Tattoos on mons pubis

is a tattoo on the lower abdomen considered “trashy?”

2024.05.29 21:12 patrickbateperson is a tattoo on the lower abdomen considered “trashy?”

for the longest time i've wanted a snarling lion across my lower abdomen/just above my pubis — they've always been my favorite animals, i think it would look sick, and it would bring me pride and comfort as someone with endometriosis to have a symbol of physical strength above my uterus & a reminder of how my lifelong passion for zoology has helped me push forward and be hopeful for the future. i'm worried, though, that i would be judged for this tattoo. my only others are rather small designs on my wrist (childhood cat's pawprint) and inner arm (radiohead logo thom yorke drew on me when i met him last year 😵‍💫).
normally i wouldn't care what other people think of my appearance, but people can be SO rude and nagging when someone has a "trashy" tattoo they don't like. given that it will be on me forever, i would rather not deal with getting those looks and comments over and over and over again. i know that a design on the lower back is usually considered "trashy," and i'm worried that a design on the lower abdomen would be considered the same. i don't actually know what people think of this placement and i've gotten mixed opinions from the people i've asked.
what do you think? do you prejudge people with tattoos in this area, have you heard people talk down on them, or have you been judged yourself for a tattoo with this placement? i would really appreciate any input! thank you all so much! :)
edit: thank you all so much for the advice and encouragement so far! pregnancy is completely out of the picture and i have a very high pain tolerance, both having to do with my endometriosis lol. i wasn’t expecting this level of kindness and i really appreciate every bit of input i’m getting!
submitted by patrickbateperson to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:01 faaaaaaaaaaaaaaartt I ignored the signs of my best friend's long standing mental illness. Now I believe he has progressed to psychosis and he's going to kill me.

