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Useless Yet Interesting Calculations

2013.04.26 05:19 FragTheWhale Useless Yet Interesting Calculations

And they said math has no real world applications

2008.06.12 16:27 Debt Management and Debt Help

This subreddit is a place to discuss debt-related issues, debt management, collections, and more.

2008.03.08 15:15 UK Politics

Political news and debate concerning the United Kingdom. Rules detailed here:

2024.05.17 01:50 Emozziis Collection Agency Suing To Collect On An Old Credit Card What Do I Do?

I got a letter today that I'm being sued by Midland Funding for a collections. The thing is I tried paying that collection two years ago. Initially I called to pay the balance off and they told me it would be processed by an ACH payment. I got a call back from them telling me that the payment didn't go through and that I needed to pay by check, I explained that I don't have access to checks and they told me I they would try to run the payment again. After this I contacted my bank to see why it wasn't able to be processed and my bank explained there's been no record on an ACH payment attempted. I called Midland back again a couple days later to see if the payment would go through and asked if the payment had been processed it. They told me it had so I asked how if the money is still in my account and my bank doesn't have an ACH attempt from you. The rep told it takes a couple days and to call back. I called back a couple days later and asked if the payment processed they told me they were having a hard time processing it and to try with a check told them what I said earlier about checks and they told me they would try and run the payment again. I called my bank again and they told me again no record of an ACH attempt and the issue might be on the creditors side. This went on for a couple months until I gave up and stopped trying to get them to run payment for it.
The thing is this stopped showing up as a collection on my credit report within a month from when I attempted the first payment. It's completely disappeared and I can't find it on there. According to Experian I have no collections.
The letter I received just has whose suing me whose their lawyer but no amount on what's owed or what the collection was for. So what do I do now?
submitted by Emozziis to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:49 Sad_bonbon Buying a paci

[maybe important note: I live in Brazil]
Does anyone have any advice on how to buy a pacifier without my parents knowing?
I am 15 years old and would like to buy an adult size pacifier. I have a pacifier but it's for actual babies, and as much as I really liked it, the size is uncomfortable I have to apply a certain amount of pressure so that the pacifier doesn't fall out of my mouth and I feel that in the long run this could bend my tooth or damage my jaw.
My problem is how to buy (note: I have had past experience where my parents bullied me for using a baby bottle and pacifier [even though they gave me the bottle and the paci. I don't know what they were thinking but they probably thought I was going to use these things to play pretend with my dolls so when they saw me using it they said some unnecessary things to me]
My problem technically isn't money, since I have money that I receive from the government. But my money comes on a credit card that I can't use to shop online. So normally when I want to buy something I ask my mom to buy it, and she takes my card and uses the amount of money I spent buying online to buy things for her.
But as I already said, I had unpleasant experiences with my parents' reaction to seeing me using baby things. So before I risk hearing curses and bad words coming from my mom about the adult pacifier I would like to ask you guys if there is any way I can buy a pacifier online without my parents knowing
submitted by Sad_bonbon to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:45 BattleProg Serious screen lags on iPhone 15 Pro Max

have seen this problem pop up online, but it was primarily around the start of the year, so I wanted to bring it up again and ask around since this problem is now bothering be big time.
I'm currently noticing a huge amount a micro stutter and lag on my 15 Pro Max. It appears for some animations and then isn't reproducible. It often appears in apps like WhatsApp and Youtube, but also in System apps like the setting, when pulling down the control center or closing an app. It's very inconsistent and appears very irregularly. If I try to reproduce it, it's completely smooth. The phone also gets fairly hot regularly I'd say. It also doesn't seem like it's loading, but rather like the framerate drops.
This and the fact that it rarely shows up on screen recordings leads me to believe that it might have to do with pro motion. Maybe it sometimes misinterprets an animation with a high framerate (120Hz) for one with a lower framerate? It's very annoying nevertheless, since it really make using the phone feel like using a cheap android phone.
So my question is: does anyone else have this problem? If yes, please share your experience. Also: what would you recommend I should do? I do have AC+ but in my experience Apple usually shrugges things like this of as "Software related", especially when they aren't reproducible.
I also realized while typing this that the keyboard seems to get progressively more "slow" and feels worse when typing longer texts.
submitted by BattleProg to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:44 JaspernCrow Other autistic related women subs are unfair

Other autistic related women subs are unfair
I’m absolutely despondent. One the main subs I’ve been active in is needlessly shoving me out because of rules they’ve related to my post in attempts to locate groups in support of searching for ND friends. In response to my questioning I’ve been banned and the mods are unhelpful and mean and refuse to see the how unfair they’ve been in this situation.
Did I really do anything wrong? This group has gone under fire before for unfair treatment but I stuck around because it was one of the few subs I felt secure in but now I’m not so sure and I’m thinking that they were under fire for a good reasons. I’m also just very emotional because I feel like my question was genuine and didn’t do anything wrong
submitted by JaspernCrow to AutismWithinWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:42 Bulky_Temperature337 Hallucination

