Nice tattoo sayings


2023.03.07 00:29 NiceTattooParlor NiceTattooParlor

The Tattoo Parlor Where Everyone is Nice to You

2010.05.12 00:44 tattoosforgirl Tattoos For Girls


2016.10.11 05:58 ReptarsDaddy I <3 AMRY

Dedicated to shit-posts, copy pasta, dank memes, and the U.S. Army.

2024.06.09 18:22 OilPsychological1080 What to do with my marriage? '43F' '32M'

I have been with my wife for 8 years now we recently had our 7 year wedding anniversary. In the beginning of our marriage and relationship things were amazing. My wife has been married twice before me and has kids with both previous husbands. I have also been married twice before her me mostly being young and dumb and trying to rush life, I have never had children with either of my previous wives. After we were married we decided to have children which I expressed to her I never intended on having children with someone I didn't plan to be with forever. I did not want my children apart of a broken home. Fast forward 6 years, I confronted my wife on the suspicion that she had possibly slept with one of my best friends before her and I ever knew each other this was a friend that we regularly were around and hung with. She assured me several times that she had never slept with him or done anything to him. Well not long after that I over hear my wife drunkingly talking to one of her friends telling her friend that she did sleep with him but didn't want me to find out. I know no one here knows me so I'll start off by saying we all have a past and that's fine I just ask not to be lied to and give and recieve complete honesty. I don't think anyone wants to be hanging out on a regular basis with there spouse hanging around someone they have slept with . I didn't call her out in it immediately but it ate away at me for weeks why would you lie about that I asked myself? Looking me straight in my eyes and lied over and over. A month or so goes by and my wife is drunk and I bring it up to her, once again she denies it but I told her i overheard her telling her friend so I know she's lying. Now I'm not the type of male who is very jealous and I definitely don't play the going through your phone game because I'm committed and I give my wife my trust. Well I when I confronted her on this issue I called her out on some other shady behavior, she was going through one of her photo apps and there was a video of her ex boyfriend masturbating. Clearly by this point I am infuriated. She swears she didn't know it was on there and she thought it was deleted. We are in a public parking lot inside the car when all this goes down she freaks out and jumps out of the car, I beg and plead for her to get back in the car as this is my children's mother and I would never do anything to publicly embarrass her. Well she ends up drawing a lot of attention to herself and gets arrested since she is drunk and not calming down and refuses to get back in the car with me so I can take her home. Fast forward about 3 months. My wife and I had been out to eat and on our way home got into a arguement. Once we arrived home she asked me "doing you like living here"? Which I thought was odd but I replied yes why wouldn't I? We finally have a nice house sitting on a farm with beautiful views it's everything Iv always wanted, she replied with "ok". She said she was going to go for a walk to clear her head and I said ok I was going to use the bathroom. I got out of the bathroom and I couldn't quit thinking why would she ask such a question she knows I love living here. I went to her car because there's a pistol in to glove box and I'm trying to cross the worst scenarios out of my head. The glove box was locked as it usually is and she took her car key with her. I ran inside and got the spare and went back to the car and unlocked the glove box and the pistol is missing. I immediately track her location and see she is in a near field. I jump in my truck and go to where she is at I find her sitting by A brush pile listening sad music with the gun in her lap. I am able to get the gun from her then she takes off running through the field towards our house. At this point it is like my wife has had a complete mental break down and idk what to do I start calling her mom and dad they don't answer I call her daughter who is in the military and In a different state freaking out telling her everything that's happening. My wife makes it home gets in her car and leaves and doesn't come back for hours I can't track her because she left her phone in the field where I found her. By this point I have gotten ahold of her mom and dad no one knows what to do. So we all come together once my wife arrives back home and tell her what ever is going on we want her to get help with it's therapy or medicine we don't care we are here for here and support whatever we have to do. Time goes by and things are starting to get normal again after my wife refuses to take medicine or do anything for help. We did start marriage counseling we had scheduled 4 meetings to start with the first meeting we did as a couple the second meeting I did by myself and the third meeting was supposed to be my wife alone and on the 4th meeting it would be us as a couple again. Well when it came time for my wife to do her meeting she kept rescheduling over and over and I finally called her out on why she wasn't taking this serious. She said she was but she just had this or that going on etc all I heard was excuses. Now since you don't know my wife she is a very successful female that makes great money and is in amazing shape and literally had the perfect body even after kids, you would never even known she's had a kid and built very desirable. I am 6' 2" and I go to the gym 5-6 times a week I have never cheated in any way form or fashion on my wife or done anything morally or ethically wrong towards our marriage I have always loved my wife and thought she was perfect. After these events started happening I started to question a lot of things and I found out my wife is as truthful as I thought she was. I don't believe my wife has ever cheated on me but she does seem to tell a lot of small lies or just flat out lies in general. My wife has in the last few years became psychotically jealous I'm not even allowed to eat with female coworkers and if I do I have to notify her and tell her where they are sitting in relation to where I'm sitting and what if anything they say to me. I have to tell her every time a female calls or text me etc. I do not have any social media but my wife has almost all of them and I don't care but I would like to point out she has male friends on her social media both married and single but I'm not allowed to be friendly or joke or anything even with the people I work with and my wife knows all of them but at the same time my wife also works in a coed environment and I don't limit her on anything she does nor do I ask or care because I love her and trust her. She has recently gotten mad that she shares her location with me but I don't share mine with her, I never asked her to share hers with me she just randomly did one day but since I don't do anything wrong and have nothing to hide I started sharing mine as well. Well that became a problem while we're both at work I would be question about why have I been at a particular location for 10 min or why have I been here or there etc and that got really old really quick. A few months go by and my wife starts a physical altercation with me I have never in my life hit a woman nor did I that night but I did keep pushing her off of me as I tried gathering my stuff for work so I could leave and go somewhere else. Long story short the police showed up I didn't have a shirt on and was covered in scratch and bite marks. Luckily I was able to leave and no one would go to jail, both our careers would've been ruined if either of us would've went to jail. After leaving that night I go to a hotel from that night forward I don't come home for 2 weeks I stay at hotels or family's house still in shock of how all this has came about. How close we were to losing everything we have including our careers over her behavior. I tell my wife I want time away from her to think things through. She tells me after two weeks of not sleeping under the same roof as her I need to come home because our children are asking a lot of questions I was skeptical but I returned and only for my kids I love my kids more than anything and during this 2 week period of being gone from them I would show up as my wife left for work and take them to school and pick them up and still see them and do stuff with them. I started staying back at home for my kids my wife and I still haven't slept in the same bed I am devistated on what to do about my marriage I can't handle a controlling and psychotically jealous wife anymore. This is not all that's going on in my marriage just some of the big things. I feel like I do most of the house work and I do all of the outside work. I clean, do dishes, do laundry etc I hate not having a clean and organized house. Lately things have been getting out of control with spending financially. All of this combined is driving me crazy. I told my wife 3 times I wanted a divorce but she begs me and tells me how everything can and will be better. She did start medicine for whatever is going on with her mentally but honestly not much has changed not like she promised. She still leaves the house and goes drinking with her friends and doesn't come home until late into the night etc. I don't know what to do I am beyond devastated to think about what a divorce would do to my kids 5 & 6. I can't stand the thought of them possibly having another father figure in their future. I have days where I feel strong enough to divorce and I know everything will be ok and be fine and then I have days where I question if I would be able to make it through something like that or not. I feel really confused on what to do my wife's behavior hasn't changed much and the only reason there's been any change at all is because I told her I wanted a divorce and I feel like she's trying to look really good right now and show me this "change". I worry what if I'm never happy again what if I never have this life of fun and happiness like I had before all these issues started happen for the last year and a half. I'm really stuck on what to do.
submitted by OilPsychological1080 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:19 One-Question-4429 "I don't like him but I want him to like me"

Hi, so there's this guy, and we got to know each other for the first time by playing roles that fall in love with each other in a class drama production. He's not really my type, as he flirts with me in a very sexual way all the time, but I feel like he likes my friend. My friend did say she thinks the guy likes her, but she doesn't like him back. Although she's nice to me, she's very insecure and likes to put other people down behind their backs. I really don't like the way she subtly brags about the attention she gets from guys she has no feelings for. To me, that is not right. "I don't like this person but I want this person to like me" has never really made sense to me... until now. The thing is: am I also thinking the same thing? I don't really mind if this guy doesn't have any feelings for me, as he's not really my type, but I can't say that I am COMPLETELY unbothered by the possibility of him being in love with my friend. Can someone explain this?
submitted by One-Question-4429 to u/One-Question-4429 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 Smart_Pen3856 Please help me I need advice asap

