Headache, earache, bodyache

I-693 Covid vax requirement is excessive! (4th shot required for teen son)

2024.05.14 17:32 caroline_elly I-693 Covid vax requirement is excessive! (4th shot required for teen son)

I'm applying AOS for my teen son and noticed that he needs to have a dose of the Covid vaccine within the last 12mos.
I'm not anti-vaccine, my son is already vaccinated with covid 3x and had covid at least 2x, potentially more since his symptoms were light. His last shot was more than a year ago and had quite a nasty reaction (bad headache and bodyaches, was in bed for a full day). Our doctor already recommended against giving my son more Covid shots since "his blood is loaded with antibodies" (his words).
I plan to get a waiver no matter what since I'm not gonna put my son's health at risk, but it's so messed up that we may need to leave the country because of this. I checked all the EU/Scandinavian countries' recommendation and none recommends a fourth shot for young kids. My husband and I are so pissed...
submitted by caroline_elly to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 07:05 Proof_Winter7495 Teethpain, headache and earache

Hello, I am looking for some advice here. I am having pain at upper right side last teeth area (I don’t feel sensitivity though when eat cold or hot) and pain goes to my right ear and right head. I took Tylenol sinus to get some relief. Is this is really Sinus or something else. I am feeling this first time in my life. When I take Tylenol sinus, pain disappears for good 2-3 hours but then appear after.
Also I noticied when I came home from walk or something pain gets worse. What does this means ?
submitted by Proof_Winter7495 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:39 Hour_Force531 How find the Best ENT Specialists in London?

How find the Best ENT Specialists in London?
Finding the Best ENT Specialists in London Its When it comes to health issues related to ear, nose, and throat (ENT), finding an ENT specialist that meets both your medical needs as well as meets personal criteria can be daunting. London offers many medical professionals to meet these criteria - be it persistent earaches, sinus issues, throat discomfort or other related ailments; or you're experiencing chronic headaches from these issues; therefore it's crucial that you seek the appropriate medical treatment and this blog provides an informative guide that can assist in the search process of finding best ENT specialists available here in London.
Why It Matters
ENT disorders can have a tremendously detrimental impact on one's quality of life, from more common conditions like tonsillitis and allergic rhinitis to more complex issues like sleep apnea, hearing impairment and voice disorders. Therefore, selecting an ENT specialist with proven track records, exceptional diagnostic skills and the capability of creating personalized treatment plans is of utmost importance.
Key Factors to Consider for Selecting an ENT Specialist.
  1. Qualifications and Experience: It is essential to select an ENT specialist with an outstanding educational foundation and extensive experience. Acclaimed London-based ENT doctors often have affiliations with prestigious medical schools as well as undergo extensive national and international training programmes.
  2. Specialization:
ENT is a broad field. Some specialists specialize in specific areas like otology (ears), rhinology (nose and sinuses), or laryngology (throat). Depending on your condition, you may wish to visit an ENT whose specialization matches up well with what you require.
  1. Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Feedback from patient reviews provides invaluable insight into a doctor's bedside manner, professionalism, and success at treating various conditions. Sites like NHS Choices or private clinic websites typically feature patient testimonials.
  2. Location and Accessibility: Historically this factor was given less consideration.
Keep the location and accessibility in mind if multiple visits may be required.
  1. Technology and Treatment Options:
A successful ENT practice should feature modern diagnostic and treatment modalities to meet today's modern healthcare demands, so make sure the clinic you visit offers these capabilities. These specialists in London should offer superior ENT services.
Researching providers yourself is invaluable; here are three of London's best ENT specialists as a place to start:
  1. The ENT Clinic London: Well known for their comprehensive care, The ENT Clinic London offers specialists skilled at treating all aspects of ENT disorders.
  2. London ENT Surgeons: These surgeons are known for providing outstanding adult and pediatric ENT care, boasting leading experts in their respective fields.
  3. Harley Street ENT Clinic: Boasting state-of-the-art facilities, Harley Street ENT Clinic provides an array of ENT services from diagnostics to surgery and rehabilitation.
  4. Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital:
As part of University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, this hospital specializes exclusively in ENT care to ensure highly specialized treatment.
Finding an ENT specialist in London requires some work and diligence. By considering factors like qualifications, specialization, patient reviews, location and the presence of advanced treatment options you can make an informed choice about which specialist best meets your needs and provides preventative guidance towards maintaining optimal ENT health.
submitted by Hour_Force531 to u/Hour_Force531 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:52 Myperiobr1 Discover Relief with Effective TMD Treatment in Bryn Mawr

