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2024.05.15 10:22 Clean_Revolution843 Meth addicted spouse and Paranoid

My spouse is currently 42 Days sober out of rehab, and I am so proud! So many positive changes, and I can see his heart, its an amazing feeling. Unfortunately I was under the misguided impression that when he became sober, he would be completely out of the “psychosis” and realize that what he had been accusing me of, was just bizarre and not true. Yet here we sit, trying to show each other love, yet I know in the back of his mind, he legitimately believes he caught me in MULTIPLE porn video’s(which he sent to me while I was working), sleeping with his family members, male and female, ages ranging from high school, up to 50’s…strangers, all the neighbors…you name it, he accused me of it. Even when these women look nothing like me and they are covering their eyes. So i guess my question isn’t why he feels this way, because I’ve read about all i could read about drug induced psychosis…but more a question as to maybe how long, or is this idea going to stay planted forever? He refuses to watch the video’s he sent me before going to rehab. I had kept them as my “proof” per se that they weren’t me, but he believes he will just be triggered by watching them because he is afraid he will still “see me” in them, even though I have never done such a thing in my life, and 110% those women are not me. In my mind I’m thinking, what better solution to the problem, than to watch the videos with sober eyes and realize they aren’t me, wouldn’t that be a damn relief, for the both of us? Obviously not a relief if his brain could truly cause him to picture my face on other peoples bodies, but of course I’m not thinking of that, when I know that no way in hell these people are me, just like I cant possibly understand where he is coming from, he cannot see perspective from my side either, when this is quite literally reality versus drug induced psychosis… Has anyone experienced this situation? I cannot help but to feel offended by these accusations, and the strong desire to prove my innocence. What I cannot seem to get on board with, is the idea that he needs to just be able to deal with “my cheating” “accept it” and be able to “move on”…because that is offensive to my sensibilities. I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS ACTualLY BETRAYED…so those resentments and feelings of a need for forgivingness belong to me, how can I watch someone try to “get over, and be okay with” something I never did…that cannot be the best solution to the problem, because for the rest of our lives, can he then claim to be triggered by the fact that I had cheated on him, even if only in his head, and I must feel some sort of pity for him, and treat the situation delicately like I have anything to be sorry for, and feel empathy for him? Selfishly I am speaking now, but those feelings of betrayal belong to me, I am the one who is destroyed inside, lacking confidence, feeling like I wasn’t enough, but does the success of his recovery process mean that I must make myself small once again and allow him to believe that he is working on forgiveness for my actions? That is such a damn hard pill to swallow…although, I would do it, I just want there to be another answer. He cheated on me multiple times over multiple years, so I’m aware that he may be projecting his own insecurities onto me because of his guilt, and I need to be sensitive to the fact that what happened in his head was very real to him…but how do I maneuver around the ideas put into his head when he was experiencing psychosis, now that his brain is healing and he is sober? I hoped that there would just be a “TADAAA” moment when he was sober, that he would finally see what I had been seeing this whole time, but is that too much to hope for? I have stayed by his side, and tried to be his strongest supporter, I have tried to take on all child and financial responsibilities, and I am emotionally wore out…yet I must be met with questions about WHERE the money to do the supporting is coming from…because it couldn’t possibly be the job that I’ve maintained…while being alone to take care of the child a majority of his life, and making sure I drove all the way across the state whenever I was allowed to visit at rehab. I cannot help but to feel anger when I am struggling so much and fighting for what I know my reality is, yet trying to be supportive for him, barely getting sleep, and continuing to go to work…and then be accused of getting money from anywhere but the job that my bank account and paystubs can verify. I love him more than he will ever know, but my anger that he would accuse me of such things, is starting to be replaced by sadness. I do not necessarily want to feel sorry for him, because I know this is not fair to me, but how can I not have empathy for the person I love so much, that actually feels somewhat broken hearted, even if not because of my true actions…? To look into the eyes of someone you love, and know that this isn’t just a game, that they are feeling true pain, based on facts that have become so real to them in their head…it breaks my heart, even though I have no guilt to carry, as I have never been unfaithful. I wanted to be mad for the longest time, but it hurts different when you know that scenes, and photos, and voices were actually playing over in their heads, and they actually feel they were betrayed…how do we prepare ourselves for situations like this? He was absolutely awful to me when he was high, accused me of every disgusting act, with strangers, his family, anyone. I was called every name in the book, but I just tried to research what this drug was doing to him, I felt knowledge could help me to separate my feelings from myself so I could just try to understand what was going on, and because deaf and numb to how he was making me feel. I already know that I struggle with depression, insecurity, and an unhealthy need to belong and be desired by my partner, so I had to go to extreme lengths to prove I cared, and a lot of those lengths compromised me, and they were at my expense, because I am not okay, but I focus on him and his recovery so that I don’t have to deal with those feelings for now. I felt I owed it to our 4 year old son, to try and help his father, and I also selfishly believed that I deserved a good man, after all the ****, it was my turn to be happy, and I had chosen his…God had chosen him to lead my family, so i wasn’t going to give up on him. How do I now not feel like I have to spend every moment feeling I have to try and prove something that never happened? I know what infidelity did to me, to my very core, I am not okay, a large part due to the fact that I still could never imagine flirting with another man, let alone having sex with them, it makes me sick, that’s how ridiculously faithful I am in my heart, and mind…that my body would never do what he was able to do to me. I have to try and tell myself, although I know it isn’t true, he doesn’t, and what if he is feeling the same way in his gut, that I feel because of actions he actually took? Is this a life sentence? How long does reality take to set back in, or are the memories that occurred during psychosis permanent?? Is this a problem that now sits as a dark shadow over our relationship, that he must “deal with”…or is there hope that a day comes where that paranoia and delusional thinking gets exposed, and clear thinking can prove to himself that what he thought was true, never was? I want an epiphany…not just acceptance from him, I want him to know absolutely that I didn’t deserve his behaviors and that I have always been true and stood right there, I need a miracle… I cannot picture a happy future with someone who feels they must forgive me for something that I didn’t do, that specific something being my largest daily struggle, trying not to think of that her, that woman who came like a tornado through me, she destroyed any sort of positive thinking I had started accumulating towards myself, anything good I felt I had to offer, and sense of confidence I may have built in myself when I fell in love with him, gone… the moment I realized that I wasn’t enough, over ,and over, and over again…the thought of that infidelity tears my stomach up when I have to think about it, so if some storyline is playing in his head, and he feels betrayed… if we are both that hurt, how does our story end, if sobriety doesn’t mean clear eyes on the same situation?
submitted by Clean_Revolution843 to AddictionAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 digitalvanshagr Your Website – A Digital Shopfront: develop your website as a shop

Your Website – A Digital Shopfront: develop your website as a shop

Think of our website as an online shopfront for our business. Just like a physical store, our website needs a location and a display.
What Visitors See: The Inside of our Website
Now, let’s talk about what visitors see on our website, similar to the layout and displays in a physical store:
Benefits of a Digital Shopfront
Compared to a physical store, a website offers several advantages:
submitted by digitalvanshagr to u/digitalvanshagr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 Clean_Revolution843 Meth Addict paranoid

My spouse is currently 42 Days sober out of rehab, and I am so proud! So many positive changes, and I can see his heart, its an amazing feeling. Unfortunately I was under the misguided impression that when he became sober, he would be completely out of the “psychosis” and realize that what he had been accusing me of, was just bizarre and not true. Yet here we sit, trying to show each other love, yet I know in the back of his mind, he legitimately believes he caught me in MULTIPLE porn video’s(which he sent to me while I was working), sleeping with his family members, male and female, ages ranging from high school, up to 50’s…strangers, all the neighbors…you name it, he accused me of it. Even when these women look nothing like me and they are covering their eyes. So i guess my question isn’t why he feels this way, because I’ve read about all i could read about drug induced psychosis…but more a question as to maybe how long, or is this idea going to stay planted forever? He refuses to watch the video’s he sent me before going to rehab. I had kept them as my “proof” per se that they weren’t me, but he believes he will just be triggered by watching them because he is afraid he will still “see me” in them, even though I have never done such a thing in my life, and 110% those women are not me. In my mind I’m thinking, what better solution to the problem, than to watch the videos with sober eyes and realize they aren’t me, wouldn’t that be a damn relief, for the both of us? Obviously not a relief if his brain could truly cause him to picture my face on other peoples bodies, but of course I’m not thinking of that, when I know that no way in hell these people are me, just like I cant possibly understand where he is coming from, he cannot see perspective from my side either, when this is quite literally reality versus drug induced psychosis… Has anyone experienced this situation? I cannot help but to feel offended by these accusations, and the strong desire to prove my innocence. What I cannot seem to get on board with, is the idea that he needs to just be able to deal with “my cheating” “accept it” and be able to “move on”…because that is offensive to my sensibilities. I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS ACTualLY BETRAYED…so those resentments and feelings of a need for forgivingness belong to me, how can I watch someone try to “get over, and be okay with” something I never did…that cannot be the best solution to the problem, because for the rest of our lives, can he then claim to be triggered by the fact that I had cheated on him, even if only in his head, and I must feel some sort of pity for him, and treat the situation delicately like I have anything to be sorry for, and feel empathy for him? Selfishly I am speaking now, but those feelings of betrayal belong to me, I am the one who is destroyed inside, lacking confidence, feeling like I wasn’t enough, but does the success of his recovery process mean that I must make myself small once again and allow him to believe that he is working on forgiveness for my actions? That is such a damn hard pill to swallow…although, I would do it, I just want there to be another answer. He cheated on me multiple times over multiple years, so I’m aware that he may be projecting his own insecurities onto me because of his guilt, and I need to be sensitive to the fact that what happened in his head was very real to him…but how do I maneuver around the ideas put into his head when he was experiencing psychosis, now that his brain is healing and he is sober? I hoped that there would just be a “TADAAA” moment when he was sober, that he would finally see what I had been seeing this whole time, but is that too much to hope for? I have stayed by his side, and tried to be his strongest supporter, I have tried to take on all child and financial responsibilities, and I am emotionally wore out…yet I must be met with questions about WHERE the money to do the supporting is coming from…because it couldn’t possibly be the job that I’ve maintained…while being alone to take care of the child a majority of his life, and making sure I drove all the way across the state whenever I was allowed to visit at rehab. I cannot help but to feel anger when I am struggling so much and fighting for what I know my reality is, yet trying to be supportive for him, barely getting sleep, and continuing to go to work…and then be accused of getting money from anywhere but the job that my bank account and paystubs can verify. I love him more than he will ever know, but my anger that he would accuse me of such things, is starting to be replaced by sadness. I do not necessarily want to feel sorry for him, because I know this is not fair to me, but how can I not have empathy for the person I love so much, that actually feels somewhat broken hearted, even if not because of my true actions…? To look into the eyes of someone you love, and know that this isn’t just a game, that they are feeling true pain, based on facts that have become so real to them in their head…it breaks my heart, even though I have no guilt to carry, as I have never been unfaithful. I wanted to be mad for the longest time, but it hurts different when you know that scenes, and photos, and voices were actually playing over in their heads, and they actually feel they were betrayed…how do we prepare ourselves for situations like this? He was absolutely awful to me when he was high, accused me of every disgusting act, with strangers, his family, anyone. I was called every name in the book, but I just tried to research what this drug was doing to him, I felt knowledge could help me to separate my feelings from myself so I could just try to understand what was going on, and because deaf and numb to how he was making me feel. I already know that I struggle with depression, insecurity, and an unhealthy need to belong and be desired by my partner, so I had to go to extreme lengths to prove I cared, and a lot of those lengths compromised me, and they were at my expense, because I am not okay, but I focus on him and his recovery so that I don’t have to deal with those feelings for now. I felt I owed it to our 4 year old son, to try and help his father, and I also selfishly believed that I deserved a good man, after all the ****, it was my turn to be happy, and I had chosen his…God had chosen him to lead my family, so i wasn’t going to give up on him. How do I now not feel like I have to spend every moment feeling I have to try and prove something that never happened? I know what infidelity did to me, to my very core, I am not okay, a large part due to the fact that I still could never imagine flirting with another man, let alone having sex with them, it makes me sick, that’s how ridiculously faithful I am in my heart, and mind…that my body would never do what he was able to do to me. I have to try and tell myself, although I know it isn’t true, he doesn’t, and what if he is feeling the same way in his gut, that I feel because of actions he actually took? Is this a life sentence? How long does reality take to set back in, or are the memories that occurred during psychosis permanent?? Is this a problem that now sits as a dark shadow over our relationship, that he must “deal with”…or is there hope that a day comes where that paranoia and delusional thinking gets exposed, and clear thinking can prove to himself that what he thought was true, never was? I want an epiphany…not just acceptance from him, I want him to know absolutely that I didn’t deserve his behaviors and that I have always been true and stood right there, I need a miracle… I cannot picture a happy future with someone who feels they must forgive me for something that I didn’t do, that specific something being my largest daily struggle, trying not to think of that her, that woman who came like a tornado through me, she destroyed any sort of positive thinking I had started accumulating towards myself, anything good I felt I had to offer, and sense of confidence I may have built in myself when I fell in love with him, gone… the moment I realized that I wasn’t enough, over ,and over, and over again…the thought of that infidelity tears my stomach up when I have to think about it, so if some storyline is playing in his head, and he feels betrayed… if we are both that hurt, how does our story end, if sobriety doesn’t mean clear eyes on the same situation?
submitted by Clean_Revolution843 to AddictionCounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:19 Alexios7333 A Quick Few Points on the Kit Drama. ( Tired of Strawmanning by people who haven't been on this sub for a long time or have Bad Memories.)

