Millet won t cook

Gordon Ramsay

2009.08.14 07:31 DekardPain Gordon Ramsay

Welcome to the biggest Gordon Ramsay sub on Reddit!

2014.06.02 11:04 ibeaver Ainsley's Pepper Ops subreddit

The dankiest MLG board on rekkit lads! Only posts relevant to our based god Ainsley, or fairly dank hentai and MLG montages!

2014.08.16 01:32 genron1111 Letterkenny

Letterkenny consists of hicks, skids, hockey players and Christians. These are their problems. Canadian TV series. CHECK THE STICKIED POSTS FOR IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS.

2024.06.09 11:25 jsgc1357 Went on a scary date yesterday with a guy and I feel like it’s put me off dating again

Went on a date yesterday (I am 23F, he is 26M) with a guy I’ve been talking to on and off for 2/3 months from Hinge.
First went to a farm, everything went well so we went and got some food at a town near me. That also went well, he wasn’t really my type in person but seemed sweet and was very romantic.
We had agreed that if everything went well we would go for drinks, so he dropped me home I got changed (he waited in the car) and I came out in a dress. He was out of the car and we chatted for a while when he then said “cover up” and pulled up the front of my dress to cover my chest!! Then made a comment about my dress being too short (it wasn’t).
He then made some sort of comment about him controlling me, I made a passing joke about “like to see you try!” Or something like that and he went “no no no, THIS controls you” and showed me his hand whilst laughing then tapped me on the cheek twice!!
I was so stunned for words and actually felt quite scared so I stupidly still went for drinks with him and whilst we was there he was touching my leg and kept pinching me. I said can you stop doing that and bent his finger back and he started laughing.
He then said how traditional Albanian men (he moved from Albania 5 years ago) are normally controlling over their woman but he is the “modern Albanian” and that I can “wear what you want”. I said okay so if we meet again I’ll wear anything and you won’t care he laughed, winked and said “well you can try, and you’ll find out”.
He really put me on edge so when I got home I waited for him to message (he lives 2 hours away) he told me he got home and I said thanks for today but realised I’m not ready to date but nice to meet in person. He then relied and said “I wasn’t gonna meet you anyways but thanks for wasting my time” and deleted me so I blocked him.
The interaction has really put me off dating and I think I might delete the app and just not bother anymore.
Anyway, I feel like I needed to vent about it so here I am.
submitted by jsgc1357 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:25 MetalingusMikeII Surviving =/= Thriving - Food Choices

So, I’ve seen for quite a while debates between people based on what foods to eat. Which is objectively better, etc. But I’ve noticed a problem within this community: people can’t accept evidence that their favourite foods may not be the healthiest.
Especially the “not be the healthiest” part. Why? Because a food may not be necessarily unhealthy, but it also may not be the best food to eat for longevity. There’s trade offs with almost every food. Food is just a combination of organic chemicals at the end of the day. Even with “suoerfoods” such as EVOO, there’s scientifically documented trade offs.
Blueprint and similar longevity based diets aren’t about just “generally eating healthy”, they’re about weighting the pros and cons of each food and selecting those which have pros that far outweigh the cons. A good example is a food I recently got into a debate about; rice. Rice contains high amounts of arsenic, has a high glycemic index and contains very little micronutrients.
You can mitigate many of these downsides. Cooking the rice multiple times, as some cultures do, significantly reduces arsenic content. Eating the rice with lots fibre rich vegetables, healthy fats and a source of protein will also reduce the blood sugar spike. But when it comes to micronutrients, the situation isn’t great.
This is why rice isn’t part of Blueprint, or most longevity based diets. It has few downsides, but also has very little to zero upsides. Even if you cook it multiple times to reduce the arsenic and eat it in a balanced meal. It contains very little vitamins, minerals, fibre or beneficial phytonutrients. If there’s a caloric budget of 2200kCal and the goal is to maximise nutrition in all aspects, rices doesn’t fit with that goal. Can’t haven’t what’s essentially empty carbohydrate taking up hundreds of calories, when something superior like Beluga lentils exist.
This is why I have 3 categories in my mind when I look at food; unhealthy, neutral and healthy. Rice is a fairly neutral food. It just exists as some easily digestible carbohydrates, that’s it. Unhealthy foods are best avoided or minimised. Neutral foods allow one to survive but not necessarily thrive. Healthy foods allow for maximum longevity and therapeutic rejuvenation.
That isn’t to say that Blueprint is perfect or that Bryan and his team have selected only the best foods for longevity. I don’t think that’s the case. I’ve tweaked my own version to a degree, replacing several foods I consider to be superior for skin health (based on nutritional information and studies). As my goal is to maximise the health of my skin. But Blueprint is overall better than any popularised diet out there.
submitted by MetalingusMikeII to blueprint_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:25 RSPS_317 [USA NEW YORK] SnowRSPS - 3X Monthly - Discord Scrap Shop - Autokits - NEW Rust Console & Rust PC Servers - Lookup SNOWRSPS - Better than Wonkaland & Others -
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This community has over 10 Rust PC servers and now Rust Console servers, also a discord server wear you can buy things with SnowRSPS scrap to get stuff in the servers they also have 18x server discord is Better than Wonkaland Rust & Other Servers. We have a website, they don't.
submitted by RSPS_317 to ServersRustConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:24 ImpactSure7145 Not sure if I should leave or stay. Am I doing something wrong.

