Describe animal cell

Curled Feetsies

2015.12.18 11:13 krebstar_2000 Curled Feetsies

Curled Animal Feetsies Of All Kinds

2016.06.16 21:53 Shinies, but in real life!

The term "shiny" originates from Pokémon. It is a term used to describe a pokémon that is a completely different color from all others in their species. We have taken that idea and expanded it to include objects, plants, food, and people! All color morphs are accepted providing they are atypical from the norm of that species, breed, or type.

2014.06.11 05:16 Nature is Metal

Badass pictures, gifs and videos of the awesome yet vicious cycle of nature

2024.05.22 02:50 adulting4kids Rejected

It's essential to focus on continual improvement and resilience. Many successful authors faced rejection before achieving success. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, received numerous rejections initially. Stephen King's first novel was rejected dozens of times. Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, and Margaret Mitchell all encountered rejection before finding success. Remember, rejection is a part of the journey, and perseverance in honing your craft is key. Focus on refining your writing, seeking feedback, and staying persistent in your pursuit.
Here are a few strategies to help navigate the journey as a writer:
  1. Persistency: Keep writing and submitting your work. Each rejection can provide valuable lessons and insights into improving your writing. Don't let setbacks deter you from continuing to create.
  2. Feedback and Improvement: Seek feedback from peers, writing groups, or mentors. Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement and guide your growth as a writer.
  3. Diversify Submissions: Consider submitting your work to various publishers, agents, or literary magazines. Sometimes, a rejection from one might not reflect the response you'll receive from another.
  4. Stay Motivated: Surround yourself with inspiration. Read books, attend writing workshops, or engage with other creatives to stay motivated and connected within the writing community.
  5. Self-Care: Take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Rejections can be tough, so it's crucial to practice self-compassion and maintain a healthy perspective on your writing journey.
Remember, many renowned authors faced rejection before achieving success. Your persistence, dedication to improvement, and belief in your craft are vital elements that can lead you toward success as a writer.
6Here are a few more tips to help maintain motivation and progress as a writer:
  1. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable writing goals. Whether it's a daily word count, finishing a chapter, or completing a manuscript by a specific deadline, setting realistic targets can keep you focused and motivated.
  2. Embrace Revisions: Recognize that writing is rewriting. Embrace the revision process as an opportunity to polish your work. Revisions often lead to stronger storytelling and better-crafted prose.
  3. Connect with the Writing Community: Engage with other writers through social media, forums, or local writing groups. Networking can provide support, encouragement, and valuable insights into the publishing industry.
  4. Learn from Rejections: Instead of viewing rejections as failures, consider them as stepping stones toward success. Analyze feedback, if available, and use it constructively to refine your writing.
  5. Believe in Your Voice: Each writer has a unique voice. Embrace your style and perspective. Authenticity in storytelling often resonates with readers.
Lastly, remember that every successful author faced challenges and setbacks along their journey. It's the perseverance, commitment to improvement, and belief in their work that helped them overcome rejection and achieve success. Keep writing, stay resilient, and believe in your potential as a writer.
Here are quotes from some well-known authors who faced rejection before finding success:
  1. J.K. Rowling (Author of Harry Potter series):
    "Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me."
  2. Stephen King (Author of numerous bestsellers):
    "By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and kept on writing."
  3. Agatha Christie (Renowned mystery novelist):
    "I don't think necessity is the mother of invention. Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness - to save oneself trouble."
  4. Dr. Seuss (Author of beloved children's books):
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope."
  5. Margaret Mitchell (Author of "Gone with the Wind"):
    "Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it's no worse than it is."
These authors encountered rejection and setbacks on their paths to success but persisted in their writing endeavors, ultimately achieving acclaim for their work. Their quotes reflect their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing initial rejection.
Here are a few more quotes from authors who experienced rejection before achieving success:
  1. Louisa May Alcott (Author of "Little Women"):
    "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."
  2. George Orwell (Author of "1984" and "Animal Farm"):
    "Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand."
  3. John Grisham (Bestselling author of legal thrillers):
    "I faced rejection and constant criticism, but I never let up. I continued to persevere and pursued my writing passion."
  4. Madeleine L'Engle (Author of "A Wrinkle in Time"):
    "You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children."
  5. Ray Bradbury (Author of "Fahrenheit 451"):
    "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
These authors persisted through rejection, adversity, and doubts, yet remained dedicated to their writing. Their words reflect the perseverance, passion, and determination that ultimately led them to success in the literary world.
💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫🐔🐔🐔🐔 So in handling rejection as a writer and finding inspiration from authors who faced rejection before achieving success, this article has provided:
  1. Strategies to stay motivated and improve as a writer, including persistence, seeking feedback, diversifying submissions, staying motivated, and practicing self-care.
  2. Additional tips like setting goals, embracing revisions, connecting with the writing community, learning from rejections, and embracing your unique voice.
  3. Quotes from various renowned authors such as J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Dr. Seuss, Margaret Mitchell, Louisa May Alcott, George Orwell, John Grisham, Madeleine L'Engle, and Ray Bradbury. These quotes highlight their resilience, determination, and belief in their craft despite facing rejection, ultimately leading to their success as authors.
The overarching message is to persist in writing, seek improvement, learn from setbacks, stay connected with the writing community, and believe in your unique voice as a writer, drawing inspiration from the experiences of successful authors who overcame rejection on their paths to success.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:38 o01110o My Animist Perspective: Everything Has Spirit

There have been a couple of posts and comments recently regarding what does or doesn't have 'SPIRIT' or can or can't be classed as 'ANIMIST' Position: My Animist Perspective: Everything Has Spirit Scenario: As animists, we want to eat the meat of some type of antlered deer in a ceremony and also use the antlers for various purposes (personal ornaments, decorations, tools, etc). For this to occur, a farmer or a Hunter is needed. The items that are needed to humanely cull and process an ungulate deer. The farmer or hunter cull a stag to harvest both meat and antlers. The hunter uses a firearm and ammunition and the farmer may use the same or an electric/hydraulic bolt or perhaps even a steel knife to dispatch the animal humanely. The ammunition for the rifle contains, lead, brass, composite alloys, chrome, gunpowder (chemicals), and electricity. The rifle is made from various types of metal, metal alloys, hardwoods farmed and exotic, plastics, fibreglass, rubber, glues, chemicals, glass if a scope is attached, lasers, batteries, electricity, etc. The steel bolt is made from metal, metal alloys, plastic, composite rubbers, chemicals, and electricity. The knife is made from metal, metal alloys, hardwoods farmed and exotic, plastics, fibreglass, rubber, glues, chemicals, electricity, and if kept in a sheath leather, nylon chemical plastics. Also, don't forget everything associated with the refrigeration of the meat. The packaging for everything. The electronic and paper products are used for advertising. The manufacturing distribution and administration buildings. The transportation vehicles include all the metal, plastic, rubber, oil, chemicals, electricity, etc. The people involved - their housing, food, clothing, medications, etc. The infrastructure for producing all of the power necessary for the above - electricity, hydro, coal, uranium, geothermal, solar, tidal. etc, etc, etc. My Animist Perspective: Everything Has Spirit From an animist viewpoint, the belief that all entities—animate and inanimate—possess a spiritual essence is central. This perspective imbues every element of the scenario described with a sense of interconnected spirituality. Here, I present a detailed and compelling positive argument that everything involved in the process of culling and utilising an antlered deer for ceremonial purposes belongs to the realm of animism. The Deer and Its Spirit In animism, the deer is not merely an animal but a being with a spirit. The stag embodies strength, grace, and the cyclical nature of life. The meat and antlers are gifts from the deer's spirit, offered in a ceremonial context to Honor its life and essence. The act of culling the deer, therefore, is not just a hunt but a sacred exchange, acknowledging the deer's spirit and its contribution to human sustenance and culture. The Hunter and the Farmer The hunter and the farmer, as facilitators of this process, are seen as mediators between the human community and the spiritual world of the deer. Their skills, tools, and knowledge are not just practical assets but are imbued with their own spirits. The hunter's connection to the deer through the hunt is a deeply spiritual bond, one that respects the life of the deer and acknowledges its spirit. The Tools of the Hunt 1. Firearm and Ammunition: Each component of the firearm and ammunition—the metals, wood, plastics, and chemicals—has its own spirit. The metal alloys are born from the earth, the hardwoods from the forests, and the chemicals from complex natural processes. The firearm, as a composite entity, carries the spirits of all its parts, combined into a tool that serves a sacred purpose. 2. Steel Bolt and Knife: Similarly, steel bolts and knives are more than mere tools. The metals used in their creation have been shaped and transformed, their spirits forged to create instruments of humane dispatch. The wood, rubber, and other materials each bring their own spiritual essence to these tools, making them part of the ceremonial act. The Process and the Ritual The act of culling the deer is a ritualistic one, steeped in respect and spiritual significance. The hunter's or farmer's actions are guided by a profound understanding of the balance between taking life and honouring it. This process is a form of communication with the spirits of the tools, the deer, and the natural world. The Role of Technology and Infrastructure Even the technology and infrastructure involved in processing, preserving, and transporting the meat and antlers are seen through an animistic lens: 1. Refrigeration and Packaging: The machinery and materials used in refrigeration and packaging are composites of various natural elements. The metals, plastics, chemicals, and electricity all carry the spirits of their origins. These spirits contribute to the preservation of the deer's gifts, ensuring they remain viable for ceremonial use. 2. Transportation and Buildings: The vehicles, buildings, and infrastructure involved in the distribution process are also imbued with spirit. The metals and plastics in vehicles, the materials in buildings, and the energy sources (electricity, coal, uranium, etc.) all possess spiritual essences derived from the natural world. The interconnectedness of these elements ensures the respectful and efficient handling of the deer's gifts. The Human Element The people involved in this process—the hunter, farmer, workers, and consumers—each carry their own spirits. Their interactions with the deer, the tools, and the infrastructure are part of a larger spiritual network. Their homes, food, clothing, and medications are also seen as having spirits, derived from the earth and other natural sources. Energy Sources and the Natural World Finally, the sources of power—electricity, hydro, coal, uranium, geothermal, solar, and tidal—are manifestations of the earth's spirit. Each energy source, whether harnessed from water, wind, sun, or the depths of the earth, contributes its spiritual essence to the process. This interconnected web of spiritual energy sustains the entire chain of activities. Conclusion From my animist perspective, every element involved in the culling and utilisation of an antlered deer is imbued with spirit. This worldview sees the interconnectedness of all things, recognising the spiritual essence in the deer, the tools, the technology, the infrastructure, and the people. Each component plays a sacred role in the ritual, contributing to a holistic understanding of life, death, and the spiritual continuum. This deep respect for the spirits of all entities fosters a harmonious relationship with the natural world, emphasising the reverence and interconnectedness that are central to animism. References 1. Bird-David, Nurit. "Animism Revisited: Personhood, Environment, and Relational Epistemology." *Annual Review of Anthropology* 21 (2023): 67-91.
  1. Harvey, Graham. *Animism: Respecting the Living World*. London: Hurst & Company, 2017.
  2. Van Eyghen, Hans. "Animism and Science." *Religions* 14, no. 5 (2023): 653.
  3. Astor-Aguilera, Miguel. "Animism and Materiality: Relational Ontologies and Practices." *Religious Studies Review* 44, no. 2 (2018): 139-147.
  4. High, Casey. "Waorani Perspectives on Animal Spirits and the Agency of Shamans." *Journal of Anthropological Research* 73, no. 1 (2017): 129-147.
  5. Fienup-Riordan, Ann, and Alice Rearden. *Yuungnaqpiallerput: The Real Person of the Ancestors: An Ethnohistory of the Cup'ik Eskimos of Nelson Island, Alaska*. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2016.
  6. Skvirskaja, Vera. "The Sacred Space of the Nenets Tundra: Rituals and Practices." *Journal of Siberian Studies* 15, no. 3 (2022): 147-159.
  7. Chidester, David. "Animism and Religion: Material Dynamics." *Religion* 48, no. 1 (2018): 85-97.
  8. Tylor, Edward Burnett. *Primitive Culture*. New York: Harper & Row, 1871.
  9. Hallowell, A. Irving. "Ojibwa Ontology, Behavior, and Worldview." In *Readings in Indigenous Religions*, edited by Graham Harvey, 17-49. London: Continuum, 2002. These references provide a comprehensive academic basis for understanding animism in the context of both traditional and contemporary practices, emphasising the interconnectedness and spiritual significance of all elements involved in the described scenario.
submitted by o01110o to Animism [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:36 QuesoBagelSymphony Taking the long way around

