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2024.05.15 03:00 sneakysnek223 Epic loses all my data and purchases on Fortnite

Im so fucking pissed off its actually unbelievable, i fucking started in ch1s2 and played all the way until ch3. I didn't play any of ch3 as i just wasn't interested in the game at the time. Come ch4s4 i decide to see whats goin on, (during this time i had purchased a new xbox) to which i am met with a delightful suprise from epic games. A wiped account.
I tried everything, people online said that my epic account might have been unlinked from my xbox account but that wasn't the case, my account just had been completely wiped, i knew it was the right epic account because the end of user licence agreement history said the first agrement done was in 2017 (when i started). So i contact epic support to see what i could do, they lead me along many steps to try and recover my account. I show them proof of purchase, videos, screenshots EULA history, EVERYTHING. After 2 weeks of back and forth emails with 2 separate epic support employees that sounded like they were making progress, they both respond with the same indian call center ai generated bullshit basically saying that "we know you care about your account but we can no longer assist due to security reasons, go fuck yourself".
Fuck epic games and fuck your useless support. What kind fucking disabled neanderthals do you need to have working in a multibillion dollar company inorder to just completely lose a users data and then REFUSE to assist recover it because of "sEcUrItY rEaSoNs".
submitted by sneakysnek223 to fuckepic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:00 kintsugiwarrior Spirited Away: Similarities between the character "No-Face" and the "Narcissist" [Analysis]

Spirited Away: Similarities between the character
I used to watch the Japanese movie Spirited Away, and there were symbolism and hidden messages in the story. I always loved the movie, but I never focused my attention on the character called "No-Face". I was hesitant to make a post about my thoughts regarding the similarities between No-Face and the Narcissist but the more I considered its significance, the more I think this metaphor can bring value to the people still trying to dissect the narcissist. I will try to explain my interpretation of the character along with images from the movie, the behaviors, and the intentionality of the character, and how (in my opinion), these behaviors resemble the invisible psyche of the Narcissist:
In the movie, No-Face shows up and stands in the rain watching Chihiro (the girl, and main character), and as it's raining and she's empathetic, she left the door open for him. This made me realize that we have to open the door and welcome the narcissist for them to come into our lives. Soon after coming into the house, No-Face identified Chihiro's "need", and she needed soap to do her work. As a result, No-Face stole a lot of soap to give her (baiting). This is important as each new person (potential source of Supply) has different needs, and those are used to ensnare them in the first interactions with the Narcissist.
However, when she said that she didn't need the soap ... No-Face disappeared (what we usually call "Ghosting" which is a RED FLAG), since he didn't get the expected reaction out of her.
Then, No-Face realized that humans wanted "gold", and he started to make a "replica of Gold", it wasn't real Gold, but people started to believe it was real, and so, he was able to ensnare his first victim: a gullible frog.
It is VERY interesting because up until now, No-Face is an empty shell that wanders around without any identity or purpose for existence. However, after engulfing (enmeshment) his first victim, he takes the personality of the frog (Character Trait Acquisition). Of course, there is No Boundary recognition at this point, as the frog becomes an extension of him.
No-Face was not able to talk before, but now he's able to use the VOICE of the Frog, and uses his voice to ensnare new victims, and acquiring these new traits makes him more effective. This makes me think of all the new character traits the narcissist learned from us, especially to emulate "false empathy", and "fake emotions".
At this point in the movie, No-Face has grown more powerful and respected. He continues to give everyone Gold, so people choose to worship him providing Attention and Adoration (Narcissistic Supply or Fuel). The man dancing in the following scene is suddenly discarded as he is irrelevant. Now, No-Face has his attention on the new victim (Chihiro), and tries to give her everything she wants, so she is brought under control, and can provide Attention to him too. I find this interesting to better understand why the narcissist can be someone with us, and someone completely different with someone else.... because they would give anyone anything they want so they can bring them under their control.
No-Face offers Chihiro more Gold than he has ever offered to any other character in the movie. This makes me think when the narcissist gives everything to the New Supply, and people wonder why, as some people feel like they have no value .... but it's more a matter of doing everything they have to in order for the new victim to become a potential Source of Supply. We can also see here the dynamic as many people are trying to please the narcissist, making them first sources, secondary, and tertiary sources of supply. This scene can also be seen as a form of Triangulation, as No-Face is giving everything to Chihiro in front of the others who are making efforts to get exactly what he's giving to her...
We can also think of how "Gold" is simply a representation of something precious that others desire, as in our case it was "Love".
But when Chihiro rejects him again, it seems to me that No-Face gets sad, and suffers a Narcissistic Injury.
Immediately after, No-Face needs to soothe this injury, and swallows 2 more people, engulfing their Character Traits and personalities as well.
Then, No-Face continues his obsession with Chihiro because it's the only one he cannot buy with Gold.... especially as Chihiro has strong boundaries, is not coming from a place of need, and has clarity of her purpose. This makes me think of how the narcissist gets obsessed with some people, and they never get over those people who rejected them 10 or 20 years ago... and bring them up in conversations over and over.
As No-Face continues to make offers to Chihiro (Love-Bombing), and she continues to reject his advances... he starts playing the victim. As we already know, Narcissists oscillate between Grandiosity and Victimhood... and especially after an injury, they play the victim to instill our empathetic traits, so we take the role of Rescuer. But Chihiro cannot be manipulated and derailed from her own purpose. This, in turn, causes narcissistic injury, obsession, and subsequently Narcissistic Collapse.Suddenly, No-Face enrages, from what I see as Narcissistic Rage. He loses control and exhibits fury chasing Chihiro and trying to take her by force. This is the most dangerous moment of the dynamic, as the victim escapes, and the narcissist turns aggressive and unpredictable...
In this scene, No-Face throws up a lot, and while throwing up, he expels 2 other characters he has previously engulfed. As we know, the False Self of the narcissist is made up of character traits he steals from other people. But during a Narcissistic Collapse, this Fake personality crumbles down and disintegrates, as it requires External Validation. I find this symbolic representation interesting as it reminds me how the narcissist is literally "nothing" without their engulfed character traits... in the absence of a real identity.
Ultimately, No-Face throws up the frog, and loses his voice and its character traits. He went back to being this empty shell, husk or ghost; without a real identity/personality behind the mask. I like the representation of MASK, as it truly shows that No-Face is nothing without the mask... and this is especially true for the narcissist too.
And after No-Face was gone, the Gold he had given everyone turned into mud and dust. This is exactly what everyone realizes eventually, that the LOVE the narcissist provided was neither real nor authentic, but just a "replica of love" to keep us controlled.
I've watched this movie so many times throughout the years, even before marrying a narcissist. I enjoyed finding the similarities between No-Face and the Narcissist, and wanted to share it with everyone. I would love to hear your interpretations, whether you agree, disagree or have anything extra to add.
submitted by kintsugiwarrior to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:59 a1phatraz Sickle cell type SC

My son has hemaglobin-SC. He’s 7 and has only had one hospitalization related to sickle cell after getting the Flu, and one other minor pain crisis after being in really cold water. Otherwise he lives a mostly normal life and is super active in sports.
Looking to hear from other SC folks on how their experience has been with SC. Doctors say crises are less frequent, but we can’t really find anyone else who has it to talk to. We want to make sure we are putting him in the best position to manage sickle cell as he gets older.
How was your childhood?
How often do you have crises?
How challenging is life now as an adult?
Are you on any medication?
Any feedback is appreciated.
submitted by a1phatraz to Sicklecell [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:59 PyroAwl Boomers and Illness

