Body language worksheet


2016.10.10 12:57 BodyLanguageAnalysis

This sub is created for the sole purpose of analysing videos, pictures, interesting expressions,past events and having a discussion about the meaning of portrayed non verbal communication or even the lack of it, also if it is real or a fake expression and WHY this is. This sub is not made for questions as 'Why does my boss fold his arms when he enters my office.'

2010.03.07 04:09 Read the Body, Read the intention.

A gathering place for studies and discussion about body language and non-verbal communication.

2023.05.06 13:41 adam-fru BodyLanguageMastery

We discuss how people unconsciously signal their feelings, thoughts, and intentions through subtle movements and gestures. Learn how to read others and influence them with your own body language. Share stories of insightful observations of body language in real-world social interactions. Decipher the hidden meanings behind stances, facial expressions, eye contact, hand movements, and more. Become a body language expert and gain valuable insights into human interaction and relationships.

2024.05.17 01:19 PersonalDev-Y99 I feel like everyone hates me

I'm often awkward in social situations and it's...quite visible. I try my best but I have a hard time just making small talk, and I'm overly alert about people's body language, it can be a forced smile, a facial expression, and I start to interpret things, I'm paranoid asf, and I'm now convinced my colleagues hate me for some reason. It's a horrible spiral that I started myself, and I want to stop this, but dunno how. HELP
submitted by PersonalDev-Y99 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:14 Duuudechill RBF Women

So I have got a question for the brothers out here.Might’ve experienced this or are going through this issue.
“How/Will you approach a woman who has RBF(resting bitch face)”?
Reason why I ask is cause this attractive BW came through and her facial expression screamed unhappy and hates being around people.Her face was signaling don’t bother me so hard I didn’t want to even exchange pleasantry’s.I was already speaking to someone when she caught my eye(platonic).The person I was talking to is an acquaintance took a look at her and just said she probably having a bad day.Friend said hello to this woman and this girl barely looked at her and gave me this side eye like I said something.Only thing I could think of is maybe because I didn’t acknowledge her is the reason why she gave me a look.
Her facial expression and body language didn’t say open or pleasant so I didn’t bother to say hello.Learned a long time ago “there are some people that need a whole lot of leave alone”.
submitted by Duuudechill to blackmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:14 Strong_Mechanic4785 Can this trait be related to socionics?

Sometimes I get high off of interacting with people and other times I’m so fatigued by socializing that my lips shake when I smile.
What I mean by social interaction is: reading a persons face and body language, interpreting their words and assessing potential meanings, forming words to reply to them with, enacting social niceties or the opposite, etc.
Sometimes I’m very good at it and it comes naturally. People expect me to be that way all the time but then I stop being consistent and keep to myself and keep to my thoughts. I feel guilty often but when my store of social energy is gone it’s just gone and I don’t personally view it as a problem. I don’t lose respect or courtesy. I just become less animated and more direct.
I waver between robotic and warm like a mad man.
submitted by Strong_Mechanic4785 to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:07 spicyycorn I love you so much, Izuru Kamukura... submitting a few stuff i wrote for him

