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Solar DIY - Do-it-yourself solar projects!

2013.09.12 02:15 solardiy Solar DIY - Do-it-yourself solar projects!

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2008.03.31 12:20 engineering

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2008.09.24 04:41 Inspiration

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2024.05.16 08:44 HallMobile1755 Student Exchange Programs at Chennai’s International Schools: A Gateway to the World

Student Exchange Programs at Chennai’s International Schools: A Gateway to the World
Chennai, a vibrant and bustling city in southern India, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, burgeoning IT industry, and exceptional educational institutions. Among these institutions, Chennai’s international schools stand out for their commitment to providing a holistic education that prepares students for a globalized world. One of the most impactful initiatives these schools offer is student exchange programs. These programs not only enhance academic learning but also foster cultural understanding, personal growth, and global citizenship. This article explores the various facets of student exchange programs at Chennai’s international schools, highlighting their benefits, the process involved, and the transformative experiences they offer to students.
Discover top IGCSE schools in Chennai offering globally recognized education. Find renowned institutions known for their academic excellence, holistic development, and exceptional facilities. Choose the best fit for your child's future success.
The Concept of Student Exchange Programs
Student exchange programs are designed to offer students the opportunity to study abroad at a partner institution for a specific period, typically ranging from a few weeks to a full academic year. These programs are a vital component of the educational framework in international schools, aiming to provide students with a broader perspective on the world. They facilitate the exchange of ideas, cultures, and educational practices between students from different countries, fostering a sense of global interconnectedness and mutual respect.
The Landscape of International Schools in Chennai
Chennai is home to several prestigious international schools that offer curricula such as the International Baccalaureate (IB), the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), and the American curriculum. Schools like the American International School Chennai (AISC), The British International School Chennai (TBISC), and the Chennai branch of the International School of Geneva (Ecolint Chennai) are notable for their commitment to academic excellence and global education. These schools have established partnerships with institutions worldwide, facilitating robust student exchange programs.
Benefits of Student Exchange Programs
  1. Academic Enrichment
Student exchange programs provide academic benefits by exposing students to different educational systems and teaching methodologies. This exposure helps them gain a more comprehensive understanding of various subjects and enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For instance, a student from Chennai studying in a European school may gain insights into advanced scientific research techniques or innovative approaches to social sciences.
  1. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
Living and studying in a foreign country immerses students in a new culture, language, and way of life. This cultural immersion fosters empathy, tolerance, and a deeper appreciation for diversity. Students learn to navigate cultural differences, which is an invaluable skill in today’s globalized world. For example, a student from Chennai participating in an exchange program in Japan would learn about Japanese customs, traditions, and social norms, thereby broadening their cultural horizons.
  1. Personal Growth and Independence
Being away from home in a foreign environment encourages students to develop independence, resilience, and adaptability. They learn to manage their time, finances, and daily activities, which builds their confidence and self-reliance. This personal growth is crucial for their transition to higher education and professional life.
  1. Language Proficiency
Language immersion is a significant advantage of student exchange programs. Students often have the opportunity to learn a new language or improve their proficiency in a second language. This skill not only enhances their cognitive abilities but also boosts their employability in the global job market.
  1. Networking and Global Connections
Exchange programs enable students to build a network of friends and contacts from around the world. These connections can be beneficial for future academic collaborations, career opportunities, and personal relationships. Such a global network is a valuable asset in an increasingly interconnected world.
The Exchange Program Process
  1. Selection and Preparation
The process typically begins with the selection of students based on their academic performance, language skills, and personal attributes. Schools often look for students who demonstrate curiosity, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace new experiences. Once selected, students undergo an orientation program that includes cultural training, language preparation, and practical advice on living abroad.
  1. Partner Institutions and Host Families
International schools in Chennai have established partnerships with schools across the globe. These partnerships ensure that students are placed in reputable institutions that provide a supportive and enriching environment. Host families play a crucial role in the exchange experience, offering students a safe and welcoming home away from home. The host family experience is instrumental in helping students acclimate to the new culture and environment.
  1. Academic and Extracurricular Engagement
During the exchange program, students attend regular classes and participate in extracurricular activities at the host institution. This engagement allows them to experience the educational system and social life of the host country fully. They are encouraged to participate in sports, clubs, and community service, which enhances their overall experience.
  1. Assessment and Certification
At the end of the exchange period, students are often required to complete assessments that reflect their learning and experiences. These assessments may include projects, presentations, or written reports. Successful completion of the program is typically recognized with a certificate that adds value to their academic portfolio.
Case Studies: Transformative Experiences
  1. A Journey to France
Ananya, a student from The British International School Chennai, participated in a six-month exchange program in France. Living with a host family in Paris, she attended a local high school and immersed herself in French culture. Ananya not only became fluent in French but also developed a profound appreciation for European art and history. Her experience inspired her to pursue a career in international relations, with a focus on cultural diplomacy.
  1. Exploring the USA
Ravi, a student at the American International School Chennai, spent a year in the United States through an exchange program. He lived with a host family in California and attended a public high school. Ravi was actively involved in the school’s robotics club and participated in several national competitions. His exposure to advanced technology and innovation in the US education system motivated him to study engineering at a top American university.
  1. Learning in Japan
Meera, from the Chennai branch of the International School of Geneva, joined an exchange program in Japan. Staying with a host family in Tokyo, she attended a Japanese high school and explored various aspects of Japanese culture, including traditional arts, cuisine, and festivals. Meera’s experience in Japan significantly improved her Japanese language skills and deepened her interest in Asian studies.
Top 10 International Schools in Chennai:
  1. Anand Singapore International School (ASIS)
  2. American International School
  3. Lalaji Memorial Omega International School
  4. Aachi Global International School
  5. Gateway International School
  6. Grace International School
  7. St. Francis International School
  8. M Ct M. Chidambaram Chettyar
  9. The Lord’s International School
  10. Sri Sankara Global Academy
Student exchange programs at Chennai’s international schools are more than just academic ventures; they are life-changing experiences that equip students with the skills, knowledge, and perspectives needed to thrive in a globalized world. By fostering academic excellence, cultural awareness, personal growth, and global connections, these programs play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of global citizens. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of such programs cannot be overstated. They are, indeed, a gateway to the world, opening doors to endless possibilities and enriching the lives of students in profound ways.
submitted by HallMobile1755 to u/HallMobile1755 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:44 Professional-Roll283 Anyone in data science/ML have any tips?

Hey guys,
I’m a sophomore who just switched from Economics at NYU to major in Data Science. It’s a relatively new major at my school and I switched because I’m more interested in ML and math than the investment banking/finance pipeline.
My goal by the end of college is to get an offer for a role incorporating data science and hopefully also get an internship for summer after junior year. If I don’t get one for summer junior year I’m going to do research instead with my professors instead. What kind of roles should I look to apply to as an undergrad?
Now I know, the job titles are kind of vague in this field, so could someone in the industry explain the difference between Data Scientists vs data engineers vs BI analysts?
As for projects and current internships, I have none. As for the technical knowledge, I already have my basic CS skills down with Python, Java, JavaScript. I’m planning on teaching myself R, SQL, and Tableau over the summer as well. Any other tools/languages I need to know?
submitted by Professional-Roll283 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:38 VolarRecords Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer

Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer
Just tried posting this on UFOs and aliens and it was taken down because of Reddit's filters.
Last night I posted about Thomas Townsend Brown's research into building UFOs that goes back to the late 1920s right about the same time that Tesla was patenting his own research about UFOs.
I only know about T. Townsend Brown thanks to this Jesse Michels recent doc that a number of you have seen. I watched it twice when it came out and it blew my mind. I'm not a physicist by any means and can't explain shit to anyone. Just trying to pull together some threads.
Jesse Michels actually learned about T. Townsend Brown from his doc on Grusch documenting his time around his hearing last July.
A number of you in the field of mathematics and physics with a huge interest in UFOs chimed in today, and I can't even keep up. It's all pretty brain-breaking stuff. I'm super armchair about all of this but have always been very interested. So in response to a couple of comments, I took the very simple measure of looking into Brown's Wikipedia. Yes, I'm very aware of the whole Guerilla Skeptics thing. I even happened to pass by their office here in LA after going to the sole US press conference on the Nazca Mummies here in Beverly Hills on March 11th.
Here's the u/thegoodtroubleshow episode about the Guerilla Skeptics.
Anyway, hope this stuff doesn't get scrubbed, but here's Brown's Wikipedia page as it stands now. Seems like a lot of you have already done years of research on him, so I doubt much can truly be hidden.
Brown filed a number of patents:
  • GB300311 — A method of and an apparatus or machine for producing force or motion (accepted 1928-11-15)
  • US 1,974,483 — Electrostatic motor (1934-09-25)
  • US 2,949,550 — Electrokinetic apparatus (1960-08-16)
  • US 3,018,394 — Electrokinetic transducer (1962-01-23)
  • US 3,022,430 — Electrokinetic generator (1962-02-20)
  • US 3,187,206 — Electromagnetic apparatus (1965-06-01)
  • US 3,196,296 — Electric generator (1965-07-20)
Here's a website dedicated to him: Maintained by Paul Schatzkin, author of "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown"
One of the references mentioned on his Wiki page is this, perhaps a book titled "Lost Journals." Here's Chapter Six.
Chapter Six
UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion
~Did Tesla Discover the Secrets of Antigravity~?
Nikola Tesla has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we take for granted today. Without the genius of Tesla we would not have radio, television, AC electricity, Tesla coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lighting, radio control devices, robotics, x-rays, radar, microwaves and dozens of other amazing inventions.
Because of this, it is no surprise that Tesla also delved into the world of flight and possibly, antigravity. In fact, his last patent in 1928 (#1,655,114), was for a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane. Before he died, Tesla reportedly devised plans for the engine of a spaceship. He called it the anti-electromagnetic field drive or Space Drive.
Here's this article mentioned in that publication by Tesla.
Man's Greatest Achievement by Nikola Tesla
New York American — July 6, 1930
from Rastko'sNetwork Website
Here's more from that link:
~How to Build a Flying Saucer~
Tesla had discovered that the electrostatic emission from the surface of a conductor will always concentrate where the surface curves or even presents an edge. The sharper the curve or edge, the greater the concentration of electron emission. Tesla also observed that an electrostatic charge will flow over the surface of a conductor rather than penetrate it. This is called the Faraday or Skin Effect, discovered by ~Michael Faraday~ many years ago.
This also explains the principles of the Faraday Cage which is used in high voltage research labs to protect humans and electrosensitive equipment from harm. According to eyewitness reports of interiors of UFOs, there is a circular column or channel through the center of the vehicle.
This reportedly serves as a superstructure for the rest of the saucer shaped vehicle, and also carries a high voltage, high frequency coil. It is believed to be a resonant transformer which gives the electrostatic and electromagnetic charge to the craft and establishes polarity.
This coil is relative to what is known as a Tesla coil. The Tesla Coil of course, was invented by Tesla in 1891. This column or channel is approximately two feet in diameter and is hollow. On some vehicles this hollow area has a turbine generator in it.
When the vacuum is created on one hemisphere of the craft, the atmospheric pressure is allowed to rush through the tube to drive a sort of turbine electrical generator. Some reports say the extraterrestrials use this system as stationary power plants for electrical energy on their planets as well.
The eyes of the craft are arranged by electro-optic lenses placed at quadrants or wherever they wish to see from. The screen-like monitors are placed on a console where the navigator can observe all areas around and about the vehicle at the same time. This includes the magnification lenses which are used without changing positions.
There are also windows about elbow level and about one foot through or thick. This distance would have to be in view of the four or more walls or plates of the capacitor hulls making up the major portion of the craft. The windows have an iris type of shutter so that when it is closed, it allows electrostatic charge to flow evenly.
~Dr T. Townsend Brown and Electrogravitics~
The idea of using high voltage electricity as a means of propulsion is not new. Tesla laid the groundwork in the late 19th century which was then continued by such notables as Thomas Townsend Brown, who discovered in 1923 what was later called the Biefeld -Brown Effect.
Thomas Townsend Brown, was a physics student of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld at the California Institute for Advanced Studies. Brown noticed that when he had two plates carrying high voltages of direct current separated by a dielectric, the negative electrode moved by itself in the direction of the positive plate. In other words, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage.
He built a special capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about one percent of it's weight.
He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight. Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as Electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge.
As early as 1952, an Air Force major general witnessed a demonstration in which Brown flew a pair of 18 inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rota-table arm. When electrified with 50,000 volts, they circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour.
About a year later, he flew a set of 3 foot diameter saucers for some Air Force officials and representatives from a number of major aircraft companies. When energized with 150,000 volts, the discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified.
Interavia magazine later reported that the discs could attain speeds of several hundred miles per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts. Brown's discs were charged with a high positive voltage, on a wire, running along their leading edge and a high negative voltage, on a wire, running along their trailing edge.
As the wires ionized the air around them, a dense cloud of positive ions would form ahead of the craft and corresponding cloud of negative ions would form behind the craft. Brown's research indicated that, like the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction.
As the disc moved forward in the response to its self generated gravity field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds and their associated electrogravity gradient. Consequently, the discs would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride an ocean wave.
Dr. Mason Rose, one of Townsend's colleagues, described the discs principle of operation as follows:

Although skeptics at first thought that the discs were propelled by more mundane effects such as the pressure of negative ions striking the positive electrode. Brown later carried out vacuum chamber tests which proved that a force was present even in the absence of such ion thrust.
He did not offer a theory to explain this unconventional electrogravitic phenomenon; except to say that it was predicted neither by general relativity nor by modern theories of electromagnetism. However, recent advances in theoretical physics provide a rather straightforward explanation of the principle.
According to the novel physics of subquantum kinetics, gravity potential can adopt two polarities, instead of one. Not only can a gravity field exist in the form of a matter-attracting gravity potential well, as standard physics teaches, but it can also exist in the form of a matter repelling gravity potential hill.
Moreover, it predicts that these gravity polarities should be directly matched with electrical polarity; positively charged particles such as protons generating gravity wells and negatively charged particles such as electrons generating gravity hills.
Thus contrary to conventional theory, the electron produces a matter-repelling gravity field. Electrical neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because of the proton's G-well marginally dominates the electron's G-hill. Consequently, subquantum kinetics predicts that the negative ion cloud behind Brown's disc should form a matter repelling gravity hill while the positive ion cloud ahead of the disc should form a matter attracting gravity well.
As increasing voltage is applied to the disc, the gravity potential hill and well become increasing prominent and the gravity potential gradient between them increasing steep. In Rose's terminology, the craft would find itself on the incline of a gravitational hill. Since gravity force is known to increase in accordance with the steepness of such a gravity potential slope, increased voltage would induce an increasingly strong gravity force on the disc and would act in the direction of the positive ion cloud. The disc would behave as if it was being tugged by a very strong gravitational field emanating from an invisible planet sized mass positioned beyond its positive pole.
Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named Project Winterhaven, which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitledElectrogravitics Systems - An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives.
The study, originally classified Confidential, mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled: The Gravitics Situation.
Unfortunately, due to the militaries TOP SECRET classification, Townsend Brown's work has not appeared in any physics or science publications that can be accessed.
submitted by VolarRecords to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:37 Professional-Roll283 Just switched to Data Science from Econ as a sophomore, any tips?

Hey guys,
I’m a sophomore who just switched from Economics at NYU to major in Data Science. It’s a relatively new major at my school and I switched because I’m more interested in ML and math than the investment banking/finance pipeline.
My goal by the end of college is to get an offer for a role incorporating data science and hopefully also get an internship for summer after junior year. If I don’t get one for summer junior year I’m going to do research instead with my professors instead. What kind of roles should I look to apply to as an undergrad?
Now I know, the job titles are kind of vague in this field, so could someone in the industry explain the difference between Data Scientists vs data engineers vs BI analysts?
As for projects and current internships, I have none. As for the technical knowledge, I already have my basic CS skills down with Python, Java, JavaScript. I’m planning on teaching myself R, SQL, and Tableau over the summer as well. Any other tools/languages I need to know?
submitted by Professional-Roll283 to datasciencecareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:13 Oops-cat Stanford University announced new results of AI holographic imaging, which makes AI a broader future

Stanford University announced new results of AI holographic imaging, which makes AI a broader future
A team from Stanford University has developed a new AI-assisted holographic imaging technology, which is thinner, lighter and of higher quality than existing solutions, expected to open a new chapter for augmented reality (AR) glasses.
Development of new AI-assisted holographic imaging
The current prototype has a narrow field of vision, only 11.7 degrees in the lab environment, far less than Magic Leap 2 or even Microsoft HoloLens.
In addition, the prototype fully shows unlimited potential, which can realize the holographic component stack in the frame of standard glasses, and produce realistic full-color mobile 3D images with different depths through AI training projection.
The prototype, like other AR glasses, uses waveguides to guide light through the glasses and into the wearer’s eyes. But the team developed a unique “nanophotonic metasurface waveguide”, which no longer required cumbersome collimatation optics, and trained AI algorithms to “learn a physical waveguide model” to improve image quality.
In today’s digital age, the transition from 2D imaging to 3D imaging is a technological leap that has brought tremendous changes to daily life and professional fields. Hologram is not the latest technology. It dates back to the 1960s.
Holographic imaging of the “magic”
As the name suggests, holographic imaging technology uses the principle of interference and diffraction to record and reproduce the real image of an object, which requires more than 100 times more information than ordinary camera processing, and puts forward high requirements for shooting, processing and transmission platform. Therefore, the earliest holographic technology is only used to process static photos.
For example, in science fiction movies, people are thousands of miles away, but the holographic projection makes it stand in front of people in front of real people, talk and move. Or in the holographic imaging class, students can see vivid professors and even famous teachers from all over the world without wearing 3D glasses, as if to interact with students face to face across time and space. And this is the application of “holographic imaging technology”, the magical changes brought to people’s lives.
Industry experts analyzed that such a sci-fi scenario, with the development of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology and the commercial use of 5G, holographic imaging technology will be combined with various technologies to bring users a more realistic virtual experience. At the same time, holographic imaging technology also provides new ways for many businesses to publicize it, and may be widely used in the fields of architecture, design, health and military.
WiMi 3D Holographic imaging enables thousands of industries
, No doubt, the development of holographic imaging industry speed up, and bring huge economic benefits, understood, as a holographic AR first WiMi Hologram Cloud(NASDAQ: WIMI), long-term commitment to 3D, 5G, AR / VR, holographic projection technology, such as and will strengthen and actively promote 5G holographic imaging business application and practice, focus on live, travel, exhibition, games, screen, different office scene function and experience, guide the holographic imaging to the mass market.
It is worth mentioning that in the forefront of holographic imaging, the ultra-low delay transmission of high-definition images.
With the development of its own technology base and the vigorous deployment of 5G, WiMi has fully mastered 5G, cloud computing and artificial intelligence to solve the limitations of computing power and information transmission rate and quality. Its large-scale application penetration will provide users with applications integrated into the virtual world anytime and anywhere, and innovate and improve users’ new experience.
From the perspective of technology development, holographic imaging technology will become a new visual experience mode that consumers will pay attention to in the future. As a leading enterprise in the holographic display industry, WiMi is optimistic about its future development prospects and market potential in the long term. In the future, it will continue to promote technological innovation advantages and demonstration role, open growth space, accelerate the mass production and scale of products, and gather win-win efforts with various cooperative enterprises to empower thousands of industries.

To sum up
The holographic imaging industry has great potential and is an area of attention and investment. In the near future, holographic imaging, an emerging technology, will be fully combined with artificial intelligence, mixed reality and other technologies, and will be fully applied in industry, business, medicine, education and other fields, bringing more innovative and diversified applications to the business field. The economic and social benefits generated by this will be inestimable, and will certainly have a subversive impact on the history of human technological development. So, look forward to the holographic imaging technology to bring more possibilities to the public life.
submitted by Oops-cat to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:00 r-nasa-mods New NASA postings as of Thursday May 16, 2024

Supervisory Management and Program Analyst


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
You will serve as a Supervisory Program Analyst in the Resource Management Division within the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) at NASA Headquarters. In this position, you will oversee analysts in the execution and formulation of SMD's budget and provide expert analysis to ensure the effective use of resources in the accomplishment of SMD's strategic objectives.

Electrical Engineer (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-12/13
Goddard Space Flight Center
You will serve as an Electrical Engineer managing Facilities Engineering Projects assigned to the Engineering Branch of the Facilities Management Division within the Management Operations Directorate.

Director, Office of Procurement, Goddard Space Flight Center


Grade: ES-00
Goddard Space Flight Center
Serves as Director, Office of Procurement, for the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The Director reports directly to the NASA Assistant Administrator for Procurement and is a key member of the senior management team. Responsibilities include planning, budgeting, directing, executing, and coordinating procurement actions on behalf of the Office of Procurement.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Environmental Control Systems


Grade: GS-14/15
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
As a Senior Project Manager in the Space Suit and Crew Survival Systems Branch, you will formulate projects to develop space suit hardware and ground test systems; analyze requirements; develop estimates for resources and schedules; identify risks and mitigations; create and track schedules; lead teams across organizational boundaries; assess progress; and develop reports for stakeholders. You also will manage allocated resources to deliver project requirements on schedule and within budget.

General Engineer, AST, Engineering Program Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Ames Research Center
You will serve as a Program Manager in the Bioengineering Branch at Ames Research Center providing engineering and scientific expertise to the Branch Chief in the management and direction of life support and synthetic biology projects aimed to achieve sustainable human presence beyond low earth orbit. Responsibilities include helping with setting strategic direction of the branch, ensuring branch and facility safety and space planning, and contract management.

Assistant Administrator for Protective Services


Grade: ES-00
Headquarters, NASA
Reporting to the Associate Administrator of NASA's Mission Support Directorate, the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Protective Services provides NASA-wide executive and functional leadership, policy formulation, oversight, guidance, coordination, and advocacy for protective services programs including security, fire protection, emergency preparedness planning and response, and programmatic counterintelligence/counterterrorism (CI/CT) operations, processes, functions, and activities.

Computer Engineer, AST, Data Systems


Grade: GS-14
John Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
As a Computer Engineer in the Management Support and Integration Office, Research and Engineering Directorate, you will serve as the Directorate Cybersecurity Lead. You will be responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and maintaining surveillance over Information Technology/Operational Technology (IT/OT) systems and cybersecurity posture to support critical technical capabilities for aerospace research such as power, propulsion, materials, and space communications.

Director, Human Resources


Grade: ES-00
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
Serves as Director, Human Resources, at a Center Human Resources Office. The incumbent is a key member of the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Enterprise Leadership Team and serves as principal senior advisor to the Center Director on all human capital matters. This announcement will be used to fill two vacancies - one at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and one at Kennedy Space Center. The MSFC selection will serve as the Human Resources Director for MSFC and Stennis Space Center.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Flight Systems Test (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
Langley Research Center
You will serve as the Center Range Flight Safety Lead assigned to the Uninhabited Aerial Systems (UAS) Operations Office of the Research Services Directorate overseeing the safety of the City Environment Range Testing for Autonomous Integrated Navigation (CERTAIN) at the Center and for other UAS locations where NASA conducts UAS flight operations.

Industrial Hygienist


Grade: GS-14
John C. Stennis Space Center
Serves as the Occupational Health Officer for Stennis Space Center (SSC) in the Environmental and Health Services Office, responsible for performing a variety of professional and scientific work in industrial hygiene, health physics and occupational health functions. You will anticipate health hazards; recommend preventive measures and prescribe procedures to eliminate, reduce or abate occupational health hazards in the working environment and ensure conformance regulations.

Supervisory Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
The NASA Office of Procurement seeks Supervisory Contract Specialists to plan, direct and supervise office activities including all pre and post award aspects of the acquisition program. These positions will be responsible for leading assigned activities at one of the listed NASA locations. Provides strategic direction for a diverse group of contracts and agreements for commercial and non-commercial goods and services, while maintaining strong communications and high quality products.

Administrative Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-11
Langley Research Center
As an Administrative Specialist supporting the Administrative Support and Analysis Branch (ASAB), you will be responsible for a wide variety of analytical, human resources, administrative, and associated management support services for the organization(s) to which assigned, and you will conduct analytical studies requiring the identification and resolution of issues and problems of administrative support functions.

Aerospace Engineer, AST, Aerothermodynamics


Grade: GS-14
John F. Kennedy Space Center
As the fluids analysis technical lead in the mission analysis division of the Launch Services Program you will lead a team of highly technical fluid dynamics engineers to perform a variety of analyses with the goal of ensuring mission success for NASA's missions. You will be responsible for the timely completion of fluid dynamics related analyses and actions.

Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
The NASA Office of Procurement seeks Senior Contract Specialists to perform procurement planning, negotiation, and contract administration in support of NASA programs. The Office of Procurement is structured to provide support to our mission partners regardless of location. This announcement may fill any of NASA Office of Procurement positions.

Lead Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
NASA's Office of Procurement is seeking highly skilled individuals to serve as Lead Contract Specialists for a variety of complex cost reimbursable and fixed price, multi-year contracts, including secondary administration. This announcement may fill any of NASA Office of Procurement positions.

Supervisory Contract Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-14
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Agency Wide
The NASA Office of Procurement seeks Supervisory Contract Specialists to plan, direct and supervise office activities including all pre and post award aspects of the acquisition program. These positions will be responsible for leading assigned activities at one of the listed NASA locations. Provides strategic direction for a diverse group of contracts and agreements for commercial and non-commercial goods and services, while maintaining strong communications and high quality products.