Let me preface this by I am usually strictly a lurker and occasional commenter, HOWEVER, this week has been horrendous and my moms boomer friends and family are just. Grrr. I want to rant.
Last thursday my grandfather passed away. This Sunday (Mother's Day for ya'll in the know) my adoptive father suffered a stroke. (Happy mother's day mom!)
Yesterday he's in the hospital obviously being put through the ringer to determine all the things they pay doctors to determine. (How bad it was? I assume. I was not there). Now my parents are right at the end of boomers (61 & 63 years old) as are all their friends. The difference being behavior.
My adoptive dads sister is a horrible woman (please call her Karen), she has zero children, has no idea how to behave around children and was a teacher to children for who knows how long (I dont image the kids have fond memories of her) and yet insisted I could not inherit anything from my adoptive dad because I was not biologically his. Currently she is on a warpath because mom did not tell her about dads stroke (she tried calling her, she did leave a voicemail when she couldnt reach Karen). Except, shes making it about her - and is now calling everyone else and bitching about it. Cool. One of the people she called was a mutual friend of my parents.
This friend texts my mom and asks if he can come see dad. Mom says no. The tests theyre doing require dad to not be distracted, lights off, etc (again Im not there, all I know was it involved doing brain scans and asking questions). Guess who showed up? Friend. Mom had litterally just told this man that he could not come visit and he shows up at my dads hospital room. I have no idea how he knew what hospital, much less what room. Meanwhile hes all butthurt he cant talk to dad.
When mom, my husband and I were having dinner later she was telling us about this I actually said "You do know most people in my generation and younger would die before they assumed they could show up somewhere - especially a hospital room - unannounced right?" (Hubs and I are youngish millenials at 32). Mom actually agreed.
Like where the heck do they get off just showing up at someone's potential deathbed like that? Ya'll are barely friends.
TLDR; Boomers randomly showing up uninvited to my dads hospital room after he had a stroke are the worst.
submitted by PyroAwl to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:59 TheNewJay Please help me figure out how to actually play 4K video files without much tinkering around!

Okay, so, I fear that this is a stupid question, but, why does it seem so difficult to just, you know, play 4K video files?
A bit about my set up. I have a nice TV (LG CX OLED), and I also use this TV as a computer monitor, hooked up to a not-as-nice Windows PC. IF it matters, I have a GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. To play media files, I generally use VLC, and feel it is great. I also have a PS5 if that helps.
The problem I often encounter, though, is that VLC, as amazing as it is for most applications, does not take kindly to playing 4K media. I have went tough a bunch of those troubleshooting guides online, where you fiddle with arcane settings under VLC's hood. Nothing works--4K video will play for maybe a few seconds and then it will freeze on a certain frame while the sound continues to play. And that's the best case scenario--sometimes it'll just crash. Another issue is that turning on hardware acceleration on VLC also makes it function much worse for other media--I get a strange glitch even on 1080p files where often when pausing a video and then resuming it, the video will freeze on a particular frame as the sound continues. It is very annoying and it means closing the program and then re-opening the video file pretty much every second time I need to pause a video.
I want to be able to utilize my beautiful TV to the fullest extent that it is capable of, but I keep getting stuck with trying new settings for VLC and getting frustrated, or trying new programs that also don't play the files properly. Ideally, I could configure VLC such that it will play media of all resolutions without annoying glitches, but, at this point I would settle for either a different program or a different kind of solution altogether.
Using the tools at my disposal, how can I get 4K media files to play? It doesn't have to be off of my computer, I could get used to playing things off of my PS5 or even my TV, if that would work (I've never used the USB drive and I don't know what it's capable of in that respect). If there's some obvious solution I'm overlooking, feel free to point it out.
submitted by TheNewJay to htpc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:59 Severe_Ad4356 Texting Boundaries?

I (F29) have been in a relationship with my husband (M30) for four years, married for one. I never pictured myself living anywhere else besides my home state, but about two years ago my husband’s job relocated us to a state where we knew no one. As of recently, he has been constantly harping on me for texting my family throughout the day. Keep in mind, it’s legitimately a few texts here and there throughout the day. My brother and I text about work, or send some funny memes. My mom sends a few messages (asking how I am) and a couple memes. My husband is the opposite with his family, he texts them maybe once or twice a week. It’s exhausting, I can’t even go on my phone without my husband making a comment like “oh is it your brother or mom again? What are you talking about now?” Meanwhile, he’s texting his buddies throughout the day..how is this any different? And we constantly get in arguments over this..it’s exhausting, and I just don’t know where to go from here.
TLDR: My husband has a problem when I text my family too much.
submitted by Severe_Ad4356 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:58 KidCodster [USA-WA] [H] Steam Deck 256GB, Razer BlackShark V2, Seasonic GX-1000W PSU, Logitech Craft Keyboard, LG 49" Ultrawide [W] Paypal, Local Cash

Hello everyone, needing to plan for a move to wanting to downsize a bit before that happens and find new homes for some lightly used tech or parts for projects that never happened. Trying to be fair with the prices but if anyone finds a better price let me know and a deal can be worked out.
Thank you
Item Description + Condition Price + Shipping
Steam Deck (256GB Q3 2022 Version) Lightly used and has less then 20 hours of play on it, includes 256 GB MicroSD card as well. Has case only, not shipping box. Wanting $250 + $20 for shipping
Razer BlackShark V2 Gaming Headset Didn't use these as much as I thought I would, still in like new condition and includes all accessories. Would like $100 + $15 for shipping
Seasonic GX-1000W PSU Basically brand new, just opened the box and checked the contents. Includes all cables and accessories. Would like $120 + $20 in shipping
Logitech Craft Keyboard Used a handful of times but couldn't give up my mechanical keyboard for it so still in a like new condition. Has charging cable and USB dongle. Wanting $100 +$15 in shipping
LG 49" UltraWide Gaming Monitor Have been using this display for about 2 months but won't fit in my new space so want to find a good home for it. 5120x1440 Curved Gaming Monitor, 240Hz. Comes with a monitor arm as well as factory stand. https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-49gr85dc-b-gaming-monitor Listing for $450 + $75 for shipping
submitted by KidCodster to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:58 Lost_Reveal_6768 Hi voidz nation lonely musician looking for some like minded musicians and writers

I have a couple songs written and demo tracks recorded I play bass and can play guitar and a little bit of drums but looking for a guitar player singer synth player and drummer. To really make these songs come to life and have different opinions on the songs so if anyone is interested please leave a comment and I can pm you let’s grow the genre of prison jazz together 🌈😈🤘
submitted by Lost_Reveal_6768 to thevoidz [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:57 pawscilla my story.

Hi, i’m going to be sharing my story with bullying, how it affected me and how i’ve grown since then. I would like to remain anonymous for personal reasons.
For some reason i’ve always been a target for bullying, i’m not really sure why but i just was. I was bullied my entire school life from elementary all the way up to high school, hs was when the bullying affected me more. I’ve always tried my best to be a kind and helpful person towards people and i think that’s what people used against me and they hated me for it. I was always a quiet kid even today i’ve always been quiet, i’ve never been popular or had a big group of friends, i was a good kid that stayed out of trouble and did my best to achieve good grades. Since i was not like other kids people picked on me and made me feel like i was odd and different, of course it hurt me but when i was a kid i sorta brushed it off. Moving into high school like i said the bullying got worse, from freshman to senior year i was bullied by the same group of people but mainly this one girl. They would take pictures of me and post them online making fun of me, they would call me names and make me feel worthless.
In my Junior year the bullying happened every day, every day i would dread going to school because i wanted it all to stop, there would be constant rumors about me but i could never defend myself because i never really had that many friends so i was alone it felt like. My mental health would deteriorate day by day because of these people and i got to the point where i wanted to end my life. I was never overweight for my age i’ve always been a healthy weight but that just wasn’t good enough for these people, they would post pictures of me calling me fat and ugly and that i’m a whore which I’m not sure why i’ve never even had a boyfriend or really been around many boys. When I saw those posts that was the end of it for me i thought, on September 19 exactly 3 months before my birthday i attempted suicide, of course it was a fail but that’s when my mother took action.
My mom is a good woman and she’s always protected me, when she heard about me being bullied she took me out of school and i was put in an online program so i didn’t have to see those people again. Doing online school really improved my mental health and well being, once i went online i stopped taking depression, anxiety and adhd medication because i felt like i didn’t need it anymore, i was doing good. I did online school for the rest of my junior year and all of my senior year, during a part of my online school in junior year some of those people attempted to cyber bully me and they tried and tried for months and guess what.. i deleted my accounts on social media and never looked back.
Ever since then i’ve focused on myself, i’ve been eating healthier and exercising. Having no social media also really helped me because those people couldn’t see me in person or contact me online anymore so i knew those people couldn’t hurt me again. As much as i HATED being bullied i’m glad it happened because it shaped me into the person i am today. I’ve gotten stronger and being bullied really opened me up to the fact that not everyone is your friend and not everyone is going to like you.
Bullying someone is the most miserable thing you can do to someone, you hate your own life so you feel the need to ruin someone else’s to feel better about your self, you see how pathetic that sounds.
I promise you being bullied is just something that happens in life but NEVER let it control you and your emotions, you’re so much stronger and better than those people so forget them they’re sad losers.
Sorry this was long i just wanted to put my story out there so people know they’re not alone.
If you’re being bullied tell a trusted adult, block those people from your life and never give in to them.
submitted by pawscilla to Bullying_victims [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:57 only_____truth Brooklyn USCE 🤮 WARNING ⚠️

