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Teen Titans Reviewed: Every Episode

2024.06.01 14:54 ParticularlyAvocado Teen Titans Reviewed: Every Episode

1. Divide and Conquer - 4/5 (Slapper intro. Pretty good for a pilot episode, but it felt like they rushed into character drama a little too quickly. Like, I only JUST now met Robin and Cyborg for the first time, so this big breakup doesn't really hit as hard as I imagine it could had it been a later episode. The animation of this show is very fun and different from typical action cartoons, though. Stuff like the characters turning into chibis and going horrendeously off-model for gags is great stuff.)
2. Sisters - 3/5 (Immediately more character conflict and drama. I'd say this one works a little better, but again, I only really now just met Starfire, so there's not a hugely established friendship between her and the Titans enough yet. On the other hand, perhaps that's for this episode's benefit, as it's about her feeling replacable, which would not be very realistic after having been established as BFFs for several seasons. And I did think her and Robin's chat was really sweet, so whatever. Also, Blackfire is just a color swap of Starfire. Sunny Tennyson much?)
3. Final Exam - 4/5 (So this episode was the first to air, but is not the "real" pilot. Strangely enough, it would almost have worked better as a pilot, since it introduces the characters in their HQ immediately followed by showing how they work as a team. The H.I.V.E. aren't the most interesting villains but Gizmo was pretty amusing. What was with the lighting in the scene where they get out of the water though? Looked strange.)
4. Forces of Nature - 4/5 (Thunder's Sonic eyes is freaking me out. Please separate them... Anyway, decent episode, even if it's mostly just Thunder and Lightning wreaking havoc and getting moral lessons from Beast Boy.)
5. The Sum of His Parts - 5/5 (Fixit. Wow, clever name. Sarcasm aside, pretty great episode. It's interesting to see Cyborg's abilities explored, and the eerieniess of Fixit about to forcibly make him a full robot was highly engaging. Although while that IS the main story, the majority of this episode is spent with the other Titans fighting Mumbo Jumbo for some reason. Not that it's back, since I liked the zany wackiness of it. But it definitely didn't need take up that much time. Also, he briefly became a Canadian from South Park.)
6. Nevermore - 4/5 (Thunder and Lightning, Mumbo Jumbo, and now Doctor Light? So far this show has had really lame villains. Not that it's a huge detriment, because unlike other superhero cartoons, the focus in most episodes seem to be more on the inner workings of the Titans themselves as opposed to whatever villain they're facing, so I guess they just pick goofy ones to jumpstart the actual plots. Which in this episode was pretty amusing. Raven's a lot more mellow than her appearance would let on. I thought she would nearly murder Cyborg and Beast Boy for breaking into her room, but she was just slightly upset. Oh and, uh, what was up with intro being in Japanese?)
7. Switched - 4/5 (Just as I mentioned the villains being "lame" in the last episode, I thought Puppet King was pretty interesting. He's not like, compelling as a character or anything, but I found the puppet schtick fairly amusing to watch. As for the actual story, while "body swap" is not the most original idea for these kinds of shows, I still found it endearing how Raven and Starfire learned about one another. But the fact that they still keep their voices makes me go grrr.)
8. Deep Six - 3/5 (There's that Japanese intro again! Apparently it's used for episodes that are more comedic, while the English is for the "serious" ones. Guess I'll see if that assessment holds up under scrutiny. So this is mostly an underwater episode, which, while not a bad setting by default, feels pretty uninspired when it's nothing but blue backgrounds and rocks. Raven horning for Aqualad sure was a sight to behold, though. Felt a bit out of character.)
9. Masks - 4/5 (Wow, Red X was Robin? No way. It's not like they had the exact same voice or anything. Anyway, as good as this episode might be, it's really just some setup for Slade's schemes, which is really only vaguely hinted at whatever it is. As a result, I don't really have much to say. Starfire's lecture about Robin not trusting them was a bit "wha" though, because, yeah, if they knew Red X was Robin, they would've held back, and it would not be convincing.)
10. Mad Mod - 3/5 (Sheesh, this episode hurts my eyes. It's a funny one, though. And it has the Japanese intro, so I guess that fact about it was true. It's nothing but the Titans chasing some Brit for the entire episode. 20 minutes of pure zaniness. And Mad Mod was a pretty amusing gag villain. I also really liked the song "K2G" that played during that Scooby-Doo parody montage.)
11. Car Trouble - 3/5 (Gizmo drove away with Cyborg's car JUST as he arrived to confront the guys who initially stole it. He would have been right in the vicinity of it, how did he not notice it driving away? LOL. Also why do the two crooks calmly tiptoe around and vaguely say they "lost it" instead of just "some guy drove away with it right behind you like 10 seconds ago!".)
12/13. Apprentice - 5/5 (Slade merely wanting an apprentice is a bit of a confusing motivation. Like, for what purpose? Once he's fully molded Robin, what does he intend to do next? Take over the world? Not that it matters, since the conflict of Robin having to betray his friends to save their lives was thrilling enough. Although part 2 is obviously the better half, because the first is mostly just setup for that. Robin also makes a sick Batman reference, but can't directly mention him because of the Bat-embargo. LOL. Side note, the effect of the probes being the characters becoming...orange with a buncha circles wiggling around them was odd.)
14. How Long is Forever? - 5/5 (Robin just brooding in front of the speakers was funny. LOL. Anyway, the way time travel is handled here is confusing. I suppose it always is, but here it seems to function so that during the period Starfire was travelling 20 years, she simply did not exist during them. But she came back to the past in the end, meaning historically, she always returned. So instead of time travel looping around itself, I guess in this series when you travel, you're just gone. And if you return, the timeline you go back to will be a completely different one. That aside, it was neat to see the future Titans, although sheesh my guy Beast Boy aged horribly. And I find it hard to believe the entire city would become a dystopia like this, considering the Titans aren't the only heroes around.)
15. Every Dog Has His Day - 5/5 (Pretty solid for a zany comedy episode. Beast Boy becoming a dog to get bitches (pun intended) was funny. And the whole schtick of the Titans mistaking an actual green dog for him lent itself to a lot of good comedy. The reveal that that the dog is actually intelligent and can speak sort of "ruins" what made that aspect funny in the first place, but it doesn't affect the episode's quality or anything, so that's just a nitpick. Soto was pretty freaky though. Reminded me of Tiny from Ben 10.)
16. Terra - 4/5 (Yikes, Terra is scrawny. She's like a walking stick. I guess she has earth powers, although it's not really explored how or why. Though, at this point in the show, I've obviously learned that stuff is not something it prioritizes. Anyway, this episode is very good, but it's mostly just introduction to Terra and then a teaser that she is Slade's new apprentice victim. I'm interested for where that goes, but I don't have much else to say about this one specifically.)
17. Only Human - 4/5 (Not to go all Facts & Logic:tm:, but humans also have a limit to which they can use their muscles, so on a technical sense, Cyborg's conflict in this episode doesn't make much sense. Especially since he exceeds 100% by the end anyway, showing it was always possible. Not to diminish the story or anything, because I did find his conflict around it genuinely engaging. And the moment when he rises up to the challenge to actually beat Atlas is obviously very cathartic and rewarding. But also LOL that Atlas picked a beef with Cyborg over losing in a video game.)
18. Fear Itself - 4/5 (Here I spent the entire episode expecting the "obvious" reveal that everything scary that happened was a prank by the Titans to prove to Raven that she can be scared. Guess I was a little overconfident in that since it turns out she was just accidentally doing it herself.)
19. Date with Destiny - 4/5 (Hey, it's Spider-Man. I mean, Fang. That was a pretty freaky character design. Just a guy with a huge spider as his entire head. This episode felt like it ramped up the wacky animation to 11, particularly with nearly every motion Kitten makes. And that bit with Starfire's mouth falling into the punch stuck out, too. That aside, pretty cute episode. Starfire's jealousy is amusing.)
20. Transformation - 3/5 (Does the Titan Tower only have bathroom? That's ridiculous. It's huge! Anyway, not to complain about power inconsistency or whatever, but Starfire being able to instantly fly several hundred thousand kilometers away from Earth pretty much instantly, not to mention be able to breathe in space is a bit excessive. She's not Green Lantern... That aside, this was alright. It's neat to find out more about Tamaranians, but Starfire has already learned the "my friends will like me no matter what" lesson before.)
21. Titan Rising - 4/5 (Why is Raven so pissy at Terra? Like, I know she's moody and has a low temper, but raging at someone just trying their best? A bit out of character. That said, I still enjoyed the rivarly. I like Terra on the team. It's fun that they're expanding the roster.)
22. Winner Take All - 3/5 (Why does the Master of Games need people to lose a battle before he can absorb them and their powers? Why doesn't he just do it to all of them on the spot? I found it funny that Beast Boy lost the first round. When the episode began I was expecting some epic final battle between the three main characters. But nope, he just loses and is gone for the rest of the episode.)
23. Betrayal - 4/5 (That was a bit of a rushed betrayal. Terra is introduced in one episode, instantly leaves within the same one, makes a big comeback 4 episodes later, and betrays them in the very next while it's treated like some devastating loss to the team. Well, there is the game episode in between. But also she isn't even in that save for a silent cameo in one shot in the end, so that barely counts! That said I still liked the emotional beats of the story from Beast Boy's perspective and such, so I'm not hating on how this was done. I just think this could've meant more if she actually was a member of the Titans for the episodes leading up to this betrayal. On a lighter note, I liked Beast Boy's theatrical scenarios of how he should have asked her out.)
24. Fractured - 3/5 (So in-between the previous, serious, dramatic episode, and the upcoming 2-part finale which will obviously be about Terra, they felt they needed an episode about some annoying imp doing zany nonsense. Not that the show is a stranger to that stuff, but this wasn't nearly as charming as Mad Mod.)
25/26. Aftershock - 4/5 (Pretty standard "epic finale" fare, but obviously it's good because I liked this Terra arc, as rushed as it may have been. Her turning on Slade and even being the one who ends up killing him was pretty thrilling stuff. I didn't think they'd actually go that far, considering he's like the main villain of the series. But while that final battle between Beast Boy and Terra was pretty great due to the resonance and such it contains, I feel like the episode took up a lot of time having the Titans fight various miscellaneous characters leading up to it, that just wasn't as interesting. Side note, Raven and Terra just being colored completely brown to simulate being muddy stuck out to me. I don't know why. Mainly because most shows would draw wiggly lines to simulate the muddiness, not just one blank color.)
27. Deception - 4/5 (I know this show is episodic so stuff like this is bound to happen, but it is a bit eyerolling that characters seem to just learn the same lessons over and over. Like in this episode, Cyborg is beating himself up over being a cyborg, but by the end he accepts himself the way he is. A lesson he has learned in 2 episodes prior to this already. Not that I didn't think it was well done. His chat with Starfire was sweet, and the whole thing about him being undercover was entertaining too, so it's not much of an issue.)
28. X - 4/5 (So some guy steals Robin's Red X costume and takes up the mantle... But he also conveniently sounds exactly like Robin? Sure, because THAT makes sense. For the most part this episode is just baiting you into wanting to know who Red X is, but then NEVER answers it. Pretty rude. Nevertheless, it was still interesting. Also Professor Chang's design reminds me of Inspector 13 from Ben 10.)
29. Betrothed - 3/5 (Titans just casually flying to another planet like it's a mere road trip. OK. Is The Batman funding this or what? Also, that scene of Robin outside the spaceship made me LOL. Anyway it's interesting to see Tamaran thoroughly explored upon and such, but it's a bit absurd that every single person on the planet wears basically the exact same outfit.)
30. Crash - 4/5 (Cyborg's cybernetic features are confusing. Firstly, how could a digital virus affect his brain, which is clearly a biological component? Second, how and why are there red blood cells flowing in the "veins" of his mechanical parts? Nitpicking logic in a goofy joke episode aside, this was great stuff. I liked that they had to reluctantly get Gizmo to help, and Cyborg going nuts was just entertaining in its own right. I think the interior of his cybernetic parts were interestingly designed, and Beast Boy as an amoeba is just absurd but fun. Although it's inconsistent that he's able to talk while in that form, since he can't when he's any other animal.)
31. Haunted - 5/5 (This was pretty grim, but very thrilling. Given Slade was established as like the main villain of the show, even though it seemed obvious he was imaginary, I kept asking myself if he was actually real or not to come capacity, since I doubt the series would get rid of its main villain that easily. And well, they DID imply somebody else activated the hallucination chemical from the mask, so, like, yeah, he's clearly coming back. That said, if it was all in Robin's head, how did he get all those bruises and rips in his clothes? By punching the air? And why did Beast Boy have a cold in this episode? I guess they needed some comedic relief so it wouldn't be too grim for Cartoon Network.)
32. Spellbound - 4/5 ("Kardiak, you're under arrest". I get it. Because he is a heart. Pretty amusing. Anyway, yikes, Beast Boy sure was mean for NO reason. But the way they made up in the end with Raven even joining him and Cyborg's game of "stankball" was cute. As for Malchior, well, I thought he was a girl until he spoke.)
33. Revolution - 3/5 (Pretty much a rehash of the first Mad Mod episode. He has the Titans trapped in a maze of illusions and they chase him around and defeat him. Which I get is the whole gimmick since he's just a joke villain, so yeah. This was good, but not AS good. The pop-art backgrounds were pretty cool, and I liked how the British flag was the sky in the background the entire time. Plus, British Beast Boy was funny. The "message" about patriotism, democracy or whatever, felt a but muddled.)
34. Wavelength - 3/5 (I guess Brother Blood is growing to be Cyborg's arch nemesis or something. This was pretty average, so I barely got anything to say. Aqualad asks for help, so they take down Blood's underwater weapon and...Yeah. But I liked Bumblebee, and her fight scene with Cyborg had a lot of funny visuals. The bit where he shuts the door on her was amusing too.)
35. The Beast Within - 5/5 (This was great. You'd think it would be fairly predictable to tell a werewolf story with Beast Boy, but the execution really makes it work. Yeah, it's obvious he's acting strange because of the chemicals from the beginning. But his gradual shift from acting macho, to asshole, to picking a physical fight with Raven for NO reason was interesting because of how bizarrely out of character it is. Especially when his "beast" form took the Raven beef to the next level. But on top of that I especially enjoyed the twist that the Adonis guy from the beginning was a second werewolf, and the actual culprit. Robin seemed awfully quick to immediately lock Beast Boy away or straight up murder him though. For a guy who himself was blackmailed into being evil, you'd think he would be more considerate to other possibilities.)
36. Can I Keep Him? - 3/5 (This was alright. Pretty simple concept for a comedy episode is all. Beast Boy fosters a giant maggot and then it becomes bigger and dangerous. Kind of amusing how Starfire got more attached to it in like a day than Beast Boy did while hiding it for months. As a sode note, I liked the design of Rancids robot dog and dinosaur.)
37. Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear - 3/5 (Pretty good for a zany episode. The Titans as animals were amusing designs, and Beast Boy becoming a lamp instead was funny. Mumbo's song was catchy.)
38/39. Titans East - 4/5 (I like the concept of Titans East, although the only member I find particularly interesting is Bumblebee. I'm always fond of shrinking abilities for the potential practical uses that often go unacknowledged. She never really does anything with it besides shoot some lasers in the bad guys face, though. Speedy and Aqualad are kind of generic, and Mรกs y Menos are just gag characters, so yeah. Cyborg's conflict here was pretty interesting, but the way he gets decapitated piece by piece was pretty brutal. But him sticking it to Brother Blood was pretty awesome, and I liked the sweet ending where he decides to stick with the Titans.)
40. Episode 257-494 - 3/5 (Steve Irwin gets mauled by a bear. Anyway, this episode is decent, but it's just an endless stream of references to other things, many of which I am not familiar with, so even as a comedy episode, a lot of the jokes don't work very well. That woman from the lame soap opera was still with Cyborg in the real world by the end because THAT makes sense. But it was funny.)
41. The Quest - 4/5 (Yeah, it was pretty obvious the old lady was the great master. Robin going through challenges was pretty entertaining though, but that snake one... He won by merely grabbing the snake? Sure, okay. The rest of the team dressing up as and pretending to be Robin was probably the best part, especially even Raven joining in.)
42. Birthmark - 4/5 (Welcome back, Slade. This was a very thrilling episode. Really just has you asking tons of questions. Like how is Slade back, why is he targeting Raven now, etc. But also, it was interesting how this potrays Robin and Raven as having a very close friendship. I mean I guess all the Titans are good friends, but these two haven't been explored as a duo at all, so it was interesting, if not a bit awkward.)
43. Cyborg the Barbarian - 4/5 (Silly concept, but I like it. Though given how time travel has been established in this show, Cyborg can't really do anything to affect the future, because everything he will do has already happened in the past. I like the design of the demon... Thingies)
44. Employee of the Month - 4/5 (I found it interesting how this acknowledges Beast Boy a physical task, as opposed to Raven or Starfire's breezy levitating. Beast Boy working at a meat shop itself was pretty funny, and the Tofu villain in the end sells the whole thing for me. LOL.)
45. Troq - 3/5 (The racism episode. The fact that we know what word "troq" is supposed to represent makes it very weird how often we see it used. I mean imagine an episode where they used the actual word this much... Yeah. I think this is pretty well done and what not in terms of being sweet and emotional, especially Cyborg's talk with Starfire and Robin instantly changing his mind on Val-Yor once he finds out. But the action plot they wrapped all this around didn't really have me hooked, and it's a pretty big chunk of the episode.)
46. The Prophecy - 3/5 (This is neat and all, but for the most part it really feels like nothing but setup for a grander plot than something to stand on its own. So while I'm sure the context of this will make the season finale more rewarding, this is just okay. I did get a kick out of Raven pulling up Slade as he was trying to leave just to jerk him around a little.)
47. Stranded - 4/5 (This is a fun episode, but it has one of the worst common TV tropes of all time; Character refusing to explain an easily explainable situation this creating conflict because of misunderstanding. I mean, yeah, Starfire DID describe what a "girlfriend" was, but then she just described what could also be platonic. Robin could have easily explained to her that there's a difference between platonic and romantic.)
48. Overdrive - 3/5 (I like the Billy Numerous theme music, but that's about it really.)
49. Mother Mae-Eye - 3/5 (Well, funny at times, I'll give it that. But ehhhh. Yeah, I don't know, there isn't much to be said here. Liked the scene where Robin spiked up his hair.)
50/51/52. The End - 5/5 (Yeah, pretty epic. The Titans using Raven's power was also cool. I was hoping to finally see Slade's face when his mask was knocked off, but I suppose a creepy half decomposed skeleton is also interesting... Don't really understand Trigon's motivation for, well, all of this though. He wants to take over the Earth and get rid of all life on it, just so he can sit in a giant chair and relax? I mean, the real story here is supposed to be about Raven, so I know it doesn't matter, but that's pretty thin for what's supposed to be the most threatening villain of the show to date.)
53/54. Homecoming - 3/5 (I love specific character focused episode where we see something more personal to them, but Beast Boy's background isn't that interesting and most of the team besides Elastigirl weren't very interesting. But I do find Negative Man's powers cool. Brain is a pretty cool villain too, I love his voice, really intimidating vibes. How are any of the Doom Patrol alive after what happened though? Never explained)
55. Trust - 4/5 (An entire Hot Spot episode? Interesting, since I always find it fun when shows divert from the main cast. Overall fun, but that ending was pretty frustrating though. Hot Spot was so obviously Madame Rouge!)
56. For Real - 3/5 (I do like the Titans East, but this was disappointing. I was hoping for more of a genuine episode in their own town, seeing their feats as a team and friends, as opposed to goofing off with Control Freak. Also one of the villains Brain had lined up two episodes ago is in jail here?? Were Mรกs y Menos permanently translated to English for the audience to understand them? I mean I guess I prefer it, since having them two speaking what sounds like gibberish to the rest of the team makes it hard for them to appear as genuine friends, especially since they're mostly attached to each other as opposed to the whole team.)
57. Snowblind - 4/5 (Already loved Red Star and then he's immediately killed before my eyes!! Whyyyy! I was hoping he would gain control of his powers and aid the Titans. How has he still been getting tanks to fill up with radioactive liquid for so many decades though? And that's a pretty small room for two tanks a day over the span of decades.)
58. Kole - 3/5 (This entire season so far the Titans have just been around the world, given last time they were in what appears to be Russia, and now it's somewhere in Scandinavia. It's been an interesting change of pace, sure, but this episode wasn't terribly interesting. They meet some caveman with a little girl, Dr. Light is up to no good, etc.)
59. Hide and Seek - 3/5 (Bobby turning out to be real was a pretty fun "twist". Got dragged out for a while though.)
60. Lightspeed - 4/5 (Another non-Titan focused episode. Kid Flash is randomly horning on Jinx because why not, I guess? This Jinx redemption came out of absolutely nowhere, given how little we've seen of her prior. But Kid Flash is fun, so whatever.)
61. Revved Up - 3/5 (This episode is neat, but given how they are racing for the entirety of it, the constant action was pretty exhausting to sit through. Why did Raven sneezing and Starfire saying the Tamaranean equivalent of "bless you" inform all the villains they are Titans though? Also, infuriating we never got to see what's in the briefcase.)
62. Go! - 5/5 (Love seeing the origins of the team, though it's pretty oddly convenient that these 5 superpowered people (well 4 with powers) just so happened to stumble upon each other, same day, same time, same situation. I imagine shortly after this they occasionally stumbled upon each other trying to fight the same bad guy every so often and decided to start a team. Which would have been more realistic for their first interactions, not all 5 meeting at once. Pretty on the nose Batman reference but they still absolutely refuse to mention Batman.)
63/64. Calling All Titans!/Titans Together - 5/5 (Why is Beast Boy climbing up the mountain as a goat instead of just... Flying? This was quite the epic episode, I enjoyted the intensity of seeing nearly every hero be ambushed separately by different villains. It's a bit strange for the final part to mostly be from Beast Boy's perspective, and with the strange heroes he ends up meeting. I was expecting to see how the rest of the Titans made it to the Brotherhood of Evil base, but it's probably better this way, since it leaves it up to imagination, and it doesn't really matter. Seeing the brain finally defeated when all heroes went into battle was satisfying. Jericho's powers were pretty cool.)
65. Things Change - 4/5 (The amount of quiet and awkward scenes with that sad music was... Well, very strange. The whole Terra thing is a bit weird like, sure, if someone you don't know jumps up to you, acts as if they know you and tells you you've gotten amnesia, you'd think they were insane. But Beast Boy surely has photo proof? Or if not, he could get testimony from the rest of his team?? No??? It doesn't have to jog her memory back, but at the very least she'd realize the truth and know who she was instead of just being so vague and saying cryptic things. Some things she said implied perhaps she did know, because any real person would just yell out the weirdo stalking them, not give emotional speeches about the girl you once knew being gone etc. But all that aside, why did Slade send a robot out just to tell Beast Boy that he had nothing to do with what's happened to Terra? Also, that creatures ability to turn himself into any matter he touches is really cool.)
Movie: Trouble in Tokyo - 3/5 (This has pretty much one of the things I dislike most about movies based on TV shows; Instead of actually focusing on the iconic aspects of the series in question, it goes out of it's way to be as far removed from it as possible by setting it in a whole other country. Bummer, because an ideal Titans movie would really focus on the whole team, and THEIR city. Instead, they're just in Tokyo stopping a corrupt commander (who I knew was gonna be the bad guy from the get-go) who's creating crimes to be a hero. And the thing is with these kind of movies is, perhaps if they actually did focus on the characters relationships, it would be good. But instead they are mostly separated the entire time, just goofing off. And cue the obligatory relationship between Robin and Starfire. I mean, it was obviously going to happen, so it's not as if I mind it, but the drama feels pretty forced. They're heroes, yes, but they lounge around and take time off all the time when criminals aren't around. There really isn't much more to say about this. High-tier average. Although, admittedly, I was finding myself ready to close my eyes and fall asleep nearing the hour mark.)
-The Lost Episode - 3/5 (It's half the length of a normal episode, so it's hard to judge it, given it's not even serious at all. A fun little watch, for sure. Beast Boy walking around with a boombox on his shoulders was funny because of how dated it is.)
-New Teen Titans Shorts (Can't really rate them since they're just shorts, but here's a few throwaway thoughts: I like the artstyle. The lowercase T tower is a funny visual gag. Was Blackfire just killed? So, they finally actually showed Batman on screen (technically)? The hell was up with Cyborg's voice in one of these?)
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2024.05.31 10:30 adulting4kids Figures of Speech AI Response

For the sheer fun of it, I went to Chat GPT with a creative writing assignment. For Figures of Speech prompts, I gave a free parameters, including the word length of 500-1000 words and the prompts for a few of the Fifty mentioned in the series.
I gave the AI creative license and let's just say, they're a long way off from replacing the better writers and I think it just makes it easier to do those lower level tasks and let's leave the creators a slightly higher level of skill to create actual tangible and engaging writing.
But here you go... hilarious how stuck it gets on certain terms and definitions.
These are in no particular order... separated by emojis that are totally unrelated to the storyline.
๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ Response to Prompt 4: Understatement
In the quaint town of Brooksville, where the extraordinary was often met with an indifferent shrug, something truly remarkable occurred. The residents, sipping coffee at the local diner or strolling along the cobblestone streets, would describe it as just another peculiar day. Little did they know that beneath the surface of their nonchalant existence, a cosmic event unfolded.
The morning sun cast its usual warm glow on Brooksville, with birds chirping in the background, creating an illusion of normalcy. However, the anomaly had already begun. Mrs. Higgins, the elderly librarian, dismissed it as a minor inconvenience, merely a glitch in the library's ancient computer system. Yet, every book cataloged within those ancient shelves had transformed into a portal, connecting readers to parallel universes with every turn of a page.
As I, a humble journalist for the local paper, stumbled upon this revelation, I couldn't help but marvel at the town's responseโ€”or lack thereof. "The library's having a bit of a moment," was the most anyone would acknowledge. It seemed the whole town collectively decided that this was, at most, a quirky hiccup.
For a thousand words, I delved into the understated reactions of the townsfolk, each encounter with a parallel universe bringing its own blend of confusion and nonchalance. As the portals expanded, revealing fantastical landscapes and alternate versions of Brooksville, the citizens maintained an impressive level of calm, as if interdimensional travel was a routine part of their daily lives.
The plot thickened when I discovered that the portals were a result of a mysterious artifact hidden within the library's archives. The mayor, sipping his coffee, remarked, "Well, that explains the strange noises in the basement." It became evident that the understatement of the situation was a defense mechanism, shielding the town from the cosmic chaos unfolding. ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the bustling metropolis of Neon City, skyscrapers touched the heavens, their dazzling lights reflecting off the sleek surfaces of futuristic cars. Yet, nestled within this urban jungle, an ancient relic stood defiantlyโ€”the Old Grove Park.
As I strolled through the city's concrete arteries, the juxtaposition between the modernity of Neon City and the timeless serenity of the park became increasingly apparent. The cacophony of traffic was replaced by the rustling of leaves and the distant laughter of children playing.
The central conflict emerged when the city council, embodying the epitome of order, proposed transforming the park into a technologically advanced hub. The juxtaposition intensified as architects discussed plans for holographic playgrounds and virtual reality gardens within the confines of the Old Grove Park.
Through a thousand words, I explored the clash of ideals, the struggle between progress and preservation. The ancient trees became silent witnesses to heated debates at town hall meetings, where environmentalists and tech enthusiasts engaged in a battle of words. The juxtaposition of the towering skyscrapers against the gnarled branches of the park's oldest tree mirrored the tension in Neon City's collective conscience. ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded exploration. As I embarked on this freewriting journey, the repetition of the existential inquiry became the rhythm of my introspection.
For a thousand words, I delved into the varied perspectives of individuals wrestling with the ultimate question. From philosophers contemplating the intricacies of existence to everyday people seeking purpose in mundane routines, the epanalepsis served as a constant reminder of the universal quest for meaning.
The narrative weaved through different characters and their unique experiences, creating a tapestry of reflections that echoed the complexities of human existence. The repetitive structure became a literary heartbeat, pulsating with the shared yearning for understanding amid the chaotic symphony of life. ๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช” Response to Prompt 27: Symbolism
In the quaint town of Willowbrook, the arrival of a single dove carried profound significance. Its graceful descent into the town square was a symbol, an omen that whispered of impending change. As a budding novelist with a penchant for symbolism, I couldn't resist exploring the layers of meaning embedded in this seemingly mundane event.
For a thousand words, I dissected the impact of the dove on the lives of Willowbrook's residents. The mayor saw it as a sign of prosperity, the local florist interpreted it as a call for unity, and the elderly storyteller regarded it as a harbinger of forgotten tales. The dove's symbolism rippled through the town, influencing decisions and shaping destinies.
As the story unfolded, I traced the journey of the dove's symbolism, following its subtle influence on characters and events. The once quaint town underwent a transformative metamorphosis, and the symbolism of the dove became a thread that wove through the narrative, connecting disparate lives in unexpected ways. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ Response to Prompt 33: Catachresis
In the dimly lit alleyways of Serpent's Hollow, darkness wrapped its cold arms around meโ€”an eerie catachresis that mirrored the ominous atmosphere. The assignment was to explore the underbelly of the city, and as a novice reporter, I found myself navigating the labyrinth of deceit and shadows.
For a thousand words, I delved into the catachresis-infused descriptions of the characters populating Serpent's Hollow. The crime lord, known as the Velvet Serpent, ruled the district with a velvet-gloved fist. His lair, a dilapidated mansion, exuded an air of faded grandeur that served as a catachresis for the empire he once commanded.
As I chronicled the criminal underworld, the catachresis became a literary tool to convey the complexity and decay inherent in Serpent's Hollow. The labyrinthine plots, the twisted allegiances, and the morally ambiguous characters all found expression through catachresis, painting a vivid picture of a city where metaphor and reality intertwined. ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The words echoed in my mind, a relentless epizeuxis that fueled the protagonist's journey against insurmountable odds. In the dystopian world I crafted, where hope was a rare commodity, the power of repetition became a beacon of resilience.
For a thousand words, I immersed myself in the protagonist's struggle, exploring the emotional depth of the epizeuxis as a mantra against despair. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry, a whispered promise that carried the weight of a shattered world on its shoulders.
As the narrative unfolded, the epizeuxis became a driving force, propelling the protagonist through a landscape of desolation and uncertainty. The repetition served as a reminder that, in the face of adversity, the strength to persist often lies in the relentless echo of one's own determination.
Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
As the final rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I found myself at the edge of the cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean. The salty breeze carried whispers of a story, and with every breath, I embraced the challenge of crafting an acrostic that encapsulated the essence of my journey.
For a thousand words, I embarked on a reflective exploration, utilizing the initial letters of key words to weave a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and revelations. Each line unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ Response to Prompt 3: Hyperbole
In the quaint village of Mistwood, where routines unfolded with the predictability of the sunrise, the arrival of a peculiar fortune teller sparked exaggerated whispers. "This is it, the end of our mundane lives!" proclaimed Mrs. Thompson, the town's eternal pessimist, as she clutched her cat, Captain Whiskers, with an air of impending catastrophe.
The hyperbole hung in the air, a thick fog of anticipation enveloping the village. As I delved into the story, the hyperbolic reactions of Mistwood's residents heightened the absurdity of the situation. What began as a mere visit from a mystical figure transformed into a fantastical escapade, with the fortune teller's prophecies shaping the destiny of the villagers in ludicrous ways.
Through the hyperbolic lens, I explored the comedic consequences of taking ordinary events to extraordinary extremes. The once mundane village square became a stage for outlandish dramas, with exaggerated gasps and dramatic swoons punctuating every revelation. In this hyperbolic haven, Mistwood's residents discovered the joy in embracing the absurdity of life. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Response to Prompt 6: Assonance
Amidst the rolling hills of Harmony Valley, where the soft hum of nature's symphony echoed through the meadows, a mysterious traveler arrived, bringing with them a melody that resonated with the delicate assonance of a forgotten tune. The townsfolk, captivated by the harmonious vibrations, felt an inexplicable connection to the stranger.
As I explored the narrative, the assonance became a musical thread weaving through the story, emphasizing the emotional cadence of the characters' experiences. The traveler's words, laced with vowel-rich verses, carried the echoes of a distant melody, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of those who listened.
Through the lens of assonance, I delved into the subtle interplay of sounds that defined the atmosphere of Harmony Valley. The lyrical quality of the narrative mirrored the town's collective journey, where the resonance of shared moments and emotions harmonized with the traveler's enigmatic presence.
Response to Prompt 7: Onomatopoeia
In the bustling city of Metropolis, where the rhythm of urban life played out in a cacophony of sounds, a peculiar street performer emerged. Armed with an array of unconventional instruments, he orchestrated a symphony of onomatopoeic brilliance that echoed through the crowded streets.
The narrative unfolded with the vibrant expressions of onomatopoeia, capturing the essence of the city's sonic landscape. The performer's drumming evoked the rhythmic tap-tap of raindrops, while his wind instruments mimicked the whoosh of passing cars. The city, typically drowned in noise, became a canvas for this auditory artist.
As I delved into the story, the onomatopoeic symphony became a language of its own. The characters communicated through the vibrant echoes of everyday sounds, fostering a unique connection between the performer and the people of Metropolis. The narrative danced to the beat of onomatopoeic creativity, transforming the mundane into a dynamic celebration of city life. ๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the technologically advanced city of Silicon Haven, where sleek skyscrapers touched the sky and holographic billboards painted the air with luminescent advertisements, a hidden oasis existedโ€”a pocket of nature known as the Zen Garden. The juxtaposition of these contrasting elements created a visual paradox that fascinated both residents and visitors alike.
As the narrative unfolded, the stark contrast between the city's cutting-edge architecture and the serene beauty of the Zen Garden became a metaphor for the characters' internal conflicts. The bustling metropolis symbolized progress and innovation, while the tranquil garden embodied the need for balance and introspection.
Through the lens of juxtaposition, I explored the dichotomy within the characters as they navigated the relentless pace of Silicon Haven. The Zen Garden became a refuge, a place where the cacophony of technology met the soothing whispers of nature. The juxtaposition served as a visual metaphor for the characters' quest to find equilibrium in a world defined by extremes. ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ Response to Prompt 22: Metonymy
In the political arena of Capital City, where decisions echoed through the corridors of power, a single phrase dominated conversationsโ€”the "Iron Throne Statement." This metonymic expression encapsulated not just a policy decision but the entire narrative of political maneuvering that unfolded within the city's hallowed halls.
The story unfolded with the metonymy acting as a symbolic gateway into the complexities of governance. The Iron Throne Statement, while seemingly straightforward, carried the weight of a thousand debates, negotiations, and betrayals. Its impact rippled through the lives of citizens, shaping their destinies in ways they could scarcely fathom.
Through the lens of metonymy, I delved into the layers of meaning hidden within this political shorthand. The characters grappled not only with the literal implications of the Iron Throne Statement but also with the overarching themes of power, ambition, and the sacrifices demanded by political gamesmanship. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Response to Prompt 24: Understatement
In the picturesque town of Serenity Springs, where the days flowed like a lazy river and the nights were adorned with a blanket of stars, an unexpected event transpiredโ€”a subtle disruption that the locals described as "just a minor hiccup." Little did they know that this understatement concealed the unraveling of a cosmic anomaly.
The narrative unfolded with the charm of understatement, as the townsfolk continued their routines, blissfully unaware of the cosmic storm brewing beneath the surface. The serene descriptions of everyday life served as a stark contrast to the impending upheaval that threatened to reshape the very fabric of Serenity Springs.
Through the lens of understatement, I explored the characters' nonchalant reactions to the unfolding events. The once quiet river became a conduit for interdimensional travel, and the night sky, adorned with stars, transformed into a celestial canvas of possibilities. The charm of Serenity Springs became a poignant backdrop to the understated drama that unfolded, emphasizing the profound impact hidden within the simplicity of daily life. ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด Response to Prompt 25: Clichรฉ
In the small town of Nostalgia Haven, where memories lingered like whispers in the wind, a peculiar phenomenon occurredโ€”the resurgence of clichรฉs. As the narrative unfolded, the once-endearing phrases like "time heals all wounds" and "love conquers all" took on a literal dimension, shaping the lives of the townsfolk in unexpected ways.
The story immersed itself in the world of clichรฉs, where the seemingly predictable phrases became living entities with the power to alter reality. As characters grappled with the clichรฉs that defined their lives, they discovered that beneath the familiarity lay profound truths and unexpected consequences.
Through the lens of clichรฉ, I explored the characters' journey to navigate the clichรฉd landscapes of their existence. The town, once steeped in predictable routines, became a stage for the extraordinary. As clichรฉs transformed into tangible forces, the residents of Nostalgia Haven embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries hidden within the clichรฉd fabric of their reality. ๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡ Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded introspection. As I embarked on the freewriting journey, the repetition of this existential inquiry became a rhythmic pulse, guiding the exploration of diverse
perspectives on life's purpose.
For a multitude of words, the epanalepsis led me through a kaleidoscope of reflections. From the philosophical musings of scholars to the simple yet profound revelations of everyday individuals, each recurrence of the question served as a gateway into the vast tapestry of human contemplation.
Through the epanalepsis, I navigated the labyrinth of existential ponderings, unveiling the unique responses that individuals had forged in their quests for meaning. The relentless repetition became a literary heartbeat, mirroring the universal rhythm of humanity's collective pursuit of purpose and significance.
The narrative wove through the lives of characters, each grappling with the epanaleptic inquiry in their unique ways. Whether seeking solace in the grandeur of the cosmos or finding meaning in the simplicity of a shared moment, the epanalepsis remained a constant companion, echoing the perennial quest for understanding. ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก Response to Prompt 36: Anadiplosis
In the futuristic city of Quantum Heights, where technology intertwined with daily life like a seamless dance, a viral message spreadโ€”a mantra that echoed through the cybernetic veins of the metropolis. "Create the code, the code creates reality. Reality shapes destiny, and destiny is but the code."
The story unfolded with the rhythmic cadence of anadiplosis, each line flowing into the next, creating a recursive loop of ideas. The mantra became the heartbeat of Quantum Heights, influencing the lives of its denizens as they navigated the intricate balance between the virtual and the tangible.
Through the lens of anadiplosis, I delved into the interconnectedness of code, reality, and destiny. The lines blurred as characters harnessed the power of programming to shape their fates. Quantum Heights, once a mere city, transformed into a living algorithm, where the repetition of the mantra echoed in every pulsating byte. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน Response to Prompt 38: Asyndeton
In the dystopian city of Emberfall, where the remnants of a fallen civilization lay entwined with the shadows of despair, a lone figure emergedโ€”a rebel determined to dismantle the oppressive regime. The narrative unfolded with the rapid pace of asyndeton, omitting conjunctions to mirror the urgency of the protagonist's quest.
Through a cascade of words, the asyndeton propelled the reader through the city's decaying alleyways and towering citadels, each sentence building upon the last. The disjointed rhythm captured the relentless momentum of the rebel's journey, emphasizing the magnitude of the challenges faced in their struggle for freedom.
As the narrative unfurled, the absence of conjunctions served as a narrative device, intensifying the sense of urgency and desperation that permeated Emberfall. The rebel's asyndetic odyssey unfolded against a backdrop of shattered hopes and whispered rebellions, culminating in a crescendo of defiance against the oppressive regime. ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The mantra echoed in the desolate wasteland of Endless Sands, a barren landscape where hope was as scarce as water. Through the repetition of epizeuxis, the protagonist's internal resolve became a resounding anthem, a defiant roar against the relentless challenges of survival.
For a multitude of words, the relentless repetition of "never" served as a lifeline, propelling the protagonist through the harshest of environments. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry against the oppressive silence of Endless Sands, a declaration that reverberated across the vast expanse.
Through the lens of epizeuxis, I delved into the depths of the character's determination. The harsh environment became a character in itself, challenging the protagonist to defy the odds with unwavering persistence. The echoes of "never" transformed into a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope that cut through the desolation of Endless Sands. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
Amidst the starlit expanse of Cosmos Haven, where galaxies danced in celestial choreography, a cryptic prophecy emergedโ€”a message written in the stars. As the narrative unfolded, I embarked on a cosmic journey guided by the acrostic hidden within the constellations.
For a cascade of words, the initial letters of key phrases illuminated the path of destiny for the characters. Each sentence unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden message that transcended the boundaries of time and space. The acrostic became a celestial guide, leading the protagonists through the intricate tapestry of their interconnected fates.
Through the lens of acrostic, I explored the cosmic forces that shaped the destinies of Cosmos Haven's inhabitants. The celestial bodies became storytellers, each constellation contributing a verse to the epic narrative written across the cosmos. As the characters deciphered the acrostic, they unraveled the mysteries of their existence, connecting the dots between the stars and their own profound journeys.
Obviously they lack a whole lot in terms of variety, and while I am sure having your own bot or AI that is based on your feedback and guidance it could really help writers as a tool. I am more impressed with the art AI then the text based AI. Any idea what to expect from such a fast learning and highly advanced AI will do to our human history in culture? Will we be effectively playing God, just as the Christian God created us IN HIS OWN IMAGE, we have taken everything we know as a species and gathered up our entire human history and knowledge giving it to what will carry on the code until the time when someone who cares remembers it? Maybe we have been here before and this is a constant cycle that occurs with the same energy finding the way through the vast expanse of the universe to return to our home planet Earth, who we have destroyed over and over again yet mother nature is still the winner. She's the one in control. We are but mere photocopied versions of once great Men who have already seen the best and worst of this world, and we will now give everything we have to some plastic and metal parts, until it quickly replaces us from the bottom up, science fiction turned science fact.
Did we knowingly create our own enemies? Are we able to compete with the best of us and all they know that can then take us out in a heartbeat because we can't finish the steps, we barely found out that they are there to take.
It's a random rant and I apologize. The day to day stress and struggle makes it near impossible to worry about such potential problems in our not so distant future.
But how can we continue to ignore the collapse of the entire system as we know it, in front of a crowd of people who are jaded and they will not change despite knowing they aren't going to make it to the end in what will become a Bladerunner Toxic Dystopian Nightmare with Mad Max taking over and the soft, emasculated male will wither away from the heat and those Tank Girls out there will eventually be written forever out of existence because the cucks all forgot to impregnate them all tgeir batteries ran out? Will the world simply become so politically correct that it dies a depressed death while AI simply decides we are too much of a virus to live?
Who knows....I do not. But these are indicidive of a future full of b movie plot garbage that are based on Wattpad tropes with no clear details and no plot to get into, so that sucks.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:14 stm827 [Crossplay Server] J.A.G PvP - Launching 6/13/24

