Anniversary cards recordable sound track

Personal Write-Ups

2019.01.15 18:09 lennybird Personal Write-Ups


2009.09.05 17:22 Shroomsoup Eminem

The official subreddit for Eminem & Shady Records.

2016.06.26 00:15 The Wilders, Kansas City's greatest country band

Hillbilly Riot Music From Kansas City, Missouri!

2024.05.29 05:09 Cheap_Cauliflower_46 Problem with my voice or gear

Hey there, I am now singing for 4 years at the minimum, I can sing high notes with power and everything is just fine however, whenever I try to record it using any kind of device the high notes are distorted and the audio is unclear, in Urdu we say "awaz phat gayi hai" ,or the tone is just gone in the recordings not irl. I used to record with my phone which is old so I bought a microphone named bm800 compressor mic and that still didn't get rid of all the problem and currently I am using a razor barracudas microphone directly attached to my phone with a headphone jack splitter. I am now getting frustrated, it's my passion to sing and after singing for 4 years and uploading my videos for 2, I only managed to get around 2000 followers on Instagram. Also the other problem I am facing is I can't sing properly with background music during recording, the rhythm and tone and pitch adjustment is just gone. I can't afford to buy guitar right now as I have to pay my uni fee. And whenever I add karaoke music in post processing it just doesn't sound good. Any help will be appreciated. It's now do or die situation. I can provide a link to my cover Following is the link to my Instagram reel.
submitted by Cheap_Cauliflower_46 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 Cheap_Cauliflower_46 Problem with my voice or gear

Hey there, I am now singing for 4 years at the minimum, I can sing high notes with power and everything is just fine however, whenever I try to record it using any kind of device the high notes are distorted and the audio is unclear, in Urdu we say "awaz phat gayi hai" ,or the tone is just gone in the recordings not irl. I used to record with my phone which is old so I bought a microphone named bm800 compressor mic and that still didn't get rid of all the problem and currently I am using a razor barracudas microphone directly attached to my phone with a headphone jack splitter. I am now getting frustrated, it's my passion to sing and after singing for 4 years and uploading my videos for 2, I only managed to get around 2000 followers on Instagram. Also the other problem I am facing is I can't sing properly with background music during recording, the rhythm and tone and pitch adjustment is just gone. I can't afford to buy guitar right now as I have to pay my uni fee. And whenever I add karaoke music in post processing it just doesn't sound good. Any help will be appreciated. It's now do or die situation. I can provide a link to my cover Following is the link to my Instagram reel.
submitted by Cheap_Cauliflower_46 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 shiftysheets82 Trouble with voices

I hope I'm posing this question correctly, but here goes. I have voice recordings that I am having the damnedest time tuning in, equalizing, compressing, limiting, you name it, I'm having trouble!! I've used low-pass, high-pass, shelves, Denoisers, only to make the sound worse, but I've had nothing but chirps, whistles, high scratching, static, and hisses.
At the moment I'm using n-track studios mainly because I've got so much time invested in it and I guess an unreasonable amount of stubbornness, but I REALLY NEED THE AUDIO off of these recordings as there is incredibly sensitive material in these voice recordings. I cannot stress the importance of these audios, and the necessity for me to render these audios clear.
I don't know who is or if anyone is using n-track, but I know the audio is good because I can hear voices, I just can't clear them up well enough to make out the words. But without sharing a clip it sounds like high-pitch screeches and chirps that I know are clipping, but if move a high-pass node it makes it worse, or a low-pass node it makes it worse. I know that anyone with any audio editing experience would have this figured out quick style, but due to the sensitive nature of the recording, I haven't shared it with anyone. I just need to be pointed in the right direction. Any help would be SUPER APPRECIATED!!! Thank you!!
submitted by shiftysheets82 to audio [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:07 RubyDoesStuff0000 The Lie is a Cake

