Hot dirty texts

Totally true stories that absolutely happened

2012.11.23 03:03 Windex007 Totally true stories that absolutely happened

c0MpLeTElY tRUE St0rIeS

2020.10.27 04:10 NXTREADY LostIcyHotStuntaz

Community dedicated to finding the lost album by the Icy Hot Stuntaz, and by extension, B-Shoc's lost debut album, B-SHOC and the Dirty South Basement Boys

2016.11.28 22:37 SupremeHug Seeing Jesus and thinking OHH YESS Jesuusss!!

Dirty interpretations of popular art. Hot God, Jesus husband, Dirty God, Dirty Jesus, Religious and dirty, Subliminal bananas, Oh God

2024.06.09 10:05 Impossible-Tiger-443 My YFM Tier List (sorry for the low quality)

submitted by Impossible-Tiger-443 to yourfavoritemartian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 Okletsgogurl I'm having trouble with ex friends who just can't leave me alone. Need advice!

I'm writing this on a throwaway account since these people know my main and actively engage with it. This is also gonna be a pretty long post since I'd like to provide context on how I even ended up where I am today so strap on in. Also apologies if any of this doesn't make sense, I'm pretty upset and stressed out and I've not slept in what feels like weeks. I have a lot of anxiety about all of this.
I started my first year in uni last year in September and met a couple of people I thought were nice enough on the first day. I'll call them 'G' and 'M'. I thought they were nice at first and we got closer as the weeks went by. G and M are also engaged so we talked about weddings quite often. They're are also cosplayers which becomes key in this. We got a lot closer around a time they were going to a con. Their previous friend had dropped out last minute but since they had already paid for everything they invited me. I also wanted to get into cosplaying at the time so I saw this as a perfect opportunity. I would spend nights at their dorms getting know them and we instantly got a long.
At the time, I was very nieve to all the red flags they were presenting as they were unusually willing to let me know EVERY detail of their life, including their sex life and what not. I found it werid but chalked it up to them being very comfortable around me which I found to be a compliment at the time but looking back, I now knew what was up.
(A little but of important info here but I had just feld a country 5 months prior to escape the abuse I was experiencing at home and went to live with my mum. G and M knew this and knew about my dad in depth)
Con comes around and they introduced me to a group of friends who were instantly very reserved around me. I chalked it up to nerves and thought that maybe they're just nervous which is understandable. This was until everytime I would speak they would give me dirty looks, talk over me and even dismiss me. M had also picked up a habit of making a lot of things about himself and anything I found interesting, he would make it clear that he didn't want to know, even telling me that he just doesn't want to hear it. When I went to meet a YouTube who attended the con, he seemed annoyed when I was excited and told me to stop being so excited since this was his 3rd time meeting them.
By time I got back home, their dismissing and also just really shitty attitude throughout left a sour taste in my mouth. However, I just chalked it up to nerves at the time.
A month goes by and they intoeduce me to another cosplayer who I quickly became friends with. When I told G about this, they told me to stop talking to them since I'll brea their heart as they "fall in love easily". I really didn't get that sentiment but still continued talking. Nothing romantic was ever talked about.
Then I started feel more attached to these people. They were practically in my life 24/7, I wa sin their dorms over nights almost everyday and began picking up the same eating habits as them as well. It's also worth noting that these people are "disabled" which is still up to debate.
They would frequently interrupted anything I enjoyed and conveniently pass out EVERYTIME I talked about something I liked or wanted to do. I also suffer with VERY acute psychosis which has been well treated for many years. They would constantly tell me that any doubts I had were just to do with my paranoia and that I should just ignore it. That or they would tell me that I was being manipulative and seeking attention.
This was all very sus but up until the incident I chalked it up to learned behaviour as I know one of them suffers with PTSD like I do.
At some point around this time, I had developed a severe kidney infection which almost turned into sepsis and I had to get the ambulance out to me. I'm no stranger to ambulances as I also have them out frequently due to severe panic attacks which almost cause a seizure and a heart attack I'm some cases.
Strangely after this, despite telling me that they've never had an ambulance out to them, for anything small like an ache they would call 111 which they didn't know before I had told them. 111 in the UK is the none emergency line that can send out am ambulance if you need it. However in a lot of the cases M had, they were perfectly fine but would cry and sob on the phone and say they felt like dying. Of course they send out an ambulance to check on them but it would always be fine.
Worried as I was all the time, I neglected my studies to take care of them and I'd spend a lot on them since I felt the compulsive need to take care of them. They would also guilt trio me with the fact that they were both previously homeless in their childhoods so I needed to get them something in return. I ended up spending over 300 pounds a month on them.
I caught M out one though since the uni I go to, require the ambulances to inform the reception first for permission and to unlock all the doors for them. Before going up to M, I had to go to reception to ask if they would let me in. When I informed they why, they were confused and said that there were no ambulances that parked up at all, not even firefighters which sometimes arrive for medical aid occasionally.
Moving forward a lil I had started to grown attached to them more to the point where I thought I liked them. They expressed to me previously that they're poly and so am I. M had even stated to me that when they first met me they found me attractive and wanted to potentially have relationship.
One day I decided to just confess over text making it extremely clear to them that they had to think about it first so that we did not rush into things and make things worse. If they wanted to be friends then i would be ok with that and I made myself very clear 3 or 4 times within the text.
Instantly, because i was in the room next to them, they came in and told me that they loved me. They hugged me and cuddled me for a while until we went into M room. I was in G room at the time. Suddenly, they both got completely naked in front of me. I had told them that I'm ok with boxers and a shirt since they were more like shorts but getting naked? I was shocked but just went along with it. I was in a shirt and boxers until they told me that i should join them and take my top and bra off (we're all under the trans umbrella). They both persisted and feeling pressured I took my shirt and bra off and joined them in bed. Then G opens up a folder on their phone of their nudes together which I was in shock for. I knew they had it but tbh, I didn't really want to see it. They then expressed how our previous shopping trip to a sex store (we're adults and we go in there cause why not) was a test to see if I would take the hint they liked me. I'm autistic but even I could tell that that was a lie. There were never any discussions of that nature that took place that day.
They then went on about their sex life in full detail. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of personally having sex within the first few months of dating since I'm very frigid about that sort of thing. I'm not stranger to sled pleasure but anything like that is entirely different and I wanted my boundaries to be known then and there. There were a few touches here and there after that, all of which would explicitly done with consent as I have had encounters with SA previously. They knew this.
After that day, they all of a sudden stopped talking me completely. We were on uni break so it wasn't like I could talk to them in class about it either. I felt alone and like I had done something wrong. This sent me onto a pretty bad depressive episode which triggered a small psychotic episode to occur. During which they would constantly tell me when they did feel like talking to me that i was just like my dad (abuser) and that I was being annoying and paranoid about everything. I have since talked to me my mum about this since my memory is a little hazy from that time and she said that the only thing that could've given the episode away was my sudden belief in a god and afterlife. I'm an atheist and grew up that way. But G and M were mostly referring to the fact that on numerous occasions I had called them out on body shaming me, using me as fatspo to fuel their own anorexia and belittling language they would against me constantly. This was even present in class alot since some students who I'm now friends with even stated that they acted as if they ere higher than everyone. Anytime you didn't give them attention, they'd start going on about suicide or passing out only to wake up seconds later.
They also claim to have DID and that one of their alters had encephalitis. This wasn't just a symptom holder either. They would claim they all had it and even told paramedics who were caring for another patient who had broke their leg on campus at the time that they had it. Although after this, they came back pissed to the paramedics caught on pretty quickly that this was a lie.
Months of this built up a full mental breakdown and I had one of the most server panic attacks of my life. I had to be admitted onto A&E where u saw the mental health team to discuss as safety plan since I was have frequent bouts of this. I've always felt with hallucinations since I was 8 but never like I had on that day and to this day, the only thing I can fully remember is the feeling and vision I had. I would not wish it on my worst enemy.
G and M response to this? They went to my friend who was packing my bag at the time and told them that if they didn't pack it the right way I would hate them. They actually cold apparently and not once did they ask how I was. When I got home, I only saw one text saying "hey, Ik your in A&E but you can tell me in your own time what happend."
They were very much disinterested me and I began to be fed up with them. I had an upcoming concert with them not long after so I figured I'd keep the peace until them and they distance myself from them since I was clearly suffering from it all. Around this time, I had randomly been kicked out of the discord we had together with the people we met at con. I asked around they just gave one word responses. I had attempted to be friends with them before but annoyed by their sudden disinterest in me again, I just moved on.
Fast forward and I'm logging in on minecraft to a shared server we had. I used this server as a coping mechanism since it was literally the only thing that got me out of bed and moving to a degree some days. However everything I ahd built was gone. All my pent uo frustration just let itself out and I started crying down the phone over a voice message to G. I was a bit pissed but overly. Key thing note however is that I was having a go at them and in no way screaming at them which they later claimed I did. I even showed my mum and therapist and they were both in agreement that I was not shouting nor did I even raise my voice. It sounded more like I was upset than anything else.
G then said that they lost trust me because of this and that they wanted some distance for a while. I apologies profusely, even getting my mum to help me since I was I no way fit to text. However, a dumb mistake we made was sending the same apology over to the both of them, the only difference being their name. G then stated that because of the name, that they felt like I wasn't actually apologising and didn't wanna hear it. I tried to clear things up but the they told me that I had no excuse to act this way towards them since they were "such a good friend to me". After this, i went on call with a friend of mine who is my ex. However we ended on pretty good terms and are still close to this day. They even look after my cat for me.
I'm gonna call him J. J can be the over protective type so in response to my distress texted G ti find out more about why they were so cold about everything and in his mind, over reacted to something so insignificant like minecraft. This is where they made the claimed that I had screamed at them and I sent them into a PTSD attack. What J did notice though was that the story they gave was almost word for word of a panic attack in had explained to J about, almost like they copied it and changed a few things. They the proceeded to tell me that I was abusing them in that moment and that i was exactly like their dad (who's a pedo btw). Hurt by this and the fact that I had told J to NOT text G at all, I ended thinsg of stating my true feelings about everything and said that I never wanted to see them again. It felt good to get it off my chest and honestly freeing. The weeks after that were spent healing in therapy with my mum who both agreed that their actions in the past were more akin to.emotional bullying. Om still coming to terms with this I had trusted them with every fibre of my being. It felt like my heart was being ripped apart whoever, I stated talking to new people in my class around that time. Each of them said that they had notice the same behaviours towards me themselves and were honestly concerned for my safety since they would frequently talk shit about me behind my back. They then put on their snapchat story the next day that they were greatful for the friend they had and got rid of dead weight in their life. They also chalk up their sudden change to be apart of their BPD which if you have seen the eyes of someone who's manic, you'd know that it has a distinct look. The photos they took of themselves really disturbed me as you can clearly tell they're not right in the head at all. The eyes were dark and blown fully. Their eyes just looks black and soulless. I showed another friend who has BPD to confirm if it was what I was thinking and they agreed. It was unnerving and I honestly felt uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep well that night. They looked like they belonged in those headshots of convicts who had just been arrested and still are clearly under the influence. After this I also sent out a text containing context to everything to the group chat since I knew they were gonna manipulate things. I have seen them in person do it and it's honestly disturbing to see. Each one responded telling me that I was a liar and that I should feel ashamed of myself. One even told me they weren't gonna hear me out since they didn't know me well which I think is just a werid line of logic to have tbh. One even accused me of faking my disability which I quick proved to be false which silenced them. I've since blocked every single one of them since I don't wnat anything to do with them at all. I don't want them to know about my life and twist things again to hurt me. Forgive me if I'm over doing it but honestly, it was like I was talking to group of psychopaths who didn't care for anyone but themselves. Their past actions certainly proved that much.
Fast forward a week and I'm out shopping with friends all of a sudden, at even location we were at G was there. These were bookshops that were not well known the area and hidden very well so there would be no way G would know about them, especially since they don't like reading. G still followed one of my friends on snapchat and we found out by testing that every post we'd make, with or without the location attached, G would be right there moments later. Creeper out we ended the day for our own safety and went home.
Ever since all that, I have been taking to a friend of mine who G and M claimed abused them although with the evidence I have seen, it was the complete opposite. G was a regular drug user and would constantly use drugs as an excuse for their actions. My friend also suffered heavily with mental health problems and physical ailments that they need physio therapy for. G and M would constantly tell them they were faking and that they should stop acting like they were in pain. This is similar to an incident where they stated that I was not physically disabled cause they couldn't see it. Which is stupid honestly. By law, I am classed as disabled as to this day I struggle diary with ankle and knee problems due to a late development. I frequently use my braces but I don't use a cane since I'm too self conscious despite it being recommended to me by my doctors.
It hurt to see that they were treated this way and we bonded over shared experiences. There were also other people they had done this too.
Finally getting to the main issue, recently a con just took place which I had to cancel last minute since a family member died and I had to fly back over to my previous country to attend the funeral. The friend that G and M introduced to me started getting closer to them which I honestly didn't pay much mind to since I'm now just done with that shit. However, it wast until now that I feel uncomfortable. All of a sudden, this friend, ill call them O, had removed me from their private account for "safety reasons" and said they had done this to othe people. It didn't take long before I saw with my own eyes that it was just me. G and M have a nasty habit of spreading false rumours and if you know the cosplay community well, that shit spreads liek wildfire. It doesn't have that they have a sizable following compared to mine and know alot more people than I do. I honestly think they're tryna turn people against me and I don't know what to do at this point. I want them to leave me alone and keep my name out of things. I have had so many great days ever since we stopped being friends and my health has also improved dramatically. I'm not having as many panic attacks or severe ones either and I've not had a depressive episode like the ones before ever since.
I don't want to be dragged down like this and I wanted to defend myself however I know for a fact they have more influence then me so many people will side with them just like the group chat did. I don't know what to do anymore and I really don't want things to kick off again either. If I sense any drama starting at all I will just block people cause I'm just not having it. It's all child's play and they honestly need to fucking grow up and grow some balls or something. I just don't know what to do anymore. Thoughts?
submitted by Okletsgogurl to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:48 Similar_Page539 I (23M) have not been able to heal from my past relationship

