Celebrity demi lovato fakes

Demi Lovato

2011.08.01 20:50 musicman19 Demi Lovato

Reddit's arrogance in all but ignoring the mods needs has resulted in only harming our users. This sub went dark due to the terrible handling of Reddit's API pricing changes and policy decisions. /Save3rdPartyApps/. Under duress and for the benefit of our users, we are reopening the Subreddit despite this issue not being resolved.

2012.02.22 01:29 Peyton R. List

Reddit's arrogance in all but ignoring the mods needs has resulted in only harming our users. This sub went dark due to the terrible handling of Reddit's API pricing changes and policy decisions. /Save3rdPartyApps/. Under duress and for the benefit of our users, we are reopening the Subreddit despite this issue not being resolved.

2011.09.27 15:04 Chloë Grace Moretz

Reddit's arrogance in all but ignoring the mods needs has resulted in only harming our users. This sub went dark due to the terrible handling of Reddit's API pricing changes and policy decisions. /Save3rdPartyApps/. Under duress and for the benefit of our users, we are reopening the Subreddit despite this issue not being resolved.

2024.05.16 15:59 Natural-Abalone7326 Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato submitted by Natural-Abalone7326 to celeb_nylons [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:43 Viral-conclusionz8 racism and how we are doubtful while dealing with other heritages and cultures

Racism and cultural doubtfulness often stem from a combination of historical prejudices, lack of exposure, and misunderstandings about other heritages and cultures. Addressing these issues requires both individual and collective efforts to foster understanding, empathy, and respect. Here’s how we can navigate and improve our interactions with diverse heritages and cultures:

Understanding Racism and Cultural Doubt

Roots of Racism

Cultural Doubtfulness

Strategies for Overcoming Racism and Cultural Doubt

Education and Awareness

Building Empathy and Understanding

Challenging Stereotypes

Promoting Inclusivity

Practical Actions for Individuals

  1. Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your own biases and work towards becoming more open-minded and accepting.
  2. Cultural Exchange: Participate in cultural exchange programs or activities that promote mutual understanding and respect.
  3. Support Diversity: Support businesses, artists, and leaders from diverse backgrounds. This helps in promoting economic and social inclusion.
  4. Educate Others: Share your knowledge and experiences about different cultures with friends, family, and community members to spread awareness.

Practical Actions for Organizations

  1. Diversity Training: Implement regular diversity and inclusion training for employees to educate them about different cultures and combat racism.
  2. Inclusive Policies: Develop and enforce policies that promote equality and protect against discrimination in the workplace.
  3. Cultural Celebrations: Celebrate cultural heritage days and encourage employees to share their traditions and customs.
  4. Support Networks: Create support networks and affinity groups for employees from diverse backgrounds to share their experiences and support one another.

Creating a Culture of Respect


Addressing racism and cultural doubtfulness requires a commitment to continuous learning, open dialogue, and proactive efforts to foster inclusivity and respect. By understanding the roots of these issues and actively working to overcome them, we can build a more equitable and harmonious society where diversity is celebrated and everyone feels valued.
Aligned by to a fake identity you have built to people you don't know or close even and encounter all the resentment forms at all levels
Living behind a facade or a fake identity can be emotionally exhausting and ultimately damaging to personal well-being and relationships. When this facade begins to crumble or when individuals encounter resentment from others as a result, the effects can be profound. Here’s a guide to addressing this situation, rebuilding authenticity, and dealing with resentment at all levels:

1. Self-Reflection and Acceptance

Understand Your Reasons

Commit to Authenticity

2. Gradual Revelation and Honest Communication

Start Small

Honest Communication

3. Handling Resentment

Empathy and Understanding

Rebuilding Trust

4. Self-Care and Support

Seek Professional Help

Self-Care Practices

5. Building Authentic Relationships

New Connections

Reinforcing Authenticity


Reclaiming your authentic self after living behind a fake identity involves deep self-reflection, honest communication, and consistent efforts to rebuild trust and relationships. By understanding the reasons behind your facade and committing to authenticity, you can overcome resentment and foster more genuine, fulfilling connections. Seeking support and practicing self-care are crucial steps in this transformative journey, ultimately leading to a more honest and satisfying life.
submitted by Viral-conclusionz8 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:16 Advanced-Reveal6056 Deborah Presley

Deborah Presley
Deborah Yandel who call herself Deborah Presley is a fraud. This delusional hag is obsessed with celebrities .
She conspired with Robert Blake's lawyers to kill Christian Brando because he refused to marry her. She was stalking him in 2004 in LA. She followed Brando's son to Las Vegas while he was drunk after his father's death, the next day he was shocked that he was married to her, she was much older than him. He ran away from her the next day and immediately cancelled this fake marriage.
She went to police and accused him of violence and went to tabloids and destroyed his reputation with non stop allegations until the day he died . Nowadays , she published a book and to make use of the name Brando she fabricated a long love story with Christian using the two pictures she took with him while stalking him. She even fabricated stories about Marlon Brando although she never met him and she only met his son after his father's death. She call herself Christian Brando's widow although he annulled the marriage after 24 hours and lived with another woman for 4 years before his death with pneumonia . She has been spreading lies that Christian died from drugs which is not true .. it is her way to fabricate a story that he left her for drugs. Although she was the drug addict not him.
submitted by Advanced-Reveal6056 to ChristianMBrando1958 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:00 Advanced-Reveal6056 Deborah Presley

Deborah Presley
Deborah Yandel who call herself Deborah Presley is a fraud. This delusional hag is obsessed with celebrities .
She conspired with Robert Blake's lawyers to kill Christian Brando because he refused to marry her. She was stalking him in 2004 in LA. She followed Brando's son to Las Vegas while he was drunk after his father's death, the next day he was shocked that he was married to her, she was much older than him. He ran away from her the next day and immediately cancelled this fake marriage.
She went to police and accused him of violence and went to tabloids and destroyed his reputation with non stop allegations until the say he died . Nowadays , she published a book and to make use of the name Brando she fabricated a long love story with Christian using the two pictures she took with him while stalking him. She even fabricated stories about Marlon Brando although she never met him and she only met his son after his father's death. She call herself Christian Brando's widow although he annulled the marriage after 24 hours and lived with another woman for 4 years before his death with pneumonia . She has been spreading lies that Christian died from drugs which is not true .. it is her way to fabricate a story that he left her for drugs. Although she was the drug addict not him.
submitted by Advanced-Reveal6056 to u/Advanced-Reveal6056 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:53 newsu1 Unleashing the Power of Self-Confidence

Unleashing the Power of Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is the unwavering belief in your abilities, qualities, and judgments. It's the inner strength that propels you forward, empowering you to take risks, embrace challenges, and pursue your goals without fear or hesitation. In contrast, shyness is a feeling of apprehension, discomfort, and lack of confidence, particularly in social situations or when facing unfamiliar circumstances.
While shyness can hold you back, self-confidence is the catalyst that unlocks your full potential. It's the difference between shrinking into the background and boldly stepping into the spotlight, between playing it safe and taking calculated risks that lead to growth and success.
To cultivate an unshakable sense of self-confidence, here are ten powerful strategies to embrace:

1. Celebrate Your Strengths

Make a list of your unique talents, skills, and accomplishments. Reflect on moments when you shone brightly, and let those memories fuel your belief in yourself. For example, if you excelled in a presentation at work, remind yourself of the preparation and poise you displayed.

2. Reframe Failures as Opportunities

Failures are inevitable, but they don't define you. Treat setbacks as valuable learning experiences that sharpen your resilience and wisdom. If you struggled with a project, analyze what went wrong and use those insights to enhance your approach next time.

3. Surround Yourself with Positivity

The company you keep can greatly influence your self-confidence. Seek out individuals who uplift and encourage you, and distance yourself from toxic negativity that chips away at your self-belief. Cultivate a supportive network of friends, mentors, and role models who inspire you.

4. Practice Self-Care

When you prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, your self-confidence naturally soars. Exercise regularly, nourish your body with wholesome foods, engage in activities that bring you joy, and prioritize rest and relaxation. A healthy mind and body foster a resilient spirit.

5. Dress for Success

The way you present yourself to the world can shape your self-perception. Identify styles and colors that make you feel powerful and confident, and dress intentionally to embody that energy. When you look good, you'll feel good, and your confidence will radiate from within.

6. Visualize Success

Engage in daily visualization exercises, vividly imagining yourself achieving your goals and handling challenging situations with poise and grace. This mental rehearsal can train your brain to believe in your capabilities, boosting your self-assurance when faced with real-life obstacles.

7. Embrace Imperfection

Perfection is an illusion that can undermine your confidence. Recognize that mistakes and flaws are part of the human experience, and strive for progress over perfection. When you embrace your imperfections with self-compassion, you free yourself from the weight of unrealistic expectations.

8. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Growth happens when you challenge yourself and push past your limits. Identify areas where you tend to play it safe, and gradually expose yourself to situations that stretch your boundaries. Whether it's public speaking, trying a new hobby, or networking, each step outside your comfort zone will fortify your self-confidence.

9. Celebrate Small Wins

Confidence is a muscle that grows stronger with consistent exercise. Rather than waiting for major achievements, celebrate the small victories along the way. Did you speak up in a meeting? Conquer a fear? Acknowledge and savor those moments, as they pave the way for even greater triumphs.

10. Fake It 'Til You Make It

Sometimes, the act of projecting confidence can help you internalize it. Stand tall, make eye contact, speak clearly, and adopt confident body language, even when you're feeling unsure. Over time, this "fake it 'til you make it" approach can rewire your brain and instill a genuine sense of self-assurance.
Remember, self-confidence is a journey, not a destination. By consistently nurturing and strengthening your belief in yourself, you'll unlock a world of possibilities and unleash your full potential. Embrace these strategies, and watch as your self-confidence soars, propelling you toward greater heights of personal and professional success.
submitted by newsu1 to Word_of_The_Day_Affir [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:28 ThrowRA_5096340 Do I [22/F] tell my ex’s [23/M] new girl [20/F] that he cheated on her with me?!?

Hey, I have never made a reddit post, but I just heard some distressing news and I’m honestly distraught. I really need some real advice.
I (22/F) dated this guy Thomas (23/M - fake name) for 4 and a half years. We got together senior year of high school at age 17. Right after graduation his drug addict parents got them evicted (I heard his dad has gone through rehab now). My parents let him move in with us and he lived with me for a year. About 3 months after moving out (August 2020) we went on a break. He said that he needed time to work on himself and figure out his life as an individual taking care of himself. I understood but was really sad.
In October of 2020 we rekindled and started seeing each other again. It was then that our very close friend took his own life. It was very sad and we heavily leaned on each other through it all. We were hanging out all the time and sleeping together once a week or more. This turned into a long term on again, off again thing that honestly ruined my life.
For 2.5 years we did this dance. One of us would reach out, we would reconnect, we would date for a few months and then he would suddenly ghost me. I would be unable to reach him for weeks (sometimes up to 2 months at a time) until he would reach back out and start the cycle again. I honestly held on wayyyy too long because I loved him and thought he loved me too, but was just dealing with a lot of personal emotional issues. He told me all the time that he loved me and only wanted me. Thomas also came from real poverty and was very frugal. He never had money to go out because he was saving. He never took me out. Never bought me stuff or gifts. I understood and was alright with it.
Here comes the problem:
The last time we were “on again” was January 2023 until May 2023. I don’t have exact dates because I deleted our texts. All I know is I have a record of a facetime call on May 9th where we had phone sex. He ghosted me shortly after and I know because he was supposed to come to my college graduation on May 16th, but I hadn’t heard from him in days and gave the ticket to someone else. In August of 2023, some of his mail was delivered to my parent’s house and I dropped it on his porch with no message or interaction with him. On August 14, 2023 he texted me to thank me and wish me a belated happy birthday. On August 15th I got back to him and we chatted for a bit. He called and asked if we could talk about us. I figured the ‘cycle’ was starting again. August 16th I went to his place, we slept together, and he apologized for the way he had been treating me. He promised that he was ready to commit for real and that he wanted to be with me. He ghosted me the next day and I never heard from him again. I have text receipts for some of this.
I found out via a mutual friend that Thomas just reposted an instagram story from his new girlfriend, Sophia (20/F - fake name) where she’s celebrating their one year anniversary. Their date of relationship starting being May 10th, 2023. There’s pics of them all over her instagram- summer picnics, birthday brunch her took her on in late July 2023, extravagant gifts he buys her- EVERYTHING!
It’s seeming likely that he started seeing her last spring when he was seeing me (ghosted me in May when they got together) and then cheated on her with me when we reconnected in August. Now, I don’t know what to do. When they got together she was 19! So young! And she looks so innocent and sweet. I feel disgusting that he likely used me and hurt her. I don’t want to get involved because I want nothing to do with him, and I hate drama. BUT I feel like she deserves to know. Is there a way to do this and tell her without seeming like a jealous or revengeful ex?? I honestly don’t want him. I feel nothing but disgust for him. I just feel SO BAD for her. Do I message her??
I’m unsure because I am obviously really hurt by the whole situation. The relationship was VERY intense, and I don’t know what is me wanting to hurt him versus what is actually the right thing to do!
submitted by ThrowRA_5096340 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:23 ThrowRA_5096340 Do I [22/F] tell my ex’s [23/M] new girl [20/F] that he cheated on her with me?!?

