J reuben long booking and releasing reuben long booking and releasing

YA Novel w/ Birth of Venus Parody Cover

2024.05.29 05:01 celiabobelia YA Novel w/ Birth of Venus Parody Cover

The book is about a girl who thinks she's pretty mousy and unattractive compared to her friend. She has a boy she has a crush on but she thinks he's into her best friend instead of her. I think his name is Fred? Her parents are separated and I think she finds out her dad is gay? I haven't read the book in a long time but it used to be my favorite.
submitted by celiabobelia to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 Acerhand I called put my covert n wife. She is now acting desperate to keep me from leaving. Is this typical?

Very quick backstory: lived together almost 2 years, together for 4. Moved to her country, gave up career, spent life savings, only to be abused and have it used against me in this time. Went home to visit family for 2 months, and being in a supportive environment woke me up to all her abuse.
Got back home to her, the abuse started immediately. After 2 days i called her out on all the abuse when she started an argument. told her she has no empathy, needs therapy and is deeply insecure. Initially she tried her old tactics(first got angry i did not tell her while i was gone, apparently she owns my emotional state and autonomy to say when i’m ready. I called this out). Next she basically just victimised herself. Spent the next two days victimising herself, with a random “maybe i hate myself?” Comment when i said she needs therapy. I had none of it and called it out.
Anyway. Since then she has been way better behaved and i can coexist peacefully enough. She has even offered financial help on her own which i have desperately needed for a long time(long story, but i spent life savings to come here, my career from home country means nothing so i have had to train for a nee job while depleting the savings i have left while she makes 6x the national average income and saves 85% of it, yet i was living in poverty worried about every bill for 2 years).
I can sense she is extremely afraid im going to leave her, and she knows im considering it. She has indirectly brought this up and prodded at it quite a bit while i am mentally recovering and evaluate things and tell her i need time. At times she has even been pushy trying to squeeze answers from me and hurry me to conclusions im bot ready to make and need emotional time to come to(because she is so worried about if im going to leave).
She is being way nicer due to this fear(although still cannot be normal and is unpleasant in ways she cannot hide, but its manageable).
I feel like she will do absolutely anything to keep me. Its weird. I call her out on anything she does now because i can read her like a book. Any tome she victimises, invalidates, gets angry, abusive etc i call out, red handed and she shuts up.
Is this a thing with coverts? What happens next?
submitted by Acerhand to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 rvinverter1 Offshore Wind Energy Market Set to Surge

Offshore Wind Energy Market Set to Surge

Offshore Wind Energy Market Overview

In 2022, the offshore wind energy market was valued at $38.65 billion and is expected to skyrocket to $99.87 billion by 2030. This impressive growth forecast indicates a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2030.
In the evolving global energy landscape, offshore wind energy has emerged as a crucial player and an essential pathway to achieving sustainable and renewable energy solutions. Over the past decade, this sector has undergone significant technological advancements, driven by the world's urgent need for clean energy. Unlike onshore wind energy, offshore wind energy benefits from capturing wind in open waters, where wind speeds are higher and more consistent. This advantage translates to increased energy production efficiency and the ability to install larger wind turbines. Enhanced turbines, advanced floating foundations, and innovative grid integration systems have made offshore wind energy less dependent on fossil fuels, unlocking the potential for low-cost and sustainable electricity. The offshore wind industry is on the rise, with governments and industry leaders worldwide recognizing its strategic value in achieving ambitious climate goals and reducing carbon footprints.

Challenges in Offshore Wind Energy Development

Despite its promising future, the development of offshore wind energy faces several challenges. The complex engineering and logistics associated with offshore wind farms present significant hurdles. The harsh marine environment, logistical constraints, and high initial costs are obstacles that stakeholders must overcome. Collaboration between governments, private sectors, and research organizations is crucial to surmount these challenges and ensure the continued growth of offshore wind energy as a reliable power source. As technology advances and economies of scale are gradually realized, offshore wind energy is poised to play a significant role on the global energy stage, aiding countries in their transition to a more sustainable future.

Innovations and Technological Advancements

The offshore wind energy industry is continuously innovating to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and better utilize environmentally friendly power sources. A key step in this direction is the development of larger, more powerful wind turbines. With improved materials and designs, these turbines achieve better wind conversion efficiency, resulting in higher power output.
Floating wind turbines represent another groundbreaking innovation. Unlike traditional fixed-foundation offshore turbines, floating wind turbines can be deployed in deeper waters, opening up new possibilities for offshore wind energy. This foundational discovery significantly expands the potential geographic range for wind power generation, making areas with unfavorable seabed conditions viable for development.

Government Policies and Market Demand

Several compelling reasons contribute to the growing popularity of offshore wind energy. Environmental advocacy and pressure to reduce carbon emissions have accelerated the development of renewable energy sources faster than anticipated. Offshore wind energy, with its immense potential and impressive power generation capacity, is a preferred choice for achieving sustainability goals. However, government policies and incentives play a crucial role in driving demand for offshore wind projects. Many countries are implementing favorable regulations and providing incentives to stimulate the development of offshore wind farms, creating a conducive environment for public utilities and private investments.
Increasing concerns about energy security and diversification are also expected to boost demand for offshore wind energy. Wind energy is a reliable and abundant resource that can replace the consumption of fossil fuels and create a more resilient and sustainable power grid.

Integration with the Grid and Storage Solutions

Over the decades, offshore wind energy technology has made significant strides, not just in turbine design. Developments in grid connection, energy storage solutions, and monitoring systems have all contributed to enhancing the efficiency and reliability of offshore wind farms.
Smart grid technology is another critical area of advancement. These technologies are essential in transitioning from onshore to offshore wind energy. Integrating offshore wind energy into the grid represents a significant contribution to the energy structure, making it a more integral and stable part of the energy infrastructure.
One of the challenges associated with wind energy is its intermittency. Energy storage has become a crucial area of research to address this issue. Advanced battery technologies enable the storage of excess energy generated during peak production times, which can then be released when wind speeds are low. These storage solutions help stabilize the power supply from offshore wind projects, making them more adaptable to grid demands.

