Metric tractor tire conversion

How to Improve e-commerce mobile experience monitoring?

2024.05.16 08:18 Ankittechiee How to Improve e-commerce mobile experience monitoring?

Improving e-commerce mobile experience monitoring involves implementing several strategies:
  1. Real-Time Monitoring: Utilize tools that provide real-time monitoring of mobile app performance, user interactions, and transactions. This allows immediate detection and response to issues that may impact the mobile shopping experience.
  2. Comprehensive Analytics: Implement comprehensive analytics to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as page load times, conversion rates, bounce rates, and user engagement metrics specific to mobile devices. Analyzing this data helps identify trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and optimize the mobile experience.
  3. Cross-Platform Testing: Conduct cross-platform testing to ensure consistent performance and usability across different mobile devices, operating systems, and screen sizes. This includes testing on popular devices and emulators to capture a diverse range of user experiences.
  4. User Feedback Integration: Integrate user feedback mechanisms such as in-app surveys, ratings, and reviews to gather insights directly from mobile shoppers. Understanding user preferences, pain points, and suggestions helps prioritize enhancements and deliver a more personalized experience.
  5. Performance Optimization: Continuously optimize mobile app performance by minimizing page load times, reducing app size, and optimizing images and media content. Performance improvements enhance user satisfaction and encourage longer engagement with the app.
  6. Security Monitoring: Implement robust security monitoring to detect and mitigate potential threats such as data breaches, fraud, and unauthorized access. This includes monitoring for suspicious activities, implementing secure authentication mechanisms, and ensuring compliance with industry security standards.
  7. A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing experiments to compare different versions of the mobile app and identify which features, designs, or functionalities resonate best with users. A/B testing helps refine the mobile experience based on data-driven insights and user preferences.
  8. Continuous Feedback Loop: Establish a continuous feedback loop between development, QA, and operations teams to facilitate rapid iteration and improvement of the mobile experience. Regularly gather feedback, analyze performance metrics, and collaborate on implementing enhancements to drive ongoing optimization.
By implementing these strategies, e-commerce businesses can enhance their mobile experience monitoring capabilities, identify areas for improvement, and deliver a seamless and engaging shopping experience to mobile users.
submitted by Ankittechiee to u/Ankittechiee [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:17 Either-Reading-6809 how can i become a good communicator and gain more knowledge on things

I've realized i'm really dumb and boring and its gotten me to a point i find it hard to communicate with people who are around me. Sometimes I think I'm the dumb one in the group cause i got used to playing this stupid laughable character for so long that now I can't get out of it. I find it hard to take in information, listening to intellectual conversations, etc. Even now I'm struggling to type what I want to say. I've been called stupid, dumb, retarded for a while now and it's gotten to a point I'm starting to believe it. I barely have knowledge on a lot of things people usually know about. When I usually communicate with people, i cant bring up any questions or even start a conversation cause I dont know how to. I usually just reply with "hmm" "okay" "yea" and end it there. Sometimes I can't even continue the conversation and its really annoying. I'm also worried something stupid might come out of my mouth. There are a few people in my life I wish i could connect with them on a different aspect and share meaningful conversations cause when they usually bring those conversations up, they tend to dumb it down for me to understand or don't even include me cause they are tired of doing that. I can't talk to anyone I know about my problem thats why i brought it here. How can i improve myself? anything would be helpful :)
submitted by Either-Reading-6809 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:15 manuee96 There is a way to demand conversion of all your vassals at once?

Title, im tired of demand conversion from vassal to vassal
submitted by manuee96 to crusaderkings3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:15 almarwanmachinery Construction Equipments: top 10 largest Dozers

Construction Equipments giants: top 10 largest dozers in the world

Regarded as one of the earliest Construction Machines innovations of the twentieth century, the Bulldozer, also known as a tractor or dozer, stands as a prominent earthmoving machine. Typically weighing between 18 and 100 metric tons, it finds application in clearing land and materials for expansive construction and mining endeavors. Numerous manufacturers have crafted iconic earthmovers, now employed in prestigious projects worldwide. In essence, a dozer serves multiple purposes on construction sites, including land clearance, road and infrastructure grading, as well as in quarries and mines for transporting substantial quantities of ore and earth. Originally utilized in farming and agricultural contexts, today’s dozers play integral roles in diverse sectors as an important Heavy Construction Machine. Without delay, let’s delve into a compilation of the ten largest dozers ever manufactured.
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submitted by almarwanmachinery to u/almarwanmachinery [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:04 Bearly1948 I Kind Of Channeled My Own Recent Past Life

This happened many years ago but has remained so clear in my memory that it could have been yesterday. I'm not sure I believe in reincarnation, but if not that, what was this?
A little background ... When I was a little girl, ages 4 and 5 or thereabouts, I had a "pretend friend" named Patricia. I didn't do a lot with her, partly because she was a little older and acted bossy to me. In my own family I was the oldest child, have two younger sisters.
When I was a bit older, I asked my mother if there had ever been a child before me -- a boy. Because I had the strong feeling I had an older brother. Had he died before I was born? Or had we been twins and I made it but he didn't? I asked my mother several times about the older brother thing, she always said No, the last time I asked was when I was in high school.
Skip forward to 1980. I'm in my 30s, single, secretarial work for a construction organization. One of the guys who worked there was originally from Pennsylvania and we got talking about that state -- my mother was born there so I know a bit about it and through those conversations we became friends.
He mentioned living on a farm as a kid, and when he said that I suddenly had a mental picture/vision of a train traveling through a field -- it was a little distance away and there was something between me and the field such that I could see a snatch of field, then blank space, then field again maybe a couple of times. He mentioned having a sister, and I thought "Something's not right with that." But was not a good time to talk.
I will call this guy "C". He lived about 50 miles from the job, I lived 2 streets away from the office. He had a medical condition that was being checked out and if he was too tired at end of the work day he'd stop a while at my place, maybe take a nap before the drive home.
Shortly after the mention of him growing up on a farm, he needed to stop at my place for an hour or so. I brought him some peppermint tea, and brought up the train in the field.
And then I said this: "I'm on a lane, just dirt lane. On the left is an orchard and sheep are grazing there. Ahead is the end wall of a an old two-storey white farmhouse."
C was staring at me, tea forgotten, and he was literally shrinking away from me.
"And there's a meadow behind the house, and a train runs through the meadow, but I can't see all of it because something's in the way, blocking some of the view."
C said, "That was the view from the back steps. How do you KNOW THIS?"
And I kept on talking. I said, "You said you had a sister, but there was another child, wasn't there. What happened to that child?"
And C said, "There was a baby sister, named J. She was born in early 1948 and died of crib death a couple of months later."
His living sister? Her name was Patricia.
A month or so later, C had his sister come visit and they had me over. Patricia and I could easily have been sisters. Both C and Patricia felt it was pretty darn solid that I was their baby J sister, reincarnated now as the person I am.
My mother was able to corroborate that I'd had a pretend friend named Patricia, and she also remembered me wondering about a brother.
C, Patricia and I talked about whether or not to tell their mother. She had never really gotten over the loss. We didn't know how she might react to the very idea of reincarnation. So we decided not to put her in that position.
C moved out of state, we stayed in touch by phone until he passed in the 1990s. Last fall, I thought of contacting Patricia, only to learn she too had passed on.
If this was not a reincarnation matter, then I don't know what it would be. I've never, in my whole life, had another experience like it. One other possibility would be me reading C's mind, but that's never happened with other people.
Anyone else have the experience of actually meeting someone from a previous life?
submitted by Bearly1948 to Psychic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:02 Hotcoco2506 Was my 28f ex 31m cheating on me throughout the relationship? We hardly ever 'did it'

