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2024.05.29 06:37 Unable_Mountain_8071 not sure if moving to Canada for school is the right choice for me

hii everyone, idk if this is the right platform to post about this but I genuinely need to get this off my chest to reevaluate my options.
I’m 18 years old, indian-singaporean, and I got into my dream course at McGill university. I’m going to be studying neuroscience & there are a lot of reasons I chose to pursue a degree in universities in the west such as the holistic approach they take towards education & the social aspect of it.
however, I see that a lot of Canadians have been facing issues with Indian immigrants & there has been a lot of racism & negative attitudes towards Indians. I did as much research as I can & most of it seems to stem from the lack of assimilation from these immigrants as well as the housing crisis. I understand why Canadians may be reacting harshly to these circumstances but the amount of racism and prejudice so many seem to hold against Indians is quite scary and is making me rethink my decision.
While I am not from India, I certainly will be an international student and will automatically be assumed to be Indian. This seems like a pathetic problem to think about but I’m genuinely not sure if I would be able to deal with the amount of racism that is brewing in Canada rn. Or maybe I’m just on social media too much and reading too much into this whole situation?
The culture differences between Singapore and Canada isn’t as vast as that between India and Canada. Singapore is pretty “westernized” & assimilating is quite easy as I’ve done it before and it came very naturally to me. But I’m still debating on whether I should take this opportunity or not.
Would love to get some opinions of Canadians on this :) thanks! :D
submitted by Unable_Mountain_8071 to CanadaMassImmigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:37 beebluee Pregnancy after being cheated on a 7-years relationship

In a relationship that spanned seven years, I experienced the heart-wrenching betrayal of infidelity, which resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Throughout our time together, my ex-boyfriend held a significant place in my heart, as he had been my long-term high school crush and my first love. Remarkably, he reciprocated my feelings, creating a deep connection between us. However, he became the first person to break my heart, leaving me shattered and devastated.
Our relationship took a tumultuous turn in 2022 when I became engrossed in my studies and focused on my goals and responsibilities, causing a growing distance between us. Eventually, this led to a heartbreaking separation on June 17, 2023, without proper closure or goodbyes. In September 2023, I made the decision to reconcile, hoping that by becoming a better version of myself, we could mend our relationship. Unfortunately, my efforts were in vain. While we initially agreed to meet for closure in Manila, our secret meetings and encounters continued until April. By November, he expressed his desire to end our relationship, abruptly cutting off communication and publicly indicating his readiness to move forward without me on social media. However, just ten days later, he reached out again, seeking something from me, and we arranged another meeting for closure in December. This cycle of separation and reunion persisted, and during this time, I began to suspect that he was cheating on me due to his lack of affection. In December, I believed that we would finally put an end to our tumultuous relationship. However, we found ourselves talking again and even spent Christmas together in the province. It was during this time that he introduced another girl to his mother, a revelation that I only recently discovered.
Between our secret meetings in September, December, January, and March, many things unfolded. Physical intimacy became a part of our encounters, as I believed our actions were fueled by love. However, I later realized that I had been mistaken all along. In March, while we were sleeping, I noticed a girl named P. messaging my ex. Initially, he claimed that she was just his dorm mate, but her presence sparked doubts in my mind about his faithfulness. Despite my suspicions, I chose to trust him. On April 10, he began to distance himself from me. However, numerous witnesses reported seeing him with the other girl since January. This, coupled with my mounting suspicions, led me to believe that he was indeed cheating. I began to investigate, and we confronted the issue on April 19. During our confrontation, he denied any wrongdoing, insisting that the other woman was just a friend. However, the next day, I discovered incriminating conversations between him and the other woman when I gained access to his phone. It was then that I realized the truth and felt my world crumble around me. All my plans and hopes for a future with him shattered. What hurt me the most was when he introduced me to his brother as his fake girlfriend, unable to answer his brother's questions about our relationship. It deeply wounded me. During a drinking session with his family, they even said, "It's unavoidable for him to cheat, why? Because we come from a lineage of good-looking people." I was so hurt by their words that I ended up getting drunk.
On April 25, we bid each other farewell, but it was not an official breakup as we are still in contact. I believed that we were keeping our promises to focus on healing and that he wouldn't choose between us, prioritizing his own well-being. On April 29, when he went to Dagupan, he updated me while drunk, implying that he wouldn't see the other girl during his trip, suggesting that I was the one who mattered to him. But when we stopped talking, he went back to the other girl. It was as if our discussions had meant nothing, as if my tears held no significance, as if he didn't care. They resumed their relationship, flaunting their bond on social media platforms, even after I discovered that I was pregnant. Last week, he claimed that everything he said on April 20 was just to ease my mind, and he no longer truly loved me. He confessed that he no longer felt anything for me. He even accused me of being selfish, suggesting that I wanted him to suffer just because I was suffering. It felt incredibly unfair and bitter that he believed I didn't want them to be happy. That time, i am confused and pregnant, I stayed at his place for four days. During this time, we provoked each other, and he took advantage of the situation, engaging in sexual activity with me. He continued to tell me "I love you," and we even shared a kiss before I left on the bus. Despite knowing about my pregnancy, he provided no emotional support. He remained with his new partner, even after assuring me that I wouldn't hear about them being together anymore and that he needed time to heal. It was disheartening to witness them openly label their relationship, especially considering my pregnancy. Their continued display of their bond on social media platforms only added to my disappointment.
It was a devastating realization that someone I deeply loved could betray me in such a cruel manner, leaving me broken and shattered. My dreams and aspirations for myself were crushed along with my heart. It was unimaginable that the man I had loved for seven long years, the person I had entrusted with my deepest emotions and vulnerabilities, could be the one to inflict such pain upon me. How could someone I held so close to my heart cause such immense hurt? To make matters worse, after getting me pregnant, he directed his love towards another woman. It was difficult to comprehend how he could find happiness while disregarding the responsibilities he had brought upon our child. It hurt deeply to be genuine in my love for him, wanting to choose him every day, only to be hurt in return. How could he hurt someone who had eyes only for him? The pain intensified when I realized that he had gotten me pregnant despite no longer feeling any love for me. It was disheartening to hear him say "I love you" when it seemed he was only saying it to ease my feelings. The destruction he caused pushed me to the point where I felt overwhelmed and contemplated suicide.
submitted by beebluee to AskPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:36 31234134 What are your thoughts on certain substances allowing you to see Djinn?

The 3Muslims had a video in where they went over a study that discussed the spiritual experiences that subjects on DMT went through, as well as their meeting with the "entities"(Timestamp- 33:48). From this study, it seemed that most of the subjects who were athiests before taking DMT, no longer claimed to follow athiesm after their experience. I believe there were other studies which were done that saw something similar, although I don't think they were as specific or had as large of a subject pool as this one.
This video made me question how one can ascertain which substances provide actual spiritual experiences (communicating with Djinn/realm of Djinn) and ones that simply cause hallucinatory experiences. I tried looking on subs like Psychonaut and those similar to it, but unfortunately, there wasn't much that I could consider concrete. It seems that many who have had their eyes opened to another reality, whether it was truly spiritual or not, have concluded that all psychedelics provide some spiritual experience. Of course, some believed that all psychedelics simply cause hallucinatory experiences and nothing more, and some saw no difference between the two. As you can no doubt understand, this makes it extremely hard to get any concrete answers. YouTube was more helpful, not by a whole lot, but enough to help me in my research.
From what I was able to gather, it seemed that DMT and Shrooms are the best way to communicate with Djinn. Maybe mescaline too, although from what I personally saw, it did not come up as much so I am not too sure about it. On the other hand, drugs like LSD, Ketamine, etc. seem more likely to cause a hallucinatory experience than a spiritual one.
I just want to let you all know that the research I did, was in no way extensive. Due to the current legality of the substances in question, it's practically impossible to properly study something like this. Even if the legality was not an issue, I highly doubt something like this would get much funding, but that's just a personal opinion.
What do you guys think? Are there substances that allow us to communicate with Djinn? If so, which substances specifically?
submitted by 31234134 to Djinnology [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:35 expansionmedia1 Choosing the Right Marketing Company for Your Building Projects.

