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US Navy

2010.01.14 22:33 US Navy

This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. REMEMBER OPSEC. Do not post your command or name! Post all questions and discussion about recruiters, MEPS, the Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Boot Camp, and transferring to your first command in our sister subreddit, newtothenavy. READ THE WIKI ( and please do a search before posting.

2010.04.19 07:06 FreeArticle /r/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and discussion about educational loans

/StudentLoans: Reddit's hub for advice, articles, and general discussion about getting and repaying student loans.

2010.11.29 21:21 wanderingjew Retrocomputing: Forever 8-bit

A subreddit to discuss and share retrocomputing related content.

2024.05.16 09:49 Sweet-Ship-5412 Did I coerce her into more kissing and dancing on New Years 2024? LONG READ.

On New Years Day, 2024, after the balloon drop in a nightclub, I saw a hot girl with her hot friends dancing and grinding on men and each other. The girls shared kisses with each other, too. I wanted one of Jane’s (fake name for privacy) hot friends, but after dancing with her for a minute, I pivoted to Jane. She was giving me bedroom eyes and after we danced for a minute, she gave me a giddy smirk, closed her eyes, grabbed me and made out with me. Her lips tasted like alcohol, literally. I was in shock she was kissing me and I eventually kissed back. After a couple hot seconds, Jane pulled back and said I was hot. I am nervous as this was my first kiss since like middle school (I know, I know). We dance and kiss more. All of a sudden I felt panic because again, I tasted alcohol on her lips. “Is she drunk?” - I thought to myself. She was talking pretty normally with ditzy flourishes here and there. She wasn’t stumbling or anything (I actually saw her friends and her enter and leave the vicinity so many times before I pursued her friend. They were very lively and entered dancing every time).
Anyways...after Jane and I tongue kissed on the dance floor while embracing, I pulled back and asked Jane how many fingers I was holding. I remember out of like 4 or 5 times I did the finger test consecutively in that moment, she got 1 wrong. I corrected her. I told her I didn’t want to take advantage of her and she told me that she wasn’t drunk, just “lit”. Jane then put her hand on my shoulder and thanked me for keeping her safe. I then told her that I wanted to make sure she was in control and she was safe (earlier that night, I helped a clearly drunk girl who fell into me find her friend (I did the fingers test on her and she did NOT respond, just glassy eyed, drunk stare and stoically shitfaced) so I already had safety at the forefront of the mind even more from that point). Jane’s response was that she was in control.
We then went to the patio and sat down. She then called me cute in a ditzy way with her giddy smile. We introduced ourselves and actually had a nice conversation. She then proceeded to say she wanted to have sex with me and if I was top or bottom. I told her that I wasn’t interested in sex with her (I was paranoid about STD’s since a relative of mine is a doctor, so I told her that if we were to do it in the future (not that night or the day after due to just being there for vibes, settling into the new year right, New Year’s Day streets were gonna be chaotic with drunk drivers and wild attitudes, I also didn’t bring protection), then I needed paperwork of when she last got tested after sex.
We got each other’s IG’s and planned Tuesday for us to hang out and have sex. Obviously it didn’t work out because my scaredy cat self didn’t create enough comfort and connection compared to attraction in the club. So she saw me as another cute guy who she made out with to 000’s crunk. Jane told her hot friends that I was a good guy and that I was looking out for them.
After we grinded with her friend, Jane and I shared more make out sessions (after she said I was hot and that she loved me) She then told me to tie her up and do naughty things to her. I just laughed and we danced and kissed the night away. The day after, her texts were very favorable and full of encouragement and positivity (we were talking about self improvement). We still follow each other on IG but ceased contact for now. Guess the emotions wore off. It’s all good.
I couldn’t help but make this post because I have generalized anxiety, sensory integration disorder, and non verbal learning disorder. I’m currently getting screened for autism at my regional center. Am I overthinking this whole event and thinking that I coerced her into kissing and shit (when she couldn’t get one of the finger holding rounds right)? I had a serious nervous breakdown over it in March. I deal with a lot of toxic shame and guilt but I don’t know what’s real and what’s not when it comes to truth or narratives that I create for myself. Whether they are healthy or not, am I ducking my ego? I don’t know please help!
submitted by Sweet-Ship-5412 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:48 jellyandmilk I graduate grad school on Monday and I’m feeling a mix of emotions

For something that’s been in the works for 6 years total, I feel sad and scared. I feel like at the beginning of my academic journey I had room to fall more in love with the career, but after being in school settings (hated) and an SNF setting (ehh), I can’t help but feel like I’m gonna be in a career that I’ll be trapped in forever.
I look at what people rant about a lot, from low pay to high caseloads to burnout, etc. and I can’t say I’m excited to be apart of it all. Not to mention the debt that comes with it.
I know these posts cycle around here and there and I apologize for adding to it, but it seems like this career takes up a lot of room and I’m not sure if I love that.
I plan to work in a SNF… but I’m wondering as a CF would it be OK to work less than 40 hours? I really value my life outside of work and I pray that I get the chance to still have time to do things I love like design and sew… see my friends… make sure life isn’t all as depressing as nursing homes… but would that be feasible?
Please go easy on me haha I’m just anxious and rambling but I’m open to all suggestions and comments. Thank you
submitted by jellyandmilk to slpGradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:48 Katalpa Peinture et dessins de montagnes - n°10 : Karl Flieher