Yesterday for the first time since the breakup in August 2022, I became so angry. My friend 27f was talking about howrny she is as it has been a couple of months for her and I kind told her ive not really had s*x except a couple of night stands last summer I regret and then how even in my relationship with my ex there sadly was not any s*x.
She looked at me confused as she explained its usual for couples, even at the beginning to do it all the time and want to see each other. My ex did not. I always had to go to his parents house where he was living at the time for sort of sleep over and this was usually Friday or Saturday night. He never wanted to see me more than 1 night in a row, no matter how many times I expressed to him I'd love a more than 1 night sleepover. I loved this man. I wanted to see him and be with him everyday ffs.
I have the Flo app to help me track my cycle to make sure all is ok. Have been doing it since 2021. We got together April 2022 (when we started talking) so I have all the data as I always updated it when we had s*x as well.
out of around 115 days that we were dating, we only had s*x 27 days. We banged a couple to three times when we saw each other on those days, but I count it as 1 as it was only 1 day. But this small number made me angry last night. I knew we hardly had s*x but did not realise how stupid low it was.
Now I always wanted to see him. I dont remember a day I did not want to know how he's doing or not want to see him, hang out, go on dates, smoke ganja with him ect.
I wanna add maybe 7 more days to the these s*x days when we saw each othewent on dates and there was no boom boom time after, which was nice, but trust me I was h*rny and wanted him so badly during those days too. I also wanna add another 20 days for when I had my period and couldn't/did not feel like it and 5 days when he was at a friends wedding in Barcelona.
Even with this, it comes to 69 days. Where was he the other 55+ days?
Every week without fail, he would go to is female best friends house to smoke weed. I am a stoner too, yet I was never invited, even though I wanted to meet this person.
I always trusted him but looking back after my conversation last night was he cheating on me?
He never wanted me to meet his family (I met his parents because he lived with them and his younger bro because he had to pick him up from a train station once) he never invited me to the family dinners where his brothers brought their gf or wife. I was always sad as I wanted so badly to meet everyone and be part of this family for real as I really loved my ex.
He did not want meet his friends either, never wanted to visit me or meet my friends. He forgot my birthday, never brought me flowers and always he never will. He kept making jokes about living with his female best friend, which makes me angry tbf looking back at it.
When we first got together his bumble notifications were going off so he deleted the app and tinder. But NOT the accounts.
Now I am overthinking because why did he not want to have s*x with me? Am I that bad?
The crazy thing is, when we were hanging out on the days we were together in person, everything was great, despite my really bad depression due to the abusive people I lived with at the time, we had a lot of fun. Why did he not want to see more?
I also counted that there would be 2-3 weeks where we did not do it in-between. Honestly I dont know I did not see it at the time. We banged so well and so much on the days we saw each other, so why did he not want me more?
I love s*x and I've never really had it as I just want to be 1 mans person and be the filthiest wife there is. I want to do so many naughty things but with the right person. I really believed my ex was it, like I wanted to try so many stuff with him but never got to.
I am 29 next month and honestly, I am tired of not being touched.
Sorry for this tmi so early in the morning. Just feel really shit. I loved my ex, a part of me still does. But now I can't stop thinking he was cheating.
submitted by Hotcoco2506 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:58 lLancelotl How do I (25M) get my gf (22F) to get a job that isn't part of her degree.

So my gf (22f) and I have been dating for almost 6 months and about 3 months ago we decided to get a apartment together bc we were both tired with living with our parents and now I know it was way to soon to move in together. She had a job at a hospital prior but quit bc she had issues with the doctors being jerks. Before we moved in together she got a job working at a urgent care but that lasted about 2 weeks bc she said she just didn't have the motivation to go back. Well I helped her get a job at the business my mom works at since she is one of the higher up people there. It was a good position as an assistant manager and she was making more then she was before, well about 3 weeks into the job she was complaining that the manager keeps giving her extra work, she told me she wants to quit but she's going to wait until she has another job lined up and she will do a 2 week notice, well I got home from work one day and she was home so I gave her a kiss and went to the bathroom and that's when she decided to text me that she quit her job. Of course I was upset bc now she has no income when she agreed when we first moved in that we would both pay half which is $730 each and I would cover the other bills since I do make more then her. I told her she should apply where I work bc we have different departments she could do that's easy but she has a medical assistant degree and refuses to do anything that doesn't have to do with her education. Now it's been almost 2 months since she quit so I'm paying all the bills and having to work a lot of overtime so make sure everything is paid and it's causing my anxiety it gets worse then it already is. When I told my girlfriend that I'm super stressed with everything her response to that was to say "just don't be" Things are getting weirder bc now she's always wanting to look at my phone and my messages and whenever my phone goes off she wants to know what it was. She was on my phone bc she was supposed to be getting us a discount on our Internet bill bc she had food stamps but instead she went thought all my Facebook messages. She goes up to me and says that she's concerned bc she knows I was texting my ex while we were talking, we weren't even dating at that point so I asked her to show my the messages so she scrolls all the way down my messenger and shows me a text exchange between my ex and I where it was me saying why I don't have feelings for her bc at the time my ex was trying to get back together but I was saying no. I asked my girlfriend if she even read the texts and she tells me "no I only looked at the date" so she didn't even care what the conversation was about, she just didn't like the fact that my ex and I talked at that point in time. She will get mad at me if I go to the store without her or if I decide I go for a drive alone she gets mad. She wants to be by my side all time time and even gets mad when I go on my computer on the weekends which is the only time I go on it. I made the mistake of making a joint bank account with her so she will buy something and just says "it's our money" I just don't know what to do at this point and when I do bring up my concerns to her she will either flip it to make me sound like the bad guy or if she says something that actually upsets me she just says "I was joking". What should I do?
TLDR: My gf won't get a job that isn't a medical assistant and now I'm stuck paying all the bills and having to work crazy hours just to survive.
submitted by lLancelotl to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:52 Patient_Act_1547 Top 7 Highest Paying Digital Marketing Skills in 2024

