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Pet Shop Boys

2012.06.14 23:25 IAmNumber6 Pet Shop Boys

A subreddit for Pet Shop Boys fans in every city, in every nation, from Lake Geneva to the Finland station.

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MindArk's 20 year history in development of virtual environments and digital currency evolves into block chain technology through the Deeptoken offering.

2019.02.24 05:37 ryuundo Collectionhauls Vinyl, Books, Comics, you name it! The world is yours for you to search and display.

A subreddit where you can post whatever items you find in your travels in the collecting world. This can include toys, comics, records, cars, Video games, memorabilia from shows, etc. all types of collections are welcome.

2024.06.09 11:02 bl00dien0mn0mz I was kissed drunk and I liked it, but we're both taken

This week I went up to my brother's best friend's ranch with my brother, in hopes that I would keep his friend (lets call him Chris)'s girlfriend of 5 years(Darla) company as she's completely isolated. We were originally just supposed to stay one or two nights, get absolutely slammed and faded those nights, then go home. We ended up staying for almost a week. The first 2 nights were nice, We would do farm chores, Chris would ask me to go smoke w him at noon, my brother would get blackout drunk, Chris and I would make fun of him and record him while Darla slept, then in the morning my brother, Chris, and I woukd watch Baki until Darla woke up. On the 3rd night, Chris showed me how to ride some of the heavy equipment and feed the animals, and after having driven out to god knows where on some private road and getting drunk, we all came home and Chris and I went out to get food as we had just taken dabs 30min prior, our first time being actually fully alone. On the 4th morning, thursday morning, during our usual wake-and-bake Baki binge, I noticed Chris kept looking at me when I wasn't watchjng the screen, he was sitting much closer, and even made an almost flirty joke as I was trying to touch up my makeup. That night Darla suggested we all go out to this private abandoned lake and hang out, so we packed the truck stock full of blunts and wine and other vices and drove out. Turned out there was a pretty steep climb down to the lake from where we parked that Darla couldnt quite handle right, so I helped her the entire way down, holding her hand when she was scared, and even carrying her, but Chris only ever offered to help me. When we got to the lake Chris would offer me drinks by holding them to my mouth and letting me drink as he held the bottle/can; he would ask me first to pass a blunt or drink; he even kept showing me the cool snail shells he found. He barely talked to Darla, and she smoked for the very first time that night. When we got back up to the truck, just before the sun began to set, Chris picked me up and sat me next to him on the truck roof when Darla was upset about something in the passenger seat. You see, Chris and Darla had been fighting the entire time we had visited. Something always upset her, something always meant he didn't love her. He was so clearly stressed. On the roof of that truck, he told me all their problems. How she doesn't listen when he tries to talk, how the relationship feels stagnant, how she spends the money he doesn't have, how she doesn't reach out or talk to anyone but him, how he thinks the view is so pretty and the drinks are so good but he doesn't know what else to do. After that, we decided to head home. Mid-drive home, he pulled over and asked me to go out with him to the nearby hill to look at the sunset. I was too tipsy to walk and my outfit was too delicate and he didnt want it to ruin, so he carried me down. My brother, clearly black-out drunk at this point, didnt get the hint, so we had to keep sending him back to get us drinks that we didnt drink. Between these drinks, Chris confessed to me that he was so attracted to me and that terrified him and he cried. He told me he had been trying to make moves on me each night and felt so guilty. He told me the outfits I'd wear would drive him crazy. He told me he felt like he could confide in me. I told him I liked him back. The problem is, I also have a partner. We're LDR and have never met IRL (dated 6 months). There was seemingly always a reason for him to not come by, either he didn't want to, or was scared, or didn't have the time despite making plans to stop by prior that I consistantly offer to pay in full for. I felt like I could never bring up an issue eithout it turning into him telling me we should probably just break up because he has issues. I couldn't set boundaries, either he'd tell me I was his only support system when I'd say if I couldn't handle his venting ATM but I could later, or he'd coerce me out of sexual boundaries by pouting or repeatedly begging me. He never showed me he cared about me unless he was insecure or horny. He was always mad at me over the slightest things, too. Me apologizing, annoying. Me talking to him st the wrong time, frustrating. Me talking about my friends, jealous. Me needing him to elaborate or reword something because I genuinely couldnt understand him, too much. I didn't feel loved. I felt more like a beat dog than anything human. As we drove back for the final time, Darla and Chris practically scream fought the entire time (I was in the bed of the truck so I couldn't hear anything of substance). When we got back home, Darla kept bringing out more drinks and even took a small dab. Chris and I stepped out for a moment to grab something from my brother's car (plus I was nauseaous from all the drinks and need air). He kissed me. I didn't expect it, but I didn't stop it. I hate it, but I loved it. So much. He hugged me and asked if I was okay. He kissed me again and we headed back inside. By then, Darla was vomitting and crying for Chris to help her and hold her hair back, but he couldn't be near her without feeling sick, so I went down to help her and he sat next me the entire time. He didn't touch her, even when she said she needed him. I just held her hair and rubbed her back and arm. She lingered downstair when she was done, and Chris and I went back upstairs to watch a movie. He kept rubbing my leg as I sat on the floor by his bench. Apparently, she always does this. She expects him to listen and fix all her problems, but drinks like a fish anytime he needs to bring up an issue and cries for him to take care of her. It was fairly evident they really only really got along when they're both passionately drunk. He was so done but he still loved her so much. They had an arguement, he confronted her about her behavior, she wouldn't listen, so he just took her to their room to hopefully discuss this when shes sober. After sitting in silence for a bit, Chris and I headed out for a walk at around 2 am. We mustve walked for at least a mile or two when we found a place to sit down and chat. He held me in his arms. He rubbed my back and pressed me close into him. We talked about what we wanted for our futures, what was so wrong about our relationships, our issues, what we found so attractive about each other, and any random bullshit. We kissed, we madeout, he cried, but we both agreed this could never be sexual. It was too pure, despite the circumstances. He told me that, if his future ever involved me, he'd want to get to know me first, platonically or not. He told me that even if we don't become anything, he wants me to break up with my bf because he doesn't think I deserve how I'm treated. He told me he doesn't know what I see in him. He asked me when last I'd been properly held. Nobody had ever looked at me like that. Nobody had ever held me like that. I don't think I've ever even had just a conversation that nice before. I hadn't been touched in almost a year. Despite our different views, we got along so well in humor, conversation, wishes for our futures, and of course physical chemistry. It was all so.. nice. It terrified me. We got back to the house at 4am, we smoked some dabs, he hugged me so tight I could feel the tears soak my shirt and his heavy breathing, he showed me old photos and videos he was embarrassed about, and we went to sleep in our respective beds. That morning yesterday he slept in twice as long as usual, he was distant and clearly tired. he wasnt avoiding me, but it wasnt the same. Not to mention, him and Darla seemed closer than ever. I basically spent my entire day avoiding his eye contact, smoking, and crying in my brother's car waiting for us to head out. I honestly don't know what else I expected. I got his number from my brother as he drove and I apologized to him for what I did to him. I apologized for taking advantage of him like that. He told me I shouldn't blame myself and I'm welcome back whenever, but he just couldn't live with himself right now. Today, I told my boyfriend everything and told him I think we should break up. I realized, admittedly partially because of Chris, that while I still love my bf so much, I just can't do this anymore. I still care about him with my entire sould, but I still have so much untreated trauma and mental issues I need to work through, and being in a relationship is just making it all worse. As soon as I told him, he pulled out every line in the book. He compared me to his mom's drinking and cheating. He told me he still sleeps with the stuffed animal I gave him months ago. He told me he can change and that he can help me with my recovery. He told me he wrote a poem for me. He told me that that's 'not the real him'. He's said I love you more than he has in the entire relationship just today. He keeps begging me to say I still love him and that everything will be okay, and I can't stand any of it anymore. I do still love him so much, and I offered to wait until my next therapy appointment in a day to officially break up, but I just want it to be over. I can't be his onky friend, I can't be his 24/7 booty call, I can't be his punching bag when he's pissed. Chris and I are probably never going to happen and he'll probably marry Darla in the end. My bf will block me and I'll end up back to where I was before. I don't know what happened, but I fucked up so bad. I don't cheat, I never drink without people, I don't do these things. I hurt so many people and I don't know how I'll live with myself. Darla didn't deserve this, Chris didn't deserve this, and my bf didn't deserve this, yet here we are. I honestly think i just need this all to be out of my head and into the world so I can finally start to breathe again.
I'm so sorry for the whole novel TL;DR↓
My relationship makes me feel helpless. I got drunk with my brother's friend with relationship problems, too. He kissed me 3 times and I liked it but he regrets it. I'm trying to break up with my bf but I don't know what to do with my life after this all.
submitted by bl00dien0mn0mz to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:09 iamkingsleyf 15 Different Types of Pictures Frame

There are different types of picture frames right now. When it comes to brightening your dividers, choosing the main fitting picture outlines for your space can appear a bit overpowering.
Maybe you need some standing photo outlines along with your sideboard or on your coffee table.
Perhaps you're after an embellishing overview for an extraordinary event photo, or you need to collate a blend of family photographs and art prints for an explanation display divider within the corridor.
You might need to keep it straightforward with a push of dark photo outlines mounted on the divider. Or a multi-picture shape to show your occasion photographs or bring your Instagram pics to life.
There are so many choices accessible, empowering you to show your pictures in a genuinely customized way.
Be that as it may, having so much choice can make it more troublesome to discover the culmination picture outline.
So we've done all the difficult work for you. Here we circular up the leading photo outlines for your domestic underneath.
The different types of Picture frames are listed below.

1. Gallery Frame

Display outlines utilize a tangle to make an elevated frame-in-frame impact that you might frequently see in an exhibition hall photography establishment.
Our genuine hardwood Display Outlines bring this identical tasteful touch of the mid-century advanced plan to any room in your home.
Additionally, attempt putting together a collection of four or more outlines for an impactful see, and do not be anxious to blend.
Coordinate silhouette wraps up along the way. It creates variety and visual intrigue.
Furthermore, it's a straightforward, easy route to the hidden. However, advanced colors conspire that tie the pieces of the room together.

2. Carrs Silver Frame

The Carrs Silver Frame is one of the different types of picture frames. The best picture frames do not divert from but upgrade the picture it holds, demonstrated flawlessly by this beautiful silver Carrs plan picture outline.
Mounted on a block of wood back, the silver edge is plain in its plan and can stand both representation and scene.
The specific show recorded is 8 x 6" in measure, but there are little and bigger estimate choices moreover available.
Moreover, It's by distant the foremost costly section in our choice of the most excellent outlines.
Still, if you've got an uncommon photo that needs a domestic, this can be well worth the venture.

3. Modern Frame

The slim profile of cutting-edge frame styles permits your photographs to require a central organization for a moderate see that puts an accentuation on the print.
The Modern Metal Frame is a premium-quality choice for any space, prepared to hang as a centerpiece or in couple with other pieces on a display wall. The Cutting-edge
Metal Outline is tailor-made to include modernity and present-day request to moderate stylistic layout topics — but it's at its best in urban-industrial spaces.
Additionally, Pair two expansive frames together for a show that wows or blends and coordinates distinctive sizes of smaller structures, as within the picture over.
Essentially, because you have got other metal wraps up in your space doesn't cruel that your outlines ought to coordinate them precisely — a small variety goes a long way.

4. Copper Hanging Picture Frame

Copper Hanging a Picture frame is also one of the different types of Frames.
The classic black picture frame is a go-to plan for numerous picture takers, this basic but exquisite outline will assist your color photography pop and allow dark and white photographs an immortal feel.
Profoundly reasonable, this prevalent plan is available in dark, white, and dim, and within the taking after sizes: A4 (21 x 30cm), 12 x 16" (30 x 40cm), 19 x 28" (50 x 70cm), 24 x 31" (60 x 80cm).
Well-made and shockingly reasonable, this modern plan offers a cutting-edge, uncluttered feel, culminating in exhibiting your most valuable recollections.

5. Floating Frame

Floating frames utilize clear glass or acrylic input of a tangle to provide your print with the impact of drifting on the divider.
Our Drifting Outline employments frame-grade acrylic, including UV security and subtract weight, highlighting modern brass-coated equipment — downplayed. These one-of-a-kind highlights grant it astounding profundity and dimension.
Additionally, The floating frame is for showing "the one." It gives that extraordinary photo the impact of standing on its claim, drawing all the consideration precisely where it should be.
Let this articulation piece talk for itself as a solid centerpiece — the 30 x 42" outline is our favorite measure for turning a clear divider into a work of craftsmanship.

6. Deep-Set Frames

Deep-set frames are picture frame that takes a page out of the book of a shadow box, employing a thicker tangle and profound outline to draw the inner eye toward the picture.
This interesting profile makes a subtle shadow inside, including measurement where once there was none. Our Deep-Set Outline is perfect for exhibiting scenes of travel photographs that welcome delay.
The play between layers draws the viewer into the picture, giving a transitory elude to far-away settings and past stories.

7. Umbra Luna Photo Art Display

Next on our list of different picture frames is the Umbra Luna Photo Art Display.
In case you genuinely need your photographs to stand out, putting them in this idiosyncratic Umbra Luna frame is beyond any doubt to do it.
Accessible in dark or white, this one-of-a-kind multi-outline can hold nine 4 x 6" photos, with the plan permitting each to be opened exclusively for ease of utilization. It's more costly than your regular multi-picture outline.
Still, the goal is anything but conventional, and all the respecting looks it's beyond any doubt to urge will rapidly make you disregard the additional taken toll.

8. Canvas Prints

When it comes to dimension, these prints take things a step encourage, extending canvas onto an inside outline that brings the picture out from the divider.
Our Surrounded Canvas Print could be a classy takeoff from the conventional, highlighting a high-quality cotton mix that touts lovely color and uncommon propagation of detail.
The slight drift between the canvas and profound outline makes for an interesting visual impact, not at all like anything else available.
Whether hanging on its possessor with other outlines, the canvas print should continuously be the central point. If including it in an exhibition divider, turn it into a prominent position for adjusted transactions between your collection of outlines.

9. Square multi-picture frame

If you need to transport your Instagram framework into the open world, this charming multi-picture outline is the ideal choice.
The white 23 x 23cm plan highlights 12 4 x 4cm square windows to put your chosen pictures at the side and a content box underneath for a customized message.
With a box plan, this quality outline can be both hung or left freestanding. It incorporates front assurance with shatterproof plastic to assist in diminishing the hazard of breakages.

10. Tabletop Frames

Tabletop Frames are also one of the different types of picture frames. It's all within the small, subtle elements — and tabletop outlines go a long way in making a house feel domestic.
Wooden Tabletop Frame sets an ageless plan with an extraordinarily advanced take on usefulness.
Essentially, utilizing the detachable metal stand requires your outline from the table to the divider and back again.
Place a tabletop outline in ranges that require a small something additional to imbue identity into the space.
Additionally, these flexible outlines are right for domestic on tables, mantles, and racking. Or as the wrapping-up piece in your dream craftsmanship divider.

11. Multi-Picture Frames

There's nothing like a highlight divider of mind-blowing photographs, and this beautiful determination of wooden outlines will assist you in doing fair that.
Accessible in both dark and brown, the set incorporates 26 picture outlines at the taking-after sizes.
Two x 24x19cm, five x 17x12cm, seven x 9 x14cm, and twelve x 8x12cm. Not as it were the idealized arrangement for changing that purge divider into a work of craftsmanship but a deal to boot!

12. Photo Holders

The photo holders are one the flexible different types of frames. Frames aren't the as they were arranged for a hoisted photo show.
Photo holders are a flexible, helpful way to bring a new see to the photographs you adore.
Our family of frame-free Photo Holders combines the finest of both capacity and show, permitting you to be effectively compatible with your favorite prints.
Smaller photo holders like our Brass Easel, Walnut Print Stand, and Brass & Wood Show Box are perfect for little spaces such as work areas, tables, and mantles.
The Wooden Photo Edge can bring a welcome bend to any division, complimenting outlines or filling the void for dividers.
The canvas print should be the central point, whether hanging on its claim or with other techniques.
If including it in a display divider, turn it into a prominent position for adjusted transactions between your collection of outlines.

13. New England Solid Oak frame

If your domestic encompasses a rustic feel, this can be one of the most pleasing picture outlines to compliment your style.
With a strong oak plan, this picture outline is both vigorous and beautiful and offers space for five 4 x 6" photographs in numerous groups.
The oak outline is additionally accessible within the taking-after options.
Furthermore, it's worth noticing that the plans that offer numerous picture choices are divider mounts.
The standard single picture outlines can be freestanding and be divider mounted, either scene or representation.
Perfect for any domestic, all systems are separately boxed, making them a culmination blessing for that somebody extraordinary.

14. Instagram Selfie Board Frame

A somewhat alternative option but a brilliant picture outline for anybody Instagram-fixated. Choose from several specific plans to suit the event.
Furthermore, personalization choices, counting names, messages, hashtags, etc., can be included to form the additional outline special.
The Selfie Outline measures 508 x 717mm, made from tall quality 5mm folded plastic. It's also fully water-safe, meaning you'll be able to get the culmination selfie rain or sparkle.

15. Acrylic Picture Frame

Rounding Off the list of different types of Picture frames is the Acrylic Picture frames. The acrylic frame is outlined as solid and steady in representation and scene introduction.
And we utilized four little and solid magnets to hold the super-clear acrylic squares together safely.
The clear acrylic photo outline with twofold-sided see-through outlines permits you to see from both sides.
Easy to clean and simple to upgrade with modern photos.
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:25 Brissy-2024 Does anybody know any other Full-Cast recorded Audio books that are like Armored and read like a movie?

