Acceptable audit risk

Trade it!

2011.01.22 06:52 Dubbys Trade it!

GearTrade is a subreddit to trade outdoor gear. Generally, this includes things related to hiking, camping, backpacking, skiing, hunting, and other "backcountry" uses. The moderators of this subreddit will NEVER contact you requesting personal information and/or passwords. Please report any/all suspicious activity to our mod team as soon as you encounter it.

2015.11.22 05:42 vwtrey Antique, vintage, and unusual fishing reels, rods, and more

Photographs, information, and discussion of vintage, antique, or unique fishing gear. Reels, rods, lures, and more.

2013.10.31 05:10 minecraftfan123 You don't surf: stupid fucking shirt

2024.05.15 14:15 maquinas501 NAVEX Unveils Compliance Program Management: DOJ Guidance

Gain instant insights into gaps and vulnerabilities, ensuring your program meets DOJ expectations and minimizes the risk of legal penalties.
Compliance professionals can now gain instant insights into gaps and vulnerabilities, ensuring their program meets DOJ expectations and minimizes their risk of legal penalties. This news is important for businesses as it helps them stay audit ready, reduce unseen compliance risk, and demonstrate program value. It also provides a clear roadmap to clarify compliance with expert input, making it easier for companies to navigate resource constraints, technology integrations, and cross-departmental collaboration.
Read More
submitted by maquinas501 to Business_NewsRamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:13 Icy-Statistician3337 9 Mistakes to Avoid While Taking the CA Exam

 9 Mistakes to Avoid While Taking the CA Exam
Taking the Chartered Accountant (CA) exam can be a daunting task. The CA Entrance Exam is known for its rigor and complexity, and even the most prepared candidates can make mistakes that cost them valuable points. However, with proper preparation and a strategic approach, you can minimize the risk of making errors and increase your chances of success. In this guide, we'll explore various strategies to help you avoid mistakes when taking the CA exam.
Understanding the Format and Content:
Before diving into preparation, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the exam format and content. The CA Entrance exam typically consists of multiple-choice questions, case studies, and written responses, covering various topics such as financial accounting, taxation, auditing, and business laws. Familiarize yourself with the exam syllabus and past papers to get a clear picture of what to expect on exam day.
Effective Time Management:CA Foundation Exam
Effective time management is crucial for CA Foundation exam success. Allocate study time wisely, prioritizing topics like Accounting, Business Laws, Economics, and Mathematics. Create a structured study schedule, allowing for regular breaks and review sessions. Utilize CA Foundation books and study materials to reinforce concepts and practice questions. Practice past papers under timed conditions to improve speed and accuracy. Balancing study time with relaxation ensures optimal performance on exam day.
Thorough Preparation:
Preparation is the cornerstone of success in the CA Entrance exam. Start early and break down the syllabus into manageable sections. Use a variety of study materials, including textbooks, online resources, and practice questions, to reinforce your understanding of key concepts. Consider enrolling in a review course or hiring a tutor to provide additional support and guidance.
Practice on Study Material For CA :
Practice is essential for mastering the skills required to excel in the CA exam. Solve as many practice questions and past papers as possible to familiarize yourself with the exam format and types of questions asked. Focus on understanding the underlying principles and concepts rather than memorizing answers. Review your mistakes regularly and learn from them to avoid repeating them in the actual exam.
Simulate Exam Conditions:
To simulate exam conditions, try taking practice exams under timed conditions. Find a quiet and distraction-free environment, set a timer, and attempt the exam without any interruptions. This will help you get accustomed to the pressure and time constraints of the actual exam, allowing you to perform better on the day.
Stay Calm and Focused on CA Final Exam
Exam stress can detrimentally affect CA Final performance. Utilize innovative study materials for ca final such as interactive online modules and virtual simulations to enhance comprehension and retention. Employ relaxation techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness to alleviate pre-exam nerves. Maintain concentration during the exam, refraining from fixating on prior errors. If confronted with a difficult question, maintain composure and proceed to the next, revisiting it later if possible. Effective use of cutting-edge study resources and stress management strategies is pivotal for success.
Read Instructions Carefully:
Many mistakes on exams can be attributed to overlooking or misinterpreting instructions. Take the time to read the instructions carefully before attempting each section of the exam. Pay attention to any specific requirements or guidelines provided by the examiners, such as word limits or formatting instructions for written responses.
Review Your Answers on our CA Final Exam:
Please study your answers very carefully before turning in your CA Final exam paper. To cross-reference ideas and verify answers, consult the CA Final books and additional resources. Pay close attention to intricate subjects such as advanced auditing, corporate and economic laws, and strategic financial management. Find any mistakes or omissions and fix them if needed. Examining your responses helps to confirm correctness and increases self-assurance, which could raise your final grade.
Seek Support and Feedback
If you're struggling with certain topics or concepts, don't hesitate to seek support from teachers, classmates, or online forums. Collaborating with others can provide valuable insights and perspectives that can help clarify your doubts and reinforce your understanding. Additionally, consider seeking feedback on your practice exams from experienced mentors or tutors to identify areas for improvement.
Taking the CA exam requires thorough preparation, effective time management, and a strategic approach. By understanding the exam format, practicing regularly, and staying calm under pressure, you can minimize the risk of making mistakes and increase your chances of success. Remember to stay focused, read instructions carefully, and seek support when needed. With dedication and perseverance, you can ace the CA exam and embark on a successful career as a chartered accountant.
submitted by Icy-Statistician3337 to u/Icy-Statistician3337 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:07 Secret-Strawberryz Why did the lender undervalue the house by £30k when our Level 3 surveyor valued it higher?

So, we're self-employed, chain-free buyers who fell in love with a beautiful 3-bed Victorian house with 0.25 acres of land in the North of England. The asking price was £425k, and after much deliberation, the couple accepted our lower offer of £400k. We set things in motion for the mortgage lender to send out their surveyor. The surveyor came back with a valuation of £370k, which shocked us!
We're limited to one mortgage option because only one of us could provide a full year's earnings, while the other only has a few months. The lender will cover the difference but at a slightly higher rate.
We tried to negotiate, but the sellers refused outright. I can't really blame them since the house is amazing, and I believe it's worth what they're asking. We didn't want to walk away because we loved the property, so we decided to get a Level 3 survey, which cost us £850. The surveyor was extremely thorough and owned a Victorian property himself, so he knew a lot about this type of house. He valued it at £400k.
Despite this, the lender wouldn't budge, even though their surveyor only did a basic survey and spent about 10 minutes on it. We're happier with the Level 3 survey; the house is in great condition for its age, and the owners have really cared for it. We've decided to move forward, but I don't understand why the lender won't reconsider their decision given the thoroughness of our survey. £30k is a huge difference!
Has anyone had this happen and do lenders tend to undervalue due to more risk in a self employed buyer? Surely this would be illegal no?
submitted by Secret-Strawberryz to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:01 Plankton_Etn IBFT Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerant

IBFT Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerant
Consensus algorithms are one of the core innovations of blockchain, and yet also one of the most confusing. Satoshi Nakamoto created a version of Proof of Work (PoW) that was implemented as a means for simultaneously securing and validating Bitcoin transactions. The blockchain community has built on that core vision to create an alphabet soup of Proof of Stake (PoS), Proof of Authority (PoA), PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant), and many others that are all designed to build consensus in a distributed system, creating the single source of truth that makes blockchain so valuable.
IBFT (Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerant) is a consensus mechanism which is an alternative to Proof of Work in a Bitcoin network. Like other algorithms, IBFT ensures a single, agreed-upon ordering for transactions in the blockchain, and provides added benefits for enterprises, including settlement finality.
Before getting into the operation of the IBFT consensus mechanism, it is worth mentioning when and why one would want to use IBFT. In a public blockchain, the short answer is likely that you would not. But when it comes to consortium or private blockchains, IBFT starts to look quite appealing.
The PoW algorithm is famously costly, in both hardware and electricity. This cost is intentional, to prevent anyone from easily taking over the network, and thus PoW is very suitable for situations with full decentralization where anyone (including attackers) can participate. Nodes in the consortium/private chains used by enterprises, however, are intrinsically more trusted than those in a public chain. As such, the PoW consensus mechanism may be overly burdensome, and other mechanisms may provide “enough” trust to run a distributed system.
Proof of Stake, likewise, may be less relevant for enterprises, because paying for gas is less important in a permissioned network. Since nodes do not (necessarily) need to maintain currency in the network, PoS would introduce extraneous requirements.
Considering these tradeoffs, Proof of Authority (PoA) emerges as a possible best solution, utilising a system whereby nodes in the network are allocated the privilege of producing new blocks for the chain using a round-robin or other arbitrary system.
IBFT is one of the many flavours of PoA and provides the following benefits:
  • Immediate block finality. There’s only 1 block proposed at a given chain height. The single chain thus removes forking, uncle blocks, and the risk that a transaction may be “undone” once on the chain at a later time.
  • Reduced time between blocks. The effort needed to construct and validate blocks is significantly reduced (in particular with respect to PoW), greatly increasing the throughput of the chain.
  • High data integrity and fault tolerance. IBFT uses a group of validators to ensure the integrity of each block being proposed. A super-majority (~66%) of these validators are required to sign the block prior to insertion to the chain, making block forgery very difficult. The ‘leadership’ of the group also rotates over time — ensuring a faulty node cannot exert long term influence over the chain.
  • Operationally flexible. The group of validators can be modified in time, ensuring the group contains only full-trusted nodes.
Here we provided an overview of IBFT, in mostly non-technical terms. For some of the original proposals of IBFT, you can review the EIPs on GitHub:
For the rest of this page, we’ll explore IBFT’s more technical considerations, discussing many of the concepts found in the EIPs and that we have learned through our own research.
Note: IBFT code can also be found in a go-ethereum pull request #16385.
The IBFT consensus mechanism comprises the following components:
  1. A PBFT inspired group consensus model.
  2. A process by which members can be added/removed from the validating group.
IBFT requires the Block Header to be (subtly) reworked to support all facets of the capability.

Group Consensus Model


IBFT uses a pool of validating nodes (Validators) operating on the Electronem network to determine if a proposed block is suitable for addition to the chain.
One node of the Validators is arbitrarily selected as the Proposer and is responsible for constructing a block at the block-interval and sharing said block with the group. If a super-majority of the Validators deem the block to be valid it is added to the blockchain.
At the completion of the consensus round, the Validators may select a new Proposer which will be responsible for providing the candidate Block at the next block interval.
The consensus mechanism is a synchronised state machine, which is responsible for ensuring all Validators append the same block to the chain at the same height.
If a block fails to insert, the Proposer is changed, and the process starts anew.
To ensure only one block can be appended to the state machine, IBFT prevents changing the proposed block once a super-majority of validators have agreed to its insertion (but not performed said work), this process is referred to as ‘Block Locking’.
The IBFT consensus mechanism offers system stability provided less than 1/3 of the validating nodes are behaving incorrectly (either due to being compromised or due to faulty code). I.e. to tolerate F faulty nodes the validation group must contain at least 3F + 1 nodes (more than this does not increase system integrity).
Note: Herein F implies the number of faulty nodes tolerated by the system.