Broader Applications and Economic Impact

Today, the use of offshore wind energy is no longer limited to power generation. Its applications have expanded from the industrial sector to academic research. As offshore wind farms develop, they have become centers of sustainable economic activity, creating jobs and benefiting local communities.
Moreover, offshore wind energy is being tested for its applicability in addressing water scarcity issues. Using offshore wind power in desalination plants can produce a sustainable source of freshwater, especially in coastal regions facing water supply challenges. This dual application enhances the versatility and importance of offshore wind projects.

Industry Developments and Strategic Alliances

Leading energy companies BlueFloat and Origin have teamed up to develop the world's largest offshore wind farm, with an installed capacity of 1.72 GW. This strategic alliance combines BlueFloat's expertise in offshore solutions with Origin's commitment to sustainable energy.
RWE, a global leader in clean energy, has secured a 684 MW offshore wind project. This project, strongly supported by Japan's prominent trading and investment company Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., a leading energy supplier in the region, marks a significant achievement. It is part of Japan's offshore wind auction, demonstrating the country's commitment to increasing renewable energy capacity.
In conclusion, the future of offshore wind energy looks promising as long as continuous innovation and a commitment to aligning demand growth with advancing technology are maintained. The sector's resilience and willingness to adopt cutting-edge technologies make it a crucial member of the international community dedicated to developing clean and sustainable energy. Government support and the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders interested in offshore wind development, including industry and research organizations, will be vital in expanding wind energy's reach. Ongoing research, development, and sustainable practices will ensure that offshore wind energy becomes a fundamental component of our global energy landscape.
submitted by rvinverter1 to energyknowledge [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 Dapper-Dram Laphroaig Càirdeas 2024

Laphroaig Càirdeas 2024
This year’s special release is out for pre-order and it’s looking pretty nice! Here is what the distillery is saying about it: * The 2024 Càirdeas limited edition release is a 10-year-old Laphroaig with a bold combination of flavours from the casks of two popular previous releases: 2019’s Triple Wood and 2021’s PX Cask. Bottled at a fixed strength of 52.4% ABV.*
I look forward to the Càirdeas release every year and I’ll pick this up when it comes to NYC. How about you guys? Here are some of my past Càirdeas Reviews:
Laphroaig Càirdeas 2021 PX Cask 92/100
Laphroaig Cairdeas 2019 Triple Wood 93/100
Laphroaig Càirdeas 2018 Fino Cask 95/100
submitted by Dapper-Dram to Scotch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 lisafahrenheit Migration assistant is stuck

Migration assistant is stuck
Hi, I had to factory reset my computer (long story) and am trying to restore my backup from a usb drive. This has worked fine for me in the past, but this time it’s stuck on this page and won’t progress past it. It doesn’t matter which backup I pick, it’ll just stop on this page and won’t load anything new. I can go back and try again, and I have a few times, but it hasn’t done anything.
Anyone know what to do when this happens? I have a MacBook Pro with Sonoma if that means anything. Any help would be appreciated because I really want to be able to restore my data from my backup 😭
submitted by lisafahrenheit to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 AdvertisingOk4898 Newb looking for good books

Hello pals :)
I’m here for some recommendations. I was a big book worm growing up into my late teens/early 20’s when I was hooked on 50 shades and twilight lol. I’m now in my 30’s and hadn’t finished a book in years so decided to try out the horror genre as those are the types of movies/podcast I enjoy. I’ve been lurking on this sub and since the start of this month I’ve read: -Pretty Girls -Off Season -The Summer I Died -The Girl Next Door -Boys will be Boys -Behind Closed Doors -Tender is the Flesh
My favorites were TSID, off season, girl next door, and behind closed doors. Least fav was boys will be boys. Tender is the flesh was well written but just kinda depressing more than horror (imo) So anyway, I have some books in my que and wanted to see what I should I start on next!
-bighead -penpal -brother -they all died screaming -trench mouth -diavola -sick bastards (started this and DNF due to grammar and typos - may give it another shot?)
Also open to new recommendations :) (sry idk how tf to actually list things on here instead of it showing up in one long line)
submitted by AdvertisingOk4898 to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 danielbladee I'm sure it's been asked before, but how would magic affect medieval warfare?

Let's say we're in a world with a soft magic system. Everyone is born with a certain amount of mana (how much magic you can use before exaustion), which is inheritable, and society sorts itself out according to how much mana people have. (Life isn't fair). Nobility is the strongest magically, however there are exceptions. Common born mages have their own status in the hierarchy, similar to knights, as long as they're strong enough to fit there. Most commoners, however, are better off just using their hands. For these reasons, in a typical army, there would be about one BATTLE mage per every 20-50 soldiers. Battle mages typically only know offensive and defensive spells, and a powerful one could easily destroy an enemies defenses, as long as an enemy battle mage doesn't stop them.
How would warfare occur in this world? Would they still have pitched battles in formations? Would the mages release a "volley" of spells before the soldiers charge at their enemy? Would they resort to using guerilla tactics, traveling around in small groups, with a battle mage as their spearhead? Would the nobles just decide to skip using their army and pull up to their opponent's home to fight like they're the avengers?
I understand this is a vague question. That's why I set some boundaries in the first paragraph, because without them it would be pure chaos. If someone wants to change them up, that's fine.
submitted by danielbladee to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:56 pandatropical Ironic, given how deviations from Books 4 and 5 (Feast & Dance) in Season 5 of GoT caused heaps of issues. Regardless, he's right, the source material should always take precedence.

Ironic, given how deviations from Books 4 and 5 (Feast & Dance) in Season 5 of GoT caused heaps of issues. Regardless, he's right, the source material should always take precedence. submitted by pandatropical to freefolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:54 Laylow077 THE FREEDOM MODEL ARE DOING A BOOK ON PMO

submitted by Laylow077 to pmohackbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 AkitaScripts [M4F] Your Boyfriend Comforts You After a Fight at School [After Detention] [Raining Outside] [Reassurance] [It’s Okay] [Hugs & Kisses] [First Time Dating] [Playing With Your Hair]