Top 7 Highest Paying Digital Marketing Skills in 2024
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, certain skills are becoming increasingly valuable. If you’re looking to boost your career in this field, mastering these top-paying skills can make a significant difference. Here are the seven highest-paying digital marketing skills in 2024:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a cornerstone of digital marketing. Professionals skilled in SEO help websites rank higher on search engines, driving organic traffic and increasing visibility. With businesses continually striving to improve their online presence, SEO experts are in high demand.

2. Content Marketing

Creating valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience is crucial. Content marketing specialists who can craft compelling blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics are highly sought after. Their work helps build brand authority and customer loyalty.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are essential for connecting with audiences. Experts in social media marketing know how to create and manage campaigns on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Their ability to engage users and build a community around a brand makes them indispensable.

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC specialists manage online advertising campaigns where businesses pay each time a user clicks on an ad. This includes platforms like Google Ads and social media ads. Skilled PPC professionals can optimize ad spend and maximize return on investment, making this a lucrative skill.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and convert them into customers. Professionals who can design and execute successful email campaigns, segment lists, and analyze performance metrics are highly valued.

6. Data Analytics

Data is at the heart of digital marketing. Experts in data analytics interpret complex data to inform marketing strategies. Their ability to analyze trends, measure campaign effectiveness, and make data-driven decisions is critical for any marketing team.

7. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO specialists focus on increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. By optimizing landing pages and user experience, they help businesses convert more leads into customers, boosting revenue.


Investing in these high-paying digital marketing skills can significantly enhance your career prospects in 2024 and beyond. Whether you aim to specialize in SEO, content marketing, social media, PPC, email marketing, data analytics, or CRO, there’s a growing demand for these expertise areas.
For those looking to gain these valuable skills, Web Trainings Academy in Hyderabad offers top-notch digital marketing course and graphic design courses. Their comprehensive programs are designed to equip you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to excel in the digital marketing landscape. Start your journey with Web Trainings Academy and become a leader in digital marketing today!
submitted by Patient_Act_1547 to u/Patient_Act_1547 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:44 scn-3_null Where have you heard the Morning (~5-6am) surau prayers cermah/azam throughout Penang (pejabat agama liying)

So I've been pushed around between MBSP, Jambatan agama Islam Penang and the "Pejabat agama daerah BM", just to call them to either turn off or tune down the nearby/local "pondok" surau's (100-250meters) loudspeakers because since after this year's Puasa they've up their volume more to the current point I've been not getting enough sleep and ruined recordings. MBSP said they cant do anything and JHEAIPP just direct me to pejabat agama , and pejabat agmaa just effectively say "they wont do jack shit", not exact words but felt like they after a conversation and the day after effect(ie no improvement nor changes).
Basically from the pejabat agama they say that every surau "in penang" have been broadcasting WITH loudspeakers for the azan cermah pagi so they cant turn off nor tune down the loudspeaker volume which is a lie, casue I've been around the state especially odd morning because of school, sleepovers and visiting relatives over the years I have not heard a single surau cermah unless I was near the a mosque even then the most notable mosque (masjid negeri pinang) that was right next to my primary school almost never have cermah broadcasts when I arrived to school like every near 5am and got back home late 2-3pm from 2003-2008, the only notable exception was the village kampung outside of my secondary school (2010-2014), yes they did broadcast, but only audible when I was like passing over it about <50m beside a street if I choose walk home, but the in school pondok surau also almost never used loudspeakers even when I arrived at the odd mornings) my memory were solid then I may've forgotten names and faces and I remember things and where to go.
Hell the local surau either late opened or only started using loudspeakers few years ago, ever since I've moved here at about 2010 from Paya Terubong it was always quaint and quiet in my taman, not until late 2018 when the local pondok surau start using loudspeakers and I've been losing sleep and drooping grades/ worsen work quality since due to disrupted work and disturbed sleep. most of my mailed in complains were just ghosted. My only solution was just to tire myself out so I sleep in more deeply and plugging my ears if I do heard it but I really cant just plug my ears anymore nor tire myself out at the end of the day because both isnt working anymore and doctors are saying I've damaged my ear canal too much and really begged me to stop plugging my ears and as opening paragraph they've gotten louder.
I am just an "uneducated" Chinese and alot of these information from contacting one pejabat to another is new to me but still very annoyed by linearly the whole process almost feel like I'm developing islamic phobia and turning racist like my relatives. I really need help and I feel like I'm going insane
submitted by scn-3_null to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:36 Deadpotato420 Does anyone find masking to be near impossible when really tired?

I have been having really drowsy days recently at work and basically can’t converse when this tired without at least slightly putting my foot in my mouth. My coworkers are all very social and from the media/journalism industry so are generally really great with words. Normally I’m good if I’m not tired.
Durinf a webinar today I was like “autistic and artistic” As my response to describing myself. Completely deadpan and no one laughed and I was like 👁️👄👁️
I think people were afraid to laugh maybe because I said I was autistic lol but I was trying to be light hearted haha
Oh also this is super funny, during the webinar we were told to say what immediately came to mind and they were random strings of text in different colors like “Fgfr” but say, the color green. It was an unconscious bias test
Anyway I’m in a zoom with like 30 people and it clicks the first one and I answered right away just like a second before anyone else so it stuck out and Iwas like
“Yellow RSLB” and then heard everyone else just say yellow in unison haha
Like we obviously weren’t supposed to say the letters 🤦🏽‍♀️
submitted by Deadpotato420 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:33 Neat-Accountant-5828 WIBTA; Breaking a relationship

