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2024.05.16 19:41 MANARAOO My Mother destroyed my in-law's life

Helloooo Charlot, I love you so much you are so funny and close to the heart I feel like I am sitting with my friends back home talking gossips when I watch your videos hahahaa . So sorry if my English is not good
First of all I want to apologize. My story is not funny but I really need advice I cant sleep and always thinking I cry in my prayers ask Allah for forgiveness and can not trust anyone.
I am female 28 from Egypt living in Dubai now
First of all I have to tell you I was Raised in Egypt from a middle class family .. buuuuut we always lived like poor, my father loved saving money he didn't like spending money at all even meat or chickens we only had it once a week growing up. Still I have to be fair, my father was a great man he is the best husband and father really always loving and caring for us. May he rest in peace. But I never felt like my mom loved him she always used to complain about him wishing him to die even saying in his face I wish you die and we enjoy your money. I cant blame my mom, still I never agreed with her. After his death she bought us a new home in a fancy neighborhood in Cairo and tried to fit in with the community, but it was always as clear as the sun that we don't belong there.
I got married to an Egyptian guy from a very rich family he was born and raised in Dubai (Arranged mirage), His father is the sweetest man ever I call him father and I really feel like Allah gave me this man replacing the hole in my heart after losing my dear father. Even his mother is a really nice lady she is so classy and since my mirage 5 years ago she never put her nose in our business or anything even we live in the same street. She teached me how to eat, dress, speak like a Dubai lady, me always asking her what is her opinion and she give me her comments in the nicest way possible
Nooow where is the problem... since the beginning of my mirage I was unable to get pregnant we waited for almost two years which is a long time for a middle eastern family, finally when we visited me and my husband discovered that I have issues and need to be treated. My mom called my husband from Egypt asked him to not tell anyone about this thinking that people might think less of me (( WE ARE NOT IN EGYPT ANYMORE)) No one have this mentality here. She was so scared that he might divorce me for this reason and she loses all of this, but deep inside I know hw would never do that he took me to biggest hospitals allover Dubai. Later on I got to know that when people asked her about my pregnancy she used to lie and tell that my husband have issues, Which means people will think less of him now. I got really mad at her but I cant show it (in our culture we can not raise our voices to the parents).
My mother in law we will call her (Su) got to know about the rumor, she spoke to me and she was very angry. Stupid me told my mom about this and they both fought it was kind of big drama lasted for sometime but it all ended when I got pregnant.. My husband funded the entire trip for my mother to come take care of me during my pregnancy this was the first time my mom leave Egypt she was so happy and honestly I was even happier for her specially my husband family have nice home and cars she really lived like a queen for three month everyday Su send us breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the driver.
They started talking to each other again like nothing ever happened, alhamdulilha I have a very beautiful baby girl she is a gift frim god.
Su's friends wanted to visit me to give gifts and pray for the baby.. that day my mom insistent she will cook Egyptian local food for them and show then the actual Egyptian culture. They came and left we had fun and everything went amazing. In the evening Su called me to check on me, my phone was in speaker and mom was next to me.... As usual I asked ((How was the presentation and everything)) Su answered (( the food was good but I have a comment, next time wipe the dished and glasses you can not give people wet dished, but it is ok I guess they understand your mom used to live in the village and she is doing the best she knows))
Now I knowwww this was rude but believe me I know Su very well she doesn't mean anything bad and if she knew my mom is hearing she wouldn't say that. After closing with Su my mom started shouting saying why do you allow her talking to you like that and she raised her voice till my husband woke up and the moment she saw him coming down she started crying telling him please book my tickets I will go back to the village I know your mom were never proud of us as in-laws she is always treating me so bad she shouted at me couple of times (never happened) and she kept saying many other lies then she told him you can ask your wife.. I didn't know what to do and I don't know why even I got mad at Su that time and I agreed to my mom lies.
My husband called Su and said the meanest things I ever heard him saying to her (you also came from a village, if you forgot your roots you can visit your brothers in Egypt bla bla bla)
OMG I wrote tooooo much... short cut ((the drama kept evaluating))
since I guess 2020 Su never entered our home even her relationship with her son became sooooo bad because my mom kept saying more lies and honestly I also did say a lot and I cut my daughter off from that house I never felt guilt I never thought about god punishment till recently.
I got a call from Su she was crying she said I will never forgive you even after life I will ask god to take my revenge from you and your mother you destroyed my home and family and your mother is texting my husband what she wants from him, she told me I pray everyday to God that your daughter do to you the same as my son did to me.. she said many things I couldn't forget
Apparently my mom is texting my father in law and I have no idea what type of conversation they are having that made her swallow her pride and call me.. later on I got to know that she left the home and staying with her daughter.
I feel horrible, I suddenly realized how amazing this woman is.. the pain we caused to her.. honestly I am thinking of telling my Husband the truth but I am so scared of him I cant trust him also now.. He hurt his mother soooo easy what will he do with me.
I feel like I don't love or trust him anymore after he cut his mother off.. even if it was for me she is his mother.. he will do the same with me someday or another
and my mother I am so angry at her she destroyed the family and now she is going to destroy my life also if my husband get to know what is happening between her and his father and she did all of that because she is jealous of Su ... I know i am kind of answering myself but I caaaant sleep I want to tell the truth but for sure my life will be destroyed I will lose my husband AND my mother ... Plus I dont think Su will go back even after I say the truth .. I feel like they will not bother apologize to her at this point as well which will kill her
it is better for her and for everyone like this but I just feel so guilty .. please advise me everyone
I have toooo many things in my heart to say but i already wrote tooo much I need to talk with someone
submitted by MANARAOO to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:40 Friendly_Platform_37 Massage In Orlando

Please be Kind*
So I recently went on a trip to Orlando and I read so many good reviews about the massage parlors and how far they will let you go. I love TUMA and I read that this massage will provide it for you.
I am located in a city where the only thing you will get from a massage parlor is a HJ and I wanted to experience more
When I first arrived, I parked in the parking garage at the bottom and I was greeted by Sara at the front door. She led me to the room. I handed her 200 coins and she took me to the TS she began to wash me off with soap. She got my booty hole really clean and she came she began to wash me off with soap. She got my booty hole really clean and she started to TUMA.
After the TS, we went back to the massage room and she started with a BBJ SHE USED A MIXTURE OF OIL AND HER OWN SPIT. IT FELT AMAZING. THEN SHE ASKED ME A QUESTION. I COULD NOT REALLY UNDERSTOOD WHAT SHE SAID SO I JUST SAID YES THEN SHE SAT ON MY FACE. In the 69 position after this, it was kind of a blur I don’t know or remember if I was really licking her vagina. I think I did a little, but I was trying to avoid it after that she pulled out the condom that she provided and told me to get on top of her, she put oil on the condom and we did a little Mish then I turned her over for a little doggy then I removed the condom and CIM she gave me a hot towel to clean up with, and I was out the door
I’m just a little panic i am afraid of catching because I am afraid of catching HIV I don’t know if I should get tested or not. I’ve read multiple threads where they say that it is hard to catch HIV from oral sex, but it’s still lingers in my mind. I did not see any blood only licked her vagina for maybe one minute and I don’t even think I did a good job doing it, your opinions thank you
submitted by Friendly_Platform_37 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:38 not-a-pianist If I want to get legal advice before responding to my landlords email, should I explain that to them?