This is an XXXL post. The TL;DR is the title. I don't know why this felt important to me to put down, but here we are. A kind of obituary? Grief? I keep as many identifying details out of it as possible but this is a history of our entire relationship. It's not a unique story but maybe it can help someone else down the line. Help someone else make the decisions I couldn't. It is complicated, and I wrote it in one shot trying to include any details I thought would answer potential questions. There are triggering topics. My hindsight is painfully 20/20 and I fully accept my part to play in all of this. I can only speak for myself and my feelings, and I am broken hearted. This is not a fun read and concludes to a bleak end.
I became almost instant best friends with "Greg" the year we were graduating high school some twenty years ago. Mutual addictions to alcohol and cigarettes put us in close proximity often, where we rapidly discovered how much we had in common. Same absurd sense of humor, same taste in music, same drive for honesty and loyalty. My family sucked and his ignored him. He lived on the old side of town in a rough neighborhood where getting jumped was a weekly occurrence for him while I lived with my more affluent family several blocks away really only dealing with my pillhead mom and the embodiment of rage that was my dad. Violence was the norm for him and he often described shootings and stabbings with the same air as reporting the weather.
My then girlfriend introduced us, but Greg and I continued to hang out long after the end of that relationship. Soon high school was over and we both prepared to leave for the military. Our last few months were spent drinking and smoking and DRINKING before our goodbyes were said. Nothing overly emotional - we promised to write each other then "aight bro peace peace". Maybe a few weeks after I left for basic training and a few before he did I got a letter that he was in the hospital. Story was his brother convinced him to smoke K2 (synthetic marijuana) and that he almost died. Three day coma and all that. He wrote me not too long after and assured me he was fine and still leaving for basic.
Life went on and we kept in touch via social media, but it was a far cry from our pre-military friendship. We were in completely different specialties and had vastly different careers; in turn I didn't see him again in person for six years. There’s no good place to put this fact but I should stress now: we were both non-combat roles. Anyway, I had been out of the military a few months and was pretty well established in my new city when he reached out about coming to visit me with part of his terminal leave (accrued vacation at the end of military service, essentially). Naturally I offered him my couch at the apartment I shared with my roommate so long as he understood it wouldn't be a whole lot like when we used to hang out. I was halfway through my 20’s, getting ready to get married, signing paperwork to buy a house, and absolutely destroyed by a high stakes/low reward job. He acknowledged, then gave me a date I could expect him and a plan for two weeks.
First night, I bought some libations, and we caught up. Come to find out he was injured quite badly early on in his service and never told me. It severely altered his life trajectory as it meant he had to give up his dream job. He was put on permanent injury status and shoved into a dumb desk position where he gained 35 pounds by drinking himself half to death. He was known around base as a drunk shitbag. He has almost zero close friendships and hasn't had a girlfriend in five years. No interest, no libido, no luck. He was receiving complete benefits from the DOD for life and was in all reality left physically disabled. I empathized, but was somewhat lost when he described his transition into accepting his new way of life. Roughly paraphrasing:
"...I was just meant to be a [member of the military] y'know? Like I've always known it, that was my plan from the start. Then it got taken from me all over again."
The last sentence caught my attention, and I asked him to elaborate. Essentially, he told me he legitimately grew up believing that he would enlist and ship off to fight nazis. Claimed it was shattering when he realized - as a preteen - WW2 was over and he would never experience that conflict. Basically enlisting into this military was him begrudgingly settling as he would never parachute into France with an M1. I wrote it off as an ambitious metaphor for his disillusionment with government fueled by many beers. This was the start of one of the strangest months of my life. To summarize:
He would walk to the gas station a block away every morning, buy two cases of high ABV trash beer and proceed to drink all of them throughout the day. He was obliterated every time I got home from work.
He would order Domino's every day. When I figured out it was all he had eaten for a week and asked why, he said he didn't want to inconvenience me and couldn't think of any other food. I am a grown adult that knows how to cook, and my kitchen was stocked.
My dog hated his guts and would bite the shit out of his hand any time he went to pet her. I say "any time" because the biting did not deter him even a little bit from trying a snuggle.
He up and decided to extend his trip by two additional weeks because it seemed like I needed help. Rightly I did as several big life milestones were on my horizon and I was doing a whole lot of it alone, but this greatly annoyed my roommate who already was not enjoying his drunk and obnoxious company.
He would without fail ask to sleep in my bed with me at least every other night while assuring me it was a platonic thing and not sexual in any way. That’s great and all, but he assured me before I ever thought about the idea of it possibly being sexual. I told him no and that the missus would not approve hoping that would be the end of it. I have a history surrounding SA so situations like this tend to make me extremely nervous. Usually, it’s a hard time speaking up for myself, but I distinctly remember standing my ground about it. Some random night we went out and I got black out drunk (he bought me many drinks, but not without a drink for himself. It did not feel predatory). I woke up and he was spooning me in my bed. While I can never know for sure that nothing happened, I was still wearing all of my clothes and I did not feel like I had anything done to me. He assured me it was just because he was drunk and always sleeps better when he has something warm to cuddle.
He "jokingly" threatened to stab my then fiancé if she didn't measure up to the expectations he had placed on her. She wasn't around, thank God, but again he was blackout drunk so I excused it after telling him to knock it off. He passed out in my bed shortly thereafter, forcing me to the couch with my dog. I had an uneasy feeling he had done it on purpose to try and spoon me again.
I had recently gotten a large tattoo across my entire arm and upper back. One day I took a shower and when I got out, I needed to ask him something about our plans. As I was walking into my room, I asked him if he saw and liked my new tattoo and he gave me a look like "c'mon, man, really?" Like I had asked him something that had hurt him.
Honestly, I was happy to see him go when he finally took off. We kept in touch about as often as we had before, being that we were on opposite coasts again. My strange feelings from his visit faded. The weird times were greatly outweighed by how legitimately helpful he was and that was genuinely confusing. He bought groceries, he assembled furniture, he helped me pack and move, he listened to me bitch and offered insightful opinions, he seemed to genuinely care about me and my happiness and the life I had started to build for myself. It felt like when we were close before, like I had my best friend back and we were looking out for each other again.
Fast forward a few years and my life has completely upended. I'm divorced, selling my home, and moving across the country again. I'll spare you the details but suffice to say I'm back in my hometown with my tail between my legs. Guess who still lives there with his parents? I hit him up, hoping I could coax a good time out of my depression with an old friend and some booze. We end up drinking and talking for hours. I confront him about the weirdness from his visit, he apologizes and tells me he was in a rough mental state. We talk it out and I push it to the back of my mind.
This led into us hanging out nearly every night at my place for several months, almost always getting drunk or high on whatever was around. Watching shows, playing games, ordering food, indulging agoraphobia, staying up for days. Sleep did win sometimes and usually i insisted he stay on the couch. At this point though, I didn't much see the harm and let him sleep next to me a few times - so long as he promised not to touch me. Once or twice i woke up to him pressed up against me and hoped he had rolled into me in his sleep. Eventually he began to push for cuddling and I said I wasn't comfortable with it, putting him back on the couch.
Money wasn't a concern; we were both being paid disability through the DoD and it was more than enough to live on. One thing that I could not understand was that even though Greg received compensation for his injury, he could never figure out how to access and apply for his VA healthcare benefits. I tried to both talk and walk him through the process but it always ended in his extreme frustration followed by slamming his laptop shut. Instead of ever figuring it out he just bought healthcare through his university. It was bizarre.
Had I not gotten a business opportunity, I would probably still be melting into my couch in the dark right next to Greg. A friend reached out to me, asked me to join his start up in a new city. It was fresh and exciting, and honestly, I didn't have anything better going for me. I took him up on it and prepared to move yet again. Greg insisted he help, even going so far as to say he wanted to make the two day drive with me. I protested. He had only recently gotten his shit together and he had school to worry about. It was getting close to the start of the semester and I didn’t want to encourage him to make a poor choice. He insisted it would be fine, we made the drive, and unsurprisingly by now he blows off his important dates and obligations back in our hometown to fuck around in my new city and live on another roommates couch. All of our drinking and drugging came with him and our behavior simply had a new background.
Around this time, I started to be comfortable with the idea of dating again. I casually see a few women before hitting it off with someone and hanging out a few times. She and I are having drinks nearby, Greg hits me up. It’s agreed he would come out for a beer, say “what’s up?” and take off. I was excited for them to meet, kind of wanted to show her off a bit to my boy. Instead he shows up, houses TWELVE drinks, then confronts her while I’m in the bathroom. I still don’t know what he said but she was freaked out enough to leave immediately and later tell me to keep my distance from him because there was obviously something wrong there. He refused to tell me that night and when he sobered up he had no recollection.
A few weeks later we’re on the couch watching TV, I’m texting with some lady. It was gettin a little spicy, so I looked up and glanced around the room - privacy is high on my list and I do not enjoy PDA. Greg appeared to be asleep, so I responded to her flirting in kind. The next morning he broke down sobbing while he told me he saw me look at him last night “to make sure he was paying attention to the flirty messages from someone else”. Baffled, I told him that was absolutely not what had happened and calmed him down. I thought he was asleep and just wanted to avoid the embarrassment of engaging in private behavior. He added “I know you’re not going to just wake up one day and find me attractive but I would like to at least live that lie. I can’t do that when you’re actively rubbing my face in romantic conversations you have with other people.”
I was stunned. I thought we were well beyond any kind of feelings. Besides that, I never directly showed him any conversations I had with other people. This opened the floodgates to a very long and tearful conversation where he confessed many things to me that I will take to my grave simply out of respect. However, the one thing I need to say here for context is that he told me his romantic feelings for me had made him question his gender identity and sexuality. He felt more and more like a woman every day and had begun to consider transitioning hoping that ultimately I would fall in love with him along the way. In the gentlest way possible, I told him in no uncertain terms that I am not and will never be attracted to him regardless of gender or sexuality. I simply do not view him romantically and I would have no idea how to even approach changing something like that. Of course if it felt right and it was something he needed for himself I would be unquestioningly supportive of his transition, but if it had anything to do with me at all he needed to do more soul searching.
The next few days were extremely awkward but eventually Greg returned home. He was very nearly facing consequences for missing however many opening weeks of school. At this point, I am hip deep in my friends' company and working my ass off. I gladly accepted the easy excuse to put all of that discomfort away and out of my mind, withdrawing almost entirely from social media. Greg would send me some apologies, some normal messages, some gifs and memes. I found that I didn’t know how to talk to him anymore. Sometimes I would respond, but there was a pervasive anxiety whenever I saw his name pop up on my phone. According to him, I was the confusing presence. If I had no idea I was sending encouraging signals his way before, I definitely had no idea what to say now. All of those little things I had done, all those tiny ways I gave up my personal boundaries for him accumulated and crushed me beneath their collective guilt. Why didn’t I stick to what I had said? Why did I let him sleep next to me even after he broke his promise? Why didn’t I hold my ground when I woke up to him touching me? When he threatened my partner? So many ways I tried to protect him and all I did was open us both up to this enormous wound. Innocently or not, I had clearly hurt him and us being that close was obviously bad for his psyche.
Time lurched forward, weeks became months, and his messages came with greater gaps between. I no longer participated in lengthy conversations with him and responses were few and far between. It was spring, and I had been seeing my new partner for several months now. It was my first real relationship post-divorce and things were going extremely well. We were visiting my parents and found ourselves with a bit of free time on our last day in town. On a whim, I shot a cursory message to Greg. We hadn’t spoken in a while, but the last exchange we had was honestly pretty alright. Many apologies had been made on his end and I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
“Hey, it’s been a while, hope you’re doing well. Long shot, but if you’re still in [hometown] and not busy for the next few hours, my girlfriend and I are visiting my parents if you wanted to meet up?”
“Yeah dude, absolutely come through.”
I drove over to his place; he met us outside with his dogs and greeted us warmly with hugs. On my way in I had stopped at the liquor store and bought a pack of smokes and a small case of beer just like I always used to. When I dropped them in the fridge I brought three back to the group and offered him one but he politely declined. He explained that over the winter he had taken to getting drunk every night at the local hole. During a blackout he had a violent episode and almost cut the throat of a guy we’ve known since high school, someone he had called a friend previously. He then went on to say he believed a lot of his problematic behavior stemmed from his extreme drinking and quitting was treating him well. Minus smoking a fair bit of weed he honestly did seem a lot better than the last time I had seen him. As we drove away, we both felt he seemed level-headed and sincere. Obviously I had caught my partner up on everything that had happened before, and even she felt no weirdness despite being primed and ready for it.
That’s why when he showed up on my doorstep as a surprise for my birthday, I felt nothing but joy. It was organized privately between my girlfriend and Greg, they both worked so hard to set this visit up. She kissed me on the cheek as she assured me she couldn’t wait to get to know my best friend. Then he got in the car with her, I got in mine, and we drove to the venue for the party. In the 30 minutes they were alone, he confessed his undying love for me to her, said he didn’t hate her but would never like her, that he thought he was over it until he was standing in front of me and all his feelings came flooding back. He couldn’t promise he wouldn’t do anything about it. She essentially came to me in a panic once we were out of our cars and told me everything. We muddled through the party, got back to the house with him and confronted him. He denied everything, and essentially said that she was interrogating him the whole car ride and she tricked him into telling her about old feelings. It got heated more than once. She accused him of lying and he accused her of twisting his words. She said she wasn’t comfortable with him staying with us anymore. I talked to and arranged for him to stay in my friends’ spare room but he refused. He promised we could all work it out and that he was probably just excited about seeing me for the first time in months. It would go away.
It did not go away. If anything, his behavior became more aggressive and stranger. We anxiously counted the hours to his flight as he became moody and unpredictable. He would send me pages of text about his feelings on messenger just to delete them twenty minutes later. I no longer knew this person, and I no longer wanted to know this person. I drove him to the airport in silence and intended to never speak to him again. He had proven himself over and over again to not be my friend, and I was finally exhausted. The moment he stepped out of my vehicle the messages started, only increasing in volume and insanity the longer I went without responding. In the 45 minute drive back to the house, I had received innumerable messages from Greg running the full spectrum of human emotions. This would last several days.
The intensity frightened me, and the tone shifted dramatically to obsessive and dark. I shut down and shut him out. Eventually, after a few weeks, it just stopped. All that was left afterward were hundreds of *”This message has been unsent”* boxes and a single meek “I’m sorry.”. For months afterward he would message me, asking to catch up, but I just couldn’t make myself do it. I was hurt and angry and confused and sad and so many other things, but mostly I just didn’t trust him anymore. I was too ashamed to talk about what happened because my mind went immediately to every event described in my novella here. How could I have let this go on this long? How could I have missed so many signs? This whole time I thought he was my best friend when he was blatantly OPENLY pursuing me romantically. I don’t have a lot of friends. I wanted that so badly I believed obvious lies and increasingly ridiculous explanations. So many people tried to warn me and I arrogantly ignored them all. “You don’t know him like I do.”
On a warm summer evening, I was out having drinks with my partner and my cousin. I get a call from an unknown number and immediately upon answering I recognize Greg’s mother’s voice. She is near hysterical, but I manage to make out the gist of what she was saying. Greg was gone. He had stopped eating, sleeping, and interacting with his family several weeks ago and now he had packed a few things and disappeared. He said he couldn’t live with himself knowing he had hurt me so badly. He was telling his parents that he had raped me.
“OP? I need an answer. Did. He. Rape you?” she demanded, emotion clotting her throat.
“I have no idea how to respond to this. To my knowledge, no? I mean I can’t say he’s never made me uncomfortable, and we have certainly been black out drunk together, but I have no evidence at all of being raped by your son.”
Nausea overwhelmed me and the ground tilted beneath my feet. Where did he go? What was he doing? Was he okay? Should I reach out? Would it make things worse? She seemed to calm down once that question was behind us, and I decided to forge ahead since I had her ear. I told her I was scared of and for her son. It seemed he desperately needed help and at this point I was unsure of how to participate in his life without causing more damage. I loved him dearly and only wanted the best for him. She thanked me for my honesty and ended the call. She has not reached out again.
February of this year and Greg is firmly in my rearview. Life is alright. My partner and I stayed together and are looking for our first house, talking about getting married. It has been nearly ten years since Greg used his terminal leave to come visit me. We haven’t spoken in two years. Randomly, I received the following:
“Hey, been thinking about you guys. I think I’ll be visiting [hometown] in [month] and was hoping we could get together. How have you been?”
I don’t know what made me respond, but I did.
“Hey. We’re alright, thanks. How are you? Where are you?”
“Moved to [place] last year. Trying to get my shit together.”
Then, many hours later and completely unprompted, he amended his earlier benign statement and sent this, verbatim. Thank God I had the foresight to immediately screenshot.
“Ya know I miiight be alright or actually content if I wasn’t getting assaulted by women who then later claim I assaulted them meanwhile I’ve literally never had any of my basic human rights or freedoms [shrug emoji] so yeah I mean if I don’t get to open carry an AK by April I will literally have no options but to eat the supreme court, Congress, president or any other rich lying asshole lawmakers who are very deliberately and clearly infringing on the ‘right to bear arms shall not be infringed’ part of things and I’ve literally never had “legal” access to purchase, possess, own, or carry a firearm in all my [years] of criminally clean, naturally US born life. Despite being a medically/dishonorably discharged [military member]. But no I still don’t get any freedoms/rights or protections under the laws. So obviously the laws are fake bullshit made by rich powerful assholes to control everyone.
Enemies foreign and domestic [shrug emoji] if they wouldn’t infringe on literally all of our rights/freedoms I would possibly have the option to try to be happy but because they’ve made existence illegal and removed the civilians protections of the first, second, third, and fifth amendments. I haven’t bothered digging as far into the rest yet, since well fucking christ it’s already pretty bad that the majority of people globally don’t have access to any “legal” protections to self defense but also that 49/50 states in the United States of America flat out blatantly infringe on the second amendment. I really just ain’t about slavery, and they’re enslaving the whole planet [shrug emoji] all I wanted to do was grow food rub boobs with my wife and raise a tooooooon of kids. But nah I don’t get to do nice things like watch the eclipse in April, cause I have to go die for everyone’s freedoms yaaaaaay thanks all y’all fucks for voting guns away and giving your liberties to the enslaving classist elites [thumbs up emoji]
How is that for ya? After all you’re one of the women who assaulted me, and then wrote [a piece of work I have done] about how I assaulted you. Glad to know that when I said multiple times “No” and or “No I don’t want that” that as a man I am not legally allowed to say no. Fine go ahead have your lying third wave feminist bullshit Y’all hoes wanna be disloyal and complain about karma biting you in the ass I don’t fucking care. I gave you a whole ass symphony and you I don’t know wasted all the money or something? I dunno and I don’t think I care anymore. I’m getting a rifle and anyone who tries to stop me is dinner. I’m done with all of your psychotic fucking tyrants and your evil enslaving bullshit. Y’all already stole half of my fucking life from me and then refused medical coverage or any basic rights even after I LITERALLY SERVED FOR EVERYONES FREEDOMS turns out I’m not apparently a US citizen or part of everyone. Since I have never had any of my basic human rights or freedoms. I didn’t choose Jihad, y’all enslaved everyone choosing to be enemies domestic
I don’t know how many other ways there are to say the same damn thing I’ve been bitching about since I was ten. But cool sure, the planet gets fucked by tyrants and somehow I’m the psycho for saying it’s literally in EVERYONE’S BENEFIT to PROTECT THE PLANET
I was hoping we were friends or whatever but apparently not oh well I guess Hope everyone enjoys hell [shrug emoji]
How’s that, is it frank enough for you? Did I make myself enough of a villain for you? Cause I just love being forced to martyr myself for a bunch of cucks who voted MY basic freedoms/liberties away for temporary false securities and controls aka enslavements.
Fuck it whatever no point in telling anybody this shit it’s been [years] and I just get called psycho for defending basic rights freedoms and liberties. Society wants to enslave itself be unfree and unable to adapt and survive. Whatever that’s y’all’s choice I don’t give a fuck. I’m exercising my basic human rights and anybody stops me gets ate at this point. Y’all asked for it, I keep warning everyone Galatians 5:15 you all wanted to rape me and lie on me and call me psycho coward and monster just for defending/protecting basic human rights. Cool [sunglasses emoji]”
My heart stopped. This was exactly my worst fear come to life. I was certain that he had just sent me his manifesto, and any minute I would get the headline about the mass shooting he was currently committing. My mind wildly conjured images of his murdered family in that house I had spent years in. I vomited. My partner found me, read the message, then called the police. The police contacted the FBI. I spent the evening on the phone with an agent and a detective, chain smoking and working my way through a bottle of TUMS while we traced this entire story back to the roots.
And that leads us exactly to now. So far as I know (and as far as my late-night anxiety googling of “his name + crime + arrests + area I think he’s in” will allow) he’s stayed quiet. Every day I live in fear that he will show up and murder us. I deleted any and all social media and blocked his number. I have guns hidden all around my house. There are no answers here, no moral of the story. Just mental illness and tragedy. Not a day goes by that I don’t play “what if”, lambasting myself for selfishly ignoring that small voice from within me that tried to say something wasn’t right. I should have done a better job protecting my best friend.
submitted by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaartt to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:31 throwawayplsjusthelp For the love of God, pls get swabbed.

