Ascii birthday musical notes

A problem with my [17M] over-sensitive and hysterical girlfriend [18F]

2024.06.09 14:12 cockenbolles A problem with my [17M] over-sensitive and hysterical girlfriend [18F]

I've started dating her around almost a year ago, and in the honeymoon phase everything was perfect - she was sweet, caring, easy-going, and just a lot of fun overall. But after a few months things began to deteriorate and I have no idea what to do next. Just to write down a few examples:
I don't know what to think about that. I really do love her and I think that deep down she's a good person, but it often takes too much of a mental toll on me.
I'm left confused and I don't know what to do next after a series of temper tantrums, jealousy and control issues by my girlfriend.
submitted by cockenbolles to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:06 DrakenMemoria Live-streamed D&D campaign, Wednesday at 10:30 p.m. EST

Greetings from Dräken Memoria. Interested in a bit of Dungeons and Dragons? We stream live game sessions every Wednesday on at 10:30 p.m. EST, in a home-brewed universe and campaign. And for those on the East Coast, we have a rebroadcast at a more decent viewing hour for you on Friday at 7:30 p.m. EST.
The channel is still small, and some of the participants do not have professional equipment. So don’t expect blockbuster sound and image. However, the players are having fun, we finally have a few ambiance music, and we have finally started to work on adding warnings for followers and subscribers as well as something to watch for the pre-stream, breaks, and session ends.
The campaign is set in a medieval fantasy world with elements of realism, but no limitation on how weird it can get. Especially when gnomes are involved. Some chapters can take a turn for the weirder, darker, or comedic, but it always ends up back to its normal state at the end of the chapter. The campaign is also set to stretch in the high level.
So if you think this can interest you, give us a try. And as a side note, I just started a map making Stream on Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. EST. So if that’s more up your alley, come and join me.
submitted by DrakenMemoria to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:02 Kionea Games with emotional boss battles intentionally carried through music?

Yes, I realize pretty much every game has at least one of these but I'm more meaning games that do it for every boss or at least really build up to the final boss.
The prime example of what I'm talking about would be Undertale but other excellent ones are Gwyn's fight in Dark Souls, numerous fights in Kingdom Hearts, Sonic as a series at least since the 3D era particularly with final bosses, both Nier games, and Shadow of the Colossus.
Note that by emotional I don't necessarily mean sad or desperate, rather that the game's primary emotional tones are conveyed in boss themes. Metal Gear Rising and Furi are excellent examples where the emotional tone is definitely anger, Final Fantasy 6 and 7 have very grandiose final boss themes to evoke awe of the boss, Majora's Mask has some extremely off putting and anxious final boss music as the primary emotional tones are fear and desperation, etc. I'm essentially looking for games where the final battle or battles in general are as much an emotional catharsis in the music as they are in the story or mechanics.
submitted by Kionea to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:58 Omarejleh1 The love Note

In the bustling heart of New York City, Emma worked tirelessly at a quaint little bookstore tucked away on a quiet street. Among the many patrons, there was one who always caught her eye. A young man named Jake, with an easy smile and a penchant for classic novels, visited the store every Friday.
One rainy afternoon, as Emma was organizing books, she found a note tucked inside a copy of "Pride and Prejudice." It read: "If you find this, meet me at the park bench by the fountain at 6 PM." Her heart raced at the thought that it might be from Jake.
At precisely 6 PM, Emma arrived at the fountain, her umbrella shielding her from the downpour. Sitting on the bench was Jake, drenched but smiling warmly. He stood up as she approached, his eyes filled with hope.
"I wasn't sure you'd find the note," he said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
Emma smiled, her heart fluttering. "I’m glad I did."
They spent the evening talking under the shelter of her umbrella, discovering shared passions for books, music, and the small joys in life. The rain eventually stopped, but they remained, lost in each other's company.
From that day on, every Friday wasn't just a bookstore visit for Jake. It was a cherished moment with Emma, a love story that began with a simple note and blossomed into something beautiful amidst the pages of their favorite novels.
submitted by Omarejleh1 to romance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:47 UnfairAcanthisitta23 Have you heard of the guy who lost his whole left side? (21M)

