Picture oa cell with its simple parts

Smarter Every Day - Getting smarter while having fun

2011.07.04 08:09 MrPennywhistle Smarter Every Day - Getting smarter while having fun


2010.03.16 05:02 terraserenus Square Foot Gardening

Square Foot Gardening (SFG) is one of the simplest things you will ever learn that will improve your life. This sub is for conversation around SFG specifically. Anyone interested in SFG should read the book "Square Foot Gardening" by Mel Bartholomew. Currently in its third edition, it's the original resource on the SFG method, and remains the primary resource for SFG enthusiasts.

2017.11.11 14:59 goldfishpaws A subreddit dedicated to compo face!

Quick and dirty sub for more compoface local press botherers. What is compoface? Generally, a mere picture of people with a funny headline doesn’t cut it. Compoface in a nutshell is “I believe that I have a legitimate grievance and I’m going to stand here looking mildly annoyed while the local press take my picture and I hope that I receive financial COMPensation for my troubles”. Bonus points for frowny faces, crossed arms, pointing at or standing close to the thing that’s caused them woes.

2024.06.09 16:14 Straw_hat89 34[M4F] Mexico/Anywhere - Searching for my forever Netflix, and life partner.

Hello there,
I hope you're having an amazing weekend either enjoying all the activities that make you happy, or simply by just relaxing at home, and being lazy because why not, right? We all deserve to be lazy sometimes, but please don't neglect the classic Sunday routine... Yeah, I'm talking about cleaning, and doing laundry lol. But don't worry, I think we can enjoy a beautiful Sunday together.
About me:
Ok, let's start by putting a name and a face to whoever is writing this: My name is Miguel, and I'm just a 34 years old guy enjoying a peaceful, and simple life in a small town in Mexico. Here are a few pics because I know that for some people physical attraction is important. But keep in mind that those pics are all good angles and lightning, so maybe I'll have to send you a selfie after just waking up to show you my reality haha.
In terms of personality people describe me, primarily, as a really chatty, goofy, and curious person. But also as caring, supportive, empathic, and attentive. I value honesty, good communication, respect, loyalty, kindness, and empathy. So I'd love to find someone who's in the same channel because I'd love to receive what I can provide.
I consider myself a homebody type of person: I love to spend plenty of time at home watching Netflix, baseball games, interesting (they are random but I prefer to call them that) YT videos, sometimes listening to music, and I have been getting into reading recently (It helps me to sleep better). When I'm not at home I like to go for walks around town or spending time at the plaza or the park. On rare occasions I go to the city either to go to the movies, a baseball game, or just to buy clothes.
I have been slowly getting back into working out after some time dealing with injuries, so I'm taking things slowly, and being mindful about my body. Important to mention I workout at home, so if you're into that we can maybe be gym buddies. Another thing I'm getting back into learning new languages. On top of Spanish and English, I also speak Portuguese, a bit of French, and I'm currently starting with Norwegian (people say it's easy so why not).
Last but not least, animals are a really important part of my life, especially dogs, and even when I don't have pets of my own just yet, my family and I, we take care of a couple of stray dogs, and one feral cat (I'm pretty sure my parents love them more than they love me). So cute dog and cat pictures are always on the menu.
I hope the post is not too long, but I really wanted to share some random facts about myself just to make you laugh and learn a bit more about me.
submitted by Straw_hat89 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:13 Straw_hat89 34[M4F] Mexic/Anywhere - Let's go on picnics during Sundays!

Hello there,
I hope you're having an amazing weekend either enjoying all the activities that make you happy, or simply by just relaxing at home, and being lazy because why not, right? We all deserve to be lazy sometimes, but please dont neglect the classic Sunday routine... Yeah, I'm talking about cleaning, and doing laundry lol. But dont worry, I think we can enjoy a beautiful Sunday together.
About me:
Ok, let's start by putting a name and a face to whoever is writing this: My name is Miguel, and I'm just a 34 years old guy enjoying a peaceful, and simple life in a small town in Mexico. Here are a few pics because I know that for some people physical attraction is important. But keep in mind that those pics are all good angles and lightning, so maybe I'll have to send you a selfie after just waking up to show you my reality haha.
In terms of personality people describe me, primarily, as a really chatty, goofy, and curious person. But also as caring, supportive, empathic, and attentive. I value honesty, good communication, respect, loyalty, kindness, and empathy. So I'd love to find someone who's in the same channel because I'd love to receive what I can provide.
I consider myself a homebody type of person: I love to spend plenty of time at home watching Netflix, baseball games, interesting (they are random but I prefer to call them that) YT videos, sometimes listening to music, and I have been getting into reading recently (It helps me to sleep better). When I'm not at home I like to go for walks around town or spending time at the plaza or the park. On rare occasions I go to the city either to go to the movies, a baseball game, or just to buy clothes.
I have been slowly getting back into working out after some time dealing with injuries, so I'm taking things slowly, and being mindful about my body. Important to mention I workout at home, so if you're into that we can maybe be gym buddies. Another thing I'm getting back into learning new languages. On top of Spanish and English, I also speak Portuguese, a bit of French, and I'm currently starting with Norwegian (people say it's easy so why not).
Last but not least, animals are a really important part of my life, especially dogs, and even when I don't have pets of my own just yet, my family and I, we take care of a couple of stray dogs, and one feral cat (I'm pretty sure my parents love them more than they love me). So cute dog and cat pictures are always on the menu.
I hope the post is not too long, but I really wanted to share some random facts about myself just to make you laugh and learn a bit more about me.
submitted by Straw_hat89 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 CakeKeepers Mastering Prom: Tips from the Leading Community Member

Gm Prom Community!
It’s Savage a.k.a. CakeKeepers, your fellow Prom community degen and current top competitor on the Prom Zealy leaderboard with 230K+ points!
I've been actively involved in the Prom ecosystem for a long time, engaging in testnet missions, and staying involved in our amazing community.
Today, I’m here to share some tips and tricks on how you can excel in Prom Zealy and become an integral part of the Prom ecosystem.
Let’s dive in!
First things first, Understanding Prom Zealy and Its Importance:
Prom Zealy is our interactive questboard where you can participate in various tasks, earn points, and climb the leaderboard. It’s a fun and rewarding way to engage with Prom and make a real impact.
The Value of Prom’s Zealy Tasks?
The campaign has been successful because many frens are completing these social-based tasks and spreading the word about Prom.
Here’s what you should do:
Create a Solid Profile on Your Socials:
Get Prepared Before You Start:
Execute Like a Pro:
Excelling in Testnet Missions:
What is the Importance of Testnet?
Testnet missions are crucial for testing new features and providing feedback to prevent major errors or bugs on the mainnet. Nobody wants to see any problems on any network’s mainnet. So be sure that you are indeed active on this side.
Share your knowledge with others!
Write tutorials or guides from your experiences. Include clear instructions and screenshots. Mentor newcomers and answer their questions. Respect each other and be nice to all. There is no stupid questions.
Leveraging Community Resources:
Maximizing Rewards and Building Reputation:
So, the conclusion:
Becoming a top competitor on Prom Zealy and a leading community member involves active participation, being dedicated and consistent, strategic quest completion, and continuous learning and sharing. Not only completing some simple tasks daily.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Every contribution helps build a better Prom ecosystem!
That’s it from me, Savage. Keep pushing folks, stay engaged, and let’s continue to make the Prom community stronger together!
submitted by CakeKeepers to u/CakeKeepers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 Zeedorg Entitled origin family think they have rights to control my beliefs, values and lifestyle as an adult.