Peinture et dessins de montagnes - n°10 : Karl Flieher
Karl Flieher est un paysagiste viennois né en juillet 1881 et décédé en janvier 1958. Assez peu d'élément biographique son connus, dés l'école, ses professeur remarquent son aptitude pour le dessin. Le scénographe Anton Brioschi le pris sous son aile pour le former. Peintre indépendant, il vivra de son art durant toute sa vie, d'abord à Vienne puis à Zell am See.
De toute ma collection, c'est un de mes peintre préféré. Ses toiles sont de ravissants villages montagnards pittoresques comme les autrichiens savent bien les faire. Ses couleurs sont douces et pastel, on dirait des illustration pour enfant. Vraiment, on se croirait dans un conte de fée. C'est à contraster avec Julien Bouvier, que nous avons vu la semaine dernière, qui faisant le choix d'injecter bien moins de fantaisie dans ses vues champêtres.
Alte Dorfschmiede in Grins
On commence avec une toile que j'apprécie beaucoup. Ce sont de belles petites maisons baignées dans une atmosphère très sereine. On se croirais dans le village d'Heidi. J'aime beaucoup les environnements recherchés et fourmillant de détails, par exemple ici, les fleurs eux fenêtres, les volets verts de la maison en premier plan un peu tordus, la grange remplis d'outils que l'on devine au centre. J'aime quand l'artiste à réfléchit à son lieux, lui insuffle de la vie, une histoire. C'est à ça qu'on reconnais les bon environments artists.
A staircase in Weissenkirchen, 1919
Stiegenaufgang in Weissenkirchen
L'artiste à peint 2 fois ce même morceau d'escalier (3 fois même, mais la dernière de trop basse qualité). J'imagine que c'est à l'occasion de commande. Il faut dire qu'il est très mignon, ce petit escalier, avec son arche, les pierres apparentes de la maison à côté, la végétation... C'est un petit lieu mémorable dont la représentation fait très tranche de vie. Il a aussi un petit côté Ghibli !
Heiligenblut mit dem Großglockner, 1938
Vous remarquerez que ses tableaux sont toujours vides de personnages. Autant je suis plus environnements que personnages mais j'avoue que parfois, ça me manque chez Karl Flieher. On gagnerais beaucoup à voir quelques bonhommes et bonnefemmes habiter ses tableaux. Leurs donner un peu de vie. Le village représenté ici est Heiligenblut, un village très photogénique qui a été représenté par differents artistes classiques de montagne.
De gauche à droite : Hausgärtchen in Jochberg / Hausgärtchen in Jochberg 2 / Hausgärtchen in Weissenkirchen
J'ai combiné ces 3 tableaux en un set car ils sont assez similaire. Les deux premiers représentent encore la même vue, on pourrais croire que c'est l'exact même tableau mais des différences sont perceptibles. Ce sont des coins qui on particulièrement du inspirer l'artiste. Ça ne m'étonnerais pas que les lieux soient un peu enjolivés dans chaque tableau. Franchement, ça ne me dérange pas, le résultat est si mignon que je suis prêt à tout pardonner !
An old small lane in Stanz near Landec
Encore un tableau, encore une petite rue champêtre avec des chalets. Je les aime tellement que je veux tous les montrer ! Notez toutes les nuances de vert dans la végétation à gauche. C'est très intéressant graphiquement, il y a beaucoup de travail et l’œil ne s'ennuie pas en les regardant.
Moserboden Stausee Kaprun 1929
On quitte un peu les villages pour aller vars un grand refuge de montagne. J'aime particulièrement les teintes très douces de ce tableau, les tons pastel en font un dessin pour enfant. Les grand coups de pinceaux donnent presque un aspect pointilliste, exagérant le côté irréel et presque onirique du lieu. Si j'avais une version en 8K de ce tableau, je l'imprimerais et l'accrocherais chez moi !
On s’éloigne encore des habitation pour finir dans la brousse. Encore une fois, les couleurs douces et peu contrastés sont relaxantes. Cela dit, pour cette toile là en particulier, je ne suis pas sur que ce soit voulu par l'artiste, les pic acérés et les sapins hirsutes montrent montre que Karl Flieher souhaitais cette toile plus menaçante. Comme la scène est lumineuse, ça me fait pas trop cet effet, même si ça reste du très bon travail et que j'ai adoré ce tableau au premier coup d’œil.
Alt Lermoos mit der Zugspitze, Wettergebirge
Allez, un dernier... Mais vraiment, parce qu'il faut bien s'arrêter à un moment. Ce tableau là est mon préféré. Y a de tout, village, montagne bien en évidence, lumière plus dramatique. De toute la centaines de tableaux alpins que j'ai pu découvrir, y en a un certain dans lesquelles j'aimerais transporter mon âme pour y vivre. Celui-là en fait partit !
Je pense que vous l'aurez compris à ce stade, j'adore l’œuvre de Karl Flieher. De tout les artistes que j'ai rencontrés celui-ci fait partit de mon top 10. Il est assez facile de trouver ses toiles sur Internet. Si ce que vous avez vu ici vous a tapé dans l’œil, vous pourrez en voir plus. Vous ne le regretterez pas !
À la semaine prochaine pour de nouvelles aventures picturales en montagne !
Bonus :
An old mill at a brook
Bon, vraiment la der des der cette fois ! C'est un moulin. Rien de spécial, mais je ne savais pas ou le mettre mais je tenais absolument à le montrer car ils est très mignon !
submitted by Katalpa to france [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:48 No_Baker_9519 109 Days Sober

