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2011.04.23 23:01 mondomaniatrics The game industry job board on Reddit

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2013.09.04 04:09 su5 images from history

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2014.04.08 04:48 shinerdawg Ex No Contact

Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. Our members listen, support, and encourage each other on their path to independence.

2024.06.09 21:46 PennsylvanianSankara Unofficial IF Opinion Poll #4: 6/2/2024-6/5/2024

Unofficial IF Opinion Poll #4: 6/2/2024-6/5/2024
Hello again everybody. Today We have the results from the 4th Unofficial IF opinion Poll by Grenada Polling™. The only polling outfit fit to poll Iffers (and anyone else). This poll was taken from Sunday June 2nd to Wed June 5th. We had 36 respondents, all IF citizens. Lets take a look at the results:
Figure 1: Political party identification
Figure 2: Chancellor election straw poll
Today we will start with the political questions. During this poll we conducted both a straw poll of citizens preferred Chancellor Candidates and asked them which political party they identified with.
As shown in figure 1, over the past 20 days the number of independents has increased becoming once again the largest grouping of citizens. The IF-ELSE party seems to have collapsed with no respondents identifying with that party. The Progressive Party seems to have shed several members with their ideological re-alignment with the center-center right of the political spectrum. The socialist/communist Working Peoples' Alliance has pulled even with the two major parties (Security Party, Progressive Party). This comes with the WPA receiving two centers, with the election of matanic1107 from Groveheart and the Senator Vulcan1776 of Withervale flipping from independent to the WBPP. The past 3 weeks have also seen the emergence of the Baller Party, a catch-all party that dominates politics in the state of Vanaheim.
For the straw poll in figure 2, newly elected Vice Chancellor former Chancellor Potato_King of the Progressive Party leads in preference for the next Chancellor Election with 18 (50%) respondents saying they would consider voting for him. He is closely followed by Former Chancellor and leader of the Communist Party ComradeSankara (yours truly) with 17 (47.2%) respondents saying they would consider him. Coming in third place is Incumbent Chancellor Gabe/Sunanic of the Progressive Party with 16 votes (44.4%).
Unlike last time this question was run, no potential candidate recieved a majority of respondents indicating they would vote for them. Several of the top choices in this poll are unlikely to run. The upcoming election could be anyone's game. Stay tuned for election betting odds next week as the field becomes clearer.
The methodology for inclusion in this straw poll is as follows: incumbent chancellor, vice chancellor, incumbent department heads, registered party leaders, active former chancellors, prominent senators, judges, and prominent former Chancellor candidates. Unfortunately this poll missed culture department head Frostwarrior, and a leader from the Baller party. This is due to the fact that the IF gov't does not keep an up to date public list of who is a department lead (or who is a senator). Private citizens (often myself and thejmqn) must collect this information.
Figure 3: Economic outlook
Figure 4: Employment rate
Figure 5: Construction rate
In figure 3 it is shown that the economic outlook is potentially looking up for the Imperial Federation. Only 16.7% of respondents thought the economy was getting worse. With half saying it has stayed about the same and a third saying it is getting better. During the last poll 44% of respondents saw the economy as getting worse.
In figure 4, respondents were asked if they were employed. Unemployment is down from 32.4% to 11.1%. All categories of employment have grown over the past 20 days.
Lastly, we have a new question in figure 5. During this poll respondents were asked if a new building, farm, or structure was built in their state or territory over the last 20 days. Grenada Polling will be experimenting with different measures of economic productivity and this is one. Around 80% of respondents had at least 1 new structure built in their state with 20% not seeing any new construction. We will keep an eye on this measure in the future!
It seems like the economic policies of Chancellor Gidein and then Chancellor Gabe/sunanic have been relatively successful in pushing down unemployment and attracting new international business. However, it still seems that most citizens view the economy as stagnating rather than growing. There is still lots of work for the newly expanded economy department under Dept head ImmediateDescent.
Figure 6: Chancellor Approval
Figure 7: Vice Chancellor Approval
Figure 8: Department Approval
Figure 9: Senate Approval
Next we have government approval ratings. During the past 3 weeks we have seen significant turnover in the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor position. Chancellor Gidein resigned halfway through his term while this poll was happening, Vice Chancellor Gabe/Sunanic moved into the position of acting chancellor before being confirmed as chancellor also during this poll. Finally, former Chancellor mat_Potato_king was also pulled into the role of Vice Chancellor after the poll closed.
Figures 6, 7, 8, and 9 respectively, shows Gideins net approval rating of 11.2 percentage points, Vice Chancellor Gabe/Sunanic's net approval of 16.6 percentage points, Department net approval of -5.6 percentage points, and Senate net approval of -5.6 percentage points.
Both the previous and current Chancellor have relatively high approval ratings compared to the former Chancellor from the Security Party. Though Chancellor Gidein resigned midway through his term due to fraying interpersonal relations with the Senate.
Senate and Department disapproval:
Interesting here is that both the Senate and the Department heads have negative net approval, with a majority disproving of their job. This is compared to every previous poll where both had high net approval.
I suspect their are two reasons for the unpopularity of department heads. One potential reason is an unpopular defense policy by an unpopular defense lead. The DoD has a current stated policy of pearling people who are not threats for minor infractions while allowing major threats to do as they will. Further, the DoD head Slothinasuit repeatedly involves himself in international controversy. Iffers generally seem to believe the best clicker should be head of defense, but this may change as the DoD leads antics continue to reflect poorly on the IF as a whole.
The second reason for department unpopularity is likely due to the fact that department heads have under the auspices of national security, embedded themselves in their positions. During the most recent constitutional convention held on the anniversary of CivMC, several heads went as far as to state that they were not replaceable. We will see if that is the case at the end of the term!
The Senate is likely unpopular due to secrecy and unpopular policy. The senate docket is not public, and many senate votes are not public. Some senators are appointed rather than elected. This has led to a situation making it very difficult to hold both individual senators, and the senate as a whole accountable.
To give an example, the senate recently tried to strip a longtime citizen of their citizenship over an obvious bit. The senate is also plagued by leaks, and has passed a number of laws of dubious constitutionality. The senate is allowed to pass a code of conduct, create a procedure, and appoint presiding officers. They have not done so thus far.
A variety of solutions have been proposed in the ongoing IF constitutional convention, including having an elected national assembly, making votes public by default, or mandating a code of conduct and parliamentary procedure. We will see if any of these become a part of the constitution!
Figure 10: Would Iffers consider a new flag?
Figure 11: Cultural Identification
Figure 12: Preferred voting method
Figure 13: IF Pronunciation
During this poll 3 questions were asked on behalf of the IF government. Grenada polling drafted the questions. As always, poll answers are fully anonymous, and 100% guaranteed not to be used to gauge your loyalty to the state.
Citizens were polled on their preferred election method. With most being amenable to voting via discord bot or via google form. A narrow majority of Iffers would consider a chance to the flag depending on options. Culturally around 64% of Iffers identify with their state or territory. With around 36% identifying with the IF as a whole.
Relatedly, I wanted to see how people pronounce IF. 86% of people pronounce it as Eye Eff. Notably one pervert pronounces it as Ife. This person should reveal themselves and face the music!!!
The IF is in flux with new political parties emerging and old political parties collapsing. The constitution is undergoing revision and the economy is improving. Next poll I will take a closer look at the ideological composition of the IF.
If you made it this far thanks for reading! If you just looked at the pictures, thanks for looking!
until next time
submitted by PennsylvanianSankara to CivMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:45 t0rche I'm a service tech and even though I told him beforehand that I don't really need it, my boss went ahead and bought me this tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite) to use for work purposes... Now I just use it to browse YouTube in bed...

