Faber quotes from fahrenheit 451

The stupid and the mind-numbing, curated

2012.06.22 17:23 thoughtpod The stupid and the mind-numbing, curated

The place to post things that are stupid, so we can remind ourselves why getting past factoids, misconceptions and TL;DR's is a good idea.

2014.12.06 18:31 A Critical Examination and Catalog of Corporate Influence

A critical examination and catalog of corporate influence

2017.04.25 13:23 [Declassified]

Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories

2024.05.15 02:50 adulting4kids Rejected

It's essential to focus on continual improvement and resilience. Many successful authors faced rejection before achieving success. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, received numerous rejections initially. Stephen King's first novel was rejected dozens of times. Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, and Margaret Mitchell all encountered rejection before finding success. Remember, rejection is a part of the journey, and perseverance in honing your craft is key. Focus on refining your writing, seeking feedback, and staying persistent in your pursuit.
Here are a few strategies to help navigate the journey as a writer:
  1. Persistency: Keep writing and submitting your work. Each rejection can provide valuable lessons and insights into improving your writing. Don't let setbacks deter you from continuing to create.
  2. Feedback and Improvement: Seek feedback from peers, writing groups, or mentors. Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement and guide your growth as a writer.
  3. Diversify Submissions: Consider submitting your work to various publishers, agents, or literary magazines. Sometimes, a rejection from one might not reflect the response you'll receive from another.
  4. Stay Motivated: Surround yourself with inspiration. Read books, attend writing workshops, or engage with other creatives to stay motivated and connected within the writing community.
  5. Self-Care: Take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Rejections can be tough, so it's crucial to practice self-compassion and maintain a healthy perspective on your writing journey.
Remember, many renowned authors faced rejection before achieving success. Your persistence, dedication to improvement, and belief in your craft are vital elements that can lead you toward success as a writer.
6Here are a few more tips to help maintain motivation and progress as a writer:
  1. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable writing goals. Whether it's a daily word count, finishing a chapter, or completing a manuscript by a specific deadline, setting realistic targets can keep you focused and motivated.
  2. Embrace Revisions: Recognize that writing is rewriting. Embrace the revision process as an opportunity to polish your work. Revisions often lead to stronger storytelling and better-crafted prose.
  3. Connect with the Writing Community: Engage with other writers through social media, forums, or local writing groups. Networking can provide support, encouragement, and valuable insights into the publishing industry.
  4. Learn from Rejections: Instead of viewing rejections as failures, consider them as stepping stones toward success. Analyze feedback, if available, and use it constructively to refine your writing.
  5. Believe in Your Voice: Each writer has a unique voice. Embrace your style and perspective. Authenticity in storytelling often resonates with readers.
Lastly, remember that every successful author faced challenges and setbacks along their journey. It's the perseverance, commitment to improvement, and belief in their work that helped them overcome rejection and achieve success. Keep writing, stay resilient, and believe in your potential as a writer.
Here are quotes from some well-known authors who faced rejection before finding success:
  1. J.K. Rowling (Author of Harry Potter series):
    "Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me."
  2. Stephen King (Author of numerous bestsellers):
    "By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and kept on writing."
  3. Agatha Christie (Renowned mystery novelist):
    "I don't think necessity is the mother of invention. Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness - to save oneself trouble."
  4. Dr. Seuss (Author of beloved children's books):
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope."
  5. Margaret Mitchell (Author of "Gone with the Wind"):
    "Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it's no worse than it is."
These authors encountered rejection and setbacks on their paths to success but persisted in their writing endeavors, ultimately achieving acclaim for their work. Their quotes reflect their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing initial rejection.
Here are a few more quotes from authors who experienced rejection before achieving success:
  1. Louisa May Alcott (Author of "Little Women"):
    "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."
  2. George Orwell (Author of "1984" and "Animal Farm"):
    "Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand."
  3. John Grisham (Bestselling author of legal thrillers):
    "I faced rejection and constant criticism, but I never let up. I continued to persevere and pursued my writing passion."
  4. Madeleine L'Engle (Author of "A Wrinkle in Time"):
    "You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children."
  5. Ray Bradbury (Author of "Fahrenheit 451"):
    "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
These authors persisted through rejection, adversity, and doubts, yet remained dedicated to their writing. Their words reflect the perseverance, passion, and determination that ultimately led them to success in the literary world.
šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ”šŸ”šŸ”šŸ” So in handling rejection as a writer and finding inspiration from authors who faced rejection before achieving success, this article has provided:
  1. Strategies to stay motivated and improve as a writer, including persistence, seeking feedback, diversifying submissions, staying motivated, and practicing self-care.
  2. Additional tips like setting goals, embracing revisions, connecting with the writing community, learning from rejections, and embracing your unique voice.
  3. Quotes from various renowned authors such as J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, Margaret Mitchell, Louisa May Alcott, George Orwell, John Grisham, Madeleine L'Engle, and Ray Bradbury. These quotes highlight their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing rejection, ultimately leading to their success as authors.
The overarching message is to persist in writing, seek improvement, learn from setbacks, stay connected with the writing community, and believe in your unique voice as a writer, drawing inspiration from the experiences of successful authors who overcame rejection on their paths to success.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:24 PralineRoyal8196 So. Much. Plagiarism.

From the 50 research papers I received at the end of the semester, I would say about 1/5 contain plagiarism. Some are worse than others. Even some of my best students just couldn't help but copy and paste items material from the internet into their papers. They don't know how to put things in their own words. They're too proud or too lazy to put it in quotes and cite it.
Guys, it's killing me. Students I trusted. Some of them I wrote letters of recommendation for already earlier this semester. (Mistake #451: don't write a letter of recommendation for a student in your class. See if they can get through the semester without plagiarizing.)
It's hard not to take it personally. They're trying to pull one over on me. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it's hard not to.
submitted by PralineRoyal8196 to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:30 CosmicGunman ANALYSIS of Four Corners: Ruthless Pursuit (2024) The Chinese Secret Police in Australia Saga

ANALYSIS of Four Corners: Ruthless Pursuit (2024) The Chinese Secret Police in Australia Saga
Following up from my last post
From the Article, quoting below
Last month, Safeguard Defenders released a report documenting more than 280 cases of foreign citizens and residents being repatriated to China. The individuals are accused of committing economic crimes.
There were at least 16 successful individual extrajudicial returns from Australia between 2014 and 2023, according to the report, which relied on Chinese state media. Four of those returns took place last year.
"These successful operations ā€” or even the attempts at operations that turn out not to be successful ā€” are a clear violation of Australia's sovereignty," Ms Harth said.
I watched the full Four-Corners episode.
The phenomenon is real, however is the usual kernal of truth being framed as PRC evil subversion. The 1st Bureau cooperated with Australia at first, only for Australian Federal Police to get upset when one of the financial criminals were extradited to China which circumnavigated an agreed-upon process. The interviewees from the Australian side in the clip (including lawyer) said they cannot assume every single target was just innocently targeted, but the primary issue (correctly) is abusing sovereignty. Famously some things intelligence apparatuses never do /s. Genuinely there would be greater trust if relations were not Cold War coded.
The reporter is Echo Hui and some of her professional background as a journalist
Some things to note:
The former agent who speaks out (called Erik) was originally a member of (by the own reporter's admission) "was a member of a u.s-based pro-democracy organisation" known as the China Social Democratic Party (CSDP). He was one day called for questioning by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) First (1st) Bureau: Political Security Protection Bureau (PSPB). He was questioned about the organisation and given an "opportunity for redemption" (left ambiguous, were there charges?), and offered to become an agent for the MPS's 1st Bureau, to becoming an informant on his former u.s-backed organisation). All of this comes from the mouth of Erik and Echo narrating. Unlike later in the episode; where we (eventually, after sufficent fear-mongering) get the China side.
On that note: The glossed-over "financial crimes" are significant. One of the "dissidents" was Edwin Yin. He was charged with Fraud in China, and Australian Courts ordered him to pay 700,000 AUD (3,345,451.83 CNY) due to "an alleged foreign exchange scam" Four-Corners talked to alleged victims which confirm yes Edwin Yin had scammed them and others. Edwin claims he is being framed by the CPC. In the clips he was also obsessed with Xi Jinping's illegitimate sons? And harassing his daughter online?
Now another of the "dissidents" is a "Everyday Chinese Marketing Guru". Wang Liming, AKA: Remon Wang, Pseudonym: Rebel Pepper (originally "Abnormal/Perverse Pepper.".). Political satirist, and left China to Japan to continue his anti-government satire cartoons. In 2012 he depicts the CPC as an angler fish which has hyponitised a smaller fish, representing the people of China. Compares Xi to an Emperor, and compare's the death toll of Mao to Islamic State. In 2017 he joins Radio Free Asia (RFA), and is the sole contributor to the cartoons column. In 2018 he founds the Shanghai National Party, in New York. A national-conservative, secessionist movement. Organised and attended anti-china protests in the Queens alongside Falun Gong and Uygher-American Association. In 2018, the Shanghai National Party hosted a "Acceleration of Chinese Collapse" award ceremony in Times Square. šŸ˜ During the Shanghai lockdowns in 2022, he claimed the quarantine methods were an attempt at genocide of the Shanghainese.
Gonna share a quote.
He tweeted the ultimate goal of the Shanghai independence movement was to destroy the concept of a unified China. He wrote: "We must not only fight against the Communist Party, but also win more Chinese people to abandon the shell of "China."
This is sourced from: https://www.rfi.fcn/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD/20180812-%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E6%B0%91%E6%97%8F%E5%85%9A%E5%9C%A8%E7%BA%BD%E7%BA%A6%E6%88%90%E7%AB%8B-%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%80%E8%A6%81%E6%B1%82%E4%B8%8A%E6%B5%B7%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8B
English Translation of the Webpage:
The "Shanghai National Party" was established in New York to oppose communism and demand the independence of Shanghai
A party called the "Shanghai National Party" is believed to have been established in New York, the United States. The specific date of founding the party may be July 18, but it was only announced in the United States yesterday by Twitter. The party's demands are to oppose unification, require Shanghainese to govern Shanghai, and promote Western democratization across the board. According to sources, those who pushed for the establishment of the "Shanghai National Party" were dissidents. Apple Daily reported today that in addition to facing Xinjiang and Tibetan independence, the Chinese government is now crying out for "Shanghai independence." Recently, a number of dissidents established the "Shanghai National Party" in New York State, USA. Their main demands are: "Oppose unification, Shanghai people ruling Shanghai, and total Westernization."
According to the Chinese dissident cartoonist "Abnormal Chili Pepper" yesterday announced on Twitter the first founding meeting of the "Shanghai National Party" (referred to as the Shanghai Democratic Party), and introduced in a newspaper advertisement that the party was established on July 18 this year. And successfully registered in New York on the same day.
"Abnormal Chili Pepper" tweeted that the Shanghai Democratic Party was established to completely subvert the concept of China as a unified country. He also said that the path they took was bound to be more difficult than the traditional democratic movement. He wrote: "Anti-communism is the first step, and it is also necessary to eliminate the soil for the survival of the CCP: the false concept of China. Therefore, the independence movement is definitely not a shortcut. We must not only be enemies of the CCP, but also become the enemy of all people who think that they are Chinese. Among them are the enemies of the traditional democratic movement. The independence movement is very difficult. We must not only fight against communism, but also win more Chinese people to abandon the shell of "China."
Throughout all this. There is ominous music and a sense of omnipresent surveillance. Echo also interviews FBI agent and Canadian Intelligence Agent to get their counter-intelligence perspective on these matters. The FBI agent says it was initially positive that PRC authorities wanted to cooperate to catch criminals on overseas soil, followed by saying "but then they get a foothold" to target people. Meanwhile; Echo says Xi Jinping using anti-corruption as a cover to silence and kidnap dissidents. Then later she asks to the Erik the former agent:
"So you were effectively helping the secret police track down people who were innocent of any crime. Do you feel any guilt for your involvement?"
To which Erik responses with:
"I'm an idealist but I'm also a pragmatist. I'm aware of the outcome one might face in China if you refuse to work with the secret police."
The exposƩ ends with Erik saying:
"They [PRC] may deny this story. They may mobilise some agents on the ground or send people to Australia [to] take measures against me, possibly getting physical. It's even possible that some agents on the ground may attempt to kidnap me. When they deal with a target like me, they may have to be more patient, smart, wait for an appropriate time to act. I'm definitely safer in Australia than in China or South-East Asia. But my safety eventually is determined by the Australian Government."
"But to some extent, for all those who oppose the CCP and Xi Jinping, the day that we can truly feel safe is after the CCP falls, after China becomes more free and democratic. Only then can we be free and safe.
Credits roll.
Honorable mentions:
ā€¢ While operating in Cambodia, Erik's cover was being employed with Prince Real Estate, under Prince Holding Group. He was using this to eventually pursue Rebel-Pepper. Echo introduces them near the end and they share a hearty and jolly video call as they're now both "dissidents" in Melbourne.
ā€¢ While operating in the countryside, he larped as a anti-CCP milita (as in making videos) to get close to this other dissident, who agreed with him. Though this dissident fled to Canada, and died kayaking in a town in Canada. Erik's first reaction is that this was an extrajudicial killing, followed by saying there is no way to know for sure, since he was not personally involved in Canada operations.
ā€¢ FBI agent claims Xi is using diaspora for political aims, while Echo says Xi's anti-corruption portfolio was a cover to gain more power and "dissent is not allowed".
submitted by CosmicGunman to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:15 Codecho_ Canā€™t find a book with the same cover