Day 1 A news report breaks in [REDACTED] New York about a man waking up the previous morning, and attempting to turn on his TV to watch the latest episode of his favourite show, only for his remote to crumble in his hand. Confused as to what was going on, the man would attempt to manually turn on his TV, only to accidentally pull a chunk of it off. It was at this moment, that the man would discover that his TV had been replaced with a hyper-realistic cake. The man would question his wife about where the TV went, and why there was a hyper-realistic cake in its place. However, his wife was just as confused as he was about the entire situation at hand. The man would attempt to report this to his local authorities, claiming his TV had been stolen and replaced with a hyper-realistic cake. Only to be laughed off as a prankster due to his ridiculous claim. Angry at this, he would take his story to the local news station hoping for justice to be served to whoever stole his TV. Once again, his claims were laughed off and published as a mere joke. The man would claim that there would be more cases of people’s items being replaced with hyper-realistic cakes going forward and that they would all regret ignoring his case.
Day 29 Police reports coming from all over [REDACTED] New York would reveal the man’s words to be correct. Starting after a young woman would attempt to open her purse, only for the zip to completely come off upon being pulled and quickly break apart, taking some of the modelling chocolate with it. Soon people would begin reporting all over the area that their items had been completely replaced with cake. Phones, laptops, bags, earrings, necklaces, rings and even stacks of cash were discovered to have been replaced with hyper-realistic cakes. Local authorities, having now clearly learned that this was no prank, are looking into the cases to try and track down these valuable items. However, one thing these cases all have in common (aside from the cakes being delicious) is the complete lack of evidence pointing to any suspects. No DNA evidence, no signs of forced entry, and no people in the area at the time. Nobody is even sure when these items were replaced with cakes. They all say they could've sworn they were real a second ago, only to suddenly be cake. Almost as if there was no thief and they had just suddenly turned into cake. Authorities are still on the hunt for a possible suspect in this case, even though the wider New York authorities laugh at them for humouring these absurd claims.
Day 47 The situation has escalated much further than anyone could've possibly anticipated. Now the reports of items being replaced with hyper-realistic cake have rapidly expanded to the rest of New York. Hundreds of people are reporting that their valuable items are being discovered to be hyper-realistic cakes. A man would take his phone out of his pocket to check if he'd received any important emails, only for his phone to crumble into pieces of cake in his hand. A woman would attempt to cash in a check of $100,000 to a bank, only for the modelling chocolate on the check to smash into several pieces when placed down on the counter. A couple would attempt to hurry their kids into the car, worrying they may be late for school. Only for the car to fall apart right in front of them, as the door is pulled off and falls to the ground. People are getting scared, they're worrying that at any moment, any of their prized possessions could end up being a hyper-realistic cake. Nobody is sure what is real and what is cake anymore, so they've taken to trying to cut anything they own, hoping to weed out the cake from the non-cake. Many have ended up accidentally destroying many of the things they own in the process of doing this. But those who still have their stuff have taken to putting stickers on them to ensure they know they're real. That was until an edible sticker was found to be on the back of a hyper-realistic cake emulating a mobile phone. Now, people’s only option is to place all their valued possessions into safes, covered in locks with an 87-number code that not even they know. The governor of New York has commented on the situation claiming that he's doing all he can to try and solve the hyper-realistic cake mystery, but he can only do so much to calm the fear and paranoia that has overcome New York.
Day 93 The situation has dramatically escalated even further somehow, as the hyper-realistic cake plague has now begun heavily affecting the nearby states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and even some parts of Canada. Reports are coming in from all over the USA and even some of Mexico and South America of people’s items suddenly being replaced with ominous (albeit, tasty) hyper-realistic cakes. The president is doing nothing to quell the fear of US citizens, claiming the whole situation is ridiculous and that everyone is a fool for buying into it. People are starting to riot in the streets believing the president is not doing enough to try and prevent the appearance of hyper-realistic cakes. Many other countries are beginning to consider closing off all travel to the USA out of fear, and some like Germany even going through with it. The safes people were using to hold their valuable items are no longer safe. Many have been discovered to have been replaced with hyper-realistic cakes, leading to even greater fear and paranoia among citizens. And the worst thing of all. The police officer who was in charge of the case in [REDACTED] New York was discovered by his wife the previous night to have been replaced with an identical hyperrealistic cake. There is no evidence of where he may have gone, and there is no evidence pointing to who might've taken him. He has seemingly disappeared without a trace.