Does anybody know any other Full-Cast recorded Audio books that are like Armored and read like a movie? submitted by Brissy-2024 to audible [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:16 CH3ATCODING The new one minute manager me in this reading as we explore the timeless wisdom of "The New One Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, offering practical strategies to revolutionize management through its three key principles: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Re-Directs, perfect for both seasoned leaders and those embarking on their leadership journey.
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2024.06.09 07:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc

15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc
15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc Are you ready to embark on a scientific adventure with your kids in the vibrant city of New York? Well, hold onto your laboratory goggles because we've got a thrilling lineup of the 15 best places where young minds can dive deep into the wonders of science.From interactive exhibits that will leave them in awe to STEM centers that will ignite their curiosity, we've got it all covered. So, put on your thinking caps and get ready to explore a world of discovery and exploration that will captivate both young and young-at-heart.Key TakeawaysThere are several top science museums near NYC, including the New York Hall of Science, American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Illusions, Museum of Mathematics, and Liberty Science Center.These museums offer a range of interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, and educational experiences for kids and adults.In addition to museums, there are also science-centered stores in NYC, such as Astro West and Evolution, where collectors can find minerals, fossils, and unique artifacts.NYC also has STEM centers and maker spaces like Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Beam Center, Robofun, Dazzling Discoveries, and The Geek Forest, which provide STEM education, classes, and workshops for different age groups.New York Hall of ScienceThe New York Hall of Science, located in Flushing, Queens, offers an exciting and interactive experience for both children and adults alike. At the Hall, visitors can explore hands-on exhibits and learn about sustainable farming. With over 400 activities and interactive exhibits, there's something for everyone to enjoy.One of the highlights of the New York Hall of Science is the Connected Worlds exhibit. This immersive experience allows visitors to interact with a digital ecosystem, where their actions have real-time effects on the environment. Kids can learn about the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of conservation through this engaging exhibit.Another exciting feature of the Hall is Rocket Park Mini Golf. This 18-hole miniature golf course combines the fun of a game with the educational aspects of space exploration. Each hole is themed after a different rocket or spacecraft, providing a unique learning experience as you make your way through the course.But the New York Hall of Science isn't just about fun and games. It also offers opportunities to learn about sustainable farming through its exhibits. Visitors can explore the Science Barge, a sustainable urban farm powered by renewable energy sources. Here, you can discover how technology can help us live more sustainably and learn about innovative farming techniques.American Museum of Natural HistoryAs we move from exploring the New York Hall of Science, let's now venture into the fascinating world of the American Museum of Natural History. This iconic museum, located on the Upper West Side, offers a multitude of interactive exhibits that will captivate both kids and adults alike. Here are five reasons why the American Museum of Natural History is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in science and exploration:Dinosaur fossils: Step back in time as you come face-to-face with the towering skeletons of T-Rex and Triceratops. The museum's extensive collection of dinosaur fossils is sure to ignite the imagination of young paleontologists.Space exploration: Journey through the cosmos at the Hayden Planetarium, where you can witness breathtaking shows that transport you to distant galaxies. Learn about the wonders of our universe and the latest discoveries in space exploration.Hands-on learning: The museum offers a range of interactive exhibits that allow visitors to engage with scientific concepts firsthand. From the Discovery Room, where kids can touch real specimens, to the Hall of Biodiversity, where they can explore Earth's diverse ecosystems, there are endless opportunities for hands-on learning.Educational programs: The American Museum of Natural History is dedicated to STEM education and offers a variety of programs for students of all ages. From workshops and camps to school field trips, these programs provide engaging and immersive experiences that inspire a love for science and exploration.Special exhibitions: In addition to its permanent collections, the museum regularly hosts traveling exhibitions that bring new and exciting experiences to visitors. From exploring the depths of the ocean to uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations, these special exhibitions offer a fresh perspective on the world around us.With its interactive exhibits, educational programs, and captivating displays, the American Museum of Natural History is a treasure trove of scientific knowledge. Whether you're a budding scientist or simply curious about the wonders of the natural world, this museum is sure to leave you in awe.Museum of IllusionsGet ready to be amazed at the Museum of Illusions, where optical illusions come to life and challenge our perception of reality. This unique museum offers a fascinating exploration of the science behind illusions, while providing plenty of fun photo ops for the whole family to enjoy.At the Museum of Illusions, you'll have the opportunity to experience mind-bending illusions that will leave you questioning what you see. From rooms that defy gravity to mirrors that distort your reflection, each exhibit is designed to showcase the tricks our minds can play on us. But don't worry, there's a scientific explanation behind every illusion, and the museum provides explanations to help you understand the science at work.To give you a taste of what you can expect at the Museum of Illusions, here's a sneak peek at some of their most popular exhibits:ExhibitDescriptionScience Behind ItAmes RoomStep into this room and watch as people shrink or grow in size right before your eyes.The room is cleverly designed with distorted walls and floors to create an optical illusion of changing heights.Infinity RoomEnter this room and be captivated by an endless reflection of yourself in every direction.Mirrors are strategically placed to create the illusion of infinite space.Rotating TunnelWalk through this tunnel and feel like you're being spun around, even though you're standing still.The tunnel is designed with a spiral pattern that tricks your brain into perceiving motion.With its combination of entertainment and education, the Museum of Illusions offers a truly unique experience for families looking to have some fun while learning about the science behind illusions. So grab your camera and get ready to explore the fascinating world of optical illusions.Museum of MathematicsAfter exploring the fascinating world of illusions at the Museum of Illusions, it's time to venture into the realm of numbers and shapes at the Museum of Mathematics. At this innovative museum, kids can engage in a variety of hands-on math activities that make learning fun and exciting. Here are some highlights of what the Museum of Mathematics has to offer:Mathematical Puzzles: The museum is filled with mind-bending puzzles that challenge kids to think critically and problem solve. Whether it's solving a Rubik's Cube or unraveling a complex maze, these puzzles will keep young minds engaged and entertained.Hands-on Math Activities: From building geometric shapes with magnetic tiles to exploring the concept of symmetry through interactive exhibits, the museum provides a wide range of activities that allow kids to explore math in a tangible and interactive way. They can even participate in live demonstrations and workshops led by math experts.Interactive Displays: The museum features a range of interactive displays that bring mathematical concepts to life. Kids can manipulate shapes and patterns, create their own fractals, and even experience the thrill of riding a square-wheeled tricycle on a specially designed track.Math Art: The Museum of Mathematics also showcases the beauty of math through its collection of math-inspired artwork. Kids can marvel at intricate sculptures and stunning visual representations of mathematical concepts, inspiring them to see the artistic side of numbers.Real-world Applications: The museum highlights the practical applications of math in everyday life. Kids can explore how math is used in architecture, design, and even music. They can also learn about the role of math in technology and innovation, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.With its engaging exhibits, challenging puzzles, and hands-on activities, the Museum of Mathematics is a must-visit destination for kids who want to explore the wonders of math in a fun and interactive way. So grab your little mathematicians and get ready for an educational adventure like no other.Science BargeThe Science Barge in Yonkers, New York, offers visitors a unique and sustainable experience that showcases the power of renewable energy and urban farming. As you step aboard the barge, you'll be greeted by a lush and vibrant oasis floating on the Hudson River. This self-sustaining farm relies on renewable energy sources to power its operations and provides a fascinating insight into sustainable farming practices.One of the highlights of the Science Barge is its hydroponic greenhouse. Instead of soil, plants are grown in water enriched with essential nutrients, allowing them to thrive without the need for traditional farming methods. This innovative approach not only conserves water but also reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides, making it an environmentally friendly alternative. Kids will love getting up close and personal with the plants, learning about the science behind hydroponics, and even tasting some freshly grown produce.The barge also features solar panels and wind turbines that generate the energy needed to power the farm. This renewable energy system not only reduces the barge's carbon footprint but also serves as an educational tool for visitors to learn about sustainable energy sources. It's a hands-on experience that shows how we can harness the power of nature to create a greener and more sustainable future.The Science Barge is more than just a farm; it's a living laboratory where kids and adults alike can explore the intersection of science, technology, and sustainability. From workshops and guided tours to interactive exhibits and educational programs, there's something for everyone to learn and engage with.Liberty Science CenterAs we explore the world of science and sustainability on the Science Barge, our next stop takes us to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. Here, we've the opportunity to dive into a wide range of interactive exhibits with our kids, making learning a fun and engaging experience.At the Liberty Science Center, we can explore exhibits that showcase the wonders of our planet and the universe. From the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere to the thrilling Infinity Climber, there's something for everyone. We can learn about the Hudson River ecosystem in the 'Our Hudson Home' exhibit and even participate in interactive skyscraper exhibits to understand the engineering behind these towering structures.One of the highlights of our visit is the chance to learn about sustainable farming, just like we did on the Science Barge. The Liberty Science Center provides valuable insights into how sustainable farming practices can have a positive impact on the environment. We can discover the importance of renewable energy sources and how they can power urban farms, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.Getting to the Liberty Science Center is a breeze, as it's easily accessible via the Path to New Jersey and light rail. And with the center constantly hosting traveling exhibitions, there's always something new and exciting to experience.With so much to see and do, it's impossible to see everything in just one visit. So, let's grab our kids and embark on an adventure of exploration, discovery, and scientific wonder at the Liberty Science Center.Astro WestLet's now explore the fascinating world of Astro West, a store in the Upper West Side of NYC that specializes in minerals, fossils, and meteorites, offering a wide range of unique items for collectors. Astro West is a treasure trove for anyone interested in celestial collectibles and stellar souvenirs. From stunning crystals to ancient fossils, this store has something for everyone.To give you a taste of what Astro West has to offer, here is a table showcasing some of their most intriguing items:ItemDescriptionPriceMeteoriteA piece of outer space that has fallen to Earth, providing a tangible connection to the cosmos.$100-$500Ammonite FossilThe spiral-shaped remains of an extinct marine animal, perfect for fossil enthusiasts.$50-$200Quartz CrystalKnown as the "master healer," quartz crystals are believed to have powerful energy properties.$20-$100Trilobite FossilThese ancient arthropods roamed the seas hundreds of millions of years ago. A true fossil marvel.$30-$150Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your journey into the wonders of the universe, Astro West is the place to find unique and captivating pieces. The store's knowledgeable staff can guide you through their vast inventory and help you find the perfect addition to your collection. Plus, their prices are reasonable, making it accessible to all.Astro West is more than just a store; it's a gateway to a world of discovery and imagination. So, if you're looking for celestial collectibles or stellar souvenirs, make sure to visit Astro West and let your scientific curiosity take flight.EvolutionAfter exploring the fascinating world of Astro West and its celestial collectibles, let's now journey into the realm of Evolution. Evolution is the scientific study of how living organisms have changed over time, and it plays a crucial role in understanding the origins and adaptations of all life forms.Here are five key aspects of Evolution that will help you dive deeper into this captivating subject:Origin and Adaptation: Evolution explores how life on Earth originated and how different species have adapted to survive in their environments. It delves into the processes of natural selection, genetic mutations, and environmental pressures that shape the characteristics of living organisms.Genetics: Genetics is a fundamental aspect of Evolution, as it examines how genetic information is passed down from one generation to the next. Understanding the principles of inheritance and genetic variation helps scientists unravel the mechanisms behind evolutionary changes.Evolutionary Biology: This branch of biology focuses specifically on the study of Evolution. It investigates the patterns, processes, and mechanisms of how species evolve and diversify over time, shedding light on the intricate web of life on our planet.Fossil Record: Fossils provide tangible evidence of past life forms and allow scientists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of different species. By studying fossils, researchers can uncover clues about extinct organisms and their relationships to present-day species.Comparative Anatomy: Comparative anatomy examines the similarities and differences in the anatomical structures of different species. By comparing the anatomy of various organisms, scientists can uncover evolutionary relationships and trace the development of traits across species.Exploring the fascinating world of Evolution will open your eyes to the intricate processes that have shaped life on Earth. From the origins of life to the incredible adaptations of different species, Evolution offers a captivating glimpse into the wonders of the natural world.Brooklyn Robot FoundryWe were thrilled to discover the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, a STEM education center in Gowanus, Brooklyn, where kids can explore the exciting world of robotics and engineering through hands-on classes, camps, and workshops. At the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning activities that foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking.One of the key benefits of STEM education is that it prepares children for the future by equipping them with the skills needed in an increasingly technology-driven world. The hands-on learning activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry allow kids to actively participate in the learning process, gaining practical experience and developing a deeper understanding of STEM concepts. By building their own robots and engineering projects, children are able to see firsthand how science, technology, engineering, and math are all interconnected.The Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a variety of classes, camps, and workshops tailored to different age groups, ensuring that children of all ages can benefit from their programs. Whether it's building a robot that can navigate a maze or designing a circuit that powers a lightbulb, the hands-on nature of the activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry keeps kids engaged and excited about learning.In addition to the educational aspect, the Brooklyn Robot Foundry also fosters a sense of community. Children have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, sharing ideas and learning from one another. This not only enhances their social skills but also teaches them the value of teamwork and cooperation.Beam CenterContinuing our exploration of STEM education centers in NYC, let's now turn our attention to the Beam Center, located in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The Beam Center is a unique space that offers a wide range of interactive installations and apprenticeship opportunities for young minds to explore and create.Here are some highlights of what you can expect at the Beam Center:Interactive installations: The Beam Center is known for its captivating and interactive installations. From large-scale sculptures to immersive multimedia experiences, these installations provide a hands-on approach to learning and creativity. Kids have the freedom to explore and interact with these installations, fostering a sense of curiosity and discovery.Apprenticeship opportunities: At the Beam Center, high-school-aged apprentices have the chance to work on real-world projects alongside skilled professionals. Through these apprenticeships, young individuals gain valuable technical skills and hands-on experience in fields like woodworking, metalworking, electronics, and more. It's an opportunity to learn by doing and be part of a collaborative and supportive community.Hands-on workshops: The Beam Center offers a variety of hands-on workshops that cover a wide range of topics. From woodworking and robotics to digital fabrication and coding, these workshops provide an engaging and interactive learning experience. Kids have the freedom to experiment, problem-solve, and unleash their creativity in a supportive environment.Community events: The Beam Center hosts community events that bring together kids, families, and educators. These events provide opportunities for collaboration, networking, and showcasing the incredible work that young minds have accomplished. It's a chance to celebrate the power of creativity and innovation.Science education: Beyond the hands-on experiences and apprenticeships, the Beam Center is also committed to building science educators. They offer training programs and resources for teachers, empowering them to incorporate hands-on and project-based learning into their classrooms.The Beam Center is a place where freedom, creativity, and learning come together. Whether your child is interested in art, science, technology, or all of the above, the Beam Center offers a dynamic and inspiring environment to explore, create, and grow.RobofunLocated in the Upper West Side of NYC, Robofun is a STEM-focused learning center that offers a wide range of classes and workshops for preschool-aged children, igniting their curiosity and passion for robotics and technology. At Robofun, kids have the opportunity to participate in STEM inspired art activities while exploring engineering concepts.Robofun's classes and workshops are designed to engage children in hands-on learning experiences that foster creativity and critical thinking. Through activities like building robots with LEGO bricks and programming them to perform tasks, children develop problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles. The center also offers stop-motion animation classes, where kids can bring their own stories to life using technology and their imagination.What sets Robofun apart is its emphasis on combining science, technology, engineering, and art. By integrating art into STEM activities, children are encouraged to think outside the box and approach challenges from different perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances their creativity but also helps them develop a holistic understanding of how different disciplines intersect and complement each other.Whether it's constructing a robot, designing a stop-motion animation, or engaging in other STEM activities, children at Robofun are encouraged to explore, experiment, and express themselves freely. The center provides a supportive and inclusive environment where kids can unleash their creativity and develop a lifelong love for science and technology.Dazzling DiscoveriesAt Dazzling Discoveries in the Upper West Side of NYC, we offer a variety of after-school classes, camps, and drop-in workshops for both kids and adults, providing engaging and hands-on learning experiences in subjects like sewing, coding, and more.Here are some reasons why hands-on learning is so beneficial for kids:Active Engagement: Hands-on learning actively engages kids in the learning process, allowing them to explore, experiment, and discover new concepts on their own. This active engagement enhances their understanding and retention of the material.Practical Application: Hands-on learning allows kids to apply what they've learned to real-life situations, helping them see the relevance and practicality of science education. This practical application fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Creativity and Innovation: Hands-on learning encourages kids to think outside the box, fostering creativity and innovation. By engaging in hands-on activities, kids can explore their own ideas and find unique solutions to problems.Collaboration and Communication: Hands-on learning often involves group work, promoting collaboration and communication skills. Kids learn to work together, share ideas, and communicate effectively, which are essential skills for success in the scientific community and beyond.Long-lasting Interest in Science: Hands-on learning ignites curiosity and fosters a love for science among young minds. By providing engaging and interactive experiences, kids are more likely to develop a lifelong interest in science and pursue further education and careers in STEM fields.At Dazzling Discoveries, we believe in the importance of science education for young minds. Our hands-on approach ensures that kids not only learn scientific concepts but also develop essential skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.Come join us and let your child's imagination soar!The Geek ForestAfter exploring the benefits of hands-on learning at Dazzling Discoveries, let's now venture into the exciting world of The Geek Forest. The Geek Forest is a haven for geek culture and education, where children and adults alike can immerse themselves in technology and creativity. At The Geek Forest, the possibilities are endless, as they offer a wide range of classes and workshops on video game development, coding, 3D art, and animation.To give you a glimpse into the diverse offerings at The Geek Forest, here is a table showcasing some of their most popular classes:ClassAge RangeVideo Game Development8 and upCoding6 and up3D Art10 and upAnimation12 and upWith these classes, The Geek Forest aims to foster a love for technology while encouraging creativity and critical thinking skills. They understand that geek culture is not just about consuming media, but also about actively participating and creating in the digital world.The Geek Forest is a place where freedom is celebrated. It provides a safe space for individuals to explore their passions and learn at their own pace. Whether your child is a budding programmer or an aspiring artist, The Geek Forest offers a supportive environment where they can thrive.Science-Centered Stores in NYCIf you're in NYC and looking for a unique and educational shopping experience, explore the fascinating world of science-centered stores. These stores not only offer a wide range of products, but also provide an opportunity to learn and explore the wonders of science.Here are five reasons why science-centered stores in NYC are worth a visit:Exploring the science behind optical illusions in NYC: The Museum of Illusions in Chelsea is a must-visit for anyone interested in the intriguing world of optical illusions. This store provides a fun and quirky experience, with explanations of the science behind each illusion. Get ready for some mind-bending photo-ops!Collecting unique artifacts and fossils in science-centered stores in NYC: Astro West in Upper West Side and Evolution in Soho are two science-centered stores that specialize in unique artifacts and fossils. From bones and mounted insects to minerals and meteorites, these stores offer a treasure trove for collectors and science enthusiasts alike.Learning while shopping: Science-centered stores go beyond just selling products. They provide educational resources and information about the items they offer. Whether it's a book on dinosaurs or a kit to conduct experiments at home, these stores are a great way to learn while shopping.Supporting local businesses: By visiting science-centered stores, you aren't only supporting local businesses but also contributing to the promotion of science education. These stores often collaborate with schools and educational institutions, making a positive impact in the community.Inspiring curiosity and creativity: Science-centered stores are filled with fascinating objects and materials that can spark curiosity and creativity in both children and adults. From intricate fossils to colorful minerals, these stores offer a world of inspiration for aspiring scientists and artists.STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYCSTEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYC offer a wealth of opportunities for hands-on learning and creative exploration in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. These spaces aren't just for kids, as there are also maker spaces for adults and STEM programs specifically designed for teens.For adults who are interested in tinkering and creating, there are several maker spaces in NYC that provide the tools and resources needed to bring ideas to life. These spaces often have workshops and classes where adults can learn new skills and collaborate with others who share their interests. Whether it's woodworking, electronics, or 3D printing, there are maker spaces in NYC that cater to a wide range of interests.Teens who are passionate about STEM subjects can also find a variety of programs and resources in NYC. Many STEM centers offer specialized programs for teens, where they can engage in hands-on projects and experiments, work with cutting-edge technology, and learn from experts in the field. These programs often focus on real-world applications of STEM principles, allowing teens to see the relevance and impact of their studies.STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC provide an environment that encourages freedom and creativity. They offer a space where individuals can explore their interests, learn new skills, and collaborate with others who share their passion for science and innovation. Whether you're an adult looking to pursue a new hobby or a teen seeking to deepen your understanding of STEM, these centers and spaces in NYC are sure to inspire and ignite your curiosity.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Special Discounts or Promotions Available for Admission to the New York Hall of Science or Any of the Other Science Museums in Nyc?There are special offers and discounts available for admission to the New York Hall of Science and other science museums in NYC.Promotions for the New York Hall of Science can vary, so it's best to check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.Other science museums in NYC may also offer special discounts or promotions, so it's worth exploring their websites or contacting them to see what deals are available.Are the Exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History Suitable for Children of All Ages, or Are There Specific Exhibits Geared Towards Younger or Older Kids?At the American Museum of Natural History, you won't believe the incredible exhibits suitable for all ages! From towering dinosaurs to mesmerizing space shows, there's something for everyone.Younger kids will love the interactive learning experiences, like the Discovery Room and the Butterfly Conservatory.Older kids can explore the Hall of Human Origins and delve into the mysteries of the universe at the Hayden Planetarium.Get ready for a mind-blowing adventure that will ignite curiosity and inspire young minds!Can Visitors Take Photographs Inside the Museum of Illusions, or Is Photography Prohibited?At the Museum of Illusions in NYC, photography is allowed! You can capture all the fun and quirky photo-ops with your camera. It's a great way to remember your visit and share the science behind each optical illusion with your friends and family.Does the Museum of Mathematics Offer Any Programs or Workshops Specifically Designed for Adults, or Are They Primarily Focused on Children?At the Museum of Mathematics, they offer programs and workshops specifically designed for adults, in addition to their focus on children. It's great to see that they cater to all age groups, providing opportunities for adults to engage in STEM learning.As for STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC, it's important to note that age restrictions may vary. Some places like Brooklyn Robot Foundry and Robofun offer classes for preschool-aged children, while others like Beam Center and The Geek Forest are geared towards high-school-aged apprentices.Are There Any Restrictions on the Age Range for Children Attending Classes or Workshops at the STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in Nyc?Age restrictions vary among STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC. Some centers offer classes and workshops specifically designed for certain age groups, while others have programs that cater to a wide range of ages. It's important to check with each center to understand their specific age requirements and offerings.Additionally, some centers may offer discounts and promotions for certain age groups or specific workshops. It's always a good idea to inquire about any available discounts when booking classes or workshops.ConclusionIn the bustling streets of NYC, there's a world of discovery waiting for young minds.From the awe-inspiring exhibits at the New York Hall of Science and the American Museum of Natural History to the hands-on activities at STEM centers like the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children can explore the wonders of science and ignite their imaginations.So, come and join us on this scientific adventure, where curiosity knows no bounds and the love for learning is nurtured.Let's inspire a lifelong passion for science together!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:07 QBall_765 Stephen King video game ideas