F20 I’m writing this for anybody who may b experiencing anything remotely similar to what I did because these last few months have been extremely fucking rough for me, and if I can help one person feel less alone it’s worth it.
I started fearing I had herpes Dec 2023. I was raped by a now ex boyfriend and he’s the only “sexual partner” whose status I was unaware of.
This scared me because he didn’t use a condom and I’m very diligent when it comes to my health, regular condom use, and I’ve always made my exes show me their results as it’s very typical that men will never get tested unless they experience SEVERE symptoms.
I never planned to have intercourse with him at that time, so this just threw me for a loop as everything was very unplanned. No knowledge of his status, no condom, no consent.
I experienced immediate issues during the act, I’ve never had lubrication issues EVER, quite the opposite (tmi ik but I want to give perspective of the immediate sexual changes that followed) but this time I was DRY like sandpaper rubbing inside me ugh I was so uncomfortable, and I’m really sorry and I want to hug anyone who knows exactly what I’m talking about. I had never experienced pain like that from intercourse before this, he refused to stop till I was actually screaming and writhing in pain and clawing at him.
I planned to never talk to him again, but not knowing his status was rlly eating at me, I asked him if he had ever got tested before and he told me no.
My vagina did not feel the same from that point onward. I was sore and swollen for a few days after, I later went to a clinic to get an STI full panel test (ik that’s too soon, but understand I was in a haze of confusion I was trying to do damage control) The results for that initial test came back completely negative.
I had a crawling sensation on my mons pubis and labia area as if something was moving through the hairs, I also felt like the hairs were moving themselves. I started being itchy all the fucking time, it was all I could think about, I didn’t get a break from it, my lower region was so uncomfortable and all these sensations were so foreign to me. I also would get very dry, like uncomfortable as fuck, this was also new, I couldn’t stand my panties rubbing against me, or even the skin touching itself or AIR. I would literally have to put a wad of wet toilet paper for a tiny bit of relief but nothing could relieve me mentally. I also would slather Vaseline all over my lower region for the tiniest bit of relief. At this point I was waiting for the 6 week mark so I couldn’t get retested literally counting down the days. One night I went out for drinks w my friends ( I don’t drink normally) and my vagina was on FIRE like itching burning all of it, not the lil scratchy dry I was feeling before. I was starting considering maybe I had a yeast infection, I had only ever had one before this (not diagnosed by a doctor) and I treated it w canesten so I ran to Walmart to get a tube and didn’t even wait till I got home, I used their washroom and slathered it all over me. I remembered the first time I had done this for my previous presumed yeast infection I felt some sort of immediate relief, but this time I did not. On my way home I was antsy and squirming in my seat, nothing was comfortable, sitting, standing, lying down.
I tried using the canesten for a couple days following but it just seemed useless, crawling sensation was still there and now I was feeling this popping sensation. Like the skin of my labia were sticking together cause of moisture then spreading apart and creating kind of like a pop, that’s the best way I can describe it idk. I hated leaving the house because I felt like I constantly had my hands down my pants to scratch or literally cupping my vagina, adding pressure, applying Vaseline, whatever I thought could bring relief. I started to notice bumps. This is when my STI research rabbit hole really took off. Initially they started on my pubic area, I assumed they were pimples or even boils but I have had pimples in my pubic area before and they either had a yellow top or a white head, these were shiny hard bumps that definitely looked like blisters. They would come and go…in the same spots. Some of them I would squeeze out of frustration and thick blood OR white or clear fluid would run out. Of course there were concerns coupled with the sensations but initially I wasn’t assuming these bumps were coming from any STIs (specifically herpes) because they were on my mons pubis and my research told me me that herpes likes to live in most areas although it was possible. I wanted to book with my family doctor, but honestly I was so scared because I was ashamed plus my doctor is a male and the icing on the cake was the receptionist are fucking rude pricks, one of them I knew their daughter (I hate that bitch) and I wasn’t willing to willingly open a potentially awkward ass situation like that.
Now I had sores to add to my symptoms, like raw skin on my labia, the hood of my clit and yes they burned and hurt but mostly when touched faintly when left alone. I was so sure I had herpes, I would be only every subreddit related to herpes, reading my exact symptoms, seeing outbreaks that strongly resembled what I had. I even a few times would post the pics of the sores and would always get a handful of comments telling me that they looked concerning and I should get them swabbed ASAP and a few saying they were nothing concerning. A couple times I had burning pee, but I honestly can’t remember if this was before or after the sores started to appear. I’m a working student who has no car so it’s not rlly the easiest thing for me to find time to go to a walk in and get swabbed and honestly the sores wouldn’t last longer than a week and they mostly seemed to occur right before my period, clear up with it only to appear a few days after. The itching and tingling were almost always there with maybe an occasional day of relief. I would take pics of almost every numb and sore that was irritating so I could bring to my appointments, at the 6 week mark, I tested again at the same walk in and everything was negative, I showed the doctor the pics I took and she said they don’t look like anything concerning as in herpes. Every time I got a chance to go to the doctor it would always be when I didn’t have a sore which was really unfortunate
Doctors rlly operate off their OPINIONS so I booked an appt w my university clinic and unfortunately, again, I had no sores to swab and I just had my red sores and bump pictures to show and my symptoms. This doctor was male so I won’t necessarily say I held him opinion in low regard but he almost seemed like uncomfortable? Idk
When I say I convinced myself I had herpes in telling u I was doing everything, lysine, diet changes, all of it. My symptoms and sores/bumps were soooooo fucking similar to everything I was seeing. Nothing rlly was alleviating my turmoil long term so I rlly thought I was one of those ppl who just had a bad case.
At this point I had sworn off sex, I was going to go celibate and never date for the rest of my life and was rlly working towards just making myself as comfortable as possible, scanning subreddits for advice, literally doing everything ever recommended with rlly not much luck. I was rlly hanging on to the “it gets better” that everyone was swearing by.
Over the months I’ve debated texting him and asking him to actually get tested just so I’m aware of his status but I literally can’t because there’s a no contact order unless there’s a lawyer involved, although this order applies to him, I believe I can’t initiate contact because him responding would equal him breaking the order (I reported the rape).
I spent my birthday crying and scratching and sleeping cause that was the only time I wasn’t thinking about it.
I tried everything, no underwear, loose clothing, changing soaps, more water, more exercise, more sleep, no stress (lol this was impossible), no certain foods, EVRYTHINGGGG, by now I had the nerve pain, the shocks, the zap, I had it all over my lower body sometimes upper. Numbness was there, as well as the static ans pins and needles
I had no idea what the “normal” state of my vagina was like. It was like my memory b4 December of that area was wiped. Discomfort was my new normal. I also couldn’t rmr what my discharge was like, during this time I experienced diff types, thick white discharge, watery, it was hard to track. My vaginal smell also got stronger, not a bad smell but the smell was STRONGER. Like immediately I took of my panties I could smell my vagina another symptom I had read about
Last week, I had sores and bumps that itched and burned outside of the “prodrome symptoms” I reg experienced and begged my boss to let me leave work early to go to the same walk in clinic I needed her to say yes bc I FINALLY had sores to swab.
I once again did a full panel STI test (this was my third time, I went again at the 3 month mark before this) blood, urine, and this time, a swab.
She said for sure there were bumps but she didn’t see any ulcers but she’d swab for both yeast and HSV. She asked me if I wanted to b on anti virals while waiting for the results and immediately I said yes (I had basically accepted it at this point and was working on just coping and I was looking at this appointment being final confirmation for me) and she advised me to drink lots of water and gave me the valacyclivir prescription.
Taking the prescription brought zero relief to my symptoms. Again, I thought I was one of those w people who had a bad case and was gonna finish the 10 days and wait till I got the results back before taking any other action.
Finally, this week I was called in bc my results came in. I came to the appt w the mindset that was finally gonna get the type of HSV and was gonna let her know that I wanted to try gabapentin and a diff antiviral.
GUYS. It was negative. BUT YEAST WAS DETECTED. My jaw DROPPED. I was so floored. I was prescribed clotrimazole but I haven’t even bought it yet cause I’m broke tn lol. But listen, when I say my symptoms basically disappeared overnight without it… I’m not kidding. Everything suddenly HALTED like EVERYTHING. All of it was psychological, and yeast (I’m still picking up the script when I get paid)
This experience did also educated me on HSV, the stigma, the experiences others have had, those who had it transmitted to them intentionally or carelessly, the immune system, healthy lifestyles, so in a way…I’m kinda grateful? HSV stigma needs to end. More ppl need to b educated on this it’s honestly disheartening knowing I knew virtually nothing about an infection as common as herpes. I used to think oral was the least riskiest sexual act but now idk if I could ever again knowing what I know now, and most people will never know their status if they’re carriers of the virus. Even now I’m not sure if I can ever have sex or date ever again but that’s not bc of the HSV. My point? Don’t assume, get swabbed, no matter what anybody says or what you think, looking back the alcohol probably flared up the yeast.
submitted by throwawayplsjusthelp to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:03 tercerojoabierto Which kit I could buy?

Which kit I could buy?
Hello! I'm about to buy a kit to start practicing, does this kit seem good to you? (I'm in Qatar so I have to buy through Aliexpress or Amazon), if you can send me a publication of a kit that you recommend, I would also greatly appreciate it!
submitted by tercerojoabierto to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:33 Several-Loss-1585 Ok. So I REALLY disliked Dread. Here’s why.