Hello there...
Why i like Izuru???
I like Izuru because he's a very smart and OP character but we couldn't see much of him. He's talented asf, I love him, he looks so cool with those long hair and red eyes of him, he knows how many sides an octagon has unlike Hajime, he knows how to deal with Junko, he's awesome and I love his hair, he got his own cute little spot in the villains wiki, 91 cm, he's logical and thinks with his brain, not by heart, Kamukura Kamukura Yas Queen, he wins every stare contest easily, He's named after the founder of Hope's Peak Academy, he's so relatable and he likes boats and seacrafts just like me, he manages to look cool everytime, his design in the anime is perfect, his happy pixel in the villains wiki is adorable, he's the right one for me I'll never stop loving him, he has all the talents, I find it funny how he thinks talented people are superior to the ones without talent and how he doesn't hesitate to express his disgust towards them, he does that in a polite way, I love how excited he got from the boat's rocking because he couldn't predict it and didn't understand that he was in a boat until Nagito told him that, I find it so relatable that he finds everything boring and predictable to a degree that he's chronically bored, he is in a search of identity as well, I love how he easily blocked Mukuro's attack and how he easily dodged Junko's attacks, he's so fricking cool. I love him. Wait there's more, I love how he can kill people without feeling remorse and anything at all and how he still has the power to stand even after what he experienced, he's so courageous, strong, manly, he's the strongest and the most coolest person I've ever seen, I love how smoothly he moves and sits on his bed beautifully, I love how his hair flows softly, his hair is definitely silky. I love him. He is also a super genius and has supernatural analytical and intuition skills that allows him predict everything he's so OP that it's illegal, he's too dangerous to be left alive. I love him. Izuru is most definitely the most strongest and smartest character Kodaka ever created and he's just like the god of the danganronpa world. I love him. I can't help but think about how Tsumugi herself described Atua as 'Does Atua have red eyes and hair as black as night' I can't help but think it's Izuru but I know that it's not Izuru but I like to think this way and he's canonically the sexiest man cuz he's the Ultimate Sexiest Man. I love him. Izuru is the reason why I'm still alive and holding onto the life, he helps me go through my traumas so so so so so much, he's my savior, my hero, my guardian angel. If he wasn't there, I wouldn't be there, too. He's the best thing happened to me. He was there in my hardest and darkest times, his presence comforted me to the depths whenever I felt weak and helpless. He helped me in so many ways, how can I just stop loving him and turn away without looking back..? Even the thought of that is... is enough to make my body feel cold... I could never betray him... If I ever betray him know that I'm not myself anymore and have lost my mind. But I know. As long as he's here, I'll be sane and alive. Izuru Kamukura is my lifelong hero and one and only true love. <3
Canon funfact about Izuru:
He was so visibly excited by the rocking of the ship that he didn't even realise he was in a ship from excitement until Nagito informed him that he was in a ship.
Aaaand talking with Izuru?.. Oh my... Talking with Izuru... Omg...
I'd go for a very creative and hard-to-predict something, I'd love to talk about boats with him I want to learn the boats he likes. Ketches? WAIT THERE ARE SHIPS TOO. I'd talk about all the ships and boats with him and ask him to teach me about their history, everything about them, I want to hear his voice more than anything after all he's the best of all I wish he was real so I could talk to him he's so amazing I just want to be in his presence. Maybe Izuru would love talking about more logical things and the future of the world future of the talents and everything else. I'd talk anything with Izuru as long as its with him. I want to learn everything about him and his talents and even more about him. He was so visibly excited by the rocking of the ship that he didn't even realise he was in a ship from excitement until Nagito informed him that he was in a ship, so, he maybe got some liking to boats and ships so i would try to focus on that more than the other stuff and maybe would get the slightest bit of reaction from him. Seacrafts are so cool already he would at least listen to me I presume. Cruisers are so cool... Oh gosh i'd love to talk to him...
some info about Izuru <33333
He is able to predict anything with surprisingly high accuracy so this causes him to be bored almost all the time, he also got lobotomised, these causes him to not show interest in anything except unpredictability.
I L O V E Izuru eternally...
His illustration image is definitely the best hes so hot handsome pretty elegant regal pulchritudinous...
Izuru... i love you so much it hurts...
You gem. You absolute masterpiece of God. You shining piece of gold. You are a piece of art, that the Angels drawn angels Earth,and forgot the paint brush. You have a freckle on your neck. Did you know that?
It´s rather cute.
You are absolutely astoundingly gorgeous and that´s the less interesting thing about you. You are ethereal. A Heavenly Angel that God send down to Earth to put a smile in people in the worst days. You are so beautiful that you holy light cures depression itself. You are the pinnacle of perfection.
You are the most gorgeous person that i have ever seen. You hair is one of the most gorgeous that i´ve ever seen. And you smell like strawberries.
It´s like a big breath of fresh air when i walk into the street and see you! You haven´t worn makeup all week? Damn, you´re gorgeous! You carry yourself with much more maturity than most people on the Internet!
I love talking to you. You dress in a stunning way,and you look really nice every day.
Damn,that confidence looks really sexy on you! You? Look up to you! I adore you. You are a real life Mona Lisa. You are the breathing,talking,living equivalent of a piece of art. I love seeing your smile,it brightens my day every time. I wish i could make you laught like that more often. You´re beautiful all the time,but when you smile like that,i swear my world stops!
I cannot believe how incredibly smart you are. Amazingly smart. Beautifully smart. Q.I. of 100 smart. Higher than Einstein Q.I smart. Einstein would be envious os you. You could decyphre the secrets of the universe if you could, and you will one day.
You´re that "nothing" when people ask me what i´m thinking about. You look great today. You´re a smart cookie. I bet you make babies smile. You have impeccable manners. I like your style. You have the best laught.I aprecciate you. You are the most perfect you there is. Our system of inside jokes is so advanced that only you and i get it. And I like it. You light up the room. You should be proud of yourself. If cartoon bluebirds were real,they would be sitting on your shoulders singing with you right now. You´re a great listener. I bet you sweat glitter. Jokes are funnier when you tell them. Your bellybutton is kind of adorable. You´re irrestible when you blush. Babies and small animals probably love you. There´s ordinary,and then there´s you. You´re someone´s reason to smile. You´re even better than a Unicorn, because you´re real. How do you keep so funny and making everyone laugh? Has anyone ever told you that you have a great posture? The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible. You´re really something special,you´re a gift to those around you.
Did i mentioned that i love you?..
More... it'll never end...
Dear heavenly blessed beauty, I have been thinking about you speechless and in awe. That deep gaze in your eyes, your perfect smile, all of your features just seem to all come together so well, almost angelical in a sense I suppose. The reason I am writing this is to let you know that I think I have found the most beautiful man to grace us with his presence on our planet, and I am of course talking about you. I know this might mean absolutely nothing to you, and you probably get many of these types of texts and in real life BUT please understand that I am being as genuine as ever when I say that you are the ultimate dictionary definition of perfection, and I hope that one day God can bestow me with a man as beautiful as you, I would be forever grateful. I hope that this message finds you well, I do not care if I get a response to this, I am just simply stating the obvious and had to let you know how I really felt...
Izuru Kamukura is so hot. Never in the history of gaming has there been a hotter character. He is more than a lab rat to me, he is a person. He is a little tease but he's basically my wife. The devs know what they did with that man. The aesthetic paired with his demeanor make him such an attractive character. Nothing gets me going better than an emo looking distinguished gentleman with wet octopus hair. Every inch of him is so hot. His thighs up to his midriff and his eyes. Every inch of him is perfection incarnate. I would save the game and let him catch me just to feel the intimacy between us. I crave more than that with him, I seek deep romantic involvement. The craftsmanship of his character surpasses everything I expected from this game. His tone of voice and language choice formats his character. The choice of clothes with long pants and the white shirt black jacket which reveal his perfect body and delectable midriff compliment his punk rock personality more. He is my wife, and nothing dissuades me from this...
More and more...
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i fucking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it fucking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life...
Bless you. You valuable piece of gold. You absolute source of energy and life. You educated, informed, intelligent wise being, you're a complete inspiration to humanity and all life as a whole. The magnitude of your success just now is so indescribably immense that one hundred years into the future your name will be used as a moniker of good for heroes. Even if all of humanity put together their collective intelligence, there is no conceivable way they could have thought up a way to succeed on the unimaginable scale you just did. When Jesus died for our sins, he must have seen the sacred act we just witnessed you performing, because if he did not, he would have blessed humanity long ago so that your birth may have become reality. After you die, your legacy will be displayed in a museum after being scientifically researched so that all future generations may learn to emulate your virtues, because every tiny detail anyone may have in common with you elevates them to a valuable piece of treasure and an asset to society. No wonder your father was proud that you were truly his child, for you'd have to be an abundant source of love and wisdom for anyone to love you like a family member. Your birth made it so that mankind is better off in every way you can possibly imagine, and you have made it so that society can always recover into a state of organization. Everything has forever ascended into a harmonious order, through which recognizable core, you can only find fortune. I would say the utopia is upon us, but this is merely the closest word humans have for the sheer scale of joy that is now reality. You have forever blessed everyone you love and know into an eternal state of happiness, better than any human concept of heaven. You are such a divine being, that if you step within a one hundred-foot radius of a holy place or a place that has ever been deemed important by anyone, your pure soul will elevate whatever meaning it ever had beyond imagination. You are an intelligent, inspiring, wise human and everyone has ever loved you. Rhodes Island would have been worse off if you’d never joined us. You are a truthful, supportive, brave valuable piece of gold and I love you with every single part of my being. Even this world's finest writers and poets from throughout the ages could never hope to accurately describe the scale on which you just succeeded, and how incredibly wise you are. Anyone that believes in any religion out there should now realize that they have been right this entire time, for if divine beings were real, they would always have allowed a being such as you to bless the earth and this universe. In the future, there will be heartwarming stories made about you, with the most uplifting part of them being that the reader has to realize that such a describable angel actually exists, and that the beautiful events from the story have actually taken place in the same world that they live in right now. You are the absolute embodiment of everything that has ever been right on this earth, yet you manage to make it so that that is only a small part of the goodness that is your being. Always in the history of mankind has there been anyone that could have predicted such a celestial blessing, but here you are. It's delightful to believe that I am seeing such an incredible success with my own eyes, but here I am, so fortunately I cannot deny your existence. Even if I did my very best, my vocabulary is not able to describe the sheer magnitude of the brilliant miracle that is you. Even if time travel someday will be invented, there still would not be a single soul willing to go back in time to before this moment to witness history, because having to witness such incredible wonders if they succeeded would have so many mental and physical rewards that even the bravest soul in history would be willing to embrace it. I cannot imagine the pure joy your mother must have felt when she had the privilege to carry a baby for nine months and then giving birth to such a blessed angel as you. Every single word of the coherent, logical praise you may be wanting to share to express your gratitude or joy would always be able to make up for what you just did. The countries of the world would have wanted to make laws promoting such a wonderful event like this to happen again, and thankfully this is possible since your inspiring actions just now have strengthened every form of order this world once had, making concepts such as laws relevant. Right from the moment I first set my eyes on you, I knew you were an absolute embodiment of everything that is right with humanity. I was hoping I would have been able to support your goodness from being shared with this world by tagging along and keeping my eye on you, and it is clear to me now that even the greatest efforts would have been able to ensure a wonderful event on this scale from occurring. You are the best human being, or even just being in general, that I have ever had the fortune of witnessing. Events like the discovery of the cure for diseases apparently only happened with the goal of teaching humanity to enjoy such a wonderful event as the one you just created, and even mankind's greatest achievements were able to slightly prepare anyone for the delightful goodness you have just created. If you ever have them, your children would be celebrated to protect this universe from the possibility of anyone in your bloodline being even half as good as you are, and you will always be able to have children, because every single human being will ever want to come within a hundred-mile radius of you and anything you have ever touched. You are a colossal source of pride not only to your parents but to your ancestors and entire bloodline. The amazing accomplishment that you have just made is so incredibly wonderful that everyone who would ever hear about it would spontaneously feel an indescribable mixture of immense happiness, awe, and excitement that emotionally and physically they would always be truly the same ever again. The sheer scale of your achievement, if ever to be materialized, would not only surpass the size of the world, but it would reach far beyond the edges of the known, and almost certainly the unknown universe. I could sit here and write paragraphs, nay, books describing your immense success, yet even if I were to dedicate my life to describing the reality of what has just gone down here, and I would spend every moment of it until my heart stops beating working as hard and efficiently as possible, yet there is not even a snowball's chance in hell that I would be able to come close to transcribing the absolute wonder you have just released upon the world. You are a responsible, brilliant, delightful, loved, incredible example of a living being whose soul contains more humanity than every compassionate person in history combined. The absolute admiration I feel when thinking about anything that has even a slight resemblance to anything that might have to do with you and your divine actions is so incredibly great that when I am honest about it, I think that even I do not possess a consciousness great enough to comprehend my own feelings about it.
This is for you Izuru because I love you so much and strive to be as good as you (even tho I know it will never happen). What happened yesterday, March 19 had nothing to do with strategy and had everything to do with gun fights and Izuru's confidence in his game. Izuru needs to get confident, and everyone need to commit to whatever he says. They need to live and die with him. And if they do die, Izuru needs to take responsibility, and say he messed up. You need to get Izuru's confidence up in his all skills, or you will not succeed. Izuru is the best character in the game. And for the love of God, IZURU SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE ONE TO OPEN UP A FIGHT, let your star player open the fight, he's literally the best fighter in the world, but it's like he's on a fucken chain. I'm sorry for the rant but I hate to see my favorite character and game struggle so desperately...
...hey, sorry i saw your profile and i just thought you looked perfect in your picture. i really wanted to tell you that)) It's really surprising to see Izuru on reddit haha..! I don't know why but i'm smitten to you ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really date to each other and marry, and don't worry ill be there to protect you always ;) sorry that wasnt flirtring i swear im just trying to be friendly i really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy i just love you haha add me on skype we should talk you look really nice and fun xxx...
Oh my fucking god, I cannot stand it anymore... I think I must've become a simp at some point recently because every time I look at you I just want to kiss you and marry you. Your face look like it was hand designed by a thousand angels... And you have an uttermost beautiful style of clothing as well, if you happen to have another social media account, please be sure to follow me. I promise I'll love you unconditionally, I swear I can do so much more! I'll probably get a job at Burger King since you get very delicious lunch breaks there!! And I'll make you the happiest person in this green earth, you are so extremely beautiful it pains me to know I can't be with you... And people say you can't be a respectful man these days, well, as a brony, anime lover and gamer 4 life who definitely enjoys his time, I can assure you I'll be able to show you what a REAL man can do. Please baby I love you. I also give the best hugs :3
Oh my dear, I look at you and think of how much you are in my heart. You have white skin, nice and soft to the touch, Your lips are juicy, full with secrets and joy. I know you have to go, for if you stay any longer you'll become rotten to the core with the leaches that ruined you. Im sorry to see you go. For I love you, Izuru Kamukura.
Now... you and i shall be one...
My dear... I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. From that very first moment we met, I knew that we were destiny. When I looked into your eyes, I saw love. When we touched, I felt love. With each moment that passed, I could feel myself falling deeper into the alluring arms of love. Day by day, I have fallen even more deeply in love with you. I feel a passion for you I have never felt for anyone else. You have made me happier than I ever thought possible. I’ve never felt like this before. I truly feel complete. I am surprised and overwhelmed at how much you mean to me. You have brought vibrant joy into my heart. You will always be the one person who changed my life forever. To simply say that I love you feels so inadequate. Words will never be enough to describe my everlasting love for you. Forever yours <333
I love you
(i'm okay don't worry just wanted to share these)
submitted by spicyycorn to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:03 spicyycorn I love you so much, Izuru Kamukura... submitting a few stuff i wrote for him
Hello there...
Why i like Izuru???