Choosing the Right Marketing Company for Your Building Projects.
Discover how to choose the right marketing company for your building projects. Learn key tips and strategies to find the perfect partner to enhance your project's visibility and success.
submitted by expansionmedia1 to u/expansionmedia1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:32 ChiknaMoulvi It hurts.

After a wonderful year with an amazing girl (24F) who I(26M) fell in love with and was building a future with, I got suddenly dumped. Just a few days before the anniversary of the day we met.
About two months ago, after I returned from a trip, she came to meet me with the intention to break up because she felt the relationship had lost the ‘spark’. We had a healthy conversation and communicated the flaws and what was missing and decided that we would work on them together and revive it. Over the next month, we did exactly that, both proclaimed that we loved each other. We had our serious discussions and planned out the next couple months with weekend trips, and her introducing me to her mom who was supposed to visit this past weekend.
May 1st, her birthday, I surprised her, had a wonderful day on the weekend with her friends and everything seemed to be going great. She came by to spend the night next day and she would reiterate her feelings for me, through words and actions and everything seemed to be going great. May 8th, before going to sleep, I told her how much I missed her, and what exactly I missed about her to reiterate my feelings to show how serious I was as well. May 9th, morning, she replied normally and said she missed me as well and wished she could cuddle with me all day every day. I jokingly said I want to hear more, in detail as to how much she misses me. That message was followed by an entire day of silence. We were supposed to meet later that day however, she made up a reason to not meet and then called me later in the night and broke the news.
She felt she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. She had come to realize, that she would never love me the way I love her. We met a day later to say our goodbyes as I was in a state of shock. I was blindsided. I thought I only reciprocated the feelings. She mentioned that ‘I miss you’ message from me made her realize that she could never love me the same way. She said she will always hold love for me and care for me, and cherish the memories we made over the past year. I couldn’t muster up the courage to fight for us, how could I knowing that it was probably the last time I would be seeing her? I asked her what changed, what happened, what did I do and all she responded was ‘I don’t have an answer for you. I wish there was a reason, because you do and say everything that I want you to do and hear.’ Yet she left me. I didn’t beg, all I could say was, if that’s what you feel, how can I change your feelings?
I sent a letter proclaiming my feelings to her and why I said what I said and how ‘she’ had planned all those trips and plans over the next couple weekends and the summer. The day it got delivered, I sent her a message that I wasn’t expecting a response, even though I so much wanted to, and that I will be blocking/removing her from my instagram as that’s the only social media app I use.
She didn’t reply, it broke me apart, but maybe that was for the best? So, it’s been 17 days of no contact, and I miss her every day, all day. I truly loved her and this has broken me into a million pieces. She was the first girl I was going to confess my love for, to my conservative and religious mother. It felt like someone snatched the earth from beneath me. I wake up in the middle of the night multiple times trembling or sweating dreaming about her. I have lost 8 pounds due to a loss in appetite. I have been meditating, journaling, working out, playing soccer, staying busy as all of you have said but it still feels like a gaping hole in my heart. I get anxious and shortness of breath. I cry till I can’t cry anymore. Each day is a battle with myself so I don’t reach out to her.
How do you go from best friends one day and to being a stranger the next? She made me a better man than I was yesterday and now it feels like everything I had hoped for is shattered. I know time heals all wounds, but how do I go forward knowing she will not be a part of my life the way I had and atleast till the last day, she had envisioned as well? It hurts.
I miss her so much and I know I will always love her. But I’m doing my best to stay no contact so I can hopefully heal. Why is the world so cruel?
submitted by ChiknaMoulvi to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:30 mrgnstrk Thinking of migrating to the US via F1/student visa route? Start here.

I've commented a few times in a few posts about my family's experience going through the F-1 to H-1B to GC route to migrate to the US and I've received a lot of questions over the DM, many of which I thought were pretty basic. I thought it might be helpful to put this primer together so folks know the right questions to ask and approach their planning more strategically.
This post is going to be very candid. I've noticed that the questions I've received come from misconceptions about higher education, F-1 visa, and what comes after graduation. I want to give folks the right information, but also temper expectations and give a realistic portrait of what it means and takes to use the student pathway to legally and permanently reside in the US. It is not a stroll in the park, and I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea.


Two of my siblings plus myself are all here in the US via the student visa route. I received my green card in 2021 after being in the US for nearly 4 years. After receiving my Masters at a prestigious university, I was hired immediately by an organization willing to sponsor my H-1B, which they did so after two years of employment under STEM-OPT work authorization. My employer started putting together my I-140 (Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, which is the start of the process for an employment-based green card) shortly after receiving approval of my H-1B. As the paperwork was being put together, my partner and I decided to get married and I switched from employment-based green card to marriage-based green card. The employment-based green card would have added around a 3 year wait if we went through with it, while my marriage-based green card was approved in less than a year.
Both my siblings are currently in the same pathway. One received their Bachelors last year, was hired before graduation and has recently received approval for her H-1B. Their employer has committed to sponsoring their employment-based green card next year. My other sibling received their MFA last year and is now in the process of getting their O-1, which is a different kind of work visa. Like me, they both came to the US with a student visa. We were all very strategic about the programs we chose and how we approached networking within our industries.
We also prepared for years. I knew I wanted to get my Masters and permanently reside in the US even before I finished college in Manila. My siblings also knew that early on. So as a family we planned for years, including preparing financially because we knew that we had a very slim chance of getting free rides for our planned degrees. Our early planning also helped with our professional decision-making, because we became very strategic about what kinds of jobs we took after graduation in Manila (except our youngest sibling, who did her Bachelors in the US, so her planning revolved around her academic career in high school). I would say from start (initial planning) to finish (with the last sibling also now on the way to permanent residency), it took about a decade.


Is the student pathway the right pathway for you?
The first question you should ask yourself: can you afford the student pathway to permanent residency in the US? Higher education in the US is not cheap. Universities very rarely offer full scholarships to Masters programs, and those that do are incredibly competitive. So you cannot depend on scholarships to help you pay for your degree--doing so will likely end in disappointment.
(PhDs are usually free and includes a living stipend, but the application process for PhDs are on a whole other level. I will not cover it here but I can answer any questions related to applying for PhDs.)
Most Masters programs in the US are two-year programs, and the average cost of a Masters degree is around $60,000 per year (source). That's $120,000--almost Php7,000,000--in two years. That is a lot of money. That does not include your cost of living, which depending on the location can vary. I personally spent around $1000 on living expenses every month (housing was through the school, so the cost of that was included in my tuition statement)--and that is living frugally in a very high cost of living city. That's an additional $12,000 per year. Of course, you can lower than number by living with family if that option is available to you.
So on average, you would need around Php4,200,000 per year for your Masters degree. Again, a lot of money. It goes without saying that the student pathway is a very expensive pathway to permanent residency in the US. Can it also be a quicker pathway than, say, being sponsored by a sibling? It can be, but that depends on how long it will take for you to save up for tuition.
What if you can make those numbers work? What else should you know?
I need to put this upfront: the F-1 student visa is a non-immigrant visa. Meaning that it is a visa meant for people who will enter the US on a temporary basis. This is why the student visa has no direct pathway or benefit to permanent residency in the US. You need to change status inside the US to one with immigrant intent or double intent to be able to be on that pathway or receive that benefit. That's where visas like the H-1B visa comes in.
You also cannot work outside of your school on an F-1 visa. During the school year, you are allowed to work part-time on campus, and during the summer you are allowed to work full-time on campus. Work outside of the school is only allowed if it's part of your curriculum (i.e. your program has a class for "onsite internship") and you are allowed to be paid while that opportunity is going on. You can do this part-time, but most legitimate universities will have limited opportunities for this (i.e. under your program you're only allowed to take credit for onsite internships one or two semesters). However, your eligibility to work full-time after getting your degree will be affected if you do this full-time for one year. If you want to jump from F-1 to H-1B, this is not something you want to do.
Your ability to bring dependents to the US on a student visa is also limited. You can only bring your spouse and unmarried children under 21. Dependents of F-1 visa holders are not allowed to work in the US (although children under 21 can go to school full-time). This means your spouse cannot work while in the United States, and that includes working remotely for a company in the Philippines.