I'm a service tech and even though I told him beforehand that I don't really need it, my boss went ahead and bought me this tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite) to use for work purposes... Now I just use it to browse YouTube in bed... submitted by t0rche to HVAC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:43 Right_Caramel8791 Extender disconnection

I am currently having connection issues with my wireless router. I have had issues using routers with xfinity in the past and my understanding is that devices like this are intentionally blocked by xfinity when recognized as foreign devices. It gets you to buy their products. We all know xfinity customer service and their assurance that their products will work with their wifi- and what we have to go through when their products don’t work. In my area, no one can use the website. Anyone in my neighborhood and surrounding area cannot get past a reloading sign-in screen for xfinity. We are all forced to go to physical locations that have lines of tens of people as soon as they unlock the doors around 10:15 and even at that point the employees are half asleep and rude and ultimately - they only have the power to assist in increasing your bill.
If I remember correctly, there should be a way to unblock or correct the issue. I have tried going to and the extender shows a successful connection via Ethernet port. The extender itself shows a strong wireless signal. Everything that connects wirelessly regularly disconnects and will not reconnect without resetting the router. Devices Ethernet cabled to the router stay connected more consistently but also have these issues. All devices in use are within 20 feet of the extender.
Anybody know a solution that does not involve having to buy xfinity gear to have extended wifi?
submitted by Right_Caramel8791 to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 which1areyou My Husband Had an Affair and Said He Liked Her Better - Now My Marriage Is On The Brink

I just need a place to share our story to where someone will hear it, rather than just shouting it inside my head all day long. I have almost no friends or family I can be this vulnerable with, so I thought I’d give the entire internet a go, anonymously. Here goes.
My husband and I have been married for about 10 years. We have 4 little kids, all under 6. A little over 5 years ago, my husband confessed to me that he had a serious 🌽 addiction he had been hiding for me for our entire relationship. His confession felt like a trap door opened, and I fell through it as he explained each and every lie he had been telling all this time. It was an uphill battle to rescue our marriage after all of that deceit and betrayal. He went to a twelve step and truly turned things around, and has been sober ever since a few months into his journey. We really did recover from that time and our trust has been repaired. We set fresh boundaries with opposite sx relationships and really put up hedges of protection around our marriage.
Fast forward to about 8 months ago.
He confessed that during his addiction, he also sought out and frequently returned to old 🌽 pictures of his close female friend (they are no longer friends, as I mentioned earlier we changed that up). When this came up, I asked to see his old messages with her and as it would appear to me, they had a full on emotional affair, in addition him viewing these pictures. Whether or not she knew he was looking at them isn’t known because they never talked about that, but hints were dropped.
They’d have longggg text conversations and hang out all the time. She worked at his office. They had lunch together every day just about. She was VERY openly flirty with him and rude toward me. They talked about all sorts of things and clearly had a close emotional bond as well as some flirty moments as well, and then the pictures he intentionally searched for and found from a previous 🌽 shoot she did years before that he was viewing all throughout this inappropriate friendship. Of course, that part is one sided. But still.
Of course when he told me this I was devastated by this and instantly went to a place of comparison. Keep in mind that this woman is an ex 🌽 worker and I am just a freshly postpartum stay at home mom of 4. I asked my husband, in a desperate pursuit of something that may make me feel better, if he liked me better than her.
Side note (sorry in advance for all the side notes haha) my husband has diagnosed OCD and bipolar II. Brutal and compulsive honesty is a huge symptom and though we have been working on this problem for much of our marriage, it still rears its head once in a while. My husbands mental health problems are a massive burden on him and of course I support him in his healing however, his untreated mental health problems have also wrecked havoc over our relationship and made it really difficult for me, as well.
Back to the question I asked him that caused the downfall of the last 8 months of my life:
He told me no. He told me he liked her better. He told me she was thinner. He told me she didn’t have stretch marks (she’s never had a baby) he told me she gets ready every day and does her make up. I don’t.
This hurt terribly, so I asked more questions, yet again seeking more reassurance. I know you’ll think that’s dumb, and in hindsight, so do I. But this was all so shocking. Never in our marriage has he spoken about my body this brutally. He’s never made a single negative comment about my appearance whatsoever. This came as a complete shock and I was hoping I just misunderstood. I wasn’t expecting what came next.
He had an absolute meltdown, confessing to me every mean and dark thought he had ever had about me and our marriage. He told me he regrets marrying me, he thinks about leaving, he thinks I’m less attractive than most women, he’s not proud to be with me, liked me better before I had children, thinks he can do better and he settled, he compares me to every woman he sees and routinely finds that the other woman is better, and so much more.
From this space, I’m sure it sounds like he said this all out of spite with some harsh tone of voice, just trying to hurt me any way he can. In reality, he was weeping and drowning in shame. He thought confessing these things to me would help, and claims he had no idea I’d be as destroyed as I am. This confuses me to this day, but two therapists have explained that this can happen with bipolar as sometimes the internal world can be so extremely painful that the external world feels out of touch at times, and that’s what my husband described this as.
I don’t know how relevant this information is, but I think it’s worth saying, I don’t think he was wrong when he was saying all of that. I was overweight by a significant amount, and drowning in child rearing, breastfeeding, housework, and postpartum depression. When he spoke this to me, I had already been on a somewhat new weight loss journey and had already lost 20lbs. Since then, I’ve lost 50 more (70 total) and I am now at a healthy weight and body fat percentage is within the athletic range as I’ve picked up running to cope with all this stress. I’ve also made a lot of changes to my appearances just by doing my hair and makeup every day, showering daily, and dressing cute for the day. I have been feeling more confident and more able to love myself in these ways as I watch my hard work pay off. This has led to me receiving a lot of male attention for my appearances more recently, sometimes when my husband is with me even.
It has been over eight months since that horrific day. It has been a STRUGGLE. We are both in individual counseling and marriage counseling weekly, spending a fortune and hours upon hours of our time on healing. We’re both taking meds at this point for mental health. We’re both reading endless self help books, talking with mentors, absolutely drenching our lives with healing because our marriage is that important to both of us. My husband has been on a mission to learn more about why he had this previously mentioned emotional affair. He is uncovering some unhealed childhood wounds and unmet needs. In addition to seeing a psych and a therapist, he’s in a men’s support group, and has weekly calls with a mentor just to try to work through some of this mess. He’s doing a lot of work on these issues.
In the past eight months, my husband has gone from claiming he’s not proud to be with me because I’m not very attractive to now claiming I’m the most beautiful woman and he married way up. He sees the male attention and can be somewhat protective in the moment and give a glare or whatever, but then when we get home later he tells me he knows how pretty I am and isn’t too bothered by others telling me so because he knows I’m his. He showers me in constant compliments these days, brings me home flowers here or there, random iced coffees on his lunch break, shows up to marriage counseling with pen and pad and reviews his notes throughout the week, takes me for date night weekly, sends me off for a surprise afternoon shopping break from the kids randomly from time to time, texts and calls me throughout the day, and just pours effort into our marriage. When we fight or I get triggered, he just listens and apologizes and tries to comfort me, even when I say the most ridiculous and mean stuff. Of course sometimes he messes up and says things that offend me and he quickly takes responsibility. He’s made a LOT of changes since 5 years ago and many changes since 8 months ago as well.
But then there’s me. I have been a disaster ever since that day. I am so hot and cold. I toggle between being certain I’m hideous and unlovable and being certain I’m loved and safe. I find myself frantic with anxiety, always waiting on the other shoe to drop. I will randomly just feel like he’s cheating on me or feel like he’s hiding something, and it will eat me up until I talk with him about it and he hands me all his devices and I look through them all. I’m constantly mirror checking, certainly have body dysmorphia, and although I’ve lost the vast majority of the weight in a healthy way, I’ve teetered at times on the edge of an eating disorder. I am struggling to believe a positive word he says and feeling so sure he’s going to flip any second now and break me down with his words.
We just had such a close marriage and to find out that not only did he have this inappropriate relationship with this woman, but he also willingly let himself resent me so much for just struggling on my hardest days. I completely get needing to express to your partner that you want them to take better care of themselves and I’m certain that conversation has to be difficult no matter how well it’s handled, but I feel like I was really beaten down in a way I did not deserve. And now I’m really struggling to trust that we’re ok now and we can leave it in the past. How do I stop comparing myself to every other woman we walk by? How can I trust that he’s not still just resenting me for my appearances? How do I believe a single kind word he says? How do I forgive him for that disaster, knowing we both walked away with so much that we needed in the end anyway? And how do I stop believing I am married to someone who doesn’t love me?
submitted by which1areyou to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:23 Virtues_Light Requesting clarification on NAT/PAT