Hi everyone
I’m confused because I have a family member that is experiencing hallucinations and agitation out of no where.
I raised concerns about that plus other things such as hair loss to the doctor. The doctor keeps reporting memory loss concerns, but memory loss is not an issue in my opinion. The family member’s memory is good and better than some younger kids…shoot even mine.
It’s the hallucination that’s the concern.
They refuse to consider the meds being the causes of that but agreed that the med management is a little messy currently.
I contacted the pharmacist where we picked the meds up at and they review her prescription history on a quick phone call and think it can be a result of low sugar maybe, but says the meds in question wouldn’t cause that.
It confuses me because I looked up the meds in question and they have side effects of what I’m complaining about online.
I’m trying to figure out what to do. My hope was to get the medical team on the same page so we can stop the meds, monitor, test, and analyze from their. That way we can manage the meds a little better and slowly add things back as needed and safely.
I don’t understand why everyone is saying there’s no side effects or not these side effects as the side effects in question pops up on the first page of Google.
The medical team didn’t see anything that stands out on the mri but is calling the issue maybe dementia due to a memory loss test that I believe the family member did good in. I was there. It was just calculations that were not good.
I’m going to connect with a neurologist next, but I just don’t want to be quick to call something dementia when it’s might be due to medication.
It’s like they just want to give meds that have similar effects to these other diagnoses or disorders and say that person has X and when it gets worse it’s not due to X but truly secretly due to the meds.
I’m just hoping to connect and learn from others here in hopes with making the next best steps to help with what’s happening. Just hoping to hear experiences others might of had related to this.
submitted by Bulky_Temperature337 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:40 pandabeargrylls AA claimed I no-showed

Howdy! Flew PHL to BNA on Saturday night with my wife. Both of us on my reservation. Wife got credited for the flight, I did not. Called the Platinum desk multiple times and chatted online. They claimed I did not take the flight but I certainly did. They said my only recourse is to email customer relations and file a complaint, but I got the generic auto response. Anyone have any ideas what I can do to claim my mileage and LPs? Thank you!
submitted by pandabeargrylls to americanairlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:39 kittenssecretreddit Collections

I opened my first credit card this January and when I looked at my credit score was confused on why it was 603 (avoiding to experian) since I've been paying off everything after I recieved my statements.
Turns out I've had something in collections since last year, related to medical expenses. I knew my parents were in the process of trying to get our insurance to pay for it but I didn't know it would affect my credit score as I only had a debit card at the time.
Is there a way I can get it off my credit report before the 7 years? I've just started out, was responsible with all my statements when I got my credit card, but my score is low because of this in my collections. I'm worried it'll set me back and I'll have high interest rates for car loans.
submitted by kittenssecretreddit to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:39 eliasangels Sophomore Results! 💫

I don't have the formatting for a regular results post, but I'm a Black girl who's interested in CS. I applied test optional for all of my programs (really only one asked, and I've never taken any standardized tests) and reported Student Council (Representative), Varsity Math Team, and CS Club (Secretary) as my ECs (they're a bit different now, but most of these applications were filled out a few months ago.) I also have a 4.0UW and a 4.2W :]
CMU CS SCHOLARS >! Waitlist ➡️ Accepted !<
• Acceptance Rate: ~6%
Girls Who Code SIP >! Accepted !<
Kode with Klossy >! Accepted for Data Science !<
St. Kates Data Science >! Accepted !<
UMN Discover STEM >! Accepted !<
I'm most excited for CSS, but I don't think I was the ideal candidate to have gotten in. I definitely credit my essays, and I had my English teacher critique and edit them before they were submitted. I know I didn't apply to much, but I'm really happy with my results!
submitted by eliasangels to summerprogramresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:37 FlyHiPengiun Can i dispute missing payments on account that can’t exist according to fairstone?

Hey so I got approved best buy finance limit of 2000$ via fairstone back in 2021 and last step to complete the process was to give them an ID. I gave them my student ID As i was still an International Student They said that Account can’t be made because they needed status of atleast a Permanent Resident So I tell them to delete the account and forget about them. One day I go on to buy a car and to my surprise they never deleted the account I had several missing payments on my report. I cleared the payments right away. But my credits all messed up now and I don’t know what to do. Should I dispute the reports?
submitted by FlyHiPengiun to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:36 FairStellarWinds SoFi is a disruptor...of my reason for choosing them. Credit card was critical to the switch.

I opened a joint account with direct deposit today, motivated by having our checking, savings, and SoFi 2% Unlimited credit card in one place. For years we've put everything on our credit card and paid the balance monthly, so the 2% cash back card was a critical part of the decision to join SoFi.
Despite an Experian credit score of 815 and clean reports (I checked them today), I was denied the 2% Unlimited Credit Card. In my several decades of banking, I've never been denied a card by a bank.
I was told by the chat agent that, "SoFi defines credit experience by the number of open trades you have, balance on current accounts, and/or how recent open revolving accounts reflect on your Experian credit file." I don't have open trades. I have good balances on my accounts. And as for the open revolving accounts, that doesn't tell me much.
Being denied the card disrupts my financial plan, diminishes the value of moving to SoFi, and forces me to consider closing the account on the same day that I opened it and reverse my direct deposits. A disappointing hassle is not what I expected at all. Not easy. Not seamless. Not a good customer experience.
submitted by FairStellarWinds to sofi [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:26 ForgotMyVentAccPass Please fuck off. I'm trying to rebuild my life and you're scaring me.