The student visa still seems like my best option. What's next?
The next step starts with you. I've received a good number of DMs asking me "Is Master of ABC the right course for me?" or "Will a Master of DEF get me a green card?" These are not the right questions to ask because they're not going to get you any good answers. Yes, we know the ultimate goal for taking your Masters in the US to get permanent residency. But the true purpose of getting a Masters in the US is to make you highly marketable and competitive to US employers that will be willing to sponsor your work visa and petition you for your permanent residency.
So you need to view this degree as a way to level yourself up professionally. I absolutely do not suggest getting a Masters degree in something "you already know"--the objective is not to coast while spending Php4,200,000 a year--but to be so much better at what you're already doing. Here's an example.
Maria Clara graduated from Accounting at a good university in Manila and now has around 2 years of experience as a CPA at the finance and accounting department at a multinational corporation based in Makati. She wants to get her permanent residency to the US via the student pathway and has done a significant amount of research on possible Masters programs and career paths in accounting in the US. She started reading into forensic accounting and realized how interested she is in various aspects of this career path. After looking through universities and programs, she has put SUNY Albany's MS in Forensic Science at the top of her list for a variety of reasons. One, it meets the education requirements for certified public accountant licensure in the state of New York. Two, even without a scholarship of financial aid, the costs for international students is not exorbitant at $23,000/Php1,320,000 for the year-long program--with some frugal living and help from relatives in the US, she can save that amount in 3-4 years. Three, New York is the center of global commerce--all the biggest companies and their accounting firms are either headquartered or have large offices in New York City, so she has a wide swath of employment options. Now she just has to get her ducks in a row and make sure her Bachelors meets the requirements for application, as well as put together a shortlist of other programs she should apply and create a timeline for herself and the milestones that need to be hit to make this dream a reality.
Bottomline is, your starting point in this entire process is reflection and research. You need to reflect on your own professional experience and skills, as well as your interests. You need to figure out which pathway will give you that professional and technical boost and do your research on available programs at reputable universities, what the job market looks like for your target profession, which companies are known to hire in this space.
Of course, you should also take into consideration your limitations. For example, you can only go to school in San Diego because you can stay with relatives while you're studying. That means your research is location-limited to however far you think you can commute.
When this is properly done, it should lead you to a place where you have a shortlist of programs to apply to. Each program will have their own application and testing requirements, as well as their own deadlines, so make sure to keep track of that.
PRO TIP: while grades during college are an important part of your application, many graduate programs put a lot of weight on your personal statement and professional recommendation letters. This is why the first step on reflection is critical--it gives you a good direction from which to build your story, which you will need to convince admissions committees to accept you into their programs.


I got into one of my top programs and I have my finances in order! What happens now?
Now it's time to apply for your F-1 visa. Your university will provide you with the documentation you need from them (this is mainly the I-20 and your acceptance letter), but the bulk of the documentation you need to present to the visa officer will mostly come from you. Namely, because the F-1 is a non-immigrant visa, you need to show strong ties to the Philippines. This can take a variety of forms, and oftentimes your mileage may vary especially depending on the school you will be attending (i.e. there will be less scrutiny if you're going to Harvard as compared to a university that's not that known).
If you did not receive a scholarship with your acceptance, you also need to show that you are able to afford the first year of matriculation. So bank statements containing the total amount of tuition, as well as room and board, will be important (usually the I-20 that the university will issue you will include this amount).
At the interview, be polite and only answer the questions asked. Do not offer up information not asked by the visa officer. I suggest you have a ready answer if the visa officer asks you why this particular school and program, but you should have this answer already if you followed my advice about reflecting and researching before applying to programs :)
Visa is approved and on hand! What do I do while I wait to leave for the US?
Networking starts the moment you receive your passport with your F-1 visa. You absolutely cannot and should not waste a single minute of your active student visa, so this is the time you start telling people that you're going to be studying in the US. You need to work your current network and find peers and mentors who will be willing to connect you with colleagues they know who work in the US or have ties to the US in your professional field. Let's go back to Maria Clara as an example.
Finally, after years of hard work, Maria Clara has her desired acceptance into SUNY's MS in Forensic Accounting program, and her F-1 visa was approved by the embassy without any issues. After celebrating with her family, she lets her boss know about her visa approval, who has been one of her most ardent cheerleaders during this entire process. Her boss has also offered to introduce her to their counterparts in the US once she got her visa approved, which is really important to Maria Clara--she knows she needs to get ahead of networking professionally since her time in the US is limited. She has also reached out to other people she knows in the company that engage frequently with teams in the US. She's messaged her college professors as well, as she knows that a number of alumni from her college have migrated to the US. Her plan is to get connected with as many professionals in her field as possible, connect with them in person once she's in the US, and build a rapport with as many connections as possible so she can be guided accordingly and stand out when the time to apply for jobs comes.
Remember that unlike US citizens (USC) and legal permanent residents (LPR), your time in the US is limited and bound by the rules set by your visa. So you have to be creative and get ahead in some way. You need to be more prepared and more strategic than USCs and LPRs because you simply do not have the time to dilly dally. Yes, enjoy and savor in the moment of seeing the fruits of your labor, but the hard part begins now. You simply do not have time to waste.


I'm in the US now and working harder than ever! Is there anything more I can do to set myself apart from others?
Other than to make sure you have high grades and you're setting aside time to build professional relationships, it's time to think outside the box. Remember that you are limited by the rules of the F-1 visa, so experiences such as an off-campus summer internship is off limits to you. You will need to find ways to strengthen your resumé that doesn't include working off campus, and that could take many forms. One of the most effective recommendations I've received on this is to do an independent research during the summer--you could do it via a professor whose class you really liked, or if you've made inroads with some of the connections you've been building since getting your visa, have a professor oversee a research project you could do with those connections. (This is still academic work, and many programs will give credit for this, so it is not considered off-campus work under the eyes of USCIS.) You can use your research to really elevate your skills and experiences when applying for jobs.
It's also time to seriously start looking at potential employers. You can use the connections you've built to get a sense of what the professional landscape is for your field, learn about peoples' experiences at various companies and organizations, and get a feel for hiring processes. Remember, you don't have a lot of time to apply for jobs once you near the end of your program, so you have to be armed with the right information to guide your job hunting strategy. You will need to put yourself out there and be the best version of your professional self if you want employers to disregard that they will need to spend more money to hire you rather than a USC or LPR who doesn't need sponsorship.