State Machine

IBFT State Machine


  • Awaiting Proposal. Validator is waiting for a new block to be supplied by the current proposer. If the validator is the proposer for this round, they prepare the proposed block and transmit it in a pre-prepare message.
  • Preparing. Has received a (valid) proposed block and notified validator-peers; is now waiting for validator-peers to notify their acceptance of the block.
  • Ready. Has received validator-peer’s acceptance of block, and is waiting for them to be a in a similar position. At this stage the proposed block has been ‘locked-in’, and cannot be replaced until an attempt at insertion has been conducted.
  • Round Change. The round timed out before consensus was reached or the block failed to insert. Wait for all validators to agree on the next round number.


  1. Awaiting Proposal → Preparing. On reception of a new block (Preprepare message) from the proposer (i.e. the block is valid in its content, as is its proposed chain insertion point).
  2. Awaiting Proposal → Round Change. The received proposal was not a valid block according to a given set of rules (e.g. invalid proposer, incorrect round numbering).
  3. Preparing → Ready. On reception of 2F+1 notifications (Prepare message) from validator-peers indicating the proposed block is suitable for insertion.
  4. Ready → Awaiting Proposal. On reception of 2F+1 notifications (Commit message) from validator-peers indicating they are ready to append the block to the chain. On transition, the process of appending the block to the chain is performed (success).
  5. Ready → Round Change. As per Ready->Awaiting Proposal, however, block insertion has failed.
  6. Round Change → Awaiting Proposal. 2F+1 of validators agree on the next round number to be used.
Note: All transitions into “RoundChange” result in the Validator transmitting a “RoundChange” message to its validator-peers.

Block Locking

IBFT mandates that forks shall not be created. To this end, once a block has been agreed upon by a majority (i.e. on entry to the Ready state) it becomes “locked in”.
This means no other blocks will be considered for insertion until an attempt to add this block to the chain has been attempted. Thus either the block is inserted successfully (once sufficient commit messages are received, either in this or subsequent rounds), or the block fails insertion, is discarded, and a new block is proposed at the current chain height.

Validation Group Membership

The members of the validation group may change over time through a voting mechanism. Members can be added or removed through a majority (Floor(N/2) + 1) vote; each vote is captured in the Block Header.
Each node in the network (including non-validating nodes) is responsible for tracking the vote tally for each validator to determine the current Validators and ensure signatures on mined blocks fall within the expected group.
Given each vote is contained in the Block Header, only the Proposer for a given round is able to cast a vote. Thus it is important, if nodes are to be added/removed in a timely fashion, that the Proposer role be updated on a regular basis.
Once a node reaches majority votes, they immediately join/leave the validator group.
IBFT recognises a Voting Epoch, which defines a point at which all votes which have not yet reached a majority are removed, forcing the voting tally to be restarted. This implies when tallying votes, Validators need only start at the most recent epoch. By default, the Voting Epoch occurs every 17,280 blocks.
Votes define a change of state (i.e. candidates get voted in, validators get voted out), not voting for a given node implies the Validator does not wish the node to change state (an explicit vote is not required to maintain the status quo).

Block Header Refactor

To support IBFT in Electroneum Smart Chain a number of changes must be made to the block headers in comparison to Ethereum's block header. These changes include:
  • beneficiary: identifies the node for which a vote is being cast.
  • nonce: specifies the vote “direction” — AUTH or DROP.
  • mixHash: afixed magic number, identifying this block as being IBFT validated.
  • ommersHash: must be the hash of an empty set, as there are no ommer blocks when operating under IBFT.
  • timestamp: must be at least the parent block’s timestamp + block interval.
  • difficulty: must be filled with 0x0000000000000001.
  • extraData: contains IBFT specific data including List of Validator Addresses, ProposerSeal (identifies the proposer), CommittingSeals (list of the validators which reported ‘commit’ on this block).
As the list of CommittingSeals for each validator is (potentially) different, it is important that the block hash not include this information — i.e. even though two blocks have different CommittingSeals fields, they represent the same information (i.e. transactions etc. are identical).


In closing, IBFT is a Byzantine fault tolerant solution offering immediate transaction finality which reduces the required infrastructure that PoW demands.
While unlikely to be ever used on the Ethereum mainnet (with the much wider, unknown set of participating actors), it offers substantial benefit when used on a private chain where the validator pool is trusted and held accountable; it provides an ideal solution for a chain with a fixed cadence and a predictable transaction processing rate.
The processes explored in this article give confidence that the Electroneum Smart Chain employing IBFT will be tolerant of Byzantine nodes and can be recovered should those nodes be seen to be exerting over control on the network.
submitted by Plankton_Etn to Electroneum [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:20 punhnutrition Punh: The Mantra of Perseverance

Punh: The Mantra of Perseverance
SkinCare tablets
In today's world oftentimely consumers have nutrient deficiency due to environmental pollutants and nutrient deficient food diet. Also, due to the inactivities and long exposures to UV, our ability to collect essentials would be reduced as before fathers. That's where Punh enters the scene, a strong antioxidant products. In here, the emotive power will be leveraged to create an image for a skincare product which is really a little kind of encouragening phrase; it is more like just to give a fighting chance to try it one more time so that you can enjoy the amazing results you would see by using this product in case the bad days and their inappropriate moods make you feel like abandoning your skin goals. Each capsule is filled with a powerful concentrated blend of extracts from the plant and vitamins that increase regulated cell regeneration, brightening, and evening up of your tone. If you are tired of age spots, melasma, dark patches, or a tired looking skin complexion, Punch can help restore broken equilibrium.
Glutathione’s extraordinary properties: They’re More Than a Fad
UV rays and pollution chip off on our glutathione levels. It shows unwanted changes, like discolored skin with an uneven tone, and recent visible signs of aging. And yet, glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants, can help us turn back time on this damage. The glutathione attaches itself to free radicals and toxins and neutralizes them for elimination from your body. By supporting your natural detoxification process, glutathione shields your complexion from environmental threats. With ample glutathione levels, you'll enjoy a brighter, more even overall tone – revealing a youthful glow. True beauty comes from the inside – and that includes healthy skin. Although topical remedies may hide the symptoms, it is impossible to achieve the best from within. To boost your appearance, feed your body with a balanced diet filled with antioxidative fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition, exercise and ensuring you are properly hydrated would also clean your skin up. Finally, love and accept your natural features and make sure to take care of yourself inside out. Let Glutathione and comprehensive skincare provide you with the stunning natural shine on your skin.
Dosage Tips
Dosage is one of the factors that cannot use the same "one size fits all" strategy for glutathione supplementation because every individual is different. Scientific studies demonstrate the effective-ness of 250mg-1000 mg for one another by oral glutathione daily, for individual variations, general factors like age or weight or existing condition of health influence resuts widely.
Skincare Tips:
Opt for a marvelous difference in your skin tone. Dullness gets wiped off from your skin, and your face sparkles with a healthy glow.
Stubborn dark spots and uneven pigmentation even out and you are just left with the type of skin that changes before your very own eyes. Even the texture of your skin also changed dramatically and visibly showed a lessening of wrinkles and fine lines. Features of your skin seemed to reflect youth, suppleness, velvety softness. The difference is the commitment to excellence. Right on through, the follow-through provides the next supplement to the long line. We are driven and spirited to provide your change with passion, giving it the power behind. This is so because of the quality and effectiveness, all with such a priority to the customers above all. Our formulations unveil the very strict scientific research, done by field leaders. It is all about the effectiveness of proven ingredients thoughtfully chosen by us and the combinations that have proper thinking behind them to bring visible and long-standing results, representing satisfaction to you. Our every formula for products comes with a backing of vast research and testing. Because of the fact that we ensure to analyze scientific studies with great care, making sure that we see which ingredients prove effective in helping you reach your goals, and what final result they are capable of producing. Our products are sure to evoke powerful, scientifically-backed ingredients and make sure that the results are real and measurable.
An experienced medical staff's competence is crucial for IV glutathione administration care. They become personal physicians to you and your health, look for the invisible interactions between your existing prescriptions and the new one and make sure the necessary dosage and method of intake are carried out properly. The decision to go ahead with the medical treatments requires the intervention of highly qualified medical practitioners with the /significance of expertise to steer clear of risks and boost the possibility of maximum benefits according to your individual circumstance. Always get your doctor's advice if you take any medicine or supplements that may interact or be prohibited by the doctor. Involvement with healthcare workers along the way is vital towards your safety and also so that the full potential of glutathione supplementation is reached
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submitted by punhnutrition to u/punhnutrition [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:09 Zhanglixu35 Medical incurable multiple sclerosis was cured by Buddhism (硬化症)

