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2024.06.08 18:22 subfla Insurance broker (auto/home/flood/umbrella)

I have policies coming up for renewal and my current group is non responsive. Who has a good broker? (auto/home/flood/umbrella)
submitted by subfla to tampa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:20 manuce94 Do you buy Auto+Tenant insurace from same company or Separately which method one saves you money ?

Do you buy Auto+Tenant insurace from same company or Separately which method one saves you money ?
Edit: for the last two year or so I buy everything together but noticing that my Autoinsurance is jacking up like everybody (Zero claims + clean record) but still its going up and brokers are giving same excuse oh its going up for everyone so really trying to save as much as I possibly can my car is 2011 but still paying jacked up premiums...
submitted by manuce94 to ontario [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:33 Common_Positive9160 How to use auto-breakeven Tradingveiw/Tradovate

I have two questions actually,
  1. Im using Tradingveiw as my charting platform and Tradovate as my broker and I want to use the auto-breakeven feature within a bracket. This is an option on the Tradovate mobile app and on the Tradovate site but I don’t see it on Tradingveiw.
  2. Also I want to have multiple take profits which is available on the Tradovate site I think but im wondering if it is available on the mobile app and Tradeingveiw. For example I want to buy more than one contract and then sell 1 at a 1:1 take profit:stop loss triggering the auto breakeven at the same time and have that second contract at 2:1 or 3:1.
Are these things possible?
submitted by Common_Positive9160 to Tradovate [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:38 Kalsifur Lost registration for old car (1982) that has been sitting at our cabin for years. ICBC tried to tell us VIN numbers were shorter than 17 digits in 1982 so they "have to check" the car in-person. How could they get this so wrong?

So I wasn't there dealing with it, my dad was, but that's what they told him, and now after doing the tiniest bit of research I see vin numbers were standard 17 digits from 1981 on.
They gave a story that 5 years ago they "archived" all old registrations so now they can't get to it easily and that the VIN number was wrong. Well they are 100% wrong as I have the car right in front of me with a clear VIN number visible in the windshield that has never been replaced lmao. My dad has been the owner of this car since the 80's. Also looking up VIN number years, it has a C which means 1982.
So my question is how do we proceed here? Call ICBC again and hope someone who actually knows what they are talking about answers? BTW he went to an auto plan broker who then called ICBC and that's what they said.
submitted by Kalsifur to icbc [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:36 -einfachman- The Game Will Stop

