Mucinex and theraflu together

Top stole OTC meds

2024.05.23 17:45 Admirable-Walrus-89 Top stole OTC meds

At least in the SE PA region, there is a large crime ring that has shoplifters (usually drug addicts) steal certain OTC medicine. The meds that are stolen are hyper specific and the crime ring targets only certain brands.
These are the brands
submitted by Admirable-Walrus-89 to CVS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 15:14 turtlessquirtle took wellbutrin and mucinex dm together on accident, should i call a doctor?

took muxinex DM and i feel rlly bad, should i go to the doctor?
hi i have allergies and so i took mucinex for them (allergies dont do shit for me) which i always used to do before going on Wellbutrin. I took it at like 6 this morning w some ibuprofen and then went back to sleep for 2 hours. I didn’t know Wellbutrin and Mucinex interacted (my psychiatrist doesnt tell me anything).
i woke up at 8:30 feeling Awful. super out of it and brain foggy with tunnel vision, i drank some water and tried going back to sleep but my brain just kept telling me “if u fall asleep u will die” and so i drank some water and then found out about the interaction. i feel slightly better now that i’ve drank some water, but i’m not sure if I should call a doctor or anything? i didn’t take my Wellbutrin today, i normally take it around noon but im gonna skip today. i also feel super nauseous and weak, and when i woke up my heart was racing.
im on 150 XL Wellbutrin and the mucinex was 12hr Dectromephrin HBr 60mg and Guaifenesin 1200 mg. i took the wellbutrin probably at 12/1 yesterday, and the mucinex today at 6:30.
submitted by turtlessquirtle to MedicationQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:13 illuZion_D Can I take mucinex, xyzal, and nasonex together?

My allergies are so bad I can barely breath
submitted by illuZion_D to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:39 SpaaceCaat Skeptic About Deprescribing

I’m trying to make this as neutral as possible to get more objective replies. I didn’t mean for it to be soooo long but I read the detail rules.
My diagnoses includes possible bipolar II, BPD, ADHD, GAD, PTSD and severe irritable bowel syndrome, short (<1y) history of anorexia.. I have high blood pressure and acid reflux which are both well controlled with medicine. I am 30 years old and a female-to-male transsexual (my preferred term, he/him/his) on testosterone since 2015 and post-op. 5’5”(163cm), 166lbs (75kg). I vape nicotine and drink socially (and don’t socialise very often, max twice a month), no other substance use.
My psych meds in the morning are Viibryd 20mg (since summer 2022), lamictal 100mg (since April/May 2023), wellbutrin xl 300mg (since summer 2022). I also take dicyclomine (antispasmodic for IBS, new since April ‘24) and I usually do not eat breakfast as the dicyclomine needs time to work. This didn’t change, the antispasmodic I was on before also needed time to work. Also, I’m just not hungry.
My psych meds before bed are lamictal 200mg (since 2012) and latuda 20mg (since Sept 2023). I also take norvasc (high blood pressure), finastride & minoxidil (hair loss), and famotidine (acid reflux), and a probiotic/prebiotic. Occasionally I need mucinex and/or melatonin.
I have Ativan as a PRN but haven’t used it since fall 2023.
My prescriber wants to deprescribe. He is looking at eliminating Viibryd in part because of seizure concerns. I’ve never had a seizure, but I did have 20 sessions of ECT in summer 2023 (idk if that affects my current susceptibility to it). I will be advocating to replace it with another SSRI. I was on venlafaxine 2011-summer 2022 but when I came off it my anxiety skyrocketed and my IBS became so bad I could not keep food in me for more than two hours. Adding Viibryd helped, but did not completely solve things. I started seeing a GI to help with IBS and I’m on an antispasmodic from him, but still it is not effective enough. Additionally, last time we decreased Viibryd (April 2023, from 20 to 10) I became suicidal and anxiety got a lot worse. That was when he added the morning lamictal, which was very helpful. The Viibryd dose went back up to 20 when I was hospitalized last summer (as was the latuda, which I have found to be very helpful).
He also wants to reduce my wellbutrin to 150. I was initially on 150 when I started and it was increased (by a prescriber in a PHP) to 300 because it wasn’t as effective as we wanted.
I want to add an ADHD med, in part because things will get worse with it if we go down on the wellbutrin and also because I have noticed I am more impaired by my symptoms now that I am in a new job that has different demands on by cognition (also I’ve been more distractable while driving which is not good).
To give a brief psych history: Dx with ADHD at 7, GAD around 10. First psych hospitalization at age 16 due to rapid onset of self harm and suicidal ideation. Two more that year for suicidality. Went to college 2012-17. One hospitalization in fall 2012 for suicide plan and another for 2016 to address medication as I noticed signs of hypomania (dad has BP). Came out as FTM 2014, started testosterone 2015, never looked back. Stopped therapy after graduation; couldn’t find a suitable provider. Remained on medication with a psychiatrist. Chest surgery 2019. Smooth sailing until 2022, when I began to seek bottom surgery (had to actually confront the dysphoria instead of burry it). Relapse with self-harm and suicidality. PHP May-June 2022, IOP June-Aug 2022. Continued individual therapy afterwards. Hysterectomy Aug ‘22 had severe complications requiring (medical) hospitalization. Developed (diagnosed) PTSD from events of that hospitalization. rTMS Jan-March ‘23; helped with anxiety but not depression. Increased suicidality & anxiety spring 2023, tried ECT that summer, 20 sessions. Hospitalized most of Aug ‘23 due to increased SI. Readmitted ~2 weeks after discharge. Released end of Sept to receive bottom surgery (Oct 11, ‘23), which went perfectly and has had such a great impact on my QoL. PHP Sept-Oct 23, IOP Nov-Dec 23. Switched individual therapists during that time. Increased SI March/April 2024 (just like the previous two years). Doing -much- better now, but still emotionally labile.
I left a job as a teacher’s aide in an elementary school after 5y in January, after confirming that I was hired to do psychschoscial rehab with a mental health agency. The job switch has been great, but it meant I didn’t see my prescriber Jan-April. Got him in touch with my therapist and they had a peer-to-peer. The next time I saw my therapist after that she starts talking about this deprescribing plan. I’m very skeptical. It feels like I’m just getting my life together. I have a job that has a career path, not a dead end, I’m reapplying to grad school, I’ve been able to be more financially independent because I’m making considerably more money at the new job (still living with parents, though). I’m rebuilding the most important relationship (non-romantic, just friends) that crumbled with my hospitalization last year as we realized just how codependent (in the actual sense of the word) it had gotten. I don’t want to risk that with a medication change.
It was proposed that this be done in a hospital, but because my prescriber is a nurse practitioner, he doesn’t have privileges anywhere and it would have to be handled at the county hospital because he has a connection with a doctor there. Their psych unit is crap, but the idea was to have it done in a medical wing, which sounds isolating as hell. Also I just don’t have the time off from work (it’s accumulated during the first year) and I’m not yet eligible for FMLA. And I planned on taking graduate courses this summer.
I’m all for being on as little medication as possible, but I don’t want to make changes like it’s an experiment. I don’t want to risk feeling suicidal. But I also want to trust my providers.
I would try to get a second opinion from a different prescriber and not just ask strangers on Reddit, but I can’t find anyone with availability and willingness to do a 2nd opinion.
submitted by SpaaceCaat to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 15:18 HungryLab2630 Low AMH Road bump in our fertility journey

