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2024.06.09 21:41 Lucifuture Wanting to dip my toe

Not sure where to begin. Lite, live, suite, free trial, hardware with some version unlocked? Should I try and find an unlock code somewhere? I am pretty broke and most of my speakers have been gifted to me. I DJ and really love messing with stems with serato, have a 4 channel controller.
Any and all advice is appreciated, especially the bad vibe mean advice.
submitted by Lucifuture to abletonlive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:38 dumdum2550 Switching Domain on activated Theme

Wordpress editor shows the theme I purchased under my temporary domain. How can I switch this to activate it under my official domain? or is this necessary?
Picture included for reference
submitted by dumdum2550 to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 wtsui Unlocking the Code: How AI Legalese Decoder Can Protect Small Business Owners From Payment Fraud

submitted by wtsui to legalselfserve [link] [comments]

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2024.06.09 21:34 bb_johnson Aqara U100 home key issue

Aqara U100 home key issue
TLDR: Aqara U100 will not unlock the door with home key if the door is closed and locked but works fine if the door is open and locked. Passcode is not working either.
Just installed a U100 yesterday and I am unable to get home key to work while the door is closed and locked. It will work if the door is open and locked. I can not unlock with a code either. All other features work perfectly.
Once installed, I set it up directly through HomeKit in hopes that I wouldn’t have to connect it to the Aqara app since I don’t have an Aqara hub. Setup was smooth and I was able to control the lock via the home app with no problem. It would not allow me to open with home key if the door was closed and locked but it would work fine if the door was open and locked. I figured it was possibly due to the hub being too far and not being able to connect Bluetooth through my door. I moved a HomePod about 4 feet from the door and I was still having the same issue.
I then removed the lock from the home and reset it. I then set it up through the Aqara app and then bound it to HomeKit through the Aqara app. I was able to get the fingerprint scanner set up and it works perfectly but I am still having the same issue.
I’m having a hard time understanding why home key only works when the door is open but not shut and locked. Also, what am I doing wrong with the passcodes? Any advice or help would be appreciated.
submitted by bb_johnson to HomeKit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:33 MsBeeQ How to deal with a Petty / CoDependent roommate?

Preface: I'm a 35 year-old travel nurse who has had many short-term roommates in the past. I move around quite a bit, but I have been in this city for 15 months. I can get along with almost anyone.
I recently moved into a house owned by this woman in May, for a 3 month contract. She seemed sweet initially - mid to late 40s, originally from El Salvador. I learned that she is going through a divorce, her husband moved out in January, and he already got someone new pregnant. Her dog also recently passed.
I work long hours, but we usually exchange pleasantries when I get home from work. Then I'm off to bed. Her conversation almost always jumps to how she can't find any decent men to date, they always ghost her, play games, etc. She will often ask about my love life, and if I'm also looking for someone. I'm a private person - I keep the conversation very surface level.
She will frequently ask me of my whereabouts when I come home on my days off. She'll say things like "you're so quiet when you leave, I didn't know you were going out!" She asks me what I use on my hair, what days I work, and what I am cook for my weekly meal preps. "Most people don't know how to do that!" (Meaning, cooking? What a strange thing to say).
Eventually she said that we should go out and have drinks, watch karaoke, etc. I work 50 hours a week and when I do get a day off, I'm busy with other things. She seems perturbed that I am never at the house, and encourages me to make myself comfortable and have a glass of wine from her bar, watch tv downstairs, etc.
The trouble started with Netflix. I have my own account that I watch in my room. She asked if I had done something to her TV, because the app no longer worked downstairs. Turns out, her ex's email is the account holder. "It's on his email but I pay for it," she said. I tried explaining to her that he must've logged in at his new home, rendering her app useless. She continued to blame my upstairs log-in as the culprit (it wasn't), and wanted my help to fix it. I told her to take it up with her ex.
Normally, she'll leave the door unlocked if I'm coming home from work. One night I didn't come home until late, door was unlocked, and it appeared as though she was waiting up for me on the couch. She had fallen asleep, but wanted to have a long conversation when I strolled in at midnight.
The community we're in has a pool. She said I could use the key to get in whenever I wanted. While she was working from home one day, I grabbed the key and did exactly that. When I returned and told her I went, she looked dejected. Almost upset. She said her "guy friend" told her he was at the pool today also, and between the two of us she never got an invite, and she laughed it off jokingly. Was I supposed to invite her?
...I left that same evening and went to dinner with a friend. When I returned, I was locked out of the house. The deadbolt with key code is usually the only locked door, but for some reason, she turned both door locks. I rang the doorbell several times before she came to the door. It was "accidental," but I'm starting to think she is projecting her issues onto me.
Am I being irrational or going crazy here? Or is she being petty? I am a roommate on a work contract, not a hired bff. My comings and goings should make no difference. I'm just looking for an outside perspective and advice on how I should approach her, if at all. If I were to go out with her for dinnedrinks at this point, I feel like her behavior would amplify.
I don't want this to be a Single White Female reboot.
submitted by MsBeeQ to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 Silent_Feeling_6610 Survey app

Hey! Use my code CKQVQK on Eureka Surveys and unlock a short $1 survey just for signing up! https://eurekasurveys.page.link/ejZqJ83nisgNgpFi8
submitted by Silent_Feeling_6610 to Ways2EarnMoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:21 Silent_Feeling_6610 Survey app

Hey! Use my code CKQVQK on Eureka Surveys and unlock a short $1 survey just for signing up! https://eurekasurveys.page.link/ejZqJ83nisgNgpFi8
submitted by Silent_Feeling_6610 to SurveyLinks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 Izkuru [Recruiting] [Code:R9NZEZTN]

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submitted by Izkuru to ffxivraf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:05 sandbee2 2015 Lincoln MKC?

Hello, I’m looking at getting a 2015 Lincoln MKC, but I’m hung up on the point of the keyless entry system as a feature.
Say you know the code to the keyless entry system on your Lincoln MKC door panel. If I don't have my key, and I go up to my door and input the code- it'll unlock the door and then... what? Can I drive the car, having now inserted the code? Or do I still need the fob to drive it?
I guess I'm just confused about this feature, as it seems completely needless. Having the key fob in your purse or pocket, simply walking up to the car will unlock it for you. So in what circumstance would I go up to my car, without my key, enter the code to unlock it, and then... that's it? I've unlocked my car and can't drive anywhere? Or can you?
If it literally just locks/unlocks the door, how often if ever would this feature be relevant? Can you drive the car having put in the passcode to open it?
submitted by sandbee2 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 Throwaway12r5b Japanese Dictionary Translations are Informative, but they are not Educational, and that needs to change.