My landlord, who just came into possession of our building, has kept our entire security deposit for things like "fingerprints visible on doorhandles". We left the apartment in better condition than we found it, quite frankly...(When we first moved in the building was owned and managed by an elderly man who had never cleaned the place between tenants. We spent over 10 hours cleaning to a livable standard when we moved in)
I told my landlord we believe it is inappropriate to keep our deposit for cleaning (totalling $600) when we deep cleaned to her specifications before moving out. After unsuccessfully bluffing that she had photo evidence of damages (and backtracking when i asked for the photos to compare to my own documentation) her response was "tell me what you feel you deserve to get back from your deposit, but I still want to be paid for cleaning".
I am waiting to get a consultation with an attorney because I am not equipped to handle this level of crazy myself. Luckily I get free legal services through my job but it may be a week or two before I can see the attorney and I don't want to respond to my landlords question until I have legal advice. Should I just not respond at all or should I explain that I will get back to her once I have legal guidance? I don't want to cause more tension or sound as if I am threatening her by mentioning legal guidance but I don't know if it's weird to just say "I'll get back to you with an answer soon" without giving a good reason for not responding immediately.
Any suggestions regarding the above?
submitted by not-a-pianist to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:33 MysteriousDialogue Feeling so turned off by new friend (32F) that my boyfriend (34M) introduced me (31F) to. Am I being too harsh and quick to rule her out?

My boyfriend met this woman at his job last year and they worked together for a few months before she quit. They quickly bonded because her and I are from the same country. She felt very comfortable to tell him about her dating life and her personal life. The friendship was very platonic and they would text here and there but it never went further than that. After she quit, they never really spoke again.
A couple months later she reaches out to my boyfriend and sets up a double date with us + her new boyfriend. We had a pretty great time with them and I felt like they were a really cool couple. We’ve hung out with them a few times after and have even been in larger group settings with them where they got to hang out with our other friends.
I never really felt like I could get close to her past a certain level just yet and just kind of categorized her as someone that I could hang with only on a group setting. Maybe also because I hadn’t gotten to know her well just yet and I only got to hang out with her twice outside of a group. But my boyfriend now frequently talks to her boyfriend and they have gotten really close outside of our group chat.
But there were a few red flags that occurred along the way: I notice she never compliments me or other women, one time she INSISTED on crashing on a date after my boyfriend had explained to her that this was quality time for us because our new work schedules doesn’t allow us to go on dates as much, she talks about herself…A LOT. Like the times I’ve hung out with her it was all about her. Although I did feel like I got to share my side a bit the second time, I still felt so drained after the interaction. One of those times we were out to lunch with another girl and after that girl was talking about how she was so worried that she wasn’t getting hired after her layoff and her numerous interviews, new friend proceeded to talk about herself and how perfect her new job that she just got hired will be. I thought that was so inconsiderate and tone deaf. She’s also extremely insecure and always needs opinions about her relationship issues. I feel like she doesn’t really take the effort to get to know me. I just ruled those out at first as her maybe just truly being lonely because she has no other friends and was really grateful that I was hearing her out. I also try to understand that she has EXTREME anxiety and overthinking.
But then, her boyfriend goes out of the country for work. She gets extremely depressed and lonely so she messages my boyfriend asking if we can see her. That weekend we already had plans so we set something up for another date. He then reposts that night a picture of him and his buddy as a GUYS night. She sent a passive aggressive joke about the picture and my boyfriend told her to not be that way. She then expressed that she’s annoyed that he didn’t invite her knowing how she’s so lonely and depressed that her man isn’t here and feels like the only way she’d be invited is because of her boyfriend. My boyfriend responded by telling her that he was with the guys and it would be strange for him to invite her especially because I am not there. She then proceeded to send him a bunch of texts questioning who it would be strange for. He ignores all of the following texts and calls me to tell me what happened. What I don’t like is that she then texts me and involves me by asking me if I would have an issue with him hanging out with her in the same group setting without me 🤦🏻‍♀️ it was a series of anxious texting and me trying to reassure her that there isn’t a preference between her and her boyfriend. She also told me that she really liked having my boyfriend as a friend when they were working together because he helped her through her heartbreak with her last guy (an emotional affair with a committed man btw—-I gave her the benefit of the doubt at first and ran with my own narrative that he was manipulative because it was semi true but she also admits that part of it was her fault). I just really did not like the dramatics and have really bad experiences of old controlling friends being this way with me. I felt like she feels entitled to my boyfriend’s time and him because she was “friends with him first”.
This situation gave me so much anxiety because for me it was like “here we go again, another damsel in distress that needs my boyfriend”. While I do appreciate my boyfriend for setting boundaries and being understanding what is respectful and what is not, we have grown A LOT from our past. In the past, like three years ago, I always felt like I had to compete for my boyfriend’s attention with his other females friends because he used to prioritize his friends’ feelings over mine and was always running to the rescue of other people. He completely changed when he realized he was losing me and now fully understands where I’m coming from and was more than willingly to set boundaries.
He thinks we should still hang out with her because he doesn’t want to lose the friendship with the boyfriend and he wants to establish boundaries in person.
I just see why she doesn’t have any girlfriends and I really don’t like that she just assumes that my boyfriend should be there for her. Self absorbed on top of that. Am I looking too far into this all and is it really my own insecurities from the past coming back?
TLDR: boyfriend’s ex coworker and her boyfriend have been hanging out with my boyfriend and I. My boyfriend has gotten much closer to her boyfriend. I’m very hestitant of her because she has some self absorbed characteristics and over talks for hours. I feel like she hasn’t tried to get to know me at all. But she has extreme anxiety and insecurities. She got annoyed with my boyfriend because he didn’t invite her while he was out with other friends and she was home alone because her boyfriend is away. She kind of got me involved in that situation. We have set plans with her but the dramatics really turned me off. My boyfriend thinks we should go because he wants to continue being on great terms with her boyfriend and he feels the need to establish boundaries with her once and for all in person. Am I just being really hard on her because of my past insecurities and she just has bad anxiety?
submitted by MysteriousDialogue to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:33 qwertyclubs Friend got terminated from his job. Need help on URGENT basis!