My partner (34m) and I (34f) have been together for 8 years and share two young kids together. Our relationship has been up and down, mostly him leaving me in the past and a lot of bad things were done and said to me but I forgave him and moved on from it.
This time we rekindled it felt different and better. However I’m noticing his behaviour toward me is beginning to change again. He is being rude to me, telling me off in the shops in front of people in a smug way targeting my parenting style “this is why the kids are like this” etc which I find so embarrassing because people look. This is when he gets frustrated at me trying to do something different from him. He makes contempt remarks like for example the other day I wanted to get my chocolate from a specific shop that I love when he wanted me to stay home all day to wait for a workman to come fix something (and I was fine with that) and he got angry and says “you were desperate for chocolate” (and they ended up cancelling anyway so lucky I brought it up).
Last night I was so tired I just finished my period and I’m going through perimenopause and I asked him “can you please help me with the dinner” he says “YEAH OK”, I asked why are you saying it like that and he says “because it sounds like you’re dying”. I wasn’t faking the voice, I was genuinely exhausted and struggling to even ask. He always makes comments like “there’s always something wrong with you, everyday”.
This morning he got upset because I asked his help when he was already doing things to fix around the house and says “you just sit around eating all day” when that’s not true, my daughter woke up sick so I was cooking breakfast, doing all the washing, then I cooked all our lunch etc house keeping stuff.
I don’t like the way he talks to me. He gets angry when I go on my phone if he sees me on it he starts acting cold and distant. I can’t even talk to him, it’s minimal response or avoidance. I have to start hiding to use my phone now because apparently I’m always standing around on it (not true).
Our child upset him today when he wasn’t listening in the bath he was hitting his sister and he got him out of the bath to put him outside and he yells at him. I’ve yelled at the kids too and when I start getting really angry I like him to tell me so I can step back and he can take over. When I try to do that so he doesn’t be too rough with our son (7yrs and very challenging child since birth) he says I’m interfering. He doesn’t realise how rough he is and doesn’t mean to be because he is very big and strong. I didn’t want our son to be put outside at night naked from his bath to get cold and dirty again. Now my partner is not talking to me and we go through this so many days of the week.
We don’t have fun together, we are constantly bickering now again because something we both do to each other upsets the other but at the start it felt so different, now it feels like the same old crap again.
I feel lost in two minds. There’s so much more to what’s been happening but this is affecting me mostly. The other thing is the pressure to have sex or be sexual with him but I’m feeling like I’m not attracted to him atm based on his behaviour. He seems to only be nice when he wants that sexual stuff. He does do a lot around the house (as we just moved in) and he does his best to be a good dad. He’s done a great job doing everything for our move in together but I don’t know where this is going now…
submitted by ImpactSure7145 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:24 officiallythrown AITA for telling my gf she was annoying me after she asked?

My gf (31f) made me (33m) a food I grew up with last night (I moved away from family 3 years ago). I wasn’t feeling great the whole day but I thanked her, tried it, and without her asking proactively told her it was great. A few more bites in I told her she should take a pic (my hands were dirty) because it was so good I wanted to show my fam what she made. A couple minutes later she asked me if it was good. I just turned and gave her a look as if to say “really?” and then turned back and kept eating. She followed that up asking “is it annoying to ask that?” And, because I was annoyed at this point I said “when I tell you two different ways that what you made was good and you still ask me if it’s good again, yeah that’s annoying”. She started crying, said all she wanted to do was make something for me, and I was being hateful and harsh. I got really upset at her reaction and after a few moments of letting her say her piece got up, washed my hands and went to lie in bed to calm down.
I’m usually very good at being calm and patient and diplomatic and she acknowledges it because by contrast she herself has angry outbursts (yelling suddenly, smashing things) and I’ve always handled it really calmly. Thats not easy and it takes a lot of effort and self control on my part (especially because of the childhood trauma it triggers for me which she is aware of) but I’m human and wasn’t at my very best in that moment. At the same time, it feels like all the proactive expressions of gratitude and praise were ignored by 1 remark that she almost dragged out of me, and it feels like if I’m not my best self I won’t get the same patience and grace I almost always extend to her actual outbursts. It’s almost like im being punished for being very patient with her bad moments almost all the time while all the effort it takes for me (or anyone) to be that way in tense moments is being completely taken for granted.
submitted by officiallythrown to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:23 Sinister-John There was pounding on the basement ceiling!

