Psx isos

The Original PlayStation: Are you ready?

2011.02.01 21:30 xsp The Original PlayStation: Are you ready?

It's nostalgia overload as we discuss the most influential gaming system ever released! The original PlayStation, later called PSOne, brought a new attitude toward gaming.

2014.05.04 12:27 big_bert RetroPie

RetroPie allows you to turn your Raspberry Pi or PC into a retro-gaming machine. This community focuses around the projects that come from this as well as providing tips/tricks and help in getting it setup.

2008.07.08 22:36 PlayStation Portable (PSP)

The gaming subreddit which fits in your pocket!

2024.05.15 21:50 zedarecaida RetroArch first impressions

Pretty complex emulator, much more than Delta and PPSSPP. But that is also a good thing.
I will use strictly to play PSX games, so I already put my 3 bios files directly through the Files app from the iPhone: RetroArch > system.
I have already played:
But then I tried playing Jeanne D’Arc (PSP), to compare with it’s performance on PPSSPP (which ran perfectly), and it froze three times before entering the main menu. I don’t know why. You don’t even need bios for PSP and I used the .iso file. Maybe I will try another game later, but I will probably stick with PPSSPP for that.
If you have any questions, just ask. The first thread got flooded quickly and people’s doubt will never get answered.
submitted by zedarecaida to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:28 Economy_Ad2443 Gamma App. Am I screwed?

Gamma app only takes bin.cue files. The bin.cue files I have found on online archives are all in German. I understand that there is an ISO converter available online, however I don't have a PC to use it. Are there any workarounds or different resources that contain english versions of PSX games in bin.cue format, or am I just screwed when it comes to emulating on Gamma? I'm really trying, and I did my research so please try to avoid any hostility lol
submitted by Economy_Ad2443 to EmulationOniOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:50 BrownBag-Special Final Fantasy 8, 9 & Metal Gear solid running choppy or not at all.

The last couple of months I’ve been trying to get these 3 titles to work better. Metal gear Solid & FF8 run, but very choppy, and FF9 gets to the point where you can first save and the Play starts and then crashes. It was suggested I try adding PSX Bios, I downloaded them yesterday and added them to the Bios folder on the card with the ISO’s on there, and it said the files already existed. I replaced them, and tried the 3 games, and no improvement. Any suggestions?
submitted by BrownBag-Special to RG353V [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:02 Tight-Object-4875 boku no natuyasumi 1/2 English Patch n/a on vita

writing this to save anyone the headache i just spent 2 hours suffering.
bnn1 is not patched, the psx fan translation was being done by this person, is now in this person's hands (is away from twitter to work on it)
bnn2 IS patched, but for ps2 (unplayable on vita) and is unusable on psp (the only place anywhere this is mentioned is in the readME file of the patch). an iso/vpk of either game are not on pkgj, here is a link to the only bnn2 iso i could find (for psp) (roms megathread/any other iso site i could find didn't have it)
submitted by Tight-Object-4875 to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:45 CharlieBrown3000 Irisman 4.91 help

Hello! I am brand new to PS3 homebrew. Yesterday I watched Blair Locklair’s video on installing Irisman onto my PS3. I followed for his 4.90 video and im unable to see any of my PSP isos. ( I don’t have any PS3 isos to test yet) PSX games are able to be seen but I am only able to launch from the USB stick. I am able to see the PSX games installed on the drive but they won’t launch. Any ideas, help or suggestions?
submitted by CharlieBrown3000 to ps3homebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:45 benjaminbjacobsen File types to keep, CDH, CHD, ISO, RVZ, PBP and BIN&CUE...

Dumb question but which file types do you keep for different systems? I've got two file types for the following roms:
I just realized the other day, beyond the PS2 ISOs I haven't used the largeolder formats in forever? Can I just get rid of them or are there reasons (like the PS2 MC loader) to keep them?
submitted by benjaminbjacobsen to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:22 Witty_Sand_9326 Legend of Dragoon not working

I been trying to get "The Legend of Dragoon" for PSX to work but no matter which rom-format, iso,CHD etc I use I cannot get the game to start up.
It shows on the romlist but when starting it up it tries to load and then go straight back to the Trimui main menu again...
submitted by Witty_Sand_9326 to trimui [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:40 jimraynor30 PSX games not runnning