My husband has never been a nice person, he used me for a full year when I first moved here to be with him (mind you I am from a whole different country, moved all the way across the continent to be here) he made me pay for dinners, groceries, rent, asked me to buy him things had me pay for his flights and accommodations when we traveled and threw a stink when I didn’t. He also made over 100k a year. I also cooked, cleaned etc. he would become angry when I didn’t, even sometimes got up and left the house all together telling me he could do better yelling and screaming if house was dirty or food wasn’t ready. He didn’t do anything for me, no valentines surprise, no birthday gift or surprise meal, no flowers, no thank you for everything you do. Nothing. Ever. But when he would have fits he would apologize after and I felt loved he would hug me and say sorry. I couldn’t see there was ever much of a reason to leave. Being alone would be worse and I was already all the way across the continent. Fast forward I married him and we eventually moved for his job. Because of the location we moved there was no work for me at all. He made me pay for his/our whole move there and paid our rent when we got there. Money was less of a problem now. But the treatment has gotten unbearable. He screams whenever I speak to him (he smokes a lot of weed) I’ve asked him to stop a few times because he drives impaired and whenever I say something he doesn’t like he hits me with “I’m leaving, never should of married you, your the worst thing that’s ever happened to me” etc. it hurts. It always feels like a kids to the chest every out burst. But I just try harder to do everything right. 6 months later I’m pregnant (accident I was on bc) his family is so excited he wanted me to have the kid we decided to keep it. I’m about 6 weeks along now. I’ve been so sick this week, and needed help in the kitchen as I was struggling to cook myself something and haven’t been able to eat all day. He came to the kitchen flipped my sandwich once and said “can you finish this? I need to go take a shit” when I walked down the hall he was not in the restroom he was in the garage getting high. So I spent 20 minutes gagging over a sandwich while he ditched me to go smoke. I confronted him later, and it resulted in an immediate blow up. He yelled at me that I am a raging bitch and all I do is nag and bitch and jumped up and said I need another hit you drive me crazy and walked out and took another hit. I was obviously crying and upset very hurt me crying annoyed him more resulting him to get out of bed and leave the room to go sleep in the hammock outside. I told him please don’t do this please can we just have a normal conversation your hurting me and he got in my face so close he was spitting on me and yelled “get the fuck back in the fucking bed and get the fuck away from me, and I want you to get a fucking abortion on Monday I don’t want a fucking kid with you” pointed at the bed while yelling this as if I was a dog. Went out the hammock and that was it. I layed in bed a while crying and eventually walked out to the hammock and confronted him, immediately after walking out there he said “if you don’t get the fuck away from me I am going to hit you right now” which blew my mind because he has never thrown a hand before and I am pregnant. I immediately walked inside. He came in an hour later and just got in bed cuddling me like nothing happened and went to sleep. I cried the entire night and I am at a complete draw on what to do. I’m so upset, but I love him.
submitted by Smart_Pen3856 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 solneo Give ‘em the credit

I know the focus now is next season.
But I just want to say that at this time last year I don’t think anyone thought the Bs would go as far as they did in the playoffs this year, so I just want to say, Nice jobs boys 🤘😎
The constant roster moves, lack of depth, and all the other really good teams in the league.
I was impressed with their level of success given their initial poor outlook and continuous adverse conditions.
Here’s to the greatest sport on earth, And the best team there is.
Go Bs!
submitted by solneo to Bruins [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:14 giner- is my relationship ruined? (25f, 26m)

okay so i’ll start with what i (25f) did wrong - i went through his (26m) phone. i know i shouldn’t have. here’s my “excuse” (i still know it’s wrong):
we’ve been arguing over the past few days over little things. normal relationship tiffs. he says or does something and i get my feelings hurt because im sensitive. we make up. we move on. i just want to be with him. we have the same goals and a lot of the same niche interests and most of the time he’s considerate and empathetic. so i forgive him and i think he means it, even if i don’t feel completely okay after. and it’s hard for me to try and make conversation after or be normal, and i just want him to comfort me and try to make sure things are okay or try and make things right again. but recently he hasn’t been. we just sit in silence while he scrolls on his phone, kind of hiding it when i walk by or sit next to him or will hurry and switch apps. sketchy stuff, i’m suspicious of what he’s doing but i try not to read into it and then finally i have to break the silence and try to get things back to happy.
on top of these little tiffs, recently he’s stopped taking off the top half off my clothes during sex. and objectively i have a good healthy body. i lift weights everyday. im literally on a cut right now, so i mean im looking good for me. im actively taking care of myself. i finally said something the day before last bc it was just fishy. he was apologetic again and said he wasn’t thinking about it. i believe him and blame my insecure subconscious. move on.
now to add to that…last night i get on top to have sex, he gets soft. i get my feelings hurt he gets embarrassed. i forgive him bc it has happened in the past, but now with all of these things together i just feel like something is up. being sketch on his phone, not taking my clothes off for sex, and now he’s going soft - is he even attracted to me anymore? this thought won’t leave me alone.
now this morning: (or tldthe point)
he gets up to shower for work. he thinks im sleeping. his phone is on the table charging. i couldn’t resist. his ex called him in the middle of the night three times in a row on wednesday night. her friend is texting him from a number he didn’t save and has her notifications silenced. the only reason i knew it was his ex who called was because the friend had said “hey [redacted] called you the other night did you get it?” BECAUSE HE HAD HER SAVED UNDER A FAKE NAME. while i will give him that there was no outright flirting or cheating in the messages with these girls, the topics were:
friend - religious views, places to check out in the cities they each live in, what they’ve been up to now (no mention of him being in a relationship), how the ex gf (her friend) is going through a tough time bc she’s experiencing a miscarriage (which he asked if the guy was still around - to which she responded no), him asking if he should facetime his ex back or text
ex - how is she doing, what they’ve been up to, how he’s always there to talk if she needs it
so i confront him about it in the shower. he claimed the notifications were silenced bc they’ve been like that since he broke up with his ex, and that she was under a different name bc it was a joke they had back in the day (they’ve been broken up since 2019) and he never changed it. he intended on telling me but we’ve been fighting and there hasn’t been a good time.
i just told him to get his stuff and leave (we don’t live together) and i took my dog on a walk and didn’t come back until i knew he had to be at work. he called and was begging to talk to me in person and kept trying to explain everything and how he was just trying to be nice or whatever. i just told him i don’t trust him now and there’s nothing left to say. his birthday is next week too so i feel like shit dumping him right before. I don’t know what to do. he left some of his stuff so i have to bring it over and i know he’s going to try to talk to me. would you trust him or try to mend things? i don’t know what to do.
submitted by giner- to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:14 WhosThisRandomGuy What if the girls kept switching personalities?

What if the girls kept switching personalities? submitted by WhosThisRandomGuy to DDLC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:12 SMan2022 Prospect making me feel helpless at times

