, to avoid the pitfall traps this city seems to lay out for you.
My budget has to be reasonable so the business would pay for the space and some earnings.
Let me know if you can help me, Linus
submitted by revis1985 to london [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 jaecia16 Human design

6/2 Manifesting Generator
Hello. This is my 1st post on here. I have a 4 yr old granddaughter. I’m trying to prepare her for school. She is a 6/2 Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority. Can someone tell me what would be the best way to teach her? I know, for me, I’m a hands on learner. But it doesn’t seem to work with her. Please help.
submitted by jaecia16 to humandesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 Minkovitch01 What's an appropriate base under a small tiled area in a garden

What's an appropriate base under a small tiled area in a garden
We made a raised-bed garden for my MIL
When you walk in, there's a 47"x 68" area to stand in.
Right now it's just dirt but she's asking for it to be tiled. She got some deck tiles that she likes but I'm not sure what is the best way to install them. I believe they're made for a wood deck so they have no instruction for dirt installation.
I'm thinking
  • A hole 6-8" deep
  • Membrane and some thicker (maybe 3/4 round) gravel until an inch or so below the surface
  • A layer of gravel (or some thicker sand?) to compact and level
  • Tiles on that
Does that process make sense? I tried searching online for information about this but mostly found information for building huge decks and gravel driveways and I assume this might be a different since it's a smaller enclosed area and doesn't need to support furniture / cars?
If it's relevant, this is in eastern Canada so winter freezing is a concern.
Thanks in advance!
PS: I'm aware of the questionable butt joints on those 2x4s making up the roof structure, I'm working on some corner braces to strengthen those joints to be able to support snow.
submitted by Minkovitch01 to landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 Yodzilla Which side of my house should I move my potted citrus to?

I’ve got a number of different citrus plants in big pots and I’m having a hard time figuring out the best side of the house to keep them in the warm months. I’m south of Charleston, SC (zone 9a) and currently I have a number of them in the front of my house facing East. I feel like it gets too hot there as there’s zero shade and it’s BRUTAL in the mornings from like 7am to 2pm.
The West side of my house is shaded pretty well from a tree line but…maybe too well? North has only the shade from the house but is generally cooler than East. West is partially shaded by neighbors house but still gets a ton of sun.
So I guess I’m wondering if there’s a best place to put these here or if the actual problem is I need to water them way more than I thought. Currently I’m waiting for the soil to dry before giving them lots of water but is that not okay when it’s 90+ every day full sun for hours?
submitted by Yodzilla to Citrus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 Equivalent-Gift-7398 Jealous of friends academic achievements

I'm jealous of everything that my friend gets recognized for in high school. They've gotten all these awards and the school has given them all this praise, and it makes me envious. They also got into this prestigious scholars academy camp, and I wish I had been invited. I feel like I do pretty decent in school, and I have a 4.0 but I set my standards way too high I feel, since I keep comparing myself to other people. I don't want to and don't like feeling this way at all, and sometimes these emotions go away and I just feel happy for them, but I'm not sure. I just want to know if anyone has any advice on what I can do. I'm going to push myself this upcoming school year, but I still feel like I'll be envious, and I hate feeling that way.
submitted by Equivalent-Gift-7398 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 Belgan_TheFumbFan Bank Error: They took my money!

So my son and I bank at the same location. The other day he went in to take cash out to pay me for something.
My wife and I are on my account. My wife is on my sons account.
When I checked my account today I found out that when my son took the money out they actually took it from my account. The ONLY link between us is the wife/mother on both accounts. She was not with him however so no way they should have been in my account.
We plan to go Monday to get it fixed but this is quite concerning. Is there anything beyond putting it back in my account and taking it from his that I should be asking for?
submitted by Belgan_TheFumbFan to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 Sage13524 help :/

help :/
i reset my laptop and everytime i try to add an account this pops up instead, i found a way to add the account through the run tab but when i did it still wouldnt let me log into it and everything i look up isnt working so im not really sure what to do
submitted by Sage13524 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 BusinessCorpse Would I be TAH if I told my brother to stop using my room?