A Quick Few Points on the Kit Drama. ( Tired of Strawmanning by people who haven't been on this sub for a long time or have Bad Memories.)
I am pretty annoyed by the people coming around saying people just don't like HTB or that her Kit is completely fine. I want to set the record straight.
  1. Nobody was saying Firefly is bad for having HTB be the Meta Unit. Go back to before the release of her New Kit. Everyone was saying HTB, Ruan Mei and Gallagher are BiS. Everyone was happy with that. The reason was because that was implicit with the Idea that while this was BiS you can still play subpar, good, or even plain mid teams with Firefly that are still viable.
  2. Firefly is Firefly, she is portrayed in lore as a badass. Her skills literally paint the idea of being one and yet she hits like a total wet noodle when alone. Jingliu is a good baseline comparison because with only 4 stars she still hits like a truck and she is innately easy to build a perfect baseline for what a DPS should be. Sure Bronya or Sparkle take her to the next level but she is still good without them. Other units can make her a passable character even if her bis team is many multiples better than those makeshift teams.
Jingliu has always been amazing because she is consistent and easy to build. Firefly should be worse than her against non weakness broken enemies and better than her against Weakness broken enemies with or without HTB. We should see bigger numbers on weakness broken enemies compared to Jingliu and we should see smaller numbers on non weakness broken, pretty straightforward.
If Jingliu is doing 300k Firefly should be doing 150 - 200k on non weakness broken enemies and 400k on weakness broken enemies by herself/with Ruan Mei Buffs(I am operating under ideal teams for both). Then HTB super breaks to change those numbers to 800k to make up for the fact that in this team comp Firefly is not getting extra turns unlike Jingliu who is getting them.
Obviously you should also then have critfly that does turn manipulation that should be somewhat better than Jingliu levels because of the higher investment. What i mean by that is that she does not have Jingliu's innate crit bonuses which makes her very consistent, easy to build and her self harm is not as likely to lead to random death compared to Firefly. Jingliu has inbuilt crit which is why she is so good but it is also why her Ceiling is lower than DHIL, Acheron and Ideally firefly. Though depending on Jiaoqiu that may change in all honesty.
  1. Toughness bars can be locked. That is just a problem. Personally I think the idea of multiple break bars is a far better idea and I wish that was what they did instead from the beginning(it would have made break viable or even desirable before now but I digress). Maybe for like a erudition superbreak character it can be reasonable to lock 95% of their damage behind break but Firefly... She has been built up too much for this in all honesty.
Nobody hates Firefly having an objective best team (that said with toughness you could argue ideally for in my perfect world Critfly for certain bosses like Argenti.) Nobody Hates that HTB is BiS or Ruan Mei. The problem is that without HTB she just can't perform. It is honestly somewhat cute in it's own way. Girl is getting stage fright and is having performance issues. No wonder she was stuttering in that actor competition.
Firefly before buff. See that lack of confidence. Heartbreakingly...
Adorable, if this were a JRPG that wouldn't be a problem. However, this isn't a JRPG where you can bind two characters at the hip for cute story reasons. This is a gacha game built around team-building and so while inevitably there will always be a BiS team (it can't be avoided.) There should be a bare expectation that a character can perform even if it is mid or just great compared to other team compositions.
This is preaching to the choir but for those occasional posters that think otherwise this is for you. You are misreading why people are mad and a lot of you probably came in post drip market so you don't remember the long threads that were very pleased with HTB being bis. We just never expected it was not just BiS but required for any usability. No matter how good her performance hypothetically is with them it is just not desirable to have a character that is entirely neutered without entirely unrealistic stats or a specific character.
HTB x Firefly being META is amazing. Racoon x Firefly 10/10. Firefly being wet noodle without Racoon very not good. She just needs a base level of damage separate from the Racoon and ideally separate to actually achieving break so she isn't hitting for like 40k when toughness is not broken.
So I hope Hoyoverse buffs Firefly so that she can stand proud. No doubt she is nervous, she's never showed anyone her firefly form before after all. Getting on the stage can be hard but she can do it.
Firefly post buff, see the confident expression. She is ready to set seas ablaze.
So yeah, I hope Firefly gets buffed. I hope she power creeps Acheron, DHIL, Jingliu and the Aeon of Destruction. She should just implant all weaknesses so she has maximum team competent and do superbreak AND have a Dot. She had one as a boss didn't she?
Who needs Balance!? Who needs carefully considered gameplay?! I'm here for the story! Let the seas burn! Let the trash fall from their cans and be scattered about in a haphazard manner. May Rubert II unleash the anti life code and purge this world of all the naysayers who do declare Firefly should be balanced. To anyone whom disagrees.
submitted by Alexios7333 to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:17 PottedPlantOG Exposing game config for modability

Hi, do you have experience with exposing gameplay configuration to users for configurability/modability? I would like to design for this early-on, to have it closely integrated and available, and to make it possible for users to customize the game both by changing the vanilla experience and extending it with mods.
One concern is that, obviously, this should be simple for the player to access and use, and should be standardized for the game and mods alike. My first thought was that some sort of text file format should be used - like .ini files.
Lets say, for example, the game would have a dedicated directory where these config files would be stored:
//config/player.ini //config/world.ini //config/spawnrates.ini
The way the game would load these files is by simply organizing a bunch of dictionaries so that, eg. /world/size/width could be accessed by the both the base game and mods. This specific value could be in file //config/world.ini as:
[size] width = 2000 height = 1000 
This can be read as game_config.get_value("world/size/width") where game_config can be obtained as GameConfigService.find_config(""), and GameConfigService is a publicly available singleton.
I thought this approach would make it possible to easily override previously loaded configs in an easy manner as well. I have implemented this and personally like working with it, now I'm looking for feedback, criticism, alternatives and experience from others.
For clarity, I have implemented a way for mods to override configs of any other mod (including the base game), if they want to, by re-stating any of the previously stated values in the .ini files. If a mod loaded after the base game redefines world/size/width with explicit overriding game_name config, then this value would be written to the /world/size/width value path. Additionally, the game can write custom-type objects into the config system during runtime.
Does this make sense? What approach did you have for your game(s)? How did it work out?
Note: I DO explicitly want players to have access to configs as I have described. I see this as a feature of the game and hope for it to be useful for modders.
submitted by PottedPlantOG to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:08 DentistWonderful7307 AITA for leaving my Birth Father on read after not contacting me for 3 years, repeating the same cycle for 20 years?

Hello Reddit. First post so I hope I makes myself seem concise.
Some background: I am a 20yr Male, living with my BF. I won't disclose the age of my BF since we have an age gap and its not important to the story.
My youngest sister is having a Quince, And was finally able to have the chance to go back home to see them as a surprise. Me and my boyfriend have been kicked around by the world this last year and a half. Me being unemployed since I left home, no luck finding anything, and my BF getting laid off unfairly, and without warning. We've been scrapping by on unemployment and our towns food bank, since we live in the middle of Amish country in PA. Our landlord has been really generous even though we pay month to month. And now that my bf has finally found a job opportunity, i can go home and see my family (even though i hate travel with a passion)
The situation: With my travel date rolling around, my constant stress with failed job searches, and feeling like I'm letting my BF down, I'm constantly stressed, never notice until it starts affecting my body/mentality. It doesn't help that this year I've lost 2 family members already. If you know Hispanics, we are super close to almost all our family. And care about them deeply.
I received a call from my mom 2 days ago saying that my Grampa James, my birth Father's step dad, had died that day. I'm still having a delayed response, where soon enough it will go from insomnia, to depression, to headaches and self blame. I love being a people pleaser (noooot).
Tonight I received a text randomly on my WhatsApp, which I ignore because I'm catching up on Boruto and Yu-gi-oh Vrains (yes I'm a nerd :3). After looking at my phone, I see a text, and the name sent a pit into my chest. Lets call my bio dad Georgie. It was a voice message from Georgie, saying that Grandpa passed, and that he would appreciate if I sent a VM or call. Doesn't seem bad, until you take into account he's not contacted me in 3 years! And in the years before his contact with me was also rare. Didn't call me for my Graduation, my move, no holidays, nothing. Yet he thinks he did everything right. And most people believe him, because he's an expert at lying/manipulation. Looking at the text filled me with so much anger and rage. But one thing i developed thanks to my mom and my dad was emotional patience, So I decided to call the one person that has more personal experience with him, my mom. She told me that if i wanted to talk to him it was up to me. I personally hate ignoring people even if they deserve it, because I'm kind to a fault. My dad overheard me on the phone and told me I would just leave him on read so he knows how it feels. So that's what I've resorted on doing. After him trying to pin the blame on my mom for our failed relationship, i want nothing to do with that man. But I want to see what others think, even if i refuse to back out on my decision.
Sooo Reddit, AITA for leaving my Birth Father on read for Neglecting me for 3 years?
submitted by DentistWonderful7307 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:07 Mountain-Door1991 Needed Help to Parse input from mediarecorder api in python