I've thought about switching things up for tonight's script and decided to make it an M4F one! I guess this kinda flows into the lore of my previous three scripts, with this being a sequel to the third one. Hope you enjoy it! As always, my script is free to use without monetization, just crediting me under my YT Handle @"AkitaScripts" is all!
Synopsis: You and your boyfriend have been together for about a week. You just had your first date a few days ago, and the two of you have discussed not to tell anyone. However, your classmates are beginning to notice your relationship with him, with some jealous students making fun of it. Eventually, it becomes too much for you, and you end up in detention after a fight in the hallways. As you exit the school, you find your boyfriend waiting outside in the rain…
(The school is nearly empty, and the rain is pouring outside the walls. All of the students except you have already left. As you walk out through the quiet hallways, you hear the janitor mopping the floor, rumbling about his job.)
[faint dialogue from the Janitor]
(You barely pay attention to whatever the janitor said as you reach into your backpack, only to find nothing but your books and supplies. You forgot your umbrella back at home. You put on your hood and push open the doors, the gates of freedom letting out a loud creak. You point your head down to the ground and begin to walk outside, feeling the rain hit your head. Suddenly, you stop feeling the raindrops, and you look up to see your boyfriend, the VA, close to you with an umbrella.)
VA: Hey.
(You lock eye contact with him with gloomy pupils.)
[short pause]
VA: I heard about what happened from Jalen… and I’m sorry you had to-
(You suddenly wrap the VA in your arms, interrupting him. Tears begin to roll down your face and onto his shoulder as you start crying.)
VA: Hey, hey… it’s okay… it’s okay.. (holds you close to him with one of his arms, and kisses you)
VA: Hey… look at me.
(You raise your head up from his shoulder, looking him in the eyes.)
VA: It’s going to be okay… hey, you wanna go sit down somewhere? We shouldn’t be standing out in the open.
VA: Alright, follow me, and stay close to me.
[short pause]
(You and the VA walk in silence for a few minutes to a nearby pavilion. After a few minutes, You gently shake his arm to get his attention.)
VA: Mhm? (looks at you)
VA: Did he tell me anything?[pause]
VA: Well, other than you landing in detention, Jalen didn’t say much. I just got the news an hour ago, before our last class ended. So, I just waited out there. I didn’t know how long detention would last.
VA: Well… I was gonna wait by the doors, but that janitor kicked me out. He said he still needed to quote-unquote “clean the corners”.
VA: Yeah, he’s quite grumpy. Anyways, we’re here.
(The two of you walk to one of the tables in the pavilion. As you sit down, the VA sits down next to you.)
VA: So… (puts down his umbrella on the wooden table) are you still okay, or do you need some time?
VA: Alright… take your time telling me what happened. (wraps his arms around you and gently moves closer)
VA: Yeah… we did decide on not telling anyone about our relationship until we were ready. And yes, I know that everyone else figured it out already.
VA: So… lemme get this sorted out: Maddison and her group of friends found out and made fun of our relationship..?
VA: And did they start making fun of you today, or has this happened before?
VA: This started yesterday?
VA: Alright, so… after a day of them making fun of you, what exactly happened that landed you in detention?
VA: (surprised) You slapped her in the face?!
(You don’t say anything, but you look away from him and dig your head into his chest, nodding afterwards in confirmation. The VA holds you even closer in comfort.)
VA: Hey.. again, it’s okay.
(You let go of him. Stressed and upset, you explain how you’re not okay, as you begin to cry again. The VA hugs you again to calm you down.)VA: Hey, hey, listen to me… listen to me… there’s no need to be upset about what you did. Even though there were better options, you were in the right to do that. Not that I would recommend doing it again as an option, but if you have issues like this, just come talk to me… okay?
(You look up at him and nod.)
VA: Alright then. (takes off your hood and gently combs through your hair)
(As he comes through your hair, you ask him a question.)
VA: Why did they do it?
VA: Well.. first off, why do you think they did it?
VA: You think they just wanted to make fun of you for that?
VA: Okay… I might know why they made fun of you for dating someone.
VA: What do I mean? Well.. lemme explain. So, before you and I met a few months ago, I used to be friends with Maddison. Sure, I was never romantically interested in her, but she’d used to always flirt with me at times. Now, I don’t know if she did like me the same way you do, but she could also just be jealous.
VA: Well, think about it: have you ever even seen Maddison date anyone?
VA: No, right? That’s because she never has dated anyone.
VA: Now, you also have to take into the fact she’s friends with Joe. And as we both knew, Joe liked you in a… eeh… certain way.
VA: And he knows that you and I are dating, so he’s jealous.
VA: No, Joe probably isn’t just jealous of how you’re dating someone else. He’s jealous that you’re dating someone else.
VA: No, it’s not the same way as what I just said. Joe’s jealous because someone has something special in their relationship that he doesn’t.
VA: He doesn’t have you.
VA: Look, every relationship is different. Whether it’s a dominant one, flirtatious, or even toxic… hopefully that doesn’t happen… Joe and other people don’t have you as their girlfriend.
VA: Lemme also tell you something: I knew this person named Stephen, and he was dating this girl named Val. His friends found out, and they were jealous and constantly made fun of him. It got so out of hand that he was pressured to break up with Val.
[pause]VA: Look, you and I can tell them to stop making fun of our relationship. But if they’re gonna continue doing it, don’t break up like with what Stephen did. Don’t be pressured to listen to the mockery. Don’t listen to them. Move on, and walk forward, and just ignore them. I know it can be challenging, and I have been in those shoes before, but it’s okay to feel this way. You have me to take care of you, to cuddle you in times like this, and to make sure that you’re okay. I’ll be here every step of the way. If you need to hold my hand, don’t hesitate. I’m here for you, babe. And it’s all gonna be okay.
(The VA plays with your hair, and kisses you. You look up to him and kiss him in return.)
VA: I love you too.
(You snuggle in closer to the VA, feeling his warmth and his beating heart. Eventually, the rain slowly stops.)
VA: Hey, the rain stopped.
(You look around to see the birds fly in to sing. You lean in to kiss the VA.)
VA: You’re welcome, babe. Now come on, we gotta get back home. (begins to put his dry umbrella away in his bag)
VA: Yeah sure, we can get some food on the way home. (he picks you up in his arms and helps you off from the table) Any ideas?
VA: Yeah sure… ramen sounds good.
(As you and the VA walk away holding hands, the birds continue to chirp as the scene fades, ending the episode.)
submitted by AkitaScripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:52 AscendronPrime [Discussion] Costumes you wish were redesigned earlier

[Discussion] Costumes you wish were redesigned earlier
I've been making my way through Justice League by Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis for the first time and it's as great as everyone told me it would be. If I have one complaint, it's that so many characters having costumes that are... not good.
Some of them, like Fire and Ice's, get thankfully updated during the run. But there's so many that only got redesigned years after the run was over, or never got an update whatsoever.
I think overall, the worst of the bunch is the Scarlett Witch stand-in, Silver Sorceress.
No silver. Goofy helmet. Overall boring design. If I could go back in time, I'd try to convince editorial of the time that her outfit needed a few more revisions before appearing in the book.
Which costumes would you get rid of, either by keeping an earlier design that wad good as-is, or retroactively implementing a later design that was a big improvement?
submitted by AscendronPrime to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 Severe_Escape_9547 How much playtime should it take to get petal wand?