The Game Will Stop
TL;DR: For the past 3 years, Citadel has allowed artificial runs in the GME price, hyped by MSM, only for the price to be tanked and options premiums scooped up by Citadel and friends. Keith Gill [AKA Roaring Kitty/DFV] played SHFs by taking advantage of this, not only helping introduce FOMO, bringing the GME price to more vulnerable levels for SHFs, but making enough money to turn the tables against shorts. RC’s strategy is also significantly helping close the walls on shorts. SHFs have been playing a game on retail for years, perpetually delaying FTDs and short closing obligations. We’ve reached a focal point in our journey. The game will stop. MOASS is inevitable.
The Game Will Stop
§ 0: Preface
§1: Citadel’s Fake Run Was Disrupted
§ 2: Keith Gill’s Power Play
§ 3: RC is Closing the Walls
§ 0: Preface
I would like to thank the community for helping get my account unsuspended by Reddit. It means a lot to me. After my last post, Reddit suspended by account (without any warning or notification), and I had thought that was it. But Reddit unsuspended my account shortly after that highly upvoted post about my account being suspended, so I imagine they backtracked from the backlash. It wasn’t just me that got banned, though. There were apparently others. The Ape that was tracking Kenny’s plane got suspended around the same time as I did. Also, the Ape that posted about me being suspended even received a warning from Reddit a day later (he told me it was the first time he ever got a warning from Reddit). I think Reddit was planning to target certain Apes from the community to control the flow of information here. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that restrictions on Superstonk and Apes in general have gotten stronger after Reddit’s IPO.
It's prudent to know that Fidelity and Sequoia Capital have a stake in Reddit now. Sequoia Capital, mind you, invested $1.15 Billion in Citadel Securities in January 2022. Thinking about the future of the community, it would be smart to have some contingency plan if anything were to ever happen to SuperStonk. I know that we have Gangnam Style (it’s been our go-to since 2021), but the problem is that there’s no moderation there, and the flood of comments could inadvertently cause forum sliding, to say the least. Nobody would be able to post DD there without it being buried by thousands of comments flooding the page. Food for thought. Figured I should put that out there.
With that being said, there’s a lot to discuss. The recent developments surrounding GME have completely changed the game, regardless of what happens to the price in the near future.
§ 1: Citadel’s Fake Run Was Disrupted
There’s a pattern that I’ve noticed during these GME run ups these past years. Citadel & Co. will load up on calls, then you have some TA indicators lighting up, TA bros and the media start hyping it up as the stock price goes up. Everyone gets excited, then when euphoria is at its peak and everyone is jumping in on calls when the IV is crazy high, SHFs sell calls, buy puts, pull the rug and scoop up options premiums. Rinse and repeat. It seemed like that was going to happen again in May. If you look at Citadel’s recent 13-F, on March 31, their call-to-put ratio was 1.536:1. In other words, they had a significantly higher number of calls as opposed to puts.
Now, I should note that these quarterly 13-F’s that get reported to the SEC only show a snapshot of SHF’s calls/puts, not to mention that this is 'only' what’s being reported. There could be options in offshore accounts that we don’t know about. Furthermore, SHFs could significantly increase call or put positions multiple times between their quarterly 13-F’s, and we’d never know. So, do take it with a grain of salt.
Citadel’s last 13-F showed it bet on an increase in GME’s price, but they could’ve gotten loaded up on more calls before the positive media sentiment on GME as well as the run up.
Regardless, here’s a chart to illustrate Citadel’s significant call option report, which was a month before the positive media sentiment on a “possible GME rally” right after:
The media was hyping it up, before and after DFV came into the picture:
There were several TA posts on SuperStonk hyping up the rally before DFV joined in. I imagine DFV saw indicators as well and he could turn this run up against the SHFs by joining in and getting in “competitive mode”. I doubt SHFs were anticipating the price going up ‘this’ high. Probably, they were going to have it go to $20-$30 max, but the emergence of DFV certainly did challenge their algorithm. I took the GME short volume data from the OCC and turned it into a graph to better illustrate why SHFs weren’t anticipating this dramatic swing in price. Here’s reported GME short volume from May 6-May 24:
Went up nearly 6x from May 6. This tells us a couple other things (many OGs know this already). Shorts never closed, and they will keep doubling down until there is no recourse, putting the entire system at risk of collapse.
For those that weren't aware, the SEC Report on October 2021 stated that there was no gamma/short squeeze on January 2021 [pg. 29 of the SEC Report]:
That was all FOMO. Nobody closed their positions. Sure, a SHF might say they “covered” their position, but that’s very different from closing a position [see my Burning Cash DD for elaboration].
So, even when the GME price is at a high level [past crit. margin levels] like $50 or $60, it just means that SHFs are having a tougher time controlling the stock, but they will work very hard to regain algorithmic control. Trading halts help a lot ["Why SHFs Love Trading Halts"].
Here's an analogy: Imagine you’re in a football game, and your team’s losing, so you have the referee halt the game. In the meantime, you call your buddies for some favors. They give you and your team steroids,, then you unhalt the game and start winning. That’s basically what’s happening. SHFs can halt the stock countless times, make some calls, get tens of millions of shares here and there, then unhalt and tank the price. That’s why I find it hard to count on FOMO alone to start MOASS. DFV returning is an extraordinary event, and it certainly brought FOMO, but just look at the price. Before DFV posted on Twitter in May, we were already around $20. We’ve recently had the most upvoted post on SuperStonk (of all time), more upvotes than any post 3 years ago when we casually had 50,000+ online users on SuperStonk.
Side note: Reddit is definitely not telling us the accurate number of online users on SuperStonk. I believe it is much higher than what’s being displayed, simply based on the exponential increase in engagement/upvoted posts compared to months ago.
Simply put, the price is still currently under SHF control. We’re still not in MOASS yet, so try to keep a cool head.
CNBC recently reported on the GME price, saying that there could be a gamma squeeze:
This makes me a bit suspicious. I have no idea if SHFs still have tons of call options on GME or not, and if they’re planning a rugpull (again), because this volatility can be used as an advantage for them to try to make money via options to keep dragging on MOASS. What I do know for certain is that we’re not in MOASS territory yet.
My last DD, I mentioned another stock that began to squeeze. That stock went from $3 to brokers/SHFs buying them at a price of thousands of dollars per share within minutes, until FINRA/SEC freaked out and issued a U3 Halt, reversing the trades, and now Congress and other entities are working on a resolution and a large settlement this year, but that’s another story.
I have not seen those drastic moves with GME yet. For me to consider that we’re in MOASS, I want to see the S&P 500 tanking at least 20% in a day while GME is going up thousands of dollars per day every minute. The price right now is nothing.
Hedge funds were documented buying GME shares at this price back in January 2021:
$5,124.5 per share in 2021, adjusted for inflation, comes out to $6,149.4 per share. That’s $1,537.35 per share post-split. There was no 25% of the float locked in January 2021, the company turnaround hadn’t started yet. We should be waaaaaaay higher than the price we have now. Way higher. Again, this is still NOT MOASS yet.
Reverting back to my main point here, Citadel’s fake run up was disrupted. There is FOMO, but no doubt SHFs are working extra hard to regain algorithmic control, and they may possibly try to make more money with options manipulation. Despite that, Keith Gill took advantage of this fake run up and made a significant power play that will change the course of GameStop no matter what happens to the price in the short term.
§ 2: Keith Gill’s Power Play
If you know me, you know I’m personally against options. I choose DRS over options any day of the week. This shit gets manipulated so much, and SHFs make bank from options premiums.
DFV is an exception.
Because DFV has accumulated so much wealth, by him turning the tables on SHFs and taking advantage of their fake runs like in May, he can quite literally now make hundreds of millions on his call options every future fake run. Even if MOASS doesn’t happen now, if another run up happens in September or next March, even if its small, because of the massive amount of capital he can leverage, he can literally keep adding hundreds of millions to his net worth ad infinitum, and ‘theoretically’ buy enough GME shares to lock the float himself
There are some hurdles there, though, that I should note.
If he owns 5% of GameStop, he has to file a Schedule 13D/13G, and although he technically won’t be considered an insider yet, he will be subject to several regulations.
If he owns 10% of GameStop, he has to file more forms [Form 3, 4, or 5], and he will officially be considered an insider. At that point, he will face a wide range of regulations as well as heavy scrutiny from the SEC. It would be difficult to accumulate more GameStop shares after 10% because of this. Even making livestreams about GameStop may not be possible anymore. If you notice why RC and other insiders are so quiet, there’s a reason for it.
Even without being an insider, he’s already under an SEC probe and being investigated by the Massachusetts securities regulator (no doubt they’re afraid of the massive amount of capital he’s garnered which can expedite the float lock process). Insider status would add to the regulatory scrutiny. Not to mention, he might need board approval depending on how many shares he wants to acquire after 10%. Unless he wants to give his brother money to scoop up another 10% of GameStop haha.
In any case, the way he can leverage his ownership through options can allow him to help us lock the float. A conservative estimate would be that he can secure 5-10% of GameStop. That becomes public record through the SEC forms, and the total insider ownership percentage adds up another 5-10%, helping us significantly towards locking the float. Right now, we have about 65% of all GME shares accounted for. If DFV were to secure 10% of GameStop and add to the total insider ownership percentage, it would bump us up to 75% of all shares accounted for, while also helping keep shares away from SHFs for rehypothecation/shorting.
DFV is a very powerful player in this, and I’m glad he likes the stock.
§ 3: RC is Closing the Walls
In addition to DFV’s power play, there was a recent share offering from GameStop. GameStop issued and sold 45 million GME shares, raising $933.4 million:
I know there was some discord between Apes on SuperStonk about whether or not this share offering was a wise decision, but to me, it was a strong decision by RC. If this company had billions in debt or something, I’d see this as debt spiraling, but GameStop has virtually no debt. They cannot go bankrupt; this share offering significantly strengthens their position in the long term. It helps us out tremendously in the long-term as shareholders. Allow me to elaborate with some math.
Prior to the share offering, GameStop had 305,873,200 GME shares outstanding:
And prior to the share offering, the company had around$1.08 B in cash:
If you do the math, prior to the share offering, GameStop's worth, on it’s cash alone, was at around $3.6 per share. That means that SHFs could never take GME under $3.6 per share, it would be technicality impossible. That’s like if someone has a $100 bill, and someone says, “no you have $90, not $100. It’s illogical. The company, on it’s cash/cash equivalents alone, put it at a $3.6 per share minimum limit at that time. That was the lowest price the price could theoretically reach at that time. If SHFs took the GME price under $10, they’d have a problem already. Under $3.6, and GameStop could theoretically lock the float themselves and start MOASS.
The share offering added a significant amount of capital [over $900 million worth], that put GameStop’s cash at hand at $2 B.
Yes, there were an extra 45 million shares that got released, and it will slightly hamper progress of locking the float, but in the long-term, this is still good news, because GameStop’s new cash/cash equivalents alone put it at around $5.7 per share minimum, meaning that it would be virtually impossible for SHFs to take the GME price under $5.7 now.
The walls really are closing in on SHFs.
Below I have a chart that illustrates the dilemma SHFs are facing:
I still believe that there’s a critical margin level that SHFs like to keep the price under. I don’t know precisely what that level is [I just have a general model for you guys], but I know that as SHFs keep doubling down on shorts, with the borrow rates, increased liabilities, can-kicking, etc., they are ultimately burning through their cash to keep the GME price down, meaning that their margin also decreases. With the profits from the S&P 500, as well as call options to hedge the increase of the GME price, I’m sure SHFs can mitigate the damage of the GME price going up like this, but the price being at these levels likely takes it above critical margin levels (SHFs are struggling more with algorithmic control). To avoid MOASS, they’re going to have to bring the price back down to more manageable levels and back to a downwards trend.
On the other hand, they can’t take the price too low. Anything below $10 makes locking the float incredibly easy (only $800 M required to lock the float at $10):
I should note that there has been suspicious activity from the DTCC, which leads me to believe the DTCC has been hiding the real number of DRS’ed shares. But regardless, at critical float lock territory ($10), it’s blood in the water for any higher net worth individuals ($100M+) to snatch up large chunks of GME shares which can potentially increase the total insider ownership percentage, not to mention retail taking locates away from brokers.
At $5.7 we now have a hard limit where, it’s virtually impossible to bring GME under now because of how much cash GameStop has. GameStop can lock up the float themselves at that price.
I personally believe RC foresaw fake runs, like in June 2021. Citadel accumulated tons of call options in a basket stock around April in 2021, a stock that later went up around 900% within a few months. That basket stock helped lift GME up as well in June, and RC took the opportunity to issue and sell GME shares at a higher price, which helped GameStop's turnaround. If MOASS doesn’t happen this month, later down the line, if RC sees an artificial run orchestrated by Citadel and Co. in the future, and if he decides to issue and sell more shares at a higher price in the future, it would raise the hard minimum limit of $5.7 again, just like what RC did recently with the share offering:
Again, the share offering was good for GameStop, and I trust RCEO that he’s making the best decisions for the longevity of the company.
All in all, SHFs are unequivocally trapped in a cycle where they have no choice but to continue to short a company that indisputably cannot go bankrupt. If the price goes up too high, they’ll get margin called and auto liquidated. If the price goes to low, the float gets auto locked and MOASS initiates. The only thing they can do is keep postponing as much as they can until the walls fully close in and we reach the inevitable, because MOASS is and has always been inevitable.
Additional Citations:
“GameStop Completes At-The-Market Equity Offering Program.” Gamestop Corp., 24 May. 2024,
"SEC Filing: Citadel Form 13-F-HR.” Edgar Filing Documents for 0000950123-24-005615, SEC, 15 May. 2024,
“SEC Filing: Gamestop Corp..” SEC Filing Gamestop Corp., SEC, 26 Mar. 2024
“SEC Filing: Gamestop Corp..” SEC Filing Gamestop Corp., SEC, 17 May. 2024 2021. Staff Report on Equity and Options Market Structure Conditions in Early 2021, 14 Oct. 2021,
Edit: With the recent news from GameStop of the possibility of selling 75 million shares in the future, I figured I'd add an update here. If GameStop does sell those shares at $40, the hard minimum limit would now exceed $11. SHFs wouldn't be able to take the stock below $11 again, which is remarkable considering the stock was under $11 about a month and a half ago!
submitted by -einfachman- to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:38 belltestchamber Humidity Chambers: The Blueprint Guide