Pre-Disclaimer: I have mainly been learning Japanese via Dictionary Diving, Anime and Manga "Diving", and Native Material "Diving", so if some or all of these issues are already addressed via Textbooks, it may not be applicable there (although Textbooks have their own "quirks", from the reading I've done)
For a Summary (Tl;dr): Jump to Section 8
Disclaimer 1: I would like to preface this by saying that I have only been studying Japanese for less than 6 months, so I am not claiming to be an expert who has unlocked the "true secrets" of the Language, but this has been an issue that has been on my mind for a while, and I haven't seen anyone else addressing it
Disclaimer 2: This is not an attack on Dictionaries, Formal Japanese Textbooks, or any of the individuals involved in creating them. Even with the concerns that I am about to address, Dictionary Diving has been my main means of learning Japanese, and the fact that so much work was put into these resources for the sake of providing us with all of these example sentences, is nothing short of awe-inspiring. If you are--or have been a contributor to bringing these Dictionaries and Resources to life, you have my genuine and heartfelt appreciation. My intentions are completely and exclusively designed to be constructive in nature
Disclaimer 3: Although this applies--in varying degrees to all Japanese Learners, the main demographic that I am deeply concerned for, are the entry-level to intermediate-level learners who are still figuring things out. With the proper time investment and erudition, it may start to become easier to understand exactly what is being said, but understanding a Translation of your Target Language should not have to be a separate "skill" that requires cultivation
  • Section 1: Introduction
Typically, when you go on to a Dictionary to discover the meaning of a word, you will usually find example sentences that are worded like this:
The wind gently kissed the trees.
I've loved French cakes since elementary school.
These Translations certainly look pretty at first glance, but if you are an absolute beginner in learning Japanese and you encounter one of these sentences, you will have left them learning little about how the Japanese Language or its syntax actually works. They are well written and pleasant to look at, but are so heavily processed as to have lost any semblance of nutritional (i.e. educational) value
  • Section 2: Disambiguation
Let's try going through these Example Sentences:
In this example, let's say that you searched for the word "柔らかい" in the Dictionary. For now, you have no idea what "木立" or "触れる" mean, but you are willing to learn.
The wind gently kissed the trees.
This is probably the best one of the three (I have one that I'm saving for later)
Since I am no longer a complete beginner, I unfortunately cannot tell you how I would have tried to interpret this Sentence during my first month learning, but being a few months in, I could at least make a few inferences
is establishing the Wind for the rest of the sentence. It is going to be important moving forward
conjugated form of an い-Adjective, going by the Translation. 柔らかい must mean "Gentle", and "く" allows it to modify other actions (therefore: "Gently")
I know that this sounds incredibly boring and redundant, but bear with me, this is going somewhere
(Kissed the Trees)
This is where I'd say the first problem appears. Remember that for this exercise, you still have no idea what any of these words mean, and are just starting to learn "柔らかい", and, indirectly, "木立".
From what I could find, this figurative usage of the word "kiss" does not seem to exist in Japanese like it does it English. Perhaps 触れる is a literary term, which is why the word "Kiss" is being used in this translation, however the problem with trying to "embellish" these words without any context as to why they're being translated this way, is that in this case, the figurative and literal use of "Kiss" are both embodied in the same word. Imagine hearing this sentence in the wild, being given this translation, then--following the logic that they've established, saying to your Love Interest beneath the Moonlit Sky "触れてもいい?"...
Let's try another one:
I've loved French cakes since elementary school.
This one's probably one of the simpler examples, and while I will admit that it becomes easier to understand the "logic" of the Translation with time, it almost feels like I'm reading two sentences that vaguely related, but aren't quite the same. The English version, in this case, feels like the long-lost Twin Brother of the original Japanese, and while it's certainly a good Translation, it looks like the type of thing you'd see in the English Captions of a Japanese Show, not like a resource that actually helps one to better understand the inner workings of the Language, itself. It is concerning, not for what it does do, but what it doesn't
The Translation is "correct", yes, but in prioritizing flavor over substance, the result is a fun confection that melts on the tongue, but provides nearly no nutritional value
For those particularly avid readers out there, you might recall that I mentioned the presence of three sentences. Yes, that's right, there was one card in my sleeve that I was saving 'til the end, and it is by far the most egregious of the three:
Mom didn't mention it.
How did that massive wall of Japanese Text produce this? I am not joking when I say that I have studied all of those words (to varying degrees), and still have virtually no idea what this sentence is saying.
  • Section 3: The Problem
With all three of the aforementioned sentences being assessed, I would like to address the greatest fundamental issue that permeates, not only through these sentences, but nearly all of the example sentences in the common Dictionaries:
Who are these (Translations) even for?
I highly doubt that the your average casual English-Speaking Japanese Media watcher is diligently combing through the Dictionary on a daily basis, let alone your average English-Speaker in general (the same would also apply if Dictionaries that translate Japanese into other Languages follow these same patterns)
I will readily confess that all of these Translations are certainly poetic--beautiful, even, however, while they may explain what the Japanese is "saying", they do not explain what is actually happening, how it is, or why. They are certainly informational, but they are not educational, thus causing them to feel more like Anime Subtitles, than a means of actually coming to understand the Language.
  • Section 4: Potential Solutions
I will take this opportunity to restate the thread that has been running through this entire thesis: I am not claiming to be an expert in Japanese. As someone who has only been studying for a few months, I am not claiming that my opinions are absolute, or that my interpretations are correct.
With that aside, here's how I would attempt to rework some of these Translations to better assist those trying to improve their Japanese:
Sentence 1
The wind gently kissed the trees.
Wind: Gently: (Cluster of) Trees, to: Touched (upon)
The wind gently kissed the trees.
Explanation: 触れる generally refers to a lighter, gentler touch compared to 触る, and can also be used figuratively, thus, in this context, it can be interpreted to be similar to the figurative usage of "to kiss"
Sentence 2
I've loved French cakes since elementary school.
My French Cake Love: Elementary School - Time: From
My love for French Cakes: Since Elementary School (i.e. I've loved French cakes since elementary school.) / My love for French Cakes goes back to Elementary School / I've loved French cakes since elementary school.
Explanation: In this sentence, the speaker's love for French Cakes is the subject. "の" subjugates B to A (Imagine Noun + の as a transparent Box, and what follows, being a related set of contents inside the Box), and 時 allows non-Time related words to be changed into moments or spans of time. In this example, "から" indicates progenitorship, thus "小学校の時から" means "From the Time of Elementary School".
you may have noticed that "My love for French Cakes: Since Elementary School" is not how English speakers typically talk (unless they are imitating a machine) , however this is not an Anime; Having a "natural translation"--either in the forefront or the background, is definitely a good idea, however, unlike with Subtitles, the English should serve the Japanese, not the other way around
Sentence 3
Mom didn't mention it.
Mom...: That Matter (Concerning)...: Did not touch (upon)
Mom did not touch upon that matter (Mom didn't mention it.)
Explanation: "ママは" sets the scene for the topic, while "その事" is subsumed into the first subject (So keep "ママ" in your mind as you continue to learn about what is going on with "その事"). "について" in this case, means "concerning" or "regarding", and is transformed into a secondary topic through the use of another "は". "触れる" means "to touch" with the nuance of the touch being light, passing or brief, and can be used both literally and figuratively (in this case, meaning, "to touch upon" the matter).
With just those simple changes (i.e. including a "Fundamental Translation", and an Explanation segment to supplement the "standard" Translation), the Translations have now been modified to interact with the original Sentences, rather than overriding them.
Yes, translating "あらゆる犬、しゅきだよ!" as
"(Implicit Pronoun + は): All/Every Dog (+ Unspoken Particle): Liked (Slang, with よ added for emphasis in a manner that directly engages the interlocutor)"
All Dogs, liked
I wuw all Dogs!
doesn't sound as mellifluous as
"I wuw ALL dogs, yo!"
by itself*
But we are not using Japanese Dictionaries to have our eyes and ears tickled, we are using them to Learn Japanese
Not only do the revisions preserve either exact copies, or moderate revisions to the "anglicized" translations, but they also manage to solve the big three aforementioned questions of "What", "How", and "Why".
  • Section 5: Pieces on the Board
Going back to Sentence 2 for a moment:
I've loved French cakes since elementary school.
If you're an entry-level Japanese Learner with only a few trusty words in your quiver, and you see this daunting wall of Japanese Text, juxtaposed against an equally ambiguous English Translation that's your sole, dim light in this expansive labyrinth of darkness: Depending on the word that you searched up to get you there, it could take you months before you're able to actually begin to understand sentences like these.
Meanwhile, if all of the components are already laid out before you, you're immediately able to begin "playing" with the pieces, and accelerate the process of acquisition.
For instance, if I purchased a French Cake for a Party, and someone asked me:
could I then, with my new knowledge, reply:
Perhaps I could trim even more and simply respond:
since the "フランスケーキ", and "好き" "pieces" have already been laid out on the "board"??? (In this case, I'm genuinely asking; I could very well be wrong)
  • Section 6: Benefits to the Fundamental Translation Method
I will take this moment to iterate that the ideal solution would be to have both the Fundamental Translations, and "Traditional" Translations, as they are both complimentary to each other. On its own, a "Fundamental" Translation may be too abstract, while the Traditional ones tend to be processed beyond the point of recognizability. Blending them together allows for one to absorb as much Japanese as possible, while also having being able to see a tangible Translation as a safety net
With that said, there are various benefits to adding these Fundamental Translations
