
The poor villager

2024.06.09 09:48 Paolog__ The poor villager

The poor villager
I was making a survival world, I saw a village at spawn, and I saw a very poor villager, watching his house.
His house is completly under water...
Seed: 1344154556462450346 Coordinates: 23 63 -138 Version: Minecraft 1.19.3 (Vanilla)
submitted by Paolog__ to minecraftseeds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:49 TeddyLea [STEP] Final Step! Cafe Corner (10182) - 16 winners! - 640 Spots at $1/ea

[STEP] Final Step! Cafe Corner (10182) - 16 winners! - 640 Spots at $1/ea
Raffle being stepped: https://www.reddit.com/lego_raffles/comments/1dak65a/main_cafe_corner_10182_640_spots_at_5each/
Step Amount: 20% = 128 Spots * $5 spots = $640
Raffle Total/Spots: Total = $640, 640 spots @ $1
Winners: There will be 1 bot call for multiple winners. Same person can win more than once, same number cannot.
16 winners: Each winner will receive 8 spots in the main.
Call spots: Y
Spot limit per person: No
Duration of spot limit: N/A
Step is only open to MAIN raffle participants for the first 30 minutes.
Payment required w/in 20 minutes of raffle filling, 10 minutes for drama.
PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban.

PayPal Info: PM for PP Info
Cash App Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 DutchRudder87 PAID
2 idrinkpisswater PAID
3 DutchRudder87 PAID
4 DerBengel PAID
5 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
6 DrSeussFreak PAID
7 pma99999 PAID
8 DerBengel PAID
9 pma99999 PAID
10 quaigonjon PAID
11 DutchRudder87 PAID
12 DerBengel PAID
13 DerBengel PAID
14 Background_Badger942 PAID
15 Experimentgreen PAID
16 Nwd97 PAID
17 DutchRudder87 PAID
18 DutchRudder87 PAID
19 jethro2126 PAID
20 DerBengel PAID
21 quaigonjon PAID
22 DutchRudder87 PAID
23 DutchRudder87 PAID
24 WhatsThose PAID
25 WhatsThose PAID
26 DerBengel PAID
27 jethro2126 PAID
28 ClassicFennig PAID
29 DerBengel PAID
30 DutchRudder87 PAID
31 DerBengel PAID
32 quaigonjon PAID
33 LegoTacos PAID
34 despinos PAID
35 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
36 ClassicFennig PAID
37 despinos PAID
38 DutchRudder87 PAID
39 Nwd97 PAID
40 DrSeussFreak PAID
41 DrSeussFreak PAID
42 DrSeussFreak PAID
43 DrSeussFreak PAID
44 DrSeussFreak PAID
45 kkocan72 PAID
46 ClassicFennig PAID
47 idrinkpisswater PAID
48 therontheteej PAID
49 ScooterP73 PAID
50 DutchRudder87 PAID
51 DutchRudder87 PAID
52 silicontoast PAID
53 DutchRudder87 PAID
54 ClassicFennig PAID
55 jakubf3tt PAID
56 pma99999 PAID
57 space4rentt PAID
58 therontheteej PAID
59 dontgofrank PAID
60 Background_Badger942 PAID
61 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
62 LegoTacos PAID
63 azcpl121314 PAID
64 ScooterP73 PAID
65 DutchRudder87 PAID
66 therontheteej PAID
67 Nwd97 PAID
68 kkocan72 PAID
69 DerBengel PAID
70 PurpleMARL PAID
71 Nwd97 PAID
72 therontheteej PAID
73 ClassicFennig PAID
74 therontheteej PAID
75 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
76 therontheteej PAID
77 pma99999 PAID
78 DutchRudder87 PAID
79 PurpleMARL PAID
80 jakubf3tt PAID
81 LegoTacos PAID
82 Nwd97 PAID
83 despinos PAID
84 WhatsThose PAID
85 ClassicFennig PAID
86 DerBengel PAID
87 quaigonjon PAID
88 LegoTacos PAID
89 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
90 DutchRudder87 PAID
91 DutchRudder87 PAID
92 DutchRudder87 PAID
93 ScooterP73 PAID
94 LegoTacos PAID
95 DutchRudder87 PAID
96 robob280 PAID
97 LegoTacos PAID
98 DutchRudder87 PAID
99 DutchRudder87 PAID
100 space4rentt PAID
101 DutchRudder87 PAID
102 LegoTacos PAID
103 Background_Badger942 PAID
104 Experimentgreen PAID
105 DutchRudder87 PAID
106 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
107 despinos PAID
108 DutchRudder87 PAID
109 ClassicFennig PAID
110 DutchRudder87 PAID
111 ClassicFennig PAID
112 silicontoast PAID
113 azcpl121314 PAID
114 Nwd97 PAID
115 quaigonjon PAID
116 Nwd97 PAID
117 Nwd97 PAID
118 lowep PAID
119 jakubf3tt PAID
120 therontheteej PAID
121 ClassicFennig PAID
122 Nwd97 PAID
123 legoislifey PAID
124 azcpl121314 PAID
125 azcpl121314 PAID
126 originalvandent PAID
127 ClassicFennig PAID
128 heavyboots79 PAID
129 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
130 ClassicFennig PAID
131 space4rentt PAID
132 azcpl121314 PAID
133 silicontoast PAID
134 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
135 LegoTacos PAID
136 silicontoast PAID
137 Nwd97 PAID
138 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
139 DutchRudder87 PAID
140 LegoTacos PAID
141 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
142 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
143 DutchRudder87 PAID
144 ClassicFennig PAID
145 jethro2126 PAID
146 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
147 robob280 PAID
148 jethro2126 PAID
149 jakubf3tt PAID
150 lowep PAID
151 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
152 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
153 ScooterP73 PAID
154 silicontoast PAID
155 Nwd97 PAID
156 PurpleMARL PAID
157 DutchRudder87 PAID
158 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
159 lowep PAID
160 DutchRudder87 PAID
161 quaigonjon PAID
162 DrSeussFreak PAID
163 Nwd97 PAID
164 ScooterP73 PAID
165 ScooterP73 PAID
166 Background_Badger942 PAID
167 azcpl121314 PAID
168 therontheteej PAID
169 Nwd97 PAID
170 DutchRudder87 PAID
171 quaigonjon PAID
172 DutchRudder87 PAID
173 DutchRudder87 PAID
174 ScooterP73 PAID
175 quaigonjon PAID
176 DutchRudder87 PAID
177 nik0nguy601 PAID
178 azcpl121314 PAID
179 DutchRudder87 PAID
180 heavyboots79 PAID
181 therontheteej PAID
182 Nwd97 PAID
183 legoislifey PAID
184 kkocan72 PAID
185 DutchRudder87 PAID
186 therontheteej PAID
187 despinos PAID
188 therontheteej PAID
189 DutchRudder87 PAID
190 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
191 legoislifey PAID
192 space4rentt PAID
193 DutchRudder87 PAID
194 PurpleMARL PAID
195 Nwd97 PAID
196 pma99999 PAID
197 ScooterP73 PAID
198 therontheteej PAID
199 jakubf3tt PAID
200 jethro2126 PAID
201 DutchRudder87 PAID
202 DrSeussFreak PAID
203 LegoTacos PAID
204 therontheteej PAID
205 DutchRudder87 PAID
206 quaigonjon PAID
207 Nwd97 PAID
208 jethro2126 PAID
209 DutchRudder87 PAID
210 DutchRudder87 PAID
211 dontgofrank PAID
212 heavyboots79 PAID
213 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
214 ClassicFennig PAID
215 silicontoast PAID
216 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
217 ClassicFennig PAID
218 DutchRudder87 PAID
219 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
220 space4rentt PAID
221 space4rentt PAID
222 Experimentgreen PAID
223 azcpl121314 PAID
224 jakubf3tt PAID
225 ClassicFennig PAID
226 Nwd97 PAID
227 Nwd97 PAID
228 DutchRudder87 PAID
229 DutchRudder87 PAID
230 originalvandent PAID
231 jakubf3tt PAID
232 Background_Badger942 PAID
233 despinos PAID
234 therontheteej PAID
235 Nwd97 PAID
236 DutchRudder87 PAID
237 robob280 PAID
238 space4rentt PAID
239 quaigonjon PAID
240 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
241 DutchRudder87 PAID
242 silicontoast PAID
243 DutchRudder87 PAID
244 therontheteej PAID
245 quaigonjon PAID
246 LegoTacos PAID
247 ScooterP73 PAID
248 kkocan72 PAID
249 silicontoast PAID
250 WhatsThose PAID
251 DutchRudder87 PAID
252 DutchRudder87 PAID
253 Nwd97 PAID
254 ClassicFennig PAID
255 DrSeussFreak PAID
256 robob280 PAID
257 legoislifey PAID
258 ClassicFennig PAID
259 jakubf3tt PAID
260 LegoTacos PAID
261 LegoTacos PAID
262 silicontoast PAID
263 silicontoast PAID
264 ClassicFennig PAID
265 Background_Badger942 PAID
266 DutchRudder87 PAID
267 ClassicFennig PAID
268 azcpl121314 PAID
269 Nwd97 PAID
270 azcpl121314 PAID
271 ClassicFennig PAID
272 DutchRudder87 PAID
273 despinos PAID
274 Nwd97 PAID
275 DutchRudder87 PAID
276 DutchRudder87 PAID
277 space4rentt PAID
278 silicontoast PAID
279 ScooterP73 PAID
280 WhatsThose PAID
281 DutchRudder87 PAID
282 jethro2126 PAID
283 ScooterP73 PAID
284 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
285 idrinkpisswater PAID
286 DutchRudder87 PAID
287 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
288 silicontoast PAID
289 Nwd97 PAID
290 space4rentt PAID
291 DutchRudder87 PAID
292 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
293 silicontoast PAID
294 Nwd97 PAID
295 robob280 PAID
296 jakubf3tt PAID
297 DutchRudder87 PAID
298 dontgofrank PAID
299 quaigonjon PAID
300 DutchRudder87 PAID
301 Nwd97 PAID
302 azcpl121314 PAID
303 jethro2126 PAID
304 ScooterP73 PAID
305 nik0nguy601 PAID
306 lowep PAID
307 Nwd97 PAID
308 Experimentgreen PAID
309 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
310 jethro2126 PAID
311 azcpl121314 PAID
312 jakubf3tt PAID
313 DutchRudder87 PAID
314 despinos PAID
315 Nwd97 PAID
316 DrSeussFreak PAID
317 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
318 DutchRudder87 PAID
319 Nwd97 PAID
320 Nwd97 PAID
321 WhatsThose PAID
322 therontheteej PAID
323 WhatsThose PAID
324 Nwd97 PAID
325 originalvandent PAID
326 LegoTacos PAID
327 jethro2126 PAID
328 DutchRudder87 PAID
329 DrSeussFreak PAID
330 DutchRudder87 PAID
331 Nwd97 PAID
332 LegoTacos PAID
333 robob280 PAID
334 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
335 PurpleMARL PAID
336 LegoTacos PAID
337 nik0nguy601 PAID
338 Nwd97 PAID
339 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
340 ClassicFennig PAID
341 jethro2126 PAID
342 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
343 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
344 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
345 therontheteej PAID
346 Nwd97 PAID
347 Nwd97 PAID
348 ClassicFennig PAID
349 space4rentt PAID
350 DutchRudder87 PAID
351 DutchRudder87 PAID
352 Nwd97 PAID
353 originalvandent PAID
354 WhatsThose PAID
355 LegoTacos PAID
356 silicontoast PAID
357 jakubf3tt PAID
358 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
359 DrSeussFreak PAID
360 DutchRudder87 PAID
361 silicontoast PAID
362 ClassicFennig PAID
363 legoislifey PAID
364 WhatsThose PAID
365 despinos PAID
366 despinos PAID
367 despinos PAID
368 Nwd97 PAID
369 DutchRudder87 PAID
370 quaigonjon PAID
371 DutchRudder87 PAID
372 jethro2126 PAID
373 Nwd97 PAID
374 ClassicFennig PAID
375 azcpl121314 PAID
376 DutchRudder87 PAID
377 lowep PAID
378 Nwd97 PAID
379 DutchRudder87 PAID
380 DutchRudder87 PAID
381 ClassicFennig PAID
382 ClassicFennig PAID
383 DrSeussFreak PAID
384 Nwd97 PAID
385 legoislifey PAID
386 DrSeussFreak PAID
387 azcpl121314 PAID
388 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
389 DutchRudder87 PAID
390 quaigonjon PAID
391 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
392 dontgofrank PAID
393 ClassicFennig PAID
394 lowep PAID
395 Nwd97 PAID
396 PurpleMARL PAID
397 LegoTacos PAID
398 ClassicFennig PAID
399 despinos PAID
400 Nwd97 PAID
401 despinos PAID
402 kkocan72 PAID
403 azcpl121314 PAID
404 DerBengel PAID
405 therontheteej PAID
406 DrSeussFreak PAID
407 DutchRudder87 PAID
408 Nwd97 PAID
409 kkocan72 PAID
410 jethro2126 PAID
411 Background_Badger942 PAID
412 quaigonjon PAID
413 space4rentt PAID
414 DutchRudder87 PAID
415 silicontoast PAID
416 DutchRudder87 PAID
417 DutchRudder87 PAID
418 originalvandent PAID
419 PurpleMARL PAID
420 ClassicFennig PAID
421 LegoTacos PAID
422 robob280 PAID
423 jethro2126 PAID
424 legoislifey PAID
425 Background_Badger942 PAID
426 jakubf3tt PAID
427 Nwd97 PAID
428 space4rentt PAID
429 PurpleMARL PAID
430 nik0nguy601 PAID
431 DutchRudder87 PAID
432 DutchRudder87 PAID
433 silicontoast PAID
434 jakubf3tt PAID
435 silicontoast PAID
436 silicontoast PAID
437 Nwd97 PAID
438 originalvandent PAID
439 therontheteej PAID
440 heavyboots79 PAID
441 DutchRudder87 PAID
442 DutchRudder87 PAID
443 Nwd97 PAID
444 robob280 PAID
445 legoislifey PAID
446 LegoTacos PAID
447 pma99999 PAID
448 therontheteej PAID
449 DutchRudder87 PAID
450 kkocan72 PAID
451 nik0nguy601 PAID
452 ClassicFennig PAID
453 LegoTacos PAID
454 therontheteej PAID
455 PurpleMARL PAID
456 jethro2126 PAID
457 Nwd97 PAID
458 lowep PAID
459 therontheteej PAID
460 therontheteej PAID
461 DrSeussFreak PAID
462 DutchRudder87 PAID
463 therontheteej PAID
464 Nwd97 PAID
465 DutchRudder87 PAID
466 DutchRudder87 PAID
467 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
468 jakubf3tt PAID
469 space4rentt PAID
470 sirius5715 PAID
471 nik0nguy601 PAID
472 lowep PAID
473 silicontoast PAID
474 DutchRudder87 PAID
475 legoislifey PAID
476 despinos PAID
477 therontheteej PAID
478 DutchRudder87 PAID
479 jakubf3tt PAID
480 therontheteej PAID
481 DrSeussFreak PAID
482 DutchRudder87 PAID
483 DutchRudder87 PAID
484 silicontoast PAID
485 quaigonjon PAID
486 pma99999 PAID
487 silicontoast PAID
488 ClassicFennig PAID
489 azcpl121314 PAID
490 DutchRudder87 PAID
491 DutchRudder87 PAID
492 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
493 jethro2126 PAID
494 DutchRudder87 PAID
495 silicontoast PAID
496 quaigonjon PAID
497 silicontoast PAID
498 ScooterP73 PAID
499 Nwd97 PAID
500 DutchRudder87 PAID
501 silicontoast PAID
502 ClassicFennig PAID
503 DutchRudder87 PAID
504 DutchRudder87 PAID
505 despinos PAID
506 silicontoast PAID
507 DutchRudder87 PAID
508 silicontoast PAID
509 pma99999 PAID
510 ScooterP73 PAID
511 PurpleMARL PAID
512 heavyboots79 PAID
513 DutchRudder87 PAID
514 therontheteej PAID
515 robob280 PAID
516 jakubf3tt PAID
517 DrSeussFreak PAID
518 DutchRudder87 PAID
519 DutchRudder87 PAID
520 jakubf3tt PAID
521 azcpl121314 PAID
522 jakubf3tt PAID
523 dontgofrank PAID
524 Background_Badger942 PAID
525 DutchRudder87 PAID
526 LegoTacos PAID
527 DutchRudder87 PAID
528 despinos PAID
529 ScooterP73 PAID
530 WhatsThose PAID
531 quaigonjon PAID
532 DutchRudder87 PAID
533 DutchRudder87 PAID
534 therontheteej PAID
535 Nwd97 PAID
536 silicontoast PAID
537 therontheteej PAID
538 lowep PAID
539 Nwd97 PAID
540 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
541 PurpleMARL PAID
542 despinos PAID
543 originalvandent PAID
544 silicontoast PAID
545 ScooterP73 PAID
546 Nwd97 PAID
547 DutchRudder87 PAID
548 silicontoast PAID
549 quaigonjon PAID
550 silicontoast PAID
551 azcpl121314 PAID
552 kkocan72 PAID
553 nik0nguy601 PAID
554 pma99999 PAID
555 robob280 PAID
556 therontheteej PAID
557 Nwd97 PAID
558 ScooterP73 PAID
559 DutchRudder87 PAID
560 kkocan72 PAID
561 DutchRudder87 PAID
562 quaigonjon PAID
563 quaigonjon PAID
564 space4rentt PAID
565 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
566 therontheteej PAID
567 azcpl121314 PAID
568 pma99999 PAID
569 DutchRudder87 PAID
570 space4rentt PAID
571 therontheteej PAID
572 originalvandent PAID
573 silicontoast PAID
574 ClassicFennig PAID
575 nik0nguy601 PAID
576 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
577 lowep PAID
578 space4rentt PAID
579 pma99999 PAID
580 DutchRudder87 PAID
581 jakubf3tt PAID
582 space4rentt PAID
583 ScooterP73 PAID
584 DutchRudder87 PAID
585 jakubf3tt PAID
586 ClassicFennig PAID
587 LegoTacos PAID
588 LegoTacos PAID
589 Nwd97 PAID
590 ScooterP73 PAID
591 DutchRudder87 PAID
592 legoislifey PAID
593 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
594 DutchRudder87 PAID
595 despinos PAID
596 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
597 azcpl121314 PAID
598 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
599 DutchRudder87 PAID
600 LegoTacos PAID
601 nik0nguy601 PAID
602 DrSeussFreak PAID
603 DutchRudder87 PAID
604 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
605 ClassicFennig PAID
606 Background_Badger942 PAID
607 lowep PAID
608 silicontoast PAID
609 azcpl121314 PAID
610 DutchRudder87 PAID
611 therontheteej PAID
612 originalvandent PAID
613 ScooterP73 PAID
614 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
615 LegoTacos PAID
616 DutchRudder87 PAID
617 silicontoast PAID
618 ScooterP73 PAID
619 WhatsThose PAID
620 jethro2126 PAID
621 jakubf3tt PAID
622 Nwd97 PAID
623 originalvandent PAID
624 azcpl121314 PAID
625 kkocan72 PAID
626 ClassicFennig PAID
627 ScooterP73 PAID
628 Nwd97 PAID
629 jakubf3tt PAID
630 quaigonjon PAID
631 ClassicFennig PAID
632 nik0nguy601 PAID
633 despinos PAID
634 therontheteej PAID
635 DutchRudder87 PAID
636 LegoTacos PAID
637 legoislifey PAID
638 Nwd97 PAID
639 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
640 LegoTacos PAID