My husband and I are both 31 and have been trying to conceive naturally for 10 cycles. I've been using LH sticks, tracking CM, and tried the Mucinex trick twice. I've been taking supplements and recently switched to the Bird & Bees prenatal with coq10. I'm also starting to take additional vitamin D.
I do have endometriosis. We recently went to a fertility doctor to do testing. Everything for my husband came back great but my AMH came back at 4.70 amh pmol/l (0.6 ng/l) which is very very low. We had our consult with the fertility dr yesterday and they suggested moving right into IVF. Best case scenario we get pregnant and we have embryos to save for a second pregnancy at a later date. Worst case we are out $20,000 with nothing but we know we tried.
I 've been going through so many waves of emotions. Sandness, anger, resentment, frustrations, bursts of optimism, and then back to the tears.
I have been asking my gyno & family doctor about family planning for years. I've asked if I should freeze my eggs, should start trying right away (my husband and I have been together for five years) both of them said no I'll be fine!!! and of course, you listen to your doctor. I can't let myself focus on that but of course, it puts a burning rage in me that they didn't send me for testing sooner knowing my diagnosis of endo and a history of infertility. If only, if only, if only.
Also to note, this month I have to get a new rubella vaccine. My family dr tested me in Jan- told me I was fine, only to have the fertility clinic tell me I needed a new vaccine. My faith in the whole system is crumbling. I know can change my diet, try acupuncture, etc and I will do all those things but it's just a sense of overwhelmingness. I just feel so alone, lost and confused of what to do.
This month I will focus on my own health since we can't try naturally this month due to the vaccine. We are thinking we will try IVF in June (I am also a teacher and want to take advantage of benefits before my contract ends in June) for context we are in Ontario.
I know I have to be positive and that there is always a chance, but this feels like a huge road bump in my life with so many emotions attached to it and I'm turning to here to try and process.
submitted by HungryLab2630 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 22:17 Beermoney_Bot Best of r/Beermoney in March

Just in case you missed anything, we have put together a list of all the best posts on beermoney from the month of March

Popular posts in March

Title User
Who Paid You FoIn March 2024? Here is My List u/themightyox
Prolific now paying in US dollars u/stepayyy
Other posts in March
Posts are sorted by upvotes at the time this post was created. Posts in the "popular" section have 100 or more upvotes. Questions and rants, as determined by flair, are not included in this list.
submitted by Beermoney_Bot to beermoney [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 10:19 Silent-Letterhead-22 Going to urgent care as a pharmacist