I have recently evolved my beliefs in the last 5-6 years where I no longer consider myself religious, in regards to religious beliefs while also just considering myself spiritual.
I do not follow a title of what I am or anything, but believe in my soul that it's important to do meaningful celebrations and traditions that align with my lifestyle, values, personal beliefs in order to honor my personhood and a healthy balance of ensuring I don't self-abandon myself.
I don't want to put myself into a box ever again, so I just focus on being intuned with myself.
I now think that life is just way too short to do stuff just because that's how you were raised or was taught to do.
I've overcome a lot of religious abuse as well as the mindset in which I was raised and that of my origin family. Some of my most traumatic life experiences happened on the account of my 'upbringing', the beliefs I was raised to believe, a result of religious abuse and generational trauma, where those dogmatic scriptures, beliefs and texts led me to continually go down roads that did not protect me for the simple fact that they pushed 'self-sacrifice' and 'religious-pleasing lifestyles' that do not compliment, protect, and support positive outcomes for women, and sometimes children. I was taught to just do it because that's what the religion inspires, or what the social constructs say to do.
It did not help that I just didn't know any better-I've let go the regret of this innocent ignorance and grief that it initially brought on. Looking back, I cringe at the decisions, choices, and 'enduring' I had survived from that awful upbringing-I now recognize that as, the 'hidden abuse' for a good internal family image-that I too was not aware of until recently, and just the disgusting dysfunctional family dynamic that has revealed itself since I've started to slash those generational curses.
I was abused by one parent growing up by the way, and told the other who did nothing but 'took ME to my extended family's church'. They never stopped it, protected me or stood up for me. Now, much later in adulthood I'm realizing that both of them were abusive, just in different ways and I understand my psycho-emotional disconnect from them and my origin family in general because I spoke up when it happened, even later in early adulthood and I never realized the pattern of describing me as 'dramatic' or continually trying to treat me like a child despite my very grown-up adult age, were and is their way of trying to force suppression of my voice, independence, growth, healness, and strength. My other siblings are dismissive and become extremely argumentative or defensive with any mention of how we grew up, or verbally attack me/talk about me to other family members like I'm the one with the issues.
I've finally realized that my growth, healness, counseling and adult therapy is a threat to the fake image they've all created after all these years. I am at peace, extremely successful and have overcome many things that would typically break the average person. Any reinforcement of boundaries, standing up for myself or attempt to distance myself from my parents since realizing how f'd up they did me when this was happening-even with my forgiving them for this throughout my life.
However, the older I get, when they continue to display the same patterns that were present during the abuse, now, including the thought of why did I even allow them a relationship with me in my life as an adult-because I get so disgusted with even the thought I'd ever allow a child to be abused by my spouse and let alone, stay married to them for decades afterwards. It's really pathetic when I think about how different of a compassionate and truly loving person that I've become. I couldn't even fathom...but here's more of how all my realizations have led me to where I am now:
I am SO glad that I am the VERY manifestation of 'WHEN you know BETTER, you DO better'...oh how the magicalness and bravery of individuals like Maya Angelou, Terrance Howard, and other past/currently alive ascended masters, who did and are leaving the breadcrumbs that nourish the souls of humanity on Earth today... The awakening and true freedom of thought and consciousness of myself has not only changed, but has elevated my existence, and my life.
I now experience the divine nature of love and revelation on a spiritual level that has brought abundance to me in every way and at every level.
I've done so much work, healing, therapy, service, reflection and growth, that the peace I feel daily, is what I never imagined happiness would be like.
To purely love and evolve as I truly am and meant to be, it's frustrating when the one group who we're taught is supposed to 'really' be your people, have been everything but that.
In the last 4 years, my life before now had been turned upside-down. In retrospect from now, I see why, as it had catapulted me into the healed, peaceful and abundant life that I have now.
...But, when everything started to happen, I really thought they were there for me. I went to them for guidance and advice-I hadn't awakened to my newfound wisdom-filled reality at this point yet-and they appeared caring, so I thought...
I went to them because I thought they were the only people in my life by this point, who truly loved me 'unconditionally'. Much happened. I took some of their advice in the very beginning, but at the same time I started to remember who the ... I am...and it was on and popping from there, Baby!
From the multiple crises that I'd found myself in all those years ago: I went to therapy, did counseling, shadow work and started reparenting my inner child. I journaled and started to meditate and the answers flowed through me. I allowed the plan for my life to take shape and one after another, I started to solve my problems, so gracefully, all while growing, healing, and finding the peace that I had in my life before these many situations developed. However, it was on a whole other level, an intrinsic peace that scaffolded into a snowball of peace in every area I've ever struggled.
In the last year though, I have survived what I would consider my dark night of the soul and I feel remembered, like, renewed into the person I always had been, but wasn't aware of until now.
I now have strong boundaries that not only protect me, but they also hold me accountable to gracefully standing up for myself, my own personhood, my values, my beliefs, and that which keep me committed to the lessons I learned so painfully over these last few years, just from the 'not knowing any better' and...whew...religion, patriarchy, and so much more of how I was raised that pain-wrenchingly just set me up for failure in this life, if I never had made a change.
I'm SO happy I learned about just how all these constructs and societal blockages were NOT for my flourishing in life, on my own. Finally, the realization.
The more healed, awakened, and spiritual I became, the more I realized the family system that I was raised in, saw me as a threat. Looking back, so much of what I went through and was done to me was beyond messed up and downright wrong and abusive.
So now, there's this awkwardness of not knowing the true extent of the abuse in how I was raised...
...I did try to call out the obvious stuff as I got older, but I didn't understand that I was covertly bullied and gaslit when I tried to stand up originally...I was always told I need to 'forgive and forget'...and what would ... do? And... 'as a .... we are here to love thy neighbor...' bluh blue bluh...-My whole life, I didn't realize that I was the family scapegoat until 2024.
No matter how much I tried with the things I knew were outwardly morally wrong then, it wasn't until therapy that anyone in addition to myself validated my experiences; that abuse is abuse, every last form of it, and it doesn't matter in what context it happens: religious or political and about 20 other different forms, is not okay...
-So back to the awkwardness of having this lifelong 'close family' that I once thought was so strong and healthy, loving, both parents still together and 'in love', all 8 siblings with decent relationships, my whole life...UNTIL I LITERALLY woke up within the last year to REALIZE how JACKED UP they were and are. Thinking back to all the times I was not supported or protected, I was the one in the family, out of all 10 who was ever truly genuine, purely intentioned, loved unconditionally...and had no complex with CONTROL...just, it was just me...
Ask me how I know...
The very situations I've found myself in these last 6 years, when I deconstructed from all things religious and political or anti-dignity, when I started to stand up against things without fear, that were not okay, or for the true safety and benefit of humanity of living beings...EVERYTHING started to crumble and I BECAME public energy number one in my origin family. At first it was covert while they 'mistakenly forgot my boundaries' or 'didn't know what I'm doing now'...or the 'assuming and then making up their own thing and spreading the lie-behind my back"...
Also, any attempt to speak up and honor the abuse and neglect in childhood that I've overcome and have healed from and ask simple acknowledgment for from my parents, turns into excessive triangulation bringing everyone into the mix (again, in the shadows without my knowledge and behind my back), to point out my downfalls I literally just overcome and healed from these last 4 years, and then continue making up lies about me, spreading false rumors to extended family I don't engage with, don't have a relationship with, or whom I've cut off for being too toxic never changing... making more false grandiose accusations, saying I've talked about or down about people, made claims that I'm better than everyone, that it's all about me...etc...literally because all I did was reiterate my boundaries I've set, called people out for it, who have done toxic things to me. This is in addition to being accused of being all kinds of things because I've 'distanced' myself (from people who are not kind to me and who talk about me behind my back and have called me cruel names for calling them out on the toxic behavior they display towards me for being my own person and holding my ground on my own decisions as a full 30+ year old adult with my own family).
-I literally have a ~8+ minute voice-mail of an origin family member talking to someone about the hardships I've survived in the last 6 years because they unknowingly butt-dailed me last month and I received it and haven't confronted them yet, because I know it'll be a waste of time).
They have everyone sharing lies about me between the family, calling me after not hearing from them for months and trying to start arguments over nonexistent issues we've never had, taking a statement out of context and championing as a 'see see see she's doing this or that to me when they are the one calling me out of the blue (after already having done previous things to me that I yet again addressed and was ignored about, never chaning the behavior or apologizing) and trying to start stuff with me while I was minding my own business...
...all this from a recent holiday that I no longer celebrate that they're fully aware of.
They know I'm no longer religious, I have different beliefs and values now and instead of respecting it, they spread rumors, accusations, lies, unproven opinions, attempting various forms of triangulation to target me.
What makes it worse is that my relationship with my parents are so strained. They both took part in the abuse I suffered as a child. Being that I thought I had a really good relationship with one of them until this recent realization (I realized recently that they both were guilty, not just the one who committed it, the other always acted like they didn't know-but they did and admitted it recently). No say strained is an understatement honestly, but I had trying to at least be LC because of their relationship with my own family I've had since adulthood.
However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to even be around their religious talk and 'fake I love all my neighbors, I practice the daily religious routines everyday and read the text daily I'm so devout' act...
On the outside they look like they are just the epitome of devout faith individuals and they are living in according to what religious dogma aim for, all while secretly knowing what they did and allowed in our household-all my memories are very clear to this day, especially since I've awakened.
First Xmas was an issue even though that was a boundary for me. I suggested they were welcomed to celebrate the winter solstice with me, they declined, and I respected that. I offered a nice dinner the week beforehand as an alternative.
Then it was Easter, I declined (as I've reminded them that I hold different beliefs and values now which have really cultivated my lifestyle being different from theirs now, and reminded them that it is not difficult for me to respect their beliefs and values; that I expect the same level of respect from them). As an alternative, since they too were interested in celebrating for a totally different holiday/celebration, as I honor the spring solstice, I suggested a nice lunch on a regular unanchored day to any meaning, and to drive to the country and have a day of exploration where we could end with a dessert picnic on a rolling hill in the place I mentioned. They declined.
Since fully coming out the spiritual closet, most of my origin family has either lied about their communication service being interrupted, they have to work-most don't have jobs, or that they are so busy in their schedules, but are on social media all day-secretly being judgemental talking about people in general (strangers on the internet) who are in very difficult life/hard personal situations where they judge them based on the patriarchal and religious dogma we were raised in. It's really sad to me I have no more interest in engaging with negative people.
But what's really pathetic is they make up rumors and lies about me and start drama for my having my own separate lifestyle now everytime a national political holiday (tied to some form of historical trauma) or a religious holiday comes around as they (mentally try to) attack me because I didn't celebrate or 'honor' them-all while not knowing I have proof of every last one of them talking about me badly behind my back with lies and/or spreading rumors about me that aren't true. Literally.
The last straw was the most recent holiday, not calling or contacting them because I refuse to have or remind them for the 1,000,000th time about that boundary and standing up for my beliefs-it's so exhausting.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to live around positive, encouraging and accepting people who live by love and honoring everyone's humanity no matter their religion, gender, sex, background, status, etc...and just being kind to people in general, as long as they're not murdering or harming others (outside of self defense, like TRUE self-defense and not the kind cruel people try to use as a cover to inflict harm), everyone has a right to believe in and have the values that make them feel safe and whole.
Long story short, I know I am not the AH for standing my ground and protecting my personhood and that NO ONE on earth is entitled to what I believe, value, or what I choose to celebrate or not.
*I'd like to add a note that I have done especially deep, caring, loving, and acknowledgingly beautiful actions throughout every year my whole entire life and not just since this recent change in these last few years, like 12-20 times a year.
I no longer try to keep explaining or trying to defend why I'm defending myself against disrespect and people who are not gentle towards me like I've been with them throughout my life, always there, always the one to support.
I just do not care anymore, if I have to be along or start my (chosen) family this time around, I will. I just despise drama and toxicity. I will not let it permeate into the peaceful life I've fault to build.
(Thank you if you've made it this far)
-The Recently Realized Family Scapegoat and origin family generational curse-breaker
submitted by Zeedorg to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 blueberrycutiepie I can't choose between these 2 tattoo artists

The first one seems great, seems to have a few good reviews on Reddit (I was looking through posts for tattoo artists in my city) and his pics on Insta look great as well (he clearly has had a lot of experience and seems like he can work well with such intricate designs). The 2nd artist also seems great (only one person suggested him on Reddit though). He only has 300 pics on Insta compared to the first one (who has over a thousand, maybe he hasn't been as long of a tattoo artist ?) but for some reason, his work stands out to me even more. I don't know if just it's the editing of the pictures/filters, or maybe I just like the type of designs he works with more, but it stands out to me.
My design is a pretty simple fine-line tattoo (they both seem like they'd be able to work with it) but I also want someone artistic enough to put their own twist on it to pop out more (if possible, I'm not a very artsy person). Which one should I go with?
submitted by blueberrycutiepie to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 christinarenae95 Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens Free Audiobook and Review

"Where the Crawdads Sing" by Delia Owens is a powerful novel that blends coming-of-age, mystery, and romance set against the backdrop of the marshes of North Carolina. The story follows Kya Clark, known as the "Marsh Girl," who grows up in isolation after being abandoned by her family. As she navigates the complexities of her unconventional upbringing, Kya becomes entangled in the suspicious death of a local man.
The novel alternates between two timelines: Kya's upbringing and the investigation into the man's death years later. Through lyrical prose and vivid descriptions of nature, Owens paints a vivid picture of the marshlands and explores themes of loneliness, resilience, and the impact of prejudice and judgment.
"Where the Crawdads Sing" has received widespread acclaim for its evocative writing, atmospheric setting, and memorable characters. Kya's journey from ostracized outcast to independent survivor is both heartrending and inspiring, and the mystery surrounding the man's death keeps readers guessing until the final pages.
However, some readers may find the pacing slow, especially in the earlier parts of the novel. Additionally, the romantic subplot has been criticized for being somewhat predictable. Despite these minor flaws, "Where the Crawdads Sing" is a captivating and emotionally resonant read that leaves a lasting impression. It's recommended for fans of literary fiction and those who appreciate a beautifully crafted story with depth and nuance.
Listen for free at link in sidebar
submitted by christinarenae95 to Audiobooksguy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:05 deathbyearthworm Follow up to 3k ac repair

Tldr: After getting the AC repaired now I have more engine noise. Is this a concern? 2021 Base
After taking to SOA they goodwilled over 2/3rds of the cost of the repair. I have to give them credit since it was technically out of warranty. I wasn't very happy with the dealership since it seems they misdiagnosed the leaking part. After getting it back the first time the AC died within a week. I take it back they say it is a leaking Schrader valve, replace the valve, top off the coolant and send me on my way. Within a week it dies again and they now tell me it is a leak in the condenser basically the only part they haven't replaced in the HVAC system. They have covered all the other repairs under warranty but it is annoying to be without my car for as long as I have and taking it in and out.
One thing I noticed after bringing it in the first time was that my engine noise in the cabin is louder. I'm definitely hearing my turbo spooling more clearly and getting more of the engine growl in my cabin. Is this normal after work like this or did they fail to put back in some gasket or acoustic pad back in? I know the simple answer is just to bring it back to the dealership and let them fix it however after everything that's happened I'm hesitant to bring it back to them.
submitted by deathbyearthworm to WRX [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:02 Non-NewtonianSnake VFL vs. Carlton