The Talisman (3?) I saw a Reddit comment where someone suggested being able to at-will flip between the Territories and earth.
The Mist (2?) After the (admittedly less-cool) ending of the book version our characters might have to actually fight monsters in the world of the mist. An open world game where you’re trying to find the source of the radio broadcast would be awesome. Imagine having to hide out in other abandoned buildings around the map because you’ll die quickly in the mist.
The Dark Tower (2?) I’ve given a lot of thought to if I actually want to see this happen and I finally decided I do. Feel free to disagree, I totally get it. This would obviously need multiple games.
An original story where Stephen King helps write the script to an Until Dawn-style game.
IT (prequel?) In any time period other than the ones we’ve already seen portrayed would be cool. And for the record I think the Welcome To Derry show will be making a mistake by not showing us a more drastically different time period.
Cell (With this one I don’t think they should make it a sequel, I think it should be updated to modern-day cell phones for sure. I actually think this would be a really cool game. The Last Of Us type shit.)
The Tommyknockers & Dreamcatcher blended together (Idk. Maybe.)
Salem’s Lot (2?) A team of paranormal investigators visit an abandoned town in Maine.)
Children of the Corn (2?) (Outlast-style gameplay.)
The Regulators (This would blow motherfuckers minds I think.)
Tales from Booya Moon (not including Lisey, I think it would be disrespectful to the character)
Duma Key (A prequel with ghost pirate adventures.)
Even a fucking Father Callahan: Tales From The Road game might be dope. Idk.
Under the Dome (Loosely inspired by the book. But the town has been under the dome for years at this point and it’s like a war zone. Might work better in a bigger city instead though.)
Sleeping Beauties (Also loosely inspired by the book and probably happening worldwide rather than in one town.)
Maximum Overdrive (Hell yes.)
Fairy Tale (Stories from Empis.)
A hunting game set in the universe of Joe Hill’s “Fawn.”
The 10 O’Clock People
The Running Man
A game about The Shop.
A game about the Green Card Men.
Maybe something in the universe of Beachworld (including a side mission about the Jaunt).
What do you think? Would most of these stories get bastardized too much to fit a video game format? Idk, I think it would be cool. Also, do you have any other Stephen King video game ideas?
submitted by QBall_765 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:58 amorealty Apartment renter leads in New York, South Florida, Chicago, Philadelphia, California, Connecticut, NJ - Let me know if anyone covers any of these areas. We get apartment renter leads usually daily in each. Many are luxury rentals, relocating and $3000-$5000/mo. or more.

Hi all, Amo Realty provides 5+ leads each week to our agents in several of our offices across the country.
We have very small offices across the country and provide residential leads (mainly buyer leads), commercial real estate leads (mainly clients looking to lease office space, restaurants, retail, industrial as well as some commercial buyers) and apartment renter leads to our agents each day.
So on that note, we are currently hiring agents in MA + CT + NY + RI + PA + GA + FL + WA + IL + TN + NJ + CA and you can apply on if interested in residential or commercial real estate agent positions. One of our agents closed a $22m sale from one of our leads. We've had the same unique lead system since 2007. Our first office, Boston City Properties, opened in Boston 2007.
Apartment renter referrals
We're currently short staffed in some offices and have to sometimes refer apartment clients out in areas that we don't cover, or if everyone is too booked.
Many of the renters are relocating and looking $3000+. In NYC we get a lot of of luxury rental clients. We could actually connect at least 5+ renter referrals to an agent per day in NYC which would be too much. We've had world leaders, celebrities, CEO's of top companies as clients across our offices.
If you cover New York (NYC + Long Island + Hamptons + Westchester), South Florida (Miami to Jupiter), Chicago, Philadelphia, Connecticut, New Jersey and have experience closing renter leads and are interested in taking on renter referrals, DM us or email Daniel at to connect with us for apartment renter referrals!
If interested in agent positions in the 12 states above, apply on and we'll send a questionnaire that has more info about residential & commercial real estate agent positions at our company!
submitted by amorealty to RealtyReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:44 VeryFinalAvenger M4F - USA/Anywhere. Searching for my soulmate - the most amazing woman in the world.

Hey there! Im honestly just posting this instead of journaling today. I dont expect to find anyone through reddit, but there always is a chance as love can come from anywhere... There is a quote that goes "put two ships on open sea without wind or tide, and they will find one another." To be quite honest, this word is filled with turbulence, wind and tide... and even now im not sure who I am searching for, so consider this post a message in a bottle.
About me...
I am on the younger side, 6ft with brown hair (slightly blonde at times), jade eyes, tan skin and a fit/athletic build but not super muscular (around 185-190 pounds). I have a well groomed stubble/beard (like Chris Hemsworth) I take care of myself and have one tattoo on my chest. My personality type is INFJ-A. Being that personality type I can basically change myself to fit the person I am around - so for example I can be quiet or outgoing depending on what the person I am around wants. I am not the smartest person (123 IQ - so im not that unintelligent either) but I have very high EQ and am thus a very discerning and intuitive person.
I have many hobbies... I love watching movies (all genres but Asian romantic dramas/comedies are my favorite by far), watching tv shows and prank videos, listening to music (pop is my favorite genre and Ava Max is my favorite singer by far!), studying the film industry, psychology, philosophy, eschatology and various other things. I love self defense, having meaningful conversations, meditation, and long walks at night. I am a homebody and prefer to relax in bed but I can easily go out and hang somewhere like a mall or party if there is something to do. Swimming is also a hobby of mine but I live in a small town in the desert so its not something I can do often.
I have many skills including - self defense, psychology, mentoring, counseling, writing, drawing, poetry (only when im in love), dancing, singing, survival, housework, cooking, cleaning, strategy, gaming, and anything with pets or babies. I have others but those are what comes to mind. Ive lived alot of places (over 60), have accomplished many things and have seen and heard many stories.
My line of work is the most important thing in my life, and my only non-negotiable that I am not willing to change (meaning I will change EVERYTHING about my life otherwise should you but ask). I work in trauma/rape/human trafficking and delinquency recovery for young girls. This job takes all my time four days a week and is something I put my entire heart into. There is no terror greater in the world than that of rape and sexual trauma and I am doing everything I can to try to help so many innocent women recover from its effects.
One day I am going to launch a nationwide and eventually global organization that will protect anyone who comes through our doors 24/7 and will work in any country to eliminate sexual violence by any means necessary - including standing against tyrannical governments. This will take time and one day may even cost my own life, but I will do anything I can to end this horror on the world. I understand if this type of lifestyle is not something you want to get involved with or support - or if you are looking for someone famous and rich, if that is what you want I wish you all the luck in the world - but that person is not me.
As for what I believe about relationships - I firmly hold that respect, loyalty and communication are the foundation of any healthy and loving relationship - and without them being given from both parties, a relationship is doomed to fail. I also am a huge believer in duality, that we have dualistic emotions, tendencies, emotions i.e. ying and yang inside all of us - and in order to love someone fully you have to understand and accept the entirety of a person, not try to change them or love them in "slices" so to speak. Ill include a link of some articles ive written about relationships-
About who I am looking for... My Standards
So the only true non-negotiable is attractiveness (being beautiful/stunning) and being faithful. I have no other standards, pet-peeves or "personality requirements" - I will accept you for who you are and will not hold to you to act a certain way, make me feel a certain way, meet certain requirements, have a certain "personality" I enjoy etc. As long as you are the same woman I fell in love with, as long as I wake up to the same eyes every day that is all I care about, and aging doesnt matter to me - we all age in time, and my love for your beauty will never change. I will stand by your side through anything - crime, pain, hardship, sickness, disability, anger, abuse etc... as long as you never cheat on me. One thing about me is I am loyal for life, meaning once I fall in love with someone - and she gives me love in return, I will never be attracted to anyone else ever. I am "korsavalae sexual" - basically meaning I am loyal for life to the woman of my dreams. "Sata-pai" is an ancient egyptian word meaning I am your chosen because you are my chosen/you are my chosen because I am your chosen. I believe strongly in that term.
About who I am looking for... My Preference
All this being said, just because I am open to fall in love with any woman as long as there is basic attraction doesnt mean I dont have preferences. To be honest I am looking for a woman as amazing and beautiful as Ava Max... and if I cant find someone like her I would rather be alone. As I said in my post title I am searching for the most amazing woman in the world. Dont get me wrong, everyone is beautiful and amazing in their own way... I am just searching for someone extra special.
I also prefer the "bad girl" personality type, which is so hard and rare to find as most women fall into the opposite category... law abiding, hard working, genuinely good people. This is just a preference as I am open and sometimes attracted to sweet women, but I prefer bad girls i.e. offset moral compass, hot, parties like crazy, lives life by her own rules, dangerously minded, vindictive if betrayed, resourceful, skilled, sensual and sexual when aroused, reads others like an open book, able to change to get what she wants, a partner in life and crime.
On top of that... I only really want someone with a "yandere" personality type - meaning someone who is loyal for life, falls hard in love and lust, devoted to her love to the point of obsession, would rather die or do anything than lose her lover, will be sweet and loving to her partner, and takes care of who she loves. This obviously is not the way most people are, and is not the healthiest mentality - which is why it will never be a standard I hold my partner too... its just my deepest wish, I mean if someone isnt willing to lose themself for you, then there will always be a limit to their love.
Final comments...
Again I do not expect to find someone like this, but if one does not reach for the stars, what is even the point of looking up? As for me, I am willing to give my everything - my heart, mind, soul to the woman I love. Whatever she wants I will be, whoever she is I will adore - I am very affectionate but will give all the space my partner wants and needs. Every moment I am not helping others would be devoted to her love. I never get angry, cheat, or strike out in anger. I will support whatever her dreams are and will be there whenever she needs. I believe that the core of love is devotion - and I am willing to devote the entirety of myself - even my own life if she asks. I do not expect the same in return and know that most likely I will always be willing to give far more than I ever receive, and I am okay with that. The reason for that is simple, love is the core of my being. I believe a healthy relationship means listening and searching out the wants and needs of ones partner, treating every day like it is the last we will have together and pouring my heart and soul to her happiness.
Thats all I have to share, again I totally understand if you are searching for something different, or even think I should want something different. We all have our hopes and dreams, and this is mine. I hope each person reading this finds the partner of their dreams too.
submitted by VeryFinalAvenger to r4rYandere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:37 Idea__Reality A little dive into the Void, anyone?

A little dive into the Void, anyone? submitted by Idea__Reality to lordhuron [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:17 CH3ATCODING The New One Minute Manager me in this reading as we explore the timeless wisdom of "The New One Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, offering practical strategies to revolutionize management through its three key principles: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Re-Directs, perfect for both seasoned leaders and those embarking on their leadership journey.
Disclaimer:I do not own the copyrights to the content featured in this video. This video is shared for the purpose of creating a voice narrator portfolio. I may receive commissions from Amazon affiliate links below.
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Books are magical objects for our minds, hearts, and souls to use as tools to navigate through the worlds. - CH3ATCODING


submitted by CH3ATCODING to u/CH3ATCODING [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:16 FluoriteEye Prince intros shortest 2 longest