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) can cause significant discomfort that can impact your daily. Luckily, the residents of Bryn Mawr have access to efficient TMD treatment options that will reduce the pain and improve jaw function. Let's look at the basics of TMD is and the ways that the treatment options for it in Bryn Mawr can make a difference.
TMD refers to a variety of ailments which affect your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) which is the joint that connects your head and jaw. The symptoms of TMD are diverse and include jaw discomfort, popping or clicking sounds when you open or close the mouth, trouble chewing headaches, earaches and facial pain.
The first step towards finding the relief you need from TMD is to seek a professional assessment or diagnosis with a licensed expert who is located in Bryn Mawr. A skilled dentist or oral health professional can perform a thorough examination as well as a thorough examination of medical records as well as diagnostic imaging, if needed to determine the root reason for your symptoms.
If a diagnosis is established and a treatment plan is established, your Bryn Mawr doctor will create an individual treatment program that is customized to your individual demands and symptoms. TMD treatment can include a combination of gentle methods and advanced treatments targeted to relieve discomfort, improve jaw functioning, and resolve any issues that may be underlying to your problem.
Treatments for TMD could include lifestyle changes like stress management techniques diet, lifestyle changes, and jaw exercises to ease tension in muscles and relax on the jaw joint. It is possible that your Bryn Mawr provider may also suggest over-the-counter pain relieving medications and muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory drugs to ease the symptoms.
In instances where conventional treatments aren't enough, more extensive treatments for TMD could be suggested. This could include mouthguards and dental splints to stabilize your jaw joint, and ease tension or trigger point injections that relieve muscle tension and pain and physical therapy to increase jaw mobility and functioning.
In certain instances correctional dental procedures or orthodontic treatments may be required to treat structural issues that are causing TMD symptoms. The Bryn Mawr provider will discuss the various treatment options available to you, and will work with you to create a treatment program that will meet your requirements and objectives.
The aim for TMD treatments in Bryn Mawr is to provide long-lasting relief from the symptoms and improve the quality of your living. By addressing the root causes of your TMD and tailoring the treatment to your specific requirements, you'll see significant improvements of jaw functionality, less discomfort and pain, as well as restored dental health.
If you're suffering from symptoms of TMD Do not put off the need to seek assistance. Make an appointment with an expert dentist at Bryn Mawr today to explore the options for treatment and start the first step toward relief and healing. Your path to better, healthier smile starts right here.
submitted by Myperiobr1 to u/Myperiobr1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 08:03 No_Direction_1805 AITA for pressing charges for a hit and run?