—— Feedback from a 90S Buddhist practitioner who shared her experiences with tears at the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door Website.
Gratitude to Namo Sakyamuni Buddha!
Gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
Gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time!
Gratitude to the Dharma protectors!
Gratitude to the benefactor and benevolent father Master Jun Hong Lu!
Gratitude to my fellow Dharma practitioners!
I am very happy to share with you my path to learning Buddhism in a healthy state. I am a post-90s person, and I am also a devout Buddhist. Previously, I just believed in Buddhism, burned incense and worshiped the Buddha, but I did not know I should recite Buddhist scriptures. In my consciousness, reciting Buddhist scriptures is the business of a monk or nun. It was later when I became acquainted with Buddhism formally that I realized that monks, nuns, laymen monks, and laymen nuns can all recite Buddhist scriptures if they are willing to do so.
I came into contact with Buddhism in the summer of 2018, the year I gave birth to 2 children in a row. My physical state was particularly poor. I suffer from insomnia almost every night. I often got to bed around 10:00 p.m. and woke up around 1:00 a.m., and I was then unable to sleep. During the day, I had to take care of the children and do housework. I often felt physically exhausted.
One night, I remembered that my cousin transcribed Buddhist scriptures. I thought that it would be better for me to do so at home so that I would not be wasting sleepless hours. By transcribing Buddhist scriptures I could cultivate my mind and improve my handwriting. Then, I searched the Internet. They said that transcribing Buddhist scriptures disrespects the Bodhisattva, so I gave up this idea. Then I thought of reciting Buddhist scriptures. The several Buddhist scriptures I found online were not suitable for me.
It might be my affinity with Buddha is ripe, or it is the Bodhisattva's compassion for me. Not long after I saw an article online that said reciting Buddhist scriptures could change one's destiny. I just casually left a comment below:“Can reciting Buddhist scriptures really change destiny?”Back and forth in this way, I added that Buddhist practitioner to my friend list.
What impressed me the most was that practicing Buddhism and reciting Buddhist scriptures are free of charge, and there will be no fees. On the Internet, she shared with me a lot of Buddhist scripture information. Later, she mailed me the Dharma Gems. After receiving the Dharma Gems, I began reciting the Buddhist scriptures, and I kept doing so until my children started school. I became very busy after school started. I did not want to recite Buddhist scriptures anymore. I recited a few Little Houses but did not repay my karmic creditors. Perhaps that is why my karma was activated early.
In the winter, I found that I had a high frequency of headaches, and also suffered left migraines. The left side of the body was soft and numb, especially the left toes and the hand. I wondered if it was the same as my mother's disease. Until December, when my mother again went to the provincial capital hospital due to health problems, did I realize this was a genetic condition. Further, the probability of female inheritance is very high. Then, I searched the Internet for primary multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms and compared them to my own physical condition. I broke down. I was 26 years old at the time, just entering the age of predestined 369 calamity.
I had just been married for 2 years. I didn't dare tell my husband because I was afraid the family would be broken up. Since I had 2 daughters, I was afraid they would inherit the disease. I didn't dare tell my parents either, for fear of causing psychological pressure on my mom. I bear it alone. My spirit was in a state of collapse every day.
One day, I suddenly remembered a cancer case that was cured by practicing Buddhism, which was shared in a WeChat moment. Why not MS? Again, I contacted the Buddhist practitioner who transformed me. I cried and told her what had happened to me. I asked her if reciting Buddhist scriptures could really heal me. I remembered that she replied to me very firmly, saying it would definitely cure me. That's how I returned to the path of reciting Buddhist scriptures. This time I was with hope and determination in practicing Buddhism. MS can't be cured medically, only managed. I have no way out. I want to change my destiny through Dharma.
Since then, I have frantically read the shared presentations and referred to those practitioners’cases. I want to see how to do merits and virtues by making vows and releasing lives. Once, I made a vow to the sky to release fish worth 1,000 CNY and recited a number of Little Houses. Right at that moment, the left side of my body became much lighter and less numb. I thought it was amazing. It gave me a little more confidence in reciting Buddhist scriptures. When I saw people sharing that vegetarian is good, I made a vow to be vegetarian 2 days a month, then 10 days a month, and then a full-time vegetarian.
My physical conditions were not always as good as I wanted them to be, sometimes good and sometimes bad. I often dream of the dead. Once I dreamed that I had caused a car full of people to fall into the river and die. When I woke up, I hurriedly made a vow to ascend them using the Little House. Master Lu enlightened us that everyone comes into this world with karmic obstacles. Only by constantly reciting Buddhist scriptures, performing merits and virtues and repaying debts can these karmic obstacles be dissolved. Therefore, I knew that my karmic obstacle is from my past life, and I either have to repay it with my body or with reciting Buddhist scriptures. I chose the latter, by reciting Buddhist scriptures to repent of my past sins. Thereafter, whenever I dreamed of the deceased, I would make a vow to recite the Little House for them.
I have also deeply repented gossiping behind people's backs, saying too many bad things about them, and doing too many things behind their backs. Due to unknown the cause and effect, I advised people to divorce. I have been obsessed with worldly love and watched too many romance novels and TV dramas, which has led to my blessings loss. I have taken advantage of small gains and committed very petty thefts. I have deeply repented to this now. I am willing to spend the rest of my life cultivating my behavior and mind! I will recite the Buddhist scriptures and recite Little Houses to pay off my karmic debts.
With time, my symptoms improved: from the 24-hour constant numbness in my hands and feet in 2018, to a little bit lighter in 2019, to 2020 when sometimes these symptoms disappeared for a period of time, to 2021 when the symptoms nearly disappeared but the feeling of recurrence still came back at times, and then to 2022 when I had almost forgotten about MS because the softness and numbness in my hands and feet had completely disappeared. It is only now that I dare to stand up bravely and say I am really cured. This is because I have been free of the MS symptoms for >1 year. I am really grateful to the Bodhisattva! Buddhist scriptures have created miracles for me.
Maybe readers will think I have not done diagnosis tests. How can I tell if I have MS? First of all, my physical symptoms are the same as my mom's. Secondly, this disease is divided into hereditary and non-hereditary forms. Unfortunately, my mom's is hereditary, and she has test results for it. Furthermore, I've googled too much information just hoping it's something else and my faulty senses. One article had a message conversation that caused me to fall into the abyss. That person had the same disease and had been diagnosed, and mine was exactly the same. Honestly, I couldn't go to the hospital for a checkup, because I really couldn't face this reality.
Even though I had already practiced Buddhism, any time I thought of having MS it literally broke me down. Sometimes I would wonder why my hands and feet were still numb and weak after reciting Buddhist scriptures for so long and releasing so many lives. Why is it still not healed? This type of thought made me collapse. After collapsing, I decided to continue practicing because of the fact that this disease cannot be cured medically. Reading Buddhist practitioners’ shared presentations is my only motivation. So many rare and intractable diseases were cured, I firmly believe that the Bodhisattva will save me, too. I don't think words can really express my inner world. My heart always experiences breaking down and healing itself over and over again; then breaking down again and healing itself again.
I am grateful to my cousin for accompanying me all the way and listening to me pour out my sufferings. I am also grateful to Buddhist practitioner Liren for always encouraging me and telling me that this is karma and that reciting the scriptures can eliminate karma. It is only by reciting Buddhist scriptures properly and persistently that I have become the person I am now.
I have changed the most in 2022. This year is also the year of the greatest vow power. After I studied Buddhism in Plain Terms, I understood many truths. Before 2022, I used to recite Buddhist scriptures without understanding why. My mind was not cultivated well, and my merits and virtues were leaked. Before 2022, I ate vegetarian food with five pungent spices. In 2022, I made a vow to be a full-time vegetarian without five pungent spices, be one of the hands and eyes of Guan Yin Bodhisattva to widely transform sentient beings, release 100,000 fish, and recite 1,200 Little Houses specifically for my MS.
As my Master taught, the greater the vow, the greater the merits and virtues, and the faster the karmic obstacles are cleared. Today, sitting here and reminiscing, I am fortunate. This is because I met the Dharma before my karmic obstacles fully flared up. As a result, I was able to pass a major calamity in my life.
I hope my sharing will bring hope to more new Buddhist practitioners! Studying Buddhism and reciting Buddhist scriptures is not superstition. It can really help us dissolve all the problems on earth.
My sharing has come to an end. If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the truth in the presentation, I'd like to seek forgiveness from Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and Dharma protectors. I’d appreciate my fellow practitioners' critique and correction!
I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Presenter: Dharma Practitioner LanLan
Posted: 2023-07-27
Translator: Frank
Published: 2023-08-25
Statement by translator
The story was translated from Chinese into English by meaning, not word by word. If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the true meaning of the Chinese version, I pray for forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would forward this presentation to all sentient beings you know, sick or healthy. You will accumulate immeasurable merits and virtues. Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda!
Would you like to change your destiny?
We will show you how to do the Five Golden Buddhist Practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door: (1) making vows, (2) reciting Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras), (3) performing life liberation, (4) reading Buddhism in Plain Terms, and (5) repenting. You will personally witness how you and your family can achieve physical and mental stability, relief from illness and grievances, wisdom growth, academic progress, career advancement, and family happiness through Dharma. It’s free of charge.
Buddhist practitioner: Lily
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The contents of the presentation and answers, including text, images, and other information obtained from Dharma practitioners, are provided strictly for reference purposes. Due to the unique nature of individual karma, results similar to those experienced by the authors may not be replicated. The experiences and advice shared should not be construed as medical advice or a diagnosis.
In the event of an emergency, it is crucial to promptly contact your doctor or emergency services by dialing 911. Relying on any information found in the answers is done solely at your own risk. The translator and answerer bear no responsibility for the consequences. By using or misusing the contents, you accept liability for any personal injury, including death. It is imperative to exercise caution and seek professional medical guidance for health-related concerns.

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2024.05.15 13:08 caindiasolution Subjects in CA Inter New Course Sep 2024 & Jan 2025

Subjects in CA Inter New Course Sep 2024 & Jan 2025

Group 1 CA Inter

Advanced Accounting: This gives a comprehensive knowledge of accounting principles, standards, and their applications in business scenarios.
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 2: Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
  • Chapter 3: Applicability of Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 4: Presentation & Disclosures-Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 5: Assets-Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 6: Liabilities Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 7: Accounting Standards Based on Items Impacting Financial Statement
  • Chapter 8: Revenue-Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 9: Other Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 10: Accounting Standards for Consolidated Financial Statement
  • Chapter 11: Financial Statements of Companies
  • Chapter 12: Buyback of Securities
  • Chapter 13: Amalgamation of Companies
  • Chapter 14: Accounting for Reconstruction of Companies
  • Chapter 15: Accounting for Branches including Foreign Branches
Corporate and other laws: It deals with the various procedures and laws related to organisational issues. Taxation laws, intellectual property, IT laws, contract laws.
  • Chapter 1: Preliminary
  • Chapter 2: Incorporation of Company and Matters Incidental Thereto
  • Chapter 3: Prospectus and Allotment of Securities
  • Chapter 4: Share Capital and Debentures
  • Chapter 5: Acceptance of Deposits by Companies
  • Chapter 6: Registration of Charges
  • Chapter 7: Management & Administration
  • Chapter 8: Declaration and Payment of Dividend
  • Chapter 9: Accounts of Companies
  • Chapter 10: Audit and Auditors
  • Chapter 11: Companies Incorporated Outside India
  • Chapter 12: The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  • Chapter 1: The General Clauses Act, 1897
  • Chapter 2: Interpretation of Statutes
  • Chapter 3: The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
Taxation: CA Inter Taxation is a significant part of the CA Intermediate level study material. Its primary objective is to help students grasp all the provisions and laws related to taxation.
Section A: Income-tax Law
  • Chapter 1: Basic Concepts
  • Chapter 2: Residence and Scope of Total Income
  • Chapter 3: Heads of Income
  • Chapter 4: Income of Other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income
  • Chapter 5: Aggregation of Income, Set-Off and Carry Forward of Losses
  • Chapter 6: Deductions from Gross Total Income
  • Chapter 7: Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at Source and Tax Collection at Source
  • Chapter 8: Provisions for filing Return of Income and Self Assessment
  • Chapter 9: Income Tax Liability – Computation and Optimisation
Section B: Goods and Services Tax
  • Chapter 1: GST in India – An Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Supply under GST
  • Chapter 3: Charge of GST
  • Chapter 4: Place of Supply
  • Chapter 5: Exemptions from GST
  • Chapter 6: Time of Supply
  • Chapter 7: Value of Supply
  • Chapter 8: Input Tax Credit
  • Chapter 9: Registration
  • Chapter 10: Tax Invoice; Credit and Debit Notes
  • Chapter 11: Accounts and Records
  • Chapter 12: E-Way Bill
  • Chapter 13: Payment of Tax
  • Chapter 14: Tax Deduction at Source and Collection of Tax at Source
  • Chapter 15: Returns