Canā€™t find a book with the same cover
Recently found a Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, think it mightā€™ve been published in 1968. Worth anything or just a good read to keep w my dystopian collection?
submitted by Codecho_ to OldBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:03 E-toTheT It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.

It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.
Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451 as a fireman spartan
submitted by E-toTheT to halodripfinite [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:43 JelllyGarcia Discovery Evidence

Discovery from the State to the defense has been submitted.

We wonā€™t be able to view the actual evidence online since much of it is CSAM, the stuff that is not CSAM is able to be viewed by appointment at Office of State Attorney

This is a list of whatā€™s been provided by the prosecution - over 1K pages & lots of interesting warrants and tracking methods

This subreddit doesnā€™t allow images & you have to verify the Captcha on Osceola Court site to access, so I canā€™t link or share other than with text, but if youā€™d like to see the PDF version of this list on the court doc, use case number: 2024 CF 001293 (including the spaces)
The Following Pages Have Been Sent Electronically on May 6, 2024:
PG.1 Signature Affidavit D/S Christopher Johnson #2910
PG.2 Sworn Statement A. Hardy 1 ######
PG.3 Consent to Search A. Hardy ###### (Hickory Tree Rd.) 2
PG.4 Crime Scene Contamination Log
PGS.5-7 OSSO Incident Report 24I023174
PG.8 D/S Christopher Johnson Supplement #2910
PG.9 Donna Sita Supplement #2249
PG.10 Sgt. Sharice Swan Supplement
PG.11 Name Involvements
PG.20 OSSO Property Form - Tire Tread - Scene Photos
PG.21 OSSO Sgt. Sharice Swan Signature Affidavit
PG.22 OSSO Signature Affidavit Donna Sita
PGS.23-24 OSSO Property Forms - FARO 3 - Major Case Prints V
PGS.25-27 Affidavit for SW - 4012 Santa Maria Dr #107
PGS.28-36 Affidavit for SW - Discord _.maddie.
PGS.37-43 Affidavit for SW - Google - sustinet@gma#lcom
PGS.44-51 Affidavit for Sw - Lincoln
PGS.52-67 Affidavit for Pen Register - Instagram "little_fi####"
PGS.68-165 OCSO Reports:
  1. Det. Maira Tagler #8601
  2. Det. Julie Junco #6731
  3. D/S Christopher Vazquez #10859
  4. D/S Rene Davila #7453
  5. Det. Robert Fischer #7706
  6. Det. Jazmin Rembis-Licari #9408
  7. D/S David Belardes #8068
  8. D/S Charles Weaver #4792
  9. D/S John Nguyen #9725
  10. D/S Jessica Alicea #8144
  11. D/S Leila Freeze #6804
  12. D/S Leonard Jones #9030
  13. D/S Matthew Chiang #10015
  14. D/S Andrew Caliese #7774
  15. Sgt. Brian Savelli #3175
  16. D/S Kenneth Dale #7590
  17. D/S Kyle Cole #8656
  18. D/S Brittany Bradshaw #4870
  19. D/S Jeffrey Payne #7576
  20. D/S Luis Acosta #9910
  21. Cpl. Evan Avila #8147
PGS.166-170 Application for Mobile Tracking Device - 2012 Honda Civic
PGS.171-175 Application for Mobile Tracking Device - 2010 Lincoln
PGS.176-180 Application for Mobile Tracking Device - 2022 Nissan
PGS.181-187 Affidavit for SW - 4012 Santa Maria Dr #107
PGS.188-190 Affidavit for SW - 4012 Santa Maria Dr #107
PGS.191-197 OSSO - Crime Scene Report - FT Soto #3184
PG.198 KIPD Electronic incident report transmittal form-T. Clark
PG.199 Reporting Officer Narrative- T. Clark
PG.200 Case Supplemental Report- J. Owens
PG.201 Firearms Trace Summary
PGS.202-213 Orange County Sheriff's Office Property Form
PGS.214-217 Orange County Sheriff's Office Evidence and Property Report
PGS.218-221 Orange County Sheriff's Office Property Form
PGS.222-224 Application for mobile tracking device authorization- Honda Civic
PGS.225-226 Order authorizing installation and use of a mobile tracking device- Honda Civic
PGS.227-228 Application for mobile tracking device authorization- Lincoln MKZ
PGS.229-230 Order authorizing installation and use of a mobile tracking device- Lincoln MKZ
PGS.231-233 Application for mobile tracking device authorization- Nissan
PGS.234-235 Order authorizing installation and use of a mobile tracking device- Nissan
PG.236 Affirmation of Warrant Exigency
PGS.237-239 Affidavit for Search Warrant- 4012 Santa Maria Drive # 107
PGS.240-241 Search Warrant- 4012 Santa Maria Drive # 107
PG.242 Search Warrant Inventory and Receipt
PGS.243-247 Affidavit for Search Warrant- Discord, Inc
PGS.248-250 Search Warrant- Discord, Inc
PG.251 Search Warrant Inventory and Receipt
PG.252 Firearms Trace Summary
PG.253 Non-Disclosure Order
PGS.254-261 Affidavit for Search Warrant- Google, LLC
PGS.262-265 Search Warrant- Google, LLC
PG.266 Non-Disclosure Order
PGS.267-271 Affidavit for Search Warrant- Lincoln MKZ
PGS.272-274 Search Warrant- Lincoln MKZ
PG.275 Search Warrant Inventory and Receipt
PGS.276-284 Application Requesting the installation and use of Pen registration and trap and trace device and the disclosure of stored electronic communications and transactional records
PGS.285-290 Order authorizing the installation and use of a Pen registration and trap and trace device and the disclosure of stored electronic communications and transactional records
PGS.291-299 Warrant- Target Device(s)/ Account(s)/ Telephone Number(s)
PGS.300-307 Application for Warrant- Target Device(s)/ Account(s)/ Telephone Number(s)
PGS.308-311 Application for Order (Warrant)- 718-###-1553
PGS.312-314 Order (Warrant)- 718-###-1553
PGS.315-318 Application for Order (Warrant)- 689-###-1067
PGS.319-321 Order (Warrant)- 689-###-1067 4
PG.322 Non-Disclosure Order
PGS.323-324 Search Warrant- Charter Communications
PS.325-328 Application for Order (Warrant)-407-###-1832 5
PGS.329-331 Order (Warrant)-407-###-1832
PG.332 KIPD Emergency Warrant Request Cover Sheet
PGS.333-335 Application and Affidavit for Search Warrant- Sterns
PGS.336-337 Search Warrant- Sterns
PGS.338-407 Madeline Soto: - Dr. Kumaraguru (Behavioral Health) - Dr. Kumaraguru (Orlando Psychiatric Associates Inc.)
PGS.408-450 ME Report
PG.451 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- M. Morris
PGS.452-456 Case Supplement.
PG.457 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- T. Clark
PG.458 Reporting Officer Narrative- T. Clark
PG.459 Case Supplemental Report- J. Ownes
PG.460 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- P. Woods
PGS.461 Case Supplemental Report- P. Woods
PGS.462 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- B. Moore
PGS.463 Case Supplemental Report- B. Moore
PG.464 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- J. Irizarry
PG.465 Case Supplemental Report- J. Irizarry
PG.466 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- J. Nieves
PG.467 Case Supplemental Report- J. Nieves
PG.468 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- C. Smallwood
PG.469 Case Supplemental Report- C. Smallwood
PG.470 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- A. Latchman
PG.471 Case Supplemental Report- A. Latchman
PG.472 KIPD Electronic Report Transmittal Form- A. Morales
PG.473 Case Supplemental Report- A. Morales
PG.474 Arrest Warrant
PGS.475-476 Affidavit for Arrest Warrant
PG.477 KIPD Emergency Report Warrant Request Cover sheet
PG.478 Arrest Warrant
PGS.479-480 Affidavit for Arrest Warrant
PG.481 KIPD Emergency Report Warrant Request Cover sheet
PGS.482-484 Application and Affidavit for Search Warrant
PGS.485-486 Search Warrant
PGS.487-488 VTM notification Card
PGS.490-491 Wanted person table
PGS.492-493 KIPD Incident/ Investigative Report
PG.494 KIPD Emergency Report Warrant Request Cover sheet
PGS.495-497 Application and Affidavit for Search Warrant
PGS.498-499 Search Warrant
PG.500 Firearms Trace Summary
PGS.501-512 Orange County Sheriff's Office Property Form
PGS.513-516 Orange County Sheriff's Office Evidence and Property Report
PGS.517-520 Orange County Sheriff's Office Property Form
PGS.521-523 OSSO Deputy Report for Incident 24I023174
PG.524 OSSO Deputy Supplemental Report- D/S C. Johnson
PG.525 KIPD Emergency Report Warrant Request Cover sheet
PGS.526-528 Application and Affidavit for Search Warrant
PGS.529-530 Search Warrant
PG.531 KIPD Emergency Report Warrant Request Cover sheet
PGS.532-533 Affidavit for Arrest Warrant
PG.534 Arrest Warrant
PGS.535-537 FDLE Case Tracking Form- Items 1-15
PGS.538-541 FDLE Lab Report- April 10, 2024
PGS.542-548 Log
PGS.549-556 Orange County Sheriff's Office Evidence and Property Report
PGS.557-974 Cellphone Mapping 407-###-1832 689-###-1067 718-###-1553
PGS.975-978 Building Log
PG.979 Declaration of Business Records- Captial One, N.A.
PGS.980-982 OCSO Incident Report
PGS.983-988 OCSO Incident Report- Supplement Report
PGS.989-990 OCSO Incident Report
PG.991 OCSO Incident Report- Supplement Report
PGS.992-993 OCSO Incident Report
PGS.994-995 OCSO Incident Report- Supplement Report
PGS.996-997 OCSO Incident Report
PG.998 OCSO Incident Report- Supplement Report
PGS.999-1000 OCSO Incident Report
PG.1001 OCSO Incident Report- Supplement Report
PGS.1002-1005 Affidavit for Search Warrant- Digital Device(s)
PGS.1006-1007 Search Warrant
PG.1008 Search Warrant Inventory and Receipt
The Following Media Has Been Sent by Mail on May 6, 2024: Digital Media # 2(DVD) - ME Photos Digital Media # 3 (DVD) - OrangeCountyForensicPhotos Digital Media # 4 (DVD) - OrangeCountyForensicPhotos
The Following Media is Available for Copy: Digital Media # 1 1 TB Hard drive
The Following Digital Media is Available to View by Appointment at SAO: - Defendant's Cellphone Download - Search Warrant Return of Defendantā€™s Google Account I CERTIFY that a copy hereof has been furnished to Alesha C. Smith, asmith@circuit9.org and Division301@Circuit9.org, 1 Courthouse Square, Suite 3200, Kissimmee, FL 34741 by e-mail on this 7th day of May, 2024. ANDREW ASHER BAIN, State Attorney By: Danielle Marie Pinnell Assistant State Attorney. Florida Bar # 88644. Division12-A@SAO9.