MHe’s alright now. I love that shitty joke. I also have a shitty sense of humor. But that’s obvious, isn’t it?
I’d tell you my name, but let’s keep the anonymity on that for the time being. I like to have that kind of barrier when I’ve spoken to deranged medical students and a woman who thought she could be physically turned into a car. I wish I was joking.
I’m from Minnesota. I’m Latino and bi. I’m also a Gemini and my MBTI is ENFJ. I study business, I used to study sociology but then I dropped out of uni. Long story. I work as a server at a hotel for events such as weddings, birthday parties, business retreats. I love it and I hate it, the pay is why I’m still there.
I love listening to music, my favorite genres are rap, r&b, and alternative rock. I love to write from fiction to journaling. I love pretty much art in general, traveling, learning new things, and going out. Also play video games, but I haven’t had much time lately. I’m pretty much a pothead so I hope you’d be fine with that lmao. I feel like I can get along with anyone as long as you can put effort into the conversation lol.
I’d appreciate if you tell me a bit about yourself once you message me. Also Id prefer that you’re from a timezone (CST) close to me since we’d be able to chat instead of one of us being asleep. I’m cool with moving onto a different platform later on.
submitted by UnfairAcanthisitta23 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:46 UnfairAcanthisitta23 Have you heard of the guy who lost his whole left side? (21M)

He’s alright now. I love that shitty joke. I also have a shitty sense of humor. But that’s obvious, isn’t it?
I’d tell you my name, but let’s keep the anonymity on that for the time being. I like to have that kind of barrier when I’ve spoken to deranged medical students and a woman who thought she could be physically turned into a car. I wish I was joking.
I’m from Minnesota. I’m Latino and bi. I’m also a Gemini and my MBTI is ENFJ. I study business, I used to study sociology but then I dropped out of uni. Long story. I work as a server at a hotel for events such as weddings, birthday parties, business retreats. I love it and I hate it, the pay is why I’m still there.
I love listening to music, my favorite genres are rap, r&b, and alternative rock. I love to write from fiction to journaling. I love pretty much art in general, traveling, learning new things, and going out. Also play video games, but I haven’t had much time lately. I’m pretty much a pothead so I hope you’d be fine with that lmao. I feel like I can get along with anyone as long as you can put effort into the conversation lol.
I’d appreciate if you tell me a bit about yourself once you message me. Also Id prefer that you’re from a timezone (CST) close to me since we’d be able to chat instead of one of us being asleep. I’m cool with moving onto a different platform later on.
submitted by UnfairAcanthisitta23 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:43 Camp_camper First iPad - M1 Air or M2 air?

Hey everyone, as the title says, Im about to buy my first iPad and Im deciding between the M1 air vs M2 air. From what Ive read and watched so far, it seems like the only benefit I’ll be getting from the M2 air is the 128gb base storage (vs 64gb on the M1) and the landscape oriented front camera. I do have an iCloud subscription shared across my iPhone and Macbook with about 100gb left.
I plan on using the iPad mainly for notes and screen sharing (via Airplay from my Macbook) but I think I see a future where the iPad will be my “travel laptop” with a keyboard and all. And of course for music, videos, and movies.
Just wanted to get some opinions from everyone here. Does anyone else see trade offs I’m not seeing? For what I’ll use it for, is the M1 air sufficient?
To add, the M1 Air 64gb is about it 150 USD cheaper than the M2 Air 128gb.
submitted by Camp_camper to ipad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:39 grumpi-otter I love Got to Give and I love the intro to Got to Give. However . . .

