Dyson dc17 animal owners manual

For people interested in hedgehogs

2010.06.28 10:14 arestheblue For people interested in hedgehogs

For all things hedgehog! Have a pet African Pygmy hedgehog? Would you like to share the wild European hedgie who bumbled through your garden? You're in the right place! Did you find a wild hedgehog in the UK? Check out the helpful links section here in the sidebar.

2024.05.16 04:16 Usual_Captain_2092 Urgent- Cisco Kidd A5610439 can be euthanized anytime after May 20 needs an experienced long term foster SoCal (3-4 months) and a rescue. With a long term foster will be easier attract a rescue. Downey Animal Care Center CA

Urgent- Cisco Kidd A5610439 can be euthanized anytime after May 20 needs an experienced long term foster SoCal (3-4 months) and a rescue. With a long term foster will be easier attract a rescue. Downey Animal Care Center CA
Hi Reddit Cisco Kidd was one of the first dogs I ever posted when I started networking I thought he was euthanized because after that first week I could not see him in the system. At that time he was also very sick. He recovered and was assessed by the shelter and he is now on the Euth list . I was so happy to see that he was still alive! And I hope we can find him an experienced long term foster. He will probably need training ( that the rescue he ends up with will provide ) . " Cisco Kidd A5610439 7yr neutered German Shepherd 89 lbs. Owner Surrender 02/27/24 Adoptable to adults only home No other dogs required Low energy Known history of aggression disclosure form Cisco Kidd was anxiously barking at the front when the runner approached. His body was relaxed, his eyes were neutral, his ears were up, his mouth was open with a heavy pant, and his tail was neutral with a loose wag. He was easy to leash and remove. He pulled strongly on leash, and was easy to collar. In the catch pen, he barked, growled, and snapped at the other dogs through the fence. He was muzzled prior to entering the yard. He continued barking and growling at the other dogs for a few minutes before he sat down and panted heavily. He entered the yard, he was easy to steer, but approached each dog in turn and tried to fight with them. The other dogs did not engage in an altercation with him, and he eventually went to lie down in the pool. However, anytime the dogs moved closer to him, he would jump out and try to fight with them again. The handlers were able to steer him away from the dogs, but he never became comfortable with their presence. He allowed the handler to pet him all over with no issues, but yelped and pulled his right front foot away when the handler squeezed the toes. However, he remained easy to handle. The muzzle was removed, and the handler repeated the assessment. He leaned against the handler and allowed her to pet his whole body again. He seemed to really enjoy having his ears scratched. After a few minutes, he began to anxiously nip at the handler's hand and fingers. Otherwise, he remained easy to handle."SHELTER ADDRESS Downey Animal Care Center 11258 Garfield Avenue Downey, CA 90242 (562) 940-6898 Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm RESCUE EMAIL DACCDowneyRescue@animalcare.lacounty.gov" picture from dogsdowney on Instagram and notes from @share.for.love on Instagram. If anyone is able to long term foster Cisco Kidd please Direct message @californiashelterpets on Instagram or Reddit Email @isabeldesiree8@gmail.com
Thank you
submitted by Usual_Captain_2092 to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:11 Bales_wages Error: *** Deployment Failed *** "IdentityVerification" -- unknown account. Migrating a smart contract on Truffle connecting to Geth nodes

I have created a test blockchain network and created a smart contract for validators to verify members, which I am trying to deploy with truffle.
A bootnode serves as the Host on the main network:
sudo geth --datadir ./bootnode --networkid 3129 --port 30305 --ipcpath geth-bootstrap.ipc --http --http.addr "" --http.port 8545 --http.api "admin,eth,net,web3,personal" --http.corsdomain "*" --http.vhosts "*"
I run the validator through docker: docker run -d --name validator0 -v ~/Documents/Geth/validator0:/root/.ethereum -p 8547:8547 -p 30304:30304 ethereum/client-go:alltools-v1.10.26 geth --datadir /root/.ethereum --networkid 3129 --ipcpath /root/.ethereum/geth-validator0.ipc --bootnodes "enode://8b34ba634272ed781d64ea6c75e60b8948c14bb7e2188611951120805d46bec6a2fa691c29e8b4efe82bcee687648a717244c4d4802685e1f7ecbaa0efd12dca@" --syncmode "full" --port 30304 --http --http.addr "" --http.port 8547 --http.api "admin,eth,net,web3,personal" --allow-insecure-unlock
This P2P connection is successful
My smart contract:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract IdentityVerification { address public owner; mapping(address => bool) public validators; mapping(address => bool) public verifiedMembers; event MemberVerified(address member); modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function"); _; } modifier onlyValidator() { require(validators[msg.sender], "Only validators can call this function"); _; } constructor() { owner = msg.sender; } function addValidator(address _validator) public onlyOwner { validators[_validator] = true; } function verifyMember(address _member) public onlyValidator { verifiedMembers[_member] = true; emit MemberVerified(_member); } function isMemberVerified(address _member) public view returns (bool) { return verifiedMembers[_member]; } }``` Truffle Configuration ```module.exports = { networks: { development: { host: "", // Bootnode's IP address port: 8545, // Geth HTTP RPC port network_id: "*", // Match any network id from: "0x4dA2472eDDe765C406035C813912108955BdF33B", gas: 4500000, // Gas limit gasPrice: 20000000000, // 20 Gwei networkCheckTimeout: 20000 }, }, compilers: { solc: { version: "0.8.0", }, }, };``` Migrations ```const IdentityVerification = artifacts.require("IdentityVerification"); module.exports = function (deployer) { deployer.deploy(IdentityVerification) .then(instance => { console.log(`Contract deployed at address: ${instance.address}`); }); };``` I unlock my validator account in the console and start mining, which I can view in bootnode. The contract compiles but when I run ```truffle migrate --network development``` I recieve an error: ```Starting migrations... ====================== > Network name: 'development' > Network id: 3129 > Block gas limit: 30000000 (0x1c9c380) 2_deploy_identity_verification.js ================================= Deploying 'IdentityVerification' -------------------------------- *** Deployment Failed *** "IdentityVerification" -- unknown account. Exiting: Review successful transactions manually by checking the transaction hashes above on Etherscan. Error: *** Deployment Failed *** "IdentityVerification" -- unknown account. at /uslib/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/deployesrc/deployment.js:330:1 at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) 
Running (await web3.eth.getAccounts()) returns the address of the bootnode, and await web3.eth.getBalance("0x4dA2472eDDe765C406035C813912108955BdF33B")) '100000000000000000000000' successfully returns the account balance of validator0. Therefore it must be recognised in some capacity by truffle and I'm unsure of how to successfully route traffic through bootnode or understand how to configure the system so that truffle can recognise validator0.
submitted by Bales_wages to ethereum [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:09 Ok-Radish-3513 Dog constantly gets out