Whether you are looking for information of any kind on the humidity chamber Whether you are looking for information of any kind on the humidity chamber.
Or, whether you have difficulty in finding a suitable humidity Test chamber.
Here is a piece of good news:
This article will give you some insight into the humidity chamber (also known as humidity test chamber) in an all-round way.
Whatever it is that you’re looking for, you’ll have a general understanding of the humidity test chamber. Maybe, the information you have glanced over is serviceable for you in the future.
Now, let us get into the main topic of today.
Today’s guide covers the definition, working principles, specification, alongside other correlative information relevant to the humidity chamber or humidity test chamber.
Please read on.

What is humidity chamber?

The Humidity Chamber is also known as the humidity cabinet, humidity control chamber, humidity calibration chamber, or humidity test chamber.
The humidity test chamber is designed to precisely simulate or control the desired humidity environment for the properties testing of various products.
Specifically speaking, firstly, the humidity test chamber or the humidity control chamber is engineered to ensure the best quality of your product by using corrosion-resistant stainless steel and fireproof glass wool insulation.
Secondly, the humidity cabinet is useful equipment with the international quality standard. It can put a tested product at a designed humidity level within this chamber.
Moreover, the humidity test chamber finds wide usage in a variety of industries, such as food, metal, electrics that are easily exposed to the damp conditions.
Finally, the humidity cabinet is available in various sizes and can be also customized.

Seven Features of a Humidity Test Chamber

How to Select a Right Humidity Chamber?

A humidity chamber (also known as humidity control chamber) is an essential tool for testing the physical and chemical properties of materials across all industries. In the current market, the kinds of humidity chamber or humidity control chamber are various. You maybe struggled with which one you should choose when you’re choosing a humidity chamber. Today, I will list five essential elements to help you purchase the most suitable humidity cabinet.
1.Accurate Humidity Control.
The humidity cabinet should be constructed with the automatic humidity control system. Only by setting the time in whatever way you want, can you conduct many groups of contrast experiments. With the help of a humidity calibration chamber, you can get the most accurate and authoritative experiment outcomes.
2. Easy for Operation.
The interior part of a humidity test chamber should be constructed at a reasonable height that is convenient for the user to dispose of samples.
3. Sensitive Humidification System.
The main function of a humidity test chamber is to set off the moisture through the inlet positioned underneath a chamber. Therefore, this part must be up and running in the shortest time as long as you touch the ON button.
4. Illuminating System.
As the humidity test chamber is an enclosed machine. Therefore, a humidity test chamber must be equipped with a complete illumination system for observing the tested products.
5. Even Humidity Distribution.
As the experiment data must be highly accurate, there must be no deviation from every step.

Key Points on the Selection of a Humidity Chamber Manufacturer?

As an old saying goes, the man was afraid of choosing the wrong job, and the woman does not want to marry a good-for-nothing husband.
However, As a purchasing agent, you must be reluctant to meet incompetent or poorly cooperative manufacturers. If you engage in business with such a manufacturer, they may cause trouble for your company, such as a delivery extension.
More seriously, an irresponsible manufacturer may hinder your company’s development, even causing great loss to company reputation and financial status. In this way, we can say that responsible and reliable manufacture will serve as a contributor to your company growth, while an irresponsible manufacturer is like a nightmare.
In fact, the majority of purchasing agents have such disagreeable experience in dealing with such manufacturers. Therefore, it is of significance for a purchasing agent to choose a good manufacturer. Now, I will give you several suggestions to reduce the probability of the wrong choice.

Short-term criteria on a Humidity Chamber Manufacturer Selection .

If you just want to choose a humidity chamber manufacturer as a short-run business partner, the following factors should be given full priority: the reliable and first-rate product quality, low cost, timely delivery, thorough service procedures ( including services on the installation, training, maintenance, upgrade, and technical assistance), and company’s ability to perform the contract.

Long-term criteria on a Humidity Chamber Manufacturer Selection.

If you want to establish a long-term friendly business relationship with a humidity chamber manufacturer, the following merits of humidity chamber manufacturer should be taken into consideration: the sound quality management system, advanced machinery and equipment, stable capital turnover, orderly internal organization and management system and the stable number of employees.
I reckon that you should consider these two criteria at the same time. Only by considering them simultaneously, can you utilize them to evaluate the humidity chamber manufacturer and then find an ideal supplier.

Advantages of choosing Domestic Humidity Chamber Manufacturer

The domestic humidity chamber manufacturer generally provides a relatively low selling price for the machine. Upon receipt of orders, the domestic company can bring on stream as soon as possible due to the closest geographical location. Besides, you can also timely and conveniently contact the supplier once a problem is identified.

Advantages of directly dealing with Humidity Chamber Manufacturer

If you should purchase large quantities of machines that contribute to the running and growth of your company, you should contact and consult humidity chamber suppliers directly. By doing so, you can get the lowest price without any brokers or distributors making a profit margin.Having learned such influential factors, I sincerely recommend to you the DGBELL company.Established in the year 2005 in Guang dong, DGBELL enjoys 15 years of experience in manufacturing the Battery Safety Test Equipment & Environmental Test Chambers.We provide a variety of walk-in humidity chambers for different purposes.Moreover, our products are in strict accordance with the international standard and authority regulation rules.All of our products are for sale at Factory Price.

Comparison Between Humidity Cabinet and Humidity Chamber

The humidity cabinet is temperature-controlled through heat or refrigeration. A low-pressure water vapor generator controls humidity and allows for greater temperature regulation than humidity produced through steam generation.
While, the humidity chamber or humidity test chamber is a useful testing instrument for analyzing the prolonged effect of humidity on components to fix its quality drawbacks.
Moreover, the humidity test chamber or humidity test chamber is not subjected to only one industry applications.
The humidity chamber is used in pharmaceuticals, plastic, and rubber industries for quality assurance testing.

Humidity Tester Chamber Price

The humidity test chamber price is determined by various factors, such as the power of this machine itself, the brand, and size.
The humidity test chamber price is also affected by market demand, weather conditions, government regulation rules, and other factors.
1. The Power of a Humidity Test Chamber: It is crucial in determining a humidity test chamber price. The chamber with different power varies a lot in terms of the price.
2. The Brand of a Humidity Test Chamber: although the power is the same, the brand is different. There will be also a huge difference in the humidity test chamber price.
Generally speaking, the humidity test chamber price of the import company will be more expensive than that of the joint venture, which is more expensive than that of the domestic company.
3. The Size of Humidity Test Chamber: different sizes mean different prices. For example, the price between the small humidity chamber and walk in environmental chamber is totally different.
4. Practical Demand: With the thriving economy, the industries are in full swing. The current market is so highly competitive that all products upgrade rapidly. That, in turn, demands more durable and highly cost-effective products. Therefore, you need sundry chambers of different functions to help you constantly optimize your product.
Next, I will list some different types of chambers for your reference: benchtop temperature humidity chamber, constant temperature and humidity test chamber, temperature humidity environmental chamber, constant temperature and humidity chamber, constant temperature humidity chamber, temperature humidity chamber.
If you want to learn more about one of the above-mentioned chambers, please log in to our official website for check or contact us directly.