Things with multiple ####ā€™s were censored by me for reducing the likelihood of potential harassment to potentially non-criminal parties, but that info is on the actual docs ā€¦..so someone should look up who those other phones belong to lol (I will later if no one does :P)
1 owner of property where her remains were discovered 2 address of property where her remains were discovered 3 FARO 4 canā€™t find anything about the 1067 #, so I assume itā€™s Maddieā€™s 5 the 1832 # is what ā€œStephan provided his phone number to beā€ <- direct quote from PCA, but when I looked it up, itā€™s the contact number on some real estate listings
The list items in bold are bc I found them particularly interesting; theyā€™re not emphasized in the actual doc
State Attorneys Office
415 N Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32801. 407-836-2400
submitted by JelllyGarcia to madelinesoto [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:12 tegan_willow Some years ago, I noticed that a certain kind of school Admin has begun questioning whether English classes would be better off reading short excerpts instead of entire novels. I (ironically) present an excerpt that shows where that leads us-- from Ray Bradbury's stage adaptation of Fahrenheit 451:

MONTAG. I never thoughtā€¦
BEATTY. Donā€™t even try. Let me think for you. If you have only a few people in the world, books can afford to be individual, different, eh? But cram your world with overpopulations, and how can you possibly write individual books for each, eh? No, no. Canā€™t be. So you write a few books for all, eh? Thatā€™s what you do. On top of which you leave the cart and horse of the 19th century and jump pell-mell into and out of elevators, airships, trains, cars, jets, eh? Jump, push, run, shove. ā€œIā€™m late, Iā€™m late, for a most important date!ā€ you cry, White Rabbiting along, eh, eh?
MONTAG. Iā€™m a bit foggy on historyā€¦
BEATTY. Let me cut the fog. Jump! Push! Run, jump, no time, rush hour all day, rush dreams by night. No time to read, no time to even live. Run, run, what happens next, Montag?
MONTAG (guessing). Books becomeā€¦ shorter?
BEATTY. Bullseye! Bravo. Condense everything, cut everything, make midgets of giants, make pismire ants of midgets, make mountains into molehills! (Pacing.) Condensations, digests, tabloids, everything boiled down to the gag, the snap ending. Classics cut to fifteen minute radio explosions, cut again to fit a two minute book column. Speed up the film, shorten the news. Give us magazines like: CLICK, PIC, LOOK, EYE. NOW, FLICK, SWIFT, PACE, UP, DOWN. IN, OUT, BANG! SMACK! WALLOP! BOOM! Politics? one sentence. Hell, no, a headline. Never mind the story, give us the POW! Spin the centrifuge, fling off the thought. And in midā€”air, mankind's thought vanishes up his own backside. Shorten school. Drop discipline. Kill Latin. Poison English. Give hemlock to philosophy. Damn grammar. Forget spelling. Destroy all buttons. Replace with zippers. You don't want a man standing around at dawn, buttoning himself, with time to think, do you?
BEATTY (circling). No! So...Empty the theatres. Shut the cinemas. Why? Don't want folks talking to each other on the way out of plays, films, do you? Do you?! No! No! So glass wall the homes. TV the walls. Dolby Sound the ceilings. Keep folks apart. Kill Hamlet! What next?
So what comes next? Well, if you know the story, the next step is censorship and then the outright burning of the books. It's not fantasy, it is a warning every bit as relevant today as on the day it was written.
When it comes to an important work like this, you can read an excerpt of the story to pass the quiz. BUT if you read the ENTIRE story, you'll walk away with a firmer understanding of the fascist playbook. In addition to that, you'll also begin to conceptualize what's at stake when we outsource decisions regarding our very ability to think.
submitted by tegan_willow to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 15:09 HarperDog1980 Redhead lanky young woman from the country becomes a nanny for a widower

I read this book, possibly a series, around the late 80ā€™s or early 90ā€™s. Itā€™s hard to say what age range it is for because I was also reading Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, and 1984 around that time and was in classes for advanced readers as a child/pre-teen.
It seems the book was set in the late 19th century because I remember snippets from the book about her heating and using an iron for the first time over a flame, using a laundry machine of sorts, and other technologies from that period. One part that sticks out to me is that she had to pick up the children from school and was mocked for her looks. She tried curling her hair and applying makeup, but ended up looking more like a clown than beautiful.
She was very rough around the edges, wore overalls and acted in a manner that was deemed unseemly for women. She was described as what I imagined to be lanky, freckled, and had red hair. She was very kind and everyone grew to love her, though she was mocked in the beginning for being uneducated, backwoods, and generally not knowledgeable regarding societal standards.
The book was about her finding herself in this new world, while forming a strong bond with the difficult children. It described her many mishaps while trying to figure out the technology of the era and where she fit in society at that time. It was a humorous book, but also taught valuable lessons on growth, resilience, integrity, compassion and character.
It was a favorite of mine during that time, but I cannot for the life of me recall the title. Iā€™d love to read it again as an adult and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!!
submitted by HarperDog1980 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:16 Hale-117 The Silent Patient: An in-depth Review Spoilers Ahead

Read from April 29 ā€“ May 04, 2024
1/5 stars I HATED THIS
NOTE: I started out with an open mind read the first chapter, and then this turned into a hate-read.
That being said, no hate to anyone who enjoyed this book, I would love to hear what your opinions are, both on the book and this review :)
Letā€™s start with my ā€˜favouriteā€™ quote:
ā€œbut it is impossible for someone who was not abused to become an abuser.ā€
Theo Faber, Psychotherapist
I genuinely do not understand what the hype around this book is.
To be fair, the second I read the words ā€˜TikTok sensationā€™ in the advertising, I should have known better.
The thing that struck me is that Michaelides is a SCREENWRITER, and this very much reads like a script, it felt like it was written solely for the purpose of selling the movie rights.
TLDR: This book wants to be Gone Girl so bad.
So, save yourself, if this is on your TBR, forget about it, read something else, ANYTHING else, read a newspaper, just donā€™t read this.
Longer rant Review, including the writing, characters, setting, and my main issues with this novel.

The Writing:

Is mediocre, at best. Itā€™s very much in the style of ā€˜he said, she saidā€™.
The best way I can describe it is that it reminds me of a middle-grade novel, where everything is stated clear cut and there isnā€™t much effort needed on the readerā€™s part.
Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, for a KIDā€™S book, but this is NOT written for a 10-year-old.
Thereā€™s long swaths of exposition, the chapters are between 2-5 pages long, we are constantly told whoā€™s speaking, points are stated and then re-stated kind of like:
ā€œAlicia Berenson has not spoken in 6 yearsā€ Diomedes said.
Thatā€™s right, from what I remember, she has not spoken since her husband was killed, 6 years ago.
So much needless repetition.
The reason I said that it reads like a script is because there is a lot of useless dialogue + endless descriptions.
Each character and setting is described in such needless detail, going on for entire paragraphs, for example:
Barbie was a Californian blonde in her mid-sixties, possibly older. She was drenched in Chanel No 5, and sheā€™d had a considerable amount of plastic surgery. Her name suited her ā€“ she looked like a startled Barbie doll. She was obviously the kind of woman who was used to getting what she wanted ā€“ hence her loud protestations at the reception desk when she discovered she needed to make an appointment to visit a patient.
This character has been mentioned once or twice previously but she is relevant for MAYBE 15 pages out of 336.
Majority of the side characters are introduced like this, however, Theo isnā€™t really described in much detail beyond the ā€˜tall, dark and broodingā€™ trope and neither is Alicia, so the 2 protagonists are essentially blank slates.
The dialogue is so cringey, almost every chapter mentions the weather [this is set in the UK], like the weather is used as filler relentlessly.
Thereā€™s a bunch of continuity errors, the main one that comes to mind is that at the start of the book when Theo first enters The Grove [donā€™t even get me started on the name of the hospital, it sounds like the name of a cartoon villainā€™s layer, not a psych hospital] he is asked to give up his lighter and any other objects that could be used as weapons, yet he and majority of the side characters smoke CONSTANTLY INSIDE THE HOSPITAL.
The writing also reminded me A LOT of Colleen Hooverā€™s writing, and if that women has no haters, then Iā€™m dead.

The Diary Entries:

Like I said, this book wants to be Gone Girl so bad.
The diary entries are written very weirdly, they donā€™t read like a journal, where you might get more of a stream of consciousness sort of style, they read like POV switches from 6 years in the past.
They donā€™t flow and amble like you would expect.
Tears collected in my eyes as I walked up the hill. I wasnā€™t crying for my mother ā€“ or myself ā€“ or even that poor homeless man. I was crying for all of us. Thereā€™s so much pain everywhere, and we just close our eyes to it.
But I ruined the mood, stupidly, clumsily ā€“ by asking if he would sit for me. ā€˜I want to paint you,ā€™ I said. ā€˜Again? You already did.ā€™ ā€˜That was four years ago. I want to paint you again.ā€™ ā€˜Uh-huh.ā€™ He didnā€™t look enthusiastic. ā€˜What kind of thing do you have in mind?ā€™ I hesitated ā€“ and then said it was for the Jesus picture. Gabriel sat up and gave a kind of strangled laugh. ā€˜Oh, come on, Alicia.ā€™
The diary entries are not diary entries, they are memories.
People donā€™t write down entire conversations word for word like this when they journal, like ā€œā€™
I had lunch with Marthaā€™ he saidā€, you write it like ā€œGabriel had lunch with Martha today.ā€
I know why the diary entries feel so weird, they read like movie scenes, like a flashback.
Like the memory/subject of the diary entry should be playing in the background while someone narrates.
Again, this was a script, not a novel, I stand by this point.