I am doing my rotation at Brooklyn USCE, and it's the worst experience, to be honest. I'm still wondering why I am wasting $1800 on it. The tasks mostly involve asking patients how they are doing, but on the very first day, they are instructing us not to touch the patients, just to ask questions and take notes. It feels like a waste of time. I've done many rotations before and learned valuable skills, but this one feels pointless. If you want to learn how to type, it's better to practice at home rather than paying $1800 for it.
Another part of the rotation involves sitting at the front desk and answering calls, like in a call center. They are trying to convince us that it will improve our communication skills, but we could easily do that by talking to people around us. We're here for clinical experience, not an English speaking class. It feels like we are doing receptionist work for free, when in fact, we are paying for it.
Additionally, the person in charge of the clinic is Indian, from a state I'd rather not disclose. It seems like he only cares about individuals from his state. He doesn't even seem aware that I am doing a rotation. You can even go check instagram page and stalk the profile of the students performing presentations or in any reel, you will find all from his state or else instagram influencers who all can help him to expand his “business”.
Moreover, during my rotation, there are 25 students crammed into a small clinic. Unlike other hospitals with a limit of around 10 or 15 students, they seem to accept as many applications as they receive. Rotating with 25 students, including those from the in-charge's state, makes it impossible to make a favorable impression. It feels more like a business than a genuine clinical rotation.
One of my friends was here last month, and he told me that for the whole week, they were given a big list of patients to call and ask if they wanted to schedule appointments. Am I paying for this shit? I still don't understand if this is a clinic or a business.
The most concerning aspect is that he hires some students from his state for free, hoping to help them match. They are referred to as seniors and are tasked with all the work, including writing your LOR. Just imagine, the person applying for a match alongside you is writing your LOR.
I can't do this anymore.
Please don't fall for this trap.
I am still wondering how to ask them for the refund and go home.
submitted by only_____truth to IMGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:56 sneakysnek223 Epic just lost all my data and purchases

Im so pissed off its actually unbelievable, i started in ch1s2 and played all the way until ch3. I didn't play any of ch3 as i just wasn't interested in the game at the time. Come ch4s4 i decide to see whats goin on, (during this time i had purchased a new xbox) to which i am met with a delightful suprise from epic games. A wiped account.
I tried everything, people online said that my epic account might have been unlinked from my xbox account but that wasn't the case, my account just had been completely wiped, i knew it was the right epic account because the end of user licence agreement history said the first agrement done was in 2017 (when i started). So i contact epic support to see what i could do, they lead me along many steps to try and recover my account. I show them proof of purchase, videos, screenshots EULA history, EVERYTHING. After 2 weeks of back and forth emails with 2 separate epic support employees that sounded like they were making progress, they both respond with the same indian call center ai generated bullshit basically saying that "we know you care about your account but we can no longer assist due to security reasons, go fuck yourself".
Fuck epic games and fuck your useless support. What kind fucking disabled neanderthals do you need to have working in a multibillion dollar company inorder to just completely lose a users data and then REFUSE to assist recover it because of "sEcUrItY rEaSoNs".
submitted by sneakysnek223 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:56 Landdropgum Help with Modifying Lifting Routine

Hi Everyone,
Ive been wanting to get back into lifting the last year, and have started and stopped a number of times due to a couple of factors I’m struggling with. I currently am 5‘ 4”, 170 lb, 38 year old female. I currently do 4 hours of cardio a week with a little yoga mixed in.
Im not willing to reduce cardio because I enjoy dancing, but I’m not showing any progress lately. I have motivation to add more, but I am struggling due to these factors:
-I had a neck injury years ago and cannot lift weights above my head, or bear weights like a bar on my neck. I would love a free weights program but obviously need to modify.
-I was working out using mostly the machines a few months ago, and was showing progress in muscle gain but really struggling with crippling fatigue. I tried to maintain my current diet while lifting, but my husband thought I probably needed to eat more Since I felt better when I did. My docs want me to loose more weight, and I’m struggling with how to Approach this. In the past I’ve struggled with orthorexia due to some health issues that also made it difficult to eat. When those resolved my weight jumped when I went back to a normal healthy diet. I was also getting injured right and left when I would work out years ago with my calorie restriction due to health issues; I’m sad my weight is higher now but this is the longest I’ve been able to maintain not getting injured due to eating a more reasonable amount.
In case it matters what I’m eating, I generally:
-breakfast of unsweetened Açaí, blueberry, pumpkin seeds, cacao OR banana/sprouted buckwheat and milk
-lunch: smoothie of fruit with dash of orange juice, veggies with beans or canned fish
-snack: cashews or fruit
-dinner: protein with veggies and serving of potato
-snack: 1/2 C milk with banana or piece or turkey/cheese
-I struggle with insomnia. It sometimes makes it difficult to maintain a consistent workout schedule. I’ve been doing a lot to work on this but it is still a struggle.
Thanks everyone for any help or advice you might be able to give!
submitted by Landdropgum to xxfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:55 mahalololo Please be kind. I'm learning how to express my needs in friendships and friend hasn't responded to my email. It's my first attempt at something like this. I'd like some perspective but with grace please.