Ok. So I REALLY disliked Dread. Here’s why.
The world and the pacing of the game…. But before I get into that - - I loved the controls, the graphics, the art style, the abilities, (most of) the story definitely the best in the series, Raven Beak, Samus’s character, the (actual) boss fights and designs. That’s it (maybe a few thing I’m forgetting)
So. For context. I love Metroid, I’ve loved Metroid. I have a massive ass ScrewAttack tattoo on my chest. This series is dear to me. I cried when this game was announced. I played this game 3 times through consecutively on launch week, I played it 3 times more consecutively when Dread Mode was released as DLC. Ok Cool.
Dread was beyond disappointing for me in many ways. For the sake of not writing an essay, I will keep things brief(ish).
The most redeeming aspect of Metroid for me is that of it’s synthesis of atmosphere and natural (through gameplay and experiencing the environment, that which is heavily incentivized through hidden powerups and backtracking, all the like) diegetic world building. A lot goes into how the player actually experiences and digests the world in these games, the most relevant aspect to this discussion is pacing and required familiarity. And music too, but that’s a different part of this discussion. Dread sucked ass in the department, only being beaten by the likes of the spin-offs and Other M in its utter suckage in this department. The player is not required or incentivized in any way to absorb or interact with the environment in this game. Room by room, area by area, biome by biome, any way you cut it. More than 90% of the game feels completely removed from the player and Samus. This is compounded by two things. 1. Emmi Zones. No. Do not say skill issue. I’ve not even been caught by one of these single note fools. The Emmis themselves take a huge focus in the first ~65-70% of the game. I love the concept on paper, but their implementation is more detracting to the game than Adam is to Other M. You’re presented with these completely dull rooms that are just arbitrarily sanctioned off from the rest of the area in which you’ve only one goal, not to be caught. This makes the player not give a damn where they, what they were doing, just get the fuck out and worry about it later. This change of pace is not inherently bad, but in this case it simply is. This adds nothing to the game at all, I’ve now been completely removed from the world, the rest of the game, and what I was doing just so that I can engage in what equivocally a scene from Friday the 13th. This poses as an arbitrary chore. Not only this, but the means of defeating this completely overpowering entity is the most contrived shit I’ve ever seen in this series. The Power Cannon(?) is on the same level as the Suck Fruit from Kirby Triple Deluxe and the Mega Mushroom from NSMB:DS. Your means of obtaining this single use completely game-changing mechanic? Killing some stupid ass sentinel that just sits there. The EMMIS and their progressions in threat level are also contrived and serve solely as nuisances, not means of engagement or clever evolutions to both themselves and their general placement in the game. 2. The pacing of the game. This game’s pacing is horrible, every single other game (other than the first bcs that game is not even comparable to modern games, like c’mon) in the series does this MILES better than Dread. What of the pacing? It’s too beat by beat and the environments close you off WAY TOO DAMN OFTEN. I feel like I’m on a fucking DisneyWorld kid’s attraction when I play through this game. It’s dull and unintriguing. The world closes off half of the game so that you don’t get lost, like you need your hand held every damn step of the way. Not only this, but the teleporter system is abhorrent, both in itself and relation to the previously mentioned issue as well. You’re always put exactly where you need to be, all you have to do is look for the nearest teleporter and BAM, next powerup or boss. Like, fuck, man. I just want to play and experience this damn game.
There is a TON more I could share my thoughts and bickerings of this game on. But this incapsulates the two massive issues I have with the game that makes it just completely unenjoyable for me.
PS. The music in this game is literally the worst fucking OST I’ve ever heard. Nothing. Metroid’s music is so pivotal to my experience to it. This is not a universal thing, so I didn’t really touch on it. But the music SINGLEHANDEDLY made this one of the biggest disappointments I’ve ever experienced.
I know a lot of people love this game, good. It has a really high production quality and you all deserve to enjoy what you enjoy from it. I’m happier than hell that this game sold and was received as it was. It just simply is NOT for me.
submitted by Several-Loss-1585 to Metroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:04 swipernoswiping19 Looking for any experiences of women with an ASC-H result and advice

Backstory: In 2021 I had a lot of pain during any penetrative sex and would bleed after for a little while. I ended up going to a gyno and did a women’s health check and got a Pap smear showing that I had ASCUS and they did a colposcopy and other HPV testing and it came back negative so my past doctor said nothing would have to be done. The past one or two years have been getting harder for me to handle sex and I have constant pain in my lower regions (it feels like the pain is everywhere but feels worst around the area behind the lower region of the mons pubis) so I had a follow up Pap smear on 5/17/2024 and I got a call on 5/22 saying that I had to go into the office for results. They told me I had a result of ASC-H and that it was slightly more serious than ASCUS so the earliest they could schedule a colposcopy with a biopsy is in July. I tried to educate myself a little more on the entire subject but I find myself getting a little more worried with the amount of reports showing that some of my symptoms are a big part of cervical cancer. I was just hoping to hear some stories that could possibly calm me down or just some advice on how to handle this type of information and if anyone can answer a few questions!
-has anyone gotten an ASC-H result with negative HPV and still had cancerous cells in the cervix?
-how painful are Pap smears and colposcopies usually and does the pain after the pap and colposcopy last longer than a week?
-are there any tips that I can get to better prepare myself for this colposcopy with biopsy? Or does anyone know if it would be ok to be put under some type of anesthetic to prevent myself from feeling the pain?
Some of the struggles I’m dealing with:
-Extreme pain up to a week or more after getting a Pap smear and especially during the pap smear(I have almost fainted before and couldn’t drive after the pap for about an hour because of the pain)
-I’ve had urine samples done every 3-5 months and they have all showed high levels(flagged) of blood in urine and high levels of white blood cells.
-pain during and after sex
-my periods have gotten heavier within the past 8 months and my cramps have been more debilitating lately to the point where it’s a large struggle to walk.
Thank you in advance and I am very interested in other people’s experiences and how things worked out!
submitted by swipernoswiping19 to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 11:30 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:55 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:46 wooden_werewolf_7367 Is there a solution to swamp crotch that I'm missing?

I get a really sweaty crotch and I have no idea what the solution is but I need to find one because from a sensory perspective, it is a nightmare and I'm fed up of having soggy knickers.
The issue is this: unless I basically sit at home doing nothing, my crotch gets so sweaty I need to change my knickers around three times a day. Once in the morning, once when I get home because they are saturated in sweat at this point due to having a physical job and once before bed after my shower. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can deal with this? Below is everything I have tried and any other relevent info:
The sweat comes from my mons pubis area and also my groin. It is not discharge or urinary incontinence.
I have tried pantyliners, sanitary towels, stuffing my underwear with wads of toilet roll and even clean dry flannels/cloths. I have been doing this for years but I feel like I need to get a better solution.
I have tried being shaved, trimmed and having a full bush but how my pubes are makes no difference to the amount of sweat I produce down there.
I wear cotton knickers/panties.
I have tried going to bed without knickers after hearing that helps but it made no difference to being sweaty and just meant I had to change my pyjama bottoms daily.
I shower daily with mild soap and usually freshen myself up with a wet flannel when I get home on a workday. I don't use any deodorant etc down there.
I am quite a big lady but my crotch is the only area that has this excessive sweating problem.
I am sexually active but in a long term relationship. Not concerned about any kind of infection. I don't suffer with BV or chronic UTIs. I'm not on any contraception.
submitted by wooden_werewolf_7367 to hygiene [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 16:34 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 07:01 em-ily-i-mile Bruise like pain on my abdomen

I’m going to call my OB on Monday to speak about this, but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this. I’m currently 15w 4d and I’ve got a spot on the surface of my pubic area/mon pubis (left side) that is sore to the touch. It feels exactly how a bruise would, only I haven’t seen one. I first noticed it about 3 weeks ago, but wasn’t able to pin point exactly where it was coming from in that area. I was rubbing the same area today and the pain was felt immediately in a specific spot. Nothing is swollen, no discoloration, just pain to the touch. Not sure if it could be related, but about a week ago I had some cramps that lasted for a couple hours, and just assumed it was ligament pain since I had been on my feet all day. Haven’t had it since. I’ve also got PCOS. Maybe I’m just overthinking it but I’m worried!
submitted by em-ily-i-mile to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:22 Sensitive_Benefit123 ingrown hair caused infection....

ive been dealing with what I assume is an ingrown hair on my mons pubis for nearly 8 days now...its the size of a large grape and was sooo painful I could barely walk, had to take tylenol every 4-6 hours just to get through the day. I bought a drawing salve 3 days ago to try and bring the infection or hair to the surface for some relief and it definitely did. Yesterday i poked a little hole & so much pus and blood instantly oozed out. I literally could not believe how much was in there & how much continued to come out for the next 24 im in less pain, but its still sensitive and very large/leaky. half of my mons pubis is also red still as well.
Is this something my OB can help me with? I don't want to be cut into, but I feel like I 100% need antibiotics if im going to get rid of this issue. im literally suffering lol
submitted by Sensitive_Benefit123 to obgyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 23:26 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 22:04 hoggersbridge Engines of Arachnea: The Bug Planet (Chapter 32: Bombing Run)