Hey, I have never made a reddit post, but I just heard some distressing news and I’m honestly distraught. I really need some real advice.
I (22/F) dated this guy Thomas (23/M - fake name) for 4 and a half years. We got together senior year of high school at age 17. Right after graduation his drug addict parents got them evicted (I heard his dad has gone through rehab now). My parents let him move in with us and he lived with me for a year. About 3 months after moving out (August 2020) we went on a break. He said that he needed time to work on himself and figure out his life as an individual taking care of himself. I understood but was really sad.
In October of 2020 we rekindled and started seeing each other again. It was then that our very close friend took his own life. It was very sad and we heavily leaned on each other through it all. We were hanging out all the time and sleeping together once a week or more. This turned into a long term on again, off again thing that honestly ruined my life.
For 2.5 years we did this dance. One of us would reach out, we would reconnect, we would date for a few months and then he would suddenly ghost me. I would be unable to reach him for weeks (sometimes up to 2 months at a time) until he would reach back out and start the cycle again. I honestly held on wayyyy too long because I loved him and thought he loved me too, but was just dealing with a lot of personal emotional issues. He told me all the time that he loved me and only wanted me. Thomas also came from real poverty and was very frugal. He never had money to go out because he was saving. He never took me out. Never bought me stuff or gifts. I understood and was alright with it.
Here comes the problem:
The last time we were “on again” was January 2023 until May 2023. I don’t have exact dates because I deleted our texts. All I know is I have a record of a facetime call on May 9th where we had phone sex. He ghosted me shortly after and I know because he was supposed to come to my college graduation on May 16th, but I hadn’t heard from him in days and gave the ticket to someone else. In August of 2023, some of his mail was delivered to my parent’s house and I dropped it on his porch with no message or interaction with him. On August 14, 2023 he texted me to thank me and wish me a belated happy birthday. On August 15th I got back to him and we chatted for a bit. He called and asked if we could talk about us. I figured the ‘cycle’ was starting again. August 16th I went to his place, we slept together, and he apologized for the way he had been treating me. He promised that he was ready to commit for real and that he wanted to be with me. He ghosted me the next day and I never heard from him again. I have text receipts for some of this.
I found out via a mutual friend that Thomas just reposted an instagram story from his new girlfriend, Sophia (20/F - fake name) where she’s celebrating their one year anniversary. Their date of relationship starting being May 10th, 2023. There’s pics of them all over her instagram- summer picnics, birthday brunch her took her on in late July 2023, extravagant gifts he buys her- EVERYTHING!
It’s seeming likely that he started seeing her last spring when he was seeing me (ghosted me in May when they got together) and then cheated on her with me when we reconnected in August. Now, I don’t know what to do. When they got together she was 19! So young! And she looks so innocent and sweet. I feel disgusting that he likely used me and hurt her. I don’t want to get involved because I want nothing to do with hm, and I hate drama. BUT I feel like she deserves to know. Is there a way to do this and tell her without seeming like a jealous or revengeful ex?? I honestly don’t want him. I feel nothing but disgust for him. I just feel SO BAD for her. Do I message her??
submitted by ThrowRA_5096340 to u/ThrowRA_5096340 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:00 Rosie_Blink Bm new album. Thoughts?

I’m designing a album for BM what do u think?
  1. Thank u next - Ariana Grande
  2. Monsters - All Time Low, ft. Demi Lovato and blackbear
  3. Sheesh remix
  4. Monsters (Extended ver)
  5. 7 Rings - Ariana Grande
  6. Ddu-du Ddu-du - BP
  7. Drama - æspa
I think they should rename Monsters-Demi Lovato ver. to “In my Head “ or smthing. And they should shorten D4
They should call it “B x M”
Thank u next and Monsters - Demi L. should be the title tracks and D4 should be the intro and the rest are b-sides
Edit: I forgot to mention this but this isn’t real. I just made it for fun!
submitted by Rosie_Blink to BABYMONSTER [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:31 RationalSchizo812020 Kanye and Kendrick vs Drake and The Diddler: A Conspiracy

Written 5/8/2024- updates attached below

I tried posting this on kendrick almost a week ago and it got no response, I messaged the mods to ask about Karma restrictions or account age requirements and they never replied. I made a new account and it was the same issue, but I found out last night I wasn’t fully banned, so I figured I’d throw it up and see if anyone finds it valuable. It’s written for people who have no prior knowledge of the rap game/music business. I don’t have to go as hard on obscuring names this time. One of the influencers I mentioned in my last post is known for doxxing and threatening violence against people who mention the many contradictions in their stories. (Sorry for any typos/mistakes I want to go to bed.)
I believe the current Drake and Kendrick Lamar beef is either completely or partially fabricated by certain industry leaders or the parties involved in an effort to distract from something bigger going down behind the scenes. If you were an influential label owner facing major accusations, and you needed to deflect media attention from yourself, recreating one of the most defining moments in rap history during the social media era would be a way to do it. It also wouldn’t hurt that two of the biggest rappers in the world were already sending shots at each other in their music for years prior. The public consensus is they are simply two famous rappers who hate each other and fighting over the spot for the top like in the 90’s. Only people who were directly involved could paint a more cohesive picture of the whole story. Even when all the cards drop, there is a good chance the average person won’t be able to find direct sources on their own and will continue to support their favorite artists and dismiss any evidence of their crimes like the drizzy subreddit or Ak fans.

As I said the beef between Kendrick and Drake has been brewing in the background for years, with both rappers sending shots and sneak dissing each other over the course of at least 8 years. The most agreed upon origin story is the first diss was the 2016 Big Sean and Kendrick collaboration, “Control,” and Drake responded with, “The Language”. Things stayed relatively lighthearted for a while and both were intentionally vague for many years. Before I go deep into the Kendrick and Drake stuff, it’s really important to examine some of Drake’s prior beefs because they add a ton of context to my theory. In my opinion Kendrick and Co. started scheming all of this some time around Mid 2020-Mid 2022, well after the whole Pusha T beef had transitioned into the Kanye beef.

What exactly started the beef is debatable, but at the time many attributed it to rumors of Drake pursuing Ye’s ex Amber Rose. Unfortunately the timeline isn’t 100 percent clear, and if I included every detail this would be at least 200+ pages so I’ll stick with the important stuff. The ultimate outcome of the Pusha T battle in 2018 was the revelation of Drake’s son Adidon that he had previously been hiding from the world along with getting Ye directly involved in the beef.

Here are some more examples of Drake antagonizing Ye and of him trying to use women as pawns to get material for his diss tracks. The Drake line, “Yeah, I probably go link to Yeezy, I need me some Jesus, but as soon as I start confessin' my sins, he wouldn't believe us," could be a reference to sleeping with Kim Kardashian, trying to double down on his threats to harm him or his family, or it could be a double entendre. Another example is using the name Kiki in another song, which was apparently one of Kim’s nicknames. Some other possible examples include the theories he may have tried the same thing with Kendrick’s wife Whitney around 2020-2021 in an attempt to use as ammo against Kendrick, which I’ll go into later. I don’t listen to much of either artist's music, but there are probably many of other examples in Drake’s catalogue that I’m leaving out. There is also his song Omerta released in 2019, which I'll go into below.

“Your baby mother call me when she lonely My tailor see me twice a week, he like my homie Forever grateful, forever thankful Diamond necklace, but she wears it on her ankle”

(Probably referring to Kim Kardashian since she had a few pictures with her wearing diamond ankle bracelets and was trying to make it into a trend.

“I plan to buy your most personal belongings when they up for auction”

(There were various rumors floating around for a while that Drake was blackmailing Ye with something and he was fighting to keep it from the public. I thought about it and this line might be referencing a sex tape with Kim or her little sister who me was very touch before she turned 18. In 2022 there was a whole storyline on Kim’s show where Ye flies to LA to prevent her second sex tape from being released.)

West Hollywood, know my presence is menacing
Cosa Nostra, shady dealings
Racketeering, the syndicate got they hand in plenty things The things that we've done to protect the name are unsettling But no regrets, though, the name'll echo Years later, none greater
Death to a coward and a traitor, that's just in my nature, yeah
(Drake and Ye both frequented the Delilah Nightclub located in West Hollywood and lived closeby on the same street for a while.)
"I don't carry cash 'cause the money is digital
It's the American Expresser, the debt collector"

(Sounds a lot more like it could be crypto to launder or send large amounts of ill gotten gains. It started becoming mainstream around them)

"Last year, niggas really feel like they rode on me
Last year, niggas got hot 'cause they told on me
I'm 'bout to call the bluff of anybody the fold on me"

These lines stood out because they could be referring to Ye telling the public about Drake's alleged threats a couple months before the songs release. This happened not long after the release of Sicko mode which was towards the end of 2018 as well. Ye was discussing the incident on Twitter and reached out to Drake and Travis to talk to him in private. In the next set of tweets Kanye publicly accused Drake of threatening him and his family in a major way. Surprisingly Ye seemed genuinely scared and amongst his, “crazy rants,” some of the stuff he said makes a ton of sense in hindsight. This also the beginning of his second serious public struggles with Bipolar disorder after being committed in 2016 shortly after an on stage rant where he calls out Jay Z for selling out and says he's afraid he might kill him.. As someone who shares the same diagnosis, I have a pretty good understanding of mania and psychosis and firmly believe that it's important not to write people off right away due to their mental illness. Some of my most thoughtful, creative, and productive periods were inspired by mania. Industry bigwigs have also been using mental illness to discredit influential black celebrities and visionaries going back decades, but it really picked up in the 80’s.

Dave Chappelle has gone into this a lot in the past and claims he experienced something similar before he quit show business and dipped to Africa. Their stories have a lot of interesting parallels if you’re familiar or curious. I remember he actually visited Ye at his house in Wyoming after he was reported to have had a, "mental breakdown," during his presidential run in 2020 thus marking his third breakown in six years.. The reason I put it in quotes is because it happened right after he publicly accused Kim of cheating and delivered his legendary speech on abortion. Dave went as far as going on live tv and telling the public he wasn’t crazy, he was just really struggling because he was the only one at the time fighting against the narrative, which can often be a suicide mission or a ticket to obscurity. These are three examples of someone speaking up and being deemed crazy, two years later came the nazi stuff and I'm sure we'll have plenty in store for 2024.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the very common pattern of artists dying or having their careers destroyed either after they try to leave their label or threaten to reveal industry secrets. A few more interesting industry connections I made in my research include the connections between:

T.U.G. records and J Cole's independent label Dreamville are both managed by Interscope Records, whose parent company is Universal Music Group.

Universal Music Group also hac Drake's label OvO label as well as Ye and Kendrick's old labels on their roster before they left to form their own independent labels in 2022 (around the same time the disses between Kendrick and Drake started escalating). Finally Bad Boy Records, which is owned by Diddy, and Motown Records who own Diddy's other R&B label Love Records, are also both owned by Universal. This means every label I mention is currently or was previously owned by Universal Music Group.

Ye tried for years to get out of his contract with Defjam, which happens to be ran by Jay Z who is known to be a close associate of Diddy. Jay would always used his money and power to fight against it. Ye even spoke out publicly on a few occasions, including when he said Jay Z was trying to kill him during one of his concerts. My theory is after years of getting nowhere and having his reputation skewered, in 2022 Ye finally said, "Fuck it," and dropped all the anti- Semetic stuff intentionally in a successful attempt to force his label to into using their morality clause, which requires labels to drop an artist if they're accused of any major controversy that could hurt the label’s profits. For the fourth time in four years the media reported he was having a breakdown. Even though they tried to punish him by cutting off all of his sources of income and freezing his accounts he still managed to bounce back pretty quickly. It was often reported how much he was losing, but it rarely discussed how he still was filthy rich in spite of the retrictions. His label wanted to discourage other artists from trying the same thing. My theory is he might have bought Kim or Kylie's alleged sex tape and used it for his own leverage. For Kendrick, his transition to his independent label ApLang went a lot smoother, but he had to split ownership of his new label with the previous manager owner Dave Free. Sadly it's still difficult for new or more niche artists to establish themselves without the some help.

He may be a lot of things but Ye isn’t dumb just because he has a mood disorder and the guys at the top know this, which is why I think he has really played up his diagnosis when it benefitted him. He’s still one of the most talented musicians in the game and I really think he sees his bipolar like a superpower as he says. It’s like his own invisibility cloak. He can go off his meds for a little, make an album after staying up for 72 hours, go on a “psychotic” twitter rant dropping facts throughout, then start up again once he makes enough news headlines. I think it’s worth noting the first divorce rumors in 2020 coincided with Ye’s abortion speech during his presidential run and the cheating accusations. that led to him dropping out and moving to Wyoming, and a couple months ago in February 2024 he was committed again.

The point I’m making is bipolar is complex, but pretty manageable especially if you have a ton of money to find meds that work for you and a good doctor and can keep substance abuse and stress at a manageable level. I think Ye is smart enough to know this, but it’s just safer for him to really play up the mental issues in the media. He’s proven he can literally say whatever he wants after getting cancelled and the average person is just going to write it off as psycho babble. While bias in health care is a sad fact of society, if you can use it to your advantage I say go for it. It might’ve just kept the microscope off of him long enough to plan his attack.

Ye v. Drake: Quotes of 2018
(Start of the beef, drake threats, and suspicion towards Kardashian family. )

“ It’s not about rap. It’s about family. We have to be close as a family and never let these people infiltrate just for radio spins”

“We need to show the world that people can talk without people ending up dead or in jail.”

”This is a man speaking to a man that has been placed in the program to fuck with Kanye West head and set me up“

”See when you care about your family you don’t let no man push you to do nothing that could risk your freedom“

These first four tweets by Ye were all in reference to perceived threats made by Drake after their beef escalated circa 2018. He began speaking on the industry and talking more about his psych hospital commitment two years prior and how he thought they were going to kill him. It's pretty obvious how the whole thing was planned by the sketchy doctor who called it in and his physical trainer who has a ton of connections to weird shit involving his celebrity clients.

I found interesting that Ye might not have been the first major league rapper whose life Drake threatened. During a similar period of mental illness the up and coming rapper XXXtentacion accused Drake of stealing his flow and dissed him a few times. Not long after he made a post online saying if he dies, it was Drake who did it. There are tons of conspiracies online, but none of the evidence is strong enough to draw a definitive connection. Also while it maybe be coincidental, Kendrick’s latest album Mr Morale also painted the picture that Kendrick was dealing with some serious personal issues. Some lines throughout the album may have been used to bait Drake into escalating, but it wasn’t until The Weekend, Future, and Metro Booming dropped, “We Don’t Trust You,” then Drake and J. Cole dropped, “First Person Shooter,” which was followed a couple days later with, “Like That,” where Kendrick started the chain of events that has led us to today.

Kanye vs. Drake: Quotes of 2020

Summary: Ye runs for president and gets suppressed for saying what very well could be the truth and was immediately deemed insane by the media. Kim did a couple interviews and everything he said was immediatly false. There is almost guarenteed to be some sketchy shit going down revolving her and her family. Ye was absolutely terrified of her keeping the kids away from him and it seems like there are still efforts being made to this day to paint a certain image of him for ulterior motives.

Below are six more quotes from a fan taking a deep dive into his 2020 tweets courtesy of u/ thehatstore42069 on Yeezy

"I need a public apology from J Cole and Drake to start with immediately... I'm Nat Turner... I'm fighting for us."

"the utmost respect for all brothers" and said "we need to link and respect each other... no more dissing each other on labels we don't own"

"Ye is constantly trying to tell people that his family does not have his or his kids best interests at heart. He goes on to list others, linking them together with the thinking emoji. These people include rap artist Drake and Larsa Pippen, wife of Scottie Pippe. Kim K is goddaughter to Pippen's daughter, showing how close the families actually are. All of these families that associate with Ye through Kardashian connections, as well as Drake, have been accused of the same thing Kris has. EVERY SINGLE ONE of these people have mixed race children that are groomed from a young age to fuck around with celebrities so the parents can remain famous. Drake on numerous occasions has been accused of grooming girls and then getting handsy on their 18th birthday.”