Final Score - Ess: 16.8 104 Car: 16.5 101
Fun game to watch. We were looking in all sorts of trouble in the first half, but really worked hard to get back into the game. Felt like watching a whole different team in the second half. There was some impressive accuracy from both sides and some pretty rancid umpiring both ways... mostly against us... (according to this 100% unbiased report)
Shiel - Aside from kicking the first goal of the game, he started really poorly. Barely touched the ball and just looked all at sea. He was being tagged, but a VFL tag shouldn't be slowing him down that much. He was much better in the second half, though, and really got us going with his clearance work. Still questionable with his defensive effort, but it didn't seem quite as noticeable today.
Weideman - He was really good in the backline today, to the point where he was pretty instrumental in securing the win. Plenty of intercepts and generally used the ball well. He still has those moments where he'll drop a relatively simple mark, or give away a silly free kick, but he's been putting up some good performances of late.
Hayes - This is the first time that I'd say he was comfortably beaten by his opponent. He was playing on a good player in McMahon, and just couldn't keep up with him. He had some important moments late in the game where he showed a lot of composure under pressure, which was good, but definitely not his best outing.
Bryan - Pretty typical Bryan game. Tons of hitouts and clearances, a handful of marks, and 20-odd touches. Certainly one of our best, but I do wish he'd get better at his defensive follow-up work.
Caddy - Essendon fans have good reason to be excited for this kid. He seems to be growing in confidence each time I watch him. He had a pretty shocking miss from directly in front early on, but when he was taking contested marks, pressuring, crashing packs, and still getting it done at ground-level like he was today, I'm not terribly concerned. Reminds me a bit of Jack Riewoldt. Maybe just needs some extra set-shot practice...
Well worth checking out the highlight package: https://www.afl.com.au/vfl/matches/6434#news-videos
A. Davey - I thought he was great today. Got to show off his class and set up quite a few scoring opportunities, while also kicking a goal himself. His pressure and tackling were pretty good for the most part, too.
Lual - Bit of a rollercoaster game for him this week. He was pretty busy throughout the match and worked really hard to give us some run out of D50 and an option to use through the midfield. He had a couple of genuinely atrocious kicks, though, and his early defensive work wasn't amazing (though, he seemed to improve in that regard as the game wore on).
J. Davey - He wasn't quite as impactful as his brother, but was much improved, compared to recent weeks. Kicked 2 goals and had a few great moments. One was a brilliant contested ball win on the wing to set up a shot on goal, which was super impressive. I really do think he benefits enormously from having Caddy doing his thing in the forward line.
Roberts - Played the first half without a whole lot of influence. Had a couple of contests where he did pretty well, but didn't really get into the game. Got caught out with some poor defensive positioning on a couple of occasions. Taken to Marvel in the third quarter as an AFL emergency.
Visentini - Had a quiet one today. Didn't really have much of an influence at all, but you expect these games from a rookie ruckman every now and then. Hopefully he bounces back in the next game.
Wanganeen - The team sheet didn't lie. He was, in fact, played in the backline. He was pretty shaky down there to begin with, but ended up doing alright once he settled into the game. He's got a nice kick on him and he did well to win some 50/50 contests and run the ball out of D50. He also ended up kicking a brilliant running goal to give us the lead late in the 4th.
El-Hawli - Absolutely enormous. BOG by a fair margin for mine. Seemed to be playing wing for the majority of the time and kicked 4 goals, including 3 in the third quarter, which kick-started our comeback. He won plenty of the ball, once again and used it well. He had some other nice moments, both in the air, with some strong marks and a few nice little touches to get the ball to a teammate. I get the feeling he could come into the AFL side and make an immediate impact, if required. The downside is that he injured his ankle in the last quarter, and might be missing a few weeks. Really unfortunate.
Not a heap to mention with regard to the VFL guys. Scott and Nyko are personal favourites of mine, and both played well again today. Scott, in particular kicked a fantastic goal to bring us within a few points of the Blues in the last quarter. Toma made his return from injury and showed a bit of toughness, too.
submitted by Non-NewtonianSnake to EssendonFC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:01 bubonis I could use a little input on a project I'm working on...

My daughter and I are part of our local 4H chapter's small animal club, and every year we help with the 4H-sponsored county fair in the small animal pavilion where all manner of critters are on display. I'm designing nine (so far) posters to be hung around the pavilion with each poster representing a single animal. The list includes ferret, rabbit, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil, hamster, rat, lizard, and snake.
The posters will give a quick introduction to each animal, a sort of high-level summary that can be read very quickly, and below that will be a little "feature grid". There will be a literature holder attached to the poster that will contain more detailed information about the animal in question. The idea is that people will see the poster, get the summary information, interact with the animal that's actually present in the pavilion, and if they're interested in getting one for themselves they can grab a flyer that has the more detailed information. The point of the poster is to be eye-catching and contain simple and easy to digest information that a person walking by can absorb quickly; the point of the flyer is to expand on the poster's information so that a curious person can spend a bit more time reading and thereby have a more fleshed-out picture of that particular animal's requirements.
The "feature grid" is the reason for this post. The left column will have a category and the right column will have a rating (think: 1-5 stars). I want the grid to have between 6-8 lines and be as intuitive and accurate as possible. Each poster will have ONLY the rating for that specific animal (i.e., the ferret poster won't show the ratings for the other animals) but the following grid puts them together for comparative purposes. And that's part of this: I want it to be comparative. I want people to associate the ratings of one animal against the ratings of another animal on a like-for-like basis. So far the compounded grid looks like this:
Ferret Rabbit Guinea Pig Mouse Gerbil Hamster Rat Lizard Snake
Cost of Animal 5 4 2 1 1 1 2 3 3
Space Requirement 4 5 3 1 2 2 2 3 3
Cuddle Factor 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 2
Trainability 4 4 3 2 2 2 5 1 1
Vet Costs 4 4 2 1 1 1 3 5 5
Lifespan 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 3 4
The categories are defined as follows:
If you assume my initial values are accurate then you could look at that grid and safely assume that a rabbit or snake is more expensive than a guinea pig or hamster; that a rat is more cuddly than a rabbit or mouse; that a rabbit needs far more space than a mouse; etc. It also makes it easy to see that a ferret is overall more high-maintenance than a gerbil, while a ferret and a rabbit are overall about the same effort.
So what I'm looking for from the reddit community is (a) some feedback on the values I'm starting with, (b) suggestions for adding/removing/changing the categories, and (c) values for those aforementioned changes.
Input appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by bubonis to littlebuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:01 Status_Economist_305 Free second part Cousin Avec

Free second part Cousin Avec
Noticed that a page per day is too much for me so I'm moving into a simple notebook but I still have the second part of my cousin avec. I have tested out stickers in the last weekly lay out of the book, but that's the only thing I did (see pictures). Willing to give is to anyone that's interested as long as you pay for the shipping. I live in the Netherlands (Europe) but I'm willing to send it to anywhere (with or without track or trace, whatever you prefer, but I'm not responsible for it being lost).
First person to ask for it can have it :)
submitted by Status_Economist_305 to hobonichi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:00 Ok-Neighborhood3483 In house finance repossession

I am 19 year old and wanted to get my first car, I found a car lot that offered in house financing (buy here pay here) even though I had a 750 credit score they didn’t run my credit or got my credit involved. The only thing they needed was a driver license and $6,000 for the down payment, I ended up getting the car under my name with no interest without any co-signer or anyone’s helps, and the craziest part was that they weren’t even demanding insurance, the owner of the lot told me it was up to me if I wanted to get insurance or not. I ended up getting the liability (partial cover) since full cover was way to expensive since I’m still 19.
1 month ago I ended up totaling the car on the express way, the car got completely wrecked bumper to bumper. Since I didn’t have full cover insurance didn’t cover the damages on my car, the next day I called the car lot to let them know I crashed and they just told me I have to keep paying my car. I asked around some friends to see what I should do and they all told me to just stop paying for the car and let get repoed, then the car lot is going to auction it and since it’s totaled it isn’t going to be worth anything, so I’m still going to own the money to the car lot, but that I can just stop paying for it and let my credit get messed up for a couple years.
I just want to know what would happen if I stoped paying for my car? Would my credit get ruined even though they didn’t use my credit to finance the car? And if so for how long ? Will I have a repossession on my history? (Just wanted to point out that the payments for my car would be through cash app or Zelle and I would just send the owner a screenshot of the confirmation and they would send me a picture of the receipt of how much money I still own)
Let’s just say it does mess up my credit if I get it repo, what I was thinking was to keep paying for my car for a couple months until I save enough money for another down payment, and go finance another car from a car lot, once I have my new car I can stop paying my totaled car and let my credit get messed up, that way I already have a new car and since I have good credit right now my interest rate is going it be low. So in other words getting a new car now that I have clean history and a good credit score, and once I get my new car I can let my credit get messed up and not have to worry about paying off my totaled car that I don’t have anymore. (Btw i am from Texas just pointing this out because I know laws are different in different states.)
Thanks for taking you time to read my comment and responding to it.
submitted by Ok-Neighborhood3483 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:00 BrodogIsMyName Frontier Fantasy - Chap 42