Y’all I’ve been playing bss for 5 years (got my account banned and took a year long break) and I’ve recently been putting in a lot more effort into the game. I have three more spirit bear quests until I get the first petal, but even then I think it’s gonna take a while to get the ingredients for the wand (mostly enzymes and star jelly). Anyways, my play time is 7 days and 10 hours and I haven’t used any macros because I play on MacBook. I don’t spend money on the game and I don’t even have a mythic bee yet. I’m mostly wondering how long it took y’all to get petal wand and what your progress was at a week playtime. Thanks so much 💗💗!!
submitted by Severe_Escape_9547 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 Lululemon_28 Customization

Does anyone know if I can customize again ? I don’t like how I made the mmc look.
submitted by Lululemon_28 to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 AdvertisingOk4898 Newb looking for some good books

Hello pals :)
I’m here for some recommendations. I was a big book worm growing up and into my late teens/early 20’s when I was hooked on 50 shades and twilight lol. I’m now in my 30’s and hadn’t finished a book in years so decided to try out the horror genre as those are the types of movies/podcast I enjoy.
I’ve been lurking on this sub and since the start of this month I’ve read: -Pretty Girls -Off Season -The Summer I Died -The Girl Next Door -Boys will be Boys -Behind Closed Doors -Tender is the Flesh
My favorites were TSID, off season, girl next door, and behind closed doors. Least fav was boys will be boys. Tender is the flesh was well written but just kinda depressing more than horror (imo). So anyway, I have some books in my que and wanted to see what I should I start on next!
-bighead -penpal -brother -they all died screaming -trench mouth -diavola -sick bastards (started this and DNF due to grammar and typos - may give it another shot?)
Also open to new recommendations :) (sry idk how tf to actually list things on here instead of it showing up in one long line)
submitted by AdvertisingOk4898 to ExtremeHorrorLit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 QCTLondon Help Troubleshooting 10G Ubiquity Fiber Home Network

Help Troubleshooting 10G Ubiquity Fiber Home Network
I do a lot of video editing professionally and wanted to establish a 10G network at home that would allow me to work efficiently while remote at home (generally at night after I get home). I have a Synology DS2422+ that syncs to my office NAS. The Synology has a 10G SPF+ Network Adapter installed.
This all connects to a UniFi 10G Aggregation Switch that is then connected via an RJ45 cable to a UniFi Dream Wall (who's SPF+ port has failed... so I can't use a DAC - and UniFi wants me to send the unit back first in order to RMA it, which would leave me without a network for who knows how long...).
I have OS2 Fiber Cable run... and am using an external Sonnet NIC with a SPF+ adapter to connect my MacBook.
The problem is that even when connected directly - not using any jumps - using a CableMatters OS2 LC-LC fiber cable I still end up with extremely high Rx faults (4254 in last 24 hrs from my MacBook) and unstable connections to the network. It's maddening.
First, I realized I was using Multi-Mode SPF adapters with my Single-Mode cable... fixed that problem. I then purchased these SFP SM adapters, and those don't work. I found some other ones that are working... but, again, inconsistently.
I also am unable to connect from the cable that I ran from my downstairs office to the media room. However, when I tested the cable with a visual fault locator, the red light is showing all the way through from downstairs to the termination at the 10G switch.
Any suggestions for additional troubleshooting? Or do I just abandon the entire thing and just use RJ45 Cat6 cables?
submitted by QCTLondon to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 higurashi0793 As a 9, how do you deal with online toxicity?

Right now, I perceive the internet as a very hostile place. Specially social media like Twitter or TikTok. I stopped using TikTok because every time, no matter how hard I try to curate my FYP, it'd show me ragebaits and constant political arguments, and I noticed it started to affect my mood and I'd be angry and irritable all the time. It's been a long time since I stopped using Twitter, but from what I hear, it gets worse by the day.
I was watching a video essay on YouTube about people like Pearl Davis, "influencers" who make rage content, and the sole concept of making yourself be hated on purpose just to get attention (or money) was so wild to me. How are people so desperate for attention that they'd do and say all kinds of nasty things just for clicks and views? Even going so far as to commit crimes or be a public nuisance.
And the constant political arguments and infighting. I swear I couldn't go a day without seeing two or more people argue about something, anything, and try to make the other person sound like they committed a war crime or something.
It's not that it's bad to have opinions or discuss a cause or political ideology. I discuss my opinions too, and I disagree with people sometimes. It's just the way that it looks like almost everyone nowadays wants to have something to be angry about, to have an excuse to lash out at someone, or bully someone without feeling bad about it, so they use social justice as an excuse.
I almost found myself falling into that same mindset of being angry about anything, and I had to step back and think things through. I was starting to focus too much on the negatives and unable to see the good side of things. I don't want to be angry all the time and judge everyone under unreasonably high standards, or picking something they say and interpret it in the worst way possible. I want to be able to see the best in people, even when they might be flawed.
Nowadays, I try to keep myself busy with things like videogames, books or cooking, and I only watch YouTube video essays. I feel myself getting better, slowly, but I'm feeling less angry and I'm not so focused on negative things anymore. But I also feel kind of disconnected from everything too.
How do you feel about all the anger and hostility on social media? Does it get to you sometimes? If so, how do you cope with it? Other types are welcome to comment too!
submitted by higurashi0793 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 Far-Season-5083 My son is behind, I don’t know what to do and his father won’t help