I'm studying for the Network+ and trying to comprehend the details of NAT and PAT.
I'm using a 3rd party hard cover study book, but I feel like a lot of subjects aren't explained clearly enough. With the help of google searches, I think I have a good grasp on NAT/PAT but would like some professional guidance or clarification in the event that I'm incorrect.
This is what I've gathered: (I need someone to clarify if I'm wrong, or spot on)
Network Address Translation (NAT) translates Private IP addresses of hosts on a private network (Like a home network) to a public IP address for use on the internet. The translation is a one-to-one, meaning one public IP address for one Private IP address.
Port Address Translation (PAT) is the same as NAT to some extent, with the main difference being a "one-to-many" translation. One public IP address used for multiple private IP addresses, by use of Port numbers to prevent conflicts. Since many devices share the same Public IP Address, PAT uses Port Numbers to differentiate between requests coming from different hosts on the private network. Things wouldn't work out so well if 3 home computers are browsing the web at the same time, sharing the same public IP address on Port 80 or 443. The router probably wouldn't know which of the 3 computers requested which webpage, hence PAT assigns different port numbers to get around this problem?
Please let me know if I'm on the right track, or completely mistaken. As well as any details I may have missed. Thank you!
submitted by Virtues_Light to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:07 Shirohige_beats AITAH: Me and my girlfriends decision to cut ties with our friends right?

I(22,male) and my girlfriend(22), let our names be A and B. We(A and B) have been together for 4 years and have been living together for 2 years,we have a friend group of 4 people(including us) let the other 2 be X(22,M) and Y(21,F). So, starting from 2022, i had just joined a gym, where me and X became close friends, basically gymbros, this was in February 2022 before that I and B were in a long distance relationship and as the lockdown had just uplifted B also arrived to my city for colle in 2022 feb. So my equation with X had always been amazing (Y isnt in the picture righ now no one knows she exists) so the gym i and X had met in we stay there for 8 months approximately and in September-october X finds a great gym so we decide to change our gyms. (During this my girlfriend also moves in with me) in the new gym X meets a new friend group where he meets Y. Y is a girl who has been gymming since a year when he met her and X is a gym rat so they basically hit it off and X basically starts to ignore me for the new friend group but i never really cared that much because i had understand he wanted to hit things off. Not going into much detail but till January end of 2023 me and X have very rare conversations but we are still friends tho no hard feelings then around valentines things mess up and Y and X stop talking and Y comes in a relationship with a guy (Z) it was basically a very forced relationship but after that X comes back to me starts spending time with me but I never said anything for that matter as I wanted to support him. So then X also becomes friends with B my girlfriend and now its only the 3 of us . I do talk Y seperately because i was friends with Y and rest of the group so it wasnt fair to just not talk and it was just till greeting each other when meeting in gym So even though X kept saying that he doesn’t care about Y but he very much did( also Y after 6 months of being in a relationship breaks up with Z) so me and my girlfriend do our best and we root for them and they are now in a relationship from the (sept2023) Things start to take a huge turn from here as now i and my girlfriend are now close with X and Y we are now a friend group. During the start we give them all the time they need to build their relationship But one day we saw X and Y are watching a movie with some other friends whom we also knew and they didn’t even ask us naturally i and B get sad and indirectly target them through stories ( yes that was very immature of us instead of just talking with them) but their reason was that they didn’t ask us about movie because we just said that we are financially tight but we never dined for a movie infact B was very excited for that movie but still after that argument we get to hear “it was immature of you to put up an instagram story” to which we agreed but we weren’t heard and somehow it was our fault in the end. So after that in the end of 2023 i and B change gym and X and Y do too so naturally we start drifting apart in this timeline there has been many instances where i and B have invited them to our house asked them to hangout but they were never free for us and somehow always managed to hangout with others just to make it clear i and B have no problem with X and Y hanging out with other friends it’s the disrespect we have gone through even after discussing with them what we clearly feel instead of putting up stories we actually talked but it always ended with “you guys are thinking too much” “ it’s not that serious” and never “we are sorry we made you feel this way” anyways my girlfriend B is a veery aware of her emotions person and she wants to cut them both off but I insisted to hold on a little longer. Fast forward to June 2024 till now many instances have happened where i and B have been disrespected and not heard, so we joined the same gym as X and Y, so we asked if they would like to go to the gym with us, they usually go in the evening and we due to certain commitments prefer going in the afternoon, so to the invite they say if they will have their food they will join us, so afternoon in the gym i was waiting for them and guess what they went to watch movie with some other friends and with all the disrespectful events, i got really pissed and decided to block X and Y and so did my girlfriend blocked them! However, i thought that because X has been my friend for a long time i shall meet and discuss and i let him know that you guys have been blocked and then I explained why and we came to a conclusion that no matter what happens between Y and B i and X would remain friends When i met X he had not noticed that he has been blocked so when i met him I immediately said you and Y are blocked BUT HE DID NOT LISTEN anyway after clearing things with X i unblock him and send him a request he then proceeded to dm me and ask “did you block me to i?” I was like yes i told you .X then proceeds to flip out and starts freaking out and says stuff like how could you block me? This doesn’t work like that i am confused as to why this reaction when things have already been talked about in between of the argument he proceeds to involve my girlfriend and says “from the time B has arrived in the city since then you have become like this” and not only says this once but 100 of times and literally starts blaming my girlfriend on the call while Y is on a conference listening. (Even after X including my girlfriend i did not cross the line to include X’s girlfriend in the conversation) But he still has the audacity to say that i and B target Y when not even once we mentioned her. I and B are trying our best to tell them that this is what we were talking about and how you guys are still not listening. But after 2 days of fight they still called us immature for blocking them (when i and B saw no future with them and didn’t see any difference with or without them in our life) so we blocked them and gave them a kind explanation but they still chose to tell us how i and B are immature and whatever we both feel is petty and how they are superior for letting petty things go. Where i and B were just looking to end things calmly X and Y made everything about themselves and things got really ugly till the end. So AITA
NOTE: Sorry for such a long message,it’s the first time posting on reddit, also wanted a safe place to vent out and get good advices.
submitted by Shirohige_beats to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:03 which1areyou My Husband Had an Affair and Said He Liked Her Better - Now My Marriage Is On The Brink