Long text warning: I tried to have a phone call about it.but she started crying and deflecting the situation. I have to say I haven't felt super valued in this friendship for years. I feel like I'm the side friend, but not the main friend for her. I am learning how to communicate my feelings and understand my needs in friendships and life in general. I come from an unhealthy family where we never talked about how we felt. I was hoping by addressing this I could understand my friend better but also share how I felt. Here is the email:
I'm writing this email to follow up on our conversation. I think email may be better because it gives me more time to gather my thoughts and express them. I also hope it's easier to read and take time to respond as you see fit. I want to take my time to put my thoughts together because I do value our friendship and I don't want to say something hurtful, however I do need to express my side of things so I think it still may come across as hurtful even though I don't intend it to.
I thought after our conversation about the unfolding of last year helped me understand your end better, but I don't think I was able to fully express why I felt as I did and I don't feel like you understood where I was coming from so I still feel uneasy about the whole thing.
My intention was not to hurt you by expressing how I feel and I could see during our conversation you did feel hurt and I feel terrible about that. I'm sorry for that because I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I do feel I need to express how I feel because I feel hurt as well. It has made me feel less valued in our friendship and my trust in our friendship has also come into question.
I was thinking about why I feel this way and I think it comes down to my expectations of our friendship. I thought we were closer, but I felt after these experiences that we aren't as close as I thought. There are also a few instances where I felt a bit disrespected or undervalued. Since coming back to the U.S. I've had different jobs and when I got my teaching and program job I thought you would be happy for me and you did say you were, but I was really shocked when you said I was secretive about my job. This shocked me because I actually recall you saying you want to hear how things go with my job and I sent you a video and didn't get a response.
I remember messaging you for us to chat about it since you didn't respond and even still I don't recall you asking many questions about my job. It wasn't until I mentioned I would travel to DC for work that you asked any questions about it. This stood out to me because I was sharing some challenges I was experiencing with the job and I found it confusing that that was the only thing that grabbed your attention. It's a bit weird in that I didn't feel you really were happy for me for my new opportunities but then also when I was facing some challenges I didn't feel like you really cared to hear those.
I have to say what I have appreciated about our friendship is that all this time we do always talk about all kinds of things. I also appreciate how you have been there for me and that we make time to have phone calls even though we are so far apart and life has taken us in different directions. It's been hard to actually be there for each other in ways we might have if we lived in the same place. So, I do value that and I also want to say I understand you have a lot of different things on your end.
I know you have your own job, you're a mom, wife, photographer, and have other friendships and relationships to tend to so I really do appreciate and value that we've been in touch and do our best to be there for each other as we can. So, I don't want to share this as criticisms it's just from my point of view how things came across and why I didn't feel very valued in these situations. I know I've probably come short in many ways over the years as well. I also know we usually talk about pretty deep things and I know we've talked about you feeling like you need to have an answer or solution for certain things and I've felt this way sometimes as well because we do want to help our friends solve things, but often I just want to be able to express what I'm going through to get it out and then figure out a solution.
I think it's great to hear your perspective and point of view on things because it does help to look at things from another angle but I hope you know my expectations of our friendship is not for you to solve any of my problems and not to burden you with anything I'm experiencing but to just talk and share as things happen. I value our friendship because we've been there for each other for so long and have grown through our adult years together so I really do value that. I love that we can talk about so many different things and are still connected even though we're so far apart.
I can also understand sometimes it can feel like too much when someone shares difficulties and challenges. My life hasn't been easy and it's been a real struggle navigating life without my family and it's still something I deal with so I think the reason I feel really hurt by this situation is because you are one of the closest people in my life. When you said I was secretive about my job after I was sharing that I wasn't feeling heard felt very hurtful to me because I felt like I had been trying to talk to you about it so it went against how I experienced the situation.
I also recall when I shared my job opportunities you sharing that I would make a good coach which confused me because even though these new jobs had some drawbacks for me they were still great opportunities so I wasn't sure why you'd suggest being a coach when I never expressed interest in that. There are also a few comments that stood out to me where I felt disrespected or that they were slights and this when you referred to my office as "small" and looking at the hotel I was staying at with work and commenting how it "only three stars." I hadn't even looked at the star rating of the hotel until you pointed it out and I don't even get why that would matter or why that needed to be pointed out.
I'm not sure what your intentions were with those comments but they did feel like little jabs. What really put in question the trust in our friendship is when I shared I was going to go on a trip to DC with my work. I don't recall you asking much about my trip but you did go into detail how your boss asked you to go on a trip and you were so persistent that you didn't want to go. When you said it would be in DC I suggested it'd be great for us to meet up and then soon after you said you were going so I was happy because I thought it would be for us to meet up but then you talked about how your boss looks out for you and how he's so great. I was left wondering like this is a bit strange you were just sharing how you didn't want to go and all this stuff and I thought the reason you changed your mind was so we could meet up.
There was not much talk about us getting to spend time together which made me feel undervalued and like I was caring more about our potential meetup. I know you shared it was the cost afterwards and that initially your trip wasn't going to be covered by work, but what made me feel we are not as close as I thought is that you didn't share that during that initial conversation. You just shared how you didn't want to go so it did make me question if you felt close to me to share the real reason you didn't want to go and that you would just flip your decision like that was surprising.
I guess after all these years I thought we were close where we could be that honest with each other and I wasn't sure why you didn't share the cost thing with me and why after deciding to go on the trip you made it all about your boss wanting you to go instead of you sharing that you actually wanted to go on it. I understand afterwards you were trying to find ways for us to meet up, but it did feel like a bit of an after thought. It seemed like you were valuing more your boss, your other colleagues, and the photography you would do and of course I understand the value of those and their importance so I'm not saying I should matter more than that, but it just felt odd to me how you had no interest in the trip and then all of the sudden you did after I mentioned it, but then there was no much mention of us but rather about your work and these other things. This made me feel undervalued and given that you changed your mind so drastically about it.
I wasn't sure what to make of this to be honest and it felt a bit like you were only going because I shared I was going but then you didn't really acknowledge that. This is hard to write because I don't want it to come off the wrong way, but I also do feel I need to share how and why I feel this situation has created distance in our friendship from my end.
I know I'm not perfect either and I've made mistakes in our friendship too and haven't always been there in the ways you needed. I don't want this to come off as me just saying all that's wrong because I value how we have been able to stay friends for so long and talk about all kinds of things and respect each other, but this has raised doubts for me that I'd like to address. I also understand with time and distance things to do change and our needs for friendships evolve as well. I do worry that sharing this will impact our friendship and dynamic.
I'm not sure what will happen, but I also do want to be honest and it's hard for me to pretend things are all good if I don't think they are. My intention is to express myself honestly and to understand where you are coming from. I don't want to make assumptions or think I know what you were thinking or going through. I know you have your own priorities in life so I can understand we may not come off in the way we intend.
We've also grown and changed over the years so it may be that our friendship is changing too. This has been hard for me to share and I've thought about whether I should or not, but the reason I decided to share it is because not addressing it would just keep me distant from our friendship. I worry sharing it would cause the same from your end. I wanted to be careful with how I expressed myself, but I can only express things from my point of view which I realize may come across as self-indulgent so I'd just really like to understand your end better and why things came about as they did. I do hope it allows us to understand each other in a deeper way. Ultimately, I just want both of us to feel like we can openly and honestly express ourselves and to feel heard and respected.
After reading it again I realize I could have been more concise and to the point.
submitted by mahalololo to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:54 allthedarkspaces my neighbor's basement is hiding something awful