First Chapter. Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
The Leapers were fast learners. Rene had erred in setting off that one bomb amid the pines. Rather than catching a whole bunch of them by surprise, he had given away the presence of his boobytraps. The warband stayed well clear of the tree line and patiently found and marked the fire gourds, pointing them out to each other and sidling around them with unhurried steps. Rene counted thirty-one braves, give or take a couple more veiled by the dissipating fog. Individuals were easy to tell apart, as it turned out. He began to make out variations in the shades of their fur; a few sported thick honey-brown manes of hair around their necks and down their shoulders. Others had clearly bulkier and more muscular frames than their brethren. Most telling of all were the heraldic tattoos on their abdomens. Generally, the larger the adult was, the more intricate their markings were. Like the chevrons or pips on an officer’s uniform, patterns of dots and geometric shapes radiated outwards from the central motif, which for all the Leapers in the warband was a red-and-orange viper with a flaring hood and fangs bared in an expression of gleeful malice.
The older heads among them were conferring with each other with rapid-fire clicks of their palps and mandibles. Planning their next attack, no doubt. Then the crowd parted to let a trio of them through, a large and flabby Leaper being borne on a woven stretcher carried by the other two. The wounded elder on the stretcher seemed to command considerable respect among the others, for they all turned to him and awaited his next move.
Riveted by the all-too familiar display of martial social dynamics, Rene studied the leader. His rank designator was a unlike all the others in that it was a coal-black snake whose coiled tail formed a neat spiral before passing over the Leaper’s shoulder. Something about the wide set of his upper torso was strangely familiar. Rene’s eyes widened in recognition.
“Kryptus,” Rene said with bitter regret, “I should have known.”
Rene could’ve beaten his head in when he had the chance. But perhaps there would be an opportunity to correct that mistake. Kryptus’ bearers moved a few steps forward and the alpha rolled off his litter, boldly approaching Rene all by himself. The other Leapers chattered and gesticulated at him, trying to dissuade him, but Kryptus shrugged their objections aside and went on waddling up the hill.
The alpha had somehow regrown his helm and watched Rene intently through his new set of eyes, giving the Pathfinder a cheeky wave with all four of his arms.
We’ll see if you’re still smiling after this, Rene malded. Kryptus’ path took him directly under a hanging gourd. But before Rene could swing up the gauntlet in time, Kryptus shot out a lasso of silk and yanked the mine out of its nesting place, tossing it casually behind him. The warband scattered as it bounced among them, groveling on their bellies as it rolled down the slope and out of Rene’s sight.
When nothing exploded, the Leapers sprang to their feet and immediately began imitating what their leader had done, dismantling Rene’s minefield with great enthusiasm. Understanding the peril he was in, Rene dashed outside the hedge of stakes and gathered up all the field that he could and planting them in a tight circle around his position. In short order the pines were completely cleared of boobytraps and the warband advanced on Rene’s position, wary but determined to avenge themselves upon him.
Rather unexpectedly, Kryptus ordered them all back, again strolling up to Rene all by his lonesome self.
“Parley, hatching?” he shouted up to Rene.
Parley? So the swine did understand the concept of bargaining. Rene held up a mine as if to hurl it like a hand grenade, and Kryptus froze.
“Exar?” Rene pleaded.
“T-minus eleven. Just stall em for as long as you can, cap’n.”
“I will try,” Rene lowered his arm but kept a tight grip on the bomb. Eventually Kryptus regained his courage and started waddling again.
“Say, Exar,” Rene said by way of idle conversation as the Leaper hiked, “Is there some reason these kits don’t come with guns? Bit of an oversight, wouldn’t you agree?”
“It isn’t,” Exar said, conversation, “You remember that 95% I was telling you about? Well, as to the other can I say this? See, the company T.O.R.U’s are almost exclusively deployed on exoplanets completely devoid of life even down to the microbial level. In which case there’s nothing much to shoot at to begin with. A man gets marooned on a place like that, at the absolute tip of the Alcubierre trade routes where supply convoys crawl along at just under relativistic vees,” Exar stopped, considering his next words very carefully, “The human mind goes funny in places like that. It’s the loneliness that does it.”
“You mean they would…”
“Pretty much. Usually they’d punch their own tickets during that first month, once it became clear that nobody would be coming for a very long time.”
“I hate to say it,” Rene said after a contemplative moment, “But I’m starting to envy their fate.”
At last Kryptus came within speaking distance.
“We meet again, hatchling,” he greeted Rene quite jovially. The alpha surveyed the line of staked corpses and added: “I like what you’ve done with the place.”
“Do you really?”
“No,” Kryptus replied, a hint of bright fury in his warbling baritone, “I tried telling the youths that you were a forsche not to be reckoned with. But the young never listen, do they? Today is an important lesshun for them. They will never again take your kind lightly. You fight like demonsh.”
Rene nodded respectfully at the compliment.
“I would have preferred it otherwise, but you forced my hand. What do you want, Kryptus?”
“You sspared my life lasht night. I would offer you the shame courtesy. You will not be killed or devoured. We sseek only the genetic material within you, and the knowledge contained therein.”
“You’d let me live? Why?”
“You professh to believe in the mythical origins of our genuss. You think that we have a common progenitor, and that thish makess ush one brotherss.”
“I would like to. But your actions towards me have been anything but brotherly.”
Kryptus tucked his chin and cocked his head back in a very recognizable expression of outrage, shouting:
“Your fire giant laid waste to our territory, razing the Looms of many tribes, not just the Weeping Vipersh! A spawning chamber full of hatchlings not yet borne from their egg sacks…” Kryptus broke off, struggling to master his emotions.
“We are the injured party here, not you,” he continued, “Thoushands of acres of prime hunting grounds, reduced to ashess. Where will the herds of frillhead migrate to now for passsturage? What will they eat when the dry spellss come? What will we eat? The Vitalush will do what It can, but make no misshtake—there will be famine. And with famine, war among the kindredss, among Leapers tribesh, even. But shurely you already consssidered thissh?
“I…I had not.” The Pathfinder was rendered speechless by the Leaper’s outburst. Kryptus gave a shrug that somehow implied that he understood and forgave Rene’s ignorance.
“Desspite all that, I am willing to make you the same offer you gave me. In fact, I will make you a better one: put ashide your weaponsss and I will take you back to the Loom. I will clothe you in the armored hide of a Leaper, and henschforth you shall become one of us.”
Rene goggled at him. He could sense sincerity in the Leaper’s words, and something else. Caution? Duplicity? The expression in those four bulging eyes was hard to read.
“You would make me a Leaper? Is that even possible?”
“Look at me. Do you not notice anything different?”
Kryptus did a slow turn to show Rene the entirety of his body. It was even more unwholesome now beneath the light of day. The right half of his body was larger than his left, the disproportional muscle densities skewing the angle of his torso off-center and giving him the lurching gait of a cripple. His new headpiece as also too small for the rest of his frame, giving him an almost comical, pinheaded look.
Tufts of golden fur had sprouted on his shoulders and underarms, rough and patchy where they met the velvet black of the rest of his hide. Rene squinted at him uncertainly—his vision was starting to get cloudy, his facial muscles trembling along his jawline.
“You’ve grafted on some new additions,” Rene finally deduced.
“Not quite, hatchling. Thish entire exomorph is made of spare parts. The damage that mad Gallivant did to me wass irreparable,” Kryptus corrected him, pointing at the comatose Zildiz.
“But my immune system would simply reject it,” Rene objected, putting what Zildiz had told him to good use.
“I think not,” Krytpus said, wagging a claw at him, “You shee, I’ve finally worked out what you are. You aren’t from any of the kindredsh. You are of the primordial genetic stock which the Vitalush has not yet altered—the genome of the Betrayerss. Your nucleotidesh have not been bonded with the miraculous gilt helix, which meanss you are not yet confined into any of the kindredssh. You can become one of ush, the loom-motherss could weave our blessed pattern within you. We would gird you in the finest armor and give you the rank of alpha, making you my equal. You will never want for food or mates. And mosst important of all, we will keep you hidden from the wrath of the Vitalush.”
Rene tried to imagine himself in the bones of a Leaper, flying through the woods on transparent sails and riding the coattails of the mighty Storm Catcher. Hunting his prey on moonless nights, a perfectly adapted killing machine that would never have to confine itself to the rank, festering holes of the mounds. For the first time in his life, he could be truly free to live as he pleased, pursue any wild pleasures he wanted without the nightstick of the law to beat him into submission.
The thought was certainly intriguing.
“I, uh, I thought you…you were…” thinking clearly was fast becoming a chore to Rene, “…you worshipped the Vitalus as a deity?”
“It ish a god, make no misstake. But it is not one of our choosing. For shome of ush, that ish. There are ssecretss that it consseals from ush mortulss. It has snarled and twisted the tapesstry of hishtory for its own purposess. We could unravel thossh ssecretsss together, beginning now…”
Kryptus extended a hand in an unmistakable gesture of friendship. Rene squinted at it uncertainly—his vision was getting awful cloudy. All the exertion and excitement had accelerated the effects of narcosis. In no time at all he would lose control of his body entirely.
“And what ‘bout her? Rene sleepily nodded at the unconscious Zildiz.
“She musst die, naturally,” Kryptus said frankly, “We will make her dishappear. She is not the only Gallivant to have been foolish enough to challenge us in our own biome.”
That was what decided Rene. The Pathfinder held the mine out dangerously close to leaping bonfire.
“Have you losht your mind?” Kryptus was apoplectic with rage, “Why would rissk yourshelf for this she-devil, this ravening beasst?”
“I’s ken barely wrap my head around it meself, governor,” Rene blathered, hanging his head in weariness, “But either she comes with me, or…or the whole thingy is off. Deal, I mean. Whatever!”
“We cannot axshept that! She would inform the Vitalush, bring about the extinction of my tribe!”
“Then go catch a fruit fly in your mouth, or somefing,” Rene said irritably, “Pish right off.”
“You will not live to regret your idiocy!” the alpha said with haughty imperiousness.
Rene’s left arm spasmed and he nearly dropped the mine into the side of the bonfire. He spent a very intense couple of seconds juggling with it in the air, desperate not to blow himself up by accident.
“Whoah! Close one, heh heh,” he slurred at Kryptus, finally snatching the mine out of harm’s way, “S’alright now. No worries!”
He looked up to see Kryptus beating a hasty and undignified retreat, roaring at his warband to begin the final attack. At least one mine had not been discovered, and Rene trained the beam upon it, thumbing the button hard.
No light shone from the underslung lamp--the gauntlet's mysterious juices had run dry at last.
Slicing open one of the dead Leapers, he gouged out a mass of silk and used it to glue a mine to either of his hands.
“C’mon then!” Rene invited them in, holding the explosives up in a crucifix-pose and preparing to sell his life dearly, “C’mon if youse hard enuff!”
The Leapers saw his suicidal measures and held back, hovering just out of the likely blast radius. Sorry kid, he thought with a glance at Zildiz. At least you won’t be awake for this part.
“Birds are inbound, boss!” Exar blared, “I repeat, the chickens have come home to roost!”
The timing was nothing short of providential. The warband pointed and blubbered at a dot on the horizon as a keening banshee’s wail filled the air. As one they turned and spun their airfoils to their underarms, gliding off into the lowlands as if their lives depended on it.
It was too much. Tears of joy stung Rene’s irises and he collapsed next to Zildiz, sobbing fitfully as he was wracked by a myriad of bottled-up emotions.
“Thank the ancestors,” he whispered, gazing at the rapidly widening speck with a swell of gratitude and joy.
“Uh, I don’t mean to rain on your parade, sir,” Exar tooted sympathetically, “But that’s not our ride.”
“I’m picking up two flyers on my visual feed. Our shuttle is still three minutes out. I haven’t been able to identify the one you’re seeing right now. It picked up on my comms chatter, but it’s not responding to my hails. But whatever it is, it’s moving hellaciously fast!”

Once fog had rolled away, the Vitalus had found the pilot at last. Its first clue had been the Leaper warband running silent with their magnetosynaptic activity switched off. They had probably shirked their duties on the storm catcher out of idle hunger. They had thought themselves undetectable, but the Vitalus had contingency after contingency in place for just such an eventuality. Duplicity was ever the way with the sons of Arachnea. They had no idea what they were dealing with here, the danger this one human represented.
As the Leapers of the warband had died, the secret tracker implants within them had broadcasted their successive deaths.
Now the Hollowore homed in on its target below, broad wings tucking in close as it dove in for an attack vector. Rows of barnacle-like growths on its armored belly belly gaped open, revealing a battery of underslung nozzles or udders which now seeded the lower atmosphere with trailing transparent aerosol clouds of nano-thermite fuel mix.
The god was not taking any chances. The Engine’s bonded pilot had to die, even if it meant rubbing out a whole tribe or several minor subspecies in the process. As for the warband below. It was unfortunate that they now stood in the way. Leapers had a prodigious birth rate in any case and would recover in a decade or so. There was always time enough to rebuild.
This, however, could not wait. The Hollowore draped the shroud of invisible death over the unsuspecting jungle, and with a single spark of the electrogenetic cells in the hairy tips of its hind legs, the thermobaric holocaust began.
First Chapter. Link for all the chapters available here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
submitted by hoggersbridge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:13 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:25 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:25 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 5/24 - Mon 5/27 (Memorial Day Weekend)