I won't use real names FH is Bob, the cousin is Steve and the cousins girl is Lita
Okay so I'll start from the very beginning, Bob's cousin Steve and I were really good friends, we considered each other family even though me and Bob weren't married yet. Me, Steve and Bob talked all the time and just had fun together in general, well one day Steve got a girlfriend Lita, at first we never had any issues. Steve would come to me and Bob and vent about Lita and the things she was doing/saying to Steve, of course me and Bob were there for him and gave him advice and tried to help him figure out what he was going to do/handle the situations that Steve and Lita were having. After a bit I noticed Steve had blocked me on Facebook, I knew were Steve worked and would frequently shop at said place of work(big name retailer). I asked Steve what happened and why he blocked me, he said Lita went through his phone and found out conversation. She got mad about what was being said and blocked me on Steve's Facebook, Steve was annoyed and upset but he said he would talk to Lita and get stuff figured out. This became a frequent thing with Lita blocking me on Steve's Facebook and Steve saying he'd handle it. I got tired of it and basically told Steve he needed to grow a backbone and get shit settled.
Steve lost his job and he just disappeared. One night shopping I ran into Steve and Lita, now id like to point out that I was still postpartum from giving birth to my son.I ended up going down a few aisles they were in, by the end of the shopping trip we were all at the checkouts when I noticed Steve and Lita now had a worker escorting them out of the store. I leave and get home, when I looked at my phone I noticed messages from a random person I didn't know asking me why I was stalking and harassing Lita. I defended myself of course and gave them the whole story, then started the whole shit storm of me being obsessed and stalking Steve according to Lita. Fast forward to last Saturday I bumped into them again, Lita keeps staring at me and of course I'm getting pissed at this point. I leave and Steve and Lita are on there car and I made an assumption which I shouldn't have but it looked like Lita was taking pictures of me and my son. I make a Facebook post asking if anyone sees them posting pictures to let me know. Well once again I'm being called a stalker, I'm harassing them and I'm so obsessed with Steve that I want a relationship with him. They both had me blocked so the only way they knew I posted what I did is if they had someone watching my page. Well now I'm the reason Steve and Lita broke up and Steve apparently hates me and blames me for Lita dumping him. I have since deleted the Facebook post because honestly I admitted I was wrong in my assumption.
I'm more or less just wondering if I was the asshole here or if maybe I'm just thinking to hard on it.
submitted by Neat-Accountant-5828 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:28 New_Ad7225 Email Marketing Mastery: Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Campaigns

In the world of digital marketing, email remains a powerhouse when it comes to reaching and engaging audiences. Our comprehensive guide, "Email Marketing 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Campaigns," is your roadmap to success in this dynamic landscape.
  1. Understanding the Basics: Dive into the fundamentals of email marketing, from building your subscriber list to crafting compelling content that resonates with your audience.
  2. Crafting Engaging Content: Learn the art of crafting emails that grab attention, drive clicks, and ultimately, convert recipients into customers. From subject lines to call-to-action buttons, every element plays a crucial role in your campaign's success.
  3. Segmentation and Personalization: Discover the power of segmentation and personalization in email marketing. Tailoring your messages to specific audience segments ensures relevance and increases the likelihood of engagement.
  4. Automation and Optimization: Explore the benefits of automation in streamlining your email marketing efforts. From welcome sequences to abandoned cart reminders, automation allows you to deliver timely and relevant messages without manual intervention.
  5. Measuring Success: Finally, learn how to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gain insights into what's working and where there's room for improvement.
Read full article:
With our comprehensive guide, you'll have everything you need to launch and optimize successful email marketing campaigns that drive results. Whether you're new to email marketing or looking to take your strategy to the next level, this guide has you covered.
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2024.05.16 07:26 No-Upstairs7333 Was the problem, me?

Hello, my gf and I broke up days ago. This is the first time I’m starting to lose interest in everything, I always tried to escape in games but this time I get tired of it too so I want to let this out.
She tried ghosting me, I was lucky I followed my instinct to kinda hack my way in to her messenger and found out about it (read a chat with one of her friends) even if it meant I invaded her privacy.
I’m not perfect, we had our ups and downs, I had red flags and she did too. She was talking to her friend and said that she was leaving me because she deserves peace of mind, I was not respecting her anymore the rude words whenever we had argument and the silent treatment that she wanted me to change and she said that I did not change, she gave me a chance and she is done and she is spent and that I deserved it to not be informed and she would just suddenly not talk to me. I am guilty of it, I am trying to change, but it is still not enough or she saw too little of it, I understood it but at the same time I was also mad from what I read, I did not leave even if she had toxic behaviors and attitude.
But then I also found out that she was talking to her guy friend she met at the same dating app that she met me in. (I was not able to see the messages and no sign of it because of the new encryption of messenger).
I don’t know how long they have been chatting, I have no access to her social media account. As to how I found out is that I only saw a few in her email and this is not accurate idk how or why meta sends this email and not all messages she receives in messenger are emailed to notify, only a few. There was 5 emails in different dates this month that notifies she received a message in her messenger from this guy.
I thought we were still okay this past month, although I noticed some changes that she doesn’t want me to hug her anymore for long when sleeping or cuddling, saying that it is hot. She is getting cold in the chat, I always tried to be lively in the chat but it was not as it was how it supposed to be. I was almost always the one saying I love you first, she still responds tho. I ignored this knowing she is busy and stressed with her work.
Days before our break up, she met with the guy she was talking to after work. She did ask for permission from me and the reason is it was all just about catching up with one another and “Kaibigan niya lang”. I agreed even if I did not really want to because I was complacent we had an app that is called life360 and I can check up on her wherever she is going. This did not go well for me, as I was monitoring the app from time to time, I thought it was cancelled as her location never moved from her house. Later that day I asked her about it and she told me it was not cancelled and that she left her phone at home and only brought her sister’s phone. I was kinda mad and it resulted to me ignoring her.
I did not know that me ignoring her and getting mad about the guy will result in her starting to ghosting me. She also ignored me and let it pass. After half a day passed, I messaged her asking for something like to start a conversation again and make it up again. But she still ignored me. And this was when I followed my thoughts, going through her messenger and email where I saw her conversation with her friend.
I also tried checking on some of her social media platform, I found out she has a threads account which I did not know that she had one. I saw there her 2 posts that caught my attention. It says “You are one of a kind”, and the other “In another life, maybe we met each other earlier then I would love you” posted this month, one that is days ago and one that is weeks ago. This left me speechless as it was definitely not for me.
I felt angry with all that I found out. As she was ignoring me in social medias, I emailed her to confront her and tell her that I found out that she was ghosting me and all the other things, along with some insults as to how is the guy just a friend despite all the things I learned of, and if it was me in her place and did it, I bet her reaction would be worse. I also said that it is the last time she will hear from me whatever she says.
She did replied saying that there is no need to explain to me and it is okay if I think that she is cheating and she said the post on her threads were not meant for that guy.
So it was meant for someone else? Another guy I do not know of? A quick thought that popped in my mind.
I ignored her, blocked her on everything, I did not try to fix it anymore. Did I do the right thing, I wanted to fix it but with all that I learned of, it was too much for me.
With everything that I found out there is still a question in my mind.
The question now in my mind is, am I the real reason or did she really cheated and just used it as an excuse to leave me.
Right after I get mad about the guy, she leaves me. Would it have been better if I did not doubt her and just ignored it. Now my emotions are being mixed with anger both on her and myself whenever I think about it.
submitted by No-Upstairs7333 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:15 Sol_of_the_Sun Does anyone else not actually want a relationship?