I will not name names because I'm not the pettiest person on the fucking planet, but you know who you are: stop following me home from work every few nights, or I will be going to the police. You've been caught on CCTV all around town, including repeatedly pressing my flat's buzzer and shouting my name one night. My landlord has saved this particular nugget of information just in case it escalates. Your face is clearly visible. As well as this, you are to stop sending the police to my fucking flat, or else I will be filing a report of harassment and possibly seeking a restraining order, if that's what it takes. This is the third time in the past fortnight I've been woken up by the police knocking on my door and searching my flat for god only knows what you've told them I have. My neighbours are beginning to grow tired of the drama and getting woken up at ungodly hours, and it's driving a wedge between myself, my neighbours, and my landlord. I believe this to be your intention, given your previous history with me.
My address is listed wrongly for the building I reside in on all online map services, so thus far, you have only provided an accurate visual description of my building, quite possibly provided by an ex mutual friend of ours (whom I have since learned a lot more about and I'm sure would love to avoid police attention) while providing an incorrect address; as such I've so far been able to tell them they have the wrong address, but it's only a matter of time until your new housemate finds out my new address, given you have sent them to work where I work. I am terrified of this possibility and what it means for me, and I am willing and able to do whatever it takes to keep you away from me.
You've got what you want out of me, I've tried my best to separate myself from you, now would you PLEASE kindly fuck off out of my life forever.
submitted by ForgotMyVentAccPass to u/ForgotMyVentAccPass [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:26 Sweet-Count2557 Il Brigante Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States

Il Brigante Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Il Brigante Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Il Brigante: Your Go-To Destination for Delicious Italian Cuisine in New York City, NY
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Il Brigante: Your Go-To Destination for Delicious Italian CuisineIf you're a food enthusiast looking for a delightful dining experience in New York, NY, look no further than Il Brigante. Located at 214 Front St #1, this restaurant is a haven for pizza, pasta, salad, wings, and more. With a diverse menu that caters to all taste buds, Il Brigante is the perfect place to satisfy your cravings for authentic Italian cuisine.At Il Brigante, we take pride in offering a wide range of mouthwatering dishes that are prepared with the finest ingredients. Whether you're in the mood for a classic Margherita pizza, a hearty plate of spaghetti Bolognese, or a refreshing Caesar salad, our skilled chefs will ensure that each bite is bursting with flavor.Not only does Il Brigante excel in delivering delectable food, but our cozy and inviting ambiance also adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you're planning a romantic dinner for two or a gathering with friends and family, our friendly staff will make sure you feel right at home.To make your dining experience even more convenient, Il Brigante offers online ordering services. Simply visit our website, browse through our menu, and place your order with just a few clicks. Whether you're craving a quick lunch or a leisurely dinner, our efficient delivery service will bring the flavors of Il Brigante straight to your doorstep.So, if you're in the mood for a memorable Italian feast, head over to Il Brigante at 214 Front St #1 in New York, NY. With our delectable menu, warm hospitality, and convenient online ordering, we guarantee a dining experience that will leave you craving for more.
Cuisines of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
Il Brigante Restaurant is a culinary haven for Italian food enthusiasts. With a menu that focuses on authentic Italian cuisine, this restaurant offers a delightful array of dishes that will transport your taste buds straight to Italy. From classic pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara and lasagna to mouthwatering pizzas topped with fresh ingredients, Il Brigante ensures that every bite is a burst of flavor. What sets this restaurant apart is its commitment to catering to various dietary preferences. With a range of vegetarian-friendly and vegan options, as well as gluten-free choices, Il Brigante ensures that everyone can indulge in their delectable offerings. Whether you're a die-hard pizza lover or a pasta aficionado, Il Brigante is the place to be for a truly satisfying Italian dining experience.
Features of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
DeliveryTakeoutSeatingHighchairs AvailableWheelchair AccessibleServes AlcoholFree WifiAccepts Credit CardsTable ServiceReservations
Menu of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
Location of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
Contact of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
+1 212-285-0222
214 Front St, New York City, NY 10038-2034
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:25 Gustavi07 PowerMac Center Installment Processed as Straight/Regular

PowerMac Center Installment Processed as Straight/Regular
Hello everyone! I would like to know your thoughts 🫶🏻
I would like to share my first hand experience on this matter.
May 10, 2024 I made an online purchase through PowerMac Center using my UnionBank Rewards Platinum Virtual Credit Card. The straight payment price was around ₱24,999 for the 10th Generation iPad, I opted to pay in installment under the 0% Installment program on a 12 month tenure, the gross total amount was valued at ₱30,610.00 after tax and shipping. The page verified the purchase through OTP and Approved the installment then I proceeded in placing the order.
May 11, 2024 The payment remained pending and had me worried sine UnionBank has a separate dedicated page in the app displaying approved Installment transactions. Considering that my statement date was not until May 15, 2024 I was at ease thinking that It may not have posted yet as an installment.
May 12, 2024 The pending payment finally cleared and had me worried since it has no indication it was an installment thus prompting me to call UnionBank Philippines, I waited for more than 30 minutes to get through to someone and finally I got Mikaela, she assured me that once my statement arrives it will be an installment and the back-up plan was to have it converted if it was full price. Then I waited.
May 16, 2024 My Statement of Account was sent via eMail, I was surprised to see that the full amount due was the total amount and not the usual 1 out of 12 statement normally reflected in SOA’s for installment transactions. I was eager to have someone on the phone and after 40 minutes I got Jane on the phone to tell me that they cannot help me because it’s the merchant’s fault and if they convert it not only will I pay for the installment price of PowerMac with gross amount of ₱30,610.00 but I also need to pay extra for UnionBank’s interest and plus the conversion cannot be guaranteed. So I remained calm and professional, I remembered I have a receipt from PowerMac from one of my recent purchases, I called them and they answered right away, they assured me that they will help me fix it. In the afternoon, I sent them documents through viber containing my SOA then they called me to send an email with my CC number and personal Details including my SOA.
May 17, 2024 I’m still patiently waiting for their response.
submitted by Gustavi07 to swipebuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:24 CrashoutForABurger Need advice on decision regarding college