TL;DR: My journey's been a rollercoaster. Growing up in a small Indian town, family dynamics were complicated, and I felt pretty isolated. College brought hope, especially when I met her. But our relationship was a mess. She'd flirt with other guys, manipulate me, and constantly put me down. Despite my efforts to make things work, it all fell apart. Now, I'm focused on healing and moving forward. It's been a tough road, but I'm hopeful for better days ahead.
Hi, before I talk about the relationship part I’d like you guys to know a bit about me and how my life has been, since it’ll allow you to understand my thoughts better. I was born and raised in pretty small town in India, my father used to live in another country for work and I didn’t get to see him for more than a month or two in an year, although he’s provided our family with everything and for that I’m grateful. So we used to live in joint family, very chaotic I have an elder brother we were close when I was 7-8 but after that he got involved with his life too and we grew apart, in fact I only got to know him better when I was 20. So it was just me and my mom left, I didn’t have any good friends for a good part of my childhood so I’ve spent my life till my late teens being alone in my room, just me and video games. Then soon we had to sell our house because of family dispute, and that really messed me up because the person who did it was really close to me, I failed my exams and I believe that was the last time I’ve felt like I do right now. Things got a little better after that, but after school I asked my mother to be with my father as they both had sacrificed a lot for both of us. I started to live with my neighbour as their kids and I became friends when I was 16, and my parents had known them for years. I believe that’s the first time I actually started to feel my emotions, it became really overwhelming so I decided to visit a therapist, got to know a lot of things about myself which really shook me up and since the people who I used to live with were the closest to me and for me they were my friends I decided to tell them about it, they made fun of me for it not just that but when I think about it, they made fun of me for everything my taste in music, my looks but became friendly when they needed money in fact that was the whole dynamic of our relationship, all of that really messed me up because I was already overweight and well I had no confidence in myself.
Somehow I went through all that and then went to college, and that’s when I met her, the moment I saw her I was just stunned I had never felt like that the emotions were so strong I couldn’t even understand that I had feelings for her, part of it was because I was focused on making career for myself. We became friends soon and while I was confused about all of it, she started going out with this guy and well even though she was involved with him she would still be a little too close with me, like she would sit on my lap, kiss me on my cheek, I’d be the first person she’d call whenever she needed something and I well had been a giver type of person all my life I never realised how all of it made me feel I was there for her whenever she needed me, not just her tho I helped everyone I could because that’s the kinda person I’ve been. Even took care of her when she got cheated on by that guy, then she went out with another guy and when all of it happened again I was still there, but with time I realised that I felt like my niceness was being abused by her because she started getting involved with me emotionally a lot more, but she’d never see me that way. Once we had a concert in our college, all of us went we had the same group but she went away with some guy and hooked up with him, I wasn’t bothered by any of it because I was enjoying with my friends but she later called me and wanted to meet me, I went and she just wanted to be with him and started telling me about what all happened and I just went back to my room because I couldn’t handle my emotions. I feel like that was the breaking point for me, things like this went on for a few days before I confronted her telling her about I feel like she’s been taking advantage of my politeness and she blamed it on me. We didn’t talk for a while after that but eventually we made up, because Covid happened. I went back to stay with my brother and during lockdown is when I really confronted myself about her and I realised I really do like her and I decided to tell her about, but before that I knew I had to work on my myself because if we do get into a relationship I don’t my insecurities and fears to be projected onto her, so I started working on myself lost weight, got a lot more confident and most importantly I comfortable with myself. All of it took me few years, even when we got back to college I got know that she had changed and well my feelings for her resurfaced.
I eventually did tell her about it, and well she told me she had never seen me like that and can’t be with me, I accepted but told her I can’t be there for her at least for a while because it took a lot out of me and I don’t want to mess myself up again, she agreed. Few hours later she asked me to meet again and kept pushing me to still be friends I kept denying it, this went on for hours that day but eventually I had to agree to her because she didn’t stop and I had convinced myself that it’s not necessary for us to be in a relationship, and I could love her as a friend. Then a week later she went out with another guy, posted story of herself with him kissing her neck. Next day, she asked me to meet her and I saw hickeys all over her neck I was broken but I held it in. In the upcoming weeks, she started breaking down started having panic attacks even started to self harm, and she used to call me over and I stayed with her for hours I didn’t expect anything from it just was trying to be there for her and later even she accepted she wanted to see if was showing up with anything in my mind and then later told me she has feelings for me too, we eventually started dating after that but it really messed me up, few things that she did while were together :
1.she told me no matter what happens she can never believe that she can be truly loved.
  1. She took me with her to meet guy she posted the story with, even though I said I wasn’t uncomfortable with it
  2. Later when I told her that I didn’t feel good when She posted that story, she first said don’t try to make me feel bad i have no regrets and then changed it to i don’t know why I did that
  3. Went out with a guy she used to go out with it at midnight while I was in another city, because she was feeling lonely
  4. Sent a snap to her school friend(I don’t know what she had sent) to which he replied, you’re so hot and she texted him back saying thanks with a winky face emoji. And I when I got know about it, she said I’m overreacting because that’s just how she texts
  5. Used to pay for everything, food, cigarettes arettes, I took her whenever she wanted to go to. I even used to take her back to her place everyday because she had to VC her mom.
  6. I was trying to quit cigarettes so whenever I wanted to smoke id just used to smoke and stub, we were at her friends and I asked for a cigarette from her pack and in front of all her friends she said slap me if I stubbed it halfway through I paid for that pack.
  7. I was running a 10K marathon, when I asked her would she like to come and support me and she made really disgusted face saying it’s too early in the morning, I don’t wanna wake up that early. I said id feel nice if she did and she just reluctantly agreed
  8. During the run I took my shoes off because I got wrong pair and they started to hurt my calves, but for like 6k the route was covered with pebbles and they hurt a lot and slowed me down since I was barefoot. Somehow I Managed to finish it and the first thing she said to me was where the hell were you? I have been waiting for you so long just take me home now. She didn’t even congratulate me but she posted a story of me with a caption I woke up at 5am for this
  9. 9 months into our relationship, she’d talk about her exes in some way or another and this used to happen every other day, at one point I got annoyed with it asked her to stop and she told me she doesn’t wanna talk to anyone else just because her boyfriend is too sensitive
  10. We never had sex, even though we were together for more than year she never wanted it just used to evade the topic I didn’t want to force her or anything so I just stopped bringing it up. Intimacy died after 6 months we didn’t anything, I tried to talk be more romantic but I was made feel wrong for having those feelings in fact I once told her that I’m kinda in the mood and she straight up told me to watch some porn and not to bother her.
  11. Every morning I used to make her fav drink, pick out clothes for her before her bath, cook for her, every single day while managing my work and she never used to do anything for me
These are just few of the things that had happened, there is a lot more stuff that has happened. This went on till our college ended, we both went to live with our families, for me it was a big shift because I hadn’t lived with all of the in a decade or so plus I was already emotionally stressed and the situation in my family wasn’t great either. It really took a toll on me, it got so bad that I got suicidal and started being in my head a lot more especially since I had no one other than my family that I could meet. During all of this I tried talking to her about it, asked her to be there for me because I had never felt like she was there for me, yet again I was blamed for feeling like that I was so frustrated that I yelled at her and she stopped talking for a week. I had to beg her to comeback, she only did because we were completing one year I wrote her a letter, bought her gifts while I got nothing back as a gift. I stopped expressing myself to her, things just got worse for me. Few month later, she got dengue and for 2 weeks I was there for her in any and every way possible, even though she couldn’t text much or call me because she couldn’t look at screens I did my best to make sure she isn’t alone. One day she just posted on her spam account of how sick she is and replying to all the comments on it, later she sends pictures of bags saying I want these. I felt like shit because she’s told me she can’t look at screens and that’s why she hasn’t been able to talk to me well it wasn’t honestly about talking but rather about how there’s so much going on in my life and she’s not even bothered enough to just ask me how I am doing, yet she’s doing all this. I told her I don’t want to fight I just want to talk and then told her how I felt. Got blamed for it again, suggesting she’s done with me that was the breaking point of my life I couldn’t see anything beyond in my life. She stopped talking to me, I sent her a video apologising and told her I’d be going to the therapist again. For the next month, I didn’t hear voice or see her I asked her what’s going on, told me shut up and said that my needs are always gonna come before hers that broke my heart. I still didn’t give up, I tried to talk to her support her to be there for told her she’s doing great told her I loved her even though she had stopped saying it back to me, one day she asked for money (she told me before she’d be needing it) I sent it to her and later that day she told she wants a break saying how she doesn’t have time for friends let alone a relationship. Even after all of it, I still tried to fix things only to find out tht a week later she was out for dinner with a guy I knew had tried to get with her and that’s when I ended it with her.
It’s been 9 months since then I haven’t talked to her, saw her at the convocation didn’t talk to her. I don’t know all of it still hurts, hopeful things will get better.
If you’ve made it to the end, I really appreciate you reading it all the way through :)
submitted by Similar_Page539 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:48 le_hungry_ghost Were the trading halts during DFV's stream a little sus or a complete waste of time? Come code with me, let's code, let's code away

Were the trading halts during DFV's stream a little sus or a complete waste of time? Come code with me, let's code, let's code away
Trading halts from DFV's stream have been meming hard. But are they really what we think they are? This post will get quick and dirty and try to answer that question with a rough estimation using video frames as a replacement for the raw exchange data.
Before we begin, one rule that we all must try to understand is the Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) rule. More about that can be read here:
Simplified TLDR - Not counting the latter end of power hour, we halt when the price of our beloved stock moves 5% away from the average of all trades over the last 5 minutes.
When trying to do an estimation like this, one's first instinct may be to eyeball the prices on the screen and maybe write down some numbers for calculations. But.. I can't even be trusted with a box of crayons, so how about letting those machines do that work for us.
Like my previous post, the recommended easy way to code along would be using a hosted notebook like Jupyter Lab.

Step 1 - Data Extraction

If have about 800 free MB, 3 hours of computer processing time, and a local environment set up with the necessary libraries (Jupyter lab won't work here), follow along with this step. It's pretty cool the kind of things that can be done with open source applications! If it sounds like too much work, I have uploaded a CSV of the raw extracted data that can get you up to speed to start directly on Step 2.
To do this step you will need to have installed ffmpeg, pytesseract, and OpenCV. You will also need to have the full quality stream (720p 60fps) ripped from YouTube. I'd love to shout out how to do that from the rooftops here, but as a precaution for the sake of our lovely subreddit, I'm going to zip my lips and just say "figure that part out."
Once you have the video, we will use ffmpeg to extract cropped pngs of every single frame. I've already chosen an ideal cropping that minimizes the confusion introduced from text that we are not interested in.
First the Linux command for making a folder called "png" that the frames will go into
mkdir png 
Then the ffmpeg command that extracts 182,881 (yea 50 minutes is a LOT of frames) 80 x 30 images around the price ticker area of the video.
ffmpeg -i "Roaring Kitty Live Stream - June 7, 2024-U1prSyyIco0.mp4" -vf "crop=80:30:160:240" png/dfv_%06d.png 
The codeblocks will use Python. You can the rest of Step 1 in a notebook (but pytesseract and OpenCV would need to be installed).
Import the necessary libraries
import os import cv2 import pandas as pd import pytesseract 
Loop through every still in the png folder using OCR to extract the text to a list. Warning: this step will likely take several hours.
files = sorted(os.listdir("png")) results = [] for file in files: path = os.path.join("png", file) img = cv2.imread(path) text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img) results.append(text) 
Saves a csv of the raw extracted text
raw = pd.Series(results) raw.to_csv("price_extraction_raw.csv", index=False) 

Step 2 - Data Cleaning

If your continuing from Step 1, you'll probably already have a local environment setup that you feel comfortable working in. If not, just upload the CSV of the raw data from the earlier download link to a hosted notebook and you'll be good to go.
First inside the notebook, run this cell to import the libraries and the CSV with the raw frame data.
import numpy as np import pandas as pd # Loads the csv raw = pd.read_csv("price_extraction_raw.csv").squeeze() # Strips out unintended newline characters. raw=raw.str.replace(r"\n", "", regex=True) 
Since we ran the optical recognition over all video frames, there will be some junk in the data. Don't worry though, the structure of the prices will make it very easy to clean up.
# Shows the rows with detected text. raw.dropna()
This small codeblock will take care of the false positives.
# Eliminate any characters that are not numbers or decimals. cleaned = raw.str.replace(r"[^\d\.]", "", regex=True).str.strip().replace("", None) # Clear any rows that have less than 5 characters (two digits, a period, and two decimal places). cleaned = np.where(cleaned.str.len() < 5, None, cleaned) 
Since we used the entire video, the index accurately references the current frame number. To make it easier to navigate, we can add additional columns containing the minute, second, and frame number (that starts over every 60 frames).
# Converts the single column Series into a multi-column DataFrame. cleaned = pd.DataFrame(cleaned, columns=["price"]) # Creates the time columns cleaned["m"] = cleaned.index//3600 # 60 frames * 60 seconds per minute cleaned["s"] = (cleaned.index // 60) % 60 cleaned["f"] = (cleaned.index % 3600) % 60 
At this point, we are almost done cleaning, but on some frames, the optical recognition accidentally detected a fake decimal at the end.
cleaned[cleaned["price"].str.len() > 5]
If we check those with the video, we can see that they are indeed valid (image is cropped here, but holds true for all), so it is safe to remove the last character here.
# Removes trailing characters when there are more than 5 of them. cleaned["price"] = np.where(cleaned["price"].str.len() > 5, cleaned["price"].str[:5], cleaned["price"]) # Changes the datatype to allow calculations to be made. cleaned["price"] = cleaned["price"].astype(float) 
It will also be handy to have each frame indicate if the price reflects that of a trading halt.
# A list of the start and end of every trading halt in video (by price change). halts = [(10802, 19851), # Initial video halt (26933, 45977), # 2nd halt (61488, 80414), # 3rd halt (81325, 100411), # 4th halt (100778, 119680), # 5th halt (136992, 119680), # 6th halt (166473, 178210), # 7th halt ] # Uses the halt frames, to indicate halts in the dataset. cleaned["halted"] = np.where(cleaned["price"].isna(), None, False) # Assumes no unknown values for (start, end) in halts: cleaned["halted"] = np.where((cleaned.index >= start) & (cleaned.index < end), True, cleaned["halted"]) 
A quick preview showing the frames with indicated halts.
cleaned[cleaned["halted"] == True]

Step 3 - Calculating the bands

At this point, we've done enough to run some basic calculations across all of the frames. The following function will automatically do them for any given specified frame number.
def assess_halt(df, index): # The frame that is exactly 5 minutes before the frame examined. frame_offset = index - (5 * 60 * 60) # Since there will be no volume during a halt, we want to exclude # remove values where a halt is indicated. prices = df["price"].copy() prices = np.where(df["halted"] == True, np.nan, prices) # The price at the requested frame. halt_price = df["price"][index] # the frame right before (to rule out the halt suppressing the actual amount) price_before_halt = df["price"][index-1] # The average of all extractable prices in the five minute window. average = np.nanmean(prices[frame_offset:index]) # If there is insufficient at the specified frame, this ends calculations early. if np.isnan(average) or np.isnan(price_before_halt): return halt_price, price_before_halt, None, None, None, None, None # The count can help gauge robustness of the estimated average. count = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(prices[frame_offset:index])) seconds = count / 60 # The estimated bands are calculated by adding and subrtracting 5% from the average. band_low = average - .05 * average band_high = average + .05 * average # Logic to test whether the halt price or the price just before the halt is estimated to be beyond the 5% bands. outside = ((halt_price < band_low) or (halt_price > band_high)) or ((price_before_halt < band_low) or (price_before_halt > band_high)) return halt_price, price_before_halt, average, seconds, band_low, band_high, outside 
Using the list of halts earlier, we can conveniently loop through and make some rough estimations.
rows = [] for halt in halts: row = assess_halt(cleaned, halt[0]) rows.append(row) assessment = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=["halt_price", "price_before_halt", "price_average", "seconds_of_data", "band_low", "band_high", "outside_bands"]) assessment


What is shown here is highly interesting! To see every recorded stop "inside the band" indicates that an overly zealous circuit breaker (or maybe even strategically priced trades to create halts) is not entirely outside the realm of possibility. But it should be noted that these estimations are by no means definitive. Most importantly this method does not account for fluctuations in trading volume. To do it right, we would need access to the raw trading data which as far as I know is unavailable.
I hope this can serve as a good starting point for anyone who is able to take this further.
Edited: just now to fix bug in final outside band logic.
submitted by le_hungry_ghost to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:43 Interesting_Yam_5375 The PDs should of thought about the audience this show was going to attract, a lot of people wanted a wholesome show. How do you guys feel about dating shows now after watching MSR? (Spoilers are included)