HI i am trying to stream audio from mediarecorder api to python backend for testing VAD it works with my audio device directly, but not the audio from mediarecoreder any help is appreciated? i tried many functions to decode them none of them worked i am attacking a sample here
from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket, Request from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse import pyaudio import threading import webrtcvad from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.playback import play from io import BytesIO from openai import OpenAI import requests import pygame import os import webrtcvad import collections FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 16000 # Compatible sample rate for WebRTC VAD FRAME_DURATION_MS = 30 # Frame duration in ms (choose 10, 20, or 30 ms) CHUNK = int(RATE * FRAME_DURATION_MS / 1000) # Calculate frame size VAD_BUFFER_DURATION_MS = 2000 # Buffer duration for silence before stopping vad = webrtcvad.Vad(1) # Moderate aggressiveness speech_client = speech.SpeechClient() app = FastAPI() # Mount static files app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static") # Initialize templates templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates") @app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) async def root(request: Request): return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request}) class Frame(object): """Represents a "frame" of audio data.""" def __init__(self, bytes, timestamp, duration): self.bytes = bytes self.timestamp = timestamp self.duration = duration def frame_generator(frame_duration_ms, audio, sample_rate): """Generates audio frames from PCM audio data. Takes the desired frame duration in milliseconds, the PCM data, and the sample rate. Yields Frames of the requested duration. """ n = int(sample_rate * (frame_duration_ms / 1000.0) * 2) offset = 0 timestamp = 0.0 duration = (float(n) / sample_rate) / 2.0 while offset + n < len(audio): yield Frame(audio[offset:offset + n], timestamp, duration) timestamp += duration offset += n import wave import os from pathlib import Path AUDIO_CHANNELS_PER_FRAME = 1 # Mono AUDIO_BITS_PER_CHANNEL = 16 # 16 bits per sample AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE = 16000 def get_and_create_playable_file_from_pcm_data(file_path): wav_file_name = file_path+ ".wav" docs_dir = "./" wav_file_path = docs_dir + wav_file_name print(f"PCM file path: {file_path}") num_channels = AUDIO_CHANNELS_PER_FRAME bits_per_sample = AUDIO_BITS_PER_CHANNEL sampling_rate = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE frame_duration = 10 num_samples = sampling_rate * frame_duration # with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: # num_samples = len(f.read()) byte_rate = num_channels * bits_per_sample * sampling_rate // 8 block_align = num_channels * bits_per_sample // 8 data_size = num_channels * num_samples * bits_per_sample // 8 chunk_size = 16 total_size = 46 + data_size audio_format = 1 with wave.open(str("filenames"), 'wb') as fout: fout.setnchannels(num_channels) fout.setsampwidth(bits_per_sample // 8) fout.setframerate(sampling_rate) fout.setnframes(num_samples) # Write the PCM data with open("filenames.wav", 'rb') as pcmfile: pcm_data = pcmfile.read() fout.writeframes(pcm_data) # return wav_file_path.as_uri() from pydub import AudioSegment def process_audio(file_path): # Load the audio file audio = AudioSegment.from_file(file_path) # Print original duration original_duration = len(audio) print(f"Original duration: {original_duration} milliseconds") # Set duration to 10 seconds ten_seconds = 10 * 1000 # PyDub works in milliseconds if original_duration > ten_seconds: audio = audio[:ten_seconds] # Truncate to 10 seconds elif original_duration < ten_seconds: silence_duration = ten_seconds - original_duration silence = AudioSegment.silent(duration=silence_duration) audio += silence # Append silence to make it 10 seconds # Save the modified audio modified_file_path = "filenamesprocess.wav" audio.export(modified_file_path, format="wav") # Print the duration of the modified audio modified_audio = AudioSegment.from_file(modified_file_path) print(f"Modified duration: {len(modified_audio)} milliseconds") return modified_file_path def check_audio_properties(audio_path): # Load the audio file audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_path) # Check number of channels (1 for mono) is_mono = audio.channels == 1 # Check sample width (2 bytes for 16-bit) is_16_bit = audio.sample_width == 2 # Check sample rate valid_sample_rates = [8000, 16000, 32000, 48000] is_valid_sample_rate = audio.frame_rate in valid_sample_rates # Calculate frame duration and check if it's 10, 20, or 30 ms frame_durations_ms = [10, 20, 30] frame_duration_samples = [int(audio.frame_rate * duration_ms / 1000) for duration_ms in frame_durations_ms] is_valid_frame_duration = audio.frame_count() in frame_duration_samples # Results return { "is_mono": is_mono, "is_16_bit": is_16_bit, "is_valid_sample_rate": is_valid_sample_rate, "is_valid_frame_duration": is_valid_frame_duration, "frame_duration_samples":frame_duration_samples, "bit":audio.sample_width, "channels":audio.channels } import math from pydub import AudioSegment import math def split_audio_into_frames(audio_path, frame_duration_ms=30): # Load the audio file audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_path) # Calculate the number of frames needed number_of_frames = math.ceil(len(audio) / frame_duration_ms) # Split the audio into frames of 30 ms frames = [] for i in range(number_of_frames): start_ms = i * frame_duration_ms end_ms = start_ms + frame_duration_ms frame = audio[start_ms:end_ms] frames.append(frame) frame.export(f"frame_{i}.wav", format="wav") # Export each frame as WAV file return frames from pydub import AudioSegment import io def preprocess_audio(webm_audio): # Convert WebM to WAV audio = AudioSegment.from_file(io.BytesIO(webm_audio),) audio = audio.set_frame_rate(16000).set_channels(1).set_sample_width(2) # Convert to 16-bit mono 16000 Hz return audio.raw_data import subprocess @app.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept() buffered_data = bytearray() # try: while True: with open("filenames", "wb") as out: # get_and_create_playable_file_from_pcm_data("filenames") # process_audio("filenames.wav") data = await websocket.receive_bytes() with open("temp.webm", "wb") as f: f.write(buffered_data) webm_audio = AudioSegment.from_file("temp.webm", format="webm") output_file_path = 'recording.mp3' webm_audio.export(output_file_path, format="mp3") if len(buffered_data) > 24000: # You define a sensible threshold with open("temp.webm", "wb") as f: f.write(buffered_data) subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", "temp.webm", "-acodec", "pcm_s16le", "-ar", "16000", "temp.wav"], check=True) buffered_data.clear() print("incomming") audio = AudioSegment.from_file("temp.wav") check_audio_properties("temp.wav") # aud = preprocess_audio(data) try: if vad.is_speech(audio.raw_data, RATE): is_speech = True silence_frames = 0 # recorded_segments.append(data) # Append data to list else: if is_speech: # Change from speech to silence is_speech = False silence_frames += 1 # Check if we've hit the silence threshold to end capture if silence_frames * FRAME_DURATION_MS / 1000.0 >= VAD_BUFFER_DURATION_MS / 1000.0: print("Silence detected, stop recording.") break except Exception as e: print("VAD processing error:", e) continue # Skip this frame or handle error differently 
let socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/ws"); let mediaRecorder; async function startRecording() { const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); const options = { mimeType: 'audio/webm;codecs=opus' }; console.log(MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported('audio/webm;codecs=opus')); // returns true or false mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream,options); mediaRecorder.start(5000); // Continuously sends data every 250ms mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = async (event) => { console.log(event); if (event.data.size > 0 && socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { socket.send(event.data); } }; } function stopRecording() { if (mediaRecorder && mediaRecorder.state !== 'inactive') { mediaRecorder.stop(); console.log("Recording stopped."); } } socket.onmessage = function(event) { console.log('Received:', event.data); if (event.data === "stop") { stopRecording(); } }; // Make sure to handle WebSocket closures gracefully socket.onclose = function(event) { console.log('WebSocket closed:', event); stopRecording(); }; socket.onerror = function(error) { console.log('WebSocket error:', error); stopRecording(); }; 
submitted by Mountain-Door1991 to WebRTC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:59 cmjones0704 Please Help- my friend won't move out of my parents' house, what do I do?