I naturally fell into babysitting around the age of 14. Through friends and family, I got leads for babysitting to score some cash, which definitely beat having to work at a restaurant. The job had its ups and downs, but overall it wasn’t a bad gig at all.
Yet, as many good experiences as I had, they were all eclipsed by one night.
A new family in town talked to my dad at work and it turned out that they needed a babysitter. I happily took the job and found myself watching their 10-year old boy a couple of weeks later. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the family themselves. They were the model citizens of suburban America, complete with the white picket fence and blue shutters. Nothing about their house was strange or even unique. Their son Avery was very mild-mannered and polite. Even their car was basic. Not that these were bad things, but I expected it to be a very boring night.
What I did not expect was the uncomfortable, inexplicable feeling that I got when I set foot in the house. A chill ran through me, but there was no draft. I rubbed my arms as I gazed at their staircase as we passed. They gave me a brief tour of the house before they left a note of instructions and all the usual information I expected from a job.
While trying to figure out what was making me so uneasy about the place, I noticed something about their basement door when I passed it. A padlock was placed on the door, along with a deadbolt in place.
"Any questions?” The father asked as my mind was pulled out of my curiosity.
"No, sir. Everything looks great!”
So they left and Avery and I played some games before I made dinner. A couple of times, I thought I heard Avery call me into the den. Both times, I found him sitting on the couch in what most recognize as the TV-zombie state. He denied having called me, and I went back to making dinner. After the third time, I told Avery it wasn’t funny and that he should stop.
“I’m not doing anything, I’m just watching TV!”
His voice went to that higher tone of pleading, sounding desperate for me to believe him.
“Avery, I know it’s my first time and sometimes you wanna test things out, but I’m trying to get dinner ready so if you call me again, I’m not checking on you, okay?”
“I didn't say anything.”
The child glared at the TV with a pouting face, and I began to feel bad. As many times as I’ve heard lies, I was starting to sense that he was telling the truth. So what was I hearing?
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad. Promise.”
Avery turned his head back towards me, seeming to test if I was the one fibbing now.
“How about I let you stay up a little later if we forget about it?”
“Do you really promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
With our contractual pinkies interlocked, spirits were raised again and I was able to finish dinner. Although I didn’t finish without hearing Avery’s voice calling me once more. I ignored it, and when Avery didn’t mention it at dinner I figured it was him fooling around again. The whole time we chatted as we ate, I couldn’t help but feel that something was not right about this house.
As hard as I tried to not look, my eyes kept diverting to the heavy padlock and chain on the basement door. Curiosity got the best of me and as we were cleaning up, I couldn’t help but ask.
“So Avery, what’s the deal with the basement door?”
“What do you mean?”
His words did not match his demeanor. It was obvious he didn’t make eye contact as he forced his sentence out.
“C’mon, you know what I mean. The padlock, chain, and deadbolt. Y’all have dangerous chemicals down there?”
Avery’s face grew paler and he stared at the wall for a moment.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. I didn’t mean to…”
“Dad said no one can talk about it anymore.”
This really threw me off, and I couldn’t possibly finish my sentence now. A thick veil of tension materialized between us.
“So you…you guys aren’t allowed to talk about it?”
Avery shook his head.
“Ah, okay. That’s cool. No big deal.”
It was nothing but a big deal.
Was their dad doing something illegal down there? Or was it something strange that no one could do anything about it? Maybe their dad was in denial about something going on. There were waaaaaay too many questions going through my head now.
“Hey, how about we put on a movie?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“What am I saying? Everyone likes movies, right?!”
Now excited, we decided on a fun movie that quickly pulled our minds away from the mysterious basement door. Well, that’s not entirely true. Maybe Avery was distracted, but it was killing me. As we ate popcorn, I couldn’t help but watch Avery, wondering what was going on in that little head of his.
Was there something awful going on in the house and there was nothing I could do to stop it? Or maybe the dad was just…
“Stop,” I told myself inwardly.
Mulling over it all endlessly was not doing myself any favors.
So the movie ended, and I ushered the drifting child to his bed. Now, the house was all to myself until twelve, so I had a good three and a half hours to myself. Immediately, I began texting my friend to tell her all about the weird experience I was having that night. She dismissed it, saying that I was getting spooked by a new place. This annoyed me to no end. I’d been at bigger, way creepier-looking houses but never got weird vibes like this.
Then…I heard it.
I went instantly still and listened intently.
“You didn’t hear that, Steph. Just keep texting your friend and…”
There was no mistaking it this time. It was definitely coming from the basement.
The acoustics couldn’t have been from Avery upstairs. The voice sounded like a little girl’s. In fact, I’m not even sure he could make his voice like that, anyway.
Slowly, I stood up from the couch and approached the door. Maybe like earlier, I was just hearing things. Maybe being creeped out by the house was starting to mess with my head. That made sense…right?
I jumped back from the door, almost wetting myself in the process. There was no way I could dismiss it as anything else now. There was a little girl’s voice coming from the basement.
“H-hello?” I responded.
I couldn’t keep my voice from shaking.
“Is this Stephanie?”
“Y-yes, it’s Stephanie.”
“Can you help me?”
“Who are you? Why are you locked in the basement?”
“My name is Meredith Rosenberg. They’re kept me locked up for a long time now. The police were almost on to them and that’s why they moved. Can you get me out?”
A cold shock washed over me and made it hard to respond. Was I actually babysitting for a family that kept a little girl prisoner?
“Oh my God…um….how long have you been locked up with them?”
“Ever since I can remember.”
I felt somehow hot and cold at the same time, and wanted to throw up. This all made sense now with what Avery had told me. Of course his father didn’t want him talking about the door…
“I just need to find the keys and I can…”
“They’re hidden in the garage underneath the metal shelf. It’s inside a magnetic key holder.”
“Okay, just hold tight.”
In a panic to free the poor girl, I darted into the garage and began feeling the space underneath the bottom shelf and sure enough, there was a magnetic key holder there. Running back, I popped the key holder open and began to insert the key into the padlock.
“Did you find it?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m almost there!”
“Oh, please hurry! Sometimes they come home early!”
This sent me into even more of a rush, and I barely managed to fumble the key into the padlock. I finally heard the successful click of the padlock, pulled the chain off, and slid the deadbolt to the right.
“I’m coming, Meredith. Hold on!”
I turned the doorknob and threw open the door, only to be met with darkness. Now full of adrenaline, my hands felt around for the light switch. Finally finding my purchase, I flicked the light on which lit up most of the stairs.
“Meredith?” I called out.
Unless I was remembering it wrong, it sounded like her voice was just on the other side of the door a minute ago. In fact, it was quite strange that she wasn’t waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Wouldn’t you immediately run out of a basement that you were locked in for God knows how long?
“I’m down here!” The little girl’s voice called out.
Judging from the distance, it sounded like she was calling from somewhere at the bottom of the stairs. My brain suddenly began piecing all the details of this interaction together and the idea of going down into the basement became absolutely terrifying.
“Meredith, you can come up now! The door’s open!”
I couldn’t hide the tremor in my voice. Why I was scared of a little girl was beyond me, but much like the house itself, something felt very wrong here.
“I hurt my leg, owww! When you said you were getting the key, I went back down to get some of my things and got hurt. Ahhh….”
Her sounds of pain filled me with sorrow, but an invisible force was holding me back from taking another step into that basement.
“Can you move? Maybe pull yourself up on the railing?”
“I can’t! It hurts too bad!”
“Okay, sweetie umm…”
“What’s wrong? Won’t you help me?”
“I-I it’s just…really dark down there and…and I don’t want to get hurt too. Is there any way you can get to the stairs? Any way at all?”
“I tried to sit up, but my shoulder hurts too much.”
“I thought you said your leg got hurt?”
The words hung in the air like a noose. It was only after I said it that I realized there was several things seriously wrong about all of this. A question popped into my head I didn’t even have time to think about until now.
How did she know where the padlock key was?
A deathly silence took up the space between me and wherever this girl was. It was a standoff, and I couldn’t think of anything else to say. There were questions I could ask her to figure out what was happening, but I felt that her answers weren’t going to be honest. Perhaps at this point, the truth was too frightful to know.
"Meredith? Are you still there?"
It was a stupid question, but it was the only thing my mind could conjure. The additional silence only unnerved me, so I decided to try and get a better look. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I clicked on the flashlight. It didn’t do me any good because of the awful range, so I did the one thing I’d already told myself not to do…
I took a step forward...
Maybe it was the angle of the stairs or the lighting, but that one step gave me more information than I ever wanted to know. I caught a better view of the bottom step, which was essentially a ledge into a black abyss. Something looked different on this step, but it took a second to register what it was.
The step was wet, a pool of some unknown liquid overflowing into the darkness of the basement. I knew for sure that the father hadn’t mentioned any flooding so it would be way too random for that. So I stood there, watching in frozen curiosity as the puddle then suddenly rippled…and I realized the abominable truth.
It wasn’t water.
It was a puddle of saliva…and something was drooling into it from the dark.
A wretched chuckle emanated from the horrid void beyond the step, and it cemented me even further into place. It was a wet chortle, and positively evil.
“How did you like my voices?” The thing said from the dark. “I’ve been practicing."
The epiphany creeped down my spine…it was now talking in Avery’s voice. Everything in my body screamed at me to run. I heard the screams but I couldn’t respond no matter how hard I tried.
"A pity though…almost got you."
At this, the most gruesome face peeled back the shadows and revealed itself, along with its unearthly mandibles and small fountain of saliva. My faculties finally came to and I threw myself into the house and kicked the door closed. In mere seconds, I had the door bolted and chained. Leaning against the door, my chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath.
Just as I felt I was safe, the door shuddered as a terrible blow rocked it. I screamed and ran upstairs to grab Avery.
I practically dragged the poor kid out the door and called the police. It wasn’t until the operator came on that I realized I was about to report a monster in the house. Thinking quickly, I told them that I heard a burglar in the home.
It wasn’t long before the police and Avery’s parents came home. Nothing was found, even in the basement, but I didn’t even care at that point. I just wanted the hell out of that house and away from whatever that….thing was. Avery’s parents kept glancing at me funny the whole time, probably because they knew I had their basement key. I shoved it into their hands before I hugged Avery and got into my car to drive home. That poor kid has to live in that house with that thing, but there was nothing I could do about it.
As long as I am alive, I will never….ever set foot in that house again.
And as for basements go, I can't go into them anymore. I just simply can't...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:53 allthedarkspaces my neighbor's basement is hiding something awful