The Characters:

Character development is frankly non-existent, the characters donā€™t exists as themselves, they exist to serve the plot.
They have no depth, and their motivations are lacking.
Theo faber: he was abused as a kid and is therefore damaged.
Chapter 3 was literally just an exposition dump of his entire childhood, just straight out of the blue.
It was like Chapter one: a report of the murder, chapter 2 further recollection, chapter 3: so my father beat throughout my childhood, I donā€™t know why.
Theoā€™s father was verbally and physically abuse, Theo attempted suicide when he was at uni, because the things his dad said made him feel like a failure.
But we are never told WHAT has been said, and therefore, we donā€™t see why exactly Theo would have doubts about himself.
Abuse shapes you as a person, if we got to hear his inner thoughts about what his father said, it would give greater insight into Theoā€™s identity as a character.
Besides that, Theo has a RAGING saviour complex,
ā€œUnable to come to terms with what she had done, Alicia stuttered and came to a halt, like a broken car. I wanted to help start her up again ā€“ help Alicia tell her story, to heal and get well. I wanted to fix her.ā€
The book is filled with passages like that.
And besides that, itā€™s just filled with loads of nonsense psychobabble.
Theo is also OBSESSED with Alicia, the book tells us itā€™s out of guilt, but I contest and say that heā€™s just a creep who very much treats Alicia like a failed version of a manic pixie dream girl.
Alicia Berenson: Alicia is a walking contradiction.
We are told that she is beautiful, charming, sophisticated, but she instead comes across as an anti-social, paranoid shut in with serious co-dependency issues.
She has no friends, no relationships outside of her husband Gabriel, no hobbies, or interests outside of painting and having sex with her husband.
All she does in her chapters is paint, have arguments with people, have sex, and walk around.
Side characters: only exist to serve the plot.
Professor Lazarus Diomedes: the name alone makes me cringe.
Heā€™s Greek, he has a lot of instruments in his office including a piano and a harp [which are never brought up after the initial chapters heā€™s introduced and he never plays any of them], heā€™s ā€œunorthodoxā€ and shunned, and he basically exists to be Theo Faberā€™s ā€˜yes manā€™.
Christian: stereotypical work rival who has a habit of calling all the patients bitches.
Yuri: Heā€™s a psych nurse who takes Theo to bar and tell him that he and his wife divorced, and he fell in love with someone else. Fine fair enough, but does he approach this woman like a normal person?
No, he pulls a Joe from YOU and stalks and harasses her.
Then again Theo himself is a stalker so go figure.

The Setting:

The Grove is supposed to be a mental hospital used to detain mentally ill criminals.
Firstly, all the patients are female. It is never stated that the hospital is an all-female facility.
Second, we never get an idea of the scope of this place, thereā€™s only one therapy room for EVERYONE to use, only 2 psychiatrists on payroll, Diomedes and Christian, 2 therapists, Theo and a side character named Indira, one psychiatric nurse, Yuri and an admin assistant, Stephanie.
The layout and descriptions are confusing, one area is referred to as the ā€˜Fishbowlā€™ throughout the novel.
I donā€™t know if Michaelides has some internalized racism going on but every single foreign character has a habit of erasing their cultural identity.
Yuri, the psych nurse who is Latvian ā€“
Yuri was good-looking, well built, and in his late thirties. He had dark hair and a tribal tattoo creeping up his neck, above his collar. He smelled of tobacco and too much sweet aftershave. And although he spoke with an accent, his English was perfect.
This sort of backhanded compliment is considered racist, as someone who is POC myself, Iā€™ve gotten this plenty of times and it always gives me the ick.
Jean-Felix, the gallerist ā€“
He spoke with an accent. I asked if he was French. ā€˜Originally ā€“ from Paris. But Iā€™ve been here since I was a student ā€“ oh, twenty years at least. I think of myself more as British these days.ā€™
There were more examples, but these are the main ones I found in my notes.


Firstly, the patients are all female, like I said earlier, it is never stated that it is an all-female facility.
This book is dripping with it, every single female character is either described as a manic pixie dream girl, a maternal figure, or a psychotic bitch.
The DOCTORS refer to their patients as bitches multiple times.
ā€œShe was entirely consumed with herself and her art. All the empathy you have for her, all the kindness ā€“ she isnā€™t capable of giving it back. Sheā€™s a lost cause. A total bitch.ā€™ Christian said this with a scornful expression-ā€œ
Rowena gave a derisive snort. ā€˜Because Aliciaā€™s the least responsive, most uncommunicative bitch Iā€™ve ever worked with.ā€™
Besides that, they are often compared to birds:
ā€œI remember Mum and those colourful tops sheā€™d wear, with the yellow stringy straps, so flimsy and delicate ā€“ just like her. She was so thin, like a little bird.ā€
ā€œAlicia was sitting alone, I noticed, at the back of the room. She was picking at a meagre bit of fish like an anorexic bird;ā€
Alicia is also very much painted as a manic pixie dream girl in her diary entries, almost every page of her POV mentions sex, and it has no effect on the plot.
It was mentioned so often that I ended up keeping track out of boredom [I should have also tracked how often the weather was mentioned].
I think I have 15 tabs in 300 pages by the end of it for just sex scenes.
I don't have an issue with sex, but just like in movies when it gets thrown in for no reason, that's when it irritates me.
And of course the mentally ill woman with possible psychosis and BPD has to be shown as hot and a nymphomaniac.
Every one of her POVs reads like:
ā€œGabriel and I had an argument and then we had sex.ā€
ā€œI went for a walk and fantasized about Gabriel.ā€
ā€œI was trying to paint Gabriel but then we had sex.ā€
ā€œI had an argument with someone and came home to wake up Gabriel and we had sex.ā€
I can see why this atrocity is a BookTok favourite.
Oh, and this line: [Warning NSFW]
ā€œItā€™s still populated by sixteen-year-olds, embracing the sunshine, sprawled on either side of the canal, a jumble of bodies ā€“ boys in rolled-up shorts with bare chests, girls in bikinis or bras ā€“ skin everywhere, burning, reddening flesh. The sexual energy was palpable ā€“ their hungry, impatient thirst for life. I felt a sudden desire for Gabriel ā€“ for his body and his strong legs, his thick thighs lain over mine. When we have sex, I always feel an insatiable hunger for him ā€“ for a kind of union between us ā€“ something thatā€™s bigger than me, bigger than us, beyond words ā€“ something holy.ā€
Sheā€™s out on a walk and salivating over 16-year-olds. Enough said.

Medical Malpractice:

Not only is a lot of the psychology in this book outdated, but in general, there is so much misinformation.
The psychology is so outdated, and it's mostly centered around Freud.
The biggest example I can think of is Aliciaā€™s initial treatment, she has been put on Risperidone, which is an anti-psychotic prescribed to schizophrenic patients [Also prescribed for autism, BPD, etc. but that's on a case by case basis]
In the book, Alicia is shown to be completely out if it, sheā€™s drooling on the floor, and practically comatose.
Risperidone is NOT a sedative [it can have sedative EFFECTS, but sedation is not the function] it acts on dopamine and serotine receptors and is used to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, i.e. prevent hallucinations and help stabilize mood.
It should not be causing Alicia to be unresponsive.
[Disclaimer, this is just coming from my basic knowledge as a med student and a few quick google searches, if I'm wrong, please correct me.]
Moving on, Theo wants to treat Alicia but sheā€™s on 16 mg of Risperidone, which is the highest safe dose possible.
He asks Christian to lower the dose, what does Christian do?
He stops giving Alicia 16 mg and switches her to 5 mg.
An 11 mg decrease. IN ONE DAY.
There is no gradual decrease, no safety precautions, NOTHING.
For context, Risperidone is prescribed in 0.5 ā€“ 1 mg increments.
This means that an 11 mg decrease is incredibly dramatic and DANGEROUS, it can send a patient into a psychotic episode, cause them to relapse and lead to withdrawal.
Christian being a psychiatrist should know this.
Patients are allowed access to a pool table without supervision, all the doctors smoke and offer their patients cigarettes,
Yuri deals drugs, Theo seemingly does no ither work besides talk to Alicia and play detective.

Depiction of mentally ill patients:

Throughout the book the patients are often referred to as animals, monstrous or zombies.
ā€œHer [Elif, a patient] face was pressed up against it, squashing her nose, distorting her features, making her almost monstrous.ā€
ā€œIt took four nurses to hold Alicia down. She writhed and kicked and fought like a creature possessed. She didnā€™t seem human, more like a wild animal; something monstrous.ā€
[Alicia is painting, Theo is watching]
ā€œI felt like I was present at an intimate moment, watching a wild animal give birth. And although Alicia was aware of my presence, she didnā€™t seem to mind.ā€
On top of that, the word borderline gets thrown out A LOT, but it is never explained and is often derogatory.
[This is Christian the psychiatrist speaking, warning Theo about Alicia]
ā€˜Iā€™m just saying. Borderlines are seductive. Thatā€™s whatā€™s going on here. I donā€™t think you fully get that.ā€™
I am not against problematic writing, as long as it serves a purpose, but Michaelides is not talented enough to do something like this intentionally, and showing patients in this light serves no purpose.
Theo makes it very clear that he thinks that Elif, a Turkish woman, is ugly and rude, it is mentioned every time she is on the page.
This sort of depiction is harmful, mental health gets a bad enough rep as it is, again, I take no issue with problematic writing, but this is not problematic or controversial, this is ignorance.
The depiction of mental illness, coupled with the use of Risperidone, indicates, to me, that Michaelides did not do his research whatsoever.
He just thought of a cool idea and ran with it.
Oh, and lastly, letā€™s not forget:
ā€œbut it is impossible for someone who was not abused to become an abuser.ā€
No, just no. ANYONE can be abusive.
Correlation does not equal causation.
This is blatant misinformation and a very harmful message to send and I was actually so angry when I read that.

The Twist [spoilers]

The twist is the most ridiculous thing, and it hangs on by a thread.
I had already guessed that Gabriel was the one who Kathyā€™s affair partner was, and the entire thing falls apart when you realize that if any of Theoā€™s chapters were dated, you would figure it out immediately.
Thatā€™s a very loose basis for a dramatic reveal.
Yes, Theo is an unreliable narrator and I usually enjoy such stories, but this was just lazy.
Iā€™m sorry, Theo followed Gabriel all over London and never ONCE saw his face, never heard Kathy moan his name when he was spying on them, not ONCE.
Itā€™s poor when your twist relies on my suspension of disbelief.
- Poorly written, reads like a middle-grade novel. Michaelides is a screenwriter, and this very much reads like a script, designed to be easy to follow and direct.
- Horrible depiction mental health, both as a patient and in practice.
- Hollow, 2D characters.
- Misogynistic.
- Overall waste of time, save yourself.

submitted by Hale-117 to books [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 02:50 adulting4kids Rejected