This ‘allegedly’ True Mysterious Haunted Home story was written & emailed to me. It will also be available on my YouTube and TikTok channels tomorrow for viewing if you wish to watch it in storytelling/video format. You may not use this story. Please do not ask me. Thank you. Enjoy. 💀
 The Basement Boogie Man Story by Bryan M. 
I was home alone one night playing video games in my living room when I heard noises coming from downstairs in the basement.
My parents went out for the night with some of their friends for dinner and I had the entire house to myself. And it felt refreshing to finally have some alone time and play video games on our big screen Plasma TV.
We had a 50 inch Pioneer High definition Plasma and I remember being so excited about playing Halo 2 all night on this thing online with my friends.
After playing for an hour, I thought I heard and felt movement coming from down below me in the basement.
I muted my headphones and listened out but heard nothing. So I continued playing…
Two hours went by when I heard and felt the same movement below me again, so I muted my headset once more and listened a little closer. This time it was louder and it felt like something actually hit the basement ceiling below me.
I told my friends to hang on a second then I walked to the entrance door leading to the basement.
There’s also a side door entrance that leads to the basement from outside of my house, which is about 7 steps down from the hallway entrance door that leads to the basement, and it was open.
Not much. But enough to seem as if someone let themselves in and didn’t shut it all the way.
I slowly walked down the steps and shut the side door and locked it. I was seriously freaked out and scared. I mean, there was no one home except me. And I lived in a good neighborhood. Nothing bad ever happened around here.
Curiosity got the better of me so I figured I'd check out the basement. I flicked the lights on and everything seemed fine just as it should be.
But we have a storage room tucked away at the end of the basement hall, and I couldn't resist making sure everything was in order in there too.
I literally tip-toed towards the storage room and I could feel my heart racing.
I grabbed my trusty old aluminum baseball bat I had stashed beside our mountain bikes and gripped onto that thing ready to swing for the bleachers if anyone came charging out of that storage room.
As I moved closer to the storage room door I could feel my hands beginning to get clammy. And what felt like an hour was only a few minutes when I stopped and just stared at the door.
The fear and sheer anxiety was holding me back from opening that door.
But I had to find out what made those noises.
I reached for the door knob and turned it and pushed the door open with my bat. And as soon the door was half way open, someone kicked the door shut and growled at me like an animal.
I fell on my ass but got right back up and never ran so fast in my life. I ran and tripped up the basement steps but made it back safely into my house, locked the door, and told my friends I had an intruder in the basement and that I had to call the cops.
I dropped my headset and I could hear my friends voices saying “what the fuck and holy shit are you serious?” as I ran to grab my cell phone to dial 911.
While I’m on the phone with the 911 operator, I could hear pounding on the basement ceiling coming from down below me. I shouted to the 911 operator that someone broke into my house and was in my basement storage room.
The operator was asking me question after question, but I was so frightened I couldn’t answer any of them and just kept telling her to please send help because there’s someone in my basement.
“Someone broke into my house, please help!”
She told me to calm down and find a place to hide and told me help was on the way.
So I hid in my bedroom closet…
My breath was bouncing off of the telephone and hitting me back in the face from how fast I was breathing.
The operator asked me for my name again and now I told her. She asked me my age, where my parents were and I told her. She asked if anyone else was in the house besides me and I said “no it’s just me.”
She asked me if there was any way she could get in touch with my parents so I gave her both of their cell numbers. She told me not to hang up and to stay on the phone with her no matter what. She told me I was doing fine and that everything would be fine, that there were 2 police units heading to my house and they would be there any second.
And then the pounding on the basement ceiling started up again!
And this time the pounding was so loud it sounded like a demolition team was rearranging my entire basement!
The operator asked me what was going on and if I was okay? She asked me “what was that noise?
And I told her whoever is downstairs is banging on the basement ceiling and won’t stop. She told me to hold tight and that the police had arrived and were outside in front of my house. She asked me if there was any way the police could enter my house without breaking down any doors.
I told her I didn’t want to leave the closet. I told her I was very scared and that I didn’t want to go anywhere.
She told me not to worry as the banging from the basement was somehow now coming from underneath my bedroom closet.
I shouted “Please help me! The banging is underneath me!
And then I heard my side door getting kicked in from the police. I ran out of my closet and ran to the back door and heard the police yelling out commands as they walked down the basement steps.
The banging kept increasing as they shouted “make yourself known.
The operator told me to stay put so that’s what l did as the police continued giving out commands without getting any answers from anyone.
I heard a door getting kicked in assuming it was the storage room door, but then I heard them say to each other “there’s no one here it’s all clear.”
The cops searched the entire house and found no one.
It couldn’t be possible…
I kept telling them that there had to have been someone here. That someone had to have been in my basement. I told them that the side door was slightly open like someone came in and forgot to shut it but that we always kept that side door locked. That I opened the storage room door and someone kicked the door shut and then growled at me. That there was banging on the basement ceiling.
They tried using the excuse of me being a kid with an over amplified imagination.
So what the fuck was all that banging that I heard? The cops heard it. The operator heard it.
This couldn’t have been playing out in everyone’s imaginations.
The police took down notes of what I heard and saw and then my parents got home. And right before my parents walked through the now broken side door, the cops were laughing with each other and one of them even said “maybe his house is haunted?”
Well, if that was the case, then, why didn’t anything ever happen again?
I was 17 years old when that crazy night happened. And I lived at my parents house until I was 23 before getting my own place. I’m going on 37 and nothing ever happened again at my parents house.
Believe me, I’ve asked them…
And even stayed there some nights throughout the years on the weekends waiting for something to happen again.
They’re going on vacation next month for their 40th wedding anniversary.
And I’ve given this a lot of thought. Many years and nights of endless thought.
So much so that it kind of consumed me.
My friends that were playing Halo with me that night? They heard everything through their headsets and we’ve talked about this for a long time together, too.
Next month when my parents leave, we plan on doing a Oujia board session in the basement storage room.
I need to know if that house is really haunted or not…
Hope you enjoyed this creepy ‘allegedly’ True, Mysterious Haunted House Story. Again, please don’t ask me to use this. It is for reading and viewing (if you wish on my YouTube channel tomorrow night) purposes only. Thanks you for understanding. If you have your own creepy True story you’d like told in video format, let me know. Every story I create I turn into a single Horror Short. So, you’ll have your own video to watch the Horror unfold. Long, Short. It doesn’t matter. As long as it can be up to 8 minutes long in video.
Thanks again. Stay Sinister.
submitted by Sinister-John to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:23 keyonholman4 [Help] TrollRecorder Won’t Save My Calls If The Duration Of The Call Is Over 30 Mins.

After a long calls ends the hoverball will blink green and then go away after a good amount of time and there is no notification like after a successful save and the call recording doesn’t save. Any fix?
Relevant Info: - iPhone6s+ - IOS 15.8 - Dopamine 2.0 - TrollRecorder 1.10.0
submitted by keyonholman4 to jailbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:22 aprilele Flooring Question- for indoor house rabbit

Hiya, I’ve got a question about flooring. Basically, my rabbit likes to rip up carpet for fun, and I rent. Obviously this isn’t ideal, so I put a patio rug down and it works great, especially as it’s non-chewable.
I’m moving house this month and the rug I have been using is a bit worn out and has stains etc on after four years of general rabbit behaviour. It slides around and gets rucked up which is annoying, but I have made do as it was only temporary.
I am now moving into a flat/apartment this month, and I’d like something more permanent. But I am also renting, so it can’t be too drastic. The flat is all carpeted.
I thought about getting click laminate to protect the rental carpet, and then a rug on top. (Laminate/hard flooring alone won’t work, as rabbits don’t have toe beans so would slip and slide on it) The rug on top can be hers to rip, I’m not fussed about that. But that would slide around, and I’m worried about using glues/underlays etc if it could be harmful to her. I don’t want to use another patio rug as it’s impossible to clean and over time gets pushed up so there are trip hazards.
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
submitted by aprilele to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:22 Sinister-John There was pounding on the basement ceiling!