Buckle up because this might be long. My (21F) friend (22F) named G and I have been best friends since freshman year and lived together starting sophomore year, along with our other friends R (21F) and L (21F). We are the all the same age, but G graduated a year earlier than the rest of us. I will try to summarize as best I can (I can give more specifics in the comments) but in the middle of sophomore year G accessed a repressed memory of inappropriate behavior from a family member. This caused her to essentially experience a mental break that manifested in increased outbursts and a slew of destructive decisions, which ultimately resulted in a Bipolar 1 diagnosis.
Throughout junior year the unstable behavior only worsened and it began to affect our relationships. It got to the point that over winter break she decided to move out of our apartment, saying that she was becoming resentful and frustrated with us because she was graduating and at a different stage of life than we were and therefore had decided to remove herself from the situation to salvage our friendships. After moving out, she continued to essentially "live" in our room by lingering around without explicitly meeting up with one of us roomates or leaving her things around the apartment, which made it difficult for us to define the new version of our relationship and set boundaries. We did our best to support her and be understanding through her harsher nature and lack of consideration for others, but R was not as able to see the situation from another perspective. She tended to take G's harsh comments to heart and resentment built throughout the spring semester until the relationship was irreparable, which led to 2 fights between the 4 of us with G blowing up at us.
After G graduated she moved out of state for a job. We hoped that this would naturally settle tensions, but ultimately their relationship wasn't salvageable and it led to the end of L and I's relationship with R as well because we "chose G over her". While G was out of state she spiraled further: she became manic, experienced psychosis, tried to self-admit to the mental hospital, and was fired from her job. After getting fired, she decided to move back to our home state, but because of her extremely strained relationship with her family she asked if she could briefly move into my family's home while I was living at school as a transition while she figured out her next move. This is where the problem arises.
The original plan was that she would stay for around a month or two but she back on her feet by Thanksgiving, however, she is still living there now in May with no plans of leaving anytime soon. No one, including her, realized just how bad her mental state was. As it turns out, most of her personality and habits were defense mechanisms and trauma responses from her childhood, and now that she has lost the ability to "mask" and adapt, it's like she is relearning how to be an aware and active member of society.
She is very easily overstimulated and any slight problem can throw her completely off, sometimes for days at a time. For example, we planned a small trip to visit a friend an hour away for G's birthday. G planned out her outfits with me the night before and then went to the guest room where she has been staying to pack. The next morning when it was right before the time we had decided to leave, I checked on her and asked if she wanted to go load the car, to which she snapped at me, yelled, and proceeded to essentially throw a short tantrum complete with jumping and door slamming. According to my parents this is not an uncommon occurrence- they have heard her throwing things across her room and often experience her outbursts, sometimes becoming the target of them. This has all had a negative effect on our relationship. It has improved over the months, but I have been consistently extremely uncomfortable with her and wanting to distance myself. Firstly, I just don't desire to be around someone who behaves that way. It is constantly like walking on eggshells and it feels like I'm always "on" and working to manage someone else's unpredictable emotions.
Secondly, I have been having a LOT of feelings about her living at my house. This has subsided a lot since the fall, but when she first moved in it was meant to be temporary, and therefore, she stayed in my bedroom. This came to a head when I came home for break to find my room essentially trashed with no effort from her to clean up for me. My room was not in the greatest state when I left it, but I came home to things like the blankets strewn about my bed, her dirty socks buried in my blankets and by my pillows, and half eaten chocolate left on the floor. After this she moved fully to the guest room, which has helped, but she has since started talking about wanting to decorate "her room", which is making me upset because it's not her room to decorate: that would imply that she is a permanent resident rather than a guest.
Thirdly, her behavior towards my family has been frankly unacceptable. Her outbursts have been directed towards both my parents and my special needs sister. None of us are particularly confrontational so it has never been explicitly brought up, but I am extremely offended that she would accept the kindness of my family to house and feed her and to still treat them with such disrespect. She also does not make an effort to be a good houseguest in other regards: only does she not do anything to help with the chores of the household, but she actively adds to the mess (doesn't do her dishes, leaves her packages on the kitchen table, etc). I know that much of this is due to her degraded mental state, but it truly feels like she is a leech. I hate feeling this way.
I believe that she is completely unaware of how any of this comes off to others based on conversations she's had with both me, L, and my mom. She continues to hold grudges and negative feelings about things from months/years ago towards L & I. For example, when she used to live with us, L and I would frequently find food to be missing that we had bought, sometimes containers completely eaten and left empty on the shelf. When we expressed frustration that G would take food without asking and then wait to be caught rather than asking beforehand or notifying us after, she told us that she essentially felt entitled to our food because we could afford to buy food and she couldn't. This is a consistent theme where L and I would have been more than willing to help out if she had asked, but we were upset under a matter of principle because it's still our stuff! I am definitely not completely blameless, but I wouldn't say that I have done nearly as much to harm our relationship. G has an inability to see any other perspective than her own, and she has yet to understand that she is not the only one who has felt hurt in our friendship.
My parents have been at a loss for how to handle the situation. They don't want to throw her out to the wolves (none of her other family is an option), but at the same time, it is almost a year since she moved in, which is 10x longer than they were anticipating. Additionally, her therapist has been telling her that she is not ready to move out on her own and is not ready to work a "big girl job", so she has been working at Starbucks since around October and is likely not financially stable enough to live on her own. There is the potential of finding roomates to live with (she has tried a couple but they have all fallen through), but another issue is I'm not sure if she has been saving her money. She frequently makes purchases on amazon, gets take out food (after my parents buy groceries specifically for her), got a $200 tattoo, and discussed buying $250 concert tickets at the table with my family.
My mom has been especially unsure of how to approach her in a way that won't "set her off", so she recently asked G if she could contact her therapist to ask some questions about how to discuss the future of the living situation, but it is unclear how that will play out (a conversation with the 3 of them, my mom communicating with the therapist, etc).
What do I do in this situation? I do have love for her, but truthfully, it's been diminishing throughout this situation and I want her out of my space as soon as possible. Maybe it's selfish, but I can't fully relax when I'm at home when she's there and I feel guilty for introducing my family to this predicament. I would be a bad friend if I threw her out, but just because she has it worse does that negate my feelings? I feel bad because her family situation is very toxic and she is clearly unpacking her childhood and grieving her lack of parental support, but it feels like it is manifesting in jealousy with my situation and resulting in her feeling entitled to my family, home, and life. It truly feels like she is taking advantage of my family but I also know she really doesn't have another option. At what point does it stop being "their problem"? Please Help! AITA?
submitted by cmjones0704 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:58 strawhatluffy5569 So I stupidly gave a girl i didn’t know well my number off a dating app and…

For starters, she was verified on the app and she was super odd but seemed interesting so I figured why not (dumb I know) and I go to wind down for the night before bed and I just started getting random calls from outta state numbers, like 2 or 3 seperate numbers, calling me repeatedly, trying to FaceTime, texting me, one even left a voicemail claiming that I had something about to be repossess and to call him back and he used my real name. He sounded like a dude my age (20s) trying to hold back laughter. So like what happened? Like am I compromised or is it just dumb mfs who think there funny trying to troll? Cause they were sending me stupid memes too over text. Any thoughts? Kinda worried now but they have stopped for the night.
submitted by strawhatluffy5569 to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:54 Global_Tech0 Mastering Captcha Solving: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Captcha Solving: A Comprehensive Guide


Captcha solving is a ubiquitous task on the internet, often serving as a barrier between users and their desired online activities. Whether you're signing up for a new account, completing a purchase, or accessing certain content, it's likely that you've encountered a captcha at some point. While these security measures are essential for preventing automated bots from accessing websites, they can also be frustrating for users. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the various types of captchas, common challenges associated with solving them, and strategies for mastering captcha solving.
Understanding Captchas:
Before diving into the intricacies of captcha solving, it's essential to understand what captchas are and why they're used. Captchas, which stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, are designed to distinguish between human users and automated bots. They typically present users with a challenge, such as identifying distorted text, selecting specific images, or solving puzzles, that only a human can complete successfully.
Types of Captchas:
There are several types of captchas, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Some of the most common types include:
Image Recognition Captchas: Users are required to identify objects, animals, or elements within images.
Text-Based Captchas: Users must decipher distorted or scrambled text characters to prove their humanity.
Checkbox Captchas: Users simply need to check a box to confirm that they are not a bot.
ReCaptcha: Developed by Google, reCaptcha presents users with various challenges, including image recognition and text classification.
Strategies for Solving Captchas:
While captchas can be challenging, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your success rate:
Use Captcha Solver Tools: Leveraging captcha solver tools like browser extensions or third-party services can automate the captcha-solving process and save you time.
Optimize OCR Technology: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is commonly used to interpret and decipher text-based captchas. Optimizing OCR settings and algorithms can enhance accuracy and efficiency.
Practice Regularly: Like any skill, captcha solving requires practice. Engage with different types of captchas regularly to improve your speed and accuracy.
Stay Informed: Captchas are constantly evolving to stay ahead of automated bots. Stay informed about the latest captcha trends and techniques to adapt your solving strategies accordingly.
Mastering captcha solving is a valuable skill that can enhance your online experience and productivity. By understanding the different types of captchas, employing effective solving strategies, and staying informed about advancements in captcha technology, you can navigate the web with confidence and efficiency. With the comprehensive guide provided here, you'll be well-equipped to tackle any captcha that comes your way.
Spending a lot of money and time dealing with CAPTCHAs until I discovered CaptchaAI. It saved me both time and money. With CaptchaAI, I only pay 00.01 for every 1000 captchas, which is a deal I couldn't find anywhere else. What's more, CaptchaAI offers a 7-day free trial and unlimited solutions for all types of captchas, including normal ones like image Captcha solving and complex ones like reCaptcha solving service. CaptchaAI uses AI-powered OCR technology to efficiently solve these challenges, taking just 1 second for normal types and 10-30 seconds for complex ones, with an impressive accuracy rate of 99.9%.
submitted by Global_Tech0 to u/Global_Tech0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:52 Remarkable-Link9654 Am I wrong to check my GFS phone and realized I wasn't wrong about her talking to other people?

My gf and I had a fight on middle March and our relationship has on the edge. She wasn't sure anymore about what she wanted and the possibility of breaking of was more later than ever. After a lot of talking we decided to stay together and do our best to keep the relationship a float but somehow I had a feeling that something wasn't right. One day after parting and drinking with our friends she felt sleep on my bed. This happens a lot and when it happens I just put a blanket on her, etc, and put her phone on the night table. I have my GFS password code but I never use her phone. This time I was too curious and just wanted to get rid of this weird feeling do I decided to check it myself. Turns out I was right, my gf was talking to a guy and more than the fact of small sexual references the idea of her being being so nice to him and friendly while our relationship crumble truly made me sad. It was ever worst after I realized that the messages were there even deals before our great fight. After that I took photos of the conversations with my phone and leave her phone on the nightstand as I usually do.
I know checking your partners phone is wrong and I won't do something like that ever again, but now I need to know what to do about it because I can't tell her I saw her phone but I also can't pretend that I'm not disappointed on her and or that I dont know about her conversations.
PS: I forgot to say the guy she was talking to was an ex(or at least had the same name with no family name) and the worst thing is he was the one that stopped replying to her(she texted him again THREE TIMES AFTER) I'm so embarrassed of her lol.
submitted by Remarkable-Link9654 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:46 creeprincee SOLUTION for Google Nest Protect can't connect to xfinity 2.5G wifi

Hey! I have been through it for the last couple of weeks trying to figure this out like many others. I reached out to xfinity tech support multiple times on all ends and was always given incorrect information. They couldn't seem to understand that the bands need to be on their own individual isolated channels, not supported up thru 2.4-6 G. On their end, they're not seeing that the bands are not individual like we see it in our Xfinity app. I think some of the confusion is that on the consumer side we don't know that band steering is being used, and we would like to have control over our own functionality rather than xfinity automating everything so we cannot change our settings. Or the devices should just be compatible. There is *no longer* a separate "NETWORK NAME - 2.4G / NETWORK NAME - 5G" different login setting. It's all the same network name and password you setup. Anyway, most of the advice I have seen in all the forums asking the same question was also not helpful to solve the issue. But! I figured out how to fix this finally and everything is up and running. I also had trouble during my initial gateway setup after starting service where the app was not working at all and the connection setup always failed. It was ultimately because the error notification kept saying "must use WPA3 password." I told the customer service specialist multiple times but they were going to send someone out because it wasn't working. The problem was that the security mode for the password type was not set correctly in the settings. I had to select WPA3 Personal Only, then I could proceed to change my password and continue with the setup to finally allow me to login and connect to the internet service/network and not just the router. If you're having issues during setup with your new service where your gateway modem is working and connected but you can't connect to the internet -- go into your app settings and make sure that the security mode you selected for login to your network is the one your device requires you to use (WPA2 or WPA3). I think this is because my devices are newer 2019+ apple and require the newer protocols. I'm going to try to make a video to explain it at some point to show. The problem with the smart devices that require the 2.4G band is a similar issue. (The problem isn't unique to Google Nest devices. It can be any 2.4G WPA2 device, like a Dyson smart device, a Ring door cam, Smart TV, etc). There are a few different steps you have to take:

  1. go to your xfinity app and do the following: wifi > wifi details > edit wifi settings > security mode: WPA3 - Personal Transition (NOT PERSONAL ONLY). This is necessary because the older smart devices that require the 2.4G IPv6 protocol will also require a WPA2 security protocol and cannot "see" or find WPA3 networks. When you select transition mode you allow the network and device to automatically communicate with one another based on which one they use, either WPA2 or WPA3. If it is set to WPA3 Only, then the WPA2 devices will not connect, and if set to WPA2 only, the WPA3 devices will not connect. Note that there is a toggle function that says "split bands" -- THIS DOES NOT WORK. It will automatically undo itself no matter how many times you toggle it on and select save. Don't worry about it.
  2. login to a web browser and type in (from your home network. not remotely)
  3. under username and password type: username:admin / password: password. This is universal at first. Next you will change your password to whatever you want it to be. The username will always remain "admin." Note: the login is NOT your xfinity login info or your network login info.
  4. Select: connection > wifi . You will now see a page with the individual bands: 2.4G, 5G, and 6G. Select "edit" next to the 5G band and toggle "disable" > save settings. Do the same to disable the 6G band.
  5. Next go to: connection > status. You will notice that your 2.4 G band is now the only one "active" and the other two are disabled. You will also see that your security mode was changed to "WPA3 Personal transition" mode. You will notice an indicator count for what devices are connected to what band.
  6. Select the "firewall" dropdown from the lefthand menu. Select "IPv4" and change this security setting to "minimum security low." Save settings. Now select "IPv6" and change this setting to "custom." Make sure that no additional "Block _" boxes are checked. Save settings.