“These labels want their artists to make them money and they dont care about anything else. When Kanye says things like this in an attempt to expose him, the first thing they wanna do is drug him up and put him back in the studio.”
“Righteous indignation is typically a reactive emotion of anger over mistreatment, insult, or malice of another. It is akin to what is called the sense of injustice. This is how they keep the black man down. Keep people outraged about trivial things and distract them from the real issues in the world. The real problems in the industry. If you tell people enough times that they are unequal or discriminated against they start to believe it. Drug them when they step out of line and toss them aside when the checks run out. Ye is realizing he is pawn in a bigger game, and now that he has all these roots in the game such as Yeezy or the Gap or his music, too many people cant risk (Afford) a Ye who speaks his mind.”
(End of quotes)

Amongst the twitter rant, Ye warned about the predatory nature of record deals and discussed trying to get out of his own deal, and said again how his life may be in danger if it wasn’t already and was doing anything he could to protect his kids. The most fascinating part to me though is the public call to arms he made to Drake, J Cole, and Kendrick on twitter. After inviting them to all link up, he said, “It’s time to get free, we will not argue amongst each other while some guy we don’t know in Europe is getting paid and putting that money in a hedge fund.” I believe if Ye was able to pull off this meeting, there is an ever so slight chance that all four artists might be working together to take down a greater enemy. Weirdly there have been times throughout the last couple years where these supposed enemies were photographed together being friendly or praise each other in interviews, then out of no where the disses would start flying again.

To wrap things up I want to share my a few of my theories about the Drake/Kanye beef

A. Everything is exactly as it seems and the beef is over. Ye let his mental illness ruin his life and career so Drake simply picked another target after Ye stopped putting out disses. All of these connections are just a coincidence and all of this was choreographed to boost Drake and Kendrick’s music sales and possibly distract people from the Diddy trial and possibly the complicated geopolitical issues currently facing the U.S.

C. There is also the possibility that all four rappers are in cahoots and Drake’s dirt isn’t as extreme as people are theorizing, at least in comparison to the rest of the business. This could explain why everything has played out like a movie and how they were able to predict each other’s moves so well. This could either mean they’re all just trying to boost their sales or they’re all trying to take down the “slave masters,” as Ye calls them, and change the dynamic of the music industry in favor of the artist.

D. They may be trying to help their friends in the industry who are being abused or in shitty contracts. I know a lot of famous rappers have done a lot of collaborations with Jhene Aiko and Anderson Paak, who were both signed to T.U.G. records which I mentioned above in the connections to Universal Music Group. Considering they are both frequent collaborators with all of the artists involved on both sides, it’s not unlikely they may have played some part in influencing the takedown.

T.U.G was started by Chris Stokes with his partner Ketrina Askew. Back in the early to mid 90’s were gaining popularity attracting lots of young up and coming talent. They often collaborated with Diddy and his associates. In the 2000’s Raz B from the boy band B2K claimed he was molested by Stokes and his friend Marques Houston, then quickly retracted his claims. Years later he came forward again and said we was bribed into silence and that the rest of the victims were bribed with hush money and had another singer corroborate his story and they came forward together to level the accusations. After some of his former B2K members made fun of him for his claims and accused it of being a shakedown, Raz B revealed Stokes and Houston had preyed a lot of the children associated with the label including at least one of the former bandmates and paid them off.

I thought it was worth noting that the second whistleblower named Quindon Tarver died young in a car crash after mentioning his abuse again a few years prior. He seems to have left the industry not long after the incidents occurred and has few credits to his name. To this day Raz B is still trying to get his justice, while Stokes and his partner Askew, who was also involved in the abuse are still running the label to this day. Askew also has a ton of lawsuits, accusing her of using shady tactics to try to foreclose on houses. (Don’t quote me if a lawyer wants to take a look just google her full name), and has been tied to a ton of LLCs, similar to Drake. This is a good example of a shitty record deal, but I'm sure they have countless other friends in the industry who have even worse. While they were never convicted even Chris Stokes' wife confirmed it to be true.

E. The theory I personally think fits the narrative best and is the most realistic conspiracy is that Kendrick and possibly J. Cole went to the meeting, but not Drake due to his close relationship with Lucian Grange, the president of Drake’s label. Silence often speaks louder than words and this could explain why Kendrick was so ruthless and put so much effort into finding dirt on Drake. Ye, Cole, and Kendrick co-writing would be like the rap allstar team and if J. Cole wasn’t involved, it would also answer the question of whether or not he baited Drake into the battle by asking him to feature. I don’t think Drake is really their primary target though, which would explain letting him off easy. Compared to his bosses and their bosses he’s a small fish. If you take the big guys down you stand a better chance of landing a bigger blow on their operation.

Another really interesting connection is Kendrick and Ye were both signed under Universal Music Group and they both got out of their deals around couple months apart in 2022. As we speak U.M.G’s CEO Lucian Grange, who is often acccused of giving Drake special treatment, is facing charges related to sex trafficking by no other than P Diddy. This could very well explain the timing of it all. The craziest timeline would be Diddy masterminding all of this and using his connections to get it done and all the allegations are bullshit. The guy does seem pretty confident all things considered and constantly posts himself in his Batman costume which could mean he’s a vigilante.

It seems like there's a slight religious angle as well. (Ye and Diddy are both very vocal advocates of Christianity and Drake and Lucian Grange are both Jewish.) Obviously this is a reach, but they’ve been saying rap music was specifically promoted by mostly white label owners in the 80’s to help in the ongoing effort to expedite the systematic oppression of those living in black neighborhoods and the destruction of their family systems. Apparently it was an intentional decision to heavily promote rappers that promoted the very things that were destroying their neighborhoods. (So people know I'm and atheist and have zero agenda, I just thought it was interesting, please stay away from anything antisemitic. War is wrong on both sides.)

*** If my favorite theory is true, there is a possibility the Kendrick and Ye are going after Drake due to their mutual disdain for him and because he’s got a ton of power to dominate the charts and hog the radio airtime like Meek Mill and OG Maco claimed years ago. Even him dropping a record the same day as you could really fuck your album sales up. I’m also sure some of the many rumors throughout the years have had a least some truth and he will most likely snitch to avoid cell block one. I think that Drake could have been instructed to instigate this whole mess in order to draw attention away from the UMG charges brought about by Diddy. Or on the other hand it could be that Kendrick, Ye, and possibly Cole, may have had intel that Drake was going to be involved in the Diddy trial and are just gonna let the receipts show themselves. It might not have been the original plan, but they’ve already accomplished their mission of humiliating him, assuring he couldn’t use his influence to slide through the cracks, and taking over the throne.

Please take everything I say with a grain of salt I have no connection to this world or lifestyle. Regardless I believe all of the knowledge above does a pretty solid job at painting a picture of what may have let up to this and what may have been the source.
More details found the last couple days…

Drake and Diddy Connections+Coincidences

Drake- In the P Diddy wig video from 2016 he talks about going to party with Drake, Cash, and The Weeknd in Toronto. Drake is also one of Birdman’s protégées who is known for being a predator and is rumored to have used label artists to lure young women.

Travis Scott- Interview where he comes out and says Diddy tried to lure him. Still has a long history of associating with him, video of him running from Diddy, his connection to Ruby Rose while underage.

Tim Westwood- Diddy had connections with sex offender Tim Westwood who also inspired the Drake song, “Westwood”. They also both were victims of drive by shootings along with The Weekend and they were all facing some type of allegations.

T.I.- Also has been associate with Diddy through the years, in 2021 his kid died and 11 women can forward at the same time to accuse him and his wife of drugging and assaulting them. Clearly someone wanted to fuck his life up. Possibly due to him getting arrested so many times for wild shit and people wondering how he continued to get away with it shining a light on how powerful industry lawyers are. He also had recently talked about having a gynecologist check to see if his daughter is still a Virgin, which sounds like it could have been an industrty secret. Could have been because he worried about someone trying to take advantage of her to get to him? Regardless that shit is fucking insane.

50 Cent- Has been saying pretty much the same thing as Travis Scott and has trolled Diddy for most of his career. It came out that his wife was a sex worker who was possibly recruited Diddy to help ruin his career. It sort of worked, which raises the question if 50 Cent is the only victim.

Ray J- Him and his sister worked with T.U.G. records when they were very young. Chris Stokes in the nineties who had connections with Diddy. He has been involved in a lot of sex scandals and allegedly may have played a part in Whitney Houston's death. (Which is also allegedly connected to Michael Jackson's death and both were deemed suspicious and happened during their final tours when their masters (song rights), became more valuable than their lives. Sony Records and Tommy Motolla, who also abused Mariah Carey when she was trying to start her career. These are just a few of the alleged examples of labels taking out musicians when they were worth more dead, another is the signing of high risk artists and requiring them to get life insurance so they can profit beyond releasing all their posthumous records. Also the ever so common story of the rising star artist that die at 21 after their first album or two.

He also partied with Diddy in Vegas with along Floyd Mayweather and a bunch of other famous industry people and athletes.

Tory Lanez- Tons of blackmail, also was signed by Interscope under UMG. got sent to prison for ten years after trying to leave his label. Also history of SA and and other allegations of violence towards women.

French Montana- On Diddy's label, close with Rick and Khaled, tons of drug and sexual assault allegations, also dated a Kardashian. Generally grimy.

DJ Khaled- Diddy said he could get anything in Miami, either referring to drugs or women, could explain his connections and lack of any notable talent. (New update, he was one of the first to promote Chris Alvarez’s instagram not long after he turned 18).

Rick Ross- Diddy said some weird shit about him and licked his lips and kissed him at a show. Ross is also signed to Bad Boy under Diddy. He ended up getting involved in the current feud and spamming social media nonstop dissing and threatening Drake.

A lot of the back and forth was both of them threatening to release dirt on each other. One strange coincidence I found was Drake recently trolled Ross about the 20 million dollar renovation to his home on Star island, where Diddy is currently residing. It’s rumored back in the day that P Diddy was caught in a room full of rich guys on ecstasy possibly at the beginning stages of a gay orgy. Drake also mentioned in the same tweets about Rick Ross that Birdman owned a house on the island and asked Rick Ross why he didn’t help him out.

Considering Ross is so sketchy and Drake claims the house isn’t that big, that’s a ridiculous amount of money. He may be covering up evidence, or creating tunnels in his house to escape if shit pops off and Drake might know what’s good. Interestingly enough Ross is very close with French Montana and also signed to Bad. He said his beef was related to something involving French, and Drake’s tweet popped up the same day the info came out concerning the Chris Alvarez stuff.

The famous line from U.O.E.N.O.

Meek Mill- “OG Maco called himself defending his friend Quentin Miller by substantiating the ghostwriting claims and agreeing with Meek. He hit up Twitter saying, "Some of us been knew. Meek just put it in the air. Sucks to have to compete with 6 n****s and get compared to”

Meek mill also had a short beef with Drake, some disses included lines referring to TI’s homie pissing on Drake at the movie theater, which is also interesting considering the current case against him. He also dropped a line saying Diddy almost got a domestic charge when he smacked Drake, which could either be saying that Drake is like a woman, or saying he was Drake’s boyfriend/sugar daddy.
( If you made it to the end comment with the number 8)
I thought it was interesting how the beef just kind of disappeared and even Meek said it didn’t seem genuine. Considering the allegations against Meek in the Diddy trial, and his rumored affair with Kim contributing to ending Kanye’s marriage, Meek Mill definitely did some dirt on him.

“Niggas frauds I told the truth, don't ask me shit
All this industry fake enemy and rap shit”

“Money make a sucker that told look trill again”

One of the many chapters in Drake's history in which he is seen paying his way out of trouble and starting beefs randomly.
“Now when that shit went down with Chris, you wrote a check”
This line is referring to Chris brown beef, another beef that was lost to time. All I can remember off the top was someone throwing a champagne bottle at the other’s entourage.

Ty Dolla $ign- Huge feature artist, close with Ye. Grew up in the industry and talks about growing up on the road and being in the studio with his dad and Rick James who was should have already been in prison for life for dragging, torturing, and S assaulting multiple women and children throughout his career and was himself a victim of the industry. May be part of Ye's motivation, considering their recent close working relationship.
The end.
Courtesy of,
The Randomest Moniker
submitted by RationalSchizo812020 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:42 IntrepidGlove8970 Aaron asks his wife for a Demi Lovato 3 way

Aaron asks his wife for a Demi Lovato 3 way
Just started glancing through the old Toe vids and this one caught my eye. What a douche!!
submitted by IntrepidGlove8970 to SteelToeBoringShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:54 SnooChipmunks4981 Lettre à mon ex évitant