This ‘allegedly’ True Mysterious Haunted Home story was written & emailed to me. It will also be available on my YouTube and TikTok channels tomorrow for viewing if you wish to watch it in storytelling/video format. You may not use this story. Please do not ask me. Thank you. Enjoy. 💀
 The Basement Boogie Man Story by Bryan M. 
I was home alone one night playing video games in my living room when I heard noises coming from downstairs in the basement.
My parents went out for the night with some of their friends for dinner and I had the entire house to myself. And it felt refreshing to finally have some alone time and play video games on our big screen Plasma TV.
We had a 50 inch Pioneer High definition Plasma and I remember being so excited about playing Halo 2 all night on this thing online with my friends.
After playing for an hour, I thought I heard and felt movement coming from down below me in the basement.
I muted my headphones and listened out but heard nothing. So I continued playing…
Two hours went by when I heard and felt the same movement below me again, so I muted my headset once more and listened a little closer. This time it was louder and it felt like something actually hit the basement ceiling below me.
I told my friends to hang on a second then I walked to the entrance door leading to the basement.
There’s also a side door entrance that leads to the basement from outside of my house, which is about 7 steps down from the hallway entrance door that leads to the basement, and it was open.
Not much. But enough to seem as if someone let themselves in and didn’t shut it all the way.
I slowly walked down the steps and shut the side door and locked it. I was seriously freaked out and scared. I mean, there was no one home except me. And I lived in a good neighborhood. Nothing bad ever happened around here.
Curiosity got the better of me so I figured I'd check out the basement. I flicked the lights on and everything seemed fine just as it should be.
But we have a storage room tucked away at the end of the basement hall, and I couldn't resist making sure everything was in order in there too.
I literally tip-toed towards the storage room and I could feel my heart racing.
I grabbed my trusty old aluminum baseball bat I had stashed beside our mountain bikes and gripped onto that thing ready to swing for the bleachers if anyone came charging out of that storage room.
As I moved closer to the storage room door I could feel my hands beginning to get clammy. And what felt like an hour was only a few minutes when I stopped and just stared at the door.
The fear and sheer anxiety was holding me back from opening that door.
But I had to find out what made those noises.
I reached for the door knob and turned it and pushed the door open with my bat. And as soon the door was half way open, someone kicked the door shut and growled at me like an animal.
I fell on my ass but got right back up and never ran so fast in my life. I ran and tripped up the basement steps but made it back safely into my house, locked the door, and told my friends I had an intruder in the basement and that I had to call the cops.
I dropped my headset and I could hear my friends voices saying “what the fuck and holy shit are you serious?” as I ran to grab my cell phone to dial 911.
While I’m on the phone with the 911 operator, I could hear pounding on the basement ceiling coming from down below me. I shouted to the 911 operator that someone broke into my house and was in my basement storage room.
The operator was asking me question after question, but I was so frightened I couldn’t answer any of them and just kept telling her to please send help because there’s someone in my basement.
“Someone broke into my house, please help!”
She told me to calm down and find a place to hide and told me help was on the way.
So I hid in my bedroom closet…
My breath was bouncing off of the telephone and hitting me back in the face from how fast I was breathing.
The operator asked me for my name again and now I told her. She asked me my age, where my parents were and I told her. She asked if anyone else was in the house besides me and I said “no it’s just me.”
She asked me if there was any way she could get in touch with my parents so I gave her both of their cell numbers. She told me not to hang up and to stay on the phone with her no matter what. She told me I was doing fine and that everything would be fine, that there were 2 police units heading to my house and they would be there any second.
And then the pounding on the basement ceiling started up again!
And this time the pounding was so loud it sounded like a demolition team was rearranging my entire basement!
The operator asked me what was going on and if I was okay? She asked me “what was that noise?
And I told her whoever is downstairs is banging on the basement ceiling and won’t stop. She told me to hold tight and that the police had arrived and were outside in front of my house. She asked me if there was any way the police could enter my house without breaking down any doors.
I told her I didn’t want to leave the closet. I told her I was very scared and that I didn’t want to go anywhere.
She told me not to worry as the banging from the basement was somehow now coming from underneath my bedroom closet.
I shouted “Please help me! The banging is underneath me!
And then I heard my side door getting kicked in from the police. I ran out of my closet and ran to the back door and heard the police yelling out commands as they walked down the basement steps.
The banging kept increasing as they shouted “make yourself known.
The operator told me to stay put so that’s what l did as the police continued giving out commands without getting any answers from anyone.
I heard a door getting kicked in assuming it was the storage room door, but then I heard them say to each other “there’s no one here it’s all clear.”
The cops searched the entire house and found no one.
It couldn’t be possible…
I kept telling them that there had to have been someone here. That someone had to have been in my basement. I told them that the side door was slightly open like someone came in and forgot to shut it but that we always kept that side door locked. That I opened the storage room door and someone kicked the door shut and then growled at me. That there was banging on the basement ceiling.
They tried using the excuse of me being a kid with an over amplified imagination.
So what the fuck was all that banging that I heard? The cops heard it. The operator heard it.
This couldn’t have been playing out in everyone’s imaginations.
The police took down notes of what I heard and saw and then my parents got home. And right before my parents walked through the now broken side door, the cops were laughing with each other and one of them even said “maybe his house is haunted?”
Well, if that was the case, then, why didn’t anything ever happen again?
I was 17 years old when that crazy night happened. And I lived at my parents house until I was 23 before getting my own place. I’m going on 37 and nothing ever happened again at my parents house.
Believe me, I’ve asked them…
And even stayed there some nights throughout the years on the weekends waiting for something to happen again.
They’re going on vacation next month for their 40th wedding anniversary.
And I’ve given this a lot of thought. Many years and nights of endless thought.
So much so that it kind of consumed me.
My friends that were playing Halo with me that night? They heard everything through their headsets and we’ve talked about this for a long time together, too.
Next month when my parents leave, we plan on doing a Oujia board session in the basement storage room.
I need to know if that house is really haunted or not…
Hope you enjoyed this creepy ‘allegedly’ True, Mysterious Haunted House Story. Again, please don’t ask me to use this. It is for reading and viewing (if you wish on my YouTube channel tomorrow night) purposes only. Thanks you for understanding. If you have your own creepy True story you’d like told in video format, let me know. Every story I create I turn into a single Horror Short. So, you’ll have your own video to watch the Horror unfold. Long, Short. It doesn’t matter. As long as it can be up to 8 minutes long in video.
Thanks again. Stay Sinister.
submitted by Sinister-John to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:22 m_cMjolnir Chef went full rogue while the manager was at his son’s graduation/no contact and completely nuked the front of houses money!