My son is 4 years old and started preschool in the fall. I was working day shifts from 6am-3:30 or 4:00 and my son’s father wasn’t working so he would take him to school in the morning; we also live across the street from each other which is super convenient. Things were going great until Christmas break ended. After the break, his father’s car broke down and he was unable to drive him to school. I suggested that he walk him to school but he refused, claiming that the school was too far and he would be too tired despite him not working. For 2 months my son would sit in the house playing on his tablet for hours until I got home because his father didn’t want to entertain him. I personally have no problem with my son having a tablet but I never wanted him to be on it for long periods of time. The rule at my house is 1 hour on school nights and 2 hours on the weekend, he spends most of his day outside on the weekends anyway. However, his father allows him to do whatever he wants and doesn’t monitor what he watches. As soon as I get home my son comes and gets dressed for the first time all day and goes outside to play with his cousins who have just gotten out of school. I would cook and get him into bed by 9. I don’t only throw blame on his father because I know that I’m at fault as well because I wouldn’t work with my son on his reading in writing but in my defense I was exhausted from work.
I say all this to say that my son is behind in school and I don’t know how to help him. He started going back to school in March. The other kids in his class are writing their names and can recognize letters but he can’t do any of that. I recently went on medical leave so I am at home all day with him and I try to help teach him. His teachers don’t have time to help him catch up and always say that he isn’t a good student. I’ve bought work books,flash cards, and even customized print outs of his name for him to trace. I tried out learning videos on YouTube like Blippi and Ms. Rachel but he shows no interest and would rather use his tablet to play games. He doesn’t like any educational shows and will only watch shows like Pj mask and other things that I think are too overstimulating. I am struggling to get him interested in learning. I know that consistency is important and I work on it everyday but I can’t control what he does at his dad’s house and I definitely can’t keep him from going there without causing problems. However, he has no interest in helping his son because he’s says that he’s tired after work and doesn’t want to be bothered. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Please if you have any tips on how I can teach him to recognize letters and engage in learning I’d greatly appreciate them!
submitted by Far-Season-5083 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 Kattius_Botattyus Recent live letter on the FF Dawntrail benchmark??

After searching through this subreddit, I saw a post from 5 days ago asking about the newest release of the FF benchmark for Dawntrail, which apparently promised to do out with the old lighting in the character creator and inject the new Dawntrail ones. The original letter said that the updated benchmark was due to release on May 23rd. A comment beneath that thread said that a recent live letter pushed its release to May 30th instead, allegedly, which is 2 days from now. However, I have been unable to locate or find that letter - would anyone have a link to it, so that I may read through its comments?
I'm very nervous about the upcoming changes. I play a Viera character, and only just installed the benchmark today. And, like the borderline-hundreds of other players on this 38-page long thread basically begging Square Enix not to go through with these """graphical improvements""" for Viera, my Veena Viera got absolutely evicerated by these changes visually. I know the new benchmark was promised to fill in the blanks with some of the high-texture resolution's, but I need to know if any other changes to the characters actual physical appearances were promised.
Honestly, It's probably just copium on my end, at this point. Going into the benchmark itself, outside of the character creator, my Viera still looks terrible in what I presume is the actual new lighting in all of the scenes. I may be cooked already. Not to mention, a view I see on this subreddit fairly frequently is that SE takes a grand total of zero feedback from the English forums when it comes to their game. If that actually is the case, then I just have to pray the thread of Viera changes in Japan is even longer than the one here.
Anyway, thanks for tolerating my rant. Here's to hoping this benchmark shows us an improvement to... Literally any race besides Hrothgar.
submitted by Kattius_Botattyus to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:41 bnesmithmi Consolidated Feedback about MoP: Remix (Please share your thoughts too!)

Hi everyone, there's a lot of tension around Remix and it's shortcomings, and I'd like to both consolidate feedback I've heard, as well as take a moment to appreciate the good things about Remix. Positive constructive feedback is just as important as negative constructive feedback, and there is a place for both in these types of discussions. Thank you for your time!
What Worked for Remix:
What Didn't Work for Remix:
Some Solutions (please share your own, too!):
I certainly didn't cover everything, so please share your own thoughts. I know that Remix is hotly debated, I'm of the opinion that it is excellent but flawed. Please remember to be kind to one another and remember that this event can be great, but only if we show our support for it!
submitted by bnesmithmi to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:40 Intrepid_Shift6582 I Just Gotta Vent abt my Parents

I'm 24f, and I absolutely need to vent!!
Let's start, I am black, 24f, I grew up in a large city (won't say where) in a two parent household (uncommon in my community), and my parents are absolute IDIOTS!
I'm pretty sure both of my parents are undiagnosed, they've just been floating around with it though my mom is a mental health tech and my father has been in therapy for decades.
But lets start with my childhood, my dad was in a weird pro-black religious cult for most of my upbringing and my mom was practically in a christian cult. During my childhood I had a lot of unnecessary rules... couldn't wear pants, jewelry, nail polish, eat most meats or seafood, listening to certain types of music, couldn't go out on Saturdays cus of the sabboth, etc..
My father had a lot of physical illness and was constantly in and out of the hospital so once my dad got a corrective surgery at like 12 he then left for a younger woman... and barely cared to provide afterwards.
Cue in my mother, shes never truly liked me. Always made it vividly clear she preferred my older sister over me.. which I have concluded is because of the tumultuous pregnancy of my father cheating whilst pregnant.. in and out of jobs.. as well as me being more open minded and strong willed than my (very vividly mentally unwell) sister. She would compare our appearances.. since I tend to get a lot of compliments on my appearance, and would often scold me for being vain if I chose to wear makeup or dress moderately nice.
I have done well for myself academically and now financially. and whenever she could find one thing "imperfect" about me she BLEW IT UP! She often called me useless and that my accomplishments were worth nothing because of my "sins." Called me fat from gaining weight on antidepressants. She beat me twice as much as my sister growing up, sometimes my dad having to pry her off of me over something as small as dishes, she never awarded me for doing well, and would always mention how my sister was so much better than me at xyz, or called me weak for not wanting to talk about Armageddon and the intricate details of her failed marriage.
Now, as you can imagine, I support myself financially 100% and I am struggling a bit but I am good at budgeting and living far below my means. Neither parent has successfully held down a job long enough to even consider putting me on their insurance since 19.. and my sister can't work very much. Oh and OFC my mother is pacifying my sister's mental illness, and my father is fake worried with little to no action behind his useless concern.
I recently cut off my dad after he told me he wished he could go back in time and "annex" my existence, we also had some unnecessary fight after he was being weird about my "OWN" car insurance and wanting me to spend over a G to celebrate his 50th in the Caribbean. I am now thinking about cutting off my mom, for no reason as of now other than she just aggravates me and listening to the chaos of her life stresses me out (particularly because I would save her from bad decisions or give her a lot of money even in my teens) and she's always bragging about how good of job she did because of how I turned out.. but that's because I fear failure and know they'd leave me for dead so I'm hypervigilant.
I guess, I am curious how people are going on without any family at all. I don't have extended family either so I want to know how people who are completely estranged from their relatives are holding up? Honoring your parents is crippling in the black community, so it makes separating from them completely to be daunting.
(Also, so sorry about the egregiously long story... there's ofc more but that could be a book.)
submitted by Intrepid_Shift6582 to u/Intrepid_Shift6582 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:39 SlimeSpree Review with pics! Library of Slime/Pink Sugar Slimey/Oh my Slime/Lime Slime co.