Hi! I've got a PS3 Slim (CECH-2012A) running CFW 4.91.2 Evilnat Cobra 8.5 [PEX] [noBD] (the BD is completely dead, I suspect a faulty motherboard connection). I can't run PS3 games in ISO format, but I managed to install them alright in pkg format. However, when it comes to PSX games, it's not just bin files that fail to load, but also if I install them in pkg, they install alright but when I try launching the games, all I get is a black screen. Is this a known issue? Is there any workaround? Any help will be welcome! Thanks!
submitted by jimraynor30 to ps3homebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 14:26 juiceman215 WiredFTP speeds not as fast as others

I have wiredFTP set up and it is working. I am Getting around 8.8 MiB/s. I see people Claiming they are getting around 20.
What am I doing wrong?
Is it going Slower because I am transferring a PKG Vs. an ISO?
Should I only do one file at a time?
I already followed this guide to try to optimize my settings.
UPDATE: I turned off "Enable Speed Limits" in Filezilla and my speeds increased
submitted by juiceman215 to ps3hacks [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:05 Kn7ght Modifying eBoot Icons

Hey all, very new to the PSP modding scene and found a few threads asking similar questions but they were all pretty old without conclusive answers, so I figured I'd ask with a new post.
Is there any way to change the official eboot icons? Wanted to tweak them with PSX2PSP to make them look more like the PSP icons, but trying to extract the eboot iso to reconvert it or just using the eboot itself makes the program crash saying its unable to allocate memory. The custom icons work fine when I convert the PSX rom proper, but I know some issues could pop up in game from using that version instead of the official one.
submitted by Kn7ght to PSP [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 10:25 Budget-Stable2638 Help with cheats

I have tried to enter Gran Turismo PSX cheats manually but none of them seem to work.
I have downloaded a cht file from gamehacking for the NTSC U version of my iso but I can't find anywhere on the SD cards to put it. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Budget-Stable2638 to R36S [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 06:44 SamuraiCowboy_ I wrote a script to Load + Sort your PSP game files Alphabetically, easy, and fast!! - Saves you hours!!!