  • Dissolves the walls of Japanese Text into smaller, comprehensible pieces
  • Explains not only what the Japanese is saying, but how they are saying it. For example, one could theoretically translate "日本語喋れますか" as "Do you speak Japanese?", but doing so removes the nuance that what is actually being asked, which is "If you can speak Japanese". The conclusions are similar, but the method of getting there is slightly different.
  • Rendering the Japanese into English at all, helps the Second Language to become comprehensible, however the utilization of these formulaic and unnatural syntax could potentially force one to draw new conclusions regarding the information that were not present in their Native Language, helping the aspiring learner to begin viewing Japanese on its own terms, and hopefully, acquiring it.
In addition to those aforementioned points: dissolving the Sentences gives one a starting point to begin building their own sentences.
For instance, with the principles established from dissolving Sentence 1
For a refresher:
Wind: Gently: (Cluster of) Trees, to: Touched (upon)
The wind gently kissed the trees.
I am now able to begin switching the pieces around and experimenting with "new" sentences, such as
Experiment 1
Waves: Violently: to Ship: Crashed
The Waves violently crashed against the Ship
Experment 2
(Implicit Personal Pronoun + Particle): [To be able + To the extent of] (Collectively: To the extent to which I am able): [Quickly]: [Mayu-Chan (implicit の) House]; [toward] (with へ for directionality, and と added to emphasize what precedes the Particle): [Run + Started]
To the extent that (I) am able, quickly, toward Mayu-Chan's House, I started to run
I started running to Mayu-Chan's House as fast as I could
Disclaimer: I am not claiming that these sentences are grammatically natural or even "correct". Please let me know what errors are present, so I can improve them. The point is to illustrate how a beginner could start to experiment, once they understand the mechanics of a sentence, not to make a statement on my own particular Japanese level
It is still your prototypical "Subject + Adverb + Object + Action" (or SOV) sentence, but now that the actual alignment of the sentence's components have been made clear, the writing process goes from being an insurmountable hurdle that takes months to even attempt, to being immediately accessible.
  • Section 7: Using Fundamental Translations to compose Japanese
For reference, this is one of the first sentences that I tried composing during my first Month of learning Japanese
Aside from the fact that there are blatant grammatical errors that even a beginner such as myself can now see: As one of the individuals who critiqued my sentence acutely stated, I was simply "Speaking Japanese with English Syntax" What I had intended to say: "Although I love Japanese, Kanji is not fun" would probably make for a nifty example Translation, however when you try working backwards (as a beginner), and rendering it into Japanese, the result is an incomprehensible mess
If I were to impersonate my Month 1 self for a moment, and attempt to render the Translation for Sentence 1 back into Japanese without seeing the original text, I probably would have come up with something along the lines of:
(Please forgive me for this abomination!)
Granted, some of the simulated mistakes simply come down to my own terrible Japanese, however I would honestly not blame someone who was only armed with years of Anime, and a few Videos, for making a similar set of miscalculations during their initial periods of study.
Going back to my aforementioned sentence: At my current level, I would likely attempt to render it as:
Japanese (Subject); Liked (However); Kanji... (with the unspoken implication that Kanji is not regarded with the same warmth)
I like Japanese, but Kanji...
If the unspoken part was rendered aloud, I would likely interpret it as
Japanese (Subject); Liked (However); Kanji: Somewhat + Difficult (with な being used to make to turn the statement in a matter of rumination that engages the Listener, in such a manner as to suggest that Kanji is an aspect of the Language that is disliked)
I like Japanese, but Kanji is pretty difficult, eh?
For my final sentence (and another Month 1 excerpt), I incorrectly wrote:
in an attempt to say:
In truth, before being changed into a Human, I used to be an Angel
Thankfully, someone was kind enough to try salvaging my terrible Japanese, and produced:
In truth, before transforming into a Human, I was an Angel
Even still, though there's a discrepancy between what was initially intended, and what could be salvaged by combing through my clutter
If we were to assume that someone knew all of the requisite Vocabulary, however, and was given the Fundamental Translation as a guide for what was intended for the Japanese, perhaps one could turn:
[Truth (Subject)]: [Mortal (into)] + [Transform (Passive Present Verb)] + [Before (with に to subjugate the following portion of the sentence to the concept of "Before")]: [Pronoun suggesting one's status as a supernatural being of a higher order (Subject)]: Angel (Literary Past Tense form of "だ", used to fix something's place in a sentence as "being")
One could hopefully begin to "insert" the Japanese into the English spaces--like a Puzzle, and create something along the lines of:
Truth: Human/Mortal, before I was changed/transformed into: Angel, was.
In truth, before I was transformed into a Human, I used to be an Angel
Disclaimer: I am not claiming that this sentence is necessarily correct, however, hopefully, I was able to demonstrate how synthesizing Natural Japanese with a Fundamental-Based Interpretation System can at least help one to construct something better than what I was writing on Month 1
  • Section 8: Conclusion
One of the most prevalent issues that can be seen across many Learners of all levels in Japanese, is that, even if one's Vocabulary manages to reach astronomical levels, they may still have difficulty actually producing anything in Japanese. There have even been many cases of rather high-level learners who could tear through a Manga or translate something into English rather quickly, but still openly confess to struggling with their output into Japanese, and I believe that the current manner that Dictionaries and Textbooks are formatted, is responsible for this
The current state of English Translations are optimized to be convenient, however convenience is a privilege.
Perhaps if one is studying a Target Language that resides in a similar Language Family, one can afford to adapt the Translations to the Learner's "ear", however, one cannot afford to take these same liberties when the Languages are as distant as English and Japanese
  • Since English and Japanese are irretrievably difference on a fundamental level, a good educational Translation should not prioritize appearing "natural"
  • Yes, "English is a SVO Language, and Japanese is SOV", however it is not enough to just say it, then go on producing Translations as though it is not true. Not only are Japanese Sentences constructed differently, but the terminology, conjugations, expressions, cultural nuances, and implications are all distinct from those of the Anglosphere
  • Rather than trying to interpret Japanese through the lens of one's Native Language, the Native Language should merely be used as a visual aid to help us understand the Japanese
  • This means that the first priority with an Educational Translation should be to state what is literally happening, and why, and only after this, should it use an adapted English-centric Sentence to help solidify the enumerated concepts into the Learner's mind.
  • Since English and Japanese have no "natural" connection, the "proper" manner of creating an Educational Translation should be [Natural Japanese -> Unnatural English], because [Unnatural English] (i.e. when handled correctly) = [Natural Japanese]
  • If you attempt to translate [Natural Japanese -> Natural English] you usually end up with "Anime Subtitles" that communicate the "point", but are so heavily processed, as to be completely stripped of their educational substance or nuance.
  • Likewise, if your only input is [Natural Japanese -> Natural English], this is how many learners end up with an output of [Natural English -> Unnatural Japanese]. My experience is comparatively limited on this one, but from what I have observed, this seems to be the cause of the infamous "Textbook" Japanese, which overuses Pronouns, Particles, "です", specifically, and leads to one producing sentences like "このリンゴは赤い" (日本語上手ですね!)
  • I do not think that Fundamental English Translations should replace the adapted ones, but they should be included alongside them to help one better understand the Japanese
  • To see how the Fundamental Approach works on one's own Native Language: Take this sentence
"The Weather is humid today".
You could also dissolve this English Sentence following the same principles
[The Weather (Establishes the subject; Since "The" is used, "Weather" is being referred to in a general sense, with no emphasis toward the particular Weather--as would be signified by "this")]: [is (indicates that the condition still applies) + Humid (the condition, itself)] + [Today (indicating the position that this sentence is occurring, which happen to be in a temporal one, namely, the current Day)]
and shuffle the pieces to create:
Today, the Weather is humid
[Today (establishes the position, which shapes the rest of the sentence)]: [The Weather (Subject, being referred to generally, rather than particularly)]: [is (indicates that the condition still applies) Humid (the condition, itself)]
Which, at least to my ears, carries a more literary flair
or you could substitute some pieces to say
The Weather was humid Yesterday
Which follows the same (Subject) + (Condition) + (Position) Pattern
  • Following this logic, one could argue that Fundamental Translations for Japanese are merely Fundamental Japanese being expressed through the medium of one's Native Language, as it makes the otherwise unknown Target Language easier to visualize and experiment with.
  • In this way, even without fully understanding the Source Code of one's Target Language, they are nonetheless able to "hack" it, by using their Native Language as a remote controller.
As far as implementation goes, unless there are legal prohibitions that prevent Dictionaries from modifying their example sentences, the best method (at least for Online Dictionaries) would be to introduce an expandable "Tab" next to some of the given Sentences that provides the Fundamental Translation, and the logic behind it (or some variant of this)
Because, once again "Informational" does not mean "Educational", and unlike Subtitles, the purpose of these Translations is not Entertain, but to Educate.
Disclaimer: Please note that, as I am only a few months into studying Japanese, one or more of the arguments, explanations, or assertions that I have proposed could be inaccurate or incomplete.
Since I am also learning, and desire to learn: If there are any genuine mistakes, either in my arguments, or in my Japanese, please feel free to provide me with any corrections, so that we can all continue to grow our Language skills, together.
This Write-Up took over 15 Hours to compose, and I tried my hardest to make it as thorough and informative as possible for the benefit of the Japanese Learning Community, so please be kind.
May we all eat heartily, rest well, and Learn Japanese.
submitted by Throwaway12r5b to LearnJapanese [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:54 Armandukx EU Nembus.nl - 5x Solo/Duo/Trio/QuadLoot X5TPKits06.06

