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2008.10.28 06:24 Piano

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2013.11.23 22:59 IIIRuin Goth Style

They said we would grow out of it; we never did. An age 16+ SFW subreddit dedicated to the spooky aesthetic in all its expressions. Please read the rules before posting or commenting.

2020.01.24 22:47 Sn00byD00 Reddit Sessions

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2024.05.01 00:37 Terrible_Bee8839 How to survive in the old bear challenge

Just some tips for hunted runs that may help
My best method is to use campfires just simply light a fire when u here the music then lure him near the fire and wait just outside the safe circle of the fire and when he either charges or goes on his hind legs then duck into the safe circle of the fire he should then do his confused head down animation if he does this cook or boil something it does not make as long as the pass time pops up, u then want to pass time and there is a chance him will,keep doing the animation walk like normal or flee if he walks like normal repeat, if he is still doing the animation boil or cook something else and if he flees then u go where u need.
My next best is to use man's best friend wolf's and they really are in this because tld works with only one predator can stalk u at a time so if u get a wolf to agro u, u can cover a lot a ground on the bear.
Beachcombing is very useful in tld but it is even more in this since u can get renewable flare shells And the only way to get saplings for bows and arrows it's also a lot safer to than u may think because I found a bug were when u are on weak ice the bear will deagro u which if u know what u are doing make beachcombing a breeze.
Getting bows and arrows are a almost necessity in this because it can make scaring the bear a lot easier if u shoot him when he is doing his normal walk animation it should scare him away, I would do this with fire hardened arrows tho since they are easier to get back.
And that is all I have for this list of u have any questions please tell me in the comments. And trust me this list works on day 87 and only used 4 flare shells and have 20 leftover.
submitted by Terrible_Bee8839 to thelongdark [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:30 CautiousMacaroon6149 Open to Ideas and Feedback; Introduction to the Collective Rulership of Aztlánahuál (CRA)

There was a fun post earlier today about communist/socialist nations and their characteristics (, and my response went on quite long.
I’ve decided to place my full reply in this post just so I can have it in one place and put it out in the open. Feedback and questions are welcome! I’m still developing this lore and I’m by no means a political scientist.
Tlanechikolihtoa Aztlánahuál Or “The Collective Rulership of Aztlánahuál (CRA)”
The CRA is a government largely derived out of the impacts of industrialization and artificial life on a society that already incentivized secularism and avoiding putting individuals in extreme positions of power.
Time period:
the world is largely in the late Industrial Revolution regarding technology (about 1860s-1890s). Scientific endeavors in this world are also largely dominated by the study of alchemy, which has led to several breakthroughs in metallurgy, adaptable materials, nutritional engineering, and homunculi.
Aztlánahuál is unique in that it was one of the first nations to seriously industrialize and is considered the forefront of alchemical study in the world.
Reform or revolution:
The formation of the CRA is kind of a grey area. Previously Aztlánahuál was governed by a Congress of elected representatives with direct voting occurring for regional issues or to break ties in the Congress. However, this system became increasingly bloated and inefficient as the country grew and came to control most of its home continent.
The previous government was already interested in reform since the current system had shown to be too decentralized and unorganized to run a modern nation (for example institutions like the military were mostly loosely-tied militias and mercenaries raised during times of conflict akin to many feudalist societies). Some major changes to the government were made under the previous regime, but the advent of sentient homunculi (who previously were thought to be mindless and were used for menial and physically demanding labor) led to more aggressive pushes for equality and worker’s rights. This world’s equivalent of a mixture of Karl Marx and Lenin (I.e. both a political philosopher and a revolutionary) formed a following and the basis for the CRA’s “Central Party.” The CRA gained wide support and eventually marched on the Congressional palace to demand a regime switch. This was not done with violent intent, and the Congress was weakened enough that a violent resistance to public demands would not have been feasible, and thus power was “willingly” handed over to the CRA.
Lower or higher stage communism:
Lower. The main inspiration for the CRA’s system is the early Soviet Union, and many aspects of history are meant to mirror that. The CRA has launched major public housing, education, equal legal representation initiatives, but many aspects of inequality still exist. The government controls production and education, and is highly favorable towards researchers and academics (chiefly alchemists). The CRA’s politburo is also not free from corruption, as citizens born into a political family (especially with ties to the revolutionary CRA) or with powerful connections will often see an advantage in gaining positions. Thus, despite many attempts at evening the societal playing field, CRA-run Aztlánahuál still has a notable higher class of politicians and accomplished scientists who benefit from generational wealth or heavy government favor.
The homunculi also act as a marginalized demographic. They are mass-produced by the state and are infertile, which makes spreading out very difficult (especially if you consider that some other cultures and governments don’t look favorably on the existence of artificial life). Although they have equal legal rights and representation as any other demographics in the country, their circumstances still statistically push them towards occupations like factory work, agriculture, or military service.
Other lower-stage factors like currency are very much in place, and the fact that most other governments the CRA interacts with are some form of monarchist (one communal matrilineal, one theocratic, and one mercantilist where the merchant council has mostly overtaken the monarchy’s influence) helps limit their political development too much further at risk of harming diplomacy and international trade further.
The CRA is built on the provincial lines agreed-upon early in their uprising. Each province has elected officials that ascend to the politburo (typically a selection of specialists for various major initiatives) but most of them are directly aligned with and approved by the Central Party. Third party candidates exist but are not given party resources to run and are often subject to extensive media campaigns.
Heading the politburo is the Excan Tlahtoloyan (name pending; Aztlánahuál is a unified mesoamerican-type nation and I think it’s fitting to have the highest form of their leadership keep some allusion to real-world mesoamerican politics). The Excan is a group of 3 individuals selected within the politburo who are intended to make quick decisions in times of emergency and foster the general movement of the government. The idea is that the third member theoretically exists to act as a mediator and/or tiebreaker if there is conflict between the other two. Due to longstanding cultural reason, the people of Aztlánahuál are extremely hesitant to put a single person in an identifiable highest position of power, and thus collectively assign the Excan as the highest government office.
At local and municipal levels, politics are mostly handled by worker’s unions with seats typically held for local educational leaders and specialists for whatever industries are most prominent in that particular part of the country. Law enforcement and emergency services are usually made up of volunteer citizens who pass training and an ethics evaluation and who generally work more common jobs when not on call. Higher ranking union members are also expected to assist in emergency situations due as leaders of the community.
This part still requires development. I most want the CRA’s ideology to mirror Leninist Communism but obviously it’s based on a fictional analogue. The only significant socialist figures I have in mind would be the creator of the CRA and ideology and members of the Excan. Communism is largely nonexistent in other parts of the world except for a few smaller nations that Aztlánahuál influences.
The economy is centrally planned with governmental control being most present in heavy industrial production and infrastructure. Other sectors the government deems important are given direct funding and resources, but are left to their own leadership methods (this is usually out of respect for the scientific method and free progress since many of these sectors are tied to research or engineering). That said, it’s not uncommon for pieces of these funded sectors to fall under government control (I.e. all homunculus labs are now owned by the government and only the government is legally allowed to produce them, whereas before they were a curiosity and ethical question among alchemists).
Aside from that, most of the market is allowed to do as it wishes but is subjected to relatively high taxes for the upkeep of governmental services. Fortunately, most of these taxes are aimed towards the largest companies and money-makers (although they conveniently tend to pass over private endeavors owned by government officials/family members or large private research firms).
Aztlánahuál represents a progressive Victorian-adjacent society. Race is largely not a factor and discrimination or violence based on national or ethnic tensions is punished heavily by the courts. That said, class divisions are still largely in effect despite the government’s efforts and ideals and there is a clear divide between upper and working classes in terms of fashion, cuisine, music, etc.
The upper classes largely congregate in the center of the nation and its most ancient parts. It is not uncommon to see a government leader inhabiting a millennia-old renovated palace or learning center at the edge of the capital while the working classes are largely relegated to massive apartment blocks.
While Aztlánahuálan culture is largely tolerant of other nations and traditions, it has an intense naturalization process largely interested in ensuring that new citizens follow the secular ideals of the state and are loyal to Aztlánahuál before any god. Other aspects of tradition and culture are largely welcomed and respected but the common sentiment is that a person is not a true citizen of Aztlánahuál until they have largely left their faith (this comes from a very old cultural event that has been held onto due to what is essentially generational trauma). Religious practice is not outlawed, but is considered taboo in the inner sectors of the nation and one of the requirements for gaining housing in the capital is the renunciation of religious belief. This ultimately means that religion is Aztlánahuálan culture is associated with the lower classes and/or immigrants who haven’t had the benefit of “superior” Aztlánahuálan education.
I could go on about fashion and cuisine differences but I feel that steps outside the purpose of this post.
What the fuck is a “national park?” Aztlánahuál is fully invested in industrialization and the points of natural beauty in the nation are largely still natural only because they’re difficult to meaningfully develop. The general culture reveres many animals such as the serpent and jaguapanther and continues to use them as political and pop culture symbols, and the mountain lands are a source of sentimentality for many residents, but the culture hasn’t reached a point to be concerned about the active preservation of these things.
The jungle is also seen is wild and miserable by the common person. Due to the metaphysical/eldritch origins of the world that Aztlánahuál exists in, there are several regions where reality begins to break down and the wildlife becomes significantly more mythological. One of these regions are the jungles on the east end of the Aztlánahuálan continent. Since these more undeveloped environments tend to inspire fear in this world, that adds an extra reason for most societies to be uninterested in natural preservation. Sure the jungles may be pretty in parts but you’ll get lost in them and will encounter creatures beyond your comprehension. Not very good material for a resort spot.
submitted by CautiousMacaroon6149 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:07 silent_discourse08 The Full Story To Clear Misinformation Within FSA