Bonjour à tous,
C’est mon premier j’écris ici, je ne sais pas trop à quoi m’attendre et quel genre de réponses je vais recevoir. J’ai hâte de vous lire !
J’utilise des noms fictifs.
Pour un peu de contexte, j’ai écrit la lettre ci-dessous pour mon « ex », je ne sais pas si je peux vraiment utiliser le mot ex. Nous avons toujours qualifié notre relation comme étant simplement David & Mathieu. Quand les gens nous demandaient si nous étions en couple, nous répondions que non, c’était seulement David & Mathieu.
Nous avons été amis pendant 1 an et demi avant de commencer une dynamique différente. Ce n'était ni prévu ni voulu, c’est juste arrivé très naturellement. Il a toujours été quelqu’un de spécial pour moi, je ne sais pas comment l’expliquer, mais d’aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir, il a été spécial pour moi et je lui disais.
Deux choses à savoir sur lui, c’est qu’il a un style d’attachement évitant, lui-même le reconnaît. Alors c’était parfois compliqué, il ne me rassurait jamais sur rien, avait des blocages du style nous ne pouvons pas nous voir en semaine, et très souvent je ne pouvais pas le toucher (affectueusement) parce qu’il avait besoin d’espace. Mais je sais qu'il a fait des efforts et qu'il est sorti de sa zone de confort pour nous. Il a commencé de lui-même à me tenir la main en public, à s’ouvrir de plus en plus et m’a présenté à des personnes importantes pour lui. Ça ne semble pas être grand-chose, mais pour une personne avec un type d'attachement évitant, c’était déjà beaucoup.
Ce qui rendait la situation encore plus compliquée, c’est qu'il était fraysexuel aussi. Alors plus la relation évoluait, plus nous étions proches, plus il perdait l’intérêt sexuel envers moi. Il avait toujours besoin de sexe, mais avec moi, ce n’était pas possible. Là encore, il était conscient de comment il était et nous en avons toujours parlé ouvertement.
David & Mathieu ca duré 7 mois, ce qui a fait en sorte que ça se termine, ce sont des disputes que nous avons eues vers la fin. J’ai commencé à être insecure par rapport à sa sexualité, le fait qu’il était de retour sur des applications de rencontre (il me disait que c’était juste pour baiser) - je le crois, mais ça me mettait quand même insecure et il avait de la difficulté à me rassurer. Il se fâchait et disait que je mettais sa parole en doute. De plus, j’ai ramené des choses du passé, comme un gars avec qui il a vécu quelque chose en parallèle de nous deux durant le premier mois de David & Mathieu. De plus vers la fin, il me verbalisait son besoin d’avoir de l’espace et de minimiser les contacts, j’ai eu aussi de la difficulté à lui offrir sa. Je crois être du type d’attachement anxieux, alors pour moi c’était compliqué de répondre à certaines de ses demandes. Mais quand nous étions ensemble c’était vraiment bien, nous nous le disions souvent que les meilleurs moments ensemble c’était ceux où nous étions juste nous deux seuls.
Bref, il n’a donné comme raisons d’arrêter nous, le fait que je mettais trop souvent sa parole en doute, que je ramenais trop le passé et qu'il avait l’impression de ne pas pouvoir faire des choses qu’il avait le droit de faire (coucher avec d’autres) et le fait que jetait pas capable de lui donner l’espace dont il avait besoin. Il a toujours été honnête sur le fait qu’il ne voulait pas perdre sa liberté. Je n'ai jamais eu l’intention de lui enlever, mais parfois j'avais besoin de discuter pour me sentir bien, lui avait de la difficulté avec ça.
Bon, voici enfin la lettre. Ça fait maintenant une semaine que nous n'avons plus de contacts. Nous n'avons jamais vraiment eu de discussion pour clore le tout, il m’a partagé, sa décision au téléphone, j’ai mal réagi, j’ai essayé de le convaincre de changer sa position et voilà.
Le lendemain de l’appel téléphonique, il a tout de même accepté de venir faire une activité avec moi, mais il m’a dit seulement parce que je lui avais dit que ça me ferait du bien et suite à cette activité il m’a redonné les choses à moi qu’il avait chez lui.
Moi j’ai encore des choses avec moi. Dites-moi ce que vous pensez de la lettre.
Je respecte et je comprends ton choix.
J’me suis posé la question à savoir si c’est aussi ce que je voulais et que maybe j’étais vraiment juste delulu de penser que non.
Je ne suis pas dans l’attente ni le besoin que tu répondes à ce messages. C’était important pour moi de te partager mon constat à tête reposée et non pas en étant dans des émotions irrationnelles. Je ne suis pas dans la culpabilisation, je ne prends pas tout le blâme sur moi mais je parle de ce qui m’appartiens. Je ne suis pas fâché, déçu et je n’ai aucun sentiment négatif à ton égard. J’le sais que tu es une bonne personne avec des bonnes intentions et que tu n’as jamais eu l’intention de me blesser.
Ta décision, je l’accepte beaucoup plus facilement à tête reposée et depuis que j’ai finalement pu comprendre que d’avoir contact avec moi te fessais maintenant plus de mal que de bien. J’ai toujours voulu ton bien et te faire sentir spécial. Tu sais ce que je pense de toi, ce que j’te disais, ça jamais été fake ou pour te faire plaisir, c’était simplement la vérité. Pour moi, quand j’étais avec toi, c’était toi le plus…you know et j’avais aucun intérêt à détourner mon regard. J’ai jamais joué de game avec toi ni essayer de te vendre du rêve. J’suis conscient que ça pouvait jouer maybe contre moi et je m’en tape. Mais honnêtement je n’ai jamais eu le sentiment que tu prenais avantage de ça.
Je ne sais pas comment tu vies la situation mais j’espère que tu vas bien. Pas que je pense que tu care about that, mais j’ai déjà arête de parler au dude à qui je parlais durant notre dernière activité ensemble. Je ne suis pas le genre de personne qui saute dans autre chose pour ce sentir mieux, je ne trouve pas ça sain ni respectueux et c’est tout simplement pas moi.
Désolé d’avoir perdu l’important de vu et d’avoir trop souvent focus sur le passé et des choses qui n’avaient aucune cibole d’importance. Désolé de ne plus vers la fin avoir été dans le respect et l’écoute, d’avoir donné le sentiment que j’te fessais pas confiance/je voulais te restreindre/d’avoir pas su mieux te comprendre/de ne pas avoir assez affirmé mes besoins et de ne pas avoir su te donner l’espace dont t’avais besoin. Quand jte disais que nous étions mieux que ça, et ben j’ai fail et je t’ai laissé tombé d’une certaine façon, j’le reconnais et j’en suis désolé. J’ai foirré et c’est correct de faire des erreurs. Tsé l’être humain est parfois mal fait, perdre force à réaliser des choses qui étaient pourtant évidente.
J'ai du travail à faire sur moi-même sur plusieurs aspects. Je dois apprendre à croire, éviter de me faire des scénarios, laisser le passé là où il est, verbaliser plus clairement mes besoins et limites, apprendre à réaliser que ce que j’ai devant moi est vrai et apprendre à dire : 'Cette chose me fait peur, je ne sais pas comment l'apprivoiser, je ne sais pas comment ça va nous affecter, parlons-en.' Je suis toujours le même dude qu’il y a une semaine, je n’ai pas déjà magiquement changé, mais ce que je peux te dire en toute confiance, c'est qu'il y a eu une prise de conscience et que j'ai un réel désir d'être meilleur.
Je sais que pour toi, nous, c’était un challenge et maybe sometime déstabilisant, ça te sortait de la zone de confort. J’aurai pu prendre ça plus en considération et m’assurer que tu te sentes bien au lieu de te rajouter de la pression et des frustrations.
Moi et toi nous sommes des personnes particulières, pour qui c’est pas easy de bâtir certaines dynamique, nous méritions d’avoir ce que nous avions, mais avec les enjeux d’la fin, parfois ce n’était pas facile.
Je n’ai jamais voulu quelque chose de conventionnel. Pour moi, répondre à la question 'Êtes-vous en couple?' par 'Non, c’est juste David & Mathieu' j’en étais fier et j’aimais ça, pour moi y’avait pas besoin d'explications supplémentaires.
Je n’ai jamais demandé ou espérer que t’ailles les même exigences que celles que je m’imposais à moi même. J’ai toujours été conscient de tes besoins. Le fait que pour moi c’était important de ne pas me faire toucher et tout le tralala par d’autres, ça m’appartenais juste à moi, j’aurai aimé que nous puissions naviguer dans ça plus sainement.
Avoir essayé David & Mathieu n'était pas une erreur pour moi, cela a été positif sur bien des aspects. Et comme je te l’ai déjà dit ce qu'il y avait me suffisait, toi tu me suffisais. Les enjeux de la fin pour moi étaient pour la plupart prévisibles et tous surmontables et pesaient moins dans la balance comparativement au reste. David & Mathieu c’était particulier, imparfait et parfait en même temps, le fait que les bests moments étaient ceux où moi étions seuls day & night, que y’avait ce sentiment que main dans la main c’était nous vs le reste et le sentiment de fierté. Je nous souhaite de retrouver tout cela.
Quand tu me disais que tu étais chanceux de m’avoir, j’ai aussi été chanceux de t’avoir et j’espère que tu sais pourquoi.
Laissons-nous du temps, au bon moment et si nous le voulons tous les deux, essayons de voir s'il est possible de reconstruire une dynamique dans laquelle nous nous sentirons tous les deux bien. Nous avons toujours réussi à bâtir du mieux avec le passé, espèrons que ce sera encore le cas. Nous formons une bonne équipe lorsque nous sommes dans le respect et l’écoute.
Btw, j'ai la bague de ton grand-père. Je la portais au doigt quand je suis sorti de ta voiture. Si tu veux que je te rende tes affaires rapidement, fais-le moi savoir. Sinon, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais en prendre soin.
Ça me fera toujours plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles, mais je comprends que toi et moi avons besoin d'espace pour le moment. Oui, moi aussi j'en ai besoin.
Si un jour nous reprenons contact, je n’ai ni le désir ni le besoin de reparler des enjeux que nous avons vécu. Moi mindset c’est d’aller vers du mieux, pas de retomber dans le négatif.
Peut-être qu'un jour j'écrirai une chanson de 10 minutes sur un David qui laissait toujours 56 000 trucs chez moi, qui sait. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (Il adore une chanson de 10min de Taylor S qui parle d’un ex, alors c’est une référence à ça)
Je ne t'oublie pas
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:40 Internal_Nature9985 Am I wrong for wanting to celebrate my birthday?

My(33f) Bf(40m) grew up "not celebrating holidays" for religious reasons. His extended family and him still do Christmas with some gifts and a big dinner and gathering. The other holidays are celebrated with big meals/gathering and a cookout. But holidays like Valentine's day, he's extremely anti-holiday. He yelled at me and made me cry this year because I was on Pinterest looking for ideas to share with my clients (I do caregiving for elderly) because it's a "commercial fake holiday". I explained to him that elderly people really enjoy holidays because they don't have much else going on. Nothing I said mattered to him. The year before, he surprised me with flowers and then a week later tore me down verbally and called me materialistic for him getting me flowers. I told him I didn't ask for them and he accused me of expecting them so he didn't have a choice. He's usually ok with getting a cake for his birthday/doesn't want to do much. My birthday is coming up and I asked him about his feelings on it. He said he's considering "playing nice" for the day. Last year he started yelling at me the night before. It wasn't about anything to do with me but his anger was directed at me, and I ended up crying for hours and being numb all day. I usually just celebrate the day with my parents, as I do with other holidays. I just don't know how to convince him to let me celebrate holidays and birthdays in peace. We don't live together and we don't share finances. He makes 3x more than I do, so I know it's not a hidden financial reason that he acts like this. I know I'm an adult now and birthdays aren't that big of a deal, but I've had a few life threatening medical issues and I like to celebrate that I'm still alive. Am I wrong for wanting to?
submitted by Internal_Nature9985 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:23 lovinhimwasred123 Demi Lovato in the 2000’s.

Demi Lovato in the 2000’s. submitted by lovinhimwasred123 to VindictaRateCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:42 JaniceWald Who Am I? Unraveling the Layers of Identity

Ah, the timeless question: Who am I? Well, buckle up because we're about to take a journey into the depths of self-discovery together.
I'm you, and I'm everyone else too. Confusing, right? Let me break it down. You see, I'm the culmination of your experiences, your thoughts, your quirks, and your dreams. But I'm also shaped by the people around you, the communities you're part of, and the world at large.
Let's start with the basics. You know those birthday countdown captions for your best friend's big day? Yep, that's me. I'm the friend who's always there to hype up the celebrations and make sure everyone knows just how special your bestie is.
But wait, there's more! Ever found yourself scrolling through Facebook groups, searching for like-minded souls who share your interests? Well, guess what? I'm lurking in those groups too, ready to connect with you over shared passions and inside jokes.
And what about that time you left a comment on your boyfriend's pic, showering him with love and heart emojis? Yep, guilty as charged. I'm the voice of affection and support, cheering you on in your relationships and spreading positivity wherever I go.
Oh, and let's not forget about the fake blue tick emoji copy and paste trick you pulled to jazz up your messages. Sneaky, right? But hey, I'm all for a little creativity and self-expression, even if it involves some digital trickery.
But beyond the surface-level stuff, I'm also here to lift you up when you need it most. Need a motivational speech to get you through those tough study sessions? Look no further, because I've got your back. I am a teacher-blogger. English is one of the subjects that I teach. Together, we'll conquer those academic mountains and emerge stronger than ever.
Together, we're unstoppable.
submitted by JaniceWald to janicewald [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:24 dream-delay YSL Design Dive: Cassandra et Cassandre

YSL Design Dive: Cassandra et Cassandre
Note: This is a fashion design dive (not deep dive, as I am a YSL noob) from someone who isn't much of a fashionista, for anyone who might be interested in fashion (gay)lore. Let's get on Taylor's fashion level ya'll!
TLDR: There are a few things we know for sure...
To begin:
AM Cassandre (AKA Adolphe Jean-Marie Mouron), the namesake behind the Cassandra bag, is the man behind the YSL logo design and many award winning art deco posters and typefaces.
YSL Logo by Cassandre
He was also a painter, did stage design, and served in the French army in WWII. He moved from Ukraine to Paris when he was young, had two wives, both of whom he divorced, ultimately ended up moving to the countryside later in life with a longtime friend of his, and sadly took his life after his success took a "downturn" (although we can see he was a very successful man).
Dubonnet Poster by Cassandre
Now that we have reviewed the man behind the logo and some themes of his life that mirror aspects of TTPD (war, success, depression, art, theatre), let's dive into some of the YSL designs I have been perusing that carry themes from TTPD (I honestly don't know what has come over me lately, as the only designer thing I own is a second hand 2000s Miu Miu bag I bought off eBay that might be fake).
Cassandra Bags
Let us begin with this beautiful line of Cassandra bags that Taylor was seen with. I would die for this bag. There is just something about it that screams "classic," and you know it's never going out of style. It's the same type of bag you'd picture on the arm of Carol, from the movie Carol.
YSL Charm Bracelet
Now lets take a look at this gorgeous Cassandre Multi-Charm Bracelet. UM CUTE! And perfect for if you're a little masc. It's subtle and reminds me of the tattoo Taylor has around her head in the Fortnight music video, but with a little YSL flavor.
Taylor in Fortnight MV
Although YSL's summer '24 line is all about vintage aviation, the spring '24 line is very TTPD. Floral black and white brooches, leopard print, ocre yellow, tortoiseshell (which reminds me of academia), I could go on.
Overall, I think it's fun to look at the fashion that Taylor plays with. It might carry meaning, it might not, but since I am hyperfixating on high fashion right now, I am gonna draw some comparisons and celebrate the esteemed artists that worked for the fashion houses. Thanks for reading!
submitted by dream-delay to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:23 Mana_Croissant Please recommend me very good OIs to read.