(I didn’t really know what to tag this as btw) This sounds weird because it’s literally the aromantic but it’s as the title says. I see people on here all the time wishing that they could feel “normal” or asking for relationship advice, and that’s super valid, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t get it. I just found out that my only other aro friend is in a relationship, and I’m happy for her, but it just adds to my confusion because I’ve had conversations with her where we felt the same way on this. When I found the arospec community, it felt like I wasn’t crazy for not feeling and desiring romance, but I’m almost starting to feel crazy again. So, anyone else?
Also, sorry if this is hard to read or overdramatic, it’s 1:12 am where I am and I’m really tired. Thanks for reading!
submitted by Sol_of_the_Sun to aromantic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 North_Scientist6113 XenelSoft technologies Guide to PPC Campaign Management Services

XenelSoft technologies Guide to PPC Campaign Management Services
Reaching your target audience effectively in today’s digital marketing environment can feel like a maze. PPC advertising is a great way to put your brand in front of prospective customers who are actively looking for products or services similar to yours. However, PPC campaigns require expertise, continual optimization, and a deep knowledge of the ever-changing digital environment. That’s where your PPC campaign management service comes in.
Understanding PPC: How it Works
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising works on the premise that you only pay for your ad when someone clicks on it. This makes PPC a targeted and cost-effective form of marketing that you can monitor closely for ROI. Popular PPC platforms include:
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Place targeted ads on search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google and Bing, appearing when users enter relevant keywords.
  • Social Media Advertising: Reach a highly targeted audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter based on demographics, interests, and online behaviour.
  • Display Advertising: Showcase visual ads (banners, images, videos) on a vast network of websites relevant to your industry.
  • Shopping Ads: Promote your products directly on search engines and online marketplaces with detailed information and pricing.
The Benefits of Professional PPC Campaign Management
While PPC provides a direct route to your target audience, running successful campaigns takes time and dedication. Partnering with a skilled PPC service provider in the USA unlocks several advantages:
  • Strategic Campaign Development: Experienced professionals will conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competitor landscape, and industry trends. This forms the foundation for crafting a winning campaign strategy aligned with your specific goals.
  • Keyword Research and Targeting: Choosing the right keywords is crucial for attracting the right clicks. PPC specialists leverage advanced tools and competitor analysis to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords that deliver optimal results.
  • Compelling Ad Copywriting: Crafting clear, concise, and persuasive ad copy is essential for grabbing attention and driving clicks. Experienced copywriters know how to tailor messaging to resonate with your target audience on each platform.
  • Landing Page Optimization: The landing page reached after a click significantly impacts conversion rates. PPC specialists ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversions, providing a seamless user experience that compels visitors to take action.
  • Bid Management and Optimization: Bidding strategies determine how much you pay for each click. Skilled PPC managers constantly monitor campaign performance, optimise bids, and adjust targeting to maximise ROI within your budget.
  • Conversion Tracking and Reporting: Measuring results is vital for understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns. PPC services provide comprehensive reporting, tracking key metrics like clicks, conversions, and cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
  • Staying Ahead of the Curve: The world of PPC advertising is dynamic, with platforms and algorithms constantly evolving. Partnering with a PPC service provider ensures your campaigns remain optimised based on the latest trends and best practices.
Finding the Right PPC Service Provider in the USA
In the United States, there are many different providers of PPC services. Here are some key factors to consider when making your choice:
  • Experience and Expertise: Look for a provider with a proven track record of success in your industry, ideally with experience managing campaigns similar to yours.
  • Transparent Pricing and Packages: Ensure the service provider offers clear pricing structures and packages that align with your budget and campaign goals.
  • Focus on ROI: Choose a provider that prioritises maximising your return on investment and demonstrates a results-oriented approach.
  • Communication and Reporting: Effective communication is crucial. Opt for a provider that offers regular reporting and clear communication channels to keep you informed about campaign progress.
PPC Services Packages: Tailored Solutions for Every Need
The top USA PPC service providers provide a variety of packages to meet the needs of different types of businesses. These packages might typically include:
  • Campaign Setup and Management: This covers initial strategy development, keyword research, ad copy creation, landing page optimization, and campaign launch.
  • Ongoing Optimization and Monitoring: Regular monitoring, bid adjustments, keyword optimization, and performance reporting are essential for maximising campaign performance.
  • Conversion Tracking and Analysis: Implementation of conversion tracking tools and in-depth analysis to understand user behaviour and optimise conversions.
  • Advanced Targeting Strategies: Leveraging audience insights and demographic targeting to ensure your ads reach the most relevant users.
  • Remarketing Campaigns: Retargeting website visitors who haven't converted yet, keeping your brand top-of-mind and driving conversions.
Conclusion: Invest in Expertise, Reap the Rewards
XenelSoft Technologies provide PPC advertising as one of the most effective ways to create targeted leads and increase sales. However, the complexity of PPC campaigns necessitates expertise and continuous optimization. By working with a professional PPC service provider based in the United States, you will have access to tried-and-true tactics, data-driven analysis, and expert management.
submitted by North_Scientist6113 to u/North_Scientist6113 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:03 AshKetchep I'm away from Nmom but I can see where she got some of her behavior from