For the past year I have been living at home and going to a community college since I graduated highschool. I have decided that the degree Im going for is really kind of useless, and that I dont want to or really even need to get the degree to get that job (and frankly I dont think I want the job either). This past year has been really lonely and very depressing in terms of making friends/meeting people, due to commuting and my major being a small group of the same people for each class. I also really dont have a great idea of what I would like to do/major in.
My options Im considering right now are:
-Stay at home and go to community college for a general studies degree (Pro: go for free, credits will be mostly applicable to anywhere I apply, use those 2 years to figure out what I wanna do. Cons: still decently lonely, hate living in the same place I have grown up my entire life)
-Go to state school undecided (Pro: be around people, parties. Cons: Student debt (something I REALLY want to avoid).
This leads me to another option:
-Move to a college town with roomates and take my general studies degree online. (Pros: go for free, I manage my time better doing school online, still have time to figure out what Im doing without going into debt, still can be around a college campus with people) (Cons: Paying rent/utilities, managing life being independent)
If anyone older than me (19M) could outline anything I am perhaps not seeing with these options, I would GREATLY appreciate it. I had the idea for the third option today but dont know if I am seeing all the sides of it.
EDIT: To clarify, general studies would be a 2 year degree that I would use to transfer to a 4 year.
submitted by CrashoutForABurger to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:24 HaaaaYouWish Question about professional cleaning standards - are my expectations too high?

Question about professional cleaning standards - are my expectations too high?
I recently used credits I had earned to book a professional deep cleaning for my apartment through a service affiliated with my apartment’s management company. Although I had enough credits to cover the deep clean, which explicitly listed all the included tasks like cleaning doors and doorframes (more on this later), I also opted to pay extra for a whole-home disinfection service and included an upfront tip through the app.
And before you ask, the night before I completely decluttered the apartment and removed everything I could from all of the surfaces so the cleaners could focus on cleaning and not moving my belongings around.
They performed the cleaning while I was at work, with the building's concierge letting them in and out as they are affiliated with the apartment management. When I returned home, I noticed several areas that hadn't been cleaned as expected, or seemingly at all. I reported the issue to the company via emai, and they promptly arranged a re-clean. Unfortunately, even after this second attempt, I still found dirt on doors and doorframes, which I could easily remove myself with a Clorox wipe (videos attached). This experience has left me questioning the cleaning methods used by these “professional” cleaners.
Is it common for professional cleaners to only use dry cloths for cleaning? If I was able to easily wipe the dirt with a Clorox wipe, they couldn’t possibly have used anything wet, could they? Shouldn't they be using at least a damp cloth or a cleaning solution instead, especially for services labeled as "deep clean" and “disinfection”.
Are my standards just too high expecting a cleaning service to thoroughly clean listed areas such as doors, doorframes, and baseboards without having to check and clean again myself?
Would it be overkill to contact the company again with a second complaint about the quality of the re-clean? While I do not want them to come back for a third attempt, I believe it’s important that the company is aware their cleaners’ performance does not meet the standards promised, despite their excellent customer service via email.
I've attached videos showing some of the areas with remaining dirt that was easily removed with a Clorox wipe. Any advice on how to handle this or insight into whether or not I’m expecting too much would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by HaaaaYouWish to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:23 CrashoutForABurger Need advice on decision regarding college

For the past year I have been living at home and going to a community college since I graduated highschool. I have decided that the degree Im going for is really kind of useless, and that I dont want to or really even need to get the degree to get that job (and frankly I dont think I want the job either). This past year has been really lonely and very depressing in terms of making friends/meeting people, due to commuting and my major being a small group of the same people for each class. I also really dont have a great idea of what I would like to do/major in.
My options Im considering right now are:
-Stay at home and go to community college for a general studies degree (Pro: go for free, credits will be mostly applicable to anywhere I apply, use those 2 years to figure out what I wanna do. Cons: still decently lonely, hate living in the same place I have grown up my entire life)
-Go to state school undecided (Pro: be around people, parties. Cons: Student debt (something I REALLY want to avoid).
This leads me to another option:
-Move to a college town with roomates and take my general studies degree online. (Pros: go for free, I manage my time better doing school online, still have time to figure out what Im doing without going into debt, still can be around a college campus with people) (Cons: Paying rent/utilities, managing life being independent)
If anyone older than me (19M) could outline anything I am perhaps not seeing with these options, I would GREATLY appreciate it. I had the idea for the third option today but dont know if I am seeing all the sides of it.
EDIT: To clarify, general studies would be a 2 year degree that I would use to transfer to a 4 year.
submitted by CrashoutForABurger to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:22 glitterydonut Anyway to watch the musical at home?

Hey yall, I’ve always been intrigued by the musical Wicked, since it has a ‘cult’ following it must be great! But it has never toured near me since I’ve been interested in seeing it. Also, being a huge Ariana Grande fan I’m very excited for the upcoming movie! That being said, is there anyway to watch the show online? I really want to know the story of Wicked prior to the movie. I am a few hours away from nyc so I have started contemplating going to see it, but it won’t be cheap with travel and tickets and such. Any help would be great! Thanks all!💚
submitted by glitterydonut to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:21 Informer_Snow664 Serge Del Mar aka Serge Gil, and SPTV