It's essential to focus on continual improvement and resilience. Many successful authors faced rejection before achieving success. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, received numerous rejections initially. Stephen King's first novel was rejected dozens of times. Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, and Margaret Mitchell all encountered rejection before finding success. Remember, rejection is a part of the journey, and perseverance in honing your craft is key. Focus on refining your writing, seeking feedback, and staying persistent in your pursuit.
Here are a few strategies to help navigate the journey as a writer:
  1. Persistency: Keep writing and submitting your work. Each rejection can provide valuable lessons and insights into improving your writing. Don't let setbacks deter you from continuing to create.
  2. Feedback and Improvement: Seek feedback from peers, writing groups, or mentors. Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement and guide your growth as a writer.
  3. Diversify Submissions: Consider submitting your work to various publishers, agents, or literary magazines. Sometimes, a rejection from one might not reflect the response you'll receive from another.
  4. Stay Motivated: Surround yourself with inspiration. Read books, attend writing workshops, or engage with other creatives to stay motivated and connected within the writing community.
  5. Self-Care: Take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Rejections can be tough, so it's crucial to practice self-compassion and maintain a healthy perspective on your writing journey.
Remember, many renowned authors faced rejection before achieving success. Your persistence, dedication to improvement, and belief in your craft are vital elements that can lead you toward success as a writer.
6Here are a few more tips to help maintain motivation and progress as a writer:
  1. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable writing goals. Whether it's a daily word count, finishing a chapter, or completing a manuscript by a specific deadline, setting realistic targets can keep you focused and motivated.
  2. Embrace Revisions: Recognize that writing is rewriting. Embrace the revision process as an opportunity to polish your work. Revisions often lead to stronger storytelling and better-crafted prose.
  3. Connect with the Writing Community: Engage with other writers through social media, forums, or local writing groups. Networking can provide support, encouragement, and valuable insights into the publishing industry.
  4. Learn from Rejections: Instead of viewing rejections as failures, consider them as stepping stones toward success. Analyze feedback, if available, and use it constructively to refine your writing.
  5. Believe in Your Voice: Each writer has a unique voice. Embrace your style and perspective. Authenticity in storytelling often resonates with readers.
Lastly, remember that every successful author faced challenges and setbacks along their journey. It's the perseverance, commitment to improvement, and belief in their work that helped them overcome rejection and achieve success. Keep writing, stay resilient, and believe in your potential as a writer.
Here are quotes from some well-known authors who faced rejection before finding success:
  1. J.K. Rowling (Author of Harry Potter series):
    "Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me."
  2. Stephen King (Author of numerous bestsellers):
    "By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and kept on writing."
  3. Agatha Christie (Renowned mystery novelist):
    "I don't think necessity is the mother of invention. Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness - to save oneself trouble."
  4. Dr. Seuss (Author of beloved children's books):
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope."
  5. Margaret Mitchell (Author of "Gone with the Wind"):
    "Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it's no worse than it is."
These authors encountered rejection and setbacks on their paths to success but persisted in their writing endeavors, ultimately achieving acclaim for their work. Their quotes reflect their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing initial rejection.
Here are a few more quotes from authors who experienced rejection before achieving success:
  1. Louisa May Alcott (Author of "Little Women"):
    "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."
  2. George Orwell (Author of "1984" and "Animal Farm"):
    "Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand."
  3. John Grisham (Bestselling author of legal thrillers):
    "I faced rejection and constant criticism, but I never let up. I continued to persevere and pursued my writing passion."
  4. Madeleine L'Engle (Author of "A Wrinkle in Time"):
    "You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children."
  5. Ray Bradbury (Author of "Fahrenheit 451"):
    "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
These authors persisted through rejection, adversity, and doubts, yet remained dedicated to their writing. Their words reflect the perseverance, passion, and determination that ultimately led them to success in the literary world.
šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ”šŸ”šŸ”šŸ” So in handling rejection as a writer and finding inspiration from authors who faced rejection before achieving success, this article has provided:
  1. Strategies to stay motivated and improve as a writer, including persistence, seeking feedback, diversifying submissions, staying motivated, and practicing self-care.
  2. Additional tips like setting goals, embracing revisions, connecting with the writing community, learning from rejections, and embracing your unique voice.
  3. Quotes from various renowned authors such as J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, Margaret Mitchell, Louisa May Alcott, George Orwell, John Grisham, Madeleine L'Engle, and Ray Bradbury. These quotes highlight their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing rejection, ultimately leading to their success as authors.
The overarching message is to persist in writing, seek improvement, learn from setbacks, stay connected with the writing community, and believe in your unique voice as a writer, drawing inspiration from the experiences of successful authors who overcame rejection on their paths to success.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:30 Books_and_Music_ 10th Grade ELA Novels

I have the opportunity to re-design the 10th grade ELA curriculum, and I would like some input on novels you use for this grade. I would like to have world lit. texts from various regions. Iā€™m posting my ideas below, but I want to see what else you have.
CP Antigone Lord of the Flies Fahrenheit 451 A Separate Piece The Stranger
Honors Macbeth The Trail Hunger Chronicles of a Death Foretold Things Fall Apart
submitted by Books_and_Music_ to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:40 NoLawsNoGoverrnment The most dystopian fiction is becoming reality

The most dystopian fiction is becoming reality submitted by NoLawsNoGoverrnment to LateStageCapitalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:39 NoLawsNoGoverrnment The most dystopian fiction is becoming reality

The most dystopian fiction is becoming reality submitted by NoLawsNoGoverrnment to Anarchy4Everyone [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 23:38 eissacoohk For Sale: Fate Stay Night / Touken Ranbu Online / Nobunaga The Fool

Downsizing my collection of Nendoroids. :)
Prices are in USD and do not include shipping ā€“ shipping to be covered by the buyer (see shipping table below).
Based in New Zealand. Happy to provide quotes for combined / bulk shipping ā€“ please message.
Payment via PayPal ā€“ prices include Paypal G&S fees.
All are 'unsealed' has been opened and displayed in an Ikea cabinet away from sunlight. ***Archer top and bottom parts feel loose and come apart easily. Seems to be a flaw of this particular nendo design (articulated / super movable). Just noting it, its fine once posed. :)
From a smoke-free and pet-free home.
All come complete in box ā€“ no missing pieces.
Open to negotiation for bulk deals ā€“ please message.
Price (USD) No. Name / Series Purchased from
35 77 Saber Lily ā€“ Fate Stay Night Unlimited Codes Mandarake Japan
35 451 Himiko ā€“ Nobunaga the Fool MightyApe NZ
40 486 Archer (Super Movable Edition) ā€“ Fate Stay Night AmiAmi
30 511 Mikazuki Munechika ā€“ Touken Ranbu SecondHand
40 555 Emiya Shirou ā€“ Fate Stay Night AmiAmi
Shipping Costs (for Individual Nendo) ā€“ via NZ Post Message for bulk/combined shipping costs or for other locations.
Location Shipping Type Cost (USD)
United States Economy Tracked 32
United States Courier (Tracked + Signature) 72
Australia Economy Tracked 18
Australia Courier (Tracked + Signature) 35
United Kingdom Economy Tracked 27
United Kingdom Courier (Tracked + Signature) 63
Canada Economy Tracked 27
Canada Courier (Tracked + Signature) 63
NZ (Nationwide) Economy Courier 15
NZ (Auckland) Courier 6.5
submitted by eissacoohk to Nendoroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:20 WhimsyofYahWeh A thoughtā€¦

What if the creation of AI is to centralize the internet that is used so they can erase the bible? If they could remove its existence from the internet they could do some real literal Fahrenheit 451 stuff and start book burning. Would it go that far? Is it really a sci-fi? Is it our future? Memorize the word of God friendsā€¦ but surely it couldnā€™t POSSIBLY ever get that badā€¦right?
submitted by WhimsyofYahWeh to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 06:08 FluffyTortuga [WTS][USA-NC] Airsoft 3D Print Service, Custom Odin adapters , sample pics in post. [W] Paypal

We can 3-D print almost anything you would need airsoft wise! We have a few very expensive printers (1,000$+ printers) We have included a few sample pictures with the timestamp of our prints at the bottom of these two paragraphs of the post. Free pricing quotes on 3D prints with fast replies on reddit with fair prices.
PLEASE NOTE: We can only give an accurate price quote if we have the 3d file itself. There's no other way. Files are available online on many websites.
We have designed many of our own Odin speedloader adapters available on our website listed below available in multiple colors. Why buy them from us? Because they are heat resistant up to 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Many commonly available Odin adapters are made out of PLA which will melt in your car.
We have KWA MP7, KWA Ronin 47, Tokyo Marui MWS GBB, VFC M4 GBB, Dragunov SVD & other unusual & handy Odin speedloader adapters to help with those pesky midcaps!
Brief customer review video:
We also have a few original adapters we've designed for the Evike angel custom firestorm drums for sale that aren't available anywhere else to those who may want them including an M249 angled adapter which allows users to adapt their A&K or featherweight M249 to use the Evike electric drums. Pics of the M249 adapter are on my website below. The other drums currently on offer are the LCT PP19, Arcturus PP19, EMG Space Invader, LCT G3, VFC MPX, G&G FN2000, LCT HK33 and Umarex UMP45. These Angel Customs adapters don't exist elsewhere. The LCT PP19 in particular is plagued with magazine issues and while not everyone wants a drum magazine, this at least gives them another high quality option. (We take requests for making drum mag adapters for guns that don't currently exist!) We also have a very nice 3D scanner to replicate almost anything. Ask about our scanning service if you are curious.
Sample Prints (and timestamp):
https://imgur.com/a/7oy46wE - Odin adapters and more (Timestamp included at bottom)
Drum mag adapters/ Odin adapters sale listing link:
(Our e-shop, We can use Reddit as well via paypal.)
3D Scanning example pictures:
Some of the other items we've printed for others just to give an idea: magazine adapters, EPM1 magazine ranger plates, customized foregrips, gun stands, magazine stands, and gun charms. We are very affordable and reasonable on print jobs with fast turn around. Contact me for a free price quote on a 3D file, or we can design a custom file for you but please be understanding that there will be an additional charge for any 3D modelling work that needs to happen just because of the time involved.
If you're wondering whether or not the 3D prints are durable, we offer premium materials such as Carbon Fiber ABS. This is a plastic material with carbon fiber strands embedded in the plastic. It's also very heat proof. In addition we have a high temperature printer that can print polycarbonate which is incredibly strong. If you need a flexible piece, we can print rubberized materials as well.
(Note: It doesn't have to be airsoft related either, although that's my primary focus currently. I will not be printing anything illegal or to do with real firearms due to legality. I just don't want to get in trouble.)
If you're unsure where to find a file, there's many websites devoted to 3D printable files. One of them is https://www.thingiverse.com/ , another is https://www.printables.com/ .
(Our HopUp account with 400+ positive reviews)
submitted by FluffyTortuga to airsoftmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:44 wtfwafflezor (Selling) 550 Titles Jungle Cruise GP HD $1 Onward GP HD $1 Lightyear GP HD $1