So as it turns out, I have COVID. The nurse practitioner who saw me decided to give me meds to help with my symptoms. I let her tell me about each one without telling her I'm a pharmacist. I just sat there cringing on the inside. I told her I was already taking Mucinex D and Ibuprofen. She gave me benzonatate and promethazine DM. She then proceeds to tell me that the 'D' in Mucinex D was the same as the 'D' in promethazine DM and to not take them together... Then she says benzonatate is an expectorant that would help break up my chest congestion...
Lord these poor patients that this lady sees... What if she misinforms people about other things than just basic cold symptom meds?
submitted by Silent-Letterhead-22 to pharmacy [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 05:43 Dramatic-Quality1553 visual hallucinations on doxylamine

so i’m not on any medication, only took a mucinex d pill today but apparently there’s no drug interaction there and i visually and physically had weird hallucinations. i have covid and have been dealing with intense insomnia the whole time and cannot fall asleep so i took half a 25mg pill. the first thing was the visual hallucinations. it wasn’t disturbing or scary but i could see stuff in my vision moving slowing, meshing together like kaleidoscope vision. then my family was talking pretty loud outside of my bedroom and i kept thinking they were yelling at me and were upset with me but they have never done that to me but in the moment i truly thought it was happening. then the last weird thing i had was this feeling of being in an ocean with waves going over my body every 5 seconds, so like imagine in cartoons when a character has those “aura” waves around them if they are hallucinating/or maybe they got hit in the head with a frying pan and the wobble effect goes down their whole body. that’s exactly how it felt. i got some sleep but what the actual hell was that? has anyone experienced this?
submitted by Dramatic-Quality1553 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 04:26 endlessramble so tired, overwhelmed, not sure what to do tomorrow, or even tonight

idk why i’m exhausted. jk yes I do. I slept from like 7am - 11:40am last “night”. I have the weirdest sleep schedule.
right when I got out of bed at 12:30pm I was stressed.
I spent 3 hours straight working on online training modules for my job starting next week. in between that I had to call my part time job and figure out why my pay was wrong.
then I rushed and got ready for dinner. dinner was nice, catching up with childhood friends. basically caught up for 2.5 hours, I love them but i was pretty tired by the end.
esp cuz every time I socialize my lingering flu symptoms get worse. once I got in my car I was blowing my nose for 5 min.
then I got home and my brain is completely fried. so I played scrabble for 2 hours on my phone 💀
but idk if I should go to st patrick’s plans tomorrow 80 minutes of driving total, and i’d have to sleep over. i’ll have to do fake tan tonight, pick an outfit, pack a bag (w makeup, drinks, sleepover stuff, etc). and they are day drinking which I am not the biggest fan of.
but i’m leaving for training after this weekend, it’s my last chance to see them.
i’ve been spending more money than usual this past week but I don’t care. I need to live my life.
I just am stressed cuz they are leaving 11am tomorrow. I highly doubt I can healthily make that (I usually fall asleep at 6am cuz i’m a total utter mess). and my friend said she’d come back for me if I come later which I feel bad but I also appreciate that.
I just wish there was a certain time I could aim for that’s later than like 1pm that they definitely would come back cuz I don’t wanna inconvenience them.
I think this is what I should do. i’m in the tub rn. so I’ll finish my shower. shave my armpits I guess lol.
and rinse off. maybe reapply my fake tan where necessary. eventually take off my makeup, do my skincare. idk why but that will probably take me 2-3 hours cuz I move so slow ☠️
I might even try on some outfits to help me decide for tomorrow.
set up to remind myself to take mucinex and my inhaler tomorrow.
tonight take my vitamin d and zinc.
have a little snack. get my drinks together. set a mental limit (budget, etc)
I also have things I need to do before training: get access to my bank account that only my mom can access. figure out my insurance. finish 20 more lessons on my pre training module (could take up to 1.5 hours).
pack obviously. but I pack better under pressure.
sunday im trying to see my grandpa. and dinner that evening with my mom. I might be terrifyingly exhausted by monday. and whatever I need to live.
I worked my a** off in february and had no fun. i’m about to work my a** off in training for 6 weeks. and then straight to work after a couple days. I did my best to save money but i’m so tired of penny pinching.
I didn’t save all this money just to save for some huge investment, though that would be nice, it’s unrealistic to only save and never spend. that’s not even life that’s just slavery.
I need to treat myself like a human and let myself have occasional fun a couple times a month. that’s fuel to life. it’s not something to push aside.
but yeah.
imma rinse off soon and try to do the stuff I listed. always grounded to come here and think out loud 💯
submitted by endlessramble to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 02:16 IDidWhatYesterday Question: employee supply locker

Hoping to get some input from outside my own team.
I manage a store, and am working on putting an employee supply locker together, to allow my crew to grab small helpful things without having to bring their own or ask management for something. These I provide free to them at my own expense.
So far, I have put Tylenol, ibuprofen, tampons/pads, cough drops, mucinex DM, and midol in the locker. I have a stack of pens and post it’s.
If you were an employee whose employers did this, what would you like to see supplied in a locker like this?
submitted by IDidWhatYesterday to retail [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 17:48 squishpuppyjunie Could this be paradoxical/overflow diarrhea?