submitted by TeddyLea to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:03 HarrisonDavenport CISM Exam Pass - Overview of Resources and QAE Scores

Hey everyone,
I passed the CISM exam on 5/29 at a testing center and wanted to share my experience.
Background: 6+ years as an external IT auditor (1 year as a Manager) primarily working on NIST CSF implementations, SOC 2 exams, PCI-DSS, and GLBA/cybersecurity audits. I also have a Masters Degree in Information Systems/Cybersecurity Management
Other Certifications: CISA
Why did I get this certification: Technically a work requirement, but this is a cert I’ve wanted to obtain since I have 6+ years of experience in each domain. In order to be a QSA (for PCI-DSS) you have to obtain one audit certification (ex: CISA) and one information security certification (ex: CISM) prior to attending the required training/exam.
Resources: All of the resources listed below were covered by my employer in addition to the exam and application fees.
Primary Resource:
  1. QAE: This is where I spent the vast majority of my time (same for CISA exam). I went through the QAE twice only using the adaptive mode. Completed my first practice test 2 weeks before the exam and my second practice test 4 days before the exam. I have included my QAE scores below:
QAE 1st attempt: Percentile Rank: 67, Avg. score on practice: 72%, Mastery Achieved: 3 sub-domains
QAE 2nd attempt: Percentile Rank: 78, Avg. score on practice: 81%, Mastery Achieved: 15 sub-domains
Practice Test 1: 91%
Practice Test 2: 87%
Final stats before test: Percentile Rank: 80, Avg. score on practice: 81%, Avg. Score on Tests: 89%, Mastery Achieved: 21 sub-domains
Supplemental Resources:
  1. Doshi CISM Prep Guide/Udemy Course: The guide is essentially the written version of the Udemy course, but edited for grammar and much higher quality. I like the way he structures the content and there are a lot of practice questions that resemble the QAE. I would opt for this over the CRM if I had to choose between the two. The physical copy also comes with a free digital (unlike CRM). I also watched some of the Udemy videos on 1.5x since I get Udemy free with my local library card.
  2. Prepare for the ISACA Certified Information Security Manager Exam: I read this in an afternoon before I started the QAE. Good resource for establishing the mindset needed to get through the QAE and exam.
  3. PocketPrep: Very good supplemental resource. I used it while I was traveling for work. I recommend using the Level Up quiz. Completed 500/1000 questions. I primarily focused on domains 3 and 4 since they are a combined 63% of the test. I really liked that the page numbers in the CRM were referenced in the answers for each question. Gwen's explanations for some of the concepts were very helpful.
  4. CISM Review Manual (CRM): $136 for a manual that does not have an index is absurd. I’d recommend the Doshi Prep Guide + 1 month of PocketPrep over the CRM. That combo is half the price ($62) and were my two most used supplemental resources.
Study Time: 60-70 hours (estimate) over 2 months.
Time to receive exam results: 7 business days. Passed exam on 5/29 and received official results on 6/8.
Exam Scores
Information Security Governance (Domain 1): 478
Information Security Risk Management (Domain 2): 611
Information Security Program (Domain 3): 592
Incident Management (Domain 4): 677
Total Scaled Score: 601
submitted by HarrisonDavenport to cism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:03 TeddyLea [STEP] Cafe Corner (10182) - 16 winners! - 640 Spots at $1/ea

[STEP] Cafe Corner (10182) - 16 winners! - 640 Spots at $1/ea
Raffle being stepped: https://www.reddit.com/lego_raffles/comments/1dak65a/main_cafe_corner_10182_640_spots_at_5each/
Step Amount: 20% = 128 Spots * $5 spots = $640
Raffle Total/Spots: Total = $640, 640 spots @ $1
Winners: There will be 1 bot call for multiple winners. Same person can win more than once, same number cannot.
16 winners: Each winner will receive 8 spots in the main.
Call spots: Y
Spot limit per person: No
Duration of spot limit: N/A
Location(Country): US
Will ship international: No, sorry
Step is only open to users who have spots in the MAIN raffle prior to this posting for the first 30 minutes.
Payment required w/in 10 minutes of raffle filling, 5 minutes for drama.PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban.