Prices FIRM - CashApp/Venmo/PayPal Friends & Family
Disney/Marvel titles are split codes. Only redeem what you pay for. Thank you.
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
65 (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
A Bug's Life (1998) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
A Dog's Purpose (2017) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $2.50
A Dog's Way Home (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
A Man Called Otto (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.25
A Most Wanted Man (2014) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
A Quiet Place (2018) (Vudu/4K) $4 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.50
A Quiet Place Part II (2020) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
A Simple Favor (2018) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
A United Kingdom (2016) (MA/HD) $5
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) (MA/HD) $3.75
Ad Astra (2019) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4.25
Adventures of Tintin (2011) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4
Aladdin (2019) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $1.50
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014) (MA/HD) $4.75
Alien (1979) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5
Alien Collection 1-6 (MA/HD) $19.50
Alien Resurrection (1997) (MA/HD) $5.50
Alien: Covenant (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.25
Aliens (1986) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $6
All The Money In The World (2017) (MA/HD) $3.75
Aloha (2015) (MA/HD) $2.50
Amazing Spider-Man (2012) (MA/HD) $4
Ambulance (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
American Beauty (1999) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $6
American Gangster (Extended Edition) (2007) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $5.75
American Hustle (2013) (MA/HD) $3.75
American Underdog (2021) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Amsterdam (2022) (MA/HD) $4.75
Angel of Mine (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Angels & Demons (2009) (MA/4K) $6.50
Angry Birds Movie (2016) (MA/HD) $3.50
Angry Birds Movie 2 (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50
Annabelle (2014) (MA/4K) $6.50
Antlers (2021) (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $3.50
Art of Racing in The Rain (MA/HD) $5.25
As Good As It Gets (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Asteroid City (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Avengers Collection 1-4 (MA/HD) $20 (GP/HD) $7.75
Babylon (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Bad Boys Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $12
Bad Santa (2003) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Bad Times at The El Royale (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Bambi II (2006) (MA/HD) $5.75
Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar (2021) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Barbie (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Batman (1989) (MA/4K) $6.50
Batman, The (2022) (MA/4K) $4
Beast (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Beauty and the Beast (2017) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $3.25 (GP/HD) $2
Before Midnight (2013) (MA/HD) $6
Big (1988) (MA/HD) $6
Big George Foreman (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Big Lebowski (1998) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $5.50
Birdman (2014) (MA/HD) $4.50
Black Adam (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50
Black And Blue (2019) (MA/HD) $6
Black Panther (2018) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $1.75
BlacKkKlansman (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Blacklight (2022) (MA/HD) $3.50
Blue Bayou (2021) (MA/HD) $6
Blue Beetle (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Blue Ruin (2014) (Vudu/HD) $5
Blumhouse's The Craft: Legacy (2020) (MA/HD) $7
Bolt (2008) (MA/HD) $7.25
Bond: Spectre (2015) (Vudu/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Bonnie & Clyde: Mini-Series (2013) (Vudu/HD) $8
Book Club: The Next Chapter (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
Book of Henry (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Book Thief (2013) (MA/HD) $5.75
Boss Baby (2017) & Family Business (2021) (MA/HD) $5.50
Boss, The (Unrated) (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $2.50
Bourne Collection 1-5 (MA/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) $18 (MA/HD) $14
Bourne Supremacy (2004) (MA/4K) $5 (iTunes/4K) $4.50 (MA/HD) $3
Boy, The (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.50
Breakfast Club (1985) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Brightburn (2019) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $6.75
Brooklyn (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Bullet Train (2022) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $3.50
Cabin in the Woods (2012) (iTunes/4K) $2.75 (Vudu/HD) $2
Call Me by Your Name (2017) (MA/HD) $5.25
Captain Phillips (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017) (MA/HD) $2.75
Card Counter, The (2021) (MA/HD) $4.75
Casino (1995) (MA/4K) $6.50
Casino Royale (2006) (Vudu/HD) $6.25
Casper (1995) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.75
Central Intelligence (Unrated) (MA/4K) $6.50
Charlie's Angels (2000) (MA/4K) $6.50
Chasing Amy (1997) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
Chasing Mavericks (2012) (MA/HD) $5
Child's Play (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $6.50
Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) (MA/HD) $6.75
Cinderella (2015) (MA/4K) $7.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Cinderella 'Camila Cabello' (2021) (MA/HD) $4.50
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (2007) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Clerks II (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Clerks III (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Cocaine Bear (2023) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $5.50
Collateral (2004) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Commuter (2018) (Vudu/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Contractor (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Conversation, The (1974) (Vudu/HD) $5
Countdown (2019) (Vudu/4K) $5.75
Crawl (2019) (Vudu/HD) $3 (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Crazy Rich Asians (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50
Creed III (2023) (Vudu/4K) $4.50 (Vudu/HD) $3
Croods (2013) & A New Age (2020) (MA/HD) $6.25
Da Vinci Code (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Dark Waters (2019) (MA/HD) $5.75
Darkest Minds, The (2018) (MA/HD) $4.25
DC League of Super-Pets (2022) (MA/4K) $7
Dead Man Down (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Deadpool 2 (2018) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $3
Death on the Nile (2022) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3.50
Death Wish (2018) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Dentist Collection 1-2 (1996-1998) (Vudu/HD) $5
Despicable Me Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $12.50
Detective Knight: Independence (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Detective Knight: Redemption (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Detroit (2017) (iTunes/4K) Ports to MA $4.50
Devotion (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (2010) (MA/HD) $4.25
Die Another Day (2002) (Vudu/HD) $7
Die Hard (1988) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4
Die Hard 1-5 (MA/HD) $15
Dirty Dancing (1987) (Vudu/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
DisneyNature: Monkey Kingdom (2015) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
Django Unchained (2012) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Do the Right Thing (1989) (MA/4K) $5.75
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) (MA/HD) $2.75 (GP/HD) $2
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) (Vudu/HD) $5 (iTunes/4K) $4.25
Downsizing (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.25
Downton Abbey: A New Era (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Dr. No (1962) (Vudu/HD) $6.75
Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who (2008) (MA/HD) $5.50
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) (iTunes/4K) $5.25 (MA/HD) $5
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012) (MA/HD) $3 (iTunes/HD) $2.25
Dracula Untold (2014) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/4K) $4
Dragonheart Collection 1-5 (MA/HD) $14
Drive (2011) (MA/HD) $5
Duff, The (2015) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Dumb Money (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Dumbo (2019) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $5.25 (GP/HD) $2.50
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Early Man (2018) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $4.75
Easter Sunday (2022) (MA/HD) $6.75
El Mariachi (1993) (MA/HD) $6.50
Elemental (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Elvis (2022) (MA/4K) $5.75
Elysium (2013) & District 9 (2009) (MA/HD) $7.25
Encanto (2021) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) (GP/HD) $3.50
English Patient (1996) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.75
Epic (2013) (MA/HD) $2.25 (iTunes/SD) $1.25
Equalizer 2 (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4
Equalizer 3 (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Evil Dead (2013) (MA/4K) $6.50
Evil Dead Rise (2023) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $5
Exorcist: Believer (2023) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $6.50
Expendables 1-3 (Vudu/4K) $15 (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Extreme Prejudice (1987) (Vudu/HD) $5
Fabelmans (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Fahrenheit 451 (2018) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3
Fantasia 2000 (2000) (MA/HD) $6.50 (GP/HD) $5
Fantastic Four (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4
Fast & Furious Collection 1-10 (MA/4K) $28
Fast & Furious Collection 1-8 (MA/4K) $23 1-9 (MA/HD) $10
Fast X (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Father Stu (2022) (MA/HD) $5.50
Fatman (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Fault in Our Stars (2014) (MA/HD) $1.50
Fifty Shades of Grey + Unrated (2015) (MA/4K) $5.25 Unrated (MA/4K) $4.75
Fifty Shades of Grey 3-Movie + Unrated (MA/HD) $9.75
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Flash, The (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
Flushed Away (2006) (MA/HD) $6.50
Ford v Ferrari (2019) (MA/HD) $4.50
Forever Purge (2021) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Forrest Gump (1994) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Future World (2018) (Vudu/HD) $4
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Gamer (2009) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.50
Gangs of New York (2002) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Garfield (2004) (MA/HD) $6.50
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) (MA/HD) $3.50
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) (MA/HD) $6
Glass (2019) (MA/HD) $4.50
Glory (1989) (MA/4K) $6.50
Godfather Part II (1974) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Godfather Trilogy (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $14
Gone Baby Gone (2007) (Vudu/HD) $6
Gone Girl (2014) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.50
Goosebumps 2 (2018) (MA/HD) $6.25
Grace Unplugged (2013) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Gran Turismo (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Grease (1978), 2 (1982), Live! (2016) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $14
Greatest Showman (2017) (MA/HD) $2.25
Green Book (2018) (MA/HD) $4.75
Groundhog Day (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Grown Ups 2 (2013) (MA/HD) $5.25
Grudge (2020) (MA/HD) $6.50
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) (MA/HD) $6.25
Half Brothers (2020) (MA/HD) $5.75
Happy Death Day 2U (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $6
Harriet (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
Haunting in Connecticut (2009) (Vudu/HD) $6.25
Heat, The (2013) (MA/HD) $2.25 (iTunes/SD) $1
Heaven is for Real (2014) (MA/HD) $2.50
Here Comes the Boom (2012) (MA/HD) $4
Hitman (Unrated) (2007) (MA/HD) $6
Hitman's Bodyguard (2017) (Vudu/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Holiday, The (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Home Alone Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $6.50
Hook (1991) (MA/4K) $6.50
Hotel Mumbai (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5
Hotel Transylvania Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $16
House of 1,000 Corpses (2003), Devil's Rejects (2005), 3 From Hell (2019) (Vudu/HD) $6
House of Gucci (2021) (iTunes/4K) $5
How High (2001) (MA/HD) $6.50
How to Train Your Dragon Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $7.50
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.75
Humans, The (2021) (Vudu/HD) $6.25
Hundred-Foot Journey (2014) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $4
Hunger Games Collection 1-4 (Vudu/HD) $6
Hunt, The (2019) (MA/HD) $5.50
I, Tonya (2017) (MA/HD) $5
Ice Age (2002) (MA/HD) $4.25
Ice Age Collection 1-5 (MA/SD) $16
Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas (2011) (MA/HD) $5.25
Ides of March (2011) (MA/HD) $5.25
If I Stay (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Impossible, The (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Indiana Jones Collection 1-4 (Vudu/4K) $24 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $20
Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete (2013) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) (MA/HD) $6
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013) (MA/HD) $6.50
Insidious: The Red Door (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25
Instructions Not Included (2013) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Intruder (2019) (MA/HD) $6
Iron Man 1-3 (iTunes/4K) $16 (GP/HD) $7.50
Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United (2013) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $4.25
Irresistible (2020) (MA/HD) $5.25
Isle of Dogs (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
It Comes at Night (2017) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
It Follows (2015) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Jackie (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $4
Jacob's Ladder (1990) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Jason X (2001) (MA/HD) $6
Jaws (1975) Jaws 2 (1978) Jaws 3 (1983) Jaws: The Revenge (1987) (MA/HD) $15.50
Jay & Silent Bob Reboot (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5
Jerry Maguire (1996) (MA/4K) $6.50
Jigsaw (2017) (Vudu/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2
JOBS (2013) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
John Wick Collection 1-3 (Vudu/4K) $16 (iTunes/4K) $14.50 (Vudu/HD) $8
Jojo Rabbit (2019) (MA/4K) $7.50
Jumanji (1995) (MA/4K) $6.50
Jumanji: Next Level (2019) & Welcome to the Jungle (2017) (MA/HD) $7
Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Jungle Book (1967) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4
Jungle Book (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $2.75
Jungle Cruise (2021) (MA/4K) $5.50 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $1
Jurassic World Collection 1-5 (iTunes/4K) $17.50 (MA/HD) $8.50
Jurassic World Collection 1-6 (MA/HD) $11
Jurassic World: Dominion + Extended Cut (2022) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.75
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) (MA/4K) $4.75 (MA/HD) $1.75
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 1 (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Justice League: War World (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Kandahar (2023) (MA/4K) $7
Karate Kid (1984) (MA/4K) $6.50