I'm in my last semester of my program! Any tips?
The last semester is usually job hunting season, so make sure that resumé is polished and your network is activated. By now, if you've done the leg work, you will have a shortlist of potential employers and you will have made connections in most, if not all, of them. Time to check-in and ensure that they know you're interested in joining their company and you'd like their support and guidance in doing so. This is one of the harder parts of this journey, and you have to be relentless. Use all the resources at your disposal to ensure your resumé is seen by as many eyes as possible, and that includes speaking to your professors, especially your favorite ones, so they can also lend a hand.
More importantly: submit your work permit application (more commonly known as OPT) as early as possible to avoid delays and getting stuck in the USCIS backlog. You need this permit to be able to work after graduation for a limited time (one year for graduates of non-STEM programs, with an additional two years for graduates of STEM programs) without needing to immediately require H-1B sponsorship.
Getting employed by a company willing to sponsor you is not the end of the line. All for-profit companies are subject to the H-1B lottery, which means you will be competing with other internationals for the limited number of H-1B visas allotted every year. So even with an employer willing to sponsor, the H-1B visa is still not guaranteed. You can work around this by joining what is a called a cap-exempt organization instead, and USCIS classifies those as institutions of higher education, nonprofit entities related to or affiliated with an institution of higher education, nonprofit research organizations, and governmental research organizations. That means more research, and more targeted strategic networking, given that your employer pool now is limited.


The student visa is not an easy or cheap pathway to permanent residency in the US. It is getting harder and harder to beat out USCs and LPRs for great jobs in companies that have the experience and resources to sponsor H-1Bs and GCs. You need to do your research every step of the way and prepare to do some really grueling work in order to be the better investment for these companies. Plus, there is the luck element of the H-1B lottery. But it's not impossible. It can and does happen--my family is a great example of it (we're 3 for 3 in this pathway now). Your preparation and willingness to go the extra mile is critical, and you have to be ready to grind for a while. Rest often only comes when the green card is approved.
For those still considering the student visa pathway to migrate to the US after reading this very long post--good luck, and may the force be with you.
submitted by mrgnstrk to phmigrate [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:30 TerribleSell2997 Online Gambling Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

The ~global online gambling~ industry is estimated to register lucrative growth over the forecast period 2019-2025. Factors that augment the business growth of the market include high internet penetration coupled with the increasing use of mobile phones. Moreover, ease of access to online gambling, legalization & cultural approval, corporate sponsorships, and celebrity endorsements are further fueling the growth of the market. Apart from this, the growing availability of cost-effective online gambling mobile applications across the globe is also driving the market growth. The recent COVID-10 outbreak, which prompted several governments to prohibit social gatherings and announce full lockdown, has impacted a segmental performance of the industry.
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Additionally, the market is characterized by the presence of several market players operating in the global online gambling industry. Some of the key market players of the industry include William Hill PLC, Bet365 Group Ltd., Paddy Power Betfair PLC, Betsson AB, Ladbrokes Coral Group PLC, The Stars Group Inc., 888 Holdings PLC, Cherry AB, and others. The industry is fragmented in nature, and players operating in the industry face tough competition with each other. Therefore, in order to stay competitive, these players adopt various strategies including mergers and acquisitions, product launches, geographical expansion, and others.
full report of Online Gambling Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
o Type
o Sports Betting
o Casinos
o Poker
o Bingo
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
Companies Studied
o 888 Holdings PLC
o Bet365 Group Ltd.
o Betsson AB
o Cherry AB
o GVC Holdings PLC
o Kindred Group PLC
o Ladbrokes Coral Group PLC
o Flutter Entertainment PLC
o The Stars Group Inc.
o William Hill PLC
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:29 dial-up-burp Please critique - Searching for entry level Digital Marketing positions

submitted by dial-up-burp to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:28 Basic_Cat_1006 NFT Artists Living In Oblivious Communities

EDIT: I forgot to include the fact that I live in Las Vegas Nevada as well.
Does anyone else exist within a friend group or social group who just could care less about crypto or nft or blockchain tech? I’m in this weird purgatory currently where I Uber, go home and organize/list my trading cards for sale, and then the rest of the time I’m deeply engaged between converting my hippie pop culture website into a web3 integrated virtual festival, and scouring nft drops / creating my own NFTs. I am a professional musician and psychedelic inspired graphic designer, so I am getting a big jump on getting my music into this new landscape, and combining my visual and audible art into a bundle of future rewards.
And I find it really difficult to share my successes on the Blockchain as well as the developments of my own website, because no less than two minutes into the conversation they are uninterested or completely lost. And I have taken my approach to answering any crypto related questions in a no condescending, easier digestible thesis.
I have updated the website as the tech has upgraded for the last decade. I’m 30 years old. I have ton of achievable and original art and ease of service business plans to incorporate overtime. I have been telling people that I feel as if Blockchain technology is entering the AOL dial at this rate Google hasn’t even been invented yet and I’m pretty sur I have been telling people that I feel as if Blockchain technology is entering the AOL dial at this rate. Google hasn’t even been invented yet and I’m pretty sure daddy Bezos still has hair. Every day I get Uber customers in my car who asked me can I take the time to explain to them what , but honestly, it just seems like it this point those of us who want to be pioneers in this part of history may not live to see the “big conversion”. I have taken roughly 1500 rides over the past 5 months, since I restarted my crypto journey. Statistically, that is 1500+ people in my vehicle. Not one has claimed to own a wallet or ever had a wallet. Only 2 had heard of NFT’s.
12 hours of clocked computer screen and website updating.
Back to Uber for 4 hours. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
submitted by Basic_Cat_1006 to CoinBase [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:28 ArkRecovered2030 The Spiritual Side of the OG Fast and Furious (2001)