Hey all! I put a longer write-up and info below for anyone new who may be googling for explanations and solutions like I was yesterday!
Otherwise, you can skip to the script below! Happy gaming! :D
This works on every and any folder you choose - and it can't get much easier than - copy - paste - and hit enter into Python. Enjoy!
*In other words, I hope this helps out some people in need, saves them time, and makes them happy. :)
I'm a longtime PSP player and first modded my old Japanese, Portable Ops PSP back in 2010 and loved it. It was my first foray into tinkering with game handhelds, and the hobby has stuck with me. I decided to pick up another PSP last week after loading a full library of PSP games onto a retro emulation handheld, and realized like I'm sure all of us do - that nothing plays PSP games like a good PSP! I'm now running ARK-4 on a Blue and White Value pack PSP from Japan, and it's great seeing how much more smooth things have become.
I ended up with a library of 153 CSOs in one folder, 292 PSP minis in another folder, as well as a folder of assorted homebrews and PSX games in two others Of course, they were all over the place and out of order, and I'm a stickler for the alphabetical. When I looked it up, it seems like most posts from as far back as 15 years ago and as recent as the past couple months point to the manual changing of files with Homebrew sorter so I added it in for some sorting fun on my train travel today. Great tool - but it definitely took a while moving things on a list individually, so I looked at automating it fast somehow for my almost 300 PSP mini files.
For anyone new, googling as I did last night, the PSP systems seem to show the files in order based on the date created and modified / added to the system. I tried batch changing the dates modified and a number of other things including just dropping them in one at a time while I chilled and that all still ended up goofy, so I'm assuming the old "created by" dates were taking priority.
My quick solution is the script below, and it works like a charm. I've shared the steps below it, with an explanation afterward.
This link has the code in a text file - in case posting alters something here.
import os
import shutil
import time
def copy_files_with_delay(source_folder, destination_folder):
files = sorted(os.listdir(source_folder), reverse=True)
for file_name in files:
source_path = os.path.join(source_folder, file_name)
if os.path.isfile(source_path):
destination_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, file_name)
shutil.copyfile(source_path, destination_path)
print(f"Moved {file_name} to {destination_path}")
source_folder = r'C:\Users\marty\Desktop\pspmini'
destination_folder = r'E:\ISO\PSP Minis'
copy_files_with_delay(source_folder, destination_folder)
*Definitely grab it from the link for accuracy, as I had to change a few comments to show it here properly - but all you have to do is copy the text file into python after following the steps below -- + after changing the source and destination folders to your own desired locations, that is! :D
1 - Put all of your game files (in my case, all of my PSP mini CSOs) into a folder on your desktop.
2 - Fill in your source and destination folder in the script within the quotation marks. I left mine in for you to see easily, and as shown again below. For an easy time of it, right-click your folder and hit "copy as path" to get it instantly. Then paste, as mentioned before , between the quotations.
source_folder = r'C:\Users\marty\Desktop\pspmini'
destination_folder = r'E:\ISO\PSP Minis'
3 - Copy the script with your folders filled into Python and hit enter. If you don't have Python, you can download it fast. It's great to have on your computer, and it's often fun to learn. :) I have Python 3.11 (64 - bit).
4 - Wait for the script to say it's transferred all of your files, then you can plug your memory card right back into your PSP and get gaming alphabetically!! 💛
*For the fastest way to transfer, I recommend plugging your memory card directly into your computer to transfer the files (as opposed to transferring them via link cable). I use a memory stick pro duo adapter for a 128 Samsung micro SD card. This way, I can take the micro SD card out and use it like any other. You can get both the pro duo adapter and a 128 GB card on Amazon for about $20 total. :)
Essentially, using this method - the files are not copied with the same metadata, but instead, new files are made directly onto your memory card with date and time stamps for that very moment.
The big part of the script that helps includes a line that adds a quick "3 second sleep delay" in between each clone of each file. This prevents them all from being copied as one command and then sharing similar meta data/times or being shown to be added at one time (like sorting by name from Z to A and selecting all, copy, pasting seemed to do for me on my own laptop). The files being remade and sent in reverse alphabetical order ensure that the PSP gets them listed in its interface with the Zs on the bottom and the numbers on top!
And that's it! I hope this saves you some time, and I hope to see, "Hey, this worked for me!"comments coming up!
Now go play the Tenchu games on PSP! They came out with two PS2 ports in Japan, + they're amazing!!! 😊🔥
submitted by SamuraiCowboy_ to PSP [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 21:41 Warakumbla Help with game crashing (saga frontier 2) on Rg353v

I'm playing SaGa Frontier 2 on it's stock psx emulator. 50 hours in, on the chapter "Kelvin 's last battle", I make my move and when the enemy will make their, the game crash. I don't want to lose my progress. How can I solve this? Downloading a new ISO? Playing on the Android Emulator? Changing OS? Where can I find the save state? BTW, how do I add cheat code when the game isn't on the cheat codes list?
submitted by Warakumbla to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 21:32 Street-Antelope8550 Ajuda com WiiU

Fala pessoal!
Comprei esses dias um WiiU... estava barato e completo já desbloqueado com um HD da Samsung de 500gb. Tenho algumas dúvidas e gostaria que algum de vossas senhorias possam me tirar:

Eu já tenho um Switch então alguns jogos do WiiU eu já joguei no Switch, peguei o console mais para emuladores e alguns retros como Gamecube e Wii. Eu gostaria de saber quais os consoles que o WiiU emula dibuenas (tipo psx, PSP, maybe PS2, etc);

Como o console veio de outro dono, eu sempre curto fazer uma limpa geral no console... dar um reset total, o HD veio cheio de jogo do WiiU, fazendo o reset do console, eu perco esses jogos? Já considerando essa pergunta, no 3DS, precisa-se instalar o jogo antes de jogar: vc baixa a CIA e instala via FBI, no WiiU é a mesma coisa ou ele lê as ISO's direto?