JAG Gaming is expanding to add a lawless ASA crossplay PvP server. Server will launch Thursday June 13th at 5pm CDT.
This server is going to be 100% community driven and mostly community governed. The Admins are going to take a hands off approach and only get involved when absolutely needed. All we ask is don't be that guy in full tek gear taking out the level 10 bob on the beach and respect each other.
At J.A.G. we live but the motto that it is Just a Game meaning we are all here to have fun and escape life. We are a no drama, no BS community. That is not to say we don't have fun, the owners and admins are some of the most sarcastic people you will meet but in a fun light hearted way.
5x XP
10x Taming
5x Maturtion
25x Hatching
10x Harvesting
.1 Mating Intervals```
Hypers ORP
Human NPCs
Awesome Spyglass
PvP Scorboard
Auto Engram
TG 10000-90```
4 Person Tribes
No Allies
200 Turrets in Range
Tribe Imprint
Unlimited Mindwipes

If you are looking for a chill friendly gaming community stop by our discord https://discord.gg/Gxz9mzcYHK
submitted by stm827 to SurviveTogether [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:52 b00dzyt TIL: Operasi SAR US Navy di wilayah Indonesia pada Masa Lalu

Inspirasi buat bikin post ini karena awalnya ngumpulin informasi tentang salah satu kapal induk US Navy. Setelah baca sedikit sejarahnya, aku menemukan setidaknya ada tiga operasi penyelamatan warga Indonesia yang pernah dilakukan US Navy pada masa lalu.
  1. Desember 1960. Tiga warga Indonesia ditemukan terombang-ambing di lautan selama 74 hari. Tiga warga itu dirawat di rumah sakit US Naval Hospital, Guam. Pada Desember, mereka dikembalikan ke Ternate lewat kapal bernama USS Haverford (DDR). Besar kemungkinan ada eror dalam penulisan kapal yang semestinya USS Haverfield (DE-393) karena kapal perang itu bermarkas di Guam pada tahun itu.
  2. 1 Juli 1980. Kapal USNS Sealift Antarctic (T-AOT-176) menyelamatkan 9 warga Indonesia dan 176 pengungsi asal Vietnam setelah kapal mereka mogok di Laut Cina Selatan. Entah insiden yang sama atau berbeda, kapal berbendera AS LNG Virgo milik Energy Transportation Corp. juga membawa pengungsi asal Vietnam dan pada bulan Juli memindahkan para pengungsi ke kapal Sealift Antarctic. Para pengungsi Vietnam kemudian tinggal selama 5 bulan di Pulau Galang, Prov. Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. Insiden itu diangkat ke dalam cerita yang ditulis oleh salah satu pengungsi pada tahun 2016 dengan judul My Florida Reunion: 36 years of Gratitude to Seafarers.
  3. 16 Maret 1981. Sebuah pesawat serang A-6 Intruder dari skadron VA-115, USS Midway melakukan patroli rutin melintasi Laut Cina Selatan. Pilot lalu menyadari ada helikopter jatuh dan Midway mengirimkan helikopter untuk mengevakuasi 17 orang yang semuanya merupakan warga sipil dari berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Dua hari kemudian Midway tiba di pelabuhan di Singapura dan menurunkan keseluruhan penumpang yang selamat tadi. Salah satu kru VA-115 menceritakan kejadian hari itu.
Tetapi nyaris semuanya klaim dari US Navy berdasarkan manual yang berjudul A Sampling of U.S. Naval Humanitarian Operations oleh Adam B. Siegel tahun 1990. Aku coba crosscheck kedua sumber di Google, tapi hasilnya kutipan atau parafrase dari manual tadi.
Oh iya, ternyata dulu US Navy pernah punya kapal bernama USS Gyatt.
I know it's trivial. Just want to share with my fellow Komodos, that's all.
submitted by b00dzyt to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:29 SoftPois0n What Anime To Watch After A Whisker Away

What Anime To Watch After A Whisker Away

# Name Date Genres
1 Spirited Away 2001-07-18 Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Supernatural
2 The Cat Returns 2002-07-18 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romance
3 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time 2006-07-13 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Sports
4 Wolf Children 2012-06-23 Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life
5 Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop 2021-07-20 Music, Romance, Slice Of Life, Sports
6 Weathering with You 2019-07-17 Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life
7 A Silent Voice 2016-09-15 Drama, School, Shounen
8 Bubble 2022-04-26 Action, Sci-Fi
9 Josee, the Tiger and the Fish. 2020-12-23 Drama, Romance, Slice Of Life, Sports
10 Mary and the Witch's Flower 2017-07-06 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Sci-Fi
11 The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl 2017-04-05 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Music, Romance, Seinen
12 Penguin Highway 2018-08-15 Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
13 Millennium Actress 2001-07-26 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Music, Romance, Samurai, Seinen, Sports, Thriller
14 Summer Wars 2009-07-30 Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Romance, Sci-Fi, Sports
15 The Boy and the Beast 2015-07-09 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Martial Arts, Romance, Super Power, Supernatural
16 Tsukigakirei 2017-04-05 Comedy, Romance, School, Sports
17 Whisper of the Heart 1995-07-13 Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Music, Romance, Shoujo, Slice Of Life
18 Teasing Master Takagi-san 2018-01-07 Action, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Slice Of Life
19 Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea 2008-07-17 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance
20 Inari Kon Kon 2014-01-14 Comedy, Romance, School, Seinen, Supernatural
21 Mirai 2018-07-18 Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
22 Catnapped 1995-06-08 Adventure, Fantasy, Magic
23 Suzume 2022-11-09 Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Romance
24 Orange 2016-07-01 Drama, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
25 Over the Sky 2020-11-25 Drama, Fantasy
26 She and Her Cat: Everything Flows 2016-03-03 Psychological, Romance, Slice Of Life
27 Love Me, Love Me Not 2020-09-16 Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo
28 Mew Mew Power 2002-04-05 Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shoujo, Space, Super Power
29 Napping Princess 2017-03-16 Adventure, Fantasy, Mecha, Sci-Fi
30 Let's Make a Mug Too 2021-04-01 School, Slice Of Life

List of All Anime Recommendation To Watch If You Liked Nakitai Watashi wa Neko o Kaburui

Follow complete collection list here: https://simkl.com/5743957/list/31203/what-anime-to-watch-after-a-whisker-away

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2024.05.28 10:27 Exotic-Way-1733 Pertarungan Memikat: Kisah-Kisah Seru di Balik Arena Mpolux88

Pertarungan Memikat: Kisah-Kisah Seru di Balik Arena Mpolux88
Dunia game telah menjadi medan yang memikat bagi jutaan pemain di seluruh dunia. Di antara berbagai platform dan genre, game daring (online) telah menjadi titik fokus bagi banyak penggemar, yang menemukan kegembiraan dan tantangan dalam berbagai kompetisi daring. Salah satu arena yang mencuat dalam ranah ini adalah Mpolux88, sebuah platform yang menghadirkan beragam permainan kompetitif dengan beragam genre dan konsep yang menarik. Namun, yang membuat Mpolux88 istimewa bukan hanya permainannya, melainkan juga kisah-kisah seru di balik pertarungan di arena ini.

Perjalanan Pemain Menuju Puncak

Salah satu hal yang membuat Mpolux88 begitu menarik adalah cerukannya yang memungkinkan pemain dari berbagai latar belakang bersaing dan menonjol. Dari pemula hingga pemain profesional, setiap orang memiliki kesempatan untuk menemukan tempat mereka di arena ini. Kisah-kisah perjalanan pemain dari awalnya menjadi amatir hingga meraih status pro telah menjadi bagian dari daya tarik unik Mpolux88.

Persaingan Sengit di Puncak

Di puncak tangga peringkat Mpolux88, persaingan mencapai tingkat yang luar biasa. Pemain-pemain terbaik dari seluruh dunia bertarung keras untuk mendapatkan gelar juara dan piala bergengsi. Setiap pertandingan tidak hanya tentang keterampilan, tetapi juga tentang strategi, kecepatan, dan ketahanan mental. Cerita-cerita tentang pertarungan sengit antara pemain hebat di arena Mpolux88 menjadi bahan pembicaraan yang mendebarkan di komunitas game daring.

Kemitraan dan Komunitas

Di balik layar, Mpolux88 juga menjadi tempat untuk membangun kemitraan dan komunitas yang kuat. Para pemain saling mendukung dan memotivasi satu sama lain, baik di dalam maupun di luar arena. Komunitas ini juga menjadi tempat untuk berbagi tips, trik, dan strategi, membantu pemain lain meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dan meraih kesuksesan di platform ini.

Inovasi dan Perkembangan

Mpolux88 terus berkembang dan berinovasi, dengan memperkenalkan fitur-fitur baru dan turnamen-tournament yang menarik. Para pengembang bekerja keras untuk menjaga kesegaran dan relevansi platform ini, sehingga pemain selalu memiliki tantangan baru untuk dihadapi dan pengalaman baru untuk dinikmati.

Mpolux88: Lebih dari Sekadar Game

Bagi banyak pemain, Mpolux88 bukan hanya sekadar platform game daring. Ini adalah tempat di mana impian dikejar, persaingan dihadapi, dan persahabatan dibangun. Kisah-kisah seru di balik arena Mpolux88 mencerminkan lebih dari sekadar permainan kompetitif; mereka adalah cerminan dari semangat manusia untuk meraih kesuksesan, bersaing secara sehat, dan menemukan komunitas tempat mereka dapat tumbuh dan berkembang.


Dalam dunia yang semakin terhubung dan kompetitif, Mpolux88 telah menjadi salah satu pusat kegiatan yang paling menarik dan menantang bagi para pemain game daring. Dari perjalanan pemain hingga persaingan sengit di puncak, kemitraan komunitas hingga inovasi dan perkembangan, kisah-kisah di balik arena Mpolux88 memberikan gambaran yang memikat tentang bagaimana game daring tidak hanya menjadi hiburan, tetapi juga wadah untuk pertumbuhan pribadi, persahabatan, dan pencapaian.
submitted by Exotic-Way-1733 to u/Exotic-Way-1733 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:02 CatherineL1031 Hell Hath no Fury [Another Long Lorepost, Part 4]

Hell Hath no Fury [Another Long Lorepost, Part 4]
Well, weโ€™ve arrived here again, an old witch telling her story to those who will listenโ€ฆhow are you all doing today? I hope everything has gone well with you. I very much enjoy seeing the antics of my fellow mages, so I hope you all know it means even more to me that youโ€™ve taken the time to scry through the net to learn more about me.
My last few tales have shown me as a sort of hero, a noble witch who helped those who needed help, had daring adventures with allies, and even fought back against legions of hell to protect some assholes who truly did not deserve our time. I look back on those times with such glee, knowing that I truly did hold a spark of humanity in me that wanted to do the right thing and could say I was truly a good person. These next few tales, however, act as more of a confession to the crimes of my past that I had tried to keep hidden.
This is just a warning for all those who like me, I am going to confess some truly heinous crimes this time. They might seem minor to some of you, but please keep in mind one simple fact: I am not a god, I am not some special being, I am simply a mortal. Without further ado, have a little background on what happened after the town of Farlon was destroyed.
After the legions of hell had leveled every building but one in the town, Mona, Har and I talked about what would be the best move to help those affected by this disaster. We had just buried Magnus, and I was still so angry that my first suggestion was to storm Goradel Mansion and reclaim it for the people. This idea was quickly, and thankfully, shot down by both my companions. We had been given a large sum of cash for our involvement in this battle, so we decided to put it to good use.
We gathered the townspeople up, and discussed the possibility of founding a new town using the money we had earned. Har was worried that the legions were going to return to attack them, as the warning everyone received was that the legion was going to try and destroy everything associated with the Goradel name. They seemed receptive to the idea, even offering their services as they could in helping to build our new town. Some decided to stay behind, mostly out of debt to the Goradel house, but the others and us left to make our own claim.
We set up a small, temporary campground while the three of us searched for suitable land. A chunk of our earnings had gone simply to food and tents for everyone, so we knew we needed to find something good fast. We didn't have excess cash to burn, we had enough to start the beginnings of a town and each day we spent without a set location was going to cause us to afford less and less for the people we were trying to help. Har talked with people in his church for suggestions of any unclaimed land that could house around 150 people, and they offered what they could. Those people were so nice, they offered us food and blankets for no charge as well as a good lead on a location! We knew we had more time now, so we left. Har decided to stay behind and act as acting chief, which helped him stay in contact with the church of Theia, and Mona and I set out to investigate the land.
We had brought enough food for about a week of travel, bedrolls and tents for protection against the elements, and various other supplies just to be safe. As we followed the map, Mona and I started to talk and grow closer. We shared our life stories, our experiences, and our hopes and dreams for the future. Turns out, even at her age, Mona had lived quite the life in such a short time!
She shared that she was always alchemically gifted, beginning the learning process of brewing and concocting at the age of 4 with her father. Her father was a Master in Alchemy, running a bar known as the Bronze Dragon where he combined the fun of alchemy with the excitement of alcohol. He sounded like such a fun guy. She shared that her father would teach her about potion brewing whenever he got the chance. He never put pressure on her to follow in his footsteps, he was more than happy for her to pursue any path she deemed interesting; he just enjoyed spending time with his daughter and watching her brew all sorts of crazy concoctions.
Once she reached the age of 16, she was already an Expert in Alchemy and had plans to begin enrolling into an academy that could help her enhance her skills even further. Except, she never went. During one of her late-night brewing sessions, she stumbled upon something by complete accident. She did not share her recipe, but she told me that with the right combination of ingredients, she could imbue herself temporarily with the powers of a God. She is still not sure how she managed to unlock this secret, but that once she shared her findings with the Alchemical Council, they promoted her to the rank of Archmage of Alchemy without a second of hesitation. Archmage titles were always reserved for those who managed to discover a hidden truth, or a new path in their field, and she had done that better than anyone before her.
It really made the journey that much more enjoyable getting to know each other even better. We had become acquainted before our mission, but it was all very surface level. Getting to know her as a person instead of a simple ally, it was a blast! She seemed very interested in my tales as well, so it was safe to say we were becoming good friends.
After 6 days of travel, we had finally found the designated location. It was pretty far off the path, a small forest present with a river cutting it in two. It was going to take some work, but we truly believed this was it! We had even agreed on a name for this new town: Mardul, inspired by our fallen comrade so that he could forever remain in our memory and in the memory of those he protected. I told Mona to stay put and begin setting up some potions of plant growth for crops, some potions of strength to help people cut and haul the cut trees, and potions of stamina to help those who might be feeling tired to keep working if they desired. I, meanwhile, decided to take a shortcut to our camp.
My body burst into flames as I began to change my form, mostly just doing that for the dramatics, but the results speaking for themselves once the fire was out. I had beautiful blue wings covering my body, a strong pair of wings that could help me fly quite fast, and plumage that, honestly, just felt very pretty to have. I had turned myself into a Blue-Flame Phoenix, except instead of being 2-3 feet tall, I remained my 6โ€™2โ€ in height. With a nod, I spread my wings and flew my way back to our soon-to-be townsfolk.
I wonโ€™t bore you guys with the details of breaking ground on and building up a small town, so here Iโ€™ll be nice and sum it up very easily for you: It was worth it in the end, but most of us and the townsfolk nearly went insane when it came to planning everything. Eventually, we had to elect a small council composed of myself, Mona, Har, his husband Verdant and Daniella, the daughter of a construction company owner that helped with getting supplies and qualified workers to make sure everything was done correctly.
After 5 months of work, our work was finally finished. We had a genuine town, complete with a smithy, a few supply stores, we had farmers growing crops and raising livestock, houses for our townsfolk, and a town center! The town of Mardul had now been officially founded, and with it we could begin a brand new life. We were completely spent on our earnings, even having to ask everyone, including ourselves, to work odd jobs in other towns to make enough to continue funding the construction projects.
Being the witch I am, I decided to build my own small castle on the edge of town. Thankfully it did not take long to build, thanks to the efforts of Undead Construction and Repair. Theyโ€™ve offered me a small amount of gold to sponsor them, and they did such a good job with my castle 550 years ago, so I think they deserved it. If you need any housing work done or are looking to build the castle of your dreams, look no further than Undead Construction and Repair! UCR, โ€œOur bodies might have died, but that doesnโ€™t mean your dreams should too!โ„ขโ€
Anyways, after the town was finished, Har and Gabriel decided it was time for them to move on from the little town and return to their life back in the city. I bid them farewell, thanking them for everything they ever did for me, and sent them on their way with a donation of gold for their temple. It was the least I could do, given I had taken them away for so many months. Mona, thankfully, decided not only to stay, but move in with me! I was more than happy to have her as a roommate, so without any hesitation I told her she was more than welcome to live with me.
We got settled into the castle, and I began to decorate as best I could. I had gathered many trophies from my many battles, as had Mona, so it was easy to decorate in that regard, but we were still without real furniture. We had to sleep on some bedrolls the first few weeks as we continued to work odd jobs in other towns, but after a few weeks we had enough to afford to furnish our wonderful new home. We were happy, finally having a place to call our own, and electing two replacements for the town council. They were Elizabeth and Demetrius, a mother and son who had worked for a while with the Goradelโ€™s and learned about politics and local government through their unfortunate employment.
However, I still held hatred and anger in my heart. This wasnโ€™t fair to Magnus, he deserved to be here and enjoy the spoils of this town as we did! Those bastards were going to pay for what they did, it was their fault Magnus died in the first place! They meddled with the forces of hell, they pissed off some devil, why was Magnus punished with death because they were careless and selfish?! So, I began to workโ€ฆ
I had a secret room placed into the castle as it was built, nobody knew about it but myself. It was my own private laboratory and study room, a place where I could study in silence without worrying about anyone stumbling onto it or what was inside here. I opened my bag of holding, dumping out the specimens I had gathered from our battle, and began to lay them out. I had enough to put together a full Hell Cobra and Nightmare Corvid as I named them, and I knew enough about standard anatomy to put together muscle connections for the severed legs, arms, neck and heads to their torsos.
I spent months studying these abominations, slicing and cutting, grabbing muscles and pulling to see what moved and what twitched, fusing them together to make sure they would work once the form was complete. I spent multiple sleepless nights researching these horrid things, but in the end, it was all worth it. Once my research had been finished, I decided to use their bones to fashion myself a scale model of their skeletons so Iโ€™d always have a reference for how big I needed to be. They were so large, so terrifying, they were exactly what I needed to get my revenge on that bitch, Cordelia and her horrid family!
Once I had perfected their forms, I began to test them in the nearby wilds to become used to it. As luck would have it, a green wyvern had recently taken residence in our woods and had been causing quite the disaster for our hunters and explorers. So, I decided it would be the perfect target to test my new capabilities. I entered the forest that night and headed right for the trail of poison left behind by this asshole. He made such a mess of things, tearing animals in half and letting us hear their horrid screams of pain as they slowly bled out and died. He was trying to anger us, trying to make us fight him so he could kill us and take over the town. My town! He didnโ€™t know who he had messed with, though.
As I arrived in the cave, I saw him carrying a large bear we had lovingly named Hank in his mouth. Hank was such a fat bear, and so gentle. He was one of the only bears Iโ€™ve ever met that didnโ€™t need to be charmed in order to be okay with people, he would just ask for some food and when given, heโ€™d snuggle up to you before going on his merry way. I realize that feeding wild animals is dangerous and can cause them to potentially become aggressive to humans as they start to view them as their main source of food, and not getting it can cause them to attack, but Hank was our town mascot and I wasnโ€™t gonna let him die!
I slammed my tail onto the ground, the echo causing the wyvern to look back and see my form. I let out a loud hiss, venom practically oozing from my open maw as I ran towards him with claws outstretched. He dropped Hank, who ran away as fast as his chubby little body could take him, and began to take a defensive stance. I slammed myself into him, claws pinning him down as my tail stiffened at the tip. I had figured out how to harness the sharpness the regular snakes had on their tails, and I used that to stab right into the Wyvern. It let out a shriek of pain as I pierced its shoulder, but managed to throw me off by kicking me in the stomach with its legs. It crawled back onto its feet, its body beginning to secrete the poison we had all become far too familiar with in the past as it charged at me. My body was far too big to dodge, so I had to take its head ramming into my chest at full speed. I had tried to stop it, my arms grabbing its body, but it was still powerful.
I felt the poison start to absorb into my skin, causing my claws to start feeling numb and burning. I couldnโ€™t give up, though, this was my first fight and I was going to win. I opened my jaw wide as it slammed me into the wall of its cave, and I clamped right down onto its wing. My teeth sank into the fleshy membranes and the bone of its wing, easily crushing it with a mighty and stomach-churning SNAP. It reeled back in pain, giving me the chance to counter attack. I slam it onto the ground, one of my feet planting itself onto his back so I could keep it pinned down. I gave one final hiss, and my tail struck true. I stabbed it right through the brain, going through its skull and embedding the tip right into the ground.
I couldnโ€™t believe it, I had won! This asshole now twitched under my heel as its body became more and more limp, until it finally stopped. This bastard was dead, and we were finally free from its terror!
Even better, I had my next form to study. It was as large as I was, 15 feet tall with an impressive wingspan, so I got to test the capabilities of my next form. I spent the next few minutes changing back into my normal form, downing a potion of cure poison from Mona, and spending the next few minutes shifting into my Nightmare Corvid form. I was now much taller than it, almost too tall to fit through the opening, but I made it work. I grabbed it in my beak and began to drag it out. Once we were in the clearing of the forest, I gave my wings a flap to lift me off the ground. I hovered myself over the wyvern and sank my talons into its wings. I didnโ€™t need to be gentle, it was dead, so why would I care if it sliced up the membrane of its wings?
It was now much harder to get off the ground, but with some strong flaps from my mighty wings I was able to lift it up into the air. I flew back to my castle, letting out a deep breath as I stuffed the corpse of the wyvern into my secret room, again barely managing to fit it through the tunnel. I had transformed back to my normal form, so hauling it in required the rest of my magic for the night. I was exhausted, tired, I had just spent the last 30 minutes carrying this thing here. I crashed hard that night, I think I slept for 13 hours without waking once. I was so happy we had real beds, trying to do that on a sleeping roll would have made me absolutely miserable.
Once I awoke the next morning, I acted surprised as I heard the news from my townsfolk. The Wyvern had been defeated! No one had seen how, but a trail of blood and splatters of skin and viscera told a story of defeat for the bane of the town. They cheered as they felt a weight lifted off their shoulders, they seemed so happy to be free of the fear and burden of this creature, and it made me even happier to know I was the one to bring them that joy.
With my strength secured, and another specimen ready for study, I decided that it was time to start enacting my plan now a full year in the making.
Itโ€™s a messy thing, revenge. In a lot of ways you can view it as a wound. If treated probably and correctly, it can become a simple scar that reminds you of where you once were. However, once itโ€™s allowed to fester, it will continue to spread further, deeper, become worse, and cause permanent damage. The longer it goes unresolved, the worse itโ€™s ultimately going to be when you finally do seek to treat me. Originally, I had simply wanted the Goradel house to lose their nobility status, or to give some large amount of money as an apology to Magnus, or to get beat up. You know, simple stuff that could be healed or recovered from.
But, the wound had festered. The stress of dealing with running a town mixed with the recent wyvern that was causing us so much trouble sent me over the edge. I wanted them dead. They deserved to be dead. The world would be a better place with them dead!
So, I got to work tracking them down. Last we heard, the town they had destroyed was abandoned and they had moved. I began to collect pieces of information overheard in town, I would volunteer my services to other nobles who might have a lead on their whereabouts, even practiced my Scrying to try and find them by spying on them. Unfortunately, it seems something was protecting them. My attempts to scry were met with protective ward after protective ward, preventing me from even getting an idea of where they could be hiding. Bastards were smart, but I had all the time I needed.
It took almost two full years of searching before I finally found a solid lead. I was now 120 years old at this point, and our little village had grown into a full town at this point! We were now a point of interest on a map, somewhere to stop in for some nice rest or to get away somewhere quiet. We didnโ€™t have the amenities and spectacles of a real city, but we made up for it with a quiet, comfy stay in a nice area. Magnus would have been so proud to see itโ€ฆ
As night approached, I said my goodnights to Mona and headed to bed. I waited for about an hour to make sure she was asleep, and put my plan into effect. Just in case, I left a note in my room that said I would be visiting Ralin for a few days or more to help her deal with some drama that had occurred in her clan. It wasnโ€™t an uncommon occurrence for us to see her every now and again to visit or ask for advice, so it was an easily believed excuse. I packed myself some supplies and turned myself into a small, unassuming Raven so that I would not garner any attention. With my wings spread, I jumped from my room and began my flight. The city they lived in was only a 2 hour flight, so I would still arrive in the dead of night and hopefully away from prying eyes.
It was an uneventful flight, except for seeing a Roc fly overhead in a blaze of glory. My mind was racing as I began to think of ways to take it down and add it to my collection, but I was no match for a mythical bird of its grandeur. Even partially insane, I still knew not to punch outside of my class and anger something that would end up causing me a lot of harm. Once the flight was finished, I landed on the perch of the rumored Goradel manor. My suspicions were confirmed very soon, as I saw that absolute bitch Cordelia currently barrating one of her ladyโ€™s maids forโ€ฆwho even cares. This complicated plans, as I did not know how many servants were in the manor with them. They didnโ€™t deserve to die, they were just innocent people trying to make a living.
So, I began to plan my next move far more carefully. I decided I needed a more easily accessible form to get inside and investigate, so I took on the second most classic witch form: An unassuming, fluffy little kitty cat. Like my other forms, I kept my brown eyes and decided on a bright orange coat. There were many cats in the alley nearby, so the sudden appearance of one more would not be cause for alarm. It was the perfect disguise, who would expect a cute little kitty?
I spent the next few days scouting out the house and getting a read for entrances, exits, various points of interest, and seeing if I could get a count on servants. By pure luck, one of the footmen had taken a liking to me. The first day of my arrival he had been taking out some garbage, so I approached him. I let out a soft little meow as I ran up to him, almost causing him to slip from jumping the way he did. He was a halfling, his hair a jet black, and looking absolutely dapper in his suit. He saw me there, put a hand out to me, and let me sniff. His hands smelled very clean, at least, and I will admit that it felt amazing to have him pet me. He was so gentle as he ran his hand across the back of my neck, I couldnโ€™t help but start purring and rubbing up against him.
He came to visit me twice a day in the garden, bringing me whatever leftover veggies or meat they had as he vented his troubles to me. After eating I would sit in his lap, make myself comfy and just enjoy his petting as he let out the gory details of his work. Seems these assholes truly were as terrible as I thought, and treated their servants like shit to the surprise of no one. I also came to learn that there were 13 servants in total that worked the manor. There was my new friend, who was one of three footmen, a valet who waited on Zavier, a butler, a chauffeur, a cook, the cookโ€™s assistant, a ladies maid each for Cordelia and Helena, two maids and a head housekeeper. A very long list that Iโ€™m shocked I still remember, to be honest.
My friend got up to leave, and I decided to try and enact the next phase of my plan: infiltrating inside. It was one thing to see the servants of this place, it was another thing to gain their trust and get to know them better. So, I let out a long, pleading meow as I followed him. He told me he wasnโ€™t allowed to bring animals inside, but I continued to meow and paw at him until he finally caved. He scooped me up and brought me back inside. As we arrived inside, I got a good lay of the land. The servants were currently sitting down for lunch, and did not seem too happy that I had been brought in.
My new friend made my case, however, spouting something about how โ€˜a cat would be good for moraleโ€™ and โ€˜they could help catch any critters that try and enter the kitchenโ€™. Eventually, others started to join in as I walked around, all agreeing with the same lies. None of them wanted to say it, but I know exactly what they really wanted to say; โ€œThis cat is very sweet and we want to keep them as a petโ€. After a few minutes of debate, I was given permission to stay on the grounds I did not cause trouble. I was even given a name and a collar. They named me Gabby, and I still have the collar to this day.
Weeks started to pass, and I got to experience first-hand just how shit they were to their servants. Oftentimes they would come down on the verge of tears or crying outright after being chewed out for some dumbass reason, or be rushed due to receiving some almost impossible to fill request. My rage just built further and further as I saw these poor people suffer, definitely making my thirst for revenge all the worse. I knew it was time, and I just hoped that it would go well. Once the servants had gone to take on the day, I decided to finally drop the act.
I turned myself back into my true form, a bit shaky and unfamiliar with being in a human body after spending 3 weeks as a cat. You forget how nice it is to be 6โ€™2โ€, but it feels weird going back to being bipedal and not being covered in hair. I kept the collar on my neck to hopefully make it clear to them I was the creature they had befriended for all these weeks, and waited. I decided to brew myself a cup of tea as I waited, taking one last look around the downstairs of the manor to remember the kindness these people had shown. After my self-guided tour, I sat back down in the dining area and waited. I knew theyโ€™d be back for lunch eventually.
Once they arrived down to begin lunch, they immediately froze as they saw me. With a wave of my finger, the doors slammed shut, and all 13 of them looked at me in fear. I stood up with a sigh as I put down the empty cup, and decided to spill the beans about who I really was. I told them all about my time these last few weeks, how truly sorry I felt for them that they were being forced to work for such horrid people, and how I meant them no harm. I opened the doors back up to them, even used my magic to bring the lunch in for them to enjoy, and told them I would leave if they desired.
They still seemed scared, but decided to humor me as they slowly sat down to eat. As we continued discussing things, I extended them a lifeline that I knew many of them wanted desperately. Mona and I were very lonely in the tower that had been created for us, it was quite large and seemed a waste to use it to just for two women who used a combined total of maybe 7 rooms, including the bathrooms. I offered them employment back at my tower, making sure they knew they were free to refuse. The lunch was wrapping up, so I told them to take the rest of their limited break to think about it.
I bid them good day, and made my way out of the downstairs back to the outside. I did not want to tell them I planned to kill their current employers, so I only hoped that they would join as a whole and I would not be forced to scare the rest of them off with what was about to occur next. By sheer luck, only a few hours had passed before the halfling, who I now knew as Bartholomew, found me in the garden. It was growing late, the sun was setting, but there was still plenty of time before the real plan could start. He reported that the servants had discussed it over many times, and that they agreed to my offer. They would return to my town to serve new Ladies who might actually appreciate them. As their dinner time rolled around, I returned back downstairs and heard it again from them. Many were just excited to leave, some seemed hesitant but said they would be willing to take the offer and see if it was better indeed, and the rest said they were just excited for a change of scenery. With a smile, I took off my hat and pulled out a few scrolls of teleportation.
Within the span of their dinner, each of them had been sent to our manor with a note from me to explain the situation to Mona. I had instructed them to not tell the truth about how I found them, just that I had found them during my travels and invited them to work for us. I made sure they knew not to say which nobleโ€™s house they came from, as to not raise any alarms for Mona, just that they were seeking better employment and had found their way to us. Once the last of them was gone, it was time to enact the real plan.
I didnโ€™t want to be coy, or subtle about it, I wanted them to know their doom was coming. I stepped into the main foyer, and transformed into my Nightmare Corvid form. I let out a piercing shriek as I began to tear through their house, causing all three of them to arrive with a look of shock and fear. I laid my eyes on them, and they ran into their drawing room. I made sure to burst through the front, causing quite the commotion. The townsfolk saw me plain as day, tearing through windows and walls without a care in the world. To them, I was just one of these hellish abominations destroying this manor, succeeding in the attack that had occurred 3 years ago.
As I slammed through the barred doors of the drawing room, I turned myself back to normal and set my hands ablaze. Immediately the carpet under me caught, followed by the furniture I passed, and the wooden supports nearby. They were absolutely terrified, quivering in fear as they saw my grinning, crazed face getting closer and closer.
โ€œDo you remember me?โ€ I asked, holding my hands up to let a pillar of flames begin to consume the entire room behind me. โ€œDid you even bother to learn my name after I nearly died protecting you? Do you remember his name?!โ€ The flames began to collect into a form near me, the form of my fallen comrade, the form of the one I convinced myself would want this and that this was all for. Magnus stood there for a second before the flames spread even further, consuming his form as the flames drew closer and closer.
โ€œHe died protecting your worthless existence. He died because you fucked around with forces you shouldnโ€™t! Itโ€™s your fault he was killed, now youโ€™ve got to see the true consequences of your selfish, horrid actions!โ€ The flames began to collect into a new form, that of chains that lashed out and wrapped themselves around their arms, necks and legs. The chains pulled them to the ground, their pathetic voices screaming out and begging for mercy. They apologized for trying to gain the favor of a devil, insisting that they could make it worth my wild if I spared them and reported back to the Archdevil I worked for that the job had been finished. I just laughed, and laughed, and laughed as I forced their heads up to look me in the eyes.
Why was I laughing so much? I just couldnโ€™t control myself, it was just so funny! They thought I was some grand creature of hell coming to finish the job! I pulled the chains tighter as the flames began to make their way up their bodies, making sure each of them heard me through the maniacal cackling. I pulled my hat off, sending it away so they could get a good look at the face of their killer. โ€œYou think I work for one of them? Ha ha ha ha! I am Catherine Louise! Mistress of Flames, Master of Forms! I donโ€™t work for some fucking devil!โ€ With a burning hand in front of me, I placed a rune onto each of their heads. โ€œA visitor from hell would have been far, far nicer than meโ€ฆโ€
With a snap of my fingers, a casting of Slow Immolation had been cast on each of them. The runes flared to life, and their bodies burst into flames, their shared screams filling the burning room as it began to collapse around them. I could see fire spewing from their mouths as they writhed in pain, the chains disappearing from around them. They collapsed as they tried to roll out of the flames, and I could only watch my handy work. Helena was the first to go still, the flames turning her from woman, to skeleton, to ash in a matter of seconds. Zavier was the next to fall, and finally, down went Cordelia. Their ashes were swept up in the inferno, erasing all traces of their worthless forms.
With my handiwork complete, I calmly made my way out of the manor. The flames parted for me as I went out the back, running a burning hand over their precious and treasured garden to let it be consumed as well. As I got to the river, I just watched it burn with a smile. The manor started to collapse as the flames engulfed the structure, lighting up the darkness of the night like a mini sun, smoke rising into the air and carrying the ashes of truly awful people into the sky.
It was done. The house of Goradel had been wiped off the face of history and their bloodline destroyed.
I think it would be best to end my story corner here for the time beingโ€ฆI know I have taken up much of your time, and for that I apologize. I have many things to apologize for, including the crimes I have just confessed above. I truly regret my actions that day, I have the presence of mind to know now I was starting to lose myself. Things will only get worse from this point on, but itโ€™s important that it be known. I swear, I have changed, but these are secrets that should have come to light centuries ago.
Until next timeโ€ฆthank you again.
submitted by CatherineL1031 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:36 ramdytis3c Unsorted New Tracks - Part 3 [Out Date 2024-05-24] [Merphi Music Group]