EU Nembus.nl 5x Solo/Duo/Trio/QuadLoot X5TPKits

⚙️ ------ SERVER INFO ------ ⚙️ - Max Group: 4 - 5x Gather Rates (5.5x Wood and Sulfur) 5x Crafting Rates 5x Components & Scrap - Extended Workbench Range - Ultra High Performance Custom Maps Additional Recyclers - Shorter Nights - Custom Improved Loot Tables - Teleporting & Homes - Raid Alarm (Rust+) - BP Clan Sharing Tier 1 BPs unlocked & electricals - Automatic Auth SharingTool CupboardsCode LocksAuto Turrets
🔔 Blueprint wipes are once a month!

- Map Size: 3500

Discord: https://discord.gg/PjxXhyxwWY

F1: play.nembus.nl:28015

submitted by Armandukx to playrustservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:54 Armandukx EU Nembus.nl - 5x Solo/Duo/Trio/QuadLoot X5TPKits06.06

EU Nembus.nl 5x Solo/Duo/Trio/QuadLoot X5TPKits

⚙️ ------ SERVER INFO ------ ⚙️ - Max Group: 4 - 5x Gather Rates (5.5x Wood and Sulfur) 5x Crafting Rates 5x Components & Scrap - Extended Workbench Range - Ultra High Performance Custom Maps Additional Recyclers - Shorter Nights - Custom Improved Loot Tables - Teleporting & Homes - Raid Alarm (Rust+) - BP Clan Sharing Tier 1 BPs unlocked & electricals - Automatic Auth SharingTool CupboardsCode LocksAuto Turrets
🔔 Blueprint wipes are once a month!