I naturally fell into babysitting around the age of 14. Through friends and family, I got leads for babysitting to score some cash, which definitely beat having to work at a restaurant. The job had its ups and downs, but overall it wasn’t a bad gig at all.
Yet, as many good experiences as I had, they were all eclipsed by one night.
A new family in town talked to my dad at work and it turned out that they needed a babysitter. I happily took the job and found myself watching their 10-year old boy a couple of weeks later. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the family themselves. They were the model citizens of suburban America, complete with the white picket fence and blue shutters. Nothing about their house was strange or even unique. Their son Avery was very mild-mannered and polite. Even their car was basic. Not that these were bad things, but I expected it to be a very boring night.
What I did not expect was the uncomfortable, inexplicable feeling that I got when I set foot in the house. A chill ran through me, but there was no draft. I rubbed my arms as I gazed at their staircase as we passed. They gave me a brief tour of the house before they left a note of instructions and all the usual information I expected from a job.
While trying to figure out what was making me so uneasy about the place, I noticed something about their basement door when I passed it. A padlock was placed on the door, along with a deadbolt in place.
"Any questions?” The father asked as my mind was pulled out of my curiosity.
"No, sir. Everything looks great!”
So they left and Avery and I played some games before I made dinner. A couple of times, I thought I heard Avery call me into the den. Both times, I found him sitting on the couch in what most recognize as the TV-zombie state. He denied having called me, and I went back to making dinner. After the third time, I told Avery it wasn’t funny and that he should stop.
“I’m not doing anything, I’m just watching TV!”
His voice went to that higher tone of pleading, sounding desperate for me to believe him.
“Avery, I know it’s my first time and sometimes you wanna test things out, but I’m trying to get dinner ready so if you call me again, I’m not checking on you, okay?”
“I didn't say anything.”
The child glared at the TV with a pouting face, and I began to feel bad. As many times as I’ve heard lies, I was starting to sense that he was telling the truth. So what was I hearing?
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m not mad. Promise.”
Avery turned his head back towards me, seeming to test if I was the one fibbing now.
“How about I let you stay up a little later if we forget about it?”
“Do you really promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
With our contractual pinkies interlocked, spirits were raised again and I was able to finish dinner. Although I didn’t finish without hearing Avery’s voice calling me once more. I ignored it, and when Avery didn’t mention it at dinner I figured it was him fooling around again. The whole time we chatted as we ate, I couldn’t help but feel that something was not right about this house.
As hard as I tried to not look, my eyes kept diverting to the heavy padlock and chain on the basement door. Curiosity got the best of me and as we were cleaning up, I couldn’t help but ask.
“So Avery, what’s the deal with the basement door?”
“What do you mean?”
His words did not match his demeanor. It was obvious he didn’t make eye contact as he forced his sentence out.
“C’mon, you know what I mean. The padlock, chain, and deadbolt. Y’all have dangerous chemicals down there?”
Avery’s face grew paler and he stared at the wall for a moment.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. I didn’t mean to…”
“Dad said no one can talk about it anymore.”
This really threw me off, and I couldn’t possibly finish my sentence now. A thick veil of tension materialized between us.
“So you…you guys aren’t allowed to talk about it?”
Avery shook his head.
“Ah, okay. That’s cool. No big deal.”
It was nothing but a big deal.
Was their dad doing something illegal down there? Or was it something strange that no one could do anything about it? Maybe their dad was in denial about something going on. There were waaaaaay too many questions going through my head now.
“Hey, how about we put on a movie?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“What am I saying? Everyone likes movies, right?!”
Now excited, we decided on a fun movie that quickly pulled our minds away from the mysterious basement door. Well, that’s not entirely true. Maybe Avery was distracted, but it was killing me. As we ate popcorn, I couldn’t help but watch Avery, wondering what was going on in that little head of his.
Was there something awful going on in the house and there was nothing I could do to stop it? Or maybe the dad was just…
“Stop,” I told myself inwardly.
Mulling over it all endlessly was not doing myself any favors.
So the movie ended, and I ushered the drifting child to his bed. Now, the house was all to myself until twelve, so I had a good three and a half hours to myself. Immediately, I began texting my friend to tell her all about the weird experience I was having that night. She dismissed it, saying that I was getting spooked by a new place. This annoyed me to no end. I’d been at bigger, way creepier-looking houses but never got weird vibes like this.
Then…I heard it.
I went instantly still and listened intently.
“You didn’t hear that, Steph. Just keep texting your friend and…”
There was no mistaking it this time. It was definitely coming from the basement.
The acoustics couldn’t have been from Avery upstairs. The voice sounded like a little girl’s. In fact, I’m not even sure he could make his voice like that, anyway.
Slowly, I stood up from the couch and approached the door. Maybe like earlier, I was just hearing things. Maybe being creeped out by the house was starting to mess with my head. That made sense…right?
I jumped back from the door, almost wetting myself in the process. There was no way I could dismiss it as anything else now. There was a little girl’s voice coming from the basement.
“H-hello?” I responded.
I couldn’t keep my voice from shaking.
“Is this Stephanie?”
“Y-yes, it’s Stephanie.”
“Can you help me?”
“Who are you? Why are you locked in the basement?”
“My name is Meredith Rosenberg. They’re kept me locked up for a long time now. The police were almost on to them and that’s why they moved. Can you get me out?”
A cold shock washed over me and made it hard to respond. Was I actually babysitting for a family that kept a little girl prisoner?
“Oh my God…um….how long have you been locked up with them?”
“Ever since I can remember.”
I felt somehow hot and cold at the same time, and wanted to throw up. This all made sense now with what Avery had told me. Of course his father didn’t want him talking about the door…
“I just need to find the keys and I can…”
“They’re hidden in the garage underneath the metal shelf. It’s inside a magnetic key holder.”
“Okay, just hold tight.”
In a panic to free the poor girl, I darted into the garage and began feeling the space underneath the bottom shelf and sure enough, there was a magnetic key holder there. Running back, I popped the key holder open and began to insert the key into the padlock.
“Did you find it?”
“Yes, sweetie. I’m almost there!”
“Oh, please hurry! Sometimes they come home early!”
This sent me into even more of a rush, and I barely managed to fumble the key into the padlock. I finally heard the successful click of the padlock, pulled the chain off, and slid the deadbolt to the right.
“I’m coming, Meredith. Hold on!”
I turned the doorknob and threw open the door, only to be met with darkness. Now full of adrenaline, my hands felt around for the light switch. Finally finding my purchase, I flicked the light on which lit up most of the stairs.
“Meredith?” I called out.
Unless I was remembering it wrong, it sounded like her voice was just on the other side of the door a minute ago. In fact, it was quite strange that she wasn’t waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Wouldn’t you immediately run out of a basement that you were locked in for God knows how long?
“I’m down here!” The little girl’s voice called out.
Judging from the distance, it sounded like she was calling from somewhere at the bottom of the stairs. My brain suddenly began piecing all the details of this interaction together and the idea of going down into the basement became absolutely terrifying.
“Meredith, you can come up now! The door’s open!”
I couldn’t hide the tremor in my voice. Why I was scared of a little girl was beyond me, but much like the house itself, something felt very wrong here.
“I hurt my leg, owww! When you said you were getting the key, I went back down to get some of my things and got hurt. Ahhh….”
Her sounds of pain filled me with sorrow, but an invisible force was holding me back from taking another step into that basement.
“Can you move? Maybe pull yourself up on the railing?”
“I can’t! It hurts too bad!”
“Okay, sweetie umm…”
“What’s wrong? Won’t you help me?”
“I-I it’s just…really dark down there and…and I don’t want to get hurt too. Is there any way you can get to the stairs? Any way at all?”
“I tried to sit up, but my shoulder hurts too much.”
“I thought you said your leg got hurt?”
The words hung in the air like a noose. It was only after I said it that I realized there was several things seriously wrong about all of this. A question popped into my head I didn’t even have time to think about until now.
How did she know where the padlock key was?
A deathly silence took up the space between me and wherever this girl was. It was a standoff, and I couldn’t think of anything else to say. There were questions I could ask her to figure out what was happening, but I felt that her answers weren’t going to be honest. Perhaps at this point, the truth was too frightful to know.
"Meredith? Are you still there?"
It was a stupid question, but it was the only thing my mind could conjure. The additional silence only unnerved me, so I decided to try and get a better look. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I clicked on the flashlight. It didn’t do me any good because of the awful range, so I did the one thing I’d already told myself not to do…
I took a step forward...
Maybe it was the angle of the stairs or the lighting, but that one step gave me more information than I ever wanted to know. I caught a better view of the bottom step, which was essentially a ledge into a black abyss. Something looked different on this step, but it took a second to register what it was.
The step was wet, a pool of some unknown liquid overflowing into the darkness of the basement. I knew for sure that the father hadn’t mentioned any flooding so it would be way too random for that. So I stood there, watching in frozen curiosity as the puddle then suddenly rippled…and I realized the abominable truth.
It wasn’t water.
It was a puddle of saliva…and something was drooling into it from the dark.
A wretched chuckle emanated from the horrid void beyond the step, and it cemented me even further into place. It was a wet chortle, and positively evil.
“How did you like my voices?” The thing said from the dark. “I’ve been practicing."
The epiphany creeped down my spine…it was now talking in Avery’s voice. Everything in my body screamed at me to run. I heard the screams but I couldn’t respond no matter how hard I tried.
"A pity though…almost got you."
At this, the most gruesome face peeled back the shadows and revealed itself, along with its unearthly mandibles and small fountain of saliva. My faculties finally came to and I threw myself into the house and kicked the door closed. In mere seconds, I had the door bolted and chained. Leaning against the door, my chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath.
Just as I felt I was safe, the door shuddered as a terrible blow rocked it. I screamed and ran upstairs to grab Avery.
I practically dragged the poor kid out the door and called the police. It wasn’t until the operator came on that I realized I was about to report a monster in the house. Thinking quickly, I told them that I heard a burglar in the home.
It wasn’t long before the police and Avery’s parents came home. Nothing was found, even in the basement, but I didn’t even care at that point. I just wanted the hell out of that house and away from whatever that….thing was. Avery’s parents kept glancing at me funny the whole time, probably because they knew I had their basement key. I shoved it into their hands before I hugged Avery and got into my car to drive home. That poor kid has to live in that house with that thing, but there was nothing I could do about it.
As long as I am alive, I will never….ever set foot in that house again.
And as for basements go, I can't go into them anymore. I just simply can't...
submitted by allthedarkspaces to scarystorieswithbb [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 Notthatsmarty Feeling pretty lonely, but I’m chilling dude!