The Types and Applications of Other Related Products

Humidity Cabinet

Humidity Cabinet is designed to simulate test conditions of high humidity at constant or cycling temperatures.
It can simulate a real test environment by heating water to precise temperatures to generate water vapor.
It will be conducive for you to test the humidity resistance of samples on the simulated condition. By doing so, you can find the shortcomings of your products and make corresponding adjustments before marketing them.
Common Uses for Humidity Cabinet
On the whole, a humidity cabinet is indispensable in all kinds of industries and laboratories. I will list 2 areas in which a humidity cabinet can use as follows:
Stability Testing for Electronic Products:
With the rapid development of high technology, electronic products are indispensable in various fields.
The wide application of it means that it should be more carefully handled and maintained. For the reason that the natural condition is unpredictable. It is inevitable that these high accurate apparatus suffer the implication of moisture conditions caused by rainy days.
In this regard, it is so important that you should conduct experiments to test the stability of these kinds of products and then identify their period of service.
Under such circumstances, the humidity cabinet will be a great aid.
Stability Testing for the Plant:
The application of a humidity cabinet does not confine to a professional area. The humidity chamber is also popular in our daily life. All the people who grow plants know that moisture and heat are crucial for plants to flourish. But all these external factors are difficult to control. Now, good news: a humidity chamber can provide moderate and ample moisture and heat for plants when they are in the seeding and bud stages.
On the whole, a humidity chamber has demonstrated its own significance in other industries, covering pharmacy, catering, cosmetics as well as logistics. You can choose the right one according to your own needs.

Small Humidity Chamber

A small humidity chamber is also known as the benchtop humidity chamber.
It is designed to precisely simulate or control the desired humidity environment for the physical properties and chemical properties of small products.
Specifically speaking, firstly, the small humidity chamber is engineered to ensure the best quality of your product by using corrosion-resistant stainless steel and fireproof glass wool insulation.
Secondly, the small humidity cabinet is useful equipment with the international quality standard. It can put tested products at a designed humidity level within this chamber.
Common Uses for Small Humidity Chamber
A small humidity chamber is a testing instrument for analyzing the prolonged effect of humidity on components to fix its quality parameters. This instrument is not only used in one industry filed but also in pharmaceuticals, plastic, and rubber industries for quality assurance testing.

Walk In Humidity Chamber

The walk in humidity chamber is perfectly designed for the high requirements of humidity studies and climatic tests.
With humid rooms specifically developed to meet international standards, a walk in humidity chamber can simulate the moisture environments to test large samples’ performance against the unpredicted climatic conditions.
Common Uses for Walk In Humidity Chamber
Walk In Humidity Chamber finds wide usage in industries, such as national defense, aerospace, automobile parts, electronic and electrical components, plastics, telecommunications equipment.
Unlike a small humidity chamber, it is a room-sized chamber for testing large objects or for testing large batches of product.
It is mainly used to evaluate the product life expectancy by accelerating sample aging based on the simulated humidity condition.

Temperature and Humidity Chamber

Temperature Humidity Chamber ( also known as Climate Chamber) can test and evaluate products’ ability to withstand extreme temperature and humidity alternating by simulating adverse climate conditions.
It comes in a variety of sizes, such as benchtop temperature and humidity chamber, and walk in temperature and humidity chamber.
With the help of it, you can make qualified products by the following standards:
IEC68-2-1; IEC68-2-2; IEC68-2-3; IEC68-2-30; IEC-2-14; MIL-STD-810D High temperature test; MIL-STD-810D Low temperature test; MIL-STD-810D Damp heat test.
Common Uses for Temperature and Humidity Chamber
Temperature and Humidity Chamber is also known as a climate chamber.
It is able to simulate a wide range of temperature and humidity environment conditions for testing a variety of products and materials.
It is widely used for basic thermal cycling test and accelerated stress test. We provide 6 standard models, test cabinet from 80L to 1000L and customized size is also available.

Constant Temperature and Humidity Chamber

Constant temperature and humidity chamber is designed to test the physical properties and chemical properties of your product by simulating the climate conditions of the cyclic and unceasing alternating of temperature and humidity.
It can analyze and evaluate whether the components and materials can bear long-term high low-temperature storage, transportation, and use in the real world without damage.
Common Uses for Constant Temperature and Humidity Chamber
The constant temperature and humidity chambers are widely used in the temperature and humidity variation tests, cold resistance tests, and storage with high-temperature or low-temperature in the fields of aerospace, aviation, electronics, instrument, electric products, materials, parts and components and equipment.
With the help of it, you can analyze and evaluate the property and performance of your samples under the simulated conditions.


Finally, we have come to the end of our guide today.
After reading this guide, I believe that you have a general understanding of a humidity test chamber.
I believe that you can buy a humidity chamber ( also known as humidity control chamber) for your specific needs.
Now, I would like to hear from you too:
What kind of humidity test chamber would you prefer? If there is not a humidity test chamber after your heart, please contact us at any time. We will produce the humidity test chamber in the specification and size you need.
Except for the humidity chamber for sale, we also provide other types of chambers.
And then if there is anything you believe I have missed or failed to explain to your satisfaction, please leave your message below.
In addition, if you want to know more minute information, such as a humidity test chamber price or temperature and humidity chamber price, you can contact us directly. The contact information is available at the bottom of the page.
Our team will be happy to serve.
Or, whether you have difficulty in finding a suitable humidity Test chamber.
Here is a piece of good news:
This article will give you some insight into the humidity chamber (also known as humidity test chamber) in an all-round way.
Whatever it is that you’re looking for, you’ll have a general understanding of the humidity test chamber. Maybe, the information you have glanced over is serviceable for you in the future.
Now, let us get into the main topic of today.
Today’s guide covers the definition, working principles, specification, alongside other correlative information relevant to the humidity chamber or humidity test chamber.
Please read on.

What is humidity chamber?

The Humidity Chamber is also known as the humidity cabinet, humidity control chamber, humidity calibration chamber, or humidity test chamber.
The humidity test chamber is designed to precisely simulate or control the desired humidity environment for the properties testing of various products.
Specifically speaking, firstly, the humidity test chamber or the humidity control chamber is engineered to ensure the best quality of your product by using corrosion-resistant stainless steel and fireproof glass wool insulation.
Secondly, the humidity cabinet is useful equipment with the international quality standard. It can put a tested product at a designed humidity level within this chamber.
Moreover, the humidity test chamber finds wide usage in a variety of industries, such as food, metal, electrics that are easily exposed to the damp conditions.
Finally, the humidity cabinet is available in various sizes and can be also customized.

Seven Features of a Humidity Test Chamber

How to Select a Right Humidity Chamber?

A humidity chamber (also known as humidity control chamber) is an essential tool for testing the physical and chemical properties of materials across all industries. In the current market, the kinds of humidity chamber or humidity control chamber are various. You maybe struggled with which one you should choose when you’re choosing a humidity chamber. Today, I will list five essential elements to help you purchase the most suitable humidity cabinet.
1.Accurate Humidity Control.
The humidity cabinet should be constructed with the automatic humidity control system. Only by setting the time in whatever way you want, can you conduct many groups of contrast experiments. With the help of a humidity calibration chamber, you can get the most accurate and authoritative experiment outcomes.
2. Easy for Operation.
The interior part of a humidity test chamber should be constructed at a reasonable height that is convenient for the user to dispose of samples.
3. Sensitive Humidification System.
The main function of a humidity test chamber is to set off the moisture through the inlet positioned underneath a chamber. Therefore, this part must be up and running in the shortest time as long as you touch the ON button.
4. Illuminating System.
As the humidity test chamber is an enclosed machine. Therefore, a humidity test chamber must be equipped with a complete illumination system for observing the tested products.
5. Even Humidity Distribution.
As the experiment data must be highly accurate, there must be no deviation from every step.