Group 2 CA Inter

Cost and Management Accounting: Cost and Management Accounting is a type of accounting that works to assess an organization's total cost of production by looking at both variable and fixed costs during each step of production.
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting
  • Chapter 2: Material Cost
  • Chapter 3: Employee Cost and Direct Expenses
  • Chapter 4: Overheads – Absorption Costing Method
  • Chapter 5: Activity Based Costing
  • Chapter 6: Cost Sheet
  • Chapter 7: Cost Accounting Systems
  • Chapter 8: Unit & Batch Costing
  • Chapter 9: Job Costing
  • Chapter 10: Process & Operation Costing
  • Chapter 11: Joint Products and By Products
  • Chapter 12: Service Costing
  • Chapter 13: Standard Costing
  • Chapter 14: Marginal Costing
  • Chapter 15: Budgets and Budgetary Control
Auditing and Ethics: The knowledge gained from subjects like Accounting and Corporate and Other Laws helps in the understanding of Auditing. This is a very important subject, the knowledge of which helps students to become a better professional.
  • Chapter 1: Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit
  • Chapter 2: Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
  • Chapter 3: Risk Assessment and Internal Control
  • Chapter 4: Audit Evidence
  • Chapter 5: Audit of Items of Financial Statements
  • Chapter 6: Audit Documentation
  • Chapter 7: Completion and Review
  • Chapter 8: Audit Report
  • Chapter 9: Special Features of Audit of Different Type of Entities
  • Chapter 10: Audit of Banks
  • Chapter 11: Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements
Financial and Strategic Management: Financial Management is a subject that deals with the management of financial resources within an organization. Strategic Management focuses on the formulation and implementation of strategies to achieve the objectives of an organization.
Section A: Financial Management
  • Chapter 1: Scope and Objectives of Financial Management
  • Chapter 2: Types of Financing
  • Chapter 3: Financial Analysis and Planning – Ratio Analysis
  • Chapter 4: Cost of Capital
  • Chapter 5: Financing Decisions – Capital Structure
  • Chapter 6: Financing Decisions – Leverages
  • Chapter 7: Investment Decisions
  • Chapter 8: Dividend Decision
  • Chapter 9: Management of Working Capital
Section B: Strategic Management
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Strategic Management
  • Chapter 2: Strategic Analysis: External Environment
  • Chapter 3: Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment
  • Chapter 4: Strategic Choices
  • Chapter 5: Strategy Implementation and Evaluation
submitted by caindiasolution to cacompass [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:07 Most-Farmer5417 Should I accept this weird job offer? Dream company but absurd request

Hello everyone, I need to make a work-related decision urgently and I could use your advice. I decided to move to Italy this year and in March I received a job offer from company G with a start date of May 20th, a salary of 65k EUR, and relocation benefits (three months of paid rent in Milan, assistance in finding long-term accommodation, and reimbursement of agency fees).
Last week, I received another offer from my dream company, let's call it M. The salary is 55k EUR and the start date is in September. I told them that I had already accepted another offer a month ago as a backup plan since their process was delayed (due to their fault), but my preference was for them even though the salary was lower.
Since May, I have used G's relocation package to start looking for housing in Milan before starting to work for them and to have everything already set up. I'm not sure if I would have to pay back any money if I don't start working for them.
However, I found it very unfair that M wants to include a clause in my employment agreement stating that if I start working for G, they can terminate the contract from their side. This effectively asks me to give up three months of salary, exposing me to potential damages that G might claim for not fulfilling the employment promise towards them, and the risk of being without a job while waiting for M to hire me and hoping they don't change the start date.
M has always been my dream company, but this treatment seems absurd, and I don't know what to do. What advice do you have for negotiating better conditions with M or do you think I should drop them completely?
submitted by Most-Farmer5417 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:04 Vivid-Spread1007 Exploring the Rapid Expansion of the Mobile Payment Market

The mobile payment market is rapidly expanding, driven by increasing smartphone penetration and a shift towards digital transactions. This market enables users to make payments using mobile devices, often through apps or mobile banking. It encompasses various methods, including NFC (Near Field Communication), QR codes, and SMS-based payments. Key growth factors include convenience, improved security features, and the rise of e-commerce. Major players include tech giants like Apple, Google, and Paytm. The market is also seeing significant innovations in fintech and regulatory support for cashless transactions, catering to a tech-savvy, convenience-seeking global consumer base.
Mobile Payment Market Size and Growth
The mobile payment market has exhibited significant growth, with the global market size valued at nearly USD 2,986.00 billion in 2023. This surge is propelled by the widespread adoption of smartphones and the increasing acceptance of digital transactions across various sectors. Consumers and businesses alike are leveraging mobile payment technologies for their convenience, speed, and enhanced security features. This market includes a range of payment methods such as NFC, QR codes, and mobile wallets, which have become integral to the daily financial interactions of millions globally.
Looking ahead, the market is poised for continued expansion. It is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.8% from 2024 to 2032. By the end of this period, the market size is expected to reach approximately USD 14,422.00 billion. This growth trajectory is supported by technological advancements, increasing financial inclusivity, and evolving consumer behaviors that favor contactless and cashless payment options. Additionally, regulatory changes and the introduction of more sophisticated payment solutions are set to further boost market growth, reflecting an increasing dependency on digital payment platforms in the global economy.
Mobile Payment Market Trends
The mobile payment market is characterized by several key trends that are shaping its evolution and growth:
Request Sample:
  1. Increased Adoption of Contactless Payments: The trend towards contactless payments has accelerated, particularly due to health concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumers prefer tapping their phones or smartwatches over traditional cash or card transactions, driving the widespread adoption of NFC (Near Field Communication) technology.
  2. Growth in E-commerce: As online shopping continues to grow, so does the use of mobile payments for digital transactions. Consumers find it convenient to pay directly through mobile apps or websites, which has fostered tighter integration of payment systems into e-commerce platforms.
  3. Rise of Mobile Wallets: Mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Samsung Pay are becoming increasingly popular. These platforms not only allow users to store multiple payment methods securely but also offer rewards and the ability to manage financial transactions from a single interface.
  4. Financial Inclusion: Mobile payments are playing a crucial role in enhancing financial inclusion, especially in developing countries where traditional banking infrastructure is limited. Mobile money solutions provide a gateway for unbanked and underbanked populations to participate in the financial system.
  5. Regulatory and Security Enhancements: As the volume of mobile payments increases, so does the focus on security. Advanced authentication technologies, including biometrics and blockchain, are being implemented to ensure transaction security. Additionally, regulations are being updated to protect consumers and ensure fair practices within the mobile payments ecosystem.
  6. Integration with IoT: The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly intersecting with mobile payments, enabling transactions through connected devices. Examples include smart appliances that can reorder supplies automatically and cars that can pay for fuel or tolls.
Market Opportunities and Challenges
The mobile payment market presents a range of opportunities and challenges that influence its development and scalability:
  1. Expansion into New Markets: With mobile penetration increasing globally, there's significant opportunity for mobile payment solutions to expand into emerging markets, particularly in regions like Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where traditional banking infrastructure is less developed.
  2. Technological Innovation: Innovations such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies offer new ways to conduct secure, transparent transactions. These technologies can reduce fraud and enhance the efficiency of payments, presenting a substantial growth opportunity for the industry.
  3. Partnerships with Financial Institutions: By partnering with banks and other financial institutions, mobile payment providers can tap into existing customer bases while offering enhanced services, such as improved security features and loyalty programs.
  4. Integration with Other Services: Mobile payments can be integrated with other services like public transport systems, healthcare, and retail, providing seamless payment experiences and increasing user engagement and satisfaction.
  1. Security Concerns: Despite advancements, security remains a significant concern. The risk of data breaches and fraud can deter users from adopting mobile payment solutions, necessitating continuous improvements in security measures.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: The mobile payment sector faces complex and varied regulations across different regions, which can complicate expansion efforts and increase operational costs. Compliance with these regulations is crucial but challenging, especially for new entrants.
  3. Fragmentation and Interoperability: The market is fragmented with numerous platforms and standards, making interoperability a significant challenge. Consumers and merchants may find it difficult to navigate these varied systems, which can hinder the adoption and scalability of mobile payment solutions.
  4. Consumer Trust and Adoption: Building consumer trust is essential, especially in regions where cash has been the predominant mode of transaction. Changing consumer habits and convincing them of the benefits and reliability of mobile payments is a gradual and ongoing challenge.
Market Dynamics
The mobile payment market is driven by a complex interplay of dynamics that include technological advancements, consumer behavior, regulatory frameworks, and economic factors. Here are some of the key dynamics shaping this market:
  1. Technological Advancements: Technology is at the core of the mobile payment market's expansion. Innovations such as near-field communication (NFC), blockchain, and biometric authentication are enhancing the security and efficiency of mobile payments. These advancements not only improve user experience but also expand the scope of mobile payments in terms of capabilities and reach.
  2. Consumer Adoption and Behavior: Consumer preferences are shifting towards convenience and speed in transactions, which mobile payments can offer. The widespread use of smartphones has facilitated this shift, making mobile payments more accessible to a broader audience. However, consumer behavior can vary significantly across different regions and demographics, influencing the pace and pattern of adoption.
  3. Regulatory Environment: The regulatory landscape for mobile payments is evolving as governments worldwide recognize the importance of regulating digital transactions to ensure security and prevent fraud. Regulations affect how companies operate, the level of security required, and the introduction of new features or services. Compliance with these regulations can be both a challenge and a driving force for innovation within the market.
  4. Economic Impact: Economic factors, including disposable income levels and the overall economic environment, play a crucial role in the adoption of mobile payments. In thriving economies, consumers are more likely to engage with new technologies, including mobile payments. Conversely, in regions with less economic stability, the adoption might be driven by necessity, such as for financial inclusion of the unbanked.
  5. Competitive Landscape: The mobile payment market is highly competitive, with major tech companies, traditional banks, and fintech startups vying for market share. This competition fosters innovation and drives improvements in service offerings, but it also creates a fragmented market landscape that can confuse consumers and complicate interoperability between different payment systems.
  6. Integration with Other Industries: Mobile payments are increasingly integrated with other sectors such as retail, transportation, and healthcare, which opens new avenues for growth but also requires complex collaborations and partnerships. These integrations often lead to improved customer service and operational efficiencies.
Competitive Landscape
The key players in the industry includes:
Media Contact
Company Name: Claight Corporation Contact Person: John Walker, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A. Email: []( Toll Free Number: +1-415-325-5166 +44-702-402-5790 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA Website: Aus Site:
submitted by Vivid-Spread1007 to u/Vivid-Spread1007 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:04 keerthiamyg Side effects of insulin during pregnancy