Day 149 As fear was reaching its limits, a spark of hope managed to emerge. Tension has been rising as countries all over the world have been receiving reports of people disappearing, and being replaced with hyper-realistic cakes. Even including those that shut off travel to the USA. The president has continued to display pure apathy to the situation, claiming the whole thing to be a farce, until he discovered one morning his wife had been turned into a hyper-realistic cake. Outraged at this, he demanded the perpetrator be immediately found and caught. He banned the selling of any ingredients that could be used to make a hyper-realistic cake, including flour, sugar, eggs, butter, baking powder, chocolate, honey, macaroni and cheese (he does not know how to make a cake, and decided it was better safe than sorry). But even then, hyper-realistic cakes continued to appear. Now even houses and everything in them were getting replaced with giant hyper-realistic cakes, twice the size of an average human being. The president was getting desperate now and was willing to do anything to catch the man responsible for this. So he had cameras set up on every street in every city in every state across the entire USA. And he had every cop working 24/7 on the sight of each camera making sure nothing was replaced with a hyper-realistic cake, and if they were to see hyper-realistic cake-related activities, they were to press a button, sounding the alarm. Yesterday, after weeks and weeks of nothing. An extremely tired officer managed to catch a woman attempting to replace a baby with a hyper-realistic cake. The woman, upon being caught, would quickly admit she was behind the hyper-realistic cake shenanigans. She was immediately brought to Washington DC where the president would proceed to scream and cry at her for hours before demanding she be placed in a holding cell so she could be questioned the following day. This was quickly announced by White House officials and the world began celebrating, praising the president as a hero who was able to end the hyper-realistic cake plague. The joyful people of the world are currently awaiting a word from the US president on who this mysterious woman is, what her motives are and where she’s keeping all these missing people.
Day 180 To the horror of everyone around the globe, the following morning, all hope was lost and all dreams were dashed. The woman taken captive last night was found to have been replaced with a hyper-realistic cake, just as everyone was. The president demanded a search for any evidence indicating how she could've escaped, but they were unable to find anything. Even the cameras meant to keep track of the woman had mysteriously failed to capture anything the previous night. This was the breaking point for the president, and as a result of this, he'd soon become wrapped up in an extremely insane conspiracy. He'd soon begin to believe the cake was a being that was more powerful than any of them, and that it needed to be eradicated at all costs. The presidents would proceed to declare Marshall law and cut off all transport to other countries. People, seeing exactly what was going to happen, attempted to escape the country by piloting the planes and boats themselves. Only to discover the planes and boats were all hyper-realistic cakes, that were unable to fly and would easily sink in water. The president would also declare that all cake is to be thoroughly burned, and anyone believed to be a cake is to be executed on sight, preferably by being cut with a blade. The president would have all secret service agents executed, claiming that they were conspiring with the cake and aided the woman in escaping custody. But even if this wasn't enough for the president, soon he’d begin believing that other countries were made of cake too and declared that any countries believed to be “cake countries” would be bombed off the map. Starting with Mexico, he sent wave after wave of bombs to the country until he was sure anyone inside was dead. He'd soon turn his attention to Germany, believing that it was also a “cake country” due to them previously closing off transportation from the USA there. Soon, Germany was no more, and the president would celebrate that he had destroyed another “cake country”. It seemed like to the president, that every country except the USA was a cake country, and no amount of bombing he did would change that. Everyone knew the sheer amount of bombs he was using was going to destroy the planet, but he didn't care. But just as quickly as this began, it ended. Yesterday, a large angry mob stormed the White House. The president would attempt to bomb the mob, only to discover the bomb launchpad had been replaced with cake. The mob quickly overpowered anyone left supporting the president with sheer numbers, and they swiftly beat the president to death in a manner too disturbing to even attempt to describe. Blood was everywhere, but they didn't care anymore, the dictator was dead.
Day 294 Shortly after the president's death, the USA descended into chaos. People were still being replaced with cake, and nobody had any way to contact people outside the USA, as every single phone was seemingly now a hyper-realistic cake. Many don't even believe there's anyone left out there, and that they were all killed by the president. People quickly began to believe the president was right, and that all the other countries were now just cake. But they took it one step further, they now began to ponder if the entire globe itself was just one giant cake. People began getting so scared of others being cake, that they would attempt to cut anyone they meet just to see if they were cake. There is no food left now besides hyper-realistic cakes, and many are so scared of them that they refuse to even go near them, let alone attempt to eat them. Many are dying from starvation, and those willing to eat the cakes are usually branded as “cake people” and killed on sight. There's still no sign of the people who went missing and were replaced with hyper-realistic cakes. Many believe they just vanished from reality itself or that they were taken by the cake. Some people have begun to worship the cake as a god and make sacrifices to it believing it'll bring their loved ones back. Reality is crumbling, society has fallen apart and it won’t be long until humanity is gone.
Day 334 Not even a year following the first-ever incident, the last human being on earth has died today. Alone, cold and afraid. There is nothing left. No trees, no grass, no water, no animals, no humans, nothing. The only thing that remains now is the hyper-realistic cakes. And that, is the story, of how I destroyed humanity with FUCKING CAKES! I guess in the end you could say… it was real.
submitted by RubyDoesStuff0000 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:07 Jrockstocks247 Trying to make sense of it all 🚀🚀🚀GWAV