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WaveOfWire Edits :D
- - - - -
Harrison’s vision was still foggy from waking up, several blinks failing to clear the tears from his drawn-out yawn. He just escaped the encompassing embrace of his four-armed guardian, leaving their shared bed for the bathroom, where he would have to say goodbye to his beard. If he was going to travel out of the settlement, a proper seal on his gas mask was a must.
It was a shame. The slow buildup of the hair over the last month or so was a representation of his growth in a way, building up alongside his experiences in this hellhole, be they life-threatening or informative. It was almost like wiping the slate clean, even if cutting some chin scruff didn’t really change anything at all—he’d never be able to forget anything he had seen here for as long as he lived.
And there was no telling how long that’d be.
The engineer sighed, splashing the lukewarm barracks water into his face from one of the many wall-attached sinks, allowing him to fully open his eyes and size up the damage done to his favorite black blood-and-sweat-stained t-shirt. It always stayed in good condition with washing and fabricator repairs, but somehow Shar’s talons always found a way to make small holes in it. She wasn’t trying to, but with the way she fully wrapped her arms around him, the tips of her sharp fingers sometimes ended up poking into the fabric and causing some cuts.
It was such a small issue that he never considered bringing it up to her. Plus, she’d probably do her whole guilty talon-tapping thing with puppy eyes and all… He shook his head, letting the stray beads of water on his face drip into the sink.
His palm ran across his beard while his other hand reached for the razor. There wasn’t any shaving cream or the like, but he’d make do. At least he had one of the proper tools for the job. He went into the task, the blade driving through his scruff, slopping off wide areas of his hair from jaw to chin for a few seconds before it was interrupted.
A short ‘woosh’ of the entrance caught his attention.
“Aww, you’re shavin’ it off?” Tracy commented dejectedly through a yawn, the lazy drawl reinforcing the fact that she just woke up. “Th’ beard was sorta growin’ on me.”
He eyed her through the mirror, his voice coming out in a dull tone. “Yeah. I feel the same.”
She squinted under the bright bathroom lights, rubbing an eye with her wrist as she walked up to the sink beside him and started her own morning routine. “Mmm… Womp womp. Why though?”
“Need it to get a gas mask seal,” he stated flatly, focusing on the task at hand.
The technician stopped momentarily, the gears turning in her head before she gave him a downcast frown. “You’re still set on going for the vehicle bay? You know we can just send some long-range drones out there, right?”
His short exhale echoed throughout the tiled room. The engineer closed his eyes, already mentally withdrawn from the conversation. They've had this discussion twice now. “It’s to be better prepared for any chemical, biological, or radiological surprises that might come up—not just for the excursion. Even more importantly, there’s no guarantee the module is in perfect shape. If I’m there in person, I’ll have the means to get through anything for those blueprints. Plus, it should only be four days, so the only issues we have are my beard and finding a way to protect the Malkrin from the radiation while we’re out.”
Tracy looked like she wanted to say something back, but bit her lip and cast her eyes down at the sink in front of her, twisting the knob before mumbling a quiet response. “I don’t think you need to protect them from radiation at all…”
She stared at him meekly, his dismissal of her worries having clearly dampened her mood. Guilt tugged at the back of his mind before her words further caught his interest. “I think they’re immune… or resistant or something. Radiation immunity is the whole reason they were sent here. You’ve added up the pieces together too, right?”
He stared down at her, running a hand through his hair with tired exasperation depressing his voice. “Tracy, I’ve been trying my hardest to just make it another day on this God-forsaken planet, not dig into their religion. So, no. I have not spent the time to add up the pieces. Enlighten me, please.”
“…S-Sorry. I just, you know, get a lot of time to think when working on drones, and Cera has been drawing all kinds of representations of these things.” Tracy paused, gesturing toward the engineer. “Okay, so you remember the whole backstory for why the Malkrin are on the mainland in the first place?”
“Pseudo-eugenics?” he commented dryly.
“Yeah.” She nodded, a sense of excitement leaking into her voice. “And what were the parameters of banishing someone?”
“Not getting sick from a rock.”
She eyed him feverishly, brows raised with a sudden zeal. “Aaaaand that rock represented the Sky Goddess’ wrath, which did what?”
“Uhhh…” He looked upward in thought, recalling his conversation with the paladin. “I think Shar mentioned nausea, vomiting, blisters, skin melting… off…” He froze, the pieces forming. “Wait, you don’t think…”
“I do. Those symptoms could mean a lot of things, but the anomaly field was the real kicker. You know that Shar just straight up didn’t have any lingering radiation effects or anything while you were nearly put… six feet under…” Her voice quieted momentarily, the speed of her speech outpacing her train of thought. “Sorry. Um… so, I was gonna say that she, uh, I mean the scanner mentioned she had damage from ‘alpha particles’ on her skin, but nothing else happened to her organs or anything.”
Harrison squinted at her for a moment, mouth slightly opened and prepared to give some alternative reasoning besides ‘immunity.’ Maybe her armor protected her from it? No… she didn’t even have full protection, radiation would have certainly gotten around her eyes or snout. What about her height? What if… No.
He didn’t just want to believe that somehow the Malkrin could just evade a force of nature, but he didn’t have any way of proving or disproving it on hand… Well, no humane way of testing it.
“I… guess?” the engineer grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Even then, they still need armor and gas masks. The worst part of the radiation isn’t even the ionizing part. It’s the trace elements that get into your lungs and decay there. So it doesn’t hurt to use some CBRN filters.”
“Fair… but it’s interesting, isn’t it?” Tracy beamed. “Like, what kind of evolutionary factors lead to radiation immunity? Why do only some of the Malkrin have it and others don’t?”
The only real cause of radiation he could think of would be a massive nuclear proliferation of some sort. Maybe the anomalies? He ran a hand through his hair, pushing the lingering thoughts away. “I wouldn’t know. You could always ask Sebas to bring up some papers about it or generate some theories when you get the chance.”
“I probably will at some point… Maybe while I’m working.” She poked him in the bicep. “You’re still helping me with the mule, right?”
He bobbed his head, loose beard hairs itching up his chin. “Sure am. Gimme a bit to shave and test the fifty-cal ammo, then I’ll be free to assist.”
“Kay Kay.” The tradeswoman smiled and returned to the sink, washing her face.
- - - - -
“What the hell did you do to your shield?” a stunned Harrison asked the paladin, his face scrunching up in concern… and confusion.
Sharky proudly held up her once grungy orange shield with a smile, looking at its new… paint job? “Artificer Tracy has s—n to imbue my bulwark with the crest of the Sky Goddess herself! Observe the b—utiful wings that cover it!”
The engineer had just got back from setting up and overseeing the automated mule’s first excursion to the mine and back. It was a grueling task, requiring him to reset its pathing several times before it was able to make a round trip without input. Now, the maroon-skinned Malkrin in front of him had apparently gotten her massive aegis laser imprinted with crossing wings in the two hours or so he’d been gone. The areas between the black feather decals were colored with white and blue paints, contrasting with the new dark gray background.
A small weight was placed on his shoulder, Tracy’s forearm suddenly appearing atop it despite her being nearly a foot shorter than him. She beamed, staring up at him with all-too-proud eyes. “The scout regiment symbol looks good on it, right? Cera helped me with the laser engraving.”
“I…” His brows raised in perplexity. “The scout regiment?”
She shrugged, watching the paladin observe her shield from all sorts of different angles underneath the workshop’s light fixtures. “From an anime I used to watch. Men and women who were sent out to battle against massive titans for the greater good of the last settlement of humanity. Somewhat fitting, and fuckin’ awesome on her big-ass shield! Matches the bird’s wings on her armor too.”
He loudly sighed. “You wasted materials on imprinting wings on Shar’s shield? Really?”
“Hey!” Her brows furrowed into faux-annoyance, a smug grin betraying it. “It’s not a waste if you were never gonna use the paint we had on hand. Plus, we’ve got energy to spare with all the wind turbines and power cells you’ve been printing out.”
“Those paints probably could have been used for important designations… or something…” he grumbled.
“Doesn’t matter.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “Anyway, want me to put some scary teeth or something on that big ‘ol fist-sized muzzle break on your shotgun?”
“No?” he took an incredulous step away from her, letting her arm fall off his shoulder and to her side.
“It’s okay to admit you’re jealous of Shar’s awesome decals, bro,” Tracy teased, her smugness growing tenfold. “No need to get defensive.”
He groaned, figuring there wasn’t a point in staying to bicker with the tradeswoman, leaving the two vanity-focused females to their devices. He still had to figure out how to fabricate armor and gas masks for the Malkrin and himself.
“Hey! Where ya goin?” the technician called out, clearly disappointed that he hadn’t indulged in her taunts.
Short taps against the hard floor sounded out as she caught up to him. She leaned forward and curiously looked up at him as she walked, holding her hands behind the small of her back. “What kind? Can I help?”
“Just need to take some measurements and compare options. Right… Speaking of which.” He turned around and cupped his palms around his mouth. “Hey Shar! Get over here, I need your help!”
The addressed Malkrin perked up, snapping out of the small haze of admiring her new shield and happily making her way toward him. She stood at attention, her tail oscillating side to side. “What n—d do you have of me?”
“Just a quick task,” he briefed her, grabbing some measuring tape from his desk… that Tracy had decided was her new chair. He sighed and turned his attention back to the paladin. “Can I bother you to lean down for a few seconds while I take some measurements?”
“Of course. Pl—se, take your time.” She stepped forward and kneeled, her head brought down to his height. Her face wore that simple content look he was growing all too accustomed to by now—slightly vibrating frills, a little curl upward of her lips, and warmly glowing eyes.
He wasted no time getting to work, noting down the various distances around her jaws, snout, eyes, and ears, already piecing together how he could cobble together some gas mask designs to fit the dimensions. She sat there quietly, sometimes leaning into the accidental head scratches adorably. It contrasted heavily with the cold-sweat-inducing layers of razor-sharp teeth within her muzzle as he measured the angle her maw opened at, bringing an idle curiosity prodded his mind.
“Say, Shar, do your teeth grow back if they fall out?” he poked, absently observing the dozens of triangular bone protrusions in her mouth as he held the underside of her jaw.
“They do,” she confirmed, the way she was able to speak despite not moving her mouth still messing with his head. “Do y—rs not?”
“Nope. Only once.”
She attempted to tilt her head, but quickly returned it when it left the embrace of his palm. “Only once?”
He nodded. “Yeah, sometime a few years after birth. They’re replaced with the teeth I have now. Don’t get any new ones, so we gotta take care of ‘em.”
“Birth?” The Malkrin’s eyes widened. “You were not cr—ted as you are now?”
A shock of stress poured down his spine like a bucket of ice water, raising the hairs on his back. Fuck. How did he let that slip? He was supposed to have just appeared from the sky to her, right…? He was doing so well for so long in keeping that in. God, had he really gotten so comfortable with the paladin that he simply forgot what he was to her? His teeth clenched, a huff of air escaping his nostrils as he lightly shook his head. It was a bit too late to backtrack. It could be explained vaguely and brushed off, right?
“Yeah. I was born,” he affirmed flatly. His hand dropped away from Shar’s muzzle, her head falling an inch or two before she registered that she couldn’t keep leaning into his touch. “That’s it for measurements, so you’re free to leave.”
A frown carved through her small smile. “I… See… F—give me if I have brought up someth—g improper.”
His exhalation burned through his frustration at himself, his hand running through his hair to wash away the spike of anxiety. “You’re fine. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Th-Then I shall take my leave,” the massive alien stated softly.
He nodded, feeling a little regretful for pushing the kindhearted Malkrin away as he shuffled back to his desk. Tracy was still sitting atop it, giving him a disappointed reaction with low brows, forcing a pointed reaction from him. “What?”
The technician took a long inhale before shrugging. “Nothin’.”
The rolling chair squeaked lightly as he rested himself, his hands already going through the motions of opening the computer and the blueprint folders. There were plenty of tabs open of sensors and motor assemblies he hadn’t closed from the previous night. That wasn’t even mentioning the pile of notes he had on proper radio-protective methods, their corners bent from his frequent flipping through them.
“Soooo…” The short black-haired woman leaned forward from her perch atop the only clear part of his desk. “Can I help you with your ‘comparing options’ work, mister busyman?”
“Sure…” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, raising a brow. “How much do you know about armor?”
- - - - -
“No way. The back support is a must, so you can have extra plating over your shoulders and chest.” Tracy pointed out from her seat beside Harrison’s, all but forcing him to pause his Malkrin gas mask designing to give her argument his full attention.
He calmly took his hands off the mouse and keyboard. “A back support needs leg assistants, which means I’ll need to have at least a fifteen pound battery pack somewhere. Those kinds of exosuits are either all in or not at all. You can go full armor and engine, or lightweight protection and simple limb support.”
“So you’re just gonna go out there with normal armor? Just run-of-the-mill plates and gear? Those fucking things would go through that shit like butter! I know we can’t make synthetic muscle yet, but at least consider wearing something a bit more. Please. Even Sharky has heavy armor!”
Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose, his brows furrowed. “Do I look like a several-hundred kilogram monster of pure muscle to you? I’m more than willing to put on a few extra kilos for protection, but I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of putting on more armor rather than more equipment. I’d rather fifty pounds of magazines and ammo than fifty pounds of armor. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah yeah… You and your storage space…” she mumbled, swiping through a few more images on her data pad when a familiar Mars-pattern suit showed up, catching his eye.
“Hey, wait, pull that one up…”
She rotated the tablet for him to see a little better—despite already being shoulder-to-shoulder with him. “This one? What’s so special about it?”
He analyzed the few pieces of equipment on screen, noting the rusty-orange and tan color scheme, the old Martian-American flag attached to its breastplate, and the iconic quad-nod integrated helmet. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “That’s… We have that in our blueprints?”
She raised a brow, clearly confused. “Whaddya mean?”
“That’s an Orbital Drop Ranger’s standard kit,” he stated slowly, a simmering sense of awe bubbling up—why the hell was it in their blueprints folder? “It was used during the Sino-Venusian incursion of southern Mars. It still has the Old Earth American flag embedded into it, so you know it’s pre twenty-two-hundred C.E.”
“Oh shit… Pre-St.Loual’s construction? This is ancient, then, huh? Would it be any good?” She leaned in closer to him, eying the tablet further.
“Does it have the assembly view of the armored pieces?”
“Mmhmm.” She tapped a few icons, showing an isometric, exploded view of all the parts and their individual components.
It was a piece of history alright. The armor was produced just about the time when Mars was connecting their orbital stations and ground colonies to work in tandem, allowing for specialized forces to be trained in space and launched anywhere across the planet from drop pods in mere minutes, leading to common nickname of ‘Minutemen’ given to the troopers. The suits were expertly designed to withstand the harsh environments of Mars and give the soldiers the ability to engage with enemy combatants for several days before extraction, though the adept units usually completed their objectives within twenty-four hours of their landing.
The helmet was very angular and blended in with the expected rocky terrain of Mars, each component taking on a sloped frontal design with rectangular prisms flowing behind—radio, breathing apparatus, and vision modules all sharing a sleek, yet bulky look in their own right. It reminded him of some in-atmosphere ships, with the overhanging visor above the quad-nod viewport being the only non-aerodynamic pieces.
The chest and legs were a bit different, following the design of late twenty-second-century operators with tan lightweight rigs, and ammunition pouches alongside armored plates that ran from the shoulders to wrists in segments. There was a rusty-orange undersuit beneath it all for the purpose of keeping air in, which required some sturdy polymer structures to ensure it didn’t rip. Then, of course, there were the classic shock-absorbing leg supports. They weren’t too far off what Tracy was asking about earlier, but these ones didn’t provide any assistance in moving with any motors—just straight-up structural reinforcements.
Hell, the blueprints on screen even had the mag-grip gloves used to scale domes, buildings, and satellites alike. There was no doubt that the Orbital Drop Rangers had some of the coolest equipment on Mars, especially considering that it was the last to keep the ‘operator’ look… It was such a shame the government decided the orb-like helmets and rounded bubble armors were more effective.
“Hey, you know what?” he asked the technician, a shot of excitement in his voice. “This might actually work out as a suitable armor replacement.”
She perked up, her brows raised. “Oh? Actually?”
He shrugged, trying to play off the smirk plastered on his face. “Wouldn’t need a horrible amount of changes to work for our purposes. Just need to remove the oxygen converter on the back and put a gas mask replacement in the front portion of the helmet. Plus, we could probably get rid of the airtight aspect and just keep the undersuit for scratch protection. And, most importantly, it’s radio-protective.”
“Meets all your criteria, then?” She tapped through some UI interfaces, sending the armor assembly to Harrison’s monitor, which he accepted quickly.
“Sure does.” He readily clicked through the different parts and systems to differentiate what needed to be kept. “We have the resources for it, and all it needs is a layer of cadmium plus a few replacements. Definitely doesn’t need the heads-up display since there’s nothing for it to interact with either, so that’ll save on print time and materials too. Shame I cut up the beard… the Orbital Drop Rangers were allowed to have some cool ones.”
The tradeswoman scooted in even closer, practically resting her chin on his shoulder and watching him sift through the working parts. “Yeah, rest in peace, beard. Still, your armor situation is solved. What about the Malkrin?”
“I’ll be working on their gas masks, then I was thinking I’d use another one of your modeled armors for their protection since they’ve helped Shar a hell of a lot. Do you have any recommendations?”
“Mmmmm…” She looked up in thought, a smile forming along her cheeks. “You know, until we can make them any real power armor, I was thinking just some regular phobos-pattern armor. Could color ‘em based on their skin too.”
“Phobos-pattern armor?” he hummed to himself, clicking through the folder to find it. It was just as bulky as Shar’s armor, except it appeared a good bit smoother, with more rounded edges compared to her horns-and-spike-lined gauntlets and pauldrons. The blue suit Tracy was proposing didn’t have the four-armed protection compared to the chaos version, but it certainly had the same thickness of its metal plates. “Looks like it’d work pretty well. Does it have any electric components or anything?”
“No…” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Not so good with designing that stuff in the modeling program I did the WarHarberd stuff in. Could add in more sophisticated leg support or whatever if you gave me time, but for now it’s just maneuverable slabs of alloy.”
“I think that’s all we need for the time being.” He shrugged. “I just don’t want the others to be vulnerable to getting cut up by the little spider-crab grunts.”
“As long as it works for what we need, then.” Her elbow poked into his arm. “Here, how about I take care of that armor stuff while you finish up the gas masks? They need the extra arm slots too, yeah?”
“I’d actually appreciate that a lot.” He offered her a back-palm fist bump, to which she eagerly took, taking on a grin that he mirrored. “Thanks, Trace.”
“Don’t mention it. I wish work was always just doing my hobbies like this.”
\= = = = =
A grand pylon of metal construction taller than the mightiest female’s frills stood atop the beach. Blue-scaled surfaces extended near the foot of the tower, gathering the power of the sun itself. The lattice layering upon their sides hid the weaving wires and Goddess-blessed machinery. A staff the same as Shar’khee’s peeked from its top, the glass eye on its side given a wide view of the sandy environment it resided on, the defense it now provided becoming absolute. The aura it exuded as a creature of pure metal was awe-inspiring, its mere presence a showing of Harrison’s might and domain.
No abhorrent would dare step foot upon the meadow’s rolling hills, for such a mistake would ensure their immediate execution for encroaching upon his settlement—the ‘fifty-cal-e-bur’ bullet is not one to rend any beast with only simple injuries, especially with three hundred of them available at once.
The maroon-skinned paladin treaded up the hill, having completed her task of setting up the last turret. The craftsman, the juvenile, and the lumberjack had also assisted with its setup, pulling their weight in both mind and muscles to piece the components together. They completed a few others around the modules already, but this one was done without the star-sents’ oversight. The four Malkrin had practiced and learned enough to be entrusted with such.
The idea of Harrison having enough confidence in them sparked much conviction in the group, each of them more than eager to prove him right—none more so than Shar’khee herself, of course.
She finally returned to the workshop, the sun’s last rays pressing into the back of her head and frills as she crouched beneath the doorway, a small gnawing hunger for dinner digging within her stomach. The cacophony of machines soon reached her ears, the sounds of their efforts almost working in tandem with the strange melodic music playing from an unseen source above her.
Tracy was in her corner, working on new beings of metal as always. The bright lights above were turned off in favor of smaller, warmer emplacements atop her surrounding circle of desks. A hard worker, that star-sent was, though both of them were like that, the paladin supposed. Their kind was certainly intent on keeping their hands busy.
Shar’khee passed through the snakes of machines, finding her way to Harrison’s desk with an increasingly strong sway in her tail. He was working with a black object with light gray accents. It appeared to be partially flexible, yet firm in other places—notably, a large glass fixture on one side of it. There was very little she could make out about its purpose, but with the delicate touches he applied, it appeared to be quite important.
Her tongue clicked twice, garnering the attention of the Creator. He paused his work, swiveling his chair to face her and revealing a long blue-leaf jutting from his mouth. Her male appeared quite tired, but his voice did not show it.
“Oh, Shar, what’s up? Did y’all need any help with the last turret?”
She shook her head. “We do not n—d such, for it is completed. Would you care to join me for din—r? The rest of the settlem—t is enjoying their meals as of now. ”
He raised his brows before looking back at the myriad of notes, tools, and materials atop his cluttered desk. “Well, I’m kinda busy, but…” His jaw rolled around in contemplation. “Here. Let’s just test this thing real quick.”
Her head tilted. “What sh—l we be testing?”
“Your gas mask… er, well, a Malkrin gas mask. Kneel down real quick, I’ll run ya through putting it on.” He stepped off his chair and grabbed the equipment, uncomfortably rotating his shoulders. How long was he sitting on that chair? The male approached her and she did as requested. “I had the sewist help me with some of the design. Never considered you guys would ever wear hats.”
She nodded. “It is unh—lthy for one to have their frills touched by the sun for so long. Adequate shade is a must, and trees are not so p—valent along farm land.”
“Mmhmm. Shame this is just a mask… Alright, this might be a bit uncomfortable, but it’ll do the job.”
He stepped forward and slipped the black apparel onto her snout, pushing it over her face until it pressed against the sides of her head. A cool material rubbed against her skin, locking her into its embrace. It was encapsulating, surrounding her wholly.
Her breaths strengthened as she allowed the mask to cover her, a short shock of nervousness riding down her spine. She was only now registering how vulnerable she was, allowing him to possibly suffocate her… but she stayed put, keeping her four palms rested within her lap as he continued to apply the straps around her ears. She would allow it. She trusted him with her life. She would not falter.
The cords around the back of her head were tight, a few of which went along both sides of her frills, pushing up against their sides. He kept going, ensuring a ‘seal,’ but it was getting much too—
A lightning bolt of pain rolled throughout the top of her head, sending her reeling. It stung for the briefest of moments, but its effects rebounded through her entire body, short sparks pulsing from its origin. She felt nothing but its agonizing hold for several more moments as the rest of her body caught up.
When her eyes opened once more, she found herself on the floor and staring at the ceiling. The star-sent rushed to her side, appearing to ask many questions while looking over her head, but all she heard was a piercing ring and the gruff vocalization he made whenever he shared his intent. No words reached her mind, only the now faint phantom pains from where her frills met her skull. It put everything in a haze, her eyes barely settling on her dearest’s, despite how nauseous she had become.
His deft hands quickly worked to loosen the straps, practically ripping them off until his voice suddenly reached her, like breaching the surface of the water. His voice was deep, attempting to be calculating, yet despite his calmly created stoic demeanor… she could feel his panic, his sheer worry almost flooding her senses through practiced medical queries. She slowly sat up on the floor, holding herself with two arms while the other pair quelled the kneeling male, assuring him that she was alright with their weight resting atop his shoulders.
“I am well, dearest Harrison. Do not fret for me. The straps were simply too tight.”
His anxious breaths barely slowed, narrowly allowing for his exclamation. “Too tight? Shar, you practically blacked out!”
“Too tight upon my frills, I mean. There was a pain there for a few moments, but it has passed,” she returned calmly, softly kneading his stiff shoulders with the joints of her digits.
He exhaled sharply, matching her gaze with regret in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Shar. I should’ve known. I was just trying to see how…” He paused, resting his palm atop her forearm. “Nevermind. I just… Are you alright? Should I get you to the med bay for a quick scan?”
“I do not believe that to be necessary, no.”
His guard finally fell. “If… If you say so. Guess I have to redo the straps then. Definitely gotta make sure they’re not pressing on your frills like that.”
She smiled, appreciating his dedication. “Would you like my assistance?”
“As long as you don’t have anything else to do.” He shrugged, his shoulders barely moving upward against her massaging hands.
“There is no greater wish of mine than to be by your side,” she stated warmly.
He was frozen, the soft ministrations of his digits along her arm slowly stopping in contrast to the red flush growing from his cheeks to his ears. The crack of a smirk on his face finally with a short, heart-warming chuckle brought the statue back to life after a few moments. “You know… that’s probably the sweetest thing I’ve heard for years.”
Her brows raised in subtle surprise at his response. “It… was not intended to be such… However… you are more than welcome. You must understand by now that I am speaking only the truth.”
The two of them sat there in relative silence amongst the desks and machines; her half laying on the ground with her hands on his shoulder, and him on his knees by her side, a singular hand running up and down her comparatively large forearm. She felt… weak, in a way. A vibrating sensation rummaged through her stomach, attempting to pull her muscles and nerves astray.
It was warm, just like his palm, each motion of his hand sending lightning through her skin. The upward curl of her lips into her cheeks was suddenly an insurmountable force, incapable of being put down by a thousand females. There was a tear within her to either look away or… close the distance, and she suddenly found looking anywhere but his curious green eyes to be a waste of her time.
Her talons wrapped further around his shoulders and his back, ever so slightly bringing him into her embrace—
“A-HEM.” A voice cut the moment down to its knees. “The fuck happened here?” Tracy’s swift interjection caused the paladin to flinch backwards, allowing her to see that Harrison’s other hand had been hovering right beneath her snout. The female star-sent wore a furrowed brow and crossed arms, looking down at them. “I heard a crash and came over. Are you two alright?”
Harrison cleared his throat, ever-so-subtly scooting away from the paladin. “Uh, yeah. Shar fell because, um, I tied the gas mask a lil’ too tight.”
The artificer wore an expression that told of her disbelief. “She fell because of the gas mask?”
“It was something with her frills.” The male returned with a shrug, picking himself off the floor before offering the paladin a hand up.
She took it, despite not requiring it, and wiped off some loose dust from her pants. The three of them quickly returned to work soon after, with both her and the black-haired star-sent joining Harrison in his quest to produce the gas mask. She was much less… What did the Creator call it? Bubbly? Yes, that was it. She was much less bubbly than usual, sometimes sending a cold yet emotionless glare toward Shar’khee… Nevertheless, the two females offered input on the design and applied help where they could, eventually creating the final piece of equipment.
Tracy commented on its looks, apparently drawing inspiration from the Leviathan itself, as she believed it to be like that of a ‘Sea Dragon’s.’ The maw-covering portion held two cylindrical canisters on the adjacent sides, the bottom portion being capable of distention, so that the user’s mouth may open somewhat. Its motion created what the female star-sent believed to be ‘the coolest teeth design on a mask’ she’d ever seen with how the separation formed alternating triangles.
The monster-like appearance was furthered by her own frills and horns that peeked out from behind the mask. That was not even mentioning the see-through visor that formed a malicious glare of sharp brows. The paladin looked through a hand-held mirror, finding it difficult to disagree with the look. She could imagine the horror on a fisherwoman’s face as such a terrifying creature approached from the depths.
And yet, despite its nightmarish visage, it was apparel designed to save lives, not take them—much unlike the unassuming metal rods that spewed fire with a mere flick of a lever. Curious indeed. The star-sents were seemingly never out of surprises. They even spoke of grand robots and firearms larger than Shar’khee herself as possible future projects.
Only time could tell what machinations of alloy would be birthed from their hands.
- - - - -
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submitted by BrodogIsMyName to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:57 Chihuahua_t0by [US] [Selling] AOT, MHA, Naruto, Elemental Gelade, Megaman NT Warrior, Dr. Stone, Ect. Volumes $5 + Shipping cost