I have a 2 y/o lab who likes to run up and bark at people. He has figured out how to open my front door & jump my porch gate.
My kids like to spend their time in our front yard. We have tried to put the dog in the back yard, but he barks like crazy. We’ve had a neighbor threaten to call animal control about the barking already..
So we leave him in the house while we are on our front porch which leads to him pushing open the front door or if we have tried letting him on the porch, he jumps the gate.
This evening he run outside, ran up to a neighbor walking and barked. The neighbor then cussed at me, said he would start kicking him or beat him with a stick if it ever happened again.
I immediately went out and purchased a post for the front yard and new chain, but I just feel like a mega-asshole and horrible dog owner. I don’t know what to do to allow my dog to be happy and my neighbors.
(He has previously had a tie out that he chewed himself off of)
submitted by Ok-Radish-3513 to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:02 ismygeckodying I think my leopard gecko is dying

I am in highschool, not going to give a specific age, but I got a leopard gecko during middle school. All the time in the world for him. Once i got to highschool I have become way more involved and the time I once had is gone. I used to think that this could be easy for me, and honestly it might be easy for anyone, but I think that lizards or any animals that arent dogs or cats are just not fit for me. I have to admit that I have not been a good gecko owner, and now I just don't know what to do. All I am doing is beating myself up over this, but I feel like I need to do something. His tail is thin. Extremely thin. These past 2 months I have been feeding him regularly and his tail will not get any thicker, it is a lot thinner now. His shed had gotten into his eyes also, and he is most likely blind. I have already tried contacting places that can rescue animals like him, but none of them have worked out, and i have just come to the conclusion that the universe is against me. I have tried to get the shed out, feed him every day, and I have watched videos, and some of these things I am unable to do, and my parents are not going to buy these things to let me helo him. I feel like at this point the universe is just forcing me to watch him die, and I admit that I should have taken the best care of him from the start, but this is a lesson learned and I am never getting a gecko or anything other than a dog or cat again.
submitted by ismygeckodying to GeckoSmiles [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:01 ismygeckodying I think my leopard gecko is dying

I am in highschool, not going to give a specific age, but I got a leopard gecko during middle school. All the time in the world for him. Once i got to highschool I have become way more involved and the time I once had is gone. I used to think that this could be easy for me, and honestly it might be easy for anyone, but I think that lizards or any animals that arent dogs or cats are just not fit for me. I have to admit that I have not been a good gecko owner, and now I just don't know what to do. All I am doing is beating myself up over this, but I feel like I need to do something. His tail is thin. Extremely thin. These past 2 months I have been feeding him regularly and his tail will not get any thicker, it is a lot thinner now. His shed had gotten into his eyes also, and he is most likely blind. I have already tried contacting places that can rescue animals like him, but none of them have worked out, and i have just come to the conclusion that the universe is against me. I have tried to get the shed out, feed him every day, and I have watched videos, and some of these things I am unable to do, and my parents are not going to buy these things to let me helo him. I feel like at this point the universe is just forcing me to watch him die, and I admit that I should have taken the best care of him from the start, but this is a lesson learned and I am never getting a gecko or anything other than a dog or cat again.
submitted by ismygeckodying to geckos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:56 scottmademesignup Dog gunshot to face

This is long; I’ll try to make it quick. My husband and I live in the country and we have two dogs. People constantly dump the dogs they don’t want out here.
A few months ago, a young female pit bull was ditched and we called animal control and they couldn’t catch her. Eventually, she went under our neighbors fence and they kept her. The neighbor told me that they had her scanned and she was chipped. The registered owner had cancer and gave her away to another family and they are the ones who dumped her. They have 4 other dogs already who are mostly outside dogs.
The dog is able to get out from their fence and has done so for a while now. She walks all over the neighborhood, goes into other peoples yards and eventually she started crawling under a low spot in our fence and coming to play with our dogs. She has the sweetest personality, she is loving and she is not aggressive to other people or dogs but I do understand the fear people have of pits and then being cautious if they have livestock.
Today, my husband is home from work and sitting in our living room. The dog comes through our back dog door and is bleeding from her face. We assumed she got into it with another dog . He snapped a photo and it looks like a piece of her cheek was hanging down. I text our neighbor and ask if they want my husband to take the dog to the vet as they are at work. They said “I don’t know. Not sure where one is”. 🙄🙄. My husband ended up taking the dog to our vet. They first quoted a cost of $400-600 and they would call with an update.
First phone call he gets with an update is that they looked in her mouth and she has a lot of broken teeth. They are going to keep working on her and will get back to us.
Second update is it’s worse than they thought. She was shot in the face. The bullet went in through her cheek, across part of her sinus and lodged in her jaw. They had to remove a piece of her mandible and she only has one viable tooth left on the right side. I asked them if we needed to be thinking about putting her to sleep and they said at this point no; she will look different and have to eat on one side of her face but she should be fine. They are keeping her overnight and we can go get her tomorrow.
Her owner next door has not asked for any updates. The fact that they haphazardly attempted to fix their fence with zip ties (that the dog busted through) and didn’t even care to ask how she was make us want to just tell them we are going to keep her.
My question is this: How is the healing process? Will she have a good quality of life or could this make the rest of her life uncomfortable? I’m assuming soft food only but I guess I am bracing myself for the worst. We can offer her a safe and good home but I feel so terrible she is alone tonight and that some jerk shot her in the freaking face!!!
submitted by scottmademesignup to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:53 Usual_Captain_2092 Ella Bella. Pretty husky will be euthanized Friday May 17 without a long term foster (3-4 months) and rescue - she was found online and lived in owners yard ! Downey Animal care Center, #A5616846