Been talking to a prospect for 7 months now... I am 31M, the girl is 30F
It was long distance at first but since then she has changed jobs and relocated to my city. We meet once a week.
Over the last few months, I have noticed one thing about her behaviour which is extremely offputting for me. She disappears everytime we have an argument or a fight.. She says she does it because she got upset or thought I was rude etc. On one occassion the disappearing duration was a week and I did not know what I could during that time.. She does not respond to texts or calls... I normally reach out to her after giving her space for 1day... But beyond 2days, I tend to panic as I feel something is seriously wrong..
Whereas on the other hand whenever I am upset and I do not respond to her texts even for a few hrs(max 7-8hrs), she highlights that out... I told her that it is not fair and a double standard that when you are upset, you can disappear for upto a week whereas me not responding to your texts for even a few hours is a triggering point for you.
She then blamed me that I always highlight her mistakes which tbh I have done.. I have told her on multiple occassions not to disappear for days when she gets upset.. She takes this as me highlighting her flaws. I want her to understand that I am not highlighting her flaws but just want her not to go away. I have also told her that she does not give me any assurances and is very cold which she herself admitted to. ANd I have highlighted it just 2-3 times over the last couple of days because we had a small argument right before that.
Today, she is telling me that she cannot meet my expectations. Even if she stretched now, she might not be able to in the future.. That I always tell her that she does not do this or that when I have just told her a couple of things - 1. not to disappear for days when she's upset but to talk it out and 2. Just be a little more responsive and assuring, to be a little more available and not be cold to me
Since we have been speaking for 7 months, there are emotions involved from both sides. I know I am very attached to her and seriously want this to work and she is attached as well....
Since morning, she has been extremely cold to me. we did not have any arguments yesterday but rather we were both very nice to each other. I assured her that I am not going away and am there for her and we will make this work. But I have no idea why the sudden mood swing today and she is talking about not meeting my expectations, doubts about talking to me etc. I have called her more than thrice today and she has not talked to me properly even once. The other times she did not pick up my call. Seriously, want to know what can I do here.. Help me out folks.. I understand she needs to space but how long should I wait for her? A couple of days after I tend to panic.
Let me know what I can do here... If I am at wrong here, let me know... Should I wait?? Or should I drop her profile? Its been 7 months and she knows that this hurts me but still does this. Please assist me
submitted by SMan2022 to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:11 bigbigfeelings Should I (37f) continue my relationship with my partner (39m) after noticing some uncomfortable social patterns?

My partner (39m) and I (37f) have been together for 6 months. I have more recently noticed a pattern in our interactions that made me uncomfortable. I brought it to my therapist, and we discussed how I could bring it to a conversation with him in a healthy way. The pattern I have noticed is that when he talks about his day, there are frequent mentions of external validation. One example, I ask him about his day every day, and he tells me that he made something (he's in IT) and his coworkers loved it, and that it's clear he's becoming very useful in that company. He has mentioned many times that he is outperforming other people and he hasn't even been there very long. I am not sure if it constitutes bragging or if it is sharing things he's genuinely proud of. I really can't decipher it. Which is why brought it to my therapist to figure out how to process. When he gets dressed for the day, he always says something along the lines of "I clean up nice, don't I?" There have also been times when he has mentioned that he got hit on at work by women, or at a public place when we've been out. I really don't care. It feels like he is trying to receive more validation from me. As I spoke to my therapist, I explained that I have never been the type of person to respond positively to people fishing for compliments or validation. Having had recurring narcissistic relationships (my father, a long term ex, a mentor), I feel like I now have a difficult time deciphering if someone is genuinely seeking my approval or if they are genuinely seeking ANYONE'S approval. But what I do very well in relationships is make sure I show my love and appreciation, as well as my pride for my partner, by telling them daily unprompted. That has always been important to me. So when I had a conversation with him, I explained that I want him to know and feel genuinely that he doesn't need to tell me about all the good things all the time to seek my approval. I am happy he exists in the world just as he is, and I would not have been in this relationship if I didn't feel that way. I explained that I am personally not able to relate so much to having success at work in the ways he is, but that it in no way deters me from hearing about what he is proud of. I want him to feel comfortable also telling me anything he might be having a hard time with, and to know that I will be there to support him. When I said all of this, he cried, and he said he felt grateful for that. Then he said "I'll be honest, it does make me depressed when I notice you are just nodding while I'm talking about my day." I asked him to explain, and he said "I feel like I am doing something wrong by telling you about my day. It did make me depressed. I'm not going to lie. I know you have trauma. And that's not your fault. I guess we just have to deal with it." That last part specifically didn't sit well with me. I felt that I made it clear to this person that I was receiving help for my trauma, that I acknowledged that he didn't do anything wrong. In the conversation, I continued to repeat "I want you to know that this is simply a negative response I am having due to past events. You've not done anything wrong in any way, and my therapist and I are working through these things as they come up so they DON'T impact my relationships." I guess, maybe I am feeling like I shouldn't have had the conversation to begin with. And also, that this response is a familiar one too. If I'm being honest, my gut is now to not move further. It feels like it is beginning to stir up more negative and not feel so compatible, but I don't want to end something without feeling like I am also taking responsibility for my healing. (I am also autistic, and sometimes I struggle to read social dynamics when I am in them.) Any advice is welcome. Thank you in advance.
submitted by bigbigfeelings to moraldilemmas [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:09 CaptainCapRate Recommendations for high-end business laptop

Thank you so much, would really appreciate any recommendations for a windows laptop primarily used for business. I had looked into the lenovo x1 carbon gen 12, which seems good, but some reviews say its not worth the money. curious to see what the reddit community thinks.
Total budget (in local currency) and country of purchase. Please do not use USD unless purchasing in the US: under $2.5-3k USD, purchasing in US
Are you open to refurbs/used?- yes, but I am nervous on buying used electronics. Have had inconsistent experiences. Am I wrong to think this? I would love to get more value for money buy buying a high quality refurbished laptop, but also happy to buy new/cutting-edge.
How would you prioritize form factor (ultrabook, 2-in-1, etc.), build quality, performance, and battery life? I dont need it to be a 2 in 1, I would like something really powerful, relatively light and long battery, but I mostly use my laptop as a desktop that I can move around so I am open here.
How important is weight and thinness to you? Somewhat important, I dont want to lug around a brick, but performance is more important.
Do you have a preferred screen size? If indifferent, put N/A. 14-15'. I do value a high quality screen!
Are you doing any CAD/video editing/photo editing/gaming? List which programs/games you desire to run. Will be doing a bit of gaming, photo editing/design work, but mostly going to be running complex microsoft excel models, some adobe illustrator and fusion 360.
If you're gaming, do you have certain games you want to play? At what settings and FPS do you want? dont have anything specific for settings, just would love it to be able to play whatever games are released over the next 5 years
Any specific requirements such as good keyboard, reliable build quality, touch-screen, finger-print reader, optical drive or good input devices (keyboard/touchpad)? I'd love a super high quality screen for movies/tv, but dont have any other specific requirements. Would be nice to have the best bells and whistles but not necessary
Leave any finishing thoughts here that you may feel are necessary and beneficial to the discussion. I care about high RAM - I often need to have a lot of web pages and softwares open at the same time. I also dont want a loud laptop or one that overheats easily.
submitted by CaptainCapRate to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:09 Direct-Caterpillar77 The girl (18F) I like kissed me (19M) when I dropped her off. What do I do?

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/throwra8274648
The girl (18F) I like kissed me (19M) when I dropped her off. What do I do?
Originally posted to relationship_advice
Original Post June 6, 2024
We met at work and became friends fast, now we spend a ton of time together. We started playing video games together so if we’re not working together we’re on the mic together.
I took her to get poke and boba after work. She touched my hand when she laughed and I almost died. When I dropped her off at her place she just leaned over and kissed me, thanked me, said she would be waiting for me on the game we play, then got out of the car.
Not going to lie, that was my first kiss, and I am a super virgin. My mind is reeling and I don’t know what to do. I kind of want to ask if she’s my girlfriend but that seems crazy. I don’t want to ask her and make her think I’m clueless (I am) and she laughs or never talks to me again. Also if the kiss was bad and she wants to pretend it never happened I don’t want to humiliate myself. I don’t even know if that was a date or not. Maybe I just move on and see what happens next? But I’d really like to try to make a move if she’s into me. I really don’t know.
Update here!
Sorry, I wasn’t sure if I should add it to this post or make a new one so I just made a new one! Thank you everyone for helping me!
Update June 8, 2024
Hi everyone! Thank you to everyone who responded, I really appreciated all the advice and reassurance. I was fully panicking and didn’t know what to do. I got a bit overwhelmed with comments and did not respond to all of them, but trust me when I say I read and appreciated every single one. I also want to add that I know my post wasn’t very popular but I was not sure how else to update, so I’m making a new one. I’m a bit jittery right now and I’m probably going to include too much detail, but I’m just very, very happy.
So, we went out on a date! The day after I made the post I dropped her off at home after work, I asked if she wanted to go to the mall with me this weekend. She laughed and said okay, then I actually kissed her this time which was awesome. I was very, very nervous the whole time.
The mall was fun, I chose it because it’s casual and there’s a lot of stuff we both like there. We got drinks and she asked for a sip of mine, and drank straight from my straw which did something to me. She hugged me a lot, she let me kiss her a bunch, we held hands, I put my hand on her back, I even played with her hair! It was really, really nice. All in all we just looked at cool stuff and hung out together which was all I wanted anyway. We went to dinner at a noodle place, she fed me something she wanted me to try. I don’t even remember what it tasted like because I was too busy panicking because she was feeding me. She also stole a dumpling off of my plate which was really, really cute. I didn’t even care that I lost a dumpling.
I went in her house for a while and she mostly just showed me her anime figures and PC set up, but it was still surreal the whole time. I told her she was pretty and smelled good and she laughed, and told me I was handsome and smelled good, which made me almost turn into soup. I think we technically made out on her bed for like 15 seconds. I told her she was my first kiss and she laughed and called me cute. I almost turned to dust. When I left she told me to message her when I get home so that she knows I’m safe, and again, I nearly died right then and there.
That was really it! I’m home now and my heart is still practically pounding! I almost asked her if she was my girlfriend again but I learned from the comments that that is a terrible idea, and I’m going to wait a few weeks and a few more really great dates to ask her to be my girlfriend. We’ve been messaging practically constantly since I got home. I’m sorry the update was boring and rambling and stupid, I’m just really, really happy.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to bestofpositiveupdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:08 katiessalt Am I in the wrong for taking FS to a concert?