TW: SA, SH, and Rape Culture Mentions
After multiple organizations (including FSA and VSA) blacklisted an individual and student named T***, information has been constantly misconstrued & twisted by T to numerous people. I am coming out publicly onto reddit as a last resort to provide more context to the full story so as to hopefully prevent more misinformation being spread. These past few weeks have been very stressful for myself & everyone involved. This post isn’t to be malicious or spread hate, but rather awareness of what people are capable of, especially those least expected.
Over the past few years, there have been numerous incidents of sexual harassment (SH) regarding T & I. This dates between 2021 to 2024 with 2 notable incidents of sexual assault (SA). It initially started on the night that I got kicked out of Afrojack - a rave (concert) on November 5th 2021. I got really drunk that night during the pregame & by the time we made it to the show I needed to use the restroom. I told my friend group that I was leaving to go use the restroom and that I would come back afterwards. T, who was also in this friend group & at the rave, decided to follow me and claimed that it was to make sure I was okay since I couldn’t walk straight. I made it to the restroom and when I finished I found T waiting for me by the restroom entrance. He asked me if I was okay as he came to help me walk by putting my arm over his shoulder.
The music venue’s security noticed how intoxicated I was & kicked me out since I couldn’t walk on my own. I understood why I was getting kicked out since this venue is known for having strict security. I told T that I’d be okay on my own & that he should stay & enjoy the show. He was very persistent on staying with me instead of leaving me alone outside, so I stopped trying to convince him to stay with the friend group. Once we were outside of the venue we called our friends inside to let them know what happened. I suggested we wait close to the building to meet our friends after the show but he suggested we wait at our friend’s car instead. He proceeded to lead me to the car where we sat and talked a bit about what just happened (we didn’t have the keys to the car so we just sat in-front of the car). Not long into the conversation, he asks me some really personal questions regarding my sexual preferences.
After I tried to avoid the questions, he stated that he finds me attractive and tried to come onto me to kiss me. I hold my hand out to push him back where I question what he is doing. He then tells me he really wants to give me a blowjob. I tell him no, that I’m not interested and that we shouldn’t blur that line as friends. He was still persistent & kept telling me that he’ll “make me feel good” & that he “really really wants to give me a blowjob” even though I repeatedly told him no. After multiple times of telling him no, he grabs onto my shorts and continues to keep asking. I push his hands away while continuing to tell him no; however, he keeps persisting and starts trying to pull my shorts off & he forcefully attempts to come onto me. Thankfully, my shorts were tied securely. Had they not been, they would have definitely came off as he was being extremely forceful.
I eventually step away from him but stay near the car so I don’t get lost. He came over to me apologizing but I was too much in shock to respond to him for the rest of the time we waited. Not long after, the show ends & our friends meet up with us at the car & we made our way home. I stayed silent on what just happened as I was still processing what I had just experienced.
The following morning, he sent me a text asking if I had remembered anything from last night to which I respond “bits & pieces wbu” he proceeds to claim that he does not remember what happened after I got kick out. He then asks me “Did I do anything bad to you?” I let him know that he tried to kiss me & take off my shorts & his initial response was “That’s kinda awkward” & “What happens at Afrojack stays at Afrojack”. He then tries to change the subject but I reiterate the fact that he tried to take off my shorts. Trying to excuse this he claims he was also drunk and tells me he is a hugger & kisser when he’s drunk. Lastly, he tells me “Drunk T*** is really my alter ego” & tells me not to tell anyone. Seeing how dismissive he was of the situation, I stopped responding.
A few days go by & I run into him again in person for the first time since that night, he pulls me aside privately asking if I’m okay & again tells me not to tell anyone. I just acknowledge what he says & walk past him to greet our friends that were with him. Enough time passes for me to process what I felt that night & after being in the same space as him soon after this incident, I realized how uncomfortable it was to be around him. I decided to become inactive around campus & in the mutual orgs he & I were in. I struggled in my classes throughout the rest of the semester due to me skipping classes & not going to campus often to avoid him but I manage to finish off the semester.
As time goes by I’m not sure how to handle the situation since I had never experienced anything close to sexual assault. I am a very non-confrontational person & struggle to put up boundaries so I decide to stay silent on the matter for numerous reasons. I was hesitant to tell my friend group what happened in fear of losing them. I had only recently met them as it was my first semester at UH. The fact that T was also part of this friend group made it difficult to inform them - I didn’t want there to be tension within the group nor make anyone feel as if they had to pick a side. I had just moved to Houston & only met a few people at this point while he had already been living in Houston & was more involved on campus. Because of this, I felt like I couldn’t say anything due to his popularity compared to mine. I also felt if I were to speak up, people wouldn’t believe me because of how well perceived T was & that he’s known to just be a “touchy” person in general. I decided it would be best to keep things to myself for now because of the position I’m in.
Months go by giving both of us time to move on from that night & we occasionally saw each other when plans were arranged with the friend group. I’ll never forget what happened that night but I try my best to keep things civil for the sake of peace. The next school year approaches & I desperately try to find housing in Houston since I was moving back from my hometown. I end up living with a good friend of mine that is also good friends with T; at the time I didn’t realize how close they actually were. I was also in need of a job, so my new roommate helped me apply to her workplace. I later find out after I sent an application, that she had also helped T & another friend of ours apply to the same place. After some time working there, T begins to get more comfortable with me again & slowly becomes more & more touchy. At first I disregarded it, because I noticed he was also somewhat touchy with our friends but I kept my guard up because he would come up unnecessarily close onto me from behind & became touchier with me than with my other co-workers. Still feeling uncomfortable around him, I changed my work schedule to work less shifts with him but we did occasionally see each other at work. This continued on & off for a while but at this point I tried to pay him no mind.
The next notable incident of sexual assault happened October 30th 2022 at a local music festival. My friend group had bought tickets in advance to go the full weekend & I spilt a ticket with one of my friends since she wanted to go to the Saturday line up & I wanted to go to the Sunday line up. We got a combined room that had 2 rooms, both rooms had 2 beds for a total of 4. The first night sleeping arrangements were: in room 1, me & a close friend on one bed, my roommate & another friend on the other bed; in room 2, two friends on one bed & T with a bed to himself. I was comfortable knowing that I wouldn’t have to be sharing a bed with T & that he’d be in a different room. The night passes & Sunday comes around. We start getting ready for the day & begin pregaming. Seating arrangements were pretty tight because there were 10 people in our group taking one vehicle so some of us had to sit on top of each other. We didn’t arrange seating until we go to the car so I was placed in the back with 5 other people, having to sit on T’s lap since majority of the group were couples. I tried to sit closer towards his knees for both of our comfortability but he insists i sit back and he grabs my waist and holds me closer. I just keep silent until we make it to the festival.
Since it was an all-day event, we drank a lot at the hotel and more when we arrived so I was pretty drunk when we started making our way to the main stage. We make our way through the crowd and find a comfortable spot to stay during the performances. T actually drank too much and had to sit off to the side for a bit once we got settled. We gave him water to help him sober up. As he sits and takes time to sober up, we watch the performances and enjoy the show. A few hours go by and he feels good enough to join us.