I (34F), was t-boned by a careless driver, slow-speed, at a parking lot, with my 2 kids, (1F), (12M), with my car being stopped. The other driver, (41m), was on the wrong side of the road, and driving forward while looking backward. I managed to stop my vehicle, so he can properly fix his vehicle to the right side. However, since he was driving forward and looking backward, he still ended up hitting me on my driver side. I got out of the car to quickly get a picture of his tag. He also got out of the car, talking to me in Spanish. I don’t comprehend Spanish that much and he doesn’t comprehend English. Because I tried telling him that I have 2 kids in my car but he insisted that he caused no damages since there were preexisting damages to my vehicle. He didn’t want me to call the police. He looked scared. I kept telling him that it didn’t matter if he caused damages or not to my vehicle. I only care for my kids well beings. When I see that our conversation went nowhere for 10 minutes, I proceeded to call the police, sat in my car, locked my door. Upon waiting for the police to arrive, I see him speeding off, leaving the scene. He didn’t exchange any of his personal information with me. The cops came and wrote the report as a hit and run. They were there for at least half hour. I declined to press charges at the time and declined paramedic assistance because I , physically, felt fine. Comes to find out that I also had a concussion at the crime scene because I had confusion, even forgot my kids birthdays, the spelling of their names etc. I thought it was just shock, not a concussion. I denied to press charges, because I assumed that he just came to USA, under the Biden program, and I didn’t want to ruin his record without talking to him first or explaining to him. 1hr passed by, he came back on scene, with an older gentleman, mind you, the police already finalized the report and left. Comes to find out that we’re from the same country, and he bilingual, Spanish, and the native language. He came back with his driver license. I took a picture of it. I asked him for his insurance and he said he doesn’t have with him. I asked him why he fled the scene, he said he didn’t have his license with him. He could’ve asked someone to bring it to him, since he lives 3min from the crime scene, or ask someone in the parking lot to help translate, prior fleeing the scene, instead of trying to argue with me in Spanish about damages in my car. When he came back, he was still arguing with me about the damages in my car. At this point I’m getting a headache from that and told my bf to handle it with him. My bf said that I should just let it go since there were prior damages. I told him as long as he fixed his damages, outside of insurance, I’ll be ok with it. Again, a hit and run report was already made, so I can always fall back on that, if he doesn’t meet his end of agreement. Prior of him leaving again, he told me to delete the picture of his driver license off my phone. I asked him what he took me for, and the picture is staying there til he meets his agreement. He exchanged numbers with my man. Fast forward, hours later, my (13m) is feeling muscle aches, backache, reddish, purplish swollen ankles and can barely walk, without a medical boot that I ended up buying out of pocket. my son took most of the impact. Meanwhile my 1 year old is crying nonstop for 24 hours. I am diagnosed with a concussion, constantly dizzy, headaches, ear ringing, earache. We were all buckled. Me being a concerned mother, I wanted to reach out to the man, to inform him that since my kids and I are injured, I will move forward to his car insurance. I am already a disabled mom, who constantly sees a dr. I don’t look disable because I’m taking treatment to better myself and some of my disabilities are not visible. Knowing that I still have his license, I drove to his house and was told that he doesn’t live there. I explained part of the situation to his family and they told me to come back at a given time, and I’ll get the insurance information from him. So I came back at the given time, and he is there. I do not know what he told his people because they claimed that it wasn’t a hit and run since i told him that everything was fine afterwards, “after he fled the scene”. Then I tried telling them that the police report was already made as a hit and run, when he fled the scene, that I’m only here to get the insurance information from him to file a claim due to my kids injuries. I wanted to be courteous and tried working it out with him. His family told him not to provide me the insurance information without having a cop present at his property, that my vehicle was already damaged prior, that I don’t look disabled, that his car has no damages, no care whatsoever about my injured kids. They pretty much tried to gaslight, manipulate me, even said that I told him to leave the scene, when clearly we both couldn’t comprehend each other’s language. I told him that if he doesn’t give me the insurance information, I will press charges and he’ll be deported back to his country. Btw, he has a permit and has only been in the USA for nearly 12 months now. I didn’t know at the time that cops can easily run a license plate to provide me the insurance information. His family is telling me that I need to have pity for him because he just came in the country. I questioned his family if they pity my injured kids. Obviously I pity him otherwise he would’ve been in jail by now. So they still refused to give me the insurance information. He was so combative, argumentative with me, constantly telling me that he didn’t hit my vehicle. He even said his vehicle has no damages on it, which is a lie, then proceeded on saying that I told him to leave. I did no such thing because at the time he didn’t know that we’re both from the same country and didn’t speak our native languages at the accident scene. I just knew if I told him where I was from, at the crime scene, he would’ve tried to manipulate me more into not calling the cops, which he already tried in Spanish. I got tired of the arguments, called the cops and they provided me his insurance information. I told the suspect that whatever happens to him, isn’t my fault , because I really tried working it out with him. He thought that I was bluffing about him being arrested. I thought long about pressing charges. I didn’t want to press charges without making it work with him but he was being extremely arrogant about it. Pressing charges will have him deported , with a felony due to our injuries. I went back to the police station today and told them that I’d like to press charges against him. They informed me to allow 1-2 weeks in order for him to be arrested. I’m lawyered up for body injuries. AITA for pressing charges?
submitted by No_Direction_1805 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 07:29 offdazaza Ear pain