I just need a place to share our story to where someone will hear it, rather than just shouting it inside my head all day long. I have almost no friends or family I can be this vulnerable with, so I thought I’d give the entire internet a go, anonymously. Here goes.
My husband and I have been married for about 10 years. We have 4 little kids, all under 6. A little over 5 years ago, my husband confessed to me that he had a serious 🌽 addiction he had been hiding for me for our entire relationship. His confession felt like a trap door opened, and I fell through it as he explained each and every lie he had been telling all this time. It was an uphill battle to rescue our marriage after all of that deceit and betrayal. He went to a twelve step and truly turned things around, and has been sober ever since a few months into his journey. We really did recover from that time and our trust has been repaired. We set fresh boundaries with opposite sx relationships and really put up hedges of protection around our marriage.
Fast forward to about 8 months ago.
He confessed that during his addiction, he also sought out and frequently returned to old 🌽 pictures of his close female friend (they are no longer friends, as I mentioned earlier we changed that up). When this came up, I asked to see his old messages with her and as it would appear to me, they had a full on emotional affair, in addition him viewing these pictures. Whether or not she knew he was looking at them isn’t known because they never talked about that, but hints were dropped.
They’d have longggg text conversations and hang out all the time. She worked at his office. They had lunch together every day just about. She was VERY openly flirty with him and rude toward me. They talked about all sorts of things and clearly had a close emotional bond as well as some flirty moments as well, and then the pictures he intentionally searched for and found from a previous 🌽 shoot she did years before that he was viewing all throughout this inappropriate friendship. Of course, that part is one sided. But still.
Of course when he told me this I was devastated by this and instantly went to a place of comparison. Keep in mind that this woman is an ex 🌽 worker and I am just a freshly postpartum stay at home mom of 4. I asked my husband, in a desperate pursuit of something that may make me feel better, if he liked me better than her.
Side note (sorry in advance for all the side notes haha) my husband has diagnosed OCD and bipolar II. Brutal and compulsive honesty is a huge symptom and though we have been working on this problem for much of our marriage, it still rears its head once in a while. My husbands mental health problems are a massive burden on him and of course I support him in his healing however, his untreated mental health problems have also wrecked havoc over our relationship and made it really difficult for me, as well.
Back to the question I asked him that caused the downfall of the last 8 months of my life:
He told me no. He told me he liked her better. He told me she was thinner. He told me she didn’t have stretch marks (she’s never had a baby) he told me she gets ready every day and does her make up. I don’t.
This hurt terribly, so I asked more questions, yet again seeking more reassurance. I know you’ll think that’s dumb, and in hindsight, so do I. But this was all so shocking. Never in our marriage has he spoken about my body this brutally. He’s never made a single negative comment about my appearance whatsoever. This came as a complete shock and I was hoping I just misunderstood. I wasn’t expecting what came next.
He had an absolute meltdown, confessing to me every mean and dark thought he had ever had about me and our marriage. He told me he regrets marrying me, he thinks about leaving, he thinks I’m less attractive than most women, he’s not proud to be with me, liked me better before I had children, thinks he can do better and he settled, he compares me to every woman he sees and routinely finds that the other woman is better, and so much more.
From this space, I’m sure it sounds like he said this all out of spite with some harsh tone of voice, just trying to hurt me any way he can. In reality, he was weeping and drowning in shame. He thought confessing these things to me would help, and claims he had no idea I’d be as destroyed as I am. This confuses me to this day, but two therapists have explained that this can happen with bipolar as sometimes the internal world can be so extremely painful that the external world feels out of touch at times, and that’s what my husband described this as.
I don’t know how relevant this information is, but I think it’s worth saying, I don’t think he was wrong when he was saying all of that. I was overweight by a significant amount, and drowning in child rearing, breastfeeding, housework, and postpartum depression. When he spoke this to me, I had already been on a somewhat new weight loss journey and had already lost 20lbs. Since then, I’ve lost 50 more (70 total) and I am now at a healthy weight and body fat percentage is within the athletic range as I’ve picked up running to cope with all this stress. I’ve also made a lot of changes to my appearances just by doing my hair and makeup every day, showering daily, and dressing cute for the day. I have been feeling more confident and more able to love myself in these ways as I watch my hard work pay off. This has led to me receiving a lot of male attention for my appearances more recently, sometimes when my husband is with me even.
It has been over eight months since that horrific day. It has been a STRUGGLE. We are both in individual counseling and marriage counseling weekly, spending a fortune and hours upon hours of our time on healing. We’re both taking meds at this point for mental health. We’re both reading endless self help books, talking with mentors, absolutely drenching our lives with healing because our marriage is that important to both of us. My husband has been on a mission to learn more about why he had this previously mentioned emotional affair. He is uncovering some unhealed childhood wounds and unmet needs. In addition to seeing a psych and a therapist, he’s in a men’s support group, and has weekly calls with a mentor just to try to work through some of this mess. He’s doing a lot of work on these issues.
In the past eight months, my husband has gone from claiming he’s not proud to be with me because I’m not very attractive to now claiming I’m the most beautiful woman and he married way up. He sees the male attention and can be somewhat protective in the moment and give a glare or whatever, but then when we get home later he tells me he knows how pretty I am and isn’t too bothered by others telling me so because he knows I’m his. He showers me in constant compliments these days, brings me home flowers here or there, random iced coffees on his lunch break, shows up to marriage counseling with pen and pad and reviews his notes throughout the week, takes me for date night weekly, sends me off for a surprise afternoon shopping break from the kids randomly from time to time, texts and calls me throughout the day, and just pours effort into our marriage. When we fight or I get triggered, he just listens and apologizes and tries to comfort me, even when I say the most ridiculous and mean stuff. Of course sometimes he messes up and says things that offend me and he quickly takes responsibility. He’s made a LOT of changes since 5 years ago and many changes since 8 months ago as well.
But then there’s me. I have been a disaster ever since that day. I am so hot and cold. I toggle between being certain I’m hideous and unlovable and being certain I’m loved and safe. I find myself frantic with anxiety, always waiting on the other shoe to drop. I will randomly just feel like he’s cheating on me or feel like he’s hiding something, and it will eat me up until I talk with him about it and he hands me all his devices and I look through them all. I’m constantly mirror checking, certainly have body dysmorphia, and although I’ve lost the vast majority of the weight in a healthy way, I’ve teetered at times on the edge of an eating disorder. I am struggling to believe a positive word he says and feeling so sure he’s going to flip any second now and break me down with his words.
We just had such a close marriage and to find out that not only did he have this inappropriate relationship with this woman, but he also willingly let himself resent me so much for just struggling on my hardest days. I completely get needing to express to your partner that you want them to take better care of themselves and I’m certain that conversation has to be difficult no matter how well it’s handled, but I feel like I was really beaten down in a way I did not deserve. And now I’m really struggling to trust that we’re ok now and we can leave it in the past. How do I stop comparing myself to every other woman we walk by? How can I trust that he’s not still just resenting me for my appearances? How do I believe a single kind word he says? How do I forgive him for that disaster, knowing we both walked away with so much that we needed in the end anyway? And how do I stop believing I am married to someone who doesn’t love me?
submitted by which1areyou to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:02 bergkatze8 A Tablet for Gaming and Drawing?

I am not very tech or gaming literate and would appreciate some advice. I am a casual gamer and mostly play on my Switch currently and do everything else that I can from my 1st gen 12.9 iPad Pro. The only “exclusive” function I use my iPad for is the iPencil, as I’ve started learning how to draw on it. My iPad is still working fine after 8 years, but it will need to be replaced at some point. I mostly use it for watching YouTube/streaming services, browsing Pinterest, drawing, and some mobile games and note taking.
I love the mobility and docking options on the Switch and my tablet. I often pace or lay in bed, I don’t like sitting at a desk for long periods, but there are many games I’d enjoy on the Switch that it can’t handle. I own a Asus ROG Zephyrus G GA502 but it currently doesn’t see much use. I also would like to be able to explore indie games from itch.io. Most are VNs, which apparently a tablet with a good desktop mode could handle.
Is there a tablet on the market that can function as a gaming and art device as well as do day to day tasks? I am also considering just buying a Steam Deck and using it as a upgraded and more versatile Switch. Is there a tablet that might be worth looking into for my other criteria? I have no attachment to Apple products.
submitted by bergkatze8 to tablets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 PsychologicalWay2691 Advice Please!!!!