Hello!~ first time selling here. I am looking to get rid of some manga volumes I got from a family friend who bought a lot off of Ebay many years ago, for the most part they have spent time either on a shelf or in storage. I never read most of these volumes and most of the damage is from before I owned them. While I was grateful at the time to get these, I am older now and would like to make space for series I actually like!
Pictures here: https://imgur.com/a/pjZYeUt
Volumes $5 + Shipping cost. Unless stated otherwise, I am willing to split sets, Just ask me about it.
(G2-4)Elemental Gelade 3-10 ……….............................$38
(G3-4)Naruto 1-2, 5-6, 11-15, 22-24, 26, 41, 43, 45 …$80
(G4) MHA 1, 3, 5, 7-12…………………………….............……..$40
(G3-4) Megaman NT warrior 1, 4-6, 9, 11-13 …..…....….$40
(G3-4) AOT 1-5 ……………………………...….............…………$25
(G3) One piece 3, 4 ……………………………............………...$10
(G4) Dr. stone 14,17 ……………………………………...............$10
(G4) FMA 2 ……………………………………………….................$5
(G4)Neon Genesis Evangelion ………..…………….........….$5
(G4) FLCL 1……………….........………………………………........$5
(G3) Whistle 1 ……………………………………...………............$5
(G4) The promised Neverland 1 ………………………….......$5
(G2) The all new Tenchi Muyo 3 ………………………….......$3
Most volumes have shelf wear, yellowing due to age and some have dented corners, but aside from that and a few specific volumes with other defects they are all in very good condition, if you have any questions about condition just ask and I can send pics.
submitted by Chihuahua_t0by to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:56 mplsgay22 Coping with Ex Moving On