I want to mention this is in advance that whatever he did, he did it because he was desperate to get the job because of extremely bad financial condition and family problems. So please refrain from me negetive comments if possible 🙏
My friend joined a big telecom company working as a customer service executive for it's UK (England) branch. The thing is he did not join by going through the interview process but through a guy who worked at that company as an HR and he asked for one month's salary as commission to be given to him. In this way he was already given all the answers he needed. My friend did not have any previous work ex in this industry. He had a decent command over English. But could not go to a college due to poor financial condition of the family. The HR created his CV and put a fake work experience, fake college degree and fake company with a fake reference that he had already set up. There wasn't any breadwinner in his family so he had to find a job that paid decent to support his family. He also couldn't leave home and had to work from home most of the time due to issues in his family. When he got this job as an option he immediately took it.
Even after this, he worked very hard, was one of the best performing employees among many others. But the HR was caught, and so were the people who took the job in this way. That guy had used his reference (apparently they get money from the company for giving a reference of a any employee). Neither that HR nor my friend ever admitted that all of this was fake. And company couldn't verify the references used for the previous company and ofcourse connected the dots. He and many others got terminated after a couple of months of interviews.
He had been extremely good at his job. Je was so good that he was up for a promotion to Team Leader. But he took the job the wrong way in a desperate situation and entering into the company the wrong way caught up to him. He worked for 18 months there.
Now he can't apply anywhere else as he doesn't have a work ex certificate.
Please help him with advice for what he should do next? How can he apply for any other jobs?
submitted by qwertyclubs to pune [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:32 Hour-Income-3371 AITA for basically forcing my husband to choose between me and a friend of his?

Part of me feels bad but part of me doesn't. So I don't know if I'm here for validation or to be told that I'm bat shit crazy. I gave birth 8 months ago and I definitely was slapped with PPD/PPA. I'm getting better now through medical intervention. I am not argumentative and accept all judgement so please don't hold back. I just need some insight. Thank you in advance.
My husband and I moved right beside his best friend Chris and Chris's girlfriend "Claire" back in October, and they also just had a baby (4 months ago). We share a yard. I'm getting incredibly touched out by my husband's relationship with Claire. He's only known her as long as I have and in my opinion, they are both disrespectful of me and Chris. I understand and have zero issue with my husband having female friends (he has plenty and they are all lovely and respectful). However, there's been a lot of things I'm simply not okay with. Like the fact that Claire won't come outdoors if I'm outside but if Chris is outside, she runs right over. She's constantly touching his arms and laughing while leaning in close. Calling him names, telling him he's stupid while giggling. If I come out during those moments, she acts buddy buddy with me but it's all an act, in my opinion. We have also had BBQs/fires with Chris and Claire and damn near always, Claire will ask my husband for favors but never asks her boyfriend. Like clipping the straps of her baby carrier or grabbing things for her or asking him to hold her and Chris's baby so she can go inside to pee, even if her boyfriend is right there (to a point where Chris is like "uhh I'm literally right here" and my husband will pass him the baby and be like "yeah that was weird"). It nearly always turns in to her just hanging out with my husband all night. Even when my husband isn't engaging with her, she will still be standing right beside him. And last weekend my husband and I were having a fire together and just reconnecting as a couple- I had walked inside briefly and when I came out, Claire was sitting in my chair beside my husband and trying to joke around with him and trying to play with my baby, who my husband was holding. She didn't even get out of my chair when she saw me come out either. She just parked her ass there and basically ignored me and kept trying to talk to my husband. So, my husband looks at me and says "babe, here take my seat" and got up and moved and Claire goes "oh, sorry" and gets up and walks off. I asked my husband what that was about and he's like "I have no idea. I literally told her you and I were trying to get alone time and she just sat down anyways." So it's NOT my husband. It's her. Not even 10 minutes later, her and Chris come out and Chris goes "Claire said you guys were partying without me" and it ultimately soured the mood. Since we have been here, it's like we can't have alone time because Claire and Chris are always right here (I don't mind Chris).
Anyways, after this night I told my husband that I'm at a point of being completely uncomfortable with him interacting with Claire at all. I made sure to tell him that it is NOT him that concerns me but it's her and her lack of respecting boundaries and obvious interest in him. He asked me what I expected him to do and I told him I expected him to avoid interacting with her when he could because dropping hints like he has been doesn't work and I don't want to cause a massive scene by straight up telling her to back off (only because of Chris, because I respect Chris and he's a good friend to my husband - so for Chris's sake I want to keep it civil). My husband has since avoided Claire at all costs, but Chris mentioned my husband acting weird and my husband straight up told him that it's because Claire is making me uncomfortable and that he agrees with me because Claire makes him uncomfortable as well. Now Chris and Claire both have been avoiding us and giving me death glares. AITA?
submitted by Hour-Income-3371 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:32 Grand-Pineapple666 what kind of relationship is one between two aro/ace people

I’m an aro/ace teen and so is my partner, we’ve been together for a little over a year and we’ve always called each other our romantic partner. They helped me find out my sexuality and I’m so grateful but I have questions. We are currently long distance and we both live in places where access to information about queer identity is really hard so their the only person I have to talk about this too, but I honestly think it would be good to ask other people who are like us for guidance. So the question is, what kind of relationship is one between two aro/ace people. They are my best friend in the entire world, but beyond that, they feel like more than just a friend. I’ve heard my sister describe our relationship as “best friends who make out” and I guess that’s not technically incorrect? But it doesn’t feel right, it feels like our relationship isn’t valid if you put it like that. Is their a specific name for this relationship or am I just overthinking it.
submitted by Grand-Pineapple666 to aromanticasexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:32 SolifeNolife Should I tell my ex-roommate I accidently fell in love with them?