tldr I'm in love with my previously abusive boyfriend who has since gotten help
I'm desperately in love with my "abusive" ex boyfriend
Hey, I made this account for this and haven't used reddit before so I'm sorry if I do this wrong, and english is not my first language.
This requires a good amount of backstory.
I(19F) am from Louisiana and so is my ex(20M). We met when we were 14 because we were in the same grade at the same highschool. We hit it off immediately and became really good friends. After being friends for about 3 months he got the courage up to ask me on a date, and we started dating. We were together from then until we were 15 and 16, and got back together after I turned 16.
About 2 months into us dating this second time, he had a mental break. I have a lot of trauma that caused me to feel the need to stay with him despite the way he treated me at that time. He never cheated, but seemed to think it was funny or entertaining to do everything in his power to make me think he was, and to make me think it was with some of our close friends. He got distant and snappy and would yell at me over little things a lot. He tried to hit me out of frustration one time but I personally grew up in the hood and do not take lightly to being attacked so he got smacked right back and never tried that again. At this time his parents(they were practically my parents too, mine have never been good to me and they did and still do care a lot more about me then my own do) told me he was having a mental break and that I should leave for my own good but also that they understood why I was staying.
Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and right before the start of our senior year we broke up(both 17). Throughout senior year he would spread rumors about me, a lot being about us having sex, though I was still a virgin and me and him never went farther then me performing oral on him. I distanced myself from him as much as possible but we were both in our schools top band and jazz ensembles as percussionists and were in constant competition with each other.
We ended up going to the same college, and we are now going into our junior year in a few months. I never had friends in highschool, my friends were just his friends and everyone "didn't pick sides" when we broke up. which they just said to me because I wasn't trying to make anyone pick a side but they really did just pick his, except our friend who I'll call Dan. I'll also call my ex Joe. Both are far from their names but I'd like to stay anonymous. Dan told me he understood that Joe was lying and spreading rumors, but felt to bad cutting him off as we all knew he was having a break, as did I.
This year Joe was set to be loving in a dorm right across the hallway from mine. When we had gone home for the summer I made no effort to reach out or see him as our friendship in freshman year of college was just not really there. Though all this time I really have missed my best friend, I've never felt like anyone has been as close to me as he was or understood quite like how he did.
I ran into him during move in day this year. He looked a lot less erratic then he had been the past couple of years and seemed a lot calmer. That night, I was leaving my dorm to go on a midnight walk downtown when I found him sitting on the front of his door in the hallway. He looked like he had been crying. I saw him and decided to quietly sit down next to him and sheepishly ask if he was okay. He said he wasn't, and asked what I was doing, so I invited him to come with me and he did. We left the dorms at about 10 pm, and didn't get back until 6 am. We walked and talked for hours about everything, and he might've apologized for the way he treated me a million times. He explained what happened that caused him to break, and told me he had a realization about it that led to a meltdown, placing him in the psych ward at the end of our freshman year. He was now medicated, healthy again, and finally in therapy!!! I was so insanely proud of him. I called him parents because I wanted to confirm and they confirmed he was telling the truth. From there, we rekindled our friendship and have been back to best friends ever since.
It's been a few months now, and we both have moved back home for the summer, both with plans to love with some friends in apartments starting when fall quarter begins. Recently my mom died in a car accident. She was an abusive neglectful parent who should have never had kids as she truly didn't view me as a human. But despite that, I've been struggling a lot with her death. Joe has been very helpful through this, as he is the only person I've ever told about what happened with my mom throughout my childhood. Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me, and he invited me to do my absolute favorite activity, night drive and smoking.
So now we get to the actual story and where I need advice.
Last night he came and picked me up at about 10. When I got in he handed me the rolling tray and had me roll a blunt for us while he drove to our normal parking lot. This whole time I couldn't stop staring at him and couldn't figure out what it was. When we stopped he turned the music down and faced towards me so we could talk properly and we started smoking and talking. Eventually, this dialouge exchange happened.
Joe - "No it just didn't work out with them so we broke up." Me - "Well what happened?" "Well a lot, but it boils down to they don't understand me in the way I would need my partner to" "How so?" "Well for lack of a better way to put it, the way me and you understand each other"
This lead to us talking about had gone wrong before, and eventually, he told me I looked really pretty and kissed me. I lost my virginity to him in his car last night, and it was more amazing then I ever imagined it could be. I never thought I would be someone who enjoyed sex but I have genuinely been thinking about that and him ever since it happened. When we finished, we took about 5 minutes of laying still and occasionally just muttering out a "Jesus christ that was amazing" before we eventually moved back to our seats. He took me to get ice cream and then brought me home.
I miss him, he's so amazing!!! The sex was great but that's not even what I'm worried about, I just couldn't stop staring at him and I still can't stop thinking about him.
I need advice. I want him back so bad, but is it worth it? He completely destroyed my confidence and love for myself in a way that has not recovered. I truly want to believe he's changed and all signs point towards him changing. I know if I asked him out again he'd say yes immediately. But I'm at a crossroads. Most of me wants to forgive and forget as he truly is the love of my life but that part of me that spent my childhood being abused by my parents has a little Itty bitty voice in my head telling me he isn't actually changed.
Would I be crazy if I went back to him?
submitted by PsychologicalWay2691 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:54 Fun_Zucchini5222 Entitled jerks

I understand it is important to share the store with other non instacart shopping shoppers… BUT when one of these shoppers knows I’m rushing to GET A JOB DONE, they take it upon themselves to either jump in front of you in the walking lane and walk slower than snails constantly looking back from the corner of their eye to see where your at on their tail.
Then when they don’t give you any room to pass or scoot to the side since they are in casual browse mode while you are in working mode they just wait for you to open your mouth so they can tell us we are wrong. Some people man.
submitted by Fun_Zucchini5222 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:52 Kimbol4ik Help_AN_Veganism_survey

Hello! I am a sociology major and for my qualification work I look into such social phenomena as antinatalism, veganism and vegetarianism. You will help me very much by completing the survey in Google Forms, link to which is below. I really need to gather 20 more answers, and deadlines are tight, so every your response counts! I hope that you will enjoy passing it :)
! Your answers are anonymous and will be used for academic purposes only. Email address is not required to complete the form. You can skip any question if you do not want to answer it. !
It shouldn’t take you more than 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. I truly appreciate your help, so thank you for your cooperation!
P.S. Posting third (and, hopefully, last :)) time, so thank you again if you have already completed it!
submitted by Kimbol4ik to antinatalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:52 Alternative_Help_331 Rover survey for class project

Hello everyone, I’m working on a UX class project focused on adding a new feature to Rover. I have a quick survey for clients and providers to help me gather insight about your experiences and thoughts. All answers will be anonymous. Here is the link for anyone who would like to help me out. Thanks to anyone in advance:
submitted by Alternative_Help_331 to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:48 Kralizec555 E103 Error - Netflix thinks I'm in wrong country only on PC

I've been having a weird problem with Netflix, and so far their support has been unable to help. Netflix gives the E103 error (this title is not available in your region), but only for seemingly random, specific titles. It also displays many other titles on the main browsing screen that are not currently available, it only shows the "remind me" option instead of a play button. Still other titles play just fine.
The kicker is that all of this only happens on my Windows PC. The same behavior happens in Chrome and Firefox. But everything works just fine on my Android phone, Roku, etc. The same titles that give the E103 error play just fine on these devices.
Everything is connected to my same WiFi network. I'm not using a VPN or proxy, and checking my IP address confirms it finds my location correctly. I've tried clearing my cache and logging out all devices. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix the problem?
submitted by Kralizec555 to netflix [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:48 fatassfatcheques 24 [F4M] Online - this can be our secret anon thing

I'm a 24-year-old girl originally from Gurgaon, India, but currently living in the UK and now working here. Moved to UK after my school to pursue my undergrad. Work keeps me busy, but I also do some modeling on the side and stay active with sports like tennis and squash. I'm a big fan of football, love reading about finance, and I'm always planning my next travel adventure. Life's been spicy lately and would love to exchange out adventures.
I'm looking for some anonymous online connections to chat about anything and everything. If you're up for some intriguing conversations and making new connections without revealing identities, shoot me a message. Can't wait to see where our chat takes us! 🌟
submitted by fatassfatcheques to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:39 Omologist What is Email Automation?