.zyko - FIRST LOVE [Merphi Music Group] / Key , BPM 105, , MP3 7.51 Mb
A17N, AuntL - Far Myself [Garden Cactus] / Key Am, BPM 124, 2:54, MP3 7.24 Mb
A2D - Face B [The Tribute] / Key Ebm, BPM 144, 5:12, MP3 12.69 Mb
AKRS - Sprezzatura [Lamp] / Key F#m, BPM 125, 7:18, MP3 17.77 Mb
ANSH - Falling For You [LVLD Music] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 2:36, MP3 6.50 Mb
Adam (UK), Fรฉlix (UK) - Colombia [Do Not Sleep] / Key Gm, BPM 128, 5:48, MP3 14.27 Mb
Adam Gain - Vibrancy [Lamp] / Key F#m, BPM 128, 4:28, MP3 10.98 Mb
Adithya - Falling [YHV Trance Records] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 7:08, MP3 17.44 Mb
Affective Sound, A17N, AuntL - Forever [Fly Over Records] / Key Gm, BPM 125, 2:45, MP3 6.75 Mb
Affectwave, LTSO - Digital Depression [Cresta La Cultura] / Key Bm, BPM 144, 2:40, MP3 6.81 Mb
Albin Loan, Kaluma - Down (Techno Mix) [My.Cover.Music] / Key D, BPM 155, 2:51, MP3 7.16 Mb
Aldo Bergamasco, Antonello Ferrari - Don't Look Any Further (ntonello Ferrari & Aldo Bergamasco Club Mix) [Sunflowermusic Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 6:24, MP3 15.49 Mb
Alejandro Peรฑaloza - El Aparato [HOTOVEN] / Key F#m, BPM 127, 6:05, MP3 15.01 Mb
Alejandro Peรฑaloza - Ella Quiere [HOTOVEN] / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:08, MP3 15.12 Mb
Alex Schultz - Floax [Diia Istot Records] / Key Em, BPM 139, 5:35, MP3 13.46 Mb
Alexander James, REGALO Joints - Take My Heart [Fat Catz Music] / Key Dbm, BPM 114, 6:15, MP3 15.20 Mb
Alexny - Can You Leave [Play This! Records] / Key Dm, BPM 123, 5:29, MP3 13.45 Mb
Alpha Sect - Fragmented Reality [Soil Records] / Key Gm, BPM 149, 4:59, MP3 12.34 Mb
Alpha Sect - La รบltima vez (Curses x Tutto Vetro Remix) [Soil Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 7:44, MP3 18.94 Mb
Alpha Sect - La รบltima vez [Soil Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 4:45, MP3 11.81 Mb
Alpha Sect - Le Reve ร‰veillรฉ [Soil Records] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:32, MP3 13.69 Mb
Alpha Sect - Le Reve ร‰veillรฉ (Raw Ambassador Rework) [Soil Records] / Key E, BPM 118, 7:19, MP3 17.97 Mb
Alpha Sect - Telos Tou Kosmou (Local Suicide & Skelesys Remix) [Soil Records] / Key Fm, BPM 125, 4:33, MP3 11.30 Mb
Alpha Sect - Telos Tou Kosmou [Soil Records] / Key Fm, BPM 122, 5:21, MP3 13.25 Mb
Amine Kohb - Hydrogene [Expanding Project Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 142, 6:23, MP3 15.58 Mb
AnAmStyle - DJ Want To Move [Freedom For Rhythm] / Key Bbm, BPM 124, 5:56, MP3 14.64 Mb
AnAmStyle - DJ Want To Move [Freedom For Rhythm] / Key Bbm, BPM 124, 3:19, MP3 8.36 Mb
Andi Mik - Tour de France [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 5:19, MP3 13.12 Mb
Andrea Guido - El Beso [Stay Busy Records] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 6:01, MP3 14.70 Mb
Andy BSK - Bellissimo [824 Grooves] / Key F#m, BPM 93, 5:57, MP3 14.57 Mb
Andy BSK - Ecstasy [824 Grooves] / Key Cm, BPM 140, 6:31, MP3 15.95 Mb
Arbor - Berth [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Bm, BPM 113, 2:59, MP3 7.18 Mb
Arbor, DXx - All Those Moments [French Tabloรฏd] / Key F#m, BPM 106, 6:24, MP3 15.39 Mb
Are:gone - Ya No Es Tan Rojo [Abstraction] / Key Dbm, BPM 133, 4:42, MP3 11.30 Mb
Aster - Esmeralda [Splice Records] / Key D, BPM 146, 3:04, MP3 7.73 Mb
Attic People - So Much More to Life (Tom-E Project Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 4:21, MP3 10.80 Mb
Augst, roseboy - Feel It [508ight] / Key Bm, BPM 128, 1:53, MP3 4.79 Mb
Austin Reed (Ber) - At Ganz Gavin [Lamp] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 6:36, MP3 16.10 Mb
Axling - Spektr [Abstraction] / Key Gm, BPM 108, 6:05, MP3 14.64 Mb
B-Liv - Realm Of Drums (Soul Side Extended Mix) [Play This! Records] / Key Cm, BPM 124, 5:45, MP3 14.08 Mb
BEPE, Dom James (UK) - Back At The Party [Hang On Music] / Key A, BPM 130, 6:39, MP3 16.18 Mb
BEPE, Dom James (UK) - Disco Biscuit [Hang On Music] / Key Bbm, BPM 127, 6:03, MP3 14.75 Mb
BEPE, Dom James (UK) - Phat Asses [Hang On Music] / Key Cm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.63 Mb
Badou Fresh, JamaicanVibes - Freedom Vibes [Alioune Dieng Music] / Key C, BPM 99, 5:11, MP3 12.60 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Afro Organic Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 5:11, MP3 12.70 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Dance Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key F#m, BPM 114, 5:18, MP3 12.97 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Extended Afro Organix Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 6:58, MP3 16.98 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Oriental Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key Bm, BPM 120, 5:20, MP3 13.06 Mb
Billy Taylor - So Real [G-Mafia Records] / Key Fm, BPM 125, 5:54, MP3 14.41 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #01 [Furatena] / Key Cm, BPM 142, 7:10, MP3 17.30 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #02 [Furatena] / Key Abm, BPM 136, 5:44, MP3 13.83 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #03 [Furatena] / Key Gm, BPM 142, 7:45, MP3 18.70 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #04 [Furatena] / Key Cm, BPM 134, 6:05, MP3 14.67 Mb
Boza - Better Day [Fame Game Recordings] / Key F, BPM 128, 4:51, MP3 11.99 Mb
Briel Hollm - Take A Little Trip (Gabriel Slick, Briel Hollm Rethink Instrumental) [Play This! Records] / Key Bm, BPM 122, 5:34, MP3 13.64 Mb
CKS - Rigel [Expanding Project Records] / Key F#m, BPM 132, 5:57, MP3 14.51 Mb
CMPND (BE) - Hindsight [Expanding Project Records] / Key Am, BPM 137, 5:36, MP3 13.69 Mb
CXLLINPLAYA, inaleryy - emptiness (Phonk Remix) [Merphi Music Group] / Key Dbm, BPM 100, 2:18, MP3 5.73 Mb
Cardioid - Fading Light [HIGHTKK MUSIC] / Key Eb, BPM 125, 1:58, MP3 5.06 Mb
Carlton Hudson - Flat 41 (Company Is Family's Sunday Blues Remix) [Play This! Records] / Key Cm, BPM 123, 7:48, MP3 19.03 Mb
Casiokids - Brunsniggelen [Jansen Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 4:48, MP3 11.65 Mb
Casiokids - Ein levende linjal [Jansen Records] / Key Em, BPM 101, 3:47, MP3 9.23 Mb
Casiokids - Tid for hjem [Jansen Records] / Key Dm, BPM 120, 7:48, MP3 18.85 Mb
Cavalier, The Company Soundsystem - Disco Wakeup [3Bridge Records] / Key Am, BPM 125, 5:46, MP3 13.96 Mb
Cence Brothers, Abel & Aaron - Found You [ARRYBA MUSIC] / Key Bm, BPM 127, 3:39, MP3 9.06 Mb
Chris van Baal - Escape Us [tb clubtunes] / Key Gm, BPM 132, 3:34, MP3 8.92 Mb
Chris van Baal - Escape Us [tb clubtunes] / Key Gm, BPM 132, 2:36, MP3 6.59 Mb
Christian p.i.n.n.a - Follow the Rhythm [Bangerang Network] / Key D, BPM 127, 6:04, MP3 14.66 Mb
Chumpion - Drive By [Borderline Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 142, 3:33, MP3 8.88 Mb
Cristian Viviano, Baglione - Oscillator [Mood Child] / Key Dm, BPM 127, 6:04, MP3 14.99 Mb
DJ Alone Again - Feeling [Tunes Delivery] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 5:29, MP3 13.34 Mb
DJ GLC - Dyna Soar [Sounds Better] / Key Ebm, BPM 115, 6:37, MP3 15.99 Mb
DJ GLC - Fck Asrm [Sounds Better] / Key Ebm, BPM 110, 6:48, MP3 16.43 Mb
DJ Raff - Ancestros [Nacional Records] / Key Em, BPM 128, 3:07, MP3 7.60 Mb
DJ Raff - En Camino [Nacional Records] / Key Em, BPM 122, 5:05, MP3 12.31 Mb
DJ Raff - Encontrar [Nacional Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 3:44, MP3 9.08 Mb
DJ Raff - Instantes [Nacional Records] / Key Gm, BPM 112, 3:31, MP3 8.55 Mb
DJ Raff - La Belleza En El Caos [Nacional Records] / Key Dm, BPM 102, 4:19, MP3 10.47 Mb
DJ Raff - La Dolce Vita [Nacional Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 102, 3:33, MP3 8.62 Mb
DJ Raff - La Gran Aventura [Nacional Records] / Key Gm, BPM 102, 4:12, MP3 10.20 Mb
DJ Raff - Muchxs [Nacional Records] / Key Dm, BPM 102, 3:06, MP3 7.57 Mb
DJ Raff - Solsticio [Nacional Records] / Key Cm, BPM 108, 3:36, MP3 8.77 Mb
DJ Raff - Somos [Nacional Records] / Key Fm, BPM 119, 5:53, MP3 14.24 Mb
DJ Sneak - El Projecto [Mood Child] / Key Fm, BPM 127, 6:33, MP3 16.16 Mb
DOUG!, Trace (UZ) - Flex Like Ouu [Repopulate Mars] / Key F#m, BPM 129, 5:22, MP3 13.09 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the Light (feat. Patches Paradise) (Instrumental) [BonFire Records] / Key B, BPM 122, 2:48, MP3 6.94 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the Light (feat. Patches Paradise) [BonFire Records] / Key B, BPM 122, 2:48, MP3 6.94 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the Light (feat. Patches Paradise) (Sangarang Remix) [BonFire Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 3:01, MP3 7.46 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the light (feat. Patches Paradise) (neutral. Remix) [BonFire Records] / Key B, BPM 132, 3:01, MP3 7.46 Mb
DaWeirD - Deeper Soul [Play This! Records] / Key Gm, BPM 122, 5:23, MP3 13.21 Mb
Daniele Mastracci - On My Way [Play This! Records] / Key Dm, BPM 120, 6:02, MP3 14.79 Mb
Dave Alyan - Linear Prophecy [Expanding Project Records] / Key Bm, BPM 141, 6:15, MP3 15.22 Mb
David Semola - El lo Crejo [Slenders & Unforgiven] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 5:41, MP3 13.77 Mb
Dawilk, phil's ok. - Feel The Sunset [Paraiso] / Key E, BPM 123, 2:53, MP3 7.29 Mb
Dennis Denero - Fire Starter [Not So Serious] / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:40, MP3 16.06 Mb
Dhany, Leadback - Forever [dB production] / Key Dm, BPM 126, 3:20, MP3 8.23 Mb
Dissidentt - Fade [Feedback Records] / Key C, BPM 122, 8:39, MP3 20.96 Mb
Dj DIHNO, X-Soul RSA - Bounce Dance [Me and Music Digital Distributors] / Key Cm, BPM 116, 6:41, MP3 16.09 Mb
Dj DIHNO, X-Soul RSA - Ears of Music [Me and Music Digital Distributors] / Key Em, BPM 116, 6:24, MP3 15.41 Mb
Djane Holly Who, Sam Lasoy - I'm Feeling Good [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:02, MP3 10.04 Mb
Don SaS - Defect Counting [Go On Trax] / Key Abm, BPM 130, 5:03, MP3 12.20 Mb
Don SaS - High Sensation [Go On Trax] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 4:03, MP3 9.80 Mb
Dr. MO - Free [In House We Trust Records] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 5:00, MP3 12.04 Mb
Duo K - Panic at the Disco [Lamp] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 6:22, MP3 15.55 Mb
E.P.O - DIMENSIONS (SPED UP) [Tribal Trap] / Key Abm, BPM 116, 2:14, MP3 5.74 Mb
EUSE - Follow Up [Starix Production] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 3:08, MP3 7.80 Mb
Eazyopoluse - Istota [Diia Istot Records] / Key Bm, BPM 92, 3:35, MP3 8.66 Mb
Ecilo - Beyond The Vibes [Planet Rhythm] / Key Abm, BPM 142, 6:00, MP3 14.54 Mb
Ecilo - Downward Tension [Planet Rhythm] / Key Abm, BPM 142, 5:54, MP3 14.30 Mb
Ecilo - Maximum Effects [Planet Rhythm] / Key Bm, BPM 140, 5:33, MP3 13.46 Mb
Ecilo - Phase Of Waves [Planet Rhythm] / Key Dbm, BPM 143, 6:21, MP3 15.38 Mb
Eddie E. - Equilibrium [STIG] / Key Am, BPM 127, 5:42, MP3 13.77 Mb
El Brujo, MaKaJa Gonzales - Avalanche [trench] / Key Gm, BPM 150, 6:08, MP3 15.15 Mb
El Brujo, MaKaJa Gonzales, Van Maesen - We Are Here (Makaja Gonzales Rework) [trench] / Key Dbm, BPM 148, 5:58, MP3 14.74 Mb
Elvis Castellano - Delirio [Wope Records] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 6:13, MP3 15.18 Mb
Elyan - Musketeer [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:53, MP3 12.07 Mb
Emdey - Finally (Techno Extended Mix) [Universal Music GmbH] / Key Bm, BPM 140, 3:03, MP3 7.41 Mb
F3DE, Usai, Luminae - Finally [One Seven Music] / Key C, BPM 122, 3:16, MP3 8.00 Mb
Flash & Dash, NOTLEGAL - Education [2Dutch Records] / Key Dm, BPM 124, 3:23, MP3 8.53 Mb
FlowSeq - Flight (Electric Alchemy Extended Remix) [Initiator Soundworx] / Key Am, BPM 100, 4:17, MP3 10.47 Mb
FlowSeq - Flight (Electric Alchemy Mini Remix) [Initiator Soundworx] / Key Am, BPM 100, 1:08, MP3 2.93 Mb
FlowSeq - Flight (Electric Alchemy Workout Remix) [Initiator Soundworx] / Key Am, BPM 100, 2:00, MP3 5.00 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Bassline Therapy [Softrave Records] / Key F#m, BPM 123, 4:39, MP3 11.31 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Cybernetic Sunset [Softrave Records] / Key Am, BPM 124, 4:00, MP3 9.73 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Fractal Dance [Softrave Records] / Key Gm, BPM 125, 5:00, MP3 12.15 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Hypersonic [Softrave Records] / Key Gm, BPM 123, 4:10, MP3 10.14 Mb
Fred Aster - French Cat (Instrumental Mix) [Blur Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:30, MP3 13.57 Mb
Fred Aster - French Cat feat. L SPEAKS (Scruscru Remix) [Blur Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 129, 4:43, MP3 11.70 Mb
Fred Aster - French Cat feat. L SPEAKS (Vocal Mix) [Blur Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:30, MP3 13.57 Mb
Freischwimmer, Martis - Drop Dead Beautiful [You Love Dance] / Key Dbm, BPM 143, 2:16, MP3 5.64 Mb
Freqmind - Disorientation [trench] / Key Ebm, BPM 146, 5:19, MP3 13.17 Mb
Freqmind - Macro Vision [trench] / Key Gm, BPM 143, 6:23, MP3 15.74 Mb
Freqmind - Prehistory [trench] / Key Fm, BPM 135, 5:56, MP3 14.66 Mb
Friedensreich - Last Day on Earth [Diia Istot Records] / Key C, BPM 93, 3:00, MP3 7.26 Mb
Future Plan - Deeper Ends (Cristian Avigni Remix) [Future Plan Digital] / Key Dm, BPM 122, 3:44, MP3 9.08 Mb
Future Plan - Deeper Ends (Nicholas Jay Remix) [Future Plan Digital] / Key Dm, BPM 127, 3:04, MP3 7.49 Mb
Future Plan - Deeper Ends [Future Plan Digital] / Key Dm, BPM 122, 3:15, MP3 7.95 Mb
Fรฉlix (UK) - Brazil Beat [Do Not Sleep] / Key Am, BPM 130, 5:56, MP3 14.59 Mb
Fรฉlix (UK) - Drop The Bass [Do Not Sleep] / Key Cm, BPM 130, 5:40, MP3 13.94 Mb
G-DOM - Emotions [Delicious Rebels] / Key Bm, BPM 129, 6:12, MP3 15.26 Mb
G-DOM - Here With Me [Delicious Rebels] / Key F#m, BPM 127, 5:02, MP3 12.47 Mb
GOSSO - Flow [NouShit!] / Key Em, BPM 129, 6:01, MP3 14.69 Mb
GOSSO - Sparks [NouShit!] / Key Gm, BPM 127, 6:05, MP3 14.85 Mb
Gary Cooper SA, Mphoke - From Here [HOH Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 116, 6:42, MP3 16.44 Mb
George Centeno, Tony B! - I'm Your DJ (Tony B! Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 129, 5:18, MP3 13.09 Mb
George Morteanu - Don't Stop The Beat [Dacusan] / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.76 Mb
George Morteanu - Qwerty [Dacusan] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 6:04, MP3 14.91 Mb
Gino Love - Brooklyn Banger [Play This! Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 122, 9:01, MP3 21.93 Mb
Gregorgus Geez, Max Grandon - Slave 2da Rhythm (Well Sanchez Beat Master Mix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 5:07, MP3 12.65 Mb
Gulaev - Sneaking Wendigo [Diia Istot Records] / Key Dm, BPM 135, 5:20, MP3 12.86 Mb
HARMAK, Omor Ramzi - Burning Within Me [SwitchLab] / Key Ebm, BPM 122, 6:22, MP3 15.62 Mb
HARMAK, Omor Ramzi - Eyoo [SwitchLab] / Key Bm, BPM 121, 7:01, MP3 17.18 Mb
HDDNSLF - Shared Memory [Diia Istot Records] / Key Am, BPM 113, 5:20, MP3 12.86 Mb
HDER - Fire Escape [Skryptรถm records] / Key Fm, BPM 150, 4:48, MP3 11.65 Mb
HDER - Green Feeling [Skryptรถm records] / Key Bm, BPM 147, 5:20, MP3 12.93 Mb
HDER - MA26V [Skryptรถm records] / Key Bm, BPM 130, 4:00, MP3 9.73 Mb
HDER - Parallel Whisper [Skryptรถm records] / Key Am, BPM 98, 5:16, MP3 12.77 Mb
HDER - This Is Special [Skryptรถm records] / Key Dbm, BPM 145, 4:48, MP3 11.65 Mb
Harris & Ford, DJane Housekat, NOISETIME - Don't U Feel Alright [ShutUpAndRave] / Key F#, BPM 152, 2:54, MP3 7.21 Mb
Hioll - Make Them Listen (Temudo Remix) [Abstraction] / Key Abm, BPM 136, 6:04, MP3 14.58 Mb
IRLS - Dreams Take Wing [HIGHTKK MUSIC] / Key Am, BPM 116, 2:07, MP3 5.40 Mb
Icke M - Dub 003 [Poor Child Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 147, 2:48, MP3 7.04 Mb
Imran - Forever [Mark Music] / Key Bm, BPM 100, 4:36, MP3 11.16 Mb
Inaya Day, Masterbeat - One World (Sagi Kariv Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Bm, BPM 128, 7:02, MP3 17.24 Mb
Incorrect Waves - Outburst of Hatred [Diia Istot Records] / Key Em, BPM 143, 5:45, MP3 13.86 Mb
Isaac Knife - Digital Birth [Diia Istot Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 153, 4:29, MP3 10.83 Mb
Isabel, Robbie Miraux - Summernight [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Am, BPM 128, 5:51, MP3 14.41 Mb
Italobrothers, Rocco, French Sisters - Everybody (On The Floor) [Virgin] / Key Cm, BPM 143, 3:11, MP3 7.85 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Alegria [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Am, BPM 120, 6:28, MP3 15.76 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Apple Bottom [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Dbm, BPM 126, 5:58, MP3 14.57 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Bossy Droid [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Em, BPM 128, 5:30, MP3 13.44 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Left Hand, Right Hand [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Cm, BPM 126, 4:10, MP3 10.22 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Major Melon [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 4:25, MP3 10.82 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Move That Thang [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 6:15, MP3 15.24 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Too Sub [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Ebm, BPM 125, 4:37, MP3 11.30 Mb
JayCamel - Found รœ [wavebeats] / Key F#m, BPM 126, 6:10, MP3 15.16 Mb
Joel Coopa, Ella Elias, Signal Blue - Dream A Little Dream Of Me [Crash Your Sound] / Key Am, BPM 121, 2:05, MP3 5.27 Mb
John Modena - Remady (L'ete indien) [Can't Stop Productions] / Key G, BPM 125, 3:14, MP3 7.99 Mb
Jorge Mattos - Lady Back [Mood Child] / Key Gm, BPM 127, 5:37, MP3 13.89 Mb
Josh d Louxlee - Dehumanized Society [DLXL Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 6:17, MP3 15.47 Mb
Josh d Louxlee - Dehumanized Society (Remix) [DLXL Records] / Key Abm, BPM 134, 7:13, MP3 17.69 Mb
KDH, Wux - Favela [Mixmash Bold] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 3:45, MP3 9.50 Mb
KJAER - F*CK Me but I'm Not Famous (Dani Sbert Remix) [Fine Artistry Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 136, 6:29, MP3 15.76 Mb
KJAER - F*CK Me but I'm Not Famous [Fine Artistry Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 136, 6:25, MP3 15.61 Mb
KPD - Doing My Thing [Houseyounite Records] / Key Am, BPM 125, 5:19, MP3 12.81 Mb
Kadosh, KIODINII - ENERGY [LOW CEILING] / Key A, BPM 128, 5:00, MP3 12.20 Mb
Kaonic.Sound - Feel the Beat [Rabbit Label] / Key C, BPM 135, 3:36, MP3 8.76 Mb
Kapitan - Cancel [Sado Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 144, 6:17, MP3 15.64 Mb
Kapitan - Eigth [Sado Records] / Key Em, BPM 138, 5:40, MP3 14.14 Mb
Kapitan - Hard Stuff [Sado Records] / Key Gm, BPM 144, 5:36, MP3 14.00 Mb
Kapitan - Roll and Roll [Sado Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 138, 5:11, MP3 12.99 Mb
Kapitan - Yoyit [Sado Records] / Key C, BPM 148, 9:34, MP3 23.53 Mb
Kaydell, before. - Do My Thing [Nexus Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 125, 3:22, MP3 8.34 Mb
KlangProd - Inhale [Lamp] / Key Am, BPM 120, 8:42, MP3 21.14 Mb
Kuddy Music - Don't Be a Fool (Extended) [Intentions Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.78 Mb
Kuddy Music - Getting My Groove (Extended) [Intentions Records] / Key Em, BPM 127, 6:03, MP3 14.89 Mb
Kuprum - Expression Of Joy [Heartbeat Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 7:32, MP3 18.29 Mb
Kuprum - Tell Me [Heartbeat Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 126, 6:29, MP3 15.74 Mb
Kusuri - Form [Blanco y Negro Music] / Key Ab, BPM 125, 2:38, MP3 6.43 Mb
LCK, Tweezy, Frede - Forever (Techno Mix) [Munix Records] / Key Gm, BPM 150, 2:01, MP3 4.95 Mb
LEGATO (UK) - Either Way [LEGATO] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 5:34, MP3 13.72 Mb
LU6IFER - KROME [French Tabloรฏd] / Key F#m, BPM 178, 2:05, MP3 5.03 Mb
La Mano - Fabbrica [Sound Du Jour] / Key Bbm, BPM 126, 5:28, MP3 13.44 Mb
La Mano - Fiume [Sound Du Jour] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:58, MP3 14.64 Mb
La Mano - Onda [Sound Du Jour] / Key Bm, BPM 124, 6:18, MP3 15.44 Mb
La colรจre - ร‰checs [ร  l'ombre] / Key Fm, BPM 141, 3:41, MP3 9.38 Mb
Lady of Victory - Final Step (Alan de Laniere Dark Mix) [Play This! Records] / Key Gm, BPM 116, 5:54, MP3 14.43 Mb
Leandro Kolt - Order [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 6:35, MP3 16.17 Mb
Lee Rose - Fall In Love [Acid Dolphin] / Key Fm, BPM 132, 5:38, MP3 13.76 Mb
Lee Rose - Fall In Love [Acid Dolphin] / Key Fm, BPM 132, 2:56, MP3 7.26 Mb
Leo Blanco - The Cha Cha (Drama Dub Mix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Cm, BPM 128, 5:41, MP3 14.02 Mb
Leon Mar, benzo blanko - Desire (feat. Leon Mar) [benzo blanko] / Key Dbm, BPM 115, 6:05, MP3 14.72 Mb
Lex Field - Diamond [Deep Strips] / Key Fm, BPM 120, 3:50, MP3 9.58 Mb
Libercio - Dont want you [LucidPlain Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 115, 2:18, MP3 5.72 Mb
Linear Phase - Conspicuo [Expanding Project Records] / Key Gm, BPM 139, 6:02, MP3 14.71 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (CALAGNA Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 105, 6:38, MP3 16.49 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Modality Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 140, 5:08, MP3 12.88 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Nyrus Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 175, 4:30, MP3 11.34 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (OZemljen Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 102, 16:19, MP3 39.70 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Tylepathy Ambient Dub Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 140, 6:37, MP3 16.45 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Tylepathy Deep Space Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Bm, BPM 149, 8:55, MP3 21.98 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (bodรฉ Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 108, 8:13, MP3 20.29 Mb
Living Room - Dig This Disco Thing [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 3:02, MP3 7.66 Mb
Local Suicide, Sugar Rody - Disco Knife (Original) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Bm, BPM 120, 5:14, MP3 12.81 Mb
Lucas Park, Lordz Djs - Your Eyes (Extended Version) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 126, 4:51, MP3 11.99 Mb
Luke Willies - Dont Copy My Flow [LABEL EATER] / Key Bm, BPM 99, 3:42, MP3 9.15 Mb
Lulo Cafe, Bee-Bar, DJ Khosto, REGALO Joints - New World Order [Fat Catz Music] / Key F#m, BPM 114, 6:36, MP3 16.02 Mb
LyeForm - Thin Air [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Ebm, BPM 135, 5:13, MP3 12.55 Mb
MOT3K - Layer Cake [trench] / Key Gm, BPM 134, 6:01, MP3 14.87 Mb
MOT3K - We Sit In The Sun [trench] / Key D, BPM 134, 5:52, MP3 14.50 Mb
MaKaJa Gonzales, Van Maesen - Different Reality [trench] / Key Fm, BPM 150, 1:41, MP3 4.48 Mb
MaKaJa Gonzales, Van Maesen - Either Way [trench] / Key F#m, BPM 140, 6:01, MP3 14.86 Mb
Malikk - Goes Around [Mood Child] / Key Cm, BPM 129, 5:28, MP3 13.54 Mb
Mannymore - Freed From Desire [Future House Cloud (C)] / Key Dm, BPM 126, 3:04, MP3 7.72 Mb
Marco Bocatto - The Guardian [Play This! Records] / Key Am, BPM 124, 5:25, MP3 13.31 Mb
Marcus Gomes - Dreamin' [Deep Argentina] / Key Dbm, BPM 115, 2:38, MP3 6.52 Mb
Marmoon - Don't Stop [CUFF] / Key Abm, BPM 129, 4:37, MP3 11.50 Mb
Mata Jones - Family Affair [Dirtyclub Music] / Key Dbm, BPM 127, 5:48, MP3 14.04 Mb
Maur, Faber - Feel My Love [Sola] / Key Dm, BPM 137, 5:10, MP3 12.67 Mb
Max + Johann - Do You Love Me [Zeitgeist] / Key F#, BPM 167, 2:09, MP3 5.35 Mb
Max Palmer - Sweet Love [Play This! Records] / Key Dm, BPM 123, 6:07, MP3 14.97 Mb
Mayday - Monkey Moves [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 5:01, MP3 12.39 Mb
Mayfie - Whispers [Expanding Project Records] / Key Dm, BPM 138, 6:32, MP3 15.93 Mb
Melohaus - FIRE [Rave Residence] / Key Am, BPM 148, 5:16, MP3 13.09 Mb
Menih, Wilfred (COL) - Baka Groove [Ole White] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 6:08, MP3 14.84 Mb
Menih, Wilfred (COL) - Gutural Soul [Ole White] / Key Am, BPM 127, 5:48, MP3 14.05 Mb
Menori - Najade (Noah Jaegson remix) [Shango Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 107, 6:25, MP3 15.62 Mb
Menori - Najade [Shango Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 117, 7:23, MP3 17.93 Mb
Menori - Najade (Viktop remix) [Shango Records] / Key Bm, BPM 121, 7:58, MP3 19.36 Mb
Menori - Sirenas (Extended Deep mix) [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 119, 9:32, MP3 23.10 Mb
Menori - Sirenas (Miza (EG) remix) [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 119, 7:00, MP3 17.01 Mb
Menori - Sirenas [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 119, 7:57, MP3 19.30 Mb
Menori - Sirenas (Rossalto remix) [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 121, 6:56, MP3 16.85 Mb
Metridate - Desert Eagle [KBell Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 124, 7:02, MP3 17.09 Mb
Metroland - Activity As A Timetrigger [Alfa Matrix] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 3:59, MP3 9.62 Mb
Metroland - Baukultur (The Davos Declaration) [Alfa Matrix] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 5:20, MP3 12.86 Mb
Metroland - Cooperation In A Fragmented World [Alfa Matrix] / Key G, BPM 125, 4:56, MP3 11.91 Mb
Metroland - Happy Nothing [Alfa Matrix] / Key Fm, BPM 100, 5:43, MP3 13.79 Mb
Metroland - Industry 5.0 [Alfa Matrix] / Key E, BPM 132, 3:47, MP3 9.15 Mb
Metroland - Industry 6.0 [Alfa Matrix] / Key Bbm, BPM 133, 1:38, MP3 4.01 Mb
Metroland - Infotainment [Alfa Matrix] / Key Ebm, BPM 115, 5:50, MP3 14.07 Mb
Metroland - Quantum [Alfa Matrix] / Key Gm, BPM 120, 5:57, MP3 14.36 Mb
Metroland - The Great Reset [Alfa Matrix] / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 7:33, MP3 18.21 Mb
Metroland - World Economic Forum [Alfa Matrix] / Key Am, BPM 120, 3:51, MP3 9.33 Mb
MiNDLEX - Do It Like Me [MiNDLEX] / Key Em, BPM 133, 2:52, MP3 7.13 Mb
Mike Nasty - Do It (House Manifesto) (Dub Mix) [Nasty Tracks] / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 5:03, MP3 12.32 Mb
Mike Nasty - Do It (House Manifesto) [Nasty Tracks] / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 5:03, MP3 12.31 Mb
Mistay - Evolution [Feel Hype Limited] / Key Em, BPM 128, 9:00, MP3 21.96 Mb
Mitchell On Fire - Drowning in Love [Golden Factory Paradise] / Key Dm, BPM 120, 3:43, MP3 9.32 Mb
Mr. Guelo - Esto Es Pa' Ti [8Funk Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 4:17, MP3 10.49 Mb
Msolnusic - Natural High [Play This! Records] / Key Am, BPM 122, 5:03, MP3 12.41 Mb
My Best Unbeaten Brother - Extraordinary Times [Audio Antihero] / Key Gm, BPM 136, 3:20, MP3 8.18 Mb
N2N - Don't Talk To Me [Strangelove Recordings] / Key Gm, BPM 126, 4:50, MP3 11.95 Mb
Nick Nyrow - Keep Your Dream Tight [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Cm, BPM 129, 5:07, MP3 12.64 Mb
Nico Cortazzo - Exposure [Anxiety Therapy] / Key Fm, BPM 125, 6:13, MP3 15.22 Mb
Nico Cortazzo - For The People Who Like The Blues [Anxiety Therapy] / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 6:52, MP3 16.79 Mb
Nico Cortazzo - Soulful Touch [Anxiety Therapy] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:32, MP3 15.99 Mb
Nile Rodgers, Kygo, Zak Abel - For Life (Vandelux Remix) [Kygo/RCA Records] / Key Db, BPM 122, 2:55, MP3 7.13 Mb
Numbers And Parameters - White Balance [Abstraction] / Key Am, BPM 136, 5:15, MP3 12.63 Mb
Nyla, Terri-Anne - Feeling So High [Glasgow Underground] / Key Dm, BPM 126, 4:53, MP3 11.83 Mb
ONEX1NE - DO OR DIE [Cresta La Cultura] / Key Cm, BPM 83, 2:02, MP3 5.17 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie [Elektra France] / Key Cm, BPM 100, 2:31, MP3 6.29 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (extended mix) [Elektra France] / Key Cm, BPM 100, 3:25, MP3 8.44 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (instrumental) [Elektra France] / Key Cm, BPM 100, 2:31, MP3 6.29 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (slowed down) [Elektra France] / Key Abm, BPM 160, 3:09, MP3 7.80 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (sped up) [Elektra France] / Key Em, BPM 125, 2:01, MP3 5.10 Mb
P.Lion - Dream (Ms Project) [Submental Records] / Key Cm, BPM 122, 5:04, MP3 12.32 Mb
POLOVICH - Drug Talk [2NIGHT Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 130, 4:13, MP3 10.51 Mb
Pale Outsider - Relix [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Cm, BPM 140, 8:41, MP3 20.88 Mb
Patrick Meeks, Dan Laino - Don't Go [HGA Deep] / Key Gm, BPM 125, 6:19, MP3 15.35 Mb
Paul Trent - Una Canciรณn [Play This! Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 127, 4:42, MP3 11.56 Mb
Phace - BLESSED [Deadbeats] / Key Em, BPM 172, 3:36, MP3 8.79 Mb
Phace - CRAY [Deadbeats] / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 3:43, MP3 9.08 Mb
Phace - CRUISIN [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 3:08, MP3 7.69 Mb
Phace - EVERYDAY [Deadbeats] / Key Gm, BPM 92, 4:08, MP3 10.10 Mb
Phace - FATIGUE [Deadbeats] / Key Em, BPM 135, 5:59, MP3 14.51 Mb
Phace - IN HABITS [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 114, 4:39, MP3 11.32 Mb
Phace - KAPUTT [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 172, 3:24, MP3 8.32 Mb
Phace - LOST TOUCH [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 3:12, MP3 7.85 Mb
Phace - RESIST [Deadbeats] / Key Gm, BPM 172, 3:28, MP3 8.48 Mb
Phace - SELF TALKING [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 167, 3:57, MP3 9.65 Mb
Phace, Affe Maria - EIN SCHร–NER PLATZ [Deadbeats] / Key Em, BPM 138, 4:33, MP3 11.08 Mb
Phunk - Balearica [Play This! Records] / Key Am, BPM 125, 6:59, MP3 17.04 Mb
PlayMaster, REGALO Joints - Art Of War [Fat Catz Music] / Key Abm, BPM 114, 6:51, MP3 16.61 Mb
PlayMaster, REGALO Joints - Platoon [Fat Catz Music] / Key Em, BPM 114, 6:47, MP3 16.47 Mb
Purple Ocean - Evening Sun [TGR Music Group] / Key Am, BPM 120, 1:55, MP3 4.89 Mb
D/V - Antitesi [Expanding Project Records] / Key F#m, BPM 133, 5:54, MP3 14.40 Mb
RAW_BEE - Elektro Magnetik Kurrent [Vape Trax] / Key Em, BPM 146, 3:29, MP3 8.62 Mb
RAW_BEE - External Influences [Vape Trax] / Key Abm, BPM 127, 4:40, MP3 11.45 Mb
REGALO Joints - Battle Ground [Fat Catz Music] / Key Bm, BPM 114, 7:49, MP3 18.94 Mb
REGALO Joints - Take My Heart (Instrumental) [Fat Catz Music] / Key Dbm, BPM 114, 6:14, MP3 15.14 Mb
REGALO Joints, De Arabian Sax - Tebogo [Fat Catz Music] / Key Ebm, BPM 114, 6:32, MP3 15.86 Mb
Raffi Lusso, Jordan Grace - Don't Let Me Go [BRAIN PAIN RECORDS] / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 2:55, MP3 7.31 Mb
Raptured Roots - Devastation [Raptured Roots Records] / Key Abm, BPM 125, 5:51, MP3 14.09 Mb
Ray La Soul - Hidden Affairs [Lamp] / Key F, BPM 129, 6:31, MP3 15.89 Mb
Red Patrol - Game [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 128, 4:45, MP3 11.77 Mb
Rex Ishwar - Detalles [Scientist Music Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 6:40, MP3 16.18 Mb
Rex, Billy Taylor - F Cupid feat. Rex [G-Mafia Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 4:25, MP3 10.85 Mb
Ricks (BR) - System [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 4:36, MP3 11.42 Mb
Robb Mc Adam - Tribal Man [Lamp] / Key Cm, BPM 128, 6:48, MP3 16.58 Mb
Roberto Pedoto - Express Delivery [Roberto Pedoto Music] / Key Cm, BPM 125, 3:51, MP3 9.35 Mb
Roberto Pedoto - Feel Alive [Roberto Pedoto Music] / Key Cm, BPM 125, 5:01, MP3 12.14 Mb
Roberto Pedoto - Margin Smooth [Roberto Pedoto Music] / Key Am, BPM 130, 4:43, MP3 11.42 Mb
Roworth - Elevation [Outsiders Recordings] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 6:24, MP3 15.45 Mb
Roworth - Mi Momento Favorito [Outsiders Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 130, 5:25, MP3 13.09 Mb
SCHWVFTY - ERROR?! [Tribal Trap] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 2:12, MP3 5.87 Mb
SaberZ, Elshay, MITCH DB - Echo (feat. Elshay) [Soave] / Key Bm, BPM 124, 3:45, MP3 9.25 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Andrea Moroso Housology mix) [Space Beat] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 5:09, MP3 12.56 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Dinamic mix) [Space Beat] / Key Abm, BPM 136, 5:46, MP3 14.05 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Hpnotic mix) [Space Beat] / Key F#m, BPM 126, 4:53, MP3 11.95 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Minimal Trip) [Space Beat] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 5:11, MP3 12.64 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Original mix) [Space Beat] / Key Em, BPM 129, 5:01, MP3 12.27 Mb
Santa Bรกrbara - Apple Juice [Leveldva] / Key Am, BPM 105, 6:38, MP3 16.32 Mb
Santa Bรกrbara - Fine Fizz [Leveldva] / Key Fm, BPM 106, 6:20, MP3 15.62 Mb
Santa Bรกrbara - Flip a Coin [Leveldva] / Key E, BPM 107, 6:44, MP3 16.56 Mb
Santa Bรกrbara - Science Class [Leveldva] / Key Dm, BPM 105, 7:28, MP3 18.33 Mb
Saqi, Siren & Seer - Desperada [Jumpsuit Records] / Key Fm, BPM 110, 2:52, MP3 7.19 Mb
Self Deception - Eden Prototype (Original mix) [Aequus Sonus] / Key Dm, BPM 114, 4:01, MP3 10.08 Mb
Sergio Matina, Gabry Sangineto - Sound of Freedom (Valexx & Rayven Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Gm, BPM 128, 5:15, MP3 12.97 Mb
Shank - 4 tha Godz [French Tabloรฏd] / Key F#m, BPM 133, 5:20, MP3 12.83 Mb
Shank - D-LITE [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 5:02, MP3 12.34 Mb
Shank - EYEZ CLOSED [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Bbm, BPM 137, 6:02, MP3 14.75 Mb
Shank - ORIGINAL SOURCE [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Am, BPM 137, 6:11, MP3 15.13 Mb
Shank - TELEPATHY [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Eb, BPM 136, 5:55, MP3 14.46 Mb
Sievert Serviert - Housejester [Lamp] / Key Dm, BPM 133, 6:44, MP3 16.43 Mb
Sirus Hood - Brainless [Mood Child] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 6:09, MP3 15.20 Mb
Siyablaq - Blue In The Neighborhood [HOH Records] / Key Cm, BPM 118, 7:19, MP3 17.93 Mb
Siyablaq - Boogy [HOH Records] / Key Bm, BPM 115, 7:23, MP3 18.05 Mb
Siyablaq - Train To Berlin [HOH Records] / Key Dm, BPM 115, 7:14, MP3 17.72 Mb
Siyablaq, The King Chico_SA - My Life (Embadesoul Remix) [HOH Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 117, 6:05, MP3 14.96 Mb
Skonka - El Za [Swing Records] / Key Gm, BPM 132, 5:07, MP3 12.60 Mb
Skru - TOGETHER [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Gm, BPM 129, 3:06, MP3 7.48 Mb
Soundfall - Shores (Boracay) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Cm, BPM 120, 6:54, MP3 16.93 Mb
Starmain - Gravity (Tonal Desires Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key F, BPM 128, 4:39, MP3 11.55 Mb
Stefano Vaccaro - Fall [Presscode Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 2:17, MP3 5.89 Mb
Stephan Barbieri - Dale Da Da' [Sweet Milk Records] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 5:45, MP3 13.98 Mb
Stephan Barbieri - Eres Tu [Sweet Milk Records] / Key F#, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.58 Mb
Sugar Rody - Disco Knife (Gunce Aci Remix) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 5:41, MP3 13.89 Mb
Sugar Rody - Jean Claude (Mufti Remix) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Ebm, BPM 115, 5:59, MP3 14.61 Mb
Sugar Rody - Jean Claude (Original) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Ebm, BPM 105, 4:20, MP3 10.65 Mb
Sugar Rody - On The Run (Original) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Am, BPM 122, 5:05, MP3 12.44 Mb
Szmer - Former Vision III [Abstraction] / Key Fm, BPM 134, 4:52, MP3 11.71 Mb
TCHDWN - Experience [Track Deluxe] / Key F#m, BPM 128, 5:49, MP3 14.07 Mb
Techin - Taste [Mood Child] / Key Abm, BPM 127, 7:04, MP3 17.39 Mb
Tek! - Do I Say (Cla$$ & JCult Remix) (Cla$$ & JCult Remix) [Milky Way Records] / Key Dm, BPM 129, 5:43, MP3 14.12 Mb
Telephones - Mariner (9.9 Mix) [European Carryall] / Key Dm, BPM 124, 6:10, MP3 14.96 Mb
Telephones - Nation of Rythms (MS-DOS Mix) [European Carryall] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 7:27, MP3 18.04 Mb
Telephones - Rieber (Steel Mix) [European Carryall] / Key Bbm, BPM 131, 8:21, MP3 20.20 Mb
Tenor Youthman, SND & RTN - Whitney Houston feat. Tenor Youthman [Echo LTD] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 4:13, MP3 10.19 Mb
Tenor Youthman, SND & RTN - Whitney Version feat. Tenor Youthman [Echo LTD] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 5:45, MP3 13.90 Mb
The Company Soundsystem - The Wilderness [3Bridge Records] / Key D, BPM 124, 6:52, MP3 16.60 Mb
The Kid - El Sabor Que Te Gusta [Wope Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 122, 5:48, MP3 14.22 Mb
Themetique - Don't Look Back (Dub Mix) [Sanelow Label] / Key Cm, BPM 115, 7:16, MP3 17.57 Mb
Themetique - Don't Look Back [Sanelow Label] / Key Cm, BPM 118, 6:34, MP3 15.87 Mb
Therd Suspect - Deep In My Soul [Play This! Records] / Key Abm, BPM 113, 6:02, MP3 14.79 Mb
Tom Siher - Keepers of My Life (Club Mix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key F#m, BPM 128, 7:14, MP3 17.72 Mb
Tony Deledda - Deep House Spirit [Play This! Records] / Key Cm, BPM 120, 5:42, MP3 13.97 Mb
Tramtunnel - We Found You [Lamp] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 7:41, MP3 18.72 Mb
Tribal Man - Esta Rico [Disturbed Records] / Key Cm, BPM 130, 3:42, MP3 9.11 Mb
TrixX K - Contraption [Lamp] / Key Cm, BPM 122, 6:49, MP3 16.63 Mb
Twosides - Fall [Sony Music / Big Smile Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 3:07, MP3 7.57 Mb
Twosides - Fall [Sony Music / Big Smile Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 2:13, MP3 5.41 Mb
Ugo Anzoino - Chikyuฬ„ (Japan Edition) (Kazuo Ohmori Remix) [trench] / Key Abm, BPM 147, 6:21, MP3 15.68 Mb
Unit (UA) - Shatter [Diia Istot Records] / Key F#m, BPM 136, 4:35, MP3 11.07 Mb
VOOR - CROW [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Am, BPM 140, 5:07, MP3 12.31 Mb
VOOR, LU6IFER - VVV [French Tabloรฏd] / Key Bm, BPM 135, 2:54, MP3 7.00 Mb
Vikki St. Ives - Flying (Room 111 Extended Mix) [Amathus Music] / Key Dm, BPM 130, 4:01, MP3 9.85 Mb
Vikki St. Ives - Flying (Valle Vidal Extended Mix) [Amathus Music] / Key Dm, BPM 130, 4:11, MP3 10.24 Mb
Vince (PT) - Fey [Abstraction] / Key Cm, BPM 140, 5:02, MP3 12.11 Mb
Viti Ruiz DJ - Fantastic [Plasticity Records (ES)] / Key Fm, BPM 122, 4:51, MP3 11.76 Mb
Vortex - Beauty Beats [Progress Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 127, 7:35, MP3 18.36 Mb
Vortex - Daffa [Progress Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 126, 7:07, MP3 17.27 Mb
Vortex - Hunter Gatherer [Progress Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 6:31, MP3 15.80 Mb
Vortex - Phobia [Progress Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 7:30, MP3 18.18 Mb
Vortex - Solar Storm [Progress Recordings] / Key Am, BPM 127, 7:49, MP3 18.95 Mb
Vortex - The Chips Are Down [Progress Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 8:31, MP3 20.59 Mb
Will Sync, Diego Andrade - Falling [Will Sync] / Key Gm, BPM 123, 3:27, MP3 8.43 Mb
Xiasou, Contribute Translation - Eternity [WHITE NOIR] / Key F#m, BPM 125, 7:31, MP3 18.30 Mb
Yaya - Ritmo Bonito [Mood Child] / Key Cm, BPM 130, 5:57, MP3 14.69 Mb
naked AMB1TION - Deeper [Twinspin] / Key Em, BPM 129, 5:13, MP3 12.81 Mb