- Map Size: 3500

Discord: https://discord.gg/PjxXhyxwWY

F1: play.nembus.nl:28015

submitted by Armandukx to rustservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:48 Confident_Smell_856 Can’t claim grad tickets on Ticketmaster?

Can’t claim grad tickets on Ticketmaster?
I’m a graduating undergrad in business and when I try to claim my tickets it says “sorry we could not process your request.” Does anyone have this issue or know what to do?
submitted by Confident_Smell_856 to ucr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:31 NotFromAntarctica88 $10 required Easy Moneymaker $20-125 (SB & MyPoints)

iOS app payout tops out @ $125 value if redeemed with Mastercard GC during the current 6% off sale (18913pts x 0.0067)
Android app pays slightly less @ $93 max (13898pts x .0067)
SwagBucks pays slightly less across both iOS and Android in comparison to MyPoints

First off you want to make sure your SB/MP account or device hasn't made a MPL account before or that you aren't detected as an existing user. App should notify you after you install the app and create an account.


Disclaimer: I've only done this on multiple iPhones, I don't have experience with SB/MP tracking on Androids.
You can just deposit $10 and get paid ~$30 for an easy $20 profit and leave it there but there's no reason to not play on and earn more if you have the time. The game I used seems like it was made to 'game' this offer.
MyPoints is paying out more than SB, and even moreso if you redeem with a Mastercard GC which has a 6% discount.
I'll explain how I did it step by step, if you choose to do it differently then I may not be able to help you.
  1. Search MPL (see above images - make sure its Rummy, Poker, Money Games version) on SB/MP and install by using the QR code or receiving a link via SMS/Email through the portal.
  2. Install the app and load it up. Make sure the app asks for permission to be tracked and that you ALLOW it. If you don't see it you've either had the app before and it already saved your last permissions or you have tracking off. Delete the app, turn tracking on, and reinstall from Step 1.
  3. Before depositing $10 in, go into the app's main menu and make sure you find the FOOTBALL 100X game listed as this is the game we'll use to play to unlock the rewards.
  4. Deposit $10 or more into your account. Takes up to a full 48 hours for SB/MP to track and update. Wait a full 48 hours before getting impatient and freaking out. It took ~24 hours for MP to show my $10 deposit bonus points to Pending
  5. Play the FOOTBALL 100X game, SELECT BEGINNER and then MAKE SURE YOUR BETTING AMOUNT IS SET TO $0.1 (the lowest amount). The higher you bet, the easier it is to get 'tackled' or crap out and lose that round (the algorithm is set to screw you harder the higher you bet). Any 'tackle' before cashing out is a loss - remember your payday is from the SB/MP offer, not in this game.
  6. Start the game and pick just 1 square and then cash out. As long as the square turns green you're good and that will count as +1 win on your account. You should win 1 cent. I'll play 2-3 squares here and there to recoup some lost money but don't make it a habit. Take your 1 square wins to reach that 200 win total.
The game will sometimes automatically screw you and make you lose on your 1st try in consecutive games if you go on a hot streak of winning - all of these games are rigged a bit. If I lose on my 1st try I usually will play 3-4 squares in the follow-up game to make up for the prior instant-lost, but that's up to you.
Repeat this for as long as you want. I was able to easily hit 200 win in 2 days - 1st day I played on and off for 4 hours while on the computewatching TV and the 2nd day I hit 200+ in a few hours. You can check how many games you've won by clicking on the little CLOCK icon in the top right corner while inside the FANTASY 100X game.
submitted by NotFromAntarctica88 to SwagBucks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:05 onetopic20x0 homegrown email based auth: what else should I consider?

I have an SSR site running on Cloudflare. My service is not business-critical and doesn't need heavy bells and whistles. For multiple reasons, I wrote my own simple auth, and wanted your critique on anything else I might improve or may have overlooked. Please, let's not debate whether I should always be using external / enterprise-grade auth solutions, etc, but more on whether for my use case, am I overlooking any major gaps.
  1. The service is not business-critical and will not hold sensitive customer data either
  2. I only store a user's email address as they register and that's it, no other personal info or payment details.
  3. I am fine with a basic email-based registration - don't need social media logins etc.
What I've done 1. registration requires a valid, non-disposable email address ( I will update this list once a month or so, and I understand it's not perfect but it will still block a lot of known disposable services) 2. you have to verify the email to use any features 3. The system locks after 3 failed login retries and requires email-based verification to unlock. 4. error messages for failed login/registrations etc. don't specify the exact cause except to say, e.g., "Your email or password may be incorrect, please retry" or "If your account exists, we will send you an email" 5. passwords are salted and hashed (SHA-256) and stored on a hosted DB and all the operations happen on the backend (nothing on the client/browser). A customer who needs to change password can use a reset-password within their account or send themselves a reset email as we cannot retrieve it. 6. I don't have a registration captcha yet, but if spam gets bad I might consider it.
Is there anything else I've missed? Over time, if the service gets traction, I may implement text-based login codes or switch to more complex, external solutions.
submitted by onetopic20x0 to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 angelcore69 ~Unlock Your Chance_ Free Monopoly GO Dice Links Play and Win! [ DxRe]

Here are fresh working links I found:
https://mply.io/DHg59w Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! fgjnjkygfuythutht
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:57 angelcore69 •Unlock Your Chance_ Free Monopoly GO Dice Links Play and Win! [ ByOb]

Here are fresh working links I found:
https://mply.io/DHg59w Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! tryunyithfdgythtf
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:56 angelcore69 +Unlock Your Chance_ Free Monopoly GO Dice Links Play and Win! [ PlDt]

Here are fresh working links I found:
https://mply.io/DHg59w Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! eryb6ugtu67iuj768hygryt
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:55 ZenBooster block device driver: reading does not work