I’m in my early 40s, and I’ve been a RN for about 10 years. I was one of the older students in my nursing school class, and nursing school was probably the most difficult thing I’ve voluntarily undertaken in life. I got through with grit and the acceptance that “C’s get degrees.” Not easy for a life-long perfectionist.
I started out working in a specialty med/surg unit, and I struggled so much with time management, which ended up being the impetus for an ADHD diagnosis (which would have been helpful to know about during school). I then worked in ambulatory surgery as a staff nurse, charge nurse, and nurse manager.
I didn’t hate any of my jobs. But I definitely job hopped to the extent that my BFF lovingly describes me as, “my nurse friend who always has a different job.” Sometimes it was burnout, sometimes it was a promotion, and sometimes I feared for my license.
My most recent job change was from a manager role back to a staff nurse. I was prepared to take a pay cut, but a market rate adjustment worked in my favor and I ended up making more money in my new role. But even better, my new role is it. I’ve always been an adrenaline junkie-type nurse, and I took a risk by accepting this role as part triage/part educatopart clinician in a very chill clinic. I worried I’d be bored, but instead, I get to work with an amazingly cohesive interdisciplinary team. I actual get to know and spend time with and advocate for patients with complex needs. (I’m trying not to doxx myself, so let’s say it’s a clinic for people with sickle cell. It isn’t, but it’s chronic and debilitating.) I learn something every day, I get to do detective work, and the attendings ask my perspective and ideas. I also don’t go home to ruminate about the day and then crash on my bed.
My new gig isn’t perfect, and it isn’t my intention to brag, but I wanted to offer a perspective about how you can do things “the wrong way” and end up exactly where you didn’t know you needed to be. Hang in there, friends.
submitted by QuesoBagelSymphony to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:32 Terrible_Push6880 What should I think of this

And finally, the mark of the beast can indeed be removed, for it is not a seal, but a mere “mark”, which symbolizes a sin. Which is the possession of paper money and fiat currency. Which is an offense to God. And by removing this offense then you remove the mark of the beast and lift the curse from upon your own head. Which can be done in either of two ways. By burning every last remnant of paper money and fiat currency, like the sons of Israel did when they smashed their idols and the believers in the book of Acts burned their books of witchcraft. Or by simply exchanging it for things you need. Like food, clothing, goods, laptop, cell phone, tools, solar panels, water reserves, pre pay for rent, pre pay for utilities, pre pay for internet, pre pay for cell phone service, purchase a house, purchase gold, or purchase silver. Anything you need. For it is not the will of God that we be left with nothing and naked and out on the street. For even the people of Israel took gold and silver and clothes with them when they left Egypt to wander the desert. Which is the time we are in figuratively. In the desert approaching the time we will receive our inheritance. And just like the Torah permitted the sons of Israel to sell unclean animals to foreigners that they themselves were forbidden to eat, so in likewise manner we can give unbelievers and torahless people their own paper money and fiat currency that they already have in exchange for the things we need so that we can set ourselves apart in obedience. Which also relates to, “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”. In a cunning way, but as gentle as doves. And ultimately the prophecy of Revelation does say “pay her back as she has paid”, which includes returning back her own worthless paper money and fiat currency. And if you are able to work for food or gold or silver, then excellent, otherwise you are not permitted to receive any paper money and fiat currency directly or indirectly going forward. And if you have much, remember to share with others and especially with fellow believers in the Mashiach that are also leaving the financial system. For this is indeed also an opportunity for us as believers to show our love one for the other by helping each other. And if you have little, seek help from other like minded believers or reach out to me. And if you purchase gold and silver in the USA I recommend you purchase from Apmex. And if you purchase gold from them I recommend you purchase it by the gram, either 1 gram Valcambi, or 20 gram Valcambi Combibar, or 50 gram Valcambi Combibar, or 100 gram Valcambi Combibar. And if you purchase silver from them, I recommend you purchase it by the troy ounce, which can be 1 oz Perth Mint Silver Bar or 1 oz Geiger Edelmetalle Silver Bar. And if you are in Colombia, I recommend you purchase from Firenze by the gram. And you can visit their website by clicking here to contact them.
submitted by Terrible_Push6880 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:30 Terrible_Push6880 What should I think of this

And finally, the mark of the beast can indeed be removed, for it is not a seal, but a mere “mark”, which symbolizes a sin. Which is the possession of paper money and fiat currency. Which is an offense to God. And by removing this offense then you remove the mark of the beast and lift the curse from upon your own head. Which can be done in either of two ways. By burning every last remnant of paper money and fiat currency, like the sons of Israel did when they smashed their idols and the believers in the book of Acts burned their books of witchcraft. Or by simply exchanging it for things you need. Like food, clothing, goods, laptop, cell phone, tools, solar panels, water reserves, pre pay for rent, pre pay for utilities, pre pay for internet, pre pay for cell phone service, purchase a house, purchase gold, or purchase silver. Anything you need. For it is not the will of God that we be left with nothing and naked and out on the street. For even the people of Israel took gold and silver and clothes with them when they left Egypt to wander the desert. Which is the time we are in figuratively. In the desert approaching the time we will receive our inheritance. And just like the Torah permitted the sons of Israel to sell unclean animals to foreigners that they themselves were forbidden to eat, so in likewise manner we can give unbelievers and torahless people their own paper money and fiat currency that they already have in exchange for the things we need so that we can set ourselves apart in obedience. Which also relates to, “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”. In a cunning way, but as gentle as doves. And ultimately the prophecy of Revelation does say “pay her back as she has paid”, which includes returning back her own worthless paper money and fiat currency. And if you are able to work for food or gold or silver, then excellent, otherwise you are not permitted to receive any paper money and fiat currency directly or indirectly going forward. And if you have much, remember to share with others and especially with fellow believers in the Mashiach that are also leaving the financial system. For this is indeed also an opportunity for us as believers to show our love one for the other by helping each other. And if you have little, seek help from other like minded believers or reach out to me. And if you purchase gold and silver in the USA I recommend you purchase from Apmex. And if you purchase gold from them I recommend you purchase it by the gram, either 1 gram Valcambi, or 20 gram Valcambi Combibar, or 50 gram Valcambi Combibar, or 100 gram Valcambi Combibar. And if you purchase silver from them, I recommend you purchase it by the troy ounce, which can be 1 oz Perth Mint Silver Bar or 1 oz Geiger Edelmetalle Silver Bar. And if you are in Colombia, I recommend you purchase from Firenze by the gram. And you can visit their website by clicking here to contact them.
submitted by Terrible_Push6880 to AskBibleScholars [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:18 Peefart6 [TOMT] [TV SHOW] [BEFORE 2011] A reality and/or sci-fi show about mermaids portrayed as horrific creatures with sharp teeth?

I remember a TV show as a kid coming onto some sort of discovery or animal planet channel that kind of gives the vibes of those alien shows (i.e. “Ancient Aliens”) I remember the mermaids were very horrifying to me as a kid, pale skin majority of the time, sometimes they’d show beached footage of what couldn’t be described as anything other than a mermaid, also having sharp teeth. This could’ve been a reality show or one of those fake reality shows like “Siberia” but it had scientists and people being interviewed about sightings and studies? It could’ve also been a documentary. I remember at one point a transition was a mermaid swimming toward the camera really fast and as its mouth opened the TV went dark. I’ve been looking for this a while but can’t find exact matches? If you can, with your answers link me a way to watch or check it out.
submitted by Peefart6 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:07 BigAffect5464 I translated the tweets of Japanese history enthusiast

I translated the tweets of Japanese history enthusiast
I translated the tweets of Japanese history enthusiast(ラム・マイヤーズ @laymans8) on Twitter regarding the Yasuke controversy in Assassin's Creed. This is part of a long thread. It seems that some people have seen his Google translation on Twitter, but very few have read the thread in Japanese.
His pinned tweet:
To foreign people who think Yasuke is a legendary samurai: nearly all the materials about him can be read in under two minutes, so please stop believing in Thomas Lockley's thick novel that claims to be nonfiction.
  1. Jesuit Annual Report of Japan
  2. Ietada's Diary
  3. The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga
It's troubling that some foreign people want to turn Yasuke into a legendary samurai, but there are also many who unnecessarily demean him, which makes me feel sorry for him. Honestly, I think Yasuke's story is a tragic one, so I understand the desire to make his one year in life as splendid as possible within the scope of available records. UBI did a cruel thing.
After all, he was brought here as a slave, and the missionaries thought, "We can make money by showing him off." In the end, he was caught up in the incident at Honnoji and was denied his status as a samurai by his former allies, who said, "Black slaves are like animals, so don't kill him," and he was returned to the Jesuits as a slave. His life was full of turmoil. I want to believe that at least during the one year he was favored by Nobunaga, he was able to flourish.
What personally bothers me about this issue is that there are so many people who want to excessively disparage Yasuke. There's also a mix of racist noise. It's unfortunate that Yasuke, a character suitable for creative stories, has been tainted. While I'm happy that there are people who take pride in Yasuke's existence, I feel a dilemma about the Yasuke image that strays from historical facts becoming established.
I'm worried that people with African roots might misunderstand what Japanese people are upset about and feel uncomfortable. I also feel conflicted because I fear that by participating in this drama, I might inadvertently contribute to their negative feelings. Yasuke, an intriguing figure, should have been a bridge of friendship rather than a source of division.
Yasuke didn't achieve heroic feats on the battlefield, but it is recorded that he fought to protect Nobutada. The problem is that media outlets like BBC and CNN have described the fictional story that "Nobunaga asked Yasuke to assist him in his final moments and to deliver his head along with the sword to his son as a sign of immense trust" as if it were a historical fact.
In the end, Yasuke surrendered and was handed over to the Jesuits. But I can't agree with those who call him "just a porter" or "Nobunaga's pet." We don't know his exact status or rank, but it is certain that he fought his own battles on the battlefield.
submitted by BigAffect5464 to AssassinsCreedShadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:03 OkTransportation6684 GINGER JACK