** ALL WEEKEND (FRI 5/24 - MON 5/27) *\*
High Desert Cluster Memorial Day Weekend Show Expo New Mexico, 300 San Pedro Dr. NE Join the High Desert Cluster for new traditions with an ALL INDOOR show on Memorial Day weekend. Conformation will continue in the Lujan Complex Halls A&B and expand to the Creative Arts Center instead of The Farm and Youth Hall. Obedience and Rally will continue in the Horse Arena. 4 All Breed Shows with NOHS and Juniors. 2 Toy Group Shows. Many Breed Specialties. Coming as a spectator? Here's what you need to know. Entry is free and parking is $10. The event is held in the Lujan Complex, Creative Arts Center and Horse Arena. Shows start each day at 8am and end with awarding that day's best in show or high in trial. Want to know when your favorite breeds show? Download the judging program. We also have a great lineup of vendors with products for show dogs and family pets. For human and dog safety, please keep unentered dogs and strollers at home. They will NOT be allowed in the buildings. Of course, ADA qualified service dogs and miniature horses are welcome. Learn more about dog show etiquette
** FRI 5/24 - SUN 5/26 (3 DAYS) *\*
Graduation Tea Snapdragon Tea, 115 Harvard Dr. SE Our Graduation Tea is the perfect way to celebrate the ending of one of life's chapters and the beginning of another! We welcome kids of all ages, and provide children’s menus upon request. Special gluten free/vegan/vegetarian menus available upon request. Reservations are required. Tea party cost is $18.50 for the children's menu and $34.95 for the full 3-course tea party
Sabaku Con 2024 Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North, 5151 San Francisco Rd. NE Don't miss Albuquerque's largest and longest-running anime, gaming, and cosplay convention!
** SAT 5/25 - MON 5/27 (3 DAYS) *\*
12 - 6 PM New Mexico Wine Festival Balloon Fiesta Park, 5600 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy NE The New Mexico Wine Festival at Balloon Fiesta Park is an annual Memorial Day weekend tradition, with over 200 wines from New Mexico's top wineries, great food, art, and live local music, what's not to love. We welcome you to wander in the wine garden with us and enjoy the beautiful New Mexico sunshine (tickets)
**BOTH SAT 5/25 AND SUN 5/26 *\*
Sat 9 AM – 5 PM and Sun 10 AM - 4 PM Brick Fest Live Rio Rancho Events Center, 3001 Civic Center Cir NE, Rio Rancho Looking for a fun event for the whole family? With hands-on activities, life-size models, and celebrities, Brick Fest Live is the #1 event for BRICK lovers of all ages. Your family will have a blast building memories together while engaging in creative play (tickets)
12 - 6 PM Bear Fest 2024 Boxing Bear Brewing, 8420 Firestone Ln. NE FREE ADMISSION: In honor of our 10th Anniversary. Cheers to 10 years! Beer samples, music, craft vendors, food trucks. 21+ (click link for full music lineup and list of vendors)
1 - 2:30 PM THE LOVELESS - award winning director Kathryn Bigelow & iconic actor Willem Dafoe's feature debut! The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Check out the trailer. Dir. Kathryn Bigelow & Monty Montgomery - 1981 - 82m. AS PART OF OUR ONGOING ARTHOUSE CLASSICS & FAVES SERIES! The feature debut of both its star, Willem Dafoe (TO LIVE AND DIE IN LA), and its directors, Monty Montgomery (producer, David Lynch's WILD AT HEART) and future Academy Award-winner Kathryn Bigelow (NEAR DARK). A motorcycle gang roars into a small southern town en route to the Daytona races, unnerving and angering the locals with their standoffish attitude and disrespect for social niceties. When gang member Vance (Dafoe), hooks up with sportscar-driving Telena, he incurs the wrath of the girl's father, setting the gang on a collision course with the rest of the town as simmering tensions boil over into violent retribution. Raw, angry and honest, THE LOVELESS is fully restored by Arrow Films and ready to roar into theaters (tickets)
** Fri 5/24 *\*
Fri 1 – 11 PM Steph Ramirez Benefit Night Unhinged Brewing, 251 98th St. NW, Ste F For those of you who have been our patrons since our very early days a little over a year ago you may remember Steph's smile and charisma lighting up the room as she worked the taproom. We've been missing her for a while now as she's been fighting a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis since late 2023. Unhinged Brewing will be holding a "Steph Ramirez Benefit Night", donating $1 for every beer sold all day to help with the financial burden of her treatment. We're really looking forward to having her out, having drinks, listening to good music, and sharing in the memories. Come out and have a beer! Catch RND Band performing live from 7-9 pm
Fri 5 PM Key Lime Pie Gose Release Tractor Brewing, All Locations We're celebrating Tractor Beer Week right with an all new sour we've never released before! Come try the new Key Lime Pie Gose made with real lime and graham crackers!
Fri 5 – 10 PM Sour Hour with Rowley Farmhouse Ales Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW Come quench that sour palette with a little taste from Rowley Farmhouse Ales for our first event to kick off Tractor Beer Week 2024. They'll be showcasing some of their favs, while we will be showcasing one of our very own sours as well. Grab a flight of four sours that will keep your mouth watering! Or just grab a goblet on one! Or both!
Fri 6 PM Variety Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE Dive into the joy of dance among friends who inspire! For just $10 cash at the door, you'll have the opportunity to sample and practice social dancing a variety of dances including ballroom, latin, country, swing and line dancing. This is your invitation to try something new, meet like-minded individuals, and social dance in a welcoming, supportive environment. The night kicks off with a welcome lesson from 6:00-6:30pm, making it ideal for beginners or anyone to meet new people before the dance floor opens up. Step into a night of dance, discovery, and community. CSP welcomes you!
Fri 6 – 8:30 PM Sol De La Noche Live El Vado ABQ, 2500 Central Ave SW Prepare for an electrifying evening as we proudly present Sol De La Noche! Live music is back with a bang, and this week's performance promises to be a fusion of Latin, R&B, and Hip Hop that will have you dancing all night long. Get ready to be swept away by the infectious rhythms and soulful melodies of Sol De La Noche as they take the stage and ignite the atmosphere with their dynamic blend of musical styles. Indulge your taste buds with a delectable selection of culinary delights from our diverse food pods, offering everything from savory Latin flavors to mouthwatering desserts. And don't forget to quench your thirst with a refreshing craft beer from Ponderosa Brewing Company, available at the El Vado Tap Room. Let's create memories together under the starlit sky!
Fri 7 – 9 PM SIP FLOR // A Night of Local Art + Great Tastes Lapis Room, 303 Romero St. NW Let's shake our tail feathers! This is an intimate gathering with limited tickets available. Must be 21+ to attend. Live music by Lara Manzanares. Artist demo by Thomas Christopher Haag. Culinary bites by Honey Bee Kitchen
Fri 8 PM Salsa Night with Calle 66 Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Dance to Live Salsa with Calle 66, featuring Jackie Zamora with DJ Henry (Salsa, Bachata) on the new indoor stage. 21+. $10 at the door or presales online. VIP reserved seating available thru Eventbrite
Fri 8 – 10 PM Beer & Jazz: Tractor Beer Week Edition Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW We're doubling down with Sour Hour at 5pm and then jazz tunes. We'll have very special beers on tap as well as our Key Lime Pie Gose and then one of the best Jazz groups NM has to offer with Swing Magique at 8pm
Fri 8 PM – 1 AM Hot Club Time Machine Sister, 407 Central Ave NW Warm grooves, hot wax, and dancefloor magic. DJs Tech Rider and Trans Europe Caress at the helm of musical vessel. Trains, planes, and automobiles! We're really going places! Let the Hot Club Time Machine move your body through time and space on a dancing odyssey with engines powered by boogie, house, disco, ebm, synthpop, and funk from all eras and kingdoms. The ticket is free so don't hesitate! Hop on board as we fly above the clouds and trip the light fantastic!
Fri 9 PM - 12 AM Benefit Show Fundraiser for Tony Chavez Fighting Cancer Backstage at Revel, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE Shawn Brooks, Daniel Solis, and Sal Vigil, 21+, $10 cover
Fri 9 PM – 2 AM Rewind Video Dance Party 80s/90s/2K Effex, 420 Central Ave Rewind Returns! All your favorite music videos from the 80s vs 90s vs 2000s on 7 large screens. Expect to hear music from Madonna / Kesha / Spice Girls / Madonna / Britney / Black Eyed Peas / Depeche Mode / TLC / Lady Gaga / Eurythmics / Nysnc / Nelly / Back Street Boys...and all of your other favorite hits
Fri 9:30 PM The 30 & UP R & B Experience Bama's 1865, 6001 Osuna Rd. NE Vegas Resident & Bash Town Touring DJ SupaJames will be our special guest. Tables and VIP Sections are limited... get them now 505-269-3301
** Sat 5/25 *\*
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW Every Saturday from 8 am - NOON! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-April to early-November. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 9 AM Viva Vino Run Casa Vieja, 4541 Corrales Rd, Corrales This 21-and-older event is one you won't want to miss! Casa Vieja Brewery in the Village of Corrales sets the stage for this flat and fast 5K. Each participant will receive an event t-shirt, a participant medal, a commemorative Viva Vino wine glass, and a serving of wine at Casa Vieja. So lace up those running and walking shoes and register now! (The start of the race is south of the Wells Fargo on West La Entrada Rd. Please stay on the side of the road or parking lot until the race director directs you to the start)
Sat 9 AM Unity Explorers at Plaza Bianca Unity Spiritual Center, 9800 Candelaria Rd. NE Unity Explorers Hike: A rare opportunity to hike in Plaza Blanca, inspiration for some of Georgia O’Keefe’s most famous paintings! Located 20 miles from Ghost Ranch this 2.8 mile hike is rated as “easy”. The canyon is on the grounds of Dar al Islam Monastery. One can only enter it with a permit, which we have! After the hike we may visit the Mosque as they love to have guests! We will meet at Unity and then carpool up to the hike, about a 2 hour drive. Bring a trail lunch, sturdy hiking shoes or boots, sunscreen as there is little to no shade and plenty of water
Sat 9 – 10 AM U.S.S. Bullhead Memorial Clean Up! 1606 San Pedro Dr. SE Trash bags and gloves will be provided to you at the 9AM check-in; please meet me in the parking lot. I also have 4 extra litter pick up sticks to loan for the hour so be there early to grab yours! Please remind your family and friends not to litter!
Sat 9 – 11 AM Memorial Day Grave Cleanup San Carlos Cemetery, Alameda and Edith Please join us in cleaning our fallen brothers’ & sisters’ graves. We will also honor them by placing new U.S. Flags on their graves. Please RSVP “going” for a breakfast burrito
Sat 9 AM – 1 PM Summer at the ATC Street Fair Alvarado Transit Center, 100 1st St. SW You're invited to attend a series of events the last Saturday in the Summer of 2024. We will have music, education, non-profits, local vendors, food and drinks! Saturdays - May 25 - June 29 - July 27 - August 31. Park for FREE at the 1st and Gold Parking structure, a QR code will be provided at the event to waive the parking fee. Take a stroll through our Street Fair, then head to the Saturday Farmer's Market at Robinson Park. We are so excited to provide another way to revitalize our downtown area and provide ways to enjoy your weekend!