They really don't seem to go together? I don't mean that in a snarky way, just that they seem very different tonally. I've listened to it maybe 10-15 times now and it gets me every time that I think it's a different song starting, then I go, "Oh yeah, I forgot."
I'm hoping someone musical can tell me something like "Well, the chord tonality in the intro blends with the diatomaceous rhythm of the rest of the song by looping diagonal notes under the centripetal modality, which creates a resonance . . . " (I TOTALLY MADE THAT UP!)
submitted by grumpi-otter to pearljam [link] [comments]



2024.06.09 13:37 Am_Confused_WBU 23(M4F) India/Anywhere:: 🌟 Seeking My Curious Companion: Let's Explore Life Together! 🌟

Hey there, wonderful people of Reddit! I'm Ehsaan, and I'm on a quest to find my perfect match—a fellow adventurer ready to explore life's wonders alongside me. Currently residing in India , I'm eager to connect with like-minded souls who share my zest for creativity, compassion, and endless curiosity.
About Me: 🎨 Passionate Artist: From sketching captivating landscapes to indulging in vibrant paintings, my creative spirit knows no bounds! 🌱 Green Thumb Enthusiast: There's nothing quite like the therapeutic joy of nurturing a garden oasis amidst the bustling chaos of everyday life. 🎮 Tech Explorer Extraordinaire: Dive into the realm of innovation and discovery with me as we uncover the latest advancements in technology and science!
🏐 Athletic Adventurer: Whether it's a friendly game of cricket or a spirited volleyball match, I thrive on the adrenaline rush of sportsmanship. 📚 Bookworm and Counselor: Lose yourself in the pages of a compelling novel or seek solace in heartfelt conversations—I'm here to lend an empathetic ear whenever you need it. 🎵 Melody Seeker: Let's lose ourselves in the harmonious symphony of music, where every note tells a story waiting to be heard.
My Unique Quirk: Did you know that I possess the uncanny ability to seamlessly blend diverse interests like gaming, gardening, tech exploration, counseling, and sports? Discover the magic of adaptability as we navigate the intricate tapestry of life together!
What I'm Seeking: 🌟 Empathetic Explorer: A partner who shares my values of empathy, honesty, and open-mindedness, and who isn't afraid to dive deep into the mysteries of the human experience. 🚀 Ambitious Dreamer: Let's inspire each other to reach new heights and chase our wildest aspirations, fueled by passion and determination. 😂 Sense of Humor Required: Life's too short to take seriously! Bring your best jokes and witty banter as we embark on countless adventures filled with laughter and joy. 💬 Master Communicator: Communication is the cornerstone of any thriving relationship. Let's build a foundation of trust and understanding through meaningful dialogue and shared experiences.
Open for Every Topic and Relationship: I'm open-minded and ready to explore a wide range of topics and relationship dynamics. Whether it's friendship, companionship, or something more, let's approach it with curiosity and an open heart.
Deal Breakers: 🚫 Dishonesty and Closed-mindedness: Ain't nobody got time for mind games or narrow perspectives! 🚫 Lack of Empathy and Respect: Compassion and kindness are non-negotiables in my book. 🚫 Stagnation and Complacency: Let's keep the flames of passion burning bright as we continue to grow and evolve together.
Let's Connect! If you're intrigued by the prospect of joining forces with a curious, creative, and compassionate soul like myself, then I'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts on our shared interests, your favorite book or movie, or dive deep into the realms of dreams and aspirations. The adventure awaits—let's seize it together! 🚀
submitted by Am_Confused_WBU to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]



2024.06.09 13:29 captain618 GoooodMorning! Harmonic music coming from the woods?

I was walking to work this morning like I always do, quick 15min walk down the hill to the coffee shop… there’s a small stretch of woods where the deer usually huff at me for disturbing their breakfast…
This morning no deer, but this like kinda aerie harmonic like music/chanting don’t know really how to describe it other than high pitched tune on repeat… when I get home I’ll try and look at some music stuff and figure out the notes maybe? Idk I’m writing this before I clock in
It was around 530am
submitted by captain618 to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:23 shygirl003 f18 wanting to meet new souls🍮

hi i love art , science , music i love sharing music :3 , games i have a pc & switch , 420 friendly , collecting creepy dolls , pinterest, sonny angels/kawaii & metaphysics , sci-fi , nature so much more . i love vcs / sending voice notes , watching shows/ movies together etc . i tlike versatile and random convos aha
i'm open minded and non judgemental :3 . just looking for friends who i can talk on a daily basis who know how to hold a convo & just being themselves ! i mainly use discord my timezone is (est)
submitted by shygirl003 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:20 zero4all Brief introduction