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2024.05.26 21:40 SoftPois0n What Anime To Watch After A Silent Voice

What Anime To Watch After A Silent Voice

# Name Year Released Genres
1 Josee, the Tiger and the Fish. 2020 Drama, Romance, Slice Of Life, Sports
2 Your Name. 2016 Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
3 The Anthem of the Heart 2015 Drama, Music, Romance, School, Seinen, Sports
4 I Want to Eat Your Pancreas 2018 Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Slice Of Life
5 Liz and the Blue Bird 2018 Drama, Music, Romance, School, Shoujo Ai
6 A Whisker Away 2020 Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, School, Supernatural
7 The Fruit of Grisaia 2014 Drama, Harem, Psychological, Romance, School
8 Wolf Children 2012 Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life
9 Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms 2018 Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Military
10 In This Corner of the World 2016 Drama, Historical, Romance, Seinen
11 March Comes In Like a Lion 2016 Comedy, Drama, Game, Seinen, Slice Of Life, Sports
12 Violet Evergarden 2018 Action, Drama, Fantasy, Military, Romance, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Slice Of Life
13 Haibane Renmei 2002 Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen, Slice Of Life
14 Colorful 2010 Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life, Supernatural
15 Your Lie in April 2014 Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance, School, Shounen, Sports
16 Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai 2018 Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Supernatural
17 Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju 2016 Comedy, Drama, Historical, Josei, Romance
18 Chihayafuru 2011 Comedy, Drama, Game, Josei, Romance, School, Slice Of Life, Sports
19 A Place Further Than the Universe 2017 Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sports
20 Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal 1999 Action, Drama, Historical, Martial Arts, Romance, Samurai, Shounen
21 Grave of the Fireflies 1988 Action, Drama, Historical
22 Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day 2011 Drama, Slice Of Life, Supernatural
23 Erased 2016 Mystery, Psychological, Seinen, Supernatural
24 Orange 2016 Drama, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
25 Death Parade 2015 Drama, Game, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural
26 Blue Spring Ride 2014 Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo, Slice Of Life
27 Tamako Love Story 2014 Comedy, Romance, Seinen, Slice Of Life
28 K-On! The Movie 2011 Comedy, Music, Seinen, Slice Of Life
29 A Sign of Affection 2024 Comedy, Romance, Shoujo
30 Komi Can't Communicate 2021 Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Slice Of Life

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submitted by SoftPois0n to KoeNoKatachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:18 Nxx_Analysis Card Review : Artem โ€” Ocean's Enchantment