It’s been difficult being a meth addict and drug dealer that didn’t want to get sober at all or stop selling for the last 8 years. Then I lost who I was once the Alcohol and Fentanyl took over.
Eventually, The passing of my wife, the suicide attempts, the violence and hardcore alcoholism to Fentanyl. Being evicted, hated waking up every morning and dope sick everyday. Whole paychecks on drugs. Being homeless wandering the streets trying to steal copper from light poles. Losing jobs after 3 days because I would be sick and couldn’t finish my shift. Realizing my family was mourning me while I was still alive. My rock bottom.
January 27th 2024
My life changed when I found AA. I had just gotten out of Detox 1st time visiting. Left a day early and then the withdrawal symptoms creeped in later that evening. My first meeting I was going through it. I stuck it out and continued going to meetings. I didn’t sleep much or if at all for 3 weeks. Not sure how I did that still.
Lately I struggle every morning to wake up or motivate my dopamine deprived brain. Difficult to navigate life when the reward system up there is fighting against me. My character defects had sometime to develop and hardwire into my personality and subconscious. I would say the things I find most difficult is keeping up with my laundry, thinking too much and negative self talk. Pity party’s that my inner dialogue invite me too..
Simple program? I can make it more difficult.
Having willingness along with rigorous honesty.
Holding myself accountable and having the courage to change certain things about myself helps me. Helping others caring about people. I used to care I thought but I always had an agenda driving that ounce of give a fuck.
Here in the right now that is gone I can love from the heart which I am grateful for. I can now look at my day at night and take a personal inventory of what I could’ve done better. I find that I’m always the problem no matter what anyone does. If I’m angry or upset I think about If I have been self seeking, dishonest and inconsiderate.
How it’s going, I’m onto my second Sponsor. Started going through the Big Book. Planning to go through the Steps again. Got myself into College and I work with one of my fellows. My license was reinstated and I’ve been able to hang my bicycle up finally after 8 years. I am able to pay my bills now and make money legally. My family feels whole again. I have a home group and a service position. I reach out I have grown to love strangers. I have found a higher power of my own understanding. I get to be a Father to my 11yr old son. Admitting the deepest darkest secrets of my past. Being willing to make amends for the harms done. I still struggle every step of the way. I have tools and know that there’s a way better alternative to active addiction. For all of this I’m filled with gratitude today.
submitted by No_Baker_9519 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:47 DoggoWidDaCape About me ☺️:

First off thanks for taking the time to read this I appreciate it.
I’m a 26 year old male from the UK, you can ask which country if you’re curious. I enjoy commenting and interacting on NSFW work reddit subs as a way to express my sexual interest and to have fun interactions with other lovely people.
I’m not going to give too much away in terms of me personally as that takes away from the fun of conversation. ☺️
Physically, I’m 6ft 2 inches tall, I have a slim thick body, lot fat but not skinny or fit either. I have short to medium length messy brown/reddish hair, big hands, size 12 feet, and if it matters a thick 6 inch cock with curves ever so slightly upwards (have been told it’s fantastic) oh and also just as a fun note I’m very very talented with me hands. 🙌🏻 💦
Feel free to DM as they are always open and I’ve never failed to have fun and interesting ng conversation with anyone that’s willing to put the effort in.
My kinks include but are not limited to: Anal, Squirting, Domination, degrading, humiliation, watersports, BDSM, panties (the wet and messier the better), misogyny (ONLY within the context of the kink I highly respect woman and all people and I think it’s important to state), organs control, bladder control and to be honest probs to a whole lot more but we can talk about them later. 😋
My limits are: blood, scat, knives, needles, minors, actual harm, anything illegal
Anything not mentioned in kinks and limits is be open to exploring. ☺️
I hope everyone has fun, be safe and be nice to each other people!!!
submitted by DoggoWidDaCape to u/DoggoWidDaCape [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:45 Swamppig Inheritance - tax minimizing assets

Hello fellow AusFinance redditors. I’ve recently received a sizeable inheritance and I’m looking for a portfolio structure that’s going to minimize the tax I pay on returns. I know the basics (ETFs, Stocks, Bonds, Collectable Stamps) but I’m aware that the government is going to take 45% of my profit if I don’t hold any of these longer than 12 months. I was speaking with my friend and he told me I should go all in on rare fish. Apparently rare fish are being used as a tax-free investment vehicle by the 1% of society these days. My friend has already acquired 8 rare fish and makes a passive income in excess of $500 per month just by holding them. He’s offered to sell me 5 of these fish but I’m looking for some neutral advice on the possible downsides? Thanks in advance
submitted by Swamppig to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:44 vmq Been working out and focusing on nutrition for about 2 years. 38 years old with Test levels are in “range” with free test flagged as low at 4.4 should I go on trt (6’1” 230lbs to 170lbs)

Been working out and focusing on nutrition for about 2 years. 38 years old with Test levels are in “range” with free test flagged as low at 4.4 should I go on trt (6’1” 230lbs to 170lbs)
Really debating going on trt as I’m starting to really feel old these last several years. I feel like I’m experiencing symptoms of low testosterone.
Last years lab work my total was 420 and free was 4.9
Had another test last week my total was 560 and free was 4.4.
On both labs my free testosterone is well below what they consider in range
I lost most of the body weight from the before picture in the first year I went from 230lbs to 159 I felt skinny fat at 159 so then tried to bulk up a little. Over a six month period this past winter I Got up to around 180lbs on days where I had eaten a ton and now I’m back on a little cut because I felt like I was just gaining too much fat.
But i feel like I can’t get rid of this belly fat. for the past 7 weeks around 1700-1800 calories a day. 20 mins of zone 2 cardio a day. Even on my 2 rest days most weeks. I’m weighing around 168 when I first wake up currently. Which I feel like is too low for 6’1” and I feel like I should be way more shredded at 168? In good lighting I can kinda see some abs trying to show so I’ll probably just stay in this deficit for another month if I have to. As miserable as it is lol
I’d ideally like to be in more optimal ranges especially for muscle building and I’ve read about so many benefits as well as what measures are required to make sure you’re still at healthy levels. Wonder what everyone’s opinions here are
submitted by vmq to fitness30plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:44 Haydensmith877 25 F Is friendship really mission impossible?