Ella Bella. Pretty husky will be euthanized Friday May 17 without a long term foster (3-4 months) and rescue - she was found online and lived in owners yard ! Downey Animal care Center, #A5616846
Hi Reddit let's help this pretty girl find an experienced long term foster in SoCal for 3-4 months and a rescue so that she can feel love, care, be inside a home like a normal dog, learn to trust humans and get training to be able to socialize with other dogs. I have attached her behavioural assessment as well. " Ella # A5616846 4yr Spayed Siberian husky 49 Ibs. Owner Surrender 4/01/24 Ella Ella is ok for public adoption Adults only required Medium energy level, no other dogs required No small dogs, cats, small pets. Ella is an owner surrender with a documented incident of aggression towards another dog that resulted in a minor injury. Previous owner stated that the Ella escaped and caused a small scratch on the neighbor's dog's neck. Per owner, Ella knows command sit, lay and paw. They acquired Ella online and she lived in their yard, she tried escaping by digging or door dashing. According to them, she was good in the car and tolerant of kids and her favorites were squeeky toys and playing catch.
Ella greeted the runner with a relaxed body, soft eyes, an open pant, and a high tail with a loose wag. She was easy to leash and remove from the kennel, pulled moderately on leash while bypassing the other kennels, and was easy to collar. In the catch pen, her body was neutral, her eyes were soft, her mouth was open with a soft pant, and her tail was high. She snapped at the other dogs through the fence and bit one on the nose when he tried to sniff her through the fence, but did not cause any injury. She was muzzled prior to entering the yard. She entered the yard and began to struggle with the muzzle. After a few minutes, she began to roam the yard with a neutral body, soft eyes, a closed mouth, and a neutral tail. She kept to herself as much as possible, and snapped at the other dogs whenever they approached her. She used the handler as a shield, and tried to avoid the other dogs as much as possible. Ella is defensive with the other dogs, has a medium energy level, and does not have a playstyle at this time. SHELTER ADDRESS Downey Animal Care Center 11258 Garfield Avenue Downey, CA 90242 (562) 940-6898 Monday-Saturday lam-5pma RESCUE EMAiL DACCDowneyRescue@animalcare.lacounty.gov" notes From share.for.love on Instagram if your able to foster Ella please email isabeldesiree8@gmail.com now and direct message California shelter pets on Instagram and Reddit. Thank you
submitted by Usual_Captain_2092 to rescuedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:53 scottmademesignup Dog survived gunshot. What next?

This is long; I’ll try to make it quick. My husband and I live in the country and we have two dogs. People constantly dump the dogs they don’t want out here though.
A few months ago, a young female pit bull was ditched and we called animal control and they couldn’t catch her. Eventually, she went under our neighbors fence and they kept her. The neighbor told me that she was chipped and the previous owner had cancer so they have to her another family and that family dumped her. They have 4 other dogs…
The dog is able to get out from their fence and has done so for a while now. She walks all over the neighborhood, goes into other peoples yards and eventually she started crawling under a low spot in our fence and coming to play with our dogs. She has the sweetest personality, she is loving and she is not aggressive to other people or dogs. I can see that for people who are scared of dogs or have livestock or cats, they are probably not a fan of roaming free. The neighbors know she gets out and the only attempt they made was to zip tie the hole in their fence and she busted through the zip ties in seconds.
Today, my husband is home from work and sitting in our living room. The dog comes through our back dog door and is bleeding from her face. We assumed she got into it with another dog . He snapped a photo and it looks like a piece of her cheek was hanging down. I text our neighbor and ask if they want my husband to take the dog to the vet as they are at work. They said “I don’t know. Not sure where one is”. 🙄🙄. My husband ended up taking the dog to our vet. They first quoted a cost of $400-600 and they would call with an update.
First phone call he gets with an update is that they looked in her mouth and she has a lot of broken teeth. They are going to keep working on her and will get back to us.
Second update is it’s worse than they thought. She was shot in the face. The bullet went in through her cheek, across part of her sinus and lodged in her jaw. They had to remove a piece of her mandible and she only has one viable tooth left on the right side. I asked them if we needed to be thinking about putting her to sleep and they said at this point no; she will look different and have to eat on one side of her face but she should be fine. They are keeping her overnight and we can go get her tomorrow.
Her owner next door has not asked for any updates. The fact that they haphazardly attempted to fix their fence and didn’t even care to ask how she was make us want to just tell them we are going to keep her.
My question is this: has anyone else had a dog who was shot in the face and survived? How was the healing process? I’m assuming soft food only but I guess I am bracing myself for the worst. We can offer her a safe and good home but I feel so terrible she is alone tonight and that some jerk shot her in the freaking face!!!
submitted by scottmademesignup to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:51 Narrow_Muscle9572 Water Bears and Dirt Rats