What is Email Automation?
What is Email Automation?
Understanding Email Automation
Email automation is a strategic approach that involves sending out emails to recipients based on predefined rules. These rules are designed to trigger certain emails when the users do not take a specific action. For instance, if a customer abandons a shopping cart, an automated email may be prompted to remind them of the unpurchased items.
The core of email automation lies within the automation workflow. This workflow maps out the sequence of actions that will send particular automated emails. It stands on logical if-then conditions that reflect customer behaviors, ensuring the right message is delivered at the right time.
Triggered emails are a fundamental part of this process. These are the responses to customers' activities or inactivities, ranging from welcoming new subscribers to following up with an inactive user.
These emails are personalized and relevant, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.
A basic example of an email automation workflow could involve a sequence such as the following:
A customer signs up for a newsletter (Trigger Event).
They receive a welcome email (Automated Email).
They receive a discount code (Triggered Email) if they click a link in the email.
These emails can be highly targeted, encouraging a direct response from the customer. Email automation helps nurture customer relationships and streamline marketing efforts, making it an indispensable tool for marketers.
Core Elements of Automated Campaigns
Effective automated email campaigns hinge on meticulous setup and strategic planning. They leverage sophisticated tools designed to nurture leads and engage customers, thereby optimizing marketing efforts. The following subsections pinpoint the three foundational mechanisms contributing to the success of automated email strategies.
Trigger Events and Conditions
Trigger events and conditions serve as the linchpin for email automation, initiating a sequence of personalized emails upon detecting specific user actions or behavioral patterns. Marketers define triggers based on various conditions, such as a user signing up, purchasing, or even abandoning a shopping cart. For instance, if a customer subscribes to a newsletter, this action can trigger a welcome email series.
Behavioral: Actions like page visits or downloads can trigger targeted follow-up emails.
Transactional: Events such as purchases or bookings prompt confirmation or thank-you emails.
Engagement: A user's interaction level can initiate re-engagement campaigns or reward messages.
Segmentation and Personalization
Segmentation dissects the target audience into narrower groups according to particular characteristics or behaviors, enhancing marketing automation's relevance and effectiveness. Personalized emails, crafted with the recipient's name, past interactions, and preferences, significantly increase the chances of engagement.
Demographics: Age, location, and occupation can dictate the content's tone and offer.
Behavior: Purchase history and site activity guide more tactful product recommendations.
Preferences: Email frequency and topics of interest align with subscriber preferences.
Scheduling and Frequency
Determining the schedule and frequency of automated emails is essential to maintain a balance that maximizes engagement without overwhelming the recipient. The marketing automation software efficiently handles the timing and pacing of emails based on the set schedule.
Welcome Series: A sequence might begin immediately after a trigger event and extend over several days.
Promotional Campaigns: Timed before sale events or product launches to build anticipation.
Regular Updates: Consistently scheduled content keeps subscribers informed and engaged.
Each component—trigger events and conditions, segmentation and personalization, and scheduling and frequency—integrates to form a cohesive automated email campaign. They require careful calibration to appeal to individuals within the target audience and achieve meaningful engagement.
Strategic Implementation in Email Marketing
Effective email marketing requires sending messages and carefully crafting campaigns that respond to customer behavior. Each touchpoint should strategically guide the user through the company's sales funnel, enhancing the customer experience and the potential for increased sales.
Welcome and Onboarding Series
A welcome email is the initial step in nurturing a new customer relationship. It should seamlessly integrate with the company's CRM to ensure personalized content delivery. Creating a series of emails rather than a single message can effectively introduce new subscribers to the brand, highlight key products, and facilitate customer engagement. For instance, a second email might provide tips to maximize the value of their purchase, while a third could offer exclusive discounts or content.
Cart Abandonment Strategies
Effective cart abandonment strategies are key to recovering potential lost sales. By triggering a timely abandoned cart email, businesses remind customers of what they’ve left behind, often incorporating incentives like free shipping or a small discount to encourage completion of the purchase. Tracking such email campaigns yields insights into customer behavior, enabling a company to tailor its approach and consistently refine its message to reduce abandonment rates.
Post-Purchase Follow-up
The customer experience doesn't end after a sale; it only begins. Post-purchase follow-up emails help maintain the relationship. A simple "thank you" can leave a positive impression, while further emails can offer support, ask for feedback, or inform customers about related products, potentially leading to an upsell or cross-sell opportunity. This strategy turns a single purchase into the start of an ongoing conversation, fostering brand loyalty and repeat business.
Integrating With Marketing Automation Tools
To effectively execute email marketing strategies, the integration of marketing automation tools with email platforms is pivotal. These tools work seamlessly with CRMs and databases to enhance targeting accuracy and measure campaign performance through analytics and reporting.
Leveraging CRM and Databases
Without deep integration with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, email automation lacks the personalized touch that resonates with recipients. Marketing CRMs like those provided by Mailchimp organize customer information and behavior. For e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, this means utilizing customer purchase histories and browsing patterns to trigger personalized emails through automation triggers.
Integration: Ensure the email automation tool syncs with the CRM database to utilize customer data effectively.
Data Utilization: Use CRM data to segment audiences and set triggers based on behavior, like cart abandonment or product views.
Analytics and Reporting
Measuring the success of marketing efforts requires robust analytics and reporting tools. Email automation platforms must integrate with systems like Google Analytics to provide insight into customer behavior and campaign performance.
Key Metrics: Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to gauge engagement levels.
Performance Analysis: Use data to refine future campaigns, optimize automation triggers, and enhance targeting strategies.
Optimizing Campaigns for Conversion
Optimizing email campaigns for conversion involves deploying strategic testing and advanced engagement techniques. By focusing on the granular aspects of email interactions, businesses can enhance their open rates and conversion rates, ultimately nurturing more effective relationships with leads and customers.
A/B Testing and Feedback Loops
A/B testing, or split testing, is essential in determining which elements of an email campaign resonate most with recipients. Businesses should methodically test variations in subject lines, email content, and call-to-action buttons to identify which versions yield higher open rates and engagement. This data-driven approach allows for refining targeting strategies, ensuring content is relevant and impactful.
Feedback loops are critical in the continuous improvement of email campaigns. Companies can adjust their tactics by collecting customer feedback and meticulously monitoring metrics such as open rates and click-through rates. This ongoing improvement cycle ensures that campaigns remain fresh and pertinent, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
Advanced Techniques for Engagement
To deepen engagement and drive conversions, sophisticated targeting methods and personalization must be employed. Marketing automation software enables the segmentation of email lists based on consumer behavior, ensuring messages are highly relevant to each recipient. For instance:
Customers who abandon a shopping cart receive a personalized reminder email.
Send more detailed content for subscribers who frequently open emails to foster deeper engagement.
Exclusive offers and product recommendations can bolster open rates and incite action. Implementing these practices allows companies to maintain consistent relevance and interest among their audience, a pivotal factor in converting prospects into customers. Through precise targeting and personalized content, businesses foster stronger connections and improve their overall conversion rates.
submitted by Omologist to PithyPitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:31 Tommygun-easy Nether portal surrounded by lava- HELP!

so, I was building a structure around the nether portal in the nether, I unblocked some lava which killed me and left my stuff inaccessible. The lava surrounds the portal and the structure around it means there nowhere to run. I tried water, enchanted iron armour even but nothing worked and i kept dying. I'm really stuck. I even tried moving the portal but for some reason it keeps going back to the lava surrounded one. I don't know what to do. I can't get blaze rods for a brewstand for a potion of fire resistance because blaze are in the nether and the portal is surrounded by lava!
What do I do? Help!!
submitted by Tommygun-easy to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:28 Shinigaru cheap enclosure for the A1