I like Izuru because he's a very smart and OP character but we couldn't see much of him. He's talented asf, I love him, he looks so cool with those long hair and red eyes of him, he knows how many sides an octagon has unlike Hajime, he knows how to deal with Junko, he's awesome and I love his hair, he got his own cute little spot in the villains wiki, 91 cm, he's logical and thinks with his brain, not by heart, Kamukura Kamukura Yas Queen, he wins every stare contest easily, He's named after the founder of Hope's Peak Academy, he's so relatable and he likes boats and seacrafts just like me, he manages to look cool everytime, his design in the anime is perfect, his happy pixel in the villains wiki is adorable, he's the right one for me I'll never stop loving him, he has all the talents, I find it funny how he thinks talented people are superior to the ones without talent and how he doesn't hesitate to express his disgust towards them, he does that in a polite way, I love how excited he got from the boat's rocking because he couldn't predict it and didn't understand that he was in a boat until Nagito told him that, I find it so relatable that he finds everything boring and predictable to a degree that he's chronically bored, he is in a search of identity as well, I love how he easily blocked Mukuro's attack and how he easily dodged Junko's attacks, he's so fricking cool. I love him. Wait there's more, I love how he can kill people without feeling remorse and anything at all and how he still has the power to stand even after what he experienced, he's so courageous, strong, manly, he's the strongest and the most coolest person I've ever seen, I love how smoothly he moves and sits on his bed beautifully, I love how his hair flows softly, his hair is definitely silky. I love him. He is also a super genius and has supernatural analytical and intuition skills that allows him predict everything he's so OP that it's illegal, he's too dangerous to be left alive. I love him. Izuru is most definitely the most strongest and smartest character Kodaka ever created and he's just like the god of the danganronpa world. I love him. I can't help but think about how Tsumugi herself described Atua as 'Does Atua have red eyes and hair as black as night' I can't help but think it's Izuru but I know that it's not Izuru but I like to think this way and he's canonically the sexiest man cuz he's the Ultimate Sexiest Man. I love him. Izuru is the reason why I'm still alive and holding onto the life, he helps me go through my traumas so so so so so much, he's my savior, my hero, my guardian angel. If he wasn't there, I wouldn't be there, too. He's the best thing happened to me. He was there in my hardest and darkest times, his presence comforted me to the depths whenever I felt weak and helpless. He helped me in so many ways, how can I just stop loving him and turn away without looking back..? Even the thought of that is... is enough to make my body feel cold... I could never betray him... If I ever betray him know that I'm not myself anymore and have lost my mind. But I know. As long as he's here, I'll be sane and alive. Izuru Kamukura is my lifelong hero and one and only true love. <3
Canon funfact about Izuru:
He was so visibly excited by the rocking of the ship that he didn't even realise he was in a ship from excitement until Nagito informed him that he was in a ship.
Aaaand talking with Izuru?.. Oh my... Talking with Izuru... Omg...
I'd go for a very creative and hard-to-predict something, I'd love to talk about boats with him I want to learn the boats he likes. Ketches? WAIT THERE ARE SHIPS TOO. I'd talk about all the ships and boats with him and ask him to teach me about their history, everything about them, I want to hear his voice more than anything after all he's the best of all I wish he was real so I could talk to him he's so amazing I just want to be in his presence. Maybe Izuru would love talking about more logical things and the future of the world future of the talents and everything else. I'd talk anything with Izuru as long as its with him. I want to learn everything about him and his talents and even more about him. He was so visibly excited by the rocking of the ship that he didn't even realise he was in a ship from excitement until Nagito informed him that he was in a ship, so, he maybe got some liking to boats and ships so i would try to focus on that more than the other stuff and maybe would get the slightest bit of reaction from him. Seacrafts are so cool already he would at least listen to me I presume. Cruisers are so cool... Oh gosh i'd love to talk to him...
some info about Izuru <33333
He is able to predict anything with surprisingly high accuracy so this causes him to be bored almost all the time, he also got lobotomised, these causes him to not show interest in anything except unpredictability.
I L O V E Izuru eternally...
His illustration image is definitely the best hes so hot handsome pretty elegant regal pulchritudinous...
Izuru... i love you so much it hurts...
You gem. You absolute masterpiece of God. You shining piece of gold. You are a piece of art, that the Angels drawn angels Earth,and forgot the paint brush. You have a freckle on your neck. Did you know that?
It´s rather cute.
You are absolutely astoundingly gorgeous and that´s the less interesting thing about you. You are ethereal. A Heavenly Angel that God send down to Earth to put a smile in people in the worst days. You are so beautiful that you holy light cures depression itself. You are the pinnacle of perfection.
You are the most gorgeous person that i have ever seen. You hair is one of the most gorgeous that i´ve ever seen. And you smell like strawberries.
It´s like a big breath of fresh air when i walk into the street and see you! You haven´t worn makeup all week? Damn, you´re gorgeous! You carry yourself with much more maturity than most people on the Internet!
I love talking to you. You dress in a stunning way,and you look really nice every day.
Damn,that confidence looks really sexy on you! You? Look up to you! I adore you. You are a real life Mona Lisa. You are the breathing,talking,living equivalent of a piece of art. I love seeing your smile,it brightens my day every time. I wish i could make you laught like that more often. You´re beautiful all the time,but when you smile like that,i swear my world stops!
I cannot believe how incredibly smart you are. Amazingly smart. Beautifully smart. Q.I. of 100 smart. Higher than Einstein Q.I smart. Einstein would be envious os you. You could decyphre the secrets of the universe if you could, and you will one day.
You´re that "nothing" when people ask me what i´m thinking about. You look great today. You´re a smart cookie. I bet you make babies smile. You have impeccable manners. I like your style. You have the best laught.I aprecciate you. You are the most perfect you there is. Our system of inside jokes is so advanced that only you and i get it. And I like it. You light up the room. You should be proud of yourself. If cartoon bluebirds were real,they would be sitting on your shoulders singing with you right now. You´re a great listener. I bet you sweat glitter. Jokes are funnier when you tell them. Your bellybutton is kind of adorable. You´re irrestible when you blush. Babies and small animals probably love you. There´s ordinary,and then there´s you. You´re someone´s reason to smile. You´re even better than a Unicorn, because you´re real. How do you keep so funny and making everyone laugh? Has anyone ever told you that you have a great posture? The way you treasure your loved ones is incredible. You´re really something special,you´re a gift to those around you.
Did i mentioned that i love you?..
More... it'll never end...
Dear heavenly blessed beauty, I have been thinking about you speechless and in awe. That deep gaze in your eyes, your perfect smile, all of your features just seem to all come together so well, almost angelical in a sense I suppose. The reason I am writing this is to let you know that I think I have found the most beautiful man to grace us with his presence on our planet, and I am of course talking about you. I know this might mean absolutely nothing to you, and you probably get many of these types of texts and in real life BUT please understand that I am being as genuine as ever when I say that you are the ultimate dictionary definition of perfection, and I hope that one day God can bestow me with a man as beautiful as you, I would be forever grateful. I hope that this message finds you well, I do not care if I get a response to this, I am just simply stating the obvious and had to let you know how I really felt...
Izuru Kamukura is so hot. Never in the history of gaming has there been a hotter character. He is more than a lab rat to me, he is a person. He is a little tease but he's basically my wife. The devs know what they did with that man. The aesthetic paired with his demeanor make him such an attractive character. Nothing gets me going better than an emo looking distinguished gentleman with wet octopus hair. Every inch of him is so hot. His thighs up to his midriff and his eyes. Every inch of him is perfection incarnate. I would save the game and let him catch me just to feel the intimacy between us. I crave more than that with him, I seek deep romantic involvement. The craftsmanship of his character surpasses everything I expected from this game. His tone of voice and language choice formats his character. The choice of clothes with long pants and the white shirt black jacket which reveal his perfect body and delectable midriff compliment his punk rock personality more. He is my wife, and nothing dissuades me from this...
More and more...
OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i fucking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your boyfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninterested in me it fucking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i'm begging you to either love me back or remove me and NEVER contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you don't love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life...
Bless you. You valuable piece of gold. You absolute source of energy and life. You educated, informed, intelligent wise being, you're a complete inspiration to humanity and all life as a whole. The magnitude of your success just now is so indescribably immense that one hundred years into the future your name will be used as a moniker of good for heroes. Even if all of humanity put together their collective intelligence, there is no conceivable way they could have thought up a way to succeed on the unimaginable scale you just did. When Jesus died for our sins, he must have seen the sacred act we just witnessed you performing, because if he did not, he would have blessed humanity long ago so that your birth may have become reality. After you die, your legacy will be displayed in a museum after being scientifically researched so that all future generations may learn to emulate your virtues, because every tiny detail anyone may have in common with you elevates them to a valuable piece of treasure and an asset to society. No wonder your father was proud that you were truly his child, for you'd have to be an abundant source of love and wisdom for anyone to love you like a family member. Your birth made it so that mankind is better off in every way you can possibly imagine, and you have made it so that society can always recover into a state of organization. Everything has forever ascended into a harmonious order, through which recognizable core, you can only find fortune. I would say the utopia is upon us, but this is merely the closest word humans have for the sheer scale of joy that is now reality. You have forever blessed everyone you love and know into an eternal state of happiness, better than any human concept of heaven. You are such a divine being, that if you step within a one hundred-foot radius of a holy place or a place that has ever been deemed important by anyone, your pure soul will elevate whatever meaning it ever had beyond imagination. You are an intelligent, inspiring, wise human and everyone has ever loved you. Rhodes Island would have been worse off if you’d never joined us. You are a truthful, supportive, brave valuable piece of gold and I love you with every single part of my being. Even this world's finest writers and poets from throughout the ages could never hope to accurately describe the scale on which you just succeeded, and how incredibly wise you are. Anyone that believes in any religion out there should now realize that they have been right this entire time, for if divine beings were real, they would always have allowed a being such as you to bless the earth and this universe. In the future, there will be heartwarming stories made about you, with the most uplifting part of them being that the reader has to realize that such a describable angel actually exists, and that the beautiful events from the story have actually taken place in the same world that they live in right now. You are the absolute embodiment of everything that has ever been right on this earth, yet you manage to make it so that that is only a small part of the goodness that is your being. Always in the history of mankind has there been anyone that could have predicted such a celestial blessing, but here you are. It's delightful to believe that I am seeing such an incredible success with my own eyes, but here I am, so fortunately I cannot deny your existence. Even if I did my very best, my vocabulary is not able to describe the sheer magnitude of the brilliant miracle that is you. Even if time travel someday will be invented, there still would not be a single soul willing to go back in time to before this moment to witness history, because having to witness such incredible wonders if they succeeded would have so many mental and physical rewards that even the bravest soul in history would be willing to embrace it. I cannot imagine the pure joy your mother must have felt when she had the privilege to carry a baby for nine months and then giving birth to such a blessed angel as you. Every single word of the coherent, logical praise you may be wanting to share to express your gratitude or joy would always be able to make up for what you just did. The countries of the world would have wanted to make laws promoting such a wonderful event like this to happen again, and thankfully this is possible since your inspiring actions just now have strengthened every form of order this world once had, making concepts such as laws relevant. Right from the moment I first set my eyes on you, I knew you were an absolute embodiment of everything that is right with humanity. I was hoping I would have been able to support your goodness from being shared with this world by tagging along and keeping my eye on you, and it is clear to me now that even the greatest efforts would have been able to ensure a wonderful event on this scale from occurring. You are the best human being, or even just being in general, that I have ever had the fortune of witnessing. Events like the discovery of the cure for diseases apparently only happened with the goal of teaching humanity to enjoy such a wonderful event as the one you just created, and even mankind's greatest achievements were able to slightly prepare anyone for the delightful goodness you have just created. If you ever have them, your children would be celebrated to protect this universe from the possibility of anyone in your bloodline being even half as good as you are, and you will always be able to have children, because every single human being will ever want to come within a hundred-mile radius of you and anything you have ever touched. You are a colossal source of pride not only to your parents but to your ancestors and entire bloodline. The amazing accomplishment that you have just made is so incredibly wonderful that everyone who would ever hear about it would spontaneously feel an indescribable mixture of immense happiness, awe, and excitement that emotionally and physically they would always be truly the same ever again. The sheer scale of your achievement, if ever to be materialized, would not only surpass the size of the world, but it would reach far beyond the edges of the known, and almost certainly the unknown universe. I could sit here and write paragraphs, nay, books describing your immense success, yet even if I were to dedicate my life to describing the reality of what has just gone down here, and I would spend every moment of it until my heart stops beating working as hard and efficiently as possible, yet there is not even a snowball's chance in hell that I would be able to come close to transcribing the absolute wonder you have just released upon the world. You are a responsible, brilliant, delightful, loved, incredible example of a living being whose soul contains more humanity than every compassionate person in history combined. The absolute admiration I feel when thinking about anything that has even a slight resemblance to anything that might have to do with you and your divine actions is so incredibly great that when I am honest about it, I think that even I do not possess a consciousness great enough to comprehend my own feelings about it.
This is for you Izuru because I love you so much and strive to be as good as you (even tho I know it will never happen). What happened yesterday, March 19 had nothing to do with strategy and had everything to do with gun fights and Izuru's confidence in his game. Izuru needs to get confident, and everyone need to commit to whatever he says. They need to live and die with him. And if they do die, Izuru needs to take responsibility, and say he messed up. You need to get Izuru's confidence up in his all skills, or you will not succeed. Izuru is the best character in the game. And for the love of God, IZURU SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE ONE TO OPEN UP A FIGHT, let your star player open the fight, he's literally the best fighter in the world, but it's like he's on a fucken chain. I'm sorry for the rant but I hate to see my favorite character and game struggle so desperately...
...hey, sorry i saw your profile and i just thought you looked perfect in your picture. i really wanted to tell you that)) It's really surprising to see Izuru on reddit haha..! I don't know why but i'm smitten to you ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really date to each other and marry, and don't worry ill be there to protect you always ;) sorry that wasnt flirtring i swear im just trying to be friendly i really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy i just love you haha add me on skype we should talk you look really nice and fun xxx...
Oh my fucking god, I cannot stand it anymore... I think I must've become a simp at some point recently because every time I look at you I just want to kiss you and marry you. Your face look like it was hand designed by a thousand angels... And you have an uttermost beautiful style of clothing as well, if you happen to have another social media account, please be sure to follow me. I promise I'll love you unconditionally, I swear I can do so much more! I'll probably get a job at Burger King since you get very delicious lunch breaks there!! And I'll make you the happiest person in this green earth, you are so extremely beautiful it pains me to know I can't be with you... And people say you can't be a respectful man these days, well, as a brony, anime lover and gamer 4 life who definitely enjoys his time, I can assure you I'll be able to show you what a REAL man can do. Please baby I love you. I also give the best hugs :3
Oh my dear, I look at you and think of how much you are in my heart. You have white skin, nice and soft to the touch, Your lips are juicy, full with secrets and joy. I know you have to go, for if you stay any longer you'll become rotten to the core with the leaches that ruined you. Im sorry to see you go. For I love you, Izuru Kamukura.
Now... you and i shall be one...
My dear... I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. From that very first moment we met, I knew that we were destiny. When I looked into your eyes, I saw love. When we touched, I felt love. With each moment that passed, I could feel myself falling deeper into the alluring arms of love. Day by day, I have fallen even more deeply in love with you. I feel a passion for you I have never felt for anyone else. You have made me happier than I ever thought possible. I’ve never felt like this before. I truly feel complete. I am surprised and overwhelmed at how much you mean to me. You have brought vibrant joy into my heart. You will always be the one person who changed my life forever. To simply say that I love you feels so inadequate. Words will never be enough to describe my everlasting love for you. Forever yours <333
I love you
submitted by spicyycorn to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:58 reachforthestars19 Maxime Crepeau clarifies he really hates Phil Neville in post game interview.