Will probably delete this soon because I’m so paranoid about people I know personally finding this.
Hi all, I have one FS who is 8 and bio girls who are 7 and 5. All three kids are Taylor obsessed (courtesy of my eldest girl). My husband got us Taylor tickets at Christmas time with the intention of me, him and our two girls going (this was pre-placement). However, since having our FS and seeing how Taylor obsessed he is (again, all due to my eldest daughter) my husband has decided to step aside and let our FS go, which he is over the moon about.
Unfortunately issue arose when FS excitedly told his mom about the concert. She was very upset and expressed to social worker that she would never have been able to afford the tickets the way our family could. I felt crushed, it was never my intention to make her feel inferior as she is a great mother, and we have done everything in our power to 100% ensure reunification. I explained to her that the ticket wasn’t originally meant for her son, that my husband didn’t want him to feel left out when the girls would go and he’d have to hear all about it. I assured her that I didn’t mean to step on her toes or anything and that he has liked her music lately and that it would be a nice outing for him (plus my husband isn’t a huge Swiftie). She didn’t seem to be pleased and expressed that she doesn’t want him to go.
Foster son will be CRUSHED if I tell him he can’t go (I would never say his mother said no). He has made friendship bracelets, picked out an outfit and has been counting down on his calendar. He has told all his friends in school and has learned off the soundtrack. I’m not sure if I could break his heart like that considering how much his life has been upended lately. Therapist said to me last week that all he has talked about in recent sessions has been the concert, and that it’s a huge motivation for him in school to ‘be good.’ But I can also see his mother’s POV. What do I do? I’m genuinely lost. My husband is insisting he still goes and we just don’t tell FS about his mom’s wishes but I want to respect her. I’m lost. I can completely see where she’s coming from.
Just so everyone knows: I’ve tried and failed to get a fifth ticket so his mom can join. Tickets are like gold dust and we’re sitting, quite impossible.
submitted by katiessalt to Fosterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:07 mikejordan_23 I'm sorry

I will say I'm sorry everyday.
But I don't want us to end, ever.
You kept pushing the boundaries to see how far you can push me. But no matter how far you push me, my feelings for you will never change. I loved you, love you even today and will love you till my last breath.
Do what you want with that. I just know that all I can do is love you and that can never be removed from me.
I tried to be nice, tried to go big, but honestly, you can stop loving me, or put me aside because I finally proved I'm like other men according to you. Yea, I'm a man, a human and I make mistakes.. But someone who will love you forever.
submitted by mikejordan_23 to HopingForHope [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:07 Beeblebrox-77 The Hagani Puayra.

The Hagani Puayra.
My latest massive time sponge, spent about 40hrs on the looks and 40 hours on getting it tuned to drive far lol. I would say they are 90% done but want to totally redo the interior so it is just a placeholder atm.
The Hagani Puayna, It is meant as a balls to the wall tribute to a existing hyper car.
Utilizing a V16 in either a Normally aspirated or Quad turbo version offering 2067hp or 3028 hp respectively. And in another change to the irl influence it has AWD to get that power transferred to the track.
They both have working Steering wheel, Active aero brakes, and working sunroof because I don't know why not.
In Beamng they are track beasts I can get the turbo version around the full automation test track in 1.28.2 from a standing start. the NA version is about 1.30. And I am not the best driver to be honest.
Turbo version tops out at 285mph the NA version about 265mph. If I reduce the down force they both can exceed 300mph easily.
They both handle the power really well.
Yes that is 256mph on a public road lol
Not built to be a drag car but the turbo version can hit 6.2 seconds on a good run and the NA version is sub 7 seconds.
submitted by Beeblebrox-77 to automationgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:07 Sellum The Karens on the other sub really have an issue with letting people enjoy themselves.

The Karens on the other sub really have an issue with letting people enjoy themselves. submitted by Sellum to CalamariRaceTeam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:04 sideswipe781 UFC Vegas 93: Perez v Taira Full Card Betting Preview Sideswipe MMA

Lifetime - Staked: 935.9u, Profit/Loss: +11.97u, ROI: 1.28%, Parlay Suggestions: 179-72 Dog of the Week: 13-19, Picks: 14-11 (56% accuracy)
2024 - Staked: 288.8u, Profit/Loss: -21.39u
As always, scroll down for UFC Vegas 93 Breakdowns. The following is just a recap of last event’s results.
~UFC Louisville (PREVIOUS CARD)~
Staked: 14.75u
Profit/Loss: -3.84u
Parlay Suggestions: 2-3
Dog of the week: Jared Cannonier ❌
Picks: 6-8
I just can’t seem to get it right on these fight night cards. Last night’s card certainly wasn’t great for me in terms of reads, but once again there was no luck on my side. The Rosas over 1.5 missed out by eight seconds, and obviously the Cannonier stoppage was widely regarded as contentious. I’m definitely going to be thinking about limiting my exposure to these kind of events, because I just can’t seem to make it work this year. I’ve got 28u profit on PPV cards this year, with 34% ROI. It’s time I paid attention to that and stopped losing money for fun on these low level competitions.
The goal for me is obviously going to break even by the end of the year, which is a miserable game to be playing, but one I believe I can achieve.
~UFC Vegas 93~
Woo, more Apex!
Worth re-iterating again that throughout the month of June I will be cutting a few corners regarding some fights I have no interest in betting. I’m on holiday the week I would otherwise be writing the UFC 303 McGregor write up, and I obviously don’t want to miss my usual Sunday release…so I am working hard to get ahead of schedule and get it all ready for before I fly.
Let’s get into it.