86 food items with boxes of product in the walk-in, refusing to serve large tables (we’re the only place in a busy wedding/tourist town that can seat 20-40tops and usually do multiple times a day), putting tables on wait after 2-3 tickets wrung, telling the head wait that they weren’t going to prep items just bc they didn’t want to, left to go sit at the bar at one of our other properties instead of prepping for the dinner menu, every steak and burger were cooked to random temperatures, he sent 2 of the 3 dishwashers home during the rush.
Our sales were almost $10,000 below average for a Saturday. It was glorious.
I run the cocktail program at a place where the servers make 300 on a Tuesday night, during the off season, with the last seating at 745… Chef had enough of the disrespect and lack of professionalism they’ve shown him the last three months since he took over the kitchen, and showed everyone exactly how much their MUCH larger paychecks rely on the back of the house. to be honest only 2 of the 10 servers would have a job if there were more than 2000 people in a town with nearly 100 liquor licenses
Note: I got the bar a few weeks after he got the kitchen and have a great relationship with him, with the same higher end background. I didn’t really have to deal with much of it and my day was fine, even if my tip out was a couple hundred less than usual. I just got to watch it go down
submitted by m_cMjolnir to bartenders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:21 sm0llville Hands free travel questions

Hi! I am traveling around Japan and I know there are a few luggage handling services like Yamato but I have a specific problem someone might have a solution for. I am going to Okinawa from Osaka and the last part of my trip is in Tokyo. Are there any services that would take my luggage (that I won’t need for 4 days) to Tokyo and keep it there? I only found next day delivery so far. Basically, I want to send most of my luggage from Osaka to Tokyo but I’d pick it up 4 days later.
submitted by sm0llville to TokyoTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:20 jsgc1357 I went on a scary date yesterday and I think it’s put me off dating ever again

Went on a date yesterday (I am 23F, he is 26M) with a guy I’ve been talking to on and off for 2/3 months from Hinge.
First went to a farm, everything went well so we went and got some food at a town near me. That also went well, he wasn’t really my type in person but seemed sweet and was very romantic.
We had agreed that if everything went well we would go for drinks, so he dropped me home I got changed (he waited in the car) and I came out in a dress. He was out of the car and we chatted for a while when he then said “cover up” and pulled up the front of my dress to cover my chest!! Then made a comment about my dress being too short (it wasn’t).
He then made some sort of comment about him controlling me, I made a passing joke about “like to see you try!” Or something like that and he went “no no no, THIS controls you” and showed me his hand whilst laughing then tapped me on the cheek twice!!
I was so stunned for words and actually felt quite scared so I stupidly still went for drinks with him and whilst we was there he was touching my leg and kept pinching me. I said can you stop doing that and bent his finger back and he started laughing.
He then said how traditional Albanian men (he moved from Albania 5 years ago) are normally controlling over their woman but he is the “modern Albanian” and that I can “wear what you want”. I said okay so if we meet again I’ll wear anything and you won’t care he laughed, winked and said “well you can try, and you’ll find out”.
He really put me on edge so when I got home I waited for him to message (he lives 2 hours away) he told me he got home and I said thanks for today but realised I’m not ready to date but nice to meet in person. He then relied and said “I wasn’t gonna meet you anyways but thanks for wasting my time” and deleted me so I blocked him.
The interaction has really put me off dating and I think I might delete the app and just not bother anymore.
Anyway, I feel like I needed to vent about it so here I am.
submitted by jsgc1357 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:20 Sinister-John There was pounding on the basement ceiling!