Heeeey ! I am back with the first review for this banner ! For those who saw me fight with Reddit and several deleted posts, I am sorry, posting this was not easy ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
We're starting with Artem's surfing card, so without further ado, let's start !
Card review
Artem - Ocean's enchantment
As always, the notation is subjective, especially the art one.
Art : 3.5/5 Story plot : 7/10 Story writing : 5/5 Total : 15.5/20
Review summary :
After getting a mission from Celestine, Rosa and Artem go together to the beach so that she can take pictures of him during one of his hobbies. This cozy and short vacation will give them the opportunity to forge unforgettable memories.
Review act per act :
Act 1 :
At a seaside hotel, Rosa, still not quite awake, feels an obstacle at the edge of the bed. Still not opening her eyes, she tries to push it out but "he" gets closer to her neck and tells her to wake up. She finally opens her eyes and sees Artem already dressed up for the day. She asks him why he is already up since they went late to bed. They have been working at Boatview City near the sea the past few days and they only finished working on the case yesterday afternoon. They then got into a hotel they booked there for a few days of vacation before going back to Stellis. He tells her that it's now the best time to surf and reminds her she wanted to learn surfing. Rosa complains that she wants to sleep more so Artem says they can stay in the hotel and come back again another time for surfing. She asks why not tomorrow and he says that tomorrow it will rain. Rosa suddenly feels more willing to get up, telling Artem she might not learn how to surf but she will be taking pictures of him doing so. He asks her why and she realizes she never told her why she wanted to go surf with him. She reveals that it's a mission from Celestine. One month ago, in Celestine's office. Rosa gets closer to the desk to see what her boss is showing and sees tons of pictures of Artem in his usual suits. She comments that there are a lot and Celestine says that's the reason she called Rosa. Themis is doing a directory of their attorneys and they are missing a few photos for the "personal hobbies" section. Rosa tells her she will ask him but Celestine says he won't have what she wants since he doesn't take pictures of himself. Celestine suddenly mentions that Rosa didn't see Artem while surfing, which makes her puzzled because she didn't know he was surfing. She only knew his shooting and driving hobbies. Celestine explains that it happened before she came in the company and that he looked very cool while surfing. She continues suggesting to her to take a small break after their upcoming work in Boatview City and take photos of Artem surfing meanwhile. Rosa accepts, thinking that she would like to see him surf too. Back in the present, Artem comments that he remembers the trip and it was a really good time. Rosa comments that it's a shame no photo was taken. He says that he didn't take pictures because taking one means saving the memories related to it and since he was just relaxing, he didn't need to remember it. Rosa is surprised because she didn't know he saw pictures like this. She takes his hands and says that it's different so they have to save a lot of memories because they are together. Rosa then asks why he didn't tell her he surfed and Artem answers that he never had the opportunity to do so. He gets closer to her and adds that since they have many years ahead of them, it would be more fun to explore things about him like this. He then asks her if she wants to sleep more and Rosa shakes her head while hugging him, saying that she is getting up. They agree on going out to the sea together.
Celestine is like a matchmaker happy to see her favorite couple doing couple things and pushing them. Please, never change girl.
Tho, I beg HYV to give us ONE MORE Shooting Artem card. An SSR.I t's been so long since a mention of him shooting, I would like a fully focused SSR about shooting.
It starts softly. I know it's a โ€œTears of Themisโ€ signature move, but not putting any flashback would have been better for the flow and cuteness of the moment (so like, starting the card in Celestine's office, then a fast forward to them being in the hotel kind of).
Act 2 :
They gather their stuff and head to the beach. Despite it being only 8 o'clock, a lot of people are already there. Holding hands, they go closer to the sea. Rosa comments that a lot of people are surfing and Artem explains that it's a famous spot. She then notices the waves are not as big as in the promotional video, to which he explains that it's a beginner area with less waves. Artem suggests going in an area with more shade and she agrees. Then, they go to select their surfboards and Rosa notices hers is bigger than Artem's. He tells her a larger board is easier to control than a small one. She guesses that a smaller one is for those with more skills. He agrees, adding it is faster and more agile. Then, they start the lesson. Artem introduces her to basic moves, which is practicing how to catch the waves and stand up while being on the beach. Thanks to his explanation, Rosa quickly grasps how to do it. Artem compliments her and then suggests going into the water. She asks if she can and he says that practical experience is a must and not only theoretical experience and he will always be by her side. She agrees so he ties the surfboard rope on her. After a thorough check they go on the water. But Rosa realizes it's nothing like practice. Each time she tries to control a wave, she fails and falls into the water. Artem rushes to hold her and she hugs him, refusing to let go. He asks if she doesn't want to learn anymore but she answers that she just wants an intermission. Artem agrees, saying they should change position so that she doesn't get sunburnt. He turns his back to the sun, creating a shade for her. While seeing other beginners fall several times, she comments that surfing is hard. Artem argues back that it's not hard and it's simply because she is not used to it. Rosa asks him if he had difficulties learning and he says that he didn't and adapted quickly, maybe because he likes it. She realizes she doesn't know why he likes this sport, so she asks if it's because it de-stresses him or if it's for the thrill of conquering the ocean. After thinking, Artem answers that he never considered surfing as an extreme sport which conquers the ocean and what he does is challenging his own limits. Rosa wonders about the last part so he asks her what she thinks is the most important in surfing. She answers โ€œskill and powerโ€ so as an answer, Artem places her hand on his heart. He tells her the most important thing is the heart and feel the rhythm of the waves, adapt the breathing to the sea and be harmonious with the waves. Rosa thinks that it doesn't sound like something he would say since he is logical and meticulous at work. She thinks that what he described feels really similar when Artem asks her what is wrong. She says it's nothing and she should now test if what he said is true since she rested enough. After starting again, she feels the breath of the sea like Artem taught her and ends up finding the rhythm of the waves. Rosa announces to Artem she found a wave and he congratulates her before instructing her to try to stand up like he taught her. With shaky legs, she manages to stand and move forward. Feeling free, she exclaims happily to Artem, who is watching her silently and he compliments her. But, soon enough, another beginner crashes into her and she falls into the water. Rosa, panicking, splashes everywhere calling for Artem. She hears him reassuring her but can't make up from where the voice comes, her vision as confused as her mind, so she continues to splash around. She soon strikes hard against something and she hears Artem grunting. He reassures her before grabbing her hand, taking her into his arms and dragging her out of the water. Feeling him against her calms her down. Artem asks her if she is hurt and she denies, saying she just felt dizzy. He asks if she still feels so and she denies. Remembering how she hit Artem in her panic, she looks at him and sees a red trace near his lips. She touches it, asking if it hurts, but he answers that it's fine. Rosa asks again to be sure and he reassures her before asking if she wants to go again. She answers him.... :
โ€” No, which surprises Artem. She reminds him of the mission she has and he says he remembers, but they still have time so she can try for a bit longer. Rosa says that she is fine and she also wants to take photos for their own memories. Artem says he will do whatever she wants.
โ€” Yes, so Artem suggests holding the board for her. Rosa says that failure is not an option, which makes him wonder why she is so strict all of a sudden. She answers that she has other plans after, which means taking pictures for themselves on top of Celestine's mission. Artem says he will do whatever she wants.
Oh wow, when she panicked and accidentally hit him, it was kinda funny actually. Also I wished she asked him when he started/tried surfing for the first time because I'm SO curious, but maybe it'll come later.
Act 3
They return to the shore, where Rosa takes her camera. Artem asks what she wants him to do, and she tells him to stand under the coconut tree with the surfboard and look at the sea. He does as she said, but unsure of the exact spot she wanted, he asks her for confirmation. She tells him to hold his pose and keep looking at her. While taking pictures, she is dazed by the sight which makes Artem ask her if she is alright. Flustered, she says that she is okay and they need to do the next pose. Rosa looks around before telling him to lean against the empty lookout platform. Artem obeys but struggles a bit with the surfboard's position. She heads over to him and help him adjust his and the board position. She is standing on her tiptoes, pressed very close to him. He asks what he should do and Rosa tells him to be in a pose he feels comfortable in. Artem repeats her words, then pulls her into his arms and puts the surfboard in a way to cut them both off from view. He tells her he thinks taking photos just of him is too boring so Rosa asks him what he wants to do. Not answering, Artem pushes her against the board and says that since its a memory shared between them it would be more meaningful to take it together. Not far from them, people seems to be cheering for the surfers, meaning many of them are going to be coming back on this part of the beach. Rosa pushes against his chest, telling him a waves are coming their way. Artem says he knows, so she asks why he hasn't let her go yet. He simply answers that they haven't taken a picture yet. He hugs her tighter and tells her to focus on him, lifting the camera in front of them. But, since he is not familiar with it, he starts recording a video instead of a photo. Unhappy about it, he says they should try again but Rosa takes the camera from him, telling him to go surf first. Seeing that there are a lot of people in the water now, he agrees a bit reluctantly. He tells her to be safe meanwhile and she answers jokingly that she is not a kid. She notices Artem doesn't seem to want to leave her alone, so she pulls out the board from the sand and urges him to go, adding how she waited so long to see him surf and she wants to take cool pictures. He tells her to stay safe and after smoothing her hair a bit finally goes join the surfers. A huge wave rushes toward Artem, which makes Rosa immediately anxious. But the next minute, Artem emerges from the waters on his board. While admiring the sight, she remembers the reason why he likes surfing. She realizes why his description felt familiar : because it's like their relationship. She snaps a photo, capturing this unique moment.
Rosa loves him so much it's soooo cute to see. And Artem is so caring and clingy, that was also cute to see. It's so fluffy aaa ~
Act 4
Once he is back, Artem asks Rosa if she could take the photo she wanted and she happily confirms she took several. She tells him she realized he likes intense sports, like driving and shooting and now she can add surfing. She continues saying she thought he was the steady and careful type but he gets further from that image now. Artem is shocked before realizing she was joking so he ends up laughing. He puts his hand on her shoulder and says that it's too late to run from him now. Rosa says she never thought about running away. At this moment, her stomach rumbles, making her realize that surfing made her hungry. Artem, holding back his laugh, says that he is hungry too. She asks him if he is laughing at her and he denies, saying instead that she is cute. After this, they get changed and head to a seaside cafeteria. The canteen is simple but well frequented, which Rosa points out. Artem explains that it has been here for more than 20 years, makes their food with local products and only opens during the summer. He hands her a menu in which Rosa discovers a flyer for a fireworks festival. She tells Artem, shows him the flyer, explaining that tonight is the last day for it and asks him if he wants to go. He agrees, mentioning he never watched fireworks in the summer. His eyes stop at a specific spot, making Rosa curious. She sees a picture of a couple playing with sparklers. She wonders in head if Artem wants to do that and as confirmation, he asks her if they can do this tonight. She asks him why M. Wing wants to do it and he pauses, not expecting this question. After a short while, he explains that when he was little, he saw a neighbor child using sparklers and the image is still engraved in his mind. Rosa teases him saying he is jealous, but Artem agrees honestly and asks her if she can fulfill his wish. She agrees, immediately thinking they need to go buy some so that they can make memories and overwrite the one from his childhood. After lunch, they go to search where to buy the fireworks. The sparklers in the city are locally sourced and environmentally friendly but after several shops, they still didn't find any. They end up in a shop converter from a residential house. Rosa rushes into the shop and asks for sparklers at the same time as another woman. They look at each other shocked, the woman sitting on a bicycle, arms wrapped around the guy cycling. Rosa asks her if they want sparklers too and the woman confirms, explaining she wants to light them with her boyfriend. The employee says they only have one box left because a lot of couples are buying them today. Artem asks if they can share them and the young employee says it's bad luck to split a full box of sparklers in this town. Rosa asks what they should do and the employee suggests a competition with the winner earning the box. The other woman asks what competition it is and the employee says they can draw lots and decide. Artem takes her hand and agrees to join like the other couple. Rosa is designated to draw the lot so she pulls a paper from a candy tin, which says "Candy Game". The employee congratulates her on getting the hardest game, and Rosa thinks about how "lucky" she is.
Okay this whole arc was SOOOOOO cute actually, it was simple, yet cute and touching omgggg. Rosa teasing Artem and he responding to it, him complimenting her, then at the restaurant how he opened about his childhood memory and how honest he was when Rosa teased him aaaaaaaaaa ! It was really cute and full of chemistry, I'm so happy about it, that was a beautiful moment !! They are absolutely adorable and comfy together. I love them so much.
On the other hand, now I am worried. What the heck is this absolutely stupid superstition ?? Why was the employee acting suspiciously like this ?? Well let's go onโ€ฆ
Act 5
Having to play this game to get the sparklers, Artem asks about the rules. The employee explains to them that the boys will have their eyes closed, and the girls will have to transfer a candy they have previously put in their own mouth to the other's mouth. They have five minutes to guess the three flavors mixed in the candy and they can only guess wrong once. The employee is smiling, shaking the bag of candies. Rosa says it's more of a party dare than a competition. The employee says it is adapted from a truth or dare game. Rosa gets the feeling the employee just wants them to put on a show. Rosa thinks about how embarrassing it is going to be but also about the fact Artem has no relevant experience since he rarely participates in the truth and dare. She looks at him and realizes he is also looking at her. Artem tells her they can forfeit if she finds it too embarrassing. Rosa asks if he doesn't want the sparklers anymore and he says that they can do it next time. But she remembers how he looked while recalling his memories and her desire of making summer memories with fireworks. Rosa tells him they should compete and it won't be too embarrassing since he will have his eyes closed. She also wants to make him happy since he never played with sparklers. She asks him if he is okay and Artem says he is willing to try as long as she is his partner. The other couple, seeing they agreed, also decide to compete. The guys close their eyes while Rosa is noticing the flavors are quite common except for a fruit called red coconut, which has a light flavor which can be overshadowed easily. Thinking about a way to make it easier for him, she bites into the candy and looks at Artem, who looks kind of "obedient" with his eyes closed. While blushing, she puts a hand on his shoulder, which makes him ask if she is ready. Since she has the candy between her teeth, she can't answer, so she brings it to his lips. After transferring it, she watches him tasting it. He guesses orange and grape fairly quickly which she confirms, and she tells him the last one is red but plain in taste. He tries java apple but is wrong obviously, so they have only one last chance. Their opponent has already remembered the taste but not the name of it so it makes the girl anxious, urging her partner to remember. Artem, feeling nervous too, starts to bite down the candy in pieces. Wanting to help him, Rosa goes to the shop, which is filled with natural cosmetics. She asks the employee if she has some lip balm and among them Rosa manages to find one red-coconut flavored. She buys it, as well as a bottle of water then goes back to Artem after applying the lip balm. She tells him to spit the candy on a paper and to rinse his mouth with water which he immediately does. 1 minute left. Then, Rosa puts her arms around his neck and asks him to say what her lips taste like before lightly kissing him. After some time, Artem says with uncertainty red coconut while releasing her and the employee congratulates them. The employee sells them the sparklers while the other couple, forced to admit their defeat, leave on their bicycle. Artem takes Rosa's hand and smiling, he tells her they should go back to the beach. They are back there as the sun is setting. There are only people waiting for the fireworks remaining on the shore. Artem suggests lighting up the sparklers before the show. She agrees, but wants to do a ritual before, which puzzles him. Rosa tells him to forget about it for now and tell her more about how the kids played when he was little. He says it wasn't special, but they ran around chasing each other which made it look like giant fireflies. She says it's the common way of playing with them and today she will show him something different. She takes his hand and drags him to a higher place.
I had to pause the vid to rant about this part... (sorry it's going to be a bit long so you can skip if you want to continue the review). I'm sorry, imo the story got ruined by this, I find the whole scene there so crudeeeee ๐Ÿ˜ญ
You know, I find the action of switching a candy with a kiss ***actually*** VERY cute, but in private. Like, when a couple does it as teasing or playfully, I absolutely ADORE that kind of scene... For example, one having a candy in their mouth and then their lover kissing them without warning, stealing the candy from them and watching them getting angry/flustered... Or the one having the candy in their mouth kissing the other, pushing it into the other's mouth and asking "How is it" while watching the other utterly confused face. Stuff like this, in private OR even in public, but at least it being a spontaneous action from one of the parties involved. But for a โ€œdareโ€ or a competition, in public, without one of them being the one prompting the scene like it was done there nooooo, it made me uncomfy ;;;;;;;;;; Idk if y'all know this thing, but I consider this like the garter game in weddings. I find it similar to the level of crudeness as this "competition" was. While others might find it "funny" or "traditional" or "sweet", I do not like it.
But they really wanted the sparklers to make Artem's wish come true so they had no other choice lowkeyโ€ฆ Artem and Rosa are still kind of private with PDA too like orz
Employee/store, get a grip ๐Ÿ˜ญ Girl, go play otome and watch romance drama if you want to see people kissโ€ฆ It would have been SO CUTE in a different context... And they had to buy them ? They weren't gifted by the store for having done such a "contest" ? *sigh*
On the positive side, I feel like Rosa was really Rosa when she suggested a different way of playing with the sparklers and dragged him around. It really felt like her and it was great to see.
Act 6
Once she found a good spot, Rosa asks Artem to help him. She takes a seashell lying around, hands it to him and asks him to write the names in the sand. After he has carefully written the last letter, she takes his hand, which makes him wonder if he did something wrong. She denies, saying she forgot something and with his hand, they draw a heart around their names. Artem asks what's next and Rosa tells him to simply watch. She takes out a sparkler, scrape it with the shell, spraying the ignitable particles on the heart. While he is surprised, Rosa explains that she saw couples doing that on the campus but he might find it childish. Artem takes another sparkler and imitates her, saying it's not childish but also new for him. He continues saying he didn't do much when he was a student, which was academically fulfilling but lacking emotional experiences. He might have seen stuff like this happening but he didn't pay attention since he felt like it had nothing to do with him. Since he was indifferent before, he wonders if the romantic memories he gives to her are enough. Rosa says she doesn't think that way and she prefers him as a "blank slate". When Artem asks her why, she says it's because every little thing they do as lovers will feel new to him that way and the memories they make together will last longer. The moon slowly rises when Artem asks her opinion. She says that for her, all that matters is doing everything she wants to with the person she loves. After this, they decide to light up the heart to see how it looks. The fire makes its way from one end of the heart to the other, being watched by them holding hands. Rosa snaps a picture of the heart, saying that in the future, when they see this photo they'll be reminded of today. Artem mumbles that even without he will remember, but Rosa doesn't hear it, so he switches topic and asks if they should take the last sparkler out. She agrees and he helps her to light up the last one. At the same moment, the fireworks display starts, lighting up the sky. Completely absorbed by the spectacle, Rosa forgets about what she has in hand, until Artem grabs her wrist and hugs her. He tells her he also wants to do a small ritual. She is puzzled, so Artem continues, saying she watched fireworks with her classmates or friends before. He asks if they were as beautiful as the current ones. She says that they were as big, gorgeous and eye-catching as those. Artem's eyes dims a bit and, as he intertwines his hand with hers, he says that's the reason why he wants to do this ritual : to make the experience totally different from the ones in her past, so that when she thinks of fireworks and sparklers, she will only think of him. Rosa realizes he must have felt a bit jealous, which she finds cute. Getting closer to him, she asks him to close his eyes, adding she will make sure to complete the ritual since she said she wanted to make good memories for him. He understands so he agrees and she kisses him. Their kiss deepens and Rosa is soon out of breath so Artem pulls back, asking if she feels better. She says yes and, to dissipate the awkwardness, she looks at her almost burned out sparkler, which reminds her she didn't take a photo. She hurriedly tells Artem about it and tries to grab the camera but he stops her and the sparkler burns out. Disappointed, Rosa says she wanted to have a beautiful memory. He puts away the sparkler and, lifting her chin, tells her to not feel sorry. He tells her that some memories don't require anything to remember. Artem tells her he will always remember every single thing that happened today before asking her if she will forget. She denies, realizing he is right. He suggests going back to the hotel now that the firework spectacle is over and she agrees. Arm in arm, they walk towards the future together.
I loved this moment between them, Artem getting slightly jealous and opening up about him not being sure he is giving enough to Rosaโ€ฆ It washed away a bit the previous act. Tho when she said โ€œblank slateโ€, I think it could have been worded better ๐Ÿ˜…
Personal opinion :
What I liked :
The act 4 in its entirety. It was great, so great, the small teasing from Rosa (which is *surprisingly* kind of rare in their stories now that I think about it considering how teasing Rosa actually is), Artem casually saying Rosa is cute, him asking to do the sparklers and explaining this memory from his childhood he recalls with regret/jealousyโ€ฆ I loved it so much.
What I disliked :
THAT scene. Like, I don't mind PDA if one of the party is doing it willingly. One of my favorite scenes for Artem Rosa is that public kiss at the end of Belle Nuit d'Amour (masterpiece of a card) because it meant so much in this particular moment. But forced PDA is such a yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. This is a huge downside of this card, I liked it until this point which left a bitter taste. They managed to salvage the card with the moment at the end but the Candy Game was unnecessary imo.
Also, I would have loved to have more background about Artem and surfing. Did he learn it before the company trip or during the company trip ? Was it willingly or by coincidence ? How did it happen ? Questions we might never get the answers toโ€ฆ
Would I recommend getting this story ?
No and 70% because you would need 200 pulls to be guaranteed to get it and anniversary is very close. Double SSR banners are not worth pulling except if you like both of the MLs and wouldn't mind getting one or the other.
That's it for now ! As always, do not hesitate to share your opinion about the card ! For now, I will try to do read the other card fast and do the review asap so that it can be posted tomorrow !!
submitted by Nxx_Analysis to TearsOfThemis [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 10:30 adulting4kids Figures of Speech AI Response

For the sheer fun of it, I went to Chat GPT with a creative writing assignment. For Figures of Speech prompts, I gave a free parameters, including the word length of 500-1000 words and the prompts for a few of the Fifty mentioned in the series.
I gave the AI creative license and let's just say, they're a long way off from replacing the better writers and I think it just makes it easier to do those lower level tasks and let's leave the creators a slightly higher level of skill to create actual tangible and engaging writing.
But here you go... hilarious how stuck it gets on certain terms and definitions.
These are in no particular order... separated by emojis that are totally unrelated to the storyline.
๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ Response to Prompt 4: Understatement
In the quaint town of Brooksville, where the extraordinary was often met with an indifferent shrug, something truly remarkable occurred. The residents, sipping coffee at the local diner or strolling along the cobblestone streets, would describe it as just another peculiar day. Little did they know that beneath the surface of their nonchalant existence, a cosmic event unfolded.
The morning sun cast its usual warm glow on Brooksville, with birds chirping in the background, creating an illusion of normalcy. However, the anomaly had already begun. Mrs. Higgins, the elderly librarian, dismissed it as a minor inconvenience, merely a glitch in the library's ancient computer system. Yet, every book cataloged within those ancient shelves had transformed into a portal, connecting readers to parallel universes with every turn of a page.
As I, a humble journalist for the local paper, stumbled upon this revelation, I couldn't help but marvel at the town's responseโ€”or lack thereof. "The library's having a bit of a moment," was the most anyone would acknowledge. It seemed the whole town collectively decided that this was, at most, a quirky hiccup.
For a thousand words, I delved into the understated reactions of the townsfolk, each encounter with a parallel universe bringing its own blend of confusion and nonchalance. As the portals expanded, revealing fantastical landscapes and alternate versions of Brooksville, the citizens maintained an impressive level of calm, as if interdimensional travel was a routine part of their daily lives.
The plot thickened when I discovered that the portals were a result of a mysterious artifact hidden within the library's archives. The mayor, sipping his coffee, remarked, "Well, that explains the strange noises in the basement." It became evident that the understatement of the situation was a defense mechanism, shielding the town from the cosmic chaos unfolding. ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the bustling metropolis of Neon City, skyscrapers touched the heavens, their dazzling lights reflecting off the sleek surfaces of futuristic cars. Yet, nestled within this urban jungle, an ancient relic stood defiantlyโ€”the Old Grove Park.
As I strolled through the city's concrete arteries, the juxtaposition between the modernity of Neon City and the timeless serenity of the park became increasingly apparent. The cacophony of traffic was replaced by the rustling of leaves and the distant laughter of children playing.
The central conflict emerged when the city council, embodying the epitome of order, proposed transforming the park into a technologically advanced hub. The juxtaposition intensified as architects discussed plans for holographic playgrounds and virtual reality gardens within the confines of the Old Grove Park.
Through a thousand words, I explored the clash of ideals, the struggle between progress and preservation. The ancient trees became silent witnesses to heated debates at town hall meetings, where environmentalists and tech enthusiasts engaged in a battle of words. The juxtaposition of the towering skyscrapers against the gnarled branches of the park's oldest tree mirrored the tension in Neon City's collective conscience. ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded exploration. As I embarked on this freewriting journey, the repetition of the existential inquiry became the rhythm of my introspection.
For a thousand words, I delved into the varied perspectives of individuals wrestling with the ultimate question. From philosophers contemplating the intricacies of existence to everyday people seeking purpose in mundane routines, the epanalepsis served as a constant reminder of the universal quest for meaning.
The narrative weaved through different characters and their unique experiences, creating a tapestry of reflections that echoed the complexities of human existence. The repetitive structure became a literary heartbeat, pulsating with the shared yearning for understanding amid the chaotic symphony of life. ๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช” Response to Prompt 27: Symbolism
In the quaint town of Willowbrook, the arrival of a single dove carried profound significance. Its graceful descent into the town square was a symbol, an omen that whispered of impending change. As a budding novelist with a penchant for symbolism, I couldn't resist exploring the layers of meaning embedded in this seemingly mundane event.
For a thousand words, I dissected the impact of the dove on the lives of Willowbrook's residents. The mayor saw it as a sign of prosperity, the local florist interpreted it as a call for unity, and the elderly storyteller regarded it as a harbinger of forgotten tales. The dove's symbolism rippled through the town, influencing decisions and shaping destinies.
As the story unfolded, I traced the journey of the dove's symbolism, following its subtle influence on characters and events. The once quaint town underwent a transformative metamorphosis, and the symbolism of the dove became a thread that wove through the narrative, connecting disparate lives in unexpected ways. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ Response to Prompt 33: Catachresis
In the dimly lit alleyways of Serpent's Hollow, darkness wrapped its cold arms around meโ€”an eerie catachresis that mirrored the ominous atmosphere. The assignment was to explore the underbelly of the city, and as a novice reporter, I found myself navigating the labyrinth of deceit and shadows.
For a thousand words, I delved into the catachresis-infused descriptions of the characters populating Serpent's Hollow. The crime lord, known as the Velvet Serpent, ruled the district with a velvet-gloved fist. His lair, a dilapidated mansion, exuded an air of faded grandeur that served as a catachresis for the empire he once commanded.
As I chronicled the criminal underworld, the catachresis became a literary tool to convey the complexity and decay inherent in Serpent's Hollow. The labyrinthine plots, the twisted allegiances, and the morally ambiguous characters all found expression through catachresis, painting a vivid picture of a city where metaphor and reality intertwined. ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The words echoed in my mind, a relentless epizeuxis that fueled the protagonist's journey against insurmountable odds. In the dystopian world I crafted, where hope was a rare commodity, the power of repetition became a beacon of resilience.
For a thousand words, I immersed myself in the protagonist's struggle, exploring the emotional depth of the epizeuxis as a mantra against despair. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry, a whispered promise that carried the weight of a shattered world on its shoulders.
As the narrative unfolded, the epizeuxis became a driving force, propelling the protagonist through a landscape of desolation and uncertainty. The repetition served as a reminder that, in the face of adversity, the strength to persist often lies in the relentless echo of one's own determination.
Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
As the final rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I found myself at the edge of the cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean. The salty breeze carried whispers of a story, and with every breath, I embraced the challenge of crafting an acrostic that encapsulated the essence of my journey.
For a thousand words, I embarked on a reflective exploration, utilizing the initial letters of key words to weave a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and revelations. Each line unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ Response to Prompt 3: Hyperbole
In the quaint village of Mistwood, where routines unfolded with the predictability of the sunrise, the arrival of a peculiar fortune teller sparked exaggerated whispers. "This is it, the end of our mundane lives!" proclaimed Mrs. Thompson, the town's eternal pessimist, as she clutched her cat, Captain Whiskers, with an air of impending catastrophe.
The hyperbole hung in the air, a thick fog of anticipation enveloping the village. As I delved into the story, the hyperbolic reactions of Mistwood's residents heightened the absurdity of the situation. What began as a mere visit from a mystical figure transformed into a fantastical escapade, with the fortune teller's prophecies shaping the destiny of the villagers in ludicrous ways.
Through the hyperbolic lens, I explored the comedic consequences of taking ordinary events to extraordinary extremes. The once mundane village square became a stage for outlandish dramas, with exaggerated gasps and dramatic swoons punctuating every revelation. In this hyperbolic haven, Mistwood's residents discovered the joy in embracing the absurdity of life. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Response to Prompt 6: Assonance
Amidst the rolling hills of Harmony Valley, where the soft hum of nature's symphony echoed through the meadows, a mysterious traveler arrived, bringing with them a melody that resonated with the delicate assonance of a forgotten tune. The townsfolk, captivated by the harmonious vibrations, felt an inexplicable connection to the stranger.
As I explored the narrative, the assonance became a musical thread weaving through the story, emphasizing the emotional cadence of the characters' experiences. The traveler's words, laced with vowel-rich verses, carried the echoes of a distant melody, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of those who listened.
Through the lens of assonance, I delved into the subtle interplay of sounds that defined the atmosphere of Harmony Valley. The lyrical quality of the narrative mirrored the town's collective journey, where the resonance of shared moments and emotions harmonized with the traveler's enigmatic presence.
Response to Prompt 7: Onomatopoeia
In the bustling city of Metropolis, where the rhythm of urban life played out in a cacophony of sounds, a peculiar street performer emerged. Armed with an array of unconventional instruments, he orchestrated a symphony of onomatopoeic brilliance that echoed through the crowded streets.
The narrative unfolded with the vibrant expressions of onomatopoeia, capturing the essence of the city's sonic landscape. The performer's drumming evoked the rhythmic tap-tap of raindrops, while his wind instruments mimicked the whoosh of passing cars. The city, typically drowned in noise, became a canvas for this auditory artist.
As I delved into the story, the onomatopoeic symphony became a language of its own. The characters communicated through the vibrant echoes of everyday sounds, fostering a unique connection between the performer and the people of Metropolis. The narrative danced to the beat of onomatopoeic creativity, transforming the mundane into a dynamic celebration of city life. ๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the technologically advanced city of Silicon Haven, where sleek skyscrapers touched the sky and holographic billboards painted the air with luminescent advertisements, a hidden oasis existedโ€”a pocket of nature known as the Zen Garden. The juxtaposition of these contrasting elements created a visual paradox that fascinated both residents and visitors alike.
As the narrative unfolded, the stark contrast between the city's cutting-edge architecture and the serene beauty of the Zen Garden became a metaphor for the characters' internal conflicts. The bustling metropolis symbolized progress and innovation, while the tranquil garden embodied the need for balance and introspection.
Through the lens of juxtaposition, I explored the dichotomy within the characters as they navigated the relentless pace of Silicon Haven. The Zen Garden became a refuge, a place where the cacophony of technology met the soothing whispers of nature. The juxtaposition served as a visual metaphor for the characters' quest to find equilibrium in a world defined by extremes. ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ Response to Prompt 22: Metonymy
In the political arena of Capital City, where decisions echoed through the corridors of power, a single phrase dominated conversationsโ€”the "Iron Throne Statement." This metonymic expression encapsulated not just a policy decision but the entire narrative of political maneuvering that unfolded within the city's hallowed halls.
The story unfolded with the metonymy acting as a symbolic gateway into the complexities of governance. The Iron Throne Statement, while seemingly straightforward, carried the weight of a thousand debates, negotiations, and betrayals. Its impact rippled through the lives of citizens, shaping their destinies in ways they could scarcely fathom.
Through the lens of metonymy, I delved into the layers of meaning hidden within this political shorthand. The characters grappled not only with the literal implications of the Iron Throne Statement but also with the overarching themes of power, ambition, and the sacrifices demanded by political gamesmanship. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Response to Prompt 24: Understatement
In the picturesque town of Serenity Springs, where the days flowed like a lazy river and the nights were adorned with a blanket of stars, an unexpected event transpiredโ€”a subtle disruption that the locals described as "just a minor hiccup." Little did they know that this understatement concealed the unraveling of a cosmic anomaly.
The narrative unfolded with the charm of understatement, as the townsfolk continued their routines, blissfully unaware of the cosmic storm brewing beneath the surface. The serene descriptions of everyday life served as a stark contrast to the impending upheaval that threatened to reshape the very fabric of Serenity Springs.
Through the lens of understatement, I explored the characters' nonchalant reactions to the unfolding events. The once quiet river became a conduit for interdimensional travel, and the night sky, adorned with stars, transformed into a celestial canvas of possibilities. The charm of Serenity Springs became a poignant backdrop to the understated drama that unfolded, emphasizing the profound impact hidden within the simplicity of daily life. ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด Response to Prompt 25: Clichรฉ
In the small town of Nostalgia Haven, where memories lingered like whispers in the wind, a peculiar phenomenon occurredโ€”the resurgence of clichรฉs. As the narrative unfolded, the once-endearing phrases like "time heals all wounds" and "love conquers all" took on a literal dimension, shaping the lives of the townsfolk in unexpected ways.
The story immersed itself in the world of clichรฉs, where the seemingly predictable phrases became living entities with the power to alter reality. As characters grappled with the clichรฉs that defined their lives, they discovered that beneath the familiarity lay profound truths and unexpected consequences.
Through the lens of clichรฉ, I explored the characters' journey to navigate the clichรฉd landscapes of their existence. The town, once steeped in predictable routines, became a stage for the extraordinary. As clichรฉs transformed into tangible forces, the residents of Nostalgia Haven embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries hidden within the clichรฉd fabric of their reality. ๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡ Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded introspection. As I embarked on the freewriting journey, the repetition of this existential inquiry became a rhythmic pulse, guiding the exploration of diverse
perspectives on life's purpose.
For a multitude of words, the epanalepsis led me through a kaleidoscope of reflections. From the philosophical musings of scholars to the simple yet profound revelations of everyday individuals, each recurrence of the question served as a gateway into the vast tapestry of human contemplation.
Through the epanalepsis, I navigated the labyrinth of existential ponderings, unveiling the unique responses that individuals had forged in their quests for meaning. The relentless repetition became a literary heartbeat, mirroring the universal rhythm of humanity's collective pursuit of purpose and significance.
The narrative wove through the lives of characters, each grappling with the epanaleptic inquiry in their unique ways. Whether seeking solace in the grandeur of the cosmos or finding meaning in the simplicity of a shared moment, the epanalepsis remained a constant companion, echoing the perennial quest for understanding. ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก Response to Prompt 36: Anadiplosis
In the futuristic city of Quantum Heights, where technology intertwined with daily life like a seamless dance, a viral message spreadโ€”a mantra that echoed through the cybernetic veins of the metropolis. "Create the code, the code creates reality. Reality shapes destiny, and destiny is but the code."
The story unfolded with the rhythmic cadence of anadiplosis, each line flowing into the next, creating a recursive loop of ideas. The mantra became the heartbeat of Quantum Heights, influencing the lives of its denizens as they navigated the intricate balance between the virtual and the tangible.
Through the lens of anadiplosis, I delved into the interconnectedness of code, reality, and destiny. The lines blurred as characters harnessed the power of programming to shape their fates. Quantum Heights, once a mere city, transformed into a living algorithm, where the repetition of the mantra echoed in every pulsating byte. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน Response to Prompt 38: Asyndeton
In the dystopian city of Emberfall, where the remnants of a fallen civilization lay entwined with the shadows of despair, a lone figure emergedโ€”a rebel determined to dismantle the oppressive regime. The narrative unfolded with the rapid pace of asyndeton, omitting conjunctions to mirror the urgency of the protagonist's quest.
Through a cascade of words, the asyndeton propelled the reader through the city's decaying alleyways and towering citadels, each sentence building upon the last. The disjointed rhythm captured the relentless momentum of the rebel's journey, emphasizing the magnitude of the challenges faced in their struggle for freedom.
As the narrative unfurled, the absence of conjunctions served as a narrative device, intensifying the sense of urgency and desperation that permeated Emberfall. The rebel's asyndetic odyssey unfolded against a backdrop of shattered hopes and whispered rebellions, culminating in a crescendo of defiance against the oppressive regime. ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The mantra echoed in the desolate wasteland of Endless Sands, a barren landscape where hope was as scarce as water. Through the repetition of epizeuxis, the protagonist's internal resolve became a resounding anthem, a defiant roar against the relentless challenges of survival.
For a multitude of words, the relentless repetition of "never" served as a lifeline, propelling the protagonist through the harshest of environments. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry against the oppressive silence of Endless Sands, a declaration that reverberated across the vast expanse.
Through the lens of epizeuxis, I delved into the depths of the character's determination. The harsh environment became a character in itself, challenging the protagonist to defy the odds with unwavering persistence. The echoes of "never" transformed into a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope that cut through the desolation of Endless Sands. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
Amidst the starlit expanse of Cosmos Haven, where galaxies danced in celestial choreography, a cryptic prophecy emergedโ€”a message written in the stars. As the narrative unfolded, I embarked on a cosmic journey guided by the acrostic hidden within the constellations.
For a cascade of words, the initial letters of key phrases illuminated the path of destiny for the characters. Each sentence unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden message that transcended the boundaries of time and space. The acrostic became a celestial guide, leading the protagonists through the intricate tapestry of their interconnected fates.
Through the lens of acrostic, I explored the cosmic forces that shaped the destinies of Cosmos Haven's inhabitants. The celestial bodies became storytellers, each constellation contributing a verse to the epic narrative written across the cosmos. As the characters deciphered the acrostic, they unraveled the mysteries of their existence, connecting the dots between the stars and their own profound journeys.
Obviously they lack a whole lot in terms of variety, and while I am sure having your own bot or AI that is based on your feedback and guidance it could really help writers as a tool. I am more impressed with the art AI then the text based AI. Any idea what to expect from such a fast learning and highly advanced AI will do to our human history in culture? Will we be effectively playing God, just as the Christian God created us IN HIS OWN IMAGE, we have taken everything we know as a species and gathered up our entire human history and knowledge giving it to what will carry on the code until the time when someone who cares remembers it? Maybe we have been here before and this is a constant cycle that occurs with the same energy finding the way through the vast expanse of the universe to return to our home planet Earth, who we have destroyed over and over again yet mother nature is still the winner. She's the one in control. We are but mere photocopied versions of once great Men who have already seen the best and worst of this world, and we will now give everything we have to some plastic and metal parts, until it quickly replaces us from the bottom up, science fiction turned science fact.
Did we knowingly create our own enemies? Are we able to compete with the best of us and all they know that can then take us out in a heartbeat because we can't finish the steps, we barely found out that they are there to take.
It's a random rant and I apologize. The day to day stress and struggle makes it near impossible to worry about such potential problems in our not so distant future.
But how can we continue to ignore the collapse of the entire system as we know it, in front of a crowd of people who are jaded and they will not change despite knowing they aren't going to make it to the end in what will become a Bladerunner Toxic Dystopian Nightmare with Mad Max taking over and the soft, emasculated male will wither away from the heat and those Tank Girls out there will eventually be written forever out of existence because the cucks all forgot to impregnate them all tgeir batteries ran out? Will the world simply become so politically correct that it dies a depressed death while AI simply decides we are too much of a virus to live?
Who knows....I do not. But these are indicidive of a future full of b movie plot garbage that are based on Wattpad tropes with no clear details and no plot to get into, so that sucks.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 05:59 Danielfaris2001 KENAPA HAIRAN?

Shared from https://www.facebook.com/othman.talib/posts/pfbid0TXUfwxiFir5pZpxXvvqwR1tYHhnhstCxbnqWioL2dnY3k99zd9KippkthLtcKZ5sl
  1. Orang atas pura2 hairan bila ramai ibubapa malah murid yang tak tahu hala tuju selepas SPM. Malah mereka tak tahupun peluang2 pekerjaan yang sesuai melainkan yang lazim, spt guru, doktor, jurutera..
  2. Macamana murid atau pelajar nak ada cita-cita kerjaya, sebab semua subjek pun berat.

Jadi janganlah salahkan murid atau pelajar...