I may be late to celebrate his royal badness' birthday, but I did this to honor him. . Wedding Feast - 0:00/0:54 My Little Pill - 0:00/1:09 An Honest Man - 0:00/1:13 Sister - 0:00/1:31 Breathe - 0:00/2:01 All the Midnights in the World - 0:00/2:21 The Flow - 0:00/2:26 Extraordinary - 0:00/2:28 There is Lonely - 0:00/2:29 Don't Play Me - 0:00/2:48 The Marrying Kind - 0:00/2:49 Everywhere - 0:00/2:54 Noon Rendezvous - 0:00/3:00 Aintturninround - 0:00/3:02 Dream Factory - 0:00/3:07 I Like It There - 0:00/3:15 Da Bang - 0:00/3:19 The Same December - 0:00/3:24 Pretzelbodylogic - 0:00/3:26 When Eye Lay My Hands on U - 0:00/3:41 S.S.T - 0:00/3:42 Funky Design - 0:00/3:45 4ever - 0:00/3:47 Solo - 0:00/3:48 The Morning Papers - 0:00/3:57 $ - 0:00/3:57 Valentina - 0:00/3:59 Make Your Mama Happy - 0:00/4:01 The Latest Fashion - 0:00/4:02 Screwdriver - 0:00/4:14 Work That Fat - 0:00/4:35 U're Gonna C Me (MPLSound) - 0:00/4:36 Circle of Amour - 0:00/4:43 Illusion, Coma, Pimp and Circumstance - 0:00/4:45 Mr. Happy - 0:00/4:46 Dance 4 Me - 0:00/4:58 Dolphin - 0:00/4:59 7 - 0:00/5:10 Thunder - 0:00/5:45 Big Tall Wall v1 - 0:00/5:58 Van Gogh - 0:00/5:59 3 Chains O' Gold - 0:00/6:03 Chocolate Box - 0:00/6:13 . The Rest of My Life - 0:01/1:40 Feel Better, Feel Good, Feel Wonderful - 0:01/3:52 Strange But True - 0:01/4:12 Slow Love - 0:01/4:22 The Love We Make - 0:01/4:39 Housequake - 0:01/4:42 Wally - 0:01/4:44 Man 'O' War - 0:01/5:15 Sex in the Summer - 0:01/5:57 The Holy River - 0:01/6:55 . For You - 0:03/1:08 Teacher, Teacher (1985) - 0:03/3:08 If Eye Was the Man in Ur Life - 0:03/3:09 Teacher, Teacher (1982) - 0:03/3:36 What It Feels Like - 0:03/3:53 Violet the Organ Grinder - 0:03/5:00 Call My Name - 0:03/5:15 Cloreen Bacon Skin - 0:03/15:37 . Cybersingle - 0:04/2:43 Escape - 0:04/3:30 Damn U - 0:04/4:25 Another Lonely Christmas - 0:04/4:53 It - 0:04/5:09 Mad - 0:04/5:35 . Satisfied - 0:05/2:50 I Wanna Melt With U - 0:05/3:50 Like A Mack - 0:05/4:04 Anotherlove - 0:05/4:16 No Call U - 0:05/4:29 Let's Go Crazy - 0:05/4:40 White Mansion - 0:05/4:47 Glam Slam - 0:05/5:07 Sexy M.F. - 0:05/5:26 . Comeback - 0:06/1:59 Let's Have A Baby - 0:06/4:07 . Do U Lie? - 0:07/2:44 Witness 4 The Prosecution v1 - 0:07/4:00 We Gets Up - 0:07/4:18 Call the Law - 0:07/4:21 . Walk in Sand - 0:08/3:29 Strollin' - 0:08/3:47 Alphabet St. - 0:08/5:38 Big Tall Wall v2 - 0:08/5:46 The Cocoa Boys - 0:08/6:05 I Rock, Therefore I Am - 0:08/6:15 Holly Rock - 0:08/6:38 . Splash - 0:09/2:59 Way Back Home - 0:09/3:05 Kiss - 0:09/3:37 Dreamin' About U - 0:09/3:52 Good Love - 0:09/4:55 5 Women - 0:09/5:13 . Starfish and Coffee - 0:10/2:50 Pearls B4 The Swine - 0:10/3:01 What's My Name - 0:10/3:03 Walk Don't Walk - 0:10/3:07 4 the Tears in Your Eyes - 0:10/3:25 In A Large Room With No Light - 0:10/3:27 On the Couch - 0:10/3:33 Musicology - 0:10/4:24 Rockhard in a Funky Place - 0:10/4:34 Dead On It - 0:10/4:40 Slave - 0:10/4:51 200 Balloons - 0:10/5:06 . Objects in the Mirror - 0:11/3:27 Lemon Crush - 0:11/4:15 One Kiss at a Time - 0:11/4:41 Same Page, Different Book - 0:11/4:41 Hot Wit U - 0:11/5:09 La, La, La, He, He, Hee - 0:11/10:53 . Sarah - 0:12/2:52 Boom - 0:12/3:18 A Case of U - 0:12/3:39 Judas Smile - 0:12/6:33 Something Funky (This House Comes) - 0:12/7:04 . Marz - 0:13/1:48 Velvet Kitty Cat - 0:13/2:42 Da Bourgeoise - 0:13/3:23 One of Your Tears - 0:13/3:27 Silly Game - 0:13/3:30 Resolution - 0:13/3:37 Incense and Candles - 0:13/4:04 Lolita - 0:13/4:06 Moonbeam Levels - 0:13/4:22 I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man - 0:13/6:29 . Have a Heart - 0:14/2:04 Into the Light - 0:14/2:46 Gotta Stop (Messin' About) - 0:14/2:57 You're All I Want - 0:14/3:00 Thieves in the Temple - 0:14/3:20 I Will - 0:14/3:37 Hardrocklover - 0:14/3:42 Stare - 0:14/3:45 When You Were Mine - 0:14/3:46 All A Share Together - 0:14/3:47 There's Something I Like About Being Your Fool - 0:14/3:49 Everybody Loves Me - 0:14/4:08 Lion of Judah - 0:14/4:10 If It'll Make U Feel Happy - 0:14/4:12 The Most Beautiful Girl in the World - 0:14/4:25 Soul Sanctuary - 0:14/4:41 The Arms of Orion - 0:14/5:03 S&M Groove - 0:14/5:07 Planet Earth - 0:14/5:51 . Had U - 0:15/1:26 Tangerine - 0:15/1:33 Make-Up - 0:15/2:26 I Would Die 4 U - 0:15/2:59 The Other Side of the Pillow - 0:15/3:21 Old Friends 4 Sale - 0:15/3:28 Girl - 0:15/3:48 Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? - 0:15/3:49 When Will We B Paid - 0:15/4:07 Partyup - 0:15/4:22 Mellow - 0:15/4:24 Private Joy - 0:15/4:28 I Pledge Allegiance to Your Love - 0:15/4:41 Joy in Repetition - 0:15/4:53 The Dance (3121) - 0:15/5:20 I Wanna Be Your Lover - 0:15/5:50 Just as Long as We're Together - 0:15/6:25 Do Me, Baby - 0:15/7:44 . Dinner With Delores - 0:16/2:46 Soft and Wet - 0:16/3:05 Act of God - 0:16/3:13 Tell Me How U Wanna Be Done - 0:16/3:15 New World - 0:16/3:43 Free Urself - 0:16/3:47 Graffiti Bridge - 0:16/3:51 When 2 R in Love - 0:16/3:59 Rocknroll Loveaffair - 0:16/4:01 Breakdown - 0:16/4:04 The Dance - 0:16/4:45 Loveleft, Loveright - 0:16/5:00 Uptown - 0:16/5:29 Peace - 0:16/5:32 The Daisy Chain - 0:16/6:12 Sleep Around - 0:16/7:42 . Arrogance - 0:17/1:35 I Wish U in Heaven - 0:17/2:48 Life Can Be So Nice - 0:17/3:13 Dionne - 0:17/3:13 Wonderful Day - 0:17/3:47 Cinnamon Girl - 0:17/3:56 2 Whom It May Concern - 0:17/4:00 Sweet Baby - 0:17/4:01 Supercute - 0:17/4:13 Money Don't Grow on Trees - 0:17/4:19 Vavoom - 0:17/4:35 Nothing Compares 2 U - 0:17/4:39 High - 0:17/5:05 Girls & Boys - 0:17/5:29 Baby You're A Trip - 0:17/5:51 Wouldn't You Love to Love Me? - 0:17/5:56 Get Yo Groove On - 0:17/6:31 Positivity - 0:17/7:11 . The Morning After - 0:18/2:11 Tamborine - 0:18/2:44 Manic Monday - 0:18/2:51 Last Heart - 0:18/3:01 Jack U Off - 0:18/3:09 Fallinlove2nite - 0:18/3:12 Fury - 0:18/4:02 Don't Say U Love Me - 0:18/4:20 Now - 0:18/4:30 Don't Let Him Fool Ya - 0:18/4:34 Ripopgodazippa - 0:18/4:38 Jealous Girl v2 - 0:18/4:52 Jughead - 0:18/4:57 Little Red Corvette - 0:18/4:58 Witness 4 The Prosecution v2 - 0:18/5:02 Daddy Pop - 0:18/5:17 I Need A Man - 0:18/5:33 Trouble - 0:18/5:36 Eye Hate U - 0:18/5:53 Ain't Gonna Miss U When U're Gone - 0:18/6:01 Purple Rain - 0:18/8:40 Come - 0:18/11:13 . Lavaux - 0:19/3:03 Man in a Uniform - 0:19/3:07 I Feel for You - 0:19/3:24 Forever in My Life - 0:19/3:30 Katrina's Paper Dolls - 0:19/3:30 My Love is Forever - 0:19/4:11 Horny Pony v2 - 0:19/4:21 You're My Love - 0:19/4:23 Prettyman - 0:19/4:24 Goodbye - 0:19/4:34 Money Don't Matter 2 Night - 0:19/4:47 U're Gonna C Me - 0:19/5:16 Damned If Eye Do - 0:19/5:21 Adonis and Bathsheba - 0:19/5:27 We Can Funk - 0:19/5:28 Schoolyard - 0:19/7:11 She Spoke 2 Me - 0:19/8:20 . Gotta Broken Heart Again - 0:20/2:16 X's Face - 0:20/2:38 The Lubricated Lady - 0:20/2:39 Jungle Love - 0:20/3:03 Boyfriend - 0:20/3:08 It Be's Like That Sometimes - 0:20/3:19 Ain't About 2 Stop - 0:20/3:38 New Power Generation - 0:20/3:39 Crimson and Clover - 0:20/3:51 Boytrouble - 0:20/3:53 Compassion - 0:20/3:55 The Question of U - 0:20/3:59 Tip O' My Tongue - 0:20/4:08 Love and Sex - 0:20/4:11 Silicon - 0:20/4:15 What Do U Want Me 2 Do? - 0:20/4:15 Chaos and Disorder - 0:20/4:19 Life 'O' the Party - 0:20/4:29 Blue Light - 0:20/4:38 The Voice - 0:20/4:42 Anna Stesia - 0:20/4:57 Willing and Able - 0:20/5:00 Hide the Bone - 0:20/5:03 Beginning Endlessly - 0:20/5:27 When the Dawn of the Morning Comes - 0:20/6:16 Northside - 0:20/6:31 . Crazy You - 0:21/2:17 Shut This Down - 0:21/3:03 Reflection - 0:21/3:04 Baby - 0:21/3:10 Face Down - 0:21/3:17 Sexual Suicide - 0:21/3:39 Strange Relationship - 0:21/4:01 Silver Tongue - 0:21/4:22 Trust - 0:21/4:24 The Work, Pt. 1 - 0:21/4:28 3121 - 0:21/4:31 My Computer - 0:21/4:37 Sticky Like Glue - 0:21/4:46 Crucial - 0:21/5:06 My Tender Heart - 0:21/5:06 When We're Dancing Close and Slow - 0:21/5:19 Dear Michaelangelo - 0:21/5:22 Acknowledge Me - 0:21/5:27 Beautiful, Loved and Blessed - 0:21/5:43 Love 2 the 9's - 0:21/5:44 Bold Generation - 0:21/5:53 Get On the Boat - 0:21/6:11 Last December - 0:21/7:57 . New Position - 0:22/2:20 Interactive - 0:22/3:03 The Truth - 0:22/3:33 Do It All Night - 0:22/3:41 Elephants and Flowers - 0:22/3:54 Love... Thy Will Be Done - 0:22/4:07 2morrow - 0:22/4:13 Gett Off - 0:22/4:32 Props'N'Pounds - 0:22/4:35 1010 (Rin Tin Tin) - 0:22/4:42 Standing at the Altar - 0:22/4:49 The Sun, The Moon and Stars - 0:22/5:16 (There'll Never B) Another Like Me - 0:22/6:02 . She Loves Me 4 Me - 0:23/2:49 Sex Shooter - 0:23/3:06 Look At Me, Look At U - 0:23/3:27 Pope - 0:23/3:29 Raspberry Berret - 0:23/3:33 Love Like Jazz - 0:23/3:49 Breakfast Can Wait - 0:23/3:55 La, La, La Means I Love You - 0:23/3:59 The Future - 0:23/4:07 Horny Pony - 0:23/4:19 Annie Christian - 0:23/4:21 Train - 0:23/4:22 It's About That Walk - 0:23/4:25 Mr. Goodnight - 0:23/4:26 The One U Wanna C - 0:23/4:29 Hold Me - 0:23/4:36 Eggplant - 0:23/5:18 In This Bed Eye Scream - 0:23/5:40 All the Critics Love U in New York - 0:23/5:56 Rearrange - 0:23/6:11 Pink Cashmere - 0:23/6:15 . I Wonder U - 0:24/1:39 Everybody Want What They Don't Got - 0:24/2:08 Christopher Tracy's Parade - 0:24/2:11 Courtin' Time - 0:24/2:46 Papa - 0:24/2:48 Curious Child - 0:24/2:57 With You - 0:24/4:00 Something in the Water (Does Not Compute) - 0:24/4:01 Glasscutter - 0:24/4:40 Head - 0:24/4:42 Dance On - 0:24/3:44 How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore - 0:24/3:53 Running Game (Son of a Slave Master) - 0:24/4:05 Wall of Berlin - 0:24/4:16 Undisputed - 0:24/4:20 Muse 2 the Pharaoh - 0:24/4:21 Shy - 0:24/5:03 It's Gonna Be Lonely - 0:24/5:30 Billy Jack Bitch - 0:24/5:31 Cosmic Day - 0:24/5:39 Sexmesexmenot - 0:24/5:40 18 & Over - 0:24/5:40 Superfunkycalifragisexy - 0:24/5:58 Cindy C - 0:24/6:18 Gold - 0:24/7:22 . Horny Toad - 0:25/2:13 319 - 0:25/3:05 And God Created Woman - 0:25/3:18 She's Always in My Hair - 0:25/3:27 Check the Record - 0:25/3:28 Tick, Tick, Bang - 0:25/3:31 Promise To Be True - 0:25/3:38 I Love U in Me - 0:25/4:13 Darling Nikki - 0:25/4:14 Wow - 0:25/4:28 The Song of the Heart - 0:25/4:36 Strays of the World - 0:25/5:06 U Make My Sun Shine - 0:25/7:05 Automatic - 0:25/9:24 . Loose! - 0:26/3:26 2 Y. 2 D. - 0:26/3:49 U Know - 0:26/3:56 Skip to My You My Darling - 0:26/3:57 A Million Days - 0:26/3:50 Movie Star - 0:26/4:25 Power Fantastic - 0:26/4:45 Electric Intercourse - 0:26/4:57 The Ladder - 0:26/5:28 Blanche - 0:26/5:36 Hot Thing - 0:26/5:40 Push - 0:26/5:53 Everyday is a Winding Road - 0:26/6:11 United States of Division - 0:26/6:18 Ol' Skool Company - 0:26/7:30 Shockadelica - 0:26/3:31 . New Power Generation pt. II - 0:27/2:57 Madrid 2 Chicago - 0:27/3:14 Stopthistrain - 0:27/3:41 Whitecaps - 0:27/3:43 Peach - 0:27/3:48 Vicki Waiting - 0:27/4:52 Cause and Effect - 0:27/5:00 The Beautiful Ones - 0:27/5:13 Our Destiny/Roadhouse Garden - 0:27/6:25 2045: Radical Man - 0:27/6:34 Internarional Lover - 0:27/6:36 Time - 0:27/6:49 Joint 2 Joint - 0:27/7:52 Days of Wild - 0:27/9:18 . Betcha By Golly Wow! - 0:28/3:31 Te Amo Corazón - 0:28/3:35 Eye Love U, But Eye Don't Trust U Anymore - 0:28/3:36 Mountains - 0:28/3:57 Still Waiting - 0:28/4:28 Calhoun Square - 0:28/4:46 Da, Da, Da - 0:28/5:15 Stand Up and B Strong - 0:28/5:18 F.U.N.K. - 0:28/7:36 The Everlasting Now - 0:28/8:18 . Yes - 0:29/2:56 Martika's Kitchen - 0:29/4:21 Magnificent - 0:29/4:36 One Day We Will All B Free - 0:29/4:41 Guitar - 0:29/3:45 U Got the Look - 0:29/3:47 Erotic City - 0:29/3:55 Can't Stop This Feeling I Got - 0:29/4:24 Paisley Park - 0:29/4:41 Future Baby Mama - 0:29/4:47 This Could Be Us - 0:29/5:12 Walkin' In Glory - 0:29/5:14 Turn It Up - 0:29/5:23 The Greatest Romance Ever Sold - 0:29/5:33 The Sacrifice of Victor - 0:29/5:40 . Partyman - 0:30/3:11 Here On Earth - 0:30/3:23 Tictactoe - 0:30/3:38 Melody Cool - 0:30/3:39 The Ballad of Dorothy Parker - 0:30/3:55 Lauriann - 0:30/4:15 Sign 'O' The Times - 0:30/5:02 Dreamer - 0:30/5:30 Can I Play With U? - 0:30/6:39 Style - 0:30/6:40 . Ronnie, Talk to Russia - 0:31/1:57 Fixurlifeup - 0:31/3:12 Welcome 2 the Dawn - 0:31/3:17 Take Me With U - 0:31/3:54 Electric Chair - 0:31/4:08 No More Candy 4 U - 0:31/4:12 Emancipation - 0:31/4:13 Rock 'N' Roll is Alive! (And It Lives in Minneapolis) - 0:31/4:34 Right the Wrong - 0:31/4:39 Saviour - 0:31/5:48 Hey U - 0:31/6:10 I Can't Make U Love Me - 0:31/6:37 Controversy - 0:31/7:13 . Baby Knows - 0:32/3:18 So Far, So Pleased - 0:32/3:24 Hot Summer - 0:32/3:32 Pop Life - 0:32/3:43 Delirious - 0:32/3:59 The Word - 0:32/4:11 Cream - 0:32/4:13 1000 X's and O's - 0:32/4:27 Poom Poom - 0:32/4:32 Gigolos Get Lonely Too - 0:32/4:41 The Cross - 0:32/4:45 Free - 0:32/5:08 Shhh - 0:32/7:17 . Laydown - 0:33/3:06 In Love - 0:33/3:37 Emale - 0:33/3:38 This Could B Us - 0:33/4:10 Love and Sex - 0:33/5:00 Play in the Sunshine - 0:33/5:05 Still Would Stand All Time - 0:33/5:23 The Continental - 0:33/5:31 Bob George - 0:33/5:39 When Doves Cry - 0:33/5:53 Gangster Glam - 0:33/6:05 Le Grind - 0:33/6:47 Lady Cab Driver - 0:33/8:16 . Wherever U Go, Whatever U Do - 0:34/3:17 Dig U Better Dead - 0:34/3:59 Sexy Dancer - 0:34/4:18 Alice Through the Looking Glass - 0:34/4:18 Get Blue - 0:34/4:43 Dark - 0:34/6:10 Adore - 0:34/6:31 Feel U Up - 0:34/6:42 Purple Music - 0:34/10:58 . Black Sweat - 0:35/3:11 Underneath the Cream - 0:35/3:59 Y Should Eye Do That When Eye Can Do This - 0:35/4:31 Clouds - 0:35/4:34 Streetwalker - 0:35/4:48 Letitgo - 0:35/5:32 Chelsea Rodgers - 0:35/5:41 Love - 0:35/5:45 . Around the World in a Day - 0:36/3:28 Vagina - 0:36/3:28 Sea of Everything - 0:36/3:49 Diamonds and Pearls - 0:36/4:45 Here - 0:36/5:15 Hypnoparadise - 0:36/6:03 We Can Fuck - 0:36/10:17 . Yah, You Know - 0:37/3:10 Anotherloverholenyohead - 0:37/4:00 Scarlet Pussy - 0:37/4:19 Colonized Mind - 0:37/4:48 Future Soul Song - 0:37/5:08 Welcome 2 America - 0:37/5:23 Jam of the Year - 0:37/6:10 . Baltimore - 0:38/4:33 Somebody's Somebody - 0:38/4:43 3rd Eye - 0:38/4:53 I'm Yours - 0:38/5:02 Groovy Potential - 0:38/6:16 Black Muse - 0:38/7:21 . When She Comes - 0:39/3:45 Animal Kingdom - 0:39/4:01 Sexuality - 0:39/4:19 So Blue - 0:39/4:30 The Human Body - 0:39/5:42 The Last Dance (Bang Pow Zoom And The Whole Nine) - 0:39/5:36 Do Yourself A Favor - 0:39/9:00 . Under the Cherry Moon - 0:40/2:56 Dirty Mind - 0:40/4:13 Irresistible Bitch - 0:40/4:13 Dear Mr. Man - 0:40/4:14 Bambi - 0:40/4:23 Emotional Pump - 0:40/4:59 Lovesexy - 0:40/5:49 Scandalous - 0:40/6:15 . Zannalee - 0:41/2:43 A Place in Heaven - 0:41/2:57 Endorphinmachine - 0:41/4:06 Funknroll (Art Official Age) - 0:41/4:08 Funknroll - 0:41/4:10 Rebirth of the Flesh - 0:41/5:28 The Dance Electric - 0:41/11:29 . Avalanche - 0:42/4:24 Race - 0:42/4:28 Xtralovable - 0:42/5:00 If I Was Your Girlfriend - 0:42/5:01 Somewhere Here on Earth - 0:42/5:45 Wonderful Ass - 0:42/6:24 . Computer Blue - 0:43/3:59 17 Days - 0:43/4:00 The Max - 0:43/4:30 Right Back Here In My Arms - 0:43/4:43 Better with Time - 0:43/4:53 1000 Light Years From Here - 0:43/5:46 . One Nite Alone... - 0:44/3:37 Open Book - 0:44/4:59 Live 4 Love - 0:44/6:59 . Million $ Show - 0:45/3:10 June - 0:45/3:21 The Glamorous Life - 0:45/4:11 When She Comes - 0:45/4:46 Beautiful Strange - 0:45/4:56 Born 2 Die - 0:45/5:03 P. Control - 0:45/5:59 Possessed (1984) - 0:45/7:56 . Golden Parachute - 0:46/5:35 Possessed (1982) - 0:46/8:47 . She Gave Her Angels - 0:47/3:52 Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic - 0:47/4:19 Baby I'm A Star - 0:47/4:24 . Let's Work - 0:48/3:55 The Ball - 0:48/4:34 Friend, Lover, Sister, MotheWife - 0:48/7:37 . Spirit - 0:49/4:32 My Medallion - 0:49/5:07 . America - 0:50/3:45 Space - 0:50/4:28 The Gold Standard - 0:50/5:53 1999 - 0:50/6:15 . Young and Beautiful - 0:51/2:44 God - 0:51/4:02 Let's Pretend We're Married - 0:51/7:18 Temptation - 0:51/8:20 . 100 MPH - 0:52/3:30 The Ride - 0:52/5:13 . One of Us - 0:53/5:19 . Love or $ - 0:54/6:55 . All My Dreams - 0:55/7:24 . Digital Garden - 0:56/4:07 It's Gonna Be a Beautiful Night - 0:56/9:01 . D.M.S.R. - 0:57/8:17 . Pain - 0:58/5:57 . Art Official Cage - 1:00/3:41 We March - 1:00/4:49 . Insatiable - 1:01/6:39 . Revelation - 1:03/5:21 . Fascination - 1:04/4:55 Big City - 1:04/6:25 . Pheromone - 1:11/5:08 My Name is Prince - 1:11/6:38 . 1+1+1 is 3 - 1:16/5:17 . Eye No - 1:22/5:46 . Rainbow Children - 1:27/10:03 . Sometimes It Snows in April - 1:33/6:48 . Crystal Ball - 1:34/10:27 . Hello - 1:59/6:19 . When the Lights Go Down - 2:33/7:11 . Condition of the Heart - 2:45/6:47 . Family Name - 3:01/8:16
submitted by FluoriteEye to PRINCE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:03 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Did somebody turned ON and OFF the switch of electromagnetic influence on Earth? It happened two times: 600 and 500 millions year ago. And each period lasted for 20-90 years. Leading to fast increase of complex life forms evolution.