This ‘allegedly’ True Mysterious Haunted Home story was written & emailed to me. It will also be available on my YouTube and TikTok channels tomorrow for viewing if you wish to watch it in storytelling/video format. You may not use this story. Please do not ask me. Thank you. Enjoy. 💀
 The Basement Boogie Man Story by Bryan M. 
I was home alone one night playing video games in my living room when I heard noises coming from downstairs in the basement.
My parents went out for the night with some of their friends for dinner and I had the entire house to myself. And it felt refreshing to finally have some alone time and play video games on our big screen Plasma TV.
We had a 50 inch Pioneer High definition Plasma and I remember being so excited about playing Halo 2 all night on this thing online with my friends.
After playing for an hour, I thought I heard and felt movement coming from down below me in the basement.
I muted my headphones and listened out but heard nothing. So I continued playing…
Two hours went by when I heard and felt the same movement below me again, so I muted my headset once more and listened a little closer. This time it was louder and it felt like something actually hit the basement ceiling below me.
I told my friends to hang on a second then I walked to the entrance door leading to the basement.
There’s also a side door entrance that leads to the basement from outside of my house, which is about 7 steps down from the hallway entrance door that leads to the basement, and it was open.
Not much. But enough to seem as if someone let themselves in and didn’t shut it all the way.
I slowly walked down the steps and shut the side door and locked it. I was seriously freaked out and scared. I mean, there was no one home except me. And I lived in a good neighborhood. Nothing bad ever happened around here.
Curiosity got the better of me so I figured I'd check out the basement. I flicked the lights on and everything seemed fine just as it should be.
But we have a storage room tucked away at the end of the basement hall, and I couldn't resist making sure everything was in order in there too.
I literally tip-toed towards the storage room and I could feel my heart racing.
I grabbed my trusty old aluminum baseball bat I had stashed beside our mountain bikes and gripped onto that thing ready to swing for the bleachers if anyone came charging out of that storage room.
As I moved closer to the storage room door I could feel my hands beginning to get clammy. And what felt like an hour was only a few minutes when I stopped and just stared at the door.
The fear and sheer anxiety was holding me back from opening that door.
But I had to find out what made those noises.
I reached for the door knob and turned it and pushed the door open with my bat. And as soon the door was half way open, someone kicked the door shut and growled at me like an animal.
I fell on my ass but got right back up and never ran so fast in my life. I ran and tripped up the basement steps but made it back safely into my house, locked the door, and told my friends I had an intruder in the basement and that I had to call the cops.
I dropped my headset and I could hear my friends voices saying “what the fuck and holy shit are you serious?” as I ran to grab my cell phone to dial 911.
While I’m on the phone with the 911 operator, I could hear pounding on the basement ceiling coming from down below me. I shouted to the 911 operator that someone broke into my house and was in my basement storage room.
The operator was asking me question after question, but I was so frightened I couldn’t answer any of them and just kept telling her to please send help because there’s someone in my basement.
“Someone broke into my house, please help!”
She told me to calm down and find a place to hide and told me help was on the way.
So I hid in my bedroom closet…
My breath was bouncing off of the telephone and hitting me back in the face from how fast I was breathing.
The operator asked me for my name again and now I told her. She asked me my age, where my parents were and I told her. She asked if anyone else was in the house besides me and I said “no it’s just me.”
She asked me if there was any way she could get in touch with my parents so I gave her both of their cell numbers. She told me not to hang up and to stay on the phone with her no matter what. She told me I was doing fine and that everything would be fine, that there were 2 police units heading to my house and they would be there any second.
And then the pounding on the basement ceiling started up again!
And this time the pounding was so loud it sounded like a demolition team was rearranging my entire basement!
The operator asked me what was going on and if I was okay? She asked me “what was that noise?
And I told her whoever is downstairs is banging on the basement ceiling and won’t stop. She told me to hold tight and that the police had arrived and were outside in front of my house. She asked me if there was any way the police could enter my house without breaking down any doors.
I told her I didn’t want to leave the closet. I told her I was very scared and that I didn’t want to go anywhere.
She told me not to worry as the banging from the basement was somehow now coming from underneath my bedroom closet.
I shouted “Please help me! The banging is underneath me!
And then I heard my side door getting kicked in from the police. I ran out of my closet and ran to the back door and heard the police yelling out commands as they walked down the basement steps.
The banging kept increasing as they shouted “make yourself known.
The operator told me to stay put so that’s what l did as the police continued giving out commands without getting any answers from anyone.
I heard a door getting kicked in assuming it was the storage room door, but then I heard them say to each other “there’s no one here it’s all clear.”
The cops searched the entire house and found no one.
It couldn’t be possible…
I kept telling them that there had to have been someone here. That someone had to have been in my basement. I told them that the side door was slightly open like someone came in and forgot to shut it but that we always kept that side door locked. That I opened the storage room door and someone kicked the door shut and then growled at me. That there was banging on the basement ceiling.
They tried using the excuse of me being a kid with an over amplified imagination.
So what the fuck was all that banging that I heard? The cops heard it. The operator heard it.
This couldn’t have been playing out in everyone’s imaginations.
The police took down notes of what I heard and saw and then my parents got home. And right before my parents walked through the now broken side door, the cops were laughing with each other and one of them even said “maybe his house is haunted?”
Well, if that was the case, then, why didn’t anything ever happen again?
I was 17 years old when that crazy night happened. And I lived at my parents house until I was 23 before getting my own place. I’m going on 37 and nothing ever happened again at my parents house.
Believe me, I’ve asked them…
And even stayed there some nights throughout the years on the weekends waiting for something to happen again.
They’re going on vacation next month for their 40th wedding anniversary.
And I’ve given this a lot of thought. Many years and nights of endless thought.
So much so that it kind of consumed me.
My friends that were playing Halo with me that night? They heard everything through their headsets and we’ve talked about this for a long time together, too.
Next month when my parents leave, we plan on doing a Oujia board session in the basement storage room.
I need to know if that house is really haunted or not…
Hope you enjoyed this creepy ‘allegedly’ True, Mysterious Haunted House Story. Again, please don’t ask me to use this. It is for reading and viewing (if you wish on my YouTube channel tomorrow night) purposes only. Thanks you for understanding. If you have your own creepy True story you’d like told in video format, let me know. Every story I create I turn into a single Horror Short. So, you’ll have your own video to watch the Horror unfold. Long, Short. It doesn’t matter. As long as it can be up to 8 minutes long in video.
Thanks again. Stay Sinister.
submitted by Sinister-John to u/Sinister-John [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:19 Sweet-Ad7598 Marketing/App rant