Kernel: 5.15.0-70-generic.
I used to (parameter is_remap=0) in a similar task, upon receiving an input request bio, I formed my request bioto a higher-level device, and everything worked. But slowly. The writing speed to the flash drive was ~460 kb/sec. Then I decided to forward the request bioto the upstream device directly ( is_remap=1). If you do not try to modify the data, then everything works, and the speed increases to 1.8 Mb/sec, i.e. ~ 4 times. But if you start modifying the data (and this is necessary), then only recording works. When reading, dd receives undecrypted data, and bioin stackbd_end_io_read_cloned(previously cloned using bio_clone_fastin stackbd_io_fn_remap) generally has a zero size. In this case, the size obiois non-zero. How does this even happen, and how to do it right?
It’s interesting that if stackbd_end_io_read_clonedyou change the data after the call bio_endio, then ddthe decrypted data arrives, but I feel that doing this is not correct. Which is confirmed by the fact that fsckafter that mkfsthe system crashes.
For example, I read the sector: user@linux:~/git/stackbd/module$ sudo dd if=/dev/stackbd0 count=1 hexdump -C 00000000 63 d0 18 e5 e3 ee fb a6 ee e9 fc 88 8a a8 a8 88 c............... 00000010 8a 88 88 88 88 70 88 88 98 88 8c 88 88 88 88 88 .....p.......... 00000020 88 48 26 8b 88 b3 88 88 88 88 88 88 8a 88 88 88 .H&............. 00000030 89 88 8e 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 ................ 00000040 08 88 a1 57 55 08 9b c6 c7 a8 c6 c9 c5 cd a8 a8 ...WU........... 00000050 a8 a8 ce c9 dc bb ba a8 a8 a8 86 97 36 ff f4 24 ............6..$ 00000060 aa 48 fc 83 de 3c 86 33 8f 88 45 98 d6 63 78 ba .H...<.3..E..cx. 00000070 6c 45 9e 45 91 63 76 dc e0 e1 fb a8 e1 fb a8 e6 lE.E.cv......... 00000080 e7 fc a8 e9 a8 ea e7 e7 fc e9 ea e4 ed a8 ec e1 ................ 00000090 fb e3 a6 a8 a8 d8 e4 ed e9 fb ed a8 e1 e6 fb ed ................ 000000a0 fa fc a8 e9 a8 ea e7 e7 fc e9 ea e4 ed a8 ee e4 ................ 000000b0 e7 f8 f8 f1 a8 e9 e6 ec 85 82 f8 fa ed fb fb a8 ................ 000000c0 e9 e6 f1 a8 e3 ed f1 a8 fc e7 a8 fc fa f1 a8 e9 ................ 000000d0 ef e9 e1 e6 a8 a6 a6 a6 a8 85 82 88 88 88 88 88 ................ 000000e0 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 ................ * 000001f0 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 dd 22 ..............." 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 512 bytes copied, 0,0063565 s, 80,5 kB/s 00000200 user@linux:~/git/stackbd/module$ And this is what I see in the log: kernel: stackbd [task=00000000c60564d5] stackbd_io_fn_remap: HIT.r.1 kernel: debugbd [task=00000000c60564d5] debugbd_submit_bio: debugbd: make request read block 0 #pages 0 total-size 16384 kernel: stackbd [task=00000000c60564d5] stackbd_io_fn_remap: HIT.r.2 kernel: stackbd [task=0000000089abc07d] stackbd_end_io_read_cloned: HIT.1 kernel: stackbd [task=0000000089abc07d] stackbd_end_io_read_cloned: HIT.2: obio.size=16384; bio.size=0 kernel: stackbd [task=0000000089abc07d] stackbd_end_io_read_cloned: HIT.3 kernel: stackbd [task=0000000089abc07d] stackbd_end_io_read_cloned: HIT.4 kernel: stackbd [task=00000000c60564d5] stackbd_io_fn_remap: HIT.r.1 kernel: debugbd [task=00000000c60564d5] debugbd_submit_bio: debugbd: make request read block 32 #pages 0 total-size 32768 kernel: stackbd [task=00000000c60564d5] stackbd_io_fn_remap: HIT.r.2 kernel: stackbd [task=0000000089abc07d] stackbd_end_io_read_cloned: HIT.1 kernel: stackbd [task=0000000089abc07d] stackbd_end_io_read_cloned: HIT.2: obio.size=32768; bio.size=0 kernel: stackbd [task=0000000089abc07d] stackbd_end_io_read_cloned: HIT.3 debugbd is the same driver, but displays information about requests for debugging.
stackbd driver source code: ```





include // printk()

include // everything...

include // error codes

include // size_t







include "logging.h"

include "../common/stackbd.h"




define DECLARE_BIO_VEC struct bio_vec

define ACCESS_BIO_VEC(x) (x)

define DECLARE_BVEC_ITER struct bvec_iter

define BIO_SET_SECTOR(bio, sec) (bio)->bi_iter.bi_sector = (sec)

define BIO_GET_SECTOR(bio) (bio)->bi_iter.bi_sector

define BIO_GET_SIZE(bio) (bio)->bi_iter.bi_size

define BIO_SET_BDEV(bio, bdev) bio_set_dev((bio), (bdev));


define SEC_FMT "llu"