At this point, the alcohol starts to wear off for most of us. Some of us, including me, decide to roll the rest of the show. As the molly start to hit, my friends and I hug a few times and enjoy each other’s company. For context - I was in the back right of our group and T was in the middle of our group. T eventually makes his way closer to me and hugs me from behind. At first I didn’t realize it was T and assumed it just was one of my friends that had hugged me earlier so I grabbed his arm thinking it was someone else. It doesn’t take me long to realize it was him because he holds me tighter and I feel his pelvis pressed against me. Now that I’m aware it’s T I immediately let go of his arms and inch forward to try and break his grasp. He doesn’t budge and also moves forward along with me. I try to think of a way out of this without making a scene in-front of our friends since this was many of our first times at a music festival. But for the time being I try my best to ignore him. Eventually, his hand starts to move lower and I realize he's trying to make his way into my shorts. Before he could get any lower I grab his hand & stop him from going any lower. Thinking he would stop after I stopped him, I put my hand back to my side. Not long after, he tries to make his way into my pants again, this time more persistent. This time his hand makes its way into my pants before I can stop him. He’s rubbing my torso with one hand while his other hand is grabbing my crotch. In this moment I froze & start to panic. I didn’t know what to do; I was too embarrassed to ask anyone for help.. still not wanting to make a scene I stay still trying to think of a way out of this. I eventually move out of his grasp & make my way to my friend that has water. I drank the water & stayed near my friend for the rest of the night as an excuse to stay away from T. For the rest of the night I’m on edge but I still try to enjoy the rest of the show.
The festival ends & we make our way back to the car. Everyone is exhausted from the eventful day we just had so most of my friends are asleep or resting in the car. We had the same seating arrangements on the way back as we did on the way there. I try to stay more on T’s knees again but he pulls me onto his groin again & tells me it’s okay. I don’t say anything & try to keep my head down in the seat in-front of me. Once we start driving I rest my eyes & just relax until we get back to the hotel since there was a lot of traffic. I begin to feel T caressing my leg. There wasn’t any room to move away from him nor could I say anything without making it known to everyone in the car what was going on. He begins to start touching me inside my pants again & I try to remove his hand but he doesn’t budge. This goes on for a bit until I decide to close my legs tighter making it harder for him to do what he wants.
We finally make it back to the hotel & we all hurry & take turns showering to get ready for bed. Unfortunately, sleeping arrangements weren’t the same for as first night. The friend that I was sharing a bed with needed to go back home once we got back to the hotel leaving me with the bed to myself. T takes advantage of this situation & decides to stay in our room to supposedly hang out with my roommate. Initially, I thought he was coming just to hang out with her & would go back to his room since he had a bed to himself. My roommate & friend on the other bed eventually start to doze off while he’s in the room, he becomes aware of this & tells me he’ll just sleep in our room since I now had a bed to myself. I suggest that he’d be more comfortable back in his room since he also had a bed to himself but he insists he stay. I thought about letting the other two know I wasn’t okay with him staying in the room as us, let alone in the same bed, but I wasn’t ready to tell them everything that had been happened between T & I. He turns everything off & makes his way into my bed & I stay as close to the edge as I can. I assume he was tired from the festival, because he started dozing off not long after getting in to bed.
He doesn’t try to get into my pants that night but he does pull me closer from the edge to hold me. I couldn’t fall asleep until he did. Once he fell asleep I scooted back to the edge & placed a pillow between us. Still on edge, I woke up through out the night to some little things thinking he was going to try something. I eventually knock out for a few hours & wake up around 6 am to him caressing my stomach also noticing the pillow wasn’t between us anymore. I checked my phone to see what time it was & he whispers to me asking me if Im awake. I ignore him & try to go back to sleep. I begin to feel him move lower down the bed saying he wants to give me a blowjob as he grabs onto my pants. I tell him no as I push him away & make up the excuse that my roommate wakes up around this time. He backs off & just lays next to me with his arm is on top of me. He eventually falls back asleep until my roommate’s alarm goes off & we all wake up around 9 am to get ready for check-out. We pack our bags & leave.
Again, I couldn’t find the courage to come out about what T has done to me & chose to remain silent on the matter. I again stopped going back to campus as much & became inactive in FSA to avoid him similarly to how I did after the first incident. Since then there have been on & off instances of sexual harassment while intoxicated with the most recent incident being Excision - February 24th 2024. During Excision many of our group, including T & I were under the influence. Two of my friends witnessed how unnecessarily close T was getting to me to the point where they tried to separate us. T managed to get too close to me again causing one of my friends to keep their hand in between him & I . At one point T turns around & gets uncomfortably close to me & starts scratching my head along with asking me to take off my shirt. He gets so close to the point where his face is inches away from my face. My friends notice & swap places with me, standing in between T & I. Days leading up to Excision, T was also trying to enforce this rule of separating boys & girls upon those in our group. My friend, (who is female), told T that I could be with the girls since I’m gay & he told her no & that I needed to stay with the boys. She thought it was strange for him to be enforcing this unnecessary rule & later informed me before Excision.
I eventually gathered the courage to reach out to my friends for their support & advice on the matter & let them know everything that T has done to me. They suggest that it would be best to let someone in a leadership role in FSA know so that they can be mindful of other potential victims within the organization & beyond, in case T might’ve taken advantage of anyone else as he was a prominent figure in FSA & other organizations. After they informed her (FSA leadership) of what T had done to me, she texted me sending her support & lets me know that it should be reported & that she is willing to assist me. I tell her that I initially didn’t think to report it to FSA since I wasn’t active in the organization but I did agree that something needed to be done. I send her a detailed statement of everything that T has done to me, along with witness statements & screen shot evidence of T & I’s conversation the morning after Afrojack. She put everything into a document & sent it to FSA’s Executive Board to be reported anonymously for my own safety. Within a week Exec. Board made the decision to blacklist T & informs other organizations about the incident. Due to him spreading misinformation to people around UH, work, & other social groups, other universities in Texas were made aware of this within 3 days of the blacklist. Soon after the information had spread, it was revealed to us that there are other victims he took advantage off. He downplayed the situation by telling people that the allegations were made up, his friends cut him off for false rumors, & that FSA didn’t have an investigation because the FSA officer involved blew a ‘misunderstanding’ out of proportion. T continued to show up to FSA events/socials even after the blacklist. This, along with his behavior & constant spread of lies, has left many people confused & conflicted. In an attempt to prevent the spread of more misinformation, I was forced to confront T earlier than I was prepared for.
I arranged an intervention (meeting) between T and I to set the facts straight as he was spreading misinformation that was contributing toward rape culture including victim blaming and lack of accountability. He asked to meet up privately with just the 2 of us, which I did not feel comfortable with. Due to this, I asked 2 people to be there as well for moral support and safety reasons: Person A (the FSA officer who assisted me throughout the blacklist process) and Person B (a former mutual friend between T and I). In this intervention, I addressed his history of SH and SA including the initial SA incident in 2021 and the most recent SH incident in 2024.
He refused to take full accountability by starting with “I’m sorry” & following that with multiple excuses including:
Throughout the 30+ minutes of talking, I soon realized that he was going to continue retaliating so I told him that I have nothing more to say to him nor do I need to hear anything from him. Despite having this conversation, he continues to lie to others about everything that has happened. I sincerely hope that coming forth publicly and providing everyone with the full story will help everyone have a better understanding of who T*** truly is as a person & what he is capable of. To any other victims out there, please know that you are not alone. While this has been a long time coming, I never would have known peace if it hadn’t been for my friend’s advocacy & sympathy. This is all to say - find good people who care & value you & to never be afraid to speak out against what is wrong.
submitted by silent_discourse08 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:06 oakynus As a beginner, what are the do's and dont's?