I am searching for new solid Otome Isekai stories to read so please recommend me solid ones that you have enjoyed greatly. As long as the story and characters are good i can probably enjoy anything but if i have to give a preference i don't like when FL or ML are just simps as in when the ML is just the ''Yes my lady'' type where his entire existence in the story is to obey FL's every word (kinda like Nine from Beware of the villainess) and for the FL to be just a huge ML simp who comments about how gorgeous ML is in every two to three sentence. So please give me good OIs to read. Multiple recommendations would be appreciated
Here is the list of OIs i have read to this day.
1: Hamefura
2: Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess
3: Who Made Me A Princess
4: The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
5: Remarried Empress (dropped because I dislike both Navier and her boring love interest)
6: Beware Of The Villainess! (dropped because I find Nine to be very unlikeable and bad for a ML)
7: The Villainess Lives Twice
8: Kill The Villainess
9: I Favor The Villainess
10: Please Bully Me Miss Villainess
11: Holy Grail of Eris
12: Raeliana
13: Roxanna
14: Your Throne
15: Survive As The Hero's Wife
16: I’Ll Be The Matriarch In This Life
17: Father, I Don’T Want To Get Married!
18: When I Traveled To Another World I Was Forced To Be The Princess Of The City
19: Untouchable Lady
20: What It Means To Be You
21: Actually, I Was The Real One
22: Endo And Kobayashi’S Live Commentary On The Villainess
23: May I Ask For One Final Thing?
24: Just Leave Me Be
25: My Observational Diary Of Elena Evoy
26: The World Of Otome Games Is Tough For Mobs
27: My Three Tyrant Brothers
28: Villainess Level 99 ~I May Be The Hidden Boss But I'm Not The Demon Lord
29: The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become The Source Of Tragedy Will Devote Herself For The Sake Of The People
30: Akuyaku Reijou No Shitsuji-Sama Hametsu
31: I'm Stanning The Prince
32:The Plain And Unnoticeable Me Is No More
33: My Death Flags Show No Sign Of Ending
34: The Twin Siblings’ New Life
35: Regina Rena – To The Unforgiven
36: I've Become The Villainous Empress Of A Novel
37: If You Touch My Little Brother, You’Re All Dead
38: Survive Romance
39: The Kind Older Sister Is No More
40: The Strongest Characters In The World Are Obsessed With Me
41: Princess Bibliophile
42: The Duchess With An Empty Soul
43: I Stole The Male Lead's First Night
44: Your Majesty, Please Don't Kill Me Again
45: I Became The Wife Of The Monstrous Crown Prince
46: The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady
47: My Fiancé Is In Love With My Little Sister
48: The Monster Duchess And Contract Princess
49: The Two-Faced Princess
50: I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss
51: Miss Not-So Sidekick
52: No Place for the Fake Princess
53: The Archvillain's Daughter In Law
54: I Became The Wife Of The Male Lead
55: The One Within The Villainess
56: What's Wrong with Being the Villainess
57: A Stepmother's Märchen
58: I Will Seduce the Northern Duke
59: The Duchess Has a Deathwish
60: Tearmoon Empire
61: Is It a Fortune or Is It a Woe
62: Sigrid
63: Wished you were dead
64: Joou Ophiria yo, Onore no Shi no Nazo wo Toke
65: The Tyrant Wants to Live a Virtuous Life
66: The Daughter of the Albert House Wishes for Ruin
67: Dear nemesis
68: The Song Of Theodor
69: Marriage Alliance For Revenge
70: Knight Of The Frozen Flower
71: Carnephelia’S Curse Is Never Ending
72: Please Marry Me Again, Husband!
73: My Father, The Possessive Demi-God
74: The Runaway Lead Lives Next Door
75: I Will Take The Duchy From Today
76: Royal Marriage
78: I Will Seduce The Male Lead For My Older Brother
79: Sister, I Am The Queen In This Life
80: The One Within The Villainess
81: Resetting Lady
82: I Think I Have Transmigrated Somewhere
83: What Happens When The Second Male Lead Powers Up
84: The Duchess Has A Deathwish
85: For My Derelict Beloved
86: Ashtarte
87: I Thought It Was A Fantasy Romance, But It’S A Horror Story
88: I Awoke As An Imprisoned Villainess
89: I Became The Male Lead’S Female Friend
90: I Became the Male Lead's Adopted Daughter
91: Becoming The Obsessive Male Lead’S Ex-Wife
92: Marriage Of Convenience
93: While You’Re In Love
94: From A Knight To A Lady
95: Crash on paradise
96: I’M The Wife Of The Yandere Second Male Lead
97: The Price Is Your Everything
98: The Villainous Family Is Against Independence
99: I Don't Want The Male Lead's Child
100: I Thought It Was A Fantasy Romance, But It’S A Horror Story
101: I Awoke As An Imprisoned Villainess
102: Obsidian Bride
103: Precious Girl Does Not Shed Tear
104: It Was Love At First Sight, Mr. Villain!
submitted by Mana_Croissant to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:58 scribble-muse RECAP: MEMBERS STREAM -- "come join our coffee chat ~ may 15, 2024!"

oh, no, not another "coffee chat" 😐 this is looking like another stan interview-style live stream, so, expect ( and forgive ) the condensed bullet-points once it really gets underway.
* me-from-the-future here -- this is all very disjointed and pointless, i'm doing my best to group the topics together, but what a mess, tbh.
cw: brief mention of self-harm
  • ofc, she's running late, but she just popped up in chat to assure everyone that this circus will get going soon.
  • ofc, she's muted once she gets going 😂 mean ol' OBS ruining her perfect plans.
  • looks like a lively crowd of 16 or so ppl for the stream! did someone mention neytan winning a membership? bc he's here with bells on.
  • cynthia's sick, y'all 😢 she wants headpats for showing up, at all, and warns us that there will be gross face sounds happening today, and that we should probs skip this stream if we're not into it.
  • time to admire her new, not-so-purple purple hair -- you'll be shocked to learn that she absolutely loves it and thinks it's fantastic!
  • nose fingers are the new-old jazz hands.
  • she's behind on vlogs, guys 😅 she's got 3 recorded, and has been editing all day. lots of yammering about which old vlog will be posted when 😴 today's vlog was recorded last thurs, so, get ready to get excited for some old ass incense of the day and other dated woo.
  • stan mentions watching the stream from the hospital, cynthia fakes concern before going right back into comments about how sick other stans are feeling -- must be lots of passionate carnivores in the house today. cynthia's been sick for a month. allergies? a cold? who knows!
  • foot stan tells her she's looking "fine today", cynthia's into it, nose fingers, foot stan wants her to shave half of her head for fashion, cynthia's not into that, she's trying to fiddle with the lighting bc she looks so washed out but managed to cut the cam twice, squeals with delight and claims to look "human again", has been drinking lots of lemon balm / chamomile tea, shows off purple-stained scalp, and says she's using the color every time she washes her hair now? sounds.. messy.
  • finally back to the hospitalized stan, cynthia pretends to give af for 3 seconds before someone else brings up getting "natural dreads", inspiring her to wax nostalgic about her own waist-length dreads of yore, so many gross face sounds 😷 stan brings up sick baby, cynthia brings up sick cynthia 😑
  • BIRTHDAY STORYTIME! spent the weekend with lodane, got home on sunday, spent all of monday alone, hiked in the north woods, played sims for hours, only did what she wanted to do -- so, like, pretty much like every other day she spends on earth? 😴
  • won't post dreads pics bc she doesn't wanna reactivate her old FB acct to get them, haha, fooled us -- has one on her phone, actually, but doesn't enjoy scrolling through all of the mEmOrIeS to get it, starts scrolling 😂 yells at google for showing her mEmOrIeS 💀 yells at google for lying about this damn dreads pic, swears she showed someone the other day, but now, it's just not here, coughs up a diff pic with no dreads from 2008, goes into aimless story about her sister hacking them off after meeting her estranged husband, pulls up another old pic of her with a literal karen haircut and says, "wow, i really haven't aged that much, have i?" 😂
  • "there wasn't, like, a such thing as karens, at the time."
  • 🙄🙄🙄
  • scrolling through old pics on the phone, listening to cynthia tell us much prettier she is now, she unironically loves a mullet as long as you're "the right kind of person", she's never had bangs bc she's "just not a bangs person", she's still not sure about more facial piercings, but she's very sure about those nose fingers as she says it, hasn't checked the disturbia site bc she can't afford to buy anything, but goes straight to the disturbia site lol i guess that's what we're doing now.
  • she hates frozen yogurt, thinks it's just as unhealthy as ice cream, makes more gross face sounds, drinking something called community coffee in pecan / praline through a green, 12" metal straw, but she doesn't love it, a subscriber sent a new coffee sampler ( 🚨 not door county 🚨 ), she won't be recording new vlogs until fri, so, we'll have to wait, but ig we know what was in that big box, now.
  • current "classic, timeless" favorite song is "oh comely" by neutral milk hotel 🙄 or "sweet thing" by van morrison, current fav song is "the summoning" by sleep token or "aqua regia" by sleep token ( guess ghost is out of rotation ), prefers great value hazelnut coffee to dunkin', will be doing some early-morning hiking videos soon, says she was into self-harm, "but probably not the kind you're talking about." 😐 "pretty much my whole life has been self harm."
  • more gross face sounds, more songs she's never heard of, says she's used sex as self-harm, threatening to make another meatza very soon ( someone alert ZM ), says that the smell of dawn dishwashing detergent grossed her out the most when she was pregnant, and that's why she couldn't do the dishes 🤭 stan claims to have crocheted a wall hanging that says, "brew now!" and you can almost see the dollar signs dancing in our sweet, little pumpkin's eyes.
  • sniff, stans sharing stuff that makes them barf, sniff, it's funny that stans should mention needing "brew now!" LPC merch bc she was telling a friend ( ? lodane? lol ) just the other day ( saturday? sunday? ) blah blah coffee mug blah 🙄 sniff, mean betty rubble titter, sniff, ipsy bag will arrive today, sniff, cough, sniff, clears throat, face suddenly flushed and she's fanning herself with a misc booklet of some sort, but won't remove her sweater ( looks a little like what my grandmother used to call a private summer, but what do grandmothers know? ), sniff, sniff, sniffffff!
  • oh, we do have the occasional hot-flash every now and then, cynthia's problem is that she just works so GD hard, even while she's sick, the poor darling, stans are offering her free design work for the upcoming merch 🙄🙄🙄 she's very into that, more babbling about her extra special, ever so occasional hot flash, complains about the summer, and finally takes the sweater off lol very much looking forward to more swamp swimming sans UTIs, says she now has 175 members, 25,150 subs but thinks most of them are "old subscribers", and i just love a nice, round number, don't you?
  • "i think a lot of 'em are people that subscribed to me, like, back when all the drama was going down in my life, and i don't know why they stay subscribed bc, obviously, they don't care when my life is good! but that's ok! i don't mind! stay subscribed!"
  • aaaand she's complaining about the influx of subscribers she got a year ago, but not without her fingers up her nose, i'll have you know + so, so many gross face sounds, cynthia is still the happiest girl on planet earth, i am currently not 😶 more nose fingers, reading random stan comments, didn't actually play TS2 on her bday, just DLd mods, etc., definitely plans to stream "life by you", but needs to "watch the videos" bc she's "running out of time" 😐 best get those twitch subs ready, peasants 🤑 mama needs new disturbia clothes.
  • neytan was the 23rd subscriber to LPC, awwwww, meant to make sims content this week, but probably won't bc so, so busy! + working against the flow of news and hype rather than with it is a cute quirk, not a cognitive flaw, claims to "love building" in TS4 🙄 but agrees that there are "no garages" lol spending this saturday with step dad for a co-birthday dinner celebration, trashes TS4, but remembers that she has a TS4 pleasantview out there that she should be streaming 💰 describes being too controlling to tolerate any open neighborhood play, stans are updating cynthia on all the life sim news she never really cares about, and neytan's making toe jokes now 🙄 if you can't beat the foot stan, might as well join him.
  • video game chatter, anno 1602 AD on her old acer in 2000, a game about claiming continents for resources 😑 ofc, she loves it, wants to buy and play all these anno games, screeching about the SSs, wants to stream it, has been thinking of another stream night for other games, just games that she likes that no one else will care about lol sim theme park, nose fingers, rollercoaster tycoon 2, zoo tycoon 2, simcity 3000, simcity 2013, and simcity 4, now watching: the simcity 3000 vid 😴 face sounds.
  • this is so boring, i could cry.
  • she's not divorced yet, but she doesn't consider herself married -- "i'm separated forever!"
  • listing the games she has on the EA app, declaring which games are better than others, snifff, slurp, smack, admits to not playing most of these games, just got 6 free mos of paramount+ through the phone co, but uses her bro's disney+ acct, still too good for tv ( except youtube ), tho, so, who cares? stans trying to force her to care about them and stories about their little kids, wants to get another PS1 + all her fav games = giving hoarder vibes.
  • "there's so many things i want to collect! i just want it to look like it was, it never turned past 1999 in my house!"
  • TAROT TIME! she'll bring a diff deck next week, shuffling 3 times while doing her dumbass "prayer", neytan wants a deck, calls out 4 stans by name for readings, foot stan's 1st, sure hope neytan can comport himself.
  • foot stan wants a general reading: the sun, ace of wands, 7 of wands reversed = "the sun is shining on your wand! you're tired of defending your love for toes!"
  • stan # 2 wants to know if starting a fam is the right path: 9 of cups, 8 of cups reversed, queen of wands reversed = "don't be so aimless... you'll get what you want."
  • neytan wants a general reading: 3 of cups, page of wands, the fool = "i think something good's gonna happen on your birthday!"
  • stan # 4 wants to know if they'll buy a house this year: death, the tower, 2 of cups = "that is a yes!" 😐
  • "i'm just affirming dreams, that's right! that's what i do here! i do tend to read the cards very positively, but that's just my nature."
  • stan # 5 wants to know if they should move forward into being the new them*: ace of pentacles, the magician, ace of swords + bonus 2 of cups = "i think that these, all together, are saying yes!"
  • *cynthia can already tell stan # 5 that the answer to that is YES, but we're gonna pull some cards, anyway.
  • she loves getting the magician card when she's manifesting bc she's an alchemist 💀
  • most of these interpretations were read from her phone, so, thanks, chatGPT! 🥰
  • IT'S FINALLY OVER! phones going off, not-a-professional-tarot-reader tarot disclaimer, definitely look those cards up on chatGPT for yourselves, every gross face sound you can possibly imagine, but she loves us! more tarot readings next week! join now!
  • jazz hands!

purple is as purple does

submitted by scribble-muse to Lifepluscindy_snark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:20 aedallas Shameless Fate City Council Candidate Begs Social Media Followers for Money to Fund Her Luxury Vacation

Fate City Council Place 1 candidate, Codi Chinn, took to social media Wednesday to celebrate her 10th anniversary and asked for cash donations be made to “help us in celebrating and making memories” via Zelle, Cashapp and Venmo.
Chinn has been a recurrent character in far right politics in Rockwall County in recent years as a vocal critic of anti-racism education, COVID-19 precautions, and the LGBT community at large. She was embroiled in scandal when a mugshot of her domestic violence arrest was publicized. Later she was criticized when a Facebook comment in which she disparaged the LGBT community stating “…they’re all going to burn in hell.” ,reportedly made by Chinn, was shared on social media, though Chinn has stated that the post was “fake news” and that it was created to defame her character.
submitted by aedallas to TexasPolitics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:03 juanitasdiner 10 Rated Steakhouses in Cedar City, Utah 2024: An Epicurean's Guide to Succulent Steaks