I have IBS-M but I've never had this particular experience before. About a week ago I got hit with a stomach bug with vomiting and diarrhea that lasted 3 days. Since the third day, I have only been able to poop tiny amounts every other day, like one or two miniscule blobs that take 20 minutes to push out. I didn't think it could count as being constipated because they're very soft stools, they look really mushy with ripply edges. I was wondering if it was even possible to be constipated while still pooping out super soft stools.
Everything I've read about paradoxical diarrhea, though, has said that it's basically liquid poop that comes out around the constipation. Is that true? I'm not pooping liquid, it's just teeny tiny soft poops.
I've been in such bad abdominal pain, though. Last night I went to the ER because I had incredibly bad lower abdominal pain every time I bent over or twisted at all. I didn't put together that it was because of the pooping though (I know, I feel so stupid) so the ER just sent me home after giving me a pain reliever.
I took some Mucinex this morning but maybe I should pick up a stronger laxative if this is what's going on.
submitted by squishpuppyjunie to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 10:45 gamerlana 14 year old basset hound with chronic bronchitis but no relief

My Zoe is a 14 basset hound spayed female weighing 55lbs.
History: She was diagnosed 2 years ago with chronic bronchitis and bronchial wash showed elevated eosinophils. Heart disease was checked via X-ray and echocardiogram, which showed normal. Prednisone treatment proposed, however past exposure shows she handles oral steroids poorly, possibly due to liver problems (see below).
Also had abdominal ultrasound as her littermate sister died from lymphatic liver cancer. Also worried about her having Cushing's, which was later proven to be negative. We suspect tainted kibble and she is now on homemade food. Abdominal ultrasound results:
  1. Hyperechoic moderate hepatopathy with a hypoechoic nodule. An endocrine/metabolic hepatopathy is the top differential. Hepatitis with nodular regeneration is possible. Infiltrative neoplasia is less likely.
  2. Hypoechoic splenic nodule containing cysts/cavitations. Benign nodular hyperplasia, extramedullary hematopoiesis, lymphoid hyperplasia, and neoplasia are equally considered.
  3. Moderate right adrenomegaly. DDx: Adenoma/adenomatous hyperplasia. Primary/metastatic neoplasia is not discounted but is thought less likely.
  4. Heterogenous nodular pancreas most compatible with benign nodular hyperplasia. No evidence of active pancreatitis.
Symptoms: Has had dry unproductive cough for two years only when sitting laying on chest and if neck/chest bothered by moving or being pressed on. Reduced or non existent coughing when laying on side.
Recent flare up has her in coughing spasms which causes her to lay on chest, which in turn causes more coughing. Massaging next help relieve and returning to side laying helps ease coughing in part or all together. She is also slightly wheezing when breathing and can easy become short of breath.
She also has been peeing inside for several weeks now, but could be age related. Does occasionally have a poop accident when coughing, but may also be age.
Current treatments: She has gone untreated until 2 weeks ago when bronchitis suddenly flared up. X-rays where done followed by attempt at very low non therapeutic dose of 10mg Prednisone alongside Mucinex equivalent pet cough tab. Prednisone stopped as tolerated poorly and now on dose of Albuterol 90mcg 1 puffs, then five minutes later Fluticasone 110mcg 1 puff every 12 hours via Aerodawg spacer. Did stop dextromethorphan cough tabs as not sure if made worse. Has been on this treatment approximately a week. She has poor appetite, but otherwise tolerates it. Still has coughing fits and if anything appears to be getting worse. Vet recommended doing Albuterol every 8 hours at 2 puffs.
Question: Aside from this and maybe the bathroom issues she seems in fairly decent shape. We just want her to be here comfortable as long as possible. We are so stressed as her treatment feels like it's wasting her away for nothing.What if anything can we do to help her?
submitted by gamerlana to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 04:00 Constant_Emu3592 I had a severe infection, I was on medication, I overdosed / had allergic reactions to the meds, and the doctors defense is that I'm crazy.