Key Points on the Selection of a Humidity Chamber Manufacturer?

As an old saying goes, the man was afraid of choosing the wrong job, and the woman does not want to marry a good-for-nothing husband.
However, As a purchasing agent, you must be reluctant to meet incompetent or poorly cooperative manufacturers. If you engage in business with such a manufacturer, they may cause trouble for your company, such as a delivery extension.
More seriously, an irresponsible manufacturer may hinder your company’s development, even causing great loss to company reputation and financial status. In this way, we can say that responsible and reliable manufacture will serve as a contributor to your company growth, while an irresponsible manufacturer is like a nightmare.
In fact, the majority of purchasing agents have such disagreeable experience in dealing with such manufacturers. Therefore, it is of significance for a purchasing agent to choose a good manufacturer. Now, I will give you several suggestions to reduce the probability of the wrong choice.

Short-term criteria on a Humidity Chamber Manufacturer Selection .

If you just want to choose a humidity chamber manufacturer as a short-run business partner, the following factors should be given full priority: the reliable and first-rate product quality, low cost, timely delivery, thorough service procedures ( including services on the installation, training, maintenance, upgrade, and technical assistance), and company’s ability to perform the contract.

Long-term criteria on a Humidity Chamber Manufacturer Selection.

If you want to establish a long-term friendly business relationship with a humidity chamber manufacturer, the following merits of humidity chamber manufacturer should be taken into consideration: the sound quality management system, advanced machinery and equipment, stable capital turnover, orderly internal organization and management system and the stable number of employees.
I reckon that you should consider these two criteria at the same time. Only by considering them simultaneously, can you utilize them to evaluate the humidity chamber manufacturer and then find an ideal supplier.

Advantages of choosing Domestic Humidity Chamber Manufacturer

The domestic humidity chamber manufacturer generally provides a relatively low selling price for the machine. Upon receipt of orders, the domestic company can bring on stream as soon as possible due to the closest geographical location. Besides, you can also timely and conveniently contact the supplier once a problem is identified.

Advantages of directly dealing with Humidity Chamber Manufacturer

submitted by belltestchamber to DGBELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:11 Markquts - ATTENZIONE - ATTENZIONE
Sito irregolare:
Scopri la Convenienza - RexAssicura - Assicurazioni per Auto, Moto, Autocarro
non è autorizzato da IVASS falso Broker, i contatti fasulli:
344 531 6975
+39 3445316975
submitted by Markquts to Truffaonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:38 8lackmatt3r Auto Insurance rate hack

I’m currently working in the commercial insurance side of things in the US. But have a decade of experience in the personal lines side as a broker selling standard and non standard policies for dozens of insurance companies.
One thing a lot of people don’t seem to know is insurance companies offer better rates to those who carry higher limits of liability on their auto insurance.
For example if you currently carry state minimum limits. If you increase your limits to 50/100 or 100/300 even just a month before your policy expires, when you renew or shop around for a different carrier your prior insurance report will show the last limits carried so you will get better offers and you can just decrease your limits on renewal or with your new carrier. I’ve noticed this to be the case when writing rewriting for insurance companies.
This may not work for everyone’s especially those who already carry high limits and need them but with so many people asking for help on lowering their premiums I wanted to share this information it might work in some insureds favor.
submitted by 8lackmatt3r to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:42 Lifz_ RouterOS version 7.16beta has been released on the "v7 testing" channel!