Kick-Ass (2010) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Kick-Ass 2 (2013) (MA/HD) $5.25 (iTunes/HD) $5
Kicks (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Kid Who Would Be King (2019) (MA/HD) $4.50
Kid, The (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.75
Kidnap (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Killer Elite (2011) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.25
Kimi (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75
Kin (2018) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
King Kong (2005) (MA/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.75 (MA/HD) $3.50
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.25
Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $5.50
Kung Fu Panda Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $15
La La Land (2016) (Vudu/HD) $2.25 (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Labor Day (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Last Vegas (2013) (MA/HD) $3
Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) (MA/HD) $7.50
Last Word (2017) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.75
Lawrence of Arabia (Restored Version) (1962) (MA/HD) $5
Leon: The Professional (Extended Cut) (1994) (MA/4K) $6.50
Les Miserables (1998) (MA/HD) $6.75
Lighthouse (Vudu/HD) $6
Lightyear (2022) (MA/4K) $4.75 (MA/HD) $2.50 (GP/HD) $1
Lilo & Stitch (2002) & Stitch Has a Glitch (2005) (MA/HD) $9.50 (GP/HD) $5.50
Lion (2016) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Little Women (2019) (MA/HD) $5.75
Live Die Repeat: Edge Of Tomorrow (2014) (MA/4K) $5.50
Logan Lucky (2017) (MA/HD) $2 (iTunes/4K) $3
Lone Ranger (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Lost City, The (2022) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
Love Actually (2003) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5
Lovebirds (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5.25
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (2022) (MA/HD) $4.25
M3GAN + Unrated (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Ma (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Madagascar Collection 1-4 (MA/HD) $15
Magnificent Seven (2016) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (Vudu/HD) $2
Mamma Mia! The Movie (2008) & Here We Go Again (2018) (MA/HD) $6.50
Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) (MA/HD) $6
Manchester by the Sea (Vudu/HD) $5.75
Marksman, The (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Marlowe (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Marshall (2017) (MA/HD) $4.50
Martian - Extended Cut (2015) (MA/4K) $7.75 (MA/HD) $5.25
Mary Queen of Scots (2018) (MA/HD) $6
Maze Runner Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14.50
Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.75
McFarland, USA (2015) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Meg 2: The Trench (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Meg Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $8.50
Megan Leavey (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.75
Memory (2022) (MA/HD) $3.50
Men (2022) (Vudu/HD) $5
Men in Black (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Men in Black Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14.50
MIB: International (2019) (MA/4K) $5.50 (MA/HD) $4.50
Mickey & Friends 10 Classic Shorts - Volume 2 (2023) (MA/HD) $6.25 (GP/HD) $5
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts - Volume 1 (2023) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $3.75
Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Midnight Meat Train (Unrated Director's Cut) (2008) (Vudu/HD) $5
Mile 22 (2018) (Vudu/4K) $7
Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) & Minions (2015) (MA/HD) $7.25
Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5
Miss Peregrineā€™s Home for Peculiar Children (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2
Mission: Impossible ā€“ Dead Reckoning Part One (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7
Mission: Impossible Collection 1-6 (iTunes/4K) $20 (Vudu/HD) $18
Mitchells Vs. The Machines (2021) (MA/HD) $4.25
Moneyball (2011) (MA/HD) $2.50
Monster Hunter (2020) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4
Moonfall (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.75
Moonrise Kingdom (2012) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4
Morbius (2022) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $3
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5.50
Mulan (2020) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $2.25
My All American (2015) (MA/HD) $5 (iTunes/HD) $4
My Fair Lady (1964) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Never Grow Old (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
News of the World (2020) (MA/HD) $3.50
Night at the Museum 3-Movie (MA/HD) $11.50 (MA/SD) $8
Night School (Extended Cut) (2018) (MA/HD) $4.25
Nightmare Alley (2021) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
No Country For Old Men (2007) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
No Hard Feelings (2023) (MA/HD) $5.50
Nobody (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Nope (2022), Get Out (2017) & Us (2019) (MA/HD) $9
Northman (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $3.75
Now You See Me 1-2 (Vudu/HD) $4 (iTunes/HD) $6.50
Nun 2 (2023) (MA/HD) $6
Old (2021) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.25
Oliver! (1968) (MA/4K) $6.50
Only The Brave (2017) (MA/HD) $5
Onward (2020) (MA/4K) $5.25 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $1
Oppenheimer (2023) (MA/HD) $7
Other Guys, The (2010) (MA/4K) $6.50
Outfit (2022) (MA/HD) $7
Over the Hedge (2006) (MA/HD) $6.50
Overlord (2018) (Vudu/4K) $4.50 (Vudu/HD) $2.75 (iTunes/4K) $4
Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.25
Parasite (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4.50
Patriot Games (1992) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Paul (2011) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.25
PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie (2023) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.25
Pearl (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6
Penguins of Madagascar (2014) (MA/HD) $2.75
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013) (MA/HD) $2.25
Peteā€™s Dragon (2016) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.25
Peter Pan (1953) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Peter Rabbit (2018) & 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $7.50
Peter Rabbit 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $4
Phantom Thread (2017) (MA/HD) $3.75
Philadelphia (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Philadelphia (1993) (MA/4K) $8
Pitch Perfect Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $11.50
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5
Planes: Fire & Rescue (2014) (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $2
Planet of the Apes 1-3 (Newer) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $11
Pope's Exorcist (2023) (MA/HD) $5.75
Premium Rush (2012) (MA/HD) $3.25
Priceless (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) (MA/HD) $6
Prince of Egypt (2002) (MA/HD) $5.50
Proud Mary (2018) (MA/HD) $4
Psycho (1960) (MA/HD) $4.50
Public Enemies (2009) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $6.25
Puss in Boots (2011) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Queen & Slim (2019) (MA/HD) $4.25
Rambo Collection 1-5 (Vudu/HD) $12.50
Ratatouille (2007) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Replicas (2019) (Vudu/4K) $5.25
Rhythm Section (2020) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4
Ricki And The Flash (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
Riddick Collection 1-3 (Unrated) (MA/HD) $13.50
Ride Along 1-2 (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5 $2.75 Each
Risen (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
Robin Hood (2010) (MA/4K) $6
Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) (MA/HD) $5.25
Room (2015) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Rudy (Director's Cut) (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Rumble (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Russell Madness (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
Saint Maud (2020) (Vudu/HD) $6
Savages (2012) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $2.25
Saving Mr. Banks (2013) (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.50
Saw (2004) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Saw Collection 1-7 (Vudu/HD) $9.75
Scary Movie Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Scream (1996) (Vudu/4K) $6
Scream 5 (2022) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $5
Scream 6 (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
Scream Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
Secret Headquarters (2022) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Secret Life of Pets Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $7.25
Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) (MA/HD) $2
Shape of Water (2017) (MA/HD) $3.25
Shrek the Third (2007) (MA/HD) $6
Shutter Island (2010) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Sicario (2015) (Vudu/4K) $5.50 (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3
Sick (2023) (MA/4K) $6.75
Silent Night, Deadly Night: 3-Film Collection (1989-1991) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) (Vudu/HD) $6
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2007) (MA/HD) $6.50
Sing 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $3.75
Sing Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $6
Singin' in the Rain (1952) (MA/4K) $6
Sinister (2012) (Vudu/HD) $3 (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Slender Man (2018) (MA/HD) $5.25
Smile (2022) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $6.25
Smokey and the Bandit (1977) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.50
Smokin' Aces (2007) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $5.50
Snowden (2016) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $4
Social Network (2010) (MA/4K) $6.50
Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
Son of a Gun (2015) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) (Vudu/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Sorry to Bother You (2018) (MA/HD) $4.75
Sound of Music (1965) (MA/HD) $5.50
Source Code (2011) (Vudu/4K) $5.50
Space Between Us, The (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Spell (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $5
Spider-Man Collection 1-8 (MA/HD) $26
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $5.50
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018) (MA/4K) $8 (MA/HD) $5.50
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.50
Spirit Untamed: The Movie (2021) (MA/HD) $5.50
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2003) (MA/HD) $4.75
Spotlight (2015) (MA/HD) $5 (iTunes/HD) $3
Star Trek Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) $9.50 (iTunes/4K) $13.50
Star, The (2017) (MA/HD) $4
Starship Troopers (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50
Step Brothers (2008) (MA/4K) $6.50
Stillwater (2021) (MA/HD) $4.75
Strange World (2022) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $4.25
Stuber (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Studio 666 (2022) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $6.25
Sum of All Fears, The (2002) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5.25
Super Mario Bros Movie (2023) (MA/4K) $7.25 (MA/HD) $5.50
Super Troopers (2002) (MA/HD) $5.50
T2 Trainspotting (2017) (MA/HD) $7
Tag (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50
Taken Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $9
Talk to Me (2023) (Vudu/4K) $6.50
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Tar (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Taxi Driver (1976) (MA/4K) $6.50
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
Thanksgiving (2023) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Think Like a Man (2012) & Too (2014) (MA/HD) $8.50
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $3.25 (GP/HD) $2
Ticket to Paradise (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Till (2022) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.75
Titanic (1997) (Vudu/4K) $6.50 (Vudu/HD) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) $6
TMNT Out of the Shadows (2016) (iTunes/4K) $4
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Total Recall + Extended (2012) (MA/HD) $4.75
Trading Places (1983) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Training Day (2001) (MA/4K) $6
Transformers 1-5 (Vudu/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $23
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023) (Vudu/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $6
Trolls Band Together (2023) (MA/HD) $6.50
Trolls Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $5.75
Trolls World Tour (2020) (MA/HD) $5.25
True Story (2015) (MA/HD) $5.25
Turning Red (2022) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.50
Turning, The (2020) (MA/HD) $5.25
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Unbroken (2014) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Uncharted (2022) (MA/4K) $5.25 (MA/HD) $3.25
Uncle Drew (2018) (Vudu/4K) $6 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Uncut Gems (2019) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Under the Skin (2014) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Underwater (2020) (MA/HD) $5.50
Unhinged (2020) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Unholy, The (2021) (MA/HD) $7
Up (2009) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
Up in Smoke ā€˜Cheech and Chongā€™ (1978) (Vudu/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Usual Suspects, The (1995) (Vudu/HD) $6
V for Vendetta (2006) (MA/4K) $6.50
Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4
Vertigo (1958) (MA/HD) $4.75
Vice (2018) 'Christian Bale' (MA/HD) $5
Violent Night (2022) (MA/HD) $5.75
Visit (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
WALL-E (2008) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7.50
War Dogs (2016) (MA/4K) $6.50
War of the Worlds (1953) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.50
Warm Bodies (2013) (iTunes/4K) $2.50 (Vudu/HD) $2
Waves (2019) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Whale, The (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6
When the Bough Breaks (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
When the Game Stands Tall (2014) (MA/HD) $4.25
Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) (MA/HD) $4
Whiplash (2014) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
White Boy Rick (2018) (MA/HD) $5
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) (MA/4K) $6.50 (GP/HD) $4
Why Him? (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2
Wild Card (2015) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year (2002) (MA/HD) $6.25
Winter's Bone (2010) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5
Woman King (2022) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $4
X (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
X-Men (2000), X2 (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) (MA/HD) $14
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) (MA/HD) $6
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2004) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50 Rogue Cut (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5
X-Men: First Class (2010), Days of Future Past (2004), Apocalypse (2014) (MA/HD) $10.50
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.25
Yesterday (2019) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.75
Zombieland (2009) (MA/4K) $7.50
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019) (MA/4K) $7.50 (MA/HD) $5.50
Zookeeper's Wife, The (2017) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4
Zootopia (2016) (MA/4K) $7.25 (iTunes/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.25
submitted by wtfwafflezor to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 02:09 Bequralia šŸ˜¤ā€¦