Trying to make sense of it all 🚀🚀🚀GWAV
So I found this article by looking up the SIM Metals management they acquired Baltimore Scrap. The article says that there has been a lot of consolidation in the industry. Greenwave is one of the largest independent chains on the east coast. Here is the article I’m sure someone better at DD can make more sense of it all
I’m also looking into why this shredder is not up and running yet. Y’all let me know what you think. How could one of the largest scrap companies on the east coast be trading at $0.07 ??? Oh and by the way this is an American company. Just doesn’t make sense. No convertible debt, money to grow. The CEO said he’s getting things done and he is.
submitted by Jrockstocks247 to GWAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:06 Secret-Act1990 what are the factors to consider when choosing a luxury car rental service for a wedding in Bangalore?

consider when choosing a luxury car rental service for your Bangalore wedding:
Vehicle Selection:
Service and Reputation:
Cost and Transparency:
Bonus Tips:
By considering these aspects, you'll be well-equipped to choose a reliable and reputable luxury car rental service that adds a touch of elegance and ensures a smooth and stress-free ride on your special day!
submitted by Secret-Act1990 to EnterpriseCarRental [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:06 Naval-MPS 𝗔𝗧𝗠 𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗦𝗔𝗙𝗘𝗧𝗬 𝗧𝗜𝗣𝗦 • Guard your PIN • Handle your transactions personally • Protect your ATM card as if it is cash • Be alert and think of your own safety when using an ATM • Check ATM for any fraudulent devices attached • Keep records of your transactions

𝗔𝗧𝗠 𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗗 𝗦𝗔𝗙𝗘𝗧𝗬 𝗧𝗜𝗣𝗦 • Guard your PIN • Handle your transactions personally • Protect your ATM card as if it is cash • Be alert and think of your own safety when using an ATM • Check ATM for any fraudulent devices attached • Keep records of your transactions submitted by Naval-MPS to u/Naval-MPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 Netaksiemanresu ⬛️ UPDATE ON ENZO ⬛️