Hello Agent
There isn’t much time for me to give you this mission so you must listen carefully. There is someone that we need you to befriend to get more information on. Down below is what we know about her so far.
Name: Gillian Gender: Female Age: 25 From: Wisconsin Hobbies: writing, baking, and drawing abstract Music: 80's, classical, 2000's and jazz Favorite color: doesn’t have one. Favorite food: tacos Favorite drink: Regular coca cola 
One random fact about the agent: They have a unique self-published book. Rumor has it that the pages are filled with the emotions the agent normally keeps hidden.
To establish contact with the agent you must provide the details below to her. It is a first step in the right direction of gaining trust.
Name: Age: Where you are from: Tell her something you think is interesting about you: 
We know that she is a night owl by choice based on the report from the last agent. She has a list of health issues but continues to push on even with them. Doing such shows the determination and hard-headedness that she has. Although this has helped her through life it means that it is going to be another obstacle for you, take note of that.
She is anti-drug and anti-alcohol by choice. One thing that is a must if you choose to continue is she is quiet and shy. You might ask how I can get the information quicker, you can’t, it will take time and patience. If you do not have that turn around right now because you will just frustrate yourself while she sits there calm and composed.
You get to ask the agent one free question. Meaning no matter what you will get an honest answer.
Follow these instructions carefully. If you don't there is no guarantee that you will get a response. The agency wishes you the best of luck on what is going to be a tough mission.
Transmission terminated
submitted by Haydensmith877 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:44 holisticlife5500 Empowering Businesses: The Rise of AI SaaS Tools

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software as a Service (SaaS) tools — a game-changing paradigm that is revolutionizing the way organizations harness the power of AI to drive growth and success.
Understanding AI SaaS Tools
AI SaaS tools leverage the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence to deliver cloud-based software solutions that address a wide range of business needs. These tools harness advanced algorithms, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and other AI techniques to automate tasks, extract insights from data, and optimize decision-making processes. Check out: Ai podcasts
Key Benefits of AI SaaS Tools
· Scalability: AI SaaS tools offer scalable solutions that can adapt to the evolving needs of businesses, whether they are startups or large enterprises. With the ability to seamlessly adjust computing resources based on demand, organizations can effectively manage their operations without the need for extensive infrastructure investments.
· Cost-effectiveness: By adopting AI SaaS tools, businesses can significantly reduce upfront costs associated with software development, maintenance, and upgrades. With subscription-based pricing models, organizations can access cutting-edge AI capabilities without the hefty upfront investment, making it a cost-effective option for businesses of all sizes.
· Time-saving: AI SaaS tools automate repetitive tasks and processes, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic initiatives. Whether it’s automating customer service interactions, analyzing vast amounts of data, or generating personalized recommendations, AI SaaS tools enable organizations to operate more efficiently and productively.
· Insights and Analytics: With AI-powered analytics, businesses can gain deeper insights into their operations, customer behavior, and market trends. By leveraging advanced data analytics and predictive modeling capabilities, organizations can make data-driven decisions, identify opportunities for growth, and stay ahead of the competition.
· Enhanced Customer Experience: AI SaaS tools enable businesses to deliver personalized experiences to their customers at scale. Visit here: best ai courses for beginners From chatbots and virtual assistants that provide round-the-clock support to recommendation engines that offer tailored product suggestions, AI-powered solutions can enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

Popular AI SaaS Tools Across Industries

  1. Sales and Marketing: AI-powered marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, Marketo, and Salesforce Einstein enable businesses to optimize their marketing campaigns, personalize customer interactions, and generate leads more effectively.
  2. Customer Service: Tools such as Zendesk, Freshdesk, and Intercom leverage AI to automate customer support processes, resolve inquiries in real-time, and deliver seamless omnichannel experiences.
  3. Finance and Accounting: AI SaaS tools like Xero, QuickBooks, and Sage Intacct streamline financial workflows, automate bookkeeping tasks, and provide valuable insights for informed decision-making.
  4. Human Resources: HR platforms such as Workday and BambooHR leverage AI to streamline recruitment processes, enhance employee engagement, and optimize workforce management.
  5. E-commerce: AI-powered e-commerce platforms like Shopify and Magento offer intelligent product recommendations, personalized shopping experiences, and advanced inventory management capabilities.

The Future of AI SaaS

As AI continues to advance and evolve, the possibilities for AI SaaS tools are virtually limitless. From predictive analytics and cognitive computing to autonomous decision-making and natural language understanding, the future of AI SaaS holds immense potential to transform industries and drive innovation.
In conclusion, AI SaaS tools represent a transformative force in the business world, empowering organizations to leverage the full potential of Artificial Intelligence to drive growth, improve efficiency, and deliver exceptional experiences to customers. As businesses increasingly embrace AI SaaS solutions, the era of intelligent automation and data-driven decision-making is poised to revolutionize industries and shape the future of work.
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submitted by holisticlife5500 to u/holisticlife5500 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:44 No_Swimming7009 Power BI for Primavera P6

Is there anybody that use power BI to analyse project plan?
I use Primavera P6 and I would like to analyse the plan by power BI
It will work good? There are any free tutorial?
Thank you
submitted by No_Swimming7009 to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:43 Lexbohemian Offering my Chanel Mini in pink😊