I got 5 teeth removed 7 days ago ( one of my bottom molars had to be removed because of my wisdom tooth growing weird) and I’ve been having this terrible headache/earache. My throat feels dry on the one side that hurts (right side) and i haven’t smoked or vaped or nothing since. Does anyone think this is dry socket or is this normal ? Btw, the side that hurts the most is the side that visually looks like it’s healing a hole lot better and faster. Also the side I had less teeth removed
submitted by offdazaza to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:03 misplacedsidekick Observations

I didn't keep track of my quit day the way I did with alcohol and cigarettes which, in hindsight, feels like a mistake but I don't think I knew I was going to be this committed.
I'm about 4 or 5 weeks into this. When I started, I was probably averaging 80-90 grams of sugar a day. Some days much more, some days a little less. I've probably cut out 80-90% of that daily consumption. The closest I've come to a binge was a yogurt that's probably closer to dessert than it is to breakfast but they're in my fridge and I feel ok finishing them off.
The first thing I noticed was a marked reduction in my acid reflux. It was awful and it was killing my sleep at night. I'd always suspected it was related to sugar and I seem to have proved myself right.
The jeans I put on today are noticeably looser.
My grocery bills are lower.
Something that really surprised me, and I don't know that there's correlation, is my sinuses. My sinuses have felt blocked forever and I can't really think of a time when they didn't feel that way. They seemed to have cleared up on their own. Maybe something else is going on there but the timing is really something and since I have allergies, this time of year should be the last time my sinuses would be feeling clear. I'd be curious if anyone else has noticed this.
Still having daily headaches and bodyaches but they're not nearly as severe as they were for those couple of weeks.
Appreciate the forum and reading people's insights.
submitted by misplacedsidekick to sugarfree [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 22:45 jtv123vols Allergy Test Advice for Tommorrow, Unbearable itching from stopping Zyrtec

Been taking Zyrtec every day for like 5 years. Never made it more than a few days stopping it until this past week and it’s been a nightmare. Bad hives mainly on hands and feet and had bodyaches/nausea/headaches. Benedryl helped some but had to stop that the other day too before skin test. Please someone tell me there’s an end in sight for this or that my appointment tomorrow can get some sort of relief. I’d like to never take anything with cetrizine again if this is what it’s like to come off it
submitted by jtv123vols to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:53 nasir_ran 3 day detox plan

3 day detox plan submitted by nasir_ran to WeightLossFormula [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 21:18 Worldly_Confusion_75 TMJ flare up and roof of mouth ache.

I've been having what i presume to be a TMJ flare up, as I have always had bruxism and it has been leading to all sorts of pain recently (etd, headaches, jaw pain, earaches, clicking, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, fullness in face, myofacial pain). yes i have spoke to my family doctor and got in contact with a dentist, but just today i have developed a new symptom. has anybody ever experienced a roof of the mouth type of ache when eating or even just resting? a dull ache, right at the top of your palate. i'm curious if this is TMJ or bruxism related or if i should be concerned of something else. before i was diagnosed with TMJ recently, the doctor had thought it was a sinus infection. i read somewhere that sinus infections can cause roof of mouth pain as well, and i really want to make sure that i have ruled out sinusitis so i can go forward with TMJ treatment. i do occasionally have congestion, but it only flares up when i smoke (marijuana) or go outside. no nasal discharge other than a normal clear mucus when i blow my nose, which is barely any at all. i would assume it is a normal amount for a smoker. please let me know if this is a common experience or if it's abnormal in relation to TMJ.
submitted by Worldly_Confusion_75 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 03:55 Yzma_Kitt Does or did this getting dentures experience suck for anyone else?