Program Manager


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
As the Branch Chief for the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (ODEO), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility (DEIA) Branch, you will oversee and lead several core functions to include: 1) DEIA Program Management, Implementation, and Assessment; 2) Special Emphasis Programs and ERG Engagement; 3) DEIA Data Analytics and Reporting; 4) Diversity and Equal Opportunity Reports; 5) Reasonable Accommodation Program Coordination and Oversight.

Supervisory Equal Opportunity Specialist


Grade: GS-15
Headquarters, NASA
The ODEO Branch Chief for the Equal Opportunity and Program Branch within the Policy, Programs, and Analytics Division, oversees and leads the program management of NASA's external compliance and adjudication programs, as well as policy and compliance functions of NASA's anti-harassment program.

Supervisory Financial Management Specialist (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Goddard Space Flight Center
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is seeking individuals to fill multiple positions as Directorate Resources Managers (DRM) and/or Deputy Project Managers for Resources (DPMR). These positions supervise and manage a staff of resources professionals who support projects at NASA. They serve as senior advisors to project/program/directorate leadership in all areas related to resources and business processes.

General Engineer, AST, Technical Management (Direct Hire)


Grade: GS-15
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Selectee will serve as the Lead for the System Management Team within the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) and Human Surface Mobility (EHP) Systems Engineering and Integration (SE&I) office. You will be responsible for leading a matrixed team of system managers for systems that are cross-cutting across the EHP elements, such as communications, navigation, environments, power, logistics, etc.

Supervisory Criminal Investigator

NASA OIG-12386603-IMP-24

Grade: GS-14
Headquarters, NASA
The NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducts audits, reviews, and investigations of NASA programs and operations to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. The Office of Investigations (OI) investigates allegations of crime, cyber-crime, fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct having impact on NASA programs, projects, operations, and resources.
submitted by r-nasa-mods to NASAJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:56 UstroyDestroy AI Developments in Financial Services, Social Media, and Healthcare: A Weekly Digest

hardware #event #startups #tool #opinions #release #feature #update #vc #opensource #bigtech #api #leaders #science #major_players #scheduled

NVIDIA is hosting AI sessions at Money20/20 Europe, focusing on AI in financial services. The event will feature speakers from Mastercard, Stripe, Barclays, and others, and will cover topics such as generative AI, fraud detection, and the impact of AI on the banking customer experience. BNY Mellon has deployed an NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD™ with DGX™ H100 systems, and the event will also discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities in AI for financial services in 2024 [1].
Mike Krieger, co-founder of Instagram, has joined Anthropic as the Chief Product Officer. His expertise in building and scaling innovative products will help Anthropic expand its suite of enterprise applications and bring Claude to a wider audience [2].
Cohere, a company dedicated to scaling intelligence to serve humanity, is actively hiring. The company offers various benefits to employees, including RRSP contributions, health coverage, mental health support, remote work culture, generous time off, and support for new parents [3]. Cohere has also been featured in CNBC's Disruptor 50 list for the second consecutive year, reflecting its commitment to providing practical AI solutions that tackle real-world business challenges [4].
Andrew Ng has announced a new short course on Multi AI Agent Systems with crewAI. The course focuses on breaking down complex tasks into subtasks for multiple AI agents to execute specialized roles [5]. Groq Inc has launched a new series called GroqThoughts, with the first feature focusing on how Athena Intelligence and Groq collaborate to enable real-time use cases [6]. Groq Inc is also hosting a virtual hackathon for developers to showcase their projects built on Groq technology [9].
Langtrace AI conducted a performance analysis comparing the latencies of different language models, including Groq running Llama-3. Groq demonstrated the lowest latencies across all tests, making it the ideal choice for applications where speed is essential [11].
LanceDB, an open-source database for AI, has secured $8 million in seed funding. The company aims to empower AI teams to search over billions of vectors, process petabytes of images, and train on trillions of tokens [12]. HiPythagora, a Y Combinator W24 startup, has developed Pythagora, an open-source development tool that can build entire applications from scratch by interacting with users [13].
Google has introduced new generative media models and tools, including Veo for video generation and Imagen 3 for image generation. They have also collaborated with filmmakers and musicians to showcase the capabilities of their AI technologies [15]. Google is also enhancing the Gemini app to be more multimodal, agentive, and intelligent, serving as a personal AI assistant capable of handling complex tasks and taking actions on behalf of users [16].
NVIDIA and LangChain are hosting a Generative AI Agents Developer Contest where participants can develop text and multimodal agents using their technologies [21]. NVIDIA AI Developer shared about the implementation of single-view 3D tracking in NVIDIA DeepStream to enhance object tracking accuracy [23].
Yann LeCun emphasizes the importance of open source AI platforms for a vibrant ecosystem and to maximize the benefits of AI for society [26]. Greg Brockman acknowledges the team effort behind GPT-4 and gives credit to Pranav Dhar for leading the development of the omni model in collaboration with various teams at OpenAI over the past 18 months [27].
Google AI has announced Illuminate at Google IO, a tool that uses AI to convert research papers into audio conversations to enhance learning experiences [32]. Google AI has also introduced Med-Gemini, a new family of AI research models for medicine that builds on Gemini's advanced capabilities. The models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on various benchmarks and have unlocked novel applications in the medical domain [35].
2. Anthropic @anthropicai
3. cohere @cohere
4. cohere @cohere
5. Andrew Ng @AndrewYNg
6. Groq Inc @GroqInc
7. Groq Inc @GroqInc
8. Groq Inc @GroqInc
9. Groq Inc @GroqInc
10. Groq Inc @GroqInc
11. Groq Inc @GroqInc
12. Y Combinator @ycombinator
13. Y Combinator @ycombinator
14. Y Combinator @ycombinator
15. Google @google
16. Google @google
17. Google @google
18. Sam Altman @sama
19. Sam Altman @sama
20. Sequoia Capital @sequoia
21. NVIDIA AI Developer @NVIDIAAIDev
22. NVIDIA AI Developer @NVIDIAAIDev
23. NVIDIA AI Developer @NVIDIAAIDev
24. Yann LeCun @ylecun
25. Yann LeCun @ylecun
26. Yann LeCun @ylecun
27. Greg Brockman @gdb
28. Greg Brockman @gdb
29. a16z @a16z
30. a16z @a16z
31. a16z @a16z
32. Google AI @googleai
33. Google AI @googleai
34. Google AI @googleai
35. Google AI @googleai
36. Google AI @googleai
37. Google AI @googleai
38. Google AI @googleai
submitted by UstroyDestroy to ai_news_by_ai [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:30 probosofo Need some help with my statement of purpose, care to read?

First time applying for grad school, read some guides, did a thin twist by adding a personal story, would love your input:

Statement of Purpose
University of Michigan - Dearborn
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
Dear Recruitment Committee,
A recent study published in Science Robotics introduced the innovative concept of swarm drones—decentralized, artificially driven drones that operate without central radio communication, GPS, or motion tracking. These drones can navigate dense forests autonomously, avoiding obstacles and communicating with each other to prevent overlap. In a video accompanying the study, the drones collaborate seamlessly to locate a missing person in a dense forest.
While the missing person in the study was not truly lost, it raises an important question: what if they were? What advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence can we develop to ensure we can always find our loved ones when they go astray?
[FRIEND NAME] was a good friend of mine who attended [NEARBY] University, setting aside our schools' friendly rivalry. We stayed in touch regularly until [FRIEND NAME] went missing around July 6th. Her body was tragically found on July 12th in a quarry that police had searched just days before. The question that haunts me is, how could they have missed her the first time? Could she have been saved? Was she on the run? Why was my friend not found and rescued?
I often think about that study and [FRIEND NAME]. The potential of artificially intelligent drones organized in a swarm for search and rescue, much better coordinated than a human search party, gives me hope. I truly believe we could have saved [FRIEND NAME] and, even more importantly, we could save hundreds, if not thousands, of lost, missing, or abducted individuals before their trail goes cold.
Working at [PREVIOUS EMPLOYER NAME], a satellite defense contractor, has only deepened my belief in the potential for search and rescue operations. Artificial intelligence is already heavily used in image and radio processing. We have near-live satellite footage of certain areas, but there is a lack of coordination with local police stations to run AI queries on these images. How many abductions, kidnappings, or missing persons have already been captured by a satellite hundreds of kilometers above ground?
I aim to develop algorithms and structures to rapidly respond when it matters most, and I would love to pursue this goal at the University of Michigan.
With my background in computer science, extensive experience in data mining, software development, and scientific programming, I am confident in my ability to contribute to and thrive at the University of Michigan. One of my earliest projects involved using AI to predict the optimal number of employees needed for a nationwide firm deploying representatives for technology projects like Apple, Microsoft, and Intel. This project demonstrated my ability to tackle complex problems and deliver practical solutions.
I am eager to bring my skills and passion to the University of Michigan, where I can contribute to cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and robotics. I believe that under the guidance of esteemed faculty and within a vibrant academic community, I can make significant strides toward realizing my vision of enhancing search and rescue operations through advanced AI technologies.
submitted by probosofo to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:30 uiuc-fan CS nerd with low GPA

Demographics: AMAB but MTF trans, white, lower middle class, Illinois, immigrant
Major: CS (maybe CE)
Academics: GPA UW (3.6 total) (3.9, 3.9, 3.3 each year) at competitive school
Courseload (school doesn't offer AP): between medium and hard
Scores: no SAT yet (will likely be high 1400, low 1500 at best)
Top Schools: UIUC (aiming for CS+M but i dont have math ECs), UW Madison, Purdue
Safeties: UIC, IIT, MSU
submitted by uiuc-fan to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:29 StickyBass No job, Masters degree is expensive, where to from here?

Hi all, this is a rant / looking for some advice.
I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney in bachelor of science / advanced studies w. hons. (major in chem and neuroscience). I got a Distinction average (WAM 75-80) and 1st class honours. For the past 18 months (more seriously in the past ~6 months), I have been getting into coding, building projects and what not in Python.
I have been job hunting for the past 4 months, as I have just received straight up rejection after rejection, I haven't even talked to a real person, I only received nothing back or automatic rejection emails. As I have begun to realise I am just not competitive enough in this job market at the moment. github here if anyone is interested enough
I have been looking to begin a Masters in CompSci / IT at university. I applied to UTS, USYD and UNSW (I am based in Sydney and these are probably the 3 most noteworthy Syd postgraduate masters courses here). I received offers from all 3 but for domestic full paying places (around $40,000 a year), and not Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) (About $10,000 a year). CSP places for these institutions are offered to domestic students and allocated based on academic merit. I really thought I'd be eligible to get one but apparently not. I am not sure I would choose to study a masters for this price (then again maybe that might be my best way forward now).
So right now I am a bit disheartened and looking for the best way forward. Ultimately my goal is to get a job coding as a software developer, preference in backend. Right now I see my options as such:
Love to hear any advice...
TLTR: Finished undergraduate degree in an unrelated degree 18 months ago. Have been self teaching and haven't been able to get a job. Masters degree is expensive and I haven't been given commonwealth support. Where do I go from here?
note: repost from as someone directed me here
submitted by StickyBass to cscareerquestionsOCE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:24 ask_waiguru Computer Science Homework help available.

*🌟 Unlock Your Academic Potential with Professional Help! *🌟
For urgent help,Call/Whatsapp +1(909)748-1938,Discord ,Record_Spot .
Offering expert assistance in:
💻 Computer Science: Algorithms, Coding, and Project Guidance.
✍️ Essays: Persuasive, Analytical, and Narrative.
📄 Research Papers: Comprehensive Research and Writing Support.
📚 Thesis: From Proposal to Defense.
📊 Data Analysis: SPSS, R Studio, Stata and Arc Gis
📘 Projects: Planning, Execution, and Review.
🎓 Online Classes: Take Your Learning Online.
🧩 Case Studies: In-depth Analysis and Problem Solving.
📞 Need help right away? Don't hesitate to call or WhatsApp at +1(909)748-1938. Let's achieve greatness together!
submitted by ask_waiguru to ComputerSciencePaidHW [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:24 Your-Hair-Sucks Help me with my school list

Help me with my school list
Hello everyone, I was wondering if I could have some advice/criticisms for my school list. I have an idea, but I also don't have any idea what I am doing. I don't have anyone to guide me, so it would be MUCH appreciated. Here is some background:
CA Resident/ORM/Small Liberal Arts School
GPA cGPA 3.92 sGPA 3.91
MCAT: 516 CASPEPREVIEW: haven't taken it yet
RESEARCH: 300 hrs spent on a basic science project that was eventually canceled, learned my love for research 100 hrs spent on research for a presentation at a trauma conference. PROJECTED 900 hrs with a trauma surgeon during this application year
VOLUNTEERING: 150 hrs ED Volunteer 400 Hours Volunteer EMT for College, Leadership position 250 hrs lacrosse coach for high school, helped build a squad that would go to the CIF championship 100 hrs of hunger outreach through my church. PROJECTED: High School Leader at church, around 400 hrs projected.
SHADOWING: 32 hrs Ortho, 44 hrs EM, loved both.
PAID CLINICAL: 800 hrs ambulance EMT in busy LA system PROJECTED: ER Tech Position full time during application year, so like 2000 hrs? I will only mention in the secondaries.
LEADERSHIP(ish): Community/Peer Tutor: 200 hrs, mostly for organic chemistry and physics(high school and college) 150 Hrs Organic Chemistry Lab Assistant/TA
HOBBIES: Surfing, family history of high level surfing and it has been an important part of my life.
Strong writing(i think?) for my personal statement and activities with primary emphasis on: Leadership, service, love for teaching and research and wanting more exposure, etc.
LOR's 8: 3 from science professors(2 strong, 1 weak), 3 from clinical supervisors(2 strong, 1 is meh), 1 non-science prof(very meh), 1 from a physician I developed a relationship with(not very strong).
This was formed using MSAR, prospective doctors, and LizzyM.
Statement: I like Loma Linda lol.
Thanks again for doing this!
submitted by Your-Hair-Sucks to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:21 ask_waiguru Homework help tutor available.