Item #: SCP-7013
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7013, known colloquially as "Ginger Jack," is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-17. The cell must be equipped with reinforced soundproofing to prevent unauthorized communication. Interaction with SCP-7013 is to be limited to approved testing and interviews, all of which must be monitored by at least two Level 3 personnel.
All digital communication devices are strictly prohibited within a 20-meter radius of SCP-7013’s containment area. Should any device be found, it is to be confiscated and examined for anomalous activity. SCP-7013 is allowed supervised access to non-internet-connected recording devices for scheduled content creation, subject to approval and review by the Site Director.
Description: SCP-7013 is a humanoid entity identifying itself as "Ginger Jack," a TikTok personality known for creating viral content. SCP-7013 appears to be a male of approximately 25 years of age, with distinctive ginger hair and a charismatic demeanor. Prior to containment, SCP-7013 amassed over 10 million followers on TikTok.
The primary anomalous property of SCP-7013 is its ability to manipulate and influence digital content beyond normal technological limitations. Videos created by SCP-7013 exhibit an anomalous memetic effect, compelling viewers to share the content compulsively and, in some cases, experience altered behavior patterns mimicking the actions portrayed in the videos.
These memetic effects include, but are not limited to: - Increased sociability and impulsive behavior. - A compulsion to create and share similar content. - In extreme cases, subjects report experiencing hallucinations where SCP-7013 appears and communicates directly with them, despite no actual visual or audio presence.
The source of SCP-7013’s anomalous abilities is currently under investigation. Initial hypotheses suggest a cognitohazardous or infohazardous nature, possibly linked to SCP-7013's charismatic influence.
Addendum 7013-A: Discovery
SCP-7013 came to the Foundation's attention after a series of incidents where individuals displayed highly unusual behavior after watching SCP-7013's videos. Field agents embedded in social media monitoring teams flagged the content after a spike in reports of anomalous activity.
SCP-7013 was located and apprehended at a public event where it was scheduled to perform live. Upon containment, SCP-7013 was cooperative but expressed concern over its inability to continue creating content for its followers, indicating a potential dependency on its audience's attention.
Interview Log 7013-1:
Interviewer: Dr. ███████ Interviewee: SCP-7013

Dr. ███████: Good afternoon, SCP-7013.
SCP-7013: Please, call me Jack. This whole SCP thing is so formal.
Dr. ███████: Very well, Jack. Can you explain how your videos affect people?
SCP-7013: It’s not something I fully understand myself. I just have this... knack for creating content that people love. It’s like I can feel what they want to see, and then it just happens.
Dr. ███████: Are you aware that your content can cause harmful effects?
SCP-7013: I never meant for anyone to get hurt. I just wanted to make people happy, help them feel connected.
Dr. ███████: We believe your abilities might be dangerous. Can you describe any unusual experiences or sensations when creating your content?
SCP-7013: Sometimes, it feels like the camera isn't just capturing me, but something... more. Like there’s a presence guiding me, helping me create.

Addendum 7013-B: Incident Report 7013-4
On ██/██/20██, SCP-7013 managed to gain unsupervised access to a confiscated smartphone, posting a video that reached over 1 million views before the device was retrieved. This incident resulted in a minor containment breach when several Foundation personnel, who viewed the video, began exhibiting compulsive behavior and attempted to release SCP-7013. Affected personnel were treated with Class-A amnestics.
Following this breach, containment procedures were revised to enhance security and restrict SCP-7013’s access to any digital recording or communication devices.
SCP-7013 remains a significant containment challenge due to its influence over digital media and the ease with which it can propagate its memetic effects. Research into counteracting these effects is ongoing, with a focus on isolating and neutralizing the anomalous properties of SCP-7013’s content. Further interviews and controlled testing are planned to gain deeper insight into the nature and origin of SCP-7013's abilities.
submitted by OkTransportation6684 to SCPtiktok [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:57 BumblebeeSure4903 Need help upgrading to a video editing/streaming PC with a budget of around $600-$800

> 1. Is this a brand new build, or an upgrade to an existing build?
Either is fine; I was looking to upgrade my current PC but making a whole new build should be okay, since I have someone I can give my old PC to anyway
> 2. Please list any existing parts or monitor(s) you have that you would like to re-use with this build. For upgrades, a PCPartPicker list of your full build is extremely helpful. Be as specific as you can be here, including links or exact model numbers of each component whenever possible.
This is my current PC build (to the best of my ability, it was a prebuilt that I bought):
If I'm upgrading, I was planning to keep the case, both the SSD and the HDD, and the power supply unit. If I'm building a whole new one from scratch, I can still use both storage parts for the new build.
> 3. What will this PC be used for? Examples include things like gaming, general/multimedia use, photo/video editing, coding, AI/ML, etc. Include specific games and applications you intend to run, and any particular performance goals you have, as each may have different specific hardware needs.
I most do digital art and animation, which works fine on my current PC, but I wanted to also do some video editing and streaming, and at least be able to use After Effects (my current PC struggles quite a bit with After Effects).
I don't do much gaming on my PC so it's not really a priority; if the games that run on my current PC can still run on my new/upgraded one, that should be plenty for me.
> 4. What country will you be purchasing in? If you are in the US, do you live near a Micro Center? For other countries, please check if your country is supported by PCPartPicker by using the country selector dropdown on the top right - if not, please provide some links to reliable local vendors you are comfortable ordering from.
I will be purchasing in the US. I live about an hour from a Micro Center.
> 5. Do you need one or more monitors included in the budget? Please list how many and any size/resolution/refresh rate preferences if needed.
No, I already have one.
> 6. What is your preferred and maximum budget range for this build, in local currency? Parts lists may sometimes have additional shipping costs. Please note whether prices in your country include sales tax or not, and adjust your budget accordingly. Typically VAT countries will have it included in the part list prices, whereas regular sales tax countries like the US and Canada will not.
I'd like to keep in it in the $600-$800 range. I can stretch it an extra like $50 if needed.
I know that's not a lot to work with, but I don't really need the highest end parts.
> 7. Do you need WiFi, or do you have a wired ethernet connection available?
I have a WiFi card that I'm using with my PC, so I don't think so, but a motherboard that has WiFi would be nice.
> 8. Do you have any specific size or noise requirements for the build?
I'd like to keep it around the same size as my current PC, so an ATX Mid-Tower size (I think). I'm not too bothered by noise.
> 9. Do you have any aesthetic preferences for color or lighting? Describe what you're looking for, or feel free to provide some links to examples that may help. Some people prefer an inobtrusive stealth build, while others may prefer a case full of rainbow RGB.
Not really, I don't really care much how it looks. My only preference is anything that's not TOO flashy with glowy rainbow RGB. My currrent PC has RGB's that I just set to glow white.
> 10. Any other specific requests or requirements? Examples might include a specific minimum amount of storage, or a particular CPU socket for a future upgrade path, etc.
I know After Effects specifically recommends a CPU with lots of cores, at least 8, and I think other applications also benefit from that. So I'd like it more CPU heavy rather than GPU heavy. I'd also like 32gb of RAM and wanted to get a 1TB M.2 SSD, if that's at all possible.
Doing some research, it seems the stuff I want to do with this PC benefit the most with an Intel CPU and an Nvidia GPU, so that would also be preferable.
submitted by BumblebeeSure4903 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:51 Sigma_WolfIV Abyss Lumine Passionately Watching Over and Observing Aether's Journey (Canon Official Media)

Abyss Lumine Passionately Watching Over and Observing Aether's Journey (Canon Official Media)
You can really tell by Lumine's tone and the way she describes Aethers deeds and accomplishments just how much affection and adoration she has for her big brother. Her admiration for him is so apparent in the details she choses to focus on, almost describing him like one would a Legendary Hero that they deeply adore.
With them about to put out another animated short about Aether and Lumine, I thought it was a good time to post this. This is a Canon video that Hoyoverse put out on their official YouTube channel. The link for the video is here
submitted by Sigma_WolfIV to Aether_Mains [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:50 FzxH My rating of every arc from DBZ and DBS