Offering my Chanel Mini in pink😊
I‘m selling my unworn Chanel Mini in a nice pink colour from 187 king version. The bag was purchased from Heidi a few months ago for 550 USD but never worn so it‘s brand new :)
I would prefer to ship in EU, please feel free to DM me an offer😊
submitted by Lexbohemian to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 coquette_batman choosing a potential major

I’ve been struggling to figure out what major I should apply for and I’d really appreciate some advice. For instance, here are some of my ecs and classes!
Note that I want to take a pre-law major basically but I’m open to new ideas as well! I’ve heard a lot about poli sci but I feel like my application isn’t competitive enough for poli sci. If you have an advice on how to improve my application I’d also really appreciate it!
ECs: debate, mock trial, political/social reform summer program, paper about politics, public speaking, natl sport referee (ik it’s random), founded a feminist advocacy foundation, micro influencer (12k views), founded a non profit summer camp that teaches STEAM to kids
AP classes: chem, world history, us gov, comp gov, chinese, music theory, seminar, research, psychology, human geo, macro
just quick fyi: most of my classes are social studies based too (ie. law studies) and I plan on dual enrolling for classes related to law
submitted by coquette_batman to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 heileyoffices Designing the Perfect Shared Office Space: Key Elements and Trends


Shared office spaces, also known as co -working spaces, have become a popular choice for businesses, freelancers, and remote workers. Creating the perfect shared office space involves careful consideration of design elements and staying abreast of current trends. Here, we explore the key components and emerging trends that contribute to the ideal co -working environment.
1. Layout and Space PlanningOpen LayoutsAn open layout fosters collaboration and communication among coworkers. It allows for easy interaction, creating a dynamic and energetic atmosphere.Private AreasWhile open layouts are important, having private areas for meetings or focused work is equally crucial. These can include private offices, phone booths, and quiet zones.
2. Ergonomic FurnitureAdjustable Desks and ChairsInvesting in ergonomic furniture such as adjustable desks and chairs can significantly enhance comfort and productivity. Ergonomic designs reduce strain and prevent health issues associated with prolonged sitting.
Breakout FurnitureIncluding comfortable breakout furniture like sofas and lounge chairs provides relaxation spots for informal meetings or breaks, promoting a more inviting and flexible workspace.
3. Technology IntegrationHigh-Speed InternetReliable, high-speed internet is a non-negotiable element. It ensures seamless connectivity for all users, supporting various business operations and communication needs.
Smart Office SolutionsIncorporating smart office solutions such as app-controlled lighting, climate control, and booking systems for conference rooms can streamline operations and improve user experience.
4. Aesthetic and AmbianceNatural LightMaximizing natural light not only reduces energy consumption but also enhances the well-being and productivity of the space's occupants. Large windows and open spaces that allow for ample daylight are key.
Greenery and Biophilic DesignIncorporating plants and elements of nature into the office design can improve air quality and create a calming environment. Biophilic design, which integrates natural elements, has been shown to reduce stress and increase creativity.
5. Amenities and ServicesOn-Site Cafes and KitchensProviding access to on-site cafes or kitchen areas where members can prepare or purchase food and beverages can improve convenience and foster a sense of community.Wellness RoomsWellness rooms or areas designated for relaxation, meditation, or exercise can help occupants manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
6. Community and CollaborationEvent SpacesHaving areas that can be transformed for events, workshops, and networking sessions encourages community building and professional development.
Collaborative ToolsProviding tools such as whiteboards, projectors, and communal tables supports group work and brainstorming sessions, making it easier for teams to collaborate effectively.
7. Sustainability PracticesEnergy-Efficient SystemsImplementing energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems reduces the environmental impact and can lead to cost savings
.Recycling and Waste ManagementSetting up comprehensive recycling and waste management systems encourages sustainable practices among members and reduces the space’s carbon footprint.
8. Customization and FlexibilityModular FurnitureUsing modular furniture that can be easily reconfigured allows the space to adapt to different needs and preferences, providing flexibility for various events and working styles.
Personalized WorkspacesAllowing members to personalize their workspaces can increase comfort and satisfaction. This might include providing lockers, adjustable decor, and customizable desk setups.