Before an upgrade: 1) Remember to make backup/export files before an upgrade and save them on another storage device; 2) Make sure the device will not lose power during upgrade process; 3) Device has enough free storage space for all RouterOS packages to be downloaded.
What's new in 7.16beta1 (2024-Jun-05 11:52):
*) bgp - fixed corrupted as-path when received update with empty AS_PATH attribute (introduced in v7.15); *) bgp - fixed vpnv6 safi; *) bgp - small logging improvements; *) bridge - added dynamic tagged entry when VLAN interface is created on vlan-filtering bridge; *) bridge - added forward-reserved-addresses property which controls forwarding of MAC 01:80:C2:00:00:0x range (separated from "protocol-mode=none" functionality, disabled by default after upgrade); *) bridge - added max-learned-entries property for bridge; *) bridge - added message about who created a dynamic VLAN entry; *) bridge - added MVRP support for VLANs assigned to bridge; *) bridge - fixed BPDU address when using "ether-type=0x88a8" configuration; *) bridge - improved system stability when removing MLAG configuration; *) bridge - show invalid flag for ports that fails to be added to bridge (e.g. maximum port limit of 1024 is reached); *) certificate - added no-key-export parameter for import; *) certificate - improved DNS challenge error reporting for Let's Encrypt; *) certificate - show validity beyond year 2038; *) console - added "verbose=progress" mode for import status updates, and verbose output only on failures; *) console - added dry-run parameter to simulate import of files and find syntax errors without making configuration changes (verbose only); *) console - added limits for dst-start and dst-end clock properties; *) console - added lock screen via :lock command; *) console - added uppercase and lowercase transform modes to :convert command; *) console - disallow ping command with empty address; *) console - display hint when requesting specific argument syntax; *) console - do not show default boot-os setting in export; *) console - fixed negative values for gmt-offset clock property; *) console - fixed output of ping command in certain cases; *) console - improve large import file handling, error detection and stability; *) console - improved :serialize and :deserialize commands and added support for DSV (delimiter separated values) format; *) console - improved stability when removing script; *) console - removed follow-strict parameter; *) console - show rest-api name for active user connections; *) container - clear VETH address on container exit and mark interface as running only when VETH is in use; *) detnet - properly detect "Internet" status when multiple detnet instances preset in network; *) dhcp - improved insert-queue-before, parent-queue un allow-dual-stack-queue behavior; *) dhcpv4-client - execute script on DNS server or gateway address change; *) dhcpv4-server - show active-server and host-name in print active command; *) dhcpv6-client - do not add default gateway twice when both prefix and address is acquired; *) dhcpv6-client - fixed T1, T2, valid-lifetime and preferred-lifetime compliance with RFC8415 by using value 0; *) dhcpv6-client - pause client and remove dynamically installed objects while it becomes invalid; *) dhcpv6-client - release client on failed renew attempt; *) dhcpv6-client - update gateway address for default route on renew; *) dhcpv6-server - improved system stability; *) disk - added simple test command to test device and filesystem speeds (CLI only); *) dude - fixed map element RouterOS package upgrade functionality; *) fetch - handle HTTP 401 status correctly; *) fetch - improved logging; *) firewall - added message when interface belonging to VRF is added in filter rules; *) firewall - fixed IPv6 "nth" matcher showing up twice in help; *) firewall - fixed issue that prevents restoring src-address-list and dst-addres-list properties using undo command; *) health - fixed board-temperature for KNOT device (introduced in v7.15); *) health - fixed bogus CPU temperature spikes for CCR2216 device; *) health - fixed missing health for CRS112-8G-4S device (introduced in v7.15); *) health - fixed silent firmware upgrade fail on CRS112-8P-4S device (introduced in v7.15); *) health - upgraded fan controller firmware to latest version; *) ike1 - removed unsupported NAT-D drafts with invalid payload numbers; *) install - fixed ARM64 cdrom install (introduced in v7.15); *) iot - added LoRa NetID and JoinEUI filtering for LNS and CUPS connections; *) iot - added LoRa option to filter out proprietary packets; *) iot - fixed LoRa inability to use variables for GPS-spoofing setting; *) ip - added max-sessions property for services; *) ipv6 - fixed pool allocated addresses missing after reboot; *) ipv6 - respect APN settings for "add-default-route" and "use-peer-dns" also when "accept-router-advertisements=yes"; *) isis - fixed filter-chain and filter-select settings; *) isis - install IPv6 link-local gateways correctly; *) l3hw - added per-VLAN packet and byte counters to compatible switches; *) l3hw - disable L3HW on bonding modes that do not support it; *) lte - added "sms-protocol" setting in "/interface lte" menu (CLI only); *) lte - fixed "at-chat" for DELL T99W175 (PID: 0x05c6 VID: 0x90d5); *) lte - fixed cases where modem could be handled by multiple dialer instances; *) lte - fixed support for Fibocom modem fm150-na; *) lte - improvements to "/interface/lte/show-capabilities" command; *) media - improved file indexing for DLNA; *) modem - added authentication functionality to EC200A; *) modem - fixed unresponsive PPP link recovery when TX bandwidth was exceeding link capacity; *) modem - improved support for KNOT BG77 modem firmware update; *) mqtt - broker password is no longer exported unless "show-sensitive" flag is used; *) netinstall-cli - added check for device and package architectures match; *) netinstall-cli - added support for multiple device install; *) netinstall-cli - allow mixed package architectures; *) netwatch - added DNS probe; *) netwatch - added ttl and accept-icmp-time-exceeded properties for ICMP probe; *) ospf - improved system stability during LSA monitoring; *) ovpn - improved system stability; *) pimsm - improved system stability; *) poe-out - fixed low-voltage detection while PD is connected for KNOT device; *) poe-out - upgraded firmware for SAMD20 PSE (AF/AT) controlled boards (the update will cause brief power interruption to PoE-out interfaces); *) ppp - added support for IPv6-only domain names to l2tp-client, ovpn-client and sstp-client; *) ptp - added PTP support for CCR2116-12G-4S+, CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ, CRS518-16XS-2XQ, CRS504-4XQ, CRS510-8XS-2XQ, CRS520-4XS-16XQ devices; *) qos-hw - added H and I flags to queues (CLI only); *) qos-hw - added new monitoring properties for ports and global QoS stats (CLI only); *) qos-hw - added queue-buffers property to tx-manager (CLI only); *) qos-hw - allow port print stats, usage and pfc while QoS is disabled (CLI only); *) qos-hw - allow to set queue-buffers in bytes, percent or auto (CLI only); *) qos-hw - enabling ECN forces WRED (unless share is disabled); *) qos-hw - fixed global buffer limits for 98DX8212 and 98DX8332 switches; *) qos-hw - limit WRED to queues with enabled shared buffers; *) quickset - removed Basic AP mode; *) route - added ability to redistribute isis routes; *) route - place static route in the correct VRF when vrf-interface parameter is used; *) route - rename route type from is-is to isis; *) rpki - fixed preference sorting; *) sfp - fixed SFP28 interface with fec74 mode on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe device; *) sfp - fixed SFP28 jumbo frame processing on CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe device; *) sms - added polling setting so that RouterOS itself checks SMS instead of relying on URC messages; *) snmp - added support for KNOT BG77 modem cellular signal info; *) snmp - fixed LAST-UPDATED format in MIKROTIK-MIB; *) supout - added detnet section; *) supout - added monitor command for all wifi interfaces; *) supout - added netwatch section; *) supout - added user SSH keys section; *) supout - increased console output width; *) supout - limit address-list and connection tracking entries to 999 in supout.rif; *) switch - fixed Ethernet interface counter 32bit overflow for CRS354 devices; *) switch - improved system stability on CCR2116-12G-4S+, CCR2216-1G-12XS-2XQ devices; *) system - added log message if device failed to reboot gracefully; *) system - added more details to user initiated reboot (reset, upgrade, downgrade); *) system - do not cancel package upgrade if another architecture packages found on the router; *) system - do not download packages scheduled for uninstall; *) system - fixed empty logs after reboot in certain cases; *) system - improved system stability for RBSXTsq5nD and RBLDF-5nD; *) system - improved system stability; *) system - improved watchdog and kernel panic reporting; *) system - set flash-boot mode as "boot-device" after system reset initiated by reset button ("/system routerboard upgrade" required); *) system - set flash-boot mode as "boot-device" after system reset initiated from software; *) user - added inactivity timeout for non-GUI sessions (CLI only); *) user-manager - updated logo; *) vxlan - added comment support to VTEPs; *) vxlan - prevent creating multiple VTEPs with same IP/port combination; *) webfig - fixed issue with incorrectly applying optional fields; *) wifi - do not unset radio-mac and master-interface properties on reset; *) wifi - enable creating virtual wifi interfaces using "copy-from" setting; *) wifi - fixed signal strength reporting during association (introduced in 7.15); *) wifi - fixed typo in log message; *) wifi - improved interface stability when receiving invalid FT authentication frames; *) wifi - improved WPA3 PMKSA handling when access-lists with custom passphrases are used; *) wifi - make sniffer tool return an error when attempting to sniff with a radio which does not support it; *) wifi - use name-format also for local interfaces when provisioning; *) wifi-qcom - add spectral-scan and spectral-history tools (CLI only); *) winbox - added "Import Router ID" parameter under "Routing/BGP/VPN" menu; *) winbox - fixed duplicated "MVRP Attributes" table; *) winbox - fixed issue with skin file appearing as unknown in user group menu (introduced in v7.15); *) winbox - fixed signal bar "excellent" tooltip; *) winbox - removed deprecated x86/CHR specific settings under "System/Resources" menu; *) winbox - removed spare argument for "PFS Group" property under "IP/IPsec/Proposals" menu; *) winbox - use CAP serial number with "Set Identity" button under "WiFi/Remote CAP" menu; *) wireless - allow to unset signal-range and ssid-regext properties for capsman access-list (CLI only); *) wireless - fixed dynamic VLAN assignments for vlan-filtering bridge in certain cases; *) wireless - limit antenna-gain property to 100; *) www - log out inactive REST API users; *) x86 - added RTL8156 driver support;
To upgrade, click "Check for updates" at /system package in your RouterOS configuration interface, or head to our download page:
If you experience version related issues, then please send supout file from your router to []( The file must be generated while a router is not working as suspected or after some problem has appeared on the device
Please keep this forum topic strictly related to this particular RouterOS release.
submitted by Lifz_ to mikrotik [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:25 LoansPayDayOnline BORROW $100 - $5,000 OVER 3 - 24 MONTHS TODAY Online Installment Loans Instant & Guaranteed 2024

BORROW $100 - $5,000 OVER 3 - 24 MONTHS TODAY Online Installment Loans Instant & Guaranteed 2024
How to find the best installment loan rates in the USA?
The current market is filled with a host of lenders that provide installment loans with various different terms and conditions. However, there are a lot of predatory loan firms out there as well, who typically charge high rates of interest and do not have transparent terms and conditions.
To avoid this problem, borrowers will have a better chance of getting a loan with favorable conditions and terms if they approach a broker for quick installment loans. If a borrower chooses a broker like, then his/her chances of getting their loan approved, increase by a lot. This is because they are not at the mercy of a single lender’s approval. It is the broker’s responsibility to match the applicant’s form with an appropriate lender. The borrower does not have to go the extra mile of applying everywhere individually.
Choosing a broker like provides borrowers with a single point of contact to compare different rates from lenders. They save a lot of time through this method instead of individually signing up with each lender.
Choosing a broker instead of a lender provides applicants with a wide range of options when it comes to applying for installment loans. Brokers such as ensure that their clients receive the best loan offerings from lenders under its network. Because it provides a comprehensive platform, the chances of an applicant getting a loan when most other sources and institutions have denied them, increases by a lot.
Features of Installment loans
Installment loans are characterized by certain features that make them different than traditional lines of credit.
Predictable Payments Installment loans involve predictable payments unlike a lot of other forms of credit. The core components of the borrower’s payment will likely remain the same every month when the applicant takes out a fixed-interest rate loan. With the payment amount and schedule predictable, individuals can better plan out their finances and minimize the chances of defaulting.
Unrestricted Access Installment loans are open to almost everyone as they do not involve rigid credit checks. The loan is ideal for salaried people who need instant cash but do not want to go through the complexities associated with other forms of credit. Thus installment loans provide unsecured access which allows an individual to receive the loan without depositing any collateral or security.
Different from payday loans Installment loans do not penalize applicants for paying off their loan amounts before the stipulated time. These types of loans provide a clear roadmap out of debt which helps applicants to pay off the debt through equal monthly payments of principal and interest.
Different types of installment loans Some of the most common forms of installment loans include mortgage loans, student loans, auto loans, and unsecured loans. Individuals who have a very good credit record can opt for unsecured loans from financial institutions and banks.
Charges and Penalties for Installment Loans
Most lenders charge their borrowers a collection of fees in addition to the interest of the loan. These can include the following:
Loan origination fees A loan origination fee is an upfront amount charged by the lender to process the borrower’s loan application and is compensation for executing the loan. They are usually expressed in terms of a percentage of the whole loan itself and generally range from 0.5% to 1% of a mortgage loan in the United States (for example).
Application processing fee This is a fee charged by the lender to simply process your application to have it one step away from getting it approved.
Late payment fees Lenders levy late fees whenever individuals fail to make their payments in accordance with the payback schedule. As installment loan payments are generally due on consecutive pay dates, failure to pay these installments can attract huge fees and late payments. There are negative consequences if an individual fails to make payments more than once or twice in a row.
Eligibility Criteria for the Installment Loans in the USA
Almost anyone is eligible for installment loans. Installment loans offered to individuals with a low credit rating do not have rigid requirements as in the case of normal loans. While the rules depend on the lender one is choosing, almost all of them want the applicant’s full name, social security number, birth date, and details about income.
If we take the case of which is a broker that provides installment loans, their eligibility criteria include the following.
The age of the borrower should be 18 or older. The borrower must possess a valid mobile phone connection. He or she must have a valid email address. The borrower must be a United States bank account holder.