Cedar City, Utah, nestled amidst the awe-inspiring red rock canyons, boasts a culinary scene that caters to more than just breathtaking views. Carnevores on a quest for the perfect steak will find themselves spoiled for choice in this southern Utah haven. From meticulously aged prime cuts to creative interpretations of classic dishes, Cedar City's steakhouses offer an unforgettable dining experience.
To help you navigate this delightful dilemma, we've curated a list of the top 10 steakhouses in Cedar City, Utah, for 2闊淬(kuai)4 (2024). Each restaurant is meticulously chosen based on factors like quality of steaks, ambiance, service, and overall diner satisfaction. So, whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in a well-deserved treat, this guide will lead you to a Cedar City steakhouse experience that tantalizes your taste buds and lingers in your memory.
  1. The Iron Steer
A Cedar City institution, The Iron Steer exudes a timeless charm that perfectly complements its unwavering commitment to quality. Step inside the warmly lit, Western-themed interior and be greeted by the enticing aroma of sizzling steaks. The menu boasts a selection of USDA Prime cuts, all dry-aged for a minimum of 28 days to ensure exceptional tenderness and flavor. Indulge in classics like the New York Strip or the bone-in Ribeye, or explore unique offerings like the Elk Steak with a huckleberry demi-glace. The Iron Steer's attentive waitstaff provides exceptional service, ensuring a memorable dining experience from start to finish.
Don't Miss: The decadent Iron Steer Potatoes, a medley of whipped potatoes, roasted garlic, and melted cheeses, is a perfect complement to any steak.
  1. Sagebrush Grille
Sagebrush Grille offers a contemporary take on the classic steakhouse experience. Featuring stunning panoramic views of the Cedar City surroundings, this restaurant provides a delightful backdrop to savor exceptional cuisine. The menu showcases a creative selection of steaks, including the Wagyu Tri-Tip with a chimichurri sauce and the Cedar City Cut, a bone-in ribeye dry-aged in-house for 35 days. For those seeking lighter options, Sagebrush Grille offers delectable seafood dishes and vegetarian entrees. The atmosphere is sophisticated yet inviting, with a knowledgeable waitstaff ready to guide you through the menu and wine list.
Pro Tip: Time your visit to coincide with sunset for an unforgettable dining experience with breathtaking mountain vistas bathed in golden hues.
  1. Wild West Steak & Grill
Embrace the Wild West spirit at Wild West Steak & Grill. This family-friendly restaurant provides a fun and lively atmosphere perfect for an evening out with loved ones. The menu caters to a variety of palates, offering classic steakhouse cuts alongside a selection of burgers, pasta dishes, and kid-approved options. The steaks are all-natural, char-broiled to perfection, and available in a range of sizes to satisfy any appetite. Wild West Steak & Grill also boasts a mechanical bull riding experience, adding a touch of Wild West excitement to your meal.
Local’s Favorite: Don't miss the signature Wild West Onion Rings, a mountain of crispy perfection served with a zesty dipping sauce.
  1. The Butchery at Zion
The Butchery at Zion takes the farm-to-table concept to a whole new level. Partnering with local ranchers who prioritize sustainable and humane practices, this restaurant offers some of the freshest, most flavorful steaks in Cedar City. The menu showcases a variety of cuts, all dry-aged in-house for exceptional taste and texture. Butcher shop cuts are also available for purchase, allowing you to recreate the Butchery at Zion experience at home. The ambiance is rustic yet elegant, with exposed brick walls and a focus on natural elements. The waitstaff is knowledgeable about the menu's origins and passionate about providing exceptional service.
Perfect Pairing: Complement your steak with a glass of wine from the Butchery at Zion's carefully curated selection, featuring local Utah wineries alongside international favorites.
  1. The Rim at Cedar Lodge
Perched atop the Cedar Lodge, The Rim offers an unparalleled fine-dining experience. As you ascend to the restaurant, prepare to be dazzled by breathtaking panoramic views of Cedar City and the surrounding landscape. The menu features an exceptional selection of USDA Prime steaks, all wet-aged for a luxuriously tender and juicy bite. Choose from classic cuts like the Filet Mignon or the Porterhouse, or explore unique offerings like the Bison Ribeye with a roasted garlic demi-glace. The wine list boasts an extensive selection, with knowledgeable sommeliers available to guide you towards the perfect pairing for your steak. The impeccable service, coupled with the breathtaking ambiance, makes The Rim at Cedar Lodge an ideal choice for a romantic evening or a special occasion.
Dress Code: While not strictly enforced, a dressy casual attire is recommended to complement the upscale atmosphere of The Rim.
  1. Milt's Stage Stop: Steak & Seafood**
Steeped in history and charm, Milt's Stage Stop offers a unique Cedar City dining experience. Housed in a meticulously restored stagecoach stop, the restaurant exudes a rustic elegance that transports you back in time. The menu features a delightful selection of steaks, including their signature Prime Rib, alongside fresh seafood options. Don't miss their famous all-you-can-eat salad bar, overflowing with fresh ingredients and house-made dressings. Milt's Stage Stop offers stunning views of the Cedar Canyon, making your meal even more memorable.
Insider Tip: Make reservations in advance, especially during peak season, as Milt's Stage Stop is a popular choice among locals and visitors alike.
  1. Findlay's Sports Grille**
Findlay's Sports Grille is the perfect spot for a casual evening of good food, drinks, and lively conversation. This energetic restaurant features a menu with a focus on pub fare, alongside a surprising selection of high-quality steaks. Patrons can choose from classic cuts like ribeye and New York strip, all cooked to their desired doneness. The highlight for many is the build-your-own steak option, allowing you to customize your steak with a variety of toppings and sauces. Findlay's boasts a large bar area with an extensive selection of beers on tap, making it a great place to unwind and catch the game.
Weekend Special: Don't miss Findlay's weekend-only prime rib special, a local favorite known for its generous portions and exceptional flavor.
  1. Longhorn Steakhouse**
Bringing a taste of Texas to Cedar City, Longhorn Steakhouse offers a familiar and welcoming atmosphere. The menu features a wide selection of USDA Choice steaks, cooked to perfection over an open flame. From the signature Flo's Filet to the bone-in Outlaw Ribeye, Longhorn Steakhouse caters to a variety of appetites. The restaurant also boasts a selection of flame-grilled chicken, seafood, and pasta dishes, perfect for those seeking something beyond steak. The friendly waitstaff embodies Southern hospitality, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable dining experience.
Family-Friendly: Longhorn Steakhouse offers a dedicated children's menu with kid-sized portions and healthy options, making it a great choice for families with young ones.
  1. Redwood Smoke & Grill**
Redwood Smoke & Grill offers a unique blend of smokehouse specialties and classic steakhouse fare. The menu features a selection of slow-smoked meats, including pulled pork, brisket, and ribs, alongside a variety of grilled steaks. The steaks are all-natural, seasoned to perfection, and cooked over an open flame for a smoky and flavorful finish. Redwood Smoke & Grill boasts a casual and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a relaxed evening out.
Must-Try: Pair your steak with Redwood Smoke & Grill's signature mac and cheese, a creamy and decadent side dish.
  1. The Pump House Grill: A Hidden Gem with Gourmet Steaks and Local Charm
Nestled away in a charming historic district, The Pump House Grill offers a unique and delightful dining experience. Housed in a meticulously restored turn-of-the-century pump house, the restaurant boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere that blends historic character with modern elegance. The menu features a curated selection of gourmet steaks, sourced from local Utah ranches and cooked to perfection using a unique sous vide technique. This method ensures exceptional tenderness and juicy flavor in every bite. Alongside classic cuts like the filet mignon and the New York strip, The Pump House Grill offers creative steakhouse dishes, such as the espresso-crusted ribeye and the steak Diane with a cognac cream sauce. The restaurant also boasts a creative selection of appetizers, sides, and desserts, all made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients.
Local Favorite: Don't miss the opportunity to try The Pump House Grill's signature bone marrow appetizer, a decadent and flavorful treat.
Cedar City's culinary scene offers a delightful selection of steakhouses, each with its unique character and charm. From the timeless elegance of The Iron Steer to the modern sophistication of Sagebrush Grille, there's a perfect steakhouse experience waiting to be discovered in this southern Utah haven. So, gather your loved ones, explore the delectable options listed above, and embark on a culinary adventure that tantalizes your taste buds and creates memories that last a lifetime.
Beyond the Steaks: While this guide focuses on steakhouses, Cedar City offers a diverse culinary scene with something for everyone. Don't hesitate to explore the many restaurants serving international cuisine, delectable seafood dishes, or mouthwatering vegetarian options.
submitted by juanitasdiner to u/juanitasdiner [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:54 SnooChipmunks4981 Lettre à mon ex évitant - vos avis

Bonjour à tous,
C’est mon premier j’écris ici, je ne sais pas trop à quoi m’attendre et quel genre de réponses je vais recevoir. J’ai hâte de vous lire !
J’utilise des noms fictifs.
Pour un peu de contexte, j’ai écrit la lettre ci-dessous pour mon « ex », je ne sais pas si je peux vraiment utiliser le mot ex. Nous avons toujours qualifié notre relation comme étant simplement David & Mathieu. Quand les gens nous demandaient si nous étions en couple, nous répondions que non, c’était seulement David & Mathieu.
Nous avons été amis pendant 1 an et demi avant de commencer une dynamique différente. Ce n'était ni prévu ni voulu, c’est juste arrivé très naturellement. Il a toujours été quelqu’un de spécial pour moi, je ne sais pas comment l’expliquer, mais d’aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir, il a été spécial pour moi et je lui disais.
Deux choses à savoir sur lui, c’est qu’il a un style d’attachement évitant, lui-même le reconnaît. Alors c’était parfois compliqué, il ne me rassurait jamais sur rien, avait des blocages du style nous ne pouvons pas nous voir en semaine, et très souvent je ne pouvais pas le toucher (affectueusement) parce qu’il avait besoin d’espace. Mais je sais qu'il a fait des efforts et qu'il est sorti de sa zone de confort pour nous. Il a commencé de lui-même à me tenir la main en public, à s’ouvrir de plus en plus et m’a présenté à des personnes importantes pour lui. Ça ne semble pas être grand-chose, mais pour une personne avec un type d'attachement évitant, c’était déjà beaucoup.
Ce qui rendait la situation encore plus compliquée, c’est qu'il était fraysexuel aussi. Alors plus la relation évoluait, plus nous étions proches, plus il perdait l’intérêt sexuel envers moi. Il avait toujours besoin de sexe, mais avec moi, ce n’était pas possible. Là encore, il était conscient de comment il était et nous en avons toujours parlé ouvertement.
David & Mathieu ca duré 7 mois, ce qui a fait en sorte que ça se termine, ce sont des disputes que nous avons eues vers la fin. J’ai commencé à être insecure par rapport à sa sexualité, le fait qu’il était de retour sur des applications de rencontre (il me disait que c’était juste pour baiser) - je le crois, mais ça me mettait quand même insecure et il avait de la difficulté à me rassurer. Il se fâchait et disait que je mettais sa parole en doute. De plus, j’ai ramené des choses du passé, comme un gars avec qui il a vécu quelque chose en parallèle de nous deux durant le premier mois de David & Mathieu. De plus vers la fin, il me verbalisait son besoin d’avoir de l’espace et de minimiser les contacts, j’ai eu aussi de la difficulté à lui offrir sa. Je crois être du type d’attachement anxieux, alors pour moi c’était compliqué de répondre à certaines de ses demandes. Mais quand nous étions ensemble c’était vraiment bien, nous nous le disions souvent que les meilleurs moments ensemble c’était ceux où nous étions juste nous deux seuls.
Bref, il n’a donné comme raisons d’arrêter nous, le fait que je mettais trop souvent sa parole en doute, que je ramenais trop le passé et qu'il avait l’impression de ne pas pouvoir faire des choses qu’il avait le droit de faire (coucher avec d’autres) et le fait que jetait pas capable de lui donner l’espace dont il avait besoin. Il a toujours été honnête sur le fait qu’il ne voulait pas perdre sa liberté. Je n'ai jamais eu l’intention de lui enlever, mais parfois j'avais besoin de discuter pour me sentir bien, lui avait de la difficulté avec ça.
Bon, voici enfin la lettre. Ça fait maintenant une semaine que nous n'avons plus de contacts. Nous n'avons jamais vraiment eu de discussion pour clore le tout, il m’a partagé, sa décision au téléphone, j’ai mal réagi, j’ai essayé de le convaincre de changer sa position et voilà.
Le lendemain de l’appel téléphonique, il a tout de même accepté de venir faire une activité avec moi, mais il m’a dit seulement parce que je lui avais dit que ça me ferait du bien et suite à cette activité il m’a redonné les choses à moi qu’il avait chez lui.
Moi j’ai encore des choses avec moi. Dites-moi ce que vous pensez de la lettre.
Je respecte et je comprends ton choix.
J’me suis posé la question à savoir si c’est aussi ce que je voulais et que maybe j’étais vraiment juste delulu de penser que non.
Je ne suis pas dans l’attente ni le besoin que tu répondes à ce messages. C’était important pour moi de te partager mon constat à tête reposée et non pas en étant dans des émotions irrationnelles. Je ne suis pas dans la culpabilisation, je ne prends pas tout le blâme sur moi mais je parle de ce qui m’appartiens. Je ne suis pas fâché, déçu et je n’ai aucun sentiment négatif à ton égard. J’le sais que tu es une bonne personne avec des bonnes intentions et que tu n’as jamais eu l’intention de me blesser.
Ta décision, je l’accepte beaucoup plus facilement à tête reposée et depuis que j’ai finalement pu comprendre que d’avoir contact avec moi te fessais maintenant plus de mal que de bien. J’ai toujours voulu ton bien et te faire sentir spécial. Tu sais ce que je pense de toi, ce que j’te disais, ça jamais été fake ou pour te faire plaisir, c’était simplement la vérité. Pour moi, quand j’étais avec toi, c’était toi le plus…you know et j’avais aucun intérêt à détourner mon regard. J’ai jamais joué de game avec toi ni essayer de te vendre du rêve. J’suis conscient que ça pouvait jouer maybe contre moi et je m’en tape. Mais honnêtement je n’ai jamais eu le sentiment que tu prenais avantage de ça.
Je ne sais pas comment tu vies la situation mais j’espère que tu vas bien. Pas que je pense que tu care about that, mais j’ai déjà arête de parler au dude à qui je parlais durant notre dernière activité ensemble. Je ne suis pas le genre de personne qui saute dans autre chose pour ce sentir mieux, je ne trouve pas ça sain ni respectueux et c’est tout simplement pas moi.
Désolé d’avoir perdu l’important de vu et d’avoir trop souvent focus sur le passé et des choses qui n’avaient aucune cibole d’importance. Désolé de ne plus vers la fin avoir été dans le respect et l’écoute, d’avoir donné le sentiment que j’te fessais pas confiance/je voulais te restreindre/d’avoir pas su mieux te comprendre/de ne pas avoir assez affirmé mes besoins et de ne pas avoir su te donner l’espace dont t’avais besoin. Quand jte disais que nous étions mieux que ça, et ben j’ai fail et je t’ai laissé tombé d’une certaine façon, j’le reconnais et j’en suis désolé. J’ai foirré et c’est correct de faire des erreurs. Tsé l’être humain est parfois mal fait, perdre force à réaliser des choses qui étaient pourtant évidente.
J'ai du travail à faire sur moi-même sur plusieurs aspects. Je dois apprendre à croire, éviter de me faire des scénarios, laisser le passé là où il est, verbaliser plus clairement mes besoins et limites, apprendre à réaliser que ce que j’ai devant moi est vrai et apprendre à dire : 'Cette chose me fait peur, je ne sais pas comment l'apprivoiser, je ne sais pas comment ça va nous affecter, parlons-en.' Je suis toujours le même dude qu’il y a une semaine, je n’ai pas déjà magiquement changé, mais ce que je peux te dire en toute confiance, c'est qu'il y a eu une prise de conscience et que j'ai un réel désir d'être meilleur.
Je sais que pour toi, nous, c’était un challenge et maybe sometime déstabilisant, ça te sortait de la zone de confort. J’aurai pu prendre ça plus en considération et m’assurer que tu te sentes bien au lieu de te rajouter de la pression et des frustrations.
Moi et toi nous sommes des personnes particulières, pour qui c’est pas easy de bâtir certaines dynamique, nous méritions d’avoir ce que nous avions, mais avec les enjeux d’la fin, parfois ce n’était pas facile.
Je n’ai jamais voulu quelque chose de conventionnel. Pour moi, répondre à la question 'Êtes-vous en couple?' par 'Non, c’est juste David & Mathieu' j’en étais fier et j’aimais ça, pour moi y’avait pas besoin d'explications supplémentaires.
Je n’ai jamais demandé ou espérer que t’ailles les même exigences que celles que je m’imposais à moi même. J’ai toujours été conscient de tes besoins. Le fait que pour moi c’était important de ne pas me faire toucher et tout le tralala par d’autres, ça m’appartenais juste à moi, j’aurai aimé que nous puissions naviguer dans ça plus sainement.
Avoir essayé David & Mathieu n'était pas une erreur pour moi, cela a été positif sur bien des aspects. Et comme je te l’ai déjà dit ce qu'il y avait me suffisait, toi tu me suffisais. Les enjeux de la fin pour moi étaient pour la plupart prévisibles et tous surmontables et pesaient moins dans la balance comparativement au reste. David & Mathieu c’était particulier, imparfait et parfait en même temps, le fait que les bests moments étaient ceux où moi étions seuls day & night, que y’avait ce sentiment que main dans la main c’était nous vs le reste et le sentiment de fierté. Je nous souhaite de retrouver tout cela.
Quand tu me disais que tu étais chanceux de m’avoir, j’ai aussi été chanceux de t’avoir et j’espère que tu sais pourquoi.
Laissons-nous du temps, au bon moment et si nous le voulons tous les deux, essayons de voir s'il est possible de reconstruire une dynamique dans laquelle nous nous sentirons tous les deux bien. Nous avons toujours réussi à bâtir du mieux avec le passé, espèrons que ce sera encore le cas. Nous formons une bonne équipe lorsque nous sommes dans le respect et l’écoute.
Btw, j'ai la bague de ton grand-père. Je la portais au doigt quand je suis sorti de ta voiture. Si tu veux que je te rende tes affaires rapidement, fais-le moi savoir. Sinon, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais en prendre soin.
Ça me fera toujours plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles, mais je comprends que toi et moi avons besoin d'espace pour le moment. Oui, moi aussi j'en ai besoin.
Si un jour nous reprenons contact, je n’ai ni le désir ni le besoin de reparler des enjeux que nous avons vécu. Moi mindset c’est d’aller vers du mieux, pas de retomber dans le négatif.
Peut-être qu'un jour j'écrirai une chanson de 10 minutes sur un David qui laissait toujours 56 000 trucs chez moi, qui sait. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (Il adore une chanson de 10min de Taylor S qui parle d’un ex, alors c’est une référence à ça)
Je ne t'oublie pas
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:28 xtremexavier15 TMA 7