Review with pics! Library of Slime/Pink Sugar Slimey/Oh my Slime/Lime Slime co.
Today a look at four slime stores. Let's go!

The Library of Slime
A wide range of prices from £4-12 depending on size and they also do bundles. The sizes range from 2-6oz. Beautifully designed waterproof labels.
The box was very well packaged with foam peanuts to protect the contents and the utterly stunning glass slime jars had nice honeycomb cardboard protectors around them. Even the charms were beautifully packaged with one being in a little canvas bag. Included was a mini lemon hand towelette (what a great touch!) a card telling me my packaging is eco friendly (lovely to know) and a cute bookmark care card with a super sweet note on it.
Upon unpacking, I found that Eliora (the head librarian 😁) had including an incredibly thoughtful gift in the way of delicious, high quality chocolate from a little company that shares my name! In the note it was mentioned that this was especially ordered just for me on account of being the first international customer 🥲 I was so deeply touched by this! It says a lot about the customer service and just how much care is put into customer satisfaction and enjoyment.
The library/book aesthetic of the entire web-store and the slimes/jars is just spectacular. I have so much appreciation for slime stores who clearly put so much thought and love into everything they do, it really is a magical experience. One thing I love about slime is how it affords us the ability to turn our thoughts off and indulge in something that taps straight into our primal pleasure center, allowing us to leave the stresses and responsibilities of the world for a while. The library theme and how beautifully it’s all pulled off ramps that experience up for me. All I’ve done so far is open the box and I already feel like I’ve taken a trip to a whimsical bookstore in some Harry Potter-esq universe! 😆 I think they may also be the only slime store to use glass jars which makes them feel very high end.

  • ARRAKIS (Sandfizz and coated clea scent: Usul's Awakening - Essential oil blend of cinnamon, clove, and fossilized amber)
The scent is beautiful with all the stated notes being apparent, reminding me of Christmas. I think it’s very special that these slimes are created with real essential oil! They aren’t cheap and you can really tell quite obviousy by the quality of the scent. The little book charm is so cute and a lovely touch!
I was worried I may have a struggle getting this slime out the jar but it slipped out into my hand nice and politely. It was a tiny bit sticky at first but a couple of puffs of activator sorted that out completely. The slime was very dense and super stretchy. It was very resistant but also very elastic and bouncy with no ripping. As you stretched you could feel the sand brush across your fingers but there was very little in the way of sand fallout. This has some unreal crackly sizzles when you inflate and then squeeze it. The crackles just keep coming and coming the more you squeeze. It does inflate a lot calling for a second jar for the excess.
The packaging is stunning and, equally, so is the slime!

  • FOURTH PLANET POTATOES (Thick and glossy with clay/scent: wax coated potatoes Martian Soil - Essential oil blend of ginger, orange, and pinyon pine)
Another beautiful, ultra classy scent. Again with all the notes mentioned coming through. The little pot of potatoes, rocks and soil is hilarious! The potatoes are insanely realistic and fun to squish! I thought they would be a bit dry on account of their size but they weren’t at all, they melted straight in to the base. An ultra thick, medium gloss slime which is perfectly activated. It has a super resistance and miles of stretch. It makes tons of huge, loud, deep pops and a ton of snaps and crackles. It inflated a lot and needed a new container. It is quite tricky getting slime back into the glass jars.
These look like real potatoes, they're utterly uncanny!!
  • GOLDEN CHOCOLATE EGG (glossy/snappy, rich chocolate scented.
This was plastic sealed, which is always a great idea to keep moisture in. The chocolate scent is really not a bad effort (chocolate is tricky) but a tiny tad perfumed and artificial. Strangely enough I was getting a slight hint of orange chocolate from it. It looks beautiful with its lovely rich shade and little pieces of gold leaf sparkling throughout. The label is incredible too! This slime is ultra glossy, jiggly, super stretchy and clicky. The more you play the thinner and jigglier it becomes. It has tons of snaps and crackles and some sharp bubble pops. I had a little trouble with tiny pieces sticking to my hands and did come at it with activator a few times. It was quite a tacky one to play with but not at all prohibitively so.
Every slimer has to try the Library of Slime at some point as it’s such a special and surreal experience! The essential oil scents were some of the classiest and most nuanced I have experienced, the textures are super entertaining, interesting and well made. I absolutely adored the clay potatoes which were mind bendingly realistic! The mini book charms are an amazing touch. This store really blurs the lines between art and sensory product.
I have a love/hate relationship with the glass jars. On one hand they are very beautiful and make the product feel so special, it wasn’t hard to get the slime out of them in the least. On the other it is harder to get the slime back in the jar. I was having issues with air pockets and the narrower mouths. Of course it inflated a fair bit so usually I just put them in new jars of my own but I loved the aesthetic of the library jars and really wanted to get some slime back in there. I very tied because I wouldn’t want the library to swap to plastic but the glass does make things tricky.
All in all I can’t wait to see what's in the next restock and had SO much fun visiting the library's beautiful and profoundly whimsical little world! We are always seeking for a new and novel experience when it comes to slime and this provides just that! 9.9/10

Pink Sugar Slimey
£11-13 for 7oz. Came very well packaged in super cute pink heart and white foam chips. Included is little organza bag with care card, activator and delicious lychee hard candy. The labels are not waterproof.

  • HORCHATA CREAM (T&G, scent: horchata- cinnamon rice milk)
The scent is incredible. Very creamy with a waft of beautiful warm cinnamon. A chewy, stretchy slime full of clicks, crackles and loud pops. It was low resistance and on the loose/sticky side and I had trouble thickening it up with activator.