It's no secret that spiritual themes appear in the original "The Fast and the Furious" (Dom's cross, Jesse's prayer, etc.), but there seems to be an entire religious subplot written into this film. This isn't hard to believe, considering this film was rewritten before production started. The script was entirely written by Gary Scott Thompson who originally set the film in NYC and all the racers were Italian. The rewrites were performed by David Ayer who is considered " of the five most influential Christians in Hollywood." His knowledge of Scripture is made evident when studying the 13th chapter of Revelation. This chapter foretells the unification between America and a well-known ecclesiastical superpower. This is symbolized in the film by the alliance formed by Dom and Brian.
The name Dominic means "of the Lord" and is the root word for "Domingo" which means Sunday. It was a name given to baby boys born on Sunday. Sunday is spiritual institution of the Roman Catholic Church; the world's most preiminent church and state power (Revelation 13:1). The Catholic Catechism states, "2192 "Sunday . . . is to be observed as the foremost holy day of obligation in the universal Church" (CIC, can. 1246 § 1). "On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass" (CIC, can. 1247)." Priest Brady, in an address, reported in the Elizabeth, NJ ‘News’ on March 18, 1903 stated, "It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church." Dominic holds a barbecue every Sunday for those who attend church (Mass). (This is explained on the Fast and Furious Fandom website.) The car Dom drives is a 1993 Mazda RX7 FD. The engine is driven by rotors as opposed to pistons. The rotors are Releaux triangles and they are featured on Gothic style Catholic Churches. The Releaux triangle is also the base shape for the triquetra; a pagan symbol for the Trinity. The Trinity is not the God of the Bible, but a rebranding is the pagan Trinity, that is found in virtually every worship practice from Hinduism to Wicca. The most famous Trinity is the Catholic Trinity and this was not only the inspiration for Dom's RX7, but also the three Honda Civics he used to rob semi-trucks. The "veil" in Scripture is a symbol for Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:20). The body kit featured on Dom's car is made by "Veilside." The Pope, the monarch of the Catholic Church, believes that he is Christ on earth. Dominic is an allegorical representation of the Roman Catholic Church.
Brian is a symbol for American Protestantism (Revelation 13:11). Brian is a police officer or keeper of the law. Protestant America was founded by those escaping the persecution of the Catholic Church, so they could uphold the Law and Word of God. Brian, whose name means "nobility", is at one time a rival of Dom but soon finds himself compromising. Revelation 13:11 says that the lamb (a symbol for Christ) will begin to speak as a dragon (a symbol for Satan). Brian drives a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS. The symbol for Mitsubishi is a trinity of rhombuses. The engine for the Eclipse is NOT Japanese, but American; a PentaStar "4 banger" built by Chrysler. Brian starts attending the Sunday barbecue insinuating that he is now attending Sunday Catholic mass. Brian's compromise is sealed when he commits fornication with Dom's sister Mia. Shortly after, he lies to his superiors. Brian, the noble keeper of the law, is an allegorical representation of America and Protestantism.
Brian and Dom start working on a Supra after Brian's Eclipse is destroyed. The Eclipse, with it's eagle graphic, was also a symbol for America. Today, amidst our countries turbulent civil and social issues, the nation is on the brink of destruction. Uniting with a "moral" leader such as the Pope, may seem like the answer to all. Pope Francis came to America in 2015 and addressed not only the nation from the White House, but also a joint session of Congress, where we pass laws. The Supra will symbolize the allegiance between America and the Vatican. The Toyota Supra also represents the Trinity. The emblem is comprised of a trinity of ellipses. The codename for the 1993-1998 Supra used in the film is the "Mark 4." The Mark of the Beast is forced Sunday observance and worship aka a Sunday Law. The Pope should have never addressed a joint session of Congress in a country that is constitutionally church and state separate. The Supra represented the unification of two formal rivals who are bound by Sunday Sacredness and the Trinity. By the end of the film, Brian hands the keys to Dom, symbolizing the forfeiture of control of America over to the Vatican.
Although moves are already being made to fullfil the prophecy of Revelation 13, Jesus Christ can lead you through this strange and dark time in this world's history.
Please take some time to watch this film that goes into greater detail 🙏🏾🙏🏼
Swift to Mischief: A Prophetic Exposition of The Fast and the Furious
submitted by ArkRecovered2030 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:27 Gold-Ad-8211 "Solving a Problem" is the biggest red herring ever perpetuated in startup world

Those startup gurus don't know any better, if they did, they would have spend their time not selling classes.
It's never about solving a problem, heck even a solution looking for a problem isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Issue with problem / solution framework is that it distracts you from what's truly important when building an enterprise. You'll advised to figure out customer needs, why your solution is better than alternative, etc.
And all of that are bs.
What problem does a fashion brand solve? What problem does a game companies solve? What problem does a crypto memecoin solve?
Even if you're able to answer your customer needs, there's no guarantee they'll pay for your product or service. Even if you're able to provide better solution than your alternative, big chance you'll still lose if you don't know this secret.
And I want to reveal the most important secret for you, my fellow entrepreneurs.
But of course, it isn't free, because it took years of my mental health, blood, and sacrifices just to learn this very big valuable secret.
It is also not for sale, so you can't buy it from anywhere.
All you need to do is...
submitted by Gold-Ad-8211 to ycombinator [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:27 Doc_you_meant WAMC esp. regarding ECs

Graduated. Going to MSc thesis in clinical work. - cGPA 3.90, 2&3 yr 3.95+ - MCAT : Studying rn, expecting 510-514 - CASPER : will take, was my absolute op last year. - IP QC, could and would opt for AB after master's - Came to Canada in 2020 - Target schools : Ontario schools, AB schools, Mcgill (not good enough in fench yet for QC schools)
TUTORING : * YMCA tutor for 3 years, great exp working w ppl w all learning styles and occasionally difficulties, diff subjects and grades - Peer mentor, course notetaker for office of students with disabilities - Paid uni Biochem tutor, 1 year - Paid tutor for a company starting fall
LEADERHSIP : * Student society's Vice prez, Univeristy senator, board member. Did projects aimed at improving student life academics equity. Voiced my fellers at committees. Network that I leveraged to make things happen. * Program's society Vice prez for 2 yrs. Additional to typical responsibilites, held or helped hold workshops, career fairs, etc. - Cancer society vice prez. Led a committee of 4, collaborated with a committee of 30. Did quite a bit, fundraised alot.
WORK (minimal): - Crew member at Timmies 1yr (learned French there basically bein oui) - Comms assistant and student guide 1 yr * Medical secretary this summer, so 4 months. Blessed to be doing incredible additional stuff that ease pt's getting appintments, also digitalizing the clinic's records, alot of impact potential that I'm enjoying. Thyey're super appreciative of me too, goes both ways.
Research (minimal): * mid-ranked author and article screener, scoping review on health services. 1.5 yrs. Did screening, extraction, brainstorming steps. helped write manuscript. - paid full time summer internship, wet lab. 2 uni conferences. -- MASTER'S THESIS AND OTHER PROJECTS OTW !
Comm service :
-- ICU reception volunteer, 2 years (effectively helped manage unit traffic, guided and comforted visitors)
-- long-term housing volunteer, 3 years (visits, outings, event facilitation, arts and movement workshops, helped residents overcome anorexia, isolation, etc etc
Awards :
Other :
*basically my family's rep in all processes involved in a Covid-striken, isolated immigration experience. This shaped me basically. I can talk about enormous challenges I, and I mostly, overcame for hours. Lost 20kg in first months doing those, wrote hundreds of letters, called 1000s of times, even worked w lawyers once, but turned dozens of refusals and rejections into approvals. fuck it we ball.
Am I acc EC strong ? - Also wondering, does the fact that I've stayed in same positon in most commitments raise any flags ? Is upward motion highly expected ? - Does having veey few hours in an activity make it unworthy of being listed? ( my long-term care exp for instance,,m I have very low hours, maybe 150 in 3 years. Should I list that anyways ?)
submitted by Doc_you_meant to premedcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:26 Gold-Ad-8211 "Solving a Problem" is the biggest red herring ever perpetuated in startup world

Those startup gurus don't know any better, if they did, they would have spend their time not selling classes.
It's never about solving a problem, heck even a solution looking for a problem isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Issue with problem / solution framework is that it distracts you from what's truly important when building an enterprise. You'll advised to figure out customer needs, why your solution is better than alternative, etc.
And all of that are bs.
What problem does a fashion brand solve? What problem does a game companies solve? What problem does a crypto memecoin solve?
Even if you're able to answer your customer needs, there's no guarantee they'll pay for your product or service. Even if you're able to provide better solution than your alternative, big chance you'll still lose if you don't know this secret.
And I want to reveal the most important secret for you, my fellow entrepreneurs.
But of course, it isn't free, because it took years of my mental health, blood, and sacrifices just to learn this very big valuable secret.
It is also not for sale, so you can't buy it from anywhere.
All you need to do is...
submitted by Gold-Ad-8211 to startups [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:26 triz49 Tax for income earned while physically outside of Japan

I've tried to find the answer but it seems like nobody's situation ever fits mine so I'm trying to figure this one out.
I'm a U.S. citizen. My wife is JP citizen. I want to buy an apartment cash and live in Japan. I'll be planning to immigrate on a spouse visa, but whether I'll get permanent residency depends on the tax implications.
My work is in a U.S. territory, Guam. I'll be working for an American company based there, getting paid USD, with a W-2 and all that. If we're talking a split, likely 100 days a year in the U.S., 180 days a year in Japan, and 80 days a year traveling to other countries.
My question is, will Japan tax this American income? Will they even know about it? I won't be earning anything in Japan at all. What about anything my wife does -- are we seen as filing jointly like in the U.S. or as individuals with our own tax liability?
How about other sources of income? Like say, my military pension, mutual fund dividends, or eventually, social security?
submitted by triz49 to JapanFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:26 Winter_Variety3177 Good question