installment loans

borrow money

payday loan

submitted by LoansPayDayOnline to LoansPaydayOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 12:12 D0gefather69420 PSA: I was finally able to vote as a French shareholder

After contacting my broker AGAIN (boursedirect), they sent me a PDF to fill in for voting instructions. There's a "ProxyEdge" badge on it. They told me the voting instructions have been transmitted.
If you're in Europe, please contact your broker, persist if they give you no clear answer.
P.S. If you want to vote no on Elon's compensation plan, please consider selling your shares instead, they won't be worth much as an auto company anyway.
submitted by D0gefather69420 to teslainvestorsclub [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 09:05 throaway124444 Caut broker asigurari auto fara comision din partea mea

Buna tuturor! Caut si eu un broker de asigurari, din recomandarile voastre, care sa imi trimita ofertele si sa isi ia comisionul de la firmele de asigurări. Exista asa ceva? Sau e doar in imobiliare si credite?
submitted by throaway124444 to AutomobileRO [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:21 Robmo-MOII Patch Notes (Hotfix)

Mounts and Pets
Balance Changes
Skills and Clade Gifts
AI, Creatures and NPCs
UI and Interactions
Lighting, Weather and Environment
submitted by Robmo-MOII to MortalOnline2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:38 cmeorn Finally found a reputable broker

Finally found a reputable broker
As many have pointed out it is a headache trying to find a reputable broker who will follow through on their quote and timeline. After a bad experience with Sherpa and countless other brokers we finally went with Auto Move America and it was seamless from start to finish. Liza was great to work with and had our car shipped front NC to CO in two days. Highly recommend this company-they’re completely worth the extra money. Save yourself the stress and book with them already!
submitted by cmeorn to AutoTransport [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:37 mlumpkins New Broker Search- Advice Requested

Preamble ——- I have had PM as a goal for a few years now. Should have reached it about four months ago, but my account got blown up, and now my SMA balance is being withheld from me in my current trading account that is nearly all cash.
Broker claims that SMA is outdated and nott real money- and yet my SMA balance jumped (but my maintenance excess buying power etc did not) after an options trade. Which of course is non marginalable.. so once the trade closed, settled, my broker has been using the “line of credit” analogy. Dismissing me, and not allowing me to access my SMA funds, which could have only come from a closing $spy swing trade.
That’s an ongoing thing that I won’t go further into, besides saying that their standpoint was “it’s your responsibility to know the law”. So I’ve spent hours upon hours studying FINNRA law, and in the process am halfway prepared for four different exams (SRE, Series 7, 24, and 66- which I intend on getting at this point).
The issues have been dismissed by the broker and have to do with how they handle parent sub accounts, as well as a general gross misunderstanding- preventing escalation, of the SMA role in a margin account. ——-
Question: Currently My funds are locked up with that broker, who I need to move away from no matter what. I am really good with small account challenges, (turning $3k into $240k on a $spy swing for example).
I expect my main funds to locked away for several month’s.
I’ll be opening an account with pdt restrictions, likely only using $500 and $spy to begin with- feel out the broker and their platform.
Eventually once my funds are available I’ll move everything over, at minimum $250k.
I primarily am intending to use this, at the beginning for $spx trading. (My core is fundamental buy and hold stocks, which is how I have historically used options, and plan on spreading on risk to build my portfolio positions)
I have had difficulty with my current broker’s platform, in following their display of p/l for a day trade. Any day trade- as I typically work with indexes, and set up multiple positions to offset each other
I have run into the following issues I want to avoid with a broker going forward.
Risk management and clear position/strategy/offsets of buying power.
The biggest two by far are
Ignoring the locate rule exception for position management. - which has really messed me up when trying to anything an uneven position management change- that take a negative contract count on a particular strike into a positive contract count in a single (or vice versa- essentially a ratio spread) in a single trade.
Clearly and quickly seeing what my locked in profits/losses are, (as any repositioning creates a new trade, and options 101- “pay for the option” and “get paid for the obligation” (example a trade from Monday showed I locked in $13K, and then the trade somehow settled negative,,even with premium.. or a swing eom trade last Friday, bought back my shorts now near worthless, closed my longs.. and again negative final settlement).. note these issues only started 6 months ago, I’ve been investing for over 20 years, been using options for over 7 of those years). Th $spy trade I mentioned in my preamble was in a secondary cash only trading account- first trade. (Sub account to the parent account), closed out the trade- SMA balance upon closing preview said it would increase. Somehow the SMA balance got applied to the parent account (and the broker doesn’t use the parent account as the main account for tracking purposes.
Different views showing different p/ls. - platform dev issues (strong fintech devops background here)
Inability to manage/separate trades manually if they have overlapping strikes.
Terrible customer support, from both technical, trade desk, account management/questions and so on.
— I need to avoid those issues.
I have low vision, so more often than not work off an iOS/android app. This means a really good app for options.
I need quick setups on options, risk management with multiple strikes/positions.
Quick at the market execution on multi leg positions.
The locate rule exception honored with $spx options.
Accurate and quick visibility into total cost/lability, locked in profits. Rather than an inconsistent “order chain” that doesn’t accurately depict the realized profit and losses.
If a parent/sub account structure is the default, that they handle it well.
Clear visibility on account value and p/l for any trade, and *the ability to see in real time, including after expiration accurate p/l for any open and closed positions- locked in gains/losses. (Very important for intraday spx trading that fits my style). I also want to know even before the trade has settled the p/l of the trade.
I’d rather not have the order chains be in play and each reposition be treated as a new position.
accessibility - ability to customize the one interface and have 1:1 matches in real time from an app to a web platform to a screen.
ability to copy/duplicate trades across multiple accounts. So if I want to have the same trade executed across several accounts, that are my own. Some that are in an llc, a partnership, a trust, or am managing ing for friends/family.
Ability to see and all these accounts (that are at min open with them) on one login.
Ability to use auto trade software- further down the line if I end up managing accounts with multiple brokers.
Helpful and open to customer input, as well as questions. (No matter the outcome with my current broker I am moving because it’s too difficult to do business with them and they have given me, in writing false and misleading information- ignored emails, request for help in understanding my account, and have delays of sometimes over a week for any response.)
Ultimately at this point I need to move to a different broker as there is zero trust, and it’s messing with my mindset and confidence.
This is very much an outlier scenario, and while I know I won’t have pm qualified from the start. I am thinking long term.
submitted by mlumpkins to PMTraders [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:07 porox_guy Warum ich wegen Scalable in eine Liquiditätskrise gekommen bin.