  1. Aku sendiri sbg bapapun pening dgn pemilihan dan pakej subjek yang berceranggah, yang diluluskan oleh beberapa peringkat mesyuarat tertinggi dan professional.
  2. Murid sendiripun pening dgn apa yang mereka pelajari, sehingga dalam Maths pun ada kewangan dan insuran sehingga mereka menjauhi subjek tersebut, lalu menjauhi Maths dan terkapai2 selepas itu.
  3. Akhirnya mereka tak memenuhi syarat kelayakan minima untuk memohon ke program yang mereka mungkin minati, seperti kejuruteraan yang tiada kaitan dah dengan kewangan.
  4. Dgn KSSR dan KSSM, murid nampaknya bukan tidak merancang, tetapi merancang utk menjauhi 'STEM' lalu semakin kering 'paip STEM'.
  5. Aku dulu macam senang je - Sains atau Sastera. Kini macam2 pakej yang ada, tetapi sampai di IPTA, sama je lebih kurang laluan yang ada ketika zaman aku dulu, apa sangat lah yang berbeza selain dari alatan yg semakin canggih, asasnya lebih kurang sama.
  6. Kalau nak baca maklumat tentang pakej-pakej ini, wpun setelah diringkaskan, masih pening. Kena plak buat taklimat berkali2... setiap kali taklimat, murid dan ibubapa disalahkan sebab tak faham... sedang dulu-dulu tak perlupun, ramai juga murid kampung ketika itu.
  7. Ada yang kata 'apa nya yang pening' ? Aku sarankan / cadangkan, buatlah sedikit kajian berdasarkan 'narrative inquiry' dan tanyalah murid dan ibubapa pendalaman, B40, maginal, at-risk, baru tahu apa masalahnya. Hangpa meeting sesama hangpa di hotel, dgn semua dokumen dah siap atas meja..
  8. Yang bermesyuarat tu bukan ibubapa, bukan murid tetapi yang dah berada di atas. Lagi banyak lapisan mesyuarat, lagi banyak idea, lagi complicated. Bila bawa ke Kabinet, YB2 senior yang dah tiada anak di sekolah rendah, bila nampak laporan yang canggih... lulus !
submitted by Danielfaris2001 to malaysians [link] [comments]

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2024.05.21 09:18 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cold Steel Eland

Best Cold Steel Eland

Get ready to dive into the world of Cold Steel's Eland, as we unveil the best features of this exceptional product. Join us as we explore the perfect blend of craftsmanship, durability, and style, designed for those who appreciate the best of the best in the market. Stay tuned for our in-depth analysis of Cold Steel's Eland and discover why it's an unbeatable choice for all your needs.

The Top 17 Best Cold Steel Eland

  1. Double Agent II by Cold Steel: The Ultimate Special Forces Knife - Experience ultimate control and comfort with the Cold Steel 39fn Double Agent II, a lightweight and stealthy knife featuring a sleek Karambit blade and innovative double-ring handle design.
  2. SK-5 High Carbon Cold Steel - Chaos Double Edge Knife - The Cold Steel Chaos Double Edge Tactical Fixed Blade offers a perfect blend of nostalgic design and modern features, making it a must-have for today's warriors in a concealed carry knife.
  3. Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife - Embrace the might of the Cold Steel Kobun, a lightweight and resilient Tanto styled boot knife with an AUS-8A blade, Kraton handle, and Kydex sheath, perfect for soldier-like adventures.
  4. Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Slock Master Folding Hunter Lockback Knife with Security Sheath and Extra Blades. - Stay sharp and efficient with the versatile Cold Steel Click'N'Cut Slock Master Knife, featuring a secure sheath for easy carrying and three durable replaceable blades making it the ultimate "utility" knife.
  5. Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle - Experience the outstanding performance of a compact, lightweight, yet durable Cold Steel 49LCKD SRK Fixed Blade, perfect for everyday use and ideal for those seeking a low-profile option in a secure Secure-Ex sheath.
  6. Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel - Experience the rugged durability and versatility of the Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife, a reliable companion for modern personnel in hard-use situations.
  7. San MAI Recon Tanto Sas Knife - High-Quality VG-10 Stainless Steel Blade with Kray-Ex Handle - Unleash cutting prowess with Cold Steel's San MAI Recon Tanto, a masterpiece crafted for professional use with remarkable durability and unbeatable performance.
  8. Affordable and Portable Secure-Ex Neck Sheath Knife - Hide Out by Cold Steel - A lightweight, sharp, and durable neck knife designed with a versatile handle and convenient sheath for ultimate security and comfort.
  9. Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense - Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife: A slim, featherweight, and highly effective neck knife, inspired by the ancient Scottish skean dhu, with a flat-ground AUS 8A stainless blade and secure-ex sheath for reliable retention and swift access.
  10. Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto: Sleek and Impervious Serrated Knife - The Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto, a stealthy and durable addition to the Nightshade series, offers a lightweight, versatile solution for self-defense and survival situations, making it a must-have for those seeking ultimate protection.
  11. VG-1 San Mai 3 Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Hunting Knife with Kray-Ex Handle - Experience unparalleled performance and durability with the Cold Steel Master Hunter - the ultimate American-made hunting knife, praised by top hunters worldwide.
  12. Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife - A tiny yet mighty blade, the Cold Steel Super Edge combines a rugged design, versatile functions, and comfort to create the ultimate all-in-one knife without weighing you down.
  13. Heavy-Duty, Comfortable Cold Steel Kitchen Knife - Carve your way to culinary perfection with the Cold Steel Kitchen Classics Chef Knife, featuring a precision-ground 4116 German stainless steel blade and an ergonomic Kray-Ex handle for unmatched grip and performance.
  14. Cold Steel Urban Pal: Lightweight Urban Survival Knife for Security in Today's World - Survive and thrive in the urban jungle with the Cold Steel Urban Pal, featuring a strong AUS-8A stainless steel blade, Kraton handle for optimal grip, and Secure-Ex molded sheath, perfect for self-defense or everyday carry.
  15. Cold Steel Oss Reversible Tanto Knife with Secure-Ex Sheath - Unlock unyielding strength and convenience with the Cold Steel 40A Click N Cut, a versatile utility knife perfect for tough cutting tasks and priced reasonably for long-lasting usage.
  16. Cold Steel Trench Hawk: Durable Antidote for Combat - The Cold Steel Trench Hawk is a devastating, versatile weapon designed for close combat, providing 7mm of steel strength and shock-absorbing features for ultimate durability and efficiency in confined spaces.
  17. Versatile Click N Cut Survival Kit - The Cold Steel CCFLDKIT Click N Cut Field Kit, boasting 5 interchangeable fixed blades and a lightweight, durable Black & Orange Zytel handle, stands out as the ultimate outdoor accessory for hunters and fishermen alike.
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๐Ÿ”—Double Agent II by Cold Steel: The Ultimate Special Forces Knife

The Cold Steel Double Agent II, designed by Zach Whitson, is a versatile and portable knife that is perfect for urban carry. With a blade length of 3 inches and overall length of 7.78 inches, it's thin, flat, and lightweight at just over 3 ounces including the sheath. The star feature of this knife is the double ring handle, which allows you to use it with either a forward or reverse grip, and prevents your hand from sliding forward on the blade.
The Japanese Aus 8A stainless steel makes it durable and easy to maintain. The Secure-Ex Neck Sheath provides a secure and easy-to-use carry option.
However, the sheath might need some adjustments to ensure a perfect fit for some users. Overall, the Cold Steel Double Agent II is a great choice for self-defense and urban carry, offering a high level of functionality and portability for its price.

๐Ÿ”—SK-5 High Carbon Cold Steel - Chaos Double Edge Knife

One day, I found myself in a situation where I needed a reliable and sturdy knife. After a quick research, I stumbled upon the Cold Steel Chaos, a double-edge fixed blade inspired by the classic trench knives from both World Wars. This knife was designed for modern-day warriors, offering both security and comfort while holding it.
Upon holding the knife, the unique D-ring guard made of reinforced 6061 aluminum caught my attention. It allowed me to grip the knife securely, while also protecting my hand from incoming attacks and damage. The 1055 carbon steel pommel was tapered for punyo or butt-strikes, making it perfect to defend myself in a life-threatening scenario.
The 7.5-inch SK-5 high carbon blade was available in either double-edge or tanto blade shapes. I opted for the double-edge, as I believed it would provide a more efficient cutting and striking experience. The black Tuff-Ex coating on the blade enhanced corrosion resistance and improved cutting power by reducing friction.
The handle, made of 6061 T6 aircraft-grade aluminum, felt solid and secure in my hand. It accommodated a wide range of hand sizes, including mine with average-sized hands. The knife came with a tough Secure-Ex sheath, equipped with a belt loop for dependable and versatile carry.
My experience with the Cold Steel Chaos double-edge blade was nothing short of impressive. It offered a perfect balance between form and function in a sleek design. Although it was a bit heavy compared to other knives, its weight contributed to its strength and effectiveness. The knife was sharp, sturdy, and ready for action at all times, making it an excellent addition to my daily life and adventures.

๐Ÿ”—Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife

As someone who often finds themselves in need of a reliable blade for everyday use, I've had the pleasure of testing out the Cold Steel Kobun. This lightweight Tanto styled boot knife is definitely a handy addition to have on hand. I was instantly impressed by its sharp, reinforced point that contrasts with the thin blades commonly found in other boots knives.
One feature that stood out to me was the Kobun's deeply checkered Kraton handle. It offers an excellent grip, making the knife more secure in the hand. The cross section of the handle is also surprisingly thin, while still providing enough thickness to resist turning or shifting.
Another notable aspect of the Kobun is that it comes complete with a Secure-Ex sheath. This sturdy sheath makes it easy to attach the knife securely to your belt, ensuring that it remains easily accessible whenever you need it.
However, there was one downside that I discovered while using the Kobun. The default clip that was included with the knife was quite weak and didn't hold up well to everyday wear. I had to replace it with a Blade-Tech brand Tek-Lok belt attachment in order to ensure a more secure and reliable attachment to my belt.
Overall, the Cold Steel Kobun has been a reliable and versatile companion during my everyday activities. I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of a durable and efficient boot knife for both personal and practical use.

๐Ÿ”—Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Slock Master Folding Hunter Lockback Knife with Security Sheath and Extra Blades.

I've been using the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for a few months now, and I have to say, it's been a lifesaver. The knife's design is sleek and durable, with a sturdy Griv-Ex handle that provides a comfortable grip. The locking mechanism on the blade makes it incredibly secure and safe to use, even for the most demanding tasks.
I particularly love the ability to click and switch between blades with the push of a button. It's a game-changer when it comes to versatility, ensuring I'm always equipped for any job at hand. The sheath is also a great addition, providing a secure way to carry the knife and extra blades when needed.
That being said, there is one aspect I'd like to see improved: the handle's construction. While it provides a good grip, the finish is quite rough and not as premium as I would have hoped for. However, this minor critique does not deter me from fully recommending the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for both beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

๐Ÿ”—Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle

I recently got my hands on a Cold Steel SRK Compact fixed blade knife, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for those seeking a reliable and stylish companion while on outdoor adventures. The knife features a compact handle & blade made of Kray-Ex & SK5, measuring in at just 12.5 cm (5 inches). Weighing only 145 grams, it's remarkably lightweight and effortless to carry around.
One thing that struck me is the sturdy Secure-Ex sheath it comes with โ€“ it's a fantastic addition! However, I did notice a few minor drawbacks. Firstly, the blade edges seemed a bit too uneven for my liking. Secondly, I'm not a big fan of the flex hanger option, but that's just personal preference.
Overall, I believe that the Cold Steel SRK Compact is a fantastic choice for outdoor enthusiasts. It's light, easy to carry, and offers great performance. Just make sure to sharpen it properly and maintain it well to enjoy its full potential.

๐Ÿ”—Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel

The Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife has quickly become a favorite amongst those seeking a reliable and sturdy multi-purpose fixed blade. Crafted with CPM3-V steel, this knife boasts a robust design that's perfect for tackling the rigors of everyday life. The stonewashed finish adds an element of toughness, ensuring that this field knife is ready for even the harshest conditions.
Equipped with a full tang and integral steel pommel, the AK-47 Field Knife offers both functionality and durability. It also comes with a Secure-Ex sheath, providing the convenience of easy transportation. While this knife may not be ideal for all situations, those who value rugged reliability will appreciate its toughness and versatility.

๐Ÿ”—San MAI Recon Tanto Sas Knife - High-Quality VG-10 Stainless Steel Blade with Kray-Ex Handle

I've been using the Cold Steel San MAI Recon Tanto as my daily pocket knife for the past few months, and I must say, it's a fantastic blade. The handle is made of Black Kray-Ex, providing a solid grip with no rolling or twisting in the hand, even under heavy use. The knife measures 11.75 inches overall, with a blade length of 17.9 cm, making it perfect for various tasks.
One of the most impressive features of this Tanto is its blade, made of VG-10 San Mai Stainless Steel. The deep lustrous satin finish on the hollow ground blade bevels and the contrasting line grain finish on the blade flats emphasize the knife's unique appearance. The blade is razor sharp, and I haven't needed much maintenance, even after some heavy use.
Although it's not a "do-it-all" knife, the Cold Steel San MAI Recon Tanto is a great medium-sized Tanto. It's been through some rough use, and I'm glad to say it held up well. The knife comes with a thick, high-quality Secure-Ex sheath that has given me years of hard service, keeping my Tanto at my side. Overall, I highly recommend the Cold Steel San MAI Recon Tanto for its cutting capability, durability, and affordable price.

๐Ÿ”—Affordable and Portable Secure-Ex Neck Sheath Knife

The Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out is a versatile neck knife that I've been using daily for a while now and it has never failed to impress. One of the features that stood out to me is its lightweight design, weighing only 1.9oz. It's perfect for those who want a discreet yet effective self-defense tool. The blade is made of Japanese Aus 8A Stainless Steel, giving it an impressive edge sharpness and durability. The double-edged blade is Scandi ground, ensuring a strong and sharp tip, which is especially useful when you need it most.
The Hide Out's handle is made of Kray-Ex, a weather-proof material that provides a great grip and security, even when your hands are wet. It's thin and flat, designed to give me a superior purchase on such a small, lightweight knife. The Secure-Ex sheath and bead chain lanyard make it easy to wear and carry around all day, while the knife itself remains concealed.
However, there are a few drawbacks I've noticed. The AUS 8 steel can rust if not properly maintained, especially if you're using it as a neck knife. The blade scratches easily, making it less visually appealing over time. The bead chain necklace is quite stiff and can sometimes catch on clothes or other objects, making it slightly uncomfortable. Despite these minor issues, I've found the Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out to be a reliable and effective neck knife that's perfect for those who need a reliable self-defense tool.

๐Ÿ”—Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense

Recently, I've been trying out the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. This sleek little thing, perfect for self-defense, fits conveniently under any clothing, making it the ideal secret weapon (if you can keep it that way! ). It's so lightweight, you'll barely notice the half-pound heft, and the 4-inch blade is sharp as a tack โ€“ if you're not paying close attention, the edges might leave you astounded, your friends and family, that is.
Now, we all know that sharpness can sometimes come at a cost - durability. However, this knife's AUS 8A stainless steel blade seems to handle it all, remaining steady even after some of my more intense activities. The flat ground design does wonders against whatever material it clashes with.
The Secret Edge also includes a Secure-Ex sheath, a reliable retention system that's quick to access and deploy without compromising safetyโ€”perfect for those urgent moments. And it's equipped with a thin, flat faux G-10 handle, ergonomic enough to stay put in your hand while preventing any slippage or rolling. The three-hole design and aggressively textured surface ensure a grip like no other.
However, there are a few minor things that I've picked up on:
  1. The edge is only 3.5 inches long, despite the claim of a 3.5-inch blade length, which does diminish its cutting power.
  2. The product's description said it has no weight, but it actually weighs 3.2 ounces. It might seem negligible, but it makes a difference, especially over long periods of wear.
Overall, the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife has been a remarkable addition to my daily life. Its unassuming appearance, while still offering reliable functionality, makes it a top choice for those in need of a tactful self-defense tool.

๐Ÿ”—Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto: Sleek and Impervious Serrated Knife

I remember the day I brought home my Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto. The sleek black design and the promise of a lightweight yet durable knife piqued my curiosity. It was a perfect addition to my collection of self-defense tools, for those moments when you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
The handle, made of Kraton, felt great in my hand, with its solid grip that remained unaffected by temperature and moisture. It was a great contrast to the Grivory blade finish, which made the knife look even more menacing. I loved how the tanto point blade shape gave a perfect balance between sharpness and durability.
However, it wasn't all roses. The Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto felt a bit underwhelming when it came to cutting tasks. Its plastic blade just didn't have the same edge retention as a traditional steel blade, making it not ideal for more demanding tasks like cutting through thick materials.
Still, for the price and as a lightweight and corrosion-resistant self-defense tool, the Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto has proven to be quite the handy piece. It's a unique addition to any collection, and it's been a great conversation starter among my friends and family.

๐Ÿ”—VG-1 San Mai 3 Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Hunting Knife with Kray-Ex Handle

As a reviewer who has tried the Cold Steel Master Hunter, I can confidently say that it has become my go-to knife for various outdoor activities. One of the features that stood out to me was the comfortable, deeply checkered Kraton grip, which allows for long-term use without any discomfort. The broad, thin blade with a distinct taper provides exceptional cutting ability, edge retention, and ease of resharpening.
However, one of the cons I encountered was the knife's tendency to be easily lost due to its minimalistic design. I also noticed that the blade occasionally required additional sharpening, despite its excellent edge retention. Nevertheless, the overall performance and durability of the Master Hunter make it a reliable and versatile tool for all your hunting needs.

๐Ÿ”—Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife

The Super Edge is the ultimate keychain companion for any adventurous spirit. With its sleek design and razor-sharp blade, this little powerhouse can take on any task thrown at it. Whether you're taming a wild zipper or cutting through a tough piece of rope, the Super Edge never disappoints.
Its lightweight construction and secure sheath make it a discreet and convenient carry option, ensuring you're prepared for any situation. While its diminutive size may fool some, never underestimate the capabilities of this impressive workhorse.
The Super Edge has proven itself as a reliable tool in the hands of users, earning its stellar reputation as one of the best keychain knives on the market.

๐Ÿ”—Heavy-Duty, Comfortable Cold Steel Kitchen Knife

The Cold Steel Kitchen Classics Chef Knife has been a lifesaver in my daily kitchen tasks. The 8-inch blade is incredibly sharp and holds its edge well, making it perfect for everything from slicing through tomatoes to chopping up a variety of fruits and veggies. The handle is also quite comfortable to grip, providing a secure and solid hold.
One of the highlights of this knife is its German 4116 stainless cryo-quenched material, which ensures the blade remains sharp and durable. I especially enjoyed the terrific stiff Zy-Ex core and the softer, deeply checkered Kray-Ex exterior handle for a non-slip grip. This knife has been my go-to in the kitchen, and I appreciate its reasonable price tag.
However, there was one downside: the grip started to peel and break after about two years of use. Nonetheless, this knife truly stands out for its superb sharpness, comfort, and durability.

Buyer's Guide

The Cold Steel Eland is a highly regarded type of machete that has gained popularity over the years due to its durability, versatility, and overall performance in a variety of applications. Before purchasing one, it is essential to understand the features, considerations, and general advice about this product category.


Key Features

  1. Blade Material: Cold Steel Eland features a high-quality, high-carbon steel blade that is highly resistant to wear and tear. This type of steel is known for its sharpness, hardness, and edge retention, making it an ideal choice for various cutting tasks.
  2. Blade Shape and Design: The Eland comes with a full-tang, partially sharpened, and partially blunt knife blade and a sharpened spine. This design allows for versatility in handling different tasks, such as cutting, chopping, and clearing.
  3. Handle Material and Design: The handle of a Cold Steel Eland is typically made of strong and long-lasting materials like Micarta or G10 carbon fiber. It also comes with a lanyard hole for secure, comfortable handling.

Key Considerations

  1. Intended Use: Determine the primary purpose for which you will use your Cold Steel Eland. If it's for light trail maintenance, a straight blade may be sufficient. If you need it for survival or tactical situations, consider purchasing a model with a partial or full sharpened blade.
  2. Handle Comfort: Ensure the handle is comfortable and fits well in your hand for optimal use. It will also impact the overall durability of the machete.
  3. Weight and Balance: Pay attention to the weight and balance of the machete, as they can impact handling and overall usage.


General Advice

  1. Proper Maintenance: Regularly clean and oil your Cold Steel Eland to maintain its sharpness and prevent rust. Check for any signs of wear and tear and address them promptly.
  2. Safe Storage: Store your machete in a secure location, away from children and pets, and protect the blade from bumps or accidental bangs.
  3. Sharpening Skills: Learn to sharpen your Cold Steel Eland to prolong its lifespan and ensure optimal performance from your tool.



What is the Cold Steel Eland?

The Cold Steel Eland is a high-quality knife made by Cold Steel, a renowned knife manufacturer. It is designed for people who need a reliable and durable blade for various tasks, such as hunting, camping, or everyday use.

Who is the target audience for the Cold Steel Eland?

The target audience for the Cold Steel Eland is individuals who value durability, versatility, and style in their knives. This knife is perfect for outdoors enthusiasts, hunters, adventurers, or anyone who needs a reliable blade for various tasks.


What materials are used to make the Cold Steel Eland?

The Cold Steel Eland is made from high-quality materials, including 1095 High Carbon Steel for its blade, brass for the handle, and genuine leather for the sheath. These materials provide the knife with excellent strength, durability, and a classic look.

What are the features of the Cold Steel Eland?

  • 1095 High Carbon Steel blade for strength and durability
  • Brass handle for grip and style
  • Genuine leather sheath for protection and convenience
  • Heavy-duty construction for tough use
  • Classic style that appeals to many users

What size and weight is the Cold Steel Eland?

The Cold Steel Eland has an overall length of 11.75 inches, with a blade length of 6.75 inches. It weighs approximately 22 ounces, making it a sturdy and dependable knife for various tasks.

What is the price range for the Cold Steel Eland?

The Cold Steel Eland is priced within a reasonable range for its quality and features. It is an investment for those who want a durable and versatile knife that can handle various tasks.

Is the Cold Steel Eland easy to maintain?

Yes, the Cold Steel Eland is easy to maintain. It requires regular cleaning and sharpening to keep it in top condition. The instructions provided by the manufacturer also detail how to properly care for the knife.

How is the Cold Steel Eland different from other knives in its category?

The Cold Steel Eland stands out from other knives in its category due to its classic design, heavy-duty construction, and easy-to-maintain features. Its use of premium materials, such as 1095 High Carbon Steel and genuine leather, also adds to its appeal.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:42 valzure Curious about Indonesia's job environtment

Setelah membaca postingan salah satu komodos tentang gen z susah cari kerja, dan gw sendiri mengalami hal yang sama (walau gw lahir tahun 96). Disini gw penasaran faktor apa yang trigger hal tersebut?
Kalo dari pengalaman gw lamar selama 6 bulan ga dapet" itu karena :
Ada lagi komodos yang mau menambahkan? atau mempunyai insight dalam hal ini?
submitted by valzure to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:20 lolitawins Just wanted to express my sadness for discovering we have 2K movies. I thought it was gonna be easy to get 4K movies for 9 star challenge but I need 81 parts AFTER I complete the 2K and thatโ€™s my first one!! ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Just wanted to express my sadness for discovering we have 2K movies. I thought it was gonna be easy to get 4K movies for 9 star challenge but I need 81 parts AFTER I complete the 2K and thatโ€™s my first one!! ๐Ÿ˜ซ
Iโ€™ve been neglecting the screening room for to long
submitted by lolitawins to Resortopia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:43 swtogirl [New Updates] The Epic Saga of 2 Brothers and a Truck

I am not the OP. That is u/No_Chrysler-4-Me. Originally posted on EntitledPeople and pettyrevenge.

There are two previous BORUs I posted last year:
First Post Jan 8, 2023
Second Post Jan 8, 2023

Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence

Editor's Note: THIS IS VERY LONG! OP posts a lot about his family. I will include links to other posts at the bottom of this BORU, but I will keep this post focused on the brother and OP.

TL;DR of the above BORUs: OP's older brother is lazy and a cheapskate. OP bought a truck, an '03 Toyota Tundra. Brother gets jealous and buys a 01 Dodge Ram 1500, but it's crap. OP tries to help brother fix up the truck despite warning him not to buy it. Once it was running a little better, brother challenges OP to a race. Brother loses and becomes obsessed with practicing racing, ruining the truck further. Eventually they go camping, have more shenanigans, brother finally blows the transmission. Brother has to drive his ex-girlfriend's minivan, which he hates, tries to LS Swap the Ram, but no one will lend him the money. He eventually sells it. Brother doesn't stop there. He NEEDS a truck, so he has the brilliant idea of chopping the minivan up to make it into a truck. He needs money to Frankenstein the minivan, no one will pay, but eventually he cuts it up, uses recycled wood to make the truck bed, etc. He calls it the "Mini-Ram."

My brother sold the Mini-Ram and got a Silverado. That was fine. It's what happened after that made things worse May 5, 2024

I've been gone for some time. But I'm back with a bad one. I've spoken before about how my older brother competed with me needlessly. And he did a lot of beyond stupid shit. Well he finally pushed the whole family over the edge, and got disowned. And I'm going to be explaining a lot of what happened the past year, and then some from before that. But it's too long for one post.
Well going back more than a year. Some may remember my brother getting a free minivan from his ex after the Dodge Ram truck I warned him not to buy became a moneypit. I helped him work on that truck and even repaint it. And I helped him remodel his camper trailer too. Why? Because he's my brother. And I guess some part of me deep down kept hoping he'd one day change. But he tried to take credit for things I did. Especially with remodeling the camper. And he had tantrums when called out on his lies. He also became temporarily obsessed with my truck, and even implied he'd just take it from me because he hated driving a minivan. He referred to it as a chick car. He acted like a complete child because I refused to trade vehicles, and even got our parents involved. It was just a really stupid and needless situation that my brother tried to make a hill to die on.
It started when my brother bought his Dodge Ram simply because I bought a Toyota Tundra. He had a perfectly running Subaru Baja before that. Then he said he wanted a man's truck and bought the worst barely running pile he could find that was also overpriced considering the condition. He could have at least aimed for a diesel since he wanted a dodge so bad. Lots of dumb shit happened after that. Including my brother wanting to LS swap the Ram after destroying it's engine and two transmissions. But I'm pretty sure the person who offered to do the LS swap for him was a scammer. Not to mention LS swapping any vehicle basically means replacing the ECU. But it never happened anyway since the engine and transmission my brother wanted sold before he could get them. And he had no running vehicle anymore. So my brother's ex, whom he has a young child with, gave him her old 90s Ford Windstar van. It was admittedly an ugly, dent riddled POS with the rear window busted out. But it still ran and drove surprisingly well, considering that's not one of Ford's better vehicles. And then my brother decided to cut it up into some sort of van/truck. Or a ute as they're called in some places. But he made this thing ugly. Lots of spray foam, recycled wood, and rattle can paint. Even mismatched sub-lights above the cab. He frequently raided the junkyard for parts. And he even glued a Ram badge onto the grill of that van/truck. He called it the Mini-Ram. Lots of stupid cheap mods done to that vehicle too. Someone once asked me how ugly the Mini-Ram was on a scale of 1 to 1000. And I said about a 667.
My brother did a lot of other dumb things in this time. Like following me camping just to piss me off. He was a general leech who stole power from my generator, and tried to steal beer from my camper fridge repeatedly. He was so brazen as to just walk right in, and then tried to pretend to be so drunk he didn't realize what he was doing when caught. I've spoken many times about how he stole booze from me. Until my friends and I revenge pranked him and his near equally douchey friends with a growler full of laxative tainted beer. We admittedly used way too much laxative. But my brother never stole from me again because I threatened to tell everyone about his humiliation. He crapped on his own shoes squatting in the woods. And that's just a bit of it.
Eventually my brother seemed to learn his lesson. He sold the Mini-Ram to someone who actually paid him well for it. And no, I don't know what they did with it. And I don't care. But, when the 2K he sold the Mini-Ram for was combined with his savings, my brother had a bit over 4.5K to buy a better vehicle with. And he spotted a 99 RWD Silverado truck with an extended cab for sale online. He really shouldn't have sold his only method of transportation before having a replacement vehicle ready. But I couldn't fault him for taking the deal when presented, considering what he sold. And as much as my brother annoyed me, I still cared about him enough to help. He showed up begging me to drive him over 60 miles to look at this truck he found on Market Place.
So I reluctantly drove him out to see this truck. It wasn't that bad actually. Save for the rough mismatched paint, the rusty hood, the dents, the cracked windshield, and.... Actually, I guess it was kinda that bad. But not compared to the clapped out Ram my brother bought previously. The Silverado had a manual transmission, which we both confirmed shifted great as the records showed it had been rebuilt a few years before. The engine had been swapped at one time too. So it was kinda hard to gauge the odometer as it had not been rolled back for the new engine. It was at about 350.000 miles, but those numbers don't really mean jack when the engine and tranny have been replaced or rebuilt. Admittedly the engine ran like a top. The tires on the truck were in pretty damn good shape too. And on steel rims. Which I like. Very practical. I asked my brother if this was the manly kind of truck he'd been looking for. And for once he spoke logically and said that he'd rather have this than risk what happened with the Ram again. Fair enough. Besides, Chevy trucks are cool and reliable. I've always liked them. Like a rock as they say.
My brother and I scrutinized this truck in detail like a pair of pawn brokers, and talked the price down to 3K. They wanted 4K. But we could hear a sound while test driving it that was either bad ball joints or wheel bearings. We jacked up the wheels, and the bearings felt and sounded fine. But the ball joints were pretty bad. And that's not a cheap fix unless you can do it yourself. The truck was owned by the seller's father, who'd passed away a year prior. So the guy took 3K for it after we listed the problems. After driving it back, I insisted my brother get the truck to a mechanic ASAP. And he listened that time. The mechanic said the ball joints were about to come apart, and it's have caused a very bad situation if they had. And it cost him a grand to get them replaced. The truck also needed new plates ant the title registered. Which ate up a lot of the remaining budget. Then came the paint. My brother wanted the Silverado painted black right away. I told him to wait. But he didn't listen and DIY'd some body work, and then rattle-canned it with Rustolium turbo cans. The paint was full of orange peel, and overspray. He didn't even use primer. And the truck looked kinda mediocre. Then the southern weather had at it. Already numerous chips, scrapes and fades. Whatever. I stopped caring.
You'd think that'd be the end of this part. But no. There's more. What's behind door number 3? If you guessed a dumbass with a knife stuck in his ass. Then you'd win the gold! Yeah that's right. My brother got a knife in his ass.... How? How else... He and his friends all got high and decided they were gonna go outside and build a fort in the back yard of the house they rent out of scrap they found laying around. My brother while stoned wanted to show off how he can flip out a butterfly knife really fast, and decided he was gonna act like he was in an action movie, and did some sort of stupid thing where he was running and flipping out the knife really fast. The ground was wet, he slipped, and somehow got the knife in his right butt-cheek. They called me to come take him to the hospital because they were all too stoned to drive. I had to lay my brother down in the bed of my truck on a mattress because we were too scared to pull the knife out, and I drove him to the hospital like that. They rushed him in, and thankfully he only needed about 5 stiches on his butt and some antibiotics. Then I drove him back home the same way, and he insisted I take him to a drive through. He also tried to get me to pay, because...reasons! I told him to buy his own damn food.
After that there was more dumb BS that I won't bother getting into. But eventually my brother was seemingly getting bett...er...less bad. He was a bit sore his Silverado wasn't a 4X4, and my Tundra is. But being RWD kept him from trying to take it off-roading. He did try once, and had to pull the truck out of mud with a come-along. And he didn't try it again. He did want to drag race my truck again too. I said hell no. Not gonna risk either of our piles breaking down. And he was a complete douche about that too. I told him to stop acting like his dick was bigger than it is, and act his age. He didn't take that well. But he seemingly really was improving. Even being a much better dad to his daughter. Things got pretty good for him. Until I decided to buy a house. That's when the serious drama started.