Good question submitted by Winter_Variety3177 to shortguys [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:25 Own_Tailor9802 Korea is really special to me

My name is Jessica, and I live in a small central American city of about 80,000 people.Today I'm going to share a story about Korea.First, I'd like to tell you a little bit about my family.When I was born, I already had an older brother.I don't mean just a little sister with an older brother.My brother was adopted from Korea.It's an unusual situation, isn't it? My parents struggled with infertility for several years before I was born, and they ended up adopting my Korean brother.Then, a few years later, they got pregnant with me, and I was born.My brother had different hair color, skin color, and eye color than me, but we got along very well.Even though we knew from a young age that we were adopted because of our differences, we got along well, and we were a family that loved each other deeply.
We played the same games, read books together, and spent a lot of time together. He always took good care of me, and he was a good brother who made me laugh.
I would say, “Brother, let's read this book together!” and he would always smile and read it to me. I think I liked and enjoyed his warmth to me, rather than focusing on the content of the book.
When we left our cozy home environment, it was time to go to school, and during this time, my brother and I were asked a lot of embarrassing questions.One day, while my brother and I were playing together, a friend asked me, “Jessica, why does your brother look different from you?”The question gave me pause, but he smiled and replied, “Because we are a family, looks don't matter. His positive attitude had a good effect on me, and I'm sure he had a good effect on himself, too.Watching him grow up right, and our family became interested in Korea. If he was a troublemaker and always in trouble, he wouldn't have had the time to take the time to learn about his country of origin, Korea, but when he studied well, didn't fight with his friends, and was a good person who always loved and cared for his brother, we couldn't help but wonder about his roots.
I think my parents also had the will to share Korean culture with my brother and me, to learn what they could, to broaden our horizons and deepen our family's understanding.Many years ago, when I was in middle school, my family visited Korea for the first time, and the experience left a great impression on me.
We visited many tourist spots in Seoul and saw the harmonious combination of Korean tradition and modernity.And Korea, with its many dark-haired, dark-eyed people like my brother, was somehow not foreign to me.For Americans traveling to Asia for the first time, this could have been difficult because people look different and give off different vibes, but not for me. My parents, of course, were very excited to revisit Korea, the country of my brother's birth, and spoke so many blessings about the land of my brother's birth.Of course, there were many good things to see and many fun things to do in Korea, but the most memorable moment was when I suddenly developed a high fever.
It was a quiet night in Korea at the time, and I suddenly developed a high fever.This change was so sudden that my parents panicked.Eventually, with the help of the hotel we were staying at, they were able to get me to the emergency room in Korea, where I was quickly treated.Upon arrival, the medical staff quickly assessed my condition and ran the necessary tests.The whole process was organized, and thanks to the professionalism and quick response of the medical staff, I was able to get comfortable quickly. My situation was so serious that my head hurt like a rock and I could barely understand what was being said around me, but thanks to their quick response, my fever started to come down and I was able to return to my senses.The tests showed that I had a severe flu, which had been contracted in the United States and had incubated in Korea.I had to stop traveling in Korea and be admitted to the hospital for treatment, but thanks to the fast and efficient healthcare system in Korea, this was not a problem.
My parents breathed a sigh of relief and expressed their deep gratitude to the Korean healthcare system.“If it wasn't for Korea, I would have been in trouble,” my father said.Although my family had to stop our trip to Korea and spend the rest of my stay in a Korean hospital, looking back, it was also a unique experience abroad.
Many years later, as an adult, my relationship with my brother was still good. We enjoyed Korean dramas, movies, and music together, cooked Korean food together, and learned Korean together.
However, there was a clear difference between me and him: he seemed to be better at learning, even if he spent the same amount of time studying, and he went to a prestigious university, while I failed to get into college and became depressed.
He helped me with my studies every vacation, taught me how to study, and helped me to get into a prestigious university, but the results were not good. I was rejected by all the universities I applied to, and I was going through a very difficult time. After he graduated from college, he moved back home from the East Coast of the United States and helped me study for the college entrance exam, and with his help, I was able to get into college, albeit late.
Although I didn't get into a prestigious university like my brother, I still had a satisfying college experience and broadened my horizons.Naturally, I discovered that Korea has been on the global radar lately, which was very exciting.Korea may be the latest trend for Americans these days, but for me and my brother, it's like going back to our roots.I've always loved Korea, and it was very interesting and fond to reminisce about my trip to Korea when I was in middle school and look through my photo albums, even though half the time I was sick. So, my brother and I decided to visit Korea again, and this time, we had several goals for the trip: we wanted to make sure that we got it right this time, because we didn't get it right the first time, and my brother wanted to get to know his Korean roots better, even though he is now an adult, working as an American and living as an American, and I wanted to get to know my Korean roots better in relation to my major in college, and this time, I wanted to research more about the Korean healthcare system that I had experienced as a child.
Of course, I also wanted to have fun in Korea and enjoy the freedom to roam around the country unlike when I was a student, but I didn't take it too seriously.
Korea was so different from the U.S. It had the look of a big city in the U.S., but it had its own unique vibe. It was much more developed than the neighborhoods we live in in the U.S., and everywhere you looked was filled with people, and there were hundreds or thousands of stores selling a variety of things. If you were walking around and traveling, and you got thirsty and needed a break, there were cafes all around you that you could just pop into and take a break, and you didn't have to go far to find a restaurant that had one Korean food and sold it, because all the infrastructure was there.
Everything is around you, and everything you want or need is always right around the corner, which is why people call city life so convenient and love it.The public transportation system in Korea, which is light years better than the big cities in the U.S., helped us get around without any difficulty.It was also so much fun to get a T-money card, carry it around, and use it to get around Korea for a very low cost.
And when my brother and I would walk around, going to cafes, restaurants, and other places where there was something to do, many Koreans would tell us that we made a good looking couple.When I would tell them, in a pleasant and complimentary way, that we were actually brother and sister, they would look surprised and apologize.
But it's completely understandable, because even in the U.S., more people think of us as a couple or friends than they do as siblings, and there's not much of an adoption culture in Korea, and no one adopts and brings European or American children to Korea, so it's no wonder we get these funny misunderstandings.
To be honest, even in the U.S. nowadays, you can still encounter people who ask my brother and I questions about our relationship with unpleasant intentions to hurt us, assuming that we are not a couple or friends, but maybe even a man.A recent memory is of an American grandfather in his 70s who made a very rude remark to us, asking us what kind of father our father was to have two women give birth at the same time.
In the U.S., most people are friendly and kind to me, but the problem is that some people sometimes make fun of my brother because he looks Asian, but this was not the case in Korea at all.No one discriminated against me because of my different appearance.
And there's actually a story I wasn't going to tell in this article, but I'm writing it down because I had my brother's permission to do so.After arriving in Korea, we decided to search for my adopted brother's birth parents in order to trace his roots.My parents and I respected his decision to pursue this endeavor in Korea, and of course, we decided to support it. We visited the Korean adoption agency and requested my brother's adoption records.The representative provided us with all the information possible and was eager to help us, saying that efforts to find one's roots are ongoing every day.Together, we were able to find some important clues in the records.
My brother decided to visit his birthplace based on those clues, and of course, I joined him on the journey.We were always laughing since we came to Korea, but at this moment, there was more seriousness than laughter.We visited my brother's birthplace together and talked to the local people.
At the time, there was only a vague record of my brother's father and mother, but no proper records, so we only knew where he was born, and we had to go there and find someone who had lived there for a long time.But Korea is a very fast-developing country, and the sad thing is that the area where my brother was born and spent the first few months of his life was already torn down and replaced by a huge apartment complex. We felt that if we had come sooner, at least before these new apartments were built, things would have been at least better than they were, but there was no point in regretting what had passed.We visited the social welfare center and police station in the area, explained our situation, and asked for help.The Korean people were very kind, listening to my brother's story and letting us know what we could do.
We were told that when a new apartment building is built in Korea, new people who have no connection to the area move into the apartment, but that some of the people who live in these new apartments have been living here for a long time, most likely elderly people, and that the best thing to do is to find them and ask them about their past.We felt that this information would be very useful to us, as we were very confused and frustrated.
So my brother and I, along with a Korean lady who felt sorry for us and wanted to help, approached the elderly people who came in and out of the apartment and asked them questions.But despite all our efforts, we were unsuccessful in finding my brother's biological parents.We had many clues and information, but we were unable to find any conclusive evidence.My brother was disappointed, but we were comforted by the fact that we had done our best. Maybe if we could have spent a few weeks, maybe even a few months here to find and talk to an elderly person with memories of the past, we could have found a clue to the solution, but we couldn't stay in Korea, so in the end, we had to give up without proceeding any further.When I saw the look on my brother's face as he said that if he had the chance, he would visit Korea next time for this sole purpose, I felt a great sense of disappointment.“It's a shame that we couldn't find them, but thank you for trying,” he said to me.I couldn't say it anymore.
It would have been great if he could have completed his homework, but he didn't.Contrary to my initial expectations, the Korean adoption agency tried to be as helpful as possible, and I was very grateful to the government officials in the place of my brother's supposed birth, who were very sympathetic to his situation and actively tried to help him, and to the Korean lady who passed by.
Having been treated by the Korean healthcare system in the past, I took this level of care for granted and thought that it was something that everyone could enjoy, but then, when I was a high school student in the U.S., I was seriously ill and did not receive the same care as I did in Korea, so I remember suffering terribly and tried to understand why this difference occurred.
Before I came to Korea, I had already arranged to meet with someone, and although I didn't get to visit any specialized institutions, I was able to meet with Korean college students, and I learned a lot of information from them: medical students, pharmacy students, and I was able to get a lot of information from them.
The Korean healthcare system was different from the U.S. in many ways: it was fast, efficient, and provided a high level of care at a relatively low cost.The quick response and organized system for emergencies was especially impressive.The emergency rooms in Korea were very reasonably priced, allowing people to go to them for minor and mild symptoms.At this point, I thought that if there were a lot of people going to the emergency room for minor symptoms, it would be a problem if someone came in who needed emergency care, but the hospitals in Korea made it very easy to answer that question. I also learned that when a really urgent patient comes in, the emergency room prioritizes the emergency patients and treats them first, ignoring the minor ones. It's so simple and obvious: the doctors have the skills to determine the severity of the patient's condition, and they can prioritize the treatment accordingly.
Not only that, but it was very easy to get an appointment in Korea and the wait time was short. The Korean medical staff emphasized patient care and prompt treatment, and they utilized the latest medical technology and equipment to provide the best possible medical care.
In the U.S., medical care is often very expensive, complicated, and difficult to access quickly, and many people are unable to get proper treatment due to insurance issues.I also received prompt treatment in Korea when I was in middle school without insurance and had to pay a reasonable price, but the experience was a nightmare as I remember being very sick in middle school and high school, and I felt that the Korean system was far superior.I felt that the Korean healthcare system is not for profit, but is dedicated to protecting the health of the people.
Through my experiences in Korea, I learned about a much broader world than what my brother and I knew before.There are many factors that make Korea such a great country, but the culture and system that my brother and I experienced firsthand helped us understand why.And most of all, Korea is the country that made my brother.I have grateful feelings for Korea, which is also my brother's roots.
My brother and I could tell without speaking to each other that through this visit, we saw in each other a willingness to continue to love Korea more and more, and to strive to learn and understand Korean culture.
Korea is now a country that has special meaning to me as an adult, and I think it will be a great pleasure for me to honor my brother's roots and watch Korea develop and grow.I will continue to connect with Korea and try to help more people discover its charms.
And next year, he plans to visit Korea to find his roots once again. He plans to stay in Korea for more than a month, and he will continue his best efforts during that period.
submitted by Own_Tailor9802 to u/Own_Tailor9802 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:23 Gold-Ad-8211 "Solving a Problem" is the biggest red herring ever perpetuated in entrepreneurship & startups