The scene faded back in to a shot of the team and host in the prison courtyard, the two groups of teens each standing by a dirty laundry cart. "Elimination challenge!" Chris exclaimed happily. "Here we go! No 'Get Out of Jail Free' cards here, people! This, is 'Escape from Total Drama Pen.'!" The camera quick-panned away from Chris' close-up to one of the carts.
"Each team must hop in their laundry carts, while one member pushes through the obstacle course to freedom!" As he spoke, the scene flashed to a shot of wooden dummies dressed like prison guards with automatic swinging arms, and then again to a pair of narrow platforms over a water pool with large sandbags swinging back and forth between them, and once more to the prisoner dummies with various sharp objects attached to their hands.
"When you reach the wall," Chris continued as the camera moved back to the group shot, "get diggin'! First team to reach the boxcar to freedom wins immunity!" The shot quick-panned over to a pair of boxcars sitting on a small section of rail tracks. "Convicts, select a pusher!"
"I'll do it!" Chase and Sky volunteered simultaneously, and the two quickly turned their heads to each other.
"I'll be the one to push for us!" Jasmine declared to the Grips. "Does anybody have a problem with that?" she asked her team, who were already starting to climb into the cart.
"I don't," Millie said as she got on.
"You are our best option," Anne Maria added as she hopped onto the cart.
Jasmine smiled. "Excellent!"
Confessional: Jasmine
“When you have long legs, speed can come off as an attribute,” Jasmine confessed.
Confessional Ends
"Not to be a jerk or anything," Chase said as the focus moved back to the Gaffers, "but I want to be the one who pushes, not you."
"Only one of us can do it, and it should be me," Sky offered.
"I know we won the shovel, but the Grips have Jasmine pushing for them," Chase argued, “and if we want to beat them, we'll need a lot of speed coming from me.”
"You're not the only one who's been on a track team," Sky protested. “I practice track at my school in order to prep myself for the Olympics.”
"I have longer legs than you," Chase pointed out, "and that'll at least make us on par with the other team."
“This bickering is not helping us,” Sky groaned and turned to her team. "So team, who do you want to drive the cart? Me or Chase?"
"I say Chase," Ripper said first. “Sky's not Sonic fast.”
"Well I think Sky should push us," Scott declared. “Chase being on the track team is more of a hobby to him.”
"To break the tie, I'll go with Sky," MK said. "She is the team's leader."
Chase sighed. "Alright!" He walked towards the cart. "But if we don't win, it's not coming back to me."
Confessional: Sky
“Me and MK don't know each other well, and she is generally not cordial, but I do have to thank her for having my back in the situation,” Sky explained.
Confessional: MK
“The way I see it, if Sky loses the cart challenge for us, me and Scott can use that as a reason to pick her off,” MK told the audience. “With her and Trent's love plot coming to a halt, there's no need to keep her in the game any longer.”
Confessionals End
"This is it, teams," Chris announced as the two groups were shown in their starting positions – most of the teams in their carts, with Jasmine and Sky ready to push. "On your marks...," the host said as a few deep notes began the fast-paced music that would play during the challenge, "get set...escape!"
The two started pushing immediately, and Jasmine managed to get an early lead for the Grips. However, Sky was gaining momentum, and the two kicked up a cloud of dust behind them as they entered the first obstacle – the sharp-handed prisoner dummies. The camera watched from above as they weaved around and through the field in different directions, and at one point it looked like their paths were going to intersect. The two girls briefly locked eyes and steeled themselves as their carts bounced off each other, rattling their teammates inside.
The viewpoint shifted to show the start of the next obstacle – the narrow platforms over water, with large bags already swinging back and forth threateningly. Sky pushed her team up onto the platform, and the focus moved ahead to Jasmine doing the same as well. The people in the carts ducked down to get away from the swinging bags. However, Anne Maria's big hair stuck up enough for one of the bags to brush past it, which slowed it down enough that Jasmine ran face-first into it while she had been distracted looking back at the other team. It knocked her down and caused her to let go of the cart, which managed to keep rolling along without her.
"We can use this to our advantage!" Ripper barked. "Keep it steady and we can catch up!"
"I got it!" Sky picked up her pace. She managed to get them past Jasmine and another two bags and they caught up to the Grips' cart, which had stopped at the end of the second obstacle. The viewpoint shifted to show them watching in shock as the Gaffers approached unsteadily, with Jasmine running just inches behind them.
Just as Sky was getting the groove of pushing the cart, a bag hit her in the head, which caused her to lose her balance and the front left wheel of the Gaffers' cart to leave the platform as it rapidly approached the end of the second obstacle, and the camera zoomed in as it dipped down and hit the corner where the narrow platform ended, causing the cart to spill forward.
"Hurry up!" Anne Maria commanded as Jasmine retook control over the Grips’ cart and sped forward, past the pile of Gaffers and into the final obstacle.
The camera followed them as they weaved through the guard-dummies, becoming more and more excited as they neared the wall. "Alright," Jasmine said. "We're getting closer to victory!"
A second passed in silence as they kept going at the same speed. "Uhh, Jasmine?" Justin said nervously as he eyed the approaching wall.
"We can stop now!" Millie notified.
Their words caused her to skid to a stop just in front of the wall. "Thanks for the warning," Jasmine said as her teammates breathed a sigh of relief.
"We may not have a shovel," Brick told his team with a spoon in hand, "but we must make do with what we have."
“Go go!" Jasmine eagerly ordered everyone out the cart. “Hop to it like kangaroos!” They all ran over to the large 'X' and started digging.
"Well this is just great!" Ripper complained as he, MK, Chase, and Scott picked themselves up off the ground, and Sky turned their cart back upright. "We're behind the Grips!"
“This is why I should've been the driver,” Chase spoke out. “I would have been able to avoid those bags.”
"None of this is our fault," Sky said. "We can still catch up to the Grips if we don't start arguing with each other."
The footage flashed ahead, showing the Gaffers sitting in the laundry cart with Sky pushing them through the final obstacle. Moments later they arrived at the wall, a hole and sizable dirt pile already by their opponent's cart. The four Gaffers hopped out, and Sky took the shovel out of her pocket.
"Jump right to it, team," Sky ordered. "We have a lot to dig!"
The camera flashed to Chris and Chef at the finish line, Chris sitting on the entrance of a boxcar while Chef leaned against it. "So..." Chris asked. "You ever seen that prison flick? The one with the guy in it? You know? The guy with that face?" Chef rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"So are you doing anything after work?" the host asked awkwardly. "We could always rent a-" He noticed the look on the cook's face and amended, "or not. I was... busy... anyway. Very busy. I'm just… throwing it out there."
The scene changed to a side view of the Grips in their tunnel, Jasmine hastily digging in front with her spoon.
"We're making good progress so far," Jasmine said. "Even if we're stuck with spoons."
"I can hear them ahead of us now," Millie said. "Wouldn't it be faster if we helped dig too?"
"Ten hands are better than two," Jasmine agreed.
Confessional: Jasmine
“After losing two challenges in a row, the Grips really need to bounce back this time,” Jasmine stated. “I've watched enough prison movie like “Holes” and “The Shawshank Redemption” to understand which spots are easier to dig out first.”
Confessional Ends
Another flash took the scene back to the Gaffers, Ripper being the one using the shovel to dig in the front.
"I'm not lying when I say that we're going to win," Ripper said as he kept digging.
"The Grips may have gotten here before us, but they have spoons and we have a shovel," Chase added.
“And it's all thanks to me!” MK cheered before catching sight of Scott's glare. “And Scott as well.”
Confessional: MK
“Right. Forgot the basic concept of teamwork,” MK sheepishly confessed. “Usually I always fly solo in everything I do, except group projects, and most of the time, I have to do everything because my supposed group members are uncooperative.”
Confessional Ends
The Gaffers heard a sudden rumble, causing them to stop in their tracks. A hand burst out of the dirt, creating a hole that increases thanks to a familiar head sticking their head out.
“Izzy?!” the team cries out at the sight of her. The psycho hose beast had fake buck teeth in her mouth and a camo hat with sticks sticking out on top, and she chittered in response.
“Yep. That's her,” Chase confirmed.
“Yeah, I've been living underground amongst the prairie dogs,” Izzy explained as one of the prairie dogs popped up and angrily chittered at the team.
“Aw, Butchie, it's okay,” Izzy assured the creature. “These are my friends.”
“Are you here to help us or…” Scott started to ask.
“Of course! Follow me, I know a shortcut to the finish line!” Izzy said.
“A shortcut?” Sky felt uneasy.
“Of course,” Ripper scoffed. “Why spend hours digging when you can finish faster?”
Confessional: Sky
"I'm not the type to cheat whenever I'm in a competition, and taking shortcuts is the easy way out," Sky explained in the confessional trailer, "but I don't really have a choice here."
Confessional Ends
“And of course, I became the second in command prairie dog,” Izzy told her team a story as they moved through the shortcut, “which meant I shared all the prairie dog council meetings and oh, oh! Here we are!”
“Finally! I need to get out of this hole!” Chase said and crawled faster.
The viewpoint moved to the surface as rock got pushed out of the way and Chase emerged from beneath. "You've got to be kidding," he muttered in annoyance.
The camera moved again, showing that the Grips’ tunnel had come up in front of the boxcars. All members of the Killer Grips were celebrating in front, while Chris and Chef watched.
"We lost?" Izzy said as she emerged from her hole.
"Yes, we did," Chase told her as he and the other Gaffers got out of the hole. "And aren't you out of the game? We did vote you off."
“Uh-uh. You voted off Kaleidoscope,” Izzy rebutted.
A flash took the scene back to the third episode's elimination with Izzy, Ripper, and Chase in the bottom three. “Izzy! Time to go!” Chris announced.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Izzy objected. “That's not my name.”
“Can I get a pen over here?” Chris raised his hand in annoyance. A pen was given to him, and he started to write on the paper. “It says "E-Scope" now, okay?!”
Izzy stubbornly stayed in her seat, and Chris looked over to his side. “Yo guys. Want to make sure we keep this ballot in the files as an official record of Kaleidoscope's departure?” he asked as he continued to scribble. “I'll notarize it. Foresight. That's why they pay me the big bucks.”
The flashback ended and the focus returned to the Gaffers. “So technically, Izzy's still in the game!” Sky realized.
Confessional: MK
“I didn't expect this to happen, but I'll allow it if it means I get an extra vote for tonight's elimination ceremony,” MK said.
Confessional Ends
A flash took the scene to the craft services tent, the camera lingering on an outside shot before cutting to Chef at the counter while the Grips ate at their table in the foreground.
“It's such a relief to have finally won a challenge after losing the past two ones,” Brick started to say.
“Well, this is an effect of Trent not being around to lose for us,” Justin said. “We made the right decision voting him off last time.”
“Even with the other team getting Izzy back, they're still going to lose a member,” Anne Maria remarked. “It's sorta a win-win for us.”
The footage skipped ahead, showing Ripper and Scott sitting around in their trailer before MK joined them.
"Okay, look," MK said as she addressed the two boys, "we have to vote Sky off tonight. She's helpful, sure, but she'd be hard to beat if the teams merge."
"I second that," Scott nodded. "She also slowed us down in the cart portion of the challenge."
"I told you guys that Chase should've pushed for us, but you didn't listen," Ripper huffed.
“I convinced Izzy to help us with the vote, and Chase won't be necessary since he and Sky have some sort of friendship with each other,” MK said.
"As long as we have the majority, we're all set to go," Scott said with a wink.
The theme of the Gilded Chris ceremony began to play, accompanied by the standard introduction sequence. It faded into a long-distance shot of the award stage, the camera zooming in as the theme came to an end. The six Gaffers cast their votes, the camera panning down from Chase and MK in the top row, to Izzy and Scott in the middle, and Ripper and Sky at the bottom.
"Time's up!" Chris announced excitedly. "I'll tally the votes!" He held up a device similar to the voting pads, and began to read off names. "Chase, Scott, Izzy, and MK." Each name was accompanied by the sound of an award getting thrown and caught and the four were shown holding their latest prizes. "Another award, and another day to compete."
The host held up the final award. "Tonight's final Gilded Chris and another chance at the million goes to…" he said as Ripper and Sky were shown watching nervously, "...Ripper!"
The aforementioned contestant caught his prize as Sky felt disappointed with the results.
Confessional: Sky
“I didn't want to vote for Chase and Izzy and MK and Scott helped out with the challenge, even if they're unsportsmanlike,” Sky explained. “I talked to Chase and Izzy about voting for Ripper since he didn't do much today, but I guess Izzy chose to vote off someone else.”
Confessional: Ripper
“Voting for Sky didn't hurt one bit,” Ripper confessed. “Like MK said, she's really athletic and could easily win the season if we chose to eliminate somebody else tonight.”
Confessional: Izzy
“Even though I was told to vote off specific people, I decided to go with voting MK,” Izzy admitted. “I still remember how she acted during last season's dodgeball challenge.”
Confessionals End
The footage flashed forward, showing Sky on the red carpet getting handcuffed by Chef.
"Dead girl walking!" Chef called out before escorting the eliminated contestant.
"Hold on!" the voice of MK cried out as she ran up to the two. “Leave her and take me!”
“Sure. Whatever,” Chef took the handcuffs off Sky and offered them to MK.
“I was kidding!” MK pushed the cuffs away from her. “Like I'd willingly quit the game. I'm just here to see the loser off.” She looked at the slightly taller girl teasingly. “I'm sure you'll be happily reunited with Trent the Challenge Thrower.”
"As long as I'm not on a team with someone as underhanded as you," Sky retorted as she grabbed the handcuffs and walked past the now miffed girl, "I'll be happy anywhere."
The Gilded Chris theme began to play as Chris turned to the camera. "Folks are getting feisty!" he said. "The Gaffers just lost their best player and team leader this early in the game, and with her out of the way, how low will this team sink just to win? Tune in next week to find out on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
Sky was sitting in the back of the Lame-o-sine as she looked at the window. "You know what’s ironic?" she started. "Trent outlasted me last season by one episode, and now the same thing occurred, only with the roles reversed." She turned her head to look at the camera. "I wish I could've stayed on the show longer and prove that I'm more than Trent's athletic girlfriend, but I'm pretty sure the fans know that I have a distinct personality."
"If there's one thing I can say about my performance, it's that I didn't do anything questionable or controversial that could be used against me in the future or vilify me." She paused for a moment and blinked. "What do you mean Aftermath?"
Eva - 14th
Geoff - 14th
Trent - 12th
Sky - 11th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Brick, Jasmine, Justin, Millie
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Izzy, MK, Ripper, Scott
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:32 SnooChipmunks4981 Lettre à mon ex évitant vos avis svp