Hey guys, some crazy stuff is going on with Enzo and the whole situation and I wanted to keep everyone updated like I said I would.
The guy that insisted on boarding Enzo for this long has ghosted us and still has Enzo.
He wants us to pay him $350 (it’s more now since he’s held him there 2 days longer after telling us he was ready to go to his foster and then ghosted us)
Truly I had everything covered with Enzo, I found a committed foster for him and as y’all know, raised the funds here on Reddit for his transport, the last step was to find a Rescue to pull him. I was emailing Rescues to have him pulled when some people I’ve worked with before jumped in, took over and started making all of the decisions.
I did not make the decision to board Enzo and never agreed to it. I wasn’t included in any of the decision-making. I also never agreed to pay for his boarding nor was I ever told I’d be expected to until I got the message from one of the people that inserted their self in this and did make the decision to board Enzo, telling me he was ready to be picked up and that I needed to pay Ryan. They’re well aware that I’m not a Rescue and that I only collected donations on Reddit to pay for Enzo’s transport and nowhere and nothing else.
To further clarify, I have not collected any pledges on Enzo anywhere else but here on Reddit from the post I made asking for donations specifically for his transport. I don’t collect pledges nor would I because I’m not a Rescue so I’m not sure why they not only expected me to pay for boarding but didn’t tell me this until after he’d been boarded for several days and was ready to be transported.
Like myself, neither of these 2 are Rescues nor are they shelter or Rescue-affiliated but they are working directly with the Rescue, A Wish For Animals, that pulled Enzo as well as the boarder that is boarding him, Ryan.
In addition to the boarding costs, the boarder asked us to pay him to transport Enzo as well instead of us booking through citizen shipper. Then we (myself and Enzo’s foster, Selena) find out he expects us to pay him for transporting Enzo but expects Enzo’s foster to drive 3 hours to meet him where he would be dropping off other dogs, in other words he was going that way anyway. She told him she could meet him an hour away and he never responded after that.
Then we told him we were booking transport through citizenshipper instead so that Selena wouldn’t have to drive 3 hours, which was the plan the whole time, he’s completely ghosted us.
We both have asked him multiple times when would be a good day and time for him for Enzo to be picked up because he would need to be there to hand Enzo over and citizen shipper’s booking fee is nonrefundable. He hasn’t responded to any of our attempts to schedule Enzo’s pick up in the last 2 days.
Selena (Enzo’s foster) has called and texted him multiple times and I’ve emailed him several times.
We found out a couple of days ago that the Rescue they got to pull Enzo, which is Toni Eakes, A Wish For Animals Rescue, had her license revoked for what sounds like some seriously shady stuff. I’m not sure if they were ever reinstated but if not, she’s not legally allowed to pull dogs or collect pledges under the guise of a legitimate Rescue because she’s not and Enzo was Rescue-only.
Toni is working with Ryan as well as the 2 that I mentioned before that inserted themselves in Enzo’s rescue, they have been working together.
I recently fostered a dog through the same Rescue that pulled Enzo, A Wish For Animals, Marley, he was also boarded at Ryan’s kennel, and he showed up to me matted and caked in urine and feces with nothing to his name, but a tiny bag of cheap food provided by the shelter, I purchased everything for him which may be standard for fostering, I’m not sure as Marley was my first time fostering and I never received any guidance or information.
I never heard a single word from Toni Eakes Ever, even though I was technically fostering a dog through her. Someone else sent me the link to the adoption application she required and passed along the video recording of my house she also required. She never once reached out to check on Marley, to introduce herself, nothing.
She also required Selena to submit an application through her Rescue and it was the same story, Selena has never heard a word from her.
Marley’s condition was clearly the result of him lying in his own waste for an extended period of time. There’s no way that happened in transport and the person who transported Marley to me, told me that Marley was like that when he picked him up from boarding and warned me about it before he arrived with Marley. Anyone who knows anything about dogs knows that even if they’re not let out, they will potty in the corner, not on themselves, so I’m seriously wondering if he was kept in a cage at this kennel where he had no choice. I’m not sure.
Here’s the Facebook page someone made about A Wish For Animals
I obviously can’t attest to the validity of anything on this page.
I’m not sure the name of Ryan’s boarding kennel but I’m trying to figure it out because I would like to see if I can get someone to go out and check the living conditions of the dogs in his care.
I’m sorry to have to deliver this news, I was hoping my next post would be his freedom video.
I still have every penny donated and Selena and I are working to get this straightened out.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
To be clear, I’m not asking anyone to donate anything else, we have the money for his transport and it’s not my responsibility to pay for his boarding, I was going to pay Ryan with what money was left over after transport and pay the rest with my own but now this has transpired.
Enzo has a truly awesome foster with a huge heart for dogs, she’s remained very dedicated to him and based on my conversations with her, she clearly cares a lot about him. Hopefully my next post will be of Enzo in his new home.
Edit: I was told by the 2 other people that his name is Ryan but I noticed just now his name on Gmail is Bryan..
submitted by Netaksiemanresu to National_Pet_Adoption [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 blackcherry71411 Premises Liability Attorney Bellevue Fast Service