Is this a whiny complaint that should probably stay in the drafts? Probably but I’m irritated. We all know the NHL is miles behind other leagues when it comes to marketing and bringing in new fans however the NHL app has me questions if they even care about keeping the current fan base. I haven’t watched much hockey at all this season but I’ve been trying to keep up with the playoffs through the app which is fine unless you actually want watch a highlight. 15 second ads that I can’t skip just to see a what? 30 second clip of a goal. This has led to me just closing the app and not watching any highlights at all. Not to mention some of these ads are for the NHL itself… I’m here I’m in your app why waste 15 seconds telling me that the playoffs are on when I am HERE to see playoff highlights. The NFL has realized that making the league accessible through mobile devices is prefect for bringing in younger fans and have even started streaming games on their app completely free yet the NHL won’t let you watch single goal highlights without sitting through a 15 second ad.
Just checked. The 12 minute full game highlights on YouTube has 5 seconds of ads before you can skip but I can’t see just the goals without 45 seconds of ads all up on the leagues own app… make it make sense
submitted by Sweet-Ad7598 to nhl [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:19 benjaneson Most-searched among the "big five" Western European countries over the past 5 years, by country and territory

Most-searched among the submitted by benjaneson to MapPorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:19 ryogadan ‘I won’t give them the time of day’ – Ricciardo delighted to hit back at criticism with top-5 qualifying in Canada

‘I won’t give them the time of day’ – Ricciardo delighted to hit back at criticism with top-5 qualifying in Canada submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:18 Sweetmeatpete444 My iPod won’t restore

My iPod won’t restore
The iPod restores in the finder app fine. But after the restore, if I tried opening it up in iTunes. iTunes is asking me to restore it again!? I even restored it on my windows laptop. It restores fine. I re formatted the SD cards separately & together in the iPod using Disk Utility. I re connected my iflash as well. When I disconnect the iPod it boots fine too
submitted by Sweetmeatpete444 to IpodClassic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:16 False_West6043 Frustrated Nurse

This is my first time posting here, so bear with me. I have been a nurse for 14 years with all of my years in critical care. A while back I decided to go back to NP school. I did my research and chose a reputable brick and mortar school. Then, I happened to run across this sub and I’m mortified at some of the things I hear NPs are doing. Here’s where the frustration lies, I felt like had an appropriate amount of years of experience before going back to school. Now the NP profession is being dragged down by some bad eggs. Also, I feel frustrated that I want to an excellent NP after graduation, but feel as though I won’t be taken seriously as a professional due to some people cheapening the profession. I’m also this disheartened that the profession has turned into this.
submitted by False_West6043 to Noctor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:15 thefaramirsibling Developed insomnia in February due to benzo withdrawal, haven’t been able to nap in the day since

Hi there, I’m looking for anyone else with similar experiences and advice.
So background, I’m 31 who was late diagnosed autistic/adhd and also have a functional neurological disorder. Long term history of sleep problems but more so falling asleep. Suffered with depression and anxiety since I was a kid.
I saw a new psychiatrist in December last year who took me off the 10mg daily diazepam I’d been on for about 2 years. He told me to taper down by 2.5mg every 5 days and it was hell. I’m medication sensitive and he did nothing to help apart from put me on clonidine (currently tapering off the clonidine as he never told me why he put me on it or for how long to stay on it. I never went back to see him). I went off the diazepam fully in early January this year, and I suffered so much because of withdrawal, it caused so many other health problems. And then because of all the stress and health issues, I developed insomnia in February. I used to nap in the day before to handle my fatigue.
And it’s absolutely driving me insane that I can no longer nap. My brain will not let me rest in the day, despite being so fatigued. And I’m so frustrated because I don’t understand why it happened or how to fix it. I have so much anxiety at night around sleep, I’ve become scared of the night because I’m afraid I won’t sleep. I’ve started doing Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and developing a night routine to decrease both mental and physical hyperarousal. I use a weighted blanket or compression sheet. My old psychiatrist put me on 25mg quetiapine for sleep and my GP let me go up to 50mg at night and 1/2 25mg in the morning. I’m not on an antidepressant or anything else for my mental health, I’m currently trying desperately to get into a psychiatrist. I’ve tried most antidepressants and I’ve recently started doing outpatient TMS to try and help my mental health. I also see a psychologist fortnightly. I’ve started going for walks to try and get my body moving as exercise was difficult due to chronic pain and my FND.
I just want to know if there’s anything I can do to maybe learn how to nap in the day again because I’m not coping. I need to know if I can recover from insomnia or if this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
submitted by thefaramirsibling to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:15 Caramel_chameleon23 Magnet to paranormal