Now you should be able to find your network on your device and connect the device to wifi to finish your setup process! For me, I had to reset the Google Nest Smoke Detector following the reset settings. I also uninstalled the Google Nest app. I turned my phone off and back on. I reinstalled the Nest app. I did not have to uninstall and reinstall the Dyson app. My iPhone and Macbook automatically still joined the network no problem because the login info is the same due to the band steering. I just got a notification on my Macbook saying that the WPA3 protocol was changed and said ok. For my Dyson hot and cool air filter I was able to pair the device and the network finally showed up. I followed the settings in the app and now that the network knows the "MAC address of the device" it is stored in the network's memory and they can find and communicate with each other now. Same with the Google Nest. If it doesn't work right away just try another time and it should work.

Important: the reason they automatically merge the bands and steer them is because the 2.4G is more unstable. This is true. You might notice that the connectivity will drop out occasionally for the devices which could explain why it might take another try to finish your setup. Don't worry about it. It will reconnect on it's own.

Now that your smart devices are connected and setup is finished, and your network knows their MAC addresses, you can revert all the changes you made to your network settings to go back to full functionality (2.4G-6 and increase your firewall security standards back up to your desired level. You just follow the reverse order of what you just did. Keep the 2.4G as is of course, but select: "5G > edit" and toggle enable on. Do the same for 6G. Now all your bands are turned back on and you have full access again. Go back to "firewall" and change the IPV4 and IPV6 settings. You will see on the top menu bar in the right that your security is back to "medium."

Go back to "connection > status." You will notice that all your bands are now active. You can see the device count for how many devices are connected and to which band they are connected. This may drop in and out so don't worry if you don't see the correct total. Sometimes the nest will drop out but it will reconnect itself on it's own in a few minutes. You can verify this on your phone by: Going to the Nest app and seeing that your "Protect" or whatever device you setup is good. You can go to the Dyson app and see that it is connected and get your status updates. You can also go to the xfinity app and see what devices are connected to your network as you usually would. Again, this might drop in and out with the Google nest. But! all your settings are restored and all your devices are now fully functioning and connected to your network :) You also might get notifications from xfinity on your iPhone once the devices are finally successfully paired to your network. Cool!

Important note: you can also use the admin tool to manually add a device's MAC address if, for some reason, you still can't get things to work. I thankfully didn't have to do this because I figured out the solution, but it was going to be my next attempt. Thankfully, the Dyson has the MAC address for the device printed on the inside of the device. However, Google Nest unfortunately does not do this and you have to already be connected in to the app to view the system info. However, you could do a workaround for that by taking your device someplace else and using their wifi (as long as it is 2.4 WPA2 IPV6) to connect and setup the device in the app in order to find the MAC address for the device in the settings in the Nest app. Then you can take the device back home to your network, reset, and try to manually add the MAC address now that you found it (hopefully you took a screenshot or something :) ) Thankfully I didn't have to do this either, but it also would have been my next attempt.

Also, make sure you keep your password settings that you changed in your xfinity app to WPA3 Transition Mode. It'll stay that way for both 2.4G and 5G. This is important because the devices still need to be able to communicate and can only use WPA2. Also if in the future you have this problem again with another product, like perhaps an older Smart TV, you will already have the WPA2 functionality enabled.

I hope this was helpful! It's 3am but I'm so glad I eventually figured it out on my own!
submitted by creeprincee to Nest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:46 jamariiiiiiii why does he want to get married so quickly?

i've been involved with this guy since Feb of this year and the relationship has mainly been through texting as we live quite a bit away. we have only met up in person once and that date went alright besides some red flags i'll get into. also, he also proposes us seeing each other, but then something always comes up.
we're honestly kind of looking for the same thing, a committed and exclusive relationship, but it seems like this guy is rushing things way too fast. he's already talking about us getting married; but i have noticed some red flags.
some of the red flags i've noticed:
-when we first met, i was just getting off of work at 3am. he called me drunk a few hours prior asking if he should come up and see me. i felt pressured so i said yes. i get off at 3am, get home around 5am, and had to buy a laptop later that day, so i felt like he completely took over my day and chances to get some rest.
-he lies. here are some things he's lied about:
-my phone announces to my contacts when i'm in "Do Not Disturb"; he texted and asked me why i always keep my phone in DND. am i not allowed to have my privacy and free time?
-weird stares: when we first saw each other, he did this really weird stare. i know it's perfectly normal to take glimpses of your partner in adoration, but he was giving me this cold dead stare when i was facing away from him. i have mild anxiety and noticed the stare and nervously asked him about it. he said something to the effect of, "oh i'm not allowed to look at you?" left me speechless
-he offered to buy us some tea. we get to the counter to pay and for some reason he does not have any working payment cards and only $100 bills on him, so i had to cover. he offered to get me back, but i'm still waiting. this one was pretty egregious.
-i texted his ex asking what i should look out for. the ex basically said that he prays and hopes that he changed, but if not, to get the fuck away ASAP. i asked him to tell me more info, but he flat out refuses to saying that he does not want any part in this.
-last but not least, we have only been talking since February and have only met in person (completely on his terms) once and he wants to get married:
i was telling him that i was planning on going back into the US Air Force or maybe shoot for the Space Force. he is really insistent on getting married before i ship out; which i don't know when that will be, but hopefully soon. again, i brought it up with him and he said that he, "wants a ring on his finger" before i ship out.
the thing is, what would the point of getting married be? once i ship out, i will be in basic training in Texas (we live in the Northeast) for 7.5 weeks. then after that, i'll have to go to technical school for my career field that will probably be a few more months in a place that's thousands of miles away.
the soonest i could be back where we live would probably be 5/6 months and it would only be for 12 days for the recruiters assistance program (if i do get that approved), after that i'm on to my first duty station and i have no idea where that will be.
so i'm curious. this person is looking to be a walking red flag, has no problems lying to me, creepy, controlling, etc. and he still wants to marry me when i've made it abundantly clear that i'm going to be away for quite a while. i asked him why he still wants to do this and he said something like, "I'm loyal, you'll have someone waiting for you when you get back".
does anyone have any idea why he still wants to get married? i really, really, REALLY, need help making sense of it all.
thank you so much.
submitted by jamariiiiiiii to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:44 creeprincee SOLUTION for smart devices can't connect to xfinity (2.4G band) Google Nest, Dyson, Ring, SmartTV, Printers, etc.

Hey! I have been through it for the last couple of weeks trying to figure this out like many others. I reached out to xfinity tech support multiple times on all ends and was always given incorrect information. They couldn't seem to understand that the bands need to be on their own individual isolated channels, not supported up thru 2.4-6 G. On their end, they're not seeing that the bands are not individual like we see it in our Xfinity app. I think some of the confusion is that on the consumer side we don't know that band steering is being used, and we would like to have control over our own functionality rather than xfinity automating everything so we cannot change our settings. Or the devices should just be compatible. There is *no longer* a separate "NETWORK NAME - 2.4G / NETWORK NAME - 5G" different login setting. It's all the same network name and password you setup. Anyway, most of the advice I have seen in all the forums asking the same question was also not helpful to solve the issue. But! I figured out how to fix this finally and everything is up and running. I also had trouble during my initial gateway setup after starting service where the app was not working at all and the connection setup always failed. It was ultimately because the error notification kept saying "must use WPA3 password." I told the customer service specialist multiple times but they were going to send someone out because it wasn't working. The problem was that the security mode for the password type was not set correctly in the settings. I had to select WPA3 Personal Only, then I could proceed to change my password and continue with the setup to finally allow me to login and connect to the internet service/network and not just the router. If you're having issues during setup with your new service where your gateway modem is working and connected but you can't connect to the internet -- go into your app settings and make sure that the security mode you selected for login to your network is the one your device requires you to use (WPA2 or WPA3). I think this is because my devices are newer 2019+ apple and require the newer protocols. I'm going to try to make a video to explain it at some point to show. The problem with the smart devices that require the 2.4G band is a similar issue. (The problem isn't unique to Google Nest devices. It can be any 2.4G WPA2 device, like a Dyson smart device, a Ring door cam, Smart TV, etc). There are a few different steps you have to take:

  1. go to your xfinity app and do the following: wifi > wifi details > edit wifi settings > security mode: WPA3 - Personal Transition (NOT PERSONAL ONLY). This is necessary because the older smart devices that require the 2.4G IPv6 protocol will also require a WPA2 security protocol and cannot "see" or find WPA3 networks. When you select transition mode you allow the network and device to automatically communicate with one another based on which one they use, either WPA2 or WPA3. If it is set to WPA3 Only, then the WPA2 devices will not connect, and if set to WPA2 only, the WPA3 devices will not connect. Note that there is a toggle function that says "split bands" -- THIS DOES NOT WORK. It will automatically undo itself no matter how many times you toggle it on and select save. Don't worry about it.
  2. login to a web browser and type in (from your home network. not remotely)
  3. under username and password type: username:admin / password: password. This is universal at first. Next you will change your password to whatever you want it to be. The username will always remain "admin." Note: the login is NOT your xfinity login info or your network login info.
  4. Select: connection > wifi . You will now see a page with the individual bands: 2.4G, 5G, and 6G. Select "edit" next to the 5G band and toggle "disable" > save settings. Do the same to disable the 6G band.
  5. Next go to: connection > status. You will notice that your 2.4 G band is now the only one "active" and the other two are disabled. You will also see that your security mode was changed to "WPA3 Personal transition" mode. You will notice an indicator count for what devices are connected to what band.
  6. Select the "firewall" dropdown from the lefthand menu. Select "IPv4" and change this security setting to "minimum security low." Save settings. Now select "IPv6" and change this setting to "custom." Make sure that no additional "Block _" boxes are checked. Save settings.

Now you should be able to find your network on your device and connect the device to wifi to finish your setup process! For me, I had to reset the Google Nest Smoke Detector following the reset settings. I also uninstalled the Google Nest app. I turned my phone off and back on. I reinstalled the Nest app. I did not have to uninstall and reinstall the Dyson app. My iPhone and Macbook automatically still joined the network no problem because the login info is the same due to the band steering. I just got a notification on my Macbook saying that the WPA3 protocol was changed and said ok. For my Dyson hot and cool air filter I was able to pair the device and the network finally showed up. I followed the settings in the app and now that the network knows the "MAC address of the device" it is stored in the network's memory and they can find and communicate with each other now. Same with the Google Nest. If it doesn't work right away just try another time and it should work.

Important: the reason they automatically merge the bands and steer them is because the 2.4G is more unstable. This is true. You might notice that the connectivity will drop out occasionally for the devices which could explain why it might take another try to finish your setup. Don't worry about it. It will reconnect on it's own.