I truly felt the PDs should of been more aware of the audience they would attract look what most of us were doing in the comments on reddit, in reaction videos on youtube, so many of us were here for a wholesome dating show to see people be normal, play games and share their stories. I don't find chaos fun that's not why I stayed... I wishes they had some kind of love coach and therapist to the show as a help clinic for people to lightly talk about their worries about love instead (sounds like a stretch but when I was checking the show too hot too handle for the first and last time they had some sort of wellness people doing things for personal growth and i thought it was nice). Anyways I've seen people like me who because of this show has felt like it was the last draw for watching korean dating shows a lot of us hoped this would be different like we would of seen more genuine and authentic people like dovorsed singles 4. I would get so excited and count down the days to watch this show before, but the thing that once made me happy just overwhelmed with stress like its not in a an accelerating way where something goes wrong but you are releived of it at some point (exemplar SS-JS misunderstanding ep 14 but SS apologised). It's like MSR gave us a glimmer of hope in seeing a balance of Romantic and CLASSICAL LOVE ( learnt about this from the school of life and realised the importance of this).
Switching partners is fine but facilitating discomfort and confusion felt wrong. They should of kept the yes/no marker for selection so people can feel free to heal and just be friends while they are here and not dissapoint others.....
I wrote this somewhere else so I'm just copy and paste it. The fatal errors of the show:
  1. what was the point of the telephone calls from parents?
  2. and the bringing of food It was hard to watch when it came to CA x CH do you want us to pity them? It was exclusionary
  3. Glossing over YW career tbh I'm still not sure what he is doing but similar to airing CA past as a yoga instructor they should have done this for YW because it seemed like a big part of his career and lifestyle in comparison to being a pilot. I'm sure JW knows that he's in her industry right? But the viewers dug this up and that's when skepticism started online.
  4. Scheduling to make sure everyone is actually available they made a mistake.
  5. The karaoke episode was so long like 45min to an hour of hmm what song? How do I sound.. it felt filler and a lot of people dropped it at this point.
  6. For a wholesome show that bring in the family what was the point having half of the casts parent show up (there were parents who didnt show up) and the talk eventhough it was still wholesome there was nothing about it was generative besides song picking. I feel like they could of used the time for the parents to share fun facts and beautiful things about their children. This would of done a lot for the viewers to keep in mind.
  7. Finally, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, they should have left the yes and no options for text messaging moving forward. It would of stopped people from getting confused, hurt, rushed and being shamed by the public.
How do you feel about dating shows now, do you feel as helpless as I do?
I swear to you I just paid for a gym membership and I'm going today, I realised I needed more mf hobbies, im just as Jonathan reacted right now 'life doesn't feel real' 'life is a lie' 'people are lying'. Eventhough it is a small minority I still see people trying to validate and normalise YW behaviour and its just insulting to say the least, who wants to live in a society where someone like YW is still pedostalise? he is NOT a catch, you guys sound like the people who would stick by a husband who committed a crime (yes i know its not on the same scale but the principal is the same, gaslighting others with whats wrong with that? its x and y' fault for behaving like this even though they didnt deserve it - showing an inability to understand whats wrong). This is someone everyone wants to avoid but once your in a relationship with the Youngwoos your enamored by the gold plating and it begins to fall apart and patches of rusted metal is shown, you hold hope that you can help them (kind of like was CA did so early on) you try to stick by them because you only see a few patches of rusted metal, you believe in their ability to develop into good people as they gaslight and manipulate you amd they were in capable of cleaning themselves up internally and only suited themselves up externally. This feels like another Gwanhee moment but worse because at least he felt the weight of his behaviour when someone let him know.
submitted by Interesting_Yam_5375 to MySiblingsRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:34 GoAheadMMDay The Jewish religion originated in Egypt.. and was restructured in Babylon

The Jewish religion originated in Egypt.. and was restructured in Babylon
Before we begin, let me say I love the Jewish people and Christians, and I consider all of them my brothers and sisters, as I do all people from all religions and walks of life. We are all God's beloved children.
I thoroughly cherish the ancient wisdom contained in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and in the sacred books of other faiths as well.
Yet over the course of several decades, I discovered several inaccurate teachings which I would like to review. It may not be what most people consider a "conspiracy". Nevertheless, these misconceptions must be revealed for the truth to be known.
Egyptian origins
Judaism - the Jewish religion - originated in ancient Egypt. A mixed group of people from multiple nationalities, including Egyptian, were expelled from Egypt, taking Egyptian beliefs and practices with them, including Egyptian temple designs.
This theory has been around for nearly a hundred years. Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis who lived from 1856 to 1939, wrote about Judaism's link to ancient Egypt in 1939, the final year of his life.
From Wikipedia -
"One of the first to mention this [theory] was Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, in his book Moses and Monotheism.[235] Basing his arguments on his belief that the Exodus story was historical, Freud argued that Moses had been an Atenist priest who was forced to leave Egypt with his followers after Akhenaten's death. Freud argued that Akhenaten was striving to promote monotheism, something that the biblical Moses was able to achieve.[235] Following the publication of his book, the concept entered popular consciousness and serious research.[240][241]"
In this post, I will provide my own arguments supporting Freud's proposition.
I started thinking about the link between ancient Israel and ancient Egypt many years ago during my Bible studies. I was also fascinated with the histories of ancient Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, and others.
Over the years, I began noticing some very significant overlapping beliefs that cannot be dismissed. Some of these points are already known and hotly debated; others are my own observations.
I will be brief, however. This topic is absolutely huge in scope - covering history, archeology and religion. If I were to cover the topic to its fullest extent, it would be a book. I will spare you that torture and simply give you the abridged version.
My purpose? I put this out there for debate and further research.
The exodus out of Egypt
In the late 1300's BC, a large group migrated out of Egypt in what is known as "the exodus".
The exodus out of Egypt
Who were the people who left Egypt in the exodus?
The Bible claims they were almost all Israelites who were living in misery in Egypt. But there is good reason to believe the majority were actually Egyptians, as I explain later.
Black box - where the exodus settled
The group who left Egypt eventually settled between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, forming the nation of Israel.
Three major similarities
Several similarities exist between ancient Israel's religion and ancient Egypt's religion. These similarities are so striking, I propose the Jewish religion actually originated in Egypt, and was brought out of Egypt in the exodus.
• 1) Let's start with the most glaring similarity... the temples.
Ancient Egyptian temple
Key features of the ancient Egyptian temple:
a) outer courtyard, b) two large pillars at front entrance, c) a grand hall, d) an inner shrine with statue.
Left - Moses' tabernacle / Right - Solomon's temple
Key features of Moses' tabernacle and Solomon's temple:
a) outer courtyard, b) two large pillars at front entrance, c) first hall called "the Holy Place", d) an inner sanctuary called "the Most Holy Place" where the Ark of the Covenant was housed.
The similarities between ancient Egypt's temples and Judaism's designs are too similar to dismiss. I conclude those who left Egypt in the exodus brought with them Egypt's temple designs.
• 2) Animal sacrifice is another similarity I propose was brought out of Egypt in the exodus.
"...some of the earliest archeological evidence suggesting animal sacrifice comes from Egypt."
• 3) Lastly, in agreement with Sigmund Freud noted above, I propose Jewish monotheism (worship of one god) was also brought out of Egypt by the migrants who left in the exodus.
Monotheism from Egypt? Wasn't Egypt polytheistic, worshipping multiple deities?
Not always. Egypt had briefly experimented with the worship of one God who was without form. And this period of monotheism in Egypt lines-up perfectly with the time of the exodus.
Egypt's brief experiment with monotheism
There was a brief period in Egypt's history when monotheism flourished. This was during the reign of Akhenaten, around the middle 1300's BC.
Prior to this, Egypt had always practiced polytheism. But Akhenaten reformed Egyptian religion, focusing on one god instead - "Aten" - who was elevated to supreme god, and "the sole god of the Egyptian state religion".
There is much debate over exactly how monotheism was practiced during that time. As Wikipedia explains -
"The views of Egyptologists differ as to whether the religious policy was absolutely monotheistic, or whether it ws monolatristic, syncretistic, or henotheistic.[14][15] This culture shift away from traditional religion was reversed after his death."
For this post, it does not matter how narrow or how broad Akhenaten's monotheism really was. What matters in this discussion is that Akhenaten's reign was an interruption in Egypt's religious system. Akhenaten reformed Egyptian religion, which did not sit well with the traditional priestly class.
After Akhenaten died, Egypt returned to its previous religious system. Akhenaten was vilified, his images chiselled and defaced. Wikipedia adds:
"They discredited Akhenaten and his immediate successors and referred to Akhenaten as "the enemy" or "that criminal" in archival records."
This is why today he is described as "the heretic king", referencing how he was considered after his death.
Exodus from Egypt
I propose Moses was a high ranking member of Akhenaten's court, perhaps even a prince as the Old Testament describes him. Moses likely took over the leadership of the population of monotheists after Akhenaten died.
As Wikipedia notes (already quoted above) -
"Freud argued that Moses had been an Atenist priest [a priest of the god "Aten"] who was forced to leave Egypt with his followers after Akhenaten's death."
I conclude these were the migrants who left Egypt in the exodus. They were Egyptians who practiced monotheism, lead by their high priest, Moses - who was also an Egyptian and priest of the god "Aten".
The monotheists had become unwelcome in the land of Egypt which had returned to polytheism. Akhenaten's son - the famous King Tut - even changed his name to disassociate himself from his father and the monotheism he had introduced. King Tut's original name was Tutankhaten, which he changed to Tutankhamun after Akhenaten's death.
As Wikipedia explains -
"The cult of the god Amun at Thebes was restored to prominence and the royal couple changed their names to "Tutankhamun" and "Ankhesenamun", removing the -aten suffix."
The suffix at the end of their names indicated whom they worshiped, or the god they were associated with. Akhenaten's suffix was "aten", taken from the god "Aten" whom he associated himself with. Tutankhamun's suffix was "amun", taken from the god "Amun" whom he associated himself with.
King Tut thus changed his name to show he was not connected to Akhenaten or the monotheists who worshipped Aten. Egypt's brief experiment with monotheism was over.
Clearly there was a lot of hatred for that brief experimentation with monotheism. What would the atmosphere have been like for the followers of that monotheistic system after Akhenaten died? I imagine there would have been widespread persecution, or at the very least, discrimination.
I propose this lead to the expulsion of a large mass of people out of Egypt in the exodus. They were the monotheists of Egypt - composed mostly of Egyptians, but likely included foreigners living in Egypt who also practiced the monotheism introduced by Akhenaten.
Moses led this group of fellow monotheists out of an angry Egypt that clearly resented the upheaval Akhenaten had brought into Egyptian life. It must have been a forced expulsion, for they were driven into the desert where they were left to roam and fend for themselves. They would not have chosen to go there on their own.
The dates match
And the dates match. Akhenaten reigned from about 1352 to 1335 BC. Moses lived from about 1391 to 1271 BC. (The Bible writers claim he was 120 years old when he died. Could be true, I suppose.)
According to the Bible's account, Moses was 80 years of age at the time of the exodus, dating it to about 1311 BC. That somewhat fits, putting the exodus some 24 years after Akhenaten's death.
Personally, though, I do not see that it would have taken 24 years to expel a group of monotheists who were no longer welcome, whose founder (Akhenaten) was vilified, defamed, and so vehemently hated. I propose the monotheists were expelled right away, perhaps a year or two after Akhenaten's death.
King Tut - Akhenaten's son noted above - was only 6 years of age when Akhenaten died in 1335 BC, much too young to rule as Pharaoh on his own. It wasn't until 3 years later in 1332 BC when Tut finally ascended to the throne at the age of 9. During this brief interval of 3 years, Egypt's rulership was in contention. There was likely a power struggle. I propose it was during this 3-year period of upheaval when the monotheists were expelled.
Another link placing the exodus at the end of Akhenaten's life is a regional plague which struck Egypt and a large part of the Middle East during the last 5 years of Akhenaten's reign.
As Wikipedia explains -
"Following year twelve [of Akhenaten's 16-year reign], Donald B. Redford and other Egyptologists proposed that Egypt was struck by an epidemic, most likely a plague.[127] Contemporary evidence suggests that a plague ravaged through the Middle East around this time,[128] and ambassadors and delegations arriving to Akhenaten's year twelve reception might have brought the disease to Egypt.[129] Alternatively, letters from the Hattians might suggest that the epidemic originated in Egypt and was carried throughout the Middle East by Egyptian prisoners of war.[130] Regardless of its origin, the epidemic might account for several deaths in the royal family that occurred in the last five years of Akhenaten's reign, including those of his daughters Meketaten, Neferneferure, and Setepenre.[131][132]"
Sound familiar? The Bible's story of the Exodus includes a plague which affected all of Egypt, killing even one of Pharaoh's children.
When Moses led the monotheists out of Egypt, he took with him many elements of the monotheistic system that Akhenaten had introduced. I propose this is why Moses' tabernacle looked so similar to Egyptian temples, with even more similarities showing up in Solomon's temple.
Joseph was Imhotep
Yet the Old Testament borrows more from Egypt than just its religious concepts. I propose it also borrows a very famous person... Imhotep.
Multiple similarities exist between Imhotep (a high ranking administrator in ancient Egypt) and the Biblical Joseph (who lived in Egypt before Moses). I propose, as many others do, that the Joseph of the Old Testament was based on Imhotep of ancient Egypt for 3 reasons:
• 1) Let's start with their names...
In "Imhotep", the 1st vowel is "i", the 2nd vowel is "o", the 3rd vowel is "e", followed by a "p".
The name Joseph in Tiberian Hebrew is "Yoseph", and in Aramaic is "Yosep". In both cases, the 1st vowel is "y" (pronounced as short-"i"), the 2nd vowel is "o", the 3rd vowel is "e", followed by a "p" - just as in "Imhotep".
Even the "t" in Imhotep and the "s" in Yosep use similar movements of the tongue.
• 2) Next, their status...
Imhotep occupied a very lofty position in Egyptian court. He was "chancellor to the Pharaoh Djoser, possible architect of Djoser's step pyramid, and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis".
Joseph, for his part, is described in the Bible as having been elevated to the 3rd highest position in Egypt.
• 3) Finally, their great works...
"Imhotep was one of the chief officials of the Pharaoh Djoser. Concurring with much later legends, Egyptologists credit him with the design and construction of the Pyramid of Djoser, a step pyramid at Saqqara built during the 3rd Dynasty. [17] He may also have been responsible for the first known use of stone columns to support a building.[18]"
Similarly, the Bible describes Joseph as having supervised the construction of numerous large stone granaries in which to store "all the grain of Egypt".
Though granaries and pyramids differ in design, we have to acknowledge the similarity... both men were in charge of building massive stone structures.
Also, to the Israelites living after the exodus, when the Old Testament was written, the pyramids of Egypt likely looked to them like the remains of giant granaries of long ago. Thus, where the ancient Egyptians credited Imhotep with constructing pyramids, the Israelites credited Joseph with constructing the same structures - which they thought were old ruined granaries.
Yet there is one gaping hole in this theory that Joseph was Imhotep... they lived in different time periods. Imhotep lived in the 2600's BC (, while Joseph lived in the 1800's BC.
Indeed, they lived centuries apart. But let's keep in mind that the writers of the Old Testament did not have such detailed information as archeologists have today. The writers may have placed Joseph in the wrong century, but they were right to place him a few hundred years before the exodus... just as Imhotep also lived centuries before the exodus.
The Old Testament writers were also correct in the phonetics of the name, the occupation, the works, and the elevated position of importance. I propose the Old Testament writers took Imhotep and claimed him as their own as Joseph.
Claiming Egyptians and others as their own
We can see why the writers of the Old Testament wanted to claim Imhotep as their own, as an Israelite.
Between 1550 and 1077 BC (which overlapped the time of the exodus), Imhotep was worshipped as a "demigod" - one of only a handful of non-royals ever to be deified. ( He was the equivalent of today's superstar. To claim Imhotep as a fellow Israelite gave them a tremendous boost of pride.
They also claimed Moses as their own. As the Old Testament account goes, Moses was born an Israelite, was sent adrift on a river to escape slaughter, was rescued by an Egyptian princess, and was raised as a prince in Egypt's court.
They also claimed Abraham as one of their forefathers, a Mesopotamian who lived in the city of Ur by the lower Euphrates river near the Persian Gulf.
Noah, too, was claimed as an even more distant forefather, when in fact the story of Noah, the ark, and the flood were copied from the ancient Sumerian text "The Epic of Gilgamesh".
In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian king Uta-napishtim survived a flood by building a large vessel which he filled with animals. As Wikipedia explains -
"The story of Uta-napishtim has drawn scholarly comparisons due to the similarities between it and the storylines about Noah in the Bible."
But why did the Israelites claim all of these people as their own?
• The ancient-Sumerian Uta-napishtim (whom they renamed Noah),
• the late-Sumerian Abram of Ur (whom they renamed Abraham),
• the ancient-Egyptian Imhotep (whom they renamed Joseph),
• and the later-Egyptian Moses?
I propose it was to give the Israelites a sense of national identity. They were about to form a new nation.
Forming a new nation after Babylon
In 597 BC, Babylon besieged Jerusalem, taking several thousand Israelites captive to Babylonia. More Israelite captives were taken during the following 10 years. In 587 BC, Jerusalem and its temple were ultimately destroyed. Israel was no longer a nation; its people were captives in Babylon.
Nearly 50 years later, in 539 BC, Persian king Cyrus the Great and his armies conquered Babylon. As per his tradition, he benevolently released captives.
"Cyrus was particularly renowned among contemporary scholars because of his habitual policy of respecting peoples' customs and religions in the lands that he conquered."
The Israelites were about to be freed. We can picture Cyrus' officials gathering the Israelite priests and leaders together, telling them to prepare themselves for their return back to their homeland west of the Jordan River.
After nearly 60 years in captivity, the Israelites needed to organize themselves into a new nation. They needed laws, a history, and a national identity. I propose this is when the first section of the Old Testament - the Torah - was written... in 539 BC in Babylon, just before returning to their ancestral land west of the Jordan River.
The Torah comprises the first 5 books of the Old Testament - Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
What makes this significant for the Israelites living in Babylon is that these 5 books cover everything they need in forming a new nation - a national history, a code of laws, a structured religion, and a pact with God for his protection - as explained in Wikipedia
• Of the book of Genesis:
"At God's command ... Abraham journeys from his home [in Mesopotamia] into the ... land of Canaan. ... The narrative is punctuated by a series of covenants with God..."
This book was important, as it paralleled the journey the Israelites were about to make, leaving Babylon (which was Mesopotamia) on their way to the land of Canaan - just like Abraham had done himself some 1,200 years before. Yet they ought not be fearful, for they were the beneficiaries of multiple covenants with God.
• Of the book of Exodus:
"...modern scholarship sees the book as initially a product of the Babylonian exile, 6th century BC..."
In other words, it was initially compiled in Babylon during Israelite captivity.
"Carol Meyers, in her commentary on Exodus, suggests that it is arguably the most important book in the Bible, as it presents the defining features of Israel's identity: memories of a past marked by hardship and escape, a binding covenant with God, ... and the establishment of the life of the community and the guidelines for sustaining it.[31]"
In other words, the book of Exodus gave the Israelites valuable guidelines to forming a new nation.
• Of the book of Leviticus:
"...rules of clean and unclean ... the laws of slaughter and animals permissible to eat ... various moral and ritual laws ... a detailed list of rewards for following God's commandments and a detailed list of punishments for not following them."
In other words, Leviticus instructs the Israelites on matters of worship, cleanliness, and diet. Again, important information for a people about to form a new nation.
• Of the book of Numbers:
"Numbers is the culmination of the story of Israel's exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession of the land God promised their fathers."
This parallels their situation at that time, in 539 BC, as they too were about to leave oppression in Babylon on their journey back to take possession of the same land.
• Of the book of Deuteronomy:
"One of its most significant verses is Deuteronomy 6:4 ... which has become the definitive statement of Jewish identity: "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one."
In other words, the Israelites leaving Babylon were reminded of their most identifying characteristic... their monotheism.
Borrowing from Babylon
Yet in preparing the first 5 books of the Old Testament - the Torah - the Israelite priests in Babylon borrowed much from Babylon itself.
They borrowed details from Babylonian creation stories, and copied the flood story from the Epic of Gilgamesh.
They also added a code of laws copied from Babylonian laws, as noted in Wikipedia - :
"The Code of Hammurabi and the Law of Moses in the Torah contain numerous similarities."
Hammurabi was a king of ancient Babylon in the 1700's BC, some 400 years before Moses' time, and 1,200 years before the Israelites resided in Babylon. It wasn't really the Law of Moses, but the Code of Hammurabi - tailored, customized, and re-branded as the Law of Moses when the Torah was written in Babylon.
Preparing for the journey home
The purpose for compiling the first 5 books of the Old Testament was quite simply to prepare the Israelites living in Babylon for their journey back home.
This is why they referred to the land they were returning to as "the Promised Land", "a land flowing with milk and honey", and their "inheritance".
This is why the Torah contained examples of others who had left one land to go to another. Through the stories of Abraham and Moses, the idea of leaving behind a land they knew to go to a land they did not know was packaged and presented to the Israelites living in Babylon - who were now being asked to do the same thing themselves.
Abraham was born and raised in Ur, near the southern Euphrates river in Mesopotamia. That's the land of Babylon, the same land the Israelites were now living in. Yet he moved out of that land and went to the land west of the Jordan River, and the account tells how God blessed him for it.
In the time of Moses, a great many Israelites were born and raised in Egypt. Yet they moved out of that land and went to the land west of the Jordan River, and the account tells how God blessed them for it.
Do we see the recurring theme? After more than 50 years in captivity, most of the original captives were no longer alive. By the time of their release in 539-538 BC, most Israelites had been born and raised in Babylon. Babylon was the only land they knew. Most did not know the land to which they were going, west of the Jordan River.
But if Abraham and his family living in Mesopotamia did it, if Moses and the Israelites living in Egypt did it - that is, left a land they knew to go to a land they did not know - and it went well for them... then it would also go well for the Israelites being asked to leave Babylon, the only land most of them knew, to go to a land almost none of them knew.
And thus, I propose... The Old Testament was written to organize the Israelites exiled in Babylon into a new nation, encouraging them to pack their belongings and go to the land west of the Jordan River with zeal and courage.
This is why they took several persons from other cultures and made them their own... including Uta-napishtim (whom they renamed Noah), Abram (whom they renamed Abraham), Imhotep (whom they renamed Joseph), and Moses - giving them a sense of national identity and pride.
Many of the Old Testament's accounts, laws, and people were adopted from external sources, modified, tweaked, and repackaged to give the Israelites courage on their return to "the land of their forefathers" and the "Promised Land" - a testament and promise that God would be with them just as He was with Abraham and Moses and all the families who made similar moves so very long before.
I contend...
Yet I contend the most important piece of information was withheld from the Israelites living in Babylon... that their religion was started by an ancient Pharaoh of Egypt whom they didn't even know... Akhenaten.
I contend their leader Moses was not of Israelite descent, but was Egyptian, a high priest of the Egyptian god Aten.
I contend the early Israelites were not descended from Abram of Ur in Mesopotamia, but were descended from Egyptians, monotheists who were expelled from Egypt when the founder of their religion - Akhenaten - died.
I contend the Israelites were first told they descended from Abram in 539 BC when the Torah was written, as they preapred to resettle west of the Jordan River. I further content the only reason they were told they descended from Abram of Ur was to draw a parallel between Abram's leaving the land of Sumer (same land as Babylon) to go west of the Jordan - just as the Israelites were being asked to leave Babylon to go west of the Jordan in 539 BC.
I contend Jewish religion was shaped by Babylonian mythology, and their nation was built on Babylonian laws. I further contend that had the Israelites not been taken captive into Babylon, they would not have had the law code they had, nor the same story of creation, nor the story of Noah's flood - for these were all Babylonian.
Even their temple and their monotheism were not entirely theirs, but were Egyptian.
As much as I cherish the ancient wisdom found in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, I must draw attention to the religion's origins... it originated in Egypt, with significant restructuring in Babylon.
Joseph Cafariello
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to conspiracy_posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:27 mintgraph321 I let my (22M) ego agitate and piss off my partner (19F) and i feel remorseful about it. When she talks to me about it later on, how should I approach it in a natural way?