TL:DR Ich heule mich über die langsame Abwicklung von Wertpapierverkäufen und Auszahlungen bei Scalable aus, weil ich jetzt kurzfristig Bargeld benötige für ein Auto und ich mein Tagesgeld wegen besserer Zinsen in einen ESTR ETF umgeschichtet habe.
Liebe Finanzen ETF Jünger,
ich möchte euch heute von meinen enttäuschenden Erfahrungen mit Scalable Capital berichten, damit ihr euch diesen Ärger ersparen könnt. Falls ihr also mit dem Gedanken spielt, zu SC zu wechseln, überlegt euch vorher, ob ihr euch das wirklich antun wollt.
Alles begann echt gut, Kontoerstellung, Legitimation und Sparpläne einrichten war ein Kinderspiel. Ich habe dann über das letzte halbe Jahr mein Tagesgeld in einen ESTR ETF umgeschichtet, um mir bald einen lang ersehnten Autotraum zu erfüllen (Kleiner Witz am Rande, es wird nur ein kleiner gebrauchter Stadtwagen...).
Wie es sich für einen modernen Finanzjongleur und passiven Scroller auf diesem Sub gehört, wollte ich mein Geld für mich arbeiten lassen, während ich gemütlich darauf wartete, den perfekten fahrbaren Untersatz zu finden. Doch anstatt auf der Überholspur zu landen, geriet ich in einen zähen Stau der Unannehmlichkeiten. (Es kommen noch mehr schlechte Jokes - Schnallt euch besser an!)
Nachdem ich vor kurzem den Kaufvertrag für mein Auto unterschrieben hatte, dachte ich, alles wär jetzt safe. Doch was gar nicht so safe ist, dass mein Broker (Scalable) mir Sand ins Getriebe streut. Geht schon los damit, dass eine simple Auszahlung nicht reibungslos über die Bühne gehen kann! Der Verkauf des ETFs wurde zwar schnell abgewickelt, doch die Abrechnung zog sich wie frischer Teer unter einer heißen Sonne.
Stellt euch vor: T +2 Börsentage sind vergangen, und große Teile des geparkten Geldes sind immer noch nicht verfügbar. Das ist besonders ärgerlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass per PSD2-Richtlinie im Multibanking und Baader Bank Log-in sichtbar ist, dass die Wertstellung längst durch ist. Mein Geld scheint irgendwo zwischen den digitalen Zahnrädern von Scalable Capital festzustecken, während ich verzweifelt darauf warte um es endlich auszuzahlen.
Der ironische Höhepunkt der Geschichte: Ich stehe nun vor einem Liquiditätsproblem und muss wahrscheinlich meine Eltern um Geld bitten. Ja, ihr habt richtig gehört – der selbsternannte Finanzexperte muss bei Mama und Papa anklopfen. Denn der Autokauf erfolgt privat, und der Verkäufer akzeptiert nur Bargeld. Meine Eltern werden sich natürlich prächtig amüsieren und sich über ihr „Finanzkind“ lustig machen, das nicht einmal an sein eigenes Geld kommt.
Als wäre das nicht schon unangenehm genug, ist der Kundensupport von Scalable Capital quasi nicht existent. Versucht mal, jemanden zu erreichen, der euch helfen kann – Spoiler: Das ist genau so schwer wie ein ordentlichen gebrauchten Kleinwagen zu finden.
Um ehrlich zu sein, ich habe absolut keine Lust auf einen erneuten Depotübertrag (ich komme ursprünglich von Trade Republic), aber wenn das so weitergeht, sehe ich keine andere Wahl. Selbst wenn es ein paar Euro mehr an Gebühren kostet – Hauptsache, es funktioniert! Denn was nützt einem der günstigste Anbieter, wenn man am Ende nicht an sein Geld kommt?
Last but not least habe ich jetzt meinen Notgroschen nahezu komplett aufgelöst, um erstmal irgnedwie an Bargeld zu kommen. Fernab von ideal, ich würde diesen ganzen Kauf das nächste Mal anders strukturieren. Eigentlich ist das hier auch mehr oder minder ein Rant über meine eigene Naivität und Blödheit.
Meine "lesson learned" sind:
Der Fairness halber muss ich aber sagen, dass ich noch nie Probleme bei der Orderauführung oder Ähnlichem hatte. Es scheint so, als ob die einfach mal einen Gang hochschalten müssten. Ein paar mehr PS bei der Abwicklung täte dem Neobroker schon ganz gut.
Mit bullishen Grüßen!
submitted by porox_guy to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:08 Icy_Juggernaut_7827 Help me decide new vs used X5 m50

Hi! I plan on owning this car for 3-4 years and driving 6-7k miles per year. Although I can afford a new one, I’d prefer to make the wiser financial decision.
Here is some more info about my use case:
For used ones, I’m targeting something under 30k miles.
Based on what I’ve read so far, an auto broker can help me get 6-8% off a new car (please correct me if I’m wrong).
My concerns with pre owned cars is how much i might have to pay for maintenance as parts wear out. OTOH, a new car will result in a heavy depreciation hit too.
I’m in Northern California if it helps.
submitted by Icy_Juggernaut_7827 to BMWX5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:26 wtsui Unraveling Legal Jargon: How AI Legalese Decoder Can Benefit LINK Business Brokers' Expansion to North Queensland
submitted by wtsui to legalselfserve [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:55 xfwib 2.8% fees on bonds

2.8% fees on bonds
I was previewing (US Corporate) bond buys in IBKR and looks like I am being charged 2.8% fees, as compared to 0.1% mentioned in the fees structure.
2.8 = 100*(1031.27 - 1003)/1003
I am getting something wrong?
submitted by xfwib to ibkr [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:51 xfwib 2.8% fees on bonds

I was previewing (US Corporate) bond buys in IBKR and looks like I am being charged 2.8% fees, as compared to 0.1% mentioned in the fees structure.
2.8 = 100*(1031.27 - 1003)/1003
I am getting something wrong?
submitted by xfwib to interactivebrokers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 Texaspoontappah1 Geico wont tell me how a ticket will effect my premium?

Hi all. I was issued a speeding ticket yesterday (Massachusetts) and am considering fighting it in traffic court. This is my first ticket and I've been told it will likely be dismissed. The ticket is for $105, but by paying I am admitting guilt and will face an insurance adjustment. I reached out to Geico to ask how a speeding ticket will effect my premium. I was basically told there is no way of knowing until the "private algorithm" calculates the effect of which I will be notified once the policy is renewed. That notification comes about a month before I am billed if I remember correctly....A month to scramble and find another broker.
Couple things here -
Is this "private algorithm" piece standard for auto insurance companies? This seems pretty wrong and immoral.
IMO this information should be readily available to customers and listed in the policy details. I acknowledge there are many factors and variables that play into one's auto rate, but still...
I know next to nothing about how insurance rates are determined, so I will chalk this up to just another scumbag company/industry until someone convinces me otherwise.
submitted by Texaspoontappah1 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:29 Due_Lengthiness_2457 'Dwelling Coverage' and bloated insurance premiums

To say I am unhappy with my property and auto insurance company is an understatement. My new broker is awful, my premiums are going up without any explanation and no communication. And I am on 26 years of paying without a single claim! My question is about Dwelling Coverage. My house has a market value of around $130K, but my current policy has a Dwelling Coverage (or from-the-ground-up rebuild value) of well over $200,000.00 Every time I look up insurance estimates online, it seems to show premiums directly related to this number. And yet my current company tells me if I reduce my Dwelling Coverage, my premiums would actually go up!
Does this make sense to anyone? Regardless, I'm still looking. But I'm seeing sites online say Dwelling Coverage should be 80% of Market value, not to say that's correct..... but wanting other people's opinions on this. Thanks for input and experiences
submitted by Due_Lengthiness_2457 to homeowners [link] [comments]