In 1945, the United States underwent Operation Paperclip which gave over 1,600 German scientists, engineers and technicians sanctuary and absolution of their crimes in exchange for the continuation of their research.
In 1953 those same individuals came up with and executed MK Ultra, an illegal human experiment that used its citizens (targeting schools, hospitals and prisons) as test subjects.
In 1954 the Plum Island was turned into a research center for diseases.
In 1975 the first documented case of Lyme disease occurred. Rumored to have escaped Plum Island.
In 2005 the DHS announced that all the work done at Plum Island would be continued in Kansas. Not just the center of the continental United States, but also home to crops seen in grocery stores all over the country.
The following is a true story.
Getting into work, one of the first things I do is check my mail. I’ve been a reporter for years and have amassed fans who like to write in and give me leads. Most of the time these leads don't amount to much (Sometimes I wonder if people send me things because of my apophenia and they are trying to get me off their scent), but every once in a while I strike gold.
I had been working at Whisper Alley Echos for a few months by the time I got my first lead. The package I got was small and when I opened it I saw a DVD that had the words “play me” written in black marker on it. Not knowing what was on it, I waited until I got home to put it on. Not just because I didnt know what was on it, but I was also busy working on a different project about how everyone in a nearby town just went missing. The official story is that they all went on vacation or went to visit a relative and decided to stay. I dont know about you, but I found that suspicious.
After getting home and shifting gears to get into the movie mood (popcorn, blinds pulled, etc…) I popped the DVD in and began watching.
There were dozens of different videos to pick from, some ranging from a minute to half an hour. Instead of picking one at random, I just played them in order. After all, all their titles were dates and times and I didnt want to miss anything that might make sense later.
The first video featured a tardigrade, at the time I didnt know what it was, but the scientist doing the voice over described it as being a microscopic animal as well as being extremely resilient. This went on for several minutes and for a moment it felt as though I was watching a nature documentary instead of something given to me by a government whistleblower.
The next few videos featured footage of the tardigrades being given something called “BB-F828” and the changes it caused.
The voiceover talked about how a tardigrade (this time he called them water bears and the two terms were interchangeable from this point on) was showing signs of several thousand generations of evolution in only a few days. Even though I know nothing about science, I could see that the thing on the television was not the same animal that was shown in the first video.
While they were never “cute”, at least they never looked like predators, but after a few videos I saw that the tardigrades were covered in what appeared to be padding. In a later video this padding would change into being chitin-like armor.
The last video was filmed two months after the water bears were given BB-F828 and in it the scientists could see them even without a microscope.
The next morning I went into work and started writing on my computer, copying notes from my small notebook. However by the time I started the second draft, Andrea, the office secretary, dropped a letter off at my desk.
It was the first time I got a letter about an “inside scoop” two days in a row.
The letter said that they were the ones who sent the DVD and if I wanted to know more I would have to go to The Rats Skeleton (a bar that used to be a speakeasy during prohibition. Because of this the place feels as though its a front for a comic book villain. The owners have leaned into this and did everything they could to reinforce this feeling with sparse lighting and everything that isn't red velvet on the walls being painted black) at a specific time.
Usually I wouldn't go meet strangers after getting an anonymous letter that tells me to come alone, but its a small town and I didn't have much going on that particular Thursday.
Parking behind the Merc (short for mercantile, where most of the grocery and general shopping is done in town), I descended the stairs and made my way to the back of the bar. There I found a woman that didnt look like she slept in days. Since no one else was in that back area I figured she must have been the person I was there to see.
“Hey, I’m Daniel West. Am I—”
“Sit” the woman said, motioning across from her. I sat down and asked her for her name but she didn’t want to answer me and when i asked for it a second time she claimed it was Jane, but there is no doubt that was not her real name.
“What made you reach out, Jane?”
“You saw the video?”
I nodded. “Yup.”
“I have a lot of questions” I answered.
“Figured you would” Jane said. “Ask.”
“Well, first” I said, my journalistic inexperience showing as I went through my pocket notebook. “Who are you and why do you know all this?”
“Name isnt important” Jane answered. “Let me start from the beginning. We thought we were working on human survivability” Jane answered. “I thought that I was working for some company that had a government contract. That might be true, it might not be. Either way lots of money and resources have been put into this.”
“I saw the video” I answered. “What exactly was it that I was watching?”
Janes eyes were frantic as she looked at the stairs behind me. When I turned around to see what she was looking at I saw a local descending the steps and approach the bar. She only answered my question when she was convinced that the man wasn't eavesdropping, still, she spoke in whispers.
“We were working on human survivability.”
“You said that. What does that mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. Consider we civilize mars and the long term effects from the static radiation there. Or another planet that demands thicker bones because of increased gravity? Evolution might give us those things eventually but what if we need it now? In this generation?”
“So you made super humans?”
Jane was annoyed and slapped the table. No one was around to hear or see her but I still looked around anyways.
“We didn’t work on humans. We piggybacked off of some other countries' genetic research and made some breakthroughs of our own. When—-“
“Other countries?” I interrupted instead of letting her talk.
“Yeah” Jane said with a shrug. “Some countries aren’t tied down by the same code of ethics as ours.”
“That’s why you got a hold of me? To tell—-“
“We were working on small parts. At first individual genes, building from that success we went on to more complex organisms. Eventually, hopefully, test on humans.”
“But you never made it that far?”
“No” Jane said, taking a sip from her glass. “We tested BB-F828 on other things, building up towards human testing.”
“Okay, like what?”
Jane inhaled through her nose and looked at me as though she wasnt sure if I could be trusted. Then she sighed when she realized it was too late not to trust me, she had already went too far to turn back. “What do you think has the best chance of not only surviving a planet wide disaster, but also thrive in it?”
“Cockroaches” I answered.
Jane nodded. “Sure. Lots of people would agree with you, however that wouldn't be the best pick.”
“Oh? Then what would be?”
I laughed.
“They are tough and can thrive anywhere. Even before BB-F828 they are smarter than roaches, plus rats have a complicated social hierarchy, similar to humans. Remember, I didn't just say survive. I said thrive.”
“So you tested all this on rats?”
Jane nodded. “We did.”
I waited for Jane to continue, but thanks to her staring off into space due to lack of sleep, she waited longer.
“What happened?”
Janes eyes drifted back at me, she was running on fumes. “Huh? Oh, yeah. Rats, right?” she asked while pulling a folder out from the seat next to her. She set it on the table and slid it over to me. “Here, take a peek.”
I opened it, expecting redacted pages of ‘evidence’ and while I got some of that, it was the photos that drew my attention the most. At first the photos were individual rats and a designated number they received instead of a name.
“How many rats did you experiment—” I started, but my voice trailed off when I came across a photo of the one rat with unique markings on its back now appearing to be bred for a war on pleasant dreams. Its eyes were pearly gray, teeth became tusks, its whiskers were thick and barbed. According to the scale it was on when the second photo was taken it weighed twenty nine point four kilos.
“A few hundred?” Jane answered, though it was obvious that it was just a guess. “They were paired off and put in different environments to see how they adapt.”
“Why would you pair them off?”
“I think it was to see if some would branch out and become their own species” Jane answered as she checked her watch. Seeing the time she sped up. “See, when something with BB-F828 finds itself in a desert, it might adapt to the point that it grows a hump like a camel. Or grow gills if they are in the ocean. The original purpose was for human survivability on other planets. We thought if we could discover how the adaptations work, and it could be repeated exactly the same over and over again, we could do something for humans. After all you wouldn't want anything unexpected to happen when you're in the middle of growing another set of arms or a dorsal fin, right?”Jane said. “But to do this we needed lots of subjects and all in their own environments. Each one had their own surprises, after all, evolution is random. Favors some things over others. One species can branch out to be dozens or hundreds. Thousands with enough time and environmental factors. When the tardigrades started displaying more predatory behavior we thought it was due to the change in diet and the increase in protein, but now we think its due to the rapid change. It drives them insane. All of this was surprising, but none as surprising as the ‘dirt rats’.”
“Wait. They are all insane? Also, dirt rats?” I asked, flipping the photo over to show the next one. This one revealed what I thought was a bear, but when I was about to flip it over to look at the next one I noticed its teeth. Thats when I noticed that it was a huge, muscular rat.
“Six breeding pairs, all kept in an empty pool full of dirt. They weren't given enough room to get out of the dirt, so they had to adapt to living in it. Anyways, because they are in the dirt its harder to keep track of what they are doing. Because of that, by the time we discovered that they had burrowed their way out of the facility it was too late. They were gone.”
“Gone? What do you mean?”
“Escaped,” Jane whispered. “And they are growing.”
“Last I heard, they were nearly sixty feet but we honestly don't know. It's not like we can compare them to anything else.”
“Sixty feet?” I laughed. “Someone would have saw them by—”
“Underground” Jane said with a shake of her head. “They are underground. I know it's hard to believe, but how else can you explain those earthquakes in Chicago? New York?”
“Are you saying there are giant rats under those cities?”
“I am saying they aren't rats anymore. They are something else entirely. I am saying six breeding pairs might not sound like a lot, but rats reproduce so quickly it's terrifying. I am saying that they are so big and there are so many of them that they are causing those earthquakes. I am saying that due to their size they burn off lots of calories and some have evolved to hibernating.”
“Why hibernation?”
“No idea, but when they wake up they are going to be very hungry. Ravenous.”
“Any idea when that might be?” I asked.
Jane shrugged. “Some already have. We just covered it up.”
It might have been my apophenia talking, but with that statement I started seeing the bigger picture and asked Jane about the town that went missing (The story I was working on before her DVD reached me). Jane gave me the politician's answer, saying something without actually saying something, and that was enough to confirm that I was indeed on the right track.
Unfortunately Jane and I did not speak for much longer, she got a call that freaked her out and she took off. Before she left she took the folder and the pictures I was still going through. I haven't seen or heard from her since and have dropped the story about the disappearances that have secretly been plaguing our country.
submitted by Narrow_Muscle9572 to WhisperAlleyEchos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:50 Usual_Captain_2092 Ella Bella . Pretty husky will be euthanized Friday May 17 without a long term foster ( 3-4 months ) and rescue - she was found online and lived in owners yard ! Downey Animal care Center, #A5616846