I really need help. What happened was agonizing, painful, and gutwrenching. It's a wild, long story but I'll shorten it the best I can.
I'll preface this... I have never used drugs in my life. I rarely even take advil. I had never ever been stoned in my life before, not even off of medication as I never even had any type of surgery.
I (30F) became very sick and I went to the doctor's at a health clinic. They told me that it's probably a cold. I was congested with mucus, I had a dry cough, my head hurt, my mouth and throat felt swollen, and I couldn't breathe. They gave me a steroid(!) nasal spray, told me to take mucinex, and gave me cough medication. (A few months before this, I had an open wound on my ear and it still didn't heal so she recommended an ENT - Ears Nose and Throat doctor.)
A week goes by. I don't improve. I go back to the doctor's. I once again tell them I'm really stuffed up and can't breathe. They gave me prednisone(!) (which is a steroid) and a steroid(!) inhaler. Within hours of taking the prednisone, I started feeling less stuffed and within two days, I no longer had that problem. But I STILL could not breathe. The inhaler did not help at all. My bf (Tom) made sure I used it correctly. The doctor said I could use it every 4-6 hours. And I did. It didn't help!!
I went to the doctor's again a few days later and told them once again I can't breathe. The doctor didn't seem considered until I lengthy talked about it... which took me a while in between the gasps for air and labor breathing. She ordered an x-ray. The x-ray came out fine. She recommended me to a lung doctor.
I had cancelled my ENT appointment as they said they'd only look at my wound on the ear and not anything else. But when I was waiting for a lung doctor, I kept telling my bf that my breathing problem seems more related to my throat than my lungs. So, we called the clinic and told them to get us that ENT appointment and forget the lung doctor.
In-between the last health clinic appointment and the ENT;
At this point, I started using liquid Nyquil and pill form muninex. I had a refill on my prednisone. I was using my nasal spray and my inhaler. I also took advil here and there too. I had timers on my phone like every 4-6 hours, I can take X medication. I still couldn't breathe!!!
One night when it was 3 AM, Tom came to bed and thought he'd be funny. He put his hand in front of my mouth. Before I could even get beyond pissed off, I completely stopped breathing. It was like my throat closed. I leaned my head far back and gasped hard for air. My throat POPPED! Air filled my mouth and as I started swallowing, something hard and long from the middle of my head fell into my throat. I panicked. I told my bf. He gave me nyquil to calm me down and that's when I swallowed a small, hard ball that also came from the middle of my head.
Then I started breathing better!! I took more medication in the morning. Then I felt like my heart would pound right off my chest and I felt completely awful and scared again.
This when Tom says I stopped sleeping.
I went to the ENT. He said I had a VERY, VERY severe sinitus infection. He couldn't even put an endoscope into my nose. He ordered blood work and a CT scan. Gave me this amoxi something antibiotic, 500 MG for three times a day.
I called places and my insurance company, etc etc etc. Got my CT scan.
At this point, I started even tasting food differently. Food I really enjoyed tasted beyond amazing!!!! Other food I enjoyed tasted like rubbish!!!! It felt like I could hear better, talk better, and feel the air better. Omg I thought I was I was missing out on everything my entire life!
It went quickly down hill.
At like 3 AM I couldn't breathe. I took my medication around noon and the antibiotic at like 2:00. Went to the ER (connected to the health clinic) at like 3:00 because the breathing was really bad. I brought my medication. The ER doctor (1) told me I was severely dehydrated. He gave me a chest x-ray and said my lungs were fine. He said that I have severe sinitus. He also claimed that I had a panic attack. He gave me anxiety medication. He asked Tom if I was ever on anxiety medication — no. He asked if I was depressed — no. He asked if I panicked a lot — no, maybe while driving and someone cuts me off lol. Did I ever behave like this before — no. He said absolutely no sudafed.
I went to the doctor's about 13 hours later (with all medication). My face was hurting REALLY, REALLY badly. I wanted help.
At this point I started experiencing very weird symptoms. I am always a cold person but was very hot constantly. So, I'd have Tom lower the temp. Then I'd tell him that my head felt like it was on fire so I'd put ice packs on my head and face for hours. Then I'd tell him randomly that I'm freezing and to him to increase the temp.
The second ER doctor (2) made me take a fricken a flu and COVID test. What a surprise, I was negative for both. Then he prescribed me Sudafed. We told the nurse that the first ER doctor stressed VERY HARD — literally said absolutely do not take any sudafed or anything with a certain ingredient (starts with a c). The nurse went and asked and the nurse said there's no problem taking sudafed.
I was released from the hospital. I'm spiraling mentally and physically. I felt sooooo hot. My face hurt so much. I ordered legitimately 2 full ice body bags and 2 face ice masks and an iced eye cover. I wasn't sleeping. I couldn't sit still.
I went back to the hospital the next morning. The basically threatened to baker act me. (I live in Florida.) Kind of understandable, as I admit that I said crazy things and that I had sepsis and cellulitis of the blood and I needed help ASAP. But to be fair, I didn't know what was happening and the doctor's didn't offer any explanation to what I was feeling. We went back home. Tom told his mom that they threatened to baker act me. His mom was like what, they don't ever threaten to baker act anyone, they just do it!
That's when his mom started getting suspicions, she said.
It was my last prednisone pill the day before. I felt awful but happy that food tasted amazing (as I'm a super picky eater). And disappointed that I didn't like pizza or pops anymore. I felt super hot. My face was in so much pain. I'd change moods very quickly, to very happy, to very sad (not normal for me).
At sone point, I had started feeling sensitive to touch and told Tom that my organs hurt whenever he touched me. I was feeling okay but "I had to take the sudafed", Tom told me. So, I took it. I quickly spiraled. I couldn't sit still. My face hurt really, really badly again. I felt more and more weak. I started becoming paranoid.
At some point, I don't really remember when. But I hate drinking water... normally I just won't as it makes me gag or throw up. But I started drinking it with flavoring.... and a lot of it.
This next morning, my bf was asleep. I got up at like 5-6 AM. I spiraled. I tried showering, standing in front of a stove as the mucus was stuck in me again really badly. I started patting myself with a wash cloth. It was turning yellow. I started panicking. Decided to take more medication. Spiraled even harder into a panic and took audafed again. I spiraled even harder. I had forgot my promise with my bf that I wouldn't drink too much. I drank like 6-7 Gatorade bottles and 14 water bottles in a span of like 2 - 1/2 hours.
His mom woke up and came out and saw all the water bottles. I was sitting on the couch crying. She came and sat next to me. She has a master's degree as she teaches kids with very specific special needs, so she's had to take medical classes about medication. She suspected that I was overdosing and having side effects.
She had me sit down and she read the side effects of the medication. And I would say "yes"... "yes"... "yep, that's what I'm experiencing..." She took this really, really big sigh. Then she says we are writing down every medication that you're on and how much I was taking.
She said I was not to take any more medication other than my antibiotics.
She left me alone for a bit. I started drinking water excessively again. Then I threw up blood. I cleaned it up. At that point, I couldn't trust myself so I woke up Tom to watch me.
Well, things spiraled very quickly that day. I became very, very weak and very, very cold. My face felt like it was melting. My organs felt like they were rotting inside of me. I could feel the nerves in my face. I could feel my teeth more. I could feel the space between my teeth and mouth more. My face.... it was so painful. I felt like I was dying. I laid on Tom's couch and I'd fall in and out of consciousness screaming in pain.
Tom and his mom didn't wanna bring me to a hospital because his mom believed they would baker act me. When I started waking up and gaining consciousness, I heard Tom on the phone.
He called a pharmacist, the one that was gave me the prescriptions. They started talking. At first, the pharmacist said that I was crazy, essentially. Then Tom raised a gentle point about what I was taking and if the medications were messing me up. That's when the pharmacist started talking about how it could very well be the medication and how I was taking that much could make me very stoned. At that point, I calmed down. I left the room with his mom to call my mom.
That's also when Tom started looking at my eyes. My eyes are normally light blue. My boyfriend said he almost no blue in my eyes. My eyes were black, completely dilated.
Okay, this is where I will jump in time and leave it very short.
I went to the health clinic as they said that it's possible that i was a maniac or that i had steroid psychosis. They told Tom to bring me to a mental institute and they'd help me and they'd reverse the medication in my blood.
So, I went there. It was horrible. I can't... I can't even describe how they didn't help. They were neglectful. I would help the other patients. Like put on their socks for them to make sure their feet weren't cold as they were too old to bend over. They didn't help my face. They didn't even seem concerned. They had a doctor "check" and "touch it". I was "fine"... despite being in intense pain.
They gave me like 15 pills a day! I barely slept at all there. The only solace I was got from when I was allowed to paint with the therapist. She did extra sessions for me.
BUT ANYWAY! Afterwards, I had to do an outpatient program, which was a waste of money and time. It turned out that the mental institute said I had psychosis and I was bipolar.
And now, all of these months later, I am left with a giant hole. What happened to me stirred in my head for weeks and weeks and after I started remembering and putting the pieces together, I figured it out.
I had a severe infection. I was stoned out of my mind. I am not crazy. I'm not bipolar. I had a severe reaction from never being stoned in my life and being in tremendous pain with a severe infection.
I want to sue. I've had to pay so many medical bills. I had delayed medical treatment. I have severe PTSD / memories. My bf also has severe PTSD, and before this he was very pro-doctor and now won't even see one because he is so terrified. There's so much pain and suffering. I can't even find a therapist because no one seems to specialize in medical trauma.
Who do I even sue? Can I sue anyone?
submitted by Constant_Emu3592 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 07:32 joenorwood77 Seeking Advice for Over the Counter Medications Long Term