Ight so imma start off wit this... Me and my girl been together for like 1.5 months now. Might be a lil early for problems to arise but we been alright yk. Shes a sweet woman and been very talkative with me even when i myself sometimes tend to be quiet and not have much to say. We have a long distance relationship and I drove bout 4 hours from the bottom of va to right near DC where shes at. We kicked it off good i say... Those 4 days was so heartwarming i say. Problems arised when i got home and I was tired from driving all those 4 days for hours and hours. I got back and she told me she misses me in which I do too like I was having heartracing moments to where its like I wanna be with her but ofc I had things back home and to travel down there to be her, things could happen that could impact things. I would also not be available at times bc of my job which she understands and knows very well since she sometimes text me right when im on break or when i get off. I tend to check on her at times bc I be gone for a hot min to get my thought together and prepare for a 8 hr evening shift. I put my phone on dnd bc i dont want to have things pile up in my mind while im working bc if i do, it really affects how my performance is emotionally. Now in the recent days which is today and yesterday, she told me how she been going thru some heavy shit like her family just on the rails like some. I figured she be very emotional in which she is usually at times but i try to be honest with her and give her some advice and help her sort this out. I told her if she doesnt wanna tell me, im ok wit that. If she does, thats ok too. Unfortunately I let my ego just pass by me this evening bc she was really going thru it. She was telling me and her best friend (F18) about it. After i gave her advice, I told her bout my problems in which now i know thats probably the wrong thing to do in that situation bc she told me im glad we worked out the situation... I was confused and was like all we did was let it all out in the open and she was like she told her bestie and its all good now. I said oh ok and put on dnd... She ss'd my snap profile and possibly told on me. Saying I damn near didnt listen to what she said and just passed on thru that and told her bout my problems instead. I was like WHOA... I was just like crap not rn in my head. She dismissed me going to sleep and I got mad at the situation but i posted this bc I sorta knew that the problem was her family and Me in a way. Mind I be nervous at times and might not know what to say atm bc I dont want to piss somebody off unintentionally buttt ofc I let my own damn ego just out in the open and what that do...
When she texts me later on, Im not really sure how to approach it naturally... I dont want to start off with just im sorry with no type of explanation. Like Ik i did wrong doing that crap and lord knows I dont want her doing anything rash bc of my shit i did there. I want to let her talk that shit out and get on me for what i did cause I admit what i did was wrong but i want her to say it before i say anything to show I actually care and I didnt mean for what I said and did to really get into her head like that. Ofc Im upset she ss'd my snap profile and did idk what she mightve did but... hmm. I might as well as be real and let her know full on what i did and how i know it was messed up and i acted out in the wrong way ofc.
Do yall have any tips on how to approach this?
submitted by mintgraph321 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:03 Equivalent-Art2875 WIBTAH if I reached out to a friend who hasn’t spoken to me in 3 years

I’m not sure if this is the right place and I’m going to apologize ahead of time for being very long-winded. I have had the same best friend for the last 30 years within the last 10 we have both struggled with our sobriety. It got to the point where I needed to leave the state to ensure that I didn’t end up dead. I’m proud to say that I’m nine years sober With only one relapse. About two years ago, my best friend stopped answering my calls. We were on different timelines for our sobriety journey, but she is the closest thing to family that I’ve ever had. We both grew up low to middle class minorities within an upper class neighborhood and always bonded on that, I can admit that I am a hot mess and I heavily rely on my support system for my mental health issues and I can admit that that can be a huge burden. that being said we have several mutual friends and I have not asked any of them to facilitate a reunion I miss her dearly, but at the same time if I were a partner that refused to let another partner leave the relationship that would be seen as abuse. I feel like after being friends for the last 30 years it would be nice to know why we are not in communication at all, for those of you who will bring up the sobriety issue she is in contact with our other mutual friends that have also gotten sober. I’ve reached out to her via email and text with no response. We are both in a wedding of a childhood friend in the upcoming weeks. I have absolutely zero desire to have an in-depth conversation with her at our friends wedding. It’s their day not ours. I’m wondering if I should attempt to reach out one more time before we see each other after not speaking for three years if I reached out again, would that make me an asshole? Should I just let it go and try to move on with my life.
submitted by Equivalent-Art2875 to WouldIBeTheAhole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:00 AutoModerator DfD Discussion Thread, June 09, 2024

Shitposts, blogposts, and hot takes go here. When linking tweets, users are highly encouraged to include tweet text and descriptions of any pictures and videos. If linking to YouTube videos, please indicate it's a YouTube video.
Keep it friendly and wholesome!
submitted by AutoModerator to DemocratsforDiversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:32 Due_Split_355 Losing self worth & belief after a breakup. Didn't handle the breakup well. It hits us harder yeah?

Anyone else struggle for a long time after the breakup? It's been 5 months & I'm still barely functioning.
Anyone else not handle it well with too many texts, too many reach outs, splitting hot & cold, nice then rude?
Anyone else burn that bridge completely?
Anyone else feel like you literally lost touch with reality for months until you finally got spat out into a hole of your own misery?
Anyone else's life completely fall apart? Loss of work/business? Self isolation?
I dont like any of the above, but it all happened. I've started dbt & slowly trying to rebuild myself.
submitted by Due_Split_355 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:31 Due_Split_355 Losing self worth & belief after a breakup. Didnt handle the breakup well. It hits us harder yeah?

Anyone else struggle for a long time after the breakup? It's been 5 months & I'm still barely functioning.
Anyone else not handle it well with too many texts, too many reach outs, splitting hot & cold, nice then rude?
Anyone else burn that bridge completely?
Anyone else feel like you literally lost touch with reality for months until you finally got spat out into a hole of your own misery?
Anyone else's life completely fall apart? Loss of work/business? Self isolation?
I dont like any of the above, but it all happened. I've started dbt & slowly trying to rebuild myself.
submitted by Due_Split_355 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:11 Competitive-Gold-375 Should I go no contact?

There is so much to this story but I will try to be as concise as possible.
I (23f) and my now ex (25m) just called it quits after about 6 months. We met in January and I had just signed a lease for end of May with my little sister in a city 3 hours away from where he currently lives. Up until now we’ve lived 30 mins apart with me being the only one with a car. It was cool at first because I worked at a restaurant in his town and would pick him up and go hang out at a pool hall after my shifts. I live with my mom because I moved home to save up and move out again, he lives with his brother who is strange at best, and we decided to not hang out at our dwellings if we can help it. Some things have happened through out the relationship that have honestly disappointed me and I’ve grown a small bit of resentment towards him. He was supposed to start saving for a car, pay me back for some things I had splurged on for us at his request, and had expressed the desire to move to the city I was going to be living in, as he has lived there before (I asked him many times not to make a life decision based on me). Slowly I learned he has a drinking problem that he really likes to downplay and alcohol has been the source of every problem I’ve had with the relationship. He ended up cheating (by my definition at least) by drunkenly engaging in explicit messages with another girl about hooking up. She exposed him to me and I found out that 6 weeks prior they had hung out in person while I was recovering from a knee surgery that had me out of work for a month. He claims we were broken up when they hung out that day but the reality is he would get drunk at night and proceed to dump me via text because he thought he wasn’t good enough for me. And the next day he would want things to be okay and back to normal again. These “break ups” happened 3 distinct times. I’ve since learned that when someone tells you that, you should listen.
I feel like I’ve enabled him to a certain extent because all I want to do is make him happy, I avoid conflict sometimes and bit my tongue when I should have been loud and clear. For weeks I tried to talk about the reality of what our relationship would look like when I’m moved into my new place, and he was never really receptive to my concerns. Last week he finally came to terms with the fact that he didn’t do the things that were necessary on his end for us to work through the distance and asked me if we could mutually break up. It honestly relieved me because I didn’t take my first out with the cheating shit and I know I should have.
I’m a sensitive girl and I totally cry more than I want to admit. I thought I would be a hot mess, and the first 36 hours I was. After that I leaned on my friends and family and I’m honestly doing good! I let go of the expectations I had of him and it’s just not the end of the world for me. I fear he isn’t of the same mindset at all. We’ve had phone calls and text conversations since the break up and I’ve seen him twice in person. Both times he had been drinking heavily. The thing is, I know I can’t fix him, it’s not my job and I don’t want to. But every time we talk (he initiates), he sounds like he’s self destructing. I have no clue how to help. I’m the only support he thinks he has but I know his mom and dad would help him get over me if he would just try to talk to someone other than me. He seems to think he shouldn’t talk about his feelings with his mom but she’s a very smart lady who I have so much respect for. He calls me to vent and says he doesn’t want solutions (because I’ve said that before when ranting about work bs that I wanted to share but didn’t need advice on).
Im at a crossroads and don’t know what to do because I do care about him but it’s not my problem anymore, nor do I want it to be. I’m just scared he is going to literally drink himself to death. He’s had a rough past two years, his best friend OD’d and passed, he has a child with a crazy ex who shits on him and keeps their kid from him, and he is working through the consequences of a DUI from before we met. His solution to all of this is to just drink himself to sleep. He told me he hasn’t eaten since I took him to get food the night I brought some of his stuff back. I feel like the next best thing I can do is let his mom know he isn’t okay and go no contact. What do you think?
submitted by Competitive-Gold-375 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:52 SoftSend Trouble Animating a Gui to Fade In