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. It is commonly used during pregnancy to manage diabetes, particularly pre-existing diabetes or gestational diabetes. Pregnant women generally need diabetes treatment. Insulin can be administered through an insulin pen or syringe. Insulin is considered safe and effective during pregnancy. It can manage the blood sugar levels caused by pre-existing diabetes or gestational diabetes.
Insulin plays an important role in the regulation of blood glucose levels. The pancreas releases the insulin hormone into the bloodstream when blood sugar levels rise after a meal. People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes require insulin to control their blood sugar levels. Insulin formulation is available in short-acting, intermediate-acting, long-acting, and rapid-acting forms, to fulfil the specific requirement of diabetics. Although insulin is available in oral or inhaled form, it is not frequently used.
Insulin during pregnancy
Blood glucose levels go from high to low when pregnant women take insulin. Research demonstrates that the intake of insulin may increase the size of the placenta more than normal and be heavier during pregnancy. It is essential to control the blood glucose level for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Insulin is generally safe and effective, but there are some side effects and considerations:
  1. Weight gain: During pregnancy, some women may experience weight due to the amount of insulin taken. Insulin enhances the glucose storage and other nutrients that lead to the fat deposition.
  2. Reaction on injection site: At the injection site, sometimes insulin injections may cause redness, pain, or swelling. Changing the injection site and appropriate injection technique can minimise these reactions.
  3. Allergic Reaction: Some women may experience an allergic reaction due to insulin such as breathing problems, rashes, or itching. It is important to take medical help if any signs of allergic reactions occur.
  4. Hypoglycemia (Lower blood pressure): If the insulin dose is too high or missed meals, it can lower the blood glucose level leading to hypoglycemia. The signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia include confusion, sweating, dizziness, and shakiness.
  5. Hypolakemia: Insulin intake can decrease the potassium level leading to symptoms such as irregular heart rhythm, weakness, or fatigue.
During pregnancy, insulin requirements may change due to hormonal fluctuations, increased insulin resistance, and changes in diet plan. Pregnant women with diabetes need to go for regular checkups to reduce the risk of complications for themselves and their babies.
  1. During pregnancy, insulin is not the only single accepted treatment for diabetes. Exercise and diet are important treatments for anyone who deals with diabetes. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes require this treatment to control blood glucose levels.
  2. Pregnant women should develop healthy food choices including fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  3. Daily exercise also helps to manage the blood glucose level by using extra blood sugar for energy.
During pregnancy, insulin is essential to treat diabetes type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes and outweighs the risk associated with side effects. Pregnant women need to work closely with healthcare professionals to manage their conditions effectively and ensure the best outcome for them and their babies.
submitted by keerthiamyg to u/keerthiamyg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:54 Significant_Ice_7306 Starting a Marketing & Risk Management consultancy

Hi everyone, I have a question for you regarding starting a consultancy. I have worked in the european market for some time with media agencies, ad agencies ad tech and clients. During this time I have found a clear structural problem that I want to fix by offering consultant services to clients and agencies.
By shedding light on the nature of problem and offering a solution I would unfortunately end up quite possibly making quite a lot of the big and small actors disgruntled and angry. BUT I see this as an opportunity that will lead me to change industry in some ways and of course provide me with an acceptable amount of compensation considering the risk.
My question is - As my service will relieve Clients for up to 23% of their marketing expenses and thereby naturally cutting their budget for the media and ad agencies. How would you recommend I go about pitching my services.
option1: I go directly to the clients and tell them I can save them quite a lot of money on their budgets.
option2: I go to the agencies and pitch them using my services for their clients thereby negating some of the flag I will get from possibly cutting their budgets?
looking forward to hear you answers -
submitted by Significant_Ice_7306 to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:51 sunDi0sa Regretting planned pregnancy

I’m 25f, 15w 5d pregnant, and having a tough time being happy about my pregnancy.
To give you some context, my ex of 6 years and I broke up about a year ago. It was such a mentally abusive and emotionally draining relationship, that I decided to start seeing people right away (I felt like I deserved to have fun since I had spent a lot of my young adult years with one person). Almost immediately, I connected with a former college classmate (at the time we both were in relationships so no interest at the time at all), and we instantly clicked. We started dating but he knew that my heart was still vulnerable to my previous relationship but still accepted me that way and was willing to work with me.
He is truly the man I’ve needed in my life and never have I ever been in a relationship so healthy where everything feels so peaceful.
Fast forward to January of this year, we had such a deep conversation about our future and we decided to make a baby. I got off birth control (mainly because I was sick of being on it since I was 18), and we were aware that pregnancy was a high possibility, and we were okay with it. We tracked my ovulation and bam! In February my pregnancy was confirmed.
Before we even told anyone, we started to look for apartments together as we both live with our parents and even toured some places. After we had found a place of interest, we decided to tell both our families. His parents were so happy, and they offered to help us out by saying that they would convert the large garage they have into an efficiency just to help us save a bit more money. We would still get charged rent but barely anything compared to what prices are nowadays. I agreed.
My parents on the other hand did not take the news well. Although they are supportive now, they shared that they would’ve preferred their daughter to get engaged, married, save up more for a house, and then have the baby. And truly, I feel that way now too.
I feel regret and guilt because first of all, I should’ve taken more time to heal from my first relationship. Secondly, for letting my emotions take over for wanting a baby instead of logically thinking of what I could do to prepare before and then have a baby. Third, I feel guilty for feeling this way because I know my baby is feeling these emotions.
I have a great WFM job, I’m super close to my family and even leaving them is so hard, and truly, I’ve been so stressed out with what’s to come. I feel so physically ugly, depressed, lazy/inactive, worried about living with my boyfriend’s family, and sad about leaving my family. I feel like I ruined my life, we should've enjoyed our relationship more and prepared better.
My boyfriend is going to start working on the efficiency soon since the electrical/plumbing is tedious, therefore I’m still living with my parents just waiting for it to be done. But I feel like he’s missing out on important milestones in my pregnancy. Just two days ago I felt some movement and I'm sad that he wasn't there with me. I’ve never felt so alone in my life. I have to be strong for my baby but I don't know how.
Any words of encouragement could help, please. I will look into therapy because I am at risk for depression (I was in therapy during my last relationship because of the circumstances). But any advice/tips that could make me feel better about this situation is appreciated.
submitted by sunDi0sa to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:23 rusticgorilla Republicans reject abortion exceptions for child rape victims, create abortion registries, and ban possession of abortion medication

If you are in the position to support my work, I have a patreon, venmo, and a paypal set up. Just three dollars a month makes a huge difference! No pressure though, I will keep posting these pieces publicly no matter what - paywalls suck.
You can signup to receive a monthly email with links to my posts or subscribe to Keep Track’s Substack (RSS link).


Despite voters overwhelmingly rejecting a constitutional amendment that would have allowed abortion restrictions in the state, Kansas Republicans passed several anti-abortion bills into law late last month, overriding the governor’s veto.
The first bill, HB 2436, makes it a crime to “coerce” someone into having an abortion. Democrats attempted to widen the scope of the bill to include all kinds of reproductive coercion, like pressuring someone to become or stay pregnant and prohibiting their access to birth control, and enshrine a right to “reproductive autonomy.” Republicans voted down the amendment.
The second bill, HB 2749, requires medical facilities and providers to (1) ask patients their reason for having an abortion and (2) report the data, including personal information about the patient, to the legislature every other year. Gov. Laura Kelly (D) agreed with the objections of Democrats and reproductive rights advocates, saying when she vetoed the bill that there is “no valid reason to force a woman to disclose to the legislature why she is seeking an abortion.”
  • Democrats offered numerous amendments to HB 2749, including one to require men to report to the legislature their reasons for having a vasectomy and another requiring men to report why they are seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction. Republicans rejected all of them.
Finally, the Republican legislature overrode Kelly’s line-item veto allocating $2 million to the Pregnancy Compassion Awareness Program, created last year with a different veto override. The program is run by an anti-abortion group called the Kansas Pregnancy Care Network, which refers pregnant people to crisis pregnancy centers designed to use misleading information to discourage them from obtaining an abortion.


Louisiana’s legislature is doubling down on its anti-abortion laws, passing bills to increase criminalization and refusing to add exemptions to its abortion ban.
Earlier this month, the Louisiana House took up a bill passed by the Senate that would make it a crime, punishable by jail time, to possess abortion-inducing medication. SB 276, sponsored by 23 Republicans and one Democrat, was initially written to create a punishment for coercing someone into an abortion without their knowledge or consent (e.g. spiking a drink). However, House legislators recently added an amendment to the bill that classifies mifepristone and misoprostol as Schedule IV substances alongside some opioids and benzodiazepines. A pregnant person possessing the drugs for their own use could not be charged, but others who intend to distribute them to pregnant people seeking an abortion or store them for their own potential future use would face up to ten years in prison.
“Neither is a drug of abuse or dependence, and that is what the controlled drug schedule is for,” said [emergency room Dr. Jennifer] Avegno of the abortion drugs. “It makes no scientific or medical sense to put these drugs in the same category as Xanax or Valium.”
Mifepristone is a drug that blocks a hormone called progesterone, which is necessary for a pregnancy to continue. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions, causing the body to expel the pregnancy tissue. Mifepristone is also used to treat Cushing’s disease, a hormonal disorder. Misoprostol is also used to induce labor, manage a miscarriage and in the treatment of ulcers. Neither are addictive. “People do not go around taking them and getting dependent and having bad outcomes because of it,” said Avegno. “It’s like saying your blood pressure medicine or insulin is a drug of abuse.”
A week later, Republicans on the House Criminal Justice Committee voted 7-4 to reject a bill to add rape and incest exceptions to the state’s total abortion ban. House Bill 164, written by Democratic Rep. Delisha Boyd, would have allowed girls younger than 17 to have abortions if they became pregnant as the result of sexual assault.
“That baby [in the womb] is innocent … We have to hang on to that,” said committee member Rep. Dodie Horton, R-Haughton, who voted against the bill. Rep. Lauren Ventrella, R-Greenwell Spring, also voted against the legislation, saying the proposed law would be difficult to enforce. Teenagers who had consensual sex might feign rape or incest in order to get access to abortion services, she suggested…
Dr. Neelima Sukhavasi, a Baton Rouge doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, also implored the lawmakers to approve Boyd’s proposal. She and her colleagues have delivered babies for pregnant teenagers, including mothers as young as 13, since Louisiana’s abortion ban went into effect two years ago. These young pregnant people can experience health complications that affect them for the rest of their lives, Sukhavasi said, and sometimes don’t have the mental capacity to handle the births. “One of these teenagers delivered a baby while clutching a teddy bear,” she told the committee.
The Committee also killed three other bills: HB 56, to allow abortions in cases of spontaneous miscarriage or nonviable pregnancy; HB 63, to clarify that the removal of an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion under state law; HB 293, to add protection for physicians who do not intend to induce abortion by prescribing certain medications.