Hopefully this post is acceptable, even though I am currently not sick. I am attempting to compile a list of all of the over the counter medications the average person should have for potential illness, allergies, and injuries. Hopefully someone in the medical field can help to answer the questions throughout, and to generally speak to what is and is not needed on this type of list. I am a single 46 year old male, but I hope this post and responses helps many people who should also stock up their medicine cabinet a bit. I also need to spend $300 in OTC money, or I lose it at the end of this month.
I spent hours searching online and piecing this list together. I am really trying to pay attention more to my health. I appreciate everyone who takes time to respond to any of this.
PAIN RELIEF - When do I use each and when do I avoid each?
Acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) - Does it matter if Bayer or are they all the same?
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) - Does it make sense to have both Ibuprofen and Advil? If so, when to use and when to avoid each?
Naproxen (Aleve).
Pepto Bismol - It seems best to use when many stomach symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, acid reflux.
Imodium AD - Used strictly for severe diarrhea when necessary. Should it be strictly Imodium AD, or just anything with Loperamide all the same?
Acid Reflux - Omeprazole (Prilosec). Unfortunately Pepcid does nothing for me.
COLD/FLU/SINUS INFECTIONS (in addition to pain relievers)
**I know an easy mistake is that people take a pain reliever in addition to a medicine like NyQuil, Theraflu, Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe, and not realizing they are exceeding their dose of pain relief.
Cough Medicine - Robitussin or does it matter which one? Should a person have a cough syrup or just pills for symptoms?
Cough Drops - Does it matter which ones? Some say Zinc helps, others say that is a myth.
Vapor Rub - I assume Vicks or any are all pretty much the same.
Decongestants (such as pseudoephedrine) - It seems to make sense to buy this separately, and also be aware if it is in other things taken while sick.
Anything else for sore throat in addition to salt water gargle, cough drops? Maybe throat spray?
Neilmed bottles and packets for nasal irrigation. I personally prefer this way over Neti-Pot.
Expectorant - Mucinex (Guaifenesin)
Cough Suppressant - Delsym
Antihistamines - diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Loratadine (Claritin), cetirizine (Zyrtec), and Fexofenadine (Allegra). I personally prefer Zyrtec for my allergies.
Anti-Itch Cream - Hydrocortisone 1% Cream or Calamine Lotion? When use each?
Anti-Fungal Cream - clotrimazole, miconazole, or butenafine hydrochloride. When use each?
Eye Drops - Genteal Tears Preservative Free - this is what my optometrist suggested to me for dry/red eyes.
Fluticasone propionate (Flonase).
Warm Compress - Optometrist suggested using this for eyes when red. Should this just be a warm washcloth, or should I buy something specific if I might need this regularly due to allergies?
Cracks in heels - both Aquaphor Healing Ointment and Eucerin Cream together is suggested online.
Nausea (motion sickness) - Dramamine
Burn Cream - I assume all pretty much the same and some should come in a first aid kit.
Antibiotic or antibacterial ointment - Neosporin or Bacitracin. When use each?
Laxatives - Does it matter which one?
First Aid Kit (includes many things, some that may be already listed)
Rubbing Alcohol - Recently read that 70% is often better than 91% since it does not dry as fast?
Hydrogen Peroxide
Reading Glasses - My age is finally catching up to me.
Sunscreen SPF what is suggested now days?
Aloe Vera Gel
Oral care like toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, mouthwash is surprisingly covered with my plan.
Consider multi-vitamins?
Insect Repellant
Hand Sanitizer
Epsom Salt
For sore muscles or swelling - Hot Pad and Cold Pad. Any specific ones out there?
Anything else?
submitted by joenorwood77 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.13 03:24 AbernathyKillMouse Is Theraflu Nighttime Pregnancy Safe - 😵‍💫❓