Everyone I know with dentures and it seems everywhere I read or watch online have these great experiences and how dentures changed their lives for the better. I'm here mentally losing it because this feels like it's one of the worst choices I've ever made!(And I've made some really bad choices in my life. Getting a tattoo of a stupid cartoon fad when I was a teenager. Having kids before I was ready, dropping out of college instead of getting loans, moving to and living in Southern New Mexico. Those kinds of bad choices.)
Outside of my E day 3 months ago this entire thing has been a miserable hell. Bone spurs/shards, gums separating apart, allergic reaction to the sutures. The stupid damn temporaries not fitting at all no matter how they are adjusted or soft relined. The headaches, having toothaches even though there's NO TEETH to ache! The earaches. All the face pain, and sinuse draining.
Not being able to eat, the gagging, and choking. The gapping of the denture in the back between the plastic and the roof of my mouth. The cutting against that lip tendon thing that connects the lip to the gums, the sore spots from where the whole thing rubs, gets adjusted then a new spot rubs!
I'm over this whole fresh new circle of hell. There's just no going back, obviously. This has been a massive waste of money for a lot of pain, misery and embarrassment. And I don't see the point in wasting anymore money going further into debt for permanent dentures after 9 more months of this.
I regret this all so much. I never thought I'd miss my ugly messed up real teeth. The only reason I agreed to this was I was told it would be better than to keep getting infections from them and I would be able to smile and laugh without hiding my face like I have since I was around 6. I disagree now.
Everyone irl with dentures keeps telling me I'll get used to this. It'll get better. Showing me how good their's look. How they can chew, how they can smile. That I look better now I just need to learn how to move my mouth around then so they don't pop, slide, slip and clunk around my mouth. That I can practice talking to stop gleaking, drooling, lisping and spitting when I try to talk.
This isn't going to get better. I know it won't. What'll happen is I'll just have to get used to however worse it gets until that level of life sucking goes from the new normal to just plain normal.
Idk. Maybe it's that misery does like company, I would just like to know if I really am the odd one out and completely alone for hating all of this?
submitted by Yzma_Kitt to dentures [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 19:03 CalibornTheLord OTC or non-prescription pain relief medication that won’t exacerbate tinnitus?

Hello! I’m currently dealing with tinnitus from ETD. My ENT told me to stay away from ibuprofen & tylenol, which could potentially make my T harder to deal with. The thing is, I still have frequent earaches and headaches. What would be a good OTC or non-prescription pain relief medication that I could take that wouldn’t make my T worse? Thank you!
submitted by CalibornTheLord to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 02:19 Turbulent-Street6562 withdrawal

i stopped 15 mg cold turkey. i know i shouldn’t do this but ive stopped other antidepressants previously and not been in such bad shape but holy crap i feel awful. i feel like im coming down with a virus. cold/shivering/bodyaches. slight headache. no nausea at least yet but this is day 1 and i already feel like im gonna die. i know i should just taper down but i couldn’t deal with the side effects anymore and am just hoping this doesn’t last too long. to others who have stopped cold turkey, how long is this gonna last? i just couldn’t do it anymore with the weight gain and drowsiness.
submitted by Turbulent-Street6562 to Mirtazapine_Remeron [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 23:31 Lord_NCEPT Headache from Bippy?