This post offers a glimpse into my zero-point energy journey and discoveries made along the way, providing an oversimplified version of the complexities involved. While it presents fragments of scientific theories, it's essential to recognize that the exploration of ZPE delves into intricate realms beyond this brief exposition. The discoveries recounted here are simplified snapshots of a broader landscape, with ongoing debates challenging conventional scientific paradigms. It's important to note that the explanations of current scientific theories are merely facets of a larger understanding. No harm or offense is intended by these simplified explanations; rather, they serve as stepping stones for further exploration and discussion, urging readers to approach the subject with an open mind and a willingness to delve deeper into its complexities.
Here we go..
Modern science struggles to pinpoint the location of consciousness within our brains. Ancient teachings on non-local consciousness and purported psychic abilities, including remote viewing and channeling (among many others), hint at a radical departure: our consciousness may not originate from our brains at all. Instead, it suggests that our brains are mere vessels shaped by consciousness. Acting as interpreters of frequencies, our senses offer glimpses of a reality crafted by consciousness through our brains. This perspective reconceives consciousness as the fundamental essence of existence, expressed through frequencies and vibrations. Nikola Tesla's iconic words, 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,' resonate profoundly with this notion. Tesla's belief in the existence of ether, the elemental substance from which all matter emerges, aligns with the idea that consciousness and ether could be intertwined. Within this framework, our brains are not generators of consciousness; rather, consciousness shapes the brain and everything perceived through it. This realization heralds a seismic shift in our understanding of reality.
Modern science explains that particles arise from fluctuations, transitioning between probability waves and tangible forms - particles are essentially manifestations of waves. This understanding, rooted in wave-particle duality, asserts that everything, including particles, fundamentally exists as waves. This interpretation resonates with my comprehension of how the universe operates.
The necessity of quoting more Tesla isn't essential here, as the concept of consciousness or ether inherently encompasses energy, frequency, and vibration. Reflecting on our understanding of electricity as an energy form, it's plausible that our comprehension of the electromagnetic field is incomplete. The propagation of electricity outside wires, within the electromagnetic field, hints at a deeper connection to consciousness or ether. Given that consciousness embodies frequencies and vibrations, it's logical to consider the ether's vibrational nature as the medium for electromagnetic wave propagation. This suggests that the traditional electromagnetic field may not be requisite for electricity transmission, as it likely traverses through the ether, as Tesla proposed.
After delving into multiple physics theories in pursuit of uncovering a unifying Theory of Everything, I stumbled upon vortex math. Subsequently, immersing myself extensively in its principles, I found Marko Rodin's insights particularly compelling. His elucidation of how the universe seemingly adheres to vortex patterns in energy flow resonated deeply with my quest for understanding the fundamental fabric of reality. Nature never operates in straight lines, and energy exhibits its own curvature, as indicated by vortex math. While vortex math elegantly elucidates the physical reality circuit (1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5) and its corresponding ether side (3, 6, 9), attempting to construct a device using base-10 math alongside vortex math presents a challenge. Something seems amiss and requires further investigation. This is where music enters the picture. Music, with its frequencies and harmonies, offers valuable insights.
It appears that the universe is divided into 12 equal intervals, akin to the structure of music. The 12 notes of the chromatic scale form an octave. Without delving into the intricacies of octaves and harmonies here, but understanding this concept reveals the significance of employing base-12 math in subjects like this. Both Tesla and Rodin were onto something with their emphasis on 3, 6, and 9 within the context of base-10 math. However, constructing a device based solely on this knowledge could lead to an imbalance between the ether and physical realms, resulting in energy leakage. Utilizing base-12 math, on the other hand, would align the formula perfectly and achieve harmonious equilibrium between the ether and physical aspects. The key to unlocking this balance lies in incorporating the numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12.
Contemplating these insights led me to consider the manifestation of energy/matter. Is it conceivable to engineer a device that manipulates ether in a manner that generates elevated waves in the ether, commonly known as standing waves?