PayPal Info: PM for PP Info
Cash App Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 lowep PAID
2 idrinkpisswater PAID
3 silicontoast PAID
4 DerBengel PAID
5 Silverstein519 PAID
6 Available_War941 PAID
7 nmde305 PAID
8 DerBengel PAID
9 legoislifey PAID
10 flimflamslappy PAID
11 therontheteej PAID
12 DerBengel PAID
13 DerBengel PAID
14 Available_War941 PAID
15 lowep PAID
16 nmde305 PAID
17 jasonmoon20 PAID
18 lowep PAID
19 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
20 DerBengel PAID
21 robob280 PAID
22 robob280 PAID
23 robob280 PAID
24 robob280 PAID
25 Experimentgreen PAID
26 DerBengel PAID
27 nmde305 PAID
28 robob280 PAID
29 Background_Badger942 PAID
30 flimflamslappy PAID
31 DerBengel PAID
32 nmde305 PAID
33 Nwd97 PAID
34 questionwords PAID
35 PurpleMARL PAID
36 therontheteej PAID
37 nmde305 PAID
38 oxidiz PAID
39 Dubious_York PAID
40 DrSeussFreak PAID
41 DrSeussFreak PAID
42 TheLoveLost_ PAID
43 DrSeussFreak PAID
44 DrSeussFreak PAID
45 Dubious_York PAID
46 therontheteej PAID
47 idrinkpisswater PAID
48 lowep PAID
49 Nwd97 PAID
50 jethro2126 PAID
51 Silverstein519 PAID
52 SirPoofius PAID
53 Experimentgreen PAID
54 flimflamslappy PAID
55 jasonmoon20 PAID
58 Dubious_York PAID
59 jasonmoon20 PAID
60 silicontoast PAID
61 oxidiz PAID
62 therontheteej PAID
63 therontheteej PAID
64 azcpl121314 PAID
65 therontheteej PAID
66 silicontoast PAID
67 pma99999 PAID
68 Nwd97 PAID
69 lowep PAID
70 flimflamslappy PAID
71 viper84040 PAID
72 Nwd97 PAID
73 Experimentgreen PAID
74 DrSeussFreak PAID
75 anakedpenguin PAID
76 flimflamslappy PAID
78 Experimentgreen PAID
79 flimflamslappy PAID
80 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
82 TheLoveLost_ PAID
83 DrSeussFreak PAID
84 originalvandent PAID
85 Nwd97 PAID
86 DerBengel PAID
87 Dubious_York PAID
88 Nwd97 PAID
89 questionwords PAID
90 DutchRudder87 PAID
91 Nwd97 PAID
92 therontheteej PAID
93 legoislifey PAID
94 oxidiz PAID
95 Dubious_York PAID
96 Experimentgreen PAID
97 flimflamslappy PAID
98 Nwd97 PAID
99 silicontoast PAID
100 originalvandent PAID
101 anakedpenguin PAID
102 azcpl121314 PAID
103 azcpl121314 PAID
104 Experimentgreen PAID
105 anakedpenguin PAID
106 therontheteej PAID
107 imadyke PAID
108 DutchRudder87 PAID
109 kittifairy PAID
110 silicontoast PAID
111 jethro2126 PAID
112 pendragoncomic PAID
113 azcpl121314 PAID
114 Silverstein519 PAID
115 Nwd97 PAID
116 flimflamslappy PAID
117 Silverstein519 PAID
118 jethro2126 PAID
119 pma99999 PAID
120 Nwd97 PAID
121 DutchRudder87 PAID
122 legoislifey PAID
123 flimflamslappy PAID
124 questionwords PAID
125 anakedpenguin PAID
126 silicontoast PAID
127 DrSeussFreak PAID
128 anakedpenguin PAID
129 Silverstein519 PAID
130 kittifairy PAID
131 TheLoveLost_ PAID
132 DrSeussFreak PAID
133 Dubious_York PAID
134 silicontoast PAID
135 anakedpenguin PAID
136 jasonmoon20 PAID
138 TeddyLea PAID
139 Silverstein519 PAID
140 questionwords PAID
141 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
142 flimflamslappy PAID
143 silicontoast PAID
144 DutchRudder87 PAID
145 despinos PAID
146 pendragoncomic PAID
147 lowep PAID
148 therontheteej PAID
149 LegoTacos PAID
150 silicontoast PAID
151 oxidiz PAID
152 Available_War941 PAID
153 imadyke PAID
154 despinos PAID
155 therontheteej PAID
156 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
158 Nwd97 PAID
159 oxidiz PAID
160 DrSeussFreak PAID
161 jethro2126 PAID
162 DutchRudder87 PAID
163 TeddyLea PAID
164 SirPoofius PAID
165 oxidiz PAID
166 LegoTacos PAID
168 therontheteej PAID
169 legoislifey PAID
170 flimflamslappy PAID
171 heavyboots79 PAID
172 Available_War941 PAID
173 Nwd97 PAID
174 Nwd97 PAID
175 TeddyLea PAID
176 jethro2126 PAID
177 DrSeussFreak PAID
178 oxidiz PAID
179 TeddyLea PAID
180 flimflamslappy PAID
181 DutchRudder87 PAID
182 Silverstein519 PAID
183 oxidiz PAID
184 Nwd97 PAID
185 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
186 oxidiz PAID
187 therontheteej PAID
188 originalvandent PAID
189 originalvandent PAID
190 flimflamslappy PAID
192 DrSeussFreak PAID
193 oxidiz PAID
194 robob280 PAID
195 oxidiz PAID
196 nmde305 PAID
197 cdr_warsstar PAID
198 heavyboots79 PAID
199 cdr_warsstar PAID
200 Nwd97 PAID
201 anakedpenguin PAID
202 pendragoncomic PAID
203 TeddyLea PAID
204 questionwords PAID
205 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
207 jasonmoon20 PAID
208 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
209 therontheteej PAID
210 TeddyLea PAID
211 Dubious_York PAID
212 Available_War941 PAID
213 Nwd97 PAID
214 silicontoast PAID
215 oxidiz PAID
216 oxidiz PAID
217 therontheteej PAID
218 anakedpenguin PAID
219 anakedpenguin PAID
220 wacowillie3281 PAID
221 imadyke PAID
222 Experimentgreen PAID
223 nik0nguy601 PAID
225 LegoTacos PAID
226 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
227 originalvandent PAID
228 Experimentgreen PAID
229 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
230 flimflamslappy PAID
232 jethro2126 PAID
233 Nwd97 PAID
234 Nwd97 PAID
235 DutchRudder87 PAID
236 DutchRudder87 PAID
237 jasonmoon20 PAID
238 azcpl121314 PAID
239 cdr_warsstar PAID
240 Available_War941 PAID
241 oxidiz PAID
242 heavyboots79 PAID
243 Dubious_York PAID
244 PurpleMARL PAID
245 TheLoveLost_ PAID
246 DrSeussFreak PAID
247 DutchRudder87 PAID
248 DutchRudder87 PAID
249 DutchRudder87 PAID
250 Dubious_York PAID
251 Nwd97 PAID
253 DutchRudder87 PAID
254 Silverstein519 PAID
255 despinos PAID
256 jethro2126 PAID
257 Dubious_York PAID
258 PurpleMARL PAID
259 therontheteej PAID
260 silicontoast PAID
261 DutchRudder87 PAID
262 DutchRudder87 PAID
263 Silverstein519 PAID
264 wacowillie3281 PAID
265 oxidiz PAID
266 TeddyLea PAID
267 jethro2126 PAID
268 Background_Badger942 PAID
269 jasonmoon20 PAID
270 Nwd97 PAID
271 silicontoast PAID
272 LegoTacos PAID
273 oxidiz PAID
274 Experimentgreen PAID
275 heavyboots79 PAID
276 oxidiz PAID
277 pma99999 PAID
278 TheLoveLost_ PAID
279 Available_War941 PAID
280 oxidiz PAID
281 Dubious_York PAID
282 DutchRudder87 PAID
283 Silverstein519 PAID
284 oxidiz PAID
285 lowep PAID
286 Nwd97 PAID
287 anakedpenguin PAID
288 originalvandent PAID
289 jasonmoon20 PAID
290 flimflamslappy PAID
291 lowep PAID
292 azcpl121314 PAID
293 DutchRudder87 PAID
294 PurpleMARL PAID
295 TeddyLea PAID
296 oxidiz PAID
297 oxidiz PAID
298 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
299 originalvandent PAID
300 flimflamslappy PAID
301 lowep PAID
302 Nwd97 PAID
304 silicontoast PAID
305 nmde305 PAID
306 robob280 PAID
307 Available_War941 PAID
308 DutchRudder87 PAID
309 lowep PAID
310 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
311 originalvandent PAID
312 azcpl121314 PAID
313 TeddyLea PAID
314 jethro2126 PAID
315 despinos PAID
316 oxidiz PAID
317 pendragoncomic PAID
318 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
319 TeddyLea PAID
320 Silverstein519 PAID
321 Nwd97 PAID
322 lowep PAID
323 lowep PAID
324 Dubious_York PAID
325 TeddyLea PAID
326 SirPoofius PAID
327 Dubious_York PAID
328 jasonmoon20 PAID
329 TeddyLea PAID
330 Available_War941 PAID
331 Silverstein519 PAID
332 Available_War941 PAID
333 anakedpenguin PAID
334 anakedpenguin PAID
335 Nwd97 PAID
336 legoislifey PAID
337 anakedpenguin PAID
338 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
339 originalvandent PAID
340 flimflamslappy PAID
341 Silverstein519 PAID
342 heavyboots79 PAID
343 PurpleMARL PAID
344 jasonmoon20 PAID
345 Available_War941 PAID
346 originalvandent PAID
347 DutchRudder87 PAID
348 despinos PAID
349 imadyke PAID
350 flimflamslappy PAID
351 TeddyLea PAID
352 oxidiz PAID
353 flimflamslappy PAID
354 DutchRudder87 PAID
355 DrSeussFreak PAID
356 TeddyLea PAID
357 DutchRudder87 PAID
358 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
359 TeddyLea PAID
360 flimflamslappy PAID
361 silicontoast PAID
362 oxidiz PAID
363 Nwd97 PAID
364 LegoTacos PAID
365 originalvandent PAID
366 legoislifey PAID
367 heavyboots79 PAID
368 lowep PAID
369 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
370 flimflamslappy PAID
371 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
372 Nwd97 PAID
373 anakedpenguin PAID
374 cdr_warsstar PAID
375 kittifairy PAID
376 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
377 TheLoveLost_ PAID
379 Nwd97 PAID
380 despinos PAID
381 pma99999 PAID
382 silicontoast PAID
383 TeddyLea PAID
384 Experimentgreen PAID
385 heavyboots79 PAID
386 Silverstein519 PAID
387 nik0nguy601 PAID
388 DutchRudder87 PAID
389 Available_War941 PAID
390 flimflamslappy PAID
391 jethro2126 PAID
392 therontheteej PAID
393 Background_Badger942 PAID
394 questionwords PAID
395 Nwd97 PAID
396 oxidiz PAID
397 legoislifey PAID
398 Available_War941 PAID
399 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
400 SirPoofius PAID
401 Nwd97 PAID
402 anakedpenguin PAID
403 azcpl121314 PAID
404 DerBengel PAID
405 jethro2126 PAID
406 pendragoncomic PAID
407 LegoTacos PAID
408 Dubious_York PAID
409 viper84040 PAID
410 questionwords PAID
411 TeddyLea PAID
412 pma99999 PAID
413 viper84040 PAID
414 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
415 PurpleMARL PAID
416 SirPoofius PAID
417 nik0nguy601 PAID
418 DrSeussFreak PAID
419 Available_War941 PAID
420 DrSeussFreak PAID
421 pendragoncomic PAID
422 LegoTacos PAID
423 azcpl121314 PAID
424 lowep PAID
425 TeddyLea PAID
426 legoislifey PAID
427 DerBengel PAID
428 oxidiz PAID
429 jethro2126 PAID
430 heavyboots79 PAID
431 TeddyLea PAID
432 azcpl121314 PAID
434 jethro2126 PAID
435 TeddyLea PAID
436 TeddyLea PAID
437 oxidiz PAID
438 wacowillie3281 PAID
439 Nwd97 PAID
440 pendragoncomic PAID
441 azcpl121314 PAID
442 DutchRudder87 PAID
443 TheLoveLost_ PAID
444 therontheteej PAID
445 TeddyLea PAID
446 despinos PAID
447 oxidiz PAID
448 DutchRudder87 PAID
449 jethro2126 PAID
450 flimflamslappy PAID
451 lowep PAID
452 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
453 PurpleMARL PAID
454 jethro2126 PAID
455 oxidiz PAID
456 DrSeussFreak PAID
457 DutchRudder87 PAID
458 Nwd97 PAID
459 nmde305 PAID
460 Nwd97 PAID
461 oxidiz PAID
462 anakedpenguin PAID
463 jasonmoon20 PAID
464 Experimentgreen PAID
465 TheLoveLost_ PAID
466 jasonmoon20 PAID
467 DrSeussFreak PAID
468 LegoTacos PAID
469 oxidiz PAID
470 DutchRudder87 PAID
471 jasonmoon20 PAID
472 PurpleMARL PAID
473 DutchRudder87 PAID
474 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
475 azcpl121314 PAID
476 oxidiz PAID
478 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
479 TeddyLea PAID
481 Dubious_York PAID
482 anakedpenguin PAID
483 silicontoast PAID
484 kittifairy PAID
485 DutchRudder87 PAID
486 pma99999 PAID
487 Experimentgreen PAID
488 Dubious_York PAID
489 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
490 pma99999 PAID
491 azcpl121314 PAID
492 oxidiz PAID
493 silicontoast PAID
494 viper84040 PAID
495 robob280 PAID
496 nmde305 PAID
497 heavyboots79 PAID
498 therontheteej PAID
499 originalvandent PAID
500 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
501 jethro2126 PAID
502 Background_Badger942 PAID
503 lowep PAID
504 DutchRudder87 PAID
505 DutchRudder87 PAID
506 PurpleMARL PAID
507 legoislifey PAID
508 TeddyLea PAID
509 lowep PAID
510 jethro2126 PAID
511 jasonmoon20 PAID
512 jethro2126 PAID
513 azcpl121314 PAID
514 DutchRudder87 PAID
515 DrSeussFreak PAID
516 Silverstein519 PAID
517 Experimentgreen PAID
518 anakedpenguin PAID
519 imadyke PAID
520 Dubious_York PAID
521 DutchRudder87 PAID
522 despinos PAID
523 oxidiz PAID
524 lowep PAID
525 DutchRudder87 PAID
526 Nwd97 PAID
527 cdr_warsstar PAID
528 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
529 DrSeussFreak PAID
530 questionwords PAID
531 azcpl121314 PAID
532 questionwords PAID
533 Dubious_York PAID
534 azcpl121314 PAID
535 jethro2126 PAID
536 heavyboots79 PAID
537 pma99999 PAID
538 Silverstein519 PAID
539 lowep PAID
540 LegoTacos PAID
541 wacowillie3281 PAID
542 jasonmoon20 PAID
543 therontheteej PAID
544 azcpl121314 PAID
545 DutchRudder87 PAID
546 jasonmoon20 PAID
547 Dubious_York PAID
548 azcpl121314 PAID
549 wacowillie3281 PAID
550 Dubious_York PAID
551 TeddyLea PAID
552 robob280 PAID
553 Dubious_York PAID
554 originalvandent PAID
555 wacowillie3281 PAID
556 Available_War941 PAID
557 Experimentgreen PAID
558 Silverstein519 PAID
559 anakedpenguin PAID
560 flimflamslappy PAID
561 legoislifey PAID
562 DutchRudder87 PAID
563 Dubious_York PAID
564 Experimentgreen PAID
565 silicontoast PAID
566 Silverstein519 PAID
567 Available_War941 PAID
568 Available_War941 PAID
569 silicontoast PAID
570 legoislifey PAID
572 pma99999 PAID
573 Experimentgreen PAID
574 DrSeussFreak PAID
575 DrSeussFreak PAID
576 jethro2126 PAID
577 TheLoveLost_ PAID
578 oxidiz PAID
579 Dubious_York PAID
580 flimflamslappy PAID
581 nik0nguy601 PAID
582 kittifairy PAID
583 Nwd97 PAID
585 TheLoveLost_ PAID
586 Dubious_York PAID
587 oxidiz PAID
588 questionwords PAID
589 oxidiz PAID
590 DutchRudder87 PAID
591 anakedpenguin PAID
592 oxidiz PAID
593 lowep PAID
594 DutchRudder87 PAID
595 therontheteej PAID
596 PurpleMARL PAID
597 Nwd97 PAID
598 Nwd97 PAID
599 Silverstein519 PAID
600 Available_War941 PAID
601 nmde305 PAID
602 jasonmoon20 PAID
603 DutchRudder87 PAID
604 nik0nguy601 PAID
605 Background_Badger942 PAID
606 DutchRudder87 PAID
607 despinos PAID
608 oxidiz PAID
609 pendragoncomic PAID
610 legoislifey PAID
611 pendragoncomic PAID
612 wacowillie3281 PAID
613 nik0nguy601 PAID
614 Silverstein519 PAID
615 Dubious_York PAID
616 originalvandent PAID
617 Nwd97 PAID
618 pendragoncomic PAID
619 robob280 PAID
620 DutchRudder87 PAID
621 viper84040 PAID
622 silicontoast PAID
623 jasonmoon20 PAID
624 legoislifey PAID
625 pma99999 PAID
626 azcpl121314 PAID
627 jasonmoon20 PAID
628 DrSeussFreak PAID
629 nik0nguy601 PAID
631 jasonmoon20 PAID
632 DrSeussFreak PAID
633 despinos PAID
634 azcpl121314 PAID
635 DutchRudder87 PAID
636 LegoTacos PAID
637 oxidiz PAID
638 originalvandent PAID
639 Available_War941 PAID
640 Available_War941 PAID