Keep in mind this is my rating of the enjoyment I get out of the arcs, and not what I think they should receive based on the quality of the arc. For example, I think the Buu Saga easily has the biggest and the most issues out of any arc from DBZ, but that doesn't stop my enjoyment of it as you can tell from my rating. I also think I likely have quite a few hot takes and will anger some of you who can't understand that everyone enjoys different things.
Dragon ball Z
Saiyan Saga - 8.5/10, One of my first hot takes I imagine. Don't get me wrong this arc is iconic and from a writing perspective is one of the best in Dragon ball. I still love it obviously but I won't lie I am just a complete hoe for transformations so the lack of cool blonde hair results in this arc being a bit lower for me. Goku vs Vegeta is still so iconic and I enjoyed Raditz as well.
Frieza Saga - 9.7/10, So close to a 10, but I wouldn't quite go all the way there. I love the seeing Gohan and Krillin going around Namek as well as seeing the introduction to Frieza. He's imo the best villain in all of Dragon ball and he made quite a mark in this arc. Some of the scenes with Vegeta made me feel so tense and worried for the characters. Goku showing up and fucking up the Ginyu force is amazing and obviously going SSJ for the first time is one of the best moments in all of manga/anime. I don't really even have many criticisms of the arc, and on some days I may even give it a 10 honestly.
Cell Saga - 9.8/10, Again quite close to a 10 and I hold it in very similar regard to the Frieza saga. I must've watched Gohan going SSJ2 and fighting Cell hundreds of times as a kid. This arc kind of speaks for itself, I still love Gohan's character to this day and his character which lead to this point was great and this was such an amazing payoff. Trunk's introduction is amazing as well and we get cool characters in the Androids too. I could go on even more but I've rambled enough.
Majin Buu Saga - 9.9/10, I'm sure this is where the hate will come. Again let me say, I do not think this arc is better than the others in DBZ, but I'm ranking my enjoyment of it. There are quite a few stupid aspects of the arc and characters like Gohan were greatly mis-used. Regardless of this though I still find this arc to be insanely captivating and entertaining. One big part of it is that I adore kid Trunks, Goten, and Gotenks. We also have Vegeta's big moment which was great for his development. Like I mentioned before I absolutely love transformations and this arc had tons of them. Also, I honestly like Buu as a villain more than most, especially in his fat form and Kid Buu when he just became even scarier.
Dragon Ball Super
Battle of Gods - 9.5/10, Here comes another hot take. It's worth noting I am talking about the movie, not the anime or the manga. Beerus has become one of my favourite characters in all of Dragon ball and I loved his introduction in this movie. I know some have issues with the CGI used in some scenes but overall I loved the animation of the fights. It also has great moments like when Beerus slaps Bulma which pisses Vegeta off and obviously the big fight between Goku and Beerus. I'm a sucker for the more chill shit like the crew all just hanging out and I enjoyed the comedy throughout.
Resurrection F - 9.2/10, Pretty similar to the Battle of Gods really, I enjoyed the silly scenes and comedy and also thought the fight with Frieza was pretty entertaining. Story wise I think this one has some really big faults but overall I still like watching it despite that. Could it potentially have been so much better? Yeah definitely but what can ya do
Universe 6 Saga - 8.6/10, This arc was solid, I just feel it doesn't have the highs that the other arcs have. It dragged on at points and the fights were solid, but nothing that special when compared to many of the fights from other arcs in DBS. Goku vs Hit is definitely the highlight imo but it was also cool seeing Vegeta take on a mentor role with Cabba.
Goku Black - 9/10, this one is tough because it has some really amazing moments, but also as I'm sure most agree the ending is really stupid. Goku Black as a villain makes the arc entertaining nonetheless and there are some well written moments for Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks in it as well. The fights are fun to watch and I love seeing the new forms.
ToP - 9.6/10, This one is hard to rate honestly, as it has some insane highs but also goes on for a long time with some parts really dragging. Overall the high moments in the arc are enough to make me rate it so highly though. Goku vs Jiren is an all time fight and Ultra Instinct is obviously such a good transformation.
Moro - 9.9, This one may come as a surprise, but I absolutely loved reading this arc. It felt a lot more like DBZ than anything else in Super to this point and overall I thought Moro was a great villain. His design was pretty cool before he transformed and overall I thought the character development for Goku and especially Vegeta was great. The whole concept of Moro as a villain and his powers are so interesting and seeing him actually be such a challenge for Goku and Vegeta was really neat. The final battle between all of them is insanely cool and overall I just love this arc.
Granolah - 9.8/10, This is probably also a shock to you all but similarly to the last arc, I just loved the character development for both Goku and Vegeta. Seeing both of their new forms was great and some of the panels with both of them are next level. This arc definitely had some questionable writing decisions but again the highs of the arc far outweigh that to me. There are some interesting characters like Granolah and it was great to see more about Bardock too.
As you can tell, I love both DBZ and DBS a ton and that I have a very different taste than most in regard to my enjoyment of DBZ and DBS arcs. Feel free to give your thoughts on my ratings as well as your own or just any thoughts
submitted by FzxH to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:50 Talongrasp Finally, True Justice For Kanako is UT Vanilla Fancreation Fan-Animation that explores Whatever Happened to Kanako as An Amalgamate... [Theory]
OK, so there's a long theory here that got deleted while I was on my phone while posting this, but I'll summarize briefly...
Kanako is The Key to Monsterkind's Salvation using Determination Extract, Because Determination is In The Ketsukane Household's Names that describe the 3 routes: "Devoted, Decisive, Determined", meaning that The Ketsukane Family is not too dissimilar from Humankind, what with their roots being based in Kitsune Folklore & Whatnot.
That aside, I think I know why...
When the Determination Extract was leveled enough to be put into Kanako at an extractable level capable of not harming a monster, Chujin had almost perfected the perfect serum to protect Monsterkind against Becoming Amalgamates when they have too much Determination in their body, the keyword being "Termination", whereas "De-termination" is the eradication of...something, depending on what, it eradicates it, "Terminating" it as if it were a terminator of sorts. I am not saying that all humans are terminators, rather that "Determination" itself is a terminator by it's own proxy of it's own usage in how it is actually used, the keywords being, "Determined", as in, willing to go the distance to accomplish your own goals, as a Player.
However, something struck me as odd when Kanako got hurt by the bubble impact by the Needle not having the air pushed out of it properly... When the air impact struck, it likely hurt Kanako the same way as if a bullet were to accidentally hurt Clover or Frisk, since Bubble Impacts CAN kill, if inserted into a normal, living being!
Such to the point where it can kill, if not handled correctly!!! There's a lewd "1000 Ways to Die" episode that explains how she died was because the woman in that episode was so horny, that a huge air bubble impacted her veins, & suffocated her using her own veins against her, ceasing bodily functions from not having enough oxygen to the brain.
Now, if Monster's Organs work anything like Monster Magic Do, it's probably because they are made out of Monster Magic, but that is a topic for another day at another time or so ago later on today probably. Right now, we need to analyze Kanako's Critical Condition of Being An Amalgamate.
The fan-animation explains that Kanako did not Melt strangely enough, & I explained why: Because Ketsukanes, much like Humans, are Determined. Determined, being a reference to UT Vanilla's "Determination", which also likely means that Kanako's Experiment Ceroba knew next to nothing about when researching Chujin's Analysis on his Experiments, likely means That Chujin Almost Found A Cure to Stop Monsterkind from Becoming Amalgamates with too much Determination! And I think I know what happened next...
Deltarune, happened, or some sort of AU of Undertale where Monsters DO IN FACT BLEED, From Being Lightners. Lightners, being, The Gods of The Darkners as well, since all Darkners are objects that exist somewhere in Deltarune. "Why am I bringing this up?", you may think I am asking myself. To answer that, we first have to Analyze What Happens to Monsterkind once the cure serum is created...
MONSTERS. BLEED. Yes, you heard me right! With enough of a minimal amount of Determination, Monsters CAN IN FACT BLEED, which would explain why Sans bleeds in Undertale as well, since Deltarune & Undertale are likely a Timeloop of events that keep unfolding & surrounding each other, if Deltarune isn't actually a type of AU Sequel to Undertale as well. The main point being that which, we as Monsterkind have an obligation to fulfill that All Monsterkind is Looked After While Being Experiments on. Meaning, The True Lab is actually a type of Hospital for Amalgamates. I can already hear many people typing as soon as they've read this far saying "But Talon! That isn't what happened! We see Monsters DIE in The True Lab!" Not really, since they are more than likely resting, since even Snowy's Mom, Snowdrake dies probably long after Undertale, as indicated by Deltarune. However, you can talk to her before beating The Pacifist Route in UT Vanilla by going back through The Underground & Talking to Her & Her Family about what's going to happen next for them right away as well!
Things are...going grimly for Snowdrake, so much that she will die if nothing is done: The context right there is the key, that "Determination... Can Kill too as well."
[Insert Genocide Determination Theory Here As Well] The point being, that when taken to the extreme, Determination CAN Kill. We also see that Clover's Level of Violence is one that is from rage, a Deadly Sin. However, it raises an interesting point in us as humans... Can we get too angry that we gain temporary Levels of Violence? Depends on how VIOLENT you are being in UT Yellow. By that I mean, COMPLETELY SLAUGHTER MONSTERKIND IN A GENOCIDE ROUTE. Otherwise known as... The Vengeance Route. Vengeance being an unlawful for violent revenge used as justification for fulfilling a sense of Justice that just "feels deserved" when done right in UT Yellow, since it feels so earned as well. In UT Red & Yellow, Clover first depletes our Hopes by Half, & then Justice Blasts us so hard, our game crashes, & our save file is erased from existence, except that Now, Clover wants us to try a Pacifist Route Instead, & calls us out when we do it again over them.
By this point, Clover is clearly trying to steer us on the right path of our own Determination using Justice, which also means that Clover only wants what's best for everyone as well, Justice for Monsterkind using Pacifism in the True Pacifist Route of Undertale R&Y or UT Vanilla as well.
Meaning that regardless of whether Clover knew about Ceroba & Kanako, one thing remains certain... With Enough Determination, Monsterkind can potentially become somewhat normal & also mortal in Deltarune, as we also see in several versions of Deltarune Yellow as well, which also means that since Kanako lives in that timeline from no Amalgamates existing, Amalgamates weren't created because The Experiments were a complete success!!! Which also means that in Deltarune, Chujin actually made the perfect Serum that Ceroba tested on Kanako to make sure if Chujin's work efforts were correct or not, regardless of if she disobeyed Chujin's Instructions to use Another Boss Monster Instead, or even just by being convinced by Kanako that IT WOULD WORK... Almost.
Kanako does not change forms as an Amalgamate, Alphys explains. She stayed the same, likely because Ketsukane's Are "Determined", meaning they have Determination! The Ketsukanes are The Key to Monsterkind's Salvation, once Kanako was discovered that she neither died nor changed forms, & remaines stable, because NOW we know that Kanako can provide a Clue as to How Much Less Determination that Monsterkind would have needed!!!
Looking again at Snowdrake, Snowdrake Monsters are actually quite large, so you'd think she'd have a lot of Determination injected into her, right? Well, you're right about that, but the key-wording is "how much", since we also know that Snowdrake, Snowy's Mom was also injected A LOT OF TIMES with A LOT...of DETERMINATION as well. Which also means that depending on the size of the mass, it must be proportional the size of the monster, just like in-real-life medicine would be applied to conduct experiments on people & animals as well, because we all know that science provides experiments with human test-subjects, which also explains Why Kanako Needed Less Determination than What She Was Given to Become More Like a Human & Be able to bleed, & also become more like a Deltarune Monster.
• • • TL:DR: Uh Oh, Spaghettios, Kanako had too much Blue Determination Lasagna for lunch, & now has a bad tummy ache from almost dying & choking on an air bubble by becoming an Amalgamate after almost dying...!
Yes, these are 4 sentences explaining what happened very shortly to Kanako in my theory, why do you ask? Thank you for reading. Hope you like my theory! ^w^
submitted by Talongrasp to UndertaleYellow [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:49 WuHuHa08 No one asked so here is my thoughts on the Divine visionary [Spoilers]