Me (23m) and my ex (24m) broke up just under 2 weeks ago after 10 months of being together. It was very mutual as we both admitted how we do love each other very much, but recognize that we are just not the right romantic fit for one another. This had been something on my mind for over a month; so I know it needed to happen.
We are still in our no contact period, and agreed to connect after 3 weeks to check in on each other as we both truly do want to remain apart of one another’s lives. The idea of this for me is actually very comforting because I personally feel like the two of us are mean to be really good friends and not partners.
Despite this realization, I’m really struggling to fully move on. I downloaded Grindr within a week of breaking up, and I believe I just stumbled upon his new profile too (though I’m just guessing because there are no pictures and not many stats outside of his age, location, height, weight, and HIV status.
With all of this said, I want to be okay seeing him move on, especially because I’m obviously doing the same thing. Throughout the relationship, we didn’t have a very active sex life and he would tell me that it was because his sex drive has been down lately. I’m feeling a little blindsided but also trying to recognize that this could be a part of his healing process to feel less lonely.
I just can’t stop thinking of him talking to others and it makes me sad.
This is my first ever breakup-could anyone please give me some advice or even help point out tips that may help me in accepting this loss.
Thanks guys
submitted by mplsgay22 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:55 MrS0bek Kragnos, the misshandled god

Kragnos, the misshandled god
The missed oppurtunity himself
Hi everyone,
With 3rd edition being over, I want to voice my displeasure about my bigges let down in this edition. Kragnos, the main mascot of 3rd edition, the spearhead for the Era of the Beast. An Era, which we now know to have been very tame. Because no destruction faction did anything big or noteworthy. Whereas 2nd edition was dominated by death and Nagashs influence was felt in major events, like the Siege of Lehtis or the Wrath of the Everchosen story, no destruciton faction or character did anything outstanding in 3rd edition. We did have some teasers for awesome stuff, but never a proper payoff. Indeed the most attention destruction recieved was in Book 2 and 3 of the Dawnbringer series, both in term of new models and fluff.
Which is a shame on several levels. And what bothers me too, is how Kragnos, after doing nothing for most of 3rd edition, is imprisinoned again in Book 3 of the dawnbringer series, ultimatly confirmed in the latest short story on warhammer. To contrast, where Nagash recieved an entire book about a divine duell and multi-realm war against Teclis, Kragnos just got sidelined in a fraction of a story which wasn't even about him but just some people strooling the realms.
Now one can say that Kragnos is boring, has no character, should have been a beastmen, etc.pp. But I have been thinking about this character whilst painting him. And I have to say, that he was unfairly treated by GW. Because he has many highly interesting attributes and circumenstances, whcih should make him quite the interesting character. Things, which were sadly never explored or used.
To point to what I mean:
  • He is a lonley god. His people are gone, his closest friends are dead. He can talk to noone, but the orc shaman Grobbspakk, who manipulates him. Kragnos is alone. Worse is own followers only see him as an engine of destruction. They do not care for his emotional needs, but want to harm him even more. E.g. by destroying Kragnos ancient homelands (Amberstone Watch) or want to deny him closure with the loss of his people (Grobbspakk destroying any hints what happened to the Drogukh in Dawnbringers 3). This is unique in AoS thus far. Normally gods are the dominant part of the mortal-god relationship. But Kragnos is just used by his followers.
  • Kragnos is a fish out of water. He is old. Very old. He was in the realms long before Sigmar arrived. Long before any of the other modern gods were here. One example, Kragnos should not know modern giants or Behemath. Beacuse Ymnog was the World-Titan of Kragnos era. IIRC Behemath was born as Ymnog was struck dead by Sigmar. But this imense passage of time were mere moments for Kragnos. Because he was trapped in a timeless prision. How he reacts to this new realtiy has never been explored, as far as I know. And he could provide interesting information about the pre-historic times of the realms themselves, before Sigmar, Alarielle and else showed up.
  • Because he is so old and a god native to AoS, he doesn't know what chaos. It should be more or less new to him, and how it has corrutped, destroyed the realms should create some kind of reaction in him. Seeing how Kragnos interacts with it for the first time properly, or how chaos may want to exploit his naviteè or how Kragnos (as part of the realms) feels chaos wrongness could be an intrueging set up for a story.
  • There have been several story beads set up for Kragnos. E.g. both Yndrasta and the Heartwood Sylvaneth (Kurnoths main followers) wanted to kill him. But they never meet Kragnos once. And Kragnos search for his people is an intrueging motive. But it was set up five minutes before his second banishment. Grobbspakk now wants to use his horde for sonething. But again it is set up, no payoff. A theme with this edition, which constantly teased stuff but never delivered nor showed it (see Gordrakk invading the Eightpoints. Death got an entire book, he gets four lines in a character sheet)
Instead of constant teases there could have been an event which uses all these pay offs. For example prior to the dawnbringer series, there could have been a story featuring Kragnos and Grobbspakk as main characters. A "road movie"-style story for example. In which they are touring the realms together, causing mayhem. Kragnos tries to find his people, Grobbspakk tries to prohibit it.
In Ghyran they may met King Brodd, and fight a massive battle against Nurglite forces. In this fight Kugath could make his AoS debut by testing his godpox on Kragnos. Disease as an enemy Kragnos cant punch. Thus it is an interesting foe.
Then in Aqshy Kragnos may awaken Trugg and also battle against Khornes hordes. Where again it could be shown how and why Kragnos despises Khornates and how he and destruction differ from it. Meanwhile Yndrasta and the Heartwood Sylvaneth follow Kragnos and Grobbspakk like cops, with a duel in the end.
Indeed this may be the basis for the dawnbringer crusade. With so many destruction and chaos forces being either killed or lured away by Kragnos actions, this temporary vacuum may be an oppurtunity the CoS try to seize with their crusade. Only to then deal with Trugg and Brodd and the other returning forces.
  • Kragnos can be smart too. Not every destruction force needs to be "dumb-smash". Especially as the Kruelboyz showed. But even Gordrakk is almost philosophical. Heck in RL many fighty people were great social reformers too, like Dschingis Khan. It would be easy to write a character-driven story about Kragnos. How he reflects on his current state, how he contrasts his mortal life with his divine nature etc.pp.
E.g. have a tzeentch character speak to him and try to manipulate him. Explaining how the aelven gods chained Slaanesh and revived some elves. How Kragnos could do the same if he frees the drogurkh afterlife. Kragnos could then reflect how this may be a peversion of how he sees life and death. But he may still invade Shyish to find closure with his people by finding and liberating its afterlive.
  • Kragnos is not an evil god like Nagash and Chaos are. He is dangerous and destructive, but he is not trying to enslave the realms or gain total dominion. Indeed he is a natural god of the realms, a mortal ascended by his own deeds. One could argue that this makes him a necessary part of the realms. That he may be like an immune system. Important against hostile forces (bad microorganiams, cancerous cells etc.). But also a threat against healthy parts of the body if it overreacts. One could argue that this may be why he was sealed instead of killed. And he could play an awesome role in the current era, fightning in apocalyptic battles against Skaven and Chaos during the Era of Ruination. But sadly he is imprisioned again and apperently sits out this event.
These are my current thoughts on Kragnos. And I hope we will see more for him in the future. But I want to know, what you think about these aspects of Kragnos :D
submitted by MrS0bek to ageofsigmar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:54 swyrsauce Is anyone else having an issue with photos saving incorrectly?