I've been composing and been into music theory for as long as i can remember, approximately 13 years. My main instrument is the keyboard. However I've never used FL Studio before, I just downloaded it -I don't think it's complicated- but it doesn't feel the same. To put it better, I can't blurt out what's in my mind like when I can with physical composing. Maybe it's because I'm very new, but are there any quick tips or maybe some plug-ins that would be helpful with the sound or general way to make it faster? I really want to do music that's in the 80s synth-pop style which I couldn't really manage with a regular piano.
submitted by oakynus to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:05 Typical_Gap_7705 30[M4F] #PA - it’s been awhile…

I’ve never been a “girlfriend guy”, if you know what I mean. I’ve always had an independent streak, and no problem being alone. My past relationships didn’t exactly blossom. Love and vulnerability are scary. Recently, I’ve discovered something scarier: loneliness.
Also, dating at 30 lol…
So here I am, looking for something real on the internet, and if you’re reading this, so are you. God help us.
A little about me: I’m a musician. I play the drums and some keyboard. Love the outdoors, but I’m not a huge fan of travel. I guess one of the (only) perks of living in PA is that Mother Nature is right at your doorstep! I’d really like to get into bicycling; there’s some great trails around me. You know anything about it?
I’m a huge tv/movie buff, not in an annoying snooty way, but more of in an appreciative way lol isn’t it so cool that we have the oldest human tradition of story telling literally on demand at our fingertips?! I like all genres - I’d love to share favorites with you!
I’m a huge sports fan, particularly soccer and football. Go Union/Go Birds. As far as music goes, I like most everything, from Slipknot to Glasper. And my food, I like it spicy. Very spicy.
Uhh what else? Right - what I look like. 5’11, white, brown hair, well groomed beard, not fat, not skinny. I’ve been told my best feature is my blue eyes. Happy to trade pics or FaceTime or whatever.
What am I looking for in you? Shit idk lol I’d be surprised if this even gets me any messages. But if it does, I’ll guess I’ll see you there!
submitted by Typical_Gap_7705 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:05 Typical_Gap_7705 30 [M4F] PA - it’s been awhile…

I’ve never been a “girlfriend guy”, if you know what I mean. I’ve always had an independent streak, and no problem being alone. My past relationships didn’t exactly blossom. Love and vulnerability are scary. Recently, I’ve discovered something scarier: loneliness.
Also, dating at 30 lol…
So here I am, looking for something real on the internet, and if you’re reading this, so are you. God help us.
A little about me: I’m a musician. I play the drums and some keyboard. Love the outdoors, but I’m not a huge fan of travel. I guess one of the (only) perks of living in PA is that Mother Nature is right at your doorstep! I’d really like to get into bicycling; there’s some great trails around me. You know anything about it?
I’m a huge tv/movie buff, not in an annoying snooty way, but more of in an appreciative way lol isn’t it so cool that we have the oldest human tradition of story telling literally on demand at our fingertips?! I like all genres - I’d love to share favorites with you!
I’m a huge sports fan, particularly soccer and football. Go Union/Go Birds. As far as music goes, I like most everything, from Slipknot to Glasper. And my food, I like it spicy. Very spicy.
Uhh what else? Right - what I look like. 5’11, white, brown hair, well groomed beard, not fat, not skinny. I’ve been told my best feature is my blue eyes. Happy to trade pics or FaceTime or whatever.
What am I looking for in you? Shit idk lol I’d be surprised if this even gets me any messages. But if it does, I’ll guess I’ll see you there!
submitted by Typical_Gap_7705 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:03 Skewdad Good Time

Not sure if anyone has posted about this yet but I had to share. I think ‘Good Time’ might be my favorite CTE song in a very very long time. Sounds like a mixture of all of their albums combined into one song, just so good and such an awesome feeling of nostalgia when listening. Epic music video as well. Trying not to listen too much but shits been on repeat, lol. Overall just absolutely pumped for the new album.
Hopefully see some of ya’ll at the show next Tuesday for us lucky ones. If not then, then I’ll see ya’ll at the Forum
submitted by Skewdad to CageTheElephant [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:59 Shimmering-Sky [Rewatch] Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Episode 11 Discussion

Episode 11 - The Only Thing I Have Left to Guide Me

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Show Information:

MAL AniList ANN Kitsu AniDB
(First-timers might want to stay out of show information, though.)

Legal Streams:

Crunchyroll Hulu
(RIP Funimation.)

A Reminder to Rewatchers:

Rewatchers, please please please remember to be mindful of all the first-timers in this. [Spoiler warning specifically for you guys]Please be aware that as part of the above strict spoiler rules, this means absolutely no memes/jokes/references/subtle words about {the usual suspects} before the relevant episodes. Please do not spoil the first-timers by trying to be smart about it, it's not as subtle as you think.
Make sure you use spoiler tags if there’s ever something from future events you just have to comment on. And don’t be the idiot who quotes a specific part of a first-timer’s comment, then comments something under a spoiler tag in direct response to it! You might as well have spoiled them by implying there’s something super important about that specific part of their comment.

And a Reminder to First-Timers too:

As previously noted, first-timers wanting to avoid spoilers are strongly recommended to use either the desktop version of the site or the iOS app (which appears to be unaffected), lest you chance running into this bug regarding replying to a post or comment that has spoiler tags in it.

Daily Community Participation!