  • TRES LECHE (snow softie + 2oz clear, scent: tres leches cake - vanilla sponge cake soaked in milk, heavy cream & condensed milk, topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon)
A beautiful, scent with notes of cream, vanilla and cake. I got excited and completely missed the 2oz of clear topper at first. My apologies! Incidentally the base was very lovely without it. Very fluffy, a little jiggly and inflating with lots of resistance. I added the topper after playing with the base. The topper also smells incredible, like a creamy milk and made a huge difference to the finished texture. It activated the snow and made it puff up and inflate much more. This was the loveliest puffy snow creme and had a ton of soft crackly sizzles.
Before and after the topper.

  • ESQUITES (thick & glossy semi floam, scent: buttered popcorn)
The scent is SUPER buttery! It really does smell absolutely and ridiculously delicious and so much like hot, buttered popcorn it’s crazy! This is again super clicky, stretchy and full of pops and crackles, but I find the base a little bit loose and sticky again with very low resistance.

  • PAN DULCE DOUGH (wood glue clay, scent: pan dulce/sweet bread)
The scent is just like bread dough with a little sweetness. Stretchy and moist with clicks that get louder the more you inflate. This is lovely and plush and very inflatable with a firm jiggle, soft and medium bubble pops and lots of snaps and crackles. Great soft sizzles when you deflate. As you play, it gets a lot looser and fairly tacky.

  • FLAN SOUFFLÉ (wood glue slay + 1oz clear, scent: flan)
Another fantastic scent with notes of rich caramel. An ultra stretchy, moist and jiggly slay which has a ton of bubble pops, big air bubbles, snaps and crackles, plus very loud clicks. Again a loose texture which is tricky to activate futher.
These are some of the most incredible and utterly delicious scents I have come across on my slime spree, they go so well with the themes which are all so well thought out. Clearly, a lot of love and attention go into these slimes.
Personally I found them to be a little on the loose side and a bit tricky to activate. It can be hard to ascertain whether this is by design or due to the warmer weather now we have hit the summer months. I always go for the fastest international shipping to minimise issues with melting and the slimes go in the fridge for 15-30 minutes prior to play. I am very much on board with Momo, Pilot, OG and others who slightly overactive their slime to avoid this. While I enjoy the odd jiggly slay, I prefer my slimes to be on the more holdable side so this is something I will keep in mind in future with Pink Sugar.
Nonetheless these scents were spectacular and the thicker textures lovely! Waterproof labels would be a strong preference of mine, I did manage to get slime on one or two of these labels while photographing and that is always a real shame. 9.1/10

Oh My Slime (Singapore)
Came with borax, a care card and a couple of candies. Slimes come in 6 or 8oz for between around $10-14. The jars have anti leak inner caps which is a great shout. I hate opening the box to discover slime leaks and this keeps things so much tidier! The labels are nicely designed and waterproof.

  • TURKISH DELIGHT (juice jelly, scent: Turkish Delight)
The scent is very subtle but a super pleasant sweet rose Turkish delight. This slime was very sticky and under-activated. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really get it to activate and it remained so. This is a shame as it looked like it would be quite lovely and I adore rose flavoured Turkish delight.

  • OLIVE OIL (thick water, scent: tea-light)
This slime had a very pleasant subtle tea sent that I found very fresh. This was a fantastic water slime on the thicker side that was well activated and left very little in the way of residue on my play surface, less so than Momo’s. It was jiggly and fun and made excellent bubbles. I thought the whole theme and concept was super cute and well done. This is one of my favourite water slimes to date!
  • MAYONNAISE (T&G, scent: Yakult)
This had a pleasant mild Yakult scent but sadly had completely deactivated so I didn't proceed.

  • TOOTHPASTE - Colgate (t&g, scent: fresh minty toothpaste)
The scent is a lovely sweet mint. Frustratingly this slime had also turned to glue.

  • GREEN TEA (gummy, scent: green tea)
The scent is very pleasant with a hint of sweet green tea. However, in a frustrating and somewhat comedic twist of fate, it is pretty drastically over-activated and extremely rubbery and unyielding 😅 I would of course take this over drastically under-activated any day but this is all the way rubber. In fairness I don’t tend to stretch milky jelly textures so much as poke and fold for mega pops. It has big squelchy pokes and makes big, loud, snappy bubbles pops on account of being so firm and thick.
This was a pretty disappointing experience, more so than anything because the themes were great, the charms gorgeous, the colours and scents really beautiful and I could tell the textures were well made and at some point gorgeous. It would have been less disappointing if the quality of the slimes was low and the scents/aesthetics mediocre. I would have understood if all the slimes were all the way in one direction or the other activation-wise but it was super weird to get one perfect slime (water slime no less, a typically temperamental texture) and the rest either totally deactivated or wildly over-activated to the point of being unstretchable.
In light of this I am really scratching my head over giving Oh My Slime a rating that fairly represents their concoctions. I just got done reactivating slimes that arrived with me in a liquid state and it took a good 12 hours for them to settle into the consistency I like. Personally hate touching totally melted slime, it really gives me the ick which is amongst the many reasons why I have no wish to make my own slime. I keep my slime in a chiller so this is not typically an issue I commonly have as I go in with activator long before they turn back to glue. I would reactivate some of my favourites if they melted down slightly over time but I just lost heart for these sadly.
I hear from a friend that their slays and clays are much better. On this occasion 6/10 on account of the great water slime and all the other redeemable factors such as jars/designs/excellent scents but I only had one slime I could play with out of the whole batch so I don’t think I will return with any enthisiasm. MAYBE for another thick water slime.

Lime Slimes Company
Comes with care card and Borax. Waterproof labels with a lovely aesthetic. The jars are 8oz and priced from £12.15 to £15.39. Link to my previous review here.

  • WAY TO LIMEVILLE (DIY clay/snowfizz, lemon lime pound cake scented)
The scent is a lovely, sweet and creamy lime. The clay was nice, soft and moist and fun to squish. The base had melted quite badly and was extremely sticky and I had to add a great deal of activator to get it handleable again. It had sat around for a week after I received it via fast international shipping. During this period, it was kept in an air conditioned room and had been in the fridge for 15-20 minutes before play. I was able to bring it back to a handleable consistency, but it remained tacky. This is the reason why I really appreciate companies such as Pilot, Momo, and Slime Japan sending their slimes slightly over activated.
Other than the tackiness, it was a nice and puffy, inflatable snow fizz with plenty of soft sizzles, soft finger, pokes, and soft pops.