Ex-roommate if you see this, I'm sorry. So a little backstory.
(I 22F, them 26F) A little over half a year ago I had a friend of a friend move in. They had fallen into a pretty bad mental state and just needed some time and space away from their situation. At the time I didn't know them too well but I knew 'em enough to be comfortable living with them. One of the things they wanted to get away from was relationship issues (the used to live with their ex). So early on they had me promise "not to fall in love with them". I didn't really feel that way towards them so it was an easy promise to make.
Skip foward a few month and they said they wanted to cuddle as friends. At this point we've gotten a lot closecomfortable with each other so I agreeded to it. Up until then I've never cuddled with someone so I thought it'd be nice. That went on for a couple of months until they got a bf. I really liked their bf, he was a chill guy with a lot of knowledge and life experience to go with it. They both would trip sit me a lot so I felt like I could trust them.
One night I went up to both of them and told them I think I might love them. This really freaked my roommate out saying thing like they don't think they could trust me anymore and they might have to move out. It really did hurt me. The boyfriend asked me some questions and gave me some things to reflect on. Ultimatly I came to the conclution that I did't love them, I just liked the closeness that I got from being around them.
Now to present time. Things didn't end up working out between my ex-roommate and their bf and they just wanted time to focous on themselfs. About a month or so after I asked her if she would want to cuddle like we used to (Ik, horrible timing on my part). That and my sh was kinda the straw that broke the camel's back that prompted them to move out. When they left it was sudden. I came home from work, everything was good. I woke up, and half their stuff was gone. I was definitly hurt that they'd leave like like after all we've been through and I definitly cried at lot (XD). We're on good terms though. We still talk and hang out and just do stuff besties do.
Sitting with my thoughs after she left and looking at all the experiences we had and how I feel about them, I really do think I fell in love with them. It just happened later than I though. We talked later about when I asked to cuddle and she said she said no at the time because she was afraid she would catch feels and didn't want to ruin our friendship.
Long story short my question is, do I tell my bestie that I love them and risk them walking out of my life. Or do I just try to ignore thoes feelings and move on? I really value our friendship too and I'd be devistated to not have them in my life. But it also feels like by not tell them, that I'm lying to them in a way.
Tldr; I fell in love with my best friend and I don't know if I should tell them and possibly ruin the friendship.
submitted by SolifeNolife to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:32 ConsiderationNew1020 Would it be disrespectful to get my late grandmother ashes tattooed into me?

I apologize in advance this is long. I would appreciate if you could take the time to read, and just give your opinion. If this doesn't fit I will remove.
So, I know this may seem stupid or unnecessary, I just want other people's views on the subject. This isore of an inner conflict I guess- anyway...
My grandmother passed away in 2017 at the age of 60. She was and will always be my best friend, and the person I will miss most in the world. If it were possible I would do absolutely anything I could to just talk to her one last time, I would give my life over so she could have a second, and better one. She was cremated and early last year I got a tattoo for her, we both had the same favorite flower, so I got a white magnolia tattoo with her name on the stem. The artist rushed it and it looksuch older than only a year, lines fell out, some parts are thicker than others, etc.
I have an appointment to get it fixed in June for my 21st birthday. I've been thinking alot about asking the artist (who I trust fully, they are one of the best in my city) to mix some of her ashes in with the ink.
The part that's making me wonder if this is a good idea or not is what she would think. My grandma was an old fashion Christian woman, and while I myself am non-religious, I have no issue with religion. And she was probably the only person on this Earth who's opinion mattered to me, even if it was through her religious views. On one hand I think if she knew I wanted to do this, she would be touched. She knew me better than anyone and I really think she would know how much it would mean to me to constantly have a piece of her with me forever. It's making me very emotional thinking about it lol. On the other hand I don't know if she would want her ashes separated and messed with. My father would say that she always wanted to be buried in between her parents, which I fully plan to do. I've kept her ashes safe until I can make the trip back home to do so. The thing is, my father is someone who... has issues. He and my grandma fought quite a lot, they both have their issues, but ultimately he is very explosive and she did not deserve alot of the aggressive she would receive. He is also a pathological liar, he has burned his bridges with all of our known family, myself included. When I was little he meant the world to me, he was my hero and the person I wanted to be, until I grew up. I fully want to believe what he says she wanted is true, on the other hand I can't believe a word he says to me or anyone else.
The issue is also with him and my siblings. I do still speak to my father every now and again, just when I have to go to the place he lives and he speaks to me first. He is unfortunately living with my maternal grandparents because they feel sorry for him. It's super weird to have my mother's ex-husband living with OUR family, but I will focus on the main topic. He knows I have a tattoo for my grandma, which is fine because I don't care what he thinks. I just don't want to deal with him telling me how disrespectful I am for "desecrating" his mom's ashes. He has never once asked where they are/what I've done with them. I don't know if this is because he only cares about himself, or because he knows I would never let anything happen to them. Not sure. If he were to say stuff like that it would make me feel like I've done the ultimate damage to my grandma, and the ultimate sin in her eyes, as far as disrespecting the dead and her memory.
My siblings are also not the most understanding, I only stay close to my sister for my nieces, my little brother is the only one I love, and my oldest brother is dead to me. As much as it would mean to me to have grandmother's ashes as a part of my being, she was still their grandma too. My little brother would completely understand, and my sister knows how much she meant to me, her and I were best friends, and always will be. I don't want to be selfish and hurt them by disrespecting our grandma. I'm not really close to alot of my family, but this just seems... Different. I don't know. I suppose to them Iight seem selfish for "keeping a piece of her to myself". I'm not completely sure how to put my thoughts into words, when she died my siblings wanted to separate her ashes between us all, but as bad as it sounds I just don't trust that they will take care of them/lose them etc. and I don't want to be hypocritical or cruel by having the tattoo artist do this.
I'm not really sure what I feel to be honest. I guess I just want to talk about it, I don't want to necessarily talk with my siblings about it. I don't know how they will react, but I don't want to feel guilty by doing it behind their backs. What do you guys think? I don't know how this will come off to strangers, but to me this is a very sensitive subject so please be kind, you can give your opinion and not be hurtful. Thanks for reading!
TL;DR: want to get grandma's ashes tattooed in me, but scared of what she and/or my family would think. It would mean the world to me, but I may hurt other people I guess.
submitted by ConsiderationNew1020 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:31 corycrater I have 10 million subscribers on YouTube - AMA