Visuals of the Day:
Episode 10 album
Theory of the Day:
We have two winners for Theory of the Day today! First up is u/Mirathan predicting exactly what Homura nearly does this episode:
I want to add another realisation regarding yesterdays episode. Since the barrier of a witch resembles what mentaly destroyed them and homuras barrier-room being filled with Walpurgisnach imagerie plus the silhouetes of the other magical girls she might be close to giving up.
And the second winner is u/blown-upp for their observation about Homura's wish:
Which makes me wonder if her time powers will be infinite until she achieves that goal? Her wish wasn’t just redoing her meeting Madoka, it was to also be strong enough to save her instead of being saved. Through the whole episode, every time she repeats the timeline she is inevitably saved by Madoka somehow (saving Sayaka’s Grief Seed and using it on Homura, one-shotting Walpurgisnacht, etc… each time she doesn’t manage to save Madoka or be strong enough to save her)
Analysis of the Day:
As for Analysis of the Day, we have two here as well! The first winner is u/Vaadwaur on his addendum about the mermaid and the unicorn symbolism:
So yesterday someone pointed out that the mermaid and the unicorn wind chimes made a good reference to the upcoming fight. Tell then show, as host says. And then someone linked some historical references about unicorns and mermaids, which adds to the depth of the piece. But heres the thing: The straight visual reference works on its own and the lore just improves it.
This was almost a revelation to me because it explains why some works, looking at you Eva, piss me off to no end: Their symbology has an entire fucking spiderweb of under current and you need to understand extremely specific versions of it to get it. And, unfortunately, all the people trying to recapture that vibe tended to not understand that you even needed the lore to line up so you get lots of random words thrown in. Quit hiding hiding behind Mai-HiME, Guilty Crown. We all know your sins. But yeah, the conclusion, or rather the punchline, is that if you make your symbology work on its most base level then the added stuff is a bonus.
Thought the second: What if there is more to Kyoko's symbology? The sphere let's her be the unicorn is that nice surface metaphor but what about going deeper? Well, the first possibility is that this is a weird as well response to the hedgehog's dilemna that Sayaka has put herself in. And yet...while seemingly violent, Kyoko's multiform spear does allow her to reach to anyone, even someone trying to flee or defend. Pondering out loud, but perhaps Kyoko's underlying trait is to seek connection.
And the second winner is u/dsawchuk on a detail about Madoka neither of us hosts thought about before:
So, like, that’s totally Sayaka/Oktavia’s Grief Seed, right?
I really like this easter egg. It doesn't make sense why Madoka would lie about having a Grief Seed left normally. It's like she values Sayaka more than just temporary survival since she knows what's coming even if she survives another day. She only decides to part with her friend when she thinks of a way to make it something other than a temporary extension on her unavoidable sentence.
Wallpapers of the Day:
Homura Akemi vs. Walpurgisnacht
Homura Akemi vs. Walpurgisnacht Alternate
Check out Shimmering-Sky's main comment for her bonus Wallpaper Corner containing works from previous years!
Songs of the Day:
Nux Walpurgis
Bonus song - Surgam identitem
Check out u/Nazenn’s comment from the 2019 rewatch for an in-depth analysis of these two songs, as well as timestamps for what songs played when in today's episode!
Signum Malum
Puella in Somnio
Also check out Tarhalindur's Kajiura Corner from the 2023 rewatch for even more analysis on music this episode!
Magia Cover of the Day:
ENGLISH Ver by AmaLee
(Told you we'd be sharing this one later in the rewatch, u/il887!)
Question(s) of the Day:
1) What did you think of the conversation between Madoka's mother and her teacher at the bar, as well as the scene when her mother tried to stop Madoka from running off?
2) So, we've been building up to it for the entire series; did Walrus Walpurgisnacht live up to the hype?
3) Your thoughts on the farming analogy?
4) First-Timers: What do you think Madoka will wish for?
5) First-Timers: What is today's date, and what holiday falls on that date?
Say, Homura? Could it be that Madoka’s potential to become the most powerful magical girl is because you kept turning back time?
submitted by Shimmering-Sky to anime [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:43 purplepikachu890 Watching BGT and realizing it's getting worse

This show gets more and more insufferable. 5 mins of fluff between each act. Fast forward through that,then I have to watch ads.then 2 mins of an actual performance.
I would also like to add that Ant and Dec add absolutely nothing to the show. They stay behind the curtain and make faces at the camera at times when someone did something impressive or scary.
(Spoilers) The choir coming on with their singing and then breakdown into a dance with the music changing like they're in a club. So cringe. Fish man attempting to tell a joke but by choice, doesn't finish the act? Gets buzzed out then comes back for god knows what reason. Because he repeats the same "act".
A woman on a mic just burping. Disgusting. This show has really gone down hill.
submitted by purplepikachu890 to britishproblems [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:31 ricardonevesmusic Write, record and release new music (3-month challenge)

Let's start the new month right.
Let's write, record and release at least 1 song in 3 months.
Month 1: Songwriting
Month 2: Recording
Month 3: Releasing
Took the idea from here:
But you get the idea.
It's starting in May, but you can change the starting month/date depending on when you find/read this.
The goal is to reduce overwhelm and get to make and release more music every month/year.
That's it.
If you decide to take this challenge, good luck! 🍀
(hope this helps you to write and release some of your best music)
submitted by ricardonevesmusic to u/ricardonevesmusic [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:29 ricardonevesmusic Write, record and release new music (3-month challenge)

Let's start the new month right.
Let's write, record and release at least 1 song in 3 months.
Month 1: Songwriting
Month 2: Recording
Month 3: Releasing
Took the idea from here:
But you get the idea.
It's starting in May, but you can change the starting month/date depending on when you find/read this.
The goal is to reduce overwhelm and get to make and release more music every month/year.
That's it.
If you decide to take this challenge, good luck! 🍀
(hope this helps you to write and release some of your best music)
submitted by ricardonevesmusic to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:28 ricardonevesmusic Write, record and release new music (3-month challenge)

Let's start the new month right.
Let's write, record and release at least 1 song in 3 months.
Month 1: Songwriting
Month 2: Recording
Month 3: Releasing
Took the idea from here:
But you get the idea.
It's starting in May, but you can change the starting month/date depending on when you find/read this.
The goal is to reduce overwhelm and get to make and release more music every month/year.
That's it.
If you decide to take this challenge, good luck! 🍀
(hope this helps you to write and release some of your best music)
submitted by ricardonevesmusic to Songwriting [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:26 ricardonevesmusic Write, record and release new music (3-month challenge)

Let's start the new month right.
Let's write, record and release at least 1 song in 3 months.
Month 1: Songwriting
Month 2: Recording
Month 3: Releasing
Took the idea from here:
But you get the idea.
It's starting in May, but you can change the starting month/date depending on when you find/read this.
The goal is to reduce overwhelm and get to make and release more music every month/year.
That's it.
If you decide to take this challenge, good luck! 🍀
(hope this helps you to write and release some of your best music)
submitted by ricardonevesmusic to musicians [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:19 Apart_Grocery_3997 I pushed my narcisstic mother

My father(also a narcisstic, but thats a different story) pays monthly cash to the credit card since they got divorced. I(20F) have a brother who is born prematurely,has a form of autism and some other disabilities. This is just my short background family story to create a picture of my position that i was my whole life. As you can imagine, parents were always fighting and had a miserable marriage, though my father always had financial stabillity, and my mother now has her own money and passive incomes from apartments rent( she never had a job, she got this from my father). She has enough money for clothes and personal expensive stuff, so no she is not only relying on the card.But no college, goals, self development or passions that she had,only accomplishment is getting a rich husband.I go to law school, and have other passions like dancing and music. I work hard and am proud of the person I am becoming no matter the toxic enviroment, but today i snapped. My mother went to the store and couldnt pay the groceries by card because there was no money. She accused my of using it,since the card is on my name and i have an online app.I did order delivery this month for me and my bf(maybe 3-4 times), but that wasnt near an amount of money she accused me of taking. I have a happy relationship and our financial stuff is taking care of evenly(we split, he pays for one meal, i pay for the other etc.). When she came back she started repeating that my bf is with me because of my money. She was following me to my room and couldnt leave me alone and i just grabbed her and started pushing her. She wouldnt get out and wanted to hit me back. I did grab her strong and lost it. I never did it and never am planning to repeat it. In the past she did hit me, but i only pushed her as self defense.She started saying i have mental problems and i dont even have college yet bla blah, but that is just her need of putting me down. I am in a huge dillema of what should i do. I dont care about her, i care about my brother(honestly i dont havea close relationship but i am still sorry), my senior dog and other dog.For the record i spend half a week at my grandmas house, i litteraly have floor to myself, might as well call it an apartment.My other dog i can take, but i cant do that with my senior,he just doesnt feel comfortable changing space. I have enough money during the month for food,gas and other necessities. I am honestly just sorry for my dog and brother. I am generally busy during the day, so going everyday to visit them just isnt sustainable.What should i do?
submitted by Apart_Grocery_3997 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:15 jasonmlv Any high energy/emotion metal album recomendations?

I've been listening to a lot of music I used to really enjoy, and it's got me wanting to branch out and find metal music. I've pretty much listened to folk and alt rock for 2 years (massive elliott smith and bright eyes fan) and want to try and get back into metal. I've been going through the top RYM metal albums, and a lot of them are really good albums, but they are missing a level of energy/emotion I'm really looking for. The two metal bands I really love that don't have this issue are Megadeth and Rage Against the Machine (my favorite of the two). I really enjoyed Symbolic by Death and Dopethrone by Electric Wizard, but they didn't have the energy I want.
I'm also a massive fan of politics in music (a big part of why I love RATM), so that's a bonus.
submitted by jasonmlv to fantanoforever [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:03 FireUniverse1162 Is there a way I can get my terminated channel back after getting my appeal denied?