submitted by TeddyLea to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:42 SmashBerlin June 14th, 2024 - Options Chain (Gamma Ramp)

June 14th, 2024 - Options Chain (Gamma Ramp)
Something very interesting is the 128 strike with 14k+ open interest. There was also a buy wall at $1.00 for these contracts with thousands of orders. Preventing them from dropping.
Besides all the other conversations ongoing. Want to shine a light on a potential gamma ramp still available for next Friday. So a few questions:
Is the open interest higher for next Friday than today?
With the massive short interest from this week (greater than January 2021) I imagine a short squeeze is possible along side the gamma ramp potential. Am I incorrect in this thought?
Just looking for some conversation about next week.
submitted by SmashBerlin to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:42 Financial-Okra-6543 Name one of my artists and I’ll tell you my top song by them

Name one of my artists and I’ll tell you my top song by them submitted by Financial-Okra-6543 to statsfm [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:57 TeddyLea [MAIN] Cafe Corner (10182) - 640 spots at $5/each

[MAIN] Cafe Corner (10182) - 640 spots at $5/each
Escrow for: u/Grimjosher
Item Name Set Number: Cafe Corner 10182
Lego Price: $3138
Shipping: $72 UPS Ground Insured 24x21x5 10lbs 94533 - 33145.
Raffle Total/Spots: $3,200 - 640 @ $5
Timestamp pics: https://imgur.com/a/cafe-cDv7cAV
Price justification: https://imgur.com/a/cafe-proof-mu2WRkn
Call spots: Yes
Spot limit per person: N/A
Duration of spot limit: N/A
Location(Country): USA
Will ship international: No, continental U.S. only
Description: The original modular!! Box has some wear, and creases (see pics). Seals have shifted a bit but still in place.
Payment required w/in 20minutes of raffle filling, 10 minutes for drama.
PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban

PayPal Info: PM for PP Info
Cash App Info: https://cash.app

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 19
Number of unpaid users: 33
Number of unpaid slots: 129
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 r1955 PAID
2 flimflamslappy
3 therontheteej
4 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
5 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
7 sneakysanta040 PAID
8 nik0nguy601
9 legoislifey PAID
10 azcpl121314 PAID
11 ssj3dvp11
12 robob280
13 DerBengel PAID
14 rook330
15 Experimentgreen
16 Ndmndh1016 PAID
17 pma99999 PAID
18 BrianBoyFranzo
19 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
20 robob280
21 azcpl121314 PAID
22 LegoTacos PAID
23 yo-Marie-yo
24 WhatsThose PAID
25 Bosskz
26 mfiumano PAID
27 nik0nguy601
28 timotatoe
29 gfy4dsny
30 Echobomb23
31 robob280
32 DrSeussFreak PAID
33 questionwords PAID
34 ssj3dvp11
35 PurpleMARL PAID
36 damnstraight PAID
37 silicontoast PAID
39 lowep PAID
40 DrSeussFreak PAID
41 DrSeussFreak PAID
42 DrSeussFreak PAID
43 DrSeussFreak PAID
44 DrSeussFreak PAID
45 heavyboots79 PAID
46 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
47 nwd97 PAID
48 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
49 oxidiz PAID
50 Bosskz
51 Bosskz
52 cdr_warsstar
53 DutchRudder87 PAID
55 r1955 PAID
56 jasonmoon20 PAID
58 flimflamslappy PAID
59 PurpleMARL PAID
60 lowep PAID
61 PurpleMARL PAID
62 jethro2126 PAID
63 dturplesmith PAID
64 Nwd97 PAID
65 lowep PAID
66 mfiumano PAID
67 jakubf3tt PAID
68 originalvandent PAID
69 legoislifey PAID
70 jasonmoon20 PAID
71 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
72 LegoTacos PAID
73 cdr_warsstar
74 FlatwormBig9148
75 DutchRudder87 PAID
76 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
77 TheLoveLost_
78 DrSeussFreak PAID
79 gfy4dsny
80 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
81 mfiumano PAID
82 silicontoast PAID
83 originalvandent PAID
84 space4rentt PAID
85 TeddyLea PAID
86 Nwd97 PAID
87 TheLoveLost_
88 TeddyLea PAID
89 derBengel PAID
90 DutchRudder87 PAID
91 jakubf3tt PAID
92 mfiumano PAID
93 flimflamslappy PAID
94 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
95 jasonmoon20 PAID
96 despinos PAID
97 DutchRudder87 PAID
98 silicontoast PAID
99 cdr_warsstar
100 PurpleMARL PAID
101 Background_Badger942
102 silicontoast PAID
103 ScooterP73 PAID
104 DrSeussFreak PAID
105 therontheteej
106 DutchRudder87 PAID
107 flimflamslappy PAID
108 vangobroom97 PAID
109 TeddyLea PAID
110 silicontoast PAID
111 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
112 TheLoveLost_
113 DutchRudder87 PAID
114 therontheteej
115 pma99999 PAID
116 Available_War941 PAID
117 despinos PAID
118 DrSeussFreak PAID
119 pma99999 PAID
120 DrSeussFreak PAID
121 originalvandent PAID
122 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
123 Bosskz
124 DrSeussFreak PAID
125 Bosskz
126 Background_Badger942
127 Double_Helix1234 PAID
128 TeddyLea PAID
129 nik0nguy601 PAID
130 TeddyLea PAID
131 DutchRudder87 PAID
132 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
133 DutchRudder87 PAID
134 silicontoast PAID
135 ClassicFennig PAID
136 flimflamslappy PAID
137 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
138 questionwords PAID
139 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
140 jethro2126 PAID
141 Nwd97 PAID
143 silicontoast PAID
144 Nwd97 PAID
145 silicontoast PAID
146 jethro2126 PAID
147 WhatsThose PAID
149 DrSeussFreak PAID
150 Bosskz
151 SirPoofius PAID
152 DutchRudder87 PAID
153 cdr_warsstar
154 Nwd97 PAID
155 phroz3n PAID
156 silicontoast PAID
157 Nwd97 PAID
158 silicontoast PAID
159 space4rentt PAID
160 Nwd97 PAID
161 azcpl121314 PAID
162 cdr_warsstar
163 DutchRudder87 PAID
164 jakubf3tt PAID
165 silicontoast PAID
166 viper84040 PAID
167 TeddyLea PAID
168 silicontoast PAID
169 LegoTacos PAID
170 PurpleMARL PAID
171 Background_Badger942
172 silicontoast PAID
173 silicontoast PAID
174 therontheteej
175 FlatwormBig9148
176 flimflamslappy PAID
177 cdr_warsstar
178 despinos
179 silicontoast PAID
180 mfiumano PAID
181 robob280
182 pma99999 PAID
183 mfiumano PAID
184 DutchRudder87 PAID
185 Available_War941 PAID
186 Echobomb23
187 silicontoast PAID
189 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
190 DutchRudder87 PAID
191 DutchRudder87 PAID
192 ScooterP73 PAID
193 rook330
194 silicontoast PAID
195 ScooterP73 PAID
196 Nwd97 PAID
197 derBengel PAID
198 derBengel PAID
199 DrSeussFreak PAID
200 azcpl121314 PAID
201 Theserialchiller-
203 available_war941 PAID
204 TeddyLea PAID
205 Double_Helix1234 PAID
206 Available_War941 PAID
207 space4rentt PAID
208 pma99999 PAID
209 questionwords PAID
210 ScooterP73 PAID
211 Nwd97 PAID
212 LegoTacos PAID
213 derbengel PAID
214 silicontoast PAID
215 DutchRudder87 PAID
216 legotacos PAID
217 DutchRudder87 PAID
218 Available_War941 PAID
219 r1955 PAID
220 Nwd97 PAID
221 cdr_warsstar
222 LegoTacos PAID
223 PurpleMARL PAID
224 Nwd97 PAID
225 viper84040 PAID
226 TeddyLea PAID
227 flimflamslappy
228 Nwd97 PAID
230 mfiumano PAID
231 oxidiz PAID
232 despinos PAID
233 cdr_warsstar
234 cdr_warsstar
235 silicontoast PAID
236 cdr_warsstar PAID
237 oxidiz PAID
238 TeddyLea PAID
239 jethro2126 PAID
240 ScooterP73 PAID
241 UnholyJester PAID
242 DutchRudder87 PAID
243 silicontoast PAID
244 pandaman33
245 quaigonjon PAID
246 lowep PAID
247 pendragoncomic PAID
248 lowep PAID
249 cdr_warsstar
250 Available_War941 PAID
251 space4rentt PAID
252 Available_War941 PAID
253 lake_gypsy
254 Bosskz
255 Background_Badger942
256 pma99999 PAID
257 jethro2126 PAID
258 flimflamslappy PAID
259 Available_War941 PAID
260 space4rentt PAID
261 r1955 PAID
262 DrSeussFreak PAID
263 sneakysanta040 PAID
264 DutchRudder87 PAID
265 DrSeussFreak PAID
266 LegoTacos PAID
267 PurpleMARL PAID
268 DutchRudder87 PAID
269 DutchRudder87 PAID
270 LegoTacos PAID
271 Yuri_Ligotme PAID
272 silicontoast PAID
273 North_Koala6572 PAID
274 DrSeussFreak PAID
275 optimus-ron-4082 PAID
276 ScooterP73 PAID
277 flatwormbig9148 PAID
278 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
280 ScooterP73 PAID
281 derBengel PAID
282 ClassicFennig PAID
284 silicontoast PAID
286 sneakysanta040 PAID
287 DutchRudder87 PAID
288 viper84040 PAID
289 Nwd97 PAID
290 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
291 UnholyJester PAID
292 DutchRudder87 PAID
293 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
294 r1955 PAID
295 space4rentt PAID
296 yo-Marie-yo
297 TeddyLea PAID
298 pma99999 PAID
299 ClassicFennig PAID
300 Background_Badger942
301 jasonmoon20 PAID
302 pandaman33
303 typocorrecto
304 drseussfreak PAID
305 nmde305
306 silicontoast PAID
307 quaigonjon PAID
308 pma99999 PAID
309 Nwd97 PAID
310 jethro2126 PAID
311 lowep PAID
312 mfiumano PAID
313 jethro2126 PAID
314 Nwd97 PAID
315 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
316 SirPoofius PAID
317 LegoTacos PAID
318 silicontoast PAID
319 FlatwormBig9148
320 silicontoast PAID
322 Available_War941 PAID
323 jethro2126 PAID
324 silicontoast PAID
325 lowep PAID
326 derBengel PAID
327 sneakysanta040 PAID
328 DrSeussFreak PAID
329 DutchRudder87 PAID
330 lowep PAID
331 DutchRudder87 PAID
332 FlatwormBig9148
333 Bosskz PAID
334 jasonmoon20 PAID
335 lowep PAID
336 viper84040 PAID
337 DrSeussFreak PAID
338 r1955 PAID
339 msbuckmaster PAID
340 silicontoast PAID
341 DutchRudder87 PAID
342 North_Koala6572 PAID
343 lowep PAID
344 North_Koala6572 PAID
345 DrSeussFreak PAID
346 DutchRudder87 PAID
347 typocorrecto
348 silicontoast PAID
349 DutchRudder87 PAID
350 questionwords PAID
351 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
352 pma99999 PAID
353 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
354 Nwd97 PAID
355 DutchRudder87 PAID
356 ScooterP73 PAID
357 cdr_warsstar
358 silicontoast PAID
359 cdr_warsstar
360 purplemarl PAID
361 christmasmom
364 Available_War941 PAID
365 silicontoast PAID
366 DutchRudder87 PAID
367 silicontoast PAID
368 ScooterP73 PAID
369 silicontoast PAID
370 therontheteej
371 FlatwormBig9148
372 Nwd97 PAID
373 mfiumano PAID
374 Nwd97 PAID
376 DutchRudder87 PAID
378 pma99999 PAID
379 space4rentt
380 FlatwormBig9148
381 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
382 North_Koala6572 PAID
383 Background_Badger942
384 despinos
386 PurpleMARL PAID
388 cdr_warsstar
389 TeddyLea PAID
391 FancyHandle9282
392 LegoTacos PAID
393 LegoTacos PAID
394 PurpleMARL PAID
395 pma99999 PAID
396 Nwd97 PAID
397 FancyHandle9282
398 jakubf3tt PAID
399 jakubf3tt PAID
401 DutchRudder87 PAID
402 Available_War941 PAID
403 viper84040 PAID
404 Forward_Day_1462
405 DutchRudder87 PAID
406 Nwd97 PAID
407 originalvandent PAID
408 DrSeussFreak PAID
409 silicontoast PAID
410 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
411 cdr_warsstar
412 Nwd97 PAID
413 legoislifey PAID
414 DutchRudder87 PAID
415 FlatwormBig9148
416 silicontoast PAID
417 despinos
418 space4rentt
419 Echobomb23
420 vangobroom97
421 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
422 DrSeussFreak PAID
423 DrSeussFreak PAID
424 lowep PAID
425 ClassicFennig PAID
426 DrSeussFreak PAID
428 quaigonjon PAID
429 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
430 despinos
431 Available_War941 PAID
432 Background_Badger942
433 lowep PAID
434 silicontoast PAID
435 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
436 DrSeussFreak PAID
437 phroz3n PAID
438 derBengel PAID
439 ScooterP73 PAID
440 silicontoast PAID
441 nik0nguy601 PAID
442 silicontoast PAID
443 silicontoast PAID
444 DutchRudder87 PAID
445 Forward_Day_1462
446 Nwd97 PAID
447 pandaman33
448 silicontoast PAID
449 DutchRudder87 PAID
450 BrianBoyFranzo
451 Available_War941 PAID
452 typocorrecto
453 silicontoast PAID
454 FancyHandle9282
455 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
456 pma99999 PAID
457 Available_War941 PAID
458 sneakysanta040 PAID
459 Nwd97 PAID
460 jethro2126 PAID
461 nik0nguy601
462 robob280
463 DutchRudder87 PAID
464 Background_Badger942
465 ScooterP73 PAID
466 Giraffelack
467 Nwd97 PAID
468 Nwd97 PAID
469 nik0nguy601
470 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
471 Nwd97 PAID
472 jethro2126 PAID
473 TurdMagnet
474 DutchRudder87 PAID
475 available_war941 PAID
476 ScooterP73 PAID
477 derBengel PAID
478 pandaman33
479 silicontoast PAID
480 FlatwormBig9148
481 oxidiz PAID
482 ClassicFennig PAID
483 viper84040 PAID
484 silicontoast PAID
485 legoislifey PAID
486 TurdMagnet
487 Nwd97 PAID
488 quaigonjon PAID
489 flimflamslappy PAID
491 TeddyLea PAID
492 silicontoast PAID
493 lake_gypsy
494 silicontoast PAID
495 silicontoast PAID
496 FancyHandle9282
498 despinos PAID
499 TeddyLea PAID
500 despinos PAID
502 DutchRudder87 PAID
503 Background_Badger942
504 DutchRudder87 PAID
505 Nwd97 PAID
506 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
507 jakubf3tt PAID
508 Forward_Day_1462
509 DutchRudder87 PAID
510 ClassicFennig PAID
511 Nwd97 PAID
512 jethro2126 PAID
513 viper84040 PAID
514 sneakysanta040 PAID
515 despinos PAID
516 jethro2126 PAID
517 despinos PAID
518 DutchRudder87 PAID
519 Available_War941 PAID
520 quaigonjon PAID
521 ClassicFennig PAID
522 dazineINK
523 ScooterP73 PAID
524 silicontoast PAID
525 lowep PAID
526 Available_War941 PAID
527 despinos PAID
528 jethro2126 PAID
529 ScooterP73 PAID
530 silicontoast PAID
531 jethro2126 PAID
532 Nwd97 PAID
533 Nwd97 PAID
534 TeddyLea PAID
535 DutchRudder87 PAID
536 cdr_warsstar
537 ScooterP73 PAID
538 LegoRaffleWinner89 PAID
539 jethro2126 PAID
540 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
541 flimflamslappy PAID
542 jakubf3tt PAID
543 quaigonjon PAID
544 viper84040 PAID
545 flimflamslappy PAID
546 jethro2126 PAID
547 derBengel PAID
549 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
550 TeddyLea PAID
551 Available_War941 PAID
552 DutchRudder87 PAID
553 lowep PAID
554 space4rentt PAID
555 r1955 PAID
556 stollba PAID
557 PurpleMARL PAID
558 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
559 jethro2126 PAID
560 ScooterP73 PAID
561 nwd97 PAID
562 lake_gypsy
563 silicontoast PAID
564 dutchrudder87 PAID
566 sneakysanta040 PAID
567 Available_War941 PAID
568 lake_gypsy
569 FlatwormBig9148
570 therontheteej
571 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
572 ClassicFennig PAID
573 TurdMagnet
574 dutchrudder87 PAID
575 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
576 dutchrudder87 PAID
578 Forward_Day_1462
579 DutchRudder87 PAID
580 typocorrecto
581 porvis
582 DutchRudder87 PAID
583 Background_Badger942
584 sneakysanta040 PAID
585 silicontoast PAID
586 typocorrecto
587 Background_Badger942
588 silicontoast PAID
589 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
590 DutchRudder87 PAID
591 SirPoofius PAID
592 silicontoast PAID
593 robob280
594 ScooterP73 PAID
595 doomburrito PAID
596 quaigonjon PAID
597 DutchRudder87 PAID
598 DrSeussFreak PAID
599 pma99999 PAID
600 Background_Badger942
601 space4rentt PAID
602 DrSeussFreak PAID
603 mfiumano PAID
605 silicontoast PAID
606 porvis
607 damnstraight PAID
608 PurpleMARL PAID
609 DrSeussFreak PAID
610 kwyjibo_Hb PAID
611 r1955 PAID
612 TeddyLea PAID
613 azcpl121314 PAID
614 mfiumano PAID
615 Nwd97 PAID
616 silicontoast PAID
617 sneakysanta040 PAID
618 cdr_warsstar
619 ScooterP73 PAID
620 SirPoofius PAID
621 Optimus-Ron-4082 PAID
622 silicontoast PAID
623 sneakysanta040 PAID
624 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
625 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
626 jakubf3tt PAID
627 despinos PAID
628 Available_War941 PAID
629 TeddyLea PAID
630 FlatwormBig9148
631 nik0nguy601
632 North_Koala6572 PAID
633 quaigonjon PAID
634 space4rentt PAID
635 sneakysanta040 PAID
636 azcpl121314 PAID
637 Echobomb23
638 Background_Badger942
639 DutchRudder87 PAID
640 vangobroom97