Hello, I am building a Gui to act as a basic launcher for routinely used apps. The functionality works fine but I want the gui to fade in with a transparent effect, going from 100% transparent to a set value over 100 loops. I know there are some fancy ways to make the animation happen that some very smart people have made but I can't debug where the problem is with mine.
windowFadeIn(transparency) { iter := 100 Loop iter { WinSetTransparent abs(round((transparency*(A_Index/iter)))), lngui.Hwnd sleep(20) } } 
The issue is when the script runs, the duration of the 'sleep' time is with 100% transparency. Then at the end of the loop the gui appears with no frames between start to finish. The above is the problem function and below is the full script so you can see it in action.
#Requires Autohotkey v2.0+ #SingleInstance #WinActivateForce /* Launcher for some common use AHK scripts Table of contents 1. Global 2. Variables 3. Functions 4. Gui Properties 5. Build Gui 6. Opening the Gui 7. Button Functions */ /* 1. Global */ global lngui_props := object() ;stores gui_props in an object ;TODO TraySetIcon("path to .ico") lngui_props.show_commands_tips := True lngui_props.query_autocomplete := True /* 2. Variables */ /* 3. Functions */ ;___properties and states reset_lngui_props(mainoff := "main") { ;return to a factory state lngui_props.state := mainoff } is_lngui_state(state) { ;check state of gui return (lngui_props.state == state) } is_lngui_on() { ;check if gui is on return ! is_lngui_state("off") } set_lngui_state(state) { ;set state of gui lngui_props.state := state } ;___Interacting with the Gui close_lngui(*) { ToolTip() reset_lngui_props("off") lngui.Destroy() } /* TODO lngui_activable() {;conditions to be met to allow the hotkey try { return !InStr(WinGetTitle("A"), "Remote Desktop") } return True } */ windowFadeIn(transparency) { iter := 100 Loop iter { WinSetTransparent abs(round((transparency*(A_Index/iter)))), lngui.Hwnd sleep(20) } } /* 4. Gui Properties */ lngui_props.title := "Launcher" reset_lngui_props("off") /* 5. Build Gui */ build_gui() { global lngui lngui := Gui() acccolor := "FFB900" ;accent color backcolor := "1d1f21" ;bg color common_text_lngui_opts := "xm w400 cc5c8c6 -E0x200" common_btn_lngui_opts := "xm w400 h70 y+20" lngui.Opt("AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu -caption +Border ") lngui.SetFont("s24", "boda") lngui.Title := lngui_props.title lngui.backColor := backcolor lngui._text := lngui.AddText(common_text_lngui_opts " c" acccolor, lngui_props.title) lngui._text.SetFont("") lngui.SetFont("s14") btn1 := lngui.AddButton(common_btn_lngui_opts " c" acccolor, "&Notepad") btn1.OnEvent("Click", Notepad) btn1.Opt("xm") btn2 := lngui.AddButton(common_btn_lngui_opts " c" acccolor, "&Spotify") btn2.OnEvent("Click", Spotify) btn2.Opt("") btn3 := lngui.AddButton(common_btn_lngui_opts " c" acccolor, "&AutoHotKey") btn3.OnEvent("Click", AHK) btn3.Opt("") btn4 := lngui.AddButton(common_btn_lngui_opts " c" acccolor, "&Remote Desktop") btn4.OnEvent("Click", Remote) btn4.Opt("") btnEnd := lngui.AddButton(common_btn_lngui_opts " c" acccolor, "&Open All") btnEnd.OnEvent("Click", RunAll) btnEnd.Opt("") lngui.OnEvent("Escape", close_lngui) reset_lngui_props("main") lngui_props.click_exit := True windowFadeIn(230) lngui.Show("autosize") } /* 6. Opening the Gui */ build_gui() /* 7. Button Functions */ runScript(path) { /* exists := DirExist(path) if exists { Run path } if not exists { close_lngui() error := MsgBox("File path not accessible, connect HDD", "Failed to Open", "4096") build_gui() } */ Run path close_lngui() } Notepad(*) { PrismMC := "C:\Users\profile\..." runScript(PrismMC) } Spotify(*) { Spotify := "C:\Users\profile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\Spotify.exe" runScript(Spotify) } AHK(*) { AHK := "C:\Users\profile\OneDrive\Desktop\scripts\" runScript(AHK) } Remote(*) { Remote := "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Remote Desktop.lnk" runScript(Remote) } RunAll(*) { Notepad Spotify AHK Remote } Suspend 0 ;re-enable hot keys 
If any of you superstars are so inclined to help a poor soul out with one more thing, I'm struggling with gui option parameters for building a dashboard. I could make it happen with HTML/CSS but I'm struggling to piece together how to use r, xm, xs, ys... to build an 'n column' by 'n row' dashboard within the gui. Specifically for the 4 buttons (btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4). It may just be the formatting of the gui but I don't understand what parameter prevents creating columns.
submitted by SoftSend to AutoHotkey [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 Notadabatahu Let me present to you the truth about non-violence in Indian religions

Let me present to you the truth about non-violence in Indian religions
The above is from Jain text Tattvartha Sutra. It captures the essence of non-violence in Indian religions - Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.
Basically, something is ONLY counted as violence IF, and only if, done with 'passion', meaning with emotions like anger. If it isn't done with anger, the rule doesn't apply and you are considered not guilty.
This is the central message in Bhagavad Gita too - Krishna tells Arjuna to kill the opponents, not with attachment, but while thinking of Krishna at the time of killing. Doing so frees him from the karma of killing. Yes, the religions are teaching people to simply kill others in cold blood rather than hot blood, that's all.
Want more evidence? Simple, look at the casteist laws of Dharmashastras of Hinduism. In it, Brahmins acquire lesser punishments than a Sudra for the same crime - be it murder, rape or theft. Why? Because Brahmins are considered to be practicing 'non-passion'. So even if a Brahmin rapes you, he is assumed to have done it in non-passion and therefore punished only by a small fine.
Buddhism is called non-violent but the truth is even in Buddhism 'non-violence' is the same - violence done without passion is called 'non-violence'. There are several stories of Buddha killing people, especially in previous births. Where do you think Buddhist violence against Muslims and Hindus in Myanmar and Sri Lanka originates from? They simply declare that they do the violence 'without passion' and for 'righteous cause' and it is excused.
Let me also remind the people here that Ajatashatru, an ancient Jain king, was also one of the most brutal kings in India.
Now you know what the truth about 'non-violence' is.
submitted by Notadabatahu to atheismindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:27 Maleficent-Air4044 I '20M' don't know if I should break up with my '19M' long term partner, who hasn't done anything significantly wrong, any advice?

TLDR: I want independency and freedom, but I don't know how to break up with someone who hasn't done anything wrong.
Hi, don't use reddit much so sorry for poor structure to follow lol, this is quite a long and personal one too. I'll give some background info first: we've been together for just over 2 years and its been long distance, but it's been a difficult 2 years. We rushed into the relationship, going from strangers to 'we are gonna date' within a week. This caused the first year or so to be very difficult, having to learn basic information about each other whilst having been dating for months, and with him initially not allowing me to hang out with friends without texting him, and me admittedly making very long term plans for the future (moving in together, our future careers and where we'd like to live). After the first year, it definitely got better as we both matured a lot, with him improving significantly on his self esteem issues, and me realising that significant long term plans early on in a relationship can set a false hope. The only reason we got through this difficult part was because I had to teach him (and myself) how to be better boyfriends for each other. He initially didnt see anything wrong with his actions or thoughts and believed them to be normal. As such, the past 9 months have been more pleasant, we meet up at least every 2 months, and when we can't physically see each other, we call, text and make sure we have online dates, like watching movies together or playing video games together.
Recently however, I realised I need freedom, due to a controlling and bad upbringing. I just want freedom, and to cut ties with everything in my life. I want to travel, I want to do things without telling anyone and I want to just enjoy being young. Since the start of the relationship however, we both agreed we were in this for the long term, and want to have a future together, but I know saying this stuff when you're young is stupid.
However, over the past couple of months, he's been a much better partner; it feels like he's always improving in one way or another. We still have some hot-button topics we can't talk about without it blowing up into an argument (more on that later), but things are a lot more healthy in comparison to last year. But I feel like the spark has been lost. I don't know if it's worth trying reignite it, I'm not willing to give up on him so easily, but that does also come with its own problems.
I believe he has been lying about applying for jobs, despite promising me he would get a job soon for our entire relationship, he's only sent off 4 applications in 2 years (as far as I'm aware). He is able to work, but I feel like he chooses not to. I have a strong work ethic on the other hand, I've always had a job since I was 15, or finding ways to earn money since I was 13 (and not pocket money or chores either). I can't really discuss this with him as this topic always ends up blowing up into an argument, no matter how I phrase it.
This is an issue as I believe dates should be 50/50, yet i tend to be paying for 95% of dates and the other 5% we split the bill. This also upsets him when I can't pay for more dates, as he tries to find ways I could get an advance on my pay or take money from my savings account to pay for stuff. He struggles to accept the fact that sometimes, we have to just stay home and find something fun to do there.
However, a selfish part of me wants to stay with him since I've planned to move in with him and his family within the next 3 months and it would mean, in simple terms, a more stable life.
As for how I'm feeling about the relationship, I love him as a person, but I'm not in love with him. I've lost almost all physical desires for him (not that it's a big issue anyway - I'm on anti-depressants so I'm only in the mood for sex once every couple of weeks), and I just don't see him in the same light as I used to. I used to see him as this cute, nerdy guy who had his own interests and was very emotional but caring, but now I just see him as a lazy nerd who is sitting at home playing video games all day. We get along well, the happiest I am with him is when we're talking casually, like you would with a friend. Of course relationships are cyclical, but this feeling has been growing for months now, and not matter what I try, nothing changes. I'm willing to give it another shot, to take him out on dates and spice the relationship up.
I feel like if we were both 5-7 years older, had finished with our education, matured a bit, and had full time jobs, I would be willing to settle down with him. To me, it kinda feels like a 'right person, wrong time' type of situation. He has some maturing to do, and I have some personal goals I want to reach first. This is why I'm hesitant to break up with him: he loves me unconditionally. Even though I've been distant recently (exams and personal life drama), he still messages me with the same love he's always shown me. He really is a special, unique person with unconditional and limitless love to give, and that's why I'm scared to lose him - I don't think I'll ever find someone as loving as him.
I know this situation is very complicated and has a lot of layers, I just want people's opinions on what to do, i dont have many friends i can speak to about this. Should I try harder to reignite the spark and push back my own desires for freedom, or should I bite the bullet and prioritise what I want to do?
submitted by Maleficent-Air4044 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:23 clouddancer25 Please help my curls!

So, I cut my hair really short recently because of how damaged it was and my curls don't hold its shape (well my curls weren't the BEST before but they still looked good for d1). I realized I need a whole new curly hair routine because I just think I'm not doing anything right and I don't really have anyone to help me figure out what a true curly hair routine should be.
My hair is thin and its a 2C/3A texture depending on the day.
My routine is kinda simple:
And I use a cotton t-shirt to scrunch my curls, obviously applying these products on wet hair and sleeping in a wrap or silk pillow case. I barely blow-dry or use any hot products on my hair (probs like once a month or less if I have a party or concert to go to) and I try to wash my hair fully every 3-4 days.
I figured out I also have low porosity hair, because by d2 my hair is all dry and my curls are gone, and even when I redo my curls it doesn't as good and just dirty. I'd love if anyone would recommend some better products or add/remove anything from my routine. I can also provide photos or any other info needed I'd just love any help! <3
submitted by clouddancer25 to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:21 Adventurous-Dirt-291 uptick in meanness?

I picked up an order tonight and recognized the address as being a really swanky hotel. In the app, it says if a room number is referenced to take it to the room, and because there was no other instructions, I took it to the room number that was indicated.
When I got to the floor, I realized the number didn't exist so I called down on the house phone to the front desk and verified that there was no such hotel room number as listed. The hotel front desk person verified nope there is no room number XYZ.
Called the customer and immediately the lady flew off the handle and said what are you doing? Going to my room I'm downstairs. Why the f85@%## are you upstairs?
I sent her a screenshot of the instructions and said I was happy to bring it downstairs but also that the room number was incorrect and she corrected me and said "don't you F@(king know how to read? what's wrong with you why don't you get a job? is it because you don't know how to read? "
by the time i got down the elevator and back into the very glamorous lobby, the very entitled "lady" was screaming names at me and saying the most derogatory things i've heard in almost 8000 deliveries. i really try and do a good job, but people have been excessively aggressive lately.
i hand her the food as she tried to wrest it out of hot bag and as i was walking out the lobby she grabbed her three kids and said for them to move or "i would probably run them down..." um?
Because i'm gonna drive through the lobby? whut? she continued to yell and scream as i exited. in front of probably forty little kid baseball players. all i could think of was how she must act at games.
anyhoo. she proceeded to continue to then text me names, insults, and harangue me. Doordash sent me an email saying they banned her from the platform. i'm not sure if that's real. but it did make me question whether i love this like i used to. thanks for listening.
submitted by Adventurous-Dirt-291 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:10 Kaiju_zero [Complete] [137K] [Supernatural Romantic Thriller] Angel's Demon