Ella Bella . Pretty husky will be euthanized Friday May 17 without a long term foster ( 3-4 months ) and rescue - she was found online and lived in owners yard ! Downey Animal care Center, #A5616846
Hi Reddit let’s help this pretty girl find an experienced long term foster in SoCal for 3-4 months and a rescue so that she can feel love, care , be inside a home like a normal dog , learn to trust humans and get training to be able to socialize with other dogs . I have attached her behavioural assessment as well.
“ Ella #A5616846 4yr Spayed Siberian husky 49 Ibs. Owner Surrender 4/01/24 Ella Ella is ok for public adoption Adults only required Medium energy level, no other dogs required No small dogs, cats, small pets. Ella is an owner surrender with a documented incident of aggression towards another dog that resulted in a minor injury. Previous owner stated that the Ella escaped and caused a small scratch on the neighbor's dog's neck. Per owner, Ella knows command sit, lay and paw. They acquired Ella online and she lived in their yard, she tried escaping by digging or door dashing . According to them, she was good in the car and tolerant of kids and her favorites were squeeky toys and playing catch.
Ella greeted the runner with a relaxed body, soft eyes, an open pant, and a high tail with a loose wag. She was easy to leash and remove from the kennel, pulled moderately on leash while bypassing the other kennels, and was easy to collar. In the catch pen, her body was neutral, her eyes were soft, her mouth was open with a soft pant, and her tail was high. She snapped at the other dogs through the fence and bit one on the nose when he tried to sniff her through the fence, but did not cause any injury. She was muzzled prior to entering the yard. She entered the yard and began to struggle with the muzzle. After a few minutes, she began to roam the yard with a neutral body, soft eyes, a closed mouth, and a neutral tail. She kept to herself as much as possible, and snapped at the other dogs whenever they approached her. She used the handler as a shield, and tried to avoid the other dogs as much as possible. Ella is defensive with the other dogs, has a medium energy level, and does not have a playstyle at this time. SHELTER ADDRESS Downey Animal Care Center 11258 Garfield Avenue Downey, CA 90242 (562) 940-6898 Monday-Saturday Ilam-5pma
RESCUE EMAiL DACCDowneyRescue@animalcare.lacounty.gov
notes From share.for.love on Instagram
if your able to foster Ella please email isabeldesiree8@gmail.com now and direct message California shelter pets on Instagram and Reddit . Thank you !
submitted by Usual_Captain_2092 to National_Pet_Adoption [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:50 Narrow_Muscle9572 Water Bears and Dirt Rats