My grandma (who I live with right now) is a nice woman most of the time, however she displays a lot of behavior my nmom does.
Extreme irritability and mood swings, aggression over small things, blowing up over small inconveniences and highly enabling behavior towards the golden child.
One example that comes to mind is when I got my hair dyed. My n-aunt (nmoms sister) rushed me out the door but we still ended up being late. The appointment lasted for hours, and I didn't have anything to eat before or during the dying process. This resulted in me having a migraine that refused to go away.
I took a nap when I got home to try and get rid of the headache after taking some ibuprofen and getting some food, but it didn't go away until much later.
My grandma came home and woke me up to ask me about my hair, and I asked her if I could show her later since my head hurt.
She immediately blew up on me and began to yell about how I "Couldn't even give her the time of day" (I don't know why that sentence stuck out to me so much) called me ungrateful and told me she was sick and tired of my disrespect. She then threatened to keep me from going to a Ren Faire event I was planning to go to.
From the moment I was taken from my home to live with her I tried my best to be respectful and helpful, so I really didn't understand those comments directed towards me.
I just went up to my room and cried. I didn't want to go downstairs to eat, I didn't want to even come out the next day.
The next time we talked I ended up having to apologize first and only then did she actually ask me why I asked to show her later and try to understand where I came from, and even though she said she understood why I wanted to show her later, she didn't apologize to me.
It's still so triggering to me. I can understand if I sounded ungrateful, but I came out of a house where I got screamed at almost 24/7. Surely she could have had the conversation with me when it first happened instead of blowing up like that.
submitted by AshKetchep to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:52 PluginHive WooCommerce Multistore: Best Practices & Strategies

WooCommerce Multistore: Best Practices & Strategies
WooCommerce Multistore
WooCommerce Multistore functionality allows businesses to scale their operations across diverse niches and geographic regions. However, navigating the complexities of multi-store management under the WooCommerce umbrella requires more than just technological prowess, it demands strategic planning, efficient execution, and adept management.

Definition and Concept of WooCommerce Multistore

Within WooCommerce, the Multistore functionality represents a sophisticated system that enables businesses to manage and operate multiple online stores from a single centralized platform. This innovative feature empowers business owners and enterprises to create and administer distinct storefronts, each tailored to specific product lines, demographics, or geographical markets. It also allows businesses the flexibility to cater to diverse customer segments or product categories while maintaining a consistent brand presence and administrative control.

Features and Benefits of Using WooCommerce Multi-store

The adoption of WooCommerce Multistore brings a ton of features and advantages, each contributing to the seamless management and optimization of a multi-store environment. These include:
  • Centralized Control
  • Scalability and Flexibility
  • Customization and Localization
  • Streamlined User Experience

Types of WooCommerce Multistore Setups

WooCommerce Multi store setups can take on diverse structures based on the business’s objectives and operational requirements. These configurations may include:

Niche-oriented Stores

WooCommerce’s Multi-Store functionality facilitates the creation of dedicated storefronts tailored to specific product lines or niche markets. For instance, a fashion retailer might operate separate stores for high-end luxury apparel, casual wear, and accessories. By segmenting products into distinct stores, businesses based on WooCommerce can focus marketing efforts, tailor user experiences, and optimize product showcases for each niche, thus enhancing customer engagement and conversions.

Geographically Targeted Stores

Businesses operating across different regions or countries can benefit from geographically targeted stores facilitated by WooCommerce Multi-Store. These stores can be tailored to suit the unique preferences, languages, currencies, and cultures of specific markets. This approach enables businesses to optimize their marketing strategies, pricing models, and product offerings according to the needs and expectations of local customers.

Franchise or Multi-Brand Stores

Companies managing multiple brands or franchises can utilize WooCommerce Multistore to maintain distinct online identities for each brand while consolidating administrative control. This setup allows for brand independence in terms of branding, product offerings, and marketing strategies while streamlining management tasks under one centralized platform.

Plugins to Create & Manage WooCommerce Multistore

Managing a network of WooCommerce stores efficiently often requires the integration of specialized tools and plugins tailored to streamline operations, enhance control, and maximize productivity across multiple storefronts. These tools play a pivotal role in simplifying administrative tasks, ensuring synchronization, and optimizing management workflows within a complex multi-store ecosystem.
Some of the plugins tailored for multi-store management include WooCommerce Multistore, WooCommerce Global Cart, WordPress Multisite plugin for WooCommerce, and WooCommerce Multisite Product Sync. WooCommerce merchants can choose from these plugins based on their business requirements.

Best Practices for Managing WooCommerce Multistore

Managing multiple stores within the WooCommerce framework demands a strategic approach that encompasses various aspects of organization, inventory, customer management, and performance monitoring. Implementing best practices ensures streamlined operations and optimal growth across the multi-store environment.

Multistore Organizational Strategies

  • Creating a Coherent Structure for Multiple Stores
Establishing a clear and cohesive organizational structure is crucial. Define hierarchies, designate store managers, and draft responsibilities to ensure seamless operations across all stores within the network.
  • Assigning Roles and Permissions Effectively
Precisely defining roles and permissions is crucial for maintaining control and WooCommerce store security. Assign permissions based on responsibilities, allowing authorized personnel access to specific functionalities while restricting unnecessary access to sensitive areas.
  • Implementing Centralized Management Tools
Utilize dedicated management tools like WooCommerce Multistore and WooCommerce Global Cart plugins to centralize control. These tools empower administrators with a unified dashboard, streamlining tasks like product updates, order management, and reporting across multiple stores.

WooCommerce Product and Inventory Management

  • Synchronization of Product Listings Across Stores
Ensure consistency across stores by synchronizing product details, descriptions, pricing, and availability. This synchronization minimizes discrepancies and provides customers with a seamless shopping experience across all storefronts.
  • Inventory Tracking and Management Strategies
Implement robust inventory tracking mechanisms. Utilize tools like WooCommerce Stock Manager and WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite to track stock levels, manage inventory efficiently, and prevent stockouts or overselling issues.

WooCommerce Order and Customer Management

  • Streamlining Order Processing Workflows
Optimize order processing workflows to expedite fulfillment. Automate processes wherever possible, implement order management systems, and utilize plugins that enhance WooCommerce order processing and shipping efficiency.
  • Managing Customer Databases Across Stores
Centralize customer databases or utilize integrations that sync customer data across stores. This approach ensures a consistent customer experience and enables personalized interactions based on comprehensive customer insights.
  • Implementing Customer Segmentation and Targeted Marketing
Leverage customer segmentation strategies using tools within WooCommerce. Segment customers based on behavior, preferences, or purchase history to tailor marketing campaigns, offering personalized experiences that drive engagement and conversions.