I am 22, and I’m pretty annoying. I’ll probably call you a bedwetter out of endearment. Looking for some friends that could talk with me, as I’m completely friendless at the moment. Daily life is getting harder to navigate with the weight of loneliness on my back.
A few months ago I had a tragic relationship bomb up-end my life and leave me a few states away. Which kinda sucks, but we are working on it and making progress.
I’m not gonna lie, I think I’m going to be homeless pretty soon, but no worries I think I found a campsite I can live at for $30 a day on airbnb. I do DoorDash so I’m not too worried about it financially. Maybe I can get a big knife and try to 1v1 a grizzly bear in the woods, that would be pretty cool haha. I’m looking at tents and learning how to camp online in preparation. But I have phone data! So I won’t ghost anyone!
I like tattoos and piercings, and I love all types of music. I can also get down and dirty with some knitting and crochet. I play a lot of different games (PC, switch, board games) but I can’t promise I’ll be on everyday, especially with the impending doom of homelessness lmao. I recently been getting into anime, got a CrunchyRoll account and it’s been cool getting into it! If anyone wants to talk lmk, I might have a little venting but not much if that’s not your speed I’m honestly vibing.
submitted by Notthatsmarty to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:51 DedSilence8309 Susan b Anthony Dollars

Susan b Anthony Dollars
So I did a lot of research today on these coins that you're about to see pictures of and I realized that you're only going to be able to make any kind of money if you get them approved or whatever the case and also have specific ones now I do have a couple that match the criteria like having a pee on it made in the Philadelphia mint and also having a wide Gap I forget what it's called but basically over a wide outside. My question is can you tell me whether or not they're actually worth anything or any characteristics that stick out to you?
submitted by DedSilence8309 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:48 PookieMaravillosa Translation into Game

I know it’s hard to determine from a post but i wanted yalls opinions. Fundamentally im sound. im not claiming to be Tim Duncan but i have more than a comfortable idea of what’s a basketball move and what isn’t. at the time, i don’t shootaround a lot anymore but when i was getting runs in daily i was a very good shooter in terms of pickup (comp was decent, enough to where it improved my game drastically). I grew up fat and played football my whole life but when i was 16 (24m) i lost a lot of weight and got really into basketball, it started for cardio and then i fell in love with just playing the game. i played open leagues with my friends at the back end of highschool, but by the time i started playing i was behind the curve on school ball and never played REAL organized basketball.
anyways, that being said, i have always been drastically better in a pickup setting than an organized setting. even more specifically, im an entirely different player in, say, a 3v3 setting than 5v5 (i know spacing is huge here). when i get into “organized” games (highschool, adult league, what have you) i feel like a fish out of water. i try to constantly move off ball and get open but i find myself feeling in the way more often than not. i can shoot the 3 and rebound/defend but otherwise i feel useless, almost as if my body is ahead of my brain. on the flip side, when i get into pickup settings, it’s night a day, i feel comfortable, i move with what feels like more intention, i make smarter passes, i can drive to the cup (no it’s not a difference in comp im talking years of this disconnect)
anyways, my question to yall is, why? is it because of the setting i learned? is it because of what i DIDNT learn? am i going into games with the wrong mentality/confidence? i just don’t know; maybe i have the PHYSICAL fundamentals down but i have no in-game IQ. i know pickup and “organized” aren’t exactly the same game but man, the difference really gets to my head and always has.
submitted by PookieMaravillosa to BasketballTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:48 Practical_Ad_5366 My roommate got herself evicted and is insanely entitled (I ignored all the red flags)