Link to earlier post.
Before getting into the meat of this post, it needs to be remembered that the ex-Scientologists named here are actual victims of the Church of Scientology. Nothing in this post is meant to deny that fact.
However, let's remember too, those being attacked by Aaron Smith-Levin and their new brand of Scientology-style attacks, are also victims of Scientology.
The cruelty directed at Mike Rinder, Claire Headley, Tony Ortega, Chris Shelton, Leah Remini, Stefani Hutchinson, the Aftermath Foundation and those who speak out against SPTV's excesses are not justified. There has been a strain of "both sides" about this. Defending oneself against slander is not the same thing as initiating slander, which is how this all started. Telling the truth in response to SPTV creator attacks is not the same thing as a Fair Game campaign against them.
It doesn't bring me any joy to write these posts, but these things need to be known because the number of distortions and fabrications coming out of the SPTV creators is reaching a fever pitch and it needs to stop.
My earlier two posts focused mainly on Chrissie Bixler, Jane Doe 1 (from the Masterson trials) and Aaron Smith-Levin, all of whom have been working together in a tight, hidden conspiracy to attack anyone who could expose them or their agendas, and/or anyone who opposes their slanderous and vicious attacks. They are in fact acting as Scientology does, following L. Ron's directions to hunt those people down and attempt to ruin them.
Unfortunately, the SPTV cabal is not just these three mentioned above. There are others who have also jumped on this bandwagon of Scientology-like attacks. From the outside, none of these people's "content" is any different from what the Church of Scientology produces through its STAND League and other OSA-front group social media accounts. If OSA had a video channel, it would look almost exactly like SPTV.
So let's take a look at Serge Del Mar, formerly known as Serge Gil. If you Google "Serge Gil" you will find photos of him hanging around with the Mastersons and other VIP Scientologists as recently as November of 2014 at an art exhibit Serge participated in. This was while he was still in the cult, of course, but it sure is odd that he never mentions this.
Funny too that this group of "innocents" all have taken to going after whistle blowers who are out, and not admitting to anything they did while they were Scientologists and Sea Organisation members. Serge becomes visibly and loudly unhinged over the idea that Mike Rinder was once the head of OSA and therefore "must know" every single secret and crime ever perpetrated in Scientology. Yet he claims perfect innocence when it comes to his Scientology history. But how is that possible when he perpetuated Scientology's abuse on children in a much more direct and forceful way than Mike Rinder ever could: Serge audited children and was apparently paid handsomely for it. Auditing is, of course, Scientology's warped and twisted idea of counselling.
In this article from Tony Ortega, it reads: "In his Facebook post, Serge talked about the horror of having men admit to having sex with children, and being instructed to get even more information from such confessors, who were then simply charged even more [money] to 'handle' their paedophilia.
"We were made to sit in that Fort Harrison hotel day in and day out interrogating people to see what they had done. Our interviews were always closely watched [and] monitored by several ‘terminals.’ All the CSes [case supervisors] and tech ‘executives’ became willing in colluding and becoming 100 percent complicit with this sexually inappropriate environment for any one under the age of 18."
"Self-confessed paedophiles could just magically ‘address’ this behavior with auditing — all the while you were looking at ways to monetize at every opportunity' he says, accusing Scientology executives of looking for ways to turn confessions into more auditing and more money."
So who were these paedophiles and why aren't they being reported to the police? Why is Serge not talking about them? Why is he instead negating what he did and laughing about it in live streams with Nora, where they forgive and forget easily when it comes to their own bad behaviour in the cult. How come they get a free pass but no one else outside of SPTV does?
Serge engages in hypocrisy at a level that would put politicians and cult leaders to shame.
Recently, Serge added Leah Remini's name to his hit list by claiming Remini told him that she wanted nothing to do with helping children of the Sea Organisation. He actually said that about the woman who produced an the documentary series which gave Serge and the other "Scientology children" a voice on an international stage, something none of them were able to accomplish on their own.
Some facts from the past need to be brought forward.
First, it was Leah Remini who was trying to help all of the ex-Scientology "kids" to help find legal representation. This was the group Serge Del MaSerge Gil proclaimed he was the leader of, saying he was the "voice of many." He claimed he would be bringing the clients and the documentation to Kent's law firm.
Remini was introduced to Brian Kent by A&E. Right after the end of the Aftermath's finale, Kent's law firm was the only one willing to take on this massive case. Is A&E now going to be attacked by this group? Where are the tweets directed at A&E? Not that I am suggesting that. It is just to prove the facts here are consistently twisted to suit this group’s goal and it has nothing to do with exposing the crimes committed by Scientologists and Scientology.
This is about getting anyone who isn’t them.
Second and more importantly, it was Serge who then ran with this and gathered claimants for this case, and it was Serge that then introduced them all to Kent's firm. Christi Gordon was also working on this case. It was a noble effort. Leah, Serge and Christi did not do anything wrong,but somehow now Leah is a bad person for having tried to help.
Obviously, no one was aware at that time of what the future would hold for Jane Doe and Kent. No one still knows what happened with these cases - because Serge Del Mar was the ringleader. No mention of this from Alex the silly Wabbit. No mention of this from anyone. And obviously once Kent's law firm was hired, Leah and Mike would not have been privy to any privileged information about the cases.
Then Aaron and crew claim they uncovered this alleged crime committed by Kent? Kent isn’t being accused of crimes of child molestation, or of rape. He is being accused of unethical behaviour with an adult victim - and yes, that is bad enough. But it was Jane Doe in this case that had to summon the courage to file a confidential complaint. Aaron and his gang didn’t uncover and report anything. What they did do was compromise a bar investigation; they took credit for something they had nothing to do with. This is simply despicable behaviour. How this group has completely fabricated the facts of the investigation is beyond me.
They didn't even talk to the person who filed the complaint against Brian Kent. They were too busy stabbing her in the back, compromising her identity and forwarding a confidential document. Aaron conveniently didn’t mention this was a confidential investigation and document when he read it out to his audience. That's how Aaron makes a living.
Anyone continuing this story and celebrating these people are only doing so for other reasons that have nothing to do with the Jane Doe in this case. It is not only unfortunate that Jane Doe in this case had been harmed by Kent, but now these SPTV creators are harming her and her investigation too.
As a Scientology "activist," every action Serge claims he has taken against Scientology has been a major failure. If you step back and look at his track record, Serge has not accomplished a single thing against his former “church” of any significance, unless you count minutes of time shouting into a microphone at highest-ever decibels as 'activism.' It's not. It's just shouting into a microphone. He constantly claims that he has receipts, lawsuits are imminent, but with nothing forthcoming it sure seems as though Serge Del MaSerge Gil is nothing more than a con man looking for clicks for which he can profit.
Even more strangely, Serge's first attempt at fame was spending many years attacking former high-ranking Sea Organisation member Debbie Cook. Remember her? She was the one who got more people out of Scientology with her blistering 2011 New Year email than any former member before her. Debbie Cook was a whistle blower. And Serge seems to be going after those who did/do the work and are OUT of Scientology - excluding himself of course. Why not expose the crimes they covered up while they were in the cult? Aaron tearfully admitted to committing his own heinous crimes once, but somehow he is instantly forgiven.
Serge's criminal complaint against Scientology in Florida went nowhere and the investigation was dropped due to a lack of evidence. In fact, Serge told lies in his police filing, such as claiming that there are tunnels underneath The Fort Harrison Hotel (Scientology’s Clearwater Florida location) which are used to traffic Scientology children.
These days he goes on and on about "the hotels" where supposedly children are kept as sex slaves, a claim so preposterous even ex-Scientologists are fed up with hearing it.
Serge Del MaSerge Gil has promised to bring lawsuits against Scientology and continues to disseminate that he "has receipts" but again, not once has he ever been able to produce a shred of evidence or anything real. His incompetence and ineffectiveness are obvious, which is why the only way he can remain in the spotlight is to attack inwardly against the people who are getting the real work done.
For Serge (and the rest), it's the spotlight that is important, not the actual work.
Serge, Aaron, Chrissie Bixler, Jane Doe 1, Mike Brown, Miriam Francis, Nora Aames and the following are on a campaign to destroy their own credibility in the real world. One can only wonder if they are also getting a kick-back from Scientology.
Liz Gale has seemingly banished herself after being exposed and has all but disappeared, which of course is being blamed on RindeRemini/Hutchinson.
Christie Gordon too has disappeared from the SPTV Foundation board. Why hasn't she spoken up? Isn't she part of the crew demanding others own what they did? Why hasn't she done so when it comes to her own group's activities?
Joey Chait who was on board for the SPTV fake foundation, is now off too and no one knows why.
What has the Aftermath done? Helped people to get out of Scientology. That is the work.
What has SPTV Inc. done to help victims of Scientology? How about showing it? I have previously asked for evidence of any effective work and have yet to receive a response.
It's time for Serge (and the rest) to put up or shut up. If he or anyone in this group has real evidence of Scientology crimes, he has a solicitor and he can file a lawsuit in civil court or he can go back to the Clearwater Police and show them evidence of the crimes committed against him.
I'm not saying that crimes were not committed against Serge by others when he was in the Sea Org. But screaming into a microphone for hours isn't how to bring Scientology to justice. Screaming at law enforcement who have no idea what he is talking about with Flag and children is not helping anyone, nor is stalking and harassing Scientology's attorneys while Leah Remini's hearings are going on.
It looks an awful lot like the SPTV crew are trapped in some kind of victim complex and are high-conflict personalities.
So instead of more name calling, if Serge (or anyone in this group), "has receipts" that show that Mike Rinder is a criminal who is knowingly covering up his crimes in Scientology, produce them or shut up already. Rinder handed over his OSA documents. Aaron, by the way, took those documents under false pretenses, promised not to forward them and then did with the intent to harm Rinder and others. So instead of attacking Mike Rinder (the whistleblower here), where are the questions to the FBI for not acting on them? Where is the outrage for the documents that are authored by OSA personnel that are still in Scientology?
Personally, I'm sick of watching this crazy train go on and on without end just so some former Scientologists can try to appear altruist and inflate their egos for profit. Aren’t you all sick of the noise?
More to come.
submitted by Informer_Snow664 to SPTV_Unvarnished [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:18 MannerNo7000 Dutton to slash migrant intake, ban foreign property buyers