Now that your smart devices are connected and setup is finished, and your network knows their MAC addresses, you can revert all the changes you made to your network settings to go back to full functionality (2.4G-6 and increase your firewall security standards back up to your desired level. You just follow the reverse order of what you just did. Keep the 2.4G as is of course, but select: "5G > edit" and toggle enable on. Do the same for 6G. Now all your bands are turned back on and you have full access again. Go back to "firewall" and change the IPV4 and IPV6 settings. You will see on the top menu bar in the right that your security is back to "medium."

Go back to "connection > status." You will notice that all your bands are now active. You can see the device count for how many devices are connected and to which band they are connected. This may drop in and out so don't worry if you don't see the correct total. Sometimes the nest will drop out but it will reconnect itself on it's own in a few minutes. You can verify this on your phone by: Going to the Nest app and seeing that your "Protect" or whatever device you setup is good. You can go to the Dyson app and see that it is connected and get your status updates. You can also go to the xfinity app and see what devices are connected to your network as you usually would. Again, this might drop in and out with the Google nest. But! all your settings are restored and all your devices are now fully functioning and connected to your network :) You also might get notifications from xfinity on your iPhone once the devices are finally successfully paired to your network. Cool!

Important note: you can also use the admin tool to manually add a device's MAC address if, for some reason, you still can't get things to work. I thankfully didn't have to do this because I figured out the solution, but it was going to be my next attempt. Thankfully, the Dyson has the MAC address for the device printed on the inside of the device. However, Google Nest unfortunately does not do this and you have to already be connected in to the app to view the system info. However, you could do a workaround for that by taking your device someplace else and using their wifi (as long as it is 2.4 WPA2 IPV6) to connect and setup the device in the app in order to find the MAC address for the device in the settings in the Nest app. Then you can take the device back home to your network, reset, and try to manually add the MAC address now that you found it (hopefully you took a screenshot or something :) ) Thankfully I didn't have to do this either, but it also would have been my next attempt.

Also, make sure you keep your password settings that you changed in your xfinity app to WPA3 Transition Mode. It'll stay that way for both 2.4G and 5G. This is important because the devices still need to be able to communicate and can only use WPA2. Also if in the future you have this problem again with another product, like perhaps an older Smart TV, you will already have the WPA2 functionality enabled.

I hope this was helpful! It's 3am but I'm so glad I eventually figured it out on my own!
submitted by creeprincee to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:44 ThrowRA____________q ‘F/24’ and husband ‘M/27’ have been married 5 months. My husband doesn’t like my body, how do I live with this? I want to make it work

I got an arranged marriage. How that worked was my mom connected with a friend of a friend and things between her son and I were arranged. We spoke and texted on the phone for a month, and I flew out to meet him a couple of times before saying yes to getting engaged. It was important to me that my husband found me attractive so it was something I asked and he said yes at the time. We decided to get married at the end of the year which left a little time for me to lose weight for my wedding as all women want to. I was a bit extreme and even had to take muscle relaxants due to pain and spasms in my jaw caused by stress. Anyways we got married and I know I wasn’t skinny but good and I felt beautiful, and I thought my husband did too, he saw me and knew who he was marrying me. A couple days into our marriage during intimacy we were figuring things out and he made a comment that “ we should lose weight” because the bed sunk. In hindsight not a big deal but it was so shocking so I just asked him and he told me, “yeah you’re a bit fat. I guess this thing can be dismissed in my mind. I cried a lot over this in front of him. But after that for months he would tell me to go to the gym and be active under the guise that it wasn’t about how I looked but to be healthy. Obviously we all know what he was saying. I guess that can also be dismissed. But what felt unacceptable was me telling him to stop saying these things to me and him not stopping. After years of extreme dieting and the stress of final year I’ve gained weight back due to binge eating and he picked on me a lot more this trip that I went to visit him ( we are long distance just till I finish my semester) and even used to comment on how I was walking, even though he’s much taller than me so naturally has covers more ground than me but just said it’s me being unfit. True or not I felt it was inhumane to pick on someone for just walking. Honestly it hurt so much but he didn’t understand why it was a big deal. I guess what really just broke my heart was what was said in the heat of this pain and the arguments we had. I kept asking him why would he marry me if he felt I wasn’t ideal. He told me he thought I’d lose the weight. I guess it broke my heart because the one thing I had always wanted was a husband who loved me immensely and to whom I was desirable. His comments made me feel so ashamed of myself as a woman. He still stands on the fact that it isn’t a big deal, but when you’ve been body shamed by your mother your whole life and have a long history of disordered eating it’s hard. Honestly I feel that he does love me. I’m not saying this to sound in denial. But his actions do show this. Also we are new to each other. He’s a good man, apart from these comments he’s kind, a provider, he hasn’t raised his voice or got upset at me. I want this marriage to work. If my foot falls off the bed I’ve woken to him holding it while he’s asleep himself. He cooks for me and cleans the apartment. He honours me and takes me to meet his friends. Talks to my family, my mother out of love and respect. He calls me everyday and the periods we fought he wouldn’t let me leave if I were still in pain.He calls me beautiful every day. But I don’t know how to pick up the pieces of my heart and move forward knowing my husband wished I were different.
submitted by ThrowRA____________q to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:43 Vegetable_Piccolo605 Auto Updating Month Name and Year field depending on the Closing Date on CRM Module

I have created 3 field using Studio.
Closing Date : a date field in the format (dd/mm/yyyy) with field name as (x_studio_closing_date)
Closing Month : a selection field of all the months with field name as (x_studio_closing_month)
Closing Year : a text field with field name as (x_studio_closing_year)
I want the closing month and year field to be updated depending on the closing date field. For example, if the closing date is selected as 02/05/2024 then the closing month should be automatically updated as MAY and year should be 2024
How to do it using Odoo Studio and Automated Actions in CRM Module and python.
I tried the following python code but it only updates the month initially and doesn't update if the closing date is changed to some other month. The trigger used is "On Save"
month_names = { 1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March', 4: 'April', 5: 'May', 6: 'June', 7: 'July', 8: 'August', 9: 'September', 10: 'October', 11: 'November', 12: 'December' } # Get the closing date from the record closing_date = record.x_studio_closing_date if closing_date: # Convert the closing date to a string in the format 'dd/mm/yyyy' closing_date_str = closing_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') # Split the closing date string into day, month, and year parts day, month, year = map(int, closing_date_str.split('/')) # Get the month name from the mapping closing_month_name = month_names.get(month) # Update the closing month field using the write method record.write({'x_studio_closing_month': closing_month_name}) 
submitted by Vegetable_Piccolo605 to Odoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:41 Chris_Thompson7951 Limerence. The Heart's Cocaine. Can it turn a casual dalliance into a life destroying addiction to chasing the un·ob·tain·a·ble?