Hey everyone, don't even ask me why I decided this was a good idea, but I thought it'd be fun to do an AMA discussing my YouTube career. I'm the founder of Newscape Studios and the mind behind the many YouTube channels we've created and continue to run in-house. Some of the channels include GameToons (10M+ subs), Bronzo, Maxcraft, Princesshana, and all of the Newscapepro channels. We also ran several other channels for some time like SCP Animated.
My name's Cory Crater and I started my career on YouTube back in 2010 when I signed onboard with a company called Machinima (some of you have probably heard of them). I spent my high school years creating Halo, CoD, and Minecraft videos to varying success. I hit my first million view video back in 2010 -- it was called 100 Ways to Die in Modern Warfare 2.
I continued creating machinimas for Machinima and Machinima Realm (that's a whole lotta machinima) as well as very mediocre gameplay commentaries for Machinima Respawn that did much better than they should have. I went to college where I continued creating YouTube content on the side. I eventually dropped out in 2014 to go work at Sky Media (SkyDoesMinecraft). So I moved from New Hampshire to Seattle and it was really the beginning of a new phase of my life. About a year after working at Sky Media, I left and moved back to New Hampshire where I started the early phases of my company, Newscape Studios.
I had a lot of luck with my first channel, Newscapepro, which I had been slowly growing since I was just 12 years old. Minecraft roleplays were just popping off at the time and I wedged myself into that niche by creating machinima cutscenes for larger YouTubers and eventually creating my own full-length videos.
From there, I expanded out my content, opening up a a general gaming channel titled Newscapegames and a Minecraft PVP channel called Newscapedos (Both of those channels have since been rebranded and repurposed, though we did start a new Newscapegames several years back). At this point I was scheduling, shooting, the face on camera, editing and posting 20 videos a week. The workload was a bit overbearing.
So I brought on some help, hiring editors and renting out a small office at The Mills in Rollinsford, NH. Two of my first editors (K & Joe) are actually now my COO and CAO. We continued creating content for the various Newscape channels, but struggled with growth, as this was the time of the dreaded Adpocalypse, demonetization, and Minecraft was seemingly fading into obscurity. All of those factors tanked our revenue and we had trouble keeping the doors open on several occasions.
We finally found some stability when Fortnite came out and we launched a machinima channel -- Newscapepro Fortnite Shorts, Films & Skits. We ended up gaining a lot of traction. It was larger than anything we'd experienced before. and were not going to sit around and wait for the inevitable falling off of a new trend -- so my team (K, Joe, Ryan & my wife, Bri) packed up and moved down to Austin, Texas in hopes we could make some much-needed hires and strike while the iron's hot.
In Austin, we quickly grew from a team of 5 to 15 and then 25 in just over a year. We launched several new channels including a live action one, several more Fortnite channels, a Roblox channel, and a general gaming channel. We also had some failed attempts at channels like VRVS where we planned to go head to head in VR games.
Things changed when we started SCP Animated -- a channel where we animated stories from the SCP wiki. This was our first attempt at animation, and the channel had a great run. It also helped us establish the pipeline for GameToons, a channel where we animated parodies of the most popular videogames. GameToons ended up being our biggest channel ever. We started our Among Us Logic series right around the start of COVID and hit some wild view counts right from the start. Our first videos were 15M, 9M, 24M, and 50M views.
Last year, GameToons hit the milestone of 10 million subscribers and we received our first-ever Diamond Play Button. I took a photo with a note on it, hopefully giving me and this post some credibility. (linked below) We're now at a point where we have ten channels that have surpassed 1M subscribers. The success we've experienced is truly humbling and honestly still baffling. So with all of that out of the way, I'm here to answer questions -- whether they be technical, from aspiring creators or just general questions about myself or my company.
Looking forward to chatting with you all!
Also, here's a photo of me with my Diamond Play Button plaque, and a note for the AMA-
Hopefully that's evidence enough that I am who I say I am, but if anyone wants further verification (within reason), I'm more than happy to oblige! Thanks!
submitted by corycrater to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:28 Final_Landscape_4170 My (30 M) ex (27 F) wants me to raise her kid that she had when she cheated on me, her friends won’t leave me alone, what’s should I do?

I (30 M) am still fighting over this conflict with my ex-girlfriend who I’ll call Jane (27 F) who ended up cheating on me after dating for 5 years. Me and Jane were childhood friends for as long as I can remember. I never thought in a million years that she would do this to me, or be this type of person who would cheat. I thought we had a great relationship with our normal ups and downs like any other couple. About a year ago I was contacted by some girl I didn’t know through social media, I don’t usually respond to messages sent by people I don’t know but this girl who I’ll call Sam sent me a message saying that Jane was cheating on me. Somehow she knew about Jane, I told her to please provide any proof she had. She ended up sending me screenshots of text messages of her friend, who I’ll call Kevin (28 M) and Jane texting each other, sending explicit messages, and talking some other sexual crap that I can’t describe on here. The thing that shocked me the most was the text Jane had sent about her being pregnant, fucking pregnant! We were talking about having a baby at the time before I discovered the cheating, and we did initiate intimacy with protection of course. I was fuming to say the least. Sam had sent me a video of Kevin drunkenly admitting about sleeping with Jane without protection. Sam told me she had gotten a hold of Kevin’s phone while he was out and was left unlocked. She wanted to let me know about this issue because she didn’t want me to have false hopes of me being the father to the kid that could possibly not be mine. I thanked her and asked how she found me, she said she had found Jane’s social media account that was linked back to me in a post. Jane’s social media is open, but she doesn’t really use it that much, other than making posts about us or shopping accessories. I thanked Sam for letting me know and saved all the screenshots she had sent me along with the video. Jane was visiting her mother at the time, so I took the liberty of packing Jane’s stuff and other important essentials she owns. Jane came home later that day looking all happy and jittery. I had to put on a fake smile when she delivered the news that she was pregnant and hugged me. I told her we should go out to celebrate, and she agreed, not knowing of what I have in store for her. I ended up driving her back to her mother’s place as she was confused as to why we were there, I told her that she could drop the act already and told her that I know about the cheating. She looked like a deer in headlights if I’m describing correctly. Of course, she tried to deny it until I showed all the screenshots to her that I got from Sam. Jane ended up breaking down and confessing that the cheating was in fact true, I asked how long was the cheating going on and Jane was a bit hysterical before telling me that she was seeing Kevin behind my back for the last 2 years. I then asked if they had worn protection when she was cheating on me with Kevin, she said no. I told Jane we were done and to never contact me again. She lost it and started crying even harder after I took out her belongings from the trunk of my car. She refused to get out of the vehicle, and she begged for another chance, Jane even told me that she would have the a-word if it means staying with her. I kinda got spooked hearing that. I didn’t expect her to go so low with that option. I told her that whatever she decided is not gonna undue the damage she has done to both of us, I ended having to get Jane’s mother involved and explained the situation to her and showing her the evidence and conversation I had secretly recorded Jane’s mother apologized for her daughter’s actions and after a couple of minutes Jane finally got out of my vehicle and I drove off without looking back or giving her a chance to speak to me again. I ended breaking down myself after I got back home and couldn’t eat or sleep right after what happened, and this was a repeated cycle that lasted for a couple of months. It’s been almost a year now, and I’ve nearly recovered from the incident, but the scars are still there. Just 2 weeks ago Jane messaged me since the break up and told me she wanted to get back together, I told her no straight up and blocked her. Then a few days ago Jane showed up at my front door, not gonna lie she looked like a total mess when I saw her through the doorbell camera, and she was asking me to speak to her, I didn’t let her in, so I told her what the hell she wanted. Jane said that Kevin ended up ghosting her soon after she gave birth to the baby and they don’t know where Kevin is, I told her that it was her problem to deal with and reminded her that Kevin was the guy she left me for. She begged me to help her because she had not gotten any sleep, and she’s basically on her own, her parents ended up kicking her out of their house after she gave birth. Jane said that cheating on me was her biggest mistake and that she doesn’t like being a single mom and taking care of a kid on her own, she asked me if I’m willing to take care of her kid as if it was my own. I got pissed and told her F off and that as far as her and I are concerned there is no her and I anymore. I said that her kid she made while cheating on me was not problem, I told her every ounce of love and respect I had for her died the moment I found about the cheating. In case most of you aren’t aware I was the unfortunate victim of being stood up at my own birthday party when I was 8. Nobody showed up, out of all of my friends I had, Jane was the only one who showed up. Jane left soon after while crying, her friends are now blasting me on social media for not stepping up and telling me that I’m not a real man after all that Jane has done for me, and that I owed it to her. They also said that even though she made a mistake she was there for me, so it would be horrible of me to not be there for her and the kid. What should I do regarding this matter? I feel bad that she was there for me growing up, but I can’t forgive her for what she did. What should I do?
submitted by Final_Landscape_4170 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:27 No-Lead7611 Would you ever be a sperm donor?