Did somebody turned ON and OFF the switch of electromagnetic influence on Earth? It happened two times: 600 and 500 millions year ago. And each period lasted for 20-90 years. Leading to fast increase of complex life forms evolution.
Some researchers (list at the end*) have attempted to correlate periods of heightened electromagnetic activity with significant evolutionary events in the fossil record, such as the Cambrian Explosion. The “Ediacaran Explosion” is less known but also significant, marking a time when multicellular organisms began to dominate the oceans seemingly all at once.
Ediacaran Period (635-541 million years ago): The period characterized by the emergence of large, soft-bodied organisms. Although we don't see many remains due to their soft bodies, there is still plenty of fossil evidence.
Cambrian Explosion (around 541 million years ago): A time of rapid diversification of life forms, including the appearance of many major animal phyla. While there is some suggestive evidence that electromagnetic activity might influence evolutionary processes, it is not yet a fully established or widely accepted explanation. Still it is a good field for thought experiments, so here is one you never heard about.
New Hypothesis backstory:
There is a modern philosophical framework called Computational Dramaturgy, which is based on a few major speculations:
Stories about things are primal; reality comes right after some entity gets a goal and moves toward it through time in the 3D world viewed by some side observer. Each entity has a dramaturgical potential rate. (Dp) This is a potential sphere of all types of influence on the objective world that the given entity can produce every moment of now. Dp = d/Sp where (d) is a potential sphere of effect and (Sp) is a spatial arrangement of entity.
Ways of Hero to the Goal
These and other ideas found in the basics of Computational Dramaturgy can describe some famous paradoxes and questions of our reality from a new perspective. Here are some good off-topic examples, shortened:
Why wars happen: Each person, when asked separately, doesn’t mean any harm and is "good." Bad people are bad because they were hurt first, turning them to the dark side. So, all people if asked separately are good, but when it comes to collective consciousness, people kill each other in wars even in 2024, with no logical reason that outweighs the value of human life. The speculation here is that the idea of war comes first, its geopolitical reasons, and the reaction and real death for individuals comes next and serve the main goal: the dramatic effect of the war happening. So maybe the source of reason for wars is out of this dimension.
The same with corporations as an example. They need money to grow; otherwise, they die. They sometimes harm people, like destroying ecosystems and affecting the health of people living near their factories like they are interdimensional bugs or mold, eating the money energy. The idea is that each owner of that corporation has limited responsibility. If you invest money in a corporation that harms people, you don’t have to take the full blame. You have limited responsibility signed in the contract. So, you see, the corporation "by itself" wants and has to "kill people" for profit for its survival as it is a beast with its own mind. Each separate member of the investor community doesn’t agree to do that, but the corporation in general does harm.
So the big question is: are people so dumb to hurt themselves, or is something else that is the cause? And possibly other aspects, positive, like creativity.I stepped on this path to find more and more computational dramaturgical predictions about our reality.
Ne hypothesis: What if those electromagnetic effect periods where intentional?
Now let’s come back to the two main “evolutionary explosions” millions of years ago connected to possible electromagnetic activity and the higher realm dramaturgical reason for life on Earth to become more complicated. Here is the hypothesis:
If there is another dimensional source of all stories happening in our 3D world, and that source is timeless and spaceless, it might use these electromagnetic events to affect simple one-cell organisms to organize into more complex multicell organisms. It seems like during those “explosions” all living things just decided to evolve as fast as possible. They shapeshifted to find more convenient shapes for operating in this reality, creating more and more stories, and potentially creating a biological host for consciousness. The milestone “cubit” of a higher realm in order to radiate dramaturgy in every realm.Because whatever you can think about, it first comes in the form of a story in your head as an observer, and only then can it be detected and confirmed. The collapse of the function happens when you detect something; that’s the moment the material, definite world is created.
So the characteristics of those two evolutionary explosions might be a sign of “turning On / Off” some powerful machine out there, just for 20-90 million years only! Like a powerful lamp in a greenhouse set on timer. It was turned on 635 million years ago the first time, giving some progress, and multicellular organisms appeared. Then the ‘cosmic influence” stopped and the Mother Earth almost destroyed all complex life. Then, 541 million years ago, the electromagnetic “machine” was turned on again, and another “life explosion” for about 20 million period happened. As if someone turned on the “reason to live” ray, so all organic life suddenly felt a need to create more and more complex stories, making out triple eyes, legs, claws, etc.
Here is what could have caused high electromagnetic activity periods of that times:
Geomagnetic Field Reversals and Instabilities: High electromagnetic activity, including geomagnetic reversals or significant fluctuations, could potentially increase cosmic ray penetration into Earth's atmosphere due to a weakened magnetic field. This could lead to increased mutation rates and rapid evolutionary changes.
Increased Cosmic Ray Flux: Periods of high cosmic ray flux, possibly linked to solar activity or nearby supernovae, might also contribute to increased mutation rates and evolutionary pressures.So, in those two options, an “out of this world” intrusion with cosmic rays could occur. If it had some conscious goals, it obviously was a plan to make some matter on Earth conscious. This is an objective truth we just see, being the “kings of the universe” for this moment.So if those influence sources had an idea to make our stories more interesting and give us more and more “godly” powers, they did a fine job.
For more exploration of this computational dramaturgy concept and interesting thought experiments about the nature of our reality, check “Physics of Important Things”.
\ Here are three examples of who have researched this hypothesis of electromagnetic effect:*
- Joseph L. Kirschvink: He has co-authored papers discussing the relationship between magnetic field changes and evolutionary events, such as "The Precambrian-Cambrian boundary problem: solution to the extinction-delayed faunal signature" in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”.
- Adrian L. Melott and Mikhail V. Medvedev: They have explored the potential impact of cosmic ray flux on Earth's biosphere. Their work "Do extragalactic cosmic rays induce cycles in fossil diversity?" suggests that changes in cosmic radiation, potentially linked to geomagnetic field variations, could influence mutation rates and evolutionary processes.
- Richard Firestone: He has authored and co-authored several papers and a book, “The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes”, discussing how extraterrestrial events could influence Earth's geological and biological history.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:21 Director360 [MS] Election Lies Interactive E-Book

The folded newspaper was not much rain cover from the onset showers that were undoubtedly about to come from the looming storm. Nonetheless, it was all Miranda had to protect her hair and makeup as she ran inside the opulent state office building. She was concerned that her hair would get wet; and with a fresh perm, that could disastrous.
She was so used to only speaking to patients in the confines of her home office; not worrying what anyone thought of her with no makeup on and hair tied up in a bun, that being concerned about things like foundation and extensions seemed like a novel annoyance.
Miranda had made the trip to Hillsborough to attend her cousin Andrea’s wedding the following day. And as excited as everyone was, no one in the party had thought to go and pick up the paperwork for the marriage license, so the job fell to her.
As she walked through security, she felt as though she were a leaf in a whirlwind of activity that she intuitively knew was unusual for the space. The place was packed, and she had to avoid bumping into people who were otherwise unaware of anyone else’s existence.
As she placed her keys and other items in the small container on the conveyor belt beside the metal detector, she leaned in and asked a friendly but hapless-looking guard about the day’s ongoing procedures.
“Oh…it’s election day, ma’am.”
“Great,” she thought to herself.
It was like being in a Bruegel painting, an array of scenes around her all happening simultaneously happening. A man shaking hands and giving speeches, a woman filming herself giving a campaign message, another man arguing with security over a pair of keys that he wasn’t supposed to have.
Miranda hoped that she would be able to beat the storm and be back on her way to her Aunt Jess’ house before the rain started to seriously fall, but this was the type of task that had the potential to be easy and seamless or dreadfully bureaucratic.
As she stood in line, she heard a commotion from inside the clerk’s office.
“It’s the law!” a woman yelled. “I don’t care what your personal beliefs are. You work for the state, and that means you work for the citizens of this city; that includes me!”
The woman emerged from the office and was gorgeous. She wore a fur coat that swayed as she walked and had piercing eyes that were hidden by a large pair of sunglasses just as quickly as she had emerged.
“I’m sure she’ll play the race card,” another person in line scoffed, referring to the woman’s complexion, though she neither appeared to be white nor black.
“I heard she’s been spending a lot of time with a particular candidate,” another patron chided.
Miranda reached in her pocket and pulled out a pair of earbuds. “None of my business…”
Just as she reached the front of the line, the lights went out as thunder crashed and lightning flashed outside the building.
A deep sense of dread filled Miranda’s stomach as she heard the loud sound of hail hitting the state office’s roof and windows.
“My goodness,” she sighed. “I’d better call Lucy and let her know I’ll be longer than expected,” she thought to herself.
Just as she took out her phone to search for her aunt’s contact, the red and blue lights and the sound of an alarm went off. Confused, she searched the faces of the other patrons only to hear the voice of a man in a black shirt and pants with a badge directing everyone to the center atrium and away from all the windows.
A woman in a pair of flowing purple pants, a white blouse, and short blonde hair raised her voice and attempted to reassure everyone that everything would be okay.
“Everyone…Everyone,” she shouted. “We will have this mishap sorted in just a few minutes. Just remain calm, and we’ll be able to finish out the counting of the ballots. We appreciate yo…”
She was interrupted by an overweight man in a finely cut suit. “My staff is attempting to get to the bottom of things, and we’ll get the electricity back on as soon as possible. Just bear with us,” he boomed as he stood on the steps leading to the platform in the center of the room.
Miranda noticed the sly smile that crossed his face as he turned and looked at the blonde woman in the blouse. One-upping her had brought him a certain amount of pleasure, and the tension between them was palpable as she shot him a death glance that bounced off of him like a lone BB pellet.
Pleased with himself and chest out, he returned to a group of cohorts. A very serious man in a gray suit approached him while attempting to clean his shirt. His head was shaved and his beard trimmed; he hung a pair of sunglasses from his coat pocket. He was the type of man whose eyes were seen far less than they were exposed.
“Mr. Henly,” one of his minions said out loud, getting the blowhard’s attention and gesturing to the man in the gray suit. The large man quickly made room. The man in the gray suit walked up to Harold, leaned in, and whispered something into his ear that made his face grow hard. Harold reached inside his suit pocket and pulled out a thick manila envelope, surreptitiously handing it to the man in the gray suit and patting him on the shoulder before the man disappeared once again into the crowd.
Just then, the lights came back on as if there was a renewed sense of life in a world where time seemed to have stopped. Color returned to the building and sounds began to fill the atrium.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to need your cooperation,” a handsome African American man said with a certain amount of trepidation in his voice. He took the main stage in the atrium and gestured to everyone to garner their attention. “It would appear as though we have encountered a clerical error,” he said.
A confused murmur rippled throughout the crowd.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Harold bellowed loud enough for everyone to hear, once again making himself the center of attention.
The man sighed. “It would appear…” he paused, “as if several boxes of ballots have gone missing.”
A unilateral chatter began, and concerned looks were exchanged between everyone in the atrium.
“What kind of a clown show are you running here, Pennyworth?” Harold boomed.
“I’m not running this election, Harold, I’m a…”
“No, you’re not capable of running anything. I’ll take over and get this figured out,” he interrupted.
“You’ll do no such thing. You, like me, are a candidate and are prohibited from participating in the election process,” he continued. “But someone had to make the announcement as you were too busy here shaking hands to know what was going on in the building.
“Everyone, unfortunately, until we get this sorted out…no one can leave the building until the ballots are found.”
A unilateral disgruntled sigh filled the large auditorium.
Disappointed, Miranda thought quickly and approached the security office.
Poking her head through the door, she looked for anyone that she thought could help.
“Hello…um…excuse me,” she called out.
Inside was a guard with an untucked shirt and a half-eaten eclair speaking with an older janitor leaning on his broom over the security desk.
“You didn’t hear it from me,” the janitor said with a playful nod, “but I think she and her assistant have something going on, and her husband is a bit salty about the entire thing.” the old man said. “I mean, your wife leaving you is one thing, but her leaving you for your assistant, and a woman for that matter,” he pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows. “I guess I’m just ol’ school, cause that wouldn’ta happened to me!”
“Mr. Jones, quit gossiping,” the guard laughed. “Now what was it that you needed to tell me?”
“I…I done gone and forgot,” he said, frustrated. “It was about her assistant,” he scratched his face trying to remember. “I thought I saw…I thought I saw her…” the older man looked down trying to remember.
The security guard turned his attention toward Miranda.
“Hi…uh…how can I help you?”
“Hi,” Miranda said with a forced smile. “My name is Miranda Fletcher. I work with law…”
“Hey,” the guard said with a long drawn out smile. “Do you know Andrea?”
“Yes…yes!” she stammered. “She’s my cousin!” she said excitedly with renewed hope that she could parlay her family name to get out of this.
“Are you here for the wedding?” he asked cheerfully.
“Bridesmaid, guilty as charged,” she said with a grin and a curtsy.
“How do you know Andrea?” she said with widened eyes and genuine curiosity.
“Oh…, Andrea dumped me six months ago to start dating Alex Tate,” he said with a blank stare and goofy smile.
“Oh,” Miranda stared. She was like a deer in headlights, unable to formulate her next words. In an awkward silence, the two continued to stare and nod at one another for what felt like minutes instead of seconds.
The janitor, feeling the awkwardness of the situation, decided to see himself out.
In a sudden break in silence, the guard continued, “But that’s all in the past now,” he said with a warm laugh that left Miranda still a bit stilted, but more at ease.
“We just weren’t right for one another, and I don’t hold any grudges. I’m Billy, by the way.”
“Miranda Fletcher,” she replied.
“How’s your aunt?” he asked.
“Ah…you know, surrounded by her books,” she said, trying to make light of the situation.
“I was just going to say, I work with law enforcement. I can promise you that I had nothing to do with these ballots being taken.” She assured him. “
You can track me on the security cameras to confirm my whereabouts. Is it possible for me just to go about my business and leave?”
“Yeah…about that…our security cameras have been out almost all day. Worst day this could have happened,” he said. “We’ve got technicians coming to take a look at our system tomorrow, but otherwise, we’ve got no way to verify where anybody was.”
Miranda sighed.
“You said you worked with law enforcement?” the guard repeated.
“Yes,” Miranda replied exasperated as she tried sending a text to her cousin letting her know what was going on. “I’m a forensic psychologist. I do profiles of criminals ranging from fraudulent hedge fund managers to serial killers.”
“Wow…well, that’s more than we could have asked for,” he said. “Look, between you and me, those ballot boxes didn’t go ‘missing,’” he said with air quotes. “Somebody is trying to rig this election.”
Miranda’s face dropped as she stared Billy in the eye.
“And nobody’s leaving this building until those ballots are found,” he said with a despondent gaze.
“Who are the candidates?” Miranda asked with a sigh. “Who’s the loudmouth?”
“Oh…that’s Harold Henly,” Billy said. “He can be a bit much, but I like some of his policies,” he said with a bit of enthusiasm. “But he can rub some people the wrong way.”
“And that man in the gray suit?” she asked.
“Yeah…that’s his associate,” Billy said. “Earlier in the day, we had to confiscate some city hall keys he had in his possession.”
“And the blonde with the short hair?” Miranda asked.
“Oh…that’s Andrea Milton,” he explained with a comically southern accent and scrunched up face as if smelling something distasteful. “She’s a Democrat.”
Miranda nodded graciously.
Billy whispered, “She’s the one ol’ Mr. Jones was gossiping about just before you walked in.”
“Oh…and there’s Carlton Pennyworth. He’s a nice enough guy; smart as a whip, but I don’t know if Hillsborough is ready for him just yet,” Billy added. “There’s some real history with his family in this town though.”
Miranda feigned interest.
“Legend has it that Harold’s great great grandfather changed their last name in the city’s ledger to Penny, telling him that’s exactly how much he was worth. And it just stuck”
Miranda winced at the story feeling a sense of disgust at Henly’s ancestors actions; putting a whole new context to their interaction in the atrium.
“I’m going to take a walk around and see what I can find out,” Miranda told Billy.
“Sure, if you have any more questions that I or one of the other guards can answer, just let us know.”
Miranda took a walk around to talk to some of the characters and explore the building.
Click here to explore the building and speak to the characters
submitted by Director360 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:24 thekermitderp Gilgo Beach killings: How Rex Heuermann's 'manifesto' became road map for investigators