It was late November 2015. I was 51 and one year past my divorce (which was not related to cheating) when I became so disgusted with myself that I knew I had to pick myself up. I was alone for the long holiday, and although I wasn't really sad or lonely, I felt empty. However, I had some extra time to consider how does one picks oneself up.
I made a list of potential New Year resolutions that were individually realistic. Some were really easy and stupid like “have your chipped front tooth fixed” and “take & post a selfie”. These smaller tasks fueled my confidence and provided the energy boosts needed to tackle the more challenging resolutions, like starting a weight loss challenge at work.
Skip ahead to March 4th 2016. I had a Friday lunch date with a married client that I met two weeks prior. Of course, it was not a real date, as I wouldn't impose myself on a married woman, nor would I risk my career or my ego, especially if the signals she seemed to be sending were just a product of my wishful thinking, stimulated by checking off some boxes on the list on the fridge dated 1/1/16.
The following is my thank you note to her for a great date as well as for helping me check a lot of boxes over the past few weeks. I sent her a link to it as it is in the form of my first ever online post (one more check box, YAY!).
************************************** We were only 1 minute in the hotel room; her jeans in a ball on the floor. She sat at the foot of the king sized bed and backed her way into the stack of oversized pillows lining the headboard. I followed as If attached by a leash. I landed somewhat awkwardly on my elbows between her legs finding myself squarely face to face with the tattoo. This tattoo, that she so shamelessly revealed just a week ago, the same tattoo that has been scorching my thoughts and the same tattoo that she promised me complete and unlimited access.
It’s been a long time since I have been here or anywhere near as nice as here, between the legs of a beautiful woman 20 years younger and far out of my league....even when I was her age. I took a second to drink in my fortunate situation. I admired her panties. All day I was so hoping she would wear those same panties as before. She didn’t. These were different but similar enough. The delicate lace and silk perfectly framed the tattoo on her hip. She did not disappoint. There is a fruity jasmine scent, intoxicatingly pleasant, and oh so subtle. It is not here. I’ll need to find its source. I want more of that. (I remember being thoroughly impressed and thinking to myself “This girl is good”.)
I briefly forgot that there was someone else here besides myself and the tattoo. How long have I been down here perving out on her? I wondered. I hesitated, and then apologetically looked up half expecting a well-deserved snarky glare. What I found instead was an ear to ear compassionate smile followed by a tilt of her head and an arch of her eyebrow that said “I like that you like that, carry on”.
With confidence restored that we were still in sync, I adjusted myself so that I was in a good position to thoroughly enjoy what I came to do. I kissed the tattoo hard and gave it a good lick. The challenge for today was “Taste the Tattoo” and I won. I did a small celebration gesture that she rolled her eyes to. I continued to kiss and taste all around until every freckle got some personal attention. As I got to the upper most reaches of her inner thighs, I looked up to check in as I was about to cross a new line. For the first time she was not looking back at me but had laid her head back deep into the pillows, her eyes closed. I took that as a yes!
I marveled at the softness of her inner thighs on my cheeks as I gently placed kisses up one and down the other. As I kissed her through her panties, her hips responded by arching her up in anticipation of each next kiss. Before long, those wonderful panties were just getting in the way. I stopped and pondered whether to just slide them aside or remove them or to risk interrupting the mood and attempt a complete wardrobe removal as we were both still fully dressed except for her jeans.
I didn’t have to ponder long as she knew what she wanted and it was not any of the options I was considering. Still lying back with her head semi submerged within the pillows, she held out her arms as if gesturing for a hug. I moved up her body and when I got close enough she pulled me in for a kiss.
Unbelievably, this was our first kiss. I found it odd that we had not kissed yet and was grateful she thought to stop for a moment to have a kiss. We kissed some and then I settled in to thoroughly enjoy it. However, the kiss to come was not the kiss I was expecting or a kiss I was ready for. It was a kiss that could ruin everything.
Technically, there was one kiss before. It was an awkward kiss 5-10 minutes earlier just after we entered the room. All in about the time it took for the hotel door to close behind us, she tossed her bag on the sofa, had her jewelry off and set on the nightstand while I emptied my pockets and silenced my phone.
We approached each other, and as we met I was looking at the place where the tattoo would be under her shirt and behind her jeans. They were higher cut and could not be pulled down that far to get to the tattoo. They would have to come off. To just reach in and do that would be an uncharacteristically bold move for me. But I did have unquestionable permission to have the tattoo in any way that I desired. I reached down with both hands and took hold of the waistband on each side of the button. I didn’t see her simultaneous move in at me at first. Just as I felt the metal of the button, I felt her reaching her arms around my neck and realized that she was tip toeing up for a kiss. It caught me unexpectedly and I think it showed on my face that it did. I tried to recover and moved back in to accept her lips on to mine but it turned into an awkward peck.
I scolded myself for the selfish moment and just as I was trying to formulate a recovery gesture, she, without missing a beat, gently dismissed my fumble and gracefully restored the momentum. “Oh” she said with surprise in her tone, while looking down at my fingers ready to release her button. Then, in a more playfully quizzical tone, she followed with “I guess you want to get right to THAT then” and she stepped back away from me where I lost grip of her jeans. She replaced my fingers on the button with hers, paused, maybe waiting for me to look up to her eyes, which I finally did, then flashed me a devilishly naughty smile and pulled her jeans down to the top of her boots. She then proudly announced, mostly to herself, “You really are going to let me have fun with you, aren’t you!” seemingly shedding any doubts in her mind that I would go through with this. She then sat at the foot of the all white linen king sized bed, removed her boots and jeans and backed her way into the stack of oversized pillows lining the headboard.
Back to our kiss. The kiss that from now on I will reflect on as our first kiss
Responding to her hug gesture, I moved up her body and when I got close enough she pulled me in for a kiss. I didn’t flub it this time, but again, I didn’t know it was coming, and prolly I should have. It took only ten seconds to adjust and synchronize to each other’s kissing form. It was warm and succulent and sweet and was wonderful. I really was surprised at how nice this felt. I don’t recall married kissing being this enjoyable. I remember saying to myself “Damn, this girl can kiss”.
I was on top, in a position that wasn’t going to be comfortable for as long as I wanted this to last, so I backed away to reposition but she held tight indicating she didn’t want me to move. I gestured at the space next to her and she relented. We then settled in facing one another side by side; her smile confirming that this was a nice place. We were hugging and kissing, pulling each other closer and looking into each other’s eyes. Our legs intertwined and our hands were roaming, but not really in a sexual way, more like trying to make as much body contact as possible. I couldn’t get over how I felt so much more familiarity than there was. What I did not recognize at the time was that this was the physical intimacy catching up to match the virtual intimacy we have been sharing online.
Soon the intensity escalated and it was getting very hot very quickly. The intensity and passion that was building was not something I ever expected or planned for. This was the rare kind of making out where accidental hickeys happen and inadvertent “Oh god I love you’s” slip out. Not that either of those was going to happen but my safe, non-committal no emotional strings encounter was getting too hot to not risk introducing emotions into the situation. And that could happen.
At some point I was no longer kissing her lips and mouth but was kissing her.
I broke contact to catch a breath and maybe get some control of the fire. We stopped for a moment to breathe and cool off. She slid herself on top and I rolled over on to my back to accommodate her. She looked at me with eyes that appeared to agree that it was a good time to slow it down. She closed her eyes and she seemed to enjoy that I was rubbing her back with both hands that I slipped up under her shirt. She presented her lips for me to kiss and then her cheek for the same, then neck and ear and lips again. Her long hair had fallen down around us, surrounding our faces like a vail creating a tiny private and even more intimate space. Inside here it was darker and the temperature and humidity rose quickly. We were breathing each other’s breath between kisses. All of a sudden I noticed that Jasmine was back. Not subtle this time, but deep and fulfilling. I loved it.
This fragrance stuff really works. The next morning just after waking up, I caught an unexpected subtle whiff on my skin under my watch and my heart jumped by 20 beats. Who’d a thunk it possible?
The passion was building again but since I was aware and cautious now, I wanted to enjoy and go with it. I thought I could keep it measured and I did for a while as it does take two. The kissing slowed to half and so did the passion. However, the rest of our bodies started to make up for it and the touching evolved into the sexual. She was still on top of me and my hands were exploring and squeezing on her panty covered butt, then under and in those panties. Her body contact became more targeted as she was now very deliberately mashing her fun stuff all over my fun stuff. The kissing subsided but replaced with the audible accompaniment of her squeaks, moans and quicker breathing timed with her mashing I was no longer in control. The passion was under control but being replaced with something intimately erotic.
I abruptly escaped by gently rolling her over on to her back then getting up and knelling between her legs. I took a moment to catch my breath and wanted to say “That is getting WAY too intimate. Can we get naked and have sex now?” However, I tugged at her panties and said something dorky like “can we take these off now?” Yes, we were still both fully dressed except for her jeans
Since I am the kind of guy who doesn’t kiss and tell, (well, only tells about the kisses) and this is not the forum for it, I am not going to talk about the sexy part over the next 30 minutes. I will tell you that we did finally each get ourselves unceremoniously naked and then the sexy part finishes where it started, with me finishing all over that beautiful tattoo. Of course I did a small celebration gesture that she rolled her eyes to.
Cuddle time. Our snapchats leading up to this encounter were heavy on the anticipation and buildup but didn’t contain a lot of detail about or define what stuff would happen during our “fun” time together.
Me: “Ok then, tomorrow lunchtime, I’m in.”
Her: “OMG Are you saying that you are REALLY going to come here and let me have fun with you?
Me: “I’m REALLY going to come there. I am REALLY going to fully inspect that tattoo, as well as the neighborhood where the tattoo lives.
Her: “I so can’t wait to get my hands on you.”
Me: “WOW….Now that this is real and going to happen, my heart is beating so hard that I am afraid that people can see it through my shirt.”
Her: “You have to tell me, are you being SERIOUS right now? You can’t say this and not show up. It’s OK if you are teasing, but you have to say so that you are now….not tomorrow!!!”
Me: “I am SERIOUS and I PROMISE I will be there. You have gotten to me, BAD. All week with the way we have been talking..err..I mean snapchatting; I can’t get you out of my head. Then today with those tattoo snaps you sent; I can’t get up from my desk. LOL…..NOT kidding NOT teasing.”
Her: “I am BAD, and I like having FUN. I am going to have so much fun with you!!!”
The only specific things I recall us acknowledging we would do with our “fun” was tattoo inspection and cuddle time. So as soon as cleanup from sexy time was done we both knew what time it was. For me, as good as the inspection was the cuddle was better. Just as during the sexy time we changed things up and we got to cuddle many ways. We started face to face full contact hugging just like our kissing time with some but less kissing and more being in the moment.
We were still hot (temperature hot now) and sweaty so that didn’t last long. She turned over and we spooned some. I was still craving full body contact but it was still so hot that we had to separate a bit. No contact spooning if you will, with just my one hand caressing her exposed shoulder and arm and hip with an occasional butt cheek squeeze.
It was about that time that we had our first ever personal conversation. On the project there were lots of flirty banter and some personal stories but almost always as part of a group. We had many phone calls and a few project meetings with just us two but never did the conversation get personal. Until now the only personal talks (Chats) we have had have been via Snapchat. I don’t recall who asked the first question of the other, but it was like a dam broke and we started filling in the details of our lives, our feelings and all the things we chatted about.
There was a lot to tell and we were giddy like children (child) best friends re-meeting on the first day of school catching each other up on our summer vacations. At one point she had something compelling to say and faster than a fish out of water she flipped back to facing me so she could gesture with her hand and punctuate through her expression. She landed close. Closer that I think she meant to at first and just a bit awkward I felt. But I was wrong. She didn’t back up an inch. I really couldn’t see her hand but I could feel that she was using it in the 2 to 4 inches of space between our chests. Her face was right into mine. She would lean back or up just an inch when she wanted me to see her eyes or smile or frown for emphasis, then settle back into the pillows with our foreheads or noses or cheeks touching. It was the farthest thing in the world from awkward.
If there was a recurring theme for the day it would be HOT; in every sense and synonym of the word. Again, it was getting too sweaty to remain that close. This time she broke contact to catch a breath and escape the heat. We stopped talking for a moment to breathe and cool off. She sat up, crawled to, and grabbed the (sexy time) clean-up towel that was at the far foot of the bed. She turned around so that she was kneeling facing me as she brought the towel up to her chest to absorb the beads and drips of sweat that had accumulated. As I watched, I again thought of my great fortune to be right here right now feeing what I feel and seeing the beauty before me. She pushed the towel down across her belly button and it fell into her lap.
I observed the soft sunlight reflecting off the white sheets, the white towel, and the white pillows bathed her in perfect light creating just a hint of subtle shadows in all of the right places on her angelic white skin. I started consciously taking photos with my mind. I wanted to capture every nuance and note every detail. I don’t know if I will ever be here again.
I don't recall if my next realization was comprehended in a split second, or if it took ten seconds to develop, but a terrible fear washed over me that for the first time in forever, she was beyond my touch and her next action might be to look for her panties or go jump in the shower. We were after all, deep into the second hour of her hour long lunch.
As I was preparing myself for the pain soon to come, I couldn't understand where it was coming from. I had the BEST DAY EVER, but I felt like an exhausted child who just watched the Disney fireworks finally and knows what that means.
What the hell? What is happening in my head? I don't even know this girl, let alone have feelings for her beyond she made my dick feel good at lunchtime.....and, I guess my ego is healthier since I met her. I have not cheated on my diet since she turned on the flattery the week before. I was sure it had to be somehow manipulative, but I hoped that if only a 5% chance it wasn't AND she liked me AND her mom was single, made it easy to keep my snacking to peas & carrots.
My self esteem has been skyrocketing too, as I have been checking a lot of boxes on my refrigerator. LOL, so many in fact, that I have been adding things to the list after they happened that I didn't dare put on it as they seemed pretty unobtainable just two months before. "Get sent a nude selfie, check. Have the confidence to send one back, check. Take a hottie 32 year old client out to lunch and fuck her brains out, check.
Did I just discover that I like girls who make my self esteem feel good more than I like girls who make my dick feel good?
Shit, that wasn't even on my top ten list. Smart, funny, pretty, Kind, whatever is the opposite of bitchy, fun in bed, boobs and/or an age appropriate figure is always nice, curious, someone you can trust to see you at your worst. Before today, "genuinely being a boost & support of my self esteem" was 10th.
Then BAM. I was hit in the face with the towel. Damn girl, I hope you can handle a spanking because I was just on the verge of making an interpersonal discovery of some importance over here, I thought to myself. I noticed the slightest or possibly mock look of concern on her face as she asks "you're not having any regrets or second thoughts over there are you?". I reflexively replied "Oh god no". Then with some emphasys, I continued "today was incredible. I REALLY needed this and you were PERFECT, thank you".
Again she did not disappoint. She crawled to the top of the bed on the far side and then to me over the pillows and laid down at a 90 angle to me on her stomach parallel to the headboard with her head nearly right on top of mine. She propped herself up a bit on her elbows and we kissed deeply. It was nice.
I made a few attempts to shake my internal drama, get out of my head and get back to my goal of picking my self up after my divorce. Oops, I mean back to pleasing a beautiful woman who clearly was not yet done having her fun with me. The emotional rollercoaster ride over the last hours, days & weeks completely blew out my brains ability to generate or absorb endorphins or whatever happens in a situation like this. Shortly after we had joked around while showering together, kissing goodbye (just like when I kissed my endorphin killing ex wife) and going on back to our separate lives.
I drove the hour or so home, brought my dog to the park and had healthiest and happiest cry I ever had. I don't know what I was feeling or why, but I was feeling again and it brought me much relief and contentedness.
We texted a bit that evening confirming that we each enjoyed our time together and agreeing that we should do that again sometime. The next day, Saturday, her husband took their 5 & 8 year old sons somewhere for the day. We checked in with each other again over text and chatted some about our lunch but the spark or excitement we usually had was not the same.
I reached out again that evening and asked if she was in a place that we could talk on the phone. She resisted but did call me (our first personal phone call). It took her 24 hours to let her cry bubble up. It turns out that our emotional experiences were remarkably similar, albeit from different perspectives.
She much later reveals that she felt emotionally dead for her hubby. She evolved to a bad place where she wanted fuck anyone but her hubby but still fucked him twice a week and had to appear happy to do it, killing her brain chemistry.
We rode the best and worst roller coaster in the world for 6 or 8 months....until the the Cocaine eventually wore off or the unobtainable became obtainable and it wasn't the the same rush for either of us any longer. She was the closest thing to a drug addiction that I ever felt. I never wanted anyone or anything like I wanted her.
My hope is that this story helps one person answer the question "Why the hell would he/she risk giving up their wonderful & loving family for an hour with a douchebag or a skank?"
submitted by Chris_Thompson7951 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:35 GreedyPersonality390 Best Top 15 Allah Name Wazifa for Marriage