The Role of Technology in Enhancing Shared Office Spaces

As the landscape of work continues to evolve, technology has become a pivotal element in shaping shared office spaces. These innovations not only boost productivity but also enhance the overall user experience. In this blog post, we delve into the key technological advancements that are transforming coworking environments.
1. High-Speed Internet and ConnectivityReliable Internet AccessThe backbone of any shared office space is a robust, high-speed internet connection. Reliable connectivity is essential for remote work, video conferencing, and cloud-based applications, ensuring seamless operations for all members.Wi-Fi 6 and BeyondAdopting the latest Wi-Fi technologies, such as Wi-Fi 6, provides faster speeds, increased capacity, and better performance in densely populated spaces, supporting the growing number of devices used by office members.
2. Smart Office SolutionsIntegrated Building Management SystemsSmart office solutions, such as integrated building management systems, automate control over lighting, heating, and cooling, creating a comfortable and energy-efficient environment. These systems can be managed through centralized platforms or mobile apps, offering convenience and customization.Occupancy SensorsUtilizing occupancy sensors helps manage space efficiently by monitoring usage patterns. These sensors can adjust lighting and climate control based on real-time occupancy, ensuring resources are used only when needed.
3. Advanced Security MeasuresBiometric Access ControlBiometric access control systems, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, enhance security by restricting unauthorized entry. These systems are more secure than traditional keycards or passwords and provide a seamless access experience for users.Surveillance SystemsHigh-definition surveillance cameras and AI-powered monitoring systems help maintain a secure environment. These systems can detect unusual activities and alert security personnel, ensuring the safety of office members.
4. Collaboration ToolsCloud-Based PlatformsCloud-based collaboration platforms like Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and Slack enable seamless communication and project management. These tools support file sharing, real-time collaboration, and team communication, facilitating efficient workflows.Interactive WhiteboardsInteractive whiteboards and digital flip charts are valuable tools for brainstorming sessions and presentations. They allow teams to collaborate in real-time, even with remote participants, enhancing creativity and productivity.
5. Virtual and Augmented RealityVirtual Reality (VR) Meeting RoomsVR technology is revolutionizing remote collaboration by creating immersive meeting experiences. VR meeting rooms allow participants to interact in a virtual space, providing a sense of presence and engagement that traditional video conferencing lacks.Augmented Reality (AR) for Design and PlanningAR can be used to visualize office layouts and designs, enabling better space planning and customization. By overlaying digital information onto the physical world, AR helps in making informed decisions about furniture placement and office design.
6. Mobile and Remote AccessMobile Apps for Office ManagementMobile apps designed for shared office spaces offer features like room booking, event registration, and community networking. These apps provide members with easy access to office resources and streamline administrative tasks.Remote Access SolutionsWith the rise of remote work, technologies that support secure remote access to office networks and resources are crucial. VPNs and cloud-based services ensure that members can work from anywhere without compromising security or productivity.
7. Health and Wellness TechnologiesAir Quality MonitorsMaintaining good air quality is essential for a healthy workspace. Air quality monitors track levels of pollutants and ensure ventilation systems are functioning properly, creating a healthier environment for office members.Wellness Apps and WearablesWellness apps and wearable devices can encourage healthier lifestyles by promoting physical activity, providing stress management resources, and offering health tracking features. Integrating these technologies into the office ecosystem supports the well-being of members.


Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing shared office spaces, driving productivity, security, and overall user satisfaction. From high-speed internet and smart office solutions to advanced collaboration tools and wellness technologies, these innovations are transforming how we work and interact within coworking environments. As technology continues to advance, shared office spaces will undoubtedly evolve, offering even more sophisticated and efficient solutions to meet the diverse needs of the modern workforce.Designing the perfect shared office space involves balancing functionality, aesthetics, and community needs. By focusing on key elements such as layout, ergonomic furniture, technology, and sustainability, and by staying aware of emerging trends, you can create a coworking environment that is both productive and enjoyable. As the nature of work continues to evolve, so too should the design of shared office spaces, ensuring they remain conducive to the diverse needs of their users.
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2024.05.16 09:42 bebrokers Top 5 Tips for Forex Trading Success

Top 5 Tips for Forex Trading Success
Forex Trading
Forex trading can be an exciting and lucrative endeavor, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Success in the forex market requires more than just knowledge and intuition; it demands discipline, patience, and a well-thought-out strategy. Here are the top five tips to help you navigate the complexities of currency trading and increase your chances of success.

1. Understand the Market

Before you dive into trading, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of the market. Educate yourself about the different currencies and how they are influenced by global events, economic indicators, and political developments. Keep abreast of financial news and reports, and understand how they can affect the forex market. Knowledge is power, and in forex trading, it’s the foundation of success.

2. Plan Your Trades

Planning is key in forex trading. Develop a trading plan that outlines your investment goals, risk tolerance, and strategies. Your plan should include the criteria for entering and exiting trades, money management rules, and what actions to take in response to market changes. A well-defined plan helps prevent impulsive decisions and ensures that your trading is consistent and disciplined.

3. Use Proper Risk Management

Risk management is essential to long-term success in forex trading. Determine the amount of capital you are willing to risk on each trade, and stick to it. A common guideline is to risk no more than 1–2% of your trading account on a single trade. This helps to preserve your capital and keep you in the game, even after a series of losses.

4. Keep Emotions in Check

Trading can be an emotional rollercoaster, but letting emotions control your decisions can lead to costly mistakes. Stay calm and focused, and don’t let fear, greed, or hope dictate your trading. Stick to your trading plan, and don’t be tempted to overtrade or chase losses. Emotional discipline is a hallmark of successful traders.

5. Continuously Learn and Adapt

The forex market is dynamic and constantly changing. Successful traders are those who continuously learn and adapt their strategies to align with current market conditions. Reflect on your trades, learn from your successes and failures, and adjust your approach as needed. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy in forex trading; flexibility is key.
Ready to take your forex trading solution to the next level? is here to help. With our advanced trading platforms, comprehensive market analysis, and personalized support, we provide the tools and guidance you need to succeed. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, offers a range of services to help you achieve your trading goals.
Join us today and unlock the potential of forex trading. Visit to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in navigating the forex market for success.
submitted by bebrokers to u/bebrokers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 accounttaxpros Why Account Tax Pros is Your Trusted Partner for Corporate Tax Return Filing