~Alex Perez v Tatsuro Taira~
Amazing how quickly things can turn around in MMA. Literally at the start of this year I was clowning Perez for being inactive, questioning his commitment to his career, and generally dismissing him and considering a fade at any appropriate opportunity. Fast forward six months and he’s potentially in the title picture with a win here, and a guy who cost me money last time.
Perez is talented, I’d always known it. I bet him to beat Figgy back in the day, and I do believe he could have given a great account of himself had he not been sloppy and gotten caught in the early submission. Alex has good striking, and great wrestling…which at Flyweight makes him a serious competitor. I even said in my breakdown for the Mokaev fight that if Alex somehow managed to get back to his best, he’d be a tough fight for Mokaev, or any grappling-based opponent in the division.
We’ve seen a real demonstration of Perez’s abilities this year alone. He showed his potential in the close loss to Mokaev, defending 17 of 20 takedown attempts and just generally muting the successes of Mokaev’s elite crotch-sniffing and mat return wrestling. He parlayed that impressive performance with a main event win over Matheus Nicolau, a well-rounded competitor that has been on the cusp of a title shot for some time. Perez’s striking looked great in that one, and he once again demonstrated that he has sneaky power too.
This main event spot against Tatsuro Taira is obviously going to lend itself more to the Mokaev performance from an analytical perspective, as the undefeated Japanese fighter is obviously a grappler at heart. When you consider Alex Perez’s aforementioned takedown defence against Mokaev, this one gets really interesting.
Tatsuro is clearly taking a massive step up in competition here, with his highest calibre opponent across five UFC appearances otherwise being CJ Vergara or Carlos Hernandez. In most of those fights, Taira has enjoyed grappling control time in approximately half the time he’s been inside the cage, which indicates he’s yet to really be tested in an area where he isn’t comfortable. He has scored knockdowns in two of his fights, but that finishing sequence against Hernandez most recently was pretty much the only time I’ve seen his striking has looked impressive. It’s not bad typically…just very obviously not his strong suit, and he doesn’t really do anything out at distance except jab and lowkick to set up his takedown.
The key difference here when comparing Taira to Mokaev is wrestling cardio. Mokaev’s averaging almost six takedowns per 15 minutes – he invites opponents to stand back up so he can ragdoll them back down. Taira is a different type of grappler, where most of his opponents stay grounded, and a finish comes soon after. The most he has ever landed in a fight is three. It doesn’t mean he can’t wrestle relentlessly…but there is a nuanced difference when it comes to the type of grappler you are.
So can Taira keep wrestling for 25 minutes? Obviously we cannot say for sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the Japanese phenom looks very human and beatable if this fight makes it to round three. I’m expecting Perez to ask serious questions of Taira if they spend extended moments on the feet, and the only way to stop that from happening is with a finish, or the ability to land takedowns.
I’m not convinced that Taira’s going to be able to take and hold down Perez, and I’m also not convinced he gets the better of him on the feet. Whilst that statement was true in the Mokaev fight, the British wrestler still managed to defeat Perez…but that was across 15 minutes, and Mokaev has proven he’s got the cardio to pull of that kind of style for a very long length of time.
The early submission threat could definitely be live, and there’s no reason to believe that Taira can’t still win rounds without having to dive for a takedown every 10 seconds. Perez may be coming off a great performance against Nicolau, but he’s still an untrustworthy fighter that makes sloppy mistakes occasionally. His redemption arc began with that competitive performance against Mokaev, but if we’re being honest he actually fumbled a winnable opportunity with a very lacklustre third round.
So in my opinion, this line is too wide…but I don’t trust Perez enough to take the gamble on him here. If this was up in the +200 range then I’d be tempted, but I Perez is still in the untrustworthy category for me, so I just can’t do it at +160. It’s a pass for me, but Perez is the pick.

How I line this fight: Alex Perez +120 (46%), Tatsuro Taira -120 (54%)
Bet or pass: None
Prop leans: Taira Submission early, would probably be the angle I’d look towards.
Live Betting Leans: If Taira goes bat shit with the grappling, there’s a potential angle for Perez to turn the tables here.

~Tagir Ulanbekov v Joshua Van~
The unique selling point of MMA is that it challenges fighters to be equally diverse at striking and grappling disciplines. That’s why we love it, but damn do I wish they’d sometimes consider what they’re doing when they book certain matchups. I understand that the Flyweight talent pool is smaller so options are much more limited, but it’s still frustrating.
Reason being, Joshua Van looks like a very intriguing and exciting striker, but we are only just at the start of his journey to becoming a fan favourite. It’s far too soon to be throwing him in against a Dagestani wet blanket that’s likely going to cuddle him for 15 minutes and tarnish Van’s hype and prospect status. Let the guy marinate a little before you decide his fate. Especially at 22 years old!
Having said that, I’ve no idea if Van’s got the defensive capabilities to win this one. We haven’t seen him face takedowns from anyone who is anywhere near the level of calibre of Tagir Ulanbekov, and without that we can’t even begin to predict how this fight should go. Furthermore, he’s managed to get up pretty well any time he has been taken down, so our knowledge on his defensive grappling is even weaker.
Van is a great striker, so I would expect him to be leading the dance and winning the bout on the feet, but again that lack of experience could easily eat into his confidence and create a reluctance to commit to his striking. We see it time and time again in a striker vs grappler matchup, where suddenly the striker puts on a low volume and outright bad performance on the feet…it’s because they worry that if they throw with any sort of force they’ll be off balance and susceptible to being taken down. Cast your mind back to rounds 2 and 3 of Cesar Almeida vs Roman Kopylov a few weeks ago to see what that looks like.
So I’ve simply got to agree with Tagir being the favourite here. He has proven himself to be a high-level wrestler, his style could naturally nullify Van’s best qualities…and I also just do not have the evidence to believe Van is going to have the tools to stop Tagir’s grappling. Especially at his age. I never used to be particularly high on Tagir as a prospect as he’d had a few underwhelming performances, but the way he dominated Cody Durden was certainly eye-opening to me.
I can’t have too much confidence here considering Van could have Jose Aldo level takedown defence, but it’s likely he doesn’t and that this too much, too soon. I think the line on Ulanbekov should be shorter than I was able to get him. So I played him for 2u at -167. This is more of a play based on experience and logic, than any tape-based stylistics, but I just had to at that price.
How I line this fight: Impossible to say for sure, but Tagir should probably be trusted at -200 or slightly steeper.
Bet or pass: 2u Tagir Ulanbekov to Win (-167)
Prop leans: None, no idea of Van’s defensive abilities.

~Shayilan Nuerdanbieke v Melq Costa~
A showdown between Steve Garcia’s bitches!
Melq Costa has had a weird UFC career so far, he’s either getting dominated, or dominating opponents. He got the opportunity to show off his ability against everyone’s favourite Ai-generated UFC 5 character, Austin Lingo, but that’s not really saying much. No shame in getting shut down and submitted by Thiago Moises, but getting womped by Steve Garcia isn’t the greatest look.
Shaylian Nuerdanbieke is also coming off a loss to Steve Garcia, where Garcia came back from the brink of defeat after a dangerous opening round. It put an end to a run of three successive UFC wins, but the kind of opponents Shaylian was beating were all lower level and similar.
I honestly don’t know what to make of this one. I don’t really know why Melq Costa is -200 here because I think he’s proven untrustworthy enough to not warrant that price, but I’m not sure if Nuerdanbieke is being flattered by facing lower comp. Either way, I didn’t want to look into it any further from that point. Pass from me.
How I line this fight: I didn’t tape it.
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

~Ikram Aliskerov v Antonio Troccoli~
Third time lucky for Troccoli trying to make his UFC debut? You’d think that by now I’d have done some tape on the guy, given he’s been waiting to get in there for some long.
15-1 Ikram Aliskerov is one hell of a guy to debut against though…Ikram looks like he could be the real deal. He’s dusted three opponents with complete ease in DWCS/UFC so far, and his only professional loss comes against none other than Khamzat Chimaev.
I’ve no idea about Troccoli, so that’s as far as I can go. Given the high finishing rate of both men, and this being a 205lbs fight, it feels like the -1000 price available on Aliskerov may not have any value (no shit!)…and I obviously don’t want to bet Troccoli on the return. Easy pass, but I’m sure it’s another showcase for an interesting prospect in Aliskerov.
How I line this fight: No idea specifically but Aliskerov large fav.
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None, there literally cannot be value on Aliskerov’s props unless you’re playing contrarian