Gilgo Beach killings: How Rex Heuermann's 'manifesto' became road map for investigators
By Nicole MilleNewsday. Pasted here in case you hit a pay wall.
Suspected Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex A. Heuermann thought he had long deleted what prosecutors called a “manifesto” on how to kill and avoid detection, a two-paged document littered with bone-chilling references to a “dump site” and burning clothes.
Under the ominous subheading of “body prep,” prosecutors said Heuermann listed “remove head and hands” and “package for transport.”
The existence of the “manifesto” was publicly disclosed Thursday as Heuermann was arraigned on two more murder counts. Prosecutors say evidence, including DNA, links Heuermann to victims Jessica Taylor, a 20-year-old sex worker and Poughkeepsie native living in Manhattan, and Sandra Costilla, a Queens resident who was 28 when she was killed and her body dumped in a field in North Sea.
Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney on Friday called the “planning document” a major break in the case, telling Newsday in an exclusive interview that its contents prompted a second search of Heuermann’s home in Massapequa Park and the woods in Manorville where three of the victims were found.
The Microsoft Word document, created in 2000 and typed in all caps, was a “planning document” used by Heuermann to “methodically 'blueprint' and 'plan out' his 'kills,'” prosecutors said in a bail letter as part of a superseding indictment charging Heuermann with the killings of Costilla and Taylor, bringing the number of women whom Heuermann has been charged with killing to six.
“The Gilgo Homicide Task Force members believe that the totality of circumstances surrounding the HK Planning Document, including Heuermann's attempt to delete its existence, points to it as Heuermann's self-education and 'homework' on the topic of carrying out serial, sexual murder,” prosecutors said in the bail letter.
It was last July, after Heuermann was arrested outside the Fifth Avenue office of his midtown Manhattan architectural firm and charged in the killings of Melissa Barthelemy, Megan Waterman and Amber Costello, that authorities found the hard drive during a two-week-long search of Heuermann's home. Heuermann was later charged with killing Maureen Brainard-Barnes, who along with Barthelemy, Waterman and Costello are known as “The Gilgo Four.”
With mountains of other potential evidence to process from the search of the home and two nearby storage facilities, authorities recovered the document, which was thought to have been deleted by Heuermann, from a hard drive found in the basement only recently — on March 7 — during a computer forensic extraction method called “file carving.”
Tierney on Thursday identified the 60-year-old former architect, who has been living in virtual isolation in the Suffolk County Jail since his arrest last July 13, as a suspect in the killing of another Gilgo Beach victim — Valerie Mack, a 24-year-old New Jersey woman who disappeared in October 2000.
The prospect of a suspect indicted on six of the killings was almost unthinkable in the years since authorities found the first remains on Dec. 11, 2010, near Gilgo Beach.
Police had been searching for Shannan Gilbert, a New Jersey woman who was working as an escort and had disappeared after seeing a client in nearby Oak Beach in May 2010. In the following months, the remains of 10 people were found — eight women, one man and a female toddler. Gilbert’s remains were later found, but authorities ruled her death accidental.
Until Heuermann's arrest last year, the mystery of who killed 10 people — mostly sex workers — and dumped their bodies along Ocean Parkway had confounded federal, state and local investigators.
With the indictment of Heuermann in the killing of Costilla, who had not until recently been identified as a possible Gilgo Beach victim, the timeline of the case has broadened significantly. The other five victims were killed from 2007 to 2010, but Costilla was killed sometime in November 1993, suggesting that Heuermann began his alleged killing spree much earlier. On Friday, Tierney said there was anecdotal evidence that Costilla was engaged in sex work.
Their killings are detailed in the bail letter unveiled last week.
Two hunters discovered Costilla’s remains in a wooded area of Southampton on Nov. 20, 1993. A native of Trinidad and Tobago, she was living on Long Island and in Queens and Brooklyn before her disappearance and killing.
Costilla was found lying on her back with her arms outstretched over her head, and her shirt was pulled up over her torso and head, exposing her breasts, authorities said. Her naked legs were spread apart. She had several “sharp force” injuries to her face, torso, breasts, left thigh and vaginal area, authorities said. Three hairs were recovered from her remains — one found on her right arm, and two others from tape-lifts of two shirts that were above her head.
Those hairs were earlier tested against the DNA of convicted killer John Bittrolff, long suspected in Costilla’s killing, but he was excluded as a match.
Recent DNA testing comparing Heuermann’s mitochondrial and nuclear profiles to the hairs, could not exclude Heuermann as the provider of the hairs found on Costilla’s body.
“It is significant that two forensic laboratories have now independently determined that male hair recovered from the mutilated remains of Sandra Costilla is substantially more likely to have derived from a personal genetically identical to defendant Heuermann’s mitochondrial and nuclear profiles,” prosecutors said in the bail letter.
Further testing showed, according to prosecutors, that another of the pieces of hair found on Costilla’s remains “shares a common base at all compared positions” with a DNA sample provided by a woman who had lived with Heuermann before Costilla’s disappearance and killing. The woman, who authorities referred to only as “witness #3” in the bail letter, said she could not be excluded as the contributor of the hair found on Costilla.
That woman, whose relationship to Heuermann at the time has not been publicly shared, had been living with Heuermann since 1991 and moved out of their shared residence in September 1993 — about two months before Costilla disappeared and was killed, prosecutors said. Heuermann’s late mother had moved out of the home before the woman, prosecutors noted, without giving a time frame on the mother’s cohabitation with her son.
Prosecutors noted that Heuermann would have been living alone at the time Costilla was killed, giving him “unfettered time to executive his plans” without worrying about anyone coming home to discover a crime in progress.
That’s a theme that prosecutors have said runs through Heuermann’s alleged killing spree: Heuermann’s family was always vacationing out of state when he allegedly committed the killings. In the case of Taylor, prosecutors said, phone records and other documents indicate that Heuermann’s now-estranged wife Asa Ellerup and children were vacationing in Vermont when the young woman was killed.
Someone walking a dog found Taylor’s remains on July 26, 2003, just west of Halsey Manor Road in Manorville and called 911. Lying on her back with her legs bent beneath her, Taylor was decapitated and both of her arms had been severed below her elbows. A tattoo on Taylor’s torso had been “severely obliterated by a sharp object,” prosecutors said, adding that they believe that act, along with the dismemberment of her body, had been done by Heuermann to “inhibit” authorities from positively identifying her remains.
It wasn’t until some eight years later — on March 29, 2011 — that authorities found Taylor’s skull, hands and forearm along Ocean Parkway, just east of Gilgo Beach. Her remains were located less than a mile from where the Gilgo Four victims’ remains were discovered.
Taylor was last heard from on July 21, 2003 — five days before her partial remains were discovered. Police interviewed a witness who said on July 25, 2003, at about 10:30 p.m. they had seen a dark-colored Chevrolet pickup backed into the same wooded area where Taylor’s remains were later found.
Heuermann had owned a dark green 2002 Chevrolet Avalanche pickup during that time, investigators have said. And it was key to Heuermann’s initial arrest.
A New York State Police investigator assigned to the Gilgo Beach Task Force, using a database that can search for vehicles by make and model, first identified Heuermann as the owner of an Avalanche and a potential suspect on March 14, 2022.
A witness in Costello’s disappearance — her West Babylon roommate — also described to police a similar vehicle being driven by a man who was seen with Costello shortly before she was last seen alive.
Costello got a call from a burner phone purportedly used by Heuermann on Sept. 1, 2010, authorities have said. A man that investigators think was Heuermann, described by the witness as appearing like an “ogre” and seeking a paid sexual liaison, came inside the house, but she and others there executed a ruse to take his money, authorities said.
A man posing as her boyfriend showed up and the client said he was only her friend and left. But that same prospective customer contacted Costello the next night and she left with him — the witness telling authorities he saw the dark-colored Chevrolet Avalanche drive away from the home. That was the last time she was seen alive, authorities said.
Police did not appear to act on the witness statements at the time in either sighting of the distinctive-looking vehicle.
After Taylor’s partial remains were found, authorities said, Heuermann searched online for a new Chevrolet Avalanche in bright blue and white and attempted to delete the search.
DNA testing, according to prosecutors, links Heurmann to Taylor’s killing. Heuermann cannot be excluded as the contributor of a male human hair that was recovered from a surgical drape found under Taylor's remains, although 99.96% of the North American population can be, the bail letter said, adding that DNA analysis conducted by two separate labs had reached similar conclusions.
Heuermann is not charged in the killing of Valerie Mack, a sex worker who went missing in 2000, but for the first time Thursday, authorities linked Heuermann to her killing, noting that an analysis of Heuermann's electronic devices revealed a significant collection of violent, bondage and torture pornography, dating to 1994.
The images showed various abuse and mutilation that prosecutors said “notably and largely coincide with how the remains of Sandra Costilla, Jessica Taylor, and Valerie Mack were discovered,” the bail letter reads.
Authorities found Heuermann’s extensive porn collection after seizing more than 350 electronic devices from his home after he was arrested last year.
The HK Planning Document was among the items that piqued prosecutors’ interest. It prompted authorities to search multiple wooded areas in the Manorville area in April, though no new remains were found.
Prosecutors have studied the document and laid out their theories of what it all means. The document lists “finger prints and gloves” and “hair & fiber” as “problems.” Prosecutors said that section of the document appears to be a guide to avoiding apprehension. A section on “supplies,” which lists tarps/drop clothes, medical gloves and saw/cutting tools, are the supplies needed to carry out the killings, prosecutors said.
In another section, Heuermann wrote, according to prosecutors, “REMOVE ID MARKS,” which they argue is consistent with Heuermann’s alleged attempt to obscure Taylor’s tattoo. The document’s “BODY PREP” section, which also notes to “REMOVE HEAD AND HANDS,” clearly relates to the condition of Taylor’s and Mack’s remains, as both victims were decapitated and dismembered at their arms below their elbows, prosecutors said.
Some of the HK Planning Document has origins in the 1996 book written by former FBI special agent and profiler John Douglas entitled “Mind Hunter,” which explored serial killer profiling, prosecutors said, specifically graphic passages on sexual torture.
When authorities searched Heuermann’s home after his arrest, they found another of Douglas’ books: “The Cases That Haunt Us.”
submitted by thekermitderp to RexHeuermann [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:24 Irksomecake I’m looking for fantasy books with depth and philosophy, but also adventure and thrill.

Having just read the two books in Mark Lawrence’s new series The book that wouldn’t burn and The book that broke the world I’m intrigued by novels that write philosophical quandaries into their stories. The theme of knowledge vs wisdom as the backdrop to the characters conflicts is very well thought out.
Great writers who do this include:
Ursula LeGuin
Frank Herbert
Clive Barker
Mark Lawrence
George Orwell
Mary Shelley
I havn’t read the complete works of any of these so I may have missed a few gems. Any other authors and books who really make you think will be appreciated too.
submitted by Irksomecake to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:30 specu12 (OFFER) Movies (REQUEST) Offers, vudu credits, steam codes

All codes are US, HD/blu-ray unless marked otherwise
also check out my For Sale Post on DCS
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submitted by specu12 to uvtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:13 MiikeHarrison My Realistic Universe Mode Story