Is Theraflu Nighttime Pregnancy Safe - 😵‍💫❓
I'm 29 weeks and sick... I asked my doctor what I could take and this is the response. My doctor said Theraflu is good but didn't specify Day or Nighttime. I Google the active ingredients and didn't find any "hard" no's. Am I over thinking this? I took half a packet of the nighttime and now I'm worried, SMH.
submitted by AbernathyKillMouse to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 22:33 patuneya Is it me?

CD16 here. Ttc (actively .. 😏) for 7 months now. I havent been taking my BBT because I work 12 hour night shifts and wasn't sure how that would operate, I know you are supposed to take it first thing in the morning?, right?. This cycle, I have cleaned up eating, pushed more cardio, I'm taking vitd3 every day, fish oil, & folate. I have even taken a mucinex on or the day after my projected ovulation date. And we did the deed on O-day. My breast feel incredibly full, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up so I'm chalking it up to ovulation.. but I feel myself going a little nutty over this. It also didn't help that when I called to schedule an Ob/gYn appointment the clerk put "failure to conceive" on my problem list 🥲. Why do I feel like there is something wrong with my body?? I have had two beautiful children over a decade ago that was 22 months apart with a miscarriage in between the two. Now I feel like I can't even get knocked up... I am glad I found this space to relate to others. It's hard going through it alone. After my last live birth (over a decade ago) I opted for the IUD (Mirena) and had it placed for 5 years no problems. I havent had a scare since.. my SO & I have been together for almost 8 years. I'm feeling a lot of thoughts and emotions. Yes I am bey0nd blessed with two healthy children.. however, I would love to bless my SO with his/our own offspring. I have never been here before, until now. I keep telling myself, well it's ok if I don't concieve, but with every pregnancy announcement, it unfortunately carries an underlying tone of feafrustration for me. While yes I am thrilled for others bundles of joy... what am I doing wrong??
submitted by patuneya to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 17:49 Fuzzy_Slip_5811 Covid and breastfeeding

I just got Covid for the first time as did my 6 month old and 8 year old. Luckily they’re fine but I am very much not.
My head is throbbing so bad I can barely put together this post but is there really nothing I can take for symptoms because I’m breastfeeding? Motrin and steam showers only do so much and I’m so congested and miserable. Everything I’m seeing says no dayquill or theraflu or any decongestant or cough medicine but admittedly I haven’t had the ability to sit and research right now.
Stopping nursing isn’t an option and especially now since I want him to get all the breastmilk he can get right now.
And any tips on how to get through this hell? I tested positive Sunday and have felt worse with each passing day.
submitted by Fuzzy_Slip_5811 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.02.04 12:25 Shark-Compote Salty about getting sick: A Rant.