  • WHIPPED TIRAMEWSU FOAM (whipped foam texture, tiramisu scented with notes of ladies fingers biscuits, espresso coffee and cocoa powder)
All the notes of the scent mentioned come through but I find it a lit thin and lacking in richness. I love the tiramisu aesthetic with the brown “cocoa powder” which you dust on top of the slime. This was also under-activated and loose but less sticky, I ended up losing an entire pen’s worth of activator between this and the previous slime. Though the texture became a lot more handleable, it remains to have some tackiness. This was a puffy and jiggly texture with medium clicks that get louder as it inflates and soft/medium bubble pops. The resistance on the pulls is low and I can’t tell how much of that is by design and how much of that is because of the melting issue

A really beautiful sweet strawberry yoghurt scent with a hint of tartness. Frustratingly this had also melted and was the worst of the bunch, it was pretty much just glue. I was able to get this playable again but it took about 12 hours and some frustration. I had to add a lot of activator but this took it to a stage where it was both still sticky and rippy so I let it rest over night. The next day, with a little more working, it was closer to the intended texture (going off the Oui from my last order) but not quite perfect. Incidentally my other Oui which is a month old is still perfect and didn’t arrive melted (it is kept in a chiller at 50f.)
I don’t much like judging a slime that I have reconstituted nearly from scratch as it’s hard to know if it’s as the creator intended. That having been said, it is a very nice, creamy thickie with medium gloss. Lovely to pop and full of crackles. It has tiny bits of red flocking in it for a very pretty strawberry pulp effect.
Top left is how it arrived. Top right is where I managed to get it to with activator (still sticky by rippy.) Bottom left is after it rested overnight. Much better but still not quite as great as my previous Oui which I bought a month ago (an up to date picture of that on the bottom right.)
I am so tied over Lime Slimes. I love their scents and themes and when they are good they are great. However, this is not the first completely liquified slime I have received from them and it very much spoils the experience for me. Reading your reviews on this sub I see that I am not alone in having this issue with them but it seems to be quite hit and miss.
I know they come from California so I would hazard a guess that the issue happens during shipping due to the heat, I doubt these left them in this condition. I always pay for the fastest international shipping to prevent this issue occurring and most slimes arrive with me in 2-4 days. The only completely melted US slimes I have received have been from Lime Slimes, I’ve never had anything more than a slightly tacky surface that calls for a squirt of activator from other US companies. Once again, I can only reiterate how much I appreciate it when a slime leaves a store a little over-activated!
I hate rating slimes which are melted as it’s not really a representation of what the creator intended. I do love Lime's Oui line when not melted and may chance buying another one if a particularly interesting scent is released when mine dies but, ultimately, I won’t be returning to Lime Slimes Co. with any gusto, which is a real shame. I really feel drawn to them as I really love the themes, presentation, aesthetic and scents generally. However, it’s a very important factor to me that I receive my slimes in a play-ready condition as I hate having to reactivate them (to a texture that may not be quite right) and the feeling of sticky mess on my hands 6.5/10
Thank you for reading! I'll be back soon to review Audeez and more Mythical Mushbunny, Rodem and Momo! Feel free to give me a follow so you don't miss the review 🩵😊
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:35 GLaDOSdumbdumb Bot hosters are a lot worse than most people think

I noticed that people in this sub do NOT take #fixtf2 seriously and that just seriously pisses me off.
Take Megascatterbomb's case, he is a person working on a bot database to make a proper anti-cheat that (unlike V.A.C.) actually does something. Unfortunately, he has been doxxed, he has been impersonated, these bot hosters have made so many false screenshots accusing him of pedophilia that it makes my head spin, some have made threats to his career, they used A.I.-generated versions of his voice in TF2 chat to say disgusting things, and they even used his names for bots so people would join his discord server and harass him. But, worst of all, they swatted him. These bot hosters made a fake claim that he had made a bomb threat to his University. This led to the police showing up at his house, but since he is a New Zealander, the police didn't break down his door and shoot up every single one of his possessions for no reason.
And for the people who keep on defending Valve: why? You must realize that Valve is STILL updating the game, right? They keep on adding cosmetics, taunts, cases, keys, and stamps and all of those things lead to them getting more cash in their pocket. CS2 is practically a fucking newborn and it is also being overrun by bots who probably do this heinous shit too! Valve is still profiting off Team Fortress 2, it doesn’t matter that it’s 17 years old, if Valve keeps on adding new content it should be functional, but it is essentially unplayable! You could say that community servers are always there, but they will NEVER be as populated as casual, where at least 90% of the fandom goes. If you think that it’s ok that this game is still being supported by its publisher and it’s still in this shit of a condition, then you are just fine with Valve being shitty. It’s amazing how so many people are just ok with Valve being shitty and say “Release new titles already!” that Valve can easily do the same thing with and leave in a broken, unplayable state while implementing more microtransactions to fuck over their fans. Even if Valve were to fix their bot problem and remove all content support from TF2, including casual servers and (hopefully) microtransactions, I still would consider that success since bots wouldn’t be a problem and Valve wouldn’t profit from negligence. As long as bots exist in TF2, they will harass and target people who don’t like them, like Megascatterbomb. Valve is still somewhat responsible for these things happening due to them enabling bot hosters to thrive as a community, something Valve could stop if they really tried.
Before I leave, I insist that you watch this video by TheWhat Show. It features Megascatterbomb and other TFTuber’s experience with these bot hosters and perfectly explains how fucking terrible it is that Valve is profiting off a game that is essentially dead since they are too lazy to fix it. I am not the best writer and I know I didn’t explain this as best I could. Please watch TheWhat's video as it explains so well why TF2’s bots are such a big deal. And even if you are too lazy to listen to its points, it's still just an entertaining video that isn't doomer posting and that has a point to be made
TL,DR: Bot hosters are endlessly harassing people due to Valve’s negligence with TF2’s bots, leaving to people’s real lives to be affected. And watch this video.
Thanks for reading, be wise, and be safe.
submitted by GLaDOSdumbdumb to valve [link] [comments]