Bom... é isso! Se alguem tiver mais algumas dicas e conselhos, estou totalmente aberto. Obrigado desde já e boa jogatina!! :)
submitted by Street-Antelope8550 to NintendoBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 21:41 _NovaniK_ ISO Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) The Lion War Mod

I would like to play Final Fantasy Tactics The Lion War mod for the PSX game. The mod is from, and it uses ppf file (using PPF-O-Matic) to patch the rom. I have my original disk from 1998, but I don't have a PC with an optical drive anymore. I have the rom, but it's in bin/cue format, and as far as I can tell, I cannot patch the bin/cue formatted rom with PPF-O-Matic. I have done some searching but haven't been able to find the game rom in a .iso format.
I guess what I'm asking is can anyone provide some tips to get the patch to work with bin/cue, or provide a .iso format of the rom, or the patched rom itself? Is there a workaround that I'm not thinking of?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by _NovaniK_ to Roms [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 07:27 Nikorasu7 Devilman (Japan) PSX ISO - CDRomance

Devilman (Japan) PSX ISO - CDRomance submitted by Nikorasu7 to u/Nikorasu7 [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 06:55 ZoranLain Trimui Smart Pro - Setup Tips

I got my TSP a few days ago and have been working on my setup. I pretty much got everything I wanted including a new theme color and boot logo (Thanks Veyrah!)
Just want to share a few things that I have learned during my setup to perhaps save you some time. First, I have updated to Firmware 1.0.4 (not any of the hotfixes) with Tomato loaded on the SDCard. Tomato is still work in progress so there are some things I had to figure out on my own.
***Please note that any time you edit files manually, you will have to remember to check for and apply the same changes if necessary after you do any update with newer Tomato SDCard package. The author is busy adding new cores and such so he may not get around to fix some of these for awhile.
Hope you find this useful.
submitted by ZoranLain to trimui [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 08:22 Nikorasu7 Panzer Bandit (Japan) PSX ISO - CDRomance

Panzer Bandit (Japan) PSX ISO - CDRomance submitted by Nikorasu7 to u/Nikorasu7 [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 02:23 TopCape Problems running backups with FreePSXBoot

I was able to get FreePSXBoot on a memory card today by burning unirom to a CD-R (also done today) and doing a disk swap after a couple of tries. I subsequently tried playing a disk which I had burned a few years ago containing PSXFunkin, a Friday Night Funkin fanmade psx port. This works correctly and I can boot it from the FreePSXBoot's "Boot CD" menu option and play it fine.
However, every other game backup I have tried to play doesn't work. I have been burning CD-R's of the same brand (Verbatim) mostly using PowerISO and none of them work. The last try I did (Silent Hill 1) was with ImgBurn. I have been burning by using .cue files of bin/cue file pairs and at low speed (despite reading that this was a 90s thing and is no longer an issue).
Some examples of my attempts include:
Actually, PSXFunkin also hangs sometimes after "DISC STATE: UNLOCKED MODE 2" and showing the preceding messages like the reminder and the "FASTLOAD LOCATING CDROM:...". So it hands at the end of all of that, but the previous list is mostly composed of cases where the menu freezes before all information was printed.
I guarantee that normal PS1 games still work. Burned backups are playable by the PSX emulator DuckStation, so the burning doesn't seem to be the issue. I would guess it had to be the actual reading of the discs? Are there darker varieties of CD-R for this purpose?
In case this is relevant, I own a PAL SCPH-5502.
EDIT: Tried Crash Bandicoot 2, it stay stuck in "SEEKING 2..." and the disc stops
submitted by TopCape to psx [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 00:58 johannesDvorak Sorry for the stupid question, but what is the official Cdromance site?

Sorry for the stupid question, but what is the official Cdromance site? submitted by johannesDvorak to Roms [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 11:51 recommend1st Push terus gan

Push terus gan submitted by recommend1st to u/recommend1st [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 21:43 wintersodile Looking for help with DuckStation

I'm pretty new to PSX emulation. I ripped a copy of a JP game I own (Angelique Tenkuu no Requiem if that matters) for PSX and have been fighting with DuckStation to get it working on the deck all day. I do have all my appropriate bios files.
I have the .BIN and the .CUE files, but DuckStation refuses to recognise either file unless I go through System > Start Disc; however, starting it like this doesn't work for launching through Steam. If I try adding it to Steam through EmuDeck, the game doesn't open. When I launch it through Start Disc, it seems to completely disable controller input and nothing I do can get the game to respond. I tried converting the .BIN/.CUE into an ISO file which DuckStation recognises in the menu, but refuses to play.
I've no idea what to do to get this game working. If anyone has any advice or tutorials, they'd be sorely appreciated.
submitted by wintersodile to EmuDeck [link] [comments]