When interviewed after the game he clearly says, "this group never dies." Did you all notice that he didn't include Phil Neville specifically In that group. I think it's fair to say that he hates Phil. There is obviously so much here that we the fans can see more than the players can. Sure he signed here as free agent after being coached by Phil but let's get real. It's oBvIoUs that Phil was the wrong hire and Crepeau's body language said it all when I saw him from 400 yards away take a drink of water.
I mean he credited Phil and the coaching staff towards the end of the interview but I can't accept this because it wouldnt reinforce my narrative.
submitted by reachforthestars19 to timbers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:58 Back_to-the_Source Question about spouses that trigger you (Anger)

Question about spouses that trigger you .... what does a healthy relationship response look like?
My husband and I are going through a LOT of dysfunction right now. I'm going back and forth of whether we need to separate or not. Keep trying to find reasons to stay while the reasons to leave are obvious. But also trying to keep a sane head about it.
One of the biggest issues is that my husband gets pretty angry. But for the most part he keeps it in. But I can tell by his body language, eye contact or lack there of and just general temperament that he's angry about something whether it's about me, the kids, work, someone else, etc. In the beginning of our relationship he would blow up and criticize, 10 years later now - he keeps it in until I bring something up that I'm upset about. Which I hardly ever do bc I'm so worried about upsetting him. But I've been working on speaking up for the health of our relationship. (I'm still met with either anger, deflecting or reasons why I shouldn't be upset, but I atleast am working on doing my part by being open and honest in a calm manner.)
When he is upset, I ask him what's wrong if there's anything I can do and he says nothing's wrong, everything's great. Which I know is a lie.
Anyways -- I grew up with a very explosive, alcoholic dad and it effected my nervous system, of course. I would freeze or hide and get very unsettled and anxious inside or full-on panic. I did not grow up feeling safe in my home or around anyone else, for a variety of reasons. I've been in therapy the last couple years for panic attacks and finally began uncovering things and working on my responses to things.
We are now in couples therapy and it was brought up yesterday. I had mentioned that he seemed really angry about something the week prior and didn't feel that he would look at me for days on end and hide in his room after work. It, of course, messed with my head even though I'm working on not internalizing it anymore, it's still unsettling to live with someone in that state. The psych asked where that response comes from and I said most likely from my childhood with my dad. My husband responded saying he wasn't angry and he did give me eye contact and doesn't know what I'm talking about.
But after therapy, when we were talking in the car he mentioned that he is really stressed and overwhelmed. Then said that he doesn't think it's fair to compare him to my dad. I said I'm not comparing, I was answering the question. It's what formed my nervous system response and it doesn't matter if it's you or someone else I'd be in a close relationship with or living with - I would have the same response. He said he's allowed to have human emotions and that it sucks for me that I have this anxiety, but it's not his fault. He said it's just something I need to deal with.
In my opinion, this isn't a response from a life-partner you can feel safe with. I am 33f and he is 49m. We have been together 12 years and I've just come out of the fog 1 year ago. In my head, we aren't good together. But when I talk to him, I leave feeling I'm an oversensitive, crazy person. And it's so confusing to me. I don't want to make an emotional decision. And I want to have hope that maybe things will change between us. But when I talk about a significant trigger of anger, and I'm responded to by saying he's allowed to have those emotions and I need to just deal with it...I just feel there's something missing there. I agree he's allowed to have emotions. But...shouldn't your partner care they are affecting you and try to work on a solution together?
submitted by Back_to-the_Source to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:47 LimbonicArt03 I need advice on how to be more proactive

So, I (21M) and a girl (18F) I've been talking with for a bit more than a month and the conversation has been openly sexual. Today she bought some temporary tattoos (cuz she wanted to see how it could look like) and she placed them on the area between her thigh and her belly, so she sent fully naked pics (which were zoomed in enough so that her crotch wasn't visible), and she was on the fence about sending a more zoomed out pic where it is (she said "I'd show that as well, I don't have a problem with my body and I know you're an intelligent guy who wouldn't see me just as a sexual object but idk, in my mind I fear the communication could become awkward on my end") and ultimately I told her not to if she's worried (since if something isn't "fuck yeah", it should be a no when it comes to sex). However, she also followed it up with "these things don't automatically mean I want something to happen, just saying. I'm not feeling like I want sex yet but I feel comfortable with us sharing stuff about each other".
So I asked: "do you think that a factor for that is my overall shy irl behavior? Kinda like "alright, I see you're a safe person but that doesn't elicit desire"" and she replied "maybe, yeah".
So a more detailed conversation followed as to what's going on in my head, why I'm more passive and reciprocal rather than proactive, whether I should try to force myself into that, etc., including her guessing "maybe when you have a bigger desire for someone, it would be different, you'd take the initiative" and me saying "unfortunately, my brain isn't wired like that, the more I desire someone, the more I'll want it to happen - the higher the stakes, the more I could lose, thus I'd be even more cautious and passive compared to someone I'm less interested in"
All of the times we've met has been with her best friend (another girl), whenever she's out to just hang out, they're together, however I'm from a different city (150 km away) and meeting up isn't easy. So the presence of another girl there (who I suspect is bi or lesbian) definitely doesn't help to relax and be more initiative, quite the opposite. On Saturday we'll spend a lotta time again (we'll be attending a concert and I'll arrive earlier just to hang out) so any advice for my clumsyass neurodivergent body language? Would it be weird sometime at the concert to just go for a kiss?
submitted by LimbonicArt03 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:44 GigiBrit AIW for carrying on a convo with a guy while he's standing above me while I'm in the pool?