*🌟 Unlock Your Academic Potential with Professional Help! *🌟
For urgent help,Call/Whatsapp +1(909)748-1938,Discord ,Record_Spot .
Offering expert assistance in:
💻 Computer Science: Algorithms, Coding, and Project Guidance.
✍️ Essays: Persuasive, Analytical, and Narrative.
📄 Research Papers: Comprehensive Research and Writing Support.
📚 Thesis: From Proposal to Defense.
📊 Data Analysis: SPSS, R Studio, Stata.Arc Gis
📘 Projects: Planning, Execution, and Review.
🎓 Online Classes: Take Your Learning Online.
🧩 Case Studies: In-depth Analysis and Problem Solving.
📞 Need help right away? Don't hesitate to call or WhatsApp at +1(909)748-1938. Let's achieve greatness together!
submitted by ask_waiguru to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:18 ask_waiguru Essay Pro Writer available for hire.

*🌟 Unlock Your Academic Potential with Professional Help! *🌟
For urgent help,Call/Whatsapp +1(909)748-1938,Discord ,Record_Spot .
Offering expert assistance in:
💻 Computer Science: Algorithms, Coding, and Project Guidance.
✍️ Essays: Persuasive, Analytical, and Narrative.
📄 Research Papers: Comprehensive Research and Writing Support.
📚 Thesis: From Proposal to Defense.
📊 Data Analysis: SPSS, R Studio, Stata.Arc Gis
📘 Projects: Planning, Execution, and Review.
🎓 Online Classes: Take Your Learning Online.
🧩 Case Studies: In-depth Analysis and Problem Solving.
📞 Need help right away? Don't hesitate to call or WhatsApp at +1(909)748-1938. Let's achieve greatness together!
submitted by ask_waiguru to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:00 AutoModerator Management Discussion Thread - May 2024

This post is a dedicated discussion space for matters relating to the following,


Management Discussion Thread repeats every 6 Weeks on Thursdays as per the Automated Scheduled Posts List.
submitted by AutoModerator to Barca [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:56 Krayzfrog There’s something off with the people on campus

I think there’s something off about my campus
Hey everyone, I’m typing this on my phone so I apologize if there is weird formatting. Anyways, to get to the point, there’s something really off with some people on my campus. I have come seeking answers.I noticed it first walking home from my 7pm class last Wednesday.
To set the scene, most of the campus is tucked back into the woods a little, and my 7pm class is in the farthest building from the parking lot (further into the woods). I get out from that 7pm class around 9pm, so on cloudy nights like last Wednesday, the only lights on that long sidewalk are the lights radiating from the other buildings. Usually, there’s roughly 30 feet where it’s pitch black because the foliage is pretty dense. I usually walk back to my apartment with some classmates that live in the same complex as me, but I told them to go ahead of me while I finished the rest of the project.
After packing my laptop away, I started heading back home. It was roughly 9:30 at this point, and my brain was slowly shutting down preparing for the deep sleep that has yet to come.Walking down the sidewalk, I heard somebody not too far into the woods laughing like they’ve just heard the funniest joke ever. I immediately thought, “probably some Freshman walking the trails with their friends smoking weed”. Chuckling to myself, I put in my AirPods and picked a playlist for my journey back home.
When I looked up from my phone, there was the silhouette of somebody walking towards me. I have no idea how I missed them before, but honestly, it’s very possible they were just in a spot where the light wasn’t quite reaching them. A little unnerved, I shifted over to the left side of the sidewalk.
(Now I’m usually fine walking alone at night; I’m a 6’2 man who’s dabbled in the world of MMA. But something about this person gave me a primal feeling of unrest.)
When they shifted over to the left mirroring me, I felt my blood run cold. But alas, I had to keep walking because this was my only way back home. As I neared closer to the figure, I almost laughed at myself when I realized it was just some harmless girl walking towards the Murphy building. If anything, I’m the intimidating one to her.
This is where it really gets weird. She stopped as I was passing her and turned to me. Thinking she needed to ask me something, I took an AirPod out and asked “what’s up?”. After staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, she opened her mouth, and I kid you not, mimicked the laugh I heard moments before perfectly. Before I could chalk it up to it just being her in the trails earlier, I noticed something. Her mouth wasn’t moving at all. If I had left my AirPods in, it would just look like she was just opening her mouth and staring at me. She then shifted into a deep raspy laugh. She did all of this without moving her mouth at all; I couldn’t even see her throat moving as you would expect if someone was laughing. It was almost like she was some fucked up human-shaped gramophone. The feeling of absolute horror that came over me is something I’ve only experienced in my imagination. Before I could think to do anything next, My body began to run off some sort of primal instinct. With my legs burning, it took me about 10 minutes to get all the way back to my apartment and lock myself in relative safety.
I’m coming on here now to ask if anybody knows what I experienced? I have been hearing that same laughter outside my window every night since that night, I am too terrified to sleep well and have refused to go to any of my classes. Please I just want answers, I don’t want to keep living in fear.
Part 2:
Hey everyone, I’ve gotten some DMs telling me what it may be. I’ve heard everything from banshee to skinwalker. After further research I pray to god it was neither of them. I’m praying it was just some girl with a speaker playing some sort of cruel joke. I mean yes there are people who don’t like me on campus, I’ve made some enemies over the past 4 years. But, I just don’t understand what could’ve brought it to this point. I had to stop hiding in fear and go to my classes before my grades plummet, I’m almost done with my degree and only have a few more weeks. If I let some sort of stupid prank ruin my career, It would be everything I swore against to my parents.
A lot of you guys in the DMs were also asking what college I go to and what my name is. First I want to say sorry for not providing that information in the first post, I’m sure you can understand where my head was at typing that. So let me introduce myself, my name is Nick and In order to keep my privacy, I will only provide that I go to a midwest university.
I’m sure you may be wondering, “so did it just stop?”. I would love to say yes, but really things have just gotten weirder. Though, I am pleased to say that there is no longer laughing out my window every night.
Ever since that night, I’ve been noticing more things off with the people on campus. Now you may just think it’s paranoia, but just be patient and listen.
Yesterday, I decided to muster up all of my courage and go to class. Luckily my first class is at 10AM, when the sun is well in the sky, so walking across campus seemed much less threatening. When I sat down in my first class, I noticed something off with the girl that sits in front of me. Usually she’s chatty and excited to be in class, but today she just stared blankly ahead. I tried to say good morning and ask about her weekend, as we do every Monday, but she continued to have that blank stare. She did turn her head towards be, but her eyes read “lights on, but nobody is home”.
Thinking to myself, she may just be hungover, or going through the bout of college student depression. I decided to shrug it off and turn to the front of the class and get my notes ready. But the moment I turned around, I could feel it. Her eyes burrowing deep into the back of my head. When I flipped around to see if I was just being irrational, I quickly learned I wasn’t. Her eyes went from the blank glare, to the most enthusiastic face I’ve seen on her. It was horrible, it almost seemed like she was trying so hard to pretend she was thrilled to be in class and to speak to me. It was inhuman.
I’ve been on the internet long enough to catch on to the term “Uncanny valley”, and what I witnessed In my first hour gives me that same gut feeling I got when I saw that girl last Wednesday.
I was right to be uncomfortable though, I texted her after class to make sure she was doing alright. But her response only reignited the flames of deep fear burning in my soul.
I’ll copy and paste the messages here:
Me: Hey Is everything good? You seemed off in class today.
Steph SCI 101: Uh yeah, I’m fine. but I was not in class today, I’m severely hungover from Tanner’s party last night.
Me: Haha, good one.
Steph SCI 101: No I’m so Fr, are you okay?
Steph SCI 101: Are you trying to fuck with me or something?
Me: Nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you.
(End Of Texts)
Okay so I’m sure that this gives you all the same feeling of dread that it gave me but I’m sure scaled down a bit. This is where I have started to doubt that it’s a prank, because me and Stephanie are cool. There’s no level of hate for either of us, and even if it was some joke, we don’t know each other on that type of level.
Not only did this seem to happen in my first class, but in between classes while I was walking across campus as well. I walk past hundreds of faces in my many treks across campus, and I swear to you, at least 1/4th of the people I walked past had that same dead stare look. And the way they walked, god I hate even thinking of it. It was like they were an alien trying out their new body suits for the first time. The steps and the bends of their legs just seem so meticulous, dramaticized, and puppeteered.
I’m going to try to investigate further, because at this point my fear for my life is more of a reason to try and figure out what it is so I can try to stop it.
I’m no hero, and I’m sure as hell nothing special, but If I can know what to expect for another encounter, maybe I can avoid meeting the demise I have imagined.
Part 3
First off I would like to apologize for my 20-day hiatus. For those who were worried that curiosity killed the cat so to speak, I appreciate your concern. On top of my investigation, I have also had to go through finals and work for a boss who didn't believe in life outside of work. So let's start where we left off. I had a feeling that this task was left for me to solve. it may sound stupid, but let me explain why. That night, after my last post, I had a dream that further solidified my need to solve the mystery. I tried to write all that I remembered down the morning after so here is what I wrote. 
April 4th, 2024