WARNING: This is classified as a fan-fiction in the Hazbin Hotel world. I know FF is frowned upon by many. This story is set 99% in an original world with only one HH character as a major character. The story is original, the world is mine, as well as the OCs.
Title: Angel's Demon
Word Count: 136,466
Genres: Supernatural ThrilleRomance
Audience: 16+
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, Gore, Sexual assault/molestation (implied only), Sexual situations (On page), profanity, drinking, smoking. (TBH, it just clicked how dark this sounds)
Feedback requested: Obvious plot holes. Missing details (I know for a fact I need to add descriptive text for character introductions during revisions), the fact that I have sections that change from present to past tense (I know of a few but getting them all pointed out as I begin working on editing will be SO welcomed) Confusion about action/events. and I welcome suggestions to add details to certain situations to flesh out what may seem lacking (A battle between two demons is far shorter than I'd intended, and will likely improve that as well) As for grammar, spelling and so on; I have a couple of programs that point those out. If anyone were to say 'Hey, let me edit for you'.. after four months of writing.. I'd scream yes.
Summary: Kevin Collins, AKA "Angel" Is an ex-special forces ranger turned tracker. His self imposed mission; to find and rescue lost, kidnapped and exploited children. On one of his missions, he stumbles upon an injured woman. Believing she's a victim who escaped, he takes her to his van and dresses her wounds, asking who she is. She says her name is Charlotte, but she can't remember anything else. She asks how he found her, and he explains what he's there for. When she learns that children are in danger, she changes into a demon; something that scares the both of them. She begs Angel to not abandon her, and offers to use her powers to help him on his mission. He agrees, and so begins their journey to save souls, discover her past and in the process; fall in love. However, their journey will attract the attention of an evil so great, it threatens to rip them apart and make Charlotte into the most dangerous demon on Earth.
Scene Summary: Charlotte's first semi- solo mission to find and rescue a lost child in the mountains. (chapter 6)
Seconds had ticked by and Charlotte was already ahead of the groups that had begun to fan out. She cleared 50 yards ahead and stopped. Closing her eyes, she inhaled as deeply as she could and was greeted with a barrage of smells. Trees, bushes, animals, flowers, insects.. she could detect them all. But the scent of the boy was absent. Determined, she began to run, her cloven feet deftly carrying her over fallen branches, jagged trails and she moved in a wide zig-zag pattern, covering a lot of distance in minutes. Stopping at a sound she hadn’t quite picked up before, she closed her eyes and recognized a river, flowing fast in the distance south of her. She took another strong whiff and was greeted by the scent of water, algae, fish, mud and..
Her eyes snapped open. The boy’s scent was mixed into the rolling smells of the river! Turning towards the strongest of the smells, she picked up her pace and raced towards the river, opening up all of her senses to their max. In moments, she stood on the bank and looked down at the rushing waters. The sun had faded and now with the overcast clouds, twilight was taking hold. Darting her eyes and inhaling as deep as she could, she picked up two things; the scent of fear and distant crying.
“Angel?” She whispered into the headset. In took a couple of beats, and she heard his smooth voice.
“I’m here. Had to move away a bit from the others first. You have something?”
“I got his scent! I can’t tell how far off he is, but I think he’s in the river!”
Angel hissed urgently, “Go! Find him!”
She didn’t give a response as her legs started moving. Heart aching, Charlotte followed the scent and sound for nearly 300 yards down river, having now gone out of the search grid area. Thanks to her demon form, she alighted over the rough terrain, her eyes wide to let all the possible light in and give her a clear view of her surroundings. A quick pause to listen, the sounds of crying now lapped over the sounds of the river and she honed in.
Stepping over a ridge of an embankment, she looked down into the rushing water and there was the boy, stuck in a fallen tree that was a third of the way into the fast moving river. She quickly accessed that he had to have fallen in some place upstream and got carried to this spot, catching the tree to stop himself, but the water was too fast for him to pull himself out. She could tell he was fading, fast. If she didn’t get him out, he’d drown.
“Angel!” She radioed, “I found him! I found him! Track the tag! I have to get him out, now!”
“I’m coming!” Angel’s voice affirmed, with a hint of pride for her, and she clicked off the radio and looked around, seeing what she could do.
“Fuck, if only I had wings!” She cursed her limitations, but pushed it aside as she needed to rely on what she did have. Moving down to the edge of the river, Charlotte saw that he was out of her reach by some twenty feet. Testing the strength of the fallen tree, she tentatively started to crawl out but could only get half way when she heard snapping. The tree was not going to hold her weight if she went any further. Quickly thinking, Charlotte wrapped her demon tail around a thicker branch and slipped into the rushing water, the force more than she anticipated and it knocked her against the tree.
“OOMPH!” She let out a pained shout and the boy looked her way, eyes bloodshot from crying and let out a fearful whimper. Cursing herself again, she bit her lip and reached out for him. She knew he'd be scared at the feeling but if she could carry him around the tree and swim him to shore, maybe he’d think he got a current to lead him ashore.
Charlotte reached out but he was still out of her reach and she couldn’t get closer. She saw a six foot thick branch, broken off from the tree, lodged in among the other branches and thought if only she’d grabbed it first, she could reach him with it. She stared at the branch for an infinite but split second moment, wishing she had it and then she felt something solid in her clawed hand.
The branch she wanted had blinked out of it’s lodged spot to reappear in her grip, conjured as if by magic. Charlotte gasped. How? How!? She pushed the question aside and slipped the branch through the water until it nudged the boy. Would he grab it? She took a chance. “Grab the branch.” She spoke just loud enough for him to hear.
“Wha..?” He couldn’t say much else, his strength was giving out, and he was losing consciousness.
“Please, sweetie, grab hold… trust me.. please.. please.”
Subconsciously, he did as she asked and she pulled steady and firmly those frightening last few feet against the force of the river and brought him to her. She retracted her claws, letting her human hands take over and she grabbed him and pulled him to her. He was out, his body having given up and she put all of her strength into her tail and it pulled her till she could get her waist above the torrent of water. Lifting the boy into her arms and growling deep, she lunged and landed them roughly on the mud and sludge of the river’s edge. She flipped onto her back, the boy held in her tight embrace and she lay on her back, breathing hard, energy spent and she started crying.
He heard him take in a shuddering breath, followed by regular breathing and she cried harder, holding him close and comforting. I won’t let anything happen to you, she thought. I won’t let anything happen to ANYONE! She declared to herself.
She lost track of how long she lay there, body pressed into the cold wet mud, her cloven hooves splashed with lapping water at the river’s edge, but her ears picked up Angel nearing her and she sniffled in relief. She looked up over above and behind her as falling dirt signaled Angel’s arrival at the edge of the embankment.
Angel saw the boy suspended inches above the mud, as if floating and he slid down to kneel next to him and Charlotte’s invisible form.
“You okay?” He whispered.
Charlotte’s wet filled throat croaked back, exhausted “Take him.”
Angel slid his arms under the boy, sliding over Charlotte’s body and she closed her eyes, grateful for his touch and he lifted the boy up and off of her. He stood, boy cradled in his arms, and looked down at the human shaped indent in the mud.
“You can come out.”
The mud shifted but Charlotte didn’t appear.
“I.. I’ll meet you back at the van.”
The tone in her voice told Angel all he needed to know, and without another word, Angel took the boy and began the trek back to meeting spot.
When Angel had moved a distance away, Charlotte finally pulled herself to her feet and wrapped her arms around herself, and felt the sludge slide down her back, her blonde hair nearly a fully dyed shit-brown, and shivered in the growing cold. Taking slow deep breaths, Charlotte pulled at her demon powers and her body began to sizzle, steam rising up off her body, both warming her and drying her. She was still so dirty but the chill in her bones had gone. The few moments alone allowed her to regain her composure, and with a crack of her neck, she turned and took off at a full run, and headed back to the van.
submitted by Kaiju_zero to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:50 Salty_Injury66 I’m going to do one thing to get out of my comfort zone each day

Mid 20s Male
I’m not with that abusive girlfriend any longer. Still traumatized, but working through it. Now it’s time to tackle all the trauma, from childhood til now.
Tonight I’m going to a bar. Alone. Just to do something different.
Tomorrow I’m going to church.
Then I’ll reach out to some people I’ve been meaning to text back for a hot minute
That’s a start
submitted by Salty_Injury66 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:50 brittpeeks Solo Trip Report 5/16-5/25