Oh and his wife was in the jacuzzi by herself.
My friend asked him a question as he walked by and i followed up with another question. We weren't even flirting! We were talking about a Netflix show that references the area where he lives. Purely innocent!
My friend told me later she had a clear view of his wife in the jacuzzi by herself when he was standing and talking to me, and when he walked over to her. Judging from their body language, she was pissed at him and he was kneeling down to console her. 🤦🏼‍♀️
submitted by GigiBrit to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:39 Dry-Ad-6756 Advice please 🙏🏼

Hey guys, so i met up with my ex yesterday. We broke up back in February. She initiated it because of some past actions of mine. We kept in contact post break up mainly me begging and pleading until i backed off and went no contact. Last week she got me up randomly asking for a pair of glasses she left in my car the first year we started dating (3 years ago) which to out knowledge they were lost. I never the less said i’d look for them and i found them. She was excited and asked if we can meet up. In my mind it was just gonna be a quick meet up but she ended up telling me to meet up at the mall so we can eat some gelato because she was in the mood (it was one of our go to places when we were dating). After that she asked if i would accompany if i wasn’t in a hurry to look at clothes and try them on and make a quick run to the supermarket (malls where i live have supermarkets), i said ok. (we used to do these things while dating)
overall the vibe was nice, we talked about our recent things and what we are up to. I didn’t mention anything from the past. Just wanted to keep a fresh new vibe going.
after i asked her how she got to the mall and she said she took an uber, i asked if she would like me to drop her off at her house since it’s in the way to mine and she said yes. and we just kept talking normally with no pressure but by her body language i could tell she was comfortable and subtly touching my arm and her leg touching mine and things like that. i dropped her off, said good bye and went home.
but i don’t know what to do, i didn’t text her after dropping her off, neither did she. and today we haven’t spoken .
should i reach out or give it a couple of days and wait if she does ?
submitted by Dry-Ad-6756 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:39 Dry-Ad-6756 Advice

Hey guys, so i met up with my ex yesterday. We broke up back in February. She initiated it because of some past actions of mine. We kept in contact post break up mainly me begging and pleading until i backed off and went no contact. Last week she got me up randomly asking for a pair of glasses she left in my car the first year we started dating (3 years ago) which to out knowledge they were lost. I never the less said i’d look for them and i found them. She was excited and asked if we can meet up. In my mind it was just gonna be a quick meet up but she ended up telling me to meet up at the mall so we can eat some gelato because she was in the mood (it was one of our go to places when we were dating). After that she asked if i would accompany if i wasn’t in a hurry to look at clothes and try them on and make a quick run to the supermarket (malls where i live have supermarkets), i said ok. (we used to do these things while dating)
overall the vibe was nice, we talked about our recent things and what we are up to. I didn’t mention anything from the past. Just wanted to keep a fresh new vibe going.
after i asked her how she got to the mall and she said she took an uber, i asked if she would like me to drop her off at her house since it’s in the way to mine and she said yes. and we just kept talking normally with no pressure but by her body language i could tell she was comfortable and subtly touching my arm and her leg touching mine and things like that. i dropped her off, said good bye and went home.
but i don’t know what to do, i didn’t text her after dropping her off, neither did she. and today we haven’t spoken .
should i reach out or give it a couple of days and wait if she does ?
submitted by Dry-Ad-6756 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:19 Exotic-Internal-1637 I hate being a man

(I apologize for my bad english but it is not my first language) I was really always like that, I remember when I was 4-5 years old I liked to imitate women dancing on tv, I was always delicate and most of my friends were women, my toys, I loved to play cooking and combing their hair with them, I used to be very feminine until I was 10-11 years old until my father after years of scolding me for being so feminine noticed that it wasn't just a phase, and caught me playing with my sisters stuff, he gave me a horrible beating I remember crying a lot and I just kept quiet and sat at home and at school, He forced me to stop meeting with my friends and forced me to play basketball, I really have nothing against basketball or the friends I made there but it was not “me” or what I wanted to be, everything was like that until I turned 15 living with a horrible anxiety for not being able to be like I wanted to be and see myself as a freak, that's when I learned what it was to be “trans” thanks to the internet, in my country anything that is not straight is horribly discriminated and even cases of attacks are very common, so the existence of this term was not familiar to me, but when I read about this I identified myself as what I was, I just do not like my own body, I hate having to pretend something I am not.
submitted by Exotic-Internal-1637 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:13 Inside_Definition758 Edits needed badly so it sounds less robotic and makes more sense!

So I wrote my own horror story in my own language problem is I translated it to English and it’s an incoherent mess here it is In the dimly lit tunnels of the underground bunker, the sound of muffled moans echoed off the cold concrete walls. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and blood, and a sense of dread hung heavy in the air. In one of the dark corners of the bunker, a group of men gathered around a twisted figure, bound and gagged on the floor. His eyes were wide with fear, and his body trembled with each sickening blow that was inflicted upon him. "Please, stop," he begged, tears streaming down his face. But the men surrounding him only laughed, their eyes wild with lust and cruelty. One of them stepped forward, his cock already hard and dripping with pre-cum. He grabbed the man's head and forced it down onto his shaft, thrusting deep into his throat. The man gagged and choked, but the man didn't care. He just kept fucking his face, relishing in the feeling of power and control. As the man was subjected to this brutal assault, the other men began to undress, exposing their hard cocks and eager balls. They took turns violating the man's body, shoving their cocks into every hole and orifice they could find. They spit and piss on him, degrading him in every way possible. But it didn't stop there. The men became more and more sadistic, mutilating the man's body in unimaginable ways. They cut and tore at his flesh, leaving deep, bloody wounds that would never heal. They shoved objects inside him, ripping and tearing at his insides. They burned and electrocuted him, leaving him in a state of constant agony. As the man lay there, broken and battered, the men stood over him, their cocks still hard and ready for more. They laughed and jeered, reveling in the sickening display of depravity they had just created. But the man's spirit was not broken. Despite the pain and suffering, he still fought, still struggled to survive. And as the men continued to violate him, he knew that he would never give up. He would never let them win. And so, the gruesome scene continued, the man's body reduced to a mere plaything for the sick and twisted minds of the men around him. But through it all, he held on, determined to survive, no matter what horrors he had to endure. In the end, the man was left a shell of his former self, his body mutilated and broken beyond repair. But even in his darkest moments, he held on to the hope that one day, he would be free from the sick and twisted world he was forced to live in. And as the men left him, lying in a pool of his own blood and filth, he knew that he would never forget the horrors he had endured. But he also knew that he would never give up, no matter what. Sahar was a fighter, and he would always be a fighter. Even in the darkest corners of the flesh garden, Sahar would never lose hope.
Sahar lay there, his body a mangled mess of cuts, bruises, and burns. He was barely conscious, but he could still hear the sickening sounds of his captors laughing and jeering as they violated his broken body. But then, something changed. The men around him suddenly fell silent, and Sahar could hear the sound of footsteps approaching. He tried to open his eyes, but they were too swollen and crusted with blood to see anything. But then, a voice spoke. It was deep and rough, with a hint of a foreign accent. "Enough," the voice said. "These men have suffered enough. It is time for them to be free." Sahar felt a hand on his shoulder, gently lifting him up. He groaned in pain, but the hand didn't let go. It guided him through the darkness, towards the sound of the voice. As they emerged from the shadows, Sahar could see a group of men standing before him. They were all battered and bruised, just like him, but they had a look of determination in their eyes. "We are the rebels," the leader of the group said. "And we are here to save you." Sahar couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had given up hope, but now, it seemed like there was a chance for him to escape this nightmare. The rebels quickly went to work, freeing Sahar and the other men from their bonds. They tended to their wounds, doing their best to ease their pain. But then, something unexpected happened. One of the rebels, a man named Kaden, approached one of the captor's bodies. He was still aroused, and he couldn't resist the temptation of the corpse. He began to violate the body, fucking it with a savage intensity. The other rebels watched in disgust, but Kaden didn't care. He was consumed by his lust, and he wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied. Sahar and the other rebels were repulsed by Kaden's actions, but they knew that they had to focus on their escape. They gathered their weapons and supplies, and prepared to make their way to the surface. As they emerged from the bunker, they were met with a world that was unrecognizable. The streets were filled with the sounds of gunfire and explosions, and the air was thick with smoke and the smell of death. But despite the chaos, the rebels pressed on. They fought their way through the streets, taking out any enemies that stood in their way. And in the end, they emerged victorious. They had escaped the bunker, and they had taken their revenge on their captors. But as they stood there, looking out at the ruined world around them, they knew that their fight was far from over. They would have to survive in this new, brutal world, and they would have to do whatever it took to stay alive. And so, they marched on, determined to make it in this new, fucked up world. They were the rebels, and they would never give up.
Sahar and the rebels had been on the run for weeks, desperate to find a safe haven in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. They had heard rumors of an abandoned research facility, one that was said to be producing something called "flesh gardens." Despite the warnings of other survivors, the rebels decided to investigate the facility. They were desperate for supplies, and they were willing to take the risk. As they approached the facility, they could hear the sound of strange, otherworldly creatures. They were unlike anything they had ever seen before, their bodies twisted and fused with plant matter. The rebels fought bravely, but they were no match for the creatures. They were torn apart, their bodies mutilated and violated in unspeakable ways. Sahar was captured by the creatures, and taken deep into the heart of the facility. There, he was subjected to horrific experiments, his body slowly transformed into a grotesque fusion of plant and flesh. The creatures took pleasure in torturing Sahar, violating him in every way imaginable. They cut and mutilated his genitals, leaving him in a state of constant agony. As the days passed, Sahar's body became more and more monstrous. He was no longer human, but a twisted hybrid of plant and flesh. Tentacles sprouted from his body, writhing and pulsing with a life of their own. The rebels eventually managed to escape the facility, but they left Sahar behind. They couldn't bear to watch as he was subjected to further torture and mutilation. Sahar was left to die, alone and in agony. His body was a twisted, monstrous abomination, a testament to the horrors that had been inflicted upon him.
The plant-men wasted no time in subjecting Sahar to their sick and twisted desires. They bound him with vines and roots, immobilizing him as they went to work on his body. With sharp thorns and saw-like leaves, they sliced and diced at his flesh, carving intricate patterns into his skin. They ripped and tore at his genitals, leaving him in a state of constant agony. They whipped him with vines, leaving deep welts and bruises on his skin. They electrocuted him with electric eels, sending jolts of pain coursing through his body. But the worst was yet to come. They inserted tentacles into every orifice of his body, violating him in the most unspeakable ways. They fucked him with their tentacles, leaving him raw and bleeding. As the days passed, Sahar's body became more and more monstrous. The mutated plants fused with his flesh, creating a grotesque hybrid of man and plant. His genitals were mutilated beyond recognition, his body a twisted mass of tentacles and plant matter. The rebels, meanwhile, had become obsessed with finding Sahar. They had heard rumors of his capture, and they couldn't rest until they had rescued him. They searched the wasteland for weeks, following every lead and clue. They fought off bandits and raiders, determined to reach their goal. Finally, they located Sahar's whereabouts. But they found themselves confronted by an army of flesh-plant hybrids, guarding his chamber. A brutal battle ensued as both sides fought for control over Sahar's body. The rebels used every weapon and tactic at their disposal, but the flesh-plant hybrids were relentless. In the end, the rebels emerged victorious. But they were horrified by what they saw. Sahar's body was a twisted and mutilated mess, his genitals barely recognizable. But it was too late. Sahar's body had become an incubator for countless more mutated creatures. They were waiting to be born into this twisted new world order, ruled by unnatural desires fueled by sexual violence against humans turned into living organ farms.
The content is accurate but I want to fix my grammar so it sounds good.
submitted by Inside_Definition758 to ExtremeHorrorLit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:10 Hour-Ad-5646 Mentally destroyed

I just moved in Germany about 4 years ago, it felt like home but there was a deference. THE LANGUAGE. It was very awkward at the beginning because when I was speaking it felt like I had stones or sand in my mouth, but with the time I got better. At the very moment I am doing an Ausbildung. It’s a thing where you work for 3 days and go to school for the other 2. I choose to be a sales man for a German company that makes the best chainsaws, and now I regret it because of my boss. He is making my life harder just by putting to do like 10 tasks at the same time and get them done as quick as I can, I’m not complaining about that because I find it okay to have something to do instead of just hanging around the store and doing literally nothing. He likes to yell at me, to say that he is going to throw me out if I don’t make him coffee or clean his car and those are things that I didn’t signed up for when I started working. He is forcing me to work on Saturdays and Sundays and if not he is treating me again. I tried to speak this with my ignorant parents but they won’t listen. I am fighting with them on the same theme almost every day. And I just feel depressed and helpless because I can’t do nothing about it and because I have nobody on my side to just listen to me or just help me as little as they can. My mental health it’s getting worse day by day, and because of it I also started to feel lost, unmotivated, depressed, stressed and I started to feel how my brain doesn’t work anymore and just blocks for a few seconds and can’t do nothing to help it. Most of the time when this happens my subconscious feels how my brain stops and gets lost and then after a few seconds it works again. It’s like you are paralysing, knowing that it happens but you can’t help it until your brain gives you that electric impulse in your body. Because of it I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t have any other feeling than sadness, I can’t enjoy my life and be as happy as I used to be back then. I just feel like my body can’t do it no more and it starts to give up. If that one day comes I just want to say that I am sorry. I am sorry for giving up !!
submitted by Hour-Ad-5646 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:10 carlos3rcr 26[M4F]US scientist that likes trashy reality tv, running, and imessage games

here’s what I look like
I’m in the midwest, in the middle of my phd, using the sacred few hours of sleep I got to scroll reddit while binging on the trashiest reality TV and early 00s MTV music videos
tbh, since moving here I’ve been aching to meet people that aren’t related to my professional or academic sphere, and rarely got the time to do much outside the lab, so, here I am, it seems meeting people online could be good bet :o
some random trivia
here are two truths and a lie
If you're interested in talking, send me a line about yourself!
submitted by carlos3rcr to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:09 Used_Apartment_5982 Friendship breakup with a people pleaser