Dutton to slash migrant intake, ban foreign property buyers
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has vowed to slash permanent migration by a quarter to 140,000 a year, cut refugee arrivals by a third, and ban foreign investors and temporary residents from buying established homes for two years, in an attempt to free up 100,000 properties. Saying he was more interested in “restoring the dream of homeownership” than the interests of pro-migration big business, Mr Dutton said he would cap the “excessive numbers” of foreign students at metropolitan universities to alleviate pressure on the rental market. He would also “enhance the integrity of the student visa program” by introducing a tiered approach to fees to stop students from gaming the system.
Loading “We believe that by rebalancing the migration program and taking decisive action on the housing crisis, the Coalition would free up more than 100,000 additional homes over the next five years,” he said in his budget reply speech on Thursday night. The reduction of the permanent migrant intake from 185,000 to 140,000 would take the metric to its lowest level for 20 years, amid continuing labour shortages that threaten to keep inflation high. It would remain at that level for two years, rise to 150,000 the year after and then 160,000 the following year. The humanitarian intake, currently at 20,000, would be reduced to 13,750 and there would be a two-year ban on all foreigners buying existing housing stock. ‘The dream of homeownership’ “The usual CEOs and big businesses may not like this approach,” Mr Dutton said of his migration cuts. “But my priority is restoring the dream of homeownership. “We will ensure there are enough skilled and temporary skilled visas for those with building and construction skills to support our local tradies to build the homes we need.” There would also be measures to enable pensioners and foreign students to work more hours to help offset any labour shortage. In a shout-out to corporate Australia, the opposition leader confirmed that if elected, he would unravel “the hostility and complexity” in Labor’s industrial relations laws, which executives say have dampened productivity and increased the costs of doing business even further. “For example, we will revert to the former Coalition government’s simple definition of a casual worker and create certainty for our 2.5 million small businesses,” Mr Dutton said. The Coalition would also extend the value of the instant asset write-off scheme for small businesses from $20,000 per eligible asset to $30,000. Mr Dutton confirmed that a Coalition government would not proceed with Labor’s production tax credits for critical minerals and hydrogen but instead create favourable fundamentals for the miners. “We will not force large firms to spend more than a billion dollars a year policing the emissions of every small business they deal with – as Labor is trying to do,” he said. “We will condense approval processes and cut back on Labor’s red tape, which is killing mining, jobs and entrepreneurialism. “We don’t need to give out billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to get mining projects started. We just need a pro-mining mindset.” Mr Dutton also pledged to dip into law and order, traditionally the domain of the states, following rising community concerns about crime and domestic violence that are now showing up in federal polling. Uniform knife laws Under knife laws that would be uniform across the country, police would be given the power to stop and search using detector wands. There would also be laws to limit and restrict the sale of knives to minors and dangerous individuals. Mr Dutton announced plans to create legislation on new offences that would criminalise the use of carriage services for family or intimate partner violence, and toughen bail laws as they relate to family violence for these offences, where a presumption against bail would apply. He would also target online crime by making it a criminal offence to post criminal acts online, and those convicted would be banned from using digital platforms and liable for up to two years’ imprisonment. “As a father of three children who all grew up in the digital age, I’m troubled by the material our children are exposed to,” he said. To help mitigate against workforce shortages caused by the migration cuts, Mr Dutton said he would announce measures to encourage more people to work more. He would further increase the amount older Australians and veterans could work without reducing pension payments by tripling the existing work bonus from $300 per fortnight to $900. Those in Australia on student visas would be able to work an extra 12 hours per fortnight. This week’s federal budget forecast net overseas migration to fall from 395,000 this financial year to 260,000 in 2024-25. Foreign students are the key driver of this number and, in the budget, Labor baulked at a hard cap. Instead, the minister would be empowered to cap the number of foreign students in each of the 1400 institutions that enrol them. If they wanted more, they would have to build more student accommodation. In Australia, there were 768,113 international students between January and October 2023. That was a 29 per cent increase compared with the same period in 2022, when the number totalled 594,027. During question time, in anticipation of Mr Dutton’s speech, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese warned of the consequences of cutting immigration too hard. “We will limit international student numbers at the same time we know we have skills shortages in our economy so we’re ensuring that our migration settings are meeting Australia’s needs in areas like nursing, aged care and construction,” he said. “The opposition should be clear about where their cuts will come from and what it means for business and for our economy.” Phil Honeywood, chief executive of the International Education Association of Australia, said further moves to cut arrival numbers were misguided. “The sector has been waiting for the Coalition to show their level of support for our beleaguered industry,” he told The Australian Financial Review. “Now we know just how anti-international students the alternative government intends to be. “If elected, they would destroy hundreds of quality education providers and eliminate thousands of associated jobs.” Phillip Coorey is the political editor based in Canberra. He is a two-time winner of the Paul Lyneham award for press gallery excellence.Connect with Phillip on Facebook and Twitter.Email Phillip at
submitted by MannerNo7000 to friendlyjordies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:16 Gustavi07 PowerMac Center Installment Processed as Straight/Regular Payment