Ok this been going on for more than a week now, where I live the house has no history of anything bad, my bf previous gf pass away in the house and I know she’s a good person, I been living here more than a year I had few moments of can’t be explained but doesn’t linger like this one.
I have collection of porcelain dolls not of them are hunted since it’s been months since I got them. I can usually feel them sometimes see but hearing very few moments. Also premonition dream or warning dreams. It doesn’t bother me until this past days.
At first I thought because I watched a footage of a ghost child and it attached to me , I know few things like this happened when I’m in not in my best health I’m currently recovering from a surgery. I usually ignore it but this one seems a bothersome.
The feeling starts happening like someone is looking at me from my window and my room is upstairs. Sometimes I feel someone is with me in my room since I can’t see it I shrug it. At one point I have to sleep at the other room where my partner is, when he got home from work he told me he had a dream about haunted house with porcelain dolls that the dolls are located in a odd shelf hanging mid air… and I was like well great now I brought this to him, he doesn’t have any sensitivity like me… I told him that this morning I couldn’t take it anymore being watched so I move to his room for a nap.. he told me maybe ask what it wants but I didn’t want to encourage it and invite more, but tonight I try to cuddle with him and end up falling asleep in his room he ended up waking me up from a nightmare.
I dream I was downstairs it’s out house saw some of my dolls all over the stairs so I start going up stairs and saw more in the hallway and two more in our restroom started to feel uneasy and I started screaming and calling for him and he woke me up, and I ask if he heard me having a nightmare and he said yes.
So I ended up waking up go to restroom and I heard talking outside the restroom at first I thought maybe he left the tv downstairs. . But nope heard couple sounds like house is settling none of this happened before.
Yesterday watch trolls kids movie and I thought it left already.Currently watching teen titans cartoons it kinda calms it down, whatever it is, it’s not downstairs but upstairs. I think it might be a child or kid .
We also have 3 cats and a dog. One of the cat is a total people person he loves attention and act like a dog. This cat won’t go near me every time I ask him to come in my room he would just meow at me and stares at me like 10 steps away from me , this happened 3x already. I ask the same cat to come near me if I’m downstairs or if I’m in a different room and he doesn’t have problem with it. The same cat went to my room before coz as I said he loves attention but not anymore.
Now I don’t know what to do should I interact and ask what it wants or just keep ignoring it. How do I handle this? What will you do? Should I get a spirit box and ask?
submitted by Caramel_chameleon23 to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:15 rizzyrooster Advice for growing a wisteria in a pot

Advice for growing a wisteria in a pot
I have always dreamed of having a nice house with a beautiful wisteria growing up the wall. Today is mine and my partner’s anniversary and he has bought me a wisteria (wisteria floribunda macrobotrys) which I am very excited about, however unfortunately we currently do not live in our forever home and possibly won’t for a number of years. In fact, we currently live in rented accommodation and have to move fairly frequently for work, so we are looking to grow the wisteria in a transportable way until we are ready to plant it in our forever home.
I’m currently planning on keeping it in a pot, although from a little bit of research online, I know this can be difficult and possibly requires more pruning. I wondered if anyone has any similar experiences to me with their wisteria, or generally has good knowledge of the plant, and could give me some advice on how to best look after it until we can plant it permanently?
submitted by rizzyrooster to GardeningUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:14 According_Natural171 My husband (36m) sent me (23f) a message meant for his friend. What part of me is supposed to accept that he was just venting?

My husband and I have been struggling for almost the entirety of our marriage. I’ll be the first here to admit that our age does play a role in that.
Today, he accidentally sent me a message about myself that was meant for his friend: “She’s mad at me because I tried to have sex with her when she was ovulating lmao.” I know this may sound dramatic, but I think I felt my heart break a little when I read that. I felt betrayed, disrespected, humiliated, and I can’t help but to feel he wants his friends to think I’m crazy and that he’s being emotionally tortured.
He told me last year around this time that none of his friends liked me - which I wasn’t really nice in response to. I think the whole group, including my husband, had a hard time adjusting to him being married and boundaries being put in place. For example, my cool wife card was revoked when I said if his friends have nothing better to talk about other than banging chicks while around me (they’re all in relationships/marriages) then they have no reason to be in my home. One of the wives won’t even let the guys swear but I’m supposed to listen to them brag about all the hot girls from high school and taking turns sharing who’d they rather. Time and place, I guess. Strip clubs are also off the table but the other guys sneak and go behind their wives backs (I only know because they all thought I was young, hot, and cool in the beginning.) That gained me the controlling title. It all led to him resenting me because now he was missing out on all the single fun. He’s told me he withholds sex from me as a punishment because he doesn’t see his friends like he used to. Which is in no way my fault, I’m good friends with one of the girlfriends and she’s told me that they don’t really like to come around because all my husband wants to do is drink. One night when he was drunk, I asked him why he never fingered me anymore, and his response was “it’s just a hole to f***.” After that, he said he felt awkward trying to have sex with me because he knew I’d just be thinking about that. So we went from twice a day every day, to maybe once every couple of weeks. Oddly enough, I ended up pregnant. On my birthday last year, I started miscarrying. He had plans with his friends, and didn’t cancel. Instead, he let me drop them off at another’s house, he kissed me goodbye and said “tell me what the doctors say.” (Fast forward 6 months and none of his friends even knew I miscarried that day.) That whole situation ate away at me for months, and I’d keep it to myself for the most part but there were times I’d snap. I couldn’t process the loss, but it also felt like I lost my husband that day too. He didn’t choose me. He chose to watch football and get drunk. After a few months of the struggle, my parents came over to sorta mediate, and as soon as I started crying about the miscarriage and how he left me for his friends, he stood up over me and told me “Stfu you’re just looking for sympathy from them.” Which, my parents didn’t respect that at all, but they chose not to intervene. Moving forward, we didn’t move forward at all. Any advances I’d make towards him he’d ignore. The most activity he was giving me was letting me give him handies. After many complaints, our schedule got busier to twice in one month (yea, I keep track.) His brother and his wife had their baby we got pregnant at the same time with, and the day we met him, we came home and after weeks of not touching me, he said “let’s make a baby.” and he started tracking my cycle, and sex became a bigger chore for him. He was forcing himself to have sex with me when I was ovulating because he thinks a baby will make me happy. So, last night he tried to make a move purely because I was ovulating and this time, I denied him. I told him that I’m tired of him only wanting to have sex with me when I’m ovulating. His response was “when do you think I’m supposed to want to have sex with you?” I responded back “every day” and left the room crying. Then today while he was at work, he sent me the accidental message. When I asked him this evening why it’s his goal to make me look so crazy to his friends, it turned into a big fight.
Have I sabotaged my marriage?
submitted by According_Natural171 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]