Is there a way I can get my terminated channel back after getting my appeal denied?
I had a YouTube channel that was a year and a half old. Last night, I got an email saying it was terminated for "repeatedly breaking guidelines"
I got no warning beforehand, and the only videos I uploaded were about alternate mapping, memes, history shorts, and most recently, census related maps I made (which I left the sources for in the description as not to be misinformation) They only playlists I had were some music ones, one featuring some of my videos I thought were "low-quality" that I unlisted, rickrolls in disguise, and a few saved ones about a story. The comments I left were usually generic, like "cool" "me" "first", answers to questions, and questions I had.
I sent an appeal and got an email at 6:16 in the morning today saying it was rejected, however I still feel like I was wrongly terminated. I wont let me send another appeal though.
submitted by FireUniverse1162 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 23:02 -ichthyosaur- I got the game early, here’s my review • solo/multiplayer

I’ll start things off with saying that I didn’t pay for Nintendo online for this game, considering there’s possibly only two people on earth who can play this right now. So I have no idea what multiplayer is like, but I can’t imagine it’s adding anything meaningful to the game.
This here is, from what I can tell, the bulk of the game. I don’t know what else story mode has to offer because they locked that behind a progression wall. There may be features I haven’t discovered that I may express have been removed, please correct me once y’all get the game if that is the case :)
The first thing I noticed is that the fish feel very out of place. There’s just a lot of single fish scattered across the ocean and they’re just, hanging out with a bunch of other single fish. If they’re not a schooling fish such as barracuda or tuna it’s just gonna be one of them. Remember the old games? You’d find blue tangs in heaps, schools of sea goldies with one red male, pods of dolphins, and overall congregations of the same species. I guess Luminous decided that found family and lone wolf dolphins was a better concept. This also happens with mixes of fresh and saltwater fish, which is a point I’ll get into later. All in all it feels like they threw a bunch of random fish into the pot and said that’ll do.
EVERY. SINGLE. FISH. GLOWS. I thought once you discovered a species you’d be rid of the monochrome blue fish that blend into the background, but alas, it’s just that single individual. It’s ugly and it completely ruins the look of the already jumbled environment. It’s incredibly tedious to scan all of these fish without finding new species, but you sort of turn on autopilot mode and do it anyway. Which brings me to my next point, the scanning itself. The game wants you to scan every single creature you come across, but once you let go of the button or the scan runs out you enter focus mode. Which gets quite annoying when the whole point of the game quite literally is to scan. I find myself pressing B to constantly cancel the scan. It’s also nearly impossible to choose which fish you want to focus on. But don’t worry! You can easily select the unidentified fish from the menu to the left if it is close by! That way you won’t have to swim over to the fish to look at it, and the developers didn’t have to make controls and mechanics that feel intuitive and easy to manage. You’ll be delighted when presented with the opportunity to simply click a button instead of holding it down! Once you’ve managed to focus on a fish you can enjoy the three sentences of facts forcibly read to you out loud by AI. As far as I can tell there is no way to get additional information, but I could be wrong.
There is no way to interact with the fish apart from adding them as your buddy, which is a feature I actually like but have decided to dislike out of spite. Why remove a fun, simple mechanic for this? Not every creature can be added to your buddy list either. This also means that unfortunately, there are no dolphin partners.
I should also mention that there are no zoom in points!
Now for what we’ve all been waiting for: the procedurally generated environment. It could be worse, I think. It’s not good by any means, but you won’t find an abyss in freshwater, I hope. It doesn’t flow at all and there are very few landmarks to use if you want to find your way back somewhere. As of right now I’ve been stuck in a closed off area for about ten minutes and cannot find the cave system that took me here. There are very long stretches of sand with absolutely nothing, empty rock formations, and very sporadically placed corals and plants. The edges of the map is just a drop off, absolutely nothing to it.
A fun little detail I noticed they added however is the cool ability the fish have to go through walls!
I can’t find anywhere to go ashore either, which is a mechanic I don’t think anyone is surprised is missing from the game.
Once again I find the game fails to give me the information I need to understand anything that is happening to me. All of a sudden my switch began to angrily vibrate and I had no idea why. It sped up when I got closer to a certain patch of coral, and after a good few minutes I realised I had made the mistake of not scanning the already identified fish above the coral. Once I had figured that out myself the game told me there are glitchy fish, and I have to find them. Endless Ocean going meta was not something I expected.
My map looks like Gatama Atoll, so imagine my surprise when I find an electric eel chilling in the coral. I started finding more freshwater fish that had taken the wrong turn somewhere, and even an extinct turtle. I went into a cave which was nothing short of the Amazon river itself, and on the other side I sure enough found myself in waters with low salt levels. The first thing I found was a bull shark, which I’m actually stoked about. There’s a lot of variety in the freshwater department which I really appreciate. However, the terrain looks just like the saltwater areas but with a splash of jungle. The freshwater area I found isn’t very large, and it soon transitioned back into the Pacific Ocean, where piranhas and clownfish meet.
Something that really bothered me was that the game occasionally goes completely silent? Apart from your breathing of course. No ambience, no music which already is more rare than the fish labeled “rare”, just nothing. Still waiting on those lonely dolphins to make a single note.
There’s a day/night cycle which I don’t like, I would have preferred if we could decide what time of day we dive at. It only makes matters worse when you discover it’s ridiculously short. It is not an exaggeration when I say that I looked away for a few seconds and it was like someone had turned on the lights. Nighttime feels much shorter than daytime but maybe that’s just me. I haven’t seen much difference in what fish you can find depending on time of day, except for that one time I saw a giant squid at a five meter deep coral reef. I stared at it in disbelief and it stared back with its incredibly human eyes. Not sure if it was a coincidence though as I haven’t noticed any other variation. My previous statements aside, I feel like there must be a point to the day/night cycle and that I’ve just been really unlucky, so take this with a grain of salt.
I also learned about the phenomena of seeing the effects of the sun setting from the inside of a very dark cave!
It’s possible to continue playing on the same map again even though you don’t have the ID! That’s of course as long as you don’t get the whim to try out another map, that previous map will now be replaced with the new one. Because who needs variation when you can just discover 80% of the barren sand flats of the Veiled sea in order to get that ID?
It’s a shame the game’s sole base mechanic gets boring after there’s been a repeat in the same fish a bit too much. Now, I have no complaints in the amount of variety we have, but I just don’t want to scan another scissortail sergeant.
So far I find this game mode more enjoyable and I’ll definitely continue playing, though that may or may not have something to do with a certain amount of money I spent on this. It’s definitely no game deserving of the Endless Ocean title, but it can be fun for a poorly made and rushed diving sim where your only motivation to keep playing is to find every single low resolution fish.
Edit: I’ve noticed a lot more of groups of the same fish as I explored other regions of this map. If only this game could be saved by congregating animals…
submitted by -ichthyosaur- to EndlessOcean [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:54 LeapLikeASalmon Day 3/7

Date Time Trigger Emotional State Intensity (1-10) Environment Response Reflections
2024-04-30 10:00 Browsing news Anxious 7 Home office Took a walk Helped calm down, need to avoid idle browsing
2024-04-30 15:30 Work stress Frustrated 8 Home Ate snacks Snacking didn't help. Next time, try deep breathing or a short meditation.
This morning:
submitted by LeapLikeASalmon to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:27 Opheliatica First Tattoo Ideas