My (33) husband's (32) sister (34) came round to my house. We were chatting away and she asked would you ever want kids and I said no, never. She was like I've a weird question to ask.. and she explained her husband and her had issues conceiving and she was wondering if I would be a sperm donor. She started babbling, don't feel like you can't say no, she wants someone she knows, someone who has no interest in kids etc.
I was like what did my husband say and she said I didn't tell him because she felt I might feel more forced into if I did (which was nice, but she's lovely anyway. She set us up). She said have a think about it. You would have no responsibility for the kid. She explained the clinic etc. What happened to a good ol' turkey baster.
I spoke to my husband about it, and he has no issue with it, if I want to. A part of me loves the idea. I pass on my bloodline, without having to deal with anything. Also she has been so good to me over the years.
Anyone ever done it and thoughts?
submitted by No-Lead7611 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:26 Nurse-88 Struggling w/ my therapist

Let me start by saying that I've been in therapy for years and I have yet to find it useful or have a positive take-away from it. I honestly feel talk therapy is just not for me.
I've been seeing the same therapist for roughly 2.5 years and I don't feel it's a good match. However I felt the same thing with my previous therapists... which makes me question, am I able to find someone that will ever be a good fit?
Anyway, I was seeing her twice a week every week for almost a year. I'm burnt the fuck out. I started canceling at least one of those appointments because I can only have someone tell me to do box breathing and self massage so many times before I legitimately snap. I've tried to tell her that these methods simply do not work for me. Her response is always something like, "it takes time" "over time it will become natural" "studies show..." I don't care, these do not work for me. So I took a break for about a month and a half. I felt more at ease with things. Unfortunately I went back.
Here is where I'm struggling. I feel like my therapist is obsessed, which I know sounds ridiculous. My examples: I'll cancel a Monday appointment on the Thursday or Friday prior, or reschedule. Monday rolls around and she still calls me, leaves a message, repeat at least once. Then she will call me through the week, leave messages and/or email me. Like you see I canceled/rescheduled and I have an appointment for a later date, why all of that behavior? Then when I do go back, she will literally ask me or say, "I thought you were mad at me".... like lady, you're 60 something and I'm your patient. Why is this coming out of your mouth?
Am I overreacting? I know the tendency is there 🙃 but I just feel like it's a strange situation.
submitted by Nurse-88 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:26 qwertyclubs Friend got terminated from his job. Need help on URGENT basis!

I want to mention this is in advance that whatever he did, he did it because he was desperate to get the job because of extremely bad financial condition and family problems. So please refrain from me negetive comments if possible 🙏
My friend joined a big telecom company working as a customer service executive for it's UK branch. The thing is he did not join by going through the interview process but through a guy who worked at that company as an HR and he asked for one month's salary as commission to be given to him. In this way he was already given all the answers he needed. My friend did not have any previous work ex in this industry. He had a decent command over English. But could not go to a college due to poor financial condition of the family. The HR created his CV and put a fake work experience, fake college degree and fake company with a fake reference that he had already set up. There wasn't any breadwinner in his family so he had to find a job that paid decent to support his family. He also couldn't leave home and had to work from home most of the time due to issues in his family. When he got this job as an option he immediately took it.
Even after this, he worked very hard, was one of the best performing employees among many others. But the HR was caught, and so were the people who took the job in this way. That guy had used his reference (apparently they get money from the company for giving a reference of a any employee). Neither that HR nor my friend ever admitted that all of this was fake. And company couldn't verify the references used for the previous company and ofcourse connected the dots. He and many others got terminated after a couple of months of interviews.
He had been extremely good at his job. Je was so good that he was up for a promotion to Team Leader. But he took the job the wrong way in a desperate situation and entering into the company the wrong way caught up to him. He worked for 18 months there.
Now he can't apply anywhere else as he doesn't have a work ex certificate.
Please help him with advice for what he should do next? How can he apply for any other jobs?
submitted by qwertyclubs to ahmedabad [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:25 supermansocks95 Advice needed for suing shady mechanic