A brief study of wave dynamics and interference revealed that longitudinal waves interacting or interfering with each other produce standing waves. Understanding that wires or conductive materials serve as "waveguides" for waves propagating in ether (or consciousness), it becomes feasible to construct a device capable of modulating the ether to generate desired standing waves upon it.
So, I resolved to challenge my own and others' beliefs regarding this concept and began constructing the device myself. The idea was to utilize waveguides or commonly known conductive materials arranged in a manner that encourages wave interference within the ether. Adjacent to these waveguides, there would be conductive material positioned to effectively "collect" these standing waves.
This led me to create a device comprising copper plates shaped correctly for waveguides, with induction plates situated nearby. To my lack of surprise, transmitting the appropriate longitudinal wave to this device resulted in a significant surplus of electricity being generated on the induction plates. Initial experiments yielded highly promising results. Adding a load to the plates and measuring the produced power indicated that with only 5W of input power, I was able to generate multiple kW impulses on the induction plates. Remarkably compact, the device is not much larger than a basketball and weighs only about 1.5kg, making it incredibly portable and versatile. Its size belies its capabilities, as it can easily serve as a power source for a house, electric car, or any other electric application. Furthermore, its construction is remarkably simple, requiring no complex electronic components or expensive materials, and it can be assembled at home using basic tools.
One significant observation is that the surplus electricity manifests as impulses rather than continuous power. Thus far, I've had to externally introduce the input pulse to the device from an external power source, resulting in infrequent impulses in the previous development version. However, I've devised a method to configure the device so that it generates the input pulse autonomously, enabling it to operate continuously as a self-sustaining generator. Though the term "generator" may not be entirely accurate, as it simply manifests energy from the ether. Functioning akin to all motors and generators, it operates as a self-feeding and self-running system.
Like an internal combustion engine, which relies on fuel, a spark plug, and a piston/camshaft to convert energy, this device operates with the ether as its fuel source, the input pulse acting as the spark plug, and the waveguides and inducing plates functioning as the piston and camshaft. This device complies with physical laws, as it harnesses energy from the ether, an external and seemingly unlimited energy source. Thus, it does not violate thermodynamic laws, as it operates as an open system rather than a closed one. Its only requirement for operation is an initial kickstart, akin to most motors. Once kickstarted, it runs autonomously, devoid of any moving parts, and can be constructed by most individuals themselves.
This device represents my interpretation of true zero-point energy—a concept that holds immense promise as a virtually unlimited and sustainable source of free energy. Zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy or ground state energy, is the energy that remains in a system even at its lowest possible energy state. Harnessing this energy could revolutionize the way we power our world, offering a clean, abundant, and renewable source of energy for all.
You might wonder why I'm sharing this without providing video proof of my device. The reason is simple: I intend for this device to be open source, marking the first step toward making this technology accessible to everyone. I have no intention of patenting it under any circumstances. All the necessary information to build this device will be freely available for anyone to use. This post marks the inaugural stride towards a society where energy is not merely a commodity but a birthright, as essential as the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Through this research journey, I've been awakened to the profound essence of our reality and the boundless possibilities it entails. The revelation that energy can be effortlessly harnessed from the ether unveils a paradigm-shifting vista of potentialities. If such a feat is within our grasp, then the manipulation of gravity and the manifestation of matter are no longer relegated to the realm of science fiction but become tantalizingly attainable aspirations. Given their strong connection to the ether, both gravity and matter offer avenues for exploration, suggesting that neutralizing gravitational forces becomes as achievable as manifesting energy.
Stay tuned, for this is just the beginning of a voyage into a future where the boundaries of possibility are limited only by our imagination. Future posts will reveal more detailed information about the device and the power output, along with videos of the device in operation.
submitted by zero4all to zero4all [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:03 strange_serenity21 I still miss my ex after 4 years since breakup