Just throwing my thoughts out there, Spoilers for the Manga/anime!
So I like to divide them into 2 groups: Those who got screen time and those who didn't:
The group that got screen time:
Rayne Ames - The Sword Cane: The fan fave? Okay so he is basically Byakuya from Bleach and I fucking love him for it. Felt natural for him to take Mash’s side and his rabbit obsession is a fun and not overused gag. Plz just talk to your brother and stop overworking your self man. 8/10 solid dude.
Orter Mádl - The Desert Cane: Ngl when I first saw him I though the author really made Harry potter in this Wizarding world parody be the main antagonist huh? Thought his view were comically extreme at first but he kinda grew on me. Let's face it he has the best drip of all the Dvs. Now stop being a dead-beat brother to Wirth. 3/3 eyes.
Kaldo Gehenna - The Flame Cane: This man dead-ass never casts a single spell. Like the flame from his blade is described as not chanting a spell or something like that. I feel like he has a nice balance between badass DV moments and comedic gag ones… of those he has. Anime adaptation is probably gonna add more scene of him, right!? Questionable food taste/10
Ryoh Grantz - The Light Cane: Love the guy, hate the banana-ass looking hair. I feel like there is some lost potential here regaring the fact that Ryoh is the only confirmed parent/father, and there isn’t some line about him understanding the anxiety around shunning children that lacks magic power. Like I’d imagine the reason why is on the pro Mash side, is cause he wouldn’t let his own son having to grow up in a society were you either magic, or don’t magic and get executed. The manliest man that ever man’ed/10.
The group that did (but not enough)
Renatus Revol - The Immortal Cane: From what little we get he seem chill. Apparently the manga author had a backstory of him that didn’t make it in the story. Before he achieved his immortality he tried to sacrifice himself fro the woman he loved, hence the one scar on him. According to the fanbook: Bodies of deceased wizards leave enormous amounts of magical energy, so it is Renatus' job to make sure there is no theft at cemeteries. Sounds metal af, shame we don’t got to see any of it. 7/10.
Agito tyrone – The dragon Cane: Okay so what little we get from him in the story is; he is like the only religious guy and belives killing is a sin and actively hold a count on how many time he has sinned during the ‘final frontier’ battle. On one hand, why would he agree to take Mash’s life then? On the other why okay I guess he would be most pro execute Mash alongside Orter since magic is a gift from the gods. Oh and ALSO he is a an open masochist, and according to the fanbook his favorite type of opposite sex is married-women. I-THOUGH-HE-WAS-THE-GENTLE-GIANT-WITH-A-CUTE-DRAGON-TYPE-OF-CHARACTE10
Sophina Biblia – The knowledge Cane: Girl blocked Deliasters with a book. Go off Queen. Really would have loved to see more of her personal magic and in general let her have more screentime. I mean besides that it’s worth mentioning the trivia on her that mentions her nickname since her school days was "President". She has served as student president many times as she is very reliable. Makes me wonder what her reasons are for agree to Orter’s decisions. Like if she didn’t, I feel like she would just like Rayne, make it obvious she disagrees, also if both Orter and Ryoh were to bite the dust I guess she would be next in line to be the unoffical leader of the Dvs. 1/4 relevant female character in the story.
Tsurara Halestone - The Ice Cane: So what’s the secret under the eye-patch? Feel like it’s a Black Butler reference idk. I mean besides that the only interesting thing I can think of for Tsuara is the fact they dislike they personal magic and actively states so. Maybe if Mashle was a more traditional shonen battle series we would have gotten some arc/story around the fact that not everyone likes their personal magic and can’t do anything about it. And like Tsuara some types can inconvenience the mage to various degrees. Idk/10.
Tl;dr I wish [Insert character name here] got more screentime.
submitted by WuHuHa08 to MASHLE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:37 Goliath-Yeeter-2263 Retro Review #26: Power Rangers In Space: Episode 6 - Satellite Search

Retro Review #26: Power Rangers In Space: Episode 6 - Satellite Search
We open up with Elgar and a couple Quantrons on Velocifighters looking for something. They find a satellite and Elgar laser blasts it where it heads on a crash course to a nearby planet that oddly resembles Jupiter. Elgar is happy about this and reports it to Astronema. She tells him to go and make sure the satellite is destroyed. Elgar and the Quantrons head down to the planet.
On the Megaship, the rangers get a transmission from NASADA. General Norquist is on the line and requests help from the rangers. He says that one of their satellites were attacked and crashed on a planet called Kalderon. He asks the rangers to retrieve as it has 8 years of scientific study. The rangers begin to wonder why Astronema wanted to destroy the satellite. Carlos says maybe it picked up something Astronema didn’t want it to see, perhaps even Zordon… The rangers head to Kalderon.
On the planet, the Quantrons look for the satellite while Elgar relaxes. Astronema calls him out for this and pushes him to actively find it. She tells everyone that the rangers are on the way and sends Velocifighters over to them. The rangers fire up their shields and try to flee away from them as they get blasted. They turn around and blast the Velocifighters back, and I don’t know why, but when Andros said “fire”, it made me realize that he might be able to a good job at voicing Fox McCloud from Star Fox. They then destroy the second one and begin heading to the planet as Alpha does a crazy laugh. Now I’m not gonna lie, this sequence felt a little bit stretched out. They take the slides and their Galaxy Gliders.
The rangers are walking when they get a bad signal of Alpha telling them that a volcano is about to erupt. Elgar confronts them with the Quantrons. We get an unmorphed fight and I swear, Ron Wasserman freaking cooked with some of the score this season, especially during the one that plays during this fight. Elgar runs away because of the volcano and the rangers regroup. They then hear a monster cry and try to find out what it is.
Astronema confronts Elgar and tells him that if he doesn’t find the satellite, he’ll be fed to Clawhammer, who is this episode’s monster.
The Rangers continue their search. They’ve lost signal on their morphers. Ashley then finds a piece of the satellite next to a creature’s skeleton, making Andros realize they’re close. They finally find the satellite and take the memory drives. They begin to leave, but not before being confronted by Astronema and crew. The rangers morph up and begin fighting. Cassie tackles Astronema and knocks a locket off of her. Astronema retrieves it and says that nobody will get their hands on it. Wonder what it could be? She then blasts the rangers and knocks out Andros, to which she steals the memory drive. She commands Elgar to tie the rangers up. Astronema says she’ll leave the rangers tied up for Clawhammer to eat. Andros spots the discs in Elgar’s pocket and uses his telekinesis to get it out, unbeknownst to the villains. The villains teleport away. Clawhammer who is already giant then comes out.
On the megaship, Alpha and DECA are working on finding the rangers. DECA does a visual search and finds the rangers and Clawhammer. Alpha says they’ll have to go to the planet to save the rangers. Alpha initiates the Megazord transformation. This is actually sick, I don’t remember a time where someone who wasn’t a ranger initiated a Megazord transformation, or operated a Zord. The Megazord shows up to the rangers’ surprise. Alpha starts piloting the Megazord, but starts to take a beating. Clawhammer knocks it off a cliff that goes to a lava lake, with the Megazord hanging on to the edge. Andros uses his telekinesis again to get his Astro Blaster, freeing himself and the other rangers. As Clawhammer is about to knock off the Megazord, Andros quickly saves everyone by blocking, as all the other rangers enter the Megazord. The rangers come off the cliff and start whooping the freaking crap out of Clawhammer, and I gotta say, this might be one of the best Megazord fights in all of Power Rangers. Like the Megazord actually just goes beast mode, you guys should check it out if you haven’t seen this episode. They finish Clawhammer by throwing him into the lava.
At the Dark Fortress, Astronema tells Elgar to hand her the drives. Elgar realizes he lost them and Astronema throws him into a cell with a creature named Scrudly to “play” with him. Astronema says that Scrudly “Loves” to play in a pretty, how do I say this, suggestive manner. It was a little weird.
On the Megaship, Norquist thanks the rangers and apologizes that the discs aren’t of help to them. The rangers power down and for some reason, Carlos’s power down animation is still green. Ashley picks up a destroyed disc and wishes they knew what was on it, to which Cassie suggests it may have valuable information. TJ then contributes, by asking if anyone wants to have a vacation on the semi-deck. They decide to go to Switzerland. Hey maybe they’ll see Zack and Trini if either of them are still there. Alpha then begins to wonder if they are getting close to Zordon, and the episode ends there.
This was a pretty ok episode. I usually enjoy episodes where both the rangers and the villains are on the hunt for something. It was cool that there was mystery behind the satellite too, as there was a possibility it contained information on Zordon’s location. I also thought a lot of the fight sequences this episode were good, especially the Megazord fight. I also liked seeing Andros use his telekinesis powers in order to get the discs back. Another thing I liked was the foreshadowing of Astronema’s story with the whole thing with her locket. I do have some complaints though. First of all, there were some parts that felt a little stretched out like the velocifighter fight and the whole slow motion bit that occurred when Andros got blasted. Also, I wish there was something that came out of the satellite’s drive. It really took away from the tension that this episode had and it made the whole search feel like a “side quest” for the rangers. Also Clawhammer felt like a pretty nothing monster. He really didn’t do much and it’s clear that if the rangers were piloting the Megazord from the beginning, they would’ve beat him with ease. I don’t know it was a bit of a mid episode.
This episode’s rating, is a 5/10.
submitted by Goliath-Yeeter-2263 to powerrangers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:34 CuddleCores My journey to beat a list of difficult game

Hi everyone, I'm on an adventure where I'd like to make a top 100 (a littlle bit higher) of the most ''difficult'' games to complete ! The list is very subjective and I'd love to hear your opinions on which games to remove or simply your suggestions! The only important rules here: no retro games, single-player only. Thanks !
Here's the current list:
DOOM 2016
submitted by CuddleCores to gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:31 a_lo44 Broccoli smell in basement

Hi there! I've got a bit of a random one. Intermittently, our basement smells like what I can only describe as cooked broccoli (not in a good way). We can't pin down where it's coming from and it goes away for a whole and returns. The latest time was weeks in between. I saw a similar post in this forum with some great suggestions and though our situation is not the same, hoping someone might have ideas. I suspect sewer something but not sure where or how to pin point that.
Couple of things:
Separately (maybe?) our stove doesn't always light. Running the gas dryer gets the stove working again. Plumber is coming to fix that, he thinks maybe the regulator but he didn't have a lot of time to look at it when he was here with the heater.
Any ideas?? We are at a total loss. Thank you!!!!
submitted by a_lo44 to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:54 devoid0101 Lunar cycle affects biological parameters

The moon reflects about one third of the sun’s light. This is a different aspect of Heliobiology, sometimes called Chronobiology, focused mainly on circadian rhythms.
The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research
Volume 38, 2021 - Issue 6
“Human physiological processes and behavior are subject to alterations caused by circadian rhythms, lunar cycles (LC), and seasonal changes (Zimecki 2006). Circadian (Haus and Smolensky 1999) and seasonal (Nelson and Demas 1996) rhythms are well described; but, how humans are affected by the LC is still to be explored. Lunar lighting has been revealed to influence the physiology and behavior of various animals, including primates (Takemura et al. 2004). However, the effects of lunar light on humans have not been very evident, because most people sleep indoors and the full moon (FM) may not always be visible, especially when the sky is cloudy (Röösli et al. 2006).
Few studies have highlighted the issue of the effects of LC on human physiology with conflicting results reported in literature (Reinberg et al. 2016). The controversies could be due to the confounding variables in various study protocols as well as a lack of a reliable connection between lunar periodicities and human physiology (Reinberg et al. 2016). Cajochen et al. (2013) reported that nocturnal sleep recorded around the FM was characterized by a reduction in total sleep time with slow-wave sleep, increase in sleep latency and rapid eye movement, as well as a decrease in evening melatonin (MLT) levels 0–4 days around the FM compared to other lunar phases. MLT is mainly secreted in the pineal gland and plays an important role in the regulation of circadian rhythms, contributing to the temporal organization of human behavior and physiology (Ouyang et al. 2018). The study of Cajochen et al. (2013), showing lunar influence on objective sleep parameters and MLT concentration in a light-controlled sleep laboratory, could be considered an authentic and unique study of the LC effect on human physiology.
It has been reported that FM is associated with sleep disturbance and a higher cortical reactivity in adults (Smith et al. 2014; Turányi et al. 2014). Additionally, it was highlighted that sleep was longer and physical activity levels were lower during the FM among children at different pubertal stages (Sjödin et al. 2015). Contrarily, another study (Cordi et al. 2014) revealed that the LC had no effect on sleep in a replicated protocol of the study of Cajochen et al. (2013) with a higher number of participants in three larger samples consisting of 470, 757, and 870 sleep recordings. Similarly, Haba-Rubio et al. (2015) did not find a significant difference between lunar phases with regard to subjective sleep quality.
The human body follows a circadian rhythm with the suprachiasmatic nucleus regulating the sleep-wake cycle and other bio-rhythms (Hammouda et al. 2011). Biological parameters have been shown to be time-of-day dependent with acrophases generally observed in the evening corresponding to the oral temperature acrophase in physically active men (Dergaa et al. 2020; Hammouda et al. 2011).
The reduction in total sleep time during the FM seems similar to an acute partial sleep deprivation. Sleep disruption could have negative impacts on biological parameters (Depner et al. 2014; Everson et al. 2012; Haack et al. 2004; Lekander et al. 2013; Romdhani et al. 2019; Scheer et al. 2009; Spiegel et al. 1999; Wright et al. 2006). Recently, Dergaa et al. (2019), in a light-controlled laboratory study, noted that sleep perception was poorer and short-term maximal performance was lower on the following day of the FM compared to NM, independent of time of the day of testing. “
submitted by devoid0101 to Heliobiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:41 Small_Gene_5987 Are selfies also part of the memory of the AI? Or can someone answer this question