PowerMac Center Installment Processed as Straight/Regular Payment
Hello everyone! I would like to know your thoughts 🫶🏻
I would like to share my first hand experience on this matter.
May 10, 2024 I made an online purchase through PowerMac Center using my UnionBank Rewards Platinum Virtual Credit Card. The straight payment price was around ₱24,999 for the 10th Generation iPad, I opted to pay in installment under the 0% Installment program on a 12 month tenure, the gross total amount was valued at ₱30,610.00 after tax and shipping. The page verified the purchase through OTP and Approved the installment then I proceeded in placing the order.
May 11, 2024 The payment remained pending and had me worried sine UnionBank has a separate dedicated page in the app displaying approved Installment transactions. Considering that my statement date was not until May 15, 2024 I was at ease thinking that It may not have posted yet as an installment.
May 12, 2024 The pending payment finally cleared and had me worried since it has no indication it was an installment thus prompting me to call UnionBank Philippines, I waited for more than 30 minutes to get through to someone and finally I got Mikaela, she assured me that once my statement arrives it will be an installment and the back-up plan was to have it converted if it was full price. Then I waited.
May 16, 2024 My Statement of Account was sent via eMail, I was surprised to see that the full amount due was the total amount and not the usual 1 out of 12 statement normally reflected in SOA’s for installment transactions. I was eager to have someone on the phone and after 40 minutes I got Jane on the phone to tell me that they cannot help me because it’s the merchant’s fault and if they convert it not only will I pay for the installment price of PowerMac with gross amount of ₱30,610.00 but I also need to pay extra for UnionBank’s interest and plus the conversion cannot be guaranteed. So I remained calm and professional, I remembered I have a receipt from PowerMac from one of my recent purchases, I called them and they answered right away, they assured me that they will help me fix it. In the afternoon, I sent them documents through viber containing my SOA then they called me to send an email with my CC number and personal Details including my SOA.
May 17, 2024 I’m still patiently waiting for their response.
submitted by Gustavi07 to DigitalbanksPh [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:14 Bulky_Temperature337 Meds causing hallucinations?