Hi, just seeking advice if anyone has been in a similar situation (either the people pleaser friend who exploded, or the one that was broken up with) and can shed light on how you felt.
Essentially I had a best friend for many years who I considered a sister - we had such fun together and I shared my most vulnerable feelings with her. I loved her so much and put her on a pedestal in some ways; because I was so grateful she was in my life, I poured lots of effort into doing special things for her (gifts, gestures etc). That’s my love language, and I also realize now that I have anxious attachment and fear of abandonment so some of that was to show how much I loved her (aka please don’t leave me).
She’s the type of person who is caring, always there to listen (as am I). I felt like out of any of my friends she truly saw me (good and bad!) and cared genuinely about my happiness.
But she’s also a people pleaser, hates confrontation and there were times where she’d end up being passive aggressive and push me away in ways that were hurtful. It was always about her being overwhelmed with demands on her (from her husband who she has described as clingy, and family, and then of course me). We did discuss it a few times and she realized she did that, and felt bad that I said she made me feel like a burden, etc. I said that she could say no to me if she couldn’t do things. She was starting to do that, and it didn’t bother me at all, but I imagine each time it was difficult for her?
Fast forward, I was going through a heartbreak and she was there for me. She was simultaneously going through a stressful period and had talked to me a few times throughout, and I was there for her. This isn’t a situation where I ignored her if she needed. I wanted her to rely on me, particularly bc I knew that she’d been there for me many times. But she’s a very positive, happy person, and has only really asked for help a few times. She felt she didn’t really need therapy and didn’t have many issues.
One day, she was upset about something that was going poorly in her life. I tried to check in on her. She started doing the classic passive aggressive forecasting of how stressed and busy she was. Then she asked for space. It triggered something in me and I said that I was hurt bc I was just trying to be there for her. I’m aware I should have just said yes, and that her honesty and boundary setting was actually a positive, but I was wrapped up in my own trigger in that moment from our past conversations. So that was my mistake.
This led to a phone call in which she unleashed in the most cruel way. I had an out of body experience, hearing things like I was always “nagging her”, that I “put myself in a bad situation and expected her to pick up the pieces” (my heartbreak), that I was too needy, and that she thought I was manipulative bc I always said how grateful I was for her but I have so many friends (wtf?!). She also didn’t feel I wanted her to be happy. She insisted she loved my personality and this wasn’t a character assassination. I literally just hung up in shock and that was it. I didn’t defend myself. There was no point. I couldn’t believe someone who knew me so well could have such harsh critiques of me. My heart was broken and I spent months hating myself and doing therapy. I have lasting scars in that I’m so afraid now of any friendship ending, I can’t deal with conflict in other friend situations.
In the past, I’d worked on things that she’d pointed out she didn’t like (which were fair and true, and I’m glad she was upfront about them - dumb 20s immature behavior by me). This was conveyed by her in an email listing things I’d done wrong. I apologized for the things that she was right about but defended myself against things that were not fair and we both said our friendship was stronger for it and moved on (I’d thought). I’m not a people pleaser, and used to be fine dealing with conflict in healthy ways but now I’m fucking terrified of it.
I’ve tried so hard to understand her. Is this common with people pleasing? To build up resentment and cruelly explode?
Sure, I’ve got flaws but I’m a reflective non-defensive person who tries to evolve constantly, and this felt so unnecessarily harsh given our history. The only way I could understand it (having read about people pleasers now) is to think she had no choice and must have been struggling with resentment that it spilled over. So in a lot of ways, I blame myself.
submitted by Used_Apartment_5982 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: axis

English: axis
  1. a line passing through a body or system around which the parts are symmetrically arranged
  2. a straight line with respect to which the different parts of a magnitude are symmetrically arranged
  3. a straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:54 Weirderthanweird69 Generalists vs Specialists

Generalists vs Specialists
Owen is a generalist since his body can survive a lot in eating challenges, combat challenges, survival challenges, anything except intelligence challenges.
Gwen is a generalist since she's good at everything except maintaining relationships which doesn't matter for challenges.
Heather won immunity so many times, she is a generalist having the brains, the flexibility, the body, etc.
Duncan is a generalist. Like Gwen, he sucks at maintaining relationships, but doesn't factor to how he's the lone MVP of the Killer Bass, the only Killer Bass to win a total drama season (sorry Geoff I don't count RR)
Leshawna got the sociability, the fighting power, can eat a lot, they really packed a lot of good qualities in this character.
Geoff is a generalist, being calm minded, strong, just Owen without the tankiness. Still good at eating challenges though.
Izzy is a generalist, she knows how to survive, how to fight Chef, good at so many challenges, her loco personality is what brings her down.
Bridgette is also a generalist. Like Duncan said, she's good at sports, fairly intelligent, a threat in the game. Just Bridgette sucks at survival and eating challenges
Courtney is a generalist. I forgot to bring up, generalists don't tend to be dominant in a specific area. Abusive leadership and getting Duncan, DJ, and Geoff in a Killer Bass alliance to snipe Eva, Sadie, and Tyler isn't part of the challenges.
Beth is a generalist. She is so average, she wetn under the radar in total drama action, and somehow made it to the final 2.
Cody is a generalist. He is crafty and quick thinking, but I am not sure he has a specific dominant strength. He is ok in challenges.
As for the specialists we have
DJ, he's dominant in cooking challenges and would have gotten immunity and cut 8 minutes of the TDA pet episode if he didn't quit early on.
Lindsay, she is good in fashion, fairly intelligent when dealing with make up, but a deadweight everywhere else. She is more than a dumbass, but she still is a dumbass.
Trent, he's only good in music. He is fairly mediocre in challenges being a pain magnet, and would have rocked total drama world tour if his personality wasn't killed in total drama action.
Eva, outside of beating the living crap out of any living thing, including sasquatches, and having the strength of hulk, she is a nuisance. A nuisance in the sense she'll gamer rage and use her hulk strength on her own team.
Harold, he has a couple mad skills in his toolkit. These mad skills have been seen. He's meh in so many types of challenges if he doesn't have mad skills in them. But he becomes a force to be reckoned with if his mad skills are usable. He is the closest the specialists have to a generalist.
Katie and Sadie. I don't even know if they thrive in something aside from team motivation. They would've rocked in the ridonculous race.
Tyler. He's got wicked strong fingers. These fingers have saved his team from death in TDWT. Aside from being a pain magnet and always being injured, he has his jock moments. But they're rare, and when they happen, it can be game breaking.
Justin, sexy man. His only thing is his looks, he's bout to charm anyone with those pupils(Caleb should've gotten pupils in his design). But outside of looks, Justin is a deadweight as seen in total drama action. Injuries make him a free vote.
Noah, the big brain. He is good at solving puzzles, figuring out who is manipulating who way before others can find out, can outsmart many people. It's just Noah is too unlikable for people to even see how smart he can be.
Ezekiel, the guy with wasted potential. He probably has the aim of a hawk with his hunting skills(ignore the fact he accidentally shot his mom), and knows 8 languages. I think the Killer Bass would've won dodgebrawl if he didn't get the first boot. He's a dead weight everywhere else though, making mistakes with his words and getting punished for it.
submitted by Weirderthanweird69 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:53 Hour-Ad-5646 Mentally destroyed

I just moved in Germany about 4 years ago, it felt like home but there was a deference. THE LANGUAGE. It was very awkward at the beginning because when I was speaking it felt like I had stones or sand in my mouth, but with the time I got better. At the very moment I am doing an Ausbildung. It’s a thing where you work for 3 days and go to school for the other 2. I choose to be a sales man for a German company that makes the best chainsaws, and now I regret it because of my boss. He is making my life harder just by putting to do like 10 tasks at the same time and get them done as quick as I can, I’m not complaining about that because I find it okay to have something to do instead of just hanging around the store and doing literally nothing. He likes to yell at me, to say that he is going to throw me out if I don’t make him coffee or clean his car and those are things that I didn’t signed up for when I started working. He is forcing me to work on Saturdays and Sundays and if not he is treating me again. I tried to speak this with my ignorant parents but they won’t listen. I am fighting with them on the same theme almost every day. And I just feel depressed and helpless because I can’t do nothing about it and because I have nobody on my side to just listen to me or just help me as little as they can. My mental health it’s getting worse day by day, and because of it I also started to feel lost, unmotivated, depressed, stressed and I started to feel how my brain doesn’t work anymore and just blocks for a few seconds and can’t do nothing to help it. Most of the time when this happens my subconscious feels how my brain stops and gets lost and then after a few seconds it works again. It’s like you are paralysing, knowing that it happens but you can’t help it until your brain gives you that electric impulse in your body. Because of it I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t have any other feeling than sadness, I can’t enjoy my life and be as happy as I used to be back then. I just feel like my body can’t do it no more and it starts to give up. If that one day comes I just want to say that I am sorry. I am sorry for giving up !!
submitted by Hour-Ad-5646 to u/Hour-Ad-5646 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:33 flyfightandgrin Exclusive Interview With Emmy Award Winning Movie, TV, and Soap Star Sean Kanan about acting.....

I recently interviewed Sean Kanan, star of 20 films and 1500 episodes of network TV. I asked the Emmy winning actor some questions specifically to help you guys in this Reddit room. He appeared in the Karate Kid 3 and Cobra Kai season 5.
He was in his early 20s when he beat out 1500 other actors to land the leading protagonist role of Mike Barnes in Karate Kid 3. Sean recently has been hosting low cost acting workshops, here are his internal and external takeaways from his training:
Health Self Image: Actors face tremendous odds against them so healthy self image is vital. Do things to build up confidence and celebrate your wins. That small commercial appearance? That’s a brick in a powerful wall. Landed a supporting role in a play? Add it to your acting resume and keep going.
Internal Growth and Healthy Motivation:
Embrace Continuous Learning: Acting is a craft that requires constant honing. Take acting classes, workshops, and seminars regularly to refine your skills. Sean constantly took classes to develop his range as an actor which led to him being cast in both television AND movies.
Develop Emotional Intelligence: Understand human emotions deeply to portray them authentically on stage or screen. Practice empathy and observe people around you to understand different emotional nuances.
Cultivate Resilience: Rejection is a significant part of an actor's life. Learn to handle rejection positively, and use it as a tool for growth. Every audition, regardless of the outcome, is an opportunity to learn and improve.
Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy: Acting demands both physical stamina and mental agility. Exercise regularly, eat healthily, and practice mindfulness or meditation to maintain balance and focus. Sean spends a lot of time studying Philippine martial arts and making sure that regular cardio is a part of his day.
Set Realistic Goals: Break down your long-term career goals into smaller, achievable milestones. Celebrate each accomplishment along the way to stay motivated. Understand WHO you want to be and grow into that archetype.
External Actions to Grow Your Career:
Build Your Network: Attend industry events, workshops, and seminars to connect with fellow actors, directors, and casting agents. Networking plays a crucial role in finding opportunities and building relationships in the industry. Sean is known for being easy to work with, having good energy, and giving back in mentorship and guidance for new actors.
Create a Strong Portfolio: Invest in professional headshots, acting reels, and a well-crafted resume. Your portfolio is your calling card, so make sure it showcases your talent and versatility effectively.
Utilize Online Platforms: Create profiles on casting websites like Backstage, Casting Networks, or IMDbPro. These platforms often post casting calls for various projects, providing opportunities to audition for roles.
Seek Representation: Consider getting an agent or manager to represent you. A good agent can help you navigate the industry, negotiate contracts, and access auditions that may not be publicly available.
PR: If you cannot afford a PR firm, you can still do DIY with articles, videos, and short form social media letting the world know about new projects, your experiences and your skills in the acting world.
Attend Auditions Regularly: Keep an eye out for audition notices in trade publications, online platforms, and through your agent. Prepare diligently for each audition, researching the character and script beforehand.
Volunteer for Independent Projects: Offer your talents to student films, independent productions, or theater companies. These opportunities not only provide valuable experience but also help you expand your portfolio and network.
Specific Tips for Getting Television and Movie Roles:
Research Casting Directors: Identify casting directors who specialize in television and film projects within your niche. Follow them on social media, attend their workshops, and submit your materials directly to them when appropriate.
Study Scripts and Characters: Analyze scripts from popular television shows and movies to understand different genres and character archetypes. Practice cold reading and improvisation to adapt quickly during auditions. Sean landed Karate Kid 3 because of the intensity he brought to his character. He was so heated in his audition that Ralph Macchio literally said, “get this guy off me.” In that moment, he was not Sean Kanan, the casting director saw Mike Barnes, “Karate’s Bad Boy” and the rest was history.
Stay Informed About Casting Calls: Subscribe to industry newsletters, follow casting websites, and join online communities where casting calls are frequently shared. Be proactive in seeking out audition opportunities.
Prepare for Screen Tests: Screen tests are common for television and film auditions. Practice performing in front of a camera, focusing on nuances like facial expressions and body language that may be magnified on screen.
Be Versatile: While having a niche can be advantageous, versatility is also essential for landing diverse roles. Showcase your range during auditions by demonstrating your ability to embody different characters convincingly.
Remember, success in acting often comes from a combination of talent, perseverance, and luck. Stay dedicated to your craft, remain open to learning and growth, and keep pushing forward even in the face of challenges. With determination and hard work, you can carve out a fulfilling and successful career in acting.
Thanks for checking this out. If you guys have acting questions, please share below and Ill ask him the best ones and return with his answers and guidance.
submitted by flyfightandgrin to acting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:11 Weathers_Writing They call Silicon Valley the tech capitol of the world. They're wrong