Hey everybody!
This year, now that Roman Reigns is not the champion anymore, I decided to pick him in my universe (knowing that my friends would not be able to say that I take him just cause he is the champion or the best one in the game). I play on legendary, with my sliders nearly all at 100 for the CPU, and very much reduced near to 0, 10 or 20 depending on what it affects. I also turned off every single HUD information. which allows me to be surprised on when an opponent can hit me with a signature move or a finisher since I never see them coming. it adds a little bit of "from out of nowhere" vibe. It also make me take a finisher thinking it's over, and after I kick out, I'd take another one that was stored by the AI ! And I just love it ! I force myself not to pin for victory if it's not after a finishing move. Sometimes I get surprised when I try to hit a finisher and I actually don't have any! Which makes me bump into the opponent or makes me stand still and then lose time that allows my opponent to grab me, to recover, or hit me with any of his moves. Now that I've talked a little about the difficulty settings I'm gonna talk about my universe story
So as I said, this year, I decided to start with Roman Reigns. It took me about eight months to be in a championship match after some minor rivalries. I secured a spot for the Elimination Chamber for the Undisputed WWE (called Undisputed WWE Universal at the time). I don't remember who was in there but I ended up winning it and it was not without effort !
My run as the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion lasted 924 days, with 27 defenses.
I lost on the 27th against Jey Uso, in a Table match.
(It's not to find an excuse but trying to reverse someone with nothing appearing on your screen can sometimes be challenging but it is even more when the "reversal window" slider is near 0 haha.)
I was not used to reversing table moves, I don't even think that I had a table match during my run before that day! I failed, and Jey put me through a table in the corner of the ring. Ending my 924-day reign, after beating: -Batista (×2) -Sami Zayn (×6) -AJ Styles (×1) -Undertaker (×1) -The Rock (×4) -Logan Paul (×2) -Triple H (×1) -Jeff Hardy (×4) -Kane (×1) -The Beast (×1) (his name is a banned-word) -Mark Henry (×2) -Rey Mysterio (×1)
With what happened, and how it happened, I was shocked that Jey beat me. It was the very first time I had to go against him for the title. For some reason I kind of knew that it was not going to be a good match for me. Mostly because of the stipulation.
(When I play my universe mode, 90% of the time, I share my screen on discord to my friends. They follow my stories and they react to them. so I always try to bring good ideas and good stories to keep them entertained and to maintain a will and a hype to continue playing it. I'm not gonna lie it entertains me too even if I am the one who comes up with the ideas. I just love seeing them take place in the game. But nothing is rigged. If I have a match, I play it and I give everything. Regardless of the story that I want to tell, and regardless of the plans that I can make for the future, if I lose... I lose. There is no rematch. There is no restart. The game is the game, you have to accept you lost)
So, before the match, I told my friends "oh gosh it's a table match… I don't like that at all… I have a bad feeling…". Well, I was right lol
After I lost my title to Jey, I was so shocked that my reign was over that I decided to give Jey the "Ula Fala" (the Samoan necklace made from segments of the pandanus fruit that Roman Reigns have) and make him the new "Tribal Chief". I stopped appearing on cards, I was not booked anymore, and I became Jey's manager. (Marking the moment I turned "face"). I tried my best to make him keep the title, as any managers would, but with time, Jey turned heel, which made me turn heel too, and allowed me to "allow myself" to cheat, or to use unfair things to make sure Jey would retain. All that without being sent backstage by the ref (knowing that with the HUD off, you never know when you need to wait not to be sent backstage. And knowing that I do not want to cheat as a manager when I am supposed to be face (or when the superstar I'm the manager of is face)). After almost a year, Jey lost the title to The Beast (Money in the Bank Cash-in).
From that moment, I stopped being his manager, "Tribal Chief Jey Uso" became "Main Event Jey Uso" again, and we went different ways.
About six months later, I returned at the Royal Rumble, making my first wrestler appearance in a match for one year and a half.
I didn't know when I was gonna arrive and unfortunately, it wasn't very late in the match. After fighting for long minutes, and with the difficulty settings that I had set, Undertaker beat me up and stunned me with a chokeslam (I could only guess that I was stunned since the HUD was off, but I couldn't reverse anything after that) before throwing me over the top rope. I was mad. So mad. I knew one thing, I knew that if Taker wasn't the winner of the Royal Rumble, my return story was going to be about burying the deadman himself, in his on yard, at WrestleMania.
After a while, only two were remaining, Undertaker, and Jey Uso. Jey superkicked Taker over the top rope to secure his main event against the champion of his choice at WrestleMania. I turned a wheel to decide who Jey was going to choose. And it stopped on the World Heavyweight Championship (on SmackDown at that time). Jey was going to face John Cena.
Before the match, I didn't know if I would return as a Raw member or as a SmackDown member. Knowing what happened during the match, I started a rivalry with the Undertaker, which made me go to SmackDown, and after some matches and interferences, I buried him at Mania. Just for the record and to put an end to this rivalry.
Jey beat Cena, and became World Heavyweight Champion for the first time of his career, and became the first ever superstar to win both, the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship, and the World Heavyweight Championship in my Universe mode. (Not at the same time though). After a few weeks, Jey turned "face".
After some ups and downs I decided to take the first 8th of the major titles divisions, and put them against the following 8 ones. Basically, the 1st one of the division would go against the 16th, the 2nd against the 15th, the 3rd vs. the 14th, and so on until the 8th against the 9th. I made this for both Raw and SmackDown major titles. The eight winners of each brand would qualify for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. (I have two briefcases. Raw's red one, and SmackDown's blue one) I won and qualified to the SmackDown's one.
A few weeks later, I successfully became Mr. Money in the Bank. I told myself not to cash-in instantly, to build some pressure and "scare" Jey.
On a night of SmackDown where I was not even booked, I noticed that the main event was Cody Rhodes vs. Jey Uso, and the Undisputed WWE Championship was on the line. Knowing the stake of this match, I knew both of them were going to destroy each other.
Cody was a serious threat, and he was the first ever face superstar Jey had to face since turning face a few weeks prior. I really wanted to cash-in. And I wanted to do it against Jey. I dreamed of it since the moment I became Mr. Money in the Bank. I just didn't know how to do it. Before the match, during the match, or after the match. With an attack from behind or face to face ? So many questions I had. But I knew it was my moment, or at least I wanted to make it my moment. I wasn't sure Jey was going to retain, but I knew what happened 2 years earlier. He ended my run, he put me on the sideline. He took my title. He took my Ula Fala. He took me everything! So I knew... He could do it.
I decided to cash-in after the match, with an attack from behind.
After dozens of minutes, many signatures and finishing moves from both men, I had my eyes wide open, superkick, Uso splash, 1… 2… Cody kicks out. And when I thought it was over for Jey, he climbed up again and hit Cody with another Uso splash, 1...2...3 ! Jey Uso had just done it!… Right in front of my eyes, the one who cost me my title two years earlier, the one I became the manager of for several months, the one who took me everything. He was there, raising HIS title, suffering from all the moves that Cody made him take throughout the match. And just then, Roman's music hit. Jey looked at the stage, thinking I was about to appear, and with a sneaky attack, I put him down with my briefcase, cashed-in, (had to fight to build enough for a finisher, since you don't have any when you cash-in 🤡), Jey got up, turned around, spear. That spear was more than just a spear. It was a taste of his own medicine. It was all my frustration, every single emotion that grew inside of me since the moment he took my title ! I looked at him, told him "I told you I'd come for you someday", cover… 1...2...3 Roman Reigns is your new World Heavyweight Champion!
After almost two years and a half, this long story came to an end.
I want to thank you all for your time and for reading this. If I am sharing this to you right now, it is mostly because I put so much effort and so much work into the universe mode to try to make it as realistic as possible. Sometimes it's not easy because of the game itself or bugs and glitches. I changed so many things to try to have rivalries or stories as close as they could be. I have a table with all my championship matches, the stipulation, the PLE where it happened, and many more. But at the end of the day, all I tried and all I try to do is to entertain my friends and myself. Another way that what WWE does of course, but I always put so much effort in trying to tell stories that would make sense, using the game and its features. Writing all this down has a special meaning to me. I probably made mistakes, my native language is French after all, but I tried my best to tell you the story that I told my friends. I got to admit that I smiled a few times writing all this as it made me remember so many moments. With what happened in the game, and some of my friends' reactions! Some of them really were priceless! This is not the end. This is just where I stopped for the moment. I don't know how I will do to try to keep my friends entertained with my new run, but I know I will find a way!
I want to thank you all for reading this, and I hope you liked it ! ❤️
submitted by MiikeHarrison to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:12 stlatos Gothic connection to Hungarian & Huns (Turkic)?
Gerbert of Aurillac, later Pope Sylvester II, introduced the abacus and decimal numbers to much of Europe. Bishop, “Gerbert was the first Christian known to teach mathematics using the Arabic numeral system. He also created the modern abacus based on Arabic numerals and the base ten place system used universally today (Gerbert’s abacus could add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers as large as 1027)”. The odd thing is the name of the numbers (apices) he used: sipos = 0 (if used), igin = 1, andras = 2, (h)ormis = 3, arbas = 4, quimas = 5, cal(c)tis = 6, zenis = 7, temenias = 8, celentis = 9. Many are Arabic or Semitic (sipos : ṣifr, arbas : arbaˁu) and some are close to Aramaic. Others are odd, and a few look Hungarian. Even cal(c)tis only resembles Turkic *altï ‘6’. He must have picked them up while in Spain (below).
I think Gothic could be a better source for some, which allows an explanation for Hungarian & Turkic as well. Before the Visigoths came to Spain, they could have picked up a system of counting (who knows for what items, or how it differed from their own) from Huns and Hungarians in the Balkans. Huns are suspected of being Turkic (in part, likely most). Over time, a mixed system with native Gothic and these foreign words was established in Spain. Later Arab conquest was the source of new names for ‘4, 5, 8’, maybe being added over time as the use of Arabic spread. The Gothic origin has not been seen due to sound changes over time in unwritten forms of Gothic (*s- > z-, nþ > nd, etc.) and changes to the numbers as they were used by non-native speakers (metathesis of *-n-g > g-n). A study might have implications for linguistics, since if cal(c)tis : Turkic *altï ‘6’, it could be from *xalxti, etc. Judge the ideas below yourself, for a variety of origins.
sipos : Arabic ṣifr ‘0’
igin : Hungarian egy, Akkadian išten ‘1’, Germanic *ainaha- / *ainiga- / etc. > *einig > *eigin ?
andras : Gothic anþar < Gmc. *anþera-z < PIE *H2antero-s ‘other / 2nd’
(h)ormis : Hungarian három ‘3’
arbas : Arabic arbaˁu, Aramaic ʾarbəʿā ‘4’
quimas : Aramaic ḥamša, Akkadian ḫamšat, Latin quīnque ‘5’ (likely contamination between 2 groups)
cal(c)tis : Turkic *altï ‘6’
zenis : many words with s-, š-, etc., but no close match; if -is is added based on other numbers, *zen would resemble Gmc. *sibun, or late Gothic cognate (*zi(b)n ?) used in Spain
temenias : Aramaic tǝmānyā, Akkadian samānat ‘8’
celentis : Hungarian kilenc ‘9’
Smith & Karpinski say it is possible Gerbert (at the time) picked these up from traders in Spain. A tradition based on numbers picked up from travels around the world is possible, but there’s no easy way to determine how old all are or who used them when. Since no study of the mathematics used by most people in the times and places likely to give these, there’s no way to know who THEY might also have borrowed from. Is this mix expected? Any old system that could be the source of all seems impossible, so a mix is needed, and a large mix is no more odd than a small one. The theory of traders knowing many languages’ numbers seems fine, but I think this is a less likely path.
Smith & Karpinski:
There was also a Bagdad merchant, one Abū 'l-Qāsim ‛Obeidallāh ibn Aḥmed, better known by his Persian name Ibn Khordāḍbeh,[400] who wrote about 850 A.D. a work entitled Book of Roads and Provinces[401] in which the following graphic account appears:[402] "The Jewish merchants speak Persian, Roman (Greek and Latin), Arabic, French, Spanish, and Slavic. They travel from the West to the East, and from the East to the West, sometimes by land, sometimes by sea. They take ship from France on the Western Sea, and they voyage to Farama (near the ruins of the ancient Pelusium); there they transfer their goods to caravans and go by land to Colzom (on the Red Sea). They there reëmbark on the Oriental (Red) Sea and go to Hejaz and to Jiddah, and thence to the Sind, India, and China. Returning, they bring back the products of the oriental lands.... These journeys are also made by land. The merchants, leaving France and Spain, cross to Tangier and thence pass through the African provinces and Egypt. They then go to Ramleh, visit Damascus, Kufa, Bagdad, and Basra, penetrate into Ahwaz, Fars, Kerman, Sind, and thus reach India and China." Such travelers, about 900 A.D., must necessarily have spread abroad a knowledge of all number [102]systems used in recording prices or in the computations of the market.
Even if Gerbert did not bring his knowledge of the Oriental numerals from Spain, he may easily have obtained them from the marks on merchant's goods, had he been so inclined. Such knowledge was probably obtainable in various parts of Italy, though as parts of mere mercantile knowledge the forms might soon have been lost, it needing the pen of the scholar to preserve them. Trade at this time was not stagnant. During the eleventh and twelfth centuries the Slavs, for example, had very great commercial interests, their trade reaching to Kiev and Novgorod, and thence to the East. Constantinople was a great clearing-house of commerce with the Orient,[423] and the Byzantine merchants must have been entirely familiar with the various numerals of the Eastern peoples.
We therefore have this state of affairs: There was abundant intercourse between the East and West for [110]some centuries before the Hindu numerals appear in any manuscripts in Christian Europe. The numerals must of necessity have been known to many traders in a country like Italy at least as early as the ninth century, and probably even earlier, but there was no reason for preserving them in treatises. Therefore when a man like Gerbert made them known to the scholarly circles, he was merely describing what had been familiar in a small way to many people in a different walk of life.
Bishop, Robert C., “The Abacus and the Cross: The Story of the Pope Who Brought the Light of Science to the Dark Ages”, Christian Scholar’s Review, 41:2 , 219-222
Jagodziński, Grzegorz
Smith, David Eugene & Karpinski, Louis Charles (2013) The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
submitted by stlatos to HistoricalLinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:23 stlatos The abacus and unknown names of numbers

Gerbert of Aurillac, later Pope Sylvester II, introduced the abacus and decimal numbers to much of Europe. The odd thing is the name of the numbers he used: sipos = 0 (if used), igin = 1, andras = 2, (h)ormis = 3, arbas = 4, quimas = 5, cal(c)tis = 6, zenis = 7, temenias = 8, celentis = 9. Many are Arabic or Semitic (sipos : ṣifr, arbas : arbaˁu) and some are close to Aramaic or Akkadian, and all were once claimed to be Chaldean. Others are odd, and a few look Hungarian. I think Gothic could be better for some. Is this mix expected? It is possible Gerbert (at the time) picked these up from traders in Spain. A tradition based on numbers picked up from travels around the world is possible, but there’s no easy way to determine how old all are or who used them when. Since no study of the mathematics used by most people in the times and places likely to give these, there’s no way to know who THEY might also have borrowed from. Any old system that could be the source of all seems impossible, so a mix is needed, and a large mix is no more odd than a small one. A study might have implications for linguistics, since if cal(c)tis : Turkic *altï ‘6’, it could be from *xalxti, etc. Judge the ideas below yourself.
sipos : Arabic ṣifr ‘0’
igin : Hungarian egy, Akkadian išten ‘1’, Germanic *ainaga- / *ainiga- / etc. > *einig > *eigin ?
andras : Gothic anþar < PIE *H2antero- ‘other / 2nd’, Sanskrit anyá-, anyatará- < *antará-
(h)ormis : Hungarian három ‘3’
arbas : Arabic arbaˁu, Aramaic ʾarbəʿā ‘4’
quimas : Aramaic ḥamša, Akkadian ḫamšat, Latin quīnque ‘5’ (likely contamination between 2 groups)
cal(c)tis : Turkic *altï ‘6’
zenis : (many words with s-, š-, etc., but no close match; if -is is added based on other numbers, *zen would resemble Gmc. *sibun, or late Gothic cognate used in Spain)
temenias : Aramaic tǝmānyā, Akkadian samānat ‘8’
celentis : Hungarian kilenc ‘9’
Smith & Karpinski:
There was also a Bagdad merchant, one Abū 'l-Qāsim ‛Obeidallāh ibn Aḥmed, better known by his Persian name Ibn Khordāḍbeh,[400] who wrote about 850 A.D. a work entitled Book of Roads and Provinces[401] in which the following graphic account appears:[402] "The Jewish merchants speak Persian, Roman (Greek and Latin), Arabic, French, Spanish, and Slavic. They travel from the West to the East, and from the East to the West, sometimes by land, sometimes by sea. They take ship from France on the Western Sea, and they voyage to Farama (near the ruins of the ancient Pelusium); there they transfer their goods to caravans and go by land to Colzom (on the Red Sea). They there reëmbark on the Oriental (Red) Sea and go to Hejaz and to Jiddah, and thence to the Sind, India, and China. Returning, they bring back the products of the oriental lands.... These journeys are also made by land. The merchants, leaving France and Spain, cross to Tangier and thence pass through the African provinces and Egypt. They then go to Ramleh, visit Damascus, Kufa, Bagdad, and Basra, penetrate into Ahwaz, Fars, Kerman, Sind, and thus reach India and China." Such travelers, about 900 A.D., must necessarily have spread abroad a knowledge of all number [102]systems used in recording prices or in the computations of the market.
Even if Gerbert did not bring his knowledge of the Oriental numerals from Spain, he may easily have obtained them from the marks on merchant's goods, had he been so inclined. Such knowledge was probably obtainable in various parts of Italy, though as parts of mere mercantile knowledge the forms might soon have been lost, it needing the pen of the scholar to preserve them. Trade at this time was not stagnant. During the eleventh and twelfth centuries the Slavs, for example, had very great commercial interests, their trade reaching to Kiev and Novgorod, and thence to the East. Constantinople was a great clearing-house of commerce with the Orient,[423] and the Byzantine merchants must have been entirely familiar with the various numerals of the Eastern peoples.
We therefore have this state of affairs: There was abundant intercourse between the East and West for [110]some centuries before the Hindu numerals appear in any manuscripts in Christian Europe. The numerals must of necessity have been known to many traders in a country like Italy at least as early as the ninth century, and probably even earlier, but there was no reason for preserving them in treatises. Therefore when a man like Gerbert made them known to the scholarly circles, he was merely describing what had been familiar in a small way to many people in a different walk of life.Since Gerbert[431] was for a long time thought to have been the one to introduce the numerals into Italy,[432] a brief sketch of this unique character is proper. Born of humble parents,[433] this remarkable man became the counselor and companion of kings, and finally wore the papal tiara as Sylvester II, from 999 until his death in 1003.
To the figures on the apices were given the names Igin, andras, ormis, arbas, quimas, calctis or caltis, zenis, temenias, celentis, sipos,[470] the origin and meaning of which still remain a mystery. The Semitic origin of several of the words seems probable. Wahud, thaneine, [119]thalata, arba, kumsa, setta, sebba, timinia, taseud are given by the Rev. R. Patrick[471] as the names, in an Arabic dialect used in Morocco, for the numerals from one to nine. Of these the words for four, five, and eight are strikingly like those given above.
[470] Weissenborn uses sipos for 0. It is not given by Bernelinus, and appears in Radulph of Laon, in the twelfth century. See Günther's Geschichte, p. 98, n.; Weissenborn, p. 11; Pihan, Exposé etc., pp. xvi-xxii.In Friedlein's Boetius, p. 396, the plate shows that all of the six important manuscripts from which the illustrations are taken contain the symbol, while four out of five which give the words use the word sipos for 0. The names appear in a twelfth-century anonymous manuscript in the Vatican, in a passage beginning
Ordine primigeno sibi nomen possidet igin.
Andras ecce locum mox uendicat ipse secundum
Ormis post numeros incompositus sibi primus.
[Boncompagni Buttetino, XV, p. 132.] Turchill (twelfth century) gives the names Igin, andras, hormis, arbas, quimas, caletis, zenis, temenias, celentis, saying: "Has autem figuras, ut donnus [dominus] Gvillelmus Rx testatur, a pytagoricis habemus, nomina uero ab arabibus." (Who the William R. was is not known. Boncompagni Bulletino XV, p. 136.) Radulph of Laon (d. 1131) asserted that they were Chaldean (Propagation, p. 48 n.). A discussion of the whole question is also given in E. C. Bayley, loc. cit. Huet, writing in 1679, asserted that they were of Semitic origin, as did Nesselmann in spite of his despair over ormis, calctis, and celentis; see Woepcke, Propagation, p. 48. The names were used as late as the fifteenth century, without the zero, but with the superscript dot for 10's, two dots for 100's, etc., as among the early Arabs. Gerhardt mentions having seen a fourteenth or fifteenth century manuscript in the Bibliotheca Amploniana with the names "Ingnin, andras, armis, arbas, quinas, calctis, zencis, zemenias, zcelentis," and the statement "Si unum punctum super ingnin ponitur, X significat.... Si duo puncta super ... figuras superponunter, fiet decuplim illius quod cum uno puncto significabatur," in Monatsberichte der K. P. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, 1867, p. 40.
Bishop, Robert C., “The Abacus and the Cross: The Story of the Pope Who Brought the Light of Science to the Dark Ages”, Christian Scholar’s Review, 41:2 , 219-222
Jagodziński, Grzegorz
Smith, David Eugene & Karpinski, Louis Charles (2013) The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
submitted by stlatos to HistoricalLinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:14 LeKamiso not specifically mcr related but look what i bought from the library

not specifically mcr related but look what i bought from the library
bless ur heart courtney 🙏
submitted by LeKamiso to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:13 Lil_Mx_Gorey I keep posting things outside of this sub and this post got hate for the CPTSD part, so I thought I would post it here because it's beautiful to me.