Anyone ever get a headache from using too big of a bippy? Is that a thing? Not an earache, but a headache on that side of the head.
Please note: I don’t need to hear about your molded earpiece and how much you love it, or over-the-ear earpiece, or anything like that. My question is simply whether you are aware of anyone getting headaches from using the wrong size bippy.
submitted by Lord_NCEPT to ATC [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 03:42 smd1227 Eye Redness

I had a cholesteatoma removed and full inner ear rebuild (tympanomastoidextomy) 7 years ago. I've had random issues on and off since then, usually related to seasonal allergies. The last couple of months I've been having a lot more earaches, headaches on the side of my "bad ear," and eye redness on the same side. The other eyes is fine. Has anyone else experienced this type of eye redness with a cholesteatoma? I'm just wondering if it could be related.
submitted by smd1227 to cholesteatoma [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 21:58 lizardrekin Lazy ER recommendation?

26F 5’5 115 Caucasian Sudden onset ON Canada No other medical issues No meds
Presenting with strep symptoms. I can’t get to the doctor today due to work/early walk in closure (can’t go to another walk in because my doctor will drop me if I do so) The worst of my symptoms are inability to swallow without extreme pain (10/10 pain), and swollen tonsils to the point that breathing is a LITTLE impacted. I am breathing deeply; the breath is simply slower on intake/outtake due to smaller space. I really do not find it emergent or even that annoying. I’m not swallowing spit and instead spitting it out, and eating/drinking is impacted but not to the point of dehydration or anything.
Anyways I used 811 to ask if missing out on the doctor for a day was okay and was told to go to the ER. I can’t help but think that’s a waste of my time and their resources. I’m sure antibiotics would be given (same as at a walk in), etc but I don’t see what the ER could do that my doctors office couldn’t. If it’s genuinely important that I go I’ll finish work early and head over to my doctor. But is an ER genuinely necessary?!
Symptoms are: - sudden onset (yesterday morning was uncomfortable, last night was unbearable) - red, swollen tonsils with white patches - red dots on roof of mouth - difficulty swallowing - lack of appetite - body aches - mild fever - stiff jaw - swollen lymph nodes - earache in both ears - voice change - headache - fatigue
No cough/cold symptoms.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by lizardrekin to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 08:32 bagpusskitty 🌿

🌿 submitted by bagpusskitty to LockdownSceptics [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 08:10 emmuchio HELP going cold turkey

I really need advice as I’m going through withdrawal-hell rn.
After consulting with my psych, we decided that I should go cold turkey. I’ve been on 10mg for about a year. For the past few months I’ve forgotten to take it every day, which means I’ve effectively only been on 5mg. This info, combined with the fact, that I once went cold turkey on the lowest dosage of sertraline, without any complications, made my psych say that it was ok this time as well. My psych is very competent and I do not doubt their abilities and knowledge.
However, I would really like to hear someone elses experience, as it can feel lonely.
It’s been 1,5 weeks. I started off just straight on depressed. I cried and cried. Then it got better around thursday, one week in. So I thought.
I’m irritated, to the point of aggressive outbursts, and I’m feeling like everything is insurmountable. I cry constantly. Im nauseous and in pain; headaches, bodyaches. My moodswings are terrible. I constantly worry that its a relapse and not withdrawals.
Positives are; I’m feeling creative again for the first time in a long time, which is amazing. Less sexual dysfunction. All my senses and emotions are feeling clearer.
(If anything doesnt make sense, please be nice about it, I’m not feeling good and english is not my first language :))
submitted by emmuchio to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 21:49 Lil_Boat_Floats Should I go back to the ER?

Hello, I (19F) have been the sickest I’ve ever been in my entire life lately. It started 4 days ago with a sudden fever (101 F) and extreme body aches/chills. That has now turned into a cough with thick, greenish grayish mucus, congestion, headache, earache (and I can’t hear out of my right ear), fever on and off (in the range of 101-102), and shortness of breath. I went to the hospital two days ago after almost passing out from walking across my apartment. There, my blood pressure was 101/51, my blood oxygen was 93, my temperature was 101.9, and my heart rate was in the 130s. They basically gave me some extra strength Tylenol to help with the fever, and sent me home with a Z-pac and more Tylenol. No tests, nothing more, just a quick run through. Well now, two days later and I’m still feeling as bad as I did. I’m coughing so hard that my ribs and stomach hurt, and the green phlegm hasn’t gone away. I’m still randomly spiking fevers. I feel like all I can do is sit in my bed and rot, because I have no energy for anything else. I’m scared I’m going to stop breathing in my sleep and never wake up again.
Is it worth taking a trip back to the ER? Or will they just send me home again?
submitted by Lil_Boat_Floats to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 16:14 Sqtire Piercing Headache 18M