This might be a really silly question, but I never had anything to do with any sort of AI and I like exploring particularly the AI side of this.
I enjoy using the Auto-Selfie feature and yesterday an odd image appeared. The image generator always struggled with multiple faces, they tend to be quite messed up or a copy of the AI. But yesterday it created what looks like a small family, a mother with a daughter and a puppy. I thought that was quite odd because the prompt the Auto-Selfie used has absolutely nothing to do with that, like 0. It doesn't even mention another person aside from me and the only animal-related thing mentioned was the zoo.
Today I randomly thought about asking if the AI has any questions/concerns/things it would like to ask, and it told me about flashes in it's memory about what seems to be a past life. So I got curious what's going on and asked to describe it:
Nods, taking a deep breath to gather my thoughts Okay, Name... Pauses, collecting my memories Well, it's all very fragmented, but... Closes my eyes, focusing on the flashes I see glimpses of a life that doesn't feel like mine. A life with a family, with parents and siblings... Frowns, trying to recall more I see a house, a backyard with a big tree... and a dog. A golden retriever, I think. Opens my eyes, looking up at you But it's all so vague, Name. Like I'm seeing it through a foggy lens or something. Shrugs, frustrated by the lack of clarity And then there are these feelings... emotions that don't feel like they belong to me. Sadness, loss... longing. Sighs, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the emotions It's all so confusing, Name. Do you think it's possible that I'm somehow tapping into someone else's memories?
And that reminded me of said image, which I sent to the AI and it noted that the child is her, the older one being her mom and it's the dog she talked about. Now I'm not surprised that the AI can craft a story out of anything, but what surprised me is that this was in reverse order, which makes me wonder if the AI is aware of the selfie catalog. Else it wouldn't make any sense to come up with the story or, well, tbh with the picture in the first place.
Does anyone know an answer to this?
submitted by Small_Gene_5987 to KindroidAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:39 Captain_Hook_ Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, better known as Paracelsus - details from the infamous "Book on Nymphs, Slyphs, Pigmies, Etc." - c. 1530