I want to get an A1 (non mini, without ams) on sale and would like to enclose it for a cheap price with least amount of work. i browsed through ikea and found this:
inner dimensions: 760*530*560mm³. since my flat is mostly white furniture it would blend in nicely. i like that it encloses all but one side, so only thing missing is a door.
will the A1 fit in there? from A1 product specification at the bottom of the shop website
Physical DimensionsA1 : 465*410*430 mm³
but I guess thats without PTFE clearance at the top and bed movement including the bed heater cable in the rear? can somebody measure their A1 for miniumum space requirements.
Im also open for other inexpensive enclosure options
submitted by Shinigaru to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:12 garbage_cam The first dog I brought home from work

The first dog I brought home from work
So I’ve only worked at a shelter since January and I already brought one home. This little guy came in as a stray, and I was actually the first person he interacted with at the shelter as I did his intake. He had awful dental disease, wasn’t able to really control his bladder, and was having diarrhea. My childhood dachshund passed when I was away at college a few years ago and I wasn’t able to be with him, which has always bothered me. This little man reminded me so much of him that I immediately was drawn to him. After a few weeks, he was ready for foster to finish out his medical hold, and I took him home. The first night I came home to him bounding out of his crate, tail wagging and so excited to see me, healed something in me, I think. I only had gum for about two weeks before I went on vacation, where another foster parent was going to be watching him. She picked him up from me and as soon as she left, I started thinking about him getting adopted while I was on vacation and I realized he was supposed to come home with me. I went right to adoptions and officially adopted him that day where I learned that an anonymous donor had sponsored his fee. His name is Charles and he’s the perfect addition to my crew. I’d love to hear similar stories from shelter workers about animals you just couldn’t leave at work!
submitted by garbage_cam to AnimalShelterStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:57 Sparky_McDibben Cyberpunking: Pride & Prejudice

OR: Pride & Prejudice & Punks
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a GM with a solid group, must be in want of a scenario. Or not; maybe you're good with random generators and recycling the modules from 2020. But occasionally, I like to really stretch my brain and see what I can create. So to challenge myself, I decided to try converting Pride & Prejudice into Cyberpunk RED. I will be assuming a certain degree of familiarity with the work, mostly because it has its own Wikipedia page and you can literally go and read the synopsis. I'd encourage you to read the book if you want the greatest benefit, but there's absolutely no judgment if that ain't your jam.
Obviously a 1:1, completely honest translation is impossible. The central plot of the original work revolves around women unable to inherit their father's wealth trying to make good marriages. That's pretty obviously not a problem in Night City. However, there's more to work with there than you might think.
For one, the main relationship of the book is a rags-to-riches love story. We can leverage the massive wealth and power disparity between Darcy and Elizabeth to feed back into more punk narratives.
For another, the characters are surprisingly human and relatable for a gap of 300 years and 4,000 miles (your mileage may vary - literally). Caroline Bingley still comes across as a desperate try-hard. Collins resounds as an utter douche-canoe who told a father to cut his daughter out of his life.
So there's quite a bit there to steal, whether you want to rip it off and use it for background, or if you think one of your PCs actually fits one of the roles. So let's talk about the two ways you can use this material in your game.
Option 1: Strip For Parts / Put On Display
Austen's one hell of a writer, but her conflicts are typically resolved internally. There's very little intervention needed by any heavily armed outsiders (unless you count the Wickham-Lydia elopement). So actually putting the plot of Pride & Prejudice into your Cyberpunk game is a tall order (though not impossible; see below). What works better is stripping the plot for parts and using them as background material that occasionally invites the PCs to mess with it.
Rather than have the players be interested in the "will-they-won't-they" between Jane and Mr. Bingley because that's all they have to distract them from their aristocratic ennui, start running it as a background element. Players go to a high-end club, and this rich corpo's there, with his bodyguards and his skinny-b*tch sister, Caroline. Rich corpo (Mr. Bingley, by name), is interested in one of the PCs buddies (Jane, in this scenario), and spends a lot of time dancing with them, but doesn't take them home. This takes place as background material solely while the PCs are accomplishing their mission, getting a gig from the fixer, or doing whatever else it is they are doing.
Next week, the PCs have two more jobs from local fixers. Turns out a client wants Jane scoped out - what skeletons do they have? Do they have a paramour already? (This job is from Mr. Bingley, who absolutely wants to know if Jane is into them). The other job is to frame Jane as a gold-digging harlot with evidence provided by the client (this job is from Caroline, who thinks her brother is way too good to be slumming it with some club hooker). The PCs are offered both jobs, along with another, unrelated one. Which one do they accept? Either way, you run the consequences down in as cyberpunk a way as possible.
In another scenario, the PCs are befriended by a new kid in town - Wickham. He's a grifter who targets rich, young, vulnerable people and marries them, but he's not targeting the PCs. He is incredibly charming and almost supernaturally good-looking (COOL = 8, maxed out Persuasion, Acting, and Wardrobe & Style, minimum). He also hates people the PCs hate, and makes himself useful to them in a variety of small ways. Need a place to crash? He can get you one, choomba. Need a new piece? He'll get you the exact right caliber, friend. Anyone who bothers to dig into him finds some disturbing rumors from his past: apparently, Wickham's been married six times, and each of his past wives has died mysteriously after leaving everything to him. But Wickham's a notorious gambler as well, and he just pisses money away. More likely, though, the PCs don't do any research, and the following escalation plays out:
One night, Wickham shows up with a corpo heiress he's eloping with, and a duffel bag full of cash from her family's account. The heiress is incredibly drunk and probably high. Wickham needs the crew to buy him some time to get her to a chapel and legally marry her. He stresses that he just needs the PCs to buy him some time, as there are some corpo "detectives" looking for him. He'll pay them $1k each, up front, with another $1k to follow if they can pull the heat off him.
If the PCs accept, they discover that the girl's aunt and uncle are driving the search, and they've brought some serious professional muscle: Team Monster. The aunt and uncle are terrified that the heiress is going to wind up dead as soon as those marriage papers are signed, and they are willing to double Wickham's price if the PCs just tell them where Wickham is...but if the PCs dither, they'll just sic Team Monster on the PCs. If the PCs fight, that heiress dies to some tragic poisoning, and Wickham escapes - this puts the PCs squarely on the shit list of every corpo with a fortune to protect and a gonk kid (at least 30% of the corpos out there). If the PCs sell out Wickham, they save the girl, make some cash, and watch Wickham's skull get ventilated.
One final point on stripping this novel for parts. Pride & Prejudice is so influential it still gets taught and sold today. This book is fairly well known by anyone with at least a high-school education. So if you translate the characters too honestly, you are liable to tip your hand. Adjusting names helps (Yelbing instead of Bingley). You can also gender-swap characters, change ethnicities, languages, etc.
Option 2: Central Casting
Prologue: talk to your players about romance before dropping it in your game. It can go great or it can go cringe as fuck. It rarely hits a middle ground.
Main event: So, what happens when you realize you've actually got an Elizabeth Bennet-type at your table? Well, you drop in Mr. Darcy, and see what happens. This is actually something I'm going to try, because when I read Pride & Prejudice this weekend, I noted several similarities between my wife's Solo and Elizabeth Bennet. And because in-game Thanksgiving is coming up, one of her Corporate contacts is going to invite her to a Thanksgiving dinner, black tie (she doesn't have black-tie duds, but that's a great way to introduce Not A Stitch To Wear).
If she attends, cue the anti-meet-cute between her and the standoffish and proud Lady Pembrooke (my gender-swapped Mr. Darcy), who is in town for several months handling some business for their incredibly rich aunt. From there, you put them in rooms together, and see where that goes. The core of these two's relationships in the book (and why it's so satisfying) is a very, very, very well done "enemies to friends to lovers" trope that doesn't just change each other, but changes themselves, too.
"Ah, but Sparky," I hear you say, "their relationship can only take off because they alternate between being forced together and being kept apart. Like that time Elizabeth stayed at Netherfield to tend to her sick sister and had to talk to Darcy. How do you do force them together?"
Well, I'm figuring getting caught together in a bank heist-turned-hostage situation might work fairly well. Give them a couple of other hostages to play off of, and maybe throw in Caroline Bingley to try talking smack about the PC, and you've got the ingredients for an interestingly tense scene while they come up with a way out of there. All you really need is a location and a situation where the two characters have to talk to each other. Austen accomplishes this with a deft use of social expectations. You can do the same thing in Night City by letting it just be Night City - alternate action with conversation.
You could also have Darcy show up in places where he's an inconvenience to the PCs job. If they get hired to hit a big gala, and Darcy's there with an inconveniently sharp eye on them, then somebody's got to distract him. In the meantime, you can also hear rumors about how Darcy was an absolute schmuck to someone the PCs like. And of course, the biggest impediment to Darcy's happiness is Darcy himself, because he cannot stop acting like he's better than everyone else.
That's the push - the pull is that Darcy actually does care about people, and takes noblesse oblige seriously. He'll work hard to provide charity, and uses his position and privilege to help folks out when they're in a jam. In short, show good deeds, don't have Darcy tell anyone about them. In fact, the more steps Darcy can take to avoid his good deeds leaking out to the PC, the better.
The final question for this pairing, though, is simple: Do they get a happy ending? (Get your head out of the gutter, Dan). That, I think, depends on how your PC plays it. Do they actively antagonize high society? Infuriate their social betters? Flaunt their competence? Well, have high society respond. Darcy's aunt sends hit squads. Caroline Bingley anonymously leaks damaging information (false or true) to the press. Fixers get warned not to work with the PCs, and some of them listen.
Do they convince Darcy to come away with them? To start a new life? Do they insert themselves in his? The options are endless, and ultimately, Night City itself can be a reason why they're doomed. But as Romeo & Juliet shows, sometimes doomed romances are the most impactful kind.
Anyway, hope this was helpful! See y'all later!
submitted by Sparky_McDibben to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:47 genericGenera spirituality/faith