I'm going to post the title and body below. It was such a positive experience and thought process and I got shat on for making the decisions I do and questions about my ability to be in a relationship at all. It was hurtful...
I'm monogamous but I think my relationship just became poly...
I've been with my husband for 14 years. I'm a trafficking survivor and spent years in trauma therapy only to figure out years into our relationship I am asexual on top of having trauma around sex from early childhood (3-15). I had learned to be completely comfortable with sex, but never got into it in the way I know one should... Like having an urge to do it or feeling much more than the squishyness of it all, lol.
We talked and we didn't want to split, I gave him the option to leave because I was afraid he would never feel wanted, but he reminded me I make him feel wanted in other ways. We're very happy to this day. To answer the obvious question, yes, we still have sex, he just has to ask and know I'll never be "in the mood" but I'll go "oh! Alright ☺️"
and... A favor because reddit is reddit... Please dont give me your take on this part of my life. I've spent 12 years in therapy figuring myself out, I KNOW what is and isn't good for me when it comes to this. I don't need nor do I want another perspective on my sex life. I'm good 👌.
That being said.... Enter the third party.
We met about 4 years ago and he stole my husband within about 2 months.
My husband is a cis straight male(he him), I am nb (pronouns don't matter to me) and just queer in general, and third party is nb(he him) and ace but hetero romantic.
He and my husband call each other husband, babe, say I love you, sometimes in a joking romantic way, sometimes in a genuine platonic way, but they're wholesome as fuck either way so I love it. They have always been close, not physically (we are in different countries, never actually met in person) but they're best friends. I had NEVER seen my husband have such a good bond with a friend before. I've seen him try, but no one ever understood him like this person. We're also close, but it's not terribly uncommon for me to form deep friendships.
Fast-forward four years... This friend and I are 1.5 years into writing a book together, we get together weekly and write for four hours. This weekend I did something I never thought I would do again.
I asked him if he wanted to be in a band...
I haven't had a band since I was a kid. I've played music since I was 8, and at 15 formed a band with some other very mentally ill kids I got to know in treatment.
I am the only one of the members to have turned 18.
My heart was torn from me 4 times in 2 years and I vowed to leave it dead in my past. I've written music solo ever since the last member passed. I don't like to think about it.
Since I've grown, healed, my friendships are MUCH deeper too, so it helps the healing.
But I've never met anyone (besides my husband) who can see through my forehead right into my brain like my face got a freakin window installed to my soul just for them... And even though he's never been trained and doesn't know any instruments, I've NEVER met a lyricist so talented. I finally asked him to be a band and he said yes! He knows what I've been through and we're going to be writing music about it. I explained the concept for my first song earlier today after he went to bed (he's 5 hours ahead so I send him messages after he's asleep all the time and get shit from him at 4am all the time.)
It's about how I hit my head in 2022 and lost my connection with language completely and as a result struggle to articulate myself, but found I had a drastic and immediate improvement in my drawing skills and musical abilities. I was crushed at the lost of language and the overwhelming need to create... I started to disconnect from the world.
He wrote a song that WAS MY BARE FUCKING SOUL in FUCKING 1 HOUR!
I asked my husband if he wants to add "I love you" in Icelandic to our wedding tattoos to include our best friend, he's down.
Then I spoke with my friend and have been wondering...
If you can emotionally cheat without romance or sex, can't you be in an emotionally polygamous relationship?
I have other best friends. I'm even writing a book with someone else, and I jam with another friend... But this... He is just different. He is part of my life, part of my husband's life. I love him on a level I didn't know I could love someone platonically... We all three feel this way about each other...
There is zero romance or attraction between him and myself & my husband, but we are EXTREMELY important to one another. We cry together, create together, laugh together... We hang out almost every day, we 100% all text every day... He wrote a sick diss rap about our entire friend group that I have listened to on repeat for the last week. He sounded the alarm when I took an unexpected nap while on suicide watch last year. He replaced his GPU and shipped his old one to my husband for free because it was a massive upgrade.
This is LOVE, but it'll never be love 😘🌹and none of us want it to be, but like... I'd legally marry him if I could as long as my husband got to too. I'd live with him, not just as a roommate, but I'd cook for him like I do for my husband and we would all pick meals together (it's my love language). I would do a lot of the emotional and general work one would do in a relationship OUTSIDE of anything sexual. I might be able to learn to hug him, but touch is not how I express love nor does it make me feel loved so idk why I'd do that unless he expressed interest.
Wtf is going on here? My brain is running in circles. 🙃 I know how I feel, I know love pretty damn well I think... But this feels crazy even for my insanity ridden brain 🫠
submitted by Lil_Mx_Gorey to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:48 ranc1 Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds

Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds
Quick recap. We can see the complex social anxiety trauma as a rollercoaster map. The rollercoaster wagons are where our inner parts, our inner children sit during the ride. The rollercoaster tracks is the autopilot ride during the socialization. Outer elements like clouds and bad weather are external elements that influence quality of our ride. Rollercoaster loops are effects of social anxiety like physical symptoms. And repeating the ride is Repetition compulsion.
Wagons (carts) are composed of: ♦MASKING
While external elements are composed of: ♦INNER CRITIC
These interact with each other - external elements influence our thoughts and pattern of thinking (wagons). In a sketch, it would look like this:
Rollercoaster as social anxiety analogy.
When I started to create the rollercoaster analogy I did not see the connection at first. This was apparent to me only when the sketch was finished. Let's examine the external factors.
First of all, CBT is ignoring the external factors. CBT explains social anxiety as our personal defect - and our own responsibility - CBT explains that we can "cure" social anxiety if we only have will power. Unfortunately - this easy approach does not work in real life and this CBT explanation only adds to more trauma and shame.
This CBT approach of blaming the individual for social anxiety is called Dispositional attribution: Dispositional attribution is a phrase in personality psychology that refers to the tendency to assign responsibility for others' behaviors due to their inherent characteristics, such as their motives, beliefs or personality, rather than the external influences, such as the individual's environment or culture.
When we take a holistic perspective, when we take into consideration external factors, then this is called Situational attribution: the ascription of one's own or another's behavior, an event, or an outcome to causes outside the person concerned, such as luck, pressure from other people, or external circumstances. Also called environmental attribution; external attribution.
It is important to note at this point - that I am not telling that we need to blame other people for our social anxiety. Neither that we need to control and manipulate other people to become healthy and sane in order for us to become healthy, too. We cannot change other people - sick, mentally ill people with personality disorders will hardly likely ever change, they can't. They are trapped inside their fantasy and they refuse to grow up.
When we try to change other people, this is called Alloplastic defense: Alloplastic adaptation: The subject tries to change the situation, i.e. the external environment.
When we try to change ourselves, in order to fit in into groupthink herd mentality, this is called Autoplastic adaptation: Autoplastic adaptation is a form of adaptation where the subject attempts to change itself when faced with a difficult situation.
What I am saying that we do not change other people, and that we do not change ourselves too. My approach in social anxiety is education and learning about what is troubling us - in order to have self compassion for ourselves and to understand that our problems, issues, hang-ups, isolation, panic, self-hatred - all stem from exposure to abnormal sick people. And due to exposure to mentally ill people in childhood - we never learned how to handle difficult people or how to develop our persona. Instead - we put ourselves aside in order to please and fix and soothe the mentally ill people around us. So our only job here is to take well-being away from parasites and into our own hands - that we take care of our own needs in order to filter out toxic people and form solid, firm interdependent connections with healthy individuals. With ACE and ACoA - we will tend to fuse and connect with toxic people - because this is where we feel normal and "ourselves", when we please others and when we are around hysterical people who always create drama and problems out of nothing.
My conclusion about social anxiety after examining all the evidence - is that social anxiety stems from the external source: toxic people. The put us into state of defense, and we resort to dysfunctional coping mechanisms. The fact that we are in defensive mode is a sign that we are fighting against the virus. Fighting against intrusive parasitical predatory personalities will keep us in emotional dysregulation and away from Ventral Vagal (feeling safe around other people). Exposure to hostile antagonistic personalities will "naturally" form the inner critic inside us - as internalized voice of discipline, we will end up with toxic shame (feeling inept and unworthy at our core) and general apathy - the passive immobile attitude of isolation and avoidance: 'why try in life' anyway. Exposed to toxic people over long period of time we will develop persona of emotional reactivity. And this corresponds to narcissistic abuse - death of 1000 cuts.
External elements are:
♦INNER CRITIC Even though it is called "inner" - this recording stuck in loop was recorded in our childhood when we were around parents who did not mirror our needs, we were emotionally neglected. Instead of love and interest we received the discipline and message that we are only accepted and validated when we are silent, when we make no problems, when we try hard to please others and when we make no mistakes or any kind of disturbance. A parent with undiagnosed untreated Aspergers will display all characteristic of narcissistic parent with additional flavor: hysteria regarding time and being punctual, hysteria regarding loud sounds, hysteria regarding creating or doing anything unusual and not foreseen. So of course, in childhood when the child is supposed to learn through mistakes and to be loud and to make noise - trying to survive with adult who is 5 year old spoiled selfish egocentric toddler trapped in adult body will result with us introjecting this adult toddler's voice inside our head. Inner critic - even though it is internalized voice - the voice comes from the external element: abuser(s). Inner critic is like Trojan Horse inside our mind implanted by toxic people. Broken record that was programmed in our mind to play itself on loop replay. But it does not feel like external. Without reading the psychology books - this inner voice will be easily mislabeled as our conscience or general feeling of anxiety and unease, that we are doing something wrong no matter how much we try to avoid making mistakes. That whatever we did - was wrong. And whatever we will do - it will never be good enough. The inner critic will influence hence our Self - our persona, our personality. And with trauma - we do not have our true identity inside us. We have coping mechanisms and make-shift persona that serves only to avoid danger and criticism - so inner critic is influencing our false self. Schizoid empty core. Basically this means we will lack leadership and taking charge of our ship, our inner GPS will be in the hands of inner critic and toxic people around us whom we will worship as our gods and police who approves anything about our choices in life. CBT does not explain this. CBT explains us that we lack confidence and social anxiety coaches will try to tell us that we need to develop self-esteem - without taking into consideration that we do not have the house of Self to host the self esteem or self worth in the first place. And nobody explained this fact - that we lack the Self - we lack Identity - we lack Persona, our own likes and dislikes, our anger, our disagreements, our needs - they are gone - these are not inside us. When we start to build our true likes and dislikes, when we allow ourselves to be angry at unfair people, when we start to disagree and when we take care of our well being - we will start to build our Persona. And then the inner critic and toxic people will not harm us in such extent as now - it would be like having a solid house when there is storm outside. Now we are out in the cold and we try to hide below someone's larmieeaves, or someone else's umbrella. Nobody told us to have our own umbrella and to build our own house inside to dwell for ourselves - so that we do not seek external validation from the others. Nobody told us that expressing anger and acknowledging the anger is what we need to do - it does not take much to build our inner house, there is no hard science in it. This is why narcissists and psychopaths use anger a lot. They understand at some level that this provides them confidence - however the difference here is that agenda of anti-social personalities is to harm and control other people. With social anxiety - our agenda is normal and healthy: to resolve issues, to find peace and harmony and to live in harmony with others, Ventral Vagal. Predatory personalities are looking for supply - they are unable to build the solid house inside since they reject vulnerable parts of themselves, which they see as weak, inept, shameful, sissy, feminine, gay, abnormal and sick. This self hatred and self rejection keeps them mentally ill, and they choose to build fake superior self in order to seek admiration from other people. Which of course is dysfunctional and cannot function. Our purpose in life is to be authentic and to contribute to society, to help each other and to chisel/sculpture each other in better people (Michelangelo Phenomena). Narcissists on the other hand believe in Crab mentality (to pull other people down), greed and accumulating money and to exert/exercise power in order to command the others. When we grew up with selfish egocentric angry people (5 year old toddlers trapped in adult body) - we will learn to hate our own anger and to push it down - since we would be punished repeatedly for showing our own anger - which narcissists cannot tolerate in others, even in children. Anger means boundaries and end of ruling domain and narcissists see this as threat to their existence. So in ACE and ACoA - our anger will be destroyed first. And without anger we won't be able to build our true authentic persona, personality or identity.
■DOUBLE BINDING This external element is gaslighting. Always finding faults with facts and reality. This dualism leads to self-pathology that gives birth to inner critic and toxic shame. Leads to wrong decisions, leads to self sabotage. It is control, manipulation, misrepresentation, misdiagnosis, bias, lies, stigma. I made a list of double binding examples on my blog and I've made topic here at reddit. Closely connected to double binding/dualism is concept called Hyper-cognition: "Bias toward what is known may lead to wrong and delayed diagnoses that bring harmful consequences". This is what is happening in CBT, when social anxiety is explained as cognitive distortion problem. When we lack any kind of diagnosis at all is called Hypo-cognition (hypocognition (uncountable) (psychology, linguistics) Inability to discuss or process a concept because of lacking a word for it.). Another example of hyper-cognition is when abused, traumatized women are quickly diagnosed as BPD because 1) symptoms of complex trauma are the same as in DSM for BPD - hypercognition - and DSM is missing the concept of Complex Trauma to make distinction in the first place - hypocognition. 2) it is easier to throw a shaming diagnosis on someone in order to shut him up than to actually do the deep work and see what is really going on. Narcissists and psychopaths use dualism a lot - this is how they keep being trapped in their confirmation bias and their justification and rationalization of their criminal acts. Instead of taking responsibility - they will use blame of someone's errors or lack of education or insight as their fault for any problem that happens. And if the target has no self inside, no education in the psychology or matter at hand, it is easy to end up feeling toxic guilt and toxic shame for being the "wrong". Double binding will lead to dysregulation - we will be emotionally dysregulated. CBT both does not recognize neither dualism nor dysregulation. I never heard this two concepts in billions of self-help books that I read or countless CBT articles about social anxiety. This video explains amazingly problem with double binding:
Unlike gaslighting and double binds which stop the moment we cut our abusers out of our lives, shame can persist long after we've ditched our abusers. Even after their death.
Because the coping technique is in itself a source of shame, it can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle. Shame provokes the coping technique which in turn provokes more shame. One of the most twisted kinds of shame instilled in targets of abuse is the shame of sticking up for yourself.
🟥 malignant shame
Let me fetch an example of dualism from my blog -
On one corner we have: to be free means to be lacking constitutive identity (Ortega) at the other side there is: DSM personality disorder
Where is the truth? Who holds the Book of truth? Who is the authority and power to tell us what is true?
In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma is a thought experiment intended to demonstrate the theoretical impossibility of proving any truth, even in the fields of logic and mathematics, without appealing to accepted assumptions Münchhausen trilemma (wiki)
● TOXIC SHAME Toxic shaming comes from the external source: mentally ill people. Any person who is toxically ashaming other person - is a sign that the accusations come from unbalanced person. There has to be some kind of distortion and abnormality in anyone who is acting like wounded animal and trying to mentally destroy the other person - it is no different than physical assault. With toxic shame we end up with chronic burden, where we cannot relax at all, we are in state of hypervigilance and walking on egg shelves, but it is not depression - it is caused by hysterical person. We end up with desire to be perfect and superior - and narcissism is build on severe toxic shame. We end up avoiding someone's criticism and we try defensive mechanisms in order to pre-emptively avoid someone's attack. Toxic shaming will influence our toxic shame wagon, placeholder of our thought patterns which we will carry along on rollercoaster ride (socialization). I see Toxic shame and Inner critic as the two most powerful factors that skew and distort our sense of security - and we end up with what appears as social anxiety symptoms. We cannot control other people to stop shaming us. People who shame us - believe that we are the toxic. They see us as a threat. They believe that we are doing something to threaten their standard of living. So no wonder that we will end up silent, with self-censorship and making ourselves small and invisible and we will avoid social situations - because we are not narcissists. We do not want to harm other people, we do not want them to feel hurt or abused. I see Sam Vaknin Nothingness concept and Dr Ramani Radical acceptance - as the only available cure for toxic shame stemming from other people. Sam Vaknin concept tells us that we understand how our life is not enmeshed with others and that other people's anger is their own responsibility contained inside their own world - which we cannot enmesh with even if we try to trauma bond with others. We simply cannot enter into other person's mind and their perception of the world - there is a barrier between us and other people, which philosopher Kant discovered 200 year ago.
For Kant, what is external to us is external to space and time also, and can never be known as a thing-in-itself. DK THE PHILOSOPHY BOOK
Dr Ramani talks about Radical acceptance - as understanding that we are okay with toxic people being toxic - in order to pull our focus and resources away from toxic people - and that we invest the same energy into our well being and our goals in life. It is understanding that toxic people will hurt and harm us and they will be painful - but the difference is that we no longer linger on their drama and baiting. As soon as we try to understand or fix or help toxic people - we end up in Shared Fantasy with them, without us being aware that we are inside someone's fantasy and their delusion.
♦ ABUSE This is very overt external element - it includes when toxic people blame us - and toxic people are pathological liars and successful manipulators. Their glib charm as Halo Effect will allow other people (witnesses) to believe them rather than us. Abuse is DARVO - toxic people will never admit being wrong and they will always deflect the problem onto others. Abuse is also Mate crime. With social anxiety - when we are insecure about who we are and our anger is suppressed - we will attract toxic people who will exploit our time, money, energy and focus. The abuse will influence our Masking. We will try hard to either please the abuser with people pleasing and fawning - in order that they do not seriously harm us. Or we will enter into battles with them - where they will use our anger as proof that we are abnormal and sick and that they are innocent victims.
■ PAST TRAUMA Flashbacks. Being triggered. CBT does not talk about this issue at all. I first learned about this only 3 years ago when I started to research social anxiety from deeper resources that led me to the discovery of CPTSD. Past trauma is ACE and ACoA. There is online quick test for ACE. Trauma will influence our HSP aspect. It will make unclear whether we are too sensitive so we experience trauma as trauma - or the trauma itself cause us to be hypersensitive to the abuse.
● TOXIC PEOPLE I deliberately make separation from the Abuse and Toxic people. Toxic people do not wear sign toxic on their forehead. All toxic people will appear as angels due to glib charm - in order to secure supply from other people. Toxic people will scan our needs - and offer them for cheap in order to hook us up. The only way to handle them is to allow them to be toxic. We cannot change them. We need to focus on our life and cut or minimize exposure to toxic people as much as possible. Toxic people will deliberately trigger pain and trauma as coercive control manipulation to paralyze the victim with shaming and criticism. When someone is angry at me I feel RSD: and it is automatic belief that my values are worthless, that I am not allowed to speak, or do what I like and that I am not equal to other people and must behave as slave, victim and lower class citizen by being quiet and servile and non-assuming. This is where masking and people pleasing kicks in coupled with revenge fantasy and rancour and making the offender my central focus and me as victim that must be atoned and I need to make the offender like me and accept me and validate me – in any way possible, including not showing my anger and not telling my side of story for the fear of offending the offender. Or later on – when offender makes the mistake that I am not allowed to point it out and cause them same cruelty back by talking facts about their mistakes. Offender is bunch of nobody – great for feedback, learning from mistakes, but their ad hominem arguments are irrelevant. Toxic people influence our rollercoaster wagon cart of Toxic duty, and toxic responsibility. We end up with toxic shame and toxic guilt and we believe in their double binding, in their explanation of reality and their truth - and then we feel duty and responsibility to run their virus program or else. Toxic people will punish us if we do not fawn to them. They will punish us if we are not sad or hysterical or frightened. If they are in any place of power - they will use this against us in order to control us. Toxic people seek control and manipulation - this is how they feel good inside, by creating coercive control. They will bait us and use honeymoon period to keep us hooked like on drugs. We need education in narcissistic abuse and recognizing the red flags.
From my own experience I know this is true - with social anxiety trauma - we never learned the red flags. We were raised in toxic ambient and with toxic people around us who were bad models for us in our formative years. Instead of validation and unconditional love we learned the opposite: to be invalidated and that we must earn love and appreciation and validation from others and beg for it from others. That we must perform circus tricks and then and only then perhaps be rewarded with small percentage of mirroring and validation from them. We will believe this is normal way of interacting with others - and it is no wonder that we have social anxiety now.
Up next, I would explore the mess - the loops inside the rollercoaster of social anxiety and then analyze what happens to us when we are not aware of the rollercoaster at all. When we lack the education in psychology and we have no words to describe what is happening to us. Lisa Romano calls this living below the veil of consciousness and I love that term - because we will operate with the veil over our eyes.
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