I had a strange dream last night, stranger than usual at least. I awoke in the woods, laying face down in the grass with someone looming over me. I heard their footsteps flee rapidly before I flipped over. I found myself just off the trail where the “incident” happened, on the trail laid a girl, bloodied and motionless. When I got up to approach her, she was quickly dragged into the parallel section of the woods. Seeing this I turned and ran into the section of woods I was in. When my legs gave out I found myself near an old supply shed, worn and long abandoned. Searching for cover, I tried the door, which luckily gave after a quick pull. There I found a trapdoor which emanated a blue hue through the cracks. The only thought on my mind, survival brought me to throw it open and climb down. I clattered down the ladder and right before my feet touched the ground, I was pulled backwards by my shirt. That’s where I woke up.
I have always trusted my gut and having a dream that vivid gave me a sense of courage I did not previously have. I know where to start my search now. I have decided my best course of action will be to record my findings on a tape recorder app. After I finish each entry it will be uploaded to a cloud that will ensure if anything happens to me, the story will get out. I am packing my backpack now with a flashlight, glow sticks to mark my trail, and a machete I was gifted by a local in Mexico. All of my recordings will be uploaded below and auto posted after 10 days. Wish me luck everyone, I’m going to need it.
Entry 1: I have started at the only place that makes sense, the trail. It is currently 1:45 PM and I have plenty of sun left in the sky. I just needed to find exactly where to start my journey into the woods. Strangely it was very easy to find. I recall one of the trees having a funky twist near the middle of the trunk. Probably just some two lovebirds trying to carve their name into the tree and realizing there were softer trees to carve into. Anyways hiking further into the woods I believe I can see the shape of the shed through the branches. I wish you guys could see how dense these trees are so you can understand my struggle.
Entry 2: I made it to the shed, but unfortunately the floor in here is concrete. This really sucks for me because I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. It’s identical on the outside but I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m just delusional, which in that case what a waste of time and energy. I’m going to head back home and just start packing for summer. Maybe it’ll be best if I just forget about all of this and leave it behind me. I am graduating after all. Wait hold on what is this?? there’s a button behind one of these shelves. I am going to press it, but idk how it would work because this floor is seamless. I’m just going to leave this recording so if anything does happen I don’t have to worry about holding the phone the whole time. Holy shit, the entire floor is lowering. It’s a fucking elevator.
Entry 3: Okay so I’ve been going down this elevator for like 30 seconds, how far down am I going?.. Oh wait hold on, Im stopped… There’s a metal door with a padlock. Ig since I have the machete there’s only one thing to do, break it. Im going to use the blunt side so I don’t ruin this thing, I like it too much. the lock clatters to the ground after 3 solid hits. Well ig there’s only one way to go now, there’s no button to get back up so I pray there’s another way up. The metal door creaks loudly. Fuck I regret this, It’s dark and I can tell it’s a big area because it’s so echoey in here. I’m currently praising my past self for thinking about the flashlight and glow sticks. I need to find out what in the hell this place is and most importantly, if there’s a damn light switch.
Entry 4: God this place is terrifying I’ve been walking around the sterile white halls of this place for like 10 minutes and have found nothing, no doors, no light switch. I feel like a rat in a maze. Also scratch what I said about being glad I packed glow sticks, because my stupid ass only brought like 20 of these things and I’m already down to 5. Also I feel like I’m not alone, every now and then I’ll turn a corner and the glow from the previous glow stick quickly vanishes. I feel like it might just be because the darkness seems to envelop everything like a blanket. But I have that feeling that I’m being followed. You know the one, where you know somethings wrong you just can’t pin point what it is. Oh shit no way, there’s light, I think there’s a door or something up ahead.
Entry 5: Holy shit… It’s a lab, and worse, there’s people strapped too tables, completely naked and unconscious. I know they are alive because each of them are hooked up with a million different cords, and one of those are plugged into a heart monitor. This place is huge, there has to be at least 50 people on these tables.
“Hey you, you’re not supposed to be in here” yelled a man adorned in a lab coat.
“What are you doing to these kids you sick fucks.” I yelled back at the man across the lab.
In a haste the scientist rushes towards a red button, setting off a loud alarm, turning the lights to a flashing red. With no exit behind me, I could only do one thing... Rush towards him. My training kicked in as I launched into a flurry of calculated strikes. My first hit connected, a right overhand clean under his eye. The doctor stumbled back, but I didn't give him a chance to recover. I pressed the attack, keeping him off balance with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. He fought back ferociously, but I was one step ahead, anticipating his moves and countering with swift, efficient strikes. We wrestled, the room around us becoming a blur of pain and adrenaline. I used the environment to my advantage, improvising weapons from the scattered medical equipment and turning the empty tables on my opponent. Pinning him to the ground, I laid down a harsh barrage of final blows. His face was a bloody pulp, unrecognizable. But I didn’t walk away unscathed, somewhere in the tussle, the scientist buried a scalpel deep into my stomach. With my adrenaline wearing off, the pain overtook me, sending me into darkness as I fainted from the blood loss and adrenaline dump. I awoke with my arms and legs strapped to the cold metal operating table. Before I could try to struggle, a face overtook my field of vision.
“Quite a fight you put up, you turned poor Dr.Samson into a soup” the looming face said with a chuckle. “You are the first person to put the pieces together and for that I am thoroughly impressed Mr. Hayes”
“Who are you?!” I said fighting at my binds. “Let me go!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mr.Hayes. You have seen far too much, and I definitely can’t have you running around telling the world what you saw here. Although nobody would believe you.” “And to answer your other question, I’m surprised you don’t recognize me… really take a moment and look at me” He said pulling down his face mask.
“Dr.Blackwood?” I said as I looked back on my freshman year biology class.
“Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner!” He said in a maniac joy.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked.
“Well Mr.Hayes, first I’m going to sew you up from your little tussle you had with my late assistant and then I will put you under and cut into that skull of yours and take out a small piece of what we call in the science world your hippocampus. Then I will draw from that all of the necessary memories to create the perfect clone of you.” He responded.
“Why? Why would you need a clone of any of us. Why can’t you just clone someone willing to be apart of this?” I asked
“Because that’s no fun Mr.Hayes, the hunt excites me. Actually you’re lucky I didn’t get you the first night. Unfortunately my creation had a little bit of a malfunction and formed a wee bit of an attachment to you. I’m sure you remember the ruckus outside your window? Anyways I digress, I do this because everyone of you lowly students will go onto do mediocre jobs where you waste away at a desk. I must also add that with having a clone of you under my control, I can do anything and get away with clean hands. My plan with you originally was to have you go into the admissions office and steal every last cent all for me. On top of that I like the power, because one day I will have a clone of every student on this campus and eventually I will cause a revolt against our comedy of a government. Who will stop me, when I won’t even be on the front lines?” Dr.Blackwood explained.
“I will” I said freeing my last hand from the binds.
What he didn’t realize is that with all of this monologue and the questions I had been feeding him, I was slowly loosening my binds with each wiggle and movement in retaliation.
Lurching forward I grab onto his collar, pulling him into a vicious headbutt. The impact sent Dr. Blackwood reeling backward, his grip on consciousness loosening as he staggered. Seizing the moment, I lunged off the table, adrenaline coursing through my veins despite the searing pain in my abdomen. With a swift motion, I grabbed a nearby surgical instrument, holding it in a defensive stance as I faced my adversary. Dr. Blackwood, recovering from the blow, snarled with rage, his once calm demeanor now replaced by a feral intensity. The room seemed to shrink around us, the tension thickening with each passing second. This was my chance to stop Blackwood's twisted plans. As he lunged forward, I met his attack head-on, the clang of metal reverberating through the room. Blow after blow, we fought with an intensity born of desperation and determination. Despite my injuries, I refused to yield, driven by a fire burnt under me to protect myself and others from Blackwood's actions . In a final, swift move, I delivered a powerful front kick, sending Blackwood crashing to the ground. The room fell silent, the echoes of our struggle fading into the darkness. Coughing he sat in the corner laughing with blood spilling down his face. “You know that it’s too late to save any of these one lying on the tables. I would’ve released you, you know that right? I would’ve simply taken your memory from today out of your brain and leaving you in your bed to wake up thinking you had a fun night” he said with final resolve as he watched me grab the scalpel from the ground taking slow steps near him.
Looking down over him, It was my turn to laugh. Kneeling down to eye level with him I grabbed him by his hair and delivered a final message to him “Fuck you and your little science experiment” as I sliced deep into his throat watching the life fade from his eyes.
I eventually found an exit door, which lead me to a storm drain deep in the woods far from my campus. It took me 2 hours to limp my way onto a main road and flag down a passing car. Pulling over I was rushed to the hospital and later interrogated by some men in suits, my guess is CIA. Here I am now, writing my final entrance. I think I heard them say something about trying a new medical process on me to help me heal quicker
submitted by Krayzfrog to CreepsMcPasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:55 Krayzfrog There’s something off with the people on campus