Why Account Tax Pros is Your Trusted Partner for Corporate Tax Return Filing
In the world of business, taxes certainly are an unavoidable issue. Being a business, doing the return of taxes is quite complicated. That’s where Account Tax Pros comes in, being a trusted advisor and reliable partner that takes charge of your corporate tax return filing and takes care of them with the accuracy they need. Let's explore why Account Tax Pros is the ideal tax return filing destination for corporations.
Expertise That Matters
Above all else, there should be no doubt that taxes require authority. As far as Account Tax Pros is concerned, we have a team of an experienced expert rich with years of working in the area of corporate taxes. Regardless of whether it concerns detailing complex tax laws, maximizing deduction, or navigating through compliance obligations, we have professionals who have both the capacity and the skills to guarantee that your tax returns are prepared in a manner which is both accurate and efficient.
Tailored Solutions for Every Business
No two businesses are alike, and neither are their tax needs. At Account Tax Pros, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that each corporate entity faces. That's why we offer personalized solutions tailored to meet your specific tax requirements. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, we have the expertise to handle your tax return filing with precision and care.
Streamlined Process for Peace of Mind
The tax season may be an incredibly stressful period of time for all business owners. Therefore, Account Tax Pros has been making the tax return filing process as easy and stress-free as possible. Whether it is submitting all the required documents or filing forms and answering any questions that may come along the way, our simplified approach will give you peace of mind and hence, you can concentrate on what is important – running your business.
Transparent Communication Every Step of the Way
We believe that communication is a great power. At Account Tax Pros, we regularly inform and engage you in every step of the tax return filing process. By describing complicated tax ideas in simple terms and keeping you updated about your return status, we make sure the transparency is clear from the beginning till the end. We'll make sure that you will never be in the dark about your tax sorry.
Compliance and Accuracy Guaranteed
When it comes to taxes, compliance and accuracy are non-negotiable. Account Tax Pros takes compliance seriously, staying up-to-date with the latest tax laws and regulations to ensure your returns are filed correctly the first time. Our dedication to detail and conscientiousness are the main factors that make you certain that the taxation process is in a safe place as far as you are concerned.
When it comes to t2 tax return filing, trust matters. With Account Tax Pros, you can rest easy knowing that your tax needs are in the hands of experts who care. From personalized solutions to transparent communication and guaranteed accuracy, we're committed to helping your business thrive. Choose Account Tax Pros for all your corporate tax return filing needs and experience the peace of mind that comes with working with trusted professionals.
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2024.05.16 09:42 Zebratonagus Cyber Truck failures are a result of planned obsolescence

So we’ve all seen how terrible the Cyber Truck is — it is genuinely hard to believe that a car so bad was put on the market, and everyone wants to know why it happened. I think Tesla did it on purpose.
Obviously they didn’t plan for their cars to break down within 1000 miles, but I think it is EXTREMELY likely that they were designed with the intention that they won’t last longer than a few years. Tesla knows their market — these people would CLAMOR to buy a new Cyber Truck if theirs broke down after 2 years. They know that, as long as they deliver SOMETHING, their fanboys will salivate at the opportunity to spend money on it, but it doesn’t make nearly as much money if Tesla fanboys only buy a car once every 10 years.
I think they wanted the truck to have an EXTREMELY short life cycle for a car, but didn’t consider that planned obsolescence only works as intended for things like phones — not $100,000 heavy machinery. As a result, the trucks are breaking MUCH sooner than anticipated.
I have absolutely no evidence to back this claim, but it is the most rational explanation of this whole debacle in my eyes. I truly don’t think it’s possible for Tesla to be so incompetent as to put such a bad product out on purpose. It genuinely seems like they would have had to TRY to build a car with so many reliability issues. If they had just underdelivered on the off-roading, it would be one thing, but it’s not even a functional road vehicle. It doesn’t seem possible for such talented engineers to be incapable of building a functional car. It only makes sense if you can accept that it was intentional, and that their planned obsolescence is just working too well. And frankly, building a car that isn’t supposed to last more than a few years just SOUNDS like one of Elon’s master plans.
If Tesla does not collapse because of this, I will be very interested to see their next model. I think the only thing they will have learned from the Cyber Truck is how to better incorporate planned obsolescence into their cars, and I think we will start to see pretty much the exact same issues the Cyber Truck has, just delayed by a year or two.
submitted by Zebratonagus to RealTesla [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 Aggravating_Towel427 23 M I want to make more friends

I’m a 23 year old guy who basically lives the same day every day and I’m just bored. Life has been non stop kicking my ass so I do usually spend my free time getting into my own world to escape it whether that’s anything from weekend drinking at the bar to playing video games to skateboarding or listening to music. When it comes to video games I play thing a from competitive games like valorant or rainbow six to just hangout games like Minecraft. My music taste goes all over the place from the most backwater country all the way to the heaviest gutturals in deathcore metal. I love tattoos, both getting them and seeing what others have. Definitely a bonus if you know anything about skateboarding. I grew up skateboarding and have it up for about 3 years and I’m now fighting trying to get myself back into it
submitted by Aggravating_Towel427 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:41 Stephensam101 Adobe xd plugin to code

Basically , I’ve designed a webpage and exported to code using that free plugin. This works great but the code in sublime is a mess, I was wondering if there’s a way when I’m designing , that will help clean the code up for when I export it ? F
submitted by Stephensam101 to Adobe_XD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:41 No_Occasion_2920 Joint Pain Specialists in Delhi NCR 8010931122