Weight: 190lbs Height: 6’4 Medications: None Health Problems: None to my knowledge (most recent incident being a mild concussion in October 2023). I recently began to experience symptoms for an ear infection(bad earache), following which they worsened and I developed a sore throat-akin symptom exclusively on the left side of my throat. During this I have suffered these sudden inexplicable sharp shock-like headaches through the left side of my head. They are quite brief, lasting typically under a second though certainly largely unprecedented and worrying. My school health center has attributed the sore throat and ear ache to an incoming wisdom tooth, though I am skeptical of the correlation between said tooth and these variable head shocks. Any additional aid in diagnosing (or guidance as to the recourse this may require) this would be much appreciated.
submitted by Sqtire to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 23:41 TheStubbornIllusion Should I be worried whether I have brain bleed? (19M)

1 week ago, I hit my head hard playing soccer. Basically me and another guy tripped and he fell on me. His head ended up slamming against my head, just above my ear. My head also hit the ground at about the same time
I didn't lose consciousness or what but it did hurt. I had an earache/headache the following day, which I am still experiencing now; and it seems to either be a worse than before or not improved at the very least.
Currently, my ears and eyes feel stuffy as if there's liquid in them. But what really bothers me is that I found a tiny piece of clotted blood on my outer ear waking up this morning. I'm worried this may be related to me hitting my head. It certainly wasn't because of any surface / skin irritation in my ear.
Do you think this is a cause of concern for something like a contusion or something as serious as an (albeit slow) brain bleed?
submitted by TheStubbornIllusion to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 13:51 Lady_Aya Statement from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Ministerial Statement - Pharmacy First

Thank you, Deputy Speaker.
Pharmacies are integral to every community across the UK, providing essential advice and over-the-counter remedies to millions of patients annually. They serve as vital points of contact, particularly for minor ailments, alleviating the strain on GP services.
Today, I am proud to announce the launch of NHS England's Pharmacy First initiative, empowering local pharmacies to offer additional over-the-counter solutions, reducing the need for GP input. Of course patient safety is rightly the top priority with a campaign such as this, and only uncomplicated presentations of ailments meeting strict criteria will be treated under Pharmacy First. Complex cases will be appropriately referred to GP or hospital services by the pharmacy when required.
To facilitate this transition, pharmacies across England will receive a total of £430 million in funding over two years. This funding will support the creation and distribution of physical and digital informational materials, integration of clinical practices with existing medical systems, and additional training for pharmacists.
Specific guidance regarding eligible treatments will be published by NHS England. Treatments will include, but are not limited to:
By relieving the burden on GP services, particularly for common ailments like Tonsilitis, Pharmacy First will enable GP surgeries to prioritise acute cases, improving the overall patient journey. Ailments such as simple UTI’s, where the patient often knows the signs and symptoms well and may have had something similar before, can now receive the appropriate treatment in a timely manner. NHS England will provide detailed guidance on transitioning to Pharmacy First, including activity thresholds to access ongoing government funds after they have transitioned. Our aim is to have all pharmacies fully participating in Pharmacy First by April 2025, with a short-term goal of 50% by September 2024.
Deputy Speaker, I urge all members to support this initiative as we continue to support our dedicated and simply brilliant NHS workers to enhance patient care across the nation, and I commend this statement to the House
This statement is delivered by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care u/Weebru_m KT CT LVO MP PC
Debate on this statement shall end on Friday 12th of April at 10PM
submitted by Lady_Aya to MHOC [link] [comments]