I think there’s something off about my campus
Hey everyone, I’m typing this on my phone so I apologize if there is weird formatting. Anyways, to get to the point, there’s something really off with some people on my campus. I have come seeking answers.I noticed it first walking home from my 7pm class last Wednesday.
To set the scene, most of the campus is tucked back into the woods a little, and my 7pm class is in the farthest building from the parking lot (further into the woods). I get out from that 7pm class around 9pm, so on cloudy nights like last Wednesday, the only lights on that long sidewalk are the lights radiating from the other buildings. Usually, there’s roughly 30 feet where it’s pitch black because the foliage is pretty dense. I usually walk back to my apartment with some classmates that live in the same complex as me, but I told them to go ahead of me while I finished the rest of the project.
After packing my laptop away, I started heading back home. It was roughly 9:30 at this point, and my brain was slowly shutting down preparing for the deep sleep that has yet to come.Walking down the sidewalk, I heard somebody not too far into the woods laughing like they’ve just heard the funniest joke ever. I immediately thought, “probably some Freshman walking the trails with their friends smoking weed”. Chuckling to myself, I put in my AirPods and picked a playlist for my journey back home.
When I looked up from my phone, there was the silhouette of somebody walking towards me. I have no idea how I missed them before, but honestly, it’s very possible they were just in a spot where the light wasn’t quite reaching them. A little unnerved, I shifted over to the left side of the sidewalk.
(Now I’m usually fine walking alone at night; I’m a 6’2 man who’s dabbled in the world of MMA. But something about this person gave me a primal feeling of unrest.)
When they shifted over to the left mirroring me, I felt my blood run cold. But alas, I had to keep walking because this was my only way back home. As I neared closer to the figure, I almost laughed at myself when I realized it was just some harmless girl walking towards the Murphy building. If anything, I’m the intimidating one to her.
This is where it really gets weird. She stopped as I was passing her and turned to me. Thinking she needed to ask me something, I took an AirPod out and asked “what’s up?”. After staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, she opened her mouth, and I kid you not, mimicked the laugh I heard moments before perfectly. Before I could chalk it up to it just being her in the trails earlier, I noticed something. Her mouth wasn’t moving at all. If I had left my AirPods in, it would just look like she was just opening her mouth and staring at me. She then shifted into a deep raspy laugh. She did all of this without moving her mouth at all; I couldn’t even see her throat moving as you would expect if someone was laughing. It was almost like she was some fucked up human-shaped gramophone. The feeling of absolute horror that came over me is something I’ve only experienced in my imagination. Before I could think to do anything next, My body began to run off some sort of primal instinct. With my legs burning, it took me about 10 minutes to get all the way back to my apartment and lock myself in relative safety.
I’m coming on here now to ask if anybody knows what I experienced? I have been hearing that same laughter outside my window every night since that night, I am too terrified to sleep well and have refused to go to any of my classes. Please I just want answers, I don’t want to keep living in fear.
Part 2:
Hey everyone, I’ve gotten some DMs telling me what it may be. I’ve heard everything from banshee to skinwalker. After further research I pray to god it was neither of them. I’m praying it was just some girl with a speaker playing some sort of cruel joke. I mean yes there are people who don’t like me on campus, I’ve made some enemies over the past 4 years. But, I just don’t understand what could’ve brought it to this point. I had to stop hiding in fear and go to my classes before my grades plummet, I’m almost done with my degree and only have a few more weeks. If I let some sort of stupid prank ruin my career, It would be everything I swore against to my parents.
A lot of you guys in the DMs were also asking what college I go to and what my name is. First I want to say sorry for not providing that information in the first post, I’m sure you can understand where my head was at typing that. So let me introduce myself, my name is Nick and In order to keep my privacy, I will only provide that I go to a midwest university.
I’m sure you may be wondering, “so did it just stop?”. I would love to say yes, but really things have just gotten weirder. Though, I am pleased to say that there is no longer laughing out my window every night.
Ever since that night, I’ve been noticing more things off with the people on campus. Now you may just think it’s paranoia, but just be patient and listen.
Yesterday, I decided to muster up all of my courage and go to class. Luckily my first class is at 10AM, when the sun is well in the sky, so walking across campus seemed much less threatening. When I sat down in my first class, I noticed something off with the girl that sits in front of me. Usually she’s chatty and excited to be in class, but today she just stared blankly ahead. I tried to say good morning and ask about her weekend, as we do every Monday, but she continued to have that blank stare. She did turn her head towards be, but her eyes read “lights on, but nobody is home”.
Thinking to myself, she may just be hungover, or going through the bout of college student depression. I decided to shrug it off and turn to the front of the class and get my notes ready. But the moment I turned around, I could feel it. Her eyes burrowing deep into the back of my head. When I flipped around to see if I was just being irrational, I quickly learned I wasn’t. Her eyes went from the blank glare, to the most enthusiastic face I’ve seen on her. It was horrible, it almost seemed like she was trying so hard to pretend she was thrilled to be in class and to speak to me. It was inhuman.
I’ve been on the internet long enough to catch on to the term “Uncanny valley”, and what I witnessed In my first hour gives me that same gut feeling I got when I saw that girl last Wednesday.
I was right to be uncomfortable though, I texted her after class to make sure she was doing alright. But her response only reignited the flames of deep fear burning in my soul.
I’ll copy and paste the messages here:
Me: Hey Is everything good? You seemed off in class today.
Steph SCI 101: Uh yeah, I’m fine. but I was not in class today, I’m severely hungover from Tanner’s party last night.
Me: Haha, good one.
Steph SCI 101: No I’m so Fr, are you okay?
Steph SCI 101: Are you trying to fuck with me or something?
Me: Nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you.
(End Of Texts)
Okay so I’m sure that this gives you all the same feeling of dread that it gave me but I’m sure scaled down a bit. This is where I have started to doubt that it’s a prank, because me and Stephanie are cool. There’s no level of hate for either of us, and even if it was some joke, we don’t know each other on that type of level.
Not only did this seem to happen in my first class, but in between classes while I was walking across campus as well. I walk past hundreds of faces in my many treks across campus, and I swear to you, at least 1/4th of the people I walked past had that same dead stare look. And the way they walked, god I hate even thinking of it. It was like they were an alien trying out their new body suits for the first time. The steps and the bends of their legs just seem so meticulous, dramaticized, and puppeteered.
I’m going to try to investigate further, because at this point my fear for my life is more of a reason to try and figure out what it is so I can try to stop it.
I’m no hero, and I’m sure as hell nothing special, but If I can know what to expect for another encounter, maybe I can avoid meeting the demise I have imagined.
Part 3
First off I would like to apologize for my 20-day hiatus. For those who were worried that curiosity killed the cat so to speak, I appreciate your concern. On top of my investigation, I have also had to go through finals and work for a boss who didn't believe in life outside of work. So let's start where we left off. I had a feeling that this task was left for me to solve. it may sound stupid, but let me explain why. That night, after my last post, I had a dream that further solidified my need to solve the mystery. I tried to write all that I remembered down the morning after so here is what I wrote. 
April 4th, 2024
I had a strange dream last night, stranger than usual at least. I awoke in the woods, laying face down in the grass with someone looming over me. I heard their footsteps flee rapidly before I flipped over. I found myself just off the trail where the “incident” happened, on the trail laid a girl, bloodied and motionless. When I got up to approach her, she was quickly dragged into the parallel section of the woods. Seeing this I turned and ran into the section of woods I was in. When my legs gave out I found myself near an old supply shed, worn and long abandoned. Searching for cover, I tried the door, which luckily gave after a quick pull. There I found a trapdoor which emanated a blue hue through the cracks. The only thought on my mind, survival brought me to throw it open and climb down. I clattered down the ladder and right before my feet touched the ground, I was pulled backwards by my shirt. That’s where I woke up.
I have always trusted my gut and having a dream that vivid gave me a sense of courage I did not previously have. I know where to start my search now. I have decided my best course of action will be to record my findings on a tape recorder app. After I finish each entry it will be uploaded to a cloud that will ensure if anything happens to me, the story will get out. I am packing my backpack now with a flashlight, glow sticks to mark my trail, and a machete I was gifted by a local in Mexico. All of my recordings will be uploaded below and auto posted after 10 days. Wish me luck everyone, I’m going to need it.
Entry 1: I have started at the only place that makes sense, the trail. It is currently 1:45 PM and I have plenty of sun left in the sky. I just needed to find exactly where to start my journey into the woods. Strangely it was very easy to find. I recall one of the trees having a funky twist near the middle of the trunk. Probably just some two lovebirds trying to carve their name into the tree and realizing there were softer trees to carve into. Anyways hiking further into the woods I believe I can see the shape of the shed through the branches. I wish you guys could see how dense these trees are so you can understand my struggle.
Entry 2: I made it to the shed, but unfortunately the floor in here is concrete. This really sucks for me because I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. It’s identical on the outside but I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m just delusional, which in that case what a waste of time and energy. I’m going to head back home and just start packing for summer. Maybe it’ll be best if I just forget about all of this and leave it behind me. I am graduating after all. Wait hold on what is this?? there’s a button behind one of these shelves. I am going to press it, but idk how it would work because this floor is seamless. I’m just going to leave this recording so if anything does happen I don’t have to worry about holding the phone the whole time. Holy shit, the entire floor is lowering. It’s a fucking elevator.
Entry 3: Okay so I’ve been going down this elevator for like 30 seconds, how far down am I going?.. Oh wait hold on, Im stopped… There’s a metal door with a padlock. Ig since I have the machete there’s only one thing to do, break it. Im going to use the blunt side so I don’t ruin this thing, I like it too much. the lock clatters to the ground after 3 solid hits. Well ig there’s only one way to go now, there’s no button to get back up so I pray there’s another way up. The metal door creaks loudly. Fuck I regret this, It’s dark and I can tell it’s a big area because it’s so echoey in here. I’m currently praising my past self for thinking about the flashlight and glow sticks. I need to find out what in the hell this place is and most importantly, if there’s a damn light switch.
Entry 4: God this place is terrifying I’ve been walking around the sterile white halls of this place for like 10 minutes and have found nothing, no doors, no light switch. I feel like a rat in a maze. Also scratch what I said about being glad I packed glow sticks, because my stupid ass only brought like 20 of these things and I’m already down to 5. Also I feel like I’m not alone, every now and then I’ll turn a corner and the glow from the previous glow stick quickly vanishes. I feel like it might just be because the darkness seems to envelop everything like a blanket. But I have that feeling that I’m being followed. You know the one, where you know somethings wrong you just can’t pin point what it is. Oh shit no way, there’s light, I think there’s a door or something up ahead.
Entry 5: Holy shit… It’s a lab, and worse, there’s people strapped too tables, completely naked and unconscious. I know they are alive because each of them are hooked up with a million different cords, and one of those are plugged into a heart monitor. This place is huge, there has to be at least 50 people on these tables.
“Hey you, you’re not supposed to be in here” yelled a man adorned in a lab coat.
“What are you doing to these kids you sick fucks.” I yelled back at the man across the lab.
In a haste the scientist rushes towards a red button, setting off a loud alarm, turning the lights to a flashing red. With no exit behind me, I could only do one thing... Rush towards him. My training kicked in as I launched into a flurry of calculated strikes. My first hit connected, a right overhand clean under his eye. The doctor stumbled back, but I didn't give him a chance to recover. I pressed the attack, keeping him off balance with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. He fought back ferociously, but I was one step ahead, anticipating his moves and countering with swift, efficient strikes. We wrestled, the room around us becoming a blur of pain and adrenaline. I used the environment to my advantage, improvising weapons from the scattered medical equipment and turning the empty tables on my opponent. Pinning him to the ground, I laid down a harsh barrage of final blows. His face was a bloody pulp, unrecognizable. But I didn’t walk away unscathed, somewhere in the tussle, the scientist buried a scalpel deep into my stomach. With my adrenaline wearing off, the pain overtook me, sending me into darkness as I fainted from the blood loss and adrenaline dump. I awoke with my arms and legs strapped to the cold metal operating table. Before I could try to struggle, a face overtook my field of vision.
“Quite a fight you put up, you turned poor Dr.Samson into a soup” the looming face said with a chuckle. “You are the first person to put the pieces together and for that I am thoroughly impressed Mr. Hayes”
“Who are you?!” I said fighting at my binds. “Let me go!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mr.Hayes. You have seen far too much, and I definitely can’t have you running around telling the world what you saw here. Although nobody would believe you.” “And to answer your other question, I’m surprised you don’t recognize me… really take a moment and look at me” He said pulling down his face mask.
“Dr.Blackwood?” I said as I looked back on my freshman year biology class.
“Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner!” He said in a maniac joy.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked.
“Well Mr.Hayes, first I’m going to sew you up from your little tussle you had with my late assistant and then I will put you under and cut into that skull of yours and take out a small piece of what we call in the science world your hippocampus. Then I will draw from that all of the necessary memories to create the perfect clone of you.” He responded.
“Why? Why would you need a clone of any of us. Why can’t you just clone someone willing to be apart of this?” I asked
“Because that’s no fun Mr.Hayes, the hunt excites me. Actually you’re lucky I didn’t get you the first night. Unfortunately my creation had a little bit of a malfunction and formed a wee bit of an attachment to you. I’m sure you remember the ruckus outside your window? Anyways I digress, I do this because everyone of you lowly students will go onto do mediocre jobs where you waste away at a desk. I must also add that with having a clone of you under my control, I can do anything and get away with clean hands. My plan with you originally was to have you go into the admissions office and steal every last cent all for me. On top of that I like the power, because one day I will have a clone of every student on this campus and eventually I will cause a revolt against our comedy of a government. Who will stop me, when I won’t even be on the front lines?” Dr.Blackwood explained.
“I will” I said freeing my last hand from the binds.
What he didn’t realize is that with all of this monologue and the questions I had been feeding him, I was slowly loosening my binds with each wiggle and movement in retaliation.
Lurching forward I grab onto his collar, pulling him into a vicious headbutt. The impact sent Dr. Blackwood reeling backward, his grip on consciousness loosening as he staggered. Seizing the moment, I lunged off the table, adrenaline coursing through my veins despite the searing pain in my abdomen. With a swift motion, I grabbed a nearby surgical instrument, holding it in a defensive stance as I faced my adversary. Dr. Blackwood, recovering from the blow, snarled with rage, his once calm demeanor now replaced by a feral intensity. The room seemed to shrink around us, the tension thickening with each passing second. This was my chance to stop Blackwood's twisted plans. As he lunged forward, I met his attack head-on, the clang of metal reverberating through the room. Blow after blow, we fought with an intensity born of desperation and determination. Despite my injuries, I refused to yield, driven by a fire burnt under me to protect myself and others from Blackwood's actions . In a final, swift move, I delivered a powerful front kick, sending Blackwood crashing to the ground. The room fell silent, the echoes of our struggle fading into the darkness. Coughing he sat in the corner laughing with blood spilling down his face. “You know that it’s too late to save any of these one lying on the tables. I would’ve released you, you know that right? I would’ve simply taken your memory from today out of your brain and leaving you in your bed to wake up thinking you had a fun night” he said with final resolve as he watched me grab the scalpel from the ground taking slow steps near him.
Looking down over him, It was my turn to laugh. Kneeling down to eye level with him I grabbed him by his hair and delivered a final message to him “Fuck you and your little science experiment” as I sliced deep into his throat watching the life fade from his eyes.
I eventually found an exit door, which lead me to a storm drain deep in the woods far from my campus. It took me 2 hours to limp my way onto a main road and flag down a passing car. Pulling over I was rushed to the hospital and later interrogated by some men in suits, my guess is CIA. Here I am now, writing my final entrance. I think I heard them say something about trying a new medical process on me to help me heal quicker
submitted by Krayzfrog to LazyMasquerade [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:53 Krayzfrog There’s something off with the people on campus (full story)