Those startup gurus don't know any better, if they did, they would have spend their time not selling classes.
It's never about solving a problem, heck even a solution looking for a problem isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Issue with problem / solution framework is that it distracts you from what's truly important when building an enterprise. You'll advised to figure out customer needs, why your solution is better than alternative, etc.
And all of that are bs.
What problem does a fashion brand solve? What problem does a game companies solve? What problem does a crypto memecoin solve?
Even if you're able to answer your customer needs, there's no guarantee they'll pay for your product or service. Even if you're able to provide better solution than your alternative, big chance you'll still lose if you don't know this secret.
And I want to reveal the most important secret for you, my fellow entrepreneurs.
But of course, it isn't free, because it took years of my mental health, blood, and sacrifices just to learn this very big valuable secret.
It is also not for sale, so you can't buy it from anywhere.
All you need to do is...
submitted by Gold-Ad-8211 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:23 jennithomas321 How to Improve Ranking on Google in a Week?

Money alone can’t buy Google rank, but with a little time and strategy you can improve your position on the search engine results page (SERP) without spending a dime. Here are 10 free ways to improve your Google search rank.

Tip#1: Improve your website’s user experience.

According to a study on ranking factors by SEMrush, the top four ranking factors are website visits, time on site, pages per session, and bounce rate. All four of those are directly related to your website’s content and user experience, which Google recently emphasized with its Page Experience update. It’s pretty simple: If your website is easy and enjoyable to use and offers valuable information, you’ll get more visitors, who will stay longer on your site and visit more pages, and that will improve your search rank.

Tip#2: Write great content optimized for SEO.

Knowing how to write good website content is one of the best ways to increase traffic and improve your search rank. In fact, Google itself said in a blog post on page experience that having great, relevant content on a page is more important for ranking than page experience. Make sure your content is mistake-free, keyword-rich, mobile-optimized, written to address the specific needs of your target audience, and includes valuable links to additional internal and external content.

Tip#3: Get more backlinks.

Backlinks — links from other sites to yours — are one of the most heavily weighted Google ranking factors. Incoming links to your website content from high-authority domains show your site’s authority, bring in traffic, and improve your search ranking.

Tip#4: Improve your page speed.

Load time is one of the key measurements in Google’s recent Core Web Vitals upgrade, so it’s a good idea to learn how to improve website speed — both to boost your search rank and provide a good user experience.

Tip#5: Fix broken links.

Having quality links on your website is one of the best ways to boost traffic and establish the authority of your site, but links that bring up a 404 error hurt both your user experience and your search rank. Use a tool like BrokenLinkCheck or Dead Link Checker to find any broken links.

Tip#6: Optimize your images.

Optimizing your images is crucial to boosting the speed of your site and making it easier for Google to identify the images on your web pages. Make sure all your website images are compressed, have descriptive filenames, and include alt text.