Hi all, Kansas resident here. This is a bit of a story, so here we go.
In February 2022, my engine crapped out in my Jeep. Nobody around would touch the 6.1L, and any who would were months out. I ended up calling the shop who worked on it before I bought it, and the owner said he could have it rebuilt in a couple of weeks. Obviously, that's very optimistic, but oh well. It was over there until June, at least. Myself, as well as my personal mechanic(the shop that took the block out and delivered to the shady mechanic in question), had made many attempts at contact, and were either ignored, or given the 'next week' run-around.
In August 2022, my mechanic gets it back, but it's not firing on all cylinders, so he trailers the Jeep over. Finally, in September or October, it comes back, running. I even told him to take the tune they had put on it off so it stays stock and lasts. This whole endeavor cost me about 8-9k. ~$6k for the installation/removal labor and replacement parts from my shop. ~$3.5k for the rebuild on the shady end.
In May 2023, it breaks a piston again. I had not cracked the engine open whatsoever, I had been exact on my engine break-in and oil changes. I had only gotten like 2 changes on it he initial 500-mile and then a 3k(synthetic too, so I was being very careful for warranty's sake). So, in June, it goes to my shop, then back to shady. It was there until October with even LESS response and even more run-around. My mechanic had even stopped by his shop, an hour away, to check on progress multiple times. In the last week of September, the lines for the shop were disconnected. A week later, I have the police at my door, saying my Jeep was found in a lot a mile away from the shop, stripped. Nobody could get a hold of him.
I ended up making a post in a local racing group, asking about his whereabouts. Had a person close to him make a veiled threating response, supposedly coming from him, but he wasn't commenting. In the first week of November, upon going to get my remaining belongings from the vehicle, I decided to stop by his shop and get my key, for insurance. Upon going to the shop, he threatened and assaulted me, I had my camera on in my pocket, so it didn't catch the assault, but I was mostly there for audio. I was very polite and he came right at me. I did pull out my phone and get his face in the video, however, and the audio is clear. He didn't even give me my key, for SOME reason.
I immediately got out of the vicinity and called the police and filed a report. I've been waiting for that case to go somewhere before I start a lawsuit, but the police have done absolutely nothing. Car was totaled and I received a good payout, so that part is taken care of. However, my insurance company still hasn't been able to get my deductible back.
So, with the backstory, here is where I'm at:
Kansas small claims has a maximum of $4k. That covers the amount directly paid to him. That would be the 'easiest' way, but I'm still out a LOAD of money here. I had to refinance the Jeep for the repair, and I paid for insurance, tags, and payments on a vehicle I couldn't even drive and ended up seeing NOTHING out of it. Getting a lawyer is also tough, because the situation he put us in hasn't really helped our financial situation. On his end alone, I'm out 3.5k. Because of the whole situation, I'm out well over 10k, with nothing to show.
What kind of case do I have to sue for the full amount? Should I just go small claims and get it over with? I appreciate ANY advice you can give me.
submitted by supermansocks95 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:25 AceTori Acquaintance suddenly treating me like her best friend

Recently a former coworker texted me with a question about my current workplace (which has been in the local news lately). That turned into a conversation about her recent life situation, which involved escaping her abusive husband, being in a custody battle over their kid, and being temporarily homeless (she isn't now). I was sympathetic because this is awful. Since then, she's been texting me multiple times a day to vent about her ex and other stuff. (For context: I'm female too, and we're both in our 40s.)
I'm starting to get unnerved by this because it feels way out of proportion to our relationship. We got along well at work, but really didn't socialize outside of that, and I haven't spoken to her in several years. All of a sudden she's acting like I'm her best friend and sole confidante and it just feels off. I don't know if I need to suggest she see a counselor or what. We have some friends in common, but none of them are people I feel comfortable asking about her because I don't know if they can be trusted to not tell her I was asking about her and plus I don't know how much recent contact they've had with her either.
I don't want to push her away if she's needing support, but I'm uneasy with how much attention she's paying to me. How should I handle this?
submitted by AceTori to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:25 qwertyclubs Friend got terminated from his job. Need help on URGENT basis!

I want to mention this is in advance that whatever he did, he did it because he was desperate to get the job because of extremely bad financial condition and family problems. So please refrain from me negetive comments if possible 🙏
My friend joined a big telecom company working as a customer service executive for it's UK branch. The thing is he did not join by going through the interview process but through a guy who worked at that company as an HR and he asked for one month's salary as commission to be given to him. In this way he was already given all the answers he needed. My friend did not have any previous work ex in this industry. He had a decent command over English. But could not go to a college due to poor financial condition of the family. The HR created his CV and put a fake work experience, fake college degree and fake company with a fake reference that he had already set up. There wasn't any breadwinner in his family so he had to find a job that paid decent to support his family. He also couldn't leave home and had to work from home most of the time due to issues in his family. When he got this job as an option he immediately took it.
Even after this, he worked very hard, was one of the best performing employees among many others. But the HR was caught, and so were the people who took the job in this way. That guy had used his reference (apparently they get money from the company for giving a reference of a any employee). Neither that HR nor my friend ever admitted that all of this was fake. And company couldn't verify the references used for the previous company and ofcourse connected the dots. He and many others got terminated after a couple of months of interviews.
He had been extremely good at his job. Je was so good that he was up for a promotion to Team Leader. But he took the job the wrong way in a desperate situation and entering into the company the wrong way caught up to him. He worked for 18 months there.
Now he can't apply anywhere else as he doesn't have a work ex certificate.
Please help him with advice for what he should do next? How can he apply for any other jobs?
submitted by qwertyclubs to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 IKSLukara First time at dog park?

Hey folks,
So next month my Lily and I will be home alone while the rest of the family is out of town. I'm trying to think of cool/fun things to do with her, and I thought about taking her for the first time to the local dog park, let her run around off leash someplace that isn't the yard.
Lily's a big 3yo goofball, who when we see other dogs when she's on-leash, can have any reaction between "indifferent" to "tries to pull me over to them to sniff/play."
I want to do something fun with her, but I also don't want to launch her into something she's ill-equipped for just because I thought it would be a good idea.
Good/bad idea? Questions I should be asking myself about this? Advice for me?
submitted by IKSLukara to Bernedoodles [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 DentalDamDilemma Update from my last post

After questioning the contractor on the "work" he did he started to flip out on me and yell and call me names and threatened to take me to court. He told his guys "pack up we're leaving" and he kept running his mouth. I told him to get the fuck out or I'll call the cops.
The contract stated "use of leveling cement and bonding agent" neither was used. I have a bunch of evidence to support my case. A few contractors looked at my basement and said "you didn't even need a new floor over this what you had was fine, just needed a grinding".
Later on Friday night I grabbed a shovel and dug up his work. He had cemented in my water heater and furnace when I told him not to go near it. He put concrete over pieces of sponge pad that wasn't removed. He texts me later that night to Zelle him the remainder of the money, I said no, he said "take it up with the owner so n so". He told me he was the owner a week ago. He said he'd put "an attachment on your house" aka a lien.
On Sunday and Monday I sent him text messages to pay for the damages. When confronted he said "you're not a real man, you don't pay your contractors" then said "you're a f**". Then proceeded to make insults towards my wife. I responded with a "good luck buddy". And started to contact some lawyers and placed a complaint with him to the NY consumers department.
I found out he put a fake address on the contract and that he is most likely lying about being a licensed contractor. I also found prior lawsuits involving him. His business card also doesn't have his name.
Let this be a PSA for first time home buyers like me who don't know any better. He took advantage of my stress of trying to get the basement cleaned up so I can begin more work on it. This will set me back and is seems damages to fix and remove all the shit will be in the 5-7k range. My fault for not properly vetting the guy.
submitted by DentalDamDilemma to Flooring [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 qwertyclubs Friend got terminated from his job. Need help on urgent basis!