Performance Monitoring and Analytics

  • Tracking Sales and Performance Metrics for Each Store
Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) specific to each store. Track WooCommerce sales data and conversion rates individually to assess the performance and profitability of each storefront.
  • Utilizing Analytics Tools to Identify Trends and Opportunities
Utilize analytics tools such as WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration and WooCommerce Reports & Dashboard extensions to derive insights. Analyze trends, identify customer behavior patterns, and discover opportunities for improvement or expansion within the multi-store setup.
  • Taking Data-Driven Decisions for Each Store’s Growth
Base strategic decisions on data-driven insights gathered from analytics. Utilize the information to formulate growth strategies, optimize marketing efforts, and allocate resources effectively for the expansion and enhancement of each store within the WooCommerce multi-store network.


To summarize, the effective management of WooCommerce Multi-Store environments necessitates well-defined organizational structures, streamlined operations, and data-driven decision-making. Throughout this guide, we have delved into crucial insights, highlighting the importance of synchronized operations, the utilization of optimized management tools, and the strategic leveraging of analytics for sustainable growth.
submitted by PluginHive to u/PluginHive [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 CommunicationParty96 How to communicate with an avoidant partner about mismatched libidos?

So me and my bf (22f 25m 2.5 year relationship) have mismatched libidos I am HL and he is LL, we currently have sex about once a month and I am unsatisfied. I believe that his low libido could be due to low testosterone as I have looked at the symptoms and he has most of them .
However, he absolutely refuses to communicate about our sex life . Every gentle conversation is met with stonewalling and shaming me for attempting to address it, he says that I'm the problem for "making it an issue" and he also shames me for wanting sex more than him .
In general, he is very avoidant, he doesnt like opening up about his emotions, I've never seen him cry, he gets irritated when I try to communicate, I feel far away from him even when we're in the same room . Over the past 2 years, he's stopped talking to most of his friends, stopped most of his hobbies and he's always tired - We don't go out on dates and his main excuse to avoid sex is that he I'd too tired . He sleeps about 9 hours a night and refuses to nap after work . I worry he's depressed but he gets angry when I've tried to bring that up .
I feel like I'm walking on eggshells to communicate my feelings, I feel that I can't talk to him about things he's said that has hurt me because he'll just get irritated that I'm causing problems. I can't communicate to him after work because he's tired from work, I can't talk to him on the weekend because it's his time to relax, I can't talk to him in a bad mood because that'll make him sulk in bed and completely stonewall me and I need to make sure he's in a good mood but not too good because communicating automatically puts him in a bad mood and then he'll be even more irritated that I've ruined his good mood.
I try to communicate our sex life the most of that is the main point of contention , I've suggested going to the docs to get his levels checked or therapy and he refused and said they were all useless . I'm at my wits end tbh
Edit just to add that I understand that he is likely insecure/embarrassed, I am highly aware that it's probably a mental block that he needs to work through - I don't pressure or shame him, I don't really initiate anymore to take the pressure off him, I've stopped trying to communicate as much so he feels less pressure aswell however that leads to eventual resentment so there's probably a fine line . Basically I'm not trying to force him to communicate every second we see each other lol I tell him how much I love him, how much I appreciate him, that he makes me happy, that he's worthy of love and appreciation ect But how can a relationship survive without communication idk
submitted by CommunicationParty96 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:46 morishaone Tips for effective social media marketing ❤️

Here are some key strategies and tips for effective social media marketing:

Social Media Marketing Strategy

1. Define Your Goals

Identify what you aim to achieve with your social media marketing. Common goals include:

2. Know Your Audience

Understand who your audience is and what they care about. Create detailed audience personas, considering:

3. Choose the Right Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Choose the platforms that best align with your audience and goals:

4. Create a Content Plan

Plan your content to ensure consistency and variety. Your content plan should include:

5. Engage with Your Audience

Social media is a two-way street. Engage with your audience by:

6. Use Analytics to Measure Performance

Track and analyze your social media performance using platform analytics and third-party tools. Key metrics to monitor include:

7. Optimize and Adjust Your Strategy

Based on your analytics, refine your strategy to improve results. Consider:

Tips for Creating Engaging Content

  1. Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images and videos. Visual content is more likely to capture attention.
  2. Consistency: Maintain a consistent brand voice and visual style across all platforms.
  3. Storytelling: Tell stories that resonate with your audience and evoke emotions.
  4. Value: Provide value through educational, entertaining, or inspirational content.
  5. Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Encourage your audience to take action with clear and compelling CTAs.

Leveraging Paid Advertising

  1. Define Your Budget: Start with a clear budget and adjust based on performance.
  2. Targeted Ads: Use detailed targeting options to reach the right audience.
  3. A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad creatives, copy, and targeting to find what works best.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Continuously track ad performance and make necessary adjustments.

Staying Updated with Trends

Social media trends change rapidly. Stay informed by:
By implementing these strategies and continually refining your approach, you can build a strong social media presence that drives meaningful results for your brand.
submitted by morishaone to SocialMediaMarketing_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:35 pankajdas55 Google Ads Benchmarks 2024: New Trends And Key Industry Insights

Google Ads Benchmarks 2024: New Trends And Key Industry Insights
Key Metrics to Track:
🎯 Average Click-Through Rate (CTR): A stellar 6.42% showing high engagement!
Benchmarks: Global average is 3.17% for Search and 0.46% for Display.
Tips to Improve: Optimize your ad copy, use ad extensions, & target relevant keywords.
🎯 Average Cost Per Click (CPC): Stands at $4.66, reflecting the value of targeted ads.
Benchmarks: $2.69 for Search and $0.63 for Display on average.
Tips to Reduce: Improve Quality Score, target niche keywords, & refine audience targeting.
🎯 Average Conversion Rate(CVR): An impressive 6.96%, turning clicks into customers!
Benchmarks: 4.40% for Search and 0.57% for Display globally.
Tips to Boost: Enhance landing page experience, use clear CTAs, and implement ad testing.
🎯 Average Cost Per Lead (CPA): Just $66.69, a smart investment for quality leads.
Benchmarks: $48.96 for Search and $75.51 for Display on average.
Tips for Efficiency: Optimize ad targeting, refine audience segmentation, and utilize remarketing strategies.
Credit: Workstream
Emerging Trends:
Voice Search Optimization:
With the rise of smart speakers and voice-activated search, optimizing for voice queries is becoming essential.
AI and Machine Learning Integration:
Google's advancements in AI and machine learning are revolutionizing ad targeting and optimization.
Privacy Concerns and Data Regulations:
Stricter data privacy regulations impact ad targeting and tracking, requiring advertisers to adapt their strategies.
credit: WordStream
Key Takeaways for Marketers:
🌐 Embrace a comprehensive search ad strategy for the best outcomes.
🤖 Leverage AI and automation to elevate your ad performance.
📈 Data-driven tracking and first-party data usage is crucial for precision targeting.
✨ Optimize your ad assets for enhanced clickability and better results.
🔍 Stay ahead with Google’s Search Generative Experience and Gemini for innovative ad impacts.
🛠️ Conduct regular PPC audits to maintain and improve campaign health.
For more insights, check out the detailed analysis here.
Source: WordStream by LocaliQ
submitted by pankajdas55 to u/pankajdas55 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:25 katana2698 I was warned