Meanwhile, in Texas—a state that pioneered the war on women and reproductive rights—a man initiated legal action to sue people who helped his former partner obtain an out-of-state abortion.
The man, Collin Davis, filed a petition in a state district court seeking permission to launch legal depositions to collect evidence for a potential lawsuit under a Texas law that contains civil liability for anyone who “aids and abets” an abortion. According to his lawyer, Jonathan Mitchell (who crafted the anti-abortion law), Davis is seeking to sue “co-conspirators and accomplices…involved in the murder of [his] unborn child.”
“Fathers of aborted fetuses can sue for wrongful death in states with abortion bans, even if the abortion occurs out-of-state,” he wrote. “They can sue anyone who paid for the abortion, anyone who aided or abetted the travel, and anyone involved in the manufacture or distribution of abortion drugs.”
Molly Duane, a senior staff attorney with the Center for Reproductive Rights, described Mitchell’s statement and general approach as misleading “fearmongering.”
“People need to understand that it is not a crime to leave Texas or any other state in the country for an abortion,” said Duane, who is working with lawyers from the firm Arnold & Porter to represent the woman and others targeted in the Davis case. “I don’t want people to be intimidated, but they should be outraged and alarmed.” Duane described the woman’s relationship with Davis as “toxic and harmful.”
Mitchell also represents a different man who pursued a similar claim last year: Marcus Silva engaged Mitchell to sue the friends of his estranged wife for allegedly helping her obtain abortion pills. Evidence later revealed that Silva knew about the plans beforehand and did not intervene, likely intending to use the threat of legal action as a way of forcing his partner to halt divorce proceedings.
Monday’s counterclaim illustrates, in painstaking detail, exactly how Silva—aided by Mitchell—allegedly deployed this tactic. It was only after Brittni’s abortion was complete that Silva revealed he knew about the plan and, according to the lawsuit, threatened to turn her in if she didn’t submit to his continued abuse. He even showed the police photographs of messages discussing the possibility of an abortion. “Once I finally got home with the girls he had been drinking and he told me that he knew,” Brittni texted one friend. “He’s using it against me.” In another message, she wrote, “Now he’s saying if I don’t give him my ‘mind body and soul’ until the end of the divorce, which he’s going to drag out, he’s going to make sure I go to jail for doing it.” […]
The counterclaim points out another flaw in his argument: Silva himself “is responsible for the alleged injury for which he seeks to recover.” He “knew that Brittni planned to terminate her alleged pregnancy and acquiesced in accepting Brittni’s actions,” so “it would be unconscionable to permit him to benefit by changing his position now.” His claims, in short, are barred “by unclean hands,” because he effectively entrapped his estranged wife—covertly discovering her plan to terminate the pregnancy, then allowing her to go through with it for the express purpose of blackmailing her into staying with him.


A three-judge panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals last month unanimously recognized a religious freedom challenge to the state’s complete ban on abortion.
The case, brought by Hoosier Jews for Choice and four anonymous women of various faiths, alleges that the ban interferes with “their sincere religious beliefs that require and direct them to obtain abortions” criminalized since the law took effect in 2023. According to Jewish law, a fetus does not have personhood until birth, and abortion is required if the pregnancy endangers the life or health of the mother.
Brief of Hoosier Jews for Choice (and other plaintiffs): As indicated by the declarations of numerous rabbis, Judaism teaches that a fetus becomes a living person only at birth, and prior to that is considered part of the woman’s body, without independent rights. Abortion should occur and is mandated to end a pregnancy that may cause serious consequences to a woman’s mental or physical heath. Judaism also recognizes that physical health risks are not limited to those likely to cause substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. Judaism stresses the necessity of protecting the physical and mental health of the woman—a life—over the potential for life present in a zygote, embryo, or fetus. Therefore, restrictions that prevent a woman from obtaining an abortion where compelled by Jewish law, which mandates that the woman act to protect her physical or mental health, impose a substantial burden on that person’s religious exercise.
Under Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), “a governmental entity may not substantially burden a personʹs exercise of religion,” defined to include “any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.” This means that arguments about whether plaintiffs are strictly observant are irrelevant; the law protects sincerely held religious views regardless of whether that view is idiosyncratic or unorthodox. However, even a law that imposes a substantial burden on the exercise of religion can be enforced if it is “the least restrictive means of furthering [a] compelling governmental interest” (the strict scrutiny test).
The state argued that abortion does not carry “religious significance” and, even if it did, the abortion ban satisfies strict scrutiny because it is “sufficiently narrowly tailored” to “further the State’s interest” in “protecting human lives in the womb.” Throughout Indiana’s brief, the state attempts to use science to back up fetal personhood, extending developmental physiology to make unfounded claims that protected life unquestionably begins at conception:
In lower courts, the State’s compelling interest is not up for debate. In Cheaney v. State, the Indiana Supreme Court held that the State’s interest in protecting unborn children is “valid and compelling” from “the moment of conception.” …A basic understanding of biology supports these holdings. “That human fetuses are human beings is a scientific fact, not a theological claim.” Regardless whether an individual person believes this, “the scientific consensus” is that “[d]evelopment begins at fertilization,” after which the newly created “unicellular zygote divides many times and becomes progressively transformed into a multicellular human being through cell division, migration, growth, and differentiation.” …. Science thus tells us that “[t]he act of performing an induced abortion during any stage of pregnancy, from fertilization up to birth, ends the life of an innocent human being.” The State’s interest in protecting unborn fetal life at any stage from intentional destruction accordingly is nothing less than “compelling.”
A panel of the Indiana Court of Appeals—made up of a Republican appointee and two Democratic appointees—unanimously ruled against the state, upholding a lower court’s injunction against the abortion ban as it applies to the plaintiffs. In the process, the court laid out a path for religious freedom challenges to abortion bans in other states and at the federal level.
The trial court found that absent a preliminary injunction, Plaintiffs would be irreparably harmed by the loss of their religious freedoms guaranteed by RFRA. A loss of First Amendment freedoms, which include the right to free exercise of religion, “for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.”... Without a preliminary injunction, Plaintiffs will suffer the loss of their right to exercise their sincere religious beliefs by obtaining an abortion when directed by their religion and prohibited by the Abortion Law. They also have shown their sexual and reproductive lives will continue to be restricted absent the injunction and as a result of the Abortion Law.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:19 tempmailgenerator Implementing Email Domain Restrictions with jQuery Validate

Enhancing Form Validation Techniques

In the digital age, ensuring the integrity and quality of user data is paramount for web developers and businesses alike. One common challenge faced in this endeavor is filtering out free email service providers, such as Gmail or Hotmail, from form submissions. This task is particularly relevant when aiming to collect professional or business-oriented email addresses, which can significantly impact the quality of interactions and data collected. jQuery Validate, a popular JavaScript library, offers a robust solution for this, enabling developers to enforce custom validation rules easily and efficiently.
Integrating email domain restrictions into web forms using jQuery Validate not only elevates the data quality but also tailors the user experience to suit business needs. This technique can be crucial for B2B platforms, exclusive membership sites, or any scenario where the type of email address submitted matters. Through a combination of jQuery Validate's flexible rule definition and the developer's strategic implementation, it's possible to significantly enhance form validation processes, making them more aligned with specific operational requirements and user management strategies.
Command/Function Description
$.validator.addMethod Adds a custom validation method to the jQuery Validate plugin.
$ Extends the default email validation to include domain-specific checks.
element Represents the form element being validated.
params Contains parameters or additional data used in custom validation methods.
validator An instance of the jQuery Validate validator, providing access to other form elements and validation methods.

Expanding Form Validation Capabilities

Implementing custom email domain restrictions in form validations is a strategic approach to ensure that the data collected through web forms is of high quality and relevance to the business's needs. This process is especially critical for platforms that rely on establishing professional connections or conducting B2B transactions, where the validity and professionalism of an email address can significantly impact communication effectiveness and business opportunities. The jQuery Validate plugin provides a flexible and powerful foundation for implementing these restrictions, allowing developers to create custom validation methods that can precisely match the website's requirements. By leveraging the plugin's ability to extend its default validation rules, developers can enforce restrictions on email domains, ensuring that users register or submit information using their business or professional email addresses, thereby enhancing the quality of the data collected.
The technique of restricting free email service providers through custom validation rules not only improves data accuracy but also helps in minimizing spam and fraudulent submissions. It is a proactive measure against common issues faced by online platforms, contributing to a more secure and trustworthy online environment. Moreover, this approach allows for the customization of error messages, providing users with clear and helpful feedback on why their submission was not accepted and what steps they can take to correct it. This level of detail in form validation enriches the user experience, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. As businesses continue to evolve in the digital landscape, the ability to finely tune the data collection process through tools like jQuery Validate becomes increasingly valuable, enabling more precise targeting, better customer segmentation, and improved communication strategies.