I think there’s something off about my campus
Hey everyone, I’m typing this on my phone so I apologize if there is weird formatting. Anyways, to get to the point, there’s something really off with some people on my campus. I have come seeking answers.I noticed it first walking home from my 7pm class last Wednesday.
To set the scene, most of the campus is tucked back into the woods a little, and my 7pm class is in the farthest building from the parking lot (further into the woods). I get out from that 7pm class around 9pm, so on cloudy nights like last Wednesday, the only lights on that long sidewalk are the lights radiating from the other buildings. Usually, there’s roughly 30 feet where it’s pitch black because the foliage is pretty dense. I usually walk back to my apartment with some classmates that live in the same complex as me, but I told them to go ahead of me while I finished the rest of the project.
After packing my laptop away, I started heading back home. It was roughly 9:30 at this point, and my brain was slowly shutting down preparing for the deep sleep that has yet to come.Walking down the sidewalk, I heard somebody not too far into the woods laughing like they’ve just heard the funniest joke ever. I immediately thought, “probably some Freshman walking the trails with their friends smoking weed”. Chuckling to myself, I put in my AirPods and picked a playlist for my journey back home.
When I looked up from my phone, there was the silhouette of somebody walking towards me. I have no idea how I missed them before, but honestly, it’s very possible they were just in a spot where the light wasn’t quite reaching them. A little unnerved, I shifted over to the left side of the sidewalk.
(Now I’m usually fine walking alone at night; I’m a 6’2 man who’s dabbled in the world of MMA. But something about this person gave me a primal feeling of unrest.)
When they shifted over to the left mirroring me, I felt my blood run cold. But alas, I had to keep walking because this was my only way back home. As I neared closer to the figure, I almost laughed at myself when I realized it was just some harmless girl walking towards the Murphy building. If anything, I’m the intimidating one to her.
This is where it really gets weird. She stopped as I was passing her and turned to me. Thinking she needed to ask me something, I took an AirPod out and asked “what’s up?”. After staring at me for an uncomfortable amount of time, she opened her mouth, and I kid you not, mimicked the laugh I heard moments before perfectly. Before I could chalk it up to it just being her in the trails earlier, I noticed something. Her mouth wasn’t moving at all. If I had left my AirPods in, it would just look like she was just opening her mouth and staring at me. She then shifted into a deep raspy laugh. She did all of this without moving her mouth at all; I couldn’t even see her throat moving as you would expect if someone was laughing. It was almost like she was some fucked up human-shaped gramophone. The feeling of absolute horror that came over me is something I’ve only experienced in my imagination. Before I could think to do anything next, My body began to run off some sort of primal instinct. With my legs burning, it took me about 10 minutes to get all the way back to my apartment and lock myself in relative safety.
I’m coming on here now to ask if anybody knows what I experienced? I have been hearing that same laughter outside my window every night since that night, I am too terrified to sleep well and have refused to go to any of my classes. Please I just want answers, I don’t want to keep living in fear.
Part 2:
Hey everyone, I’ve gotten some DMs telling me what it may be. I’ve heard everything from banshee to skinwalker. After further research I pray to god it was neither of them. I’m praying it was just some girl with a speaker playing some sort of cruel joke. I mean yes there are people who don’t like me on campus, I’ve made some enemies over the past 4 years. But, I just don’t understand what could’ve brought it to this point. I had to stop hiding in fear and go to my classes before my grades plummet, I’m almost done with my degree and only have a few more weeks. If I let some sort of stupid prank ruin my career, It would be everything I swore against to my parents.
A lot of you guys in the DMs were also asking what college I go to and what my name is. First I want to say sorry for not providing that information in the first post, I’m sure you can understand where my head was at typing that. So let me introduce myself, my name is Nick and In order to keep my privacy, I will only provide that I go to a midwest university.
I’m sure you may be wondering, “so did it just stop?”. I would love to say yes, but really things have just gotten weirder. Though, I am pleased to say that there is no longer laughing out my window every night.
Ever since that night, I’ve been noticing more things off with the people on campus. Now you may just think it’s paranoia, but just be patient and listen.
Yesterday, I decided to muster up all of my courage and go to class. Luckily my first class is at 10AM, when the sun is well in the sky, so walking across campus seemed much less threatening. When I sat down in my first class, I noticed something off with the girl that sits in front of me. Usually she’s chatty and excited to be in class, but today she just stared blankly ahead. I tried to say good morning and ask about her weekend, as we do every Monday, but she continued to have that blank stare. She did turn her head towards be, but her eyes read “lights on, but nobody is home”.
Thinking to myself, she may just be hungover, or going through the bout of college student depression. I decided to shrug it off and turn to the front of the class and get my notes ready. But the moment I turned around, I could feel it. Her eyes burrowing deep into the back of my head. When I flipped around to see if I was just being irrational, I quickly learned I wasn’t. Her eyes went from the blank glare, to the most enthusiastic face I’ve seen on her. It was horrible, it almost seemed like she was trying so hard to pretend she was thrilled to be in class and to speak to me. It was inhuman.
I’ve been on the internet long enough to catch on to the term “Uncanny valley”, and what I witnessed In my first hour gives me that same gut feeling I got when I saw that girl last Wednesday.
I was right to be uncomfortable though, I texted her after class to make sure she was doing alright. But her response only reignited the flames of deep fear burning in my soul.
I’ll copy and paste the messages here:
Me: Hey Is everything good? You seemed off in class today.
Steph SCI 101: Uh yeah, I’m fine. but I was not in class today, I’m severely hungover from Tanner’s party last night.
Me: Haha, good one.
Steph SCI 101: No I’m so Fr, are you okay?
Steph SCI 101: Are you trying to fuck with me or something?
Me: Nevermind, I’m sorry to bother you.
(End Of Texts)
Okay so I’m sure that this gives you all the same feeling of dread that it gave me but I’m sure scaled down a bit. This is where I have started to doubt that it’s a prank, because me and Stephanie are cool. There’s no level of hate for either of us, and even if it was some joke, we don’t know each other on that type of level.
Not only did this seem to happen in my first class, but in between classes while I was walking across campus as well. I walk past hundreds of faces in my many treks across campus, and I swear to you, at least 1/4th of the people I walked past had that same dead stare look. And the way they walked, god I hate even thinking of it. It was like they were an alien trying out their new body suits for the first time. The steps and the bends of their legs just seem so meticulous, dramaticized, and puppeteered.
I’m going to try to investigate further, because at this point my fear for my life is more of a reason to try and figure out what it is so I can try to stop it.
I’m no hero, and I’m sure as hell nothing special, but If I can know what to expect for another encounter, maybe I can avoid meeting the demise I have imagined.
Part 3
First off I would like to apologize for my 20-day hiatus. For those who were worried that curiosity killed the cat so to speak, I appreciate your concern. On top of my investigation, I have also had to go through finals and work for a boss who didn't believe in life outside of work. So let's start where we left off. I had a feeling that this task was left for me to solve. it may sound stupid, but let me explain why. That night, after my last post, I had a dream that further solidified my need to solve the mystery. I tried to write all that I remembered down the morning after so here is what I wrote. 
April 4th, 2024
I had a strange dream last night, stranger than usual at least. I awoke in the woods, laying face down in the grass with someone looming over me. I heard their footsteps flee rapidly before I flipped over. I found myself just off the trail where the “incident” happened, on the trail laid a girl, bloodied and motionless. When I got up to approach her, she was quickly dragged into the parallel section of the woods. Seeing this I turned and ran into the section of woods I was in. When my legs gave out I found myself near an old supply shed, worn and long abandoned. Searching for cover, I tried the door, which luckily gave after a quick pull. There I found a trapdoor which emanated a blue hue through the cracks. The only thought on my mind, survival brought me to throw it open and climb down. I clattered down the ladder and right before my feet touched the ground, I was pulled backwards by my shirt. That’s where I woke up.
I have always trusted my gut and having a dream that vivid gave me a sense of courage I did not previously have. I know where to start my search now. I have decided my best course of action will be to record my findings on a tape recorder app. After I finish each entry it will be uploaded to a cloud that will ensure if anything happens to me, the story will get out. I am packing my backpack now with a flashlight, glow sticks to mark my trail, and a machete I was gifted by a local in Mexico. All of my recordings will be uploaded below and auto posted after 10 days. Wish me luck everyone, I’m going to need it.
Entry 1: I have started at the only place that makes sense, the trail. It is currently 1:45 PM and I have plenty of sun left in the sky. I just needed to find exactly where to start my journey into the woods. Strangely it was very easy to find. I recall one of the trees having a funky twist near the middle of the trunk. Probably just some two lovebirds trying to carve their name into the tree and realizing there were softer trees to carve into. Anyways hiking further into the woods I believe I can see the shape of the shed through the branches. I wish you guys could see how dense these trees are so you can understand my struggle.
Entry 2: I made it to the shed, but unfortunately the floor in here is concrete. This really sucks for me because I have absolutely no idea where to go from here. It’s identical on the outside but I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m just delusional, which in that case what a waste of time and energy. I’m going to head back home and just start packing for summer. Maybe it’ll be best if I just forget about all of this and leave it behind me. I am graduating after all. Wait hold on what is this?? there’s a button behind one of these shelves. I am going to press it, but idk how it would work because this floor is seamless. I’m just going to leave this recording so if anything does happen I don’t have to worry about holding the phone the whole time. Holy shit, the entire floor is lowering. It’s a fucking elevator.
Entry 3: Okay so I’ve been going down this elevator for like 30 seconds, how far down am I going?.. Oh wait hold on, Im stopped… There’s a metal door with a padlock. Ig since I have the machete there’s only one thing to do, break it. Im going to use the blunt side so I don’t ruin this thing, I like it too much. the lock clatters to the ground after 3 solid hits. Well ig there’s only one way to go now, there’s no button to get back up so I pray there’s another way up. The metal door creaks loudly. Fuck I regret this, It’s dark and I can tell it’s a big area because it’s so echoey in here. I’m currently praising my past self for thinking about the flashlight and glow sticks. I need to find out what in the hell this place is and most importantly, if there’s a damn light switch.
Entry 4: God this place is terrifying I’ve been walking around the sterile white halls of this place for like 10 minutes and have found nothing, no doors, no light switch. I feel like a rat in a maze. Also scratch what I said about being glad I packed glow sticks, because my stupid ass only brought like 20 of these things and I’m already down to 5. Also I feel like I’m not alone, every now and then I’ll turn a corner and the glow from the previous glow stick quickly vanishes. I feel like it might just be because the darkness seems to envelop everything like a blanket. But I have that feeling that I’m being followed. You know the one, where you know somethings wrong you just can’t pin point what it is. Oh shit no way, there’s light, I think there’s a door or something up ahead.
Entry 5: Holy shit… It’s a lab, and worse, there’s people strapped too tables, completely naked and unconscious. I know they are alive because each of them are hooked up with a million different cords, and one of those are plugged into a heart monitor. This place is huge, there has to be at least 50 people on these tables.
“Hey you, you’re not supposed to be in here” yelled a man adorned in a lab coat.
“What are you doing to these kids you sick fucks.” I yelled back at the man across the lab.
In a haste the scientist rushes towards a red button, setting off a loud alarm, turning the lights to a flashing red. With no exit behind me, I could only do one thing... Rush towards him. My training kicked in as I launched into a flurry of calculated strikes. My first hit connected, a right overhand clean under his eye. The doctor stumbled back, but I didn't give him a chance to recover. I pressed the attack, keeping him off balance with a relentless barrage of punches and kicks. He fought back ferociously, but I was one step ahead, anticipating his moves and countering with swift, efficient strikes. We wrestled, the room around us becoming a blur of pain and adrenaline. I used the environment to my advantage, improvising weapons from the scattered medical equipment and turning the empty tables on my opponent. Pinning him to the ground, I laid down a harsh barrage of final blows. His face was a bloody pulp, unrecognizable. But I didn’t walk away unscathed, somewhere in the tussle, the scientist buried a scalpel deep into my stomach. With my adrenaline wearing off, the pain overtook me, sending me into darkness as I fainted from the blood loss and adrenaline dump. I awoke with my arms and legs strapped to the cold metal operating table. Before I could try to struggle, a face overtook my field of vision.
“Quite a fight you put up, you turned poor Dr.Samson into a soup” the looming face said with a chuckle. “You are the first person to put the pieces together and for that I am thoroughly impressed Mr. Hayes”
“Who are you?!” I said fighting at my binds. “Let me go!”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Mr.Hayes. You have seen far too much, and I definitely can’t have you running around telling the world what you saw here. Although nobody would believe you.” “And to answer your other question, I’m surprised you don’t recognize me… really take a moment and look at me” He said pulling down his face mask.
“Dr.Blackwood?” I said as I looked back on my freshman year biology class.
“Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner!” He said in a maniac joy.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked.
“Well Mr.Hayes, first I’m going to sew you up from your little tussle you had with my late assistant and then I will put you under and cut into that skull of yours and take out a small piece of what we call in the science world your hippocampus. Then I will draw from that all of the necessary memories to create the perfect clone of you.” He responded.
“Why? Why would you need a clone of any of us. Why can’t you just clone someone willing to be apart of this?” I asked
“Because that’s no fun Mr.Hayes, the hunt excites me. Actually you’re lucky I didn’t get you the first night. Unfortunately my creation had a little bit of a malfunction and formed a wee bit of an attachment to you. I’m sure you remember the ruckus outside your window? Anyways I digress, I do this because everyone of you lowly students will go onto do mediocre jobs where you waste away at a desk. I must also add that with having a clone of you under my control, I can do anything and get away with clean hands. My plan with you originally was to have you go into the admissions office and steal every last cent all for me. On top of that I like the power, because one day I will have a clone of every student on this campus and eventually I will cause a revolt against our comedy of a government. Who will stop me, when I won’t even be on the front lines?” Dr.Blackwood explained.
“I will” I said freeing my last hand from the binds.
What he didn’t realize is that with all of this monologue and the questions I had been feeding him, I was slowly loosening my binds with each wiggle and movement in retaliation.
Lurching forward I grab onto his collar, pulling him into a vicious headbutt. The impact sent Dr. Blackwood reeling backward, his grip on consciousness loosening as he staggered. Seizing the moment, I lunged off the table, adrenaline coursing through my veins despite the searing pain in my abdomen. With a swift motion, I grabbed a nearby surgical instrument, holding it in a defensive stance as I faced my adversary. Dr. Blackwood, recovering from the blow, snarled with rage, his once calm demeanor now replaced by a feral intensity. The room seemed to shrink around us, the tension thickening with each passing second. This was my chance to stop Blackwood's twisted plans. As he lunged forward, I met his attack head-on, the clang of metal reverberating through the room. Blow after blow, we fought with an intensity born of desperation and determination. Despite my injuries, I refused to yield, driven by a fire burnt under me to protect myself and others from Blackwood's actions . In a final, swift move, I delivered a powerful front kick, sending Blackwood crashing to the ground. The room fell silent, the echoes of our struggle fading into the darkness. Coughing he sat in the corner laughing with blood spilling down his face. “You know that it’s too late to save any of these one lying on the tables. I would’ve released you, you know that right? I would’ve simply taken your memory from today out of your brain and leaving you in your bed to wake up thinking you had a fun night” he said with final resolve as he watched me grab the scalpel from the ground taking slow steps near him.
Looking down over him, It was my turn to laugh. Kneeling down to eye level with him I grabbed him by his hair and delivered a final message to him “Fuck you and your little science experiment” as I sliced deep into his throat watching the life fade from his eyes.
I eventually found an exit door, which lead me to a storm drain deep in the woods far from my campus. It took me 2 hours to limp my way onto a main road and flag down a passing car. Pulling over I was rushed to the hospital and later interrogated by some men in suits, my guess is CIA. Here I am now, writing my final entrance. I think I heard them say something about trying a new medical process on me to help me heal quicker
submitted by Krayzfrog to BeingScaredStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:23 Trick_Teach8250 Non-savvy PC gamer needing upgrade help