Best Top 15 Allah Name Wazifa for Marriage
Allah name wazifa for marriage
The search for your life partner and to get married to someone is one of the most important things that many people crave. Nevertheless, the search for the perfect spouse is not at all just like a piece of cake. This is the spot where the Allah name wazifa for marriage is a good support.
A wazifa is an Islamic prayer or ritual aimed at the achievement of the goals or desires, if it is done with complete conviction and sincerity, it is considered a means of achieving them. The name wazifa is specifically designed for the "Allah" name, which is the supreme name of God in Islam, so that a person who recites it wishes for a good husband and a successful marriage.
The Wazifa is the masterplan from the beginning to the finish of the Wazifa.
Allah name wazifa for marriage
The Allah name wazifa is, in fact, very simple to do. Here are the step-by-step instructions:The first step to making a plan is to follow these steps:
  1. Choose a spot in your home that is a thought without air and noise for the wazifa practice. Decide on the time when, during which, you can easily sitting for at least thirty minutes a day without any interruptions.
  2. To make it more clear, you will be fresh and energetic when you select the time for it. Numerous people are into this in the early morning or the late evening.
    1. The ablution (wudu) must be done before you start the prayer.
  3. The Kaaba face, the Holy Kaaba in Mecca, is what you should be facing when you are sitting in the mosque. You can either rely on the compass or the phone qibla locator to double-check if you are in doubt.
  4. The first thing you need to do is to say "Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem" which is the phrase for "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful".
  5. At the very beginning, you shout the "Ya Allah" chant 125 times. Ya, which means "O", is the Arabic name for God. The words will be the sequential output from the heart.
    1. When the target of 125 have been achieved, bring your hands up like in the dua pose and pray to Allah to bless you with a good marriage with a person that you can get along with. Besides the love, there are other desires that can be tied to marriage like the perfect family, the dream house and the perfect life.
    2. As Allah is watching, your dua will be the right time and you will be accepted.
  6. So basically, you got it in a nut shell by quoting "La illaha illa Allah Muhammadur Rasulullah" the last time.
Important Points Allah name wazifa for marriage
The wazifa should be accomplished completely with a strong faith and a sincere will. To be sure that you do not quit the activity within the first 40 days which will, thereby, prove your dedication.
Choose the same time and place every day to build the type of relationship that will eventually lead to the achievement of the desired results.
Islamic rules on the Allah and his Prophet Muhammad are the best guidance to life. The activities that are done in the basis of this are the ones such as salah(praying 5 times a day), reading the Quran, fasting, charity, etc. which in turn, make the acceptance of duas stronger.
Do not let any unlawful acts in Islam like alcohol drinking, gambling and adultery and so on. Thus, it will be the reason for that the wazifa impacts will be lowered.
You can do the wazifa by yourself or you may choose a famous Islamic scholar to perform it for you. Although some people might see it as a dead work, you get a personal connection with what you did.
Allah name wazifa for marriage
Of course if you with the instructions and trust Allah then soon you will see the good results of this wazifa for marriage which will be a good life partner. The main thing is the consistency, honesty and patience! May Allah bless you with a happy and successful marriage that will last forever.
Online Free Consultation With Maulana Ji Please Visit:

Allah #NameofAllah #Wazifa #WazifaForMarriage #IslamicWazifa #MarriageAdvice #MarriageGoals #LoveAndDuas #InshaAllah #ForgivenessAndMercy #MarriageBlessings #BlessedUnion #LifePartners #MuslimMarriage #SpouseSeeking #GuidanceFromAllah #MarriageJourney #TrustInAllah #EverythingInPraiseunda278 #FaithAndPatience

submitted by GreedyPersonality390 to u/GreedyPersonality390 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:34 GoldfishCrack8 AITA for laughing at my panicking, injured friend?

I(20F) went on a camping trip with 14 of my friends(19-20 M and F). On our first day, we all decided to go swimming in the lake, a 10 min walk from our camp. The guys were ready before me and the other girls, so they went ahead.
After 10min, one of the guys came sprinting back screaming saying that everyone was hurt, blood everywhere, etc and to grab the first aid kit. I grab the first aid kit and sprint back with him in my flip flops, loosing both along the way. By the time I get to the lake, I’m completely out of breath and my feet are cut up from running barefoot on gravel. They explain that they went running into the water and almost all of them got cuts on their feet from sharp rocks.
The cuts were about a couple cm long and barely surface level so there was only a little blood. I was a little annoyed that they made it sound like someone was dying but I helped clean and bandage their feet anyway. Everyone was pretty calm except one guy got a couple baby leaches on his feet and was absolutely loosing his mind over infections, naming all these deadly diseases that they all could have now (ignoring the fact that all those diseases aren’t in our country, let alone in our continent). When I saw the size of the leaches I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I tried explaining to him that it was fine, we got them off super fast and sanitized everything throughly, plus they were only a mm or two big.
He wouldn’t listen and convinced some of the others to go with him to the park supervisor to get medical attention. The park rangers obviously didn’t do anything but for some reason told them about a doctor camping on the other side of the park. So my crazy friends decided to bother this poor family on vacation, to look at the one guy’s feet. Exactly like I had said, the doctor told him he’ll be fine and that it would completely heal like any other scratch.
I didn’t know they went on this little side quest until they came back with leach guy complaining that the rangers and the doctor were so rude to not take his injuries seriously. I laughingly told them “Well what did you expect? The rangers are there to handle bears and shit and that family you bothered? They just had some half naked stranger shove his feet in their faces.” I wasn’t saying any of this to be mean I was just joking around about the shear absurdity of it all. Like come on, I understand that some people are germaphobes but if you’re that concerned, don’t blindly sprint into unknown water.
In the end, everyone was fine. I thought the issue was over until a day after we get back from the trip, I get told over text by a bunch of them, led by the leach guy, that this incident showed them that I’m a toxic person. They said I was insensitive and belittled them for their reaction to a high stress, and potentially health threatening situation. I think that this was blown out of proportion and honestly insane but maybe I am just blind to my toxic behaviour. I am no longer in contact with these people but I have to know, am I the asshole?
submitted by GoldfishCrack8 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:31 pacovitiello Nesting a form using server actions in a dialog or dropdown

I am wrapping a form inside a dropdown component like this:
"use client"; import Link from "next/link"; import { signOut } from "@/actions/auth"; import { AvatarIcon } from "@radix-ui/react-icons"; import { DropdownMenu, DropdownMenuTrigger, DropdownMenuContent, DropdownMenuItem, } from "@/components/ui/dropdown-menu" import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; export default function UserDropdown() { return (       Settings   
); }
When I inspect the page, I see this error in the `action` attribute: `javascript:throw new Error('A React form was unexpectedly submitted. If you called form.submit() manually, consider using form.requestSubmit() instead. If you\'re trying to use event.stopPropagation() in a submit event handler, consider also calling event.preventDefault().')`
Even with this error, the form seems to work fine. So I've tried refactoring the code to address the error:
"use client"; import Link from "next/link"; import { signOut } from "@/actions/auth"; import { AvatarIcon } from "@radix-ui/react-icons"; import { DropdownMenu, DropdownMenuTrigger, DropdownMenuContent, DropdownMenuItem, } from "@/components/ui/dropdown-menu" import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"; export default function UserDropdown() { const handleSignOut = async (e: React.FormEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); await signOut(); } return (       Settings   
); }
I couldn't find any similar examples in the documentation or in the repository examples either. Is it ok using the `onSubmit` event in this case?
submitted by pacovitiello to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:28 capta1nhaddock Gemini Advanced - File not found

I want Gemini Advanced to help me analyze some data for patterns. When uploading the given file, the response is an error related to the python code used for the analysis.
It return that the file is not found, when reading the file into a pandas dataframe. See the code below from Gemini.
import pandas as pd
# Read the data, skipping the first row which is the header.
df = pd.read_csv('file.txt')
# Display the first 5 rows
print(df.head().to_markdown(index=False, numalign="left", stralign="left"))
# Print the column names and their data types
This is the output/error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in
File "readers.py", line 948, in read_csv
return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
File "readers.py", line 611, in _read
parser = TextFileReader(filepath_or_buffer, **kwds)
File "readers.py", line 1448, in __init__
self._engine = self._make_engine(f, self.engine)
File "readers.py", line 1705, in _make_engine
self.handles = get_handle(
File "common.py", line 873, in get_handle
handle = open(
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'file.txt'
Any suggestions to overcome this strange behavior of Gemini Advanced not being able to use uploaded files as promised? Google drive is not working aswell when importing the data into a sheet.
submitted by capta1nhaddock to Bard [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:27 Lord_PanDA_ Set Up Roku TV Regular & Default Input With & Without Remote

Set Up Roku TV Regular & Default Input With & Without Remote
I've been experimenting with my Roku TCL TV to bring you the most effective ways to manage your inputs, whether you've got your remote handy or not.
The guide can be applied for onn., TCL, Hisense, etc. any Roku TVs as they all use the Roku OS.
NOTE: If you’re looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide complete with demo images for each guide, just check out the hyperlink under its name.
Full article here: https://pointerclicker.com/how-to-change-roku-tv-input/
Here's a quick rundown on how to optimize your Roku TV settings:
Change Roku TV Input with a Remote
  • Navigate through Settings to TV Inputs, and select an input then Set up input to organize and access your devices.
Change Roku TV Input without a Remote
  • Use the joystick or standard Power button to access a Quick menu and select your desired input.
  • This section is super helpful if your remote is lost or broken!
Set Up a Default Input on Roku TV
  • Through the System settings, you can set your TV to start up on your favorite input like HDMI for gaming or cable for daily news.
  • Saves time and hassle by skipping manual input selection every time you turn on your TV.
Each section of the guide provides simple, step-by-step instructions on how to change roku tv input to hdmi, how to make roku tv start on hdmi, and more.
What's been your experience with managing inputs on your Roku TV? Drop a comment and let's discuss!
submitted by Lord_PanDA_ to FixRoku [link] [comments]