I’ve seen the numerous posts warning going back to a pwbpd. Mine broke up with me a month ago (while living with me) and went and had sex with someone and made a tinder all while sleeping next to me every night. Also while leaving me in financial ruin and mental and verbally abusing me daily, going into rages telling me the most vile things about myself such as no man will ever love me, he thought of other women every time we had sex, I was disgusting pitiful cancerous pathetic the list goes on. It was probably the most traumatic month of my life, I lost 15 pounds, have insomnia and visibly am still in shambles. He told me he thought he had bpd about 6 months ago and I started reading up on it and everything made sense. He had a traumatic childhood, in short term foster homes his entire life. I love him so much and knew that he was sick and had been through unimaginable pain. I knew he had to protect himself and was always left and I wanted him to know I would protect him always and would never leave him.
After this month of horror and dealing with someone who I didn’t recognize, after one night of raging on me I guess I said something that struck a chord finally and he broke down. He took down the mask and cried to me for hours. Telling me about how he knows he’s sick and he’s been in these cycles his entire life and ruined every relationship. He said he’d do anything to stop living like this. He said he didn’t mean anything he said that he only wanted to hurt me because he was hurt. He even told me he believes he has narcissistic traits which i definitely had thought before but thought i was being too harsh. I told him he needed to start therapy and remember this night and hold on to that clarity, that he couldn’t revert after this and be in denial. I then spent a few days writing out a letter that I read to him detailing my boundaries and that I would stick by him through whatever but that I couldn’t accept abuse or cheating.
I was so nervous to bring it to him because I thought he may not take it well and as you know we walk on eggshells with these people but I had studied up on ways to communicate with your partner with bpd and put a lot of thought into it. His response was pulling me close and telling me he loved me. I decided that I was giving him a fresh clean slate to be the best him he could be, who he wanted to be, I thought. I didn’t treat him as if he just cheated on me 2 weeks prior. We had a great week. 2 days ago I had an important exam and woke up anxious and told him. He was trying to make me feel better but I guess I didn’t respond to him in the way he wanted and he changed his tone and I asked him why he was being rude to me, this upset him so he walked outside without saying anything to leave. I followed after him which I shouldn’t have, and he told me to shut up and leave him alone. My exam was in one hour, I was crying and a mess, he tried to quickly make up for it and move past it and prepare me for my exam but I definetley failed. I let it go and didn’t let it ruin the day. Things were good but in the back of my mind I wondered did he subconsciously intentionally try to mess up a day he knew was so important to me, but I was sweet and let it go. Yesterday morning things felt off. He wasn’t as cheery as he had been the rest of the week, and left to work and didn’t message me the entire morning or afternoon. When he got home i let him know that I felt like things were off and was sad that he didn’t kiss me when he came in or talk to me throughout the day. I’m an anxious attachment style anyways and my love language is definitely touch. Besides that I was just cheated on and told by the man I love how awful I am, so despite me playing it so cool I do feel insecure and distrusting of him and when he will switch.
To make a long story short, he doesn’t take it well. I try to communicate calmly and tell him that these things don’t need to be turned into this, that he could have simply hugged me and let me know nothing was wrong and that I made it clear it was his responsibility to help reassure me through this process. He flips everything on me, somehow is the victim who isn’t enough or doesn’t do enough and says he’s done and this isn’t worth it to him. Goes to sleep, wake up at 7 leaves doesn’t say a word to me all day. Gets home at 5 and acts like nothing really happened but still no kiss or I love you and of course no recognition of what’s happened. At this point I’m so tired of the weird games. I ask him is he comfortable with this weirdness. That he could have just hugged me today and apologized and moved forward. But his pride doesn’t allow him to do that. It turned into a huge ordeal and I tried to remind him of our conversation where he had a moment of clarity, everything he told me, and it got no where. He denied everything and tried to flip it all on me. Said he thinks I’m being emotionally unstable because I just got off my birth control not because I’m being gaslit cheated on and manipulated by the man I’ve given my everything to. Took no accountability and just ends it with what’s easiest, that this isn’t gonna work. I tell him I took him back after the biggest betrayal of my life because I believed him that he was aware of his issues and that he needed to work on them and couldn’t hurt me anymore. He tells me no, he took ME back. He doesn’t live in reality and it’s honestly terrifying, for him and for me being in love with him. I’m not crying right now. I don’t even know what’s real anymore. My life just feels like a bad acid trip. Words couldn’t describe how I feel. I question if it’s rubbing off on me. I feel an incredible emptiness and confusion now from going through this manipulation and trauma. I have my second therapy appt tomorrow. I can’t make sense of anything in my life. I’ve just tried to be a good person and love him and it seems he is incapable of giving me that back. I’ve accepted that this won’t work but still feel guilt and pain that he will continue to suffer through life. I don’t want him to be alone. I wanted to be that one person that never left him. But it feels like he cannot care for me or think of me in the same capacity and sometimes that he wants to actually destroy me.
submitted by katana2698 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 blandbalissa Boss has tasked me with coming up with a new name for the “Penetration Report”

Hoping you lovely people may have some ideas for me, bc I am coming up dry.
I work in sales. My boss sends a report out weekly that’s an important part of our metrics, called the Penetration Report. It’s a list of the remaining accounts we need to contact that month, with the goal of reaching 95% “account penetration” by the end of the month.
I can barely refer to the report without cringing. The department is overwhelmingly male, and they’re trying to get it to be more balanced. I suggested that one way to make women feel more welcome would be to change the name of the report. Other people agree, which honestly, thank god. And since it was my idea, I get to help come up with the new name.
The new name needs to meet the following criteria: 1. Must be “exciting” 2. Must be simple 3. Must include the sense of gaining insight/data on an account - like, we’ve really “penetrated” an account if we were able to get meaningful info about their business/show we had a real conversation. So something as simple as “Account Contact Report” doesn’t cut it.
ChatGPT suggested “Account Insight Report” which is decent, but I’d like to have a couple of ideas to offer. Help!
submitted by blandbalissa to words [link] [comments]