At The Ye Law Firm, we understand that when you're dealing with a premises liability case, time is of the essence. That’s why we pride ourselves on providing fast and efficient legal services to our clients. As an experienced premises liability attorney Bellevue fast service (, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial timely legal intervention can be. We are committed to offering the best premises liability attorney Bellevue ( to help you navigate these challenging situations swiftly and effectively.
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submitted by blackcherry71411 to u/blackcherry71411 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 FinnishArmy I use Govee for raves

I use Govee for raves
I’ve hosted a few raves and Govee really makes it easy! I will mix my own tracks of favorite artists, setup visuals that are timed to the music and also have automation within Govee to change the reactions to sound depending on the style of music and how the music is going.
People love it!
submitted by FinnishArmy to Govee [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 Greedy_Drink_2377 3 months and 200+ applications. Still no callbacks or anything. What am i doing wrong?

Please help
submitted by Greedy_Drink_2377 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 grecanft Help - blocked since always

Hi, I’m opening up here. Since I was a little kid, I have dreamed of making music. I wanted to be a singer, a songwriter. I sang a lot, even when I was 6yo I wrote songs and recorded them accapella. I confidently sang in public or played the piano in front of anybody. I took piano lessons for many many years(classical theory and reading sheets). I loved the lessons but hated performing, but I had to. As I grew older, I became less and less confident. Motivation to actually make music or play music vanished slowly. I stopped playing piano now. I do sing without any shame and I LOVE to, but it’s not my own stuff.
Gradually, making my own music became more of a fantasy dream than a “I’ll work on it till I make it” dream.
I still write lyrics down. I still record some voice memos with little bits of songs or melodies that come across my mind. But I NEVER managed to materialize any of the hundreds of ideas I have had. Songs that exist in my head only, and I feel that they would turn out to be pretty great, but vanish after a while.
I tried. I’m trying. I took a production course, I had to compose and edit something. Some ephemeral moments of inspiration stroked me, and the very green first demo sounds ok. Surely if I could work on it for longer I’d like it. I dropped out the course because I got stuck and couldn’t make any progress so it became uncomfortable for me to just say “I didn’t do my hw”. I spent some money and put up a home studio, so I could be autonomous, but adhd keeps me from learning on my own. I’m taking singing lessons. Those are great. My therapist advised me to, since she said I need to enjoy music and not force myself into something that makes me anxious. She also told me I have some impostor syndrome shit but honestly I always find the name to my problems but struggle to solve them.
I feel like a failure. A frustrated musician who is not even a musician. I don’t play piano anymore. I feel jealous of everyone who is making music, they’re expressing themselves. I spend time around friends who do so, and think of ways I would contribute. And they even ask me to. But I just refuse, my creativity gets scared off.
I won’t be genuinely happy until I destroy the invisible barrier that keeps me from doing something that looks so fun and that I think I would be good at.
ANY ADVICE WELCOME!!!! Love you all
submitted by grecanft to Songwriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 Ok-Seat-9779 Lottery Defeater Software Scam. Lottery Defeater Scam Alert Reviews. Lottery Defeater Website

Lottery Defeater Software Scam. Lottery Defeater Scam Alert Reviews. Lottery Defeater Website
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submitted by Ok-Seat-9779 to smartconversations [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 MrHarpencock Best gear/way to record DI guitar signals

So I make guitar remixes of songs, currently been recording with a preset on my fractal ax8 for all my songs, it sounds good, but I like the idea of being able to re-amp a di signal to play around with tones once I’ve recorded a song, essentially I’d like to be able to record my guitars di tracks and be able to re amp them with an amp sim vst plugin or something, but also be able to re amp the di with my fractal ax8 too, I’ve got no idea how any of this works, essentially I want to know what di box I should get, and if anyone has any input or knows any good videos explaining how recording di guitar on studio one.
submitted by MrHarpencock to StudioOne [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 nicktheking92 Got new speakers for my record player. I'm using the same reciever and can't get the speakers to produce sound. Please help.