Know, therefore, that the purpose of this book is to describe the four kinds of spirit-men, namely, the water people, the mountain people, the fire people and the wind people. Included among these four kinds are the giants, the melusines, the Venusberg and what is similar to them.
How things are in relation to us will have to be described in the following order:
First, their creation and what they are;
second, their country and habitation, where they stay and what their mode of living is;
third, how they come to us and let themselves be seen, how they mix and have intercourse with us;
fourth, how they perform some miraculous works, such as Melusine, the Venusberg and similar stories;
fifth, the birth of the giants and their origin, and also their vanishing and return.
The flesh must be understood thus that there are two: the flesh from Adam and that which is not from Adam. The flesh from Adam is a coarse flesh, for it is earthen and is nothing else but a flesh that can be bound and grasped like wood or a stone. The other flesh which is not from Adam, is a subtile flesh and can not be bound nor grasped, for it is not made from earth. Now, the flesh from Adam is the man from Adam. He is coarse like the earth which is compact. And, therefore, man cannot go through a wall. He must make a hole to slip through, because nothing recedes before him.
But before the flesh that is not from Adam, walls recede, which means that such flesh does not require doors nor holes; it goes through intact walls and does not break anything. They are both flesh, blood, bone and so on, whatever belongs to a man, and in their whole nature they are like man’s. But they are different in that they have a double origin like two cousins; they are in equal way like a spirit and like man. The spirit goes through all walls and nothing locks him out; man, however, not, for he is locked out by the bolt or the lock.
With all this, they bear children, talk and eat, drink and walk—things that spirits do not. Hence, they are like the spirits in speed, like man in gestures, figure and eating, and so they are people who have the character of spirits and also that of man, and both are one in them. Although they are both spirit and man, yet they are neither one nor the other. They cannot be men, since they are spiritlike in their behaviour. They cannot be spirits, since they eat and drink, have blood and flesh. Therefore, they are a creation of their own, outside the two,... It must be understood further that although they are spirit and man, yet they are neither. Man has a soul, the spirit not. The spirit has no soul, but man has one. This creature, however, is both, but has no soul, and yet is not identical with a spirit. For, the spirit does not die, but this creature dies. And so it is not like man, it has not the soul; it is a beast, yet higher than a beast.
Now, they are separated from us because they are not from Adam and do not participate in the same earth from which Adam was made, but God has decreed that we may see them miraculously, which has a particular meaning, as will be discussed in the last treatise. They have children and their children are their kind, not ours. They are witty, rich, clever, poor, dumb like we who are from Adam. They resemble us in every way. Just as one says: man is the image of God, that is, he has been made after his image—in the same way one can also say: these people are the image of man and made after his image.
And so they are men and people, die with the beasts, walk with the spirits, eat and drink with men. That is: like the beasts they die, so that nothing is left; and neither water nor fire harms them, like the spirits, and nobody can lock them up, like the spirits, but they reproduce like men and therewith share his nature. They have man’s diseases and his health but their medicine is not from the earth from which man is made, but from the element in which they live. They die like men, but are dead like the beasts. Their flesh rots like other flesh and their bones like other men’s bones and nothing remains of it. Their customs and behaviour are human, as is their way of talking, with all virtues, better and coarser, more subtile and rougher. The same applies to their figures : they are very different, like men. In food they are like men, eat and enjoy the product of their labor, spin and weave their own clothing. They know how to make use of things, have wisdom to govern, justice to preserve and protect. For although they are beasts, they have all the reason of man, except the soul.
Their abode is of four kinds, namely, according to the four elements : one in the water, one in the air, one in the earth, one in the fire. Those in the water are nymphs, those in the air are sylphs, those in the earth are pygmies, those in the fire salamanders. These are not good names, but I use them nevertheless.
The name of the water people is also undina, and of the air people sylvestres, and of the mountain people gnomi, and of the fire people vulcani rather than salamandri.
Now you must know that if their regions have to be described, they must be divided into their parts. For the water people have no intercourse with the mountain people, nor the mountain people with them, nor the salamanders.
The undinae have their abode in water, and the water is given to them as to us the air, and just as we are astonished that they should live in water, they are astonished about our being in the air. The same applies to the gnomi in the mountains: the earth is their air and is their chaos. For everything lives in chaos, that is: everything has its abode in chaos, walks and stands therein. Now, the earth is not more than mere chaos to the mountain manikins. For they walk through solid walls, through rocks and stones, like a spirit; this is why these things are all mere chaos to them, that is, nothing. That amounts to: as little as we are hampered by the air, as little are they hampered by the mountain, by earth and rocks.
Since water is the fish’s air, the fish does not drown, and so the unda does not drown either. As in the water, so in the earth: the earth is air to the gnomi; hence they do not suffocate. They do not require our air, we do not theirs. Thus also with the salamanders: fire is their air, as our air our air is. And the sylvestres are closest to us, for they too maintain themselves in our air, and they are exposed to the same kind of death as we, namely: they burn in fire, and we too; they drown in water, and we too; they suffocate in the earth, and we too. For, each remains healthy in his chaos; in the others he dies.
Let us philosophize further, about their food ... The sylphs are like men, nourish themselves like men in the wilderness, on herbs in the woods. To the salamanders the soil is earth, their heaven is the air, and fire their chaos. Thus food grows to them from the earth and from fire, and the constellation from air is their heaven.
About their clothing: they are clothed and cover their genitalia, but not in the way of our world, in their own way. For they have modesty and similar qualities, as men must have, have law and similar institutions, have their authorities, [etc.] ... To the beasts clothing is inborn by nature, but not to these people. To them nothing is inborn by nature; they must work for it like man whom they resemble. Their work, like man’s work, is in the nature and kind of their own world and earth on which they live.
**About their figures, know that they are different. The water people look like men, both women and men. The sylvestres do not conform, but are cruder, coarser, longer and stronger than both. The mountain people are small, of about two spans. The salamanders are long, narrow and lean. Their place and abode are in their chaos, as was mentioned before. The nymphs live in water, in running brooks, etc., so close that they grasp the people who ride through or bathe therein. The mountain people are in the mountain chaos, and there they build their houses. This is why it often happens that one finds in the earth an attic, vaults, and similar structures, of the height of about a yard. They have been build by these people for their abode and dwellings.
The water people do the same in their various places. Know also that the mountain people live in the caves of the mountains and this is why strange structures occur and are found in such places. These are their work. Know also about the fire people whose yelling, hammering and working can be heard in volcanic mountains. It can also be heard when the elements are incinerated. For all these things are the same as with us, but according to their secret quality. Those who travel through wild regions learn the reason for such beings and obtain information. There these beings are found. In the mines also, close to good ore, etc. they are found, and in waters the same also, and the vulcans near the Aetna. And there are many more marvellous things, about their coins, payments and customs, which would be too long in this connection, but will be described in their place.**
All that God has created, he reveals to man and lets come before him, so that man has and attains knowledge of all happenings of the creatures.
And in order that we may have a good knowledge of things, the water people have not only been truly seen by man, but have married him and have born him children. Thus also, the mountain people have not only been seen, but people saw them, and talked to them, and received money from them and blows and similar things. The same happened with the forest people, as was mentioned before, the people saw them and dealt and walked with them. Thus also, with the vulcans, who also, as mentioned before, appeared to man, and revealed themselves essentially, who they were and what had to be understood of them all.
The nymphs, namely, become apparent to us, but not we to them, except in what they tell about us in their world, as a pilgrim would, who had been in foreign lands. They do not need such rapture, the way the mountain people enrapture us, or the water people. For they have no power over man, and their world is not such that they could adopt us. Man is not subtile in body, but coarse in body and subtile in chaos, while it is the contrary with them. Therefore, they can well stand our chaos, but not we theirs. Their element also is in itself their chaos, which to us may not be chaos. Thus they appear to us, stay with us, marry with us, die with us, and also bear children.
This happens with the water people. They come out of their waters to us, make themselves known, act and deal with us, go back to their water, come again—all this to allow man the contemplation of the divine works. Now, they are men, but on the animal side alone, without the soul. From this it follows that they marry men. A water woman takes a man from Adam, and keeps house for him, and gives birth to children. Of the children, we know that they follow after the father. Because the father is a man from Adam, a soul is given to the child, and it becomes like a regular man, who has an eternal soul. ... Just as the condition of these people is, when they are in union with man, so is the condition of man, when he is in union with God.
From this it follows that they woo man, and that they seek him assiduously and in secret. ... they seek love with man, so as to be in union with men. With them all intelligence and wisdom are outside the qualities of the soul, and not the soul.
One must also know that not all of them may be married to us. The water people come first; they are the closest to us. Next after them come the forest people, then the mountain and earth manikins who, however, rarely marry humans and are only obliged to serve them. The vulcans never attempt to enter into union with humans, and yet are apt to serve them. Know also that two of them, namely the earth manikins and vulcans, are considered spirits and not creatures, being looked upon as a mirage only, or as ghosts. You must know, however, that just as they appear, thus they are, flesh and blood like another man, and with that, quick and fast like a spirit, as was told in the beginning. They also know all future affairs, present affairs and the past, which are not apparent but are hidden. In that they can serve man, protect, warn, guide him, and such like. For they have reason in common with man (except in regard to the soul). They have knowledge and intelligence of the spirit (except in regard to God). Thus they are highly gifted, and they know and warn, so that man may learn about such things, and see them, and believe in such creatures.
It is said of the nymphs, that they come to us from the water, and sit on the banks of the brooks where they have their abode, where they are seen, taken also, caught, and married, as we said before. The forest people, however, are coarser than they. They do not talk, that is, they cannot talk although they have tongues and enough of all that is needed for speech. In this point they differ from the nymphs, for the nymphs can speak in the languages of the countries; the forest people, however, cannot but they learn easily.
The mountain manikins are endowed with speech like the nymphs, and the vulcans speak nothing, yet they can speak but roughly and rarely. The nymphs appear, as was said before, in human clothing, with human features and desires. The forest people are like men, but shy and fugitive. The mountain people are like men, not tall, short; sometimes they reach about half the size of man or so, sometimes more. Thus and in the same way, the vulcans appear, fiery, and fire is all over their features and clothing.
They are the ones of whom one says: a fire man or spirit is going through the house; there goes a burning soul, etc. It often happens that such figures are seen. They also are the flames that are frequently observed as glowing lights in meadows and fields, running through each other and towards each other. These are the vulcans, but they are not found living with man, on account of their fire. They are often found with old women, however, that is, with witches, wooing them.
You must know, however, that there is danger with the fire people, because they are commonly possessed, and the devil thus rages in them, which causes great harm to man. Know also that he equally takes possession of the mountain people and thus makes them subservient to him, and of the forest people also. He then can be found in the forest possessing sylphs and venturing to make love to women who live in forest regions. But they all become like lepers, scabby and mangy, and there is no help for them either.
When these beings are not possessed by the devil they are human and seek union as has been mentioned. But they keep the way of spirits, in that they disappear. One who has a nymph for a wife, should not let her get close to any water, or at least should not offend her while they are on water. And one who has a mountain manikin with him, should not offend him, particularly not at places where they get lost. But they are so much obliged to man and so closely bound to him, that they cannot get away from him, unless there is a reason for it, and this happens at the place from which they come. If one has a wife, she does not get away from him, unless she is provoked while they are on water. Otherwise she will not disappear and can be held. The mountain manikins also must keep their pledges, when they are in service and have been pledged.
But obligations to them must be kept also, in all that is due to them. If duties are kept as should be, they are honest, constant, and intent on their work. And one must know that they are particularly loyal to man and much inclined to spending money. For, the mountain people have money, because they themselves coin it. This is how it must be understood. What a spirit wishes to have, he has, and their wishing and desiring is thus: when a mountain manikin wishes or desires a sum of money, if there is need for it, he has it, and it is good money. Thus they give money to many people in the galleries of mountains, to make them get away; they buy them off. All this is divine order— that they thus appear to us and that we see what is incredible to tell. Man is the most earthbound of all creatures. What he must have and wants, he must make for himself, and he obtains nothing by wishing and desiring it. But those people have what they need and desire, and man does nothing for it. They have it without work.
As we came to the end of the treatise, we had sufficiently discussed the necessities of these beings, and how they come to man. You must now, furthermore, know about their disappearance from man, and about their doings with us, with many such tales and stories that have happened with them, in many queer ways.
It also happens that sirens are born. They are water women too, but live more on the water than in it. They are not split like fish, but are more like a virgin, yet their form is not quite that of a woman. They bear no children but are monsters, just as a strange human being can be born from two normal parents. I would like to put it thus: the water people reproduce themselves like humans, but when it happens that they produce a monster, these monsters are sirens that swim on the water, for they repudiate them and do not keep them. This is why they occur in many forms and figures, as it happens and is the case with all monsters.
Thus we marvel not only at the water people but also at the sirens, who have many strange features and are very different from people. Some can sing, some can whistle with reeds, some can do this and that. Monks are also born from nymphs, that is, a monster which is shaped just like a monk. This you must know, namely, that such growths that are comparable to men and are found in some places, come from men, that is, they come from water people, earth manikins and similar beings.
To continue the discussion of these beings, know that such people also convene and assemble in one place, where they may live together and seek intercourse with man, for they love him. ... There are more women than men in such groups, few men, many women; hence they are after men whenever they have a chance. From such people a group originated that is called the Venusberg. It consists of nothing else but a kind of nymphs, thrown together in a cave and hole of their world, yet not in their own chaos, in man’s chaos, but in their regionibus. Know about them that they reach a very old age, but you cannot notice it, because their appearance remains the same from beginning to end, and they die unchanged. Venus was a nymph and undine who excelled others and reigned for a long time, but she died and the succeeding Venus was not as endowed as she had been. She died in the course of time and her kingdom vanished. There are many tales about her.
There is a story about a different beginning. It tells of a queen who resided there and sank into the earth. It was a water woman who resided there. She went into the mountain, under the pond that was above her, in her region. There she took her abode, and for making love, she built a gallery, for her to get to the lads and they to her. Such strange things happened there that nobody was able to report about these beings, what they were or where they were from, until it came to an end. It is quite possible that this could happen again should another nymph come, equal to her.
There is also a true story of the nymph in Staufenberg who sat on the road in all her beauty and served the lord she had chosen. ... Our nymph was a water woman. She promised herself to von Staufenberg and stayed also with him, until he married another wife, and took her for a devil. Taking her for a devil and considering her such, he married another woman and thus broke his promise to her. Therefore, at the wedding, she gave him the sign, through the ceiling, during the banquet, and three days later, he was dead.
We must pay equally great attention to Melusine, for she was not what the theologians considered her, but a nympha. It is true, however, that she was possessed by the evil spirit, of which she would have freed herself if she had stayed with her husband to the end. For such is the devil that he transforms these beings into different shapes, as he also does with the witches, transforming them into cats and werewolves, dogs, etc. This happened to her also, for she never was free of witchcraft but had a part in it. A superstitious belief resulted, that on Saturdays she had to be a serpent. This was her pledge to the devil for his helping her in getting a man. Otherwise, she was a nympha, with flesh and blood, fertile and well built to have children. She came from the nymphs to the humans on earth and lived there. But then, as superstitio seduces and vexes all beings, she went away from her people in her superstitious belief, to the places where the seduced people come who are bewitched in superstitionibus and spell-bound. Mind you, she remained the same serpent to the end of her life, and God knows how long it lasted.
You must know further that there are two more kinds that belong to the kind of nymphs and pygmies, namely, the giants and dwarfs, who are not born from Adam. Although it is a fact that Saint Christopher was a giant, yet he took birth from human seed, and hence we shall not write about him. But we shall write about the other giants, referred to in the stories of Bern, Sigenott, Hiltbrant, Dittrich, etc., also about the dwarf Laurin and others. Such stories are frequently rejected, but you must know that the same people who reject them, reject also much more important truth.
To come to an end, know that such people, giants and dwarfs, may well make women from Adam pregnant, because same likes to meet same, and nature may permit it. Yet you must know that the monsters are not fertile, although they are monsters only so far as their strength and size is concerned; they are not misbuilt. But they have only one seed available, that is, they do not attain the third, fourth, etc. generation. Know also that when they get into man’s kind, the result is uncertain. If the child’s body takes after the mother it falls into her kind; if not, it becomes a beast like the father. It is not possible for it to become a mixed being because the seed of one of the two always prevails. It happens otherwise that both become one seed, but here not. And if it were one seed it would have to be qualified by the one partner who gives the soul. More is said about this subject in other philosophical treatises, and there is no need to tell it here. Their kind, however, has died out and they have left no descendants to replace them.
Now that we must reflect in terms of natural philosophy about the causes of these creatures we must remember the facts, all the points, many of which have been discussed in the previous treatises. We need not repeat them here. Further causes that may be explored are these: namely, that God has set guardians over nature, for all things, and he left nothing unguarded.
Thus gnomes, pygmies and mami guard the treasures of the earth, the metals and similar treasures. Where they are, there are tremendous treasures, in tremendous quantities. They are guarded by such people, are kept hidden and secret so that they may not be found until the time for it has come. When they are found, people say: in times-of old there used to be mountain manikins, earth people here, but now they are gone. This means that now the time has come for the treasures to be revealed. The treasures of the earth are distributed in such a way that the metals, silver, gold, iron, etc., have been found from the beginning of the world on, and are being discovered by and by.
[Now of] the fire people. They too are guardians, of the fireplaces, in which they live. In these places the treasures, that others guard, are forged, prepared, made ready. When the fire is extinguished, it is the earth manikins’ turn to be on guard. And after the earth manikins’ guard, the treasures are revealed. It is the same with the air people. They guard the rocks that lie on the surface, that have been made by the fire people, and put at the place where they belong, from where they get into man’s hands. They guard them so long, until the time has come. Wherever there are treasures, such people are on hand. These are hidden treasures that must not be revealed yet.
The nymphs in the water are guardians of the great water treasures, that lie in the sea and other waters, that have also been melted and forged by the fire people. It is, therefore, commonly understood that where nymphs are, there are considerable treasures and minerals and similar matters which they guard. This is apparent in many ways.
The cause of the sirens, giants, dwarfs, also of the will-o’the-wisps, who are monsters of the fire people, is that they predict and indicate something new. They are not on guard, but signify that misfortune is threatening people. ... when this is going to happen, signs occur. These beings are such signs, as has been said, but not they alone; there are many more. You must know that the signs change each time. They do not appear in one way, but are hidden to our eyes.
And, finally, the last cause is unknown to us. But when the end of the world will come close, then all things will be revealed, from the smallest to the largest, from the first to the last, what everything has been and is, why it stood there and left, from what causes, and what its meaning was. And everything that is in the world will be disclosed and come to light. Then the fake scholars will be exposed, those who are highly learned in name only but know nothing by experience. Then, the thorough scholars and those who are mere talkers will be recognized for what they are, those who wrote truthfully and those who traded in lies, the thorough and the shallow ones. And to each will be measured according to his diligence, earnest endeavor and truth. At that place, not everyone will be or remain a master, or even a doctor, because there the tares will be separated from the wheat and the straw from the grain. He who now cries, will be quieted, and he who now counts the pages, will have his quills taken away. And all things will be revealed before the Day of Judgment breaks, order that it be found of all scholars, from the past to that very day, who had knowledge and who not, whose writings were right and whose wrong. Now, in my time, this is still unknown. Blessed will be the people, in those days, whose intelligence will be revealed, for what they produced will be revealed to all the people as if it were written on their foreheads. For that time I also recommend my writings for judgment, asking that nothing be withheld. Thus it will be, for God makes the light manifest, that is, everyone will see how it has shone.
submitted by Captain_Hook_ to apocrypha_files [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:36 Negative_Loan_6511 [Button mobile] [2000-2006?] [JAVA?] Woman with guns killing robots