~Garrett Armfield v Brady Hiestand~
Garrett Armfield impressed me in that recent performance against Brad Katona. I rated Brad’s minute winning ability very highly before the big focus was put on fight ending intentions, so I definitely made a mistake in trusting him in that spot. Katona’s not a dangerous fighter, so his style relies on domination and flawless defence these days. Damage and fight ending intentions are key factors to consider – and a great example of that is the first round of Brady Hiestand’s win over Fernie Garcia – he won 80% of the minutes in the round, but he got dropped momentarily in the first 20 seconds with one punch and all three judges gave it go Garcia.
Hiestand is riding a hard fought two-fight winning streak coming into this one. I don’t think Danaa Batgerel or Fernie Garcia are comparable wins to Brad Katona, and even less so when you actually dissect them. All three of Hiestand’s UFC fights have seen him get knocked down (unofficially with Garcia, but it was treated like one by the judges!), which is obviously a huge concern…especially when you consider he’s not even a super dangerous guy once he gets top position.
Hiestand’s standup isn’t threatening at all. You can tell he’s uncomfortable. He tries to sit at range and throws a kick or a single punch as he bides his time for his next takedown attempt, but he does so whilst backing up the entire time, so anyone with decent sprawling abilities should be able to see them coming. He is counter-able right after that initial shot too, as Danaa Batgerel figured out.
When Hiestand does get top control time it’s also pretty ugly. He’s very erratic and tries too hard to force a submission attempt (he tries to wrap the arm around for an RNC when he’s got nothing else going on the set up), and it often results in him getting reversed. I saw him end up on his back from having his opponent’s back at least three times. A good scrambler on the mat should have no trouble staying safe, and ultimately finding their way back to the feet if they’re patient.
Hiestand’s biggest strength is definitely his cardio, which was solely responsible for his win over Danaa. That was a very weird stoppage, as Danaa definitely wasn’t defending himself, but the punches from Hiestand were pretty inoffensive that I would imagine Danaa could have gladly eaten them for another 90 seconds and gone on to won an easy 29-28. He did gas though, as he didn’t protest what would otherwise have been a very brutal loss to suffer. It wasn’t exactly an impressive finish from Hiestand, he got very lucky to win that fight as the finish came 100% from Danaa gassing/quitting.
So how does Armfield matchup against all that info on Hiestand? Very well, I think. He’s got nice pressure and great hands that he throws in high volume. His performance against Kazama was basically the exact outcome he wants here. He fights with a low stance to pre-empt the takedown. Against Katona it was more of the same, and despite getting taken down four times he still defended five. He got straight back up every time he was taken down as well. They were mostly bodylock attempts, but I think his defence of single/double legs is better than his bodylocks. He got tired in the third against Brad (it was a high pace fight). But still got up off a takedown in the 14th minute.
So I think Armfield’s got a very favourable match in front of him. Hiestand’s performance against Danaa was a clear indication that he cannot hang on the feet with a lower-level UFC opponent, so Armfield really should do work with the hands. He’s proven competent enough at stopping Hiestand’s only route to a victory also, so I think this one’s a gift for him. I initially wrote that -200 wasn’t steep enough, so I’m surprised the line continues to get better on him. I’ve played him for 3u at -175 (which is rare these days).
How I line this fight: Garrett Armfield -300 (75%), Brady Hiestand +300 (25%)
Bet or pass: 3u Garrett Armfield to Win at -175
Prop leans: Might be tempted by Armfield KO, serious levels on the feet and Hiestand’s been dropped by everyone he’s fought in the UFC so far.

~Asu Almabaev v Jose Johnson~
Asu Almabaev is looking very impressive, isn’t he? The way he dominated Ode Osbourne was certainly eye-opening, but the way he made light work of CJ Vergara was equally appealing to me. I’ve always said CJ’s a hard guy to look good against, and we also got to see Asu’s cardio look totally fine across 15 minutes.
He faces Jose Johnson for his third UFC appearance. Jose’s been a back-and-forth kind of guy. He has to fight hard for his wins, because he’s like a magnet for grappling. I don’t know how, but the guy has next to no ability to maintain distance and keep fights striking – where he wants them. He’s not a bad grappler when he is on the mat, but it’s still not his preferred place. He also gives up his back worse than anyone I’ve ever seen.
All of that will be music to the ears of Almabaev, who likely justifies his -400 price tag and smothers Johnson with grappling. It’s all well and good showing good grappling ability on top and bottom against Anheliger and Jack Cartwright, but Almabaev is a whole different league. Almabaev likely smokes him here. I played Almabaev in a parlay with Josefine Knutsson for 2u at -110.
How I line this fight: Asu Almabaev -400 (83%), Jose Johnson +400 (17%)
Bet or pass: 2u Assu Almabaev to Win (parlayed with Josefine Knutsson at -110)
Prop leans: Likely a submission win for Asu with the way Johnson gives up his back!

~Miles Johns v Douglas Silva de Andrade~
Miles Johns is an impressive and well-rounded fighter, but he lacks a killer instinct and sometimes has questionable cardio. Whilst those flaws are still good enough for him to get the better of guys like Vince Morales and Cody Gibson, he’ll struggle against more dangerous opponents that can match his pace, throw power, and not get stuck on the bottom.
Douglas Silva de Andrade strikes me as the kind of guy who fits into the latter category there. We know he hits hard, we know he has sneaky submission ability, and we know he can go a confident 15 minutes. He’s never been a high level minute winner, but he’s got the explosiveness to turn the tide of a round in an instant.
It’s not my usual way of thinking or breaking down a fight, but de Andrade just strikes me as the kind of guy who is going to benefit from the recent dismissal of USADA. He’s Brazilian, he’s absolutely jacked, and he’s at that age where he might need a little bit of help in keeping up with the younger guys in the division.
That’s a thought I cannot ignore unfortunately, so it’s enough for me to not want to get involved here. I do lean towards Miles Johns and I did initially want to consider betting him, but 2024 has definitely been a year where a lot of older guys have had a resurgence – fading older fighters is not the reliable narrative that it used to be. I pick Johns, but it’s a pass.
How I line this fight: Miles Johns +100 (50%), Douglas Silva de Andrade +100 (50%)
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

~Lucas Almeida v Timmy Cuamba~
Chaotic and explosive hard hitter that cannot defend a takedown faces off against Man not good enough to win on DWCS.
Much variance. Just going to pass on this one.
How I line this fight: Didn’t tape
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

~Nate Maness v Jimmy Flick~
Nate Maness is not good enough to be -400 in the UFC. His game revolves around mauling via takedowns.
Jimmy Flick is very, very one dimensional, in that he is submission from guard or bust in pretty much every fight. Whilst sometimes that’s a terrible predicament that leads him to get absolutely destroyed by good strikers…Nate Maness’ style could hand Flick is path to victory on a platter.
Jimmy Flick fights are silly, and the betting odds are always tricky. Flick looks like massive value at the start, but when it falls apart it looks awful.
Easy pass for me. If you wanted to roll the dice, Flick by Submission is the best value bet you can make here.
How I line this fight: Nate Maness -300 (75%), Jimmy Flick +300 (25)
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: Flick by Submission to get the best out of his price.

~Adam Fugitt v Josh Quinlan~
A striker vs grappler affair, but neither guy is particularly good at their side of the duel. Adam Fugitt is an energetic grappler that’s keen to get in your face, but he’s not got the best top control and he can be deterred by a hard hitter.
Josh Quinlan is a guy I’ve been keen to fade since he got the UFC contract, because he very much seems like a R1 finisher or bust. He’s super aggressive and will go hard for the finish, but does leave himself open to being finished himself. Furthermore, he just isn’t a particularly good minute winner either.
I could very easily see Quinlan hitting that early finish against an opponent like Fugitt who isn’t defensively sharp or earning of respect. I could also easily see Fugitt surviving and turning the tide in the second and third. I lean towards Quinlan because I think Fugitt’s approach in the opening round will be asking for trouble, but there’s no way I’d bet on the moneyline here.
How I line this fight: Adam Fuggit +125 (45%), Josh Quinlan -125 (55%)
Bet or pass: None
Prop leans: Betting Quinlan early would probably be the way I’d go, if I had to.
Live Betting Leans: If we’re still going into R2, Fugitt’s chances should increase as Quinlan’s dangerousness fades.

~Carli Judice v Gabriella Fernandes~
Interesting that we’ve got another DWCS split decision loser that’s making a UFC appearance after not getting signed…despite not fighting since. The DWCS fighter laundering continues, as now you don’t even need to win to get a fucking contract.
I actually bet Judice in her DWCS fight. I expected her to have the higher volume and just completely out-hustle her opponent, but weirdly that’s exactly what her opponent did to her. It was a weird one because my read was perfect, just that the other fighter implemented it haha. I also bet Karackaite in her UFC debut, so nice to reclaim a bit of the money lost.
I still think Judice is decent enough for a fighter so inexperienced, and she’s more than just a woman with a 3-1 record. Gabriella Fernandes has historically been unable to stuff a takedown also, which is an interesting narrative that I’m beginning to think about more in the future. I’ve lost two bets this year (Cesar Almeida and Robelis Despaigne) because I didn’t expect their opponents to exploit the obvious grappling disadvantage, so I think it’s worth considering it could be in play for Judice here.
I understand the difference in experience, but this line seems ridiculously wide to me. You simply cannot trust a fighter with bad takedown defence and next to no get ups at -2XX. Judice also isn’t a bad striker, so I don’t think she’s going to get completely obliterated in Fernandes’ world either…so I absolutely can see a path to victory for her.
I’m not going to say I have any idea where the line really should be, but I think fading Fernandes specifically at this price is a totally viable option. I will therefore have 0.5u on Carli Judice at +210.
How I line this fight: Hard to say but definitely not this wide.
Bet or pass: 0.5u Carli Judice to Win (+210)
Prop leans: Judice by Decision, probably