I love darkroom. It’s simple to use but still powerful.
However, I have been having an issue that has kind of been turning me away from the platform. Sometimes when I am done editing a batch of photos, and go to save them when I am done, I notice that the edits are off. Typically, they are much darker than how I edited them in the app.
After playing with it, the only way I can download the correct edits sometimes is if I play around a bit with my edits (e.x. drop brightness or saturation a little) then save each picture individually. Although this works, it is not ideal when I am editing a set of 100+ pictures at a time. Does anyone know why this may happen? If there are any plans to fix it?
submitted by swyrsauce to darkroomapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:50 petrifiedunicorn28 Fencing at angles that are not 90 degrees.

I have only ever had yards with square backyards. Setting posts and getting the rails on it is pretty self explanatory with those tight 90 degree angles. I am about to fence in my new yard which is similar to an outside corner lot (think cul de sac shape) where the yard is not perfectly square. What is the best way to do this at the points where the different walls of the fence meet at those odd angles as far as being able to attach rails to the 4x4 posts? Would you use a post other than a 4x4 at those corners? Would you cut one side of the 4x4 to match the angle so you can get the rail on flush? Does anybody have any ideas/pictures of that part of fence specifically?
Edit: I want to do a wooden picket fence, not a vinyl fence or something where the fence hits the middle of the post. I am thinking more of the traditional screwing the rails into the outside of the post to nail the pickets onto.
submitted by petrifiedunicorn28 to FenceBuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:50 TheseStaff Matchup idea : Sisyphus vs Belphagor

Human fighter: Sisyphus of Corinth
Name: Sisyphus
Title: king of endurance / unstoppable tyrant
Nationality: Greece
Brief description:
Once the tyrant king of Corinth, was punished by Zeus for his trickery & cheating death more than once.
Forced to roll a boulder up hill for eternity, only for the bolder to fall back down just before it could reach the top. And repeat
This was a horrible existence for Sisyphus, at least for the first century or so. But overtime he not only start to accept it, but gradually started to enjoy it.
Even sometimes challenging himself to roll the boulder up in different ways. From doing speed runs, one handed, even just kicking it up. Learning to appreciate the simples things, like small talks to those who pass by or just the quiet.
When Zeus eventually found out Sisyphus actually started to like it, he stop enforcing it because it stopped being a punishment.
Special ability/talent:
After years of pushing boulders up mountains he build up a lot of muscle, enough to be on the higher end of the strength spectrum for human fighters.
But what's really sets him apart is his superhuman level of stamina, able to go through intense activity far longer than most humans could hope to match.
Exerting himself at his max for extended periods of time.
Sisyphus fighting style is him using brawler like heavy punches, mixed with pankration style grappling.
Rolling stone, takes the form of a small smooth marble like boulder .
Sisyphus can use the rolling stone as a projectile by throwing it, rolling across the ground like the world's deadliest bowling ball, or just pick it up and use it bash his opponent.
Rolling stone has special ability to be recalled back to him, when physically separate from him . Rolling back on its own back to him.
Godly fighter: Belphagor
Name: Belphagor
Title: priestess of sloth / the lazy innovator
Pantheon: Philistine/Abrahamic
Brief description:
Along with Beelzebub, she is one of the high princes of Helhiem. Called the embodiment of sloth, and she lives up to that moniker.
Belphagor was once the angel of innovation, but fell from heaven. She wasn't casted out, but fell down willingly. Because Lucifer told her that in Helhiem she can sleep as much as she wants and not have to work anymore. Something that appealed to her.
Belphagor is lazy to a fault, but she is one of the best problems solvers in all the underworld. Her figuring out the most efficient & quickest way to do something, because she really doesn't want to put the effort into it.
With many other gods going to her for advice on certain issues.
In Helhiem she spends most of her time just sleeping, reading, or daydreaming.
Special ability/talent:
Despite the fact belphagor usually seems half awake most of the time, she had deceptively very fast reflexes.
Her fighting style is more defensive, focusing on intercepting her opponent strikes before they can land. To parry them, or use their own momentum against them. Similar to judo or Akido.
Belphagor chose this fighting style because it specifically has the least amount of movement on her part.
By being so lazy, her body is actually conserving a large amount of energy. She can tap into her body energy stockpile, mostly in the form of short very dramatic burst of speed.
Blitzing most opponent with her blinding fast strikes, hitting from multiple angles.
In the match, through at least half of the fight Belphagor doesn't go all out against Sisyphus.
Not because she wants a good fight, not out of arrogance like Poseidon, or to impress the crowed like Apollo. But because it would be too much effort on her part.
They don’t call her the queen of the lazy for nothing.
She starts taking take the fight seriously, when Sisyphus starts to gain the upper hand. Even breaking off one of her horns.
submitted by TheseStaff to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:49 ItzYaBoiGalaxy Why Geto had Split Soul Katana

Why Geto had Split Soul Katana
This is gonna sound weird as hell, but in my opinion Geto had the Split Soul Katana and i think its something to take into consideration when powerscaling Geto.

How did Geto even obtain Split Soul?

Geto obtained Split Soul after Gojo killed Toji. After the fight the 'Inventory' Curse comes up to Geto, and Geto absorbs him adding it to his collection. The last time Split Soul was shown was during Chapter 73 of the manga and Season 4 Episode 4 of the anime. We see Toji putting the Katana back inside of the 'Inventory' Curse
After that we never see this version of Split Soul ever again. Its within the the 'Inventory' Curse and Geto absorbed him after that.

But Split Soul Katana got destroyed!!!!

I am aware of this fact but never was it shown when it got destroyed and how. We know that Playful Cloud is another weapon of Toji and we see Geto use said weapon in JJk 0 coming from the same 'Inventory' Curse
I'm going to throw a idea here, that Split Soul got destroyed during JJK 0. There is no evidence shown that Split Soul got destroyed prior to JJK 0. So how is Playful Cloud not destroyed (because we see it in Shibuya) but not Split Soul?
Simple. During the fight with Yuta, Geto used Playful Cloud but after Yuta's blackflash he dropped it on the floor. We don't see the weapon in the movie after this. So what does Geto do after he got hit with a blackflash? He used his Maximum: Uzumaki which combines all of his cursed spirits in one powerful Cursed Energy attack.
The 'Inventory' Curse is a part of Geto's arsenal thus making him part of Uzumaki. If Geto were to havae landed his Uzumaki then i would've said that Split Soul may have survived the events of JJK 0 but because Yuta's Love Beam like destroyed everything including the 'Inventory' Curse, its likely that that was the cause of Split Soul's destruction.
Result of Yuta's Love Beam,

Geto Never used it...

Thats true but that doesnt mean that he doesnt have it. Geto simply didnt have the screen time to show off all of his abilities. Especially when you consider that we saw him fight only once as an adult to someone he wasnt going all out against. So saying that he cant do things because we have never seen him do this just makes no sense to me (this point goes deeper than the point of the post so i might make a seperate post about it if yall want to).The fact that he has Playful Cloud to me shows that he has to have acces to Split Soul katana as well.
submitted by ItzYaBoiGalaxy to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:49 Herbal_Mind The Significance of Diet and Fasting in Longevity: Insights from Valter Longo and Recent Research

The Significance of Diet and Fasting in Longevity: Insights from Valter Longo and Recent Research
The quest for longevity has fascinated humanity for centuries, with diet and lifestyle habits being at the forefront of this pursuit. Valter Longo, a prominent figure in the study of longevity, has contributed significantly to our understanding of how dietary patterns influence lifespan. With a career spanning over three decades, Longo's insights into the role of diet, particularly the Mediterranean diet and fasting, offer invaluable guidance on enhancing health and longevity. This article explores the profound impact of diet and fasting on longevity, drawing upon Longo's research and recent scientific findings.
The Significance of Diet and Fasting in Longevity: Insights from Valter Longo and Recent Research by DALL-E
Youtube: video summary

Valter Longo's Perspective on Longevity and Diet

Valter Longo, the director of the Longevity Institute of the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California-Los Angeles and the Longevity and Cancer Laboratory at the IFOM Institute of Molecular Oncology in Milan, Italy, emphasizes the critical role of diet in longevity. Longo, who adheres to a Mediterranean diet, highlights the benefits of this dietary pattern in reducing the risks of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, Longo advocates for the fasting-mimicking diet, recommending a daily 12-hour fasting period to align with the body's natural rhythms. Despite the potential health benefits of having smaller dinner portions earlier in the evening, Longo opts for a substantial dinner at a later time, citing personal convenience and minimal negative impacts on overall health. This decision underscores the importance of balance and personal adaptation in dietary habits for longevity. (MSN)

Scientific Endorsement of Fasting and Meal Timing

Recent research supports Longo's stance on the importance of fasting and meal timing in health and longevity. A randomized controlled trial explored the effects of intermittent fasting plus early time-restricted eating (iTRE) versus calorie restriction in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes. The iTRE approach, which involves consuming 30% of energy requirements before noon followed by a 20-hour fasting period on selected days, showed significant improvements in glucose metabolism compared to calorie restriction alone. These findings highlight the potential of combining intermittent fasting with meal timing to enhance health outcomes. Additionally, a systematic review on intermittent fasting in breast cancer patients revealed that fasting could alleviate chemotherapy-induced side effects and improve quality of life during treatment, although more research is needed to understand its impact on tumor recurrence and overall survival. (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02287-7).
The metabolic benefits of fasting extend beyond glucose regulation and cancer therapy support. A study investigating the impact of prolonged fasting on energy metabolism in healthy males found that extended fasting periods significantly increase fat oxidation while reducing carbohydrate oxidation. These metabolic shifts indicate the body's adaptation to fasting, favoring fat as a primary energy source and potentially contributing to improved metabolic health. These findings align with Longo's recommendations for fasting and further emphasize the role of dietary patterns in modulating energy metabolism and promoting longevity. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37862821/).