submitted by TeddyLea to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:01 LocaHamburger Pokémon Go Eevee Evolution: How to Get Them All Evolve

Pokémon Go Eevee Evolution: How to Get Them All Evolve
In this Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions guide, we'll provide you with all the Eevee Evolutions' names list as well as how to get all Eevee Evolutions in Pokémon Go.
This chart provides an overview of that you need to evolve your Eevee into its various forms.

You need to know: Catch More Eevee to Prepare for Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions.

All Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions require you to walk. Be it walking a fixed 10 km distance for a particular eeveelution or gathering candies, you’ll be walking one way or the other. However, wouldn’t it be better if you can get them without walking?
This is where WooTechy iMoveGO comes into the picture. Essentially a Pokemon Go location spoofer, ~iMoveGo~ stands out from its competition by incorporating state-of-the-art features.
Follow the Steps to Get More Eevees to Evolve
Step 1. Download and install iMoveGO for free on your computer or laptop.
Step 2. Connect your iPhone to your device via a USB cable and select the "Trust" option on your mobile screen. Alternatively, once connected with a cable, you can also connect to your PC via the same Wi-Fi connection in the future.
Step 3. From the upper right corner of your device, select the Teleport Mode option and input your desired location. As such, your current Location or the address will then be set for that place.
Step 4. And now, in order to simulate your movement, iMoveGO offers three modes to choose from - Two-Spot, Multi-Spot, and Joystick. Pick your desired mode and start spoofing your location right away!
Go to the official YouTube in my profile and get 20% off!
submitted by LocaHamburger to LocaWhereiMoveGo [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 10:53 KPOP_MOD This Year In KPOP - 2023

Welcome to This Year in KPOP; a super-sized collection of everything you may have missed during the past year on kpop.

January 1 – December 31, 2023



# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+11160) All 12 Members Of LOONA Are Now Free After Haseul, Yeojin, Yves, Olivia Hye, and Go Won Win Their Lawsuit Against BlockBerry 489 comments
2 (+9786) ASTRO's Moonbin found dead at home 1610 comments
3 (+7589) EXO Baekhyun, Chen, Xiumin have ended their exclusive contracts with SM Entertainment + taken legal action against the company for overdue payment and unreasonable deals 1329 comments
4 (+6716) Fifty Fifty will be featured on the ‘BARBIE’ soundtrack 341 comments
5 (+4990) All 4 FIFTY FIFTY Members Have Filed A Lawsuit Against Their Agency ATTRAKT 866 comments
6 (+4676) Happy 4th Anniversary to ITZY! 117 comments
7 (+4556) Chaeyoung (TWICE) apologizes for the recent shirt she wore 1341 comments
8 (+4342) Billlie has cancelled or postponed their schedules for the rest of the week 138 comments
9 (+4330) All 6 members of MOMOLAND end their contracts with MLD Entertainment as they choose not to renew 262 comments
10 (+4263) NewJeans have been chosen as Global Ambassadors for Levi’s 167 comments
11 (+4182) NewJeans - ‘Ditto’ has hit 611 PAKs, and has now surpassed BTS - ‘Dynamite’, thus achieving the most PAKs in history for a song 456 comments
12 (+4109) BLACKPINK at the Korean State Banquet in Buckingham Palace 235 comments
13 (+3994) Happy 8th Anniversary to GFRIEND! (Official Date + Reunion Photo) 63 comments
14 (+3903) GFRIEND reunite in newly shared photos 127 comments
15 (+3863) LOONA's Hyunjin And ViVi File Injunction To Suspend Contracts With BlockBerry Creative 152 comments
16 (+3814) Jennie and BTS' V Were Filmed Holding Hands in Paris After a Year of Dating Rumors 1134 comments
17 (+3807) SM shares that LUCAS officially leaves NCT and WayV 628 comments
18 (+3766) T.O.P confirms he has left BIGBANG 351 comments
19 (+3719) HYBE became the biggest shareholder of SM Entertainment after buying out 14.8% of Lee Sooman’s share of the company 1231 comments
20 (+3697) FIFTY FIFTY Breaks BLACKPINK’s Record On Billboard’s Hot 100 For Longest-Charting K-Pop Girl Group Song 308 comments
21 (+3555) Breaking: BLACKPINK’s Jisoo And Ahn Bo Hyun Confirmed To Be In A Relationship 502 comments
22 (+3545) Girl's Day members reunite at Sojin's wedding with actor Lee Dongha 73 comments
23 (+3493) MBLAQ Thunder and GUGUDAN Mimi reveal they have been dating for 4 years 181 comments
24 (+3464) TWICE becomes first K-POP girl group to surpass 1 million album sales in the United States 283 comments
25 (+3439) NMIXX have earned their first ever music show win for "Love Me Like This" on MBC M Show Champion (230329) 210 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+2475) [Performance] Red Velvet - Happiness, Dumb Dumb, Ice Cream Cake, Russian Roulette, Zimzalabim, Carpool, Queendom, You Better Know, Red Flavor, Peek-A-Boo, Bad Boy, Psycho, One Of These Nights, Automatic, Kingdom Come, Time To Love, Oh Boy, Lady's Room, Feel My Rhythm, Chill Kill (Dingo Music Killing Voice) 266 comments
2 (+1544) [Dance Challenge] Kai (EXO) & Momo (TWICE) - 'Rover' Dance Challenge 79 comments
3 (+1529) [Performance] GOT the beat - Stamp On It (Stage Video - SMTOWN Live 2023: SMCU PALACE @KWANGYA) 266 comments
4 (+1426) [Performance] EXO - Growl, MAMA, Don't Go, CALL ME BABY, Sing for You, Miracles in December, Love Shot, The Eve, Overdose, Monster, The First Snow, Power, Cream Soda, Love Me Right @ Dingo Music Killing Voice (230711) 189 comments
5 (+1264) [Performance] TWICE - SET ME FREE (Performance Video) 46 comments
6 (+1133) [Dance Challenge] BSS (SEVENTEEN) Seungkwan (with TWICE Jihyo & Momo) - Fighting (Dance Challenge) 50 comments
7 (+1117) [Performance] aespa - Spicy (Studio CHOOM - BE ORIGINAL) 99 comments
8 (+1104) [Performance] TWICE - SET ME FREE @ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (230310) 82 comments
9 (+1033) [Song Cover] SHINee Taemin - 하루의 끝 (End of a day) (orig. SHINee Jonghyun) 18 comments
10 (+988) [Live] aespa - Welcome To MY World @ JTBC K-909 Episode 13 (230513) 89 comments
11 (+981) [Performance] NAYEON (TWICE) - NO PROBLEM (feat. Felix of Stray Kids) (Band Live Clip) 48 comments
12 (+959) [Performance] TWICE - MOONLIGHT SUNRISE @ The Kelly Clarkson Show (230314) 46 comments
13 (+960) [Dance Practice] TWICE - MOONLIGHT SUNRISE (Choreography Video) 44 comments
14 (+927) [Performance] TWICE Jihyo - Killin' Me Good (Performance Video) 40 comments
15 (+929) [Live] SMTOWN (Kangta, BoA, TVXQ!, Super Junior, Girls' Generation (SNSD) Taeyeon & Hyoyeon, SHINee (Onew, Key, Minho) EXO (Suho, Xiumin, Chen, Chanyeol, D.O., Kai, Sehun), Red Velvet, NCT, aespa, Raiden, GINJO, Mar Vista, IMLAY) - SMTOWN Live 2023: SMCU PALACE @KWANGYA (Live Discussion Thread) (230101) 5075 comments
16 (+891) [Live] LE SSERAFIM - Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's Wife @ The 1st Studio Album: UNFORGIVEN - Mnet Comeback Show (230501) 66 comments
17 (+889) [Live] LE SSERAFIM - The Great Mermaid + FEARLESS + Impurities + No Celestial @ The 37th Golden Disc Awards (GDA 2023) (230107) 57 comments
18 (+884) [Dance Challenge] SHINee Taemin (with BTS Jimin) - HARD (Dance Challenge) (230707) 73 comments
19 (+874) [Performance] BLACKPINK - Shut Down (feat. Daniel Lozakovich) @ Le Gala des Pièces Jaunes (230128) 72 comments
20 (+856) [Live] Solo Debut Stage: TWICE Jihyo - Killin' Me Good @ KBS Music Bank (230818) 43 comments
21 (+849) [Dance Challenge] BTS j-hope (with LE SSERAFIM Eunchae) - on the street (Dance Challenge) 35 comments
22 (+844) [Dance Challenge] XG (with Kep1er Hikaru) - Shooting Star (Dance Challenge) 41 comments
23 (+838) [Live] Comeback Stage: TWICE - SET ME FREE @ Mnet M Countdown (230316) 20 comments
24 (+820) [Dance Challenge] (G)I-DLE Minnie and Shuhua with TWICE Mina and Tzuyu- "Queencard" Dance Challenge (230530) 36 comments
25 (+799) [Dance Practice] aespa - Salty & Sweet (Dance Practice - Short Ver. : 2023 1st Concert: SYNK : HYPER LINE Spoiler) 90 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+2883) Never really heard of K-pop before, but got dragged along to a concert by a friend and it was GREAT. 372 comments
2 (+549) Fan Account: Red Velvet 4th Concert R to V in Singapore - Joy's unexpected exit mid-concert barely dampens an otherwise excellent World Tour kickoff 32 comments
3 (+353) Spotify Wrapped 2023 554 comments
4 (+323) A look back at the 2023 Prediction Thread 58 comments
5 (+314) Do people listen to Korean ballad? 287 comments
6 (+299) Upcoming K-Pop Comebacks / Releases in October 2023 73 comments
7 (+290) Getting into kpop during dark times 65 comments
8 (+287) Upcoming K-Pop Comebacks / Releases in July 2023 71 comments
9 (+279) 2023 SBS Gayo Daejeon - Post Show Discussion 133 comments
10 (+246) Best Performances From Survival Shows 227 comments
11 (+232) MelOn Music Awards 2023 (MMA 2023) - Post Show Discussion 338 comments
12 (+227) Mnet Asian Music Awards 2023 (MAMA 2023) - Post Show Discussion 268 comments
13 (+210) What's your favorite kpop song that not too many people probably know about? 454 comments
14 (+201) Upcoming K-Pop Comebacks / Releases in May 2023 35 comments
15 (+186) Upcoming K-Pop Comebacks / Releases in June 2023 44 comments
16 (+188) Mnet Asian Music Awards 2023 (MAMA 2023) - Post Show Discussion Thread (Show 1) (231128) 142 comments
19 (+155) What are your favorite releases so far? - 1st Quarter 2023 215 comments
21 (+151) The official 2024 K-Pop Prediction Thread! 143 comments
22 (+150) America2Korea - Episode 2 - "Show Your Talent" - 230717 - (Live Episode Discussion) 101 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+4997) TWICE - MOONLIGHT SUNRISE 719 comments
2 (+3875) TWICE - SET ME FREE 481 comments
3 (+3457) LE SSERAFIM - UNFORGIVEN (feat. Nile Rodgers) 616 comments
4 (+3277) aespa - Spicy 563 comments
5 (+3124) TWICE MISAMO - Do not touch 366 comments
6 (+3107) JISOO - 꽃 (FLOWER) 864 comments
7 (+3048) TWICE Jihyo - Killin' Me Good 299 comments
8 (+3034) IVE - I AM 591 comments
9 (+2884) NewJeans - Super Shy 520 comments
10 (+2847) Red Velvet - Chill Kill 448 comments
11 (+2752) aespa - Drama 487 comments
12 (+2534) ODD EYE CIRCLE - Air Force One 241 comments
13 (+2488) (G)I-DLE - Queencard 720 comments
14 (+2468) BTS Jungkook - Seven (feat. Latto) 579 comments
15 (+2424) NewJeans - Cool With You 720 comments
16 (+2391) (G)I-DLE - Allergy 353 comments
17 (+2370) TWICE MISAMO - Marshmallow 165 comments
18 (+2370) LE SSERAFIM - Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's wife 231 comments
19 (+2303) LE SSERAFIM Huh Yunjin - I ≠ DOLL 219 comments
20 (+2299) aespa - Welcome to MY World (feat. nævis) 421 comments
21 (+2219) NewJeans - New Jeans 317 comments
22 (+2141) ITZY - BET ON ME 300 comments
23 (+2054) Dreamcatcher - BONVOYAGE 190 comments
24 (+2045) NewJeans - ETA 469 comments
25 (+2023) XG - SHOOTING STAR 297 comments