I expected to have this posted very soon after my trip, but time got away from me! Even the prospect of writing this out is kind of daunting lol so props to all of you who post your trip reports (and I greedily read every word!). Whenever people say stuff like “this is so long, I don’t expect anyone to read this!” I’m always like “of course I’m going to read every word and love it!” But now I am the one telling you guys, this is very long and I can’t imagine who out there is going to read this lol
Thursday 5/16 - Travel Day
Flew to Naples where my friend lives. Plan was to stay two nights with her before we headed to Orlando for one “girls night” before my solo trip began.
Saturday 5/18 - Travel to Disney!
Left at 6:30am to drive to Orlando. It was her and her two girls (age 11 and 5). We had reservations for one night at Beach Club. We bounded as princesses (Tiana, Ariel, Aurora, Jasmine). We walked to Epcot at 11:30am and that short walk was INCREDIBLE. I can’t believe how close the park is!!! Beach Club is amazing for location alone! Here are the things we ate and experienced:
~~Toasted Pretzel Bread (Germany): 20/10 This was absolutely delicious and over the course of the week I think I ate it like 5-6 times lol
~~Raspberry Radler (Germany): same as above, LOVED
~~Harvested a Pearl (Japan): This was seriously THE BEST experience! We all got them put in necklaces. One of her daughters got a gray/blue pearl and it was gorgeous. Lots of attention when she showed mine bc it looked big and she kept moving it up the sizing plate. I ended up with an 8.5mm pearl! It was very exciting and lots of celebration by the workers and crowd. They said it was the largest of the day. Honestly, I recommend this to ANYONE. It was less expensive than I expected, $29 to harvest the pearl, then I think I spent $23 on a cage for it, and I chose to buy a necklace for it to wear right away and that was $26. I am 100% doing it again in September when I go back for my 40th birthday (and I told my hubby he is doing it too and will love it!)
~~Lemon Drop Shandy (The Citrus Blossom): 7/10 good! nothing exceptional, I liked the radler better
~~Cinnamon Roll Bites (Brunchcot): 6/10, I was so excited for these but they were just average. I think maybe if we had a batch that had more frosting it might have been better. They weren’t bad, just not outstanding. Loved the bacon crumbles though!
~~Guardians of the Galaxy: the only reason this is making it into the notes is bc of my Reliefband. I get motion sickness. I tried Guardians last fall (after 2 dramamine) and still had to sit for about an hour afterward to chill and not be sick. I decided to purchase a Reliefband (classic version, Amazon, $129) to try out this trip and see if it would work. I was very skeptical. But I am here to say it worked 1000000000%. I was so blown away. Absolutely ZERO feelings of motion sickness during or after the ride. Kept my eyes open the whole time (it’s the visual speed that usually gets me, screen rides get me too). I am not a big thrill ride person, so incidentally this time around I realized this isn’t the ride for me. I just don’t enjoy it that much, BUT the big deal is to find out that is my ride preference and has nothing to do with motion sickness. It was so liberating not having my motion sickness control me! Ooooo, also, I was absolutely ecstatic that I got the song I’ve always wanted!! Everybody Wants to Rule the World!
We left Epcot at 4pm and went back to the resort to check in. First of all, it’s so gorgeous there. The room was wonderful, the lobby is beautiful and smells amazing. I wish we had the money to always stay deluxe bc I get why people love deluxe resorts so much!
Dinner at Ale & Compass (Yacht Club): 7/10, again, food was decent but nothing exceptional. Actually the Parker House Rolls were 1000% worth the hype, I got the NY Strip Steak though, asked for medium rare and I think it was more medium and that ruined it a bit for me (also taste was just meh)
We spent about an hour and half swimming at Stormalong Bay after dinner. That pool is seriously incredible. I never want to experience anything but a sand bottom pool again. The. Absolute. Best.
18,525 steps
Sunday 5/19 - Girls Leave and Solo Begins
We checked out and then had a Beaches and Cream reservation at 11:30am. We shared the Bacon Ranch Totchos (7/10 tasty but too much topping for me), Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup (grilled cheese 9/10, tomato soup 6/10), aaaaand the Kitchen Sink Sundae (9/10)! Was it smart for us to get this with only two adult women and two children? Probably not. But boy was it fun and delicious and we put way more of a dent in it than I thought we would lol. A little siren goes off in the restaurant when one is brought to a table and there is a back and forth with kitchen staff and customers (they say something about a “whole can of whipped cream” and customers answer back as a group) and it was a very fun vibe! In fact that is one of the reasons I rate it a 9/10 haha, bc I think there is just too much whipped cream and a lot of the ice cream is just buried.
We swam at Stormalong bay for 2 more hours before they dropped me off at All-Star Movies and they headed home to Naples.
Magic Kingdom (solo)
I got into my room at All-Star Movies (Love Bug building 6) and tbh I didn’t mind its distance to the bus stop, maybe bc it was just me, but I didn’t have a problem with it, I thought the walk was quick enough. I was in Magic Kingdom by 5:30pm.
6pm PeopleMover (walk on) 5 min posted
6:30pm Pirates of the Caribbean (walk on) 10 min posted
6:45pm Thunder Mountain (10 min) 15 min posted
7:10pm Enchanted Tiki Room (10 min) 15 min posted
7:40pm Haunted Mansion (20 min) 20 min posted
8:25pm Got the Sweet and Spicy Chicken Waffle sandwich at Sleepy Hollow: 7/10, the taste was great, I don’t like spicy stuff but this wasn’t too spicy. The only con is that the bottom of the waffle was kind of soggy and I didn’t really eat that part.
8:55pm in spot for HEA
9:40pm Peter Pan’s Flight (25 min) 10 min posted
Spent a lot of time in gift shops and doing photopass on my way out of park
11:10pm On bus back to resort
19,626 steps
Monday 5/20 - Animal Kingdom
6:45am On the bus to AK
7:22am Scanned into the park
7:32am Nav’i River Journey (6 min) 10 min posted
8:05am Kilimanjaro Safari (18 min) 25 min posted, was off the safari at 8:45am
9:05am Pongu Pongu - tried the Pongu Lumpia! I know this snack is controversial, it seemed like it was up my alley, but others have said the same and didn’t end up liking it so I was expecting to ultimately dislike it. I enjoyed it! 8/10 would eat again!
9:15am Gorilla Falls Trek, walked for 20 mins
9:45am It’s Tough to be a Bug - this was my first time, honestly, I think I have read articles and seen so many vlogs calling it startling and scary that I think I was expecting the worst so much that it wasn't….that….bad? I didn’t mind it? (side note: the ONLY time this entire trip that I wore tennis shoes was the morning of Animal Kingdom. My feet were hurting by the time I went into this show, so while it was going on I switched to my flip flops and my feet took a complete 180 degrees. I wore flip flops the rest of the trip and had zero issues with sore feet. I guess I’m just a flip flop girly???)
10:15am Feathered Friends in Flight - was actually heading to 11am Lion King but a CM I passed was announcing to people that the bird show was starting at 10:30 so I decided to detour there. It was great!
11:00am Maharajah Jungle Trek, walked for 20 mins, this was the most beautiful trail for me, absolutely lovely!
11:30am Eight Spoon Cafe - got the BBQ pork MacnCheese, found a spot to sit down by Drinkwallah and that is my go-to spot now. It is shaded and the carved tables and chairs are so pretty. I really like that little (hidden?) sit-down area!
12:00pm Discovery Trails, walked for 10 mins, then looked around shops in Discovery Island and Asia
12:50pm Rafiki’s Planet Watch (5 min) I did not get off the train, at this point I needed a break but I did not want to go back to resort, so I sat on the Wildlife Train and drank lots of water, I went around the circuit twice, got off at 1:30pm
1:45pm Festival of the Lion King, got in line for 2pm show, this was my first time…it BLEW MY MIND, absolutely loooooooved this. So so much. It was wonderful!
3:00pm Dinosaur (5 min) 15 min posted - first time! Honestly, I have heard so many disparaging comments about this ride I expected it to be terrifying, painful and just not fun. Again, I had an opposite experience! I love dinosaur movies (like Jurassic park) so I really enjoyed this one. I hope it is still there to ride when I am back in the fall!
3:30pm Nomad Lounge (added myself to waitlist on app, there was no “wait” got the text pretty much immediately) This was such an important break out of the heat. I spent an hour here to recharge. I drank a lot of water, had a delicious cocktail Lamu Libation 10/10, Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl 8/10, and Churros 10/10. I was able to charge my phone in an outlet at the bar. It was the perfect break!
5:00pm Left AK and headed back to resort
7:20pm Scanned into Hollywood Studios, walked around, looked through gift shops
8:20pm Catalina Eddie’s: got the Toffee and Coconut Blondie to take with me into Fantasmic! You guys…this is an absolute favorite of mine! My friend got it at NYE and forced me to try it (I didn’t want to bc I am not a coconut fan) but I fell in LOVE. Definitely a 20/10. I was so excited to get it again this trip. If you don’t love coconut, I find it very mild, you should definitely give it a shot.
9:00pm Fantasmic!
10:00pm Got on the bus to All-Star Sports instead of Movies bc in the gift shop at my resort the worker had told me I could find the pin I was looking for at the Sports gift shop. It was the 30 yr Anniversary pin of All-Star Resorts. I bought that and walked all the way back to my building, was back by 10:30pm
31,437 steps
Tuesday 5/21 - EPCOT
10:00am Scanned in at Epcot - kind of embarrassing…I was “that person” to hold everyone up. The past two days I did not need a park reservation, so I didn’t even think anything of it, but they told me one was required this day and he was setting one up for me on his ipad but then it kept erroring out, I felt TERRIBLE.
10:25am - Living with the Land (5 min) 5 min posted
10:50am - Nemo and Friends (15 min) 15 min posted
11:15am - Journey of Water walkthrough
11:40am - bought the Spike’s Pollination Exploration Scavenger hunt, it was nice bc it was 30% off with the rest of the F&G merch and I got my 20% discount on it. I mean it was only $10 regular price but I was still pretty happy lol
11:50am - got food!!! Toasted Pretzel Bread and Raspberry Radler (Germany) still 20/10, Frushi (Japan) 8/10, Fruit Punch Ale (America) 8/10 good but I would get the radler over this every time
1:00pm Frozen (40 min) 60 min posted, I got splashed a lot more than normal this time for some reason! Sat next to a girl who was videoing on a go-pro, asked if she was a vlogger but she said no and then we chatted for a min about our love of Disney vlogs, it was nice!
2:10pm Kringla Bakeri - Viking Coffee, 9/10 excellent!
2:30pm The Honey Bee-stro - Liquid Nitro Honey-Mascarpone Cheesecake, 10/10 LOVED, the cheesecake was smooth and creamy (even while “frozen”) and the tart blueberry compote that comes with it is a perfect pairing. Plus I was able to Pixie Dust someone here! There was a young girl in line in front of me by herself, she was maybe 13? Anyway she was trying to scan her magic band for payment and the CM told her the band was not authorized to be used for payment, she seemed a bit surprised and embarrassed and I stepped in and started scanning my magic band. It was honestly only $6.50. She tried to tell me no and that she would go get her mom, but I just overrode her and said “It’s Disney! Let me!” with a smile. We were both at the window to pick up our items together and when she got hers she unexpectedly leaned in and gave me a hug and thanked me again. I was so surprised and heartwarmed (and also felt bad that I was kinda sweaty lol). But anyway it was a wonderful moment!
2:45pm Bought the Spaceship Earth cookie jar that I have been wanting so badly! I got it with my gift card I got for “mothers day” from our pets :D
2:55pm Spaceship Earth (walk on) 5 min posted
4:00pm Bus back to resort for a break and shower bc it was a very hot day!
6:40pm Scanned back into EPCOT
6:45pm Spaceship Earth (walk on) 5 min posted
Walked around to find Spike for scavenger hunt
7:35pm Toasted Pretzel Bread and Raspberry Radler (again! lol)
8:00pm watched Garden Rocks concert
More Spike hunting!
9:00pm Luminous
9:10pm Started heading out of park
This was my toughest day of my whole solo trip for several reasons. 1) I don’t think I did enough sit down things, I was on my feet a ton 2) I was not being “park smart”. Epcot is huge enough in the first place but I was not navigating the park in an efficient way and ended up walking WAY more than I should have. Around 7:30-8pm I started to feel something pulled in my leg (after googling later maybe a mild issue with adductor tendon?) it was high up in my inner thigh, I decided to leave the park only 10 mins after Luminous started bc I really wanted to not push myself, the next day was going to be my Magic Kingdom day and that is my favorite park and would likely be a long day and I just didn’t want to ruin it.
29,183 steps
Wednesday 5/22 - Hollywood Studios (not Magic Kingdom!)
Woke up before 7am and decided to pivot on my plans bc of my leg. I decided to stay in the resort room until midday to rest my leg, and due to that decision I switched my park day from MK to HS. I figured if I was going to be in a park for less hours of the day I would rather sacrifice time in Hollywood Studios than Magic Kingdom. I bought Genie+ and bought an ILL for Rise of the Resistance for 1:40pm. This ended up being THE BEST decision I could have made. By the time I left my room, my leg was feeling 100% better and I did not have any issues with it for the rest of the trip!
1:15pm Scanned into Hollywood Studios
1:30pm Frozen Sing Along - I love this fricken show, I always want to see it every time I go to HS, I could watch it a million times, I am always impressed by the Arendelle Historians bc they are so funny, and while they will make jokes in a similar vein, they still have so much variety that you don’t see the same jokes when you watch shows with different historians. A++, this will always be one of my faves.
2:15pm Rise of the Resistance ILL - full A mode, also…bc I was wearing my Reliefband I was able to keep my eyes open during the drop with the simulation of flying through space. It was great!!!
3:00pm Smuggler's Run (G+) - okaayyyyyy, I have never been on this (due to motion sickness fears) but I decided to take the plunge. I got all the way to sitting in the seat and tbh I was terrified. I was by myself, I didn’t know exactly what to expect and I was not so much scared that I would be sick, I was confident in the Reliefband, but I was worried I would hate the simulated feeling of flying. That kinda freaks me out. So then, the ride doesn’t actually start and they tell us that a CM will be in to let us out bc it has malfunctioned and we will be given a LL back. I was quite literally SO RELIEVED. I will try that ride, but in September when I am with my husband!
3:30pm Woody’s Lunchbox - Adult Lemonade 10/10 and Raspberry Lunchbox Tart 7/10. I ended up getting two more Adult Lemonades throughout the night bc I thought they were delicious!! The tart was fine, it tasted “good” but nothing unique or outstanding.
4:00pm Beauty and the Beast Live
4:35pm Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (G+)
5:15pm Toy Story Mania (G+)
6:00pm Baseline Taphouse - Charcuterie Board 9/10 and Blood Orange Hard Cider 7/10
6:30pm Frozen Sing Along - I am not kidding about how much I like this show lol
7:10pm Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (40 mins) 45 min posted
8:20pm Rise of the Resistance (used the anytime pass I got for Smuggler Run going down) this time around we ended up having to walk down a hallway bc there was a technical difficulty with the 2nd pre show (where you enter the craft and get pulled in by the first order) we skipped that part and walked down a hallway straight into the storm trooper room. Everything else worked except for Finn.
8:45pm Ran my ass through Toy Story land (picked up an Adult Lemonade!) and hightailed it to Fantasmic! This ended up being a very good lesson for me. Getting to Fantasmic! just as it was starting was NOT a good idea. I was in the bleachers in the last section at the top, like with the walkway in front of you. You can hardly see anything back there. I will not make this mistake again. I left just as the floats started bc I could not even see them at all.
Browsed a lot of gift shops!
10:20pm Got on bus back to resort
I go back and forth on whether G+ was worth it today. Ultimately, I side on yes bc I didn’t even get to the park until 1pm, got to walk the park a ton, I did the most photopass spots here than I did on any other day, so Genie+ allowing me to just hop on 3 rides with no wait gave me the time to do all of that (and watch Frozen twice and B&B show), and I had the time to wait for Runaway Railway standby again. Also, bc the Smugglers Run malfunction allowed me to use a “LL” on Rise again, that alone made it worth it!
20,264 steps
Thursday 5/23 - Magic Kingdom
Wooooohoooo! My favorite park! I decided to get G+ today and get an ILL for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train for 7:40pm
9:10 Scanned into MK
9:25am Thunder Mountain (walk on) 10 min posted, this ride has never gotten to me in the past (motion sickness) but I was in the second to last cart and that made this ride feel faster and “dippier” and I did not care for it lol
9:40am Westward Ho - Crispy Chicken/egg/pepper jack breakfast biscuit, 9/10 would get again!
9:55am Pirates of the Caribbean (10 min) 15 min posted
10:25am Enchanted Tiki Room (walk on, got there just as they were ushering people in)
10:45am Enchanted Tales with Belle (12 min) 20 min posted
11:20am Little Mermaid (G+)
11:35am Mickey’s Philharmagic (10 min) 15 min posted
12:20 Carousel (15 min) 5 min posted - tbh this one pissed me off lol, bc I would have never gone on it had I realized I would wait 15 mins, 5 mins was a cruel trick haha
12:50pm Winnie the Pooh (G+)
1:05pm it’s a small world (G+)
1:35pm PeopleMover (8 min) 15 min posted
2:05pm Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin (G+) - I didn’t remember thinking this ride was this hard! But after having just done Toy Story Mania the day before, I did not find this one to be as easy to “play”, I prefer Toy Story Mania!
2:20pm Monsters Inc Laugh Floor (17 min) 10 min posted
3:05 Peter Pan’s Flight (G+)
3:25pm Pecos Bills - slugged some water, had a coke (12/10 refreshing!) and nachos (4/10, I did not remember these being so spicy, I mean I don’t like spice so I am probably a wimp saying this but I did not enjoy these bc of the spiciness, will not get again)
4:00pm Stopped in Columbia Harbour house which was not too busy and found an empty table next to an outlet to charge my phone
4:45pm Haunted Mansion (G+)
Walked to First Aid station for Tylenol (headache)
5:20pm Pirates of the Caribbean (G+)
5:50pm Sunshine Tree Terrace - I tried the I Lava You Float, and I was sure it was going to be too sweet even though I have read many people’s reviews who loved it. I LAVA THIS FLOAT! 10/10 very much looking forward to getting again in fall!
6:05 WDW Train (Frontierland) (6 min) 10 min posted - I felt like chilling for a bit again so I did a full circuit and then went on to Fantasyland
7:05 Mickey’s Philharmagic (5 min) 10 min posted
7:35pm Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ILL - felt the same way about this one as BTM earlier, I was in one of the last carts (row 8) and it felt faster and dippier than in the past, no thanks!
8:10pm PeopleMover (20 min) 5 min posted - this should have been a walk on, but the ride went down as I was in line, I kept debating back and forth about leaving the line and coming back, but I just kept sticking it out a few more mins and a few more mins. Some people in line behind me were speculating if someone had puked on the ride bc of the workers going up. Not sure, doesn’t really matter, PeopleMover is the BEST at night!
8:50pm Seven Dwarfs Mine Train (35 min) 35 min posted - Listen, I wasn’t expecting to be on this ride during HEA, I was just trying to hop in line while everyone was waiting for fireworks bc the wait would be shorter, but the fact that I actually got on it in perfect timing to see fireworks?! Let me just say it is just as cool as everyone says it is! Also, they put me in row 8 again, grrrrr, is that the designated solo rider lane?
9:30pm TRON - I tried getting a boarding group at 7am and didn’t get in. So then my plan was to get in at 1pm but I totallyyyyyyy forgot about it and I remembered at 1:55pm and I was like “crap! I guess I will see if I can still buy an ILL”. I was about to do that and then I thought to myself, “maybe I should just see if the VQ is still open?” AND IT WAS! So I literally got a boarding group at 2pm, an hour after the VQ started, I was shocked and thrilled when I got one! Plus TRON is always so gorgeous at night. I actually have yet to ride it in the day lol And LISTEN, I get that most people prefer Guardians to TRON, I really do get it. BUT bc I am not that much of a thrill ride person, I like easier going coasters. I seriously love TRON so much. It is such a horizontal coaster that it’s like my ideal. You get the thrill from it being fast and a little dippy, but nothing crazy. It’s a fave for me!!!
10:30pm Casey’s Corner - French fries and coke, both 10/10 refreshing and needed the pick me up!
10:45pm Main Street Confectionary - It was on my to-do list to get the popcorn mix from here. I chose Butter Popcorn, dark chocolate sauce, pretzel pieces and snickers. 10/10 definitely recommend. Will be getting a mix again in September!
11:10pm Got on bus back to resort
Friday 5/24 - Bonus Day?!
This was supposed to be my travel day back home. My flight was set to leave at 5pm, but in the morning my husband told me about storms in the midwest and I got an email from the airline about “adverse weather conditions”, so I called and changed my flight to the next day at 7am. (It ended up being the right choice bc my original 5pm flight out of MCO was delayed multiple times until it was finally canceled at like 10:30pm) I was thankfully able to book another night at All-Star Movies and could stay in my same room. I quickly formed the plan to go back to Animal Kingdom to see Festival of the Lion King again bc I had enjoyed it so much earlier in the week and then go to EPCOT to finish the final 4 Spikes that I had not located yet for the scavenger hunt!
11:00am Scanned in at Animal Kingdom
11:50am Mr. Kamal’s - got the Chicken Dumplings that were on my list to try but I did not get the chance to on Monday, also went back to my favorite spot by Drinkwallah, the dumplings were like a 6/10. Idk just pretty average for a potsticker that you can get anywhere, I probably would not get them again
12:15pm walked around Dinoland to really soak it in just in case next time I come it is walled off!
1:pm Festival of the Lion King - man, this is just fantastic! Be Prepared is my favorite villain song and I get so pumped when they do that part!
1:50pm Satu’li Canteen - got the wood-grilled chicken protein bowl, with rice and black beans and the creamy herb sauce. Literally OH MY GOD, this was so flipping good! 20/10!!! Best thing I ate hands-down all week. I wasn’t sure I would eat the slaw in the bowl but that was delicious, the creamy herb sauce was amazing and those little boba balls that add the citrus burst?!?! So so good. I have already altered our plans for September to include two meals here so I can get this bowl twice next time lol
2:45pm Took bus back to Resort
5:30pm Scanned in at EPCOT
5:55pm Living with the Land (walkon) 10 min posted
6:15pm Awesome Planet (walkon, went into theater immediately and show started) This was my first time checking this out, I really enjoyed it! I will def watch again especially in the heat of the day when I just need to sit somewhere cool for a bit!
6:45pm Found Spike (1 of 4 left) by the Butterly Landing!
7:00pm Found Spike (2 of 4 left) in France
7:10pm Checked out the Annual Passholder lounge in Restaurant Marrakesh
7:35pm Gran Fiesta Tour (walk on) 5 min posted
7:50pm Found Spike (3 of 4 left) in Mexico
8:00pm Got another Toasted Pretzel Bread and Raspberry Radler from Germany (dont judge! lol)
8:10pm watched Lit at Garden Rocks concert (who doesn’t love “My own worst enemy”!?!?!?)
8:35pm Found final Spike in Japan!!! - this one was my ultimate nemesis. I had searched Japan on Tuesday, I had searched Japan (twice?) earlier on this day and I was all set to give up bc I couldn’t find the Kokedama garden. I just hadn’t looked up the stone path to the left of Japan. Finally saw it when it was dark out and got my final Spike!!!
8:50pm Journey of Water walkthrough (always better at night!)
9:05pm Shoutout to the photopass guy who I stopped by on my way out of the park, those were the most awkward poses I have ever done in front of spaceship earth but you tried your best and the photos make me laugh every time I see them!
29,941 steps
Overall Thoughts
10/10 Amazing Trip. I found out about people going on solo trips here on reddit late last year and I was immediately certain I had to book one. While I can be a very social person, I am also a loner in the fact that I do enjoy spending time in my own company (not everybody does) so I knew a solo trip was right up my alley. It was everything I hoped for and more. I didn’t have to consult anyone else, I could do what I want, when I want. Also, (not to brag….shhhhhh…I’m not bragging I swear) but I am not a complainer. The heat usually doesn’t affect me too much, I have a good amount of endurance so I get tired of course but it takes a lot. I’m pretty unflappable because I’m just happy to BE AT Disney World. Others I’ve gone with are not like this so much lol so it was nice to just be in my own company in the sense that I was always in a positive mood and didn’t have anyone dimming that? If that makes sense?
I am a petite woman. I am 4’10” and 118lbs so I am very aware of my size in terms of my safety. I can honestly say though that I felt safe throughout the whole trip. The one time that I got off the bus at All-Star Sports at 10pm to go to the gift shop and then walked all the way to Movies, that did worry me a bit but only as I was walking through the parking lot sections.
And I did get the crap scared out of me at the resort due to the requirement of a “visual check”. I had not ever heard of this, but I was in my room for a midday break and I had a knock at my door by housekeeping. I thought it was odd bc I had my “room occupied” sign out the whole time bc I didn’t feel the need for housekeeping, it was just me in the room. I said “no thank you” and they knocked and announced housekeeping again. I said “no thank you” louder. (internally I was thinking, can they not hear me through the door????) and they did it again! I finally went closer to the door and I heard the person mumble something about a “visual check” and I very sternly and loudly said “no!” bc I didn’t know what the heck they were talking about. I peeked through the curtain at my window and watched the guy walk past holding a phone in his hand. I think he was wearing a uniform shirt but I couldn’t totally tell. I decided to call the resort in the event this was someone trying to pose as housekeeping staff. They ended up relieving my fears by telling me it was legitimate. Apparently, you have to have your room checked at some point in your stay (I was staying 5 nights) if you choose not to get housekeeping. He explained this has to do with the Pulse Nightclub shooting. I guess they had stockpiled guns in their hotel room and kept not letting housekeeping in. He explained that is why they do the visual check, for the safety of all resort guests. I was 100% supportive once he told me that and I felt bad for yelling at the guy. But also, I am a solo woman and I had no idea what the hell was going on, and to be completely frank, I had just showered so I was in a tshirt and underwear which made me feel even more vulnerable bc I was not fully dressed! I was not letting that person in my room. The guy on the phone totally understood that and apologized for alarming me. I told him to have the guy come back and do the visual check. I apologized to him when he came in. He was in my room for all of 10 seconds and that was it. But it was certainly a crazy ordeal!
I was doing 20-30k steps each day and other than hurting my leg on Tuesday I was honestly fine. I had shin splints too but again, they weren’t terrible and by Thursday they were gone. I brought tennis shoes and flip flops intending to switch on and off throughout the week in order to prevent my feet from getting sore but that never happened. I spent 3 hours in the shoes on Monday before my feet started hurting and I never wore them again. I had 2 different pairs of flip flops the whole time. I guess that is what my feet like!
Backpack vs Loungefly
I typically wear a normal size backpack to the parks, but also I can usually share wearing it with my husband. I didn’t really consider how hard it would be to wear a backpack alllllllll day long. And it wasn’t even heavy, I didn’t put much in it at all, but still it wore on my shoulders and made them sore. On Wednesday I ended up getting a Loungefly even though they have never really been my thing. It honestly ended up being perfect. It felt different on my shoulders and I wasn’t getting sore like I was with a regular size backpack.
Waiting in Lines
I have often read that one of the things that bothers solo travelers the most is waiting in lines by themselves bc it’s boring and they have no one to keep them company. I thought I might feel this way too but waiting in lines was not bad at all to me. It’s so easy to be on your phone that whole time. I was looking at my photopass photos, browsing reddit, and inputting trip notes. I felt like waiting in line was not a hardship for me as a solo traveler.
This trip exceeded my expectations with photopasses! The number of photos each photographer took and the variety of positions and magic shots was awesome. I am assuming part of that is because I was solo? I am not sure but I just felt like the quantity and time spent at each photopass location was better than normal. Special shout out to Hollywood Studios, that day in particular was just awesome. Every photographer was awesome, but especially the ones in Galaxy’s Edge. I was having such an amazing time getting them!
Total Photopasses each day:
MK - 6 photopass spots
AK - 2 photopass spots
Epcot - 3 photopass spots
HS - 7 photopass spots
MK - 6 photopass spots
AK and EPCOT - 7 photopass spots
I can’t wait to do it all again in September with my husband!
submitted by brittpeeks to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:47 Worlds_Meepsnip_3275 (16M) I'm Questioning My Relationship with my GF (15F)