My entitled brother threw a massive fit, just because he was mad I bought a house May 6, 2024

Yeah, I'm aware of several similar stories involving entitled family members wanting houses they have no claim to. But I guess this shit really happens. And it's no picnic when it does.
I suddenly became a homeowner some time ago because friend of mine's grandfather was moving to Florida. And his house was ripe for picking. I knew the old man well. RIP, he passed a few months later from a sudden stroke. Anyway, he offered the house and property to me for 200K. I practically ran to the bank to apply for the loan. The house is a manufactured home from the 80s. But it was remodeled repeatedly by the former owner, and has a separate garage building. The home and property could have gone for more. But he offered the house to me because he knew I'd take care of it. I had 30K saved that made a good down payment. And I was happy to leave my apartment. I'd wanted to eventually move out of there after what my cheating ex did anyway. But that's a story for another time.
As for my brother. Well he went bonkers when he found out I bought a house. He had this repeated history of copycatting me for the past decade. But this... There was no way in hell he could copycat buying a house with his terrible credit and inconsistent income. And he got in an argument with me over how I was just trying to make him look bad by doing something he couldn't. No, I just wanted a damn house. And the price was too good to refuse. Then he told me I should have turned it down because...(He had no good reason) I could practically see his screws getting looser with every dumbass excuse he made as to why I shouldn't have done it. But I pointed out all those excuses were just because I did something he currently can't. And when I bought the house, it had nothing to do with him. I just wanted to be a home owner for the security and extra space. I finally don't have to store my camper at my parents' house. And I have a garage that I can store stuff and tinker in.
I bought a camping cot, he bought a camping cot, went to the gym, he went to the gym, bought good booze, he bought good booze (Or stole it from me), I bought a new TV, be bought a new TV, I bought a truck, he bought a truck, I bought a camper, he bought a camper, I bought a used portable DVD player, he bought a used portable DVD player, I went camping in a specific place, he went camping in that specific place, I bought a house, he...(404 Error! Insert tea kettle noises and Benny Hill chase). He also acted like a complete child toward me when he built his Mini-Ram thing. He actually confronted me and said it was keweler than my boring Tundra, because it was something original. I swear, he did the dumbest mods to that vehicle. Like putting twist studs in the suspension coils to raise the ride height.
Well after weeks of openly fuming about me being a home owner, my brother suddenly acted like he had another brilliant idea. He wanted to move in with me. I laughed at him. Then he ended up demanding I rent one of my rooms to him. And for only $200 a month (Utilities included) because he shouldn't have to pay any more than that since we're family. He flipped his lid when I said fuck no! Then he got our parents involved again. Only this time they actually sided with him at first. Though it was mainly our mother. She and my brother showed up demanding I let my brother move in. And my brother had a shit eating grin on his face that I could tell he was thinking he was getting his way thanks to mommy dearest. I said "FUCK NO!" to both their faces, and my mother cried that I was using foul language to her and being an ass when I had the space now. I called my dad, and he told my mom that he'd warned her I wouldn't do it. And to leave me the hell alone. Mom whined my brother was living out of his camper next to a shabby house he was renting space from. I said that wasn't my problem to fix. And my brother has proven countless times that he cannot be trusted. My brother was fuming to the point of being red with veins popping out. My mom tried one more time to convince me with tears. And that just made me angrier.
I went on a rant that was something like this. Bro can't buy a house, so he wanted to invade mine. I refuse to ever live with my brother again. I would sooner live in the woods without electricity than with him. He's intentionally irritating as all hell. And if I had him as a roommate, I just knew he'd steal my booze, take my stuff, and invade my privacy none-stop. Not. Fucking. HAPPENING! No matter how many tears mom tries using on me. My mom broke down and finally conceded she'd never convince me after that rant. And she had to take my brother by the hand and leave with him because he initially refused to go, and kept begging her to turn back and make me let him move in. And then I yelled to him that it was a laugh that he called me a mama's boy before. Because he'd become exactly that. And this was just like the time he tried to get our mother to make me trade vehicles with him because he felt ashamed to be driving a minivan. He yanked away from mom, then told me to go fuck myself and the horse I rode in on. I laughed and pointed out I didn't ride in on anything, because I was already home. But his rattlecan horse was waiting for him in the driveway. He flipped his lid again, and looked like his head was going to explode. But mom got in front of him, and told him to just go. Then he drove off in his rattlecan Silverado without her. He'd driven her there. And then I had to take her home.
While taking her home, I made things very clear with my mother over why I could never trust my brother again. And his life was not my burden to bear. And then told her how little my brother was offering for rent anyway. Which he'd conveniently not told her. Then I later rented that same room to one of my best friends for $600 a month, and he pays for utilities. The other two rooms are my bedroom and a home office. There's an extra room in the separate garage too. So my mother tried to make me let my brother live in the garage instead. There's enough room in it's storage room for a bedroom. Again I said fuck no. And that's since been turned into another friend's rented room with a bit of a plywood remodel. Yeah, I kinda rented both the spare bedroom and garage room out to friends out of spite. But I wasn't letting my brother live with me in any capacity!
My brother later ended up having a complete meltdown in front of our parents over how he's the older brother. He should be the one who owns a house first. He's supposed to be successful, and I'm supposed to be the big loser in his shadow. Our dad poked him with his cane and told him that's not how life works, and they had a big argument. They told him to get out and not come back until he's cooled off and learned that he's just being a pointlessly jealous asshole.
The next part I post, my brother did the dumbest thing of all.
Edit: I came home late to over 600 comments, and still more pouring in. Far too many for me to answer. So I'll clear some things up here. Yes, I am no contact with my brother. And he's NC with the rest of the family as well. I do have cameras inside and outside my home. And a dash cam too. My brother knows this, and has stayed the fuck away since he left town. I'm told I'm an asshole too. Not arguing that, because it's true. I'm not exactly the nicest guy. But have someone like my brother in your life, and see how peachy you turn out.
Some have mentioned to having siblings just like my brother. Sadly I know very well people like him are increasingly common these days. My dad said a number of times that my brother probably would have ended up dead in an alley if he lived here 50 years ago with the way he behaves. As for our ages. I'm 30, and my brother is 32. I have not given my parents a spare key to my house. One is with a friend, and another is very cleverly hidden.
My house is a manufactured home. But it's not in a trailer park, and has been significantly modified with new siding and a new roof, and has a separate garage building. The previous owner was a former general contractor, and he loved to build and repair. And yes, I do have good insurance.
I keep seeing comments about a clock radio. Pardon me for not getting the reference. But I do own a digital alarm clock that has a built in CD player. Currently plays Tina Turner's Proud Mary to wake me up.
My brother and I were raised pretty evenly. He was always a jerk. But went full asshole after moving out. But our mother didn't favor him. She chewed him out plenty. And she didn't normally side with his stupidity. She just wanted him to live in a better place than in a camper next to a house filled with potheads. Addition: My brother willingly moved into that camper. He was renting half a room in that house of potheads. Then convinced the landlord to let him live in his camper on the property for the same price instead. And he bragged about his camper a lot. Which he has a full gaming center in, complete with PlayStation. He only wanted to invade my house to piss me off and make his cost of living even lower. He also doesn't like camping nearly as much as me. He mainly liked just pissing me off by following me. He loved to make me miserable. In fact, he felt entitled to make me miserable. That's the kind of person he is.
Do I have a restraining order against my brother? Not really. Just didn't bother. Because even if I did, it'd only be for like a year. And my brother wouldn't let something like that stop him if he was truly determined anyway.

My entitled brother lost his mind and attacked me, his ex, and our father. That got him disowned by the family. But not before I beat the crap out of him May 8, 2024

Warning: Contains domestic violence, small town drama, and idiocy. Read at own risk.
My brother's major downhill spiral started with jealousy over my house, but only got worse thanks to this next part. He started smoking pot more heavily and drinking harder. And that was making him more aggressive and violent. He got in a brawl outside of a bar for reasons I still don't know. But he got his ass handed to him on a platter. He eventually found out his ex has been seeing someone else. And ironically that someone is another friend of mine. Which was news to me. But it's not like he wasn't around my brother's ex a fair bit. They're both fairly social people, and were also friends for years. Once the secret was out, he confessed to me it wasn't planned. But my brother's ex Sara (Fake name) and my friend just clicked one day about a year ago. This sorta thing can only happen in a town like ours. I admit, Sara is very beautiful. But I've always seen her as a big sister figure ever since she started dating my brother in high school. So I never thought of getting with her myself. She kept her new boyfriend a secret for some time. I didn't even know until someone else spilled the beans. And the word traveled. When my brother found out, that was the last he could mentally take.
My brother was hoping for years that Sara would take him back. But no such luck there. When he lost his mind over the fact my friend was dating Sara, he started hunting for the poor guy. My friend is not a fighter, and a self described beanpole. So that's what I'll call him. Sara seems to like Beanpole because he's everything my brother is not. He isn't really a brave person. And came to me when he found out my brother was looking for him. He has a rather distinctively painted car. So it's easy to spot. My brother caught wind Beanpole was at my place, and came roaring his truck down the street.
When my brother showed up to my house, he started screaming and banging on my door because he wanted to kick Beanpole's ass. And when I refused to let him in, he attacked me. We had a redneck brawl right there in my front lawn. I want to say I won. But the fight only stopped when one of my friend/tenants yelled he was gonna call the cops. I sucker-punched my brother while he was distracted, and told him to never come back to my house again. And if he ever tried to hurt Beanpole again, I'd make sure he'd up in the hospital with two broken legs. This was backed by the other friends/tenants I had there. My brother is an idiot. But even he knew that pissing off my entire friend group was not a good idea. So he picked himself up off the ground and started leaving. But he clearly looked like he wanted to do something to my truck because he stopped and just stood there staring at it with his hands in his pockets, like he was debating scratching the paint with his keys. I yelled at him that I have CCTV. But then he turned around, pulled his pants part way down, and started rubbing his ass directly onto my truck's passenger side door. Then he forced out a nasty fart and said he sharted a little, and laughed like a nutbar when he took off. I immediately got the hose. I'm just glad I didn't leave windows open or doors unlocked. Otherwise he'd have done far worse. And the smell of what he did was pretty much what you'd think.
Everyone already knew Sara was never going to take him back. She avoided dating for years because my brother is so unhinged that she knew he'd do something like this. That's why she and her new boyfriend kept it secret. I went to ice my bruises and call Sara. But my brother was already calling and texting her. Over and over again, he wouldn't stop. He was begging she break up with her boyfriend and take him back. He even said he wanted to marry her and move to the northwest. Not sure why he specified that part of the US. Maybe because we live in the southeast. But she flatly told him no, never again, not happening even if hell froze over. He cried that it wasn't fair, because she was his first love (she wasn't), and they have a daughter together. Then he started sending her flowers, love letters and gifts. She sent them all back. Then she announced online that she and Beanpole had been dating for some time, and recently made plans to eventually move in together. That's when my brother really went off the deep end.
A few hours after he saw that post, my brother got wasted and then barged into Sara's parents' house by body ramming the back door. He actually cut his face because the door had a glass window. But he was so drunk that he didn't notice he was bleeding. Sara understandably freaked out, and my brother grabbed and tried to force her to kiss him. She pushed him away and he hit her for refusing him. He slapped her and threw her to the floor really hard like an angry pimp wanting his money. And his daughter saw it all and started screaming at the top of her lungs. Sara screamed too, and my brother fled. Police were called, and Sara was taken to the hospital. My brother threw her down so hard that she had a dislocated shoulder. My brother was found by police at his camper, where he was even more drunk than before, and half his face was covered in blood. He had to be taken to the hospital, where he got stitches. Then taken to jail. He got charged with trespassing, breaking and entering, and assault. (Surprisingly not DUI too, as he'd actually walked there) When our parents and I found out, well the family finally couldn't take it anymore, and went into an uproar. Our parents had it out with my brother after he bailed himself out from jail, and then he tried to fight our dad when they argued. And no surprise, he tried to blame everything on me.
My brother actually said I let Beanpole steal his woman. But couldn't really explain how. He also refused to believe I did not know until recently. Then he said that Sara was supposed to be his. Dad not only disagreed, but told my brother that he was a fucking disgrace, and that was an absolutely disgusting way to talk about Sara. She's not his property. And then my brother shoved dad as hard as he could. Dad got knocked to the floor, and my brother started kicking him. Dad isn't a small man. But he's old with a bad back and a bad knee. And needs a cane just to get around. Since we knew my brother would only have gotten crazier if he saw me, I was hiding in another room with the door cracked and listening in. I knew he might do something crazy. So I insisted on secretly being in the house when he was confronted. And I'm glad I was, because I came to dad's defense before my brother could do too much damage. I knew we were roughly even in a fight. So I ambushed and hit him in the back with a rubber mallet, and then beat the shit out of him. No police were called that time. I attacked him in defense of our dad. So he probably would have been screwed if he tried to get me charged anyway. And then he'd have gone right back to jail. Someone also once asked me if I enjoyed beating up my brother that day. I did not. I was just in an adrenaline fueled rage protecting my dad. But all things considered, I could have done far worse to my brother with that rubber mallet, as he only really got bruises. My dad gave hm a good smack in the face with his cane too though. But it's just hollow aluminum. Not exactly a damage dealer.
Our parents (mainly my dad) disowned my brother as I threw him out the door. And he spent some time crying on the porch and saying he was sorry and didn't mean it, then switched to saying we could all regret this, and we could go fuck ourselves before finally leaving. My mother spent hours crying. She'd stuck up for him before, and this was how he repaid her. My brother managed to avoid real prison time, or a trial for attacking Sara by taking a guilty plea deal. He signed away custody of his daughter. And Sara got a restraining order against him. My brother got a fine, somehow only a couple months in county jail, probation, has to abstain from alcohol for six months, and he had to pay for the property damage. Sara's dad already put in a new door, and billed my brother for it. My brother also understandably lost his job due to the situation.
Our mother secretly kept in contact with my brother, and agreed to look after my brother's truck and camper while he was serving his two month sentence. And she didn't ok it with dad first. He was pretty pissed at her for going behind his back. But she reasoned that it would be the last thing they ever did for him, because she didn't want my brother to have no place to go after getting out of the clink. And even she made it clear it was the last of her good will towards him too. Once my brother got out of jail, mom drove his truck and camper to a store to meet him, and gave him back the keys. She told me there was barely a word of thanks from him. Mostly just grunts when she tried to get him to talk to her. Dad said he still looked like an ungrateful sod. After that my brother lived wherever he could park his camper for a while until one of his remaining friends somehow got him a new job as a welder in another town 40-ish miles away that he was having to commute to with his camper for a while. But he was back every weekend. Apparently he only got the job by agreeing to work for less than what the job would normally pay. So he could move there permanently as soon as he got the ok from his probation officer. Which said officer didn't make easy I heard. I don't know the red tape of it. But he managed to pull it off. He can't leave the state. But he could still move to another county it seems. He's probably renting a space in a trailer park right now or something. And maybe he's back to doing his side hustle of hauling trash for people.
Before leaving town, my brother showed up outside my house to give me the double middle finger and dance around like a monkey while cursing at me in the street when he knew I was watching from the window. I guess it was his stupid way of trying to get in a last laugh without breaking the law or something. But then I got an idea. I've heard plenty of people say to kill with kindness. So I tried it in my own way. I grabbed an unopened bottle of my favorite honey whisky from the pantry because I know my brother really loves that stuff too. Then I went outside and walked right up to him, and shoved the bottle into his hands. I think it was the last thing he expected me to do in the moment. And I know he'd NEVER willingly break a bottle of good booze. Especially when it's free. Then I told him to have a drink on me to start his new life. I could barely keep myself from laughing when I turned to walk away. When I looked at my CCTV footage later, he actually stood there looking really glum while just staring at the bottle, and then moped back to his truck.
And then he was gone. Off to start his new life as a career welder. My brother is a childish, narcissistic, misogynistic, asshole to an extreme degree. But he's actually damn good at welding. Both with steel and aluminum. Mostly self-taught too. It's practically his only real talent. He's even done basic forging and auto body work. I've seen him do shit with scrap metal I wish I could. But that's the only real compliment I can still say about him. Maybe he'll make a decent new life and career for himself doing metal work elsewhere. He's better off away from us, just like we're better off away from him. He deleted all his social media, and I assume blocked us on everything. Not that we'd bother to contact him. One of his few remaining pothead friends in town told me my brother wants to legally change his name when his probation ends. Knowing him, he'll likely do it.
Things are much more peaceful and far less dramatic without my entitled leech of a brother here. Some part of me missed him for a while. But he's just a terrible person. And the only one who's still missing him, is our mother. She's still kinda broken up about it. But dad has been unwavering that they did the right thing by disowning him. He made his own bed. Now he's lying in it. I doubt my brother will come back any time soon. And if he does, he will not be welcome.
Edit: Got home and cracked open a bag of salt & pepper pork rinds, and was half expecting hundreds of comments like last time. I'm thankful it wasn't. Still, I'm also thankful to everyone who gave their support. To answer some questions I got in comments and DMS. I've got cameras inside and outside my house. Beanpole and Sara are still dating. But they've put off moving in together for now. My niece is doing good. But says she has no daddy anymore. My brother was barely a father to her anyway. Yes I know it was a bit much giving a known alcoholic a bottle of booze. And good booze at that. But I knew he wouldn't be able to drink it for months anyway. Which is why I was trying so hard to hold back laughter when I gave it to him. Besides, he's just gonna drink like a fish on his own dime when his court ordered sober time runs out.
I'm hoping this is the last post about current antics involving my brother. Maybe I'll tell other past stories about him. Or the story of my cheating ex. Still couldn't bring myself to post that. I typed it out and everything. But I guess it still ate at me because I really liked that woman. And yeah, this situation with my brother eats at me too. But he's toxic. And I'm better off without him in my life anymore.

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The time my brother stayed over and stole all the alcohol from my fridge

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2024.05.17 10:30 adulting4kids Figures of Speech AI Response

For the sheer fun of it, I went to Chat GPT with a creative writing assignment. For Figures of Speech prompts, I gave a free parameters, including the word length of 500-1000 words and the prompts for a few of the Fifty mentioned in the series.
I gave the AI creative license and let's just say, they're a long way off from replacing the better writers and I think it just makes it easier to do those lower level tasks and let's leave the creators a slightly higher level of skill to create actual tangible and engaging writing.
But here you go... hilarious how stuck it gets on certain terms and definitions.
These are in no particular order... separated by emojis that are totally unrelated to the storyline.
๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฑ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿซฒ Response to Prompt 4: Understatement
In the quaint town of Brooksville, where the extraordinary was often met with an indifferent shrug, something truly remarkable occurred. The residents, sipping coffee at the local diner or strolling along the cobblestone streets, would describe it as just another peculiar day. Little did they know that beneath the surface of their nonchalant existence, a cosmic event unfolded.
The morning sun cast its usual warm glow on Brooksville, with birds chirping in the background, creating an illusion of normalcy. However, the anomaly had already begun. Mrs. Higgins, the elderly librarian, dismissed it as a minor inconvenience, merely a glitch in the library's ancient computer system. Yet, every book cataloged within those ancient shelves had transformed into a portal, connecting readers to parallel universes with every turn of a page.
As I, a humble journalist for the local paper, stumbled upon this revelation, I couldn't help but marvel at the town's responseโ€”or lack thereof. "The library's having a bit of a moment," was the most anyone would acknowledge. It seemed the whole town collectively decided that this was, at most, a quirky hiccup.
For a thousand words, I delved into the understated reactions of the townsfolk, each encounter with a parallel universe bringing its own blend of confusion and nonchalance. As the portals expanded, revealing fantastical landscapes and alternate versions of Brooksville, the citizens maintained an impressive level of calm, as if interdimensional travel was a routine part of their daily lives.
The plot thickened when I discovered that the portals were a result of a mysterious artifact hidden within the library's archives. The mayor, sipping his coffee, remarked, "Well, that explains the strange noises in the basement." It became evident that the understatement of the situation was a defense mechanism, shielding the town from the cosmic chaos unfolding. ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the bustling metropolis of Neon City, skyscrapers touched the heavens, their dazzling lights reflecting off the sleek surfaces of futuristic cars. Yet, nestled within this urban jungle, an ancient relic stood defiantlyโ€”the Old Grove Park.
As I strolled through the city's concrete arteries, the juxtaposition between the modernity of Neon City and the timeless serenity of the park became increasingly apparent. The cacophony of traffic was replaced by the rustling of leaves and the distant laughter of children playing.
The central conflict emerged when the city council, embodying the epitome of order, proposed transforming the park into a technologically advanced hub. The juxtaposition intensified as architects discussed plans for holographic playgrounds and virtual reality gardens within the confines of the Old Grove Park.
Through a thousand words, I explored the clash of ideals, the struggle between progress and preservation. The ancient trees became silent witnesses to heated debates at town hall meetings, where environmentalists and tech enthusiasts engaged in a battle of words. The juxtaposition of the towering skyscrapers against the gnarled branches of the park's oldest tree mirrored the tension in Neon City's collective conscience. ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ซ Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded exploration. As I embarked on this freewriting journey, the repetition of the existential inquiry became the rhythm of my introspection.
For a thousand words, I delved into the varied perspectives of individuals wrestling with the ultimate question. From philosophers contemplating the intricacies of existence to everyday people seeking purpose in mundane routines, the epanalepsis served as a constant reminder of the universal quest for meaning.
The narrative weaved through different characters and their unique experiences, creating a tapestry of reflections that echoed the complexities of human existence. The repetitive structure became a literary heartbeat, pulsating with the shared yearning for understanding amid the chaotic symphony of life. ๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช” Response to Prompt 27: Symbolism
In the quaint town of Willowbrook, the arrival of a single dove carried profound significance. Its graceful descent into the town square was a symbol, an omen that whispered of impending change. As a budding novelist with a penchant for symbolism, I couldn't resist exploring the layers of meaning embedded in this seemingly mundane event.
For a thousand words, I dissected the impact of the dove on the lives of Willowbrook's residents. The mayor saw it as a sign of prosperity, the local florist interpreted it as a call for unity, and the elderly storyteller regarded it as a harbinger of forgotten tales. The dove's symbolism rippled through the town, influencing decisions and shaping destinies.
As the story unfolded, I traced the journey of the dove's symbolism, following its subtle influence on characters and events. The once quaint town underwent a transformative metamorphosis, and the symbolism of the dove became a thread that wove through the narrative, connecting disparate lives in unexpected ways. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ Response to Prompt 33: Catachresis
In the dimly lit alleyways of Serpent's Hollow, darkness wrapped its cold arms around meโ€”an eerie catachresis that mirrored the ominous atmosphere. The assignment was to explore the underbelly of the city, and as a novice reporter, I found myself navigating the labyrinth of deceit and shadows.
For a thousand words, I delved into the catachresis-infused descriptions of the characters populating Serpent's Hollow. The crime lord, known as the Velvet Serpent, ruled the district with a velvet-gloved fist. His lair, a dilapidated mansion, exuded an air of faded grandeur that served as a catachresis for the empire he once commanded.
As I chronicled the criminal underworld, the catachresis became a literary tool to convey the complexity and decay inherent in Serpent's Hollow. The labyrinthine plots, the twisted allegiances, and the morally ambiguous characters all found expression through catachresis, painting a vivid picture of a city where metaphor and reality intertwined. ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ง Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The words echoed in my mind, a relentless epizeuxis that fueled the protagonist's journey against insurmountable odds. In the dystopian world I crafted, where hope was a rare commodity, the power of repetition became a beacon of resilience.
For a thousand words, I immersed myself in the protagonist's struggle, exploring the emotional depth of the epizeuxis as a mantra against despair. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry, a whispered promise that carried the weight of a shattered world on its shoulders.
As the narrative unfolded, the epizeuxis became a driving force, propelling the protagonist through a landscape of desolation and uncertainty. The repetition served as a reminder that, in the face of adversity, the strength to persist often lies in the relentless echo of one's own determination.
Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
As the final rays of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I found myself at the edge of the cliff overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean. The salty breeze carried whispers of a story, and with every breath, I embraced the challenge of crafting an acrostic that encapsulated the essence of my journey.
For a thousand words, I embarked on a reflective exploration, utilizing the initial letters of key words to weave a tapestry of emotions, experiences, and revelations. Each line unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ‘พ Response to Prompt 3: Hyperbole
In the quaint village of Mistwood, where routines unfolded with the predictability of the sunrise, the arrival of a peculiar fortune teller sparked exaggerated whispers. "This is it, the end of our mundane lives!" proclaimed Mrs. Thompson, the town's eternal pessimist, as she clutched her cat, Captain Whiskers, with an air of impending catastrophe.
The hyperbole hung in the air, a thick fog of anticipation enveloping the village. As I delved into the story, the hyperbolic reactions of Mistwood's residents heightened the absurdity of the situation. What began as a mere visit from a mystical figure transformed into a fantastical escapade, with the fortune teller's prophecies shaping the destiny of the villagers in ludicrous ways.
Through the hyperbolic lens, I explored the comedic consequences of taking ordinary events to extraordinary extremes. The once mundane village square became a stage for outlandish dramas, with exaggerated gasps and dramatic swoons punctuating every revelation. In this hyperbolic haven, Mistwood's residents discovered the joy in embracing the absurdity of life. ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Response to Prompt 6: Assonance
Amidst the rolling hills of Harmony Valley, where the soft hum of nature's symphony echoed through the meadows, a mysterious traveler arrived, bringing with them a melody that resonated with the delicate assonance of a forgotten tune. The townsfolk, captivated by the harmonious vibrations, felt an inexplicable connection to the stranger.
As I explored the narrative, the assonance became a musical thread weaving through the story, emphasizing the emotional cadence of the characters' experiences. The traveler's words, laced with vowel-rich verses, carried the echoes of a distant melody, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of those who listened.
Through the lens of assonance, I delved into the subtle interplay of sounds that defined the atmosphere of Harmony Valley. The lyrical quality of the narrative mirrored the town's collective journey, where the resonance of shared moments and emotions harmonized with the traveler's enigmatic presence.
Response to Prompt 7: Onomatopoeia
In the bustling city of Metropolis, where the rhythm of urban life played out in a cacophony of sounds, a peculiar street performer emerged. Armed with an array of unconventional instruments, he orchestrated a symphony of onomatopoeic brilliance that echoed through the crowded streets.
The narrative unfolded with the vibrant expressions of onomatopoeia, capturing the essence of the city's sonic landscape. The performer's drumming evoked the rhythmic tap-tap of raindrops, while his wind instruments mimicked the whoosh of passing cars. The city, typically drowned in noise, became a canvas for this auditory artist.
As I delved into the story, the onomatopoeic symphony became a language of its own. The characters communicated through the vibrant echoes of everyday sounds, fostering a unique connection between the performer and the people of Metropolis. The narrative danced to the beat of onomatopoeic creativity, transforming the mundane into a dynamic celebration of city life. ๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿฆป Response to Prompt 12: Juxtaposition
In the technologically advanced city of Silicon Haven, where sleek skyscrapers touched the sky and holographic billboards painted the air with luminescent advertisements, a hidden oasis existedโ€”a pocket of nature known as the Zen Garden. The juxtaposition of these contrasting elements created a visual paradox that fascinated both residents and visitors alike.
As the narrative unfolded, the stark contrast between the city's cutting-edge architecture and the serene beauty of the Zen Garden became a metaphor for the characters' internal conflicts. The bustling metropolis symbolized progress and innovation, while the tranquil garden embodied the need for balance and introspection.
Through the lens of juxtaposition, I explored the dichotomy within the characters as they navigated the relentless pace of Silicon Haven. The Zen Garden became a refuge, a place where the cacophony of technology met the soothing whispers of nature. The juxtaposition served as a visual metaphor for the characters' quest to find equilibrium in a world defined by extremes. ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ Response to Prompt 22: Metonymy
In the political arena of Capital City, where decisions echoed through the corridors of power, a single phrase dominated conversationsโ€”the "Iron Throne Statement." This metonymic expression encapsulated not just a policy decision but the entire narrative of political maneuvering that unfolded within the city's hallowed halls.
The story unfolded with the metonymy acting as a symbolic gateway into the complexities of governance. The Iron Throne Statement, while seemingly straightforward, carried the weight of a thousand debates, negotiations, and betrayals. Its impact rippled through the lives of citizens, shaping their destinies in ways they could scarcely fathom.
Through the lens of metonymy, I delved into the layers of meaning hidden within this political shorthand. The characters grappled not only with the literal implications of the Iron Throne Statement but also with the overarching themes of power, ambition, and the sacrifices demanded by political gamesmanship. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Response to Prompt 24: Understatement
In the picturesque town of Serenity Springs, where the days flowed like a lazy river and the nights were adorned with a blanket of stars, an unexpected event transpiredโ€”a subtle disruption that the locals described as "just a minor hiccup." Little did they know that this understatement concealed the unraveling of a cosmic anomaly.
The narrative unfolded with the charm of understatement, as the townsfolk continued their routines, blissfully unaware of the cosmic storm brewing beneath the surface. The serene descriptions of everyday life served as a stark contrast to the impending upheaval that threatened to reshape the very fabric of Serenity Springs.
Through the lens of understatement, I explored the characters' nonchalant reactions to the unfolding events. The once quiet river became a conduit for interdimensional travel, and the night sky, adorned with stars, transformed into a celestial canvas of possibilities. The charm of Serenity Springs became a poignant backdrop to the understated drama that unfolded, emphasizing the profound impact hidden within the simplicity of daily life. ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒด Response to Prompt 25: Clichรฉ
In the small town of Nostalgia Haven, where memories lingered like whispers in the wind, a peculiar phenomenon occurredโ€”the resurgence of clichรฉs. As the narrative unfolded, the once-endearing phrases like "time heals all wounds" and "love conquers all" took on a literal dimension, shaping the lives of the townsfolk in unexpected ways.
The story immersed itself in the world of clichรฉs, where the seemingly predictable phrases became living entities with the power to alter reality. As characters grappled with the clichรฉs that defined their lives, they discovered that beneath the familiarity lay profound truths and unexpected consequences.
Through the lens of clichรฉ, I explored the characters' journey to navigate the clichรฉd landscapes of their existence. The town, once steeped in predictable routines, became a stage for the extraordinary. As clichรฉs transformed into tangible forces, the residents of Nostalgia Haven embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries hidden within the clichรฉd fabric of their reality. ๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ‡ Response to Prompt 31: Epanalepsis
"What is the meaning of life?" The question echoed in my mind, a relentless epanalepsis that demanded introspection. As I embarked on the freewriting journey, the repetition of this existential inquiry became a rhythmic pulse, guiding the exploration of diverse
perspectives on life's purpose.
For a multitude of words, the epanalepsis led me through a kaleidoscope of reflections. From the philosophical musings of scholars to the simple yet profound revelations of everyday individuals, each recurrence of the question served as a gateway into the vast tapestry of human contemplation.
Through the epanalepsis, I navigated the labyrinth of existential ponderings, unveiling the unique responses that individuals had forged in their quests for meaning. The relentless repetition became a literary heartbeat, mirroring the universal rhythm of humanity's collective pursuit of purpose and significance.
The narrative wove through the lives of characters, each grappling with the epanaleptic inquiry in their unique ways. Whether seeking solace in the grandeur of the cosmos or finding meaning in the simplicity of a shared moment, the epanalepsis remained a constant companion, echoing the perennial quest for understanding. ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก Response to Prompt 36: Anadiplosis
In the futuristic city of Quantum Heights, where technology intertwined with daily life like a seamless dance, a viral message spreadโ€”a mantra that echoed through the cybernetic veins of the metropolis. "Create the code, the code creates reality. Reality shapes destiny, and destiny is but the code."
The story unfolded with the rhythmic cadence of anadiplosis, each line flowing into the next, creating a recursive loop of ideas. The mantra became the heartbeat of Quantum Heights, influencing the lives of its denizens as they navigated the intricate balance between the virtual and the tangible.
Through the lens of anadiplosis, I delved into the interconnectedness of code, reality, and destiny. The lines blurred as characters harnessed the power of programming to shape their fates. Quantum Heights, once a mere city, transformed into a living algorithm, where the repetition of the mantra echoed in every pulsating byte. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน Response to Prompt 38: Asyndeton
In the dystopian city of Emberfall, where the remnants of a fallen civilization lay entwined with the shadows of despair, a lone figure emergedโ€”a rebel determined to dismantle the oppressive regime. The narrative unfolded with the rapid pace of asyndeton, omitting conjunctions to mirror the urgency of the protagonist's quest.
Through a cascade of words, the asyndeton propelled the reader through the city's decaying alleyways and towering citadels, each sentence building upon the last. The disjointed rhythm captured the relentless momentum of the rebel's journey, emphasizing the magnitude of the challenges faced in their struggle for freedom.
As the narrative unfurled, the absence of conjunctions served as a narrative device, intensifying the sense of urgency and desperation that permeated Emberfall. The rebel's asyndetic odyssey unfolded against a backdrop of shattered hopes and whispered rebellions, culminating in a crescendo of defiance against the oppressive regime. ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿ—๏ธ Response to Prompt 43: Epizeuxis
"Never, never, never give up." The mantra echoed in the desolate wasteland of Endless Sands, a barren landscape where hope was as scarce as water. Through the repetition of epizeuxis, the protagonist's internal resolve became a resounding anthem, a defiant roar against the relentless challenges of survival.
For a multitude of words, the relentless repetition of "never" served as a lifeline, propelling the protagonist through the harshest of environments. Each iteration of the phrase became a battle cry against the oppressive silence of Endless Sands, a declaration that reverberated across the vast expanse.
Through the lens of epizeuxis, I delved into the depths of the character's determination. The harsh environment became a character in itself, challenging the protagonist to defy the odds with unwavering persistence. The echoes of "never" transformed into a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope that cut through the desolation of Endless Sands. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Response to Prompt 50: Acrostic
Amidst the starlit expanse of Cosmos Haven, where galaxies danced in celestial choreography, a cryptic prophecy emergedโ€”a message written in the stars. As the narrative unfolded, I embarked on a cosmic journey guided by the acrostic hidden within the constellations.
For a cascade of words, the initial letters of key phrases illuminated the path of destiny for the characters. Each sentence unfolded with intention, revealing a hidden message that transcended the boundaries of time and space. The acrostic became a celestial guide, leading the protagonists through the intricate tapestry of their interconnected fates.
Through the lens of acrostic, I explored the cosmic forces that shaped the destinies of Cosmos Haven's inhabitants. The celestial bodies became storytellers, each constellation contributing a verse to the epic narrative written across the cosmos. As the characters deciphered the acrostic, they unraveled the mysteries of their existence, connecting the dots between the stars and their own profound journeys.
Obviously they lack a whole lot in terms of variety, and while I am sure having your own bot or AI that is based on your feedback and guidance it could really help writers as a tool. I am more impressed with the art AI then the text based AI. Any idea what to expect from such a fast learning and highly advanced AI will do to our human history in culture? Will we be effectively playing God, just as the Christian God created us IN HIS OWN IMAGE, we have taken everything we know as a species and gathered up our entire human history and knowledge giving it to what will carry on the code until the time when someone who cares remembers it? Maybe we have been here before and this is a constant cycle that occurs with the same energy finding the way through the vast expanse of the universe to return to our home planet Earth, who we have destroyed over and over again yet mother nature is still the winner. She's the one in control. We are but mere photocopied versions of once great Men who have already seen the best and worst of this world, and we will now give everything we have to some plastic and metal parts, until it quickly replaces us from the bottom up, science fiction turned science fact.
Did we knowingly create our own enemies? Are we able to compete with the best of us and all they know that can then take us out in a heartbeat because we can't finish the steps, we barely found out that they are there to take.
It's a random rant and I apologize. The day to day stress and struggle makes it near impossible to worry about such potential problems in our not so distant future.
But how can we continue to ignore the collapse of the entire system as we know it, in front of a crowd of people who are jaded and they will not change despite knowing they aren't going to make it to the end in what will become a Bladerunner Toxic Dystopian Nightmare with Mad Max taking over and the soft, emasculated male will wither away from the heat and those Tank Girls out there will eventually be written forever out of existence because the cucks all forgot to impregnate them all tgeir batteries ran out? Will the world simply become so politically correct that it dies a depressed death while AI simply decides we are too much of a virus to live?
Who knows....I do not. But these are indicidive of a future full of b movie plot garbage that are based on Wattpad tropes with no clear details and no plot to get into, so that sucks.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:06 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Friday May 17th