Got new speakers for my record player. I'm using the same reciever and can't get the speakers to produce sound. Please help. submitted by nicktheking92 to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 KaiJammy Unknown modern rap/hip hop song. Synth intro. Only have this short clip for reference.

Unknown modern rap/hip hop song. Synth intro. Only have this short clip for reference.
Even with the short clip the song sounds so familiar but I just can’t name it. Took this recording from Twitch creator Angelknivez, it’s her subscription notification sound.
submitted by KaiJammy to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 Aniaa77 💥【Latest Trailer Ver.Ⅱ】'Retro Starlight' Available Soon!

💥【Latest Trailer Ver.Ⅱ】'Retro Starlight' Available Soon!
Hey Stylists,
What exciting events and surprise rewards await in this new version? Hurry, dive in and explore our sneak peek of activities and prizes in the latest update!🥳
submitted by Aniaa77 to SuitU [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 eruz0 Are fans outside of Japan completely SOL at this point?

I understand Japanese companies axing Visa, MasterCard and Paypal. They have too much power and are trying to strongarm companies into aligning with their """"standards"""". More power to them.
But right now, have the Japanese even considered options for foreign fans that doesn't rely on those three corrupt corporations? I know there's an option for Tokyo Otaku Mode, but I will never ever buy from them. They are scummy as hell with their overpriced crap. I am blessed to be in US so I still have AmEx. But I expect that to go away as well given the track record of western company hegemony.
submitted by eruz0 to Pixiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 drphilisturning69 Debit card with the best benefits?

Curious what people think the best debit card is at the moment. I currently use the HSBC everyday global debit card as my main one solely because I get 2% cashback for each transaction under $100 which usually covers surcharge or gives me a small amount back. This might sound like nothing but it ads up and I've already saved $350 this year alone. I have no loyalty to HSBC and will happily consider another debit card with better benefits.
Are there any other banks with debit cards that have similar or better benefits, whether cashback or others. Im not really a points person so that doesn't really interest me.
Specifically looking for a good DEBIT card, not credit. Ta.
submitted by drphilisturning69 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 aj-xl-unlimited WE ARE DEFINITELY A TICKING TIME BOMB... SOON TO KABOOOOOOM!!!

WE ARE DEFINITELY A TICKING TIME BOMB... SOON TO KABOOOOOOM!!! submitted by aj-xl-unlimited to GWAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:54 XmuxJaxonFlaxonWaxon 27 [M4A] lf Lead + Rythm Guitar, m/f vox, and Wind Intru (Sax/Trumpet/etc.)

Title says it all.
Lately our band played at a gig somewhere down south, and it inspired me to continue playing percussions once more.
We got paid a competitive tf that night (a lawyer invited us to play for his family celeb), and it gave me an idea to make this a regular thing. Seems like there's a high demand for musicians to play at corpo gigs/family gigslately.
Our bass will leave for China sometime this year. Lead guitarist is somewhat famous so he can't fully commit. And our vox, well, she's not that good.
All that's left is the drummer, and keyboard. Wind instruments are welcome.
We play any variety, but mostly excel in grunge (AIC, STP, Primus, Soundgarden), Funk (some mainstream rhcp, incubus tracks), and Heavy Metal. Pm me for the exceptions.
We can jam at first, and if we sound good, pwede na tayo mag proceed sa corpo gig!
submitted by XmuxJaxonFlaxonWaxon to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 aayyappan What is causing this sound from under my car ?

What is causing this sound from under my car ?
My 2014 Kia Sorento Sx V6 lately started making a thumping sound from the rear end I cannot differentiate whether it's from the driveshaft or the differential or something else. This sound is recorded by keeping the phone on the back seat.
submitted by aayyappan to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]