Sat 9 AM – 3 PM 8th Annual Fundraiser Ride & Chili Cookoff Indian Motorcycle, 4509 Alameda Blvd. NE 8th Annual Fundraiser Ride & Chili Cookoff with 100% proceeds going to families of veterans killed in motorcycle accidents. $20 registration fee for riders & $10 for passengers. Register at Indian Motorcycle of Albuquerque Day of event. $20 registration fee per pot of chili. $10 All you can eat tasting – includes (1) vote; additional votes $5 per ticket. Raffle prizes!
Sat 10 AM Flamenco Para Todos New Mexico Veterans Memorial, 1100 Louisiana Blvd. SE Get ready for our student showing! Join us for a showcase featuring the incredible talents of our students from the Conservatory of Flamenco Arts at the National Institute of Flamenco, alongside students from Flamenco in Your Neighborhood Classes across Albuquerque! Come witness the culmination of their dedication and artistry!
Sat 10 AM Seed Bomb Craft! Corrales Community Library, 84 W. La Entrada, Corrales Join us for this free craft event!
Sat 10:30 AM – 4 PM Garfield Fest Flix Brewhouse, 3200 La Orilla Rd. NW Enjoy photo ops, freebies, an in-theater giveaway, and activities for the whole family. All ages are welcome!
Sat 11 AM Cannabis Farmers Market Mama and the Girls Dispensary, 915 Yale Blvd. SE Connect with Local Growers: Meet the passionate and knowledgeable cannabis growers in our community. Engage in conversations, learn about cultivation techniques, and gain insights into the art of the cannabis business. Support Small Businesses: By attending our farmer's market, you are directly supporting local small-scale cannabis producers. Embrace the opportunity to contribute to the growth of our local economy and the sustainability of our community. Admission is free, must be 21+ (or 18+ w/med card). Support local growers, discover premium cannabis products, and celebrate the vibrant cannabis community at our Farmer's Market. See you there!
Sat 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Morning Toons The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE New Mexico Entertainment is back with its Summer event, Morning Toons. Grab your pajamas and blanket, and participate in this Saturday morning event with your family and friends. Come out to watch old-school cartoons from your childhood on the big screen. Cereal is included with your ticket! So kick back, have some breakfast, and enjoy the toons! Your ticket includes admission and breakfast. Morning Toons is a LIMITED seat event (*location corrected*)
Sat 12 – 4 PM Mimosa BRUNCH Saturdays Oak & Ivy, 3109 Central Ave NE Every Saturday from noon till 4p we are here to provide your two favorite Saturday afternoon things to do.... Brunch and drink Champagne! $25 bucket specials and table shareable items
Sat 12 – 5 PM Live Music with Lani Nash & Adoption Event Noisy Water Winery, 301 Romero St. Come hang out for great music and meet your new best friend from Cross My Paws Animal Rescue!
Sat 12 – 11 PM Ciderday Night Fever Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE We're featuring some of our amazing delicious ciders in flights and of course in goblets for you goblins. Then at 8pm DJ Wae Fonkey will be laying down some disco on the ones and twos to get your apple tree shaking!
Sat 2 – 6 PM Birds of a Feather Parrot Rescue Fundraiser Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Fundraising event for Birds of a Feather Parrot Rescue. Live music by Ross Brothers Band. Visit with the birds and volunteers. Raffles. Portion of all drink sales goes to the organization. Families welcome
Sat 6 – 8 PM KUNM Dance Party feat. DJ Aimie Jane! Smith Plaza in front of Zimmerman Library on the UNM Campus We'll be broadcasting to the headphones in front of the Library, so you can hang out there or go up the hill to the Cornell mall or hang out on the grass at the duck pond. This is a great place to skate, skate board, bike, etc. (but please be aware of your surroundings when headphones are on...). there is cover across the plaza with the Humanities and Language arts buildings so we will be jamming even if we have some weather! Plenty of nice places to throw a blanket down or sit at a table and enjoy some food with friends and family as well! *DJ Aimie Jane will be spinning live on Smith Plaza via Channel one! * Channels two and three will have special mixes created by KUNM's amazing DJs! Normally, we would use this as a fundraiser for KUNM but the station's and University bylaws make it tricky for us to do that, but if you feel like pitching in to pay our fabulous mixer, DJ Aimie Jane, we will gladly accept anything you want to give!
Sat 6 – 9 PM Gone Country Saturdays with DJ Gonzo Supreme Ponderosa Brewing, 1761 Bellamah Ave NW The fun starts with free dance lessons at 5 pm, followed by family-friendly entertainment until 9 pm. Come and join us for an evening of music, dancing, and good vibes!
Sat 7 PM Zia's Birthday Show! OutPost 1706 Brewhouse, 2034 S. Plaza St. NW Join us to celebrate Zia's birthday and catch some of the finest in entertainment including Helena Handbasket from Chicagoland! You will not want to miss this party because we will have raffles, contest games, and of course, plenty of delicious beverages available! Featuring Kardio and Karmelita Karbdashian, La Lorena, Gabby Oh!, Zia Sandia, Helena Handbasket, Vitani Williams, Cookie, Ruthifer, and Ale Bruja. Doors 7p, show 8p, 21+ (tickets)
Sat 7 – 9 PM Drag Queen Bingo: Pride Edition Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW It's back again and just in time for Tractor Beer Week and the start of NM Pride! Join us for a special Pride-themed night of sexy fun and bingo that will benefit our BBB non-profit Elevated Roller Derby! Hosted by the always hilarious Lady Hawk, come party with the best Queens in Albuquerque and win some prizes while you're at it
Sat 7 – 9 PM Sesh N' Flow at the Bside! Los Ranchos Bakery, 6920 4th St. NW, Los Ranchos Canna-Yoga Sesh N' Flow! Bring your mat and a friend and join us for a chill sesh and fun yoga flow! Please BYOB (no canna items for sale... and there's always plenty to go around) Limited space available, get your tickets early! Ticket link has further details
Sat 7 – 10 PM "Soccer Salutes Service" & Paws and Stripes Rio Grande Credit Union Field at Isotopes Park, 1601 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE Paws and Stripes are hosting a fundraiser by selling tickets for the match. Tickers are priced under $25, with $5 of every ticket sold being donated directly to Paws and Stripes! Please consider purchasing your tickets through this link and supporting Paws and Stripes. Your support makes impacts possible for Veterans and service dogs. Saving Lives, Two At A Time
Sat 7 – 11 PM Rawk Out Brew Lab 101, 3301 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho Rawk Out takes over the Brewlab with our Hard Rawkin covers paying tribute to the best of the best
Sat 8 PM Cumbia Night with El Gozao Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Cumbia dance party with high-energy band El Gozao. Crowd-pleasing favorites, including hits by Selena. DJ Double OG will keep you dancing between sets. On the Outdoor stage. 21+ (tickets)
Sat 8 PM – 1:30 AM Frikitona: A Reggaeton Experience Backstage at Revel, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE Prepare for an evening filled with pulsating rhythms and infectious beats spun by renowned DJs Julio, Shatta, & Soiree. Join us as we transform Backstage into the ultimate reggaeton playground, where you can lose yourself in the music and embrace the vibrant energy of the crowd (tickets)
Sat 8:30 PM – 1 AM SABOR Latin Night - SATURDAYS Bama's 1865, 6007 Osuna Rd. NE DJ Gabriel Goza & DJ Pedro will be serving you the saucy Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Merengue y Mas! Ample Parking, Safe Environment, Beautiful Venue, Good Food, Good Music, Good Vibes. 21+ / $10 cover
Sat 9 PM Sugar: The Nu Metal Party Launchpad, 618 Central Ave A Nu Kind of 90's / 00's DJ Night. Doors 9pm Show 930pm. All ages (tickets)
** Sun 5/26 *\*
Sun 10 - 11 AM Yoga & Tea Lost Cultures Tea Bar, 1761 Bellamah Ave NW, Ste C EVERY SUNDAY. It's a special space where you can release what no longer serves you and rejuvenate your soul. Join us for a truly enriching experience. The first 3 Sunday's will be with @ yoga.birch and the last Sunday of the month will be with @ curvaceousmermaidgoddess. $25 per person. 1 drink from the menu included (tickets)
Sun 10 AM – 2 PM Indigenous Peoples Day Rail Yards Market, 777 1st St. SW Celebrate all things Indigenous at the Rail Yards Market (Tiwa land). New Mexico is home to 19 Pueblos, according to the Pueblo beliefs and actions are still guided by Pueblo Core Values, which include love, respect, compassion, faith, understanding, spirituality, balance, peace, and empathy. Celebrations and ceremonies are continued throughout the year, maintaining the connection to Pueblo communities, ancestors, and to the Earth. (Source: Indian Pueblo Cultural Center). New Mexico is a place of rich and painful history, where Indigenous cultures have resiliently thrived. Indigenous people implemented innovative and sustainable agricultural practices that have been utilized for centuries in New Mexico. The Rail Yards Market is proud to host many talented Indigenous vendors, and work with strong community partners, like New Mexico Community Capital, Native Health Initiative, and more. You can look forward to finding community tables by the Office of Equity and Inclusion - Native American Affairs, Americans for Indian Opportunity, and Indigenous Women Rising! A'he'hee means Thank-you in Navajo! Everyone is welcome! EBT doubled with Double-Up-Food-Bucks. Senior and WIC programs welcome. Fresh local produce! Breakfast & lunch prepared food options. Handmade Art. ADA Accessible. Free Parking. FREE :: LOCAL :: FAMILY FRIENDLY :: PET FRIENDLY
Sun 11 AM – 4 PM May Shop Small Sunday Sunday Service Motor Co, 2701 4th St. NW This month we teamed up with some truly rad shops to bring you the best ABQ has to offer. Stop in for local vendors, crafts, live music, food and drink!
Sun 11 AM – 5 PM Sunday Funday ABQ Food Park, 6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Bring the entire family for an unforgettable day filled with games, a bounce house, and face painting! There's something exciting for everyone, so gather your loved ones and join in on the fun! Challenge each other to lively games, bounce around in the inflatable wonderland of our bounce house, and enjoy our face painting station with Local Locas Face Painting. It's the perfect way to spend quality time together and make lasting memories
Sun 11:30 AM Twilight Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE THE HISTORIC LOBO THEATER is excited to bring Twilight to the big screen! Showing Starts at 11:30 am Tickets are ONLY $10 for General Admission $25 Brunch and a Movie Ticket $21 Brunch Only ticket
Sun 3:30 – 6:30 PM Clark Andrew Libbey and Dave Barclay Casa Rondeña Winery, 733 Chavez Rd NW, Los Ranchos Come on out to the lovely Casa Rondena Winery for an afternoon of acoustic guitar and accordion with Clark Andrew Libbey and Dave Barclay
Sun 5 PM Lag B'omer BBQ Party Chabad of New Mexico, 4000 San Pedro Dr. NE Get ready to fire up your taste buds with a BBQ dinner in honor of Lag B'omer! Burgers, hot dogs, chicken wings, coleslaw, potato salad, drinks, jumping castle for the children! (tickets)
Sun 6 – 11:55 PM Nob Hill Cruise for Tattoos Albuquerque Ink Tattoo, 4815 Central Ave NE AND 2820 Central Ave Cruise from shop to shop on Route 66 every Sunday and receive discounts at both locations
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 22:55 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 22:28 naelick Tatoueurs franciliens de passage en octobre (styles : illustratif, blackwork, sketchy, gravure)