I don't necessarily like venting to my family or the little friends I have anymore about this since I don't want them to know how weak of a person I am because this breakup killed me back when it first happened. This all basically starts in 2019, I had just graduated highschool, started college in the fall and was heading into 3 years of being with my at the time highschool bf, now ex, and things were kind of weird. Maybe it was the high emotions of being launched into adulthood or maybe I was going insane who knows, either way I started getting really depressed that summer. So many things were happening all at the same time like my cat dying/running away, losing friends, health issues, etc. and it felt like the order of my world was crashing down. I felt crazy because I also felt like a child with so much on my plate and to be quite honest I still do. I loved my ex boyfriend I really did and I still have some love for him present day but we had already had some tensions built up from previous matters that I started just piling and piling up in my head and there was only so much more I could take honestly. The first time he really broke a piece of me was when I had to go to a scholarship acceptance banquet and they completely fucked me over so I left crying and since I went there expecting to eat I left hungry so I went to get food and drove to see him after his shift and we ate in my car or more like he ate in my car while I cried and he kind of listened because in the middle of ranting he turned up the music in the car because "it was a good song", mind you I was still crying. After this anything he did that slightly pissed me off started getting added into my pile of grievances. Also in my eyes after we graduated from Highschool he did start to seem distant at times, one of the habits he grew was constantly being on his phone while on dates, sometimes even texting a girl I told him to block because I felt insecure. I know what you are probably thinking, another girl that just won't let her boyfriend have a chick friend. You know yea basically but one thing that got me really insecure is he would constantly play games with girls and be all chummy with them but when I asked to play it was always "maybe later" and well later never came except for one time when he asked me to play minecraft with him so I bought minecraft just to play,even though I know it gives me severe motion sickness, and we played for maybe 30 minutes until he was tired left and we never played again even when I asked for it. After a couple more incidents of him just not caring about my feelings I won't lie my eyes did start to wander off of him a little, I never acted on this because this really scared me due to being with my ex for so long and only knowing him and all I could think of was how could I possibly be so cruel and just leave him like that, so I continued to stay and at this time I still had the motivation to work things out. A couple months pass and I am still pretty depressed and suddenly I start having this feeling of no emotion at all. I feel like maybe this is what some might call desensitization but I haven't looked into it all that much. I felt like I couldn't feel happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, basically any emotion I had ever encountered was now gone out of nowhere even love was gone. This loss of emotion affected everyone around me not just my ex, I literally didn't even love my parents, that is how bad it was. Our anniversary passes and I'm going through out it but we make it to 2020. Of course like most people this is where shit starts going south because well 2020 was the year of the pandemic. I'm in my second semester of freshman year and I'm still struggling internally without telling anyone about what I am going through mentally. Worst thing about this was that I could barely tell my ex about it because he in the past made fun of his best friend for having to be in a psych ward, which was another addition to the pile might I add. Due to the nature of him casting me and my emotions aside once the pandemic was in full swing I slowly implemented my way of casting him aside slowly but surely to give him a taste of his own medicine. Was this petty yea but did I do it... yea. So during the pandemic of course we would talk but I spent more time playing games, doing exercise/losing weight, and getting back into my hobbies. At this time I don't think it bothered him that much because I was still giving him his doses of attention and he was giving me mine so like whatever I suppose. But then at some point during this shift I remember being on snapchat after hours after he said he had gone to bed and checking where all my friends were on snapmaps, and thats when I see him in the middle of a parking lot alone around 2-3am in the morning. I start trying to make rational thoughts like maybe thats the last place he was when he opened snapchat before going home to bed so I just snap him out of curiosity and I can't remember what I said but it was something along the lines of "i cant sleep miss you send a pic" and he opens it right away and I really couldn't tell where he was in the picture. I open the snap map again and he's still in the parking lot and I ask him what he is doing and he just says trying to sleep. Obviously not.... To this day I don't know what was up with that, sometimes I want to think he was maybe getting weed or something late at night but lying to me because neither of us did substances of any kind at that time but I suspect he was cheating maybe. This was like a huge break in my sanity and after this I became even more distant and sometimes I wouldn't