Fasting in the Context of Cancer Therapy: Alleviating Side Effects and Enhancing Quality of Life

The exploration of fasting as an adjunct to cancer therapy has opened new avenues for enhancing the quality of life and potentially improving outcomes for patients undergoing treatment. In the rigorous battle against cancer, traditional treatments such as chemotherapy are often accompanied by severe side effects, including nausea, fatigue, and increased risk of infection, which can significantly impair a patient's quality of life. The systematic review on intermittent fasting in breast cancer patients provides a compelling argument for the inclusion of fasting protocols in the treatment regimen. Fasting has been shown to be feasible and safe for patients, with the potential to alleviate chemotherapy-induced adverse effects. Specifically, intermittent fasting has been associated with reduced chemotherapy toxicity, as evidenced by markers of DNA and leukocyte damage, suggesting a protective effect on healthy cells while still allowing chemotherapy to target cancer cells effectively.
Moreover, intermittent fasting during chemotherapy has been reported to improve patients' quality of life by reducing the severity of fatigue, nausea, and headaches, which are common side effects of cancer treatments. These improvements are thought to be mediated through various mechanisms, including the reduction of chemotherapy-induced DNA damage and the optimization of glycemic regulation. By improving serum glucose, insulin, and IGF-1 concentrations, fasting not only supports the body's metabolic health but also enhances the overall well-being of patients undergoing the stress of chemotherapy. Furthermore, the potential for fasting to impact the efficacy of chemotherapy positively, by sensitizing cancer cells to treatment while protecting normal cells, offers a promising area for further research. These findings underscore the importance of considering dietary interventions, such as intermittent fasting, as part of a comprehensive approach to cancer care, aiming to not only target the disease itself but also to improve the treatment experience and quality of life for patients. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9920353/.)

Herbal Remedies

Given the context of discussing longevity, fasting, and cancer therapy, and leveraging a deep understanding of phytochemistry, an herbal formula recommendation would focus on supporting overall health, enhancing metabolic balance, and potentially providing supportive care during cancer treatments. The following herbal formula is crafted to align with these objectives, taking into consideration the phytochemical properties of each herb that may contribute to longevity, enhanced metabolic function, and support during cancer therapy. It's important to note, however, that while herbal supplements can offer health benefits, they should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially for individuals undergoing cancer treatment.
Recommended Herbal Formula for Supporting Longevity and Metabolic Health:
  1. **Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Rich in polyphenols like epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).
  • **Benefits:** Green tea has been extensively studied for its antioxidant properties, ability to support metabolic health, and potential in cancer prevention. EGCG, in particular, has been shown to promote longevity through various mechanisms, including the modulation of pathways involved in aging and the enhancement of metabolic health.
  1. **Turmeric (Curcuma longa)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • **Benefits:** Curcumin has been researched for its potential in reducing inflammation, a key factor in chronic diseases and aging. Additionally, it has shown promise in cancer therapy, potentially reducing side effects of treatments and exerting anti-cancer effects.
  1. **Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Withanolides, which have adaptogenic properties.
  • **Benefits:** Ashwagandha is known for its ability to reduce stress and promote homeostasis, which can be beneficial during cancer treatment for managing stress and fatigue. Its adaptogenic properties also support overall health and longevity by enhancing the body's resilience to physical and mental stress.
  1. **Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Silymarin, a group of flavonolignans.
  • **Benefits:** Milk thistle has been traditionally used to support liver health, which is crucial for detoxification and metabolic processes. Silymarin has hepatoprotective properties and may also offer supportive care in cancer therapy by protecting the liver from toxicity associated with chemotherapy.
  1. **Ginseng (Panax ginseng)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Ginsenosides, which have adaptogenic and immunomodulatory effects.
  • **Benefits:** Ginseng is known for its ability to enhance physical and mental performance, support immune function, and improve metabolic health. Its immunomodulatory effects are particularly relevant for supporting the body during cancer treatment and potentially improving treatment outcomes.
For Cognitive Enhancement (Nootropics):
  1. **Ginkgo Biloba**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Flavonoids and terpenoids, which have potent antioxidant properties.
  • **Benefits:** Ginkgo biloba is renowned for its ability to enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and increase focus. It supports cerebral blood flow, which is essential for cognitive health and can be particularly beneficial in aging populations.
  1. **Bacopa Monnieri**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Bacosides, which have been shown to enhance synaptic communication.
  • **Benefits:** Bacopa monnieri supports memory, learning, and is also considered an adaptogen, helping to reduce stress. Its dual action as a nootropic and adaptogen makes it an excellent addition to a longevity-focused herbal formula.
For Nervous System Support (Nervines):
  1. **Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Rosmarinic acid and terpenes, which have calming effects.
  • **Benefits:** Lemon balm is a gentle nervine that helps in reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation without sedation. It supports a healthy mood and cognitive function by modulating stress response.
  1. **Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Linalool and linalyl acetate, which have soothing properties.
  • **Benefits:** Lavender is widely used for its calming and relaxing effects on the nervous system. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia, contributing to overall emotional and mental well-being.
For Stress Resilience (Adaptogens):
  1. **Rhodiola Rosea**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Salidroside and rosavins, which help in adapting to stress.
  • **Benefits:** Rhodiola is an adaptogen that enhances physical and mental stamina, reduces fatigue, and helps the body adapt to stress. It is particularly useful for improving mood and alleviating symptoms of burnout.
  1. **Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)**
  • **Phytochemicals:** Eugenol, ursolic acid, and rosmarinic acid.
  • **Benefits:** Holy Basil supports stress response, enhances mood, and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its holistic benefits on mind and body health.
Additional Considerations:
  • **Omega-3 Fatty Acids (from algae or flaxseeds)**: While not an herb, omega-3s are critical for cognitive health, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall longevity. They complement the herbal formula by providing essential nutrients for brain and heart health.
  • **Mushrooms (Lion’s Mane - Hericium erinaceus)**: Lion’s Mane has been shown to support nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis, which is vital for cognitive function and could be considered as part of a nootropic strategy.


In conclusion, the research and insights provided by Valter Longo, along with recent scientific studies, underscore the pivotal role of diet and fasting in achieving longevity. Longo's commitment to a Mediterranean diet and his advocacy for the fasting-mimicking diet highlight the importance of dietary quality and timing in health maintenance. Moreover, the growing body of evidence supporting the benefits of intermittent fasting and early time-restricted eating offers promising avenues for enhancing metabolic health and reducing disease risk. As we continue to explore the complex relationship between diet, fasting, and longevity, it becomes increasingly clear that personalized dietary strategies, informed by scientific research and individual preferences, are key to optimizing health and lifespan.


  1. I've studied longevity for 35 years: Here's the one habit I won't change even for a longer life. MSN Health. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/othei-ve-studied-longevity-for-35-years-here-s-the-one-habit-i-won-t-change-even-for-a-longer-life/ar-BB1nhl8Y.
  2. Intermittent fasting plus early time-restricted eating versus calorie restriction and standard care in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Nature Medicine. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02287-7.
  3. Intermittent Fasting in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Critical Update of Available Studies. PubMed Central. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9920353/.
  4. The impact of prolonged fasting on 24h energy metabolism and its 24h rhythmicity in healthy, lean males: A randomized cross-over trial. PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37862821/.
submitted by Herbal_Mind to HerbalBloom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:43 OkEquipment4124 19 [M4F] Scotland/Anywhere Hoping to form a genuine bond with someone

So, eh, where to begin? I guess basics about myself is a good place to start. I enjoy playing video games a lot, I like to draw, I make music occasionally (music in general is something that brings me a lot of joy), and I go on walks every now and then (mainly when I have the energy to do so). Just a massive nerd all around really. I like to think I’m a pretty good listener all things considered. I genuinely put effort into getting to know someone. I always take an interest in other people’s hobbies. I like hearing about what other people like, it fascinates me.
I already know I’m going to be asked about this so may as well just toss it in here. As far as physical appearance goes, I have relatively short, ash brown hair with a left part, blue eyes, hooded eyelids, a slim physique, with a height of around 5’10, and a weight of around 128lbs. I’m also open to just sending a picture of myself if that would make things easier.
As for you, I don’t have too much preference in terms of appearance. All I can really ask is (at risk of sounding like an ass to some) that you’re a reasonable weight. Other than that, looks aren’t a big factor for me.
In terms of personality, I appreciate honesty and respect. Relationships should have a strong foundation of trust and honesty is required to form trust. This of course goes both ways and applies to me just as much as it does you. That aside, I don’t mind if you’re introverted or extroverted or anywhere in between, so long as you’re not the Anti-Christ we should get along just fine. Of course some shared interests would be welcomed (you get bonus points if you play on Xbox) but even if we don’t have too much in common, don’t let that dissuade you. Opposites attract as they say.
If you decide to reach out I would like to ask if you could perhaps give a little introduction of yourself and let me know what got you to message me. If you read through the whole thing then I’d like to thank you for doing so. Regardless of whether you decide to message me or not, I hope that whoever is reading this has a wonderful day, or evening, or night.
submitted by OkEquipment4124 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:40 Myk1984 Further evidence that shows it was JD who left AH after she physically assaulted him following her birthday party.

30th April, 2016

AH flew from LA to NYC in preparation for the MET Gala
Christian Carino and JD had the following text exchange
CC: Hey, just wanted you to know that if I can help with Amber, I am here for you.
JD: Thanks, pal. Weird shit. X.
CC: The three of us are all in New York City this week. If you want to go to dinner and try to sort it out, I would set it up if you want.
JD: No. I think the proverbial dukey has hit the fan this time. Thanks anyway. Big mucho, JD.
CC: Let me try. Okay for me to try?
JD: I wouldn't bother my brother. It's sad but necessary.

4th May, 2016

CC: Hey, she's really in pain. I've seen her hurting before, but not like this to the point where it scares me. She's completely devastated. I know it isn't my place to say this, but she needs you to be there for her. Regardless of whether you guys stay together or not, she needs you as a friend and as a husband to get her through. I know you love her and would do anything to protect her. She needs you now. I love you both. We can talk today if you want. Please just reach out to her. Find peace for each other whether it means together or apart. Love each other through the process. Please, JD, help my friend. Love ya, C."

May 5th, 2016

JD: What can I do, brother? I would do anything to take away her pain. I'd literally do fucking anything for her, especially from hurting. Though word on the street from NYC says that apparently she's all smiles, even bagged a meeting with Ralph Lauren. Aw, irony. Let me know. X, JD.
CC: I will call her later today. What city are you in? And just tell me you still love her.
JD: I'm in London and of course I love her. I would kill for her. At this point, I'm just not so enthused about dying for her over such ludicrous and petty wars.
CC: Okay. When are you coming home? I will get you together.
JD: I'm here until around the 15th and then in L.A. for like two days and then off for rehearsals and vampire tour. What the fuck is her deal, man? Did she tell you why we are where we are?
CC: Yeah, I've heard the story. I'm sure there are two versions. Here's what I know. You both love each other, and you both need each other, and you both need to change some behaviors if you want to be together. Simple as that. What are the two days you will be in L.A.?
JD: I'm back on the 16th, 17th, and 18th, but there will be no need for any of this at that point. I can only imagine what her version is, but I'm not going to live my life the way that I have been.
CC: Relax. Give me a minute. I'm going to get you guys to talk today, but you need to see each other sooner than that. But let's cross that bridge later.

May 7, 2016,

JD: Whenever mate. X
CC: Haven't gotten her yet. I'll let you know as soon as I do get her, but can't get through on your cell. Call me.

May 11th, 2016

CC: Hey, tried you. Change of heart. Are you still up to talk with her?
JD responds to message from David Heard
…’we’ve not spoken to one another since I left at 4.30am on the morning of the 22nd, her birthday, the argument , once again, brought her straight to that uncontrollable rage and she started throwing fuckin’ haymakers around again, I cannot allow ANYONE to believe that it’s okay to insult me, disrespect me and then feel as though she can apply violence to a situation that is already spinning out of control…’
Christian Carino Deposition Vol.2%20(OCRed).pdf)
Johnny Depp's Second UK Witness Statement.pdf)
submitted by Myk1984 to deppVheardtrial [link] [comments]