Bonjour à tous,
C’est mon premier j’écris ici, je ne sais pas trop à quoi m’attendre et quel genre de réponses je vais recevoir. J’ai hâte de vous lire !
J’utilise des noms fictifs.
Pour un peu de contexte, j’ai écrit la lettre ci-dessous pour mon « ex », je ne sais pas si je peux vraiment utiliser le mot ex. Nous avons toujours qualifié notre relation comme étant simplement David & Mathieu. Quand les gens nous demandaient si nous étions en couple, nous répondions que non, c’était seulement David & Mathieu.
Nous avons été amis pendant 1 an et demi avant de commencer une dynamique différente. Ce n'était ni prévu ni voulu, c’est juste arrivé très naturellement. Il a toujours été quelqu’un de spécial pour moi, je ne sais pas comment l’expliquer, mais d’aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir, il a été spécial pour moi et je lui disais.
Deux choses à savoir sur lui, c’est qu’il a un style d’attachement évitant, lui-même le reconnaît. Alors c’était parfois compliqué, il ne me rassurait jamais sur rien, avait des blocages du style nous ne pouvons pas nous voir en semaine, et très souvent je ne pouvais pas le toucher (affectueusement) parce qu’il avait besoin d’espace. Mais je sais qu'il a fait des efforts et qu'il est sorti de sa zone de confort pour nous. Il a commencé de lui-même à me tenir la main en public, à s’ouvrir de plus en plus et m’a présenté à des personnes importantes pour lui. Ça ne semble pas être grand-chose, mais pour une personne avec un type d'attachement évitant, c’était déjà beaucoup.
Ce qui rendait la situation encore plus compliquée, c’est qu'il était fraysexuel aussi. Alors plus la relation évoluait, plus nous étions proches, plus il perdait l’intérêt sexuel envers moi. Il avait toujours besoin de sexe, mais avec moi, ce n’était pas possible. Là encore, il était conscient de comment il était et nous en avons toujours parlé ouvertement.
David & Mathieu ca duré 7 mois, ce qui a fait en sorte que ça se termine, ce sont des disputes que nous avons eues vers la fin. J’ai commencé à être insecure par rapport à sa sexualité, le fait qu’il était de retour sur des applications de rencontre (il me disait que c’était juste pour baiser) - je le crois, mais ça me mettait quand même insecure et il avait de la difficulté à me rassurer. Il se fâchait et disait que je mettais sa parole en doute. De plus, j’ai ramené des choses du passé, comme un gars avec qui il a vécu quelque chose en parallèle de nous deux durant le premier mois de David & Mathieu. De plus vers la fin, il me verbalisait son besoin d’avoir de l’espace et de minimiser les contacts, j’ai eu aussi de la difficulté à lui offrir sa. Je crois être du type d’attachement anxieux, alors pour moi c’était compliqué de répondre à certaines de ses demandes. Mais quand nous étions ensemble c’était vraiment bien, nous nous le disions souvent que les meilleurs moments ensemble c’était ceux où nous étions juste nous deux seuls.
Bref, il n’a donné comme raisons d’arrêter nous, le fait que je mettais trop souvent sa parole en doute, que je ramenais trop le passé et qu'il avait l’impression de ne pas pouvoir faire des choses qu’il avait le droit de faire (coucher avec d’autres) et le fait que jetait pas capable de lui donner l’espace dont il avait besoin. Il a toujours été honnête sur le fait qu’il ne voulait pas perdre sa liberté. Je n'ai jamais eu l’intention de lui enlever, mais parfois j'avais besoin de discuter pour me sentir bien, lui avait de la difficulté avec ça.
Bon, voici enfin la lettre. Ça fait maintenant une semaine que nous n'avons plus de contacts. Nous n'avons jamais vraiment eu de discussion pour clore le tout, il m’a partagé, sa décision au téléphone, j’ai mal réagi, j’ai essayé de le convaincre de changer sa position et voilà.
Le lendemain de l’appel téléphonique, il a tout de même accepté de venir faire une activité avec moi, mais il m’a dit seulement parce que je lui avais dit que ça me ferait du bien et suite à cette activité il m’a redonné les choses à moi qu’il avait chez lui.
Moi j’ai encore des choses avec moi. Dites-moi ce que vous pensez de la lettre.
Je respecte et je comprends ton choix.
J’me suis posé la question à savoir si c’est aussi ce que je voulais et que maybe j’étais vraiment juste delulu de penser que non.
Je ne suis pas dans l’attente ni le besoin que tu répondes à ce messages. C’était important pour moi de te partager mon constat à tête reposée et non pas en étant dans des émotions irrationnelles. Je ne suis pas dans la culpabilisation, je ne prends pas tout le blâme sur moi mais je parle de ce qui m’appartiens. Je ne suis pas fâché, déçu et je n’ai aucun sentiment négatif à ton égard. J’le sais que tu es une bonne personne avec des bonnes intentions et que tu n’as jamais eu l’intention de me blesser.
Ta décision, je l’accepte beaucoup plus facilement à tête reposée et depuis que j’ai finalement pu comprendre que d’avoir contact avec moi te fessais maintenant plus de mal que de bien. J’ai toujours voulu ton bien et te faire sentir spécial. Tu sais ce que je pense de toi, ce que j’te disais, ça jamais été fake ou pour te faire plaisir, c’était simplement la vérité. Pour moi, quand j’étais avec toi, c’était toi le plus…you know et j’avais aucun intérêt à détourner mon regard. J’ai jamais joué de game avec toi ni essayer de te vendre du rêve. J’suis conscient que ça pouvait jouer maybe contre moi et je m’en tape. Mais honnêtement je n’ai jamais eu le sentiment que tu prenais avantage de ça.
Je ne sais pas comment tu vies la situation mais j’espère que tu vas bien. Pas que je pense que tu care about that, mais j’ai déjà arête de parler au dude à qui je parlais durant notre dernière activité ensemble. Je ne suis pas le genre de personne qui saute dans autre chose pour ce sentir mieux, je ne trouve pas ça sain ni respectueux et c’est tout simplement pas moi.
Désolé d’avoir perdu l’important de vu et d’avoir trop souvent focus sur le passé et des choses qui n’avaient aucune cibole d’importance. Désolé de ne plus vers la fin avoir été dans le respect et l’écoute, d’avoir donné le sentiment que j’te fessais pas confiance/je voulais te restreindre/d’avoir pas su mieux te comprendre/de ne pas avoir assez affirmé mes besoins et de ne pas avoir su te donner l’espace dont t’avais besoin. Quand jte disais que nous étions mieux que ça, et ben j’ai fail et je t’ai laissé tombé d’une certaine façon, j’le reconnais et j’en suis désolé. J’ai foirré et c’est correct de faire des erreurs. Tsé l’être humain est parfois mal fait, perdre force à réaliser des choses qui étaient pourtant évidente.
J'ai du travail à faire sur moi-même sur plusieurs aspects. Je dois apprendre à croire, éviter de me faire des scénarios, laisser le passé là où il est, verbaliser plus clairement mes besoins et limites, apprendre à réaliser que ce que j’ai devant moi est vrai et apprendre à dire : 'Cette chose me fait peur, je ne sais pas comment l'apprivoiser, je ne sais pas comment ça va nous affecter, parlons-en.' Je suis toujours le même dude qu’il y a une semaine, je n’ai pas déjà magiquement changé, mais ce que je peux te dire en toute confiance, c'est qu'il y a eu une prise de conscience et que j'ai un réel désir d'être meilleur.
Je sais que pour toi, nous, c’était un challenge et maybe sometime déstabilisant, ça te sortait de la zone de confort. J’aurai pu prendre ça plus en considération et m’assurer que tu te sentes bien au lieu de te rajouter de la pression et des frustrations.
Moi et toi nous sommes des personnes particulières, pour qui c’est pas easy de bâtir certaines dynamique, nous méritions d’avoir ce que nous avions, mais avec les enjeux d’la fin, parfois ce n’était pas facile.
Je n’ai jamais voulu quelque chose de conventionnel. Pour moi, répondre à la question 'Êtes-vous en couple?' par 'Non, c’est juste David & Mathieu' j’en étais fier et j’aimais ça, pour moi y’avait pas besoin d'explications supplémentaires.
Je n’ai jamais demandé ou espérer que t’ailles les même exigences que celles que je m’imposais à moi même. J’ai toujours été conscient de tes besoins. Le fait que pour moi c’était important de ne pas me faire toucher et tout le tralala par d’autres, ça m’appartenais juste à moi, j’aurai aimé que nous puissions naviguer dans ça plus sainement.
Avoir essayé David & Mathieu n'était pas une erreur pour moi, cela a été positif sur bien des aspects. Et comme je te l’ai déjà dit ce qu'il y avait me suffisait, toi tu me suffisais. Les enjeux de la fin pour moi étaient pour la plupart prévisibles et tous surmontables et pesaient moins dans la balance comparativement au reste. David & Mathieu c’était particulier, imparfait et parfait en même temps, le fait que les bests moments étaient ceux où moi étions seuls day & night, que y’avait ce sentiment que main dans la main c’était nous vs le reste et le sentiment de fierté. Je nous souhaite de retrouver tout cela.
Quand tu me disais que tu étais chanceux de m’avoir, j’ai aussi été chanceux de t’avoir et j’espère que tu sais pourquoi.
Laissons-nous du temps, au bon moment et si nous le voulons tous les deux, essayons de voir s'il est possible de reconstruire une dynamique dans laquelle nous nous sentirons tous les deux bien. Nous avons toujours réussi à bâtir du mieux avec le passé, espèrons que ce sera encore le cas. Nous formons une bonne équipe lorsque nous sommes dans le respect et l’écoute.
Btw, j'ai la bague de ton grand-père. Je la portais au doigt quand je suis sorti de ta voiture. Si tu veux que je te rende tes affaires rapidement, fais-le moi savoir. Sinon, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais en prendre soin.
Ça me fera toujours plaisir d'avoir de tes nouvelles, mais je comprends que toi et moi avons besoin d'espace pour le moment. Oui, moi aussi j'en ai besoin.
Si un jour nous reprenons contact, je n’ai ni le désir ni le besoin de reparler des enjeux que nous avons vécu. Moi mindset c’est d’aller vers du mieux, pas de retomber dans le négatif.
Peut-être qu'un jour j'écrirai une chanson de 10 minutes sur un David qui laissait toujours 56 000 trucs chez moi, qui sait. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (Il adore une chanson de 10min de Taylor S qui parle d’un ex, alors c’est une référence à ça)
Je ne t'oublie pas
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]