Hello, I come in somewhat desperate need of help when it comes to my relationship. Some things have come up that have legitimately started making me question my relationship with my GF of ~3 months.
This comes from a throwaway account, so I'll refer to myself as Shelly, and I'll refer to my GF as Phoneix.
A bit of backround first:
I'm 16 and a half, and I'd describe this as my first "real relationship", I do have Aspergers, so it kinda makes it hard to properly communicate my feelings towards anything, but I don't hold these feelings in either. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to school and I achieve the highest grades I can, as I was a sophomore last school year (now technically a junior, due to the end of the 23-24 school year). I strive to be successful in my future. I had just moved to a new town where I still reside (I moved in August).
As for my girlfriend, (like I've said, I'll refer to her as Phoenix), she's recently turned fifteen in February. She, unlike me, does not have any conditions that could hinder anything in her life. She is a bit shy when it comes to talking with new people, she also strives to be successful, but hasn't been receiving the best of grades in her ninth grade year (as of now, shes technically a sophomore because of ghe end of the 23-24 school year). She's been in this town all of her life.
As per how we met... We had a class together in the 23-24 school year, it was Theatre-Art Studies, but we didn't actually meet until we were about 3 weeks into the class. Eventually, we met as we were assigned a project about emotions in the class (which was a one on one project), she seemed reluctant to talk to me at first, but as we progressed throughout the project, she seemed more eager to speak with me.
We actually had a funny conversation about each of our families, and she then thought I was a senior, when I also thought she was a junior (because she's really tall, I assumed she was a junior). We cleared it up, and when she found out I was a sophomore, she kinda smiled and told me "You're cute for a sophomore", which completely gave me a shock. (This is because I would never think a girl would call me cute or anything). All I could really say was a simple "thank you", and I told her how shocked I was hearing that. We had been talking so long at that point we realized there was about 5 minutes kept of the class (there's about 41 minutes in each class, and we started five minutes in class). So we rushed the project and turned it in to be looked at the next day.
The next day, I asked if I can sit a seat behind her, Phoenix said it was fine and she exclaimed how much of a nice conversation she had with me and said "I thought I'd never had a good conversation with a boy again, but you proved me wrong". (This will be examined later, as I've had no knowledge of her past at the time). I questioned her on it and explained that it wasn't something that needed to be talked about.
Over the next week, we got more close with each other, and on a Thursday, we were assigned a project about building a movie set with Legos. Being the planner I am, I wanted to construct a plan with Phoenix (as we chose our own partners aside from being chosen by the teacher, who we'll call Mrs. Ness, she'll be important later). I (very awkwardly) asked her for her phone number, and she accepted, and Phoenix began scribbling her number on a torn piece of paper, she gave it to me, and this is how we started talking out if school.
We passed with flying colors on the project, but anyways...
During March, after we had met over two and a half weeks ago, she wanted to talk to me about something, and she asked me if we could sit and talk in the back of our auditorium (where this class usually was held), and we started talking and she said she's had a crush on me since we met, (In reality, I had also developed feelings for her). She admitted all of this to me and said "I wanted to tell you this, and it's okay if you don't like me for doing this" (something that WILL be brought up later). I said that I didn't hate her for doing that, which she kinda refused to believe, but when I said I had feelings for her too, it looked like a wave of relief hit Phoenix's entire body. So we were sitting there, and she says "A lot of people hate me, especially boys in my grade, but you are one of the few that care about me". To which I said I always strive to treat everyone with trust, equality, and respect.
So... as of that day in early March we began dating! But we kept it secret from anyone else, as we communicated mainly over text, we fell for each other FAST. I found her personality to be sweet, she is a genuine, passionate, and beautiful girl. She finds me dreamy, cute, nice, and respectful. So we have love there
One day Phoenix admitted to me over text (and later on in person) that she had at least 9 breakups since 6th grade, which I felt was strange but I pressed her on the topic, she said that was one of the reasons she disliked boys. I later learned that she had (when we had just met) been suffering through her ninth breakup, and she promised to herself that she'd never date again, that was (as she says) until she met me during that emotions project.
As a person who's had poor experiences with girls in general in the past, I legitimately felt the same way about dating, and I had a back of mind thought of "What If I can't date anyone?".
We had a minor fight in April, but all turned out well in the end, but the way it happened (looking in retrospect) really raises a red flag for me. We were just texting one day when my parents came home and I had forgotten to do the dishes, which they had told me to do, so I went to let Phoenix know that I might be a bit doing chores, she accepted the response. At the same time my parents got home they also brought home groceries, which caused me to take longer than expected, then I got finished with everything.
I hurriedly ran to my room to begin texting her again, she was happy at first, saying she was worried for me, but then began saying "How long you took was sus" (and I'll be completely honest, this was the first time I heard this word, so I didnt know what it meant definition wise), so I asked her what it meant, and she basically reiterated that I was suspicious for being gone that long. I told her that my parents brought in groceries and I had to also do dishes, which was something she didn't believe, as she kept insinuating that I was trying to "keep away from her". Which was not what I had expected. But around thirty minutes later, it was all resolved.
This is one of a few things that make me question the situation I'm in right now...
We began having "spicy" conversations, but not adult-themed conversations, we were essentially saying how much we loved each other and we started talking about kissing, in which she asked "Could we have a kiss?", and me being me, I jumped to saying yes. She says "This could be your first real kiss, Shelly". That just made me excited, then the topic of French Kissing came up, and we were actually going to go through with it, that was until Phoenix's mother looked through her texts and advised Phoenix to "simmer" these conversations down. The next day in person, Phoenix said that her mom did not like me and her exactly being together, (which later changes), but she still gave her permission to talk to me (In reality, this was both of our faults because we got too carried on with a rather passionate conversation).
During our relationship, she had said that her bullies treated her really poorly, and she thought that everyone in her grade disliked her, and even suggested her exes hated her too. She said that her previous ex (I'll call him Max, was a freshman), and her former friend (I'll call her Abby, she was a senior) were her main too aggressors when it came to her bullying. Max was her ex, and Abby (like me, has autism) had a following, and would constantly tease Phoenix to the point of her eating habits being absolutely destroyed. Phoenix said that Max had usually said "I wish your past health issue was bad", and that she was ugly and nobody loved her.
Oh, I forgot to mention that she also had a major health issue in the past, but I would not like to talk about it.
However, on a very hot night in early May, the topic of Phoenix's bullies came up again. It seemed like the usual complaint at first, but she... she kept getting more aggressive over text. It was nearing eleven o'clock at night, and as I had taken a three hour nap that day after school, I was nowhere near tired.
She later went on to say that she'll start a fight with Max, and "win it", which immediately tipped me off that something was wrong, and it rose a large red flag and alarms basically blared in my head (later on, she later also detailed how she would also fight two others as well, both of whom I did not know). The things she said were terrible to hear (I'm a pacifist, and I would EVER only fight in self-defense), I kept telling Phoenix to stop, and to reconsider. (I have text records, and... looking at them now... it's very hard to look at.) I literally begged her to reconsider what she was doing, and she said "I'll win this for you, cutie😈", and after I told her to stop again, she said "I'll only stop after today, and just for you".
I was legitimately scared at this point, and I sought to end the conversation, which ended successfully, but that was when I said "Phoenix, if you continue to go through with this, you are breaking my trust, my morals and values as a person will be broken. I know how to fail your plans, even if I won't get physical". This was my warning to her.
It was around midnight now, and I actually got on a text hotline and reported her behaviour, and provided as many details as I could (I swear, this is making me stressed as I right this now). They ended their report and info collecting at one o'clock, and feeling deathly scared, I tried sleeping. I don't know how I got any sleep that night.
It's the next morning, and Phoenix texts me at around 7:40, saying "Hey cutie, sorry I came in late this morning, but I'm going to for sure win that fight. I'll talk to you later, Shelly". I told her, as a last warning, "Phoenix, please don't do this". That would be my last text for the next thirty minutes.
At around 8:10, I got a text asking "Did you report me?!?!" And I spilled absolutely everything on her. I told her that going through with this, she was breaking my trust and every value I had as a person, and yes, I did indeed report you. I told you I could foil your plan (I was saying this as a reference to my previous text to her that night). She said that she hated me, absolutely hated me.
Okay, look, I was very scared here. I was legitimately scared that she was going to do something to harm me.
This is my lunch period, my fourth period, and I immediately ran in to tell my friends to NOT talk to Phoenix at all costs, and I told them a summary of what happened, they all sympathized with my side of the situation.
Now, I'm very fortunate to have Mrs. Ness as one of the lunch supervisors, so I pulled her off to the side and explained everything to her, I even said that I felt completely unsafe and that I didn't know what she could do to me. She asked if we were "an item", but when she defined it for me, I denied anything relating to the sort, but now I care about being safe, and she said that she would help to protect me at all costs. We were presenting our final projects in the class those next few days, and I asked her if I could sit the closes I could to her while staying far away from Phoenix, she absolutely agreed and promised to have my back. (Thank Jesus).
In class, when she presented that day, I absolutely refused to look at her, and since our tables faced one another in the classroom (we were in a classroom to present these final projects), I felt trapped, I quickly glanced at Phoenix a few times, ans I caught her looking at me. She looked absolutely sullen, and I refused to look at her during her presentation, but instead looked at the ground the entire time while she was presenting, it felt like ages. She was done and I finally felt safe.
After school, I received a text "I don't know if you've blocked me or anything, and I don't know if you hate me. But I'd like to apologize for everything and I want to talk with you in the morning". I reluctantly accepted, and when she came up to my breakfast table in the morning, I still felt scared, but I managed to walk with her to my class, where she would hand me a letter (she knew that I loved her writing, it's still adorable to this day). I read it later on and she said she saw she made a mistake, and that she would like to restart our relationship. I didn't consider ending the relationship there, but it was a stark reminder that I was on the fence about absolutely everything.
I love this girl to death, and in the letter she promised me she wouldn't do anything like this again (which she still keeps to this day), and she said she saw how wrong she was for going as far as she did. I later texted her that I'd take some tike to think about us being together (I was being genuine, and Phoenix accepted)
That Friday, she sent me another text, but with different meaning and wording about the apology and clarified that I did the right thing, and she was in the wrong, and she took fault for that. She just didn't want me to hate her (surprisingly, I wasn't finding myself angry or hateful of her, but rather... deeply disappointed.). I guess that made me decide that I would restart everything with her, and I guess we hit it off again. I felt safe again in her presence, and we resumed our normal routine like nothing had happened. At this point, she was a lot more friendlier towards me than ever before. I let Mrs. Ness know that we had made up and said that she was glad we made up.
Phoenix then invited me to have ice cream at a local parlor, and I'm like "sure, I'll absolutely go". We went on June 1st, which was very convenient as a Saturday and after the last day of school. We were enjoying ourselves, I paid for the ice cream, absolutely everything went well. I even met her mother (at this point I had legitimately forgotten that she once looked through our "spicy" texts), she met my mom and they hit it off well, talking about the town we were originally from, to how our futures would pan out living there, to potential future visits. I legitimately like her mom, she's a sweet lady.
Communication actually became better after this, on a phone call, she demonstrated a sweet French voice, and I called it hot, but she called me sexy, which also shocked me, and I was speechless the entire call. We also started calling each other baby/babe like a few days before. We actually talked more than ever before.
Now, my most latest concern comes on June 8, where I had another "You're sus" incident, this was about our third incident since April, where she accused me of not wanting to play Roblox with her (in reality I was forced by my parents to play a board game with my brothers, which turned out to be fun in the end). She then accused me of hating her, just like her exes, and she accused me of saying that I liked her as a fake confidence boost so I could "later pull her down and destroy her". My mom wanted me to get off her phone for the night (my service on my ohone was shut off June 2nd, so I had to use hers) and I responded "Look, Phoenix, I don't hate you, I love you, and I want you to have a sweet night babe" I don't know if she ever responded to it, since it was quite early (like seven o'clock at night, she usually ends her convos at ten).
Now... now I'm stuck on the fence, and I'm questioning absolutely everything about our relationship. I love this girl to death, and I know her past with this kind of stuff before, but I don't want to be treated the way I am, K don't want to be treated like I'm suspicious, and I don't like the way she puts herself down around me. I absolutely love this girl, I really do, I could say it a million times over and I could still say it some more. I just don't know what to do, can I get some needed advice here?
Thank you for reading this long post, being typed out for about two hours straight in the middle of the night. I hope I can get some outsider perspective on this, because I really need it right now.... thank you!
submitted by Worlds_Meepsnip_3275 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:32 Dazzling-Concert1749 [JarEditor] IDEA plugin for editing jar files directly without decompression

[JarEditor] IDEA plugin for editing jar files directly without decompression


The built-in decompiler plugin in IDEA can open a JAR file and decompile the classes. Unfortunately, it cannot edit the classes. Sometimes, we need to modify a class within a JAR file, which requires extracting, decompiling the class, creating a new .java file, modifying the code, recompiling, and finally packaging the JAR again. I dare say that the process is not something you can complete in one go. If the JAR has dependencies, you also need to spend time checking them, and you need to be careful about the JDK version when packaging. If you forget some commands, you need to check the manual. Basically, it is all manual work.
I searched through the IDEA plugin market but couldn't find a suitable plugin for directly editing JAR files. So, I decided to spend a little time writing such a plugin that allows direct editing of files within a JAR without extracting them.

Feature Introduction

Firstly, IDEA can decompile a JAR file, allowing you to directly open and see the decompiled code of classes within the JAR. External files can be added through File->Project Structure->Libraries to add dependencies and then decompile the JAR.

Usage Introduction

First, install the plugin JarEditor from the plugin market.
Then, you will see a tab to switch to the Jar Editor in the .class decompiled file.
Clicking on Jar Editor allows you to directly modify the decompiled code. After making changes, click Save/Compile to compile the current modified Java content and save it. Then, click Build Jar to write the compiled and saved class file into the JAR package.
This way, editing a class file within a JAR package is seamless without the need to extract or run commands.
Below is a demonstration example:
Editing resource files within a JAR package is also supported. The process is the same as for class files: modify, save, and then Build Jar.
In the project view of the JAR package, right-click on any file to see the New and Delete operations of JarEditor, allowing you to add and delete files.

Some Mechanisms

  • The JDK for compilation is the JDK of the project, and you can choose the target version of the compiled class, which by default is consistent with the class version of the JAR package.
  • The classpath dependencies when compiling Java are the dependencies of the project. If a dependency package is not found, it can be added.
  • Save/Compile will save the modified files to a jar_edit subdirectory in the JAR package's directory. Build Jar will incrementally write files from the jar_edit directory into the JAR and then delete this directory.


The IDEA plugin JarEditor allows direct editing of classes and resource files within a JAR package without extraction. Interested friends can give it a try.
Source code:
The minimum version of IDEA required is IDEA2020.3. Versions equal to or above this can be installed and used.
Welcome to exchange ideas!
submitted by Dazzling-Concert1749 to u/Dazzling-Concert1749 [link] [comments]