Hi everyone
I’m confused because I have a family member that is experiencing hallucinations and agitation out of no where.
I raised concerns about that plus other things such as hair loss to the doctor. The doctor keeps reporting memory loss concerns, but memory loss is not an issue in my opinion. The family member’s memory is good and better than some younger kids…shoot even mine.
It’s the hallucination that’s the concern.
The refuse to consider the meds being the causes of that but agreed that the med management is a little messy currently.
I contacted the pharmacist where we picked the meds up at and they review her prescription history on a quick phone call and think it can be a result of low sugar maybe, but says the meds in question wouldn’t cause that.
It confuses me because I looked up the meds in question and they have side effects of what I’m complaining about online.
I’m trying to figure out what to do. My hope was to get the medical team on the same page so we can stop the meds, monitor, test, and analyze from their. That way we can manage the meds a little better and slowly add things back as needed and safely.
I don’t understand why everyone is saying there’s no side effects or not these side effects as the side effects in question pops up on the first page of Google.
What can I do? The medical team didn’t see anything that stands out on the mri but is calling the issue maybe dementia due to a memory loss test that I believe the family member did good in. I was there. It was just calculations that were not good.
I’m going to connect with a neurologist next, but I just don’t want to be quick to call something dementia when it’s might be due to medication.
It’s like they just want to give meds that have similar effects to these other diagnoses or disorders and say that person has X and when it gets worse it’s not due to X but truly secretly due to the meds.
I’m just hoping to connect and learn from others here in hopes with making the next best steps to help with what’s happening.
Meds in question: Mirtazapine Atorvastatin Diabetic medication- one was recently stopped which I thought was the cause of the hallucinations but they started the family memeber on mirtazapine the same week where things got worst.
They assigned more meds in the past but I believe the issue started from one or both of these.
submitted by Bulky_Temperature337 to ParkinsonsCaregivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:14 Tall_Refrigerator511 What to do with a family member that has a debt addiction?

So confused, disappointed, and torn right now. Yung malaking mystery kasi samin sa family kung san napupunta ung income ng mom namin.. napupunta pala sa napakaraming utang and hinuhulugan. (kasi sobra sobra na ung income na pumapasok from 1 rental, may work sya, may work ako, and previously ofw father ko pero ever since nagigipit kami always). Nagcocontribute ako sa grocery, sa pangkuryente, ako na rin sumasalo lahat ng college tuition fees ko, allowances. Ako na rin minsan nagbabayad sa meds nila. Magegets ko ksi if like sobrang gipit kami and need nya umutang, pero malalaman ko na habanng may mga online utang na binabayran, kumuha pa ng investment daw na pangalahas na hinuhulugan buwan buwan. Nadiscover lang namin to last night lang, after magaway ng malala kasi nagpile up pala ung electricity bills dahil di binabayaran ng buo kahit more than enough na ung nakukuha nilang pera mula sa pinapaupahan para sa LAHAT ng bills sa kuryente, tubig, and internet. May income pa sya si mama from work, may income din ako.
Ung issue na utang, tapos naglilihim sa papa ko sa finances and di open, is malaking issue na ever since bata pa ako. And until now, ganun pa rin.
Nung naguusap kami, sinasabi nya magbabago na sya. Sabi ko kondisyon ko na bago ko magambag uli is FULL TRANSPARENCY and honesty sa lahat ng utang. Pero all through out the convo, conflicting lahat ng sinasabi. Sabi nya majority ng income nya napupunta sa pinambabayad ng credit cards. Inask ko any bank statement or receipts, WALA maipakita.
Tapos nung cinall out ko, sabi nya nung covid papala (HUH). Tapos biglang may utang pala na binabayaran na 8k nalang. Na naging 15k. Na may nadagdag na hinuhulugan sa ganto ganyan, nagUNRAVEL talaga all throughout our convo and i feel like may tinatago pa sya.
Si papa is excellent sa paghandle ng pera, mahina lang tlga loob nya pgdating kay mama kaya na binigyan ng 10k out of Emergency fund nya from being an ofw. Pero nalustay rin and pinambyad daw sa utang, kaya galit na galit sya. Ung EF nya rin naubos na ksi hugot sya ng hugot ng panggrocery, pambaon ng kapatid, etc. Na dapat nanggagalng sa income pero di nangyayari kse pinambabayad pala sa utang. Pero since dumating sya from ofw, kahit wala na sya work, now lang nangyayari na may pagkain palagi sa bahay, never nagipit in terms of food.
Ang dilemma ko kasi, I'm earning more na pero gusto ko magipon din, makabili ng own property ko or maipundar manlang na income generating asset kasi freelancer lang ako, and wala always assurance sa line of work ko kaya di ako pede magpakampante. Pero at the same time gusto ko rin sila mahelp, ung family ko.
Pero niisip ko, if bigyan ko Papa na ng fixed na ambag (kasi ang situation now if pag may kailagan sa gantong bills like grocery or kuryente hihingi sila sakin), baka makampante si mama. Ending is lalo lang sya uutang tor kukuha ng mga huhulugan. Ayoko rin naman basta basta magmove out kahit kaya ko na talaga, kasi gusto ko manlang makahelp. pero in what way na di ako ang kawawa sa huli and maeensure na di lalalala problema ni mama sa debt addiction nya? So confused sobra.
submitted by Tall_Refrigerator511 to adultingph [link] [comments]