# Votes Thread Comments
1 (+1453) TWICE - READY TO BE (The 12th Mini Album) 199 comments
2 (+1398) LE SSERAFIM - UNFORGIVEN (The 1st Studio Album) 292 comments
3 (+1344) Red Velvet - Chill Kill (The 3rd Album) 242 comments
4 (+1232) NewJeans - Get Up (2nd Mini Album) 481 comments
5 (+1093) ODD EYE CIRCLE - Version Up (The 2nd Mini Album) 94 comments
6 (+1043) aespa - MY WORLD (The 3rd Mini Album) 243 comments
7 (+1020) IVE - I've IVE (The 1st Album) 223 comments
8 (+901) Jimin (BTS) - FACE (1st Solo Album) 224 comments
9 (+873) TWICE Jihyo - ZONE (1st Mini Album) 126 comments
10 (+812) GOT the beat - Stamp On It (The 1st Mini Album) 159 comments
11 (+757) TXT (TOMORROW X TOGETHER) - The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION (5th Mini Album) 149 comments
12 (+739) fromis_9 - Unlock My World (The 1st Album) 99 comments
13 (+741) TWICE MISAMO - Masterpiece (The 1st Mini Album) 66 comments
14 (+742) Agust D (BTS SUGA) - D-DAY (1st Solo Album) 133 comments
15 (+711) Stray Kids - ★★★★★ (5-STAR) (3rd Full Album) 140 comments
16 (+644) Dreamcatcher - Apocalypse : From us (The 8th Mini Album) 72 comments
17 (+639) Jungkook (BTS) - GOLDEN (Solo Album) 167 comments
18 (+630) Loossemble - Loossemble (The 1st Mini Album) 64 comments
19 (+615) aespa - Drama (The 4th Mini Album) 153 comments
20 (+622) SHINee - HARD (8th Full Album) 146 comments
21 (+610) ITZY - KILL MY DOUBT (The 7th Mini Album) 138 comments
22 (+607) EXO - EXIST (7th Full Album) 126 comments
23 (+581) Billlie - the Billage of perception: chapter three (The 4th Mini Album) 107 comments
24 (+563) (G)I-DLE - I feel (The 6th Mini Album) 75 comments
25 (+527) NMIXX - expérgo (The 1st EP) 102 comments


Link to This Year In KPOP - 2022


Posts Removed☨: 9,821 (2022: 11,953 (-19.583%))
Comments Removed☨: 16,400 (2022: 19,690 (-18.2322%))
Users Banned: 704 (2022: 749 (-6.19408%%))
Total Human Mod Actions: 374,674 (2022: 114,230 (+106.542%))
☨ Includes AutoModerator actions


Month Uniques Pageviews
December 1,055,951 12,884,173
November 1,159,273 15,455,448
October 1,058,886 14,187,036
September 883,769 12,445,427
August 931,826 13,475,252
July 943,415 15,766,432
June 781,108 12,485,455
May 801,844 13,167,948
April 989,099 15,023,365
March 953,931 13,342,294
February 757,671 12,146,089
January --- 13,764,665


Date Name AMA Thread
230708 KISS OF LIFE Hello! We are KISS OF LIFE!!
230418 Bang Yongguk Hi, this is BANG YONG GUK! Ask me anything!
230310 GEMINI Hi, this is GEMINI! Ask me Anything!

Thank You!

We're posting this incredibly, stupendously, absurdly late. Between this and the Annual Awards, you can probably tell the struggle is real. All the more reason why we are so grateful for all the volunteers who help keep the wiki pages updated and post fun community features throughout the year. Thank you thank you thank you!
-- The Mod Team
submitted by KPOP_MOD to kpop [link] [comments]


Big weekend coming for Saratoga Race Course and EXCELLORATOR SELECTIONS shall be there too! The races for both Thursday and Friday shall be posted here for free BUT for the Saturday BIG EVENT race card, you will need to support this effort by contacting via chat for further information.
For those who have already supported the Saturday event - THANK YOU!
submitted by EXCELLORATOR_PERSON to HorseBetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:38 AgreeableCulture1209 Additional Insight into our SLB pick - broad sector rally and we just think it is a timing lag not because of any stock fundamentals - Analysts have a strong buy rating so we are using DIAMOND HANDS lol and HODL

Additional Insight into our SLB pick - broad sector rally and we just think it is a timing lag not because of any stock fundamentals - Analysts have a strong buy rating so we are using DIAMOND HANDS lol and HODL submitted by AgreeableCulture1209 to GammaGorillas [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:41 monaches 50 times Superstitions in Islam

By this I do not mean the cultural superstitions of Muslims. What we do mean are nonsensical and sometimes scientifically incorrect fables that can be read in the primary sources of Islam, the Koran and the Sunnah.
All these cases of superstition paint a picture of a self-proclaimed prophet who made up all kinds of things to deceive his seventh century audience. Some of Muhammad's practices indicate an obsessive-compulsive disorder rather than wise insights from the last prophet of God.
1 Allah loves sneezing but He hates yawning because that is from Satan. Don't yawn, otherwise Satan will laugh at you. Sahih Bukhari book 73 hadith 245
2 Oversleeping is caused by Satan peeing in your ear . Sahih Bukhari 54:492
3 Keeping a dog as a pet costs you every day two points deducted from your heavenly reward. Sahih Bukhari 67:389; Ditto 54:54
4 You may spit while praying, but to the left. Sahih Muslim 42:7149
5 A man should be alone in the toilet left hand holding his genitals . Sahih Muslim 2:512
6 You have to wipe your private parts with an odd number of stones . Sahih Bukhari 4:163
7 You should rinse your nose with water every morning because Satan sleeps in everyone's nose all night long.. Sahih Bukhari 54:516
8 A baby cries at birth because Satan touches it . Sahih Bukhari 55:641
9 Nice dreams are from Allah, not nice dreams are from Satan . Sahih Bukhari 87:114
10 You can protect yourself from bad dreams by spitting to the left . Sahih Bukhari 87:115
11 You should always put on your right shoe first . Sahih Muslim 2:514
12 You should always take off your left shoe first . Sahih Bukhari 72:747
13 If a fly falls into your food or drink, you have to dip it completely in it . Sahih Bukhari 54:537; ibid 71:673
14 Because there is a disease in one wing and a disease in the other wing is the cure for that disease . Ibid.
15 Angels do not enter a house with an image in it . Sahih Bukhari 54:449
16 Angels also do not enter a house with a dog in it Sahih Bukhari 54:448
17 Dogs must be killed Sahih Bukhari 54:540
18 Later: All dogs, except those used for hunting and herding, must be killed . Sahih Muslim 10:3814
19 Ultimately: black dogs with circles around the eyes are a must be killed, because that dog is a devil . Saheeh Muslim 10:3813
20 Women who refuse sexual intercourse to their husbands are cursed by angels until the next morning . Sahih Bukhari 54:460
21 Satan farts at the Islamic prayer call (azhan) not having to hear as he flees Sahih Bukhari 11:582
22 You will be tortured in the grave later if you don't pee squatting . Sunan Ibn Majah 1:347
23 Most torture in the grave is because of urine . Sunan Ibn Majah 1:348
24 Camel urine is a medicine . Sahih Bukhari 82:794; Sahih Muslim 4:1671
25 The Islamic prayer is invalid if a woman, a dog or a donkey walking past you. Sahih Muslim 4:1034
26 But something like the back of a saddle protects against that . Ibid.
27 Water containing dead dogs, menstrual towels and human feces is still drinkable because water cannot be contaminated . Sunan Abu Dawood 1:67
28 The devout Muslims all get multiple virgins in paradise. The Quran Surah 55 verse 56; Sura 78 verse 31-33; Sura 56 verse 22; Sahih Bukhari 55:544
29 Muslim men will have sexual intercourse have with these virgins in paradise. Sunan Ibn Majah 37:433730 The virgins in heaven will have a beautiful front entrance and the men an eternal erection . Ibid.
31 Breastfeeding a grown man as if he were a baby makes him a permitted visitor when the women are home . Sahih Muslim 8:3425; Malik's Muwatta 30:30.1.8
32 Companion of Muhammad claims to have witnessed it of the stoning of a female monkey by other monkeys. This is due to illegal sexual activity . Sahih Bukhari 58:188
33 A stone ran away with Moses' clothing, which did not surprise the prophet but did anger the stone . Sahih Bukhari 55:616
34 Muslims kiss the black stone in Mecca because Muhammad did this, they don't know why. Sahih Bukhari 26:667; Sahih Muslim 7:2913
35 Shooting stars are missiles against devils . Quran Surah 67 verse 5
36 Taking a bath helps against the evil eye . Sahih Muslim 26:542
37 Eating seven 'Ajwa dates also helps against the evil eye Sahih Bukhari 65:356; Sahih Muslim 23:5081
38 The sun sets in a muddy puddle and people live there Quran Surah 18 verse 86
39 Summer and winter are caused by hell may breathe from Allah twice a year Sahih Bukhari 54:482
40 When you pray you have to use your thumb during a certain phase and middle finger together and move with your index finger . Sahih Muslim 4:1202
41 A child will resemble the parent during sexual intercourse community reaches its peak first Sahih Bukhari 55:546
42 Lost wind? Then Allah will not accept your prayer. Wash first . Sahih Bukhari 86:86
43 Drinking while standing is not recommended . Sahih Muslim 23:5017
44 When a rooster crows, it has seen an angel, If the donkey brays, it has seen a devil . Sahih Bukhari 54:522
45 If it weren't for the Jews, food would never spoil . Sahih Bukhari 55:611; Sahih Muslim 8:3472
46 If you are injured in Allah's Way, then that wound smell wonderful on the day of the Resurrection . Sahih Bukhari 52:59
47 Muhammad strangled . Satan Sahih Bukhari 22:301
48 Moses postponed his death by the Angel of Death hitting him and damaging his eye . Sahih Bukhari 23:423
49 If you take care of a horse for Jihad, you will be rewarded in heaven for everything that horse eats and drinks and for all its feces and urine . Sahih Bukhari 52:105
50 Solomon said one day that he had 90 soldiers for Allah went to father with his harem. But because he forgot to say 'Inshallah' (God willing) Allah gave him only one deformed child. Sahih Bukhari 78:634 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thoughts ?
submitted by monaches to Islam_quotes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:59 Aggressive_Cap_2263 Im so over this mind you i had 2 more parlays that lost by 1 strike out