Custom Email Domain Validation with jQuery Validate

JavaScript in Web Development
$.validator.addMethod("customEmail", function(value, element) { return this.optional(element) /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/.test(value) && !/(@gmail\.com@yahoo\.com@hotmail\.com)$/.test(value); }, "Please enter your business email address."); $(document).ready(function() { $("#myForm").validate({ rules: { email: { required: true, customEmail: true } } }); }); 

Advanced Strategies in Email Validation

Within the realm of web development, the significance of validating email addresses extends beyond mere syntax checks. This practice is pivotal in enhancing the security and integrity of user data, particularly in applications requiring authenticated user interactions. By implementing domain-specific email validations, developers can effectively mitigate risks associated with accepting emails from free providers, which are often exploited for spam or fraudulent activities. The jQuery Validate plugin facilitates this through its customizable framework, enabling the creation of validation rules that align with the specific needs of a business or application. This level of customization not only bolsters the security measures but also refines the user onboarding process by ensuring that only professional or verified email addresses are accepted.
This approach to email validation plays a crucial role in curating a professional user base, especially for platforms targeting B2B interactions or services requiring a higher degree of credibility. By restricting free email service providers, a business can significantly reduce the likelihood of engaging with low-effort or non-serious inquiries, thus optimizing resource allocation towards more promising prospects. Furthermore, this strategy aids in establishing a more controlled and qualitative communication channel with users, fostering trust and reliability in the digital ecosystem. The strategic application of such validation techniques underscores the evolving landscape of web development, where data quality and user trust are paramount.

FAQs on Email Domain Validation

  1. Question: Why is email domain validation important?
  2. Answer: Email domain validation is crucial for enhancing the quality of user data, preventing spam, and ensuring that users provide a professional or verified email address, which is particularly important for B2B platforms and secure transactions.
  3. Question: Can jQuery Validate restrict specific email domains?
  4. Answer: Yes, jQuery Validate can be customized to restrict specific email domains by adding custom validation methods, allowing for the exclusion of free or unwanted email service providers.
  5. Question: How does custom email validation improve user experience?
  6. Answer: Custom email validation improves user experience by providing clear, specific feedback on submission errors, guiding users to provide acceptable email addresses, and ensuring a smoother, more intuitive form submission process.
  7. Question: Are there any limitations to custom email domain validation?
  8. Answer: While highly effective, custom email domain validation may inadvertently exclude legitimate users with no access to professional email addresses, potentially limiting the user base.
  9. Question: How can I implement custom email domain validation with jQuery Validate?
  10. Answer: Implement custom email domain validation by using the $.validator.addMethod function to create a new validation method that checks the email address against a list of allowed or disallowed domains.

Final Thoughts on Advanced Email Validation Techniques

In conclusion, the strategic implementation of email domain validation using the jQuery Validate plugin emerges as a pivotal measure for enhancing data quality and security across web platforms. This method not only serves to refine the caliber of user engagements by filtering out free email service providers but also plays a crucial role in safeguarding against spam and unauthorized submissions. The flexibility of jQuery Validate enables developers to construct bespoke validation rules, offering a tailored approach to meet the unique requirements of each application. As digital landscapes evolve, the importance of maintaining high standards of user data integrity cannot be overstated. Through careful application of such validation techniques, developers can significantly contribute to a more trustworthy and professional online ecosystem, ultimately benefiting both businesses and users alike. The adoption of custom email validation practices is therefore not just a technical requirement but a strategic asset for any platform aiming to enhance user experience and operational security.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:16 _Dragonborn_exe_ Finish Canto 5 today, probably the hardest canto for me.

Constant hard fights that took multiple attempts to beat. Each forced me to pursue different strategy and force me to actually learn the battle mechanics. Each victory is won by using everything at my disposals which often left me at the very end of my wits.
Most fodder enemies have proper attack resistant and attack skills that forced you to take either the risk to do lethal damage in exchange to for taking lethal damage too or pick safe but slow way but accepting normal damage for taking normal damage. (Base IDs niche, for example: Primarily slash attack ID have lethal blunt resistant). This also teach me to learn the sin damage mechanics, that even though the enemy is normal against blunt, they are weak against let say, gluttonny, so you could still deal significant damage nonetheless. Or you could combine the attack type, sin type and other attribute such as being faster deal more damage, which could deal magnificent damage.
This canto also have many difficult boss. Ridcardo and his boys, the radiation clam, the blue whale and Ahab Trio. Surprisingly and thankfully, EGO Ahab aint even that hard, just her last phase is just difficult. Each one of then have interesting niche and fighting method that always had me over the age and changing tactics. My coins often hopeless or the ego skill never land head. The enemies always 5+ level above me and it even make me mad at one point, but I try again and change tactics, eventually won and as the result I feel victorious.
I am both happy and fucking fuming, best Canto in term of fights (Canto 4 have best story, sorry)
submitted by _Dragonborn_exe_ to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:10 maxikaz19 Is OKX savings safe?

Yes, OKX savings are generally considered safe due to a variety of factors. Firstly, OKX is one of the largest and most reputable cryptocurrency exchanges globally, with a track record of security and reliability. The platform employs robust security measures, including encryption protocols, two-factor authentication, and cold storage for the majority of user funds, which significantly reduces the risk of hacking or unauthorized access.
Moreover, OKX adheres to strict regulatory compliance standards in various jurisdictions where it operates, providing users with an added layer of protection. The exchange also undergoes regular security audits and assessments by third-party firms to ensure the integrity of its systems and processes.
Additionally, OKX has implemented a user protection fund, which serves as a safety net in the unlikely event of a security breach or loss of funds. This fund is designed to compensate users for any losses incurred due to factors beyond their control, further enhancing the overall safety of savings held on the platform.
It's important to note that while OKX savings are considered relatively safe, investing in any financial instrument, including cryptocurrencies, carries inherent risks. Users should conduct their own research, exercise caution, and only invest funds they can afford to lose.
submitted by maxikaz19 to cryptoQandA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:51 FrootYoop He's just not having it anymore; advice?

I'm about at my wits' end situation:
I've had my beautiful 13-year-old, 65-lb. blue merle for 11 years. He's vastly different from almost any other Aussie I've ever met: low-energy, a bit shy, and totally laid back. Of course, he's also affectionate, fun, and like your Aussie, cracker-jack smart.
He is 100% food-motivated; he has zero interest in toys.
He also has exactly zero bad habits. None. No chewing, excessive barking, accidents in the house. He's obedient, fantastic on a leash, sweet. So why am I losing my mind? Because, as of a week ago, he has decided he's done taking the medicine that controls his arthritis and pain. I mean, he's just not having it anymore.
Here's what I have tried using thus far to wrap/disguise his pills:
  1. Pill pockets of varying flavors and textures
  2. Slicy cheese
  3. Lunch meats/hot dogs
  4. A marshmallow
  5. Meatballs that I made myself, just for him
  6. Crushing up the pills to powder, and sprinkling them in his food, along with some beef broth and a dusting of Parmesan (his favorite) -- only to have him take one sniff and walk away
  7. Doing the last-resort forcing to the back of the throat, only to have him beat me at the game every single time (I guess I just don't have the talent; when I push it to the back of his mouth, the split second it takes me to get my good hand to force his beak shut is all he needs to shake free and spit it out).
NB: I am five feet tall, kind of small, and not very strong. I'm ashamed to say he just overpowers me in order to get away.
At risk of sounding overdramatic: it's affecting our peaceful life together, in that now he's afraid to eat from his bowl, or accept any treat from me. As I sit here at my desk at 5:45 a.m., he's lying on the floor next to me, and I'm listening to his stomach growl. It's pitiful.
So before I raise the white flag and call the vet about injections (which I dread), I thought I'd check here. Anyone else have a near-impossible situation like this and come out successful? Any advice appreciated, and sorry for the long treatise.
submitted by FrootYoop to AustralianShepherd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:38 maxikaz19 Is OKX secured?

Yes, OKX is secured with various measures in place to ensure the safety of user funds and data. One of the key security features of OKX is its multi-layered security system. This system includes advanced encryption protocols to protect user information and funds from unauthorized access.
Additionally, OKX implements stringent security procedures such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and withdrawal whitelists. These measures help prevent unauthorized access to user accounts and provide an extra layer of security.
Furthermore, OKX stores the majority of user funds in cold storage wallets, which are offline and not accessible via the internet. This significantly reduces the risk of hacking or theft.
Moreover, OKX conducts regular security audits and employs industry-leading cybersecurity experts to continuously monitor and enhance its security infrastructure. This proactive approach helps identify and address any potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.
In summary, OKX prioritizes the security of its platform and users by implementing robust security measures, employing advanced encryption technologies, and regularly updating its security protocols to stay ahead of potential threats.
Join the Best Crypto Exchange
submitted by maxikaz19 to cryptoQandA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:31 Secret_Independence4 Risks of dual agency to buyer?

Hi, I want to make an offer on a very low priced but decent trailer on some land in a prime location, and am preapproved for 10k over asking.
I got turned down by 3 realtors to show me the place because of the low compensation to the agents(2.5%). One of them knows the listing agent and said there were several cash offers already that she was sure I would not beat, sorry.
So I again approached the listing agent (who I had initially spoken to in lieu of finding a buyer agent, and had scheduled a showing with), and after having my pre-approval in hand, she confirmed the showing, which is today. Tomorrow is the deadline for accepting offers.
Please tell me the risks I am taking in this scenario, and how to neutralize them? Is there any best/safest approach to making the offer?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Secret_Independence4 to realtors [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:27 Howling-wolf-7198 What I know about Xinjiang/Uyghur