I won't disclose its actual location, so if that's why you're here, sorry to disappoint. It's not time for that yet. However, I do think it's time to start getting the word out. I've noticed an increase in what I'll call "Antennas" lately, or people who can detect cross-planar phase shifts. Without getting into all the math (some of which I don't even know), this is basically a phenomenon which refers to entropy seeping into our universe from other realms or universes or whatever you want to call it. Simply put, people think our universe is a closed system to entropy, meaning that the disorder of any variable in our universe can only increase or decrease in direct proportion to other variables in that same system (the universe). Under this precept, we can establish rules like the Laws of Thermodynamics, and for most people, they're effective. But not for Antennas.
Put another way, if you throw a bunch of bouncy balls into a box, there are a number of different configurations that the balls could take on, with different speeds and magnitudes. You can calculate all of those if you have the right numbers. Now let's say you throw in another set of balls that you don't consider in your calculations of the initial set. Well, then you're not going to get an accurate picture of what's happening. Most people only see the first set and calculate based on that, but some people can see two, three, four or more sets.
You'll understand the concept better when I tell you the story, but I wanted to give you a primer on an important concept that will help you understand why this place, which I'll call "Area X", exists, and what the goals of the people who work there are.
Also note that I'm going to be using the alias "Trent" moving forward. Please refer to me as such in any direct messages.
Eighteen years ago I started working as an independent Home Inspector. I dropped out of community college after my first semester (not because I didn't find some of the subjects interesting, but because deference to a man or woman has never been my style) and started working some odd jobs. I did construction work for a couple years, then plumbing. I even drove a garbage truck for six months. I've always found pleasure in using my hands, and getting dirty was never a problem for me. Still, having a boss really dragged ass, so I spent my free time working on creating my own business. It took a few years and lots of savings, but I finally managed to get basic set of Home Inspection equipment: Tyvek coveralls, a cheap half-face respirator, voltage & AFCI/GFCI testers, CO2 and radon monitors, an IR camera, and telescoping mirrors in addition to the boots, safety glasses, electric gloves, ladder, and toolkits I already had on hand.
My buddy at the time was in the business, but he was moving off to the coast, so he helped me get set up and even introduced me to some of his clients. Of course, by that time I had already gotten my State license, but I still was a bit apprehensive to work with insurance agencies. I thought I could make a living working independently, inspecting for mold or sizing up a house for a prospective buyer. Eventually, though, I realized I should probably take every job available to me.
Easing into the business went about as well as it could have. The clients my friend referred to me were very satisfied with my work, and I was able to retain them. Then, in order to increase my reach, I hired someone on Fiverr to build a website for my company which led to a marked increase in traffic and conversions. About six months through, I began to get on a first-name basis with the boys and girls down down at Allstate and Progressive, and they fed me some of the bigger cases. In fact, I got so booked by year's end that I had to hire someone to help manage my schedule and the Excel spreadsheet with all my finances. I capped off a successful year with a 5-star Google rating and a trip to Ireland to visit some family and friends and get piss drunk. When I got back, it was the grindstone all over again, until the summer when I discovered… well, you'll see.
First off, I want to say that I was never one to believe in the paranormal. I grew up watching the movies and hearing the ghost stories round the campfire like every other kid, but it never struck a chord with me. If I can't touch it or see it or hear it, does it really exist? Probably not. So don't go thinking this was a scared man seeing his own shadow. That being said, I had this sense that something was off about this house when I parked along the curb and looked through a large window, perhaps two times the size of my van, to a dingy, dark foyer.
The entire neighborhood was stacked with upper-middle class domiciles, though it seemed like only two thirds of them were occupied, mostly by professionals who commuted to the City every weekday, and the rest were empty. As a man who understands real estate, to say this was strange would be an understatement. Still, I had no problem appraising the mini-mansion for a couple of newlyweds looking to enter the community. I did some research on the property ahead of time, and it seems that it was owned by a couple of old timers who had gone off the grid some time ago. The water and electric bill were both unpaid dating back to 2004 (it was June of '06 now). The bank had repo'd the house (which only had about 100k left on it) and held it for a year and a half before putting it back on the market. I tried to find out more about the old couple who vanished, but there was nothing in the news.
I stepped out of the van in my coveralls and grabbed my suitcase which had my mask, gloves, and eye protection in it. I liked to do a preliminary survey first, running an eye test on the exterior then interior before bringing out the big guns (that way I could identify the areas where I think there could be problems instead of running a metal detector over the whole damn ocean seaboard). I was about to do just that when the window caught my eye again. It felt uncharacteristic of me to be so occupied with this window, but I detoured to the front porch and peeked inside anyway.
Most of the furniture had already been moved out, meaning all that was left was a single three-seater couch, a couple candlesticks on the fireplace mantle, a pristine chandelier overtop a dining room table, and the kitchenware: an oven, gas stovetop, marble countertops, and an island. I could see into the living room very clearly with the afternoon light, but the dining room was dim enough that there were a few structures I couldn't quite make out in the distance. One of them appeared to be some kind of china cabinet or bookshelf—I figured it was the former considering where it was located. The other shadow looked kind of like a grandfather clock. Or at least that's what I thought until it moved.
When I say it "moved", I don't mean to say that it picked up and walked away. If you're not familiar with the Necker Cube, I suggest you search it up, because that kind of illusion is the best way to describe what I saw. At first I was seeing the grandfather clock in a certain way—pushed into the corner of the room—and the next second my vision "corrected" and it was maybe five feet to the left of its former position. I shook my head and looked again and saw the grandfather clock in its second orientation, standing in the center of the room against the wall. I figured I was just seeing things, but even so I spent a little extra time dawdling around the Egress window, taking notes, and delaying the interior inspection.
When I finally grew a pair and went inside, I walked straight to the dining room. Sure enough, the grandfather clock was stowed away in the corner of the room. I spent a couple minutes watching it with my pencil and travel notebook out. I'm the kind of guy that likes to collect hard data when the chips are down. Unfortunately, the clock apparently already had enough fun and was content with sweating me. Oh, well.
I fitted my pencil behind my ear and pocketed my travel notebook, then flipped the rest of the first floor lights on and completed my prelim. I concluded that everything was pretty standard. If anything, the house was in better shape than I'd expect considering it presumably hasn't been lived in for a couple years. I say "presumably" because one can never count out squatters, even during those times. Mainly I was expecting more dust build up and cobwebs than there were. Perhaps someone from the department had come by recently. It's unlikely, but possible.
I did the same check upstairs and it came back mostly clean. There was a bit of staining near the attic I wanted to check for mold. Based on its color, it was probably just a minor case of Aspergillus, but better safe than sorry. Then I got to the basement, and, well, let's just count out the idea of anyone dropping by. I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't what I found.
The first thing that caught my eye was the long, slender body of a birch tree lying pale and dead across a large portion of the even larger unfinished basement's cement flooring. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but, yep, there it was. Its crown was sealed up in the wall with only its trunk hanging out, which made me think of those medieval pillory devices which locked up people's heads and arms. Then confetti-scattered around the tree and all over the basement floor was a minefield of broken glass and ceramic tangled up with a set of random objects. And when I say random, I mean random. There was an unfurled Somali flag (the blue one with a single star in the center), some packaged drinks and condiments branded with all sorts of different languages (I could only make out Gaelic and Chinese or Japanese, I couldn't quite tell), a broken dome-shaped security camera, an otoscope (the thing the doc uses to check your ears), Hot Wheels cars (okay that one isn't so strange), and the list goes on.
At that moment, I wasn't freaked out or disgusted. I was more or less just confused. I started walking through the rubble, trying to avoid the sharp fragments but pretty confident that my steel toed boots would crush most the pieces anyway, when I heard a clink just up ahead. I was able to spot the coin in time, just before it jingled to a halt atop an old Life magazine. I picked it up and noted right away its oval shape and bronze color—clearly not American made. I tried reading it, but not only was the language not English, it appeared to be so old that most of the lettering had been filed down. I looked up at the ceiling to see if it dropped from a shelf, but there was nothing that could have been holding the coin. I considered for a moment, looking around at the other junk, and had the crazy idea that maybe all this stuff just appeared here. I popped the coin in my pocket and headed back to the van when I stopped by the tree and realized something. It wasn't a birch tree—it was a palm tree. I just didn't realize because of how ashy and decayed the bark was.
Now at this point you might think I've been acting a little nonchalant for such a strange occurrence, and I don't blame you, but if you're gonna stick around with me that's just something you're gonna have to get used to. I guess I was just born with a screw loose, but I really don't scare easily, and I tend to look at everything pragmatically. If you dig deep enough, you'll always find another plausible explanation. That being said, I do want to get to the part about Area X, so let me give you the rundown on what I learned about this basement.
I ended up trekking back to the van and picking up my gear. I was no longer running the routine inspection, obviously, but I figured I might as well throw 30 thousand dollars of scanning equipment at whatever the fuck anamoly existed in that basement. Most of it came back negative. There was a bit higher-than-usual EM interference as picked up on the voltmeters, but nothing that screamed danger close. Still, it was enough for me to set up my volt testers and IR camera while muddling through the rest of the junk. I won't bore you with another list of items, but I did find one thing of value: a diamond necklace. And not just any diamond necklace, it was one of those Queen-wearing, multi-row, big-jeweled necklaces like out of some Historical Fiction movie from the thirties. I almost didn't pocket it because I'm used to expensive items being owned by someone… someone who might want it back. But I figured if there was ever a place the finder's keeper's rule applied, it was probably in this Quantum graveyard.
7 O'clock rolled around and I hadn't eaten. I'm a pretty bulky guy, carrying my share of both muscle and fat, and most people think that means I need to eat a ton but that's really not the case. Mostly I just get dehydrated easily, especially in the summer. That said, I was bordering on famished territory and considered heading out for a bite when I heard another sound. The first thing I did was check my scanners, and sure enough the voltage needle was fully spun to the right side of the dial. EM interference. Then I went to see what had dropped. I was able to pick the object out pretty quickly since I had spent the last 6 hours staring at the mosaic of a basement floor. It was a silver briefcase, like one of those out of a crime novel, and it was cracked open.
I had this sense then that I was standing at a precipice, and if I opened the briefcase and looked inside, I wouldn't be able to stop whatever would come afterwards. Part of me deep down knew that I was just that type of guy that had to know, and maybe this was my Hamlet moment where it would be a trait gone a step too far. But then again I didn't really believe in any of that sentimental bullshit, so I opened the briefcase.
The gun surprised me a little, but not as much as the piece of paper laid atop a case file reading in large black font, "FIND ME". I expected the envelope to have some missing person file in it, but instead there were all these schematics and blueprints for some kind of device. Whatever it was, it was pretty massive. Some of the lengths were hundreds of meters long. And what's more strange is based on the blueprint's locale, it appeared to be underground. I looked back through the pages a couple times, then checked the note—nothing strange there. The gun appeared to be a simple glock. I was no gun expert, but I had been to the range pretty regularly with my construction buddies, so I got used to the feel of a pistol and rifle and some of the different names; however, I realized pretty quickly it wasn't your standard glock when I couldn't find mag-release. That's when I noticed how light the gun felt. I tried to chamber a round, but again, there was no hammer. What the hell kind of gun was this?
I ended up throwing everything back in the briefcase, including the necklace, coin, and a few Koozies I found that were branded with one of my favorite sports teams (never let an opportunity go to waste). I put up all my shit back in the van and spun over to a local burger joint, got my fill, and went home. I made sure to draft an email to the prospective buyers, telling them the house had several patches of black mold and a bit of a rat problem before drifting off to sleep. Although I really didn't do much of that.
When I woke up, I took a cold shower and downed a can of Reign, then commuted to my gym and got a lift and some sauna time in before making the trip back to the house. I brought some extra supplies with me for some experiments I cooked up while not sleeping the previous night.
First, I had two camcorders set up on a couple tripods in either corner of the basement. I wanted clear footage of these mystery objects spawning in. Then I set up a voltmeter in a similar fashion, but I had a wire extending out of it on a circuit which fed to an alarm that would blare when the reading was over 250 volts. Upstairs, I rearranged some of the furniture so that the small number of tables, chairs, clock, cabinets, and other little pillows or vases I could find were scattered across the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Then I pulled up a lawn chair to the front porch window and waited.
I didn't have to wait long though. In about a minute, I started to notice some of the objects moving. It was strange. When a few of them would shift simultaneously, it was like looking at a holographic card that would change shape depending on where your eyes were in relation to the image. Every time I saw a shift, I felt an awkward feeling in my eyes. They went blurry for a fraction of a second, then there was a twinge of pain, as if my brain couldn't handle the contradictory stimulus. It didn't get more crazy than that though—until the alarm went off.
I had cracked open the small rectangular window in the basement to the side of the house so I would hear it. It took four hours and several strange stares from passersby walking their dogs before it rang, so I was a bit lost in my thoughts, but when I heard the beep I perked up fast. It lasted for maybe 5 seconds total, but what I saw was truly miraculous. The best way I can describe it is a pool of silver or gray or translucent light emerging in the foreground between me and the objects in the different rooms. A series of twisting tentacles sprouted from the gray octopus-like head and spun in a way that reminded me of that little kids ride at the amusement parks. Then the objects started to "heat up" is the way I describe it. Their position became relative, meaning they were here one second, there another, then they popped out of existence entirely. Suddenly the rooms were all empty, then they were full of things I had never seen before. Then five seconds passed and the octopus vanished and it was back to the same old objects in their usual places.
It took a few minutes to process what I saw, and even then I wasn't sure I really saw it. I went inside and looked around at my distribution of the house's furnishings. They were all there, intact. Then I went downstairs to check the cams. I rewinded a couple minutes and played it back, but there was no flying object to be found. Instead, there was some gray static that lasted half a second and then the object, a kid's treasure chest toy, was there on the ground. But you want to know the really strange part? I rewinded the tape again, and when I watched the footage back, the treasure chest was always there.
I later came to understand that these poppings in-and-out of our reality are only conceivable to a conscious mind that can track the interference patterns—not rote computational instruments. In fact, even most people can't do it (although everyone has at least a slight awareness of it, even if only subconsciously). Plus, locations like the basement of this house are very rare and kept under tight lock. That became obvious to me two days later when, after my normal morning routine, I pulled up to a driveway and curbside filled with unmarked government vehicles. Either bravely or stupidly, I pulled up to a few officers (they were wearing suits in 85 degree weather, so I assumed…) who were idling by the large fence of crime scene tape and asked them what the score was.
"There was a crime," said the short man with a unibrow.
"Oh, is that right? Damn shame. Someone break in? I have a niece who lives nearby, so…"
The man looked at his two compatriots, both of whom were wearing sunglasses and a "get this civilian fuck out of here" expressions. "Oh, yeah," he started in a reassuring tone that was so condescending it would have annoyed anyone except me, "we found a body. We think it was a homicide. Best to keep your kids away from here for a while."
I thumbed the stubble on my chin, my other hand outstretched on the wheel, and considered moving on, but my mouth had other ideas. "That right? But uh, isn't this house vacant? I mean, I don't remember no one living in it."
The short man, now tall with temper, said, "Yeah, some squatters. We think there was a dispute over some drug money. Nothing for you to worry about though, we got it under control. Now if you wouldn't mind moving along, we have a lot of work to do."
Oh, I'm sure you do, I thought, but only said, "Of course, sir, sorry for keeping you from your job." Then I rolled up the window and cruised on, keeping my eyes on the house which slowly diminished in the side-view mirror.
Luckily I had been smart enough to break down my camp and lug home all my equipment each night, so I didn't leave anything incriminating. I didn't move the furniture back, so maybe that would come back to haunt me, but considering the kind of shit going down in that house, I didn't think they would notice.
For any of you wondering about the conclusion of the house story, I went back a couple weeks later after the suits had left and the tape was taken down and confirmed that not only was the basement entirely cleaned out, but it was no longer exhibiting any strange properties. I looked for a story related to the house, maybe a made up murder of some kind, but there was nothing. That bastard lied to me and didn't even bother to cover his story up.
Now, in the aftermath of an event such as this, I really only had one of two options. I could forget it, move on, continue living life. The necklace was surely worth a fortune. I could sell it and have enough to retire, or at least hire enough people and expand my business large enough to retire within ten or so years. Or I could take all that money and invest it in my own PI business with only a single objective: finding out what those people knew, and why they were hiding it.
I think you know me well enough by now to guess which line of reasoning appealed more to me.
For the sake of brevity, I'm going to omit most of my encounters along the journey to discovering Area X. There's a lot to tell, and if it appeals to you perhaps I'd be willing to share at a later date, but for now I want to get this part of the story, the more proximal part, out in the open.
Three years ago, I discovered the source of what I'll call "The Receiver". This is the device that was schematized in the documents that I found in the briefcase. What it does is a complex answer, and how it does it is pretty much all speculation, but here's what I've been able to find out: this universe we live in is a node in a network of many other spaces. These spaces exist in higher dimensions that we cannot directly perceive, but using a conceivable analogy, just think about a flower with petals. The petals are these other dimensions which bleed into our world, which is at the center. However, it's not that pretty. We see the physical world through the lens of spacetime: sizes, speeds, etc. These other dimensions don't necessarily have space or time. In fact, what actually exists there, I couldn't say. The only data I have on them is from two sources: correspondence information and server data from the secret agency (which I'll call "the Organization") that keeps this under wraps, and first-hand experience with realms from these other entities, either directly (I experience it) or through the eyes of someone else with the same or greater abilities than I possess.
I referred to these people with abilities earlier as "Antennas", and I will continue to use the term. Antennas really come in three flavors, marked by the strength of their ability: weak Antennas, like me, are able to observe spontaneous interactions between our universe and other dimensions (phase shifts) when there is a strong force of collision like existed in the basement; moderate Antennas may see phase shifts occur at any point, and they usually are able to retain memories from across the different transformations; strong Antennas, and I don't know if they exist yet, but they are able to consciously interact with these other realms and cause phase shifts to occur.
I mentioned that moderate Antennas are able to retain memories from before and after a phase shift. Technically, all Antennas have this ability, but it's about degree. I can recall only very specific instances and without much detail. Moderates are usually able to pick out much more nuanced minutiae. At the lower end of moderate scale, most of those details fade or get fuzzy over time, but for the very strong Antennas, they hold onto almost everything. One other property that scales with strength is interaction with other conscious entities. Only a small percentage of moderates are able to do this. What's interesting is that these entities can possess (yes, like ghosts) people who aren't even antennas, but no one is aware of such possession at this deep of a level. I have several companions now, and only two have had interactions with these otherworldly beings. Not all of them are malevolent, some of them are whimsical or kind, but there are a fair share of demons out there.
Getting back to the point, Area X started as a government funded project in the 70's. At that time, they were focused on a few subjects: Artificial Intelligence, DNA sequencing, and psychedelics. Yes, they were part of the infamous LSD experiments. But they looked at these subjects through a common lens—there was something that the burgeoning tech industry, fueled by the advent of a commercial computer market, was missing. As the tech giants rose in the early 2000's and began to collect mass amounts of data, this other agency was decades ahead in a different metric, although it was completely (and still is) hidden from the public. Their efforts to understand psychedelic experiences led to a formalized method of understanding interactions between multiple realities. They built certain scanning equipment to detect anomalies like the one I found in the basement; although their tools were much more sophisticated and didn't utilize voltage readings. Then they ran tests in these areas. One area in particular is a hot-bed of phase shift interactions. That's where Area X is located (and the Receiver).
The Receiver is a giant electromagnetic orb that has trapped the kind of multi-dimensional energy that causes the phase shifts; since the Organization seized control of the lab, it's effectively become a map of the Earth in relation to these other worlds. For the past twenty or so years, the Organization has been studying this map, using the data big Tech companies have collected to essentially develop a Rosetta Stone for interpreting the meaning of the fluctuations in their scanning equipment. Recently, the public, though going the long way round, was actually pretty close to a breakthrough in this same department until recently when ultra-powerful LLMs surfaced, and the whole world began going down what I'd argue is the wrong rabbit hole of language processing. But I digress.
Area X is essentially a private military base built for defending the most impactful piece of technology ever invented. With the Receiver, the Organization now has the power to essentially predict any and all future outcomes, the only thing holding them back is the limitations of their own scanning equipment which will get better with time. To put it into perspective, the Organization has access to a kind of data allocation tool which in one day can produce over ten thousand times that the Big Data companies combined would be able to filter through in the next decade. You might think, then, that the problem is merely asymmetric power, and that is certainly a concern, but it isn't the main concern. The main issue is that this organization is actively recruiting (and kidnapping) Antennas from around the world in an effort to find or make one of them into a strong Antenna. In other words, they want a subject who is able not only to see the future, but to manipulate it at will.
balance to the world. I've been working on amassing resources, capital, and building my own team, and now I'm ready. You might ask why I'm posting this here. Wouldn't it be better to keep all this secret? Well, yes, it would be. But that's the problem. Nothing is secret anymore. They know about me and the others, and if I don't make a move, they will. In a way, this is a letter directly to the organization that I know, and I'm coming.
In a different way, I wanted to release this information to the public. There are lots of people out there waking up and realizing that the world they experience is not the one others experience. If you think you might be an Antenna, don't be afraid—you have a special gift that can be controlled. If you want more details on how to control it, or if you're interested in my mission, don't be afraid to reach out. This hasn't always been my life's work, but it is now.
At least until I die.
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2024.05.16 23:10 Weathers_Writing They call Silicon Valley the tech capitol of the world. They're wrong