//#else //#define SEC_FMT "lu" //#endif
static int major_num = 0; module_param(major_num, int, 0); static int LOGICAL_BLOCK_SIZE = 512; module_param(LOGICAL_BLOCK_SIZE, int, 0); static bool is_remap = false; module_param(is_remap, bool, 0);
typedef struct { char path[PATH_MAX]; fmode_t mode; bool is_bdev_raw_ok; struct block_device *bdev_raw; } stackbd_target_t;
/* * The internal representation of our device. / static struct stackbd_t { sector_t capacity; / Sectors / struct gendisk *gd; spinlock_t lock; struct bio_list bio_list; struct task_struct *thread; int is_active; stackbd_target_t tgt; / Our request queue */ struct request_queue *queue; } stackbd;
static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(req_event);
typedef void (* t_stackbd_io_fn)(struct bio *); static t_stackbd_io_fn p_stackbd_io_fn = NULL; static struct bio_set bs;
int buffer_read( struct stackbd_t *dev, unsigned long sector, unsigned long nsect, char *buffer ) { int result = 0; unsigned nsize = nsect << KERNEL_SECTOR_SHIFT; int npages = ((nsize - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 1; struct bio *bio; struct block_device *bdev = dev->tgt.bdev_raw;
//PINFO("begin; sector=%ld; nsect=%ld; buffer=%p\n", sector, nsect, buffer); if(unlikely(!dev->tgt.is_bdev_raw_ok)) { PERROR("bdev is NULL!\n"); result = -EFAULT; goto out; } bio = bio_alloc(GFP_NOIO, npages); if(unlikely(!bio)) { PERROR("bio_alloc failed!\n"); result = -ENOMEM; goto out; } BIO_SET_BDEV(bio, bdev); BIO_SET_SECTOR(bio, sector); bio_set_op_attrs(bio, REQ_OP_READ, REQ_PREFLUSH); { char *ptr = buffer; do { struct page *page; page = virt_to_page(ptr); if(unlikely(!page)) { PERROR("virt_to_page failed!\n"); result = -ENOMEM; break; } { unsigned op = offset_in_page(ptr); unsigned this_step = min((unsigned)(PAGE_SIZE - op), nsize); bio_add_page(bio, page, this_step, op); nsize -= this_step; ptr += this_step; } } while(nsize > 0); if(likely(!result)) { result = submit_bio_wait(bio); } bio_put(bio); } 
out: //PINFO("end (%d)\n", result); return result; }
int buffer_write( struct stackbd_t *dev, unsigned long sector, unsigned long nsect, char *buffer ) { int result = 0; unsigned nsize = nsect << KERNEL_SECTOR_SHIFT; int npages = ((nsize - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 1; struct bio *bio; struct block_device *bdev = dev->tgt.bdev_raw;
//PINFO("begin; sector=%ld; nsect=%ld; buffer=%p\n", sector, nsect, buffer); if(unlikely(!dev->tgt.is_bdev_raw_ok)) { PERROR("bdev is NULL!\n"); result = -EFAULT; goto out; } bio = bio_alloc(GFP_NOIO, npages); if(unlikely(!bio)) { PERROR("bio_alloc failed!\n"); result = -ENOMEM; goto out; } BIO_SET_BDEV(bio, bdev); BIO_SET_SECTOR(bio, sector); bio_set_op_attrs(bio, REQ_OP_WRITE, REQ_PREFLUSH); { char *ptr = buffer; do { struct page *page = virt_to_page(ptr); if(unlikely(!page)) { PERROR("alloc page failed!\n"); result = -ENOMEM; break; } { unsigned op = offset_in_page(ptr); unsigned this_step = min((unsigned)(PAGE_SIZE - op), nsize); bio_add_page(bio, page, this_step, op); nsize -= this_step; ptr += this_step; } } while(nsize > 0); if(likely(!result)) { #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 8, 0) result = submit_bio_wait(bio); #else result = submit_bio_wait(WRITE REQ_FLUSH, bio); #endif } bio_put(bio); } 
out: //PINFO("end (%d)\n", result); return result; }
static void stackbd_end_io_read_cloned(struct bio *bio) { struct bio *obio = bio->bi_private; PINFO("HIT.1"); if (bio_data_dir(bio) == READ) { DECLARE_BIO_VEC bvec; DECLARE_BVEC_ITER iter;
 PINFO("HIT.2: obio.size=%u; bio.size=%u", BIO_GET_SIZE(obio), BIO_GET_SIZE(bio)); bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, iter) { char *p = page_address(ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_page) + ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_offset; int len = ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_len; int i; print_hex_dump(KERN_INFO, "readed data (1-st 16 bytes) ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 16, 1, p, 16, false); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { //*p++ ^= 0x12345678; *p++ ^= 0x88; } //p += len; } PINFO("HIT.3"); bio_put(bio); bio_endio(obio); } else { bio_put(bio); bio_endio(obio); } //bio_put(bio); PINFO("HIT.4"); 
static void stackbd_io_fn_remap(struct bio *bio) { DECLARE_BIO_VEC bvec; DECLARE_BVEC_ITER iter; struct bio *cbio = bio_clone_fast(bio, GFP_NOIO, &bs);
BIO_SET_BDEV(cbio, stackbd.tgt.bdev_raw); cbio->bi_end_io = stackbd_end_io_read_cloned; cbio->bi_private = bio; //submit_bio_noacct(cbio); //trace_block_bio_remap(/*bdev_get_queue(stackbd.bdev_raw), */bio, // stackbd.tgt.bdev_raw->bd_dev, BIO_GET_SECTOR(bio)); if (bio_data_dir(bio) == READ) { PINFO("HIT.r.1"); submit_bio_noacct(cbio); PINFO("HIT.r.2"); } else { PINFO("HIT.w.1"); bio_for_each_segment(bvec, cbio, iter) { char *p = page_address(ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_page) + ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_offset; int len = ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_len; int i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { // *p++ ^= 0x12345678; *p++ ^= 0x88; } print_hex_dump(KERN_INFO, "writed data (1-st 16 bytes) ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 16, 1, p, 16, false); //p += len; } PINFO("HIT.w.2"); submit_bio_noacct(cbio); PINFO("HIT.w.3"); } 
static void my_bio_complete(struct bio *bio, int ret) { if (ret) bio_io_error(bio); else bio_endio(bio); }
static void stackbd_io_fn_clone(struct bio *bio) { int res; DECLARE_BIO_VEC bvec; DECLARE_BVEC_ITER iter; sector_t sector = BIO_GET_SECTOR(bio); int size = BIO_GET_SIZE(bio); int nsect = size >> KERNEL_SECTOR_SHIFT; char *src, *p;
do { if (bio_data_dir(bio) == READ) { p = src = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!src) { PERROR("Unable to allocate read buffer!\n"); res = -ENOMEM; break; } do { res = buffer_read(&stackbd, sector, nsect, src); if (unlikely(res)) { PERROR("i/o error while read!\n"); break; } bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, iter) { char *dst = page_address(ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_page) + ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_offset; int len = ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_len; memcpy(dst, p, len); p += len; } } while (0); } else { p = src = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!src) { PERROR("Unable to allocate write buffer!\n"); res = -ENOMEM; break; } bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, iter) { char *dst = page_address(ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_page) + ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_offset; int len = ACCESS_BIO_VEC(bvec).bv_len; memcpy(p, dst, len); p += len; } res = buffer_write(&stackbd, sector, nsect, src); if (unlikely(res)) { PERROR("i/o error while write!\n"); } } kfree(src); } while (0); my_bio_complete(bio, res); 
} // stackbd_io_fn_clone
static int stackbd_threadfn(void *data) { struct bio *bio;