So disclaimer this is everything my roommate did when she lived with me from my perspective. Also this is a really long story because a lot happened, and I do tend to get sidetracked.
Before we became roommates, I had a situationship with this guy. Let’s call him John. John and I met in our first semester of college and hit it off right off the bat. John was a mutual friend of me and my psychotic roommate, which is how we were introduced. Let’s call her Shortstack. So Shortstack knew I had a thing for John, and was encouraging us to start a relationship which I thought was nice. Eventually, though, when there was a lull in our relationship she admitted to liking John, and I backed off because it was looking like a relationship between me and John wasn’t gonna happen. I did my best to subtly wingman and they ended up dating.
Right before they made it official, I had met someone new. We’ll call him Tim (I’m trying to use generic/default guy names to keep some anonymity). Tim and I hit it off right off the bat. He’s honestly the most genuine, talented, thoughtful, and interesting guy I’ve ever met. Anyway, right before John and Shortstack started dating, I got a text from Shortstack saying she had the hots for Tim and asked if I he was free game. I was a bit bothered by that, but she respected my answer when I politely told her that Tim and I had something good and I didn’t want anyone interfering. At least, I THOUGHT she respected my answer.
Almost a year later and I had asked Shortstack if she wanted to be my roommate so we could both live near school while not having to live on campus. Worst decision ever.
She moved in before I did, and when it was my turn to move in the place was an absolute disaster. Dirty clothes and empty Dominos boxes covered the floor. She had also set up her decorations all over the entire apartment (not really leaving any room for me, which was made worse by the fact that we shared a room, and the apartment was very tiny so we were basically living on top of each other). I brushed it off, but it never really got any better. Normally I wouldn’t be too upset, I’m not a huge neat freak or anything, but it peeved me that she would always point out any mess that I had made.
Here’s a list of some of her really gross habits: dirty underwear everywhere kept old dominos boxes everywhere would buy salads and let them expire and they would sit there until I took them out Refused to do any chores or contribute in any way our shower didn’t fully drain so hair was often left in the tub, but she never cleaned up after herself (meaning I was scrubbing her pubes out of the tub) Used tissues would be left on the ground Not flushing I never once saw her do laundry in the 6 months we lived together
I’m sure there’s more but these are just the ones that I remember. To be fair, here were my gross she took issue with: Leaving dishes in the sink for a long-ass time Letting my laundry basket overflow Walking around in a towel after I took a shower, even when her tinder dates were over (mostly cuz I didn’t give a shit and everything was covered, but I also understand that her glares when I would do that were a little deserved).
That was the easiest part of living with her that I had to deal with. It got so so so much worse, and slowly she started to reveal her true colours.
She had a job at a jewelry store, got fired. Moved to a job at a grocery store across the street, got fired. Bummed around for a few weeks, mostly just sitting on the couch doing arts and crafts. Tried a Zumba class, quit after 2 sessions. Finally she got hired at a movie theatre, but she would only work Friday and weekends. All the while a lot of new things were appearing in our apartment. New makeup, a makeup chair, a tiny plastic Dreamhouse, posters and picture frames, lights, you name it. She was also buying premade meals and continued to order Dominos and DoorDash, never making her own food.
That’s around the time I found a buried letter from our landlord saying she was 2 months behind on rent. (Also an honorable mention about her RGB lights, she would keep them on while I was trying to sleep, even when I had work in the morning which was most days and she’d throw a little hissy fit whenever I asked her to turn them off because it was midnight and I had to get up in a couple hours).
She would constantly be having guys over, but would never tell me, so I’d always come home to a stranger on our couch and I’d uncomfortably lock myself in our room. Walls were thin so I had to listen to her awful flirting and occasionally kissing noises. She had made a goal for herself to kiss at least 30 guys so she could write a book about it, one chapter for each guy. It’s funny because the book is coming out soon, I’m not gonna share the name because I don’t wanna promote an incel’s diary but if you happen to be one of the guys she wrote about, just know that she has said several times her type is “Generic kinda ugly white guys.” I don’t think that’s her type, I think she just says that because all of the super attractive guys she went after all shot her down so quick.
While she’s collecting “ugly-ish white guys” (her words), she has promised herself to some dude in the military overseas who has a ring with their initials carved into it (his name is Matt. I’m not censoring that because I genuinely hope he sees this even though chances are insanely slim. She’s Jodie-ing you my guy, and she wants to elope and marry you to piss her parents off and for financial benefits because she can’t keep a job).
ONTOP of all this, Tim (who at this point I had been with for over a year) would come over and visit sometimes. She was always miserable, but perked up and suddenly became so sweet and friendly whenever he was there. Tim kept trying to drop some social cues that he did not want to talk to her, but she ignored it. I also want to mention that Tim is incredibly attractive, physically and personality wise, which is the main reason I think that “ugly” isn’t actually her type, it’s just all she can get.
Oh quick mention one of her tinder guys was 17. She was close to 20 at the time. She said their age gap made her uncomfortable but she invited him over because she wanted to, and I quote, “lick his abs.” Take that as you will.
My breaking point with her was when I woke up one day with a random man in the room sleeping next to her. She let a random man from tinder have full unsupervised access to 2 unconscious girls and all of their valuable items. There’s more stuff she did but this is already super long so I’m going to leave it on this note. Let me know if you guys wanna hear the rest.
submitted by Practical_Ad_5366 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:47 ViktorVaughn0 So hard to find someone consistent

I'm sure many of you guys have experienced this. They could be the most attractive and charming person, but if he doesn't find the time to talk to me or hang out regularly, it just makes me feel unwanted. I get that some people just live very busy lives. I work 2 jobs and have commitments outside of work, but I always manage to find time to spend with my loved ones. I just feel that unless you work back to back 12 hr shifts, you can always make time for someone if you actually like them. And I don't even expect to see someone every day or talk on the phone for hours. I just want maybe a good morning/good night messages, checking in, something. And if you're busy, just say that it doesn't have to be so complicated.
My last relationship pretty much ended because he wouldn't communicate and would ignore my messages to the point I got tired of feeling like I had to beg just to talk to my bf. Maybe people will say I'm desperate for attention, but I feel it's just the bare minimum for a relationship.
submitted by ViktorVaughn0 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:47 Frostgreen2 An Monsters At Work/Inc/university

Hi! I'm over the age of 18 and Ive been thinking of doing a roleplay with my human oc Cathy (she's 27) who has a device to make her a monster to avoid being arrested or caught by the CDA. Absolutely no NSFW! I'm a Semi-lit and usually in beginning, it can be Lit. I can do Roleplay in DMs here or on Guilded which is a Randall Boggs/Monster Inc server I made. Ocs are differently allowed. Please let me know if you’re over +18 as I don’t wanna do romance with minors.
Just please don't god Mod or having Mary Sue ocs. I'll allow you to borrow characters (back and fourth as taking turns) except my oc. It helps me out when someone borrows characters like Joy, Mike to help me with the roleplay. Thank you so much for reading! .^ p.s, if someone died in the RP, there'll be potions or whatever you want to have the character revive. Also, would like someone to play as Joy.
submitted by Frostgreen2 to OriginalCharacter_RP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:45 Inner_Elevator3177 Relationship help please!!

On a throwaway just in case, but i doubt she'll see this cause she said she doesnt use reddit much. Okay so, ik for starters I'm young for trying a long distance relationship but whatever, nobody at my school is my type. I 15F, started seeing my girlfriend 15F almost a month ago. We're 700 miles apart, so that sucks but it's not super crazy tbh. We've done facetime and had movie nights and game nights together virtually while on call, and she's gave me multiple selfies of herself that I've ran through Google camera and pinterest to make sure they weren't stolen. (Ik that makes me sound kinda paranoid but better safe than sorry.) We arent super like romantic i guess?? I think that's partially my fault cause saying romantic stuff feels corny to me and we are literally 15?? We met on an app and we were in a talking stage for a month before dating. Lately she's been like super dry and I dunno if I've done anything wrong or what. I told her a while ago I need her to be upfront with me about if she's upset and we both agreed communication was an important value for the both of us and agreed to communicate when we were upset. We haven't said I love you yet, but also we've only known eachother for 2 months and it still feels too early for me? I don't know. Also we don't really use pet names cause I haven't told her but I think they're awkward? We did a game where we rated our celeb crushes and she likes old Hollywood type stuff and said I looked like Clara Bow? I haven't seen alot if old Hollywood. She's an hour ahead, and I've been super busy lately so we haven't talked much but I've been making time for her. We usually talk like 3-4 hours a day after I get out of school. How can I let her know I'm interested? I think she feels neglected and she's detaching herself from me and it's fine for her to want space but I'd prefer her to tell me that yknow?
It's my first long distance relationship but not my first wlw relationship and I don't know what to do!! Any advice would mean so much :(
submitted by Inner_Elevator3177 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]