Hi, I was hoping to get some advice. I'm 25, been wanting a tattoo for a while but significance is a really important factor.
I always kinda liked the idea of something which symbolised the many branches of life and the lives intertwined with my own, tree of life came to mind but always thought maybe this was too simple, and this would be a big piece so not really ideal for a first tattoo.
So I was thinking, and I know in Japanese culture Oni masks can be tattooed to ward off evil, but being the most uncultured British person, would be worried about this coming off as a thoughtless decision.
I was wondering if anyone could point me to a good source for the history? I really do like the symbolism of this, or if anyone had any less sensitive suggestions?
I have just recently come out of a 5 year toxic relationship, starting reconnecting with people after isolating all that time. Any ideas guys?
TL;DR: Tattoo ideas, like Oni mask, worried about appropriating something I don't understand, open to other suggestions. Like spiritual, or music related, as music been a big saviour recently.
submitted by Opheliatica to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:20 urlittlevenicebit_h i have been struggling for a while <3

hi there!
i have been struggling to type myself for a while now (years) and i would like some input from anyone, who is willing to help a little.
basic info: female, 24, born and raised in eastern europe (latvia), drawn to singing and music since very first years of life, studied classical vocal and choir directing for 12 years (music school>college>the academy of music), minoring in music education. left studies abruptly in year 3 to pursue film criticism and theory, studying it currently.
back in the 2017 or somtheing i remeber being self-typed (not really, just by the most useless 16p test) as ExxP (i don’t remember exactly, it didn’t matter to me back then) which seemed quite okay and fit me (it actually fit the idea of who i wanted to be back then, but we will get to it shortly).
in 2020 i had a lot of time to spend with myself, as we all did, infact, and i realized that a my preception of myself was based on trauma response and learned behaviour (ik we are talking about cognitive functions, but when you are unavare where your actions stem from, it might sometimes even seem that your behaviour is indeed guided by your cognitive processes, which i now know is not true). somewhere around that time i repeatedly took the infamous 16p test, which typed me as an infp.
whew, what a shock that was to me!! i always considered myself more E than I, even back in the elementary school days when i tested myself in health class and got the basic sanguine type.
throughout years i have realized that i am INDEED an I type, but i just border with E really closely. I love and adore people, i love group activities and listening to people, sometimes even talk a lot (but not about my inner processes, that makes me feel weird and i cannot put my thought process out of me properly). but i VITALLY need my time alone, because otherwise i become shallow, uninterested and blank when spending too much time with other people. i become myself when spending time alone, i ground myself alone and i gain full insight on what matters alone.
somewhere around last year i became really interested in the personality types and enneagrams, taking repeat tests and seeking more knowledge on cognitive functions alltogether. now i know that 16p giving me infp again and again, and again is something it just does, though. i tried to type myself by just choosing what functions fit me the most, but i ran into a struggle every time. i did various tests (the michael caloz test, keys2cognition, personalitymax, similar minds) to get a starting point, but every time i just got more cofused.
lately the struggle has been between the infamous infp and isfp.
the michael caloz test i did recently showed up as isfp (with the second option of infp ofc). (pic 1)
then i asked my sister (we sre very close since the day one) to asess me based on that test and i yet again got isfp with a second option of istp. infp was missing just by one point and coming in third (also just for the insight, pic 2)
similar minds put me back into my enfp cast (as adresses pervious - used to this, my I and E are really borderline ig, they always come sooo close in scores) (pic 3)
personalitymax gave me infp yet again, keys2cognition – infp with possibility of enfp and isfp (pic 4)
now back to what i feel about all of this:
• ⁠first of all, i am starting to doubt there is a way to type myself lol; • ⁠i do think that my fi is pretty strong, as long as i can remember myself forming an opionion on what i value the most, authenticity has always been the first thing that came to my mind. there is no one that i trust with helping me develop my values or decisions, it is always an internal process that stems within myself and roots back to myself. when i have to make a decision, the first questions i ALWAYS ask myself is “how will it make me feel now? how will it make me feel later? does it feel right?” i always trust my gut.
other than that, i am at loss you guys. really. Here are some of my characteristics to help you to help me out:
• ⁠insane procrastinator, sometimes i work well under pressure, but sometimes even that does not motivate me if the task is too boring or daunting; • ⁠i listen to music a lot, like A LOT. i use music to play out scenarios in my head and feel all the emotions i might be lacking lately in my life. i always listen to music on my walks (i walk daily) and that is the time i talk to myself, daydream; • ⁠i love writing (poetry, stories, journaling). i have been trying to be more consistent with my journaling and i have noticed that i rarely journal about concrete, real things, describing events ect, but actually writing down how it made me feel or changed my point of view. it is always borderline poetic and metaphor heavy; • ⁠even though i love analysing films, recently i caught myself saying that i hate going way too deep theoretical, disconnecting from humane snd real things. i love catching patterns and symbolisms, hidden meanings and intent of the director, but i mostly catch myself analysing social constructs and commentary within the film. i also value both intellectual and emotional stimulation of films; • ⁠i have been aware of my need to be of use in my community lately. i want to help people in one way or another as realizing that human relationships is the thing that trully matters to me; • ⁠i am always ALWAYS chronically late; • ⁠i hate commiting, i always need my options open. if not, i feel trapped and depressed. i am always changing; • ⁠i become obsessed easily: actresses, films, series, books. right now i am back to my atla and tlok rabbithole. i daydream about my made up scenarious involving the characters daily and i also spend too much time reading fics and actually eating up any content on it daily; • ⁠i hyperficsate on songs (hello to “good luck, babe!” by chappell roan); • ⁠i am either awfully quite with nothing to say or i cannot shut up (more rarely, mostly with the few people that are really close to me); • ⁠i am patient, but when i get angry… trust me, you don’t want me around (but then i get calm and ask for forgivness in like 15 minutes after?); • ⁠i LOVE to learn about other points of view and worldviews ect, i love learining in general; • ⁠i want to world be empathy filled, i want everyone to feel loved and welcome, i want an inclusive world for all; • ⁠i love nature; • ⁠do not like to be in s leadership position, but if the situation is asking for it and it is urgent, i can take the role of the one that is deciding what to do next and lead everyone in the direction; • ⁠i love helping other people grow, seeing them reach their potential, i always try to act as a bridge between people who cannot understand esch other too well; • ⁠i am very easily distracted; • ⁠lately picked up yoga and meditation and i love it, i want to be more in tune with my body.
ps - i did not realize i didn’t mention the biggest dissonance points within my understanding:
i am really good at reading people, reading their body language, sensing how they feel. i am extremely empathetic and i always try to help, sometimes even at the expense of my own wellbeing. i want and love seeing people happy, especially the ones dear to me, but it applies to all people overall. back in middle school i even used to be a people pleaser, but i got it out of my system and no longer try to fit all in a way. i just try to help if the person is willing to get help ykwim… (AND TO MY KNOWLEDGE THIS IS FE… so…????) i would say that tend to avoid conflict when i don’t feel like confronting (for example it’s a minor issue or i am tired), but i would rather gently and lovingly confront people around me, if it’s concerning/urgent/needed. i am not afraid of speaking my mind. but i am not bending my values when doing that, for example i don’t like white lies. at the same time being soft and loving to people and helping them is one of my values so :D idk man
also the fact that i am good at giving speeches, even coming up with major speeches on the spot. i have been told by my psych prof that i have a gift of being able to think and speak at the same time, forming very well connected points and seeming at ease doing so. (i do get a lik anxious on stage BUT TELL ME WHO DOESN’T???)
aslo my mother points out that in contrary to all fo this i am analytical and i can connect the dots in a bigger picture, even when the events or facts are not seemingly linked together (there is rarely a plot of a film/series/book i cannot predict two steps ahead, often even fully).
i have a seemingly insatible need to always improve myself, connect with myself deeper, to learn about myself. i am always on that self discovery and self love journey. this actually might be a key point to all this cognitive chaos as i am alway learnig to improve my weaknesses and i change focus as my seasons of life change. and by imrpoving myself i might be improving my weaker functions, hence why i am starting to see myself using more and more of them regularly.
pps - my amswers to the guideline questions:
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
struggled with a diagnosis of generalized anxiety, especially a couple years ago, now i am doing much better. i would actually contribute that to my mindset back then, since i learned to let things go, go with the flow and accept that i need to have many options to feel free and not trapped, i rarely have it bad.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
i had a classical ORDNUNG type german grandma with whom i spent a lot of summers and winters in my childhood. everything had it’s place and every piece of clothing had it’s RIGHT way of folding. she was a little strict, but it never stopped me from talking back to her when i felt hurt. also a little disfunctional family, dad left when i was 8 and then came back when i was 12. i used to think that it did not affect me, but turns out thay i just erased that time frame from 8 to 14 from my brain (screams trauma to me i guess). i was my mothers therapist at the age of 8 (no i was not good at it, i felt scared and i did not know how to help her and she was just crying at talking to me :D)
oh and by the age of 13 i signed myself up for a baptist church and willingly went there for like 7 years, no relatives or family there, just me. i thought i found god, but i think i was just having a hard time at home and i was searching for a community. i have no idea how on earth i stayed that long there. especially because i came to a realization that i liked girls at the age of 12, but then had to closet myself back in because of church and then leave churchh to find the shattered pieces of myself and who i actually was (not just secuality wise, i was blank and lost in a lot of areas after church) and come out once again. sometimes i feel like i was my worst enemy.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
i am currently studying film theory and criticism, but i have worked as a barista and contrary to what i thought about it before i started, i ended up liking the job. i love coffee and i loved being helpful, brightening up someones day with a little smile and a cup of coffee. (in latvia we do not do coffeeshop smalltalk, we just order and get out lmao, i did struggle a little with american tourists wanting to ask me how i am doing) i also liked the fact that i could leave work at work and not bring it home. i liked the separation, it gave me a lot more freedom in my free time. i also loved that we could request our schedules to fit our needs. felt like a perfect balance, could always put my days off when i needed.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
i would feel refreshed. i really need time to just let my thoughts marinate in my head while i am doing self care or just listening to music, reading, going on a walk. but after that weekend i would be ready to see some people again.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
i like watching films, series, anime, i like listening to music and singing, dancing in my room. i like reading fics, like playing piano or kalimba, sometimes drawing or puzzles, lego… you name ittt. and i absolutely adore writing: poetry, stories, journaling. i do in fact enjoy sports, but i am not really good at it. but i want to get better. i actually want to do martial arts (or maybe this is me imagining that i want to do it :D). Righth now i am just going on long walks and hikes, doing a little yoga and swimming in summer. idk i feel like i like almost everything, even board games (when it’s not my family, because they are so loud i cannot think my brain just goes offline when playing with them)
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
i actually mourn the fact that i won’t be able to know everything, see every film, hear every song and read every book during my lifetime. i feel like there is so much i would like to do. i am curious about too many topics, but they are mostly artistic or about people, understanding people. i never find myself wishing i was a scientist or a mathematician. my ideas usually scripts for new stories, my poetry. also sometimes my ideas are about how can i help my community.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
i can do it and i have been told i have excellent leaderhip skills, but i do not enjoy it. i step in if it’s really urgent and no one else is stepping up to lead. i usually encourage people and try to crystalize the ideas into actual action points when i have to lead. i am never being mean, but when a decision needs to be made i make sure everyone is on board and if needed, i will make the final decision or push. but i much rather not lead or follow.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity.
no. oh god. no. piano? struggled all my study years to play classically challenging pieces. crafts? i was terrible at it in elementary, had the worst works of all and i was awfully slow working with hands. it’s not that bad now as i loved working as a barista and i am okay at drawing from time to time now, but i still feel inferior because of my childhood struggles.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
yes. i think i mentioned that prior a lot. preforming arts as my previous education, film criticism now, love writing and all kinds of music.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
insanely nostalgic for past, even then one i did not experience, struggle with grounding myself and being present, but working on it. i am either always thinking about some kind of near or a little more far of future or dwelling on past. but future is more abstract because i tend to daydream about it in a way in shich i know it is not realistic at all. when i think about my actual future i mostly see it blank, because i don’t want to commit to anything. but sometimes i enjoy dreaming about having that one perfect partner, that i do see in my future realisticly.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
immediate yes probably, unless i have something urgent or i am too tired/sick. i love helping people, i love being of use.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
if it’s something i do for myself (like art) i do not care how fast and how much is done, unless it is a school assignment, and even then i struggle with that. i don’t have to prove anyone anything, i think that living is productive enough. and when whatever i am working on is done, then it’s done. but when it is for helping somoenoe, i try to be as productive as i can.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
i have been a maipulator as a child. i rarely do that now, but i know how to do it and in moments of desperation (RARE) i can use it. other than that i love seeing people free and deciding for themselves.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
i feel like i also elaborated on this earlier.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
visual and audial learner, both equal parts. other than that it is the style that i call common sense. i either read the textbook or watch the material and form it into a logical narrative structure in my head, like as if i was retelling a story of that. it just takes full attention. And then it just stays with me as that “commmon sense”. for learning i need no people and no loud noises.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
i struggle with breaking things into smaller tasks. i just go witht the flow, head first and then improvise as i go.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
to help people in one way or another and be happy. to experience all the emotions and have fun. to love. (i am actually so stereotipically romantic its disgusting :D)
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
i hate when someone imposes authority over me. i hate fake people. i fear of never being loved by someone like i love.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
right now: my favorite headcanon ship, just making up scenarios.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
i take a little while to make sure i know how i feel about it. once it’s made i never look back or rethink my choice.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
ugh, i guess it depends. i’d sayy i let it “cook” for a while and then it just resurfaces itself with an “answer”. i precieve everything through my subjective emotions and how it makes me feel.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
i am my own authority. i do break rules sometimes, because emapthy and understanding, support is always above rules.
please help me out and ask any questions that might help you help me out! <3
submitted by urlittlevenicebit_h to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:18 Impressive-Ad7184 Im a self taught piano virtuoso, but this passage really stumped me, does anyone know what this symbol means?