In 1945, the United States underwent Operation Paperclip which gave over 1,600 German scientists, engineers and technicians sanctuary and absolution of their crimes in exchange for the continuation of their research.
In 1953 those same individuals came up with and executed MK Ultra, an illegal human experiment that used its citizens (targeting schools, hospitals and prisons) as test subjects.
In 1954 the Plum Island was turned into a research center for diseases.
In 1975 the first documented case of Lyme disease occurred. Rumored to have escaped Plum Island.
In 2005 the DHS announced that all the work done at Plum Island would be continued in Kansas. Not just the center of the continental United States, but also home to crops seen in grocery stores all over the country.
The following is a true story.
Getting into work, one of the first things I do is check my mail. I’ve been a reporter for years and have amassed fans who like to write in and give me leads. Most of the time these leads don't amount to much (Sometimes I wonder if people send me things because of my apophenia and they are trying to get me off their scent), but every once in a while I strike gold.
I had been working at Whisper Alley Echos for a few months by the time I got my first lead. The package I got was small and when I opened it I saw a DVD that had the words “play me” written in black marker on it. Not knowing what was on it, I waited until I got home to put it on. Not just because I didnt know what was on it, but I was also busy working on a different project about how everyone in a nearby town just went missing. The official story is that they all went on vacation or went to visit a relative and decided to stay. I dont know about you, but I found that suspicious.
After getting home and shifting gears to get into the movie mood (popcorn, blinds pulled, etc…) I popped the DVD in and began watching.
There were dozens of different videos to pick from, some ranging from a minute to half an hour. Instead of picking one at random, I just played them in order. After all, all their titles were dates and times and I didnt want to miss anything that might make sense later.
The first video featured a tardigrade, at the time I didnt know what it was, but the scientist doing the voice over described it as being a microscopic animal as well as being extremely resilient. This went on for several minutes and for a moment it felt as though I was watching a nature documentary instead of something given to me by a government whistleblower.
The next few videos featured footage of the tardigrades being given something called “BB-F828” and the changes it caused.
The voiceover talked about how a tardigrade (this time he called them water bears and the two terms were interchangeable from this point on) was showing signs of several thousand generations of evolution in only a few days. Even though I know nothing about science, I could see that the thing on the television was not the same animal that was shown in the first video.
While they were never “cute”, at least they never looked like predators, but after a few videos I saw that the tardigrades were covered in what appeared to be padding. In a later video this padding would change into being chitin-like armor.
The last video was filmed two months after the water bears were given BB-F828 and in it the scientists could see them even without a microscope.
The next morning I went into work and started writing on my computer, copying notes from my small notebook. However by the time I started the second draft, Andrea, the office secretary, dropped a letter off at my desk.
It was the first time I got a letter about an “inside scoop” two days in a row.
The letter said that they were the ones who sent the DVD and if I wanted to know more I would have to go to The Rats Skeleton (a bar that used to be a speakeasy during prohibition. Because of this the place feels as though its a front for a comic book villain. The owners have leaned into this and did everything they could to reinforce this feeling with sparse lighting and everything that isn't red velvet on the walls being painted black) at a specific time.
Usually I wouldn't go meet strangers after getting an anonymous letter that tells me to come alone, but its a small town and I didn't have much going on that particular Thursday.
Parking behind the Merc (short for mercantile, where most of the grocery and general shopping is done in town), I descended the stairs and made my way to the back of the bar. There I found a woman that didnt look like she slept in days. Since no one else was in that back area I figured she must have been the person I was there to see.
“Hey, I’m Daniel West. Am I—”
“Sit” the woman said, motioning across from her. I sat down and asked her for her name but she didn’t want to answer me and when i asked for it a second time she claimed it was Jane, but there is no doubt that was not her real name.
“What made you reach out, Jane?”
“You saw the video?”
I nodded. “Yup.”
“I have a lot of questions” I answered.
“Figured you would” Jane said. “Ask.”
“Well, first” I said, my journalistic inexperience showing as I went through my pocket notebook. “Who are you and why do you know all this?”
“Name isnt important” Jane answered. “Let me start from the beginning. We thought we were working on human survivability” Jane answered. “I thought that I was working for some company that had a government contract. That might be true, it might not be. Either way lots of money and resources have been put into this.”
“I saw the video” I answered. “What exactly was it that I was watching?”
Janes eyes were frantic as she looked at the stairs behind me. When I turned around to see what she was looking at I saw a local descending the steps and approach the bar. She only answered my question when she was convinced that the man wasn't eavesdropping, still, she spoke in whispers.
“We were working on human survivability.”
“You said that. What does that mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. Consider we civilize mars and the long term effects from the static radiation there. Or another planet that demands thicker bones because of increased gravity? Evolution might give us those things eventually but what if we need it now? In this generation?”
“So you made super humans?”
Jane was annoyed and slapped the table. No one was around to hear or see her but I still looked around anyways.
“We didn’t work on humans. We piggybacked off of some other countries' genetic research and made some breakthroughs of our own. When—-“
“Other countries?” I interrupted instead of letting her talk.
“Yeah” Jane said with a shrug. “Some countries aren’t tied down by the same code of ethics as ours.”
“That’s why you got a hold of me? To tell—-“
“We were working on small parts. At first individual genes, building from that success we went on to more complex organisms. Eventually, hopefully, test on humans.”
“But you never made it that far?”
“No” Jane said, taking a sip from her glass. “We tested BB-F828 on other things, building up towards human testing.”
“Okay, like what?”
Jane inhaled through her nose and looked at me as though she wasnt sure if I could be trusted. Then she sighed when she realized it was too late not to trust me, she had already went too far to turn back. “What do you think has the best chance of not only surviving a planet wide disaster, but also thrive in it?”
“Cockroaches” I answered.
Jane nodded. “Sure. Lots of people would agree with you, however that wouldn't be the best pick.”
“Oh? Then what would be?”
I laughed.
“They are tough and can thrive anywhere. Even before BB-F828 they are smarter than roaches, plus rats have a complicated social hierarchy, similar to humans. Remember, I didn't just say survive. I said thrive.”
“So you tested all this on rats?”
Jane nodded. “We did.”
I waited for Jane to continue, but thanks to her staring off into space due to lack of sleep, she waited longer.
“What happened?”
Janes eyes drifted back at me, she was running on fumes. “Huh? Oh, yeah. Rats, right?” she asked while pulling a folder out from the seat next to her. She set it on the table and slid it over to me. “Here, take a peek.”
I opened it, expecting redacted pages of ‘evidence’ and while I got some of that, it was the photos that drew my attention the most. At first the photos were individual rats and a designated number they received instead of a name.
“How many rats did you experiment—” I started, but my voice trailed off when I came across a photo of the one rat with unique markings on its back now appearing to be bred for a war on pleasant dreams. Its eyes were pearly gray, teeth became tusks, its whiskers were thick and barbed. According to the scale it was on when the second photo was taken it weighed twenty nine point four kilos.
“A few hundred?” Jane answered, though it was obvious that it was just a guess. “They were paired off and put in different environments to see how they adapt.”
“Why would you pair them off?”
“I think it was to see if some would branch out and become their own species” Jane answered as she checked her watch. Seeing the time she sped up. “See, when something with BB-F828 finds itself in a desert, it might adapt to the point that it grows a hump like a camel. Or grow gills if they are in the ocean. The original purpose was for human survivability on other planets. We thought if we could discover how the adaptations work, and it could be repeated exactly the same over and over again, we could do something for humans. After all you wouldn't want anything unexpected to happen when you're in the middle of growing another set of arms or a dorsal fin, right?”Jane said. “But to do this we needed lots of subjects and all in their own environments. Each one had their own surprises, after all, evolution is random. Favors some things over others. One species can branch out to be dozens or hundreds. Thousands with enough time and environmental factors. When the tardigrades started displaying more predatory behavior we thought it was due to the change in diet and the increase in protein, but now we think its due to the rapid change. It drives them insane. All of this was surprising, but none as surprising as the ‘dirt rats’.”
“Wait. They are all insane? Also, dirt rats?” I asked, flipping the photo over to show the next one. This one revealed what I thought was a bear, but when I was about to flip it over to look at the next one I noticed its teeth. Thats when I noticed that it was a huge, muscular rat.
“Six breeding pairs, all kept in an empty pool full of dirt. They weren't given enough room to get out of the dirt, so they had to adapt to living in it. Anyways, because they are in the dirt its harder to keep track of what they are doing. Because of that, by the time we discovered that they had burrowed their way out of the facility it was too late. They were gone.”
“Gone? What do you mean?”
“Escaped,” Jane whispered. “And they are growing.”
“Last I heard, they were nearly sixty feet but we honestly don't know. It's not like we can compare them to anything else.”
“Sixty feet?” I laughed. “Someone would have saw them by—”
“Underground” Jane said with a shake of her head. “They are underground. I know it's hard to believe, but how else can you explain those earthquakes in Chicago? New York?”
“Are you saying there are giant rats under those cities?”
“I am saying they aren't rats anymore. They are something else entirely. I am saying six breeding pairs might not sound like a lot, but rats reproduce so quickly it's terrifying. I am saying that they are so big and there are so many of them that they are causing those earthquakes. I am saying that due to their size they burn off lots of calories and some have evolved to hibernating.”
“Why hibernation?”
“No idea, but when they wake up they are going to be very hungry. Ravenous.”
“Any idea when that might be?” I asked.
Jane shrugged. “Some already have. We just covered it up.”
It might have been my apophenia talking, but with that statement I started seeing the bigger picture and asked Jane about the town that went missing (The story I was working on before her DVD reached me). Jane gave me the politician's answer, saying something without actually saying something, and that was enough to confirm that I was indeed on the right track.
Unfortunately Jane and I did not speak for much longer, she got a call that freaked her out and she took off. Before she left she took the folder and the pictures I was still going through. I haven't seen or heard from her since and have dropped the story about the disappearances that have secretly been plaguing our country.
submitted by Narrow_Muscle9572 to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:47 scottmademesignup Injury to dog, how to move fwd?