Tip#7: Use H1 and H2 header tags.

Not only do headers make your content more readable and easier to understand for humans and search engines alike, there is a strong correlation between Google search rank and the use of header tags in the body of your content. Header tags are also a great way to show the structure of your content and emphasize your key points.

Tip#8: Optimize for local search.

More and more people are using their smartphones to search for businesses “near me.” To improve local search engine optimization, make sure you claim your Google My Business listing, provide relevant content in Google Posts, get your business listed in local directories, and improve your online reputation with great online reviews.

Tip#9: Optimize for voice search.

According to a study by Perficient, voice search is no longer growing, but more than 60% of people surveyed still said voice search is their preferred method of asking questions on their smartphone. Make sure you optimize your website for voice search by incorporating likely voice search phrases into your website content — be sure to use full sentences phrased in a natural conversational style rather than single keywords.

Tip#10: Aim for “position zero.”

When a user asks a question in Google Search, Google sometimes pulls content from a relevant website and displays it in a special featured snippet or answer box above the #1 search result. Getting content into a featured snippet.) is a great way to increase traffic (snippets include a link to the page where the content came from), as well as boost the credibility and visibility of your brand. To increase your chances of having your content selected as a featured snippet by Google, think of likely searches related to your business and pepper your site with clear, authoritative answers.
submitted by jennithomas321 to clientseo [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:23 DocGregory Will be leaving the Catholic Church for Orthodox in 2 months, and it feels right

I have struggled with my Catholic faith recently. These are 20% of my reasons for doing so. 1. Few months ago, I considered priesthood in the Catholic Church. The answers and "support" I get from priests are not helping at all. I sometimes question myself, do priests nowadays get enough education for their role? 2. A number of priests I talked to resorted to priesthood just because they have no other option. I get the impression - "it's just another job" and they don't take it by heart. 3. I grew up with a friend who became a Jesuit. Pursued further studies in Boston University, and now has been following the footsteps of a weird bald Jesuit priest parading around with rainbow flags. 3.1 I did a little searching and came across some bizzare articles and social media profiles of Jesuits in the Americas. (See my post on Catholicism) 4. I remember at age 18, a Dominican friar once told me to be wary of the "wolves in sheep's clothing confusing other sheep in the same field". I didn't understand it at first, but I do now. 5. I stumbled upon an Orthox Church and felt some deep reverence in the place. I reflected in the Church for 3 hours straight.
*Other reasons are too personal to discuss.
For now, I decided to postpone the change and drag myself in attending the Catholic Church mass despite these struggles. I am already endlessly exhausted at work, but I continue to hope for a better tomorrow with God. As I continue my practice abroad in 2 months, I ask you to please pray for me as I embark on a new spiritual journey- that I may really find the true "home" and find God.
submitted by DocGregory to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:22 No-Window3665 FMLA pending

My father passed away April 27, he was the caregiver for my mom with dementia. I filed for FMLA 5/6/24 because I have a ton to figure out, took FMLA paperwork to the Dr. 5/9/24 who filled out and faxed the completed forms to the company who does my FMLA. I keep getting notifications from the FMLA Co. that they haven’t received my paperwork, I have asked the Dr’s office to refax, uploaded pictures myself. Now the company won’t even answer their phones. My manager is now asking me about my FMLA and why it hasn’t been approved? I don’t know what to do now? Any suggestions? I have followed the process, completed the asked for documentation.
submitted by No-Window3665 to FMLA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:22 Realtime_Research Social Research for Current AND Past Agriculture Students!

Are you currently studying agriculture science? Or graduated from a related degree in the last 3 years?
We’re an Australian market research company and we’re conducting social research on the experiences of uni students within agriculture-related courses.
This is PAID research where you will have a casual Zoom chat with a moderator about your University experience.
You’ll first need to fill out a short screening survey to check if you qualify and if you do, we will be in contact via SMS with more info and to book you in: Current students: Alumni:
If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send an email to [](
Note: data respondents provide in a screening survey is only used to check eligibility. Data is never sold or shared outside of this. We are ISO accredited and are a trusted partner of ADIA. You can see our full privacy policy here:
submitted by Realtime_Research to LaTrobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:21 ChiknaMoulvi It hurts.

After a wonderful year with an amazing girl (24F) who I(26M) fell in love with and was building a future with, I got suddenly dumped. Just a few days before the anniversary of the day we met.
About two months ago, after I returned from a trip, she came to meet me with the intention to break up because she felt the relationship had lost the ‘spark’. We had a healthy conversation and communicated the flaws and what was missing and decided that we would work on them together and revive it. Over the next month, we did exactly that, both proclaimed that we loved each other. We had our serious discussions and planned out the next couple months with weekend trips, and her introducing me to her mom who was supposed to visit this past weekend.
May 1st, her birthday, I surprised her, had a wonderful day on the weekend with her friends and everything seemed to be going great. She came by to spend the night next day and she would reiterate her feelings for me, through words and actions and everything seemed to be going great. May 8th, before going to sleep, I told her how much I missed her, and what exactly I missed about her to reiterate my feelings to show how serious I was as well. May 9th, morning, she replied normally and said she missed me as well and wished she could cuddle with me all day every day. I jokingly said I want to hear more, in detail as to how much she misses me. That message was followed by an entire day of silence. We were supposed to meet later that day however, she made up a reason to not meet and then called me later in the night and broke the news.
She felt she did not want to be in a relationship with me anymore. She had come to realize, that she would never love me the way I love her. We met a day later to say our goodbyes as I was in a state of shock. I was blindsided. I thought I only reciprocated the feelings. She mentioned that ‘I miss you’ message from me made her realize that she could never love me the same way. She said she will always hold love for me and care for me, and cherish the memories we made over the past year. I couldn’t muster up the courage to fight for us, how could I knowing that it was probably the last time I would be seeing her? I asked her what changed, what happened, what did I do and all she responded was ‘I don’t have an answer for you. I wish there was a reason, because you do and say everything that I want you to do and hear.’ Yet she left me. I didn’t beg, all I could say was, if that’s what you feel, how can I change your feelings?
I sent a letter proclaiming my feelings to her and why I said what I said and how ‘she’ had planned all those trips and plans over the next couple weekends and the summer. The day it got delivered, I sent her a message that I wasn’t expecting a response, even though I so much wanted to, and that I will be blocking/removing her from my instagram as that’s the only social media app I use.
She didn’t reply, it broke me apart, but maybe that was for the best? So, it’s been 17 days of no contact, and I miss her every day, all day. I truly loved her and this has broken me into a million pieces. She was the first girl I was going to confess my love for, to my conservative and religious mother. It felt like someone snatched the earth from beneath me. I wake up in the middle of the night multiple times trembling or sweating dreaming about her. I have lost 8 pounds due to a loss in appetite. I have been meditating, journaling, working out, playing soccer, staying busy as all of you have said but it still feels like a gaping hole in my heart. I get anxious and shortness of breath. I cry till I can’t cry anymore. Each day is a battle with myself so I don’t reach out to her.
How do you go from best friends one day and to being a stranger the next? She made me a better man than I was yesterday and now it feels like everything I had hoped for is shattered. I know time heals all wounds, but how do I go forward knowing she will not be a part of my life the way I had and atleast till the last day, she had envisioned as well? It hurts.
I miss her so much and I know I will always love her. But I’m doing my best to stay no contact so I can hopefully heal. Why is the world so cruel?
TL;DR Got dumped suddenly after a year because my ex realized that she couldn’t ever love me the way I loved her. Struggling to get through it now.
submitted by ChiknaMoulvi to relationships [link] [comments]