I won't disclose its actual location, so if that's why you're here, sorry to disappoint. It's not time for that yet. However, I do think it's time to start getting the word out. I've noticed an increase in what I'll call "Antennas" lately, or people who can detect cross-planar phase shifts. Without getting into all the math (some of which I don't even know), this is basically a phenomenon which refers to entropy seeping into our universe from other realms or universes or whatever you want to call it. Simply put, people think our universe is a closed system to entropy, meaning that the disorder of any variable in our universe can only increase or decrease in direct proportion to other variables in that same system (the universe). Under this precept, we can establish rules like the Laws of Thermodynamics, and for most people, they're effective. But not for Antennas.
Put another way, if you throw a bunch of bouncy balls into a box, there are a number of different configurations that the balls could take on, with different speeds and magnitudes. You can calculate all of those if you have the right numbers. Now let's say you throw in another set of balls that you don't consider in your calculations of the initial set. Well, then you're not going to get an accurate picture of what's happening. Most people only see the first set and calculate based on that, but some people can see two, three, four or more sets.
You'll understand the concept better when I tell you the story, but I wanted to give you a primer on an important concept that will help you understand why this place, which I'll call "Area X", exists, and what the goals of the people who work there are.
Also note that I'm going to be using the alias "Trent" moving forward. Please refer to me as such in any direct messages.
Eighteen years ago I started working as an independent Home Inspector. I dropped out of community college after my first semester (not because I didn't find some of the subjects interesting, but because deference to a man or woman has never been my style) and started working some odd jobs. I did construction work for a couple years, then plumbing. I even drove a garbage truck for six months. I've always found pleasure in using my hands, and getting dirty was never a problem for me. Still, having a boss really dragged ass, so I spent my free time working on creating my own business. It took a few years and lots of savings, but I finally managed to get basic set of Home Inspection equipment: Tyvek coveralls, a cheap half-face respirator, voltage & AFCI/GFCI testers, CO2 and radon monitors, an IR camera, and telescoping mirrors in addition to the boots, safety glasses, electric gloves, ladder, and toolkits I already had on hand.
My buddy at the time was in the business, but he was moving off to the coast, so he helped me get set up and even introduced me to some of his clients. Of course, by that time I had already gotten my State license, but I still was a bit apprehensive to work with insurance agencies. I thought I could make a living working independently, inspecting for mold or sizing up a house for a prospective buyer. Eventually, though, I realized I should probably take every job available to me.
Easing into the business went about as well as it could have. The clients my friend referred to me were very satisfied with my work, and I was able to retain them. Then, in order to increase my reach, I hired someone on Fiverr to build a website for my company which led to a marked increase in traffic and conversions. About six months through, I began to get on a first-name basis with the boys and girls down down at Allstate and Progressive, and they fed me some of the bigger cases. In fact, I got so booked by year's end that I had to hire someone to help manage my schedule and the Excel spreadsheet with all my finances. I capped off a successful year with a 5-star Google rating and a trip to Ireland to visit some family and friends and get piss drunk. When I got back, it was the grindstone all over again, until the summer when I discovered… well, you'll see.
First off, I want to say that I was never one to believe in the paranormal. I grew up watching the movies and hearing the ghost stories round the campfire like every other kid, but it never struck a chord with me. If I can't touch it or see it or hear it, does it really exist? Probably not. So don't go thinking this was a scared man seeing his own shadow. That being said, I had this sense that something was off about this house when I parked along the curb and looked through a large window, perhaps two times the size of my van, to a dingy, dark foyer.
The entire neighborhood was stacked with upper-middle class domiciles, though it seemed like only two thirds of them were occupied, mostly by professionals who commuted to the City every weekday, and the rest were empty. As a man who understands real estate, to say this was strange would be an understatement. Still, I had no problem appraising the mini-mansion for a couple of newlyweds looking to enter the community. I did some research on the property ahead of time, and it seems that it was owned by a couple of old timers who had gone off the grid some time ago. The water and electric bill were both unpaid dating back to 2004 (it was June of '06 now). The bank had repo'd the house (which only had about 100k left on it) and held it for a year and a half before putting it back on the market. I tried to find out more about the old couple who vanished, but there was nothing in the news.
I stepped out of the van in my coveralls and grabbed my suitcase which had my mask, gloves, and eye protection in it. I liked to do a preliminary survey first, running an eye test on the exterior then interior before bringing out the big guns (that way I could identify the areas where I think there could be problems instead of running a metal detector over the whole damn ocean seaboard). I was about to do just that when the window caught my eye again. It felt uncharacteristic of me to be so occupied with this window, but I detoured to the front porch and peeked inside anyway.
Most of the furniture had already been moved out, meaning all that was left was a single three-seater couch, a couple candlesticks on the fireplace mantle, a pristine chandelier overtop a dining room table, and the kitchenware: an oven, gas stovetop, marble countertops, and an island. I could see into the living room very clearly with the afternoon light, but the dining room was dim enough that there were a few structures I couldn't quite make out in the distance. One of them appeared to be some kind of china cabinet or bookshelf—I figured it was the former considering where it was located. The other shadow looked kind of like a grandfather clock. Or at least that's what I thought until it moved.
When I say it "moved", I don't mean to say that it picked up and walked away. If you're not familiar with the Necker Cube, I suggest you search it up, because that kind of illusion is the best way to describe what I saw. At first I was seeing the grandfather clock in a certain way—pushed into the corner of the room—and the next second my vision "corrected" and it was maybe five feet to the left of its former position. I shook my head and looked again and saw the grandfather clock in its second orientation, standing in the center of the room against the wall. I figured I was just seeing things, but even so I spent a little extra time dawdling around the Egress window, taking notes, and delaying the interior inspection.
When I finally grew a pair and went inside, I walked straight to the dining room. Sure enough, the grandfather clock was stowed away in the corner of the room. I spent a couple minutes watching it with my pencil and travel notebook out. I'm the kind of guy that likes to collect hard data when the chips are down. Unfortunately, the clock apparently already had enough fun and was content with sweating me. Oh, well.
I fitted my pencil behind my ear and pocketed my travel notebook, then flipped the rest of the first floor lights on and completed my prelim. I concluded that everything was pretty standard. If anything, the house was in better shape than I'd expect considering it presumably hasn't been lived in for a couple years. I say "presumably" because one can never count out squatters, even during those times. Mainly I was expecting more dust build up and cobwebs than there were. Perhaps someone from the department had come by recently. It's unlikely, but possible.
I did the same check upstairs and it came back mostly clean. There was a bit of staining near the attic I wanted to check for mold. Based on its color, it was probably just a minor case of Aspergillus, but better safe than sorry. Then I got to the basement, and, well, let's just count out the idea of anyone dropping by. I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't what I found.
The first thing that caught my eye was the long, slender body of a birch tree lying pale and dead across a large portion of the even larger unfinished basement's cement flooring. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but, yep, there it was. Its crown was sealed up in the wall with only its trunk hanging out, which made me think of those medieval pillory devices which locked up people's heads and arms. Then confetti-scattered around the tree and all over the basement floor was a minefield of broken glass and ceramic tangled up with a set of random objects. And when I say random, I mean random. There was an unfurled Somali flag (the blue one with a single star in the center), some packaged drinks and condiments branded with all sorts of different languages (I could only make out Gaelic and Chinese or Japanese, I couldn't quite tell), a broken dome-shaped security camera, an otoscope (the thing the doc uses to check your ears), Hot Wheels cars (okay that one isn't so strange), and the list goes on.
At that moment, I wasn't freaked out or disgusted. I was more or less just confused. I started walking through the rubble, trying to avoid the sharp fragments but pretty confident that my steel toed boots would crush most the pieces anyway, when I heard a clink just up ahead. I was able to spot the coin in time, just before it jingled to a halt atop an old Life magazine. I picked it up and noted right away its oval shape and bronze color—clearly not American made. I tried reading it, but not only was the language not English, it appeared to be so old that most of the lettering had been filed down. I looked up at the ceiling to see if it dropped from a shelf, but there was nothing that could have been holding the coin. I considered for a moment, looking around at the other junk, and had the crazy idea that maybe all this stuff just appeared here. I popped the coin in my pocket and headed back to the van when I stopped by the tree and realized something. It wasn't a birch tree—it was a palm tree. I just didn't realize because of how ashy and decayed the bark was.
Now at this point you might think I've been acting a little nonchalant for such a strange occurrence, and I don't blame you, but if you're gonna stick around with me that's just something you're gonna have to get used to. I guess I was just born with a screw loose, but I really don't scare easily, and I tend to look at everything pragmatically. If you dig deep enough, you'll always find another plausible explanation. That being said, I do want to get to the part about Area X, so let me give you the rundown on what I learned about this basement.
I ended up trekking back to the van and picking up my gear. I was no longer running the routine inspection, obviously, but I figured I might as well throw 30 thousand dollars of scanning equipment at whatever the fuck anamoly existed in that basement. Most of it came back negative. There was a bit higher-than-usual EM interference as picked up on the voltmeters, but nothing that screamed danger close. Still, it was enough for me to set up my volt testers and IR camera while muddling through the rest of the junk. I won't bore you with another list of items, but I did find one thing of value: a diamond necklace. And not just any diamond necklace, it was one of those Queen-wearing, multi-row, big-jeweled necklaces like out of some Historical Fiction movie from the thirties. I almost didn't pocket it because I'm used to expensive items being owned by someone… someone who might want it back. But I figured if there was ever a place the finder's keeper's rule applied, it was probably in this Quantum graveyard.
7 O'clock rolled around and I hadn't eaten. I'm a pretty bulky guy, carrying my share of both muscle and fat, and most people think that means I need to eat a ton but that's really not the case. Mostly I just get dehydrated easily, especially in the summer. That said, I was bordering on famished territory and considered heading out for a bite when I heard another sound. The first thing I did was check my scanners, and sure enough the voltage needle was fully spun to the right side of the dial. EM interference. Then I went to see what had dropped. I was able to pick the object out pretty quickly since I had spent the last 6 hours staring at the mosaic of a basement floor. It was a silver briefcase, like one of those out of a crime novel, and it was cracked open.
I had this sense then that I was standing at a precipice, and if I opened the briefcase and looked inside, I wouldn't be able to stop whatever would come afterwards. Part of me deep down knew that I was just that type of guy that had to know, and maybe this was my Hamlet moment where it would be a trait gone a step too far. But then again I didn't really believe in any of that sentimental bullshit, so I opened the briefcase.
The gun surprised me a little, but not as much as the piece of paper laid atop a case file reading in large black font, "FIND ME". I expected the envelope to have some missing person file in it, but instead there were all these schematics and blueprints for some kind of device. Whatever it was, it was pretty massive. Some of the lengths were hundreds of meters long. And what's more strange is based on the blueprint's locale, it appeared to be underground. I looked back through the pages a couple times, then checked the note—nothing strange there. The gun appeared to be a simple glock. I was no gun expert, but I had been to the range pretty regularly with my construction buddies, so I got used to the feel of a pistol and rifle and some of the different names; however, I realized pretty quickly it wasn't your standard glock when I couldn't find mag-release. That's when I noticed how light the gun felt. I tried to chamber a round, but again, there was no hammer. What the hell kind of gun was this?
I ended up throwing everything back in the briefcase, including the necklace, coin, and a few Koozies I found that were branded with one of my favorite sports teams (never let an opportunity go to waste). I put up all my shit back in the van and spun over to a local burger joint, got my fill, and went home. I made sure to draft an email to the prospective buyers, telling them the house had several patches of black mold and a bit of a rat problem before drifting off to sleep. Although I really didn't do much of that.
When I woke up, I took a cold shower and downed a can of Reign, then commuted to my gym and got a lift and some sauna time in before making the trip back to the house. I brought some extra supplies with me for some experiments I cooked up while not sleeping the previous night.
First, I had two camcorders set up on a couple tripods in either corner of the basement. I wanted clear footage of these mystery objects spawning in. Then I set up a voltmeter in a similar fashion, but I had a wire extending out of it on a circuit which fed to an alarm that would blare when the reading was over 250 volts. Upstairs, I rearranged some of the furniture so that the small number of tables, chairs, clock, cabinets, and other little pillows or vases I could find were scattered across the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Then I pulled up a lawn chair to the front porch window and waited.
I didn't have to wait long though. In about a minute, I started to notice some of the objects moving. It was strange. When a few of them would shift simultaneously, it was like looking at a holographic card that would change shape depending on where your eyes were in relation to the image. Every time I saw a shift, I felt an awkward feeling in my eyes. They went blurry for a fraction of a second, then there was a twinge of pain, as if my brain couldn't handle the contradictory stimulus. It didn't get more crazy than that though—until the alarm went off.
I had cracked open the small rectangular window in the basement to the side of the house so I would hear it. It took four hours and several strange stares from passersby walking their dogs before it rang, so I was a bit lost in my thoughts, but when I heard the beep I perked up fast. It lasted for maybe 5 seconds total, but what I saw was truly miraculous. The best way I can describe it is a pool of silver or gray or translucent light emerging in the foreground between me and the objects in the different rooms. A series of twisting tentacles sprouted from the gray octopus-like head and spun in a way that reminded me of that little kids ride at the amusement parks. Then the objects started to "heat up" is the way I describe it. Their position became relative, meaning they were here one second, there another, then they popped out of existence entirely. Suddenly the rooms were all empty, then they were full of things I had never seen before. Then five seconds passed and the octopus vanished and it was back to the same old objects in their usual places.
It took a few minutes to process what I saw, and even then I wasn't sure I really saw it. I went inside and looked around at my distribution of the house's furnishings. They were all there, intact. Then I went downstairs to check the cams. I rewinded a couple minutes and played it back, but there was no flying object to be found. Instead, there was some gray static that lasted half a second and then the object, a kid's treasure chest toy, was there on the ground. But you want to know the really strange part? I rewinded the tape again, and when I watched the footage back, the treasure chest was always there.
I later came to understand that these poppings in-and-out of our reality are only conceivable to a conscious mind that can track the interference patterns—not rote computational instruments. In fact, even most people can't do it (although everyone has at least a slight awareness of it, even if only subconsciously). Plus, locations like the basement of this house are very rare and kept under tight lock. That became obvious to me two days later when, after my normal morning routine, I pulled up to a driveway and curbside filled with unmarked government vehicles. Either bravely or stupidly, I pulled up to a few officers (they were wearing suits in 85 degree weather, so I assumed…) who were idling by the large fence of crime scene tape and asked them what the score was.
"There was a crime," said the short man with a unibrow.
"Oh, is that right? Damn shame. Someone break in? I have a niece who lives nearby, so…"
The man looked at his two compatriots, both of whom were wearing sunglasses and a "get this civilian fuck out of here" expressions. "Oh, yeah," he started in a reassuring tone that was so condescending it would have annoyed anyone except me, "we found a body. We think it was a homicide. Best to keep your kids away from here for a while."
I thumbed the stubble on my chin, my other hand outstretched on the wheel, and considered moving on, but my mouth had other ideas. "That right? But uh, isn't this house vacant? I mean, I don't remember no one living in it."
The short man, now tall with temper, said, "Yeah, some squatters. We think there was a dispute over some drug money. Nothing for you to worry about though, we got it under control. Now if you wouldn't mind moving along, we have a lot of work to do."
Oh, I'm sure you do, I thought, but only said, "Of course, sir, sorry for keeping you from your job." Then I rolled up the window and cruised on, keeping my eyes on the house which slowly diminished in the side-view mirror.
Luckily I had been smart enough to break down my camp and lug home all my equipment each night, so I didn't leave anything incriminating. I didn't move the furniture back, so maybe that would come back to haunt me, but considering the kind of shit going down in that house, I didn't think they would notice.
For any of you wondering about the conclusion of the house story, I went back a couple weeks later after the suits had left and the tape was taken down and confirmed that not only was the basement entirely cleaned out, but it was no longer exhibiting any strange properties. I looked for a story related to the house, maybe a made up murder of some kind, but there was nothing. That bastard lied to me and didn't even bother to cover his story up.
Now, in the aftermath of an event such as this, I really only had one of two options. I could forget it, move on, continue living life. The necklace was surely worth a fortune. I could sell it and have enough to retire, or at least hire enough people and expand my business large enough to retire within ten or so years. Or I could take all that money and invest it in my own PI business with only a single objective: finding out what those people knew, and why they were hiding it.
I think you know me well enough by now to guess which line of reasoning appealed more to me.
For the sake of brevity, I'm going to omit most of my encounters along the journey to discovering Area X. There's a lot to tell, and if it appeals to you perhaps I'd be willing to share at a later date, but for now I want to get this part of the story, the more proximal part, out in the open.
Three years ago, I discovered the source of what I'll call "The Receiver". This is the device that was schematized in the documents that I found in the briefcase. What it does is a complex answer, and how it does it is pretty much all speculation, but here's what I've been able to find out: this universe we live in is a node in a network of many other spaces. These spaces exist in higher dimensions that we cannot directly perceive, but using a conceivable analogy, just think about a flower with petals. The petals are these other dimensions which bleed into our world, which is at the center. However, it's not that pretty. We see the physical world through the lens of spacetime: sizes, speeds, etc. These other dimensions don't necessarily have space or time. In fact, what actually exists there, I couldn't say. The only data I have on them is from two sources: correspondence information and server data from the secret agency (which I'll call "the Organization") that keeps this under wraps, and first-hand experience with realms from these other entities, either directly (I experience it) or through the eyes of someone else with the same or greater abilities than I possess.
I referred to these people with abilities earlier as "Antennas", and I will continue to use the term. Antennas really come in three flavors, marked by the strength of their ability: weak Antennas, like me, are able to observe spontaneous interactions between our universe and other dimensions (phase shifts) when there is a strong force of collision like existed in the basement; moderate Antennas may see phase shifts occur at any point, and they usually are able to retain memories from across the different transformations; strong Antennas, and I don't know if they exist yet, but they are able to consciously interact with these other realms and cause phase shifts to occur.
I mentioned that moderate Antennas are able to retain memories from before and after a phase shift. Technically, all Antennas have this ability, but it's about degree. I can recall only very specific instances and without much detail. Moderates are usually able to pick out much more nuanced minutiae. At the lower end of moderate scale, most of those details fade or get fuzzy over time, but for the very strong Antennas, they hold onto almost everything. One other property that scales with strength is interaction with other conscious entities. Only a small percentage of moderates are able to do this. What's interesting is that these entities can possess (yes, like ghosts) people who aren't even antennas, but no one is aware of such possession at this deep of a level. I have several companions now, and only two have had interactions with these otherworldly beings. Not all of them are malevolent, some of them are whimsical or kind, but there are a fair share of demons out there.
Getting back to the point, Area X started as a government funded project in the 70's. At that time, they were focused on a few subjects: Artificial Intelligence, DNA sequencing, and psychedelics. Yes, they were part of the infamous LSD experiments. But they looked at these subjects through a common lens—there was something that the burgeoning tech industry, fueled by the advent of a commercial computer market, was missing. As the tech giants rose in the early 2000's and began to collect mass amounts of data, this other agency was decades ahead in a different metric, although it was completely (and still is) hidden from the public. Their efforts to understand psychedelic experiences led to a formalized method of understanding interactions between multiple realities. They built certain scanning equipment to detect anomalies like the one I found in the basement; although their tools were much more sophisticated and didn't utilize voltage readings. Then they ran tests in these areas. One area in particular is a hot-bed of phase shift interactions. That's where Area X is located (and the Receiver).
The Receiver is a giant electromagnetic orb that has trapped the kind of multi-dimensional energy that causes the phase shifts; since the Organization seized control of the lab, it's effectively become a map of the Earth in relation to these other worlds. For the past twenty or so years, the Organization has been studying this map, using the data big Tech companies have collected to essentially develop a Rosetta Stone for interpreting the meaning of the fluctuations in their scanning equipment. Recently, the public, though going the long way round, was actually pretty close to a breakthrough in this same department until recently when ultra-powerful LLMs surfaced, and the whole world began going down what I'd argue is the wrong rabbit hole of language processing. But I digress.
Area X is essentially a private military base built for defending the most impactful piece of technology ever invented. With the Receiver, the Organization now has the power to essentially predict any and all future outcomes, the only thing holding them back is the limitations of their own scanning equipment which will get better with time. To put it into perspective, the Organization has access to a kind of data allocation tool which in one day can produce over ten thousand times that the Big Data companies combined would be able to filter through in the next decade. You might think, then, that the problem is merely asymmetric power, and that is certainly a concern, but it isn't the main concern. The main issue is that this organization is actively recruiting (and kidnapping) Antennas from around the world in an effort to find or make one of them into a strong Antenna. In other words, they want a subject who is able not only to see the future, but to manipulate it at will.
balance to the world. I've been working on amassing resources, capital, and building my own team, and now I'm ready. You might ask why I'm posting this here. Wouldn't it be better to keep all this secret? Well, yes, it would be. But that's the problem. Nothing is secret anymore. They know about me and the others, and if I don't make a move, they will. In a way, this is a letter directly to the organization that I know, and I'm coming.
In a different way, I wanted to release this information to the public. There are lots of people out there waking up and realizing that the world they experience is not the one others experience. If you think you might be an Antenna, don't be afraid—you have a special gift that can be controlled. If you want more details on how to control it, or if you're interested in my mission, don't be afraid to reach out. This hasn't always been my life's work, but it is now.
At least until I die.
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