Joint Pain Specialists in Delhi NCR 8010931122
Joint pain can significantly impact your life, making even simple daily activities a challenge. Management of joint pain is an important step. At Dr. Monga Clinic, we pride ourselves on having the Best Doctors for Joint Pain Treatment in Delhi, who are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care.
What are the risk factors for joint pain?
Joint pain can be caused by a variety of factors, and identifying these can help with prevention and management. Major risk factors include:
  1. Age: As we age, wear and stress on the joints can lead to diseases like osteoarthritis.
  2. Injury: Previous injuries can cause chronic pain or arthritis in the joints.
  3. Obesity: Excess weight puts extra stress on weight-bearing joints, causing pain and inflammation.
  4. Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle or repetitive stress from certain activities can contribute to joint pain.
  5. Chronic diseases: Conditions like diabetes and autoimmune diseases can increase the risk of joint pain.
Which symptoms of joint pain are cause for concern?
While occasional joint pain can be common, some symptoms warrant a visit to a specialist:
  • Persistent pain: Pain that persists for several weeks or longer without improvement.
  • Swelling: Noticeable swelling or redness around the joint.
  • Stiffness: Difficulty moving the joint, especially after a period of inactivity.
  • Heat: A joint that feels hot when touched indicates inflammation or infection.
  • Deformity: Any visible change in the shape of a joint.
  • Decreased mobility: Loss of range of motion or difficulty performing daily tasks.
Treatment methods at Dr. Monga's clinic
At Dr. Monga's clinic we treat joint pain using a comprehensive approach to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care. We offer the following state-of-the-art treatment options:
  • Physical therapy: Customized exercise programs to improve strength, flexibility, and joint function.
  • Minimally invasive procedures: Techniques such as steroid injections, viscosupplementation, and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy to reduce pain and enhance healing.
  • Lifestyle modifications: Guidance on weight management, dietary changes, and ergonomic adjustments to reduce joint stress.
  • Alternative treatments: Include acupuncture, chiropractic care, and yoga for holistic pain management.
  • Surgical Interventions: When necessary, our expert orthopedic surgeons perform procedures such as arthroscopy, joint replacement, or reconstructive surgery to restore function.
Why choose Dr. Monga Clinic?
Choosing the right healthcare provider is important for effective management of joint pain. Here's why Dr. Monga's Clinic is unique:
Expert Team: Our team comprises of some of the best doctors for joint pain treatment in Delhi, who have wide experience and expertise in various aspects of joint health.
Patient-Centered Care: We believe in personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's specific needs and lifestyle.
Joint pain doesn't have to control your life. With the right treatment and care from the Best Doctors for Joint Pain Treatment in Delhi at Dr. Monga Clinic, you can regain mobility and remain pain free. Schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step toward a healthier, more active life.
Original Source
submitted by No_Occasion_2920 to u/No_Occasion_2920 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:41 Reasonable-Refuse631 UIUC (IS + DS) vs. Rutgers (CS)

Schools: UIUC (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) vs. Rutgers New Brunswick
Intended major: Information Sciences + Data Science @ UIUC & CS @ Rutgers
Similarities: Weather is about the same. Weather is rly bad for a few months/unpredictable (Being from cali I will be seeing a major difference); Overall rankings are pretty close to each other; Both have very good research opportunities
UIUC pros:
UIUC Cons:
Rutgers Pros:
Rutgers Cons:
Tiebreaking considerations:
I’m sort of a pit stop right now, as I am not really sure what to do. I never really wanted to go to Rutgers in the first place, but it suddenly became an option after I realized that an IS + DS major was not it at UIUC. When I visited both campuses, I got better vibes at UIUC. Rutgers’s campus seemed a bit depressing and reminded me of HS, but I am not against it as I think it would be a great experience and first impressions could be deceiving.
I just wanted to say that I am leaning towards UIUC because of the prestige it holds compared to Rutgers. I think this is what a lot of other people will do, and UIUC is the clearer option compared to Rutgers. At this point, it is more of a major thing than a school thing.
Even though data science at UIUC is not a bad major when paired with a CS minor, a lot of people are shitting on it for being really bad, so I don't know what to do. I talked to the Hella people, though, and they told me that it is fine if I put in a CS minor.
What do yall think I should do?
submitted by Reasonable-Refuse631 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:40 Mkmk139 When to pay off a debt vs investing?

I was recently on the unburyme website and it dawned on me to maybe payoff my truck and or RV to stop paying intrest. I've always been an excessive saver with no real plan. Recently my wife and I started to seriously dive into our finances. We are using the TMOAP budget sheet to track our expenses/income and are really starting to look at the nitty gritty of what we spend.
Yearly I earn $100-150k with $20k-30k tax free stipend. We are full time on the road traveling to different jobsites to work projects, 1-2 months long. Hence the pickup and camper. Typically work 6 to 10 months out of year.
So far this year I've earned $68k take home roughly. I bought my wife the mazda with $10k down in February and have about $4.5k already tied up on a vacation for July. Our typical expenses run about $4.5k a month total. Is it dumb to pay off the truck to pay "myself" the 8.76% interest? This would also lower our expenses by 1k a month. We've been thinking about the coast fire strategy recently too.
I'm 26 years old and my wife is 24. My question is should I withdraw some money from brokerage to pay off atleast my truck. Thanks for all advice!
$52k in Taxable Brokerage 75% VOO 25% cash settlement fund.
$16k Roth Ira Maxed this year. 100% VOO
$15k in Checking, typical move everything over $10k to Brokerage.
$35k Truck @ $866/month 8.76% 3500 Diesel essential for work. Older Low mileage. 5 year loan
$15k rv @ $300/month 7.7% 10 year loan.
$16.9k mazda for wife@ $522/month 3.99% 3 year.
submitted by Mkmk139 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:39 LeahGottiFeetLover Your opinion on my custom Lucille?

So I started making my own Lucille like 2-ish years ago. Got me a slugger, sanded it down and painted it. But then I ran into a mix of a dilemma and a conundrum. A dilundrum. What do I do with the barbed wire. See I can either use real barbed wire, which would be epic, but also dangerous. Or I can use rubber barbed wire, barbed rubber, and use that instead. I just want it to look as close to the real Lucille as possible. I couldn’t decide so ever since Lucille has just been sitting here naked and she’s getting a little cold.
What do you think? Real or fake wire?
submitted by LeahGottiFeetLover to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]