even text him during the day and sometimes he would do the same for me too. Something completely snapped in me a couple of weeks later and when he was hanging out with his friends I decided I needed to call a break. I think this is truly where I messed up and where things could've gone positively for me if I didn't do what I did next. We met up a day later and he was crying while I explained to him everything I had/was going through and how all the things he did were finally getting to me and I remember looking at him crying and feeling nothing but telling him it was a break and that I just needed time to think and that we would more than likely get back together. The beginning of this break was like heaven to me. I felt pure bliss and it felt like everything that was wrong had washed away in an instance. I remember sunbathing outside with my cousins maybe a day or two after that meet up and just being so happy about just breathing outside. I don't remember texting my ex that first week much as my dad had also gone through emergency surgery and I was dealing with that. Second week we started just checking up on eachother a little and third week I think is when we met up and I once again told him we would get back together soon and it didn't feel like a bad idea anymore to be honest. I genuinely think I just needed a little time and space. After that we saw eachother once a week and we'd just chill and talk and at some point we started getting physical with eachother again and genuinely I felt pretty good about getting back together this time around. One of the last times I spoke to him in a loving way I remember him not having his glasses on and telling him how glad I was to be able to see his eyes without glasses on and how pretty his green eyes were... Then the next week we broke up because I found him, in my opinion, emotionally cheating on me with someone over the internet, which he denied. The way I reacted to finding this out was crazy, I felt so insane and don't even understand all the things I said and did but I did them. I was pissed off at myself because there was no way I had let myself get vulnerable all over again with him and regaining my emotions just for him to fuck me over like that. I was utterly devastated, especially thinking that I couldve broken up with him and ended up emotionally okay but then I let him break up with me. This breakup was a huge rift in our circles, my friends hated him, his friends hated him and some of them even asked me out after this, which was weird and still is considering these people are still friends with him but I digress. Although at the time of our breakup he acted like there was potential for us dating again and how he would always have a place in his heart for me he actually moved on rather quickly to the person I caught him texting. Felt like I gave him so many chances but he gave me zero. If anyones gone through a breakup they know that deep sinking feeling straight in the chest. I felt that shit from June to November nonstop everyday. I was going insane being in my own body. I became anemic and developed an ED because of how little I was eating. My mom tells me about how when I slept in her and my dads room the first month she would watch me sleep because she could see how much of a toll the breakup took on me, she said it looked like my eyes had completely sunken in and that my collar bone looked like it was cutting through me. Basically I looked like a walking lifeless corpse was how bad I took it. I won't lie I stalked my ex hardcore the next couple months because I couldn't fathom him being so happy when I was in so much pain. Thankfully once my birthday arrived I didn't feel as bad anymore and I was able to celebrate with a smile on my face with my family. Once 2021 hit I vowed to let go and stop checking up on him and start living my life and it was honestly going really good... at first. Because once I stopped stalking him he decided to make multiple accounts to stalk me. I immediately knew it was him and I won't lie I entertained it, I enjoyed the attention I received from someone who now probably regretted his decision. I let it go on a little until I sabotaged it, because in my mind if I exposed him to his partner at the time maybe just maybe he would come back to me. WRONG COMPLETELY WRONG. He lied his way out of getting into trouble somehow after I confronted him and his partner at the time and it left me feeling more drained than ever. This time it started a downward spiral for me so bad that I had to start antidepressants and to this day I still take. Yet after all of this I still miss him. I know I am weak and stupid and everything else inbetween but that's just who I am. I hate myself for wasting my early twenties to being depressed over this but I can't do anything about it now. I've been single ever since and he's on his second partner now since me. I didn't start finding people attractive again until the middle of 2023 and since then I have entertained the idea of bumble and tinder but I cannot fathom it. I want an organic relationship with some new but sometimes I want lovers to enemies to lovers again with me ex idk. The only reason I'm venting about this was because I went on facebook and one of my friends memories had him in middle school in it and I lost it. Hope someone can be entertained by my stupid love story or maybe someone can feel not so alone in this evil love filled world.
also I kept some things out because I don't want to embarrass myself more than I already have
submitted by strange_serenity21 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:02 PianoDaddy Kehna Hi Kya Sargam Notes Bombay