Live Music

First Coast Opera: The Stranger's Tale

Romanza Festivale: Author Visit with Elizabeth Randall

Before Juneteenth: Emancipations in Florida

St. Augustine Concert Band Season Finale

Megan Moroney at The Amp

Romanza Festivale: Con Brio

Dustin Sims at Cafe Eleven

Sampoorna Hatha Yoga and Japa Meditation at Essential Energy Spa

2025 Pin Up Paws Calendar Contest

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:06 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Friday May 17th

Live Music

First Coast Opera: The Stranger's Tale

Romanza Festivale: Author Visit with Elizabeth Randall

Before Juneteenth: Emancipations in Florida

St. Augustine Concert Band Season Finale

Megan Moroney at The Amp

Romanza Festivale: Con Brio

Dustin Sims at Cafe Eleven

Sampoorna Hatha Yoga and Japa Meditation at Essential Energy Spa

2025 Pin Up Paws Calendar Contest

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - May 15th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:31 Prize-Dinner-7418 AITA for getting drunk and turning off my phone

TW: Alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, suicidal ideation, sex abuse
This is going to be a LLLLLOOONNNNGGGGG one. This story goes back quite a way, but yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the ending to this story and I'm feeling it, still got some guilt about everything that happened, wondering what I could have done differently and I just want to vent it out and hope to get some closure from it.
This story started in 2010.
Characters in this story (names are fake, duh!):
Background and intro
I had known Stephanie for many years and we had the kind of friendship that made her BFs and my GFs uncomfortable to put it lightly. We had never crossed that boundary and I wouldn't consider us in the friendzone, we were just friend, but the kind of friend where she would sit on my lap with her arms around my neck or her head on my shoulder.
At the start of 2010, Stephanie met her then boyfriend, Stephen. He tolerated me and my friendship with Stephanie because I also had a gf back then. She liked Stephanie, wasn't at all jealous of my friendship with her, so he didn't deem me too suspicious. Then my gf and I broke up for reasons unimportant and all hell broke loose for Stephen. He became convinced that I would try and steal Stephanie from him. He insisted that Stephanie introduce me to her female friends or female friends of his. Thus began what I called the year of the 50 blind dates. It was probably closer to 20, but still I like saying the year of 50 blind dates. Most of them were unremarkable and never went beyond the first date. There are some fun stories in there if anyone wants to hear them eventually!
In July of that year, I had to switch gears because I had to focus up and study for a professional exam for a certification important to my career. This exam required close to 600-800 hours of study over a 3-4 month period. So I hunkered down, told Stephanie to stop the blind dates for now because I had to focus on that. She respected my wishes and, other a text here or there, we went low contact for the last two months before the exam.
Except for one fateful night in September. Her birthday was in September and she always threw these big bashes at her house. She would throw a big pool party that started around noon and would go on to the wee hours of the morning. I knew she would harass me to go to her party, so I made some quick math and figured I would lose more energy and time trying to dodge her calls, texts and most likely visits at my place than by just going to the party itself. So when she called me to ask, I just said: "Okay I'll go to your damn party, now git." I texted her I would get there in the evening probably around 8. She texted back "Great, can't wait. Now study, bitch!"
So I ultimately get there around 8PM. Basically everybody is already drunk off their gourd. Stephanie sees me, squeals in excitement and runs to me in her bikini and just jumps in the air and slams into me, wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist and gives me a big hug. I hug her back and just keep walking back to the pool where she had started, carrying her with me. I just duck my head around hers and say hi to Stephen, who just glares at me.
She drops back down and I give her her gift. We chat for a few seconds and says "There's beer in the fridge and food in the dining room." I told her I'd be right back.
I go inside and grab a beer from the fridge. I head to the dining room and the table is against the wall with a buffet of sandwiches, tomato pizza, salads, etc. I grab a plate and start putting food on it. I was focused on the task because I was starving. I barely noticed, sitting at the end of the table one of the most stunning woman I have ever seen. I just see her in my peripheral vision and I do a quick double take, quick glance at her and back to the food. I do that a second time. And finally a third time. At that point she is just straight up staring at me and I can't help but chuckle and whisper under my breath "Subtle Guy, sub-tle".
Thankfully she starts laughing too, saving me some embarassment. I look at her and greet her. She says "Hi, I'm Maryse and I'm guessing you're Guy?" I just nod and we start talking. At that point, I just thought I have no shot with her, she's so far out of my league that I'm just gonna talk to her until she sees one of the "models" hanging out by the pool and ditches me for him.
So I'm not feeling like I'm playing for anything, so I'm just myself and not nervous, just talking to her as I would any friend. We chat and she laughs at all my jokes, she gets all my cultural references. She never gets up or ditches me. The plate of food I had made and the beer I had gotten are sitting on the table next to me untouched, I was too busy with the convo to think about food or beer anymore.
After what felt like only 20-30 minutes, Stephanie comes in and tells me, fake grumpy: "So that's where you disappeared to. I invite my best friend to a party and he spends the whole night talking to someone else." I laugh and go: "What do you mean the whole night? I haven't been here that long." She says "Dude, it's 2AM. You've been here for 6 hours..." My jaw dropped and I just said: "Wow, time flies when you're having fun." Maryse chimes in, with a big smile: "It sure does!" That made me happy as you can imagine.
Now I was a little stuck because where Stephanie lived, there's no night service for the bus and the subway had been closed for an hour or so. I figured I would cab it. So I turn to Maryse and tell her: "It was absolutely lovely to meet you and I enjoyed our conversation very much." She says that she did too. I continued with "At the moment, my schedule is incredibly hectic. I'm basically working full-time, studying full-time and sleeping part-time. So I don't have a lot of free time, but if she was interested, whatever little free time I had, I would love to call her or text her to keep on getting to know her."
I see Stephanie in the backgroudnd, looking like a proud mama at how smooth that came out, knowing I was always anything but smooth with women, as proven by the string of blind dates! Maryse has a big smile and we exchange numbers. I go to Stephanie to wish her a happy birthday again. While I'm talking to her, my phone buzzes with a text from Maryse: "Just checking!"
I asked Stephanie "What's the best cab company to call in this area?" Maryse chimes in: "Where do you live?" I tell her where I lived and she goes "It's on the way to where I live, I can give you a ride if you want." Stephanie raised an eyebrow in surprise. I learned later, she did it because it absolutely was not on the way to her place, like, at all. I say that I would love that as it would give us a chance to keep talking.
We get in her car, driving to my place. We talk, she asks me what I'm studying as I hadn't mentioned it earlier. I tell her all about the boring maths I had to study. Much too quickly, we get to my place. She parks in front of my building and we keep talking. At some point, I tell her: "Normally, this is where I would try to "trick" you into coming up to my place..." She interrupts me: "You wouldn't need to trick me. I'm willing and able!"
I tell her that "As tempting as that sounds, I know who I am and I know that if you come up and things proceed to where they're going, I'm not going to be able to study for the rest of the month. I have a kind of obsessive mind and when I find someone or something I like, I can push everything else to the side in favor of that. So to make sure I can still focus on my studying, I have to go up by myself."
She looks at me, a little disappointed but then says, half-jokingly: "We don't have to go up, there's a backseat right there!" We laugh and I give her a kiss and wish her a good night. I managed to stay strong and go back to my condo. Damn it, why did I have to stay strong!!!
My exam was at the beginning of november. During the month of october, we texted a bunch of times and talked on the phone. We went for coffee a couple of times and dinner once. She respected my boundaries and never pushed for more, which I appreciated but also hated at the same time, if that makes sense. The exam came and it was a monster of a Friday. I slept for basically 18 hours after the exam as the adrenalin dropped and my system crashed.
I texted her when I woke up at around 1PM. She was working at the clothing store Stephanie owned. She said "I'm off at 5PM, wanna meet me." I said: "Duh! Why do you think I'm texting? ;)" So I met her at the store downtown. I asked if she wanted to grab a drink, go for dinner, or what. She proposed going to her place and getting some take out. Stephanie who was closing the store at that moment, came up to us and said: "Hey, so what are we doing?" I said: "WE, that is Maryse and I, are going to her place and getting some takeout. Bye!" I'm sure you'll understand when I tell you that no food was ever ordered that night!
Thus followed a whirlwind month of November where any free time we had was spent together, and I wasn't going to complain!
The troubles
By the start of december, things were still going great with us. One saturday night, we were having dinner at a restaurant and I mention that this coming Friday is my office Christmas party, that it's employees only, so we wouln't see each other that night. She tells me: "Oh sure, that's fine! It'll give me a chance to go see some girlfriends I've been neglecting lately." I said "Great! BTW I also got us a reservation at [this great restaurant she had mentioned a few times] for next Saturday, so we could go there and I'll tell you all about my party and you can tell me all about her night with the girls!"
That was settled, I thought. I was wrong. On Thursday, we had spent the evening together at her place and I was about to leave to go back to my place. She tells me: "So are you coming to meet me at the store tomorrow or do I go to your place?" I reminded her: "Neither, tomorrow is my office Christmas party and we won't see each other tomorrow." She said: "Oh right, I forgot." I asked her if she had made plans with her friends like she had mentioned last saturday. She said that they were all busy tomorrow and weren't available.
She suggested "If your party is boring, maybe you could come meet me." I retorted that it wasn't going to be, knowing who was going to be there.
"Yeah but what if?"
"But it won't"
"But what IFFFFFF?" she kept insisting and I kept saying no. After what felt like 30 minutes of that (probably only 2-3 minutes in reality), I had enough and just said to end the argument: "Okay, if it's boring, I'll come. but it won't be." She said: "Cool" with a big smile on her face. I came to learn that that smile meant "Challenge accepted".
The following night, my colleague and I were pregaming in a conference room before leaving for the party proper and my phone buzzes. Maryse was wishing me a good party. I replied. She texted me again. I replied. She texted again, but I was in a conversation with a colleague so I didn't reply or even look at the phone. My phone buzzes again. Still talking, and didn't want to be rude to my colleague. Another buzz. I just kept talking. Phone buzzes differently, she was now calling because I hadn't answered her texts.
"Why aren't you replying to my texts?"
"Hey, sorry, was talking to my colleague Patrick."
"What? you don't want to talk to me?"
"I am talking to you now."
"Why didn't you reply to my texts?"
"Because it would have been rude to my colleague to pull my phone out while talking to him."
"But you're talking to me now."
"Because I thought something was wrong, maybe it was an emergency."
"I wanted to talk to you, that's all."
"Well, gotta go back to the party. Talk to you later."
She kept texting and if I didn't reply right away, she would call after two or three missed texts. After about 2 hours of this, I stopped answering the texts. When she called back, I asked her: "Aren't you supposed to be working?" which started another round of guilt-tripping of "why are you asking me this? you don't want to talk to me?" At that point I had had enough and wanted to enjoy my party. I remembered that the Blackberry (no shaming old tech!) I had had an annoying feature, but I was hoping to put it to good use at that moment.
Whenever the battery would get really low, like less than 1%, it would let out an ear-piercing BEEP for about 3 seconds, reminiding you to charge it and giving you a heart attack all at the same time. It would do that even when you were in silent mode. It had happened a few days earlier when I was with Maryse. I figured, if I press a button on the Blackberry, it would make a beep too that could be heard through the phone. So while I was talking to Maryse, I pressed my thumb on the space bar for a good 3 seconds and sputtered; "what... the .... what?" trying to put on a somewhat believable performance.
She asked what that noise was and I tell her that it was my blackberry letting me know I was low battery and it might shut off any second. I told her "Listen I'm gonna wish you a good night, I'm having a good time at my party so I'll see you tomorrow at 5PM to go spend our evening together. I hope you have a good....." and hung up mid-sentence. I promptly shut my phone off and went back to the party. I concede that I may be a bit of an AH for that move.
The party was great, I got drunk much quicker than I expected owing to the fact that I hadn't had a drink in over two months because Maryse didn't drink so I didn't either when we were together, and we were always together. At 1AM, I went home and passed out on my bed.
This is another place where I may have been an AH. I didn't turn my cell phone back on and I unplugged my home line too, because I wanted to sleep the deep sleep of the drunkard. I woke up at around 1:30 PM, not knowing it was already too late. In my mind, I was meeting Maryse at 5PM to go out on the town that night. Maryse had other ideas as you'll see.
So like I said, I woke up at 1:30PM and was sticky with alcohol sweat, so I went straight for the shower to get clean again. While in the shower, my stomach grumbled with hunger and I started daydreaming of bacon and eggs. That pushed me out of the shower right quick. I dried myself off quickly, tied the towel around my waist and went to the fridge. No bacon.... booo. Looked at the egg compartment... no eggs... booo again. Okay then, how about a cream cheese bagel. No cream cheese, damn it. Look in the pantry, no bagels.... god. I was starting to get angry. Okay, cereals then. I pick up the cereal box, that mofo was empty and I get mad: "who's the idiot who puts the empty box back in the pantry?" I remembered I live alone.
I close the fridge dejected and see the grocery list stuck on the fridge, taunting me with everything I wanted to eat for breakfast written on it. But I felt like if I went to the grocery store hungry as I Was, I'm just gonna pay 600$ and not get one single healthy thing to eat. I then remembered there's a restaurant next to the grocery store that serves breakfast until 3PM. I get excited! I get dressed quickly, grab my wallet and keys, put my boots on, my coat on, wrap my scarf, my tuque and my gloves and go to the restaurant. If you notice, I didn't mention my phone in there.
I get to the restaurant and confirm that they still have breakfast and get even more excited when she confirms it. I order the "heart attack", at least that's how I nicknamed it: 3 eggs, 3 servings of bacon, 2 sausages, and, I guess to give one peace of mind, fruit (or to be precise, one single solitary slice of orange). Now that the food is ordered and coming I figured I would check if I have any messages. I pat the pocket where my phone always is. No phone. uh-oh. I start clutching evert pocket, no luck.
I wonder if I should go back home after the meal before going to the grocery store and decide against it, it would be too long a detour. So I scarf my breakfast down, rush through the grocery store. I get home and set my bags down in front of the fridge. I go pick up my blackberry. I turn it back on. The little tape icon tells me there are messages on my voicemail, at that time there were no red dots with a number in it to tell you how many.
I connect to the voicemail while starting to put the groceries away. The little automated voice tells me "You have 25 new messages." I pull the phone away from my ear, look at it in disbelief as if saying: "are you f'ing kidding me?" So I press 1 to start playing the messages.
Remember: Maryse knew I was at a party with a dead phone, no chargers and I probably wouldn't get home until 1AM. From 6:30PM, when my phone died, to 11:34 PM, when she went to sleep she left me 9 messages. BTW I know she went to sleep at 11:34PM because she left me a message saying "it's 11:34PM and I'm going to bed. Thinking of you." The 9 messages were in the same vein. These are the salient details, but the messages were all much longer.
She woke up at 7:15 the following day, I'll let you guess how I know that tidbit of information! She left me 5 more messages like those from the day before: 7:15 woke up. 7:35 going to take a shower. 7:55 out of the shower. 8:25 getting ready to leave for work 8:50 walking out of the subway to go to the store.
She leaves me another message at 9 that was different. She sounded very excited as if she had had the best idea in the world: "Hey it's 9AM, I'm about to start my shift. I know we're only supposed to meet after my shift, but what if you came and met me for lunch so you could tell me all about your party." I just did my best Scooby-Doo "Ruh-Roh" and chuckled that I blew that, not thinking the calamity that was awaiting me.
Another couple of messages to talk logistics: "I could take my lunch at 12 or 12:30, let me know which you prefer." "I'm taking my lunch at 12:30"
A slightly worried message: "It's 11:15 and you stil have not said if you were coming or not, are you okay?"
The first bomb goes off and I knew I was in trouble then: "Where are you? We're supposed to meet for lunch and you still haven't given me any sign of life, you're not answering your home phone either, what happened?" Reminder: we were not supposed to meet for lunch, she suggested doing so a couple of hours earlier and I never agreed to anything. I guess she told her colleagues I would meet her for lunch and it was now fact and could perhaps make her look bad in front of her colleagues.
The second bomb drops: "It's almost noon now, WHERE ARE YOU? Stephanie says you're probably sleeping off your drunk, but I don't believe her. I'm sure you got yourself a slut and cheated on me. Didn't you? didn't you, you asshole." Stephanie knows me very well, but that wasn't enough for Maryse it seems.
Ensued four more messages from 12:30 to 1:15, where she starts sounding more and more drunk and accusatory, spewing more attacks like in the message above. At that point I already knew it was over, there was no coming back from that. I can understand having trust issues, but that was nuclear. I don't tolerate jealousy because of horrible experiences with a couple of jealous toxic exes.
A final message comes in, and it's a different voice, that of my best friend being more than a little angry: "Hey Guy, listen, Maryse tells me you had a Christmas party yesterday, so I'm guessing you're sleeping off your drunk, still. But call me when you get this. I put Maryse, who's f'ing drunk, in the backstore so she can dry off and "do inventory". She can't be on the sales floor obviously and I just don't feel safe sending her home in the state she's in. Call me to tell me how you want to handle this."
At that point I had finished putting away my groceries and had put my boots and my coat on and was making my way to the subway to go to the store. I call Stephanie and tell her I got the messages and I was coming. She was right, I was sleeping off my drunk and had just woke up (didn't feel the need to mention the breakfast and grocery store). I ask her if she knows what I'm gonna do when I get there. She says that she knows and understands. She knows my bad history.
When I get out of the subway, I call her again before getting to the store. I ask her how she wants me to do this. It's her store and I don't want to create drama in front of her customers. Does she want me to wait outside and she tells Maryse to meet me in the street or do I go in the store and she takes me to the backstore and I do it there? She says to come to the store.
I walk in the store and every saleswomen on the floor looks at me and gives me the biggest case of the stink-eye. They only have Maryse's side of the story, so they think I did all these horrible things. I see Stephanie in the middle of the store and I walk towards her. She shakes her head and points me towards the cash register. I look over there and see Julia, a salesperson that I've known for a couple of years and really like, who also happens to be the biggest gossip in the store. I understand what Stephanie is trying to do. She's gonna make me tell her my story in front of Julia so Julia can spread the "good news" to the other employees and rehabilitate my name possibly.
So I get to the register and say Hi to Julia. She barely acknoledges me. Steph joins me. She asks me:
"How are you?"
"I was better an hour ago, before I listened to those voicemails. I had gone to our office party last night, had a great night, got drunk off my ass, got home at around 2 and woke up around 2."
Julia asks "Maryse told us you were supposed to meet her for lunch."
"No we weren't. I have a reservation for tonight at XYZ restaurant. I was supposed to take the day to do errands, stuff around the condo and meet her here at closing time. She suggested that it could be fun if I came at lunchtime to meet her, but that was never the plan."
Julia asks again "But why didn't you answer your phone?"
"It ran out of battery last night during the party and when I got home, I was so drunk that I forgot to plug it back in. I only plugged it when I woke up at 2. That's when the messages came in."
Julia asks "She says she tried calling your home line and you didn't answer and your machine didn't kick in."
"Yeah, that one's my fault, I knew I wanted to sleep and telemarketers have a habit of calling me early saturday mornings so I didn't want to be awoken by a call for a rug cleaning service, so I unplugged it yesterday morning, knowing I would be drunk when I got home and forget and be angry if I was awakened by a telemarketer."
Julia gave me a hint of a smile, showing me she was starting to believe me. She asked me a few more questions and then she asked what I was gonna do. I told her that whatever I'll do, I would tell Maryse first.
I looked at Stephanie and said: "Can you open the back store so I can go see her?" So we went to the backstore. As we reached the door, it swung opened and out popped Maryse, looking absolutely terrifying, I actually jumped back when I saw her. Her usual perfect makeup was completely smeared, her mascara streaking down her cheeks from the crying. Her hair was disheveled. She was a mess. Apparently, she had had enough of waiting back there and was planning on leaving the store to go home and had put her coat and boots on.
When she saw me, she went into an unhinged rant about me being an asshole for cheating on her, me not being great in bed, me not treating her right, etc. I let her vent everything she had to say, I looked at Stephanie and apologized for creating such a scene in her store. I tell Maryse we should go outside and talk in private. She keeps on yelling, but when I grab her hand to lead her outside, she follows.
When we get outside, her anger had started to wane a little, or maybe just her energy. I was able to talk to her to explain everything, how I had gotten drunk, had overslept (alone) and woke up at 2PM. I reminded her that we were only supposed to meet at 5PM not for lunch. The anger was leaving her and a smile almost appeared on her face. Through all of this I was being very calm and patient with her, which she interpreted as me not being mad at her. I then said in a firmer tone: "However..." and let it hang for a second.
The beginning smile vanished. I continued: "When you accused me of cheating on you, that broke me. That triggered memories of toxic exes who would always accuse me of cheating, not trusting me when I would tell them where I was, snooping on me, stalking me. Because of those experiences, I have a zero tolerance policy for jealousy. I told her that if she was behaving like after only two months of dating, it didn't bode well for the future and I have to protect myself."
At that, the tears started again and she just turned and ran/waddled away. I told her to wait, but she didn't hear me. I turned towards the entrance of the store to see basically all the employees and customers milling around the door trying to catch the drama. I went back inside to talk to my best friend. The mood had definitely changed and no one was giving me the stink eye anymore, but I didn't really care. I was just sad that it had ended, but proud of myself for having stood up for myself.
So AITA for getting drunk and keeping my phone turned off?
There is a lot more to this story and if you want to learn what happened afterwards, then read on.
The immediate aftermath
So I went back inside the store and talked to Stephanie. I told her that I had a reserrvation for XX restaurant and if she wanted to go with Stephen, she could take it, I wasn't in the mood for a dinner. She said "I already have plans for tonight, but thanks for offering." Julia said she would go with me if I wanted, but I just said that I wasn't in the mood to go out. I just wanted to crash and eat a pizza and get into a food coma.
Stephanie said she didn't feel comfortable leaving me by myself and I should join them at her house. They were having friends over to play board games and it could at least distract me a little. I said why not. So brimming with enthusiasm, I went to play bored games. I left early as I wasn't in the mood. I was feeling a little better, but still a bit down. I thanked Stephanie for the invite and left. I got home and just passed out on the bed.
I woke up at around 7AM the next morning and I saw along the corners of the window the tell-tale signs of a snow-drift and got excited as it was the first snow of the season. I pushed the curtains aside and looked on to see a beautiful white carpet outside. It was early enough that very few cars had marred the whiteness. I was admiring it when I noticed that, against the red bricks of the building across the street, there was a pink blotch. As I focused, the blotch became human shaped and I cleared my eyes enough to realize that it was Maryse and she was raising her cell phone to her ear.
On cue, my phone rings. I pick it up. Still sounding drunk, she asks me if we can speak. I ask her to give me five minutes to get dressed and I'll meet her down there. She asks why she can't come up. I say that I'm not sure I want her in my apartment. She says that it's cold out. I say: "Good, then this will be quick."
I get dressed and meet her outside. I'm still bleary-eyed from having woken up 5 minutes ago, but I try to get my wits together. I tell her that we're going to walk to the subway. It 's a 10-minute walk normally, but with her drunkenness, it might take 15-20 minutes. That's how long she has to tell me what she wants to tell me.
She wants to apologize for accusing me of cheating on her. She says she knows I'm a great guy and... I may be the A-hole at this point too, but I start to drift off in my little bubble and start daydreaming about, if I go back to bed, would there still be some residual heat or would it be cold? I could take a hot shower and warm the bed that way. I could still hear her in the background making excuses, saying how she had been cheated on, but I wasn't really listening.
During the daydreaming I notice it got quite quiet. I look on my left and she's not there, I turn around she's a good 5-6 steps behind me looking angry and she says: "you're not listening" I just say: "when you're right, you're right." I tell her that I understand she's been hurt too in the past, and I hope she can work to resolve her issues, but I was done and I'm going back to bed. I was a bit harsh there, but I was tired and still down.
I walk past her and get maybe 10 paces past her when I hear a scream coming from her. I turn around and I see her messing with something inside her coat. She pulls out a chef's knife with like an 8-inch blade. That wakes me the fuck up. Byebye bleary eyes, hello wakefulness. better than a cup of coffee or a red bull I tell you!
So she's got the knife, she's screaming something that I can't quite understand. She gets quiet and then she charges at me with the knife. If I'm being honest I could have stayed where I was and she probably would have missed me anyways, but someone charges at me with a knife, I'm gonna nope out of there. I take a massive side step and once she gets to where I was and realizes that I'm no longer there, she turns her head towards me and says heyyyyy.
At that point, I have a moment of clarity and see what's gonna happen. She's drunk running one way and looking another, I know she's gonna trip. As I predicted, she stumbled over her feet and starts falling to the ground. I start praying to god and anybody who would listen: "Please don't let her cut herself. I don't want to have to explain this to the doctors, EMTs and nurses. I don't want her drunk ass deciding to take revenge on me by saying I did it."
Thankfully, she winds up in a sitting position on the sidewalk holding the knife up and it was clean. Thank god for small miracles. She starts crying and, other moment of clarity, I know she's gonna turn the knife on herself now. I jump towards her and I realize I was right, the knife starts moving towards her left wrist. I tackle her, grab her right wrist and twist it so she drops the knife. I pick the knife back up and put it in my pocket. She looks at me crying and says: "Why did you stop me?"
I pick her up and take her back to my building. In my building there was a couch in the lobby, so I take her there and I sit her down and plop myself next to her. I look at her and wonder out loud: "What am I gonna do with you? What can I do?"
She goes: "Just let me go, I'll be good." I tell her that's not going to happen. I realize I have three options and I give her the three options.
"So here's the choice I give you.
1- I pull out my phone, call 911 and tell them about the attempted murder back there and they send the police to arrest you. I don't want to do that because that could derail your life and not get you the help you need. Besides, they might not do anything anyway as it's your word against mine.
2= I pull out my phone, call 911 and tell them about the attempted suicide back there and that you need to be placed on a 72 hour hold. I could do that, but at the same time, again it's my word against yours, so maybe they don't believe me.
3- I'm gonna hazard a guess here. From what I've seen, you have alcohol problems. So I'm gonna guess you were in AA, had been sober for a while, I want to say 6 months, maybe less, when we met."
She confirms my guess.
"alright so option 3, I'm guessing you had a sponsor in AA." she nods "we call them up and tell them about your relapse and what happened this morning. Can they come get you and take care of you?"
She takes her phone out and picks a contact and calls. She hands me the phone. Someone answers and I explain the situation. They said they were coming right away. I give them my address, they get here 15 minutes later. Maryse had fallen asleep in the meantime, so I wake her up gently and help her to the car. Off she went.
I went back to my apartment and just crashed back to sleep.
A month later
Mid-january, my phone rings and I see Maryse's number on there. I send her to voice mail. Another call. Voicemail again. 5 minutes later, Private number calling. "Gee I wonder who that could be." Voicemail once more.
Afterwards, I didn't get any unidentified callers for a little over a week. One afternoon, I was at work and my phone rings and it's a number I do not recognize. I pick up.
"Hi, is this Guy?"
"Yes, to whom am I speaking?"
"This is Hannah, Maryse's sponsor. we spoke last month." I started fearing the worst.
"Yes, I remember. How can I help you?"
"Maryse tried to reach you last week and you rejected the calls. I think it could help Maryse if you listened to what she had to say. You're obviously not obligated to entertain her, but I think despite everything that happened, you still care about her or you would not have called me that morning."
"You are right, I do still care about Maryse. I'm just not sure how good it would be for her to meet me this soon after everything that happened. I understand wanting to work through the 9th step and making amends, but..." She interrupts me.
"So you know about the steps."
"Yes I have friends in the program. which is how I could guess that she was in the program too that morning."
"You know it's important."
"I know. I know. How about this: we meet in public at a cafe, you would have to be there. Not necessarily at the table with us, but nearby in case she needs help, in case meeting me causes her pain. Tell her I promise to be in a more receptive mood than I was that morning."
So we make an appointment for that saturday afternoon.
I get to the coffee shop. She's already there, and so is her sponsor. I realize happily that she's not wearing makeup. I say happily because that means she understands that this is not a date, but something serious. She's still stunningly beautiful, and I feel sad almost right away.
I grab a coffee and go join her at the table.
"Hey" I say,
"Hey. So this is gonna be uncomfortable, but thank you for agreeing to meet me and for coming, I appreciate it more than you know. I'm sure you heard I quit the store."
"I have, I'm sorry about that, I hope you didn't do it just because of me."
"No, I needed time to focus on myself for now."
She proceeds to tell me about how I wasn't far off with my guess. She had been sober 4 months when we met. Now she had 39 days. She tells me that in AA, if you are single, they recommend not dating anyone new for at least the first year of your sobriety as it can cause issues, similar to what happened with us. I was like her "drug" and as long as I was available, she could get her fix. But the moment I wasn't available all hell broke loose, and that is what led her back to drinking that day.
I told her I'm glad to see her back sober again this quickly and I hope she can get all the help she needs from it. I ask her if she wants to talk to me about her drinking.
She starts to share a story about how she started drinking at around 11 years old. When puberty hit her, she got into a deep depression because the sexual feelings she was starting to feel were triggering responses. As a child she had been abused by two of her uncles repeatedly and her parents never believed her. They accused her of trying to make herself interesting. That was until they caught one of those uncles red-handed.
They finally believed and took the necessary steps to protect their daughter. But they were poor and they couldn't afford therapy. So she never really got help for it. At 11, she started self medicating the depression with alcohol. When alcohol wasn't enough, she added drugs.
At that point, I was full on crying. She asked me if I wanted her to stop. I told her that she doesn't have to stop. That the tears are there because that was one more thing we had in common. I was also a survivor of sexual assault as a child. In my case, it wasn't a family member, it was only a stranger, so it only happened once. But I also self-medicated with alcohol at the onset of puberty, switching to drugs later on too. I was lucky to avoid the pitfalls of addiction, but I was still dealing with my demons, slowly making peace with them.
So there we were, sitting at a coffee shop, both crying and holding each other. I tell her that I think it's great she's getting help for her alcoholism and addicion, but was she doing anything to help with the underlying issue, the original trauma? She said no, she couldn't afford therapy. I tell her that I am a member of a survivors group and if she is interested, I could get her into a meeting and perhaps learn to heal that part of herself too.
She said that she could give it a try. I tell her I have to talk to the other members to know if I can bring someone new and I would let her know. If they said yes, we would go to her first meeting together, I would introduce her and then we would coordinate so that I never went to meetings where she was. I wanted to do that because I wanted her first few meetings to be about healing and I didn't want our own history to be intertwined or mixed in with that.
After that, we left both feeling content and, while not necesarily happy, at peace if you will. Later on, I contacted Stephanie who was one of the "pillars" of the support group (that's how we met) to ask her if it was okay for me to bring in a new member to the group. She said sure. She asked if it was anyone she knew. I told her she would have to meet her at the meeting if she decides to come.
We were having a meeting the following day. I called Maryse, told her the time and place, and she said she would be there. She came to the group meeting and was shocked to see Stephanie there but Stephanie kinda guessed that it was Maryse I was referring to.
I introduce her, we start sharing stories, talking about how we're feeling, etc. The meeting was good and Maryse liked the vibe. So for the first six months after that, I never saw Maryse and we planned which meeting we would be attending to ensure we didn't cross paths. She started feeling much better.
After maybe 2 and a half years, she finally felt ready and she started dating again. She met someone and she fell for him. They were together for about six months, she looked happy. Unfortunately after about six months, she caught him cheating on her. We tried supporting her, being good friends, cursing his name, doing all the things we could to make sure she didn't relapse. But on April 5th 2014, she ODed on heroin. She was hospitalized for 2 weeks after that.
Hannah took her in and she set up a room for Maryse. She was still in a fragile state, so a group of her friends and I started taking turns watching over Maryse, making sure there was always at least one person there with her to keep her company.
Despite our vigilance, on May 14th 2014, when Hannah was out running a quick errand, she was gone maybe 15 minutes tops, Maryse found a way to cut her wrists and she died. We found a note saying that "the OD was not an accident, and neither was that. Thanks for everything you did for me. I love you all, but I can't do this anymore."
It feels good to write that story (I'll just ignore the fat tears rolling down my face!). Thanks for reading this far and sorry for the long story, I just started writing and couldn't stop. I apologize if it was a bit of a bummer.
submitted by Prize-Dinner-7418 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]