Salut tout le monde !
Je me permets de faire un peu de pub pour ma semaine de passage au salon Turbo Zéro, du 8 au 12 octobre 2024, avec mon collègue. Il nous reste pas mal de créneaux encore donc si jamais ça en intéresse parmi vous, n'hésitez pas à nous passer un message sur insta :) On prend les projets sur mesure ou les réservations de flash !
Photos 1 & 2 : NÆRIS / Photos 2 & 3 : LKS
Bonne fin de semaine !
submitted by naelick to Nantes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:54 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:52 vdoartur [Store] 350 knifes / gloves and a lot skins M9 Sapphire FN, Kara Black Pearl FN, BFK Doppler P2 FN, Talon Sapphire FN & MW, M4 Howl FT, Bayo Emerald FN, Pandora box WW, Stiletto Ruby 0.009 FL, AWP Prince MW, Kara Fade FN, ST Flip Emerald FN, AK-47 CH #661 WW, and a lot other knifes/gloves

🔥 Trading Extravaganza! 💼🚀
Hey fellow traders! 👋 I'm thrilled to announce a massive inventory worth $350,000 up for grabs, featuring 350 knives, gloves, and a treasure trove of skins! 💼💸
Whether you're buying, selling, or up for trades, I'm all in! Crypto, PayPal, skins, or cash - I'm open to all offers! 💳💰
skins + cash offers welcome too <3
Feel free to reach out on Steam or send your offers directly. Let's make some epic deals happen! 🎮💼
Steam Profile :
Trade link :
Ready for exciting trades! 🌟💼
feel free to send me your offer
Name Price B/O Tradability ★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 11359.44 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 7681.26 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 5056.31- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 4260.64 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 4259.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 4186.29 - -
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - WW - 4057.66- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A4 Howl - FT - 3847.88 - -
★ Talon Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - MW - 3260.70 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 3147.56- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP The Prince - MW - 2907.12 - -
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 2739.17 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Emerald) - FN - 2694.96 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2536.12 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 2492.78 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 2384.09- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 2383.22 - -
AK-47 Gold Arabesque - FT - 2275.39 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - MW - 2273.54 - -
AWP Medusa - FT - 2195.69 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 2144.81 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - FN - 2129.01 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - FT - 2078.29- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - MW - 2009.52 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web - FN - 1969.44 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 1949.30 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1947.06 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 2) - MW - 1925.95 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 1840.46 - -
★ Butterfly Knife - - 1840.39- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 1811.54 - -
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 1753.65- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir AK-47 Gold Arabesque - BS - 1735.82- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1695.68- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 1664.51- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - MW - 1605.58- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FN - 1594.15 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1586.83 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1565.10 - -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 1512.92 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 1476.84 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1463.78 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 1404.08- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Slaughter - FT - 1383.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - FN - 1376.69- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Lore - FT - 1323.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Black Pearl) - FN - 1304.29- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Marble Fade - MW - 1297.84- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1291.97 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 1288.07 - -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 1275.38 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 1275.31 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet - - 1252.91 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1207.85 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - MW - 1207.26 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 1201.46 - -
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 1188.42- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Sport Gloves Arid - MW - 1172.19 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Tiger Tooth - MW - 1159.44 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
★ Karambit Autotronic - FT - 1140.59 - -
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 1130.30 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - MW - 1111.03 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Ruby) - MW - 1099.73 - -
★ Karambit Blue Steel - FN - 1086.82 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Ruby) - FN - 1081.17- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AWP Fade - FN - 1072.33- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ M9 Bayonet Autotronic - FT - 1069.44 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - MW - 1029.65 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 1029.00- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Souvenir M4A4 Eye of Horus - MW - 1029.00 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 1028.93- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 1021.03 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - MW - 1012.34 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Crimson Web - FT - 999.95 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - MW - 991.11 - -
★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Fade - FN - 954.80 - -
Sticker Team Dignitas (Holo) Cologne 2014 - - 936.24 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Karambit Lore - FT - 924.50 - -
★ Bayonet Gamma Doppler (Phase 4) - FN - 920.30- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Forest DDPAT - FN - 911.61- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fire Serpent - FT - 898.42 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Freehand - FT - 886.97 - -
StatTrak™ M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 885.66 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 875.15 - -
★ StatTrak™ Talon Knife Marble Fade - FN - 871.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Slaughter - FT - 869.49 - -
★ Falchion Knife Crimson Web - FN - 869.43- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
StatTrak™ AWP Lightning Strike - FN - 859.44 - -
★ Talon Knife Slaughter - FN - 847.83 - -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 846.38 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Fade - FN - 844.94 - -
★ Bayonet Fade - FN - 840.59- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Fade - FN - 836.97 - -
★ Karambit Black Laminate - WW - 836.09- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Butterfly Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 823.20 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - MW - 821.60 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Black Laminate - BS - 804.36 - -
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 800.02 - -
★ Skeleton Knife - - 798.56 - -
★ Karambit Forest DDPAT - FN - 797.11- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FT - 790.52 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - FT - 786.96 - -
StatTrak™ AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 782.62- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ StatTrak™ Butterfly Knife Stained - FT - 781.17- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 770.08 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Blue Steel - MW - 762.33 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Black Laminate - WW - 753.64- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - FN - 753.05 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - FT - 747.84 - -
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Damascus Steel - FT - 734.07 - -
M4A1-S Imminent Danger - FT - 721.32 - -
★ Karambit Bright Water - MW - 708.06 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Scorched - FN - 708.04- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 707.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 1) - FN - 707.11 - -
MAG-7 Cinquedea - MW - 694.93 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Crimson Web - FT - 691.25 - -
M4A4 Eye of Horus - FN - 684.36 - -
★ Karambit Stained - FT - 684.06 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 678.27 - -
★ Bayonet Lore - MW - 674.57 - -
★ Karambit Freehand - FT - 671.75 - -
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Bright Water - FN - 664.50 - -
★ Kukri Knife - - 662.33 - -
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 659.43 - -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37- Tue May 07 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 630.37 - -
★ Karambit Stained - WW - 627.54 - -
★ Butterfly Knife Boreal Forest - FT - 624.36 - -
★ Bayonet Slaughter - FN - 621.75 - -
★ Gut Knife Crimson Web - FN - 615.95- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Field Agent - MW - 613.55 - -
Sticker Titan (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 604.36 - -
★ Ursus Knife Fade - FN - 601.09 - -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 599.87 - -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 598.56 - -
★ Karambit Night - BS - 592.47 - -
★ Driver Gloves Black Tie - MW - 584.79 - -
Souvenir M4A1-S Welcome to the Jungle - BS - 579.43 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Stained - FT - 568.12 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Emerald Web - WW - 563.41 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 563.05 - -
AWP Lightning Strike - MW - 562.68 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Freehand - FT - 561.96 - -
★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth - FN - 545.66 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Gamma Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 541.82 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Crimson Web - BS - 538.27 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - MW - 534.71- Mon May 06 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Kukri Knife Stained - FN - 519.57 - -
★ Talon Knife Case Hardened - FT - 515.21 - -
★ Falchion Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 511.46 - -
★ Flip Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 504.86 - -
★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Sapphire) - FN - 492.77 - -
★ Talon Knife Blue Steel - MW - 492.69 - -
★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Phase 3) - FN - 487.98 - -
M4A1-S Icarus Fell - FN - 485.51 - -
★ StatTrak™ Bayonet Lore - FT - 475.37 - -
★ Paracord Knife Fade - FN - 469.50 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - MW - 466.67- Sat May 04 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Huntsman Knife Fade - FN - 457.89 - -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Vulcan - MW - 455.73 - -
★ Flip Knife Slaughter - FN - 446.02 - -
★ Bowie Knife Doppler (Phase 2) - FN - 443.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike - FT - 439.07 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ Sport Gloves Amphibious - BS - 434.65 - -
★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest - FT - 433.33 - -
★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Slaughter - FN - 429.37 - -
★ Stiletto Knife - - 427.54- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
AK-47 Fuel Injector - FN - 423.84 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
M4A1-S Printstream - FN - 420.29 - -
★ Skeleton Knife Stained - FT - 419.72 - -
SSG 08 Death Strike - BS - 418.49 - -
★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web - FT - 409.78- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Crimson Web - WW - 404.93 - -
AK-47 X-Ray - WW - 398.19- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Flip Knife - - 379.86 - -
AUG Akihabara Accept - WW - 376.46 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - FN - 373.92 - -
★ Falchion Knife Fade - FN - 372.04 - -
Sticker LGB eSports (Holo) Katowice 2015 - - 371.53 - -
★ Bayonet Freehand - FN - 368.70 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - FT - 366.67 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - MW - 362.18 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web - FT - 360.58 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Marble Fade - FN - 357.98 - -
★ Bayonet Blue Steel - FT - 355.08 - -
★ Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls - WW - 347.83- Wed May 08 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Ultraviolet - FT - 347.61- Fri May 03 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - MW - 346.31 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Moto Gloves Polygon - MW - 344.86 - -
★ Hydra Gloves Emerald - FN - 344.42 - -
★ Sport Gloves Omega - WW - 343.19 - -
★ Huntsman Knife Lore - FN - 324.49 - -
★ Specialist Gloves Foundation - FT - 323.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Ursus Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 317.39 - -
Glock-18 Synth Leaf - MW - 317.25 - -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15- Fri May 10 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Case Hardened - WW - 310.15 - -
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FT - 298.26- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Talon Knife Night Stripe - FT - 297.69- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade - FT - 294.93- Sun May 05 2024 09:00:00 -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr - FN - 291.29 - -
AK-47 Case Hardened - MW - 288.41 - -
★ StatTrak™ Flip Knife Crimson Web - FT - 288.19- Thu May 09 2024 09:00:00 -
★ Stiletto Knife Damascus Steel - FT - 286.37 - -
★ Moto Gloves Turtle - MW - 285.30 - -
★ Driver Gloves Crimson Weave - FT - 282.61 - -
★ Flip Knife Case Hardened - MW - 281.75 - -
StatTrak™ Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo - FN - 275.23 - -
StatTrak™ AWP Wildfire - FN - 273.63 -
submitted by vdoartur to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:35 Agreeable_Block_6642 Severe pain in mons pubis

Severe pain in mons pubis
Hi guys. I’m currently 5dpo, and all things considering doing really well! I’m super duper swollen but my pain is low and I’m managing well… except for one spot. My mons pubis was numb on one side but now the feelings coming back and all I feel is PAIN it’s so sensitive and sharp and hurts so bad when things rub on it or I move that I’m crying out loud. Is this nerve pain? Reconnection pain? It hurt a bit like this yesterday at my post op and they offered me more pain meds and I said no but now this pain is so bad I just took one of the last few oxy I had just so I can get some relief from this burning sharp intense pain. Anyone else have this issue?!
submitted by Agreeable_Block_6642 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]