This is long; I’ll try to make it quick. My husband and I live in the country and we have two dogs. People constantly dump the dogs they don’t want out here.
A few months ago, a young female pit bull was ditched and we called animal control and they couldn’t catch her. Eventually, she went under our neighbors fence and they kept her. They have 4 other dogs…
The dog is able to get out from their fence and has done so for a while now. She walks all over the neighborhood, goes into other peoples yards and eventually she started crawling under a low spot in our fence and coming to play with our dogs. She has the sweetest personality, she is loving and she is not aggressive to other people or dogs.
Today, my husband is home from work and sitting in our living room. The dog comes through our back dog door and is bleeding from her face. We assumed she got into it with another dog . He snapped a photo and it looks like a piece of her cheek was hanging down. I text our neighbor and ask if they want my husband to take the dog to the vet as they are at work. They said “I don’t know. Not sure where one is”. 🙄🙄. My husband ended up taking the dog to our vet. They first quoted a cost of $400-600 and they would call with an update.
First phone call he gets with an update is that they looked in her mouth and she has a lot of broken teeth. They are going to keep working on her and will get back to us but probably going to be close to $1800.
Second update is it’s worse than they thought. She was shot in the face. The bullet went in through her cheek, across part of her sinus and lodged in her jaw. They had to remove a piece of her mandible and she only has one viable tooth left on the right side. I asked them if we needed to be thinking about putting her to sleep and they said at this point no; she will look different and have to eat on one side of her face but she should be fine. They are keeping her overnight and we can go get her tomorrow.
Her owner next door has not asked for any updates. The fact that they haphazardly attempted to fix their fence with zip ties (that the dog busted through) and didn’t even care to ask how she was make us want to just tell them we are going to keep her.
My question is this: has anyone else had a dog who was shot in the face and survived? How was the healing process? I’m assuming soft food only but I guess I am bracing myself for the worst. We can offer her a safe and good home but I feel so terrible she is alone tonight and that some jerk shot her in the freaking face!!!
submitted by scottmademesignup to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:44 MobileSquirrel3567 Procedurally animate lights' locations?

I'm aware that I can manually keyframe lights' locations. Is there a way to determine them procedurally, like you can with mesh point positions in Geometry Nodes? I tried animating a mesh and then constraining the light to copy it but hadn't realized that only changed individual positions, not the mesh's location transform
submitted by MobileSquirrel3567 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:23 sunshinefunshine69 94 C4 Passive Keyless Entry Malfunction

94 C4 Passive Keyless Entry Malfunction
Hi all, I recently bought my dream car - 94 C4, manual transmission, 81k mi - was driving today, stopped for gas and when I turned the car back on the “passive keyless entry” light was illuminated on the dash. I do not have a key fob, only the ignition and door lock keys. Drove a couple of miles down the road with the light on and suddenly the rear hatch pops open while driving and the release keeps clicking to release again and again. I pull over, turn the car off, reach for the manual, and it stops clicking. I get out and shut the hatch, get back in, drive a few more miles.. light comes back on.. a few more miles.. hatch pops and click click click.. repeat 3 more times over the next 20 miles or so home. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a loose wire or sensor? Did the previous owner have keyless entry and lose a fob under the seat? Help!
submitted by sunshinefunshine69 to Corvette [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:20 Snoo15541 PSA: if you can’t control your “Service Dog”, keep them the f*ck away from fishermen!

PSA: If you can’t control your dog, keep them the f*ck away from me while I am fishing!
I’m a relatively new saltwater angler, and have a regular public park I enjoy fishing at. I was set up per usual, had a little music going, rod setup in a sand spike, minding my business. Guy pulls up about 15 yards behind me in his blue-led lit golf cart…. Regular thing here in Florida. I ignore him. A few moments later a beautiful Dalmatian dog wearing a “Service Dog” harness is sniffing me and my gear. I turn to the guy and ask if it’s okay to pet the dog. He says yes. I greet the dog briefly, he doesn’t seem interested in me, he keeps sniffing my gear, I go on about my business. Moments later I turn and this dog has tangled himself (and hooked himself) in my Sabiki rig I had laying on the ground. He must’ve smelled the shrimp that I had on it (there were only little bits of it left on the hooks, as I was done using it) and he freakin ATE a hook. Well now the dog is freaked, he has a hook in his mouth, a hook in his leg. The owner is freaking out and yelling at me about why I had my hooks on the ground (given, I should have put them away, but I wasn’t exactly planning for a dog to eat them!!). I am literally chasing this guys dog FOR HIM, and cutting him loose from everything. The guys is like well should I take him to a vet? I am like, uhhhh YES!? There’s literally line coming out of his mouth and the guy is like “do you think there is a hook in there?” F*cking obviously you numb skull. I had my own hands in his dogs mouth trying to locate the hook, meanwhile this idiot is just flipping out wondering what to do. Anyways, the ineptness of this dude infuriated me, ruined my fishing, and most importantly, he hurt his dog because of his stupidity. I hope the dog is alright, he deserves a better owner. (Also just for the record, I am 99% convinced that dog was not a Service animal. Dog was not on a leash, headed a grand total of 0 commands from the owner even before he grabbed the hooks…..)
Control your dogs or they might end up with a pricey vet visit thanks to them eating a fishing hook…
submitted by Snoo15541 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:12 BlackFridayNews Dyson V10 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner in Purple (Ref) - $239.99

Dyson V10 Animal Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner in Purple (Ref) - $239.99 submitted by BlackFridayNews to GottaDEAL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:03 Keylime15 [WTS] 60 round AR mag, Recover 20/80 brace, BMC AR15 furniture, Magpul MVG, SI angled grip, WC P320 Carry grip, 300 BO upper (no bcg/ch), SI AK comp, Romeo 1 Pro 🔴, Swampfox Kingslayer 🔴