I am so salty; I need to rant.
I have a casual friend who constantly wants to plan “pal’s nights”. This is fine, I appreciate the effort in wanting to get together. But every time it always goes the same way.
Friend 1 (F1) will message Friend 2 (F2) and I to see when we are free, I will let them know I have a specific grouping of days off, and F2 will let them know when they are free within my grouping of days. F1 will suggest a day not in those days. F2 and I will remind them what days we have available together, F1 will seemingly ignore this and continue to throw out dates until F2 and I figure it out.
F1 will ask me to hang out alone and will ask me my schedule, it does not change, it is the same grouping of days and has been for over 3 years (longer than we’ve been friends). They will see my availability and suggest we do something on a day I am not available. I’ll remind them I work and can’t make plans for that day.
F1 will message me again asking me to hang out/ make plans, and ask me my availability, even though it is still visible in our conversation (don’t even have to scroll up to see it… it was legitimately the last message in our conversation).
F1 will message F2 (admittedly my closest friend and knows my schedule to the point they are able to make plans for the both of us). F2 will repeat my days off and let F1 know what corresponding days we have available. F1 continues this for a few weeks, trying to make plans.
This is something that happens often, not simply a singular event.
Then we get to the recent time we managed to make plans. Before we finalized our plans, I mentioned to F1 how I have a minor surgery soon. Although it’s not something super serious, I ideally want to stay healthy until then (hopefully after as well).
We are more than ¾ of the way through the night when F1 mentions how their child, who has been fully involved in the entire night (fingers in food/ around and interacting with the food being served to us), has “had a dry cough for weeks that won’t go away”.
I’m sorry, what? I’ve mentioned my need/desire to stay away from anyone sick for the time being. My brain cannot fathom failing to mention the child you’re exposing your friends to might have a cold or something and give them the option of opting out. F2 understands my annoyance but works with children so they’re more chill about it. F2 gives the courtesy of letting me know if the kids she works with have been or are sick, so I can make the choice to expose myself or not. I get that kids are exposed to a lot more than I am, but that’s exactly why I would hope someone would mention it before hand.
All this to say… I got sick, almost immediately. I’ve been doing everything I can to try and combat it early, emergenc, theraflu, zicam, sambucol. I feel like shit, and I have barely enough time to kick this before surgery.
I try so hard to avoid colds/ flus/ ect, (if the past few years didn’t teach us anything) and I’m already taking a good chunk of my PTO for my procedure. I feel incredibly guilty feeling the need to take more time beforehand because of this, but also can’t because my paycheck depends on me being at work. I don’t have a safety net of people to help me out if I’m sick, it’s just me.
I also feel so gaslit by the schedule thing. If you have asked me for my schedule that never changes over 20 times, and can read it for yourself, and you ASK ME AGAIN?!?! It makes me want to hold my breath/ it honestly feels incredibly disrespectful. I don’t understand this behavior.
submitted by Shark-Compote to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 09:42 caregiverlove Momma

I lost my Momma unexpectedly on January 2nd. It... It hurts so bad. She was literally rubbing Vicks vapor rub on my chest on the 31st, and then she was on a vent on the 1st. We lived together, so everything is different. We watched TV together, she watched me when I played video games, we did our chores together. We were inseparable. I'm 24 years old, but I feel like a little girl... Who's gonna bug me to take Mucinex when I'm congested? Who's gonna tell me to wear my jacket, even if I'm only gonna be outside for just a minute? Who's gonna listen to me when I have nightmares? Who's gonna bring me water when I get sick? I'm just so lost without her... I need my Mommy...
submitted by caregiverlove to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.01.04 14:34 jalalal38 Flu medicine

is it ok to take theraflu and tamiflu together?
submitted by jalalal38 to MedicationQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 08:42 No-Contribution-5232 2 & a half years w no baby .

me (21f) & my fiancé (21m) have been together for 2 & a half years been having unprotected sex since the day we met . we’ve been trying on and off for a little over a year now I have no idea what it’s taking us so long to conceive. I had an transvaginal ultrasound last year and I have no cysts and my periods are fairly normal . I’ve been procrastinating getting my fiancé a semen analysis because it’s pretty expensive , $200?? since we’re on Medicaid and that doesn’t cover fertility related issues. My fiancé has ulcerative colitis and when I go with him to some of his appointments and ask his doctors could his disease decrease his sperm count they all say no. His mom says try the turkey baster method but literally it won’t help , oh and the legs up method , nothing . we’ve tried preseed lube , mucinex , coq10 literally every “ hack “ . I’m fairly healthy and it’s so unfair most of the people my age and even younger can pop out babies so easily . Hell my mom had my older sister when she was 22 & my grandma had my mom when she was 16 , my sister had my nephews when she was 23 and 24. I just don’t know where to go from here ..
submitted by No-Contribution-5232 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 20:56 guccigrandma_ HELP decongestant I can take with vyvanse?

Hi everybody!!!
I’m getting over some kind of sickness and am SUPER congested!! It’s very uncomfortable.
I was about to take a Mucinex tablet when I decided to just double check that it can be taken with vyvanse (just took my Vyvanse about an hour ago) and apparently you are not supposed to take both together because Mucinex is a mild stimulant.
Any recommendations for a decongestant that IS compatible with Vyvanse? Does anybody know if chugging a ton of water would have a similar effect?
Also yes, I’m fully aware that nobody here is a doctor, before anybody says anything! Just looking for suggestions ◡̈
submitted by guccigrandma_ to ADHD [link] [comments]