Okbuddyrainworld ā€œdonā€™t be an assholeā€ 1984.
Okbuddyrainworld ā€œno racism, sexism, homophobia, or generally being an assā€ Fahrenheit 451.
Okbuddyrainworld ā€œno unmarked NSFW under ANY circumstances.ā€ TNO burgundy.
Okbuddyrainworld ā€œno politicsā€ animal farm.
Okbuddyrainworld ā€œNo sexually provocative imagery. (Unless you can be funny about it)ā€ Atlas shrugged.
Okbuddyrainworld ā€œNo brigading, complaining about/ celebrating getting banned/deleted from the subreddits.ā€ Germany 1942.
Okbuddyrainworld ā€œDo not post, link, or discuss the sharing out outright pornography, this isnā€™t an 18+ subredditā€ Brave new world.
Okbuddyrainworld ā€œsee something, say something.ā€ Man in the high castle.
submitted by Bequralia to OkbuddyRainworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 02:50 adulting4kids Rejected

It's essential to focus on continual improvement and resilience. Many successful authors faced rejection before achieving success. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, received numerous rejections initially. Stephen King's first novel was rejected dozens of times. Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, and Margaret Mitchell all encountered rejection before finding success. Remember, rejection is a part of the journey, and perseverance in honing your craft is key. Focus on refining your writing, seeking feedback, and staying persistent in your pursuit.
Here are a few strategies to help navigate the journey as a writer:
  1. Persistency: Keep writing and submitting your work. Each rejection can provide valuable lessons and insights into improving your writing. Don't let setbacks deter you from continuing to create.
  2. Feedback and Improvement: Seek feedback from peers, writing groups, or mentors. Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement and guide your growth as a writer.
  3. Diversify Submissions: Consider submitting your work to various publishers, agents, or literary magazines. Sometimes, a rejection from one might not reflect the response you'll receive from another.
  4. Stay Motivated: Surround yourself with inspiration. Read books, attend writing workshops, or engage with other creatives to stay motivated and connected within the writing community.
  5. Self-Care: Take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Rejections can be tough, so it's crucial to practice self-compassion and maintain a healthy perspective on your writing journey.
Remember, many renowned authors faced rejection before achieving success. Your persistence, dedication to improvement, and belief in your craft are vital elements that can lead you toward success as a writer.
6Here are a few more tips to help maintain motivation and progress as a writer:
  1. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable writing goals. Whether it's a daily word count, finishing a chapter, or completing a manuscript by a specific deadline, setting realistic targets can keep you focused and motivated.
  2. Embrace Revisions: Recognize that writing is rewriting. Embrace the revision process as an opportunity to polish your work. Revisions often lead to stronger storytelling and better-crafted prose.
  3. Connect with the Writing Community: Engage with other writers through social media, forums, or local writing groups. Networking can provide support, encouragement, and valuable insights into the publishing industry.
  4. Learn from Rejections: Instead of viewing rejections as failures, consider them as stepping stones toward success. Analyze feedback, if available, and use it constructively to refine your writing.
  5. Believe in Your Voice: Each writer has a unique voice. Embrace your style and perspective. Authenticity in storytelling often resonates with readers.
Lastly, remember that every successful author faced challenges and setbacks along their journey. It's the perseverance, commitment to improvement, and belief in their work that helped them overcome rejection and achieve success. Keep writing, stay resilient, and believe in your potential as a writer.
Here are quotes from some well-known authors who faced rejection before finding success:
  1. J.K. Rowling (Author of Harry Potter series):
    "Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me."
  2. Stephen King (Author of numerous bestsellers):
    "By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and kept on writing."
  3. Agatha Christie (Renowned mystery novelist):
    "I don't think necessity is the mother of invention. Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness - to save oneself trouble."
  4. Dr. Seuss (Author of beloved children's books):
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope."
  5. Margaret Mitchell (Author of "Gone with the Wind"):
    "Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it's no worse than it is."
These authors encountered rejection and setbacks on their paths to success but persisted in their writing endeavors, ultimately achieving acclaim for their work. Their quotes reflect their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing initial rejection.
Here are a few more quotes from authors who experienced rejection before achieving success:
  1. Louisa May Alcott (Author of "Little Women"):
    "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."
  2. George Orwell (Author of "1984" and "Animal Farm"):
    "Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand."
  3. John Grisham (Bestselling author of legal thrillers):
    "I faced rejection and constant criticism, but I never let up. I continued to persevere and pursued my writing passion."
  4. Madeleine L'Engle (Author of "A Wrinkle in Time"):
    "You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children."
  5. Ray Bradbury (Author of "Fahrenheit 451"):
    "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
These authors persisted through rejection, adversity, and doubts, yet remained dedicated to their writing. Their words reflect the perseverance, passion, and determination that ultimately led them to success in the literary world.
šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ”šŸ”šŸ”šŸ” So in handling rejection as a writer and finding inspiration from authors who faced rejection before achieving success, this article has provided:
  1. Strategies to stay motivated and improve as a writer, including persistence, seeking feedback, diversifying submissions, staying motivated, and practicing self-care.
  2. Additional tips like setting goals, embracing revisions, connecting with the writing community, learning from rejections, and embracing your unique voice.
  3. Quotes from various renowned authors such as J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, Margaret Mitchell, Louisa May Alcott, George Orwell, John Grisham, Madeleine L'Engle, and Ray Bradbury. These quotes highlight their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing rejection, ultimately leading to their success as authors.
The overarching message is to persist in writing, seek improvement, learn from setbacks, stay connected with the writing community, and believe in your unique voice as a writer, drawing inspiration from the experiences of successful authors who overcame rejection on their paths to success.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 04:21 tomkalbfus Colonization of Binary Star Systems: Colonizing Gaia BH1

One particular example of a binary star system is Gaia BH1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_BH1

Gaia BH1 (Gaia DR3 4373465352415301632) is a binary system consisting of a G-type main-sequence star and a likely stellar-mass black hole, located about 1,560 light-years (478 pc) away from the Solar System in the constellation of Ophiuchus.[4] As of April 2024, it is the nearest known system that astronomers are reasonably confident contains a black hole, followed by Gaia BH3, Gaia BH2 and A0620-00.[3][5]
The star and black hole orbit each other with a period of 185.59 days and an eccentricity of 0.45. The star is similar to the Sun, with about 0.93 Mā˜‰ and 0.99 Rā˜‰, and a temperature of about 5,850 K (5,580 Ā°C; 10,070 Ā°F), while the black hole has a mass of about 9.62 Mā˜‰.[3] Given this mass, the black hole's Schwarzschild radius should be about 28 km (17 mi).
The semi-major axis of the star's orbit around the black hole is 1.4 AU, the orbit has an eccentricity of 0.451
Possibly this system is a good candidate for colonization, I think the black hole is in the habitable zone of this star. There could be a planet orbiting the black hole, hard to tell at this distance, as the black hole is not likely to give off spectral doppler shifting, the planet is likely tidally locked with the black hole if one exists. so the maximum distance of the star from the black hole is 2 AU, and the minimum distance is 0.77 AU, I think the black hole stays mostly within the habitable zone of the star, and since a planet will likely have to orbit close to the black hole to have a stable orbit, the black hole's distance is approximately the distance of any planet orbiting the black hole as well, though planets could orbit both, but to do so would put such planets outside the habitable zone of the star.
submitted by tomkalbfus to IsaacArthur [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 23:37 StuntmanSalt Book Haul from a church sale, big win is Fahrenheit 451 5th printing

Book Haul from a church sale, big win is Fahrenheit 451 5th printing submitted by StuntmanSalt to bookhaul [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:23 emth5348 Weissbluthā€™s book persuaded us to try out extinction (with continued night feeds) at 3 months, and weā€™ve been extremely happy with the results

Originally, my wife and I had planned to wait until our child was 4 to 6 months of age to begin sleep training. However, as he approached his third month, we realized that we were often spending an hour or more each night on getting him to sleep. We would put him in his crib, return to him when he cried, and then try to console him. He always eventually fell asleep, but we knew that this time was cutting into the amount of rest he was getting each night.
Meanwhile, I had been reading through the 5th Edition of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (HSHHC) by Weissbluth. It seems that Weissbluth used to recommend waiting until 4 months to begin sleep training; however, this new edition makes it clear that he recommends that parents consider sleep training (including cry it out/extinction methods) as early as 2 months. (See the ā€˜Relevant Quotesā€™ heading below for more information.)
Developing our CIO plan:
After reviewing his discussion of various sleep training methods, I decided on a cry-it-out (CIO) approach, as I figured it would ultimately produce less crying and better-quality sleep than methods that could stretch on for weeks or months. For my wife and I, the benefits of allowing our child to learn self-soothing and giving him better-quality sleep right away outweighed any potential risks of CIO. (I know that many people would say that babies canā€™t begin self soothing until theyā€™re older, but he has been sucking his thumb and fist pretty often in the past few weeks, so we figured that he could use this as a self-soothing method, especially since we were transitioning to an arms-out swaddle.) We did meet with our pediatrician to confirm that using CIO at his age would be OK, and she reassured us that he was at an appropriate developmental period for this method, even if not all babies are.
Because of his young age, we decided to implement a 2-hour cap. Weā€™d wait 2 hours before going in to console or feed him, but if he cried after that, weā€™d go in and soothe him (and of course feed him if he appeared hungry). We realize that he will likely continue to need feeding once or twice overnight for a number of months, especially because heā€™s on the smaller side, so our goal was to help him get to and return to bed earlier, rather than to night wean him.
At HSSHCā€™s recommendation, we also shifted his bedtime to an earlier period (around 8 PM); made sure he was getting lots of naps during the day; and continued to use a white noise machine and blackout curtains to create a calmer sleep environment. We had been swaddling him arms-in since he was a newborn, but since he was now getting more active and gaining the ability to roll, we shifted to an arms-out swaddle. We knew this would make sleep training even harder, but at the advice of a Reddit thread on sleeptrain, we decided that implementing CIO at the same time that we switched to an arms-out swaddle would be the easiest option.
Implementing the plan:
So, shortly after he turned 3 months old, we began sleep training. After changing his diaper, feeding, and swaddling him and providing a little soothing, I laid him in his crib at 7:35 PM and left the room. He cried and fussed for around 42 minutes, then fell asleep. He then woke up 14 minutes later; cried/fussed for another 27 minutes; and fell asleep for good at 8:58 PMā€“after which he slept for around 4 and a half hours. He would sometimes show signs of the startle reflex (probably because he was getting used to the arms-out swaddle), but he was then able to calm himself back to sleep.
During the second night, he cried and fussed for 20 minutes before falling asleep; he woke up around 5 hours later. Heā€™d sometimes move around in bed but then return to a resting position soon after.
On the third night (tonight), he only fussed for 7 minutes; I didnā€™t actually hear him cry at all. (This may have been because he was pretty drowsy at the end of his meal.) Heā€™s sleeping great in his crib as I write this message.
In short, the time he needed to self-soothe and fall asleep decreased from 42 minutes the first night (or 69 if you count the second bout of fussing) to 20 minutes the second night, and then to 7 minutes the third night. This is huge for him! He can now use the early nighttime hours for sleep rather than for bouts of fussing, which should help with his development. He has continued to eat overnight, and that behavior will probably continue for quite a while, but weā€™re just thrilled that he now knows how to soothe himself to sleep.
His amount of crying also aligned pretty well with Weissbluthā€™s predictions for babies below 4 months of age (30-45 minutes on night 1; 10-30 on night 2; 0-10 on night 3; and none on night 4). Weissbluth actually predicts more crying than this for babies 4 months of age or older (see quotes below).
Final thoughts:
He was a happy, smiley baby before we implemented sleep training, and that has remained the case. I donā€™t see any signs that our attachment with him has been impaired by CIO. As he continues to get better rest, I expect that heā€™ll become even happier and more smiley in the coming months.
Iā€™m sure heā€™ll have periods of worse sleep now and then, but overall, my wife and I are thrilled with how well the extinction method has gone. Every childā€™s needs and circumstances are different, so this method may only be ideal for a minority of children. However, at the very least, I think more parents should at least consider beginning CIO at an earlier age.
Relevant Quotes:
(If youā€™re considering this approach as well, I highly recommend that you read as much of HSSHC as you can. I added the quotes below to help explain why we didnā€™t wait until 4 months or later to begin CIO.)
ā€œBecause this process of sleep regulation is developing during the first 4 months, there is no reason for most parents to delay and begin to think about helping their child sleep better only at 4 months of age. Starting earlier is easier.ā€ (p. 536)
ā€œParents who started helping their child sleep better at or before 4 months described better sleeping in their children than those parents who started after 4 months. This validates the notion that starting early is better than starting laterā€ (p. 162) His research also indicates that extinction results in less crying for children below 4 months of age than it does for children aged 4 months and up (p. 536)
ā€œFor babies younger than 2 months of age, consider graduated extinction, extinction with a cap, or check and console. Extinction, even for extreme fussiness/colic, may also be considered and be successful at 2 months of ageā€ (p. 451)
Although Weissbluth was our main resource on sleep training, I found Emily Osterā€™s section on this subject within Cribsheet to be helpful also. She notes that, while itā€™s impossible to prove that sleep training has no harmful effects, ā€œyou could easily argue the opposite: maybe sleep training is very good for some kidsā€“they really need the uninterrupted sleepā€“and there is a risk of damaging your child by not sleep training. There isnā€™t anything in the data that shows this, but there is similarly nothing to show that sleep training is badā€ (p. 181).
She also notes that ā€œthere is relatively little guidance on the appropriate age to start sleep training . . . generally, it will be easier to sleep train a six-month-old than a three-month-old [though Weissbluth would disagree with her here], and probably harder to train a two-year-old. But these methods seem to work on a variety of ages.ā€
Update: The subsequent 4 nights have been rockier. He's had quite a bit of crying and fussing in between being put down and going to sleep. I think the main issue is that he hasn't had a very consistent bedtime; we've been trying to get him to bed between 6 and 8 PM, but the exact time within that range can fluctuate quite a bit due to his inconsistent nap schedule. I still think implementing extinction was a good idea, since he's made great progress with self soothing and getting to bed earlier, but I owe it to him to give him as conducive an environment for making extinction work as possible.
submitted by emth5348 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]