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/6oacTEy
S/N and Additional Romeo Pics: https://imgur.com/a/SssAzB1
S/N and Additional Kingslayer Pics: https://imgur.com/a/KOYPfit
Additional Upper Pics: https://imgur.com/a/GWE7fPk
Howdy y'all! Need some funds for a couple project ideas.
Don't like a price? Shoot me an offer! Prices way off? Please let me know!
Bundles > Dibs > PMs. Please comment first then message me!
Prices are 🛳️ to your door, and PayPal F&F is preferred, but Venmo can also be used. Messages (PM) only, I don't look at chats.
I will ship things out USPS as soon as I can.
Schmeisser 60 round mag - $40 OBO SOLD
Bought NIB off GAFS, but never used, didn't even open the packaging.
Recover Tactical 20/80 Brace - $70 OBO
Got NIB from GAFS. Mounted it once, but no shots through it. Comes with everything in the original box.
BCM Furniture Combo - $60 OBO
Took all this off my stock 5.56 Saint. Functions perfectly, just switching things up. I would rather keep all this together, but can split if I get buyers for everything.
BCM Midlength Drop in Handguard (~600 rounds on my 5.56) - $25
BCM Mod 0 Stock (NOT SOPMOD) (~200 rounds on my 5.56) - $30
BCM Grip MOD 1 (~300 on my 5.56) (Does NOT come with grip screw) - $10 SOLD
Magpul MVG - $15 OBO
About 300 rounds through my 5.56 Saint. I wanted to like this, but trying out an emissary and liking it more. Comes with screw and mlok nut. Only has one screw so I'm assuming it's older.
Strike Industries M-lok Link Foregrip - $22 OBO
Catch and release from GAFS. Maybe 5 shots with me, looked like new from prior owner. Thought I'd like it, but I ended up going with a different grip. Just askin what I paid for it.
WC P320 Black Carry Grip, no safety cut - $45 OBO
Some salt on the grip, but should be easy to clean with a tooth brush. Great condition.
300 Black Out Upper - $200 OBO
Bought this off GAFS, seller said it was a BKF (I tried to find the post but it has been removed) and put about 100-150 rounds through her with no issues. No BCG or CH is included.
Closest thing I could find from BKF was this https://bkingsfirearms.com/shop/complete-upper-receivers/bkf-ar15-10-5-300-blk-1-7-twist-pistol-length-barrel-w-9-875-slim-m-lok-rail/
Strike Industries AK J Comp - $23 OBO
Put maybe 200 rounds through this, but I shoot indoors more these days so I wanted something more suited for that. Overall nice comp, but loud af inside.
🔴 Sig Romeo 1 Pro 3 MOA red dot - $170 OBO
Some salt on the back (see pics). Overall good shape and hasn't given me any issues after 500 or so rounds. Comes with 1 set of screws (all I could find), the protective shroud, manual/box and a spare cleaning cloth I had.
🔴 Swampfox Kingslayer 3 MOA red dot - $115 OBO
Great condition, could probably use some cleaning. Functioned flawlessly for the 200 rounds I put through the host.
submitted by Keylime15 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:56 CarOBook Chery V5 Owner's Manual - CarOBook

Chery V5 Owner's Manual - CarOBook
Chery V5 owner's manual is in pdf electronic document. Chery V5 user manual helps car owners quickly grasp the various functions of the vehicle. It is free to download and easy to carry. Chery V5 manual is a must-have electronic manual for car owners.
Free Download: https://www.carobook.com/en/chery-v5-owners-manual.html
Chery V5 Owner's Manual - CarOBook
submitted by CarOBook to carobook [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:55 DigBick2000 Just joined the club

I just bought a used s240, wondering if there was an easy way to tell the year? Or possibly aquire an owners manual?
Coming from a 1991 Toyo Wheel horse
Thanks in advanced!
submitted by DigBick2000 to JohnDeereLawnMachines [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:51 CarOBook 宝马7系2024款说明书用户手册|BMW 7 Series 2024 Owner's Manual

宝马7系2024款说明书用户手册|BMW 7 Series 2024 Owner's Manual
宝马7系2024款说明书用户手册|BMW 7 Series 2024 Owner's Manual
submitted by CarOBook to carobook [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:20 spoiled_lunch_meat It's your last week (or two) of your toxic job, what kind of pranks would you pull?

In five days I'll be handing in my two weeks notice. My plan is to submit it before going on my planned vacation and be done with this job. I started wondering if I should pull some pranks; nothing that will cause damage to people or the building. But something that also says "fuck you" to my co-workers. I thought of using fart spray somewhere in the building. I've never used it so I don't know how awful the smell is. I do work with animals, so that could help.
I knew someone who left a dead fish in their manager's office. Again, I don't want to damage anything because the owner's of the company have been kind and my frustration isn't towards them.
I was thinking of being extremely nice to everyone, but I don't have the energy.
Any suggestions?
What are some pranks you pulled on your work or co-workers before you left?
submitted by spoiled_lunch_meat to hatemyjob [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:07 celestial_catbird Husky yanks leash out of my hand and runs away chasing small animals

Just need some reassurance because sometimes because sometimes this dog makes me feel woefully inadequate! She’s not my dog, but I walk her three times a week every week along with her non-husky brother, and despite the fact she’s a little gremlin I adore her. She’s about 2, half husky but has all the husky traits, and is a rescue. Her brother is pretty well trained while she behaves if she feels like it.
I felt we were making some improvements with walking in the vicinity of small animals, I’ve gotten better at regaining her attention and she’s gotten better at not losing it in the first place, but she likes to prove me wrong when I say she’s doing well with anything lol.
Today we were walking in a park with a small marsh, she saw a frog jump, yanked the leash out of my hand and went tearing around the marsh chasing frogs and getting absolutely covered in mud. She let me catch her after about 15 minutes of this. Yesterday she saw some small animal, maybe a rabbit, and despite my best efforts to regain her attention she managed to rip the leash away from me and run away. I’ve gotten pretty good at tracking her down based on vibes because she just disappears in the blink of an eye.
She’s very good at pulling the leash out of my hand, I’ve gotten friction burns from it before and she broke my watch strap once. I’ve thought about tying her to me but she bolts without looking back so I feel that’s just a creative way of getting a concussion.
She has a very high prey drive, high roaming drive, no recall and crazy amounts of energy. She initially bolts because of an animal, but then she just doesn’t come back even after losing sight it. I don’t blame her, I wish she got to run more but it’s hard because of the lack of recall, and we don’t have a dog park nearby so she can only run in a nearby tennis court when no one’s playing tennis there. I’m thinking of suggesting her owner get a long line but it would have to be very long, this girl covers ground.
I don’t even know quite why I’m writing this, mainly just venting and looking for reassurance. Is this normal for a husky? Do I need to work on my grip strength? Do they grow out of this??
TL;DR: dog is chaos in husky form, runs away while attached to leash leaving me in the dust feeling like a clown
submitted by celestial_catbird to husky [link] [comments]