set_user_nice(current, -20); while (!kthread_should_stop()) { /* wake_up() is after adding bio to list. No need for condition */ wait_event_interruptible(req_event, kthread_should_stop() !bio_list_empty(&stackbd.bio_list)); spin_lock_irq(&stackbd.lock); if (bio_list_empty(&stackbd.bio_list)) { spin_unlock_irq(&stackbd.lock); continue; } bio = bio_list_pop(&stackbd.bio_list); spin_unlock_irq(&stackbd.lock); p_stackbd_io_fn(bio); } return 0; 
// Handle an I/O request. static blk_qc_t stackbd_submit_bio(struct bio bio) { /PINFO("stackbd: make request %-5s block %-12" SEC_FMT " #pages %-4hu total-size %-10u\n", bio_data_dir(bio) == WRITE ? "write" : "read", BIO_GET_SECTOR(bio), bio->bi_vcnt, BIO_GET_SIZE(bio) );*/
spin_lock_irq(&stackbd.lock); if (!stackbd.tgt.bdev_raw) { PERROR("Request before bdev_raw is ready, aborting\n"); goto abort; } if (!stackbd.is_active) { PERROR("Device not active yet, aborting\n"); goto abort; } bio_list_add(&stackbd.bio_list, bio); wake_up(&req_event); spin_unlock_irq(&stackbd.lock); goto exit; 
abort: spin_unlock_irq(&stackbd.lock); PERROR("<%p> Abort request\n", bio); bio_io_error(bio); exit: return BLK_QC_T_NONE; }
static int stackbd_target_open(stackbd_target_t *p_tdev) { int res = 0; char *path = p_tdev->path;
PINFO("Open %s\n", path); { struct block_device *bdev_raw = blkdev_get_by_path(path, p_tdev->mode, p_tdev); p_tdev->bdev_raw = bdev_raw; if (unlikely(IS_ERR(bdev_raw))) { res = PTR_ERR(bdev_raw); PINFO("error opening raw device %s <%d>\n", path, res); } p_tdev->is_bdev_raw_ok = !res; return res; } 
static void stackbd_target_close(stackbd_target_t *p_tdev) { if (p_tdev->is_bdev_raw_ok) { blkdev_put(p_tdev->bdev_raw, p_tdev->mode); p_tdev->bdev_raw = NULL; p_tdev->is_bdev_raw_ok = false; } }
static int stackbd_start(char dev_path[]) { unsigned max_sectors; sector_t lba;
stackbd_target_t *p_tgt = &stackbd.tgt; strcpy(p_tgt->path, dev_path); p_tgt->mode = STACKBD_BDEV_MODE; if(stackbd_target_open(p_tgt) < 0) { PERROR("Error while stackbd_target_open(..)!"); return -EFAULT; } /* Set up our internal device */ lba = i_size_read(p_tgt->bdev_raw->bd_inode) >> KERNEL_SECTOR_SHIFT; stackbd.capacity = lba;//get_capacity(stackbd.bdev_raw->bd_disk); PINFO("Device real capacity: %" SEC_FMT "\n", stackbd.capacity); set_capacity(stackbd.gd, stackbd.capacity); max_sectors = queue_max_hw_sectors(bdev_get_queue(p_tgt->bdev_raw)); blk_queue_max_hw_sectors(stackbd.queue, max_sectors); PINFO("Max sectors: %u\n", max_sectors); stackbd.thread = kthread_create(stackbd_threadfn, NULL, stackbd.gd->disk_name); if (IS_ERR(stackbd.thread)) { PERROR("error kthread_create <%lu>\n", PTR_ERR(stackbd.thread)); goto error_after_bdev; } PINFO("done initializing successfully\n"); stackbd.is_active = 1; wake_up_process(stackbd.thread); return 0; 
error_after_bdev: stackbd_target_close(p_tgt);
return -EFAULT; 
static int stackbd_ioctl(struct block_device *bdev, fmode_t mode, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { char dev_path[80]; void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg;
switch (cmd) { case STACKBD_DO_IT: PINFO("\n*** DO IT!!!!!!! ***\n\n"); if (copy_from_user(dev_path, argp, sizeof(dev_path))) return -EFAULT; return stackbd_start(dev_path); default: return -ENOTTY; } 
/* * The HDIO_GETGEO ioctl is handled in blkdev_ioctl(), which * calls this. We need to implement getgeo, since we can't * use tools such as fdisk to partition the drive otherwise. */ int stackbd_getgeo(struct block_device * block_device, struct hd_geometry * geo) { long size;
/* We have no real geometry, of course, so make something up. */ size = stackbd.capacity * (LOGICAL_BLOCK_SIZE / KERNEL_SECTOR_SIZE); geo->cylinders = (size & ~0x3f) >> 6; geo->heads = 4; geo->sectors = 16; geo->start = 0; return 0; 
/* * The device operations structure. */ static struct block_device_operations stackbd_ops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .submit_bio = stackbd_submit_bio, .getgeo = stackbd_getgeo, .ioctl = stackbd_ioctl, };
static int __init stackbd_init(void) { PINFO("is_remap=%d\n", is_remap);
if (is_remap) { p_stackbd_io_fn = stackbd_io_fn_remap; } else { p_stackbd_io_fn = stackbd_io_fn_clone; } /* Set up our internal device */ spin_lock_init(&stackbd.lock); /* Get registered */ if ((major_num = register_blkdev(major_num, STACKBD_NAME)) < 0) { PERROR("unable to get major number\n"); goto error_after_alloc_queue; } /* Gendisk structure */ if (!(stackbd.gd = blk_alloc_disk(NUMA_NO_NODE))) { PERROR("unable to alloc disk\n"); goto error_after_register_blkdev; } stackbd.gd->major = major_num; stackbd.gd->first_minor = 0; stackbd.gd->minors = 1 << 4; stackbd.gd->fops = &stackbd_ops; stackbd.gd->private_data = &stackbd; strcpy(stackbd.gd->disk_name, STACKBD_NAME_0); stackbd.queue = stackbd.gd->queue; if(bioset_init(&bs, 64, 0, BIOSET_NEED_BVECS) < 0) //if(bioset_init(&bs, BIO_POOL_SIZE, 0, 0) < 0) { PERROR( "Cannot allocate bioset"); goto error_after_register_blkdev; } if(add_disk(stackbd.gd) < 0) { PERROR("unable to add disk\n"); goto error_after_register_blkdev; } PINFO("init done\n"); return 0; 
error_after_register_blkdev: unregister_blkdev(major_num, STACKBD_NAME); error_after_alloc_queue: blk_cleanup_queue(stackbd.queue);
return -EFAULT; 
static void __exit stackbd_exit(void) { PINFO("exit\n");
if (stackbd.is_active) { kthread_stop(stackbd.thread); stackbd_target_close(&stackbd.tgt); } del_gendisk(stackbd.gd); put_disk(stackbd.gd); bioset_exit(&bs); unregister_blkdev(major_num, STACKBD_NAME); blk_cleanup_queue(stackbd.queue); 
module_init(stackbd_init); module_exit(stackbd_exit); ``` https://github.com/zenboostestackbd/blob/5.15.0-70-generic/module/main.c
submitted by ZenBooster to kernel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:55 Sir_Chimera [Recruiting] [Code: 7JEV9JEH] Before You Subscribe, Free Stuff!

My character is V'shana Zhan on the Malboro server. Feel free to reach out if you'd like, or just reap the free rewards!
Please note: Enter the code before you decide on purchasing your first subscription.
How to redeem:
Create or Log-in to your Mogstation
Click on "Your Account"
Under Registration Codes, click on "Enter Recruitment Code"
Enter the code: 7JEV9JEH
Upon completion, you'll receive the following:
Friendship Circlet: Increases EXP earned by 20% when level 25 and below.
Aetheryte Ticket x 99: Players in possession of an aetheryte ticket when using Teleport will not incur a gil fee.
Ballroom Etiquette - Improper Greetings: Using this will unlock a new emote. Fist Bump (/fistbump)
10 Silver Chocobo Feathers Trade to the Calamity Salvager NPC for special items. The Calamity Salvager NPC can be found in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania or Ul'dah
submitted by Sir_Chimera to ffxivraf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:53 angelcore69 (NEW-UPDATED) HOW TO GET Monopoly GO Free Dice Links Get Free Rolls on Monopoly GO 2024

Here are fresh working links I found:
https://mply.io/DHg59w Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
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submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]