Disclaimer: I am Chinese and cannot speak or read Uyghur. Xinjiang is a vast land, and the online communication of residents is strictly controlled, so even people from different regions are unaware of the specific situation in other regions, and there are significant differences between different regions. I tried to cross validate using sources from different ethnic groups as much as possible, but my language definitely caused some bias in my sampling.
There is a long-term tense relation between local ethnic groups, especially between the Han and Uyghur ethnic groups. A local Han who sympathized with the Uyghur told me that his American friend who visited described it as "racial segregation, and it was spontaneous among people.".
Other ethnic minorities also have resentment towards Uyghur people due to Uyghur nationalism. They also suffered from repression, although not as severe as the Uyghurs. Some blame the government, while others blame the Uyghurs.
Local Han generally believe this is what Uyghurs deserve. Mainland Chinese are generally unaware of this matter due to censorship, but no hostility towards Uyghurs.
Not all, but there are definitely some events that meet the criteria for terrorist attacks. It also involves indiscriminate attacks on other ethnic minorities and Uyghur who do not agree with them.
CPC actually tries to conceal these events as much as possible. If it is really impossible to conceal, their public deaths are much less than what actually happened, whether the deceased were Han Chinese, attacked Uyghurs, or attackers. The public parts are due to the controversy caused by the discovery of large-scale detention.
What other separatists did was also concealed as much as possible. CPC seems to primarily aim to avoid resentment towards the Uyghurs as a whole among the majority of people in China, and pretend its rule is prosperous and unshakable.
A local Hui who have been hacked by terrorists before:
If officials claim nothing happened, means manything happened. If officials claim one or two people died, means a group of people have died. If officials claim thirty people died, means a village has disappeared.
Separatists and CCP went to war, and the people suffered.
Uyghurs mainly reside in the southern Xinjiang region and are mainly poor farmers. Most areas in southern Xinjiang are mainly Uyghur, although Han immigrants have appeared in urban areas in the past two decades. Before the crackdown, a rural Uyghur may have never seen any native Chinese speakers in their lifetime. When I visited there last year, most adult Uyghurs can't speak Chinese at all, and most who speak fluent Chinese are businessperson. I visited there with the company of a local Uyghur friend(abbreviated as T). Most of the repression was lifted in 2021, and what I saw was a mild version:
Small mosques are demolished or sealed off. The landmark mosques has been preserved, but locals dare not enter because it poses a risk of getting them into trouble. Inside are mainly tourists. All Arabic slogans have been covered or replaced with Uyghur versions. Halal symbols are prohibited. Some tourists are Uyghurs from northern Xinjiang. They have greater freedom. Locals are not allowed to wear Ḥijāb or grow large beards. Uyghur ethnic clothing without religious significance is also taboo. The stores sell them, but only for tourists. All cutting tools on the street are restricted to fixed objects with iron chains. Economic decline. Not many locals consume. During the period of severe repression, people had no income. Even civil servants are owed wages by the government due to financial constraints. Before 2017, schools almost exclusively taught Uyghur language, and local teachers were also Uyghurs who did not speak Chinese. Now it's almost pure Chinese. T is worried about the hidden camera when speaking. All taxis have prominent cameras. All polices are Uyghur. T claims that after 2021, who is visible on the streets is not police, but just security guard disguised. The real police are either undercover or hiding. All signs are bilingual or in Chinese. Simple Uyghur language signs are prohibited. Ethnicity can be distinguished by appearance. When others notice that we are a mixed ethnic team, they will be surprised.
The riots were mainly initiated by Uyghurs from rural areas in southern Xinjiang. This place has been subjected to the most severe repression.
The total population of Uyghurs is over 10 million. No one can be certain how many had entered the camp. They don't have an interconnected database for this. I read a local official privately claiming that perhaps 500,000 are a close number. When I mentioned that Western media claimed the number was one million, and T felt it was an underestimate. Another Uyghur from a northern city think this is an exaggeration.
As of now, Uyghurs, even if living in mainland China, dare not post too many opinions on these matters through online. Others lives Xinjiang cannot either. When they post content that the local government deems inappropriate, they may be knocked on and asked to delete their posts. This is highly unlikely to happen in other regions.
A local programmer told me, if the photos you take accidentally include any part of camps, when it is post online, it would disappear directly.
In the past few years, the density of Uyghur people visible in the inland has significantly increased. Young people from various ethnic groups in Xinjiang seem to be generally trying to leave Xinjiang due to limited freedom and insufficient income. Riots and repression have both led to loss of the Han population. A resident of Urumqi told me that the actual population here may only be half of what is recorded on paper. Xinjiang government is attempting to recruit Han Chinese from mainland China to settle down.
In mainland, when reside in hotels, Uyghurs will be registered by the police. Only specific qualified hotels are allowed to accept them. Several male Uyghurs said they may have been raided and inspected by the police at night.
Uyghurs have different opinions. I do know three Uyghurs clearly express that CPC's suppression is generally good, although they still complain. This includes T, whose father was once detained in a camp. I don't know the proportion of different opinions. The random Uyghurs themselves seem unclear about this too.
The camp seems to have different levels. My data point from Uyghur in rural area of southern Xinjiang and specifically, there was indeed a terrorist attack carried out by the residents from this town, so this is the most extreme situation. By T, camp and repression were described as:
In 2017, if you are an adult male and not in school or college, likely to enter a camp. This is about 80% of men. It almost came to an end after September 2019. Two thirds of them had returned. (The rest are mainly sentenced, with a few deaths) Pure torment. Later, the government was afraid of the West, and people gained meat in their diet and skill training. (about diet, I explain as the financial difficulties faced by the Xinjiang government. After the camps attracted international attention, they received more funding from the central government.)
Government know they just need to persuade the househead. Women and children will obey him. Many excuses be used to get you into the camp. Sometimes it's intentional to provoke you, and when conflicts occur, they tell you that your viewpoint is flawed (needs to be modified). They will inquire and analyze from neighbors what you have done before and recently. If you lie, they will find out. TBH, Han cadres are most rational. The main ones bullying us are Uyghur cadres.
Submissive people were released after one or two years. Disobedient people were sentenced to prison. Who completely disobeys had died. There are an average of 400 families in the village. They would receive seven or eight corpses from the camp. Those sentenced families have had difficult times. Only women and two children in the family, difficult to survive. Women are easily bullied, children do not obey her, wander around and do not help her with work. The villagers did nothing wrong. My father is not interested in religion. When he returned from the camp, he spoke Chinese more fluently than me. Outsiders recruiting locals for terrorist attacks, then they fled, and locals were retaliated against. Many people here are uneducated. They are easily deceived by outsiders (to create a terrorist attack/riot). This is brainwashing to prevent them from being deceived by outsiders. I hate those outsiders. They have caused many families to break down, and give us Uyghurs a bad reputation. Islam is good, distorted by these people. I dislike the local extremist religion before. I was not even allowed to sing.
He described the welfare policy:
The government has established new villages. You only need to pay a small fee to move over. Most of the expenses are subsidized by the government. They have carried out infrastructure construction. Our living environment has improved a lot. But the economy has not been developed, and our income has not increased. If your family is considered trustworthy, you may be helped to start a business in mainland. If someone is sentenced, their family will receive financial assistance.
He is a firsthand witness to the terrorist attack that occurred locally:
This has been reported as the death of thirty Hans. It's completely different. Terrorists intercepted the road and killed all Han trapped in the convoy. The Uyghur who resisted them were also killed. The actual number of deaths is over a thousand. I can't believe my childhood friends would kill people. The next day, the tank arrived at our village. All participants had been captured. The rest of us were frequently visited by cadres. Terrorists intercept convoys by chopping down trees. So the government forced the people to cut down the trees next to the road a few years ago.
submitted by Howling-wolf-7198 to stupidpol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:19 NomadChicken Accommodation in France with a bedbug problem- paid via transfer

Accommodation in France with bedbugs - paid via transfer
I was wondering whether anyone would be able to share some thoughts or advice on a situation we're currently facing.
We've travelled form UK to France for a period of 1 month to do a mix of work (wfh still luckily) and descovering new places. We've previously been to France many times and we love it!
Unfortunately, the situation occurs with the accommodation that we were staying in. On 2nd May 2024 we arrived at our accommodation and everything seemed to be nice and clean with no issues. We paid the accommodation - which is a business - trough bank transfer (also a written contract in place).
On 9th May we discovered some insect bites that were rather ugly looking on both our bodies and decided to further inspect the property. To our surprise we discovered bedbugs - for this I have photo evidence.
We have informed the owners of the apartment (they own several apartments in a building which appears to have been a hotel back in the day) and they firmly suggested they are happy to treat the room with some chemicals and cold water spray for the bedbugs to go away - they have done this promptly and also have replaced the bed frame and mattress.
Following day we discovered even more bites and decided to leave the property to mitigate the health&safety risk as well as the risk of carrying the bedbugs back to our property. They have provided a written statements upon my request detailing the day we have left and the reason.
We have found alteranitve accommodation, bagged all our belongings in bin bags and sealed them in order to take them to steaming/high temp drying to make sure there are no bedbugs left before checking in in the other property.
The initialy accommodaiton owners agreed to refund us but the remaining of our stay but are now deducting quite a lot of fees for cleaning/administration/etc which were not mentioned in the contract nor verbally when we checked in.
I have suggested that they should not only refund the remaining nights full, but should do for the full stay as we're now incurring quite a few extra costs for literally cleaning all our belongings (and we have a lot as we drove and are staying in France for 2+ months).
Do we have any legal stand here? I have researched online and can see that there is a possibility of a Small Claims Online for up to 5000 EUR but unsure how to proceed.
Do we just take the loss and accept whatever they want to refund us to minimise the hassle?
Thank you for your help, much appreciated!
submitted by NomadChicken to LegalAdviceEurope [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:48 LAUKConDisThrowaway What options do I have if I believe my employer is not taking their safety obligations seriously to protect my income and not end up jobless?

Hi all, throwaway account for fairly obvious reasons and there may be some things I can't answer avoid anything that could reveal parties involved.
I've worked for company "X" (not the social media company, just a placeholder) for over 4 years in England. We place products the UK market as the brand owner which are all covered by CE/UKCA directives. Long story short, I do not believe X is taking their product safety obligations seriously enough.
They have some processes in place and I have worked hard to improve as much as I can in terms of monitoring and reporting, and implementing processes and training on the proper method of escalation, investigation, and resolution with regard to product safety concerns. However, it's a smaller company in their particular field of products and they're far more concerned with the bottom line than whether a product presents a risk to a user. I get it, you're there to make money, but there has to be some level of moral and legal obligation to ensure the safety of human beings.
Anyway, there are a couple of products that I believe present a risk. I investigated and reported to seniors, and we did a lot of work with 3rd party testers and the supplier, but ultimately it was found to be compliant and it was difficult to recreate the conditions leading to failure in tests. However, that doesn't change the fact that it is still presenting a high failure rate with a potential for harm. Again, long story short, X decided not to remove the product from the market and opted to replace it with a different model from a different manufacturer. I wasn't happy per se, but I accepted their decision as seniors despite advocating for corrective action.
They began looking at alternatives, but it didn't happen quick enough so they ended up ordering another load of the model I personally consider to be unsafe. They said they needed to keep the relationship with that supplier and the product met all compliance requirements for the UK and EU markets.
Sorry for the long explanation but this leads me to my question. I am not comfortable with that and have said again we should replace this product as I do not believe it is safe, I don't care if it's technically compliant, the returns are what they are and the reports from the field paint a picture of a product presenting risk to users.
What can I do? I need this job, but I am battling daily with the moral implications of this. It's entirely probably and likely nothing serious would happen, but I'm still not comfortable and I am not sure I want to work for a company that is willing to do that. Is there anything like constructive dismissal I can claim? I don't really want to up and resign when jobs in this field are hard to come by, and I can't imagine anyone is going to want to touch me if I'm the guy that sold his company out for a Product that's technically compliant.
I'm not even really sure what I'm asking, but hoping someone can advise on any options I might have that would allow me to leave the company outside of just straight resigning and locking myself into a 1 month frenzy to find another job, which I realise is the main available course of action.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by LAUKConDisThrowaway to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]