~Julia Polastri v Josefine Knutsson~
I can’t remember if I broke this fight down the first time before it got cancelled, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I bet Knuttson originally at -250, and luckily for me the price actually got better this time around.
Polastri is a fighter I’m familiar with. She’s rangey, and she’s a decent enough striker. She will finish opponents that aren’t on her level, but her awful takedown defence means that her level will always sit somewhere in the middle of the division.
Josefine Knutsson is quite young in her MMA career, but she’s definitely showing some serious promise. She’s got a decent kickboxing record, and was regarded as one of the best P4P female kickboxers before she transitioned over to MMA. In short, I expect her to have a striking advantage against most opponents, Polastri included.
But what makes this one a confident pick, and what makes Knuttson -225, is that she has used her advantage in the standup to dedicate time to working on her grappling. We saw that in her UFC debut – she may have been fighting a can that had no business being in the cage with her, but she was able to show off her grappling, which looked to be at a pretty decent level. It’s probably still a work in progress, but Polastri’s aforementioned lack of takedown defence should make things much easier to the Swede.
So to summarise, Knutsson should be the better striker, and she can easily mix in the takedowns and win with offensive grappling if she needs to. In a sport like WMMA where the ‘puncher’s chance’ is much less reliable an outcome, I struggle to see how Polastri asserts herself as the dominant fighter here. -250 isn’t short enough, so I’ve got Knutsson in a 2u parlay with Asu Almabaev at -110.
How I line this fight: Josefine Knutsson -300 (75%), Julia Polastri +300 (25%)
Bet or pass: 2u Josefine Knuttson to Win at -110 (parlayed with Asu Almabaev)
Prop leans: None

~Jeka Saragih v Westin Wilson~
Jeka Saragih lost to Anshul Jubli, who has gone on to show you how low level the Asian MMA scene really is. I don’t think many/any of the fighters that came from Road to UFC are going to stick around too long, and Saragih is likely to be included in that. He got a shock win against Lucas Alexander last time (shoutout to me for suggesting that might happen), but a 90 second KO is a great way to fugazi the fans into thinking you’re better than you actually are.
Westin Wilson is a roleplayer who isn’t fit to fight in LFA, let alone the UFC. It’s an absolute joke that he’s fighting for a second time in the company.
Jeka is -300. Horrible price for someone of his calibre, but I understand why Wilson is being given so little chance himself. An ugly fight, and a betting line that captures that well. Just pass.
How I line this fight: no.
Bet or pass: Pass
Prop leans: None

Bets (Bold = been placed)
2u Tagir Ulanbekov to Win (-167)
3u Garrett Armfield to Win (-175)
2u Asu Almabaev & Josefine Knutsson to Win (-110)
0.5u Carli Judice to Win (+210)
0.25u Parlay Pieces (+400)

Parlay Pieces: Tagir Ulanbekov, Asu Almabaev, Josefine Knutsson, Garrett Armfield
Dog of the Week: Carli Judice
Picks: Alex Perez, Tagir Ulanbekov, Ikram Aliskerov, Shayilan Nuerdanbieke, Miles Johns, Timmy Cuamba, Asu Almabaev, Nate Maness, Josh Quinlan, Carli Judice, Josefine Knutsson, Jeka Saragih,
submitted by sideswipe781 to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:03 amongme- I need urgent help

Mods please dont remove .idk where else to post . And i thought it would be nice as it is a teenage sub. So i need to earn money online without revealing my voice or face . Just work . Can u say some jobs i can do that will help me make money . Plz say some trusted website or app . I dont wanna be scammed
submitted by amongme- to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:03 mammaamiia wishing i had a gf

this isn’t that deep of a vent but yeah like the title says. it’s js hard, i watched cmbyn earlier and DAMN THE JEALOUSY i wanna have my own sapphic summer romance so bad :/
the dating scene is so difficult nowadays and especially as a girl who likes girls. can’t get tinder or any dating apps or anything since i’m under 18, but even then all that stuff just feels so shallow yk?
i want to fall in love with someone. not just ‘hey you wanna date’ ‘yh sure’ ‘ok’ if yk what i mean. but that’s just so hard to find. i know a few gay girls at my school and in my area but they’re all taken.
and as well as that i’m scared of being someone’s ‘experiment’ as i know a lot of straight girls can have a habit of getting with girls just to try it then dumping them after a week (happened to me a couple years back)
there’s this one girl who i’m friends with but it’s a really awkward situation. she has a girlfriend but she always flirts with me and says how she has a crush on me n i’ve been trynna shut it down since i know she has a girlfriend.
she keeps saying how we’re ‘perfect for eachother’ and to be honest we are. and last time we hung out she told me how she wanted to date me so i told her i only would if she had broken up with her current gf but she said she doesn’t what to break up with her but still wants to be w me. which to be honest is just a massive red flag because if she’s willing to cheat on her current gf what would stop her from cheating on me. and now that i think about it while she’s nice to me she’s not a good person in general.
so yeah, just been dreaming lol. i’m going on holiday at the end of the summer and i can lucid dream so i’ve just been creating little scenarios of meeting someone hahah
submitted by mammaamiia to WLW [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:03 Complex_River AITA for taking me retired service dog out in a vest?

I have an old service dog. She's mostly blind and deaf. She doesn't stay on task anymore but she's still a very well trained dog.
I retired her about a year and a half ago when she started having trouble seeing.
The thing is she still loves going out and "working" so I take her to pet friendly places. She loves wearing her vest and she brings it to me to put on anytime were going out so I got "retired" embroidered above where it says service dog on her vest.
Yesterday we were at the hardware store and a little girl wanted to pet my dog. The mom told her to not cause it was a working dog. I, thinking I was being nice, told her I appreciated the thought and that she's right to not disturb working dogs, but my dog is retired and would love pets and I gave her daughter a treat and showed her how to get my dog to shake. The mom then chews me out for having a imposter service dog, getting people to think I need a service dog, and being generally deceitful.
So, like, is it a dick move to take my retired service dog out in her vest? I just want my dog to be happy and going out in her vest makes her happy. She smiles, it's cute.
submitted by Complex_River to service_dogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:02 unknowncuriosity0 Qadr - Loathing continues

I believe in Qadr the good and bad but is it ok for me to despise my Qadr? I’ve asked 3 women at different times of my life for marriage and got rejected 3 times because of my skin color. The women were Palestinian, Pakistani and Egyptian. I’m Senegalese American with over 10+ generations of Muslims in my family. I was raised my whole life in the Masjid, taught that all Muslims are brothers according to the Prophet peace and blessings upon him. Each time I spoke with the woman’s fathers they said I have good character but said youre dark skin and they don’t want the embarrassment that it comes with in their communities. The Egyptian father who is not even a Hashemite was bragging in my face saying that he comes from a lineage of scholars and won’t ever marry his daughter to a black man. The Palestinian father laughed in my face when I said I make 3600/month, he said that’s chump that’s change for his daughter. My pursuit for marriage cost me 6 years of headache. In that time 3 younger siblings of mine got married before me and I became the laughing stock of my own community and household. I can’t even hold my head up high anymore I’m 30 years old. I dont step out the house anymore besides jum’ah prayer. I loathe running into high school peers who have everything from a house, nice car and family of their own because of fear I might give them evil eye. I graduated as the Valecdictorian in HS now I’m the one who was left behind and with no confidence. Why are Christians accepting of all skin colors for marriage while the Muslims who were commanded to make Marriage easy regardless of ethnic background the ones so high on pride and greed? The funny thing is I was told by multiple other African brothers on how internally racist the men and women in these countries are. If I taken their advice seriously I would've probably been married right now. Plenty of night for Tahajjud for marriage to these women at separate times of my life, wasted. I was so blinded asking Allah to change the hearts of their parents because the love was mutual between me and the women I pursued. Just heartbreak after heartbreak. Even my Risq is nothing in their eyes. Lol I can't believe my so called brothers view themselves superior because of their ethnic background or skin color. So when does this "indeed, Hardship will come ease" turn out? Not like im expecting anything from it, I don't have any respect in my household or community. Before you lot go on saying it's not all families that are racist I have a quote a Somali brother told me, "Muslims think of each other as brothers until a Black Muslim asks for their daughters hand in marriage." i laughed so hard at this haha may Allah bless the brother for the wisdom wish it reached my ears earlier.
submitted by unknowncuriosity0 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:00 fallen4bitterballen Only one friend RSVP'd yes to my baby shower and now even I don't want to go, what to do?