Sorry for how long this is I didn’t think there would be so much explaining needed.
So for a bit of context first, I (15m) have a split 50/50 time at my mum’s and my dad’s houses (so I switch which house I’m staying at every week). My oldest brother (22m) is in the army, and is away most of the time.
On the Thursday just gone, he came to my mum’s house unannounced and I didn’t know this until I got to my mum’s house on Friday (as I swap houses on Fridays). Whenever he stays at my mum’s house and I’m not there he will claim my room as it is bigger than the spare room. However, I am meant to stay there as well for this week and he doesn’t leave until Tuesday - meaning that I will not get my room back until the last few days of my stay at my mum’s house. This means as well that I’ve been thrown into the spare room. I’m devastated by this because I’ve spent so long building up my own personal space in my room that I look forwards to staying in every other week as my room at my dad’s house is quite small. In my room at my mums house I have many posters set up which seem to inconveniently fall down whenever I’m not there. Almost half of them have fallen down in the week I’ve not been there and I can’t even fix them because my brother is staying in there with his partner. I tried to get him to help me put them back up but he just ended up getting frustrated and almost ruining my poster. I’ve had to try and keep all my posters in the spare room even though they barely fit in there as I fear they will be creased or ripped if anywhere else.
My brother has also cluttered my room since he brings quite a lot of things with him and since his partner is also staying there, they have their stuff there too. It means that he’s disorganised a lot of things in my room and has just made it a mess which I know he will not properly clean when he leaves.
I was so upset when I first realised that he was staying in my room that I felt on the verge of tears and the cherry on top of it is that the first thing my mum said to me was that she can either set up the spare bedroom for me (as the bed is a sofa bed) or she can drive me back to my dad’s house. This made me realise that she had no intent of trying to encourage my brother to leave my room and go into the spare room. I took the option of the spare room (not because I wanted to be there but rather because it meant that if I stayed this week then my birthday in a few weeks will land on a day at my dad’s house).
Later on I told my mum that I hated that he was in my room and that I had been looking forward to spending my weekend relaxing in there (as I’ve had so many exams recently and I have one week left of them before I leave school) but she disregarded my feelings and insinuated that I was being selfish because if I took my room back my brother and his partner would have to share the smaller room but really to me that’s not my problem as his partner doesn’t HAVE to stay here.
Today I decided to go for a bike ride to my dad’s house because I needed to grab a few things I had left there. My nana (58f) was there (as she lives there) and I told her the situation and she was on my side. After a while of speaking I just broke down crying. I don’t know if it was just because I was upset about not being able to have my room or if it was a built up of bottled emotions but either way I couldn’t stop crying. My nana said that my mum was being unfair and was ‘punishing me’ (for a bit of context: I’m 100% NOT the favourite child because I “left” my mum since she was hurting me emotionally and so I lived at my dads house permanently for a few years before doing the 50/50 split).
I don’t know if my mum is doing this on purpose because my brother is favoured more than me but I don’t know what to do.
I hate it when people are in my room when I’m not. Not that I have anything to hide, it just makes me uncomfortable. I feel like my personal space is being invaded and my boundaries are being broken. However, I’m afraid of bringing it up to my mum incase she gets mad at me and calls me selfish again and I’m contemplating whether or not I want to stay at my dad’s house until he leaves because I hate being in the spare room.
I’m currently still at my dad’s house but everybody has left so it’s just me now and I don’t know what to do. I have to go back since I have my mum’s bank card on me as I have to go to shop for her but I’m not sure what to do after that.
So am I overreacting and would I be TAH if I asked my brother to move rooms even though he only has 2 days left before he leaves?
submitted by BusinessCorpse to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 DomiBlushes1998 How do I (25F) get my husband (27m) to be comfortable with me driving our new car?

I '25F' have been married to my husband '27M' for two months now. When we started dating long distance I had a car and he had a work owned vehicle.
After changing jobs he didn't have access to the work vehicle so he had my car during the week to get to and from work (I walked to work, literally across the road from my house) On weekends he'd drive to my home, take me shopping etc and do most of the driving. He hates being driven by others... But it feels like he hates being driven by me because he's comfortable in his friends cars being driven by them.
We recently financed a car. It's in my name because I have a better credit score and I did all the leg work/paperwork etc. He is paying for it fully (monthly payments and insurance)
We got the car on Wednesday, he drove it home after work and I was supposed to be able to take it for a drive but he honestly made me so nervous because I could feel how uneasy he was that I gave up and said I'd drive it another time on my own.
Saturday morning I wanted to drive it but he took it work with him.
Sunday morning I wanted to drive it but he took the keys will him (accidentally, they were on the same set as his house keys) so I grabbed the spare keys and pulled It out of the garage. I'd messaged him to ask if he had the keys so he messaged back to say yes, sorry and not to take the car out because he wanted to show it to the friend he was with and they were on their way back.
Later on Sunday I said I was going to go for a drive, he insisted I couldn't go on my own. So I got in the car with him and pulled out my phone to connect to the Bluetooth (before driving off, not while driving) He got angry, wanted to leave it connected to his phone and was just in a bad mood so I got out of the car and calmly asked him to just put it away. I'm not driving the brand new car for the first time with him while he's pissed off.
He drove off and ignored my messages (he answers work messages while driving but not mine even though I don't like him using his phone in the car)
He went and put in petrol.
I decided to go for a run to calm down, he passed me on his way home and insisted I get in the car.
Eventually in the late afternoon he says, let's go to the shops and you can drive. It was a maybe 5 minute drive, I took it slowly and didn't rush because I wanted to enjoy the car. Someone cut me off on the way (I had to change lanes, it was fine)
He got pretty upset and yelled at them through the window.
He wouldn't let me drive back from the shops. He literally took the keys from me as soon as they were out of the ignition.
I really don't know how to handle this. It feels like we have OUR old car and HIS new car... Not OUR cars.
(I know Reddit likes to jump to big decisions like "leave the man" but I'm very much in love with my husband even if I'm frustrated and angry with him right now)
submitted by DomiBlushes1998 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 smoke1ndstfu New rabbit

New rabbit
So my boyfriend’s sister had a rabbit she didn’t want anymore, she’s only 14 and they have two other dogs that are quite a handful. But yesterday she was asking if I wanted to keep her and of course I said yes😭the thing is I didn’t ask my mom if I could keep her because I knew she would trip out. So I kind of did the irresponsible thing and just brung her home without permission. I’ve been trying to convince her that I would care for her all on my own and she would be out of the way but she’s not budging. The thing tearing me up the most is that I feel like she is getting comfortable around me. I made the environment as inviting as possible (open cage/ free roam around the bedroom) i let her get up in my bed and sniff around a lot and she’s okay with me picking her up and approaching her in general. I fed her a little romaine lettuce, banana and hay and ofc her water bottle was filled. I really don’t wanna part ways with this bunny yall😭😢😢😣all my childhood pets were given away or they died. And I thought the fact of me being older now would help my out but my mom is so stuck in her ways it’s really depressing.
submitted by smoke1ndstfu to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 OldUncleDaveO A whole flock of habanero-pineapple birds fired over some hickory. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday!

A whole flock of habanero-pineapple birds fired over some hickory. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday! submitted by OldUncleDaveO to smoking [link] [comments]