Im a self taught piano virtuoso, but this passage really stumped me, does anyone know what this symbol means?
The other day I was playing through my hourly Bach exercises and I noticed these square symbols in the bass staff. Does anyone here know what they mean? It looks like some kind of note, but I don’t know what the duration is.
I think it’s an Eb, but I don’t understand what Bach is trying to convey, since it acts as a pedal point, but in the submediant? Can someone please explain the music theory behind this and how I should interpret it?
submitted by Impressive-Ad7184 to classical_circlejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:10 Due-Loan-3519 Portaling methods

  1. Focus Technique:
    • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
    • Visualize your desired destination with as much detail as possible.
    • Imagine yourself stepping into a shimmering portal that leads to that location.
    • Focus on the sensation of movement as you traverse through the portal and arrive at your destination.
  2. Mantra Invocation:
    • Choose a short, empowering mantra related to your desired outcome, such as "I am here, I am there."
    • Repeat the mantra aloud or silently while focusing your intention on the destination.
    • Feel the resonance of the words vibrating through your being, aligning you with the energy of the desired location.
    • Trust in the power of the mantra to guide you as you step through the portal and manifest your journey.
  3. Elemental Affinity:
    • Connect with the elemental energies of nature by spending time in a natural setting, such as a forest or by the ocean.
    • Meditate on your connection to the elements, focusing on the element that resonates most strongly with you (earth, air, fire, water).
    • Invoke the energy of the chosen element to create a portal to your desired destination.
    • Feel the elemental energy surrounding you as you step through the portal and emerge at your destination.
  4. Symbolic focus:
    • Create a personal symbol or sigil that represents your intention to portal.
    • Meditate on the symbol, infusing it with your desire to travel to a specific location.
    • Use the symbol as a focal point during a ritualistic ceremony, incorporating elements such as candles, incense, and sacred objects.
    • Visualize the symbol expanding into a portal that leads to your desired destination, then step through the portal and journey to your chosen location.
  5. Quantum Resonance Alignment:
    • Enter a deep meditative state and focus on aligning your consciousness with the quantum field.
    • Visualize the quantum vibrations of your body syncing with the vibrational frequency of your desired destination.
    • Feel the resonance building as you harmonize with the energy of the target location.
    • When the alignment feels strong and stable, step through the quantum portal and emerge at your destination.
submitted by Due-Loan-3519 to Portaling [link] [comments]