Kehna Hi Kya Sargam Notes Bombay Available On Sargam Book.

Bombay #Chitra #Sargam #Harmonium #Flute #Notes #Notations #Lyrics #Classical #IndianMusic #Sitar #IndianClassicalMusic #Learn
submitted by PianoDaddy to LearnPianoOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:58 huffleypuffley_ Trading! Quick replying! Link in comments

Trading! Quick replying! Link in comments submitted by huffleypuffley_ to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 PianoDaddy Aaja Shaam Hone Aayi Piano Notes Maine Pyar Kiya

Aaja Shaam Hone Aayi Piano Notes Maine Pyar Kiya Available On Piano Mint.

LataMangeshkar #MainePyarKiya #SPBalasubramaniam #Piano #Keyboard #Notes #Notations #Music #Education #Learn #Tutorial #Lessons
submitted by PianoDaddy to LearnPianoOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:44 RebelSimpact Using a stereo dac/amp with (digitally converted) mono source VS using separate DAC + mono AMP to drive a single 100W 6Ohm speaker?

I just bought a budget bluetooth stereo 300W DAC/AMP from an online shop (AIYIMA A07 PRO) and I wanted to use it to drive my sony 100W 6Ohm speaker. But the output only has L / R meaning its a stereo output and there's no mono switch on the amp, I'm afraid I lost out half of the music since most songs nowadays utilize 2 channels speaker. Which one is better & cost-effective solution?
  1. Since this amp has bluetooth, I can set my audio output on android to "mono", so I just need to use one of the channels provided on the amp to get most of the sound.
  2. Buy a separate mono AMP, so my music are automatically converted from stereo to mono.
Note: The budget amp that I bought hasn't been shipped yet and I have 2 days of timeframe to confirm/cancel it. Soo that's why I need some help on this topic. Thanks in advance!
submitted by RebelSimpact to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:41 howaminot_myself_ Social anxiety

How do yall deal with feeling awkward/shy/socially anxious when you’re out and about or hanging with a group of people sober? I’ve always been more reserved unless I’m suuuper comfortable with the people I’m with. But when I drank in the past I always felt like I was more fun, people were drawn to me more, I could light up people’s nights, be talkative, energetic, FUN. Idk. I don’t feel like that anymore…I feel like I’ve lost my whole personality. I almost slipped up tonight bc of it. I was out at a music event and I just felt so off socially like tbh I felt like an awkward loser lolllll. I knew that alcohol would alleviate all of that in a split second and I could have more fun, relax, be social. Thankfully I had two really good friends with me who encouraged me to stay sober. Does this part of sobriety ever get fucking easier? When will I gain my confidence to go out and be myself SOBER?
Side note—today I hit 90 days. Yay
submitted by howaminot_myself_ to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:20 TheCoastalSpecialist Just some late-night thoughts (I suppose a collection of notes I decided to attempt to organize)

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to lose sight of the beauty that surrounds us. Despite the challenges we face, there is a profound truth that we are growing better at nurturing our dreamers, the ones who dare to believe in a brighter future.
Music often captures this sentiment perfectly, stirring emotions and inspiring us to dream. Love, dreams, and leaps of faith, whether grand or simple, are not lost on many of us. While the demons of doubt and despair lurk in the shadows, it’s the belief that nothing is impossible and that beauty can be found everywhere that keeps them at bay. This is what I hold onto, and I hope you do too.
As I stand on the brink of taking some significant leaps, I am reminded that whether we fail or succeed, we all start with nothing and somehow manage to create something beautiful. To anyone who is struggling, I say this: chase your dreams. It is terrifying and never easy, but there is always the chance that tomorrow will bring something better.
Recently, someone asked me if time travel is possible. While I have no authority on the matter, I like to imagine that someday, we might find a way to revisit our cherished moments. For me, it would be a chance to see early memories of a recently departed loved one— to hear their voice again, to observe our interactions, and to feel the emotions I may not have fully appreciated at the time.
This note may seem like a collection of thoughts, but I hope it serves as a reminder to take care of yourself, to pursue your dreams, and to learn from your failures. Remember, love comes from everywhere—both within us and from those around us. No matter its source, love is powerful. Your dreams are worth chasing, and you have the absolute ability to make them a reality.
submitted by TheCoastalSpecialist to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:12 PianoDaddy Majhe Maher Pandhari Piano Notes + Video Tutorial

Majhe Maher Pandhari Piano Notes Available On Piano Daddy.

BhimsenJoshi #Piano #Keyboard #Notes #Notations #Music #Education #Learn #Tutorial #Lessons
submitted by PianoDaddy to LearnPianoOnline [link] [comments]