Ps im talking about diaz& steer
submitted by Aggressive_Cap_2263 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:05 N1n3_millimeter_ Felt cute, might delete later.

Felt cute, might delete later. submitted by N1n3_millimeter_ to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:22 Darnyel17 The True Master of the World

The True Master of the World submitted by Darnyel17 to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:20 Urbanjeans926738 Why such a big difference

Why such a big difference
Why is there such a big score difference between me highlighted by yellow and the player on top
we almost have the same takedowns and kill
It’s defence on the new map
submitted by Urbanjeans926738 to Chivalry2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:12 Mystycal_Lyric Levels 2591-2600

submitted by Mystycal_Lyric to nonocrossing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:25 needcontext1 rex haters be crying when i show em this (first monsoon too!)

rex haters be crying when i show em this (first monsoon too!) submitted by needcontext1 to riskofrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:48 Aditya918 Hey guys shed some light on my portfolio

Hey guys shed some light on my portfolio submitted by Aditya918 to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:21 Ankit-Anchan *🇮🇳India Daybook – Stocks in News*

Heritage Foods: Net profit at Rs 40.5 cr vs Rs 17.9 cr, Revenue at Rs 950.6 cr vs Rs 817.6 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
Entero: Net profit at Rs 21 cr vs loss Rs 3.8 cr, Revenue at Rs 1034 cr vs Rs 887 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
Genus Power: Net profit at Rs 24 cr vs loss Rs 11 cr, Revenue at Rs 420 cr vs Rs 202 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
Aadhar: Net profit at Rs 202 cr vs Rs 141 cr, Revenue at Rs 334 cr vs Rs 263 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
Cummins: Net profit at Rs 561 cr vs Rs 318 cr, Revenue at Rs 2316 cr vs Rs 1926 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
GMR Airports: Net loss of ₹167.6 cr vs ₹loss of ₹638.9 cr, Revenue up 29.5% at ₹2,446.8 cr vs ₹1,889.7 cr (YoY) (Positive)
SJVN: Net profit at Rs 61.1 cr vs Rs 17.2 cr, Revenue at Rs 482.9 cr vs Rs 503.8 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
Samvardhana Motherson: Net profit at Rs 1372 cr vs Rs 654 cr, Revenue at Rs 27,058 cr vs Rs 22,517 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
Banco Products: Net profit at Rs 68.2 cr vs Rs 51 cr, Revenue at Rs 723.9 cr vs Rs 609.3 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
Bajaj Steel: Net profit at Rs 22.55 cr vs Rs 17.1 cr, Revenue at Rs 174 cr vs Rs 120 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
M. K. Protiens: Net profit at Rs 5.83 cr vs Rs 2.5 cr, Revenue at Rs 86.75 cr vs Rs 68.86 cr. (YoY) (Positive)
SJVN: Company in pact with Indian Oil for JV in renewable, new tech projects (Positive)
Avantel: Company gets Rs 110 crore order for supply of SATCOM equipment from Defence Ministry (Positive)
BOROSIL: Company is planning to launch new glass products and expand its product line to replace plastic and steel products (Positive)
Intellect: Company unveils ground breaking emach. ai composed and contextual platforms ICPX and IAPX to reimagine corporate procurement and accounts payable processes (Positive)
HPCL: Company has signed MOU with oil India limited to collaborate on conventional & alternative energy portfolio (Positive)
HCL TECH: Company infuses GENAI into MRO solution to redefine enterprises asset utilization. (Positive)
NMDC: Company to seek nod to add more mining areas in Karnataka & Chattisgarh. (Positive)
JWL: Receives ARIA approval to start the commercial production of Battery Operated Light Commercial Vehicles (Positive)
Prestige: Company says GDV of projects expected to launch in the FY 2025 is 59,000 cr rupees (Positive)
Infosys: Company launches AI-led innovations for Roland-Garros 2024 in partnership with French Tennis federation. (Positive)
KIOCL: Pellet Plant Unit of the Company situated at Mangalore has resumed its operation (Positive)
Power Mech Projects: Company secures an order worth Rs 563 crore from BHEL to construct a nuclear power plant (Positive)
Yatra: Yatra Online Unveils Gen AI-Powered Expense Management Solution for SMEs and Large Enterprises (Positive)
Axis Bank/ICICI Bank: At the same time, S&P has also revised upward its Stand-Alone Credit Profile of Axis Bank and ICICI Bank by one notch each (Positive)
HPCL: MG Motor India collaborates with HPCL to expand EV charging network in India. (Positive)
RAMS Solutions: Company announces expansion of strategic partnership with Ramco Systems (Positive)
Adani Energy: Company Looking to redeploy surplus fund for future growth (Positive)
RVNL: Company gets order worth Rs 38 crore for signalling work (Positive)
Hind Composites: Net profit at Rs 8 cr vs Rs 10 cr, Revenue at Rs 78.6 cr vs Rs 78 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Hindustan Oil: Net profit at Rs 70.6 cr vs Rs 106.7 cr, Revenue at Rs 330.6 cr vs Rs 193.4 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Munjal Showa: Net profit at Rs 7.8 cr vs Rs 21.2 cr, Revenue at Rs 294.3 cr vs Rs 298.9 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Medicamen: Net profit at Rs 3.1 cr vs Rs 4 cr, Revenue at Rs 45 cr vs Rs 37.1 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Dredging Corp: Net loss at Rs 23.5 cr vs profit of Rs 27.2 cr, Revenue at Rs 277.9 cr vs Rs 265.4 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
RHI Magnesita: Net loss at Rs 257.9 cr vs Rs 679.4 cr, Revenue at Rs 943.3 cr vs Rs 874.8 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
ISGEC: Net profit at Rs 72 cr vs Rs 93 cr, Revenue at Rs 1868 cr vs Rs 2043 cr.(YoY) (Neutral)
Tata Steel: Net profit at Rs 611 crore versus poll of Rs 942 crore, Revenue at Rs 58690 crore versus poll of Rs 58170 crore (Neutral)
Suprajit: Net profit at Rs 59.0 cr vs Rs 41.0 cr, Revenue at Rs 783 cr vs Rs 699 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
NOCIL: Net profit at Rs 42.0 cr vs Rs 30.0 cr, Revenue at Rs 357 cr vs Rs 341 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Bata: Net profit at Rs 64.0 cr vs Rs 66.0 cr, Revenue at Rs 798 cr vs Rs 779 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Lemon Tree: Net profit at Rs 84.0 cr vs Rs 59.0 cr, Revenue at Rs 327 cr vs Rs 253 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Shriram Prop: Net profit at Rs 20.0 cr vs Rs 16.0 cr, Revenue at Rs 302 cr vs Rs 118 cr. (YoY) (Neutral)
Mishra Dhatu: Net profit at ₹46.3 cr vs ₹66.3 cr, Revenue at ₹405.5 cr vs ₹344.6 cr (YoY) (Neutral)
Aditya Birla Capital: Company invests Rs 300 crore in arm Aditya Birla Housing Finance on rights basis (Neutral)
RR Kabel: TPG Asia to sell entire 5% stake worth Rs 1000 cr (4-5% discount) (Neutral)
KFINTECH: General Atlantic Singapore to sell upto 6.8% stake worth Rs 833 cr (4% discount) (Neutral)
CESC: Minor fire incident at its subsidiary's plant Haldia (600 MW) in West Bengal (Neutral)
Kuantum Papers: Net profit at Rs 33.89 cr vs Rs 65.05 cr, Revenue at Rs 300 cr vs Rs 344 cr. (YoY) (Negative)
Rana Sugar: Net profit at Rs 21.7 cr vs Rs 45.4 cr, Revenue at Rs 421.2 cr vs Rs 461.1 cr. (YoY) (Negative)
Munjal Showa: Net profit at Rs 8 cr vs Rs 21 cr, Revenue at Rs 294 cr vs Rs 299 cr. (YoY) (Negative)
Solara Active: Net loss at Rs 255 cr vs Rs 4.0 cr, Revenue at Rs 299 cr vs Rs 381 cr. (YoY) (Negative)
MTNL: Net loss at Rs 784 cr vs Rs 749.0 cr, Revenue at Rs 209 cr vs Rs 219 cr. (YoY) (Negative)
ITI: The Arbitral Tribunal accepted some of the claims of HCL and rejected claims of ITI (Negative)
IRB Infra: Promoters to sell 4% stake worth Rs 1512cr (upto 13% discount) (Negative)
submitted by Ankit-Anchan to UpdateINDIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:08 smiddy53 what's your biggest ever single tick of energy income?

what's your biggest ever single tick of energy income? submitted by smiddy53 to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:10 Short_Algo $CAG Awaiting Short Signal based off 7 signals $1,622 net profit 5.86 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$CAG Awaiting Short Signal based off 7 signals $1,622 net profit 5.86 profit factor 85% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]