I want to mention this is in advance that whatever he did, he did it because he was desperate to get the job because of extremely bad financial condition and family problems. So please refrain from me negetive comments if possible 🙏
My friend joined a big telecom company working as a customer service executive for it's UK branch. The thing is he did not join by going through the interview process but through a guy who worked at that company as an HR and he asked for one month's salary as commission to be given to him. In this way he was already given all the answers he needed. My friend did not have any previous work ex in this industry. He had a decent command over English. But could not go to a college due to poor financial condition of the family. The HR created his CV and put a fake work experience, fake college degree and fake company with a fake reference that he had already set up. There wasn't any breadwinner in his family so he had to find a job that paid decent to support his family. He also couldn't leave home and had to work from home most of the time due to issues in his family. When he got this job as an option he immediately took it.
Even after this, he worked very hard, was one of the best performing employees among many others. But the HR was caught, and so were the people who took the job in this way. That guy had used his reference (apparently they get money from the company for giving a reference of a any employee). Neither that HR nor my friend ever admitted that all of this was fake. And company couldn't verify the references used for the previous company and ofcourse connected the dots. He and many others got terminated after a couple of months of interviews.
He had been extremely good at his job. Je was so good that he was up for a promotion to Team Leader. But he took the job the wrong way in a desperate situation and entering into the company the wrong way caught up to him. He worked for 18 months there.
Now he can't apply anywhere else as he doesn't have a work ex certificate.
Please help him with advice for what he should do next? How can he apply for any other jobs?
submitted by qwertyclubs to india [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:24 RooEsqJR CRIMINAL CHARGES and what you should know, 2024 edition

Hey fellow Roovians…it’s been so long! This will be similar to my last post from 2023 as usual!

I’m still working as an associate attorney for Mitchell & Mitchell, and have been practicing almost 3 years now doing exclusively criminal work.

I am really excited to carry on the tradition of helping this community of wonderful Redditors by giving information…and I’ll answer what questions I can! I believe that I can be a voice for your questions and concerns, as well as the voice and contact person for my LOCAL firm here in Middle Tennessee.

In my 2023 post, I mentioned that I am a long-time attendee of Bonnaroo. This will be my 12th consecutive year! As a somewhat newly licensed attorney, I can answer most of your questions, and if I cannot I have been given explicit permission from the managing partner of my firm to relay questions that I am unsure of directly to him and give you the best and most accurate information. Although I am new as an attorney (3 years officially last month), I’m in an extremely unique learning and working situation, as my supervising attorney, Jack Mitchell, has been practicing locally in criminal defense for over 30 years. That’s in addition to having a great working relationship with the district attorney assigned to Bonnaroo cases.

I wanted to continue the tradition of this post because I do believe that people on this sub get some good benefit from it and share details of the process for handling charges that can change from year to year. This is a place to ask questions you may have, and I will try to answer everything I can (and if not, I will do my best to get the answer for you). As someone who loves attending Bonnaroo and being part of the community there, I hope you don’t need this information, but it is here in case you do.

The current elected District Attorney brought changes to the way criminal charges resulting from the festival were handled. In years past, criminal citations and charges were treated differently during Bonnaroo. Those who caught charges (defendants) were sent a letter from the District Attorney’s Office and the Court Clerk indicating that with the payment of a fine, the charges would be dismissed or retired after a certain period of time. The more serous the offense, the larger the fine assessed.

The last several years, criminal charges resulting from Bonnaroo were supposed to be treated the same as every other crime in Coffee County. However, what we found is that the process for festival offenses is still much different than the process used the rest of the year, and we expect more of the same this year.

What does this mean for you? If you are arrested or cited for any criminal offense while you are in Coffee County for Bonnaroo, you will have to make regular court appearances (REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE CITING OFFICER TELLS YOU) or have a licensed attorney appear on your behalf, and you will be prosecuted through the justice system. It’s annoying, for sure, but if you don’t show, and don’t have permission to not appear, the penalties could increase.

Probably the best advice we could give you when dealing with law enforcement is to exercise your right to remain silent. Along with this, you should not willingly consent to the search of your person, bags, vehicle, or campsite (other than when you enter the tollbooths). An officer may go ahead and search anyway, but giving consent immediately removes any chance of suppressing the contraband they find.

We understand that sometimes unfortunate things happen, and at Bonnaroo it is usually a case of bad luck and timing rather than bad people or actions. If you find yourself in this situation and need the assistance of an attorney, you can contact us through Reddit, at (615) 896-4211, [](, or through our website at We can work with you on fees and will try to minimize travel and costs for out of state clients.

The major benefit of retaining an attorney with knowledge of the system is most of the leg work and negotiation can be done prior to the first time you are required to be in court. For most of our clients in past years, they were only required to make one court appearance, and for others (depending on the charges and criminal history) we were able to completely avoid the need for their appearance in court. Almost everyone we represented in past years was able to keep the conviction off their record and have their charges expunged.

Every situation is different, but our knowledge of the local judicial system and professional relationship with the District Attorney’s office will help ensure the most favorable result for your individual case. I will be on the farm experiencing the festival as always, and I’ll have koozies and business cards with me, lol! Enjoy your time in Middle Tennessee and at Roo. Also, look for our sign prior to entering and, like the sign says, take a picture JUST IN CASE.

Last year there were only a little over 20 arrests made. The number of citations given was also significantly low for the number of people attending. An assistant district attorney told me this information and stated those numbers will absolutely be different this year. So I wanted y’all to be very aware of that!

**TLDR:*\* while this whole post is informative, basically this is about Coffee County’s Bonnaroo citation procedures and helpful information
submitted by RooEsqJR to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:22 Proper-Orange5280 Unsure what to do

Hey Guys, I've been lurking for a while. This is my second time doing keto on a long stretch for weight loss (my first time whilst lifting and tracking properly). I've gone from ~156kg to ~142kg and from ~33% to ~26% bodyfat (Navy) over the last 38 days ( eating ~1500-1800 cals, 200g protein and <30g carbs) which has been great. My first goal was 25% but I've realised it doesn't look as good as I expected, and my brother had orginally told me to shoot for 20z Knowing myself, I eventually want to reintroduce carbs into the mix for the long term after my diet weight but I have a few questions and would like some advice:
1) I finish my finals next Thursday. For the following week and a half, I have a decent bit of partying/events (and maybe even a weekend away later in June) where there's gonna be a lot of carb-heavy palatable food as well as alcohol, and being aware of Diet Fatigue, I'm still unsure as to whether I should power through it and stay consistent till 20%, start maintenance at 25 and use the opportunity to flesh out a new set point or even keep the deficit going but with carbs back in the mix.
2) When I do go back on carbs, be it sooner or later, how should I plan out my "return" so that I don't crash and feel ill (last time I ate a takeaway and was bedridden for a day after), but also so that I don't rebound like I did the first time?
Thanks for your time guys
submitted by Proper-Orange5280 to ketogains [link] [comments]