Specs are.
Baseboard Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
Baseboard Product: Maximus VII Hero.
Baseboard Version: Rev 1.dx.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 ….
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
Let me know if I need to include any additional specs. No hard budget- not looking to go too high end though. PalWorld and Marvel Rivals just have been crashing here and there. My wife’s prebuilt from two hears ago handle them just fine. We mainly play on PS5 so not looking to break the bank over it. However, we both are going to school for Computer Science and will probably use this PC for personal projects, so if you think I need higher end processing power, please let me know! I built this computer in 2014. Thank you for looking over it!
submitted by Trick_Teach8250 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 SnooPeanuts4336 WEEKLY EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF 15MAY-22MAY (OMG, WE HAVE A TREAT!!!)

Manhattan Project B Reactor Tours The B Reactor National Historic Landmark, Richland Daily, 8:30a-12:30p Free
My Rad Art Lab After School Program Art Your Way, Pasco 4p $29/class, $99/mo (4 classes)
Columbia Basin College Annual Juried Student Art Show CBC, Pasco Thru June 6 7:30a-5p
SageFen Maker Fest II Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center, Pasco May 17-19 10-4p
The Sound of Music Vibe Music and Performing Arts Center May 17-18 Times vary
Auditions for Equivocation By Bill Cain The Richland Players, Richland May 19-20 6-9p
Poker Richland Community Center May 16-17 1p

Wednesday May 15

Whimsy Apothecary Candle Class Goose Ridge Estates, Richland 5:30-7:30p $65/non-mem
Fresh Pasta Class Layered Cake Artistry, Kennewick 5-7p $85
Cooking Classes - Summer Grilling Series-Grilled Mahi Mahi w/Peach Mango, Cilantro Lime Jasmine Rice, and Grilled Asparagus Red Mountain Kitchen, Kitchen 6-8:30p $Unk
Puzzle club Andventures Underground, Richland 11a
Games and Comedy
Bingo at Summer's Hub, Kennewick 5-7p
Game Night Live at Two Bits and a Bite, Richland 7-9p
Open Mic Night Tumbleweeds West, West Richland 5-8p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 1:30-5:30p $8-46
Isolation Big Band with Carmichael Middle School Jazz Band The Emerald of Siam, Richland 6p
Jazz Jams at The Emerald The Emerald of Siam, Richland 6p-8p

Thursday May 16

Beginning Brush Lettering Workshop Philocaly Lingerie Boutique, Kennewick 7-9p $Unk
Paint your own Planter! Chills Froyo and Custard, Kennewick 6-8p
Back-To-School Immunization Clinic by BFHD Kennewick Health District Mothership 2-6p
Hat Burning Workshop + Fundraiser for Alzheimer's Research Chandler Reach Estate, Benton City $85pp
Albariño Master Class Barnard Griffin, Richland 6:30-8:30p $35 non-mem
They Want Our Rhythm, but Not Our Blues: African American Innovation through Pop Culture Lecture Museum at Keewaydin 7p-8p Free
LIGO Science & Art Showcase LIGO Hanford Observatory, Richland 5-8p Free
Thursday Afternoon Book Club Richland Public Library 1:30-2:30p
Grandma Niesie's Storytime Adventures Underground, Richland 11a-12p
Games and Comedy
Geeks Who Drink The Emerald of Siam 7p
Tri-Trivia Night Summers Hub, Kennewick 6p
Solar Spirits Trivia and Taco Truck Solar Spirits Distillery & Tasting Room, Richland 6-8p
Game Night Live Round Table Pizza, Kennewick 5-7p
Mah-Jongg Richland Community Center 1-3:30p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30-10p $8-46

Friday May 17

Intro Into Gelli Printing Bristle Art Gallery, Kennewick 1p $45
Events and Games
CBC Health Sciences Information Sessions Health Sciences Center, Richland 8a-2p
3rd Friday Dance Richland Community Center 1-3:45p $10pp
Solar Spirits Trivia and Taco Truck Solar Spirits Distillery & Tasting Room 6-8p
Trivia! with Heat Entertainment Tumbleweeds West, West Richland 7-10p
Third Fridays Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village, Kennewick 4-8p Free
Card Show Night Edition at Summer's HUB of Kennewick Summers Hub, Kennewick 4-9p Free
Vinyasa Flow With Susie Red Jasper Studops 4:30-5:30p $20
Twist Clothing Company 15th Anniversary Fashion Show and Fundraiser Twist Clothing Co, Kennewick 5-8p $20
Wine and Mushroom Tasting with Chesed Farms Barnard Griffin Winery, Richland 6:30p $75non-mem
Book Club Richland Community Center 1-3p
Potluck Dinner Richland Community Center 4:30-6p
Music and Comedy
Gabriel Knutzen Goose Ridge Winery 5-7p
Jack Rothwell Tumbleweeds West, Richland 7-10p
Key Lewis Comedy Show Jokers Comedy Club, Richland 7:30-9p $12
Fallout The Branding Iron, Kennewick 9p-1:30a $5
Baduku and Bahuru Columbia Gardens Night Market, Kennewick 5-7p
Lost Ox Emerald of Siam, Richland 9p $10 cover
Stephanie Steele Pop/Jazz Trio Emerald of Siam, Richland 5-8p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30-10p $8-46
Outdoor Fitness Class- ALL AGES WELCOME Southridge Sports & Events Complex, Kennewick 9:45-10-45a $7pp

Saturday May 18

Petting Zoo/Hobby Farm Jostens Petting Zoo 10a $8
Puppies & Posies by Pronto Puppy Rescue Mac's Garden Center, Pasco 12-4p
Pasco Farmers Market Downtown Pasco, Lewis St 9-1p
Spring Market Vino Yasa Hedges Estate, Benton City 10a-12p
25th Anniversary Barrel Room Dinner Goose Ridge Estates, Richland 6-9p $200/nonmem
Farmer's Market Tour and Cooking Demo Ciao Trattoria, Pasco 9:45a-12:30p
FCSC/4-H Joint AM -PM Schooling Show Franklin County Saddle Club, Pasco Starts at 8a
Connie Hampton Connally, Conversation and Book Signing Barnes & Noble, Kennewick 12p
2024 Gentleman's Ride Richland 4-5p
Pokemon May League Challenge Casters, Richland 11a registration
Metaphysical Market Uptown Shopping Center, Richland 10a-4p
Paint your Partner Night Honeycomb Studio, Kennewick 6-8p $50pair
Paint your Pet Art YOUR Way, Pasco 6-8p $70
Paint & Craft night Anything Grows, Richland 5:30-8:30p
Special Topics In Pelvic Health - Gender Affirming Care, Hypermobility, and Nocturia Therapy Solutions, Richland 9a-4p
Mosaic Dragonfly Workshop Allied Arts Association: Gallery at the Park 1-3:30p $80pp
Dysfunctional Society / Pazzi Pazzi The Emerald of Siam, Richland 9p
Guitar Gathering Blackthorne Neighbourhood Pub, Kennewick 1-3p
Mia Lenay Summers Hub, Kennewick 5:30-7:30p
Karaoke Night Wine Social, Richland 8-11p
Mid-Columbia Symphony Concert "Young Artists & Joyful Voices", Mid-Columbia Mastersingers KHS AUditorium, Kennewick 7:30-9:30p $15-70
Key Lewis Comedy Show Jokers Comedy Club, Richland 7:30-9p $12
Jeff Davis at The Underground Taphouse The Underground Taphouse, Pasco 8-10p
Fallout The Branding Iron, Kennewick 9p-1:30a $5
Live Music with Keith Scott Rattlesnake Mountain Brewing Company, Richland 7-10p
Elaine Eagle The Emerald of Siam, Richland 5-8p
Tri-Cities Dust Devils vs Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30-10p $8-46
Midget Mayhem Wrestling & Brawling LIVE Pasco Eagles 5-7p and 8-10p $Unk, but can you really put a price on a show as this?
2nd Annual St. Joseph's Legacy Golf Tournament Canyon Lakes Golf Course, Kennewick 11a check-in, 1p gun start $160/pp $600 team/4
Plyometrics, Agility, & Speed Training- ALL ATHLETES WELCOME Southridge Sports & Events Complex, Kennewick 10:45-11:45a $7p
UKI Gamble fun match Fetch Sam, Pasco 1p
Lifted Ecstatic Dance - Flower Child Edition with Jennifer Lifted Lotus Yoga 2-3:30p $5 donation
PFLAGS Walk and Roll 3k Chiawana Park, Pasco 10a-1p
Better Together Spring 2024 5K Celebration Howard Amon Park, RIchland 8a

Sunday 19

Spring Fling Charcuterie Workshop Elk Haven Winery, Pasco 1-3p $Unk
Nutrition 101 Class Natural Grocers, Kennewick Sundays, 1p FREE
Chef's Wine Pairing Dinner Monterosso's Italian Restauraunt, Richland 5:30p $86pp
Goat Yoga with Bumper and Bliss The Studio Bespoke, Richland 1p $30pp
Yu-Gi-Oh! Casual Play Caterpillar Cafe, Richland 12-4p
Adopt a Pet Day! Summer's Hub, Kennewick 11a-3p
Spring Blooms Floral Workshop Muret-Gaston Wine Bar, Kennewick 3-6p $65
Tumbleweed Pet Vaccine and Microchip Event Horse Heaven Hills Pet Urgent Care, Kennewick 8a-2p
Canvas Blowout Sale! Crepe Haus + El Compadre Restaurant, Kennewick 1-5p
Pokemon Pre-Release Twilight Masquerade Adventures Underground, Richland 11:30a-2:30p $35pp
Tri-City Dust Devils vs. Hillsboro Hops Gesa Stadium, Pasco 6:30p-10p $8-$45
JJ Ofrancia Howard Amon Park, Richland 1-4p
Dustin Stecker celebration show with The Van Dels and Ghost Motor, and Mad Ruby Ray's Golden Lion, Richland 5p $10pp

Monday 20

LGBTQIA+ Craft Social Richland Public Library 6:30-8:30p Free
Moving Mondays with Jo Miller Summer's Hub, Kennewick 5:30p7:30p
Beers & Bikes Night Summers Hub 5-8p
Geeks Who Drink Trivia Night Moonshot Brewing, Kennewick 6:30-9p
Open Mic Night The Emerald of Siam, Richland 7p-12a Free

Tuesday 21

Beers and Bike N' Bikes Summers Hub Tuesdays 5-8p
Bingo Night at Wine Social 6:30-8:30p
Trivia Night Parkade Bar & Grill 7-10p
Game Night Live Trivia Iconic Brewing, Richland 6-8p
Music-Live Solo Guitar Music! Peter Janson Emerald of Siam, Richland 6-8p and
submitted by SnooPeanuts4336 to TriCitiesWA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:11 imdreamingthis seeking science speakers/professional’s!

Good evening Eugene! I work for a local watershed council, and am on the lookout for passionate professionals who work primarily in environmental science or related fields (Ex:natural resources/wildlife management) that are interested in sharing a presentation/project for an ongoing outreach event. We host Science on Tap events every month from 5-7 PM. Speakers display their presentation via projector while the talk itself is from 6-7 PM. Looking to expand the range of topics, in the past we’ve hosted events with all types of topics from “Freshwater and Invasive Mussels” to “Nature-scaping your yard” and everything in between. If you have a presentation or topic in mind that aligns with this, that you’d be interested in presenting, I’d love to get in contact! Feel free to comment or DM, and I look forward to connecting! 🌎🌲
submitted by imdreamingthis to Eugene [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:05 StickyBass No job, Masters degree is expensive, where to from here?

Hi all, this is a rant / looking for some advice.
I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney in bachelor of science / advanced studies w. hons. (major in chem and neuroscience). I got a Distinction average and 1st class honours. For the past 18 months (more seriously in the past ~6 months), I have been getting into coding, building projects and what not in Python.
I have been job hunting for the past 4 months, as I have just received straight up rejection after rejection, I haven't even talked to a real person, I only received nothing back or automatic rejection emails. As I have begun to realise I am just not competitive enough in this job market at the moment. github here if anyone is interested enough
I have been looking to begin a Masters in CompSci / IT at university. I applied to UTS, USYD and UNSW (I am based in Sydney and these are probably the 3 most noteworthy Syd postgraduate masters courses here). I received offers from all 3 but for domestic full paying places (around $40,000 a year), and not Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) (About $10,000 a year). CSP places for these institutions are offered to domestic students and allocated based on academic merit. I really thought I'd be eligible to get one but apparently not. I am not sure I would choose to study a masters for this price (then again maybe that might be my best way forward now).
So right now I am a bit disheartened and looking for the best way forward. Ultimately my goal is to get a job coding as a software developer, preference in backend. Right now I see my options as such:
Love to hear any advice...
TLTR: Finished undergraduate degree in an unrelated degree 18 months ago. Have been self teaching and haven't been able to get a job. Masters degree is expensive and I haven't been given commonwealth support. Where do I go from here?
submitted by StickyBass to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]