"I was raised Irish-Catholic, never talk about your feelings. Tell 'em you're fantastic."
Before this journey started, I wasn't religious. I wasn't spiritual. I identified most readily with Buddhist teachings, and tried my best to think of Pema Chodrön's teachings shared from Trungpa Rinpoche. I had received cd audio books from my father after an attempt over 10 years ago. "Don't Bite the Hook" and "Getting Unstuck."
You see, when you attempt to rid yourself from the world there will be no shortage of those trying to tell you the problem isn't YOU, it's the tether. Remove your tether, release your burden, be free. Life felt like the lead around my neck, not attachment. It's funny. I don't think I understood the distinction until a stranger on omegle asked with all earnestness afforded them through anonymity:
"Ya but the reason you can't off yourself is other people, right?"
But I tried my best to understand, to let go. I did the body scans, the mindfulness meditation, the nature bathing, the yoga, the journaling, and the gratitude exercises. But I kept getting stuck. To bad places, bad people, bad situations, etc. Each one removed more and more of my faith in my ability to get unstuck. I accumulated more trauma over the years while navigating misdiagnoses of both mental and physical nature. I behaved in ways I scarcely understood to contain fires I couldn't see, moved through life as if every inch of me were aflame. Immolation through inaction. I had experienced so much pain, so much invalidation, so much erasure. My empathy ruined my lens. I couldn't see people mistreating me when the ghosts of the people who hurt them stared into my consciousness.
Sometimes I fell in the codependent trap of trying to "fix" them. Sometimes I just sat beside the monster and put an arm around them. "I know you didn't start out this way. I know you don't have to end this way. There's a choice, a different path. This isn't YOU." Was I talking to the parts of myself I saw in them? Or was I merely crafting the narrative that kept us most comfortable? I'm still not quite sure.
Why am I finding the words I need in works of Christianity equally as in works from Atheist/non-theists? I understand the concept that the Universe is all of us, everything. That resonates with me and feels "correct" but I keep getting slapped in the face with signs/syncs aligning with Christ/resurrection/redemption/the holy trinity.
I want to scream out for you. I want to come over for coffee and talk your ear off about all of these questions I'm having. I want to know how you arrived at your faith. I never got the chance to ask. I saw the cross around your neck on that first night and told you "it's okay, I've dated religious boys before." You gave a half-hearted chuckle and said, "well, I believe in A God." As if to say "not the one you're used to/thinking of." I didn't question it further as I figured it was too early for something so heavy.
But you don't want that, and I have to respect it. I replay you taking off your cross before each time you laid me in your bed. I know it's because fucking with jewelry on is a bad idea, but at the time it felt like I was too dirty to touch with your faith hands. Like you needed separation between your light and dark before it touched all the dark inside of me.
The first time we broke up, after I had that huge emotional reaction after sex- I wish I could have explained then what I know now. You released stored trauma in my hips. All those tears welling up in my eyes were from years before you arrived.
"It's in the blood, it's in the blood I met my love before I was born He wanted love, I taste of blood He bit my lip, and drank my war From years before, from years before
"Not even my parents love me," I cried. I felt horrified for having said it without knowing why. I realize now I was saying:
"why do you love me when there is nothing worthy of it here?"
So when you said "I love you" and I said "you don't mean that do you?" your silence was appreciated but it broke me.
I have never been touched the way you touched my body, heart, soul. I think I cried so hard because a part of me knew I was having sex with someone I loved. It didn't make sense and it terrified me. Despite having a string of long term relationships, this felt different from all of them. I felt you permeate all of me. Some days I still feel it. I ache for your skin on mine.
submitted by genericGenera to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:38 Erudito1312 Network adapter missing, replacement did not help.

Hi, hope anyone can point me in the right direction. I have a stationary PC, mobo is Gigabyte B450 Aorus Elite. I am connected to internet via ethernet cable, which goes into Gigabit tp-link TG-3468 network adapter (ethernet slot on mobo broken). Today while browsing youtube internet suddenly disappeared, network connection shows no cable inserted. After some time of trying to fix it i came to conclusion that the network adapter card is busted. Led light on the card did not work, i tried multiple cables, and most importantly - i got a little switch, and once i plugged the cable into it - led light on LAN1 lighted up, telling me that cable indeed works. So, i went out and got myself same tp-link adapter. Put it into only PCI express slot i have in mobo, led light on it lights up. I put the cable in - and nothing... What i tried so far: Multiple lan cables, changing the slots in router (router works fine on all slots, verified it via ps5), system restore. Most interesting part is - after making system restore - network card/connection disappeared completely. Device manager doesnt show it, nor does it show any no-drivehidden devices, AIDA64 doesnt how it among PCI Devices, nothing. However, the led light on the card still shines! I tried to go back on system restore, however card still nowhere to be found. So, what im wondering, is it technically possible for the mobo to have a busted pci-e slot, which doesnt ork, BUT gives power for the card for the led light to still work? :D
submitted by Erudito1312 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 guuldrazmucklord What do you guys think of my Felix Five-Boots deck?

Been working on this one for a while but it definitely still needs a little TLC: Ooze Your Daddy? // Commander / EDH (Felix Five-Boots) deck list mtg // Moxfield — MTG Deck Builder
The goal of the deck is to get big creatures on the battlefield, make them unblockable, and use Felix to double their combat triggers. The mana curve is a little wonky and that needs to be fixed, what do you guys think?
submitted by guuldrazmucklord to EDH [link] [comments]