I have small group of friends in the city I live in, we met through a mutual interest and have a sort of "club" where we meet once a month in person or (since the pandemic) over video with rotating members as organizers, we have an email/listserv group, and a WhatsApp group that gets daily use. My friend "Abby" invited me to join and I've been with the group as one of its most faithful members for about 6-7 years now.
The group has a core of about six members who participate in most things most of the time, with an additional four or five more who participate less frequently, more like only two or three times a year. Our meetings usually average about 5 or 6 people able to make it to each one.
I am the last person in this group of women to get pregnant and these women have been a great support along the way as we had a lot of trouble conceiving. A member of the group who I particularly like, "Beth," offered to throw me a baby shower and I was delighted! As a group, we've gotten a bit lazy about meeting in person lately and just seeing everyone for a lunch or tea or something would be so delightful. I told her I didn't want any gifts (at least nothing bigger than a token), it would just be great to all get-together and talk about motherhood. She asked me about dates, locations, and venues and I told her, since she was the organizer, to just do whatever was best for her.
Well, it turns out no one can or wants to make it to the "shower" except Abby, who I see pretty frequently anyway. Beth picked a restaurant in her area, which is not convenient for anyone else, for the event. And, frankly, she didn't really check effectively with other people when they would be free (she did all the arranging and asking with me always CC-ed or otherwise aware). It turns out about a third of the members are out of town that weekend, and the others, well just have other stuff going on or don't want to make the time/effort to make it to this rather inconvenient location (no one else specified the reason, they just said "sorry, can't make it, happy to chat on WhatApp, though" or something like that).
I have to say, I am really disappointed that people were so blasé about coming to the shower. I always suspected that I was sort of the least favorite member of this group because whenever I organize meetings, the fewest people show up, and the most people who say they will make it cancel at the last minute.
I love Abby and Beth as friends, but it doesn't really feel like a shower anymore, just a lunch in place it's going to take me an hour to get to and an hour to get back. Of course I will go, but I really wish we had never embarked on this affair. I really like these women a lot and I was so looking forward to seeing at least some of them all together again. Just going there are having this whole shower just be two people feels kind of depressing.
(Clearly, maybe I should have been more asserting in planning, but I really felt I should leave it to Beth since she made such a nice offer. I threw a baby shower for my bestie and she did so much back-seat organizing, insisting on when and how I invited people, controlling the venue and everything about it and annoying me incessantly about RSVPs I really didn't want to be the "Momzilla" of this event.)
submitted by fallen4bitterballen to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:00 Icy_Square4807 did my boyfriend have a seizure? or something else?

hi all! don’t really know where else to post this but i’m really looking for some guidance or suggestions if anyone’s had a similar experience!
to keep it short; last night around 11:45pm, my boyfriend (21) was in bed, fully awake, while i was in the bathroom quickly. during those 5 mins i was gone, my little sister asked me if she can grab something from my closet, which she did. my boyfriend remembered her coming in, saying hi, and watching her leave. after that is where he doesn’t remember anything, but he just immediately knocked out.
he was unconscious but fully breathing! honestly looked and seemed like he was just in a deep sleep, but i knew he was wide awake just before. so i tried calling out to him, nothing. then tapping, nothing. shaking until the shaking became aggressive, still nothing but he almost starting “snoring” and his breathing and bpm increased sooo quickly, only thing that ended up waking him was me lightly hitting the side of his face (i’m a lifeguard so it mimics what i’d do for unconscious wake up..).
upon waking he was extremely confused and immediately kept saying his whole body was tingling and numb; starting from his toes and making its way up the whole body - though this only really lasted a couple seconds.
the ONLY thing he can remember about how he felt right before going out, was that he got a quick and sharp pressure-headache in the low back of his head (just above where neck connects to back of skull) and simultaneously above his right eye (sinuses) where he felt like he had to shut them as it was so much pressure.
but most concerning to me was he was then hit with a sudden amnesia-like state, where he couldn’t remember what my house looked like at all (we were at my parents house, but he is at mine 24/7 other wise so definitely weird), even a after showing him pictures of it. as well as my new tattoo that he has been rigorously taking care of for me since wednesday as it’s on my middle back.
the symptoms seem to have subsided and nothing else has happened since (mid morning next day).
he’s not a very emotional person, but was in a fit of sobs because of this ‘episode’ of sorts. really freaked him out not being able to remember things that are so second nature to him.
if anyone has had a similar experience or knows what could’ve caused something like this please let me know :) thanks!!
submitted by Icy_Square4807 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:00 Greggregrson Why is so hard to find true friends ?

TL;DR I am surrounded by “friends” who just seem to not actually care about me.
Hey yall…I hope you guys are doing well wherever you are in the world and whatever stage you are in life.
This is going to be quite a long read with a lot of mistakes in writing. My writing is about a minuscule issue that has been affecting my social life and in-turn making me just miserable. If I was a character in a movie I would say “why does he care so much about that?”. It’s not life threatening by any means.
A background. I am a 20 year old guy who will be turning 21 tomorrow. I will probably just celebrate my birthday with my parents at best. Since I’ve joined university at 18 I wanted to have a different experience, I was living in a small town in my schooling years I didn’t have any friends because I never was interested in making friends and just spent days in my home with my family or doing homework/studying. Unlike every other guy that I know (all male school btw if that changes anything) my life was mediocre at best and sad at worst. But you see I didn’t care, I didn’t care about friends or having fun outside my house or just being a teen in general. I don’t know what happened to me like I really don’t what want on in grade 12 and the transition from 17 to 18 that turned me into “ I NEED SOCIAL INTERACTION I NEED FRIENDS I NEED SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT ME”.I never cared about being a teenager or how I spent my days. My parents loved how uneventful I am because both of my eldest siblings lived a totally different teenage years than me.
University was supposed to be the place where I will finally find myself but it’s just been miserable to say the least. I will just talk about the social aspect because that’s what is making me more depressed but I am struggling academically through this.
Through this long 3 years of my life how many supposedly I made ? 2. I said supposedly because I’ve been thinking about those two relationships and it just seems one sided most of the time. Something I forgot to mention but I am a sensitive guy like “did the thing they said to me means anything different?” Or “why do they hate me?” Sensitive. I hate that about me because I take things too personally and maybe all of these is just because of my sensitivity. Anyways, the first friend that I made was in my first semester. I don’t remember how we even started to talk but he is a nice guy. He is from a different college than me and he studied in a private school. The other guy I met last year and it was totally just out nowhere. I remember him asking something in the course group chat and we just became friends. Now what I consider as a friend might be something different because I don’t consider a person friend until we actually meet up outside of university. Other than that they are colleague.
What is in common for person 1 and 2 is that they both are upper class and that’s about it. Guy 1 is more reserved, shy person and he does have autism. I think our mutual love for gaming connected us. On the other hand, guy 2 is more outgoing, extroverted and adventurous. I think we just connected because I found myself more adventurous at this point.
Since I never had a best friend ( it seems that I will never have one at this point of just trying and failing) I thought that they both would be but it turns out that it’s just me trying to hard. They probably don’t care about the same way I care about them. Every single interaction was started by me. When I look back at everything I just cringe and become angry. At every birthday (because I actually remember their birthday)for them I write them a sincere message. Every time I don’t hear from them for a week I ask and call sometimes. I literally ask them to meet up every single time because if I don’t they will never ask me.
There is a lot of things that I can say but I am actually so tired of thinking about this. All I really need is for someone to care about me. It’s a horrible feeling when I wake up and the only messages I got is ads and the family group. All the calls I get are from my mother and dad. I am blessed to have a parents who care about me most of the time but I really feel that I am alone most of the time. I really tried hard those past 3 years to make a deeper connection but it just isn’t working for me. I literally just want someone to actually care if I am alive and doing well for once. Is that too much to ask ? Maybe I am over sensitive and just have high standards? What I am doing wrong ??
I want a different perspective on my situation because I am tired of spending months just trying to figure out why.
submitted by Greggregrson to relationships [link] [comments]