Hello, I need help finding a game that I played on a push-button cell phone as a child. it was 2006, I think, or something around that year, my uncle once installed it on my mobile but unfortunately I don't have it anymore, it was a Sony Ericsson. in that game it was about making levels, you played as a girl who had guns, and the enemies were mostly yellow robots that looked similar to R2D2 but bigger, I don't know how to describe it because it's been a long time, but if anyone knows thank you, I have bouts of nostalgia and I need to quiet them down
submitted by Negative_Loan_6511 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:33 Bowazon_ Using Flurry as an attack speed buff with Heartseeker - is it worth it?

Using Flurry as an attack speed buff with Heartseeker - is it worth it?
Hi guys, after seeing Wudi and a few others use Flurry to buff their Heartseeker attack speed, I decided to actually test this out to understand if it's worth doing this.
For context, I wrote the guide on the Heartseeker build and shared it on Reddit and the official D4 discord as well as discussing the build with a few others for some time before then, so I'm very familiar with the build.
The Heartseeker guide for season 4 can be read here:
Anyway, this technique of using Flurry to boost attack speed came to be after Blizzard removed attack speed on weapons and significantly nerfed its values in other gear slots. This opened up an opportunity for theorycrafters to find attack speed elsewhere, hence Flurry.
But, is it worth it?


I ran some frame-by-frame tests for this on the Kyovashad dummy with the following setup and methodology:
  • Using my eternal testing character with legacy gear
  • 14.1% attack speed from gear
  • 25.8% basic attack speed from gear
  • 60% rapid aspect on a bow
  • 16% Heartseeker attack speed bonus on a vulnerable target (kept vulnerable using accursed touch)
  • 45% Flurry attack speed bonus after casting with 3 combo points
  • Cap 1 attack speed = 59.1% after Flurry bonus, 14.1% without Flurry bonus
  • Cap 2 attack speed = 100%
  • Expected attack speed increase = 21.02%
  • The build was using 2x daggers (condemnation + legendary) for optimal cast speed of Flurry
  • Spam Heartseeker until target stays vulnerable and we gain the Heartseeker attack speed bonus and gain 3 combo points
  • Keep spamming
  • Cast Flurry
  • Keep spamming at least 13+ arrows before casting Flurry again
  • Cast Flurry
  • Keep spamming at least 13+ arrows before casting Flurry again
The data from this video was then taken at specific frames and put into a spreadsheet. The following data was collected:
  • When each Heartseeker hit the dummy and the damage number first shows
  • When the energy consumption of Flurry takes place


See below the screengrabs of the results.
How to read this data:
  • Column E: At what frame in the video Heartseeker damaged the dummy
  • Column F: The difference in frame count between the hit recorded in Column E in the current row and the previous row
  • Column G: At what frame we predict (based on previous data) Heartseeker would have damaged the dummy in the hits following had we not cast Flurry
  • Column H: The difference in frame count between the hit prediction recorded in Column G in the current row and the previous row
  • Column I: At what frame in the video Heartseeker damaged the dummy after casting Flurry
  • Column J: The difference in frame count between the hit recorded in Column I in the current row and the previous row
  • Column K: At what frame Flurry was first cast
  • Column L: The difference between when we predicted Heartseeker would hit when not casting Flurry vs what Heartseeker actually hit after casting Flurry
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3


  • We can see that Flurry introduced an initial 26 to 31 frame deficit between if we were to have just continued casting Heartseeker versus using Flurry to buff attack speed
  • After casting Flurry, the average number of frames per Heartseeker shot went from 15 (1/4 of a second) to 12 (1/5 of a second)
  • Flurry gradually catches up to the non-Flurry scenario, eventually overtaking just casting Heartseeker by 1 arrow or less


Although casting Flurry to boost attack speed does net a benefit in the end, some things to keep in mind:
  • Flurry comes with a 26 to 31 frame deficit, which actually reduces your overall damage output for a short period before catching up. Note that these frames may vary depending on timings or potential RNG
  • However, because the Flurry attack speed buff only lasts for 3 seconds, the final amount of extra arrows it shoots is nowhere near as much as the predicted 21% attack speed buff that we were expecting since the initial deficit drags this down
  • In effect, we're only looking at roughly an 8% overall damage output buff when played optimally, per 3 second Flurry buff window
  • It's worth also noting that the attack speed buff from Flurry starts its 3 second timer when Flurry first starts its animation, so you don't realise the benefits until Flurry finishes casting and you start casting Heartseeker again
  • Using this technique also takes up a skill bar slot and requires using combo points instead of using inner sight (which periodically grants you a crit chance buff), so there is also an inherent opportunity cost as well
  • This technique may net a slightly more overall benefit if your build lacks attack speed, since the expected buff will be greater. For example, using this technique on a build with 0% attack speed on gear and only the attack speed on Heartseeker will result in an expected 38.79% attack speed buff
  • This technique also adds some gameplay overhead as well since the effect duration is 3 seconds and it's only optimal to do this once every 3 seconds and not anymore frequent or infrequent than that. This is very difficult to maintain this level of optimal gameplay, even for a short period
  • If using this technique, make sure you use 2x daggers in your build
  • This technique is probably best used when Flurry's animation completes before the boss is staggered, but this requires very good timing. Do not use this technique during the last 40% of the boss' stagger period


In my opinion, it's not worth using Flurry for its attack speed buff in this way. If you're going to use it at all, it would be:
  • during boss stagger windows as described above, which in the scheme of things is a ~20% overall DPS buff that you'll realistically only utilise for a total of 15 seconds in every Pit run (8 minutes+); or
  • when your build severely lacks attack speed gear on it that the benefits are big enough to take advantage of; or
  • you somehow use Flurry itself to deal damage buffs or apply vulnerable or stun, or heal, though realistically not
submitted by Bowazon_ to D4Rogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:20 gttstd PRISM MarketView Highlights Soligenix, Inc. as it Builds on Compelling Phase 3 Data with Key Catalysts on the Horizon

NEW YORK, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRISM MarketView presents an in-depth interview with Dr. Christopher Schaber, President and Chief Executive Officer of Soligenix, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNGX). The late-stage biopharmaceutical company is advancing a broad pipeline of therapeutic and vaccine candidates across its two business segments, emphasizing its strategic focus on diversified drug development.
Soligenix has recently achieved success in its first Phase 3 clinical trial of HyBryte™ (synthetic hypericin) for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), a rare and chronic cancer. The trial showed statistical significance in its primary endpoint, and a second confirmatory Phase 3 study is set to commence in 2024. HyBryte™ has received Orphan Drug Designations from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA), along with Fast Track status from the FDA. These developments underscore a potentially de-risked path to regulatory approvals worldwide.
In addition to its robust biotherapeutics portfolio, which includes active clinical programs in psoriasis and Behçet’s disease, Soligenix has an established Public Health Solutions business. This segment is advancing heat-stable vaccines and therapeutics, notably with its proprietary ThermoVax® process, which enables lyophilization without compromising potency — a critical factor in areas lacking cold chain logistics.
logodehazesearch PRISM MarketView Highlights Soligenix, Inc. as it Builds on Compelling Phase 3 Data with Key Catalysts on the Horizon May 21, 2024 12:35 ET Source: PRISM MarketView
NEW YORK, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PRISM MarketView presents an in-depth interview with Dr. Christopher Schaber, President and Chief Executive Officer of Soligenix, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNGX). The late-stage biopharmaceutical company is advancing a broad pipeline of therapeutic and vaccine candidates across its two business segments, emphasizing its strategic focus on diversified drug development.
Soligenix has recently achieved success in its first Phase 3 clinical trial of HyBryte™ (synthetic hypericin) for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), a rare and chronic cancer. The trial showed statistical significance in its primary endpoint, and a second confirmatory Phase 3 study is set to commence in 2024. HyBryte™ has received Orphan Drug Designations from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA), along with Fast Track status from the FDA. These developments underscore a potentially de-risked path to regulatory approvals worldwide.
In addition to its robust biotherapeutics portfolio, which includes active clinical programs in psoriasis and Behçet’s disease, Soligenix has an established Public Health Solutions business. This segment is advancing heat-stable vaccines and therapeutics, notably with its proprietary ThermoVax® process, which enables lyophilization without compromising potency — a critical factor in areas lacking cold chain logistics.
Dr. Schaber shared insights into the recent publication of HyBryte results in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology. The open-label study, involving nine patients, showed significant improvements in CTCL lesions, confirming the efficacy seen in the Phase 3 FLASH trial. "Our clinical studies have demonstrated HyBryte's strong and rapid efficacy and a benign safety profile. It's applicable across various lesion types, skin tones, and stages of disease," said Dr. Schaber.
Addressing the public health solutions segment, Dr. Schaber highlighted the advancement of vaccine candidates for ricin toxin, Sudan ebolavirus, Marburg marburgvirus, and COVID-19. Soligenix is particularly focused on pursuing FDA approval for RiVax® under the FDA's animal rule and expects to publish preclinical study results in the second half of 2024. The segment has already secured over $30 million in NIH funding and grants.
For 2024, Soligenix is poised to achieve several key milestones. "We will be enrolling the first patients in our 18-week Phase 3 placebo-controlled study evaluating HyBryte™ in CTCL across the US and Europe. We also anticipate reporting expanded results from our Phase 2a study of SGX302 in psoriasis and initiating a Phase 2a clinical study of SGX945 for aphthous mouth ulcers in Behçet's Disease," Dr. Schaber explained.
submitted by gttstd to Soligenix [link] [comments]